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Expand with Elizabeth April Cover
Expand with Elizabeth April Profile

Expand with Elizabeth April

English, Religion, 1 season, 123 episodes, 1 day, 22 hours, 59 minutes
Expand with Elizabeth April, offers you insight into the unseen. Each week EA dives into topics like The Matrix, Simultaneous Time, Consciousness, Quantum Physics, Spirit Guides, Aliens, Awakening, The Mandela Effect and more! Channelling straight from the Universe, Elizabeth April is here to help increase the planet's vibration by spreading Truth, Knowledge and Awakening. Walk with her on a journey of Self-Discovery, Soul-Awakening, and Cosmic-Disclosure. Are You Ready?
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I Got Punched in the Face

A harrowing tale but also a spiritual journey deep inside the jungles of Panama! Listen now and be sure to give this podcast a 5-star rating if you enjoy these episodes!!   -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
5/23/202337 minutes, 36 seconds
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Starseeds vs. Humans

What even is a Starseed and what is the difference between a Starseed and a human? Listen today to find out more! Check out my other social channels and my membership platform for hundreds of incredible downloads and activations!!   -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
5/9/202330 minutes, 50 seconds
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Hive Mind

What is a hive mind? Is it beneficial or harmful? What if humanity shared one goal, one soul, one mind?    Listen now, EXPAND today! Give this podcast a 5-star review to help a sister out!   -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
4/25/202332 minutes, 25 seconds
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STOP Being a Victim!!

Look, hear me out, it is totally okay to feel sad and emotional... even hopeless at times. These are all natural and normal human emotions. But the second we identify with being the victim of life is the second we lose focus on who we really are and what we are capable of.    Listen to this, be sure to give this podcast a 5-star review and share it with the ones you love!   -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
4/11/202333 minutes, 48 seconds
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Incredible Interview with a Rocket Scientist

I really felt the soul connection with Shehnaz Soni. Her story is absolutely remarkable and I feel good about having some awakened ones embedded in the system!    Make sure you give this podcast a 5-star rating and review!   -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
4/4/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 24 seconds
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Eastern vs. Western Medicine

Do you feel stuck between Eastern and Western medicine?  The best news is that you don't actually have to make a choice! In the quantum world, everything exists all at once and we are here to experience it all! Enjoy this episode! It's time to feel liberated with all the options!   -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
3/21/202326 minutes, 16 seconds
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Starseeds... Get Your SHIFT Together!

It's time Starseeds!!! Stop holding yourself back, stop doubting your magic and step up!! If you need some extra motivation, listen to this episode and don't forget to give my podcast a 5-star review and share it with the ones you love!!   -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
3/7/202337 minutes, 14 seconds
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OCD, Anxiety and Starseeds

Anxiety and OCD have been an increasing concern not just for adults but also in the younger generations. Why is this the case and how can Starseeds navigate these difficult conditions? -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic    
2/21/202334 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Threat of Artificial Intelligence

We've got a situation on our hands, and sometimes the best way to resolve it is through awareness.... -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
1/24/202324 minutes, 56 seconds
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Starseed Communities 2023

Have you always felt like the black sheep of your family, your friend group and your town? You are not alone!! Listen to this to get a feel for Starseed community vibes! Be sure to give this podcast a 5-star review and share it with your friends and family!!   -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
1/12/202320 minutes, 17 seconds
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Let Go of the Bullsh*t Hop into the Real Sh*t

What a perfect time of year for this important podcast episode! Time to look in the mirror and figure out what really matters.    Please give this podcast a review to show your support for me! Check out the rest of my links below! Have an epic day!   -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
12/27/202221 minutes, 40 seconds
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Why You’re Psychic Abilities are Blocked

Do you feel like you have psychic abilities but haven't been able to fully tap into them? Listen to this! You are not alone!!   -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
12/13/202230 minutes, 8 seconds
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Dark Entities & Trickster Spirits

Have you ever been psychically attacked? We can't be ignorant to the darkness that does exist out there. Listen to this episode to get the low-down on entities and trickster spirits so that you can move forward with the most amount of discernment!   Be sure to give this podcast a 5-star review if you enjoy it!   -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
11/15/202231 minutes, 20 seconds
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Seeking Pleasure with Elizabeth April

