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It Pays to Fear God

English, Religion, 1 season, 174 episodes, 2 days, 13 hours, 16 minutes
If you listen to our podcast, you can entertain yourself with messages that will lift your spirits, help you solve life's problems, and attract blessings to yourself or your family. If you want to share your thoughts with us, use this link: Email: [email protected] Our Book:
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The Inherent Harmony of Scripture | Ewaenruwa Nomaren

The Bible is a collection of 66 different books, written by different authors and over thousands of years. It's talks about so many different things, details so many historical events, and offers advices on so many different issues. But is there a central theme to the Bible, that all the characters were trying to describe? And if so, what is it? Let's find out. More info: Our Book: Our Website: Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
5/18/202323 minutes, 30 seconds
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Seek, and Ye Shall Find | Ewaenruwa Nomaren

Jesus famously said in Matthew 7:7-8 that if we seek, it's guaranteed we will find. But was there a condition to that? And if so, what should we seek in order for that text to fulfill in our lives? Let's find out. Attribution: Attribution: More info: Our Book: Our Website: Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
4/5/202318 minutes, 10 seconds
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Leadership Beyond Aaron | Ewaenruwa Nomaren

Aaron did something rather bizarre while his brother was up in the mountain with God. When the Israelites approached him with a request to serve idols, he didn't stand up like a leader, but instead yielded to their requests and helped them fall into sin. Aaron was not a bad person, so why did he do that? And what does that tell us about the necessary qualities to be a good leader? Let's find out. More info: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
2/17/202317 minutes, 55 seconds
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What Do Angels Do?

In this video, we search the Scriptures to discover what the Bible tells us about angels. These heavenly beings: where do they live? What kind of lives do they live? What activities are they engaged in? And what role do they play in fulfilling God's purpose? Those are the kinds of questions that we would like to answer. Attribution: Attribution: More info: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
1/11/202320 minutes, 25 seconds
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Are people really born wicked?

"The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies." (Psalms 58:3). How is it that one can be born wicked? How does that process work? And what does that teach us about the way spiritual things work? Let's find out. More info: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
12/19/202233 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Importance of Family Time in God's Service

Just as parents play a major role in supporting a child's physical, intellectual, social and emotional growth and development, a child's spiritual growth and development is best supported by ample time parents have to be with their children and raise them in the fear of God. In this video, I will discuss three ways we can support this growth and development, and why it is important for that to be done in the age we live in. Attribution: Attribution: Attribution: More info: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
12/3/202222 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Kingdom As a Grain of Mustard Seed

The parable of the mustard seed was a fairly simplistic and straight-forward tale that Christ told to help us understand the Kingdom and its rise during the last days. In this video, we will explore his simple explanation and search the Scriptures to see why Christ made a connection between the planting and growth of a physical seed and the spiritual rise of the Kingdom of God. Attribution: Sweet Publishing More info: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
10/31/202225 minutes, 38 seconds
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Let Brotherly Love Continue

"Let brotherly love continue" is the first verse of the last chapter of the book of Hebrews, and although it's short, it has a very big meaning when discussed with other biblical stories and examples. In this video, we'll explore how we can show love to our fellow man based on the love God Almighty showed to humanity through the ransom sacrifice of His beloved Son Jesus Christ.  Attribution: Attribution: Attribution: Attribution: More info: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
9/30/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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God's Unique Friends

The Bible is full of stories of individuals who maintained strong relationships with God Almighty. Some of them received visions; others had special powers from God; some simply knew God more than most others did. It's hard not to wonder how these people get so close to God; and it's good to desire such a relationship with Him. But what makes their relationships with God so strong? And if we seek such a friendship with God, what steps can we take to achieve it? We found this topic interesting, and decided to investigate this matter, and we came up with some interesting points. Let's review some of them in this video. Attribution: Attribution: Attribution: More info: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
9/13/202224 minutes
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King David's War Part 2: "OCCUPY"

In the first "King David's War" video, we discussed the campaign of David, right from when he was anointed by Samuel to when he was crowned king of Israel, and we looked at the battles he fought before and during kingship. We then went into the campaign of Jesus Christ, and tied the connection between the two, and explored what Christ is doing as King in our time, in fulfillment of the signs of the times in Matthew 24:7-8. This video will continue that discussion by looking into the role that we as Christians can play in this warfare, and how we can participate in it to secure spiritual victories. Attribution: Sweet Publishing Attribution: Moody Publishers Attribution: YoMinistry More info: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
8/8/202229 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Oxygen of Iniquity

One important thing we learn is the way fire works. Oxygen is one of the main things that fuels a fire - and so when firefighters want to put it out, they use equipment that removes the oxygen from the fire.   Just as that works in a physical sense, iniquity is also like a fire; there are certain conditions under which iniquity grows and "engulfs" righteousness. In this video, we'll look at some of those conditions, and see how we can become firefighters to put out that iniquity. More info: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
7/17/202229 minutes, 44 seconds
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Which Life Do You Seek?

Ordinarily, people become Christians because they want to seek the eternal life that Christ promised them. Why do they now end up predominantly seeking this life instead of the one Christ promised? And what is the difference between this life and the one Christ promised? We will find out in this video. More info: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
7/13/202223 minutes
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Will God Answer My Prayers?

"And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight." (1 John 3:22). Seems exciting? In this video, we will lay out the steps we should take so that God will answer all our prayers! More info: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
5/12/202226 minutes, 21 seconds
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How Should We Pray?

When we want to talk to God, what do we do? Do we stand? Sit? Close our eyes? And what do we say? How do we address God? These are important questions. To answer them, we'll go over some basic guidelines we should follow when talking to our Heavenly Father, just to show Him respect. More info: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
4/30/202214 minutes, 36 seconds
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King David's War

King David was a mighty man of valour who God chose to be captain over His people. Over the course of his military operations, he gained victory over all His enemies and established the kingdom of Israel. Because of his military success, he became a type of Jesus Christ, who God has also appointed to be the commander of His army, to gain victory over Satan's entire works. More info: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
4/10/202227 minutes, 43 seconds
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10 Ways to Know that God Has Called You

The call of God is one of the most important topics we can ever discuss; in fact, if you remove it from Christianity, there's little left. Therefore, it's important that we know what it means to be called by God, and the kind of life that God's grace will enable us to live, so that we can answer the ultimate question: has God called us? More info: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
3/11/202218 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Long Walk to Salvation

The doctrine that we are saved the moment we come to Christ is very popular in Christendom, but we'd like to know the Bible's view on this matter. Therefore, we will use the Scriptures to define salvation and find out if we need to do anything to attain it. More info: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q&A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
3/6/202220 minutes, 46 seconds
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"For many are called, but few are chosen"

The statement of Jesus Christ "For many are called, but few are chosen", is well known in Christendom, but it's common for many to think that it is God Almighty who decides whether you and I will do His will; therefore, they don't make any effort to please Him.   In this video, we will talk about the invitation of God Almighty, which is open to all, and the effort we need to make to justify that calling, so that Christ may reward us accordingly (Matthew 16:27).   Our Book:     Our Website:     Our Channels:   Bible Verse Breakdown:  Poems of Zion:  Smart Spiritual Solutions:  It Pays to Fear God:  Bible Q/A:  Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]).   If you want to share your thoughts with us, use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
2/2/202223 minutes, 53 seconds
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7 Effective Bible Study Tips

The Bible is a big book, but its meaning is far more vast. In this video, I'll be giving you 7 tips that you should know when studying the Bible. These will help you to understand how the Bible works, and they'll make it easier for you to navigate the Bible, and grow your understanding of God's plan for mankind. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
1/5/202215 minutes, 58 seconds
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Who Shall Abide in Zion?

Today, we'll be using Mount Zion and the physical temple of God to describe the setup of God's spiritual arrangement, which includes His dwelling place, and how we live and belong to Him, both now and in the world to come. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
1/3/202219 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Dumbest Things Christians Do

In our guide to redemption and salvation in Christ's Kingdom, we'll discuss the topic, "The Dumbest Things Christians Do".  As spirituality decreases and ignorance spikes up, Christians are doing pretty dumb things in the biblical view. In this video, we will identify five of those dumb things Christians do and explain how to avoid them. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
12/27/202123 minutes, 35 seconds
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In our guide to redemption and salvation in Christ's Kingdom, we discuss the nature of God and His purpose of creation, this talk will look into the theory of rapture and see whether it is biblical or not. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
12/24/202123 minutes, 27 seconds
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God Loves a Cheerful Giver

This statement comes from 2 Corinthians 9:7. "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver."   To some, this is a moneymaker. To some, it's doubtable.   But for us, it's a fact. And we decided to make a video to explain what St.Paul meant with that statement. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
12/20/202120 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Signs of Christ's Kingdom

There are may signs of the return of Jesus Christ to establish his kingdom. This video selects seven of those many signs for a broad understanding of what's going on in our time, especially when it comes to the Kingdom, which has not only come, but is working to eliminate iniquity and spread righteousness all over the world, like butter on bread. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
12/17/202117 minutes, 40 seconds
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Lie With Me

The statement 'Lie With Me" comes from Potiphar's wife, who wanted to have sex (commit adultery) with Joseph.  This video will explain the meaning of that statement in a casual manner. We will examine other people who faced similar challenges as Joseph, and who was on top of the whole process, and how that story hasn't faded out in our time, but is only becoming more and more real in our days, the last days. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
12/13/202120 minutes, 28 seconds
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Kingdom Melodies

Is anyone elevated by upbeat, Christian music? Well, if that's you, then I think this video is for you, because this video is a complication of many tunes that we've played for those of you who love energizing, Christian melodies. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
12/10/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 24 seconds
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Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

This statement of Jesus Christ is one of the most famous, undoubtedly. But the question is inevitable: what does it mean to seek God's Kingdom first? Why does God's Kingdom require such attention, when there are so many things in the world that require our attention, and are so beneficial when we seek for them?   Watch this video and find out! If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
12/6/202118 minutes, 28 seconds
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What Is Salvation?

