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Kol Cambridge

English, World-Traditional, 1 season, 26 episodes, 1 day, 4 hours, 41 minutes
Showcasing the amazing talent and range of Israeli musicians, past and present. From time to time artists are welcomed onto the show in exclusive interviews.
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for September 2024

On this episode, DJ Antithesis is back with more music making the airwaves here in our little corner of the Middle East. Playlist: B’Gan HaChayim Mai – Yishai Levi BSof HaKol Over – Maor Ashkenazi ft Ro’i Adam & Noam Cohen Ben Adam – Odeya Sufa – Sarit Hadad Tismechi al Achotech – Sarit Hadad Al HaBoker – HaYotzrim H’tov H’ra Ve Odeya – Odeya ft E-Z & Liad Meir Balagan – Ron Chayon ft Duda Damn – Yasmin Meulam Tipa BaLev Yam – Nofar Salaman Atalef – Static Chik Chak – Static Levole – Kevin Rubin Chayot B’Gindi – Ron Troyan ft Lian Kozahinof Amamiya – Shachar Tavoch ft Margol Hi Lo Sheli – Shachar Saol Od Tipa – Eden Ben Zaken ft Ofek Adanek Ochila – Yosi Azulai
9/15/20241 hour, 10 minutes, 27 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for August 2024

On this episode, DJ Antithesis is back with more music making the airwaves here in our little corner of the Middle-East.
8/18/20241 hour, 17 minutes, 9 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for July 2024

On this episode, DJ Antithesis is back with more music making the airwaves here in our little corner of the Middle-East. Doctor - Noa Kirel & Ofer Nisim Sufa - Sarit Hadad  Meuhevet B'Af Echad - Shachar Tavoch Kol Kach Ham - Teddy Neguse Daddy Kan - Ben-el Tavori Tenagen - Shrek Prachim - Eden Derso Od Echad - Ana Zak Nitzlol - Mergui Margish Kmo Ahava - Mergui LA - Netta Barzilay ft Shrek Hakol Alay - Netta Barzilay  Mushpa'at - Moshiko Mor & Asaf Yitzchaki Veni Vidi Vici - Ana Zak Mishkafayim - Noa Kirel & Itay Galo Lech - Ori Abu Machrozet Chatuna - David Chafatzdi
7/28/20241 hour, 10 minutes, 39 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for June 2024

DJ Antithesis is back with more music influenced by the Israel-Gaza war that’s making the airwaves here in our little part of the Middle-East.   Playlist: Lirot Et Hakeev – Sarit Hadad Ata im Yisrael – Gilad Segev            Hanezek Mitztaber – Afek Lamor Ani Hozer – Mem Tzipor – Peer Tasi Chole Yareach – Itay Levi Aba – Shachar Tavoch Nigunim – Peer Tasi Bumperim – Ness ft Stilla Lo Levad – Ido Maimon ft Teddy Neguse LeChayei HaAm HaZe – Rami Kleinstein, Eliya Rosilin & Yigal Oshri Eretz Haavot- Dudu Aharon Ein Kmo BaBayit – Sarit Hadad & Osher Cohen Am Belivabel – Eden Ben Zaken & Hatikva 6 B’yachad Nenatze’ach – Lior Narkis & Avraham Tal Lo Ro’e MiMeter – Noa Kirel & Shiri Maimon
6/26/20241 hour, 7 minutes, 42 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for May 2024

DJ Antithesis is back with more music influenced by the Israel-Gaza war, all the latest and biggest tunes, and a look at Eyal Golan’s latest album.   Playlist: Bo’i (radio version) – The Idan Raichel Project Eliahu – Avichai Hollander & Michal Greenglick Giborim – Yonatan Arzi Bishvilech – David Carmel Od Yom B’Aza – Noam Tzurieli Ima – Static Banot Kamoni Lo Bochot – Noa Kirel Charadot – Solti Boi Kala – Meitar Rubin & Yang Buta Mahsubak – Eyal Golan Ahla Gever  – Eyal Golan 2 Dakot  – Eyal Golan En Li Mazal  – Eyal Golan Ma She’ani Tzricha – Inbal Raz & Eli Choli Tzamud Tzamud – Omer Adam ft Odeya & Shrek Machar – Oshik Levy Yesh Kan Tov – Lior Narkis Tel Aviv – Cohen @ Mushon
5/15/20241 hour, 20 minutes, 24 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for April 2024

