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Christian Teen Podcast Profile

Christian Teen Podcast

English, Religion, 98 seasons, 121 episodes, 2 days, 15 hours, 2 minutes
Hey guys! My name is Angel and I post monthly episodes about how to navigate our lives as Christian teens. Keep in mind I’m still just learning, too, so come join me, as we learn to live our lives for the One Who gave us His life :) I also have another podcast called StoryTime by Angel just for funsies here:
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Guarding Our Heart And Minds

Why is guarding our hearts so important and how do we do it? What are big ways that we need to be aware and protect ourselves from thoughts that are future actions? Come along for a discussion of guarding ourselves so that our lives can bring glory to God and be better for us! And no, this episode is not just about boys haha!
5/2/202340 minutes, 56 seconds
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Are We Taking Him At His Word?

How often do we feel anxiety, hopelessness, and just plain lost in this complicated and hard world, when Jesus already gave us so much hope, joy, and life in His Word? How often do we doubt His promises because they are in the unseen things? I know I do a lot, and this causes a perspective that is not free or joyful. We need to be reminded that our God is faithful, and He will keep His promises. We need to remember that it is Him and not us doing it, praise Him! Our hope is in Him, so let us hope in Him, and trust in Him AND TAKE HIM AT HIS WORD!
3/31/202346 minutes, 17 seconds
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He is altogether LOVELY (Love Series - Episode 4)

Today we get to the main point. God's unconditional agape LOVE.  The two books I have been reading through the Love Series (besides the Holy Bible) are "Love, the more excellent way" by Chuck Smith and "Ecclesiastics and Song of Solomon" by J. Vernon McGee. I definitely recommend you check these out if you are on a journey to discover God's LOVE for yourself :) God LOVES you. He died for you. Accept His LOVE and discover LIFE. HE IS ALTOGETHER LOVELY
3/3/202348 minutes, 12 seconds
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Friendship Love - Love Series- Episode 3

We are moving on to the next definition of the word "love" which is PHILEO or brotherly love. I talk about conditional versus unconditional love, and take a look at what Biblical friendship looks like. Hope you learn something new or see something from a new perspective :)
2/15/202332 minutes, 18 seconds
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Physical/Self Love - Love Series - Episode 2

Episode two of the Love Series! Today I'm talking about the first definition of the three definitions of love. It is the EROS love, which is self love or physical love, which is becoming more popular in our society today. 
1/29/202346 minutes, 58 seconds
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The LOVE episode

Hey! I am finally starting the love series that I've been talking about and I am excited! I think this is gonna be a rewarding series for you and me! Jesus led this episode, I know that cuz I totally went off track from what I had in my notes haha. 
1/11/202341 minutes, 24 seconds
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Discover Circle Prayer!

So I tell you the details in the episode, but I recently discover what I think is the cure to my sidetracked and repetitive prayers! I didn't even know that this method existed but it has worked so well for me lately! Obviously prayer is not a formula but there are a lot of prayers and requests that we may have a hard time remembering or are just repeating way too much that we don't get to the daily conversation at all! If you struggle with any of these things I recommend giving this prayer journal method a try, because I feel like it's totally changed my prayer time. It is way easier to stay on track and much less of a chore to try and remember all my daily requests and repeats. Here is the link to the video that I saw. By the way, I don't know anything about this lady, I just saw her video on Pinterest. Anyway, I'm excited about it, so I get all into the details of how I decided to do it so that I can give you guys some ideas if you decide to try it. Also, two bonus things in this episode. One, I give an example of the things I pray for my future husband, so if you are a girl wondering what to pray, maybe that can give you a guide, or if you are a guy, you can see what a young woman who is following the Lord is praying for. Obviously this is my personal prayer though. Just thought it could be interesting. And two, A shoutout at the end to those who have reached out to me recently. Thank you <3
12/21/202236 minutes, 3 seconds
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Doing A Tech Fast Challenge - RESULTS

The results are in! I finished a whole week without technology and to be honest, I'm kinda proud of myself. If you're wondering if it did me any good, go ahead and take a listen, but I'll give you a quick tip. I don't think a week is necessary unless you're doing it for the same goals that I was doing it for. I'm glad to be back on cuz I missed recording and such, but also, I think this was an eye opening experience. Hopefully some of you will be inspired to leave your phones, laptops, gaming consoles, etc. for some amount of time (whatever fits for you) and just be present. Take it slow. Do some thinking :)
11/30/202234 minutes, 2 seconds
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Doing A Tech Fast Challenge

