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Baseless Speculation

English, TV & Video, 1 season, 190 episodes, 1 day, 23 hours
Three boys with bad brains speculate on all upcoming movies, TV shows and comics. Check back each week for an assortment of unfounded, unresearched and unsubstantiated predictions.
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Venom: The Last Dance

The third instalment of the spectacular Venom franchise is nearly upon us! A small part in the much beloved Sony Spider-Man Cinematic Universe that is yet to feature a single Spider-Man! But at least they have vampire, bird, cat-guy and maybe Spider-Women? Although Madame Web might not be part of the SSCU now? It was just a cool thing that happened! Don’t worry about it! We’re not here to talk about that, we’re here to talk about Venom! And more importantly how does Venom kill that horse he turns into? Off a cliff? Into a helicopter like an incredible horse torpedo? Or is it just ground into a red smear by going to fast? These are the important questions we here at Baseless Speculation want to know! There’s also some cool bug looking lad that wants to eat Eddie or maybe a plan that we all think resembles the xenophage from comics, but Jackson thinks they might be those Venom predators that are bones whom ate symbiotes from a limited series that was not popular nor fun to read. Anyways, Kraven comes out this Christmas and we know you’re all excited to see it multiple times! So why not join us in the Kraven Quintupple Challenge?! Where you attempt to see Kraven 5 times in one day! You wake up on December 17th get dressed and head out the door for a Pre-Breakfast Kraven followed closely by Early Morning Kraven then a quick stop to Gold Class for Lunch Kraven and while that’s digesting have a brief Post-Lunch Kraven then it’s back to Gold Class for Dinner Kraven and then top it all off with a Nigh Cap Kraven! It’s truely the best way to get into the festive spirit. And you can help ruin our Christmas by becoming truly Based with a Baseless Speculation+ subscription available from our website or through Apple Podcasts.Did you know that in Earth 8101 Venom is a full on gorilla, part of the Thundermonks team and loves to throw his feces at his teammates. Comics are good. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/13/202453 minutes, 34 seconds
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A Based Reaction to Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

No one watched Furiosa even tho it’s good. You maniacs out there are gonna complain and complain about the absolute drivel that’s being slopped out by da movies yet when an absolute gem turns up you all have a little sleep and wait until it comes on channel 9 or whatever. You all loved Spider-Man walk through hole but now because of your reluctance to see a beautiful film you’ve not only made George Miller sad, you’ve made all the boys at Baseless Speculation sad and now the greatest movie executives of our time will once more learn the wrong lesson. We hope you’re happy and we hope you enjoy the next 100 years of slop served up to us all as entertainment to distract us from the upcoming Water Wars. You don’t get an Ape fact this week. You don’t deserve one. None of you have been good. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/5/202455 minutes, 46 seconds
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Despicable Me 4

Da minions are back baby! Hopefully with their famous catchphrase ‘banana’! We understand here at Baseless Speculation, we have a reputation of not liking hootin’ and hollerin’ films, but that all goes out da window when any minion comes across our field of vision. As far as we’re concerned, this gets the much coveted BS Hoot n Holler stamp of approval. If you’re reading this before enjoying the episode, go on and have a sneaky guess when we start talking about the second trailer. Go on. Da minions got powers now! And if you can guess the Casper Van Dien film Zammit once saw before they figure it out, you’ve earnt a copy of Mumford on VHS. This isn’t a prize, we just think you should go and buy a copy. As a treat. Did you know that in trying to figure out if ape can predict future behaviour of others, scientist put on a King Kong suit and hit another scientist with stick? Turns out, yes, some ape can.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/29/202454 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Garfield Movie with Our Good Friend Adam

The Garfield Movie is only a few short days away and the Baseless Boys are all over this like a rash on a rashed up cat! JD is off sick so we have our resident Garfield Maniac Adam Carnevale to bring his Garfield knowledge to our truely clueless but beautiful boys. They almost get caught off guard by thinking about Shawshank Redemption but never fear, because Adam is here to keep them on track! Sure, they eventually do go down a Nathfield rabbit hole, but this episode is a solid 80 to 90 percent on track. Plot elements are talked about! Animation style is discussed! The casting of Chris Pratt is questioned! See, they know their Garfields! But did you know that Koko the gorilla had a pet cat? Not only did Koko chose the cat herself from a litter of abandoned kittens, but Koko was the one to name him! She called him All Ball as it had no tail. And Koko loved that kitten! Petted him, played with him, was ever so gentle and described him as SOFT GOOD CAT. Unfortunately after several months All Ball died in a car accident and when Koko was told she signed CRY, SAD and FROWN. Same Koko, same. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/22/20241 hour, 6 seconds
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Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (For Real This Time)

We promise you we don’t get off track. We’re not gonna lie, there was a wavering moment when Zammit remembered Michael Keaton was in Multiplicity but thankfully no one else had seen it or otherwise that would have been us for the episode. Then Jackson’s chair broke. In a regular episode that would have been it! But we made a promise! Hell or high water we’re gonna talk about Beetlejuice Beetlejuice! From the earliest rumblings of Beetlejuice Goes to Hawaii to Burton watching and loving Heaters to Vampire Lincoln Abraham Hunter (another landmine we expertly avoid!) no piece of production history is left unturned! Even Kevin Smith makes a brief appearance! So listen long, listen deep and be proud of us for staying on topic like the goodest little boys in all of podcasting. Speaking of Multiplicity, it seems cloning is off the table. While attempting to clone rhesus monkeys, the cloned embryos lack key proteins that allow a cell to divvy up chromosomes and divide properly with some surmising that the same problem may also be present in any attempts to clone humans. So be bummed for ever ape you see is the only kind of that ape and you’ll never experience an ape like that again. But be grateful because no matter what, that ape is special and beautiful in it’s own way and what a magical experience it was to see that ape be that ape and no one can take that away from you! This also applies for humans we guess? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/15/202458 minutes, 50 seconds
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Transformers One

Transformers is going back to it’s roots with an unnecessary origin story! Now with terrible animation! Are you a lowly mining robot? Do you long for more? Maybe you wish to be king of the robots and or a druid with the power of car? Well now you can! Transformers One! A beautiful tale of friends to lovers to bitter rivals to enemies to archnemesis or whatever! It’s the epic origin story of that truck you love and that gun (or sometimes tank) you love to hate! Transformers that don’t transform! A comedic ultraviolent Bumblebee! Chris Hemsworth is there! He so handsome. As you can tell we are all very excited to watch another hit in the multi media behemoth to sell us toys. We lovingly reminisce about the previous Transformers films and even pitch our own, Transformers: Dog that features a cameo from Ham the Astrochimp. Ham was the first great ape launched into space. While his name was an acronym, it wasn’t for the Haptic Arm Machine but for Holloman Aerospace Medicine. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/8/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 29 seconds
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Beetlejuice Beetlejuice But Really Mortdecai

