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Faith Talks with Emily Preston

English, Religion, 1 season, 94 episodes, 2 days, 4 hours, 12 minutes
Have you ever wondered HOW to walk by faith? God, by His grace, has given us everything we need to live the life He wants for us - a life of health, prosperity, and wholeness in every part of life. But it's not enough to simply have head knowledge about what He's given us, there is responsibility on our part - we must access it by FAITH. And faith MUST have corresponding action. We must be "doers" of the Word, and not hearers only. Learn how to practically apply what the Word teaches us about grace and faith and start seeing the manifestation of the goodness of God in your life!
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096 - Q&A Part 2

Does the devil attack us even harder when we're making progress? Is God trying to teach us a lesson through tragedy and pain? Isn't He sovereign? How can Satan be the god of this world if we have been given authority over him? How do we exercise authority over the devil? Is there such thing as a "Jezebel" spirit? How do we know if a sickness is a spirit of infirmity or just a sickness? Do yoga and other alternative medicines open the door to the devil? And the biggest question of them all... Why did God give the devil permission to attack Job? Let's find out what THE WORD SAYS about all of these questions!
9/25/202341 minutes, 42 seconds
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095 - Q&A Part 1

Can Satan read our minds? How do I know if my thoughts are from the devil, God, or if they're just me? Can the devil be everywhere at once? How can the devil put sickness and disease on a believer when the believer has the life of God in them? If Satan is defeated why do we see believers suffering and dying before their time? Does Satan accuse us before God of sins we commit? Does God allow Satan to test us? In this episode we go to the Word to find the answers to these questions and more!
9/24/202342 minutes, 1 second
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094 - Know Thy Adversary Part 18

Over the course of this series, we have learned that the ONLY weapon the enemy has against us - the ONLY way he can successfully steal, kill or destroy - is if he can convince us to listen to his lies, arguments, reasonings, and opinions, which are, his THOUGHTS. And you might say, but how can I possibly know which of the thoughts that I have about my problem are from the enemy? I have so many of them! The good news is that God (as always!) has given us a SIMPLE strategy for recognising and dealing with the lies of the enemy that are trying to talk you out of everything that already belongs to you by the grace of God. In this series' final episode we finish off with HOW to keep our mind free from the enemy's thoughts and deal with any that may try to creep in. We also go to the Word to find out HOW TO PRAY EFFECTIVELY for other people that we want to see set free from the bondages of the enemy. The truth MAKES us free!
6/8/202341 minutes, 44 seconds
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093 - Know Thy Adversary Part 17

In the last few episodes, we've been learning about the spiritual strategies God has given us to keep the devil in his place, and how to take back any ground he may have been successful in stealing from us. Today, we are going to the Word to discover how to effectively recognise and deal with more of the "wiles of the devil" and enjoy the benefits that come with keeping the law of the Spirit of Life that is in Christ Jesus fully operational in our lives!
6/1/202351 minutes, 34 seconds
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092 - Know Thy Adversary Part 16

The best defence is a good offence! We don’t have to wait until we’re in a battle to start defending ourselves against the enemy, we can use the spiritual strategies that God has given us to fortify ourselves so well that the enemy never even has the opportunity to gain any ground! In this episode we are starting to tackle the “hows”. How do we remain tucked away in that secret place of the Most High, safe under the shadow of the Almighty? How do we keep ourselves in the love of God so that the wicked one cannot touch us or even find us? Join me as we go to the Word to find the answers!
3/21/202346 minutes, 30 seconds
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091 - Know Thy Adversary Part 15

Over the last few months, we have been getting to know our adversary, the devil.  Why is this so important? Because in 2 Corinthians 2:11 God tells us that if we are NOT unaware of his schemes (his devices), he will NOT be able to get advantage of us! And in 1 Peter 5:8 God tells us that if we are sober and vigilant (are fully aware of and have our wits about us regarding), the tactics of our adversary the devil, who roams around like a roaring lion, he will NOT be able to devour us! That's Good News! In this week's episode we are summarising everything that we have learned over the last 14 teachings to paint a complete picture of how the devil operates and functions and "connect the dots" so that we can be reminded that he IS defeated and it's our responsibility to ENFORCE his defeat!
2/25/202345 minutes, 6 seconds
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090 - Know Thy Adversary Part 14

The fight of faith isn't to GET healed, GET free from emotional turmoil, GET free from financial or relationship struggles, or GET anything else that the blood of Jesus paid for - the fight of faith is to ENFORCE what we already have and who we already are - healed, blessed, protected, having perfect peace in every area of our lives. The fight of faith is resisting the devil - resisting the lies, arguments, opinions, suggestions and reasonings (the schemes of the devil) that he uses to trick us into believing the circumstances more than the promises of God, and form strongholds in our minds designed to keep us trapped in the prison of our circumstances. But the Good News is, God promises us that when we resist the devil (resist his thoughts, arguments, reasonings, and opinions) he HAS TO flee, and the problems will flee with him. Find out more in this week's episode of Know Thy Adversary!
11/25/202242 minutes, 19 seconds
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089 - Know Thy Adversary Part 13

If the devil can't steal the Word, he can't have our health, our finances, our relationships, our peace, our protection, or anything else that God has already given us by His grace. The primary way he steals the Word is through lies, arguments, reasonings, and suggestions that contradict what the Word tells us we have and who the Word tells us we are. But do you know that there are two other ways that the devil steals the Word that are so common to all of us that we may not even realise that the Word is being stolen? If we are aware that these are areas the devil is stealing the Word, we will be equipped to instantly recognise and resist him! Join me today as we go to the Word to expose more of the enemy's wiles, tactics and schemes!
10/28/202235 minutes, 4 seconds
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088 - Know Thy Adversary Part 12

The devil's number one purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10), but he can't kill or destroy unless he is first successful in stealing. What does he steal? He first has to steal THE WORD (Mark 4:15) - the Word that tells us that we are healed, are blessed, have a covenant of protection, have peace and everything else Jesus died to give us - because if he can steal the Word and trick us into believing we DON'T have those things, he can then go on to kill and to destroy. So how does he steal the Word?  The same way he did in the Garden of Eden - by presenting us with a contradiction to the word of God..."Did God REALLY say...?" Join me as we go through the Word to reveal the enemy's tactics and how he steals the Word. We will also find out the answer to, "Can the devil read our minds?" 
10/21/202230 minutes, 16 seconds
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087 - Know Thy Adversary Part 11

In John 10:10, God tells us that the thief (Satan) comes not but to steal, kill and to destroy. Notice that he starts by "stealing". Satan's primary objective, his sole purpose, is to first steal, because if he is successful in stealing, he can then go on to kill and destroy. But as we learned in the previous episodes, Satan cannot just come in and wreak havoc in people's lives. He has to trick people into cooperating with him and giving him place. So if he can't steal our health, finances, relationships, protection, or peace, etc, what DOES Satan "steal"? Find out in today's episode! 
10/7/202230 minutes, 17 seconds
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086 - Know Thy Adversary Part 10

