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GG’s Faith Explorer Treehouse – Cradio Cover
GG’s Faith Explorer Treehouse – Cradio Profile

GG’s Faith Explorer Treehouse – Cradio

English, Religion, 1 season, 39 episodes
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Gaudate Sunday

GG takes a look at the 3rd Sunday during the season of Advent (Gaudate Sunday), and continues to highlight how we can prepare ourselves for Christmas. The post Gaudate Sunday appeared first on Cradio.
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Preparing For Jesus

GG and Faith Explorer, Andy explore the season of Advent and highlight practical ways in which we can prepare ourselves for Jesus and Christmas! The post Preparing For Jesus appeared first on Cradio.
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Beginning Advent

GG and Faith Explorer Jake explore Advent and how it should be used to prepare ourselves for the Birth of Jesus! The post Beginning Advent appeared first on Cradio.
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Miraculous Medal

GG explores how we can use our gifts to live out our faith through the example of St Catherine Laboure and the Miraculous Medal. The post Miraculous Medal appeared first on Cradio.
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Memorial of St Cecilia

GG takes a look at the life of St Cecilia, Patron Saint of Music and draws practical examples of how we can use music to glorify God. The post Memorial of St Cecilia appeared first on Cradio.
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The Heavenly Father

GG explores the love and presence of the Heavenly Father, especially in times which are lonely or difficult. The post The Heavenly Father appeared first on Cradio.
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The Morning Offering

GG and her sister Celine take a look at a morning prayer or morning offering which helps us to lift our whole day to God! The post The Morning Offering appeared first on Cradio.
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Solemnity of All Saints

GG explores the Solemnity of All Saints, an event that celebrates all the Holy Heroes who have passed on and gone to Heaven to be with Jesus. The post Solemnity of All Saints appeared first on Cradio.
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St John Paul II

GG and Andy explore the immensity of God's love for us through the example of St John Paul II. The post St John Paul II appeared first on Cradio.
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St Teresa of Avila

GG takes a look at St Teresa of Avila and shares some practical lessons that we can learn from this Holy Hero! The post St Teresa of Avila appeared first on Cradio.
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Jesus Is All Around Me

GG explores ways in which we can be reminded of Jesus and His love in the things around us. The post Jesus Is All Around Me appeared first on Cradio.
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God’s Freedom

GG and Ava explore how our faith can lead us to great freedom as opposed to feeling embarrassed or worried about what others may think. The post God’s Freedom appeared first on Cradio.
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Holy Toolbox

GG and her sister Celine explore the different Sacraments in the Church and how each of them lead us to a life with Jesus. The post Holy Toolbox appeared first on Cradio.
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Smile! St Teresa of Calcutta

Faith explorers GG and Andy look into how we can live out our faith with charity and joy through the example of St Teresa of Calcutta. The post Smile! St Teresa of Calcutta appeared first on Cradio.
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We Belong to Jesus

GG and Jake, the Faith Explorers, look at the life of St Augustine of Hippo, his conversion and the love God has for us. The post We Belong to Jesus appeared first on Cradio.
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Light of Christ

Faith explorers GG and Ava look at how Jesus guides us through the sea of life by His Light. The post Light of Christ appeared first on Cradio.
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Heaven’s Queen

GG and Andy, the Faith Explorers, return to talk about Mary, the Queen of Heaven and her Assumption, body and soul into Heaven. The post Heaven’s Queen appeared first on Cradio.
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Travelling to Heaven

GG and her sister, Celine, explore how we are all pilgrims on earth making our way to Heaven. They do this through the example of St Mary Mackillop. The post Travelling to Heaven appeared first on Cradio.
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Glorify God

GG and her friend Jake talk about St Ignatius of Loyola, the Holy Hero and how we can learn to glorify God in all that we do. The post Glorify God appeared first on Cradio.
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Living for Jesus

GG and Faith Explorer Ava learn from the example of St Martha who teaches us all how to love and glorify the Lord through our daily works. The post Living for Jesus appeared first on Cradio.
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The Joy of Jesus

