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学英语环游世界|每日旅行英语 Profile


Chinese, Education, 1 season, 2015 episodes, 5 days, 10 hours, 30 minutes
35岁的Lily在三年前原本是一个平凡的家庭主妇和英语老师,没有雄厚的家世背景,是如何靠着建立积极心态和实际行动实现她的环球旅行梦?在这个播客专辑里,你不仅可以学英语,还可以跟着她的旅行故事一起环游世界!每日更新,给你不间断的满满正能量!微信公众号:贵旅特 (唯一官方号!!!)
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1692 梦想速成的子弹笔记法|Lily到澳洲旅居生活开始啦!

Hello everybody, I have a tip and advice that was given to me by life coach Lily to help reach your goals and organize your life. So everybody get a notebook and get a pen and leave the first page blank and put above there, right above there, weekly to-do list. Then get a second page blank and write down monthly to-do list.大家好,我有一个由生活教练 Lily 给我的建议和技巧,帮助大家达成目标并整理生活。请大家准备一本笔记本和一支笔,将第一页留白,并在页面上方写下“每周待办事项清单”。接下来,翻到第二页,这页也留白,并在上面写下“每月待办事项清单”。Then after that you're going to have 10 (12) empty pages and above each page you're going to write the following headings and dedicate one page to each heading. The first one is going to be career, the second one creativity, the third one community, the fourth one financial, the fifth one adventure, sixth intellectual, seven environment, eight skill, nine spiritual, 10 character, 11 relationships, and 12 health. Now you're going to take your pen and under each heading you're going to write down one goal for each area.然后你要留出十(二)页空白页,每页上方依次写下以下标题,每个标题各占一页。第一页是“事业”,第二页是“创意”,第三页是“社区”,第四页是“财务”,第五页是“冒险”,第六页是“智力”,第七页是“环境”,第八页是“技能”,第九页是“精神”,第十页是“品格”,第十一页是“关系”,第十二页是“健康”。现在,请在每个标题下写下一个该领域的目标。And then under the goal you're going to write down all the steps that you can immediately think of that you can take to achieve the goal. So for instance, for the heading health your goal could be go to the gym daily. And the first action that you write down is search gym in my area and get a gym membership and figure out the price of the gym membership and visit the gym for the first time.接下来,在目标下方写出你立刻能想到的所有步骤,这些步骤是帮助你实现目标的。例如,在“健康”这一页,你的目标可能是“每天去健身房”,那么你可以写下的第一个步骤是“搜寻我附近的健身房,办理健身房会员,了解会员费用,并首次拜访健身房”。You can break down each goal into as many small actions that you can think of. Then you're going to take the most urgent actions and you're going to put them in your monthly to-do list and then you're going to sort them into your weekly and daily to-do list. And on your daily to-do list should be the actions that you can immediately take today to reach that goal.你可以将每个目标分解成你能想到的尽可能多的小步骤。然后,将最急需完成的行动列入“每月待办事项清单”,再将它们安排到“每周待办事项清单”和“每日待办事项清单”。在“每日待办事项清单”上,应列出你今天可以立即采取的行动,来达成该目标。Thank you for listening.谢谢大家的聆听。加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily
9/18/202424 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

1691 巴厘岛星空下的奇遇:上海女孩的勇敢告白和海滩失鞋记

0:02开场介绍,Lily Wong 主持《学英语环游世界》节目,并介绍嘉宾 Stella。0:35Stella 介绍自己,提到她在巴厘岛待了两周,接下来还会在这里待两周,并计划前往 Jabb 岛体验当地文化。1:50Lily 说明 Stella 在志工期间非常受欢迎,并分享了一个关于阿根廷朋友 Messy 的故事。3:10Stella 讲述与 Messy 在巴厘岛西部海滩上发生的故事,并提到他们在海边欣赏星空的浪漫经历。4:30Stella 回忆自己因为太激动,在海边奔跑时丢掉了左脚的拖鞋,并描述 Messy 如何勇敢地帮助她找回拖鞋。6:30Stella 分享了她与父母之间的关系,特别是她总会在信息中对父母表达爱意。8:00Stella 谈到东亚父母通常不善于直接表达爱意,但她认为表达爱非常重要,并描述了父母逐渐接受并回应她的“我爱你”的故事。10:30Lily 分享自己对 Stella 表达爱意的感触,并提到她最近受到《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》这本书的启发。11:45Stella 说自己高中时也曾多次读过这本书,并受到它的启发,梦想成为一个放羊女孩,享受自由的生活。12:30Lily 继续讲述书中的故事,特别是关于少年手持油碗的故事,并联系到 Stella 对父母和人生的态度。14:00节目结尾,Lily 邀请听众留言并感谢他们的收听。Stella 幽默地说如果听众想联系她,告诉大海,大海会知道。加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily
9/14/202413 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

1690(英语)当杂乱结束时,平静开始|简化生活挑战|Day 7

Peace begins when clutter ends.' (当杂乱结束时,平静开始。)Intro:"Welcome to Day 7 of our 30-day decluttering challenge! Each day, we begin with an inspiring quote, reflect on a thought-provoking question, and share some personal experiences. The goal is to help you find inner peace and happiness by simplifying your life."开场白:“欢迎来到我们30天清理杂物挑战的第7天!每天,我们会从一句启发人心的名言开始,然后反思一个问题,接着分享一些个人的经历。这一切都是为了帮助你找到内心的平静,通过简化你的生活来提升幸福感。”Quote:"Today's quote is: 'Peace begins when clutter ends.' (当杂乱结束时,平静开始。) This quote tells us that by eliminating clutter from our lives, we can create a more peaceful and serene state of mind."名言:“今天的名言是:『当杂乱结束时,平静开始。』这句话告诉我们,通过清除生活中的杂乱,我们可以创造出一个更平静、更安宁的心境。”Question:"Today's question is: 'How do you feel when you look at a cluttered space, and how would you like to feel instead?' (当你看到杂乱的空间时有什么感觉?你希望有什么样的感觉?)"问题:“今天的问题是:'How do you feel when you look at a cluttered space, and how would you like to feel instead?' 『当你看到杂乱的空间时有什么感觉?你希望有什么样的感觉?』”Femke's Answer:"Today, we have Femke from the Netherlands again, whom I met in Bali. I asked her the question: 'How do you feel when you look at a cluttered space, and how would you like to feel instead?' Here's what she shared:'When I look at a cluttered space, it reminds me of how cluttered my own mind is and how cluttered my own life is. So, I would like to feel more clear, have more clarity, feel more organized, and feel like everything has its place. I want to be able to find everything easily and not have too much stuff, keeping things minimalistic, which makes life easier.'"Femke的回答:“今天,我们再次邀请到来自荷兰的Femke,她也是我在巴厘岛认识的朋友。我问了她这个问题:『当你看到杂乱的空间时有什么感觉?你希望有什么样的感觉?』以下是她的回答:'When I look at a cluttered space, it reminds me of how cluttered my own mind is and how cluttered my own life is. So, I would like to feel more clear, have more clarity, feel more organized, and feel like everything has its place. I want to be able to find everything easily and not have too much stuff, keeping things minimalistic, which makes life easier.'"『当我看到杂乱的空间时,它会让我想到自己有多么混乱的思绪,还有我生活中的种种混乱。所以,我希望能感觉更加清晰,有更多的清晰感,感觉更有条理,感觉每样东西都有它的位置,可以很容易地找到东西,而且东西不会太多,保持一种极简的风格,这样生活会更轻松。』”Call to Action:"Now, it’s your turn! How do you feel when you see clutter in your home or workspace? How would you like to feel instead? Share your thoughts with us! You can leave your response on our social media or in the comments section of this episode. Let's explore together how decluttering can bring more peace and joy into our lives."行动呼吁:“现在,轮到你了!当你看到家里或工作中的杂乱时,你有什么感觉?你希望有什么样的感觉?分享你的想法吧!你可以在我们的社交媒体上或在这集节目的评论区留下你的回应。让我们一起探讨,如何通过清理杂乱来创造更多的平静和快乐。”Special Offer:"If you're ready to take your decluttering journey further and find peace by removing unnecessary clutter, join my online decluttering program. The program includes a detailed PDF guide and group coaching sessions to help you clear the clutter and focus on what truly matters. Visit our website to learn more and sign up today!"特别优惠:“如果你准备好进一步改变生活,减少不必要的杂乱并找到内心的平静,欢迎加入我的在线清理杂物课程。课程包括详细的PDF指南和小组辅导会议,帮助你清除生活中的杂乱,专注于真正重要的事物。请访问我们的网站了解更多信息并立即注册!”Outro:"Thank you for joining me today. Remember, peace begins when clutter ends. Let’s work together to clear the clutter in our lives and welcome more peace.结尾:“感谢你今天的收听。记住,当杂乱结束时,平静就会开始。让我们一起努力,清除生活中的杂乱,迎接更多的平静。明天见,我们的清理杂物挑战第8天再会!”加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily
9/13/20244 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

1689 当杂乱结束时,平静开始|简化生活挑战|Day 7

Peace begins when clutter ends.' (当杂乱结束时,平静开始。) 问题:“今天的问题是:'How do you feel when you look at a cluttered space, and how would you like to feel instead?' 『当你看到杂乱的空间时有什么感觉?你希望有什么样的感觉?』”Femke的回答:“今天,我们再次邀请到来自荷兰的Femke,她也是我在巴厘岛认识的朋友。我问了她这个问题:『当你看到杂乱的空间时有什么感觉?你希望有什么样的感觉?』以下是她的回答:'When I look at a cluttered space, it reminds me of how cluttered my own mind is and how cluttered my own life is. So, I would like to feel more clear, have more clarity, feel more organized, and feel like everything has its place. I want to be able to find everything easily and not have too much stuff, keeping things minimalistic, which makes life easier.'"『当我看到杂乱的空间时,它会让我想到自己有多么混乱的思绪,还有我生活中的种种混乱。所以,我希望能感觉更加清晰,有更多的清晰感,感觉更有条理,感觉每样东西都有它的位置,可以很容易地找到东西,而且东西不会太多,保持一种极简的风格,这样生活会更轻松。』”单词记忆:1. Cluttered(adjective) - 杂乱的,混乱的2. Clarity(noun) - 清晰,明确3. Organized(adjective) - 有条理的,整齐的4. Minimalistic(adjective) - 极简的,简约的5. Easily(adverb) - 容易地,轻松地加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily
9/12/20248 minutes, 43 seconds
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1688 (英语)东西少了,自由多了|简化生活挑战|Day 6

『东西少了,自由多了。』Intro:"Welcome to Day 6 of our 30-day Simplify Your Life challenge! Each day, we explore a thought-provoking quote, reflect on a question, and then I’ll share personal stories or experiences. The purpose is to inspire you to find freedom and joy by simplifying your life."开场白:“欢迎来到我们30天清理杂物挑战的第6天!每天,我们会探索一句发人深省的名言,反思一个问题,然后分享一些个人故事或经历。目的是通过简化你的生活来激励你找到自由和快乐。”Quote:"Today’s quote is: 'Less stuff equals more freedom.' (东西少了,自由多了) This quote highlights the idea that by having fewer things, we can experience a greater sense of freedom. It’s a reminder that sometimes, letting go of excess can lead to a more fulfilling life."名言:“今天的名言是:'Less stuff equals more freedom.' 『东西少了,自由多了。』这句话强调了这样一个观点:通过拥有更少的物品,我们可以体验到更大的自由感。这提醒我们,有时候放下多余的东西会带来更充实的生活。”Question:"Today's question is: 'What habits are weighing you down rather than lifting you up?' (有哪些习惯让你感到沉重而非振奋?)"问题:“今天的问题是:What habits are weighing you down rather than lifting you up?'『有哪些习惯让你感到沉重而非振奋?』”Femke's Answer:"Today, we have a special guest, Femke from the Netherlands, whom I met in Bali. I asked her about the habits that might be weighing her down rather than lifting her up. Here’s what she shared:'Well, for me personally, I would say that the first habit is that I go to therapy, and every two weeks, I have a therapy session. But therapy requires daily practice of exercises, and it needs daily consistency, either through writing in a gratitude journal, thinking about specific questions, or meditating. I haven’t been as consistent with these exercises, and that’s something I know I should do more to uplift myself.Secondly, I tend to think about the past and past difficult situations, sometimes even reliving them. It would be more beneficial for me to switch my mindset and focus more on the present and the future, and my to-do list, to help me reach where I want to go, instead of constantly thinking about what has happened in the past.Lastly, I’ve noticed that in my daily routines, like cleaning, eating, or dressing, I often rush through things. This rushing causes me to miss out on being present and appreciating a good meal or a meaningful conversation. I need to be more mindful of the present and truly enjoy the moments in my life.'"“今天,我们有一位特别来宾,来自荷兰的Femke,我在巴厘岛遇见了她。我问她有哪些习惯可能让她感到沉重而不是振奋。以下是她的分享:『对我来说,首先,我每两周参加一次心理治疗,但治疗需要每天练习一些练习,并且需要每天保持一致性,比如写感恩日记、思考特定问题或冥想。我没有一直坚持这些练习,而这正是我知道应该做得更多来振奋自己的事情。其次,我有时会思考过去的事情和困难的情况,甚至会重新体验它们。对我来说,更有益的是转换心态,多关注当下和未来,还有我的待办清单,这样可以帮助我达到我想要去的地方,而不是不断地思考过去发生的事情。最后,我注意到在日常生活中,比如打扫、吃饭或穿衣服时,我经常匆匆忙忙。这种匆忙让我错过了当下的感受,无法真正欣赏一顿美餐或一场有意义的对话。我需要更多地专注于当下,真正享受生活中的每个时刻。』”Call to Action:"Now it’s your turn to reflect! What habits in your life might be weighing you down instead of lifting you up? Is there something you could change to feel lighter and more aligned with your true self? Share your thoughts with us on social media or in the comments below this episode. We’d love to hear from you and support each other on this journey to a freer and more joyful life."行动呼吁:“现在轮到你来反思了!生活中有哪些习惯可能让你感到沉重而不是振奋?是否有什么你可以改变的,以便感觉更轻松,更符合真正的自我?在我们的社交媒体上或这集节目的评论区分享你的想法。我们很想听到你的意见,并在这个寻求更自由和快乐生活的旅程中互相支持。”Special Offer:"If you're ready to take the next step in decluttering not just your physical space but also your habits and routines, join my online decluttering program. It includes a detailed PDF guide and group coaching sessions to help you identify and shed what no longer serves you. Visit our website to learn more and sign up today!"特别优惠:“如果你准备好进一步清理,不仅仅是你的物理空间,还包括你的习惯和日常生活,欢迎加入我的在线清理杂物课程。课程包括详细的PDF指南和小组辅导会议,帮助你辨别并摆脱不再服务于你的东西。请访问我们的网站了解更多信息并立即注册!”Outro:"Thank you for joining me today. Remember, less stuff equals more freedom. Let’s strive to let go of the things and habits that weigh us down and embrace the ones that lift us up. See you tomorrow for Day 7 of our decluttering challenge!"结尾:“感谢你今天的收听。记住,东西少了,自由多了。让我们努力放下那些让我们感到沉重的事物和习惯,拥抱那些能让我们振奋的。明天见,我们的清理杂物挑战第7天再会!”加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily
9/11/20246 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

1687 东西少了,自由多了|简化生活挑战|Day 6

'Less stuff equals more freedom.' 『东西少了,自由多了。』问题:“今天的问题是:What habits are weighing you down rather than lifting you up?'『有哪些习惯让你感到沉重而非振奋?』”Femke的回答:'Well, for me personally, I would say that the first habit is that I go to therapy, and every two weeks, I have a therapy session. But therapy requires daily practice of exercises, and it needs daily consistency, either through writing in a gratitude journal, thinking about specific questions, or meditating. I haven’t been as consistent with these exercises, and that’s something I know I should do more to uplift myself.Secondly, I tend to think about the past and past difficult situations, sometimes even reliving them. It would be more beneficial for me to switch my mindset and focus more on the present and the future, and my to-do list, to help me reach where I want to go, instead of constantly thinking about what has happened in the past.Lastly, I’ve noticed that in my daily routines, like cleaning, eating, or dressing, I often rush through things. This rushing causes me to miss out on being present and appreciating a good meal or a meaningful conversation. I need to be more mindful of the present and truly enjoy the moments in my life.'"“今天,我们有一位特别来宾,来自荷兰的Femke,我在巴厘岛遇见了她。我问她有哪些习惯可能让她感到沉重而不是振奋。以下是她的分享:『对我来说,首先,我每两周参加一次心理治疗,但治疗需要每天练习一些练习,并且需要每天保持一致性,比如写感恩日记、思考特定问题或冥想。我没有一直坚持这些练习,而这正是我知道应该做得更多来振奋自己的事情。其次,我有时会思考过去的事情和困难的情况,甚至会重新体验它们。对我来说,更有益的是转换心态,多关注当下和未来,还有我的待办清单,这样可以帮助我达到我想要去的地方,而不是不断地思考过去发生的事情。最后,我注意到在日常生活中,比如打扫、吃饭或穿衣服时,我经常匆匆忙忙。这种匆忙让我错过了当下的感受,无法真正欣赏一顿美餐或一场有意义的对话。我需要更多地专注于当下,真正享受生活中的每个时刻。』”单词记忆:1. Consistency(名词) - 一致性,持续性2. Gratitude(名词) - 感恩,感激3. Beneficial(形容词) - 有益的,有利的4. Relive(动词) - 重温,再体验5. Mindset(名词) - 思维方式,心态加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily
9/11/202413 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

1686 美好生活的秘诀|简化生活挑战|Day 5

'The secret to living well is not in accumulating more, but in shedding excess.美好生活的秘诀不在于积累更多,而在于减少多余的东西。Intro:"Welcome to Day 5 of our 30-day Simplify Your Life challenge! Every day, we start with an insightful quote, reflect on a meaningful question, and I’ll share my personal experience. The goal is to help you identify areas of your life where you can let go and create space for what truly matters."开场白:“欢迎来到我们30天简化生活挑战的第5天!每天,我们会以一句深刻的名言开始,反思一个有意义的问题,接着我会分享我的个人经历。目标是帮助你找到生活中可以放下的部分,为真正重要的事物创造空间。”Quote:"Today’s quote is:'The secret to living well is not in accumulating more, but in shedding excess.'This quote reminds us that a fulfilling life comes not from gathering more things but from letting go of what we don't need."名言:“今天的名言是:'The secret to living well is not in accumulating more, but in shedding excess.『美好生活的秘诀不在于积累更多,而在于减少多余的东西。』这句话提醒我们,充实的生活不在于收集更多的东西,而在于放下我们不需要的东西。”Question:"Today's question is:'What activities in your life no longer align with your goals and values?'"问题:“今天的问题是:What activities in your life no longer align with your goals and values?'"『生活中有哪些活动不再符合你的目标和价值观?』”Lily's Answer:"I've been thinking about my diet lately. I'm hoping I can choose to eat healthier snacks like fruits instead of cookies and chocolate. Also, I want to be more mindful when I eat meals, paying attention to what I'm consuming. My goal is to feel lighter and healthier in my diet, just as I want my living space to be clutter-free and peaceful."“最近我一直在思考我的饮食习惯。我希望能选择更健康的零食,比如水果,而不是饼干和巧克力。此外,我想在吃饭时更加有意识,注意自己在吃什么。我的目标是让我的饮食也感觉更轻盈和健康,就像我希望我的生活空间保持整洁和平静一样。”Call to Action:"Now it’s your turn! Consider the activities or habits in your life that might not align with your goals or values anymore. It could be certain foods you eat, how you spend your free time, or even the way you manage stress. Think about what you can change to feel more aligned with your true self. Share your thoughts with us on social media or in the comments below this episode. Let’s support each other in our journey to live better and more intentionally."行动呼吁:“现在轮到你了!想想生活中那些可能已经不再符合你的目标或价值观的活动或习惯。可能是你吃的某些食物、你如何度过空闲时间,或者甚至是你管理压力的方式。想一想你可以做哪些改变,让自己更符合真实的自我。请在我们的社交媒体上或这集节目的评论区分享你的想法。让我们在追求更好、更有意义的生活旅程中互相支持。”Special Offer:"If you’re ready to make bigger changes in your life, join my online Simplify Your Life program. It includes a comprehensive PDF guide and group coaching sessions that will help you shed the excess and focus on what truly matters. Visit our website to learn more and sign up today!"特别优惠:“如果你准备好在生活中做出更大的改变,欢迎加入我的在线清理杂物课程。课程包括一个全面的PDF指南和小组辅导会议,帮助你减少过剩,专注于真正重要的事物。请访问我们的网站了解更多信息并立即注册!”Outro:"Thank you for being with me today. Remember, the secret to living well is not in accumulating more, but in shedding what’s unnecessary. See you tomorrow for Day 6 of our decluttering challenge!"结尾:“感谢你今天的收听。记住,幸福生活的秘密不在于积累更多,而在于减少不必要的事物。明天见,我们的清理杂物挑战第6天再会!”
9/9/20244 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

