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英語Follow me

Chinese, Education, 7 seasons, 219 episodes, 1 day, 6 hours, 8 minutes
【每周二、四上架】 全球化時代,如何培養跨文化溝通,與前進世界的能力呢? 現在就跟著我們一起收聽【英語Follow me】! 快來跟我們一起掌握國際脈動,提升全球移動力吧! 第一季 英語奇遇記 為了提升國人英語能力,創造英語廣播學習環境,教育電臺與國立臺灣師範大學教育學系合作製播英語校園生活資訊「Engcredible 英語奇育記」節目,由臺師大教育學系師生組成節目製播團隊,分享國際文教新知及人物專訪等,帶動年輕學子學習英文之興趣。 第二季 雙語教學花路米 補充時事營養素,擁抱世界全方位。 雙語教學花路米,Follow me, Go bilingual! 聽雙語新聞,學英文,增廣見聞。 Powered by Firstory Hosting (
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩20|뜨거우니까 조심하세요. 請小心,很燙。

📢對話 👩‍🦰:이모,여기 해물파전이랑 막걸리 좀 주세요. 阿姨, 我們要點海鮮蔥餅和瑪格利(酒)。 👨‍🦱:막걸리가 뭐예요? 甚麼是‘瑪格利’? 👩‍🦰:쌀로 만든 한국 전통술이에요. 是用米做的韓國傳統酒。 🙋‍♀️:주문하신 해물파전 나왔습니다. 這是你們點的海鮮蔥餅。 👨‍🦱:와~ 맛있겠다. 哇,看起來好好吃! 👩‍🦰:뜨거우니까 조심하세요. 請小心,很燙! 📢句型 V.A+ㄴ/은/는 N 冠形詞 (~的 N ) 形容詞詞幹-- : 加 (으)ㄴ 있다/ 없다 : 加 는 動詞詞幹 ① 現在 : 加 는 ② 過去 : 加 (으)ㄴ ③ 將來 : 加 (으)ㄹ 지금 보는 드라마는 한국 드라마예요. 現在看的電視劇是韓劇。 어제 본 영화가 어땠어요? 昨天看的電影怎麼樣? 내일 만들 요리는 간장게장이에요. 明天要做的是醬螃蟹。 제가 좋아하는 운동은 등산이에요. 我喜歡的運動是爬山。  📢詞彙 1.이모 阿姨 2.막걸리 瑪格利(酒) 3.쌀 米 4.만들다[動詞] 製作 (ㄹ不規則單詞) 5.맛있다[形容詞]好吃、有味道 6.맛없다[形容詞]不好吃、無味 7.재미있다[形容詞]有趣、好玩 8.재미없다[形容詞]無趣、不好玩 9.케이크 蛋糕 게임 遊戲 10.주문하다[動詞] 下單、點菜 11.나오다[自動詞] 出來 12.뜨겁다[形容詞] 燙 (ㅂ不規則單詞) 13.조심하다[動詞] 小心 14.드라마 電視劇 15.요리 料理 16.간장게장 醬螃蟹 17.등산 登山、爬山 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
9/18/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Dolly Parton to Publish First Novel Dolly Parton將出版首本小說

🌏Article American country music star Dolly Parton is a woman with many skills. She's a singer and songwriter, a successful actor and businesswoman. She's written several books, including two children's books, a cookbook — and now her very first novel. The novel is called Run, Rose, Run, and has been written with best-selling US author James Patterson. The story is about a girl who moves to Nashville, Tennessee, to follow her music-making dreams. But what else do we know about this much-loved star?Parton was born poorParton was born in 1946, and grew up in a cabin in Sevierville, Tennessee, with her 11 brothers and sisters. They had no electricity, and the children slept three or four to a bed.Parton wrote her first song when she was 5With a little help from her mom, Parton wrote her first song when she was 5 years old. It was about her doll, "Little Tiny Tasseltop," which was made from a corncob.Parton wrote two of her biggest hits in one dayParton wrote "Jolene" and "I Will Always Love You" (later sung by Whitney Houston) on the same day in 1972. "That was a good writing day," Parton told The Bobby Bones Show in 2018. 🌏Summary Dolly Parton是美國知名歌手,她也是作曲家、演員及商人,還有寫過好幾本書。這篇新聞將跟您介紹一些關於Dolly Parton這位全方位發展藝人的秘辛。ㄧ、Parton出生貧寒,在田納西州的一間小屋中,和11位兄弟姐妹一起長大。他們沒有電可使用,得三、四個人擠在一張床睡。二、Parton在五歲時寫出第一首歌曲,那是一首關於玉米穗軸製成的娃娃的歌。三、Parton在一天之內寫下《Jolene》和《I Will Always Love You》這兩首暢銷歌曲。 🌏Words & Phrases novel(長篇)小說 lyrics歌詞 cabin小木屋 🌏References Article: Engoo Daily News ( ( 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
9/16/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩19|비가 오면 전을 먹어요. 下雨天吃煎餅。

📢對話 🙍‍♂️:오늘은 비가 와서 거리에 사람들이 별로 없네요. 因為今天下雨,路上沒什麼人。 🙍:비가 오니까 갑자기 해물파전이 먹고 싶어요. 因為下雨,我突然想吃海鮮蔥餅。 🙍‍♂️:왜 비가 오면 해물파전을 먹고 싶어요? 為什麼下雨會想吃海鮮蔥餅? 🙍:그건 저도 잘 모르겠어요. 那是我也不知道。 🙍‍♂️:참 재미있네요. 真有趣。  📢句型 V.A+(으)면 假設: 如果~的話 動詞、形容詞詞幹有收尾音 : 加 으면 動詞、形容詞詞幹無收尾音 : 加 면 물건이 싸면 살 거예요. 如果東西便宜的話,我會買。 대만에 오면 저한테 전화하세요. 如果你來台灣的話,請打電話給我。 피곤하면 쉬세요. 如果累的話,請休息吧。 시간이 있으면 무엇을 하고 싶어요? 如果有時間的話,想做甚麼? 돈이 많으면 세계일주를 하고 싶어요. 如果很有錢的話,想環遊世界。📢詞彙 1.거리 街道 、街頭 2.별로[副詞] 特殊 *與否定詞,或없다等否定的單字 搭配使用, 表示不完全否定之意。 相當於‘不太’‘不怎麼’。 3.갑자기[副詞] 突然、冷不防 4.해물파전 海鮮蔥餅 5.그건 那是 (그것은的縮寫) 6.모르다[動詞] 不知道、不認識 7.물건 東西 8.싸다[形容詞] 便宜 9.사다[動詞] 購買 10.한테[助詞] 表示對象 11.전화하다[動詞] 打電話 12.피곤하다[形容詞] 疲倦、累 13.돈 錢 14.많다[副詞] 多 15.세계일주 環遊世界 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
9/12/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:UK Boy Spends 500 Nights in Tent for Charity. 英國男孩為慈善機構在帳篷睡500個晚上。

🌏Article When 11-year-old Max Woosey from the UK first set up a tent in his garden, he didn't expect to still be sleeping in it 500 nights later. But that's exactly what he's done — all to raise money for his local hospice. North Devon Hospice took care of Woosey's friend and neighbor, Rick Abbott, before he died. However, when the UK went into its first coronavirus lockdown in March 2020, the hospice couldn't do its usual fundraising activities. Abbott had given the boy his tent before dying. So Woosey decided to camp in his garden until the UK's lockdown ended to raise money for the hospice. Little did he know, the country's lockdown would continue for a year and a half. "My friend Rick gave me his tent before he died and made me promise to have an adventure so that's what I'm doing," Woosey wrote on his JustGiving fundraising page. The British weather didn't make it easy. Woosey camped in the wind, cold and even storms. He's camped in different places, too, including the ZSL London Zoo and the garden of 10 Downing Street, where UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson lives. On August 10, 2021, Woosey celebrated his 500th night in the tent. His goal was to raise about $140, but he's now raised more than $880,000 — over half of what the hospice says it lost because of the pandemic. Although Woosey has now achieved his goal of camping until the end of the UK's lockdown, he has no plans to stop. "This is me, this is what I do now," he said. 🌏Summary Max Woosey是位來自英國11歲的小男孩。他的鄰居朋友Rick Abbott後來住進了北德文郡臨終醫院,受這家醫院所照顧。後來,因為英國在2020年3月受新冠疫情影響而封城,這家臨終醫院無法進行常態的募款活動。Abbott在過世前把他的帳篷送給Max。 Max決定,在英國解封前,他都會在花園露營,替這家臨終醫院募款。他恐怕做夢也沒到,英國的封城狀態持續了一年半之久。Max說到做到,不管風多大、雨多強、天氣多冷,他都在花園露營。  🌏Words & Phrases hospice臨終醫院 fundraising募捐 camp露營 References Article: Engoo Daily News ( ( 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
9/10/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩18|세일을 해서 많이 샀어요。 因為打折,所以買了很多。

📢對話 🙍:그런데 왜 그렇게 많이 샀어요? 不過, 為甚麼買那麼多呢? 🙍‍♂️:세일을 해서 좀 많이 샀어요. 因為打折,所以買多了一點。 🙍:맞아요. 세일기간에는 물건을 싸게 살 수 있어요. 對,打折期間東西可以買到便宜。 🙍‍♂️:전 내일 또 쇼핑할 거예요. 明天我還要去逛街。 🙍:저도 시간이 없어서 오랫동안 쇼핑을 못했어요. 내일 같이 가요. 我也因為沒空,很久沒逛街。明天一起去吧。 📢句型 V.A+아/어서 表示原因、理由(因為~所以~) 詞幹的母音為 「ㅏ」 和「ㅗ」 : 加 아서 詞幹的母音為其他 : 加 어서 하다結尾的動詞直接變為 : 해서 날씨가 좋아서 기분도 좋아요. 因為天氣好,所以心情也好。 비가 와서 운동을 안 해요. 因為下雨,所以不做運動。 물건이 예뻐서 샀어요. 因為東西漂亮,所以買了。 한국어가 재미있어서 배워요. 因為韓語有趣,所以學。  📢詞彙. 1.세일 打折 기간 期間 2.그런데 不過、但是 3.왜 為甚麼 4.또 又、再、還 5.오랫동안 很久、很長時間 6.같이 一起 7.그렇다[形容詞] 那樣 8.그렇게[副詞] 那樣地、那麼地 9.싸다[形容詞] 便宜 10.싸게[副詞] 便宜地 11.맞다[自動詞] 對、正確、沒錯 12.전 我(저는的縮寫形式) 13.날씨 天氣 14.기분 心情 15.좋다[形容詞] 好 16.예쁘다[形容詞] 漂亮、好看 17.재미있다[形容詞] 好玩、有趣 18.배우다[動詞] 學 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
9/10/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Piece of Royal Wedding Cake Sells for Over $2,000 皇家婚禮蛋糕一塊要價兩千美金以上

🌏Article A royal fan has bought a piece of one of Prince Charles and Princess Diana's wedding cakes for $2,565 at auction, more than 40 years after the couple got married. The large piece of cake includes a royal coat of arms made from gold, red, blue and silver sugar. It was given to Moya Smith, who worked for the royal family. She preserved it with plastic wrap and dated it July 29, 1981. A number of people from around the world tried to buy the piece of cake, which was sold on August 11 to Gerry Layton from Leeds, England. He paid a lot more than the expected price of between $400 and $700. Layton said he would add the piece of cake to his collection and use it to help charities, to which he plans to give everything he owns when he dies. He also said that he might put it up as the prize for a raffle, with some of the money going to the charity Centrepoint, which Princess Diana had supported. Chris Albury, of Dominic Winter Auctioneers, said he was amazed at the number of people who were interested in buying the cake. Most were from the UK, US and the Middle East, he said. Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer in St. Paul's Cathedral on July 29, 1981. More than 20 wedding cakes were made for the occasion by several companies. Charles and Diana separated 11 years later in 1992, and ended their marriage in 1996. Diana died in a Paris car crash in 1997. 🌏Summary 一名皇室粉絲在拍賣會上,以2,565美金買下一塊查爾斯王子和黛安娜王妃的婚禮蛋糕。這塊大蛋糕上鑲有由糖製成的皇室盾徽。來自世界各地的好幾個人企圖買下這塊蛋糕,最後是由英國里茲的Gerry Layton買下。Layton說,他會把這塊蛋糕納入他的收藏之中,並用它來幫助慈善機構。這塊蛋糕的拍賣商表示,他很驚訝有興趣購買這塊蛋糕的人有這麼多。 🌏Words & Phrases royal皇家的 auction拍賣會 coat of arms盾徽 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
9/2/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩17|어제 뭐 샀어요? 昨天買了甚麼?

📢對話 🙍:어제 쇼핑 잘 했어요? 昨天逛街順利嗎? 🙍‍♂️:네, 정말 좋았어요. 是,非常開心。 🙍:그래요? 뭐 샀어요? 真的? 買了什麼? 🙍‍♂️:신발이랑 옷이랑 과자랑 화장품을 샀어요. 我買了鞋子、衣服、餅乾,還有化妝品。 🙍:와, 대박! 정말 많이 샀네요! 哇!厲害! 賣真多啊。 🙍‍♂️:과자랑 화장품은 선물할 거예요. 餅乾和化妝品是要送人的。 📢句型 V.A+았어요/었어요/했어요. 表示過去時態 詞幹的母音為 「ㅏ」 和「ㅗ」 : 加 았어요. 詞幹的母音為其他 : 加 었어요. 하다結尾的動詞直接變為 : 했어요. 밥을 먹었어요? 吃飯了嗎? 어제 집에서 쉬었어요. 昨天在家休息。 한국어를 조금 배웠어요. 學了一點韓語。지난 주말에 집에 없었어요. 上周末不在家。 도서관에 사람이 많았어요. (表示過去某個時間)圖書館很多人。📢詞彙 1.어제 昨天 *時間副詞오늘(今天)、내일(明天)、 어제(昨天)、언제(何時)、지금(現在 )、매일(每天)、보통(通常、一般) 等不加「에」 2.쇼핑하다[動詞] 逛街購物 3.잘[副詞] 好好的 4.좋다[形容詞] 好 5.그래요? 是嗎? 真的? 6.사다[動詞] 買 7.신발 鞋子 옷 8.衣服 9.화장품 化妝品 10.과자 餅乾、零食 11.-(이)랑 和、跟、還有 12.대박 很棒、酷、厲害、 不可思議、好神奇! 13.대박나다 大賣、大受歡迎 14.많이[副詞] 多 15.많다[形容詞] 多 16.선물하다[動詞] 送禮 17.쉬다[動詞] 休息 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
8/28/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:The Magic of Mexico: History, Culture, and Nature墨西哥的魔幻之處:歷史、文化與自然

🌏Article According to the World Tourism Organization, Mexico is one of the top 10 places in the world to go on holiday. It isn't hard to see why; whether you like to have fun in the sun, learn about history or enjoy local culture, Mexico has something for you. Here are three of the best places the country has to offer.  Chichén ItzáThe Mayan city of Chichén Itzá was named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007 — and for good reason. The city was founded in the sixth century, and is home to the huge El Castillo. This 24-meter-tall pyramid has 91 steps on each side, with one more on top for a total of 365 — one for each day of the year — leading to a temple. The city has more than 2.5 million visitors every year.Guadalajara (gwaa·duh·luh·haa·ruh)If you're looking for a place to experience Mexican culture, you won't do better than the city of Guadalajara. Walk the streets at night and hear traditional mariachi music that fills the air, or see a performance at the city's beautiful Teatro Degollado. The city is also known for its cathedral, which started being built in 1561, and was finished in 1618. Parts of it were rebuilt over the next 400 years, giving it an interesting mixture of different architectural styles.Copper CanyonMexico's Copper Canyon is four times larger than America's Grand Canyon. Ride El Chepe, the Copper Canyon Train, which travels over 350 kilometers from Los Mochis, Sinaloa, to Creel, Chihuahua, to see as much of the canyon as possible. 🌏Summary 世界旅遊組織將墨西哥列為全球十大度假勝地之一,以下介紹三個好去處。1. 奇琴伊察。這座城市為卡斯蒂略金字塔所在地。 金字塔高24公尺,每一面都有91層階梯,頂端的地方還有一層階梯,總共是365層,每一階代表一年中的每一天。 2. 瓜達拉哈拉。夜晚在這座城市的街道步行,可以聽到傳統馬利亞奇音樂,也可在迪哥拉多大劇院中看表演。這個城市也以大教堂著名。3. 銅峽谷。墨西哥的銅峽谷比美國大峽谷大四倍。 搭上路程超過350公里的銅峽谷列車,便可盡情欣賞這座峽谷。 🌏Words & Phrases wonder奇觀 temple寺廟 performance表演 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
8/26/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩16|좀 작은 것 같아요. 我覺得(鞋子)有點小。

