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Elder Law Report Profile

Elder Law Report

English, News media, 1 season, 567 episodes, 8 hours, 4 minutes
Keeping seniors and their families informed and up to date on estate planning, elder law and other matters. We help seniors navigate the legal maze of aging in America.
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Creating Inclusive Estate Plans for LGBTQ+ Families

Celebrate Pride Month with us on the Elder Law Report as we promise to equip you with vital estate planning insights tailored for LGBTQ+ individuals and families. Joined by attorneys Samantha Gordon and Jane Dearwester, along with our Marketing Director and Diversity Officer, Morgan Woody, we tackle the unique challenges of non-traditional family structures. Discover the importance of selecting the right agents, incorporating chosen family, and potentially distancing from unsupportive relatives. Hear Morgan's compelling story about starting her estate plan at just 24, overcoming hurdles like disinheritance, and ensuring her partner is recognized as a beneficiary. This episode is packed with essential information, from understanding intestate succession to the crucial role of agents in healthcare decisions, especially for trans individuals.Our discussion doesn't stop at legal intricacies. We highlight the critical need for community outreach and support for LGBTQ+ individuals, emphasizing a safe and welcoming environment at McIntyre Elder Law. Whether you're in Uptown Charlotte, Hendersonville, or Shelby, North Carolina, take advantage of our offer for a free consultation. Reach out to us to ensure your estate plan truly reflects your wishes and supports your chosen family. Don't miss this insightful episode aimed at empowering you with the knowledge to navigate complex estate planning issues with confidence and care.
6/11/202413 minutes, 7 seconds
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Estate Planning for LGBTQ+, Single Parents, and Non-Traditional Families

Are you prepared to ensure your family's financial future, no matter what the structure? Join us in a vital conversation with Jane Dearwester from McIntyre Elder Law, where we challenge the myth that estate planning is only for the wealthy or traditionally structured families. Jane underscores the universal necessity of comprehensive planning tools—like powers of attorney, wills, and trusts—to manage your assets and healthcare decisions effectively, safeguarding your loved ones from unexpected financial burdens.Discover the critical importance of having a general durable power of attorney and healthcare power of attorney before incapacity strikes. Jane shares real-life stories that highlight the risks of not having these documents in place, such as the misconception that a spouse can automatically make decisions in North Carolina. We explore innovative solutions like the e-docs portal, which provides instant, secure access to your essential documents, and emphasize the significance of a living will and last will and testament to guide your family through the probate process and ensure your end-of-life wishes are honored.Lastly, we delve into the complexities of Medicaid crisis planning and asset protection. Jane dispels the common misconception that you need to spend down all your assets to qualify for Medicaid benefits. Learn how proactive long-term care planning can protect your hard-earned assets and provide peace of mind for your future. With Jane's extensive experience and insights, this episode equips you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your estate planning, helping you secure your future and protect your loved ones. Don't miss out on this essential discussion!
6/5/202430 minutes, 21 seconds
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Selecting the Right Agents, Executors, and Trustees for Your Estate Plan: Expert Tips and Advice

Ever wondered who should manage your estate when you're no longer able to? Join us, Jane Dearwester and Jordan Bentley from McIntyre Elder Law, as we demystify the process of selecting trustworthy agents, executors, and trustees for your estate plan. We tackle the questions we frequently encounter in our consultations and seminars, providing you with essential guidelines to make informed decisions. From the importance of trust and reliability to the necessity of open communication, we cover it all with real-life examples and practical advice.We emphasize the crucial conversations you need to have with your potential agents to ensure they are willing and prepared to take on these responsibilities. Neglecting these discussions can lead to unforeseen complications, such as guardianship proceedings where you lose control over who handles your estate. Tune in for our valuable tips on matching roles to the skills of your family members, and learn how to avoid common pitfalls. Don't miss this chance to secure peace of mind for your future.
5/28/202410 minutes, 18 seconds
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Does Everyone Need a Power of Attorney?

Are you prepared for life's curveballs? That's exactly what we, attorneys Samantha Gordon and Jordan Bentley from McIntyre Elder Law, explore in an episode that promises to arm you with the knowledge to safeguard your decision-making powers during unforeseen circumstances. We delve into the importance of having powers of attorney in place as you or your loved ones approach significant life transitions, such as leaving for college or tying the knot. With our legal expertise, you'll learn how to preemptively secure your interests and ensure your voice is heard, even if you can't speak for yourself.Our conversation takes a deep dive into the often-misunderstood realm of legal rights within familial and marital relationships. Whether it's a parent’s role in the life of their newly-minted adult child or the assumption that spouses automatically have decision-making power over each other’s affairs, we debunk common myths and provide actionable insights. By tuning in, you'll find out how to smoothly navigate the legal landscape of powers of attorney, so your assets and well-being remain in trusted hands, no matter the distance or circumstance. Join us on the Elder Law Report for a discussion that could be a game-changer for you and your family.
5/22/20248 minutes, 12 seconds
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Legacy Protection: How to Shield Your Business with Succession Planning

Are you prepared to protect your business's future no matter what life throws your way? Let Brenton Begley and Jane Dearwester guide you through the essentials of succession planning with wisdom and clarity. Together, we unlock the strategies to ensure your business thrives, addressing the need for robust corporate documents and the lifesaver that a durable power of attorney can be. Discover how to select an agent who can navigate your business with precision in your absence and understand the dire consequences of non-compliance with FINCEN's new requirements. This episode isn't just about planning; it's about fortifying your legacy against the unexpected.Navigating the pitfalls of probate without a plan can be a business owner's worst nightmare. Don't let that be you. We dissect the advantages of early succession planning, from establishing an LLC to the wisdom of placing your business in a trust. Learn why meticulous documentation and adherence to corporate formalities aren't just good practice—they're your shield against personal liability and the disintegration of your life's work. Jane and I don't just scratch the surface; we provide a blueprint for safeguarding your business and its stakeholders, preparing you for a future where your vision continues to prosper, come what may.
5/15/202414 minutes, 33 seconds
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Estate Planning with a Focus on Mental Health Protection

Ever wondered how to navigate the often-overlooked complexities of mental health in estate planning? Well, worry no more. Your hosts, Greg McIntyre and co-host Attorney Samantha Gordon ("Sam"), delve into the heart of this matter, breaking down the crucial differences between healthcare powers of attorney and mental healthcare directives. You'll come away with a profound understanding of how to ensure your estate plan meticulously covers both physical and mental health components, and how this can be shaped to reflect your personal health care preferences, be they holistic or conventional. Especially poignant for those with aging relatives or loved ones with special needs, this episode sheds light on the delicate balance between providing financial support and preserving eligibility for government benefits through the strategic use of special or supplemental needs trusts.In our discussion, we underscore the significance of astute estate planning in protecting not just your future but that of your children and grandchildren from the snarls of guardianship and probate. If you're seeking guidance on crafting an estate plan that stands as a bulwark for mental health care, our episode extends beyond mere legal advice. We offer a compassionate invitation for a free consultation to tailor your estate planning to your unique circumstances, ensuring that you and your family can face the future with confidence and tranquility. Join us, and equip yourself with the knowledge and resources to craft an estate plan that truly caters to the full spectrum of healthcare needs.
5/1/202415 minutes, 18 seconds
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Preserving Your Home from Medicaid Recovery: Strategies for Asset Protection

Could your home be vulnerable to Medicaid recovery after you're gone? Join me, Greg McIntyre of McIntyre Elder Law, as I reveal the crucial measures necessary to shield your most valuable asset from being claimed to repay Medicaid expenses. In this eye-opening episode, we dissect the complexities of Medicaid estate recovery and highlight strategies like the Lady Bird Deed—an ingenious solution available in North Carolina that allows homeowners to retain control of their property while securing its direct transfer to heirs, bypassing Medicaid's grasp entirely. Prepare to be enlightened on how to navigate the treacherous waters of asset protection during life's later stages, and the pitfalls to avoid during the critical five-year look-back period.Embarking on this journey, we unravel the often-misunderstood realm of Medicaid eligibility and the dire consequences of improper estate transfers. With the right legal guidance, you can confidently plan for the future, ensuring that your home remains a legacy for your loved ones rather than a reimbursement for long-term care costs. Throughout the episode, we delve into the nuanced approaches of trust planning and other deed options that fortify your estate against claims, while maintaining your qualification for vital Medicaid benefits. Tune in for an empowering session on safeguarding your hard-earned assets, complemented by an open invitation to connect for a personalized discussion on securing your retirement sanctuary.
4/24/20249 minutes, 16 seconds
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New Perspectives in Elder Law with Jordan and Jane

Unlock the synergy of diverse legal expertise as attorneys Jordan Bentley and Jane Dearwester join our McIntyre Elder Law team, bringing a unique blend of knowledge to the table. Prepare to be enlightened by Jordan's family law finesse and Jane's real estate acumen, as they reveal how these skills fortify our elder law services. In this episode, you'll discover just how our newest additions leverage their litigation experience to navigate the nuanced landscape of estate planning, asset protection, and property deeds with a deft hand.Engage with a conversation that's as educational as it is riveting; Jane, heading our litigation division, demystifies the complex interplay between real estate law and elder care, while Jordan sheds light on the surprising ways family law informs estate matters. Together, they examine real-world scenarios—from will contests to marital interests in asset transfer—providing a panoramic view of the challenges our clients face and the innovative strategies we employ. This episode is not just a meet-and-greet; it's an invitation to peer behind the curtain of McIntyre Elder Law's expanding litigation capabilities and a testament to the power of collective experience in serving our clients' best interests.
4/17/202413 minutes, 28 seconds
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Understanding Elective Share: Rights and Fairness in Estates

Ever found yourself pondering the fairness of a will? Wonder no more, as Jane Dearwester, a fierce litigation attorney, joins me, Greg McIntyre, to unravel the complexities of elective share in estate planning. Imagine the shock of being left out of your spouse's will, or receiving a mere dollar—this discussion is all about how NC General Statute 30-3.1 swings open the doors for a surviving spouse to claim a piece of the pie, regardless of what the will says. We're peeling back the layers on an often misunderstood part of estate law, discussing how the length of a marriage can influence the cut you're entitled to, with a full half up for grabs for those in it for the long haul. And for a little extra spice, we're distinguishing the elective share from something called the spousal allowance—because who wouldn't want the first dibs on $60,000 of personal property?Pull up a chair and join the conversation that's part heart, part humor, and entirely essential for safeguarding your tomorrow. Jane's anecdotes and my own take on the emotional rollercoaster of estate planning will not only enlighten but also entertain. It's a candid look at why a well-thought-out estate plan isn't just about the end—it's about fairness and protection when life throws its curveballs. So, for those curious about their rights, or eager to secure their legacy with a sprinkle of levity, this is the episode you won't want to miss. Grab a notepad, and let's ensure your estate planning is as airtight as the stories we share.
4/10/202412 minutes, 21 seconds
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Complexities of Property Transfer and Estate Planning: Life Estate and Lady Bird Deeds

Navigating the treacherous waters of property transfer and long-term care planning can be daunting, but fear not—Jordan Bentley and I, Brenton Begley, are here to steer you clear of the pitfalls. Prepare to uncover the truth behind the common belief that simply gifting your family home to your children is the best legacy move. Throughout our discussion, we reveal how such a straightforward gesture can actually strip you of control and expose your cherished home to your child's unforeseen life events, such as divorce or financial strife. Moreover, we delve into the lesser-known consequences that could affect your eligibility for Medicaid and VA benefits, and offer potent alternatives like life estate deeds and ladybird deeds that keep you firmly in the driver's seat of your estate.This episode also shatters the illusions of invulnerability that many have when it comes to probate and creditor claims. With insights from real-world scenarios, we illuminate the irrevocable nature of certain property transfers and how they can become ensnared in the complexities of marriage and end-of-life debt. I highlight the Lady Bird deed—a savvy tool unique to North Carolina residents—that promises control over your property until your final days, without the dread of probate lurking in the shadows. For those who want to keep their assets within reach and out of the court's hands, we talk about the strategic use of trusts, keeping your legacy intact for generations to come. Join us as we equip you with the knowledge to fortify your future, and remember, if you need guidance on these critical matters, we're just a call or click away.
4/3/202414 minutes, 41 seconds
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Navigating Medicaid Asset Protection and Crisis Planning for Long-Term Care

Unlock the secrets to securing your financial future even when long-term care is on the horizon. In our latest chat, I, Greg McIntyre, join forces with the astute attorney Samantha Gordon from our Charlotte office to navigate the confusing waters of Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts and Medicaid Crisis Planning. We peel back the layers of these complex legal strategies, revealing how you can shield your assets and ensure your loved ones receive the care they need without draining your bank account. Samantha brings a wealth of knowledge, making this conversation a treasure trove of insights for anyone facing the intimidating prospect of long-term care.This episode is not just a talk; it's a deep dive into actionable solutions, tailored for those who haven't had the foresight to plan ahead as well as for planners who want to stay one step ahead of the game. We explore the nuances of repositioning assets to meet Medicaid eligibility requirements with the urgency that crisis demands. Our benefits department's expertise in crafting Medicaid-compliant strategies comes to light, offering a beacon of hope in what can often be a stressful time for families. From understanding the intricacies of ladybird deeds to utilizing annuities and real property investments, we leave no stone unturned. Join us as we provide a guide through the labyrinth of Medicaid and asset protection, arming you with the knowledge to make empowered decisions for your future.
3/27/20246 minutes, 56 seconds
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Securing Autonomy: Powers of Attorney vs. Guardianship

Embark on a journey to secure your future as my colleague, Samantha Gordon, and I dissect the often-overlooked perils of guardianship and champion the empowering capabilities of powers of attorney. With Samantha's deep well of experience in guardianship cases, we peel back the layers of court interventions that could entangle your personal and financial autonomy. Discover how to steer clear of the possibility of an imposed guardian and the intricate web of restrictions that come with court supervision. This episode is an essential masterclass for those who prioritize maintaining control over their life decisions, even in the face of incapacity.Navigating the unpredictable tides of life requires a trusted helmsman, and we emphasize the vital role that powers of attorney play in ensuring your vessel remains on course. Samantha and I illuminate the flexible nature of these legal instruments, crafting a compelling case for their use in safeguarding your future, particularly within the context of elder law. We cater solutions to real-world scenarios, providing you with the strategic foresight needed to protect your autonomy with confidence. For anyone seeking to minimize legal entanglements and secure a trustworthy advocate for their personal affairs, this conversation is your guiding beacon.
3/20/202413 minutes, 23 seconds
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Conflict Avoidance Through Thoughtful Estate Planning with Attorneys Greg McIntyre and Jordan Bentley

Discover the strategies to protect your family's future and maintain harmony through expert estate planning with me, Greg McIntyre, and my esteemed colleague, Jordan Bentley. Together, we navigate the complexities of securing your legacy and resolving familial disputes with finesse. Our engaging conversation brings Jordan's extensive family law expertise to the forefront, sharing invaluable insights for anyone looking to safeguard their assets from potential marital splits and ensuring their wishes are honored.In a world where money can stir up unexpected conflicts, we lay out an "instruction manual" for heirs, guiding asset distribution and fostering responsible stewardship. From crafting legally sound estate plans to tackling trust disputes and will caveats, we cover all bases. As litigation specialists, we're well-versed in confronting issues like insurance beneficiary fraud with determination. Tune in to equip yourself with the knowledge to not only preserve your estate but also fortify the bonds that matter most. Join us for enlightening perspectives on how to keep peace within your family, both in life and beyond.
3/12/202410 minutes, 40 seconds
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Navigating Estate Planning for Women at Every Life Stage

Embark on a journey through the nuances of estate planning, especially tailored for women, with your hosts Samantha Gordon and Jane Dearwester from McIntyre Elder Law. This month, as we honor the achievements and strides made by women throughout history, we delve into the critical importance of taking control of one's financial and healthcare decisions. Our conversation cuts through the complexity of powers of attorney and underscores the essential nature of estate planning for individuals at every stage of life, from the young adult just starting out to those in the prime of their duty as caretakers for both children and parents. We share empowering stories and insights on why securing your family's future is an act of self-care, and how women can support each other in these efforts, further solidifying our roles as financial stewards.We understand that initiating a dialogue around aging and future planning can be daunting, which is why we tackle the tough conversations head-on. In our episode, we explore the sometimes-overwhelming responsibilities that fall upon the 'sandwich generation,' amplifying the urgency to act sooner rather than later. From the care of beloved pets to the intricacies of life insurance and the navigation of business succession, we encompass all facets of estate planning. Furthermore, we signal upcoming events and resources specifically designed to address women's estate planning needs. This is more than just a call to action; it's an invitation to safeguard your legacy and an affirmation of the vital role women play in family affairs and beyond.
3/6/202413 minutes, 53 seconds
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How Life's Curveballs Impact Your Estate Plan

Have you ever considered how life's pivotal moments could alter your carefully laid plans? Join me, Greg McIntyre, and the astute attorney Samantha Gordon as we navigate the complexities of updating your estate plan following life's inevitable changes, such as births, deaths, and divorces. Together, we dissect how each of these events can significantly reshape your intentions for your legacy, stressing the critical nature of ensuring your documents reflect your current circumstances.In this thought-provoking conversation, we delve into the roles of executors and trustees, scrutinize the nuances of per stirpes versus per capita asset distribution, and underscore the importance of guardianship provisions for minor children. Samantha provides invaluable insights into the intricacies of beneficiary designations post-divorce, and we both emphasize the unpredictability of life's journey as a compelling reason to periodically review your legal affairs. If you're seeking clarity on maintaining an estate plan that aligns with your evolving life story, this dialogue offers the crucial guidance you need.
2/28/20245 minutes, 10 seconds
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Navigating the Complexities of Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts

Unlock the secrets to safeguarding your financial future with the expert guidance of Greg McIntyre from McIntyre Elder Law. This episode is a deep dive into the world of revocable and irrevocable trusts, where Greg, with the help of his trusty coffee cup analogy, explains how a revocable living trust offers you control and flexibility over your assets. Whether you're looking to understand the ease of asset management or the nuances of trust succession, this discussion leaves no stone unturned. But it's not all about control; we also unveil the limitations when it comes to asset protection, especially in the realm of long-term care benefit planning.The conversation takes a compelling turn as Greg's son, Tucker, steps in to role-play as a trustee, bringing the theoretical to life. They explore the sturdier, more impenetrable structure of an irrevocable trust, particularly the Medicaid Asset Protection Trust. Discover how this type of trust can protect your estate from long-term care costs without causing you headaches come tax time. By the end of our chat, you'll have a clear understanding of how these powerful legal instruments can be tailored to secure your legacy and ensure your loved ones are taken care of. Don't miss this episode packed with strategic insights for anyone interested in asset protection and estate planning.
2/21/20249 minutes, 31 seconds
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Introducing Our Newest Attorney: Jordan Bentley

From the sunny shores of Punta Gorda, Florida, we're thrilled to announce the newest attorney to join the McIntyre Elder Law team, Attorney Jordan Bentley. This episode, Attorney Samantha Gordan sits down with Jordan to share his heartfelt journey and professional evolution. Jordan opens up about navigating family law with compassion and how he seamlessly ties his experience into his new role in estate planning and elder law. His story is not just about legal strategies; it's a story of dedication, human connection, and the shared mission that aligns him with the values of McIntyre Elder Law. Join us for an insightful discussion that promises to leave you inspired and informed about the profound impact of thoughtful legal preparation.
2/14/20245 minutes, 32 seconds
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Planning for Your Pet's Future: How to Create a Trust for Your Furry Family Member

Join me, Greg McIntyre, attorney Samantha Gordon, and her new puppy Winchester, as we tackle the heartwarming task of setting up a Pet Trust. It's more than just a legal safeguard—it's a pledge to ensure your pet thrives even in your absence. Together, we unravel the process of appointing a caregiver, earmarking funds, and detailing care instructions, so your pets maintain the lifestyle they adore. This is your chance to discover how to make your pet's well-being an intrinsic part of your estate plan, with wisdom sprinkled in from our own beloved pets and professional insights.Ever wonder if pets know they're a fundamental part of the family? Samantha, a devoted pet parent, blends her personal experiences with expert knowledge to emphasize just how vital these companions are to our lives. As elder law attorneys, we're passionate about integrating your furry family members' needs seamlessly into your estate plans. And there's a bonus: meet Winchester, the four-legged legal helper! You'll leave this episode not only with your heart warmed but also equipped with practical steps to secure your pet's future. Discover how easy it is to reach out for a free Pet Trust consultation, because as every pet-lover knows, it's never too early to plan for your pet's lifelong happiness.
2/7/20244 minutes, 44 seconds
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Navigating Interstate Estate Planning: Protect Your Legacy Across State Lines

Discover how to navigate the tricky waters of updating your estate planning documents when life takes you across state lines. Join me, Greg McIntyre, and the astute Attorney Jane Dearwester, as we dissect the complexities that come with interstate moves and the impact on your estate plans. We strip down the legal jargon to offer you a clear understanding of how varying state laws can affect trusts, real estate, and the essential documents that safeguard your legacy. Whether you're facing the practical challenges of dealing with local institutions or the daunting potential legal battles, this episode is your compass to ensure that your estate is managed without a hitch in your new home state. Wrapping up the episode, feel the anticipation bubble as we share our excitement for tomorrow's engagement in Hendersonville. Reminiscent of old friends catching up, we bid our listeners adieu with a heartfelt thanks and an invitation to join us in the continuation of building strong professional relationships. It's not just about the paperwork; it's about the people we serve and the bonds we forge. So, tune in, and let's embark on this journey together, ensuring that your estate planning is as robust and resilient as the relationships we cherish.
1/22/202412 minutes, 6 seconds
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Navigating Property Ownership Disputes: Understanding Quiet Title Actions with Greg McIntyre

Ever find yourself tangled in the web of property ownership disputes? Greg McIntyre of McIntyre Elderdoll is our guiding light in the murky waters of quiet title actions. This episode is an eye-opener into the world of real estate law, where Greg unravels the complexities of 'cloud on title' issues, and uncovers the reasons why someone might need a court's help to affirm their property rights. It's a treasure trove of knowledge for property owners, potential buyers, or anyone with a zest for understanding the legal details of property disputes.Listen closely as Greg illustrates common problems leading to quiet title actions, including deeds signed under duress or with questionable legality. We're talking real-life scenarios that could happen to anyone—a mix-up in property descriptions or a deed signed without the proper mental capacity. This conversation is not just about the dry aspects of law; it's about protecting what's yours and ensuring that your property rights are crystal clear. Whether you're knee-deep in a property quagmire or just want to ward off future disputes, this episode is a must. Join us for a session that promises to clarify the often-overlooked but critical part of owning real estate: the title.
1/17/20247 minutes, 36 seconds
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Unveiling the Battle Over Wills: Understanding Caveats, Challenges, and Legacies

When the validity of a will comes into question, emotions and stakes run high - it's a scenario that could affect any one of us. Our premiere litigation series episode unpacks the concept of will caveats, diving into the roles of the 'caveator', who raises the challenge, and the 'propounder', who must defend the will's honor. We navigate the murky waters of undue influence and capacity issues that often trigger these disputes, providing you with the insight needed to understand what's at stake when a family legacy is on the line.As we traverse real-life anecdotes and the potential outcomes of caveat actions, our discussion illuminates the complexities families face when a will is contested. Whether it leads to a previous will taking precedence or an entirely different succession plan, the implications are profound. With our seasoned experience in representing both caveators and propounders, this episode offers an expert's perspective on the intricacies of will challenges. Tune in for an invaluable guide to the legal labyrinth that is will caveats, and arm yourself with knowledge that could one day safeguard your familial bonds and inheritance rights.
1/15/20247 minutes, 41 seconds
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Empowering Women's Financial Futures: The Power of Estate Planning

Discover the crucial insights attorney Samantha Gordon and I, host Greg McIntyre, unearth as we delve into why estate planning isn't just a necessity—it's a power move for women, particularly as they approach their late 50s. With a focus on the unique challenges and roles women face, from outliving spouses to spearheading family care, we lay out the pressing reasons for women to take charge of their financial futures. Samantha shares real-life stories from her practice, highlighting the chaos that can ensue without a solid plan, and together, we champion the need for both partners to be actively involved in these critical conversations.Get ready to raise your glasses and your estate planning IQ with a sneak peek at our innovative Sip and Plan seminar, designed specifically for women who want to blend relaxation with the vital task of securing their legacies. In this gathering of minds, we toast to proactive steps and informed decisions, ensuring women are empowered and equipped with the knowledge to protect their assets. Samantha's expert guidance, encapsulated in our compelling Elder Law Report, leaves our listeners with gratitude and an invitation to explore more at our website, where resources abound for those ready to take control of their estate planning journey.
1/9/202414 minutes, 27 seconds
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Understanding the Foundations of Estate Planning: From Power of Attorney to Wills

What if one document could prevent your assets from freezing, provide another person the power to manage your financial affairs, or negate the need for a court-initiated guardianship in the event of incapacity? Brace yourselves as we dissect the fundamental aspects of estate planning, focusing on the General Durable Power of Attorney, a crucial document that holds the power to do just that! We'll also guide you through the importance of including a HIPAA authorization in a Healthcare Power of Attorney, and the necessity of appointing an agent for mental health care. With these in place, you can be assured that not only your wishes will be carried out, but your rights will also be protected.Did you know that a will doesn't automatically avoid the probate process? Join us as we debunk this common myth, and delve into the differences between a living will and a last will. Learn how including religious concerns in a living will can substantiate your testament. As we traverse through the realm of estate planning, we'll discuss the potential burden of long-term care in old age and how it can affect your estate. We cannot stress enough the seriousness of the probate process and the repercussions mistakes made by the executor can have. So, buckle up and let's gear up for a proactive estate planning journey!
11/24/202321 minutes, 3 seconds
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Unraveling the Mysteries of Will Caveats with Wesley White

Ever wondered how a legal challenge to the validity of a will unfolds? Wesley White of McIntyre Elder Law is here to unravel the intricacies of will caveats and shine a light on the often-misunderstood process. We journey into the fascinating world of will validation, exploring common grounds for a challenge like the testator's lack of capacity or undue influence during the signing. Wesley speaks to the heart of these issues, providing important lessons for anyone grappling with estate planning or an impending will caveat.Our discussion takes a riveting turn as we delve into real-life scenarios that might lead to a caveat. Imagine a situation where an elderly individual under the influence of a manipulative caretaker signs off their property. Or what if a will was forged, bearing signatures that the deceased never signed? Wesley breaks these down in plain language, giving you a whole new perspective on the significance of last wills and testaments. Get ready for an episode that’s not only informative but also a legal roller coaster that will undoubtedly expand your understanding of will caveats.
11/24/20237 minutes, 54 seconds
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Navigating Deed Protection and Estate Planning: The Magic of the Ladybird Deed

Ever wondered about the most effective ways to protect your home deed and navigate the often complex world of estate planning? Prepare to pull back the curtain on the realities of transferring property into your child's name, as we analyze the potential pitfalls of such a decision and the significant capital gains tax bill it could generate for your loved ones. In this engaging dialogue, we unpack the magic of a tool known as a Ladybird deed, or an enhanced life estate deed, that allows you to maintain control of your property and seamlessly transition it to a loved one upon passing, all while sidestepping the probate process. We also take an intriguing look at the look-back period for long-term care Medicaid, offering invaluable insights to guide your decision-making process. So, buckle up, and get ready for an enlightening journey through deed protection and estate planning.
11/23/20237 minutes, 19 seconds
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Conquering the Complexities of Trusts and Estate Planning

Ever feel tangled in the complex web of trusts and estate planning? Fear not, we've got your back! In this enlightening episode, we layer back the mystique of trust drafting, diving straight into the heart of revocable living trusts, irrevocable trusts, and the stealthy convertible trust. We take a magnifying glass to the unique features nestled within each type, demonstrating how you can harness them to serve your specific needs. You'll see how an irrevocable trust, despite its sturdy exterior, can protect your assets while still allowing you to draw an income, all under the watchful eye of a trusted fiduciary. Turning the page to estate planning, we illustrate the sheer power of a trust in your estate plan. Want to talk to an estate planning and elder law attorney for free? We share the golden path to free legal advice and set the stage for what to expect during a no-strings-attached consultation with an attorney about your estate plan. We also dispel common concerns about irrevocable trusts, bringing to light the concept of a convertible trust - the Swiss army knife of trusts, boasting the adaptability of a revocable living trust with the protective armor of an irrevocable trust. Get ready to conquer the world of trusts and estate planning! Tune in, sit back, and enrich your knowledge.
11/15/202310 minutes, 24 seconds
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Estate Planning Masterclass: Navigating Estate and Elder Law Planning: Importance, Risks, and Tools