In what might be the quickest derailment of an episode yet, the boys misremember who directed Mortdecai and that was all it took. We had every intention of doing an episode on Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, but you must understand it got away from us. If you had to try and remember Mortdecai and what that movie was about, it would happen to you! We scoured our little brains trying to think what the plot of that film was about and entered the Mortdecai hole you are no doubt about to go down. It’s a weird hole that takes many an unexpected turn. We guarantee you would never guess how the book Mortdecai is based on ends. Not in a million years! And the sequel? The world has never been more ready for the plot of that book. So come with us on this journey, we understand you got a ticket for the Beetlejuice train but this bus going to Mortdecai is where you need to go. Anyways, did you know that in the 50s there was an incredible chimpanzee named Congo who was a fabulous abstract impressionist? He drew line, he drew circle, understood composition and symmetrical consistency. Ever the perfectionist, if one of his little drawings was taken away that he considered incomplete he’d hoot and holler, scream and throw a fit until he could finish his masterpiece. The reception to his paintings were mixed.If you'd like to support the show and get episodes early and ad-free, Baseless Speculation+ is now available from our website! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/1/20241 hour, 7 minutes, 7 seconds
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Deadpool & Wolverine (Now That We've Seen the Trailer)

Ryan Reynolds just dropped the trailer to Deadpool & Wolverine on YouTube and it’s already gotten 20 milly views in 24 hours, well on its way to make that sweet, sweet billy! So to celeblate we run through our theories about what’s going to happen in what will be this years most wonderful of films! How they get into the time bin? What Cassandra Nova want? She gonna go full Zazlav and delete the movie? What about Patrick Stewart? He coming back so he can die for a fourth time? We can only hope so! If you want to help support your favourite boys, Baseless Speculation+ is now available from our website where you can get episodes early and ad-free! We don’t know why that would be a selling point as Jackson makes this episode very non-advertiser friendly straight off the bat but do check us out on YouTube to watch Zammit’s soul leave his body at around the 1 hour 8 minute mark. But maybe we’re like that Cadbury ad with the gorilla whom loves Phil Collins? Initially shot down by execs, it turned out to be one of Cadbury’s biggest triumphs! And that could be us! Unlistenable, unmarkable but secretly, and then openly, beloved. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/24/20241 hour, 8 minutes, 34 seconds
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Joker: Folie a Deux

Joker: Folie a Deux, a sequel that has the chance of alienating fans of the first but luring those that had nothing but disdain for it has released a trailer and your boys are nothing if not topical! A brave and bold choice to follow up a segma male’s anthem with a jukebox musical. A brave and bold choice we respect. We do our best to remember the original film, try to figure out the big connection between Arthur Fleck ie A Fleck and Batfleck and Jackson attempts to convince the Joels that Norman Reedus’ character in the Walking Dead, Paytus, gets tied to a log, falls in a river and ends up in France. Because the currents were in his favour. Truely another masterful episode by the three cleverest boys in pop culture, an episode you can watch on YouTube. Sadly, if this was to happen to an gorilla it would drown. While most mammals are able to swim instinctively without any training, not gorillas! They are far too muscular and heavy to float or move in water and their short arms and legs make them terrible at any kind of swimming stroke. But don’t fret. Gorillas are happy on land, where they find water in their food and bond with their mates. Gorillas fear the ocean. And so they should. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/17/20241 hour, 7 minutes, 48 seconds
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A James Cameron Directed X-Men Film

Excelsior true believer! While Joel Duscher’s away the other two idiots will play! Zammit’s been reading about Marvel history and has come away with a very important finding. Sometime in the 90s we almost had a James Cameron directed X-Men film until Stan Lee wrecked it. You see, Stan Lee was a crazy man who loved Spider-Man and shouldn’t be invited to non-Spider-Man meetings (to his credit, he did have a brilliant idea for a van based X-Men cartoon that never happened). So let’s have a famous think and ponder what that film might have been like and how Leonardo DiCaprio would have been shoehorned in as one of the merry mutants. As always you can watch us on YouTube and now on to today’s ape fact! Some scientists have observed apes carving sticks into spears to help hunt for food and bonobos use sticks as weapons! Can you imagine that? A bonobo with a big stick? Damn. What a powerful bonobo with a powerful stick. We are all incredibly jealous of that little bonobos and its mighty stick. Maybe it’ll let us hold it for a bit? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/10/20241 hour, 7 minutes, 48 seconds
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Star Wars: Acolyte

Star Wars, a film series that historically has never once been political in any way, shape or form, has gone too far this time by hiring women? Non-whites? Goes against canon?? It’s hard to say. Fragile babies are upset and maybe gen-z think da prequels are better than the original series?? We don’t know. We also don’t know why a bison time travels. There’s a lot we don’t know to be perfectly honest. Except Yoda’s political leanings. That we get. So listen in (or watch us on YouTube) for the next hour while we momentarily distract you on the road to the grave as we try and figure out what will happen in Star Wars: Acolyte. Oh, we also know howler monkey’s are not only the loudest monkey, but they’re also the loudest land animal. Their little yells can be heard from 5km away! That’s 3 miles to you filthy imperialists. Or around about 50 odd football fields if you need that visualisation. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/3/202459 minutes, 26 seconds
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Inside Out 2

Those little guys in our brains who control our every waking moment are back! And this time there's more! Be it cute boys, friend politics, a potential queer storyline that won't go anywhere, puberty is rough and Disney's Inside Out 2 is here to remind you just how terrible it was (or is, depending on your own personal timeline). The boys spend too much time working out how farms work, get confused and angry at how the Northern Hemisphere does school and delve deep into the emotion disgust using a watermelon, a toilet brush and a britta. Once again, you can watch us on YouTube, and now for this episode's ape fact! Female geladas delay sexual maturation until a new, sexy and not-at-all-genetically-related-to-them male takes over the troop. For geladas, cousins is NOT okay. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/27/20241 hour, 18 seconds
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The Fallout TV Series with Adam Carnevale

The bombs are falling and JD has gone on a sacred mission to stop them with his mighty fists so instead we have Guest Joel, Adam Carnevale from the hit podcast D&D is for Nerds and Beyond the Map! The boys try to remember West World and can't refute any of Jackson's claims, get distracted by their own tangents and marvel at the man that is Walton Goggins. Adam, otherwise known as Johnny Fallout, makes a bold prediction and is immediately concerned, Zammit doesn't know half of what is being said but is excited to be there and Jackson thinks an infamous number gets a bad rap. If you're watching the filmed version of this on YouTube, we are sorry Adam is blurry. The studio horse got into the studio again and kicked the camera and broke the lens. We didn't notice this until the edit. We are sorry. Instead here's this episode's ape fact! Did you know that the collective term for mandrills is a horde, which is fitting as they are god's nastiest monkey. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/20/20241 hour, 2 minutes
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What Plot Lines Are Marvel Gonna Abandon Now?

We don't know why film studios are now fed on an exclusive diet of crab and prunes but we do know it makes em sleepy! With the recent announcments coming out of Marvel, we thought now would be a good time to explore some of the dangling plot threads and give a big think about which ones are going by the wayside. It's probably most of them but all of the Eternals. We imagine how it must feel to wake up and delete a movie, are shocked no one loves apples we deficated on and completely forget Emilia Clarke character so much that when writing this I had to google "dangling plot threads marvel" because I knew we forgot to talk about one of em but I forgot what it was again. If you want to watch us instead of just listening to us, the show is also on YouTube, but now, here's this weeks ape fact: In the rainforest of Guinea, it has been observerd that chimpanzees regular fish for crabs and while we couldn't verify their stance on prunes we reckon they'd love them! It's nice to know that an ape could run a movie studio. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/13/20241 hour, 29 minutes, 22 seconds
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What Do We Think is Gonna Happen in Borderlands?