GG and her Faith Explorer friend Jake delve into how we can come to love Jesus joyfully and recognise His love, even despite our mistakes. The post The Joy of Jesus appeared first on Cradio.
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The Sacred Heart of Jesus

GG and Andy discuss how they live out their faith during Ordinary time as well as the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The post The Sacred Heart of Jesus appeared first on Cradio.
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The Trinity

GG and her friend, Ava the Faith Explorer look at how to be faithful during the season of Ordinary Time and also at God as a Trinity. The post The Trinity appeared first on Cradio.
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Pentecost: The Holy Spirit Lives in Me

GG explores the Solemnity of Pentecost and the Lord's promise of the Holy Spirit and how we can have a devotion to the Holy Spirit. The post Pentecost: The Holy Spirit Lives in Me appeared first on Cradio.
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Visitation: Magnify the Lord

GG explores the message of the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth and looks into what Mary meant when said: "My soul magnifies the Lord." The post Visitation: Magnify the Lord appeared first on Cradio.
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Everything Good is from God

GG and her friend, Ava the Faith Explorer discuss how everything good comes from God and how to be grateful. The post Everything Good is from God appeared first on Cradio.
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Guardian Angels

GG and her Parish priest, Fr Ben, explore what Guardian Angels and angels are, who has them and how they can help us every day! The post Guardian Angels appeared first on Cradio.
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Mary Brings Us to Jesus

GG is joined by her little sister Celine and together they continue to celebrate Easter by talking about Mother Mary and how She leads us to Jesus. The post Mary Brings Us to Jesus appeared first on Cradio.
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St Joseph the Worker

GG and her friend and Faith Explorer, Andy, learn about St Joseph, the foster-father of Jesus and the husband of Mary. The post St Joseph the Worker appeared first on Cradio.
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Jesus I Trust In You!

GG and her friend, Jake the faith explorer explore the Feast of Divine Mercy, its origins and the prayer: "Jesus I Trust In You!" The post Jesus I Trust In You! appeared first on Cradio.
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Easter, Celebrate Life!

GG and her friend and new Faith Explorer Andy explore what Easter really is and the joy of the Resurrection! The post Easter, Celebrate Life! appeared first on Cradio.
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Episode 8: Jesus Is Always With Me

GG explores the presence of Jesus, who is with us in our lives and how we can learn to turn to Him in everything. The post Episode 8: Jesus Is Always With Me appeared first on Cradio.
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Episode 7: Say Yes To God

GG explores the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the graces that came from her saying "Yes" to God and becoming His Mother. The post Episode 7: Say Yes To God appeared first on Cradio.
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Episode 6: St Patrick’s Shield

This week, GG talks about the life and prayer of St Patrick, a popular holy hero in Ireland.  The post Episode 6: St Patrick’s Shield appeared first on Cradio.
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Episode 5: Growing Stronger This Lent

GG continues talking about Lent and shares about her own Lenten fast and dreams of growing stronger in faith and virtue. The post Episode 5: Growing Stronger This Lent appeared first on Cradio.
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Episode 4: Project Compassion – Love My Neighbour

GG explores the topic of Lent, a time for focusing on Jesus and loving those around us. She also talks about Ash Wednesday and Project Compassion. The post Episode 4: Project Compassion – Love My Neighbour appeared first on Cradio.
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Episode 3: Keys to the Kingdom

In this episode, GG talks about the Keys Christ gave to St Peter, the first Pope; as well as how we are called to love one another. The post Episode 3: Keys to the Kingdom appeared first on Cradio.
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Episode 2: God is in the Silence

In this episode, GG talks continues to talk about Ordinary Time, God's love and reads with us "God is in the Silence" by Fiona Basile. The post Episode 2: God is in the Silence appeared first on Cradio.
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Episode 1: My Beloved Children

In this first episode, GG talks about ordinary time, a time to grow in faith, as well as St Josephine Bahkita and finally, she shares about the love of God. The post Episode 1: My Beloved Children appeared first on Cradio.