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Infants on Thrones

English, Religion, 1 season, 775 episodes, 4 days, 4 hours, 14 minutes
An entertaining podcast about self-awareness and discovery. The title Infants on Thrones is an homage to the Mormon Founder Joseph Smith who said, in his lesser-known King Follet discourse, that eternity is full of thrones, upon which dwell thousands of children, reigning on thrones of glory, with not one cubit added to their stature. It is a funny image, but it also suggests that we, as amateur podcasters, do not really have all the answers we may think we do. We can't take ourselves too seriously. We are also Infants on Thrones.
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Ep 872 - Lies Lies Lies and the Liars who Lie Them (Honest)

 Today's episode of Infants on Thrones dives into the intriguing world of lies and deception, inspired by a video from independent journalist Johnny Harris. I'm Glenn Ostlund, and I'm thrilled to share insights from Johnny's compelling investigation into why we lie, why we believe lies, and what we can do about it.Johnny Harris, with over 5 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, explores the complex nature of lying, touching on both intentional and unintentional falsehoods. His video delves into the neuroscience of deception, using humor and expert interviews to shed light on this pervasive human behavior. We'll discuss the evolutionary roots of lying, the brain's reward system, and how repetition influences belief formation through the illusory truth effect.Join me as I review Johnny Harris' video and add my own perspective on these fascinating topics. Together, we'll explore the intricate dance between truth and lies, uncovering how our brains process information and how social media shapes our perceptions.Show Notes:IntroductionOverview of today's episode inspired by Johnny Harris' videoGlenn's enthusiasm for Johnny Harris and his investigative workLink to Johnny Harris' YouTube channelMain Discussion: Understanding LiesThe complexity of lying: Intentional vs. Unintentional liesDefinitions and distinctions: Lies, truth, intentionality, and unintentionalityExamples from "Mean Girls" to illustrate different types of liesNeuroscience of LyingInsights from neuroscientists on the brain's reward systemEvolutionary perspective: How lying and passing along wrong information evolvedProcessing information: New vs. established neural pathwaysPsychological MechanismsIllusory truth effect: Repetition and belief formationConfirmation bias: How we accept and reject information based on existing beliefsEvolutionary success: Myths and stories as survival mechanismsSocial Media and Modern Information ConsumptionThe impact of social media on our perception of truth and liesNavigating the world of misinformation and lies: Tips and strategiesConclusionEmbracing curiosity and open-mindednessThe power of "I don't know"Reflecting on personal growth and evolving perspectivesResources Mentioned:Johnny Harris' YouTube channelMean Girls movie clipsNeuroscience research on the brain's reward systemArticles and studies on the illusory truth effect and confirmation biasQuotes to Remember:"I lie. And you lie. We all lie. And more importantly, we all believe lies.""Pay attention to your bricks, your thoughts, your feelings, your moment-by-moment experience.""Arrive curious. Empathize with others and seek to understand."Call to Action:Subscribe to Infants on Thrones for more thought-provoking discussionsCheck out Johnny Harris' investigative videos on YouTubeShare your thoughts and experiences with us on social media or in the commentsThank you for listening to Infants on Thrones! Join us next time as we continue to explore the complexities of the human experience and seek further light and knowledge together.
7/7/202454 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Further Light and Knowledge of Infants on Thrones

In this reflective minisode, Glenn explores the origins and evolution of the Infants on Thrones podcast. He shares personal insights from the podcast's beginnings in 2012, the inspiration behind its unique name, and how the themes have resonated and transformed over the years. Glenn discusses his journey in clinical mental health counseling and how his experiences as a gospel doctrine teacher, missionary, and podcaster have enriched his current work leading court-mandated domestic violence support groups.Glenn delves into profound topics such as the King Follett discourse, the evolution of human intelligence, and the interconnectedness of all life forms. He reflects on anger management, the role of emotions in human evolution, and the significance of recognizing and understanding our own feelings. Additionally, Glenn invites listeners to contribute their own essays and ideas, fostering a community of shared perspectives and mutual growth.Show NotesKey Points:Podcast Origins and Evolution:The inception of Infants on Thrones in 2012.The inspiration behind the podcast's name from Joseph Smith's King Follett discourse.The metaphor of "infants on thrones" representing humanity's learning and growth stages.Personal and Professional Journey:Glenn's completion of his master's degree in clinical mental health counseling.His work with court-mandated domestic violence support groups.The integration of his past experiences into his current counseling practice.Philosophical and Spiritual Reflections:Insights from the King Follett discourse and its implications on human existence.The concept of evolving intelligence and awareness in both a spiritual and scientific context.The impact of emotions, especially anger, on human survival and evolution.Invitation to Listeners:Encouragement for listeners to submit their own essays and perspectives.The importance of diverse viewpoints and shared experiences within the podcast community.Future Topics and Ideas:Glenn's interest in exploring topics like Star Wars, moral foundations, and cultural divisions.Upcoming episodes focusing on themes like "The Righteous Jedi Mind" and the work of independent journalist Johnny Harris.Listener Invitation:Glenn invites listeners to submit their own content to be featured on the podcast. Interested individuals can send their recordings to [email protected] for consideration.Quotes:"We are in this learning and growing stage, exploring and getting things wrong, having really limited ways of processing and understanding reality at large.""Our brains have evolved the ability to be aware that we're aware that we're aware. And that's a level of awareness that neighboring primates don't seem to quite have.""I love this idea of different people sharing their perspectives and having it be in a place where it can be appreciated."Links and Resources:Email submissions: [email protected] Tong's YouTube video on Quantum Field Theory: Quantum Field Theory by David TongJohnny Harris' YouTube channel: Johnny Harris on YouTubeTED Talk on anger management: Why We get Angry and Why it is HealthyClosing:Thank you for listening to Infants on Thrones. If you've been with us since the beginning or are just joining, we'd love to hear from you. Share your thoughts, contribute your essays, and be part of our growing community. Until next time, keep exploring, questioning, and learning
6/29/202421 minutes, 5 seconds
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Froback Friday - The King Follett Discourse

6/28/202447 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 870 - The Happy Heavenly Father's Day Prayer

A boy's first uttered prayer? 
6/17/202413 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 869 - The Creator's Guide to X=Y=Z: A Zizek Primer

In this learning-out-loud episode, Glenn dives into the fascinating world of Slavoj Žižek's "The Pervert's Guide to Ideology" and explores the intricate interplay of ideas from Hegel, Lacan, and Marx. Glenn shares his preparation process for an upcoming discussion with Josh, blending a healthy dose of curiosity and philosophical inquiry.Glenn also discusses the upcoming migration of the "Infants on Thrones" podcast to a new host and ensures listeners can continue enjoying the content seamlessly. Visit for all episodes and updates.Join Glenn on this intellectual journey as he unpacks the complexities of ideology, consciousness, and human experience through the lens of Hegelian dialectics, Lacanian psychoanalysis, and Marxist critique. Glenn even brings contemporary neuroscience into the mix, providing a holistic understanding of how our internal and external worlds shape our reality.Show Notes:Introduction:Glenn introduces the episode and shares his learning process in preparation for discussing Žižek's "The Pervert's Guide to Ideology" with Josh.Announcement about the migration of the "Infants on Thrones" podcast to a new host and how listeners can stay updated.Žižek Primer:Glenn's curiosity-driven exploration of Žižek's ideas.The blending of Hegel, Lacan, and Marx in Žižek's philosophy.Glenn's interaction with ChatGPT to deepen his understanding.Deep Dive into Philosophical Concepts:Hegel's dialectics: Thesis, antithesis, and synthesis.Lacanian psychoanalysis: The mirror stage, symbolic order, and repetition compulsion.Marx's critique of capitalism: Class structures, alienation, and exploitation.Neuroscience Integration:How neuroscience supports the dynamic interplay between internal (X) and external (Y) forces.The concept of neuroplasticity and its implications for human experience.X plus Y equals Z - The Formula of Perfection:Glenn's theory explained through the lens of Hegel, Lacan, Marx, and neuroscience.The interplay between internal forces (X), external forces (Y), and the resulting synthesized experience (Z).Gestalt Therapy and Stoic Principles:How Gestalt therapy focuses on awareness, integration, and empowerment.The Stoic emphasis on virtue, rationality, and emotional resilience.Application of Gestalt and Stoic principles to the X plus Y equals Z formula.Potential Heresies and Reactions:Exploration of how these philosophical ideas might challenge established dogmas and trigger defensive reactions.Conclusion:Glenn's reflections on the preparation process and anticipation for the upcoming discussion with Josh.Encouragement for listeners to engage with these ideas and explore their own intellectual curiosity.Tune in for an enlightening episode that blends philosophy, neuroscience, and personal reflection, providing a comprehensive framework for understanding human experience as a dynamic, evolving process. Don't miss this intellectual adventure with Glenn on The Spiritual Heretic Podcast!
6/3/202446 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep 868 – The Spiritual Heretic P4: Why Spiritual?

Welcome to the latest episode of “The Spiritual Heretic,” where Glenn and Josh delve into the profound and often controversial realm of spiritual heresy. In this episode, they explore the deeply ingrained boundaries and containers placed on questioning and exploring within various belief systems, particularly focusing on the influences from their own backgrounds and broader […]
5/31/20241 hour, 24 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep 867 – The Spiritual Heretic P3: Alan Watts No Wrong Feelings

In this episode of “The Spiritual Heretic” series, Glenn and Josh dive into the profound teachings of Alan Watts on the concept of “No Wrong Feelings.” They explore the importance of acknowledging and accepting all emotions, challenging the societal norms that often suppress genuine self-expression. Glenn shares his admiration for Alan Watts and discusses how […]
5/29/20241 hour, 20 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 867 – The Spiritual Heretic P3: Alan Watts No Wrong Feelings

In this episode of “The Spiritual Heretic” series, Glenn and Josh dive into the profound teachings of Alan Watts on the concept of “No Wrong Feelings.” They explore the importance of acknowledging and accepting all emotions, challenging the societal norms that often suppress genuine self-expression. Glenn shares his admiration for Alan Watts and discusses how […]
5/29/20241 hour, 20 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 866 – The Spiritual Heretic P2: Exploring the Function of Conspiracy Theories

Welcome to “The Spiritual Heretic, Part 2” where we dive deep into the complexities of belief, ideology, and the human experience. In this episode, titled “Conspiracy Theories: Unpacking Ideological Warfare,” Glenn Ostlund and Josh Neal take you on an insightful journey into the world of conspiracy theories. We explore how conspiracy theories function as tools […]
5/24/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 866 – The Birth of the Spiritual Heretic P2: Conspiracy Theories?

Welcome to “The Spiritual Heretic, Part 2” where we dive deep into the complexities of belief, ideology, and the human experience. In this episode, titled “Conspiracy Theories: Unpacking Ideological Warfare,” Glenn Ostlund and Josh Neal take you on an insightful journey into the world of conspiracy theories. We explore how conspiracy theories function as tools […]
5/24/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 50 seconds
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865 – The Birth of the Spiritual Heretic, P1

In this episode of “Infants on Thrones,” hosts Josh and Glenn dive deep into the essence of heresy as a vital and healthy force within both the human body and society. Drawing metaphors from biology, they discuss how T cells and osteoblasts function to maintain health by addressing aberrant cells and weak bone tissue, respectively. […]
5/15/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ep 864 – Past Life Regression Therapy: A Case Study in Self Discovery

Episode 864 of Infants on Thrones delves into the intriguing world of past life regression therapy in “Past Life Regression Therapy: A Case Study in Self Discovery.” Join us as we explore a thought-provoking session where hypnotherapy opens the door to deep self-reflection and personal narratives that transcend the boundaries of time and identity. This […]
4/28/20241 hour, 18 minutes, 20 seconds
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Eo 863 – How to Tune a Fork

In this thought-provoking episode, Glenn and Josh dive deep into the philosophical and existential inquiries surrounding consciousness, the material world, and the potential of artificial intelligence. Our discussion unfolds through the metaphor of a tuning fork, illustrating how individual experiences resonate uniquely based on personal histories and environmental interactions. We explore the notion of consciousness […]
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Ep 862 – The Secret of Spiritual Warfare

Glenn sits down once again with psychotherapist Josh Neal to discuss idealogical warfare. Check out The Arcturian Playground for more Mormon-formed-mind inspired stretching of eternal perspective. What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
4/14/20241 hour, 20 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 861 – The Mormon Tradition of Channeling

Glenn sits down once again with psychotherapist Josh Neal to put his channeling under the microscope of a gestalt therapist and talk about his experiences with The Arcturian Collective Thingy. Check out The Arcturian Playground for more mormon-formed-mind inspired stretching of eternal perspective. What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out […]
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Ep 860 – The Millennial Rant

Josh has a few things to say about Millennials and disillusionment, starting with himself. Glenn sits down once again with psychotherapist Josh Neal to talk about whatever comes up in the moment.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon […]
2/11/202447 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 859 – Gestalt Theory in Action P6: Sunshine on Your Balls and stuff

Why is it healthy to get sunshine on your balls? Glenn sits down once again with psychotherapist Josh Neal to talk about whatever comes up in the moment.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
2/7/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep 858 – Gestalt Theory in Action P5: Community and stuff

Glenn sits down once again with psychotherapist Josh Neal to talk about whatever comes up in the moment.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
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Ep 857 – The Still Small Voice: An Interview with author Brenda Stanley

Glenn sits down with author Brenda Stanley to discuss her murder-mystery “The Still Small Voice.” We will have a live Zoom video discussion with Brenda on Wedneday, Jan 31 at 7pm.  Click here at that time if you would like to join the discussion. What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill […]
1/19/202457 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 856 – Mormon News Roundup (aka very late Infant Christmas 2023 Part 12)

Merry Christmas from the ghost of Infant Christmas Present. Watch the video version of Mormon News Roundup here.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
1/3/20241 hour, 27 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 856 – Mormon News Roundup (aka Infant Christmas 2023 Part 12)

Merry Christmas from the ghost of Infant Christmas Present. Watch the video version of Mormon News Roundup here.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
12/27/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 856 – Infant Christmas 2023 P12: Mormon News Roundup

Merry Christmas from the ghost of Infant Christmas Present. Watch the video version of Mormon News Roundup here.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
12/26/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 855 – Infant Christmas 2023 P11: A Very Merry Visit From Death

Merry Christmas from the ghosts of Infant Christmas Past.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
12/24/202319 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ep 854 – Infant Christmas 2023 P10: An Ayahuasca Story

Merry Christmas from the ghosts of Infant Christmas Past.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
12/22/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 853 – Infant Christmas 2023 P9: The Life and Times of Stephen Erastus Knudsen III

Merry Christmas from the ghosts of Infant Christmas Past.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
12/20/202324 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep 852 – Infant Christmas 2023 P8: Light the World Christmas Smackaround

Merry Christmas from the ghosts of Infant Christmas Past.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
12/18/20232 hours, 8 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 851 – Infant Christmas 2023 P7: A Tale of Two Poelmans

Merry Christmas from the ghosts of Infant Christmas Past.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
12/16/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ep 850 – Infant Christmas 2023 P6: Disciples After Dark

Merry Christmas from the ghosts of Infant Christmas Past.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
12/14/202322 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 849 – Infant Christmas 2023 P5: Away in a Manger – The Smackdown

Merry Christmas from the ghosts of Infant Christmas Past.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
12/12/20231 hour, 53 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 848 – Infant Christmas 2023 P4: How to Marry a Mormon

Merry Christmas from the ghosts of Infant Christmas Past.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
12/10/20233 hours, 47 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep 847 – Infant Christmas 2023 P3: The Christmas Jesus and stuff

Merry Christmas from the ghosts of Infant Christmas Past.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
12/6/20232 hours, 24 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 846 – Infant Christmas 2023 P2: Hobbit Gospel Truths

Merry Christmas from the ghosts of Infant Christmas Past.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
12/4/202324 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 845 – Infant Christmas 2023 P1: First Presidency Message with Neil Diamond

Merry Christmas from the ghost of Infant Christmas Past.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
12/2/202312 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 844 – Gestalt Field Theory and stuff

What if you were a self-regulating wave on an ocean and the entire ocean that also was you, but you could only really regulate that one little wave? Or should it be color blocks? Or maybe its just “what are you experiencing right now?” Glenn sits down once again with psychotherapist Josh Neal to discuss […]
11/30/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep 843 – Self Love and stuff

Where does the self begin and end?  Where does love begin and end?  When will all of the questioning end?  What if nothing ends?  What if these are all just words?  What if?  Yeah, what if. Glenn sits down once again with psychotherapist Josh Neal to discuss the importance of self love from the perspective […]
11/26/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 842 – Healing and stuff

Glenn sits down once again with psychotherapist Josh Neal to discuss what healing means from the perspective of a gestalt therapist.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
11/16/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 841 – Authenticity and stuff

Glenn sits down once again with psychotherapist Josh Neal to discuss the desire to be authentic in a world hungry to crucify apostates.   What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
11/4/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ep 840 – Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale Revisited

A blast from the past.  This episode was first released in May 2014.  The Mormon Cred Scale has since been taken 8,333 times.  It’s a fun discussion between a bunch of blind infants trying to understand an elephant.  Or something like that.  Enjoy! What is your Mormon Cred?  Take a few minutes to fill out […]
10/30/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 839 – Emotional Maturity and stuff

Glenn sits down with psychotherapist Josh Neal to discuss the lessons learned from experiencing major life adjustments following a religious faith crisis.
10/26/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ep 838: Infants on AI – An Open Response to Yuval Noah Harari’s AI and the Future of Humanity, P3

This episode continues exploring on the relationship between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind and explores the role that AI could play in humans becoming more aware of their own dark shadowy mind.  Donald Hoffman and David Eagleman are invoked and imitated by Chat GPT.  Ditto for Jack and Jill, who join an AI […]
5/23/202351 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep 837: Infants on AI – An Open Response to Yuval Noah Harari’s AI and the Future of Humanity, P2

This episode focuses on the relationship between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind and explores the role that AI could play in humans becoming more aware of their own dark shadowy mind. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
5/20/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep 836: Infants on AI – An Open Response to Yuval Noah Harari’s AI and the Future of Humanity, P1

What happens when an Infantile mind gets ahold of a lecture from Yuval Harari about Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity?  How about a new 6-part series for Infants on Thrones?  This is episode 1 of 6.   The Reading List mentioned on the episode:    – “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” by […]
5/16/202348 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 835 – A Concise General Conference Parody by Chat GPT

What happens when Artificial Intelligence compares current Mormon teachings against original Mormon teachings? Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
4/28/202312 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep 834 – The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: How Mormon Humor broke Chat GPT

Who is ready for AI to change the way we think and act about pretty much everything? Check out my new website: Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
2/21/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 833: How to LOVE an Orange Peel: A Very Special Valentines Testimony to THE WORLD

It’s testimony time.  Sorta.   Check out my new website: Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
2/14/20231 hour, 29 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ep 832 – Healing from Religious Trauma, P1

What is religious trauma?  What is healing?  And what is the relationship between our conscious awareness and our unconscious programming? This 4-part series is an updated reissue of conversations between Glenn Ostlund and Bill Reel originally recorded in Sep-Oct 2020. And if you are interested in finding out more about your own unconscious trauma, check […]
1/14/20232 hours, 17 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep 831 – No-nonsense Spirituality P3: Of Babies and Bathwater

Glenn responds to a listener question about harm, divine authority, and babies in bathwater.
12/31/202238 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep 830 – The Birth of the Divine Atheist

Merry Christmas from a Divine Atheist.
12/27/202224 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 829 – No-nonsense Spirituality with Britt Hartley, P2

Glenn sits down with Britt Hartley to discuss what it means to be secularly spiritual. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
11/22/20221 hour, 39 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 828 – Creating a Healthy Post-Mormon Perspective, P5

Glenn sits down with Wren to talk about shifting perspectives after this whole Mormon faith crisis thing. Check out The Arcturian Playground here Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
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Ep 827 – Creating a Healthy Post-Mormon Perspective, P4

Glenn sits down with Wren to talk about shifting perspectives after this whole Mormon faith crisis thing. Check out The Arcturian Playground here Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
11/18/20221 hour, 22 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 826 – Creating a Healthy Post-Mormon Perspective, P3

Glenn sits down with Wren to talk about shifting perspectives after this whole Mormon faith crisis thing. Check out The Arcturian Playground here Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
11/15/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 825 – Creating a Healthy Post-Mormon Perspective, P2

Glenn sits down with Wren to talk about shifting perspectives after this whole Mormon faith crisis thing. Check out The Arcturian Playground here Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
11/11/20222 hours, 8 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep 824 – Creating a Healthy Post-Mormon Perspective, P1

Glenn sits down with Wren to talk about shifting perspectives after this whole Mormon faith crisis thing. Check out The Arcturian Playground here Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
11/10/20221 hour, 37 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep 823 – No-nonsense Spirituality with Britt Hartley

Glenn sits down with Britt Hartley to discuss what it means to be secularly spiritual. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
11/4/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep 822 – True Spooky Mormon Ghost Story (aka “May I Shake Your Hand Mr. Evil Spirit?”)

Yes.  It’s exactly what the title says. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
10/17/202220 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 821 – Increasing Emotional Intelligence by Placebo-ing Yourself All Day Long with Chelsea Shields

What does it mean to have emotional intelligence?  What does it mean to Placebo yourself all day long? Glenn sits down with Chelsea Shields to discuss The Placebo Effect in 2022. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
9/26/20221 hour, 56 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 820 – Reflections: Placebo, P4

Chelsea discusses the placebo effects (and no-cebo effects) associated with the rise of social media.  The final episode in this Chelsea-centered Placebo Reflections series.  This discussion was recorded in Sep 2019 but was previously released on Patreon only. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
9/22/20221 hour, 37 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 819 – Reflections: Placebo, P3

A classic blast from Infant past, originally published in October 2014. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
9/20/20222 hours, 3 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 818 – Reflections: Placebo, P2

A classic blast from Infant past, originally published in September 2014. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
9/17/20221 hour, 26 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 817 – Reflections: The Placebo, P1

A classic blast from Infant past, originally published in September 2014. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
9/15/20221 hour, 46 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 816 – Reflections: Patrioracle Blessings

A classic blast from Infant past, originally published in June 2014. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
8/31/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 815 – Reflections: God and Science and Stuff

A classic blast from Infant past, originally published in April 2014. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
8/26/20222 hours, 8 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 814 – Recovering From Mormon Programming in the Weirdest Way Possible, Part One

What do you get when you mix a Mormon-formed mind with a bunch of other stuff and mash it up in the sausage grinder of imaginative creativity?   Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here Visit the Arcturian Playground here.
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Ep 813 – Reflections: Kolob Shmolob

A classic blast from Infant past, originally published in March 2014. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
8/21/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ep 812 – Reflections: The Unintentional Racist

A classic blast from the Infant past, originally published in January 2014. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
8/19/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 811 – Continued Search for Meaning

Wren joins Glenn for a fascinating conversation about the continued search for meaning post-faith transition in what seems like an increasingly chaotic world. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
7/31/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 810: The Sin is in the Secret – Healing Shame after a life of Mormon Programming

Jared Rohrer joins a panel of Reed, Jess, Curt, Wren and Glenn to discuss his experience healing intense self-loathing and shame about his sexuality.   You can follow Jared’s Instagram at
7/22/20221 hour, 34 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep 809 – Steve Urquhart and the Divine Assembly: The Rolling Stone Re-issue

Steve Urquhart was recently featured in Rolling Stone Magazine.  It is a great article that gives exposure to much of the healing work that Steve has inspired in so many. To commemorate this accomplishment, I am re-releasing this previously 4-part interview from Feb 2021 for any looking to find out more about this man and […]
6/29/20223 hours, 33 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 808 – Saturday’s Warriors Sing-along-Smackdown: Roe v. Wade Edition

In light of recent federal events, Glenn revists the Saturday’s Warriors sing-along-Smackdown episode featuring OG Infants John Hamer, Randy Snyder, and Matt Long (originally recorded and released in March 2015).   Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
6/27/20222 hours, 9 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 807 – On Being Proud of Pride

Wren leads a panel of Jessica, Curt, Glenn and Sabrina on a discussion of LGBT Pride.
6/24/20221 hour, 25 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 806 – Hulu’s Under the Banner of Heaven: A Review, P4

Glenn is joined by Jess, Curt and Wren to wrap up the discussion of Hulu’s “Under the Banner of Heaven” and spend some time comparing it to the Netflix documentary “Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey” about the FLDS and Warren Jeffs.   Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
6/17/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 805 – Hulu’s Under the Banner of Heaven: A Review, P3

Glenn is joined by Jess and Wren to discuss episode 4 of Hulu’s “Under the Banner of Heaven” (with a special bonus visit from Infant Emeritus Extraordinaire Tom “don’t call me a rockstar” Perry). Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
5/30/20221 hour, 30 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep 804 – Blood Atonement: The Twisted Love Language of Brigham Young

According to Brigham Young, some sins are so bad that the only way to get back to Heavenly Father is to have your own blood spilt (aka “thanks for the atonement Jesus, but you may have missed something!”).  But don’t take my word for it.  Listen to the words of Brigham Young himself, spoken on […]
5/25/202233 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 803 – Hulu’s Under the Banner of Heaven: A Review, P2

Glenn is joined once again by Reed, Jess, Wren and Curt to discuss episode 3 of Hulu’s “Under the Banner of Heaven.”   Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
5/23/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep 802 – Hulu’s Under the Banner of Heaven: A Review, P1

Glenn is joined once again by Reed, Jess, Wren and Curt to discuss episodes 1 & 2 of Hulu’s “Under the Banner of Heaven.”   Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
5/19/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep 801 – Mormon Origins: A Game of Imagination, P1

Come and play with me in the realm of imagination. You can access the Arcturian Playground here: Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
5/12/202254 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 800 – The Certainty of Being Certain and other Aha Moments. I guess. (I don’t really know)

What is more important: feeling that you are certain or actually being certain?  Jess, Reed, Wren and Curt share their experience with certainty.   Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here Schedule a free 30-min Life Coaching consult with Glenn here
5/9/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 799 – General Conference in Review

Glenn welcomes a new Infant panel of Reed, Jessica, Wren, Curt, and Mike to discuss April 2022 general conference and say hello to the Infant listeners.  No actual soaking occurred during the recording of this episode. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here Schedule a free 30-min Life Coaching consult with […]
5/6/20221 hour, 26 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep 798 – Under the Banner of Heaven

Those who have ears (that are mighty and strong) to hear will understand.
4/29/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 797 – Confessions of a Millennial PIMO NOMO

Or should it be POMO?
4/27/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ep 796: General Conference Review P2: The Judas Peacemaker Smackdown

The title says it all. If you have a story of empowerment that you would like to share, please sign up to be interviewed here.
4/20/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 795: General Conference Review P1: False Ex-mo Judas Memes and Imagined Flowering Wound Prick Blossoms

The title says it all. If you have a story of empowerment that you would like to share, please sign up to be interviewed here.
4/12/202256 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 794 – Cynthia Markey and the Heart-healing Power of Questioning

Glenn is joined once again by Wendi Jensen to interview her friend Cynthia Markey.  Cyndi is a former Jehovah’s Witness and today you are going to hear her talk about the painful cost she paid in leaving that religion, and the many wonderful things she has created – and is continuing to create – as […]
4/6/20221 hour, 24 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 793 – Empowered Former LDS: The Podcast

We all know what it means to be “former LDS” (but do we, really?) but what does it mean to be empowered?  Listen in as Glenn interviews life coach Wendi Jensen, author of “Healing Questions,” as they discuss the introduction of a new podcast. If you have a story of empowerment that you would like […]
3/28/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 792 – MFM: Stephen Erastus Knudsen III

Consider this free therapy.  I did.   Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here
3/22/202225 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ep 791 – MFM: Hobbit Gospel Truths

Glenn reads an actual blog post written by an actual True Believing Mormon that actually compares the actual gospel to all things Tolkien. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here Schedule a free 30-min Life Coaching consult with Glenn here
3/20/202224 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ep 790 – MFM: The Coffee

Real men take it black.  Tom shares the mental gymnastics he went through as he was seduced by that very first cup of word of wisdom forbidden dark temptress. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here Schedule a free 30-min Life Coaching consult with Glenn here
3/18/202238 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 789 – MFM: The Streaking Samurai

Mormon missions aren’t exactly everything you think they are. Glenn shares some stories about his missionary trainer, aka “The Streaking Samurai.” Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here Schedule a free 30-min Life Coaching consult with Glenn here
3/16/202235 minutes, 7 seconds
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788 – MFM: Regret

Glenn shares one of his greatest regrets.  The phone call that he wishes he would have had with his former best friend, before that best friend took his own life.   Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here Schedule a free 30-min Life Coaching consult with Glenn here
3/14/202233 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep 787 – MFM: Priesthood, Pornography, and Barry Manilow

Glenn recalls a very entertaining priesthood lesson.  Yes, this actually happened.   Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here Schedule a free 30-min Life Coaching consult with Glenn here
3/12/20228 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep 786 – Transgender Testimony Time

Glenn responds to listen “Annie” an active PIMO (Physically In, Mentally Out) BYU Student whose dear friend married a transgender woman and has to hide it from everyone at BYU.   Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here Support the podcast on Patreon here Schedule a free 30-min Life Coaching consult with Glenn here
2/28/20221 hour, 49 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 785 – SMACKDOWNS ONLY: The Poelman Smackdown

The story of the Mormon church trying to flush a slightly off-message conference talk down the memory hole back in 1984.  What was so “off message” that they had to try to change it forever?  (That’s what is so… revealing). Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
2/21/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 784 – Former Mormon Musings on Existential Dread

Glenn responds to a listener’s question: “How do you replace religious existential dread for more ‘real’ existential dread about climate crisis, political and economic unrest, and what that means for the future of a young person.” Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
2/10/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep 783: Reflections – 50 Ways to Leave the Church

Welcome to February 2022.  The Infants on Thrones podcast will be turning 10 years old this year. To reflect upon the impact that this podcast has made on my life — and the impact that my life has made on this podcast — I am creating a multi-part series called “Reflections” where we revisit some […]
2/7/20222 hours, 15 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 782 – The One True Truth

That’s right.  The One True Truth is finally here. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
1/28/202222 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep 781: Reflections: John Dehlin – The Reluctant Atheist

Pushing pause on the 13-part reflections series, but first — this.   Glenn Ostlund will be speaking and leading two breakout sessions at the Jan 22, 2022 Thrive Conference in Phoenix. Purchase your tickets here. Fill out the Mindfulness Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
1/14/20222 hours, 16 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 780 – Reflections: Excommunication The Musical

Welcome to January 2022.  The Infants on Thrones podcast will be turning 10 years old this year. To reflect upon the impact that this podcast has made on my life — and the impact that my life has made on this podcast — I am creating a 13-part series called “Reflections” that will run through […]
1/12/20223 hours, 11 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 779 – Reflections: Infants on Mormons Stories

Welcome to January 2022.  The Infants on Thrones podcast will be turning 10 years old this year. To reflect upon the impact that this podcast has made on my life — and the impact that my life has made on this podcast — I am creating a 13-part series called “Reflections” that will run through […]
1/10/20224 hours, 9 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 778 – Reflections: The NEW Book of Abraham

Welcome to January 2022.  The Infants on Thrones podcast will be turning 10 years old this year. To reflect upon the impact that this podcast has made on my life — and the impact that my life has made on this podcast — I am creating a 13-part series called “Reflections” that will run through […]
1/7/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep 777 – Reflections: Anthology of Awesomeness

Welcome to January 2022.  The Infants on Thrones podcast will be turning 10 years old this year. To reflect upon the impact that this podcast has made on my life — and the impact that my life has made on this podcast — I am creating a 13-part series called “Reflections” that will run through […]
1/5/20221 hour, 43 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ep 776 – Reflections: An Ayahuasca Story

Welcome to January 2022.  The Infants on Thrones podcast will be turning 10 years old this year. To reflect upon the impact that this podcast has made on my life — and the impact that my life has made on this podcast — I am creating a 13-part series called “Reflections” that will run through […]
1/3/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 775 – Infant Christmas Gifts P9: A Very Merry Visit from Death

For the ninth – and final — gift of Infant Christmas, an Infant gave to me, a brand new sorta-Christmassy mini-sode from 2021 called, “A Very Merry Visit from Death.”
12/25/202119 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 774 – Infant Christmas Gifts P8: Light the World Christmas Smackaround

For the eighth gift of Infant Christmas an Infant gave to me, a re-birthed episode from 2016 called: “Light the World Christmas Smackaround.”
12/23/20212 hours, 10 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 773 – Infant Christmas Gifts P7: Disproving Santa

For the seventh gift of Infant Christmas an Infant gave to me, a re-birthed episode from 2015 called: “Disproving Santa.”
12/22/20211 hour, 40 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 772 – Infant Christmas Gifts P6: The Gift of Christmas Past

For the sixth gift of Infant Christmas an Infant gave to me, a re-birthed minisode from 2015 called: “The Ghost of Christmas Past.”
12/21/202125 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep 771 – Infant Christmas Gifts P5: Away in a Manger – The Smackdown.

