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Arthropodcast - A Pest Control Podcast for Industry Professionals. We Cover Pest Control News, Pest Control Topics, Pest Control Products Cover
Arthropodcast - A Pest Control Podcast for Industry Professionals. We Cover Pest Control News, Pest Control Topics, Pest Control Products Profile

Arthropodcast - A Pest Control Podcast for Industry Professionals. We Cover Pest Control News, Pest Control Topics, Pest Control Products

English, Financial News, 1 season, 113 episodes, 3 days, 1 hour, 40 minutes
Arthropodcast is a weekly pest control podcast to promote professionalism and industry expertise to business owners, pest control operators, sales reps, and inspectors.
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EP#233 Review of ProShield and Qspray

Bryan reviews to B&G pack mules. The ProShield Sleeve and Qspray Pack Mule.  Scott shares a story of a customer going to work for a competitor's pest company.
4/1/202433 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP#232 Termite Season is here!

Bryan and Scott start of this episode welcoming the termite season.  May the swarms be with you.  Bryan suggests to watch the inspection videos of Termite Tom on YouTube.  The guys then dive into a sticky conversation.....when is the right time or wrong time to report another company.  Scott takes us on a wonderful rabbit trail about staying focus on what matters. 
3/5/202450 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP#231 - American Pest CEU’s

Bryan and Scott welcome Rick Haney and Shaun Reeves from American Pest Check out the episode you will not want to miss it!
2/1/202442 minutes
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EP #230 Jerry Schappert talks about his Nov and a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!

Jerry Schappert talks about his Nov and the struggle of finding the right people.   HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!
12/12/202347 minutes, 35 seconds
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Tank issues,Bryan Voting, Shout-out to a Pest Pro

The guys start with a fun story of Scott's tank continuing to mess up.  Is it the tank or Scott? Bryan shares a fun story about seeing his customer's at the voting station and them not knowing him.  The guys send a shout out to Jasmine Pest Pro for being a rock star!
11/8/202334 minutes, 6 seconds
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EP#228-Daniel Dye/Quarterly Services and Company Culture

Triple D is back for another great show.  Bryan, Scott, and Danie talk what makes a great quarterly service.  What standard operating procedures are important and what it means to have a good company culture. 
10/25/202354 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP#227-Daniel Dye talkings ant control,training, and More

The guys welcome the GREAT DANIEL DYE!!!  He gives us some insight on different types of ant control for the PCO's. 
10/16/202353 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 226 - Hurricane recovery and Ants

Bryan and Scott are back with another great episode.  They talk about the fun this pest season has been.  Bryan talks about life after the hurricane that rip through his area.  Scott shares a fun story about ants and the bait/switch method. 
10/3/202334 minutes, 23 seconds
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EP 225

We have Daniel Dye on the show and we talk about his relationship with our friend Stoy Hedges. We lost him 7/9/23 he was a leading technical director and trainer /educator in the pest control industry for more than 40 years. He will be missed. 
8/7/202347 minutes, 36 seconds
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EP 224

The guys talk about lots of things this episode. Taurus Dry, Formosan Termites, and Fugus Gnats.  Shot out to Chase Funk and RJ Mehl.  Thank you for listening the show.
7/21/202330 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP 223

The guys are back with another super fantastic episode of the greatest pest podcast in all of the multiverse. 
6/6/202329 minutes, 41 seconds
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Bryan and Scott interview the owner of Gorilla Desk, Chris Moreschi.  We really enjoyed his passion for the industry.  This episode is definitely one you don't want to miss.  
4/24/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 45 seconds
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Bryan and Scott discuss the interview with David Giannetto and the future of the pest industry. Scott talks about how he feels PestPac is more user friendly for bigger companies. The guys start talking about perception is reality when dealing with what the customer views.
4/20/202342 minutes, 42 seconds
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Bryan and Scott got to sit down again with the CEO of WorkWave, David Giannetto.  They talked about all things WorkWave and Mr. Giannetto let the guys know just how awesome WorkWave was doing to start 2023.  Bryan asked a few questions that he got from Pest Cemetery facebook page.  Scott pitched a million dollar idea that was already working within PestPac.
4/4/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP #219