Salvation is the one thing that keeps humanity going in this world. It's the one thing gives Christians that sense of hope, that sense of joy in their hearts, that God is saving the world from iniquity, from hypocrisy, and from the clutches of Satan the Devil. But do we know about how salvation is going to work? Do we understand how God is saving us? Do we believe that we need salvation? Do we know why humanity required it for peace? Well, it's perfectly fine if you don't know, because that's why we made this video. This video will teach you what salvation is, why humanity needed it, the steps that God is taking to perform salvation, and ultimately, what we should do about it, and how we can quality to obtain our share of this fantastic gift from God. Here are the links to other videos mentioned in this video: - Ecclesiastes 7:29 - What is Belief? - The Grace of God - By Grace Are Ye Saved *** If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
12/3/202124 minutes, 16 seconds
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God's Call to Heaven

Previously on our podcast, we recorded "Will You Go to Heaven?". That episode examined the theory that we're going to heaven, and sought to find out whether the theory was scriptural, or completely man-made.   This episode, though, will go into some extensive detail on the call to heaven itself; why has God promised some people a heavenly inheritance? What will they do there? What is our inheritance on Earth, as children of the saints?   If you listen to this talk, you'll walk out with the answers to such questions! If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
11/29/202118 minutes, 31 seconds
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Is Jesus Christ God Almighty?

This video is going to systematically examine this theory with various techniques such as biblical logic, the statements of Jesus, and other parts of the Bible. We will be looking at this theory to really see how scriptural it is. And after we do that, we will give you a history lesson of where it came from, and see whether it came into the world in a righteous form or not.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate! Ask us in the comment section below! If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
11/26/202118 minutes, 19 seconds
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Make Us Gods, Which Shall Go Before Us

"Make us gods, which shall go before us" was a statement made by the Israelites to Aaron in Exodus 32:1.  When we look at this statement, we might think of people who are very foolish, proud, and stiff-necked. However, is this story ancient?  Historically, yes, but in meaning, not at all! This video will explain what was wrong with what the Israelites did in their time, and how humanity has behaved just like them. We will also explain how to not be like them, and therefore not experience the fact that humans who trust in themselves do. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
11/22/202117 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Essence of Gratitude

Gratitude is a simple virtue to learn and practice, but it has a positive impact on the way we look at life. Walking in the path of gratitude creates satisfaction, happiness and love between us and our fellow man.   And when we build our relationship with God on gratitude and a deep appreciation for His marvellous works, we'll go a long way. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
11/21/202120 minutes, 41 seconds
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God's Glorious Government

We always mention that God's Glorious Government, or God's Kingdom, is one of the most important subjects in the Bible, but what makes it so important? In fact, what kind of government even is it?  This video will explain this all important spiritual concept, describing its history, objective, and purpose for us Christians. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
11/19/202118 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Kingship of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is many things; the Son of God, Our Redeemer, a Chief Angel. But did you know that he is King as well?  This video will systematically lay out the kingship of Jesus Christ by answering basic questions considering his rule, giving a description of the kingdom that Jesus Christ will rule as King, and also talking about stuff that he will be doing in his appointed office. If you want to learn about this King is ruling the Kingdom that owns the future, this video is for you! If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
11/15/202122 minutes, 8 seconds
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Can the rich be saved?

The rich may capture media attention all the time, but many people complain about them. Some countries have even gone through revolutions because their citizens resented them.   However, what does God think about this? Does he hate rich people? Will they be prevented from entering His Kingdom? Find out in fifteen minutes. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
11/14/202115 minutes, 41 seconds
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What Is Belief?

If I ask you, "Do you believe in Jesus?", if you're a Christian, you'll say, "yes". It's an automatic answer that just makes sense. However, this video will tell you something interesting, and that interesting thing is what it really means to believe in Jesus, so that you can learn what it means to believe in Jesus with the Old and New Testament, and alter your lifestyle to be considered a true follower of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
11/12/202119 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Story of EDEN

What makes the Bible so amazing and historical begins with the beginning of humanity and their downfall, with the Story of Eden. To some, it's amazing; to others, it's confusing; to some, it's even frustrating.   However, whatever we might think, God has promised a new family, with a bond of love for his principles, instead of physical blood and DNA. Who are the members of this family? How do we qualify to join this family? We've crafted this sermon to answer those questions. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
11/8/202124 minutes, 28 seconds
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God's Resurrecting Power

Resurrection is one of God's many divine promises that have hope to people the world over. But have we ever wondered what it really is, and how it will take place?   Today, we've decided to look into the Scriptures for answers. Link to "If a Man Die, Shall He Live Again?" - If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
11/7/202124 minutes, 3 seconds
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"Let My People Go"

"Let my people go" was a statement made numerous times by Moses to the Egyptians. It was a statement of justice, fulfillment and salvation. However, is it unique to the story of Egypt?   In this video, we'll explain the concept of, "let my people go", along with how it relates to Jesus's tie, and to our time, the last days. This video will also educate you on our response towards God's deliverance, so that we can all be saved from death and live in peace and happiness.   Hope you enjoy the video and are blessed by the message. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
11/5/202123 minutes, 34 seconds
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Acquiring Spiritual Sense

Sense is like education; you need it to do the basic things in life. Sense can be acquired by education, and experience. And it helps you make few mistakes in life.   However, what does spiritual sense have anything to do with this? Is spiritual sense something that comes from heaven, and can only be gifted? Or is it something that can be acquired, something that can be learnt, and is therefore something that can help us make few mistakes in our spiritual race of salvation?   This video will reveal the important of spiritual sense, and how it can be acquired. It will also explain the effects of having this spiritual sense, along with some of the disadvantages to lacking it. Hope you are blessed by this message. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
11/1/202123 minutes, 8 seconds
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Who Is Jesus Christ?

The life of one man, Jesus Christ, is the core of one of the biggest religions in the world. Billions of people read about him, quote him, and use his ideas to guide their lives. But who is he? How do we interpret his teachings? What do his actions, thousands of years old, mean to Christians today?   This episode will give us the answers to these questions, and it will allow us to understand who this extremely spiritual man was. It will also teach us what this man's life means, which is important, because such knowledge can only improve our faith in him, in God, and in their Kingdom. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
10/29/202121 minutes, 34 seconds
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God's Kingdom

This is a story of God's plan for our everlasting life. Here, we learn what we can do in God's service to enable us to gain everlasting life from God. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
10/25/202123 minutes, 53 seconds
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Who Is God?

This episode teaches us about who God is, and the nature of God. Here, we learn God's personality, His place of abode, and His works. We also learn about His promises to those that come to Him with all their hearts. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
10/22/202123 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Bible

The Bible is one of the longest, and most popular books in the world. Billions of Christians look to this inspired set of spiritual works for advice. But why is the Bible so important? Find out in this episode. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
10/18/202116 minutes, 10 seconds
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What Is Self-Examination?

Essentially, self-examination is Biblical meditation, and this episode will explain how it differs from other forms of mediation. It will also explain why self-examination is a useful tool for serving God, and how we can use it to improve our faith. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
10/15/202119 minutes, 52 seconds
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What is Self-Control?

This episode is about what self-control is. Self-control is important in your ability to follow God's principles to the end of your life and to inherit God's Paradise. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
10/11/202120 minutes, 15 seconds
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Do Your Friends Add Value?

