Bold Steps Weekend with Dr. Mark Jobe takes you on the path of authenticity in Christ. With candid, topical teaching from God’s Word, Dr. Jobe offers simple gospel message with the power to transform your audience. Drawing on decades as a Chicago-based pastor, and president of Moody Bible Institute brings clear Bible teaching to people from multiple cultures and generations, including Millennial and Gen Z listeners.
Give God His Proper Place - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you'll discover whether or not God is the ruler of your life. In this series titled Rock Solid Living, Pastor Mark will continue to examine the Ten Commandments, particularly the First Commandment. In today's culture, you should be asking yourself, what are you putting before God?Support the show: for privacy information.
12-10-2024 • 26 minuten
Give God His Proper Place - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you'll delve into your personal connection with God and the importance of giving Him His proper place in your life. Pastor Mark, reflecting on his youth when he memorized the Ten Commandments, will show you how these Old Testament commandments are not just rules, but a pathway to a deeper relationship with God and keeping Jesus at the center of your life.Support the show: for privacy information.
5-10-2024 • 26 minuten
Spiritual Evidence - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you'll discover the three witnesses that provide the spiritual evidence in your Christian walk. And if you're just starting out in your Christian walk, the book of First John outlines what you need to know about this test. Mark is going to help you sort through this text with his message on showing your Spiritual Evidence as a child of God.Support the show: for privacy information.
28-9-2024 • 26 minuten
Spiritual Evidence - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you'll be learning about the evidence of Christ in your life. There are a lot of things that go into a courtroom trial. Witnesses give testimony, attorneys make their points, and a judge determines a verdict. But none of that would be possible without one thing, and that’s evidence. Something has to make it clear that what is being is true. Pastor Mark's message shares why there needs to be evidence in your life that you are a Christian.Support the show: for privacy information.
21-9-2024 • 26 minuten
Testing the Spirits - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you'll see how the Spirit of God in you is greater than the Spirit which is in the world. You may have heard messages that sound great on the surface, but when you dig a little deeper, you discover that the message didn't line up with the Word of God. Pastor Mark is going to show how you can learn to test the spirits.Support the show: for privacy information.
14-9-2024 • 26 minuten
Testing the Spirits - Part 1
Have you ever noticed that everything that has value has an equivalent forgery; such as money, jewelry or IDs? Well, the same is true in the spiritual realm. Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark shows you how to test whether something in the spirit realm is from God or the evil one. Support the show: for privacy information.
7-9-2024 • 26 minuten
The Power of God's Love - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Mark Jobe reminds you about the power of God's love. Pastor Mark is going to be turning to the book of First John again as he continues this message on the power of God's love. Support the show: for privacy information.
31-8-2024 • 26 minuten
The Power of God's Love - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you'll discover the power of God's love. There is nothing more transformative in a person's life than when they realize that God loves them and they allow the power of God's love to work through them. As Pastor Mark continues the study of First John, you'll witness that love and power through the apostle John.Support the show: for privacy information.
24-8-2024 • 26 minuten
Anointed to Stand Firm - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you'll discover how to remain firm in Christ during seasons of testing. Continuing with part two of the message titled Anointed to Stand Firm, Pastor Mark draws from First John chapter two.Support the show: for privacy information.
17-8-2024 • 26 minuten
Anointed to Stand Firm - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you'll learn how to stand firm in a culture that's increasingly going against the things of God. The message is titled, Anointed to Stand Firm and comes from the book of First John chapter two.Support the show: for privacy information.
10-8-2024 • 26 minuten
Guarding Your Heart - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Mark Jobe reminds you that you need to guard your heart. Pastor Mark is moving forward in the series called Contrast. He is in the book of First John to offer guidance on how you can guard your heart against the attacks that are coming your way.Support the show: for privacy information.
3-8-2024 • 26 minuten
Guarding Your Heart - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you'll learn how to guard to heart. Mark is continuing his study from the book of First John and you're also going to hear what it means to live as a child of God.Support the show: for privacy information.
27-7-2024 • 26 minuten
The Real Test - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you'll hear how your love for God isn't measured by how you feel, but by your obedience to His word. Mark is going to be turning to the book of First John to show you why love isn't a feeling, it's a verb. And he'll be explaining why the way you feel about God isn't a measure of our love for Him.Support the show: for privacy information.
20-7-2024 • 26 minuten
The Real Test - Part 1
What's the difference between a relationship and fellowship? Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Mark Jobe moves forward in our series Contrast and will be going to chapter two of the book of First John. You're going to hear some very important details about how not to fall into sin.Support the show: for privacy information.
13-7-2024 • 26 minuten
Coming Clean - Part 2
If real life were like the movies, we'd automatically know who the good guys and bad guys were by the clothing they wore. But today, as we move forward in our study called Contrast, we're going to the book of First John to see a contrast between those that walk in the light and those that walk in darkness. Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Mark Jobe explains that walking in the light of Christ requires a change in heart, mind and attitude.Support the show: for privacy information.
6-7-2024 • 26 minuten
Coming Clean - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Mark Jobe gives you some tips on coming clean with God. The message is titled Coming Clean from the series title, Contrast from 1 John 1.Support the show: for privacy information.
29-6-2024 • 26 minuten
Fighting for Your Family's future - Part 2
At what age do you stop fighting for the future of your family? When your kids graduate from high school or college? When they get married and leave home? If your family is functioning as God has designed, the enemy is going to have a target on your backs. Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Mark explains that God is calling you to fight for your family's future.Support the show: for privacy information.
22-6-2024 • 26 minuten
Fighting for Your Family's Future - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, learn how to align your heart with God's design and avoid the rebellion that comes from disobedience. Pastor Mark is going to help you see that the enemy is always on the prowl and one of the ways he tries to mess with you is through your family. The message is titled Fighting for Your Family's Future.Support the show: for privacy information.
15-6-2024 • 26 minuten
What Do You Smell Like? - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, Mark will be asking us ome tough questions, such as, Are you living out the new you? What are you hanging around, and what or who are you exposing to the light? You should be living in such a way that you remember purity is priority. Once you have given your life to Christ, you represent God to the world and you need to be a pleasing aroma.Support the show: for privacy information.
8-6-2024 • 26 minuten
What Do You Smell Like? - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, discover the aroma that's pleasing to the Lord. This is a new series called Bold Living based on Ephesians 5 and the sermon title is What Do You Smell Like?Support the show: for privacy information.
1-6-2024 • 26 minuten
God Has a Plan - Part 2
Are you the type of person who looks at the little you have and wonders how it could help anyone? Or do you just feel overwhelmed by the needs of the world that you tend to put things out of sight and out of mind?
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you'll discover that God accomplishes so much more than you could ever imagine. Pastor Mark will remind you that God is not asking you alone to solve all the world's problems, but He is simply looking for someone willing to be used for His purposes.Support the show: for privacy information.
25-5-2024 • 26 minuten
God Has a Plan - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, with Pastor Mark Jobe, you'll see that no matter how impossible a situation may seem, God is still in control.
Pastor Mark will be reminding you that no matter how daunting or impossible a situation may seem, God always has a plan.Support the show: for privacy information.
18-5-2024 • 26 minuten
Streams in the Desert - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe shows you how to move out of the desert and into the place God has called you to be. In Psalm 63, King David writes, "My soul thirsts for you. My flesh yearns for you in a dry and weary land where there is no water."
You know that life can take you through some dry, parched places, but you will hear today how praising God for who He is, is not, and should not be dependent upon our circumstances.Support the show: for privacy information.
11-5-2024 • 26 minuten
Streams in the Desert - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to find streams of refreshment in the midst of spiritual deserts. Many believers have gone through or are going through dry spells in their lives. This message is drawn from Psalm 63 and it should minister to a lot of people.Support the show: for privacy information.
4-5-2024 • 26 minuten
Faith and Failure - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark teaches on how to discover the key to breakthrough and change in our lives. This is the last message in the series titled Help My Unbelief: Speaking to the Heart of Doubt and it will be coming from the book of John chapter four. Mark will be outlining how effective ministry and divine opportunities come when you live your life on mission with God.Support the show: for privacy information.
27-4-2024 • 26 minuten
Faith and Failure - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, we will be learning from Jesus about shame and failure from His encounter with the woman at the well.
Everyone knows what it's like to fail at something, but oftentimes our sense of failure leads to feeling shame. Pastor Mark will be continuing this series on speaking to the heart of doubt from John chapter four.Support the show: for privacy information.
20-4-2024 • 26 minuten
Faith and Forgiveness - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, we'll see how unforgiveness clogs up the channel that allows the forgiveness of God to flow to you. The series is titled Help My Unbelief: Speaking to the Heart of Doubt. Pastor Mark will explain why unforgiveness is more harmful to you than the person you're unwilling to forgive.Support the show: for privacy information.
13-4-2024 • 26 minuten
Faith and Forgiveness - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, we'll discover what holds us back from the flow of God's fullness in our lives. Pastor Mark will be looking at the relationship between faithfulness and forgiveness. Holding a grudge or not forgiving someone can actually affect the way God works in your life.Support the show: for privacy information.