Bryan and Scott start this week's show talking about the podcasts they listen to.  This was sparked by Rusty Prewett mentioning the Arthropodcast Show on his podcast The Journey. The guys list were Bug Bux, The Boardroom Buzz, Pest Geeky to name a few.
3/16/202336 minutes, 41 seconds
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Bryan starts the show off talking about if he could he would do some things different. Scott points out that its really all about perspective. Scott asked Bryan his opinions on Non-compete clauses. Bryan loves COVID. 
2/20/202337 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP #217

Bryan and Scott open the 2023 season on a serious note.  Bryan shares a personal story about the hard year of 2022.  Never take for granted what you have and the honor you have to run a pest business.  Bryan shares a story about tracking powder in a dog food store. Scott explains why the mystery of rice weevils in a bedroom closet almost killed him. 
1/28/202341 minutes, 42 seconds
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EP# 216

Bryan and Scott are back again with another fun show. Bryan ask the question if it is hard to work with your friends. Scott gave his opinion and experience on working with his friends. Bryan profiles Jerry Schappert on a new podcast called Pestie Profiles Podcast.  Check it out. Scott sends a shout out to Wade Sanders with Veseris. Scott shares a fun story about a customer that felt he forced her to do the a service. Pest Podcast's shouldn't be this fun and entertaining.  Check it out
12/8/202233 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP #215

10/11/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 22 seconds
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EP# 214

9/26/202246 minutes, 42 seconds
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EP# 213

Scott starts the show with a wonderful roach house if horrors. Bryan helped him to understand the best way of take control of the roach infestation. Bryan talks about the issue of not having the right person in place for you and your company. Bryan shares a fun story about customers thinking they had termites but it was mud dobbers.
8/2/202248 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP #212

Bryan and Scott are back with a fun episode catching up on the busy season and what's been going on.  Scott shares a story of the never ending mouse infestation.  Bryan true to form always supplies a sarcastic comment or words of wisdom on any issue.  Check it out and enjoy!
6/27/202226 minutes, 50 seconds
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EP# 211

5/30/202231 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP #210

Bryan starts off the show talking about what is necessary to move up in the company you are in. He gives us practical steps to work and move up the right way.
4/5/202230 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP #209

The guys start out talking about the prices and how it effects the industry. Bryan talks about a fun bed bug job that he has worked for 2 days. Scott shares a scary story of a house that had termites after 9 months but the customer is letting Scott fix it.
3/24/202235 minutes, 59 seconds
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Bryan tells a story about a $15,000 piece of wood left by the house. A picture is worth a 1000 words and Bryan got a lot of good press for the video. Scott jumped on a rabbit trail about the importance of showing value in pest services. Bryan punched a guy with his words for saying Must be nice!
3/16/202227 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP #207

First show of 2022 and the guys are super excited to be back. Bryan starts the show off talking about his year of 2021. Scott talks about employees and getting policies and procedures in place. We always need to make sure our expectations are clearly explained. The guys then talk about the big companies buying up the little guys and the customers that we get. Scott believes there is a definite need for a local owned and operated pest companies in the world.
2/16/202245 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP #206

1/25/202235 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP #205

The guys are back with another fun episode of your favorite pest podcast.  We talk about gratitude in our industry and a huge shout out to Charlee Messina on being a boss at taking care of her customers. 
12/28/202135 minutes, 35 seconds
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EP #204

The guys are back from a looooooong break.  We apologize for being quiet for so long.  Bryan is mad at Scott but I’m sure they will work out there difference so the greatest Pest Duo in all of the multiverse!
12/6/202132 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP #203

Bryan starts us off with talking about the business he just bought. The guys talk about the importance of character and integrity in our industry. Scott gives us an update on his business and how busy they have been.  Bryan mentions the great Daniel Dye and how he help him identify a type of fungus. Scott shares a horror story about a dehumidifier and drying the crawl space out to quick.
10/14/202134 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP #202