Friends play an important part in our race of salvation. They can be incredibly supportive and encouraging, and in times of trouble, they can be live savers. However, not all friends will do that; Judas was one of Christ's disciples, but he betrayed him.   Therefore, it's great that we all apply a little bit of wisdom, so that the more value someone adds to our lives, the closer they are to our hearts.  If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
10/10/202118 minutes, 16 seconds
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Remember Lot's Wife

This is a story of God's judgement on sinners after giving them the opportunity to repent, and they refuse. Also, it is a story of the consequences of not running the race of deliverance to the end. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
10/8/202121 minutes, 15 seconds
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Jehovah: A Stronghold in the Day of Trouble

This episode will explain why Jehovah is the true stronghold, and why He is reliable for protection in days of trouble. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
10/4/202123 minutes, 22 seconds
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It Pays to Fear God

This episode will help you to understand why the name of this channel is really important and inspirational. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
10/1/202133 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Cities of Refuge

The Cities of Refuge were six cities that God marked out for Israel in the time of Moses that a manslayer could flee to if he was involved in killing someone by accident. These cities are of paramount importance to Christians in our time. This episode tells us the meaning of the Cities of Refuge, and it explains the relevance of the cities to worshippers of God in these last days. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
9/27/202122 minutes, 53 seconds
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God's Principle #3: The Question of Sovereignty

God has His throne in heaven, who can order anything to be done, and nothing can stop it. Everything that happens advances His purpose, and both the wicked and the righteous are His, to fulfill His will. He's the ultimate ruler, the Creator, the One and Only --   Yeah, you get the picture. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
9/26/202121 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Call of God

The Call of God is the invitation that God sends out in order to bring people to his fold, and it is an important part of God's plan to change the world. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
9/24/202119 minutes, 21 seconds
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The New Creation

This episode will help you to understand what the New Creation is, what the Old Creation (the creation of the universe) has to do with it, and what humanity is required to do in order to reap the blessings that will follow the success of this new unfolding project.   Speaking of an unfolding project, check out God's Unfolding Government on Amazon: If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
9/20/202124 minutes, 40 seconds
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God's Principles #2: Super Stable and Steady

Stability/steadiness is a weapon we can use to fight against all opposition, and defend ourselves against the wiles of Satan the Devil. God uses this ability to establish His Purpose on the earth, and the children of God can learn from their Creator and stand for righteousness in this world. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
9/19/202118 minutes, 9 seconds
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Where Do the Dead Go?

A very important topic in Christianity is the place or places that the dead will go to, and for many Christians, answering this question means resorting to superstition or false teachings from religious leaders.   However, in this episode, we will fact check the myths circling around about death and the afterlife and definitively answer the question: Where Do the Dead Go? If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
9/17/202126 minutes, 46 seconds
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What Is Man?

As the only intelligent species on Earth, man is definitely an extraordinary creature, but it is important that we don't hold mankind too high compared to God. This subject will lay out man's proper place in God's creation, and it will help you understand that mankind was and still is cherished by God, but unfortunately, pride prevents man from taking on the role that God assigned him. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
9/13/202119 minutes, 42 seconds
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What is Contentment?

In our guide to redemption and salvation in Christ's Kingdom, we will discuss contentment. This episode will help you to understand what contentment is in terms of God's Kingdom, and how people need it in order to worship God. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
9/10/202117 minutes, 13 seconds
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What Must I Do to Be Saved?

This episode will help you to understand what salvation is, and what you must do to be saved. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
9/6/202118 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Act of God

This episode will help you to understand what an Act of God is, and what we must do to not be overtaken by its extreme effects. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
9/3/202122 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Feast of Tabernacles

The Feast of Tabernacles was an annual celebration set up by God Almighty to commemorate the unprecedented deliverance He performed for His chosen nation, Israel. Today, we are going to learn about that celebration, but also explore the spiritual, and in some cases, hidden meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles; the inner part of it that God Almighty then carried on to the spiritual feast, which the children of God are enjoined to celebrate in the age we live in. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Book:   Our Website:   Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Leave us a message at: --- Send in a voice message:
9/1/202121 minutes, 18 seconds
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Are You Really a Christian?

This episode will help you to understand what it means to be a Christian, and it will encourage you to up your gain in Christianity, to be approved before God.   Luke 21:36: Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. For more information: Our Website: Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
8/30/202120 minutes, 23 seconds
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Toying with God's Emotions

Our Heavenly Father is a big man, and it's important that we know how to please Him. He has emotions, and He takes important decisions, many of which directly affect our lives, based on His emotions. So let's please God Almighty, so that God Almighty will bless us abundantly! For more information: Our Website: Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
8/29/202123 minutes, 25 seconds
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What Is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is the Force of God, and this episode will help you to understand how he's using it in the Last Days, as well as how he used it in the past. This episode will help you to understand the importance of the Holy Spirit, and how it is a vital qualification to serving God aright. For more information: Our Website: Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
8/27/202123 minutes, 50 seconds
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Kids and the Challenge of Obedience

This episode will help kids to understand the challenge of growing up, and it will show them that God has solutions to many challenges that they might have in the process of their growth and development. It will also help parents to develop templates to guidance when the need arises. For more information: Our Website: Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
8/23/202127 minutes, 20 seconds
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God Will Arise and Have Mercy on Zion

This episode will help us to understand what God is doing to realize his promises of restoration of his people to glory in these last days. And, it's our prayer therefore that God will see us through these troubled times to enable us to arrive at that threshold of ultimate salvation that we have always yearned for in our lives.   "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." - Matthew 6:9-10   The Kingdom is here! Let us rejoice! For more information: Our Website: Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
8/20/202124 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Last Day

If you take the Last Day from Christianity, you'll nearly have nothing left. The Last Day is inseparable from God's Kingdom purpose, but unfortunately, many people don't know the truth about the Last Day, especially in regards to its link to Jesus Christ.   Therefore, we have made this episode to share the truth about the Last Day to all those who are willing to learn it. It will teach you what time the Last Day is a part of (the past, the present, or the future), its place in God's Mission, and of course, what this means for us Christians. For more information: Our Website: Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
8/16/202127 minutes, 4 seconds
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Lord, Where Is My Blessing?

Some Christians are beginning to wonder where God's blessings are; it's as if He's stopped giving them. Some have begun to lose their faith in God, and others are feeling disappointed in their Creator.   In this video, we will address this matter by explaining how we should understand God's blessings, how to "count our blessings", and we will also list some of the most profitable blessings that Christians should seek for, and that God is most willing to give. For more information: Our Website: Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
8/15/202120 minutes, 34 seconds
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Overcoming Temptations

This episode will allow you to dive a little deeper into the world we live in, by exploring what temptations really are, and how you can overcome them. Challenges are difficult, and hard to conquer, but God has stored countless blessings, Life Eternal as the biggest, for those who take to heart the key to enduring temptations - Love and Faith in God and his plan. For more information: Our Website: Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
8/13/202124 minutes, 13 seconds
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Pray for Your Enemies

Praying for your enemies sounds a bit weird to many people, mainly because an enemy is someone we're ideally supposed to dislike, and not wish well. But Jesus Christ said in Matthew 5:43-44 that we should pray for them, and intercede on their behalf. So today, we are going to learn about different circumstances that make our enemies do what they do, and we'll see what our prayers can do to help them come to God and be saved.\ For more information: Our Website: Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
8/10/202116 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Power of the Tongue

The tongue is an organ that is more powerful than most people think. It can save lives, and also destroy them, depending on how it is used. This episode will help us understand the benefits of using our tongues the way God expects us to use them. Make sure you bless people, encourage people, advise people, and pray for people. For more information: Our Website: Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
8/9/202125 minutes, 25 seconds
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Should Christians Chase Cash?

Everyone these days seems to be chasing money, so it is important for Christians to understand how God feels about cash so we can adjust the way we think about it accordingly.    This episode will help us do that, bridging the gap between God blessing King Solomon with riches in 1 Kings 3:5-14 and St. Paul's famous statement in 1 Timothy 6:10: For the love of money is the root of all evil. For more information: Our Website: Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
8/6/202124 minutes, 40 seconds
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Thy Kingdom Come

"Thy Kingdom Come" was a statement made by Jesus Christ in Matthew 6:9-10, when he was teaching us on how to pray the Lord's Prayer. This episode will help you to understand how that, and other prayers, work, and how "Thy Kingdom Come" was answered.    It will also help some listeners to understand how the finishing of the work is happening now in the last days, and it will show them the details about that mission. It's an ultimate mission, indeed, and the blessings are endless. For more information: Our Website: Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
8/2/202119 minutes, 27 seconds
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Walking in the Light

In our guide to redemption and salvation in Christ's Kingdom, we will define the light, and explain how to walk in it. For more information: Our Website: Our Channels: Bible Verse Breakdown: Poems of Zion: Smart Spiritual Solutions: It Pays to Fear God: Bible Q/A: Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). Want to share your opinion? Use this link: --- Send in a voice message:
8/1/202120 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Armour of God

This episode will define the Armour of God (described using armour that soldiers in Biblical times would wear), it will teach you how to wear it, and it will show you how effective it is in winning the battle that we are facing.   No soldiers fight without armour to protect themselves, and the same goes for us, Christian soldiers. If we are going to fight the good fight of faith described by St. Paul in 1 Timothy 6:12, we need to be protected from the attacks that Satan, our enemy, will throw at us. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
7/30/202122 minutes, 43 seconds
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Are You Really Humble?