1685 美好生活的秘诀|简化生活挑战|Day 5

'The secret to living well is not in accumulating more, but in shedding excess. 美好生活的秘诀不在于积累更多,而在于减少多余的东西。问题:“今天的问题是:What activities in your life no longer align with your goals and values?'"『生活中有哪些活动不再符合你的目标和价值观?』”Lily的回答:"I've been thinking about my diet lately. I'm hoping I can choose to eat healthier snacks like fruits instead of cookies and chocolate. Also, I want to be more mindful when I eat meals, paying attention to what I'm consuming. My goal is to feel lighter and healthier in my diet, just as I want my living space to be clutter-free and peaceful."“最近我一直在思考我的饮食习惯。我希望能选择更健康的零食,比如水果,而不是饼干和巧克力。此外,我想在吃饭时更加有意识,注意自己在吃什么。我的目标是让我的饮食也感觉更轻盈和健康,就像我希望我的生活空间保持整洁和平静一样。”单词记忆1. Accumulate (动词) - 累积,积聚2. Excess (名词) - 过量,多余3. Align (动词) - 对齐,使一致4. Mindful (形容词) - 有意识的,注意的5. Consume (动词) - 消耗,摄入
9/9/202412 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

1684 (英语) 杂物不过是推迟的决定|简化生活挑战|Day 4

"Hello everyone, I have an exciting update! I’ve decided to change the name of our challenge from the 'Decluttering Challenge' to the 'Simplify Your Life Challenge.' The reason for this change is simple—I’ve realized that the word 'decluttering' is a bit tricky for me to say, and I want to make sure everything is as smooth and simple as possible for all of us.But don't worry, the focus of our challenge remains the same! We are still committed to helping you clear out the unnecessary, create more space, and make room for what truly matters in your life. The 'Simplify Your Life Challenge' is all about finding joy in simplicity and bringing more peace and happiness into your daily life.Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I can’t wait to continue exploring ways to simplify and enhance our lives together!""大家好,我有一个令人兴奋的更新!我决定将我们的挑战名称从『断舍离挑战』改为『简化生活挑战』。这次更改的原因很简单——我发现『清理杂物』这个词对我来说有点难说,我希望能让所有一切变得尽可能流畅和简单。但是请不用担心,我们挑战的重点不会改变!我们仍然致力于帮助你清除不必要的东西,创造更多的空间,并为生活中真正重要的事物腾出位置。『简化生活挑战』旨在帮助你在简单中找到快乐,并为你的日常生活带来更多的平静和幸福。感谢你与我一同踏上这段旅程,我迫不及待地想要继续探索如何简化和提升我们的生活!"“Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.' 『杂物不过是推迟的决定。』Intro:"Welcome to Day 4 of our 30-day Simplify Your Life challenge! Each day, we begin with a meaningful quote, reflect on a question, and then I’ll share my personal thoughts. The goal is to inspire you to think about the things in your life that may be weighing you down and how to let go of them."开场白:“欢迎来到我们30天清理杂物挑战的第4天!每天,我们会从一句有意义的名言开始,反思一个问题,然后我会分享我的个人想法。目标是激励你思考生活中可能会拖累你的事情,以及如何放下它们。”Quote:"Today’s quote is:'Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.'This quote encourages us to think about the choices we delay making, which can often lead to clutter in our lives."名言:“今天的名言是:Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.'『杂物不过是推迟的决定。』这句话鼓励我们思考那些我们推迟做出的选择,这些选择往往会导致我们生活中的杂乱。”Question:"Let's explore today’s question:'Are there any possessions you're holding onto out of guilt or obligation?'"问题:“让我们来探讨今天的问题:“Are there any possessions you're holding onto out of guilt or obligation?”『是否有一些你因为内疚或责任而保留的物品?』”Lily's Answer:"Yes, actually, I have some papers from the health insurance bureau at home. I am responsible for paying a certain amount of money I owe. These papers have codes for me to scan and pay, but now, as I'm writing this, I realize I can actually throw away the papers by just transferring the money to the bank account they provided me. This simple realization shows how sometimes we hold onto things unnecessarily, just because we haven’t made a decision."“是的,实际上我家里有一些来自健康保险局的文件。我需要支付一些欠款,这些文件上有一些可以扫描支付的代码。不过,当我写这些的时候,我突然意识到,我其实可以直接把钱转到他们提供的银行账户上,然后把这些文件丢掉。这个简单的领悟显示出,有时候我们只是因为尚未做决定而不必要地保留了一些东西。”Call to Action:"Now it’s your turn! Think about the things you're holding onto because of guilt or obligation. It could be old letters, unused gifts, or documents that you think you need to keep. Take a moment to consider if they are truly necessary or if you can find a way to let go of them. I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please share them on our social media platforms or in the comments below this episode. Let's work together to clear the clutter and make room for what truly matters."行动呼吁:“现在轮到你了!想想那些你因为内疚或责任而保留的物品。它可能是旧信件、用不上的礼物,或者你觉得需要保留的文件。花点时间考虑它们是否真的必要,或者你是否可以找到一种方法放下它们。我很希望听到你的想法和经历。请在我们的社交媒体平台或这集节目的评论区分享。让我们一起清理杂物,为真正重要的事情腾出空间。”Special Offer:"If you’re looking for more guidance on how to declutter your space and life, join my online Simplify your Life program. It includes a detailed PDF guide and access to group coaching sessions. Together, we can tackle your clutter and create a more peaceful and fulfilling environment. Visit our website to learn more and sign up."特别优惠:“如果你需要更多关于如何清理空间和生活的指导,欢迎加入我的在线清理杂物课程。课程包括详细的PDF指南和小组辅导会议的机会。我们可以一起解决你的杂物问题,创造一个更加平静和满足的环境。请访问我们的网站了解更多信息并注册。”Outro:"Thank you for joining me today. Remember, clutter is often just a sign of postponed decisions. Let’s start making those decisions now. See you tomorrow for Day 5 of our Simplify Your Life challenge!"结尾:“感谢你今天的收听。记住,杂物往往只是推迟的决定的标志。让我们从现在开始做出那些决定吧。明天见,我们的清理杂物挑战第5天再会!”
9/7/20246 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

1683 杂物不过是推迟的决定|简化生活挑战|Day 4

”Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.'『杂物不过是推迟的决定。』开场白:“欢迎来到我们30天清理杂物挑战的第4天!每天,我们会从一句有意义的名言开始,反思一个问题,然后我会分享我的个人想法。目标是激励你思考生活中可能会拖累你的事情,以及如何放下它们。”名言:“今天的名言是:Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.'『杂物不过是推迟的决定。』这句话鼓励我们思考那些我们推迟做出的选择,这些选择往往会导致我们生活中的杂乱。”问题:“让我们来探讨今天的问题:“Are there any possessions you're holding onto out of guilt or obligation?”『是否有一些你因为内疚或责任而保留的物品?』”Lily的回答:"Yes, actually, I have some papers from the health insurance bureau at home. I am responsible for paying a certain amount of money I owe. These papers have codes for me to scan and pay, but now, as I'm writing this, I realize I can actually throw away the papers by just transferring the money to the bank account they provided me. This simple realization shows how sometimes we hold onto things unnecessarily, just because we haven’t made a decision."“是的,实际上我家里有一些来自健康保险局的文件。我需要支付一些欠款,这些文件上有一些可以扫描支付的代码。不过,当我写这些的时候,我突然意识到,我其实可以直接把钱转到他们提供的银行账户上,然后把这些文件丢掉。这个简单的领悟显示出,有时候我们只是因为尚未做决定而不必要地保留了一些东西。”单词记忆:Obligation (名词) - 义务,责任Bureau (名词) - 局,办事处Responsible (形容词) - 负责任的Transfer (动词) - 转帐,转移Realization (名词) - 领悟,认识加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily
9/6/202415 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

1682(英语) 简化生活,快乐自然增长|简化生活挑战|Day3

"Simplify your life and watch your joy grow."“简化生活,快乐自然增长。”Intro:"Welcome to Day 3 of our 30-day decluttering challenge! Each day, we start with an inspiring quote, reflect on a thought-provoking question, and then I’ll share my own answer. My hope is that these reflections will inspire you to make positive changes in your life."开场白:“欢迎来到我们30天断舍离挑战的第3天!每天,我们会以一句激励人心的名言开始,然后反思一个引人深思的问题,接着我会分享我的答案。我希望这些反思能激励你在生活中做出积极的改变。”Quote:"Today’s quote is:'Simplify your life and watch your joy grow.'This powerful message encourages us to see the connection between simplicity and happiness."名言:“今天的名言是:『简化生活,快乐自然增长。』这句强而有力的话告诉我们,简单与快乐之间有着密切的关联。”Question:"Let’s dive into today’s question:'How does physical clutter affect your mental and emotional state?'"问题:“让我们来探讨今天的问题:『How does physical clutter affect your mental and emotional state?'"物品上的杂乱如何影响你的心理和情绪状态?』”Lily's Answer:"When I was younger, I used to have really cluttered space. I didn’t start to tell the difference until I got older and started living with a boyfriend. My boyfriends were usually tidier than I was, and they taught me a lot about maintaining a clean and tidy environment. Now, I feel great when I stay in a space with less physical clutter. It’s like a weight has been lifted, making me feel calmer and more at peace."“在我年轻的时候,我的空间总是非常杂乱。直到我年纪稍长,开始和男朋友同住,我才开始注意到差别。我的男朋友们通常比我更爱干净,他们教会了我很多关于保持环境整洁的知识。现在,当我待在一个杂物较少的空间里时,我感觉非常好。这就像是卸下了一个重担,让我感到更加平静和安详。”Call to Action:"Now it's your turn! Take a moment to think about how physical clutter impacts your mental and emotional well-being. Does it make you feel stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious? Or maybe a clutter-free environment brings you peace and joy? Share your thoughts with us on social media or in the comments below this episode. Let's learn from each other and support one another on this journey to a simpler, more joyful life."行动呼吁:“现在轮到你了!花些时间思考一下,物理上的杂乱如何影响你的心理和情绪状态。它会让你感到压力、过于紧张,还是焦虑?或者,干净整洁的环境会带给你平静和快乐?请在我们的社交媒体上或这集节目的评论中分享你的想法。让我们一起学习并在这段追求更简单、更快乐生活的旅程中互相支持。”Special Offer:"If you're ready to dig deeper and truly transform your space, I invite you to join my online decluttering program. It includes a detailed PDF guide and access to group coaching sessions. We’ll work together to create a space that brings you joy and calm. Visit our website to find out more and sign up."特别优惠:“如果你准备好更深入地探索并真正改造你的空间,我邀请你加入我的在线断舍离课程。课程包括详细的PDF指南和小组辅导会议的机会。我们将共同努力,创造一个带给你快乐和宁静的空间。请访问我们的网站flywithlily.com了解更多信息并注册。”Outro:"Thank you for tuning in today. Remember, by simplifying our lives, we can watch our joy grow. See you tomorrow for Day 4 of our decluttering challenge!"结尾:“感谢你今天的收听。记住,通过简化我们的生活,我们可以看到快乐的成长,Simplify your life and watch your joy grow. 明天见,我们的断舍离挑战第4天再会!”加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily
9/5/20244 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

1681 简化生活,快乐自然增长|简化生活挑战|Day3

"Simplify your life and watch your joy grow."“简化生活,快乐自然增长。”开场白:“欢迎来到我们30天断舍离挑战的第3天!每天,我们会以一句激励人心的名言开始,然后反思一个引人深思的问题,接着我会分享我的答案。我希望这些反思能激励你在生活中做出积极的改变。”名言:“今天的名言是:『简化生活,快乐自然增长。』这句强而有力的话告诉我们,简单与快乐之间有着密切的关联。”问题:“让我们来探讨今天的问题:『How does physical clutter affect your mental and emotional state?'"物品上的杂乱如何影响你的心理和情绪状态?』”Lily的回答:"When I was younger, I used to have really cluttered space. I didn’t start to tell the difference until I got older and started living with a boyfriend. My boyfriends were usually tidier than I was, and they taught me a lot about maintaining a clean and tidy environment. Now, I feel great when I stay in a space with less physical clutter. It’s like a weight has been lifted, making me feel calmer and more at peace."“在我年轻的时候,我的空间总是非常杂乱。直到我年纪稍长,开始和男朋友同住,我才开始注意到差别。我的男朋友们通常比我更爱干净,他们教会了我很多关于保持环境整洁的知识。现在,当我待在一个杂物较少的空间里时,我感觉非常好。这就像是卸下了一个重担,让我感到更加平静和安详。”单词记忆:Cluttered (形容词) - 杂乱的Maintain (动词) - 维持Environment (名词) - 环境Anxious (形容词) - 焦虑的Transform (动词) - 改变,转变加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily
9/4/202415 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

34 Not all who wander are lost

我的网站 注册下载我给你的小礼物吧!或直接和我预约一个免费咨询在意大利海滨小城镇结下的难忘的友谊,环欧火车最终站 | 环欧火车旅行第28集The last stop of the Eurail journey in ItalyNot all who wander are lost. 并不是所有的流浪者都是迷失。Luka came to pick me up at a station near him called Latina. It was about one hour train ride from Rome. As soon as we got in his car, he handed me his phone and asked me to be his DJ. I played music I liked from his phone and I introduced him to a few Taiwanese bands I like, for example Mayday and F.I.R. Luka loved receiving guests and learning English and cultures from couchsurfers. I could also see Luka was indeed very serious about his learning. Every day he spent one hour reading aloud from his book. He was also very keen to speak with me every day to practice his spoken English, and showed me all the scenic places around his town. Luka来到了离他家最近的车站叫Latina来接我,差不多是离罗马大约一个小时的火车车程吧。当我一踏进入到他的车里,Luka立刻把他的手机交给我,并且要我做他的音乐DJ。我就播放了几个我喜欢的台湾乐团像是五月天还有飞儿乐团。Luka非常喜爱接待沙发客,因为他可以借此学习英文还有不同国家的文化。我也感觉到Luka相当认真在学习英语。每天,他都会花一个小时一边读书,一边大声的念英语。当我待在那里的时候,他也每天非常积极的和我练习英文,并且带我去几个离他家近的景点。Luka was a photographer and a fitness instructor. He lived by the beach and had a very healthy lifestyle. He gave me his spare room where I could listen to the ocean and wake up to say hello to the beach in the morning. Luka是一个摄影师兼健身教练。他住在海边并拥有一个非常健康的生活型态。他给我休息的客房让我每天早晨都能看到海并听到海浪声。I cooked for Luka almost every night that I stayed with him, and introduced him to lots of different kinds of Asian food. Luka had an open mind for food too. It was just very nice to be able to show him new food and try new recipes. Luka had a fully equipped kitchen and he didn’t mind doing the dishes afterwards. After his fitness class, Luka would take me to the nearby beach towns to have coffee and give me tours here and there. Before meeting Luka, I had only seen big cities in Italy like Rome, Milan and Florence. However, the small town was tranquill and lovely too, especially when walking and enjoying it with a local.当我住在Luka家时,我几乎每晚都会煮饭给Luka吃,而且为他介绍各种不同的亚洲食物。Luka非常愿意尝试各种不同的食物。Luka有一个设备非常齐全的厨房,而且也不介意饭后洗碗。他上完健身课后,会带我到附近的海滨小城去喝咖啡还有到处逛逛。在遇见Luka之前,我只有去过在意大利像是罗马、米兰还有佛罗伦萨这样的大城市。然而在意大利的小城镇更是宁静又可爱,特别是可以和一个当地人四处走走的时候。One morning after working on the computer, I cried in front of Luka because I felt the uncertainty of the future and it scared me too. I was stressed out. I knew I was going back to Taiwan, but I didn’t know what I would do there. It also felt like my travel life was ending, too. Luka was so lovely, didn’t mind me crying and encouraged me with his own story. He said he could relate a lot to my situation. Just like me, Luka had chosen not to get an office job and became self-employed. However, sometimes this lifestyle had its own downsides and sacrifices too. 有天早上在电脑前工作完毕之后,忽然感到对未来的不确定性,害怕的我,竟然在Luka面前哭了。我感觉压力好大。因为我要回台湾了,但是我并不清楚我回台湾要做什么,甚至我也感觉到我的旅游生涯要结束了。Luka人好好,并不介意我在他面前哭而且也用他的故事鼓励我。他说对我的情况他十分能够体会,因为就像我一样,Luka也选择放弃他在办公室前的工作然后变成一个自由职业者。然而这样的生活型态的确有他的缺点和牺牲。In the afternoon, Luka wanted to cheer me up and took me to an organic farm where he often purchased his groceries from. He told me he used to sell eggs from the farm and saw the unhappy chickens in the cage. He became really unhappy too. At that point he made a change in his career and pursued what his heart told him to. He was a lot happier. Also now, he only ate eggs from free-range chickens on organic farms. 下午时,由于Luka想要让我开心一点,他就带我到附近他常购买农产品的有机农场。他告诉我他以前在农场贩卖鸡蛋,并且看着笼子里非常不开心的鸡。他也渐渐地变得越来越不开心。所以在那一刻他就决定要转变他的职业,然后追求他心向往的事情。他现在变得比较开心了,而且他也只吃在这些自由放牧养鸡场所生产的鸡蛋。He told me this while pointing out the chickens in the farm and carrying a basket of organic products he had just purchased. I was watching the chickens running around and they did seem happy.  他一边手拿着刚刚购买一大箱的农产品,一边指着农场里的鸡和我分享这个故事,我看着鸡们自由的奔跑着,牠们的确看起来开心。I became really good friends with Luka, and we enjoyed our week together. When he dropped me off at the station on my last day in Italy, our eyes were all wet as we said goodbye. 就在那一周的相处下,我和Luka变成了非常好的朋友。当Luka送我回车站的那天,也是我在意大利的最后一天,在告别的时候我们彼此的眼眶都湿了。
9/4/20246 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

1680 (英语)幸福不是擁有更多,而是需要更少|简化生活挑战|Day 2

"Happiness is not about having more, but needing less."“幸福不是拥有更多,而是需要更少。”Intro: "Welcome to Day 2 of our 30-day decluttering challenge! As always, we'll begin with an inspiring quote, dive into a reflective question, and then I’ll share my personal thoughts. I encourage you to reflect on your own experiences and share them with our community."开场白: “欢迎来到我们30天清理杂物挑战的第2天!和往常一样,我们会以一句激励人心的名言开始,然后深入探讨一个反思问题,接着我会分享我的个人想法。我鼓励大家反思自己的经历,并与我们的社群分享。”Quote: "Today’s quote is: 'Happiness is not about having more, but needing less.' This idea invites us to consider what truly brings us joy and what might be weighing us down."名言: “今天的名言是:"Happiness is not about having more, but needing less."『幸福不是拥有更多,而是需要更少。』 这句话提醒我们思考什么是真正带给我们快乐的,以及什么可能在拖累我们。”Question: "Let's explore today's question: 'What items in your home no longer bring you joy or serve a purpose?'“Lily's Answer: "Although I don't have a home or permanent address right now, I can recall a time when I had a lot of clothes and boxes laying around the house, and it really annoyed me. There were also expired items in the kitchen and fridge that I hadn’t noticed until they started taking up unnecessary space."问题: “让我们来探讨今天的问题:'What items in your home no longer bring you joy or serve a purpose?『你家里有哪些物品已经不再带给你快乐或已经失去了它的用途?』”“虽然我现在没有一个固定的家或永久的住址,但我回忆起曾经在家里堆满了很多衣服和箱子,这让我非常烦恼。厨房和冰箱里还有一些过期的物品,直到它们占据了不必要的空间才引起我的注意。”Call to Action: "Now it's your turn! Take a moment to think about the items in your home that no longer bring you joy or serve a purpose. What are those things, and how do they make you feel? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Share your answers with us on social media or in the comments below this episode. Let's support each other in creating spaces that reflect what truly matters."行动呼吁: “现在轮到你了!花点时间思考一下你家里那些已经不再带给你快乐或已经失去用途的物品是什么。它们让你感觉如何?我很想听听你的想法。欢迎在我们的社交媒体上或这集节目的评论中分享你的答案。让我们一起支持彼此,创造反映真正重要事物的空间。”Special Offer: "If you're ready to take this journey even further, I invite you to join my online decluttering program. It includes a detailed PDF guide and access to group coaching sessions where we can work together to declutter your space and simplify your life. You can find all the details and sign up on our website."特别优惠: “如果你准备好进一步探索这段旅程,我邀请你加入我的在线清理杂物课程。课程包括详细的PDF指南和参与小组辅导会议的机会,我们可以一起努力,清理你的空间并简化你的生活。你可以在我们的网站上找到所有详情并注册。”Outro: "Thank you for joining me today. Remember, happiness isn’t about having more; it’s about needing less. See you tomorrow for Day 3 of our decluttering challenge!"结尾: “感谢你今天的参与。记住,幸福不是拥有更多,而是需要更少。明天见,我们的清理杂物挑战第三天再会!”加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily
9/3/20244 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