"If I've given the enemy an "open door", does this mean that I can't receive my healing, deliverance, or anything else I'm believing God for?" In the last few episodes, we've seen in the Word that the enemy needs us to cooperate with him in order to accomplish any of his wicked plans in our lives.  The number one way he deceives us into cooperating with him is by planting his lies and suggestions in our minds to tempt us to break the only commandment God has given us under the New Covenant - to love our neighbour as we love ourselves. Because when we break the commandment of love we are stepping out from the protection of the law of the spirit of life that is in Christ Jesus, and exposing ourselves to the law of sin and death which is still in full operation in the domain of the devil. The second reason the enemy wants us to break the commandment to love is because faith WORKS by love (Gal 5:6). Love is what energises faith, causing it to be effective and put forth the power to receive everything God has provided by His Grace. So if we've been fighting the fight of faith for a long time and not seeing any results, could it be that the need to repair our love connection? Today we are diving into the Word to find out more about what God says about this!
9/9/202235 minutes, 39 seconds
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085 - Know Thy Adversary Part 9

We often hear people say, "You just have to have faith!" But do you know that faith alone isn't enough? God tells us in James 2:26 that faith has to have corresponding action if we want the results - the healing, protection, wisdom and peace - the Word promises us. We have to be DOERS of the Word and not hearers only. (James 1:22) When we are DOERS of the Word and apply corresponding action to our faith, we stay hidden in the secret place of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty. We remain and abide in that safe place where we are protected from the death and destruction that is raging in the world We stay hidden from Our Adversary. Join me as we go through the Word to find out what being a doer of the Word and applying corresponding action to our faith looks like!
8/26/202241 minutes, 14 seconds
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084 - Know Thy Adversary Part 8

Under the New Covenant, our ONLY requirement from God (or commandment) is to love our neighbour as we love ourselves. So when we give place to fear, negative emotions about ourselves/other people, or speak death-filled words about ourselves/other people, we are breaking the commandment of love. When we break the commandment of love, we are giving place to sin. And the wages of sin is death. So when we encounter challenges in our lives, it's not so much that we are experiencing an attack from the devil as we are cooperating with him. Our negative behaviour and emotions are simply the result of us listening to and acting on his lies and suggestions about ourselves or other people, and we are stepping out into his territory where the law of sin and death is still in full operation. Join me as we go through the Word to get to Know Our Adversary!
8/19/202236 minutes, 57 seconds
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083 - Know Thy Adversary Part 7

Part 7 Our enemy, the devil, is sly, cunning, and subtle. He doesn't march up to us with horns and a pitchfork and demand that we give him access to our lives, he has to use craftiness and deceit to trick us into giving him place and power that he no longer has. He has to use his schemes - his thoughts and suggestions - to deceive us into cooperating with him and exposing ourselves to the law of sin and death which is the law that is still in operation in his domain - the earth.  This week we're looking through the Word to uncover some more ways that we can unknowingly give place to, or cooperate with, the devil. When we know our enemy and the tactics he uses to get access to our lives, we can be fully prepared and meet him at the door so that we never give him place or opportunity ever again!
8/12/202227 minutes, 56 seconds
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082 - Know Thy Adversary Part 6

We've all heard the expression that someone "gave the devil an open door". But is it possible to do this? Can we give the devil an open door to steal, kill or destroy in our lives? The Bible tells us in Ephesians 4:27 to "give no place to the devil". If the Bible tells us not to give him place, then it must be possible to give him place.  But thank God, the Word is very clear about the things that give the enemy power, opportunity, and occasion for acting. When we are educated and aware of the things that we do that give him place, we can employ preventative measures and never allow him access ever again! Join me as we go though the Word to expose our enemy and his tactics!
8/5/202226 minutes, 30 seconds
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081 - Know Thy Adversary Part 5

Part 5 The enemy has no power in the earth without a person in a flesh-and-blood body submitting to him, and the way that he deceives people into submitting to him is through THOUGHTS. If the enemy can deceive us into thinking his thoughts, our words and actions will follow, and that's when we will start cooperating with the devil, or give him an "open door". God has put certain spiritual laws into place that are designed to work for us and benefit us. But if we cooperate with the devil through our words and actions, these spiritual laws will work against us and we expose ourselves to the law of sin and death. This week we will begin to look at some of the ways we can give the devil an "open door". When we know his tactics and schemes we can take action to never fall for them or give him access ever again!
7/30/202234 minutes, 40 seconds
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080 - Know Thy Adversary Part 4

Part 4 When Jesus conquered Satan at the cross, he was stripped of the dominion and authority that man had willingly submitted to him, and that authority and dominion was given back into the hands of man. However, it is still possible for the devil to use the same tactic he used in the Garden of Eden - deception - to trick men into submitting to him and therefore empowering him to carry out his wicked plans. A spirit - any spirit - has to have a human flesh-and-blood body cooperating with it in order to accomplish anything on this earth. The reason there is so much evil still raging on this planet is because people, in flesh-and-blood bodies, are unknowingly submitting to the lies and deception of the devil and in doing so, cooperating with him to carry out his wicked schemes on the earth. Ephesians 6:12 confirms this: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age and against spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. So how does Satan trick and deceive people into submitting to him? Join me for Part 4 of "Know Thy Adversary" to find out!
7/21/202231 minutes, 34 seconds
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079 - Know Thy Adversary Part 3

When Jesus went to the cross and then rose from the dead, He paid the ransom that Satan was holding against his hostages - mankind - in FULL. The complete payment for sin has now been made, and sin is no longer an issue between God and man. And because the ransom was paid, Jesus was finally able to execute judgement on Satan and he was hurled to the earth. The accuser of the brethren has been cast down and can no longer accuse us before God! But the even better news is, that when God raised Jesus up, we were raised up TOGETHER WITH HIM! We are now seated in Heavenly places WITH him! Satan and all of his forces of darkness are under Jesus' feet, therefore they are also under OUR feet! Join me as we go through the Word to find out more about our Adversary.
7/14/202231 minutes, 58 seconds
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078 - Know Thy Adversary Part 2

Part 2 "If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." ~ Sun Tzu, The Art of War. Lucifer had successfully deceived Eve into eating the forbidden fruit, Adam had willingly disobeyed God, and mankind had handed the dominion and authority God had given them over to Lucifer who then became Satan - our adversary. What happened next? Find out in this episode as we go through the Word and get to know more about our adversary. 
7/7/202226 minutes, 4 seconds
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077 - Know Thy Adversary Part 1

Ever heard any of these phrases? “The devil is defeated, we can just ignore him.” “We shouldn’t talk about the devil - it just gives him more power.” “That person really opened a door to the devil.” There are many different opinions and doctrines about what our attitude towards the devil should be.  But what does THE WORD say? 1 Peter 5:8 tells us that we have an adversary and he is the devil. He roams like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 2 Corinthians 2:11 also warns us to NOT BE IGNORANT of his devices - his wiles, strategies and schemes. That word “ignorant” is the Greek word “agnoeo” which means to “have no understanding of”, “be uninformed of”, or “be wilfully ignorant of”. God tells us NOT to be ignorant of the enemy’s schemes and tactics, because if we are, we won’t know when, what or how to resist. And if we don’t know when, what or how to resist, he can successfully “devour” us.  The Good News is, that God has given us EVERYTHING we need to know about our adversary and how to resist him!  Join me as we journey through the Word to find out: Who is the devil and where did he come from? When did he “fall”? Does he have any power? If so, where does he get it? What are the wiles and schemes of the devil? Can we give the devil an “open door”? How do we successfully resist the devil so that he flees every time? You will be informed and equipped with everything you need to know about your adversary and you will never have to fall victim to any of his schemes EVER AGAIN! 
6/30/202238 minutes, 56 seconds
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076 - Back To Basics Part 4

