A weekly podcast from the Asia experts at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, who provide analysis on policy and trends in the region.
Building Bihar
In this episode, we focus on the Indian state of Bihar. Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar Sushil Modi – a key leader in the BJP – and Sanjay Kumar, Principal Secretary of Health for Bihar – the state’s head technocrat in the health field – sat down with Richard Rossow, holder of the CSIS Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies, to discuss Bihar’s development progress, future priorities, and opportunities for engagement with the United States to benefit Biharis.
Hosted by Liza Keller. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
Visit CSIS’s Engaging India’s States site.
Read Dr. Kartikeya Singh’s piece, Bihar Political Shakeup is a Win for BJP & JDU, CogitAsia.
Sign up for the India’s States Weekly newsletter.
Video on Demand for the CSIS Global Health Program’s event “Innovation, Partnership, and Self-Reliance: Health Policy Lessons from India’s Bihar State.”
22/1/2019 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Balancing U.S.-India Energy Ties
In this episode, we discuss energy cooperation in the U.S.-India relationship. Achieving two diverging goals for energy engagement in the relationship – deepening and broadening renewables cooperation while India is importing U.S. oil and gas – will likely require a balancing act.
Joining the pod from our Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies team to explain the progress in energy cooperation and coming opportunities as well as hurdles are Raymond Vickery and Dr. Kartikeya Singh. Ray and Kartikeya explain how the energy landscape in the relationship has changed, describe the Trump administration’s geopolitical challenge in addressing India’s significant imports of Iranian oil, examine the expansion in sub-national cooperation between U.S. and Indian states, and analyze the legacy of the U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Agreement. Aman Thakker, research associate with the Wadhwani Chair, recently sat down with Ray and Kartikeya to get their insights.
Hosted by Liza Keller. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written by Jeffrey Bean and Aman Thakker. Produced by Jeffrey Bean.
To learn more: See the recent CSIS policy brief on Key Energy Access needs in India by Dr. Kartikeya Singh, here.
Read an op-ed summarizing his recent remarks at the World Energy Policy Summit by Raymond Vickery, here.
1/11/2018 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
China’s Credit & Credibility
In this episode, we discuss the current state of China’s financial system. China’s credit sector has expanded dramatically over the course of China’s unparalleled economic rise, yet now faces key problems that may impact overall economic stability. The authors of a new report from CSIS and the Rhodium Group, Logan Wright and Daniel Rosen, join the podcast to talk about their fresh analysis of China’s financial situation and explain the methodology behind their research. They also touch on the challenges to Beijing in moving forward with financial reforms while attempting to maintain stability in China’s credit system and explain what this potential area of weakness in China’s economy means for U.S. policy. Logan and Dan recently caught up with CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies Deputy Director Dr. Scott Kennedy to share these details and more on Credit and Credibility: Risks to China’s Economic Resilience. Hosted by Liza Keller. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
To learn more:
Read Logan Wright and Daniel Rosen’s report Credit and Credibility: Risks to China’s Economic Resilience.
Watch the public event and presentation video on demand here.
Review Logan Wright and Daniel Rosen’s commentary essay here.
See Daniel Rosen and Bei Bei Bao’s report Broken Abacus? A More Accurate Gauge of China’s Economy.
12/10/2018 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Spotlight on Nagaland Post-Insurgency
In this episode, we discuss conflict resolution and development in the northeast Indian state of Nagaland. The long-running insurgency in Nagaland looks to be drawing to a close following conclusion of a framework for a peace agreement in 2015 between the government of India and the Naga rebels, but a final peace deal is still pending. For Nagaland's state government, the challenge for the future is solidifying good governance that will translate to development.
Joining the pod to provide an update on the peace process, state politics, and efforts to increase infrastructure and investment in Nagaland is Mr. Abu Metha. Mr. Metha is a journalist and political organizer who serves as the General Secretary of the Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party in Nagaland. He recently sat down with CSIS Wadhwani Chair Research Associate Aman Thakker to share his insights on the current status of Nagaland.
Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written by Jeffrey Bean and Aman Thakker. Produced by Jeffrey Bean.
To learn more:
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech in 2015 on the historic framework agreement.
Dialogues across Fault Lines of Territory and Peoples: Bridging State, Nation and Ethnicity in North East South Asia Forum for Human Rights & Heinrich Böll Foundation, 2016.
The Naga Peace Accord: Why Now? Dr. Namrata Goswami, Institute for Defence Studies & Analyses, August 2015.
27/9/2018 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Unpacking Congress’s Role in Asia Policy & the 2019 NDAA
In this episode, we review the Asia-related sections of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, and explore Congress’s role in framing U.S. policy toward Asia. Returning to the podcast to unpack these topics are Dr. Michael Green, Japan Chair and Senior Vice President for Asia at CSIS, and Gregory Poling, director of the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative and fellow with Southeast Asia Program at CSIS.