Ever thought about what happens when you're no longer competent to make decisions or handle your financial affairs? Join us as Estate Planning and Elder Law Attorneys Greg McIntyre and Brenton Begley unravel the complexities of estate and elder law planning, highlighting the importance of legal documents like general durable power of attorney, healthcare power of attorney, living will, and will. We shed light on the high stakes of not having these documents in place, such as the complications and restrictions of guardianship proceedings.Navigating the intricate world of wills and deed protection can be a daunting task, but we've got you covered. Learn more about how an executor plays a critical role in the probate process and what pitfalls they may face. Greg and Brenton help us consider the potential financial risks, especially those related to long-term care costs and the possible claim of creditors on your assets. Moreover, we discuss the protective role a will plays in this context and the serious consequences of mistakes during the probate process. And what about trusts? We conclude by focusing on the role of trusts and their potential for asset protection. Discover how trusts can serve as a secure repository for your assets, bypassing the probate process and ensuring a smoother transition for your loved ones. We compare revocable and irrevocable trusts, and how they can affect your long-term care benefits. And finally, let's explore how a trust can facilitate tax planning, long-term care planning, and leaving a legacy for generations to come. Don't miss this insightful episode, packed with practical knowledge to navigate the intricate world of estate and elder law planning.
11/8/202336 minutes, 34 seconds
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Understanding the Versatile Role of Trusts in Wealth Management and Estate Planning

Ever wondered how a trust can serve as more than just a vessel for your assets? Ever pondered, how it can protect your wealth that isn't even there yet? My law partner, Britton Begley, an estate planning expert with an LLM in taxation, and I, Greg McIntyre, bring you a lively discussion unraveling these intricate concepts. We shine a light on the trust, not just as a holder, but as a receiver of assets, exploring its role in safeguarding your wealth and shielding your spouse from potential liabilities. We’re talking about everything from IRAs to life insurance, and how you can use a trust to ensure they serve your best interests. Beyond just a holder and receiver, we delve into how a trust can also act as a 'conduit', aligning with the IRS code and effectively controlling the distribution of pre-taxed money to your beneficiaries. Discover how the trust can protect special needs individuals, help manage potential liabilities, and even influence how a young, inexperienced beneficiary spends their inheritance. So tune in today, and let us help you understand how you can maximize your estate, minimize taxation, and use trusts to your advantage.
11/1/202310 minutes, 4 seconds
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Understanding Intestate Succession: A Critical Discussion on the Importance of a Will with Attorney Wesley White

Ever wondered what happens when you pass away without a will? We had an illuminating conversation with Attorney Wesley White, who sheds light on this topic and explains why it's critical to have a will in place. Wesley, with his legal expertise, took us through the maze of intestate succession laws - the rules that come into play when someone dies 'intestate' or without a will. He painted different scenarios to help us understand how property division occurs if the deceased has a spouse, children, or parents.Wesley underscored the importance of a will as it serves as a roadmap to the division and distribution of your property. He highlighted how to circumnavigate the intestate laws and ensure your loved ones get their fair share. No matter where you're located, Wesley is ready to offer a helping hand to guide you through estate planning. So, if you are interested in understanding how your property will be distributed after your demise, this episode is a must-listen! Enjoy a sense of clarity and peace by tuning in to our enlightening discussion with Wesley.
10/29/20237 minutes
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Mastering Probate: Maximizing Estates and Minimizing Taxes

Ready to conquer the complexities of probate? Join us in a riveting dialogue with our esteemed colleague, Wesley White, as we unravel the labyrinth of probate and estate planning. We promise to offer you valuable insights into why avoiding probate can save you from the headaches associated with the court system and creditors. Listen in as we share strategic ways to maximize your estate, minimize taxes, and ensure a smoother transition for your heirs.If you thought probate was a daunting task, prepare to transform your perspective! This episode is a treasure trove of guidance, shedding light on the critical role of seasoned attorneys in the probate process. We chat with experts like Wesley and others who help dispel the myths surrounding probate and make it more accessible. Beyond that, we reveal the importance of proactive planning to circumvent debt, creditor claims, and other potential hiccups that might put your estate's worth at risk. So, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on this enlightening journey into the world of probate and estate planning.
10/21/202316 minutes, 54 seconds
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Nursing Home Costs: Don't Let Them Drain Your Savings

Are you worried about the skyrocketing costs of nursing home care eating into your savings? Fret not. We've got expert advice from attorneys Greg McIntyre and Brenton Begley, authorities in estate planning and elder law, that could help protect your hard-earned assets. Armed with insights that seven out of ten people will require long-term care, they draw on their extensive experience to guide you through this intricate process and help you steer clear of potential pitfalls.This episode is a treasure trove of practical tips to safeguard your assets and secure government benefits. Greg and Brenton thoughtfully explain why you shouldn't give away your assets or your house, how to strategically apply at the right time, and why the devil is in the details in your application. They also emphasize the importance of early and regular planning with professional consultation. Remember, every month of delay might cost you a private pay month that could have had benefits covering your care. So, be proactive and take the first step to secure your future. Tune in, absorb the wisdom, and equip yourself with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your long-term care. Don't wait till it's too late, join us on this enlightening journey!
10/14/20235 minutes
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Unlocking the Mystery of High Interest Rates in Real Estate Market and the Role of Estate Planning

Ready to unlock the mysteries of high interest rates in the real estate market? Together with investment guru Britton Begley, we'll show you how these rates can impact your estate planning and investments. Buckle up as we dismantle the fear-based approach to investing, and discuss why, when rates surge, it can be smarter to go against the flow. We'll reveal how high interest rates can actually cause a dip in housing prices and how you can seize this opportunity. It's time to understand why the housing market value appreciates - it's not competition, but the devaluation of the dollar.Switching gears, we'll venture into the intricate world of asset protection and estate planning. Listen closely as we examine the implications of increasing interest rates on your real property investments. Discover how a meticulously crafted, customized approach to estate planning can be your shield in these volatile times. We'll arm you with expert advice on the pros and cons of the market, potential pitfalls to avoid, and how to effectively use estate planning tools. If you're a real estate owner or investor eyeing the market, this episode is your roadmap to navigating the ever-changing economic landscape. Don't miss your chance to fortify your assets - tune in now!
9/1/202313 minutes, 24 seconds
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Planning Ahead: The Key to Protecting Your Assets

Greg McIntyre and Brenton Begley emphasize the importance of proactive planning when it comes to safeguarding one's money and property. They discuss the challenges families face when they delay planning and the ease that comes with early action. Brenton highlights their offer of a free consultation to ensure there are no barriers to strategizing for the future. Greg concludes by urging listeners to seize the moment and schedule their consultation for a worry-free tomorrow.
8/23/20231 minute, 57 seconds
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Navigating the Stormy Seas of Probate and Estate Administration

Navigating the treacherous waters of Probate and Estate Administration can feel like a solo voyage in a storm. The intricate process can lead you off course, with potential pitfalls including court complications or even jail time if mishandled. Let us be your compass, guiding you safely through the intricacies of this legal labyrinth. We delve into the subtleties of what should and should not pass through probate, and expose the potential dangers of exposing assets to claims or seizures.We don't stop at the shore; we also venture into the complex terrain of dealing with claims. Uncover the secrets of recognizing a valid claim, and learn when it's appropriate to reject one. We also chart the statutory periods for making a claim and share strategies for negotiating claims to preserve the assets for the heirs. For those needing a more personalized map, we offer a free consultation to discuss your journey through Probate or Estate Administration. Tune in and let us navigate you through this potentially perilous journey.
8/23/20233 minutes
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Securing Your Wealth and A Lasting Legacy: A Conversation with Greg McIntyre

Join us in a crucial conversation with Greg McIntyre, the brain behind McIntyre Elder Law. Greg's life-changing mission to protect the hard-earned properties and retirement savings of families was fueled by his own grandfather's experience. He's spent years safeguarding thousands of assets and setting up estate plans, witnessing firsthand both the relief of those who plan ahead and the despair of those who don't.In sharing his wisdom, Greg underscores the importance of maintaining dignity, and shielding oneself from any potential exploitation that comes with age. His tireless work is motivated by the desire to help individuals secure their earned wealth and property, creating a lasting legacy for their loved ones. If you're curious about fortifying your financial future, Greg is generously offering a free consultation. Tune in, schedule your consultation, and set out on your path towards a secure and serene tomorrow.
8/23/20232 minutes, 39 seconds
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Strategic Ways to Navigate Medicaid Crisis Planning and Asset Protection

Have you ever found yourself worried about the high costs of long-term care and how it could impact your life savings? The challenge of qualifying for benefits while protecting your assets is a real one and that's what we tackle in this episode. Join us as we venture into the often daunting territory of Medicaid crisis planning. We touch on the importance of having a sturdy plan in place and delve into the valuable tools you can utilize for this, including powers of attorney, trust deeds, and living wills. We also share insights into strategic asset protection, helping you understand how best to navigate the rules and work effectively with the Local Department of Social Services and the Department of Health and Human Services. More so, we urge you not to face the journey alone. With the help of a qualified elder law attorney, you can effectively protect your hard-earned assets and qualify for those all-important benefits. And don't forget - we offer a free consultation to help you discuss your needs and create a strategic plan. So, don't wait, tune in now for some peace of mind tomorrow.
8/23/20232 minutes, 57 seconds
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Securing Your Loved Ones' Future: A Comprehensive Guide to Estate Planning with Britton

Imagine setting the stage for your loved ones' financial future, ensuring they inherit your wealth seamlessly and without unnecessary hassles. Now imagine doing it with the guidance of an expert in estate planning, Britton. This episode offers a well-structured discussion on estate planning, starting with foundational documents, moving onto deed protection, and culminating in a detailed explanation of trusts. Britton takes us on a tour through the necessity of having a general durable power of attorney, the healthcare power of attorney, the living will, and the will itself. And there's more! Have you ever considered how deed protection could be a game-changer for your real estate assets? Our conversation with Britton delves into this concept, revealing how tools like ladybird deeds can secure your property and ensure a smooth transition to your children. Furthermore, find out how trusts, both revocable and irrevocable, can serve as shields to protect your assets from potential risks such as long-term care, creditors, and probate. Each step towards secure estate planning is crucial. To make this journey less daunting, Britton generously offers a free consultation to help you kickstart your peace of mind today and secure a better tomorrow for your loved ones. Tune in now!
8/23/20233 minutes
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Elder Law Unveiled: Understanding Litigation and Safeguarding Your Estate

Ready to challenge your understanding of elder law? Beyond the pages of estate planning and will signing, the courtroom battlefield awaits. This episode focuses on the less-explored facet of elder law, litigation - a crucial element often overlooked. As your host, I guarantee that by the end of this conversation, you'll see the value of a seasoned elder law attorney ready to assert your rights when they're infringed upon, and safeguard your hard-earned wealth, whether it's through estate, trust, or powers of attorney issues.Let's strip away the confusion surrounding litigation in elder law. We'll tackle the necessary measures you can take today to fortify your tomorrow, ensuring a peaceful future for yourself and your loved ones. Be part of the crucial discussion where we debunk misconceptions and offer you a free consultation to address any litigation issues that you or your loved ones might be grappling with, related to your estates. Don't miss out on this enlightening conversation - it's time to protect, preserve, and plan.
8/23/20232 minutes, 17 seconds
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Protecting Your Assets: Understanding Probate and Strategies to Avoid It

Imagine losing your home or assets to probate, the court process that reassigns assets after death. It’s a risky area where creditor claims can attach, and our expert guests Britton Begley and Greg McIntyre from McIntyre Oda Law are here to shed light on how to avoid this. We kick off the conversation with a clear explanation of probate and its potential risks, including the significant cost and time implications.But it's not all doom and gloom, as Britton and Greg also share three practical strategies to circumvent probate. We unpack the concept of a living trust and discover the protection a ladybird deed can offer your home. Additionally, we learn the importance of designating a beneficiary for assets such as bank accounts and life insurance. Be warned though; certain accounts can still be sucked into probate to satisfy claims. For a candid and insightful conversation, join us and learn how to protect your assets and secure your family's future.
8/12/20235 minutes, 41 seconds
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Decoding Elder Law and Estate Planning: Myths, Taxes, and Protecting Your Assets

What if we told you there's a vast and misunderstood aspect of estate planning that often leads to the loss of assets due to high long-term care costs? And that, contrary to popular notions, you might not necessarily have to pay hefty taxes upon death? In our warm and enlightening chat with Greg McIntyre and Attorney Britton Begley, we unmask the myths and complexities of elder law and estate planning.From the moment you set foot in McIntyre Elder Law office, you're made to feel right at home - greeted with homemade cookies and a friendly smile. Greg places immense importance on creating a comfortable environment for his clients before diving into the intricacies of their legal issues. We delve deep into the scary scenario of long-term care costs siphoning off an individual's assets, and Greg provides valuable insight on how to evade and manage such situations. Switching gears to taxes, Britton simplifies the often convoluted topic of estate tax, assuring most listeners that it won't be a factor for them, and divulges the secret weapon trusts can be to avoid federal estate tax. The episode rounds off with a touching concern for maintaining control and independence of elders, while also having a secure plan for future protection. So, tune in for an episode teeming with indispensable advice to help you negotiate the winding roads of elder law and estate planning.
7/15/20235 minutes, 13 seconds
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Planning Ahead: Safeguarding Your Assets from the Rising Costs of Long-Term Care

Are you prepared for the shocking escalation of long-term care costs, now soaring to over $17,000 a month? Has the increasing cost of elder care and its potential impact on your financial health kept you awake at night? In this critical episode, I, Greg McIntyre of McIntyre Elder Law, walk you through this escalating concern and how best to safeguard your assets and those of your loved ones. I provide a comprehensive guide on foundational planning tools such as general durable powers of attorney, healthcare powers of attorney, wills, and trusts - all designed to protect your assets from the high costs of long-term care.I delve into the significance of proactive planning and the criticality of appointing a trusted person to manage your financial and legal affairs, should you become incompetent or incapacitated. We explore the nuts and bolts of practical tools like ladybird deeds that can protect your home and control until you pass, allowing assets to be transferred to loved ones without a claim for recovery from a benefits program. Remember, the key lies in planning ahead, and I offer a free consultation to discuss strategies to preserve your assets, control, and how to offset the high cost of long-term care. Tune in to equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to face the financial challenges of elder care.
7/7/20235 minutes, 11 seconds
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Securing Your Family's Future: Navigating Estate Planning and Long-Term Care with Attorney Britton Begley

What if you could protect your assets and ensure your family's security with a flexible estate plan? Our special guest, attorney Brenton Begley from McIntyre Elder Law, provides essential insights on estate planning and how it can prepare you for the future. In our discussion, Brenton highlights the two main risks people face with their money and property: the cost of long-term care and probate. He breaks down the probate process and explains why it's crucial to have a plan in place to protect your assets from government control.Don't be part of the 70% of individuals over the age of 65 who need long-term care and are unprepared. Britton shares valuable information on how to plan ahead, creating a flexible estate plan that safeguards your family and property in case of life-changing situations. Plus, learn how you can schedule a free consultation with Brenton and his team at for personalized advice and guidance on your estate planning needs. Tune in to this crucial conversation and take control of your financial future today!
6/17/20233 minutes, 46 seconds
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Embracing the Adventure: Celebrating 24 Years of Marriage, Family, and Law Career Growth

This week, I celebrated 24 incredible years of marriage with my incredible wife, Stephanie, and I couldn't help but reflect on our journey together - raising our beautiful children, pursuing our passions, and expanding our law firm. In this episode, I share some of those cherished memories, as well as the importance of fostering individuality in our children, embracing the adventure of marriage, and learning from the lessons life throws our way.As our firm continues to grow, with offices in Shelby, Charlotte, and Hendersonville, I'm incredibly proud to have one of my sons working alongside me in his own pursuit of a law career. Listen in as I discuss the value of planning, striving for excellence, and finding balance in our hectic lives. I also share my secret for de-stressing through exercise. So, join me for this heartwarming and inspiring episode, and remember that nobody's life or decisions are perfect, but we can always do our best to manage our situations and make the most of them.
6/5/20236 minutes, 45 seconds
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Secure Your Legacy: The Importance of Having a Last Will and Testament

Why a WILL could mean the difference between controlling assets or having zero control. Get Peace of Mind today with a FREE consult with McIntyre Elder Law today.Call: 1-888-999-6600Schedule Online @ #probate #EstatePlanning #ElderLaw #CharlotteNC #ShelbyNC #HendersonvilleNC
5/20/20238 minutes, 54 seconds
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Maximizing Your Business Potential: The Benefits of Estate Planning for Business Owners

Attention all business owners!  Are you aware of the unique challenges your business can face when it comes to estate planning?  Estate Planning Attorneys Brenton Begley and Greg McIntyre have got you covered!  Check out their informative video now to learn more about the special considerations and planning strategies to protect your business and preserve your legacy. Schedule your FREE consult today! #businessowners #legacyplanning" #charlottetoday #charlottetodayshow #CharlotteNC #ShelbyNC #hendersonvillenc
5/13/20235 minutes, 22 seconds
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Secure Your Business Legacy: The Importance of Estate Planning for Business Owners

Attention business owners! Estate planning is especially important for those with businesses, and we've got you covered. Check out our latest edition of the Elder Law Report on "Business Ownership & Estate Planning" featuring Estate Planning Attorney Greg McIntyre discussing special concerns for business owners. Watch the video now and learn how to protect your business and plan for the future. And if you have questions or need guidance, reach out to us for a FREE consultation at 1-888-999-6600 or visit our website at Let's work together to secure your legacy.#estateplanning #BusinessOwnership #AssetProtection #ElderLawReport #FreeConsultation #AttorneyGregMcIntyre #McIntyreElderLaw #ElderLawReport #shelbync #charlottenc #hendersonvillenc #estateplanning #elderlaw #fyp 
5/8/202312 minutes, 36 seconds
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Why Estate Planning is Important

This morning in our Senior Spotlight, we focused on Why Estate Planning is Right for You and Your Family. We were joined by Greg McIntyre & Brenton Begley from McIntyre Elder Law, and began our conversation with the basics of estate planning.Schedule your FREE consult today!1-888-999-6600 #elderlaw #lawyer #attorney #charlottenc #shelbync #hendersonvillenc #wills #trusts #estates
4/15/20234 minutes, 37 seconds
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Charlotte Today Show- A day at the firm

On the Charlotte Today show we’re talking about Estate Planning and the important role it plays in so many people's lives, here to walk us through our Attorneys, Greg McIntyre and Brenton Begley from Mcintyre Elder Law. Before we start talking about estate planning. Let's talk about a typical day and what that looks like. CALL: 888-999-6600 for a FREE consultation or online at
3/17/20235 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Elder Law Report- Probate

Check out this informative video where estate planning and elder law attorneys Brenton Begley and Greg McIntyre discuss the importance of probate and explain the process in North Carolina! As they point out, understanding probate is crucial to ensure your loved ones are taken care of and your wishes are carried out after you pass away. Don't miss out on this valuable information!Schedule your FREE consult today! 1-888-999-6600 #ElderLaw #ProbateProcess #NorthCarolinaLaw #ProtectYourLegacy #LeaveALastingLegacy #BegleyMcIntyre #LegalAdvice #EstatePlanningAttorney #ElderLawAttorney #LawyersOfInstagram
2/24/202313 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Elder Law Report- 3 MUSTS when applying for Long Term Care benefits

3 MUSTS when applying for Long Term Care benefits:Qualifying for long term care benefits doesn't have to mean sacrificing assets. Here are 3 things to do to protect your hard-earned savings.#1 Avoid Probate.#2 Protect assets under the benefit rules.#3 Have the Elder Law Attorney/Firm submit the application and explain the planning.Schedule your FREE consult today! Call: 1-888-999-6600 Online: #AssetProtection #elderlaw #estateplanning #medicaid #nursinghome #assistedliving #trusts #irrevocabletrust #ladybirddeed #probate #attorney #lawyer
2/17/202310 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Charlotte Today Show-Let's Talk About Trusts

Eugene, Brenton, & Greg sit down to discuss how trusts work and why they may be a great addition to your estate plan.Schedule your FREE consult today! 1-888-999-6600 #hendersonvillenc #shelbync #lawyer #elderlaw #protection #guardianship #powerofattorney #wills #trusts #assetprotection #medicaid #longtermcare #retirementplanning #retirement #nursinghomecare #assistedlivingcare #charlottetodayshow
2/13/20235 minutes, 42 seconds
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Types of Trusts

Greg and Taylor explore the many types of trusts. Which one is right for you?Schedule your FREE consult today by calling: 1-888-999-6600 or online at: #elderlaw #trusts #assetprotection 
2/10/20236 minutes, 10 seconds
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Estate of Confusion

What is your estate? What is the best way to set up your estate? How could the way you set up your estate impact your ability to pass assets and be eligible for long-term care benefits? All this and more in this episode of the Elder Law Report.#estateplanning #elderlaw #wills #trusts #elderlaw #estate #probate #longtermcare
2/10/202311 minutes, 43 seconds
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Elder Law Report - Facing The Fact!

Elder Law Report - Facing The Fact!Facing the fact we may have health problems and that we are all going to die is hard and many people neglect this. The best way to gain peace of mind is to face your fears... to face difficult situations and overcome them. We can help you and your family do this and create a plan that provides peace of mind.Schedule your FREE consult today by calling: 1-888-999-6600 or online at: #healthproblems #seniors #estateplanning #elderlaw #attorney #peace #insurance #realestate #assetprotection #assetplanning #financialplanning #longtermcareinsurance #retirement #retirementplanning #medicare #medicaid
1/30/20238 minutes, 30 seconds
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Litigation, Estate Planning, and Facing Your Fears

Are you worried about the legal side of estate planning? Don't let fear hold you back! Watch our latest video, "Litigation, Estate Planning, and Facing Your Fears," to learn how to navigate the legal system and create a plan that will protect your assets and loved ones. #EstatePlanning #Litigation #FacingFearsSchedule a free consultation: 888-999-6600 
1/20/202312 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Charlotte Today Show - The Inevitable

Greg & Brenton discuss dealing with the inevitable and planning ahead in this week’s edition of the Charlotte Today Show.Schedule your FREE consult today📞 1-888-999-6600💻 #CharlotteNC #ShelbyNC #HendersonvilleNC #elderlaw #estateplanning #probate
1/18/20234 minutes, 29 seconds
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Navigating Assisted Living and Nursing Home Care Medicaid Benefits in North Carolin

Navigating the process of researching and applying for assisted living and nursing home care Medicaid benefits in North Carolina can be overwhelming, but don't let that discourage you! With a little bit of research and understanding of the process, you can ensure that your loved one receives the care they need. Start by looking into the North Carolina Division of Health Benefits, and be sure to utilize helpful resources such as the North Carolina Medicaid Managed Care program. Remember to keep important documents and information handy, and don't be afraid to reach out to a professional for assistance. #assistedliving #nursinghomecare #medicaid #northcarolinaSchedule your FREE consult today,📞 1-888-999-6600💻
1/13/202319 minutes, 18 seconds
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Top 3 Estate Planning Mistakes

On today's episode Attorney McIntyre and Attorney Brenton Begley discuss the Top 3 Planning Mistakes. Failing to Plan Ahead. Ignoring a problem doesn’t mean it isn’t there and leads to anxiety.Not reviewing Your Estate Plan Regularly. Change is constant and your estate plan should change with your life and circumstances.Not Seeking Professional Help. DIY estate planning comes with many perils.#EstatePlanning #Wills #FinancialPlanning #LegalMistakes #EstatePlanningMistakes #AvoidMistakes #PlanningForIncapacity #PowerOfAttorney #HealthcareProxy #AssetProtection
1/5/202320 minutes, 50 seconds
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Guardianships and Exploitation

On this episode of the Elder Law Report,  Brenton & Greg discuss in detail the pitfalls of Guardianships and how to avoid them.#guardianship #guardianships #estateplanning #elderlaw #attorney #lawyer #wills #trusts #estates #probate #retirement #retirementplanning #realestate #medicaid #medicare #poa #poas #powerofattorney
12/30/202220 minutes, 40 seconds
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Why is Nursing Home Care So Expensive?

In this episode Elder Law attorneys  Greg McIntyre and Brenton Begley, sit down and discuss how to pay for long-term care. 
12/23/202218 minutes, 25 seconds
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Elder Law Report - How running a firm is more restrictive and different than any other business.

 Today's topic on the Elder Law Report is how a law firm is different and how running a law firm is different from running any other business! SCHEDULE YOUR FREE CONSULT! Call 888-999-6600 or go to #insurance #realestate #assetprotection #assetplanning #financialplanning #longtermcareinsurance #retirement #retirementplanning #medicare #stocks #bonds #annuities #burial #burialpolicy #insurance #insurancepolicy #estateplanning #elderlaw #financialplanning #attorney #lawyer 
12/16/202226 minutes, 51 seconds
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Charlotte Today Show- Tis' The Season for Estate Planning

$200 off EP Coupon:' the Season for Estate Planning. Mia and Greg talk about the importance of estate planning. Our FREE gift to you is a $200 off coupon off estate planning services. Give the gift that keeps on giving. Give the gift of estate planning today.$200 off EP Coupon: #elderlaw #christmas #coupon #gifts #lawyer #attorney #wills #trusts #estates #realestate #retirement
12/13/20224 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to use Annuities

What are annuities and how can they be a great tool to protect your assets and legacies? Annuities can be a great tool to make sure you have that steady stream of income for a number of years after you retire. Elder Law Attorney Baker sits down with Ryan Begley, Benefits Specialist to give us the details.#annuities #retirement #retirementplanning #assetprotection #assets #wealth #wealthmanagement #assetproection #assets #longtermcareplanning #realestate #estateplanning #elderlaw #elderattorney #attorney #lawyergreg 
11/18/20225 minutes
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Why is having Long-term Care Insurance beneficial?

Ryan Begley, Benefits Specialist sits down with Eric Baker, elder law attorney to discuss Long-term care Insurance and how it is beneficial to you when you are putting together your financial documents or when you're older and need some form of care! Learn how Long-term Care Insurance can protect your assets. #financialplanning #assetprotection #assets #longtermcare #longtermcareplanning #theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #estateplanning #medicaidcrisisplanning #insurance #realestate #assetprotection #assetplanning #financialplanning #longtermcareinsurance #retirement #retirementplanning #medicare #stocks #bonds #annuities
11/17/20226 minutes, 45 seconds
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Charlotte Today Show - How to Avoid Probate!

How to Avoid Probate! Greg, Eric and Eugene discuss the dangers of probate and how to avoid it in this edition of the Charlotte Today Show.#probate #estateplanning #elderlaw #attorney #lawyer #charlottetoday #todayshow #sharlottetodayshow #will #wills #trust #trusts #longtermcare #retirement #retirementplanning #realestate #medicare #medicaid
11/16/20223 minutes, 51 seconds
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Using Life Insurance as a bank and for investment

Ryan & Greg talk about how using life insurance can allow you to borrow money on great terms and also grow your investment in the policy.#beyourownbank #lifeinsurance #longtermcare #insurance #longtermcareinsurance #realestate #assetprotection #estateplanning
11/9/202216 minutes, 44 seconds
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The power of a Trust

What is a trust and what can it do for you?  There are several types of trusts that can be used to protect your assets. In this episode, Ryan Begley, Benefits Specialist, sits down with Elder Law Attorney, Eric Baker, to discuss what a trust is and how you can use it to help you achieve your financial goals while protecting your assets and preserving your legacy. Want to set up a trust? Give us a call today at  888-999-6600 to schedule your free consultation!
11/2/20226 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why should you have a Financial Power of Attorney?

When considering planning for your retirement or the future of a loved one, a common question may arise: Why should I have a Financial Power of Attorney? Having a Financial power attorney in place with an insurance policy if something should go wrong is a solid plan and we are going to tell you why.  Ryan Begley Benefits Specialist sits down with Eric Baker, Elder Law Attorney to discuss what a Financial Power of Attorney is, what it does, and how it can help you in that type of situation if something should go wrong. Stay tuned for more!
10/27/20224 minutes, 20 seconds
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Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts, whats the difference?

What is a revocable trust and what is an irrevocable trust and what does that mean for you? In this episode, Attorney Eric Baker sits down with Benefits Specialist, Ryan Begley to discuss the different types of trusts, what they can be used for, and how annuities can be placed into them.  You don't want to miss this one!#estateplanning, #trusts, #financialplanning, #annuities, #longtermcare, #assetprotection, #realestate, #insurance, #insurancepolicies, 
10/21/20224 minutes, 42 seconds
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What is an Annuity? Can it be placed in a trust?

