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Asian Action Cast

English, TV & Video, 1 season, 185 episodes, 2 days, 4 hours
Your number one source for Asian Action films and jokes about the perils of Hong Kong stuntmen!
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The 2004 adaptation of the classic Go Nagai manga 'Devilman' has been widely called 'The worst movie to come out of Japan' by many, but is it really that bad? Twin boy band actors, random slow motion, motorcycles on the beach and Bob Sapp!? What's not to love? Let the AAC guide you through the highs (?) and many, many lows of Devilman! --- Send in a voice message:
6/1/202454 minutes, 56 seconds
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Yakuza Wolf: I Perform Murder

Sonny Chiba broods his way through the 1972 yakuza gunslinging romp, Yakuza Wolf! Legendary for his piercing eyes, bushy eyebrows and intense characters, this gem is pre-Streetfighter fame and gives you a peek into the formula before it was perfected. Exploitation at its most gratuitous, as Toei productions go this one is filled with nudity, violence and questionable morales. There are no heroes here, only damaged people with scars and agendas. Yakuza Wolf is a fun urban western directed by Ryuichi Takamori that gets a bit lost in its own labyrinth of vengeance, but presents some beautiful visuals and psychedelic music. If you have fond memories, or are interested in the genre, watch it and join us in a revap afterwards. --- Send in a voice message:
5/18/202456 minutes, 32 seconds
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City Hunter (2024)

Ryo Saeba returns to the big screen in Netflix’s 2024 adaptation of the City Hunter manga, following a string of animes, movies (Jackie Chan!) and Korean TV shows. --- Send in a voice message:
5/4/20241 hour, 36 seconds
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A Better Tomorrow 2

So good we had to return immediately to John Woo’s sweaty gangster tragi-ballad, A Better Tomorrow II, to revel in the blood soaked ballet that inspired so many films (ahem, reservoir dogs). Cobbled together a year after Woo’s original 1986 smash hit, A Better Tomorrow II brings back Chow Yun Fat (but of course!), Ti Lung and Leslie Cheung, but also presents an uncharacteristically grounded performance from the late great Dean Shek, and pre-Stephen Chow villainous Ng Man Tat.It’s been established that Chow is the thief of our hearts, stealing scenes aplenty, but this instalment has some great performances with multiple nominations and awards with huge shout outs to Leslie’s Cheungs heartbreaking phonebooth scene and Chow’s legendary ‘Apologise to the Rice’ scene. Put on your suits and ties, grab your shotguns and gear up with us. --- Send in a voice message:
4/20/20241 hour, 18 minutes, 33 seconds
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A Better Tomorrow

What happens when you take a Hong Kong comedy director, old, washed up martial arts star and young desperate actor with nothing to lose? A Better Tomorrow, that’s what.John Woo’s 1986 gangster thriller with Chow Yun Fat and Ti Lung reinvented the genre and guaranteed a better tomorrow of heroic bloodshed and tragic bromances for decades to come.No other movie is so iconic, so fresh and so stylish. Chow’s Mark is the definition of scene stealer, the late great Leslie Cheung plucks up as the young cop. Essential viewing if you’re a fan of Hong Kong cinema, relive it with us.
4/6/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 50 seconds
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Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart In Peril

The AAC takes a journey back to 1972 for the fourth instalment in the Lone Wolf and Cub Series. Our vengeance seeking duo of father Ogami Itto (Tomisaburo Wakayama) and mullet/sideburns/top knot/rats tail son Daigoro (Akihiro Tomikawa) are tasked with killing female assassin (Oyuki played by Michie Azuma). But along the way there's many, many random Yagyu soldiers to slice. Father and son are walking the demon path to hell, can anyone stop them? Does that pram have suspension? How painful would that tattoo be? Join us and find out.
3/23/202443 minutes, 28 seconds
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M.D.S Geist

M.D.S Geist is your 1986 granddaddy of modern adult anime. We watch the 1996 directors cut of Koichi Ohatas debut, building the template of ultra violent animation and grim anti-hero’s.
3/9/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Owl vs Bombo

You could be forgiven for not seeing Oscar winner Michelle Yeoh’s cinema debut in Sammo Hung’s 1984 clunker, Owl vs Bombo. A pretty face and far cry from her future baddassery, she could not save Sammos cringy self indulgent movie. Pairing with George Lams Owl, Hungs Bumbo busts more dance moves than skulls, insistent on pedalling the most awkward romance ever. Credit for not having Ms Malaysia herself as the target of his affections, the cringe:action ratio is leaning the wrong way. What little action there is however, is trademark Sammo Hung and golden era Hong Kong fight cinema. A youthful Dick Wei owns ever scene he’s in, with glimpses at James Tien, Chin Kar Lok, Phillip Chan, Stanley Fung and more. Filled with promise but ultimately as disappointing as a dinner date with Sammo, we watched it so you don’t have to, hear our doves cry.
2/24/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 41 seconds
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AAC Hidden Strike

Jackie Chan! John Cena! Have I got your attention? Well 2023’s Hidden Strike is more than just lip service, it will reel you in with the clickbait and will hold your attention for its booming 1hr 45min runtime. Who would have thought I would say that last sentence without irony! No one on the Asian Action Cast, that’s for sure.
2/10/202452 minutes, 52 seconds
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High & Low the Worst X

Are you looking for impressive hair, smouldering looks, screaming and school turf wars? Do you like your movies to be no talk and all action? Love the sounds of the Exile Tribe and all their offshoot acts? High & Low The Worst X is the film for you. What better way to dip our toes into the High & Low series by starting with the 7th movie and based on a collaboration with 2 mangas we haven't read? Genius!
1/27/202443 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sister Street Fighter

Remember a time when Sonny Chiba’s THE STREETFIGHTER roamed the streets of Japan? Kazuhiko Yamaguchi’s 1974 pulp spin-off Sister Street Fighter proves it takes a woman’s touch to truly twist the neck off thugs.Etsuko Shihomi’s Li Koryu plays the titular Sister Street Fighter and like any vengeance fuelled martial hero, goes from stunning to psychotic in less than 3 seconds. One of Sonny Chiba’s proteges she takes to the silver screen mugging, jumping and killing with lethal efficiency in this homage to Bruce’s own 1973 epic, Enter the Dragon.With more Bruce look-a-likes than you can shake a nun-chuck at, this is unashamedly a celebration of evil masterminds and their villainous lairs and collections of dangerous things. Full of colour, it is fun, vibrant and entertaining, do what we do and see it with a crew - then go roll the mean streets of Yokohama to avenge your captured family!
1/13/20241 hour, 15 minutes, 35 seconds
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2023 End of Year Wrap Up

The Asian Action Cast wraps up another year of the best (and worst) of Asian and Hong Kong action cinema. Numbers and stats: got 'em. Talking over each other because it's online: in spades. Our yearly tournament having some really unfair matchup brackets? You know it's true! All movies reviewed go into a tournament, and only one movie can be crowned number one. Which movie will reign supreme?  Thanks listeners, for your support this year. As always, stay for the remix!
12/24/20231 hour, 26 minutes, 1 second
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New Kung Fu Cult Master Pt 1 (2022)

Wong Jing’s 2022 remake of his 1993 Wuxia epic, Kung Fu Cult Master (Pt 1) is proof that practice makes progress. 30 years of experience gives you special effects, less toilet humor, a wizened Donnie Yen and an actual, honest to god filmed and released sequel (Kung Fu Cult Master (Pt 2) released in the same year.
12/9/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 24 seconds
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Deep down we’re all the Ballerina. Lee Chung-Hyun’s 2023 film Ballerina is a character study of quiet pain and loss, punctuated with visceral, over the top action and a villain you love to hate.Starring Jeon Jong-Seo (Rachel Jun) as a cold and detached security specialist in what is sure to put her on the map, Ballerina has a painfully methodical and unspoken narrative. Sparse though it may be, when the action hits, it hits hard with some genuinely creative storytelling in the brutal ballet of violence.Shout out to Kim Ji-Hoon as the villain Choi Pro, who is definitely choice bro. Handsome, insanely fit and definitely unhinged, chewing every piece of scenery. Sporting a wonderful cameo for National Grandma Kim Young-ok wielding a flame-thrower, there’s something here for most everyone. Watch and wonder then listen with us.
11/26/202358 minutes, 34 seconds
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Legend of the Red Dragon / New Legend of Shaolin

Wong Jing’s 1994 Lone Wolf parody, New Legend of Shaolin, or Red Dragon as its known in the west, teams up Jet Li with his martial arts prodigy on screen son Mo Tse to kick some old school poison boogie man ass.
11/11/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 4 seconds
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Magic Crystal

The Magic Crystal is Wong Jing’s 1986 first collaboration with Hong Kong Heartthrob Andy Lau, in his most fetching, handsome Puma activewear. This is a globetrotting adventure quest movie equal parts Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider, Armour of God, E.T., the list goes on - the amazing thing is, its actually pretty good and unequivocally Wong Jing in style. Also, Cynthia Rothrock and the enigmatic Richard Norton share about 20-30% of the screen time, every moment to be relished.If you know Wong Jing and/or his work, you know what to expect here, puerile humour, good production values and effects and some actually genuine surprising and rousing moments (looking at you Wei-Wei Huang). It also has every Wong Jing issue with it, pacing, 2D characters, juvenile…but it stays entertaining.Come for the Cynth-ard Nort-rock, stay for the amazing action set pieces and stuntman (and women) action! Listen in with us!
10/28/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 17 seconds
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Zom 100: Bucket List of The Dead