DJ Antithesis is back with more music influenced by the Israel-Gaza war, and dives deep into Dudu Aharon’s latest album. Become a Patron at   Playlist: Tachzir Otam HaBayta – Guy & Yahel Eich Ze – Livnat Hadar Toledano Michtav MiYosi – Shlomi Shabat Abba Bo – Nunu Bein HaIr LaPardes – Tuna At – Raskay  Natek Oti – Neta Barzilay & Kfir Tzafrir Gan Eden – Roni Douani Achim – Ido Bi, Segev & Eran Yosef Lifnei Acharei – Stephane Legar Natty Body – Shachar Tavoch & Agam Buchbut Haterim – Ofek Adanek ft Agumas Eretz HaAvot – Dudu Aharon Isha Zahav – Dudu Aharon ft Ronit Bar Milionim – Dudu Aharon HaMalka shel HaShechuna – Dudu Aharon BaLeilot shel Yom Shishi – Dudu Aharon
4/13/20241 hour, 10 minutes, 23 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for March 2024

DJ Antithesis is back with more music influenced by the Israel-Gaza war.   Playlist: At Ishti – Dudu Aharon Nahafoch Kol Even – Sagiv Cohen, Nati Madani & the Hostage Families Malachim – Eden Ben Zaken HaTmunot SheBeAlbum – Sarit Hadad Nitzachti B’Dami – Binyamin Luria Giborei Al – Hatikva 6 Aza Bubi – Moshe Korsiya Kmo Paam – Zehava Ben Fireproof – Matisyahu Tizaher Mimena (Peri Tubul Remix) – Lior Farchi ft Subliminal Duch L’Chalal – Ben-el Tavori Tamid Nishar Ani – Eden Ben Zaken & DJ Itay Galo Yigdal Elohim Chai – Yuval Dayan Asulin – J La Motta Yeriat Chetz – J La Motta Dma’ot shel Gever – Shrek Eshet Chayil – Shrek
3/15/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 44 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for February 2024

DJ Antithesis is back with more music influenced by the Israel-Gaza war and a tribute to Lior Farchi z”l.   Playlist: Medina Soeret - Lior Farchi & Chaim Yisrael Chasmal Ba’Avir - Lior Farchi Yeled Ra - Lior Farchi Chai Kmo Parpar - Lior Farchi Yeled Sheli - Eyal Golan Shomer Alai - Shiri Maimon Nahar Ha’Dmaot - Shlomo Arzi & Pe’er Tasi Admat HaAhava - Ethnix Yesh Od Chayim - Machluf & Ivri Lider L’hagi’a HaBayta - Ilai Butner with Doli & Penn B;Yom She’Acharei - Eliad with Eran Yosef & Yonatan Segev Ketzev HeChayim - Raz Simon with Lior Moyal, Omri Sebach & Mordechai Shenwald Ze Aleinu - Subliminal & HaTzel ft Raviv Kenar Mi SheShoneh Otcha - Rotem Cohen Am Yisrael Chai LaNetzach - Avimeir
2/18/20241 hour, 7 minutes, 29 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for January 2024

DJ Antithesis kicks off 2024 with new music influenced by the Israel-Gaza war and with a special studio guest.   Playlist: Dag Life – Hadag Nachash Narim TaMakom – Hadag Nachash Susim Shekufim – Shay-Li Atari Mini Kolech Mibechi – Idan Raichel Zricha Shchora – Aviv Gefen & Maya Leimberg Ad SheTachzor, Ad SheTashuvi – Lola Marsh Im Telech – Adir Getz V’Ech Shelo – Omer Adam Helem Krav – Static Ma Avarech 2023 – Afek Lamour Stopper 10/7 – Daniel Grant & Roni Vaknin BaSof HaKol Yihiye Beseder – Lior Narkis HaShemesh Tachazor – HaTikva 6 Am Yisrael Chai – Maya Buskila & Mor Avrahami
1/12/20241 hour, 6 minutes, 35 seconds
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Kol Cambridge Chanukah 2023 Special Soundtrack