Naturally, when it comes to God, being physically humble is not enough, but what is spiritual humility, the kind that God likes? This episode answers that question.   Spiritual humility is the best humility because it not only shows God that you're willing to take big steps towards properly worshiping him, but it also gets rid of your pride, which can lead to a lot of sin.   Plus, God only accepts spiritual humility anyway because he's a spirit being, and because many people who are physically humble really just do it for show. True humility runs through every fibre of your being, and guides all your decisions, just like God does. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
7/26/202119 minutes, 57 seconds
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God's Principles #1: Your Heart or Your Money

In our guide to redemption and salvation in Christ's Kingdom, we have begun a new series!   In this series, we will explore a variety of God's principles. Each of these principles can be seen in God's commandments and laws, along with how God judges the righteousness and wickedness of individuals and institutions.   This episode will begin the series with a discussion of which we should give to God: our material assets or our heart. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
7/25/202117 minutes, 36 seconds
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Is God Really Silent?

It is pretty obvious that God doesn't physically talk to us anymore, but is God really silent? This episode answers that question by looking at how God has talked to people in ancient times, analyzing what God is doing in our time, and explaining what method God is using to guide those who are willing to listen to Him. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
7/23/202125 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Power of Prayer

Prayer is an almost universal human action, but when it comes to God, we have to know what to ask for and how to ask for it. After all, it is pretty clear that God doesn't answer all prayers.   However, once we learn the rules for praying to God, and understand what praying really means, we will not only have more success in having our prayers answered, but also in using them to grow our faith in God and Christ. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
7/19/202115 minutes, 18 seconds
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Why Jesus Prayed

In our guide to redemption and salvation in Christ's Kingdom, we'll talk about the importance of prayer in the life of a Christian.   Have you ever wondered why Jesus Christ prayed? Its seems like an easy question, but when we think about it, we come to realize that he could do what normal human beings pray for. In fact, he could do almost anything? So what would he be praying for, and how would prayers help him?   In this episode, we're going to be exploring that. We'll also learn about the reality of running the race of salvation, and the role prayer plays in that. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
7/18/202120 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Danger of Envy

Envy is not a Christian virtue, but what makes it so dangerous? With biblical knowledge and examples, this episode will explain how envy threatens your worship, and how we can remove it to better our lives. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
7/16/202116 minutes, 16 seconds
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If a Man Dies, Shall He Live Again?

A lot of important questions have been asked in human history, but the one we are answering has provoked a lot of thought. If a Man Dies, Shall He Live Again? This question has been asked thousands of times, in different formats, over millennia, and this episode will attempt to end the debate once and for all. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
7/12/202120 minutes, 30 seconds
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Jesus and His Priorities

In our guide to redemption and salvation in Christ's Kingdom, we'll explain how Jesus Christ's priorities differ from that of the average person in this world, and we'll conclude with how we can learn from Jesus Christ's example and set our priorities right so we can be saved. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
7/11/202123 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Lamb of God

Millions of farmers have lambs on their farms, but what about God's Lamb? Who is that sheep?    Well, God's Lamb isn't really a physical lamb, (he's actually Jesus Christ), but as we'll learn in this episode, the two share similar qualities. This talk will teach you about why Jesus Christ carries this animal title, and why it is important that we behave like lambs as well. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
7/9/202116 minutes, 22 seconds
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God and His Principles

Almost everyone can name some human principles: freedom and equality are some popular ones. But if you ask about God's principles, nobody will say a word!   And yet, learning God's principles is incredibly easy, as this episode will soon show you, and better still, knowing them will help you understand the person you worship. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
7/5/202118 minutes, 23 seconds
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Biblical Balm for Spiritual Ailments

In our guide to redemption and salvation in Christ's Kingdom, we will explain how the Word of God is a balm for any spiritual ailment we may have. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
7/4/202120 minutes, 17 seconds
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Receiving The Kingdom Like a Child

The Bible talks a lot about the Kingdom of God, and we all know that his children are supposed to be a part of it. But we also have to know how to approach and receive it. This episode will give all viewers an insight on the Kingdom based on the behaviour and reasoning of a child, and it will show listeners how all people, including children themselves, should behave around their peers, authority figures and God himself, who is the highest level of authority.   Just as those who are under 18 are children before their parents, all humans, whether young or old are considered children before God. "Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children." (Ephesians 5:1). If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
7/2/202116 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Science of Belief

Belief is one of the most powerful traits that human beings possess. It defines who we are and how our lives will progress. That's why it's so important that we learn how to use it to worship God: such belief will drive us to live better lives.   How will this episode help? We'll show you how it's not that hard to believe in Jehovah, and tell you about things that can improve or deter your faith. Plus, as always, we'll show you biblical examples of both faith and unbelief, so you can learn to redirect your faith from the cares of this life (Luke 21:34) to God's Kingdom Purpose. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
6/28/202117 minutes, 2 seconds
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What Is Patience?

Patience is a skill that we absolutely need to acquire if we want to be better Christians, and yet, it's not a complicated concept. If you listen to this whole episode, you would have already practiced patience!   Anyway, if you decide to listen to our talk, you'll learn about the importance of patience, both in the physical and spiritual sides of our lives, the rewards of having patience, why God wants it, and how we can improve our patience to effectively run the race of salvation (Hebrews 12:1). If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
6/25/202116 minutes, 7 seconds
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Submission and Its Difficulties

Submission in society is pretty universal: workers obey bosses, citizens obey leaders, and students obey teachers. It's truly widespread, except in the divine family.   There are supposed to be layers of submission in the divine family (comprised of children, wives, husbands, Christ, and God), but a lot of Christians ignore this and try to grow equality in the home. Husbands allow wives to be equal with them, or even rule over them, and both husbands and wives don't bother exercising control over their children.   However, we will show you why submission is so difficult for some people, what kinds of things can stop people from being humble, and how to overcome these obstacles and difficulties so that we can properly submit to or lead others as Christians in God's service. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
6/21/202123 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Harp of God

We are excited to discuss this topic, mainly because we are summarizing God's amazing plan for mankind. In this video, we'll relate the harp, which is a musical instrument, with God's plan for mankind, which can be divided into ten fundamental truths, just like the harp in the Scriptures had ten strings.   However, this subject is too large to be covered fully in one video. So, here are a list of other videos we've made, which have covered these topics to different extents:   The New Creation - What Is Man? - God Will Arise and Have Mercy upon Zion - Where Do the Dead Go? - The Cities of Refuge - Who is Jesus Christ? - God's Kingdom - God and His Principles - The Lamb of God - If a Man Dies, Shall He Live Again? - Thy Kingdom Come - God's Deliverance - Was Jesus Christ Murdered or Sacrificed? - The Hidden Treasure - The Glorification of the Church - The Grace of God - The Lord's Prayer - The Lessons from Job - "Let My People Go" - The Story of Eden - The Kingship of Jesus Christ - God's Glorious Government - What is Salvation? - The Signs of Christ's Kingdom - The Eternal Habitation of Man - The Prodigal Son - If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
6/20/202125 minutes, 1 second
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The Circumcision Rite

Circumcision is a very old Jewish tradition, with its start dating back to thousands of years. But what is its purpose now? What does it mean for those who are not Jews?   We're going to talk about this widespread, but little understood rite, and we're going to show the importance of circumcision for modern day Christians. There's something about circumcision that a lot of people miss, and we're going to show you how that forgotten part of the practice is the most essential part of all. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
6/18/202111 minutes, 46 seconds
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Facts About Forgiveness

Everyone forgives every once in a while, but why must we do it? When should we do it? It seems fairly easy to respond to these questions, but they must be answered in truth, through the lens of the Scriptures.   With lots of facts on the subject of forgiveness, this episode is an attempt to answer those questions. We'll dive into examples and lessons on forgiveness, and look into how the most powerful entities in the universe, God and Jesus, viewed the practice in both ancient times and our modern age. They also set parameters for forgiveness, which are perfect guides for us to follow. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
6/14/202114 minutes
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Sourcing Friends from Scripture

Do you feel like your circle of friends don't care about very much? Are they bringing you into trouble? Do you feel like you're just better off without friends?   Well, in this episode, we'll explain how the Bible is actually a great tool to help seek out good friends for our lives. When we imitate the lives of those who had good friends in the Bible, we'll see that we'll feel more comfortable in life, knowing that we've got friends that have our backs. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
6/13/202121 minutes, 4 seconds
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Satan 101: An Intro to Lucifer

This episode is an introduction to the person of Lucifer, later called Satan and Devil. We will hear about his origin, development, and rebellion against God. We will also come and know what his end will look like according to Scripture.  The episode also teaches how to escape from his clutches, snares and traps, and how to overcome difficulties occasioned by his influences. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
6/11/202126 minutes, 16 seconds
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Where Can Peace Be Found?