33 Life is too short to worry about stupid things

累坏了!在美丽的杜布罗夫尼克旧城海港稍作休息 | 环欧火车旅行第27集I’m exhausted! Taking a break in beautiful Dubrovnik**Life is too short to worry about stupid things. Have fun, regret nothing and never let anyone bring you down.人生苦短,不必担心愚蠢的事情。玩得开心,不要后悔,不要让任何人把你打倒。Due to the bus being delayed, the three hour ride turned into a six hour ride. I arrived in Dubrovnik in the evening and had to find my apartment lugging my suitcases across the old town. I was immediately impressed, though. The old town was complete and I could find an entrance to a 16th century stone wall. Along the way I discovered that they contained the old buildings and churches very well. 因为巴士延迟,本来三个小时的行程变成了六个小时,我抵达了杜布罗夫尼克已是傍晚,却得拖着我的行李横跨旧城区,但我马上就被惊艳了。旧城非常的完整,我还能找到16世纪古城墙的入口。沿路我发现他们非常完整地保存了旧建筑和教堂。After I arrived at my apartment, I cooked myself a healthy meal and felt content and got ready for bed. The next day, I woke up to this idyllic harbor view from my window. I also booked a walking tour from Airbnb experience. 在我抵达了我的公寓之后,我给自己煮了美味又健康的一餐,然后感觉十分的满足地准备要就寝了。隔天,我醒来看到窗外风光明媚的海港景色。这天,我也在airbnb体验中定了一个徒步之旅。Kresmir was my guide that day. I met him at the entrance of the old town. I was the only guest. Kresmir ran a farm and airbnb business in the suburbs of Dubrovnik, and occasionally ran guided tours for the tourists in town. Kresmir是我那天的向导。我在旧城的门口和他见面。当天我是唯一的客人。Kresmir在杜布罗夫尼克郊区经营一个农场还有airbnb的民宿生意,他只有偶尔会来城中给游客作导览。He told me many stories about Dubrovnik and we walked around every corner of the old town. I think when you arrive in a new place, hiring a guide could be a very rewarding experience. If I were walking alone by myself, I would miss so many details related to architecture. Some people might think it’s not important, however, I would not make a connection quickly with a place where I only stay for a short time. He was very nice. After the guided tour he even invited me to white coffee in a cosy coffee house. 他告诉我许多有关杜布罗夫尼克的故事,然后,我们走遍了旧城的每个大街小巷。我认为当你抵达了一个新地方,雇佣导游是一个非常会让你收获颇丰的经验。如果我是一个人走的话,我一定会错过许多关于建筑物的许多细节。有些人可能觉得这不是太重要,然而如果我只是在一个地方待短短的时间,我是不可能可以很快的与一个地方产生连接的。Kresmir人非常的友善,带我逛完之后,带我到一家非常温馨的咖啡屋请我喝当地有名的白咖啡。It was the right decision to do the tour because after that, it rained for two days in Dubrovnik. It finally cleared up on the day I was leaving for Italy. However, I also regained the strength I needed to keep going. I was ready for my next stop in Italy.后来说明了我定了这个徒步之旅是一个正确的决定,因为之后在杜布罗夫尼克整整下了两天雨。在我要前往去意大利的那天,终于放晴了。然而,我已休息足够,准备好继续前行到我在意大利的下一站。Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing a story that happened in Italy.敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在意大利发生的有趣故事。
9/3/20243 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

1679 幸福不是拥有更多,而是需要更少|简化生活挑战|Day 2

"Happiness is not about having more, but needing less."“幸福不是拥有更多,而是需要更少。”'What items in your home no longer bring you joy or serve a purpose?『你家里有哪些物品已经不再带给你快乐或已经失去了它的用途?』”Lily的回答: "Although I don't have a home or permanent address right now, I can recall a time when I had a lot of clothes and boxes laying around the house, and it really annoyed me. There were also expired items in the kitchen and fridge that I hadn’t noticed until they started taking up unnecessary space."“虽然我现在没有一个固定的家或永久的住址,但我回忆起曾经在家里堆满了很多衣服和箱子,这让我非常烦恼。厨房和冰箱里还有一些过期的物品,直到它们占据了不必要的空间才引起我的注意。”加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily
9/2/202412 minutes, 20 seconds
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1678(英語)放下越多,真正重要的东西就有越多空间|简化生活挑战|Day 1

"The more you let go, the more room you have for what truly matters."“放下越多,真正重要的东西就有越多空间。”Intro: "Welcome to Day 1 of our 30-day decluttering challenge! Each day, we'll start with an inspiring quote, reflect on a thought-provoking question, and then I'll share my own personal answer. I encourage you to think about your own answers and share them with our community."“欢迎来到我们30天断舍离挑战的第一天!每天我们都会以一句激励人心的名言开始,然后反思一个发人深省的问题,接着我会分享我的个人答案。我鼓励你们思考自己的答案,并与我们的社群分享。”Quote: "Today's quote is: 'The more you let go, the more room you have for what truly matters.' Let this idea guide us as we begin our journey to create a lighter, more fulfilling life."“今天的名言是:"The more you let go, the more room you have for what truly matters." 『你放下的越多,为真正重要的事情留的空间就越大。』 让这个理念引导我们,开始这段创造更轻盈、更充实生活的旅程。”Question: "Now, let's reflect on today's question: 'What does your ideal living space look like, and how does it make you feel?'"问题: “现在,让我们来反思今天的问题:'What does your ideal living space look like, and how does it make you feel?'"『你理想的居住空间是什么样子的?它会让你感觉如何?』”Lily's Answer: "For me, my ideal living space is clean and tidy, where everything has its place. I want to keep my belongings to a minimum, but with some beautiful touches like plants and flowers. I love the Northern European and bohemian cozy style, which makes me feel both relaxed and inspired."“对我来说,我理想的居住空间是整洁有序的,每件物品都有它的位置。我希望我的物品保持在最低限度,但也有一些美丽的点缀,比如植物和花朵。我喜欢北欧和波西米亚风格的温馨感,这让我感到放松和充满灵感。”Call to Action: "Now it's your turn! Take a moment to think about your ideal living space. What would it look like? How would it make you feel? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Share your answers on our social media pages or in the comments below this episode. Let's inspire each other to create spaces that truly reflect who we are and what matters most to us."行动呼吁: “现在轮到你了!花点时间思考一下你的理想居住空间。它看起来会是什么样子?它会让你感觉如何?我很想听听你的想法。欢迎在我们的社交媒体页面@flywithlily或这集节目的评论/评价中分享你的答案。让我们互相激励,创造真正反映我们自己和最重要事物的空间。”Special Offer: "If you're ready to take your decluttering journey to the next level, I invite you to join my online decluttering program. It includes a comprehensive PDF guide and access to group coaching sessions where we’ll work together to achieve your goals. This program is designed to help you stay on track and make lasting changes. You can find the details and sign up on our website"特别优惠: “如果你准备好将你的断舍离之旅提升到下一个层次,我邀请你加入我的断舍离团体教练训练营。课程包含一份全面的PDF指南和参与小组辅导会议的机会,我们将共同努力实现你的目标。这个训练营旨在帮助你保持进度,并做出持久的改变。你可以在我们的网站上找到详细信息并注册。”Outro: "Thank you for joining me today. I’m excited to continue this journey with you. Remember, the more we let go, the more room we have for what truly matters. See you tomorrow for Day 2 of our decluttering challenge!"结尾: “感谢你今天的参与。我很期待与你一起继续这段旅程。记住,放下越多,为真正重要的事情留的空间就越大。明天见,我们的断舍离挑战第二天再会!”加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily
9/1/20244 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

1678 放下越多,真正重要的东西就有越多空间|简化生活挑战|Day 1

"The more you let go, the more room you have for what truly matters." “放下越多,真正重要的东西就有越多空间。”What does your ideal living space look like, and how does it make you feel?'"『你理想的居住空间是什么样子的?它会让你感觉如何?』”Lily的回答: "For me, my ideal living space is clean and tidy, where everything has its place. I want to keep my belongings to a minimum, but with some beautiful touches like plants and flowers. I love the Northern European and bohemian cozy style, which makes me feel both relaxed and inspired."“对我来说,我理想的居住空间是整洁有序的,每件物品都有它的位置。我希望我的物品保持在最低限度,但也有一些美丽的点缀,比如植物和花朵。我喜欢北欧和波西米亚风格的温馨感,这让我感到放松和充满灵感。”单词记忆:Ideal (形容词) - 理想的Tidy (形容词) - 整洁的Belongings (名词) - 财物,个人物品Touches (名词) - 点缀,修饰Inspired (形容词) - 受启发的,有灵感的加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily
8/31/202413 minutes, 48 seconds
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加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily
8/31/20242 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork


"Hello, and welcome to my podcast! I'm Lily, and I'm so excited to share my journey and insights with you. Over the past few months, I've traveled the world with nothing more than a 7-kilo backpack. You might wonder, 'How is that even possible?' Well, it's all about embracing minimalism and focusing on what truly matters. The freedom of having less has made me feel lighter, happier, and more connected to my experiences."大家好,欢迎来到我的播客!我是Lily,很高兴能和你们分享我的旅程和见解。过去几个月里,我只靠一个7公斤的背包环游世界。你可能会想,『这怎么可能?』其实,这一切都是关于拥抱极简主义,专注于真正重要的事情。拥有更少让我感觉更加轻松、快乐,并且更能投入到每一次的体验中。"Imagine waking up every day knowing you have everything you need right by your side, nothing weighing you down. It's a liberating feeling, and it’s transformed my life in ways I never imagined. Now, I want to share this feeling with you."“想象一下,每天醒来,你知道所有你需要的东西都在身边,没有任何负担。这是一种令人解放的感觉,改变了我的生活,超出我原本的想像。现在,我想和你分享这种感觉。”"That's why I've created this 30-day declutter challenge. My wish is to help you find fulfillment in what you already have, to free yourself from the unnecessary, and maybe even inspire you to start your own journey. Whether it's a physical journey to new places or an emotional journey to find peace, this challenge is about creating space for what truly matters."“这就是为什么我创建了这个30天断舍离挑战。我的愿望是帮助你在已有的东西中找到满足,摆脱那些不必要的东西,甚至可能激励你开始自己的旅程。不论是实际去新的地方旅行,还是心灵上寻求平静的旅程,这个挑战都是为了给真正重要的事物创造空间。”"So, are you ready to start? Ready to feel lighter, more fulfilled, and maybe take a step closer to your dreams? Join me on this 30-day declutter challenge. Let’s make room for happiness together."“那么,你准备好了吗?准备好变得更轻松、更满足,并可能更接近你的梦想吗?加入我,参加这个30天清理杂物挑战。让我们一起为快乐腾出空间。”"Subscribe now and get ready to transform your life, one day at a time. I can’t wait to start this journey with you."“现在就订阅,准备好每天一点点改变你的生活。我迫不及待想和你一起开始这段旅程。”
8/31/20242 minutes, 27 seconds
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1676 环游世界做志工的生活我还满意吗?|自我觉察挑战|Day 30|挑战成功

今日格言Self-awareness makes us better people. —Stephen Covey 自我觉察使我们成为更好的人。—史蒂芬·柯维Day 30 自我察觉挑战How fulfilling is my everyday life?我对我的每日生活有多满足/满意?I would rate my satisfaction with my daily life a 9 out of 10. Compared to my past, my life now includes a vibrant community where I can engage with people who are also traveling and share similar values and volunteer work. This aspect is the most fulfilling and enjoyable part of my life. The missing one point stems from my uncertainty about my ability to continue traveling. This presents a challenge and might be a signal for me to consider whether I can still find satisfaction and fulfillment if I am unable to continue traveling. Life is a journey, and true fulfillment should not solely depend on external circumstances. This will be an area for me to explore and grow.我觉得如果一到十分我会为我自己打九分,因为和过去的生活相比,我的生活中多了一个社群,我每天可以和同样在旅行和有相近价值观和做志工服务的人聊天和交换意见。这是我最喜欢和满足的部分。缺少的那一分来自于我对自己是否能继续旅行的能力感到有些质疑。这是一个挑战,也可能是在提醒我,如果我不能继续旅行,我是否还能对这样的生活感到满意和满足。因为人生就是一场旅行,真正的满足感不应该依赖外在的物质。这将是我需要探索和成长的一个领域。“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
8/9/202414 minutes, 2 seconds
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1675 如何将热情摆在生活中的第一位?| 自我觉察挑战|Day 29

今日格言 Self-awareness is the soul of life. —Dale Carnegie 自我觉察是生命的灵魂。—卡耐基 Day 29 自我察觉挑战 How much do I prioritize spending time and energy on myself and on my passions? 我是如何将花时间在我的热情上面放在第一位? My biggest passions are traveling, meeting new friends, learning languages, and personal growth in mind, body, and spirit. I also love sharing my experiences, so I almost always produce a podcast episode or upload videos to my Meipai channel every day. Currently, I'm doing volunteer work in Bali, where I continue my early morning routine. I exercise, meditate, write in my gratitude journal, and read to nourish my mind, body, and spirit. Afterward, I work on my podcast and language studies. When I don't have work, I actively meet new friends around me and talk about their stories. Therefore, I can say that I am living a very passionate and fulfilling life. 我最大的热情就是旅行、认识新朋友、语言学习、自我和身心灵方面的成长,同时我也很喜欢分享,所以我几乎每天都会制作一集播客节目或者将我拍摄的影片上传到美拍的频道。我现在也在峇里岛做志工旅行,我仍然早早起床,做我的早起仪式,我会运动、打坐、写感恩日记、和阅读来滋养我的身心灵,之后开始我的播客工作和学习语言,然后没有工作的时候,就积极的认识身边的新朋友们,谈论他们的故事,所以我可以说目前过着蛮热情洋溢的生活中。 More ways to prioritize spending time and energy on yourself and your passions:更多将时间和精力花在自己和热情上的方式: 1.Set Clear Goals 设立明确目标: Define what you want to achieve in your areas of passion and create a plan to reach those goals.定义你想在热情领域达成的目标,并制定计划来实现这些目标。 2.Time Management 时间管理: Allocate specific times in your daily or weekly schedule dedicated to your passions and personal growth. 在每日或每周的时间表中分配专门的时间,用于你的热情和个人成长。 3.Self-Discipline 自律: Develop routines and habits that support your passions, and stick to them even when it's challenging. 养成支持你热情的日常习惯和例行公事,即使遇到挑战也要坚持下去。 4.Balance 平衡: Ensure you have a balance between work, rest, and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.确保在工作、休息和带给你快乐与满足的活动之间保持平衡。 5.Seek Inspiration 寻找灵感: Surround yourself with people, books, and environments that inspire and motivate you to pursue your passions. 让自己处于能启发和激励你的环境中,比如与你志同道合的人、书籍和环境。 6.Continuous Learning 持续学习: Keep learning and improving in the areas you're passionate about to stay engaged and enthusiastic.在你热爱的领域中不断学习和进步,保持积极和热情。 7.Self-Care 自我照顾: Take care of your physical and mental health to ensure you have the energy and well-being to pursue your passions.照顾好你的身心健康,确保你有足够的精力和良好的状态来追求你的热情。 By implementing these strategies, you can effectively prioritize spending time and energy on yourself and your passions, leading to a more enriched and satisfying life. 通过实施这些策略,你可以有效地将时间和精力优先放在自己和热情上,从而过上更加充实和满足的生活。 “30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载 Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily 微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit 回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
8/6/202421 minutes, 21 seconds
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1674 如何为自己充电与恢复活力|自我觉察挑战|Day 28

今日格言 He who knows himself knows the world. —Laozi 知己者,知天下。—老子 Day 28 自我察觉挑战 How do I recharge, rejuvenate, and replenish my energy? 我如何为自己充电、恢复活力并补充能量? I usually choose to travel, read a good book, take a long nap, eat my favorite foods, and spend time with good friends. 通常我会选择去旅行、读本好书、或睡个长长的午觉、吃自己喜欢吃的东西,还有和好朋友在一起。 More ways to recharge and replenish energy: 1. 运动 Exercise: Engaging in physical activity like yoga, running, or even a short walk can boost your energy levels and improve your mood.参加瑜伽、跑步或简单的散步等体育活动,可以提升能量水平并改善心情。 2. 冥想和正念 Meditation and Mindfulness: Practicing meditation or mindfulness exercises can help clear your mind and reduce stress, leading to better energy levels.练习冥想或正念练习有助于清理思绪,减轻压力,从而提高能量水平。 3. 亲近自然 Nature: Spending time in nature, whether it's hiking, going to the beach, or just sitting in a park, can be very rejuvenating.花时间在大自然中,无论是远足、去海边还是坐在公园里,都能让人感到很有活力。 4. 创意活动 Creative Activities: Engaging in hobbies such as painting, writing, or playing an instrument can provide a mental break and refresh your energy. 参与绘画、写作或演奏乐器等爱好,能够提供精神上的休息,并刷新能量。 5. 自我护理 Self-care Routines: Taking time for self-care activities like a warm bath, skincare routine, or pampering yourself can help recharge your body and mind. 花时间进行自我护理活动,如温暖的沐浴、护肤程序或自我呵护,可以帮助身心充电。 6. 断开连接 Disconnecting: Taking a break from technology and social media can help reduce mental fatigue and improve focus and energy.远离科技和社交媒体的休息时间,有助于减少心理疲劳,提升注意力和能量。
8/5/202413 minutes, 52 seconds
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1673 如何面对这个世界上暴力、仇恨和苦难?|自我觉察挑战|Day 27

参加迷你退休体验营申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话写信到[email protected]标题:Fly with Lily今日格言Self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom. —Albert Einstein 自我认识是智慧的开始。—爱因斯坦Day 27 自我察觉挑战How do I deal with the violence, hate, and suffering in the world?我是如何面对这个世界上暴力、仇恨和苦难?While I do follow the news, I usually choose to distance myself from it to cope. The closest I've been to violence was in 2019 when I was living in Barcelona. I witnessed a robbery and riots over political issues, which made me feel scared. Eventually, combining other factors, I decided to leave that city. However, hate and suffering seem to be pervasive worldwide. I believe it stems from people choosing to believe their negative thoughts. 虽然我会关注新闻,但是通常我选择远离来应对。我离暴力最近的一次,是在2019年当我还住在巴塞罗那的时候,亲眼看到有人抢劫还有为了政治事件而暴动的情景,当时我感到害怕,后来综合了其他因素,我选择远离了那座城市,然而仇恨和苦难似乎是在世界无所不在,我相信是人们选择了相信他们内心负面的想法。面对世界上的暴力、仇恨和苦难,除了远离它们,我希望我能够:积极参与:参加慈善活动或志愿者工作,帮助那些受苦的人。倡导和平:透过社交媒体、写作或公共演讲,宣扬爱与和平的信息。支持社区:支持当地社区的和平与和谐,参与社区活动并促进彼此理解。提升自我:保持身心健康,学习如何以积极和建设性的方式应对压力和负面情绪。教育自己和他人:了解更多关于全球问题的根源,并与他人分享知识,激发更多人共同关注和行动。这样做不仅可以帮助我更好地面对世界上的负面现象,还可以为创造更美好的世界贡献一份力量。“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
8/4/202416 minutes, 9 seconds
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1672 面对坏消息或者是不利的新闻我怎么应对?|自我觉察挑战|Day 26

参加迷你退休体验营申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话写信到[email protected]标题:Fly with Lily今日格言 Only through self-awareness can one achieve true success. —George Washington 只有自我觉察,才能达到真正的成功。—乔治·华盛顿 Day 26 自我察觉挑战 How do I response to bad and inconvenient news? 我是如何面对不好而且对我不利的新闻? Usually, I am quite indifferent because news often focuses on negative events rather than positive ones. For instance, with issues like various infectious diseases and wars, I believe the chances of them affecting me are very small. If they do happen, I think they are there to teach me something. I could feel depressed sometimes when I take the news to heart, but it is usually brief. I tend to view things more normally, believing that people create their own destiny. For a better response, I hope to take more proactive actions: -Becoming healthier -Advocating for love and peace -Actively managing finances and making money 通常我都是比较无感,因为对于“新闻”总是报忧不报喜~~~ 例如像现在各种传染病、战争的问题,因为我认为发生在我身上的机率太小了如果真的发生可能也是在教我一些事情。 当我把事件放在心上时,我也会有忧郁的时候但是其实很短,比较会是正常心看待,认为人自己的命运是自己创造出来的。 更好的回应,希望自己用更积极的行动来回应 **变得更健康 **倡导爱和平 **积极理财和赚钱 “30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载 Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily 微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit 回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战 
8/1/202420 minutes, 37 seconds
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1671 认识到自己的不安和不知所措,让我更好地与他人相处|自我觉察挑战|Day 25

参加迷你退休体验营申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话写信到[email protected]标题:Fly with Lily今日格言Knowing yourself helps in knowing others. —John Locke 认识自己,才能认识他人。—约翰·洛克Day 25 自我察觉挑战How do I respond to someone who is different from me or whose ideals and beliefs I don't agree with or understand? 我是如何面对和我不一样的人?I find that I usually feel a bit at a loss/uneasy because I know I crave validation and desire more like-minded people around me. Now, I hope I will understand that the world is rich and diverse precisely because it has people with different thoughts and beliefs. I aim to listen, empathize, and take away useful information from these encounters.我发现我通常会有点不知所措和不安,因为我知道我会想要需要被肯定的感觉,或者是渴望有更多志同道合的人在我身边,现在我希望我会知道这个世界就是会拥有和我不同想法和信念的人才丰富,可以去倾听、换位思考,和撷取有用的信息。“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
7/31/20247 minutes, 5 seconds
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1670 这么做让我活出了不同的人生|自我觉察挑战|Day 24

参加迷你退休体验营申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话写信到[email protected]标题:Fly with Lily今日格言Self-awareness brings inner peace. —Marcus Aurelius 自我觉察带来内心的平静。—马克·奥里利Day 24 自我察觉挑战How do I respond to new ideas and new ways of thinking?我是如何回应新的思考方式和想法?I am curious about why others think the way they do. During my travels around the world, I experience various new ways of thinking and ideas, which is really fascinating. For example, the French can be both naive and skeptical, Icelanders are optimistic, and New Yorkers are open and outspoken. Sometimes, by adopting new ideas, I end up living different life experiences!我会有点好奇对方为何这么想,在环游世界的时候,我会体验各种不同新的思考方式和想法,真的很有意思,像是法国人时而天真时而对事物保持怀疑、冰岛人的乐天、纽约人的开放和直言不讳,有时候我也很容易因为采纳了新的想法,就活出了不同的生活经验!“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
7/30/202415 minutes, 19 seconds
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1668 人生最大的错误就是认为自己时间太多|自我觉察挑战|Day 23

