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Feels With Meesh

English, Religion, 1 season, 160 episodes, 2 days, 3 hours, 24 minutes
Halfway Between Here &Heaven
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Circumstances DO NOT Exist

If we can see past the limitations of our mind and stay neutral to all things that come into our life showing us the opposite of our desires, we free up the space for endless possibilities to align with our desires.
8/23/202418 minutes, 44 seconds
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Change Your SELF CONCEPT To Get Your Manifestations

Law Of Assumption Talks.
8/13/202425 minutes, 57 seconds
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Stand On Business

Late Night With Big Sis. Let’s Master Ourselves!
7/13/202412 minutes, 59 seconds
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Disagreeing With The Devil

It is the negative voice in our head that keeps us from the life that we desire. All our hopes, dreams and wishes fall by the wayside as we agree with our negative self talk. We can overcome ourselves and disagree with the devil in our mind, ascending past our limited self. Coaching Healing & Self Mastery Sessions: [email protected]
6/11/202420 minutes, 25 seconds
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Believe In Yourself

You are the biggest cheerleader for others, helping them believe in themselves. But why don’t you believe in yourself? To book a personal session with me for Healing & Self Mastery: [email protected] --- Support this podcast:
5/20/202415 minutes, 12 seconds
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Be Still And Know

You cannot live in two states of being at once (Trust and Fear) In this episode I share the most important parts of mastery when learning to let go and trust the unfolding of your life. Personal Sessions : --- Support this podcast:
4/19/202414 minutes, 37 seconds
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You Are The Most Important Person In Your Life

At 34 I am learning to reparent myself. Realizing that I Am the Most Important Person In My Life. --- Support this podcast:
4/5/202416 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Spiritual "Healing" Trap

When we begin to seek for deeper meaning to our life, it's easy to join in community. But is that community keeping you stuck in a never ending loop of sorrow? When leaving the Spiritual Community teachings of tarot, energy healing, crystals and moon cycles, I found a new meaning of healing ( Evolving ) --- Support this podcast:
3/2/202424 minutes, 28 seconds
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Radical Accountability

When creating a better life, the shift happens when we become focused and "radically accountable" for the thoughts, feelings, and actions we take in our life. You are brilliant! You have all the answers inside of you! To change your life is to be accountable for it all. --- Support this podcast:
2/24/202421 minutes, 38 seconds
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What If You Just Started Having Fun?

Getting what you want is just you getting out of your own way! You bring the vibe! To be in the wish fulfilled of having what you want, what if you just started to have fun? --- Support this podcast:
2/17/202419 minutes, 10 seconds
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What's The Story?

From our earliest years we have been giving meaning to the events of our life. These events have shaped our beliefs. When we finally wake up to the realization of the story we have playing out in out our mind, we then have the power to make a new one. --- Support this podcast:
2/10/202419 minutes, 29 seconds
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Mental Diet | Influencing The Mind

It's a new year! The opportunity for you to choose a new life! But why do so many people fail at making and sticking to these changes? It starts with what we are focusing on throughout our day that influences the mind. In this Podcast we talk about how to make those changes and stay focused on change as we clear out the clutter through a Mental Diet. --- Support this podcast:
1/16/202422 minutes, 37 seconds
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The "How?"

How does someone who comes from a loving family end up in a situation like mine ( Referring to previous episode "Pimps In The Music Industry" ). In this episode I share the "How", in hopes of bringing awareness and prevention. --- Support this podcast:
12/27/202329 minutes, 26 seconds
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Pimps In The Music Industry

**Explicit Content ** Diddy's downfall is just the beginning of exposing the truth of the Music Industry. With her latest lawsuit settlement, artist Cassie has given power to victims of the industry and opened the floor to conversation about the Power Hungry and Passive Men that have controlled it. Here is my story. --- Support this podcast:
12/19/202342 minutes, 57 seconds
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My Journey With Body Dysmorphia