📢對話 🙍:어때요? 신발이 마음에 드세요? 怎麼樣? 鞋子您喜歡嗎? 🙍‍♂️:좀 작은 것 같아요. 더 큰 사이즈 있어요? 我覺得有點小,有更大的尺寸嗎? 🙍:아, 네! 잠시만요. 有,請稍等。 🙍‍♂️:이 운동화 얼마예요? 這雙運動鞋多少錢? 🙍:오만원이에요. 是五萬塊錢。  📢句型  A.V+ㄴ/은/는 것 같아요. 覺得~、好像~ 形容詞詞幹無收尾音 : 加 ㄴ 것 같아요 形容詞詞幹有收尾音 : 加 은 것 같아요 動詞 和있다/ 없다 : 加 는 것 같아요 너무 비싼 것 같아요. (我覺得、好像)太貴了。 백화점에 사람이 많은 것 같아요. (我覺得) 百貨公司好像很多人。 정말 맛있는 것 같아요. (我覺得)真好吃。 밖에 비가 오는 것 같아요. 外面好像下雨。  📢詞彙 1.신발 鞋子 2.운동화 運動鞋 3.구두 皮鞋、高跟鞋 4.슬리퍼 拖鞋 5.마음 心 6.들다[動詞] 進入、拿、提 7.마음에 들다 喜歡、滿意、中意 8.작다[形容詞] 小 9.크다[形容詞] 大 10.더[副詞] 更加 11.사이즈 尺寸、尺碼 12.얼마 多少 13.얼마예요? 多少錢? 14.오만원 五萬元 15.비싸다[形容詞] 貴 16.많다[形容詞] 多 17.맛있다[形容詞] 好吃、美味 18.밖 外面、外層、以外 19.비 雨 20.비가 오다 下雨 🌏 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
8/21/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Reddit Abbreviations You Should Know 你應該知道的Reddit縮寫

🌏Article Social media website Reddit has about 52 million daily users. With forums called "subreddits" on almost any topic you can think of, Reddit can be a good place to practice your English. You might already know that LOL means "laugh out loud" and TL;DR means "too long; didn't read," but there are a lot of other internet abbreviations you'll see on Reddit and other similar websites. The person who starts a thread in a subreddit is called "OP," meaning "original poster." And during an "AMA" — or "ask me anything" — the OP writes who they are and other users are invited to ask them any questions they have. Anyone can do an AMA, but they are often started by people with unusual jobs, stories and experiences to share. Sometimes AMAs are done by famous people — even Barack Obama has done one. You can find AMAs on a lot of subreddits, but the home of the AMA is r/IAmA. You can learn a lot from AMAs, so you might have a chance to use the abbreviation "TIL," which means "today I learned." It is usually written before someone shares a new fact that surprised them. In fact, there's a whole subreddit for people to share new things they have found out called r/todayilearned. People ask a lot of questions on subreddits, but they aren't always answered by experts! When someone thinks they know the answer to a question or has a useful piece of information, but they aren't 100% sure that it's correct, they might write "AFAIK," meaning "as far as I know." 🌏Summary 社群媒體網站Reddit討論主題五花八門,是一個讓您練習英文的好地方。在Reddit上,您可以看到許多英文縮寫網路用語。LOL指的是「大聲地笑」,TL;DR的意思是「太長了;沒有看」,「OP」意思是「原始的發文者」,也就是原PO。 當有人覺得他們知道某個問題的答案,但又沒有十足的把握,他們就會寫「AFAIK」,意思是「就我所知」。 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
8/12/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩15|신발을 신어봐도 돼요? 鞋子可以試穿嗎?

📢對話 🙍:어서 오세요! 뭐 찾으세요? 歡迎光臨! 您找甚麼? 🙍‍♂️:운동화를 사고 싶어요. 我想買一雙運動鞋。 🙍:종류가 많으니까 천천히 골라보세요. 種類很多,請慢慢挑選看看。 🙍‍♂️:신어 봐도 돼요? 可以試穿嗎? 🙍:그럼요. 신어 보세요.當然可以,請您試穿看看吧。 📢句型 1. V.A+(으)니까 因為 ~ (表示原因、理由) 動詞、形容詞詞幹有收尾音 : 加 으니까 動詞、形容詞詞幹無收尾音 : 加 니까 비가 오니까 우산을 삽시다. 下雨了,我們買把雨傘吧。 시간이 없으니까 택시를 탈까요? 沒有時間了,要不要坐計程車? 오늘은 바쁘니까 내일 오세요. 今天忙,請明天來。 뜨거우니까 조심하세요. 很燙,請小心。 2. V+아/어도 돼요 可以~ (表示允許) 詞幹的母音為 「ㅏ」 和「ㅗ」 : 加 아도 돼요. 詞幹的母音為其他 : 加 어도 돼요. 하다 結尾的動詞直接變為 : 해도 돼요. 지하철에서 음식을 먹어도 돼요? 在地鐵裡可以吃東西嗎? 여기에서 사진을 찍어도 돼요? 可以在這裡拍照嗎? 카운터에 물건을 맡겨도 돼요? 可以把東西寄放在櫃台嗎? 여기에 앉아도 돼요? 可以坐在這裡嗎? 📢詞彙종류 種類 비 雨 우산 雨傘 시간 時間 음식 飲食、菜 카운터 櫃台 물건 東西 화장실 洗手間 찾다[動詞] 尋找 신다[動詞] 穿(鞋子、襪子) 입다[動詞] 穿(衣服) 고르다[動詞] 挑選 많다[形容詞] 多 천천히[副詞] 慢慢地 고프다[形容詞] 餓 배(가) 고프다 肚子餓 비(가) 오다 下雨 바쁘다[形容詞] 忙 뜨겁다[形容詞] 燙 조심하다[動詞] 小心 맡기다[動詞] 寄託、寄放 앉다[動詞] 坐 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
8/7/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Beach Robot Cleans Up After Smokers. 海灘機器人替吸煙者清掃煙蒂

🌏Article Did you know that cigarette butts are the most littered items on the planet? About 4.5 trillion of them are thrown into the environment every year. Cigarette butts are full of chemicals that can kill fish, and they have been found in the stomachs of sea turtles, birds and other wildlife. But even though they're everywhere, they often aren't seen because they're so small. Now, Dutch company TechTics plans to help fix the cigarette problem with its BeachBot. BeachBot, or BB, is a beach-cleaning robot that uses artificial intelligence to find cigarette butts — even if part of the butt is hidden in the sand. BB has four wheels, two cameras and two arms to pick up cigarette butts. The butts are pulled into a bin inside the 80-centimeter-wide robot. However, BB still needs help to understand the difference between things like a cigarette butt and a small seashell. So the most interesting part of the idea behind BB, said TechTic's co-founder Edwin Bos, is the way people can help make the robot smarter. Using an app called Trove, anyone with a smartphone can send BB photos of cigarette butts to help the robot learn to recognize them. 🌏Summary 據統計,每年被隨手丟棄的煙蒂超過4.5兆個。煙蒂充斥著對生物有害的化學物質,然而我們已在海龜、鳥類和其他野生動物的胃裡面發現它們。荷蘭公司TechTics計畫要用它的BeachBot來解決這個香菸問題。 BeachBot又稱為BB,是一款海攤清潔機器人,利用人工智慧來尋找煙蒂——即使部分的煙蒂藏在沙子裡也能找到。人們甚至可以讓這款機器人更聰明,任何擁有智慧型手機的人都可以傳煙蒂的照片給BB,讓此款機器人學習辨識煙蒂。 🌏Words & Phrases cigarette butt煙蒂 litter亂丟垃圾 artificial intelligence人工智慧 🌏References Article: Engoo Daily News ( ( 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
8/5/20245 minutes
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩14|명동에 가보세요. 去明洞看看。

📢對話 🙍:쇼핑하러 어디에 갈 거예요? 你要去哪裡逛街? 🙍‍♂️:아직 결정 못 했어요. 還沒有決定。 🙍:뭐 사고 싶은 거 있어요? 有甚麼想要買的嗎? 🙍‍♂️:운동화를 하나 사고 싶어요. 想買一雙運動鞋。 🙍:그럼 명동에 가 보세요. 那麼,去明洞看看吧。 📢詞彙 1. V+(으)러 가다/오다 為目的而來或去 動詞詞幹有收尾音 : 加 으러 가다/오다 動詞詞幹無收尾音 : 加 러 가다/오다 운동을 하러 헬스클럽에 가요. 為了做用動去健身房。/ 去健身房做運動。 친구를 만나러 커피숍에 가요. 為了見朋友去咖啡廳。/ 去咖啡廳見朋友。 한국말을 배우러 한국에 왔어요. 為了學韓語來了韓國。 2. V+아/어 보세요 請試試 ~ 詞幹的母音為 「ㅏ」 和「ㅗ」 : 加 아 보세요. 詞幹的母音為其他 : 加 어 보세요. 하다結尾的動詞,直接變為 : 해 보세요. 한국 김치를 먹어 보세요. 請嚐嚐看韓國泡菜。 이 옷을 입어 보세요. 請穿穿看這件衣服。운동을 해 보세요. 請你做運動看看。 📢詞彙아직 還、尚、仍舊 못 不能、沒辦法 안 不 운동화 運動鞋 하나 一個 명동 明洞 헬스클럽 健身房 한국말 韓國話 옷 衣服 결정하다[動詞] 決定 사다[動詞] 買 배우다[動詞] 學 입다[動詞] 穿(衣服) 動詞、形容詞的名詞化 * ㄴ/은/는 것 사고 싶은 것 想買的(東西) 먹고 싶은 것 想吃的(東西) 예쁜 것 漂亮的(東西) 비싼 것 貴的(東西) 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
7/31/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:What Is the World's Least Stressful City? 全球壓力最小的城市在哪裡?

🌏Article Hemp company Vaay has tried to find the most and least stressful places in the world, looking at 100 cities across the globe. Vaay's study compared things like safety, traffic, weather, pollution, unemployment and even each city's response to COVID-19. It found that Reykjavik, Iceland, was the least stressful city in the world, getting perfect scores for gender equality, noise and air pollution. The next least stressful city was Bern, Switzerland, followed by Helsinki, Finland. Making up the rest of the top ten were Wellington, New Zealand; Melbourne, Australia; Oslo, Norway; Copenhagen, Denmark; Innsbruck, Austria; Hanover, Germany; and Graz, Austria. The least stressful city in the Americas was Montreal, Canada. In Asia, it was Singapore, which was just ahead of Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo got a perfect score for its coronavirus response. The least stressful city in Africa was Johannesburg, South Africa. However, it was 49th on the list overall. At the other end of the list, the world's most stressful city was Mumbai, India. Kabul, Afghanistan, had the worst safety score, and the world's worst traffic was in Moscow, Russia. However, Finn Age Hänsel of Vaay said that the goal of the study wasn't to point out cities that scored badly, but to highlight cities that are good examples of what can be done to improve people's well-being. 🌏Summary 有份研究嘗試在全球100座城市當中,找出世界上壓力最大和壓力最小的地方。該研究將安全、交通、天氣、污染、失業率,及每座城市對新冠疫情的回應等項目做比較。研究發現冰島的雷克亞維克是全球壓力最小的城市,在性別平等、噪音及空汙的項目獲得完美的分數。壓力第二小的城市為瑞士的伯爾尼,緊接著是芬蘭的赫爾辛基。全球壓力最大的城市則是印度孟買。 阿富汗喀布爾在安全項目的分數是最差的,全球交通狀況最差的是俄羅斯莫斯科。這個研究機構也表示,該研究的目標不是要讓城市們較量高低,而是要以好榜樣城市做為借鏡,看看可以做些什麼來改善民眾的福祉。 🌏Words & Phrases stressful令人焦慮的 safety安全 response回應 🌏References Article: Engoo Daily News ( ( 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
7/29/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩13|혼자 갈 수 있어요. 我可以一個人前往!

📢對話 🙍‍♂️:희선 누나, 오늘 같이 쇼핑할 수 있어요? 希鮮姊,今天可以一起逛街嗎?  🙍:미안해요, 오늘 약속이 있어요.   對不起, 我今天有約。  🙍‍♂️:아니에요, 괜찮아요. 沒事,沒關係。  🙍:혼자 갈 수 있어요?  你可以一個人去嗎?  🙍‍♂️:그럼요. 당연하죠.  當然囉!  📢句型 1.V+(으)ㄹ 수 있어요/없어요  能夠/不能;可以/不可以  動詞詞幹有收尾音 : 加 을 수 있다/없다 動詞詞幹無收尾音 : 加 ㄹ 수 있다/없다  운전할 수 있어요. 我會開車。 수영할 수 있어요. 我會游泳。 오늘 만날 수 있어요. 今天可以見面。 →情況允許 저도 요리할 수 있어요 . 我也會做菜 →能力 한국말 할 수 있어요? 能說韓語嗎? 김치를 만들 수 있어요? 會做泡菜嗎? 도와줄 수 있어요? 可以幫我嗎? 매운 음식을 먹을 수 없어요. 我不能吃辣。 술을 마실 수 없어요. 我不會喝酒。  📢詞彙오늘     今天 같이    一起 약속    約會、約定 미안하다[形容詞] 對不起、不好意思미안해요 / 미안합니다 죄송하다[形容詞] 對不起、抱歉 → 죄송해요 / 죄송합니다 괜찮다[形容詞] 沒關係、可以、不錯 → 괜찮아요 / 괜찮습니다 당연하다[形容詞] 當然 → 당연해요 / 당연합니다 -지요 (죠) (1)用於陳述句,用略帶 親切的語氣向對方講述自己的想法或事情。 (2)用於疑問句,對自己和對方都已經知道的事情,以提問的方式再次確認。 운전하다[動詞] 開車   수영하다[動詞] 游泳 요리하다[動詞] 料理 만들다[動詞]   製作 돕다[動詞]    幫助 한국말       韓國話 매운 음식     辣的飲食 술    酒  👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
7/24/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Amazon Announces Lord of the Rings Series Release Date. 亞馬遜公布《魔戒》影集上架日

🌏Article Amazon has announced that its new series inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien's writings will be released on September 2, 2022. The date was announced on August 2 when filming in New Zealand finished for the series. A new episode will be released every week. Amazon also released an official first image from the series, showing a person dressed in white standing on a hill in front of a city. The series, which doesn't yet have a title, will take place thousands of years before the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and Amazon says it will follow characters "both familiar and new." The series will be available in more than 200 countries and territories when it arrives on Prime Video next year. According to the Hollywood Reporter, Amazon may have spent about $465 million making just the first season of the show. This is much more than the $281 million it cost to make all three Lord of the Rings movies. "Living and breathing Middle-earth these many months has been the adventure of a lifetime," said the series' executive producers J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay. "We cannot wait for fans to have the chance to do so as well." 🌏Summary 亞馬遜影音串流平台將於2022年9月2日推出魔戒影集。該平台亦公布了一張魔戒影集官方照。照片中有位身著白衣的人,站在城市前的山丘上。這個影集的名稱還沒正式訂定,背景會設定在《哈比人》和《魔戒》事件發生的數千年前。也就是說,換言之,《魔戒》影集其實將是《魔戒》本傳的「超」前傳。根據外媒透露,光是製作這個影集的第一季,亞馬遜就斥資了約4.65億美金。製作全部三集《魔戒》電影也才花費了2.81億美金。堪稱是史上最貴的影集。 🌏Words & Phrases familiar熟悉的 cast全體演員 season(電視系列節目)季 🌏References Article: Engoo Daily News ( ( 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
7/22/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩12|주말에 뭐해요? 周末做甚麼?

📢對話   🙍‍♂️:희선 누나는 주말에 보통 뭐 해요? 希鮮姊,周末一般都做甚麼?  🙍:친구를 만나거나 집에서 쉬어요.  우천 씨는요? 見朋友或在家休息。 你呢?  🙍‍♂️:저는 운동을 해요. 我做運動。  🙍:무슨 운동을 좋아해요? 你喜歡甚麼運動?  🙍‍♂️:주말마다 자전거를 타요. 每個周末都騎腳踏車。 📢句型 1.V+아요/어요/해요. 表示現在時態詞幹的母音為 「ㅏ」 和「ㅗ」 : 加 아요.詞幹的母音為其他 : 加 어요. 하다結尾的動詞直接變為:  해요.①가다 가(詞幹) + 아요: 가아요  → 가요 ②보다 보(詞幹) + 아요: 보아요 → 봐요  ③먹다 먹(詞幹) + 어요: → 먹어요  ④마시다 마시(詞幹) +어요:마시어요 → 마셔요  ⑤기다리다 기다리(詞幹) +어요:기다리어요→ 기다려요  ⑥있다 있(詞幹) +어요:  → 있어요 ⑦좋다 좋(詞幹) +아요:  → 좋아요  ⑧좋아하다 좋아하(詞幹):  → 좋아해요  ⑨쇼핑하다 쇼핑하(詞幹):  → 쇼핑해요  2.V+거나 V   V 或者 V (動詞的二選一) 빵을 먹거나 우유를 마셔요. 吃麵包或者喝牛奶。쇼핑을 하거나 영화를 볼까요? 逛街或者看電影如何?집에서 쉬거나 공원에서 운동을 하고 싶어요. 想要在家休息或者在公園做運動。회사에서 만나거나 커피숍에서 기다리세요. 在公司見面或者請在咖啡廳等。 📢詞彙주말         周末 에        副詞格助詞 ①地點+에(當地點副詞助詞) ②時間+에(當時間副詞助詞) ③目的+에(表示對象、行動狀態、條件、環境、原因等) *時間副詞오늘(今天)、내일(明天)、어제(昨天)、언제(何時)、지금(現在)、매일(每天)、보통(通常、一般) 等不加「에」 보통    一般(來說)、通常V-거나   或者(動詞的二選一)무슨 N     甚麼 N   N-마다    每個 N(都)자전거      單車하다[動詞]   做 → 해요만나다[動詞] 見面 → 만나요쉬다[動詞]  休息 → 쉬어요타다[動詞] 搭乘、乘坐、騎→타요빵  麵包    우유 牛奶영화 電影    커피숍 咖啡廳공원 公園    회사 公司  👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
7/17/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Survey Finds the World's Most Respected Professions. 全球最受尊敬的職業一覽!