There are not many things that all humans can agree on, but one universal opinion is that peace is beneficial. But where can we find it? We certainly can't find it ourselves, or the two giant wars of the last century would have immediately taught us a lesson.   Rather, it is only God that can provide the peace we seek, and we'll show you how God will not only bring peace to our personal lives, but also eliminate conflict, division, and all sorts of strife that we see in our world today. Studying the word of God, as this sermon shows, will lead us there, the peace that passeth all understanding (Philippians 4:7). If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
6/7/202124 minutes, 9 seconds
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Endure Hardship That Good May Come

We encourage all who are going through hardship in their lives, as a result of their righteousness, to endure it, because the end will always be good. In this episode, we use biblical verses and stories to explain that hardship we suffer because of our spirituality isn't an evil thing when it comes, and the wonders that come from it should be motivation for us to power on and endure. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
6/6/202118 minutes, 6 seconds
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The All-Powerful God

We all say that God is powerful, but what does that really mean? The Bible has introduced God as the all-powerful creator of the universe, a being that can't be subjugated or defeated.    However, it is crucial for us to have an idea about why God is all-powerful, and how exactly God has shown and will show that power in our world. That way, we can understand how important it is to be submissive to him, and how we can make sure that God's power is used for us, and not against us. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
6/4/202125 minutes, 39 seconds
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What Is Life?

You may think that we're not given a manual to life when we come into this world, but really, this manual has existed for thousands of years before us. It's called the Bible, and we can use it to find out what our existence really means.   Through the history of Israel and the teachings of those like the prophets, apostles, and Jesus, we can discover what we can do to succeed in life, a sometimes excruciatingly tough challenge, and how we can definitely answer the question: "What Is Life?". If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
5/31/202115 minutes, 6 seconds
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Do You Have the Holy Spirit?

Have you ever wondered whether you have the Holy Spirit? Do you believe that you do, or not?   Whichever one, this episode will help you to quickly identify whether you have the Holy Spirit or not. We give you the "symptoms" that'll help you know whether you have the Holy Spirit, and we'll tell you some other things that will build your understand of what the Holy Spirit is, and who gets it. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
5/30/202123 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Story of Ruth

An awesome fact about Ruth is that with only her faith in her mother-in-law, Naomi, she became immortalized in the Bible for millennia to come. However, the Book of Ruth isn't just about faith, marriage, and its protagonist's famous lineage. There are also lessons that we can learn from this woman as well.   In this episode, we'll show you how each of the women in the story represent a spiritual concept in these last days, and we'll explain how, just like Ruth showed great faith in Naomi, you can show great faith in God and Jesus Christ. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
5/28/202121 minutes, 14 seconds
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What is Charity?

Religion is nothing without the practice of charity, but as Christians, we have to know the proper way to go about it. After all, there are more than a million ways we can give out our money, and so many problems that said money, and our effort, could fix.   This episode will serve as a guide to show you what spiritual charity is, and what we can do to move our physical charity to that level. And here's a little hint on how we're going to define charity:   We're already doing charity by sharing this video with you. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
5/24/202120 minutes, 45 seconds
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Is God Sufficient for You?

Have you ever felt like God just wasn't enough for your life? Do His ways seem out of date? Does the idea that God is on your side make you happy, or do you feel like you also need the world in order to have enough?  If you have been feeling this, then this episode is for you! We've compiled Bible verses and stories that make us know that God is sufficient for our lives; we might just need to adjust our mindsets a little. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
5/23/202122 minutes, 34 seconds
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Jesus and the Ten Lepers

Leprosy can be physical and it can also be spiritual, as this episode will let us know. Leprosy isn't a disease that most of us are familiar with, but the story of Jesus and the Ten Lepers in Luke 17:11-19 can teach us a lot about thanksgiving and how to improve our faith.   Therefore, with this episode, we will understand the various lessons that we can learn from the reactions of the lepers to their healing, and we can know how we should react to the healing that we receive when we come to the faith. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
5/21/202116 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Concept of Baptism

Baptism for many Christians is a simple process that takes only a few minutes, but it can lead to so many questions. Why do we do it? Why did Jesus Christ do it? Should babies be baptized? This episode will try to answer these questions, and will try to explain the reasoning for this practice.  Then, we not only gain a greater understanding of our faith, but we will also be able to unlock the true power of baptism: a concept that isn't just about being submerged in water. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
5/17/202121 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Prodigal Son

The story of the prodigal son is one of many stories that Jesus Christ told throughout his life on Earth. Though being one of the most beautiful and entertaining parables to read, its meaning includes a lot of bad and unprofitable things humanity has gone through as Satan took over the world and exercised power over it. But the story doesn't fail to summarize the return of humanity to God's fold, which is one of the most wonderful things humanity will ever experience. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
5/16/202122 minutes, 11 seconds
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Beware of What You Sow in Life

One of the big principles of religion is that actions have consequences, but how does that apply to Christianity? What do we reap when we sow?    This episode will explain how our lifestyles can determine our fates, and it will show us what seeds we need to plant in our field of life in order for us to reap a good harvest. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
5/14/202120 minutes, 40 seconds
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Overcoming Racism

Racism is one of the biggest problems that the West has had to face, but is there anything that Christianity can do to help us overcome it? This video will explain the root causes of racism, and give Biblical examples to show us how these ideas were dealt with. This will allow us to use the BIble to fight racism, and it will reinforce the idea that God is against all kinds of discrimination, hate and violence. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
5/10/202119 minutes, 40 seconds
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Restoring Meaning Back to Life

Has your life lacked meaning and purpose? Have you ever felt dissatisfaction, irrespective of how much money you make, or how high in education you go?  Well, we feel that spirituality is a solution and remedy to this undesirable feeling. And in this video, with biblical evidence, we'll tell you why, and how it satisfies thirsty souls. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
5/9/202117 minutes, 12 seconds
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Christianity and the Bug of Entitlement

Everyone feels like they're entitled to certain things, and when you believe in a God who has the power to give you anything, you might feel like you're entitled to things too.   However, in God's service, entitlement is something that we want to avoid, as this enlightening episode will show you, and if we can eliminate this feeling from our lives, our faith can only get better. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
5/7/202121 minutes, 21 seconds
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Should You Get Married?

This episode is all about promoting peaceful and harmonious marriages. It goes into detail on causes of marital problems, breakups, tensions, and such like. It also offers solutions on how to mend broken marriages, and it provides guides on how to choose a life partner or soulmate. This video could really help you fix the problems you face in your married life. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
5/3/202125 minutes, 17 seconds
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Is Life Without End Possible?

The prospect of eternal life is denied by science's inability to find evidence to support the idea of eternal life. But in this episode, we'll look at it biblically; can God make life last forever? Does what the Bible says about eternal life prove that it is indeed feasible, and will happen in the future?   In this episode, we've compiled some biblical evidence which may open your mind to the probability of life everlasting. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
5/2/202119 minutes, 57 seconds
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God's Deliverance

A big pillar of a Christian's faith is the belief that God is a deliverer of those in need, and it's important that we understand this essential spiritual idea so that we can know if we need it and so that we can recognize how to understand it.    Therefore, this episode will explain the various different ways that God has rescued and will rescue his followers, and it will answer various questions on how exactly deliverance works. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
4/30/202114 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Excellency of Bible Knowledge

The Bible has been considered as a very valuable book by various great historical figures, like Abraham Lincoln. But why is that? Why is the Bible so excellent? This episode will not only explain the benefits of studying the Bible, but it will also describe how we should use the knowledge of the Bible to guide our lives and strengthen our faith in God. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
4/26/202123 minutes, 6 seconds
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5 Verses to Combat Blasphemous Thoughts - Verse Breakdown #100

Hello, listeners! Here's an inspiring episode for you! We'll be telling you about 5 verses that can revive our faith in times of trouble. We can even use them to convince our non-Christian friends to join us in worship. We hope you find this episode useful, and if you do, please feel free to check out the links below for more content. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
4/25/202114 minutes, 26 seconds
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Lazarus and the Rich Man

Lazarus and the Rich Man is a simple story. It can teach us about good and evil, the state of the Church, and the Last Days, among others.   This episode will interpret the parable, and help you understand what the parable's ideas mean for you. We may not be as poor as Lazarus, or as rich as that unnamed wealthy individual, but the spiritual ideas that these men represent are concepts that we drive the world we live in. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
4/23/202121 minutes, 56 seconds
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Who Are the Saints?

Have you ever wondered who saints are? And why there are thousands of places named for them all over the world, from parks to entire countries? What makes them so important?   This episode will help you answer those questions, and it will give you the truth about these illustrious figures. As the saints are crucial to the success of God's plan for this world, it is important that we know who they are, what they are here for, and how their work affects our faith. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
4/19/202121 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Love of Money

Have you ever heard of the saying, "the love of money is the root of all evil"? This comes from 1 Timothy 6:10. It sounds harsh, doesn't it?   Well, we'll break down the love of money so that you can see how feasible and practical it is, but you'll also come to see its negative impacts towards our relationship with God and its menacing nature towards spiritual growth and development. This way, if any of us love money, we can find ways of eliminating such feelings in our lives, so that we can have one less distraction as we run the race of salvation. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
4/18/202123 minutes, 42 seconds
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Who Are Our Enemies?