DJ Antithesis lights up your Chanukah with the latest releases from Israeli artists and some holiday classics. Let’s expel the darkness with the light of Israeli music. Playlist: Banu Choshech L’Garesh – Subliminal & HaTzel Chanukah – Static & Ben El Chanukah Medley – Sruli & Natanel Chanukah Sov Sov Sov – DJ Snoopy HaSimcha / Kulam Medabrim al Shalom – Omer Adam & Shrek Shiva B’October – Regev Hod LaNetxzach Tishaer – Moshe Peretz Anachnu Ze HaGarol – Sarit Hadad & Eden Hason We’re Still Here (Am Yisrael Chai) – The Maccabeats Shema Yisrael – Avraham Tal & David Broza Yachad Tamid – Agam Buchbut ft Static Tadliku Ta’Orot – Hype Crew Harvu Darbu – Ness & Stilla Atem BaLev – Stephane Legar Acharei HaMabul – Itay Levi Lo Tenatzchu Oti – Yehoram Gaon ft the IDF bands
12/13/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 16 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for November

This episode of Kol Cambridge showcases a curated selection of music that has emerged amidst these challenging times. DJ Antithesis delves into the songs that serve as a source of solace and resilience, and those offering a musical remedy to navigate through days of adversity and loss.   Playlist: Ani Po Levad – Shir Zoaretz Tirkedi – Osher Cohen Tachzor – Idan Raichel & Roni Daloumi Choref 23 – Odeya & EZ Prayer for the IDF – Shai Abrahmson Al Telech Achshav – Aviv Levi HaBalada L’Mechakot – Narkis Ke’ev shel Lochamim – The Revivo Project Miklat LaNefesh – Roni Vaknin Shibolim – Adar Gold & Asi Stav Yamim Acherim – Harel Skaat Moledet – Chanan Ben Ari Tirkod LaNetzach – Omer Adam & Infected Mushroom Walak Mi – Lior Narkis Am Yisrael Chai – Eyal Golan
11/15/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 13 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for September

On this episode of Kol Cambridge, DJ Antithesis spins the latest Israeli hits, including new releases from Sarit Hadad, Kobi Peretz, Hadag Nachash and others. Playlist: Mesiba Gdola – The Revivo Project HaMesiba – Sarit Hadad  Mesiba – Eden Ben Zaken Yesh Mesiba – Itzik Orlev Shalachnu Hazmana – Kobi Peretz Eifo Hayita – Sarit Hadad Mi Yagid Li – Harel Skaat Hai Tzama – Barak Grosberg & Ariel Zilber Chanale – Agam Buchbut ft Stephane Legar Kol HaChaverot Sheli – Hadar Farjun Ra’ui L’Ahava – Elkana Marciano Ahava BaSof HaKayitz – Zvika Pik & DJ Itay Galo I-Efshar L’Shaker et HaLev – HaDag Nachash La Di Dah – Shachar Tavoch Malka – Nofiya Yedidya BaSof Ze Ba – Roni Dalomi Mi Ze She’Ose T’Mesiba – Alon De Loco
9/6/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 6 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for August

On this episode of Kol Cambridge, DJ Antithesis spins the latest Israeli hits, including new releases from Noa Kirel, Shiri Maimon, Eden Hason  and others. Playlist: Deja Vu – Noa Kirel Eser Etzbaot – Itay Levi LaKum – Ella Li & Kevin Rubin Balbala – Louai Ali BaHiloula Shelanu – Daniel Assayag & Adi Alon HaWhisky V’HaYayin – Lior Narkis Lo Shote Lo Meashen – Eden Hason Barbie – Shira Zaluf Saluf U’Vanav – Evyatar Adir Regel al Regel – Shiri Maimon Od – Sapir Saban Doktorat – Yonatan Kalimi Londoni – Meitar Rubin Matzati et HaOr – Ro’i Sendler Tzayad BaLeilot – David Zeitun Lihiyot BaSi – Noa Faraj Mevukeshet – Matan Levi
8/13/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 20 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for July