Every movie is now Deadpool, Bad Boys or Guardians of the Galaxy and we're here to tell you that Borderlands is no different! What looks like a middling to adequate film has a surprising tumultuous production with directors giving up, writers joining 6 months after filming is wrapped and producers really wanting people to know some of their past hits! Zammit doesn't know what a Borderlands is, JD is excited for films and Jackson refuses to do any introspection. The main takeaway from this is that people contain multitudes and it's never too late to have your name taken off a project you care little about. The show is also on YouTube now, so you can see our best Now You See'd Me expressions! Now for today's interesting ape fact: Ape love TV! At Wilhelma zoo apes are allowed an hour of movies a day. They love the documentaries, they love seeing other animals but they hate seeing the zoo vet on TV with the bonobos going nuts as they shake their fists and shriek! They truely are just like us. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/6/20241 hour, 3 minutes, 14 seconds
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What Do We Think is Gonna Happen in Deadpool & Wolverine?

Truely an historical moment for the BS Boys as they gear up to talk about a film that no matter the success, guarentees a ticket to the zoo! If Deadpool & Wolverine cracks a cool billy the boys are off to the Melbourne Zoo on Duscher and Jackson's dime, but if Deadpool & Wolverine comes out to the fanfare of not making a billy then Zammit foots the bill. Zammit also made the claim he'll pay for the overnight zoo under the stars experience. This was not really covered at length in said bet and Zammit is feeling he may get shafted. Either way, the boys get to see some apes! As for this film? Deadpool will do something wacky, Duscher will loathe every moment Ryan Reynold's is on screen, Zammit thinks they'll make an Onslaught/Cassandra Nova amalgamation and Jackson just wants to know when everyone was last excited for a cameo. The show is also on YouTube now, so you can see just how JD jerry-rigs his mic fix. He wants a poll. I don't know how to do that. Instead here is an interesting ape fact! Did you know that gorillas like to swear? Apparently if you teach them the sign words for cussin' they love to use them! We truely aren't so different. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/28/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 25 seconds
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What Did We Think of Madame Web?

Da BS Boys are back in town! Back on Sanspants Radio AND our own bullshit! To celebrate such a wonderful occasion, we all went and saw the next installment of Sony's Spider-Man Cinematic Universe: Madame Web and now we're treating you all to a Based Reaction! It's full of spoilers but let's be honest, you don't care. You're not gonna watch it, so why not listen to three buffons give you a run down of what happened with unique and colourful commentary? If anyone knows how to get milk to sponsor us, please let us know and of course, if you stumble upon any great ape video please send it our way. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/22/20241 hour, 18 minutes, 10 seconds
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What's Up With The Movies? (2023 Recap + 2024 Predictions)

It's the final episode of Baseless Speculation for the year and what better way to celebrate than by reflecting on the state of movies in 2023 and predict what's going to happen in 2024. Plus, a big Ryan Gosling side bar as a treat for the listeners. What more could you want from a podcast? Baseless Speculation will return Feb 2024. This episode is sponsored by NordVPN. Enjoy an EXCLUSIVE NordVPN Deal ➼ Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/27/20231 hour, 32 minutes, 42 seconds
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Godzilla x Kong: A New Empire

Another perfect episode of Baseless Speculation as the BS Boys dive incredibly deep into the weeks old trailer for the upcoming movie, Godzilla x Kong: A New Empire. There's a lot to unpack this week but i think the most important take away is that JD never ate that hot dog and that everyone is fine. We have ape fever!  This episode is sponsored by Miracle Made: Visit the link and use the promo code BASELESS for 3 free towels and 20% off. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/20/20231 hour, 1 minute, 17 seconds
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Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

The BS Boys have done it again! Another magnificent podcast celebrating Australian film, politics and arguably education if you went to a Catholic High School, which two thirds of the hosts did! Listen in as we get excited for George Miller’s return to the world Mad Max with Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, compare the awesome names of Mad Max with the terrible names of the Hunger Games and reminisce about our favourite and least favourite MPs. When you’re sitting down to watch the next instalment of our National Anthem Movies, you’ll be thankful for the beautiful context we provided to help you fully understand how Australia ended up like this.  This episode is sponsored by NordVPN. Enjoy an EXCLUSIVE NordVPN Deal ➼ Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee! Today’s episode is sponsored by Manscaped. Use the promo code BASELESS at to receive 20% off and free shipping. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/13/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 44 seconds
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Agatha: Darkhold Diaries

The BS Boys have turned their back on the sea of trailers flooding the internet and instead focused all their attention on a 60 second bonus feature of the 4K home release of Wandavision that gave them a tiny bit of information on the upcoming MCU television series Agatha: Darkhold Diaries. It went about how you'd expect. This episode is sponsored by Miracle Made: Visit the link and use the promo code BASELESS for 3 free towels and 20% off. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/6/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

The BS Boys are back in the studio to dissect the incredibly exciting and hugely entertaining trailer for the follow up to beloved film Ghostbusters: Afterlife, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire. This franchise is extremely important to the world and Baseless Speculation are enthralled to see that the studios are finally paying it the respect and reverence it deserves. Plus, passing the torch; is it good?  This episode is sponsored by NordVPN. Enjoy an EXCLUSIVE NordVPN Deal ➼ Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/1/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 45 seconds
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Madame Web (Now We've Seen a Trailer)

The Madame Web trailer is officially out and therefore it is the happiest day in the BS Boys' lives. The trailer is full of big ideas, big dialogue choices and more cuts that you could ever imagine. Basically, it is perfect. Movies are good.  This episode is sponsored by Miracle Made: Visit the link and use the promo code BASELESS for 3 free towels and 20% off. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/22/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Untitled Legend of Zelda Movie

The Actors Strike is over and to celebrate 100,000 different movies have been announced and this week The BS Boys turn their focus to the potentially most surprising/least likely to be good movie announcement of them all: The Sony/Nintendo Live Action Legend of Zelda movie. There's a lot going on here as the boys figure out who they'd cast, what the story will be and plead with the audience to watch Dear Evan Hansen. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/16/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 28 seconds
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A Based Reaction to The Marvels

The BS Boys went to the cinema and saw the latest Marvel film, The Marvels, and here are their thoughts. Was the movie good? Are the BS Boys right? What is going on at da movies these days?? Spoilers for The Marvels but they give you the heads up in the episode so don't even stress. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/9/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 25 seconds
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What Video Game Should Be Adapted Next?

