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Beauty Biz Launch

English, Arts, 1 season, 88 episodes, 1 day, 17 hours, 21 minutes
As a Bold Beauty Boss in the Beauty Business, you WILL make $1Million over your career. If you make $40K/yr - it will take 25 years If you make $100K/yr - it will take 10 years If you make $250K/yr - it will take 4 short years We get you there, FASTER by teaching and connecting you with other Bold Beauty Bosses that are already doing it. It takes only 1 NEW idea to double your business. We hope you find that idea here!
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Are Your Feelings Liars & Are They Sabotaging Your Success In Esthetics? Maybe And This Is Why...

NOBODY wants to hear this but your feelings are liars and they will rarely if ever cooperate with your dreams. So F your feelings and just do the work that is required to reach your dreams whether you feel like it or not.In this video, I talk about how you should burn your feelings if they are blocking your success in esthetics.Your feelings are not to be trusted.   They will lead you astray. They will make you give up. They will convince you that you can't do it. If your goal is to be a successful esthetician and a business owner, and I hope it is, then denying your feelings is a reality of life. Your feelings are liars. What do your feelings tell you to do INSTEAD of doing the work you SHOULD be doing to get closer to your dreams? 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
3/23/20239 minutes, 27 seconds
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Why Looking For Happiness Made Me More Miserable? Estheticians, Look For THIS Instead...

I was looking for happiness, so of course I was miserable. I looked for happiness in TV, booze, sex, and more. These things made me feel good for the moment but this led to an unhappy life that I wanted to get rid of. Then I figured out something important: experiencing pleasure doesn't lead to happiness. And it never has. That sugar rush in your brain will go away and you'll be right back where you were before feeling that high. This was a major turning point in my life. Now I focus on NOT happiness, but this instead... What about you, would this shift in perspective help your beauty business (and life in general)? 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
3/14/20238 minutes, 54 seconds
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I Hated Marketing, Until I Did This... and How Estheticians Can Do The Same To Get MORE Clients...

Marketing. It's something that most entrepreneurs and small business owners hate doing because is boring, not creative, and not their strong suits. But what if we could love doing the things we've been putting off to the side? And what if we could get super consistent and efficient at the marketing activities we should be doing? In this video, I share how I went from hating marketing, to loving it. And how estheticians can do it too and get some extra clients along the way! How do you stay focused on your marketing? What pulls you off track? 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
3/6/202312 minutes, 15 seconds
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Are you a STRESSED Esthetician? This may be the reason why (and how to instantly fix it).

How many times have you felt stressed in your life and couldn't figure out why? Have you ever thought to yourself, "if I could just make up my mind, life would be so much easier" ?   Many estheticians and other professionals get stressed out about business. They don't know what to do, where to go next, how to grow their practice or how to compete with other business. This stress can effect your life and your family. In this video, I explain another strategy I use in my life and career that helps me solve this issue that may work for you as well.   What are some of the decisions you are not making? Pick a side and go for it.  Like a good friend of mine would say, "Either take a poop or get off the pot." For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
2/28/20239 minutes, 56 seconds
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If Client Spend More Time With You, Will Your Business Grow?

Do you sacrifice time with paying clients in order to spend time with people who just might become clients that you are comfortable with?  My goal isn't to be someones friend. Its not even to make a sale. Its to help them solve their problems and reach their goals. In that process a lot can develop, friendship, respect, and of course the sale... I've been guilty of choosing to work with people and spend more time with them just because it was comfortable. I quickly learned that the people that wanted the most of my time, were not my ideal client. They just had a lot of spare time on their hands... But my time is $$$ Who is your ideal client? My ideal client is someone in pain or with a problem I can help them fix. They are not there for the 60 minutes, but there to fix a problem (which can take 15mins or 90mins)...  So when it comes to business and skincare treatment. My goals are: 1. Not to offer "relaxing facials"... sure people may come for them, but I am not targeting them and they will be paying TOP dollar 2. The Profit is in the Pain. I am looking for people with a problem to solve: Acne, Rosacea, Bumpy Skin, etc 3. The more people I can see, the more people I can help, the more money I can make... its a Triple Win... So can you create a skincare maintenance treatment that takes less time so you can book more people? What would it look like? What could you do or add so you can attract clients that value their time? For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
2/27/202320 minutes, 50 seconds
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Estheticians - This Is How You Get Paid

As a esthetician, is your income where you want it to be? Are there ways that you want to grow but don't know how? This video will give you the tools you need to be successful. Step 1: What is your Point of View and Beliefs Step 2: Be passionate about it.. sales is just a fancy word for transferring  your passionate beliefs to clients. Step 3: Get client to question their OWN beliefs and actions Step 4: Show how you are the solution Step 5: Spread the word, play the game, extend your Beliefs & WIN! Where to start: What is ONE thing you see a lot of clients doing wrong that can talk about? Start here.... 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
2/21/20238 minutes, 17 seconds
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How To Increase Your Esthetician Social Media Engagement (This is the reason it's NOT working)...

Why are estheticians struggling to get the results they want from their social media? In this video, I talk about why this is the case and what you can do about it. Whenever I write a blog post and share it on social media, I ALWAYS include images. It's a no-brainer. But a lot of estheticians think that just because they have an Instagram account, it will automatically generate sales for them. A lot of estheticians complain that their marketing is not working. They post beautiful pictures of their skin or lasers or pictures of their products and services, but they get zero engagement. Why? Because they aren't telling stories! They simply aren't giving people the information they want and need to know- what are the results people are noticing? How do these results increase self esteem? How does this increase confidence? Add more about the results, the feelings, and (the secret weapon) what OTHERS are noticing about them... Do this consistently and long enough and you will increase your Social Media engagement sooo much that people will wonder if you hired a professional (only you will know the secret was this one tip I talked about today).. Have you used this formula or are you guilty of just talking about products/services/openings/promotions? 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
2/15/20238 minutes, 9 seconds
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Do You Deserve To Be A Beauty Business Success? Maybe & Maybe Not. This is WHY...

This is one of my favorite videos of all time. But don't listen to me ... I want you to watch it for yourself and decide if you can honestly say that you do the boring, daily things that lead to success... and why you deserve to make money from your business ... and WHY you deserve to have fun in your business. Are you doing the daily BORING things that success requires? If so, GREAT! Do more and become more. If NOT, why not? Make a list and keep on it!! Yes? For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
2/14/202311 minutes, 51 seconds
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Are You Asking Clients To Bang Or Build A Relationship? You Might Be Surprised (and this is why)?

