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Islamic Life Coach School Podcast Profile

Islamic Life Coach School Podcast

English, Islam, 1 season, 195 episodes, 2 days, 15 hours, 39 minutes
I have created the Islamic Life Coach School, and this podcast in efforts for you to achieve any and ALL of your goals through high level of self awareness, mind management and emotional intelligence. It is my mission to provide you with the tools that you can use to make your life unrecognizably successful.How do I define success? Success is what you want it to be. These tools can be applied to create success in life, religion, relationships, career etc. YOU define your success and I will teach you the tool to get it.
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Create Belonging

Can emotional connections be more importan  than basic survival needs?In this episode, we discuss the profound importance of creating a welcoming environment for ourselves and how creating a sense of belonging is one of the most BASIC human needs. Discover why the responsibility of creating a sense of belonging truly lies within us, and learn how our own thoughts and actions can nurture this fundamental human need in both our personal and professional lives.For Muslim women, the journey to belonging doesn't have to be exhausting. This episode challenges the notion that fitting in requires relentless effort. We'll share practical methods that create belonging effortlessly, focusing on identifying shared values and appreciating others' passions. This episode also addresses the long-term endeavor of genuine belonging, emphasizing that self-acceptance and the recognition that we belong to Allah can bring unparalleled peace and tranquility. Join us to uncover simple, mindful actions that can help you achieve a fulfilling sense of belonging without sacrificing yourself----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If this podcast has benefited you, imagine the value of a one-on-one meeting with me! Click below to schedule your FREE consultation. Discover solutions with no obligation.
6/11/202424 minutes, 22 seconds
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Awareness Does Not Matter

How is that awareness is everything, but yet nothing at the same time?Can awareness alone lead to more suffering?  Find out the answers in this episodeIf you are practicing awareness without judgment it, it will intensify your stress and negative emotions. It is very important  to become non-critical of your internal state. We also explore the intriguing Islamic concept of Qareen, a companion spirit that  influences our negative thoughts and behaviors. By recognizing the Qareen's impact, we can adopt a more compassionate approach to self-awareness and self-improvement. This episode emphasizes the importance of accepting our imperfections without judgment and utilizing mindfulness, meditation, and other tools to address these issues constructively. By practicing acceptance, we can reduce internal conflict and enhance well-being, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If this podcast has benefited you, imagine the value of a one-on-one meeting with me! Click below to schedule your FREE consultation. Discover solutions with no obligation.
6/4/202423 minutes, 25 seconds
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Awareness is Everything

Discover the hidden power of awareness and its transformative impact on your daily life! Imagine if you could shift from automatic pilot to a higher state of self-awareness, effortlessly managing your stress and enhancing your well-being. In this episode of the Islamic Life Coach School Podcast, we promise you'll gain valuable insights into how sensory adaptation can either be your friend or foe. By understanding the C-NEAR formula—Circumstances, Nervous System, Thoughts, Emotions, Actions, and Results—you'll learn how to navigate cognitive overload and tap into a more mindful existence.Join us as we unravel the three levels of awareness and their practical applications, from managing the flood of emails in your inbox to tackling life-changing decisions like moving to a new city and much more.  Find out how recognizing and reshaping your thoughts leads to profound shifts in your life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If this podcast has benefited you, imagine the value of a one-on-one meeting with me! Click below to schedule your FREE consultation. Discover solutions with no obligation.
5/28/202418 minutes, 56 seconds
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How to Disagree Without Fighting.

Have you ever wished you could navigate the choppy seas of disagreement with grace and keep your relationships intact? Tune in as we share strategies for expressing different viewpoints without igniting a battle, proving that conflict and connection can coexist. We talk about the emotional complexities that arise when opinions clash, and provide a roadmap for managing these situations with empathy and respect. Whether it's a matter of hierarchy in the workplace or a difference in beliefs among friends, this podcast will give you the tools to maintain the bonds you've worked hard to build, even when you don't see eye to eye.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If this podcast has benefited you, imagine the value of a one-on-one meeting with me! Click below to schedule your FREE consultation. Discover solutions with no obligation.
5/21/202421 minutes, 55 seconds
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Applied Learning

Through my own journey from acquiring knowledge to applying it meaningfully, this episode tell you about how to become an 'implementationalist', where every theory learned becomes a lived practice . I describe the stages of applied learning, from the initial spark of awareness to the resilience required in the face of challenges, all while sharing practical strategies for organizing your life and thoughts for lasting change.I talk about how to use applied learning for self-regulation and body awareness. With guidance and reflection, learn how to interpret your body's signals as insights into personal growth, and how prayer can serve as a powerful tool for seeking wisdom, courage, and the fortitude to apply your knowledge every day. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If this podcast has benefited you, imagine the value of a one-on-one meeting with me! Click below to schedule your FREE consultation. Discover solutions with no obligation.
5/14/202423 minutes, 7 seconds
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Self Regulation

In this episode we talk about the intricacies of self-regulation and co-regulation. Picture yourself mastering the ability to remain composed during life's challenges. This exploration will guide you through the nuances of managing your emotional responses, the  strength of co-regulation, and the significant influence of a reliable ANCHOR—whether it be a mentor, a loved one, or a spiritual guideIn this episode we also discuss the dangers of relying on unsuitable anchors and the empowering growth that arises from freeing your relationships from undue burden of providing you with emotional regulation.Through the perspective of faith, we will explore how spiritual practices such as dua, salah, and reciting the Quran can provide unparalleled stability, guidance, and peace. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If this podcast has benefited you, imagine the value of a one-on-one meeting with me! Click below to schedule your FREE consultation. Discover solutions with no obligation.
5/7/202418 minutes, 31 seconds
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Evolved Muslim Woman

In today's episode explore the rich themes of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness, all within the framework of Islamic teachings. What does it mean to have your mind work in your favor? How do evolved Muslim women handle feedback, rude comments, and the challenges of balancing career with religious beliefs? Discover how an evolved mindset influences not just personal and spiritual development, but also how we interact with the world around us.From discussing real-life scenarios to unveiling strategies for creating an evolved brain, this episode is packed with insights that promise to transform the way you think, feel, and act. Tune in to learn how to align your personal growth with ethical living and deepen your connectedness to Allah SWT.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If this podcast has benefited you, imagine the value of a one-on-one meeting with me! Click below to schedule your FREE consultation. Discover solutions with no obligation.
4/30/202416 minutes, 6 seconds
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Constant Firefighting is a loss

Have you ever felt like you're constantly putting out fires in your life, only to find that the embers of stress and anxiety keep reigniting? This episode offers a profound shift—a transition from reactivity to proactive self-reflection. Here, we peel back the layers of emotional regulation as I share how embracing challenges with strategic thought and emotional intelligence revolutionized my approach to life's hurdles. . I invite you to consider SQ soulful intelligence as a transformative approach to crisis management, one that can help you extinguish potential life fires before they ignite. No matter what fires you might be facing, this episode aims to equip you with the insights to move from firefighting to fireproofing your life, enabling a journey enriched with personal growth and spirituality.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If this podcast has benefited you, imagine the value of a one-on-one meeting with me! Click below to schedule your FREE consultation. Discover solutions with no obligation.
4/23/202419 minutes, 13 seconds
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Denial of People Pleasing

Have you ever caught yourself saying yes when every fiber of your being screamed no? It's a trap many of us fall into, prioritizing the happiness of others at the expense of our own. The reason our people pleasing traits remain hidden from us, is because we mask them as good qualities. What are these qualities? In this podcast we identify 10 such positive personality traits that sound really honorable on the surface but are actually harming you if they are covering up your people pleasing tendencies. These are the signals that indicate when you are overshooting the mark of generosity, leading to  your own needs being undervalued.Empowerment takes center stage as we explore the unique journey of the Muslim woman in reclaiming her sense of self. Today, we're not just peering into the psychology of people-pleasing; we're also offering a lifeline to those ready to make a change. Tune in as we talk about the importance of choice, the strength found in embracing change, and how to serve others without losing ourselves. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If this podcast has benefited you, imagine the value of a one-on-one meeting with me! Click below to schedule your FREE consultation. Discover solutions with no obligation.
4/16/202425 minutes, 21 seconds
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Spiritual Bypassing

There are people out there that teach you to hide your emotional pain under religious teachings. This is Spiritual bypassing. My own encounter with this profound misconception opened a path to deeper understanding, which I'm thrilled to share with you. This episode uncovers the often-overlooked concept of spiritual bypassing within the Islamic faith. I walk you through personal stories and those of my clients, as we confront how uninformed individuals can use our faith against our wellbeing. Faith in Allah is the HALLMARK of authentic growth and emotional repair. This heartfelt dialogue underscores the necessity of a nuanced approach to personal development, steering clear of the pitfalls of spiritual bypassing that lead us astray, even under the noble guise of religious teachings.As our conversation draws to a close, we reaffirm our conscious commitment to Islam, not as an escape but as a foundation of support through life's trials.
4/9/202424 minutes, 57 seconds
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Outsourcing Overwhelm

If you are feeling you are buried under a mountain of tasks and feeling overwhelmed, this episode is for you. The true culprit in these situations is not the amount of tasks that you have to do, but how you are used to thinking about them.  In this episode you will find out how outsourcing overwhelm by task delegation is not the whole solution to this problem. We will also learn the insights you need to rewire your thought patterns for a calmer, more centered life.Join us as we delve into the delicate art of mindful outsourcing, ensuring it's a strategic choice and not an avoidance tactic. I share my own reflections on when to carry a burden yourself and when to share it.
4/2/202416 minutes, 54 seconds
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Courage with Fear

In this episode, we talk about the  interplay between fear and courage. Often, we mistake being frozen in fear, unable to act for being cautious. I'll share practical methods for recognizing and overcoming irrational fears to help you move forward. We'll explore the "fake it till you make it" approach, particularly useful when the fear of failure feels overwhelming. We discuss how courage is not about the absence of fear, but about acting in its presence. Plus, we examine fear's role in faith, especially in the Muslim community. Understanding the fine line between love and fear in our spiritual lives, because if you find your faith waning, it might be due to the exhaustion stemming from the constant fear of the afterlife. Interested in working with me? You can connect with me from anywhere via Zoom for a FREE consultation
3/26/202418 minutes, 10 seconds
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Benefits of a Consultation with me.

I am excited to reintroduce my one-on-one consultation sessions.  In this Bonus episode I describe exactly what benefits you will get out of the FREE consul sessions with me. This initial session is complimentary, so there's no reason not to seize this opportunity. I'll walk you through our trust-building approach, clarify any questions, and discuss how my program aligns with your aspirations. You can connect with me from anywhere via Zoom. Make an appointment today!
3/23/20245 minutes, 6 seconds
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Emotions as Teachers

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by a wave of anger, or found yourself sinking into the depths of sadness? We've all been there, grappling with the heaviness of negative emotions, often wishing we could just ignore them or rush through them.But what if I told you that these very emotions hold the keys to unlocking personal growth and deepening self-awareness? In this episode, we delve into the often-misunderstood world of our darker feelings, revealing how they can actually be powerful catalysts for positive change. From transforming anger into passionate advocacy to channeling jealousy into a driving force for self-improvement, join me as we uncover the valuable lessons hidden within the emotions many of us try to avoid. Without shying away from the complexity of our inner lives, we learn to use our feelings as guides that lead us to wisdom, resilience, and creativity and this serves as pathway to a more fulfilling worship and a closer bond with the divine.
3/19/202418 minutes, 54 seconds
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Burden of Shame

Ramadan, a time for reflection and connection, often brings with it a heightened sense of community. Yet, for some within the Muslim fold, this holy month can magnify feelings of rejection and shame, spiraling into a cycle that clouds our innate purity. Today  explore the evolutionary sources of fear of rejection, the sensitivity that is related to it, and the corrosive impact of shame on our self-perception. We talk about how we can tap into the power of neuroplasticity to redefine our responses to rejection,.This episode explores how as a multitasking Muslim woman,  shame  brews from juggling multiple roles and the crippling cycle of self-criticism that accompanies perceived shortcomings. How the intellectualization of shame prevents true emotional healing. This episode is not just an eye-opener; it's a heart-opener, as we discuss the importance of cognitive reframing, emotional intelligence, and the recognition of bodily cues to disentangle our worth from our failures and successes.
3/12/202423 minutes, 1 second
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Thinking Wealthy: Leverage

We are continuing to maximize value through strategic thinking and resourcefulness. In this episode, discover the untapped potential of leveraging as I reveal the final chapter of our Wealth Mindset Series, transforming the way you think about resources and the true value of time. We learn about how to utilize every asset at your disposal, from community to technology, to multiply your gains without multiplying your workload. As we dissect misconceptions about time and money, you'll learn how a shift in perspective can result in passive income and a prosperous future, without the need for additional financial investment.
3/5/202421 minutes, 51 seconds
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Thinking Wealthy: Hard Work

This is the 2nd episode of the 3 part series on Thinking wealthy. Today it is hard work redefined—not as a relentless grind but as the cornerstone of true wealth creation. This episode we deal with misconception around hard work to reveals  healthier, more sustainable approach to labor.  For wealthy, hard work is about long-term growth and meaningful accomplishments. We break free from societal pressures that equate hard work with strain and sacrifice,
2/27/202421 minutes, 8 seconds
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Thinking Wealthy : Passive Income