What is an annuity and how can it financially benefit you? Were you also aware that annuities could make you money? Say what?! In this episode of the McIntyre Financial Report, Ryan Begley,  Benefits Specialist, sits down with a curious potential client and discusses annuities and how beneficial they can be when placed into a trust.
10/21/20229 minutes, 2 seconds
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Charlotte Today Show - Get BOTH sides of the house in order

Get BOTH sides of the house in order. With McIntyre Elder Law & McIntyre Financial you get the best of both the legal and financial worlds. Protect assets and grow them with the dream team of McIntyre Elder Law and McIntyre Financial.#elderlaw #estateplanning #financialplanning #financialplanner #insurance #longtermcare #longtermcareinsurance #realestate #investing #retirement
10/19/20224 minutes, 47 seconds
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Elder Law Report - Ambriant at Austin Village

Today on the Elder Law Report, we have the VP, Sales & Marketing Maria Hagadorn from CRSL Management. She is going to be talking about one of their new facilities Ambriant at Austin Village. It is a new boutique rental retirement community for independent 55+ seniors. #insurance #realestate #assetprotection #assetplanning #financialplanning #longtermcareinsurance #retirement #retirementplanning #medicare #stocks #bonds #annuities #burial #burialpolicy #insurance #insurancepolicy #estateplanning #elderlaw #financialplanning #attorney #lawyer #retirementcommunity #retirementgoals 
10/14/202213 minutes, 39 seconds
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Discover This Real Estate Tool To Protect Your Home!

How can you protect your largest asset, your home? This is a question many people would want to know the answer to. In this episode, Ryan Begley Benefit's Specialist, sits down with Eric Baker, Elder Law Attorney, and discusses an amazing real estate tool that allows you to remain in full control of your home, and can protect it against liens! 
10/12/20225 minutes, 15 seconds
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Term Insurance- A Client Perspective

Why would you need term insurance? Join Ryan Begley, Benefits Specialist with McIntyre Financial on an episode where he interviews a client to share her experience with getting term insurance and how it could be beneficial for you. Want to know more?  Visit our website at to read our blog and subscribe to our E-newsletter. CALL 888-999-6600 for your free consultation 
10/5/20222 minutes, 50 seconds
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How illegal bank policies hurt the elderly.

How illegal bank policies hurt the elderly. Client discussion about how his mother is being hurt by U.S. Bank in Charlotte. This is not isolated, however to U.S. Bank. We witness big bank policies hurting the elderly everyday.Schedule your FREE consult today: 1-888-999-6600Online at: #realestate #banks #banking #guardianship #guardianships #elderlaw #attorney #lawyer
10/3/202219 minutes, 22 seconds
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Irrevocable Income Trusts

Would you like to have your cake and eat it too? If the answer is yes, then you don't want to miss this episode. Ryan Begley sits down with Elder Law Attorney Greg McIntyre to discuss Irrevocable Income Trusts and what that means for you and your potential!An Irrevocable Income Trust is the best safe that we can build for you and is great for long-term care situations. The reason it is called an income trust is that you are the lifetime income beneficiary because you can receive all the income of the trust for the rest of your life even though the assets or the principle you put there is protected and lives there in the safe. This is the best of both worlds. You can have your cake and eat it too! Stay tuned for more!
9/30/20229 minutes, 57 seconds
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Irrevocable Income Trusts

Would you like to have your cake and eat it too? If the answer is yes, then you don't want to miss this episode. Ryan Begley sits down with Elder Law Attorney Greg McIntyre to discuss Irrevocable Income Trusts and what that means for you and your potential!An Irrevocable Income Trust is the best safe that we can build for you and is great for long-term care situations. The reason it is called an income trust is that you are the lifetime income beneficiary because you can receive all the income of the trust for the rest of your life even though the assets or the principle you put there is protected and lives there in the safe. This is the best of both worlds. You can have your cake and eat it too! Stay tuned for more!
9/28/20229 minutes, 57 seconds
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Elder Law Report with Special Guest, Dr. Buffy Lloyd-Krejci.

Our special guest today on the Elder Law Report is Dr. Buffy Lloyd-Krejci. She is one of the foremost authorities on infection prevention and control in nursing homes and long-term care facilities! She also talks about her book, Broken, which is a #1 Amazon Best Seller!SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULT NOW: #realestate #assetprotection #assetplanning #financialplanning #longtermcareinsurance #retirement #retirementplanning #medicare #stocks #bonds #annuities #burial #burialpolicy #insurance #insurancepolicy #estateplanning #elderlaw #financialplanning #attorney #lawyer #nursinghome #longtermcare #education 
9/26/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
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Want to stop hemorrhaging money?

 Are your stocks losing money? What does this mean for you and your investments and how can you prevent losing money? Because of the current bear market, many people are wondering how to prevent losing even more money and how to protect their assets that they have worked their whole lives for. Ryan Begley, the Benefits Specialist with McIntyre Elder Law, sits down with Brenton Begley, Elder Law Attorney, to discuss some of the AMAZING insurance products that have the potential for you to make money, without losing money!You don't want to miss this episode!#theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #estateplanning #medicaidcrisisplanning #insurance #realestate #assetprotection #assetplanning #financialplanning #longtermcareinsurance #retirement #retirementplanning #medicare #stocks #bonds #annuities 
9/22/20226 minutes, 31 seconds
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Charlotte Today Show - What is Guardianship and how to avoid them.

What is Guardianship and how to avoid them. Check out the latest episode of the Charlotte Today Show with attorneys Greg McIntyre and Therron Causey.#estateplanning #elderlaw #realestate #guardianship #guardianships #conservator #attorney #lawyer #poa #powerofattorney #will #trust #fyp #viral #foryoupage
9/12/20224 minutes, 42 seconds
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Elder Law Report - Leona Neal Senior Center

Our special guest today on the Elder Law Report is Daniel Dedmon from the Leona Neal Senior Center! The senior center provides a place Monday through Thursday from 8 AM-5 PM and Friday 8 AM-1PM for adults age 55 and older to easily access information and services as well as to meet to socialize and enjoy participating in programs and special seasonal events.SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULT NOW: #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes  #vetbens  #realestate  #trusts #medicaidcrisisplanning #community #seniorcenter #senior activities #seniorgames
9/9/202214 minutes, 37 seconds
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Elder Law Report - Chefs for Seniors

Cooking can be a problem for seniors. Getting the right nutrition. Feeling good enough to cook. Being lonely. Depression. Loss of appetite. Ability to actually cook. SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULT NOW:Charlotte: 704-749-9244Shelby: 704-259-7040Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at: #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #vetbens #realestate #trusts #medicaidcrisisplanning
9/2/202222 minutes, 40 seconds
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Which Insurance Product will work best for you?

Insurance is a product that many people have, but when it comes to the details of insurance, many have questions about what's the difference between term insurance and other different insurance products. In this episode,  Ryan Begley one of our Benefits Specialists for McIntyre Financial explains the different types of insurance products, how they are used, and what they are best suited for. Whether it's a Whole Life Insurance policy, or a Term Insurance policy,  we can help you find the best insurance product to help fit your needs so you can have peace of mind while we help you protect your assets and preserve your legacy.#theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #medicaidcrisisplanning #insurance #realestate #assetprotection #assetplanning #financialplanning #longtermcareinsurance #retirement #retirementplanning #medicare #stocks #bonds #annuities 
9/2/20227 minutes, 4 seconds
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What in the World is a Burial Trust?

In this episode, we will be discussing Burial Policies,  and how you can use them to become Medicaid compliant in the state of North Carolina. A Burial Trust is a great tool to make sure that your assets are protected and that your loved ones aren't left with the burden of providing a funeral and burial for you. Burial policies are a fairly easy process, stay tuned for more. #theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #medicaidcrisisplanning #insurance #realestate #assetprotection #assetplanning #financialplanning #longtermcareinsurance #retirement #retirementplanning #medicare #stocks #bonds #annuities 
8/31/20224 minutes, 6 seconds
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Life Insurance Policies and Trusts

Did you know that if you have large medical bills your whole estate could be wiped out? It's horrifying to think that this could happen to anyone. Thankfully there is some good news to help you avoid this situation. Learn how you can avoid the probate process and learn more about life insurance policies and trusts, and how this brilliant strategy may have the potential to create generational wealth for you and your family while not wiping out your estate. Trust us, you don't want to miss this episode!#theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #medicaidcrisisplanning #insurance #realestate #assetprotection #assetplanning #financialplanning #longtermcareinsurance #retirement #retirementplanning #medicare #stocks #bonds #annuities 
8/26/202217 minutes, 5 seconds
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Elder Law Report - Union County Senior Nutrition Program

Today on the Elder Law Report, we have special guest, Emily Colson, director of the Union County’s Senior Nutrition Program. This program provides meals to individuals 60 and over throughout Union County. Call 704-292-2567 or go to #seniors #volunteers #community #estateplanning #nutrition #healthylifestyle
8/24/202219 minutes, 56 seconds
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McIntyre Elder Law Report -Life's Lessons with David Lamoureaux

Today we sit down with Mr. David Lamoureaux, author, teacher, life coach, and motivational speaker to hear about his life experiences and what lessons life can teach us. Trust us you don't want to miss this one! If you're interested in learning more about estate planning and our other services, give us a call today at 888-999-6600.
8/19/202218 minutes, 26 seconds
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How Can the Ladybird Deed Protect Your Home?

How can the ladybird deed protect your home? Did you know that North Carolina has a special deed called a Ladybird Deed that allows you to name someone to receive your property automatically upon your passing?  The Ladybird Deed also passes outside of probate and you remain one hundred percent in control of the property, meaning you can sell the property, mortgage the property, and more. Ryan Begley, Benefit's Specialist sits down with attorney Eric Baker to discuss the benefits of a ladybird deed and how you can use it to protect your home. #theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #medicaidcrisisplanning #insurance #realestate #assetprotection #assetplanning #financialplanning #longtermcareinsurance #retirement #retirementplanning #medicare #stocks #bonds #annuities 
8/17/20224 minutes, 17 seconds
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Charlotte Today Show - Never transfer assets into your kids names

Never transfer assets into your kids names.📱Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991💻Online at: #elderlaw #trusts #livingtrust #home #realestate
8/15/20223 minutes, 48 seconds
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McIntyre Financial Report -Taxes and Long-Term Care Insurance

A common question that many people have is will my life insurance be taxed? In this episode Elder Law Attorney Ryan Begley talks with Financial Benefits Specialist Ryan Begley to discuss Taxes and  Long-Term Care insurance and what best steps you can take to protect your assets and preserve your legacy. #financialplanning #medicaid #estateplanning #longtermcare #insurance #stocks #bonds #annuities #retirement #assetprotection #assetplanning #longtermcareinsurance #mcintyrefinancial 
8/10/202228 minutes, 21 seconds
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Elder Law Report - Reverse Mortgages

Reverse Mortgage. Need an extra stream of income, pay off existing mortgage, and/or private pay for long-term care? A reverse mortgage may be a good option for you. Gina, and Greg discuss the benefits of reverse mortgage in this week's edition of the Elder Law Report.#reversemortgage #mortgage #retirement #longtermcare #medicaid #nursinghomecare #trusts #trust #estateplanning #medicare #elderlaw #attorney #lawyer #retirementincome #retirementplanning
8/5/202218 minutes, 32 seconds
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McIntyre Financial Report - The Process

Our benefits Specialist, Ryan Begley, makes it easy for you to talk about getting your financial affairs in order. The process can take as little as 15 minutes or as long as you need. Schedule your FREE consult today!Call: 704-218-9223Email: [email protected] at: #elderlaw #lawyer #attorney #realestate #longtermcare #financialplanning #financialplanner #insurance #lifeinsurance #longtermcareinsurance #jigglejiggle #fyp
8/3/20225 minutes, 29 seconds
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McIntyre Financial Report - We Work Hard to Get You Approved

Hunter & Ryan talk through sone personal and medical issues that people may think will prevent them from obtaining benefits like insurance. At McIntyre Financial, we are used to uncomfortable conversations. Schedule your free consultation today at 704-218-9223. #Diabetes #life #insurance #lifeinsurance #money #attorney #agent
7/28/20223 minutes, 35 seconds
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Elder Law Report - Dream Team

 McIntyre Elder Law and McIntyre  Financial collaborate together to be able to provide clients with a well-rounded experience. McIntyre Financial has access to Medicaid Compliant Annuities that be used to transfer funds out of the individual's name who needs the long-term care. This can be used to allow the person to qualify for Medicaid and get the care they need while preserving a large amount of their assets.Call us today for a FREE consultation  at 888-999-6600#theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning #insurance #realestate #assetprotection #assetplanning #financialplanning #longtermcareinsurance #retirement #retirementplanning #medicare #stocks #bonds #annuities 
7/15/20224 minutes, 13 seconds
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McIntyre Financial Report - Disability Insurance

Approximately 1/2 the work force has no protection against becoming temporarily or worse, permanently disabled. Learn how disability insurance should be a vital part of your financial plan.#estateplanning #insurance #financialplanning #financialplan #disability #disabiityinsurance #realestate #longtermcareinsurance #annuities #retirement #ira #401k #assetprotection
7/13/20226 minutes, 46 seconds
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Charlotte Today Show - High Wealth Estate and Tax Planning

Our MEL Signature Services focuses on high wealth estate and tax planning. We understand how hard you and your family work for your money. We understand how hard it is intodays complex system of taxation to hold on to it, maximize it and create a comprehensive plan to pass it to your loved ones in a meaningful way. That's what MEL Signature Services is all about. Let us help you and your family. Give us a call today at: 1-888-999-6600 or schedule your FREE consultation online at: #legacy #legacyplanning #estateplanning #tax #taxplanning #insurance #elderlaw #realestate #attorney #lawyer
7/11/20224 minutes, 53 seconds
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McIntyre Financial Report - Harmony Plan

Is your financial planner working with your attorney? If not, you may want to investigate the benefits. Greg & Ryan discuss the benefits of harmony in this relationship.#attorney #financialplanner #insurance #assetprotection #estateplanning #elderlaw #annuities #wills #trusts #probate #estates #lawyer #taxplanning #longtermcare
6/30/20229 minutes, 4 seconds
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Elder Law Report - We Care For Seniors ft. Robin Elbertson

Today on the Elder Law Report we have special guest, Robin Elbertson, from We Care For Seniors! We Care For Seniors is a concierge & companion service here in Charlotte, NC! Robin started We Care For Seniors out of a deep love for her own parents and the many ways she has been able to help them as they age.SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULT NOW:Charlotte: 704-749-9244Shelby: 704-259-7040Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at: #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning
6/24/202213 minutes, 9 seconds
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McIntyre Financial Report - Got holes?

Got holes? Today on the McIntyre Financial Report, Attorney Greg McIntyre, discuss the importance of Estate Planning & Financial Planning. SOME MANY PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW THIS! CHECK IT OUT!Schedule your FREE consult today. Call 704-218-9223 and email [email protected]#insurance #realestate #assetprotection #assetplanning #financialplanning #longtermcareinsurance #retirement #retirementplanning #medicare #stocks #bonds #annuities
6/22/20225 minutes, 1 second
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Elder Law Report - Out Of State Documents

“I have a will that was drafted for me out of state. Is it valid in North Carolina?” The answer? It depends. Even if you had your will drafted by an attorney, different states have different laws. On the Elder Law Report today, attorney Greg McIntyre & attorney Therron Causey discuss this in detail.SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULT NOW:Charlotte: 704-749-9244Shelby: 704-259-7040Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at: #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning
6/17/202211 minutes, 31 seconds
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McIntyre Financial - Medicare Supplements

How to choose a Medicare Supplement Plan:Ryan & Greg talk about the following 4 keys to knowing and choosing the right plan and company for you:1. Standardized Plans.2. No Networks.3. Most Popular Plans.4. Choose the right Insurance Company.Schedule your FREE consult today. Call 704-218-9223 and email [email protected].#medicare #medigap #coverage #retirement #medicaid #health #wellness #insurance #insuranceplan #mcfi #mcintyrefinancial #benefits #hositpal #doctor #attorney #lawyer #estateplanning
6/16/202211 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Charlotte Today Show - Will you get hit with excessive taxation when you die?

Will you get hit with excessive taxation when you die? Mia, Greg & Brenton discuss how to avoid excessive taxation with proper Estate Planning.SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULT NOW:Charlotte: 704-749-9244Shelby: 704-259-7040Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at: #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning
6/14/20225 minutes, 39 seconds
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Elder Law Report - Guardianships defined

Guardianship defined. Attorneys Greg McIntyre & Therron Causey discuss what YOU need to know about guardianships in North Carolina. How to avoid them, when they are necessary, and important factors to consider. Tune in to this week's episode of the Elder Law Report!SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULT NOW:Charlotte: 704-749-9244Shelby: 704-259-7040Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at: #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning
6/10/202211 minutes, 36 seconds
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McIntyre Financial Report - Annuities

Can Annuities Protect My Retirement? Ryan and Greg discuss the 4 types of annuities in this short video.Schedule your FREE consult today. Call: 704-218-9223 or email [email protected].#annuities #retirement #assetprotection #assetplanning #financialplan #retirementplan #estateplanning #estate #fixedannuities #mcfi #mymcfi
6/9/20229 minutes, 49 seconds
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McIntyre Financial Report - Life Insurance

Life Insurance..How am I going to replace my income for my family? How will the kids go to college? How will I leave a legacy? The answer to these and many other questions is life insurance. Schedule your FREE consultation today! Call 704-218-9223 and email [email protected]#insurance #realestate #assetprotection #assetplanning #financialplanning #longtermcareinsurance #retirement #retirementplanning #medicare #stocks #bonds #annuities
6/2/202213 minutes, 52 seconds
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Elder Law Report - Dreaded Look Back Period..

Joining Attorney Brenton Begley today is his brother, Ryan Begley! Ryan is a benefits specialist with our sister company, McIntyre Financial. Today they are discussing the dreaded Look Back Period! Tune in to learn more, and if you have any questions, Just Ask. SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULT NOW:Charlotte: 704-749-9244Shelby: 704-259-7040Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at: #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning
5/27/20229 minutes, 29 seconds
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McIntyre Financial Report - Burial Policies

Burial Policies can be an important part of your plan.In this short video you will learn:1. What happens if you don’t have a burial policy?2. What happens if you do have a burial policy?3. How you can easily obtain a burial policy.Schedule your FREE consult today. Call 704-218-9223 or email [email protected].#burial #burialpolicy #insurance #insurancepolicy #estateplanning #elderlaw #financialplanning #attorney #lawyer
5/25/20227 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Charlotte Today Show - Private V.S. Public

Attorney Greg McIntyre sits down with Mia from The Charlotte Today show and goes through the most common estate planning tools and discusses the privacy implications of each document..SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULT NOW:Charlotte: 704-749-9244Shelby: 704-259-7040Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at: #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning
5/24/20224 minutes, 50 seconds
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McIntyre Financial Report - Life Insurance: Term vs. Whole Life

Life Insurance: Term vs. Whole LifeWhich one is best for you and when? Ryan and Greg dig in and discuss the details and differences between term and whole life insurance in this episode of the McIntyre Financial Report.#realestate #lifeinsurance #wholelifeinsurance #termlifeinsurance #wholelife #term #estateplanning #financialplanning #elderlaw #attorney #advisor #assetprotection #investment #investments #assetplanning #assetpan #lawyer
5/19/202218 minutes, 32 seconds
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Plan, protect, and preserve a legacy.

"Plan, protect, and preserve a legacy. Two elder law attorneys discuss the importance of implementing foundational documents, protecting assets, and more..."SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULT NOW:Charlotte: 704-749-9244Shelby: 704-259-7040Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at: #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning
5/13/202246 minutes, 6 seconds
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McIntyre Financial Report - 3 Things You NEED to Know About Long Term Care Insurance

Greg & Ryan reveal the 3 things you need to know about along Term Care Insurance:1. Dispelling the Myths about Long Term Care Insurance.2. How to easily incorporate long term care insurance into your financial plan.3. A Hidden Gem of the industry. How to use a small portion of your retirement to pay for long term care.Schedule your FREE consult today 704-218-9223Email: [email protected]#financialplanning #assetprotection #fyp #longtermcare #nursinghome #assistedliving #insurance #retirement #realestate #assetplanning #estateplanning #elderlaw
5/12/202214 minutes, 52 seconds
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SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE.. Watch now as Attorney Brenton Begley interviews Darius Ramsey from Globe Life Insurance, a leader in supplemental health and life insurance policies that provide financial security and peace of mind. Globe Life empowers their customers to Make Tomorrow Better by offering products that help secure their financial future and protect them when tragedy strikes! Globe Life is passionate about their mission to protect, serve, and give back to our neighbors. Watch now to see how Globe Life can help you! SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULT NOW: Charlotte: 704-749-9244Shelby: 704-259-7040Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at: #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning
5/12/202214 minutes, 5 seconds
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How do I use Medicaid Compliant Annuities to save my retirement money?

In this edition of the McIntyre Financial Report, Greg and Ryan discuss how Medicaid Compliant Annuities are utilized when a family is facing losing retirement and other monies due to an assisted living or nursing home stay.#realestate #estateplanning #assetprotection #annuities #financialplanning #elderlaw #estateplanning #attorney #insurance #lawyer #financialplanner
5/5/20229 minutes, 15 seconds
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Don't Let Allergies Get You Down!

Allergies are something we all suffer from but we don't have to! Kelly Jan with Carolina Allergy Solutions talks about non invasive methods to deal with allergies on this edition of the Elder Law Report.#allergies #elderlaw #estateplanning #holistic #holisticmedicine #health #wellness #aging #retirement #assetprotection #assetplanning
5/1/202227 minutes, 23 seconds
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McIntyre Financial Report: Life Insurance, Retirement, and Long Term Care

Introducing Ryan Begley. Ryan, a former Asheville police officer, is absolutely excited about working with McIntyre Financial and bringing Insurance solutions to clients. Life Insurance can multiply your retirement and pay for long term care. Here about some really cool tools Ryan has in his tool bag.#insurance #longtermcare #retirement #planning #financialplanning #assetprotection #attorney #lawyer #elderlaw #estateplanning #mcintyrefinancial #realestate
4/27/202216 minutes, 42 seconds
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LIVE Estate Planning Event! Got any questions about estate planning?

Greg and the team have a great time presenting about different aspects of estate planning. Great questions were asked during this event. Do you have a question?
4/22/20221 hour, 31 minutes, 41 seconds
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McIntyre Elder Law explains the importance of Lady Bird Deeds

To learn more and schedule a free consult, go to #lbd #savingthefarm #realestate #estateplanning #elderlaw #attorney #lawyer #assetplanning #assetprotection #retirementplanning #medicaid #longtermcare #nursinghome #assistedliving
4/10/20224 minutes, 10 seconds
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Charlotte Today Show! Discussing planning with your family & the importance of planning...

Greg and Eugene talk about discussing planning with your family and the importance of planning on the Charlotte Today Show.SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULT NOW:Charlotte: 704-749-9244Shelby: 704-259-7040Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at: #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning
4/7/20224 minutes, 41 seconds
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Inflation: How does inflation impact my estate plan?

Can inflation help me in some way? How? How do I protect my assets that have increased in value? Could inflation put me at risk of increased taxation? Are there ways to deal with or maximize my taxable exemptions?#realestate #inflation #hardassets #estateplanning #elderlaw #deeds #assetprotection #trust #trusts #revcablelivingtrust #benefits #longtermcare #irrevocabletrust
4/4/202210 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Best Estate Planning Article Ever Written

I have to admit, I have written lots of estate planning articles. Some are better than others. But… This is by far my best estate planning article. I could wow you with legalese. I could tout my degrees and my accolades. However, the best estate planning decision you will ever make is to actually take the step to get organized and get your affairs in order. That’s a decision I can’t make for you. You can lead a horse to water and all that.
3/6/20225 minutes, 44 seconds
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My Struggles With Planning

I struggle with planning. I have really been suffering with a stomach issue for the last six months. Here was my plan to beat it and to get back in the gym every day. What’s this have to do with the estate planning? Find out in this short video.
3/6/202210 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

120 Hour Rule: A little known NC rule that can change the course of property when you die.

120 Hour Rule: A little known NC rule that can change the course of property when you die.The 120 Hour Rule should be talked about more often. If someone in your will or a beneficiary deceases within 120 hours after your death then it will change the course of distribution of your assets. Here is how it works.Schedule your FREE consult today:
2/18/20225 minutes, 57 seconds
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Automobile Trusts. What are they and are they for you?

Automobile Trusts. What are they and are they for you? It is a smart idea to separate your assets from your vehicles due to liability. Learn about how this works with an Auto-Trust.#realestate #estateplanning #elderlaw #lawyers #attorney #retirement #savings #nursinghome #assistedliving #SeniorLiving #automobile #car #truck #vehicle
2/6/202213 minutes, 35 seconds
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LIVE!!! BREAKFAST SEMINAR!!! Are You Ready Estate Planning Seminar!

LIVE!!! BREAKFAST SEMINAR!!! Are You Ready Estate Planning Seminar! Join us this morning for a packed house, eggs, and education! Signup for a FREE consult today: #estateplanning #elderlaw #lawyers #attorney #retirement #savings #nursinghome #assistedliving #SeniorLiving
2/5/20221 hour, 23 minutes, 25 seconds
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Can I avoid probate with my car?

Should you use tax value or appraisal value for real estate in a probate estate? Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre, explains the answers to this question in this short video.#realestate #probate #deed #estateplanning #will #attorney #elderlaw #lawyer #car #automobile #probate #will #estate #avoidingprobate #avoidprobate
1/9/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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What is a Spousal Allowance?

Should you open a probate estate or use a Spousal Allowance? Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre, explains the answers to this question in this short video.
1/9/20222 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tax Value versus Appraisal Value. That is the Probate question.

Should you use tax value or appraisal value for real estate in a probate estate? Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre, explains the answers to this question in this short video.#realestate #probate #deed #estateplanning #will #attorney #elderlaw #lawyer
1/9/20224 minutes, 10 seconds
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Today's Radio Appearance!!! New Year's Resolutions & Excuses.

Greg talks with Mark about what resolutions you should be making in 2022 and how to stop making excuses.#realestate #estateplanning #elderlaw #attorney #lawyer
1/4/202216 minutes, 48 seconds
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Are you wondering What is Crypto?

Are you wondering What is Crypto? No worries. Crypto currency is an incredibly valuable asset. Attorney, Brenton Begley, recorded a 2 minute video discuss this topic!Schedule FREE CONSULT!Online at: #ethereum #coinbase
11/19/20213 minutes, 51 seconds
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How do I pass on my cryptocurrency? Plus the Digital Blockchain Trust (DBT) explained.

How do I pass on my cryptocurrency? Plus the Digital Blockchain Trust (DBT) explained.Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!📱Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991💻Online at: #shibainu #shib #ShibArmy #shibaswap #ShibaSwap #defi #bitcoin #ethereum #blockfi #BlockFi #CryptoLaw #cryptolaw #cryptolawyer #cryptolawyers #shibainucoin #shiba #shibacoin #ShibaCoin
11/10/202113 minutes, 16 seconds
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How to be prepared during this CRAZY time!!!

It has been a wild 1 & 1/2 years. Here is what you need to do to be prepared.Greg McIntyreEstate Planning & Elder Law Attorney
10/29/202113 minutes, 41 seconds
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Is Your Retirement Protected?

Is my retirement account protected? Find out in this short video from firm partner, Brenton Begley.Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!📱Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991💻Online at:
10/9/20214 minutes, 16 seconds
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Be Prepared for Anything!

📈We all have been affected by the pandemic. Here are 3 things you can do to be prepared no matter what may come.Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!📱Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991💻Online at:
9/23/20216 minutes, 22 seconds
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$1M in 1 Year: Episode 16: Breaking Down the Numbers

$1M in 1 Year - Episode 16: Breaking Down the Numbers.I leased the condo project!!! I go through the numbers for the condo, Digital currency holdings and stock holdings to detail where I am in the $1M in 1 Year project. Enjoy the show!⚠️ *I am not a licensed investor or broker. I carry no securities licenses. Nothing I do on this show should in any way be considered investment advice. Financial markets can be volatile so invest at your own risk and peril. ⚠️
9/7/202114 minutes, 59 seconds
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Need to qualify for Medicaid to pay for Long Term Care?

What are some of the most common issues that arise when you need to qualify for Medicaid to pay for long term care? Attorney Therron Causey discuss those common issues in this quick 3 minute video! CHECK IT OUT!Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at: #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning
8/27/20214 minutes, 46 seconds
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The tool that could save your home and money and qualify you for long term care benefits.

The tool that could save your home and money and qualify you for long term care benefits. Watch this short video on the Medicaid Asset Protection Trust.Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at:
8/25/20216 minutes, 5 seconds
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How Should the Law Adapt to Rapid Technological Advances?

Brenton and Therron discuss how technological advancement is exponential and whether the law should attempt to change along with it. Brenton and Therron discuss the historical approach to this issue through the lens of Utilitarianism,  Deontology, and religion.
8/22/202149 minutes, 36 seconds
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The 4 Steps to FINALLY getting your Estate Plan in place. Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!

The 4 Steps to FINALLY getting your Estate Plan in place. Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at:
8/6/20217 minutes, 49 seconds
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🏌🏽‍♂️🏊‍♀️Do you want to stay active and healthy well into old age?