A lot of estheticians are not asking enough questions to build a lasting relationship... they're asking them to straight bang (how rude). Listen up! This is gonna make you a lot more money in your practice. It really really will. So, here's why. Are you guilty of trying to Bang instead of Build? What are some of your favorite ways to BUILD New/Existing Relationships in your Business? 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
2/9/20237 minutes, 55 seconds
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I'm An Esthetician & Thinking About Creating A Digital Course... What Next?

If you're thinking about creating a digital course but don't know what to do next, this video is for you. I go over when it's a good time to create one, what the first steps are, and how you can get started. What are your thoughts on this? Remember to TEST to be the BEST :) For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
2/9/202313 minutes, 32 seconds
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Estheticians, Should You Hire A Social Media Manager? 99% of the time the answer is NO (and this is why)...

A lot of you guys message me on Facebook and one of the questions that I hear all the time is "Should we hire a social media manager or should I do my own social media?" and I feel like there's a lot of miscommunication out there between social media managers and businesses, because I don't believe that every small business needs a dedicated social media manager. That's why I'm making this video today. If it don't make Dollars then it don't make sense... Guard your hard earned money... If they cannot guarantee their work, then they DO NOT deserve your business.... What has been your experience with social media managers? For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
2/3/202314 minutes, 45 seconds
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One of the biggest mistakes I made in business and how I corrected it

Sometimes I just had to suffer my way to success
1/26/202312 minutes, 36 seconds
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Are You a Bad Esthetician? What to Do When Client Follow-up Fails drastically

Follow up with clients! Client retention is key in any business, no matter what industry you're in. If your clients don't trust you to be their go-to person and decide to look else where, then chances are they won't be contacting you the next time they have an appointment. Follow up with your clients, by all means. If they loved your service, tell them so. Be appreciative of their business and keep in contact with them. Create opportunities for them to come back, review your services on social media and build a community around your spa that loves you and trusts you. For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
12/20/202218 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Universe Wants You To Be A Successful Esthetician, BUT are you Ignoring The Signs?

Do you hear that? It's the universe continuing to whisper super awesome ideas in your ear, like a steaming cup of coffee. Maybe you've been ignoring those signs up until now. But if you forget to look harder, they will pass you by... completely unnoticed. This video is a message specifically geared toward estheticians but it could apply to any business owner. You are JUST one idea away from a HUGE Pay Day!! What are some signs or whispers you've recently encountered? What did you do? Did you act on them or Not? For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
12/19/202211 minutes, 1 second
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Why did your clients choose you to be their esthetician and why you NEED to know?

Why did your clients choose you to be their esthetician? You may think you know the answer and say things like: because I provide great service because I get them results because I care But, did you ever ACTUALLY ASK them straight up? This is one of the most critical pieces of information you need to know why clients are choosing you, so you can do MORE OF THAT! But how can you know if you don't ask??? Your challenge today (if you choose to accept it). Text/DM your clients and ask them that question, "... just curious, why did you choose me as your esthetician?" the answer may not be what you expected... DO THIS today and post the responses you get in the comments below... 👇👇👇 PS: Don't assume you know... Ask and be sure. For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
12/14/20226 minutes, 52 seconds
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How Estheticians Can Use Butt Dialing To Get Their Clients To Like Them More (Well Kinda)...

How My Mom Talking SMACK Got My Clients To LIKE Me More! Wait, What? Inspiration is all around. You've heard the saying, "Turn that frown upside down." RIght? Well I learned this Phone hack by listening to my Mom talk smack, and I've been using it ever since to Build Good Will with my Clients. Give it a Try, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain What is a small simple hack that you use to build good will with clients? For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
12/11/20225 minutes, 46 seconds
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An Esthetics Business is Money $$$ In... Not Money OUT and this is why...

It's easy to get carried away, and go on a spending spree when building your esthetics business. It's a good thing that you are excited and want to grow this business as quickly as possible. BUT STOP RIGHT THERE! STOP SPENDING ALL YOUR MONEY! First test out your products, services, new tools etc. before making a major investment in them. Things that are a great idea on paper can be a total flop in real life. Testing things out such as new products or different services is part of being smart with your money and expanding your business at an optimal rate. What is an investment you were EXCITED about in the beginning that just flopped (and it cost you a bunch)? For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
12/11/202226 minutes, 49 seconds
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Esthetician Demos // What She's Doing Wrong + Improving

If you are an esthetician with a skincare retail (a skincare business of any kind), this is for you. __ I believe that in order to sell retail skincare products (or any retail product), one must first demonstrate how to use the product. And demonstration sets you apart from other estheticians and other businesses in your area- it's a great way to sell more retail products. Leading by example will help build a loyal customer base- not only because they followed along to gain knowledge, but because those customers can see that you actually use the stuff you are selling them, which gives them trust and the feeling that they know what they are going to get when they visit your skincare business. When was the last time you demo'd your products on yourself? For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
12/10/202215 minutes, 29 seconds
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Being A Solo Esthetician Can Be Hard. DON'T make it harder by doing THIS...

Not all solo estheticians can be super stars or earn in six figures. But YOU can! The reality of running a business is that it is not easy. But never give up! Be careful with your time and money. Learn from other people's mistakes (and your own). Listen to this video and let it guide you into growing as a professional and more successful esthetician! You Got this YO!! Fight the Devil within and be impeccable with your word... What is something you recently told yourself you would do and then talked yourself out of (even though you know you should have done it)?? 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
12/8/202218 minutes, 42 seconds
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Social Media. How Estheticians Can get more followers in less than 1 hour...

For Estheticians who are on social media looking for more engagement, bookings, clients and followers... every day we hear from fellow estheticians that they want more likes, comments and followers. And while it's definitely a good thing to have a large following (and active participation), there's a big difference between 'wishing' and 'doing'. In this video we'll be going over the one strategy you can use right now to start actively getting the new follows, likes and comments that you desire. Don't WISH for it, WORK FOR IT! Build Your HOT 100 List and Get to WORKKKK!! What has worked for you to Build your social following? Please share below and lets GROW like WHOA!! 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
12/6/202222 minutes, 34 seconds
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How Estheticians Can Print ENDLESS Money and Get Rich Forever (This is the ONE)!