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead is Netflix’s latest 2023 foray into live-action-ime, adapting Haro Aso’s Manga and anime of the same name. We at the Asian Action Cast could not help but compare it to the (better) anime but still found sparks of joy to warm our zombie hearts.The perpetually optimistic and effervescent Akira Tendo (played by an equally diabetically sweet Eiji Akaso) revels in a zombie apocalypse, giving him a much needed break from his toxic workplace. We discuss everything from how muscular he is (and should be as a gridiron player), how sexy (or lack thereof) of his best mate himbo Kencho to the presence of b00bs and absence of nippl3s.Join us in our meander across the zombie wastelands of future-tokyo and compare your thoughts, feelings and zombie infected saliva with us on this episode.
10/14/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 18 seconds
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Crippled Avengers aka Return of the Five Deadly Venoms

The Crippled Avengers (also known as Return of the Five Deadly Venoms and Mortal Combat!)  smashes its iron limbs into your brain this week on the Asian Action Cast, ironically spreading the crippling they received. This 1978 Shaw Brothers. martial arts schlock action fest is exactly what the Kung Fu movie genre needed to get it back on its legs.
9/30/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 59 seconds
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Bastard Swordsman

Bastard Swordsman! This Shaw Bro’s 1983 Wuxia extravaganza packs it all in, epic sword fights, trademark jaw dropping sets, costumes and unforgettable cast of characters. But this is not a drill, this is a movie imbued with love, care and the iron will to deliver a fatal fist of wonder straight into your cerebral cortex.Rarely well-paced for a Wuxia epic ‘Bastard’ has truly wondrous and plentiful choreography. Norman Chiu storms his way onto the screen and secretly into your hearts as the accessible and admirable Everyman, Yun Fei Yang and Leanne Liu’s Lun Wan Er is everyone’s dream crush and heartbreaker.Alex Man’s over-camp, over-charismatic and supremely impotent Chief Dugu Wu Di warns against the sexual perils of over-training, and [SPOILERS] Tony Liu’s voyeuristic schemer Fu Yu Shu is a man you love to hate. Treat yourself to this martial arts morsel and tune into our podcast below to relive the flying high-fives of this masterpiece.
9/17/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 26 seconds
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Shin Kamen Rider

Grasshopper Power – Activate! The Shin Kamen Rider returns in Hideaki Anno’s 2023 love letter to the original Kamen/Masked Rider, starring pouty Sosuke Ikematsu as titular rider, Takeshi Hongo. Take a journey through visceral action and ambiguous self loathing as the Grasshopper avenger tears apart his enemies as much as he tears apart his soul.
9/3/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 6 seconds
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Organised Crime and Triad Bureau

What happens when Triads and Organised Crime run rampant on the mean streets of 90’s Hong Kong? You call the ORGANISED CRIME AND TRIAD BUREAU! No nonsense hard-boiled, grizzled cliché tough-as-nails Cop-Man Danny Lee leads a semi-shirtless Fan Siu-Wong on a crusade to catch…an even harder, wily, ice-cold Anthony Wong!Kirk Wong’s cat-and-mouse caper is hardly cerebral with contrived stand-offs, convenient escapes and manufactured machismo in almost every frame. But damn me if Anthony Wong can’t inject unhinged charisma into any role he inhabits. Sympathy for the devil? If its Anthony Wong hell yeah.Danny Lee has the thankless task of being an under developed psychotic cop, unclear why he’s driving to break the laws he’s sworn to uphold to catch a guy he has no clear history or connection with.  But as always, Danny Lee cannot NOT look good as a cop.Pure cop thriller junk food, and Heat before Heat! Asian Action Cast votes - Check it out.
8/19/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 55 seconds
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Punish Evil

The Asian Action Cast Punishes Evil with Colin Chou’s 2022 crime thriller from director Jiang Xiaotong. A violent cat and mouse with Chou’s unhinged thief leading Zhao Da’s Detective Song Hai on an increasingly frustrating and violent goose chase. The tension builds but the action is sparse and spaced out, don’t expect Colin Chou’s trademark crisp martial arts choreography here. Where fists fly it is a drawn out dog fight between ragged breaths, with tired arms and swollen ankles. The star of the show is the incredibly well shot visuals, stylish and sometimes even breathtaking, fantastic cinema to occupy your eyeballs when the plot wanes, which it does. Strap some icepacks to those knees and join us for a revap of this curiosity of a movie.
8/6/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 47 seconds
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Samurai Reincarnation

Sonny “The StreetFighter” Chiba? Hiroyuki “Duke” Sanada? Ninja’s, swords, magic, samurais and exploitations? AN EYEPATCH?!?!! Yes folks, take our money indeed. We revelled in this gem from the 1981 SHOUT! Sonny Chiba Collection from Director Kinji Fukasaku starring an impossibly young Duke Sanada and his mentor Sonny Chiba, grizzled one eyed samurai Jubei.No question this film was ‘homaged’ almost wholesale in modern samurai and ninja cinema and anime with more than one scene being recreated in films like Ninja Scroll – with good reason. This movie is balls out crazy and incredibly memorable, amazing set design steals the show and legendary performances by Sonny Chiba and Kenji Sawada’s villain Shiro absolutely seal the deal. Unsheathe your swords and help us vanquish rapey zombie monks in Samurai Reincarnation!
7/23/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 36 seconds
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Blonde Fury/Lady Reporter/Righting Wrongs 2

Mang Hoi’s 1989 Action Adventure Thriller BLONDE FURY (plenty blonde, not so much fury) kicks a lot of ass, and with style! Cynthia Rothrock’s she-devil (sporting hilariously unflattering nicknames throughout the movie) demonstrates why she is the foreign queen of the Hong Kong Action Box Office.Rounding out her F.R.I.E.N.D’s are Chin Siu Ho’s less capable sex pest, Elizabeth Lee’s sweet but window dressing Judy and the director Mang Hoi’s bumbling comic relief journalist. Together they take on Ronny Yu’s bombastic and immensely fun villain Ronny Dak.It’s not perfect, everyone’s an undercover cop, hairstyles improbably change between scenes, the plot is almost incoherent BUT the fashion is cute and on point, Jeffrey Falcon’s ‘Thug’ and his double dragon buddy Vincent Lyn put on a fantastic sub boss fight and Billy Chau has a sexual innuendo laden banter with Cynthia! On second thought, it IS perfect! Watch it, then listen to our podcast and relive it again!Spotify:
7/8/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 39 seconds
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The criminally unknown film, Dreadnaught, is one of Master Yuen Woo Ping’s most underrated films. An ensemble cast with a young Yuen Biao taking the everyman role, everyone from Bryan Leung’s Foon to Yuen Shun-Yi’s truly unhinged villain White Tiger just chew up every scene they’re in.The legendary Kwan Tak-Hing’s Wong Fei Hung delights in all the right ways and very wisely and sparingly used for great effect, around which the simmering slasher type thriller on the loose story revolves.The film is liberally sprinkled with incredible fight scenes from fun to life threatening and characters who are genuinely funny, loveable and loathsome. If you’ve seen it you already know, if you’re a fan of golden age martial arts cinema and you haven’t then do yourself a favour and treat yourself to this film, epic romp!
6/24/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Young Master

The Young Master (1981) is the genesis of Jackie Chan in what in hindsight is the prototypical seed of kinetic action cinema he’s known for today. Dragon (Jackie naturally) leads an all-star cast including Yuen Biao (The Biao!), Shih Kien (Mr Han!) and Pai Wei and one of the best bad ass villain introductions in Master Hwang In-Shik, western showdown style. Jackie’s gold standard action choreography here is light years ahead of the competition at the time, punctuated with his trademark comedy and dramatic touches. Quintessential Hong Kong action cinema at its finest we can’t even pretend the outcome is anything but a thumbs up, check it out!
6/11/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 40 seconds
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The 18 Bronzemen

What has 36 legs, is covered in paint and will beat you half to death in your quest to become a monk? 18 Bronzemen! In this episode we journey back to 1976 to watch the story of 3 (potential) monks in a 70 minute training montage. The tragic story of Shao Long (masterfully played by Tien Peng) being sent to a Shaolin monastery safehouse as his family is brutally murdered is completely upstaged by no nonsense, no shirt Brother Wan (angry Carter Wong). Joined by Chiang Nan, we watch the 3 students try and try again to pass the test. Betrayal, love, jumping over trees, plot points not really expanded on - was the dubbed version better than the subtitled one? Did we all actually watch the same movie? Online and out of control: - the Asian Action Cast present 18 BRONZEMEN!
5/27/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 2 seconds
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Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars

In honour of the great Richard Ng, we dive in to one of his most popular roles as Sandy in Sammo Hung’s sketchy 1985 comedy, Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars. Richard’s trademark expressive face and physical comedy are sprinkled throughout this uneven action comedy. With more stars than the milky way, it somehow still delivers on all fronts for kinetic action putting behemoths Jackie Chan, Yuen Biao, Sammo Hung, Dick Wei, Andy Lau, Richard Norton, Yasuaki Kurata, Chung Fat, Sibelle Hu and many others in wonderfully choreographed and intricate fight scenes against their respective stunt teams, who also probably saw many stars with the head shots they took.Featuring what has to be the most star-studded cameo laden closing scene in Hong Kong movie history (George Lam?! David Chiang?!) this 80’s time capsule film is worth tracking down for the nostalgia hit alone. Grab a pizza and a beverage and dig in!
5/14/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 11 seconds
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Raging Fire

If Donnie Yen is the good cop in Raging Fire, bad cop Nicholas Tse is so cool you’ll want to start a fan club. Director Benny Chan’s last film is a blaze of good and evil tropes, gun fights and lingering shots of Donnie Yen waterworks. Holier than thou cop Bong (Yen) set off a chain of events that led to ex-cop Ngo (Tse) to swear revenge on him and the police force. Making a great case for perms, Ngo sneers and slashes through his enemies. Meanwhile Bong has police business to attend to, including a great fight with Angry Ranger himself, Ben Lam. Will law and order prevail (Bong is boring) or fun and chaos win (Ngo for prez)? This is a showdown that can only end in pain.
4/29/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 40 seconds
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Supercop 2