Feeling good is great, isn't it? If only we could just feel good all the time wouldn't it make things easier? Well, not exactly. Seeking pleasure might just be humanity's greatest downfall... listen now to find out why.   Be sure to give this podcast a 5-star rating if you love the content!     -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
11/1/202227 minutes, 32 seconds
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Believe in the Unbelievable

What would happen if you let go of all preconceived notions? What would happen if for an instant anything was possible? How would your reality change? Be sure to give this podcast a 5-star rating if you enjoy it!     -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
10/18/202220 minutes, 28 seconds
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Trauma Healing

Wow, the energy has been intense and we all seem to be diving deep into our own healing journey. Listen to this if you feel like you are in the middle of it and need some assistance!   -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
10/4/202221 minutes, 42 seconds
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Mermaids...Ancient Species or Mind Illusion?

Have you ever wondered about Mermaids? I know I have! Listen to these epic tails of channeled information and come to your own conclusions!   -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
9/20/202218 minutes, 31 seconds
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Dark Matter

What is that 85% part of the unobservable Universe? Ponder this with me! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
9/6/202219 minutes, 44 seconds
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Starseed Consumption Vs. Creation

Are you a consumer or a creator? Choose where you put your energy wisely... Give this podcast a 5-star review if you enjoy it!!   -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
8/23/202218 minutes, 32 seconds
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Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti - real or Myth?

Have you ever pondered the existence of cryptids like Bigfoot?  Make sure you give this podcast a 5-star review if you like it and check out my links below for all other things! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
8/9/202218 minutes, 18 seconds
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Removing Energy Blocks

What are energy blocks, how do you know if you have them and how do you release them once you know? -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
7/26/202226 minutes, 59 seconds
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CERN Should We Be Scared?

Hot Topic this week! Since recording this episode there has been so much more info about this! Please head to my YouTube channel to check out the recent downloads, don't forget to subscribe while you're there!! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
7/12/202229 minutes, 12 seconds
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Aliens & Disclosure 2022

Wanna know when disclosure is happening?   Well, SURPRISE it's here, now.    Make sure you review this podcast if you want to hear more! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
6/29/202219 minutes, 22 seconds
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Cannabis & Psychedelics with Elizabeth April

DRUGS :P Let's talk about them!  Be sure to click the link below for all my exciting new offers to the world! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
6/14/202225 minutes, 8 seconds
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Consumerism & Starseeds 2022

Why do we have an insatiable need to consume??    Listen, Review & EXPAND    -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
5/24/202220 minutes, 4 seconds
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God Fearing

I was raised Catholic, which means I was raised as a "good God-fearing girl". Has anyone ever just stopped to question that term and really understood what's happening behind the scenes? -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
5/10/202223 minutes, 54 seconds
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Your Phone is Another Dimension

Ever wonder what's really happening when you're scrolling aimlessly on your phone?  If you enjoy these episodes be sure to review & share with your community!!   -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
4/26/202220 minutes, 13 seconds
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Dissociative Identity Disorder & Starseeds

I am not a psychologist, nor would I ever want to be. This is meant to help you think about yourself and your identifiers in different ways not to diagnose or give advice.    If you enjoy this podcast please write a review and share it with a friend who needs a new perspective! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic    
4/12/202224 minutes, 59 seconds
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Tulpas & Slenderman

Do you believe your mind creates the world around you? If not, this episode is sure to change your mind! Just be careful what you focus on... because you might just create it... Be sure to SHARE & REVIEW this podcast for more epic content!!! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
3/30/202219 minutes, 14 seconds
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Becoming a B*dass Boss

Why be an employee and take orders when you can be your own boss!  Take your power back and start your own business today! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
3/22/202222 minutes, 45 seconds
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Reprogramming Your Hardwiring

If you ask me, this is the BEST time to reprogram your mind. When the world is shifting and you are feeling it all, it can be difficult to find peace within. Listen, apply & change your life for the better when you begin reprogramming your hardwiring!   If you are looking for a more intensive way to reprogram I recommend my 4-month SHIFT Masterclass, found here:   -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
3/8/202225 minutes
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Haters & Trolls

Whether you are a public figure or not, you most likely have been subjected to haters or trolls online. It's time for us to open up and take our power back from the projection of others.  As always thank you all for being here! Be sure to review the podcast and share it with your awakening friends!  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
3/1/202226 minutes, 58 seconds
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3D 4D 5D SHIFT with Elizabeth April