How Estheticians Can Print ENDLESS Money and Get Rich Forever Imagine if every client you worked with NEVER Left and kept paying you month after month, where would your business be? In this quick video I share with you my #1 secret to making money and becoming a RICH as an esthetician. You've probably wondered how some estheticians get sooo incredibly successful. Well, if you were to add up all the clients that they've worked with as a solo esthetician, and they continued to book with them month after month and never left... how much bigger would her business be? This is the Secret to making BANK (not just money) as an Esthetician... The question to ask yourself is how can I make my product, service, and experience soooooo good that people will never want to stop paying for it. A lot of Estheticians are just not that good at creating a mind blowing results oriented experience that makes that client want to come in month after month.. and that is okay Because you can put in the hard work, break up the entire client interaction journey, and focus on how you can make it better. Make it better to the point that your clients never stop paying you. The purpose of your initial marketing/promotion is to get clients The purpose of those clients is to get feedback And you keep getting feed to make the product, service, results better, better, better What can you do to better your client experience? I promise you this deep work is worth the effort... 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
11/29/202234 minutes, 45 seconds
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I'm and Esthetician. Should I Advertise My Esthetician Services in Magazines?

The answer depends on you and your skills to actually make those print media ads work for you. Because before you even start making your print media ads, you have to ask yourself, "are these print ads going to get the job done? Are they going to be profitable?" And many people don't do any testing beforehand, they just assume that it's going to be effective. Facebook (and social media in general) though, is a very powerful and inexpensive way of testing your print ad before it even goes out. It is a very quick way of finding out if the ad is right or not so that when it is printed in magazines or in newspapers, it has a better chance of being successful. Have you had a profitable print ad experience? If so, do tell For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
11/28/202213 minutes, 10 seconds
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Attn: Estheticians! Clients Don't Care About Services, They Want Results...

If you own a spa or esthetician practice, your service package doesn't matter. Here's something I say all the time:    Your services don't matter. Why not?    Because your clients don't care about your services. They care about their results. They care about looking and feeling good in their clothing, interacting with people, and what other people think about their skin. So even if you have the best drugstore cleanser on the market (I recommend Wik'ed Skincare Face Cleanser), if your clients don't like it, you're screwed!    So stop talking about services at length and start talking about products you have with great results from testimonials- because that's what's going to sell!  Do you talk more about services? Look at your last post, is it results driven? Screenshot it and post in the comments below so we can help each other improve with marketing. 👇👇👇   For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE):  Beauty Biz Launch
11/21/202210 minutes, 8 seconds
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Death is inevitable. Why Estheticians Need To Stop Caring About What Others Think.

I'm going to talk about why Estheticians care so much about what others think. It's a problem that I can't stand and that I don't want you to have. So let's talk about it! I will give you some strategies on how to stop caring right NOW, and then help you take action on it. When was the last time you thought of the Queen or others that have passed? Life goes on, so stop caring what others think and START making moves NOW!! Yes?   For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE):  Beauty Biz Launch
11/10/202211 minutes, 15 seconds
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Networking and Meeting Other Business Owners can be SCARY... But not if you do it like this ...

You want to Network at the local Chamber of Commerce... BUT,    1. What do I say?  2. How do I approach people?  3. How do I not sound Salesy?   Well.... It's Taco Tuesday so let's Taco-bout it :)   What works for you when you are networking? What events do you go to that helped you grow your business? 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
11/8/202215 minutes, 24 seconds
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How Estheticians Can Get 500+ Google Reviews using this Kohl's Hack

I have seen a few Estheticians post on their own Facebook Pages, asking how they can get more Google Reviews, so I figured I would give them a hand. Kohl's is one of the biggest retailers in America and they have a very specific process that you may not know about but will work for you. Do you do this now? Give it a shot and report back 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
11/7/20228 minutes, 36 seconds
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Why Winning Estheticians always Win in the Beauty Industry (and how you can too)...

Winning in the skin care and beauty industry can be done by anyone if they are willing to pay the price. If you want to break your limit, you have to do things outside of your comfort zone. There are 2 types of people in this world: those that set goals and achieve them, and those that set goals and give up before getting started. Estheticians can easily hit six figures (and beyond) in the beauty industry if they are willing to do the work and pay the price without excuses.   Do you work for your goals or do you wish for your goals? This could be the difference... 👇👇👇   For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE):  Beauty Biz Launch
11/3/202216 minutes, 31 seconds
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Estheticians that aren't Following up, you're probably F***ing up and this is why...

If you're not Following up, you're probably F***ing up and this is why...  Stats show that 80% of sales occur between the 5th and 12th follow-up... but I believe over 80-90% of estheticians don't effectively follow-up over 2 times... losing 80% of the business   Don't lose the business after doing all the hard work to create the interest... getting clients interested in your services is the hard part.. the follow-up should be the easy gentle reminders...  What are some EFFECTIVE ways you follow-up that has helped you get Bookings and Generate income?? For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
11/2/202217 minutes, 15 seconds
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Motivation, Keeping Me Going- Business Owner Struggles (Beauty industry)

Being self employed can be tough. Especially if you are working for yourself, there is no one that forces you to do the work. I mean, well there is a customer (and bills), but you have to force yourself to do the work that isn't fun or that you aren't good at. When I worked for someone else in my industry, it was a lot easier to get motivated and stay motivated because we had a manager that forced us to stay on task. Now that I am my own manager, I have learned the hard way that motivation is not something you can will into existence. So what can you do? I found this Video to be true and therefore if I want to be a hero in my business, I need to create a villain... If you have a clone nemesis that had NO FEAR... what would she be doing differently... Make a list, create your enemy and then work to beat your enemy.. What would be on your list? 👇👇👇
10/27/202213 minutes, 10 seconds
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Estheticians Are Making Business Harder Than It Should Be

Estheticians Are Making Business Harder Than It Should Be. Please take a moment to watch this video about making business harder than it should be and why we should keep it simple. Are you making business harder than it should be? How many times do you post a week? Could you be posting more? What topics would appeal to your ideal client? For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
10/24/202213 minutes, 17 seconds
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Do You Have To Be Patient To Be Successful As An Esthetician? The answer may SURPRISE you...

Many believe you have to be patient in order to achieve success. That is simply not true. Many of the most successful estheticians became successful quickly because they were impatient from the beginning.They did not sit around and wait for results to come. Instead, they took action! Have you ever been told to "just be patient"?  Did it work for you or not? If it did work, could you have gotten the results faster if you were IMpatient? 👇👇👇
10/10/202216 minutes, 23 seconds
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What Are You Saying To Yourself and How They Can Cripple Your Esthetics Business?