In full transparency I reveal my journey with body dysmorphia and my process of healing, being open and honest about my surgeries and body modifications. In a world that places so much validation on our looks, I have found Peace through Self Acceptance. --- Support this podcast:
12/12/202326 minutes, 19 seconds
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Soft Girl Era

Leaning more into my Soft Girl Era has allowed for flow in my life and to inspired the Masculine energy in my partner. Personal Sessions : [email protected] --- Support this podcast:
11/30/202320 minutes, 1 second
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Abundance Mindset

From living in survival mode, lack consciousness, to living an abundant life. The shift from one reality of fear to fully surrendering and trusting the process, has allowed for the abundance to flow into my life. Here are some tips to healing and shifting into an Abundant Mindset. --- Support this podcast:
11/21/202321 minutes, 32 seconds
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Escaping Twinflames

The concept of Twinflames has gained much popularity over the past few years, with people growing massive following as leaders of the community. But not everyone had used their leadership for the good.    --- Support this podcast:
11/14/202333 minutes, 27 seconds
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Self Mastery Moment

The final episode of a 3 Part, Healing & Self Mastery Moment, I finalize the episodes with my take on what has helped me shift the most. Being present in my body has allowed me to calmly observe the old story, and move forward into a new story. As an anxious person, regulating my nervous system has changed my life. --- Support this podcast:
11/2/202322 minutes, 16 seconds
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Moment Of Healing

When you finally find the root of your pain, all this information floods in, in the form of epiphanies. From here we can forgive to set yourselves free and invite in a new mindset which will then reflect in our life. Watch me come to my own revelations. --- Support this podcast:
10/24/202326 minutes, 48 seconds
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Healing Purge

When we are being called to a new level in our life, the old stories must be purged. Join me as I share the revelations and healing that took place from my recent purge. Use my process to help you navigate your own process of healing. **trigger warning** emotional events
10/17/202324 minutes, 6 seconds
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It's time to choose yourself ! The msg you need to hear to end the cycles that keep you stuck in Situationships. Personal Sessions : [email protected]
10/3/202331 minutes, 11 seconds
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Steps To Healing Anxiety

Tips on what I do in moments of anxiety and how to come in to a more secure state of being.
9/26/202314 minutes, 3 seconds
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Our reality is constantly showing us that our desires exist. Wether we believe that we are worthy of those desires when the evidence presents itself or not, determines how close we are to having them.
9/20/202317 minutes, 10 seconds
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Be Specific

We have to be so real with ourselves in love before aligning with the person of our dreams. All that we desire from love exists only when we can Be Specific about what those desires are.
9/14/202327 minutes, 2 seconds
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Be Specific

We have to be so real with ourselves in love before aligning with the person of our dreams. All that we desire from love exists only when we can Be Specific about what those desires are. **Watch Full Episode on Feels With Meesh YouTube**
9/14/202326 minutes, 44 seconds
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Your Life Is Designed For You To Win

Our life begins to change when we realize everything is designed for our evolution, for our personal ascension, our highest good- to win at life.
9/6/202322 minutes, 26 seconds
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Honor The Highest Version Of Yourself

Feels With Meesh Podcast is now on Youtube! Join me infront of the camera! Full Episode up on Feels With Meesh Youtube page. Work through this uncomfortable transition where I face my fears to live In alignment with the Highest and Best Version of Myself.
8/31/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Self Soothing

How do we ascend our reactions to life when we are in fight or flight? Were does this come from? and how to Self Soothe.
8/22/202323 minutes, 52 seconds
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Finding Femininity

The world has created the Masculine Women(The doer, giver, peruser) Finding Femininity is about the journey to returning to femininity.
8/15/202330 minutes, 44 seconds
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Nice People Finish Last

Why do Nice People Finish Last? Heal the People Pleaser / Over Giver.
8/8/202319 minutes, 32 seconds
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Embody being chosen, loved, committed to and valued, you are a Wife.
8/1/202323 minutes, 29 seconds
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NEVER Settle

