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Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church Profile

Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church

English, Religion, 1 season, 708 episodes, 5 days, 16 hours, 52 minutes
Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church
Episode Artwork

Confidence in the Lord | Psalm 57

David had confidence in the Lord in spite of the dark circumstances he found himself in, so his hope remained in the Lord.
7/2/202338 minutes, 45 seconds
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Love Your Enemies | Matthew 5:43-48

Christians should resemble their Father in Heaven and go above and beyond in their love for everyone.
6/25/202354 minutes, 17 seconds
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Do Not Resist Evil | Matthew 5:38-42

Christians should respond righteously instead of resisting an evil person when they do us harm.
6/18/202348 minutes, 9 seconds
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Tell the Truth | Matthew 5:33-37

Christians should be radical truth tellers.
6/11/202342 minutes, 36 seconds
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Divorce and Remarriage | Matthew 5:31-32

God intended marriage to be permanent, but sinful man turned it into permissive divorce for any reason.
6/4/202353 minutes, 11 seconds
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True Righteousness is a Matter of the Heart | Matthew 5:27-30

True saving righteousness makes war with sin within.
5/28/202350 minutes, 3 seconds
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Are You Angry? | Matthew 5:21-26

This passage challenges us to examine our motives and see what lies in our hearts concerning anger.
5/21/202343 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Messiah and the Law | Matthew 5:17-20

Jesus has come to fulfill the law, which transforms a man to obey His commands from the heart.
5/14/202351 minutes, 40 seconds
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Salt and Light | Matthew 5:13-16

Christians are called to influence this dark world for God and for good.
5/7/202346 minutes, 45 seconds
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Blessed Are the Persecuted | Matthew 5:10-12

Faithful Christians will be harassed in this world, but God promises us heaven and that makes harassed Christians happy Christians.
4/30/202350 minutes, 45 seconds
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Blessed Are the Peacemakers | Matthew 5:9

Sons and daughters of God have new hearts making them peacemakers like God.
4/23/202352 minutes, 6 seconds
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Our Lives Reflect Who We Glorify | Psalm 24

To glorify God is the honor Him with praise or worship.  You are blessed when the King of Glory dwells with you.
4/16/202345 minutes, 28 seconds
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Your Faith is NOT in Vain | 1 Corinthians 15:12-20

Christ did rise from the dead, which means that our faith is not in vain.
4/9/202347 minutes, 24 seconds
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What's So Good About Good Friday? | 2 Corinthians 5:21

We call today Good Friday because of the glory of the cross and the hope that is found in Christ alone due to His death on the cross.
4/8/202333 minutes, 15 seconds
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Blessed Are the Pure in Heart | Matthew 5:8

Only the believer with a new and hungry heart for holiness will see the Lord.
4/2/202347 minutes, 36 seconds
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Blessed Are the Merciful | Matthew 5:7

Mercy matters to God and He will show mercy to those who have been merciful.
3/26/202350 minutes, 41 seconds
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Happy Are Those Who Hunger for Holiness | Matthew 5:6

God will satisfy the person who is seeking after true righteousness with salvation and sanctification.
3/19/202349 minutes, 26 seconds
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Blessed Are the Meek | Matthew 5:5

God will bless the humble and gentle Christian with ownership of the world.
3/12/202350 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Cry of a Contrite Heart | Psalm 51

When we sin against God, do we have a contrite heart or a proud heart?
3/5/202345 minutes, 29 seconds
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The King’s Blessings | Matthew 5:1-4

The King will bless you abundantly if you believe what he says about us and rightly respond to Him.
2/26/202352 minutes, 13 seconds
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The King's Sermon on the Kingdom of Heaven | Matthew 5:1-3

The main idea of the Sermon on the Mount: Jesus tells us what is required to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and how we are to live as citizens of that kingdom.
2/19/202344 minutes, 26 seconds
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Follow Me! | Matthew 4:18-25

Jesus is calling us to renounce everything and follow Him!
2/12/202356 minutes, 39 seconds
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Light in the Darkness | Matthew 4:12-17

People must repent and trust in King Jesus, because He alone is the light who will dispel the darkness of this sin-cursed world.
2/5/202349 minutes, 54 seconds
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Our Lord's Triumph Over Temptation | Matthew 4:1-11

Jesus must resist the devil's temptations and pass the test in order to fulfill all righteousness, and we must follow in His footsteps in order to resist the devil's temptations.
1/29/202347 minutes, 9 seconds
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Value the Message You Carry | 2 Corinthians 4

Because of the value of the message we carry, we continue on, share it, and encourage ourselves with its good news.
1/22/202339 minutes, 1 second
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Salvation Only Comes Through Jesus | Matthew 3:11-17

Entering the kingdom of Heaven requires the new birth, and that only comes through the person of Jesus Christ.
1/15/202350 minutes, 16 seconds
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Get Ready for God | Matthew 3:1-12

Entering the kingdom of Heaven requires new birth and the repentance of sin as one trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ.
1/8/202350 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Faithfulness of God | Matthew 2:13-23

The story of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus fleeing to Egypt shows us that because our God is faithful, we are able to trust Him.
1/1/202341 minutes, 59 seconds
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Come, Let Us Adore Him! - Audio

We should respond to Jesus like the wise men did, worshipping Him with extravagant joy.
12/25/202246 minutes, 44 seconds
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Christmas Candlelight Service - Audio

Jesus Christ came to earth to be with us.
12/24/202252 minutes, 30 seconds
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God With Us! - Audio

Jesus is the Son of God who took on human flesh to save His people from their sins.
12/18/202247 minutes, 30 seconds
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Who is This Jesus? - Audio

Matthew details the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the promised Savior, Messiah, and King of the Old Testament.
12/11/202249 minutes, 16 seconds
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Core Value 7: Fellowship - Audio

Our fellowship with God affects our fellowship with one another.
12/4/202237 minutes, 32 seconds
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Core Value 9: Membership - Audio

Church membership is a formal way to commit to a local church.
11/27/202251 minutes, 19 seconds
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Core Value 6: Discipleship - Audio

Discipleship involves being intentionally involved in people's lives to see them live lives of obedience and conformity to Jesus Christ.
11/20/202247 minutes, 49 seconds
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Core Value 8: Care Ministry - Audio

We want to be a caring church, because we will all face trials.
11/13/202245 minutes, 14 seconds
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Core Value 10: Outreach and Conversion - Audio

The glorious Gospel is why we do outreach.
11/6/202237 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Key to Open the Door - Audio

Four lessons from the interaction of Peter and Cornelius about how God uses people to sow the seed of the Gospel.
10/30/202247 minutes, 20 seconds
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When the Foreigner Comes - Audio

God displays His glory to all people, and receives all those who come to Him, so that all the people of the earth would know and love Christ.
10/23/202237 minutes, 33 seconds
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Core Value 5: Biblical Leadership - Audio

The church needs godly leadership to be healthy. Elders are the spiritual leaders in the church. Deacons take care of the physical needs of the church.
10/16/202247 minutes, 27 seconds
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Core Value 4: Preaching and Teaching - Audio

God commands that preaching and teaching be done in the Old Testament, and Jesus taught the Scriptures in the New Testament.
10/9/202245 minutes, 18 seconds
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Core Value 3: Scripture-Saturated and Spirit Empowered Prayer - Audio

We should be praying for more spiritual strength so Christ is more at home in our hearts, and more spiritual strength to comprehend the love of Christ.
10/2/202246 minutes, 8 seconds
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Core Value 2: Holy Spirit Dependence - Audio

We needed Jesus to leave and send the Holy Spirit.
9/25/202251 minutes, 55 seconds
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Core Value 1: Worship the Triune God - Audio

What is true worship? Where, Who, and How do we worship?
9/18/202248 minutes, 17 seconds
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Our Mission - Audio

Cedar Crest exists to glorify the triune God by exalting Him, edifying and equipping His Church, and evangelizing the world with His Gospel.
9/11/202244 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Lord's Prayer (Part 2) - Deliverance from Sin & Temptation - Audio

Jesus teaches us to pray for forgiveness and for deliverance from temptation.
9/4/202236 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Lord's Prayer (Part 1) - Audio

Jesus teaches us to pray to our Father.
8/28/202234 minutes, 59 seconds
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Jesus Stood By Me - Audio

We need God's people, God's Word, God's presence, and God's rescue.
8/21/202241 minutes, 38 seconds
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A Compelling Ambition - Audio

Commissioning service of Alex Hartranft.
8/14/202257 minutes, 51 seconds
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Paul's Conquering Faith and Crown of Glory - Audio

One thing matters - Fighting the good fight of the faith and after that, entering glory.
8/7/202245 minutes, 8 seconds
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Preach the Word! (Part 2) - Audio

Why does preaching have such prominence in the worship service?
7/31/202246 minutes, 13 seconds
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Psalm 19 - Audio

The creation speaks to us. The Creator speaks to us. The creatures speak to their Creator.
7/25/202240 minutes, 15 seconds
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Preach the Word! (Part 1) - Audio

Pastors much preach the Word, because it saves, sanctifies, and equips.
7/17/202246 minutes, 47 seconds
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Who Do You Follow? - Audio

If you follow godly examples, you will be persecuted for living the Christian life.
7/10/202245 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Lord's Prayer - Audio

What was Jesus communicating about God His father, when talking about prayer?
7/3/202236 minutes, 36 seconds
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Godlessness in the Last Days - Audio

False teachers will be prevalent in the last days, both inside and outside the church.
6/26/202240 minutes, 22 seconds
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Pursuing Purity in Life and Doctrine - Audio

Run away from false teaching and youthful sins and pursue holiness.
6/19/202243 minutes, 7 seconds
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Seeing Jesus Clearly - Audio

Understanding the work of Jesus in the past, present, and future will help us to see Jesus clearly and follow hard after Him.
6/12/202239 minutes, 9 seconds
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Pastor, Get the Word Right! - Audio

Pray for the pastors and elders to be good workmen in the Word, and for the church at large to avoid false teachers.
6/5/202246 minutes, 36 seconds
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Reasons to Suffer and Endure for the Gospel - Audio

Do not be ashamed of Jesus Christ and always be ready to suffer for the Gospel.
5/29/202242 minutes, 14 seconds
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Entrust the Gospel - Audio

Instructions from an older pastor to his child in the faith.
5/22/202242 minutes, 40 seconds
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Guard the Gospel - Audio

By the power of the Holy Spirit, who is living in us, we must guard the Gospel that has been entrusted to our care.
5/15/202239 minutes, 2 seconds
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Do Not Be Ashamed - Audio

Since our great God has saved us, let us not be ashamed of His Gospel.
5/8/202243 minutes, 43 seconds
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Fan Into Flame the Gift of God - Audio

Paul wants Timothy to fan into flame the gift that God has given to him.
5/1/202243 minutes, 11 seconds
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A Spiritual Father to His Son - Audio

Paul is longing to see his faithful protégé Timothy and encourage him in faithful gospel ministry.
4/24/202245 minutes, 23 seconds
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Conquering Messiah: Jesus is the Messiah of God! - Audio

Jesus' life, death, resurrection, and ascension proves that He is the Messiah of God and that demands a response.
4/17/202241 minutes, 54 seconds
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Crucified Savior: Scenes of His Suffering - Audio

This Good Friday service looks at the willing suffering of Jesus.
4/16/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 6 seconds
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Coming King - Audio

The triumphal entry is about Jesus announcing himself king.
4/10/202243 minutes, 1 second
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The Gift and Growth of Reconciliation - Audio

Commissioning service of Fernando DeSouza.
4/3/202246 minutes, 18 seconds
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Eternal Investments - Audio

What does it mean to be truly rich?
3/27/202239 minutes, 12 seconds
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God is Better Than Gold! - Audio

Flee from the love of money and fight the good fight of faith that is satisfied in God.
3/20/202241 minutes, 57 seconds
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Baptism: What It Is & Why It Matters - Audio

Jesus commended His followers to be baptized, because it identifies us with Him, represents our union with Him, and expresses our faith in Him.
3/13/202244 minutes, 51 seconds
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Pastor, Preach the Truth in Your Church! - Audio

True teachers will preach the Word of God, while false teachers love to stir up trouble over meaningless things and make money on religion.
3/6/202239 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Master's Plan For His Household - Audio

Commands for how servants and masters should treat each other.
2/27/202239 minutes, 31 seconds
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Honoring the Elders! - Audio

A healthy church of Christ honors, protects, rebukes, and properly selects elders.
2/20/202242 minutes, 10 seconds
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Pure Religion Before God! - Audio

Take care of true widows and tell the younger widows to marry and live godly lives.
2/6/202244 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Church is Family! - Audio

Pastor Timothy should be an example of how Christians treat one another in God's family, including the widows who should be provided for.
1/30/202245 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Faithful Young Pastor - Audio

A young pastor (and all pastors) should devote himself to the faithful study and teaching of the Scriptures and living it out as an example to his congregation.
1/23/202245 minutes, 6 seconds
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A Good Pastor - Audio