Part 4 Practical Application: HOW do we do the Word every day so that we can become masters of the fundamental principles of faith?  Listen to the final episode in this series as we go to the Word to find out! 
2/14/202229 minutes, 28 seconds
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075 - Back To Basics Part 3

Part 3 Elite athletes stick to their training schedule rigidly, and they don't just train every now and then, or when they feel like it, or only when there's a competition coming up, they train every single day, diligently and with determination. They train CONTINUALLY. God tells us in James 1:22-25 that if we want to be blessed and see good success in all that we do, we must not only be doers of the Word, we must CONTINUE in the Word.  This means - not fitting the time we spend doing the Word around our lives, but fitting our lives around the time we spend doing the Word, and doing it consistently, diligently, and with determination. Listen as we go through the Word to find out how to go "Back To Basics"!
2/14/202231 minutes, 2 seconds
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074 - Back To Basics Part 2

Part 2 The very foundational, fundamental principle of walking by faith is to SPEAK the Word, because 2 Corinthians 4:13 tells us that if we believe (what is written) we must SPEAK (what is written). But why is the "speaking" part so necessary? Why does God place such huge emphasis on us speaking (confessing) His Word? Join me as we go through the Word of God to find out!
10/28/202130 minutes, 29 seconds
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073 - Back To Basics Part 1

When we’re believing God for something and not seeing the results we want, it’s easy to get discouraged and think that there’s something we're missing, or that the secret to our breakthrough is something we haven’t yet discovered.  But walking by faith and having victory over the circumstances isn’t always about discovering some brand new faith secret, and it doesn't require a special faith skill or talent that only a few people have. It’s simply finding out what God says to do, and doing it. And keeping on doing it, and doing it consistently.  Receiving everything God has given us by grace is simple. So if we’re not seeing the results we want to see, could it be that we’ve neglected to do the very things that are the foundational principles of walking by faith? Could it be that we need to go back to basics? Join me as we go through the Word to remind ourselves of the fundamental principles of faith, and how to put them to work!
10/12/202132 minutes, 3 seconds
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072 - Praying Effectively For Others - Lynette Richards with Patsy Cameneti

Do you have unsaved loved ones that you want to see receive salvation? Or maybe they’re in bondage to addictions, mental heath issues, or sinful lifestyle?  There is a way you can pray to see those people’s lives turned around and transformed by the power of God! Recently, my mother Lynette Richards was interviewed by our pastor Patsy Cameneti at Rhema Family Church in Brisbane. My mother is a powerful and committed prayer who knows her authority over the devil. By praying the prayer of authority for unsaved family members she has seen her whole family come to the Lord. In addition to this, mum’s passion and ministry is to partner with people in prayer and pray with them for issues they are experiencing in their lives, such as relationship issues, children with diagnoses, and emotional problems. Through consistent, effective prayer, mum has seen amazing breakthroughs and results in her own family and in the lives of the people she partners with. Be empowered and encouraged that there is nothing that is impossible for those who know their authority and refuse to back off on their stand of faith! Be blessed as you listen to Patsy Cameneti and Lynette Richards speak on Praying Effectively for Other People at Rhema Family Church, Brisbane.
6/7/202157 minutes, 20 seconds
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071 - Remember Your Position! Part 5

Part 5 God has given us powerful spiritual weapons - not to GET victory over the enemy, but to MAINTAIN our position of victory over the enemy and everything that’s from him.  These weapons are all as powerful as the other and the enemy has to retreat at every single one of them.  Join me for the conclusion of this series as we continue to learn about who we are in Christ and everything that's already ours through the finished works of Jesus!
4/30/202138 minutes, 32 seconds
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070 - Remember Your Position! Part 4

Part 4 God has given us powerful spiritual weapons to MAINTAIN our position of victory over the circumstances, symptoms, or any contrary "voice" that would try to talk us out of our position. All of these weapons are as powerful as the other when we use them the right way - that is, that we are not using them trying to "get" victory over the enemy, we are using them to ENFORCE our victory. This week we go through the Word to learn more about the weapons God has given us, and why they are so powerful.  When we know who we are in Christ and our position seated with Him, we will never let anything talk us out of that position ever again!
4/19/202130 minutes, 1 second
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069 - Remember Your Position! Part 3

Part 3 The key to remembering and maintaining our position in Christ is to become FULLY PERSUADED of our position. When we are fully persuaded of who we are and what we have been given through God's grace, we won't let anything or anyone talk us out of it. Join me this week as we go through the Word to find out how to become fully persuaded of your position! We will also begin to look at the mighty spiritual weapons God has given us to maintain our position.
4/12/202135 minutes, 19 seconds
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068 - Remember Your Position! Part 2

Here’s some interesting facts about kings: The title of “King” is an inherited position - it’s not earned or worked for, it’s a position that is bestowed on someone by birthright. It is a King’s responsibility to protect and defend the kingdom A King is expected to engage in offensive war against the enemies of the kingdom when the kingdom’s safety and peace is compromised A King has been granted divine power to carry out these tasks All of the the resources of the kingdom are at the King’s disposal to rule effectively. A King is still the King whether he’s in the throne room, lying in bed, walking in the garden, or going shopping. A King is still the King even if he doesn’t FEEL like he’s king that day A King knows he’s King, not because of his physical location, what he’s wearing or doing, but because it’s his WHO HE IS. Everything in his kingdom has to come under his rule and authority because of the POSITION HE HOLDS. In Romans 5:17 tells us that we are to "reign in life" which literally means as KINGS! In today's episode we go through the Word to find out more about this amazing position God has appointed us to, and how to REMEMBER and MAINTAIN our position!
3/29/202126 minutes, 44 seconds
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067 - Remember Your Position! Part 1

Have any of these questions ever crossed your mind? Have I confessed the Word enough to get healed? Should I speak to the mountain once then ignore it, or should I speak to it several times? If I do that am I still in faith? Have I done too much binding and not enough loosing, or not enough binding and too much loosing? Should I just be praising God for my answer now, or should I still be speaking to the problem? Am I saying/doing everything right? And the result is frustration and confusion and eventually, we are tempted to give up fighting the fight of faith because it’s all too confusing and hard. Sometimes we can get so caught up in what we are or aren’t doing right in our walk of faith, that we forget that victory over our circumstances isn’t a formula, it’s a position! We have to REMEMBER OUR POSITION! We are not the sick fighting FOR healing, we are already the healed using the spiritual weapons God has given us to MAINTAIN our position of victory over the symptoms that are trying to talk us out of our healing. Listen as we go through the Word to learn what and where our position is, how we become fully persuaded of our position, and discuss all the spiritual weapons God has given us to MAINTAIN our position!
3/21/202127 minutes, 17 seconds
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066 - No More U-Turns: How To Hear God And Be Led By The Spirit Part 6

Part 6 In the final episode of this series, we go through the Word to find out do we train ourselves to recognise and respond to the voice of God and allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit? God had made it very simple for us - all we have to do is what the Word tells us to do! When we are led by the spirit we don't have to have any more u-turns, setbacks or delays. We will make the right decisions the first time, every time!
11/9/202028 minutes, 36 seconds
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065 - No More U-Turns: How To Hear God And Be Led By The Spirit Part 5