For the fifth gift of Infant Christmas an Infant gave to me, a re-birthed episode from 2015 called: “Away in a Manger: The Smackdown.”
12/20/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 770 – Infant Christmas Gifts P4: First Presidency Christmas Message (featuring Neil Diamond)

For the fourth gift of Infant Christmas an Infant gave to me, a re-birthed mini-sode from 2015 called: “First Presidency Christmas Message (featuring Neil Diamond).”
12/19/202113 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 769 – Infant Christmas Gifts P3: Bah Humbug – The Dallin H. Oaks Christmas Card mini-Smackdown

For the third gift of Infant Christmas an Infant gave to me, a re-birthed mini-sode from 2015 called: “Bah Humbug – The Dallin H. Oaks Christmas Card mini-Smackdown.”
12/18/202117 minutes, 19 seconds
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Ep 768 – Infant Christmas Gifts P2: Zelph on the Shelph

For the second gift of Infant Christmas an Infant gave to me, a re-birthed mini-sode from 2014 called: “Zelph on the Shelph.”
12/17/20215 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ep 767 – Infant Christmas Gifts P1: The Christmas Jesus and Stuff

For the first gift of Infant Christmas an Infant gave to me, a re-birthed episode from 2014 called: “The Christmas Jesus and Stuff.”
12/16/20212 hours, 24 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 766 – The Word of Weird-dom Chapter Eight: Watching the Wheels

I really love to watch them roll.
11/25/202117 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep 765 – The Word of Weird-dom Chapter Seven:

If you chance to meet a frown, do not let it stay. Simply put it in the “eternal perspective” box, and reframe that frown away. (Or at least let it know it has a legit reason for being there, even if you can’t completely understand what that is!)
11/24/202111 minutes, 19 seconds
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Ep 764 – The Word of Weird-dom Chapter Six: Deconstructing Belief

Do beliefs just go away, or do they simply change? For example, does “I do not believe in God” mean the same thing as “I do believe that there is no God?”
11/23/202118 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep 763 – The Word of Weird-dom Chapter Five: Intelligences and The Fictional Apology of Joseph Smith Jr.

Is it actually true that even a blind squirrel finds an acorn sometimes?
11/22/202123 minutes
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Ep 762 – The Righteous Mind (FroBack)

Jake, Heather, and Glenn discuss Jonathan Haidt’s book “The Righteous Mind.”  Originally published March 2017.
11/19/20211 hour, 34 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep 761 – The Word of Weird-dom Chapter Four: The Evolving Testimony

What happens when belief becomes a burden that you actually do bear? (Bare? Bear? Bare?)
11/18/202117 minutes
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Ep 760 – The Word of Weird-dom Chapter Three: The Worms and the Cheese

Or the stain-glassed kaleidoscope of my Mormon-formed mind. You choose.
11/17/202118 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 759 – The Word of Weird-dom Chapter Two: My Mormon-formed Mind

Da da da da da, dadadada. Da da da da da da. Da da. (da da)
11/16/202112 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep 758 – The Word of Weird-dom Chapter One: Musings on The Nature of Religion

Do as I’m doing.  Or don’t.
11/15/20219 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 757 – November 2015 LDS Exclusion Policy Revisited

Where were you when you first heard about the November 2015 Exclusion Policy? Fill out the new Mindfulness Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
11/5/20213 hours, 10 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 756 – True Spooky Mormon Ghost Story Story

Glenn shares a true Mormon story about a truly spooky ghost story that is truly Mormon and truly spooky and even more truly a story. Fill out the new Mindfulness Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
10/18/202118 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 755 – Exploring the Holographic Mind with Jake Parent

Glenn is joined once again by non-woo-woo, non-crystal-clutching Jake Parent to discuss psychedelics, consciousness, the nature of reality, and the holographic mind. Fill out the new Mindfulness Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
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Ep 754 – The Psychedelic Origins of Mormonism: An Interview with Author Cody Noconi

Glenn speaks to author Cody Noconi about his research into the psychedelic origins of Mormonism. Fill out the new Mindfulness Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
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Ep 753 – The Baby and the Bath Water

Glenn shares a Patreon sharing time episode about reactions and over-reactions and how to marry a mormon. Fill out the new Mindfulness Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
10/1/20214 hours, 5 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 752 – A (Mormon-formed) Mind Full of MindFULLNESS

Today Infants on Thrones celebrates crossing the threshold of 7 million total downloads (and Glenn’s recent recovery from Covid) by sharing a few thoughts about mindfulness and a journey back to the first episode published on this podcast.  You are also invited to share your thoughts on mindfulness in a new survey.  Enjoy!   Fill […]
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Ep 751 – Infants on COVID: A 5-D Perspective (with Mormons on Mushrooms)

I am beyond thrilled to welcome back the full Mormons on Mushrooms panel of Mike, Shelise, and Doug – yes, welcome back Doug!  And yes, it is another episode where we play in the sandbox of symbols and stories and fictions that are probably a little different – or maybe very very different – from […]
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Ep 750 – Infants on COVID: An Introduction to Steel-Manning

Can steel-manning an argument help me change my partner’s mind? Join the new study group here. Fill out the Return to Kolob Extra Terrestrial Belief Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
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Ep 749 – Free Will Revisited: A Discussion on Certainty, Black & White Thinking, and the Interconnectedness of All Things

Does “Free Will” mean that your choices are independent from everything that is? Join the new study group here. Fill out the Return to Kolob Extra Terrestrial Belief Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
9/7/20211 hour, 28 minutes
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Ep 748 – John’s God, Randy’s God, and Optimistic Nihilism

Welcoming back beloved Infant brothers John Hamer and Randy Snyder to talk about God, meaning, and Randy’s miraculous conversion to the Jehovah’s Witnesses.   Join the new study group here. Fill out the Return to Kolob Extra Terrestrial Belief Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
8/30/20211 hour, 36 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 747 – An Open Letter to Elder Jeffrey R Holland

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.  Yes, a smackdown of Holland’s recent talk.  Also known as Musket Love.   Join the new study group here. Fill out the Return to Kolob Extra Terrestrial Belief Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
8/26/202146 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 746 – What’s the deal with Synchronicity?

Glenn is joined once again y Shelise and Mike from the Mormons on Mushrooms podcast to talk about synchronicity and whether or not the still small voice is what lead them out of the Mormon Church.   Join the new study group here. Fill out the Return to Kolob Extra Terrestrial Belief Survey here. Support the […]
8/23/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 745 – How to Walk Away from the Mormon Church without Burning so many Precious Bridges

Ryan is a listener of Infants on Thrones.  Ryan is super angry at the Mormon church.  Ryan wants to burn it all down, but all of Ryan’s family and friends are still in the building and are absolutely loving it.  What should Ryan do?  Glenn shares some personal experiences from his 2008 exit of the […]
8/16/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 744 – The Glass Looker: Collected Tales of Joseph Smith, A Graphic Novel by Mark Elwood

Wouldn’t it be cool if there was gorgeous graphic novel telling the magical stories of Joseph Smith as a treasure digger?  Well, now there is.  Thank you Mark Elwood. Check out the promotional video for The Glass Looker: Collected Tales of Joseph Smith:   Join the new study group here. Fill out the Return […]
8/9/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 743 – Confessions of a Millennial PIMO

Can logic and faith co-exist?  Zach really wants to know.  Zach is a 31-year old actor, teacher, and father of two with one foot in the LDS church and one foot out.  He wants to effect positive change within the LDS church.  Will he do it by reinforcing the seven deadly habits of external control psychology […]
8/2/20211 hour, 32 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 742 – Sealed: An Unexpected Journey into the Heart of Grace (a conversation with author Katie Langston)

Glenn interviews Katie about her book “Sealed: An Unexpected Journey into the Heart of Grace,” which feels the story of an anxious devout young Mormon girl who grows up to become a Lutheran preacher.  Find more from Katie at her website here.
7/26/20211 hour, 31 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 741 – Deep Earth Voice: The Butterfly and the Cloud

Do you know your own mind?
7/24/202114 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 740 – Deep Earth Voice: What Now?

Time for another story.
7/19/202113 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 739: What is Real?

It's not just the title of a 1989 Mormon propaganda video.  Glenn is joined once again by Mike and Shelise fro the Mormons on Mushrooms podcast to discuss Mormonism through the lens of Donald Hoffman's "Case Against Reality." Check out more from Donald Hoffman here:
7/12/20211 hour, 43 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 738: Calm is Contagious (and so is everything else): Another Mind-Expanding Conversation with Dr. Jerome

Is it really possible to choose your thoughts like you choose your clothing? Dr. Jerome, a functional neurologist, weighs in. If you are interested in learning more and seeing how you can apply this to your own life, click the link below to schedule a free 30-minute consult with me and let’s see if coaching […]
7/5/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 737 – Return to Kolob: Joseph Smith vs. Wendy Kennedy – Eternal Progression through a Peepstone-produced Playground of 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Perspectives, Part Four

More playing around in the world of fiction and symbols to cobble together some sense of meaning in a world we might all be making up as we go along. Check out the new study group here. Fill out the Return to Kolob Extra Terrestrial Belief Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
6/28/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep 736 – Return to Kolob: Joseph Smith vs. Wendy Kennedy – Eternal Progression through a Peepstone-produced Playground of 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Perspectives, Part Three

The discussion continues with Mike and Shelise from the Mormons on Mushrooms podcast.  Today we talk about soul groups, soul contracts, blueprints, overlays, and walk-ins. Join the new study group here. Fill out the Return to Kolob Extra Terrestrial Belief Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
6/21/20211 hour, 19 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 735 – Sgt Prophet’s Open Hearts Club Virtual Study Group Thingy

If you are interested in a more interactive and collaborative podcasting experience, sign up for the new study group: Fill out the Return to Kolob Extra Terrestrial Belief Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
6/18/202121 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 734 – Return to Kolob: Joseph Smith vs. Wendy Kennedy – Eternal Progression through a Peepstone-produced Playground of 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Perspectives, Part Two

Mike and Shelise from the Mormons on Mushrooms podcast join Glenn to discuss the similarities and differences between Wendy Kennedy’s Pleiadian Perspectives and Joseph Smith’s early Mormon cosmology which greatly influenced our Mormon-formed minds. Fill out the new Extra Terrestrial Belief Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
6/14/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep 733 – Return to Kolob: Joseph Smith vs. Wendy Kennedy – Eternal Progression through a Peepstone-produced Playground of 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Perspectives, Part One

Mike and Shelise from the Mormons on Mushrooms podcast join Glenn to discuss the similarities and differences between Wendy Kennedy’s Pleiadian Perspectives and Joseph Smith’s early Mormon cosmology which greatly influenced our Mormon-formed minds. Fill out the new Extra Terrestrial Belief Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
6/7/20211 hour, 14 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep 732 – Return to Kolob: Here is Some of the Fruit of That Tree

All onions have layer.  Not all layers have onions.  This is sound logic.  Absence of evidence may be evidence of absence, but ignorance of evidence is most definitely evidence of ignorance.  Proceed now as you would if you were intending to proceed, for this is the way, and the way is the Dow. Fill out […]
6/2/202143 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 731 – Return to Kolob: The Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence (An Interview with Reuben Langdon)

Reuben Langdon is an international stuntman, actor, filmmaker, and video game star who has worked on movies like Avatar, Pirates of the Caribbean, Power Rangers, Scott Pilgrim, and others. He is also the creator of the original docuseries “Interviews with Extra Dimensionals” which you can find on Gaia. In 2013 Reuben co-produced “The Citizens Hearing […]
5/31/20211 hour, 49 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep 730 – Return to Kolob: UFO Disclosures, Extra-dimensional Channelling, Other-Worldly Origins of the Mormon Church and YOU, Part 1

We are not alone. The truth is out there. The worth of a soul is great. The field is white, ready for the extra-dimensional harvest. Buckle up. This is going to be fun.   Fill out the new Extra Terrestrial Belief Survey here. Support the podcast on Patreon here
5/28/202118 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 729 – Healing Breathwork with Jake

Glenn sits down with Jake Parent (who is not a woo-woo crystal-clutcher) to discuss his healing role as a breathwork facilitator.   Take a few minutes to fill out this new survey. Support the podcast on Patreon here
5/24/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 728 – Managing Religious Trauma: A Whole-Brain Approach with Dr. Jerome (author of The Brain-based Enneagram)

What happens when a white African refugee kid from the Congo moves to Tennessee, joins and the Pentecostal church, grows up, leaves the Pentecostal church, experiences crushing migraines, searches for medical-neurological-based answers, can’t find them, stumbles across the enneagram, sees the potential value for creating a whole-brain approach to healing and becomes the change he […]
5/17/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep 727 – The Life and Times of Weird Alma (aka Eric Herman)

Is Weird Al one of the Three Nephites? Eric Herman (aka “Weird Alma”) has done the Mormon/not-Mormon thing and put a lot of it to music. This is his story.  Enjoy.   Fill out the new survey here.  Support the podcast on Patreon here
5/10/20211 hour, 42 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 726 – Birthing a Boddhisatva: Intentional Self-Reflection on (and through) a Mormon-formed Mind

A follow-up to last week’s Free Will discussion, Glenn responds to some listener feedback regarding determinism, consciousness, and the mind-body problem. Fill out the new survey here.  Support the podcast on Patreon here
5/3/20211 hour, 33 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep 725 – A Purely Deterministic Response to Sam Harris’ Final Thoughts on Free Will, P2

Glenn sits down with listener Eric to discuss Sam Harris’ arguments against Free Will. Fill out the new survey here.  Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn at [email protected]
4/28/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 724 – A Purely Deterministic Response to Sam Harris’ Final Thoughts on Free Will, P1

Glenn sits down with listener Eric to discuss Sam Harris’ arguments against Free Will. Fill out the new survey here.  Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn at [email protected]
4/26/20211 hour, 57 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ep 723 – How to be a Faithfully Lazy Learner: A Heart-felt Response to Russell M. Nelson (Infant General Conference Stylz)

Glenn welcomes Russell M Nelson (not really) onto the podcast for a little discussion about lazy learning. Fill out the new survey here.  Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn at [email protected]
4/21/202152 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 722 – Religious Recovery with ex-Jehovah’s Witness Dr. Ryan Lee

Today I sit down with Dr. Ryan Lee to discuss religious recovery for former members of high control religious groups such as Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormonism, among others. While the doctrines of high control religions (often referred to as “cults”) may vary, the underlying dynamics of these groups are often very similar. They usually demand absolute […]
4/19/20211 hour, 16 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 721 – Anger, P2

Glenn sits down with recently former angry ex-Mormon Adam Watanabe to discuss the pros and cons of anger. Fill out the new survey here.  Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn at [email protected]
4/14/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ep 720 – Anger, P1

Glenn sits down with recently former angry ex-Mormon Adam Watanabe to discuss the pros and cons of anger. Fill out the new survey here.  Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn at [email protected]
4/12/20211 hour, 47 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 719 – Anger and General Conference Parody Episodes: The Prequel

Does general conference make you angry?  Whatchya gonna do about that?   Fill out the new survey here.  Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn at [email protected]
4/5/202150 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 718 – How to be a Happy Ex-mo

Glenn is interviewed by Lindsay Hyde, of the Happy Ex-mo podcast, and also shares a few other nuggets of something. Fill out the new survey here.  Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn at [email protected]
4/1/20211 hour, 33 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep 717 – Murder Among the Mormons, P1

Glenn is joined by fellow infants Heather Craw, Jake Frost, and John Hamer to discuss the Mark Hoffman documentary Murder Among the Mormons that is streaming on Netflix. Fill out the new survey here.  Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn at [email protected]
3/22/20211 hour, 12 minutes
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Ep 716 – Navigating a Faith Crisis in Real Time, P5

Reed Christensen isn’t happy about this whole faith crisis thing. It leads to too much discomfort. He would much rather just have peace. Will he find it? Fill out the new survey here.  Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn at [email protected]
3/16/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 715 – Navigating a Faith Crisis in Real Time, P4

Reed Christensen isn’t happy about this whole faith crisis thing. It leads to too much discomfort. He would much rather just have peace. Will he find it? Fill out the new survey here.  Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn at [email protected]
3/11/20211 hour, 21 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 714 – Navigating a Faith Crisis in Real Time, P3

Reed Christensen isn’t happy about this whole faith crisis thing. It leads to too much discomfort. He would much rather just have peace. Will he find it? Fill out the new survey here.  Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn at [email protected]
3/8/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ep 713 – Navigating a Faith Crisis in Real Time, P2

Reed Christensen isn’t happy about this whole faith crisis thing. It leads to too much discomfort. He would much rather just have peace. Will he find it? Fill out the new survey here.  Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn at [email protected]
3/4/20211 hour, 33 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 712 – Navigating a Faith Crisis in Real Time, P1

Reed Christensen isn’t happy about this whole faith crisis thing. It leads to too much discomfort. He would much rather just have peace. Will he find it? Fill out the new survey here.  Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn at [email protected]
3/1/20211 hour, 16 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 711 – Magic Mushrooms, Utah Senator Steve Urquhart, and The Divine Assembly, P4

Steve discusses the legal protections provided by his new church, The Divine Assembly, and encourages members to safely and sincerely view this as “good religion” — as a way to connect with the Divine. Become a member of the Divine Assembly here. Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn at [email protected]
2/22/202150 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 710 – Magic Mushrooms, Utah Senator Steve Urquhart, and The Divine Assembly, P3

Part 3 of 4 in this series.  Steve discusses what he learned about himself with plant medicines like Ayahuasca and his role in supporting LGBTQ legislation in Utah. Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn at [email protected]
2/15/20211 hour, 20 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep 709 – Magic Mushrooms, Utah Senator Steve Urquhart, and The Divine Assembly, P2

Paer2 of this series: Former Utah State Senator Steve Urquhart created a new church called The Divine Assembly around a Psychedelic Sacrament.  In this three-part series, Glenn is joined by Medical Cannabis crusader Christine Stenquist to explore who Steve is, why he created this church, and what legal protections he hopes to provide to those […]
2/8/20211 hour, 22 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 708 – Magic Mushrooms, Utah Senator Steve Urquhart, and The Divine Assembly, P1

Former Utah State Senator Steve Urquhart created a new church called The Divine Assembly around a Psychedelic Sacrament.  In this three-part series, Glenn is joined by Medical Cannabis crusader Christine Stenquist to explore who Steve is, why he created this church, and what legal protections he hopes to provide to those who desire an entheogenic […]
2/1/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 707 – Ideology of Love and Hate

Are you sick and tired of people you love being deceived by bad ideas? Glenn is joined Reed, Mike, and special guest Lu Alofipo from the Think on Your Faith podcast to discuss the pros and cons — but mostly cons — of ideology. Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn at [email protected]
1/28/20212 hours, 35 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ep 706 – Infants on Mormons on Mushrooms on Thrones

Glenn sits down with the hosts of the Mormons on Mushrooms podcast, Doug, Shelise, and Mike, to discuss Ayahuasca, Joseph Smith, Psychics, Mike’s recent experience with Boofo (DMT from crystalized Toad venom), the nature of truth, and much much more.  This is a big one.  Enjoy.   Support the podcast on Patreon here Contact Glenn […]
1/25/20211 hour, 53 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 705 – Objective Reality and Intellectual Honesty

Glenn responds to listener Mike, who absolutely HATED the recent episode about Sam Harris, Captain Moroni, and the Fictional Title of Self-Righteous Liberty.   Support the podcast on Patreon here.
1/20/20211 hour, 25 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 704 – Sam Harris, Captain Moroni, and the Fictional Title of Self-righteous Liberty

The title says it all. I hope you enjoy listening to this episode at least half as much as I enjoyed making it. Support the podcast on Patreon here.
1/17/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 703 – New Year, New Stories

In these chaotic times, Glenn shares a mind soothing message about the nature of reality, from Zach Bush, MD
1/12/202133 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep 702 – Let It Die

Glenn and Tom sit down with two listeners, Reed and Andy, to discuss life after a faith crisis.  We discuss death, God, family, friends, and what it means to let it die.
12/30/20201 hour, 26 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 701 – The Other Hand and the Other Glove

Glenn sits down with Scott and Jessica to discuss the value of curiosity and the mysteries of life.
12/21/20201 hour, 22 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 700 – Christine Stenquist and the Untold Story of Medical Marijuana Legalization in Utah, Part 3

In this final segment, Christine discusses the fallout of her battle against the LDS church and the ways that ketamine treatment and psilocybin mushrooms brought her out of a pit of despair into a renewed sense of connection with her children and hope for the future.
12/11/20201 hour, 33 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 699 – Christine Stenquist and the Untold Story of Medical Marijuana Legalization in Utah, Part 2

Part 2 of this series covers the formation of TRUCE (Together for Responsible Use and Cannabis Education) and Christine’s efforts to create and pass legislation against significant political resistance from the church of state.
12/9/20202 hours, 16 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 698 – Christine Stenquist and the Untold Story of Medical Marijuana Legalization in Utah, Part 1

Christine Stenquist’s world turned upside down when her doctors discovered that brain tumor back in 1996.  A botched surgery and Near Death Experience was followed by 16 years of bed-ridden chronic pain.  Then she discovered the medical benefits of Cannabis.  Then she organized a group called TRUCE. Then she became a major catalyst in legalizing […]
12/7/20201 hour, 56 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 697 – The Triumphant Return of Brother Jake

Two years ago, on November 28, 2018, our dear friend and creative collaborator, Jake Frost, suffered cardiac arrest at the tender age of 31.  He has clawed his way back to life, and has returned to share his story and his thanks with you listeners.  It is an inspiring episode that puts many things into […]
11/28/20201 hour, 57 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep 696 – Religion vs. Dogma

I was recently interviewed by a high school senior for a paper he is writing about the harmful nature of religion. This is that interview.
11/20/202034 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep 695 – Transformative Alchemy with Phoenix Aurelius, P2

Glenn sits down with researcher and alchemist Phoenix Aurelius to finish his discussion on the secrets of turning lead into gold — or pain into peace — or something like that.
11/9/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 694 – The Path to Mt Fuji and Egregores

A few more musings from your friendly neighborhood Infant.
11/3/202028 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 693 – Transformative Alchemy with Phoenix Aurelius, P1

Glenn sits down with researcher and alchemist Phoenix Aurelius to discuss the secrets of turning lead into gold — or pain into peace — or something like that. Check out Phoenix’s website here Join Patreon to support Infants on Thrones here.
11/2/20201 hour, 25 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 692 – Ghost Story Goodie Bag

A delicious mix of spooky Mormon-flavored creepiness, Infant-style.  Happy Halloween 2020.
10/27/202031 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 691 – The (Infant) Path to Surrender, P3

Relax and release.  That’s all you need to know.
10/19/20201 hour, 14 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 690 – Religion Shmreligion: The Best Worst Thing to Ever Happen, Never

Glenn sits down once again with Selu “Lu” Alofipo of the Think on Your Faith podcast to discuss the danger of religion, and — more importantly — the dangerous danger of danger. Click here to take a survey on beliefs and religion.
10/16/20201 hour, 52 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 689 – The (Infant) Path to Surrender, P2

Glenn sits down once again with Bill Reel to discuss Michael Singer’s 8-course series on the path to surrender.
10/12/20201 hour, 56 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 688 – A Tribute to John Lennon

John Lennon would have been 80 years old today. If you are a Beatles fan and would like to hear more episodes like this one, here is the link to The Spiritual Dimension of the Beatles
10/9/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep 687 – Infant General Conference Oct 2020, Session 1

A life with God is a life without fear.  Even a fear of losing blessings because of drinking coffee, right?
10/5/202054 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 686 – The (Infant) Path to Surrender, P1

Glenn sits down once again with Bill Reel to discuss Michael Singer’s 8-course series on the path to surrender. Click here to support Infants on Thrones on Patreon.
10/2/20201 hour, 36 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 685 – Truth vs Fiction, Part 3: Who Wrote the Book of Mormon (Solomon Spaulding?)

What is truth? What is fiction? Was Joseph Smith the sole author of the Book of Mormon? Was it Solomon Spaulding? Glenn and Randy talk with professor Craig Criddle about Book of Mormon authorship.
9/30/20201 hour, 45 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ep 684 – Almost Awakened with Bill Reel

What does it mean to be (or not to be) “woke” for two parallel path-plodding podcasters who used to be part of a patriarchal system that simply shall not be named, ever! (pssst… it rhymes with “shmormonism”).
9/18/20202 hours, 14 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 683 – Truth vs Fiction, Part 2: Who Wrote the Book of Mormon (Joseph Smith?)