Part 1 of 3 in the series of Thinking WealthyToday, we'll bust some myths and get real about the hard work and dedication it takes to build a thriving financial future. We're going to dive deep into the often misunderstood world of passive income. Get ready for an incredible journey that's going to totally transform the way you think about money and success. This episode shows you that having a wealthy mindset isn't just some fantasy. It's the real deal, the solid foundation on which big fortunes are made. But we're not just talking about making money here. We're going to blend our financial goals with our spiritual values, especially those rooted in Islam. This is all about earning with dedication and contributing in ways that honor our faith.
2/20/202413 minutes, 58 seconds
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High Value Female

In this Episode I talk about understanding the beautiful difference between a woman's worth and her value. I'll explore what it means to be a 'high value female' and explain why your worth, a divine gift you're born with, remains unchanged and full. But it's your value, shaped by your actions and intentions, that gives you the chance to grow and deepen your connection with taqwa and God-consciousness. I'm going to challenge the societal norms that often mix up these concepts and learn to nurture our value in a way that truly celebrates our inherent worth.I'll address the common misunderstandings about modesty and assertiveness, showing you how they can beautifully coexist within the Islamic principles of leadership. This episode is a celebration of you and me, our unique creation, and understanding our innate worth that drives us towards realizing our individual purpose and potential.
2/13/202422 minutes, 30 seconds
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Use Subconscious Mind for Duas

Imagine unlocking the door to your subconscious mind and finding it to be the sacred space where your deepest desires can manifest through divine guidance. In this episode we explore the spiritual synergy between our personal effort and Allah's omnipotence, revealing how the subconscious serves as a divine means to bring our prayers to life.  Through practices like affirmations and visualization, you'll learn that these acts are not just self-help tactics but powerful demonstrations of trust in Allah's mercy.The parts of the subconscious mind that are automatic, completely out of our control, and other parts that are changeable and open to receiving hints.  We use the methods in this podcast to optimize the suggestible part of our subconscious mind.
2/6/202420 minutes, 3 seconds
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Illusion of Confidence

Ever found yourself buried in tasks that seem urgent but aren't necessarily important? In this episode I talk about how to tell the difference between façade of busy work and the fulfillment of productive growth. As we navigate through this episode, you'll learn how to infuse barakah into your life, an Islamic concept that emphasizes the significance of intentionality and quality in our pursuits.What in our lives creates the illusion of confidence, and what is REAL confidence. I talk about the role of reflection in differentiating between hollow achievements and meaningful strides. The strength found in steadfastness. What is the harsh truth behind your busyness. Better to find out now and change course rather than when it's too late.
1/30/202419 minutes, 24 seconds
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Women are "TOO" sensitive

Have you ever felt a sting sharper than a bee's when someone's words cut deep? In today's podcast I talk about rejection sensitivity, particularly as it manifests in the lives of Muslim women. The journey through the biological and psychological roots of our need for belonging, the spectrum of sensitivity in neurodiverse individuals, and the nuanced ways our culture and faith intersect with these experiences. The "Balance" between honoring your emotions, cultural expectations and creating self-compassion.  In this episode I talk about how how heightened emotional attunement is not a sign of weakness, but rather a profound depth of character.After listening to this episode, you will consider your rejection sensitivity your strength.
1/23/202421 minutes, 25 seconds
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Negative Embedded Commands

Ever felt like your words were inadvertently setting you up for failure?In this episode we undergo a compelling exploration of the subconscious mind's impact on behavior, where a personal parenting revelation opened my eyes to the unseen power of language. I discuss nuances of embedded commands in neurolinguistic programming, uncovering how the slightest linguistic twist can alter our actions and those of the people around us. Learn to harness your speech to boost teaching, personal development, and, very importantly, how you guide your children toward success.Learn techniques that can reshape your neural pathways, turning dread into confidence and transforming your self-image from that of an under-performer to a champion in your own right.
1/16/202421 minutes, 2 seconds
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Your Earning Capacity

Unleash the financial powerhouse within you, as we journey through the uncharted territories of wealth creation for Muslim women. This episode is a  call to all sisters who feel trapped  by societal norms or self-doubt; it's time to realize that your earning capacity is not just immense—it's infinite.  Because it is directly related to your Value Capacity. Your income reflects the unique value you contribute, transcending the constraints of physical limitations or societal expectations.
1/9/202418 minutes, 12 seconds
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Authenticity for a Woman in Islam

Did you know there's so much more to living a truly genuine life as a Muslim woman?In this chat, I break down the myths about being authentic. It's not just about doing whatever you feel like. How do you balance listening to your immediate emotions and still stay true to your deeper values and big dreams?Authenticity isn't just about the here and now; it's about thriving. Islamic teachings provide a unique perspective on being real that's often missed because it's easier to go with the flow.This heartfelt talk is an invitation to think deeply, adjust your path, and celebrate a life that's genuinely AUTHENTICALLY yours, guided by rules set forth by Allah.Join us for an episode that's more than a talk. It's a step towards a more aware and satisfying life.
1/2/202424 minutes, 54 seconds
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Post-Traumatic Depreciation

Trauma catalyzes change, but not all change is growth. —some events leave you feeling diminished in your self-worthIn this podcast we talk about Post Traumatic Depreciation, a less talked about concept compared to its counterpart post-traumatic growth. We're talking about the fine line between growing and feeling less worthy after trauma, and how important it is to make the right choices when life throws you a curveball, We also talk about what value does faith play in your support through post traumatic depreciation.
12/26/202321 minutes
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Expecting Apologies

How often do we find ourselves trapped in the cycle of seeking apologies? What is the impact of constantly seeking apologies on our mental well-being.?We'll discover how a lack of self-validation leads to a futile search for apologies, causing frustration and disappointment. We'll explore shifting perspectives, learning to see beyond the black and white, and creating trust in our own judgment, ultimately emphasizing the power of self-validation.Now, imagine a place where societal norms fade, and you find validation in a higher power. What is it like to seek validation from Allah (swt) alone, and how this faith in our own perceptions can transform our lives. Listen in, shift your mindset, and empower your life.
12/19/202318 minutes, 10 seconds
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Do you ever feel like obligations are just too much? That they're inescapable necessities that have you caught in a fight or flight response? Let's debunk that myth together. In this episode, we're turning the tables on our brain's primal response to obligations and reframing them as choices. This episode offers insights on how to manage stress and anxiety that come with perceived obligations. We unearth the extraordinary power of choice and the freedom in recognizing that we always have options, even in the face of DAUNTING obligations.Struggling with personal responsibility and decision-making? Well, you're not alone. We'll uncover the importance of owning our decisions, however difficult, and the role of divine guidance in our choices. We'll share valuable insights on how to avoid the pitfall of regret and the power of seeking guidance from Allah in every decision. Listen and apply for a powerful change in your life!
12/12/202321 minutes, 52 seconds
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How Thoughts can Cause Disease

How much influence do our thoughts and emotions truly have on our health? As a personal journey of overcoming conflict avoidance and the toll it took on my health unfolds, you'll discover the fascinating science of epigenetics and the profound role it plays in gene expression. The dogma of genetic determinism is challenged and the power of thoughts and emotions in disease creation is revealed. In this enlightening journey, we'll delve into how belief systems can sway the expression of high-risk cancer genes, even examining studies that link emotional traits with diseases such as breast cancer and ALS. We'll discuss practical strategies to harness mindfulness for better emotional control and disease management. We'll also explore the balance between kindness and truth, and the importance of not sacrificing our emotional health in the process. So, let's take a step towards a healthier future.
12/5/202323 minutes, 7 seconds
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A Nice Muslim Woman: Self-Care and Kindness

Do you find yourself constantly playing the pleaser, supressing your needs for the sake of others? Have you ever felt drained, both emotionally and physically, due to your incessant need to be nice? Let's uncover these complexities together as we discuss how to maintain personal well-being while being considerate and kind to those around us. We will explore actionable ways to create emotional safety and enhance self-awareness so that you can consciously be nice without losing yourself in the journey. Our discussion won't just be confined to personal introspection. We will also seek guidance from Allah to navigate this balance between self-care and being there for others. We'll reflect upon how gratitude and mindfulness can help manage expectations, ensuring we do not lose ourselves whilst serving others. We will also touch upon the importance of our actions being beneficial not just to us, but also to those around us. This episode promises to equip you with the insight and tools to cultivate a conscientiousness that fosters self-growth and helps navigate the fine line between being kind and self-sacrificing. Tune in, and let's unravel this journey together.
11/28/202318 minutes, 40 seconds
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Most Reliable News Channel

There is a profound connection between your emotions and the Quranic terms for news. "khabr" and "naba" two different terms for news yet they both relate to human emotions. Your emotional state, as your personal news broadcaster, constantly relaying messages that you often overlook. This episode is all about understanding these broadcasts and using them to shape a more meaningful life. We dissect the key elements of "naba", and how they parallel with our emotions, emphasizing their importance and potential benefits. There is significance of recognizing Allah's design in our emotional state and how we can use this understanding to align our actions with His will. By the end of this podcast, you will see your emotions as trusted messengers, rather than random, uncontrollable responses.
11/21/202319 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Power of the C-NEAR Algorithm

Prepare yourself for an enlightening journey as we dismantle the intricate workings of our minds using the C-NEAR algorithm! Ever wonder where our thoughts originate - the higher brain or the lower? Intriguing isn't it? How our circumstances are independent of our nervous systems and how our thoughts create emotions, and the profound impacts they have on our actions.Ever caught yourself in a juncture where you are constantly stuck in the same pattern of thoughts, cycling between productive and unproductive outcomes? This podcast describes a fascinating simple framework that enables us to break free from inaction. Let’s explore how we can approach our minds with an attitude of curiosity and compassion. Get ready to be inspired with real-life examples that demonstrate the transformative power of understanding our emotional grid and how this newfound wisdom can restore balance, peace, and positivity in our lives.
11/14/202321 minutes, 44 seconds
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Activated Thoughts

Step inside an enlightening topic that shines a light on 'activated thoughts'; the subconscious, often neglected whispers that can create barriers in your life and manifest as physical symptoms and other limitations. You'll learn about the connection between repressed thoughts and psychosomatic disorders, and how to break free from the chains of self-sabotage.Conscious or not, thoughts create your life. That's how we know you are working with activated thoughts.  Your mind is your most powerful, yet most underutilized tool. We'll talk about discerning the truth from falsehood, breaking away from fleeting fears, and aligning with your true essence. Discover the self-healing power within and experience the transformative journey towards a life filled with wholeness, harmony, and divine connection.
11/7/202317 minutes, 34 seconds
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Making Use of Fear

Can you identify the color, shape, or even movement of your fear? Does the manifestation of it ever surprise you, like the sudden flare-up of anger? Join me as we navigate this complex landscape of fear and learn to manage it with compassion. This episode is a profound exploration into understanding the origins of fear, acknowledging its presence, and devising strategies to master it. Remember, facing your fear is not a sign of weakness; it is the first step towards understanding and controlling it.Fear can be our best ally or our worst enemy; it all depends on how we perceive and handle it. Learn to distinguish between events and your perception of them. Break down your fear into manageable components, and apply resolution and you will be surprised how impactful just this message in this one podcast really is!
10/31/202321 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ready to uncover the secrets of sustainable success and happiness? In this podcast I describe the power of positive, pleasure-driven energy, because here you learn to swap obligation with passion and take on projects that genuinely excite you, ultimately building lives filled with less stress and more joy. Also, is self reliance as imporant as everyone makes it out to be?What about outsourcing? What does that look like? I describe how outsourcing to make things sustainable can be done to our support networks, friends, family, or even machines, learn to share your load and bring balance into your life. Biggest leap towards sustainability is learning how connect to Allah.So, listen in if you're ready for a journey of long term success. Let's create a life that's not just prosperous, but joyous and sustainable.
10/24/202322 minutes, 46 seconds
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Action Amplification

Ever wondered why some people seem to achieve their goals effortlessly while others struggle, despite having the same 24 hours in a day? The secret lies in consistent action, no matter how modest or small it seems. This is called Action Amplification - a concept rooted in the hadith that Allah loves consistent deeds, even if small. We go beyond just understanding the power of action, to discuss practical tips on how to avoid the pitfalls of instant gratification, focusing instead on long-term goals. We see  into how regular, small efforts in fields of faith, relationships, and financial prosperity  result in significant growth. From releasing mind drama to harnessing the power of barakah, this episode is packed with insights to guide you towards the best version of yourself.
10/17/202322 minutes, 11 seconds
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Fact or Fiction: Decoding the Brain's Reality Lens

Ever stumbled upon a perspective or belief that you assumed was universal, only to find it was unique to you? Welcome to the realm of "brain glasses," the personal lens through which we interpret the world around us. This episode unpacks this fascinating concept that roots in your past experiences and beliefs and creates incorrect assumptions and biases that look like facts. I also talk about the neuroscience behind cognitive biases and neuroplasticity.  Because that is the gateway to change.  I discussed how engaging the prefrontal cortex and understanding cognitive biases can lead to more informed decision-making. This episode promises to be your guide to understanding your cognitive processes better and making decisions that truly reflect who you are.
10/10/202320 minutes, 8 seconds
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Cognitive Climb, the Tool of Prosperity

Imagine being able to transform your thoughts and beliefs gradually,  leading you towards your goals. That's what  you'll learn in this episode as we unpack the power and potential pitfalls of affirmations, guided by the concept of cognitive climb. We explore how this gradual shift from less positive beliefs to more aspirational ones is a step wise process. Intrigued about making affirmations work for you? We take a deep look into the concept of cognitive climb - a gentle ascent to positive thinking that feels genuine, believable and manageable. We also discuss the less-talked-about danger of 'toxic positivity' and how forcing yourself to believe for excessively positive thoughts can sometimes backfire. Don’t miss out on the insights on how to leverage cognitive climb for effective thought-changing magic.
10/3/202315 minutes, 35 seconds
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Body Healing with Somatic Exercises

