Sean Kipe tells the story of former Georgia police officer Michael Chapel, convicted of the 1993 robbery and brutal murder of Emogene Thompson and sentenced to life in prison. However, with the recent surfacing of new information, Chapel’s story may have taken a dramatic turn – one that could potentially prove his innocence. Kipe takes a deep dive into Chapel’s past to find the unbelievable truth behind a story that involves corrupt police officers, crime rings, drug trafficking, steroids, and murder. In the Land of Lies is written, created and hosted by Sean Kipe. Original music from Sean Kipe. Executive Producers are Jason Hoch and Gino Falsetto. Story Editing by Jason Hoch. Audio Engineering by Shaine Freeman. Cover Art and Design by Jeana Sullivan. Consulting Producer is Henry Ball. In the Land of Lies is a 10-episode series with new episodes available every Monday for free. Apple Podcasts subscribers to the Imperative Premium channel get episodes ad-free and one week early.
New Series: How It All Went South
From long-time collaborators Sean Kipe and Jason Hoch comes ‘How It All Went South’, the new twice weekly podcast and video series where we share all the crazy stories we've been saving up for years. Until now.
Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and watch all episodes on our YouTube channel.
You’ll get stories like:
How to Hire a Hitman
The Unlucky Lottery Winner
The Alaska Memory Card Killer
The Runaway Bride
Al Capone: Original Gangster of Atlanta?
Family Drama at Sweetie Pie’s
The Ash Street Shootout
Death by Root Beer Float
The Great Bear Hoax
Join How It All Went South twice a week every week for these stories and so much more.
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10/17/2024 • 1 minute
Drowning Creek
Host Sean Kipe digs into the story of Justin Gaines, who went missing in the early morning hours of November 2, 2007, after walking out of a popular nightclub on the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia. He was never seen again. The investigation into Gaines' disappearance quickly went cold and remained so until 2015, when a man confessed to taking part in his murder. Though this detailed confession described what happened to Justin Gaines, who was involved, and where his body was placed, no arrest has ever been made.
Join Sean as he looks to find out what really happened to Justin Gaines and tries to make sense of the still ongoing investigation.
Listen to the show now:
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6/28/2024 • 2 minutes, 45 seconds
Special Preview: The Set
Introducing: The Set
It’s the crack era.The most violent time in New York City history. The NYPD is fighting a losing battle and instead of protecting the city from drug dealers, some police officers have become them. This is the never-before told, first-person documentary of the biggest police corruption scandal in NYPD history and the investigation that uncovered it all. From Audacy Originals and Zak Levitt, the Emmy, Peabody, and NY Press Club Investigative Journalism Award winning creator of Root of Evil, Gangster Capitalism, and Relative Unknown.
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6/14/2023 • 6 minutes, 1 second
Special Preview Episode: Elizabeth the First. The Boss Who Played Queen
Here’s your special preview episode of the new series Elizabeth the First – about the remarkable life of Elizabeth Taylor.
In our preview, Elizabeth Taylor overcomes unthinkable loss and rises as the biggest movie star on the planet. She uses this power to negotiate a legendary payday for her leading role as CLEOPATRA. All eyes are now on Elizabeth, and the years ahead will be tumultuous ones.
Headline News says ‘I love Elizabeth the First’ and the Toronto Star says the podcast is ‘sumptuously produced’. Find out what all the buzz is about by listening to the full series right now:
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