The BS Boys recorded this episode two day earlier than usual and thought "there wont be any movie trailers or news to talk about so let's speculate on the success of FnaF and what it will mean for the industry." They were wrong and lots happened. Enjoy this irrelevant episode and let us know what movie idea you like best! Today’s episode is sponsored by Manscaped. Use the promo code BASELESS to receive 20% off and free shipping. This episode is also sponsored by NordVPN. Enjoy an EXCLUSIVE NordVPN Deal ➼ Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/8/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 46 seconds
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Jonathan Hickman's Ultimate Spider-Man

The BS Boys have reunited and this week they're tackling the most dangerous topic of all; comic books. The movies are gone, so it's time to conquer the final frontier of superhero media and dig VERY deep to figure out what Hickman's run on Spider-Man will bring, what it will be influenced by and just how much will it repeat the past of the Ultimates universe. A lot of questions and just as many answers in this week's episode. This episode is sponsored by Miracle Made: Visit the link and use the promo code BASELESS for 3 free towels and 20% off.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/2/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Rest of Loki Season 2

SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 1-3 OF LOKI SEASON 2 With Joel Zammit still missing in action and Hayden now also gone, it's up to the two remaining BS Boys to try to figure out exactly what is going to happen in the remander of Loki Season 2 plus what's next for the MCU. It's been rough sailing for Kevin and the team over at Marvel HQ and hopefully it's smooth from here on out! Wait, they're doing WHAT? Oh no. This episode is sponsored by Miracle Made: Visit the link and use the promo code BASELESS for 3 free towels and 20% off.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/25/20231 hour, 7 seconds
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Frasier (2023) with Hayden Bleechmore

Another week, another missing BS Boy (Joel Zammit is gone?? But where?!) so this time Jackson and Joel have asked their good friend Hayden to jump in this week to figure out what is going to happen in Frasier (2023). Prepare for yelling, crossover ideas and Ray Romano movie plugs. -- This episode is sponsored by NordVPN. Enjoy an EXCLUSIVE NordVPN Deal ➼ Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee! This episode is also sponsored by Miracle Made: Visit the link and use the promo code BASELESS for 3 free towels and 20% off.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/18/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 16 seconds
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Bringing the X-Men Into the MCU

The BS Boys have lost Joel Duscher (where'd he go??) so no one was around to prevent Joel Zammit from talking about his favourite topic of all time - the X-Men. This week Baseless Speculation dives headfirst into the MCU to try to figure out how those mutants are finally gonna get back into da movies. Today’s episode is sponsored by Manscaped. Use the promo code BASELESS to receive 20% off and free shipping.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/11/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 29 seconds
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Disney have had a bad run of misses lately and The BS Boys are diving head first into their newest offering to see if this will fix everything! Lots and lots of BIG calls straight off the bat in this one and a walk down memory lane to the season 7 finale of The Blacklist. Great podcasting as always. This episode is also sponsored by NordVPN. Enjoy an EXCLUSIVE NordVPN Deal ➼ Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/4/20231 hour, 9 minutes
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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

The BS Boys are back with a deep, deep look at their most anticipated release of 2023 - the Apple TV+ show "Monarch: Legacy of Monsters". Plus the exploration of Endlings AND Bo Burnham, what more could you want from this podcast?!  -- This week's episode is sponsored by Magic Spoon. Head to and the use the promo code BASELESS to get $5 off your purchase!  The episode is also sponsored by Miracle Made: Visit the link and use the promo code BASELESS for 3 free towels and 20% off.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/27/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 59 seconds
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Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (Now That We've Seen A Trailer)

Turns out Aquaman 2 is a real movie and has a real trailer and the BS Boys have full on seen it! Listen to this week's episode for an in-depth discussion (not a pun) of Aquaman 2, the inevitable Wonder Woman cameo and who exactly is Italian in Hollywood. -- This week's episode is sponsored by Magic Spoon. Head to and the use the promo code BASELESS to get $5 off your purchase! The episode is also sponsored by Miracle Made: Visit the link and use the promo code BASELESS for 3 free towels and 20% off. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/20/20231 hour, 20 minutes, 33 seconds
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Gen V

The BS Boys are here to talk about Gen V, a spin off to their most beloved show on televsion: Amazon Prime's Original Series The Boys, and this is the only podcast where you can hear detailed predictions of what the V in Gen V means, how the series will end and just what is happening to the frogs. This is your grandaddy's podcast! Today’s episode is sponsored by Manscaped. Use the promo code BASELESS to receive 20% off and free shipping. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/13/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 5 seconds
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Five Nights at Freddy's

Armed with a vague knowledge of the lore and no personal experience playing the game series, the BS Boys try to figure out what is going to happen in the upcoming cinematic adaptation of Five Nights at Freddy's. Who will get Scooped? Did the bite of '83 kill someone or was it just gas? Who is Freddy?? All this speculated on and more! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/6/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 22 seconds
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What Should Hollywood Reboot Next?

The BS Boys have noticed a trend in Hollywood that not many others have figured out yet; that they LOVE to remake or reboot properties! So this week they have a crack at pitching their own reboots in hopes of becoming Hollywood CEO levels of rich and The Smartest Men In The World. -- This episode is sponsored by Miracle Made: Visit the link and use the promo code BASELESS for 3 free towels and 20% off. This episode is also sponsored by NordVPN. Enjoy an EXCLUSIVE NordVPN Deal ➼ Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/30/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 45 seconds
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Nintendo Switch 2 with Jackson and Joel from Thumb Cramps

The BS Boys look different this week! Jackson and Joel from Baseless Speculation couldn't make this week's recording so Joel Zammit called up his old friends from Thumb Cramps, Joel and Jackson, to fill in. Together Joel Zammit and Thumb Cramps have a big think about what could be coming for the Nintendo Switch 2 and realize it's hard to make a console that people want to buy. Maybe the Wii U is good. -- This episode is sponsored by Miracle Brand: Visit the link and use the promo code BASELESS for 3 free towels and 20% off.  This episode is also sponsored by NordVPN. Enjoy an EXCLUSIVE NordVPN Deal ➼ Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/23/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 54 seconds
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The whole world is swept up in Barbie Fever and The BS Boys know exactly what that means; sequels. So this week it's all about the not-yet-announced-but-definitely-happening sequel to Barbie; Ken. Today's episode is sponsored by NordVPN: EXCLUSIVE NordVPN Deal ➼ Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/16/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 12 seconds
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Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom

The BS Boys are fed up with waiting for a trailer or any kind of confirmation of the vague plot or even a concrete release date for Aquaman 2 and decided to speculate on it this week anyways! Media rollout be damned! Come for the Aquaman 2 discussion, stay for the complicated gymnastics analogy. High brow podcasting. Today’s episode is sponsored by Manscaped. Use the promo code BASELESS on to receive 20% off and free shipping. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/9/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 57 seconds
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Loki Season 2

SPOILERS FOR SECRET INVASION AND ALSO SURPRISINGLY DON'T WORRY DARLING. The BS Boys have seen the Loki Season 2 trailer and are very keen to get to the bottom of the question on every single person's lips: how is Zaniac going to appear in this series and just how much screen time will they get. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/2/20231 hour, 1 minute, 30 seconds
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What's Gonna Happen To The Movies (Hollywood Strikes)

The BS Boys confront the current SAG and WGA strikes to try to figure out what's gonna happen to the movies in the near (and far) future. It's a chaotic time to be watching movies and it sounds like the year is only going to get weirder but the BS boys are here to guide you through it. They fully support the strike and the easiest thing to do would just be to pay your staff but hey, CEOs are scumbags. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/26/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 10 seconds
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A Based Reaction to Barbenheimer (Barbie + Oppenheimer) with Hayden Bleechmore

The BS Boys (minus Joel Zammit) have done it. They've spent their entire day at the cinema to watch Barbie and Oppenheimer back to back as The Movies intended. These are all their thoughts on both movies. Full spoilers for both with a spoiler warning in episode but if you want to know nothing, don't listen yet!!! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/21/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 27 seconds
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Wonka (Now We've Seen The Trailer)

The first trailer for the upcoming Charlie and the Chocolate Factory prequel has dropped and left the internet stunned, so it's up to the BS Boys to get to the bottom of what the hell is going on here and what we think is going to happen. Plus; we all learn a valuable lesson about trusting Jackson. This episode has it all! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/19/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 58 seconds
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Is Marvel Okay?