Mike and Greg share personal anecdotes about recently deceased Senator John McCain’s contributions on Asia policy and analyze the Asia elements of 2019 NDAA – including: language intended to restrain the Trump administration from rapid policy swings on South Korea and Taiwan, the requirement for the administration to provide a whole of government strategy for competition with China, and the funds allocated for boosting capacity of partner claimants in the South China Sea. They also discuss the bipartisan nature of congressional input to Asia policy, the value of congressional requirements for the Pentagon, and review crucial historical decisions made by Congress on Asia strategy. Hosted by Liza Keller. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
To learn more:
See the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019. Dr. Michael Green’s book By More Than Providence Grand Strategy and American Power in the Asia Pacific Since 1783. Gregory Poling’s recent op-ed, “Congress Fires a Warning Shot to China with Defense Budget,” in The Hill.
5/9/2018 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
How China Became an Insider in Global Governance
In this episode, we assess China’s engagement with multilateral institutions and global governance. Joining the show to track China’s transition from institutional outsider to cautious observer to international insider in global governance are Dr. Scott Kennedy, Deputy Director of the CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies, and Dr. Stewart Patrick, James H. Binger Senior Fellow in Global Governance at the Council on Foreign Relations. Scott and Stewart also assess the health of the international order and sovereignty, examine China’s efforts to participate in and shape global governance, and evaluate where the United States stands in a period of declining internationalism.
Hosted by Liza Keller. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
To learn more:
China and Global Governance: The Dragon’s Learning Curve edited by Scott Kennedy.
The Sovereignty Wars: Reconciling America with the World by Stewart Patrick.
“Global Democracy Retreats as Authoritarianism Marches Forth,” The Hill by Stewart Patrick.
25/6/2018 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Japan’s Challenges in Eurasia
In this episode, we tackle Japan’s relationships with the European Union and Russia in tandem. How will BREXIT affect EU-Japan and Japan-UK relations? What does the new EU-Japan FTA deal mean for the Japanese economy? Will Japan ever regain control of the Northern Territories in the Kuril Islands? Why has Shinzo Abe sought to improve Japan’s relations with Vladimir Putin and Russia? How does Japan’s stance on these issues impact the United States and the international order? CSIS 2018 Strategic Japan Fellows and Keio University Professors Dr. Michito Tsuruoka and Dr. Yoko Hirose join the pod with CSIS Senior Vice President for Europe, Eurasia, and the Arctic Heather Conley to answer these questions and more.
Hosted by Liza Keller. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
Read Dr. Tsuruoka’s summary essay on Japan-EU relations here and full 2018 Strategic Japan paper here.
Read Dr. Hirose’s summary essay on Japan’s diplomacy with Russia over the Northern Territories here and full 2018 Strategic Japan paper here.
29/5/2018 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation in the Innovation Age
In this episode, we discuss the future of defense innovation in the U.S.-Japan alliance with the specter of a rising China on the horizon. CSIS 2018 Strategic Japan Fellow Dr. Satoru Mori, a professor at Hosei University in Japan, joins AEI Research Fellow Dr. Zack Cooper to discuss how the United States and Japan need to invest, innovate, and cooperate to maintain military overmatch against China. They also analyze Tokyo’s own efforts to invest in information technology and cybersecurity while striving to achieve synergy with U.S. defense capabilities. Hosted by Liza Keller. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
Read Dr. Mori’s summary essay here and full 2018 Strategic Japan paper here.
24/5/2018 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Southeast Asia’s Slide toward Authoritarianism
In this episode, we assess the decline of democratic governance, human rights, and rule of law in several Southeast Asian countries ahead of key elections in 2018 and 2019. CSIS Southeast Asia Program Deputy Director Brian Harding joins the pod to analyze the machinations surrounding elections in Malaysia on May 9 and provide a sitrep on the state of possible elections and space for civil society in Thailand and Cambodia, as well as current trends in Vietnam and the Philippines. Brian also shares insight on what Indonesia and Singapore are doing right as bright spots for democracy in the region and argues that the United States should continue to engage and assist the region on governance, rule of law, and human rights.
Hosted by Elizabeth Keller. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
To learn more:
“Malaysia Goes to the Polls on May 9,” CSIS Critical Questions by Amy Searight & Brian Harding.
The YouTube performance of the latest pop song that Prime Minister Gen. Prayut Chan-o-cha of Thailand wrote (in Thai) is here.