Guys, I'm taking Thanksgiving break, but not off school. Instead I'm taking Thanksgiving break off technology. This is gonna be pretty hard for me, as you probably know, but I have you guys to hold me accountable! In this episode, I talk about the reasons why I'd like to do this challenge, the goals I have in mind, and things I'd like to do instead of being on technology. If you're looking for some inspo on how to reach a healthier balance of tech in your life, check this episode out! Maybe I can give you a few ideas. But also, I am doing a before and after, so that I can see what changes happen throughout just one week. I know that this challenge is effective because I have done something similar before. Maybe you guys would like to try hopping on and doing it with me! See what happens?  Check back next week for the results episode!
11/19/202229 minutes, 22 seconds
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How Giving Thanks Can Boost Your Mental Health

Since it's almost the holiday season, and especially Thanksgiving, I thought this would be the perfect episode for this time of year. I also think we all get into a negative slump at some point, so hopefully this will give you a little insight on how God wills for us to keep a healthy, positive headspace as we push through! Hope you enjoy this episode. My Instagram: My other podcast: StoryTime By Angel
11/6/202240 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Muddy Gray Line

Today I'm talking about that gray area between good and bad and how confusing that can be as we are growing up. This is something that I have personally been struggling with so I thought it would make for a good topic for the episode :) Check out my podcast that is just for fun here: Or by searching Storytime by Angel.  Also, check out my new Instagram and follow for updates if you'd like:
10/13/202227 minutes, 45 seconds
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Worshiping Through The Fire (With Natalie and Bella)

So I was doing my daily Bible study and I ran across a topic that I think we can all learn something amazing from. So invited two of my friends, who were involved in a terrible car accident last year, to talk about their experience with praising the Lord in the midst of their hurt and trauma. These are two AMAZING girls that I totally look up to. I love to see that even though they have went, and are still, going through something so hard, they are CHOOSING the Lord daily. Join us for some really good conversation about different ways to praise the Lord through hard times and ways that He uses them for His glory and our good.  Here is their podcast, "Drivers Ed with Nat and Bella" Follow Bella's IG to follow along her ministry journey @BellaHopson!  And as always, if you'd like to support me, the best way is to follow and leave a review- anddddd tell your friends :)  Thanks so much to Nat and Bella for joining me for this episode! Definitely check out their podcast by pressing the link above!
9/14/202256 minutes, 11 seconds
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Learning To Have A Healthy Balance Of Social Media

Hey, guys! Yes I’m back lol. Don’t listen to me when I make plans- I change them haha. Anyway, today I decided to tell you guys about something I had to learn over the summer. I tell you a story of how I got into a really difficult spot and ended up getting addicted to something that wasn’t helping me get better. I had to learn, and still am learning, how to have a healthy balance of media in my life. I’m sure many of you struggle with the same issue so I thought I’d talk it over and maybe you guys can gain an idea of how to manage your social media intake better. Hope you enjoy and come back next week for another episode :) also, here is a link to my new show, StoryTime by Angel: please leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts and/or a rating and follow on Spotify to support me. 💜
8/31/202236 minutes, 47 seconds
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Details On My New Podcast: StoryTime

I know I said this would come out next week sometime but I ended up being able to get it out earlier so here are the links: Spotify- Anchor- Apple podcasts! Hope you guys go check it out- and enjoy!
6/24/20223 minutes, 52 seconds
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This is the final episode- episode 100! Isn’t that crazy?? I can’t believe it! Anyway, in this episode I discuss sharing your faith, being bold for your faith, and standing up for your faith. Plus, a super exciting announcement at the end! (I’m not even kidding. It’s super exciting! Something about a new po———?!) Listen in to hear what it is!! Thanks so much to all my listeners for joining me here! Hopefully you learned something new or grew stronger in your faith. Anyway, lastly, live differently- and PEACE OUT ♥️ P.S STAYED TUNED TIL NEXT WEEK FOR THE DETAILS ON THE ANNOUNCEMENT!!
6/22/202229 minutes, 29 seconds
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Tribulation and Rapture