🌏Article A YouGov survey of over 22,000 people in 16 countries has revealed which professions are the most respected around the world. The survey asked people if they would be happy for their children to work in a number of different jobs. YouGov then gave each profession a score based on the percentage of people who said "yes," minus the percentage of people who said "no." The highest-scoring profession was scientist, which had an average of +72 points across all 16 countries. Next were doctors, who scored an average of +69 points. These results might not surprise people, since doctors and scientists have been important in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic over the past 18 months. Other professions that scored highly were architects, who got an average of +67 points, and senior managers in large companies, who got an average of +64. Graphic designers and lawyers were next with +57, with teachers below them at an average of +50. Jobs with the lowest scores included call center workers, truck drivers and factory workers. Miners had the lowest score, with an average of -28. However, the job had a score of +17 in Australia, where miners can make a lot of money. 🌏Summary 英國市調公司經由問卷調查,找出一些在全球各地最受尊敬的職業。得分最高的職業是科學家,第二名則是醫生。大家可能並不意外,因為過去18個月裡,在對抗新冠病毒疫情的戰役中,醫生和科學家格外重要。其他得分高的職業還有建築師、大型企業的高階管理人員、平面設計師和律師,以及教師。不過,行行出狀元,各行各業只要努力,有朝一日,皆可成為該領域的佼佼者。 🌏Words & Phrases respect尊敬 senior高階的, 資深的 graphic designer平面設計師 🌏References Article: Engoo Daily News ( ( 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
7/15/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩11|旅遊用語:사진을 찍어 줄게요. 我幫你拍照。

📢對話   🙍:여기에서 사진 좀 찍을 까요?  我們要不要在這裡照張相?  🙍‍♂️:네, 여기 정말 예쁘네요. 好,這裡真漂亮。  🙍:제가 먼저 찍어 줄게요.  我先幫你(為你)拍吧。  🙍‍♂️:예쁘게 찍어 주세요. 請幫我拍好看點喔。  🙍:하나, 둘, 셋, 김치!  一、二、三,泡菜(茄子)!。 🙍‍♂️:김치! 句型 泡菜(茄子)!。  📢句型V+(으)ㄹ게요. 我會~ (含有答應、承諾之意)動詞詞幹有收尾音 : 加 을게요.動詞詞幹無收尾音 : 加 ㄹ게요.제가 낼게요.    我請客(我出錢)。      일찍 올게요.    我會早點來的。 옆에 있을게요. 我會在你身旁的。 약을 꼭 먹을게요. 我一定會吃藥的。 기다릴게요.   我會等你的。 앞으로 열심히 공부할게요.  以後(我)會認真讀書的。 약속 지킬게요. 我會遵守諾言的。 📢詞彙 여기   這裡  에서   位格助詞 ①地點에서+ 來去動詞 :從某地來、去 ②地點에서+ 一般動詞 :在某地 + V 地點名詞+에서 V : 在 N 做甚麼 -네요.  表示感嘆、驚訝 먼저    首先、先  하나    一、一個 (한+量詞) 둘     二、兩個 (두+量詞) 셋   三、三個 (세+量詞)   넷   四、四個 (네+量詞)   김치   泡菜  일찍    早、早一點 옆 旁邊 앞으로    往前、以後 열심히    認真 내다[動詞]  出、拿出、露出   오다[動詞]  來  있다[動詞]  在  기다리다[動詞]  等待 공부하다[動詞]  念書、讀書 지키다[動詞]   遵守、守住 약속    約定、諾言  👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Neil, 教育廣播電台, 教育電台.教育廣播電臺, 教育電臺, 學英語, 雙語教學花路米,英語學習,雙語學習,英文新聞,雙語,雙語新聞,雙語教育,英語,Bilingual education,越南語,韓語,Beverly,Friday Happy Hour in Formosa Powered by Firstory Hosting
7/10/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Underwater Farm Reopens After Pandemic. 海底農場於疫情後再次開放

🌏Article Nemo's Garden, the world's first underwater farm, is again open — one year after it had to close because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, herbs, tomatoes and strawberries are again growing inside round pods about 8 meters under the sea, just off the coast of Noli in northwest Italy. The Ocean Reef Group started the underwater garden project in 2012 to find new ways to farm that could help the planet in the future. The group's six plastic pods are filled with air, but their bottoms are open to the sea. Through natural evaporation, fresh water collects on the insides of the pods, which then goes back down to help plants in the pods grow. Because the pods aren't very deep under water, the plants still get enough natural light from the sun. There is also little need for pesticides as insects can't get in to destroy the plants. Ocean Reef Group's Luca Gamberini told Euronews that the plants taste different too. They taste "even stronger," he said. However, trained divers are needed to swim down and take care of the plants, which makes working on Nemo's Garden a little more complicated than traditional farming. 🌏Summary 全球第一座海底農場「尼莫的花園」日前因新冠病毒疫情關閉,一年之後再度開放。這座海底農場義大利西北部諾利海岸附近。六個塑膠吊艙內充滿空氣,但它們的底部向海洋開放。 透過自然蒸發,新鮮的水會聚集在吊艙內部,接著往下流幫助吊艙內的植物生長。因為這些吊艙並沒有在水下很深處,植物仍然能夠從太陽獲得充足的自然光,殺蟲劑也幾乎不需要使用。 🌏Words & Phrases pod吊艙 evaporation蒸發 pesticide殺蟲劑 🌏References Article: Engoo Daily News ( ( 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
7/8/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩10|旅遊用語:추천해 주세요. 請推薦一下吧!

📢對話   🙍‍♂️:저기가 어디예요? 너무 예뻐요. 那裡是甚麼地方? 太漂亮了!  🙍:한국 전통 찻집이에요. 是韓國傳統茶館。  🙍‍♂️:우리 차 한잔 마실까요? 我們喝杯茶怎麼樣?  🙍:네, 좋아요.  好啊。  🙍‍♂️:뭐가 맛있어요? 추천해 주세요.  甚麼好喝? 請推薦一下吧。  🙍:글쎄요. 저는 대추차를 좋아해요. 這個嘛,我是喜歡紅棗茶。 📢句型 1. V+아/어 주세요.   請給我做~ 詞幹的母音為 「ㅏ」 和「ㅗ」: 加 아 주세요. 詞幹的母音為其他: 加 어 주세요.   하다結尾的動詞,直接變為  :  해 주세요. 가다[動詞] 去、走 >>가(詞幹)  + 아 → 가 주세요 보다[動詞] 打開 >>보(詞幹)  + 아 → 봐 주세요 열다[動詞]  打開>>열(詞幹)  + 어 → 열어 주세요 기다리다[動詞] 等待 >>기다리(詞幹) +어 → 기다려 주세요 사랑하다[動詞]愛、支持>>사랑하(詞幹)    → 사랑해 주세요 여기에 가 주세요.      請帶我去這裡。 창문을 닫아 주세요.    請把窗戶關上。 사진 좀 찍어 주세요.    請幫忙拍照。 기다려 주세요.        請等一下。 전화해 주세요.         請打電話給我。 📢詞彙 어디    哪裡  저기    那裡(指遠處的那裡) *여기: (我)這裡 / 거기(你)那裡 너무    太、過於     전통   傳統      차   茶       집       房子、家   찻집   茶館      대추차 紅棗茶 이다   格式體  입니다. 非格式體 예요/이에요.  예쁘다 漂亮、好看 → 예뻐요 글쎄요  這個嘛、難說、不清楚   추천하다[動詞]  推薦 열다[動詞]    打開 닫다[動詞]    關上 창문    窗戶  찍다[動詞]   拍攝 사진照片 기다리다[動詞]  等待  👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
7/3/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:New Scottish Ultramarathon Will Cost Runners $21,000. 新蘇格蘭超級馬拉松參賽費用達兩萬一千元美金!

🌏Article Are you looking for a new running challenge? How about joining a new Scottish luxury ultramarathon at a cost of over $21,000 per person? The ultramarathon is called Highland Kings. It starts on the west coast of Scotland on April 25, 2022, and it's a four-day race that crosses more than 190 kilometers of coast, mountains and forests. Participants will run about 49 kilometers each day and will get to "recover like a king," race director Rebecca Silva told the BBC, enjoying luxury accommodation and cooking by Michelin-star chefs. Just 40 people can take part in the race, according to the event's website — and training starts early. For seven months starting in October 2021, participants get one-on-one support from different experts, including British ultramarathon champion Jon Albon. Participants also receive new sports clothes and a Garmin MARQ watch. But what if you think you're not fit enough to join? Don't worry. If you can already run for 30 minutes or cycle for an hour — and have $21,000 to spare, of course — the team is confident you can become a Highland King, the website says. For those who do complete the race, there's a big dinner party in a castle to celebrate, with British explorer Ranulph Fiennes as a guest speaker. 🌏Summary 你是否正在尋找新的慢跑挑戰? 也許,您可以來參加每人要價超過兩萬一千元美金的新蘇格蘭奢華超級馬拉松。這場超級馬拉松的名稱是「高地國王」。 它將在2022年4月25日的蘇格蘭西岸展開,比賽長達四天,橫跨海岸、山脈及森林,總長超過190公里。參賽者每天將跑大約49公里,能夠「如國王般休息」,享受奢華的住宿地點和米其林主廚料理。參與者將獲得專家的一對一指導,還可獲得運動服飾和名牌手錶。 🌏Words & Phrases challenge挑戰 luxury奢華 champion冠軍 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
7/2/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩09|좋은 경험이 될 거예요. 將會是很棒的體驗

📢對話   🙍:한옥이 진짜 아름다워요. 韓屋真美!  🙍‍♂️:요즘 한옥 게스트하우스도 많이 생겼어요. 最近也出現了很多韓屋民宿。 🙍:그래요? 다음에는 꼭 한옥을 예약하겠어요.  是嗎? 下次我一定要預訂韓屋了!  🙍‍♂️:네, 아주 좋은 경험이 될 거예요.  是,將會是很棒的體驗。 📢句型 1. V + 겠어요.      要~了! 저는 비빔밥을 먹겠어요.    我要吃拌飯了。    집에 가겠어요.  我要回家了。             한국어를 배우겠어요. 我要學韓語了。        집에서 쉬겠어요. 我要在家休息了。              2. V + (으)ㄹ 거예요. (可能)會、要~ 動詞詞幹有收尾音 : 加 을거예요 動詞詞幹無收尾音 : 加 ㄹ거예요  저는 떡볶이를 먹을 거예요.   我要吃炒年糕。 내일 부산에 갈 거예요.         明天會去釜山。 방학에 한국어를 배울 거예요.   假期打算會學韓語。 내일부터 다이어트를 할 거예요. 明天開始會減肥。 📢詞彙 게스트하우스    民宿 요즘        最近、近來 다음        下次 경험           經驗、體驗 비빔밥       拌飯떡볶이   炒年糕      진짜[副詞]   真的、非常   많이[副詞]   多、很、非常꼭[副詞]   一定、肯定、必定 아주[副詞]     非常、很 아름답다[形容詞]  美麗、漂亮 → 아름다워요 생기다[自動詞] *N이/가 생기다. 產生、出現、發生、有了、長相  예약하다[動詞]   預訂좋다[形容詞]    好 → 좋아요 좋은[冠形詞]      好的 + N → 좋 + 은 :좋은 N(修飾名詞) 예쁘다[形容詞] 好看 → 예뻐요 → 예쁘 + ㄴ:예쁜N(修飾名詞) 되다[自動詞]成為、變成 *N이/가 되다. 배우다[動詞]    學習쉬다[動詞]      休息 다이어트하다[動詞] 減肥 ※韓國每年十月二十一日是「韓服日」,全國各地都會舉辦很多跟韓服有關的活動。 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
6/27/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Woman Has Winning Lottery Ticket For Weeks Without Knowing 女子彩券中獎數週 卻渾然不知

🌏Article A woman in Germany had a winning lottery ticket in her purse for several weeks without knowing that it was worth around $39 million. Lotto Bayern said that the 45-year-old woman was the winner of a draw on June 9, having correctly guessed seven numbers on a German lottery ticket. "I still get dizzy at the thought that I carelessly carried almost [$39 million] around in my purse for several weeks," Lotto Bayern quoted the woman as saying. The mother of one says that she doesn't plan to play the lottery again, saying the win was "more than enough for my husband, my daughter and me." She said she plans to use the money to live a healthy life and do more for the environment. While the unnamed woman found her lottery ticket in time to claim her winnings, not everybody is quite so lucky. In March 2021, a young couple in Hertfordshire, England, believed that they had won a Euromillions jackpot of more than $216 million after their usual numbers were drawn. However, they soon realized that a payment problem had stopped their ticket purchase from going through, meaning they didn't actually buy a ticket — and didn't win anything at all. 🌏Summary 德國一名女子購買彩券,中了3,900萬美金。但她卻把彩券放在她的包包裡好幾週的時間,渾然不知。這名育有一名小孩的母親表示,她沒有計畫要再買一次樂透,這次的得獎對於「我老公、我女兒和我已經綽綽有餘」。她打算用這筆錢來過健康的人生,為環境做更多事。有幸運的故事,就有倒霉的故事。英國一對年輕夫婦,一開始以為他們贏得了2.16億美金彩票的頭獎。不過,他們後來發現,因為付款的問題,導致購買彩券的程序沒有通過。也就是說他們並沒有真正買到彩券,也沒有贏得任何獎金。 🌏Words & Phrases lottery樂透 draw抽取 dizzy頭暈目眩的 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
6/24/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩|「북촌」에 어떻게 가요? 「北村」怎麼去?

📢對話 🙍‍♂️:「북촌」에 어떻게 가요? 「北村」怎麼去? 🙍:지하철로 갈까요? 택시로 갈까요?     要搭地鐵,還是坐計程車?  🙍‍♂️:지하철로 갑시다. 我們搭地鐵去吧。  🙍:언제 출발할까요?  甚麼時候出發好呢?  🙍‍♂️:좀 일찍 가고 싶어요. 我想早一點去。  🙍:그럼 지금 바로 출발합시다.  那麼現在立刻出發吧!    📢句型                                      1. 어떻게 + V    怎麼 V ?어떻게 해요?   怎麼做? (怎麼辦?)어떻게 말해요? 怎麼說?어떻게 써요?   怎麼寫? / 怎麼使用?어떻게 읽어요?  怎麼讀? 22. V (으)ㅂ시다   我們~吧!      動詞詞幹有收尾音 : 加 읍시다       動詞詞幹無收尾音 : 加 ㅂ시다  뭐 먹을까요? 我們吃甚麼呢? - 불고기를 먹읍시다. 我們吃烤肉吧。어디에 갈까요?  去哪裡好呢? - 커피숍에 갑시다.   我們去咖啡廳吧。언제 만날까요? 甚麼時候見面好呢? - 내일 만납시다.明天見面吧。  📢詞彙지하철    地鐵 택시     計程車언제     甚麼時候좀      稍微、一點點일찍     早、 提早지금     現在바로     立刻、馬上내일     明天컵      杯子야채     蔬菜N (으)로 工具、方法 : 用、以、拿출발하다[動詞] 出發어떻다[形容詞] 怎麼樣  어떻게[副詞]  怎麼재미있다[形容詞] → 재미있게[副詞]   예쁘다[形容詞]  → 예쁘게[副詞]   행복하다[形容詞] → 행복하게[副詞]   하다[動詞]   做  → 해요말하다[動詞]  說話 → 말해요쓰다[動詞] 寫、使用 → 써요읽다[動詞]  讀   → 읽어요 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
6/19/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Roswell, New Mexico: From UFOs to Alien Tourism. 新墨西哥州羅斯維爾:從幽浮到外星人觀光

🌏Article🌏 Do you believe in aliens? Have little green men visited our small, blue planet? Your answer to those questions is probably "no, of course not!" But others might disagree. On June 14, 1947, W.W. Brazel and his son were driving through the desert near Roswell, New Mexico, where they saw a strange wreckage. A few weeks later Brazel returned to collect some pieces of it, which he took to Roswell's sheriff, George Wilcox. Neither man knew what the wreckage was, and so Wilcox reported it to the army. After seeing the wreckage for themselves, the army announced that it was a "flying disc." Then, the next day, they quickly changed their story, saying that the wreckage was of a weather balloon. But it was too late: the world had already started to believe that the "flying disc" was an alien spaceship. And some people still believe it to this day. So did aliens really land in Roswell? That depends on who you ask. But according to Roger Launius, from the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum, the army may have first encouraged the idea of a "flying disc" because, at the time, doing so was easier than admitting what they now say is the truth — that the wreckage came from a secret army balloon used to spy on Russia. Whatever happened out there in the desert, Roswell's economy is happy that it did. Today the city is home to a number of popular tourist attractions, such as the Roswell Spacewalk, the International UFO Museum & Research Center, and AlienFest — a UFO Festival held by the city each year. 🌏Summary🌏 您相信有外星人嗎? 1947年時,一對父子開車經過新墨西哥州羅斯維爾的沙漠,他們在那裡看到一個奇怪的殘骸。之後拿給羅斯維爾的治安官,進而呈報給軍方。軍方宣布那是一個「飛行圓盤」。 但隔天,他們馬上改口說那個殘骸是「探空氣球」的一部分。可是,為時已晚。全世界許多人已相信這個「飛行圓盤」就是外星人的飛船。不管在沙漠中究竟發生了什麼事,羅斯維爾已成為了外星人主題旅遊的聖地。羅斯維爾太空漫步、國際UFO博物館及研究中心等都是這個小鎮著名的觀光景點。 🌏Words & Phrases🌏alien外星人UFO幽浮sheriff治安官 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
6/17/20245 minutes, 22 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩|한복을 입고 싶어요. 好想穿韓服~