Part 5 In the last four episodes we've learned all about how God speak to us and leads us by His Spirit, but what are the BENEFITS of this?  In this week's episode we talk about some of the real-life situations and scenarios where we will benefit enormously from allowing ourselves to hear from God and be led by the Spirit. Why? Because God wants us to win all the time, every time!  He ALWAYS leads us into triumph when we let Him show us HOW! (2 Corinthians 2:14)
11/3/202029 minutes, 3 seconds
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064 - No More U-Turns: How To Hear God And Be Led By The Spirit Part 4

Part 4 Have you ever missed doing what you knew the Holy Spirit wanted you to do? How can we be be certain that we're hearing from God and not simply being influenced by our own thoughts and ideas? In this week's episode we go through the Word to find out what to do when we realise we've missed God and what we can do to enable God to turn Plan A back into Plan A! We will also learn how to tell the difference between the voice of God and our own voice, and know for certain that we're truly being led by the Spirit and not our own ideas and opinions. Hearing God and being led by the Spirit isn't difficult - it's all about tuning into the right frequency!
10/26/202030 minutes, 16 seconds
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063 - No More U-Turns: How To Hear God And Be Led By The Spirit Part 3

Part 3 We were created with the ability to hear God! God tells us that His sheep DO hear his voice and DO know Him and DO follow Him. In fact, we can become so familiar with the voice of the Good Shepherd that we will recognise every other voice as a stranger's voice and we will RUN from it! (John 10:5) In this week's episode we continue to learn about the different ways God speaks to us and some VERY important things to keep in mind when we are needing to hear from God and be led by the Spirit.
10/5/202030 minutes, 39 seconds
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062 - No More U-Turns: How To Hear God And Be Led By The Spirit Part 2

Part 2 God is not withholding anything from us!  All of the wisdom, insight, understanding, knowledge, ideas, and solutions we could ever need for any situation in our lives has already been made available to us, but we have to learn how to RECEIVE it.  Just like a radio station - God is always transmitting to us, but just like a radio set, we have to have the right receiver and learn how to tune into the correct frequency to hear Him clearly, otherwise all we will hear is white noise and static. In this week's episode we go through the Word to find out where God speaks to us, and the different ways He leads and directs us. 
9/29/202035 minutes, 57 seconds
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061 - No More U-Turns: How To Hear God And Be Led By The Spirit Part 1

We are all faced with choices on a daily basis; not only in matters that affect us on a personal level but also in the moral, social, and cultural issues where the line between what’s right and wrong, what’s good and what’s evil is becoming more and more blurred. And that’s why, more than ever, we need to hear from God and be led by the Spirit. God promises us that the Spirit of Truth will guide us into ALL truth (John 16:13). We can trust the Holy Spirit to direct and guide us in every detail of our lives, from the simple day to day decisions, to being able to confidently discern the difference between what is TRUTH and what is a lie. When we are led by the Spirit, we won’t have to make any more U-turns. Our decisions and choices will be in perfect alignment with God’s plan for our lives. We will always be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right things, with the right people. That's GOOD NEWS!
9/21/202034 minutes, 3 seconds
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060 - How To Pray (the right way!) For Revival Part 2

Part 2 - How to pray for a move of the Spirit Acts 2:16-18 tells us that these are the last days in which the Holy Spirit has been poured out on ALL flesh. The Holy Spirit has already been poured out, and He's never left! So to pray and ask God to please pour out His Spirit, for the Spirit to please move, or for God to touch our hearts by His spirit is sincere, but unfortunately it's the wrong way to pray. The good news is, that there IS a way to pray that will result in a greater move of the Spirit in the earth and greater demonstration of His power that's never been seen before! And it's important that we learn to pray this way. Join me for the final part of this 2-part series and learn how to pray fervent, EFFECTIVE prayers that make tremendous power available! (James 5:16)
7/27/202031 minutes, 46 seconds
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059 - How To Pray (the right way) For Revival Part 1

Part 1 There are two prayers God can’t (not won’t - can’t!) answer:  Prayers asking Him to do something He’s already done, Prayers asking Him to do something He’s told us to do.    Many prayers prayed for revival are prayed like this: “Oh Lord, save the nations! Pour out your spirit! Send revival! Touch people’s hearts! Fill us with your presence!”   They sound nice and sincere, but they’re actually ineffective prayers that God can’t answer.   Why?  Because God has ALREADY provided salvation for all men - they just have to receive it. (Hebrews 10:14) He had ALREADY poured out His spirit on the earth and the Spirit has never left! (Acts 2:16-18) The SAME POWER that raised Jesus from the dead is ALREADY in us - He can’t send more power/fill us/touch us any more than He has! (Romans 8:11)   So what is the RIGHT way to pray for revival and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in these last days?   Join me as we go through the Word to find out how to pray in line with the Word and the finished works of Jesus!   When the church begins to pray fervently and EFFECTIVELY for revival, amazing things will take place!
7/17/202037 minutes, 13 seconds
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058 - How To Cast Your Care Part 3

Part 3 If God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble, and the humble person is the person that casts all their care onto the Lord, then it’s important that we find out exactly HOW to cast our care! In the final part of this series, we discuss how to cast our cares onto the Lord and how to unload and roll them over onto Him so that He can carry the weight of it - or do the caring - for us. When we do what God tells us to do and cast our cares, we are humbling ourselves under the mighty hand of God. God promises that there is grace for the humble, and God will exalt you in due time!
6/17/202033 minutes, 57 seconds
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057 - How To Cast Your Care Part 2

Part 2 Ever notice how young kids are always happy? They don't worry about how they're going to pay their school fees, where their next meal is coming from, or who's going to buy them their clothes. Why? Because they know mother and father will sort it all out for them. Our Heavenly Father wants to carry our care! He is the expert financier, health guru, relationship advisor...and He's got the wisdom, advice and counsel we need - if we are willing to give our care to Him and let Him sort our problems out for us. In this week's episode, we talk about some more of the sources of care.  We will learn to identify areas of our lives where you may be carrying care, so that we can then learn how to cast it.
6/9/202038 minutes, 44 seconds
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056 - How To Cast Your Care Part 1

When we're faced with a problem, a very important questions we must ask ourselves is, "Am I being proud about this or humble?" 1 Peter 5:5-7 tells us that God RESISTS the proud, but gives GRACE to the humble. The proud person says, "I've got this. I'll try everything I can think of first. I can carry this care." And they get resisted. The humble person says, "I don't "got" this. I can't carry this care. Lord, I humble myself and cast all my care onto you." And then what happens? God can get grace to - and exalt - the humble! In this series, we go to the Word to find out WHAT care is, WHY God tells us to cast it, and most importantly, HOW to cast it.
6/3/202037 minutes, 29 seconds
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055 - Things Obey Words Part 4

"We have what we say" is a spiritual law. (Proverbs 18:21, Mark 11:23) This law works 100% of the time when we use our words for moving mountains and calling things that be not into being, but it also works 100% of the time when we use our words to complain, criticise, judge, curse, speak negatively, and talk about the problem. We are either attracting life or death to our lives through our words. But Good News! In His great grace and love toward us, God has given us a precise and detailed Instruction Manual (the Word of God) in which He shows us both how to use this spiritual law to our advantage and enrich our lives, and also how to avoid using our mouth as a magnet for death, disaster, and destruction. Listen to this week's episode to learn more!
5/20/202036 minutes, 20 seconds
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054 - Things Obey Words Part 3