🏌🏽‍♂️🏊‍♀️Do you want to stay active and healthy well into old age? LISTEN UP!!! Part one of our longevity series we call the Prometheus Project.Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!📱Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991💻Online at:
8/6/202112 minutes, 44 seconds
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Do You Have the Right to Die?

Brenton and Therron discuss the right to die and whether physician assisted suicide should be a fundamental right.
7/30/202144 minutes, 16 seconds
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HOW TO AVOID LAZY GRANDKIDS!!! Is there anything worse than entitled people??? Not many things. We all work hard for what we have. It made us who we are. How can you leave a legacy for your family without spoiling or creating entitled grandkids or heirs? Find out in this episode of the Elder Law Report.Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!📱Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991💻Online at:
7/29/202112 minutes, 17 seconds
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❤️ 🏠 Love REAL ESTATE??? Are you protecting yours?

❤️ 🏠 Love REAL ESTATE??? We do too! What are you doing to protect and manage yours? Find out in this episode of the Elder Law Report.Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!📱Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991💻Online at:
7/23/202111 minutes, 42 seconds
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What TO DO if a bank says NO… to a financial Power of Attorney (POA). I need to tell you this…

What TO DO if a bank says NO… to a financial Power of Attorney (POA). I need to tell you this… Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at:
7/20/202110 minutes, 21 seconds
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Conquering Your Fears

Conquering Your Fears. Why do we not take action to grow? Why do we put off tough decisions? Find out in this episode of the Elder Law Report.Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!📱Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991💻Online at:
7/13/202116 minutes, 16 seconds
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$1M in 1 Year: Episode 15: Condo Project Update.

$1M in 1 Year: Episode 15: Condo Project Update. I just finished 3 big projects!!! Ready to move to the lease.
7/5/20216 minutes, 4 seconds
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Happy 4th from The McIntyres!

Happy 4th from The McIntyres! We are so committed to your independence that we are offering a FREE CONSULT for you and your family(a $300 value).- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at:
7/4/20213 minutes, 12 seconds
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Avoiding the Truth & Reality produces warped outcomes.

Avoiding the Truth & Reality produces warped outcomes. Hear how in this edition of the Elder Law Report.Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991💻Online at:
7/1/202116 minutes, 48 seconds
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DANGER!!! Stop taking legal advice from non-lawyers.

DANGER!!! Stop taking legal advice from non-lawyers. From funeral homes to financial planners there are lots of non-attorneys doling out legal advice these days. Brenton and Greg explore the dangers of listening to non-attorneys in this Elder Law Report.Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at:
6/25/202119 minutes, 52 seconds
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TRUSTS! In depth trust workshop with attorney Brenton Begley in this week’s Elder Law Report.

TRUSTS! In depth trust workshop with attorney Brenton Begley in this week’s Elder Law Report. Revocable, Irrevocable, Convertible? What do they do and which one might be the right tool to save your home and retirement?Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!📱Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991💻Online at:
6/22/202133 minutes, 19 seconds
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Trusts explained in 2 minutes.

Trusts explained in 2 minutes. Is a trust right for you? Find out in this short video.Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!📱Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991💻Online at:
6/20/20213 minutes, 5 seconds
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$1M in 1 Year: Episode 14: I’m Done Gambling!!!

$1M in 1 Year: Episode 14: I’m Done Gambling!!!After a month of up and down markets and crazy meme stocks I have learned some extremely valuable lessons and headed in a new direction with new wisdom. Enjoy the show!⚠️ *I am not a licensed investor or broker. I carry no securities licenses. Nothing I do on this show should in any way be considered investment advice. Financial markets can be volatile so invest at your own risk and peril. ⚠️
6/20/202118 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to protect your hard earned money and property.

From the Charlotte Uptown Desk of Attorney Therron Causey: How to protect your hard earned money and property.Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at:
6/11/20214 minutes, 58 seconds
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Adult Guardianships Explained!

Charlotte Uptown Attorney, Therron Causey, works on lots of Adult Guardianship cases for our firm. He was kind enough to record a 3 minute video on Guardianships for us. Enjoy!Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at:
6/11/20213 minutes, 48 seconds
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How to Protect Your Home!!!

How to Protect Your Home!!! First you have to know the several risks… Watch this short, informative video from Attorney Brenton Begley.Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at:
6/11/20214 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Many Ways You Own Real Estate

The Many Ways You Own Real Estate . Elder Law Report . How can the way you own real estate help or hurt you as you age? Find out in this week’s episode. Schedule your free consult today at:
6/11/202127 minutes, 14 seconds
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🏠 The Many Ways You Own Real Estate . Elder Law Report

🏠 The Many Ways You Own Real Estate . Elder Law Report . How can the way you own real estate help or hurt you as you age? Find out in this week’s episode.
5/22/202126 minutes, 53 seconds
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Sippin' tea ☕ with T!

Our Probate Case Manager, Tiffany Blackburn, breaks down the "Publication Period" that takes place during a Probate process.#theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning
5/18/20212 minutes, 49 seconds
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Proud Dad: Elder Law Report: The Real Legacy… The One’s We Love!

My oldest son, Jordan, graduates from UNC in the morning. Up late, in a hotel, reminiscing over a little baby boy who we raised into a man and is now graduating from college. How time flies.Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991Online at:
5/16/202111 minutes, 34 seconds
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❌ Elimination of Step-Up-In-Basis?

❌ Elimination of Step-Up-In-Basis? High taxation and what that might mean for you and more in this Elder Law Report. Stay tuned!!! Schedule your FREE CONSULT today!📱Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991💻Online at:
5/7/202126 minutes, 55 seconds
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$1 M in 1 Year: Episode 13: Problems ARE Opportunities.

$1 M in 1 Year: Episode 13: Problems ARE Opportunities.Really struggling the last few weeks with down markets and digital currency. What opportunity is there in this crisis? *I am not a licensed investor or broker. I carry no securities licenses. Nothing I do on this show should in any way be considered investment advice. Financial markets can be volatile so invest at your own risk and peril.
4/25/202110 minutes, 56 seconds
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3 Commonly Held Misbeliefs about Money, Aging & Estate Planning.

✅ 3 Commonly Held Misbeliefs about Money, Aging & Estate Planning.⚜️Medicare will pay for long-term care.⚜️I have a spouse so who needs an estate plan.⚜️I have money. Why plan?These questions and more answered in this Elder Law Report.📱Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991💻Online at:
4/24/202126 minutes, 12 seconds
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✅SPECIAL TRUST EPISODE!!! Everything you need to know about trusts in this Elder Law Report!

✅SPECIAL TRUST EPISODE!!! Everything you need to know about trusts in this Elder Law Report!⚜️Avoiding Probate.⚜️Maximizing Estate Tax Exemptions.⚜️...and much, much more!📱Call for Free Consult:- Charlotte: 704-749-9244- Shelby: 704-259-7040- Hendersonville: 828-233-5991💻Online at:
4/17/202126 minutes, 47 seconds
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⚡️How You Are Set Up to Fail

Elder Law Attorney Brenton Begley talks about the system the people face as they age. From long term care costs 💰 to Guardianship and how you can ACT to PROTECT yourself, home and retirement. Enjoy this special episode. For a free consult call: 704-749-9244 or schedule online at
4/8/20217 minutes, 27 seconds
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$1M in 1 Year: Episode 12: Working the System.

$1M in 1 Year: Episode 12: Working the System.I have really worked on perfecting my system. I have decided I want to creat my own trading algorithm. More to come in how to do that as I go through the process.This is an honest, raw and scary look at the ups and downs of investing. Greg wants a dialogue with all those out there trying to grow their savings. #LetsTalk​ #1Min1Year​⚠️ *I am not a licensed investor or broker. I carry no securities licenses. Nothing I do on this show should in any way be considered investment advice. Financial markets can be volatile so invest at your own risk and peril. ⚠️
4/6/202110 minutes, 26 seconds
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Are Your Rights in Danger. Guardianships Explored.

In today's Latte with a Lawyer episode, Attorney Brenton S. Begley explores the ease by which your rights could be taken away in a Guardianship court proceeding.
3/31/202114 minutes, 12 seconds
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What is Estate Planning and Why Do It?

Estate planning and elder law attorneys Greg McIntyre and Brenton Begley explore the ins and outs of estate planning from Foundations to Trusts.
3/30/202128 minutes, 25 seconds
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Back To Your Roots

Sometimes you have to go back to your roots to move forward. We stand on the shoulders of our parents, our grandparents. Soon, we will be the roots. Let us help you build a firm foundation and plan at McIntyre Elder Law. Visit us today:
3/30/20215 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to plan like them...

How to plan like them... Give and get the gift of peace of mind this Christmas. Get you affairs in order with a $200 off Coupon for estate planning services:
3/30/20214 minutes, 7 seconds
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How can I be HURT by simply NOT KNOWING?

Knowledge is power in a legal maze of changing rules and laws. From taxes to changes in the law regarding long term care benefits. Stay INFORMED! Learn what you NEED TO KNOW to protect your children and grandchildren. Leave a legacy of life long learning. Signup for the FREE Elder Law Report eNewsletter TODAY! SIGN UP NOW!:
3/30/20215 minutes, 46 seconds
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How can I afford Estate Planning?

Anyone can afford estate planning. We have clients from all walks of like and we have trained checkout personnel that will work with you to help you achieve your goals and plan.
3/30/20213 minutes, 54 seconds
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Part 3: How to ACTUALLY qualify for Long-Term Care Medicaid.

Part 3: How to ACTUALLY qualify for Long-Term Care Medicaid.Part 3 of a 3 part series on: How to qualify for Long Term Care Medicaid?That’s the topic of this morning’s Latte with a Lawyer. A short talk over coffee about life, wealth and legal issues. Pour a cup and enjoy! To schedule a FREE CONSULT call: 704-259-7040 or @
3/30/20214 minutes, 48 seconds
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I may fail as a father sometimes... as a husband... But I will abs have planned a legacy to take care of my children and grandchildren. If we can help you... I offer a FREE consult: 704-749-9244 or online at
3/30/20214 minutes, 49 seconds
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Why People Don’t Plan?

Why People Don’t Plan? NEW ARTICLE! Doing some writing today and wanted to pop on and talk about the #1 psychological reasons why people don’t plan. Schedule today:
3/30/20217 minutes, 27 seconds
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Who I am and how I can help you.

I have saved HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS $$$ for clients and their families!!! Who I am and how I can help you. Schedule your FREE consult today:
3/30/202122 minutes, 30 seconds
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2021 In Depth Planning!!!

Every year I engage in in-depth planning with my team and with a professional business coach, Bob DeMers. This planning has been invaluable to the development of our business.
3/30/20214 minutes, 59 seconds
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WE’RE STUCK!!!! HELP!!! So we are stuck in a freight elevator this morning. Stay cool knowing your affairs are in order. Contact us for your free consult:
3/30/20217 minutes, 44 seconds
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Setting yourself up for success!

Why I wake up at 4:30am. Why planning ahead is best. Setting yourself up for success! Learn More at
3/30/20214 minutes, 16 seconds
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Working on 2020 client work and planning for 2021.

An eerily quiet day at the firm. Working on 2020 client work and planning for 2021. Are you planning? Take advantage before year’s end:
3/30/202111 minutes, 18 seconds
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Elder Law Handbook

Get your copy of the Elder Law Handbook! Author and Attorney, Brenton S. Begley, talks about his new and important book.
3/30/20217 minutes, 44 seconds
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Side effects of a Reverse Mortgage. What are they?

Side effects of a Reverse Mortgage. What are they? That’s the topic of this morning’s Latte with a Lawyer. A short talk over coffee about life, wealth and legal issues. Pour a cup and enjoy! To schedule a FREE CONSULT call: 704-259-7040 or @
3/30/20216 minutes, 41 seconds
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$1M in 1 Year: Episode 2:

$1M in 1 Year: Episode 2: Where do I get the right information? Is there enough information available for the common person to have a fair shot at making a profit in capital markets?
3/30/202113 minutes, 50 seconds
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Is there Common Law Marriage in NC and how does it affect your estate plan?

That’s the topic of this morning’s Latte with a Lawyer. A short talk over coffee about life, wealth and legal issues. Pour a cup and enjoy! To schedule a FREE CONSULT call: 704-259-7040 or @
3/30/20213 minutes, 56 seconds
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$1M in 1 Year. Episode 3.

Episode 3: Margin Call? Greg experiments with buying on margin in an effort to learn and reach his goal. This is an honest, raw and scary look at the ups and downs of investing. Greg wants a dialogue with all those out there trying to grow their savings. #LetsTalk​ #1Min1Year
3/30/202124 minutes, 5 seconds
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$1M in 1 Year: Episode 6: Patient Pig.

$1M in 1 Year Episode 6: Patient Pig. I’m continuing to learn and one of the big lessons is patience. Patience to learn my base portfolio stocks. Patience to know that everyday is a new day. Making steady gains. This is an honest, raw and scary look at the ups and downs of investing. Greg wants a dialogue with all those out there trying to grow their savings. #LetsTalk​ #1Min1Year​ ⚠️ *I am not a licensed investor or broker. I carry no securities licenses. Nothing I do on this show should in any way be considered investment advice. Financial markets can be volatile so invest at your own risk and peril. ⚠️
3/30/202115 minutes, 49 seconds
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$1M in 1 Year. Episode 5: Always listen to your gut!

$1M in 1 Year Episode 5: Always listen to your gut! Continuing to learn and coming off a bad week, Greg dusts himself off and gets back in the trading game. This is an honest, raw and scary look at the ups and downs of investing. Greg wants a dialogue with all those out there trying to grow their savings. #LetsTalk​ #1Min1Year
3/30/202122 minutes
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Morning Drive with the Elder Law Guy. Lady Bird Deeds.

Morning Drive with the Elder Law Guy. Lady Bird Deeds. Save the home! TAKE ACTION BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!! This is an issue I see repeatedly. Schedule your FREE consult today: 704-749-9244, or online at:
3/30/20214 minutes, 10 seconds
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$1M in 1 Year: Episode 7: Bitcoin is Digital Gold!!!

1M in 1 Year Episode 7: Bitcoin is Digital Gold!!! Made a bigger investment in Bitcoin this week and watched it climb to nearly $57k per coin. Invested in an uptown, high-rise condo and made steady stock gains playing the volatility of TSLA. I am now 1/4 of my way to $1M in mid February. Pretty happy with that. 😃
3/30/202130 minutes, 24 seconds
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$1M in 1 Year. Episode 4: Hold the Line.

$1M in 1 Year Episode 4: Hold the Line. A bloody week on the street and Greg learns a new strategy to protect losses and experiments with buying on margin. This is an honest, raw and scary look at the ups and downs of investing. Greg wants a dialogue with all those out there trying to grow their savings. #LetsTalk​ #1Min1Year
3/30/202130 minutes, 45 seconds
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What’s the Legality of a Lady Bird Deed in NC?

What’s the Legality of a Lady Bird Deed in NC? That’s the topic of this morning’s Latte with a Lawyer. A short talk over coffee about life, wealth and legal issues. Pour a cup and enjoy! To schedule a FREE CONSULT call: 704-259-7040 or @
3/30/20217 minutes, 11 seconds
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How to Write a Will

How to Write a Will: Short eCourse on how to write a will. If we can help call us at 704-749-9244 and online at
3/30/202121 minutes, 46 seconds
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$1M in 1 Year. Episode 1.

$1M in 1 Year. New show featuring Greg’s journey from a starting point to $1M invested in 1 Year. This is an honest, raw and scary look at the ups and downs of investing. Greg wants a dialogue with all those out there trying to grow their savings. #LetsTalk​ #1Min1Year
3/30/202120 minutes, 13 seconds
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$1M in 1 Year: Episode 9: What goes down MUST come up!

Episode 9: What goes down MUST come up! This week was tough! Market down as a whole and got locked into a margin but on Apple (AAPL) and just watched it sink. Still alive, though, as it rose Friday and I expect it to keep rising. Still putting money into Bitcoin. Enjoy this episode! 😎
3/30/202110 minutes, 36 seconds
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DIVORCE & WILLS: If I get divorced should I change my will? Find out in today’s episode of Latte with a Lawyer!
3/30/20214 minutes, 39 seconds
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Are you an imposter?

Are you an imposter? You are enough. Attorney Brenton Begley discusses the fears he’s overcome and how he helps clients overcome theirs to help them plan.
3/30/20215 minutes, 5 seconds
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Revocable Living Trust

A revocable living trust or RLT may be a great way for you to: 1. Stay in control of assets. 2. Avoid Probate. 3. Maximize your taxable exemptions. Contact our firm for your FREE consult today: 704-749-9244 or online at:
3/30/20213 minutes, 40 seconds
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Irrevocable Trust

Join our Shelby attorney, Brenton Begley, as he sits down and talks about an Irrevocable Trust! Call our office if we can help you or your family: 704-749-9244 or at
3/30/20212 minutes, 21 seconds
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Testamentary Trusts

Testamentary Trusts: These can be a straightforward way to utilize your will to create trusts for your property lasting well into the future. Schedule your FREE consult today: 704-749-9244, or schedule online at:
3/30/20214 minutes, 56 seconds
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$1M in 1 Year: Episode 10: Breaking Down the Strategy. Documentation.

$1M in 1 Year: Episode 10: Breaking Down the Strategy. Documentation. The last 2 weeks I first, sat down and wrote out my strategy into a system whereby I evaluate my picks for the week. Second, implemented that system and methodically made up my losses, Third, set a “LOCKOUT” limit. And, fourth, followed my written plan to be up $20k at the end of week 2. Still putting money into Bitcoin. Enjoy this episode! 😎 This is an honest, raw and scary look at the ups and downs of investing. Greg wants a dialogue with all those out there trying to grow their savings. #LetsTalk​ #1Min1Year​ ⚠️ *I am not a licensed investor or broker. I carry no securities licenses. Nothing I do on this show should in any way be considered investment advice. Financial markets can be volatile so invest at your own risk and peril. ⚠️
3/30/202119 minutes, 26 seconds
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🤷‍♀️ Now What? I’ve Been Appointed as Agent under a Power of Attorney.

🤷‍♀️ Now What? I’ve Been Appointed as Agent under a Power of Attorney.So, you’ve been named as somebody’s agent under power of attorney. That person (the “Principal”) is beginning to need your help making financial and healthcare decisions. What are you next steps?✅ Schedule your FREE consult today! Call: 704-749-9244, or online at:
3/19/202114 minutes, 33 seconds
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Education Spotlight. Home Protection with Deeds.

Education Spotlight. Home Protection with Deeds.Estate Planning & Elder Law Attorney, Brenton Begley gives a great education moment to our team and you on how to protect your home with deeds. Schedule your FREE consult today: 704-749-9244, or online at:
3/16/202112 minutes, 37 seconds
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Taxation and Trusts

Trust and Taxation: That’s the topic of the new Elder Law Report! What are pending changes in tax law that could hit you the hardest and what can you do to protect yourself and family? Schedule your FREE consult today: 704-749-9244 or online at:
3/15/202116 minutes, 45 seconds
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How can I be HURT by simply NOT KNOWING?

Knowledge is power in a legal maze of changing rules and laws. From taxes to changes in the law regarding long term care benefits. Stay INFORMED! Learn what you NEED TO KNOW to protect your children and grandchildren. Leave a legacy of life long learning. Signup for the FREE Elder Law Report eNewsletter TODAY! SIGN UP NOW!:
3/8/20215 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Sign Up for the Elder Law Report eNewsletter NOW!!!

We know you were going to love staying up-to-date with legal ways to save your hard-earned money and property. Sign up today! Go to:
3/8/20211 minute, 40 seconds
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SHOWCASE: PROBATE. See what really happens when a will is probated from the inside of our firm’s probate department. Also so tips and tricks to avoid probate. Schedule your FREE consult today: 704-749-9244 or online at:
3/4/20216 minutes, 4 seconds
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What did you forget to do?

Ever have that nagging feeling that you forgot something and it nags at you all day until you take care of whatever it is? Me, too! Greg & Brenton talk about doing the things you forgot to do and gaining clarity and peace of mind in this week's episode of the Elder Law Report.
2/22/20219 minutes, 29 seconds
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Rumors of the Elimination of Step-Up In Basis and How to Preserve It... and Why You SHOULD Care!

With rumors of eliminating the step-up in basis on property you should be concerned. We certainly are and have a solution that we would like to share with you. Should you wish to schedule a FREE consult please call: 704-749-9244 or online at:
2/22/202113 minutes, 26 seconds
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Is my Power of Attorney adequate and will it stand the test if time❓

Is my Power of Attorney adequate and will it stand the test if time❓
2/22/20216 minutes, 17 seconds
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Why are life’s best decisions the toughest?

Greg is really struggling with some tough decisions with growing the firm and his role. All of life’s best decisions are the toughest and that includes estate planning. In this Elder Law Report we examine the value of not holding on too tight. If we can help with your tough decisions let us know:
10/16/20209 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to Fund a Trust

Let’s dispel the myth that a trust when drafted automatically controls or holds property. It must be funded. Brenton and Greg talk about how to fund a trust with many types of property and assets.
10/10/202010 minutes, 51 seconds
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2020 Elder Law Debates!!!

A rough & tumble format between 2 cantankerous candidates, Rex Rational and Erny Irrational. These 2 face off for your vote of planning versus spontaneity. Which one wins? You decided. For your Free Consult call: 704-749-9244 or at And remember... This vote is all  about you and your future!
10/9/202011 minutes, 1 second
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4 Signs It Is Time To Consider A Trust

- One or more pieces of real estate. Substantial retirement assets.- Aging & Health Problems.- No Long Term Care Insurance.- Blended Family.
10/3/202011 minutes
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DANGER!!! Should I Sign a Nursing Home Contract?

Maybe, but you need to be aware of the dangers of doing so and a disturbing trend within the industry. Watch this informative Elder Law Report.
9/29/20208 minutes, 38 seconds
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Charlotte Today Show: Building Your Legacy!

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Stef and Greg discuss how they built the firm and their family in this episode. Many families work hard to grow, do the right thing and build their careers, businesses and families. You won’t want to miss this NEW short Charlotte Today Show episode!
9/12/20206 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Good Things In Life Are Hard!

The biggest irony in life is the fact that it is human nature to avoid hard things. Are you avoiding estate planning even though you know you need to do it? Brenton and Greg talk about overcoming this fear and planning made easy. Schedule your Free Consult today. Call: 704-749-9244 or online at:
9/10/20209 minutes, 35 seconds
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Estate Planning Around Elections!

How will the election effect your estate plan? Brenton & Greg discuss in this week’s Elder Law Report. Schedule your FREE CONSULT today to get your affairs in order. Call: 704-749-9244 or online at
9/10/202010 minutes, 53 seconds
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Crabby Old Lady

Hayden sent me this poem this morning and I wanted to share it with everyone. Let’s treat everyone with the respect they deserve. A long life well lived is full of ups and downs and love and loss. If we can help you are your family please give us a call at: 704-749-9244 or book your FREE Consult online at:
9/10/20208 minutes, 24 seconds
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Life Insurance Beneficiary Fraud

Brenton and Greg talk about this hot topic in this week's episode of the Elder Law Report. Schedule your Free Consultation today by calling 704-749-9244 or online at
8/14/202010 minutes, 56 seconds
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IRA to Trust Conversion

I want to talk to you today about a problem many of my clients are facing. They want to protect their assets, including retirement funds, in a trust like an irrevocable or convertible trust. Many Americans have much of their savings tied up in traditional Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) or 401ks painting an asset picture that is “Qualified Fund Heavy”. That means their funds are locked in tax qualified funds like traditional IRAs or 401ks. These retirement savings products seem like a great idea at first.  They allow you to set aside money each paycheck, pre-income tax, and allows that money to grow. You are not taxed on the gains or in other words, there are no capital gains taxes on the growth of the investments inside of the IRA package. However, you are penalized 10% for any withdrawals you make prior to age 59 and you must start taking distributions from the IRA at the age of 72. The distributions from your qualified retirement assets can provide much needed income well into your retirement. However, these types of assets (401ks and IRAs) cannot be legally protected with estate planning tools like trusts. Simply put, your traditional IRA or 401k cannot be moved into a trust to be protected; not in their current form, at least. To be placed into a trust they would need to be liquidated first...Why use a trust to protect assets like retirement funds?
8/2/202028 minutes, 39 seconds
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Charlotte Today Show: Pros & Cons of Estate Planning

✅Pros & Cons of Estate Planning: 🤷‍♀️Why haven't I protected my hard earned money and property with an estate plan? Eugene and Greg explore that question as they go step-by-step over the pros and cons of estate planning.In this episode learn:⚜️The high costs of waiting.⚜️How planning can be very affordable.Schedule your FREE CONSULT today! Call: 704-749-9244 or online at:
7/13/20206 minutes, 22 seconds
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Client-Side Scheduling

POWER TO THE CLIENT!!! Cool technology here that is EASY to use. We think you will love being able to book your own FREE conversations with our offices and attorneys right from your phone or computer. Try it out!Schedule your FREE conversation today! In Person- Phone- VideoWe look forward to serving you!
7/2/20208 minutes, 56 seconds
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Our Services

I wanted to RAVE about our services for a minute if you will allow:3 Departments:- Estate Planning (Pre-Planning)- Benefits Planning (Medicaid and VA)- ProbateSign up for your FREE conversation today!
7/2/20204 minutes, 42 seconds
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⏱Estate Planning Seminar in 10 Minutes

⏱Estate Planning Seminar in 10 Minutes.What you will learn:✅ Why Start with Foundational Planning?✅ Can Protective Deeds Save My Home?✅ Are Trusts Right For Me?❗️FREE OFFER: FREE CONSULT FOR YOU❗️‼️SCHEDULE TODAY‼️💻📞 704-749-9244
6/25/202012 minutes, 6 seconds
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$$$ Is price your concern?

$$$ Is price your concern? We are flexible. Taylor explains our pricing plans and the cool 😎 services our clients enjoy for FREE. Speaking of FREE. Schedule your FREE consult today:
6/25/202010 minutes, 37 seconds
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Special Needs and Estate Planning

Greg & Colleen chat about the importance of planning for special needs family members.
6/17/20206 minutes, 50 seconds
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Time Flies When You’re Having Fun!

Happy Anniversary to my wife of 21 years, Stefanie! I love this evening. Perfect! Good weather, good food and great company. Our lives have changed over the years. Yours will too. Let us know if we can help you and your family. Schedule your FREE CONSULT today.
6/11/20206 minutes, 43 seconds
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Drive-In Seminar

🍿 WE DID IT!!! We just finished our 📽 DRIVE-IN SEMINAR‼️ and we RECORDED IT just for you and your family. I am extremely excited to bring you our FREE, recorded ESTATE PLANNING & ELDER LAW seminar. Just for watching you will receive this 🔥🔥🔥SPECIAL OFFER: FREE CONSULT:✅ In this FREE VIDEO you will learn:🔅 How to protect your money and property.🔅 How to avoid a Medicaid Spend Down.🔅 How to get your affairs in order.👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 We hope you and your family enjoy watching as much as we enjoyed presenting.🔥🔥SPECIAL OFFER: FREE CONSULT:
5/29/202055 minutes, 52 seconds
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SPECIAL OFFER: FREE CONSULT: Have you gotten your affairs in order? Is your family taken care of during this time? We are offering FREE CONSULTS for estate planning and elder law legal issues to individuals and families during this time. We are here for you. To take advantage of this SPECIAL OFFER call: 704-749-9244 or go to
5/22/20201 minute, 56 seconds
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CHARLOTTE TODAY SHOW! Greg & Eugene discuss estate planning and make available a FREE digital version of the Magazine, the Elder Law Report . 2020 . Digital Edition. Get the magazine now at
5/21/20205 minutes, 52 seconds
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Save Your Money & Property Seminar

Elder Law Attorneys, Greg and Brenton, lay out how you can get your affairs in order and save your hard earned money and property.
4/24/202058 minutes, 36 seconds
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LIVE Estate Planning Seminar

ARE YOU READY? ARE YOUR AFFAIRS IN ORDER? Find out in this LIVE Estate Planning Seminar where Greg, Brenton and Hayden discuss all your FOUNDATIONAL DOCS that you need as well as Trusts and Lady Bird Deeds. Great FREE CONSULT offer within this seminar. Take advantage by calling: 704-749-9244 or online at
4/24/20201 hour, 1 minute, 42 seconds
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RIGHTS TALK! How does the shutdown effect your rights and your estate?

Americans have fought for our rights for centuries. Now they are suspended. How could this shutdown affect your estate and your rights? Brenton and Greg discuss.
4/16/202043 minutes, 47 seconds
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Question? Can we reopen the State of NC in a thoughtful way?

SPECIAL Elder Law Report. Health Update from DeShay Oliver, the Interim Healthcare Director of Cleveland County, NC and then Greg, Brenton and Hayden talk about the Question: Can we reopen our society in a thoughtful way?
4/15/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 22 seconds
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AVOID Virus Scammers! A Word from the Sheriff

Greg, Hayden and Brenton discuss ways to avoid Cabin Fever and also speak to Sheriff Alan Norman ways to avoid SCAMS. Lots of information covered in this episode of the Elder Law Report.
4/10/202059 minutes, 29 seconds
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A SPECIAL Word from Stef...