The guys are back with another amazing episode.  Scott talks about good competition and back competition.  How it effects you and your bottom line.  Bryan shares a story of a bad example of competition.  
9/15/202135 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP #201

The guys open the show with fun times about being chunky in the August heat. Bryan brings up a fun story from Pest Cemetery about a new employee losing his hat and not really caring what the owner thought. The guys talk about how employees are not going to hold owners hostage because they don’t want to follow policies. Bryan talks about the painful ordeal of buying a new van. Scott share a fun story of a pretreat that turned bad.
8/26/202150 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP #200

Jerry Schappert and Daniel Dye come on the show to help us celebrate our 200th episode. Bryan and Scott  want to thank Steve Jackson for starting the show. We pick Jerry and Daniel’s mind on the state of the pest control market. We talk about how COVID has hurried the change of our market. Finally the guys discuss where our industry goes in the next 20 years.
7/28/20211 hour, 16 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep# 199.75

Bryan and Scott are back after a two week break to bring you a great show. Bryan discusses importance of being efficient in every thing. Scott shares a story that got him thinking about his company’s efforts to be better efficient for his customers. Bryan shares an update on the business he has taken on. The ups and downs of taking on a new company.  Scott talks about a possible acquisition that is available.
7/20/202139 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep 199.5

The guys are back with another amazing episode of your favorite pest podcast duo.  Bryan talks about a sickness he fought for a month.  Of course Scott was very sympathetic to Bryan’s walking pneumonia.  Bryan gives a shout out to the Boardroom Buzz podcast.
6/22/202142 minutes, 43 seconds
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EP #199

Bryan and Scott interview the President of Target Specialty Products David Helt.  The guys talk about the amazing new partnership that has Target Specialty Products and Work Wave Pest Pac working together to save the PCO some money.  David was able to give the guys some cool insight on how this partnership was formed.  Bryan beat the fact in our heads that he loves Target Specialty Products.  Don’t miss this episode!
5/19/202135 minutes, 15 seconds
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EP #198

The guys are backing talking about all things related to pest control.  Scott shares a frustrating issue that happened on a termite job.  Bryan adds his two cents which is always a pleasure.  Scott travels down many rabbit trails and Bryan does his best to keep him focus.  Check it out and let us know what you think!
5/13/202130 minutes, 6 seconds
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EP #197

They guys are back with another masterpiece for your listening pleasure.  Bryan talks about a small acquisition he is adding to his company.  Scott praises his wife as she is doing a great job at learning the business. Scott also gives a shout out to Mark from Mark’s Pest Control.  
5/3/202137 minutes, 4 seconds
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EP# 196

The guys interview the CEO of Work Wave David Giannetto about the exciting new partnership between Work Wave Pest Pac and Target Specialty Products.  They talk about everything from saving money on products from Target Specialty Product to being a Delaware River Decoy Carver.  You don’t want to miss this amazing episode!
4/20/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP 195

The guys are back again. Scott tells a fun story of a customer that called him fat. Bryan shares a hilarious story about an exchange with his customer. The guys talk about the importance of woman in the pest control industry. Scott wants to know Bryan’s opinion on contracts vs agreements. Scott has some big news about a special guest coming to the show!
4/16/202132 minutes, 6 seconds
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EP 194

Bryan talks about the importance of taking your time on wood Infestation reports. Don’t cut corners and just be honest. Scott talks about things that bother him and how your reputation in this industry is everything.  Bryan talks about inspecting a vacant house and the atmosphere of the home. The guys talk about two instances of customer believing their bugs should already be gone...Pest Control shouldn’t be this funny!
4/13/202130 minutes, 44 seconds
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EP #193