Why is it that the most considered “beautiful women in the world” Kim Kardashian, has a hard time with Love?
7/25/202322 minutes, 28 seconds
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Take Them Off The Pedestal

It’s time to put yourself on the pedestal!
7/18/202317 minutes, 46 seconds
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Journey To Selfish

I’ve never asked myself “What Do I Want?” Because I’ve never known what it felt like to put myself first in my life. Healing the People Pleaser/ Over Giver.
6/14/202317 minutes, 19 seconds
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Self Abandonment

I will never abandon myself ever again.
5/24/202322 minutes, 25 seconds
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Take your power back from the Narcissist.
4/25/202319 minutes, 11 seconds
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Breaking Your Routine

It is time to change your life ! [email protected]
4/18/202314 minutes, 54 seconds
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It’s Personal!

This part of your life is about YOU! Make it Personal.
4/11/202317 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Ebbs and Flow

You are exactly where you are meant to be right now.
4/4/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Life Is Happening Through You

We have to go back and heal from the things that keep us creating the repeated events in our life, to bring about change and a new fulfilling reality.
3/16/202316 minutes, 6 seconds
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Self Concept

Changing your beliefs will change your entire life.
3/7/202318 minutes, 34 seconds
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Embodying The Divine Feminine

The Divine Feminine does not hustle for her life, she Aligns with it.
2/17/202322 minutes, 17 seconds
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You Have To Let Them Go

Letting go is what shifts the dynamic of our connections. How can they value you if you aren’t valuing yourself?
2/7/202319 minutes, 58 seconds
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Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

Your reality is a reflection of a repeated thought. A repeated thought is the belief of who you are. To change your life you must change the belief in how you see yourself. Personal Sessions: [email protected]
1/25/202319 minutes, 16 seconds
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Main Character Energy

Stop auditioning and start Becoming. Change your thoughts to Change Your Life.
1/12/202323 minutes, 26 seconds
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Does giving give you Joy or come from a place of needing approval ?
12/20/202219 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Phoenix

Can you heal from this pain? Can you see yourself in them? Can you forgive yourself so that you can forgive them and rise like the Phoenix.
12/7/202218 minutes, 53 seconds
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Chosen One

Story Time (you are never alone)
11/17/202218 minutes, 27 seconds
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Immediately No

We can reject what is no longer serving us by saying “immediately no” when the energy is not serving our highest potential.
10/27/202215 minutes, 3 seconds
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I Am Unlovable

How do I Love Myself?
10/11/202219 minutes, 22 seconds
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I Am A Wife

The only timeline I am existing on is that of Life Partnership- I Am A Wife
10/4/202219 minutes, 12 seconds
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Jesus Is Real

9/9/202214 minutes, 53 seconds
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Focused Energy

To align with our highest timelines of Self, we must first know how to reserve and focus our energy.
8/22/202219 minutes, 31 seconds
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Masculine Women

To attract a masculine man we must heal and take down our masculine wall.
7/31/202219 minutes, 54 seconds
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… There’s something you’ve been called to do and it will come for you like a mosquito.
7/13/20228 minutes, 16 seconds
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Twinflame Phenomenon

Twinflame has hit mainstream and is keeping people in unhealthy karmic connections… What is it to hold the true Twinflame Template?
6/21/202224 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Calling

When our Souls are being called upon, the more we resist and try to hold onto our old life, the harder our lives become.
6/13/202222 minutes, 53 seconds
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Unplug and align with your truth
6/7/202219 minutes, 27 seconds
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A Msg For Those Experiencing Loss

A msg of healing for those experiencing loss.
6/2/202215 minutes, 33 seconds
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Painful Truths

The truth about this human experience is that their will always be a battle between good and evil.
5/26/202219 minutes, 39 seconds
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Accepting Higher Timelines

Our life reflects the reality we accept for ourselves.
5/15/202219 minutes, 9 seconds
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It Is Now My Turn To Receive