The shift is upon us, but what is it? How is it affecting our lives and what differentiates us between the 3rd, 4rth and 5th dimensions?  Listen, Learn, EXPAND & Review if you dig this content! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
2/22/202223 minutes, 40 seconds
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Are We Ever ALONE? with Elizabeth April

Being at a different vibration than the people around you can be isolating, scary and lonely... but are we ever truly alone?    If you've ever felt alone, this episode is for you! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic    
2/15/202219 minutes, 14 seconds
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Downloading From Source

We are all psychic, we can all tap into the infinite information the Youniverse has to offer! here are some insights to help you through that process!! If you enjoy my podcast be sure to REVIEW it and SHARE it with your friends and family! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
2/1/202224 minutes, 40 seconds
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Psychosis, Starseeds, & Psychic Attack Navigation

This is an important one, especially for anyone who has even seriously suffered in the past, this may explain why. As always, thank you for being here, keep up the good work and stay neutral!  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
1/18/202228 minutes, 50 seconds
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Starseeds are FLUID.

Screw labels... we are all FLUID! Let's talk about what that means. Remember, you are not just a linear being, you are a multidimensional one!! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
1/11/202227 minutes, 4 seconds
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Identity Freedom with Elizabeth April

It's now 2022 and it's time to send off the old identities... or in fact, all identities. No longer are we being served by labeling ourselves into just one category. Break free and step into UNITY! SHARE for more epic episodes!  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
1/4/202228 minutes, 40 seconds
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Money, Sex & Religion

How did humanity get so corrupt? Let's take a look at some of the biggest and most damaging systems we have surrounding us.  The time is now, you are here for a reason.  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
12/21/202128 minutes
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The Fear of Death with Elizabeth April

The greatest fear humans have is the fear of losing it all, but do we really lose it all? Why do we have the fear of death and how can we overcome it? Share this episode with others who need to hear it! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
12/14/202123 minutes, 58 seconds
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Navigating Relationships in 2022

Relationships are.... complex at times. Here is some information to help you along during these polarizing times.  If you enjoy this podcast be sure to review and check out my other channels for more epic information! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
12/7/202121 minutes, 44 seconds
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Preparing for 2022... in 2021

Alright... we are moving into December and it's time to close off the year. I don't have good news for you though, 2022 might just get worse before it gets better. Listen with an open mind and get prepared for the new year ahead! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
11/30/202119 minutes, 11 seconds
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Challenging Your Reality with Elizabeth April

Do you question your reality? Like... really question it? Well beyond questioning it's time to challenge that reality of yours! Listen, expand & awaken!  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
11/23/202119 minutes
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Look. Up. with Elizabeth April

We live our whole lives looking down, focused on what we believe matters. But what happens when we stop? What happens when we understand the illusion? -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
11/16/202116 minutes, 52 seconds
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5D... You‘re Better Than That!

We are not just 3rd-dimensional beings, in fact, we aren't even just 5th-dimensional beings!! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
11/9/202120 minutes, 41 seconds
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Lucid Dreaming & Beyond with Elizabeth April

Have you ever woken up within a dream? What if we wake up from a dream and go about our day but are actually still dreaming? If we can wake up during dream life can we wake up during waking life? All these questions and so much more in this epic episode!! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic    
11/2/202124 minutes, 50 seconds
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False Light & Source Frequencies

What is the "real light"? Listen & expand!  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
10/26/202115 minutes, 41 seconds
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Navigating Soul Lessons with Elizabeth April

What are we here to learn and HOW do we learn it!? Listen. Expand. Awaken. -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
10/19/202115 minutes, 16 seconds
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Music & Cosmic Frequencies with Elizabeth April

Do you enjoy music just as much as I do? Well, this episode is for you! Music carries frequencies and sets the vibe for the moment. What does music do for you? -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic      
10/12/202119 minutes, 34 seconds
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Pets and Ascension into 5D with Elizabeth April

I have been asked this all the time... are my pets going to ascend? Well, here it is, if you have a pet you love in your life, this episode is for you!! Enjoy! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
10/5/202117 minutes, 28 seconds
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Being Human Sucks with Elizabeth April