Michelle Yeoh's character from the original Supercop kicked so hard, that when the studio recovered they ordered this 1993 spinoff. Supercop 2 is stuffed to the brim with plotlines, but we 'aint complaining! Inspector Yang (Yeoh) has boy problems but has a new crime to solve in Hong Kong. Trash boyfriend Chang Fung (Yu Rongguang) just so happens to be making his new life there, and HK cop Emil Chau is knocking on the door of this love triangle. Cringe at the casting but get ready for the never ending bullets, Fan Siu Wong impossible flips and a dude only credited as Big Yank. Oh, and you know Jackie Chan and Eric Tsang are going to battle it out for the biggest chest!
4/15/20231 hour, 28 minutes, 5 seconds
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Chinese Zodiac CZ12

Jackie Chan goes all Armour of God on us twenty-six years later in Chinese Zodiac, also known as CZ12. Jackie's now with some younger pals to make him feel cooler on his European vacation. Not just content on stealing and returning relics, the film also attempts to lecture us on ethics. At least there's one genuinely funny sequence once we've finished cringing at the green screen action. Ken Lo makes an appearance as a hilarious Thai pirate and Oliver Platt chews the screen whenever he appears. Leave the laws of physics at the door and forget about using your brain, Jackie's going to save everyone!
4/1/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 48 seconds
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Rise! Roar!! Revolt!!! The AAC takes a look a S.S. Rajamouli's epic fantasy blockbuster, *loosely* based on historical Indian revolutionaries. Terminator cop Raju (Ram Charan) and humble Gond tribal leader Bheem (N.T Rama Rao) meet through a chance encounter, well actually saving a child from an exploding train wreck. Through this encounter they forge a friendship to die for. However both men have a hidden agenda that will drive a wedge between them. Oscar award winning, motorcycle throwing, Tiger wrestling, Naatu Naatu fun.
3/18/20231 hour, 6 minutes
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Legacy of Rage

The Asian Action Cast presents: Brandon Lee's greatest (and only) Hong Kong martial arts movie of all time, Legacy of Rage! This 1986 tragic-heroic-violence-romanti-buddy-prison flick showcases the strength of Brandon's emo acting range that would go on to make him the best Crow. Bolo Yeung is criminally underused in this film and director Ronny Yu shows his horror chops in turning a bumbling good looking Anthony Wong into a lethal sex pest chucky doll. 
3/5/20231 hour, 24 minutes, 35 seconds
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Revengeful Swordswoman

The Asian Action Cast dives into Artis Chow’s 1978 Taiwanese Martial Arts odyssey REVENGEFUL SWORDSWOMAN. It is as literal as it is accurate a title, there is indeed a woman Ling Chia, played by spunky Hsiang Yang, who indeed has a sword and is very much revengeful. Whether it’s avenging her fathers death, or misuse of her name, she is revengeful. Incredibly schlocky effects with some decent martial arts, if you can put up with some dark scenery check this out!
2/18/202355 minutes, 30 seconds
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Royal Warriors

Oscar nominated Michelle Yeoh has proved she can do it all. And in 1986's Royal Warriors, she does her own stunts, fights and even turns down Michael Wong's advances! Hiroyuki Sanada is a great partner in crime fighting, and his stunts are unbelievable. There are more bullets flying in this film and glass breaking than you thought could be possible. A goldfish also gives the performance of a lifetime acting with Wong. Surprisingly shot well (2nd Unit Director Johnnie To, is that you?), and with martial arts direction by Mang Hoi, this is one of the best of the 80s policewoman Hong Kong flicks. 
2/11/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Asian Action Cast casually strolls into Wira - Adrian Teh's 2019 Malaysian action-drama which shows how crime, corruption and safe sex can tear families and communities apart. The only cure for such evil is carefully manicured facial hair, incredible chiselled abs and unbending sense of righteousness. Starring Malaysian action eye-candy Hairul Azreen and featuring the Raid's Mad Dog himself, Yayan Ruhian, the martial arts action does not dissapoint. It doesn't quite hit hard enough to break the bone in action or drama but it moves along and does reach a decent climax of violence and explosions.
1/28/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Big 4

One of the biggest fun, most bombastic martial arts action extravaganza's in recent memory explodes its way into our brains. Asian Action Cast takes on Timo Tjahjanto's 2022 Netflix foreign language juggernaut 'The Big Four', and after our last episode on Timo's 'The Night Comes For Us', we were not dissapointed. Just as brutal, visceral and violent, but now with a massive dollop of marshmallow, brownie and assorts chunks of comedy and fun to make this a delicious rocky road deluxe. This movie is proof why Indonesian martial arts genre cinema is the successor and usurpur of the Hong Kong action movie crown. Amazing fun, 4.5 out of 5 smoking bloody feet stumps. This episode and more below:
1/14/20231 hour, 3 minutes
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End of Year Wrap Up

The Asian Action Cast wraps up another year of the best (and worst) of Asian and Hong Kong action cinema. All movies reviewed go into a tournament, and only one movie can be crowned number one. Which movie will reign supreme? Which island does our favourite character come from? Thanks listeners, for your support this year. As always, stay for the remix!
12/10/20221 hour, 25 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Supreme Swordsman

Welcome to the 100 Swords Mansion, where Qin Wu-Xin (Jason Pai Piao) stores his huge wardrobe and the swords of the 99 swordsmen slain. The 100th sword currently belongs to the Black Magic clan, but not if Yan Bei (Derek Yee) can stop him! Get ready for lots of evil laughs, sped up fights and great characters too, including Colonel Sanders (Lung Tien Hsiang), the man who knew too much (Yuen Bun) and coffin man (Wong Lik) in this epic 1984 Shaw Brothers film. 
11/26/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 3 seconds
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Asian Action Cast Trailer/Preview

Your number one source for Asian Action films and jokes about the perils of Hong Kong stuntmen!
11/15/202222 seconds
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Skinny Tiger Fatty Dragon

Sammo Hung and Karl Maka star as pair of incompetent cops in this 1990 comedy where nobody escapes a beating. Gangsters, women, cops and robbers all get a slapping from the long arm of the law. Your ears will also cop a beating from Karl Maka's original karaoke tune! Props to Lau Kar Wing as a gangster boss, setting up for a great final fight. It's patchy and inconsistent, but it's the 90s, baby!
11/13/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Seventh Curse

If you know the writer Ni Kuang then you know his prolific works on the Wisely and Dr. Yuen series have long been adapted into Hong Kong action adventure films. The Seventh Curse is the 1986 star studded Golden Harvest entry leaving nothing on the table in terms of action, dangerous stunts and horror special effects. Chin Siu-Ho stars as the hero Dr. Yuen with Chow Yun-Fat as Wisely in a Frankenstein meets the Wolfman type crossover. With Maggie Cheung, Dick Wei, Sibelle Hu, Elvis Tsui and too many cameo’s to count, this movie is whacky, fun and typical of the golden age of Hong Kong cinema.
10/30/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 40 seconds
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Mr Vampire II

Mr Vampire II is Ricky Lau’s 1986 follow up to the incredibly successful Mr Vampire capitalising on the massive Jiangshi chinese horror movement in the 80’s. Bringing in some incredible names like Yuen Biao, Moon Lee and of course the super star of the series Lam-Ching Ying, it is a star studded comedy horror affair. Part 2 of our October Halloween series!
10/15/202240 minutes, 51 seconds
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It's time for Hong Kong Zombie fun as we watch the 1998 horror/comedy Bio-Zombie. Jordan Chan and Sam Lee are the bumbling, wannabe gangsters that lead our trope ridden flick set in (of course) a small shopping mall. The world is ending but there's still plenty of time for people to freak out and show their true colours right? Listen and find out.
10/1/202253 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Killer

John Woo's 1989 heroic bloodshed masterpiece, The Killer, sits at the pinnacle of the genre. Danny Lee's grizzled cop Li vs. Chow Yun-Fat's equally grizzed assassin Ah Jong exemplify the deeply unique kinship only men who live in violence share. Beautifully shot, written and executed by all involved - this movie is all Killer no Filler.
9/17/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 41 seconds
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Netflix’s 2022 international Korean spy-with-amnesia thriller CARTER is a non-stop chase sequence escort mission. Jung Byung-gil helms the fighty flick as a showcase for Joo Won’s physical abilities as a martial artist as he stumbles his way through an odyssey of action and realisation.
9/4/202259 minutes, 4 seconds
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Moon Warriors/戰神

Did someone say 1992 all star Wuxia? Moon Warriors (aka God Of War) is your ticket! Andy Lau, Anita Mui, Maggie Cheung and AAC favourite Kenny Bee are all under one Sammo Hung directed roof. Unrequited love, drama and swordplay: It's a whale of a time!
8/20/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 51 seconds
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Don 2: Return of the King

The Bollywood phenom Sharukh Khan oozes charisma in director Farhan Akhtar’s 2011 blockbuster, Don 2. King Khan plays the titular Don 2, an aggressively sensual crime lord and master thief who is equal parts mysterious as he is untouchable.
8/8/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 49 seconds
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Buddha's Palm

Shaw Brothers’ 1982 effects extravaganza Buddha’s Palm is a laser sword through the eyeballs straight to the brain. Star Wars and Kung Fu is like Peanut Butter and Chocolate and boy what a decadent treat this movie is.
7/24/20221 hour, 25 minutes, 51 seconds
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Wu Xia/Dragon

