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5 tracks
5 sample tracks
5 Minutes
Pins & Needles
Catfished (Jam)
But Her Heart...
About dataandthewookiee
Whether you're a Sci-Fi fan or not, you made it here and now you might or might not ask yourself "what is 'dataandthewookiee'?" Well, it may or may not disappoint you, but it's not a new crossover-series featuring two of your favorite film/television characters. "dataandthewookiee" is a musical project, a band if you will, but think of it as a kind of side-project as we both play in other (different) bands, don't rehearse and don't play gigs (except for occasional acoustic performances in public places). We're both home recording artists and record songs together whenever there is enough time and inspiration. We hope you like what you hear and it would be the greatest compliment for us if just one of the songs we wrote would make it into the soundtrack of your life.