The guys open the show talking about a guy treating in front of an Applebee’s. Bryan sends a shout out to Jasmine Exodus.  Scott sends a shout out to John Carney. Scott talks about the rough week he had. The devil is in the details in service. Bryan changes the subject and talks about hourly rates versus production rates.  The guys tease something big on the horizon.....will it come true this time....?
3/23/202136 minutes, 12 seconds
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EP# 192

The guys have the Icon Jerry Schappert on the show.  Jerry was recently on the cover of PMP magazine. The guys pick his brain about growing our businesses through acquisitions. Bryan wants Jerry to walk us through the process of getting to the table for acquisitions. Scott gives a shout out to the owner of Safe Spray John Carney. Bryan talks about an issue he had on a termite letter he did. Jerry announces on the show about the new Pest Cemetery Community that’s coming down the pike.
3/1/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP #191

Scott opens the show with something that frustrates him in our industry. Scott and Bryan talk about losing a customer to another company but only to gain them back because their service was better. Bryan brings up having GPS tracking devices on your work trucks. Bryan shares a story about a bad bed bug job and going beyond the call of duty. We must service our customers like they are member’s of our family. Shout out to Nina Jenkins with Apprehend.
2/4/202151 minutes, 20 seconds
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EP #190

Bryan and Scott start the new year with one of their favorite and greatest guest The Great Daniel Dye. Scott talks about his COVID-19 positive test. He has lost his taste and smell which sucks. Bryan picks Daniel’s brain about a bed bug issue with one of his accounts. Daniel tells us about the article he wrote for Mallis Vol 11. Scott talks about Arthropodcast Show getting recognized from PCO Bookkeepers.
1/25/202146 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep #189

Bryan and Scott interview Rob Hardin of Rare Jingles. He has been in the pest industry for about 8 years. No Bugs in My Crib was his first Pest Jingle and then a passion was formed and so was Rare Jingles. He started his own company this year called NC Wildlife Experts. Check out this awesome episode
1/4/202124 minutes
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EP #188

The guys are back with another super awesome show. Bryan tells us about the day he wrangled a snake out of a customers house. Scott shares his brush with COVID-19. The guys share some stories about hard pest to take care of. Scott is dealing with a pesky apt complex.
12/22/202028 minutes, 13 seconds
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EP #187

Bryan and Scott open the show talking about Patrick Baldwin's podcast The Boardroom Buzz. Great interview Patrick! Of course Bryan gets his love in for Jerry Schappert on this episode. Scott shares some struggles he is going through starting his business. Bryan shares he is opening his first office. We shout out to Ann Maria Teresa. You are a true ROCK STAR in our industry. Scott shares that getting old sucks.
12/9/202035 minutes, 20 seconds
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EP #186

The guys open the show talking about the election.  Scott asks Bryan his advice on using a vacuum for german roach clean outs.  Bryan brings up that the Great Daniel Dye is stepping away from social media.  Scott cries a bit but will survive.  Scott sends a shout out to Neal Hensen with Do it Yourself Pest Control in Columbus, Ga.
11/23/202035 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP #185

The guys talk with Tony Gonzales with Scorpion Repel.  Check out this amazing episode and check them out.
11/3/202047 minutes, 44 seconds
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EP #184

The guys are back with another fun episode of pest knowledge.  Bryan and Scott talk about generic products verse name brand products.  Which is better in their humble opinion. Scott talks about how his back hates him and he needs a new one. 
10/28/202029 minutes, 33 seconds
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EP #183

9/22/202059 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP #182

9/14/202033 minutes, 52 seconds
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Scott asks the question as a service tech should we be insulted when a customer has over the counter pest product in their garage. Bryan talks about how important in our business don’t just depend on chemical. Inspection is KEY oh and use our brains. Scott tells us a super long story about his refrigerator. Bryan and Scott introduce a new segment about a new guy started a pest business. Tune in each week to hear his progress.
8/25/202034 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP #180