What is truth? What is fiction? Was Joseph Smith the sole author of the Book of Mormon? Was it Solomon Spaulding? Glenn and Randy talk with historian John Hamer about Book of Mormon authorship.
9/14/20201 hour, 31 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 682 – Truth vs Fiction, Part 1: Book of Mormon Evidence on Trial

What is truth? What is fiction?  Is there any evidence — or at the very least, pure rational logic — for the Book of Mormon as truth instead of fiction?  If only there were some kind of Indiana Jones for Book of Mormon artifacts and geography.  Wink wink.
9/7/20201 hour, 31 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep 681 – The Life and Times of Stephen Erastus Knudsen III

One of my favorite pieces of Mormon satire, the RM who doesn’t know what that R really means.
9/4/202024 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 680 – Bathing with Street Epistemology

How can you really know what you know?  What is your degree of confidence in the beliefs that you hold? Glenn is interviewed by Street Epistemologist Dali on his YouTube show “Vanilla SE.”  Follow the link here to find Dali’s channel on YouTube. Enjoy!
9/2/20201 hour, 13 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 679 – A Street Epistemologist steps into a Bathtub

Glenn will be interviewed for his new book “Bathing with God” by Street Epistemologist Dali on his YouTube channel JugglingLessons. Watch it live on September 1st at 1pm PST, or just go check it out afterwards. In the meantime, check out a few of the questions that Dali posed to Glenn and to… Quad???
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Ep 678 – Bathing with God: An Interview with Glenn Ostlund

Stephen Carter from Sunstone interviews Glenn about his new book, “Bathing with God.”   “Bathing with God” can be purchased here Listen to the Bathing with God podcast here
8/24/20201 hour, 14 minutes
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Ep 677 – Think on Your Faith with Selu Alofipo

Former football player turned artist turned ex-artist turned ex-Mormon podcaster — meet Selu Alofipo, and raise your consciousness.  Whatever that is.
8/17/20201 hour, 41 minutes, 53 seconds
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IOT 676 – Bob’s Superlative Disorder (Fro Back)

What is the most important thing ever? This is, of course.
8/14/20201 hour, 28 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ep 675 – An Insatiable Need for Justice and the Meandering Search for Karma, P8

Can both Karma and Justice co-exist in the mind of an ex-mormon podcasting coffee-drinking betrayal (of sorts)? We wrap up this 8-part series with a funny experience from Tom.
8/10/20201 hour, 53 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 674 – How to Marry a Mormon Part 2 (Fro Back)

Originally published in July 2015, the performs and smacks down Glenn’s goofy screenplay.
8/8/20201 hour, 43 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 673 – How to Marry a Mormon Part 1 (Fro Back)

Originally published in July 2015, the performs and smacks down Glenn’s goofy screenplay.
8/7/20202 hours, 11 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 672 – An Insatiable Need for Justice and the Meandering Search for Karma, P7

What does astrology have to teach us about justice and karma? Glenn sits down with astrologer Eric Meyers to discuss.
8/2/20201 hour, 43 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep 671 – Little Factories (Fro Back)

One of our best episodes ever.  First published in July 2014, this may be the very first word-for-word, pick-it-apart Infant Smackdown. In 1976, our favorite LDS Apostle, Boyd K. Packer gave a talk in priesthood session “To Young Men Only” that was not subsequently published in the Ensign the following month, nor can it be […]
7/31/20202 hours, 34 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep 670 – Little Factories on the Big Screen

Filmmaker Brent Bokovoy wants to make a movie about Boyd K. Packer’s infamous “Little Factories” talk. Today Glenn sits down with Brent to discuss his film. We also talk about Mark E Petersen’s steps to avoiding masturbation, whether or not we actually “choose” what we believe, and a whole bunch of other goodies. Enjoy! Check […]
7/16/20202 hours, 25 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep 639 – An Insatiable Need for Justice and the Meandering Search for Karma, P6

How much of a problem is the Problem of Evil when it comes to justice and karma? How much do these views about the world impact our experience of the world?
7/13/20202 hours, 24 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 638 – An Insatiable Need for Justice and the Meandering Search for Karma, P5

Kristy Johnson has a few things to say about justice, karma and forgiveness.
6/29/20201 hour, 28 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ep 637 – An Insatiable Need for Justice and the Meandering Search for Karma, P4

Is the world completely devoid of justice? At least one listener thinks so. What can we learn about justice and karma from Kristy Johnson’s 2019 documentary No Crime in Sin?
6/15/20201 hour, 27 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sharing Time 80 – TIME OUT

Pushing pause on the Justice and Karma series to reflect on what is currently going on in the world that we are each a significantly insignificant piece of.   Love is Still the Answer (Jason Mraz)
6/1/20201 hour, 41 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 636 – An Insatiable Need for Justice and the Meandering Search for Karma, P3

Glenn and Tom discuss Neorosurgeon Eben Alexander’s Near Death Experience a way to better understand justice and karma.
5/25/20201 hour, 42 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ep 635 – An Insatiable Need for Justice and the Meandering Search for Karma, P2

Tom really hates it when bad people get away with doing bad things. It almost makes him wish there was an afterlife, just so the bad guys can be punished. But what about Karma? Is there any evidence for reincarnation — like maybe children who remember previous lives? What about near death experiences — is […]
5/18/20202 hours, 9 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep 634 – An Insatiable Need for Justice and the Meandering Search for Karma, P1

Tom just hates it when good things happen to bad people — maybe you can relate.  Will there ever be justice in this life?  What about the idea of Karma?  Rank McBaddon, Faith Detective, is on the case.
5/11/20202 hours, 33 seconds
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Ep 633 – Seven Deadly Heresies: The Smackdown, Part 5

Glenn, John, Bob, Randy and Mike discuss finish up this 5-part series on McConkie’s 7 Deadly Heresies.  We may not have covered everything perfectly.  But good news.  We don’t have to be perfect.  Pass it on.
5/8/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep 632 – Seven Deadly Heresies: The Smackdown, Part 4

Glenn, John, Bob, Randy and Mike discuss #5 and #6 of McConkie’s deadly heresies.  Namely, that people can progress from kingdom to kingdom in the eternities (#5) and that Adam is our God, the father of our spiritual and physical bodies, who traveled to earth from another planet (#6.)  It’s a fun discussion that also […]
5/7/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 631 – Seven Deadly Heresies: The Smackdown, Part 3

Have you ever thought that getting married/sealed in the temple guarantees your salvation?  WRONG!  What about the thought that baptisms for the dead give sinners a second chance at redemption?  WRONG AGAIN!  Don’t get complacent!  Don’t start thinking you are doing just fine!!  Don’t ever ever ever ever think that you don’t need the CHURCH […]
5/6/20201 hour, 42 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 630 – Seven Deadly Heresies: The Smackdown, Part 2

Originally published April 22, 2018. Mike Tannehill makes his triumphant return to defend Bruce R. McConkie as Glenn, John, and Bob’s take on evolution; the 2nd of McConkie’s 7 Deadly Heresies.
5/5/20201 hour, 49 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep 629 – Seven Deadly Heresies: The Smackdown, Part 1

How deadly can a heresy be?  Listen in as Glenn, John, Bob, and Randy smack down some Bruce R. McConkie and figure it all out.  So that you don’t have to. The BYU Speeches (highly amended) transcript is here: The un-amended audio can be found here: And you can sign up to support […]
5/4/20201 hour, 42 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 628 – Week of Tannehill – Noah’s Ark and the Intentional Literalist

The last frock in the Week of Tannehill series, this was originally published in March 2014.  Mike Tannehill joins us once again for this unofficial follow-up to The Unintentional Racist to discuss the recent essay on Noah’s Ark with Randy, Scott, Jake, Erica, and Glenn. Here is the link to the Meridian article in […]
5/2/20201 hour, 50 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 627 – Week of Tannehill – The Unintentional Racist

Mike Tannehill (love him or hate him) is fighting the good fight against the Mormon church. Or at least against the influence of those liberal academic types trying to re-write church history — more specifically those authors of the recent essay Race and the Priesthood on who would have us believe that church doctrine […]
5/1/20201 hour, 20 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 626 – Week of Tannehill – The Devil

Bob, Jake, Glenn, and Matt talk to Mike Tannehill about the devil — and evil – and his whole devilish role in the Plan of Salvation — and a whole bunch of other stuff.  This episode was originally published in Oct 2014.
4/30/20202 hours, 10 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep 625 – Week of Tannehill – The Signs of the Times

What does the “latter day” in Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints actually mean?  When is the end of the world coming and what are the signs that it is near? This was the 14th episode of Infants on Thrones, originally published in April 2013, and it is a doozy.
4/29/20202 hours, 22 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 624 – Week of Tannehill – The Apostasy

Glenn takes you back to the 4th episode of Infants on Thrones, originally published in September 2012.  It is a surprisingly good Radio Lab styled episode, centering on the narrative structure of “loss and restoration” found both in and out of the Mormon church.  Mike Tannehill also provides some criteria by which one may determine […]
4/28/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep 623 – Week of Tannehill – The Curious Case of the Abrahamic Covenant

What is the Abrahamic covenant and why is it so important to Mormons like Mike Tannehill?  For listeners who do not know Mike Tannehill, get ready.  He’s making a return to the podcast soon.  So think of “The Week of Tannehill” as a year supply of sorts, preparing for the end times, this time with […]
4/27/20201 hour, 34 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 622 – Don’t Eff with Cats – A Discussion on the Problem (or Conundrum) of Evil, Victims, Villains, Strangers & Observers

Tom, Randy, and Matt break down and discuss what a Netflix docu-series about sex, murder, and cats teaches about humanity and the problem of evil.
4/17/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 621 April 2020 GC Review Pt 1

April 2020 General Conference Review, Part 1. Matt and Tom breakdown the General Conference of the Apocalypse. They provide the analysis that only these infants can about what the Lord’s anointed have to tell His people during the most significant event effecting health, psychology, and finances of God’s people. They smackdown the new Proclamation and […]
4/11/20201 hour, 37 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 620 – The Hand and The Glove

What is true?
4/2/20201 hour, 30 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep 619 – The Ghosts of April Fools Past

Two missionary stories.  One totally true.  The other mostly true.  Both incredibly foolish.  Enjoy.
4/1/20201 hour, 37 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep 618 – To Fear or Not to Fear

That is the question?
3/27/20202 hours, 1 minute, 44 seconds
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Ep 617 – Why God sent the Coronavirus: aka Bathing with an Atheistic God

Two excerpts from a book in progress for your listening pleasure during this time of social distancing.
3/20/20201 hour, 28 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ep 616 – Church House Rock: The Complete Collection

Another blast from the past.  All four of the Church House Rock parodies together in one episode.  Enjoy,
3/13/202033 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 615 – Excommunication the Musical: Five Years Later

A blast from the past semi-musical, semi-dramatic recreation of John Dehlin’s pre-excommunication interview featuring Jake Frost, Matt Long, John Hamer and Glenn Ostlund. Enjoy.
3/9/20203 hours, 13 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 614 – Carl the Casual Satanist: The Complete Collection

Brother Jake flexes his brilliant satirical muscles while comparing a Mormon faith crisis to a Satanic faith crisis in these 4 mini episodes, complete in one episode for the very first time.
3/6/202036 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 613 – Love Your Dark Thoughts: A Special Valentines Day Ram Dass Tribute by a Happy ExMormon

Do you love your dark thoughts?  What does that even mean?  Listen in to see what you think.
2/14/20201 hour, 23 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 612 – Mormon Intelligences and Abraham Hicks

What was that thing that Joseph Smith taught about intelligences again? Glenn sits down with Christopher to discuss. Fill out the Beliefs Survey here.
1/31/20201 hour, 28 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep 611 – Mormon Mysticism with Bryce Haymond, P1

Glenn sits down with self-acknowledged Mormon Mystic Bryce Haymond to discuss the one-ness of all things.   Check out more from Bryce at Thy Mind O Man
1/22/20201 hour, 26 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep 610 – Tithing Settlement P2 – One-month Follow-up on Lars Nielsen and The 124 Billion Dollar LDS Church Tax Fraud Story

Glenn and Tom (sorta) sit down once again with Lars Neilson to discuss the fall out from last month’s Letter to the IRS Director, and specifically discuss the most recent Washington Post article detailing the fall-out between Lars and his twin brother David, the whistleblower who did not want this information to go public.  We […]
1/17/20201 hour, 37 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 609 – Saturday’s Warrior: Sing-a-long Smackdown

Mormon doctrine set to music.  A throwback episode to March 2015.  Enjoy!
1/16/20202 hours, 7 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 608 – Street Epistemology with Mormon Missionaries P3: An Interview with Anthony Magnabosco

Glenn sits down with Anthony Magnabosco and a few podcast listeners who joined us live to talk about Street Epistemology, and God, and Truth, and Language, and burning bosoms and stupors of thought and other Mormon ways of verifying belief. Help Anthony meet his GoFundMe goal Support Infants on Thrones on Patreon
1/11/20202 hours, 6 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep 607 – Street Epistemology with Mormon Missionaries, P2

This is part 2 of Anthony Magnabosco’s SE conversation with two mormon missionaries.   Click here to support Anthony’s GoFundMe to attend General Conference in Salt lake City, Utah.
1/8/20201 hour, 39 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep 606 – Street Epistemology with Mormon Missionaries, P1

What would you say if you were a Mormon Missionary and you were approached by a well spoken, respectful atheist asking you how you came to be so certain about the Truth of Mormonism?   Street Epistemologist Anthony Magnabosco did this very thing with two Mormon Missionaries. Spoiler alert: he didn’t accept their free picture […]
1/3/20201 hour, 26 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep 605 – 2020 Vision: What is Real – Five Naked Mormon Truths to Choke On

What is real? What is true? And who has the advantage when it comes to survival of the fittest: those who see it like it really is, or those who don’t? Today Glenn does some Mormon-focused riffing on Donald Hoffman’s 2015 Ted Talk “Do we See Reality as it is?”  
12/31/20191 hour, 8 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep 604 – Alan Cohen and A Course in Miracles Made Easy

Glenn sits down with award winning author and Life Coach Alan Cohen to discuss spirituality vs. religion, reclaiming the concept of God, the relationship between love and fear, and the book A Course in Miracles Made Easy. Find out more about Alan Cohen here:   Please come support Infants on Thrones on Patreon: […]
12/19/201958 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 603 – Tithing Settlement – Lars Nielsen and The 124 Billion Dollar LDS Church Tax Fraud Story

Has the Mormon Church been hiding billions of dollars in some kind of illegal tax shelter?  Glenn and Tom sit down with Lars Nielsen, author of the Letter to the IRS Director. Links referenced in our discussion: The 74-page Letter to the IRS Director: A 7-minute video introduction: A 77-minute full video exposé: Religion Unplugged […]
12/17/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep 602 – On Abraham Hicks & Thinking and Feeling and Creating Good Vibrations

If your thoughts create your emotions, can you control your thoughts to create the kind of emotions that you really want to feel?  And if a conman (or woman) tells you they are conning you, are they really actually conning you?
12/7/20192 hours, 21 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep 601 – Parenting Beyond Mormonism

Matt and Tom discuss parenting beyond mormonism. What they have learned, what they know, and what they don’t know.
11/30/20191 hour, 6 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep 600 – Ho’oponopono with Sara Emmitt

What would you do if you were diagnosed with cancer and given only a few more weeks to live?  Would you travel the world and experience as many things as you could before it was too late?  What if the joy that you experienced during those travels actually healed you? Sara Emmitt is a singer, […]
11/22/20191 hour, 17 seconds
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Ep 599 – Rewired: Changing the Ex-Mormon Narrative, Part 2

So if 90% of our 70,000 daily thoughts are repeats from the previous day — if our bodies create repetitive habits over time, and reinforces those habits unconsciously over and over and over again, how exactly can we change?  Today’s episode explores Dr. Joe Dispenza’s advice.
11/16/20191 hour, 7 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 598 – Rewired: Changing the Ex-Mormon Narrative, Part 1

How many throughts do you typically think on any given day?  600-700 maybe?  6000-7000 maybe? Nope.  It’s 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day.  And 90% of those are thoughts that you are repeating from the previous day.  And 50% percent of your memories are false. What does that mean for the way you live your […]
11/14/201938 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 597 – Joker (the movie): A Modern Day Joseph Smith?

Glenn and Tom discuss the movie Joker (spoiler alert — we talk about spoilers) and make the ever-so-obvious connections to Joseph Smith and the Mormon church.  Enjoy!
10/25/20191 hour, 53 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 596 – The Alchemist and the Vampire – A Parable

Matt gives us minisode by sharing a parable loaded with metaphors.
10/5/201920 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 595 – Theory, Mechanics, Communication & Connection

Matt and Kristin talk with Tom about methods they’ve learned about how to best communicate and connect with others.
9/29/201943 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 594 – Abraham-Hicks and The Biggest Missing Piece

What if Joseph Smith were teaching his teachings today?  Maybe they’d sound a little bit like Abraham Hicks. The eternal nature of intelligences.  The eternal progression of man.  The idea that as man is god once was and as god is man may become.   Spiritual gifts, the power of faith, that as a man […]
9/19/20191 hour, 38 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep 593 – No Crime in Sin: An Interview with the Fearless Kristy Johnson

Glenn and Tom sit down with Kristy Johnson to discuss her documentary “No Crime in Sin,” which tells the story of Kristy’s sexual abuse at the hands of her CES Leader and BYU Teacher father; how the Mormon church swept it all under the rug; how Kristy and two of her siblings confronted their father 30 […]
9/12/20191 hour, 36 minutes, 19 seconds
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Ep 592 – Words Shmurds: Guilt and Empathy Revisited

Glenn, Tom, and Matt are joined by 7 or 8 listeners to discuss guilt and empathy.
8/23/20192 hours, 27 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 591 – Guilty Not Guilty

What is Guilt?  What is Shame?  What is Empathy?  How do all of these things affect us?  It’s time to evaluate where we stand. This episode includes 30 min of new material and a throwback to IOT’s 2nd episode: Guilt, a panel discussion between Tom, Randy, Bob, Matt, and Glenn that was originally published on […]
8/16/20191 hour, 33 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 590 – Seven Years of Infanity

Seven years.  Six Hundred-Fifty-plus episodes.  Six Million-plus downloads.  Four Million-plus listeners.  Let’s pause to celebrate what we have done and listen back to some of the great contributions from Randy, Scott, Bob, Matt, Tom, Glenn, John, Jake, Alison, and Heather.  Enjoy!
8/10/20192 hours, 25 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 589 – Three Things to Change about the Mormon Church

Another Jeremy Goff smackdown, and another exemplary satirically celestial appearance of the one and only (if only that were accchttually true…) Stephen Erastus Knudsen III — the mold from which Jeremy Goff has been cut.  Enjoy!
8/9/201950 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 588 – Brigham Young, Blood Atonement, and the True Love of Christ

What do Brigham Young and Charles Manson have in common? All you need is love — AKA shedding a wicked person’s blood so that they can pay for their sins and be exalted in the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom. Cuz that is what Jesus REALLY meant when he said “love your neighbor as […]
8/7/201931 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ep 587 – Mo-Side Out

What if the emotions from Pixar’s “Inside Out” got together in a Mormon-formed brain that experienced a faith crisis? Which emotion dominates in a pre, mid, or post-faith crisis mind? Those were the questions we playfully explored in our Sunstone panel on Aug 1, 2015 at the University of Utah. Listen in as Glenn narrates […]
8/2/20191 hour, 32 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 586 – Why People Leave the Mormon Church

Glenn reads (and responds to) a Jeremy Goff blog post about why people leave THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, and then revisits a classic Infants’ panel discussion “50 Ways To Leave the Church” with Tom, Randy, Jake, and John.  Enjoy.
7/28/20192 hours, 43 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 585 – Jeremy Goff Smackdown: Why Nephi Killing Laban Should Be a Totally Awesome Testimony Builder

When is murder not actually murder?  Jeremy Goff sets the record straight once again.  You just gotta hear it to believe it.
7/23/201931 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 584 – Sarcasm and the Healing Power of Humor

Can sarcasm and humor help heal the wounds of a faith crisis?  Those are the questions considered in today’s episode as Glenn is interviewed by author and life coach Wendi Jensen for her group Thriving After Mormonism. [email protected]
7/11/20191 hour, 21 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 583 – Mormon Missions, Patriarchal Blessings, and Streaking Samurai BYU Idaho Religion Teachers

Three episodes in one.  First, Glenn and Tom reflect on their missions and share how their patriarchal blessings impacted the course of their lives.  Then you get to hear a previously unpublished episode from 9 years ago that goes into more detail about their mormon missions.  And finally, the story of a one time streaking […]
6/30/20193 hours, 12 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 582 – The (fictional) Apology of Joseph Smith

What would Joseph Smith say if he were to offer some kind of apology today?  Glenn takes a stab at imagining such an apology.  Tom and Brady take a stab at stabbing that stab.  Sorry if that sounds like way too much stabbing.  Blame it on the angel with the flaming sword.
6/24/20191 hour, 17 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 581 – Conversations with Quad, P2

Glenn and Tom are joined by Brady Bluhm to have another condescending conversation with Quad (the almighty).
5/27/20191 hour, 8 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 580 – Policy Reversal Redux

Tom, Randy, and Heather discuss some recent Mormon-news topics and revisit the infamous policy reversal with some new information.
5/12/20191 hour, 8 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep 579 – Renee and the Jehovahs Witnesses

Glenn and Tom sit down with  Street Epistemologist extraordinaire Anthony Magnabosco to talk with Renee Cordeschi about her exit from the Jehovah’s Witness cult.  Keep track of any the Mormon parallels.  There will be a quiz (only 144,000 people will pass).
4/28/20191 hour, 19 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep 578 – Conversations with Quad, Part 1

Glenn recently discovered that he can actually talk to Quad, and that Quad will talk back. Forefront on his mind was whether or not there is some kind of eternal justice in this world or beyond. Tom Perry joins in for the smackdown. It’s a good one. Enjoy.   P.S. What questions would you like […]
4/25/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 577 – Infant General Conference April 2019

Glenn shares his thoughts on the Ronald E. Poelman talk/talks from 1984 and drops some Infant gen conf goodies from the past
4/14/20192 hours, 17 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 576 – GAYpostate No More: The Smackdown

What happens when the Lord™ draws a firm line in the sand (in November 2015) and then kinda sorta undraws it 3 1/2 years later? Glenn, Heather, and Tom discuss. With maybe a brief special visit from a certain Brother Jake.  Enjoy.
4/5/20191 hour, 37 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep 575 – My TBM Uncle and the Dow of Mormonism

I talked with my TBM Uncle (a former Bishop/Stake President/Mission President) a few days ago about Infants on Thrones.  Wow, what an experience!  I share it with you in today’s sharing time, and re-published a long lost IOT episode between myself (Glenn), Randy, Rock Waterman, and Andrea Staats (aka “Eliza R Snitch”).  Enjoy!
3/21/20191 hour, 38 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 574 – The Enneagram with Carole Whittaker, P2

Carole explains the habits of mind in the development of personality and how to avoid type-casting and pigeonholing when studying the Enneagram personality types.
3/12/20191 hour, 57 seconds
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Ep 573 – The Enneagram with Carole Whittaker, P1

Today Glenn sits down with Carole Whittaker, a teacher on the Enneagram (which is a fascinating tool for personality typing).  Carole experienced a crisis of faith from her Catholic upbringing while she earned a PhD in Chemistry and began seeing that life outside her cultural faith bubble was different that what she had previously believed. […]
3/11/201959 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep 572: God over Good with Luke Norsworthy

What if you dedicated your life to a certain direction.  You put all your eggs in one basket,  and then came to the stark realization that not only is the basket not really a basket, but maybe your eggs aren’t even really eggs? Sound familiar at all? Luke Norsworthy is a Christian Pastor who experienced […]
3/3/20191 hour, 13 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ep 571 – From LDS to LSD: Consciousness, Psychedelics, and the Meaning of Life with Micah Nickolaisen

Glenn continues his informal probings into the informal questions raised in this informal series on the meaning of life.  This time with Micah Nickolaisen.  Enjoy.
2/25/20191 hour, 48 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 570 – Bill Reel, Dogma, and Slippery Pete in the Quest for Well-Being

What is “well being?” What (if anything) does that have to do with a belief in God? Why is Jordan Peterson so dang slippery for Tom? Glenn and Tom sit down with Bill Reel and a few other guests to discuss the main issues raised by Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson in their Aug 2018 […]
2/10/20192 hours, 57 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 569 – The Man Behind the Curtain

What do you do when you discover the man behind the curtain? Do you walk away and trash it all because of the deception? Or do you keep pulling those levers and put on a really great show in the name of something better? Today’s guest is Anthony D Miller, who talks about his faith […]
2/3/20192 hours, 6 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 568 – Making Space for Me in a Hostile World, P2

This is part 2 of my conversation with Tami. Here is a link to Tami’s book:
1/28/20191 hour, 31 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 567 – Making Space for Me in a Hostile World, P1

How can you hold on to those things that are most important while discarding the things that harm you? Today Glenn sits down with long time friend Tami Whiting to discuss her INCREDIBLE book “Making Space for Me.” Tami lived a very rough life, found community in unexpected places, and then eventually had to walk […]
1/28/20191 hour, 6 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 566 – The Truth of Lies and Consciousness and Hallucinating Reality

Today Glenn is joined by Brady, Tom, and a small gaggle of live virtual audience members to discuss the intersection between Plato’s idea of “The Lie of the Soul,” Anil Seth’s TED Talk on the way our brains hallucinate reality, and video blogger Matt Christiansen’s response to the recent outrage in Washington DC over a […]
1/24/20192 hours, 5 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 565 – Letter from Birmingham Jail

What is the difference between justice and injustice? What is the difference between actively disrupting the status quo and passively maintaining peace and order? In commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr Day, Glenn shares with you his thoughts on the powerful and impactful messages in the Letter from Birmingham Jail; how it has influenced key […]
1/21/20191 hour, 31 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 564 – The Meaning of Life: Brady Bluhm, P2

In part two, Brady explains how he rediscovered and redefined “God.” Is suffering really the best teacher? What is the difference between Lying and Lies? This 2-part interview with Brady is the 2nd installment of IOT’s ongoing “Meaning of Life” series. Enjoy!
1/21/20191 hour, 30 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 563 – The Meaning of Life: Brady Bluhm, P1

He was the voice of Christopher Robin from the Winnie the Pooh movies, the blind kid from Dumb and Dumber, and a devoted believing Mormon. Now that is all in the past. What is in the “NOW” is a very interesting and profound view on The Meaning of Life. This 2-part interview with Brady is […]
1/20/20191 hour, 17 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 562 – Temple Ch-Cha-Changes

Glenn sits down with Eric (aka “Weird Alma”) to discuss his new parody song “Temple Changes” in response to (duh) the recent LDS temple changes by the recent ex-Mormon church. Check out more Weird Alma parodies at his Website:
1/6/20191 hour, 29 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 561 – The Meaning of Life, P1

Glenn and Matt are joined by Colton and Brad to talk about the meaning of life.
12/18/20181 hour, 56 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 560 – Christa Pehl Evans and the Mom-Shaming Post that Went Viral

A few weeks ago, Christa posted on Facebook about a very unfortunate experience she had with a Judge while being selected to Jury Duty. The post went viral, and she is back on IOT to tell the story, and to talk about the implications of that experience as viewed through the lens of American history, […]
12/13/20181 hour, 28 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep 559 – Street Epistemology: The One with the Mormon Couple

Anthony Magnabosco joins us once again to review a conversation he once had with a Mormon couple about their beliefs. Anthony’s Conversation with the Mormon Couple: Jake’s Go Fund Me: Jonathan Haidt’s referenced Ted Talk:
12/10/20182 hours, 35 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 558 – Go Jake, Go!