Donnie Yen’s 2011 reinvention of the one-armed swordsman, Wu Xia, does indeed have a sword and someone with one arm; it also dazzles with the unbridled charisma of a late, great Jimmy Wang Yu. Crisp martial arts with only a hint of Donnie’s artificial speed tampering makes this some of the most enjoyable and visceral choreography of Donnie’s recent works. If only Donnie would push the fast forward button on his long-suffering dramatic moments. Also featuring action icon Kara Hui alongside Donnie and Jimmy Wang Yu, the bona fides are there, and Takeshi Kaneshiro brings a dark, brooding noir to his grizzly but handsome flawed detective. Doesn’t quite know what it wants to be but parts of it are truly great, skip to the good bits with us below:
7/9/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 56 seconds
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Armour of God

Whether you know it as Armour of God or Operation Condor II, this 1986 Jackie Chan behemoth of a film is a smorgasbord of action, comedy, adventure and love triangle drama. Director, producer, writer, star (and probably caterer as well) Jackie Chan throws everything at you and leaves you gasping for air.
6/26/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 36 seconds
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Tiger Cage 2/ 洗黑錢

Yuen Woo-Ping’s 1990 Hong Kong action thriller Tiger Cage 2 features a cringe inducingly uneven Donnie Yen performance as divorcee ex-cop opposite the gorgeous owl-eyed Rosamund Kwan. This film also features an incredibly young and perfectly cast villain Robin Shou (Liu Kang of Mortal Kombat fame) who is comically evil and invincible to everything but pipes.
6/11/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 39 seconds
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Lupin III: The First

Monkey Punch's ever enduring Lupin the Third character sees a new 2019 adventure directed by Takashi Yamazaki. Always a fun romp with tight storytelling, colourful and vibrant characters and compelling action, the Asian Action Cast find so much to enjoy and roundly recommends you commit your eyeballs to it.
5/28/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Fable: A Hitman Who Doesn’t Kill

Kan Eguchi's criminally understated 2021 action flick, The Fable: A Hitman Who Doesn’t Kill, sees Junichi Okada's 'The Fable' navigate what is both a more intimate, and more tensely action packed story than the original Fable. Listen as to why the Asian Action Cast recommends this for asian action viewing.
5/15/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 50 seconds
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Future X Cops

Who wants a Sci-Fi Andy Lau special effects laden Wong Jing directed film? Turns out not many people. Future X Cops is Wong Jing's 2010 seemingly rehashed Future Cops script with more CG, less fun, charisma, plot and pretty much everything else.
5/1/202257 minutes, 43 seconds
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An Heroic Fight

When dangerous criminal thugs run out of control, the only ones that can stop them are a team of stuntmen and special effects wizards! This 1986 martial arts gadget fest starring ‘female Jackie chan’ Hsiao-Lao Lin is bananas in the best way.
4/17/202259 minutes, 44 seconds
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Naughty Boys

When the world needs a hero and Bruce Lee is gone, Jackie is busy and budget is tight, who do you call? Super Stunt man and all round action hero MARS! Wellson Chin's 1986 action comedy stunt circus Naughty Boys is a Jackie produced action spectacle starring Mars, Carina Lau and Kara Hui. Amazing fights (expect no less with Jackie behind the scenes) and nonsensical plot, it is HK action at its finest.
4/3/20221 hour, 37 seconds
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The Mission / Cheung foh

Johnny To's '99 artistic bodyguard crime thriller eschews explosions and gore for sylistc character studies into themes of brotherhood, masculinity and kinship. Set on the backdrop of an elite (haha) triad bodyguard outfit which includes (inter)national treasure Mr Anthony Wong you get tension in spades, splatters of action and brothers-in-arms comeraderie.
3/20/20221 hour, 1 minute, 59 seconds
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Fistful of Vengeance

Iko Uwais! Lewis Tan! Some other less famous people! Netflix's 2022 spiritual and actual sequel to Wu Assassin's - Fistful of Vengeance is a breathtaking odyssey of plot mediocrity, poorly filmed and edited action sequences and flat character moments. Saved in part by the natural beauty and scoping vista of Thailand's tropical locales, this Roel Reiné directed curiosity is perhaps worth your time if your time is cheap and you like gratuitous violence and nudity (honestly who doesn't).
3/6/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 59 seconds
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Furie/Hai Phuong

2019 bring’s the sound and the FURIE with Lê Văn Kiệt’s desperate kidnap quest with a martial arts Mother smearing gangsters against the pavement in search of her daughter.
2/20/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Kick (2011)

Prepare to be DAZZLED by THE KICK! 2011’s Prachya Pinkaew’s kinetic family comedy blends Korean Taekwondo tricking with fish out of water Korean family comedy set in Thailand.
2/6/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 17 seconds
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Space Battleship Yamato

This edtion of the AAC has the crew viewing the 2010 live adaptation of the legendary anime series Space Battleship Yamato. With Earth ravaged by radiation due to relentless Gamillas assaults, a battleship is sent to locate our last hope. With rebellious Kodai (Takuya Kimura), spunky Yuki (Meisa Kuroki) and the stern captain Okita (Tsutomu Yamazaki) on board what battles await them? A huge box office hit in Japan at the time, how does it hold up in 2022? And how many times will we mispronounce the name? Tune in and find out! WARP!
1/22/202245 minutes, 54 seconds
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13 Assassins (2010)

The 2010 Takashi Miike remake of 13 Assassins. A group of samurai are tasked with killing the Shogun's sadistic half brother before he can attain true political power. One of the director's more subdued films with little of the directors kinetic weirdness, but a lot of his trademark ultraviolence. Spoiler, we all kind of liked it, maybe at some point we will watch the original.
1/9/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 15 seconds
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End of Year Extravaganza!

It's the Asian Action Cast's end of year special show, where all movies watched this year go head to head. There only can be one... two... three winners! Find out who also wins the Bolo Yeung Big Buff Baby award for 2021. P.S. Bolo not dead yet. Also stay tuned for the remix at the end!
12/5/20211 hour, 24 minutes, 57 seconds
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Blood Brothers/Bloody Dynasty

Shaw Bro.’s 1973 Chang Cheh film, Blood Brothers (AKA Dynasty of Blood), brings together the charismatic David Chiang Da-Wei, the immortal legend Ti Lung and dynamic Chen Kuan-Tai as brothers of fortune.
11/21/20211 hour, 44 seconds
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The Pedicab Driver

Sammo Hung’s self-directed and self-starring 1989 tragi-ballad, Pedicab Driver, mixes young love and heartbreak with the biggest bone crunching Hong Kong action choreography on film. Featuring Sammo’s trademark all-star ensemble cast, this is as good as old school action cinema gets.
11/10/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 17 seconds
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The crew watch the 1977 cult psychedelic horror comedy House, directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi. Not a huge amount of action in this one, barring some crazy stuff pulled off by best girl Kung Fu. But it's Halloween and it's a goddamned classic that a number of us hadn't seen. New time we will be back to the usual fisticuffs.
10/24/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Cat

The AAC crew take a trip through space and time via 1992's The Cat. One of the many "Wisely" films based on the writings of Hong Kong novelist Ni Kuang. Waise Lee stars as our hero 'Wisely' (naturally!) who befriends the mysterious Alien played by mega idol Gloria Yip. Are black cats bad luck? Can the 'aliens' find their way back home? Do dogs know kung fu? How many people die in this movie? Join us and find out!
10/9/202157 minutes, 13 seconds
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High Risk/Meltdown

Jet Li and Jackie Cheung turn up the heat in a High Risk game of cat and mouse with a devious mastermind, in a desperate move to avoid total Meltdown. Wong Jing’s 1995 blockbuster thinly veiled Die-Hard clone and Jackie Chan critique is pure octane!
9/26/20211 hour, 22 seconds
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The Street Fighter/Gekitotsu! Satsujin ken

Takuma Tsurugi - a name of infamy that strikes both fear and spontaneous arousal in whoever he touches and leaves you wanting more. In honour of the enigmatic and irrepressable Shinichi Sonny Chiba we salute his memory. Forever preserved in Shigergiro Ozawa's 1974 masterpiece, The Street Fighter. Clash! Killer Fist!
9/12/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 32 seconds
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Rurouni Kenshin: Final Chapter Part 2 The Beginning

We watch the Battousai rise become a legend of the Meji Restoration, fall in love, grow a Daikon, then fight a bunch of ninjas. The last movie in live action adaptations of Rurouni Kenshin it’s also a prequel, so a good place to start if you want to get into the series. Directed by Keishi Ōtomo and starring Takeru Satoh.
8/29/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 18 seconds
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Double World

This 2020 Teddy Chan directed fantasy flick stars Henry Lau and Peter Ho. A hero on an epic quest, with action and drama!
8/15/20211 hour, 23 seconds
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Heroes of the East

Lau Kar Leung and Gordon Liu bring you this 1978 Shaw Brothers Classic...Heroes of the East. Some couple arguments can lead to broken crockery - but this couple's arguments leads to international battle of Shaolin vs. Ninja's!
8/1/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 59 seconds
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Cyber Ninja/Mirai Ninja

Japan's 1988 cult mega hit CYBER NINJA slashes his way into the Asian Action Cast. Not man, not machine, but all Ninja - it's what happens if Star Wars had a baby with Ninja Scroll and Power Rangers combined, but, like, 1000% better.
7/31/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 25 seconds
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Eastern Condors/Dung fong tuk ying

Sammo Hung's 1987 blockbuster vietnam war piece takes Hong Kong action to the jungles of Thailand. Starring almost every notable Yuen bro. (with only one notable exception); and, the late, great Killing Fields oscar winner Dr. Haing Samnang Nor himself.
7/4/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 17 seconds
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Death Trance

The whole crew watches the 2005 Japanese fantasy action film. The directorial debut of Yûji Shimomura, mostly known for action choreography and starring Tak Sakaguchi and the awesome hair of Kentaro Seagal.
6/20/202155 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Hero Never Dies/Chan sam ying hung