A good pastor teaches the Bible and trains hard for godliness because It has ultimate value.
1/16/202247 minutes, 56 seconds
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Training the Church for Godliness: The Now and Coming Apostasy - Audio

The church must train itself in godliness.
1/3/202237 minutes, 5 seconds
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Good News! - Audio

The birth of Jesus is good news for God's glory and our joy and peace.
12/26/202144 minutes, 50 seconds
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What Child is This? - Audio

Jesus is the promised prophet, promised priest, and promised king.
12/24/202152 minutes, 50 seconds
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My Soul Magnifies the Lord! - Audio

The coming of Jesus should produce joyful praise in our hearts.
12/19/202144 minutes, 43 seconds
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He Will Be Great! - Audio

Announcing the birth of the savior, Son of God, sovereign king of the world.
12/12/202145 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Certainty of Christianity - Audio

You can have certainty about Jesus Christ because of Luke's careful and thorough investigation.
12/5/202138 minutes, 46 seconds
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Great Truths We Confess that Lead to Godliness in the Church - Audio

The church is God's household, and we are to behave according to the true Gospel that we confess.
11/28/202147 minutes, 1 second
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Discipleship With Your Head, Heart, and Hands - Audio

Does Jesus have your head, heart, and hands?
11/21/202143 minutes, 19 seconds
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Carry Each Other's Burdens - Audio

The Apostle Paul gives us guidance on how to live a spiritual life, and presents the principle that you reap what you sow.
11/14/202138 minutes, 23 seconds
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Biblical Qualifications for Deacons (Part 2) - Audio

Biblically qualified elders and deacons are vital for the spiritual and physical health of Christ's church.
11/7/202143 minutes, 48 seconds
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Biblical Qualifications for Deacons (Part 1) - Audio

Biblically qualified elders and deacons are vital for the spiritual and physical health of Christ's church.
10/31/202139 minutes, 14 seconds
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How Will We Go 10:40? - Audio

Understanding the how and why of missions and global outreach.
10/24/202145 minutes, 44 seconds
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Reaching the Nations - Audio

The Lord is gathering all nations and tongues, and they will see His glory.
10/17/202135 minutes, 51 seconds
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Biblical Qualifications for an Elder (Part 2) - Audio

The office of elder and being biblically qualified are paramount for a thriving and healthy church.
10/10/202150 minutes, 30 seconds
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Biblical Qualifications for an Elder (Part 1) - Audio

The office of elder and being biblically qualified are paramount for a thriving and healthy church.
10/3/202143 minutes, 47 seconds
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God's Good Design for Men and Women in the Church - Audio

God's desire is for Christian men and women to conduct themselves and fulfill their roles in a godly way.
9/26/202144 minutes, 38 seconds
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Born Again for Good Works (Part 2) - Audio

God saved us through Jesus and the new birth of the Holy Spirit so that we would do good works.
9/19/202143 minutes, 37 seconds
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Born Again for Good Works (Part 1) - Audio

The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ purchased the new birth of the Holy Spirit who produces new life in us which look like good works in the world.
9/12/202144 minutes, 19 seconds
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Your Work Matters to God - Audio

Work done, with the right motivation and the right attitude for the right person, will always result in glory to God and good for His people, adding to the prosperity of the land wherever they are working.
9/5/202136 minutes, 21 seconds
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Our Faithful God Always Preserves Our Faith - Audio

How do we keep living the truth of the Gospel in our wicked world?
8/29/202141 minutes, 27 seconds
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Praying for People to Know Christ - Audio

Let's pray all kinds of prayers for all kinds of people to be saved.
8/22/202143 minutes, 28 seconds
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Pastor, Fight the Good Fight of Faith! - Audio

Pastors and elders must fight for the true faith and not allow false teachers in the church.
8/15/202141 minutes, 18 seconds
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A Merciful Savior for the Worst of Sinners! - Audio

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners like us.
8/8/202142 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Proper Way to Use God's Law! - Audio

In one sense, the Old Testament law confronts and restrains unbelievers in a way that Christians do not need anymore.
8/1/202137 minutes, 53 seconds
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Guard the Truth in Love - Audio

3 movements in Paul's message to Timothy regarding how to guard the truth of the Gospel.
7/25/202145 minutes, 59 seconds
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To Pastor Timothy, My True Child in the Faith - Audio

Paul was writing an inspired letter to Pastor Timothy to encourage him in the faith and pastoral ministry.
7/18/202138 minutes, 39 seconds
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Bearing the Weight of Truth - Audio

Installation service of Pastor Jason Hoy.
7/11/202153 minutes, 10 seconds
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Rescue the Wandering - Audio

If we see a "brother" or "sister" wandering away from the truth, we need to go after them and try to save their soul.
7/4/202138 minutes, 42 seconds
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Confession for Healing - Audio

We are to confess sin and pray with each other for healing.
6/27/202143 minutes, 30 seconds
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Let Us Pray! - Audio

If you are suffering or sick, pray for yourself or have the elders pray over you, and pray with others in the church.
6/20/202140 minutes, 51 seconds
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Be Patient in Suffering - Audio

We can be patient in our trials because Jesus will right all wrongs when He returns, and He has a purpose for our suffering.
6/13/202144 minutes, 19 seconds
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Judgement for the Unjust - Audio

A view into what is in store for those who have cheated and abused us.
6/6/202135 minutes, 53 seconds
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Arrogance vs. Humbleness - Audio

Some examples of arrogance, along with a discussion about how to determine God's will for your life.
5/30/202141 minutes, 7 seconds
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Submit & Resist - Audio

James gives us several commands and promises related to submitting to God and resisting the devil.
5/23/202141 minutes, 52 seconds
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Grace Greater Than Our Sin - Audio

Four movements within this text about divisions and fights within the church.
5/16/202140 minutes, 21 seconds
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So, You Think You're Wise? - Audio

Does your conduct indicate that you live by demonic wisdom or divine wisdom?
5/9/202138 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Inside Connection - Audio

The character of the tongue, and it's connection to our heart.
5/2/202133 minutes, 6 seconds
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Small, But Dangerously Mighty - Audio

A warning about the dangers of the tongue, especially for teachers.
4/25/202134 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Faith That Works - Audio

What is the nature of true saving faith? And do I have it?
4/18/202138 minutes, 34 seconds
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Can That Faith Save Him? - Audio

Faith without producing works is not saving faith.
4/11/202145 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Diamond - Audio

Why did Jesus have to die and rise again?
4/4/202141 minutes, 11 seconds
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Remember His Suffering - Audio

Scenes of Christ's suffering from the Gospel of Luke.
4/3/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 3 seconds
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Divine Ascent - Audio

The triumphal entry of Jesus raises the questions why are you following Jesus and what are your expectations from the King?
3/28/202136 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Remedy for Partiality - Audio

James further defines the sin of partiality, and show us how to have love and compassion for our neighbor.
3/21/202135 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Reality of Partiality - Audio

Partiality is condemned by God, especially for Christians.
3/14/202134 minutes, 54 seconds
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Genuine Faith is Love in Action - Audio

God calls us to care for widows and orphans, and to live a holy life.
3/7/202139 minutes, 13 seconds
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Listen & Labor in Liberty - Audio

Listen to the Word of God and then do what it says.
2/28/202140 minutes, 28 seconds
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Two Ears, One Mouth - Audio

What is our view of God, and what do we allow in our lives to influence our disposition to God?
2/21/202139 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Good Character of an Unchanging God - Audio

God is the immutable good giver who gives us perfect gifts.
2/14/202138 minutes, 17 seconds
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Man's Plans, God's Sovereignty - Audio

A review of the Vision 2020 goals of praying, caring, serving, speaking, and training.
1/31/202138 minutes, 12 seconds
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Trusting Truth in Trials - Audio

James summarizes his section on trials by encouraging us, correcting us, and warning us.
1/24/202142 minutes, 35 seconds
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Where Is Your Identity? - Audio

Does your identity in Christ impact the way you respond to life's circumstances?
1/17/202134 minutes, 12 seconds
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Wisdom - God's Faithful Answer to Trials - Audio

What is wisdom and how do I get it?
1/10/202137 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ruthless Trust - Audio

Ruthless trust in the cross … counts, knows, lets.
1/3/202133 minutes, 43 seconds
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So That You May Believe … He Will Return For Us - Audio

Three truths that give us joy now in this life as we await the second coming of Christ.
12/27/202036 minutes, 51 seconds
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What If Love Never Came? - Audio

Consider what the world would be like if God had not sent love to us in the form of his son, Jesus.
12/25/202022 minutes, 12 seconds
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So That You May Believe … He is Revealed - Audio

Jesus is the only way that we can see God face to face.
12/20/202036 minutes, 8 seconds
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So That You May Believe … He is the God-Man - Audio

Three main ways that Jesus is unique, especially as the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
12/13/202040 minutes, 15 seconds
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So That You May Believe … In His Name (Part 2) - Audio

Why in the world would anyone reject the Son of God? Or a more important question: How does anyone receive Him?
12/6/202041 minutes, 16 seconds
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So That You May Believe … In His Name (Part 1) - Audio

Recognizing and Receiving Christ.
11/29/202037 minutes, 2 seconds
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So That You May Believe … His Witnesses - Audio

The content, manner, and goal for our witness of Jesus Christ.
11/22/202035 minutes, 23 seconds
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So That You May Believe … He is God (Part 2) - Audio

Two vital truths regarding what we should believe about Jesus.
11/15/202035 minutes, 18 seconds
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So That You May Believe … He is God (Part 1) - Audio

Introduction to the book of John.
11/8/202034 minutes, 33 seconds
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What Happened to America? - Audio

A look at how the foundation of America has been established, eroded, and eliminated.
11/1/202047 minutes, 32 seconds
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Culmination - Audio

Christ, His church, and the culmination of the Great Commission.
10/25/202038 minutes, 17 seconds
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Disciples - Audio

How does the disciple making pattern play out in the Bible?
10/18/202028 minutes, 38 seconds
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Missionaries - Audio

Three truths for us to understand in regards to pioneer missions.
10/11/202038 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Church - Audio

How can the church fulfill its role to send individuals out to all the ethnic groups to proclaim the Gospel?
10/4/202031 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Gospel - Audio

Seven different ways of how God is glorified.
9/27/202036 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Foundation - Audio

Introduction to the Story of the Kingdom (or the story of missions).
9/20/202038 minutes, 35 seconds
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Put Your Hand in the Fire for One Another - Audio

Four action steps that Paul suggests we take to put ourselves at a disadvantage for the benefit of others.
9/13/202041 minutes, 37 seconds
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It Takes Two to Tango - Audio

Four truths about the Gospel that will help us understand relationships within the body of Christ.
9/6/202035 minutes, 57 seconds
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A New Community - Audio

The introduction to the book of Philemon highlights the importance of Biblical community.
8/30/202044 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Fellowship of the Saints - Audio

The end of the book of Philippians shows us the importance of greeting fellow believers.
8/23/202039 minutes, 50 seconds
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Gospel Giving - Audio

What is your perspective on giving financially to the advancement of the Gospel?
8/16/202043 minutes, 17 seconds
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Contentment in Spite of Life - Audio

Three main points God wants us to learn and apply regarding contentment.
8/9/202041 minutes, 33 seconds
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Peace that Surpasses - Audio

How we as Christians should conduct ourselves in the midst of conflict.
8/2/202036 minutes, 57 seconds
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Preparation for Our Destination - Audio

A two-fold observation, two compelling reasons, and one final plea regarding preparing for our final destination.
7/26/202039 minutes, 9 seconds
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Strive For the Prize - Audio

The Apostle Paul exhorts us to run the race well and press on towards the goal.
7/19/202041 minutes, 8 seconds
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Where is Your Joy? - Audio

Our joy is started by our being found in Christ, sustained by our being conformed to Christ, and attained by our being glorified in Christ.
7/12/202040 minutes, 3 seconds
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Imitate Them As They Imitate Christ - Audio

Eight ways Timothy and Epaphroditus followed Christ and how their examples should influence us today.
7/5/202033 minutes, 52 seconds
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Change Your Attitude! - Audio

God can help us change our attitude, so that we can stop whining, stand firm, and stay happy.
6/28/202041 minutes, 9 seconds
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Sanctification, Who Does What and Why? - Audio

What is sanctification and how to we become sanctified?
6/21/202036 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Example and Empowerment of the God-Man - Audio

We must look to, learn from, and live through Jesus.
6/14/202035 minutes, 12 seconds
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Living Worthy of the Gospel: All the Way to the Cross - Audio

How can we visibly display Gospel unity with each other?
6/7/202041 minutes, 6 seconds
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Living Worthy of the Gospel - Audio

Four ways we can live worthy of the Gospel.
5/31/202034 minutes, 24 seconds
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Best Job, Better Retirement - Audio

Three truths about laboring for the Gospel in our everyday lives.
5/24/202036 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Unchained Gospel - Audio

The Apostle Paul was primarily concerned with the proclamation of the Gospel, not his own personal comfort.
5/17/202037 minutes, 7 seconds
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Love to the Glory of God - Audio