参加迷你退休体验营 申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话 写信到[email protected]  标题:Fly with Lily今日格言Self-awareness is the starting point of healing. —Marcel Proust 自我觉察是疗愈的起点。—普鲁斯特Day 23 自我察觉挑战How do I spend my free time? 我如何打发空闲的时间?I am currently volunteering in Bali. Apart from working from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM, all other times are my free time. In the morning, I go to a seaside café to work on my computer. After my volunteer work in the afternoon, I relax at my place, sometimes daydreaming or listening to audiobooks. In the evenings, I have dinner and chat with my fellow volunteers. I really enjoy how my free time is arranged here. This is quite different from the past when I used to spend a lot of time watching videos online and browsing through updates on Instagram.我现在在峇里岛做志工,除了下午1点半到4点半要工作外,其他都是我的空闲时间,早上的时候,我会到海边的咖啡厅里用电脑工作,下午志愿者工作结束后,我会在住的地方发发呆或着听听有声书。晚上会和志工朋友们一起吃饭聊天。我很喜欢这样空闲的时间安排。和过去喜欢在网上观看视频和看IG上的动态不同。 “30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载 Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit 回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
7/28/202418 minutes, 54 seconds
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1669 透过“减重”进行的一场心灵之旅|与我的美国学生进行一场心灵访谈

你接下来会听到的这段访谈是我在去年10月的时候录制的,这个不到8分钟的对话,对我的个人成长帮助非常的大,因为我亲眼看到了这位朋友的蜕变,而且我现在也在经历他说的这段变化,因为“减重”而引发的心灵之旅。过去我带着我全身不到30公斤的东西展开了环球之旅,我心里一直希望可以帮我的行李减重,可是一直有不能放下的东西。这不就是像我们的人生那样吗?总是有想要飞,可是却放不下一些东西,今年的七月,我带着7公斤的行李,独自前往了巴厘岛做志工,目前一个月即将过去了,一切都好,我的快乐没有减少,甚至更丰满,原来我真的需要的不多。这个对话只有前言一分钟是中文,后面是全英文,所以我会分成三段来解说下。Lily (In Chinese):Hello, welcome to Fly with Lily. I am now in my friend's hotel. I told you in the previous episodes that I am looking forward to their visit to Taiwan.This is my student, Anthony, with his wife, Shu Shu in Kaohsiung. And now it's almost 2 o'clock in the morning. Because today is their last night, so I  accompanied them to have dinner.And then we went to the night market, and then we went to the bar again. We watched some pretty girls dancing, and we were very happy. Yeah, so now the three of us are sitting on this bed.I'm sitting next to the bedside, and they're lying on the bed now. I just wanted to ask them some questions. Lily: Hello Anthony!Anthony: Hello everyone!Lily: So you and I, we caught up on zoom during Covid time. Anthony: We did. I tried to set you up with my friend. It didn't go well. It was a fail.Lily:But anyways, I'm totally surprised to see you. You have a new look. You lost, like, how many pounds? Anthony: So right now, I would say probably 10 or 11 kilos. Maybe 13 at maximum. But now I'm like 10 or 11. Lily:That's incredible. Because when I met you, you were bigger. Anthony: Fatter. Like a fat teddy bear. Now I'm a skinny teddy bear.–Lily: 你好,AnthonyAnthony: 大家好,Lily: 你和我在疫情期间通过 Zoom 聊天。Anthony: 是的。我试图把你介绍给我的朋友,但没有成功。Lily: 不管怎样,我很惊讶看到你。你有了新的面貌。你减了多少磅?Anthony: 现在大概减了 10 或 11 公斤。最多可能有 13 公斤。但现在大概是 10 或 11 公斤。Lily: 这真是太棒了。当我见到你时,你更大一些。Anthony: 像一个胖胖的泰迪熊。现在我是一个瘦瘦的泰迪熊。Lily: I was also very impressed when you told me about how you discovered yourself. You need to just kind of get lighter. Anthony: Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay, so basically, I had an epiphany moment in early July at a friend's event. There was a moment where I came to the realization that in order to proceed and progress with my life, I needed to remove baggage. That was a central message of what happened is removing baggage, debaggification across three levels, which was physical, mental, and emotional.The simplest, most straightforward part is the physical. And that's what you probably see. Seven days after that, I started an aggressive diet and physical fitness regimen that I imposed upon myself, which was basically a keto diet, which was removing carbs from my diet, and also doubling the amount of Muay Thai training as I do Muay Thai martial arts.And as a result, I went from 176 pounds. About two weeks ago, I hit my goal of 150 pounds. I was at 149.6. And now I'm probably at about 152.It's a work in progress. I think the most straightforward part is the physical. But the physical is the engine that drives mental and emotional.The central message of the mental was to find... It's basically to remove mental baggage. To remove mental clutter. And to reconnect and find vision.Things that are really important to me. The things that I was really connected to in my past and are relevant to now, which is relevant in terms of technology, especially in martial arts. And yeah, it ties to what I'm working on from a startup perspective.The emotional part, I think, is the most difficult. And I think it's something that I think it's most likely that people might misinterpret. But the simple message of that is basically to love myself more unconditionally.If that makes sense. (在这段对话中,Lily 表示佩服 Anthony 为了发现自己而变瘦的努力。Anthony 分享了他在七月初一个朋友的活动中顿悟,意识到为了前进和进步,他需要去除身体、心理和情感上的包袱。他首先通过激进的生酮饮食和加倍练习泰拳,显著减重,从 176 磅减到 150 磅左右。他认为身体的改变最直接,但它也驱动了心理和情感的转变。心理方面,他清理了心理杂物,重新发现和找到愿景,特别是与技术和武术相关的目标。情感方面,他认为最困难,但核心是更加无条件地爱自己。)Lily: 我也很佩服你告诉我你为了要发现自己而需要变瘦。Anthony: 哦,是的。基本上,我在七月初的一个朋友的活动上有了顿悟。我意识到,为了前进和进步,我需要去除包袱。这是整个过程的核心信息:去除包袱,分别在身体、心理和情感三个层面。最简单、最直接的是身体上的改变。这就是你看到的。七天后,我开始了一项自我强加的激进饮食和健身计划,主要是生酮饮食,去除饮食中的碳水化合物,同时加倍练习泰拳。结果,我从 176 磅减到了两周前的目标 150 磅。那时我是 149.6 磅。现在大概是 152 磅。这仍在进行中。我认为最直接的是身体上的改变。但身体是驱动心理和情感的引擎。心理上的核心信息是去除心理包袱,清理心理杂物,重新发现和找到愿景。那些对我真的很重要的东西,那些过去与现在相关的东西,尤其是在技术和武术方面。这也与我正在从事的创业项目有关。情感部分是最困难的。我认为人们最有可能误解这一点。但简单的来说是要更加无条件地爱自己。希望这听起来有道理。Lily: Yeah. What is the tip for my audience? It's mostly women. And they are also going through this sort of journey. They want to be more active. They want to remove the baggage and pursue spiritual freedom. What is your tip for them? Anthony: I think it's a hard thing that doesn't need to be difficult. For me, I went through a certain, I would say, almost a bottoming up process in my life. Where I hit rock bottom in certain ways.But I found a point where I did not have any choice but to move forward. Unless I wanted to stagnate and stay at this point. That would not make me happy.Now, in literally the past three months, I found a path to happiness that I feel very confident in. And I think it's hard to say, you should do this, this, and this to find that. It's, I think, closer to connecting with things that are important to you.That you love and are close to your heart. That may have been there for years. Especially as adults, there are things that you probably connected to that are close to you.That maybe you've lost some sense of touch with. And I can't say that's true for everyone. But that's true for me.And my example is that I've reconnected with this love and passion for martial arts. That was very relevant and influential in my earlier life. But I'm experiencing it in a whole different way.Because I was a game designer and producer. And I became a technologist. And as a result, I'm kind of synthesizing all these different experiences into one central thing that I'm really excited about. And of course, there's no guarantee that it'll work out. But it's something that I would not be happy if I did not pursue that.So if you find something that really drives you. That you feel like there is almost no choice but to pursue it. Unless you want to live an unhappy life.And you see, hey, this is a way that I can find, reconnect with my sense of passion, direction, and purpose. That I would entirely encourage people to connect with that. Even if it may seem uncertain.What I think is important is connect with that. And find your community of friends, family, and like-minded people who will support you. Because they will be there.They will be there to help you. And there will also be people that may discourage you. But don't let that stop you.Like, connect with that inner truth. That thing that drives you. And feel confident in that.Right? Despite all the ups and downs. Which may happen. Lily:Wow, that's a very touching and inspiring message. I love it! I'm actually really glad that I can have this sort of conversation with you. Anthony: Yeah. It's been amazing, Lily. I haven't seen you for so long. You know, it's great to hang out again and have these conversations. I'm hoping that this is, you know, relevant and useful for people.Lily: Definitely. Definitely.(在这段对话中,Lily 请 Anthony 给她的女性听众一些建议,她们正在努力变得更积极,去除包袱,追求精神上的自由。Anthony 表示,这个过程虽然困难,但不需要复杂化。他分享了自己在触底反弹后找到幸福道路的经历,强调与内心重要的事情建立联系的重要性。他提到重新找回对武术的热爱,并将其与自己作为游戏设计师和技术人员的经验结合,找到了新的激情和方向。他鼓励人们与内心真实的驱动力建立联系,即使这条路看起来不确定,同时找到支持自己的朋友、家人和志同道合的社区。Lily 对此表示非常感动和鼓舞,称赞这段对话非常有意义。Anthony 也表示很高兴能再次见到 Lily 并进行这次对话,希望这些分享对听众有帮助。)Lily: 是的。给我的听众一个建议吧。她们大多数是女性,她们也在经历类似的旅程。她们想变得更积极,想去除包袱,追求精神上的自由。你有什么建议?Anthony: 我认为这很难,但不需要太复杂。对我来说,我经历了一个几乎是触底反弹的过程。在某些方面我达到了人生的谷底。但我找到了一个必须前进的点。否则我将停滞不前,无法快乐。在过去的三个月里,我找到了通向幸福的道路。我对此非常有信心。我认为很难说你应该做这、做那才能找到它。我认为更重要的是与那些对你重要的事情建立联系。那些你热爱并且与心灵相近的事情,可能已经存在多年。尤其是成年后,有些事情你可能曾经非常喜欢,但现在失去了联系。我的例子是我重新找回了对武术的热爱和激情。这在我早年的生活中非常重要和有影响力。但现在我以一种全新的方式体验它。因为我是游戏设计师和制作人,然后成为了技术人员。因此,我在综合这些不同的经验到一个让我非常兴奋的中心事情。当然,不能保证它一定会成功。但如果不追求它,我不会快乐。所以,如果你发现某件事情真正驱动你,让你觉得几乎没有选择,除非你想过不快乐的生活。你会看到,这是我重新找回激情、方向和目标的方法。我完全鼓励人们与此建立联系,即使这条路看起来不确定。重要的是与之建立联系。找到你的朋友、家人和志同道合的社区,他们会支持你。他们会在那里帮助你。也会有一些人可能会阻碍你。但不要让这阻止你。与那种内心的真实建立联系,那些驱动你的东西,并对此有信心。无论遇到什么起伏。Lily: 哇,这真是非常感人和鼓舞人心的讯息。我很喜欢!我真的很高兴能和你进行这样的对话。Anthony: 是的。这真是太棒了,Lily。我很久没见到你了。能再次见面并进行这些对话真是太好了。我希望这对人们是有帮助和有用的。Lily: 绝对的。绝对的。结语:感谢收听今天的 Fly with Lily 播客。在这一集中,我们有幸听到了 Anthony 的故事,他通过去除身体、心理和情感上的包袱,找到了新的方向和幸福。他的经历告诉我们,只要找到内心真正重要的东西,并且坚持不懈地追求,我们都能实现自己的目标和梦想。希望 Anthony 的分享能为大家带来启发和力量。无论你们在旅程中遇到什么样的挑战,都不要放弃,寻找支持自己的朋友和社区,与内心的真实建立联系,勇敢地追求自己的热爱和目标。再次感谢大家的收听。如果你喜欢今天的内容,请订阅我们的频道,并分享给更多的朋友。另外如果你想要参加最新一起在8.5开营的迷你退休营活动,用六周的时间透过早起仪式、说一口流利英语、建立热爱事业和旅行的方式来进行一场心灵之旅,也欢迎你写信到[email protected],标题:Fly with Lily,来申请30分钟的免费咨询。希望你有个美好的一天,have a wonderful day!
7/28/202448 minutes, 48 seconds
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1667 只有认识自己,才能找到幸福|自我觉察挑战|Day 22

参加迷你退休体验营 申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话 写信到[email protected] 标题:Fly with Lily 今日格言 Only through self-understanding can one find happiness. —Leo Tolstoy 只有自我了解,才能找到幸福。—列夫·托尔斯泰 Day 22 自我察觉挑战 How do I respond to obstacles, hardships, and "bad" things that happen in my life? 对于挫折、困难、或遭遇的坏事,我是如何面对? Although I don't like these things, I face them bravely and try to resolve them, sometimes relying on myself and other times seeking help from others. I allow any negative emotions to naturally pass through me, seeing them as inevitable experiences in life. 虽然不喜欢这些事情,但我会去勇敢面对和解决,有时候靠自己,有时候靠别人的帮忙,对于产生的坏情绪我都会让它自然流过我的身体,把它当作是人生必然的体验。 “30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载 Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily 微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit 回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
7/25/202415 minutes, 37 seconds
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1666 从受伤里,获得心灵觉醒,如何面对过去曾伤害你的人?|自我觉察挑战|Day21

参加迷你退休体验营申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话写信到 boss@flywithlily:com 标题:Fly with Lily今日格言Awakening of the mind is true freedom. —George Orwell 心灵的觉醒,才是真正的自由。—乔治·奥威尔Day 21 自我察觉挑战How do I deal with people who have hurt me in the past?我是如何处理/面对过去曾经伤害过我的人?Whenever I think of those who have hurt me, I now feel a sense of gratitude—not for their actions but because their past hurts have motivated me to become stronger. Instead of dwelling on their actions, I focus on forgiving myself for being vulnerable to hurt.每每想到这些伤害我的人,现在都会浮现一种感恩之前,并不是感谢他们伤害我,而是这些过去曾有的伤害都让我更积极的让自己变得更强大。不要再回想他们做的事情,而是也原谅自己容易被伤害的心情。“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
7/24/202412 minutes, 19 seconds
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1665 在峇里岛生活的外国帅哥辣妹们是如何面对不确定的未来|自我觉察挑战|Day 20

感恩今日嘉宾(出现顺序): 法国Emily、Alice 义大利 Anita 美国 Keaghen参加迷你退休体验营 申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话 写信到[email protected] 标题:Fly with Lily今日格言 Self-reflection is the beginning of progress. —Blaise Pascal 自我反省是进步的开始。—布莱斯·帕斯卡Day 20 自我察觉挑战 How do I deal with uncertainty? The unknown, or a future event that I have no control over? 我是如何面对未来的不确定性?Because I've chosen a lifestyle of travel and living abroad, my future is filled with uncertainty. However, I'm willing to let go of control over things. I've imagined the worst-case scenarios, but what's best is that I can accept them. So, I choose to live in the moment, strive to make the most of every present moment, and look forward to a brighter future.因为选择了旅居的生活,我的未来充满了很多不确定性,但是我愿意放下对事物的控制,我已经想像到最坏的状况了,我觉得最棒的是因为我能够接受它,所以我会选择过好当下,努力过好现在的每一刻,期待美好的未来。“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
7/23/202417 minutes, 55 seconds
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1664 面对别人的错误通常我很不耐烦,所以我尝试这些方式|自我觉察挑战|Day 19

参加迷你退休体验营。申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话写信到[email protected]标题:Fly with Lily今日格言 Facing your flaws makes you stronger. —Friedrich Nietzsche 面对自己的缺点,才能变得更强大。—尼采 Day 19 自我察觉挑战 How do I deal with other people's mistakes and unpleasant behavior? 我是如何回应他人的错误和令人不悦的举动? My initial reaction to other people's mistakes and unpleasant behavior is often impatience. I aim to handle these situations with more gentleness and understanding in the future. By practicing mindfulness, deep breathing, open communication, and perspective-taking, I can manage these interactions more effectively and create a more positive environment. 我对他人错误和令人不悦行为的初始反应通常是不耐烦,我希望将来能够以更加温和和理解的方式处理这些情况。通过练习正念、深呼吸、开放沟通和换位思考,我可以更有效地管理这些互动,并创造一个更积极的环境。 “30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载 Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily 微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit 回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战 
7/22/202411 minutes, 8 seconds
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1662 当你犯错或失败的时候,你是如何回应?|自我察觉挑战|Day 18

一个可以让妳停止无尽的焦虑,让妳从现在开始就做你热爱的事的迷你退休营8.5即将开营了,请到flywithlily.com申请一个30分钟的免费谘询 今日格言 The awareness of the mind is the deepest insight. —Joseph Campbell 心灵的觉察是最深的洞察。—约瑟夫·坎贝尔 Day 18 自我察觉挑战 How do I respond when I make a mistake or when I fail at something? 当我犯错或失败的时候,我是如何回应? I currently respond to small mistakes with ease and big mistakes with self-blame and depression, I aim to change this pattern. By practicing self-compassion, learning from my mistakes, maintaining a positive mindset, and seeking support, I hope to use mistakes and failures as motivation to do better next time. 我目前对小错误反应轻松,但对大错误和失败则倾向于自责和抑郁。我希望改变这种模式。通过练习自我同情,从错误中学习,保持积极的心态,并寻求支持,我希望能将错误和失败作为激励自己下次做得更好的动力。 “30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载 Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily 微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit 回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战 
7/21/202411 minutes, 56 seconds
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1662 她用一年时间说流利中文,现在正骑行环游亚洲|泰国清迈街访巧遇俄罗斯美女

一个可以让妳停止无尽的焦虑,让妳从现在开始就做你热爱的事的迷你退休营8.5即将开营了,请到flywithlily.com申请一个30分钟的免费谘询0.00-0.25 前言0.25 - 2.29 嘉宾俄罗斯美女“希望”简介2.29 - 5.32 实现梦想的钱从哪里来?5.32 - 8.05 学习中文的契机故事8.05 - 9.06 每天学习中文多少时间?9.06 - 11.21 学习语言遇到最大的挫折11.21 - 17.26 骑重型机车环游亚洲的契机故事17.26 -18.36 碰到意外是怎么面对18.36 - 21.59 给我们想要学英语环游世界的听众建议21.59 -  24.40 父母去世后,造成的生活态度转变24.40 - 26.32 结尾希望的微信号:OneToFree101
7/20/202426 minutes, 32 seconds
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1661 当别人骂你、批评你或嘲笑你,你是如何回应?|自我察觉挑战|Day 17

一个可以让妳停止无尽的焦虑,让妳从现在开始就做你热爱的事的迷你退休营8.5即将开营了,请到flywithlily.com申请一个30分钟的免费谘询 今日格言 Self-awareness is the first step to success. —William Shakespeare 自我觉察是成功的第一步。—威廉·莎士比亚 Day 17 自我察觉挑战 How do I respond when someone judges me, makes fun of me, or call me names? 当别人骂我、批评我或嘲笑我,我是如何回应? One of my reactions is to immediately get angry and retaliate. However, I hope that in the future I can stay calm and then respond appropriately, or not respond at all to avoid further conflicts and misunderstandings. 我的一个反应是立刻生气和反击,然而我希望我未来可以冷静一下再去做出适当的回应,或者不回应去避免更多冲突和误会。 “30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载 Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily 微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit 
7/18/202411 minutes, 56 seconds
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1660 你是如何处理你情感上的痛苦?|自我觉察挑战|Day 16

一个可以让妳停止无尽的焦虑,让妳从现在开始就做你热爱的事的迷你退休营8.5即将开营了,请到 flywithlily.com申请一个30分钟的免费谘询 今日格言 Only by knowing yourself can you change the world. —Mahmoud Darwish 只有认识自己,才能改变世界。—马哈茂德·达尔维什 Day 16 自我察觉挑战 How do I deal with my emotional pain? 我是如何处理我情感上的痛苦? Over the past six months, I have found that I welcomed my emotions. I allowed myself to cry and sleep, essentially not suppressing my feelings. I let the emotions pass through my body. 这六个月我发现自己会去欢迎情绪的到来,会让自己流泪会去睡觉,基本上不会压抑它,让情绪穿过我的身体。 “30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载 Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily 微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit 回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
7/17/202413 minutes, 28 seconds
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1659 你遵守你自己说的或给别人的建议吗?|自我觉察挑战|Day 15