We have aligned our mind our body and our soul. Through the healing of our unworthiness wounds, we have shifted from the people-pleaser/over-giver. All of the love, energy, time, attention we have given to the world deserves a return. It is now our turn to receive.
5/3/202218 minutes, 27 seconds
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It Was All Necessary

Karmic Lessons
4/6/202215 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Knowing

To have all that we desire is the KNOW that we are Worthy of the best life.
3/30/202220 minutes, 27 seconds
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How To Happy

People always ask me how I am so happy.
3/23/202223 minutes, 30 seconds
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The powers that be have normalized something that most people have deep rooted trauma from- Alcohol.
3/16/202225 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Light Always Wins

You are Divinely Protected and Highly Favored ! Support my work through Energy Donations : Cashapp $feelswithmeesh , PayPal feelswithmeesh
3/2/202222 minutes, 28 seconds
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I Am Valuable

It is our time to step up into our mission! God is forcing sudden changes in our lives in order to push us onto our path! Accept these changes, YOU ARE VALUABLE!
2/17/202220 minutes, 48 seconds
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Healing Sacred Sexuality

Orgasm is the closest we will get to source energy. We have been living out the idea of sex being something recreational but it is not. It is sacred. Our body is a temple. Time for healing. **trigger warning**
1/31/202225 minutes, 40 seconds
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Your Highest Timeline

To walk in Your Truth, to Know Thyself, to Align with your Greatest Potential, is to choose your Highest Timeline and reject anything that does not align with that. 
1/20/202222 minutes, 12 seconds
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Hello my loves ! The Podcast got a new Mic !!! She's a beauty. For those that resonate on my energy, we have ascended to new levels. New levels require I new you to show up. Be fearless! Have trust all that you are being called for!
1/7/202217 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Body

Your body is amazing, it shrinks, it grows, it heals itself. Your body is miraculous.
12/23/202127 minutes, 30 seconds
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A guide to healing
12/18/202123 minutes, 20 seconds
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End Of The Year Podcast

Closing in on 2022, what are these final lessons?
12/13/202122 minutes, 33 seconds
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Water The Seeds You Want To Grow

Those of us that are ascending to 5D are struggling to stay in 3D environments. Focus your energy where you want to expand. Trust yourself and trust your process. You are being called to let go and pursue what brings you the most joy.
11/30/202121 minutes, 20 seconds
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How are you so happy? Cashapp:$feelswithmeesh , PayPal @Feelswithmeesh
11/20/202122 minutes, 10 seconds
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Look how far you’ve come ! 5D !! We have arrived !
11/12/202124 minutes, 40 seconds
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Triggered Part 2

Powerful msg ❤️
11/2/202125 minutes
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Major Healing taking place right now for those who are on their path to Self Mastery. What still needs work? The universe is here to show you.
10/31/202125 minutes, 11 seconds
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A Msg For The Broken Hearted 💔

Full Moon in Aries Msg 🌕 -Refocus.
10/21/202115 minutes, 50 seconds
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I Am Worthy

From Unworthy to Worthy ❤️
9/29/202120 minutes, 20 seconds
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“Drink the Kool-Aid”
9/4/202119 minutes, 50 seconds
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Lack Mentality

Abundance is our Birthright. It is our own programming of Lack that keeps us from the infinite abundance in this physical reality ❤️. If you would like to book a Personal Session, DM me for more information If you resonate with my msg and would like to support my work : CashApp $feelswithmeesh PayPal Instagram : @feelswithmeesh TikTok : feelswithmeesh Email : [email protected] Clubhouse : feelswithmeesh Podcast : Feels With Meesh Podcast #podcast #podcasting #nurture #love #selfmastery #selflove #power #manifestation #manifest #selfgrowth #love #truelove #goals #selfhelp #therapy #tiktok #understanding #powerful #spiritual #spiritualawakening #spiritualworker #healer #healing #arcturian #oracle #angel #alien #aliens #prophetic
8/19/202120 minutes, 50 seconds
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Trauma Healing