6-4-2024 • 26 minuten
I Believe, but Help My Unbelief - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe you'll discover the impact God's presence can have on a heart that's struggling with doubt.
As Mark recaps last week's program, he will continue teaching from the book of Mark chapter 9 to help you discover the root of faith in doubt.Support the show: for privacy information.
30-3-2024 • 26 minuten
I Believe, but Help My Unbelief - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe explains why wrestling with your faith can make it stronger.
We all have feelings of doubt and uncertainty. In this message, Mark is teaching from the book of Mark chapter 9:14-29, and he will show you how these struggles can actually refine your faith.Support the show: for privacy information.
23-3-2024 • 26 minuten
Confidence - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you'll learn that confidence comes from knowing who God has called us to be and who He has called us to become.
Mark continues the message titled, Confidence, from the book of 1 Samuel chapter 30 where we are learning how to rise in order to live our best life yet.Support the show: for privacy information.
16-3-2024 • 26 minuten
Confidence - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark teaches how confident people find clarity in their life's mission and calling.
Mark will continue to discuss the contrast between the two biblical kings, David and Saul from 1 Samuel chapter 30. In this message you will see how David started to rise due to his attitude and characteristics, and how God really used him.Support the show: for privacy information.
9-3-2024 • 26 minuten
Courage Forward in the Face of Fear - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, we're learning to trust God with courage, over our fears.
How's your courage? Are you focused on the strength of men or on God? Mark continues a message today titled, Courage Forward in the Face of Fear. He's exploring what it means to take bold steps forward even when the odds seem stacked against you.Support the show: for privacy information.
2-3-2024 • 26 minuten
Courage Forward in the Face of Fear - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you'll be reminded not to let fear and anxiety take control.
Pastor Mark is going to talk about courage and how he defines it. And it's not the typical definition of courage that most would think.Support the show: for privacy information.
24-2-2024 • 26 minuten
Passion - Part 3
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you'll discover how God's bigger picture becomes clear when you begin to raise your passion level for Him.
You'll learn how to rise in order to live your best life yet. As Pastor Mark begins this message by recapping last week's message, he'll be turning to the book of 1 Samuel chapter 16.Support the show: for privacy information.
17-2-2024 • 26 minuten
Passion - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, you'll see that answering the bigger calls in your life requires you to obey in the small things.
How many times have you done something seemingly insignificant, and learned later that because of your action, you changed the life of someone else? God told Samuel to go to Bethlehem, a seemingly insignificant place, but as Pastor Mark will explain, that act came with far-reaching consequences. When you obey God in the small things, they often turn into big things. Support the show: for privacy information.
10-2-2024 • 26 minuten
Passion - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe challenges you to rise above difficulties and trust God in helping you live your best life.
This is the beginning of a new series called Rise, Live Your Best Life Yet. And as Pastor Mark says, "your best life isn't going to happen by accident. It may be risky, but you have to be intentional about where you're going.Support the show: for privacy information.
3-2-2024 • 26 minuten
Expectations - Part 2
The topic of Pastor Mark's teaching today on Bold Steps Weekend is how to turn disappointment into a blessing when we let go of our expectations and let God do the work.Support the show: for privacy information.
27-1-2024 • 29 minuten
Expectations - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark teaches on coming to terms with unmet expectations.
Have you ever had unmet expectations? 2023 was a year full of disruptions and uncertainty. In today's message, Mark is going to help you see how those unfulfilled desires can really mess with your spirituality. If you are in a season of unmet expectations and disappointments, then this message is going to speak loudly to your spirit.Support the show: for privacy information.
20-1-2024 • 29 minuten
Making Quiet Space in Busy Places-Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe explains that making a quiet space in your life helps you hear the voice of God and put things into divine perspective. Mark continues the message titled Making Quiet Space in Busy Places to encourage you to block out distracting voices, and take time to listen to what God has to say.Support the show: for privacy information.
13-1-2024 • 26 minuten
Making Quiet Space in Busy Places-Part 1
Are you struggling with finding quiet places in your busy life?
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark offers some encouragement at the start of the new year to stop, breathe, and listen to God. If you are carrying over worry and stress from this past year, Mark has a special challenge for you today.Support the show: for privacy information.
6-1-2024 • 26 minuten
There Is Hope for the Disappointed - Part 2
Whether you feel let down or disappointed, Pastor Mark Jobe is showing us how to find hope in Jesus Christ, today on Bold Steps Weekend.
Mark will be discussing the real reason for this season from the book of Isaiah, and he's talking of course about Jesus, hope and God's gift to us.Support the show: for privacy information.
30-12-2023 • 26 minuten
There Is Hope for the Disappointed - Part 1
Even though there is disappointment in this life, there is hope in Jesus' name. That's the topic today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe.
It is no accident that you are tuning in today to hear this special Christmas Eve message. It comes from the book of Isaiah, as Mark talks about the names of Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
23-12-2023 • 26 minuten
There Is Joy for the Discouraged - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, we're learning how to find joy and keep it.
Pastor Mark is continuing a special series of messages he has preached called, Christmas Brings Hope, and we're getting into the second part of a lesson titled, There Is Joy for the Discouraged. Mark is reminding us that joy is not just a gift for the Christmas season, it's a year-round gift from Jesus and the Father.Support the show: for privacy information.
16-12-2023 • 26 minuten
There Is Joy for the Disappointed - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, we're discovering how we can be transformed by our trials.
Christmas is a couple weeks away, and one of the most popular songs of this season is, "Joy to the World", but so many people are struggling right now, going through a test, trial, or difficulty that seems to be robbing their joy.
The message Mark is sharing today will help you navigate how to keep your joy in the midst of challenging times.Support the show: for privacy information.
9-12-2023 • 26 minuten
There Is Healing for the Hurting - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend Pastor Mark Jobe reminds us that Jesus is near to the brokenhearted.
We're only a few weeks away from celebrating Christmas with our family and friends. But during this season, there are many people who are struggling and hurting. From the book of Luke chapter 13, Mark is bringing some hope and healing. Support the show: for privacy information.
2-12-2023 • 26 minuten
The Man with the Withered Hand - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark is showing us how to be empowered by God even when you don't feel encouraged or enabled to move forward.
Continuing the study in Luke chapter 6 about the man with a withered hand, Mark gets into the ramifications and lessons you can learn from this powerful story.Support the show: for privacy information.
25-11-2023 • 26 minuten
Bartimaeus: The Blind Man - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark will be exploring the withered areas of your life.
How much do you really need God? When things are going well, you sometimes don't recognize how desperately you need Him. Mark continues his teaching on Bartimaeus, the blind man from Mark chapter 10 and how he was able to get unstuck from his condition.Support the show: for privacy information.
18-11-2023 • 26 minuten
Bartimaeus: The Blind Man - Part 1
Do you feel stuck spiritually, financially or relationally in life?
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe is sharing the keys to change and getting unstuck. From the book of Mark chapter 10, Mark takes a look at a man in the Bible who was also very stuck. The story is Bartimaeus, the blind man and the lesson is how you can apply his healing to your life today.Support the show: for privacy information.
11-11-2023 • 26 minuten
The Man with the Withered Hand - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark is showing us how to be empowered by God even when you don't feel encouraged or enabled to move forward.
Continuing the study in Luke chapter 6 about the man with a withered hand, Mark gets into the ramifications and lessons you can learn from this powerful story.Support the show: for privacy information.
4-11-2023 • 26 minuten
The Man with the Withered Hand - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark begins part one of the sermon titled, The Man with the Withered Hand. A lesson about the healing power of God. From the book of Luke, Mark explores how God can take areas of your weaknesses and use them for your good.Support the show: for privacy information.
28-10-2023 • 26 minuten
Do All Spiritual Roads Lead to Heaven? - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark continues part two of the message, Do All Spiritual Roads Lead to Heaven?
It is a frustrating and often times confusing dilemma when those who are opposed to God seem to be doing better than those that are praying, reading their Bible and seeking the Lord. Teaching from 2 Peter chapter 2, listen as Mark talks about the need to be very careful when it comes to who you are listening to and being influenced by in the faith, and there is only one way to God.Support the show: for privacy information.
21-10-2023 • 26 minuten
Do All Spiritual Roads Lead to Heaven?
Discerning truth through a tangle of lies. That's the mission today on Bold Steps Weekend.
We live in a dangerous and deceptive world and there are many false teaches who can subtly and imperceptibly veer you off course. That is why we have to be careful that what we are taking in is the real thing and that we know the answer to today's question: Do All Spiritual Roads Lead to Heaven?Support the show: for privacy information.
14-10-2023 • 26 minuten
Can I Really Trust the Bible? - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, we are learning how to stay grounded. From the series Bullseye Living: Staying on Target with God, we are in part two of the message where Pastor Mark is talking about the importance of remembering the God moments in your spiritual journey and how important the Bible is.Support the show: for privacy information.
7-10-2023 • 26 minuten
Can I Really Trust the Bible? - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark teaches on the importance of going back to the basics in our spiritual walk.
Pastor Mark also shares a little bit of his guitar playing to start the program off today before getting into the message on why we need to stay on top of the fundamentals of the faith.