3/5/2018 • 0 minutos, 1 segundo
Context for the Korean Summit(s)
In this episode, we provide context for the inter-Korean summit and analyze the prospects of a Trump-Kim summit. CSIS Korea Chair experts Dr. Sue Mi Terry and Lisa Collins join to chart the whirlwind developments on the peninsula since early February, describe the geopolitical dynamics surrounding each summit for North Korea, South Korea, and the United States, and assess the possible outcomes, including whether denuclearization is achievable.Hosted by Elizabeth Keller. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
To learn more, read analysis from our experts:
“The First Summit Between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un,” CSIS Critical Questions by Sue Mi Terry and Lisa Collins.
“North Korea’s Diplomatic Gambit: Will History Repeat Itself?” Congressional Testimony by Victor D. Cha.
“Bloody Nose Policy on North Korea Would Backfire: Ex-CIA Analysts,” USA Today Opinion by Sue Mi Terry, Jung H. Pak, and Bruce Klinger.
Tune in to our May 7 event live here:
24/4/2018 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Igniting a U.S.-China Trade War
In this episode, we analyze the origin and impact of a Sino-American trade war. As the trading relationship between Washington and Beijing spirals into conflict and protectionism, we are joined by two CSIS experts, Matthew Goodman, Simon Chair in Political Economy, and William Reinsch, Scholl Chair in International Business, to discuss what a trade war actually is, the impact of President Trump’s Section 232 tariffs, the types of tools China and the U.S. can use in this fight, and potential constraints on escalation. Matt and Bill also explain where this leaves the multilateral institutions that govern trade and project the likelihood of miscalculation on either side.
Then Dr. Scott Kennedy, director of the Project on Chinese Business and Political Economy at the CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies, bats cleanup to assess Section 301 penalties that President Trump has imposed, countermeasures from the Chinese leadership, and whether the U.S. and China are truly ready for a full-on trade conflict. Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
To learn more, please see analysis from our experts:
A Better Way to Challenge China on Trade | Foreign Affairs by Matthew Goodman & Ely Ratner here.
Section 301, Tariffs, and Chinese Trade and Investment | CSIS by Stephanie Segal & William Reinsch here.
Surviving March Madness in U.S.-China Trade Relations | CSIS by Scott Kennedy here.
Is the U.S. Ready for a Trade War? | Yale Global by Scott Kennedy here.
The Shifting Politics of Trade | CSIS by William Reinsch here.
Finding the Right Off-ramp from the Trade War | CSIS by Claire Reade here.
To read the details of President Trump’s announcements on U.S. trade policy see Section 232 here, Section 301 here.
28/3/2018 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Talking China, Tech, & Ethics with Kaiser Kuo
In this podcast, we talk with Kaiser Kuo, longtime China technology watcher and practitioner, and co-host of the Sinica podcast. In an environment where Xi Jinping is president for life, understanding China’s approach to emerging technology, innovation, and the Chinese Communist Party’s censorship of new media is fundamental for tracking geopolitics in East Asia. As the former director for international communications for Baidu, a Chinese search engine giant, Kaiser is uniquely positioned to assess trends in China’s innovation ecosystem, Chinese discussions about the ethics of emerging technologies, and the differences between the tech space in the United States and China.
Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Ribka Gemalingsari. Written and Produced by Jeffrey Bean.
Learn more about China on the Sinica podcast via SupChina here.
5/3/2018 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Xi Runs This Town
In this podcast, we take a deep dive into the outcomes of the Chinese Communist Party’s 19Party Congress. Now that the dust has settled following Xi Jinping’s resounding win, we turned to two leading China-watchers to analyze the implications for China’s economic planning, PLA reform, foreign policy, anti-corruption effort, and censorship. Dr. Oriana Skylar Mastro, assistant professor of security studies at Georgetown University, and Christopher Johnson, chair of the CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies, join us to help assess the takeaways across Chinese politics.
Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and Produced by Jeffrey Bean.
Read more from Dr. Oriana Mastro on China’s military reform and strategy here. Read Christopher Johnson’s analysis of the 19 Party Congress here.
20/11/2017 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
U.S.-China Competition in Outer Space
In the 10 years since China’s first successful anti-satellite test, the vulnerability of essential U.S. space systems has been underscored and competition in outer space has resumed. How has the United States responded? What are the implications for strategy and deterrence in this new era?
In this podcast, CSIS experts Todd Harrison and Dr. Zack Cooper along with Secure World Foundation’s Dr. Brian Weeden talk about the changes in the space domain since the end of the Cold War and China’s expanding capabilities, describe how the proliferation of space technology has impacted other countries in the Indo-Pacific, and assess the implications for international cooperation in space exploration. Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and Produced by Jeffrey Bean.
Read Todd Harrison and Zack Cooper’s new CSIS report: Escalation and Deterrence in the Second Space Age, here.
See Brian Weeden’s recent work on U.S. space systems and U.S.-China strategic relations in space: U.S.-China Strategic Relations in Space (report chapter w/ Xiao He), NBR here.
The End of Sanctuary in Space, War is Boring here.