In this weeks podcast episode I talk about tribulation and rapture. I want to bring this up because I don’t know how much longer it’s going to be until these things unfold and I want to discuss them with you guys.
6/15/202242 minutes, 43 seconds
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Doors - (An Original)

I have not posted an original song in a while. I made this song about a month ago right before I got really sick and I didn’t end up doing anything with it because I didn’t end up doing anything for a while but it’s out now and hopefully you guys enjoy. One thing is that it was inspired by an artist called “escape” who sings in Russian and English so if you listen to some of his songs you might spot the resemblance. P.S. this is a apology session for the ones I missed. 😛😘 (also, ps I am on the lookout for someone who would like to produce my songs. I don’t have money for that right now sadly tho. If you want to produce one of my songs for fun message me.) lol why are you still reading this??!
6/8/20223 minutes, 5 seconds
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The True Vine

Hey guys! I know it’s been awhile but I’m back. I’m talking about fruit, again!! 😂 Don’t worry though, I talk about other stuff as well :) email an idea for the final podcast episode here: [email protected]
6/1/202245 minutes, 14 seconds
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I know I’ve skipped two weeks. But it’s okay. Here’s an update. Please pray for my family and I :)
5/25/20222 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Power of the Mind

In this episode I talk about a recent experience that taught me that you cannot trust your mind nor your feelings... and I talk a bit about VR haha. Be careful what you feed your mind! Also, I had some verses to read but I ran out of time.... but here is one! Isaiah 26:3,4 “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for in YAH, the Lord, is everlasting strength.” That’s an amazing verse. Nothing can beat that right now :)
5/11/202247 minutes, 23 seconds
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Tacos with Ella

In this episode I FINALLY have my friend Ella over to record and we do have a blast, although we had some technical difficulties 😖 Hopefully you guys have a fun time listening to us chat about everything 😂
5/4/202236 minutes, 39 seconds
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Setting Up A Podcast

So today I’m sharing how I set up a podcast on Anchor. This is not a sponsored session, I literally am just sharing what I have used and done regarding my podcast. Hopefully this is helpful to all of you guys who would like to start your own podcasts :)
4/27/202232 minutes, 43 seconds
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Falling Away

I want to talk about falling away from your faith today, and some factors that can lead to it. Hopefully your identity and fulfillment is found solely in Christ
4/20/202234 minutes, 58 seconds
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Dating With A Purpose

Hey guys :D I know I have already done a dating session before but I thought I would do an updated version to refresh our minds and maybe add some points since it’s been awhile. Dating is a huge factor in our age group and it’s quite a popular topic, so I thought doing a second session on it wouldn’t be a problem. I hope you learn something new or just see a different point of view through this session 😄
4/13/202247 minutes, 24 seconds
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Same Sex Attraction

It’s literally in the title.
4/6/202248 minutes, 4 seconds
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Final 10 Episodes: Announcement

Yes! You read it right! Excluding this episode I’ve only got 10 episodes left! Hope you guys enjoy them!
3/30/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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According To His Good Pleasure

Reading thougj Ephesians 1:1-10. We are blessed, chosen, predestined, adopted, sons and daughters of Himself, accepted, redeemed, and forgiven. All according to His good pleasure.
3/23/202229 minutes, 41 seconds
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Encouragement For You♥️

Here are a bunch of verses, quotes, and ideas that I tell myself whenever I have a hard day or am going through something tough. Hope you can pick a few that will help you as well! Sharpen your Sword of the Spirit!
3/16/202242 minutes, 44 seconds
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Moving On

Here’s a little reminder for all of you who have gone through or are going through troubles.
3/9/202240 minutes, 5 seconds
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Signs Of The Times

So today’s session is just a study on the signs of the times in Matthew. It’s a long one hahaha- hope you speed me up 😆 I don’t know too much about all the stuff but I think it’s good to just take a look at it, read it, and compare it to what’s going on all around us. Hope y’all enjoy 😁
3/2/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Temple Of God

In this episode, I’m trying to give you guys a better look inside of the Temple than maybe you’ve ever had before and telling you about the Ultimate Sacrifice ever made. Hopefully you learn something new and have some fun!
2/23/202246 minutes, 49 seconds
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A Foolish Promise

In this session, I talk about the promise of one of the Judges of Israel and the consequences that came from it. There was a way out, but because he did not know the Word of God well enough, a life was taken. Read your Bible! It is the inspired Word OF GOD! It’s a supernatural Book! It even tells the future! (See Rev! :D )
2/9/202249 minutes, 39 seconds
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What Does It Mean To Be A Christian?