Johnny To's 1998 triad ballad to downtrodden mob employees and the perils of having poor workers compensation entitlements. Starring a super charasmatic snakeskin wearing Sean Lau and ice cool Leon Lai, this is tragicomic bro-mance at its finest. It doesn't always hit where it aims but it will still maim you.
6/6/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 42 seconds
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Demon Slayer: Mugen Train

Mike, Sam and Nathan watch the biggest movie of 2020, Mugen Train for Ani-May. Mugen Train, Directed by Haruo Sotozaki sees our young Demon Slayer Tanjiro board a train with Hashira Rengoku in order to slay the demon hiding within.
5/23/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 57 seconds
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Peacock King/Hung cheuk wong ji

Overcome the forces of The Hell King in this 1989 Yuen Biao Blockbuster, the Peacock King! Featuring incredible stop motion monsters and electric martial arts with the indomitable Gordon Liu - unleash your magic monk!
5/9/202157 minutes, 33 seconds
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Wheels On Meals

Whacky Jackie fights the Jet! 1984's Wheels On Meals brings you one of the most iconic fight scenes in martial arts movie history. Directed like a demon by a Jheri Curled Sammo and with plenty of fan service from the buff brother from another mother Yuen Biao, we at the AAC salute this masterpiece.
4/24/202157 minutes, 48 seconds
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Iron Angels 2

Iron Angels 2, or Angels 2, or Tian Shi Xing Dong II Zhi Huo Feng Kuang long or apparently Iron Madam 2 in some territories. The 1988 sequel sees the Angels take down a small army in Malaysia. Directed by Stanley Tong and starring Moon Lee, Elaine Lui and Alex Fong.
4/11/20211 hour, 29 minutes, 58 seconds
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A Chinese Odyssey: Part Two - Cinderella

The follow up to Stephen Chow’s reimagining of the classic Monkey Character. Featuring the late great Ng Man Tat and directed by Jeffrey Lau. The film follows directly after the events of the first film after Joker is transported 500 years into the past where Joker must battle a bunch of demons and his own attachments.
3/28/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Oily Maniac/You gui zi

The 1976 horror action classic from Shaw Brothers. Life isn't going well for Shen Yuan played by Danny Lee. Laid low by polio at an early age and left with a disability Shen Yaun is beaten down by life. Then when the father of his childhood friend is imprisoned he uses a magic spell to turn him into a magic oil monster.... for revenge, oily revenge.
3/14/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 14 seconds
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Hapkido/Lady Kung Fu

It's 1934, the second world war is looming and tensions between Korea, Japan and China at boiling point. A Hapkido master send his top 3 students (Angela Mao, Sammo Hung and buff boy Carter Wong) to China to open up a school and spread the word of 'Forbearance' (and fighting). However the dastardly Japanese Black Bear Gang (lead by Goro Kumo hamming it up) are having none of it, can our heroes summon up enough Forbearance to deal with it? Will Carter Wong flex? Is Sammo gonna spoil it all? Tune in to find out.
2/28/202159 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ong Bak

Tony Jaa's 2003 adrenaline shot to the chest, Ong Bak, singlehandedly reinvigorates kinetic martial arts action films. Director Prachya Pinkaew weaves Tony Jaa's manic, bone crunching action through a spiritual tale of farming hardships.
2/14/20211 hour, 30 minutes, 52 seconds
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Meatball Machine Kodoku

If you haven’t heard about Yoshihiro Nishumura’s 2017 karmic splatter-fest, Meatball Machine: Kodoku - see nothing, hear nothing, know nothing and watch it. Make sure to watch it with someone who has seen it so they can savour your facial expressions and reactions as you’re subject to the primal onslaught of visceral chaos. Then join the Asian Action Cast for some mental therapy and debrief, you will need the human connection after watching.
1/31/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 26 seconds
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Project A Part II

100th Episode Special: Asian Action Cast have come full circle to bring you Project A: Part II! This is Jackie Chan in his prime delivering electric action cinema in the streets of old Hong Kong, outwitting pirates, corrupt cops, femme fatales and mob bosses, its Asian Action at its best.
1/17/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 3 seconds
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Millionaires Express/Foo gwai lip che

Asian Action Cast have Shanghai’d the Millionaires Express to deliver our take on this 1986 Sammo led all-star (no Jackie!) extravaganza!
1/3/20211 hour, 21 minutes, 23 seconds
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The 2020 End of year recap

2020, what a year right? Lets take some time to have a laugh and a look back at the movies we watched for the AAC. Also, the awards for the Bolo Yeung "Buff Boi" male actor, the "Amy Kwok call me" award for best female actor plus craziest stunt, best use of a song and much more! Thanks for listening, we'l see you in 2021~!
12/19/20201 hour, 15 minutes, 46 seconds
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Initial D

The 2005 live action Chinese film based on the Manga. Featuring mega star triple threat Jay Chou in his first leading role, and Anthony Wong as Bunta, his abusive dad. There is barely any action to be had in this drama about street racing and tofu. * this was quickly reuploaded after I realised that I put up an non levelled and non edited early save. To anyone who heard the first one, damn I'm sorry.
12/5/202057 minutes, 4 seconds
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Shadow Hunters 2

Mike, Sam and Nathan watch Shadow Hunters 2: Echo of Destiny. Released in 1972 and starring Yujiro Ishihara and directed by Toshio Masuda. Following the events of the first film the trio of sworn ninja killers take a job helping to guard and transport a cannon and the Shogun's ninja spies are after.
11/22/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 14 seconds
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Big Bullet

Straight from 1996 with a bullet comes BIG BULLET, directed by Benny Chan and starring Ching Wan (Sean) Lau as Bill Chu a hard boiled police officer who is just too 90's Xtreme to do actual policework and keeps getting busted by his superiors. He's up again a cool drug syndicate, I think I'm not exactly sure. It's pretty good.
11/8/20201 hour, 14 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Boxer's Omen

Shaw Brother's 1983 schlocktacular. Starring Phillip Ko as Fei Kao. While attempting to avenge his brother's beatdown on the ring by none other than Bolo Yeung, Fei Kao gets dragged into a supernatural battle between black wizards and his monk brother from another life. This film is a gross out gorefest, a true eastern exploitation film.
10/25/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 12 seconds
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Hocus Pocus / Ren Xia Gui

Sammo produced Spooktacular, Hocus Pocus whets the appetite for greater things to come. It tries to be a comedy but overstays its welcome with a lukewarm Wei Tung playing opera troupe protagonist, Kuei, failing to carry the film. Rife with familiar Sammo collaborator cameos, there’s certainly plenty to enjoy with some amazing optical camera tricks and illusions, and genuinely tense moments (REAL TURTLE!). Beware the roller skating ghost demon!
10/11/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 35 seconds
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Enter The Fat Dragon

Set to be the cameo filled, Chinese New Year blockbuster for 2020, Enter The Fat Dragon got denied by our ongoing Covid situation. However a low box office isn't gonna deny the AAC a chance to...praise a Donnie Yen film? Donnie plays Zhu Fallon, a good cop that loses his job, girlfriend and the respect of his peers due to being *too* dedicated to the cause. A routine prisoner escort mission to Japan could see him win his job back, but what shennanigans await him there? With an all star cast including Teresa Mo, Niki Chow and Wong Jing (!) fun times are gonna be had.
9/26/20201 hour, 42 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Final Test/Zui hou yi zhan

Hong Kong 80's Sci-Fi action? Hell yeah! We check out the 1987 murder mystery The Final Test. Austin Wai makes his AAC debut as an undercover agent tasked with fiding out the inner workings of a seedy mine, where productivity is paramount to the lives of the workers. With a blink and you miss it cameo from Chin Siu-Ho, Deborah Sims being charmed, 80's synth balladry, Terminators and a freeze frame ending for the ages, you know you're gonna have a good time.
9/13/202056 minutes, 57 seconds
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Journey to China: Mystery of Iron Mask

The 2019 Russian/Chinese collab about the trials and tribulations of a dragon cosmetologist and an oblivious cartographer. It's CGriffic Starring Xingtong Yao and Jason Flemyng and with main draws Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jackie Chan in the film for about 7 minutes each cashing a paycheck. This movie has big Lucky Stars energy.
8/30/202055 minutes, 1 second
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Fulltime Killer/Chuen zik saat sau

The two top hitmen in "Asia" battle for bragging rights and the love of the same woman. In director Johnnie To's 2001 flashy ode to Desperado via Poinrt Break (?) and Leon The Professional (??!), Andy Lau (Lok Tok-wah) hams it up trying to dethrone top dog Takashi Sorimachi (Lok Tok-wah). In the middle of all this chaos and violence bored video store employee Kelly Lin is dragged along whilst Simon Yam plays the grizzled interpol agent trying to make an ending of his own.
8/16/20201 hour, 22 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Fable

Killer born and bred, 'The Fable' is a 2019 Manga based story of a cold blooded legendary assassin, raised to be an unrivalled killer; looking to take a break. But there is no rest for the devil and no normal lives for the initiated - a life of blood can only end one way. The Asian Action Cast feasts on this slick Kan Eguchi directed Japanese action thriller, join us for a bite.
8/2/202050 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Iceman Cometh 89

Yuen Biao plays Fong Sau-ching a royal guard out to save his family name and seek vengeance against his no-good bro Feng San. Both brothers are frozen during a fight and are thawed out in 1989 Hong Kong. Will Fong capture Feng San for the Ming emperor, or will Fong forget his mission and settle down in Hong Kong with Polly.
7/19/20201 hour, 19 minutes, 43 seconds
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Zatoichi Meets the One-Armed Swordsman