Stef shares a little about the peace that comes with having your Estate Plan in place, and having all your “docs” in a row. ***We are offering In Person, Telephone and Video Consults*** FREE OF CHARGE during this crisis. Call us: 704-749-9244 or online at
4/5/20207 minutes, 27 seconds
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Brenton, Greg & Hayden LIVE on the radio Elder Law Report about the Getting Peace if Mind in Trying Times Times. SPECIAL OFFER: FREE Consults during this crisis. Call: 704-749-9244 or online at
4/1/202053 minutes, 22 seconds
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I have to be honest. I am afraid...

Greg discusses his fear of what may come...
3/24/20208 minutes, 43 seconds
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NEW: BE PREPARED Crisis Planning eSeminar with SPECIAL OFFER!!!

What do you need to do in these trying times to be prepared? Find out in this eSeminar. We discuss Foundational planning, Trusts and Deed Planning. Watch for the SPECIAL OFFER at the end. Call: 704-749-9244 or online at
3/22/20201 hour, 13 minutes, 2 seconds
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Plan While You Can Seminar

Elder Law Attorney Greg McIntyre puts on a FULL FREE LIVE SEMINAR entitled “Plan While You Can”. In these uncertain times it is important to ensure your estate plan can withstand any emergency. You need to know your rights and know the pitfalls. Enjoy! For any questions or to schedule a consultation call: 704-749-9244. Thank You and Happy Planning!
3/17/202038 minutes, 49 seconds
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SPECIAL!!! Elder Law Report: Coronavirus.

SPECIAL!!! Elder Law Report: Coronavirus. Greg & Hayden hash out the issues of the day with this State of Emergency. Hayden has some tips for seniors to stay safe and they discuss estate plans and quarantines. Learn more: 704-749-9244 or online at
3/17/202039 minutes, 2 seconds
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An Important Firm Update!

Important Firm Updates! Lots of things are going on right now. The governor of North Carolina just announced that all public schools will be closing for two weeks. Also, all communal living healthcare facilities (nursing homes and assisted living facilities) have been closed to visitors which means family members, attorneys, notaries, and witnesses. What do we do and how do we deal with and cope with this situation? I am not one to sit back and simply do nothing. You shouldn’t either...
3/17/20209 minutes, 18 seconds
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Taking Control

In a world of chaos and corona virus and the 24 hour news cycle we are on a Merry-Go-Round of fear and anxiety. When we stay that way we are being controlled. How do we take control and not be controlled? How do we find peace of mind in trying times? Pause, get off the merry-go-round, look around you. What do you have to be thankful for? Start by taking inventory, setting goals and making a plan. Important information out out on this Today Show appearance. Learn more: 704-749-9244 or online at
3/17/20205 minutes, 41 seconds
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ALERT!!! Corona Virus

ALERT!!! Nursing Homes and Hospitals are starting to lock their doors! They are starting to confine people and deny access to family and professionals. What this means for your estate plan and options RIGHT NOW! Learn more: 704-749-9244 or online at
3/12/20205 minutes
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Peace of Mind in Trying Time

Brenton and Greg “DO NOT” want to talk about the Corona Virus or contribute to fears. In this episode of the Elder Law Report they take on this important topic in a practical way.
3/11/202017 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Ferris Wheel of Life

The Ferris Wheel of Life. The important thing is leaving a legacy. I am drafting a family letter about my life and what my legacy is to my family. Let’s go to the top, swing a little and look over the landscape of your life. Get on the Ferris Wheel with me! Learn More:
3/8/202018 minutes, 11 seconds
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Per Sterpis

What does Per Sterpis mean and why is it in my will? Learn More:
3/8/20209 minutes, 3 seconds
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House Rules!

House Rules! If you don’t know the house rules then you are gambling with your families future. Know the House Rules! Learn more in the Elder Law Report.
2/28/202012 minutes, 11 seconds
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What is an Estate?

What is an Estate? Learn more as Colleen and Eugene uncover misconceptions about estates.#savingthefarm #theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #medicaidcrisisplanning #estateplanning #charlottetoday
2/21/20206 minutes, 4 seconds
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Walk through The Secure Act with Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre

The Elder Law Guy walks you through the key aspects of the Secure Act and breaks down what you need to know in this short, informative podcast. Related Article:
2/12/202010 minutes, 4 seconds
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What is an Estate?

What is an Estate? The RETURN of Hayden Soloway to the Elder Law Report is EPIC as the team discusses what an estate is. Do You Have An Estate?
2/4/202034 minutes, 1 second
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4 Tips to Gain Clarity With Your Estate Plan.

2020 Vision in 2020:I think planning gives you clarity… In that respect, Elder Law is Clarity. It helps families plan, think about the future, protect assets and gain peace of mind. As we head into the new year, everyone is making and breaking resolutions. I love this time of year because of the planning aspect. I have been planning for our firm, my wife and I have been planning our goals for our family this year. This is a perfect time of year for people, families to get their affairs in order, make plans like Estate Planning and gain the clarity and peace of mind that comes along with that.Review What You Have.Talk about past documents that may be out of date. For example, 25 year old Wills. In Probate, we see it daily, invalid Wills, Named executors who have passed on, etc. Revamp documents. Know what you want to leave to your loved ones that is existing now. Sometimes people will name specific things in Wills, that no longer exist..Then it's a hassle when it comes time to probate the Will.Take Inventory.Define Your Goals.What are your plans?… to take a cruise for 10 years? To spend all money down? To preserve money for the children and/or grandchildren? To send them to college? To protect assets in the event of long term care? The retirement… The house?Meet & Discuss.Meet with your spouse… Family if need be… Communication is great here!Meet with a professional to discuss how to accomplish your goals and make a plan.Now you practice Estate Planning & Elder Law…. That is what your firm does… You can help?Absolutely…. I would be glad to help.Q. What is a planning session like with you?Very easy… We sit down with the client or family and walk through the assets, define goals… flush out what is most important? Control of assets for example or protection of assets. Then we use our legal knowledge, tools and experience to help the client plan for the future. It’s really that simple. AND… Once their planning is done you can see the peace of mind it gives people. That’s what I love.Q. So how might people get in touch with you and your firm, Greg?Call us at: 704-259-7040 or online at… That’s would love to help people kick off 2020 with peace of mind and estate planning in place. It is a perfect time of year to get this done!
1/29/20207 minutes, 2 seconds
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What can you expect from an educational event??? It’s a WIN/WIN!
1/25/20205 minutes, 38 seconds
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Why name the firm McIntyre Elder Law???

Aren’t you afraid you’re going to offend somebody?
1/19/20206 minutes, 18 seconds
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4 steps to Your Plan!

Get 2020 Vision in 2020! Greg lays out a 4 step plan to FINALLY get that much needed plan in place that brings with it the peace of mind and clarity you so justly deserve. Learn More:
1/10/202011 minutes, 3 seconds
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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone out there from me and the McIntyre elder law team! Exclusive right here 2020 we will be working extremely hard for clients and adding nursing home litigation to our areas of practice. We will always fight for you! Happy New Year!!!
12/31/20195 minutes, 28 seconds
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Does your Power of Attorney Work for You?

A power of attorney document should be straight-forward, right? You just name a person or two in a cookie cutter document and they act as your agent . . . easy peasey. As you probably guessed, since I’m writing a whole article on it, a power of attorney document must be tailored specifically for you.Let’s Define Let’s begin by defining a power of attorney. It’s a document where in which you name a person to act on your behalf, as if they were you, for legal, financial, or healthcare purposes. The person who gives the power is the “Principal” and the person who receives the power is the “Agent”. The “legal and financial” power of attorney is known as the General Durable Power of Attorney; this is separate from the “Healthcare” power of attorney. General means that it covers, generally, all legal and financial matters. Durable means that the power survives incompetency, incapacity, or lapse of time.Does it Look Legit? Okay, so this doesn’t sound like it should matter, but it does. Your power of attorney document, by its nature, is a document that is shown to a third party—that is, a person other than the principal or agent. The agent using the power of attorney needs to be able to use it and if a third party e.g. bank questions its legitimacy, it could delay very important tasks the agent needs to fulfill.Does it give the requisite Authority? Just because a power of attorney is general, does not mean it gives your agent the necessary powers to meaningfully act on your behalf. Some powers of attorney fail give certain powers that your agent would need to protect you in a variety of situations. But, just as important, some powers of attorney do not make it clear what power is being given. Let me explain by way of example: you are named as agent and in the power of attorney document it says that you have the authority to engage in banking transactions. You go to the bank, and for a good reason, you ask to close out the principal’s bank account and have a check made out for the funds in the account. The bank asks to see the power of attorney document and you point to the provision that says you have the authority to do “banking transactions”. But what does that mean? Surely “banking transactions” doesn’t include everything that can be done with regard to a bank account. The bank wants to err on the side of caution, so they refuse to do what you ask even though you have power of attorney. Your stuck and all because the document isn’t specific.When is it Effective? You should ask when the power of attorney actually becomes effective. Some people have what’s called a springing power of attorney. A springing power of attorney means that the power only “springs” forth when the principal becomes incompetent, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to act for themselves. If the power of attorney is not springing, then it becomes effective immediately upon signing.So, which one should you have? Well, the springing power of attorney makes some people, whom may be hesitant to give away power, more comfortable. But, its inefficient. For example, how do you prove someone is incompetent? Maybe you need to get their primary physician to write a letter. This can take days or even weeks to accomplish.You name and agent so that they can act on your behalf, they step in and make day-to-day decisions as well as big decisions, and you want them to be able to make these decisions immediately when they’re needed. Delay can cost money, assets, and inheritances. It can also subject the principal to healthcare scenarios that they specifically want to avoid.Does my Power of Attorney Work for Me? Lastly, you need to ask: does my power of attorney work for me? If you want a review of your power of attorney documents or if you have questions about your estate plan, let the experienced attorneys at McIntyre Elder Law assist you. Call us at (704) 259-7040.
12/31/201914 minutes, 45 seconds
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Have Important Conversations over the Holidays...

Over the holidays everyone is getting together and catching up. This can provide a prime opportunity to have those tough conversations about protecting assets and making sure we have the right people in place to handle our affairs if we can't.
12/13/20196 minutes, 3 seconds
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FOR CLIENTS ONLY!!! Your FREE Annual Review...

It’s that time of year again. Time for our family of clients to schedule their free annual reviews. If there has been a change in your family, and your life during the past year it is a great time to schedule your free annual review to ensure you were state plan still meet your needs. Call our office today to schedule: 704-749-9244 or online at: YOU ARE A CLIENT:I hope that this letter finds you well, and I want to tell you how much I value the trust you have placed in me as your attorney.  As a service to you and my other valued clients, I offer a free review annually, not only to have the chance to visit and catch up with how you are doing, but also to review your estate plan and other documents in light of any possible changes.  Such changes can occur because of a change in your situation or at the whim of a well-intended legislator, but with just a few minutes in my office, we can insure that everything is in place in accordance with your needs and wishes.  Below is a short list of some such occurrences which may create a need for minor – and, infrequently, major – changes to protect your home, other property and assets, and your hard-earned money: ·      Marriage | ·      Birth of Child·      Divorce | ·      Birth of a Grandchild·      Death of a Spouse or Family Member | ·      Child Becoming 21·      Purchase or Sale of a Home | ·      Change in Resources/Inheritance·      Purchase of Rental or Vacation Home | ·      Special Needs Child or Spouse·      Declining Health | ·      Aging Please call at your convenience, and we will set up a few minutes for you to either come to my office or, if you would prefer, meet in your home – or in a restaurant over a cup of coffee (I’ll buy).  As always, whether or not you have any changes which affect your situation, there is no obligation for this meeting; it is totally free of charge to you, a valued client, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.  You may reach me at my office at 704.749.9244.Very Truly Yours,Gregory S. McIntyre, JD, MBAAttorney at Law
12/4/20195 minutes, 11 seconds
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Happy Thanksgiving!

On this day I am thankful for everything in my life. For the people whom I love. For my work. For my team. For my family. I am even thankful for the bad times because they taught me lessons and helped me appreciate the good times even more. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. - Greg McIntyre
11/29/20197 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Protect the Things You are Thankful For

Elder Law Report: How to Protect the Things You are Thankful For: ALSO... Join us for our office Thanksgiving party!!!How to Protect the Things You are Thankful For
11/25/201911 minutes, 4 seconds
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Why Brenton Practices Elder Law:

Why Brenton Practices Elder Law: Brenton talks about his career, tells us a little bit about himself, and why he practices elder law.Why Brenton Practices Elder Law
11/25/20193 minutes, 34 seconds
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Why Greg Practices Elder Law

Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre, explains why he practices Elder Law and founded McIntyre Elder Law, a Firm with a focus on estate planning and elder law. Learn more at or call: 704-749-9244.
11/19/20195 minutes, 19 seconds
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Lady Bird Deeds - Charlotte Today Show

Wow! great show today on the Charlotte Today Show! Greg, Colleen and Eugene talk about Lady Bird Deed's and how they can SAVE YOUR HOME. Get the LBD Map here: or call: 704-749-9244 to learn more.
11/15/20195 minutes, 44 seconds
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LBD In Depth After Party

Lady Bird Deed Map!!! Wow! great show today on the Charlotte Today Show! Here is the In Depth After Party where Greg explains a Lady Bird Deed and how it can protect your house. Get the LBD Map here: or call: 704-749-9244 to learn more.
11/15/20198 minutes, 26 seconds
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Financial Planning Guidance with Robin Woodell

Financial Planner, Robin Woodell, with Emerald Financial talks about the importance of financial planning, how it differs from legal planning and how important it is for professionals to work together on behalf of the client.
11/8/201922 minutes, 33 seconds
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Geriatric Social Worker

Geriatric Social Worker:How can a Geriatric Social Worker help you and your family? Find out from special guest and Geriatric Social Worker, Valerie Juleson. Ms. Juleson has a Masters in Social Work from Columbia University and educates us on the different types of social work and how she helps families cope with aging issues.
11/1/201915 minutes, 34 seconds
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See the newest innovations we are bringing to estate planning, elder law and the legal industry. We are always striving to bring clients great service in new and innovative ways.
10/30/201913 minutes, 4 seconds
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Is a Trust for you?

Can a trust help you avoid probate, taxes and protect your assets? Brenton and Greg discuss different types of trust and their uses and benefits. Learn more at or call: 704-749-9244.
10/27/201915 minutes, 34 seconds
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Estate Sales and Property Cleanup

Sometimes when a loved one passes personal items need to be inventoried, evaluated and sold. Sometimes cleanup is required to ready a property for sale. In some circumstances cleanup is required prior to a loved ones passing. Our guest, Colette Ross with Timeless Collage and Estate Services joins us today to talk about Estate Sales and Property Cleanup.--------------------------------------------Greg McIntyre:             Greg McIntyre with McIntyre Elder Law helping seniors protect their assets and legacies. And I'm here today with an interview. Okay. I love interviewing people who have services that are valuable to seniors and their families. So I'm here today with Colette Ross. Thank you for being here today.Colette Ross:                 Thanks for having me.Greg McIntyre:             Yes, and she's with Timeless Collage & Estate Services LLC. And guess what that is? I don't know. You tell us what is Timeless Collage & Estates Services LLC?Colette Ross:                 Timeless Collage & Estate Services LLC is an estate liquidation and estate services company. We serve clients in Charlotte and surrounding areas like you mentioned. In order to assist them with the organization and preparation for moving out, selling, or cleaning out their personal property.Greg McIntyre:             Understood. Okay. That was very good. You've said that a couple of times.Colette Ross:                 Just a couple.Greg McIntyre:             Yes. So all right, so moving out selling. So it could be helping people move out before someone passed away. Is that right?Colette Ross:                 Sometimes that does occur if indeed...and a family is in need of downsizing services and assistance with that process. For example, if somebody latter in life is moving into assisted living, we help with resolving the personal property within the home prior to their move to assisted living to allow to alleviate the burden labor.Greg McIntyre:             Does that include auction services, things like that?Colette Ross:                 We do not auction, although we do have associates that do if indeed the estate warrants are auctioning. But we perform onsite tax sales.Greg McIntyre:             Onsite sales.Colette Ross:                 That's right.Greg McIntyre:             So estate sales.Colette Ross:                 That's right.Greg McIntyre:             Right, right. And you're serving Charlotte and the surrounding areas. Correct?Colette Ross:                 Yes.Greg McIntyre:             So I see situations or hear of situations all the time and I think it's sad and I'm not sure why it occurs, hoarding. Have you run across things like that?Colette Ross:                 Well, the generation that is in the latter part of their life today is result of the depression era. And those folks tended to have not thrown anything away. So hoarding in itself, [inaudible 00:02:23]. Low and behold is actually a psychological illness that people suffer and yeah, it does happen. And there are folks who have an overabundance of items. Sometimes they don't even know what they have, and the families are so overw
10/18/201917 minutes, 31 seconds
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Trust Planning

Greg, Colleen and Eugene talk about protecting assets with Trusts. Also get the FREE Trust Planning Map!
10/11/20196 minutes, 43 seconds
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PostShow: TRUSTS!!!

PostShow: TRUSTS!!! We are taking trust today fresh off the Charlotte today experience. Get the Trust Planning Map FREE at:
10/11/20196 minutes, 6 seconds
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Big Town/Small Town – Big Estate/Small Estate

Whether you are John D. Rockefeller, Sr. or not. I would argue that the smaller the estate sometimes the more it matters. That home can really be valuable to the family. The retirement savings needs to be protected and needs to last.
10/8/20198 minutes, 22 seconds
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Be a Role Model: Are You Setting a Good Example for Future Generations?

The children and grandchildren are watching whether you realize it or not. Set a precedent of planning.
9/27/201911 minutes, 22 seconds
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Placement Problems?

Elder Law Report: Today our guest is Mike Mannion, a Certified Senior Advisor with Senior Care Authority. Mike talks to us about how to find the right care facility for your loved one. Learn More: 704-259-7040 or
9/20/201919 minutes, 38 seconds
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Wills and Avoiding Probate

Greg, Colleen and Eugene talk about the importance of Wills and Avoiding Probate. Learn more: Call: 704-749-9244 or online at:
9/16/20196 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ways To Pay For Care While Protecting Assets

Greg sat down with Frank Samson for the Boomers Today podcast today. A great interview with Frank who is himself a Senior Care Advisor and founder of Senior Care Authority.Greg McIntyre is VA Certified and an Elder Law Attorney based in North Carolina. He became a lawyer to fight courtroom battles which he did for years. However, after working in an environment where the focus was always on the next billable hour, he started McIntyre Elder Law practice because he was interested in being more than just a lawyer. Greg was interested in making a difference in his clients’ lives. Sponsor:
9/14/201932 minutes, 15 seconds
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We Are Activists In Changing Guardianships

Greg & Brenton have made it their cause to work hard to effect change in the Guardianship laws in North Carolina. Here they engage in a great discussion and debate over the current Guardianship laws and how they affect families.
9/3/201921 minutes, 1 second
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Are Guardianships Unconstitutional in NC? Why you should be concerned.

A serious look at problematic Guardianships involving elderly adults in North Carolina. Are they constitutional? Fair? Make up your own mind after reading this article.
8/21/201926 minutes, 50 seconds
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Special Needs Trusts

Special Needs Trusts. What are they and how they can help. From planning for a special Needs grandchild or child to planning for a long Term Care Medicaid emergency. Special Needs Trusts are a great tool. Learn more at: or CALL: 704-749-9244.
8/21/20195 minutes, 52 seconds
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Avoiding GUARDIANSHIPS: Special guest appearance from Larry Sprinkle! Post Show Recap!!!

Avoiding GUARDIANSHIPS: Special guest appearance from Larry Sprinkle! Post Show Recap!!! Let’s dig into Guardianships a bit more. There are so many aspects you need to know. I am sooo passionate about this. Call: 704-749-9244 or online at:
8/5/201920 minutes, 57 seconds
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Avoiding Guardianships with Estate Planning Basics

Charlotte Today Show appearance about how basic estate planning can help you avoid the expense and court proceedings that are Guardianship Proceedings.
8/5/20195 minutes, 13 seconds
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LIVE FULL Asset Protection seminar FOR FREE

As promised!!! LIVE FULL Asset Protection seminar FOR FREE right on Social Media... All for you today. ANY QUESTIONS? Go to: or call: 704-749-9244.
7/24/201952 minutes, 26 seconds
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Charlotte Today Show!

Had a great time with Coleen Odegaard today from the Charlotte Today show on WCNC/NBC. Great discussion about estate planning. It is my hope to be their trusted advisor for estate planning and elder law issues.
7/17/20196 minutes, 45 seconds
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Stef and I just signed our estate plan...

My beautiful wife, Stef and I sat around a conference table today and signed our Estate Plan. Stef brought 3 of the kids with her... Little girls... I really enjoyed the signing and enjoyed the process. It was really great to go through the estate planning process with our office and be done with it! Talk about peace of mind. Feels so good. Are you ready? Learn more: or call: 704-749-9244.
7/17/20199 minutes, 26 seconds
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Save Your Assets Saturday...

Greg and Brenton have a little fun on a Saturday and spell out a quick and easy blueprint for how to address your estate planning. What should you do when Crazy & Unexpected events happen? The foundational playbook right here.
7/15/20195 minutes, 23 seconds
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Post Show Recap!!!

Greg was on NBC's Charlotte Today Show this past week and recapped the appearance and talks about the book Saving the Farm and Saving your assets and legacies in this post TV appearance show recap.
7/15/20199 minutes, 17 seconds
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I have no idea what to say...

Feeling beat up... Just finished a long day of work and workout. On because I need to be not because I want to be. Probably not much different from most folks. Did I set aside time for me today? Learn More: or call: 704-749-9244. #education #insurance #estateplan #estateplanningattorney #estateplanning #elderlaw #savingthefarm #assetprotection #will #wills #trusts #trustplanning #trust #trustsandestates #trustee #trustees #powerofattorney
7/10/201910 minutes, 39 seconds
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Freedom Thoughts...

July 4th thoughts. Being an American is all about action. Taking actions to secure our freedoms… Taking actions to prosper and take care of our family… Taking actions to protect our hard-earned money and property and our loved ones.
7/8/201934 minutes, 56 seconds
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Asset Protection for Married Couples

Think your home and money are protected because you are married? Think again. Here I illustrate how you are vulnerable and how to protect assets. Thanks to my wonderful wife and kids for the assist! Learn More: or call 704-749-9244.
7/1/201911 minutes, 5 seconds
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$21k+ in Back Pay... We are celebrating today!!!

$21k+ in Back Pay for Veterans Aid & Attendance Pension Benefits is a life changer... So glad we could help!
6/19/201910 minutes, 58 seconds
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Preventing Elder Abuse

Avoiding Elder Abuse. Have you taken the right steps to protect you or a loved one from elder abuse? Greg and Brenton talk about the problem and some legal steps you can take to protect yourself or the Senior in your life.#elderabuse#financialabuse#estateplanning#elderlaw#attorney#poa#powerofattorney#guardianship
6/16/201931 minutes, 49 seconds
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Let’s Talk About Trusts Today!!!

The different types of trusts. Are they for you? Do you want to have control of your assets even after you die? Call: 704-749-9244 or online at
6/15/20195 minutes, 53 seconds
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20th Anniversary Special

20th Anniversary Special: Stef and I think communication is key in our marriage. We think it is also key in making plans and protecting assets and the family. Watch this special 20th Anniversary Edition of the Elder Law Report. Call: 704-259-7040 or online at:
6/10/201915 minutes, 52 seconds
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Protective Deed Planning

Let’s talk about what it is and is it for you? Learn more. Call 704-259-7040 or online at
6/8/20195 minutes, 11 seconds
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Are You Ready?

70% of Seniors are going to need some type of long term care. Let’s talk about Estate Planning and getting your affairs in order. Call 704-259-7040 or online at
6/7/20195 minutes, 48 seconds
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Planning for a Tax Free Retirement with Long Term Care Insurance

Brenton and Greg have a great discussion about how to use assets to provide long term care insurance as a protection for the rest of your assets.#longtermcare#longtermcareinsurance#insurance#assetprotection#estateplanning#elderlaw#attorney#will#trust
6/3/201917 minutes, 13 seconds
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Guardianships: How easy is it to take away your freedom?

Guardianships: How easy is it to take away your freedom? Find out in this recent Greg Rant after a long hard day at the office...
5/30/20197 minutes, 14 seconds
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What on Earth is eDocs Access? Cutting Edge Legal Technology

Walk through the eDocs Access system provided by our firm as a value for the client at no extra charge.  Cutting edge technology allows the client to access all important legal docs 24 hours a day, 7 days-a-week.
5/24/20199 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Probate Process

Probate Process. What is it? Why and what you need to know. Learn More: Call: 704-259-7040 or online at: #probate#estateplanning#elderlaw#will#wills#trust#trusts#savingthefarm#theelderlawguy#lawyergreg
5/23/201910 minutes, 17 seconds
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Change is constant...

Change is constant. I’m going through all kind of changes right now. Are you? Contact us:
5/22/20195 minutes, 32 seconds
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Long Term Care Crisis Planning

1. What is Long Term Care Crisis Planning?2. What are the commonly held misconceptions versus the reality of what can be saved and how it works?3. What is the asset protection and application process?These questions discussed and more in this episode of the Elder Law Report.Greg McIntyre, JD, MBAElder Law Attorney
5/17/20198 minutes, 52 seconds
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LOVE Our Work Family!!!

Brenton did an amazing job at Monday’s seminar at the Levine’s Cancer Center. Really incredible watching him grow and develop. We have a great work family. Love all of them. Very grateful. Learn More:
5/15/20195 minutes, 7 seconds
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Podcast: Elder Law Report

Check out my Podcast on Estate Planning & Elder Law Issues. The Elder Law Report. Search on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Store or your podcast app. Thanks for listening!
5/14/20199 minutes, 13 seconds
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Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there from Greg & Stefanie McIntyre!
5/11/20196 minutes, 13 seconds
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The SECRET to getting the most out of your visit to an attorney.

The SECRET to getting the most out of your visit to an attorney.#elderlaw#estateplanning#consult#lawfirm#planning#assetprotection
5/11/201910 minutes, 22 seconds
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Mother’s Day is coming up!

Mother’s Day is coming up! Buy Saving the Farm for the wife, Mother, Grandmother in your life today. Top ranked 4 Star guide to saving your hard earned money and property. Click Here:
5/9/20196 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Hidden Importance of Estate Planning.

I can’t overstate why Estate Planning is so important. If the timing is wrong or if you wait too late it could mean everything. Literally everything. Don’t wait! If the timing is right or even if it isn’t... call us. We can help: 704-259-7040. Or online at
5/9/201911 minutes, 49 seconds
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Discover the Cost of Waiting!

Let’s talk about the costs difference between long term care insurance now and later.#elderlaw #attorney #lawyerlife #lawyer #lawfirm #lawyers #attorneys #firm #estateplanning #assetprotection #networking #professionals #education #training #insurance #ltcinsurance #longtermcareinsurance
5/9/201911 minutes, 42 seconds
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Is Senior Nutrion a Health Crisis?

Are you eating well? How does nutritional intake decline as you age? What can you do about it? All this and more in this episode of the Elder Law Report.
5/5/201952 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ask me about McIntyre Financial

Working on language for the website... Coming Soon - McIntyre Financial.KNOW THE FACTSMedicare WILL NOT PAY for Long Term Care. Many people are under this mistaken assumption. Medicare will pay for healthcare items like emergency visits to the hospital or checkups but not for long term care such as in home, assisted living or nursing home care.70% of seniors will need some type of long term care: In Home, Assisted Living or Nursing Home Care.1 Those are huge numbers/odds. Do you want to play those odds? Knowing is half the battle and allows you to plan ahead. Long Term Care insurance can take a fraction of total income or assets to help protect the remaining money and property and give more access to in home, assisted living and nursing home case.Effectively Eliminate the "Look-Back Period". Many seniors are worried about  a Medicaid Look-Back Period to protect assets and pay for long term care. With the right Long Term Care insurance option you can effectively eliminate a look-0back period for a long term Medicaid benefit giving you an insurance option to help pay for any long term care need while acting to protect assets during that time period. This can be a tremendous help to a family and can be the difference between protecting their hard earned money and property and losing everything.1 2017 US Department of Health and Human Services (
4/23/20195 minutes, 52 seconds
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I’m starting an open door policy!