Do you guys ever think about other religions and wonder what it takes to be saved? Well, what does it mean to be a Christian? What do you have to do to be saved? How do you know if you are saved?
2/2/202245 minutes, 26 seconds
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Maybe You Haven’t Asked

It’s all in the episode. I had such a hard time trying to SAY it- I’m not about to try to write it 😂
1/26/202243 minutes, 38 seconds
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My Book Recommendations

It’s all in the title 🤣 My book recommendations- fictional entertainment and non fictional/informational. Hope you guys actually read some of these! 🤣 And fine, I’ll post the links on my website 😝
1/12/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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New Year Resolutions!

Happy New Year everybody!🎇 Come join me in this session as I talk about trusting in the Lord, some New Years resolutions of mine that I hope you will join me in, and a random ramble in the middle about a new podcast idea 😂 Hope you have a good time! For some reason a lot of weird things happen in this one! 🤣
1/5/202233 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Power Of Repentance

So I was talking to a friend of mine and we spoke a little about this, and I realized that I don’t think I’ve ever gone over this subject. So I decided I would. I want you guys to see how important and how powerful repentance is. As Paul said, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” ‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭5:17‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
12/29/202138 minutes, 26 seconds
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Global Flood Ramble

The judgement of the Lord is coming! Are you ready or are you being ignorant of the truth?? For promised resources:
12/15/202137 minutes, 24 seconds
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Geologic Column And Time Scale

Hey you guys! Like, always, reading out of “Cost” by Russ Miller. Today’s study is all about the geologic column and time scale and how it is not a reliable source of information due to the dating of rock layers and fossils. Hope you guys have a good time and are able to comprehend the words that I am trying to accurately say 😂😂
12/8/202135 minutes, 39 seconds
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Uniformity and Radiometric Dating

Again we are going through “Cost” by Russ Miller. I am going over uniformity and how it is not supported by Biblical events or Biblical science. I will also be reading about radiometric dating which is used to falsely prove millions and billions of year-theories which are not supported by Biblical science either. I will be going over assumptions that prove how radiometric dating is not reliable evidence for false science.
12/1/202137 minutes, 45 seconds
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Real Science Proves The Big Bang Theory As False

Again reading from the book “Cost” by Russ Miller. The first laws of real science actually prove the Big Bang Theory as false. There are no observable, nor provable facts as evidence to this theory. The Bible actually predicts it!
11/17/202135 minutes, 33 seconds
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Creation Science (REAL Science Supports The Bible)

I started a new study on the book “COS✝️” by Russ Miller and I’m super excited. I will be talking about how real science actually supports the Bible and the importance and catastrophe of the false beliefs accepted as truth in our society. Check out “COST” here:
11/10/202132 minutes, 20 seconds
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Mental Health With Kristen Clark From Girl Defined Ministries

In this episode I interview Kristen Clark from Girl Defined Ministries and we talk about mental health, mentorship and how that can improve your mental health, and discipline in your devotion and relationship with God and how big of an impact that has on your mental health. Thanks so much to the Girl Defined Ministries for this super exciting opportunity! Go check them out right here:
11/3/202137 minutes, 7 seconds
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Loves Vs. Liked

Do you get tired of putting so much effort into being liked... when you can be loved just the way you are?
10/27/202138 minutes, 42 seconds
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What To Do In The Waiting Season!

What do you do when you are waiting? What are we SUPPOSED to do in the waiting? Why is God making us wait??
10/20/202141 minutes, 2 seconds
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New Trailer! (Season 4)

If you’re new around here- listen to this brand new trailer! I hope you do not go back to the very beginning of my podcast and start listening there haha! I was a beginner and I am not confident in those first ones 😂😂 so listen to this if you want to know what I’m all about! Here is my website:
10/16/20212 minutes, 35 seconds
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Fear Is A Bully