Have you ever wondered who your enemies are? Some people say it's the people who stole their cars, or the people who just ruined their morning breakfast. However, the Bible has a different opinion on who our adversaries are, and it's important we can identify them, because they are our biggest obstacle on our race of salvation. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
4/16/202121 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Secrets to Marital Success

Marriage in today's world is quite different from what God originally intended, but it's only God's version of the practice that will give you a 100% foolproof union with your spouse. That's why we're going to tell you about God's form of marriage today.   This episode will explain where marriage came from and what God had in mind when he created it, and what steps husbands and wives can take to move their marriages in that direction. There are also guidelines for each spouse in particular so everyone knows what their part is in a successful marriage, because it will take the efforts of both spouses in a marriage to play their roles correctly to create an enduring, lifelong partnership. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
4/12/202119 minutes, 15 seconds
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Welcome to It Pays to Fear God!

In this episode, we will explain the purpose of this podcast, and we'll describe the various things we wanted to discover and learn about. It's like a journey, and if you join us on it, there may be some invaluable things you'll pick up on the way. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
4/11/202110 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Blessings of the Righteous

When we open up the Bible, for study or for leisure reading, it isn't very hard to find chapters where God blessed his followers. Abraham, David, Solomon, Job: they were all nicely rewarded for their service to God. But what about those who live in the modern world? What blessings can we get if we are righteous?   This episode will answer those questions. We'll explore the stories of various Biblical protagonists, including the ones listed above, and we'll talk about all the blessings that they received. We'll also explain how we can qualify to receive blessings from God, and what criteria he uses to decide who gets such blessings. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
4/9/202124 minutes, 43 seconds
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Was Jesus Christ Murdered or Sacrificed?

Despite all the different ideas that we Christians may have about his death, we all believe that Jesus Christ died for a purpose. However, those opinions can change the way we see the rest of the Bible, so it is still important that we get the facts straight.   Therefore, this episode will explain how we can reconcile two major viewpoints, the idea that Jesus Christ was murdered, and the belief that he was sacrificed. It will also use some other Bible stories and prophecies to explain how we can properly interpret the death of our Lord and Saviour, and it will allow us to understand the spiritual significance of that important historical moment. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
4/5/202122 minutes
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The World and the Love of It

In our time, the world has become very sophisticated, and has changed as humanity has progressed in different ways. But when the Bible talks about the "world" and how it's loved, that hasn't really changed very much. But yet, it is not very understood, as most people think it's just physical things that they themselves don't already own that constitute "the world".   In this episode, we will try to explain what the world is. We use several examples to help you understand what it means to love and not love the world. At the end, we'll also explain why not loving the world is important.  We hope you'll understand the "world" we live in a little better after listening to this episode! If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
4/4/202124 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Narrow Road to Salvation

The way of the Devil can be described as a highway: people can go both ways, enter and exit, and it accommodates a lot of vehicles (lifestyles). God's way, on the other hand, Salvation Street, is more like a one way street: only certain vehicles can drive through it, its capacity is low, and there's almost no turning back once you've started travelling.   This episode is for those of you who are stuck at a fork with two options: Satan's highway and Salvation Street. We'll explain why you should turn on this street, despite its narrowness, and if your vehicle isn't the right fit for it, we'll show you how you can modify your automobile. If you do choose to travel on Salvation Street, and you know how to navigate its sometimes challenging turns, you'll eventually realize that the street eventually stops: it leads to an amazing reward. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
4/2/202122 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Word of God

The Word of God is Jehovah's way of communicating with humanity, so we have to understand it if we want to strengthen our bonds with him. But what is it? And how do we interpret it?   This episode will answer these questions. It will explain God's Word and what it can do for humanity, and it will describe the various aspects that the Word of God can be divided into. God's Word is the legs of a runner in the race of salvation: without it, you can't win the race. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
3/29/202115 minutes, 17 seconds
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Raising a Christian Child

Raising children in our time is becoming increasingly difficult, both for believers and unbelievers. It seems that children are just getting "smarter" and don't need their guidance. This is especially a problem for parents who want their children to be Christians, but their children end up being far from it.   In this episode, though, we have worked hard to try to find what God has said about it. Parenting isn't the most popular topic in the Bible, but the Bible does have a very developed opinion about it, which can help in parents raising their children to be faithful Christians and useful in God's service. After all, children are a blessing from God (Psalms 127:3), so wouldn't it be glorious to raise them well, so that they can be "a delight to our soul"? (Proverbs 29:17).   If you want to find out how children can be a blessing in our lives, watch this episode! --- Send in a voice message:
3/28/202123 minutes, 16 seconds
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Dwelling in God's Estate

The principles of God constitute the Estate of God Almighty. It is a righteous way of living, and a peaceful habitation for all. However, dwelling in God's Estate comes with its boundaries, and the Bible helps us to understand what those boundaries are, so that we don't cross them, but rather reason and innovate within the boundaries that God has set up within his estate.   If we remain in the estate, many of the things that trouble us in this world will become a thing of the past, because those things are caused by our inability to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
3/26/202119 minutes, 15 seconds
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Who Controls the Heart?

The heart is a very spiritual organ, so naturally, the spirits can easily examine it. However, can they control it? If they can, who does so? Does this conflict with the freewill that humans have?    This episode will answer all these questions. It will go into how the heart can be controlled by spiritual forces, and it will describe the kinds of purposes for which the spirits can use us. Once we understand how our hearts are connected to the spirit realm, we can make sure that our hearts are aligned with God's will and purpose. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
3/22/202119 minutes, 9 seconds
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GOD and Sexism

Sexism is one of the most controversial issues in the world, period. For the past 100 years, the world has steadily progressed from women playing certain roles and men playing certain roles to there being equal opportunities for both sexes. And to say that's right or wrong is too complicated of an issue to dabble into.   But in this video, we won't try to find out the propriety of sexism; rather, we'll try to see God's opinion on the issue. We feel that it's very important for Christians to know God's opinion on topics such as sexism because they help us know what kind of mindset Christians should be having, especially when desiring to live a life that suits God's thoughts. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
3/21/202123 minutes, 47 seconds
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Who Is My Neighbour?

The concept of good neighbourliness has been established in the Bible, but who are those neighbours? Are they next-door, the people who share hotdogs with us, or are they the ones that are in our influential atmosphere, and can also benefit from the righteous lives that are expected of Christians?    Such questions will be answered through the duration of this episode, and it will also help us to understand the process of loving our neighbours as ourselves, because, though that may seem hard and too selfless to emulate, it can be done when our understanding of the Bible has been established and strengthened. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
3/19/202120 minutes, 50 seconds
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What Is Christianity?

Christianity is such a widespread religion that almost everyone has had to make a choice on whether they want to convert to it or not. But if someone does wish to convert, they have to know to what exactly they're converting.   This episode will first explain the history of Christianity: where it started and how it became so big. Then, it will go into how we can enter the faith properly; because an improper start can render all our work useless. It's important that we understand the way Christianity—true Christianity—works, because if we adhere to its rules, there are many blessings in store for us. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
3/15/202117 minutes, 59 seconds
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Seeking for the True Jew

If Jews are the inhabitants of ancient Judah and modern Israel, then why does the Bible talk about the true Jew? And why was this term used by apostles who were talking to Gentiles?   This episode will explain the difference between a natural Jew and a true Jew, and it will tell us whether we can become true Jews even if we are not of Jewish blood. Plus, it will allow us to understand what God's purpose is for the modern State of Israel, the physical continuation of God's promise to Abraham. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
3/12/202121 minutes, 10 seconds
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Moses and His Serpent

Moses and his Serpent is one of the many stories of the Exodus, but it has some very important things to teach us, and it is important that we can interpret it properly.   This episode will explain the lessons we can learn from the story itself before it dives into its spiritual meaning. Since the story of Moses and his serpent is in the Bible, it was inspired by God (2 Peter 1:21), which means that it can contribute to our understanding of God himself. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
3/8/202112 minutes, 40 seconds
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Facts About God

It's becoming increasingly difficult to worship God, for a variety of reasons. One of them is that people don't really know Him. I mean, you can't worship some mysterious entity, can you? It'll have to be a little more realistic, and imaginable.  In this video, we've combed the Bible to help you picture who God is, and help you see God as a person who you can have as a close friend, someone you rely on and can trust. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
3/7/202128 minutes, 7 seconds
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Diligence in God's Service