Two legends, Jimmy Wang Yu and Shintaro Katsu cross swords in this 1971 Chinese Japanese co-production. Co-Directed by Kimiyoshi Yasuda and Hsu Tseng Hung. While on a journey to a temple in Japan, Wang Kang, the One-Armed Swordsman, gets blamed for a massacre actually committed by Samurai. Zatoichi gets embroiled after a chance encounter the the lone survivor, an orphaned Chinese boy.
7/5/20201 hour, 9 minutes, 4 seconds
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Infra-Man/Zhong Guo Chao Ren

The original and the best, China's First Super-Hero! Presenting the (Super) Infra-Man! When Princess Dragon and her Mutant army rise to take over the world, only Danny Lee's incredibly good looking, motorbike weilding Infra-Man can stop them. This movie is ridiculous amounts of fun and is historically relevant as being one of the most bombastic Chinese productions ever.
6/22/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 56 seconds
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Black Mask / Hak hap 黑俠

When Kato of Green Hornet meets industrial goth cyberpunk, you end up with the 1996 film Black Mask. Mysterious superhero Jet Li teams with policeman Sean 'The Rock' Lau to bring down an international drug cartel with a penchant for hacking and purple lighting. Two girls are throwing themselves at him (Karen Mok, Francoise Yip), but can Jet Li act enough to care? With a special appearance by a deranged Anthony Wong, and some Universal Soldier type stuntmen. Watch this and pretend you're living in the 90s.
6/7/20201 hour, 25 minutes, 25 seconds
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Time to Hunt / Sanyangeui sigan

This 2020 Korean dystopian action thriller takes the Asian Action Cast through the highs and low of a coming of age terminator film. Starring 2020 Korean Golden boy Woo-sik Choi of 'Parasite' fame, along with a small group of young talent, Time to Hunt is part horror, part social commentary. Stylish and sometimes stupid, its a suspenseful ride all the way.
5/24/20201 hour, 18 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Big Boss / Tang shan da xiong

Bruce Lee in his first blockbuster headlining role as the unassuming Tang, watch as he enters into the seedy world of a drug smuggling operation, taking his fists of fury all the way up to the Big Boss. This 1971 power pic showcases why Bruce Lee is still a legend today. Join us as we take a trip down concussion lane with the immortal Bruce Lee through his first major film debut.
5/10/20201 hour, 23 minutes, 32 seconds
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Chinese Odyssey: Pandora's Box/ ai yau gei:Yut gwong bou Hap

Part 1 of Stephen Chow's 1995 slapstick epic taken from the pages of Wu Cheng En's Journey to the west. Part hilarious, part inexplicable, this is Stephen Chow before he refined himself to be an auteur of thoughtful toilet humor. Join the Asian Action Cast as we plumb the toilet depths.
4/26/20201 hour, 13 minutes, 51 seconds
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Dragon Tiger Gate / Lung Foo Moon

This 2006 Wilson Yip directed Donnie Yen cream fest has everything you ever wanted. Long fringe emo hair? Check! More denim, zips and buckles than a cowboy/camping rodeo? Check! Tune in to this weeks episode to get the low down on the Dragon Tiger Gate and whether it's any good! (hint, some of it was not good.)
4/12/20201 hour, 14 minutes, 36 seconds
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Angry Ranger / Foh Bau Long Ji

This 1991 Ben Lam action explosion directed by Wong Lung Wei is full of high octane fight scenes, flexing pecs and tragically killed seafood. Ease your troubles and join the Asian Action Cast as we traverse the gang land town of golden age Hong Kong with the ANGRY RANGER! (go go Angry Ranger!)
3/29/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Flying Guillotine

This 1975 Shaw Bro. RunMe Shaw production pulls out all the horror stops showcasing the most deadly weapon in martial arts, the Flying Guillotine! So deadly, in fact, that multiple films were made about it simultaneously! This is the Kuan Tai Chen vehicle, with paranoid emperors, plucky heroes and hot babes!
3/15/202045 minutes, 16 seconds
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Disciples Of The 36th Chamber

Due to emergency we broke the glass on Disciples Of The 36th Chamber. A movie that Nathan and Christian watched a few months back. Disciples. The movie mainly features Hsiao Ho playing a young and stupid Fong Sai Yuk. Gordon Liu does make a few appearances but this 1985 flick is pretty centred on Fong Sai Yuk and his wacky hijinks.
3/1/202054 minutes, 2 seconds
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By Hook Or By Crook

Join us as we discuss the 1980 Karl Maka directed action farce. Starring Sammo and Dean Shek. Dean is tasked by the local sheriff into capturing the legendary Flower Kid. A late of mistaken identity and criminal one upmanship ensues. Also bondage.
2/16/20201 hour, 13 minutes, 33 seconds
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Armor Of God 2 Operation Condor

Jackie Chan's 1991 globetrotting action comedy. Mostly filmed on location, Jackie plays world renowned thief and adventurer Condor (but everyone just calls him Jakie) on the hunt for Nazi gold in the Sahara.
2/2/20201 hour, 12 minutes, 55 seconds
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Aces Go Places

The full crew watch Eric Tsang's 1982 comedy/crime/action film. starring Samuel Hui Karm Makka and Sylvia Chang. The film is filled with slapstick and great car chases.
1/19/20201 hour, 16 minutes, 48 seconds
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The crew are fooled into watching Shadow, a 2018 period melodrama directed by Yimou Zhang masquerading as an action film in the trailer. To be fair there is one pretty good fight scene tho.
1/5/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Butterfly Murders

The crew watch Tsiu Hark's 1979 feature directorial debut. The story centers on a castle in which butterflies have grown a taste for human flesh. Part horror, part action, part intrigue. its hard for a lepidopterist out there. Also sorry for the sound quality, we fixed it as best as we could.
12/22/20191 hour, 9 minutes, 33 seconds
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End of Year Celebration

Sam, Scott and Rachael go over the best and worst films of the year. There are also some bad impressions. Its going up a bit early due to technical difficulties, we hope to have another podcast up before the end of the year. Thanks for all the support!
12/7/201958 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Sword of Many Loves

We discuss the 1993 fever dream that is The Sword of Many Loves. Directed by Poon Man-kit and staring 90's HK heartthrob Leon Lai. The movie is equal parts horny, stupid and fighty. Also for some reason we had technical issues with the new gear so I apologise for the harsh editing.
11/24/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 51 seconds
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Triple Threat

Tony Jaa, Tiger Hu Chen and Iko Uwais are up against Scott Adkins, Michael Jai White and Michael Bisping. In a deadly cat and mouse game of revenge. Its a three on three action movie extravaganza.
11/10/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 11 seconds
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Rigor Mortis

It's time once again to spook it up, Halloween style, with 2013's Juno Mak Jiangshi creepfest "Rigor Mortis". Chin Siu-Ho plays.....himself (!) as a down on his luck actor looking to end it all in the worlds end of apartment buildings. After a spiritual cleansing from Uncle Yin (Anthony Chan) the movie takes a creepy turn as he interacts with the residents of the apartment and their ghostly , vampiric happenings. Also, Richard Ng swears up a storm. Less action/comedy and more atmosphere/mood don't watch this with the lights off!
10/26/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 32 seconds
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Shadow Hunters

Mike, Sam and Nathan discuss Shadow Hunters, a 1972 Toei production directed by Toshio Masuda. Yûjirô Ishihara, Ryôhei Uchida and Mikio Narita play a trio of wandering ronin who hunt down the Shogun's ninja spies for money and revenge.
10/13/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 4 seconds
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Legendary Weapons of China

The Shaw Bros 1982 classic. Set during the boxer rebellion, Spiritual boxers are trying to attain a form which will make them impervious to western weapons. But one master knows its futile and disbands his organization. This leads his superiors to send the other sects to kill him.
9/29/201953 minutes, 4 seconds
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Terra Formars

Another day, another Takashi Miike live action adaptation of a cult manga series. This time on the AAC we "get out arse's to mars!" and check out the 2016 flick Terra Formars. In the year 2599 a ragtag group of criminals, rogues and misfits (made up of the likes of Kane Kosugi, Takayuki Yamada and Hideaki Ito) board the ship BUGS2 to eradicate the cockroach problem on Mars. Given super DNA powers to help them fight, it's Bugs vs Man in a war for Mars!
9/14/20191 hour, 17 minutes, 59 seconds
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Iceman The Time Traveller

The 2018 sequel to Iceman, the film from 2014 starring Donnie Yen and more 3d effects than necessary. Donnie plays Ho Ying, an imperial guard is frozen and thawed out in modern times. Apparently people in the past had super powers? Or being frozen gave him powers? All I know is Rachel and the dudes watched it coz Simon Yam got stabbed.
9/1/20191 hour, 25 minutes, 55 seconds
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Doberman Cop

Kano, played by Sonny Chiba, is an small town Okinawan cop in Tokyo looking into the murder of a girl from his home town. When the local cops just go through the motions, Kano takes it on himself to find the truth, and he'll break all the rules in his quest for answers. There is also a pig.
8/18/20191 hour, 10 minutes, 25 seconds
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Revenge is a dish best served cold and Bruce Khan is ice cold in 2018's Revenger. In a future hellscape, 12 Asian countries agree to send all their worst criminals to the AP-101 prison island to fend for themselves. To get his revenge on the man that murdered his wife and child (Khun) Yool deliberately gets sent to the island and nothing will stop him. A cast of misfits (Mother Mali and daughter Jin, village boss Bau and more) help/hinder Yool in his quest for glorious payback and Bruce Khan shines as a new face for Korean Martial Arts!
8/3/20191 hour, 12 minutes, 24 seconds
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Zu Warriors From The Magic Mountain