In this video I implore you to be more vigilant with the words that you are saying to yourself. These are not innocent words, these are incantations. They might sound silly but they impact your subconscious and they impact how you present yourself to the world. Have you ever said things like: "I hate sales" "I suck at marketing" "I hate doing social media" If so, you might be self-sabotaging your beauty business because sales, marketing, and social media are all important pieces of running a successful esthetics business... What self-talk are you guilty of saying, and what is your new affirmation to replace it? 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
10/4/20228 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Beauty Business Can Be Scary, But You Should Be MORE Scared Of Not Marketing Your Business

The beauty business (like many others) can be scary. Do you know everything there is to know about waxing, facials, or brows? Are you comfortable putting yourself out there as a beauty professional? Do you have clients that are happy with your services? Are you getting referrals from past customers? If your answer is 'no' to at least one of these questions, then marketing can help. But, it starts with you. It is hard for clients to find you, if you are afraid to put yourself out there... THE SECRET: Be more afraid of NOT doing the marketing than doing it. If you are struggling with your business now and not changing anything, where will it be in 3-5 years? Face the Fear and You'll Find the Fortune! Yes?? For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
9/29/20229 minutes, 50 seconds
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How To Make $100,000 As An Esthetician In One Year...

A lot of estheticians focus on a lot of different things like facials, hair removal, teeth whitening, all the techniques, the products. But if you want to make $100,000 a year as an esthetician than you really need to focus on specializing in one thing. Remember the rule of 100. You can't sell everything to everyone because you'll always be at the mercy of what sells and what doesn't. So stick to 1 product and 1 channel and then fill up all that time you have on your hands with 1 customer avatar. Would you consider using the Rule of 100? If So, what which 100? 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch
9/27/202227 minutes, 12 seconds
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Why Estheticians Struggle to Succeed? It's NOT cuz of COVID, Competition, or Influencers (it's this)

Have you ever wondered why estheticians struggle to succeed? I have. Knowing that this industry is one of the only industries where you can work your ass off for years and still end up exactly where you started. Knowing that you can be surrounded by other successful estheticians and apply their success principles into your business but somehow it doesn't matter...I wondered WHY is there SO MANY people in THIS ONE industry who are not getting what they want out of it. This is what I found.... Which one of these do you struggle with the Most? So what is your plan to Handle it HEAD ON? 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
9/26/202228 minutes, 10 seconds
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How Estheticians can use the FBI's Mind Control Technique to GROW your bookings.

In this video I teach you a super psychological trick for booking more new business, which is based on something we learned from the FBI. Get them to say YES by saying NO... wait, what? Have you tried this before? If not, give it a go and let me know how it works... For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
9/19/20226 minutes, 46 seconds
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Why Is NO ONE Talking About THIS? More Estheticians Are Burning Money On Education Because of This.

Many estheticians, who are very smart and ambitious people, continue to pay more and more money in education. You may think this is a good investment because the more you learn, the more you earn. WRONG! Education has never been this inflated and prices are higher than ever! So why doesn't anyone talk about anymore? See how your skincare peers are burning money on skincare education without any ROI. How much have you spent on learning additional skincare education vs. investing in sales/marketing education? 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch #esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
9/9/20229 minutes, 5 seconds
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How Estheticians Can Sell More Products & Services Without Being Sleezy and Salesy

Several estheticians are struggling to pay their bills and wondering how they can grow their business. Sure, watching videos or reading articles on the internet helps but most of us have to be in a room with a potential client to learn something new. Most of the time, we use what we've learned and apply it in our own way. One thing about learning isn't right or wrong, just different ways of doing things. This video will give you a fresh idea instead of being sleazy and salesy... you'll make more money in the beauty business without being pushy or obnoxious. If you change your goal from "Making the Sale" to THIS, you can double your sales within a year... What is your goal when interacting with clients? Has it been working for you? 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
9/6/202218 minutes, 35 seconds
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Esthetician Fear... How to GROW your beauty business with this ONE mental tweak.

Fear is one of the biggest reasons why a lot of estheticians don't market their beauty business enough. But if you think about it logically, most people either aren't ready or just don't want to your service right now (and that is ok). So instead of expecting a yes and being disappointed, expect the no and be prepared. This is how to change this one belief that can change your business... BONUS: I included one of my FAVORITE lines when someone tells me "I am not interested" and it works like charm (you're welcome)! Comment Below: I expect the NO and this may be the one belief change that catapults your beauty business :) For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch
9/1/202217 minutes, 6 seconds
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How To Get Rich As An Esthetician - The Secret Process EXPOSED!

Getting rich as an esthetician can be done. In this video, I break down this secret process that you can use to build a business and a life for yourself that you deserve. Stop trying to Go for the YES! It's Time to GO FOR NO!!! Would this work for you? 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
8/29/202212 minutes, 55 seconds
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Are Your Feelings Making You Fail As An Esthetician in the Beauty Business?

There's a myth that if you do things because you feel like it, then you'll fail. That if you're naturally lazy or naturally unmotivated, and that means you'll fail...but it turns out, the opposite is true. Being driven by feelings is a recipe for disaster. If you have near-zero boundaries or a low tolerance for suffering, then there's no way that you can achieve greatness. Champions don't do what they feel like doing - they do what needs to be done whether they feel like it or not. So, it's time to put your feelings to the side and get to work... This is how Legends are made. This is also how successful estheticians are made... Does this make sense? Do you let your feelings steer you in the wrong direction? For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
8/19/202212 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to Handle a Disagreeable Client or Esthetician (with this NINJA technique)! shhhhh...

So, you have a client or esthetician that disagrees with you, and they are very vocal about it. Resist the urge to snap back at them! instead, here is a simple technique that will allow you to maintain the peace. Have you ever tried this? If so, what was the result? If NOT, try it and report back :) 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
8/12/202211 minutes, 43 seconds
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How I Went From Unknown Brown Bald Guy To Esthetician Sales And Marketing Specialist With Over 20,000 Following In Under 2 Years.