Listen to the end of the program as Pastor Mark shares a great new book by Karl Clauson, host of Karl and Crew Mornings, titled, The 7 Resolutions: Where Self-Help Ends and God's Power Begins.Support the show: for privacy information.
30-9-2023 • 26 minuten
Do I Have What It Takes - Part 2
Continuing with part two of this message titled, Do I Have What It Takes?, Pastor Mark Jobe is showing us how to stay on target with God.
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, we are reminded that the Lord calls us to go beyond just praying a prayer or eking by in your spiritual walk with Him. In the book of Second Peter, we're urged not to stay still, but to grow, grow, and grow!Support the show: for privacy information.
23-9-2023 • 26 minuten
Do I Have What It Takes - Part 1
Did you know that as a believer you already have all the tools you need in life, through God's divine power, to live effectively for Him?
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark starts a new series titled, Bullseye Living: Staying on Target with God. In part one of this series, Pastor Mark draws from the book of Second Peter that challenges us to live on target with God.Support the show: for privacy information.
16-9-2023 • 26 minuten
Your Spiritual Wakeup Call: Laodicea - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend is the second part of a two-part message from the book of Revelation chapter 3. Pastor Mark hopes this message about the letter to the church at Laodicea serves as a wakeup call for you to recognize and act on the warning lights flashing in your spiritual life. Support the show: for privacy information.
9-9-2023 • 26 minuten
Your Spiritual Wakeup Call: Laodicea - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend is the start of a two-part message from the book of Revelation chapter 3. Pastor Mark discusses lukewarm spirituality and how we may need a spiritual wakeup call like the church of Laodicea, one of the seven churches of Asia, established in the earliest period of Christianity.Support the show: for privacy information.
2-9-2023 • 26 minuten
Your Spiritual Wake Up Call - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark has some practical guidance on how to stay fervent in our faith. Picking up from last week, Mark takes a closer look at the church of Sardis in the book of Revelation chapter 3. It is one of the 7 New Testament churches of the day that God chose to confront. Listen to the end of the message as Mark and Wayne Shepherd share a great book titled Fear and Faith by Trillia Newbell, the Bold Action Gift for this weekend.Support the show: for privacy information.
26-8-2023 • 26 minuten
Your Spiritual Wake Up Call - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe teaches from the book of Revelation chapter 3 with a message titled, Your Spiritual Wake Up Call. Mark focuses on the church of Sardis, the dead church in the book of Revelation, and how we can apply it to the church today.Support the show: for privacy information.
19-8-2023 • 26 minuten
Prayer 101 - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark continues an insightful lesson on prayer. Picking up in Luke chapter 11, Mark teaches on the importance of people and forgiveness using the Lord's Prayer.
At the close of this message, there is a wonderful Bold Action Gift that will be offered by Trillia Newbell titled Fear and Faith.Support the show: for privacy information.
12-8-2023 • 26 minuten
Prayer 101 - Part 1
We've all heard it tons of times. Did Jesus give us the Lord's Prayer just to recite over and over, or is there more to His words?
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark is talking about prayer in this continuing series, Deeper: Beyond Shallow Spirituality.Coming from the book of Luke chapter 11, Mark walks you through the basics of prayer.Support the show: for privacy information.
5-8-2023 • 26 minuten
Your Spiritual Wakeup Call - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark urges us to go deeper in our relationship with God.
Mark is concluding a message from Revelation chapter two about Jesus' personal address to the church at Ephesus. He will be examining Jesus' compliments, criticisms, and his warnings for this church, and what they mean for us today.See for privacy information.
29-7-2023 • 26 minuten
Your Spiritual Wakeup Call - Part 1
Can you name the seven churches from the book of Revelation?
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark looks at God's very important message for the church of Ephesus from the book of Revelation. Originally, God gave them what the title of this week's message is; it is a message for us today as well.
The title of the message is, Your Spiritual Wakeup Call.See for privacy information.
22-7-2023 • 26 minuten
Repentance - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark continues with part two of his teaching on repentance and specifically the five effects of unconfessed sins that can hinder us from giving our whole heart to God. The scripture passage is Psalm 51, and please listen to the end as Mark has some additional thoughts to share.See for privacy information.
15-7-2023 • 26 minuten
Repentance - Part 1
What's the difference between just saying "I'm sorry" and true repentance?
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark answers this question in part 1 of this message titled Repentance. You'll get to hear some responses of random people being asked and answering this question and then Mark's message teaching from Psalm 51. Listen to the end as Mark offers a great book called Fear and Faith by Trillia Newbell for anyone who may be dealing with fear or stress in their life.See for privacy information.
8-7-2023 • 26 minuten
Denial in the Heart - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, you'll hear part two of Pastor Mark's message, Denial in the Heart. Mark will be talking about the effects of sin, and hidden sin in our lives. He will be teaching from 2 Samuel chapters 11 - 12.See for privacy information.
1-7-2023 • 26 minuten
Denial in the Heart - Part 1
Do you pay attention to the warning lights in your car, or do you ignore them until your car stops running?
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark teaches on how to recognize the warning signs of your spiritual life and how to act on them. Coming from the book of Second Samuel chapters 11 and 12, today's message is titled, Denial in the Heart.See for privacy information.
24-6-2023 • 26 minuten
Fathers of Influence [A Father's Day Message]
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark is putting a hold on our current series, Deeper: Beyond shallow Spirituality, to share a special Father's Day message. Mark begins with a special story and then goes into the message titled, Fathers of Influence. This is a message every member of the family should hear. The scripture passage for today's lesson is in 1st Thessalonians chapter 2.See for privacy information.
17-6-2023 • 26 minuten
The Holiness of God - Part 2
Have you ever stopped and taken a moment to appreciate the holiness of God?
Today on Bold Steps Weekend we are getting into part two of Mark's message, The Holiness of God. It's a lesson that really peels back the layers of just what it means for God to be holy, and why this trait is so important to our understanding and appreciation for who God is.
From our series called, Deeper: Beyond Shallow Spirituality, we're going to take a look at 2nd Chronicles chapter 26.See for privacy information.
10-6-2023 • 26 minuten
The Holiness of God - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark urges us to go deeper in our relationship with God.
It's the start of a new series called, Deeper: Beyond Shallow Spirituality that takes us to the Old Testament book of Isaiah. This session begins with Mark sharing a bit about his background, followed by a message that will help us go deeper in our faith.See for privacy information.
3-6-2023 • 26 minuten
Getting Unstuck - Part 2
Are you where God wants you to be? Do you feel stuck in your walk with God?
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark is concluding the series called Red-Hot Faith where Mark has been walking us through the challenges and changes required to be on fire for God.
Sometimes we end up getting stuck in a place we're not meant to stay. Today's message will help us to break out of it and regain or start a new passion for God.See for privacy information.
27-5-2023 • 26 minuten
Getting Unstuck - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark is teaching on how to get unstuck in your journey with God. We are in the first part of the end of a powerful series called Red Hot Faith. Mark has challenged us not to become lukewarm spiritually, and from the book of Hebrews, we will discover a group of people who have become stuck in their journey and what they needed to do about it.See for privacy information.
20-5-2023 • 26 minuten
Gap Women - Mother's Day Message
Today on Bold Steps Weekend and in honor of Mother's Day, Pastor Mark shows us the outcome of one mother's perseverance and prayer. From the book of 2 Kings chapter 4, Mark will be touching on the life of a Shunammite woman and the steps she took to help her son and how that affected an entire generation. We will learn that Gap Women are women who committ to standing in the gap for their family and are women who do not give up.See for privacy information.
13-5-2023 • 26 minuten
How Bad Do You Want It? - Part 2
How badly do you want to be used by God?
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark is continuing to explore the type of faith that really makes a difference. Last week, Mark began this message titled, How Bad Do You Want It?, challenging us to realize and reach for the kind of faith that can move mountains. We are discovering that going through the motions and waiting for God to do all of the work just simply does not cut it, if what we want is a Red-Hot Faith.See for privacy information.
6-5-2023 • 26 minuten
How Bad Do You Want It? - Part 1
Do you really want to experience God?
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark will help us to do just that. Mark teaches that we need a red-hot faith. A faith that others can sense just by being around you. A faith that makes you different and literally changes your life. As the message title asks, How Bad Do You Want It?See for privacy information.
29-4-2023 • 26 minuten
Contagious People - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to be spiritually contagious.
From the book of Acts chapter 2, Mark continues a message that encourages us to allow our faith to overflow into the lives of others. It is part of our series called Red-Hot Faith where we have been learning how to cultivate a passion for Jesus that is strong enough to affect everything we do.See for privacy information.
22-4-2023 • 26 minuten
Contagious People - Part 1
What is your spiritual temperature right now? Where are you on the hot-cold scale in your faith?
Today on Bold Steps Weekend Pastor Mark will be talking about being passionate for Jesus from the book of Acts chapter 2 where it talks about the early church, their culture, and their habits. We'll learn how the contagious faith of this group of people touched tens of thousands of lives and how we can learn from their example.See for privacy information.
15-4-2023 • 26 minuten
Phrases of Jesus
For this Easter weekend we're going to examine several key phrases that Jesus uttered while He was on the cross. As Pastor Mark will teach, these phrases encompass forgiveness, hope, compassion, anguish, humanity, purpose and power.