Mike and Sam delve into the 1983 wuxia classic. Directed by Tsui Hark and starring Yuen Baio as Ti Ming Qi a soldier that finds himself embroiled in supernatural circumstances after fleeing a battle.
7/21/20191 hour, 15 minutes, 29 seconds
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Kung Fu Zombie

Due to an issue we couldn't work out with our gear we couldn't put up the movie we had planned (we are legends). So the time has come, we are breaking the glass on Kung Fu Zombie, a supernatural action adventure starring Billy Chong from 1982. Its filled with, Vampires, spirit possession and slapstick, way too much slapstick. We are buying new gear next week. So hopefully everything will be back to normal soon.
7/7/201932 minutes, 5 seconds
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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable Chapter I

Legendary Takeshi Miike brings us the live action adaptation of the legendary, cult manga Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Koichi (Ryunosuke Kamiki) is the new kid in the town of Morioh. After a bizarre (naturally) encounter with some bullies, he befriends the stylish, aloof Josuke (Kento Yamazaki). Together they discover their "stands", friendship and the motivations of their enemies. More of a drama/thriller than all out crazy action, does Jojo's cut the mustard? Our apologies for the occasional effects of Sams otherwise golden tongue, we've almost worked out the bugs!
6/22/20191 hour, 19 minutes, 9 seconds
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My Lucky Stars

We put on our nostalgia glasses and take a look at 1985 action/comedy My Lucky Stars (starring JACKIE CHAN). Muscles (JACKIE CHAN) is a Hong Kong cop who enlists the help of his childhood friends (Sammo Hung, Richard Ng, Stanley Fung, Eric Tsang)to assist him in taking down the Yakuza. Problem is, his friends are all a bit sketchy with their own criminal tendencies. How does this all star cast (including JACKIE CHAN) hold up nowadays? Is the action still good? Did we mention that Jackie Chan is in this movie?
6/9/20191 hour, 28 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Avenging Eagle

Mike and Nathan talk about 1978's The Avenging Eagle. A Shaw Brother's film starring Ti Lung and Alexander Fu. Ti Lung plays Chik Ming-Sing a man supposedly on the run and Alexander Fu plays Cheuk Yi-fan a wanderer. They meet on the outskirts of a desert and form an uneasy alliance to take down the Iron Boat Gang.
5/12/201948 minutes, 41 seconds
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Princess And The Seven Kung Fu Masters

An all star cast comes together in Wong Jings 2013 tale of one village vs The World. The quirky residents of the "Lucky Star" village live in peace, bandits don't dare attack, they're just too weird. But when Warlord Lin (Sammo Hung) and his daughter (Kimmy Tong) come through and get caught up in a takeover plot from Japanese spies and internal traitors, the village has to show their resolve and fight.
4/29/20191 hour, 23 minutes, 3 seconds
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Roaring Fire

On this edition of the AAC, we take a look at the 1981 film ROARING FIRE (aka Hoero! Tekken). After his father passes away and reveals the true nature of his upbrining, Texas cowboy Joji (Hiroyuki 'Duke' Sanda) travels to Japan to find out more about his background. Along the way he gets caught up in a jewel heist. With monkeys, secret nazis, s&m villains, wrestlers, ninjas, ventriloquism and slight of hand magic (by the legendary Sonny Chiba) you know this is gonna be a good time.
4/27/20191 hour, 48 minutes, 50 seconds
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Bonus Episode - Lupin III Blood Spray Of Goemon Ishikawa

We have re-uploaded this episode in the aftermath of the sad news of Kato Kazuhiko's passing. The Blood flows and limbs fly when Goemon, Lupin's friend, seeks honour bound vengeance for the death of his Yakuza boss. This episode features Sam, Mike, Nathan and the periodic screams of Mike's children. We apologise for the interruptions.
4/21/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 28 seconds
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Encounters Of The Spooky Kind

Vampires! Voodoo! Spirits! Lasers? This edition of the AAC takes a look at the 1980 Sammo Hung vehicle Encounters Of The Spooky Kind. Directed by and starring Sammo as Courageous Cheung: a well meaning (but tad dopey) husband caught in a mystical battle for the love of his wife. Possession, voodoo, a haunted house and sword fights abound plus a small dose of animal death (!) and an ending so violent and abrupt, you have to laugh/cry out in horror.
4/13/20191 hour, 46 minutes, 12 seconds
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Five Element Ninjas

Ninjitsu vs Kung Fu! The Shaw Brothers 1982 Five Element Ninjas is chock-a-block full of fists, flips, swords and one of the more wince inducing injuries we've seen for a while. Starring Cheng Tien Chi, Lo Mang, Lung Tung-Sheng and the ever cool/sinister Michael Chan as the evil video game boss.
3/30/20191 hour, 32 minutes, 24 seconds
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Police Story 2

Jackie Chan reprises his role as Chan Ka Kui, Hong Kong's most irrepressible cop. After getting busted down for his actions in the first police story Chan Ka Kui finds his particular set of super cop skills in need when a gang starts planting bombs all over Hong Kong.
3/17/20191 hour, 38 minutes, 50 seconds
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Return of the God of Gamblers

Jing Wong and Chow Yun Fat make their glorious return to the AAC in this 1994 action comedy. Ko Chun (Chow) is out to settle the score with Chao Siu Chi (Wu) after the brutal murder of his wife. Helped by a motley crew, and with the cards seemingly stacked against him will Ko Chun succeed? Throughout this podcast we refer to it as the second GoG film. It is not the second film. blame bad DVD covers.
3/2/20191 hour, 25 minutes, 11 seconds
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Iron Monkey

Asian Action cast favourite Donnie Yen stars/hogs the limelight in the 1993 story of Chinese folk hero Wong Kei-ying and his son Wong Fei-hung (wushu athlete and real life bad arse cop! Angie Tsang) and their encounters with the Robin Hood-esque Iron Monkey (Yu Rongguang). Wireworks galore, out of this world food prep and fire pole fighting Count us in, even Sam (reluctantly) gives Donnie his props.
2/16/20191 hour, 43 minutes, 39 seconds
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Yes, Madam

Michelle Yeoh and Cynthia Rothrock team up in the 1985 genre defining 'Girls With Guns' classic Yes, Madam. Directed by Corey Yuen and with cameos and stunts galore Yes, Madam gives the AAC crew headspins from the action and tongue twisters from trying (and failing) to pronounce "Rothrock".
2/2/20191 hour, 49 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Night Comes for Us

The terrific trio ponder the Indonesian 2018 brawler The Night Comes For Us. Starring Joe Taslim and Iko Uwais, the one-two punch from The Raid, and a lot of blood.
1/20/20191 hour, 30 minutes, 20 seconds
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Come Drink With Me

The Asian Action Cast rings in 2019 by going back to 1966 with the Shaw Brothers classic 'Come Drink With Me'. Cheng Pei-Pei is the elusive and feared 'Golden Swallow' out for revenge against the Jade Faced Tiger/Sleek Faced Tyrant (Chan Hung-lit). Given a helping hand from Drunk Cat (Yueh Hua) can Golden Swallow withstand an army of swords, coins and jugs? Plus we take a look at a list of the top 100 martial arts films of "all time", with much disagreement.
1/5/201958 minutes, 13 seconds
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2018 Celebration - A look back at the movies of 2018

We take a look back at the films we watched in 2018! What made us laugh, cry, and strengthen a continuing grudge against a well known actor? Plus an informal poll on the most fit, craziest stunts and guest moth appearances! Sorry for the clip show.
12/22/20181 hour, 16 minutes, 32 seconds
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Kaiju Mono

The Asian Action Cast dip their toes into the waters of Japanese monster movies (Kaiju). Japan is threatened by the giant 'Mono' and it's only saviour is the experimental 'Settup X', but who will be the guinea pig to test it, and what will happen? Starring Kota Ibushi and his ever expanding pantsu, cameos galore and a training montage, you know this is gonna be fun.
12/8/20181 hour, 20 minutes, 33 seconds
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Golden Job

Sam, Mike and Rachael discuss this year's Young and Dangerous reunion, aka the Olden Job. The Aging Actioncast is not responsible for any bad puns. There are some cameos in the film that got us excited, and special effects that made us cringe. A Hong Kong Ocean's Eleven led by the magnificent mane of Ekin Cheng.
11/24/20181 hour, 31 minutes, 9 seconds
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Bleach: The Soul Reaper Agent Arc

Sam, Mike and Christian take a look at the 2018 live action adaptation of the smash anime/manga/everything else franchise 'Bleach'. Produced by Warner Brothers and directed by Shinsuke Sato, does this do the franchise justice? Is the hair on point?? Please note the audio for this one isn't the best, apologies, the recorder got covered in bleach.
11/10/20181 hour, 17 minutes, 45 seconds
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Train To Busan

On this edition of the Asian Action Cast we check out the South Korean juggernaut that was 2016's "Train To Busan". Does it rely on common tropes or does director Yeon Sang-ho bring something new to the Zombie Apocalypse genre? Starring Gong Yoo, Jung Yu-mi, a star making (for us) performance from Ma Dong-seok and zombies galore, we've got your Halloween sorted!
10/28/20181 hour, 21 minutes, 11 seconds
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Mr. Vampire

On this Halloween episode of the Asian Action cast we look at the 1985 classic Mr. Vampire. Featuring hopping vampires, ghosts, mystical powers, swords and flips we've got your halloween sorted. Ricky Lau in his directorial debut, sets the standard and style for the chinese vampire movie genre, spawning many a sequel and knockoff. Starring Ricky Hui, Chin Sui-ho and Moon Lee in one of her first forays into films, Mr. Vampire is a classic.
10/13/20181 hour, 54 minutes, 55 seconds
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Golgo 13: Assignment Kowloon