You guys! Don’t let fear stop you from trying new things and impacting the people around you! Slap it in the face like Sadie does in this next chapter! Also, next week is my one year podcast anniversary so I am doing a giveaway! Enter on my website If you win, you will receive a copy of Sadie Robertson’s book “LIVE” which I have been doing a series in, as well as some other fun stuff that I’m have yet to choose 😂 let’s have some fun shall we??
10/6/202137 minutes, 39 seconds
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Scary Thoughts

We all have them. Those thoughts that you thought you would never have- or that you’ve had for a long time. Dark, scary, lies in your head. That maybe if you never even existed... you’d be happier.
9/29/202133 minutes, 15 seconds
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Uncomfortable Places

I’m okay.
9/15/202127 minutes, 47 seconds
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Live In The Moment

We need to be simple and believing- just like little children. We need to appreciate the gifts that God gives us everyday instead of focusing on the negatives in life. We need to be happy. We take way too much for granted. It’s all a matter of perspective. Also, yes. I decided to leave in the part where my dog goes crazy 😂😂
9/8/202139 minutes, 31 seconds
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Is It Beneficial Though?

Hey you guyz! In this session I talk about the end time signs, that I died last night, that we think we’ll live forever, and that I have problems. Also, I read from Sadie’s book again- and talk about the fact that we are free in Christ. But is everything we want beneficial to us??
9/1/202138 minutes, 38 seconds
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Choose Life!

I guess this was a review 😂😂 I hope you enjoy.
8/25/202137 minutes, 17 seconds
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Do You Believe?

What do you believe about yourself? What do you believe for yourself? What do you believe you are capable of? Do you believe that with God nothing is impossible?
8/18/202131 minutes, 48 seconds
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He’s Calling You Home

God calls us back to Himself in crazy ways. He leads us to Himself and ways we cannot understand. He gives us strength and grows us through hard times. Give yourself to Him. Come to Him. Finally KNOW Him, not just about Him.
8/11/202132 minutes, 11 seconds
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Self Worth

Heyyyy! I’m starting a new series of my podcast with a new book: LIVE by Sadie Robertson. Super excited! You guys are amazing and done let anyone tell you anything else ♥️♥️
8/3/202136 minutes, 32 seconds
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Story time. I tell you about a one of the scariest thing that has ever happened to me, yes?
7/28/202132 minutes, 40 seconds
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K.A.M - An Original

This song is different than what I have posted before. It has a - REALLY big backstory. So yeah. At this point idk if I’m sharing it with you but you can enjoy the song and guess what it’s about for yourself 😘😘 Shout out to everyone that this song is about♥️
7/25/20214 minutes, 15 seconds
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How We Live Our Days

How do you live your days? Do you use each day to impact those around you? Do you love ask those around to show Jesus everyday? The time is at hand. Jesus is coming quickly.
7/21/202131 minutes, 54 seconds
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Witnessing Through Actions

I was winging it haha. Oh well. When you think of the word “witnessing” what do you think of? Do you think you are doing it?
7/14/202128 minutes, 51 seconds
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Temptation - How To Combat It

This one is long. Oops. 😂 It was a fun one though.
7/7/202142 minutes, 19 seconds
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Who To Get Advice From And Answered Prayers

Who are we supposed to go to for advice? Our friends? Our parents? Also, stay tuned til the end (if you want to) to hear some more answered prayers! Contact me at
6/30/202135 minutes, 43 seconds
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Complete Obedience

God sees partial obedience as absolute rebellion. And He sees rebellion as bad as witchcraft.😖
6/23/202125 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Majesty Of Our Creator

So in this episode I’m reading from the book “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan. This session is all about how big our Father in heaven is. HE IS - unspeakable.
6/9/202141 minutes, 49 seconds
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Identity And Purpose

Do you ever wonder who you really are and what you’re actually doing here? ♥️
6/2/202142 minutes, 25 seconds
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Being Happy Is A Choice

My one year anniversary since life went downstairs. I want to speak about being happy and having hope even in a dark place ♥️
5/29/202140 minutes, 4 seconds
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Hope In Depression

There is hope. I was there. I’ve been through it and God uses it to change me completely. You guys will be okay ♥️
5/26/202133 minutes, 36 seconds
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Tomorrow Will Break You - Original

Hey guys. So this original song is more complex and confusing than most of the ones I’ve let out. I hope that that makes it a little relatable to more situations. It’s also darker than most of my songs just because of what I was going through when I wrote it. Enjoy cuz I’m really tired lol. ♥️
5/26/20213 minutes, 50 seconds
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My Trip To Florida

