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Dimitris T. Papadimitriou Cover
Dimitris T. Papadimitriou Profile

Dimitris T. Papadimitriou


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4 tracks
4 sample tracks
Burning Down - Part I: The Fire
Burning Down - Part II: Rainy Night
Play the Blues
About Dimitris T. Papadimitriou
I am Dimitris. I love music, and I've been playing piano since 9 years old. The last 2 years I've been learning to play the guitar. I also love writing music to express my inner feelings & thoughts, when I can't or don't want to use words. The music I upload here, is the result of my music experience, and since these are my first steps in composing music they won't be of professional quality.Feel free to download my music, and listen to it, share it with friends, but please play by the rules.Feel free to send your friends on this page, and help me by donating if they like my music.Thank you for passing by!