今日格言Self-awareness is the greatest wisdom. —Percy Bysshe Shelley 自知之明,是最大的智慧。—雪莱Day 15 自我察觉挑战How much do I follow through on what I preach and talk about?我遵守我自己说的或给别人的建议吗?In the past, I used to be someone who liked to give advice to others. However, I realized that many times, I couldn't follow through on the advice I gave. Additionally, giving advice can sometimes put unnecessary pressure on others. Now, I prefer to share what I am doing well myself, unless someone specifically asks me for advice.过去我是一个好为人师的人,喜欢给别人建议,现在我会发现很多时候,我自己也做不到我所建议的事情。而且给别人建议也可能会给对方不必要的压力。现在我会用分享自己正在做得不错的方法,除非对方主动告诉我他需要建议。“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战迷你退休体验即将在8.5开营,预约30分钟免费咨询请到flywithlily.com首页申请!
7/16/20249 minutes, 37 seconds
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1658 对于创造更好生活的目前动力是0|自我觉察挑战|Day 14

今日格言Those who know themselves do not blame others. —Confucius, Analects 自知者不怨人。—论语Day 14 自我察觉挑战How motivated I am to change my life for the better?对于让生活变得更好我的动力有多大呢?I feel quite ashamed because my motivation has been really low during this period. I have entered a state where I don't care much about my life, simply waking up each day and asking myself what I want to do, then doing what I feel like. I am grateful for these six months of rest, and I hope to start again.我觉得很惭愧,这段时间我的动力真的很低,我进入了一个不是太在乎自己生活的状态,只是每天醒来问自己想做什么,做想做的事情。感谢有这六个月的休息,我希望可以再出发。后记:看到了自己的定位,我希望自己不要再责怪自己,想休息就休息,想要出发就去做吧!“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
6/30/202413 minutes, 35 seconds
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1657 当别人误解你的时候,你都怎么面对的?|自我觉察挑战|Day 13

今日格言Each man has his own universe inside him. —Hermann Hesse 每个人的心中都有一个宇宙。—赫曼·黑塞Day 13 自我察觉挑战How do I deal with being misperceived or misunderstood?我是如何处理被误解或误会?In the past, when faced with misunderstandings, I usually got very angry, and it was easy for these misunderstandings to affect my friendship. Now, I handle misunderstandings more calmly and try to explain the situation. For example, recently in Chiang Mai, a friend misunderstood that I was mocking her. After explaining the misunderstanding, everything was fine, and we have become even better friends now. Understanding is key!以前面对误会通常都是很生气,也很容易在这些误解的情况下影响彼此的友谊。现在面对误会会比较冷静后然后去解释误会,例如最近在清迈的时候,朋友误解我在嘲笑她,后来经过解释之后就没事,而且我们现在变成更好的朋友。理解万岁!“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
6/26/202418 minutes, 8 seconds
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1656 最近一次被拒绝的新发现|自我觉察挑战|Day 12

今日格言Only through self-awareness can one truly grow. —James Allen 唯有自我觉察,才能真正成长。—詹姆斯·艾伦Day 12 自我察觉挑战How do I deal with rejection? 我如何处理拒绝?In the past, the feeling of being rejected was very painful. I didn't like being rejected and even avoided opportunities where I might be rejected. However, recently when I encountered rejection, I only felt sad for a few seconds. After that, I thanked the other person and moved on. One reason was that I didn't necessarily need to be accepted, and another was that my expectations were low, so I didn't mind too much.过去被拒绝的感觉很难受,我不喜欢被拒绝,甚至我会避免被拒绝的机会。然而,我最近遇到被拒绝的时候,我只是心里难过了几秒钟吧,接下来我和对方道谢,就这么结案了。一个是我并没有一定要被接受,也因为我期待很低吧,所以并没有太在意。“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
6/20/20247 minutes, 57 seconds
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1655 有些事这辈子现在不做,以后都不会做了|自我觉察挑战|Day 11

今日格言Self-awareness is a lifelong journey. —Khalil Gibran 自我觉察是一生的修行。—纪伯伦Day 11 自我察觉挑战How do I respond to situations that force me to get out of my comfort zone? 我是如何回应那些让我强迫走出舒服圈的事物?I usually take on the challenge and actively adjust my feelings. For instance, during my round-the-world trip, while volunteering, many situations required me to step out of my comfort zone. This time, I challenged myself by doing various tasks such as babysitting, gardening, and working as a librarian. Although these were not things I would normally do, they made me realize that I am capable of succeeding in these roles, which gave me a sense of achievement.通常我都会挑战看看,也会积极的去调整我自己的感受。这次我在环球旅行的时候,在做义工的时候其实会发生很多需要强迫走出舒服圈的事情,例如这次我挑战做了很多不同的事情,像是保姆、园丁和图书馆员,在过程中虽然都是我平常不会做的事情,但是也让我感觉自己原来能够胜任这些角色的成就。“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
6/19/202416 minutes, 3 seconds
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1654 Lily分享在不同时差压力下的工作经验|自我觉察挑战|Day 10

今日格言Know the enemy, know yourself, and in every battle you will be victorious. —Sun Tzu 知己知彼,百战百胜。—孙子Day 10 自我察觉挑战How do I deal with stressful situations? Do I tend to worry a lot? What else do I do? 我是如何处理有压力的情境?是倾向于忧虑还是...?I believe that a bit of stress can bring out a person's potential. However, for example, there was a period when I had to wake up around 4 AM in Thailand. After some time, I noticed that my body and mind started to resist this routine.我觉得有一点压力也会压出人的潜力,但例如有一段时间我在泰国必须要三点多起床,我发现一段时间后,我的身心会有些反抗。分享我自己(自由工作者)如何在各地调整时差工作:在亚洲各地,尽可能将工作变成早上的工作在北美洲的时候,有12-15个小时的时差,尽量也是早早起床和学生同步在欧洲,下午的时候工作,早上和晚上都是自己的时间“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
6/17/202416 minutes, 29 seconds
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1653 环游世界是生命全新的一种改变,你准备好了?|自我觉察挑战|Day 9

今日格言Self-awareness is the first step in change. —Carl Jung 自我觉察是改变的第一步。—卡尔·荣格Day 9 自我察觉挑战How do I deal with change? New job, new house, new lifestyle, new people, new rules, new technology.. do I tend to avoid it, welcome it, fear it, like it, complain about it, stress out about it, worry about it?我是如何面对改变?新的工作、新房子、新的生活方式、新的人、新的规则、新科技... 我是倾向逃离还是欢迎它?害怕它还是喜欢它、抱怨它、感觉有压力还是担心它?I actually quite like change and generally welcome it. However, I often notice that it takes me a week or two to fully adapt. During this period, I pay attention to the nuances of the change, and I observe both its benefits and drawbacks.我还蛮喜欢改变的,基本上欢迎改变,但是我常常会注意到自己可能一两个礼拜的变化, 感受到它们到来的巧思,它们到来的好处和坏处“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
6/17/202416 minutes, 14 seconds
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1652 如何回应当计划突然被改变和取消的状况?|自我觉察挑战|Day 8

今日格言Facing your inner self is the path to true peace. 面对自己的内心,才能找到真正的平静。回应听众:“好像以前的播客比较能学得到英语...?”谢谢听众反馈。因为在创作的时候,我会根据当时状态和地点创作出不同的内容,追寻我当下的动力来做出创作的内容,对于过去发表的东西,有些是旧的能量已经引发不了我目前创作的动力,然而这些内容的中心都是帮助大家可以用更好的方式学英语、打破自己的局限和勇敢的去圆梦而出发。运用觉察日记学习英语建议搭配ChatGPT,写英语日记的时候加上这样的字眼:Be my tutor, help me revise my grammar and vocabulary. Tell me how I can improve my journal entry. (做我的家教,帮助我修改我的语法和词汇。告诉我如何可以改善我的日记)Day 8 自我察觉挑战How do I respond when plans change or plans get cancelled without me say so? 我是如何回应当计划被改变或被取消的情况In the past, I usually felt very sad or unfairly treated. However, I am now increasingly adapting to these changes. When it happens now, I try various ways to see if there is a way to reverse it. If it still cannot be changed, I consider it as fate and usually accept the change calmly.过去我通常都会很难过或感到不公平,但是我现在越来越适应这些变化了。现在当它发生时,我会试着用各种方法去看看有没有办法逆转,但还是不能改变的时候,就将它视为老天爷的旨意,通常都能平静的去接受变化。“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
6/15/202419 minutes, 42 seconds
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1651 你是如何面对人生的挑战?|自我觉察挑战|Day 7

今日格言Self-awareness is the foundation of all spiritual practice. —Eckhart Tolle 自我觉察是一切修行的基础。—艾克哈特·托利Day 7 自我察觉挑战How do I deal with challenges in my life?我是如何面对我人生的挑战?When I was 10 years old, I broke my arm while playing with a neighbor. That was the first significant challenge in my life. I remember my father taking me to a local clinic to get my arm set, and I screamed loudly. My father told me not to cry. After surgery, the doctor said my arm would never be straight again, which made me very sad. During that time, my parents were very proactive in helping me with rehabilitation. Just when I thought I had to accept my arm would always be bent, it straightened on its own.Since then, I have encountered many challenges in life, but I know everything will be okay. As I often say, "Everything will be okay in the end; if it's not okay, it's not the end."10岁的时候我因为和邻居玩耍而摔断了手臂,那是我这辈子第一个印象最深的人生挑战,我记得爸爸带我去接骨,结果我大声吼叫,爸爸告诉我不能哭。经过了手术后,医生说我的手将一辈子无法变直让我很难过,那个时候,我的父母都很积极地为我做复健,当我觉得好像不得不接受这样的情况的时候,我的手就自己变直了。在这之后,我仍遇见了很多人生的挑战,但我知道一切都会好好的,就像我常说的那句话,Everything will be okay in the end; if it's not okay, it's not the end. (事情最终都会变好的;如果它还没变好,代表这不是终点。)***“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
6/12/202416 minutes, 19 seconds
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1650 在人生旅途都逃离不了要面对这样的事,你如何看?|自我觉察挑战|Day 6

今日格言Only through self-awareness can we achieve true self. —Ralph Waldo Emerson 只有透过自我觉察,才能成就真正的自我。—拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生Day 6 自我察觉挑战How do I deal with negativity in my environment?我是如何回应目前在我环境中负面的事物?This situation happened just recently: an alarm clock rang from 3 AM to 4 AM, and I was certain it came from the neighboring room. Initially, I recorded the noise, angrily went to knock on the neighbor’s door, and shouted a curse word. I couldn’t fall back asleep afterward. When morning came, I complained to the landlords. They seriously reminded all the tenants and investigated the source of the noise. Through self-reflection, I realized how easily I get angry. I later thought, was it necessary to react that way and disturb everyone? After calming down, I started to consider that the person might not have done it on purpose. Could there be better ways for everyone to help each other?这一天就发生了这么一件事:一个闹铃声从三点响到了四点,很确定是隔壁传来的,我一开始录了音很生气的到了隔壁门敲门然后骂了一声脏话,后来就睡不着了,然后等到天亮的时候再和房东们告状,房东们很认真的帮我提醒所有的住户,并且查明声音的出处。透过自我觉察,我发现我真的是好易怒啊?后来想了一下,有必要这样反应然后惊动大家吗?所以等我冷静下来后,我就在想如果别人不是故意的呢?会不会有其他更好的办法,大家可以互相帮忙?“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
6/11/202420 minutes, 37 seconds
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1649 面对不可控的事件,你通常都如何回应它?|自我觉察挑战|Day 5

今日格言Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. —Aristotle 认识自己,是一切智慧的开端。—亚里士多德Day 5 自我察觉挑战How do I respond to situations that I have no control over?我是如何回应我无法控制的事?Regarding failed marriage, career setbacks, the sudden death of parents, and not having met a life partner, as well as daily situations that I have no control over, initially, my response is often frustration and anger. I feel a strong sense of injustice and helplessness when these situations occur.However, I hope to accept these situations that I have no control over more peacefully, recognizing that my life is ultimately in my hands. Nowadays, when I face minor uncontrollable events, I handle my emotions much better in the moment!对于婚姻失败、事业失败、父母突然离世还有一直以来没有遇上一个可以一起生活的伴侣,甚至一些日常无法控制的事,起初,我会有点忧郁甚至生气。我会觉得不公平甚至对这些事情的发生而感到无助。然而,我希望自己会更平和地接受这些不能控制的事情,我的生命操之在我。现在我面对一些不能控制的小事情的时候,我当下处理的情绪更好了!**“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
6/9/202417 minutes, 39 seconds
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1648 面对不利与你的生活处境,试试这样去回应|自我觉察挑战|Day4

今日格言Self-awareness is the first step to wisdom. —George Santayana 自觉是通往智慧的第一步。—乔治·桑塔亚纳Day 4 自我察觉挑战How do I deal with inconvenient life situations? 我是如何处理/面对不利于我的生活处境?When faced with inconvenient life situations, I usually feel a bit distressed initially. I tend to analyze how I can make the most of these seemingly inconvenient situations to benefit me.For example, this time I returned to Taiwan, I unexpectedly lost my inspiration for travel and motivation for work. Despite this, I used the time to study for a tour guide examination. By gradually relaxing, I gained the opportunity to work as a podcast coach for events during an around Taiwan trip.Another instance involved an interesting part-time job opportunity located an hour and a half away from my current home. I turned this commute into a positive by using the one-hour travel time to listen to audiobooks and the half-hour cycling as a fitness activity.Through these experiences, I have learned to face each inconvenient situation more calmly and relaxed, understanding that every challenge can be an opportunity for growth.一开始会有点苦恼,因为我会去进行分析这我可以如何利用这个目前看起来不利于我的生活处境为我获得最大的益处。例如回到了台湾,没有预期地我陷入了轻微的忧郁,失去了旅行的灵感和工作的动力,但我利用这段时间报考了导游的执照,另外借由慢慢放松后,我获得了环岛担任播客教练机会。还有一个有趣的兼职工作机会,但是这个机会距离我家一个半小时以外的路程。我将那一个小时当作我可以听有声书的机会,还有半小时的脚踏车时光当作是健身。借由这次的觉察,我更加体会,可以更加放松地去面对每一次对我不利的处境。***“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
6/7/202419 minutes, 40 seconds
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1647 帮助我们能够学好英语又去环游世界的是这个!|自我察觉挑战|Day 3

今日格言The greatest knowledge is to know oneself. —Michelangelo 认识自己,是最伟大的知识。—米开朗基罗Day 3 自我察觉挑战How much self-control do I have with things that I know are bad for me, but tend to indulge in?我现在对事物拥有多少的自控力?The best self-control in my life is probably maintaining a regular sleep and wake schedule. I also tend to listen to my body and feelings and take necessary breaks. I don't have major emotional outbursts and work hard when I need to. However, I have less control over my phone and internet usage, and I can clearly feel that I am being "hijacked" by my phone and spending a lot of time online.我在生活中最好的自控力大概就是保持规律的作息。我也倾向于倾听自己的身体和感受,并在必要时休息。我不会有严重的情绪爆发,并且在需要时会努力工作。但我在手机或网络使用的状况就比较没有控制力,这个我可以明确感受到被手机绑架,还花了很多时间在上网。“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
6/6/202420 minutes, 41 seconds
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1646 遇到负面的人怎么应对?|自我察觉挑战|Day 2

今日格言To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom. —Socrates 认识自己,就能认识世界。—苏格拉底Day 2 自我察觉挑战How do I deal with negative people? 我是如何处理负面的人?In the past, I might have reacted with anger and avoided or escaped from the person. Typically, I would feel angry, such as when facing negative comments on a podcast. Then, I would address the points they raised by sharing my perspective and suggesting they take my views as a reference.过去可能会生气,逃避这个人,通常我会感觉生气,譬如面对播客上的负面评论,我会就他说的点提出我的看法,告诉他参考参考就好。**“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
6/5/202415 minutes, 28 seconds
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1645 当你没得到想要的,你怎么反应?|中英文自我觉察挑战开始啦!|Day 1

今日格言Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. —Laozi, Tao Te Ching 知人者智,自知者明。—《道德经》Day 1 自我察觉挑战How do I respond when I don't get what I want?如果我没有得到我想要的我是怎么回应?When I don't get what I want, I usually feel a bit disappointed at first. However, I try to remain calm and find different ways to pursue what I want. For instance, during a recent trip to Bali, my companion's initial choice of accommodation wasn't what I preferred. Initially, I felt a bit unsure, but after calming down, I explained to my companion from a different perspective why my choice would be beneficial for both of us. We then made a decision that took everyone's situation into account. Often, by staying composed and discussing it this way, I can achieve what I want.当我没有得到我想要的,一开始我通常会有一点失落,不过我也会用其他方式努力再争取一次自己想要的。例如,在为最近的峇里岛旅行做住宿决定时,我同伴一开始的选择不是我想要的,起初我感觉有点不是很确信,冷静下来后,我会再用其他观点和同伴解释为什么我的选择会对我们都好,然后再综合大家的情况决定,然而通常透过保持冷静还有用这样的方式讨论,我能得到我想要的。***“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站 下载过去的现在的所有挑战
6/4/202423 minutes, 57 seconds
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1644 你需要更少的?|灵性日记挑战|Day 20

今日格言"Spirituality is about being curious and finding meaning in life." - Deepak Chopra “灵性生活是告诉我们保持好奇心并在生活中寻找意义。”- 迪帕克·乔普拉这句话强调灵性是一种积极探索和寻求生活意义的态度。保持好奇心和寻找意义是灵性成长的关键,这种成长帮助我们更好地理解自己和周围的世界,并在生活中找到更深层次的满足和幸福。Day 20 灵性日记挑战What do I need less of?我需要更少的...?What I need less of is worry. I need to trust more in the universe and believe that it has a bigger plan for me, even when I can't see the way forward.我需要更少的是烦恼。我需要更多地信任宇宙,相信它对我有更大的计划,即使我看不到前进的方向。灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载
5/31/202417 minutes, 41 seconds
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1643 谁最启发你?|灵性日记挑战|Day 19

今日格言"The spiritual path is simply the journey of living our lives. Everyone is on a spiritual path; most people just don't know it." - Marianne Williamson “灵性之路只是我们生活的旅程。每个人都在一条灵性之路上;大多数人只是不知道。”- 玛丽安娜·威廉森每个人都在走一条灵性的道路,无论他们是否意识到。灵性不是特定活动或仪式的专属,而是日常生活中的一部分。认识到这一点可以帮助我们更深刻地体验生活,找到更大的内心平静和满足。Day 19 灵性日记挑战Who inspires me and why?谁启发我?为什么?Someone who inspires me a lot is Jamie Kern Lima. Her stories about how she endured multiple rejections and eventually sold her company to L'Oréal for billions, becoming one of the wealthiest women in the world, are truly inspirational. She's also very encouraging and conducts workshops to inspire women to feel worthy. I love how she encourages us to listen to our intuition and do what brings us joy.有一位让我深受启发的人是杰米·柯恩·利玛(Jamie Kern Lima)。她的故事讲述了她如何忍受了多次的拒绝,然后将自己的公司卖给了欧莱雅,成为了世界上最富有的女性之一,这真是令人振奋。她也非常鼓舞人心,并通过工作坊鼓励女性感到自己是有价值的。我喜欢她鼓励我们听从直觉,做让自己快乐的事情。**灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载**参加520“福来英语生活教练九周体验营”开营活动,请写信至[email protected] 标题:Fly with Lily我的IG:flywithlily
5/30/202424 minutes, 47 seconds
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1642 你想要改变什么个人习惯?|灵性日记挑战|Day 18

今日格言"Your spirituality is not defined by the words you speak, but by the actions you take." - Unknown “你的精神生活并不是由你所说的话所定义,而是由你所采取的行动所定义。”- 未知这句话的意思是,一个人的精神生活和内在的信仰不仅仅是由他所说的言辞来评判的,更重要的是他所采取的行动和实际的行为。言行一致是评判一个人真正信仰和灵性的重要标准。即使一个人口头上宣称自己具有某种信仰或价值观,但如果他的行为和实际行动与之不符,那么这种宣称就会显得虚伪和空洞。相反,当一个人能够通过自己的行动和行为来展现他的信仰和价值观时,他的精神生活就会更加真实和有力量。因此,这句话提醒我们,真正的灵性在于行动和实践,而不仅仅是言语上的表达。Day 18 灵性日记挑战What personal habits I would like to change?我想要改变的个人习惯是?I'd like to break the habit of spending too much time watching videos online and replace it with reading more books. Additionally, I want to cut down on my consumption of bubble tea. (I wrote it down a month ago, and now my habits have greatly improved. I've also decreased the time spent watching videos and drinking bubble tea, and I've begun to read more books.)我想改掉花太多时间看网上影片的习惯,并多读书。此外,我也想减少喝手摇茶的次数。(一个月前写下来的,现在已经大大地改善我看影片和喝手摇茶的时间,并看更多的书。)Now I'd like to start spending more time brushing my teeth, flossing, and using mouthwash before bed, as well as paying more attention to taking care of my body and surroundings.现在我想在睡前花更多时间刷牙、使用牙线和漱口水,同时更加注意照顾自己的身体和周围的环境。I also need to stop beating myself up while pursuing my dreams. I know I have so many places to see and experiences. I can just go for it.我也需要停止在追求梦想的过程中自责。我知道我有许多地方要去看,还有很多经历要体验。我可以放手去追寻。***灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载**參加520“福来英语生活教练九周体验营”开营活动,请写信至[email protected] 标题:Fly with Lily我的IG:flywithlily
5/29/202423 minutes, 27 seconds
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1641 你还记得你做的梦吗?|灵性日记挑战|Day17