Hey! I’m back from my trip!! I wanted to tell you guys about it cuz I had so much fun out there so if you’re interested here you go 😘😘 send in ideas for the podcast at my website
5/19/202129 minutes, 28 seconds
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Friends are great. But it’s important to have good friends who lift you up, right? ♥️✌️
5/12/202136 minutes, 54 seconds
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Modest Swim Wear Ideas For Girls

Hey girls! I know how hard it is to find something modest BUT CUTE! I have some ideas for you girls and also a post with some images on it for you to see at ♥️✌️
5/5/202118 minutes, 33 seconds
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Obeying Parents??

Guyz. I ramble a lot in this one. I hope you have fun. You can speed me up if it’s boring or if I pause too much. 😂
4/28/202130 minutes, 1 second
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Judge Not?

Am I judging you guys? Doesn’t the Bible say not to do that? ♥️
4/21/202123 minutes, 49 seconds
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What Happened To Us - Original

I accidentally recorded another song. I actually write A LOT of songs, it’s just exciting if I actually RECORD the song I write haha. I hope you guys enjoy.
4/18/20212 minutes, 56 seconds
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6 Months - Fun Q and A

Hey guys! It’s a ramble! I’m telling stories and having fun and answering useless questions! Enjoy ♥️
4/14/202122 minutes, 21 seconds
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Easter Prophecies

In this session I talk about some of the prophecies that were fulfilled during Jesus’ crucifixion. I know it’s not super Eastery- it’s more about His crucifixion and the Passover and stuff and that’s okay. 😂 I hope you guyz enjoy ♥️✌️If you want to check out my post:
4/7/202132 minutes, 49 seconds
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A New Person

What does it mean to be saved? How are we supposed to live?
3/31/202134 minutes, 10 seconds
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Little Things

Don’t forget that David was a man after Gods own heart and God loved him very much, even though he made a mistake.
3/24/202135 minutes, 18 seconds
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In The World - Original

Wait for the end. This is the best beat I’ve EVER made. So excited. BTW this song plays off of the lukewarm Christian subject that I’ve been talking about lately. Find lyrics and details on my website:
3/21/20214 minutes, 7 seconds
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Lukewarm Christians

Are you lukewarm? Are you on fire for God? Does it matter? What’s wrong with the church today? Why do we need to “live differently”?
3/17/202137 minutes, 9 seconds
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Why Do Bad Things Happen?

I have a special guest today! Natalie is my friend from my youth group and I invited her to chat with me about this somewhat difficult question. Have you ever asked this question?
3/10/202130 minutes, 14 seconds
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Psalm 4

Breaking it down. This Psalm has some good stuff. Sorry I’m talking quietly again 🤭 I recorded this in the morning. Happy March ♥️
3/3/202120 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Will Of God

How do we know if we are doing the will of God? How do we have the strength to do the will of God? How do we know what the will of God is??
2/17/202136 minutes, 49 seconds
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My Testimony

Hey guys, I decided to do a session on my testimony so you guys can know what happened before this podcast started and what led up to it.
2/10/202135 minutes, 49 seconds
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A Message - Original

Hey guyz! This is my first released original and I’m pretty excited. I’m still learning how to work all the tech and software so it’s not the greatest quality but Ima continue learning and growing a song at a time. 😄✌️BTW I explain the lyrics on my website so go check it out
2/7/20214 minutes, 5 seconds
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Hey guys ♥️ Hope your teenage lives are going smoothly. Mine isn’t haha. Anyway, I’m talking about MAGIC. Have fun. If you love Harry Potter or Marvel, I’m sorry. ♥️ You can yell at me on my contact page on my website:
2/3/202130 minutes, 20 seconds
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Charity is love. We are called to be love. Jesus is love. ♥️♥️♥️
1/27/202120 minutes, 28 seconds
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Christian Liberty

Do we have to follow rules to be saved? Where does Christian liberty come in? How do we use it?
1/20/202132 minutes, 26 seconds
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Oceans - A cover

This song is recorded with my music teacher, mentor, and youth leader. God has given him an incredible music talent and it’s always a pleasure to learn from him. I’m excited to share this cover with you guys. Obviously, it’s not perfect, but nothing about me is. Enjoy 😝✌️
1/17/20215 minutes, 22 seconds
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How To Pray With Gracie Clark