God's desire for us is that we progress in our love so that we will be prepared for Christ's return, which will result in the praise of God.
5/10/202038 minutes, 2 seconds
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Partnership in the Gospel - Audio

Finding JOY (Jesus, Other, Yourself) can help lift the fog we are experiencing in the midst of this pandemic.
5/3/202040 minutes, 21 seconds
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Greetings from Old Friends - Audio

Background to Paul's ministry in Philippi and introduction to the book of Philippians.
4/26/202038 minutes, 21 seconds
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Missions, the Strategic Plan - Audio

Four questions about proclaiming Christ's message to all the nations. Also, a report from the Chad survey trip.
4/19/202039 minutes, 53 seconds
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A Tale of Two Gospels - Audio

An Easter message looking at the importance of the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ.
4/12/202049 minutes, 52 seconds
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Behold Your King - Audio

Four matters concerning the King, Jesus, who entered Jerusalem on a donkey.
4/5/202033 minutes, 41 seconds
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From Empty to Full - Audio

God can grant us faith and endurance in times of uncertainty and suffering.
3/29/202040 minutes, 19 seconds
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Discerning God's Will - Audio

Four guiding lights that enable us to discern the will of God in any situation.
3/22/202042 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Aroma of the Bread - Audio

The love of God on display in the lives of Naomi and Ruth.
3/15/202040 minutes, 52 seconds
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Return to the Bread - Audio

Naomi and Ruth's return to Bethlehem show us the sovereignty and sufficiency of God.
3/8/202040 minutes, 4 seconds
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Stay With the Bread - Audio

Introduction to the book of Ruth, along with an explanation of why Naomi and her family should have remained in Bethlehem instead of moving to Moab.
3/1/202034 minutes, 59 seconds
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Entrusted with the Body - Audio

Why and How we can glorify God in our bodies.
2/23/202039 minutes, 31 seconds
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Entrusted with Time - Audio

What is time, and how can we use it as an opportunity to glorify God?
2/16/202034 minutes, 46 seconds
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Entrusted with Finances - Audio

Why and how to be a generous and joyful giver.
2/9/202033 minutes, 43 seconds
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Entrusted with Spiritual Gifts and Talents - Audio

The Bible lists a variety of Spiritual gifts, and gives guidance on how to use those gifts.
2/2/202033 minutes, 45 seconds
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2019 Spotlights / 2020 Focus - Audio

A look back at the results of our church's 2019 goals, and the revealing of new focus items for 2020.
1/26/202043 minutes, 55 seconds
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Entrusted with Relationships - Audio

Christians should be identified by their love for one another.
1/19/202040 minutes, 27 seconds
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Entrusted with Doctrine - Audio

Stewardship of doctrine is concerned with accurately knowing it, continues with tirelessly guarding it, and culminates in faithfully living it.
1/12/202044 minutes, 47 seconds
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Entrusted with the Gospel - Audio

We must preserve the true Gospel message and share it with others, both locally and around the world.
1/5/202035 minutes, 34 seconds
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Living for Christ - Audio

Reasons why we must live for Christ?
12/29/201932 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Wonder of it All - Audio

God became human to rescue us and offer the gift of salvation.
12/25/201912 minutes, 56 seconds
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Christ Came to Reign - Audio

Jesus calls us to repentance, so that He can rule over our lives with wisdom and power.
12/22/201940 minutes, 23 seconds
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Christ Came to Reveal - Audio

Jesus came to reveal Himself as a servant, and give us an example to follow.
12/15/201931 minutes, 45 seconds
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Christ Came to Redeem - Audio

Who is Jesus and why did he come to Earth?
12/8/201943 minutes
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Grace Be With You! - Audio

The benediction and final blessing to the Thessalonians.
12/1/201932 minutes, 21 seconds
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A Tradition Worth Imitating - Audio

Paul admonishes those who are lazy and encourages hard work.
11/24/201936 minutes, 52 seconds
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Gospel Response! - Audio

What should our response be to the love of God?
11/17/201937 minutes, 45 seconds
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Be Encouraged! - Audio

An in-depth look at how we can obtain the glory of Christ. Two observations and two exhortations from Paul's prayer for believers.
11/10/201933 minutes, 21 seconds
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Love, Spirit - Audio

An in-depth look at how we are beloved by the Lord and how we grow by the Spirit.
11/3/201937 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Coming Antichrist - Audio

A look at the sequence of end-times, including the rapture and Day of the Lord.
10/27/201939 minutes, 9 seconds
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Is He Worthy? - Audio

Why should we be willing to say "Here am I, send me"?
10/20/201937 minutes, 8 seconds
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Here Am I, Send Me - Audio

Why should we go around the world to suffer, when we could just go across the street?
10/13/201939 minutes, 27 seconds
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A Prayer for God's Power - Audio

God's coming relief for his people.
10/6/201934 minutes, 55 seconds
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A Defense of God's Justice - Audio

Three questions about those who will be repaid and those who will be relieved.
9/29/201938 minutes, 59 seconds
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A Thanksgiving for God's Grace - Audio

How do the difficulties in our lives contribute to our growth in faith and love?
9/22/201932 minutes, 21 seconds
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The P.S. Challenge - Audio

Three challenges to apply to our lives.
9/15/201935 minutes, 59 seconds
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A Prayer That Will Be Answered - Audio

Four elements of your sanctification.
9/8/201932 minutes, 46 seconds
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A Communion Reminder - Audio

Four words that represent truths about the Lord's Supper that we need to be reminded of.
9/1/201933 minutes, 53 seconds
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Listen for the Spirit - Audio

Two truths and one task in regards to listening to the Spirit of God.
8/25/201939 minutes, 42 seconds
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Walking in Worship - Audio

Three explicit directions about how we should be living each and every day.
8/18/201934 minutes, 53 seconds
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Can We Forgive? - Audio

Three aspects of forgiveness.
8/11/201938 minutes, 36 seconds
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Are You Ready? - Audio

Four different angles from which we can look at our readiness for Christ's return.
7/28/201938 minutes, 31 seconds
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And So We Will Always Be - Audio

A four-part explanation for why departed believers will rise with Christ at His second coming.
7/21/201937 minutes, 3 seconds
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Concerning Brotherly Love - Audio

The characteristics and outworkings of Christian love.
7/14/201931 minutes, 28 seconds
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Resist Impurity, Persist in Purity - Audio

If our goal is holiness within our lives, then we must abstain from all sexual sin.
7/7/201943 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sacrificial Love Leads to Sacrificial Prayer - Audio

How do you know if you are leading a sacrificial life or a self-centered life?
6/30/201943 minutes, 52 seconds
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Out of Sight, But Not Out of Mind - Audio

Four characteristics of the ministry of the Apostle Paul.
6/16/201935 minutes, 40 seconds
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Transformation - Audio

Several ways to have a transformed life for Christ.
6/9/201926 minutes, 37 seconds
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We Are … - Audio

Four characteristics of walking with God that enable you to speak the Gospel of God.
6/2/201925 minutes, 21 seconds
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First Things First - Audio

The primary priorities that will allow us to live good lives and proclaim the good news.
5/26/201928 minutes, 47 seconds
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We Speak! - Audio

Four characteristics of our speaking the Gospel.
5/19/201942 minutes, 14 seconds
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Gospel Repentance - Audio

Signs of people who respond correctly to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
5/12/201936 minutes, 52 seconds
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Right Side Up in an Upside Down World - Audio

Four vital truths about the people of God that we must internalize to live with the right side up.
4/28/201934 minutes, 2 seconds
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But God … (Part 2) - Audio

A look at how Christ died for helpless sinners to reconcile us to God.
4/20/201924 minutes, 37 seconds
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But God … (Part 1) - Audio

Three pieces to the puzzle of why people react differently to Jesus.
4/14/201934 minutes, 47 seconds
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God is … Holy - Audio

God's holiness is manifested in all His other attributes.
4/7/201928 minutes, 44 seconds
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God is … Gracious - Audio

Observations about the grace of God in bringing salvation to us.
3/31/201936 minutes, 26 seconds
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God is … Sovereign - Audio

Four observations about the sovereignty of God from the Old Testament story of Joseph.
3/24/201941 minutes, 33 seconds
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God is … Just - Audio

Four observations about the justice of God, and five words of practical advice for us.
3/17/201939 minutes, 7 seconds
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God is … Jealous - Audio

God's covenant with Israel and their breaking of that covenant demonstrate the jealousy of God.
3/10/201938 minutes, 5 seconds
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God is … Patient - Audio

Four passages of Scripture that give us examples about how the patience of God was demonstrated, implored, remembered, and preached.
3/3/201934 minutes, 49 seconds
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God is … Faithful and True - Audio

Three important truths that we must comprehend to relate to God as the faithful and true one.
2/24/201937 minutes, 27 seconds
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God is … Majestic and Powerful - Audio

Nine sections of Scripture that display the greatness of God.
2/17/201942 minutes, 51 seconds
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God is … Steadfast Love - Audio

Seven characteristics of God's love, and how they apply to our lives.
2/10/201939 minutes, 30 seconds
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God is … Omnipresent - Audio

God is everywhere and yet near to all. We can take comfort in God's divine knowledge and loving care of us.
2/3/201935 minutes, 11 seconds
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Vision 2020: Looking Back, Looking Forward - Audio

Highlights of 2018 and goals for 2019.
1/27/201944 minutes, 52 seconds
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No Updates Necessary (Part 3) - Audio

The Bible's textual reliability is unrivaled.
1/20/201939 minutes, 58 seconds
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No Updates Necessary (Part 2) - Audio

Three more aspects of the Bible's reliability.
1/13/201937 minutes, 32 seconds
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No Updates Necessary (Part 1) - Audio

One way that the Bible is unique and one passage that shows how to respond to it.
1/6/201938 minutes, 24 seconds
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Grace Rediscovered: Jude Doxology - Audio

The conclusion to the book of Jude reminds us that God can keep us from stumbling and present us blameless before God.
12/30/201836 minutes, 20 seconds
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Don't Be Afraid - Audio

Similar to the way God favored Mary to give birth to Jesus, He has favors each of us when we trust in Christ.
12/25/201810 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Light of the World: Walk While You Have the Light - Audio

The conclusion to the public ministry of Jesus invites us to believe in the Light of the World.
12/23/201838 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Light of the World: That We Might Live - Audio

Three kinds of seekers who may still be walking in darkness.
12/16/201830 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Light of the World: Because of Love - Audio

Seven ways in which God's giving of Christ shows His love for us.
12/9/201840 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Light of Glory - Audio

The book of John shows how the Word of God (Jesus Christ) became flesh and was the light of glory.
12/2/201832 minutes, 51 seconds
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Grace Rediscovered: A Message from the Book of Jude - Show! - Audio

Three areas of sin that can contaminate us and that we must hate.
11/25/201843 minutes, 20 seconds
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Grace Rediscovered: A Message from the Book of Jude - Save! - Audio

Three key words that reveal to us the reality of the part we play in seeing others saved.
11/18/201845 minutes, 18 seconds
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Grace Rediscovered: A Message from the Book of Jude - Help! - Audio

The example of Thomas shows us how to give help to the doubting.
11/11/201833 minutes, 17 seconds
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Grace Rediscovered: A Message from the Book of Jude - Keep! - Audio

Three responsibilities that every Christian must fulfill to keep ourselves in the love of God.
11/4/201836 minutes, 48 seconds
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Grace Rediscovered: A Message from the Book of Jude - Remember! - Audio

Two crucial truths you must remember if you want to live a life of grace.
10/28/201842 minutes, 36 seconds
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Good and Bad Examples - Audio

Real life examples of the concepts John talked about in the book of 1st John.
10/7/201830 minutes, 55 seconds
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Something Beautiful - Audio

During the commissioning service for new missionaries, Jeremy and Becky Reinhard, a look at three aspects of sending people on their way to serve God.
9/30/201821 minutes, 49 seconds
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Truth and Love - Audio

Two crucial responsibilities of anyone who is part of the body of Christ.
9/23/201835 minutes, 51 seconds
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True God. False gods. - Audio

Three scenarios to illustrate the connection between events in our lives and worshiping idols.
9/16/201836 minutes, 47 seconds
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We Know! - Audio

Three assertions that every Christian can make.
9/9/201838 minutes, 37 seconds
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That Three Letter Word - Audio

A warning concerning sin and an encouragement concerning prayer.
9/2/201828 minutes, 36 seconds
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This is the Confidence - Audio

Three aspects of Godly confidence.
8/26/201824 minutes, 28 seconds
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Who Are You Going to Believe? - Audio

A look at five different testimonies about the object of our faith, Jesus Christ.
8/19/201836 minutes, 27 seconds
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Us Against the World - Audio

We will have victory over the world, due to our faith in Christ.
8/12/201832 minutes, 22 seconds
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Growing in the Love of God - Audio

Three aspects of experiencing God's love in greater and greater measure.
8/5/201827 minutes, 22 seconds
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Everyone, Some, A Few - Audio