Come follow me on my journey from unknown, uncelebrated, brown bald guy to Esthetician Sales & Marketing specialist with over 20,000 followers in less than 2 years. I did this by following my own formula and this the exact one i used. This formula isn't a secret, but it does require persistence and work dedicated to your craft to be successful. And i am proof that it works for most people. If you are NOT where you want to be as an esthetician; then chances are that not enough people know you or what you do. If you have a large enough following, you will never have booking of money problems. Use my formula. I am proof that it works. If I can do it, so can you. Does your personal FB page immediately show that you are an esthetician? or is it a confusing mess? That is a great place to start.. For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
8/10/202220 minutes, 37 seconds
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Esthetician Business University Coming Soon!

Esthetician Business University is coming soon... stay tuned for the exact date. You could be the first to get access to modules 1-3 and start learning how you can take your esthetician business from zero to six figures. Esthetician Business University is going to be a Game Changer for the beauty industry... You will have all the resources you need run a thriving business where we will work together and give you all the tools you need to set yourself up for success.. You're gonna love it!!! What is a module/course you would like to see in Esthetician Business University??? 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
8/8/202220 minutes, 44 seconds
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How To Differentiate Your Esthetician Services (and Blow the Competition Away)...

Esthetician service menus are often very similar to one another; pricing and services aren't often competitively-differentiated enough. Customers then default to the lowest price, because they're not paying based on value - they're paying based on expectation. Having read a ton of business books (mostly related to working with the Department of Defense) one of my favorite things is the idea that 'the thing that you do is not what you should be focusing on- it's why you do it.' In short, differentiate your service offerings if you want to survive in a competitive environment. And here is HOW to start that!!!   For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE):  Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
8/6/202212 minutes, 56 seconds
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Why Estheticians Do Not Make Enough Money - Client Behavior (Skincare Routine = Business Routine)

One of the most important things I learned when I started doing my own skincare was the importance of consistency. Of course, professional estheticians will tell you this ... but in practice, this is the part that their clients have the hardest time with. They will have 5 products in their morning & evening routine but they will only do step one (or they are doing it wrong). When they get frustrated because nothing is happening or getting better, or worse yet ... when they see no improvement at all, wouldn't you ask them what and how they are doing their AM/PM skincare routines? Because, something isn't adding up? This is the same for Estheticians and how they are using or posting on social media... Content is like different skincare products that are layered to work together. Be Compliant Be Consistent Be Courageous Its time to take the skincare advice you give to clients and apply to your business, Yes??? Create a plan!! Bang out some content.... get RICH!!! For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
8/1/202215 minutes, 46 seconds
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Do Estheticians Deserve Success?

Here's the thing about success....there is no easy button that you can press that suddenly makes people know who you are and be impressed by you. I have worked in the esthetics industry for almost 2 years and I've seen thousands of estheticians come and go - many of whom were very talented and had a lot to offer their clients.  But sadly, a lot of them didn't get to experience the success that they deserved because they weren't willing to put in the work. Success is a tricky thing to gauge, because most people don't ever get it right. In fact, most people gravitate towards instant gratification or immediate results, or even blame others or give up when things don't go their way instead of looking at where they are going wrong. When it comes to success these four words should be your mantra: Do I deserve it? (Chances Will I put in the work to get it? (Yes) For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
7/27/202220 minutes, 46 seconds
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Doing Video to Promote Your Beauty Business Can Be SCARY! Time to Let Your Kids Market Your Business

I know as an esthetician it can be scary to do videos and promote your business. Who's going to see it? What if I'm not a video or social media person? What will my clients think? Doing videos to promote my beauty business can be scary because I'm not used to being on camera. Meanwhile, my kids and pets are used to being on camera a lot. So why not let them do the talking? They can generate the emotions (and comments!) that you'd want your business to generate. How? By letting the kids talk about how your products make them feel, and by letting the pet be something more than an accessory Time to put those FREE loaders to work ;) Give it a shot, might be one of the best content strategies out there that can literally 10X your business... So who or what can you use to be the star in  your video? Kids and Pets, can't go wrong... Let me know what you will start with in the comments below. Is this something you can or will try or is it just a horrible idea? 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
7/22/202213 minutes, 3 seconds
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I HATE WHEN BUSINESS OWNERS (and estheticians) DO THIS! - Farmers Market & Sea Salt Scrub Edition

There's a lot of talk about the power of social media and building relationships online, but this video got me thinking about how much more engaging (and profitable) it is to be face to face. I went to the Farmers Market the other day, and was surprised at how many business owners were on their phones or iPads, as opposed to talking to potential clients. Is that really how you want to spend your time when you're surrounded by people who are willing to spend money? We live in a time when you can literally talk, post and PRINT MONEY!! But what if you're not talking or posting? This is one of the biggest reasons why a lot of estheticians are not as successful as they could (or should be). It's time to talk, educate, and get the financial gains that come from your labor. Yes? PS: Are you guilty of sitting on your phone when you could be engaging with clients? What do you think would happen if you spoke to more people about what you do and the benefits of your service? 👇👇👇
7/21/202214 minutes, 32 seconds
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Esthetician Life: Difficulties = Strength

There are so many things in this field that make it so tough. This vlog is about how to be successful as an esthetician when faced with difficulties, and how those very things WILL make you stronger and better. Do you wish things were easier or do you wish you were better? 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
7/19/20228 minutes, 36 seconds
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If a Woman Is Not Satisfied With Your Performance, What Do You Do? This is what I did...

I can't believe the words that came out of my mouth. After a woman was so unsatisfied with my performance that I knew I had to handle this. It became one of the best decisions I ever made. And this will help estheticians with their beauty business. It's erie to see my own flaws as an inexperienced dancer. I remember seeing myself on old wedding videos or parties... I was a horrible dancer. But if I wanted to get good at it (to get the ladies) I knew I had to get this sorted out. So I joined a Hip Hop Dance team... I had an insecurity, I paid to get help, and it changed my life forever... Now what does this have to do with your beauty business? There are some areas in your esthetics business that are like my old dance moves, not good. Its time to identify the TOP 3 Areas that if you were to learn (like in an Esthetic Business University) it could take your business to the next level! If you were to attend the Esthetic Business University, what 3 classes would you wish they offered so that you can learn and get the confidence you need to better succeed?? Remember, those who pay, PAY ATTENTION!! Leave the TOP 3 Classes you would want to take in Esthetic Business University in the comments because school is about to be in session... 👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
7/18/202216 minutes, 29 seconds
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Estheticians Are Delivering Quality Social Media Content By Increasing These TWO things...