Hey! I did another collab with my friend Gracie on prayer! I know I already did a prayer session but this one is from a different perspective. How do we pray?
1/13/202130 minutes, 21 seconds
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We Can’t Lose

Do you ever feel like you lost? You just lost. Even though you prayed but you still lost? I have. Guys I did this episode at night again haha. I’m pretty tired out here but the message is still important to me. Speed me up if you need to 😘😘♥️
1/10/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Hey fam! Don’t mind me worrying about when I’m supposed to publish these sessions. Very good start to the year haha. My website is
1/6/202119 minutes, 35 seconds
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Season 2 Premiere!! (Change)

Happy New Year to everyone 🥳🥳 I know this was supposed to come out on Wednesday but I am actually letting my tracts session out on Wednesday. Let’s pretend I let this one out yesterday. Don’t mind background sounds (like my crazy dog). So excited for this years plans! My website is
1/5/202120 minutes, 29 seconds
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Plans for 2021

Heyyy!! What are you guyz doin’ in 2021? Nobody knows. XD well, I have some fancy plans for my podcast in the coming year! Enjoy! My website is if you want to check it out 😄✌️
12/23/202022 minutes, 19 seconds
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Chasing - A Cover

Here’s another cover for you guyz. Again, it’s rough but I did my best. Enjoy! This is the demo by my favorite artist, NF.
12/17/20203 minutes, 12 seconds
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Hey Guyzzz! I finally collaborated with this girl I’ve been talking about since the beginning! She’s super good at what she does it’s Gracie from the TeenTalk Show with Gracie Clark! We discuss heaven in this episode and will be collaborating on her podcast this coming week so be sure to go check that out!! Live differently and enjoy another episode! ✌️outtt
12/11/202031 minutes, 42 seconds
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Social Media, Pt. 2

Hey guyz! I did a part 2 on social media. Oh my, you guyz. This one isn’t super organized but whatever. Hopefully I got my point across haha. Live differently and enjoy another episode! ✌️ out!
12/9/202028 minutes, 47 seconds
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Should Christians Have Social Media?

Hey, what’s up you guyz? Do you guyz think that social media is a healthy way to be pure and glorify God in your body and spirit, which are God’s? Do you think that after being on social media you are encouraged and feel joyful? Or maybe depressed and a little guilty? Does it lift you up, or tear you down?
12/2/202038 minutes, 35 seconds
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Hiding Gods Word In Your Heart

What is a good way to memorize verse so that you would actually remember them and they wouldn’t just go into your short term memory? Why should we memorize verses? (Watch out for my equality encouragement at the end 😂 Y’all are getting to know another piece of me. I’m a peaceful person. I don’t want anyone to seem like they’re any less. ❤️) ✌️out kidz
11/29/202030 minutes, 3 seconds
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Should A Christian Date?

Hey friends! This session is kinda interesting. I go over reasons why I think that for a Christian dating is not really the way to go about girl/boy relationships and what God sees as more righteous and good before marriage. Obviously you a free to have your own a opinions and convictions but I just wanted to share reasons that I think that the worlds dating system is not for us. ❤️
11/22/202045 minutes, 18 seconds
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Why Are We Different? (Good Works)

Guys do you ever wonder why we have to be different than the world? Cuz it’s difficult isn’t it? What about good works? What’s the point of them? If salvation is through Jesus than what are good works for? Does it even matter how we live if Jesus already died and all our sins are forgiven? What’s the purpose?
11/16/202042 minutes, 22 seconds
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Contact Me

So I know that I told you guys I was seeing if I could have a contact box put up on my website.. well it’s up! ✌️outt
11/16/20201 minute, 15 seconds
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Why Read The Bible?

Hey friends. Why is reading the Bible so difficult?? Do you ever wonder why God put like all that crazy and then like honestly boring stuff in there? Do you have trouble reading it even though you know you should? I did. And I still sometimes do!
11/13/202045 minutes
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Should We Be Afraid Of Death?