In this episode of the Islamic Life Coach School Podcast, I will guide you on how to navigate  challenges without letting them consume you. Through body-based techniques like progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing, along with alternate nostril breathing, you can begin to heal and find closure. The journey towards self-healing has a learning curve, but with these tools, you can start small and continue to build your practice.I talk about emotional release exercises such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), artistic expression, and the Chasing the Pain technique. I also talk about guided imagery, stretching, and prayers - all tools that can help manage our emotions, and decrease distress. We delve deeper into how prayers, as a form of somatic technique, can root us emotionally, directing the brain's focus to the Divine. Coupled with Somatic level exercises and body awareness techniques, we'll learn how to achieve tranquility and inner peace.
9/26/202323 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to Enjoy Vacations: Rethinking Travel

Have you ever caught yourself daydreaming about your next vacation, painting a grand picture of perfection in your mind - a picture that reality often fails to match? I'm going to help you reshape those expectations and truly savor each travel experience. From understanding the 50-50 structure of life that extends to our vacations, to the traps of idealized illusions, this episode is a must-listen for both seasoned and novice travelers alike.Traveling stirs up many complex emotions - excitement, anticipation, and sometimes, anxiety and disappointment. I'll share insights on how you can navigate these emotions and make the most of your travel experiences. It is all about how we  adjust the language we feed ourselves about vacationing to create a vision of our trips. Let's journey together into reshaping our travel expectations and amplifying our joy of exploration.
9/19/202314 minutes, 15 seconds
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Resilience without Suffering: Balance of Grit and Self-Care

What is the true essence of resilience and what is a modern construct?I attempt to answer that and clarify what resilience is SUPPOSED to meanI tackle the modern day misuse of resilience, particularly its association with incessant productivity and disregard for your well-being. I challenge the norm that women should exhibit constant resilience. To me, recognizing and tending to your own needs before a meltdown is fundamental for your health.Let's embark on a journey to redefine resilience through understanding and respecting our bodies, embracing our roles, and nourishing our faith and humility. I also talk about the concept of grit, its alignment with actual resilience, and the power of prayer in seeking guidance and solace. I invite you to redefine resilience on your own terms and create a personal resiliency plan to manage life's challenges better, improve your mental fitness, and strengthen your bond with Allah SWT.
9/12/202317 minutes, 21 seconds
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Life Changing Art of Protocols

Prepare to wield the power of life-changing protocols . Get ready to illuminate the patterns in your life that require transformation, learn to draft effective mental instructions, vividly visualize desired scenarios, and then execute and tweak your strategies. The beauty of this method is its flexibility, it can transform any part of your life, from your professional etiquette to your personal habits and relationships.Listen to practical examples, such as taming the impulse-buying beast or navigating the storm of a toddler's tantrum with grace. Gain valuable insights into how the human brain interprets negative and positive instructions and learn why rephrasing our mental directives is critical for achieving effective results. We'll also guide you on how to apply this technique in different contexts, be it personal relationships or professional gatherings. Tune in and start your journey towards creating protocols that can truly revolutionize your life.
9/5/202321 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ask Better Questions

Imagine a world where the quality of your life is not determined by external conditions, but by the quality of questions you ask about those conditions. Intrigued? Join us as we explore this profound concept, uncovering how the power of asking the right questions shapes your emotions, actions, and ultimately, your results. Cartesian question method, a powerful technique that could revolutionize the quality of questions you ask yourself.As we journey through this episode, we also discuss the importance of becoming aware of the questions we ask and the emotional energy behind them. YFrom debunking negative assumptions to celebrating the magic of metacognition, this enlightening journey promises to change the way you perceive and ask questions, guiding you towards a more fulfilling life. So, tune in and enrich your life by asking better questions
8/29/202317 minutes, 38 seconds
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Everyday Retirement

Are we destined to slave away our golden years in exchange for a brief shot at leisure in old age? Or could we reimagine a world where we flourish every day in retirement? Let's start to question your conditioned beliefs about work, wealth, and retirement. We probe the FIRE concept (financial independence, retire early) and explore how it can be more than merely accumulating wealth or having endless free time. Learn to integrate the things you love into your current lifestyle, striking a balance between personal fulfillment, responsibilities, and leisure.But that's not all. We dive deeper into the meaning of a purpose-driven life filled with dignity. We discuss how our daily efforts can bring goodness to ourselves and others, and how every moment holds potential for joy and fulfillment. This episode goes beyond the traditional concept of retirement, offering tangible steps to start healing from exploitative labor and laying the groundwork for a life that feels like retirement every day. It's about a life where flourishing isn't put off until the future; it's embraced here and now. Join us as we redefine the essence of FIRE to mean Flourishing in Retirement Every day, and make a conscious choice to flourish today!
8/22/202322 minutes, 23 seconds
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Self Care isn't about YOU

Imagine if there was a way to quieten that relentless inner critic and replace it with a voice of compassion and self-love? We're here to help make that a reality. Join us for a deep exploration of the struggle many women face when embracing self-love and self-care. Drawing from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, we reveal how self-care can actually be a pathway to improving our relationships with both ourselves and others - a fundamental part of our faith. The act of caring for oneself is not just about the act itself but the energy and intention it brings. When we embrace this mindset, we can serve ourselves, others, and Allah in a more meaningful way. As we discover the importance of rest and learn to recognize when it's needed, we can honor the blessings of our bodies and minds.
8/15/202317 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ostentation in Social Media

Ever wondered how much your intentions influence your spiritual practice, particularly in the world of likes, shares, and retweets? Let's explore this pivotal question together in an episode that might make you rethink your next post.  In this episode we tackle the profound topic of intentions in worship and the unforeseen impact of social media on our motives. We'll dig deep into the subconscious promptings behind ostentation and our innate fear of seeming inferior to others. Bearing Quran's stern warnings against performative prayer and the Prophet Muhammad's teachings on ostentation as a form of idolatry, we'll question our actual motivations in communal worship.Pushing the boundaries of our discussion, we'll venture into the challenging realm of social media and its role in maintaining pure intentions. It's a platform that could easily turn into a stage for vanity. We'll reflect on the power of clarifying our motives and asking for forgiveness when we falter, and how we can convert our visibility into a force for good. Highlighting the significance of sincere intentions in prayer, we'll investigate their impact on our relationships. This episode is your invitation to resist the lure of turning prayer into a performance, and instead creating a deeper connection with Allah.
8/8/202321 minutes, 49 seconds
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Conscious Parenting: Present but not Perfect

Have you ever felt like walking a tightrope whenever you try to balance between gentleness and firmness in parenting? Do you find it challenging to stay present and intentional in your interactions with your children? If yes, then this episode is for you. Join us as we journey through conscious parenting – not about perfection, but about being engaged, mindful, and aware. We'll discuss how these principles apply to setting boundaries, providing love and respect, and enforcing rules and consequences, all the while nurturing the emotional intelligence of your child. This episode also shines a spotlight on empathic parenting and the profound importance of understanding and validating your child's emotions. We'll elaborate on the concept of 'emotional bank accounts,' teaching you how to invest in your child's emotional well-being, and enlightening you about loving firmness. By the end, you'll have gained insights that will significantly aid you in your rewarding journey of conscious parenting. Tune in, and let's explore this together.
8/1/202320 minutes, 33 seconds
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From Blame to Power: All about Locus of Control

Do you ever wonder who's really in charge of your life? Today, we're diving into a fascinating chat about something called the locus of control. It's all about whether you believe your life's events are driven by your own actions or external factors, and trust me, it's more exciting than it sounds!Ever had one of those days where everything seems out of your control? If that sounds familiar, it's possible you're leaning more towards an external locus of control. Let's delve into this concept together, using insights from Islamic teachings, and figure out how to shift towards a more empowering internal locus. This change can help us take charge of our lives, boosting our motivation and resilience, all without blaming ourselves.But we're not stopping there. Let's also take a peek at the stages of self-actualization to understand the vital role of taking responsibility for our own lives. You'll learn how understanding your locus of control can lead you to a deeper connection with your purpose and align you with the Divine Will.And hey, it's easy to point fingers at the world when things don't go as planned, right? We're here to challenge that idea and get you back on track towards your true purpose. To wrap up our chat, we'll explore the transformative power of prayer, showing how it can reinforce personal responsibility and give you a sense of peace. Let's uncover together how prayer can bring tranquility and strength into our everyday lives.
7/25/202321 minutes, 32 seconds
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Best Expectations in Relationships

Are you ready to revolutionize your relationships? Join me as we challenge the traditional relationship norms and reveal the concept of "clean expectations." We're going to unravel the reasons behind our inherent expectations and why attaching our emotions to them leads to disappointment. Together, we will learn how to set clean expectations, understanding that our happiness is solely our responsibility and not someone else's. It's time we take a step back, trust ourselves, and believe that we are enough.
7/18/202321 minutes, 30 seconds
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Creating a Comfortable Life

Have you ever wondered why we often find ourselves trapped in patterns and routines, even when they aren't benefitting us? That's the allure of comfort – it subtly tempts us into stagnation.In this episode, I confront the widely held belief that comfort is a trustworthy compass for human experience. I argue that your adherence to comfort may actually be downplaying your accomplishments.I discuss how open emotions  like inspiration, gratitude, and bravery and propose hold the keys to a life of comfort. This may sound paradoxical at first, but it is within our struggles that we find the seeds of growth and transformation. By seeking  strength and wisdom from Allah, we transform our discomfort into actually creating a comfortable life.
7/11/202320 minutes, 26 seconds
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Restorative Killing: Self-Renewal and Spiritual Growth

Imagine regenerating your life by removing damaged elements and making room for healthier growth. Sounds intriguing, right? In this captivating episode, we explore this concept of restorative killing, inspired by the teachings of Islam, and discuss how it can lead to self-renewal and self-improvement. Listen in as we dive into the importance of self-reflection and cultivating positive traits such as compassion, honesty, and gratitude during this transformational process.Facing fears and overcoming conflicts is challenging sure, but what if you could transform fear into spiritual fuel for growth? Discover how to tap into your passion, create heart liberation, and mentally fortify yourself in this  deep and insightful conversation. We also discuss connecting with Allah SWT to aid in overcoming internal struggles and releasing what no longer serves us. Don't miss this eye-opening and transformative episode!
7/4/202317 minutes, 25 seconds
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Enhancing Your Life Through Paradox of Emotions

Have you ever imagined unlocking the mystery of your emotions and using them to enrich your life? A diverse range of emotions creates a more vibrant life. Paradox is more than opposites!In today's heartfelt discussion, we come to an understanding how this paradox guides us in making wiser decisions, increases your emotional intelligence, and enhance your resilience.Ever wondered how marketers exploit your left brain's propensity to be super analytical, often distancing you from your emotional core? We'll uncover these tactics, granting you a deeper insight into the interplay of emotions and how to overcome consumerism.Embracing your emotions is the key to unlocking a fuller,  more enriched life. Emotions,  while they are considered feminine, and therefore somehow inferior, are running the show. So might as well learn how to master them!
6/27/202320 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Power of Receiving, Breaking up with Undeservingness.

Can you recall the last time you genuinely allowed yourself to receive a gift, compliment, or act of kindness without worrying about what you had to give back? In today's enlightening conversation, we uncover the power of receptivity and its profound impact on our lives. By nurturing self-love and setting healthy boundaries, we pave the way for a deeper sense of self-worth and a richer life experience.Join us as I share personal stories of embracing abundance, exploring the importance of respect in relationships, and cultivating an attitude of gratitude for the boundless goodness surrounding us. Open your heart to the limitless mercy of Allah, and discover how you, too, can break free from self-imposed chains of undeservingness. Let's embark on this journey together, and watch our lives transform through the art of receiving.
6/20/202321 minutes, 38 seconds
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Power of Virtues and Goals

What if you could elevate your intentions and actions in daily life by understanding the difference between values and virtues in Islam? Join me as I discuss how our faith system can help us anchor ourselves against non-changing values and achieve our goals while keeping Allah as the highest authority. We'll examine how our internal moral compass is subject to change, and how having clear values can help us reach our goals. Plus, we'll explore the importance of remembering to have an elevated intention behind our actions for the sake of Allah, even when striving towards seemingly materialistic goals.Morality doesn't have to be tied to religion but virtues areListen in to learn how to start elevating your intentions behind all your actions.
6/13/202316 minutes, 43 seconds
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Universal Patterns of Change

In this episode I describe multiple powerful tools and techniques to create lasting change, from Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) to psychedelics and beyond. Learn how to regulate your nervous system. There are also body based modalities like deep breathing and grounding exercises.Fear of making the wrong decision about which change work to choose? I also talk about how to make that decision.  Explore the benefits of coaching as an efficient tool for personal growth and find countless resources right at your fingertips. Embrace judgment-free reflection, adjust your plans without self-blame, and celebrate small successes on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself. Let's ask Allah SWT to bless us with the courage to embrace change with open hearts and transform our lives!
6/6/202319 minutes, 17 seconds
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Self Regulation using Polyvagal Theory