🌏한복을 입고 싶어요.  好想穿韓服。 📢對話   🙍:오늘 어디에 갈까요?  今天(我們)去哪裡好呢?  🙍‍♂️:북촌한옥마을에 가고 싶어요. 我想去「北村韓屋村」。  🙍:한옥 사진을 찍고 싶어요? 你想拍韓屋嗎?  🙍‍♂️:네, 그리고 한복도 입고 싶어요. 對, 還有也想要穿韓服。  🙍:그럼 제가 안내해 드릴까요? 那麼要不要我帶路?  🙍‍♂️:정말요? 감사합니다. 真的嗎? 謝謝妳。 📢句型 V +고 싶어요.   想要~、希望~        뭐 먹고 싶어요? 想吃甚麼?  - 불고기를 먹고 싶어요.   想吃烤肉。    뭐 하고 싶어요? 想做甚麼?  - 콘서트를 보고 싶어요.  想看演唱會。   뭐 사고 싶어요?  你想要買甚麼? - 선물을 사고 싶어요.  我想要買禮物。 뭐 배우고 싶어요?   你想學甚麼? - 한국어를 배우고 싶어요.   我想學韓語。 누구를 만나고 싶어요?  你想見誰? - 저는 가수 아이유를 만나고 싶어요. 我希望見歌手IU小姐。 우리 오늘 뭐 할까요?  我們今天做甚麼好呢? - 저는 쇼핑을 하고 싶어요.   我想逛街購物。  📢詞彙 북촌 한옥마을 北村韓屋村 한옥      韓屋 사진     照片한복      韓服 찍다[動詞]  拍照 입다[動詞]  穿(衣服) 그럼[副詞] 那麼、那樣的話、那就⚫ 저+가: 제가 나+가 : 내가 ⚫ 너+가: 네가 누구+가:누가 안내하다[動詞] 引導、帶路、介紹 V 고 싶다   想要做~불고기     烤肉 먹다[動詞]  吃 콘서트     演唱會 보다[動詞]  看 선물      禮物 사다[動詞]  買 한국어     韓語 배우다[動詞] 學 누구      誰 만나다[動詞] 見面、遇見、認識 쇼핑      逛街購物 하다[動詞]  做  >>>韓國人甚麼時候會穿韓服呢? 韓國人一生當中至少三次一定會穿上韓服喔。 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
6/14/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Tencent Is Now Using Facial Recognition on Child Gamers. 騰訊針對兒童玩家使用臉部辨識功能

🌏Article Chinese technology company Tencent has announced it will use facial recognition to stop children from playing its online video games late at night. "Children, put your phones away and go to sleep," Tencent said when it introduced its new technology called Midnight Patrol on July 6. In 2019, China banned those under 18 from playing online games between 10 pm and 8 am to try to stop video game addiction, which the government said is bad for young people's health. It also limited how much time and money young people can spend playing games. People in China must use their real names to play online games. But kids often find clever ways to get around such rules — like using their parents' phone or name instead. Tencent's new technology aims to stop this from happening by requiring users on an adult's account to pass a facial recognition test in order to continue gaming past 10 pm. If the player refuses or fails the test, Tencent will turn off the game. However, not everyone on Chinese social media agrees with Tencent's decision, according to The New York Times. While some supported the technology, they also questioned how the Chinese government might use people's data. Others thought that Tencent was going too far and should leave such decisions to parents . 🌏Summary 2019年,中國禁止未滿18歲的人在晚上10點至隔天上午8點間玩電動,試圖終止電玩成癮,當局說這對年輕人健康有害。騰訊的新科技將阻止這樣的狀況發生,成年人帳號的使用者要通過臉部辨識,才能在晚上10點後繼續玩遊戲。如果玩家拒絕或沒通過測驗,騰訊就會關閉遊戲。不過,根據《紐約時報》報導,有些人支持這項技術,但也有些人覺得騰訊做太超過了,應該將把關權力交由父母。 🌏Words & Phrases facial recognition臉部辨識 addiction上癮 limit限制 🌏References Article: Engoo Daily News ( ( 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
6/10/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩|즐거운 한국 여행을 위하여(건배)! 為開心的韓國之旅(乾杯)!

즐거운 한국 여행을 위하여(건배)!  為開心的韓國之旅(乾杯)! 📢對話   🙍‍♂️:잘 먹겠습니다. 我要開動了。  🙍:맛이 어때요?  味道怎麼樣?   🙍‍♂️:정말 맛있어요! 真好吃!   🙍:우리 같이 건배할까요? 我們一起乾杯,好不好?  🙍‍♂️:네, 좋아요! 是,好!   🙍:즐거운 한국 여행을 위하여!   為開心的韓國之旅(乾杯)! 🙍‍♂️:위하여! 乾杯! 잘 먹었습니다. (我)吃得很開心。  🙍:저도 맛있게 먹었습니다. 我也吃得很開心。 句型 N 이/가 어때요? N 怎麼樣? ★ 이/가[主格助詞] 날씨가 어때요?   天氣怎麼樣?기분이 어때요.    心情怎麼樣? 慣用型 잘 먹겠습니다.     我要開動了!잘 먹었습니다.     我吃飽了;我吃得開心 맛있게 먹었습니다.  我吃得很開心  * 也有「謝謝你的招待!」的意思。 N 을/를 위하여! 為 N(乾杯)! ★ 을/를[受格助詞] 사랑을 위하여!    為愛情(乾杯)! 미래를 위하여!    為未來(乾杯)!  📢詞彙 맛          味道여행       旅行날씨       天氣 기분       心情사랑       愛情미래       未來、將來 건강        健康 잘 [副詞]    好好的 같이[副詞]    一起 먹다[動詞]    吃  → 먹겠습니다. 將要吃 → 먹었습니다. 吃了 어떻다[形容詞]  怎麼樣 → 어때요 맛있다[形容詞]  好吃 → 맛있어요. → 맛있게 [副詞] 건배하다[動詞]  乾杯 좋다[形容詞]    好 → 좋아요위하다[動詞]   為了~ 、為~ 즐거운[冠詞]     開心的 + N 🌏 👍意見調查: #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
6/5/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Netflix to Offer Video Games as Part of its Service. Netflix將推出電玩服務!

🌏Article Netflix has hired Mike Verdu as its new vice president of game development, signaling that it plans to add a service for playing video games along with its film and television streaming. Verdu is joining Netflix from Facebook's Oculus, where he was in charge of game development. Before Oculus, he worked at video game companies Electronic Arts and Zynga. Netflix added 37 million subscribers last year — the largest one-year increase in its history — largely due to COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions. However, the company had a slow start to 2021, with its smallest first-quarter subscriber increase in four years. As life returns to normal in many places, offering video games would give Netflix another way to continue adding to its nearly 208 million subscribers. And it wouldn't come as much as a surprise either, as Netflix CEO Reed Hastings has previously said the company competes as much against video games for people's leisure time as it does against other streaming services. Greg Peters, Netflix's chief operating officer, also said in April that video games could be another way to engage subscribers already following the stories on the service's TV series and movies. It is not known if users will have to pay for games separately, or if Netflix will include them as part of its video streaming service. 🌏Summary Netflix去年新增3,700萬名訂閱用戶——其史上增加人數最多的一年——主要是因為新冠病毒封城和限制的關係。 不過,該公司在2021年起步緩慢,第一季增加的訂閱人數是四年來最少的一次。 隨著許多地方的生活回歸正常,提供電玩服務將會是Netflix讓將近2.08億訂閱用戶人數持續增加的另種方法。 🌏Words & Phrases vice president副總經理;副總統 development發展 signal顯示 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Neil, 教育廣播電台, 教育電台.教育廣播電臺, 教育電臺, 學英語, 雙語教學花路米,英語學習,雙語學習,英文新聞,雙語,雙語新聞,雙語教育,英語,Bilingual education,越南語 Powered by Firstory Hosting
6/5/20245 minutes, 51 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩|點餐用語:맥주도 마실까요? 也喝啤酒如何?

📢對話   👨‍🦱:어서 오세요. 몇 분이세요?     歡迎光臨!   請問幾位?   🙍‍♂️:두 사람입니다. 是兩個人。   🙍:우리 맥주도 마실까요? 我們要不要也喝啤酒?   🙍‍♂️:콜! 好!  👨‍🦱:주문 도와드릴까요? 要不要幫忙點菜?   🙍:네,‘양념치킨’하나하고 맥주 두 병 주세요.   好,(我們)要一份調味全雞和兩瓶啤酒。 📢句型V/A (으)ㄹ까요?  (我們)要不要~? / 做~怎麼樣? 動詞、形容詞詞幹無收尾音 : 加 ㄹ까요? 動詞、形容詞詞幹有收尾音 : 加 을까요? 가다[動詞] 去、走 가(詞幹) + ㄹ까요 → 갈까요? 만나다[動詞] 見面 만나(詞幹)+ㄹ까요 → 만날까요? 보다[動詞]    看 보(詞幹) + ㄹ까요 → 볼까요? 먹다[動詞]    吃 먹(詞幹) + 을까요 → 먹을까요? 앉다[動詞]    坐 앉(詞幹) + 을까요 → 앉을까요?  부산에 갈까요?     去釜山怎麼樣?  언제 만날까요?     甚麼時候見面好呢?  영화를 볼까요?     要不要看電影?  밥을 먹을까요?     吃飯好不好?  우리 여기에 앉을까요?  我們坐這裡好不好? N(을/를) 주세요.  請給 N。/ 我要 N。 ★을/를[受格助詞] 커피(를) 주세요. 請給我咖啡(我要咖啡)。         생일선물(을) 주세요.      我要生日禮物。영화표 두 장(을) 주세요.  請給我兩張電影票。 휴지 한 장(을) 주세요.   請給我一張衛生紙。  📢詞彙몇       幾 분   位 量詞사람的敬語詞 하나     一個 → 한 사람 一個人→ 한 장   一張 둘    兩個 → 두 사람  兩個人 → 두 병   兩瓶 우리    我們 맥주    啤酒 부산      釜山 언제     甚麼時候  영화     電影 밥       飯 여기    這裡 콜      好!沒問題!同意! 마시다[動詞] 喝  주문하다 [動詞] 點、訂 주문 [名詞]  點、訂 도와드리다 (給於)幫忙 *도와주다的尊敬階詞 주다[動詞]    給 주세요  請給(我)、(我)要 ◆ 「주세요」與「좀」搭配使用,可曾添謙卑之涵義喔!   #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
5/22/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Naomi Osaka Barbie Doll Sells Out in Hours. 大坂直美芭比娃娃於幾小時內售罄

🌏Article A new Barbie doll has been released that's based on Naomi Osaka. But many fans of the tennis star will be disappointed — because the doll sold out in just a few hours. The doll is part of the Barbie Role Model collection from toy company Mattel, which includes dolls based on inspiring women. Osaka's doll costs $30 and comes with a tennis racket and ball. Osaka explained on Instagram that it's wearing the same clothes she wore at the 2020 Australian Open. "I really hope every child is reminded that they can be and do anything," she wrote. "This is really seeing a dream of mine come to life." Carlyle Nuera, who created the doll, said that while Osaka is very skilled, what he likes most about her is how she uses her success to raise awareness of important issues. She often speaks about things such as racism, human rights and mental health. This isn't the first Barbie doll based on Osaka, however. In 2019, Mattel made a doll of the tennis player as part of its "Shero" collection, which includes dolls of many famous and successful women. Osaka, who started playing tennis aged 3, became the first Japanese player to win a Grand Slam competition, and the first Asian player to be named number one in the world. In 2021, she didn't play in the French Open because of mental health problems, and also didn't play at Wimbledon. But she plans to play for Japan at the Olympics. 🌏Summary 以網球明星大坂直美為模型的新芭比娃娃在短短上市幾小時內就賣光了。大坂的娃娃售價30美金,附贈一支網球拍和一顆網球。大坂在Instagram上表示,這娃娃穿的衣服跟她在2020年澳洲網球公開賽穿的一樣。打造這款娃娃的藝術家表示,他最喜歡大坂的地方,其實並不是她高明的網球技巧。他被圈粉的點是,她如何利用自身的成功,來提升公眾對重要議題的意識。 她經常談論像是種族主義、人權和心理健康等議題。 🌏Words & Phrases disappointed失望的 role model楷模 inspiring鼓舞人心的 #每周二、四更新 #想要超前學習韓語請點選 韓語好好玩 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
5/20/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩|社交對話:뭐 좋아해요? 喜歡甚麼呢?

뭐 좋아해요? 喜歡甚麼呢? 📢對話   🙍:우천 씨, 어디에 가요? 右千, (你)去哪裡?  🙍‍♂️:치킨집에 가요. (我)去炸雞店。  🙍:치킨을 좋아해요? (你)喜歡炸雞嗎?  🙍‍♂️:네, 정말 좋아해요. 對,很喜歡。  뭐 좋아해요? (你)喜歡甚麼?  🙍:저는‘양념치킨’을 제일 좋아해요.   我最喜歡‘調味炸雞’。   🙍‍♂️:저도요. 我也是。    韓文語序:『主題/主語(S) + 賓語(O) + 謂語(V)』 저는 치킨을 좋아해요.    我喜歡炸雞。 언니는 쇼핑을 좋아해요.   姊姊喜歡逛街購物。 오빠는 밥을 먹어요.       哥哥吃飯。 엄마는 커피를 마셔요.     媽媽喝咖啡。 누나는 영화를 봐요.       姊姊看電影。     📢句型 1. N을/를 좋아해요. 喜歡 N。 -을/를[受格助詞]:用於名詞後,表示受詞。 쇼핑을   /  게임을 드라마를 /  친구를 ★ 안 [副詞] 不 : 位於動詞和形容詞前,表示否定 쇼핑을 좋아해요?        喜歡逛街購物嗎? - 네, 쇼핑을 좋아해요. - 아니요, 쇼핑을 안 좋아해요. 게임을 좋아해요?        喜歡遊戲嗎? - 네, 게임을 좋아해요. - 아니요, 게임을 안 좋아해요. 드라마를 좋아해요? 喜歡電視劇嗎? - 네, 드라마를 좋아해요. - 아니요, 드라마를 안 좋아해요. 친구를 좋아해요? 喜歡朋友嗎?         - 네, 친구를 좋아해요. -아니요, 친구를 안 좋아해요. 2. N도요.   N也是。        친구도요.     朋友也是。         한국 사람도요?    韓國人也是嗎?     언니도요?    姊姊也是嗎? (姊姊你也是嗎?)        선생님도요.       老師也是。(老師您也是。)     3. N도 V. A      N也 V.A。 오늘도 회사에 가요?   今天也去公司嗎? 친구도 운동을 좋아해요. 朋友也喜歡運動。 한국도 더워요.   대만도 추워요.   韓國也熱。 台灣也冷。  ◆ 韓文中的「 씨」是表示尊敬的稱謂,但是對長輩千萬不可使用喔!  📢詞彙씨      先生/小姐 양념     調味料、作料 쇼핑     逛街購物 게임     遊戲 드라마    電視劇 오늘     今天 회사     公司 운동     運動 정말[副詞]  真的、非常、很 제일[副詞]  最(第一) 뭐 [疑問詞]  甚麼 무엇的縮寫 →무엇을 →뭘 →뭐 -도[補助詞] 也 안[副詞]   不(否定動詞、形容詞) 가다[動詞]   去、走 → 가요 좋아하다[動詞] 喜歡 → 좋아해요 덥다[形容詞] 熱  → 더워요 춥다[形容詞] 冷  → 추워요 #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
5/15/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Tel Aviv to Test DNA of Dog Waste Left on Streets 特拉維夫將對街上狗大便進行DNA檢驗

🌏Article Tel Aviv wants to try a new way of encouraging people to pick up after their pet — a DNA database. Dog owners in the city may soon have to register their pet's DNA in a database when applying for a dog license. If officials find waste left behind on the street, they can test it for DNA and search the database to find the owner, who will then be fined. The new law still needs to be approved by Israel's Interior Ministry. City official Eytan Schwartz told Euronews Next that out of 40,000 dog owners, only a small number don't pick up their pet's waste. But the city still picks up 500 kilograms of dog waste every month, and he said that 2% of dog owners are ruining the city for other people. Tel Aviv has a lot of dogs, with about one in every 11 residents owning one. And in 2020, there was an increase in the number of complaints about dog waste being left behind by owners. The city has tried to fix the problem before. In April 2021, it started a public awareness campaign asking residents to pick up after their pets. Tel Aviv isn't the first place to try a DNA database to solve this problem. Most large apartment buildings in Utah already ask people to give their dog's or cat's DNA before renting an apartment. According to The Salt Lake Tribune, some residents have been fined up to $150 for not picking up their pet's waste. 🌏Summary 特拉維夫想要嘗試一種新方式,來鼓勵民眾撿拾他們寵物的大便,那就是DNA數據庫。這個城市的狗飼主,在申請狗證照的時候,可能很快就得將他們寵物的DNA註冊在數據庫裡。 如果官員發現街道上有排泄物,他們可能會拿來驗DNA,並搜尋數據庫找出飼主,處以罰款。 這項新法規仍需要經過以色列內政部的核可。市政府官員向媒體表示,4萬名狗飼主中,只有少數的人不會撿拾他們寵物的大便。 不過該城市每個月清理的狗大便仍有500公斤之多,他表示,2%狗飼主正在替其他人破壞這座城市。 🌏Words & Phrases database資料庫 approve贊成;批准 ruin毀壞 #每周二、四更新 #想要超前學習韓語請點選 韓語好好玩 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
5/13/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Later School Start Gives Teens Better Sleep 上學時間延後 青少年睡眠品質較佳

🌏Article A study has found that later school start times are linked to more sleep for middle school and high school students, with some students reporting better quality sleep too. According to data from 2016, the average start time for school in the US was about 8:10 a.m. — and some schools even started before 7:30 a.m. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that children aged 6-12 need 9-12 hours of sleep a night, and those aged 13-18 need 8-10 hours. However, most US teenagers go to sleep after 10:15 p.m., so getting enough sleep before getting up for school can be difficult. The recent study, published in the journal Sleep, used data from about 28,000 students in a school district in Colorado. In 2017, the district changed its start times to be 40-60 minutes later for middle schools, so classes began at 8:50 a.m. High school classes were moved 70 minutes, starting at 8:20 a.m. The students in the study completed annual surveys over three years, before and after their school start times changed. About one in 10 high school students reported better quality sleep, and one in five said they felt less sleepy during the day. 🌏Summary 美國疾病管制與預防中心表示,6歲至12歲的兒童一個晚上需要9到12個小時的睡眠,13歲至18歲的孩童則需要8到10個鐘頭。根據2016年的數據,美國學校平均上學時間約為早上8點10分——部分學校甚至在早上7點30分前就開始。 不過,多數的美國青少年在晚上10點15分之後才睡覺,所以在上學之前獲得充足的睡眠可能有難度。一項發表在《睡眠》期刊的研究發現,上學時間延後與國高中學生的睡眠時間增加有所關聯,也有部分學生回報睡眠品質變更好。大約十位高中生中就有一位回報睡眠品質變更好,每五位中就有一位說他們在白天的時候比較不會想睡覺。 🌏Words & Phrases link連結 quality品質 district行政區 #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
5/6/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩|旅遊對話:근처에 식당이 있어요? 附近有餐廳嗎?