Sonny Chiba is back playing the assassin Golgo 13. Man of mystery and awesome sniper shots. Sent by a syndicate to kill their man in Hong Kong who's gone rogue. This ones a pretty small group just Nathan, Scott and Chris.
9/29/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 20 seconds
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Bleeding Steel

We watch the 2017 Jackie Chan sci-fi action vehicle. Its filled with wannabe sith lords, Daft Punk and the Sydney Opera House.
9/15/20181 hour, 18 minutes, 6 seconds
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Attack On Titan Part One

We watched the live action film based on the hit manga by Hajime Isayama.
9/2/201859 minutes, 32 seconds
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Heroes Shed No Tears

Directed by the master, John Woo and starring Eddy Ko. A group of Chinese mercenaries are tasked with capturing a drug lord and getting him out of the golden triangle.
8/18/20181 hour, 19 minutes, 56 seconds
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Delinquent Girlboss: Worthless To Confess

A group of Juvenile delinquents have a rough go of it after getting released from reform school and going their separate ways. Eventually they all end up together again and end up throwing down with the local yakuza.
8/5/20181 hour, 5 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Inspector Wears Skirts

If you combined Police Academy, Stripes and My Lucky Stars you would probably get something very similar to 1988's action/comedy The Inspector Wears Skirts (aka Top Squad/Tyrant Flower). Sibelle Hu is tasked with training Hong Kongs first all female commando unit 'The Banshee Squad'. An ensemble cast make up the group (Sandra Ng, Kara Hui, Regina Kent and many more) as they learn about teamwork, friendship and the best way to get revenge on a lecherous lothario. Cynthia Rothrock provides additional hardcore training and theres even a dance break in a rollerskating rink. With plenty of recognisable names and stunt choreography by Jacky Chan himself, this film puts the slap in slapstick.
7/21/20181 hour, 28 minutes, 10 seconds
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Duel To The Death

Every ten years two sword masters, one from China, one from Japan fight, for honour in a duel to the death. However this time the Japanese hide a hidden agenda....and ninjas. Starring Damien Lau and Norman Chu and directed by Siu-Tung Ching.
7/7/20181 hour, 24 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Villainess

The South Korean action melodrama, released in 2017. Directed by Jung Byung-gil and starring Kim Ok-bin.
6/24/20181 hour, 18 minutes, 37 seconds
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Tiger On Beat

The HK 80's are in full effect in this '88 buddy cop comedy action film. Chow Yun Fat and Conan Lee work together to bring a drug smuggling operation/new wave band down.
6/10/20181 hour, 38 minutes, 2 seconds
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Lupin the Third: The Blood Spray of Goemon Ishikawa

The Blood flows and limbs fly when Goemon, Lupin's friend, seeks honour bound vengeance for the death of his Yakuza boss. This final episode of AniMAY for 2017 features Sam, Mike, Nathan and the periodic screams of Mike's children. We apologise for the interruptions.
5/27/20181 hour, 4 minutes, 54 seconds
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Fist Of The North Star

The crew talk about the 1986 animated film adaptation of the manga. There is a lot of head exploding, size changing, post apocalyptic musclebound fun.
5/12/20181 hour, 21 minutes, 7 seconds
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Above The Law/Righting Wrongs

Legendary cult martial arts master Cynthia Rothrock makes her AAC debut in Corey Yuen's 1986 'detective drama'. Rothrock and Yuen Biao are two cops that have been pushed to the brink by corruption and deceit. Who will come out alive in the end? Listen and find out!
4/28/20181 hour, 24 minutes, 47 seconds
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Full Contact

Sam, Mike, Scott and Rachel watch Full Contact a 1992 Chow Yun Fat flick directed by Ringo Lam.
4/14/20181 hour, 9 minutes, 46 seconds
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We found an old podcast we did back in February. Iceman starring Donnie Yen. The movie is a remake/retelling of The Ice Man Cometh, we believe. We didn't enjoy it that much. We hope our pain can entertain you. Maybe watch the original?
4/1/20181 hour, 15 minutes, 33 seconds
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Iron Angels

This edition of the Asian Action Cast takes a look at the 1987 "girls with guns" roller coaster that is Iron Angels (aka Fighting Madam /Angel Plan/Angels). Part Charlies Angels, part James Bond and a little bit of Rambo thrown in. The Angels (Moon Lee, Elaine Lui and Hideki Saijo) are dispatched when Interpol officers are getting murdered in revenge for an opium bust. With sadistic gang leader Yukari Oshima hamming it up, plenty of expendable henchmen, bullets galore, a workout montage, great 80s future technology and a pumping synth soundtrack - you know you're gonna have a good time.
3/17/20181 hour, 20 minutes, 26 seconds
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Tokyo Tribe

An epic Asian rap battle goes down in a Neo Tokyo between some dudes who hang out at Denny's and some crazy underground gangsters. Its like a modern Japanese West Side Story up in here. Waru fo' Lyfe
3/4/20181 hour, 16 minutes, 43 seconds
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Kung Fu Jungle

Can Donnie Yen fight off a crazed kung fu serial killer, reunite with his love interest and save his master's martial arts school? all while evading the cops because he is on the lamb? Is he in cahoots with the very same killer he is trying to stop?
2/17/20181 hour, 21 minutes, 25 seconds
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A Japanese 1975 cult favourite, its filled with 70's action, body horror and noir elements. Starring our man Sonny Chiba, directed by Kazuhiko Yamaguchi.
2/3/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 58 seconds
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Holy Flame Of The Martial World

Another crazy fantasy epic. Lots flying and lasers in this Shaw Brothers 80s masterpiece. Lu Chun-Ku Brings the fire!
1/21/20181 hour, 14 minutes, 5 seconds
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2017 Celebration

In this episode we celebrate the end of 2017 and the movies that got us through. We also discuss Tiger Cops, an Australian short TV/web series that pays homage to HK action movies of the 80's. Thanks for listening in 2017, we will be back with a regular episode in a week or so.
1/6/20181 hour, 16 minutes, 7 seconds
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Drunken Monkey

Cowboys! Drugs! Corruption! And a new way to drink alcohol? The final directorial effort from the legendary Lau Kar-leung blends some impressive wirework-fu with some slightly cheesy 2003 era comedy (take a bow Wu Jing) and a rare showing from the underrated Shannon Yao. Does the Shaw Brothers first Kung Fu flick in 20 years cut the mustard or should it be thrown in the lake like a bunch of bananas? Tune in to find out!
12/23/20171 hour, 51 minutes, 1 second
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City Hunter

Wong Jing directs this 1993 action comedy Jackie Chan vehicle and hits it out of the park with another Street Fighter 2 rip off. Ever wanted to see Jackie Chan dressed like Chun Li? This is your chance!
12/10/20171 hour, 17 minutes, 9 seconds
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No not the Johnny Depp romance from 2000 but the action film from Thailand. Directed by Prachya Pinkaew, of Ong Bak fame and starring JeeJa Yanin. Tells the heartwarming story of kid just looking out for her mum in trying circumstances. This involves breaking many peoples bones.
11/26/20171 hour, 10 minutes, 17 seconds
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Shogun's Shadow

Goddamn its a samurai dirty dozen, how many of these films are there? This one is very macho and 80's, not much pathos here, amazing fights, sublime rock, possible harm to animals and so much fire!
11/11/201759 minutes, 3 seconds
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Vampire Cleanup Dept

The first AAC Halloween spectacular. Vampire Cleanup Crew is the beautiful story about an adorkable boy and the cute hopping vampire he seems to be into. It also has the Richard Ng seal of quality.
10/31/20171 hour, 12 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ninja Wars

Sam and Nathan talk about Ninja Wars, an early 80's Japanese samurai ninja fantasy, mostly starring Sonny Chiba's eyebrows.
10/15/20171 hour, 39 minutes, 36 seconds
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Dragon Lord

Jackie Chan plays an rich idle youth who's really into sports that don't exist, or something. Nathan was pretty sick during this, so he apologises for any gross sounds you hear.
10/1/20171 hour, 36 minutes, 3 seconds
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Yakuza Apocalypse

Christian, Scott, Mike and Nathan talk about Takashi Miike's horror organized crime satire.
9/17/201759 minutes, 47 seconds
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Fong Sai Yuk 2

Corey Yuen's comedy action gem from 93. Some great comedy and fantastic wire-fu. Its a pretty full house tonight.
9/3/20171 hour, 40 minutes, 26 seconds
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Blue Spring

A group of Japanese high school delinquents have a falling out. It's pretty Emo. Ryuhei Matsuda is in it, that's kind of cool.
8/25/20171 hour, 20 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Battle Wizard

70's High Asian Fantasy. With Kung Fu laser techniques, a fight with a gorilla and a snake. Oh and Robot chicken legs. Presented by Sam Mike and Nathan
8/7/20171 hour, 5 minutes, 46 seconds
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Zatoichi 03

Beat Takeshi's take on the blind swordsman/masseur.
7/23/20171 hour, 8 minutes, 45 seconds
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Future Cops

Off brand Street fighter 2 action.
7/9/20171 hour, 39 minutes, 14 seconds
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Shogun Assassin

If it's good enough for the RZA its good enough for us.
6/25/201753 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Buddhist Fist

Yuen Woo Ping's breakout hit?
6/11/201757 minutes, 57 seconds
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Magnificent Butcher

Sammo plays a guy just trying to do the right thing but he keeps getting caught up in circumstances beyond his control. This movie has everything, laughter, tears, weird murders that shift the tone irreparably.
5/28/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 8 seconds
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Kung Fu Cult Master

Jet Li, Magic Kung Fu Stances, Sammo, and a plot that doesn't actually end.
5/14/20171 hour, 17 minutes, 17 seconds
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Project A

The Asian Action Cast crew watch and discuss one of Jackie's finest films to kick the podcast off.
4/25/20171 hour, 19 minutes, 53 seconds