During the commissioning service for new missionary, Haleigh Ott, a look at how we should all be witness for Jesus Christ.
7/29/201819 minutes, 2 seconds
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In This is Love - Audio

How is the love of God seen in Christ's coming and in Christ's people?
7/22/201841 minutes, 43 seconds
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Greater is He Who is in You - Audio

Test the Spirit
7/15/201842 minutes, 50 seconds
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Christ Conquers Our Condemning Conscience - Audio

How do we conquer our conscience when our feelings condemn us?
7/8/201841 minutes, 35 seconds
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A Joyous Unsettling - Audio

Are you living up to Christ's standard of love?
7/1/201837 minutes, 14 seconds
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Live! In the Name of Love - Audio

How can we love one another?
6/24/201826 minutes, 42 seconds
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Practice? We talkin' 'bout practice?! - Audio

Are you practicing sin or righteousness?
6/17/201832 minutes, 31 seconds
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Why Abide? - Audio

Three reasons to abide in Christ.
6/10/201838 minutes, 48 seconds
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Anointed and Abiding - Audio

Three words of warning for our protection from being led astray.
6/3/201829 minutes, 10 seconds
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Today's Decision, Tomorrow's Destiny - Audio

How do we orient our lives toward God?
5/27/201833 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Truth Denied, Defined and Declared - Audio

Three responses to the truth of what we believe about Jesus.
5/20/201841 minutes, 41 seconds
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Love, and Don't Love - Audio

Three reasons why we should not love the world.
5/13/201835 minutes, 41 seconds
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Growing in Knowing - Audio

A look at the progression of spiritual maturity in our lives.
5/6/201829 minutes, 36 seconds
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From Sin to Love - Audio

Three phases for us to move through in our journey from sin to love.
4/29/201842 minutes, 20 seconds
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Hearts Above Equals Obedience Below - Audio

Understanding the past, present, and future reality of the Gospel will help us develop obedience in our lives.
4/22/201832 minutes, 44 seconds
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Walk in the Light - Audio

Are we walking in the light by following the truth of Jesus, or walking in the dark by continuing in our sin?
4/15/201839 minutes, 9 seconds
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Our Proclamation - Audio

Four aspects of the life that John talks about in the introduction to the book of 1 John.
4/8/201846 minutes, 5 seconds
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See the Graveclothes Lying There - Audio

Three questions as we look into the empty tomb this Easter Sunday.
4/1/201840 minutes, 37 seconds
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Deliverance That Comes Through Christ - Audio

The life of Mephibosheth demonstrates to us the deliverance offered by Jesus Christ.
3/31/201825 minutes, 40 seconds
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Vision 2020: A Training Church - Audio

A disciple makes other disciples by teaching people to follow Jesus.
3/25/201835 minutes, 28 seconds
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Vision 2020: A Speaking Church - Audio

Three steps in becoming a Christian who speaks for Christ.
3/18/201838 minutes, 46 seconds
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Vision 2020: A Serving Church - Audio

Four important elements of using our spiritual gifts to serve one another.
3/11/201843 minutes, 52 seconds
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Vision 2020: A Caring Church - Audio

Three examples and two parables that show the compassion of Jesus Christ.
3/4/201831 minutes, 34 seconds
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Vision 2020: A Praying Church - Audio

Four lessons about being a church that prays.
2/25/201839 minutes, 31 seconds
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Vision 2020: Going With Purpose - Audio

What does the Word of God say about our work?
2/18/201838 minutes, 37 seconds
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Vision 2020: Gathering With Purpose - Audio

Why do we worship God together in song during our Sunday morning services?
2/11/201836 minutes, 33 seconds
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Search and Rescue - Audio

Three things that Jesus does in reaching out to Zacchaeus, which can help us understand our mission as a church.
2/4/201835 minutes, 16 seconds
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From Generation to Generation - Audio

We learn about God's glorious deeds from the generation before us, and then pass the message on to the generation after us.
1/28/201841 minutes, 41 seconds
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An Old Church. A New Church. - Audio

Looking back at an ancient church can help us see what our new church plant should look like.
1/21/201836 minutes, 48 seconds
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Praise the Lord! - Audio

As a conclusion to the sermon series on the Book of Psalms, we look at the last three Psalms, which highlight the command to praise the Lord.
1/14/201843 minutes, 55 seconds
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Stop, Drop and Roll! - Audio

The promise, instruction, and encouragement that comes from following the commands in this Psalm.
1/7/201834 minutes, 11 seconds
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You Thought That I Was Just Like You! - Audio

Two problems that some people have with the way they think about the character of God.
12/31/201752 minutes, 12 seconds
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"With My Eyes" - Audio

Christmas Eve meditation about how some people could not see who Jesus was, but some people, like Simeon, could see Jesus as the Messiah.
12/25/201717 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Man Born to Save - Audio

Christmas can be found in this Psalm, along with the prayer for God to restore us.
12/24/201741 minutes, 56 seconds
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The King Born to Reign - Audio

This prayer from King David to his son, Solomon, also points to the Messiah, King Jesus.
12/17/201743 minutes, 18 seconds
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Blessed is the One Who Trusts in the Lord - Audio

A special baptismal service and thoughts on what it means to fully trust the Lord.
12/10/201716 minutes, 19 seconds
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Bless the Lord, O My Soul! - Audio

Three lessons from this Psalm, along with an eye towards the communion table.
12/3/201737 minutes, 45 seconds
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A Thanksgiving Psalm - Audio

Three statements of thanks about what God does for us.
11/26/201753 minutes, 38 seconds
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Safe and Singing - Audio

Four poetic lines that capture the essence of this Psalm written by the sons of Korah.
11/19/201746 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Righteous One and the Elderly - Audio

What factors led the author of this Psalm to be transformed from despair to praise?
11/12/201750 minutes, 4 seconds
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True Remorse - Audio

This Psalm shows us David's experience, realizes the cause for it, and provides the solution to it.
11/5/201738 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Five Solas - Audio

What are the main points the reformers were making when the Reformation started 500 years ago?
10/29/201734 minutes, 8 seconds
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Committed to the Spread of the Gospel - Audio

The background of persecution in the early church in Jerusalem, and how the Gospel continued to spread.
10/22/201737 minutes, 12 seconds
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For the Sake of His Name - Audio

Our outreach efforts should be done all for the purpose of glorifying God's great name.
10/15/201736 minutes, 33 seconds
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Praiseworthy! - Audio

A look at how David emphasizes the steadfast love and faithfulness of God in this Psalm.
10/8/201732 minutes, 22 seconds
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Cray. Stand. Wait. Hope. - Audio

A study of the four responses we can have to each of the four stanzas in this Psalm.
10/1/201739 minutes, 48 seconds
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Empty or Full? - Audio

Is your life full of blessings from the Lord, or are you pursuing emptiness?
9/24/201744 minutes, 8 seconds
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Truth for Pilgrims - Audio

Three important descriptions of our pilgrimage.
9/17/201739 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Lord Loves Zions - Audio

Three observations regarding the Psalms that speak about Mount Zion.
9/10/201741 minutes, 11 seconds
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Counted Right, Living Right - Audio

Observations about the Psalms which seem to be boasting about the author's righteousness.
9/3/201734 minutes, 49 seconds
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Gospel-Oriented Unity (Part 2): The Example and Power of Christ - Audio

By looking at the humiliation and exaltation of Christ, we can see how to glorify the Father.
8/27/201743 minutes, 25 seconds
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Gospel-Oriented Unity - Audio

How can the body of Christ live together in unity?
8/20/201745 minutes, 44 seconds
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Our Heart Care Crisis - Audio

Five important lessons to help us care for our own hearts.
8/13/201731 minutes, 24 seconds
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Holy is He! - Audio

Three aspects of God's holiness.
8/6/201733 minutes, 33 seconds
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Who is Creation's King? - Audio

God created humans to have dominion over the Earth.
7/30/201740 minutes, 38 seconds
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God's "Two Books" - Audio

How God speaks to us through His world and His word.
7/23/201744 minutes, 30 seconds
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Who's Rejoicing? - Audio

Seven characteristics of God's work, which consists of the created world and all His creatures.
7/16/201744 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Million Dollar Question - Audio

What should I do for God after all He has done for me?
7/9/201741 minutes, 28 seconds
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A Spirit of Stupor - Audio

Why are you coming to Jesus, and what is your reaction after you encounter Him?
7/2/201727 minutes, 59 seconds
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A Philosophy of Family Ministry - Audio

Five principles from the Word of God regarding ministry to children.
6/25/201729 minutes, 9 seconds
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A Call to Moral Purity - Audio

Three foundational truths concerning our bodies.
6/18/201747 minutes, 3 seconds
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Keep Moving Forward (Part 2) - Audio

One thing we can learn from Abram to be people that are moving forward.
6/11/201730 minutes, 39 seconds
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Sole Cleansing - Audio

Five instructions on how to find inner cleansing from God.
6/4/201732 minutes, 7 seconds
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Our Fortress - Audio

Three ways that Psalm 46 can be applied to our lives today.
5/28/201723 minutes, 1 second
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Fulfill the Law of Christ - Audio

Bear one another's burdens to help fulfill the law of Christ.
5/21/201736 minutes, 29 seconds
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Forgiveness - Audio

Four clarifications to gain a better understanding of forgiveness and how to apply that to our relationships.
5/14/201737 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Happiness of Forgiveness - Audio

Five reasons for the happiness of forgiveness.
5/7/201727 minutes, 22 seconds
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What Do We Do With the Imprecatory Psalms? - Audio

Ten factors which must be taken into consideration when praying the imprecatory Psalms.
4/30/201747 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Lord Reigns! - Audio

One key attribute of God, and three responses to the reign of Jesus Christ.
4/23/201739 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Path of Life - Audio

Five steps on the path of life that David talks about.
4/16/201742 minutes, 45 seconds
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Four Aspects of Christ's Suffering - Audio

A prayer and communion service focused on the suffering of Christ on the cross.
4/15/201756 minutes, 42 seconds
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Trust and Obey … and Give Thanks! - Audio

The essence of each of the seven stanzas of Psalm 40.
4/9/201745 minutes, 8 seconds
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Glory! - Audio

Four important phrases we see in Psalm 29.
4/2/201734 minutes, 52 seconds
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Learn, Pray, Praise - Audio

Three differences between the righteous and the wicked.
3/26/201744 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ultimate Satisfaction - Audio

Introduction to the book of Psalms. Satisfaction in God is sought, found, and maintained.
3/19/201746 minutes, 18 seconds
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Seek Not. Forbid Not. Test Always. - Audio

A 3-part principle for us to remember about the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues.
3/12/201741 minutes, 3 seconds
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Two Journeys and Yours - Audio

The similarities and lessons we can learn by comparing the journey of Jesus to Jerusalem and Paul to Rome.
3/5/201736 minutes, 44 seconds
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Unstoppable - Audio

Four obstacles to the progress of the Gospel that God overcomes.
2/26/201741 minutes, 30 seconds
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God's Purpose and God's People - Audio

Five character qualities of a witness for Jesus Christ.
2/19/201744 minutes, 35 seconds
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Keep Moving Forward (Part 1) - Audio

A look at the story of Terah settling in Haran, and how we can identify idols in our lives.
2/12/201730 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Birthday Sermon - Audio

Five ways to pray in order to gain a heart of wisdom.
2/5/201727 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Gospel Friends - Audio

Four characteristics of friends in the Gospel. Update on the Cedar Crest Vision 2020.
1/29/201745 minutes, 17 seconds
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Turn and Receive - Audio

The two main characteristics of true conversion.
1/22/201743 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Shedding of Innocent Blood - Audio

What is the most urgent issue facing our nation today?
1/15/201737 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tell Your Story - Audio

An important way to be a witness for Jesus Christ is to tell your own story.
1/8/201742 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Snakes and Doves - Audio

What help does God give us in our efforts to share the Gospel with others?
1/1/201733 minutes, 52 seconds
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What Will the Christ-Child Do? - Audio

What does the "God With Us" Christ child do about our sins?
12/25/201638 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

What Do We Do With the Christmas Message? - Audio

Christmas Eve meditation regarding how the shepherds reacted to the message of the birth of Jesus.
12/25/201619 minutes, 59 seconds
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What Will the Christ-Child Say? - Audio

What is the "God With Us" Christ child saying to each one of us?
12/18/201642 minutes, 37 seconds
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Alarmed! - Audio

Conviction of the Holy Spirit.
12/11/201640 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Plots, Prisons & God's Purposes - Audio

God is sovereign and overruled the plot of men in order to save the prisoner Paul.
12/4/201632 minutes, 34 seconds
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He Stands With Us - Audio

The Lord stands with His fearful, sinful, followers.
11/27/201641 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Changed! - Audio

Three changes that Jesus made in Paul, and also makes in us when we encounter Him.
11/20/201640 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Extraordinary Dedication - Audio

Three important lessons for our lives from Paul's return to Jerusalem.
11/13/201648 minutes, 19 seconds
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Worth the Wait - Audio