Bryan opens the show talking about Beach party with the Pest Cemetery Crew.  Scott talks about the impact COVID-19 has had over the last few weeks. They talk about how it is impacting our business. To wear a mask or not wear a mask that’s our question. Bryan turns the conversation to talking about counting the cost for being the best. The cost for being the top in your market. Is it worth it?
8/3/202043 minutes, 15 seconds
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EP #179

Bryan and Scott are back with another amazing episode of the Greatest Pest Podcast in all the Multiverse. Bryan talks about PCT and the Secret Life of Ants. Scott talks about flea issues and why it’s important to follow through and make sure you do everything right the first time. Bryan and Scott get into a “discussion” about techs having everything they need on the truck to do the job right the first time. Scott announces he is a Papa. 
7/9/202050 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP #178

Scott talks about how frustrating it is to repeat himself to his tech. Bryan explains there is a right way to hold your guys accountable. Give them a time table to fix what you asked them to do. There must be follow through. Bryan talks about why he loves techs. Bryan talks about a post from Jerry Schappert on Pest Cemetery that over half of new start company’s fail in the first 5 yrs. Scott shared a marketing gimmick from Sling Shot. Finally Bryan apologizes to the Icon Daniel Dye. 
6/29/202039 minutes, 1 second
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EP 177

The guys talk COVID-19 and the impact it is having today.  Scott discusses someone starting a new company in his area. Bryan as always has tons of incite and encouragement.  
6/17/202039 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP #176

Here's the audio version of our 2nd Zoom call.  The guys unbox a Do it Yourself Pest Box.  Let us know what you think of the Zoom shows.  
6/5/202029 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP #175

Here is the audio version of the first ever Zoom Arthropodcast Show.  Bryan and Scott honor Jerry Schappert and Pest Cemetery as they cross over the 10,000 member mark.  Jerry is a favorite of the Arthropodcast Show and we think Bryan might have a crush on him.  Enjoy and tell Jerry he is awesome!
5/11/202026 minutes, 40 seconds
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EP #174

Scott was solo this time and interviewed Dr. John Paige  PhD from Bayer. He has been with Bayer for 22 years. MS Dr. John Paige gives Scott some incite on Mosquito control with Suspend Polyzone.   Dr. Paige talks what Bayer is doing to help with COVID-19. Dr. Paige and Scott talk about some things that PMP’s are doing to help customers during this time of uncertainty. 
5/4/202048 minutes, 45 seconds
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EP #173

Bryan and Scott are back to talk about Covid-19 and how it’s continually impacting the pest industry. Bryan and Scott discuss what is going to be the new normal once the States open back up. Scott asked Bryan a question about  being late to appointments and not calling. The guys talk about what’s coming up in the next few shows. 
4/29/202037 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP #172

Bryan and Scott check in on each other during COVID-19. The guys discuss the shutting down of States and what that means for the Pest Industry.   Bryan brings up who is responsible for making sure the techs keep clean and professional trucks.  After the guys discuss Scott admits he could do better. 
4/8/202043 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP #171

Bryan and Scott discuss the Coronavirus and the impact it has had on the Pest Control Industry.  
3/26/202036 minutes, 40 seconds
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EP #170

Bryan and Scott interview The Great Daniel Dye. After Scott was revived they talked about what Daniel has been up to after retiring. Daniel has been helping with continuing education for surrounding states. Bryan ask Daniel about a bed bug question about recliner chairs. Daniel talks about the video he did on his Facebook page about the do’s and don’t’s on Pest Cemetery. Daniel Dye announces he is doing the stinging insect section of the Malice Pest Manual 11th Edition. 
3/9/202047 minutes, 27 seconds
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EP #169

Bryan talks about a new mindset to IPM observe,orient,decision and action. The Arthropodcast  O.O.D.A approach. The guys talk about a new segment that is coming up on the show. The guys are talking to a new business owner and follow the step. Scott sends us down a weird path about one of his techs fasting for 40 days. Bryan found about Chaffles thanks Daniel Dye. 
3/2/202019 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP #168