Being Easter weekend this special message is deeply moving. A message that will remind us that we need to focus on what Jesus did through the cross. From Luke chapter 23, Mark has titled this Bold Steps Weekend message, Phrases of Jesus.See for privacy information.
8-4-2023 • 26 minuten
Maximum Living - Part 2
Are you fulfilling your personal God-given potential? Today on Bold Steps Weekend Pastor Mark is challenging us to not just go through the motions of everyday life, but to live with God given passion and purpose. The Bible shows us that we all have been designed with a unique set of gifts that are meant to be used for a unique reason.
Mark is continuing his message about Maximum Living, exploring the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:24-30, and making the point that while everyone may not have been given equal opportunities, we are all equally responsible for what we do have.See for privacy information.
1-4-2023 • 26 minuten
Maximum Living - Part 1
Jesus often used parables and stories to teach very important lessons. In this message, Pastor Mark takes a look at one of those powerful parables from the book of Matthew, called the parable of the Talents. In the times of Jesus, a talent was a unit of measurement for precious metals like silver and gold. Pastor Mark tells the compelling truths about this parable of the Talents and about what we do with what God has given us.See for privacy information.
25-3-2023 • 26 minuten
Keeping Your Spirit Red Hot Using Your Gifts - Part 2
We're in a series about fostering a Red Hot Faith, one that lasts through any season. In this message, Pastor Mark is hammering down on the importance of utilizing our spiritual gifts to stoke the flames of our own faith, and the faith of others. He will be teaching from the book of Romans chapter 12 and it is a message we should all take a listen to for Keeping Your Spirit Red Hot Using Your Gifts.See for privacy information.
18-3-2023 • 26 minuten
Keeping Your Spirit Red Hot Using Your Gifts - Part 1
God gives gifts to all those who make up the body of Christ. For one person, it may be the gift of teaching, or mercy or encouragement.
We are in a series titled Red Hot Faith and this weekend's message is coming from Romans chapter 12 which talks about the spiritual gifts of God. Pastor Mark is teaching on Keeping Your Spirit Red Hot Using Your Gifts and it is the title of this weekend's message. He reminds us how we need to re-energize our spirit through the use of our spiritual gifts.See for privacy information.
11-3-2023 • 26 minuten
Keeping Your Faith Red Hot - Part 2
How do you keep your faith red hot? Why should you keep your faith red hot?
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe answers these questions and more. Last week Pastor Mark taught how critical seasons of fasting and prayer help us stay alert and listening to God. Now, as he continues from the book of Acts chapter 13, we will learn about Keeping Your Faith Red Hot.See for privacy information.
4-3-2023 • 26 minuten
Keeping Your Faith Red Hot - Part 1
At times, we may not be passionate about anything in our lives. We can take on this lukewarm attitude about everything, become stagnate and not grow in any area of everyday life. But in the Bible, God expects His followers to at least be on fire for Him.
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe teaches us how to stay passionate in our faith through every season.
As believers, sometimes our faith can feel a little like a roller coaster with ups and downs, twists and turns and, let's face it, occasional drops. This is a new series Pastor Mark is starting and he'll be teaching on maintaining a steady and growing faith, or as the series title puts it, a Red Hot Faith.
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25-2-2023 • 26 minuten
When God Seems Silent - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe we are going to learn about trusting God through life's storms.
Sometimes when we're waiting for God, we're tempted to take things into our own hands, which is what happened for Abraham and Sarah in Genesis chapter 16.
Continuing the message that Pastor Mark began last week called When God Seems Silent, Pastor Mark is going to be looking at the long wait Abraham and Saran had between when God promised them a child and when He actually fulfilled that promise. See for privacy information.
18-2-2023 • 26 minuten
When God Seems Silent - Part 1
Do you ever feel like God has forgotten you, or maybe you're noticing everyone else moving forward in their lives and you're getting left behind? With social media making us self absorbed and our need for instant gratification or answers, it is easy to feel like God is not answering or is silent when we pray.
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Mark Jobe teaches from Genesis chapter 16 on what to do when God seems silent.See for privacy information.
11-2-2023 • 26 minuten
Discerning the Voice of God - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Mark Jobe gives us three questions to ask when we are discerning God's voice that you will want to hear.
As we continue this series Hearing God, Pastor Mark will be teaching from the book of John chapter 10 to help us distinguish God's voice from all of the other noise we hear.See for privacy information.
4-2-2023 • 26 minuten
Discerning the Voice of God - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, we're learning how to recognize the voice of God.
Being the beginning of a new year, this message is one of the most important messages to hear because it's the Word of God, and it's about the voice of God that makes a difference in our lives.
Mark is the president of Moody Bible Institute and senior pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago.5d6414ae-59e3-45b1-af37-af6f016a80d5See for privacy information.
28-1-2023 • 26 minuten
Positioned to Hear - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Mark Jobe teaches us how to get right with God.
There are different factors that can lead us to being spiritually hard of hearing. But on the program today, Mark will give us some practical tips for making this the day we open our ears to hearing God.
Mark is the president of Moody Bible Institute and senior pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago.See for privacy information.
21-1-2023 • 26 minuten
Positioned to Hear - Part 1
The topic for today's Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, is positioning ourselves to hear God.
There is a big difference between hearing someone talk and actually listening to what they have to say. Jesus said, let him who has ears hear what the Spirit is saying. Pastor Mark expounds on this from the book of Revelation chapter 3.
Mark is the president of Moody Bible Institute and senior pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago.See for privacy information.
14-1-2023 • 26 minuten
Beginning to Listen - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, we'll be discovering what it takes to hear God.
This is a pivotal series on learning how to listen to the voice of God. Last week, Mark started a message titled, Beginning to Listen, which taught us about the proper posture we need to take in order to clearly hear God's voice.
This practical lesson continues in the book of First Samuel and focuses on being better positioned for the changes and challenges we'll face in the coming year.
Mark is the president of Moody Bible Institute and senior pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago.See for privacy information.
7-1-2023 • 26 minuten
Beginning to Listen - Part 1
Have you ever wondered what the voice of God sounds like? Is it a whisper in the wind or a thundering shout from the heavens? How do we know when God is speaking to us?
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, President of Moody Bible Institute and senior pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago, Mark Jobe begins a study just in time for the New Year on how to hear God. From First Samuel chapter 3, Pastor Mark starts a new message today called, Beginning to Listen.See for privacy information.
31-12-2022 • 26 minuten
Immanuel - God with Us - Part 2
Merry Christmas! Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe talks about the ultimate healing power and presence of Immanuel––God with Us.
Mark is the president of Moody Bible Institute and senior pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago. Although it should be every day, Christmas is a great time to hear a message about how God became flesh and dwelt among us. He continues to be with us today. It is great news and should bring great hope that we have a God and Savior that is accessible and available 24/7, no matter where we find ourselves in life. No one is beyond God's reach.See for privacy information.
24-12-2022 • 26 minuten
Immanuel - God with Us - Part 1
When Jesus was on the earth, He was literally "God with us." What does this mean for us today? As Christmas is a week away, there is a very special and unique name that we all should turn our attention to everyday.
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, President of Moody Bible Institute and senior pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago, Mark Jobe discusses Isaiah chapter 7 where the prophet spoke about a Messiah 700 years before His birth who would be named, Immanuel–God with Us.See for privacy information.
17-12-2022 • 26 minuten
How Full Is Your Bucket? - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, President of Moody Bible Institute and senior pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago, Mark Jobe discusses how Jesus pulls back the layers of our excuses to bring about change.
As Pastor Mark draws from John chapter 4, we're going to see an encounter with a woman at a well who isn't all that much different from us. This message is from the series titled Rewrite: Making All Things New and the message is titled, How Full Is Your Bucket?See for privacy information.
10-12-2022 • 26 minuten
How Full Is Your Bucket? - Part 1
On today's Bold Steps Weekend, President of Moody Bible Institute and senior pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago, Mark Jobe teaches how to not judge books and people by their appearance.
Moving ahead in the series, Making All Things New, Pastor Mark takes a look at the story of the Woman at the Well where Jesus was able to see the unseen root problems of this woman and ultimately, He was able to rewrite her story and that's what He wants to do in all of us.See for privacy information.
3-12-2022 • 26 minuten
Moving Past Empty - Part 2
In this new series titled Re-write, we're turning to the book of John to see how Jesus takes broken stories and rewrites them. We've all experienced a time when we've been down and out, and we've run out of money, or love, or skipped out of relationships that were important and struggled with our faith.
Today on Bold Steps Weekend we're going to see the perfect example of God moving us past empty because we're willing to take the first step of obedience. Pastor Mark starts by taking a look at Jesus' first miracle in this message called, Moving Past Empty and ends with a prayer for salvation.See for privacy information.
26-11-2022 • 26 minuten
Moving Past Empty - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, President of Moody Bible Institute and senior pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago, Mark Jobe discusses how to live fully despite the emptiness you might be feeling.