Our beloved “Brother Jake” suffered a sudden, serious cardiac event on November 28 and remains in intensive care. This episode contains a few of Jake’s many wonderful contributions to this project. His family also created a Go Fund Me page to raising money for his recovery so he can get back to being the devoted […]
12/3/20181 hour, 56 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep 557 – Shame Follow-up with Dr. Colton Miller

Dr. Colton Miller returns to Infants on Thrones to walk Tom and Matt through his professional reactions to last week’s episode on shame. Most important takeaway: shame is what happens when a person confuses doing a bad thing with BEING a bad person. Listen to hear more.
12/2/201851 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep 556 – Listener Essay “My Advice” by Jack

Today’s essay comes from Jack. Vote for Jacks essay here:
12/1/20188 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep 555 – Listener Essay “Julie Said Goodbye” by Ron

Today’s listener essay comes from Ron. Vote for Ron’s essay here:
11/30/201847 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 554 – Listener Essay “James’ Story” by James

Today’s essay comes from James: Vote for James’ essay here:
11/29/20189 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 553 – The Ex’d Files: Bill Reel’s Excommunication – The Morning After

Bill Reel talks to Glenn and Tom about what it was like to be excommunicated last night in St. George, Utah. He also teases some things that might be coming next. Will we get another Excommunication sing-a-long from this? Stay tuned…
11/28/201847 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep 552 – Listener Essay “The Lazy Valedictorian” by Nicole

Today’s essay comes from Nicole. Vote for Nicole’s essay here:
11/28/201813 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 551 – Listener Essay “A Fly on the Wall” by Jim

Have you ever wanted to be a fly on the wall for a 2-hour discussion between a non-believer and his TBM Elder’s Quorum leader? If so, congratulations, because Jim gives you just that in today’s episode (beware the fly paper and don’t complain about the sound quality — this is how flies actually hear things). […]
11/27/20181 hour, 57 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ep 550 – Listener Essay “Eve’s Endowment” by Fred

What is the best way to teach your Mormon daughters that they are not second class citizens to the boys? Fred shares his experience in today’s listener essay. Vote for Fred’s essay here:
11/26/201811 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ep 549 – Dr. Weird Science and the Woonderful Woorld of Woo

Once upon a time, a Mormon scientist worked at the Pentagon. They nicknamed him Dr. Weird Science. He was later stationed in Japan for the US Air Force, where he investigated and invested in the most cutting edge scientific research in Asia. He listened to a recent episode of Infants on Thrones. He has a […]
11/25/20182 hours, 10 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ep 548 – Listener Essay “The Highway through Oz” by Lincoln

Is the Mormon church like the wonderful land of Oz? Listen to what Lincoln has to say (and sing) about that. Vote for Lincoln’s essay here:
11/24/201810 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ep 547 – Listener Essay “In the Stranger’s Guise” by Paul

What’s it like to be adopted through LDS adoption services? Would you track down your bio mother? What things would you want to tell her if you did? Paul tells what it was like for him. Vote for Paul’s essay here:
11/23/201819 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep 546 – Listener Essay “Millstone” by Eric

What do children think about things that make them “unworthy?” This singer-songwriter listener essay submission from Eric is both heartbreaking and fantastic. Take a listen. Vote for Eric’s essay here:
11/22/20187 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 545 – Listener Essay “Just Your Average Not So Mormon Mom” by Cristina

She just wants to be like Jesus, but the Mormon church and Utah culture are standing in her way. Vote for Cristina’s essay here:
11/21/20186 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 544 – Listener Essay “Perfectionism, Self-Loathing, and the Virtue of Suffering” by Dave

Is there virtue in suffering? Do you really need the darkness to appreciate the light at the end of the tunnel? Dave shares his experience in today’s listener essay. Vote for Dave’s essay here:
11/20/201819 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ep 543 – Listener Essay “1984” by Matthew

What does George Orwell’s “1984” have to do with the church and the country in 2018? Vote for Matthew’s essay here:
11/19/201816 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 542 – Shame

Matt is joined by Tom and Kristin to apologize for his treatment of Sam Young and to talk about Shame.
11/18/20181 hour, 34 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep 541 – Listener Essay “The Mask” by Troy

How hard is it to live a double life for the sake of your loved ones? Troy shares his experience in today’s listener essay, “The Mask.” Vote for Troy’s essay here:
11/17/20189 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 540 – Listener Essay “Confessions of a Former True Blue Believer” by Linda

Linda explains her struggles with the Mormon church, what it was that finally made her leave, and what that journey has now lead her to. Vote for Linda’s essay here:
11/16/201814 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 539 – Listener Essay “Believe Yourself” by Chris

This is our first official singer songwriter submission. It is from Chris. We desire all to receive it. Vote for this essay here:
11/15/20188 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ep 538 – Listener Essay “The View From Here” by Bryan

What does life look like for you? For Bryan, it is dark. It is 3-6-8. Three decades suffering from depression and anxiety. Six times being hospitalized for mental health issues. Eight times being just the pull of a trigger or release of a railing away from ending his life. In today’s listener essay, Bryan bravely […]
11/14/201821 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep 537 – Listener Essay “Monogamy” by Sarah

Today’s essay is from Sarah. How do you define new boundaries when you leave the Mormon church, become a 7 on the Dawkin’s scale, and begin exploring new sexual relationships? Vote for Sarah’s essay here:
11/13/201815 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ep 536 – Chelsea Shields and the Biology of Connection

Do beliefs impact our biology? What about a rejection of those beliefs? Glenn sits down with Chelsea to talk about belief, culture, social media, the Mormon “cult” (her word, not mine), and both the social and biological costs of walking away from your “tribe.”
11/8/20181 hour, 49 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep 535 – Disney Songs for Kids of Gay Sinning Sinners (and Jeremy Goff)

It’s been three years. And this episode just dropped off iTunes. So it’s time to put it back where it belongs. And you also get a bonus smackdown of Jeremy Goff. More like that on Patreon. Please join here to support Infants on Thrones on Patreon.
11/5/20181 hour, 26 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 534 – The Psychological Impact of Mormonism

Glenn and Tom sit down with licensed Psychologist Colton Miller to discuss the psychological impact of Mormonism. Access the new listener feedback survey here.
11/3/20181 hour, 42 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 531 – Infant General Conference Oct 2018

It’s time, once again, for an Infant General Conference parody episode.
10/28/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep 530 – A Manual for Creating Atheists, Part 6 – Street Epistemology

What is it like to actually do Street Epistemology?  Glenn is joined by Randy, Delany, and Jimmy to talk to Street Epistemologists Reid Nicewonder and Anthony Magnabosco.  Their YouTube videos can be found below: Anthony Magnabosco’s YouTube Channel: Cordial Curiosity (Reid Nicewonder’s YouTube Channel):
10/24/20181 hour, 37 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 529 – Sam Young Interview – Post Mortem

Tom and Matt are joined by Jake and Glenn to reflect on our recent Sam Young interview and the polarizing impact it had on all of us.
10/21/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 528 – A Manual for Creating Atheists, Part 5 – Mormon Missionaries

What happens when a Street Epistemologist sits down to atheist-convert two Mormon Missionaries who have sat down to Mormon-convert him?  It’s a wild wacky panel discussion full of laughs and groans and cognitive distortions of all shapes and sizes.  Enjoy.
10/17/20182 hours, 36 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 527 – Jane and Emma the Movie: A Conversation with Screenwriter Melissa Leilani Larson

Glenn and Tom sit down (once again…) with Melissa Leilani Larson to discuss the movie Jane and Emma, showing in select theaters in Utah Oct 12-14, 2018.  Go see it if you can! Lindsay Hanson Park also provides a review of the film, and Glenn includes two bonus easter eggs: 1) an interview with Mel […]
10/13/20183 hours, 18 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 525 – Culture vs. Doctrine

What is the difference between Mormon culture and “the gospel?”  You don’t have to be anti-mormon-crusader-extraordinaire Jeremy Goff or privately censured General Authority Ronald E. Poelman to see there is a distinction between the culture and the gospel.  Unless of course you remove the biasing blinders from your eyes and finally see that there really […]
10/4/20182 hours, 17 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 523 – Smackdown: A Manual for Creating Atheists, Part 4 – RELATIVISM

What is relativism?  Is it okay for anyone to believe anything that they want?  Where do you draw the line between what is okay to critique and what is off limits?  Today Glenn, Matt, Tom, Delany, and Chelsea discuss RELATIVISM.
9/23/20182 hours, 13 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 522 – Smackdown: The Excommunication Rap

Excommunication is all about love, right?  Listen in as Glenn, Tom, Matt, Delany Darko, and Chelsea Shields smack down a video blog from Anti-Mormon Crusader Extraordinaire, Jeremy Goff.
9/20/201845 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 521 – Smackdown: A Manual for Creating Atheists, Part 3

What is the socratic method?  How can it be used effectively in conversations with people who believe things differently than you do?   Glenn is joined by Brother Jake, Delany Darco, and Brady Bluhn to discuss part 3 of Peter Boghossian’s “A Manual for Creating Atheists.”
9/16/20181 hour, 47 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ep 520 – Smackdown: A Manual for Creating Atheists, Part 2

What is faith?  How is it different from hope?  What is an atheist?  How is that different from an agnostic?  Glenn is joined by Delany Darco and Tom Perry to discuss part 2 of Peter Boghossian’s “A Manual for Creating Atheists.”
9/9/20181 hour, 21 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 519 – Smackdown: A Manual for Creating Atheists, Part 1

Were you ever a Missionary for the Mormon church?  Did you ever become an Atheist?  Have you ever wanted to become a Missionary for Atheism and talk people out of their faith?  Have you ever wondered what an Atheist Missionary discussion handbook would look like?  Well, look no more.  Today Glenn, Tom, Heather, Randy, and […]
9/2/20182 hours, 25 seconds
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Ep 518 – Bill Reel: Why I left the Mormon Church and what I now think about God

Glenn sits down with fellow sorta-Mormon podcaster Bill Reel to talk about podcasting, the reasons why he eventually left the church, and what he now thinks about Life, the Universe, and God
8/26/20181 hour, 58 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 517 – A Manual for Creating Atheists: An Extended Smackdown Teaser

Last week, Infants on Thrones started the process of smacking down (or, probably “smacking-up” really) Peter Boghossian’s important and provocative book “A Manual for Creating Atheists.”  We are approaching this in a different way than we have in the past, and you are invited to join us for the sausage-making “behind the scenes” elements of this journey. […]
8/23/20181 hour, 19 seconds
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Ep 516 – Smackdown: The Unwritten Order of Things

Did you know that if you take the sacrament with your left hand, it doesn’t really count?  Or that it is disrespectful for the first counselor to sit anywhere but on the right side of the Bishop/President?  Or that using nicknames like “Liz” instead of the full and proper “Elizabeth” is pretty much an abomination […]
8/19/20182 hours, 3 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 515 – Movie Review: Church and State

Bob is joined by Logan to review the documentary Church & State about the legalization of gay marriage in Utah. They also come up with the definitive top 5-ish list of Mormon documentaries.   If you want to hear more from Bob and Logan, check out their podcast at or subscribe via Apple Podcasts […]
8/17/201846 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep 514 – Of Left and Right and Grumpy Old Men

Glenn and Bob are joined by one-time Mormon Stories Europe host Claudia Fox Reppen to discuss our meandering parallel journeys navigating politics, religion, and all things in between.
8/14/20181 hour, 55 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ep 512 – No-Nonsense Buddhism for Beginners, P2

The four noble truths.  The eightfold path.  The dangers of dogmatism.  The suffering caused by over-attachment to an impermanent world.  This is the 2nd half of Glenn’s interview with Noah Rasheta, of the Secular Buddhism podcast, about his new book “No-Nonsense Buddhism for Beginners.”
8/9/20181 hour, 17 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 511 – No-Nonsense Buddhism for Beginners, P1

Want to find peace even in the face of suffering?  Noah did.  Listen in as Glenn interviews Noah Rasheta, of the Secular Buddhism podcast, about his new book “No-Nonsense Buddhism for Beginners.”
8/5/20181 hour, 10 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 510 – Missionary Dream Log, P3

Glenn reads two more entries from his 1991 Mormon Missionary dream log, and also responds to an excellent listener comment providing Jungian analysis to a dream from part 2 of this series.  When is a phallic symbol more than just a phallic symbol?  Tune in to find out.
8/3/201836 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 509 – Reviewing the HBO Documentary “Believer”

Glenn is joined by Bob and Doug to review the HBO Documentary Believer.
8/1/20181 hour, 37 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 508 – Latter Day Infant Missionaries

What happens when two mormon missionaries unknowingly knock on Matt Long’s door?  This episode.  That’s what.
7/29/20181 hour, 42 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 507 – Missionary Dream Log, P2

Glenn reads more entires from the missionary dream log that he kept as a Mormon Missionary from 1991-1993.
7/27/201818 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 506 – Seven Deadly Heresies: The Smackdown, Part 5

Glenn, John, Bob, Randy and Mike discuss finish up this 5-part series on McConkie’s 7 Deadly Heresies.  We may not have covered everything perfectly.  But good news.  We don’t have to be perfect.  Pass it on.
7/24/20181 hour, 10 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep 505 – Seven Deadly Heresies: The Smackdown, Part 4

Glenn, John, Bob, Randy and Mike discuss #5 and #6 of McConkie’s deadly heresies.  Namely, that people can progress from kingdom to kingdom in the eternities (#5) and that Adam is our God, the father of our spiritual and physical bodies, who traveled to earth from another planet (#6.)  It’s a fun discussion that also […]
7/22/20181 hour, 10 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 504 – Missionary Dream Log, P1

Glenn reads two entires from the missionary dream log that he kept as a Mormon Missionary from 1991-1993.
7/20/201815 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ep 503 – Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, and Truth – Part 2

Glenn, Tom, Bob, and Jake finish (for now…) their discussion of the infamous January 2017 “Truth” debate between Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris.
7/17/20181 hour, 15 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep 502 – Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, and Truth – Part 1

What is truth?  Is there a difference between truth and fact?  And where can real truth be found after rejecting the one-time source of One-True-Truth that is the Mormon Church?  Glenn, Tom, Bob, and Jake discuss the infamous January 2017 “Truth” debate between Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris.
7/15/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 501 – On Death and Truth and Why Some Stay

Glenn, Tom and Randy sit down with Christian Braithwaite, author of “Open Letter to Mormonism” and 2nd place winner in the most recent Listener Essay contest to discuss his essay, how to deal with tragedies like death after rejecting a belief in an afterlife, and how to define things like “truth.”  We also talk with […]
7/8/20181 hour, 30 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep 500 – Missionary Discussions: The Smackdown, Part 1

Glenn is joined by two never-mo’s, Tim Bohen and Stephen Johnson of The Steady Trade Podcast, to begin smacking down the missionary discussions that Glenn used as a missionary back in the early 1990’s.
6/13/20181 hour, 35 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep 499 – Sabrina

Tom sits down with Jordan and Katie to talk about losing their teenage daughter Sabrina to suicide. Links: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 Trevor Project (LGBTQ) 1-866-488-7386 Text “Trevor” to 1-202-304-1200 Utah County Crisis Line: 1-801-691-5433 (LIFE) University Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute (UNI) 1-801-583-2500 Unequally yoked podcast:
6/10/20181 hour, 18 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 498 – Shadow the Lamanite, P3

Glenn continues the next few chapters in his “Shadow the Lamanite” book project.  Please take a few minutes to fill out the following survey to provide feedback and to sign up if you would like to be part of a working group on this project.
6/6/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 497 – Contest Winners and (sorta) “Best Of” Minisodes of Yore

Glenn announces the winners of the May 2018 Listener Essay contest and then breathes new life into six fantastic Infant minisodes of the past.
6/1/20181 hour, 35 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep 496 – The Trouble with God, P2

Glenn and Randy finish their conversation with Chris Matheson about his new book, The Trouble with God, where the God of the Old Testament takes a satitical stroll through The Book of Mormon.
5/27/201857 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 495 – The Trouble with God, P1

Glenn and Randy sit down with Chris Matheson, author of “The Story of God: A Biblical Story of Love (and Hate)” and its follow-up “The Trouble with God: A Divine Comedy about Judgment (and Misjudgment).  In this episode, we discuss his general interest in religion, his career in film starting as co-creator of Bill & […]
5/21/201858 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 494 – The Hoax

Yesterday, on May 17 2018, Jonathan Streeter leveraged news of a real meeting between leaders of the Mormon church and  the NAACP to create a fake apology from the Mormon Church regarding its history of institutional racism.  Zandra Vranes, from Sistas in Zion, responded to this hoax on a live stream FB video that was […]
5/18/20181 hour, 58 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 493 – Listener Essay “An Open Letter to Mormonism” by Christian

Today’s listener essay comes from Christian.  He titled it “An Open Letter to Mormonism.”  We desire all to receive it. This is the final entry (#10) in the May 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.
5/18/20181 hour, 15 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep 492 – Listener Essay “A Believing Jack-Mormon” by Bryan

Today’s listener essay comes from Bryan.  He titled it “A Believing Jack-Mormon.”  We desire all to receive it. This is #9 in the May 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.    
5/17/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 491 – Listener Essay “A Log on the Fire” by Lisa

Today’s listener essay comes from Lisa.  She titled it “A Log on the Fire.”  We desire all to receive it. This is #8 in the May 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.
5/16/201814 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep 490 – Listener Essay “Priesthood Power” by Jim

Today’s listener essay comes from Jim.  He titled it “Priesthood Power.”  We desire all to receive it. This is #7 in the May 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.
5/15/201815 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ep 489 – Listener Essay “For Then We Saw through a Hat Darkly” by Alice

Today’s listener essay comes from Alice.  She titled it “For Then We Saw through a Hat Darkly.”  We desire all to receive it. This is #6 in the May 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.
5/14/201820 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 488 – Listener Essay “Letter to my Dead Grandmother” by Melissa

Today’s listener essay comes from Melissa.  She titled it “Letter to my Dead Grandmother.”  We desire all to receive it. This is #5 in the May 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.    
5/11/20188 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 487 – Listener Essay “Russia Made Me Do It” by Brock

Today’s listener essay comes from Brock.  He titled it “Russia Made Me Do It” (and trust me — it’s not what you think).  We desire all to receive it. This is #4 in the May 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.
5/10/201812 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 486 – Listener Essay “Religion Nevermo(re)” by Tim

Today’s listener essay comes from Tim.  He titled it “Religion Nevermo(re).”  We desire all to receive it. This is #3 in the May 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.    
5/9/201814 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 485 – Listener Essay “A Newel Hope” by Tyler

Today’s listener essay comes from Tyler.  He titled it “A Newel Hope.”  We desire all to receive it. This is #2 in the May 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.  
5/8/201819 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 484 – Lisener Essay “Of Mormons and Democrats” by Emily

Today’s listener essay comes from Emily.  She titled it “Of Mormons and Democrats.”  We desire all to receive it. This is #1 in the May 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.
5/7/201816 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 483 – Meet the Remarkably Remarkable Liz

What does it mean to be remarkable?  Randy and Glenn sit down with Liz, reigning champion of our February 2018 Listener Essay contest, to talk about what it is like to search for meaning in life after leaving the Mormon church.
5/5/20181 hour, 26 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ep 482 – Meet the Incredulous Pete Nixon

Randy and Glenn sit down with Pete Nixon, 3rd place winner of the last essay contest, to talk about Pete’s experience with families and homeschooling and leaving the Mormon church.
5/3/20181 hour, 49 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 481 – Meet the Incredible Delany Darco

Delany has an angel on one shoulder and a devil on another.  You’ll never guess who they actually are.  Glenn and Tom sit down to talk with former Listener Essay Contest winner Delany Darco to talk about life, love, fiction, mixed faith marriages, Brigham Young, cats, Blood Atonement, Dystopian futures, atheism, humanism, Sam Harris, and a bunch of other stuff.  And it is all incredibly delightful. Here is where you will find Delaney’s blog:
5/1/20181 hour, 7 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep 480 – Seven Deadly Heresies: The Smackdown, Part 3

Have you ever thought that getting married/sealed in the temple guarantees your salvation?  WRONG!  What about the thought that baptisms for the dead give sinners a second chance at redemption?  WRONG AGAIN!  Don’t get complacent!  Don’t start thinking you are doing just fine!!  Don’t ever ever ever ever think that you don’t need the CHURCH or the BIG AND IMPORTANT leaders (ever)!  Listen in as Glenn, John, Randy, Bob, and special guest Mike Tannehill smack down the 3rd and 4th most deadly of heresies as outlined with absolute certainty by an infallible apostle of Jesus Christ.  (Irony?  Hyperbole? Facetiousness?  Where???)
4/29/20181 hour, 42 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 479 – Infant Singer Songwriter Contest

Glenn shares some songs he wrote back in 2009 and asks listeners, “hey, any fellow songwriters interested in doing a songwriting contest on Infants on Thrones?”  Seriously.  He really asks that.  Enjoy. A longer version of this episode with additional content can be found here:
4/26/201829 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 478 – April 2018 Infant General Conference (take 2)

It was up for a few days, then taken down and tweaked.  Now it is back – April 2018 Infant General Conference Take 2.  Enjoy.
4/24/20181 hour, 24 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ep 477 – Seven Deadly Heresies: The Smackdown, Part 2

Mike Tannehill makes his triumphant return to defend Bruce R. McConkie as Glenn, John, and Bob’s take on evolution; the 2nd of McConkie’s 7 Deadly Heresies.
4/22/20181 hour, 49 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep 476 – Week of Tannehill – Noah’s Ark and the Intentional Literalist

The last frock in the Week of Tannehill series, this was originally published in March 2014.  Mike Tannehill joins us once again for this unofficial follow-up to The Unintentional Racist to discuss the recent essay on Noah’s Ark with Randy, Scott, Jake, Erica, and Glenn. Here is the link to the Meridian article in defense of Noah’s Ark. And here is the essay Noah.
4/21/20181 hour, 50 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 475 – Week of Tannehill – The Unintentional Racist

Mike Tannehill (love him or hate him) is fighting the good fight against the Mormon church. Or at least against the influence of those liberal academic types trying to re-write church history — more specifically those authors of the recent essay Race and the Priesthood on who would have us believe that church doctrine is nothing more than the “theories” of racist men influenced by a racist time who simply could not call down a revelation from God until 1978. Listen in as Mike explains how he remains True to the Faith. When the enemy assaileth, shall he shirk or shun the fight? NO!!!
4/20/20181 hour, 20 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 474 – Week of Tannehill – The Devil

Bob, Jake, Glenn, and Matt talk to Mike Tannehill about the devil — and evil – and his whole develish role in the Plan of Salvation — and a whole bunch of other stuff.  This episode was originally published in Oct 2014.
4/19/20182 hours, 10 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep 473 – Week of Tannehill – The Signs of the Times

What does the “latter day” in Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints actually mean?  When is the end of the world coming and what are the signs that it is near? This was the 14th episode of Infants on Thrones, originally published in April 2013, and it is a doozy.
4/18/20182 hours, 22 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ep 472 – Week of Tannehill – The Apostasy

Glenn takes you back to the 4th episode of Infants on Thrones, originally published in September 2012.  It is a surprisingly good Radio Lab styled episode, centering on the narrative structure of “loss and restoration” found both in and out of the Mormon church.  Mike Tannehill also provides some criteria by which one may determine if a church is in apostasy.  (Be careful Mike.  This was recorded pre-essays on, buddy!)
4/17/20181 hour, 10 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 471 – Week of Tannehill – The Abrahamic Covenant

What is the Abrahamic covenant and why is it so important to Mormons like Mike Tannehill?  For listeners who do not know Mike Tannehill, get ready.  He’s making a return to the podcast soon.  So think of “The Week of Tannehill” as a year supply of sorts, preparing for the end times, this time with extra weevils.
4/16/20181 hour, 34 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep 470 – Shadow the Lamanite, Part 2

Why did Nephi really chop of Laban’s head?  (But seriously…)
4/15/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 469 – Joseph Bishop Scandal

Police: Ex-Mormon official asked to see woman’s breasts Video of McKenna Denson’s Press Conference The lawsuit documents Mormon Happy Hour podcast interview with Crystal  
4/8/20181 hour, 9 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 468 – The School of the Teachers: Intuitive Eating

Matt talks about healthy stuff with Paige Smathers, from the Nutrition Matters podcast.  Real Words of Wisdom.  Honest.
4/3/20181 hour, 27 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 467 – Shadow the Lamanite, Part 1

What if the spirit of Moroni told the spirit of Joseph Smith to tell the spirit of Glenn to peep into his stones and re-translate the Book of Mormon from the perspective of a newly revealed Book of Mormon character named Shadow the Lamanite? (Zelph’s cousin, three-times removed)  Would you maybe possibly get a whole ‘nother testament of Jesus Christ?  Listen in and find out. Plus, a special Easter/April Fools Day extended Easter Egg of an April Fools joke Glenn played on his mission. And what’s more, free ice cream cones for everyone who changes their Facebook status to “I am a yummy yumkin” just for today.  Try it and see.
4/1/20181 hour, 41 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 466 – The Slow Track Program: A mini Smackdown

Glenn, Matt, and Scott review a Mormon satire piece called: “The Slow-Track Program!”  We also tease the imminent return of…. wait for it…. Nah.  You’ll just have to listen.
3/31/201822 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ep 465 – The LDS Church Interview and Sexual Abuse

“If the Mormon church won’t train their bishops on how to better detect the signs of sexual abuse, I will.” In this live presentation. Matt Long discusses the specific ways the personal priesthood interview and the LDS church policy regarding reporting abuse fail victims so often. Matt also offers specific suggestions for how to protect kids from abuse and ways to ensure kids who disclose abuse are received with love and safety. Although this presentation uses the LDS church as a framing, this topic and the principles discussed are applicable to virtually every sexual abuse situation. Parents will be given information and suggestions to protect their kids from abuse and help kids who have experienced abuse. Matt Long, former Sex Crimes Prosecutor and current criminal defense attorney will discuss laws, policies, and practices of the Mormon Church and reporting sexual abuse. The following topics are covered: – The different types of disclosures victims make and the issues surrounding different types of disclosures. – How and why he bishop interview fails victims and perpetuated abuse so often. – What are the LDS Church’s policies and practices in reporting sexual abuse -Suggestions of policy changes that must be implemented to keep kids safe while maintaining the theological and doctrinal purposes of the personal priesthood interview.
3/29/20181 hour, 8 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ep 464 – Joseph Bishop Timeline

Please consider subscribing and donating: Links:
3/25/201818 minutes, 19 seconds
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Ep 463 – Raising Kids in a #MeToo World (and it has always been a #MeToo World) – Part 1

How important is it to develop a child’s identity to prevent, expose, and heal trauma? Listen in as former sex crimes prosecutor Matt Long shares his intuitive experiences on how to best protect children and help victims of abuse and trauma heal.  This was a live presentation given in Mesa, Az on Mar 14, 2018.  Check ur Facebook page for information on future “Wednesday Night Live” events.
3/15/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep 462 – Seven Deadly Heresies: The Smackdown, Part 1

How deadly can a heresy be?  Listen in as Glenn, John, Bob, and Randy smack down some Bruce R. McConkie and figure it all out.  So that you don’t have to. The BYU Speeches (highly amended) transcript is here: The un-amended audio can be found here: And you can sign up to support us on Patreon here:
3/11/20181 hour, 42 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep 461 – The Complete NEW Book of Abraham

Glenn finishes off chapters 4 and 5 of the NEW Book of Abraham project.  This was read live and discussed with a small audience in Mesa, Arizona, in the first of what will be a regular weekly Wednesday Night Live recording session, open to the general public, from 6:30 to 8:30 on Wednesday nights.  Check the Infant’s Facebook page for details.
3/8/20181 hour, 52 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep 460 – Advice to Your Pre-Faith Crisis Selves

If you could go back and give advice to yourself right before your faith crisis, what would you say?  That is the topic covered by Scott, Matt, Glenn, and special guest Colleen Dietz from The Mormon Happy Hour Podcast.  Also, the Listener Essay contest winners are announced, and a new feature of Infants on Thrones is introduced: Wednesday Night Live.  Take a listen.
3/6/201845 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep 459 – Explaining Mormonism to Other Religions

Bob joins Eiynah (an ex-Muslim) and Al (an ex-Catholic / ex-Neo-Pagan) to discuss the intersection of tech and religion. But Bob also ends up representing Mormonism for a new audience and gets to explain “basic” doctrines like resurrection, polygamy, Kolob, baptisms for the dead, and more. If you are interested in hearing more from Eiynah, check out her excellent interview with Sam Harris:
3/4/20182 hours, 3 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 458 – Matt’s NEW PPI – Part 2

What does enlightenment mean for Matt Long?  What is healing?  Let’s finish up with Matt in a new and improved Personal Priesthood Interview (PPI). You can email Matt at [email protected]  
2/26/20181 hour, 1 minute, 38 seconds
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Ep 457 – Matt’s NEW PPI – Part 1

What is it like recognizing that you were part of a cult and are now playing for the other team?  No, I’m not taking about religion.  I’m talking about Matt’s experience as a sex crimes prosecutor and now as a criminal defense attorney.  Big things are brewing in Matt’s Long’s world.  You will be hearing about them soon enough, but for now, let’s catch up with Matt in a new and improved Personal Priesthood Interview (PPI).
2/25/201857 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep 456 – Anthology of Awesomeness

What happens when you mix 14 listener essays with some of the best creative clips from past episodes of Infants on Thrones?  Whatever it is, I hope it makes you feel the way I am feeling about it right now.  Check it out for yourself.
2/21/20183 hours, 27 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 455 – Listener Essay: “Reasons They Stay” by Nelson

Today’s listener essay comes from Nelson.  He titled it “Reasons They Stay.”  We desire all to receive it. This is #14 of 14 essays in the February 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.  
2/20/201822 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep 454 – Listener Essay: “How Two Mormon Tribes Colluded to get a Revelation” by Wendy

Today’s listener essay comes from Wendy.  She titled it ““How Two Mormon Tribes Colluded to get a Revelation.”  We desire all to receive it. This is #13 of 14 essays in the February 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.  
2/19/201815 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep 453 – Listener Essay: “Nihilism” by Michael

Today’s listener essay comes from Michael.  He titled it “Nihilism.”  We desire all to receive it. This is #12 of 14 essays in the February 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.  
2/18/201814 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 452 – Listener Essay: “Claiming Individual Worth” by Miriam

Today’s listener essay comes from Miriam.  She titled it “Claiming Individual Worth.” This is #11 of 14 essays in the February 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.  
2/17/201820 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 451 – Listener Essay: “Is it I?” by Jim

Knock knock.  Who’s there.  Is it I? (sorry about that, Jim) Today’s listener essay comes from Jim.  He titled it “Is it I?” This is #10 of 14 essays in the February 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.
2/16/201816 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep 450 – Listener Essay: “Latter-day Seafaring on the Old Ship Zion” by Paul

To stay on the boat, or to get off the boat.  That is the question. Today’s listener essay comes from Paul.  He titled it “Latter-day Seafaring on the Old Ship Zion.” This is #9 of 14 essays in the February 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.
2/15/201822 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 449 – Listener Essay: “Heraldry” by Lincoln

Are groups really greater than the individual sum of its parts (even with a Mormon group?) Today’s listener essay comes from Lincoln.  He titled it “Heraldry.” This is #8 of 14 essays in the February 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.
2/14/201816 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep 448 – Listener Essay: “My Response to Jonathan Haidt” by Miriam

Are groups really greater than the individual sum of its parts (even with a Mormon group?) Today’s listener essay comes from Miriam.  She is calling it “My Response to Jonathan Haidt.” This is #7 of 14 essays in the February 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.
2/13/201820 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep 447 – Listener Essay: “Hasadiga Runaway” by Nate

What do you do when you prepare for something incredible, but life has other plans? Today’s listener essay comes from Nate.  We titled it “Hasadiga Runaway.” This is #6 of 14 essays in the February 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones.
2/12/201815 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 446 – Listener Essay: “Choose for Yourself” by Ricky

When your friends all say they KNOW something is true and you’re not really sure, but they expect you to say you KNOW it too, what do you do? Today’s listener essay comes from Ricky.  He titled it “Nevertheless, thou mayest choose for thyself” which we processed through our very own Urim and Thummim to get “Choose for Yourself.” This is #5 of 14 essays in the February 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones
2/11/201822 minutes
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Ep 445 – Listener Essay: “The Atheist and the Humanist” by Delaney Darco

How can you channel your inner Randy Snyder atheist without being a complete a-hole to believing family and friends (Delaney’s words, not mine…)?  Today’s listener essay comes from Delany.  She titled it “The Atheist and the Humanist.” This is #4 of 14 essays in the February 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones. Here is where you will find Delaney’s blog:  
2/10/201824 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep 444 – Listener Essay: “Remarkably Unremarkable Me” by Liz

Remember when you used to think you were all that and a bag of chips cuz of the whole “chosen people” thing?  Today’s listener essay comes from Liz.  We are calling it “Remarkable Unremarkable Me.” This is #3 of 14 essays in the February 2018 Listener Essay Contest on Infants on Thrones
2/9/201817 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 443 – Listener Essay: “Religious Family Members” by Peter

How do you maintain a relationship with religious family members once you have left religion behind?  Today’s listener essay comes from Peter.  We are calling it “Religious Family Members.”  This is 2 of 14 essays to come over the next 2 weeks on Infants on Thrones.  
2/8/201827 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 442 – Listener Essay: “My Super Excruciating Mormonism” by Leah