On this episode of Kol Cambridge, DJ Antithesis spins the latest Israeli hits, including new releases from Eden Hason, Lior Narkis, Itay Levi and others. Playlist: Chishguzim – Eden Hason Provocativit – Noa Kirel Full Gas – Itay Levi Pony – Maya Dadon Chatuna B’Yisrael – Lior Narkis Made in Israel – Elkana Marciano HeChayim Lefanai – Eden Hason & DJ Itay Galo Borachat BaZricha – Eden Derso Ahuvi – Agam Buchbut Hamsa – Eden Ben Zaken Intelectuarsit – Odeya Busa LaPartzuf – Hadar Farjun Oh My God – Nunu LaChgog U’Magog – Shachar Saol & Elli Li Lahav Chof al HaKatino – Noroz Rak Ani – Stephane Legar Yalla Zuz – Lian Kozahinof Perach – Narkis Bye, Shalom, Toda – Aline Golan
7/5/20231 hour, 44 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for June

On this episode of Kol Cambridge, DJ Antithesis is here with some of the latest Israeli hits, including new releases from Omer Adam, Moshe Peretz, Ana Zak and many more.   Playlist: Tik Katan - Ness ft Stelia Crush - Roni Douani All Star v’Goofiyot - Ana Zak & DJ Itay Galo Arak Eshkoliot - Moshe Peretz Linda - Moshe Peretz Lazuz - Moshe Peretz Rechov HaCharadot - Omer Adam Katalya - Omer Adam Tarimu La - Ron Shuval & Kosta Namut MiShuamummmm - Adi Ulmansky Topa Look - J. La Motta Yoter Maher - Yasmin Moallem Gasolina.- Ido B & DJ Gal Malka ft Jess Matzati T’Echad - Shachar Tavoch Afarsexi - Eliad Malki Savta Bishla Daysa - Sefita & Shahar Hason Grinder - Adi Biti
6/9/20231 hour, 1 minute, 55 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for May

On this episode of Kol Cambridge, DJ Antithesis spins the latest Israeli hits including new releases from Subliminal, Stephan Legar, Kobi Peretz and many more.   Playlist: Vatos Locos – Subliminal & HaTzel Mishehi Acheret – Shachar Soul Trend – Eyal Golan ft Ido Shoham Matai At Chozeret Remix – Orel Dahari  Mama Israella – Stephan Legar Ba B’Elelgant – Shrek ft Omri Sabach Hi-tech Debka – Ido Maimon & Tipex Am HaNetzach – Subliminal & HaTzel Mimouna – Zehava Ben Bidyuk Kamoni – Liran Tal Toda LaBore – Kobi Peretz Samra Medley – The Revivo Project Yesh Chatuna – HaYotzrim Kach Od Neshima – Avraham Tal Morocco – Gal Adam Lo Yotzet L’Mesibot – Jane Bordeau
5/3/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 34 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for April

DJ Antithesis has the latest Israeli hits, including new releases from Static, Lior Narkis, Eyal Golan and many more.   Playlist: Every Generation – MC Chametz & YAMIT Bul Bishvili – Ozel Boom Tam – Maor Edri Lo Shoma’at – Agam Buchbut Liraz – Static Al HaRasi – Static Lishtof et HaEynayim – Static ft Itay Levi Tarantula – Static ft Agam Buchbut Shote Shote – Lior Narkist Kapayim – Lior Narkis ft Shachar Soul Drop im Chatzotzra – Lior Narkis ft Ron B & Itay Galo Shir Moledet – The Revivo Project Debka B’Tel Aviv – Eyal Golan HaChaim Faran – Eyal Golan Popcorn – Eyal Golan Ehad Ehad – HaDag Nachash Nekudot – Shmuel
4/7/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 24 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for March