Scott talks about the craziness he had with his company truck. Bryan brings up Service Master’s dropping 20% in stocks and losing customers like crazy. The guys ask the question do you have your company’s phone number on your trucks? Nick Madero say YES it’s a rolling billboard. 
2/17/202027 minutes, 22 seconds
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EP 167

The guys are back with the first show of 2020!  Bryan talks about the new system called Doxem Precise Bait Soltions from Controlled Solutions. Bryan talks about something new he started at his company. The importance of welcome calls and QA calls.   Shout out to Nick Madero and the Pest Life Podcast 1. 
2/3/202030 minutes, 38 seconds
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Shout out to Nick Madero about his question on Thanksgiving.  Bryan got insulted about Scott calling us fat. We talked about why we have gained weight. Then the guys talked about what it takes to start your own business. 
12/10/201938 minutes, 57 seconds
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EP #165

Bryan and Scott talk about the crazy snake issue that Scott ran into.  It's a fun story about the anaconda that almost killed Scott.  He is totally scared of snakes.  Listen and enjoy his pain!
12/4/201925 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP #164

Bryan and Scott talk about how awesome Jerry Schappert is and how his vision for Pest Cemetery Group is changing the world of pest control. Scott tries to be hip with words like yeet and legit. Check out this amazing episode you will not be disappointed. 
11/12/201933 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP #163

Bryan tells us about a pump issue he has been having. Morgan Traylor from Target Speciality Products saves the day. Scott shares a story about miscommunications with customers. The guys talk about service issues with bait stations...the good, bad, and ugly.
11/4/201938 minutes, 1 second
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EP# 162

Scott talks about the crazy week he had with the ladies in his office. Bryan talks about the not so fun service call in the house that was 475 degrees. He lost money and spent 2 hours there. The guys talk about is it right to bash your competition. 
10/28/201930 minutes, 12 seconds
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EP #161

Bryan and Scott are back with another super episode of the Greatest Pest Podcast in the Multiverse.  The guys talk about the importance of superior customer service.  
9/30/201926 minutes, 35 seconds
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Bryan and Scott are back with another amazing episode of the Greatest Pest Podcast in the Multiverse!  They talk about the newest PCT. Grappling with Gripes.  Scott shares a story about the day he was showered with thousands of roaches.  This one you don't want to miss!!!
9/9/201953 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep #159

Bryan and Scott are back with another fun filled episode of The Greatest Pest Podcast in the Multiverse.  Bryan talks about his fun fishing trip with The Great Jerry Schappert.  The TV show Criminal Minds come up and Scott gets to talk about a Daniel Dye post from Pest Cemetery about 8 Things PMP's need to focus on. Shout out to Rachael Mohorn on teaching Scott how to use Google Lens to identify bugs plus much more!
8/26/201945 minutes, 15 seconds
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EP #158

Your favorite Pest Duo is back with another amazing episode of the Greatest Pest Podcast in the Multiverse.  Bryan and Scott catch up and talk about the importance of service and taking care of the customer. Check it out and let us know what you think!
8/19/201933 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP #157

Your favorite Pest Duo is back with another amazing episode of the Greatest Pest Podcast in the Multiverse!!!  Bryan and Scott wanted to thank Nick Madero for his heart-felt shout-out and naming the Arthropodcast the #2 ranked pest podcast.....Scott shared an amazing story about one of his techs swallowing a wasp.  You don't want to miss this episode!
7/30/201937 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP #156

The guys are back with another fun episode of the Best Pest Podcast in the Multiverse.  Bryan gives us an update on his weight-loss journey.  Scott gets in his weekly Daniel Dye reference on the show.  The guys also discuss the Million Dollar Club 2.0 conference call and of course they discuss Pest Cemetery.  Listen out for a couple of Shout-Outs to some of our fellow Arthopodcastians!
7/5/201940 minutes, 4 seconds
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EP #155