Get ready to dive into an all-new episode of the Islamic Life Coach School podcast, where we're unpacking the ground-breaking Polyvagal Theory. Learning new concepts that actually help you in real life! There is autonomic nervous system,  neuroception, and the layers of hierarchy within the polyvagal theoryI break it down in a friendly chat, revealing how these principles can be your best allies in self-regulation, and how they tie into achieving a balanced mind-body unity. If you're a professional Muslim woman looking to boost your overall well-being and productivity, you'll find this podcast incredibly insightful.Understanding Polyvagal Theory isn't just a tool for self-regulation. It's also a key player in managing stress, building emotional resilience, and improving your relationships.So listen in where I break down the concepts behind intersection of neuroscience and personal development.
5/30/202336 minutes, 14 seconds
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Healing Power of Mind Body Connection

There is a whole World of Mind-Body Connection.Slowly I describe how to make sense of it allAnd in this podcast I describe how thought work is not void of the emotional components, how working with your mind is congruent with working with your body. In this episode we learn how your thoughts influence your emotions, actions, and overall life experiences. I talk about my mind limitations and how I explored by frustration and my self-righteousness.  I explore the significance of understanding and processing your emotions to create lasting change. This podcast guides you through the art of thought work and subsequent emotional . Take charge of your well-being and experience the transformative power of embracing the interconnectedness of your mind and body through replicable method of C-NEAR algorithm.Ready to embark on your healing journey? Book your coaching appointment now and start your path to personal growth and fulfillment.
5/23/202321 minutes, 48 seconds
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Organize your Life, from Chaos to Calm

Creating clutter free spaces starts with Harmony Within, creating a clam mind and body is the SECRET to creating an organized space. This episode is for Muslim women in their pursuit of a more organized and balanced life. In this episode, we delve into the transformative power of organizing your mind and creating clutter-free spaces, exploring how these practices can foster inner calmness and serenity. There is MAJOR significance in organizing your mind, and in this episode we discover exactly how to do that. Take notes, revisit this information again, and keep up with small changes to see big changes in your life. Don't forget to leave a review in the podcast platform of your choice, so that other Muslim Women can discover this message.
5/16/202318 minutes, 5 seconds
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Goal Getter

Get ready to level up your goal-setting game with this episode of 'Goal Getter'. We dive deep into the importance of process over outcome, and how to achieve goal clarity for maximum results, there are powerful insights that explain why we face anxiety related to our goals and what to do about it. Goals setting can actually be a pleasurable experience. It does not have to be about constant hustle. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to take their goal-setting to the next level. Tune in now and become a true 'Goal Getter
5/9/202325 minutes, 10 seconds
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Overcoming Social Anxiety

As Muslim women, we sometimes feel like outsiders in social situations. Whether it's at work, school, or even within our own communities, social anxiety holds us back from connecting with others and pursuing our goals. But what if we could learn to overcome our social anxiety and build the confidence we need to thrive?In this episode, we explore strategies for overcoming social anxiety specifically tailored to Muslim women. From building a support system to developing positive self-talk, to repeated proven methods that you can start to practice today that will give you results. All of this so can feel more confident in social situations. So if you're ready to overcome social anxiety and start living a more fulfilling life, this episode is for you. And if you're interested in taking the next step towards working with a mindset coach  for Muslim women to take your social game to the next level, I invite you to book a free initial consult.
5/2/202325 minutes, 19 seconds
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Creating a Powerful Life

Create a Powerful Life!Unlock your inner power and create a life filled with purpose, strength, and positivity with our empowering podcast episode. In this thought-provoking episode, I explore the source of power within Muslim women, placed there by Allah, and how you can use it to overcome challenges and obstacles in your lives. I talk about how to harness this inner strength through prayer, meditation, and reflection, providing practical tips on how to create a powerful future for yourself.But it doesn't stop there. By taking control of your life and creating a powerful future, you can unlock your full potential and achieve greatness. I  encourage my audience to take the first step towards a powerful future by accessing the strength within themselves.Don't wait to start creating a life of greatness. Tune in to our empowering podcast episode and discover the TRUE source of strengthIf this podcast is helping you, consider making an appointment for a free consult call today
4/25/202321 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Millionaire Mindset: Lessons from Corinne Crabtree

In this episode of the podcast I welcome one of my most successful mentors, Corinne Crabtree. She is a master certified life coach with an 8-figure business,  Corinne's entrepreneurial journey is impressive, having built a business that generates 10 million dollars per year from scratch. She is also a leading voice in the weight loss and business industry, having helped over 1 million women through her free weight loss course and her No BS Weightloss Program.Corinne shares insights on how her approach to business can help women break generational curses and achieve personal health and wealth. She also discusses how to approach risk-taking, decision-making, and innovation in business, and how to stay motivated in the face of setbacks and failures. Additionally, Corinne shares her thoughts on the qualities necessary for success as an entrepreneur, how to delegate tasks effectively, and what her plans are for the future of her business and career.Following are the ways to work with her:Losing 100 Podcast/No BS Weightloss Program Facebook - - @Corinne_CrabtreeNo BS Business WomenFacebook - - @NoBSBusinessWomen
4/18/202342 minutes, 4 seconds
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Turn Faith into Action: Results vs Outcomes

In this episode, we delve into the powerful role of mindset in creating the results we desire, how much divine intervention plays a role, how much we are responsible and if how outcomes of our actions are different than the results of our actions. This difference between outcomes and results proves extremely important when we are trying to take strong actions. This approach will help you with a faith based approach behind all of your actions. We also briefly examine the concept of self-fulfilling prophecies and the way our thoughts can either propel us towards success or hold us back from achieving our goals. Whether you're a seasoned self-improvement enthusiast or simply looking for inspiration and guidance on your personal growth journey, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in now and discover faith based action strategies. If you want to take your journey from podcast learning to experiential change then make an appointment for a free mini session today:
4/11/202320 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ethical Confidence: Success without Arrogance

In this podcast episode, I explore the delicate balance between self-assurance and humility that is crucial for professional Muslim women to succeed in their careers. I discuss the challenges of maintaining a strong sense of confidence while avoiding arrogance, and offer methods for how Muslim women can cultivate ethical confidence in their lives. I discuss how fear of arrogance and self-pride strangles a woman's confidence and how they suffer because of it. Through reflection and introspection, I explore how we can align our values and beliefs with our actions in the workplace, ultimately contributing to a positive and successful professional journey. Tune in to gain new insights into how to cultivate ethical confidence as a Muslim woman, and discover the power of ethical decision-making in building a fulfilling and successful careerFor free initial consultation:
4/4/202323 minutes, 30 seconds
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Saving Children from Pain

In this episode of our podcast,  I explore the concept of gentle but firm parenting and how it can positively impact our children's emotional and behavioral development. As Muslim women who lead busy lives, I understand the amount of expert advice that is  out there, and it can be dizzying,!But here I share a method with you that is universal, and incorporating this approach into our daily routines is super easy and widely beneficial.Join me as I discuss how to balance discipline and compassion to raise resilient, confident, and empathetic children in today's world, And how you can save them from pain. (or can you?)Tune in now to learn more!submit questions to [email protected]://
3/28/202321 minutes, 21 seconds
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From Amateur to Expert

In this episode, we explore how Muslim women can harness their uniqueness to become experts in their personal and professional lives, even in the age of AI. As technology continues to transform the job market and the way we work, it's essential that we embrace our differences and leverage them to our advantage.We'll discuss practical strategies for setting achievable goals and developing skills that will enable us to succeed in our chosen fields. We'll also delve into the how do we navigate the challenges of personal and professional growth.We ALL have perspectives and experiences that are valuable in a world that is increasingly diverse and interconnected. By embracing our differences and using them to our advantage, we can become experts in our fields and make valuable contributions to society.Join us for an inspiring conversation on how to go from amateurs to experts by embracing our uniqueness as Muslim women in the age of AI. Whether you're just starting out in your career, trying to create a peaceful and loving home,  or looking to take your skills to the next level, this episode offers everything you need to achieve your goals.
3/21/202328 minutes, 9 seconds
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Culture of People Pleasing

This episode is specifically tailored towards Muslim women who are struggling with people pleasing tendencies in their daily lives.During this episode, we will explore various made-up diagnoses that explain the language of people pleasing thought processes. I delve deep into the reasons why individuals may adopt such tendencies. I provide alternative, life and sanity saving methods on how to break free from these habits.By the end of this podcast, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the impact of people pleasing on your mental and emotional well-being. You'll also be equipped with tools and strategies to help you prioritize your own needs and boundaries without compromising your values as a Muslim woman.So tune in to this episode and learn how to overcome people pleasing tendencies and live a more authentic and fulfilling life.Leave a review so more Muslim women can discover this message :)
3/14/202318 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Agreeableness Factor

Welcome !This episode designed specifically for Muslim women struggling to balance the values of agreeableness and the need for authority and autonomy in their lives. Join me as I explore the nuances of agreeableness, its impact on relationships and decision-making, and how it can sometimes lead to a loss of personal autonomy. I give small actionable strategies, that create a big impact so you can navigate this complex issue and make informed choices that align with their beliefs and values. Tune in to gain valuable insights and enhance your personal growth journey. Don't forget to leave us a review  :)
3/7/202323 minutes, 49 seconds
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Mental Health and Relationships

This is a summary of a talk I recently gave for a successful organization. In this episode you will have a deeper understanding of the connection between their thoughts, emotions, and actions, and how they can choose to react in a way that supports their mental health. We talk about mental health in settings of our relationships, how we can use our relationships to support us and how to create joy, peace and gratitude the right way. 
2/28/202323 minutes, 54 seconds
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Expert Vs Authority: Which is More Valuable?

As you begin listening to  this episode, you'll learn about the crucial difference between the expert and authority. Expert - someone who possesses a deep understanding and knowledge of a specific subject matter. Authority is your individual power and your capacity to make your own decision, regardless of whether your possess expertise or not.We talk about role of Muslim women, who are often subject to patriarchal structures and societal expectations that limit their agency and decision-making power.  I share what I see in the workplace and in my coaching practice, about why authority is often more important for Muslim women than expertise alone.Use the link below to join our mailing list and get notified about Wisdom Wednesdays, FREE coaching opportunities see you guys there!
2/21/202328 minutes, 49 seconds
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Apprehension of Joy

Joy is one my favorite emotions. Its rather under-experienced because of a phenomenon I call Apprehension of Joy. We kill joy before we fully get to experience it  That is why I recorded this podcast where you're about to dive into insights and understanding about how we are sometimes apprehensive of Joy and how it is experienced by Muslim Women. This podcast explores the unique experiences of you as a Muslim woman when it comes to joy.  Gain a deeper understanding of how you perceive, embrace, and sometimes shy away from joy.If you want to join Wisdom Wednesdays FREE coaching, then click the link to get on the mail list and we will send you the details. That is a great place for you start practicing fully embracing your joy.  .
2/14/202318 minutes, 35 seconds
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Freedom from Emotional Pain

Assalamu alaikum sisters, in this episode we will discuss ways to minimize emotional pain. It may come as a surprise to some of you, but it's not possible to go through life without experiencing any pain. Society often tells us that feelings like stress, burnout, confusion, sadness, etc. are not normal, but the truth is, they are normal!We will delve into the different types of emotional pain, and distinguish between the pain that you want to get rid of and the pain that can actually be beneficial for your growth. This type of discomfort is referred to as functional pain and it should only be present for a limited period of time. Let's learn how to navigate these feelings together.Get on my email list by signing up from the link below, this way you will get notifications about Wisdom Wednesdays Free Group coaching sessions for Muslim Women. See you guys soon InshaAllah
2/7/202330 minutes, 33 seconds
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Being Consumed by Hate

Here we talk about how to  live around people that hate you and and how to NOT let other people's hate consume youThis episode discusses the strategy of living among haters and avoiding the negative impact of their hate. The host even suggests letting them hate, learn why it can be so be so liberating and beneficial.To get notifications for Wisdom Wednesdays FREE group coaching session, click the link below, sign up for the free PDF to get on our email list, and watch out for weekly reminders along with the zoom link. See you guys there!
1/31/202325 minutes, 14 seconds
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Embracing Authenticity, Joy of Being You

In this Episode, discover the power of embracing authenticity and the joy of being yourself. Here we explore  self-acceptance and self-love,  with a an uplifting perspective on living a life true to yourself. Experience the journey of self-discovery and empowerment as a Muslim woman as we delve into the complexities of balancing faith, culture, and individuality,  navigating societal expectations while staying true to yourself. Tune in and learn how to embrace your unique qualities and find joy in being you.Check out our other resources
1/24/202321 minutes, 23 seconds
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Mind Over Triggers

In this podcast, you'll discover the power of your thoughts and how they shape your habits. I deliver insight into the science of conditioning and how it affects your behavior. Learn how to take control of your thoughts and decondition negative patterns, rather than just relying on restrictive strategies. This podcast offers practical tips and tools to help you improve your mental health and wellbeing.Don't let bad habits control your life any longer. Tune in to this episode and start taking the first steps towards a healthier, happier you. Whether you're struggling with addiction, procrastination, or other negative patterns, this podcast offers valuable insights and strategies for breaking free. Listen now. schedule a Free mini coaching session on the topic of triggers today!
1/17/202324 minutes, 3 seconds
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Living Your Best Life

In this episode I describe the difference between truly automatic and seemingly automatic actions that we take. There is a huge difference between flinching when touched with a sharp object and ordering an extra large iced latte. They both seem like automatic actions but only one of them is truly automatic. Listen in to this podcast to find out how we are starting to live our lives at the mercy of these automatic actions until we move further and further away from our best life. Make an appointment for a free consultation to see how I can help you decondition your unwanted actions, and how I can help you live your best life, see you soon !
1/10/202321 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Productivity Boost: Effective Multitasking