The great marketing masters of our time understand that the QUANTITY of what they produce matters more than the QUALITY. For example, when I ask you how many social media posts should an esthetician create per day or week, you immediately think of the quality, not quantity. You think about factors such as voice and authenticity and whether or not you have time to create. But speed and volume are out there for all of us to use. The internet rewards those who produce content volume and speed above all else. It's because of this idea that social media is becoming dominated by businesses and entrepreneurs that create massive amounts of content on a regular basis--not those who seek to build businesses the old fashion way--but those who know that if they get in front of a lot people regularly with a very high quality product (product being their expertise), they will be able to charge a lot of money for it. In this video, I explore why we should be spending time creating more content - and more consistently. For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics, esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
7/17/202220 minutes, 10 seconds
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Skin Care Mistakes Before Becoming An Esthetician! Share These To BETTER CONNECT With Your Clients.

In this video I talk about how you can be more empathetic when it comes to your new skincare clients by sharing stories of the skincare mistakes you made before becoming an esthetician. Once you became an esthetician, you learned how bad a lot of the skincare tips you learned on line were. If you only knew then what you knew now your skin would look even better. For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics , esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, beauty, esthetician business university
7/14/20229 minutes, 52 seconds
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Why Estheticians Should Work Harder - Before Trying To Work Smarter

Working smarter vs working harder is one of those areas I often get questions about. Working smarter isn't a magic formula for success... in fact, it's quite the opposite. There's a lot of hard work that goes into being successful. If you're looking for a set piece of advice or something, I'm sorry to say that there isn't any magic bullets, or "seven easy steps to success", or "5 secrets to success". Promoting your services and being successful as an esthetician takes hard work. It takes time, perseverance, and consistency. You have to find a way to work consistently and make it worth your while so that you can see improvements or results from what you're doing. Once you see results, then it's definitely worth investing time into working smarter so that you can further improve on these results down the road. Work hard first so that you can work smarter later." For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics , esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, medical esthetician, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, bold beauty boss, beauty, esthetician business university
7/13/202212 minutes, 57 seconds
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Estheticians, I FEEL YOU! But, Depression In the Beauty Business Is Not Real (and this is why)!

So what's the deal? Why are so many estheticians struggling? According to the AEA, 45% of estheticians report "having been diagnosed with major depression;" the second highest rate among all the allied health professionals surveyed. And yet... Something doesn't add up right here. I'll take a stab at what's happening below. Being an esthetician is such a rewarding, creative job! But as everyone knows, it's pretty tough, hard work. It can be super stressful, as well. And sometimes we need to take a step back and take a look at the bigger picture. What is a contributing cause of that depression? What I have seen is a lot of estheticians are not where they want to be financially in their beauty business and that is a major cause of the depression. So, today I'm calling you out. It is time to move forward and bringing in some action items to get rid of that feeling of depression. Yes, I said it was just a feeling! Let's get after this... Most are not suffering from depression therefore are unable to get the business. INSTEAD, most estheticians don't have the business that result in feeling depressed... Let's turn this around, and this is will help!!! YOU GOT THIS!! And we are in this together!! Yes??? So what actions could you take TODAY to get you going and starting your UPWARD spiral??👇👇👇 For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics , esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, medical esthetician, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, bold beauty boss, beauty
7/8/202218 minutes, 20 seconds
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Why Estheticians Get So Much Hate (and Why You Shouldn't Care)

Estheticians are starting to show their success with online business and attracting a lot of attention. Some of you will start to attract hate from people below. In this video, I expose the reasons why we attract hate, but also what you can do to prevent it. esthetics , esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, medical esthetician, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, bold beauty boss, beauty For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch
7/6/20228 minutes, 54 seconds
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Motivation is the Garbage Business in Real Life for Estheticians... F Motivation, do this instead!

For the longest time I tried to motivate myself by thinking about how much money I was going to make, or how many people were going to want my service. Which never worked. Motivation is garbage. The beauty business, just like any other business is work. It's not fun work, it's hard work, and inevitably you're going to have to do things that you don't want to do. Sometimes you're going to have to do things that are inconvenient and unpleasant, but that repulsiveness alone will not motivate you- not any more than good times will make work fun: they'll only get it done. The payoff- financial success- comes when you learn how to discipline yourself into doing the right things long enough for them to become a habit. Then you won't give up when the weather gets cold, you won't give in when your body starts hurting, or when someone disrespects you (and there will be plenty of those moments). Your entire career in esthetics has happened because you refused- even when you felt like giving up-to wait patiently for the sun to rise again before heading back out into the field, waxing legs and booking appointments every single day for  years straight . Discipline is what pays off financially!  What is JUST 1 Thing that you know you need to do more of? esthetics , esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, medical esthetician, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, bold beauty boss, beauty For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch
7/5/202219 minutes, 1 second
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If You're Unhappy, Do Something About It! (Like Creating a Business Plan For Your Beauty Business)

If You're Unhappy, Do Something About It! (Like Creating a Business Plan For Your Beauty Business) There is no doubt that you have the drive, passion and desire to be successful in the skin care industry - but do you have a plan? Many estheticians don't, and they suffer for it. A lot of the most successful businesses follow a plan. They do the work and adjust as they go. You'll never get anywhere without a plan. Simply having a vision isn't enough- you need to figure out how to get there. Create a PLAN, Adjust as you Go, Keep Going = VICTORY esthetics , esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, medical esthetician, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, bold beauty boss, beauty For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch
7/1/202222 minutes, 30 seconds
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THE ONE THING (How Estheticians Use One Thing To Be More Effective And Successful)

Let's say you're a beauty professional, and you want your clients to know about a specific service or technique that you do. How do you tell them about it? Without talking about every single thing you offer every time, do you say anything at all? In this video I talk about how to simplify your messaging by using ONE THING on whatever touch points you can- social media posts, in person conversations, collaborations...all of it! esthetics , esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, medical esthetician, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, bold beauty boss, beauty For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch
6/30/202215 minutes, 3 seconds
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Facebook Groups for Estheticians to Help with Brand Building, Ads & Recharge The Walking Dead

For estheticians and skin care business owners, Facebook groups are an awesome place to ask questions about skincare, marketing, etc. It's also a great place to do some market testing for product ideas and even sharpen your Facebook Ad chops. Facebook groups are still one of the best forms of organic marketing available - who would've thought that it could be used in such a way? If you're an esthetician, chances are you spend a lot of time on the computer or your phone. However, building a group is a great tool for learning new stuff and sharing information. Being able to post questions and having other people comment with their answer has been so helpful for me as a beginner! I've also had tons of comments from people asking me about my other social media accounts, etc.which has helped boost my popularity in the esthetics world. You can do the same..
6/30/202215 minutes, 3 seconds
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What Estheticians & Beauty Business Owners do NOT want to hear about marketing...

