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4 canciones
4 muestras
Shivanam Sa-mba from CD 1
Flight over Landscape of phantasy (Let krajinou fantazie)
Song of Whales (Píseň velryb)
Saturday morning (Sobotní dopoledne)
Sobre Shivanam
Welcome in to the world of vibrations and harmony :)What is the music of Shivanam like? „Rituals from different continets together with electronic music, modern rhythms blending with live interpretation and sounds of the nature, efected live in a compact musical story. Multimedia show, a juncture of world music with modern rhythmy from the whole world – worldbeat. Phenomenon in the Czech fields. Absolutely personal, characterful expresison.“Shivanam has currently 2 members:● Ivan Jasek (voice, guitar, sampler, tabla, live effects, singing bowls, shammanic and frame drums, mouth harp)● Edgar Mojdl (flute, pipes, shenai, keys, live effects, Ghatam, congo, tarabuka, sampler and more)● Plus many other Guests and Friends of different music genres (depends on size of the performance)   SHIVANAM came into the existence 12 years ago. The group has performed at many festivals, parties and events, for example:● Multicultural Brno – Fléda 2002; ● Mezi Ploty 2005, 2006, Brno; ● Festival Under Plunder, Brno, 2002-2004; ● Colours of Ostrava 2005; ● Palace Akropolis, Praha, 2005; ● Festivals „Music for tea“ Dobruska, 2005-2007; ● RaSka Ethno fest Žízníkov u C. Lípy, 2006; ● Taranis (goa & psytrance festival, Domažlice) 2007; ● One Word – Brno, Seeds of love (Skalákuv Mlýn), 2008; ● Funny Moon, 2008; ● Moon Tribe fest, Brno Fléda, 2008-2009; ● Cross Club, Praha, 2008-2011; ● Chillout Festival, Brno, hrad Veverí, 2009; ● Chillout Festival II, Brno, 2010, 2011, ● Sziged 2011 The group performes also at festivals and teerooms in the Czech Republic and Austria. They have made a music background for a number of documents and travelouges. Today, they are working on music for a film Legendsof lowlands.If you like our music, you can buy a track or CD here: or make a donation here: you for supporting us:) in to the world of vibrations and harmony :)