DJ Antithesis is here to spin the latest hits, including new releases from Noa Kirel, Dana International, Aviv Geffen, and others   Playlist: Florentine – Peled ft Liron Amram La Cukaracha – Dana International El HaTikra – Tedross Yom Huledet – Gabriel Butler BaLeilot – Ozel Kol Olami – DJ Gal Malka & Ido Bi Mekia et HaYofi Remix – Aviv Gefen Shmu’ot – Ro’i Sendler Unicorn – Noa Kirel Disney – Adi Biti Ohev Oti Be’emet – Angel Baranes Etz o Pali – J.Lamotta Tamid Mevi T’Balagan – Sign Mechapeset Ahava – Ofek Adanek Malach – Shrek ft Tamar Reilinger Pilpelit – Noroz
3/15/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 49 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for February

Just back from his live Tokyo club gig, DJ Antithesis is in the studio playing the latest Israeli hits, including new releases by Maor Edri, Eden Ben Zaken, Tuna and many more.   Playlist: Kawai – Static & Ben El Rishon Baboker (Remix) – Eden Ben Zaken ft Ana Zak & Nunu Nishma Shirim v”Nitzrach – Maor Edri Klum Lo Kara – Iggy Waxman Lo Sama Lev – Eden Meiri Bomba – HaDag Nachash Tuk Tuk – Adi Grei Parparim Shchorim – Inbal Bibi Ve’Im Mishehu Yeda – Sapir Saban Knfayim – Tuna ft Margol 2020 – Teddy Neguse ft Tomer Yosef Bo’i – Avichai Hollander Al Tishal Alai – Eilat Shaul TikTok – HaYotzrim ft Gaide Kol MaSheRatzit – Ran Dankner Zar Etzla – Maor Edri
2/15/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 2 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for January

It’s time for the annual Kol Cambridge music awards! Here are some of our favorite songs of 2022 and a few new ones from 2023. Playlist: Mi Zot – Anna Zak Yoda’at L’sovev – Tuna Pantera – Eyal Golan Intuzim – Maya Dadon Rak B’Smachot (Remix) – Ivri Lider Mami – Noa Kirel ft & Odeya Lo Tzricha – Noa & Lian Haya Matok – Alan Rishon Baboker – Eden Ben Zaken ft Ana Zak & Nunu Kum – T.O.B. Lo Memadher – Tamir Bar ft Ravid Plotnik Matematika – Netta Barzilay & Stephane Legar Buba – Noam Bettan Nipagesh BaSivuv – Ro’i Sendler Baleylot – Offer Nissim ft Odeya Mitgaagat Otcha – Idan Raichel & Eden Ben Zaken
1/11/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 49 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for December

We’ve got the latest Israeli musical hits for you, along with a special studio guest.   Playlist: Ad SheTavoi Ad Elai – Eden Hason Ba Li Zariz (Adidor & Milia Rose Remix) – Roni Douani Dabke – Louai Ali Balagan – Dudu Aharon Ir Ha’elohim – Hadag Nachash HaGil Dofek BaDelet – Carakukly DNA – Shaked Komemi Pilpel w DJ Gal Malka BMW Shkhora (Khofshy Vemeushar) – Ethnix Asiti – Jimbo J ft Lehakat Spa Chalifot – Hadag Nachash ft. Liora Yitchak HaFinali – Subliminal Kendrick – The Revivo Project ft Ravid Plotnick Summer Boy – Eliad Chodesh Tov – Yaniv Madar
12/22/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 37 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for November

We’ve got the latest Israeli hits for you, along with a special studio guest.   Playlist: Pantera – Eyal Golan Metapsim al HaKirot – Eden Hason Ala Bali – Valeri Hamati Telech Yashar – Narkis Ba Li Zariz – Roni Douani Mishtachrerim – Maor Edri ft Ron Biton Meshuga’at – Gal Adam & Noroz Ze Yom Gadol – Dudu Aharon & Haim Yisrael Im Tirtzi – Chanan Ben Ari Lo Lihiyot Levad – Mergui Mechuzakim L’Olam – Avraham Tal V’Im Tavo’i Elai – Idan Raichel Juna – Orel Gilad Bat Ya’ana – Ido B Boker Tov – Ethnix & Nadav Shmpilman Ta’avir et Ze Haalla – Souljay ft Ravid Plotnik
11/20/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 8 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for October