Use Outer Space to Strengthen U.S.-China Ties (w/ Xiao He), War on the Rocks here.
6/11/2017 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Myanmar on the Brink
In this episode we discuss the complicated political picture in Myanmar for Aung San Suu Kyi after 18 months in office and the humanitarian tragedy in Rakhine state. Former U.S. Ambassador to Myanmar Derek Mitchell joins to dissect what is happening on the ground following his most recent visit to the country in late August. Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
Review the recommendations of the recent Annan Commission on Rahkine:http://www.kofiannanfoundation.org/app/uploads/2017/08/FinalReport_Eng.pdf
Listen to our previous podcast on Myanmar’s efforts to the face the future: https://www.cogitasia.com/cogitasia-podcast-myanmar-faces-the-future/
25/9/2017 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Changing the U.S. Policy Approach to the South China Sea
In this episode we discuss altering the U.S. policy approach to the South China Sea. Where does the South China Sea rank in the pecking order of U.S. policy interests? How much risk should America be willing to take over these disputed waters? These are just some of the key questions U.S. policymakers, diplomats, military personnel, and wonks have wrestled with over the last eight years.
In this joint CogitAsia-AMTI podcast, you’ll hear from Dr. Ely Ratner, Maurice R. Greenberg senior fellow for China studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, and Dr. Amy Searight, senior adviser and director of the Southeast Asia Program at CSIS. Listen as they discuss the background and assumptions animating a recent article Ely published in Foreign Affairs arguing that time is running out to stop China’s advances in the South China Sea. Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Bryce Thompson. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
Read Ely Ratner’s article in Foreign Affairs here. Watch or listen to the full seventh annual CSIS South China Sea Conference proceedings here.
2/8/2017 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Countering Chinese Coercion
In this episode we discuss maritime coercion in the Asia Pacific. Chinese actions in maritime Asia have led to a great deal of concern and commentary since disputes in the East and South China Seas have come to the forefront in recent years. CSIS’s Asia Program and International Security Program recently published a report that seeks to provide a blueprint for what the United States and its partners can actually do to deter China, Countering Coercion in Maritime Asia: The Theory and Practice of Greyzone Deterrence.
Two of the co-authors of the study, Dr. Zack Cooper, Senior Fellow for Asian Security with the CSIS Japan Chair, and Mr. John Schaus, Fellow in the CSIS International Security Program, join us on the podcast to share their findings and look ahead to what the United States and its partners should do to ensure continued maritime security. Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari and Bryce Thompson. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
Read the .pdf of the full study, Countering Coercion in Maritime Asia, here. Watch the publication launch event here.
27/7/2017 • 0
Conflict & Governance in Southeast Asia
In this episode we discuss power and conflict in Southeast Asia with Michael Vatikiotis. While inter-state conflict has been minimal in recent years, countries around Southeast Asia face challenges in the form of unresolved insurgencies, simmering ethnic conflicts, and illiberal or ineffective governance.
To help us analyze these trends, we are joined by Michael Vatikiotis, Asia Regional Director of the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue and a leading authority on governance and conflict resolution in Southeast Asia. Michael is also the author of a new book, titled Blood and Silk which analyzes power and conflict in modern Southeast Asia based on his personal experience as a conflict mediator and journalist.
We discuss the renewed unrest in the southern Philippines, the challenge of religious conflict in Southeast Asia, authoritarianism in the region, and whether Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy can resolve the various low intensity armed conflicts affecting Myanmar. Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Bryce Thompson. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
Learn more about Michael’s book Blood and Silk here. Find it on Amazon here. Follow Michael on twitter @jagowriter.
17/7/2017 • 0
Arthur Kroeber on China’s High-Tech Drive
In this podcast, a joint production of CSIS’s CogitAsia and the China Innovation Policy Series (CIPS), we explore how China’s tech innovation drive fits into the country’s wider economic picture. To gain a sense of whether the Chinese government’s initiatives to develop new technology are succeeding, Scott Kennedy, co-leader of the China Innovation Policy Series project at CSIS, joined China macroeconomist Arthur Kroeber, managing director of Gravekel Dragonomics, an economic research consultancy based in Beijing, to discuss the issue. Kroeber emphasizes the largely positive results from China’s multi-pronged drive to promote high tech. He describes the rationale behind China’s technological innovation drive, highlights the success of leading Chinese Internet companies, and evaluates what options countries like the United States have to respond.
Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Liz Mayes. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
. hereTo learn more, visit our China Innovation Policy Series site
.here, China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs To KnowListeners can see more about Arthur Kroeber’s book
21/6/2017 • 0
Japan-South Korea Security Ties
In this episode we tackle Japan-South Korea collaboration on security issues. To gain insight on the complicated nature of Japan-South Korea security ties, we sat down with Dr. Junya Nishino, a 2017 CSIS Strategic Japan Fellow. Dr. Nishino discusses the evolution of Japan-ROK security collaboration since the Cold War and the opportunities as well as challenges for future cooperation. You’ll also hear from Lisa Collins, a fellow with the CSIS Korea Chair. Lisa explains the divergences between Tokyo and Seoul in their strategic approach to Beijing and discusses the impact the Moon Jae-in administration may have on South Korea’s approach to Japan.
Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Liz Mayes. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
Read Dr. Nishino's 2017 Strategic Japan working paper here.
13/6/2017 • 0
Growing Digital Dragons: Understanding China’s Technology Innovation Ecosystem
In this episode, we dig into China’s technology innovation efforts and explore how China has become the tech workshop of the world.
To give context to China’s efforts to innovate in technology, Dr. Scott Kennedy, director of the CSIS Project on Chinese Business and Political Economy, sat down with China tech sector expert Alberto Moel – a senior research analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein, a premier investment research firm based in Hong Kong. Scott and Alberto discuss the emergence of Shenzhen as a tech capital, the rise and fall of companies in the Chinese smart phone market, key Chinese tech firms you probably haven’t heard of yet, the future of technology product development in robotics and automation, and what countries like the United States could do in response to China’s innovation drive.
Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Liz Mayes. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
https://www.csis-cips.org/To learn more, visit our China Innovation Policy Series site here:
5/6/2017 • 0
Beyond the Fukuda Doctrine: Japan, Southeast Asia, and the Future Regional Order
In this episode we explore how Japan’s relations with Southeast Asia have expanded from economic engagement and development assistance to also include security collaboration and maritime capacity building. To discuss the dynamics of Japan-Southeast Asia relations, we turned to Dr. Kei Koga, a 2017 CSIS Strategic Japan Fellow, and Geoffrey Hartman, a Fellow with the CSIS Southeast Asia Program. They analyze the recent history of Japan’s engagement in Southeast Asia, assess the benefits of Japan’s involvement in regional architecture, and extrapolate how Japan’s engagement with ASEAN countries will shape the strategic environment going forward. Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean. Read Dr. Koga’s working paper in the Strategic Japan series here.
11/5/2017 • 0
Japan-Australia: Ties that Bind in the Asia Pacific
This week we take a deep dive into relations between two key U.S. allies -- Japan and Australia. CSIS Strategic Japan Fellow Dr. Tomohiko Satake and CSIS Senior Adviser Andrew Shearer join to discuss the drivers for closer cooperation between Tokyo and Canberra and describe the context of their shared history. They also explain why Australia has encouraged Japan to increase its security role in the region and assess how the relationship benefits stability in the Asia Pacific during the Trump era. Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean. Read Dr. Satake’s working paper in the Strategic Japan series here.
2/5/2017 • 0
Achieving Energy Efficiency in India’s States
In this episode, we explore India’s energy efficiency efforts. Dr. Kartikeya Singh, Deputy Director of the CSIS Wadhwani Chair, discusses some of the ways India’s state governments are saving electricity with Saurabh Kumar, Managing Director of Energy Efficiency Services Limited, or EESL. EESL is a unique joint venture between India’s central power ministry and state-owned public services with a mandate to stand up large-scale energy efficiency projects throughout India and South Asia. Mr. Kumar shares how EESL is helping India’s states spend less on electricity, how India benefits from input from U.S. and international partners, and describes how EESL is providing longer lasting services through projects like an affordable LED bulb replacement program. Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
19/4/2017 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Context for the Trump-Xi Summit
In this episode, we look at U.S.-China relations ahead of the first summit between Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping. Longtime China hand Dr. Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Chancellor’s Professor of History at the University of California-Irvine, joins the podcast to provide a panorama on contemporary developments in China, U.S.-China relations, and China’s ties with its neighbors in Asia.
Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
To learn more about the Trump-Xi meeting, read analysis by the CSIS Asia Program Directors here.
4/4/2017 • 0
Cloudy Horizon in U.S.-Philippine Relations
Ties between Washington and Manila have been on a downward trajectory since President Rodrigo Duterte took office in June 2016. In this joint podcast with the CSIS Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, we assess how these two allies will get on in the era of President Donald Trump. What about Manila’s efforts to (potentially) cozy up to Beijing and Moscow? AMTI Director Gregory Poling stops by to discuss the implications for the alliance and maritime security, fallout from Duterte’s drug war, and the decisions facing both sides.
Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
13/3/2017 • 0
Translating Governance to Growth in India’s States
On March 11, Indian legislative assembly election results from five states — Goa, Manipur, Punjab, Uttarakhand, and Uttar Pradesh — will be announced to the public. Nearly 240 million Indians reside in this group of states alone. Policies the newly elected state governments implement will have a significant impact on these states’ economic competitiveness as they strive to develop advantages that translate to jobs and growth. Dr. Kartikeya Singh, Deputy Director of the CSIS Wadhwani Chair, sat down with Dr. Amit Kapoor, President and CEO of the India Council on Competitiveness, to talk about the pending elections, the connection between governance and competitiveness in India’s states, and how public and private sector partners in the United States and around the world should interpret the elections. Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Liz Mayes. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
1/3/2017 • 0
Park's Impeachment and the Future of the Korean Peninsula
Political developments in South Korea, the United States, and North Korea are all shaping up to affect the Korean Peninsula in 2017. CSIS Korea Chair Dr. Victor Cha joins to discuss President Park Geun-hye’s impeachment, the Trump administration’s Korea policy, and potential North Korean provocations on the horizon. He also shares findings from recently gathered survey data about the daily life of North Koreans and provides details about his new book, Power Play: The Origins of the American Alliance System in Asia.
Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
17/1/2017 • 0
Thailand's Royal Succession & Political Future
The death of longtime Thai King Bhumipol Adulyadej and the succession of his son, King Vajiralongkorn, marks the beginning of a sensitive period in Thai politics entering 2017. Murray Hiebert, Deputy Director of the CSIS Southeast Asia Program, joins the podcast to discuss the legacy of King Bhumipol, assess the status of Thai political institutions, and project what the future holds for the junta government in Thailand.
Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Ribka Gemilangsari. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
11/1/2017 • 0
Innovating Healthcare in India
In this episode, we focus on healthcare innovation in India. Dr. Sunil Wadhwani, founder of the WISH Foundation, sat down with CSIS Senior Fellow Richard Rossow to discuss his organization’s unique and innovative work with primary healthcare clinics in rural Rajasthan and urban Delhi. Acting as an angel investor when necessary, WISH evaluates innovations for potential and then provides rigorous field testing, constantly seeking to scale them up to effectively address India’s many challenges in primary healthcare.
Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Frances Burkham. Written by Sarah Watson. Produced by Jeffrey Bean.
7/12/2016 • 0
Jokowi's Two-Year Report Card
In our latest episode, we turn to Indonesia and discuss the first two years of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s time in office. Adjunct Fellow Phuong Nguyen of CSIS and Research Fellow Natalie Sambhi of the Perth USAsia Centre in Australia consider whether Jokowi has met high domestic expectations, evaluate his accomplishments in domestic and economic reform (6:15), assess his cabinet reshuffles and politics (8:50), and analyze the state of Indonesia’s civil-military relations (11:15). Nguyen and Sambhi also describe Jokowi’s foreign and security policy approach -- including tension with China in the Natuna Islands area of the South China Sea and lower emphasis on ASEAN (15:25), examine Indonesia-Australia relations (23:36), and preview what to watch for in the remaining three years of Jokowi’s first term (28:17).
Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Frances Burkham. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
20/10/2016 • 0
Transnational Security in Central Asia
In this episode, we explore the transnational security threats in Central Asia. CSIS Transnational Threats Program Director Thomas Sanderson joins to discuss the challenges terrorism, militancy (3:59), trafficking, and organized crime (8:40) present for the communities and governments of Central Asia. Sanderson shares his experience from field work in the region, describes the security situation's impact on Central Asian economies (9:50), U.S. interests in the region (12:39), and analyzes Central Asia's responses to these threats (17:28).
Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Frances Burkham. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
29/9/2016 • 0
Collapsing Fisheries in the South China Sea
In this joint CogitAsia and AMTI episode we tackle the topic of overfishing in the South China Sea. Ahead of the 2016 Our Ocean summit in Washington, Rachael Bale, a reporter with National Geographic’s Special Investigations Unit covering wildlife crime, joins to share her insights into the collapsing fishstocks in the South China Sea. Rachael describes the impact of overfishing and IUU on regional economies (2:15), details the day to day experience for fishers in Southeast Asia during this period of geopolitical competition (5:27), and discusses the attention sustainable fisheries and illegal fishing receive from the conservation community (11:08).
Audio edited by Frances Burkham. Written, produced, and hosted by Jeffrey Bean.
14/9/2016 • 0
Sitrep on U.S.-Taiwan Relations
In this episode we assess the status of U.S.-Taiwan relations. CSIS Senior Associate Dr. Robert Wang discusses how relations between Washington and Taipei have changed since 1979, reviews the Taiwan Relations Act (2:39), and explains how young people are playing a pivotal role in shaping Taiwan’s democracy (4:36). He also describes how Taiwan’s economic slowdown gives China additional leverage in cross-strait relations (8:42), examines U.S. policy options to aid Taiwan from his recent report (11:06), and evaluates the implications for U.S. standing in the region (16:42).
Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Frances Burkham. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
23/8/2016 • 0
Assessing Japan's Upper House Elections
In this episode we assess the implications of Japan’s upper house election results following the victory for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Liberal Democratic Party. CSIS Japan Chair Senior Fellow Nicholas Szechenyi and CSIS Simon Chair in Political Economy Matthew Goodman break down the issues that shaped the election, evaluate the progress of Abenomics (4:10), and discuss prospects for constitutional revision (9:09). They also analyze the current landscape in Japanese politics and business (11:47), describe the debate over nuclear power (20:18), and examine what the LDP’s victory means for the U.S.-Japan alliance (22:23). Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Frances Burkham. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
29/7/2016 • 0
Understanding China’s Intelligence Services
In this episode we explore how China spies. Jamestown Foundation Fellow Peter Mattis and CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies Christopher Johnson rundown China’s key civilian and military intelligence services, describe their origin story (7:59), and discuss their role in service to the Chinese Communist Party and the state (13:15). They also shed light on the tradecraft and tactics of the Ministry of State Security, Ministry of Public Security, and the People’s Liberation Army (24:02), examine China’s open-source intel gathering capabilities (31:26), analytic methods (37:06), and assess the growing professionalism in China’s intelligence services (40:10). Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Frances Burkham. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
19/7/2016 • 0
China's Five-Year Plan
In this episode, we assess China’s latest Five-Year Plan. For China no document has reflected the legacy of its Soviet-style economic planning and Marxist-Leninist system than the release every five years of a new, comprehensive blueprint for social, economic, and political priorities. In late March, President Xi Jinping and the Chinese leadership released China’s 13th Five-Year Plan. This five-year plan has key implications for the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to simultaneously move China toward a more market-driven economy -- while ensuring the party’s continued legitimacy by improving the quality of life for the Chinese people. Dr. Scott Kennedy of the CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies sat down with CSIS CogitAsia editor Jeffrey Bean to breakdown the elements of the 13th Five-Year Plan plan and discuss findings from a new CSIS study “Perfecting China, Incorporated.” Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Ella Weiner. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
14/7/2016 • 0
India’s Drug Trafficking Problem
In this episode we investigate India’s drug trafficking problem. South Asia’s traditional opium and heroin networks are now complemented by the rise in abuse of synthetic precursor chemicals. Large volumes of each type of narcotics are smuggled from and through India to the rest of the world, including the United States. To help listeners understand this multifaceted transnational criminal problem and its impact on India and the United States we turned to the Drug Enforcement Agency’s Country Attaché in India Derek Odney and illicit drug control expert Dr. David Murray of the Hudson Institute. We also hear from Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal, a Delhi-based adjunct fellow with CSIS, and the CSIS Wadhwani Chair’s Natalie Tecimer to learn more about the situation on the ground and what U.S. and Indian officials are doing to counter the threat. Hosted by Will Colson. Audio edited by Franny Hocking. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
8/7/2016 • 0
Kicking Dragons - The Rise of Chinese Football
In this episode we explore the story of Chinese soccer, or football. As China continues to develop, the country and its leaders are constantly seeking metrics to measure their growth and demonstrate their power to both to their own citizens and the world. Like the Beijing Olympics, the growth of the Chinese soccer league, coupled with the performance of China’s national teams in qualifying for the World Cup, is another benchmark of China’s re-entry to the global stage. This episode features in-depth insights from John Duerden, a journalist covering Asian football for The New York Times and The Guardian, who describes the environment behind the scenes as millions of dollars flow into the Chinese Super League. Dr. Scott Kennedy of the CSIS Freeman Chair and Dr. Victor Cha of the CSIS Korea Chair provide the economic and geopolitical context for Xi Jinping's efforts to jumpstart the Chinese beautiful game and elevate China's soft power. Hosted by Will Colson. Audio editing by Lauren Abuali. Written and produced by Jeffrey Bean.
1/7/2016 • 0
How to Build an Artificial Island
In this episode, we explore how to build an artificial island. Dr. John McManus of the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School gives a step by step guide to construction and describes the techniques the People’s Republic of China has used in building up reefs in the South China Sea. We discuss the costs and politics behind island building in Southeast Asia with Gregory Poling, director of the CSIS Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, and then Dr. McManus assesses the durability of these new islands and the impact of their construction on the environmental well-being of the ocean reefs and fisheries in the surrounding waters. Hosted by Colm Quinn. Audio edited by Lauren AbuAli. Written by Colm Quinn and Jeffrey Bean. Produced by Jeffrey Bean.
27/5/2016 • 0
Feeding South Asia: Food Security in Bangladesh & India
In this episode we explore the challenge of feeding the hungry in South Asia. CSIS Global Food Security Project Director Kimberly Flowers and CSIS Wadhwani Chair Richard Rossow explain how issues of nutrition, markets, government programs, climate change, and technology each play a major role in assessing and addressing food security problems in Bangladesh, India, and greater Asia. Hosted by Colm Quinn. Audio edited by Lauren Abuali. Produced by Jeffrey Bean.