People say don't multitask, but we do it anyways. Is it hurting us? Is it helping us be more productive?In this episode I give you this exact answer. I describe in detail where multitasking is effective and where it is not. Improve your productivity as a Muslim woman, I tackle the controversial topic of multitasking and I explore whether it can help or hinder your productivity.  Concepts described here will help you in areas of work-life balance, time management and efficiency without hustle. If topics in this podcast have helped you, I would truly appreciate if you can leave a review :)
1/3/202322 minutes, 30 seconds
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Resolution Revolution

I had decided a long time ago  that I was not going to talk about New Year's Resolutions. But it turns out, a lot of you guys have failed resolutions and are creating a lot of pain for yourself. So, I decided to create this podcast to help you make your resolutions successful. As usual, there is a fresh new perspective on how to create and achieve new goals, what gets in the way and how to actually enjoy the process. Learning to accomplish new things is a learned behavior. You are wired for comfort,  new year's resolutions are about growth and discomfort. So, this podcast is here for you avoid most common pitfalls that result in failed resolutions. Don't forget to leave a review on the podcast platform of your choice. 
12/27/202222 minutes, 59 seconds
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12 Steps to AA

AA for Apologies AnonymousFirst of all, don't over-apologizeBut you have a genuine need for it and if you want to apologize in a situation where it will bring you healing in a relationship, then follow the 12 steps of how to apologize in this podcast. 
12/20/202218 minutes, 24 seconds
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Profitable Thinking

Profitability is a measure of how well a business or investment is doing in terms of generating income. But what does that have to do with life coaching?Profitable Thinking is what I describe as spending mental capital towards generating a profit in your life. That can be in the shape of money, relationship satisfaction, peace of mind, goal accomplishment or spiritual connection. There is a way to engage in more Profitable Thinking and this podcast describes exactly how to do that.I describe engaging in mental hygiene as one of the basic steps of Profitable Thinking, and here is the link to the PDF where you can get started.  
12/13/202221 minutes, 57 seconds
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Enjoy Life More

There is so much to life that we can enjoy, but most of it is overlooked. This podcast is about discovering the art of how to enjoy enjoy life more. Enjoying the easy and the hard, and everything in between. Enjoyment is a feeling that we can choose to create, just takes some conscious decision making. Listen to this episode and start enjoying the now. 
12/6/202220 minutes, 23 seconds
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Intuition is a concept can be very vague and fleeting, depending on how it is described. That is why in this episode I describe intuition in concrete terms and I present certain self-imposed restrictions that humans apply to itThe whole point of this podcast is for me to show you that your intuition can work in multiple ways, and is a scientifically proven fact. So the sooner you start to increase this talent, the better off you'll be!Don't forget to leave me a review in the platform of your choice ;)
11/29/202221 minutes, 38 seconds
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Let go of Shame

How awesome would it be to recognize shame?And then to learn a  stepwise process to deconstruct shame?In this episode we do exactly that. Shame is causing a lot more internal hurt than we recognize. So through information in this episode, I tell you guys how to recover from that hurt. 
11/22/202223 minutes, 56 seconds
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Important Subtle Messages

Our brain is always processing information, but it is mostly doing it for the conscious bits of informationIn this episode, I talk about how we can learn to listen to the subconscious subtle messages behind our apparent and obvious thoughts. I am telling you guys, these subtle messages are SO SO so important because they are not the most obvious, they carry some of the most needed information. Information that we can use to design our lives, rather than living at the mercy of it. Listen to this podcast and make note of where you are going to be keeping an open mind and how you are going to detecting the messages that are hovering right under your consciousness awareness. You are welcome to schedule a free consult if you need to expedite the learning ;)
11/15/202222 minutes, 29 seconds
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How to Forgive

Forgiveness is a liberating experience when done right. But what is the right way to forgive someone?  Listen to this episode to find out. self coaching tool PDF as promised. 
11/8/202219 minutes, 41 seconds
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Celebrating Friendships

How exciting is it to have friends in our lives that just get us?They know our tendencies, quirks and strengths, and they stick around through all of it. In this podcast I describe how we can strengthen these bonds, and how we can repair them. I also talk about where our own tendencies can sabotage these relationships.I envision that InshAllah after listening to this episode you can start to nurture a relationship with a friend that truly brings you joy. Watch my 100 episode celebration by following me on social media
11/1/202221 minutes, 5 seconds
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Highlights of ILCS Concepts

Today marks the 100th episode of my podcast. Alhamdullilah, I could not be more grateful!Thank you for making this a successful endeavor.  It fills my heart to when I hear your success stories based on the concepts you learn in this podcast. My 100th episode is a collection of some of my most transformative messages and I hope you guys enjoy these highlights. Please contact me at [email protected] with further feedback or questionsLove, peace and blessings be for all of you
10/25/202252 minutes, 29 seconds
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Parenting Successfully

This is not just another one of those parenting podcasts. Topics that I discuss in this podcast serve as a great reminder of what successful parenting looks like.  A lot of the discussion has to do with self-parenting, so listen and see what success mindsets can you take out of this episode!Serious about taking your parenting and  self-parenting to the next level? an appointment for a free mini session and see if we are a right fit for each other to take your parenting skills to the next level.Children are supposed to a source of joy, if they are not then you NEED to learn self-parenting skills first!I am certain you will enjoy this podcast-with love and DUAS for all. 
10/18/202224 minutes, 27 seconds
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Self Pity

This is not a fun title for a podcast, but it IS an extremely important topic. Self Pity can be so subtle and unrecognizable at times and completely rob us of our life's purpose. This emotion doesn't feel goodBut its low frequency doesn't feel too bad either. Which is why it escapes under the radar for a long timeListen to this podcast to see if this  emotional baggage is something you are carrying around under your awareness. Also, in this episode I discuss how to differentiate between depression and prolonged self pity. 
10/11/202226 minutes, 23 seconds
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What Life Coaching is Not

This topic has been a long time coming because in this episode I discuss what are the most common misconceptions about life coaching. I also describe many ideas that will help you in your own journey of self actualization and help you see areas of your blocks. Don't forget to leave this podcast a review ;)
10/4/202220 minutes, 17 seconds
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Keep Taking Action

Where do we draw the line of taking too much action vs leaving it to Allah?How much action is too much?How do we incorporate the metaphysical realities of our faith, with physical realities of the world? I address these and so many other deep questions in this podcast. You will walk away with a different and constructive outlook after listening to this episode inshaAllah, If this podcast makes a difference in your life, please consider leaving a review. ;)
9/27/202219 minutes, 45 seconds
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Evaluation is the path to Ihsan

I want you guys to reconsider the way you evaluate your results. There is a wrong and a right way to do this. Right way will feel freeing, not as judgmental, and will give you an improved result next time you take action.  The wrong way will not let you move past asking the question, what needs to change here? because the answer to that question will be full of judgment. In this podcast, I make a claim that judgement blocks the life of ihsan, and evaluation from non-judgment actually promotes it. Listen in to see how that is true. 
9/20/202219 minutes, 5 seconds
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Intentions vs. Impact

Sometimes there is a huge gap between what we think we want to do, and what ends up happening.Intentions are sentences in our mind that generate an outcome. This outcome is our impact. Mostly, if our impact is the not the same as our intentions, then chances are we need to reveal some subconscious patterns that are creating a completely different impact. In this podcast I give examples and show you guys different ways how to improve our impact. This is a powerful concept, so listen again, take notes, whatever it takes to embody it.Don't forget to leave me a good review on the podcast platform of your choice ;)
9/13/202216 minutes, 6 seconds
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Up-leveling your Duas

There is a level of dua that all of us a able to reach with ease and flow when we are desperate. But in this podcast we explore a deeper and more positive level of connection through duas.
9/6/202224 minutes, 26 seconds
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Energy Management

Time management is a huge field with a lot of benefits if you apply the concepts to your life correctly. Similarly, there is the idea of energy management that is EXTREMELY beneficial if you start to practice this in your life to maximize your results. By maximizing results I do not mean hustle, I mean you are able to achieve barakah in your time, where time expands to fit your need inshaAllah.Follow the link below to follow  my upcoming FREE, live webinars. right now I have a webinar series going on called  "Create 20 hours of free time in your week" the ART of energy management, instead of just time management. Both have their place, but managing your energy will take you to the next level of performance.  ;)
8/30/202219 minutes, 26 seconds
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It is super important to have a tidy physical space, but also super important to have a tidy mental space. Here we talk about both. Decluttering and minimalism go hand in hand, but they don't have to. Decluttering can lead to minimalism which is an awesome lifestyle if you ask me, but you don't have to be a minimalist to declutter. In this podcast we talk about many areas where we might be living a cluttered life. Take small steps towards decluttering and watch the reward system of your brain kick in, and then you can move on to bigger projects. If this podcast has helped you, InshaAllah, don't forget to leave a review!
8/23/202217 minutes, 6 seconds
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Throw Away your To-Do List

To-Do lists feel so important, and it is to a level but it is not as important as everyone makes it out to beThere are a few steps that go into the process of productivity that I teach. The one very important step is to show up in integrity with yourself. You will learn all about this step in this podcast. and then the Final step will be to throw away the To-Do list. This is the process by which we show up with our highest intentions and aspirations towards our lives. this link for a course coming up "Create 20 hours of Free time in a week without giving up your activities"  This course will be presenting live for FREE in the upcoming weeks. So make sure not to miss out. Share this info with others, and leave me a review on your podcast platform so others can find this message ;)
8/16/202221 minutes, 46 seconds
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Personification of Emotions

Google defines Personification as:  the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.We can use the method of personification to help us visualize abstract concepts, and the best use of this method is to use it to better get in tough with your emotions. In this emotion, I talk about how it was difficult for me to experience the feelings of curiosity and how I changed it so that I can tap into this emotion to fuel my creativity. Use this method to better get in tough with any emotion that you want to enjoy! Pleasure, satisfaction, happiness. You might have been denying yourself positive emotions for so long that now you are completely detached from those sensations. This process of personification of emotions that I outline in this podcast, helps you get in touch with these positive emotions so you can capitalize on that energy and channel it to create a dream life InshaAllah. 
8/9/202219 minutes, 11 seconds
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Having Difficult Conversations with Ease

The world is filled with different people.Everyone brings their own experience to the table, and sometimes their experience does not match yours. So, what do to in situations where you need to have a difficult conversation? Sometimes it is from a position of leadership, sometimes as a parent, sometimes as a child to parents that seem inflexible. In this podcast, we talk about how to have difficult conversations with ease. Take notes or listen to it again  and again. Whatever you need to do to see the transformation. You have the method here, you just have to implement it. Because difficult conversations can be a part of every relationship, so why not make them easy?
8/2/202217 minutes, 18 seconds
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Improving your mood

Sometimes our mood is great, and everything is fun and peachy. Other times not so much. In this episode we explore the difference between mood, temperament and personality, and how we can improve our mood if we wanted to. A lot of times situation calls for sadness, other times we respond with sadness because that's all we have practiced and despair becomes our default disposition.  Here we talk about making serenity and calmness our default disposition.Please consider leaving a review for this podcast!
7/26/202215 minutes, 23 seconds
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Review of the Basics

I review the basic concepts of my teachings in this episode. It is a condensed version of what actually creates change, and it is an extremely effective method. it is simple, but it is not easy. It requires practice and patience with yourself. In this episode, i go from general to specific of what we are dealing with as a human being and how to up level our lives. this link to get access to main message of the my mental health webinar, and to gain access to the free workbook PDF
7/19/202223 minutes, 8 seconds
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Upgrade Interests to Commitment

There is huge difference be interest and commitment, and this little piece of information will solve so much of your mind drama.Muslim women spend a lot of thinking about all the things they want to do, but never get around to doing them. In this episode, I teach you guys to give yourselves permission to have interests and up level to commitment when you are ready. 
7/12/202216 minutes, 13 seconds
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Creating Confidence

So many of us struggle with creating confidence. In this episode, I tackle this myth of  where confidence actually comes from and how to actually go about creating confidence, Because if you are not creating that, you are creating self doubt. We get good at one thing or another, so why not learn to spend energy in creating confidence? 
7/5/202212 minutes, 44 seconds
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Talk with Mrs. Hashimi

I had the honor of interviewing host of Once Upon a Crescent podcast, Mrs. Hashimi. I can't wait for you guys to listen to this episode. She is so genuine in sharing her struggles and in her success.  She is truly an example of what's possible if you set your mind to it and I want us all to learn from what she has to share with the world. link to her podcast: @mrshashimi
6/28/202237 minutes, 37 seconds
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Mental Time Machine

May be physical time machines still need to be invented, and we are getting closer to doing that. But all of us can travel time with our thoughts. Actually, all of us are already doing that., we are just doing it subconsciously. We keep telling ourselves our past was a certain way based on default programing. But lets use neuroplasticity to our advantage. Let re-write the stories of our past with intentionality. is where you will find the PDF I mention in this episode. Lets get working on the past, so we can create a different future.  And don't forget to attend the webinar,  Sunday June 26th at 1 pm EDT
6/21/202217 minutes, 25 seconds
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Talk with coach Shazia Imam