The Baseless Speculation boys have recently taken a deep dive into what the hell is going on with Sony, Warner Bros and the upcoming DCU it was finally time to check in with the one successful cinematic universe and oh boy, what is GOING ON. Plus Home Improvement and Simpsons noises. It's all here! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/12/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 2 seconds
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Deadpool 3

The BS Boys have unearthed a heavily reported on and definitely real sounding leak of Deadpool 3 and try to figure out how this movie could possibly work, if it will be good and make one outlandish bet about the success of the movie. Potential spoilers we guess? But probably not??? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/5/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Flash Bombed, Now What?

No one can believe it and no one even thought it was possible but The Flash has officially bombed at the box office and with Warner Bros looking at a potential 200 million dollar loss it's up to the BS Boys to try to figure out what the next move will be and what the hell is going on. Today’s episode is sponsored by Manscaped. Use the promo code BASELESS to receive 20% off and free shipping. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/28/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 1 second
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Kraven the Hunter

The BS Boys have watched the Kraven trailer but their brains are so full of The Flash news that they can barely focus on anything except that damn movie!!! Full spoilers for The Flash maybe and full steam ahead for the Spider-Man Universe that doesn't have Spider-Man in it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/21/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 14 seconds
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A Based Reaction to The Flash

The Flash has finally arrived in cinemas. We cannot believe it. It's real and we've seen it. Is it good? Is it worth it all in the end? What does a movie that was made by 8+ directors and 30+ writers look like?! We still cannot believe it's come out. Strap in and hear what the BS Boys think of a movie that has consumed them for years! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/15/20231 hour, 24 minutes, 18 seconds
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Secret Invasion (Now We've Seen The First 5 Min)

The upcoming Disney+ show Secret Invasion put the first 5 minutes online for everyone to see and now the BS Boys have found it and watched it and are trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Who are Skrulls? How nuanced will the series will be? Was Obama the president in the MCU? They also get distracted by cats. There's a lot going on as usual. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/14/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 56 seconds
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What's Sony Pictures Up To Now?

After the well above expectations box office success and criticial acclaim of their recent film 'Across The Spiderverse', the BS Boys decided it was a good time to check in with Sony Pictures and find out what genius plans this has inspired. Turns out A LOT. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/7/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Based Reaction to Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Joel Zammit has returned and to celebrate we went to da movies to see Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse! Listen to this episode to hear our thought about Spider-Verse plus a recap of the current comics run. Turns out there's a lot going on right now. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/2/202354 minutes, 29 seconds
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Fast X Part 2 with Tom and Sean from Scaredy Boys

Joel Zammit is still missing so the BS Boys are joined by their good friends Tom Reed and Sean Carney (two of the hosts of the Scaredy Boys podcast) to try to figure out where the hell the Fast & Furious franchise is going, who can come back from the dead and who is going to be the ultimate big bad in the finale. Let's Ride! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/31/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Haunting in Venice with Dave Warneke

The BS Boys are joined by their good friend from the Do Go On and Book Cheat podcasts, Dave Warneke, to try to untangle the mystery presented in the trailer for the newest (and probably last) Hercule Poirot movie, A Haunting in Venice. How spooky will it be? Who will die? What da hell is going on? This episode has a real attempt to answer these questions and more! Today’s episode is sponsored by Manscaped. Use the promo code BASELESS to receive 20% off and free shipping.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/24/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 47 seconds
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A Based Reaction to Fast X with Adam Carnevale

The BS Boys have lost Joel Zammit but have found Adam Carnevale from the Sanspants Radio podcast 'D&D is for Nerds' and have excitedly driven directly into the studio to give you a very special Based Reaction for the newest entry in a film franchise near and dear to everyone, Fast & Furious. Join them for a full spoilers look at Fast X as they figure out if the magic is gone, if Hob is back, how La Familia will get out of trouble this time and much more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/19/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 29 seconds
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Gran Turismo with Alexei Toliopoulos and Hayden Bleechmore

Baseless Speculation are coming to you live from the kitchen of an Airbnb in Sydney, Australia (sorry about the dip in audio quality) and joined by special guests Alexei and Hayden to figure out what the hell is going on in the upcoming Gran Turismo movie. Plus the most deranged food review on the internet and toilet talk. Perfect pop culture podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/17/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 59 seconds
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Fast X (Now That We've Seen All The Trailers)

Fast X is hitting cinemas this month so the BS Boys have fired up all the avaliable trailers and TV spots to try to figure out what's gonna happen and what the hell is going on. Will anyone die? Will the family be destroyed? Will Fast X Part 2 have a different, stupider name??? This and more answered in the episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/10/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 59 seconds
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A Based Reaction to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 with Alexei Toliopoulos and Hayden Bleechmore

Baseless Speculation have hit the road this week and have recorded their based reaction to the brand new Marvel movie live from their Air B&B kitchen while joined by their good friends Alexei and Hayden. Is the new movie as good as we hoped it would be? Will Guardians 3 save cinema? Where is Joel Zammit? All these questions and more will be answered. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/5/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 46 seconds
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Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

The BS Boys have decided to flex their immense Transformers knowledge to speulate on what is going to happen in the upcoming Beast Wars film. Also, a quick dive into the world of Pauly Shore films. Everything you could have wanted and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/3/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 53 seconds
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (Now That We've Seen Every Trailer)

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is out this week so the BS Boys watched every trailer and TV spot to try to figure out what's going on. Who will die? Who will swear? Will it be good? Listen to the podcast to find out answers to this and more. Today’s episode is sponsored by Manscaped. Use the promo code BASELESS to receive 20% off and free shipping. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/26/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Marvels

The Marvels dropped a trailer this week and it's up to the BS Boys to put together all the clues to find out just what is going to happen in the movie. What is the wall that Monica touches? How do clouds work? Will this directly tie into Eternals?? Lots of these questions are answered, and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/19/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 4 seconds
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Barbie with Milo Edwards

​​The BS Boys are joined by Milo Edwards from the TRASHFUTURE podcast to speculate on what is going to happen in the upcoming Barbie movie now that we've seen a trailer that Jackson didn't just dream up. If you like Milo, please go follow him on social media at @milo_edwards and if you live in Melbourne go see his Melbourne International Comedy Festival show. Today’s episode is sponsored by Manscaped. Use the promo code BASELESS to receive 20% off and free shipping. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/12/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 44 seconds
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A Based Reaction to The Super Mario Bros. Movie

The BS boys are back again with another Based Reaction episode, this time reacting to The Super Mario Bros. Movie. Is it good? Is it bad? What body part does Jackson wish was exposed in every movie? These questions and more will be answered in this episode. Also, full spoilers from the start, as usual. We warn you in the audio too, so if we ruin anything for you, it could not be more your fault. Enjoy! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/5/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 45 seconds
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Blue Beetle

Much to the shock of every single one of the BS Boys, it turns out that Blue Beetle is a real movie and has a real trailer. Much to the shock of the listeners, a good portion of this episode is dedicated to our Monk/The Nanny/Frasier crossover pitch. Plus, an exciting story from a listener! It's a great day to be a Baseless Speculation fan! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/5/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 5 seconds
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Secret Invasion

The BS Boys are back to celebrate the release date announcement of the upcoming MCU TV show, Secret Invasion, by speculating wildly on a trailer that was released over six months ago. Some pretty wild accusations about the consequences of going on the computer and the future of cinema too. Big episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/29/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 25 seconds
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A Based Reaction to D&D: Honor Among Thieves with Adam Carnevale

The BS Boys have done what many thought to be impossible and have recorded two Based Reactions in the space of a week. This time, they've locked their good friend Joel Duscher out of the studio and replaced him with their other good friend Adam Carnevale to celebrate the release of their silly little Dungeons and Dragons movie. Full spoilers! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/27/202352 minutes, 25 seconds
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Doctor Who Specials 2023

This week on Baseless Speculation, the BS Boys go deep into their awful, awful brains to remember what happened in Doctor Who from 2005-2015 then speculate on what's next.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/22/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 42 seconds
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A Based Reaction to Shazam: Fury of the Gods

The BS Boys waded their way through the crowds to finally make it to a screening of the worldwide phenomenon Shazam 2. This is their full spoiler review. Plus, some advice for Harry Potter fans! This episode has everything!!  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/21/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 3 seconds
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What's Next for Kang in the MCU?