The way Jesus reacted to Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, helps us see how we can wait for Jesus in our own lives.
11/6/201629 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Holy Spirit and God's Leading - Audio

Five actions of the Holy Spirit in guiding the Apostle Paul, and us today.
10/30/201642 minutes, 40 seconds
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Facing A Task Unfinished - Audio

What is the task that Christ assigned to His Church? How is the Church doing in fulfilling the task? How will we know when the task is finished?
10/16/201639 minutes, 48 seconds
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Apostles, Elders, and You - Audio

Life lessons for us all from the example of the apostle and the work of the elders.
10/9/201631 minutes, 36 seconds
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More Important Than Life - Audio

Five characteristics of a faithful life.
10/2/201631 minutes, 36 seconds
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Goodbyes, Sorrow and Tears - Audio

How should a Christian react to grief?
9/25/201635 minutes, 23 seconds
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Guard Your Heart - Audio

Jesus Christ must be the one to occupy the central place, the highest place, the place of honor and control – our heart.
9/18/201637 minutes, 57 seconds
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Remember Well - Audio

Three emphases of the Apostle Paul's life.
9/11/201640 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Word of God Prevailing - Audio

Five takeaways concerning our dealing with the unseen realm.
9/4/201632 minutes, 26 seconds
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Living as Christians in Turbulent Times (Part 3: Expansion) - Audio

Four important observations and two applications from the end of Paul's 2nd journey and beginning of his 3rd journey.
8/28/201641 minutes, 48 seconds
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Unity for the Sake of the Gospel - Audio

If we are not a unified people, the Gospel will be hindered.
8/21/201639 minutes, 29 seconds
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For the Sake of the Gospel - Audio

How can we make the transition to become a speaking church?
8/14/201633 minutes, 4 seconds
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Living as Christians in Turbulent Times (Part 2: Determinations) - Audio

Two overriding determinations that the early Christians held onto in the midst of turbulent times.
8/7/201629 minutes, 9 seconds
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What is Your Life? - Audio

Thoughts from the Book of James about the reality of the brevity of life.
7/31/201638 minutes, 13 seconds
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Have You Entered the Ark? - Audio

The fact is that the accuracy and trustworthiness of the whole Bible rests on the historicity of Noah's Ark.
7/24/201645 minutes, 27 seconds
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Living as Christians in Turbulent Times (Part 1: Expectations) - Audio

Four expectations of the early Christians (and us today) in the midst of turbulent times.
7/17/201642 minutes, 53 seconds
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Captivated by the Word - Audio

A look at how the Apostle Paul was compelled by the Word of God, and four takeaways for us today.
7/10/201644 minutes, 32 seconds
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How Shall We Then Live (In a Hostile Culture)? - Audio

How can believers live faithfully as they watch their freedoms erode so quickly?
7/3/201640 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Secret Behind a Serving Church - Audio

We know what a serving church looks like, but something may be missing.
6/26/201622 minutes, 35 seconds
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Passing the Torch - Audio

Moses lays out several steps necessary for teaching God's commandments to our children.
6/19/201632 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Know God's Will - Audio

Three prerequisites to knowing God's will for our lives.
6/12/201635 minutes, 21 seconds
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Four Images of the Cross - Audio

Special Communion service focusing on how the cross of Christ relates to our activities in the temple, courtroom, marketplace, and family.
6/5/201628 minutes, 16 seconds
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Testimony of Lt. Col. (Ret.) Brian Birdwell - Audio

Remembrances from a survivor of the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon.
5/29/201653 minutes, 32 seconds
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Five Myths of Discipleship - Audio

Five ways in which we think about discipleship that are not true.
5/22/201636 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Fixed Day - Audio

The judgement of God in the context of His patience and mercy.
5/15/201644 minutes, 6 seconds
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Idolatry Exposed (Part 2) - Audio

A further exploration of idolatry and ways in which we can recognize any idolatry that may be in our hearts.
5/8/201645 minutes, 30 seconds
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Idolatry Exposed (Part 1) - Audio

Four truths about God that reveal idolatry to be what it is, ludicrous and rebellious. Also, two ways we can respond to idolatry.
5/1/201637 minutes, 5 seconds
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(J)(Z)ealous - Audio

Surprising insight about God and ourselves gleaned from Paul's initial reaction to the city of Athens.
4/17/201638 minutes, 2 seconds
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Thank You! - Audio

God blesses us, so that we can be a blessing to others.
4/10/201643 minutes, 44 seconds
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Joy in Pain? - Audio

Three factors in experiencing joy in the midst of the pain in our lives.
4/3/201642 minutes, 20 seconds
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Open Tomb - Open Hearts - Audio

The God who opened the tomb is the one who opens hearts.
3/27/201637 minutes, 5 seconds
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Jesus - What a Friend - Audio

Good Friday Service
3/26/20161 hour, 10 minutes, 16 seconds
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Determinations - Audio

Four determinations of Paul which are instructive to us.
3/20/201646 minutes, 2 seconds
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People, Problems & Progress - Audio

Four life lessons for anyone who wants to be a witness for Christ.
3/13/201644 minutes, 37 seconds
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We Are God's People - Audio

Four truths about what God does in building His people.
3/6/201640 minutes, 43 seconds
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Good Council - Audio

Two overriding lessons from the Jerusalem Council that actually apply to us.
2/28/201642 minutes, 59 seconds
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What's Necessary? - Audio

A look at the problem, process, and solution during the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15.
2/21/201642 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Two-Fold Witness of God - Audio

God witnesses through both our proclamation and His creation.
2/14/201643 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Fall and Its Effects on Us All - Audio

Five key words related to the fall of mankind into sin, and our choice of love or disobedience.
2/7/201632 minutes, 37 seconds
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Discipleship 101 - Audio

Four characteristics of a disciple of Jesus Christ; and a review of Cedar Crest BFC's Vision 2020.
1/31/201642 minutes, 12 seconds
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In the Progress of the Gospel - Audio

Four realities which we will see as we participate in the progress of the Gospel.
1/17/201643 minutes, 8 seconds
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He Whom God Raised Up - Audio

Four reasons why the resurrection of Jesus Christ is so important.
1/10/201640 minutes, 51 seconds
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Holy Expectations - Audio

Four expectations seen in the start of the first missionary journey of Paul and Barnabas that we should carry with us each day.
1/3/201637 minutes, 28 seconds
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Jesus - Truly The Best For Us - Audio

Four truths about Jesus to which we must respond.
12/27/201546 minutes, 12 seconds
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Peace on Earth - Audio

The peace associated with the birth of Christ refers to our individual "Peace with God" through faith. The universal peace for the whole earth with come after Jesus returns.
12/25/201525 minutes, 34 seconds
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Jesus - Truly Better Than Us - Audio

Five important Christmas observations from the temptations of Jesus Christ and how He reacted to them.
12/20/201543 minutes, 33 seconds
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Jesus - Truly One of Us - Audio

The reality and implications of the truth that Jesus is truly one of us.
12/13/201543 minutes, 41 seconds
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Anxiety: A Biblical Perspective - Audio

The application of the Gospel to the issue of anxiousness.
12/6/201535 minutes, 19 seconds
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Antioch and Allentown - Audio

Four observations which will help us move with Jesus as He accomplishes His will on earth.
11/29/201543 minutes, 41 seconds
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Only One King Prevails - Audio

Five ways in which God prevails over opposition to move His plan forward.
11/22/201537 minutes, 16 seconds
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Christ People - Audio

A reminder of the big picture of the flow of the book of Acts, and an examination of three characteristics of true Christians.
11/15/201541 minutes, 24 seconds
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God's Plan for Change - Audio

Because of our union with Christ, we are set free from slavery to sin to live a new life in Christ.
11/8/201546 minutes, 14 seconds
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Justification by Faith Alone: The Cry of the Reformation - Audio

Three important truths regarding the principle of justification by faith alone.
11/1/201533 minutes, 10 seconds
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"Conversion" and Conversion - Audio

Lessons from the early church that are as important to us today as in Peter's day.
10/25/201555 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Challenges of Reaching an Unreached People Group - Audio

A missionary's look at the difficulties in reaching the Pima and Tepehuan people of Mexico.
10/18/201543 minutes, 43 seconds
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Serving as Senders - Audio

Three important ways we can serve as senders in a manner worthy of God.
10/11/201540 minutes, 42 seconds
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What About My Rights - Audio

An exhortation, explanation, and encouragement towards meekness.
10/4/201533 minutes, 16 seconds
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So, You Want to Go Back to Egypt: In Whom or What Will You Trust? - Audio

Eight observations concerning the character and nature of God.
9/27/201539 minutes, 24 seconds
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A Culture of Evangelism - Audio

Being a loving community committed to sharing the gospel as part of an ongoing way of life.
9/20/201531 minutes, 24 seconds
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You. We. They. God. - Audio

Five truths about Jesus that Peter wants people to know.
9/13/201538 minutes, 57 seconds
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No Partiality - Audio

The truth and implications of the fact that God shows no partiality.
9/6/201536 minutes, 58 seconds
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Miraculous Life - Audio

How do we view the miraculous?
8/30/201549 minutes, 53 seconds
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God's Basket Case - Audio

Paul's escape from Damascus helps demonstrate one of the major themes in the Book of Acts.
8/23/201541 minutes, 51 seconds
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True Conversion - Audio

A description of the Apostle Paul before and after his conversion, along with three important observations concerning true conversion.
8/16/201554 minutes, 16 seconds
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Open Mouths, Open Hearts - Audio

Six lessons for Christians who want to talk to others about Jesus.
8/9/201544 minutes, 12 seconds
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Purpose, Spirit & Faith - Audio

Three monumental truths about how God deals with people.
8/2/201543 minutes, 10 seconds
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Not This, Not That … It's About Jesus - Audio

Three questions from the testimony and example of Stephen.
7/26/201548 minutes, 29 seconds
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Danger Averted - Destiny Advanced - Audio

Important lessons on how to overcome Satan's strategy against us.
7/20/201543 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Adequacy of God - Audio

God is adequate to see us through fearful and troubling times.
7/12/201550 minutes, 41 seconds
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Speak All the Words of His Life - Audio

Two major lessons which stem from the angel's words to the Apostles.
7/5/201542 minutes, 28 seconds
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Really?! - Audio

Was the killing of Ananias and Sapphira a just punishment?
6/28/201538 minutes, 19 seconds
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From Fathers to Children - Audio

Five areas of life about which fathers must teach their children.
6/21/201547 minutes, 13 seconds
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Hearts Turned - Audio

Three questions about the work of God in which parents' and children's relationships with each other are what they ought to be.
6/14/201539 minutes, 56 seconds
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Worship Around the Lord's Table - Audio

Meditations on the suffering of Christ.
6/7/201553 minutes, 56 seconds
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Living in the Overlap: Singleness, Marriage, and a Life Which Pleases the Lord - Audio

As we think about singleness in light of Scripture, we discover fundamental issues that are common to all of us.
5/31/201536 minutes, 44 seconds
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Glimpses of ministry during the war in south Sudan - Audio

Former Marine Wes Bentley talks about his experiences with Far Reaching Ministries in war-torn south Sudan.
5/24/201547 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Christian & The World - Audio

Steps to being transformed into the image of God.
5/17/201533 minutes, 6 seconds
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Motherhood: The Journey Between Two Prayers - Audio

Hannah's journey of motherhood teaches much to all of us concerning our various journeys.
5/10/201540 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Christian's Response to Sin - Audio

Three possible ways that we, as the children of God, can respond to sin.
5/3/201530 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Authentic Church - Audio

Five characteristics that differentiate an authentic church from a counterfeit church.
4/26/201542 minutes, 21 seconds
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Facing Difficulties Together - Audio

Three lessons as we pray together about our difficulties.
4/19/201534 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why So Bold? - Audio

Five factors which will contribute to our own boldness when speaking about Jesus Christ to others.
4/12/201549 minutes, 12 seconds
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He is Risen! - Audio

Four important points about the resurrection of Christ.
4/5/201527 minutes, 56 seconds
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Good Friday Service - Audio

Meditations on Isaiah 53
4/4/20151 hour, 10 minutes, 59 seconds
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What Believers Do - Audio

Five characteristics of the early believers.
3/29/201547 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ephesus: Where's the Love? - Audio

The words of Jesus to the church at Ephesus show commendation, rebuke, and exhortation.
3/22/201536 minutes, 52 seconds
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This Jesus - Audio

Two overwhelmingly important truths about Jesus Christ.
3/15/201545 minutes, 1 second
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In These Last Days - Audio

Three crucial components of the Spirit's work in these last days.
3/8/201542 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Empty Field - Audio

The empty field that Judas bought shows us the greatness of human evil and the persistence of divine love.
3/1/201537 minutes, 7 seconds
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Distractions, Dynamite and Direction - Audio

Three important statements from Jesus to His disciples, and how they apply to us today.
2/22/201546 minutes, 21 seconds
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What Are We Waiting For? - Audio