Guest for today's podcast is a beautiful soul inside and out.She is engineer tuned life coach who has created great success in her life with the tools she shares in this episode.She is a strong advocate for wealth and success of Muslim Women and has many resources that you can take advantage of if your own growth journey. Her short bio"Shazia Imam, is an Award-Winning Speaker, ICF Certified Coach and host of the Top 12 Podcast - Feminine & Fulfilled. After experiencing her own life fall apart after losing her son and then husband, Shazia realized it was a Divine push to begin living her REAL life. This blossomed into finding her soulmate, discovering her feminine power, and living her deep purpose...One which involves women unleashing their WHOLE selves to feel fulfilled, happy and whole."https://www.thelifeengineer.com handles: @thelifeengineer @feminineandfulfilled #feminineandfulfilled #feminineandfulfilledpodcast
6/14/202232 minutes, 53 seconds
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I enjoy ME time. I look forward to it. But that's wasn't always the case. ME time that I am talking about is about solitude, being able to be with your thoughts. Solitude is the sunnah of the Prophet PBUH, 1st revelation came at the time of deep solitude and contemplation. Once you get better at the practice of solitude,  you will LOVE the whole idea. In thi spodcast, find out how to exactly start this practice is the link to the webinar coming up. 
6/7/202216 minutes, 40 seconds
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Responsibility can be a heavy word for some. Coming into adulthood comes with a lot of responsibilities and most of us live a burdened life because of them. But in this episode, I describe responsibilities in a way that will change your outlook on adulthood. Being an adult can be fun, empowering and liberating. Let's work on being a responsible adult how I define it here and I promise, you will gain control on your life and earn people's respect!
5/31/202222 minutes, 50 seconds
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Parenting Patterns

We don't spend a lot of time trying to understand our parenting patterns. And that might be for good reason. It might be because we don't know what we are going to do with that information once we have it. Ok, I have a anxious parenting style, or a controlling parenting style. I found out what my parenting style, now what?It's that uncertainty of how to change our parenting styles, is what keeps us stuck in them. But these styles are exactly what create the pain and disconnection in a relationship. Listen to this episode where we go into more detail on this topic and provide insightful solutions about how to approach parenting differently. This is the link to the upcoming webinar, Managing explosions in kids,  that I mentioned in this podcast: webinar is on Sunday May 29th at 1 pm EDT( after this date you might find information on other useful webinars on this link)
5/24/202222 minutes, 48 seconds
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Accountability 2.0

Hot topicWhat is true accountability and if having other people as accountability partners, the right way to do it or not?Life is becoming complex, goals are higher reaching and long term. Collectively as humans, we need to have a strong self accountability muscle so we can actually realize our goals and dreams. Listen in to this episode to see how to approach it for maximum impact. 
5/17/202219 minutes, 55 seconds
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Opposite of Love

We talk a lot about what fuels human beings. And that is emotions. Yes food fuels us, but that's the physical type of fuel.  I am talking about what propels to take actionMostly we are taking action from emotion that is the opposite of love. Can you guys guess what that is?It is not hate, I will tell you that much!Listen to this episode to find out what the opposite of love is, and if we want to to continue to choose it as a fuel of our actions. 
5/10/202223 minutes, 11 seconds
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Permission to Feel

Giving ourselves enough breathing room is a good thing. But lets do the same for our emotions. This episode, permission to feel, is about giving your emotions breathing room. Giving these powerful forces, we call feelings, enough time and space to vibrate through us. Listen and and learn tips on exactly how to do that. 
5/3/202219 minutes, 24 seconds
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Gift of Acceptance

We commonly fight with ourselves trying to accept things they way they are.  But accepting reality is actually very easy. The internal fight ensues when we accept our thoughts and start calling them facts. In this episode learn how to give yourself the correct gift of acceptance. Please email me with any questions  or your take on the topic at [email protected]. I would love to hear from you
4/26/202220 minutes
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Command your Mind

In this episode I describe a powerful concept of how to get your mind to think what you want it to think. This concept can be used to change your self image and it can be used to find more concentration in your acts of prayers. We usually let an automatic script run in our heads that becomes our identify, but here i describe how you can re-write that script and create powerful and lasting change in your life. 
4/19/202222 minutes, 26 seconds
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Blame and Regret

In this episode we talk about two very strong forcesForces of blame and regret!This thought and feeling pair can either derail your life, or set it up for success. Listen to this episode to learn how you can use these constructively. Please follow this link to uncover your patterns of blame and regret through self coaching.
4/12/202219 minutes, 28 seconds
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Changing Core Beliefs

There are some core beliefs that serve us very well, but then there are some that keep us tied down. Luckily, core beliefs can be changed. In this episode we talk about how limited core beliefs are holding you back and what to do to change them. Please visit to download a FREE guide on how to start recognizing patterns in your thoughts and identify what core beliefs you are actually operating from. 
4/5/202216 minutes, 56 seconds
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Talk with Coach Janet Nambi

Listen to get great insights into what coaching is all about and borrow many life changing thoughts from Coach Janet Nambi. She joined us from Uganda and is causing transformations across the world through her coaching.Please see below for all her resources @unconsciousbrilliancebyjn
3/29/202226 minutes, 1 second
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Are problems overwhelming you? Lets find out how we can create solutions. In this podcast we dive deep into how the problems are created and how to solve them. As a human being, you are given the intelligence to solve for your own problems.  If you are trapped in a self limiting belief that you can't solve the problems, or you don't you are smart enough to do so, I will remind you that 1st of they are JUST well repeated self limiting beliefs, and 2nd, you will find simple answers in this podcast inshaAllah. Don't forget to leave me a review on your podcast platform!
3/22/202219 minutes, 6 seconds
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Dopamine Detox

Dopamine is a fascinating chemical. With tons of research and so many different opinions, how do we know what to follow and who to believe?In this episode, we break down the most important things we need to know about this chemical and what are the practical implications of it specially when it comes to addictions. This is an under utilized science when it come to building your spirituality. Please listen in and find out how. !
3/15/202226 minutes, 8 seconds
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Honest Tea Talk co-host Sumayah Hassan

AMAZING!Is the word I would use to describe this interview with Sis Sumayah Hassan, she is none other than the co-host of Host Tea Talk. . She is approachable and humble, but don’t mistake that for inexperience. She is well versed in the relationship realms of a Muslim woman and provides words of wisdom that will for sure be life changing.Listen and find what thoughts you will adopt as your own to create a change in your life, and how you will use her language to create strength in your relationships today. Links to her resources:IG handle @sumayahhassah
3/8/202240 minutes, 1 second
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Victim Mentality

Lets transcend the age old wiring of victimhood. In this episode I talk about the signs to look out for, diagnose if you are subconsciously practicing victimhood  and how to actually fix the victim mindset.  There are multiple examples from the Quran and Sunnah that I reference, under the teachings of Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, that tell us that our faith urges us to come out of assigning blame. to my EMW program as promised in the podcast. See you guys in the program!
3/1/202219 minutes, 20 seconds
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Money Intentions

We are all about elevating intentions in this podcast. Here I describe a a hierarchy of intentions very simply so you can keep that in mind for elevating intentions in all areas of life. Listen to this podcast to not only take the guilt out of making a lot of money, but actually making it into an ibadah, an act of prayer. Don't forget to leave a review if this podcast has helped you!!
2/22/202223 minutes, 32 seconds
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Fluid Identities

Creating identities that serve us is a great skill. Mostly thought, identities serve goals of this world. This is a good thing, and n this episode you'll find out why. Best identity is that you are a soul in your body. After that, everything is a cherry on top. In this episode, we use this concept to untether ourselves from our self critical thoughts. This is a super powerful concept. Listen carefully and apply!!
2/15/202222 minutes, 51 seconds
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Impossible Goals

This is one of my favorite concepts. If I had to choose one life changing idea, that completely transformed my life, I would choose this one. Listen to learn all about impossible goals and how they are beneficial, both biologically and psychological.  I recently held a webinar on this topic where I discussed it in much more applicable format and if after listening to this episode you guys interested in getting access to the impossible goal webinar, please email us at [email protected] create an impossible goal and take small steps towards it. Because if you are not moving forward, the default is not standing still, the default is regression. Impossible goals save you from regressing. 
2/8/202216 minutes, 1 second
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Dr. Saadia Mian, discussion about Impossible Goals

I am honored to present to you a conversation with one of favorite coaches, Dr. Saadia Mian.  She has thought me so much and now you get to learn from her first hand.Dr Saadia Mian is an Endocrinologist who works in Dearborn, Michigan. She also runs an online program called 'The Holistic Endocrinologist' where she merges her passion for allopathic and holistic medicine. She got her tajwid ijaza from Shaykh Al-Kurdi (may Allah ﷻ  be pleased with him) and another one from Shaykh Krayem ar-Raji and went on to memorize the Quran. She wrote the book, 'The Crowning Venture: Inspiration From Women Who Have Memorized the Quran' along with a companion journal. She is a founding member of Rabata and continues to serve on the board while also teaching classes. She has a special interest in transformational leadership and coaching to support women to bring their own visions to life!As always, borrow the thoughts that serve you, I present to you successful people so you can see everyone achieving their goals is human, they just practices thoughts that serve them. linktree has all of her major resources InshaAllah you guys will borrow many high quality thoughts from this interview and make them your own, no royalty fee ;) 
2/1/202235 minutes, 23 seconds
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Here we talk about a super important topic, and the ever present emotion of jealousy. If you think you are not a jealous person, think again. The explanations in this podcast might have you reconsidering where jealousy is actually showing up in your life. And it’s important to recognize any subconscious patterns that lead to this emotion because that might be the reason why you continue to create small results in your life. I give you very practical tips to go from jealousy to abundance and believing that Allah SWT has enough in store for everyone. 
1/25/202219 minutes, 38 seconds
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Forces on our Thoughts

In this episode we talk about how our thoughts show up.Sentences showing up in your head might seem random, but they are anything BUT random. Find out what some of the many forces that shape our thoughts. I also describe how , thoughts, mind, nervous system is considered the same in my world of coaching and how to conscious thought is the point of control but not the master of control. is the link to my upcoming webinar where we will talk about how to take control of your life. I host a FREE webinar LIVE every 2 weeks on Sundays at 1 pm EST on different topics.  Make  use of it InshAllah
1/18/202220 minutes, 7 seconds
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Talk with Dr Serene Shereef

Very excited to announce that I have been given an opportunity in life to borrow a lot of useful high quality thoughts from many of my successful colleagues and friends. I decided to share these quality thoughts with you through an interview series on my podcast where I will be sharing interviews with you guys intermittently. In this podcast I had a chance to talk to Dr Serene Shereef, who is a  Trauma Acute Care Surgeon, and Mindfulness & Productivity coach who helps exhausted professional moms struggling with burnout and overwhelm to take control of their time, mind & energy. Her MAPS (Mindfulness And Productivity Systems)Framework is a powerful tool that combines the energy of mindfulness with the scientific principles of habit building and your unique systems of productivity. Her goals are to help you discover clarity, design your dreamlife, and build NanoHabits as well as Mindful Productivity Systems that helps you live your best life! You can contact Serene at [email protected] through her website at She has a multitude of free resources to help you get started with your Mindfulness & Productivity Journey including “Mindfulness and Productivity Systems” Podcast, FB @,IG @serenitywellnessmd, YouTube am sure you guys will be able to elevate your mindset through this conversation as much as I have. InshaAllah
1/11/202245 minutes, 6 seconds
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Emotional Eating

Salam guysThis is is a very dense topic because I cover 2 major points in this podcast that have to do with weight loss and emotional eating. I have dedicated a big chunk of my life to health and wellness, and this work is related to that effortIn this episode I describe Fat Adaptation vs Sugar Adaptation, and mind drama related to giving up refined carbohydrates. is the link to my upcoming webinar on this topic, remember LIVE only and is FREE. See you guys there.
1/4/202214 minutes, 55 seconds
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Failing Gloriously

How about we normalize failing?More than that, how about we look forward to failing.In this episode I describe how to never look at failures the same again, and how to start gaining strength from them in the upcoming years.  There is a lot of wisdom to be gained from everything you tried that didn't work, lets put all the failures to work by listening to this podcast
12/28/202119 minutes, 50 seconds
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Holidays with Family

There are a few of us that are not effected by the social changes of the winter holiday season,  even if we don't celebrate religious holidays during this time.In this episode,  I tell you guys about how to heal ties of kinship, how to deal with toxic relationships and how to use time off from work and school this holiday season to work on your relationships so you are in obedience of is my link for the upcoming webinar on relationships: how to create love and meaning.IT will be live and FREE on Sunday 12/26/21 at 1 pm EST
12/21/202120 minutes, 30 seconds
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Overcoming Anxiety

Anxiety is a very common human emotion specially as experienced by women. If you experience anxiety or worry, it does not mean that you have to live the rest of your life trapped. Listen to this episode to learn some deep insights about how to tackle anxiety.Following is the link to my program "Stop Emotional Eating" . I have designed it specially for women that  that engage in eating to subdue their emotions and struggle with their weight as a result. in to valuable information!
12/14/202116 minutes, 9 seconds
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Expanding Time

We learn productivity hacks, but lets learn how to create barakah in our time. You can create time to do many things, but staying in touch with your spirituality is what barakah is about. In this episode, I talk about why Allah SWT created human beings with a special mind and how we can use it to expand time. Below is the link to register for my upcoming webinar Dec 12th at 1 pm EST, on expanding time and creating barakah in 2022.
12/7/202118 minutes, 8 seconds
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Nothing Has Gone Wrong