To get results as a business owner, you have to take risks. Sometimes those risks pay off and sometimes they don't. In this video, I explain the things that estheticians or beauty business owners do not want to hear about, but that they SHOULD be doing. As an esthetician who wants to grow her business and succeed, how can you tell if your marketing tactics are effective? Just DO IT!!! Because the richest treasures are found in the darkest caves. Slay your Dragon and discover your happily ever after. esthetics , esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, medical esthetician, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, bold beauty boss, beauty For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch
6/28/20228 minutes, 34 seconds
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What If You Could Built A WELL KNOWN Brand Like McDonalds for your beauty business? Well, NOW You CAN If You Do THIS!

McDonalds. They're a pretty big company, right? But, they weren't always. McDonalds built their brand by being consistent about the things that mattered to their customers- quick, cheap, delicious food in an environment that was clean, orderly and friendly. In this video I also talk about how estheticians can use similar marketing to help build a lucrative skin care business using social media. So, what if you could build a brand like McDonalds? How would your life change? How easier would it be to get clients if you had such a well known brand? Working on your brand can be the single most important and effective marketing activity that YOU can do. And here's how... Get to it!! Question: How many times do you post per week? IS your content consistent with your brand & the outcome you're looking for or is it all over the place? 👇👇👇 esthetics , esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, medical esthetician, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, bold beauty boss, beauty For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch
6/26/20229 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Real Fairy Tale: Esthetics and the Beauty Business

The fairy tales we were told as children were true. There's a castle out there for you, and dragons to slay along the way. The story I present in this video is from my own story, but it also describes many other estheticians' lives that I know personally. Step 1: Identify Your Dragon Step 2: Put Together a PLAN (quick and easy) to Attack Step 3: Continue Working, Tweaking, Evaluating Step 4: Slay The Beast Step 5: Onward to the NEXT Dagon :) What are the Dragons you must slay to reach your castle so you too can live your happily ever after?? For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE):  Beauty Biz Launch esthetics , esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, medical esthetician, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, bold beauty boss, beauty
6/25/20228 minutes, 33 seconds
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Fear Of What Others Think Is The Biggest Reason Why A Lot Of Estheticians Are Not More Successful

In this episode, I talk about something that's bothered me for a long time. The thing that's holding a LOT of estheticians back from doing more, from having more clients, from growing their business... It's something that's very hard to talk about because it makes us all feel really insecure. But I think it's an important conversation to have, so let me know what you think in the comments! For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE):  Beauty Biz Launch esthetics , esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, medical esthetician, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, bold beauty boss, beauty
6/24/202211 minutes, 14 seconds
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Why Estheticians Like You Should be Using Video To Grow Your Beauty Business so What's STOPPING YOU?

There's a lot of people that are telling you, especially with social media and everything... You gotta do videos. People love watching videos for skin treatment. They love watching videos for brows, for lashes. But guess what? As estheticians, and spa owners and managers we're afraid to do it because we don't want to feel stupid. We don't want to look dumb, or look bad. I mean, who wants to look bad? People just don't want to do it. Today I talk about the importance of video and why estheticians like YOU should be using it in your business. I also address three common (and unfounded) fears that stop estheticians from taking this step. Time to step UP.. Lights, Camera, ACTION!!!! What's stopping  you from doing more video? Is the Fear worth all the revenue you're losing by NOT doing video?? esthetics , esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, medical esthetician, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, bold beauty boss, beauty For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch
6/22/202214 minutes, 6 seconds
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What Your Clients Actually Want (Esthetician Industry)! The Good, The Bad and The Compliments

So... in the beauty industry you would think that once a client has discovered a product or service then they are going to buy it over and over from you, right? WRONG. In this video I reveal why your clients actually don't want what you're selling.   Being a successful and profitable esthetician takes so much more than simply offering facials and waxing services. It takes a great deal of passion for the craft, as well as an intimate understanding of facial anatomy, social graces, psychology and (The #:1)  understanding social status.    The only way to make a real difference in your career is to offer something far more than just a service or result. Your client wants the addition of social status, which means adding value - whether by getting them compliments and feeling special or by improving their skin significantly. They will opt in over and over again just to receive that positive reinforcement.   What are you selling? Just your products/services? or are you helping them see how their lives will change, how they will be the envy of her friend circle, or the ONLY friend that doesn't need a selfie-filter?   For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch esthetics , esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, medical esthetician, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, bold beauty boss, beauty
6/18/20228 minutes, 38 seconds
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Estheticians! How To Get More Reviews From Your Clients - Using Psychology!

The Esthetic Professionals, listen up! Majority of beauty professionals miss out on this gold mine because they don't understand the psychology behind why people are motivated to leave reviews or help others.   Have you ever been concerned that you're not getting enough reviews, or that your clients aren't taking the time to leave reviews after receiving services? Here's a super simple psychological trick to get clients to write Google Reviews while they're still on the hyped up feeling of being pampered. This tactic will require very little work on your part, but it'll put you light years ahead of your competition.   PS: Watch Until the END to catch my SECRET NINJA Tactic that increases the likelihood of clients leaving a Google Review (even when they said they will but don't want to... genius)   For More Free Tips, Trick, and Ideas to Grow your Esthetician business Join the Marketing Ideas Group (it's worth every dime.... even though it's FREE): Beauty Biz Launch  esthetics , esthetician, aesthetician, schools for esthetician, esthetician school, esthetician school near me, medical esthetician, esthetician kit, esthetician license, how to be an esthetician, becoming an esthetician, how much money do estheticians make, pros and cons esthetician, Esthetician salary, Esthetician jobs, Esthetician jobs near me, Esthetician career, wik verma, wikki verma, esthetics school, marketing, social media, beauty biz launch, bold beauty boss, beauty What are your thoughts on this? What do you do to increase the chances of clients leaving you Google Reviews? 👇👇
6/13/202216 minutes, 37 seconds
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Have you LOST the FIRE in your Beauty Business? NOW, you can FIND it in as little as 2-WEEKS with THIS!!! (Don't believe me? Ask Andrea)