We’ve got the latest Israeli hits to get you up and dancing on your feet!   Playlist: HaRakdan HaOtomati – Noa Kirel & Zvika Pik Rak B’Smachot Remix – Ivri Lider Luz Mugzam – Riko Kal – Tzachi Levi Aplikatziot (Dor HaTouch) – Subliminal Yeye – Subliminal ft EZ Meyatzeg – Subliminal ft Tzvika Brend Mekorot – Subliminal Intuzim – Maya Dadon Payo Payo – Maya Dadon Virali – Maya Dadon Virali – Ann B Buba al Chut – Danielle Eliyahu Kopidon – Agam Buchbut Kol HaLaila – Ronios Kmo Esh Medley – The Revivo Project ft Kobi Peretz
10/19/20221 hour, 29 seconds
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The Static & Ben-El Retrospective Special

The patrons have spoken! With the shocking news that the music duo Static & Ben-El have parted ways, our patrons have asked for a Static & Ben-El retrospective special. And that is exactly what you’ll get!   Playlist: Motze Bach – Ben-El Tavori Ani Kli – Unique T Dubi Gal – Ron Nesher ft Static & Ben-El Kvish HaChof – Static & Ben-El Barbie – Static & Ben-El Silsulim – Static & Ben-El Zahav – Static & Ben-El Tudu Bom – Static & Ben-El HaKol L’Tova – Static & Ben-El Gumigam – Static & Ben-El Kawaii – Static & Ben-El Giasu – Static & Ben-El ft Eden Ben Zaken & Stephane Legar Bananot – Static & Ben-El Broke Ass Millionaire – Static & Ben-El Habib Albi – Static & Ben-El ft Nasrin Qadri Kosot Reikot – Static & Ben-El ft Lior Narkis Chanukah – Static & Ben-El
9/19/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 13 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for August

We’ve got the latest summer hits including new releases from Static & Ben-El, Itay Levi, Mook E and many more. Playlist: Lo Rotze L’hitchaten – Dudu Aharon & Zehava Ben Carnaval – Static & Ben-El Tavori Zizi – HaUltras ft DJ Gal Malka Disco Mizrachit – Gal Adam 12 BaLaila – Itay Levi Tarimu – Itay Levi Kirkasim – Itay Levi Hananya (Gil Lugasy Remix) – Chanan Ben Ari Sof Sof – Re’em Bakal ft Coral Bismut Ata V’Ani – Esther Rada Ana’aref – Anna RF Daber Iti Pachot – Elit Shaul Mashu Acher – Lehakat Shalva Yalda Tova – Ben Zini Ma SheOver Alai – Mook E Chile Colombia – Rotem Cohen Bella Mia – Ethnix Ole al Shulchanot – Marina Maksimilian & Itay Galo
8/7/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 2 seconds
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Your Israeli Soundtrack for July

We’ve got the latest summer hits including new releases from Subliminal, Stephane Legar, Itay Levi, Hadag Nachash, Sarit Hadad and many more.   Playlist: Badi Badi – Subliminal ft Yosi Shitrit Umm Kulthum – Itay Levi & Stephane Legar Techno v’Shchuna – Maor Edri Azov Oti MiTechno – Doli & Penn ft Lior Narkis & Ron B Achoti Mitchatenet – Sarit Hadad Achoti Mitchatenet – Moshiko Mor ft Omri 69 LaLev Nichneset – Dudu Aharon ft Noroz After Imale – Itay Levi & Stephane Legar Kach Od Neshima – Avraham Tal Hi At – LINAO ft Alex Mesibat Pijamot – Ella Lee Shachrer Oti – Doli & Penn ft Noa Kirel & Peled Narim TaMakom – Hadag Nachash Mangal – Shachar Tavoch Yalla Bye – Maya Dadon Baruch HaBa LaBalagan – Harel Skaat ft Noroz Ze Mushlam – Lior Farchi ft Bantcho Yemina Smola – Yaara
7/24/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 19 seconds