With the end of the year approaching, many people may find it hard to get through the holidays or make life changes that take a lot of work, and feelings of despair and emptiness set in. In this message, Pastor Mark gives a glimmer of hope from the book of John chapter 2. Today's program will also share a feature of the Bold Steps Weekend website called "Ask a Question" where Pastor Mark answers a listener's question. Tune in and be blessed by Pastor Mark's Bible teaching.See for privacy information.
19-11-2022 • 26 minuten
Unleashing People Power - Part 2
We all have something to give within the body of Christ to help and encourage each other and bring unbelievers to Jesus. Often times, we simply are not using the spiritual gifts that God has given to each of us.
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Pastor Mark Jobe, we're taking a deeper look at Jesus literally being "God with us" and how that applies to spiritual gifts for us today. As Pastor Mark teaches in this message titled Unleashing People Power, we'll learn how to use God's gifts and how empowering it can be when we do.See for privacy information.
12-11-2022 • 26 minuten
Unleashing Power People - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, President of Moody Bible Institute and senior pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago, Mark Jobe discusses how our God-given gifts are meant to help one another.
As pastor Mark draws from the book of Ephesians, this is the first part of the final message from the Gifted series where Pastor Mark explores how our unique God given abilities are meant to show everyone a picture of God.See for privacy information.
5-11-2022 • 26 minuten
Gifted to Build - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, President of Moody Bible Institute and senior pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago, Mark Jobe discusses how to change the way we minister to unbelievers.
We've all been given gifts by God to help build the body of Christ, and encourage others in the ways of the Lord, but as it will be discovered today, in order for us to be effective in building the body, we need to focus and use our gifts in a way that others can understand. This message is called Gifted to Build and Mark is going to be teaching us how to communicate in ways that non-believers will understand. Mark begins the message with a point about clarity and confusion from First Corinthians chapter 14.See for privacy information.
29-10-2022 • 26 minuten
Gifted to Build - Part 1
Learn how your individual gifts can build up the church today on Bold Steps Weekend with Pastor Mark Jobe.
All of us have been given individual gifts and talents by God and as we move forward into this series called Gifted, Mark is going to teach on how we can use our gifting to build up the body of Christ. He reminds us how we can accomplish this by having more of a "we" mentality instead of a "me" mentality.See for privacy information.
22-10-2022 • 26 minuten
Gifted to Love - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how the love of God helps us love one another.
Moving forward in this study called Gifted to Love Pastor Mark Jobe looks at the greatest chapter on the subject of love in all of Scripture, First Corinthians chapter 13. We have seen how using our gifts without love is meaningless and how love without meaning is worthless.See for privacy information.
15-10-2022 • 26 minuten
Gifted to Love - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Pastor Mark Jobe, we'll discover what true love looks like. How would you define "love"? Is it something that happens to you? Something that you don't have control over? Does it come and go?
Our culture has some strange ways of describing it and most are the opposite of what the Bible says. Today in our Gifted series, Mark is heading to the most well-known section of scripture to explore what TRUE love actually looks like: 1 Corinthians 13.See for privacy information.
8-10-2022 • 26 minuten
Gifted for Unity - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, we'll see the power of unity in action.
We're all part of one body in Christ and we're much stronger together. In this message, Mark teaches how our individual uniqueness, when combined with another's gifts, can have an incredible impact on the world around us.See for privacy information.
1-10-2022 • 26 minuten
Gifted for Unity - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend Pastor Mark Jobe explains how our giftings are unique, but all of our talents come from the same Spirit.
Listen how Mark, using the illustration of a music band, teaches how we each can have different instruments that sound great on their own. But when we play together, we have the opportunity to create something even better.
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24-9-2022 • 26 minuten
Gifted in the Spirit - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe, we’ll discover how our individual gifts benefit the entire body.
God has endowed each one of us with a special and unique gift or talent. Do you know what yours is? And do you know how you’re being called to use your gifts and talents to benefit those around you? If you’re not certain, that’s okay, because on today’s program, Mark is going to explain how we can discover our gifts and use them to benefit the entire body of Christ.See for privacy information.
17-9-2022 • 26 minuten
Gifted by the Spirit - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, we start a brand-new series that we hope will encourage you to discover your gifting and to help you put your gifts into practice. Pastor Mark Jobe says that when we’re in the right place, for the right reasons, doing the right thing, we are more fulfilled and we’ll be able to accomplish God’s purposes in a greater way.See for privacy information.
10-9-2022 • 26 minuten
Breaking Out of Spiritual Relapse - Part 2
The spiritual patterns we practice can have both a positive and negative impact on those around us. Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe will be wrapping up our in-depth study on Nehemiah … and what a wonderful journey it has been! Today our focus is on setting new patterns in your life … patterns that reflect goodness and faith. The goal? To reap a harvest of righteousness!See for privacy information.
3-9-2022 • 26 minuten
Breaking Out of Spiritual Relapse - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re getting back on track with God with a wake-up call, a re-awakening back to a formal calling, a nudge to get back to where you need to be with God. There are so many things that can get us off track. So, if your wheels are spinning spiritually a bit, and you’re looking for some divine help in moving forward, join us in Nehemiah 13. There’s a lot to learn in this final chapter. See for privacy information.
27-8-2022 • 26 minuten
Making God A Priority - Part 2
A lot of people have God in their life … very few have God at the center of their life. We’re Making God a Priority today on Bold Steps Weekend with Mark Jobe. A spiritual life in neutral means that eventually things are going to start to decline. That’s exactly what happened to the people of Jerusalem in Nehemiah chapter 13 as spiritual coldness set in. And if we’re not careful, the same can happen to us today.See for privacy information.
20-8-2022 • 26 minuten
Making God A Priority - Part 1
If you’re living in neutral gear, your spiritual life will decline. Today on Bold Steps Weekend … making God priority. Pastor Mark Jobe continues our study of Nehemiah and our Rebuild series … we’re in chapter 10 today … and we’re going to learn more about how to make God a priority, specifically in three key areas.See for privacy information.
13-8-2022 • 26 minuten
How to Prepare For A Season Of Change - Part 2
In a season of spiritual change, God asks that we take off the old and sinful, but … something needs to be put on in its place. Today on Bold Steps Weekend, part two of the message, How to Prepare for a Season of Change. We’ll be looking at both the motivation for change … as well as the need to have a plan for the change. Pastor Mark Jobe's scripture is Nehemiah chapter 9.See for privacy information.
6-8-2022 • 26 minuten
How to Prepare for a Season of Change - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning that in order to grow spiritually, God often helps us by shaking us out of our comfortable routine. The message is all about change, real spiritual change, and how to make preparations for moving into a new season for what God may be calling us to do. Join us in Nehemiah chapter 9. We’re continuing our series with part one of How to Prepare for a Season of Change.See for privacy information.
30-7-2022 • 26 minuten
Experiencing Grassroots Renewal - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re considering the question, how hungry are you for God? When the desperate times end, do you continue trusting Him, or do you go back to business as usual? Just as our bodies desire food, so our souls should desire God’s presence. That’s our topic as we continue our series in Nehemiah with a message called, Experiencing Grassroots Renewal.See for privacy information.
23-7-2022 • 26 minuten
Experiencing Grassroots Renewal - Part 1
Today, Pastor Mark Jobe begins a new message in our Bold Steps Weekend series on Nehemiah and it’s titled, Experiencing Grassroots Renewal. We are in Nehemiah chapter 8 and we’ll see how God did a miraculous work in bringing 40,000 people together who were hungry for Him. In the massive rebuilding effort of Jerusalem, the walls were built and doors secure … however, it was more important that hearts were in the right before God.See for privacy information.
16-7-2022 • 26 minuten
Securing the Borders of Your Life - Part 2
With the convenience of the Internet and access to every kind of instant information, the guarding our lives has become more difficult than ever. What screening process, if any, do you have in place for your kids … your house … yourself? Well, if you want to grow, you’ll need to take Bold Steps to secure the borders of your life. Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe addresses this challenge in Part Two of his message called, Securing the Borders of Your Life.See for privacy information.
9-7-2022 • 26 minuten
Securing the Borders of Your Life - Part 1
Nehemiah is all about rebuilding… and the spiritual principles we read about can apply to us today when it comes to our families, our marriages, our own spiritual lives. Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe helps center us on the path by focusing on getting priorities right, starting with the most important thing … A clear focus on God! We need to center our heart, mind and life on Him and the call he has burdened us with. Join us in Nehemiah chapter 7 as we continue with our series called, Rebuild: Your Life, Your City, Your World.See for privacy information.
2-7-2022 • 26 minuten
Keeping Focused in the Midst of Distractions - Part 2
On this edition of Bold Steps Weekend … practical boots-on-the-ground instruction for keeping focused in the midst of distraction. We’re in a study of Nehemiah and how he was able to stay on task in the rebuilding effort God had called him to … and there’s a lot we can learn from his example! Pastor Mark Jobe continues in chapter 6...See for privacy information.