Diligence is encouraged in places like the workplace and in schools, but how does it work in the Bible? How can we use it to improve our faith?  This episode will describe the virtue of diligence and will give several examples of people who showed it. If diligence can help us become successful in this world, then we should find out how it can greatly increase our success in serving God. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
3/5/202113 minutes, 12 seconds
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By Grace Are Ye Saved

Grace is a huge part of the Christian faith. At some point, every Christian, or one of their ancestors, was a convert, and they were able to come to the faith through grace. But how far does grace go after that? Can it carry us through the rest of our lives? What is the relationship between grace and works? What does James 2:17 mean? (Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.)   This episode will explain the nature of grace and it will teach us how far it can take us. It is important that we know how grace works because understanding grace means understanding God and Jesus, understanding our faith, and understanding our salvation. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
3/1/202119 minutes, 52 seconds
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Facts About Heaven

We all want to go to heaven to see God, but can we? Christians are excited about heaven, because they believe that, one day, they will be caught up with the spirits, and they will live the rest of their lives in heaven.    This episode will give us an insight into the nature of heaven itself, both as an abode and authority. We take this to the Bible itself, and understand the different usages of the word, "heaven". Enjoy! If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
2/26/202120 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Power of Miracles

Miracles are a big part of the Christian faith, because people are always looking forward to the day that God will bring miracles to their families, their cities, their churches, etc. However, what is the purpose of miracles, and are miracles as physically-focused as we might think?    In this episode, we extensively define and explain the purpose of miracles, and the power that they can have both on the hearts and actions of people, who are brought in by the supernatural oddity of miracles. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
2/22/202120 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Eternal Habitation of Man

The Bible has made us to know that the eternal habitation of man is the Earth. However, the way the world is now is certainly not a good habitation for God's children. With poverty, corruption and continuous rioting, the righteous will find it difficult to worship God peacefully.   But will the world continue eternally be like this?   In this video, we will explain what went wrong with the Earth, and who caused it. We will then talk about how God is reforming the world to be a good habitation for His children.   Videos on why our eternal habitation is not heaven:  Videos on "Thy Kingdom Come": If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
2/21/202122 minutes, 30 seconds
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Rage and Its Consequences

Rage is a very powerful emotion: it can cause us to destroy things, harm others, and make major decisions without thinking. But what does the Bible say about it? Is rage something we should completely avoid?   This episode will explain the Bible's view on wrath, and it will give several examples of people who were angry in the past. It will also delve into the subject of whether rage can be righteous, which is important because there are positive emotions (joy, love), negative emotions (envy, lust), and even emotions that can be both (depending on whether they're for God or Satan), so we have to understand which category rage falls into. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
2/19/202119 minutes, 29 seconds
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A Reflection on It Pays to Fear God

Thank you for being with us for a whole year! It's been a crazy period with a global pandemic and the fight for racial equality, but this channel hasn't suffered from the physical and mental shutdown that many are facing, and we thank God for that. Hopefully, this channel will help you navigate the terrible time we're living in and give you solutions to today's pressing issues. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
2/19/20213 minutes, 16 seconds
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Understanding God's Wars and Battles

Wars and battles, simply put, are nothing more than types of conflict, but they get more complicated when God is involved. What happens when God fights in a battle? Which side in such a battle will God support?   This episode will explain the various battles God has fought and continues to fight, and it will describe the kind of warrior God is. It is important to understand how God fights his wars and battles, because we are his soldiers in a sense, and he is our commander through His field marshal Jesus Christ, and every soldier needs to know how their commander wants them to fight. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
2/15/202118 minutes, 25 seconds
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"It Pays to Fear God" is one year old! THANKS for joining us!

We want to thank all of you who have subscribed and appreciated our work with good comments in the comment section below. It's been a fantastic year, sharing our knowledge of the Bible with you, and we pray God for this to continue. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
2/14/20213 minutes, 4 seconds
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Is Any Man Righteous on Earth?

Is Any Man Righteous on Earth? is an important question we have to ask, because it determines how we see our efforts to serve God. Is it useless to work hard in God's service, since no matter how hard we try, we'll always be sinners? Is it even possible to work in God's service to begin with?   This episode will answer this interesting question with the whole Bible, not just one verse, and it will go into the nature of evil in humanity. We must come to terms with the sin in our world, and understand how we can overcome it, because it doesn't just define our faith, but our entire human existence. Righteousness can be attained if we prayerfully try. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
2/12/202114 minutes, 13 seconds
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Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit

Poverty is an undesirable condition in this world. People who are poor yearn for the day they will get a loan, or something to help build them up, legally or illegal. It's that same yearning that Jesus Christ was telling us to have. But what does that really mean? And, if we don't have it, how do we develop it?   If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
2/8/202117 minutes, 31 seconds
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God's Expectations

God's expectations and standards are a to-do list that righteous ones need to complete. Just as how children have to meet the expectations of their parents, and students have to meet the expectations of their teachers, we have to meet certain expectations that God has in mind for His obedient children.    However, are we willing to try and pass, or willing to fail, and not receive the pass mark? This episode will help educate all curious ones for both sides of the sea-saw. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
2/5/202120 minutes, 27 seconds
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Joseph and His Brothers

Joseph had a very eventful life, and his brothers were a big part of that, but as this episode will show you, their story is also very educational. We'll go into many biblical concepts that are explained by Joseph's adventure, and we'll also connect Joseph's life to other Biblical stories.    All stories have morals, themes, or messages they want to send to us, and the story of Joseph is no different. In fact the story of Joseph has even stronger messages, because as a Biblical story, it can be used for reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness in the context of our faith in God, so that we can be perfect children of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
2/1/202125 minutes, 16 seconds
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Integrity and Its Burden

Integrity is a pillar to progress in our world, more so in the pursuit of a place in God's arrangement. The peace and harmony of this world is based on people who have the integrity to sustain healthy innovation, enhance and improve the technological and economical wellbeing of humanity.    However, integrity is not a commonplace quality in Christianity, which is why few people are found at the end of the spiritual filter. But how do we retain our integrity if we have it, and gain if we don't?   In this episode, we try to lay out the basis of integrity by giving examples of people with integrity and people who were rejected by God because of no integrity. We also offer advice on how to build integrity in all aspects of life, and retain it as much as possible. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
1/29/202122 minutes, 59 seconds
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Revenge and Its Consequences

If revenge is simply paying evil for evil, is revenge bad? Are Christians allowed to payback evil for evil, or do evil to somebody as a result of somebody doing evil to them? Is this a righteous deed, and is any entity qualified to do it? Such questions are answered and explained in this episode. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
1/25/202120 minutes, 50 seconds
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Are You Under the Influence?

Driving, working, or doing just about anything under the influence of wine or drugs is obviously a bad idea, but what happens when we're under the influence of the spirits above? Is that bad? What does being in such a state mean?   This episode will explain the nature of being both physically and spiritually under the influence, and it will give many examples of people in the Bible who had their behaviour controlled in these ways. It is important we understand how our behaviours can be controlled through being spiritually under the influence, because being in this condition affects our faith, our life, and our future after death. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
1/22/202121 minutes, 5 seconds
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Maintaining Our Virgin Purity

It's become a trend for women to dress in a white outfit when it's time to get married. But, what does that really mean? Where did all of that come from, and what does it mean in our time? Such questions will be answered in this episode.  God expects us as his children to be true virgins before him, but how do we go about doing that, especially if we're novices without much experience in the practice? This episode might help some of you curious learners. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
1/18/202122 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Hidden Treasure

The Hidden Treasure is a parable of Jesus Christ in Matthew 13:44. It is a short parable. In this episode, we'll look into that, and we'll see why Jesus described the future kingdom of God as a treasure hidden in a field, which, when a man had found, sold everything to purchase that field. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
1/15/202123 minutes, 41 seconds
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What Is Love?

Love is one of the most powerful human emotions, and it can drive us in many unexpected ways. But what does God say about it? How are we supposed to deal with love as Christians?  This episode will explain the spiritual nature of love and will lay out the different ways we can experience this feeling. It will also explain the most relationships of all: the love between God and us. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
1/11/202117 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why Should We Repent?

Repentance is the gate to Christianity, and it is the road that we drive on when we're returning. If you have ever wondered if you had to repent to be in good standing before God, this episode will show you why you should do so, and if you are convinced that it is essential, it will also go into some details about how that can be done. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
1/8/202119 minutes, 3 seconds
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Baby Steps to Repentance

When we convince ourselves that God's ways are right, and we feel remorseful for our own sinful ways, how do we go about changing them in order to repent? How do we turn our lives around and start walking along God's path?   In this episode, we will be explaining the simple, pleasant baby steps to repentance. These steps will help us get closer to God, and if we have trouble, He is ready to lend a hand to help us repent by providing us with the necessary knowledge and understanding.  However, there is an important question that we have to ask ourselves before we can take these steps: are we willing to change our ways, and keep moving in the right direction? This episode will help educate you to make that decision. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
1/4/202121 minutes, 16 seconds
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Overcoming Your Fears

There are many fears that people can have, but most of them are harmless. Claustrophobia, ailurophobia; many of these don't have many consequences for the people who harbour them. However, if we have fears that intrude on our faith, then we have a problem.  This episode will go through some fears that people can go through in the faith, and it will give us solutions on how to solve them. We have to be able to overcome our fears, because that ability separates the people who aren't serious about Christianity from the people who are. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
1/1/202118 minutes, 10 seconds
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Why Should We Love God?