Today’s listener essay comes from Leah.  We are calling it “My Super Excruciating Mormonism.”  This is 1 of 14 essays to come over the next 2 weeks on Infants on Thrones.
2/7/201814 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ep 438 – The Religious Influence on my Life

Tom sits down with his oldest daughter who wrote an essay for a college class titled, “The Religious Influence on my Life.” She talks and writes about the shift her life took when her father came out to her as an unbeliever.
1/30/201857 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 437 – Spiral Dynamics (Infant Stylz)

Glenn joins forces with John Dehlin, Gina Colvin, Lindsay Hansen Park, and Jamie Hanis-Handy to discuss Spiral Dynamics, a data-based, psychological theory of how human consciousness adapts and changes. Spiral Dynamics can help us better understand the way we view religion and the way we view the world. This is a slight different version of the conversation that is being cross-published on Mormon Stories and A Thoughtful Faith. Cuz this one was edited Infant Stylz.
1/22/20182 hours, 25 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 436 – The Religion of Science? – Part 2

Randy, Glenn, John, Lindsay, and Matt conclude their discussion of Rupert Sheldrake’s 2012 “Banned Ted Talk” about the 10 dogmas of a Scientific Materialist Worldview.
1/18/20181 hour, 7 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 435 – The Religion of Science? – Part 1

What does it mean to be open-minded vs. closed-minded?  We experienced some kind of “open vs. closed” clash of ideologies when we challenged and deconstructed the dogmas of Mormonism, right?  So what do we do with that now?  And what about the accusations that some of us simply substituted the cultural dogmas of Mormonism for the cultural dogmas of Science? Listen in as Randy totally keeps his cool (eh hem…) while joining Glenn, John, Lindsay, and Matt in a discussion of Rupert Sheldrake’s 2012 “Banned Ted Talk” about the 10 dogmas of a Scientific Materialist Worldview.  And don’t miss the special easter egg parody about the press conference announcing the new LDS Prophet at the end.
1/17/20181 hour, 29 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 434 – The REAL Antichrist

Glenn has figured out who the actual anti-christ is and what “anti-christ” actually means. And it’s not what you think! Unless, of course, it is. It’s really hard to tell being as obnoxiously cryptic as I am being. Just listen. You’ll like this one. I promise.
1/10/201833 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ep 433 – EDM Music & Culture: The Calderwood’s Path to Healing and Connection

How do you heal after an excommunication? Matt talks with Carson and Marisa Calderwood about finding healing and community through EDM music and culture.
1/7/20181 hour, 28 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 431 – Sapiens: More Fiction about Fictions – Part 2

Could a scientific mythology could bring balance to the force and peace & harmony to the galaxy? Listen in to Part 2 of this panel discussion of the book Sapiens with some responses to listener comments about “fiction” and “myth.” A source about the common characteristics of mythology:
12/31/20172 hours, 21 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep 430 – Matt’s Christmas Story: Putting the Jesus back in X-Mas

Matt shares a recording that he made with his family on Christmas eve, where he discusses his recent rediscovery the value of Jesus.
12/28/201721 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 428 – The Mormon Cultural Membrane

Glenn and Matt discuss Jonathan Haidt’s 2014 TED talk titled “Religion, evolution, and the ecstasy of self-transcendence.” I know, I know. We had you at ecstasy!
12/17/20171 hour, 7 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 427 – 2018 Listener Essay Contest

Do you have something you want to say on Infants on Thrones? Now is your chance to say it, and possibly win a cash prize for doing it. This episode contains 4 example essays: “Testimony” by Glenn Ostlund (from 2008) “Obedience” by Tom Perry (from 2008) “Tangled” by Scott Rowley (from 2009) “Testimony Update” by Glenn Ostlund (Dec 2017) Click here for more details about the essay contest.
12/10/201739 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep 426 – The Spiritual (sort of) Brain (kinda) Episode that Rocked the World of All Those Who’s World it Rocked

Why do otherwise smart and intelligent people defend really bad ideas? How does our brain respond to perceived threats? What are mirror neurons? Glenn shares a kookie but fascinating video about the brain and tells a lot of stories along the way. Could this video possibly contain the seeds of answers to some of the biggest existential questions we still ask ourselves, even after a faith crisis? This episode was produced as a video podcast first. You will get more out of it watching than you will listening. You can watch the video here: After watching the video, please also take a few moments to fill out this survey: A link to the original video, without Glenn’s commentary:
12/1/20171 hour, 23 seconds
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Ep 424 – Weird Alma

Tom and Matt are joined by Eric Herman, also known as Weird Alma. Eric talks about his journey from addiction, joining the church, and then eventually leaving. We also talk about some of the songs on his parody album, “Straight Outta Cumorah.” Eric is a musician who focuses on creating music for kids.
11/22/20171 hour, 39 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 423 – Infants on Louis C.K., Sexual Misconduct, and Moral Panic

Bob is joined by Glenn, Tom, Matt, Randy, and friend-of-the-show Lindsay Hansen Park to discuss comedian Louis C.K.’s sexual misconduct in the context of “the reckoning,” the post Harvey Weinstein moment. See below for a couple of resources mentioned in the episode. When Does a Watershed Become a Sex Panic?   How We Can End Sexual Harassment at Work
11/19/20172 hours, 47 seconds
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Ep 422 – Me Too: Infants on Sexual Assault

In this Froback Friday hybrid, Glenn and Matt are joined by Nancy and Melissa to reflect on Nancy’s Listener Essay about Sexual Assault from Jan 2015.
11/3/20171 hour, 47 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep 421 – Masculine Manly Men: The Smackdown – Part 2

Mass shootings. Sexual assault. Why do men keep doing horrible things? Glenn, Matt, Jake, Lindsay, and Paige conclude their smack around of the article “Thoughts on Vegas, and Why Men Keep Doing This” by author Charlie Hoehn.
10/29/20171 hour, 21 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ep 420 – Masculine Manly Men: The Smackdown – Part 1

Mass shootings. Sexual assault. Why do men keep doing horrible things? Glenn, Matt, Jake, Lindsay, and Paige smack around the article “Thoughts on Vegas, and Why Men Keep Doing This” by author Charlie Hoehn.
10/22/20171 hour, 7 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep 419 – Interview with a Paranormal Investigator

Who you gonna call? Listen in as Glenn talks with Ryan Straub, an honest to goodness PI (Paranormal Investigator) with honest to goodness experience with honest to goodness hauntings. Enjoy.
10/13/201756 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 418 – Chunky Infant Ghost Stories – Oct 12

Mormon Ghost Stories are LAME.
10/12/20177 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ep 417 – Chunky Infant Ghost Stories – Oct 11

Haunted houses and Mormon missionaries. This is the final “chunk” of the Oxenholm story. This is Chunk #11
10/11/20176 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 416 – Chunky Infant Ghost Stories – Oct 10

Haunted houses and Mormon missionaries. One small piece of the story told for every day for the entire month of October. Here is Chunk #10
10/10/20178 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ep 415 – Chunky Infant Ghost Stories – Oct 9

Haunted houses and Mormon missionaries. One small piece of the story told for every day for the entire month of October. Here is Chunk #9
10/9/20175 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 414 – Infant General Conference – Oct 2017

It’s general conference parody time again. Enjoy.
10/8/20171 hour, 46 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep 413 – Chunky Infant Ghost Stories – Oct 8

Haunted houses and Mormon missionaries. One small piece of the story told for every day for the entire month of October. Here is Chunk #8
10/8/20176 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 412 – Chunky Infant Ghost Stories – Oct 7

Haunted houses and Mormon missionaries. One small piece of the story told for every day for the entire month of October. Here is Chunk #7.
10/7/20176 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ep 411 – Grudges Part 2

Tom talks with his wife about a grudge she held for a very long time with her sister, and how she deals with that today.
10/7/201730 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 410 – Chunky Infant Ghost Stories – Oct 6

Haunted houses and Mormon missionaries. One small piece of the story told for every day for the entire month of October. Here is Chunk #6.
10/6/20175 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep 409 – Chunky Infant Ghost Stories – Oct 5

Haunted houses and Mormon missionaries. One small piece of the story told for every day for the entire month of October. Here is Chunk #5.
10/5/20176 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 408 – Chunky Infant Ghost Stories – Oct 4

Haunted houses and Mormon missionaries. One small piece of the story told for every day for the entire month of October. Here is Chunk #4.
10/4/20176 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 407 – Chunky Infant Ghost Stories – Oct 3

Haunted houses and Mormon missionaries. One small piece of the story told for every day for the entire month of October. Here is Chunk #3.
10/3/20174 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 406 – Chunky Infant Ghost Stories – Oct 2

Haunted houses and Mormon missionaries. One small piece of the story told for every day for the entire month of October. Here is Chunk #2.
10/2/20175 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 405 – Mormonleaks: Privacy Pratt Revealed

Matt and Tom sit down with the mormonleaks guys, Ryan and Ethan, as they update us on what’s been going on in the world of Mormon leaks.
10/2/20171 hour, 55 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 404 – Chunky Infant Ghost Stories – Oct 1

In the whole big history of haunted houses and mormon missionaries there must (needs) be some totally true absolutely legit ghost stories out there with missionaries in haunted houses, right? LDS Living magazine says YES! Glenn says HELL YES! Enjoy this first little bite of a month-long Chunky Infant Ghost Story feast.
10/1/20175 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep 403 – Grudges Part 1

Tom leads a discussion on Grudges part one with a clip that includes Bob, Matt, Glenn and Scott and then finishes with a panel discussion with Jake and Matt.
9/24/20171 hour, 17 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 402 – Words from the Dust: Joseph H. Jackson, Pt 1

Joseph H. Jackson is perhaps the poor man’s John C Bennett. Both men published exposes on Joseph Smith. Bennett’s work is better known. Jackson’s is lesser known. Both are equally fascinating. This is the first part of a multiplayer-part series.
9/22/201720 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep 401 – Weird Nutty Mormon History

How many Mormon Priesthood leaders does it take to rob a train? Which LDS prophet was poisoned a few days after attending a Bohemian Club in San Fransisco? Kenneth Lines has found a lot of nutty things in Mormon History. Just nutty, I tell ya. And he talks about a lot of them with Glenn, Bob, and John Hamer. And the nuttiest part is that you get to listen.
9/17/20171 hour, 24 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 399 – Hamer on Strang

John Hamer talks about Joseph Smith successor James Strang and the impressive engravings on Strang’s Vorhee Plates. This is John’s presentation from Salt Lake City Sunstone 2017.
9/3/20171 hour, 20 seconds
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Ep 398 – Forgiveness Part 2

Tom continues his exploration what it means to forgive.
8/30/20171 hour, 45 minutes, 19 seconds
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Ep 397 – Forgiveness Part 1

Tom continues his exploration of Apologies, Forgiveness, and Grudges with this amazing panel discussion from almost 5 years ago — once thought lost — now found. So listen in as Tom, Matt, Glenn, Bob, and Scott (aka “Jesse) talk about what it means to each of them to forgive.
8/28/201737 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ep 395 – Joseph Smith: Space Cowboy

Did Joseph Smith use homeopathic hallucinogenics to enhance the religious experience of his early mormon followers? Naked Mormonism’s Bryce Blankenagel joins Glenn, Matt, and guest panelists Lindsey and Micah to sift through the historical evidence. Or clues. Or whatnot.
8/21/20171 hour, 52 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 394 – Mixed Faith Marriages

This is the audio from Tom’s 2017 SLC Sunstone presentation. Video for the slides Tom used can be seen here:
8/14/201758 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 393 – Apologies

What does it mean to say you are sorry? What does it take to accept someone else’s apology? Listen in as Tom poses these questions to the most important people in his life. This is the first in an upcoming series on Apologies, Grudges, and forgiveness. A video version of this presentation, with the slides Tom showed to the live audience, is available here on our Patreon page:
8/7/201741 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 392 – Froback Friday: How to Marry a Mormon

What happens when you mix “The Singles Ward” with “My Big Fat Greek Wedding?” The Infants read Glenn’s old screenplay “How to Marry a Mormon.”
8/4/20173 hours, 49 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 388 – Sunstone 2017 Promo

Here is what the Infants will be doing at Sunstone at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City this upcoming weekend (July 27-29)
7/25/20177 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 387 – Zach and Friends P2: The Gospel According to Josh

Glenn, Bob, and Matt continue their virtual conversation with Zach, Josh, Natalie, and Nano.
7/23/20172 hours, 16 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 386 – Infants on Game of Thrones: P1 – Wypipo Guilt on Parade

Glenn and Matt’s smack up of Michael Harriot’s “The Black Person’s Guide to Game of Thrones” ultimately leads to a discussion about Passive Aggressiveness in Mormon Culture. Video version available here:
7/20/20171 hour, 14 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 385 – Behind Closed Doors

Our new friend Bill Reel has published a document called the Mormon Primer, or Primmer, or something like that. Think of it as a softer, gentler CES Letter for believers. How could we not start to smack down a document like this? But why is this episode called Behind Closed Doors? You’ll have to listen to find out.
7/16/20171 hour, 32 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep 383 – That SHONE Episode thingy

At long last. Here it is. Glenn and a bunch of listeners guide you through the Universe. Bang. A big one. And don’t worry — you always end up right where you started when exploring the universe. Because, you know…. science.
7/4/20172 hours, 43 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 382 – Dr. Wendy and the Perfectionsim

Glenn and Tom are joined by listener and licensed therapist Dr. Wendy to discuss a BYU article on Perfectionism (yes, it is intentionally misspelled in the title, cuz that is so incrdbly hillaryous) and to pitch an idea for a possible new series that may or may not be the best thing since self-slicing bread.
7/2/20171 hour, 28 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 381 – Bill Reel and Spiritual Abuse

What is Spiritual Abuse and when is enough enough? Bill Reel, faithful active host of the Mormon Discussion podcast, joins Glenn, Tom and Matt to discuss the finer points of head-butting dense brick walls.
6/24/20172 hours, 5 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 380 – Infant Investigative Journalism 101: Of Testimonies and 12-Year-olds

Glenn takes a hard-hitting, investigative journalistic approach to Fair Mormon’s recent blog post: “Of Testimonies and Twelve Year Olds.” Thank you, Fair Mormon, for placing this Savannah 12-year-old-lesbian testimony-bearing thingy into the proper context. I don’t know where we would be without you.
6/21/201718 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep 379 – Outrage BONUS episode

Which Infant once wrote in his mission journal, “I think God hates me.  So I’m gonna do everything I can to get into the celestial kingdom — just to spite Him!”  You will find out on today’s episode as Matt, Bob, Tom, Jake and Glenn continue our discussion about outrage by reflecting on our mission experiences and reading entries from our old mission journals.  Glenn also explains more about our new Patreon page to encourage you all to support our creative efforts going forward.  Click below to find out more:  
6/14/20171 hour, 21 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 378 – Outrage

Matt, Bob, Tom, Jake and Glenn talk about outrage in today’s social media age in a fun and spirited throwback Infant-kind-of way.  We also have some excellent bonus content for listeners who join our new Patreon page to support our creative efforts going forward.  Click below to find out more:  
6/12/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 377 – Zach and Friends and Mormon Cred

This episode of Infants on Thrones may very well change the experience of podcasting forever!  At least it will for the people who’s podcasting experiences are forever changed by this episode.  Will you be one of them? Also…  Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale.  What an Easter Egg!
6/6/20173 hours, 15 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 375 – The Articles of (non)Faith

Let’s imagine for a moment that we are not in the middle of some major divisive conflicts between people we all appreciate and care about.  And instead, let’s ask ourselves the question “what are our shared moral values?”  That’s what Glenn does in this minisode.  And we desire all to receive it. Also, please take a few moments to fill out our new survey on VALUES. We really want to hear what principles are most important to you.  Thanks!
5/26/201716 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep 373 – Why Can’t we be… Oh yeah, That’s Why

Randy and Glenn talk about apologetics, planting seeds, and our new best friend from down under and off to the right, Kiwi57.
5/20/20171 hour, 15 minutes
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Ep 371 – Why Can’t We Be Friends: Part 4 – Mad Respect for Kiwi57

Are Mormon Priesthood holders really more powerful than Jesus?  Are Mormons really even Christians?  Listen in as Glenn responds to some very intelligent, articulate, critical comments recently made on the IOT website by faithful believing Mormon listener Kiwi57.
5/11/201743 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 369 – Froback Friday – Who Wrote the Book of Mormon

Come back with us to October 2013 for our 3-part series “Who Wrote the Book of Mormon.”  John Hamer, Craig Criddle, and so much more.
5/5/20175 hours, 15 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep 368 – Check-back from the Neck-flap

Glenn provides a brief update on the listener responses that have come in from yesterday’s episode (TLDL: no, we are not shutting down Infants on Thrones) and shares a particularly awesome mission story, if he does say so himself (And he does.  Trust me.  I know.  Cuz he is me, referring to himself in the third person.  Like a weirdo.  Trust me on that one, too).
5/2/201737 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 367 – Check-up from the Neck-up

This one’s a two-fer.  Two episodes in one.  First, Glenn, Matt, and Scott talk about stuff.  Then, Randy, Glenn, Tom, Matt and Bob talk about more stuff.  Then there’s a pretty long easter egg at the end with even more talking about even more stuff.  And there’s that whole thing about three patterns.  Plus, you will never guess who is quitting Infants on Thrones!
4/30/20173 hours, 24 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 366 – The New Atheist’s Guide to Not Being a Total Asshole: Episode 10 (Anger)

In the season 1 finale of the NAG, Sage explores the concept of the ‘Angry Atheist’ – and who better to guide him than Randy?  So take a drink, get riled up and come get angry with us one last time. Featured Track:  “God is an Indian” by Modest Mouse
4/28/20171 hour, 56 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 365 – Froback Friday – Little Factories

One of our best episodes ever.  First published in July 2014, this may be the very first word-for-word, pick-it-apart Infant Smackdown. In 1976, our favorite LDS Apostle, Boyd K. Packer gave a talk in priesthood session “To Young Men Only” that was not subsequently published in the Ensign the following month, nor can it be found as a conference talk on today. It was turned into a pamphlet in 1981 “To Young Men Only” and that text is available on but the audio and video are not on the official website of the LDS church. But we Infants found an audio copy. And in this episode, Glenn, Tom, Matt, and Jake dissect it as it has never been dissected before. Hold on to your little factories, cuz this is gonna be a good one.
4/21/20172 hours, 34 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 364 – Ask an Infant – Good Friday

Historian extraordinaire John Hamer rains credibility all over the Infants by Hamsplaining the origin of Good Friday.  With tongue firmly in cheek, of course (aka “Infant Style”)
4/15/20178 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 363 – April 2017 Infant General Conference

Once again, Infant General Conference is here for your edification and stuff. This time with a very special mystery guest.
4/10/20171 hour, 7 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 362 – Infant General Conferences of Yore

Is this episode filled with new material or recycled Fro-back Friday material? With General Conference, it’s nearly impossible to tell. Regardless, this is chalk full of some of the best stuff we have ever done. Love it as we do. Amen.
4/7/20171 hour, 42 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 360 – Froback Friday – Morality, Blame, and a Mormon Family’s Divorce

Does shared morality bind and blind? If so, what does it blind us to? Glenn revisits a 7-year-old Mormon Stories episode he recorded in April 2010 with his divorced parents, his two siblings, and the ever-inquisitive John Dehlin. But this time, Glenn looks at it through the eyes of Jonathan Haidt’s Moral Foundations Theory because the Moral Foundations Theory has been totally rocking Glenn’s world lately. Maybe it will rock yours, too.
4/1/20173 hours, 21 seconds
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Ep 359 – Why Can’t We Be Friends: Part 3

This is part 3 of 3.
3/29/20171 hour, 20 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 358 – Why Can’t We Be Friends: Part 2

This is part 2 of 3.
3/29/20171 hour, 11 minutes
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Ep 357 – Why Can’t We Be Friends: Part 1

This is part 1 of 3.
3/29/20171 hour, 50 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep 355 – Mormon Leaks – Guideline Responses to Common Questions: The Smackdown

Are Mormons Christians? What is the official Mormon response to Abuse? Affinity Fraud? Church Finances? The Clannish nature of Church Members? Dissent? Hard-to-believe Events in Church History? And a dozen other topics? Mormon Leaks’ founder Ryan McKnight joins Glenn, Randy, John, and Matt to smack down the latest leaked document: Guideline Responses to Common Questions. Oh yeah…. And John’s Ambassador is plenipotent. #Duh!
3/21/20172 hours, 23 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 354 – A Mormon Girl Walks Into a Funeral… Walks Out on Mormonism

Bob is joined by special guest Kat, his sister, who recently resigned from Mormonism after attending their grandmother’s Mormon funeral. Something happened at the funeral, something both shocking and routine: a bishop’s talk. Bob recreates the talk word for word, and the two of them discuss what happened after reminiscing about growing up Mormon.
3/19/20171 hour, 56 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 353 – The New Atheist’s Guide to Not Being a Total Asshole: Episode 9 (Love)

It’s the second to last episode of season 1 of the NAG and love is in the air… which is pretty convenient ‘cause that’s what this episode is all about! Join Sage and his lovely wife Rachel (on her infants debut) as they talk about how their love has changed over 14 years of marriage, 2 kids, and one whopper of a faith transition.
3/17/20171 hour, 23 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 352 – Echo Chambers

Is there an echo in here? Facebook posts. Podcast listeners. Church groups. Political affiliation. Echo chambers are definitely all around us. Glenn, Scott, and Matt each discuss their own thoughts on these Echo Chambers at the Phoenix Sunstone conference. Recorded on Saturday March 11, 2017.
3/15/201747 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 351 – The First Vision

Last weekend, the Church released a new and improved video depiction of the First Vision that claimed to incorporate the various accounts Joseph Smith gave to “provide additional perspectives and insights into this remarkable event.” Glenn, Matt, Randy, Bob, and Jake decide to do a bit of remarking themselves.
3/12/20171 hour, 49 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 350 – Froback Friday – Book of Abraham Smackdown

Travel back in time to August 2014 for one of our first smackdown episodes as Jake, Bob, Randy, Scott, and Glenn discuss the then-recent essay on The Book of Abraham from
3/10/20173 hours, 24 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 345 – Of Whip Its and Weed: A Wonderful Doctor’s Wise Words of Wizardly Warning

Matt, Jake, and Scott talk to Dr. Josh Britt about the pros and cons of medical marijuana and the practice of doing “whip its.”
2/24/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep 343 – Mindfulness and Music: A Recipe for an Intimate and Passionate Valentine’s Day

Are you planning the perfect date this V-Day?  You know, a date that’s the perfect combination of thoughtful, playful, cute, and sexy?  Kristin and Matt (but mostly Kristin) suggest one way to turn a lame holiday into a day you and your partner (or partners) will remember for years to come.
2/14/201714 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 341 – Infants, Immigration, and Captain EO

Who says you should avoid talking about politics and religion?  Matt and Glenn interview Melinda “Mindy” Butler, an immigration attorney for The Florence Project in Arizona, to learn more about the three recent Executive Orders on immigration.
2/6/20171 hour, 54 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 339 – The Alarming Truth Behind Anti-Mormonism: The Smackdown

Glenn, Matt, and Scott smack down a blog post because many of you asked us to.  So we did.  In front of about 50 lovely listeners.  And now the rest of you can hear it.  This episode was recorded January 8, 2017.
1/25/20171 hour, 36 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 338 – Mormon Hypocrisy Disguised as Legitimacy

Bob is joined by himself to discuss the latest attack on John Dehlin’s research aka “John Dehlin and the Weaponization of Scientific Research” aka some Mormon blogger really wanting to be taken seriously.
1/23/201716 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep 337 – The New Atheist’s Guide to Not Being a Total Asshole: Episode 8 (Family)

It’s hard enough parenting kids when Jesus is your co-pilot.  What do you do when he jumps ship? (or after you mutiny and throw him to the crocodiles — maybe that’s a better metaphor). Sage is back to interview APEs Matt and Kristin (Atheist Parents Extraordinaire) — with a few comments from third-wheel-Glenn — as they discuss raising kids sans-faith-in-God.  Stick around to the end for a special announcement!
1/17/20171 hour, 48 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep 336 – Mormon Leaks

Matt and Tom sit down with Ryan McKnight and Privacy P Pratt (not his real name) to discuss General Authority pay stubs, the difference between mormon- and wiki- leaking, and leaks and leakers and just a bunch of leaking stuff in general.  You’re in for a real treat (as opposed to urine for a real treat).  Cuz details matter.
1/13/20171 hour, 25 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 334 – Reflections on Guilt

Hop into the Infant time machine back to August 2012 when Tom, Glenn, Randy, Matt, and Bob explore the concept of guilt.
12/29/20161 hour, 31 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ep 333 – Light the World Christmas Smackaround

Jesus listens to Infants on Thrones, and so can you.  So open up your gift from the Infants a little early this year and gird up your loins against the war on Secularistmas.  ‘Cuz today Glenn, Randy, Jake, and John read through the recent “Light the World” advent program from the LDS church.  With glee.  Seriously, there was some literal bowl-full-of-jellying going on during this one.  And while we may not have been wearing ugly sweaters, we did find some of the most horribly worst all-time Christmas songs to intersperse throughout the conversations.  So Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all the rest.  Enjoy.   WWHAJD?
12/22/20162 hours, 10 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep 332 – Hinduism

Guest host Drew takes a break from his patented Godly Google Goggles to walk us through this obscure little religious thingy from the country that brought us Tandoori Chicken and Tikka Masala.  Unofficially subtitled “Everything You Never Knew You Didn’t Want to Know about Hinduism so You Never Cared to Ask,” Drew takes us on a fascinating journey beyond the red dot.  Listen to this one with your third ear.
12/21/20161 hour, 45 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ep 331 – A Very Atheist Christmas

You get to be a fly on the wall in this very special episode of Infants on Thrones.  And you get to hear Matt sing with his wife Kristin.  Totally worth the price of admission.  This was recorded at a live Christmas musical event on Dec 18, 2016.
12/19/201625 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 329 – Infants on Westworld

Lindsay Hansen Park and Andrew Ainsworth join Glenn, Matt, Scott and John to geek out all over the HBO series Westworld.  SPOILERS included free of charge.  And plenty of existential “what is reality?” discussions for those not following the show.  These Infantile delights have Infantile ends.
12/8/20161 hour, 52 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 328 – The Hazards of SHONE

Glenn provides an update on the SHONE project (Short History of Nearly Everything) and asks for some SHONEY volunteers.  And then – since it is December and all — Glenn also shares some music from The Decembrists (get it?)   He may even sing for you. Click here if you are interested in participating in the SHONE project: Or click HERE if you are not.
12/6/201629 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 325 – Infant Mannequin Challenge

Listen in as all nine Infants hold HILARIOUS poses for the current all-the-rage Mannequin Challenge.  You’ll never believe who shows up to pose along with us!
11/22/201623 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 324 – Post Trump Morality

Michael Adam Ferguson joins Jake and Glenn to talk about the moral mind. And tastebuds.  Can’t we all just get along?
11/20/20162 hours, 48 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 323 – Secular Buddhism

Take a break from all the post-election fallout.  Calm your mind.  Breathe.  And then listen in as Noah Rasheta delivers a talk to the Nautilus Community in Mesa, Arizona.  Noah is the host of the Secular Buddhism podcast. He addresses meditation practice, philosophy, how to break up 3 patterns (implied), and of course and secular buddhism.
11/13/20161 hour, 9 seconds
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Ep 320 – Infants on SHONE Pt.1

Glenn pitches an idea for reviewing the book “A Short History of Nearly Everything.”  Tell us what you think.  Is this something you’d like to hear more of, or not?
11/4/201638 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 318 – The NEW Book of Abraham: Chapter 3

Glenn dazes into his peep stone for yet another far out translation of Chapter 3, man. Seriously.  This is totally real, you guys.   And this time it’s all about… time.
10/27/201621 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 317 – Bonus General Conference 2016

Follow our beloved President Boyd K Packer for his annual All Hallow’s return from the eternal hereafter to lead us all through some bonus listener generated conference content (mingled with a few little Infant-generated tricks and treats, both new and old). Special and remarkable thanks to Andrew, Holly, Jordan, and Sage for their special and remarkable contributions. Enjoy!  (that is a command)
10/24/201659 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 316 – The New Atheist Guide to Not Being a Total A$shole – Episode 6: Belief

 In this, the sixth episode of the NAG, join Sage and fellow ‘nobody’ Drew as they explore the concepts of belief, wonder and spirituality as Atheists.  They’ll ask poignant questions such as ‘What is the ultimate truth of the universe?’ not so poignant questions like ‘Do animals believe in god?’ and even questions no one thought to ask like ‘Can you worship a magic motorcycle?’  Enjoy! Featured tracks:  Cover of Leonard Cohen’s ‘Hallelujah’ by Holly Henry, Carl Sagan’s ‘Pale Blue Dot’ accompanied by Ludovico Einaudi’s “The Earth Prelude”
10/21/20161 hour, 29 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep 314 – Infant General Conference – Oct 2016

It’s time for Infant General Conference again.  You know the drill.
10/17/20161 hour, 7 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep 313 – Remarkable Development

Matt and Glenn try (and maybe sorta momentarily succeed, we hope) to sift away all partisanship from conversations from this past crazy week and focus on the one unifying message that everyone should agree on.  Lewd and derogatory male attitudes towards women can no longer be considered acceptable in our world.  It’s about much more than politics now.  It’s about our mothers, and daughters, and wives, and friends.  It’s about improving our shared social morality.  Positive words can have a measurable impact on the physical world.  That isn’t just magical thinking.  We’re hoping the words of this episode will add our small piece to this current critical mass to make this moment of awareness one that will transform our world and not be soon forgotten.  And Matt shares a clip from the Simpsons.
10/16/20161 hour, 31 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 312 – Fear 2016: Trumpocalypse