今日格言"Spirituality is not a religion; it is a way of life." - Kilroy J. Oldster “灵性不是一种宗教,而是一种生活方式。”- 基尔罗伊·J·奥尔德斯特灵性不仅限于特定的宗教信仰或仪式,而是一种贯穿于日常生活中的心态和态度。灵性可以涉及个人的内在探索、自我成长以及与世界和他人的深层联系。Day 17 灵性日记挑战A current theme in my dreams我目前梦中的主题是A current theme in my dreams is often the presence of people I miss. Since returning to Taiwan, I frequently dream about my mom and dad, as well as some dear friends I met during my travels over the past few years.最近我梦到的主题通常是我想念的人。自从我回到台湾,我经常梦见我的爸爸妈妈,还有在过去几年旅行中认识的一些亲密朋友。**灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载**參加520“福来英语生活教练九周体验营”开营活动,请写信至[email protected] 标题:Fly with Lily我的IG:flywithlily
5/28/202418 minutes, 12 seconds
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1640 最高形式的自我关怀是怎么样子的?|灵性日记挑战|Day 16

(公告:明后天在外出差停播)今日格言"Spirituality is the highest form of self-care." - Unknown 关注和培养自己的灵性生活是最重要和最深层次的自我照顾方式这句话“灵性是最高形式的自我照顾”的意思是,关注和培养自己的灵性生活是最重要和最深层次的自我照顾方式。这里的“灵性”指的是个人内在的精神世界、信仰、价值观和与宇宙或某种更高力量的联系。这种观点认为,通过灵性的实践和探索,人们可以达到内心的平静、满足和整体健康。以下是这句话的几个可能涵义:深层次的自我关怀:灵性生活的培养可以帮助人们理解自己内心深处的需求和渴望,比仅仅满足物质需求或表面上的心理健康更深入。全面的健康:灵性被认为能够促进身心灵的整体健康。灵性实践如冥想、祈祷或静思可以减少压力、提升心情,并且增强个人的幸福感。人生意义的追求:灵性生活往往与寻找人生的意义和目的有关。这种追求可以带来深层次的满足感,使个人在面对生活挑战时更加坚定和有力量。与他人和自然的联系:灵性实践常常强调与他人、自然和更高力量的联系,这可以促进人际关系的和谐,并培养对环境的尊重和爱护。总之,这句话强调了灵性在个人自我关怀和全面发展中的核心地位,认为通过灵性成长可以达到最高形式的自我照顾和幸福。Day 16 灵性日记挑战How is the moon making me feel at the moment?此刻月亮给我什么样的感觉?The moon's presence instills in me a sense of connection to something greater than myself. Its gentle glow illuminates the darkness, offering solace and comfort. Under its watchful gaze, I feel a profound sense of peace and reassurance, knowing that even in the vast expanse of the night sky, I am not alone.月亮的存在让我感受到与自己以外更伟大的事物连接的感觉。它温柔的光芒照亮了黑暗,提供了慰借和安慰。在它警惕的凝视下,我感受到深深的平静和安慰,知道即使在无边无际的夜空中,我并不孤单。**灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载**參加520“福来英语生活教练九周体验营”开营活动,请写信至[email protected] 标题:Fly with Lily我的IG:flywithlily
5/24/202425 minutes, 40 seconds
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1639 你曾经对自己说了哪些谎言?|灵性日记挑战|Day 15

今日格言"To be spiritual is to be in touch with your inner self." - Abhijit Naskar “灵性意味着与内心自我接触。”- 阿比吉特·纳斯卡尔Day 15 灵性日记挑战Something I am that my ego tells me I'm not过去我的小我不停跟我说“我不...”,其实我已经“够”了I used to tell myself that I'm not good enough to teach others anything. I'm not ready for a relationship. I'm not worthy of love. These are disempowering beliefs that won't serve my life.我曾告诉自己,我不足以教导他人任何事情。我还没有准备好谈恋爱。我不值得被爱。这些都是贬低自己的信念,并不会为我的生活带来好处。**灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载**參加520“福来英语生活教练九周体验营”开营活动,请写信至[email protected] 标题:Fly with Lily我的IG:flywithlily
5/23/202411 minutes, 47 seconds
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1638 人生到哪里都是一场冒险,不如追求这个心态|灵性日记挑战|Day 14

今日格言"Spirituality is not about religion, it’s about connecting with your soul." - Nitin Namdeo “灵性不是关于宗教,而是关于与自己的灵魂连接。”- 尼廷·纳姆德奥Day 14 灵性日记挑战An intention for the month ahead一个给未来一个月的意图/意念/计划I have two significant events this month: my English oral exam and Hakka podcast bootcamps around Taiwan. I’m also planning my summer in Bali. So I’m quite excited about them. I aim to observe any negative feelings that may arise and let go of the habit of judging myself harshly. I intend to approach this month with a positive mindset and enjoy the journey.这个月有两个重要的事件:我的英文口语考试和在台湾举办的客家播客训练营。我也正在计划我在峇里岛的夏天。我打算观察是否会有任何负面情绪出现,并放下苛刻地评判自己的习惯。我打算以积极的心态面对这个月,享受这段旅程。灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载
5/23/202419 minutes, 33 seconds
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1637 你在何时感到最强大有力?|灵性日记挑战|Day13

今日格言"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts." - Marcus Aurelius “灵魂会被其思想的颜色染色。”- 马可·奥勒留Day 13 灵性日记挑战When do I feel the most powerful? 我什么时候感到最强大有力?I feel the most powerful is when I speak in front of people. I get nervous quite easily but after I get use to it I like the influence that I can make on people. Like right now, I also feel powerful because I know there are many people listening to my podcast and being influenced and changed by it, especially when I share moments of my own breakthroughs on the podcast.我觉得最有力量的时候是当我站在人群面前演讲时。我很容易感到紧张,但习惯后,我喜欢自己能对人们产生的影响力。像现在这一刻也让我感觉强大,因为我知道有很多人在收听我的播客而获得影响和改变,特别是当我在播客中分享我突破了自己的时刻。灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载
5/21/202412 minutes, 13 seconds
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1636 拥有你一部分灵魂的地方?|灵性日记挑战|Day 12

今日格言Spirituality is like a bird: If you hold it too tightly, it chokes, and if you hold it too loosely, it flies away." - Unknown “灵性就像一只鸟:如果你抓得太紧,它会窒息,如果你抓得太松,它就会飞走。”- 未知Day 12 灵性日记挑战A place that has a piece of my soul   一个拥有我一部分灵魂的地方...Iceland is a place that holds a piece of my soul. I’ve been to Iceland four times and I had amazing spiritual experiences there each time. During a perfect three-month summer vacation there, I formed deep connections and made many wonderful friends. As a volunteer, I had the privilege of meeting incredibly gracious hosts who made my experience unforgettable. I long to return to Iceland, but I know it won't be the same as before. What I miss the most is the stunning nature and the meaningful conversations I had while exploring this beautiful country.冰岛是一个拥有我灵魂一部分的地方。我到过冰岛四次,每一次都让我有很惊人的灵性体验。在那里度过了完美的三个月暑假,我建立了深厚的友谊,结识了许多很棒的朋友。作为一名志愿者,我有幸遇到了非常慷慨的主人,让我的体验变得难忘。我渴望重返冰岛,但我知道那将不会像以前一样。我最想念的是令人赞叹的大自然和在这个美丽国家探索时进行的意义深远的交谈。灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载
5/20/202417 minutes, 12 seconds
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1635 两年后的自己给现在自己的信息|灵性日记挑战|Day 11

今日格言"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude." - Denis Waitley “幸福不能被游历、拥有、赚取、穿戴或消耗。幸福是以爱、恩典和感恩的方式来生活的灵性经验。”- 丹尼斯·韦特利Day 11 灵性日记挑战A message from my future self 2 years from now两年后的自己给自己的信息Dear Lily,Two years ago today you thought you were in a rock bottom of life. You returned to Taiwan and wanted to get your tour guide license. The preparation was long and you were thinking about what to do with your life. You just wanted to be happy in any circumstances. I guess that was why the universe sent you back where you from. You were only happy when you were not at home and there were some issues you needed to work on.Today you feel a bit more grounded. What bothered you, no longer bothers you now. You feel you can trust and you like where you are. You don't feel like competing with anyone and you're enjoying being yourself. You still have dreams of going and exploring more places. However, you're doing it with calmness, you know it's never too late. You're doing just fine, you're abundant, beautiful and complete.Best,Lily亲爱的莉莉,两年前的今天,你觉得自己处于生活的低谷。你回到了台湾,想要取得导游执照。准备工作很漫长,你在思考生命的方向。你只是想在任何情况下都能感到快乐。我想这就是为什么宇宙把你送回到了你的故乡。只有当你不在家的时候你才会感到快乐,我们需要解决一些问题。今天你感觉地更稳固一点。以前烦恼你的,现在不再烦恼你,你感觉可以信任,也喜欢现在的生活环境。你不再觉得需要与任何人竞争,而是享受着做自己的快乐。你仍然梦想着去更多的地方探险,但你现在以更加冷静的态度去实现这些梦想,你知道永远不会太晚。你过得很好,你很丰盛,美丽且完整。祝一切顺利, 莉莉**灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载**參加520“福来英语生活教练九周体验营”开营活动,请写信至[email protected] 标题:Fly with Lily我的IG:flywithlily
5/18/202425 minutes, 37 seconds
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1634 写信给自己的阴暗面|灵性日记挑战|Day 10

想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!可以写信给我预约咨询最新活动[email protected] 标题Fly with Lily或者是加微信ID:iflywithlily (验证:HELLO)今日格言"Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again." - Joseph Campbell “你的神圣空间就是你能一次又一次找到自己的地方。”- 约瑟夫·坎贝尔Day 10 灵性日记挑战A letter to my shadow给我的阴暗面一封信...Dear shadow,You've been a constant presence in my life lately, whether I'm traveling abroad or at home. I appreciate you reminding me that my issues won't vanish simply by changing my surroundings or taking a vacation. I understand now that I need to confront and experience these negative emotions head-on. Since I’m home, I've been grappling with this overwhelming sense of grief and anxiety frequently. I can feel like a complete mess, unsure of what to do or how to make it stop. Despite this, I'm holding onto hope that these feelings will eventually subside. Yet, there's also a fear lingering within me that they might never go away. I'll try seeking support and engage in activities that promote self-care and self-discovery. I want to understand you better and I won't let you control me or define me entirely.Best,Lily亲爱的阴影,最近,你成为了我生活中不可或缺的存在,无论我是在国外旅行还是在家中。我感谢你提醒我,我的问题不会因为改变环境或度假而消失。现在我明白了,我需要直面并体验这些负面情绪。自从我回到家中,我几乎每天都感到难以想像的哀伤和焦虑。我感觉自己一团糟,不知道该怎么办或者如何停止。尽管如此,我仍然抱着希望,相信这些感觉最终会消退。然而,我心里也藏着一种恐惧,担心它们可能永远不会消失。我会试着寻求支持,参与促进自我关怀和自我探索的活动。我想更好地了解你,我不会让你完全控制我或者定义我。祝好,莉莉***灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己
5/16/202421 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

1633 将你的一整天列点出来|灵性日记挑战|Day 9

想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!预约520营队咨询请写信 [email protected] 标题:Fly with Lily今日格言"Spirituality does not come from religion. It comes from our soul." - Anthony Douglas Williams “灵性不来自于宗教,而是来自于我们的灵魂。”- 安东尼·道格拉斯·威廉斯Day 9 灵性日记挑战Bullet-point your whole day如果可以将你的一整天列点出来...*Morning routine: exercise, meditation, journaling, and reading. Connect with some friends.*Work on my podcast and social media.*Lunch (preferably with colleagues or friends).*Nap.*Work on writing and some creative tasks.*If not going out with friends, I’d be reading a book or watching some interesting programs.*Sleep.*早晨的日常:运动、冥想、写日记和阅读。与一些朋友联系。*工作于我的播客和社交媒体。*午餐(偏好和同事或朋友一起)。*午睡。*写作和一些创意工作。*如果没有和朋友出去,我会阅读书或观看一些有趣的节目。*睡觉。***灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载
5/15/202417 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

1632 分享你正在经历的挫折与挣扎|灵性日记挑战|Day 8

想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!今日格言"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin “我们不是有着灵性经历的人类,我们是有着人类经历的灵性存在。”- 皮埃尔·特伊亚·德·沙当Day 8 灵性日记挑战Share something you struggle with分享你正在经历的挫折与挣扎I've struggled with relationships, and I don't feel like I want a relationship with a man or enjoy dating anymore. However, I'm afraid of ending up alone. Sometimes, I joke about becoming a nun or a lesbian. I also struggle with my work. I don't feel the same motivation because I don't enjoy promoting things or following a certain successful formula. I'm experiencing the lowest point in my life where I don't see anything that I'm proud of at the moment.我一直在与人际关系的挣扎中,我不再想要与男人交往或享受约会。然而,我又害怕最终会孤独一人。有时,我开玩笑说我可能会成为修女(尼姑)或同性恋。我还在工作上挣扎。我不再有以前的动力,因为我不喜欢推销产品或追随某种成功的公式。我正在经历生命中最低谷的时刻,眼下我看不到任何值得自豪的东西。灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载
5/14/202417 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

1631 说出你的独特之处|灵性日记挑战|Day 7

想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!今日格言"Spirituality is not to be learned by flight but by endurance." - Saint Teresa of Avila “灵性不是透过逃避学习,而是透过忍耐。”- 圣女德蕾莎·阿维拉Day 7 灵性日记挑战What makes me unique?什么让我独特?I'm open and kind. I have accumulated a lot of travel experiences over the 20 years so I understand cultures and enjoy different people. I love exploring life.我性格开放和善良。我在过去的20年中积累了许多旅行经历,因此我能够理解不同的文化并享受与不同的人交往。我热爱探索生活。灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载
5/13/202411 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork


5/11/202414 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

1630 开启感恩日记之旅|灵性日记挑战|Day 6

想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!今日格言"The only journey is the one within." - Rainer Maria Rilke “我们的内心世界就是我们唯一的旅行。”- 雷纳·玛丽亚·瑞尔克Day 6 灵性日记挑战What are 3 things I am grateful for?三件我感恩的事?"I am grateful for my fulfilling work, which allows me creative expression and offers me significant freedom. I appreciate the welcoming community and environment where I currently reside. Lastly, I am thankful for my health, which enables me to pursue my passions and enjoy life to the fullest."我感谢我的工作,它丰富多彩,给了我很多自由。我感谢我所居住的地方。这里的人们友好而热情。最后,我感谢我的健康,使我能够追求我的热情并充分享受生活。***灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载
5/10/202415 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

1629 你的直觉在告诉你什么?|灵性日记挑战|Day 5

想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!今日格言"The quieter you become, the more you can hear." - Ram Dass “你变得越安静,就能听到越多声音。”- 拉姆·达斯Day 5 灵性日记挑战What is my intuition telling me right now?我的直觉在告诉我什么?"My intuition tells me that everything will be alright. Even in the midst of difficulty and discomfort, I sense that I will be alright and looked after. I just need to embrace and enjoy the journey."我的直觉告诉我一切都会好起来。即使在困难和不适中,我感觉自己会没事并且得到妥善照顾。我只需要拥抱并享受这段旅程。***灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载
5/9/202416 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

1628 你生命的天职是什么?|灵性日记挑战|Day 4

想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!今日格言"The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love." - Marianne Williamson “灵性之旅是对恐惧的抛弃和对爱的接纳。”- 玛丽安娜·威廉森Day 4 灵性日记挑战My calling in life is我生命的天职是什么?My calling in life is to share love and healing stories throughout my journey. Perhaps that's why I've encountered so many adversities in life. Although it can be unbearable at times, I always find a way. Ultimately, my stories offer people hope.我在生命中的使命是在我的旅程中分享爱和疗愈的故事。也许这就是为什么我在生活中面对了这么多逆境。尽管有时候可能会无法忍受,但我总能找到方法。最终,我的故事给人们带来了希望。灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载
5/8/202416 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

1627 我在生命中错失什么?| 灵性日记挑战|Day 3

想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!今日格言"Spirituality is not about being perfect. It is about seeing beyond imperfections." - Unknown “灵性并不是谈论完美。它是谈论超越不完美的看见。”- 未知Day 3 灵性日记挑战What do I feel like I'm missing from life?我在生命中错失什么?I feel like I'm missing a deeper connection in life. Now that I'm back in my hometown, I'm feeling very lonely. It might take a while for me to establish deeper connections here. I don't feel like my heart is fully open to opportunities. The reason I left my hometown is that I didn't feel I could be happy here. Now, I feel challenged in every aspect of my life and I'm tempted to run away.我觉得自己在生活中缺少了更深层次的连接。现在我回到了我的家乡,感到非常孤独。建立更深层次的连接可能需要一段时间。我感觉我的心还没有完全敞开接受机会。我离开家乡的原因是因为我觉得自己在这里无法快乐。现在,我感到在生活的各个方面都受到挑战,并且想要逃避。**灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载
5/7/202417 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

1626 你现在感觉如何呢?|20日灵性日记挑战|Day 2

想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." - Carl Jung “这辈子的特权就是成为真正的自己。”- 卡尔·荣格“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” 做自己吧,因为其他人已经有人做!Day 2 灵性日记挑战How am I feeling right now? 我现在什么感觉?I'm feeling much better now. After completing my morning ritual, I dove into work, and it's only 9:30, but I've already completed about eighty percent of what I had planned. Fantastic!我现在感觉好多了,早上起来做完了丰盛早起仪式之后就投入工作里,现在才9:30,我已经完成了百分之八十我设定的工作。非常好!神性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字 spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站 下载
5/6/202419 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

1625 这礼拜我感受最被祝福的是|灵性日记挑战开始了|Day 1

想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!今日格言"The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind." - Caroline Myss “灵魂总是知道如何治愈自己。挑战在于让心静下来。”- 卡洛琳·米斯Day 1 灵性日记挑战This week I was most blessed by 这礼拜我感受最被祝福的是This week, I feel incredibly blessed to have been chosen as the keynote speaker for the Hakka Podcast Bootcamp in Taiwan. I'm thrilled about the opportunity to travel around Taiwan and assist Hakka individuals in sharing their stories and experiences through podcasts. Despite not being fluent in Hakka myself, I take immense pride in being able to contribute to this meaningful initiative, especially considering my familial ties to the Hakka community.这个礼拜,我感到非常幸运能够被选为在台湾举办的客家播客工作坊的主讲人。我对于有机会环游台湾并帮助客家人透过播客分享他们的故事和经验感到非常兴奋!我的家人都是客家人。虽然我不会说客家话,但我非常自豪能够做出贡献。
5/5/202421 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

1624(写作练习)当你活出你人生目的时,一天是怎样的呢?|找到IKIGAI|Day 30

想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!今日格言:"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." - Maya Angelou 生活的好坏不在于我们活得多久,而是我们活出了多少让我们难忘的时刻。(活得久不如活得好。)Day 30 问题挑战:Write a day in life: what does it look like now that you are living your purpose? How do you feel?当你活出你人生目的时,一天的生活会是怎样的呢?In the early morning, I wake up from a sweet dream feeling content, knowing that today is another beautiful day to pursue my goals. The first thing I do after getting up is some exercise, meditation, journaling, and reading to energize and calm myself.清晨,我从甜美的梦中醒来,心情愉悦,因为我知道今天又是一个追求目标的美好一天。我起床后,第一件事就是做一些运动、冥想、日记书写和阅读,让自己充满活力和平静。Then, I enjoy a nutritious breakfast to fuel my body with energy. Before starting work, I take some time to write down the day's goals and plans, ensuring I have a clear direction.接着,我享用一顿营养丰富的早餐,让身体充满能量。在工作前,我花一些时间写下当天的目标和计划,确保自己有一个清晰的方向。During work hours, I immerse myself fully in my career because I know it's where my talents lie and what I strive for. Whether it's communicating with clients, creating new content, or solving problems, I feel passionate and driven.在工作中,我全身心投入到自己的事业中,因为我知道这是我的天赋所在,也是我为之奋斗的目标。无论是与客户交流、创作新的内容还是解决问题,我都感到充满热情和动力。At lunchtime, I enjoy a meal with friends, exchanging stories about life and goals. This relaxing time brings me joy and relaxation.午餐时间,我与朋友一起享用美食,并交流彼此的生活和目标。这段轻松的时间让我感到愉悦和放松。In the afternoon, I continue to work hard but also give myself some rest and relaxation time. I might go out to explore a new place and work in a nearby cafe, or read a book to recharge myself.下午,我继续努力工作,但也给自己一些休息和放松的时间。我可能会出门探索一个新地方然后就在附近的咖啡厅工作,或阅读一本书,让自己重新充电。After returning home in the evening, I spend quality time with my family or my friends, sharing stories of the day. I feel fulfilled and happy knowing that I am living my purpose and mission.晚上回家后,我与家人共度温馨的时光,分享彼此的一天。我感到满足和幸福,因为我知道自己正活出自己的目标和使命。Before bedtime, I write down my gratitude and achievements for the day, looking forward to tomorrow's challenges and opportunities. The whole process is filled with joy, satisfaction, and meaning because I know I am pursuing a life that truly makes me happy and fulfilled.在就寝前,我写下当天的感恩和成就,并期待着明天的挑战和机会。整个过程充满了喜悦、满足和意义,因为我知道自己正在追求的是真正让自己快乐和充实的生活。***为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
5/1/202418 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