The BS Boys do not fear Kang and therefore have taken it upon themselves to attempt to figure out how the MCU can fix the current Kang problem and make him threatening again. There's spoilers for Ant-Man 3 all through this episode but who cares, listen to this podcast even if you havent seen the movie yet. It's fine.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/16/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 46 seconds
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Superman Legacy

To celebrate next week's release of Shazam: Fury of the Gods, The BS Boys speculate wildly on the DCU property in the far future; Superman Legacy. It's almost an extremely relevant episode! They got close, almost. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/8/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 53 seconds
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Fast X

Buckle up with the BS Boys as they finally talk about a franchise you all know and love, Fast & Furious. Will Fast X bring back former friend Dwayne? Will it bring back an actor from the dead? Will Dom be the president of the united states? The BS Boys believe this and more could be possible. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/1/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Flash

In what could be the longest episode of Baseless Speculation yet, The BS Boys deep dive into the gift that is the trailer for the upcoming Flash film that is definitely real, will definitely happen and definitely be good. -- Make sure to check out all the other Wood Elf shows here Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/22/20231 hour, 44 minutes, 8 seconds
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A Based Reaction to Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania

The BS Boys finally get their act together and drop their based reaction to the recent MCU entry, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. Full spoilers for the movie but there's also a warning in episode so if we spoil it for you, it's your own damn fault. -- Make sure to check out all the other Wood Elf shows here Send us an email at [email protected]  You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/21/20231 hour, 37 minutes, 51 seconds
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The BS Boys keep their fingers on the pulse by ignoring all the Superbowl chaos for this week and dive into a simplier time; a time where dinosaurs roamed the earth 65 million years ago. Plus they find out that making fun of movie titles is much much much easier than pitching a better one. Not so clever now, hey boys. -- Make sure to check out all the other Wood Elf shows here Send us an email at [email protected]  You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/15/20231 hour, 5 minutes
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DCU Chapter One with Michael McMillian

The BS Boys are joined by Michael McMillian from the Wood Elf podcast Bigfoot Collectors Club (Also from Movies, TV shows and DC Comics) to look at the recent announcement of DCU Chapter One: Gods and Monsters. Michael is officially the bravest person all time for this podcast appearance due to his connections. James Gunn is the second bravest person of all time for saying half of the things he did during this announcement. A lot of heroes and nonsense this week. -- Make sure to check out Bigfoot Collectors Club here Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit | Michael Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/8/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 59 seconds
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Scream VI

The BS Boys are back from their break, fully refreshed and ready to speculate wildly. Full spoilers for Scream 1-5, we think, but the BS Boys could also be totally wrong throughout the entire episode so it's hard to say. Welcome back Baseless Speculation, you have not changed. -- Make sure to check out all the other Wood Elf shows here Send us an email at [email protected]  You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/1/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 50 seconds
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Captain America: Serpent Society

In their last pre-recorded episode before their triumphant return next week, The BS Boys dare to wind back the clock to the Phase 3 announcement for the MCU and wonder just what a movie about Captain America fighting a snake gang would've been like. Good, they reckon. -- Make sure to check out all the other Wood Elf shows here Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/25/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 6 seconds
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What's Next for The Muppets?

This episode was recorded the first week of November 2022 and features so many good ideas that you would be forgiven for handing over large sums of money to The BS Boys to make even just one of them come true.  -- Make sure to check out all the other Wood Elf shows here Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/18/202359 minutes, 2 seconds
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Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 4

The BS Boys are still on holidays but refuse to leave you, dear listeners, without content so here's an episode recorded before the holidays that dares to answer the question: "what would've happened in Spider-Man 4 if it wasn't cancelled?"  -- Make sure to check out all the other Wood Elf shows here Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/11/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 40 seconds
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Baseless Speculation Emails (2023 Special)

The BS Boys are on break but do not want to leave you without an episode, so they opened up the Baseless Speculation inbox to speculate AND react to your emails! It's a chaotic (and mean??) episode!  -- Make sure to check out all the other Wood Elf shows here Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/4/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 23 seconds
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Most Anticipated Movies of 2023

Happy Holidays from Baseless Speculation and The BS Boys. This holiday season, listen to a list of upcoming and hotly anticipated film releases to find out what the BS boys can't wait to see! 2023 is gonna be a BIG YEAR. -- Make sure to check out all the other Wood Elf shows here Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/28/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 38 seconds
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Warner Bros Discovery's Future Plans (A DC Update)

Warner Bros Discovery and Mr. DC, James Gunn, have given the BS Boys the gift of content this holday season! Are you ready to experience the JCU??? -- Make sure to check out all the other Wood Elf shows here Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/21/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 23 seconds
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A Based Reaction to Avatar: The Way of Water

The BS boys have finally returned to Pandora and are now suffering the most extreme cases of PADS, NADS and NAFDS ever recorded. Full spoilers for Avatar 2. Go see it 40 times. -.-- Make sure to check out all the other Wood Elf shows here Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/18/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 31 seconds
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Magic Mike's Last Dance

With all the chaos happening involving superhero movies, prestige television and general studio nonsense, Baseless Speculation are delivering to you the episode you need most right now. Magic Mike's Last Dance. You're welcome listeners.  -- Make sure to check out all the other Wood Elf shows here Send us an email at [email protected]  You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/14/202258 minutes, 9 seconds
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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Just as we were thinking about slowing down for the rest of the year, the movies decided to drop 30000 trailers on us. Indiana Jones 5 was one of them. Don't worry though, the BS Boys rapid fire cover the others in the first 5 minutes of this recording in what many would consider a 'manic episode'. -- Make sure to check out all the other Wood Elf shows here Send us an email at [email protected]  You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/7/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 43 seconds
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Full spoilers for the Holiday Special but we give you a proper warning in the episode so it’s on you if we wreck it. Also don’t forget to let us know who your Boy of the Year is. -- Make sure to check out all the other Wood Elf shows here Send us an email at [email protected]  You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/30/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 22 seconds
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D&D: Honor Amongst Thieves with Adam Carnevale

Our good friend and co-host Joel Duscher is out this week with the “virus that makes you dumb” which also retroactively explains last week’s energy. Instead we’re joined by our good friend Adam Carnevale who we definitely didn’t just do a D&D episode exclusively for, we promise.  -- Make sure to check out all the other Wood Elf shows here -- Send us an email at [email protected]  You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter:cJackson | Duscher | Zammit | Adam Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/23/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 33 seconds
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MCU's Phase 5