I’m starting an open door policy! Anyone who is an attorney, in law school or thinking about going to law school and has any questions... Contact me. I’ll meet in person or by video chat to answer them. #giversgain
4/16/20193 minutes, 8 seconds
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Firm Family Matters . Growing Pains

Greg & Stef sit down to discuss the state of the firm, life and relationships of busy professionals, a growing family and firm. Everything in life involves change and growth. There are costs ad pains associated with growing. We are experiencing those in a big way but refuse to be deterred. If there is anything I love it is a challenge!  Greg McIntyre a/k/a The Elder Law Guy a/k/a LawyerGreg  #growingpains #smallbizlife #marriage #professionals #elderlaw #attorney #lawyer #learning #training #firm #lawfirm #estateplanning #medicaidplanning #overcomingproblems
4/7/201923 minutes, 39 seconds
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What happens if you die without a will?

Does property pass to your husband/wife/kids? Find out in this episode of the Elder Law Report.
3/14/20198 minutes, 23 seconds
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International POAs:

Can I use my Power of Attorney outside of the United States? Find out in this short ELR.#POA#POAs#International#outsidecountry#powerofattorney#powersofattorney#hague#haugecompact#hagueapostille
3/12/20194 minutes, 58 seconds
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Firm Family Matters - Family Biz

“Firm Family Matters”: This week’s episode: Family Biz. Greg & Stefanie give a tour of the new Charlotte office and talk about the family biz. Stay tuned every week for a new “Firm Family Matters” episode where we will talk about law, biz and family and not necessarily in that order.#firmfamilymatters#elderlaw#estateplanning#ladybirddeed#marriage#business
3/10/201927 minutes
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Meeting you Where You Are...

Searching for the right info can feel like this. We can help! Learn more: am so through the roof excited to bring you the eStore! McIntyre Education meets you where you are right now. Purchase eCourses to learn about Estate Planning, Elder Law, Long Term Care Medicaid Planning, Veterans Pension & Disability and more. Purchase Podcast Bundles, Books, enroll in Elder Law University for access to all premium education videos, podcasts and eCourse content. You can even purchase MEL Swag. Explore the store and find something that helps you right now. #elderlaw #estateplanning #learning #education #theelderlawguy #training #ecourse #ecourses
2/25/201910 minutes, 4 seconds
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Special Assistance & Long Term Care Medicaid - Different Rules and Asset Protection

Talking today about the different rules for Long Term Care and Special Assistance Medicaid in North Carolina. There are subtle differences and you must plan differently under each one. Enjoy!#Medicaid #longtermcare #nursinghome #medicaid #attorney #assetprotection
2/21/20198 minutes, 53 seconds
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The 3 Commonly Held Beliefs About Aging, Money, and Estate Planning

This is a SPECIAL EPISODE straight from Miami Beach... I take on the 3 Commonly Held Beliefs of most seniors and why these beliefs can be dangerous:1. Medicare pays for long term care.2. I'm married so I don't need a will or estate planning because my spouse will get everything anyway.3. I have plenty of money. Why should I worry about the costs of long term care?#theelderlawguy #medicaid #estateplanning #elderlaw #medicare #longtermcare #nursinghomecare #assistedliving #inhomecare #seniors #senior #payingforltc #payingforlongtermcare
2/11/201926 minutes, 49 seconds
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Deed Planning

I wanted to pop on and do a quick video summarizing deed planning and how to avoid Medicaid liens and probate. Deed planning can save a home and other real estate. Enjoy!#assetprotection hashtag#realestate hashtag#medicaid hashtag#savings hashtag#video hashtag#planning hashtag#pop hashtag#liens hashtag#deeds  hashtag#estateplanning  hashtag#podcasting  hashtag#hometownheores  hashtag#savingthefarm  hashtag#hometownberoes  hashtag#planornoplan  hashtag#theelderlawguy  hashtag#vetbens  hashtag#estateplanng  hashtag#medicaidcrisisplanning  hashtag
2/8/20199 minutes, 34 seconds
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GUARDIANSHIPS: Can they rip your family apart? What are they? How to avoid them? Should you avoid them?
2/1/201913 minutes, 56 seconds
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TIME! It’s all about time. Our oldest son is 19 today. Yesterday it seams like he was 2 and I was holding him in my arms. Only so much time. I am structuring my whole practice around time... mine and yours.
1/23/201913 minutes, 1 second
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Introducing: Mr. Foundations. “The Most Interesting Man in Elder Law”...

Introducing: Mr. Foundations. “The Most Interesting Man in Elder Law”...
1/19/20195 minutes, 3 seconds
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Elder Law Report: CAREGIVER AGREEMENTS! we have been getting a lot of questions on these lately. Families can use caregiver agreements and not just with professional agencies to care for loved ones. Listen for more details.#caregiver#caregiveragreements#elderlawreport#savingthefarm#hometownheroes#veteransbenefits#vabenefits#assetprotection#estateplanning
1/12/201918 minutes, 6 seconds
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Upcoming Events & Special Offer...

Home? Retirement? Worried about Long Term Care? We have a special event and offer for you. Check out these special upcoming events and this special offer.Charlotte Call: 704-998-5800Shelby Call: 704-259-7040
1/6/201914 minutes, 30 seconds
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PLAN OR NO PLAN - LIFE IS COMING IN 2019: Are you and your family prepared? Are your retirement and home safe? You should be armed with a plan. Your retirement and home should be protected. I wrote a book that will help you answer those questions...Order your copy today: #savingthefarm#assetprotection#ladybirddeed#estateplanning#elderlawguy#lawyergreg
1/6/201915 minutes, 51 seconds
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2018: Success & Failure...

2018: Success & Failure . This year was packed with both success and failure. Spending time one place takes away from another. I’m constantly juggling and struggling. Reviewing failures and successes of 2018 and looking forward to 2019!IT WAS A RAINY, DREARY DAY... BUT... WE GOT THIS FILMED AND IT WAS FUN!ON A MORE SERIOUS NOTE, I REALLY GOT DOWN AND DIRTY IN THIS VIDEO REHASHING THE FAILURES AND SUCCESSES OF 2018. I HOPE YOU CAN IDENTIFY.#planning#2019#estateplanning#veteransbenefits#elderlaw#theelderlawguy#savingthefarm#hometownheroes  #family #trust #veterans #lawyer #disability #va #medicaid #disabilities #longtermcare #trusts #assetprotection #probate
12/29/201810 minutes, 1 second
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Eder Law Report: Groundhog Day!

Elder Law Report: Groundhog Day! Ok. So it’s not Groundhog Day but we “Are” watching it as a firm during lunch and it does apply so much to estate planning. Brenton joins the ELR team to talk about planning differently. Don’t get stuck living the same mistakes as others.#elderlawreport#theelderlawguy#estateplanning#savingthefarm#ladybirddeed#assetprotection#longtermcare
12/21/201825 minutes, 2 seconds
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Our Story - Continued...

Our Story will never be finished. We are continually growing. Check out our website: to see where we've been, where we are and where we are going. Thank you for taking this journey with us. Stay tuned to this series to meet our staff and our family. #elderlawguy #lawyergreg #estateplanning #probate #assetprotection #elr #vabenefits #vadisability
12/18/201812 minutes, 21 seconds
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Lawyer Greg does TV!

Loved the recent interview with Jacki Sibley of Experience Cleveland County. What a great show. We talked a ton about books, Elder Law and life.
12/18/201826 minutes, 54 seconds
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12 Days of Elder Law - For Real!

So I thought I would hsave the 12 Days of Elder Law professionally recorded. I love it! 'tis the season!!! Enjoy.Lawyer Grega/k/a The Elder Law Guy
12/8/20185 minutes, 6 seconds
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Elder Law Report: Our Story

Greg & Stefanie built this firm from “The Ground Up.” This is a love story. A working love story. Through good times and bad, kids raised in offices and more, we have built something we are very proud of. Learn more about our story and the journey we have taken to arrive at this temporary destination. The story is to be continued... Learn more about how we can help you and yours at: #assetprotection #savingthefarm #fromthegroundup#ourstory
12/8/201831 minutes, 51 seconds
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12 Days of Elder Law!

12 Days of Elder Law! Love this little diddy from Hit Elder Law Recording Artist, The Elder Law Guy! So I really wanted to write this... It was lots of fun to film and fun time with the kids.#blessed  #trust #veterans #planning #estateplanning #lawyer #estate #disability #va #medicaid #disabilities #longtermcare #trusts #wills #assetprotection #elderlaw #respite #veteransbenefits #lookbackperiod #veteranspension #livingwill #medicaidcrisisplanning #vapension #vabenefits #pension #lifeestatedeed #deed #serviceconnected #deeds #powerofattorney  #healthcaredirectives #vetbens #declaration #declarations
12/3/20186 minutes, 22 seconds
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Nikki Haley! Keynote Speaker. How cool...

Nikki Haley - Keynote Speaker at the Charlotte Chamber’s Annual Meeting. What a cool meeting and speaker!
11/28/201811 minutes, 5 seconds
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Elder Law Report: Black Friday Thanksgiving Special!!!

Elder Law Report: Black Friday Thanksgiving Special!!!Stay tuned until the end for a special offer from The Elder Law Guy. The Holidays are a great time for families to talk about protecting the things and loved ones they are thankful for!#theelderlawguy#savingthefarm#hometownheroes#wills#will#estateplanning#elderlaw#assetprotection#lawyer#attorney#ladybirddeed#lifeestatedeed#powerofattorney#healthcare#poa#livingwill#declaration#healthcaredirectives#Estate#deed#planning#veteransbenefits#veteranspension#veteransdisability#vabenefits#vapension#vadisability#longtermcare#medicaid#longtermcaremedicaid
11/23/201811 minutes, 22 seconds
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Elder Law Report: What Are You Thankful For?

What are you thankful for? Let us protect your assets and legacies.  Learn more at  or give us a call at (704) 259-7040. #elderlaw #lawyergreg #mapt #medicaid #planning
11/16/201814 minutes, 8 seconds
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!!! GREG RANT !!! Stop using a Power of Attorney once someone passes away!

This is something I see ALL THE TIME. You must stop using a POA once someone passes away. Listen here and Learn More there:
11/15/20183 minutes, 13 seconds
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Elder Law Report: Veterans Pension Changes and Disability...

Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all those men and women who served. "The land of the free because of the brave." This ELR gives details on veterans benefits and will guide you through the new rules for getting the benefits you deserve. #veterans #vabenefits #elderlaw #lawyergreg #vapensionandbenefits #veteransdisability
11/15/20188 minutes, 3 seconds
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!!! Greg Rant !!! Why would you TRUST YOUR LIFE to a fill-in-the-blank legal document???

I wanted to speak out before now but it isn’t PC at all. Why in the world would you trust your life to a fill in the blank Living Will document??? Why?
11/15/20184 minutes, 26 seconds
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Elder Law Report: Look-Back Periods - LTC Medicaid & VA

Join us as Greg explains Look-Back Periods and how they work in Long-Term Care Medicaid Planning and Veterans Pension Planning. To learn more go to or give us a call! #theelderlawguy#lawyergreg #medicaid #vetbens #elderlaw #elderlawreport
11/2/201813 minutes, 5 seconds
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Elder Law Report: In Home Care

...with Sarah Dixon from Helping Hands. Learn more and how to pay for it. Stay tuned for bloopers at the end. To reach Helping Hands call: 704-874-1804.
10/29/201819 minutes, 47 seconds
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Elder Law Report: Spend Downs

Elder Law Report: Spend Downs:This is one of the questions I get the most. 1. What is a Spend Down? 2. How do you do a Spend Down? Revealed today! 8 Spend Down methods written right in the Long Term Care Medicaid Rules. Learn More: or give us a call: Charlotte: (704) 998-5800. Shelby: (704) 259-7040.#theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes#vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning #assetprotection
10/19/201818 minutes, 14 seconds
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Elder Law Report: The X Factor

Let's talk about the importance of decision making and how the X factor can help you and your family! Learn more at our website or give our office a call:Charlotte Office: (704) 998-5800.Shelby Office: (704) 259-7040.#theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning #assetprotection
10/13/201816 minutes, 42 seconds
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Meet the Teague's...

Meet the Teague's: This family wanted to give a testimony of their experience with McIntyre Elder Law in saving Money and Property and activating benefits. This is why I do this work!#theelderlawguy#lawyergreg#estateplanning#savingproperty#ladybirddeed#longtermcare#medicaid
10/11/20184 minutes, 49 seconds
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Plan: Caring

Plan: Caring: Why travel to Creedmore, NC, over 3 hours away on Monday to give a seminar? Because it’s the right thing to do. It’s fun. It’s caring. I’m in this for the marathon, not the sprint. #theelderlawguy #lawyergreg
10/9/20187 minutes, 4 seconds
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Elder Law Report: Law & Technology.

Elder Law Report: Law & Technology.Greg & Sonja go to the Clio Cloud Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana to meet with lawyers and tech gurus from around the country and beyond to explore how to better bring legal services to clients, be more efficient and work smarter!#theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #estateplanning #hometownheroes #savingthefarm #medicaidcrisisplanning #vetbens #assetprotection
10/5/201823 minutes, 11 seconds
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⚠️ RANT WARNING ⚠️ Are VA Pension Rules Encouraging Divorce?

⚠️ RANT WARNING ⚠️ Are VA Pension Rules Encouraging Divorce? Under the old and new rules, spouses aren’t allowed to be paid caregivers to qualify veterans for pension benefits. Anyone else can. Son, daughter, stranger. If that same couple got divorced, the ex-spouse could get paid. Wrong on so many levels.LEARN MORE: 704-259-7040
9/29/201813 minutes, 37 seconds
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Elder Law Report: Should your Real Estate Agent be Senior Certified?

Elder Law Report: Should your Real Estate Agent be Senior Certified?Today we speak with Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES), Dave Edwards with Keller Williams in Huntersville, NC. Dave tells us the many benefits for seniors and their families of consulting a senior real estate specialist when buying or selling a home.#theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #medicaidcrisisplanning #vetbens #assetprotection
9/28/201825 minutes, 40 seconds
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Elder Law Report: The Perfect Storm! NEW CHANGES TO VA PENSION BENEFITS (and opportunities).

Elder Law Report: The Perfect Storm!NEW CHANGES TO VA PENSION BENEFITS (and opportunities).Today on the Elder Law Report, I am going to talk about the new changes happening with VA Pension Benefits. 3 year look back, community spousal resource allowance ($123,600), and more!Also wanted to let everyone know that we are now hadnling VA Service Connected Disability cases! Call us today.704-259-7040 SHELBY704-998-5800 CHARLOTTE#theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #vetbens #assetprotection
9/21/201819 minutes
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Elder Law Report: Charlotte Office Tour:

Check out our Charlotte Office located on thr corner of W. 7th St. and N. Tryong St. 10th Floor! There are plenty of afforable on street parking. We are super excited to reach out to the Charlotte community. #theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #estateplanning #savingthefarm #vetbens #hometownheroes #assetprotection #planning #protection #living #healthy #howto #pay #pay #retirementsavings #reach #medicaid #longtermcare #birthdays #parks #episode #nursinghomes
9/14/201812 minutes, 35 seconds
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The best place to do a Wills seminar...

Wow!!! What a nice place. At the Warlick Family YMCA this morning for a “Wills” seminar. Going LIVE!!! Check out this place... and the seminar.
9/12/201855 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Elder Law Report: What Makes us Different?

Elder Law Report: What Makes us Different?: How do we cover a region from Charlotte to Asheville? Meet the team that makes it all possible. It’s also the little things. From storyboards to TVs. Check out what makes us special!
9/9/201821 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Back to School Blues

A little melancholy today but not too much... Kids are back to school and Hayden joins me again today to discuss... Hayden is determined to help her grandchildren go to college... I am too. How can a little planning help your family? Find out in this episode.
8/29/201832 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

New Jingle!!! Rough Draft. So excited.

So... I sat down on Sunday afternoon and wrote a jingle for our firm. I miss the old style long form jingles of the 50’s and 60’s. Those were so cool. Even when I was a child every cereal and toy had a jingle. Well... Now, McIntyre Elder Law has a jingle! I’ll keep you posted on versions and updates. This is a pretty good start.
8/16/20182 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Elder Law Report: Paying for Nursing Home or Assisted Living Care...

Elder Law Report: Paying for Nursing Home or Assisted Living Care... While not losing your Home and Retirement Savings! I am so pumped to bring you next level strategies to help you pay for care and protect your families assets in the process.#savingthefarm#longtermcare#ladybirddeed#theelderlawguy
8/10/201821 minutes
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Elder Law Report - What is the most important document you can have?

LEARN MORE: Law Report Unplugged - What is the most important document you can have?What is a Durable Power of Attorney? A Durable Power of Attorney is a power of attorney that allows the agenet to make financial decisions on behalf of the individual who creates the POA. The term "durable" means that the POA remains in effect event if the principal becomes incapacitated on behalf of him or herself. LEARN MORE: #lawyergreg #estateplanning #hometownheroes #savingthefarm #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning #assetprotection
7/27/201823 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Elder Law Report Unplugged - TACC

LEARN MORE: Law Report Unplugged - TACC: TACC provides transportation services to all citizens of Cleveland County per space available. TACC is a non-profit agency that coordinates and provides rural and general public transportation for Cleveland County. To schedule your ride with TACC, please call at least 48 hours in advance.#theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #estateplanning #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning #assetprotection
7/21/201821 minutes, 5 seconds
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Elder Law Report: Veterans Aid & Attendance Pension Benefits: Audio Book Chapter from Hometown Heroes.

Elder Law Report: Veterans Aid & Attendance Pension Benefits: Audio Book Chapter from Hometown Heroes. V.A. Certified Attorney, Greg McIntyre, personally narrates this important chapter of his book, Hometown Heroes. Hear the details about the little known pension benefit which can be a huge help to veterans, spouses of veterans or spouses of deceased veterans in need.
7/13/201820 minutes, 28 seconds
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ELR Unplugged - VFW (Amazing Organization!) Post 4066

Elder Law Report Unplugged -Today we did a tour at the VFW Post 4066 in Shelby, NC with Commander Gene Ramsey. Their mission is to promote community involvement, communication and financial support to qualified military service members and others in the community. WHAT A GREAT ORGANIZATION TO BE APART OF! If you'd like to donate to some of these great causes please write a check a out to VFW Post 4066 and send it to 855 W Sumter StShelby, North Carolina.#theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #estateplanning #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning #assetprotection
6/29/201829 minutes, 35 seconds
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Elder Law Report Unplugged: The Elephant in the room

LEARN MORE: Law Report Unplugged: The Elephant in the room. Vast majority of families do not discuss their estate plans with one another. Here’s how to broach the subject. LEARN MORE: #lawyergreg #savingthefarm #assetprotection #estateplanning #hometownheroes #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning
6/22/201821 minutes, 34 seconds
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40+k listeners on our podcast. THANK YOU!

Stoked! We have 40+k listeners on our podcast. Thank you to everyone out there listening.
6/19/20182 minutes, 9 seconds
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Elder Law Report Unplugged - Special Guest Kenny Rogers

Elder Law Report Unplugged - We had special guest, Kenny Rogers a.k.a Tim Sells, this morning on the Elder Law Report Unplugged. Tim talks about how he became Kenny Rogers and all of adventures and travel that becoming Nearly Kenny has provided for Mr. Sells. What an awesome show! #theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #estateplanning #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning #assetprotection
6/8/201830 minutes, 53 seconds
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Planning for life’s big moments.

I’ve had a really big “Life Event” happen. Did I plan for it? How can I plan better in the future? My oldest son graduated yesterday and it got me thinking...Learn more here:
6/5/201816 minutes, 5 seconds
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Veterans Aid & Attendance Pension Benefit : Elder Law Report Unplugged – BONUS episode

LEARN MORE: Aid & Attendance Pension Benefit : Elder Law Report Unplugged – BONUS episode of the 6 part educational series. Little known program with a huge pension benefit. Maximum benefit up to $34,000. LEARN MORE: #lawyergreg #savingthefarm #hometownheroes#estateplanning #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning #assetprotection
6/1/201816 minutes, 54 seconds
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TRUST PLANNING PART 2: Elder Law Report Unplugged

LEARN MORE: TRUST PLANNING PART 2: Elder Law Report Unplugged - Trusts can be a great tool to avoid probate and protect assets. Trust are not for everyone, however. Is a trust right for you? Learn a bit about Trusts in this episode.LEARN MORE: 6th Episode of a 6 part educational series. #lawyergreg #theelderlawguy #estateplanning #medicaidcrisisplanning #vetbens #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #assetprotection
5/25/201821 minutes, 21 seconds
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Long Term Care Medicaid Crisis Planning: Elder Law Report Unplugged - The 5th episode of a 6 part educational series.

LEARN MORE: Term Care Medicaid Crisis Planning: Elder Law Report Unplugged - The 5th episode of a 6 part educational series. You don’t need to lose your house and retirement to afford care for yourself or a loved one. You can afford to live comfortably while your spouse is in care. LEARN MORE: #lawyergreg #savingthefarm #hometownheroes #estateplanning #vetbens #medicaidcrisisplanning #assetprotection
5/18/201813 minutes, 37 seconds
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Lady Bird Deed: Elder Law Report Unplugged - The 4th episode of a 6 part educational series.

Learn more:…/Lady Bird Deed: Elder Law Report Unplugged - Today, we’re going to look at Lady Bird Deeds, including what they are, what they do, and how they differ from traditional deeds, like regular general warranty deeds or life estates deeds. We’ll also look at how they fit into your estate planning, especially when considering the option of possible Medicaid or protecting against that. Learn more:…/The 4th episode of a 6 part educational series.
5/4/20188 minutes, 8 seconds
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TRUST PLANNING: Elder Law Report Unplugged - The 3rd Episode of a 6 part educational series.

TRUST PLANNING: Elder Law Report Unplugged - Trusts can’t be a great tool to avoid probate and protect assets. Trust are not for everyone, however. Is a trust right for you? Learn a bit about trust in this episode. Click here to learn more:
4/27/201818 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

AVOIDING PROBATE: Elder Law Report Unplugged - The 2nd Episode of a 6 part educational series.

AVOIDING PROBATE: Elder Law Report Unplugged - The 2nd Episode of a 6 part educational series. Greg explains many different ways to avoid probate with your assets and protect them.*Greg McIntyre is a licensed attorney in North Carolina only.
4/20/201829 minutes, 37 seconds
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PROBATING A WILL: Elder Law Report Unplugged - The 1st Episode of a 6 part educational series.

First Episode of a 6 part educational series. Tune in every Friday at 10am on FB and Insta.
4/13/201829 minutes, 17 seconds
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Alzheimer’s & Dementia... When is enough, enough?

Alzheimer’s & Dementia... When is enough, enough? A tough question I and clients have struggled with lately. No easy answer here. Healthcare POAs and Living Wills don’t function the same in this situation. Should they?
4/6/20186 minutes, 59 seconds
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Making the Most of The Time You Have

Making the Most of The Time You Have: Hayden Soloway talks candidly about making the most of the time you have with the ones you love. Hayden shares personal stories from her experience with her father and how they made the most of the time they had together. Hayden offers ideas on how you can do the same. #ElderLawReport...#estateplanning#planningahead#nursinghomecare#hospice
3/30/201825 minutes, 21 seconds
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GAME SHOW EPISODE: Learn about Estate Planning, Elder Law and the firm in today’s game show episode of the MEL Feud. So much fun today!
3/23/201835 minutes, 53 seconds
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ALEXA HELPING SENIORS? That’s exactly what we explore in this Elder Law Report. Amazing some of the ways this little device can help with reminders, locking the house and turning on and off the lights (among many other things)....#seniors#care#qualityoflife#elderlaw#estateplanning
3/16/201834 minutes, 40 seconds
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IDENTITY THEFT! It is a reality we live with today. Seniors are especially susceptible.

IDENTITY THEFT! It is a reality we live with today. Seniors are especially susceptible. In this Elder Law Report, Greg & Hayden call an identity theft provider and ask questions. We plan to bring our clients a discount to these services....#ElderLawReport#assistedliving#independentliving#longtermcare#activities#estateplanning#assetprotection#assetpreservation#elderlaw#savingthefarm#hometownheroes#identitytheft
3/10/201828 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

TAKE THE TOUR: Summit Place of Kings Mountain: Assisted Living with a Smile!

TAKE THE TOUR: Summit Place of Kings Mountain: Assisted Living with a Smile! Just a wonderful time and a wonderful place. Sarah Dixon was kind enough to give us a tour of this amazing living space where assisted living is more like an apartment with a nurse around the corner. From assisted living to memory care, Summit Place gives top tier service to its residents....#ElderLawReport#assistedliving#independentliving#longtermcare#activities#estateplanning#assetprotection#assetpreservation#elderlaw#savingthefarm#hometownheroes
3/4/201831 minutes, 11 seconds
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New 2018 Tax Law: What are the changes in the new tax law this year?

New 2018 Tax Law: What are the changes in the new tax law this year? How do they and your family? Accountant Robby Reynolds is here with us today to discuss some of the changes....#ElderLawReport#estateplanning#assetprotection#assetpreservation#elderlaw#savingthefarm#hometownheroes
2/26/201825 minutes, 48 seconds
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Full Speech: So honored to speak at the Shelby Rotary Lunch Club today!

So honored to speak at the Shelby Rotary Lunch Club today! Great food and such a distinguished group. Many thanks!
2/16/201830 minutes, 43 seconds
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Elder Law Report: SCAMS Episode

Elder Law Report: SCAMS Episode: Hayden and Greg discuss The many scams out there for seniors and how to avoid them....#scams#theelderlawguy
2/16/201834 minutes, 39 seconds
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Elder Law Report: LOVE, LIFE, LEGACY... In the spirit of Valentine’s Day and Love, let’s talk about what really matters.

Elder Law Report: LOVE, LIFE, LEGACY... In the spirit of Valentine’s Day and Love, let’s talk about what really matters. The many ways to show love and leave a legacy!...#longtermcare#estateplanning#elderlaw#vetbens#planning#assetprotection#assetpreservation#savingthefarm#hometownheroes
2/16/201825 minutes, 26 seconds
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Elder Law Report | 2018 State of the Firm Address

Elder Law Report | 2018 State of the Firm Address: from the flood to the new office we have had an amazing year. In this episode we recap the year and talk about upcoming services we will be implementing in 2018... Loved doing this “themed” episode....#savingthefarm#hometownheroes#assetprotection#assetpreservation#estateplanning#elderlaw#attorney
2/2/201830 minutes, 12 seconds
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Elder Law Report: DON’T GAMBLE WITH YOUR FUTURE. VEGAS EDITION. Viva Las Hayden this week as Ms. Hayden goes to Sin City with her husband and joins us for this episode. Looks like she is having lots of fun!...#estateplanning#elderlaw#assetprotection
1/27/20189 minutes, 28 seconds
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Elder Law Report: Talking Facilities with Peak Resources, Cherryville.

Elder Law Report: Talking Facilities with Peak Resources, Cherryville. Cheryl Mikell, Administrator, gives us the grand tour of the new facility and discusses levels of care and many other interesting and important details of long term care....Peak Resources (Cherryville, NC)#PeakResources#longtermcare#estateplanning
1/19/201823 minutes, 7 seconds
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Estate Planning Client, Samantha Yelton...

Planning Ahead. Ms. Yelton came to us to assist in planning ahead for her mother. We are always humbled by a client gives us a testimonial. Thanks so much, Ms. Yelton, for the kind words about our Estate Planning services.
1/18/20184 minutes, 47 seconds
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Saving the Farm Book Review from Kevin Allen

Thanks to Kevin for reading my book and leaving this review. Always grateful for kind words. many aging Americans and their families are scared by the prospect of a healthcare event requiring long-term care. How do they pay for it? Will they lose their retirement savings, their home? Where do they turn for answers? Here! This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the legal maze of aging in America and also serve as a reference on many different aspects of senior care. Featuring: - Alzheimer's expert: Teepa Snow. - Adult Daycare Expert: Suzi Kennedy. - In Home Care Expert: Joe Seidel with Bayada Home Healthcare - Assisted Living Care with Kellee Agee, VP, Brookdale Senior Living - …and many, many more!
1/18/20185 minutes, 32 seconds
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Elder Law Report: Best Laid College Planning

Elder Law Report: Best Laid College Planning... Hayden’s in Shelby while Greg is in Alabama with his son, Jordan, who is visiting for possible college next year. Greg stresses over the prospect. Have you planned for kids, grandkids to go to college? How will they pay for it? Can your legacy help? Greg talks Trust Planning and more in this interstate episode....#theelderlawguy#trustplanning#assetprotection#estateplanning#savingthefarm
1/17/201812 minutes, 29 seconds
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Dianne & Greg’s Foundational Estate Planning Appointment...

Foundational Estate Planning Appointment. Dianne and I were practicing for a presentation and it turned out to be a great example of a foundational planning appointment....#bnishelby#estateplanning#savingthefarm
1/16/201813 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Elder Law Report: Hometown Heroes... So proud of our new book about Veteran Heroes next door!