근처에 식당이 있어요? 附近有餐廳嗎? 📢對話 🙍‍♂️:근처에 식당이 있어요? 附近有餐廳嗎?      🙍:네, 치킨집이 있어요. 是,有炸雞店。 🙍‍♂️:어디에 있어요? 在哪裡?  🙍:은행 옆에 있어요. 在銀行防邊。  근처에 마트가 있어요? 附近有超市嗎?   아니요, 근처에 마트가 없어요.不,附近沒有超市。 📢句型  * 집이 있어요. 有家、有房子  * 집에 있어요. 在家 1. N이/가 있어요. 有N ; N이/가 없어요. 沒有N -이/가[主格助詞]:用於名詞後,表示主語。 화장실이 있어요?  有洗手間嗎? 경찰서가 있어요?   有警察局嗎? 시간이 없어요.   沒有時間。 한국 친구가 없어요.  沒有韓國朋友。 2. (地點、場所)N에 있어요. 在N ; N에 없어요. 不在N  -에[副詞格助詞]:用於場所名詞後,表示存在的場所。 어디에 있어요?   在哪裡? 집에 있어요.     在家。 식당에 없어요?    不在餐廳嗎? 한국에 없어요.   不在韓國。  📢詞彙근처(近處)   附近 식당     餐廳 네      是、對 아니요    不是、沒有 치킨     炸雞 집      家、房子、店 은행      銀行 옆      旁邊 마트     超市 洗手間 화장실     경찰서    警察局 시간     時間 친구     朋友 방      房間 커피     咖啡 휴지  衛生紙 있다 [形容詞 有 [動詞] 在 → 있어요 없다 [形容詞 沒有、不在 → 없어요 에[格助詞]  用於場所名詞後 이/가[主格助詞]:用於名詞後  #每周二、四更新 #想要超前學習韓語請點選 韓語好好玩 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
5/1/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 13|德國記者眼中的台灣 Klaus Bardenhagen - German Journalist Reporting from Taiwan since 2008.

🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story🌏 I had the hardest time trying to figure out who to have on our last show! And what better candidate than Klaus Bardenhagen, the German journalist who has been reporting from Taiwan as a freelancer for German media since 2008. After all, a journalist will have the most unbiased perspective, no? “I like living in Taiwan. I admire the degree of freedom this society has achieved for itself. My goal is to make the world know more about Taiwan. There is so much people in the West should know about Taiwan – about its democracy, diverse culture, stunning landscapes, and the amazing people here.” - Klaus Bardenhagen 以「taiwanreporter」在臉書上打開知名度的白德瀚 Klaus Bardenhagen,在台灣跟德國之聲、德國公共電台等媒體合作,透過文章、廣播、或電視報導,將台灣介紹給世界。「我的目標是增加西方世界對台灣的認識——台灣的民主、社會、自然、與人民。我支持民主、人權、永續、與常理,」白德瀚在臉書上如此介紹自己。我讀完他這個自我介紹,我就知道 Klaus 就是我在找的最後一集來賓的最佳人選!在這個誤打誤撞來到台灣的德國人眼裏,台灣究竟是有什麽樣的魅力讓他這麽的想讓全世界都看見台灣呢?希望這集的采訪也可以也讓台灣人的你,透過 Klaus 來看見自己。 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/30/202445 minutes, 51 seconds
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Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 12| Taiwan Through the Lens of Tobie Openshaw 來自南非的攝影師藉著他深情的鏡頭來探索/紀錄台灣-歐陽峰

🌏Taiwan Through the Lens of Tobie Openshaw 🌏歐陽峰 - 來自南非的攝影師藉著他深情的鏡頭來探索/紀錄台灣🌏 人客來坐 My Taiwan Story Tobie Openshaw is a documentary filmmaker/photographer/anthropology researcher based in Taiwan for over 25 years. His work has been seen on channels such as National Geographic, Discovery, and the BBC. Over the last two decades, Tobie was able to document and capture different aspects of Taiwan culture including the betel nut girl culture (what started it all), the Sunflower Movement, human rights and Indigenous rights.  *Tobie Openshaw - Documentary filmmaker and anthropology researcher - moved to Taiwan from South Africa over two decades ago. I couldn’t have picked a better guest to come to our show to share his Taiwan experience with our listeners.    南非紀錄片導演歐陽峰 Tobie Openshaw 專門採訪那些台灣不尋常,不被人們所注意到的故事像是檳榔西施、原住民族部落內的日常到學運,都在他的題材範疇之中。Tobie 的攝影充滿故事,因爲他很用心的在用他的攝影詮釋台灣的角度,讓世界看到台灣真實的一面。有時候光收集一個題材的内容就花了幾年的時間,主要就是因爲 Tobie 他堅持耐心地去真正深入瞭解這個題材/文化/人物。只有這樣才能真正呈現真實的台灣。 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/30/202434 minutes, 50 seconds
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Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 11|Edouard Roquette - Rooms Taipei 專屬外國朋友的共享公寓

🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story🌏 So what if you’ve visited Taiwan a few times and you think you are ready to move here! Finding a place to live has gotta be the most difficult thing especially if you are trying to find a place before you actually arrive in Taiwan. I am going to hook you up with an insider tip by introducing our guest this week! Edouard from Rooms Taipei knew from first-hand experience that finding a place to live in a foreign country can be a daunting task! So their team has prepared a handful of apartments in easy-access neighborhoods for newcomers where they can transition into the new environment/culture with ease. They offer so much more than just a place to live as the co-living spaces also offer plenty of opportunities to mingle and assimilate into Taiwanese culture.  如果你身邊有已經關注台灣很久或者是有來過台灣很多次很喜歡台灣的外國朋友,然後他們想更進一步的搬來台灣體驗正港的台灣生活的話,千萬不要錯過這一集喔!因為我們邀請到了 Rooms Taipei 的 Edouard Roquette 來跟我們討論一下他和其他創辦人一起建立專屬外國朋友的共享公寓公司- 提供剛搬到台灣的外國朋友們可以馬上入住而且適合外國人需求的公寓!Edouard 他們的 Rooms Taipei真的是一個非常貼心的服務!我真的覺得Edouard開這個公司的動機,真是超佛心的! 畢竟搬到一個新的國家要融入那邊的語言文化生活環境是一件蠻困難的事情!不僅是給這些剛來來台灣的外國人一個比較像是他們原生國家熟悉的居住環境,讓他們很快地能夠融入台灣的文化以及生活。還可以跟各國各地來的外國朋友們一起體驗台灣所有的美好,是不是很棒棒呢?  #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/30/202436 minutes, 2 seconds
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Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 10| Sharing His Taiwan Obsession with the World - Nick Kembel*熱愛分享台灣的 Nick Kembel 《Taiwan Obsessed》旅遊部落格

🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story "After completing a BA in Cultural Anthropology and backpacking to over 50 countries, I came to Taiwan in 2008 as an English teacher. My plan was to stay for a year then move somewhere else. At the end of that year, I met my now wife on the Taipei MRT, and I just never left!"  -Nick Kembel of Taiwan Obsessed  If you haven't checked out Nick's website "Taiwan Obsessed", this is probably the best resource available about traveling in Taiwan and Taiwanese culture. Besides working on this travel blog, Nick also spends a lot of time answering questions in the Facebook group he created called "Taiwan Travel Planning Group". I highly recommend this FB group for anyone interested in visiting Taiwan as you will get some insider scoop on just about anything! It's also a great group if you would like to share your knowledge about Taiwan.  Nick 年輕的時候喜歡到處去旅行;因緣際會之下來到了台灣。結果沒想到一住下來就住了10幾年。原先 Nick 的旅遊部落格是關於他到其他國家旅遊的經驗分享,結果不知不覺的 Nick 發覺其實他居住的地方其實就是最好寫作的部落格題材 - Taiwan Obessed!  Nick 跟他一家人剛好在疫情爆發前剛回到了加拿大;但是 Nick 還是把工作重心放在他的 Taiwan Obsessed 部落格上。結果疫情把 Nick 腳步整個搗亂。兩年期間 Nick 從來沒有放棄過經營他的 Taiwan Obsessed 旅遊部落格以及他在臉書上所組織的群組(叫做 Taiwan Traveling Planning -是專門為了要來台灣旅遊的外國朋友們專門設立的群組,以便回答所有關於台灣旅遊的問題)。當疫情一結束後 Nick 之前所有的努力終於得到回報!一下子每天幾乎有進千人加入這個臉書群組 。雖然他人現在不在台灣,但是你可以感受到 Nick 的心是留在台灣的。 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/30/202436 minutes, 3 seconds
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Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 9| German CAN be EASY with Fun Duo Deike & Michael 《德文就是這麼簡單!》金牌德文名師-Fun Duo Deike & Michael.

🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story Did you guys enjoy the interview from last week? We will continue our part 2 interview with German teachers Deike and Michael this week. You can tell these two enjoy each other's company VERY much! They both agreed that the thing they enjoy the most about doing their YouTube station is the part where they get to spend time together since they are literally having fun and laughing the whole time! Don't we all need a bestie like that!?  Anyway, I can't say enough good things about their language learing YouTube channel. If you or any of your Taiwanese friends/family wants to learn German, I highly recommend checking out their fun videos.  教學經歷加起來超過四十多年、在教學界小有名氣的德文老師 Michael 與 Deike,分別來自德國的東西兩方,雖然曾經被歷史上的柏林圍牆隔開、過著相反的生活,卻在台灣相識後成了好朋友,總是幽默地互開對方玩笑。兩位老師在 2018 年正式開始了 YouTube 頻道《德文就是這麼簡單!》,用輕鬆的情境搭配中文教學,幫助許多想要學習德文卻苦於沒有適合資源的同學,對於正在學習德文的中文母語者中可能不算太陌生的面孔。跟著他們兩個上課真的非常有趣。而且影片裡面內容,老師們都會用中文解釋,所以很推薦給予初學者,或者想學德文但中文成度不錯的外國朋友。 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/29/202433 minutes, 44 seconds
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Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 8|The Center Programs Manager - Lucy Torres. 國際社區服務中心的專案經理

🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story🌏 Everyone here in Taiwan always thinks it’s so cool to live the lives of a foreigner. They are hip, they are cool and they stand out in a good way here in Taiwan! But packing up all your belongings to move to a new country with a different language, a different culture, different food. That’s gotta be a hard adjustment for most people. Not to mention you have to also try to meet new friends and find your support circle! And if you haven’t found that just yet, what do you do when you need just a little help adjusting to this new country!? Well, if you are in the Taipei area, you are in luck! We’ve invited the Programs Manager at The Center to talk about the services they offer there to help ease English-speaking new residents on this island to help them transition to life in Taiwan! Stay tuned because this is a beneficial episode that will help newcomers who have just moved to Taiwan. But old timers can also find this very helpful! So don’t just think oh you already know everything and you don’t need help! What if you can help others? Right?  我覺得大部分的台灣人覺得外國人搬來台灣是一件很輕鬆的事情,因為大家都覺得外國人會得到特別的關注和待遇,所以他們應該沒有什麼煩惱吧對不對但是其實不管什麼樣的人搬到另一個國家都會遇到一些困難。不管是飲食方面或者是文化方面,都是會難免有一些適應期。更何況搬到一個新的地方要交新的朋友要學習好多新的東西,光想就覺得很難。如果你身邊有遇到面對這個類型問題瓶頸這種狀況的外國朋友,非常推薦他們可以聽聽這一集的內容,因為今天我們邀請到位於台北市的The Center 國際社區服務中心的專案經理Lucy 來跟大家分享The Center 他們中心所提供在台灣的外國人的英文諮詢服務項目以及所有的活動等等讓他們可以更容易融入在台灣 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/29/202434 minutes, 56 seconds
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Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 7|充滿實驗特徵與豐富聲響的當代音樂的夫妻檔 * Taiwan's Experimental Pioneer Musician Husband and Wife Duo Jay & Lisa.

🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story I love it when I am able to interview people I know on our show. Especially when they are the pioneers of their thing! I’ve invited the husband and wife musician duo Jay and Lis to our show to talk about this really exciting concert. They just put up a concert in collaboration with the Swiss-based Curious Chamber Players. Other than conventional instrumentation (flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin, and cello), the group extends its sound world through integrating everyday objects into this Taiwan-themed concert. Jay and Lisa went above and beyond to show all the team members around Taiwan to experience Taiwan’s food, culture, and everyday local life so they can take tall these new senses and information they’ve gathered into all the musical pieces in the concert. Jay and Lisa are putting up another really awesome show at the end of the year. If you are interested in finding out about what these two are up to, make sure you follow them on FB to get all the latest and greatest!  我一直很想要借這個機會來介紹一下台灣音樂界裡面一群正努力默默的在為台灣當代音樂注入實驗特徵與豐富聲響的新作品的一群音樂家。 Lisa是台灣團隊一公聲藝術One Litre Sound 一公聲藝術 的負責人,她跟她的作曲音樂家先生Jay林煒傑一起合作並特地邀請瑞典當代室內樂團Curious Chamber Players 一起來合作開了一個音樂會,來呈現世界首演新曲目。Jay和Lisa非常用心的帶了瑞典的團體,走遍台北各地嘗試各種各樣台味十足的美食/文化,為的就是因為讓音樂家們可以完整的感受到在新曲目裡面是以台灣元素為創作的主題。那這個樂團很有趣的東西就是他們不只是用樂器來表演,也結合了技巧延伸和物件演奏的方式試圖建構獨特表演以及聆聽的方式。常常在YouTube上看到很多人藉著吃台灣火鍋逛台灣夜市唱卡拉OK吃快炒店來介紹台灣給外國朋友們,那我覺得比較特殊的是,Jay 跟Lisa是邀請了這些音樂家去體驗這些非常台味的東西,然後透過音樂的專業和文化交流創造出充滿外國人眼裡的台味的新作品!這真的是一個很棒的組和!如果你對他們這一群很前衛的音樂人有興趣的話歡迎去他們的臉書,因為他們將在年底有另一個非常精彩的表演規劃!非常期待! #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/29/202435 minutes, 57 seconds
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Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 6|天天跟跟狗狗們一起爬山的人生完美組合 Cecilia - Release the Hounds  * Hanging with Cecilia of Release the Hounds

🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story Have you ever wondered what it's like to have your DREAM job? Well, our guest Cecilia certainly does! She's combined two things she loves the most in life and turned it into a happy and successful career for herself. I am super excited to have her come on our show today to chat with us about it! I hope today's show has inspired some of you. It's not hard to have your dream job if you plan ahead like Cecilia did. She took her time to explore what she really enjoyed doing in life and then she found opportunities to really hone her skills and experiences before she ventured off to start her own dog hiking business! I think that's a very smart lady right there who approaches achieving her dream job with careful planning! If you are a pet owner who lives in the Taipei area and would be interested in signing up your dog to go hiking and explore all the great nature Taiwan has to offer, def go check her out on her IG. I will be sure to post all her info on our website and all our social media! Maybe one day when you take your dog hiking on the weekends on your day off, your dog can show you the ways since he or she has been there more often than you have!  你是不是有想過如果自己從事的工作就是你最愛的東西,那是什麼樣的感覺呢?今天邀請到一位住在台灣已經13年的特別來賓Ceceilia,來一起聊一聊她把她人生的兩大最愛的事情結合在一起,成立了一個帶著狗狗爬山的Release the Hounds!如果你或是你身邊有朋友平時工作很忙碌沒有辦法帶家裡的狗狗出去戶外好好運動的話, 都可以找帶你們家的狗狗去和Cecilia 和她的hiking pack 一起去探險喔!除了可以幫助狗狗鍛鍊身體,消耗一些體力以外,都還可以讓他們有機會能夠跟其他的狗和人一交起流。 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/29/202433 minutes, 54 seconds
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Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 5|TUTEEMI Founder Founder 創辦人 Camila Sáenz.

🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story Today we've invited the founder of TUTEEMI Camila Sáenz to our show. TUTEEMI is to talk about what got her started this tutoring platform. TUTEEMI has been connecting foreign tutors to teach languages in person 1-1 since 2019 all around Taiwan. Now they've launched TUTEEMI+ MVP which is a platform where people can teach more than just languages. "Skills from all, for all" that's the TUTEEMI+ motto!  I think I was a bit surprised when I found out how young Camila was when I first got to chat with her. She just seems so accomplished at her young age! Not to mention she carries herself like a super-intelligent, confident self-made woman! I am pretty sure you will know what I mean by the end of today's show!  這個禮拜邀請到來自從高中畢業以後就搬來台灣求學的瓜地馬拉的博士生,同時也是TUTEEMI的創辦人的 Camila Saenz 來聊聊她當初是這麽創辦這個非常獨一無二的外語家教媒合平台品牌。來台求學多年,且擁有豐富的外語家教經驗。但她一直對臺式補習班的教學方式不是很認同。所以因緣際會的機會下,她開始接自己的學生。跟著學生多了起來,她也會推薦身邊外國朋友去教學生們。有著創業精神的她意識到這個是一個可以開發的點,可以協助和她一樣,飄洋過海來到台灣求學的外籍生,能夠更簡單的找到家教工作。而且她也可以用她自己的方式來激發學生們對學習的動力。 TUTEEMI上的每位外師都來自不同的文化背景而且每個老師都會至少兩個語言以上Camila 覺得這樣他們才能體會學生們在學習上遇到的困擾。 每個Tutor 都會用客制化的方式來幫助教導學生,融入各地文化、國際觀,讓外語學習更具趣味性,藉此提高學生的學習動力與效率, Camila覺得「學語言的主要目的是和別人溝通,而不是通過考試。但是許多外國人在台灣只教英文很可惜,他們可能在其他領域也有一技之長。」所以Camila 才發展出 TUTEEMI plus的這個新服務,協助學生媒合音樂、運動等技能類的外籍導師,進一步強化自己的能力與興趣。有興趣的朋友可以上TUTEEMI的網站看看哦~ #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/29/202435 minutes, 20 seconds
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Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 4|Parkbus Taiwan Michael McCreesh - 讓我們載您到大自然

🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story I’ve been wanting to interview the founder of Parkbus Taiwan Michael McCreesh for some time now so I am super excited to finally get to chat with him about the idea of connecting city dwellers to nature in Taiwan. Michael and I ended up chatting up a storm and so obviously this has been easily turned into a two-part series. Parkbus started out in Canada where people grew up immersed in the great outdoors. So naturally when Michael moved back to Taiwan from Canada, he wanted to bring a bit of the Parkbus nature-loving spirits to Taiwan. He also wanted to create a unique intimate experience for all the participants so they can truly see for themselves how beautiful Taiwan truly is. JOIN me and Michael this and next week on his Parkbus journey back to Taiwan!    這個禮拜的來賓Michael McCreesh 其實我早在去年就很想要邀請來上我們節目了。我常常一直在講說我很想要找時間去探索台灣的山!但是基於常常工作沒有時間或者是老實說,只有一個字能夠形容就是”懶“!所以一直沒有能夠實現去山上玩的夢想。所以之前看到Parkbus Taiwan這個負責任的永續的旅遊體驗就覺得非常特別!不管你是沒有車的台灣人,或你是短期在台灣拜訪的外國朋友,或者是你跟我一樣懶惰不想計劃旅行的人,這個Parkbus Taiwan 真的非常適合你。Michael 他們規劃了很多古道以及國家公園的旅遊體驗 讓每個人(不管你的體力或者是經驗是多少)都可以體會到台灣大自然的魅力!而且最棒的是還可以透過這個方式結交到其他喜歡大自然來自世界各地的朋友們。當然我們兩個一聊就聊到外太空,所以下個禮拜會繼續Parkbus的Part 2採訪~ #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/29/202433 minutes, 13 seconds
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Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 3|Elias Ek -Keego Mobile Delivery E- bikes. 智果移動 Ebike 電動輔助自行車!

🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story I’ve invited one of my favorite entrepreneurs back on our show this week to talk about an exciting new project he’s been brewing up! Elias and his international members from the US, Ireland, Taiwan, and Sweden have come together to create THE dream courier e-bikes with Keego Mobility!  Since all founders have lived in Taiwan for many years, they’ve strived to be a proud MIT company with all their bikes manufactured in Taiwan!  還記得去年節目邀請到來自瑞典的創業達人嗎?很榮幸這個禮拜又要請他來到我們節目談談他最近的new project - Keego Mobility! Keego Mobility是一間外送電動腳踏車(e-bike)新創,由來台超過22年的瑞典創辦人尹克勤(Elias Ek)與其他兩位來自歐洲的創辦人所共同創立。他們三個創辦人都與台灣淵源不淺,Elias在台灣也已經住了20多年。Keego麽看中了全球外送需求越來越龐大,所以他們和他們的團隊為外送員專門量身開發一個可以承重至多65公斤貨物的電動腳踏車,讓外送員們能更輕鬆的服務大家。現在大家街上看到的外送大多是騎摩托車吧? 那用電動腳踏車送外送,為何是個更好的選擇?Elias 將在節目裏跟大家談談外送電動腳踏車對外送平臺有什麽幫助。 除了跟大家分享他這個新誕生的寶貝公司以外Elias還想跟大家報告一個好消息!一年一度的Dragons’ Chamber Taiwan (競賽仿效歐美高人氣創投實境節目)專門為外籍創業家提供向資深前輩提案的平台活動今年的活動開始接受申請咯!身邊若是有外國朋友有興趣的話要趕快加緊去報名哦! #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/29/202434 minutes, 17 seconds
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Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 2|Sunshine Painting 陽光油漆 Caleb Bennett 的斜槓人生

🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story Caleb knew that a desk job or teaching was his cup of tea. So when Covid hit, he actually started to bartend. And when Taiwan had its level 3 lockdown, he opted to become an Uber Eats driver! Quite different from most other foreigners’ jobs, no? But he soon wanted a job that was more stable and so he started his own painting company Sunshine Painting Services! This was something that he knew how to do well and also enjoyed doing! It doesn’t tie Caleb down to an office setting and he gets to travel all around the Taipei area. Not to mention he also gets to meet new people! So if you are in need of a good painter, look no further! Caleb is your guy here!  #每周二、四、六更新 我知道最近我們的話題都比較嚴肅一點,所以今天才請到一位步調比較輕鬆一點的來賓 - 也就是的Caleb Bennett。來自加拿大居住台灣已經12年的Caleb原先是因為傳教的緣故而來到了台灣。但是後來因為疫情的影響他決定開始他的斜槓人生。剛開始他是在在一間精釀啤酒吧裡面當bartender! 但後來因為台灣疫情第三級警報的時候大家都沒有辦法外出,所以他決定做起了Uber Eats的司機! 大家可以想像嗎?幾個Uber Eats司機在紅綠燈停下來了,他們互相左看看,右看看,竟然發覺其中一個騎著Gogoro的司機是一個金髮閉眼的外國朋友! 後來Caleb因爲做Uber Eats工作不穩定的關係,他又演化了他的的斜槓人生。Caleb找回自己青少年時代在加拿大的本行,做起了粉刷油漆的工作!自己 開公司(Sunshine Painting 陽光油漆),自己當老闆最好的優點就是自己的工作時間自由定, 而且還可以認識到更多不一樣的人,去更多不一樣的地方。 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/29/202433 minutes, 40 seconds
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Friday Happy Hour in Formosa 1|Estela老師來教你如何開心輕鬆學習中文

🌏人客來坐 My Taiwan Story This episode is especially dedicated to those of you who are in the process of learning Mandarin. Whether you are just starting out or if you’ve been at it for a while, I’m sure you all have been there before where you feel a bit stuck and not progressing into the next level you want to reach. We've invited Mandarin teacher Estela to our show to teach us a few tricks and tips about how to learn the language. It’s easy to see why Estella is such a great teacher. On top of she really enjoys what she does, she also loves being around all her students who are just like her friends. To find out more about Estela Lin Teaches Mandarin  我身邊有很多外國朋友都在學習中文。雖然說大家的程度都不一樣,但是,每個人都有個共同點就是他們也一樣像你們學習英文的時候 會碰到灰心氣餒的時候。有時候是因為不夠專心,沒有定時好好的複習學習的內容。有時候則是太過於努力了,結果忘了有時候還是需要放輕鬆享受這個學習的過程。不管怎麼樣,大家一定要記得不要放棄,don’t ever give up! 這一集的內容特別介紹給在學習中文的外國人朋友們。我們邀請到一位教中文中文老師 Estela 來教大家一些學習的小撇步!非常推給你身邊正在學習中文的外國朋友們喔! 我發覺Estela老師跟很多網路上網紅類型的中文老師不太一樣。Estela老師並不介意她的社交Po文得到幾個人按贊,但她更在意的是,這些正在學中文的外國朋友們能不能把所有課程内容能夠可以輕鬆的應用到日常生活中,、讓他們能夠他們繼續覺得學習中文其實很好玩的一件事! #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語節目主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 越南語節目主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 韓語節目主持人:鄭美善 德語節目主持人:梅可雅 Friday Happy Hour in Formosa節目主持人:Beverly ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/29/202435 minutes, 36 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩|用韓語作簡單自我介紹 저는 우천입니다.

📢對話 안녕하세요?   🙍:저는 주희선입니다. 妳好!     我是朱希鮮。 한국 사람입니다.  (我)是韓國人。       🙍‍♂️:안녕하세요?  저는 황여우쳰입니다. 你好?     我是黃右千。 타이완에서 왔습니다. (我)來自台灣。     🙍:만나서 반갑습니다. 很高興見到您(幸會)。 🙍‍♂️:반갑습니다.  幸會。 📢句型 1. 저는 N입니다.    我是N。 -는[補助詞] 用於名詞後,表示主題。저는 학생입니다.    我是學生。 저는 회사원입니다.  我是上班族。 저는 스무 살입니다.  我是二十歲。 N입니까?    是N嗎?   학생입니까?     (你)是學生嗎? 선생님입니까?     (您)是老師嗎? 2. N에서 왔습니다.  來自N / 從N來 -에서[副詞格助詞] 用於場所名詞後,表示“從”。 저는 타이베이에서 왔습니다.  我來自台北。 저는 서울에서 왔습니다.    我從首爾來。 어디에서 왔습니까? 你從哪裡來?        타이완에서 왔습니까?  你從台灣來嗎?      3. 만나서 반갑습니다. 幸會! 📢詞彙저 我(謙稱)           나  我 주희선   朱希鮮[人名] 한국 사람    韓國人 황여우쳰 黃右千[人名](황우천) 타이완       臺灣(대만)타이베이    台北(대북) 서울      首爾 어디      哪裡학생      學生 회사원     公司的職員、上班族스무 살     二十歲-입니다.     是~-입니까?    是~嗎? -에서 왔습니다. 來自~ ;從~ 來 -에서 왔습니까? 來自~嗎? ;從~ 來嗎? 만나서 반갑습니다. 幸會 ◆ 韓國人喜歡問別人的年齡? 千萬不要見怪喔!  #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 韓語主持人:朱希鮮、黃右千 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/24/202410 minutes, 25 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Study Finds More People Smoke Today than in 1990. 研究發現目前抽菸人口比1990年多~

🌏Article We've learned a lot about the dangers of smoking since studies in the early 20th century first suggested that cigarettes might cause cancer. But while the percentage of people who smoke has been decreasing for many years, it may surprise you to learn that a study in The Lancet has found that more people are smoking today than did 30 years ago. Researchers looked at smoking in 204 countries between 1990 and 2019. They found that smoking among males aged 15 and older decreased almost 28% since 1990, and among females it decreased almost 38%. However, the world's population also grew during that time, meaning the number of people who smoke has actually increased: from 0.99 billion in 1990 to 1.1 billion in 2019. The study also found that 7.7 million deaths were caused by smoking in 2019. Among these, 6.7 million people still smoked at the time they died. The researchers say it is important for all countries to create stronger anti-smoking policies to reduce deaths, economic costs, and impacts on health systems. 🌏Summary 自從20世紀初研究首度指出香菸可能致癌之後,我們已經非常了解抽菸的危險性。雖然抽菸人口比例已經有好幾年都下降,不過,一項研究發現,現在抽菸的人口數比30年前還要多。這是因為,雖然吸菸人口比例顯著下降,全球人口數亦有所成長,意味著吸菸人口的數字實際上是增加的。該研究也發現在2019年,有770萬人死於吸煙。 在那些人之中,有670萬人在死前仍然在抽菸。研究人員表示,所有國家應制定更嚴格的禁菸政策,來降低死亡數、經濟成本以及吸菸為醫療系統帶來的影響。 🌏Words & Phrases population人口 rate比率 significantly顯著地 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 韓語主持人:朱希鮮、黃右千 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/22/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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天天10分鐘 韓語好好玩:打招呼與道別用語 안녕하세요? 

안녕하세요? 您好! 🌏1. 打招呼 안녕하세요? 您好? 안녕? 你好! 🌏2. 道別 안녕히 가세요. 再見(請慢走)。 안녕히 계세요. 再見(請留步)。 안녕~ ! 再見(掰掰)! 🌏3. 加上稱謂 여러분, 안녕하세요? 大家好! 선생님, 안녕하세요? 老師, 您好! 언니, 안녕하세요? 姊姊, 你好! 누나,안녕? 姊姊好! 오빠, 안녕하세요? 哥哥, 你好! 형,안녕? 哥哥好! 여러분, 안녕히 가세요. 大家(請慢走)再見! 여러분, 안녕히 계세요. 大家(請留步)再見! 언니,안녕~! 姊姊, 再見! 누나,안녕~! 姊姊, 掰掰! 오빠, 안녕~! 哥哥, 掰掰! 형, 안녕 ~! 哥,再見! 5.單字여러분 大家선생님 老師언니 姊姊(女生用)누나 姊姊(男生用)오빠 哥哥(女生用)형 哥哥(男生用:兄)안녕하세요 您好!안녕? 你好!안녕히 가세요 請慢走안녕히 계세요 請留步안녕! 再見! 掰掰! #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 英語主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 韓語主持人:朱希鮮、黃右千 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/3/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Influencers in Norway Must Label Retouched Photos. 挪威網紅修圖必須另作註記~

🌏Article In Norway, influencers who don't let people know that they've retouched photos on social media could soon get a fine — or even go to prison. A new law has been introduced by Norway's Ministry of Children and Family Affairs, with the hope of fighting unrealistic beauty standards. Soon, any influencer getting money — or anything else — for posting retouched photos on social media will have to add a label from the government to their photos. According to the new rules, retouches include making changes to a person's shape, size or skin. So an influencer would have to let people know if they, for example, make their waist smaller, or their muscles bigger. The law will affect posts on social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Snapchat. The rules will also apply to advertisements posted by companies. The law has been introduced as people in Norway worry about the effects of social media on how people feel about their bodies. In the new law, the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs agreed with studies that have found that unrealistic beauty standards can cause low self-esteem. However, the ministry also said that it will be difficult to make sure that the government's new label will be used for all retouched photos, because it's not always easy to know if a photo has been edited. 🌏Summary 不久之後,收取贊助費的挪威網紅在社群媒體上發布修飾過的圖,都必須要在他們的圖片上加上政府提供的標籤。該法條將影響Instagram、臉書、抖音等社群媒體上的貼文。 連公司行號發布的廣告,也適用這個規定。挪威兒童和家庭事務部希望藉由實施此項新法規,對抗不切實際的審美觀。🌏Words & Phrases influencer網紅 retouch修片 unrealistic不切實際的 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/1/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:How to Know if You're Reading Fake News 三個方法讓你判斷是否讀到假新聞!

🌏Article We live in a time when it's becoming more and more difficult to know what information is real and what is fake. Luckily, there are ways you can find out if a story you're reading online is real, or if it's fake news! Here are three of them: 1. Check the source Ask yourself whether the information has come from a website you can trust. One good way to do this is to check its URL: most trusted web addresses end in .com, .edu, .net, .gov or .org. — or with the code for the country being reported about, such as .au, .jp or 2. Look for other sources Check to see if other websites — especially trusted ones — are reporting on the same story. If a website has made up a fake story, then that site may be the only one reporting on it. 3. Check the date Sometimes a true story will be presented as new, but it actually happened months or even years ago.  🌏Summary 我們所處的這個時代,變得更難去判別哪些資訊是真、哪些是假。 幸運的是有一些方法,能用來判斷你正在網路上閱讀的新聞報導是真的還假的! 這裡有三個方法: 1. 檢查來源 問自己這些資訊的來源,是否是你能夠信任的網站。 這樣做的一個好方法,就是檢查它的網址:最能夠信任的網址結尾會是.com、.gov等或是使用與該文章報導相關的國家代碼。 2. 尋找其他出處 檢查是否有其他網站——尤其是可信任的——是否也報導同樣的事情。 如果一個網站編造假新聞,那麼這網站可能是唯一報導此內容的來源。 3. 檢查日期 有時候真實的報導會以新消息來呈現,但它其實是幾個月前或甚至幾年前的事了。 🌏Words & Phrases fake假的 source來源 trust信任 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
3/11/20245 minutes, 20 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:911 or 112? Emergency Numbers Around the World 911還是112?世界各地的緊急號碼!