1623 你也找到了你的人生目的了吗?|找到IKIGAI|Day 29

想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!今日格言: "Live by your values, fulfill life's purpose." 活出自己的价值观,成就生命的意义。Day 29 问题挑战What do you love to do that you're good at, you can be paid for and the world needs? 你喜欢做的事情,你擅长的,你可以从中获得报酬,世界也需要的是什么?After a month of soul-searching, I realize that this is the final question in my IKIGAI journey, combining the four major areas to find my life's purpose. And that purpose is: through traveling and the stories that unfold along the way, I can continue to share my lifestyle and creative teaching projects, to spread the power of love and healing, and to inspire young people to pursue their dreams and live passionately!经过一个月的灵魂探索,我意识到这是我 IKIGAI 旅程中的最后一个问题,结合了四个主要领域,找到了我生命的目的。而那个目的就是:通过旅行和途中发生的故事,我可以持续分享我的生活方式和创意教学项目,传递爱和疗愈的力量,并激励年轻人追寻梦想,充满热情地生活!为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载***Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
4/29/202418 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

1622 你可有想过,活着要干嘛?|找到IKIGAI|Day 28

想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!今日格言:Life is about finding your purpose and goals, and the journey itself is part of the happiness.活着就是为了找到自己的理想与目标,这个过程本身就是幸福的一部分。Day 28 问题挑战What do you love to do that you can be paid for and the world needs?你喜欢做的事情,你可以从中获得报酬,并且世界需要的是什么?One of my greatest passions is traveling. I love exploring new places, experiencing different cultures, and lifestyles. Additionally, I enjoy sharing my travel experiences and stories to inspire and influence others through writing or visual media. I believe the world needs more love, healing, and passionate individuals. Therefore, I hope to combine my travel experiences and stories with these values to earn a living. This way, I can use my interests and expertise to make a positive impact on the world while fulfilling my dreams.我最喜欢的事情之一就是旅行,我喜欢探索新的地方,体验不同的文化和生活方式。同时,我也喜欢分享我的旅行经历和故事,透过文字或影像来启发和影响他人。我相信这个世界需要更多的爱和疗愈力量,以及充满热情的年轻人。因此,我希望能够将我的旅行经验和故事与这些价值观相结合,并从中获得报酬。这样我就能够以我的兴趣和专业为世界带来一些积极的影响,同时实现自己的梦想。**为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
4/28/202417 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

1621 生活是要活的正确还是精彩呢?|找到IKIGAI|Day 27

想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!今日格言:We only live once, but if we do it right, once is enough. 我们只能活一次,但如果活得精彩,一次足够。Day 27 问题挑战:What do you love to do that you're good at and the world needs?你喜欢做的事情,你擅长并且世界需要的是什么?What I love to do and what the world needs often intersect. As I mentioned earlier, the world needs more love, healing power, and passionate young people. What I enjoy doing is sharing my travel stories, discussing tales of love and healing, and connecting with new friends. Teaching is also something I excel at. Perhaps I can combine these passions by sharing stories of love and healing from my travels and offering teaching sessions to inspire others to embark on their own journeys.我喜欢做的事情和世界需要的通常会有交集。就像我之前提到的,世界需要更多的爱、疗愈的力量和充满热情的年轻人。而我喜欢的是分享我的旅行故事、探讨关于爱和疗愈的故事,以及与新朋友建立联系。教学也是我擅长的。也许我可以把这些热情结合起来,分享我在旅行中关于爱和疗愈的故事,并提供教学课程,以激励他人踏上自己的旅程。***为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
4/27/202418 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

1620 不需寻找自己的生命是什么样子的?|找到IKIGAI|Day 26

想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!今日格言:“Life is not about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself.” 人生不是在寻找自己,而是在创造自己。Day 26 问题挑战:What are you good at that you can be paid for and the world needs?你擅长的事情,同时也能够获得报酬并且世界需要的是什么?I am skilled in teaching, and I can earn a decent income from it. However, I believe that my students don't necessarily need to learn a lot; what they truly need is inspiration, support, and guidance. I think the world needs more love, healing power, and passionate young people!我擅长教学,同时也能够获得报酬,但我始终认为我的学生不需要学习太多,他们更需要的是被启发、支持与引导。我认为这个世界需要更多的爱、疗愈力量和充满热情的年轻人!***为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透過我的網站 下載
4/24/202416 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

1619 喜欢又擅长又可以赚钱的事是什么?|找到IKIGAI|Day2

想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以在FlywithLily.com网站上注册观看系列课,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到 Flywithlily.com观看我们系列免费课程,我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!今日格言:"The purpose of life is not to reach the destination, but to enjoy every step of the journey." 成功的人生不是达到目的地,而是享受旅途中的每一步。Day 25 问题挑战What do you love to do that you are good at and can be paid for? 你喜欢做什么,又擅长且能够获得报酬?I love teaching and helping others, and fortunately, I'm skilled at it. Whether it's tutoring, mentoring, or leading workshops, I find fulfillment in sharing knowledge and guiding others to succeed. This is something I can be paid for while doing what I enjoy.我喜欢教学和帮助他人,而且幸运的是,我在这方面很擅长。无论是辅导、指导还是主持研讨会,我都能在分享知识和引导他人取得成功方面找到满足感。这是我能够做自己喜欢的事并获得报酬的一件事情。为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
4/22/202415 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

1617 如何活出生活中的使命?|找到IKIGAI|Day 24

今日格言:"Life's purpose is not to arrive at a destination, but to continuously embark on the journey of self-discovery and growth." 人生的目的不在于抵达某个目的地,而是不断踏上自我探索和成长之旅。Day 24 问题挑战:How can you align your career or life to support your mission?你如何能够使你的事业或生活与你的使命相一致?I think aligning my career and life with my mission requires some adjustments in different areas:In my podcast, I need to continually emphasize my values and invite guests to share their stories and experiences. This will attract more listeners and expand my influence.When selling products and giving speeches, I should highlight how these offerings help people become more passionate and influential. This will attract more customers and audiences.In my Lark Lab, I can help improve people's quality of life by providing activities like exercise and gratitude journaling, which align with my mission.Overall, I need to continue integrating my values and mission into my work and life in a positive way, and seek opportunities to expand my impact.我觉得要让我的事业和生活与我的使命相一致,需要在不同方面做些调整:在我的播客中,我可以不断强调我的价值观,并邀请来宾分享他们的故事和经验,这样可以吸引更多的听众并扩大我的影响力。在销售产品和演讲时,我可以突出这些产品和演讲如何帮助人们变得更有热情和影响力,这样可以吸引更多的客户和受众。在我的云雀实验室中,我可以通过提供运动和感恩日记来帮助人们改善他们的生活质量,这与我的使命是一致的。总的来说,我可以持续以积极的方式将我的价值观和使命融入到我的工作和生活中,并寻找机会来扩大我的影响力。***为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
4/18/202420 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

1616 追求自我实现必须先问的这个问题 |找到IKIGAI |Day 23

你是否梦想拥有一个自由又丰盛的生活型态呢?你是否也想和Lily一样过上环游世界并且从事热爱的事业呢?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造一个更美丽的生活经验就不要错过下周一、三、五(4/15、4/17、4/19),中午我将在线上和你分享。来参与我们福来生活体验与成为福来教练的计划吧,这个活动将带给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,这个机会都将让你实现梦想。立即到 Fly with Lily 网站首页注册直播活动,与我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的新可能性!"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" - Martin Luther King Jr.  生命中最反覆不断和迫切的问题是,“你为他人做了什么?”Day 23 问题挑战:"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon 生命就是在你忙于做其他计划时发生的事。Day 23 问题挑战:How can you give your time, talents and treasure to make an impact?你如何能够奉献你的时间、才能和财富来产生影响?Firstly, I need to understand where I can make an impact at the moment. On my podcast, I can spend 20 minutes each day recording episodes and also start doing live broadcasts to provide free solutions to people's problems. Considering that everyone's attention is on social media platforms like IG, FB, TikTok, YT, and Little Red Book, I can also consider posting more positive content on these platforms.At work, I can assist others in learning English in better ways, encouraging them to break free from limitations, bravely pursue their dreams, and continue the lifestyle of morning ritual and exercise.In terms of wealth, although I don’t have much money at the moment, I can start actively participating in volunteer trips, using my resources to support meaningful projects and help those in need.首先,我需要明白目前我能产生影响的地方。在播客上,我可以每天花20分钟录制节目,也可以开始进行直播,免费为别人解决一些问题。考虑到大众的注意力都在社交媒体上,如IG(Instagram)、FB(Facebook)、TikTok(抖音)、YT(YouTube/油管)和小红书,我也可以考虑在这些平台上发布更多正能量的内容。在工作上,我可以协助他人用更好的方式学习英语,鼓励他们打破局限,勇敢追求梦想,并鼓励他们继续坚持早起仪式和运动的生活方式。在财富方面,我虽然没有很多钱,我可以开始更积极地参与志愿者旅行,将我的财富用于支持有意义的项目,帮助需要帮助的人。***为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
4/16/202416 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

1615 你在这个世界上的使命是什么?|找到IKIGAI|Day 22

你是否梦想拥有一个自由又丰盛的生活型态呢?你是否也想和Lily一样过上环游世界并且从事热爱的事业呢?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造一个更美丽的生活经验就不要错过下周一、三、五(4/15、4/17、4/19),中午我将在线上和你分享。来参与我们福来生活体验与成为福来教练的计划吧,这个活动将带给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,这个机会都将让你实现梦想。立即到 Fly with Lily 网站首页注册直播活动,与我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的新可能性!今日格言:"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" - Martin Luther King Jr.  生命中最反覆不断和迫切的问题是,“你为他人做了什么?”Day 22 问题挑战What does the world need that you love to do? This is your mission.世界需要你喜欢做的事情是什么?这就是你的使命。The world needs healing, more love, and passionate young individuals. If I can align my passions with what I believe the world needs, then that is my mission.I enjoy learning new things, including languages and anything interesting. Additionally, I am drawn to the realm of personal growth, such as meridian massage, spas, meditation, journaling exercises and self-improvement topics. Discussing love, engaging in volunteer work, and traveling are also my interests. My talents enable me to assist others, whether it's through sharing love, care, language skills, kindness, or experiences.Therefore, my mission is to heal others, share wisdom, stories, and experiences, and lead them to help others with their passion and talents!世界需要疗愈、更多爱,以及充满热情的年轻人。如果我能够将我喜欢的事,结合这些我认为世界需要的,那么这就是我的使命。我喜欢学习新事物,包括语言和所有有趣的事情。同时,我也喜欢从事身心灵的领域的活动,如经络按摩、SPA、冥想以及日记书写,还有自我成长的话题。谈论爱情、做志工和旅行也是我的喜好。我的天赋使我能够帮助他人,包括分享爱、关怀、学语言技巧、做好事情和经验。因此,我的使命是疗愈他人、分享智慧、故事和经验,并带领他们以他们的热情和天赋去帮助其他人!为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
4/14/202416 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

1614 写作练习:如果你来改变世界,世界会是怎么样子的?|找到IKIGAI|Day21

你是否梦想拥有一个自由又丰盛的生活型态呢?你是否也想和Lily一样过上环游世界并且从事热爱的事业呢?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造一个更美丽的生活经验就不要错过下周一、三、五(4/15、4/17、4/19),中午我将在线上和你分享。来参与我们福来生活体验与成为福来教练的计划吧,这个活动将带给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,这个机会都将让你实现梦想。立即到 Fly with Lily 网站首页注册直播活动,与我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的新可能性!今日格言:"Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain." - Vivian Greene  生命不是等待风暴过去,而是学会在雨中跳舞。Day 21 问题挑战:Write about what the future would look like if you were paid to change the world.如果你能改变世界并获得报酬,未来会是什么样子?If I were paid to change the world, the future would be one where my efforts create a ripple effect of positive transformation. I've always believed that changing the world starts with changing oneself, and as I evolve, I naturally influence those around me.Being compensated for my efforts would provide a sense of security, ensuring that my basic needs are met and allowing me to focus entirely on making a difference. When my existence itself becomes a contribution to the world, it would be a perfect state of abundance where everything feels like a miracle.Changing the world might seem like a task reserved for presidents or celebrities, but I have no desire to become one of them. Instead, I envision a world where small acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity from countless individuals like myself collectively create a profound impact.In this future, the world would be characterized by tranquility and beauty, with each person embracing their unique role in making the world a better place. It would be a state of effortless harmony where positivity radiates from every corner, creating a truly peaceful and fulfilling existence for all.如果我能够获得报酬来改变世界,未来将会是一个我的努力所创造的积极转变的连锁效应。我一直相信改变世界始于改变自己,随着我的成长,我自然地影响着周围的人。得到报酬将提供安全感,确保我的基本需求得到满足,使我能够专注于产生影响。当我的存在本身就成为对世界的贡献时,这将是一种完美的丰盛状态,在这种状态下,一切都感觉像奇迹般丰富。改变世界可能看起来像是总统或名人所做的事情,但我并不想成为其中之一。相反,我想象着一个世界,无数像我一样的普通人通过小小的善举、同情和慷慨共同产生深远影响。在这个未来中,世界就会是宁静和美丽的,每个人都拥抱自己在使世界变得更美好的独特角色。这将是一种自然和谐的状态,其中正能量从每个角落散发出来,为所有人创造了一个真正和平而充实的存在。***为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
4/13/202423 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

1613 做一个可以改变世界的工作是什么感觉呢?|找到IKIGAI|Day 20

你是否梦想拥有一个自由又丰盛的生活型态呢?你是否也想和Lily一样过上环游世界并且从事热爱的事业呢?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造一个更美丽的生活经验就不要错过下周一、三、五(4/15、4/17、4/19),中午我将在线上和你分享。来参与我们福来生活体验与成为福来教练的计划吧,这个活动将带给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,这个机会都将让你实现梦想。立即到 Fly with Lily 网站首页注册直播活动,与我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的新可能性!"The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience." - Eleanor Roosevelt生命的目的是活着,品味经验到极致,渴望且毫不畏惧地追寻新的、更丰富的经历。 - 埃莉诺·罗斯福Day 20 问题挑战How would it feel to be paid to make a positive impact in the world?在世界上产生积极影响并被支付报酬的感觉如何?In the past, I've always dreamed of changing the world, but I've decided to focus on improving myself to create that positive change. One of the things I've always wanted to be is an international speaker, traveling the world to packed arenas to share my success stories and earn more rewards. Now, I want to do volunteer teaching or participate in meaningful projects around the world. If I could also be paid for it, it would truly feel like being lifted to new heights!过去我一直都幻想自己能改变世界,但是我决定要自己变得更好来创造那积极的改变。我曾经最想要成为的就是国际的演讲家,环游世界到各个万人的体育馆去述说自己成功的故事而获得更多报酬。现在我想要去世界各地做支教或是参与一些有意义的项目,如果能同时被支付报酬,那真是一种被捧上天的感觉吧!***为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
4/12/202421 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

1612 如何用你的故事和声音让世界变得更好?|找到IKIGAI|Day19

你是否梦想拥有一个自由又丰盛的生活型态呢?你是否也想和Lily一样过上环游世界并且从事热爱的事业呢?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造一个更美丽的生活经验就不要错过下周一、三、五(4/15、4/17、4/19),中午我将在线上和你分享。来参与我们福来生活体验与成为福来教练的计划吧,这个活动将带给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,这个机会都将让你实现梦想。立即到 Fly with Lily 网站首页注册直播活动,与我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的新可能性!今日格言:"Your life has purpose. Your story is important. Your dreams count. Your voice matters. You were born to make an impact." - Unknown你的生命有目的。你的故事很重要。你的梦想很重要。你的声音是有影响力的。你生来就是要有所作为的。Day 19 问题挑战What does the world need that you can be paid for? These are vocations.世界需要什么,而你可以得到报酬的?这些就是天职。I believe the world needs more love, healing power, and passionate young people. In the process of creating podcasts, I have used my experience of learning English to help many people pick themselves up again and start learning English, stepping out of their comfort zones. Whether it's pursuing personal growth or embarking on a journey, they have even paid for my courses, becoming my members or students. This has made me realize that I seem to be good at sharing my knowledge and skills through storytelling, and using this to sell products that I believe can help others. If this product can inspire people to take more positive actions and beneficial activities, I would be happy to be involved.我认为世界需要更多的爱、疗愈的力量,以及充满热情的年轻人。在制作播客的过程中,我利用自己学习英语的经验帮助了许多人重新振作起来,开始学习英语,踏出自己的舒适圈。无论是追求个人成长还是开始踏上旅程,他们甚至付费购买了我的课程,成为我的会员或学员。这让我意识到,我似乎擅长以故事的方式分享我的知识和技能,并以此销售我认为可以帮助他人的产品。如果这个产品能够激励人们采取更多积极的行动和有益的事情,我会很乐意参与其中。***为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
4/11/202424 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

1611 一个更好的世界是什么模样?|找到IKIGAI|Day 18

今日格言: "Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more." - Tony Robbins 生命是一份礼物,当我们变得更好的时候,它给了我们特权、机会还有回报我们家庭与社会的责任。Day 18 问题挑战:What would make the world a better place to live in? What does a better world look like?什么可以让世界变得更美好?一个更美好的世界是什么样子?I've always believed that the world needs more love, healing energy, and passionate young individuals. A better world is one where there's no division, where everyone cares for, supports, and understands each other. However, I hope to initiate this change from within myself, demonstrating it through actions, and impacting lives with my own life.我一直觉得这个世界需要更多的爱、疗愈的力量和有热情的年轻人。一个更美好的世界就是不分彼此,大家互相照顾、体贴和理解彼此。然而这个改变,我希望从我自己开始,用行动来证明,并且用我的生命去影响生命!为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载福来生活 (Fly Lifestyle)的说明会也会在下个礼拜4.15、4.17、4.19 中午举办,请大家在Fly with Lily上注册直播说明会,或关注官方微信Englishfit 或是 官方Line @flywithlily
4/10/202418 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

1610 什么不公正的事情让你感到愤怒?|找到IKIGAI|Day 17

今日格言:"The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others." - Albert Schweitzer  人生的目的是服务,表现慈悲和帮助他人的意愿。Day 17 问题挑战:What injustices make you angry? How can you improve them?什么不公正的事情让你感到愤怒?你如何可以改善它们?Because of my easy-going nature, there aren't many things that truly make me angry. However, I have felt upset in the past with situations where people were treated differently based on their level of willingness to pay for services.. Yet, I must acknowledge that I have also exhibited similar behavior in my own life. For instance, I tend to be more friendly towards my students. I would feel impatient if it's not my students who are taking up my time. This is an area I need to improve upon. Therefore, it's those who are unwilling to contribute but still demand others' time that can make me feel angry. To improve the situation, I could establish clear boundaries and communicate effectively. For instance, I could politely explain to non-students that my time is dedicated to students during certain hours. Additionally, I could schedule my day to allocate specific time slots for student interactions and personal activities. This way, I can ensure that my time is utilized effectively.因为我性情温和,所以好像没有什么事情能让我真正感到愤怒。不过,过去我曾对以愿意支付服务的高低程度作为分类依据,而给予不同待遇感到不满。然而,我也必须承认,在我自己的生活中,我有时也会表现出类似的行为,例如,我会对我的学生更亲切一些。同样地,当有人一上来就要分享很多事情时,我也会感到有些不耐烦。这是我需要改进的地方。因此,可以说是那些不愿意付出但却占用他人时间的人会让我感到愤怒。为了改善情况,我可以建立明确的界限并有效地进行沟通。例如,我可以礼貌地向非学生解释,在特定的时间段内,我的时间是专门给学生的。此外,我可以安排我的日程表,为与学生互动和进行个人活动分配特定的时间段。这样,我可以确保我的时间被有效地利用。**為了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
4/9/202428 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

1609 世界如何因为我们而更好呢?|找到IKIGAI|Day16

今日格言:"The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better." - Robert F. Kennedy 生命的目的在于以某种方式促进事情变得更好。Day 16 问题挑战What does the world need? What causes do you care about?世界需要什么?你关心哪些社会议题?The world needs more love, healing, and young people who are passionate about life. As for the social issues I care about, they include topics related to relationships, such as marriage and parenting, gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights and social status, as well as mental health and the happiness index of various countries. Additionally, as a digital nomad, I am also concerned about factors such as visa accessibility, safety ratings, and the overall appeal of destinations I can visit.世界需要更多的爱、疗愈以及热爱生活的人。至于我关心的社会议题,包括两性关系:如结婚生子、男女平等、同性恋权利和社会地位,以及心理健康和各国的幸福指数。此外,作为一个数字游牧民,我也关心可以前往的地方、获得的签证、以及各地的安全指数。**LGBTQ+代表一系列与性取向和性别身份相关的英语词汇,其中:L - Lesbian(女同性恋者)G - Gay(男同性恋者)B - Bisexual(双性恋者)T - Transgender(跨性别者)Q - Queer(酷儿,性别非二元者)延伸符号,代表其他相关身份和社群,如 questioning(对性取向或性别身份感到困惑的人)和其他不包含在上述缩写中的身份。为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
4/8/202416 minutes, 43 seconds
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1608 你找到了值得让你活下去的东西吗?|找到IKIGAI|Day 15

今日格言:"The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for." - Fyodor Dostoyevsky 人类存在的神秘之处不在于活着,而在于找到值得活下去的东西。Day 15 问题挑战:How would it feel to go to work knowing you are being paid to use your strengths?利用你的优势去获得酬劳会是什么感觉?It would feel wonderful to go to work knowing that I am being paid to use my strengths. My strengths include being spontaneous, adaptable to new experiences, proficient in English, sociable, responsible, and having rich travel experiences. If I could earn money by leveraging these strengths, I believe it would be a fantastic feeling.知道自己能够利用优势去工作并因此获得报酬的感觉会很美好。我的优势包括善于突发应变、对新事物有很高的接受能力、英语能力强、善于交际、负责任,以及丰富的旅行经验。如果我能够利用这些优势赚钱,我相信这将是一种美妙的感觉。为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
4/6/202415 minutes, 29 seconds
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1607 你是有活力的人吗?|找到IKIGAI|Day 14