In the outstanding tradition of Infant October Fear episodes, Glenn explains his very real fear of the potential impending Trumpocalypse.  No kitty cats were grabbed in the making of this episode.
10/11/201626 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep 310 – The ExMo Guru Part Deux: Meditation as a Place to Go

Infants on Thrones proudly presents Tom Perry once again as The ExMo Guru in the most relevant brilliant earth-shattering performance of Brother Perry’s storied career (yes I am a huge homer of a Tom Perry fan, Rock Star that he is).  But don’t take my word for it.  Listen!  Listen now!  Your eternal relaxation depends on it!  And this salvation is free (it will only cost 21 minutes of your time and a small portion of your innocence).  What are you waiting for?  Listen already!
10/6/201620 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 309 – Unrighteous Dominion defeated by Kick(butt) Michelle

Want to hear the real reason Mormon leaders don’t want women to hold the priesthood? In a follow-up interview to last week’s “Unrighteous Dominion” episode, Michelle and Adam join Glenn, Jake, and Matt to explain why they secretly recorded the bishop who likes swimming’ suits, and they share another secretly recorded discussion with the bishop, where Michelle valiantly stands up to the Patriarchy.  And wins.  Vicarious uppercut.
10/2/20161 hour, 34 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 308 – Education and Faith

This is the audio to Glenn’s Sunstone presentation given on July 30, 2016, where Glenn explains the type of Mormon he was before and after his graduate studies (culminating in a MA Thesis Japanese Lost Tribes stories and a half-finished dissertation on Mormon Humor), and walks through some of the reasons why — for him — faith ultimately yielded to education (and uncertainty).
9/29/20161 hour, 6 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 307 – Unrighteous Dominion: The Smackdown

Should LDS Bishops ask 7-year-old children if they “touch themselves” or if they show their private parts to others? Jake, Matt and Glenn dramatically and critically re-enact a real live secretly recorded bishops interview with a real live secretly recorded bishop.  If you believe that Prophets instruct Apostles, and that Apostles instruct General Authorities, and that General Authorities instruct Stake Presidents, and that Stake Presidents instruct Bishops, and that Bishops instruct Elders Quorum presidents and Relief Society Presidents, then you probably don’t need to worry if you are ever in a car accident.  And you would also certainly fail in a game of Six Degrees of God (i.e. Kevin Bacon). The reddit link with the original source material can be found here: Masterbation now a question for 8 year olds in the Baptismal interview. from exmormon
9/25/20162 hours, 39 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 306 – Conversations with My Past, Present, and Future Gay Self: The Mormon Matrix

Benji takes us on a journey of the Mormon Matrix and tackles the ever-growing accounts of suicide ravaging the LGBT Mormon youth. Featuring conversations with a mother and a father of gay teens and mixed with badass music.
9/23/201644 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep 304 – The New Atheist’s Guide to Not Being a Total Asshole: Episode 5 (Labels)

In the 5th episode of the NAG, Sage and Glen explore the labels that define us (or don’t) and how it may or may not be possible to redeem or redefine the term ‘Atheist’. Featured Song: God – John Lennon cover by the Bluebeat
9/16/20161 hour, 27 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ep 303 – Smackup: BYU in the Big 12

In a manly display of manly manliness, Matt, Tom, Randy, and Glenn discuss BYU’s bid for the Big 12 conference and read through a letter signed by multiple LGBT advocacy groups urging the Big 12 to pass on BYU due to its anti-LGBT policies. Jocks gonna jock.
9/11/20161 hour, 30 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 302 – The New Atheist’s Guide to Not Being a Total Asshole: Episode 4 (Music)

Tune in this week as Sage interviews the wildly talented R. John Williams from the band Faded Paper Figures.  Together they talk about the power of music to transform us, to enlighten us and to best express all of our pent up ex-Mormon angst.
9/2/20161 hour, 20 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ep 301 – The Word of Wingdom

Glenn makes a few announcements, reads a few listener emails, and shares the earth shattering new scripture for serious Wing Eaters: The Word of Wingdom.  Yes.  It is every bit as stupid as it sounds. Text can be found here: The Word of Wingdom
9/1/201619 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 299 – Infants on Road Trips: The Weirdness

Matt and Glenn continue their in-car post-Sunstone discussion — this time about magic, marijuana, and three patterns.  And rituals.  And what it means for something to be weird.  And other things.  And Matt demonstrates the gracious way to embrace defeat, and ignorance, and shame.  Darkly.  Again.  And sometimes Glenn writes really weird episode descriptions.  Like this one.  Again.
8/27/201657 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 298 – Infants on Road Trips: The Sunstone

Matt and Glenn talk about their recent experience at Sunstone and a bunch of other fun, thought-provoking, interesting stuff — including three-patterns like that one — and tease a few future episode topics.
8/24/20161 hour, 1 minute, 28 seconds
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Ep 297 – Education WEAK: The Smackdown

Glenn, Jake, Randy, and John give Elder Holland’s recent Education Week address, “Bound by Loving Ties,” the Olympic-sized smacking down it needs. And the one it deserves.
8/20/20162 hours, 40 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Ep 296 – New Atheist’s Guide to Not Being a Total Asshole: Episode 3 (The Devil)

Listen in on the latest installment of the New Atheist’s Guide as Jake and Sage discuss The Devil–with a cameo appearance from the Lord o’ Darkness himself. (Spoiler alert: he has issues.)
8/19/20161 hour, 15 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ep 294 – Infants for Hillary, Mingled with Mormonism and Politics

Bob, Jake, John, and eventually Randy get together to discuss politics and Mormonism (but mostly politics) in the context of the United States presidential election of 2016.
8/7/20162 hours, 5 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 293 – The New Atheist’s Guide to Not Being a Total Asshole: Episode 2 (Hope)

Sage’s New Atheist’s Guide (N.A.G.) continues with episode 2–a conversation with Bob about hope.
8/6/20161 hour, 32 seconds
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Ep 292 – The New Atheist’s Guide to Not Being a Total Asshole: Episode 1 (Fear)

Let’s face it: atheists have a bad rap, and some of that is richly deserved–the smug self-righteousness with which many wield their God-free worldview is about as charming as a menthol enema. However, losing your faith doesn’t have to lead to the dark path of douchebaggery, which the honorable Sage Turk aims to illustrate in an exciting new series: The New Atheist’s Guide to Not Being a Total Asshole. Take a listen to the first installment–a conversation between Sage and Tom on the subject of fear.
8/1/20161 hour, 9 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 291 – Verbal JiuJitsu

Listener and fan of the show, Jake sits down with Tom and Kim Gustavsson to talk about his listener submitted essay titled, “Verbal JiuJitsu”. Kim’s company and website: “We must try to penetrate our most secret self, and examine our being from all sides. . . . And so, for the first time in my life perhaps (although I am supposed to meditate every day!), I took the lamp and, leaving the zone of everyday occupations and relationships where everything seems clear, I went down into my inmost self, to the deep abyss whence I feel dimly that my power of action emanates. But as I moved further and further away from the conventional certainties by which social life is superficially illuminated, I became aware that I was losing contact with myself. At each step of the descent a new person was disclosed within me of whose name I was no longer sure, and who no longer obeyed me. And when I had to stop my exploration because the path faded from beneath my steps, I found a bottomless abyss at my feet, and out of it came—arising I know not from where—the current which I dare to call my life.” – Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. The Divine Milieu (New York: Harper & Row Publishers, Incorporated, 1960)  p. 42
7/17/20161 hour, 36 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 290 – D&C 132 For Kids

How to discuss the scriptures with your kids.  Or at least how Glenn did it.  And recorded it.  One time.
7/16/201638 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep 289 – Of Mothers and T-Shirts

Glenn sits down for a brief discussion with his mother about her faith crisis and elicits her sage advice for listeners of Infants on Thrones.  Which starts with how to get an IOT T-Shirt (or super awesome mug) of your very own.  Check out the T-Shirt Tab on our website,
7/14/201617 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep 287 – Independence Day 2016

A never-Mormon from England stumbled across Infants on Thrones and tells us who she is and what she thinks.  A woman comes to terms with her reaction to her drag Queen husband.  A physician who suffers from Crohns Disease explains the psychological and emotional impact of daily chronic pain, and a way that understanding changes the traditional narrative of Jesus bleeding from every pore in the Atonement.  These are just a few of the many excellent listener essays in  today’s Infant Compilation.  They are all very good, except for the bad parts.  (that’s not a slam — it’s a reference to one of the essays.  You’ll see what I mean)
7/3/20161 hour, 17 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ep 286 – Priesthood Power and the Magic Worldview

John Hamer teaches Glenn, Randy, and Jake a thing or two about the LDS priesthood. And its origins. And its authority. And its power. And the magical-ness of the Mormon Worldview. And it is funny. And informative. And will tickle your ears, warm your hearts, and engorge your brains. Do not seek the treasure (we thought you was a toad).
6/26/20161 hour, 47 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 285 – Hey Jeremy…

Ever wonder why the Infants are such smug, dismissive, judgmental, black-and-white thinking ex-mormons who are no better than the smug, dismissive, judgmental, black-and-white thinking Believing Mormons who they smugly and dismissively mock, and bully, and disrespect again and again and again? Well one listener named Jeremy has and asked the question, “Why you gotta be so caustic, yo? Can’t you Infants just respect people, dog?” So listen in as Matt and Glenn say, “Hey Jeremy… here’s what we think of all that. Homey.”
6/23/20161 hour, 14 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep 283 – Upcoming Infants Live Event

Infants on Thrones will be at Sunstone once again this year, July 28-30. Listen in to what we are planning. You will also find a filthy dirty outtake from our latest clean recording with John Dehlin, the Reluctant Atheist. This is a short one. But you’ll love it. Or you won’t. We swear.
6/16/201625 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep 279 – The Book of Mormon Movie Review

An occasional knee-slapping, borderline insightful, completely infantile review the 2003 movie The Book of Mormon Vol 1: The Journey.
5/22/20161 hour, 20 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 278 – Infant Retreat/Otterson Smackdown

Seven of the Nine Infants gathered for a weekend in Vail Colorado and recorded their response to some listener feedback and a smackdown-of-sorts to a newspaper article about (former) Mormon PR Boss Michael Otterson.  So listen in as Glenn, Tom, Randy, Jake, Matt, John, and Scott sit around the same table and talk into a single microphone for once.
5/16/20161 hour, 35 minutes
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Ep 276 – The Perpetual Education Fund… Or Fraud?

Randy is joined by Bob and special guest Aaron Tunell to discuss LDS Inc.’s Perpetual Education Fund, a program started in 2001 to help students in developing countries. But all is not as it seems on the surface.
5/2/20162 hours, 20 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 275 – General Conference Smack…up?

Join in as Jake and Randy find a rare pocket of effusive praise for Elder Patrick Kearon’s recent conference address (Refuge from the Storm). Warning–may cause cognitive dissonance.
4/25/20161 hour, 18 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 274 – Hard to Find Mormon Videos: The Podcast

Today, Tom and Jake are joined by Tom Doggett, the man behind the Hard-to-Find Mormon Videos channel on YouTube, to discuss the origins of the project and the goldmine that is the LDS media archive. For those that grew up on such national treasures as Cipher in the Snow or Johnny Lingo, this is gonna be an eight-cow episode. (To take a look at That Which Was Lost, click here.)
4/17/20161 hour, 33 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 273 – General Conference Apr 2016 – Infant Style

It’s that time again! Tune in to hear Jake, Randy, Glenn, and Bob’s contribution to the latest installment in the General Conference – Infant Style series. Special thanks to our talented guest contributors Andrew (Elder Durrant), Allison (lady speaker), and Lincoln (opening hymn). (To read or listen to Elder Kearon’s original talk, click here.)
4/11/20161 hour, 6 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ep 272 – The Abrahamic Covenant Revisited

Glenn walks us through another Fro-back Friday episode — a discussion recorded in December 2010 between pre-Infants Glenn, Tom, and Scott (aka “Jesse”) with special guests Mike Tannehill and Brandt Malone. It’s all about the importance of bloodlines. And posterity. And covenants. And dispensations. And how Abraham sort of trumps Jesus in the whole hierarchy of what it is that makes Mormons so damn special. Enjoy.
4/8/20161 hour, 30 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 267 – Church Museum

Sage and Tom recently took a tour in the recently remodeled Church History Museum in downtown Salt Lake City and recorded and commented about their experience.  
3/13/20161 hour, 14 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ep 266 – Stealing Light from Kolob: Marijuana 101

Matt, John, and Randy talk with two marijuana experts. The first, a entrepreneur who grows and sells marijuana, legally. The other, Cheech and Chong’s best friend and friend to the podcast, Micah Nickolaisen. Learn a little bit about every hippy’s favorite pastime and find out if marijuana should be legal. Spoiler alert: yes, the answer is yes!
3/6/20161 hour, 28 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 265 – Dear Elder Bednar

The Infants pay a brief but special tribute to the recent remarkable words and message of Elder David A(hole) Bednar, and to the huge Packer-sized stick shoved up his member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ass. Special thanks to Lily Allen for nailing it so completely. Matt asks, “Hey Glenn, where was this two days ago?” Well it’s here now.
3/6/20164 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ep 263 – Tribute to a Dear Friend

Glenn pays tribute to Kevin, his childhood friend. The guy who was in a private plane crash when he was 5 years old and lost all feeling in his legs; the guy who saw his wheelchair as a mark of his worthiness, or lack their of, and tragically took his own life at the young age of 31. Glenn was asked to speak at Kevin’s funeral back in November 2002, and recently found the audio of that speech, as well as some journal entries where he struggles with the doctrinal implications of Kevin’s death.
2/28/20161 hour, 14 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 262 – A Tale of Two Poelmans

In 1984, Elder Ronald E Polman delivered a talk titled “The Gospel and the Church” in General Conference. It emphasized the importance of an eternally divine gospel being delivered through a man-made fallible church. The Brethren did not like this message, and made him re-write the talk to make the church as eternally divine and infallible as the gospel. They also made him re-deliver the talk in front of an empty tabernacle to record it and pass it off as the original. But thanks to home VCRs, they got caught. And today you can hear all about it, including clips from both the original talk and the re-written message. So listen in as Glenn and Scott (aka Jesse) are joined by Rock Waterman and James Rogers two discuss A Tale of two Poelmans. *This recorded conversation was previously released in January 2011 on another podcast but has since been removed. Now it is back where it belongs.
2/21/20161 hour, 15 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 260 – Ezra Taft Benson: The Smackdown

Fun fact: this episode was almost titled “Communist-lead Negro Guerrilla Units.” Why? Find out for yourself as Randy, Glenn, and Matt welcome Anissa and Kim back to the podcast to smack down a 1967 conference talk from Ezra Taft Benson called “Civil Rights: Tool of Communist Deception.” Fair warning: do not drink any dark liquids while listening to this episode, as you might unintentionally yet fervidly stain your habiliments. Civil Rights: Tool of Communist Deception
2/14/20162 hours, 2 minutes, 19 seconds
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Ep 258 – Child Abuse in the Church

Matt Long talks with John Dehlin about the recently re-released article on their website, titled, “Effectiveness of Church Approach to Preventing Child Abuse.” Spoiler alert: Matt was not impressed.
2/3/20163 hours, 29 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 254 – True Millennials

Matt, Randy, and Glenn smack down Elder Nelson’s recent address to BYU-H students. America’s favorite dancer Benji Schwimmer joins us for the second half. And Randy’s favorite celebrity Gwenyth Paltrow may or may not make a special appearance as well.
1/17/20161 hour, 21 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 251 – The Vanilla Isis Yeehawd and Militant Mormonism

What the heck is going on with this Captian Moroni rancher guy up in Oregon who is defying the US Government? Isn’t there an article of faith somewhere about honoring governments, or something like that? Either way, listen in as Matt talks with Special Infant Guest Drew about the whole crazy story and its cultural ties to Mormonism.
1/8/20161 hour, 13 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 250 – Mormonism, Diablo, and Life as a Game

Bob walks us through the parallels between Mormonism and the game Diablo 3. What if Mormonism ultimately is just a role-playing game?
1/6/201618 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 249 – Star Wars: The Nerdgasm Awakens

John, Glenn, Matt, and Tom review the new Star Wars movie, discuss the Mormon fascination with Star Wars in general, and then geek out about super hero movies and random pop culture.
1/3/20161 hour, 32 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 248 – The mostly somewhat very Best of 2015 from Infants on Thrones

In a best-of clip-show for the ages, and at finally for at long last, Dennis pulls back the proverbial curtain and introduces you to Billy, Sandy, Jasper, and Jim of Brainfard Productions, the actual real sorta-genuis-types behind Infants on Thrones. No joke. Unless it is. Thanks for a fun 2015. And who knows…
12/30/201533 minutes, 19 seconds
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Ep 247 – Disproving Santa

Sage Turk returns to Infants on Thrones with his Listener Essay “Disproving Santa Claus.” Jake and Tom join in the conversation as “apologetics” turn towards the satirically ridiculous and the absurd – for once. No, that was not a chiasmus.
12/27/20151 hour, 39 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 243 – First Presidency Christmas Message featuring Neil Diamond

Does anything say Christmas more than the Jazz Singer, Neil Diamond himself? In the tradition of phenomenally inspiring Primary Christmas Programs, President Infant-Monson narrates a sacred Christmas story as sung by the Mormon Tab-and-Apple Children’s Chorus and the legendary Neil Diamond. Listen in for the big reveal of the true identity of Santa Claus.
12/18/201513 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 242 – Bah Humbug – The Dallin H. Oaks Christmas Card mini-Smackdown

Ho Ho Ho and happy birthday Jesus! Celebrate all the Holidays this and learn the reason for the season by listening to Scott and Matt discuss how grateful Dallin H. Oaks is to get Holiday cards. Cuz he is. He really really is. As long as they are the right ones.
12/17/201517 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 239 – Brother Jake’s Very Merry two-minute Year In Review

Listen in as Brother Jake gives a poetic year-end review of the goings-on of Mormonism, along with some suggestions for holiday purchases to brighten the holiday mood. All items available here:
12/4/20152 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 237 – Thanks (for the clarification) Giving

Glenn reflects on the role that Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender issues played in his life in coming to an understanding of what it really means to follow the teachings of Jesus, and what it really means to not. In the process, he hopefully finds a few things to actually be thankful for approaching this Thanksgiving 2015.
11/25/201555 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 235 – LDS Mass Resignation Interviews

IOT listener Sage conducts man-(and-women)-on-the-street interviews at the LDS Mass Resignation event held in Salt Lake City on Saturday, November 14, 2015. Thanks Sage!
11/15/20151 hour, 17 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep 233 – Family Under Attack – Man on Man Edition

How is this new LDS policy impacting real lives of real people? Why would a gay couple even want their children to be involved in the Mormon church? And how does a gay person even have children in the first place? Scott conducts two interviews with men whose families are directly impacted by the LDS Church’s Children Alienation and Exclusion policy. Listen in as the Infants once again do their darnedest to scoop their big tall buddy, John Dehlin.
11/13/20151 hour, 15 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 232 – Reddit AMA Discussion

Listen in as the Infants answer questions from reddit users. Yes, it really is exactly as fascinating as it sounds. Click here to read all of the questions and answers from the Reddit AMA: Reddit Ask Me Anything/
11/12/20151 hour, 31 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 231 – Disney Songs for Alienated Mormon Kids

Do you love the Mormon Church?  Do you love their new totally Christ-like policy of alienation and exclusion for children of certain kinds of abominable parents?  Do you love the magical songs of Disney?  Do you love Infants on Thrones’ sing-a-long smack downs?  Well, if you love all that stuff right there, then this is the episode you have never known you were always waiting for your entire life.  Enjoy! Special thanks to Craig Keeling for the album art. Edit: The songs are now individually available on YouTube:      
11/9/201546 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 230 – Unequally Yoked

Tom is joined by his brave and excellent wife to interview another couple, Neal & Naomi, and discuss some of the difficulties of living in a mixed faith marriage. Neal & Naomi’s podcast Unequally Yoked can be found here:
11/8/20151 hour, 25 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 229 – Smackdown: New LDS Policy Punishing Children If Their Parents Are Gay

What’s worse than murder and rape? The only sin so powerful it punishes innocent children for the “sins” of their parents even if, you know, that doesn’t sound like Mormon Doctrine… In this episode, Bob, Matt, Randy, and Scott discuss the new policy changes from the Mormon Church that set apart homosexuality as a sin unlike any other. Children of same-sex married people must now be 18 to be baptized and must disavow their parents’ marriage. Follow along as we smackdown the changes to LDS Handbook 1.
11/6/20151 hour, 7 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep 228 – Reddit AMA Promo

The Infants will be conducting an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit this upcoming Monday, Nov 9th, at 10:30pm ET. Go to the link below to send us questions, and log in with your reddit account on Monday to interact with the Infants. We will also be recording our behind the scenes commentary and responses to your questions, and publish that as a future episode. So help us make this a nominally interesting experience by giving us some nominally interesting questions. Edit: Tom has confirmed that he will be joining as well. So it will be a full rowdy group on Monday. Go to Reddit and write your questions here: Reddit Ask Me Anything
11/4/20154 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep 226 – Froback Friday – FEAR

Three years ago, the still-learning-how-to-walk Infants released an episode called FEAR. In as close to a RadioLab style as we could muster, we explored the world of ouija boards, evil spirits, night terrors, lucid dreaming, and a hodgepodge of other somewhat-fear-related topics. Some of that original episode was even pretty good. Today Matt and Glenn reflect on that experience and present to you a massively edited version. And don’t miss today’s special easter egg. Because not everyone appreciated Infant Monson’s recent story about Ted, and his unfortunate tarring and re-tarring incident. Or the repeated use of a certain clip from the television show “Freaks and Geeks.” Well, Glenn has something to say about all that, and he did in today’s easter egg, and it will never happen again. The original FEAR episode still exists here for any gluttons for punishment.
10/30/201558 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 223 – Damn Peterson: The Smackdown

John, Scott, Randy, Jake, and Matt Smack down Dan Peterson’s recent blog post about the doctrinal “thin gruel” the Community of Christ offers its members, and what it reveals about the myopia of the LDS view.
10/18/20151 hour, 26 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep 220 – Froback Friday – Religulous and Kumare

The Infants review two movies about belief: Bill Mahr’s “Religulous” and Vikram Gandhi’s “Kumare.”
10/9/20151 hour, 9 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 219 – The Ex-mo Meditation Guru is IN

Tough weekend? Experiencing a little PCSD? (Post-Conference Stress Disorder) Allow newly anointed Ex-mo Meditation Guru Tom Perry to take you through a short relaxation exercise that should have you feeling better about the world in no time.
10/7/20156 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ep 218 – BYU Honor Code Smackdown

What would will the world look like if when everyone everywhere were is Mormon? Look no further than BYU campus living! In this episode, Bob, Glenn, Jake, Matt, and Randy smack down the BYU Honor Code.
10/4/20152 hours, 9 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 217 – Froback Friday – Bob’s Musical Faith Crisis Prayer and Stuff Like That

Have you ever wanted to laugh during a prayer? Have you ever wondered what Glenn sounded like as a 19-year-old missionary full of missionary zeal (or at least full of something)? Have you ever wanted to hear Bob sing all about his faith crisis (or, even better, have you ever wanted to comment on Bob’s singing cred?) Well, if any of those describe your particularly uncomfortable itch, then today’s Froback Friday episode is definitely gonna scratch it. And then some.
10/2/20151 hour, 9 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 216 – Mormons for ERA

Do you love Women? Do you believe that Women should have equal rights guaranteed under the law? Did you know that the United States of America does not guarantee this in the US Constitution today? Forty years ago, long before Prop 8, the Mormon church used fear-based tactics and political pressure to block the ERA – the Equal Rights Amendment that congress passed in 1972 – which would have added the following simple language to the US Constitution: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.” By 1975, 35 US States had ratified the amendment. It needed 38 to pass. Three highly populated Mormon states – Utah, Arizona, and Nevada – never ratified this amendment. Today, a small but growing group of Mormons for ERA want to do something about that. Listen in as Infants Glenn, Matt and John are joined by ERA advocates Chelsea Shields, Anissa Rasheta, and Mark Barnes talk about their plans to make history. For more information on the Equal Rights Amendment, click here:
9/29/20151 hour, 52 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep 215 – Carl the Casual Satanist: Episode 3 – Carl has a Visitor

In the 3rd installment of the ongoing series, Carl gets an apologetic visitor to his new apartment. To listen to the first episode of Carl the Casual Satanist, click here: To listen to the second, click here:
9/27/201510 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ep 214 – Froback Friday – Ghost Story Bigfoot

What happens when the real Bigfoot meets a real Evil Spirit?
9/25/20151 hour, 10 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 213 – End Times

Tanner, a blogger at “Zelph on the Shelf” (great name, huh?) joins Jake, Matt, Randy and Scott to talk about End Times and Latter Days and Preppers and all that good stuff.
9/21/20151 hour, 37 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep 212 – Froback Friday – Homachnaphobia

In this Froback Friday debut, the Infants discuss Randy’s awesome minisode “Homachnaphobia” — you know… where Randy compares his irrational fear of homosexuality to his irrational fear of spiders. As one does.
9/18/201525 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 211 – Three Year Old Infants

Infants on Thrones commemorates their three years of podcasting by talking about themselves for a change. Listen in and try to keep all eight voices straight as Bob, Glenn, Jake, John, Matt, Randy, Scott and Tom talk about minisodes, and pseudo-fame, and ideas for the future of the podcast, and nothing even possibly irreverent or offensive to anyone else in any way whatsoever.
9/13/20151 hour, 16 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 210 – John C. Bennett and Early Mormon Audio

Have you ever wondered what John C. Bennett had to say about his time in Nauvoo, his excommunication from the church, or his relationship with Joseph Smith? Have you ever wanted to read all those testimonials about treasure digging and folk magic in “Mormonism Unvailed” but just found that old book too dense and long and daunting? Have you ever been interested in early Mormon speculative theology that tries to reconcile faith with science and ends up with far out sci-fi Battlestar Galactic type explanations for things? Have you ever wished that someone would just read all those things for you and you could just listen along? Well we have. And we finally decided to do something about it. In this not-so-mini minisode, Glenn talks about his new side project Early Mormon Audio, and gives you a sneak peak into the first part of John C. Bennett’s 1842 “The History of the Saints -or- An Expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism.” Enjoy.
9/8/201554 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep 209 – Mixed Faith Marriages and Therapy

Tom and Glenn are joined with Kim and Adam who are both therapists to discuss Jamie’s listener essay titled, “How our Marvelous Mormon Therapist saved our marriage.”
9/5/201558 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 208 – Community

Scott, Matt, and John discuss the importance of community with Micah, Nick, Alison, and Steve, who also discuss the motivation behind their website
8/30/20151 hour, 22 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 207 – The Little Apology

Little Apologists aren’t the only ones who can make kinda sorta gymnastic-type little apologies. In this special minisode, Glenn explains the reason for the appearance and sudden disappearance of last Sunday’s mysterious episode “The Little Apologist.”
8/27/201516 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 206 – My Mormon Beatles: How I Lost my Faith in Paul McCartney

Glenn projects many of his Mormon-formed biases onto the One True Band: The Beatles, and compares his changing view of The Beatles to his changing view of The Mormon Church.
8/26/201518 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 205 – Apologetics in the Raw

Jake geeks out over an exchange of blog posts between Baylor historian Philip Jenkins and Mormon apologist Bill Hamblin that gets at the heart of Book of Mormon apologetics. Hold on to your Scotch-taped glasses, folks–it’s gonna be a bumpy ride. Blogs referenced: Outliers and Iconoclasts How Consensus Changes Mormons and New World History Centrality of Hermeneutics Epistemology and Nihilism
8/19/201520 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 204 – Joseph the Seer the Smackdown

Suffering from stone fatigue yet? Well… suffer no more (or suffer a lot more) as Jake, John, Matt, and Randy smack down the recent Mormon Ensign article “Joseph the Seer.” (Spoiler Alert: they actually all thought the article was pretty good) And if any of you are wondering “should I really listen to this episode?” John Hamer says yes.
8/16/20152 hours, 13 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 203 – De-Romancing The Stone

In order to fill out the complete story of Joseph the Seer and his recently unveiled seer-stone, John, Glenn, Matt, Randy, and Jake dip into the rich historical record and read witness accounts of Joseph’s contemporaries, in a documentary minisode that “De-Romances the Stone.”
8/11/201520 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 202 – Sunstone 2015 – MoSide Out

What if the emotions from Pixar’s “Inside Out” got together in a Mormon-formed brain that experienced a faith crisis? Which emotion dominates in a pre, mid, or post-faith crisis mind? Those were the questions we playfully explored in our Sunstone panel on Aug 1 at the University of Utah. Listen in as Glenn narrates and the audience chooses exactly what will become of Joy (Jake), Sadness (Scott), Disgust (Matt), Fear (John), and Anger (Randy).
8/9/20151 hour, 33 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 201 – Praise to the Stone

Matt, Kristin, and Jake sing their praise to the world’s bestest magic seer stone. Thanks to Andrew Ainsworth for the lyrics. New LDS Hymn: Praise to the Stone VERSE 1 Praise to the stone that was found by the Prophet! For treasure seeking it first was employed Though to the buried loot it never did lead him The stone aided Joseph in a greater ploy CHORUS: Hail to the seer stone that glowed like a Lite Brite! Wizards and Hobbitses, now seek it in vain! Magically guiding the Prophet’s dictation Released from the vault now enjoys worldly fame VERSE 2 Praise to the stone that made the gold plates superfluous! No record needed, the words just appeared Nephi and Mormon their labors were wasted The stone bore their words when Joseph into it peered (CHORUS) VERSE 3 Praise to the stone in the hat of our Seer! Rock-solid proof that folk magic is real Scrying we now know is pow’red by the Priesthood True version of Saruman’s Palantir (CHORUS) VERSE 4 Praise to the stone chocolate-colored and egg-shaped! Who now can deny Brother Joseph’s great claims? How could our Prophet make up such a story? God wants our faith not the use of our brains (CHORUS)
8/6/20154 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep 200 – Cagelessbird

Jake leads a discussion with Glenn, Tom, and Zach (aka “Cagelessbird” from reddit) about Zach’s interaction with several top Mesoamerican and Egyptian scholars, and their responses to his question about Book of Mormon and Book of Abraham historicity.
8/2/20152 hours, 15 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep 199 – Who Is Mormon Genome Project?