Now that we've seen all of the movies in Phase 4 of the MCU, let's speculate on what Phase 5 is going to look like. Spoiler warning for all the Phase 4 movies (INCLUDING BLACK PANTHER) and content warning for how stupid this gets. In our defense we've never claimed to be clever. Make sure to check out all the other Wood Elf shows here Send us an email at [email protected]  You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/16/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 49 seconds
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A Based Reaction to Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

The BS Boys have seen Black Panther: Wakanda Forever and really liked it! Hear our (deranged) thoughts here AND THERE ARE SO MANY SPOILERS SO CONSIDER THIS A WARNING! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/10/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 36 seconds
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Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special

The Baseless Speculation boys have two big announcements this week. First announcement, we've officially joined Wood Elf Media, a new podcast production house that will open the door to loads of wild opportunities for the BS boys! Things are gonna' get dangerous. Second announcement, we ate too much meat before recording this. Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Follow us on Twitter: Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/9/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 2 seconds
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A Based Reaction to Black Adam

Another DC movie has driven us to total madness and there’s spoilers from the moment this episode start. Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/2/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Happy 100 episodes of Baseless Speculation. To celebrate, we remained dumb. Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/1/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 38 seconds
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Where's The Next Predator Film Going To Be Set?

The BS Boys celebrated today’s episode by choking down all of the Dumb Guy Pills they could find before hitting record and it really, really shows. Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/24/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 34 seconds
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I understand this is a bit of a curveball but we had fun. Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/18/20221 hour, 50 seconds
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A Based Reaction to Werewolf by Night

SPOILERS FOR WEREWOLF BY NIGHT, SHE-HULK AND I GUESS WESTWORLD SEASON 3 BUT THOSE SPOILERS ARE SO BAFFLING THAT I ALMOST WOULDN'T WORRY ABOUT IT Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/13/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Super Mario Bros. Movie

We’re pretty sure no one has weighed in on the Super Mario Bros. Movie yet so we thought we would. Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/11/202259 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Based Reaction to Avatar (2009)

Spoilers for Avatar (2009) and spoilers for our unwritten and unfilmed Seinfeld episode (2022) Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/3/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

A lot of big claims of what’s boring in video games here with not a lot of backing these huge claims up. Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/26/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

How To Fix The DCEU/Warner Bros

This was recorded just before D23 and is still MOSTLY accurate which is a BS Boys first. But there’s whispers of some very, very wild business decisions coming up in the future so you don’t have to worry, we will absolutely be back covering it. Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/19/20221 hour, 29 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

D23 2022

D23 is here and Man Thing is confirmed so Jackson is very happy… right… Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/14/20221 hour, 20 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

John Wick 4

We recorded this before the Warner Bros/Discovery disaster and forgot about it so it almost became lost media. Also off-hand spoilers for Blade Runner 2049 and Cowboy Bebop. Sorry. Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/5/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Madame Web

Madame Web stresses us out big time. THERE IS SO MANY STRESSFUL BITS OF INFORMATION TIED TO REAL LIFE EVENTS. WHAT ARE YOU DOING SONY. Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/29/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Warner Bros Discovery Merger (Update)

The Warner Bros Discovery Merger and The Flash 2023 movie got some surprising updates so the BS Boys had to kick down the door of the studio and record this ASAP. Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/23/20221 hour, 22 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Black Panther Wakanda Forever

If you’ve come to this podcast for speculation about who is going to be the new Black Panther you’ve picked the wrong podcast. Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/15/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Warner Bros Discovery Merger (Emergency Speculation)

EMERGENCY SPECULATION AFTER SOME OF THE MOST BAFFLING NEWS WE’VE EVER BEEN PRESENTED Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/11/20221 hour, 24 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

She-Hulk: Attorney At Law (Now We've Seen A Featurette)

Thank you Marvel for uploading a featurette onto YouTube just for us. Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/8/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Definitely a lot of Shazam talk here. Barely any onion talk either. Just a regular episode of a pop culture podcast. Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/2/20221 hour, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Multiverse Saga (Phase 5 & Phase 6)

Thank you Kevin Feige for the next 18-24 months of podcast content. Also Jackson will get fired sometime soon. Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/25/20221 hour, 27 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Based Reaction to Ms. Marvel

Spoiler warning: we briefly discuss leaked Black Panther 2 material that’s probably fake but just putting the warning here so you don’t yell at me. Please leave me alone. I am an innocent man. Also Ms. Marvel is good! Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/20/202246 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

How Will The MCU Introduce the Fantastic Four?

The First Family are coming and we can’t stop it! But how? And when? And who?? Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/18/20221 hour, 22 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork


Prey looks good! We love movies! Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/12/202248 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Based Reaction to Thor: Love and Thunder

Full spoilers for Thor: Love and Thunder. You should already know this. Also, we have a new t-shirt to celebrate Baseless Speculation. Buy your Kingo Is Movies shirt here! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/6/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

What's Sony Pictures Next Move? (Live)

Recorded live on Monday 27th June at the Retreat Hotel. Shockingly, Joel Zammit’s Kraven predictions pre-date the leak. Even more shockingly, this episode worked well live and the audience didn’t rush the stage to kill the BS Boys. Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/4/202254 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork


We’ve been tricked by Star Wars trailers before but what if this time it’s not a trick and the trailer is actually what the show will be??? Also we love Star Wars. Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/29/202257 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Based Reaction to Obi-Wan Kenobi

Star Wars is good. Come to our live show tonight (27th June Retreat Hotel Brunswick 7pm) or face dire consequences.  Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/27/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Black Adam

Baseless Speculation’s debut live show is happening on Monday June 27 at 7pm at the Retreat Hotel in Brunswick. It’s free so you have no excuses. You just turn up and sit down. Also this Black Adam episode is basically just Family Guy so enjoy. Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/21/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Based Reaction to Lightyear with Adam Carnevale

13 minutes after we finished editing this episode, the producer of Lightyear came out and said that Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story is not based off Buzz Lightyear in Lightyear but instead off the cartoon version of Buzz Lightyear. Which is what Zammit said. We cannot believe it. Kingo is movies. Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit | Adam  Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/16/202248 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Joker: Folie à Deux

Big day for insane announcements! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/14/202255 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Puss in Boots: The Last Wish

Puss in Boots is going to die. Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/7/202249 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

She-Hulk: Attorney At Law

No one is talking about Hulk’s tiny head except us.  Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/31/20221 hour, 22 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Obi-Wan Kenobi

We start this episode by getting kicked in the head by a horse and it doesn't stop from there. If you're in Melbourne June 6th, 20th and 27th mosey on over to the Retreat Hotel in Brunswick at 7pm for some "good" "comedy" "podcasts". Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/24/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

The MCU Post-Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

You’re not gonna believe it but there’s spoilers for Doctor Strange 2 all through this bad boy! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/17/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Avatar: The Way of Water

We keep claiming that the Avatar trailer is only available in cinemas but it was uploaded online mere hours after we finished recording so that was good. Also this is our 69th episode and we don't even mention that. Disastrous episode. Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/11/202251 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Based Reaction to Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness

It’s Doctor Strange 2 time, baby! Lets get freaky!! Also full spoilers obviously. Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/10/20221 hour, 27 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

What The Hell Is Sony Doing (Part One)

Thank you Sony for the content. Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/3/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Discovery's Reboot of DC Entertainment