Hey fam ❤️ I did this podcast it was sooooo good I think! 😂 idk. You judge. Have fun. ✌️ out Check out my website at Thank you to Anchor for allowing me to do this podcast!! (Also a big fat thank You to GOD 😍) Yes I have done this session before but I redid it. I tell you more in the session.
11/10/202045 minutes, 42 seconds
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Heeeyyy fam. This one is a longer. In this one I lay out my standards for you guyz to see where I stand on things like music, clothes, make up, and socials. Go give me a review on Apple podcasts and check out my website at I finally put some stuff up there! ✌️out
11/6/202059 minutes, 21 seconds
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Hi friends! Today is an important day for our country! So here is some encouragement to know that God is in control and that He is awesome and supreme and great. Always. God bless America! ✌️out
11/3/202019 minutes, 34 seconds
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What Does God Say About Cursing?

Hey fam. Ever asked this question before? Have you ever been asked this question before? Have you ever thought about this question in any form before? I have. Here you go. Have fun. ✌️out
11/2/202029 minutes, 11 seconds
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Dude. Yes. Movie filters rock. I’m being kinda crazy in this one. I’ve been getting more comfortable with the mic... getting to know how to do the podcast. Hope you guyz have funnnn. (Jesus ❤️ u btw) ✌️ outtt
10/30/202027 minutes, 18 seconds
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I Have A Guest - Libby May

Heyy fam!! I got my sister on a session today! We talked about something pretty cool that I read and I had a totally difficult time naming this one haha! Have fun! ✌️out!
10/28/202019 minutes, 20 seconds
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Hey fammm, sorry about my cold! Lol kinda weird that IM apologizing to you. Anyways, this one is kinda rambly and totally fun so have fun!! And laugh at my doorknobness. 😬 ✌️outtt 🖤
10/27/202026 minutes, 5 seconds
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This is literally the most important thing you could ever hear in your entire life.
10/24/202048 minutes, 57 seconds
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Why Should Christians Not Be Hot And Trendy?

Heyyyy so this one is a bit long... I know.. but it’s kind of a long subject. And I’m playing with my pocket knife in the background. (Just to cure your curiosity about the clicking 😂) thanks for listening! ✌️
10/23/202033 minutes, 52 seconds
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Fly Me To The Moon - A Cover

So I know that I’ve told y’all that I might do coverzzz.. well here’s one. 😁😁😁
10/22/202057 seconds
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Should Christians Be Insecure?

Duuuuuuddeee why are we all so insecure???? Somebody help us!! Visit my website for some reason at
10/21/202025 minutes, 39 seconds
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Strange Things About Me

Yooo so today I’m doing something fun!! I’m telling you a little bit about myself. Some things I hate, some things I love, my bucket list, and a few fun (or absolutely strange) facts about me. Hope you enjoy! Visit my website at!
10/19/202025 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Power Of Prayer

Today I tell you guys about a prayer I prayed and was answered with a big fat NO and how that affected me. Also, I tell you about that fact that that “no” hurt but I don’t regret praying that prayer whatsoever. This is kinda hard for me to tell because it’s very personal and I’m guessing that a lot of people who know me personally are going to be listening to my sessions so that makes me nervous but I’m doing this for you guyz!! Hopefully I’m more relatable this way!! Check out my site at!!
10/18/202028 minutes, 45 seconds
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Strangers In The World

Okay people. This one is one of my very favorite subject. I had a blast with this one. Hope you do too!! I’ve struggled with trying to fit in before but now my mission is to tell you that WE WERE NEVER MEANT TO FIT IN!! So stop trying!! We can’t fit in and stand out at the same time!! Anyways, I’m getting too excited. This is just one of my favorite subject and also one of my main messages for this whole podcast. 😁😁 Super excited for you guys to hear this one!! Check more out from me at my website!! JESUS ❤️ YOU!!
10/17/202025 minutes, 59 seconds
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Is Jealousy Sin?

Heyyy.. so I’m not usually the jealous type I don’t think... but something happened... if you want to see more from me check out my website at!!
10/17/202024 minutes, 53 seconds
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What Music Is Bad For A Christian?

I lovvvvveeee music so so much. I love the emotion that it gives and the beats and lyrics and the rhythm and rhyme. But... there is so much garbage that people put into music and as Christian teens it’s kinda hard to see the line!! So what do we do?? Check out my site at!!
10/17/202026 minutes, 45 seconds
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Christian Teen Podcast (Trailer)

10/16/202059 seconds