Bryan and Scott are back with another fun episode!  Bryan talks about his weight-loss struggles.  Scott goes off on a rabbit trail that takes entirely too long to get back on track.  We even threw a little Pest Talk in there.  As always Scott made his "Daniel Dye" reference of the show.  Pest Control shouldn't be this fun!
6/24/201931 minutes, 5 seconds
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Your favorite Pest Duo is back with another episode of the Greatest Pest Podcast in the Multiverse.  Bryan talks about the fast rising company's in the latest printing of PCT's Top 100 and Scott talks about the importance of showing value every service. As always the guys will travel off on their own rabbits trails.  It's going to be a great time for all.  Let us know what you think!
6/17/201925 minutes, 59 seconds
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The guys are back again with another AMAZING Episode of the Greatest Pest Podcast in the MULTIVERSE!  Bryan speak about the new changes coming to Pest Cemetery Pro.  Scott goes over the events of an employee turning in his notice.  The guys discuss weird ways pasted employees have quit and more!
5/28/201938 minutes, 38 seconds
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Bryan and Jerry are back with another episode of Whistling Past the Cemetery.  The guys talk about the NEW Pest Cemetery Pro and just catch up with what's going on in their worlds.
5/23/201945 minutes, 6 seconds
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Bryan and Scott are back with another amazing episode of the Arthropodcast Show.  The guys discuss a very hot topic going around in the industry today Ghost Services.  Bryan also teased some cool things coming up for the show, and of course Scott had no idea what he was talking about.
4/29/201935 minutes, 56 seconds
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Bryan and Scott have Josh Shoemaker on the show to talk about his book God and the World of Insects.  Bryan mostly complains because he did get a copy of the book.  Scott is still trying to find friends.  
4/11/201955 minutes, 17 seconds
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EP #150

The guys are back with another amazing interview on Mosquito Control.  Bryan and Scott talk with Dr. Stan Cope from AP&G Final Feed.  Some would say we had a "wild" time with Uncle Stan.  This is  an exciting new tool to add to the mosquito treatment program.  Of course the guys give you their take on mosquito control.
4/2/201951 minutes, 40 seconds
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EP #149

Bryan and Scott have Dennis Judy on again to talk about the release of ER-3 Insect Killer. Dennis Judy is a Technical Director with EcoRaider.  If you want more information go to
3/11/201934 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP #148

Bryan and Scott catch up with one of their biggest fans!  Daniel Dye joins the guys and talk about State Inspections, Sales, and what Daniel has been doing to stay busy since retirement.  Scott also tries not to make the episode weird with his man crush on Daniel. Always a fun time when Daniel joins the show!
2/25/20191 hour, 1 minute, 34 seconds
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The guys are back with another great Podcast of Awesomeness.  Bryan and Scott talk about how crazy the ratio from male to female is in the pest industry. They discuss some cool things on the horizon and of course the normal back and forth between the guys.
2/18/201929 minutes, 52 seconds
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EP 146

Bryan and Scott are back with another amazing episode of the Greatest Pest Podcast in ALL the Multiverse.  The guys from Pest Posse join them.  When these two teams get together you can bet it's going to be one of the best podcast ever!!!  
1/31/201950 minutes, 20 seconds
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EP #145

The first show of 2019!  The guys just wanted to say hi and good bye to 2018.  Bryan and Scott are interviewing the Pest Posse this week so stay tuned.  Lots of other cool stuff coming in 2019!!!
1/22/201918 minutes, 27 seconds
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Bryan and Scott are back with the final episode of 2018.  The guys talk about the contest with Ann Marie Teresa, and the new Pest Cemetery Pro New Business Portal.   We wish you all the very best for 2019 and look forward to more amazing episodes from The Best Pest Podcast in the Multiverse!
1/3/201935 minutes, 10 seconds
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EP 143

The guys are back with another hilarious episode.  Bryan and Scott talking about why they got into the business and most importantly why they stayed.  They also talk about why they are thankful this time of year.
12/11/201831 minutes, 59 seconds
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The guys are back for another amazing episode of your favorite Pest Podcast.  Bryan and Scott discuss what is like to be in the field more than expected and what it's like to depend on the office staff more than usually.  Of course we talk about Pest Cemetery Pro and Scott has the PCT Spot-light about Crawl Space Encaps.
11/27/201835 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP 141