Three facts about Jesus that are important for anyone that wants to follow Him.
2/15/201551 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Call to a Transformed Life - Audio

Four descriptions of an active prayer life.
2/8/201535 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Holy Spirit and Prayer - Audio

Three passages of scripture that show us the vital role that the Holy Spirit has in our praying and that teach us to rely on Him.
2/1/201534 minutes, 42 seconds
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Jesus Prays - Audio

We see five requests we can make from God
1/25/201544 minutes, 36 seconds
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Jesus Teaches Us to Abide - Audio

What are several results of prayer?
1/18/201542 minutes, 2 seconds
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Jesus Teaches Us to Believe - Audio

Four ways for us to express faith in God
1/11/201542 minutes, 13 seconds
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Jesus Teaches Us to Pray - Audio

Four lessons from Jesus on how to pray.
1/4/201536 minutes, 28 seconds
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Great is the Victory - Audio

Several lessons from the exaltation of the Son of God.
12/28/201446 minutes, 28 seconds
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Great is the Humility - Audio

Seven lessons from the humiliation of the Son of God.
12/21/201442 minutes, 20 seconds
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Great is the Mystery - Audio

Six lessons from an exploration of the mystery of the incarnation.
12/14/201438 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Virgin Birth - Audio

Three primary reasons why we need to believe in the virgin birth of Christ.
12/7/201430 minutes, 14 seconds
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Thank You - Audio

Five realities of a thankful heart.
11/30/201443 minutes, 33 seconds
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LAUGH and PRAY - Audio

Two extremely important lessons about prayer.
11/23/201435 minutes, 39 seconds
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125th Anniversary Service: Special Service & 2020 Vision Presentation - Audio

Remembering the Past, Celebrating the Present, and Anticipating the Future.
11/16/20142 hours, 5 minutes, 49 seconds
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125th Anniversary Service: History Alive! - Audio

This lighthearted presentation is filled with comedy, drama, and music, all immersed with history as we reflect on our past during this interactive program.
11/16/20141 hour, 28 minutes, 4 seconds
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Three exciting ways to participate in what God is doing.
11/9/201442 minutes, 18 seconds
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One New Humanity - Audio

What are we as a people in God's eyes and what then should we do?
11/2/201433 minutes, 12 seconds
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Why Do We Fail to Fulfill God's Will? - Audio

Two observations which can be true of us as disciples and two lessons on why we sometimes don't fulfill God's will.
10/26/201433 minutes, 30 seconds
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Serving God's Purpose in Our Own Generation - Audio

Three truths regarding our vision for the world and our witness to others.
10/19/201436 minutes, 35 seconds
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Enlarge Our Vision - Audio

Three strong lessons that are essential for us to understand in order to have a global vision.
10/12/201448 minutes, 39 seconds
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I Thirst! - Audio

A detailed look at the sufferings of Jesus Christ and five implications to consider for our lives.
10/5/201431 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Lord Knows How - Audio

Six exhortations for believers who live in a society which indulges itself in sexual lusts.
9/28/201438 minutes, 3 seconds
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A Crucial Issue for Today - Audio

An investigation of six passages that deal with one of today's crucial issues.
9/21/201449 minutes, 14 seconds
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Think Clearly, Trust Fully, Live Freely - Audio

Three comparisons between Paul and the false teachers, and how those ideas illuminate essential Christian truths.
9/14/201440 minutes, 12 seconds
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In Step With the Spirit - Do Good - Audio

Three lessons from the world of farming on walking in step with the Spirit.
9/7/201436 minutes, 2 seconds
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In Step With the Spirit - Be Humble - Audio

Four characteristics of Spirit-led humility.
8/31/201443 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Flesh and the Spirit - Audio

Three lessons from the reality of the presence of both the flesh and the spirit.
8/24/201443 minutes, 9 seconds
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Walk By the Spirit - Audio

A description of four ways to walk with the Spirit of God, along with stories from Pastor Boone's recent trip to Tanzania.
8/17/20141 hour, 4 seconds
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Worship and Walk: A Layman's Guide to the Christian Life - Audio

A look at the foundations of how to live as a Christian by both worshipping God and walking in faith.
8/10/201443 minutes, 35 seconds
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Rediscovering Fellowship - Audio

The church should be defined by unity, commonality, and oneness.
8/3/201441 minutes, 22 seconds
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A Second Danger - Audio

The truth and answer to a second danger we face as Christians.
7/27/201432 minutes, 34 seconds
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A Biblical Perspective on Serving the Lord - Audio

Four important elements involved in having a spiritual harvest at the end of our lives.
7/20/201430 minutes, 27 seconds
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Belonging - Audio

When you love Jesus, you belong to His church.
7/13/201443 minutes, 59 seconds
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True Way, False Way - Audio

The simplicity of the true way to God, the seriousness of the false way, and the strife between the two.
7/6/201434 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Freedom - Audio

Three important questions about our freedom in Christ.
6/29/201444 minutes, 18 seconds
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True Sonship - True Religion - Audio

Five characteristics of true religion.
6/22/201445 minutes, 14 seconds
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Happy Fathers - Audio

Three pertinent questions about what is expected of fathers.
6/15/201444 minutes, 21 seconds
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From Slavery to Sonship - Audio

Two monumental acts of God which change us from slaves to sons.
6/8/201441 minutes, 19 seconds
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What Good Are the Ten Commandments? - Audio

A three step explanation of what place the law has in our salvation.
6/1/201438 minutes, 56 seconds
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Facing Fears from God's Point of View - Audio

How to respond when fear confronts us.
5/25/201450 minutes, 35 seconds
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Single with Purpose, Single with Joy - Audio

Four truths concerning our marital status
5/18/201441 minutes, 59 seconds
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God's Priorities for Parents - Audio

Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church
5/11/20141 second
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Use Your Words - Audio

The extravagant grace of God leads us to speak for Him.
5/4/201418 minutes, 51 seconds
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Back to the Basics - Audio

Three obstacles to Christians going to fulfill the Great Commission.
4/27/201427 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Characteristics of the Resurrection - Audio

Seven characteristics of our resurrection body.
4/20/201444 minutes, 37 seconds
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Jesus in the Passover - Audio

A look at the Jewish celebration of Passover and how it points to Jesus.
4/18/20141 hour, 9 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Consequences of the Resurrection - Audio

Four consequences of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
4/13/201445 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Centrality of the Resurrection - Audio

What would it mean if Christ did not actually rise from the dead?
4/6/201430 minutes, 7 seconds
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No Fools Here! - Audio

Ways in which the Old Testament teaches and our experience proves that we are counted as righteous before God through faith in Christ and not our own efforts.
3/30/201444 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Life I Now Live - Audio

Five facets of a real Christian Life.
3/23/201444 minutes, 7 seconds
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Christ Promotes Sin? Hasha! - Audio

Three reasons why we know that being justified by faith rather than by works does not promote sin.
3/16/201435 minutes, 9 seconds
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Know and Believe - Audio

Three realizations about justification and three aspects of faith.
3/9/201444 minutes, 37 seconds
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By This We Know - Audio

Five indicators that you may know that you have eternal life.
3/2/201434 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Ultimate Epitaph - Audio

Some basic truths from the life of Enoch about what it means to walk with God.
2/23/201441 minutes, 1 second
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The Gospel, People, and Our Own Hearts - Audio

Three lessons from Paul's confrontation of Peter.
2/16/201447 minutes, 55 seconds
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Contending for the Gospel - Audio

One lesson and two priorities we can learn from Paul's contending for the Gospel.
2/9/201446 minutes, 22 seconds
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Your Calling - Audio

Three lessons from Paul's discussion of his calling that apply to us today.
2/2/201434 minutes, 49 seconds
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Where Did the Gospel Come From? - Audio

Five implications of the fact that the Gospel message came directly from God.
1/26/201443 minutes, 49 seconds
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Pleasing People, Pleasing God - Audio

Three reasons why the pure Gospel can create tension between people.
1/19/201445 minutes, 1 second
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Gospel Clarity - Audio

Three responsibilities that spring up from the importance of the Gospel.
1/12/201438 minutes, 3 seconds
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Grace to You - Audio

A look at six aspects of the grace of God as we prepare for communion and the new year.
1/5/201436 minutes, 52 seconds
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Looking Back - Looking Forward - Audio

Four characteristics of a church which we see in the book of Philippians and we dream that our church will be like by 2020.
12/29/201339 minutes, 1 second
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The Wonder & Purpose of Christmas - Audio

Looking at John the Baptist and the Old Testament prophecies about the coming of Jesus.
12/22/201337 minutes, 54 seconds
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Two Final Questions - Audio

Two strong questions from Hezekiah's life that ask us about consecrating our lives and passing each test we face.
12/15/201338 minutes, 40 seconds
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Firm in Faith - Audio

Seven characteristics, or steps, of one who abandons God and walks away from Him.
12/8/201336 minutes, 45 seconds
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Unremoved - Audio

Looking at the life of Jotham points to three realizations that help us eliminate items that need to be removed from our lives.
12/1/201339 minutes, 1 second
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Living That Day Today - Audio

Several helpful observations from the rise and fall of Uzziah, and the main thrusts of Isaiah's prophecy to Israel at the time.
11/24/201334 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Reaching Outsiders - Audio

Three main ideas for reaching those who are outside of Christ.
11/17/201337 minutes, 30 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Generous Partners in the Gospel - Audio

Six observations about generous giving and partnership in the Gospel.
11/10/201338 minutes, 10 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! The Life Changing Secret - Audio

Three essential elements for Christian joy.
11/3/201331 minutes, 43 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Thinking and Doing - Audio

Two essential components of experiencing the peace of God.
10/27/201340 minutes, 6 seconds
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Let the Children Come to Me! - Audio

We need to follow the example of Jesus and take children into our arms to help them.
10/13/201336 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Biblical Basis for Faith Commitment Giving - Audio

Four characteristics of giving to God through a faith commitment.
10/6/201326 minutes, 23 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Worry or Peace? - Audio

Four observations about anxiety and peace, along with a practical exercise to overcome worry.
9/29/201328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Reflecting Him, Relying on Him - Audio

Two rules, which if followed, will help us stand firm in the Lord.
9/22/201337 minutes, 17 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Live Praising - Audio

Five places to look in order to increase praise in our lives.
9/15/201333 minutes, 39 seconds
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What in the World is Going On? (Part 2) - Audio

An analysis of the prince that is to come and how Israel will be restored.
9/8/201346 minutes, 2 seconds
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Who Will Speak? - Audio

Taking the Great Commission seriously by reaching both the nations and our neighborhoods for Christ.
9/1/201321 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why Do I Preach Verse by Verse through Books of the Bible? - Audio

Six reasons for preaching verse by verse through the Bible.
8/25/201335 minutes, 4 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! The Power of Reconciliation - Audio

A look at how this portion of Scripture emphasizes the importance of unity and how to pursue reconciliation when it is needed.
8/18/201334 minutes, 23 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! No Turning Back - Audio

Four lessons on how to persevere and stand firm.
8/11/201340 minutes, 6 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! What Are You Waiting For? - Audio

Two objects of our longing for our citizenship in Heaven.
8/4/201341 minutes, 15 seconds
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Marriage According to the Maker's Manual - Audio

Three important truths concerning marriage, including the origin, design, and purpose.
7/28/201342 minutes, 29 seconds
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What in the World is Going On? - Audio

An analysis of Nebuchadnezzar's dream and what it means for the kingdoms of this world and God's eternal kingdom.
7/21/201350 minutes, 45 seconds
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No little gods - Audio

We identify several characteristics of enemies of the cross and friends of the cross.
7/14/201340 minutes, 59 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Live Running, Die Running - Audio

Five facets of our pursuit of Christ-likeness.
7/7/201334 minutes, 50 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Striving for the Gospel - Audio

Three characteristics of God-honoring efforts to promote the Gospel from Philippians 1:27.
6/30/201320 minutes, 55 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Loss And Gain - Audio

An examination of the details of both our loss and our gain when we become followers of Jesus Christ.
6/23/201350 minutes, 4 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! The Real Thing - Audio

Three distinguishing marks of one who has Christ as his/her life.
6/16/201337 minutes, 45 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Joy Expressed - Audio

Exploration of the challenge and encouragement of the command to rejoice in the Lord always.
6/9/201332 minutes, 50 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Two Who Really Lived - Audio

Four characteristics of really living from the examples of Timothy and Epaphroditus
6/2/201334 minutes, 38 seconds
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Reflections on the Significance of Memorial Day - Audio

A look at the sacrifices of those in the military and our remembrance of those who gave their all.
5/26/201338 minutes, 33 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Advice on Life - Audio

Seven pieces of advice to remember in life.
5/19/201341 minutes, 7 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Three Motivations - Audio

Three motivations to work out your own salvation.
5/12/201339 minutes, 18 seconds
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Are You a True Worshiper? - Audio

God is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth.
5/5/201328 minutes, 59 seconds
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Church Planting in the Lehigh Valley - Audio

A look at why we should plant churches in the Lehigh Valley.
4/28/201345 minutes, 14 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Living for Others - Audio

