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Exodus Profile


English, Investigative journalism, 1 season, 4 episodes, 2 hours, 32 minutes
A four-part serialised investigative podcast from News24 about a cult in KwaZulu-Natal.
Episode Artwork

EXODUS | Chapter 4: Revival

In the final episode of the Exodus podcast, we dig deeper into the origins of KwaSizabantu Mission – we explore the anointing of Erlo Stegen as the mission's messiah, as well as "the revival of the Zulus" and the resurrection of the dead. News24 Podcasts
10/14/202044 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

EXODUS | Chapter 3: The Escape

For Erika Bornman and Celimpilo Malinga, it was a long walk to the road outside the KwaSizabantu Mission in KwaZulu-Natal. Eventually, one of them was cast out while the other, decided to leave. In this the penultimate episode of the four-part Exodus podcast series, we find out, which is which. News24 Podcasts
10/4/202034 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

EXODUS | Chapter 2: The Road

In the second episode of a four-part podcast series, News24 explores some of the KwaSizabantu Mission's alleged stringent regulations. And the consequences faced by those who fail to follow these rules. News24 Podcasts
9/27/202037 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

EXODUS | Chapter 1: The Mission

KwaSizabantu, a more than 50-year old Christian mission in KwaZulu-Natal has found itself at the core of accusations relating to gross human rights violations. In this first episode of a four-part series, News24 gets exclusive insight into life inside the enigmatic and sequestered mission. News24 Podcasts
9/18/202036 minutes, 38 seconds