Maybe it’ll all be good and the Ezra Miller thing will totally blow over and everything is chill…??? Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/26/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Thor: Love and Thunder

Can't wait to see Gorr straight up ice the Christian God's Avatar Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/19/202254 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jurrasic World 3: Dominion (Now that the Director has said an Insane Thing) with Cass Paige and Tom Walker

The Dinosaur is Joker Now Go see Tom! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/12/202253 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Inevitable DC and MCU Crossover

It is inevitable. Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/5/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Minions: The Rise of Gru

This episode almost makes Joel Zammit vomit on air so that’s good. Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/29/202254 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers

We’re the podcast that sucks! Don’t forget that and give us 5 stars! LONDON BUY TICKETS TO PLUMBING THE DEATH STAR LIVE SHOWS HERE Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/22/202254 minutes
Episode Artwork


Spoilers for: Bioshock, Bioshock 2, Bioshock Infinite, Blade Runner 2049, Cowboy Bebop (anime), Cowboy Bebop (live action). We got carried away. LONDON BUY TICKETS TO PLUMBING THE DEATH STAR LIVE SHOWS HERE Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/14/202256 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Batman 2

THIS HAS FULL ON THE BATMAN (2022) SPOILERS PLEASE DONT GET UPSET WITH US Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/8/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Based Reaction to The Batman

It’s okay, we (mostly) really liked it!! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/4/20221 hour, 25 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Reboot The MCU

Don't google 'sounding' Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/1/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness Again

We’re (mostly!) positive and optimistic this time! It’s a good trailer!! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/22/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nope with Ben Ellwood

Listen to Thank God for David Attenborough and Why Is Cats? right now to finally experience good podcasts! Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit | Ben Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/15/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork


The entire time that Joel Duscher is talking in this episode he's actually thinking about Jackass Forever. Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/9/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Moon Knight

HOPE YOU LIKE STUPID VOICES Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/1/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Once again we're very excited for the future cameo fuckfest that is the MCU Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/26/20221 hour, 20 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Baseless Speculation Emails (End of Year Special)

We forgot to say this in episode but this is our last episode for a couple of weeks. It’s the holidays, baby!  Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/28/202152 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/20/202155 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Based Reaction to Spider-Man: No Way Home

Spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home. We are not kind Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/16/20211 hour, 32 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

How Will Venom Fit Into The MCU

Spoilers for Venom and Venom: Let There Be Carnage. I hope you’re ready. Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/14/20211 hour, 21 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Across The Spider-Verse (Part One)

Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/8/20211 hour, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Spider-Man No Way Home, Again

There’s a couple of Venom 2 and Eternals spoilers in this.  Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/30/20211 hour, 20 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork


Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/23/202154 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Halloween Ends

Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/16/202148 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Morbius, Again

Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/9/202153 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Based Reaction to Eternals with Joel Zammit

What did we think of the 2021 superhero epic Eternals?? Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/7/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore with Tom Walker and Demi Lardner

Listen to Tom and Demi’s podcast bigsofttitty.png Watch Tom on Twitch Here Watch Demi on Twitch Here Send us an email at [email protected] You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/2/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Flash (2022) with Hayden Bleechmore

THE MOVIE WITH JON HEDER AND TENNIS WAS SCHOOL FOR SCOUNDRELS (2006) Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Hayden   Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/26/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Scream 5 with Tom and Damo from Scaredy Boys

Listen to Scaredy Boys, new episodes every Friday. Available on all podcast platforms. Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/18/20211 hour, 1 minute, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Hotel Transylvania 4: Transformania with Alexei Toliopoulos

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/11/202159 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Untitled Mario Movie with Andrew Levins

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/4/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jurassic World: Dominion with Alexei Toliopoulos

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/27/20211 hour, 1 minute, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork


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9/21/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Matrix Resurrections with Alexei Toliopoulos (Now That We've Seen the Trailer)

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/14/20211 hour, 17 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Matrix 4 (Based Solely Off a Text Description of an Exclusive Trailer We Cannot See)

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/7/20211 hour, 16 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Eternals (After We've Seen the Final Trailer and Can Confirm that Joel Duscher is Going to Walk)

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/30/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Spider-Man No Way Home (Now That We've Seen a Trailer)

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/24/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Morbius (The Living Vampire)

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here.You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073.Want to help support the show?Sanspants+ | Shop | TeesWant to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | RedditOr individually at;Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/16/202152 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Man-Thing's a Lock! But How?

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/9/202147 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Based Reaction to The Suicide Squad

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/5/202151 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/4/202151 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Batman (2022)

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/27/20211 hour, 1 minute, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Marvel's What If...?

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/20/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Spider-Man No Way Home with Nick Mason

There are Black Widow and Loki spoilers in this. I think. Leave us alone xx o Grab your tickets to see Plumbing the Death Star Live at the Melbourne Podcast Fest August 1st here!! Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Follow Mason on Twitter Here! Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/13/20211 hour, 20 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Based Reaction to Black Widow with Ethan Taylor

Grab your tickets to see Plumbing the Death Star Live at the Melbourne Podcast Fest August 1st here and Live at the Comedy Republic on July 10th here! Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/9/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Breath of the Wild 2

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/6/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

Grab your tickets to see Plumbing the Death Star Live at the Melbourne Podcast Fest August 1st here and Live at the Comedy Republic on July 10th here! Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/28/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Fast 10 with Andrew Levins and Alexei Toliopoulos

Grab your tickets to see Plumbing the Death Star Live at the Comedy Republic on July 10th here! Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us?  Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/22/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Rest of the Loki Series

Grab your tickets to see Plumbing the Death Star Live at the Comedy Republic on July 10th here! Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/15/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Fast & Furious 9

Grab your tickets to see Plumbing the Death Star Live at the Comedy Republic on July 10th here! Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/8/202156 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

No Time to Die with Alexei Toliopoulos

Grab your tickets to see Plumbing the Death Star Live at the Comedy Republic on June 5th here! Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/1/20211 hour, 20 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Eternals with Hayden Bleechmore

Grab your tickets to see Plumbing the Death Star Live at the Comedy Republic on June 5th here! Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/25/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork


Grab your tickets to see Plumbing the Death Star Live at the Comedy Republic on June 5th here! Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/18/202152 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Venom: Let There Be Carnage

Grab your tickets to see Plumbing the Death Star Live at the Comedy Republic on June 5th here! Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/11/20211 hour, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mutants in the MCU

Grab your tickets to see Plumbing the Death Star Live at the Comedy Republic on June 5th here! Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/4/20211 hour, 18 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

MCU Post Captain America and the Winter Soldier

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/27/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mortal Kombat

You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/20/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

New Pokemon Snap

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/13/20211 hour, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Loki with Lena Moon

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us?  Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/6/20211 hour, 14 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Suicide Squad

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/30/20211 hour, 1 minute, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Based Reaction to Zack Snyder's Justice League

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/26/20211 hour, 21 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Godzilla vs. Kong

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/23/202156 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/16/202154 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

MCU Post-WandaVision

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/9/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Zack Snyder’s Justice League Again

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/5/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Black Widow

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/4/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Sign up to our newsletter here. Join our facebook group here or join our Discord here. You can physically send us stuff to PO BOX 7127, Reservoir East, Victoria, 3073. Want to help support the show? Sanspants+ | Shop | Tees Want to get in contact with us? Email | Twitter | Website | Facebook | Reddit Or individually at; Jackson | Duscher | Zammit Hosted on Acast. See for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/3/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 2 seconds