We all know it sucks being human, but hopefully, this episode will make it better! Thanks as always for being here! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
9/21/202119 minutes, 23 seconds
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Astral Travel & Quantum Looping

What are the implications of astral traveling? How can we quantum loop through space and time to experience a different reality? Listen, Expand & Share!!  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
9/14/202124 minutes, 6 seconds
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Food Freedom!! With Elizabeth April

Why as a society do we constantly look for identifiers so that we can put rules and conditions on ourselves? Why do we we need to figure out what our diet is and stick to it? Why cant we just LISTEN to our bodies!? If you've had food issues this episode is totally going to realign your perception of food! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic    
9/7/202123 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Downside of Generational Parenting with Elizabeth April

Whewwww this is a big one. Parenting skills or lack thereof, have been passed on from generation to generation. The kids who have been born in the last 10-15 years are in need of something far beyond what we have been taught. Kids are more energetically sensitive and parents are less and less equipped to handle this.  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
8/31/202118 minutes, 36 seconds
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TIME... What is it? With Elizabeth April

Has time been getting... weird? As we raise our vibrations, the laws of physics no longer apply the way they use to. Listen, expand & share!! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
8/24/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
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Opening & Closing Your Third Eye with Elizabeth April

Feeling stuck? Wanting to tap in with your own psychic abilities? This episode is for you!!! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
8/17/202118 minutes, 26 seconds
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If It's FAKE It's Breaking Down (Elizabeth April)

Is shit hitting the fan for you right now? Well, you're not alone...  Aspects of your life are breaking down because you are being lead to BREAKTHROUGH negativity, heaviness, guilt and attachment. You are being lead to a brighter, lighter way of living. Enjoy! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
8/10/202129 minutes, 37 seconds
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Yell At Your Spirit Guides (Elizabeth April)

Having trouble hearing your guides? Sometimes you have to yell to be heard....  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
8/3/202128 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Quantum Identity with Elizabeth April

Who are YOU? The ultimate question we all want to figure out. Wel, listen to this episode and question no more, you've always had the answer. -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
7/26/202132 minutes, 24 seconds
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You. Are. It. (Elizabeth April)

Stop doubting your magical ass self. Full stop.  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
5/25/202121 minutes, 26 seconds
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Navigating Overwhelm with Elizabeth April

Starseed, have you been overwhelmed? In this episode I go through techniques which will help you master your reality, your human reality that is.  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
5/11/202118 minutes, 4 seconds
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Manifesting Through the Mundane (Elizabeth April)

How and when are you manifesting your reality? Without even knowing it we are creating and recreating our reality from moment to moment. Time to take your power back and bring awareness to the moments in between the moments of your day!  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
5/4/202120 minutes, 23 seconds
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Empath & Boundaries with Elizabeth April

Do you feel EVERYTHING!? Do you get overwhelmed easily? Are you struggling with your loved ones and their development? Then this episode is for YOU!! As always, thank you all for being here! Review & Share for more epic content!  -Elizabeth April 
4/27/202124 minutes, 42 seconds
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Starseeds & Spirit Guides with Elizabeth April

Let's talk about GUIDES!!! Did you know that aliens also have spirit guides? Or that your spirit guides have spirit guides? Sit back and enjoy this epic new episode of EXPAND! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
4/13/202126 minutes, 45 seconds
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Not Knowing IS Knowing (Elizabeth April)

I have battled with "knowing" my whole life. As I surrender to not knowing I understand even more of this incredible Universe. Relax Starseed, you might just find what you're looking for, when you're not looking at all.  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
3/23/202119 minutes, 2 seconds
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STOP.... Just STOP (Elizabeth April)

We put conditions on EVERYTHING! The more conditions you live with, the less free you truly are.  It's time to get out of your comfort zone and step into the unknown of infinite possibilities!  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
3/16/202117 minutes, 10 seconds
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Karma's a B*tch (Elizabeth April)

Karma, the only thing that give us rule in this chaotic and unruly Universe... This is just the beginning of thinking about karma in a brand new way!  Enjoy   -Elizabeth April
3/9/202120 minutes, 25 seconds
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Control & Starseeds (Elizabeth April)