Nothing has gone wrong in your lifeNothing ever goes wrongIt is hard to remember this design in the moment of chaos, relationship rupture and grief, but this is exactly how it works. In this episode I show  you powerful ways to use this design to your benefit and live life in its full spectrum. You will find ways to collect genuine joy when you implement the methods in this podcast InshaAllah
11/30/202116 minutes, 25 seconds
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Stress Management

Stress is inevitable.If you have been alive on planet Earth long enough you'd realize that you cannot eliminate stress, no matter how much you cushion your life. So how to actually manage the stress so it doesn't break us?This is exactly the question we answer in this podcast.I give very strong, clinically proven interventions that improve outcomes of stress. 
11/23/202118 minutes, 8 seconds
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Created Future is Qadr

In this episode we talk about a super important topic of qadr. Usually translated as pre-destination. But in this episode you'll find out why that is a very limited translation.This concept has helped me liberate myself from multiple limiting beliefs and InshaAllah it will do the same for you.
11/16/202125 minutes, 27 seconds
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Radical Self Love

I am sure you guys have never heard of a definition of self love quite like this!For ILCS 50th episode celebration, I decided to being you guys a life changing concept. After hearing about this radical type of self love, day at the spa is going to sound very superficial. Links:Find the free download social media accounts Tiktok
11/9/202126 minutes, 4 seconds
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Description vs Solution

Consumption of information is rampant.  But in the end, the smartest and the most hardworking people are still struggling to find real change. In this episode i describe how to out of the rut of learning more and more descriptions and definitions, and what has to be done to create real and lasting change. 
11/2/202117 minutes, 17 seconds
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Peaceful Time Management

There is time management, then there is time management from a place of peace.Why is peace important? because you can plan your time until the last second of the day, but if you are doing it from a pace of hustle and stress you'll be burned out soon.Peaceful time management leads to lasting habits of prioritizing goals that are valuable to you. listen to the episode to see how I reach all my goals with efficiency from a place of joy!
10/26/202118 minutes, 48 seconds
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Objects of Your Love

This is a super inspirational concept,  one that I could quickly apply and see immediate results. I do a review of some topics and I introduce many new ones that InshaAllah you'll find incredibly helpful. Don't forget to share this podcast with family and friends if you see positive change in your life. And if you haven't already, leave me a review on the podcast platform of your choice ;)
10/19/202121 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Best Thing That Can Happen to You

What is the best thing that can happen to you?I really want to tell you the answer, but I also really want you to listen to the podcast. In this episode we talk about what is the best thing and the worst thing that can happen to you,. We explore why human beings mistakenly lead an unconscious life and what do you have to do live a conscious life. Practicing this concept has totally changed my life. InshAllah it will do the same for you. 
10/12/202119 minutes, 35 seconds
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Taking Effective Action

What do you call effective action?Something that helps you create results in your life that you actually want. Effective action will lead to weight loss, will lead to successful parenting, will lead to a profitable business, will lead to physical fitness, if these are the results you are looking for. We are mostly stuck in ineffective action, busy work, going through the motions but not really generating any desired results. In the meanwhile, blaming our circumstances for not being in our favor. All actions come from our thoughts, so in order to take effective action we have to start with our mind!In this episode I breakdown the method that you can apply to start taking effective action today. 
10/5/202116 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to handle criticism

In this episode you learn how to disarm criticism. Super useful skill for you professional, personal and spiritual lives. Criticism can be brutal sometimes, specially when we receive it from loved ones who should have our backs. If it comes from our boss we start to sense that we are not good at the work. Luckily for this method, other people don't have to change at all which makes it so much easier.  Because trying to change others so they won't be critical of you, is a massive waste of energy. If this content helped you in anyway, don't forget to leave us a review on iTunes or on a  platform of your choice, 
9/28/202111 minutes, 14 seconds
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Self-Compassion Fatigue

We are mostly aware of compassion fatigue. It describes the psychological impact of helping others through their trauma. But what about self-self compassion fatigue?  This is an intriguing concept because if you are blind to this, it can lead you down the wrong way of recovery. If identified appropriately, it can save you a lot of hassle and drama in your healing journey. It is a shortest possible way to get to self love. I am grateful for this concept because it has helped me tremendously in my own growth. I practice each and every call to action that I ask you guys to take in this episode. It is truly transformative.Enjoy. 
9/21/202117 minutes, 4 seconds
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Haya, key to Professional Success

What is the picture that comes to your mind when I say the word modest?A woman in hijab, isn't it?In this episode I describe how modesty is a part of haya, and how they are different. Haya is an attribute of Allah , and is in the character of the Prophet PBUH and his closest companions. Haya as described in the episode is the key to professional success. Listen and find out!
9/14/202122 minutes, 15 seconds
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Processing Trauma

Unprocessed trauma is going to show up everywhere in your life. You will find that your progress with halt at a certain point unless you pay attention to the signals your body is sending you in regards to your past.Raising your trauma IQ and processing it, is an extremely important skill to master. Here is the link for the ACE score test that you can take start. Remember this is just a guideline. You might need help of a licensed professional, or a life coach depending on your functionality as described in this podcast.Great news is, doing this work results in you becoming stronger. You learn a METASKILL that you can then take to the rest of the areas of your life, that sets you up for unlimited success InshAllah. 
9/7/202112 minutes, 17 seconds
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Accountability, where does it start?

Long discussed topic among Islamic scholars is where accountability for our actions starts.  This is a fascinating topic to me and having gone through my own self development work, I have adopted a popular opinion about when does accountability actually starts for human actionsListen in to find out the details and the evidence for my position. 
8/31/202119 minutes, 2 seconds
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High Performance

We are all high performing at some level.Don't believe me? listen to this episode to find out where are you high performingWe talk about what action items to adapt if you are looking to high perform in any area of your life. As usual, I provide references from the Islamic tradition so you can get the best of both worlds, scientific and spiritual.
8/24/202115 minutes, 6 seconds
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Conversation with Dr Saima Ali

I have a different type of an episode for you guys this time. Conversation format with my friend Dr Saima Ali. She is a neurologist by training and a life coach. I consider her my mentor because it is through her work that I was introduced to life coaching. She was kind enough to have me come on her podcast this week, which I am publishing for my audience as well so you guys get the best of both worlds.She is a wealth mind management coach for Muslim women. Check out her podcast Wealthy Muslim Women on your podcast host. This is the link to the donor advised fund American Muslim Women's Giving Circle was mentioned in this episode. 
8/17/202131 minutes, 26 seconds
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Abundance Mindset

Abundance Mindset is a practice of thoughts. This is the opposite of a vicious circle. In a vicious circle, one thing feeds off the next that feeds the 1st and everything spirals down.In abundance mindset, you elevate others, and not only do you elevate other, you have to come from an elevated place to do it in the 1st place. So you build yourself up, and bring others up with you, build yourself up more and elevate others. Told ya! opposite of the vicious circle. Not to mention, when everyone practices this mentality, they bring you up as well! Super cool bonus. Find out how we can practice that in today's world, and how much Islam promotes abundance. 
8/10/202119 minutes, 5 seconds
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Lets talk about marriage! and finding a spouse! and how to do it right!YESS.... I think this topic is soooo needed. In this podcast you'll discover the difference between desirability and your WANT to be desired. These are 2 completely different things, but often they are confused to be the same. Reason it becomes important for us to differentiate between the 2 is because this becomes a key to show up as a confident person, no matter if you are looking for a spouse, or if you already have one. Confidence in a relationship is a major contributor to the satisfaction in the relationship.
8/3/202114 minutes, 26 seconds
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Indulgent Emotions

This podcast will tell you how important your internal emotional state is for you. Lucky for us, that state is under our control through our thoughts.  Indulgent emotions are feelings that seem important, but get us no results. Listen in to find out which of these emotions you are constantly indulging in, keeping you from creating a life of your design. 
7/27/202116 minutes, 10 seconds
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Negativity Bias

I am going to keep this podcast light, because I am going to give you this week to implement what you've learned. Implementation is the key behind knowledge, otherwise there is minimal knowledge can do. Don't worry about implementing a lot, take a small action and be consistent with it. It's about repetition. In this episode we talk about what negativity bias is and how it is showing up in your life, and how to implement thought output, and self reflection  will held you get out of this bias.Enjoy!
7/20/202114 minutes, 8 seconds
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Power to Inspire Change

This episode teaches you about mind control!!Well not really, but it comes pretty close. At ILCS we work very hard to control our minds, that's the only thing we CAN control. But in this episode find out how you can influence change in other people's behavior. This method has transformed my life and many of my clients' lives. Listen in to find out for yourself if this is mind control or not. OR you might say this is something more effective!
7/13/202120 minutes, 23 seconds
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I title this episode after a coaching concept that has been life changing for me and my clients. Manuals. Kind of like manuals that you get with a new car or a new appliance. Only this time we are talking about manuals we have created for people we are in a relationship with.I talk about how these are detrimental to our well being and the well being of the relationship. But like always, I also tell you how to get out of this trap. When you listen to this podcast, just remember, all of us have manuals for other. If you can't find any look harder. If you are finding struggle in a relationship, chances are its because you have subconsciously developed a manual.Lets change the narrative of a relationship that the culture feeds us, and lets create one that feeds our mental health!!
7/6/202117 minutes, 50 seconds
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Expanding Emotional Vocabulary

Topic of emotions is near and dear to my heart, as a life coach and as a human!Quran mentions the word "Qalb" 130 times, referring to the heart, which has historically been the seat of human emotions.Listen to the podcast to see how the design emotions is so helpful for humans to create their lives. Expand your emotional vocabulary to get the most of what this life as to offerAlso, listen in to find out what my kids are learning in school about their emotions ;)
6/29/202117 minutes, 28 seconds
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Exceptional Mental Health

This is another level of mental health!!Mental Health 2.0Listen to the podcast and see how everyone deserves and and can achieve mental healthGet the FREE download workbook to start with your mental
6/22/202114 minutes, 23 seconds
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Thought Work Scale

Since everything is created from thoughts, wouldn't it be nice if we could measure our progress?Say no more! because the Thought-Work scale does exactly that. Listen to this episode to find out how you can monitor your progress towards your mental health goals. Make the joyful thoughts easy and repetitive with practice, until they are a zero on a thought-work scaleEven the automatic actions of watching TV to bring you relaxation. TV does not cause you to relax, your thoughts do, they are just automatic and easy, a zero on the scale. That way you don't have to do the thought work around your difficult day at work. But in the end, watching TV as an escape gives you an overall net negative result in your life, while doing the thought work around your work day will open doors of success and a net positive result.Trust me guys, if I could spoon feed you thought work I would. But that is not something that I can do for and not something that can be done with knowledge. You HAVE to do the work. Otherwise mental health will remain an illusive dream. That will be a tragedy, because superior mental health is for everyone. EVERYONE. This thought-work scale is a tool to monitor your progress towards superior mental health.
6/15/202122 minutes, 5 seconds
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This topic is specially close to my heart. This is where my journey of self development started. I pray it inspires you to start this journey as well.In this episode I mention why following a pure desire is important for the health of the mind and the family unit. I also tell you that calculus was one of the most difficult subjects I had to take ( that's a thought I know.... but I am sticking with it ;) )Please leave me a review on any app you use to listen to this podcast. If this content has helped you in anyway, please consider liking my FB page, and join my private FB group for Muslimah's on the the quest to gain superior mental health and emotional intelligence.
6/8/202120 minutes, 4 seconds
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What a joy it was to create this podcast!By the end of this podcast, you will have all the tools that you need to create JOY now! Also, what is a baby kangaroo called?? Weird question you might say,! Yes weird indeed, but still relevant. Find out why :)Needless to say we all need joy in our life. I manage my mind a lot to be to deliberately create joy, because that lower brain is always ready to take us for a ride! I say not today lower brain, not today!
6/1/202116 minutes, 14 seconds
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Simplicity of Self Coaching

Use power of observation of your thoughts to your advantage. I review the formula briefly here and then I describe more advanced concepts to help you in the path of self coaching and mental health. I describe why it is so important to get to the source of your thoughts, and how to clean them up effectively so that it causes a transformation, rather than a change.  Self coaching is simple, but it is not easy. Quran urges you to ponder 750 times in some shape or form. This is an open invitation for humans to start the path of self exploration, so they can arrive at the right conclusions InshaAllah. Please join me in this podcast as I explain the step by step of how to start this journey and create a transformation through meta-cognition and the self coaching model. 
5/25/202116 minutes, 53 seconds
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In this episode I bring a unique approach where we can use judgement of others for our character refinement.Say what? I judge others and my character improves? How could that be possible? In this podcast I describe how we can use judgement of others as an introspection tool, and how useful that can be. Judgement is part of human wiring, so instead of shaming yourself for having it, use it to make some lasting change in yourself and in your circumstance. Use this process to command respect and actually change the outcome. 
5/18/202117 minutes, 9 seconds
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Allah at the Center

Creating a podcast on this topic was a true joy for me. Allah at the center of our lives. How else have we been living our lives? is there anything else that can be the center of the focus of our lives? These are important questions that we rarely stop to ask ourselves. Yet, every human being is designed to live a life of a higher purpose, devoid of the needs of this world. Listen in to today's podcast to find out how to make Allah the center of our life and how to truly succeed. 
5/11/202116 minutes, 42 seconds
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This episode is for all of us who say they can't stay consistent with a task. And there are a lot of us who say that :)Find out how to start and stay consistent with a task. In this podcast I given an example of being consistent with the Quran. You can apply these ideas to any goal you want to be consistent with.InshaAllah these methods will create a lasting change for you as they did for me.
5/4/202116 minutes, 31 seconds
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Pleasure is allowed