Have you LOST the FIRE in your Beauty Business? NOW, you can FIND it in as little as 2-WEEKS with THIS!!! (Don't believe me? Ask Andrea)... Have you ever felt Defeated? Have you even doubted your own abilities and wondered, "should I EVEN BE in the Beauty Industry?" Have you thought about QUITTING.. You're NOT alone. So did Andrea, and see how this ONE CHANGE turned that all around.. Andrea Collins LE had LOST that fire!! I spoke with her and she tried an idea I suggested. NOW, she FOUND THAT FIRE, and turned it into an INFERNO (IN JUST 2-WEEKS) I am honored to be a part of Andrea's journey because THIS is what I want for YOU!! FIND YOUR FIRE (AGAIN)... FEEL THAT FIRE (and confidence) so you can HEEL your clients and give them the skin they have always wanted!!! If you have any questions about #coriumcorrective360, please reach out to Terri Compton McConnell, it is WORTH the conversation... PS: Join the FREE Corium Group to find other Fire Fueled Beauty Biz Dragons... we grow together by supporting one another
5/14/202229 minutes, 34 seconds
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Watch Zoey ZIG her way to 100+ Google Reviews. Want to know how to get over 100+ Google Reviews? Here you Go!!!!

Want to know how to get over 100+ Google Reviews? Want to be able to better organize your day? Want to know how to squeeze in all the things that you should do in all the time you have??? If you said YES to any of this, you are in luck with this Expert Interview with the famous (sometimes infamous) Zoey Jolley!! Zoey, breaks down some of her tips and tricks she uses to stay busy, happy, organized, and profitable.... Watch this... soooooo good Huge shout out to Zoey for spending her valuable time to help make this happen...
5/13/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 25 seconds
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Darcy pivoted from "Relaxation" to ACNE TREATMENT....SALES TRIPLED!!!! (Da DANG!)

She pivoted from "Relaxation" to ACNE TREATMENT.... SALES TRIPLED!!!! (Da DANG!)  The $$ PROFIT $$ is in the PAIN... and both Darcy and I agree with this... Darcy is a Baller.. been in esthetics since 2005 and published in several magazines like Dermascope! But she wasn't always successful and running multiple locations... Hear her story from struggling to soaring once she made the switch to treat ACNE... What you can Learn from Darcy's Interview to JACK YOUR SALES up to six-figures and beyond!! 1. How to create a Referral Relationship that Rows in the Dough! 2. If Networking is NOT-working, use THIS genius hack (teamwork makes that networking work!!) 3. How to Close 95% of Clients with this UNDER-UTILIZED TOOL (that you have access to RIGHT NOW)... And Sooooo Muchhhhhh Moorrrrrre!!! Watch this = Make Money!!!! Huge Shout out to Darcy for all her time and this valuable info... Do what others do and you can have similar results... (YES, even YOU).. Skin By D Darcy Debernarde
5/10/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 15 seconds
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How this BOLD Beauty Boss is RACKING IN THE DOUGH with her 400+ Google Reviews.... Wowsers Marija!!

If you Google Microblading Boca Raton, Marija is #1... Would you like to be the #1 when people Google your service in your city? Well you can and Marija breaks down HOW!!! You NEED more Google Reviews... Well Marija has 400+ Google reviews and in this video we find out how she came to the US with $0 as a single Mom to basically take over Microblading in her city. But More importantly, YOU NEED A SYSTEM!!!! See how Marija uses Referrizer (A system that I am partnering with you take over MOST of your marketing for you) to take the industry by storm (and you can too!!).. this is systems is going to be a GAME-CHANGER for you.. watch how this BOLD Beauty Boss started, what she did, and how she is now continuing to expand!!!  Luv this!!!!
5/6/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 9 seconds
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Terri was throwing money away & HATED handling ACNE clients... with THIS TWIST, Treating Acne became her #1 Service

Terri was throwing money away, because she was not confident when it came to handling ACNE clients... because she learned THIS ONE THING. She instantly went to a THRIVING business that is 70% Acne treatment with more referrals than she could handle (and a bank account that was SWOLE).... DANG!!!! - Do you wish you were MORE CONFIDENT when it comes to diagnosing and prescribing skincare? - Do you wish you could CONFIDENTLY get clients the results they want that would BLOW THEIR MIND (and get send you more referrals than you can handle)? - Do you want to be known as the ACNE ANNIHILATOR?? Well, Terri may have the solution that you've been looking for. See how she went from just surviving to THRIVING!!! Get the confidence you deserve... this maybe the interview turns your business around.... For more info Join the FREE Corium Group below You can reach out to Terri
4/16/20221 hour, 44 minutes, 19 seconds
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Dru is Doing $40K+ Per Month and 95% of that is Virtual.. (MIND BLOWN)

If you are an Esthetician, then you know the importance of Retail Sales.. But how do you do it? How do you sell MORE RETAIL!!! Well, learn how Solo Esti Dru not only sells Skincare Retail, but she consistently does over $40K/mo... What ONE Can do, YOU CAN DO!!!
4/7/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 45 seconds
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What does it take to be a Six-Figure Esthetician? Ask Marine Corp Retiree Nakia Vargas.. ATTENTION!!

What does it take to be a Six-Figure Esthetician? Ask Marine Corp Retiree Nakia Vargas who used Discipline, Framework, and This ONE thing to Thrive in the Beauty Business. We talk about: 1. What does "winging it" cost you? (it's A LOT) 2. How Doing this one thing took her facial ticket price from $70 to $700. 3. Know your THIS to keep your eyes on the Prize... All this and so much more.. The more your LEARN (the RIGHT things like this) the more you EARN... watch this, take action, make money...
7/20/20211 hour, 20 minutes, 12 seconds
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Are you an Esthetician who wants to DOUBLE RETAIL SALES??? If So, Shirli IS THE ONE!

Want to DOUBLE your RETAIL SALES??? If So, THIS IS THE ONE! WOW 🤩  just WOW!!! Get Ready to Take a TON of NOTES from this Interview...  In this video with Shirli East... she magically and simply breaks down how to: 1. Get Paid Your WORTH 2. 5 Step Method to Dramatically Increase Your Sales (and confidence) 3. How to NEVER EVER feel rejected again when recommending products. This has GOT TO BE One of my favorite interviews to date...
3/10/20211 hour, 54 minutes, 55 seconds