As a Starseed, not remembering who you really are or why you ended up here can be extremely tough. Because we loose these memories we feel out of control in our life. Because we feel out of control, we have a tendency to take that control back in other ways. Listen, expand & write a review if you vibe with it! Thank you! -Elizabeth April    
3/2/202128 minutes, 48 seconds
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Freedom & Starseeds (Elizabeth April)

Freedom is so important for Starseeds... Find your freedom now, you deserve it! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic    
2/23/202124 minutes, 32 seconds
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Pattern Interrupt 2021

Don't get stuck in a rut. Fear comes from the unknown.  Be your own pattern interrupt.  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
2/16/202131 minutes, 2 seconds
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Navigating Family Contracts as a Starseed

Ugh Family.... am I right?  Sit back as we dive deep into the best practices for navigating your crazy family situation. Just remember, you put yourself in your family for a reason, now you just have to ask yourself why. -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
2/9/202124 minutes, 38 seconds
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Suffering - Escaping - Suffering & Freedom (Elizabeth April)

Your suffering leads to escaping and escaping leads to more suffering. How do we break the cycle? Listen, Share & Expand! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
2/2/202123 minutes, 14 seconds
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Navigating Polarity with Elizabeth April

False light in a shifting world. What is the truth and how do we navigate these trying times? -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
1/12/202128 minutes, 46 seconds
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False Light Paradox with Elizabeth April

Moving into 2021 we will all be challenged with our understanding of the light. Deep down only you know what aligns with your soul from moment to moment. I hope this podcast recording helps you with discernment!  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
1/5/202123 minutes, 18 seconds
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Starchild, It's Okay To be Confused (Elizabeth April)

You are hopping between vibrations in every moment from moment to moment. Half of you is stuck in the past and the other half of you is tiptoeing into the future. Set intentions, but keep them within the highest vibration! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
12/22/202022 minutes, 3 seconds
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First Chapters From my First Book (Elizabeth April)

I was really nervous to read my book publicly, but it felt so good! This first book is an overview of the stages of Awakening. As the book progresses, the topics become more and more intense. From Autopilot to Aliens, Missions and Quantum Physics!!  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
12/8/202020 minutes, 52 seconds
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How Far is too Far? (Elizabeth April)

Our society is over-sensitive. It's this way because we need to move into the extreme end of calling everything out before we can just BE. However, this state of over-sensitivity is deeply affecting our ability to relax and trust the process.  The time to awaken is now!  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
11/24/202013 minutes, 36 seconds
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Quantum Looping with Elizabeth April

Open your mind, loop your reality & move on to the next level!  5D means things get weird, we need to know that anything is possible before we start experiencing it!  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
11/17/202023 minutes, 52 seconds
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Are You FEELING it? with Elizabeth April

Emotions really do control our day to day lives. Some people have emotional extremes and some are emotionally neutral. Where are you on the spectrum? Thanks for listening!  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
11/10/202022 minutes, 32 seconds
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Communicating With Aliens (Elizabeth April)

Have you ever wanted to communicate with aliens!? Now is your chance!! If you're enjoying my podcast be sure to leave a review and subscribe to my YouTube channel to see my weird facial expressions as I rant haha!! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
10/27/202019 minutes, 44 seconds
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Your New Bullshit Meter (Elizabeth April)

In an age of confusion, where do we find discernment? It's time to WAKE UP and figure out what the TRUTH is to you!! Make sure you check out my socials for more epic content! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
10/20/202024 minutes, 16 seconds
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How To Cut Cords and Clear Contracts! (Elizabeth April)

Every moment of every day you are thinking. Thoughts create reality so you are actually projecting when you think. When you bring someone else into those thoughts you create an energetic cord with them. This epic episode will teach you all about cords and contracts and how to release them!! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
10/13/202023 minutes, 44 seconds
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Timeline Hopping & Manifestation (Elizabeth April)

It's time to hop into a new timeline!! Have you ever wanted to be a super-human? No better time but NOW to start! Check out my other socials and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more epic content! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
10/6/202014 minutes, 8 seconds
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A Different Take on Western Medicine

In the spiritual community, we focus so much on what is "right" or what is "wrong" rather then what feels good for you. Listen to this episode with an open mind, ultimately the choice is up to you, just try not to limit your choices.  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
9/29/202020 minutes, 34 seconds
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Self Awareness Exhaustion with Elizabeth April