Recognizing ourself in the moments that trigger our trauma is the journey to healing and gaining control of life. Email: [email protected] Tiktok: @feelswithmeesh Instagram: @feelswithmeesh
8/8/202119 minutes, 44 seconds
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Love Or Lack Of Love

All that exists here is Love or Lack Of Love
7/26/202125 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Strong Women

Why do successful, career driven women, have such a hard time aligning with love?
6/15/202131 minutes, 53 seconds
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It is YOU in your own way

6/8/202120 minutes, 47 seconds
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It’s Okay to Not Be Okay

The energies are heavy right now ❤️ Sending love and healing.
6/3/202122 minutes, 4 seconds
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Freedom Or Fear

There’s 2 timelines playing out in the collective consciousness.
5/18/202123 minutes, 32 seconds
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?Question Everything?

What have we been taught that must be unlearned? Question Everything.
5/4/202125 minutes, 3 seconds
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Where Is The Resistance?

We are all on different chapters of the same book. What are the areas of healing you have been neglecting? What is hindering you? Where is the resistance?
4/27/202122 minutes, 21 seconds
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Worry & Trust

“How do you not worry about things that might fall apart?”
4/15/202118 minutes, 35 seconds
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Covid and The Lesson

I learned some major lessons from getting Covid.
4/13/202116 minutes, 40 seconds
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Conversations With The Divine Masculine

The journey of the Divine Masculine as told by Russell Torres.
3/23/202142 minutes, 9 seconds
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When you are forced to slow down or sabotage something good.
2/27/202121 minutes, 31 seconds
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The event of Remembering Who You Are.
2/8/202120 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Anxious Attachment Style

From my journey and perspective.
1/20/202127 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Black Sheep

We came in here to be different, to change the people’s lives around us, to heal our family bloodline.
12/29/202015 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Feminine Energy

The Feminine Energy within all of us is what births ideas into the physical.
12/10/20208 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Mirror

People come in to show us ourselves.
11/27/202012 minutes, 17 seconds
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It Is Not Your Job To Fix What Others Have Broken PT2

PT2 of my very first Podcast, It Is Not Your Job to Fix What Others Have Broken .
11/19/20207 minutes, 34 seconds
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Love Is The Answer

There’s a lot of tension in the collective. Be Love, because the world needs more Love. Love is the answer.
11/18/20206 minutes, 51 seconds
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Jealousy is the unworthiness wound.
11/13/202015 minutes, 35 seconds
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My 11:11 Story

In the end it will all make sense.
11/10/202010 minutes, 14 seconds
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Know Thyself

There is a deep dark phase in the journey that requires elimination of all distractions. This phase is the hardest but most profound part of the journey. The caterpillar in the cocoon emerges as the butterfly.
11/8/202021 minutes, 31 seconds
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Election Day

My Views on the Election.
11/3/202014 minutes, 8 seconds
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Childhood Programming

From our earliest years of this human experience we are programmed. The most impactful programming will be that of our environment and that of how we are parented.
11/1/202023 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Voice In My Head

The biggest source of suffering in your life is not what is outside of the mind. It’s the mind itself when the mind is asleep.
10/23/202018 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Healer In Me brings about the Healer In You.
10/19/20209 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Divide

The world is experiencing a major divide. If you were guided to this msg you are here to bridge the gap, remain in your heart space and be peaceful. The world needs your energy !
10/1/202011 minutes, 48 seconds
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You Have All The Tools

Most people will pray to God for change but fail to realize God already gave you all the tools to change your life.
9/28/202018 minutes, 16 seconds
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Inner Child

Returning To The Inner Child
9/7/202020 minutes, 46 seconds
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What if every time something didn’t work out it’s because there’s something better out there for you?
8/4/202014 minutes, 57 seconds
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The ability to put ourselves in other peoples shoes, to feel their pain, is what we are missing as a collective.
7/7/202018 minutes, 21 seconds
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How I became impeccable with my words.
6/27/202018 minutes, 24 seconds
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What A Time To Be Alive !