25-6-2022 • 26 minuten
Keeping Focused in The Midst of Distraction - Part 1
Sometimes it seems like the bigger the job, the easier it is to be distracted along the way! The Old Testament character Nehemiah encountered this same phenomenon as work got underway rebuilding Jerusalem … which is our topic on Bold Steps Weekend. We’ll see that when we attempt to work on weak areas in our lives, it’s almost guaranteed that we’re going to face spiritual distractions! So, if you have your Bible handy, turn to Nehemiah chapter 6 … and let’s join Pastor Mark Jobe for his message titled, Keeping Focused in the Midst of Distraction.See for privacy information.
18-6-2022 • 26 minuten
The Battle Inside the Wall - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, we’re picking up our study in Nehemiah chapter 5 where the Israelites are in the process of a huge rebuilding effort and Nehemiah is in the midst of rebuking church leaders over how they’re handling the money. Sound familiar? I’m sure we can all think of a time when financial reform was needed … and that’s where Pastor Mark Jobe takes us in today’s message called … The Battle Inside the Wall. It's part of his continuing series … Rebuild: Your Life, Your City, Your World.See for privacy information.
11-6-2022 • 26 minuten
The Battle Inside the Wall - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, we’re continuing our current series in the book of Nehemiah all about rebuilding our lives, our families, our churches, and our cities. Nehemiah had a burden and a vision to rebuild his city … but before the outward could change, God had to change the Israelites from within. Nehemiah faced a problem that most of us face at some time or another pursuing our call. He faced challenges and conflict over finances. But Pastor Mark Jobe says that we have God’s Word to guide us, don’t we? The message is called, The Battle Inside the Wall.See for privacy information.
4-6-2022 • 26 minuten
Moving Forward Under Attack - Part 2
Any military general will tell you that a good strategy is key to overcoming the enemy. When it comes to moving forward with God in our spiritual lives, the same is true. Opposition will come and weaknesses will be exposed. Pastor Mark Jobe says that we need to protect those vulnerable areas while we’re working at our call, or it could come to a grinding stop. On this edition of Bold Steps Weekend, we pick up where we left off last time in Nehemiah chapter 4 where we’ll continue learning solid principles in the rebuilding process.
See for privacy information.
28-5-2022 • 26 minuten
Moving Forward Under Attack - Part 1
On this Bold Steps Weekend, we’ve reached Nehemiah chapter 4 in our continuing series Rebuild: Your Life, Your City, Your World. Pastor Mark Jobe says regarding this principle and as a pastor and church planter, acting on any great call of God, you can just guarantee there will be some opposition. We know you’ll receive encouragement today, even in the face of opposition. The message is titled, Moving Forward Under Attack.See for privacy information.
21-5-2022 • 26 minuten
Starting Right - Part 2
On this edition of Bold Steps Weekend, we’re in Nehemiah chapter 2, learning how to start right. Pastor Mark Jobe is walking us through the steps to rebuild from the ruins … and that includes having the right people around you and having clear goals of what you’re trying to become, where you need to change, and who you want to be. There’s practical help along your faith journey coming your way as we continue the series … Rebuild: Your Life, Your City, Your World.See for privacy information.
14-5-2022 • 26 minuten
Starting Right - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe speaks about starting right. We’re in a verse-by-verse study in the book of Nehemiah and we’re at the point where Nehemiah has been given the go-ahead to start rebuilding the city of Jerusalem … and he’s contemplating the first step in the rebuilding process. Join us in Nehemiah chapter 2, starting about verse 11 as we learn about what it means to start right. See for privacy information.
7-5-2022 • 26 minuten
The Hand of God - Part 2
We’re all about rebuilding in our current Bold Steps Weekend series as we continue our study of the leadership of Nehemiah. As the story unfolds and we compare his job with our own rebuilding efforts … we might not be restoring a whole city, but there’s so much we can draw from when we look at the choices and decisions he made in preparation that applies to our lives today. Let’s open our Bibles to Nehemiah chapter 2 as Pastor Mark Jobe leads us in the conclusion of the message titled … The Hand of God.See for privacy information.
30-4-2022 • 26 minuten
The Hand of God - Part 1
We’ve heard it before … timing is everything! Nehemiah had a heavy burden on his soul to get up and do something for his people, but even with this urgent call, there was a patience about him. Pastor Mark Jobe says that for most of us, timing is difficult because we have to process ... we’re discerning at times, is this really what God wants us to do?…God opens up windows that we have to step through, if not, we can miss our timing. Our Bold Steps Weekend message is titled, The Hand of God … and to follow along in your Bible, turn to the book of Nehemiah, chapter 2.See for privacy information.
23-4-2022 • 26 minuten
Owning the Ruins - Part 2
Happy Easter! Last time on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe began an important discussion on what it means to rebuild … using the Old Testament prophet Nehemiah as our example to follow. Nehemiah’s heart was burdened to do something about the destroyed city of Jerusalem … but what? There’s much to learn about the process Nehemiah followed to discover his next steps!See for privacy information.
16-4-2022 • 26 minuten
Owning the Ruins - Part 1
We’re currently studying the Old Testament prophet Nehemiah on Bold Steps Weekend … and we’re learning about restoring vision, reviving hearts, and rebuilding churches and cities. And Pastor Mark says that what happens with Nehemiah is that the prophet gained a fresh burden for an old problem. We all have ruins in our life... areas of our life that have been broken down that we have not fixed and dealt with. We may have some regrets and broken areas and there comes a point in time when those ruins need to become YOUR ruins. We have to take ownership and we have to say I have to do something about this problem.See for privacy information.
9-4-2022 • 26 minuten
Restoring the Wayward Heart - Part 2
Last time on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe began a message on rediscovering your passion with regards to your faith. And today, we’ll continue this insightful lesson on Restoring the Wayward Heart. We’ll be studying Nehemiah’s entrance into biblical history. This message comes from a larger study from the book of Nehemiah called, Rebuild: Your Life, Your City, Your World.See for privacy information.
2-4-2022 • 26 minuten
Restoring the Wayward Heart - Part 1
Some of us have walked with the Lord for many years … and in that time, our passion and zeal for our faith may have dimmed a bit. Here at Bold Steps Weekend, we’re committed to helping you renew and restore your relationship with God … and rediscover joy and passion for your life. On today’s program, that’s exactly what Pastor Mark Jobe is focusing on … by teaching us how to experience spiritual renewal, and restore our hearts to God. It’s the first part of a new series on how to Rebuild Your Life, Your City, Your World … If you have your Bible handy, turn with us to Ezra, chapter 1. Today’s message is titled, Restoring the Wayward Heart.See for privacy information.
26-3-2022 • 26 minuten
Take the First Step
Are you feeling stuck in place, unsure of where to go next? Sometimes the difference between staying stuck and living free in God’s calling is taking that first bold step. Last time on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe presented a compelling argument for setting boundaries and learning to say “no” to things outside of God’s call for us … and this week he encourages us to move into our strongest faith and towards the center of our greatest fear with this important message titled … Take the First Step.See for privacy information.
19-3-2022 • 26 minuten
Rediscovering Your Boundaries - Part 2
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, we’re continuing a stirring series on how to escape the spiritual traps that immobilize us … and to get our lives moving in the direction God has called us. It’s titled, Unstuck: Out of Your Cave and into Your Call … and Pastor Mark Jobe is helping us understand the importance of boundaries.See for privacy information.
12-3-2022 • 26 minuten
Rediscovering Your Boundaries - Part 1
Let’s face it, life is busy. And if we’re not careful, we’ll overload ourselves and take on too much! But how do you know when to say “yes” and when to say “no”? Today, on Bold Steps Weekend, we’ll address the next step in getting unstuck … getting our blurred callings in focus. How do we clarify our calling and release control over areas that aren’t ours to manage? Pastor Mark Jobe says that there’s a lot we can learn from Elijah’s experience in First Kings.See for privacy information.
5-3-2022 • 26 minuten
Walk Toward Your Unfinished Business
So much of life is about moving forward and taking that next step to get ahead. But sometimes the only way forward … is by taking a few steps back. Even though we don’t usually want to talk about it, almost all of us have a few problems from our past that remain unsettled … areas of life that we simply try to avoid. And in our current Bold Steps Weekend series called Unstuck, we’ve been following the story of Elijah in the book of First Kings … and the moment in his life where he tried to run from some serious problems. Today’s message from Pastor Mark Jobe is titled, Walk Toward Your Unfinished Business.See for privacy information.
26-2-2022 • 26 minuten
Re-Envision Your Life Story - Part 2
When you consider your own self-image and what you believe about yourself … is it based on the truth of Scripture? Or the influence of the world? Last time on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe began a crucial lesson on the subject of self-image … revealing how some of the things we believe about ourselves are more than just untrue … they’re destructive. And so, if we want to live the way God intended, we need that storyboard we have for our lives to be founded on the truth of God’s Word. Join us in 1 Kings 19 as we conclude the message, Re-Envision Your Life Story.See for privacy information.
19-2-2022 • 26 minuten
Re-Envision Your Life Story - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, we’re continuing a stirring series on how to escape the spiritual traps that immobilize us … and to get our lives moving in the direction God has called us. It’s called Unstuck: Out of Your Cave and into Your Call … and Pastor Mark Jobe is revealing the power and potential problems that come from our own perspectives. The message is titled, Re-Envision Your Life Story …See for privacy information.