The chakras, the ancestors, the past lifetimes, the cosmic identities, the entities, the egos deaths..... and the list goes on. Awakening and awareness can easily be short-lived, its an exhausting process... and we ALL need to be easier on ourselves moving forward. Thanks for listening!  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
9/23/202019 minutes, 38 seconds
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3D-5D Choices Epic Download - Elizabeth April

Playing the Game until you Can't! How to live your best life. How to take ALL of your power back. How to neutralize the resistance of the 3D world and transcend all of your choices! This is POWERFULLLLLL! Thank you for being here! -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic  
9/14/202021 minutes, 58 seconds
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My Visit To A Psychic Village

A personal story of empowerment, psychic abilities and pushing through spiritual traditions. Thank you so so much for being here, I feel grateful every day that this is my mission. Check out my YouTube page for more free content!  -Elizabeth April   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
9/8/202027 minutes, 40 seconds
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3D to 5D Relationships

Struggling with your relationship? Whether you are single or committed, its important that you understand the difference between 3D and 5D relationships so that you can better navigate and attract people that are in alignment with your highest frequency! Thanks for listening, keep up the high vibes!! -EA   Podcast Editor: George Richter (Edestus) Instagram: @edestusmusic
9/1/202016 minutes, 26 seconds
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Gratitude @ It's Core

Alright beautiful beings, let's get down to the basics!! You are moving forward on your path to ascension but still have difficulty with triggers or frustrations!! No need to worry, this podcast episode will give you the tools you need to transcend FEAR into LOVE!!!! -Elizabeth April 
8/12/202024 minutes, 56 seconds
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Human... Its okay to be confused: Message to Starseeds

Are you feeling overwhelmed and confused by life!? Let me explain to you WHY you are feeling this way... AND I give you some really good tangible advice on what you can do to bring better balance to this surreal reality we all live in! Thanks for being here, Enjoy!! -EA
6/16/202015 minutes, 5 seconds
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Self Sabotage... Just Stop... and Love Yourself MORE!

Do you have deep old limiting beliefs that are holding you back from your best life? If you say no... I would be simultaneously surprised and impressed hahaha  Its time to take a good look in the mirror and see what you can find about your own mindset that is holding you back... Love you! -EA
5/7/202012 minutes, 18 seconds
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False Flag Alien Invasion!? 2020

Have you ever heard of the government setting up a fake alien invasion!? There has been a growing concern in the community that this will be an issue in the future. And hey, it may be... listen to this before you get sucked into FEAR! xo -EA
4/21/202011 minutes
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Coronavirus, Conspiracies & Spiritual Awakening (April 2020)

Are you wondering WTF is going on right now? Curious about the coronavirus and the conspiracies surrounding it? its time to test your vibrational level with the three levels described by Elizabeth April and paralleled with the 3rd dimension, 4th dimension, and 5th dimension concepts!!   Thank you for being here and being awake! -EA
4/9/202025 minutes, 16 seconds
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Overriding Chem-Trails, 5G & EMF Technology

Are you freaked out by the chemicals in the air and around us? DONT BE!!! Time to liberate yourself with the understanding that you are more powerful than the influence of the environment around you! The time is NOW! 
1/21/202023 minutes, 24 seconds
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Cosmic Disclosure Will WAKE YOU UP!!! 2020

How does the belief in Alien Life shift and change your DNA? An incredible download of information straight from the source!! Enjoy! 
1/14/202020 minutes, 32 seconds
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Don't Be An Oversaturated Sponge

Are you an empath who takes on too much!?  Do you feel overwhelmed in big crowds and cant handle negative vibes from others? Its time you stop taking on other people's bullshit! Listen, Expand & Subscribe!    -EA
1/7/202028 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Future Of The Next Generation

Are you as scared as I am about the future generation and the over-saturation of technology? Don't worry! There are clear skies ahead! I have personally channeled what that future looks like and it seems we will be going back to a more off-line organic-based interaction system! Listen, Subscribe & Expand! xox -EA
12/31/201916 minutes, 11 seconds
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Hell Only Exists If You Believe It Does...