Let's talk about pleasure. Things that taste so good and bring us instant gratification, like sugar, chocolate, shopping. I talk about not to state the obvious, AGAIN, but to tell you how we can use these pleasures to gain well being and wholeness!SAY WHAT?? well being through SUGAR.... well it's not simple, but it is Doable ;)Also, InshaAllah this podcast will publish in Ramadan, so this topic of pleasure might seem out of place for this month. But after you listen you'll find out why it is exactly the right topic for this month. And if you listen to it outside of Ramadan, then you still gain the benefit of these concepts. 
4/27/202120 minutes, 48 seconds
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Weight loss and Ramadan

In this episode I talk about how to utilize Ramadan for the health benefits of weight loss. I have been meaning to talk about these concepts for the longest time, and I thought Ramadan would be the best time for it. I talk about how to handle urges for food and control diet for emotional eaters. This topic resonates with so many of us. Eating from emotions. We have done it for a long time and we struggle with weight loss because of it. Here I describe what it would be like just to feel the emotion rather than eating from it. That's how to gain permanent weight loss. I have taken a complex subject and attempted to distill it down to one podcast, while keeping it relevant for Ramadan so InshaAllah we take the most benefit. Take a listen, and leave me a review on iTunes!!Have a blessed Ramadan!
4/20/202114 minutes, 20 seconds
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Shortcut to Empowerment

Is empowerment over rated? everyone seems to be talking about it and yet we all seem to be struggling with it. That is because empowerment is a practice, you keep working towards it. Its not like once you found empowerment you are set for life, its actually not that easy. Which is why when we hear about empowerment it might seem it is an over discussed topic because we are always struggling to stay in empowerment. In this podcast, I describe a shortcut to it and I define what  I call the zone of empowerment. Remember the definitions I give you in this podcast and you will find it much easier find to your empowerment and stay there!
4/13/202112 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to make decisions

I am so excited for this topic.How to make decisions you ask? I say taking advice works temporarily but eventually fails. Then we seek more advice, more answers from sources and keep searching. Only we can make decisions about our life. And for important decisions we think have to have all the knowledge so we can be sure it is the right decision.  But I am going to teach you that you already have all the knowledge that you need to make important decisions. You have the answer.Don't believe me? Let me prove it to you in this podcast. This does not mean do not seek knowledge! It just means don't delay decision making based on gathering ALL the knowledge. That will never happen and it will be an excuse for you to keep procrastinating making a decision.  People that are very good at delaying decisions, know exactly what I am talking about!
4/6/202117 minutes, 42 seconds
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Future Thinking

In this podcast we talk about how to take advice from your future self, to create change today. Write your younger self a letter and give yourself advice. You are the best person to take advice from. Find out how!Borrow future thinking to apply to now so you can change the trajectory of your life. This is a powerful concept that has proven to be true time and time again for me and many coaches and clients. 
3/30/20219 minutes, 52 seconds
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Find your Freedom

In this podcast you get to learn how to find your true freedom.  What does freedom even mean? why does it matter? True freedom comes from enslaving yourself to Allah. Ironic that a type of slavery is actually freedom. I have no doubt you guys will truly enjoy this take on slavery. 
3/23/20217 minutes, 38 seconds
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Emotions Create Strength!

In this podcast I talk about the need of emotions and how they fuel our actions. We also consider gender differences in emotions and how emotions are source of strength of women if channeled properly. This is one of my favorite podcasts. I have been meaning to elaborate on this concept of emotional mass for a while now, and I finally address it here. InshaAllah you will all find benefit in it. I am really very excited about this subject in general and I get to explain it in Islamic terms, that is a true blessing. 
3/16/202115 minutes, 58 seconds
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Shaytan's whispers

Hi guys!In this episode I offer a very important life changing concept about how the lower brain thoughts are always present and how much shaytan has to do with them. Learn to listen to your lower brain thoughts so you can take them out of the way and actually create massive results. If you have something in your life that you wished was different,  chances are it is coming from a lower brain thought, or shaytan's whisper.  Find out how in this episode!
3/9/202114 minutes, 7 seconds
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5 min Fridays at ILCS #9 Struggles

Today we talk about your struggles, and how to notice them so we can actually solve them. Sounds like fun no? Come and please find your struggles ;) I know, it's a hard sell. But that is the only way to find your way out. This process is life changing, and I hope this episode inspires you start this journey!
3/5/20214 minutes, 29 seconds
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How would you like to create boundaries? You have tried but it just doesn't work! In this episode I teach you how to create healthy boundaries and how to maintain them. Sounds too good to be true? well it isn't. I practice these concepts daily in my life and I want to share this empowerment with you. Listen on and find out how I break down the process into applicable steps. This is LIFE CHANGING work, but then again, Alhamdullilah I don't deliver anything less than life changing!!
3/2/202114 minutes, 19 seconds
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5 min Fridays at ILCS #8

You are choosing a 100% of your life. Find out how in this episode. Remember this is different than saying you creating your circumstance, which would be victim blaming. That is not at all what I am saying. With the examples I give you'll have a clearer understanding of how to let go of mind drama around the results you have created! 
2/26/20215 minutes, 15 seconds
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Thought Plasticity

Neuro-plasticity is a fascinating field that doesn't get as much attention as it deserves in my opinion. In this episode I am talking about how thought plasticity is just a nano version of neuro-plasticity.  I give you actionable items on how to change patterns of your thinking in this podcast so you can eventually start to see that in your behavior.  This is a very important skill to gain and InshAllah I pray that you find benefit in this topic.
2/23/202113 minutes, 31 seconds
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5 min Fridays at ILCS #7

Today we get to see how powerful language is. We can make or break a situation just based on the language we give it. Quran emphasizes difference in 2 main types of language that I describe in this podcast. We go through examples of making your language neutral about your circumstances so you can gain perspective about your situation and not be reactive to it.  Information in this episode is another step towards being less reactive to our environment.  Learn and ENJOY life!
2/19/20215 minutes, 32 seconds
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Smart Phone Mental Health

What if your mental health was as easily accessible as your smart phone? I am giving you a tool that can do just that.  Once we can make mental health easily accessible, we will see  advancements among humans that will be unprecedented.  My goal in life to give everyone access to mental health,  like they have access to their smart phones. Some learning curve, but once you learn how to use it, sky is the limit. So join me in this this podcast where I describe how to make our skills razor sharp when it comes to maintaining our own mental health.  In this episode, I review the formula and go over a common mistake that people make while applying it to gain their mental health.  Find me at for questions and comments. Thanks!
2/16/202110 minutes, 25 seconds
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5 min Fridays at ILCS #6

In this short bonus episode you'll find out how working with me can change your life. What price will you put on a happy fulfilling life?
2/12/20214 minutes, 5 seconds
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Basics of the Model

Here we review the basics of the Model/Formula so you guys can really dial in to this tool and effectively use it for your mental health.  I have broken down the definitions and the application of the Formula CTFAR so you can start seeing results just by listening to this podcast.Imagine, mental health is just a podcast away!!
2/9/20219 minutes, 10 seconds
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5 min Fridays at ILCS #5

This is a bonus episode talking about perfectionism. How it relates to Islam and how to identify this poisonous trait that seems innocent. Perfectionism is keeping you from your true potential, yet today we take pride in being perfectionists. Listen to this episode and find out how!
2/5/20215 minutes, 19 seconds
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Never again say you are busy

Find yourself short on time all the time? You find that you are busy all the time? Too much to do and not enough time to do it all. There are things you actually want to do, that will being joy to you, but you say to yourself, but I don't have time to do that, I am too busy.This episode is for you.Here I share how to never again say you are busy. It has benefited me a lot to try and eliminate that word from my vocabulary.  Busyness is a mind construct and let me prove to you why! In this episode we talk about about how to get rid of that feeling of perpetual busyness. 
2/2/202118 minutes, 9 seconds
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5 min Fridays at ILCS #4

Separate your thoughts from facts. That is the 1st step to identifying that you can create happiness right here, right now!Use this short episode as a guide to start this work, I am confident that this will be life changing for you.
1/29/20214 minutes, 1 second
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Scheduling will Free You

Following a schedule sounds so restricting, how is it that I claim that it will free you? listen to this podcast to find out why.Prefrontal cortex is in-charge of all future planning, which is why you have all these big goals and dreams. But when time comes to actually act on something that is in line with your future goal, you procrastinate. That's because the primitive brain is in-charge in the now! when you don't execute on your plan, you have given in to the lower brain and ignored what your higher brain had in plans for you. Then you say " o I don't know why this keeps happening to me, I don't know why I can never finish what I set out to do?" This episode will show you the answer to that problem. Scheduled and following through with it.  Listen, apply and watch your life change!
1/26/202111 minutes, 1 second
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5 min Fridays at ILCS #3

In this episode of 5 minute Fridays you'll find out why is it so important to discover your thoughts. You spending time in self contemplation is the best gift you can give yourself. Just 10 min each day is all you need to change the current trajectory of your life!
1/22/20213 minutes, 8 seconds
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Your Priorities

What are your priorities? Do you know? Do you really really know or are your acting out of what you should be doing, or what you have to be doing.  What if you have so many priorities that you don't know where to start, or you start all of them and you don't know how to finish them all. In this podcast I am talking about how to focus in your priorities that truly resonate with you and how to go about actually consistently working on them. Enjoy!
1/19/202112 minutes, 47 seconds
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5 min Fridays at ILCS #2

Another short episode to highlight main concepts. Apply the tiny pieces of information to see your transformation today
1/15/20213 minutes, 16 seconds
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Happiness Formula for Professional Women

I recorded this episode for Muslim women physicians, struggling with demands of daily life.  But if you are Muslim woman of a different profession,  or a stay at home mom, all of these ideas apply to you as well.  This is for all multitasking, multi-talented, hardworking Muslim women out there. We juggle so much, and we are so good at it, but it is time that we find true happiness behind everything we do. Happiness for yourself. I created this podcast to clarify how you can use the tool CTFAR to find your happiness now.  I go into detail with more examples as it pertains to a busy woman's life. IT IS TRULY LIFE CHANGING!
1/12/202118 minutes, 58 seconds
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5 min Fridays at ILCS #1

Starting a series of condensed version of my podcast. Here I give you main concepts and definitions in under 5 minutes! I hope you guys enjoy today's episode of high density information 
1/8/20212 minutes, 49 seconds
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Emotional Intellegence.

In this episode I describe emotional intelligence in a very basic digestible format. You can raise you emotional intelligence score, or EQ, thought the formula CTFAR.  I walk you through the easy steps on how to raise your EQ through the formula. I also describe how important emotional intelligence is in Islam and how evident it is that that Prophet Mohammad PBUH was extremely emotionally intelligent.  I hope you guys enjoy!
1/6/202115 minutes, 37 seconds
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Mental Health

Hi guys!This time we are talking about mental health. My favorite topic!Life is 50/50, you will always face the difficult times and happy times. Life is half and and half. Considering that there is something wrong with your mental health just because you are having a hard time managing your mind around challenging times, is very natural, but completely unnecessary.  It when we assign mental illness diagnosis to normal human emotion is when it gets the better of us.  And weird thing about negative emotions, the more you run from them, the bigger they get. There is nothing wrong with you for feeling negative emotions. Stress, anxiety, sadness is a part of life. listen to this podcast to get details and how to embrace emotions rather than running from them.
1/3/202113 minutes, 31 seconds
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Self love

In this episode we talk about the powerful concept of self love, worthiness and how to use the power of the mind to identify self love in this very moment. You will have found self love when you are done listening to this podcast. That is my promise to you❤❤Separate self love from narcissism, and use this love to set goals that will create a life you love. Can't wait to hear from you guys!!!
12/10/202011 minutes, 55 seconds
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Awareness of thoughts

Hello there!!How incredible that we are on our 3rd episode.In this episode I share insight into changing your thought pattern and how sometimes it can be difficult to recognize that what you have believed most of your life is just a thought. I offer you strategies that you can use to be more understanding and less judgemental of your thoughts. 😊 I hope you enjoy and take some real value from this episode!!❤❤
12/1/202013 minutes, 13 seconds
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Higher vs Lower Brain Thoughts

In this episode we talk about where do thoughts originate from and how to pick them to serve our purpose. To reach our goal, we need to consciously pick a thought that helps us. Very SIMPLY, and I mean in a PAINFULLY simple way to describe is that thoughts originate from either the higher brain, the prefrontal cortex, or the lower brain, the hind brain and the amygdala. Listen to the episode to learn the job of each of these parts of the brain and how each one is beautifully designed to serve us.ENJOY!
11/22/202021 minutes, 8 seconds
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Introduction: Life coaching model

Thank you for listening to the Islamic Life Coaching podcast. In this introductory podcast I will be teaching you a tool that CHANGED my life. After understandings of the basics and some practice, this tool has the potential to give you a life that will be unrecognizably successful. How to define success you ask? I say success is ANYTHING you define it to be. It can be in relationships, career, spirituality and religion. If something is important to YOU, success can be reached in that field using this concept.The tool is a Model that is abbreviated CTFAR.C: circumstancesT: ThoughtsF: feelingsA: actionsR: resultsHere at the Islamic Life Coach School, it is my life's mission to teach you everything this model has to offer and more. 
11/3/202018 minutes, 29 seconds