Empowered with Revie is a bridge for connection where Revie Jane Schulz will openly be sharing insights to her life. From adverse childhood experiences, Revie feels she’s had a second shot at life; raising the opportunity for her to rewrite a completely new script for how her life looks now. Through this, she gained a mass following on social media and has inspired thousands of women across the globe. From the ins and outs of the entrepreneurial space, trauma resilience, how she attracted her dream life and of course, unpacking the shitstorm that motherhood entails. Each week Revie will be showing up vulnerably and authentically herself; sharing how she last royally effed up or how she survived another week of social media culture as an extreme empath. Other weeks she will be sharing the mic by welcoming some amazing guests and having open, honest and sometimes difficult conversations. Let’s revel in our humanness. Let’s get Empowered by Revie.