The guys are back and talking about the awesome experience they had Pest World 2018.  They get better with time and you can hear how much both Bryan and Scott love the industry.  
11/19/201831 minutes, 50 seconds
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Live Ep 140

Bryan and Scott are live from Pest World 2018.  They are hanging out at the Winfield United booth talking to the Godfather of Rats Dr. Bobby Corrigan.  
10/29/201827 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP #139

Bryan talks about is his irrigation system malfunction. Scott touched on NPMA’s Leadership Academy and When Pest Control Takes a Backseat. The guys discuss all the cool things that are coming up. Scott talked about Pest Posse’s review on the Pest Pro 4. Pest World and more!
10/15/201841 minutes, 40 seconds
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Bryan and Scott are back again! Scott discusses what he believes to be the worst german roach infestation of a refrigerator.  On the Pest Cemetery Spot-light Bryan talks about Paul Bello and bed bugs.  On the PCT Spot-light Scott brings to light that there are a billion software products for the Pest Industry.
9/24/201832 minutes, 53 seconds
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Bryan and Scott are back with another riveting episode of the greatest podcast in the whole multiverse.  The guys talk about personal space and announce something fun that is coming up at Pest World.
9/17/201835 minutes
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Ep #136

The guys are back again!  Scott talks about almost dying but was saved by a red-neck with a chain.  Bryan talks about how some customers invade your personal bubble.
8/27/201836 minutes, 49 seconds
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Bryan talks about the importance of having a "Police" in our industry. Bryan talks Bed Bugs in the Pest Cemetery Pro Spotlight.  Scott talks about how much it cost to train new people in the PCT Spotlight. 
8/20/201837 minutes, 12 seconds
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EP 134

Bryan and Scott talk with Dennis Judy Technical Director of EcoRaider. They speak about a variety of topics from pest resistance to mosquito control.
8/13/201835 minutes, 1 second
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Ep# 133

Bryan has the Pest Cemetery Pro Minute and talks about the Pest Burrito.  Scott takes the PCT Minute and talks about Annoying Flies.
8/6/201829 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP# 132

Bryan and Scott catch up on a few things.  Bryan talks about losing a pump during our busy season.  Scott talks about a few changes going on in his world plus The PCT Minute and The Pestcemetery Pro Minute.
7/23/201845 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep #131

Bryan and Scott talk with Jason Janet of Delta Five about a new and exciting way to monitor bed bug activity.
6/25/201834 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep #130

Bryan and Scott are back for another amazing episode.  Scott talks about the pressure of his oldest graduating and getting married.  The guys talk about smelly ants, felonies, and when is it ok to fire a customer.
6/11/201844 minutes, 14 seconds
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WPTC With James Rodriguez

This week, Jerry speaks with James Rodriguez of J.T. Eaton.
5/31/201830 minutes, 51 seconds
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Bryan and Scott wrap up Bryan's truck saga.  The guys talk about customer service and how important it is to the Pest Industry.
5/21/201831 minutes, 55 seconds
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Bryan and Scott talk about the future of pest control.  How millennials are playing a BIG role in it. Arthropodcast Shout-out to Steve Jackson on getting his A.C.E and Ann-Marie Teresa with Intelligent Pest Control on her 1st Anniversary in Business.
5/14/201841 minutes, 46 seconds
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WPTC - Who is Critter McCool

This week, Jerry speaks with stinging insect extraction and control expert CritterMcCool.
5/2/201830 minutes, 42 seconds
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Bryan and Scott speak with the GREAT Jerry Schappert.  We also find the answer to the burning question Does Bryan hate men????
4/26/201837 minutes, 29 seconds
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Handling Setbacks with Josh Alpert

Jerry speaks with Josh Alpert about setbacks.
4/25/201827 minutes, 2 seconds