Ever thought about an impending future where you will be sent to hell for your choices? Well, that sucks! Elizabeth April goes into detail about what really creates the dynamic of hell and how to break yourself free of it! Enjoy & subscribe! 
12/17/201917 minutes, 7 seconds
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Escaping Entanglement

Feeling.... overwhelmed? Are you an empath who takes on the emotions of the world around you? Do you sometimes feel "awkward" with human dynamics and relationships? Elizabeth April dives deep into your subconscious mind. Stop getting entangled, it just makes things messy! Enjoy! 
12/10/201924 minutes, 9 seconds
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This is an EPIC download of information from Elizabeth April! The title does not justify the download! Hang on for an incredible ride with this new podcast release! 
12/4/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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You CAN have it all. Elizabeth April gives a quick overview of how you can truly thrive without compromise. For too long we have been sacrificing and settling. You are granted full permission to say YES and YES!
11/26/201915 minutes, 9 seconds
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Break Free of Blissful Ignorance!

When we convince ourselves that we are happy without actually taking a deeper look, we can create dis-ease and apathy within ourselves. Its time to really start living life by your own standards! 
11/12/201920 minutes, 56 seconds
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STOP Surviving, Start THRIVING

Are you sick and tired of just... getting by? You should be because you are here on this planet to really start living life! Elizabeth April will help you with this in this motivational 20-minute podcast! 
11/5/201922 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Earth Is Tired... Are You Ready?

Some big downloads this past year... things I never really thought about until it came through... again and again. Poor Mother Gaia has been uplifting the planet for generations. Learn about the Sedona Vortexes, Crystals and Plant Medicine. Its time for us to stop looking for some instant quick fix and just realize that we are powerful enough to awakening on our own! Thanks as always for listening! xoxo -EA
10/29/201919 minutes, 2 seconds
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Anxiety Is Your Superpower!

Let's flip the script on Anxiety and understand that it is actually one of our greatest gifts!! Ever heard of Spider-Man? Well, his superpower is something called a "spidy-sense" we actually all have this ingrained within us too!! Its time to use it! Overcome your anxiety and expand your mind!! xox -EA
10/22/201920 minutes, 38 seconds
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Thinking - Feeling & BEING with Elizabeth April

The polarity shift is getting intense here on the planet. Are you more of a divine masculine, divine feminine or just a neutral energy? Learn how to balance these and work with them so you can be in the most harmony within yourself! Expand - Awaken - EA
10/15/201911 minutes, 3 seconds
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Chaos Frequency with Elizabeth April

Have you been feeling chaotic? This is completely a normal step in your awakening shift! You need to find the equilibrium between chaos and calm in order to feel the more harmonized and in balance with the world around you! Listen - Subscribe - Expand - Awaken - EA
10/8/201913 minutes, 9 seconds
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The GREAT Awakening

You are HERE, because you are ready. Its time to take responsibility for the reality we create and ascend to the next vibrational level because of it! Listen - Subscribe - Expand - Awaken - EA
10/1/201920 minutes, 3 seconds
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Quantum Evolution to the 5th Dimension

What exactly happens when we raise our vibration and move into the 5th dimension? What is the definition of the Quantum World and how does that affect us? Its time to open up, shift your DNA and understand that we are ascending into incredible times where anything is possible! Listen - Expand - Awaken - EA
9/24/201920 minutes, 27 seconds
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The TRUTH About Spirit Guides!

Who are your spirit guides? Elizabeth April lays out the biggest misconceptions about spirit guides and simultaneously presents her own understanding of what the truth is regarding spirit guides! EA also gives you a step by step guide on how to connect with your spirit guides! Enjoy & Subscribe!  
9/17/201921 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why We Forget All Our Past Lives

Have you ever wondered if you have lived before? Maybe you have been traveling and you just know that you have been there before but you haven’t. Have you ever met someone and right away liked or disliked them? Do you have a place on your body that is reoccurring injury? Most likely, especially if you’re reading this, you have had past lives before! So why do humans not remember their past lives? Elizabeth April puts it all on the table with this epic new podcast! Listen - Subscribe & EXPAND! 
6/18/201923 minutes, 29 seconds
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How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety

Elizabeth April goes deep into the concepts of fear and anxiety. Elizabeth has suffered from anxiety her whole life and believes it to be a vibrational shift rather then a medical disorder. Old souls, and starbeings are the most affected by anxiety. EA goes through a three step process to help you liberate you from the daunting task of overcoming fear and anxiety. Be sure to subscribe after listening & enjoy! 
6/11/201925 minutes, 11 seconds
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This Will Give You The Chills - EA Awakening Experiences