Have any of us wondered what's so important about Deuteronomy 6:5 and Matthew 22:37, about loving God with all our heart, all our soul and all our might? What makes it such an important and popular statement, and how do we exactly adapt to that? This episode will teach us how, and it will also give us some reasons for loving God to think about, so that we can convince ourselves to love God, keep his commandments and be rewarded in the end. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
12/28/202029 minutes, 2 seconds
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Will You Go to Heaven?

Going to heaven is such a big subject in this world that most Christians don't know much more about Christianity than the idea that they're going to heaven? However, is going to heaven really true? Has the Bible really supported this idea? Does this idea of going to heaven even seem logical enough to believe? This episode will look into that, and we will use analogies, stories, God's structures and other evidences just to give the chance to think again on whether your hope is the rapture, or the full Establishment of God's Kingdom both in heaven and on earth. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
12/25/202022 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Glorification of the Church

The Glorification of the Church is a process where the righteous ones of God will be exalted above their enemies and their designs, fulfilling the dreams and hopes of God's children, while the wicked will be abased, and have to look up to the righteous ones of God. However, how does this process take place? What things will have to be adjusted in order for one party to come to the top, and the other abased?  This episode will answer such questions.  The Glorification of the Church is one of the ten Fundamental Truths, constituting the Harp of God. It is an event that has happened before, and is taking place in the time that we are living, the last days. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
12/21/202021 minutes, 39 seconds
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In Search of the Man of God

Men of God are everywhere in this world, but is every one true? is every given person who calls himself a pastor a true pastor? After all, if so, what would Matthew 24:5, 11, 24 mean: false pastors, false Christs and anti-Christs?   In this episode, we will give you some characters that will help you differentiate between a true pastor and a fake one. We will also give plenty examples in the Bible of people who were prophets, fake and true, to help build this case. We hope this helps you look at the pastors in the correct way! If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
12/18/202022 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Grace of God

The grace of God has been considered key to salvation, but is the grace of God really like that? How does the grace of God work, and act within people? Who does the grace of God go to, and, who does the grace of God not go to?  Well, if we don't know, this episode will teach you, and answer all those questions above.  In this episode, we use examples and texts in the Bible to help explain what the grace of God is, in its levels and categories. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
12/14/202021 minutes, 57 seconds
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Teach Us to Pray

Many people come to God simply because they've heard from people that God can answer prayers. However, does God want people to come to him just because of what they want from him because of his infinite power? After all, does a father who's interested in God want to hear his sons talk and ask about worldly matters, which might differ from his own general spiritual interests?   Well, in case the answer isn't clear, this episode will list some things that we should be praying for, and things that we should not be praying for, so that we can have an idea on whether God is interested in listening to such things or not. In other words, our prayers must be focused on God's priorities, which this video will outline. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
12/11/202020 minutes, 15 seconds
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How the Spirits Work Among Men

The concept of spirit beings is fading, but for those who do believe, how do we know where they operate? How do we know whether somebody is being controlled by Satan the Devil or by God? After all, is not like they're going to look different, will they?   In this episode, we will use bible stories and texts to help sell the idea that the spirit forces have all power to control and manipulate us, using strategies that can be discovered through deep study in the Bible. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
12/7/202021 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer was a prayer that Jesus Christ had taught all of humanity to pray 2000 years ago. It was a prayer of hope, a prayer that God would rescue humanity from the bondage of Satan the Devil and lead them into the way everlasting.    However, why didn't Jesus Christ also tell us to pray for money, fame, cars, etc? After all, aren't those things important? Why did Jesus Christ tell us to pray for God's name to be hallowed/sanctified , the Kingdom of God, for our daily bread, forgiveness and for deliverance from temptations and other evils? We will be explaining these things in this video. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
12/4/202022 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Lessons of Job

Most people use the story of Job to help convince people to keep hoping for better days in their finances, whether it be in their business, paying their bills, or paying a mortgage. However, is that really all we can learn from the story of Job? Were the sufferings and pains that Job went through just preserved so that people could have hope when they're short on money to pay their hydro bills? Or was it saved for a more spiritual purpose, a purpose that summarizes the hope of all righteous ones; God's plan for mankind?    Well, if you listen to this episode, we out line some other lessons that we can learn from Job that most people haven't really thought of, and we use Bible texts and stories to help support our points. We hope you learn something! Hello, everyone! In this episode, we will be explaining Matthew 21:22, making emphasis on whether Jesus Christ was allowing people to pray for whatever they want to God, and to use God to satisfy their own personal lusts, or for them to come to God to satisfy themselves, and, if they believe, their requests will be granted. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
11/30/202022 minutes, 14 seconds
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Giving Thanks to God

This episode will encourage and inform many of us about what it means to be grateful about God's remarkable feats in our world and in our lives. God has done many amazing things for us and all he asks from us is gratitude and thanksgiving. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
11/26/202020 minutes, 47 seconds
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In Pursuit of True Wealth

When we mention true wealth, some of us might think of money gotten through legal, clean ways. However, when Jesus Christ talked about true wealth, and how we could give it to people, was he talking about physical riches? After all, he wasn't a rich man; and neither were any of his successors; so was Jesus Christ promising us riches that will build our physical ego, or was he talking about something more spiritual, something known by few people, but valued and preserved by God?   In this episode, we will be explaining the true wealth that Jesus Christ would occasionally talk about, using texts and examples both the Old Testament and New Testament to sell the idea that, though started in the New Testament, it has always existed, since the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
11/23/202015 minutes, 56 seconds
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Can God Trust You?

When God wants to move his plans forward in this world, he chooses human beings as both pillars and tools to advance it. However, can God trust you to move his plans forward? Can God trust you with his gifts and privileges, and be sure that you won't waste it?   In this episode, we will be highlighting various things that God trusts his children to do, and, at the end, we'll also offer some advice on things to do to earn God's trust, so that he doesn't have to worry or look back when he gives us tasks to do. Hope this message helps strengthen God's trust in you. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
11/20/202026 minutes, 53 seconds
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Speaking Like a Christian

We may go to church like Christians, or sing hymns like Christians, or make prayers like Christians, but if we don't speak like Christians, then we're not really Christians yet. After all, people can't read minds, so what we say determines what people think we are, and if we don't talk like Christians, no one will believe we're Christians.  Therefore, this video will show you how you should speak by giving examples of the various actions that our mouths can be used for, and by showing you how to control your tongues in order to keep bad things from spilling out of them. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
11/16/202021 minutes, 32 seconds
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Paying Our Vows

Making vows is a common practice in Christianity. Some people do it because they have the drive to do it. Some people do it because of it because they see others do it. Some people even do it because they think it's fun.   However, when we make vows like this, we are supposed to pay them. Therefore, we have to understand what vows God wants us to make, and this video will explain such. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
11/13/202024 minutes, 39 seconds
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Welcoming Wise Counsel

Counsel or advice is something that can be offered or taken, and something that can help or destroy. Counsel has a lot of power, and it is an important part of the success that future generations will have in the economy, society, etc. However, which advice should we be taking? Should we be proud and not take any advice, or should we be so open that any advice that comes our way goes into our pocket and is used?  This episode will show us what advice Christians should be taking, and what attitude they should have towards such advice. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
11/9/202024 minutes, 6 seconds
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Should We Fear COVID-19?

This episode was made because of the fear that is moving around due to the pandemic that is ravaging the globe. The children of God, by virtue of experience with understanding prophecies do not fear pandemics. This episode will give hope to people who are suffering, and it will remind them that God is still in control of the situation.    Those who understand the word of God maximize the opportunity of trials such as this to draw close to God, obey his commandments, and interpret the message that he's trying to send to us, and walk accordingly. They believe in his word that there is safety, protection, and provision, in his presence, as always.   May God preserve you during these trying times according to his promise. Amen. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
10/10/202024 minutes, 24 seconds
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It Pays to Fear God Teaser

Are you looking for inspiring messages that will give you hope in this depressing world? We believe that this podcast can satisfy your desire.  Every week, we post several episodes on various topics that will grow your faith and expand your knowledge on the Bible. This podcast will not only help you strengthen your spiritual connection to God and Jesus Christ, but it will also help you gain the universe's best reward: eternal life. If you would like more information about God, His Kingdom, and His Son Jesus Christ, please check out these resources: Our Youtube channel, It Pays to Fear God: Our Book:   Our Website:   Questions about God? Email them to ([email protected]). --- Send in a voice message:
8/26/20201 minute, 28 seconds