Three exhortations to us about living our lives for others.
4/21/201333 minutes, 28 seconds
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Stress Relief - Audio

God is our hope for enduring hardship.
4/14/201338 minutes, 49 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! His Mind - Our Mind - Audio

Three astounding characteristics of the attitude of Jesus Christ.
4/7/201342 minutes, 53 seconds
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Jesus Christ is Lord! - Audio

Easter morning questions about what God as done and what you will do?
3/31/201341 minutes, 5 seconds
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Jesus' Sovereign Control in His Passion - Audio

Good Friday sermon examining why Jesus died and His ultimate control over it.
3/29/201334 minutes, 25 seconds
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Jesus Messiah - Audio

Two great proofs that Jesus is the anointed one, the Messiah, and the Son of God.
3/24/201345 minutes, 25 seconds
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Sojourners and Exiles - Audio

Living in a world where you feel out of place.
3/17/201344 minutes, 54 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! A Life Worthy of the Gospel - Audio

Five components for us to live as citizens of Heaven.
3/10/201342 minutes, 43 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Holy Happy Braggarts - Audio

Three characteristics of our life in Christ that form the essence of Paul's message in Philippians.
3/3/201339 minutes, 30 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Life and Gain - Audio

An examination of the two pieces of Paul's amazing declaration that "to live is Christ, and to die is gain".
2/24/201346 minutes, 15 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Our Overwhelming Ambition - Audio

Three announcements that come from Paul's ambition to honor Christ.
2/10/201335 minutes, 16 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Gospel Centrality - Audio

Three results of keeping the Gospel central in our lives.
2/3/201335 minutes, 53 seconds
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Our Deadly Blind Spot - Audio

Six teachings of Scripture that lead us to care for our bodies.
1/27/201341 minutes, 6 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Ever-Increasing Abundant Life - Audio

Four components in the dynamic of an ever-increasing abundant life.
1/20/201344 minutes, 14 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! The Certainty of Life in Christ - Audio

Three sources of confidence concerning the reality of our life in Christ.
1/13/201342 minutes, 50 seconds
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Christ is Our Life! Introduction to the Book of Philippians. - Audio

Four facets of the Gospel from the book of Philippians and the implications to our lives.
1/6/201337 minutes, 5 seconds
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Looking Back, Looking Forward - Audio

Five vital lessons that we are to learn from God in His answer to Job.
12/30/201248 minutes, 9 seconds
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When the Firstborn Enters the World (Part 2) - Audio

Two amazingly profound truths about the Firstborn.
12/23/201243 minutes, 42 seconds
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When the Firstborn Enters the World (Part 1) - Audio

Five ways in which Jesus Christ is superior to the angels.
12/16/201240 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Greeting from Africa - Audio

A recent trip to visit churches in Africa prompted thoughts about how we can stand fast and persevere in our Christian walk.
12/9/201245 minutes, 17 seconds
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Christmas and the Cross - Audio

Because Jesus fulfilled the will of the Father, we can experience the glorious blessings of the cross.
12/2/201228 minutes, 51 seconds
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Reasons for Giving Thanks - Audio

Everyone should give thanks in all circumstances at all times.
11/25/201226 minutes, 10 seconds
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Are You Using Your S.H.A.P.E.? - Audio

Three reasons why we need to use our spiritual gifts.
11/18/201225 minutes, 58 seconds
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IN BUT NOT OF (Part 2) - Audio

Three reasons why we should live as participants of another world.
11/11/201242 minutes, 16 seconds
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IN BUT NOT OF (Part 1) - Audio

Five reasons why we should live as participants in this world.
11/4/201239 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Nuts and Bolts of Building the Church - Audio

Specific principles of church planting and how to build the church.
10/28/201234 minutes, 42 seconds
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I Will Build My Church - Audio

A look at who Jesus is and what Jesus does in the mission to build His church.
10/21/201244 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Power of Jesus - Audio

Four expressions of the power and authority of Jesus.
10/14/201232 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Purpose of Jesus - Audio

Two questions about the purpose of Jesus Christ and six challenges that come to us from His five-fold purpose.
10/7/201234 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Purity of Jesus - Audio

Five lessons about Jesus from the passage about His temptation by Satan.
9/30/201238 minutes, 13 seconds
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An Election-Year Sermon - Audio

Six ways that you should live in a country where the leaders change regularly.
9/23/201249 minutes, 23 seconds
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Faith & Submission - Audio

We must trust God and humble ourselves before Him in obedience in order to experience His grace.
9/16/201246 minutes, 50 seconds
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Service - Audio

Six pieces of the picture for serving each other and using our spiritual gifts.
9/9/201241 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ordinances - Audio

A look at how baptism and the Lord's Supper are used as a Means of Grace.
9/2/201237 minutes, 58 seconds
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Prayer - Audio

Five lessons concerning strengthening grace and how it can be attained through prayer.
8/26/201240 minutes, 46 seconds
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Fellowship - Audio

Five realities about fellowship that can be learned from Paul's letter to Philemon about his former slave Onesimus.
8/19/201247 minutes, 50 seconds
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Introduction and the Word of God - Audio

What do we mean by "means of grace" and how is the Word of God central to our experience of them
8/12/201242 minutes, 39 seconds
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God is Enough! A Theological Conclusion to the Book of Job - Audio

Three Biblical truths that help explain the origin of evil and suffering in this world.
8/5/201242 minutes, 27 seconds
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Pursuing Wisdom - Audio

Four thoughts about how to have an active pursuit of wisdom.
7/22/201242 minutes, 28 seconds
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God is Enough! But, What About Justice? - Audio

A promise that the Redeemer is coming back and accounts will be settled at that time.
7/15/201243 minutes, 56 seconds
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God is Enough! A Lesson, A Forgiveness, A Display - Audio

Three observations from the end of Job that give help for our walk with the Lord.
7/8/201244 minutes, 38 seconds
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God is Enough! Leviathan's Defeat - Audio

How do I abide in Christ and how does that relate to the defeat of Leviathan (Satan)?
7/1/201237 minutes, 39 seconds
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God is Enough! Things Too Wonderful for Me to Know - Audio

God's response to Job about the behemoth and leviathan show that God is in control of the supernatural and moral realm, but man is not.
6/24/201245 minutes, 39 seconds
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God is Enough! Will You Answer God's Questions? - Audio

Three vital lessons we can learn from God as He questions us.
6/17/201241 minutes, 15 seconds
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God is Enough! Finding Purpose in Pain - Audio

Four purposes God has in mind for speaking to us in our pain.
6/10/201240 minutes, 6 seconds
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A Healthy Body - Audio

We need each other and God has designed us to minister to one another.
6/3/201232 minutes, 30 seconds
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Testimony of Clebe McClary - Audio

A reflection on Clebe McClary's time in the Marine Corp, his injuries, and his journey to turn towards God.
5/27/201242 minutes, 50 seconds
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God is Enough! What Does a Righteous Person Look Like? - Audio

Nine evils that Job shunned during his lifetime.
5/20/201240 minutes, 55 seconds
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God is Enough! When God Doesn't Answer Prayer - Audio

What we can learn from Job, Paul, and Jesus regarding unanswered prayer.
5/13/201241 minutes, 24 seconds
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God is Enough! Elusive Wisdom Found - Audio

Five lessons about wisdom.
5/6/201235 minutes, 51 seconds
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Consider the Heavens - Audio

Three fundamental truths concerning the heavens.
4/29/201234 minutes, 21 seconds
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God is Enough! How to Help a Sufferer - Audio

Six words of advice for how to help someone who is suffereing.
4/22/201241 minutes, 55 seconds
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Suffering and Soul Winning - Audio

Understanding how God uses suffering for the advancement of the Gospel.
4/15/201236 minutes, 1 second
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God is Enough! With My Eyes I Will See Him - Audio

The Book of Job foreshadows the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
4/8/201228 minutes, 23 seconds
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A Reflection on the Death of Jesus Christ - Audio

God has a plan for this world, gave His son to this world, and wants us to live through Him.
4/6/201236 minutes, 7 seconds
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God is Enough! When Death Comes Near. - Audio

Two important realities from the second round of discussions between Job and his friends.
4/1/201248 minutes, 8 seconds
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God is Enough! Hidden from Our Eyes. - Audio

Four lessons from the first round of discussions between Job and his friends.
3/25/201246 minutes, 24 seconds
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God is Enough! Evil Under God. - Audio

A look at God and Satan.
3/18/201248 minutes, 46 seconds
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God is Enough! Introduction to the Book of Job. - Audio

A look at Job and his suffering.
3/11/201249 minutes, 8 seconds
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Numbered with the Transgressors - Audio

Four lessons for us as we think about Jesus being numbered with us as a transgressor.
3/4/201240 minutes, 16 seconds
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Being A Disciple - Audio

After calculating the costs, you must surrender everything to Christ in order to be His disciple.
2/26/201239 minutes, 8 seconds
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God's Course of Study - Audio

God's course of study for believers has a clear objective and a personalized curriculum.
2/19/201237 minutes, 46 seconds
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All-of-Life Discipleship (Part 6) - Relationships: The Unseen Realm - Special Teaching: Christ's 2nd Coming - Audio

The unseen realm is real, powerful, and pervasive. The truth of Christ's second coming affects every aspect of discipleship.
2/12/201253 minutes, 7 seconds
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All-of-Life Discipleship (Part 5) - Relationships: The World - Audio

Discipleship involves our relationships with the world, including the First Commission, the Great Commission, money, and suffering.
2/5/201242 minutes, 6 seconds
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All-of-Life Discipleship (Part 4) - Relationships: Fellow Believers & Home - Audio

True disciples of Jesus Christ are concerned with their relationships with fellow believers and at home.
1/29/201248 minutes, 27 seconds
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All-of-Life Discipleship (Part 3) - Gospel Freedom - Audio

Understanding Gospel freedom involves looking at our identification with Christ, the filling of the Spirit, the means of grace, and self-discipline.
1/22/201244 minutes
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All-of-Life Discipleship (Part 2) - Gospel Forgiveness - Audio

Understanding Gospel forgiveness involves looking at the sin problem, God's response to it, and our response to it.
1/15/201251 minutes, 49 seconds
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All-of-Life Discipleship (Part 1) - "... prove to be My disciiples" - Audio

What did Jesus say about being His disciple and making disciples?
1/8/201241 minutes, 37 seconds
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Three Reminders for the New Year - Audio

Three important reminders about right and wrong as we head into the new year.
1/1/201234 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Christ of Christmas: Successful Priest - Audio

Three triumphs of Jesus Christ and two tasks for us to complete.
12/25/201140 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Christ of Christmas: Judge and Refuge - Audio

The Psalm of David shows us the tumult on Earth and certainty of Heaven, which points to the Son who came at Christmas.
12/18/201142 minutes, 55 seconds
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No Better Prayer Than This - Audio

A look at Paul's final prayer, which is God-inspired, heart-felt, and meaningful.
12/11/201133 minutes, 58 seconds
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Dangers and Deliverance - Audio

Three observations about life and our response to them.
12/4/201142 minutes
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Friends, Coats, and Books - Audio

Three life lessons regarding our hearts, our bodies, and our minds.
11/20/201138 minutes, 32 seconds
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Will You Get The Crown? - Audio

Four brief statements that capture what Paul says to Timothy near the end of his life.
11/13/201139 minutes, 49 seconds
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What About You? - Audio

Four commands that Paul gave to Timothy help give us direction for our attitudes and actions.
11/7/201136 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Word of God - Profitable and Preached - Audio

Four ways in which the Word of God impacts us and two reasons why the Word of God must be preached.
10/16/201145 minutes, 44 seconds
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The God-breathed Book (Part 2) - Audio

We believe the Bible is the Word of God, because the extraordinary uniqueness and unparalleled reliability of the Bible demands our confidence.
10/9/201154 minutes, 55 seconds
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The God-breathed Book (Part 1) - Audio

We believe the Bible is the Word of God, because of faith and the Bible's teaching about itself.
10/2/201134 minutes, 43 seconds
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Learning Salvation - Audio

The twofold source of our salvation and the three-step process by which we learn salvation.
9/25/201149 minutes, 36 seconds
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Realize This - Audio

Five important realities that we are to understand and accept.
9/18/201144 minutes, 18 seconds
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Never Forget ... Hope - Audio

Remembering September 11, 2001 and realizing that Jesus Christ is our rescuer, helper, and hope for the future.
9/11/201130 minutes, 11 seconds
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Fog Lights - Audio

A look at spiritual fog, how to get out of the fog, and what God uses to help us get out of the fog.
9/4/201127 minutes, 45 seconds
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How to Know God's Will - Audio

Three prerequisites to know God's will in our lives, so that we can be used for God's glory.
8/28/201143 minutes, 33 seconds
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Vessels of Honor - Audio

An honorable vessel of Christ will separate himself and cleanse his heart.
8/21/201151 minutes, 37 seconds
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Our Response to the Serious - Audio