Are you curious about opening your Third Eye?! On this experiential episode of E X P A N D Elizabeth April takes you on a journey through her own past lives. EA visits experiences with the Tall Greys, Lucid Dreaming and Astral Traveling! This is a podcast you do not want to miss! Listen Now!!
6/4/201924 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to Play the Game

Have you ever really questioned your reality? Have you wondered what we are doing here and what the point of life really is? Elizabeth April goes into detail about “playing the game” of this reality, and why its important to remove yourself every once and while and look at the bigger picture. Get your mind blown and step up your game!
5/28/201917 minutes, 18 seconds
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A Day In The Life Of A Psychic

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be psychic? Have you ever imaged a moment where you were able to tap in to the limitlessness of the universe? Elizabeth April talks about what it’s like to be her, and how you can live that life too! Subscribe & Enjoy! 
5/21/201911 minutes, 10 seconds
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Truth About Simulation Theory

Are we living in a computer game? Do we actually have control? Get ready to surpass your physical limitations and E X P A N D your reality with this EPIC podcast. We are all here for the ultimate experience of our soul's purpose. Elizabeth April is diving deep to break down the truth about Simulation Theory and help you take back your power using Free Will. Listen NOW!!! 
5/15/201922 minutes, 2 seconds
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How to Override Destiny

We are all on a divine journey, but do you know how you got here and where you are going? Elizabeth April is back with another powerful podcast teaching you how to recognize your soul’s purpose and how to override your destiny utilizing your free will.  In order to be in harmonious balance, EA will guide you in working with your soul contracts, destiny and free will. Get ready for a podcast you DO NOT want to miss.
5/7/201921 minutes, 10 seconds
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How The Universe Works - in 30 Minutes

We are here on a journey… not a destination. Part of this journey is transcending and moving forward. Let Elizabeth April breakdown this Universe and show you how to manipulate the world around you to E X P A N D your reality. Get ready for HUGE downloads after listening to this podcast. Are you ready to transcend?! Listen NOW!!
4/30/201928 minutes, 1 second
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How to Hack Your Life in 3 Easy Steps

It’s time to reprogram your mind! Elizabeth April will help you. This podcast will make you RETHINK your current reality and teach you how to HACK your own Matrix. You are the only one in control of the life you are living. Time to turn off that auto-pilot and ask yourself if you are living your best life!!! Listen NOW!!!!
4/23/201923 minutes, 50 seconds
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Unlock Your Cosmic DNA in 3 Steps

Science has confirmed that 90% of our DNA is Junk!!! Elizabeth April will show you how you can activate “JUNK” DNA so you can finally tap into your extraordinary abilities. EA will guide you through the KEY steps to unlocking the evolutionary abilities you have within! Listen now and E X P A N D your reality!
4/16/201925 minutes, 18 seconds
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Never Lose Your Stuff AGAIN - How to Access 5D Memory

Are you always forgetting where you left your keys? Or when you are supposed to be at that important meeting?! Get your mind and your memory blown with this epic 20 minute download from Elizabeth April. The use of memory can SHIFT our entire lives. It's time to stop stressing and start REMEMBERING. Listen NOW!!! Subscribe to EA's iTunes, Spotify & YouTube for more E X P A N D I N G information!
4/9/201921 minutes, 29 seconds
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Welcome to the Awakening

Have you ever questioned your existence? Have you been feeling off but don’t know why? This podcast has the answers for you! Elizabeth April goes into detail about what exactly the awakening is and why that matters for you! The time is now, are you ready?
4/3/201923 minutes, 16 seconds
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Expand with Elizabeth April

Expand with Elizabeth April, a 26 year old international channeler, offers you insight into the unseen. Each week she deep dives into topics like The Matrix, Simultaneous Time, Consciousness, Quantum Physics, Spirit Guides, Aliens, Awakening, The Mandela Effect and more. Channelling straight from the Universal source, Elizabeth April is here to help increase the planet's vibration by spreading Truth, Knowledge and Awakening. Walk with her on a journey of Self-Discovery, Soul-Awakening, and Cosmic-Disclosure.
3/22/20191 minute, 6 seconds