🌏Article In an emergency, getting help quickly can be a matter of life or death. But did you know that the phone number you call changes depending on which country you're in? Many countries use 911 as the emergency number for the police, ambulance and fire department, including the US, Canada and Mexico.   But in most of the European Union — including Spain, France and Italy — you call 112 for emergency services. Russia and India also use 112. You can call 112 in Australia if you're using a cellphone, but 000 works from any phone.   You can call 112 in the UK too, but 999 is better known — and 999 is also used in Hong Kong, Myanmar and Qatar.   Many countries have different numbers for different services. For example, in Japan you call 110 for the police, and 119 for an ambulance or the fire department. South Korea also uses 119 for an ambulance or fire, but it's 112 for the police. In Seoul, there's also a different number for foreigners with medical emergencies — 1339.   The emergency phone number in most countries is three digits long, but in South Africa, you have to call 10177 for an ambulance or the fire department. The police number is 10111, but you can also call 112 from a cellphone.   🌏Summary 在緊急狀況下,迅速取得救援是攸關生死的事。 但你知道你撥打的號碼,取決於你在哪個國家而有所變化嗎?許多國家以911當作撥給警方、救護車和消防員的號碼,像是美國、加拿大和墨西哥。但在多數的歐盟國家——包含西班牙、法國和義大利——要打給緊急服務得撥112。 999適用於香港、緬甸和卡達。在許多國家,不同的緊急需求服務,號碼也不同。 舉例而言,在日本打給警察要撥110,叫救護車或打給消防隊則是119。 南韓的救護車或消防隊也是打119,但要報警則是打112。   🌏Words & Phrases department部門 digit數字 common普遍的 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
3/4/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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前面幾集我們教了大家家人的說法,今天我們來學一首關於家庭的越南語歌曲。 [主題:歌曲教學-全家人Cả nhà thương nhau]  Ba thương con vì con giống mẹ. Mẹ thương con vì con giống ba. Cả nhà ta cùng thương yêu nhau. Xa là nhớ, gần nhau là cười. 爸爸疼我,因為我像媽媽。 媽媽疼我,因為我像爸爸。 我們全家相親相愛。 分開就思念,相聚就開心。 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/28/202410 minutes, 20 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Baker and Smith: Surnames That Come from Jobs Baker和Smith.源自職稱的姓氏~

🌏Article Many English last names are occupational surnames, meaning they come from a job. Examples of occupational surnames include Baker, Butcher and Brewer — which were given to people who made bread, prepared meat and made beer. Here are some of the less obvious English surnames that come from jobs. Smith is the most common surname in both the US and Great Britain, according to And a smith is also someone who works with metal — a job that would have been very important in Britain in the Middle Ages, when surnames started to be used there. Cooper is another surname that comes from a very important job in the past. A cooper is someone who makes wooden containers such as barrels, which would have been needed for holding food, drinks and many other things. Even today, high quality barrels made by coopers are used for making whiskey and other drinks. "Wright" is another word for "worker" or "maker." Wright can be a surname by itself, but can also be part of longer surnames like Cartwright — someone who makes carts. The Kellogg's brand is best known for its breakfast cereals, named after company founder W.K. Kellogg. But the history of the surname has more to do with bacon. Kellogg is an occupational surname that comes from an old word for a pork butcher, with the "kell" coming from the old English word kellen, meaning "to kill." The "-og" part comes from hog, another word for pig. 🌏Summary 有許多英文姓氏取自工作名稱。Baker、Butcher和Brewer用來稱呼做麵包、準備肉類和釀啤酒的人。smith指的是跟金屬一起工作的人,也就是鍛工。Cooper指的是製作木頭容器的人。「wright」是另一個代替「worker」和「maker」的字。 Wright本身可以是一個姓氏,但也可以是一個更長姓氏中的一部分,像是Cartwright——做馬車的人。 Kellogg則是源自於豬肉販的職業姓氏。 🌏Words & Phrases occupational職業的 obvious明顯的 Middle Ages中世紀 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:世界咖啡館 ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/26/20245 minutes, 14 seconds
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每天10分鐘德語開口說|德心應口:您是哪位?  Wer sind Sie?

第07講:您是哪位? Einheit 7 Wer sindS ie? Dialoge Dialog1. a:Wer ist das? b:Das ist Jan. Dialog2 a:Wer ist das? b:Das sind Herr und Frau Müller. Dialog3 a:Wer sind die Frau und der Mann da? b:Die Frau ist Maria Conti aus Itlien. Und der Mann da ist Lars Johansen aus Norwegen. Dialog4 a:Wer sind Sie? b:Ich bin Lea Daugner aus der Schweiz. Ich bin die Lehrerin. Dialog5 a:Wer bist du? b:Ich bin Markus. Ich bin ein Schüler hier. Dialog6 a:Wer seid ihr? b:Wir sind Bettina und Frieda aus Tschechien.Wir sind Schülerinnen hier. Dialog7 a:Wer kommt aus Österreich? b:Herr König ist aus Österreich. 🌏 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/23/202410 minutes
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用新聞學英文|New York to Ban Single-Use Toiletry Bottles from 2024.自2024年起 紐約禁止一次性盥洗用具瓶罐!!

🌏Article New York has passed a law making it illegal for hotels to give their guests single-use plastic toiletry bottles. The new law will ban plastic toiletry bottles smaller than 355 milliliters. Most hotel toiletries come in very small amounts — usually between 30 milliliters and 60 milliliters — which means that hotels will have to find other ways of giving their guests personal cleaning products. The law will come into effect on January 1, 2024, for bigger hotels, but smaller businesses with fewer than 50 rooms will have an extra year to prepare for the change. President of the New York State Hospitality & Tourism Association Mark Dorr, who helped write the law, has said that the delay will mean that hotels will have time to use all of the toiletries they still have, and give them time to get new alternatives ready. Hotels will have to put dispensers in their guest rooms that can be refilled with things like soap and shampoo, or find other alternatives that are better for the environment than single-use bottles. Eric Goldstein of America's Natural Resources Defense Council said that the new law will stop tens of millions of plastic bottles every year from being thrown away. New York is not the first US state to ban single-use toiletry bottles, however. California passed a similar ban in 2019, although it will not come into effect until 2023. 🌏Summary 紐約通過一條法律,將禁止飯店業者使用容量 355 毫升以下的塑膠盥洗用具瓶罐。多數飯店的盥洗用品容量都很少,通常在 30 毫升至 60 毫升之間。這項法律的通過,意味著飯店業者將必須尋找其他方式,來提供顧客私人清潔用品。飯店將必須在客房內安裝可重複補充肥皂或洗髮精等的分配器,或是比起一次性瓶罐,對於環境較友善的替代選項。美國資源保護協會的 Eric Goldstein 表示,新法規將停止每年丟棄數千萬塑膠瓶罐的狀況。不過,紐約並非美國第一個禁用一次性盥洗用具瓶罐的州。加州在 2019 年通過類似的禁令。 🌏Words & Phrases pass通過 toiletries盥洗用品 alternative可供選擇的事物 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/19/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|What to Research Before a Job Interview 求職面試前該研究些什麼?

🌏Article Preparing for an interview can be stressful. Happily, there are a few things you can do to make it less so, including doing some serious research on the company you want to work for. Here's where to start:Study the job descriptionDon't just quickly read the job description. Take time to think about each responsibility and skill in the list, and write down point by point why you believe you're the best person for the job.Always check the company websiteYou can get a lot of information from just reading a company's website. Find out exactly what the company does, who manages it and who its customers are. If you're lucky, you might also find information on staff currently in the role you want.Read the company's latest newsBeing able to share information about the company's latest news in the interview shows that you're interested in the company and what it does. Check its social media, "like" its posts and read its blog. 🌏Summary 面試令人備感壓力。你可以做以下這些事,讓自己更安心:研讀職務描述不要只是快速地讀過職務描述。 花點時間思考名單上的職責、技能,寫出為什麼你覺得你是這份工作的最佳人選。不斷地查看公司網站你可以單就閱讀公司的網站獲取大量資訊。 找出這間公司確切在做什麼、是誰在經營,以及他們的顧客有誰。 如果你夠幸運,你可能會找到目前在你想要的職位上工作的員工資訊。查看該公司的最新消息能夠在面試時分享該公司的最新資訊,顯示出你對這間公司還有其業務感興趣。 記得查看它的社群媒體,替它的貼文「按讚」。  🌏Words & Phrases stressful緊張的 job description職務描述 responsibility職務 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/19/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|More Kids in Japan Play Video Games on School Days 更多日本孩童在上學日玩電動

🌏Article A survey in Japan has found that more children in the country are playing video games on school days — and they're playing for longer. The survey was done by Japan's health ministry, and included about 26,000 children who were born in 2010. The ministry collected data from 92% of the kids in 2020. The survey found that almost 75% of the children now play video games on school days. A similar survey done in 2011 found that only 65% of children the same age played video games on school days. Not only are more children playing video games during the week, but more of them are playing for longer amounts of time, too. Of the children who play games on school days, about 71% said that they played for less than an hour when they were in grade one. But now that they're in grade four, only 48% of the kids play for less than an hour. Research on how video games affect children isn't quite clear, however. Some studies have found that playing games could be connected to problems such as addiction and depression. But others have found that some games can help children develop problem-solving and social skills, and may even help improve their memory. 🌏Summary 一份問卷發現日本有越來越多孩童在上學日玩電動——而且他們玩的時間也越來越長。該問卷中,發現將近75%小孩目前在上學日玩電動。 2011年調查時。只有65%同年紀的孩童會在上學日玩電動。 那些在上學日玩電動的小孩之中,大約71%的人表示他們在一年級的時候,玩的時間不超過一小時。 但現在,他們四年級了,只有48%的小孩玩的時間在一個鐘頭以下。部分研究已指出,玩電動 可能與成癮和憂鬱症等問題有所關聯。 但也有研究發現,有些遊戲能夠協助小孩發展解決問題和社交的能力,甚至可能改善他們的記憶力。 🌏Words & Phrases ministry(政府的)部 grade年級 addiction上癮 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/12/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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每天10分鐘德語開口說|德心應口: Was ist das? 這是甚麼?

第06講:這是甚麼 Einheit 6: Was ist das? 1.Ländernamen mit Artikel 有冠詞的國家名稱 die Schweiz dieTürkei der Irak die USA aber:(然而在介係詞aus之後冠詞需要改變) aus der Schweiz aus der Türkei aus dem Irak aus den USA 2.Dialoge 對話 a:Was ist das? b:Das ist ein Tisch. Der Tisch ist groß. Er kommt aus der Schweiz. a:Unddas hier? Wie heißt das auf Deutsch? b:Das ist ein Buch. Das Buch ist sehr interessant. Es ist aus dem Irak. a:Ah,ein Buch aus dem Irak. Und was ist das da? b:Das ist eine Tasche. Die Tasche ist schön. Sie kommt aus der Türkei. a:Aus der Türkei? Cool! Und wie heißt das hierauf Deutsch? b:Das sind Schuhe. Die Schuhe sind ganz neu. Sie sind aus den USA. 3.Artikel und Personalpronomen 冠詞與人稱代名詞 bestimmte Artikel:der Tisch/ das Buch/ die Tasche/ dieSchuhe unbestimmte Artikel: ein Tisch/ ein Buch/ eine Tasche/ Schuhe Personalpronomen: er/ es/ sie/ sie(Pl.) 4.Adjektive–Gegenteile形容詞–相反詞groß大的,高的 ≠ klein小的矮的interessant有趣的 ≠ langweilig無聊的schön美的,漂亮的 ≠ hässlich醜的neu新的 ≠ alt舊的 🌏 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/9/202410 minutes, 22 seconds
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第6講:兄弟姊妹的稱呼Ông,爺爺、外公Bà,奶奶、外婆Bố Bố,爸爸。 Mẹ Mẹ,媽媽。哥哥、先生的越南語叫Anh,一般路上的男子,通常我們也會稱呼Anh。姐姐的越南語非常好記,跟台語的姐姐很像,叫做Chị。 弟弟、妹妹,或一般年紀比你小的人,越南語都叫Em。在越南話裡面,通常會多加一個ơi來表示親近感,所以我們會說Anh ơi, 🌏 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/7/202410 minutes, 6 seconds
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用新聞學英文|Divorces in China Drop 72% After 'Cool-off' Law Introduced 中國實施「強制冷靜期」法條後 離婚率降72%

🌏Article The number of divorces in China has dropped by 72% since the country introduced a month-long "cooling-off" period for couples who decide to end their marriage. In the last three months of 2020, 1.06 million couples in China divorced, according to China's Ministry of Civil Affairs. In the first three months of 2021, that number was only 296,000. The drop is thanks to a new law requiring couples to wait 30 days after they first apply for a divorce. When that period ends, they must apply again, or their application will get canceled. The law came into effect on January 1, 2021 and is aimed at reducing divorce rates across the country. Chinese officials said they hope that the cooling-off period will stop "impulsive" divorces. When the law was first announced in 2020, it became one of the most talked about topics on Chinese social media. Couples who went through the month-long waiting period have reported different experiences. While some said it helped them save their marriage, others described it as "30 days of hell." China, however, is not the only country to make people wait before allowing them to get a divorce. France and the UK already have similar laws, as do many states in the US. 🌏Summary 自從中國針對決定要離婚的夫婦,實施為期一個月的「強制冷靜期」之後,該國的離婚數下降 72%。根據中華人民共和國民政部,2020 年最後三個月中,中國有 106 萬對夫妻離婚。 2021 年首三月,離婚的夫妻數只有 296,000 對。此數目的下降拜賜於一條新法規的實施。這個法規要求夫妻在首次提出離婚申請之後,得再等上 30 天。 這段時期結束後,他們必須再次提出申請,否則他們的申請就會被取消。 中國官員表示,他們希望這個「強製冷靜期」能夠阻止「衝動性」離婚。其實中國並非唯一規定民眾離婚前讓他們等上一些時間的國家。 法國和英國也有類似的法律。 🌏Words & Phrases divorce離婚 cool off冷靜下來 introduce推行 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/5/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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每天10分鐘德語開口說|德心應口:第05講:您是哪裡人? Woher kommen Sie?

Einheit 5 Woher kommen Sie? 1.Ländernamen國家名稱Deutschland德國   Österreich奧地利 Frankreich法國England英國Italien義大利Spanien西班牙Portugal葡萄牙Griechenland希臘Polen波蘭Russland俄國Tschechien 捷克   Dänemark丹麥 Norwegen挪威Schweden瑞典Finnland芬蘭Japan日本Korea韓國China中國 2.Dialoge對話 Dialog1 a:Woher kommen Sie? b:Ich komme aus Deutschland. UndSie?Woher sind Sie? a:Ich bin aus Österreich. Dialog2 a:Woher kommt ihr? b:Wir kommen aus Frankreich. Und du? Woher kommst du? a:Ah,ihr seid aus Frankreich. Ich komme aus Spanien. Dialog3 a:Woher kommen Julia und Hans? b:Ich glaube, Julia kommt aus Schweden und Hans ist aus Dänemark. 3.Verb-Konjugation:kommen,sein動詞人稱變化 ich/ du/ er sie /wir/ ihr/ sie/Sie kommen/ komme/ kommst/ kommt /kommen /kommt /kommen sein/ bin/ bist/ ist /sind /seid/ sind因排版問題~更詳細的內容請參閱本臺Channel+頻道: 🌏 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/2/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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第5講:家人的稱呼越南文化中很在乎年紀與輩份,而越南語裡面比較不會特別使用你、我、他,都是用輩份稱呼來做為你、我、他使用。爺爺跟外公的越南話,我們會說Ông nội跟Ông ngoại,但都可以只用Ông來做稱呼,所以可以很簡單的記得老翁老翁Ông Ông Ông。所以Ông這個字在正式場合也代表受人尊敬的先生意思。奶奶跟外婆的越南話就是Bà nội跟Bà ngoại,但一樣可以只用Bà稱呼就好,在正式場合裡面也代表受人尊敬的女士的意思。không這個字「嗎」表示中文疑問詞「嗎」的意思,但如果他放在句子中間,就表示否定,所以不健康我們會說Không khoẻ。「的」的越南語就是của。越南語會把中心訊息先說,所以會先說爺爺再說小宇的,越南話就是Ông của 小宇。意思就是小宇的爺爺。Ông của 小宇。 Cháu 就是孫子的意思Bố 是爸爸,我的爸爸Bố của emMẹ是媽媽,我的媽媽Mẹ của em 爸爸媽媽可以直接說Bố mẹ #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/31/202410 minutes, 8 seconds
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用新聞學英文|Designer Creates Robotic Eye for 'Smartphone Zombies' 設計師為「智慧型手機殭屍」打造機器眼

🌏Article People are spending more time on their phones than ever before. Some are even too busy looking at their smartphones while walking to look where they're going. Concerned about this issue, a South Korean industrial design student has come up with a solution. Paeng Min-wook, 28, has developed a robotic eye he calls "The Third Eye" for smartphone users who can't take their eyes off their screens — or "smartphone zombies" as Paeng calls them. The device is worn on the head and allows smartphone users to walk around safely while texting or browsing the internet. Whenever the user lowers their head to look at their phone, the device's eyelid opens up and starts looking ahead. If the person comes close to an obstacle, the device will beep, warning them to look up before they walk into something or someone. Paeng said The Third Eye is the look of the future. "As we cannot take our eyes off from smartphones, the extra eye will be needed in future." Paeng points out, however, that his device is not a real solution, but rather a satirical one. His main goal is to make people see just how much time they are spending on their phones and encourage them to change their habits. A recent study has found that an average person will spend almost 9 years on a smartphone during their life, with Millennials — those born between 1981 and 1996 — spending about 3.7 hours every day on their phones. 🌏Summary 有些人在走路的時候忙著看手機,而沒能看他們要走去哪。 南韓一位工業設計的學生想出一個解決方案,他替無法將視線移開螢幕的智慧型手機用戶,研發一款他命名為「第三隻眼」的機器眼。 這個裝置佩戴在頭上,讓智慧型手機的用戶可以在傳訊息或上網的時候,一邊安全地走路。每當使用者低頭看手機的時候,該裝置的眼皮就會打開,開始往前面看。 如果配戴的人靠近障礙物,該裝置會發出嗶嗶聲,在他們撞上東西或別人之前警告他們抬起頭。不過 Paeng 指出,他的裝置並不是真正的解決辦法,而是一個比較諷刺的手段。他主要的目標,是要讓民眾看看自己花多少時間在他們的手機上,並鼓勵他們要改變習慣。 🌏Words & Phrases satirical諷刺的 obstacle障礙 browse瀏覽 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/29/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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10分鐘學越南語|輕鬆學越南語:Em có khỏe không這句越南問候語的等級跟台語裡面「吃飽沒」是差不多的,只是越南人居然是問的是你健康嗎!?