How many times should I speak to the mountain? What does it mean to "doubt not in my heart"? Do my words really have the power to change my situation? Join me for Part 3 of "Things Obey Words" to find out what the Bible has to say in answer to these common questions and be empowered with revelation from God's Word!
4/29/202033 minutes, 51 seconds
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SPECIAL - The Faith Response To Coronavirus

Coronavirus has grabbed the attention of the entire planet and the world is reeling in chaos and fear. This situation didn't take God by surprise. From the foundations of the world He knew the crises the world would face and He has ALREADY provided a way of escape! Today I want to encourage you with what God says about Coronavirus and what we, as believers, should be doing about it.  John 16:33 - "In the world you will have tribulation but TAKE COURAGE! I have overcome the world!"
3/21/202030 minutes, 20 seconds
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053 - Things Obey Words Part 2

Do you know that science is only just now proving things that the Bible has said for millennia? Things obey words! At it's most subatomic level, everything in existence is made of microscopic particles called "quarks". A quark is the foundational structure of all matter - or everything that is seen. Quarks are not stationary, they are constantly vibrating. Even solid matter like a table is constantly moving and vibrating. When applied, ENERGY changes the vibration of the quarks that make up a matter. The energy produced by a microwave acts on the quarks that make up food, causing their vibration to speed up. This produces heat, and the result is heated food. A refrigerator's cold air slows down the vibration of food's subatomic particles which causes it to last longer or even freeze. WORDS are energy, and word-energy changes the subatomic vibration of matter. That's why Jesus told us to SPEAK TO the mountain and to SPEAK TO the sycamore tree (Mark 11:23, Luke 17:6) and they would obey us. The mountain and tree represent any obstacle, hindrance or problem we may face. Jesus promises us that when we speak TO the obstacle, hindrance or problem, that is WOULD obey us. Why? Because our energy-filled words are working on that thing at its subatomic level and the "matter" has to respond to the energy we are applying to it.  Isn't that GOOD NEWS?! It doesn't matter how small you think your faith might be - even if you think it's only as big as a mustard seed - start speaking TO your problem! Whether it's emotional, financial, relational, or physical, tell it what it has to do and know that it HAS to obey you! Jesus (and science!) say so!
3/17/202031 minutes, 21 seconds
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052 - Things Obey Words Part 1

In the beginning, God was there, the darkness was there, and the Spirit was there, but nothing happened until God SAID, Light BE and light was. God created the whole universe by issuing commands and expecting them to be carried out. God created us to operate and function the same way - to release faith-filled words out of our mouth into our circumstances and expect them to be carried out. Things obey words. Our bodies obey words. Finances obey words. Emotions obey words. Destructive weather and viruses obey words. Every single thing in this earth was designed to obey words. Words contain creative power and destructive power, restoring power or reversing power, the power to change things and the power to rearrange things - but they have to be spoken in order for that power to be released - and the power is in your mouth. Join me for the beginning of this new series about the power of our words and how to release that power for good!
3/9/202034 minutes, 46 seconds
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051 - You ARE Involved In Politics! The Believers' Responsibility To Pray For Their Nation Part 4

Part 4 In the conclusion to this series, we continue to discuss HOW to pray effectively for our nation using the Word of God, our authority, and the name of Jesus.  Just like Joshua and the children of Israel when they walked around the walls of Jericho - God had told them He had given them the city, but they had to do what He had instructed them to do. For seven days they circled the city and would have seen zero indication that things were changing. They wouldn't have seen any crumbles, felt any tremors, or heard any creaks and groans, yet they persevered and on the seventh day the walls fell flat. God has instructed believers - first of all! - to pray for their nation (1 Timothy 2:1). We may see no visible signs that anything in our nation is changing in the natural, however if we will continue to pray the fervent, effective prayer, we WILL see results because God tells us that our prayers have tremendous impact! Let's not let the things going on in our nation upset or anger us, instead let's pray for kings and all in authority and the effect of our prayers will be far-reaching, history-shaping, and eternal!
2/4/202042 minutes, 58 seconds
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050 - You ARE Involved In Politics! The Believers' Responsibility To Pray For Their Nation Part 3

Part 3 Did you know that there is a wrong way and a right way to pray? In today's episode we begin to discuss HOW to effectively pray over the different areas of our nation.  God has given us authority in this earth and part of the church's responsibility is to set things right that aren't right using our authority, the Word of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the name of Jesus.  It doesn't matter how grim things appear to be, if we will begin operating from our position of authority and taking responsibility for the affairs of our nation, we CAN make a difference! The fervent, effective prayer of the righteous man can accomplish much! (James 5:16)
1/29/202036 minutes
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049 - You ARE Involved In Politics! The Believers' Responsibility To Pray For Their Nation Part 2

Part 2 In today's episode, we continue to learn why it is so vitally important that believers pray for their nation.  Instead of being frustrated, angry, or offended at the things that are going on in our country, or thinking that things are too far gone and that there is no point trying to make a difference, we can take the battle to where the true fight is happening - the supernatural.  God has instructed us - the church - to pray for our nation because prayer is the most powerful and effective way we can get involved in politics - and we don't even have to leave our house to do it! Be encouraged and inspired to get involved in the affairs of your nation God's way and using God's methods.  Whether we like it or not, we ARE involved in politics!
1/12/202035 minutes, 45 seconds
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048 - You ARE Involved In Politics! The Believers' Responsibility To Pray For Their Nation

Are you concerned about what’s going on in your nation?  Whether it’s politically, socially, environmentally, or in any other area of your society, we have not only been given the power but also the responsibility to change what’s going in our nation. One of Paul's most emphatic instructions to the church was to PRAY for all men, for kings and all in authority. (1 Timothy 2:1) Why? Because the way our nation is governed affects us. It affects our families, our finances, our freedom to worship, and every other areas of our lives. In this new series we discuss why it's so vitally important that we believers pray for our nation, and how to pray effectively using the tools God has given us and our authority as believers. Whether we like it or not, we ARE involved in politics!
12/30/201934 minutes, 39 seconds
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047 - What Does It Mean To Trust God? Part 3

Part 3 In the conclusion of this series, we continue our discussion on how we can know if we are truly trusting God, and learn practical steps for how to develop our trust in God. "I trust God"  will no longer simply be a cliché but your trust in God will be seen by your words and actions!
11/11/201928 minutes, 37 seconds
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046 - What Does It Mean To Trust God? Part 2

Part 2 How can we know if we are truly trusting God? In today's episode we discuss what it means to "lean not on our own understanding" and "acknowledge Him in all our ways" You will learn practical truths from God's Word and how to apply them so that instead of the phrase, "I'm trusting God" simply being a religious cliché, you will be able to demonstrate through your actions that you truly trust in the Lord. And you will be being a DOER of the Word!
11/4/201924 minutes, 43 seconds
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045 - What Does It Mean To Trust God? Part 1

"Oh, I'm just trusting God."  It's a phrase commonly heard in Christian circles. But what does it mean to trust God? Are there practical steps we must take to demonstrate that we trust God?  Join me for Part 1 of this series where we discuss what it means to trust God, and how we can be sure that we are trusting God, and practical steps we can take to ensure that we are trusting God.
10/28/201935 minutes, 34 seconds
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044 - You Are The Boss Of The Devil: The Believer's Authority Part 6