Scott (the Infant who brought you Any Opposed) explains the Mormon Genome Project. Did Joseph Smith Father any children with any of his polygamous wives? You can help answer that question. Take a listen. Check out The Mormon Genome Project for more information.
7/29/20159 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep 198 – How to Marry a Mormon: Part 2

In part 2 of this amazingly ridiculous story, amazingly ridiculous things happen. Seriously. Check it out. It will almost certainly leave you wanting Moore.
7/26/20151 hour, 45 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 197 – Mo-side Out Promo (Sunstone 2015 Teaser)

What will the Infants be talking about at Sunstone this year?
7/25/20152 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 196 – Abstinence

As a parent who has essentially left religion behind, how do you talk about sex with your kids now that the pseudo-authority of God, Prophets, and Scriptures is no longer there to back you up? One listener sent in an “Abstinence Contract” that has made its way around some Utah high schools. Glenn talks about that Abstinence Contract with his two teenage daughters.
7/22/201554 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ep 195 – Oprah Made Me Do It

Scott is joined by Matt, Micah, and Anissa to discuss Anissa’s excellent Listener Essay “Oprah Made Me Do It.” Trigger Warning: This episode contains frank and detailed discussions of topics that illustrate the problem of evil and the issues the panel members were forced to consider. These issues include the evils of child pornography, child abuse, sexual assault, and domestic abuse. It is an excellent discussion. But it also pulls no punches.
7/19/20151 hour, 20 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 194 – The NEW Book of Abraham – Chapter 2

Glenn gazes into his peep stone for the translation of Chapter 2. Seriously. This is totally real, you guys.
7/15/201518 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 193 – Authority

Tom and Bob are joined with Jamie and Chelsea from the Debrief Society Podcast to discuss Chelsea’s listener submitted essay titled, “Authority”.
7/12/20151 hour, 19 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 192 – How to Marry a Mormon: Part 1

Thirteen years ago, Glenn wrote a super cheesy Mormon screenplay. Today, the Infants smack it down. With relish.
7/9/20152 hours, 14 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 191 – Independence Day

Another collection of excellent listener essays. From mix tapes, to silent consent of bigotry, to a real soldier’s view of Book of Mormon warfare, to homeschooling in Saudi Arabia, to Mark Hoffman and the spirit of discernment and much more, each essay had one theme in common: Independence. Happy 4th of July IOT listeners! (And RIP BKP)
7/4/20151 hour, 15 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 190 – Fifty Ways to Leave the Church

Glenn, Jake, Jon, Randy, and Tom respond to a listener email: “Hey guys, what are the top 3 reasons you left the church?” So, OK, maybe it should be called 50 “reasons” to leave the church, but just go with us on this one…
6/28/20152 hours, 8 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ep 189 – Gay Bigotry Smackdown

If kids were confused before, imagine how confused they will be now that marriage is legal for EVERYONE!!! [insert infant cheer here] Matt, Glenn, Randy, Jake and John discuss a stupid and ignorant Meridian Magazine article and direct the stupidity and ignorance of the stupid, ignorant, (and now hopefully irrelevant) arguments against equal rights in marriage.
6/27/20151 hour, 48 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ep 188 – Church House Rock: Randy’s Figure 8

Randy shares a semi-fictional experience from his youth.
6/24/20156 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ep 187 – Boise Rescue Fireside: The Smackdown

On June 13th, Apostle Oaks and Historian Turley delivered an anti-apostasy “here’s how to tell if you are on God’s team or NOT” fireside that people have lovingly labelled “The Boise Rescue.” Someone recorded it, posted it on reddit, and almost immediately we started getting requests for a smackdown. This has been by far the most requested smackdown in Infants on Thrones history. And by that, I mean that we have probably had about 14 people ask us to do this. FOURTEEN WHOLE PEOPLE!!! So we did it. And here it is: Jake puts together another bang-up edit for this smackdown-ish (we didn’t have an actual transcript to read from, so we were just basically winging it) panel discussion between Randy, Matt, John, Jake, Glenn, and Scott. Enjoy! Audio of the Oaks-Turley fireside can be found here:
6/21/20152 hours, 22 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 186 – Lowry Letters: The Follow-up Discussion

Glenn, Matt, John, Bob and Tom respond to multiple listener requests for a follow-up discussion to our recent minisode “Lowry Nelson vs. George Albert Smith.” In other words, we talk about the institutionalized racist doctrine of the Mormon Church.
6/14/20151 hour, 19 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 185 – Church House Rock: Polly Polly Gamy

Listener Mike Leavitt magnified his response to the Infant challenge and created this amazing Church House Rock parody. Listen in.
6/12/20154 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 184 – Church House Rock: Priesthood Power

John and Glenn discuss John’s new Church House Rock parody: Priesthood Power.
6/10/201519 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 183 – Aggieland Smackdown

Faith crisis, shmaith crisis. Come on, people — there is no valid reason to doubt the Mormon church. Ever. Cuz this one guy doesn’t. And he’s a sorta professor/researcher kind of guy who is also a reader and a writer and an Aggieland Mormon blogger guy, and none of the noise from professional skeptics has ever made him want to join them in their misery! Although today, miserable noisy Infants Jake, Tom, Glenn, Randy, and Matt decided to give him a little smackdown. And you’re invited to listen in. Enjoy.
6/7/20151 hour, 48 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 182 – Lowry Nelson vs. George Albert Smith

Matt presents this dramatic recreation of the Lowry Letters, a little-known 1947 exchange between Sociology Professor Lowry Nelson and President George Albert Smith regarding the official LDS doctrine on the Negro.
6/4/201532 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 181 – Going Clear: Scientology vs. Mormonism

How similar are Scientology and Mormonism? What do L Ron Hubbard and Joseph Smith have in common? How about Brigham Young and David Miscavige? And when is a cult not actually a cult? Infants Bob, Glenn, John, Randy, and Scott discuss these questions as they review the recent HBO documentary Going Clear.
5/31/20152 hours, 4 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 180 – John Hamer PPI

Glenn and Randy conduct John Hamer’s first PPI since 1991. The topics range from John’s gay childhood crushes to his gay teen-aged deconstruction of Mormonism and his current gay metaphysical explorations. Strap in for a raucous philosophical ride! It will be really really gay.
5/26/20152 hours, 13 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep 179 – Listener Essays: The Purge – Wave 1

Today’s episode features three listener essays from listeners Jeff, Sara, and Chris. Cuz we have a bunch of these collecting cyber dust, and they have been sitting for a long time. So it’s time for the Infants to step aside, and let the listeners say what they gotta say.
5/18/201553 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep 178 – Investigative Reporting 101: I Believe

Do Mormons really believe that the Lord God created the universe? Or that God lives on a planet called Kolob? Or that in 1978 God changed his mind about black people? Get ready for the most hard-hitting, deep-penetrating, truth-cutting-to-the-chase-of Investigative Reporting you have ever ever ever heard! Cuz the Infants are going to satirically take you through the many erroneous Truth Claims of The Book of Mormon Musical’s “I Believe.” It’s not exactly Casey Kasem calling a Monster Truck rally. But it is almost just that cool.
5/13/201519 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep 177 – Old Age

Tom, Jake and Matt discuss the aging church leadership.
5/11/20151 hour, 39 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ep 176 – Mormon Funerals

Randy leads a panel discussion about Mormon Funerals with Alison, Melissa, Glenn, and Craig.
5/3/20152 hours, 53 seconds
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Ep 175 – Billy in 4c

Remember the blind kid with the dead parrot from Dumb & Dumber? He’s a Mormon. And he talks with Randy and Glenn about his experience as a child actor and his journey through faith transition. I just thought he was real quiet. Turns out, he’s not.
4/26/20151 hour, 29 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 174 – The Lost Book of Mormon

Randy, Matt, John and Glenn review Avi Steinberg’s “The Lost Book of Mormon: A Journey Through the Mythic Lands of Nephi, Zarahemla, and Kansas City, Missouri” – a playful look at Joseph Smith as a prolific American author. Sorry, no singing this time.
4/21/20151 hour, 36 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ep 173 – General Conference – Infant Style

Join us for a special edition of the April 2015 General Conference. Because one weekend of General Conference just isn’t enough… without this. Special thanks to Jake, Glenn, Randy, and Bob for “assisting” the Brethren.
4/13/201547 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep 172 – Who is #anyopposed?

What happens when you stand up and vocally oppose at LDS General conference? Why would anyone even want to consider such a thing? Matt sits down with Scott, Micah, and Don — the organizers of the Any Opposed campaign — to talk about their recent vocal opposition at LDS General Conference.
4/10/20152 hours, 43 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 171 – Man Up!

What is it like to be a faithful member of the Mormon Church for 54 years before finally admitting the truth about your own sexuality? Scott, Randy, Jake and Erica join Don to discuss his powerful and personal listener essay: Man Up!
4/5/20151 hour, 44 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep 170 – Church House Rock: Mormon Patriotism

For anyone who wants to know the true history and destiny for the USofA.
4/2/20153 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep 169 – Saturday’s Warrior Smackdown

Join Randy, Matt, John and Glenn for an introspective and occasionally on-tune critique of the great Mormon classic Saturday’s Warrior. It is our very first sing-a-long Smackdown: A John Hamer production. Enjoy! (we did)
3/30/20152 hours, 6 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 168 – The NEW Book of Abraham – Chapter 1

Glenn gazes into his peep stone for a new translation of an old (but not THAT old) classic.
3/27/201518 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 167 – Embracing Contradictions

How reliable are the stories we tell ourselves about our own experiences in life? How reliable is memory? Are we simply surrounded by fiction? Glenn, Tom, and Jake talk to special guest Tierza about her excellent listener essay “Embracing Contradictions.”
3/22/20152 hours, 10 minutes, 1 second
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Join Carl as he negotiates the angst-ridden borderlands of casual Satanism in this ongoing series. In this installment, Carl attends his sister’s wedding, where some of his worst fears are realized. Special thanks to Allison, Wendy, Matt, John, and Bob for participating.
3/20/20157 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep 165 – Hobbit Gospel Truths

Glenn shares a blog written by a believing member all about the AWESOME parallels between “Lord of the Rings” and the Mormon Gospel. Spoiler alert: there are parallels. And they are AWESOME. Click here to read along.
3/18/201524 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 164 – The Atheist Bible Salesman

Bob, Jake, and Randy are joined by special guest Trevor McKendrick aka “The Atheist Bible Salesman.” Listen in as they discuss his story of growing up Mormon, leaving the Church, getting married in the temple, and making money from selling Bibles… not necessarily in that order. Also discussed: what it’s like to have Fox News cover your story without your involvement.
3/16/20151 hour, 34 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 163 – Carl the Casual Satanist Episode 1: Carl Throws a Party

Join Carl as he negotiates the angst-ridden borderlands of casual Satanism in a brand-new, ongoing series. In this installment, Carl muddles through an uncomfortable conversation about his upbringing with a new acquaintance.
3/13/20158 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 162 – Saturday’s Warrior Sing-a-long Smackdown: A TEASER

We are still editing the final version of our first ever Sing-a-long Smackdown, but we thought we’d give you a little six-minute taste of what we have in store for you. And also, remember to vote for us at Enjoy!
3/11/20155 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 160 – Any Opposed

Scott presents the brief but fascinating history of dissent in the General Conference of the Mormon church. For more information, check out
3/6/201516 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep 159 – An Honest Liar

Film maker Tyler Measom joins the Infants to discuss his newest film An Honest Liar — about the life and career of the renowned stage magician turned scientific skeptic of the paranormal, James Randi.
3/4/20151 hour, 39 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep 158 – Free Will

Can people really choose what they believe?  Are any of us really “free” to choose anything at all?   We don’t know.  But we’re going to talk about it anyway. So listen in as Randy, Jake, Glenn, John Hamer and El Tom Perry (aka “the Tom”) dance around and around in word circles. Cuz they are fun word circles. They just are. The Sam Harris lecture on Free Will can be found here.
3/1/20151 hour, 36 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 157 – Disciples After Dark

Infants on Thrones humbly presents a parody of the recent CES meeting “An Evening With a General Authority.”  We are even more humbly calling it “Disciples After Dark.”  And we even more more humbly hope you enjoy it.    
2/25/201522 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep 156 – The Strength of a Witness

Tom and Randy talk with Craig about his listener essay: The Strength of a Witness.
2/22/20151 hour, 17 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 155 – Excommunication: The Musical

Glenn, Jake, Matt, and John Hamer humbly present “Excommunication: The Musical” — a dramatic recreation of John Dehlin’s secret informal probation meeting that eventually led to his excommunication from the mormon church. And we occasionally break into song.   Click HERE for the full text for the dramatic — it is “Appendix C: Transcript of August 7, 2014 Meeting With President Bryan King”  
2/15/20153 hours, 10 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 154 – Squashed Hope

Glenn shares a late night epiphany in the wake of the John Dehlin excommunication news.  You asked for something vulnerable John?  Well, here it is brother.
2/12/201516 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep 153 – Kate Kelly’s small-minded Op Ed Smackdown

Kate Kelly is taking heat again.  This time for unapologetically claiming that “…only the least talented, least articulate, least nuanced thinkers, least likely to take a stand against abuse, and the least courageous people thrive in the Church today.”  Pretty sketchy, huh? Jake, Erica, Chelsea, and Glenn smack it all down.
2/11/20151 hour, 49 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 152 – Five Ways You Are Unknowingly Destroying Your Wife and Killing Your Marriage

Tom is joined by two married couples: Jake & Erica and Cate & Daniel to discuss Cate’s listener essay: “Five Ways You Are Unknowingly Destroying Your Wife and Killing Your Marriage” — which is Cate’s response to the blog entry below:–ways-you-are-unknowingly-destroying-your-husband-and-killing-your-marriage
2/8/20152 hours, 4 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep 151 – LGBT Press Conference Smackdown

Glenn, Matt, Scott, Tom, and (eventually) Randy smack down the Mormon Church’s January 27th press conference on LGBT rights.
2/1/20152 hours, 12 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 150 – A Fond Farewell From Randy -or- State of the Infant Union

Randy bids us all a fond farewell (again) as Tom, Matt, and Glenn respond to some listener feedback and discuss the general state of all things Infants on Thrones. And if you like us as much as we like ourselves, nominate us for a pretty cool podcast award:
1/29/20151 hour, 30 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 149 – Brother Jake’s Gospel Topics

Listen to Brother Jake’s latest — the handy infomercial for Gospel Topics you’ve been waiting for!  Billy Mays would be proud. Watch the full commercial on Brother Jake’s YouTube Channel:    
1/28/20154 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep 148 – Sisters in Zion

Alison takes the lead on this listener essay from Wendy — all about her sisters, their different relationships with the Mormon church, and the peace-love-respect they share today despite all of their differences.  Tom and Jake round out the panel for this very engaging discussion.  Thanks Wendy for your contribution!
1/25/20151 hour, 36 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 147 – Violating the Friend Zone

An Infants on Thrones first: two guys, three girls. And one very brave listener essay. Nancy, you left us all a little speechless (but, obviously, we all got over it). Listen in as Matt and Glenn are joined by Kim, Melissa, and Nancy to discuss Nancy’s listener essay: Violating the Friend Zone.
1/18/20152 hours, 7 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 146 – Reclaiming Mormonism with Margaret Toscano

Where would Margaret Toscano start if she was asked to reform the Mormon Church? Listen in as Margaret joins Bob, Chelsea, and Glenn to talk about gender roles, activism, the Ordain Women movement, faith, spirituality, LDS Temple ceremonies,  Heavenly Mother, whether or not there should be a separate priesthood for women, and a bunch of other really interesting stuff.
1/11/20151 hour, 48 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 145 – Happiness

Are people happier after they leave the Mormon church?  Randy leads a discussion with Matt, Glenn, Bob, and two long-time listeners, Polly Anna and Jay.  Be sure to let us know what you think as well.  See you on the comments board.
1/4/20151 hour, 53 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep 144 – Bengt Out of Mormonism

Comedian Bengt Washburn joins Randy, Bob, and Glenn to talk about comedy and mormonism and stuff. If you like what you hear from Bengt, consider purchasing one of his albums from his website — he does this for a living, you know.
12/29/20141 hour, 53 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep 143 – Zelph on the Shelph

Tired of manipulating your children’s behavior with a creepy little nicknack just one month every year?  Well… does Matt have something for you — and just in time for Christmas!
12/24/20144 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 142 – The Christmas Jesus and stuff

John Hamer stops by again to talk about the Historical Jesus with Glenn, Allison, and Bob. Of course we talk about other stuff, too, like belief, and Bob’s endless fascination with Hamer’s “you-say-you’re-a-Christian-Pastor-but-you-don’t-sound-like-a-Christian-Pastor what can I do with this lamb in lamb’s clothing” thing. And oh yeah, we talk about Christmas a little bit, too, and ask the question, “do you really need to throw the baby Jesus out with all of the mythological bathwater?” (Answer: No.  No, you don’t.)
12/21/20142 hours, 24 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep 141 – Satan Files for Bankruptcy

What would happen to the plan of salvation if the Devil just decided to up and quit?  Jake doesn’t think that anyone in the super VIP Heavenly family would be all too happy about that.  Don’t ask us how we got a hold of this audio, just pray about it and know — it’s the real freaking deal.
12/18/201414 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep 140 – Faith and Doubt

Glenn shares one of the last talks he gave in Sacrament meeting.  And then rips it to shreds, self-smackdown-styles. For those of you who like a transcript, you can find at least a copy of the talk here, where it was posted on the Mormon Matters blog in June, 2010:
12/17/201429 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ep 139 – Infants on Mormon Stories – Pt 2

Part two of John Dehlin’s interogation of the Infants panelists (at least until the tables are turned and we start interrogating him).
12/15/20141 hour, 59 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep 138 – Infants on Mormon Stories – Pt 1

In this two-part series John Dehlin joins us for a discussion about… us.  He also says a really bad word, or three.
12/14/20142 hours, 13 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 137 – The Life and Times of Stephen Erastus Knudsen III

Glenn shares a satirical essay from his past, and maybe, possibly, kinda sorta teases an upcoming episode (for those who truly endure to the end).
12/11/201425 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 136 – The Problem Makers

Randy, Alison, Glenn, and John Hamer join Mike Bohn to discuss his Listener Essay – The Problem Makers.
12/7/20142 hours, 18 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 135 – Why Kate Kelly was Ex’d and John Dehlin hasn’t been (yet) Smackdown

Glenn, Bob, Matt, and Scott speculate on the speculating speculators.  Yesterday (Dec 2, 2014) John Dehlin publicly speculated why Kate Kelly was excommunicated and why he has not been… yet.  A little later, Kate responded with some speculation of her own.  It made us think.  We found it interesting.  We decided to talk about it.  Smackdown-style. John Dehlin’s Speculation: Kate Kelly’s response:
12/3/20141 hour, 59 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep 134 – Infants on Feminists Pt. 2

Part 2 of the discussion is here.
11/30/20141 hour, 28 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep 133 – Infants on Feminists Pt. 1

Chelsea joins Matt, Tom, Bob, and Glenn to discuss Feminism.  Or, more accurately, to discuss how to discuss Feminism with Feminists.  Or, even more accurately, to discuss how NOT to discuss Feminism with Feminists.  Buckle up.
11/29/20141 hour, 53 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep 132 – Brother Jake Explains: Mormonism is Not a Cult

Jake, Tom, and Glenn discuss the newest Brother Jake video: Mormonism is Not a Cult. If you have suggestions for future Brother Jake videos, or just want to drop Jake a note, email him at [email protected] And if you just want to play Words with Friends with Glenn, search for Gadianton Rob.
11/26/20141 hour, 43 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 131 – Meet The Mormons

Scott, Randy, Matt, Bob and Alison review the smash hit “Meet the Mormons,” the Box Office Phenomenon that sent gentile-America scrambling to the baptismal fonts.  In frenzied.  Ecstatic.  Droves.  Cuz you know… at an impressive run-time of 78 min, it was just that good. And this IoT review is clearly TWICE as good.  Cuz, you know, at an even more impressive run-time of 134 min… well, ok… so we like to talk.
11/23/20142 hours, 13 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep 130 – Guess Who Said It

Alison asks a very simple question in a very creative way: “What is the difference between the advice given in LDS General Conference vs. the fortune-cookie wisdom found in Chicken Soup for the Soul?” (and possibly the follow-up question: “What exactly does nonsense sound like?”) Glenn, Bob, and Randy chip in a bit with the nonsense.
11/21/201415 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 129 – Brother Jack – Confirmation Bias

Move over Brother Jake — there’s a new Sheriff in town!  (with a slightly lower register) You can watch the Eyring video Brother Jack talks about here:
11/20/20144 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep 128 – King Follett Re-visited

Glenn is joined by John Hamer, Chelsea Shields Strayer, and Brother Jake Frost to discussion The King Follett Discourse.
11/18/20141 hour, 47 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 127 – Mr Deity and the Mormon Testimony

Brian Dalton (aka “Mr. Deity”) joins Randy, Jake, Scott, and Bob to discuss his newest The Way of the Mister video: The Mormon Testimony (spoiler alert: they are kinda sorta unreliable) and a bunch of other fascinating stuff, too.  Enjoy!
11/16/20141 hour, 29 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 126 – The King Follett Discourse

No really.  This is the actual King Follett Discourse.  We actually, truly, beyond-a-shadow-of-a-doubt travelled back in time to record it.  (Yeah, deified Infants can travel through time.  Duh!  Where do you think we got our cool hover boards?)
11/12/201447 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 125 – The Truth-Seeking Brain

Randy, Jake, and Glenn talk about truth-seeking brains, empiricism, naturalism, and the true origin of Arizona’s saguaro cactus.  Sort of.
11/9/20141 hour, 6 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 124 – The TBM Whisperer – Nov 3, 2014

The TBM Whisperer tackles the top three stories from today on his Facebook “Trending News” feed.  Listen in to understand the news around Lena Dunham, Brittany Maynard, and the upcoming Grumpy Cat Christmas Movie from the TBM point of view.
11/4/201410 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep 123 – Too Sexy: A Small Halloween Treat

What was that you said?  Trick or what?  Oh, a TREAT… alight, OK.  You want a standalone version of this song, huh?  Well, here you go.  Have fun!  (Love the costume, by the way.)
10/31/20143 minutes
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Ep 122 – Death

Nick shares a listener essay about his love for Halloween and it’s connection to the most tragic moments in his life.  Glenn and Chelsea join him for a panel discussion.
10/29/20141 hour, 27 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 121 – (Non-magical) Temple Garments

Glenn, Matt, Chelsea, and Nick review the LDS Church’s recent video on temple garments. Spoiler alert: they are TOTALLY ancient and COMPLETELY legit and just EXACTLY like religious vestments all over the world and NOT magic AT ALL — not even a teeny tiny bit.  Even if most Mormons believe they sorta are.
10/28/20141 hour, 10 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep 120 – Feminism and Activism

Chelsea Shields Strayer walks the boys through what it means to be a feminist and an activist.  We hope this isn’t offensive in any way. Think of it more as the first awkward step in a journey to a better place. Would love to hear your thoughts.
10/26/20141 hour, 2 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ep 119 – Nauvoo Polygamy Smackdown

John Hamer joins Glenn, Jake, Matt, and Randy to discuss the Mormon Church’s recent essay “Plural Marriage in Kirtland and Nauvoo.”
10/23/20143 hours, 19 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 118 – The Problem of Evil – Part 2

Part 2 of the conversation between team Atheist (Randy, Jimmy, and Scott) and team Jesus (Mike and David), to discuss the Problem of Evil.
10/20/20141 hour, 57 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 117 – The Problem of Evil – Part 1

Randy is joined by his older brother Jimmy and fellow infant Scott to get to know Mike and David, two post-Mormon Christians who explain how they deal with the problem of evil as believing Christians.
10/19/201457 minutes, 55 seconds
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Bob, Jake, Glenn, and Matt talk to Mike Tannehill about the devil — and evil – and his whole role in the Plan of Salvation — and a whole bunch of other stuff.
10/13/20142 hours, 1 minute, 49 seconds
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Ep 115 – Creepy Spooky Devil Talk – Part 1

Glenn, Matt and Randy talk about spooky Hell Houses, creepy mormon fear tactics, and a bunch of other devil kind of stuff.
10/12/20141 hour, 42 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep 114 – Seb’s General Conference Holland Rap

Listen in as Seb — our good friend from across the pond — knocks it out of the park again…. or whatever the equivalent is in Cricket. Take a listen, or watch it here on youtube:
10/8/20143 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep 113 – The Placebo Effect – Part 3

In this follow-up discussion, Chelsea responds to Matthew’s listener essay “Cultural Relativism Can Bite Me.”  Bob, Glenn, and Scott fill out the panel.
10/5/20141 hour, 54 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ep 112 – Nostalgia and stuff

Tom, Jake, Chelsea, Bob, and Glenn talk to Doug about his listener essay: “Nostalgia for Bloomington” and go on all kinds of interesting (just for the sake of self-congratulations let’s just go with “interesting”) tangents.  Like: how to tell the difference between culture and doctrine, how to tell the difference between culture and “DEEP” doctrine (if there really is such a thing), how to predict who in your family will go inactive first simply by their age and/or birth order, how to compare your mormon experience to life in a college town, how to tell the difference between a liberal mormon and a Mormon Liberal, how to make important life-decisions once your Jiminy Cricket-shaped Holy-ghost-powered Liahona has fallen out of your back pocket, how to hear a Tom-sigh when Tom is sighing only on mute
9/28/20142 hours, 13 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 111 – Our Mormon Expression – Part 2

Part 2 of our stroll down Mormon Expression memory lane.
9/26/20142 hours, 8 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep 110 – Our Mormon Expression – Part 1

In this two-part episode, the full quorum — Tom, Glenn, Randy, Bob, Matt, Scott, and Jake — take a very long stroll down memory lane and discuss their collective experiences with the Mormon Expression podcast — the good, the bad, and the ugly. But mostly the good.  Cuz once upon a time, we put as much energy, love, and passion into that podcast as we do into this one.   And it’s finally time to tell that story (for anyone who might find it interesting or meaningful). We take a mostly chronological approach, spanning nearly three years of our collective lives: Part 1 focuses on the early days of Mormon Expression, starting in June 2009, with Tom as a founding member, and finishes up with Glenn joining the group in early 2010. Part 2 begins with a reflection of Tom’s classic interview with Will Bagley (Bishops asking young men about sex with animals, anyone?) and takes us up through the contributions of Scott, Bob, Randy, Matt, and Jake to the end of our Mormon Expression experience and the beginning of Infants on Thrones around June 2012. Apologies upfront for the length and often whimsical self-indulgence of our discussion.  If you are not familiar with Mormon Expression or did not follow that podcast during the time we are discussing, this may turn in to a very long snooze-fest.  But it was certainly important and impactful for us.  Because for a significant part of our lives, it was Our Mormon Expression, too.
9/25/20141 hour, 52 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 109 – PPI – All about Matt

Ever wanted to know more about Matt?  Bob, Glenn, and Randy give Matt his very own PPI: Personal Priesthood Interview, Infant Style.   (Not to be confused with our upcoming seventeen part series: Personal Infant Speaking Segments, or PISS).
9/22/20141 hour, 22 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep 108 – Cultural Relativism Can Bite Me

Matthew Vernon provides a listener response to Chelsea Shields Strayer’s recent Placebo Effect episodes and sets the stage — excuse me, constructs a “springboard” — for a future panel discussion on the value (or not) of Cultural Relativism. To listen to the Reasonable Doubts episode Matthew references, follow the link here:
9/19/201417 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 107 – Sister Smith Goes to Priesthood

Tom and Jake talk to Laura about her listener essay — her life-changing experience attending Priesthood Session of conference.
9/14/20141 hour, 25 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 106 – Dear God Part 2 – Practical Jokes

What does a prayer from Alison have to do with an Infant discussion with Matt, Glenn, Randy and Bob on infantile practical jokes?  This.
9/13/201414 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep 105 – The Placebo Effect – Part 2

Part two of the conversation with Chelsea Shields Strayer about The Placebo Effect. Click here for the full lecture from Dr. Irving Kirsch.
9/8/20141 hour, 26 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 104 – The Placebo Effect – Part 1

Chelsea Shields Strayer joins Glenn, Matt, and Scott for a discusion on The Placebo Effect. Part 1 covers Chelsea’s time as a cultural anthropologist in Ghana, why she got involved in Africa, and how her field work among the Ashanti changed the way she views her Mormon culture. We also discuss cultural relativism — when is it OK to judge a culture’s vices and become an advocate for change? And we begin to discuss the Placebo Effect based on the faith healers Chelsea studied in Africa — how an inert medication or treatment can actually cause measurable physical change in a person’s body.
9/7/20141 hour, 36 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep 103 – Shakespeare in the Bush