Three ways we need to respond to the serious reality of truth and error.
8/14/201145 minutes, 47 seconds
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Endure, For He is Faithful! - Audio

Four reasons why we endure difficulty for the sake of the Gospel.
8/7/201138 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Unrestrainable Word - Audio

Six chains that threaten to hold back the Word of God, which will always prevail.
7/31/201142 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Pattern of a Godly Man - Audio

The Apostle Paul gives us examples of how the Christian life can be compared to a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer.
7/24/201143 minutes, 42 seconds
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Links in the Living Chain - Audio

We are to preserve and promote the integrity and accuracy of the message of the Gospel as we pass it down to future generations.
7/17/201141 minutes, 40 seconds
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Strengthened By Grace - Audio

God is adequate to meet our needs, and He provides the strength and grace that can only come from Christ Jesus.
7/10/201145 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Person That Refreshes - Audio

The Apostle Paul shows us the need for refreshment and the qualities of a person who refreshes.
7/3/201141 minutes
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Make Sure! - Audio

Six exhortations that, when followed, lead us toward faithfully keeping the Gospel.
6/26/201138 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Gospel, Shame and Suffering - Audio

Two difficult realities every Christian will face and the reasons why we can face and conquor these realities.
6/19/201145 minutes, 28 seconds
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Our Calling - Audio

Three observations about our calling as Christians
6/12/201149 minutes, 7 seconds
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No Fear - Audio

Three conditions that fear renders in our lives and three ways in which the Holy Spirit can change us.
6/5/201134 minutes, 52 seconds
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Testimony of Robert F. Kauffman - Audio

Wartime remembrances of Robert F. Kauffman, who served in the Army during World War II.
5/29/201141 minutes, 12 seconds
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Fan Into Flame - Audio

Three steps to kindle afresh the gift of God in us as we serve others.
5/22/201125 minutes, 34 seconds
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I Thank God - Audio

Paul's final letter to Timothy gives us four contributors to a grateful heart.
5/15/201136 minutes, 27 seconds
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God's Purposes Will Not Be Thwarted - Audio

When God reveals Himself, Job has two realizations about God and three responses to God.
5/8/201120 minutes, 27 seconds
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Jesus Christ - The Suffering Servant - Audio

A special Communion service looking at Jesus Christ's great exaltation, lowly humiliation, substitutionary atonement, complete submission, and ultimate accomplishment.
5/1/201125 minutes, 49 seconds
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By This One Came the Resurrection of the Dead - Audio

Christ's resurrection from the dead means that we can experience resurrection as well.
4/24/201132 minutes, 56 seconds
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Seven Last Words of Christ - Audio

Seven meditations on the last words spoken by Jesus Christ on the cross.
4/22/201143 minutes, 20 seconds
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Out of Darkness, Into Light (Part 6) - Audio

A challenge for you to decide to trust in Jesus Christ ... today.
4/17/201137 minutes, 21 seconds
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Out of Darkness, Into Light (Part 5) - Audio

A look at the incomparable Christ as God asks the question: Who is like Me?
4/10/201134 minutes, 40 seconds
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Out of Darkness, Into Light (Part 4) - Audio

Why is Jesus Christ the answer to our problem of sin?
4/3/201138 minutes, 7 seconds
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Out of Darkness, Into Light (Part 3) - Audio

Three subjects over which God, the Spirit, convicts us.
3/27/201148 minutes, 1 second
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Out of Darkness, Into Light (Part 2) - Audio

You must first realize that you are sick (a sinner) before you are interested in seeing a physician (Jesus).
3/20/201137 minutes, 50 seconds
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Out of Darkness, Into Light (Part 1) - Audio

A look at what keeps us in the darkness, what is the light, and how God calls us?
3/13/201144 minutes, 17 seconds
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Let Love Win Through YOU - Audio

Love needs to be the motiviator for all we do, as any issue you are struggling with is really a love problem.
3/6/201130 minutes, 48 seconds
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What Do You Do With the Deposit? - Audio

The final verses in I Timothy show us four ways that we are to treat the Gospel.
2/27/201138 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Ordinances of the Church - Audio

An overview of the instructions given by Jesus Christ to the church regarding water baptism and the Lord's Supper.
2/20/201146 minutes, 27 seconds
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Get a Grip on Life! - Audio

Five instructions for our lives related to money and possessions.
2/13/201143 minutes, 19 seconds
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Our God - Audio

The Apostle Paul's words of worship near the end of I Timothy highlight many aspects of our great God.
2/6/201131 minutes, 12 seconds
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Keep the Commandment! - Audio

Five important realities as we seek to be faithful to the will of God in our lives.
1/30/201143 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Real Thing - Audio

Three commands that illustrate three aspects of real Christianity.
1/23/201143 minutes, 41 seconds
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A Deadly Desire - Audio

The results of harboring within ourselves the desire to get rich.
1/16/201132 minutes, 16 seconds
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Biblical Contentment - Audio

Six important questions concerning Biblical contentment.
1/9/201146 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Context of Contentment - Audio

Four facets of the Apostle Paul's teaching about money, godliness, and contentment.
1/2/201135 minutes, 32 seconds
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A New Beginning in an Old Story - Audio

Lessons from this episode in the life of Jesus that can help us in 2011.
12/26/201046 minutes, 50 seconds
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Faith's Journey - Audio

A look at Mary's struggle of faith in her calling as the mother of Jesus.
12/24/201035 minutes, 33 seconds
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Christmas: God's Grace Revealed - Audio

Lessons regarding the grace of God found from looking at the realationship of Hosea and Gomer.
12/19/201045 minutes, 39 seconds
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Christmas: God's Kingdom Renewed - Audio

An overview of Old Testament prophecies about the birth of Jesus, and seven questions about how the coming of God's kingdom effects us.
12/12/201050 minutes, 28 seconds
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Christmas: God's Presence Restored - Audio

Four lessons about the two names of Christ given in Matthew: Immanuel and Jesus.
12/5/201036 minutes, 58 seconds
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Worthy of Honor - Audio

An analysis of how Paul dealt with the issue of slavery, along with our responsibilities and motivations from this passage.
11/28/201051 minutes, 51 seconds
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Nothing Concealed - Audio

A look at what sin means to God and what it was like for Jesus to be forsaken by God because of our sin.
11/21/201043 minutes, 14 seconds
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A "Fellowship" You Do Not Want - Audio

Six realizations about sin and what it means to us.
11/14/201043 minutes, 40 seconds
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A Solemn Presence - Audio

Reminders about the character, awesomeness, presence, and judgment of God, as well as the example of Christ and the importance of the church.
11/7/201036 minutes, 51 seconds
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Our Church Elders - Audio

Three instructions for the church family concerning Elders.
10/31/201041 minutes, 10 seconds
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Let the Nations Be Glad - Audio

God blesses us, so that we can bless others, in order that the nations may rejoice.
10/24/201028 minutes, 39 seconds
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Family Love - Audio

A look at how we should treat widows, and the responsibility of the church, their families, and the widows themselves.
10/10/201042 minutes, 7 seconds
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Family Truth and Purity - Audio

Three implications for how we treat our fellow Christians.
10/3/201034 minutes, 39 seconds
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Persevere! - Audio

Two questions about the importance of teaching from the Bible, and what it means to continue on and finish in the faith.
9/26/201040 minutes, 34 seconds
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Painful Progress - Audio

Three questions to ask in regards to the progress you are making in your faith.
9/19/201034 minutes, 14 seconds
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A Good Servant of Jesus Christ - Audio

We need to nourish ourselves on the truth of God and discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness.
9/12/201042 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Lord's Supper - A Threefold Reminder - Audio

The Lord's Supper gives us a chance to evaluate sin in our lives by looking backward, inward, and forward.
9/5/201029 minutes, 36 seconds
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A Good Servant of Jesus Christ - Audio

In order to avoid falling away from the faith, we need proper spiritual nourishment and a discipline towards godliness.
8/29/201041 minutes, 11 seconds
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An Analysis of Apostasy - Audio

The certainty, cause, creed, and correction of apostasy (a falling away from the faith).
8/22/201043 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Mystery of Godliness - Audio

The six-fold glory of Jesus Christ, who is the essence of our devotion.
8/15/201036 minutes, 46 seconds
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Deacons: Serving Well - Audio

Three aspects of the servants of the church.
8/8/201039 minutes, 34 seconds
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Deacons: God's Ministers of Mercy - Audio

The role, responsibilities, requirements, and reward for deacons, who are ministers of mercy within the church of God
7/25/201043 minutes, 14 seconds
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Church Elders: Three Dangers, Three Strengths - Audio

Three dangers we face if we do not follow the Biblical qualifications for Elders, and three strengths we have if we follow the Biblical qualifications for Elders.
7/18/201042 minutes, 50 seconds
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Church Elders: Filled with the Right Things - Audio

Paul outlines three prohibitions for Elders, including not to get drunk, not to be violent, and not to be covetous.
7/11/201042 minutes, 38 seconds
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Church Elders: Above Reproach - Audio

Paul outlines 7 qualifications of elders, or overseers.
7/4/201034 minutes, 59 seconds
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Men and Women in the Church - Audio

The Bible's teaching that women cannot have authority over men in the church highlights the fact that people have different roles, yet all are equal before God.
6/27/201041 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Woman in the Home - Audio

A woman has a crucial role in the home that is designed by God and fitted to her nature.
6/20/201040 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Man in the Home - Audio

Three ways for men to fulfill their role as head of the home.
6/13/201039 minutes, 53 seconds
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Our Natures, Our Roles, Our Good, God's Glory - Audio

A study of the Biblical aspects of the nature and roles of being men and women, and a look at how following these guidelines will lead to our good and God's glory.
6/6/201041 minutes, 36 seconds
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Testimony of Frank Ginther - Audio

Frank Ginther, a former POW on the U.S.S. Pueblo, reflects on his experiences as a prisoner of war and the true meaning of Memorial Day.
5/30/201039 minutes, 14 seconds
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Wisdom About Words - Audio

Our words reveal what is already in our hearts, whether it is earthly widsom or wisdom from above.
5/23/201027 minutes, 16 seconds
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Sin's Distortions - Audio

Four observations about the roles of men and women in light of the fact that sin is now a reality.
5/16/201046 minutes, 57 seconds
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Creation Foundations - Audio

Observations about God's original plan for the roles of men and women.
5/9/201045 minutes, 59 seconds
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Living With an Eternal Perspective - Audio

A look at Paul's secret for not giving in to discouragement during challenging times.
5/2/201037 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Exclusivity of Christ - Audio

Three reasons why the Bible says that salvation is only through Jesus Christ.
4/25/201042 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Testimony Given - The Testimony Told - Audio

Four principles for bearing testimony about Christ.
4/18/201028 minutes, 56 seconds
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God's Desire - Audio

How can God desire that all be saved and yet only choose some?
4/11/201048 minutes, 32 seconds
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No Decay! - Audio

Three facets of Easter found in Psalm 16, and three implications of God raising Jesus from the dead.
4/4/201044 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Significance of the Cross - Audio

The Apostle Paul shows us how God's love was demonstrated, our sinful condition was helpless, and Christ's sacrifice was sufficient.
4/2/201033 minutes, 41 seconds
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Behold Your King! - Audio

The entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday shows us four aspects of the coming of the King.
3/28/201038 minutes, 35 seconds
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A Praying Church (Part 4) - Audio

Three lessons for a praying church.
3/21/201039 minutes, 56 seconds
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A Praying Church (Part 3) - Audio

Six characteristics of a praying church.
3/14/201041 minutes, 23 seconds
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A Praying Church (Part 2) - Audio

Nine steps to a meaningful church-wide prayer meeting.
3/7/201036 minutes, 6 seconds
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A Praying Church (Part 1) - Audio

Six lessons about church-wide prayer.
2/28/201040 minutes, 11 seconds
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Fight the Good Fight - Audio

Every believer must get into the spritual conflict, trusting God and keeping their conscience clear.
2/21/201042 minutes, 59 seconds
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Now to the King! - Audio

The Apostle Paul describes five attributes of God.
2/14/201035 minutes, 41 seconds
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A Trustworthy Statement - Audio

The Apostle Paul makes a trustworthy statement, gives an example, and delivers a message about Christ Jesus coming into the world to save sinners.
2/7/201045 minutes, 29 seconds
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Overflowing Grace - Audio

Four ways the God of Grace works in our lives.
1/31/201036 minutes, 18 seconds
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Law and Gospel - Audio

Paul teaches us to use the Law properly and view the Gospel rightly.
1/24/201045 minutes, 30 seconds
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Our Goal - Audio

The Apostle Paul shows us five facets of love, which is the goal of our instruction.
1/17/201039 minutes, 30 seconds
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Undistracted Focus on the Truth - Audio

Four characteristics of the message the Apostles received from Jesus Christ and delivered to us.
1/10/201041 minutes, 40 seconds
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Jesus Christ - The One to Whom We Respond - Audio

The greeting in I Timothy shows us four characteristics of Jesus Christ.
1/3/201031 minutes, 31 seconds