Part 6 In the conclusion of this series, we continue to discuss the different areas where we can exercise our authority.  We have been given authority over ALL the power of the enemy, so that NOTHING, by any means, can harm us.  If it's stealing, killing, or destroying  it's from the enemy and you don't have to tolerate it. We hold the same position of authority as Jesus. God has given us His name, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit, and told us how to use them so that we can exercise dominion in this earth.  
9/26/201945 minutes, 26 seconds
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043 - You Are The Boss Of The Devil: The Believer's Authority Part 5

Part 5 God has given us dominion over ALL the earth (Genesis 1:26), and He's also given us authority over ALL the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19), so where and when can we exercise our authority? In this week's episode, we look at how we become fully persuaded of our authority, as well as the different areas that we can exercise dominion using the tools that God has given us. We can exercise our authority over our health, finances, emotions, children, in praying for other people, praying for our nation, and many other areas. Once we receive revelation of our authority, we will never tolerate anything stealing, killing, or destroying from us or anything that affects us ever again!
9/18/201932 minutes, 26 seconds
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042 - You Are The Boss Of The Devil: The Believer's Authority Part 4

Part 4 How do we exercise authority? By praying the right way, by binding (prohibiting) and loosing (allowing), by speaking TO the mountain, and by using the name of Jesus and the Word of God. All this is accomplished through our WORDS. In Part 4 of this series, we continue learning HOW we exercise authority, and the tools God has given us to walk in the dominion He intended for us from the beginning!
9/15/201931 minutes, 55 seconds
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041 - You Are The Boss Of The Devil: The Believer's Authority Part 3

Part 3 "A believer who is fully conscious of the divine power that is backing him up, and therefore of his own authority will face anything that is from the enemy without fear or hesitation." John A. MacMillan - The Authority of the Believer So far we've learned WHY God's given us authority and WHEN we were given authority, now in this episode we begin discussing HOW we exercise our authority. What are the tools God has given us to maintain our position of authority over the enemy and anything that is trying to steal, kill, or destroy from us? Once we learn about who we are, what we have, and how to use what we have, we can begin walking in the dominion and authority God intends for us to walk in!
9/6/201937 minutes, 12 seconds
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040 - You Are The Boss Of The Devil: The Believer's Authority Part 2

Jesus is the head of the church and we are His body but the head cannot do anything independently of the body. The head is constantly sending instructions to the body, but unless the body is operating and functioning as God intended it, things won't get done. God needs us! God is able to do exceedingly abundantly far above all that we can ask or think...BUT it's according to the power that works in us! (Ephesians 3:20) God has supplied the power, but it works through us - we have to plug in and flip the switch. In this episode we discuss WHEN we were given authority over the enemy and hear examples of people who knew and exercised their authority. Receive a revelation of your authority and start walking in it - and you won't put up with anything that is from the enemy for one split second!
8/29/201934 minutes, 30 seconds
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039 - You Are The Boss Of The Devil: The Believer's Authority Part 1

The devil has been defeated, but he's still on the loose. He still roams as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He still comes to steal, kill, and destroy from people who don't know he's defeated and who don't know their authority. As believers, we have been given authority over ALL of the power and ability of the devil so that nothing, by any means, can harm us, but we have to renew our minds to who we are and what we have been given so that we can operate in the full extent of our authority. In this series, you will learn why you have been given authority, when you were given authority, how to exercise your authority, and who/what you have authority over. You will learn practical examples of how to exercise authority in your health, finances, emotions, relationships, and in your nation. Once you receive a revelation of your authority you will never tolerate anything from the enemy in your own life, the lives of those you care about, or the place you live, ever again! "A believer who is fully conscious of the divine power that is backing him up, and therefore of his own authority will face anything that is from the enemy without fear or hesitation." - John A. MacMillan (The Authority of the Believer)
8/24/201929 minutes, 13 seconds
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038 - What To Do When You're In A Trial Part 3

Everything that we need to bring forth our harvest is already in the ground of our heart. We don’t have to know how it the Word works, but just know that it works. Our job is simply to keep sowing and watering the Word. God is for us. He wants us to win more than we want to win and He’s given us EVERYTHING we need to win. But we have to fight the "good fight of faith". It’s called the good fight because we already know the outcome if we don’t give up, cave in, or quit. We have to get aggressive with our faith. We have to decide to be tenacious, aggressive, persistent, determined, and bold.  We have to bite down on the Word like a bulldog bites down on a bone and refuse to let go of our confession of faith until we see the manifestation of what we are declaring that Word for. We bite down on it until patience (endurance) has had it’s perfect work, then we WILL be perfect, complete, lacking in nothing! Join me for the final part of What To Do When You're In A Trial for HOW to employ patience and endurance. 
7/25/201931 minutes, 58 seconds
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037 - What To Do When You're In A Trial Part 2

Satan comes to steal the Word. The enemy will use discouragement, disappointment, and negative changes in circumstances to try and convince you that the Word isn't working. But this is a good indication that the Word IS working, otherwise the enemy wouldn't be there to steal it! Join me for Part 2 of What To Do When You're In A Trial to find out what God has to say about how to stand firm, hold fast, and not let go of your grip on His Word. Learn how to recognise the lies, thoughts and strategies of the enemy that are designed to sift and harass you, so that you can count it all joy, employ your patience, and end up perfect, complete, and lacking in nothing!
7/18/201925 minutes, 52 seconds
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036 - What To Do When You're In A Trial

We're speaking the Word over our situation but it feels like things are getting worse. The symptoms are getting worse, the fights are breaking out, the bills are mounting up...what do we do? What does the Word say to do? God's Word NEVER fails, but we need to know how to stand, and having done all to stand, to stand. We need to employ endurance and patience so that, when patience has had its perfect work, we will be perfect, complete, and lacking nothing! Join me for this week's episode where you'll learn what to do when you're in a trial and how to come through it.
7/10/201927 minutes, 45 seconds
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032 - Darren Saxton's Testimony: Healed of Chronic Back Pain & Relationship With Children Restored

Darren Saxton had been living with chronic back pain for 20 years after a serious car accident. Darren's teenage children had also been separated and estranged from him for 12 years after he and his wife were divorced.  After listening to the Faith Talks podcasts and receiving a copy of Confessions for Life which contains scriptural declarations which he could speak over his children, Darren received revelation of the truth that would make him free. He realised that he did not have to tolerate back pain any longer, and that he could speak the Word over his children and see reconciliation and restoration of their relationship. Darren is now completely healed and free of any back pain, has been reconciled to his children, and is continuing to see manifestation of God's grace in every area of his life as a result of being a doer of the Word. Listen to his testimony and be encouraged and blessed!
5/2/201921 minutes, 6 seconds
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031 - Is God REALLY In Control? Part 3

PART 3 "God is in control!" It's a catchphrase of Christianity that has become a religious cliché and is often used to explain away tragedy, disaster, death, and other negative events.  But is God really in control? Is He really responsible for all the hurricanes, earthquakes, terror attacks, people dying, corrupt governments, and other assaults on mankind? Or if He isn't responsible for them, why does He allow, or permit them to happen? Or if He doesn't permit things to happen, why doesn't He stop them from happening?  And what about Job? And what about Paul's thorn in the flesh?  What does the Bible say about all of this? In this three-part series, we go on a journey through the Word of God and find the answers to each of these questions. Join me as we shed the light of truth once and for all on the question: Is God REALLY in control?
4/12/201945 minutes, 35 seconds
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030 - Is God REALLY In Control? Part 2