12-2-2022 • 26 minuten
Turn Up the God Volume - Part 2
Sometimes life can be loud. And when there are too many voices competing for our attention, is there a way to adjust the volume and find the voice that really matters? Last weekend on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe began a message about finding and focusing on the voice of God. And today, we’ll continue this insightful lesson titled, Turn Up the God Volume … as we learn the essential steps that we need to take in order to hear the voice of God more clearly. This message is part of our larger study from the book of First Kings called, Unstuck.See for privacy information.
5-2-2022 • 26 minuten
Turn Up the God Volume - Part 1
In this day and age, communication is easier than ever. But with so many voices clamoring for our attention … some of us have begun losing focus on the voice of God. So, what can we do to hear God more clearly? That’s the question Pastor Mark Jobe will answer today on this edition of Bold Steps Weekend. Today as we move forward in our study, we’ll learn that no matter who you have in your corner, or how independent you may be … the one voice we need to hear loud and clear is God’s voice. Mark has titled our message … Turn Up the God Volume. Join us in First Kings, chapter 19.See for privacy information.
29-1-2022 • 26 minuten
ReThink Your Thinking - Part 2
On the last Bold Steps Weekend program, Pastor Mark Jobe explained how certain trigger points in our life can cause us to panic, to falter in our thinking and begin living out of fear instead of faith. And to illustrate this somber point, we’ve been following the story of Elijah that’s found in the book of First Kings. We’re learning how the fears of this powerful prophet caused him to fall away from God’s will. But the good news is, our thinking can be corrected, and the strength of our faith can be restored. Today we continue to learn what it takes to ReThink Our Thinking.See for privacy information.
22-1-2022 • 26 minuten
ReThink Your Thinking - Part 1
Fear can be a natural and healthy response in the presence of real danger. But when our fears are unfounded, sometimes our worried thoughts are the only things standing in the way of the breakthrough we need. Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe is continuing a series about getting Unstuck from a place of stagnancy. When you feel trapped in life, like there’s nowhere left to go and nothing left to do … one of the first things you need might be a change in perspective.See for privacy information.
15-1-2022 • 26 minuten
Break Out of Isolation - Part 2
Last weekend here on Bold Steps Weekend, Mark began a lesson on what it takes to really break out of spiritual stagnancy in order to step into the place God has called us to. Today, we’ll discover more about the importance of choosing to make that change, as we dive into part two of our message titled … Break Out of Isolation. If you have your Bible with you, open to the book of First Kings, chapter 19. We’ll follow along with Pastor Mark Jobe as learn more about Elijah’s story … a man on the run … hiding from everyone he knew.See for privacy information.
8-1-2022 • 26 minuten
Break Out of Isolation - Part 1
One of the worst feelings in the world is being stuck somewhere you don’t want to be … and depending on where that is, sometimes being stuck is more than just an inconvenience, it’s an emergency. To kick off this new year on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe will be taking us through a brand-new series from the book of First Kings called, Unstuck … Out of Your Cave and into Your Call … and we’ll be learning how to break out of spiritual stagnancy and move into the place God has called us to. It’s a timely study for us … so turn to 1 Kings 19 and join us for this message titled, Break Out of Isolation …See for privacy information.
1-1-2022 • 26 minuten
Immanuel—God with Us - Part 2
Merry Christmas! Welcome to the new Bold Steps Weekend with Pastor Mark Jobe. I can’t think of a better way to spend some time today talking about Immanuel … God with Us. Not only did Jesus come as a baby to dwell among us almost two-thousand years ago … He continues to be with us today! And now, we have the honor and privilege of sharing the hope that we have in God with others. We have a Savior and King who is available 24/7 … no matter what life throws at us. And He wants to remind us that nobody is beyond God’s reach.See for privacy information.
25-12-2021 • 26 minuten
Immanuel—God with Us - Part 1
The prophet Isaiah spoke about a “messiah” 700-years before His birth. His name is Jesus Christ. And He is the long-awaited Immanuel, which means, “God with Us”! What a lot of people don’t understand, is what theologians call the theophany--A manifestation of the pre-incarnate Christ. In other words, Jesus kept popping into the picture throughout the entire Old Testament. This is going be a powerful message as you realize that Jesus has been with us since the beginning. And this is a great message to share this weekend before Christmas. So, if you have your Bible handy, let’s open them to Isaiah, chapter 7 for Pastor Mark Jobe and this edition of Bold Steps Weekend.See for privacy information.
18-12-2021 • 26 minuten
The Crossing
As we bring 2021 to a close, we’re going to rewind a little bit today on the NEW Bold Steps Weekend to share a message that Pastor Mark Jobe gave to students at Moody Bible Institute … However, this is for anyone who is crossing into a new season, it’ll apply to you! At the end of this message, because it was the beginning of our semester, we have a student who prayed for the semester … Victor LeBron. Powerful testimony and then we have a professor, Winfred Neely, who is in the applied theology department, who also prayed for all the students, and you really want to hear this. Our message is called, The Crossing, based in Joshua 3:1-6.See for privacy information.
11-12-2021 • 26 minuten
Do You See It Yet? - Part 1
Maybe you’ve heard Proverbs 29:18 before … it says where there is no vision, the people perish. The New Living translation puts it this way, when the people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. Today, on the NEW Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe is going to be talking about vision …he loves this verse because there are multiple translations, but in essence it says without a vision people go on unrestrained …As we continue our series called, Fully Devoted, we’re going to talk about gaining a God centered perspective and if you have Bibles handy, turn with us to Second Kings, chapter 6. Mark titled the message … Do You See It Yet?.See for privacy information.
27-11-2021 • 26 minuten
It’s Not Over Yet - Part 2
Many of us have had a clear picture of God’s plan for our lives, but then something happened, and we got off track. Discouragement and distractions set in, and we put off what we were called to do. So, how do we get back on track … and run the race set before us? Today, on the NEW Bold Steps Weekend, as we continue in our study of the book of Haggai, Pastor Mark Jobe is going to be looking at how the prophet restored God’s vision to the people’s hearts and minds. And with any luck, his message will be the tailwind you need from the Spirit to push you in the direction that God is calling you to go! This series is called Fully Devoted and the message is titled, It’s Not Over Yet.See for privacy information.
20-11-2021 • 26 minuten
It’s Not Over Yet - Part 1
In our series today on the new Bold Steps Weekend, we’re looking at what it means to be Fully Devoted to God … and Pastor Mark Jobe will be leading us from the Old Testament book of Haggai. This Old Testament prophet was able to wake up people who had been lukewarm in their faith after losing their vision along the path in their spiritual journey. And like many triathletes, he was able to encourage them along the way to keep running the race. Now, we may not be extreme athletes, but there are a lot of spiritual messages we can glean from this passage of Scripture.See for privacy information.
13-11-2021 • 26 minuten
The Power Habits - Part 2
Let’s face it … everyone’s got a few bad habits that they’d like to get rid of. And as much as we try to drop them, sometimes those habits want to stick around. But today on the NEW Bold Steps Weekend, as we continue our message titled, The Power Habits … Pastor Mark Jobe is going to show us the disciplines that create great habits … and hearts that are fully devoted to God.See for privacy information.
6-11-2021 • 26 minuten
Power Habits - Part 1
We’re learning what it means to be Fully Devoted to God … and that’s the title of our series right now on The NEW Bold Steps Weekend. And this edition, we’re going to be learning about three Power Habits that will change your life. If you can, join Pastor Mark Jobe in Matthew chapter 6.See for privacy information.
30-10-2021 • 26 minuten
When God Stops - Part 2
Today on the NEW Bold Steps Weekend, we’re continuing our study from the book of Second Chronicles and we’re talking about being “all in” and fully devoted to God. Last time Pastor Mark Jobe shared King Asa of Judah’s story with us, and on this edition, we’ll look at why extraordinary power follows on the heels of extraordinary commitment to God. This is part two of the message called, When God Stops. See for privacy information.
23-10-2021 • 26 minuten
When God Stops - Part 1
Have you ever considered what it means to be “all in” spiritually? Well, that’s the topic today on the New Bold Steps Weekend. This weekend, we’re beginning part one of a three-part message on what it means to be fully devoted to God. And we’re going to be taking a look at the life of King Asa of Judah. Pastor Mark Jobe says that it's never too early to start thinking about how we can live more fully devoted lives. The title of today’s message is When God Stops … and it comes from our new series titled, Fully Devoted.
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16-10-2021 • 26 minuten
Bartimaeus: The Blind Man - Part 2
How much do we really need God’s touch … Word … and Light in us? Well, that’s the topic we’ll be exploring today here on the NEW Bold Steps Weekend program with Pastor Mark Jobe. As we conclude this message on the life of Bartimaeus from the book of Mark, we’ll see how this blind man moved from being stuck …to stopping Jesus. This message is part of our series, Bullseye Living: Staying on Target with God. See for privacy information.
9-10-2021 • 26 minuten
Bartimaeus: The Blind Man - Part 1
Well, it’s the beginning of October and you know what that means … winter is right around the corner! Maybe you don’t want to imagine it. But it’s coming … at least for those of us in those wintery parts of the country. When it snows, you know you’re bound to get stuck somewhere. And maybe you are feeling “stuck” in life. If so, getting “unstuck” is the theme of Pastor Mark Jobe's message today on the NEW Bold Steps Weekend.See for privacy information.