Healing the planet begins with Healing Yourself.
6/25/202014 minutes, 20 seconds
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Remember Who The F You Are

You came here Divine, and forgot that you are Divine.
6/12/202016 minutes, 9 seconds
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Forgive them for they know not what they do.
5/4/202015 minutes, 38 seconds
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Soul Tribe/ Soul Fam, Karmic Soulmates, Companion Soulmate, Twinflames
4/26/202030 minutes, 23 seconds
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Your Love Is For You

The feeling of love that exists inside of you, is for you.
4/24/202011 minutes, 29 seconds
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Fear is an illusion it is created in the mind
3/25/20209 minutes, 40 seconds
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Aint No Victim

No Pity Party Please❤️
3/13/202023 minutes, 25 seconds
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Rejection is a deep wound. Healing our fear of rejection will push you into your Power.
3/6/20208 minutes, 4 seconds
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How Do We SelfLove?

It took me years to understand the concept of SelfLove. I wish I had someone tell me in the simplest way, How To Love Yourself💗 Let me share how I came into this Love.
2/14/202015 minutes, 8 seconds
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Release control, flow with the energies, and take back the power that is yours.
2/11/20207 minutes, 41 seconds
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Looking Back

It’s a new decade! How far have you come? What lessons did you learn from the decade ?
1/2/202018 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Blueprint

You already have all the answers to healing from your past. They lay in your blueprint.
12/6/20199 minutes, 34 seconds
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They Are Not Above You

Not putting others above us on a pedestal but seeing them as another human being, allows us to stand in our power.
12/4/201914 minutes, 1 second
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Everything Is Gonna Work Out

The pressure from society to live life a certain way keeps most in fear of pursuing what their heart really tells them to. Taking that leap of faith can be terrifying. But when following what your souls wants for you, everything will always work out in the end.
10/12/201920 minutes, 6 seconds
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Some people are so miserable that they will project the hurt and pain that they’re feeling inside, onto you. Some vibrate so positive and happy, that the projection of that energy radiates into the lives around them.
10/8/201910 minutes, 51 seconds
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Fall OFF to Fall ON

Life is a journey. The Highs and Lows are here to show us ourselves.
9/7/201910 minutes, 36 seconds
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Filling Your Own Cup Of Love

What you’ve been seeking your whole life lives within you already
7/21/201913 minutes, 10 seconds
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Too Much For Some

You might be Too Much for some... but you’re Always Enough for You.
7/6/201913 minutes, 10 seconds
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As Within So Without

Our thoughts create our reality. Smiling from Within is contagious energy. Your energy alone can change the lives around you.
7/6/201911 minutes, 27 seconds
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Be The Observer

Being the Observer Of Your Thoughts and Feelings allows you to be in Balance and Complete Control of Yourself. This is SELF MASTERY.
6/27/201912 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Power Of Surrender

We always want to be in control and know everything that’s going to happen in our lives. The only thing we have complete control over is our emotion and response to things. To Surrender is to Trust The Process.
6/26/201914 minutes, 24 seconds
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High Vibes Only

My parents are a huge reason why I am the way I am. They have taught me the Power Of Kindness and Positivity. Changing our words to high vibe, positive words, makes a huge difference in our lives. Mirror this onto others and watch your life blossom.
6/24/201914 minutes, 29 seconds
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Inner Peace

Rejection from the one I loved would push me onto a path of finding Inner Peace.
6/22/201918 minutes, 59 seconds
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I have struggled with Body Image issues my whole life. It is a continuous healing process. Becoming best friends with myself and learning to Love my body has been a journey and I am here to help others understand we are not so different. We have the power to heal through this. We deserve it.
6/19/201920 minutes, 19 seconds
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Everything Is Energy.
6/2/201924 minutes, 26 seconds
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Align With The Stars

Wish Upon A Star, put the Manifestation of your Desires out into the Universe. Then you must Energetically Align.
5/31/201921 minutes, 30 seconds
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Honor Your Feelings