PART 2 "God is in control!" It's a catchphrase of Christianity that has become a religious cliché and is often used to explain away tragedy, disaster, death, and other negative events.  But is God really in control? Is He really responsible for all the hurricanes, earthquakes, terror attacks, people dying, corrupt governments, and other assaults on mankind? Or if He isn't responsible for them, why does He allow, or permit them to happen? Or if He doesn't permit things to happen, why doesn't He stop them from happening?  And what about Job? And what about Paul's thorn in the flesh?  What does the Bible say about all of this? In this three-part series, we go on a journey through the Word of God and find the answers to each of these questions. Join me as we shed the light of truth once and for all on the question: Is God REALLY in control?
4/12/201932 minutes, 17 seconds
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029 - Is God REALLY In Control? Part 1

"God is in control!" It's a catchphrase of Christianity that has become a religious cliché and is often used to explain away tragedy, disaster, death, and other negative events.  But is God really in control? Is He really responsible for all the hurricanes, earthquakes, terror attacks, people dying, corrupt governments, and other assaults on mankind? Or if He isn't responsible for them, why does He allow, or permit them to happen? Or if He doesn't permit things to happen, why doesn't He stop them from happening?  And what about Job? And what about Paul's thorn in the flesh?  What does the Bible say about all of this? In this three-part series, we go on a journey through the Word of God and find the answers to each of these questions. Join me as we shed the light of truth once and for all on the question: Is God REALLY in control?
4/12/201935 minutes, 41 seconds
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028 - How To Cast Down Imaginations Part 2

Part 2 of 2 - What does the Word tell us to do when we experience thoughts of doubt, unbelief, confusion, uncertainty, or fear about anything we are believing God for? 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 tell us to, "Cast down imaginations and every high thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God."  The enemy will come against us with schemes, strategies, thoughts, lies, arguments, and suggestions that contradict the Word, and the Word says we are to cast them down. In Part 1 and 2 of "How To Cast Down Imaginations", we go to the Word to find out exactly what imaginations are, and how to cast them down. Casting down imaginations is also a vital part of being a Doer of the Word. Find out more in today's episode!
3/23/201939 minutes, 40 seconds
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027 - How To Cast Down Imaginations Part 1

What does the Word tell us to do when we experience thoughts of doubt, unbelief, confusion, uncertainty, or fear about anything we are believing God for? 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 tell us to, "Cast down imaginations and every high thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God." The enemy will come against us with schemes, strategies, thoughts, lies, arguments, and suggestions that contradict the Word, and the Word says we are to cast them down. In Part 1 and 2 of "How To Cast Down Imaginations", we go to the Word to find out exactly what imaginations are, and how to cast them down. Casting down imaginations is also a vital part of being a Doer of the Word. Find out more in today's episode! 
3/23/201935 minutes, 53 seconds
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026 - Adriana & Hermann Schloss's Testimony: Believing God For A Spouse

Are you single and want to believe God for a spouse? Or is there something you've been believing for for a very long time and feel like you're not seeing any results? Adriana and Hermann Schloss were both single for many years and decided to get serious about taking God at His Word and believe for a spouse. In this episode they share their testimony, and the principles they teach can be applied to any situation you are wanting to see manifestation in. Whatever it is you are believing for, listen to their story and be blessed and encouraged!
3/10/201924 minutes, 59 seconds
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025 - How To Forgive Part 4

Part 4 - As Christians, most of us know that we have to forgive others. We read a lot of scripture and hear many teachings on forgiveness and how important it is, but when it comes down to actually forgiving someone, HOW do we do that? It is vital that we understand not only WHY we must forgive, but also HOW to completely and totally forgive, so that we can be rid of every root of unforgiveness once and for all. Then, nothing will be able to hinder our faith from receiving everything God wants us to have by His grace.
1/18/201940 minutes, 37 seconds
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024 - How To Forgive Part 3

Part 3 - As Christians, most of us know that we have to forgive others. We read a lot of scripture and hear many teachings on forgiveness and how important it is, but when it comes down to actually forgiving someone, HOW do we do that? It is vital that we understand not only WHY we must forgive, but also HOW to completely and totally forgive, so that we can be rid of every root of unforgiveness once and for all. Then, nothing will be able to hinder our faith from receiving everything God wants us to have by His grace.
1/18/201926 minutes, 39 seconds
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023 - How To Forgive Part 2

Part 2 - As Christians, most of us know that we have to forgive others. We read a lot of scripture and hear many teachings on forgiveness and how important it is, but when it comes down to actually forgiving someone, HOW do we do that? It is vital that we understand not only WHY we must forgive, but also HOW to completely and totally forgive, so that we can be rid of every root of unforgiveness once and for all. Then, nothing will be able to hinder our faith from receiving everything God wants us to have by His grace.
1/18/201926 minutes, 58 seconds
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022 - How To Forgive Part 1

As Christians, most of us know that we have to forgive others. We read a lot of scripture and hear many teachings on forgiveness and how important it is, but when it comes down to actually forgiving someone, HOW do we do that? It is vital that we understand not only WHY we must forgive, but also HOW to completely and totally forgive, so that we can be rid of every root of unforgiveness once and for all. Then, nothing will be able to hinder our faith from receiving everything God wants us to have by His grace.
1/18/201927 minutes, 40 seconds
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021 - How To Bridle Your Tongue Part 3

Proverbs 18:21 says that, "Life AND death are in the power of tongue, and they that love it (life or death) shall eat the fruit of it." Based on this scripture and the many others the Word contains about bridling our tongues, it is imperative to not only find out why we have to bridle our tongues, but HOW. Join me in today's episode as we conclude the teaching on why part of being a doer of the Word is to bridle our tongues, and learn some practical steps that you can start applying in your life right now so you can start seeing greater manifestation of God's grace in every area of your life.
12/21/201830 minutes, 57 seconds
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020 - How To Bridle Your Tongue Part 2

The Word of God places huge emphasis on the importance and necessity of controlling our mouth and saying only words that agree with what God says about us. In fact, a vital and fundamental part of being a "doer of the Word" is to bridle our tongues. Find out more in today's episode which is Part 2 of this series: Why we need to bridle our tongues and how.
12/21/201830 minutes, 57 seconds
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019 - How To Bridle Your Tongue Part 1

James Chapter 1 verse 26 warns us that if we think we are "religious" but yet do not bridle, or keep a tight rein on, our tongues, our religion is "useless". We can be applying corresponding action to our faith by speaking the word (see episodes 17 & 18), but it will produce zero results unless we learn to keep a watch over our mouths and bridle our tongues. In this episode, we learn why we have to bridle our tongue and what it means to bridle our tongue. We don't want useless religion, we want to know how to get results to our faith every time! 
12/21/201825 minutes, 52 seconds
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018 - How To Be A Doer Of The Word Part 2

In this episode, we continue learning about what it means to be a "doer" of the Word, and the practical steps we can take to be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only. And the good news is, God promises that a doer of the Word will be blessed in all that they do! Find out how!
11/18/201825 minutes
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017 - How To Be A Doer Of The Word Part 1

In James chapter 1, God tells us that a person who hears the Word only and doesn't do the Word is deceiving themselves, but that a doer of the Word will be blessed in ALL that he does. What is a doer of the Word? How do we become doers of the Word? How do we guarantee that we will be blessed in all that we do? Find out more in this series!
11/18/201827 minutes, 22 seconds
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016 - The Word of God Has Everything You Need

God, through His grace, has already given you everything that you will ever need for life (physical and spiritual) and godliness (to become more like Jesus) - and it is found in His Word. We lay hold of everything that He has provided us through knowledge of His Word, and we partake of His divine nature through the great and precious promises found in His Word. Want to know how? Join us for today's episode!
11/3/201846 minutes, 13 seconds
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015 - What Is The Word and What Does It Do? Part 2

The light of the Word of God will dispel and drive out the darkness in any area of your life. You don't need to get rid of the darkness before you can start speaking the Word, just start speaking the Word and let the Word go to work for you! Find out more about what God's Word can do for you in today's episode.
9/13/201831 minutes, 37 seconds
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014 - What Is The Word And What Does It Do?