5/4/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Taiwan Under Tsai's Leadership
By: Bonnie S. Glaser
In this episode we examine Taiwan’s politics and foreign policy following the landslide election of Dr. Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan’s first female president.
CSIS's China Power Project Director Bonnie Glaser joins to discuss the origin story of the Democratic Progressive Party, explore what the victory means for the future of Taiwan’s economy, and analyze how Tsai’s leadership will affect the island’s complicated diplomatic relationship with mainland China and the United States. Listeners also hear from DPP Secretary General Joseph Wu, PRC Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Dr. Tsai herself. Hosted by Colm Quinn. Audio edited by Lauren Abuali. Produced by Jeffrey Bean.
1/3/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Tracking the Reinvigorated U.S.-Philippines Alliance
In this episode we explore the story of the relationship between the United States and its key ally and partner in Southeast Asia – the Philippines. With a shifting geopolitical environment, the lull in U.S.-Philippines ties following the Cold War has been reinvigorated in recent years. We spoke with Ambassador Philip Goldberg of the U.S. Embassy in Manila, Ambassador Jose L. Cuisia, Jr. of the Philippines Embassy in Washington, and CSIS Asia Maritime Security Initiative Director Gregory Poling, about the history of the relationship, the importance of a new defense agreement, how Filipinos feel about the alliance, and what pending elections in both countries mean for the alliance. Hosted by Colm Quinn. Audio edited by Lauren Abuali. Produced by Jeffrey Bean.
29/1/2016 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
CogitAsia Podcast: Australia's Future Strategy
Description: This week the show explores Australia's future strategy. To do this, we spoke with CSIS Distinguished Visiting Fellow Andrew Shearer, former Australian National Security Advisor and previously the director of studies at the Lowy Institute. Andrew outlines the key strategic choices Australia faces with respect to terrorism, balancing China ties, and reinvigorating its economy. He describes the huge importance of China to Australia in terms of trade and economics, and the defense initiatives Canberra is implementing to address security concerns with Beijing in the Asia-Pacific. In addition, Andrew provides his view on the friction in the Australia-Indonesia political relationship, and discusses the sources of Australia's soft power. Hosted by Colm Quinn. Audio edited by Sam Ellis. Produced by Jeffrey Bean.
19/12/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
CogitAsia Podcast: North Korea's Cyber Ops
This week we turn to the topic of North Korea’s cyber capabilities just over a year after the hack against Sony Pictures Entertainment. CSIS Korea Chair Dr. Victor Cha joins to discuss a new study on North Korea’s cyber tactics and how countries can respond. Hosted by Colm Quinn. Audio edited by Sam Ellis. Produced by Jeffrey Bean.
In this week's featured discussion, we turn to China's maritime strategy. CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies Christopher Johnson gives an overview of how President Xi Jinping has restructured and re-energized various components of the Chinese government and military to pursue its maritime aims. Hosted by Colm Quinn. Audio edited by Sam Ellis. Produced by Jeffrey Bean.
This week we cover the victory of Aung San Suu Kyi's National League of Democracy party in the Myanmar elections with Phuong Nguyen of CSIS Chair for Southeast Studies. Then we turn to the upcoming United Nations Paris Climate Convention, or COP21, and discuss the variety of positions and interests for the countries of the Indo Pacific. Jane Nakano and Michelle Melton of the CSIS Energy and National Security program join to analyze what is at stake for states in the region as the international community attempts to address climate change.
14/11/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
CogitAsia Podcast: Ben Rhodes on Myanmar's Elections
This week we hear from U.S. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes who discussed his recent trip to Myanmar and what the White House is watching for in the November 8 elections with Sumitro Chair for Southeast Asia Studies Ernie Bower. Hosted by Colm Quinn. Audio edited by Sam Ellis. Produced by Jeffrey Bean.
7/11/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Audio: Feeding the Dragon
This week we explore how Russia has assisted China's massive military modernization program. CSIS's Paul Schwartz, a senior associate with our Russia Eurasia Program, joins to discuss the findings of his new report Feeding the Dragon which covers Russia's contributions to China's naval capabilities. Hosted by Colm Quinn. Audio edited by Sam Ellis. Produced by Jeffrey Bean.
5/9/2015 • 0
Audio: Assessing Abe's Statement
Our feature interview this week covers Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s statement of August 15, the seventieth anniversary of Japan’s surrender in the Second World War. CSIS Senior Vice President and Japan Chair Dr. Michael Green joins to discuss the statement’s significance, the reaction in Japan, and how it impacts historical grievances in Asia. Hosted by Kathleen Rustici. Audio edited by Sam Ellis. Produced by Jeffrey Bean.