Elder Law Report: Hometown Heroes... So proud of our new book about Veteran Heroes next door! Due out this month. Also discussing Veterans Pension Benefits!...#hometownheroes#vetbens#elderlawreport#theelderlawguy
1/5/201822 minutes
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Last ELR of 2017! “Packing Away 2017”

Last ELR of 2017! “Packing Away 2017”. Greg & Hayden review an amazing year and plans for 2018 while putting away the Christmas decorations.....#elderlawreport#veteransbenefits#vetbens#planahead#assetprotectioj#savingthefarm
12/31/201723 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Join us for our Christmas Party, Funny Wills and bit of serious planning discussion...

Christmas Special: Join us for our Christmas Party, Funny Wills and bit of serious planning discussion on this Christmas Edition of the Elder Law Report....#estateplanning#savingthefarm#theelderlawguy#hometoenheroes
12/22/201727 minutes, 44 seconds
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Christmas Special: Elder Law Report: Foundational Planning and Lady Bird Deeds.

Christmas Special: Elder Law Report: Foundational Planning and Lady Bird Deeds. Hayden talk about the importance of foundations and Greg draws out how a Lady Bird Deed works. Take advantage of our Special Christmas Pricing!...#theelderlawguy#christmasspecial#savingthefarm#hometownheroes#estateplanning#elderlaw#medicaidplanning
12/15/201717 minutes, 17 seconds
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Adult Daycare: Many advantages for seniors and caregivers who need a day out!

Elder Law Report: Karen Creech speaks about “The Center” Daycare Services For Adults. Low Cost. Many advantages for seniors and caregivers who need a day out!We Explore:1. What is Adult Daycare?2. Many Benefits?3. How Do I Pay For It?....and much more....#theelderlawguy#vetbens#savingthefrm#caregivers#hometownheroesEast Gaston Adult Day CenterGastonia Adult Day Center
12/2/201741 minutes, 15 seconds
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Come inside and share the Holidays with The McIntyre's as Greg and his parents spar over Estate Planning Issues!

Elder Law Report: Do’s & Don’ts: How to talk to family about Estate Planning. What better time than the holiday season when families come together? We hope you enjoy this humorous look into family and the sometimes uncomfortable subject of sorting out the family affairs. Some may find it easy but for others it can be very challenging. Enjoy!...#SavingTheFarm#TheElderLawGuy#HometownHeroes#VetBens#HappyHolidays
12/2/201722 minutes, 26 seconds
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Working hard on my new book, “Hometown Heroes.”

***Pre-Order by calling our office today! 704-259-7040*** Working hard on my new book, “Hometown Heroes.” This book will feature 20+ interviews with veterans who are the heroes next-door. These are interviews that veterans will relate to. Doing these interviews reminded me so much of my military service. It made me proud. I also showcase and break down veterans aid and attendance pension benefits. I can’t waitTo bring this book to you. ***Pre-Order by calling our office today! 704-259-7040***...#hometownheroes#theelderlawguy#vetbens
12/2/20175 minutes, 34 seconds
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Elder Law Report - UNPLUGGED: Want to live longer? Get a pet. Cat or dog? Doesn’t matter.

***LIVE*** Elder Law Report - UNPLUGGED: From RollOver Pets with Jennipher Hammerstein Harrill and Fred Harrill! Let’s talk pets and seniors... Why this is such an important topic. Want to live longer? Get a pet. Cat or dog? Doesn’t matter. ...#rolloverpets#theelderlawguy#savingthefarm#vetbens#hometownheroesBlue Eyes Social Media Connections
11/17/201719 minutes, 43 seconds
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What an amazing and moving rendition of Ragged Old Flag...

Our Flag Raising Event...Happy Veterans Day! We Salute You! Evan Thompson, Commander of American Legion Post 82 does an amazing Flag Raising Event... I wanted to wait until Veterans Day to raise the flag at our new office. This was the way to do it!
11/15/201712 minutes, 30 seconds
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Elder Law Report - Unplugged: Medicaid Crisis Planning. Planning and protecting assets when a family member needs long term care.

Elder Law Report - Unplugged: Medicaid Crisis Planning. Planning and protecting assets when a family member needs long term care. Hayden Soloway and Lawyer Greg discuss.......#theelderlawguy#caregivers#savingthefarm#medicaidcrisisplanning#vetbens
11/3/201727 minutes, 11 seconds
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Unplugged - Elder Law Report: 4th Annual Car Show & Flea Market.

Unplugged - Elder Law Report: 4th Annual Car Show & Flea Market. Come out today and tomorrow morning. Why senior centers play such an important role in the lives of our seniors......#elderlawreport#theelderlawguy#savingthefarm
10/27/201711 minutes, 52 seconds
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Full Seminar: What is Veteran’s Aid & Attendance Pension Benefits?

Full Seminar: What is Veteran’s Aid & Attendance Pension Benefits? Find out in this informative LIVE seminar from VA Certified Attorney, Greg McIntyre.....#vetbens#aidandattendance#savingthefarm#theelderlawguy
10/25/201745 minutes, 56 seconds
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Elder Law Report - Unplugged: New conference room at our new office on 233 East Graham Street talking about our upcoming events at the end of October and the month of November!

Elder Law Report - Unplugged: New conference room at our new office on 233 East Graham Street talking about our upcoming events at the end of October and the month of November! We will also be talking about VA Aid and Attendance since the month of November we will be celebrating Veteran’s Day! Please plug in and join us! #theelderlawguy #newoffice #vetbens #upcomingevents #savingthefarm
10/24/201722 minutes, 36 seconds
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Top 3 Things You Need To Do In A Medicaid / Long-Term Care Crisis:

Top 3 Things You Need To Do In A Medicaid / Long-Term Care Crisis:I have been working on something brand new for us on Medicaid / Long-Term Care Crisis Planning. It is “GREAT” information so I compiled a series of short videos together for this one piece.
10/14/201720 minutes, 23 seconds
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Saving the Farm Book Series: Chapter 9: Choose Wisely, Grasshopper: Selecting the Right Attorney and Firm... 9: Choose Wisely, Grasshopper: Selecting the Right Attorney and Firm... in the Saving the Farm Book Review Series... Greg & Hayden discuss just how much training and education attorneys may get in order to focus on different areas of
10/13/201713 minutes, 38 seconds
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STF Chapter Review Series: Chapter 10: The Role & Benefit of Technology in Elder Law.

You bet. See how technology plays a role in bringing great services to
10/13/20179 minutes
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Answering the Long Term Care Piece. Protect what you have. Insurance and Legal in one place.

Answering the Long Term Care Piece. Protect what you have. Insurance and Legal in one place. I take the legal questions and Phil Champion with State Farm insurance takes the insurance and acid investment questions.
10/11/201751 minutes, 12 seconds
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NAMI Medicaid Crisis Planning Lecture

NAMI Medicaid Crisis Planning Conference: What a great audience for this topic! How to save your property and qualify for Long Term Care Benefits. #savingthefarm
10/10/201752 minutes, 19 seconds
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Financial, Legal and Care all in one place.

Unplugged! Annual Health Fair with Bayada Home Healthcare. Joe Seidel, Bayada Director has planned an amazing event. Learn about financial planning, legal planning, home healthcare. Have you planned for the future?
10/7/201718 minutes, 59 seconds
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LIVE! Protect Yourself - Your Attorney and Financial Planner right here, LIVE!

Protect Yourself - Your Attorney and Financial Planner right here, LIVE! Tune in for education and fun now. #theelderlawguy
9/29/201723 minutes, 21 seconds
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Why are you here tonight??? Snack & Yack!!! What happens to your $$$...

Why are you here tonight??? Snack & Yack!!! What happens to your $$$ if you have a healthcare crises? Tune in and Find Out! #theelderlawguy #savingthefarm
9/28/201722 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Elder Law Report Unplugged: New Live Shows... On Location...

Coming to you every week...
9/23/201713 minutes, 57 seconds
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***FREE*** ***FULL VIDEO*** Full Medicaid Crisis Planning Seminar for your viewing, free of charge.

***FREE*** ***FULL VIDEO*** After much debate we have decided to publish the full Medicaid Crisis Planning Seminar for your viewing, free of charge. Do you have a loved one in or that may need nursing home or assisted living care? Are you or your loved one concerned about how to pay for that care? How to protect assets? The Elder Law Guy explains in depth the many ways to have great care options and keep your families hard earned money and property.
9/23/201759 minutes, 43 seconds
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How to pay for assisted living care, right here on The Elder Law Report!

Elder Law Report: Avila Matthews from Cleveland House is discussing affinity and the different communities that offer all-inclusive care. Comment and Share the info! #LawyerGreg #TheElderLawReport#VeteransAidAndAttendance #MedicaidCrisisPlanning #EstatePlanning #LongTermCare #VetBens
9/15/201731 minutes, 6 seconds
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Irma-Geddon - Don't get hurt in a disaster. Protect yourself!

mcelderlaw.comWhat steps do you take when the Storm's coming? 70% chance of Hurricane Long-Term Care blowing down your house, looting your money. How do you prepare for the coming storm? Tune in live at 10am for the answers from Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre. #savingthefarm #elderlawreport
9/8/201731 minutes, 38 seconds
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Noon Mondays! Worldwide Q&A: Veterans Aid & Attendance me anything! As a certified attorney with the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs, we help veterans and their spouses qualify for this much needed Pension
9/4/20179 minutes, 39 seconds
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Saving the Farm book review series: Chapter 8: To Plan or Not to Plan? There is no question. talks about whether you should plan your state with an eye on the state and gift taxation. This is a great question because estate and gift tax rates fluctuate overtime. Tune in for this informative short
9/4/201713 minutes, 41 seconds
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How do I talk to my Mom & Dad about getting their affairs in order?

The McIntyre Elder Law team chats around the table this morning and discusses how to talk to your mom or dad about the state planning and protecting their hard earned money and property.
9/1/201713 minutes, 13 seconds
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LIVE RADIO :Today's Guest! Dick Baker with Healthcare Foundation of Cleveland County.

LIVE RADIO :Today's Guest! Dick Baker with Healthcare Foundation of Cleveland County. Dick, Greg & Hayden discuss the state of healthcare in Cleveland County and what we are doing about it as a community.
9/1/201731 minutes, 22 seconds
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Worldwide Veterans Aid and Attendance Q&A!

Ask me anything! Pre-Quailify for our firm now:
8/29/201730 minutes, 5 seconds
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Why Do I Need a Senior Center???

All that and more explained. Lori Livingston & Daniel Dedmon with the Neal Senior Center are here with us this morning to talk about the amazing social, educational, fitness and nutritional services and opportunities offered by this great organization. #theelderlawguy #savingthefarm #vetbens
8/25/201731 minutes, 40 seconds
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Straight from our in-office studio, Greg brings in the “Big Guns” from the benefits department with guests Lindsey Spangler and Taylor Shelton. Lindsey is a benefits case worker who assists veterans and their families with processing Veterans Aid & Attendance Applications. Taylor is our firm communications director who assists veterans and their families in setting up appoitnments and other important needs. Greg goes in-depth on the 3 prongs of qualification: Serive, Health and Wealth in this very informative episode.#vetbens#LawyerGreg#theelderlawguy#savingthefarm
8/17/201731 minutes, 5 seconds
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Charitable Giving - How & Why!

Elder Law Report: Greg, Hayden and guest, Jack Weller from the Boys & Girls Club talks about great causes and charitable Giving! #theelderlawguy #savingthefarm #elderlawreport
8/13/201731 minutes, 41 seconds
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Chapter 7: Veterans Benefits. Saving the Farm Book Series

Broadcasting "LIVE" from the American Legion World Series. What a perfect setting to talk about Veterans #savingthefarm #theelderlawguy
8/13/20179 minutes
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Chapter 6: Medicaid Crisis Planning: How to Plan for a Medicaid Crisis.

Hayden & Greg talk about this important subject where many seniors and their families lose money and property. How could you save it and still qualify for a Medicaid Benefit to pay for long Term Care? #SavingTheFarm #TheElderLawGuy
8/12/201719 minutes, 42 seconds
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Elder Law Report: American Legion, Baseball & Veteran's BENEFITS

Hit a homerun with this weekends upcoming seventh-inning stretch festival. Shelby is home to the American Legion World Series and we have a key organizer of this weekends events, Kim Davis, as our guest this morning. Let's talk about fun, family, baseball and maybe a little estate planning and benefits mixed in there too. #savingthefarm #theelderlawguy
8/12/201734 minutes, 46 seconds
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Chapter 5 in the Saving the Farm Series: Senior Dental Care

Greg & Hayden review this important. It often neglected part of aging in America. Dental healthcare is poorly funded yet so important to self esteem, socialization and nutrition. All these things contribute to longevity. #savingthefarm #theelderlawguy
8/3/201713 minutes, 18 seconds
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Elder Law Report: Pam Sharts with Hospice Cleveland County talks about services to the community.

Penny, Greg & Hayden discuss many offerings of Hospice Care including the need to get to Hospice early. This and many other interesting topics in this great episode. #savingthefarm #theelderlawguy #theelderlawreport
7/28/201728 minutes, 5 seconds
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Chapter 4 in the Saving the Farm Series: A Special Word On Dementia Alzheimer's. 4 in the Saving The Farm Series: A Special Word On Dementia Alzheimer's. Greg & Hayden talk about a very tough subject and the interview of anlitetime with Alzheimer's and Dementia expert, Teepa Snow. #SavingTheFarm
7/26/201730 minutes, 59 seconds
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All Your Long Term Care Needs in One Place?

All Your Long Term Care Needs in One Place? Cheryl Mikell, Director of Peak Resources, Cherryville, NC. We talk about levelas of care. Paying for care. Great discussion on LongbTerm Care! #theelderlawguy #savingthefarm
7/21/201732 minutes, 10 seconds
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Chapter 3 in the Saving the Farm Chapter Series: What is Long Term Care?

Greg & Hayden review Chapter 3 and discuss the different types of long Term Care and some options to pay for long term care. #theelderlawguy #savingthefarm
7/17/201736 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Chapter Series: CHAPTER 1: Saving the Farm: What on Earth is Elder Law and Why Is It So Important?

Greg and Hayden discuss and summarize Chapter 1 of Greg's book, Saving the Farm. Stay tuned each week for a chapter-by-chapter review, Friday's at Noon. #SavingtheFarm #theelderlawguy
7/11/201719 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Chapter Series: Chapter 2 of Saving the Farm: Foundations of Elder Law Planning.

Greg & Hayden discuss and summaraize Chapter 2 of Greg's book which helps seniors navigate the legal maze of aging in America. #theelderlawguy #lawyergreg #savingthefarm
7/11/201733 minutes, 46 seconds
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"The Elder Law Report" Listening to the Universe.

Signs, Signs, everywhere the signs... What are the signs you need to plan and what do you do? Greg, Hayden & Taylor discuss these and other great topics in this information packed show! You can join us live at 10:00 a.m. on WCSL 1590 AM.#TheElderLawGuy #LawyerGreg #liveradio #EstatePlanning #MedicaidCrisisPlanning #VeteransAidAndAttendance #HickoryLawyer #AshevilleLawyer #HendersonvilleLawyer #ShelbyLawyer #CLTLawyer
7/9/201730 minutes, 35 seconds
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Charitable Giving with Special Guest: Jack Weller

Charitable Giving! Jack Weller, President of the Board of Directors of the Cleveland County Boys & Girls Club and the Elder Law Team talk about the joys and benefits of charitable giving. Tune in for this great show. #theelderlawguy
7/1/201733 minutes, 29 seconds
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LISTEN UP!!! All About Hearing Aids and Loss

Can You Hear Me Now? Better hearing through technology and service with Dr. Kay B. Young, Director of Audiology, Shelby Haearing Center. We are talking hearing aids, options and amazing technology on this show. LISTEN UP! #theelderlawguy
6/27/201732 minutes, 24 seconds
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Live Radio: Elder Law Report: Orlando Disaster Interview - How to plan for family disasters

Coming off a week which included our office flooding, we were inspired to discuss how we could have prevented out disaster and how you can prevent yours. At the heart of what we do is disaster prevention. We help families have healthcare options and protect their hard earned money and property. Greg is in Orlando and Taylor and Hayden are in the studio. Watch this fun and informative show!#theelderlawguy
6/19/201737 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Ins & Outs of Medicare

Council on Aging - Buncombe County. The Ins and Outs of Medicare and other Senior Services. Great Show Today!!! #theelderlawguy
6/9/201731 minutes, 34 seconds
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Probate with the Probate Queen!!!

What is Probate??? How to avoid it. Greg speaks with Dianne Thackerson about her probate experience and exactly what to do! #theelderlawguy
6/2/201731 minutes, 57 seconds
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ELR: Find the Right Placement and Level of Care for Your Family Member.

LIVE! Elder Law Report: Today our special guest is Billy Peeler from Lighthouse Senior Consulting Services. Billy helps seniors navigate the tough waters of finding the right fit for their care needs. #theelderlawguy
5/26/201731 minutes, 56 seconds
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Winn the Game! Avoid losing it all...

ELR: Lose Everything? Winning the Game with Long Term Care! What is it? What is it? Why you need it? With Jason Winn of Winn Insurance. #theelderlawguy
5/20/201731 minutes, 53 seconds
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Thank You!!! for 13K Listens! The

13k Elder Law Report Podcast listens and counting. #humbled #persistence#theelderlawguy
5/13/20172 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Job No One Wants to Do!!!

The Job No one Wants to Do! Keith Hawkins of Caring Transitions of Western NC. Keith relieved he stress out of being trapped by your home for seniors & their families. They move you, de-clutter. Clean. When a senior has to move or sell the property. #theelderlawguy
5/12/201732 minutes, 8 seconds
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Elder Law Report: RETIREMENT JOBS!!! Why Seniors Are Working Today...

You may be surprised how many seniors are working after retirement. Tune in to hear about retirement job opportunities.I was so amped up after speaking to Debra Blanton. She is so good at so many things and takes on life with only a positive attitude. I could stand to be much more like her. Greg McIntyre#theelderlawreport
5/9/201732 minutes, 26 seconds
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The "REAL" PLATOON Vietnam Story...

‪LWV: LIVE: Vietnam Veteran Ray Kale tells his story along with his wife, Connie.what a story about the "Real" Vietnam War and the grueling day to day of the soldiers. #theelderlawguy‬
5/8/201748 minutes, 31 seconds
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LWAV: JD & Virginia Thomas - Married in Military - Married in the Military!

LWAV: JD & Virginia Thomas - Married in Military: Could you still fit in your uniform as a senior? I can't still fit in mine. Great love story, here. #theelderlawguy
5/1/201753 minutes, 6 seconds
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WTZQ - Hendersonville - With Andrew recording The Elder Law Report! #theelderlawguy

WTZQ - Hendersonville - With Andrew recording The Elder Law Report! Is it Neesh or Nich? Niche? Who knows. #theelderlawguy
5/1/201734 minutes, 32 seconds
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Elder Law Report: WHAT WE FORGOT!!! Don't let the things you forgot jeapordize your hard earned money and property! #theelderlawguy
4/28/201730 minutes, 55 seconds
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LIVE: Elder Law Report: Getting & Staying Fit

LIVE: Elder Law Report: Getting & Staying Fit at YMCA with Jessica Bridges - Senior Director of Healthy Living! #theelderlawguy
4/23/201729 minutes, 39 seconds
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Flight Surgeon and World Traveler, Dr. Frank Sincox

Dr. Frank Sincox. US Navy Flight Surgeon and Veteran. Great story of becoming a doctor with assistance of the military. #theelderlawguy
4/17/201738 minutes, 7 seconds
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Hayden's Last Show!!! ...on The Elder Law Report

Say goodbye to Hayden Soloway as our regular cohost of the radio show. Great info for seniors & their families as well to help you save your hard earned money & property. #theelderlawguy
4/14/201730 minutes, 29 seconds
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The World's Greatest Undiscovered Playwright!

Lunch With a Veteran: Ludy Wilkie - Veteran, Journalist and The World's Greatest Undiscovered Playwright. #theelderlawguy
4/11/201731 minutes, 2 seconds
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LWAV: Roger Wuest - Field Artillery Officer. Vietnam Veteran. Special guest.

LWAV: Roger Wuest - Field Artillery Officer. Vietnam Veteran. Special guest. #theelderlawguy
4/11/201716 minutes, 42 seconds
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Elder Law Report: Military Extravaganza - What one committed high schooler can do for a community.

Military Extravaganza - What one committed high schooler can do for a community. How one special young man has organized a community around a great cause and celebration of our veterans. #theelderlawguy
4/7/201732 minutes, 10 seconds
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Jim Quinlan. Marine and Former National Director of American Legion Baseball.

Jim Quinlan. Marine and Former National Director of American Legion Baseball. Tune in for this Homerun! #theelderlawguy
4/3/201725 minutes, 15 seconds
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Elder Law Report: Should I Stay or Should I Go Now???

Should I improve my home for aging or go to a new senior community? Expert, Charles Tarlton Tells Us! #theelderlawguy
4/3/201729 minutes, 31 seconds
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Answers to Your Elder Law Questions!

Lawyer Greg, Hayden and Angela answer your Elder Law Questions! What is Medicaid? What is Medicare? What is the difference in a will and trust? What is a Lady Bird Deed? These and other elder law and estate planning questions answered in this exciting episode! #theelderlawguy
3/24/201731 minutes, 18 seconds
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Get It Together Seminar!

Get It Together Seminar!!! Watch this fun and cool event for seniors. I love my job! #theelderlawguy
3/24/201758 minutes, 47 seconds
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All the American Legion Programs!

American Legion - Happy 98th Birthday... Learn about Legion Programs for you with District Commander, Evan Thompson! #theelderlawguy
3/18/201726 minutes, 2 seconds
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Stand Up!!! Take Action!!! Great seminar this Saturday.

The basics every senior and heir family should know. This was a great event and we had a great time. #theelderlawguy
3/18/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 12 seconds
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Avoiding SCAMS! Special Guest: Officer Melvin.

SCAMS! Matt Melvin with the Police Department tells seniors and their families how to avoid scams. #theelderlawguy
3/18/201731 minutes, 6 seconds
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Seminars & Speeches: Bringing the education to you and your group.

Greg, Hayden, Joe Seidel with Bayada Home Healthcare and Rebecca Higgins of the Daughters of the American Revolution discuss the importance of educating seniors and their families how to stay healthy and protect their hard earned money and property. #theelderlawguy
3/10/201730 minutes, 2 seconds
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Spring Training!!! Get ready for the Season!

Do you have all your bases covered? Are you ready for the season of life? Hayden and Lawyer Greg discuss your foundations and how they are important to you. #theelderlawguy #ladybirddeeds #lawyergreg
3/8/201729 minutes, 42 seconds
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David Rose and The Flying Beavers!

The Flying Beavers! Veteran David Rose take about his time in the Air Force as a tech inspector and his fun life since.#theelderlawguy#veteransbenefits#vabenefits#veteransrock
3/8/201747 minutes, 47 seconds
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Elder Law Presser. First "Official" Press Conference of The Elder Law Guy!!!

Elder Law Presser. First "Official" Press Conference of The Elder Law Guy!!! Hear Lawyer Greg shut down the "Lyin" press. #theelderlawguy
2/17/201732 minutes, 31 seconds
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Total Foundations Seminar

Elder Law Foundations - Valentines Day Presentation at Hospice Cleveland County. Take Care of your Loved Ones!!! #theelderlawguy
2/14/20171 hour, 9 minutes, 24 seconds
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‪Happy Valentines Day from the McIntyre's to you!

‪Happy Valentines Day from the McIntyre's to you! #theelderlawguy
2/14/20175 minutes, 35 seconds
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***LIVE*** Elder Law Report: Welcome!!! What is Elder Law and why it matters to your family!!!

The Elder Law Report is now regional!!! We will be covering from Charlotte to Asheville on WOHS and Hendersonville, WTZQ. Very excited to be back, bigger and better than ever. #theelderlawguy
2/10/201730 minutes, 19 seconds
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Lunch with a Veteran: Driver to the Kennedy's - Earl Mace

Earl Mace is an Air Force Veteran. Earl's story sounds pretty ordinary until you get to the part about working for the Kennedys. #theelderlawguy
2/10/201744 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Real G.I. Jane: Sergeant First Class - Martha Bridges - Army.

Sergeant First Class Bridges spent 22 years in the Army Reserves including active duty time. She entered the military when it was not common for women to do so. Great story about a strong young woman! #theelderlawguy
2/1/201721 minutes, 58 seconds
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Nursing Home Crises Planning...

Nursing Home Crises Planning!!! Aggghhh. They want all my money!!!! What do I do? Don't do a "hang your head spend down." #theelderlawguy
1/24/201718 minutes, 2 seconds
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@ The Conference Table: What Little House on the Prairie can teach us about Elder Law!

Tune in to this awesome episode as Hayden and Greg pull from the past to talk about how to plan and how to offer better services to seniors. #theelderlawguy #McIntyreElderLaw
1/24/201719 minutes, 11 seconds
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"Marines taught me 3 things that helped me my whole life...

"Marines taught me 3 things that helped me my whole life:1. Discipline2. Teamwork3. People SkillsMarine Veteran, Bob Hayes talks about his experience in the Marines. Great lessons to be learned by all from this short sit down. #theelderlawguy
1/2/201727 minutes, 58 seconds
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UPDATES!!! Christmas Special packed with key updates...

UPDATES!!! Christmas Special packed with key updates going into the new year. More money for Veterans Benefits! New rules Drastically impacting Special Needs Trusts. The importance of meeting with the family and planning over the Christmas Holiday! Don't miss this special episode. #theelderlawguy
1/2/201732 minutes, 43 seconds
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NEW YEARs SPECIAL!!! Resolutions That Matter...

NEW YEARs SPECIAL!!! Resolutions That Matter. We all make plans. Convert those plans into actions. Greg and Hayden talk about their resolutions going into the new year and how to help others protect their hard earned money and property. #theelderlawguy
1/2/201741 minutes, 36 seconds
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Veteran Stories: Jim Hardin, WWII & Korean War - Fighter Pilot...

Lunch with Veteran: Jim Hardin, WWII & Korean War - Fighter Pilot - What Stories. Listen along with us! #theelderlawguyIf you love aviation you will love this!
12/12/20161 hour, 14 minutes, 34 seconds
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Lunch With a Veteran: Wow the stories with Vietnam Veteran and Bronze Star Recipient, Gene Ramsey

Gene has been in fire fights and wow the stories of heroism. Gene is a true American Hero. Gene received the bronze star for saving fellow brothers and camelback to the States from the jungles of Vietnam to get his college degree go on to have a stellar career and family #theelderlawguyAs a certified attorney by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, we handle Veterans Aid & Attendance and Disability cases. We are proud to serve our veterans and their families. You may contact our firm by calling: 704-259-7040. Visit us online at: #theelderlawguy
12/12/201623 minutes, 30 seconds
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New! Rain or Fire??? Live At The Conference Table: When will disaster strike?

New! Rain or Fire??? Live At The Conference Table with Hayden & Greg: When will disaster strike? Be prepared and here's how. #theelderlawguy
12/12/201617 minutes, 28 seconds
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Enemies 2 Friends: Veterans Stories: Bill Hardin & Larry Gamble

From Highschool to Vietnam. From enemies to friends. These two have a wonderful story to tell. #theelderlawguy
12/12/201636 minutes, 6 seconds
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Predicting Upcoming Changes: Live: "At the Conference Table" with Hayden & Greg

Predicting the Future! Should you be worried? How will the current change in administrations on the State and Federal level effect passing your hard earned money and property. #theelderlawguy
11/22/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 22 seconds
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Lunch With a Veteran: Marine/ Army/Air National Guard Veteran, Evan M. Thompson

Evan Thompson has made the military a career and continues to serve with his extensive involvement in the American Legion. Evan is the Commander of Post 82 and the District Commander. Evan obtained advanced degrees while in the military and credits the military for his educational opportunities. Lots to be learned by young and old from this Veteran's stories.As a certified attorney by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, we handle Veterans Aid & Attendance and Disability cases. We are proud to serve our veterans and their families. #theelderlawguy
11/22/201635 minutes, 23 seconds
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Turkey Talk Time: Planning With Family Over Holidays!

Turkey Talk: Getting down to business and talking turkey with our families over the Thanksgiving Holidays! #theelderlawguyHow to do it? Why you should do it?You may contact our firm by calling: 704-259-7040. Visit us online at: #theelderlawguy
11/22/201631 minutes, 33 seconds
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Lunch With a Veteran: Wow the stories with Vietnam Veteran and Bronze Star Recipient, Gene Ramsey

Gene has been in fire fights and wow the stories of heroism. Gene is a true American Hero. Gene received the bronze star for saving fellow brothers and camelback to the States from the jungles of Vietnam to get his college degree go on to have a stellar career and family #theelderlawguyAs a certified attorney by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, we handle Veterans Aid & Attendance and Disability cases. We are proud to serve our veterans and their families. You may contact our firm by calling: 704-259-7040. Visit us online at: #theelderlawguy
11/22/201623 minutes, 30 seconds
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Spooky Halloween! Estate Planning Ghost Stories.