Our feelings and emotions are a part of our journey, they are not who we are. Honoring exactly how we feel at every moment in our life allows us to move through the emotions, not allowing them to take over our life.
5/22/201912 minutes, 55 seconds
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My Love

My Love ; Explained
5/21/201918 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Power Of Kindness

It doesn’t cost you anything to Be Kind.
5/20/201914 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Plateau Period

When life slows down we tend to get frustrated, thinking nothing is coming together. The Plateau Period is the most important time to turn that energy inward. The real level up is through Self. It may seem that nothing is coming together, when really everything is happening just as it’s suppose to.
5/15/201916 minutes, 6 seconds
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Feels With Meesh Ft. Michelle Aristocrat

Talks with my Soul Sista, Michelle Aristocrat. We worked together years ago and ended up back in each other’s lives resonating on the same Journey To Self💜 This Podcast Is Powerful ❤️ One of the most beautiful, creative, talented souls in my life. Book a reading with her or follow & support her journey ! Instagram : @divinespurpose & photography page @michellearistocrat ... PS the cover art for this Podcast is her own 🔥
5/14/201925 minutes, 57 seconds
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We are The Center Of Our Universe. Anything outside of ourselves that we have an attachment to has an energetic hold over us. Staying in a State of Detachment allows you to remain in Your Power. Understanding that Energy is Fluid and Can Always Be Changed, allows things to Flow in our lives, creating the Peace.
5/14/201935 minutes, 58 seconds
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Intuition Is The GPS To The Soul

We’ve been programmed with distractions since the day we were born, keeping us out of alignment of the Souls Path.
5/12/201933 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Power Of Delivery

When speaking we hold the Power to shift and manipulate energy. Just like music, words hold a frequency.
5/7/20197 minutes, 33 seconds
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Higher Love

Why is Love so complicated these days? It all starts with You.
5/6/201914 minutes, 9 seconds
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Codependency: The Unhealthy Attachment Style

What keeps us from living a Peaceful Life? What blocks us from having a Healthy Balanced Relationship? Learning My Codependency Attachment Style and Understanding Where it Came From was the most Powerful Revelation to Understanding Myself. Healing through this and becoming a Healthy Attachment Style allowed me to Take Back the Power Of My Life.
5/6/201918 minutes, 19 seconds
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Allowing things that are not in alignment with who you are can be energetically exhausting over time. By learning to set boundaries, you are learning to Love Yourself.
5/4/201914 minutes, 22 seconds
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Get Out: Heal The Soul, Return To Love

My thoughts , the battle between Light and Dark and what it means to return to your divinity.
5/3/201918 minutes, 58 seconds
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Healing Family Wounds

Some of our deepest wounds come from our family. These wounds are so deep in our subconscious mind that it takes seeing from the Higher Perspective to Forgive and Set Free the energy that has been passed down through our bloodline.
5/2/201921 minutes, 22 seconds
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Understanding where the Overthinking stems from allows for healing and change. Take back the power of your life.
5/1/20197 minutes, 8 seconds
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Mastering Your Life Is To Master Your Thoughts

Just a brief introduction to freeing the mind on the journey to Self Mastery.
5/1/201912 minutes, 45 seconds
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Accepting Yourself Is The First Step To Healing

How does one heal themselves? What does healing yourself even mean? This is the 1st of many Podcasts on Healing. Here is a little of my story.
4/30/201918 minutes, 33 seconds
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People Pleasers / Over Givers

On the journey to Self Mastery it is important to recognize if you are a “People Pleaser/Over Giver”. If energy is not being reciprocated, the effects can have a major impact on your life.
4/29/20199 minutes, 42 seconds
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It Is Not Your Job To Fix What Others Have Broken

It can be a fight for those who live with a pure heart. We always want to be the one to balance and fix everything, even if it is pain caused by someone else’s toxic behavior. It is not your job to fix what others have broken.
4/28/20199 minutes, 53 seconds