2-10-2021 • 26 minuten
The Man with the Withered Hand - Part 2
Today on the NEW Bold Steps Weekend, we’re continuing our study from the book of Luke chapter 6 about The Man with the Withered Hand. And as Pastor Mark Jobe shared with us last time, this man is standing in front of the crowd on the Sabbath … with his condition fully exposed … and what happens next? Well, Mark is going to get into all the ramifications of that action right now...See for privacy information.
25-9-2021 • 26 minuten
The Man with the Withered Hand - Part 1
We all have stories that are difficult or we have embarrassing moments in our lives. Today, on the NEW Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe is going to be sharing from the book of Luke … about Jesus and a man with a withered hand. There’s a lot to this man’s situation that compares to our lives today when it comes to dealing with shame, failure, and our journey to finding wholeness. See for privacy information.
18-9-2021 • 26 minuten
Do All Spiritual Roads Lead to Heaven? - Part 2
Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes? Well, that’s the topic we’ll be exploring today on the new Bold Steps Weekend program with Pastor Mark Jobe. Often times it seems as though people who blatantly thumb their nose at God are more successful … or don’t have the same struggles with just getting by … that many Christians do. It’s a frustrating dilemma, but one that Mark has something to say about it. Join us in Second Peter as we are reminded that we need to be very careful about who we listen to … or who we allow to influence us. See for privacy information.
11-9-2021 • 26 minuten
Do All Spiritual Roads Lead to Heaven? - Part 1
We live in a dangerous and deceptive world. There are many false teachers everywhere who can subtly get you off course. So, what recourse do we have? And how can we protect ourselves from being led astray? Today on the new Bold Steps Weekend program, Pastor Mark Jobe will help answer those questions. See for privacy information.
4-9-2021 • 26 minuten
Can I Really Trust the Bible? - Part 2
In our new Bold Steps Weekend series, Bullseye Living … Staying on Target with God, we’ve been learning about the importance of remember the “God moments” in our lives … so that we don’t forget. And right now, as we move forward today our study from the book of Second Peter, Pastor Mark Jobe is going to explain why we need to take those reminders one step further. See for privacy information.
28-8-2021 • 26 minuten
Can I Really Trust the Bible? - Part 1
On the NEW Bold Steps Weekend, we’re in a great series of messages called, Bullseye Living … Staying on Target with God … Pastor Mark Jobe will be reminding us that we need to stay on top of those fundamental skills when it comes to faith, or they tend to become rusty. See for privacy information.
21-8-2021 • 26 minuten
Do I Have What it Takes? - Part 2
The Lord wants us to go beyond just eking by in our spiritual walk. But how do we do that? Join Pastor Mark Jobe as he turns to the book of Second Peter to discover the answer to our question. Mark will be taking us through seven faith-building characteristics we need on for our spiritual journey in the second half of the message, Do I Have What It Takes?.See for privacy information.
14-8-2021 • 26 minuten
Do I Have What it Takes? - Part 1
Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes? Did you ever wonder about your life trajectory and whether you had the skills or tools to do all that you wanted to do? Today on the NEW Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe is starting a new series for us called, Bullseye Living, Staying on Target with God … and begins by introducing us to a very unlikely church leadership candidate … See for privacy information.
7-8-2021 • 26 minuten
God Has a Plan - Part 2
Have you ever wondered if the little bit that you have to offer … is enough to make a difference? Well, that’s the topic of conversation today on the new Bold Steps Weekend, as we continue looking at Philip and Andrew and how Jesus tested their source of their confidence and dependence. Pastor Mark Jobe originally preached this two-part message during a visit to the Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference.
It’s summer and that means you want water or iced tea close by for those hot days. Or maybe you like coffee no matter the temperature outside! Either way, we’d love to send you our exclusive Bold Steps Gift Set which includes…a Bold Steps tumbler perfect for your favorite hot or cold beverage along with a 12-ounce bag of whole bean, medium roast, Guatemalan coffee and a Bold Steps collectible, re-usable bag.
All you have to do to win is go to our website at and share a time in your life when you’ve taken bold steps of faith in your life. Your story might even be featured on a future Bold Steps Weekend program. Look for the ‘Be Bold’ contest to win your very own Bold Steps gift set. Be Bold this summer with Bold Steps Weekend!See for privacy information.
31-7-2021 • 26 minuten
God Has a Plan - Part 1
Before the pandemic, Pastor Mark Jobe travelled quite a bit and got to speak in various locations around the world. And a couple of summers ago, he was able to visit the Maranatha Bible and Missionary Center in beautiful Muskegon, Michigan … Speaking of planning … God Has a Plan … and that’s the topic of the talk he gave while he was there and the message today on the new Bold Steps Weekend. He covered the book of John, chapter 6, verses 1 through 13.See for privacy information.
24-7-2021 • 26 minuten, 1 seconde
Habit of Worship - Part 2
The book of Revelation is an often-misunderstood book of the Bible. But it’s a powerful book that represents the culmination of all the other books … spoiler alert: God wins! And that’s the topic today here on the new Bold Steps Weekend with Pastor Mark Jobe. Today’s message is on redemption and cross-centered worship. See for privacy information.
17-7-2021 • 26 minuten
Habit of Worship - Part 1
Would you like to take your relationship with the Lord to the next level? That’s the topic we’ll be diving into today here on the NEW Bold Steps Weekend program with Pastor Mark Jobe. As we continue our study on Habits … and the Disciplines that Make a Difference in our lives, we’ll be turning to the book of Revelation to discover the four spiritual habits that will help you take the concept of worship and adoration of the Lord to the next level. Mark titled this message Habit of Worship … See for privacy information.
10-7-2021 • 26 minuten
Habit of Prayer - Part 3
Prayer has the power to transform lives … and today on the NEW Bold Steps Weekend, we’ll learn about one prayer that has been set apart as the gold standard of prayers. If you can, turn to the book of Matthew to learn more about this special pattern of prayer that Jesus taught his disciples.See for privacy information.
3-7-2021 • 26 minuten
Habits of Prayer - Part 2
Most of us know what the Lord’s Prayer is … but did you know there’s a biblical pattern for healthy communication there, too? Well, as we move forward in our NEW Bold Steps Weekend series on Habits … Disciplines that Make a Difference, we’re going to wade into the deep waters of Matthew, chapter 6. Pastor Mark Jobe is going to show us the pattern for praying the Lord’s Prayer that will transform our prayer lives and lead us into healthy communication with the Lord.See for privacy information.
26-6-2021 • 26 minuten
Habit of Prayer - Part 1
The Bible give us a pattern for praying … but do you know what it is? I’m sure many of us would like to know how we can take our prayer life to a whole new level … and on today’s NEW Bold Steps Weekend program, Pastor Mark Jobe is going to be shedding some light on the Habit of Prayer … that’s designed to do just that …
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19-6-2021 • 26 minuten
Habits of the Word - Part 2
We all know that our habits shape the way we live … but did you know that there are habits that we can practice that will actually transform your life? Today on our new Bold Steps Weekend program with Pastor Mark Jobe, as we move forward in our series on Habits, Mark will be answering that question … and he’ll be giving us a unique 21-day challenge. See for privacy information.
12-6-2021 • 26 minuten
Habits of the Word - Part 1
Did you know that the habits you practice right now ultimately affect who you are … and who you will be in the future? Today on NEW Bold Steps Weekend, we’re going to focus on four habits that can literally alter and change your destiny. Our message is titled, Habits of the Word and it's from our series … Habits: Disciplines that Make a Difference, based in Acts chapter 2. See for privacy information.
5-6-2021 • 26 minuten
Habits to Godliness - Part 2
Starting a new fitness program is often very challenging … and the same can be said about spiritual life transformations, too! And today on the NEW Bold Steps Weekend program, as we move forward with our new series called, Habits … Disciplines That Make a Difference, Pastor Mark Jobe will be turning our attention to the book of First Timothy chapter 4. When it comes to changing our mindset … we need to build a strong foundation, and that starts with developing good habits. See for privacy information.
29-5-2021 • 26 minuten
Habits to Godliness - Part 1
Today on Bold Steps Weekend, Pastor Mark Jobe is going to be talking about Habits to Godliness … and Habits That Make A Difference. His message comes from the book of 1st Timothy and the concept of sowing … and reaping … See for privacy information.
22-5-2021 • 26 minuten
What is God up to? - Part 2
When things seem to be at their darkest … or when you’re in a crisis, do you find yourself wondering if God is still at work? Today on NEW Bold Steps Weekend program we continue with part 2 of this powerful and encouraging message titled, What is God Up To? …See for privacy information.
15-5-2021 • 26 minuten
What is God Up To? - Part 1
What happens when things don’t turn out the way you’d like them to … or the way you had hoped they would? Do you get discouraged? Or maybe you dig your heels in … and wait. Well, no matter how you handle discouragements, I think it’s safe to say that we all sometimes wonder what God’s up to. And that’s our topic today here on our new Bold Steps Weekend program with Pastor Mark Jobe. See for privacy information.