If we bought a new appliance or computer, we would go to the instruction manual to find out how it operates and what functions it has. Today we dive into the Bible - our instruction manual for life - to find out what God's Word is, and what it can do for us. Once we understand how God's Word functions and operates, we can put it to work for us and it will do exactly what God designed it to do!
9/4/201830 minutes, 38 seconds
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013 - The Importance of Confessing the Word Part 2

Part 2 - There are so many benefits to confessing the Word, and in this episode we discuss what happens when we confess the Word, and the practical application - how to confess the Word. Start making your declarations of faith and see positive change in every area of your life! For a FREE booklet containing confessions that cover the major areas of your life, email me at [email protected] and request your copy!
8/2/201839 minutes, 11 seconds
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012 - The Importance of Confessing the Word Part 1

God spoke the universe into being by the word of His mouth, and He created us to operate and function just like Him. God has given us His Word - which has creative power - so that when we speak His Word out of our mouth, everything in the natural has to change and rearrange to come into line with His Word. This is called "Confessing the Word". Confessing the Word is one of the fundamental and foundational components to a life lived by faith. In this episode we discuss what confession is, why we need to confess the Word, and how to confess the Word. God's Word in your mouth is as powerful as God's Word in His mouth! For a FREE booklet containing confessions that cover the major areas of your life, email me at [email protected] and request your copy!
8/2/201824 minutes, 28 seconds
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011 - Confessions of Faith Part 2

Part 2 - God's Word in your mouth is as powerful and effective as God's Word in His mouth! In today's episode, we are making confessions of faith taken straight from scripture that cover every area of our lives. Renew your mind to what God says about your circumstances and agree with his Word by declaring it, and see supernatural transformation take place! For a FREE booklet containing confessions that cover the major areas of your life, email me at [email protected] and request your copy!
7/19/201822 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

010 - Confessions of Faith Part 1

Part 1 - God's Word in our mouth is as powerful and effective as God's Word in His mouth! In today's episode, we are making confessions of faith taken straight from scripture that cover every area of our lives. Renew your mind to what God says about your circumstances and agree with his Word by declaring it, and watch supernatural transformation take place! For a FREE booklet containing confessions that cover the major areas of your life, email me at [email protected] and request your copy!
7/19/201831 minutes, 32 seconds
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009 - The Benefits of Praying in Tongues Part 5

Part 5 - Even as a Christian, do you struggle with unforgiveness, anger, strife, drunkenness, addiction, hatred, or any other "fleshly" issues? Do you want more self-control, love, joy, peace, and other fruit of the Spirit? The good news is that God has given us the gift of tongues so that we can overcome the lusts of the flesh and walk in the Fruit of the Spirit - effortlessly! Join us in today's episode to find out how!
7/5/201829 minutes, 13 seconds
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008 - The Benefits of Praying in Tongues Part 4

Do you want to know what your purpose is and what God has anointed you to do? Or do you already know what you're anointed to do but are unsure how to step into or advance further in your anointing? The Holy Spirit will not only reveal to you what your purpose is, He will also propel you into your anointing when you spend time praying in the spirit. Find out how in this week's episode!
6/21/201826 minutes, 7 seconds
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007 - The Benefits of Praying in Tongues Part 3

Part 3 - In this episode, we continue the discussion on the wonderful benefits of praying in the spirit (praying in tongues). Praying in tongues gives us access to the unlimited, all-knowing, boundless wisdom of God. We have the insight and understanding of the Creator of the Universe at our fingertips, and we access that wisdom through God's amazing grace gift to us - praying in tongues. Find out more in this episode!
6/7/201831 minutes, 9 seconds
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006 - The Benefits of Praying in Tongues Part 2

Part 2 - Praying in tongues is like having Swiss Army knife - there are a multitude of benefits all contained in one powerful grace-given gift. In this episode we begin the discussion on what the benefits of praying in the Spirit - or praying in tongues - are. From praying a perfect prayer that is free of doubt and unbelief, to building and strengthening our faith, to praying hidden secrets and mysteries that are unknown to our natural minds - the benefits are immensely powerful, far-reaching, and hugely beneficial. Praying in tongues is our secret weapon against the enemy! Be encouraged to use this gift God has given us and see the effect in every area of your life!
5/24/201830 minutes, 7 seconds
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005 - The Benefits of Praying in Tongues Part 1

Praying in tongues is like having Swiss Army knife - there are a multitude of benefits all contained in one powerful grace-given gift. In this episode we begin the discussion on what the benefits of praying in the Spirit - or praying in tongues - are. From praying a perfect prayer that is free of doubt and unbelief, to building and strengthening our faith, to praying hidden secrets and mysteries that are unknown to our natural minds - the benefits are immensely powerful, far-reaching, and hugely beneficial. Praying in tongues is our secret weapon against the enemy! Be encouraged to use this gift God has given us and see the effect in every area of your life!
5/17/201829 minutes, 25 seconds
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004 - How To Have A Faith Response

When crisis or trouble shows up in our lives, how we respond is vital. We can either respond based on how our emotions are telling us to respond - in fear, anxiety, worry, distress, or grief - or we can train ourselves to respond according to the Word of God and make a Faith Response. In this episode we study the story of the Shunnamite woman who, despite her son dying in her lap, responded in faith and received her son back to life. A faith response will set you on course to victory over the problem every time!
4/19/201829 minutes, 28 seconds
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002 - The Sower Sows The Word: Part 1

(Part 1 of 2) The Sower sows the Word, and we are the sowers. When we sow the Word-seed into the ground of our hearts, the Word will produce the harvest contained in the DNA of that seed. However, the harvest we produce is dependent, not on the condition of the seed, but on the condition of the ground! Learn about the four kinds of ground Jesus talks about in this well-known parable, and how to ensure that your ground is the kind of ground that produces a harvest!
4/19/201826 minutes, 1 second
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003 - The Sower Sows the Word: Part 2

(Part 2 of 2) The Sower sows the Word, and we are the sowers. When we sow the Word-seed into the ground of our hearts, the Word will produce the harvest contained in the DNA of that seed. However, the harvest we produce is dependent, not on the condition of the seed, but on the condition of the ground! Learn about the four kinds of ground Jesus talks about in this well-known parable, and how to ensure that your ground is the kind of ground that produces a harvest!
4/19/201831 minutes, 21 seconds
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001 - Faith in Action: Virginia's Testimony

When Virginia Grace Preston was born prematurely at 24 weeks' gestation, the practical application of everything I had ever learned about faith and grace suddenly became number one priority. Virgina's testimony is a truly encouraging example of faith being put to work in a challenging life-or-death situation.
4/19/201830 minutes, 25 seconds