Greg & Hayden tell scary tales of Halloween's of old and of Estate Planning Nightmares. Don't have a Nightmare on Probate Street! #theelderlawguy
10/28/201625 minutes, 21 seconds
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Top Secret - Asset Protection Docs Disclosed - Live from the Liver-mush Festival

Greg and Hayden discuss the reasons for estate planning, protecting and passing assets to loved ones. Greg reveals his visual guide to asset protection. Check out that doc in comments or get the printable version by signing up for our eNewsletter at #theelderlawguy
10/15/201622 minutes, 38 seconds
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Mementos & Memories: What Matters Most?

Special Guest: Tucker. Usually the things that matter the most to us are not the noise and the money. They are items we gather along the way that hold so many of our memories. Greg and Hayden discuss some mementos and memories and how to pass those on to your loved ones. #theelderlawguy
10/7/201621 minutes, 21 seconds
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Back Up & Look Back! The Conference Table with Hayden & Greg

Look Back??? What is That? At the Conference Table with Hayden & Greg. At the Conference Table with Hayden & Greg. Every Friday at Noon, Greg and Hayden come to you with a new Senior and Elder Law topic. This week, Long Term Care Medicaid Benefit Look Back Periods. #theelderlawguy
9/30/201624 minutes, 38 seconds
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Golf & Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts

Another LIVE At The Conference Table with Greg & Hayden. Today we are live from Deer Brook Golf Club where we helped sponsor a golf tournament for the Make a Wish Foundation. Greg explains Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts and has some fun shooting an AR15 that shoots golf balls. #theelderlawguy
9/30/201612 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 1 - At The Conference Table with Greg and Hayden

At The Conference Table with Greg and Hayden - Every Friday at Noon. Tune in to this fun and informative show about elder law issues. Find out about current events. Have some fun with Hayden & Greg. Ask your questions during the show in comments and Greg & Hayden will answer them live. #theelderlawguy
9/30/201631 minutes, 7 seconds
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So's Your Mother Seminar - Country Club

Find out lots about estate planning and why this seminar is called "So's Your Mother." Lots of fun at the Country Club tonight. #theelderlawguy #savingthefirm
9/15/201629 minutes, 50 seconds
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Trusts Simply Explained (Trust Me)

Recorded Live from the 94th floor of The Hancock Center on the heels of the Elder Law Masters Class in Chicago, Il.Trusts are great planning tools to plan for your family's future. They can be as simple or as complicated as we want to draft them but they all still have the same basic foundations. #theelderlawguy
8/30/201612 minutes, 36 seconds
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Chapter 1: Free Excerpt from the Audio Version of Saving the Farm: Getting Personal...

Listen to this excerpt of the audio version of my book Saving the Farm. We are very proud to have actor and voice artist, Curtis Rosser perform Greg's Book, Saving the Farm. Look for the book on iTunes and Audible coming next week, August 8th! #theelderlawguy
8/4/20162 minutes, 39 seconds
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Free Excerpt from the Audio Book, Saving the Farm: What are Elder Law Attorneys?

Listen to the Foreword for the book Saving the Farm. We are very proud to have actor and voice artist, Curtis Rosser perform Greg's Book, Saving the Farm. Look for the book on iTunes and Audible coming next week, August 8th!#theelderlawguy
8/4/20167 minutes, 19 seconds
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LIVE SPECIAL EDITION: The Elder Law Report!!! Join us Right Now!!!

LIVE SPECIAL EDITION: The Elder Law Report!!! Join us Right Now!!! Greg talks about the Writing and Protection Seniors! #theelderlawguy
7/22/201633 minutes, 36 seconds
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30 Second Legals: Build Your Future on Firm Foundations!

Do you have your foundations in place? What are foundations. Don't build your house on sand! Find out about foundations in this quick 30 second legal.#theelderlawguy
7/6/20162 minutes, 14 seconds
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30 Second Legals: Timing a Lady Bird Deed

Can a Lady Bird Deed be entered AFTER Medicaid starts??? Lawyer Greg discusses in this quick segment.#theelderlawguy
7/6/20164 minutes, 7 seconds
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30 Second Legals: Lady Bird Deed Explained

Greg explains the basics of the lady bird deed in 30 seconds. Check out this short video clip! #theelderlawguy
6/24/20163 minutes, 49 seconds
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Elder Law Report 075: Nostalgia - Be nostalgic over the kids. Don't lament your legacy

I have been going down memory lane today. Remembering my grandparents. Thinking about the good times. Watching Disney. Eating pancakes. Don't lament your lack of planning. Remember the good times and avoid the bad. I'll tell you how and what to plan for in this one.#theederlawguy
5/28/201614 minutes, 51 seconds
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Elder Law Report 074: Guardianship NIGHTMARES!

Guardianship NiGHTMARES!!! Greg takes you through the nightmare that guardianships can be and tells you and your family how to avoid them as you age. #theelderlawguy
5/23/201615 minutes, 32 seconds
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Elder Law Report 073: Hospice’s We Honor Veteran’s Program

Listen to Reverend Doctor Terry Floyd, Hospice Veteran’s Coordinator and Chaplain at Hospice Cleveland County has taken on a new role implementing the ‘We Honor Veteran’s Program’. This is a touching a moving show that showcases how Hospice caters to the needs of veterans and truly honors them. #theelderlawguy
5/6/201634 minutes, 8 seconds
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Elder Law Report 072: Hospital Discharge Planning with Sybil Huggins

Sybil Huggins, manager of discharge planning for Carolina's Healthcare Systems, Cleveland and Kings Mountain Hospitals, talks about how patients are billed for Medicare and how they are transitioned to either home, in-home care, skilled nursing care or assisted living care after a hospital stay. #theelderlawguy
4/29/201630 minutes, 12 seconds
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Elder Law Report 071: Helping Homeless Vets: Foothills Veterans Stand Down

Dr. Ric Vandett with the Foothills Veterans Stand Down talks about how you can help vets in need... That and you get to see/hear Greg sing cadence just like he did in boot camp. #LawyerGreg #theelderlawguy
4/22/201639 minutes, 42 seconds
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Elder Law Report 070: NC SHIIP Program Explained

Director, Melinda Houser, and Valorie Spearman, counselor for the Lincoln County Extension service explain how the NC SHIIP program helos saves thounsands per year in prescription drug costs for seniors.#theelderlawguy
4/17/201611 minutes, 57 seconds
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Elder Law Report 069: The Power of Living Wills and Healthcare POAs - National Healthcare Decisions Day

Expert on Living Wills and Healthcare Powers of Attorney, Len Byers, talks about the history behind these documents and why they are a crucial part of your plan. This is a great show and I learned lots. I hope you will, too.#theelderlawguy
4/8/201639 minutes, 34 seconds
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Elder Law Report 068: Write ur Life - Nabu Scholar Part 2

Hayden, Greg and Duncan Blount with Nabu Scholar go deep about the value of passing on your life story to your family and future generations. Sometimes the toughest times in our life are the ones we learn the most from. Instead of just letting the next generation of kids or grand-kids start over from square one you can pass down your life's lessons and leave a legacy of wisdom to your family. Really interesting business and episode. Enjoy!#theelderlawguy#writeurlife
4/1/201637 minutes, 53 seconds
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Elder Law Report 067: Senior Games with Angela Padgett

Active Series: This week Angela Padgett from the Leona Neal Senior Center tells us about the Senior Olympics. Stay active with the Elder Law Report. #theelderlawguy
3/28/201636 minutes, 13 seconds
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Elder Law Report 066: Part 2: Avoiding Falls with John Jurchak

John, Greg and Hayden tell you how to avoid falls as you age and what to look for as a senior or family member of a senior. Staying active is essential as you age.#theelderlawguy
3/18/201639 minutes, 44 seconds
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Elder Law Report 065: Active Older Adult Communities

Imagine a no-step community that is for seniors who want to be social and active. That is exactly what our guest, Don Peeler has created in Crystal Springs. A no-step community that is located directly across from a Senior Center full of social activities and friends. The no-step part is so important. The longer you can stay active and prevent falls the more you can extend healthy longevity.#theelderlawguy
3/11/201634 minutes, 46 seconds
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Elder Law Report 064: Avoiding Falls as You Age

Don't Fall! Great show featuring John Jurchack, PT with Healthy at Home and Carolinas Healthcare System.The longer seniors can stay active and mobile the better. John is an expert on falls and how to avoid them. John has been doing physical therapy for seniors for many years and he brings his expertise to the Elder Law Report. ‪#‎dontfall‬ ‪#‎theelderlawguy‬
2/28/201635 minutes, 21 seconds
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Elder Law Report 063: Planning Your Healthcare - Stay at Home with Bayada Home Healthcare!!!

Great Valentine's Day Show!!! Bayada Division Director, Joe Seidel, explains the advantages of home healthcare and how to pay for it.
2/15/201633 minutes, 48 seconds
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Elder Law Report 061: Live From New York, It's The Elder Law Guy!!!

Hear from Hospice Super Star, Sharon Martin, who presents an in-depth look at Hospice. Sharon has been crucial in educating minority communities on the benefits of hospice and in dispelling myths about Hospice services. #LawyerGreg joins the show Live From New York City! This is a great, fun and informative show. Hang on and enjoy the ride.#theelderlawguy#lawyergreg@lawyergreg
2/10/201632 minutes, 27 seconds
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Elder Law Report 062: Medicaid Crises Planning- Upcoming Seminar

Greg and Hayden get to it and talk about Medicaid Crises Planning. Call to reserve your spot at the upcoming seminar: 704-259-7040.#theelderlawguy#lawyergreg@lawyergreg
2/10/201629 minutes, 49 seconds
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Elder Law Report 060: Foxhole Planning & The Greatest Generation

Special guest and financial planner, Jamie Richard brave the Blizzard of 2016 along with Hayden and Greg to deliver this compelling tribute and content about planning and The Greatest Generation. The depression era and WWII generation were simply an amazing group. Jamie talks about Long-Term Care products and how they can protect the money and property of this generation. As an added bonus, Greg plays an interview with his grandfather, WWII Veteran, JC Horne.#theelderlawguy
1/22/201637 minutes, 41 seconds
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Elder Law Report 059: Sailboats & Senior Long-Term Care Medicaid

Hayden and Greg talk about how to protect your money is disappearing because of long-term care calls right now! Also you get to hear a special story about Haydon's years on the water.#theelderlawguy
1/15/201633 minutes, 11 seconds
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Elder Law Report 058: Cowboy Boots & Long Term Care Medicaid Secrets

Greg wears his cowboy boots and gets to work on revealing Medicaid secrets and planning to save your hard earned money property. Tons of energy and excitement in this special show. Focus on Pre-Planning and Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts (MAPTs).‪#‎theelderlawguy‬
1/12/201632 minutes, 25 seconds
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Elder Law Report 057: Make Unselfish Resolutions. Take Action...

New Year's 2016 - Episode: Hayden and Greg discuss New Year's resolutions and how they should be unselfish and acted upon.Top 5 Most Commonly Broken Resolutions:•Lose Weight and Get Fit•Quit Smoking•Learn Something New•Eat Healthier and Diet•Get Out of Debt and Save MoneyWe wish you the best New Year and hope that you set resolutions and keep them but how many times do we fail to do so? Resolutions Mean Nothing Without Action… Actions Speak Louder than Words. Take Action!We at McIntyre Elder Law recommend making a resolution to gain ‪#‎PeaceOfMind‬‬ in the New Year by getting your "House" in order! Not following through with common resolutions is one thing but not following through with protecting your hard earned money and property is another. Too many times we put off this type of legal planning. Not following through with a resolution to put in place protective legal documents can result in not being able to pass money and your house to your loved ones. We can help!Worthwhile resolutions you may want to consider:•Protective Deed Planning.•Getting your foundational estate planning documents together.•Will•General Durable POA•Healthcare POA•Living Will•Setting up a Trust for your family.•Setting up a Trust for your church or favorite charity.•Protecting your money and property from a Medicaid Spend Down.Call us and state your New Year’s resolution to “get your legal documents and house in order” and we will provide a free legal consultation to review and discuss your current needs.
1/1/201635 minutes, 2 seconds
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Elder Law Report 055: Senior Dental Care with Dr. Kendalyn Lutz-Craver

As a senior it is just as or more important for you to have proper dental care. Dental care has more to do with health and longevity than you might think. Learn about senior specific issues here...#theelderlawguy
12/21/201534 minutes, 31 seconds
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Elder Law Report 056: Stay Upbeat and Healthy over the Holidays

Children get older and move away. It is a fact that many seniors get lonely around the holiday season. Beat the holiday blues! Listen to the show and find out how.#theelderlawguy
12/21/201535 minutes, 53 seconds
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Elder Law Report 054: Round 2: Veteran's Benefits and American Legion with District Commander, Evan Thompson

American Legion District Commander, Evan THOMPSON, is back to report on many other veteran's needs and Benefits as well as speak more about the American Legion.‪#‎theelderlawguy‬@lawyergreg‪#‎lawyergreg‬
12/6/201535 minutes, 10 seconds
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Elder Law Report 052: Senior Center & Meals on Wheels

Do you know how many seniors in your community are shut ins and can't cook for themselves? Greg, Heather and Angela discuss all the many services the Senior Center offers the community as well as the Meals on Wheels ministry, which is sure to touch your heart.‪#‎theelderlawguy‬
11/22/201532 minutes, 10 seconds
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Elder Law Report 053: Senior Living from A to Z with Regional Vice President of Operations for Brookdale’s Southeast Division

Brookdale Senior Living is a premier nationwide provider of senior living services and has nearly 80,000 associates. Regional Vice President of Operations for Brookdale’s Southeast Division, Kellee Agee, talks about assisted living, senior services, the future of the industry and more.#theelderlawguy
11/22/201532 minutes, 52 seconds
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Elder Law Report 050: Veteran's Benefits and Programs

Very proud to be with District Deputy Commander, Evan Thompson, to learn more about the American Legion and other veteran's programs.‪#‎theelderlawguy‬‪#‎lawyergreg‬@lawyergreg
11/18/201537 minutes, 14 seconds
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Elder Law Report 051: Alzheimer's and Dementia with Expert, Teepa Snow

This is a special episode where I am honored to be able to interview expert in Alzheimer's and Dementia, Teepa Snow. This is a great piece where Teepa and I talk about everything from care to causes and what needs to change in the systems to allow for more humane treatment of loved ones with Alzheimer's and Dementia.#theelderlawguy
11/18/201532 minutes, 57 seconds
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Elder Law Report 049: Senior Health & Wellness in Your Community

In this episode Greg and Hayden talk with Debbie Phifer of the YMCA about senior fitness and social programs. It is so healthy to stay active as you age.#theelderlawguy
11/18/201527 minutes, 20 seconds
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Elder Law Report 048: Senior Dental Care with Dentist: Kendalyn Lutz-Craver

Seniors have special dental needs, are often on fixed incomes and rarely have proper dental insurance. However, dental care is so important for quality of life, self confidence and even longevity to the individual. Dr. Lutz-Craver sets her practice apart in how she deals with senior patients and their issues.#theelderlawguy
11/7/201517 minutes, 20 seconds
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Elder Law Report 047: Get Your Stuff Together with Debbie Vaughn

How do you like your coffee? Where are your important legal documents? Financial documents? Why it is so important to take inventory of your assets, put your financial and legal documents in one organized space. Fill out how you want everything. Order an organizer from us! We will help get you organized. I always say that when you take the time to find all your stuff, to bring it together into one spot and take inventory of what you have then your goals become clear and you know how you want to protect and dispose of your hard-earned money or property. Great show!#theelderlawguy
11/1/201542 minutes, 52 seconds
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Elder Law Report 046: What's the Difference in Home Care and Home Health Care? Do you know?

Expert and director of Helping Hands, Ruth Huffstetler, clears up the differences between Home Care and Home Health Care. Do you know the difference? You should! It could directly affect you and your loved ones.#theelderlawguy
10/29/201546 minutes, 20 seconds
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Elder Law Report 045: Pre-Needs Funeral Planning - FULL SHOW with expert Cecil M. Burton

Cecil Burton talks to Greg and Hayden about pre-needs funeral planning and hwo it is a part of any estate plan and part of Medicaid planning.#theelderlawguy
10/17/201532 minutes, 3 seconds
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Elder Law Report 044: Hospice Explained with Patti McMurry

Long time Hospice team member Patti McMurry talks about the many needed services provided by Hospice care. How to pay for it. The history... Check it out.#theelderlawguy
10/9/201533 minutes, 55 seconds
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Elder Law Report 043: Prepare for Disaster - Hurricane Hayden

Seniors need to be prepared for the disasters ahead. Listen/Watch this fun episode as Milton, Greg and Hurricane Hayden talk hurricanes and asset protection.#theelderlawguy
10/2/201536 minutes, 4 seconds
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Elder Law Report 042: Living Wills - Making Life's Most Important Decision

Today we feature JOURNEY, a coallition of different professionals devoted to end of life issues experienced by seniors and others. We are honored to have with us the founder of the JOURNEY program, Len Byers and fellow board member, Nancy Abasiekong to speak with us about the JOURNEY program.#theelderlawguy
9/25/201538 minutes, 54 seconds
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Elder Law Report 041: Importance of Pre-Need Funeral Planning

Special guest, Cecil Burton, talks about the importance of pre-need funeral planning and how it is an important part of an overall estate plan. Pre-Need Funeral Planning is an allowable expense under the NC State Long-Term Care Medicaid rules as it is in other states as well.#theelderlawguy
9/24/201513 minutes, 50 seconds
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Elder Law Report 039: WOHS Radio - Great show featuring Jane Wright from Care Solutions.

Learn how community support and professional interaction and cohesiveness can contribute to great solutions for the senior community. Special guest, Jane Wright, of care solutions talks about ACCES group and how to build that community of experts in your area and how it benefits seniors.
9/19/201534 minutes, 33 seconds
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Elder Law Report 040: Nursing Homes - How to choose and pay

Greg sits down with nursing home expert, Kris Thompson, Executive Director at Peak Resources, to talk about what to look for in a nursing home and how to pay for care... and much, much more.#theelderlawguy
9/19/201519 minutes, 53 seconds
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Elder Law Report 038: Part 2: In Home Care - Alternatives to Nursing Home Care

Amber Mitchell with Bayada Home Healthcare talks about how home healthcare is the wave of the future. Great info and interview.#theelderlawguy
9/12/201532 minutes, 50 seconds
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Elder Law Report 037: Radio Show - Alternatives to Nursing Home Care - Part 1 - Adult Daycare: Our Guest: Suzi Kennedy with Life Enrichment Center of Cleveland County - Adult Daycare Expert

Find out why adult daycare is the best bang for your buck when caring for a loved one.#theelderlawguy
9/5/201537 minutes, 31 seconds
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Elder Law Report 036: Live Interview! What is Adult Daycare: Interview with Suzi Kennedy, Adult Daycare Expert with Life Enrichment Center of Cleveland County

This interview is packed with information about Adult Daycare. It was my honor to sit down recently with Suzi Kennedy with the Life Enrichment Center of Cleveland County, North Carolina. Suzi is a nationally recognized expert on adult daycare and has a lifetime of experience dealing with seniors with Alzheimer's and Dementia as well as special needs individuals.#theelderlawguy
9/4/201550 minutes, 29 seconds
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Elder Law Report 035: Who/What is your MVP? Plan ahead against unexpected situations!

Hayden & Greg discuss how to protect yourself from the unexpected and hold on to your hard earned money and property.#theelderlawguy
9/1/201530 minutes, 52 seconds
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Elder Law Report 034: Back to School with The Elder Law Guy!

Seniors need to be educated on the laws that concern them in their senior years. Listen/Watch to find out what you need to know to protect your hard earned money and property! #theelderlawguy
8/23/201532 minutes, 12 seconds
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Elder Law Report 033: Should I Use an Attorney or a Non-Attorney when engaging in VA Aid & Attendance Planning?

I was asked this question at a recent seminar. Tune in to find the answer in this short segment.#theelderlawguy
8/23/201510 minutes, 35 seconds
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Elder Law Report 032: World Series of Elder Law! Cover Your Bases.

Just like there are four bases in baseball. There are four basic foundations of elder law. Cover your bases!Today we focus on The Four Foundations of Elder Law and Why You Must Have Them. Do You Have Your Foundation in place?‪#‎AskTheElderLawGuy‬
8/17/201532 minutes, 14 seconds
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Elder Law Report 031: Debate/Politics/Beat the Odds - Don't Let the Government Take It All!!!

Piggy backing off the recent political debates, Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre, discusses the politics of benefits and how to protect your hard earned money and property. A must see episode of Elder Talk Radio.#theelderlawguy
8/10/201533 minutes, 46 seconds
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Elder Law Report 030: Veteran's Aid & Attendance Benefits

Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre, unravels the mystery of using VA Aid & Attendance benefits to help pay for long term care. #theelderlawguy
8/3/201534 minutes, 25 seconds
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Elder Law Report 029: Your Dream Team! Your Financial Planner and Attorney Working Together

Summer of The Dream Team!!! Your financial planner and attorney working together in perfect harmony. Jamie Richard with Edward Jones Investments is our guest as we discuss how to manage you finances and protect them. #‎TheElderLawGuy‬
7/24/201536 minutes, 48 seconds
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Elder Law Report 028: Trading Places & Role Reversals - When children take care of their parents...

So many children end up taking care of their parents at some point in their lives. What do you need in place to handle the transition?
7/18/201533 minutes, 53 seconds
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Elder Law Report 027: Vacation Nightmares and Healthcare Directives.

Greg discusses foundations, healthcare directives and vacations. How our eDocs Access system can be a life saver!#theelderlawguy
7/13/20159 minutes, 55 seconds
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Elder Law Report 026: Q&A with The Elder Law Guy: Senior Shark Attack

Avoid shark infested waters altogether and learn to protect your hard earned money and property with Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre. #theelderlawguy
7/11/201513 minutes, 13 seconds
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Elder Law Report 025: Senior Shark Attack - WOHS - Elder Talk Radio

Avoid the Sharks in the water! Find out what sharks are lurking ahead for seniors and how to steer clear of those shark infested waters with Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre... #theelderlawguy
7/10/201529 minutes, 21 seconds
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Elder Law Report 024: Q&A Session: Independence Day for Seniors

Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre, answers questions worldwide on elder law issues and how to protect independence for seniors through options and asset protection.#theelderlawguy
7/3/201516 minutes, 12 seconds
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Elder Law Report 023: Elder Talk Radio - Independence Day Special

Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre, answers community questions on Elder Law issues and discusses what Independence means to seniors.#theelderlawguy
7/3/201538 minutes, 25 seconds
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Elder Law Report 022: Top 3 Questions in Elder Law

Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre, answers the top 3 questions about Elder Law in this short podcast.#theelderlawguy
6/26/201519 minutes, 18 seconds
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Elder Law Report 021: WOHS Radio Interview: Do You Do Wills?

Attorney, Greg McIntyre, had the privilege to be featured on WOHS's community profile this morning. In case you missed it you can hear the full interview here. The Elder Law Guy discusses why a Will may not be the best way to pass assets and how to protect your hard-earned money and property. #theelderlawguy
6/23/201528 minutes, 45 seconds
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Elder Law Report 020: A Father's Legacy

What is a father's legacy to his children and family? Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre, discusses what a father's legacy is all about and how to protect your family as the Father's Day weekend fast approaches.
6/21/201521 minutes, 4 seconds
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Elder Law Report 018: LTC Medicaid Crises Planning in North Carolina

North Carolina generally follows the federal guidelines for long term care Medicaid. So, what do you do when a loved one needs long term care in a nursing home? Listen to Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre, discuss some real options for you and your family. #theelderlawguy
6/12/201541 minutes, 16 seconds
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Elder Law Report 019: Titanic Mistakes in Estate and Elder Law Planning

Attorney, Greg McIntyre, discusses some of the major ice bergs awaiting all of us but more especially seniors in staying in control of their assets and having the best healthcare options possible. #theelderlawguy
6/12/201515 minutes, 10 seconds
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Elder Law Report 017: Part 2 of Our Foundations Series. Are all Docs Created Equal?

Listen as Greg discusses the ins and outs of General Durable Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, Healthcare Powers of Attorney.
5/29/201513 minutes, 32 seconds
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Elder Law Report 016: Are Wills Obsolete? The pitfalls of passing property by will.

In this brief podcast Greg discusses some of the common pitfalls associated by relying on a will to pass property. Many people assume a will is the best way to pass property to a loved one simply because that's what they have always heard it have been told. Listen and find out some of the perils associated with passing property using a will.
5/22/20159 minutes, 56 seconds
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Elder Law Report 015: Special Edition: World War II Veteran's Interview and Veteran's Benefits

In honor of Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day) we are celebrating 70 years of Victory with our fellow veterans with a special edition of the Elder Law Report. Here is an interview with my grandfather and WWII Veteran, JC Horne, about his experience in the war (conducted when I was 11 years old). Enjoy the interview and call me with questions. 704-259-7040
5/8/201515 minutes, 46 seconds
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Elder Law Report 014: Creating Legacy Videos

I am so proud to sit down with Jennifer Childers, co-owner of Felis Minor Productions to discuss "Legacy Videos". A legacy video can be a great memento to pass down to future generations and preserve your families long-held traditions and let the younger generation never forget the knowledge you have to pass down to them. A legacy video can be a great companion to a will and estate plan to be played for the family at the will reading and beyond. Contact our office if you would like to get started on your legacy video today! 704-259-7040.
5/1/20158 minutes, 42 seconds
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Elder Law Report 013: Avoiding a Crises Situation

Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre, takes a personal look back at a personal loss and how a loved one avoided a crises planning situation. Learn tips to avoid a crises situation.
4/12/20155 minutes, 42 seconds
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Elder Law Report 012: Planning for Your Parent's Home Health Care

Listen to this full length seminar in which Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre and Home Health Care expert, Joe Seidel, with Bayada home Health Care present on the topics of protecting your assets and planning for healthcare.
3/13/20151 hour, 8 minutes, 50 seconds
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Elder Law Report 011: What on Earth is eDocs Access? Cutting Edge Legal Tech

Listen to how easy it is to have your legal docs available anytime in a secure environment in this short podcast. We provide this service to all our clients...
3/3/20159 minutes, 23 seconds
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Elder Law Report 010: The Importance of Thinking Different and Planning

Thinking differently is key to creating something new and special. It is key in working towards your goals. Planning is also a large part of what leads us every day one-step closer to our goals. Listen as we discuss the importance of thinking differently and planning and how it will help you protect your assets and legacy.
2/11/201513 minutes, 6 seconds
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Elder Law Report 009: Choose Wisely Grasshopper! Choosing the right attorney... Why Education is Important...

Coming to you from Tampa, Florida at a National Elder Law Boot Camp Seminar with Attorney Mario Correa from Chicago, Illinois. Mario and I discuss why it is extremely important for you to choose the correct attorney for your planning needs. Education and resources can make a huge difference. Don't dabble... Be "All In!"
11/23/201412 minutes, 26 seconds
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Elder Law Report 008: In Home Care - What Services Are Provided?

Industry Expert and Division Director for Bayada Home Health Care, Joe Seidel, discusses the many services that can be provided in the home as well as the advanced technology available to care for people in their homes today.
8/28/201415 minutes, 30 seconds
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Elder Law Report 007: Who Pays For Home Health Care?

Industry expert and Division Director for Bayada Home Health Care, Joe Seidel, explains the many ways to pay for home health care.
8/28/201410 minutes, 54 seconds
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Elder Law Report 006: Medicare vs. Medicaid

In-Home Health Care industry expert, Joe Seidel, Division Director for Bayada Home Health Care, explains the differences in Medicare and Medicaid and how they can both pay for in-home care.
8/28/201415 minutes, 22 seconds
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Elder Law Report 005: An Overview of Long Term Care Options

One of the greatest concerns for the elderly we serve and their families is that of long term care. Two-thirds of seniors will need care at some point in their life and many have not planned for this likelihood. It is an emotional and unpleasant topic to broach, but helping those we serve to plan ahead empowers them...
11/15/201311 minutes, 20 seconds
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Elder Law Report 004: The Affordable Care Act - How Will It Affect Seniors?

Listen to get the scoop on how the affordable care act will help seniors. Like it or not, we all need to know our options and be prepared.
10/27/201311 minutes, 25 seconds
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Elder Law Report 003: Lady Bird Deeds - The Best of Both Worlds

Lady Bird Deeds can present an interesting option for preserving your home and property from a Medicaid lien and passing it to your children and grandchildren.
10/19/20137 minutes, 43 seconds
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Elder Law Report 002: Executors: Every Ship Needs a Captain

What is an Executor? Why you need one. How to choose.
10/12/20137 minutes, 10 seconds
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Elder Law Report 001: Estate Taxes. To Plan or Not to Plan? There is No Question!

Should you plan for estate taxes? Will the Estate Tax ceiling stay the same? In this podcast we discuss the dangers of not planning for changes in estate tax laws.
10/4/20139 minutes, 13 seconds