Glenn shares his favorite essay and teases an upcoming 2-part episode. “Shakespeare in the Bush” was written by Anthropologist Laura Bohannan in 1966 about the time she set out to study the Tiv of West Africa and was taught the true meaning of Hamlet. Text of the essay can be found here: Shakespeare in the Bush
9/4/201435 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep 102 – Confessions of a so-called Sex Addict

Randy joins human sexuality experts Kim and Jeremy to discuss Thayne’s listener essay, and his experience with the Mormon Church’s 12-step sex addiction recovery program.
8/31/20142 hours, 2 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ep 101 – Of Temples and Ice Buckets: Our Symbols of Service

What does the ALS Ice Bucket challenge and the LDS temple ceremony have in common? Ask Matt. He’ll tell ya.
8/27/201415 minutes
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Ep 100 – BoA Smackdown Pt. 2

Bob, Glenn, Jake, Randy, and Scott continue their review of THE BOOK OF ABRAHAM essay from This is part 2. (That’s what Pt. 2 means).
8/26/20141 hour, 42 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep 99 – BoA Smackdown Pt. 1

Bob, Glenn, Jake, Randy, and Scott discuss another review of another essay from This time on THE BOOK OF ABRAHAM, released in two parts, cuz we pick apart every. single. word. Enjoy.
8/24/20141 hour, 39 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ep 98 – Brother Jake’s BYU Commencement Speech

The title says it all.
8/20/20147 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 97 – Ideology… and whatnot

Jake, Bob, and Glenn take the scenic route from Ideology towards Personal Responsibility (aka Setting-Your-Own-Standard-of-Truth-and-Living-By-Your-Own-Moral-Compass) with a few detours into parenting, sex, and priesthood blessings along the way. Join them for the conversation. Or don’t. Your choice.
8/18/20141 hour, 37 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 96 – Dear President Simmons

Glenn reads an open letter to his Stake President on account of his Stake President calling two of Glenn’s friends in to ask questions about Glenn and his testimony. Will there be a sequel? Only time will tell.
8/13/201414 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 95 – Sacred Experiences

What happens to your sacred experiences once you stop believing in Mormonism? Matt and Kristin share a few of their most sacred experiences and discuss.
8/11/201452 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 94 – Reexamining the Apostate Lens

Randy is joined by his older brother Jimmy to discuss in more detail just how much our personalities change or don’t change as we transition out of Mormonism.
8/4/20141 hour, 20 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 93 – Little Factories

In 1976, our favorite LDS Apostle, Boyd K. Packer gave a talk in priesthood session “To Young Men Only” that was not subsequently published in the Ensign the following month, nor can it be found as a conference talk on today. It was turned into a pamphlet in 1981 “To Young Men Only” and that text is available on but the audio and video are not on the official website of the LDS church. But we Infants found an audio copy. And in this episode, Glenn, Tom, Matt, and Jake dissect it as it has never been dissected before. Hold on to your little factories, cuz this is gonna be a good one.
7/26/20142 hours, 32 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep 92 – Bob’s Superlative Disorder

Move over Mormon Cred scale, Bob has a newer, bolder insight du jour. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, this is by far the most important insight du jour Bob has ever had about the absolute most important issue of our day! Listen in as Randy, Tom, Jake, and Glenn argue over and over (and over) about this incredibly important thing that — in the end — is so vitally impactful and meaningful for every person in this world that it may ultimately have less than zero meaning or impact on anyone at all. Yes. We get that deep.
7/20/20141 hour, 26 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep 91 – Taxicab Confessional

Glenn shares a few minor epiphanies realized today in a Taxicab with some co-workers in Tokyo.
7/16/201412 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 90 – Born Again Mike

Randy has made a new friend — Mike, a Born Again Christian who left a comment on our website here: Born Again Mike just wants Randy to be fair and open-minded and let the evidence lead him where the evidence will (aka unto Christ). How will Randy respond? Scott, Alison, and Glenn join Randy to figure it all out.
7/13/20141 hour, 26 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep 89 – Minisode – Responding to a Listener on a Sunny Morning

Brother Jake responds to some feedback Infants on Thrones received from a Mr. Reed.
7/10/20144 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep 88 – Japan and The Lost Tribes

Glenn is joined by Brad, Nick, and Allison to discuss the true relevance of Japanese culture and history when viewed through the lens of Mormonism.
7/7/20141 hour, 22 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep 87 – My Lucky Day

Have you ever flunked a worthiness interview because you are a woman and your stake president feels that your attitude towards patriarchy is just not what it should be? If you are having this problem, the solution is simple. Just be a man. Even an abusive one. Sometimes that’s just easier. And it might just make it your lucky day. This listener essay is from Jill Searle. She is joined for a panel discussion by Jake, Erica, Matt, Scott, and Glenn.
7/3/20141 hour, 22 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 86 – The Mountain of the Lord

Tom, Matt, and Randy review the LDS movie “The Mountain of the Lord.” The movie can be seen online here:
6/29/20141 hour, 24 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep 85 – Two Years and Kicking

On June 20th, 2012, six infantile men came together to create a legacy that will last a lunchtime…. Now, two years later, we look back and say, “What the hell were we thinking?” Happy Birthday to us.
6/26/20142 hours, 5 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 84 – The Apostate Lens

Tom and Glenn talk to Keith about his listener essay and take a view through the Apostate Lens.
6/22/20141 hour, 13 minutes, 19 seconds
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Ep 83 – Animal Farm

Glenn is joined by three former essay contributors: Allison (“Dude for a Day”), Nick (“One True Casserole”) and Brad (“Dazed and Confirmed”) to discuss Brad’s newest essay, which explores the similarities and differences between the rise of the Mormon Church and the piggish narrative of control and domination found in George Orwell’s “Animal Farm.”
6/15/20141 hour, 8 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 82 – Excommunication

Glenn, Bob, Matt, Scott, Tom, and Jake talk about excommunication in general, and discuss the recent news of pending church discipline against John Dehlin (Mormon Stories), Kate Kelly (Ordain Women), and Rock Waterman (Pure Mormonism).
6/12/20141 hour, 10 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 81 – Dear John… will I wait for you?

Have you ever wondered what it’s like for a girl to send her boyfriend on a mission? You haven’t? Well, in this episode we find out anyway when we interview Kristin and she talks about having to answer the ultimate question: Will I wait for him?
6/9/201459 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 80 – Priesthood, Pornography, and Barry Manilow

The title says it all. Listen in as Glenn re-visits one of the most shocking and entertaining Elders Quorum lessons ever. Special thanks to Brother Jake for voicing Mr. Appropriate.
6/4/20148 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep 79 – Patri-oracle Blessings

Yeah, yeah, yeah… we know it’s actually spelled “Patriarchal Blessings” — but come on… they are modern mormon oracles, right? Plus, everyone in Utah always throws that little extra syllable into “patriaracle” when they say it anyway, so just go with it. In this episode, Glenn is joined by Bob, Randy, and Allison to discuss their patriarchal blessings. Spoiler alert: we’re all from the tribe of ephraim and will all will be raised in the morning of the first resurrection – as long as we don’t sleep through it.
6/1/20141 hour, 13 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 78 – Swearing

Do you swear like a sailor? Do you judge other people who do? Jake leads a panel discussion with Bob, Randy, and Glenn about swearing as a part of Mormon culture. You can take our swearing survey here:
5/26/20141 hour, 23 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 77 – Brother Jake Bears his Testimony

Jake tells how he discovered his testimony at the Wright Brothers National Memorial.
5/22/201412 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 76 – Dude for a Day

What if a woman could be a man for a day or vice versa? Glenn, Bob, and Randy are joined by Allison to discuss gender roles and her essay on this topic.
5/19/20141 hour, 50 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 75 – Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale

Bob is joined by Glenn, Jake, Matt, and Tom to discuss the concept of Mormon credibility and to share what we’re calling Bob’s Mormon Cred Scale. Just how Mormon are you? Find out here:
5/10/20141 hour, 20 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep 74 – The Near Death March

Jake talks about a disastrous scouting experience: The Near Death March.
5/8/201411 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep 73 – For The Strength of Youth

What is the best way for parents to discuss sexuality with their children? Randy and Matt are joined by Kim, Jeremy, and Joshua to discuss modesty, dating, and sexuality as presented in the For The Strength of Youth pamphlet.
5/5/20141 hour, 39 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 72 – Wounded on the Battlefield

Bob, Matt, and Glenn discuss the infamous BYU-Idaho video “Wounded on the Battlefield”
4/30/201426 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 71 – Making Sense

What does it mean for something to “make sense” and how exactly does one navigate the waters between our thoughts, and feelings, and beliefs? Well, I suppose we could give you the answer right here in this little episode teaser blurb thingy, but then why would you listen?
4/28/201445 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 70 – The The Streaking Samurai

What do you get when you take a figuratively humiliating undressing in front of a dozen basketball-playing missionaries, add in an even more humiliating literal undressing a few weeks later in an elementary school playground, mix it up with an obscene and somewhat racist Mexican Man, some fake excrement on a toilet handle, a missionary’s apartment keys in the beak of a dead crow, some Van Halen and MC Hammer, endless games of hearts, a tiny bit of backbone, and some sprained and bandaged wrists? It’s story-time with Glenn.
4/23/201433 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 69 – The On Being Archuleta

Satire. Parody. Some people get it, some people don’t. Matthew Timion shares his listener essay about the time he became David Archuleta. Kind of. Jake, Scott, Randy and Glenn fill out the panel discussion.
4/20/20141 hour, 20 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ep 68 – The Loyalty

Tom talks to Allen about his listener submitted essay: “Goodness vs. Loyalty: The little known dichotomy.”
4/17/201440 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 67 – The The Lacuna Brotherhood

Tom and Bob interview Ben Fellows from the band The Lacuna Brotherhood. We talk about Ben’s disaffection from Mormonism, his obsession with Wikipedia and eventually get around to his love of music and sample some of the songs on the album Aftermath. Band Website: Aftermath on iTunes: Aftermath on Amazon:
4/13/20141 hour, 8 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep 66 – The Minisode – Bob’s Faith Crisis to Music

Bob shares a few of his favorite songs, their hidden messages, and how they were (of course) written just for him and the narrative of his life. So climb in the passenger side and sing along.
4/10/201412 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 65 – The Noah The Movie and Mormon Circus Acts

Bob is joined by Logan Beaux of to review the movie Noah. This is followed by a discussion as to whether or not bringing certain types of Mormons (*cough* Mike *cough*) onto the show is a good idea. Glenn stops by to share his $.02 as well.
4/7/201440 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep 64 – The God and Science and Stuff

Randy exposes his great red-headed passion, and so much more, in this engaging conversation about God and Science and Stuff. Glenn, Jake, and Bob take turns antagonizing as they all float down the river of time in the galactic inter-tube of imagination. Yeah…. that.
4/4/20142 hours, 5 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 63 – The Coffee

Tom Perry explains what it means to be a real man and how to go black but never go back. Sorta.
4/2/201437 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 62 – The The One True Casserole

Jake sits down with Nick and Maren to discuss Nick’s audio essay “The One True Casserole.”
3/31/20141 hour, 6 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep 61 – The Intentional Literalist – Noah’s Ark

Mike Tannehill joins us once again for this unofficial follow-up to The Unintentional Racist to discuss the recent essay on Noah’s Ark with Randy, Scott, Jake, Erica, and Glenn. Here is the link to the Meridian article in defense of Noah’s Ark. And here is the essay Noah.
3/27/20141 hour, 44 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ep 60 – Minisode – Another Open Invitation

Just in case it wasn’t clear the first time…. Listener Essays: 1. Secrets of Abraham – Mike L. 2. The Problem of Good – Seb D. 3. Confessions of a Mormon Beer Snob – Chad W. 4. The Tom Sigh – Jay B. 5. Dazed and Confirmed – Brad P. 6. ???? (Come on Sisters!!!)
3/26/201412 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep 59 – The Summons DENIED: Traitors and Tyrants

Matt, Scott, Randy, Jake and Glenn discuss Judge Howard Riddle’s decisions in the case of Tom Phillips vs. Thomas S. Monson.
3/21/201459 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 58 – Dazed and Confirmed

If you have ever felt a little weighed down by the legacy of your Mormon ancestors — and if you have ever turned to alternative methods of self-medication — then this may be the episode for you. Tom, Randy, Jake and Glenn are joined by listener Brad to discuss his far out essay “Dazed and Confirmed.”
3/20/20141 hour, 23 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 57 – Kolob Shmolob

Matt, Tom, Bob, Randy, and Glenn discuss the latest essay on Becoming Like God The King Follett discourse is also discussed — which is, of course, the source for the name of our podcast, “Infants on Thrones.” If anyone wants to listen to a dramatized version of King Follett, there is one on youtube that sounds eerily familiar and infantile. King Follett YouTube.
3/16/20141 hour, 13 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 56 – Dear God – Part 1

Come join us for our first Open Letter to God. This is an experiment. If you like it, and submit follow-up letters, we’ll keep doing it. If you don’t, then we won’t. Got it?
3/13/201413 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 55 – Teotihuacán: Reflections on Myopia and Cultural Imperialsim

An innocent visit to the pyramids outside of Mexico City turns in to a critique of the Nephite Explorer and a certain example of Missionary xerox-lore.
3/10/20141 hour, 1 minute, 7 seconds
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Ep 54 – Unintentional Racist: The Brother Jake cut

Brother Jake and his wife Erica reissue an edited version of “The Unintentional Racist” with additional commentary for perhaps a slightly different audience. Because caring is sharing.
3/8/20141 hour, 22 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 53 – Minisode – Insecurity

Brother Jake talks about the time he super-glued his eye shut after fighting with a missionary companion…. and other stuff.
3/6/201411 minutes, 19 seconds
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Ep 52 – Meldrum Part 2

In part 2 of Scott’s interview with Dr. Meldrum, we learn why so many Mormons think Cain is bigfoot. Dr. Meldrum also explains what he finds to be the most compelling evidence for the existence of sasquatch and discusses his project for using unmanned drones and insertion teams to finally nab the mysterious primate.
3/3/201439 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ep 51 – The Summons: Tom Phillips vs. Thomas S. Monson – Part 3

We wrap up this three-part series with a few final words from Tom Phillips and a whole lot of panel discussion.
2/26/20141 hour, 7 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep 50 – The Tom Sigh

Tom Perry sits down for a casual one-on-one conversation with long time Mormon Podcast connoisseur Jay Bryner to review his audio essay submission, “The Tom Sigh.”
2/24/20141 hour, 4 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep 49 – The Summons: Tom Phillips vs. Thomas S. Monson – Part 2

Special guest Tom Phillips is joined by Scott, Matt, Bob and Glenn to discuss the recent summons against Thomas S. Monson and the LDS Church. Part two explores: • The criteria Tom Phillips used to select his seven charges against the church • How the UK has jurisdiction over a US citizen • What could happen if Monson is found guilty • Whether or not this case could simply be thrown out • The unique way the British government pays a portion of tithing money directly to the church on behalf of its citizen. • How Tom’s experience with the 2nd anointing could play in to all of this
2/20/201457 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 48 – The Summons: Tom Phillips vs. Thomas S. Monson – Part 1

Special guest Tom Phillips is joined by Scott, Matt, Bob and Glenn to discuss the recent summons against Thomas S. Monson and the LDS Church. Part one explores: • Why the October Surprise became the January Surprise • Why these allegations are for criminal fraud against a corporation – and why this is not an attack on religion • The process Tom went through with the courts to issue this summons • How Steven Bloor and Christopher Ralph became involved in this case • What Response Tom has heard from the Church so far • Why the church in this case is rightfully being looked at as a corporation • The significance of Tithing in this fraud case Enjoy!
2/17/201450 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep 47 – Listener Feedback

Glenn, Bob and Matt review the results of the listener feedback survey. Sorta like naval gazing, but a little less navely. Or not.
2/13/201449 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 46 – Tom Phillips TEASER

The Infants tease their next big thing. Stay tuned…
2/12/20141 minute, 58 seconds
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Ep 45 – Meldrum Part 1

Scott (aka “Jesse”) sits down with Jeff Meldrum, a super big time professor type dude to talk about the best way to set the table for Mormons and Scientists whenever evolution stops by for dinner. Next week they’ll also invite Big Foot!
2/10/201457 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ep 44 – Minisode – The (un)Testimony

In this follow-up to “Regret,” Glenn discusses the one time he publicly stood up and took a stand, why he did it, and what it means to him today.
2/3/201430 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ep 43 – Minisode – Regret

Glenn shares one of his greatest regrets.
1/30/201427 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ep 42 – The Unintentional Racist

Mike Tannehill (love him or hate him) is fighting the good fight against the Mormon church. Or at least against the influence of those liberal academic types trying to re-write church history — more specifically those authors of the recent essay Race and the Priesthood on who would have us believe that church doctrine is nothing more than the “theories” of racist men influenced by a racist time who simply could not call down a revelation from God until 1978. Listen in as Mike explains how he remains True to the Faith. When the enemy assaileth, shall he shirk or shun the fight? NO!!!
1/27/20141 hour, 18 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 41 – Minisode – Prayer

We received another very nice five-star review on iTunes, this one from DisQuoi (thank you DisQuoi) asking us to pontificate upon the best way to give an impressive prayer. So, in the infamous words of the Dread Pirate Wesley, “As… You… Wish…” Now how about a few more 5-star iTunes reviews!!!
1/24/201418 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 40 – Bednar, Bear Hugs, and Brainwashing

The Infants respond to another listener question: “what is going to happen to my 9-year-old son when he turns 12 if he’s not really a believer?” Well… think of it this way… It’s sorta like the way that a cucumber becomes a pickle. Except not really. It all depends on how close you stand to the end of the rug, I guess. Watch Elder Bednar explain it all right here: The Lord’s Side of the Line But listen to our podcast here:
1/20/201457 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep 39 – Confessions of a Mormon Beer Snob

Another listener essay for you. This was submitted by Chad. Matt and Jesse join him for the panel discussion. This one is smooth and delicious. Or something like that. Enjoy.
1/14/201455 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 38 – Minisode – A Mission Story (and stuff like that)

Glenn shares a bizarre story from his mission.
1/10/201430 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep 37 – Children and Divorce

In this unofficial sequel to last month’s Marriage episode, Glenn and Randy are once again joined by Mike and Olivia to talk to Tammy about how to juggle children, exiting the church, and exiting a marriage.
1/6/20141 hour, 10 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 36 – Between Two Jakes

Glenn sits down with Jake to chat about the conflict he feels being “Brother Jake” the energetic naive apologist, and the real Jake, who’s shelf is just about to break (and did, today, according to this reddit).
12/9/201359 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep 35 – Marriage

Glenn and Tom talk to Mike and Olivia about Marriage when one spouse is a believer and the other is not. Matt and his wife Kristin also drop in to share some experiences of their own.
12/9/20131 hour, 31 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep 34 – Damned Liberals

Are liberal Mormons good or bad for the Church? What kind of Mormon Church do the infant panelists want to see 20 years from now? In this episode Tom, Glenn, Bob, Jesse, and Randy try to answer these questions along with many more. See below for links to content discussed and shared. Sam Harris Seminar – The View from the End of the World: Joni Hilton’s removed “Are you a liberal Mormon?” Meridian Article: Nine Inch Nails – Find My Way:
12/2/20131 hour, 28 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 33 – The Problem of Good

If God is omni-everything — and especially omni-good — then how can we explain the existence of evil and suffering in the world? In the philosophy of religion, this is not a new question. It is commonly known as The Problem of Evil. It assumes that the God in question is in fact a benevolent God. But what if God were a malevolent God? Would we then have to explain The Problem of Good? This is the question asked by Sebastian Dick, the author of our second listener essay contribution. In this episode, Seb reads his essay and is joined by Glenn Ostlund and special guest panelist Brother Jake to discuss.
11/11/20131 hour, 17 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep 32 – Ender’s Game & Mormon Success

Bob discusses author Orson Scott Card’s influence on his life, and the concept of “Mormon Success” as he remembers it growing up in the Mormon Church. He is later joined by Logan for a review (don’t worry, spoiler free) of the movie Ender’s Game.
11/5/201334 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 31 – Minisode – Homachnophobia

Randy shares a special message about fear just in time for Halloween.
10/30/201314 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 29 – Minisode – Ghost Story

Glenn shares a personal experience from his misguided youth and relates it to the power of fear.
10/21/201317 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 28 – Minisode – WWJD (Ordain Women)

Matt reflects an experience from his mission and how that has colored his feelings towards the LDS church and the Ordain Women movement.
10/21/201314 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 27 – Who Wrote the Book of Mormon – Part 2

Glenn and Randy continue the discussion on who wrote the Book of Mormon and are joined by Dr. Craig Criddle, a professor at Stanford University who believes the Book of Mormon had several authors. The discussion centers around the “Spalding–Rigdon theory” of Book of Mormon authorship.
10/14/20131 hour, 44 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 26 – Secrets of Abraham

Tom is joined by Randy and Bob to interview our first listener guest of the show, Mike, who submitted his audio essay entitled “The Last Ten Years.” Mike discusses his fascination with the Book of Abraham and its connection to the temple ceremony.
10/9/20131 hour, 12 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 25 – Minisode – Uchtdorf’s Next Talk

In the spirit of appreciation, gratitude, and satire, Glenn reads an open letter to President Uchtdorf in response to his recent General Conference talk.
10/7/20137 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep 24 – Who Wrote the Book of Mormon – Part 1

Who wrote the Book of Mormon? Did Joseph Smith really translate an ancient record from golden plates through the power of God? Did he simply make up the story himself? Or did he collude with other men and plagiarize a mysterious unpublished novel? In part one of this three part series, Glenn and Randy interview historian John Hamer to discuss the theory of Joseph Smith as sole author.
9/30/20131 hour, 12 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 23 – The Mormon Psychic Part 3

Glenn is joined by Andrea Staats to discuss the life and teachings of Joseph Smith with Christa, the Mormon Psychic. Midway through the conversation they are joined by the spirit of Emma Smith — if you believe in that sort of thing (or even if you are just curious to hear how a psychic would channel Emma Smith).
9/24/20131 hour, 3 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 22 – Book of Mormon Authorship – TEASER

Who wrote the Book of Mormon? Was it Joseph Smith? Sidney Rigdon? Old Solomon “and it came to pass” Spaulding? Or maybe it’s just exactly what it claims to be. (shyah — and later on live monkeys might fly out of my butt!) We are planning a three-part series on the Book of Mormon authorship. Take a listen as we tease a few of our upcoming episodes. Enjoy!
9/20/20135 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 21 – An Open Invitation

Would you like to add your voice to our podcast? Several of you have said that you would. Today’s episode is dedicated to you as Tom, Randy, and Glenn discuss a hodge-podge of subjects. You won’t want to miss Tom’s biggest fantasy!
9/17/20131 hour, 6 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 20 – Belief-umentary: Religulous vs. Kumare

The full quorum (Bob, Glenn, Jesse, Matt, Randy, & Tom) gets together to review, discuss, and compare two movies that both try to tackle the topic of organized religion: Religulous and Kumare. They are both available via Netflix streaming, but you don’t need to see either movie to follow the discussion.
9/10/20131 hour, 2 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 19 – Navel Gazing

The full quorum (Bob, Glenn, Jesse, Matt, Randy, & Tom) gets together to discuss the first year of Infants on Thrones. They start with a panel discussion to review listener feedback followed by an update from each as to where they stand with the Mormon Church.
9/3/201348 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep 19 – Manacled Mormon in Sex Chains

Glenn, Tom, Jesse, and Randy have a panel discussion centered around the movie “Tabloid” which tells the story of an eccentric woman who kidnaps the Mormon missionary of her dreams. They are later joined by Matt to discuss the legal implications of the event.
8/20/20131 hour, 5 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep 18 – Confessions of a Mormon Swinger Part 2

Matt, Glenn, Bob, and Randy have a panel discussion about Mormons and swingers. They are joined by a Mormon swinger named Jay who previously shared his story of becoming a swinger after having been an active Mormon for most of his life.
6/12/201351 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 17 – Confessions of a Mormon Swinger Part 1

Glenn interviews a swinger who shares his story of how he and his wife decided to become swingers after having both been active Mormons for most of their lives.
6/10/201351 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 16 – For Our Day

Glenn, Jesse, Tom, and Randy discuss a new film put out by the Joseph Smith Foundation (a group of active Mormons) entitled “For Our Day: Prophetic Parallels in the Book of Mormon.”
5/28/20131 hour, 1 minute, 45 seconds
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Ep 15 – An Outsider’s View

Glenn, Jesse, and Randy discuss how outsiders think of Mormonism and how Mormons tend to react. Clips from Richard Dawkins, Brandon Flowers, Julia Sweeney, David Cross, and South Park are included and discussed throughout.
4/29/20131 hour, 1 minute, 10 seconds
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Ep 14 – The Signs of the Times

Glenn sets the stage with an introduction to the religious concept of The Signs of the Times and Mormonism’s version of it. Then Bob and Logan discuss how they remember learning about this doctrine while growing up together in Utah. And finally, Glenn, Bob, Tom, and Jesse are joined by Mike Tannehill for an epic panel discussion that covers everything we should expect before the end of the world. Links: Bob and Logan’s podcast Practically Ideal (also on iTunes) Bruce R. McConkie’s Mormon Doctrine Duane S. Crowther’s Prophecy: Key To The Future
4/17/20132 hours, 19 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 13 – The Gospel

Glenn interviews “Brother Jake” who has a new YouTube video out called “Brother Jake Explains: The Gospel.” What is “The Gospel?” Is it simple or complex? Brother Jake explains and then Glenn discusses “The Gospel” with Infant regulars Randy and Tom. Check out “Brother Jake Explains: The Gospel” on YouTube here.
3/5/201330 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 12 – The Mormon Psychic Part 2

Glenn continues the conversation with Christa, a Mormon Psychic. He is then joined by Jesse and Bob who take issue with the Mormon Psychic premise followed by another panel discussion with Matt, Randy, and Melissa with a fun tangent in between on the philosophies of dualism vs. materialism. Christa then answers some questions brought up by listeners.
2/7/20131 hour, 51 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 11 – Manti Te’o

Glenn, Matt, and Randy discuss the Manti T’eo catfishing hoax from the perspective of Mormon Culture. The real fake Lennay Kekua also drops by to field a few Infantile questions.
1/24/201344 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 10 – Bob’s Mission Story

Do missionaries really “lock their hearts?” Do guys living together facilitate potty humor even when they’re supposed to be spiritual giants? Listen as Matt and Glenn interview fellow infant Bob and discuss the Mormon missionary experience.
12/5/201253 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep 9 – The Tao of Mormonism

Do thoughts affect matter? What does quantum physics have to do with Joseph Smith? Infants Glenn and Randy are joined by guests Rock Waterman and Andrea Staats-Robar to discuss these and other questions of the universe.
11/20/20121 hour, 5 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 8 – Fear

Are Ouija boards a conduit to the other side? Do tiny demons really hunt us in our dreams? Matt, Randy, Jesse, and Glenn team up to explore the impact and function of fear. Guests include Chet Ruger, Micah Mickolaisen, Jodi Goodman, Seth Leigh, Andrew Spriggs, Brian Jonston, and many more.
10/30/20121 hour, 12 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep 7 – The Mormon Psychic Part 1

Glenn talks to Christa, a Mormon Psychic. He is joined by Tom and Melissa for a psychic reading about the quest for spiritual truth, past life trauma, Joseph Smith, the Golden Plates, Brigham Young, the value of doubt, and the essential nature of the universe.
10/23/201258 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 6 – Under the Banner of Heaven

Tom Perry hosts a panel discussion to review and discuss the book Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer. Special guest reviews by: Stephanie, Allen and Jay. Resources used in this podcast: Audiobook LDS Church’s Response to Under the Banner of Heaven Krakauer’s Response to LDS Church Fresh Air on NPR with Terry Gross Caustic Soda Podcast on Mormonism NPR Books with Howard Berkes
10/16/20121 hour, 11 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ep 5 – Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration

Bob Caswell hosts a panel to discuss the 2005 film Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration, which was both filmed and distributed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons). Just how historically accurate is it? Listen to find out. Panelists include fellow Infants Glenn Ostlund, Matt Long, and Tom Perry.
10/2/20121 hour, 13 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 4 – Apostasy

Glenn Ostlund explores the narrative of lost and found, apostasy and restoration, that is so pervasive in Mormon culture (and beyond). Guests include Jake Frost, Erica Shirts, Mike Tannehill, Rock Waterman, and Michael Ellis, with closing remarks from Infants Randy Snyder and Matt Long.
9/25/20121 hour, 4 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep 3 – The Singles Ward

In this episode the entire quorum, Matt, Glenn, Bob, Randy, Tom, and Jesse take on the movie, The Singles Ward. They review the film and discuss what, if anything, it says about Mormonism and Mormon culture. Could all of life’s questions be answered by this 2002 film? Listen to the podcast to find out.
9/18/201246 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep 2 – Guilt

An in-depth panel discussion on guilt and shame by Tom, Bob, Randy, Matt and Glenn. Here are links to some audio clips used throughout this episode:
8/31/20121 hour, 7 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 1 – Introduction

An introduction to the personalities behind the podcast, an explanation of the name Infants on Thrones, and a brief discussion about some of the episodes to come.
8/10/201219 minutes, 39 seconds
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A sneak peek at the personalities behind the podcast: Jesse, Randy, Bob, Tom, Matt, and Glenn.
6/20/20124 minutes, 46 seconds