第4講:Em có khỏe không?Em có khỏe không?:這句話的等級大概就是跟台語裡面「吃飽沒」是差不多的,只是我們越南問的是你健康嗎?跟台語裡的文化不太一樣喔! 回答「khỏe」,khoẻ表示我很好,我很健康hôm nay có khoẻ không? 今天好嗎? 是hôm nay今天回答長輩我很好要說Dạ, em khoẻ。(Dạ ,晚輩鄉長輩回答問題時,會擺在句首代表尊重,禮貌) cảm ơn:謝謝! (聽起來像中文的感恩,但是是越南話的謝謝,與中文感恩的嘴形不太一樣喔!)Cô rất khoẻ,cảm ơn em。我很好,謝謝!( rất , 是很怎麼樣的意思,它的意思是很,很好,很棒) 每天10分鐘德語開口說|德心應口: 🌏 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/24/202410 minutes, 22 seconds
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用新聞學英文|Healthy Childhood Habits May Have Long-Lasting Effects 健康的童年習慣可能帶來持久的效果!

🌏Article Children who exercise and eat a healthy diet are more likely to become adults who like healthy food and are less anxious. This is according to research on mice from the University of California, Riverside. Study leader Marcell Cadney says that it's common for doctors to tell people to eat less and exercise more if they're worried about their weight. But this, he says, is why he was surprised that most studies looked at either diet or exercise, and why he and his team wanted to examine both. The researchers put mice into groups, with some given a healthy diet and others given a "Western" diet that was high in fat and sugar. Some of the mice were also able to exercise on a wheel. The mice were in these groups from when they were three weeks old until they were six weeks old, which is when mice reach sexual maturity. After this time period, all the mice spent eight weeks eating a healthy diet but not exercising. This way, the researchers could be sure that any differences they found between the two groups were caused when the mice were young. The study found that the mice that were given a Western diet when they were young were fatter and preferred unhealthy food as adults. The researchers also found that the mice that exercised when they were young showed less anxious behaviors as adults. These mice had more muscle and larger brains, too. The researchers say the study shows how important it is to develop healthy habits during early life. 🌏Summary 根據河濱加州大學的研究,會運動且飲食健康的小孩,較有可能成為喜歡健康食物且較不焦慮的成年人。 研究人員將老鼠分組,一部分獲得健康的飲食,另一部分獲得高脂高糖的「西式」飲食。 有些老鼠也會在輪子上運動。該研究發現,年幼時獲得西式飲食的老鼠,成年時比較胖,也比較喜歡不健康的食物。研究人員也發現,年幼時運動的老鼠,在成年之後較少顯示出焦慮的行為。 這些老鼠也有較多肌肉,大腦也比較大。研究人員表示該研究顯示出,在早期階段培養健康的習慣有多重要。 🌏Words & Phrases anxious焦慮的 common普遍的 diet日常飲食 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/22/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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10分鐘學越南語|輕鬆學越南語:在越南問年齡居然是禮貌的行為!?『Năm nay bao nhiêu tuổi?』今年幾歲?

第3集 『Năm nay bao nhiêu tuổi?』今年幾歲? 🌏重點整理在越南,稱謂會因為年紀不同而有不同的稱呼,所以叫老師cô,學生是em。但如果你跟弟弟妹妹說話的時候,你就變成要說是anh,弟弟妹妹是em。因為這樣的文化,所以知道對方年紀才會叫對稱謂,自然的問對方幾歲不會不禮貌,反而是一種禮貌的表現喔! Năm nay bao nhiêu tuổi, Năm nay bao nhiêu tuổi. Năm是年的意思,nay有現今的意思,所以今年就是năm nay,bao nhiêu是多少的意思 ,tuổi是歲。回答幾歲的時候,只要加上自己的稱謂與數字就可以回答這個問題囉,所以Em năm nay 12 tuổi就是我今年12歲的意思,關於越南話的數字怎麼說,老師將會在之後教大家怎麼說。 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/17/202410 minutes, 22 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:First Driverless Shuttles Allowed on UK Roads 首輛無人接駁車獲准在英國上路

🌏Article Three driverless shuttles are being trialed on roads in Cambridge, driving next to cars and bicycles for the first time in the UK. The auto-shuttles, made by driverless technology company Aurrigo, will take passengers around the University of Cambridge's West Cambridge campus. The electric shuttles will travel at about 32 kilometers per hour on a route that's just over 3 kilometers long. The journey around the campus will take 20 minutes, said Aurrigo CEO David Keene. The shuttles can read the route and use sensors, scanners and cameras to move safely through their environment on their own. Each shuttle can carry up to 10 people — but at first, only three will ride at a time because of the coronavirus. Not everyone likes the idea of shuttles that drive themselves, however. Several social media users wrote that the Aurrigo shuttles are an "accident waiting to happen." However, the trial shuttles will have a safety driver and co-driver who will immediately take the wheel if necessary. Claire Ruskin of Cambridge Network said that many places around Cambridge, such as hospitals and laboratories, work all day and night, but there isn't money to run public transport during all the times people are working. She said Aurrigo's shuttles could change that. 🌏Summary 無人接駁車目前在劍橋的道路上測試。日後,將在劍橋大學的西劍橋校園裡面載送乘客。無人接駁車能夠讀取路線並使用感測器、掃描機和攝影鏡頭,在他們城鎮中的環境裡安全地移動。每台接駁車可乘載至多 10 位民眾。不過,並不是大家都喜歡自動駕駛的接駁車的概念。 數名社群媒體用戶寫道,無人接駁車是一場「即將發生的意外」。不過其實,測試用的接駁車會有一名安全駕駛及共同駕駛,在需要的時候立即掌控方向盤。 🌏Words & Phrases shuttle接駁車 trial試驗 sensor感應器 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/16/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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每天10分鐘德語開口說|德心應口4: Buchstabieren Sie bitte! (名字)拼字

🌏第04講🌏 拼字 Buchstabieren Sie bitte! Einheit 4 Buchstabieren Sie bitte! 1. Redemittel 實用句型與詞彙 a) Wie bitte? b) Buchstabieren Sie das bitte! c) Buchstabier das bitte! d) Können Sie das bitte buchstabieren?   2. Das Alphabet 字母   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N   O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (2x)  ß Ä Ö Ü (2x)  3. Dialog a: Guten Tag, mein Name ist Franziska Bach. Wie heißen Sie? b: Guten Tag, Frau Bach. Ich heiße Julia Schuhmacher. a: Wie bitte? b: Julia ist mein Vorname und Schuhmacher ist mein Nachname. a: Bitte buchstabieren Sie das! b: Julia, J-U-L-I-A; Schuhmacher, S-C-H-U-M-A-C-H-E-R. Julia Schuhmacher. a: Ah, Frau Schuhmacher. #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/12/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Fruits and Vegetables Could Help Reduce Stress 蔬果可能幫助減輕壓力

🌏Article Feeling stressed? An Australian study has found that eating more fruits and vegetables could help. Researchers at Edith Cowan University in Perth wanted to examine the link between stress and eating fruits and vegetables. Looking at data from almost 8,700 Australians between the ages of 25 and 91, the researchers found that people who said they ate the most fruit and vegetables — at least 470 grams a day — reported 10% less stress than those who ate the least, or less than 230 grams a day. However, looking at the different age groups, the researchers actually found that eating more fruit and vegetables was only linked to lower stress for people between 45 and 65 — not for those below 45 or those 65 and older. Lead researcher Simone Radavelli-Bagatini said the results show that diet can be important for our mental health. Fruits and vegetables provide our bodies with chemicals that are known to reduce some of the physical effects of stress, which then helps to improve our mental health as well, she said. She said that long-term stress, if it's not managed, can lead to health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and depression, so it's important to find ways to reduce it. 🌏Summary 覺得有壓力嗎? 澳洲一份研究發現吃更多的蔬菜水果可能帶來幫助。伯斯的伊迪斯科文大學研究人員,希望調查壓力和攝取蔬果之間的關聯性。經過調查 8,700 名年齡介於 25 歲至 91 歲的澳洲人數據,研究人員發現那些說自己吃最多蔬果的人回報的壓力比那些吃最少蔬果的人少了 10%。首席研究員 Simone 表示,研究結果指出飲食對於我們的心理健康有其重要性。 蔬果提供我們身體的化學元素能夠減輕部分壓力的生理影響,也會改善我們的心理健康。 🌏Words & Phrases link連結 diet飲食 mental心理的 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ------ 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: ----- Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/8/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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每天10分鐘德語開口說|德心應口:Wie ist Ihr Name?詢問姓名

Einheit 3 Wie ist Ihr Name? 🌏1.Dialoge Dialog1 a: Wie ist Ihr Name? b: Mein Name ist LindaSchneider. Und Sie? Wie heißen Sie? a: Ich heiße Lydia Mayer. Dialog2 a: Wie ist dein Name? b: Mein Name ist Juliana Sommer. Und du ? Wie heißt du? a:Ich heiße Jutta Weiß. 🌏2.Satzmodelle實用句型 a.Familienname und Nachname 1)Wie ist Ihr Familienname?/Wie ist dein Familienname? --Mein Familienname ist Schneider. 2)Wie ist Ihr Nachname?/Wie ist dein Nachname? --Mein Nachname ist Schneider. b.Vorname Wie ist Ihr Vorname?/Wie ist dein Vorname? --MeinVornameistLinda. #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 #更多節目內容可以點選Channel+雙語教學花路米 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/5/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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世界咖啡館|輕鬆學 ‧越南語:怎麼自我介紹?

#每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 #更多節目內容可以點選Channel+雙語教學花路米 ----- 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍Channel+頻道: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/3/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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世界咖啡館|用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Author Neil Gaiman Shares Tips For New Writers 作家Neil Gaiman分享給新手作家的寫作建議

🌏Article Neil Gaiman is a British writer known for books such as Stardust and American Gods, as well as his work in comic books like The Sandman and The Eternals. During his career, Gaiman has been happy to share advice with people who want to learn how to write stories like he does. Here are some of his best tips: 1. Ask yourself, "What is this story about?" Sometimes you might have an idea for a story without knowing exactly what you want to say. He then reads his draft and asks himself, "What is this story about?" The answer to this question helps him decide what's most important to the story, letting him know what he needs to add and what he needs to remove to make it stronger in the second draft. 2. Give your characters "funny hats" When Gaiman says that you should give your characters funny hats, he doesn't mean it literally. He means that every character should have something that makes it easy for the reader to remember who they are. 3. Write The best advice that Gaiman gives about writing is also the simplest: if you want to be a writer, then you have to write. Writing just a few words a day is better than writing nothing at all, and can give you the practice you'll need to become a better writer over time. 🌏Summary Neil Gaiman 是一名知名英國作家,以其書籍《星塵》等聞名。他很樂意分享有關寫故事的建議。以下分享一些他的指點: ㄧ、反問自己這個故事在講什麼?Gaiman 說反問自己這個故事的核心內涵,可以幫助他決定,這個故事中最重要的是什麼,之後的草稿也可以變的更扎實。 二、讓你的角色戴「有趣的帽子」這個帽子,他指的不是字面上的意思。 他的意思是,每個角色都應該要有什麼特色,讓讀者容易記住他們是誰。 三、寫就對了 Gaiman 針對寫作提供的最佳建議,也是最簡單的建議:如果你想成為一名作家,那你就必須寫作。 一天只寫少少幾個字,也勝過完全沒有寫。 🌏Words & Phrases comic漫畫 tip指點 draft草稿 #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 #更多節目內容可以點選Channel+雙語教學花路米 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/1/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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每天10分鐘德語開口說|德心應口:問候Wie geht es Ihnen?

1.willkommen heißen表達歡迎 a)Herzlich willkommen! b)Herzlich willkommen in Taiwan. c)Herzlich willkommen in Taipei. d)GutenTag,Frau Fischer! Herzlich willkommen in Taiwan! e)Guten Abend,Heidi! Herzlich willkommen. 2.Dialoge 對話 Dialog1 A: Guten Tag,Herr Meier, wie geht es Ihnen? B:Ah,Frau Becker! Danke,gut.(=Mirgehtesgut.我很好)UndIhnen? A:Danke, auchgut. Dialog2 A:Hallo, Julia, wie geht esdir? B:Hallo,Martin!Danke, ganzgut. Und dir? A:Esgeht. Dialog3 A:Hallo,wie geht’s? B:Solala.Und dir? A:Nicht sogut. 3.Redemittel實用句型與辭彙Wie geht es Ihnen?Wie geht es dir?Wiegeht’s? --Danke, sehr gut./gut./ganzgut.Und Ihnen?/Und dir? --Esgeht./Solala --Nicht so gut. --Schlecht 🌏 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 #更多節目內容可以點選Channel+雙語教學花路米 ----- 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍Channel+頻道: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/29/202310 minutes, 25 seconds
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每天10分鐘德語開口說|德心應口:打招呼與道別 Begrüßung und Verabschiedung

第01講:打招呼與道別Begrüßung und Verabschiedung Einheit1 Begrüßung und Verabschiedung 1.sichbegrüßen打招呼 a)GutenMorgen! b)GutenTag! c)GutenAbend! 2.sichverabschieden道別 a)GuteNacht! b)Tschüss! c)AufWiedersehen! 3.mitNamen加上稱謂GutenMorgen,FrauFischer! GutenTag,HerrFischer. GuteNacht,FrauFischer! AufWiedersehen,HerrFischer! Tschüs,Heidi! Tschüs,Thomas! 4.請,謝謝,對不起Danke!--Bitte!(2x)謝謝—不客氣Bitte!(2x)請Entschuldigung(2x)對不起EntschuldigenSiebitte!(2x)對不起/請您原諒 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 #更多節目內容可以點選Channel+雙語教學花路米 ----- 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍Channel+頻道: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/29/202310 minutes, 21 seconds
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10分鐘學越南語|輕鬆學越南語:你好!老師早~同學早~xin chào! em chào cô~chào các bạn~

歡迎大家一起來輕鬆學越南語-越說越有趣~你好 xin chào老師好 em chào cô在越南,會有分男老師,女老師,會有不同的叫法,女老師我們會叫她是「cô」; 如果是男老師呢,我們會叫男老師是「thầy」。在北越,人們會很尊重禮儀,就是向長輩打招呼,在句尾會加一個字「ạ」,假如要向女老師打招呼的話,小朋友會說「em chào cô ạ」!同學 bạn在我們跟同學打招呼「chào bạn」,那個「em」的稱謂是不用了,因為他是跟你同一輩的,所以自己的稱謂就不用擺上來,只要跟長輩們打招呼的時候,還是問候,才要把自己的稱謂擺在前面。但是,如果是和同學,還是朋友,同一輩以下的,我們自己的稱謂就不用擺在前面了,只要說「chào bạn」 同學們好 chào các bạn  #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 #更多節目內容可以點選Channel+雙語教學花路米 ----- 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:世界咖啡館 ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍Channel+頻道: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/29/202310 minutes, 23 seconds
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世界咖啡館|用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Jeff Bezos to Visit Space in His Own Rocket Jeff Bezos將搭乘自有火箭前往外太空

🌏Article Jeff Bezos, the 57-year-old founder of Amazon and richest person in the world, plans to become the first person to travel into space in his own rocket. On July 20, Bezos will ride on the first flight by a New Shepard rocket to carry a crew. The reusable rockets, built by Bezos' company Blue Origin, have been successfully tested without a crew 15 times before. Bezos said he will be joined by his younger brother Mark. The Bezos brothers will fly from Texas, along with the winner of an online charity auction that ends in July. The rocket can carry up to six people, but it's not known if anyone else will also be on the flight. Lasting only 10 minutes, the flight will take its passengers 105 kilometers up, just past the edge of space. Before returning to Earth, Bezos and his guests will enjoy about three minutes of weightlessness and will see the Earth through the largest windows ever built for a space vehicle. Bezos said he has wanted to go to space since he was just 5 years old. "It’s a big deal for me," he wrote on Instagram. Just 15 days before the flight, Bezos will also step down as CEO of Amazon. He announced months ago that he wants to spend more time on Blue Origin as well as his newspaper, The Washington Post. 🌏Summary 身兼亞馬遜創辦人及全球最富有人士的 Jeff Bezos 今年 57 歲,他計畫要成為第一個搭乘自己的火箭前往外太空的人。Bezos 從五歲開始就一直想要去外太空,他在 Instagram 上表示這對他而言非常重要。這些可重複使用的火箭由 Bezos 自己的公司 Blue Origin 打造,先前進行無人測試時已成功 15 次。Bezos 表示這趟火箭之旅同行的人,還有他的弟弟 Mark,以及一位線上慈善拍賣會的贏家。這架火箭將從德州起飛,目前還不知道是否還會有其他人加入此趟飛行。 🌏Words & Phrases reusable可重複利用的 rocket火箭 weightlessness失重狀態 #每周二、四更新 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:世界咖啡館 ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/18/20235 minutes, 21 seconds