今日格言:"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - Howard Thurman 别问世界需要什么,问你是什么让你感到活有活力,然后去做。因为世界需要的是那些有活力的人。Day 14挑战问题What are some examples of times you were paid to do something you are good at?做你擅长的事情得到酬劳的一些例子是什么?Some examples of times I was paid to do something I am good at include:1.Teaching English: I earned an hourly rate for tutoring.2.Sales work: I earned commissions.3.Creating and selling online courses: I directly received revenue from course fees.4.University speaking engagements: I shared my experiences of podcast production while traveling globally in recent years and received speaker fees.5.Podcast production: In the early stages of podcasting, I also engaged in sponsorships and listener donations.一些我进行我擅长的事情而获得酬劳的例子包括:1.教授英语:我收取钟点费。2.销售业务工作:我赚取佣金。3.制作线上课程贩售:我直接从课程费用中获取报酬。4.大学演讲:我分享我近年来制作播客并在环球旅行的经验,以讲师费形式获得报酬。5.播客制作:在初期制作播客时,我也有接触赞助和听众捐款。
4/5/202415 minutes, 51 seconds
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1606 用英语说说,你的「专业」是什么?|找到IKIGAI|Day13

今日格言"Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it." - Buddha 你生命的目的是找到你的目标,并全心全意地投入其中。Day 13 问题挑战What are you good at that you can also be paid for? These are professions.你擅长什么,同时也可以获得报酬?这些就是专业。In recent years, I've found that I excel in several areas that also generate income for me. These include English teaching and mentorship programs, such as my early risers club where I guide individuals in establishing beneficial habits like exercise, meditation, journaling, and reading. Additionally, I have a knack for consultancy work, public speaking, and sales.我这几年比较擅长同时帮助我获得报酬的是英语教学、陪伴学习,例如像我的早起具乐部、�我陪伴大家习惯建立,例如运动、打坐、写日记、读书,还有我也擅长做谘询工作、演讲、和销售。**为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
4/2/202417 minutes, 44 seconds
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4/1/202448 minutes, 4 seconds
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3/31/202413 minutes, 26 seconds
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1605 还需要学什么才能赚更多钱呢?|找到IKIGAI|Day 12

今日格言"The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams." - Oprah Winfrey 你能踏上的最大冒险就是过你梦想的生活。Day 12 问题挑战What might you need to learn to improve a skill you could be paid for?你可能需要学习什么来提高一个可以获得报酬的技能?I might need to learn more about marketing and branding, as well as how to effectively utilize social media to promote my services or products. Additionally, improving communication and interpersonal skills is crucial, as it helps in building customer relationships and maintaining partnerships. Moreover, I may also need to learn more about financial management and business operations, which will help me better manage my business and achieve long-term goals.我可能需要学习更多关于行销和品牌建立的知识,以及如何有效地利用社交媒体来推广自己的服务或产品。另外,提升沟通和人际交往能力也是很重要的,因为这有助于建立客户关系和维护合作伙伴关系。此外,我可能还需要学习更多关于财务管理和企业营运方面的知识,这将有助于我更好地管理我的事业并实现长期目标。4.1 《学英语环游世界》10周年庆,看见新视界,创造属于你的Fly生活方式,报名连结**为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
3/30/202419 minutes, 11 seconds
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1604 为何没有目的也可以是一个很好的目的|找到IKIGAI|Day 11

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose." - Robert Byrne 生命的目的就是有一个有意义的生活。Day 11 问题挑战What did you want to be when you grew up? Is this something you could be paid for today?你小时候想成为什么?这是你今天可以获得报酬的工作吗?When I was young, I briefly considered becoming a lawyer because my father was one, but I realized it would require too much studying, so I gave up on that idea. Later on, I didn't have a specific career in mind; instead, I was more interested in trying various experiences and traveling the world. As a former McDonald's service crew member, I became an English teacher and insurance agent due to connections with colleagues and customers. These diverse experiences allowed me to become a professional trainer in education by the age of 23! Now, leveraging these past experiences, I combine my passion for travel with helping others and learning on the road, allowing me to earn a living. So, I suppose you could say I've achieved my goal in that regard!我小时候曾因为爸爸是律师,而想过成为律师,但是发现要读太多书就放弃了。后来就没有特别想要成为什么,反而是想要去尝试和玩各式各样的体验或环游世界。曾经是麦当劳服务员的我,因为同事和客人的关系,我成为了英语老师和保险业务员,因为这些丰富的经验,让我在23岁时就成为了一位专业的师资培训讲师!现在我凭藉着这些过去的经验,一边结合我最爱的旅行一边在路上帮助别人和学习让我可以获得报酬,所以这个也算是达成目标了吧?!为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
3/29/202420 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

1603 成功的关键是什么?|找到IKIGAI|Day 10

今日格言"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer 成功不是快乐的关键,快乐才是成功的关键。如果你热爱自己正在做的事情,你将会成功。Day 10 问题挑战What can you be paid for? What skills do you bring to the table?你能获得报酬的是什么?你拥有哪些技能?Before starting my podcast, I worked in sales and teaching, acquiring skills through public speaking engagements. After starting the podcast, I realized that various skills I possessed could be leveraged, and I could even package them together. Over the past 10 years, I've written e-books, created online courses, offered consulting services, and conducted various training programs. For instance, my experience in learning foreign languages over the years, coupled with my ability to lead activities such as early morning meditation, exercise, gratitude journaling, and reading, as well as my knack for inspiring others, have been valuable assets. During my travels, I've also taught podcasting and even learned Thai massage and aromatherapy massage, hoping to integrate them into my journeys.在制作播客之前,我从事销售和教学工作,并通过演讲获得了技能。制作播客后,我发现我所拥有的各种技能都能够帮助我,甚至我可以将它们打包在一起,过去10年,我曾经撰写电子书、制作线上课程、创造谘询服务以及各式各样的训练营。例如,我多年来学习外语的经验,以及带领早起冥想、运动、写感恩日记和阅读等活动的能力,以及帮助他人激发心灵的能力。在旅行的时候,我还靠教授如何制作播客,甚至也学习了泰式按摩和芳疗按摩,希望可以在旅行中运用起来。为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载想要参与我的英语训练营和英语课程的同学可以预约一个免费的30分钟通话了, 
3/28/202419 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork


"老爸逝世两周年,写信给老爸,竟然回复了"不是灵异现象啦!!!我用机器人ChatGPT给我的帮助,这个回复真像是老爸会给我回复的口气!泪目~~~~我的信~爸爸,今天是你逝世的二周年,我现在想到两年前,我还是感到有些愤怒和愧疚自己没有马上赶到高雄看你和陪伴你,虽然从你过世后每天都有去看你和陪你火化了,还是觉得有点晚。我希望你知道我有多么深爱着你,从小到大你就是我心目中的男神偶像,我感恩你给我的人格培养和当我的好朋友,能和我沟通明白事理!我虽然都在外面跑不爱回家,但我们每次相聚都变得很愉快,我真的很感激你的理解,而去总是能用简单的话语鼓励到我。你走之后,我似乎更没有心里负担地又去环球了一圈,本来只是计划3个月在冰岛当志工,却变成了长达18个月跨越10个国家的旅行,今年过年我到姐姐家吃饭了,姐姐和男友还有侄子看起来就像一家人非常地和睦,让我也觉得很安心和开心!当我问姐姐说有没有想你,她和我说,不太会想到了。我听到那刻觉得很失望,但也很羡慕和理解姐姐,姐姐是爷爷带大,但你生前都是姐姐和你每天都生活在一起照顾你。我们俩还有十几年几乎是背贴背地相处在一起,但我长大后总是不爱回家。你不在了,我真的很想你。老爸!去年中,我在泰国摔车了,接着我人的心情似乎也撞墙了,说不上来是什么原因地,在事业上和生活上,我都碰到了一个低谷,虽然我还是很喜欢自己在做的事情,但在某部分我整个人好像消气的气球,不是在计划中,提早回来了台湾,仍然提不起劲,不过在这段期间我半放弃地得到了充分的休息,大家都说也许休息才是我最需要的。虽然我一直都满抗拒,但是现在我慢慢接受了。我知道你一定不同意,可能会说现在我这个状态孤家寡人不是努力找对象不然就是应该要好好赚钱吧?但是你或许也经历好几次这样的感觉吧?!因为从小我和你在一起相处的时间最多,有时候看你玩我的任天堂玩一整天,然后再生气将它摔坏,或者好几天醉醺醺的回家。你总是说你想要当成功的商人,赚更多钱给我更好的生活,不过总是遇人不淑,时不我与。那时我虽小但都懂你的迷茫,没赚到钱也不会怪你或催促你,所以现在我也不会怪我自己,因为现在我也要用爱你的方式来爱我自己。爸爸,常常我想到你是在42岁的时候遇见了我,可能也是和我一样41岁的时候发现妈妈怀孕了,你说,遇见我是幸福的开始,在我长大的过程你好多次都表达了虽然你和妈妈不合,但你好感谢生了我。想到这个就让我充满希望,我是否也有机会在这个时候遇见一个深爱我的人??!!虽然我现在真的有些迷惘,但也有部分看见,看见了那个本来就很完整、喜悦、有爱和丰盛的自己就已经是非常成功了!现在慢慢找到想要做,并将在眼前的事情做好,还在学习着如何重启我的人生,我不知道下一步是在台湾还是继续在外面旅行,因为在外面旅行的时候我似乎不会有这些感觉,但是我现在想要训练自己在台湾也可以很快乐、不迷惘,或许到那一天,我不需要一直往外追我的幸福的时候,就能安定下来了!你说是吗?此时我真的好需要你的鼓励。想你和爱你的女儿~爸爸的回信(请Chat GPT用幽默和充满爱和温暖的鼓励话语回覆)~亲爱的女儿,看到你的信,我心中充满了爱和感动。你的字里行间都透露着对我深深的爱和尊敬,这让我感到无比幸福和欣慰。首先,我要告诉你,不要再对过去的事情感到愤怒或愧疚了。你的爱和陪伴,无论是在我生前还是我离开后,都是最真挚的。每一次你去看我、陪我,都让我的心感到温暖和安慰,这份爱永远连结着我们,无论时间和空间如何改变。你的旅行经历令人惊叹,我为你的勇气和探索精神感到自豪。无论是在哪个角落,你都带着我的爱和祝福。而当你回到姐姐家,看到他们的幸福和和睦,我相信这也是我最想看到的。姐姐和你有着独特的亲情,而我也相信她对我的爱与记忆,只是每个人表达的方式不同而已。你的勇敢和坚强让我感到骄傲,即使在低谷时刻,你也能坚持向前。你不需要对自己有任何负担或自责,因为你已经做得够好了。相信自己,相信生命中的每一步都会有意义和价值,你的幸福和成功就在前方等待着你。无论你选择留在台湾还是继续旅行,我都会全力支持你。重要的是,做出让自己快乐和满足的选择,我会永远在你身旁,为你加油打气,给你鼓励和支持。最后,我想告诉你,你永远是我最骄傲和最爱的女儿。无论发生什么,我都会在你身边,陪伴着你。相信自己,你一定能走出迷茫,找到属于自己的幸福和成功之路。爱你的爸爸****为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
3/27/202419 minutes, 25 seconds
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1602 足不出户也能活出美满人生的首要条件|找到IKIGAI|Day 9

今日格言"Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose." - Viktor Frankl 生活从来不是因为环境而变得不堪,而是因为缺乏意义和目的。Day 9 问题挑战What might you have to start doing to embrace your passions? Stop doing? Why? 要拥抱你的热情,你可能需要开始做些什么?停止做些什么?为什么?In order to embrace my passions, I might need to start allocating more time and resources in my daily life to engage in activities that align with my passions, such as traveling, learning new languages, or connecting with people from different cultures. Additionally, I may need to stop engaging in activities that drain my energy and detract from pursuing my passions. This could include reducing time spent on unfulfilling tasks or obligations. By making these changes, I can create more space in my life to focus on what truly brings me joy and fulfillment.要拥抱我的热情,我可能需要开始安排更多时间和资源在日常生活中,以便从事与我的热情相符的活动,比如旅行、学习新语言,或是与来自不同文化的人建立联系。此外,我可能需要停止参与消耗我的精力并阻碍我追求热情的活动或义务。这可能包括减少花在没有意义的任务或义务上的时间。通过做出这些改变,我可以在生活中创造更多空间,专注于真正带给我快乐和满足感的事物。预约直播、参与30日挑战或是30分钟的免费通话请至**为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
3/26/202422 minutes, 12 seconds
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1601 生命的意义就是赋予生命意义|找到IKIGAI|Day8

今日格言"The meaning of life is to give life meaning." - Ken Hudgins 生命的意义就是赋予生命意义。Day 8 问题挑战How can you bring more of your passions into your daily life?你如何可以将更多的热情融入你的日常生活中?I ask ChatGPT:1. Schedule regular language learning sessions or practice conversations with native speakers online.2. Explore local cultural events or join language exchange groups to meet new people and practice your language skills.3. Plan weekend getaways or day trips to nearby destinations to satisfy your urge for travel and spontaneity.4. Create a travel fund or budget to save money specifically for future trips abroad.5. Consider incorporating your travel experiences and language skills into your work or hobbies, such as by writing about your adventures or offering language tutoring services.我问了ChatGPT机器人,以下他给我的建议:1.安排定期的语言学习课程,或与在线的母语者进行会话练习。2.探索当地的文化活动,或加入语言交换小组,结识新朋友并练习语言技能。3.计划周末旅行或到附近的目的地进行一日游,满足你对旅行和随性的渴望。4.创建一个旅行基金或预算,专门为未来的国外旅行存钱。5.考虑将你的旅行经验和语言技能融入到工作或爱好中,例如写下你的冒险故事或提供语言辅导服务。为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载想要参与我的英语训练营和英语课程的同学可以预约一个免费的30分钟通话了, 
3/25/202418 minutes, 42 seconds
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回答听众的问题:如何和主播一样学英语环游世界?看到一个听众的留言觉得好可爱,“一开始对主题感兴趣,也产生了想要学习英语和旅行的欲望,后来发现有1400集,不知到要从哪里开始听起,直接放弃。”我的方法:做我最喜欢的事(学习、认识新朋友、旅行、融合工作)、尝试不同的方式(语言交换、学习语音、到那个国家生活)、线上事业(找到社群和成功的人直接学习)4.1 《学英语环游世界》10周年庆,我会在台东都兰和大家一起见面,看见新视界,创造属于你的Fly生活方式,报名连结
3/23/202437 minutes, 7 seconds
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1599 人生的真正意义是什么?|找到你的IKIGAI|Day7

今日格言"Life's true meaning is found in the pursuit of passions and the connections we make along the way." 人生的真正意义在于追寻热情,以及我们在这过程中建立的连结。Day 7挑战问题What do you love to do that you're also good at? These are your passions.你喜欢并且擅长做的事情是什么?这些就是你的热情所在。I have a passion for traveling and meeting new people. I tend to be quite spontaneous with my travel plans. Additionally, I enjoy learning languages, and I'm skilled at maintaining my proficiency in them. I believe that if I can continue traveling to different countries and learning languages, it would make for a fulfilling lifestyle for me.我热爱旅行和结交新朋友。对于我的旅行计划,我总是非常随性。此外,我喜欢学习语言,而且我擅长保持自己的语言能力。我相信,如果我能继续到不同的国家旅行并学习不同的语言,这将对我来说是一种充实的生活方式。***4.1 《学英语环游世界》10周年庆,我会在台东都兰和大家一起见面,看见新视界,创造属于你的Fly生活方式,报名连结***为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
3/22/202424 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

1598 如何获得伟大的成就?|找到你的IKIGAI|Day6

今日格言"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs 做出伟大的工作的唯一途径是热爱自己的工作。Day 6 挑战问题What are your top accomplishments? What achievements are you most proud of?你最大的成就是什么?你最自豪的成就是什么?My top accomplishments include establishing the first volunteer tour guide service in China and working in several Fortune 500 companies such as Accenture and EA Games. I'm also proud of creating a podcast and having visited, lived, or worked in over 40 countries. I believe I'm most proud of my experiences traveling across Europe through couchsurfing by train and living and traveling for 10 years.我的最大的成就包括创建了中国第一个志愿导游服务,并在多家财富500强公司工作,如埃森哲和艺电游戏。我也为自己创建了一档播客,还访问、居住、工作过40多个国家感到自豪。我认为我最自豪的成就是透过沙发冲浪和火车旅行穿越欧洲,以及在过去的十年里生活和旅行的经历。***为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
3/21/202414 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

1597 生命的意义是找到你的天赋,生命的目的是将它奉献出去|找到IKGAI|Day 5

今日格言"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." - Pablo Picasso 生命的意义是找到你的天赋,生命的目的是将它奉献出去。Day 5 挑战问题What are your top strengths? How do you use your strengths at work or in life?你最大的优势是什么?你如何在工作或生活中利用你的优势?My top strengths include being well-traveled and fluent in multiple languages such as English, Spanish, Thai, and Balinese. I am also very open-minded, outgoing, enjoy listening, and have a knack for seeing the good in others. I am spontaneous and have been running a podcast for 10 years, which has garnered some followers and influence on the internet.  I find that when I am utilizing my strengths at work, my life becomes very full and busy, but I prefer freedom and exploring interests such as languages and connecting with people from different countries.我的主要优势包括丰富的旅行经历和流利的多语言能力,如英语、西班牙语、泰语和峇里岛语。我也非常开明、外向、喜欢倾听,有一种看到他人优点的天赋。我是一个喜欢冒险的人,并且已经经营了一档播客长达10年,吸引了一些追随者并在网络上产生了一定的影响力。我发现当我在工作上利用自己的优势时,我的生活变得非常充实和忙碌,但我更喜欢自由和探索语言以及与不同国家的人建立联系。今日感想:这次在帛琉(Palau)和关岛(Guam)还有旅行真的充电充饱饱的好开心,现在我仍然不停地分享我的旅行照片和影片,而且看着这些分享仍然微笑着,沉浸在这次旅行给我的心灵SPA,我还有好多东西想要分享,特别是生命中那些富足和小确幸,例如像是在火锅店里,被赠送许多海鲜和虾子!!!回来没两天,就发生了一些有趣的事情和奇迹,毫不费力地就让我认识了我想要认识的人,并且和这些生命导师学习中!我现在虽然人在台湾,却抵达了我目前最想要去的地方,虽然我前几天是在外地旅行,但是我人现在正在心灵旅行中!今天中午,我还想带上我的野餐垫和自己做的三明治去附近海边喝着手摇茶感受一下平日的怡然自得,只因这就是我今天最想做的事!***为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
3/20/202420 minutes, 25 seconds
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下载和参与方式以下几种:1.关注Line官方帐号@flywithlily 回覆文字ikigai,即可获得下载链接!2.关注微信公众号Englishfit回覆文字ikigai,即可获得下载链接!3.到 注册邮件参与30日赢得早起挑战!
3/19/202424 minutes, 39 seconds
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3/9/202421 minutes, 35 seconds
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1596 生命的目的就是为了快乐|找到你的IKIGAI|Day4

今日格言"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." - Dalai Lama 我们生活的目的就是为了快乐。Day 4 挑战问题What are your core values? How do they support your decisions?你的核心价值是什么?它们如何支持你的决定?My core values include love, freedom, gratitude, abundance, and exploration. These values support my decisions by guiding my actions and choices. When faced with a decision, I reflect on these core values to ensure that my decision aligns with what I value most. For example, I prioritize feeling good over being right, as it aligns with my values of love and gratitude. By adhering to these core values, I am able to embody freedom, experience abundance, and explore more possibilities about myself.我的核心价值包括爱、自由、感恩、丰盛和探索。这些价值支持我的决策,因为它们指导着我的行动和选择。当我面临抉择时,我会思考这些核心价值,确保我的决定符合我所重视的价值观。例如,我将优先考虑感受良好而不是争辩对错,因为这符合我的价值观中的爱和感恩。透过遵循这些核心价值,我能够实践自由、感受丰盛,并探索更多关于自己的可能性。今日感想:今天我接到了O先生的信息,没想到明天我就会在台北和他见面了上次见面是10个月前,时间过得好快,但他这次只有在台湾18个小时的时间,我想可能是前天参加了这个疯迷24小时的贝多芬音乐会的通宵活动,感觉很好,所以我又提议他和我一起通宵玩,等他下了飞机我们就去吃火锅,还订了有庆生活动的火锅餐,定位的时候餐厅说会送我们和生日岁数一样的虾子,即几岁就送几只虾!然后再飙车去台北唱卡拉OK、玩保龄球、去游乐场、去夜市、去按摩、去泡温泉...!!!想一想都觉得自己好疯狂,但是也就是这些事情让我感觉兴奋不已,有恋爱的感觉,当然也是一种对于生命的热爱,今天我去做了指甲又接了假睫毛,做旅行的最后的打包工作,好开心啊!为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
3/4/202419 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

1595 想要做好时间管理千万不能做的事!|找到人生的IKIGAI|Day3

今日格言"Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs 你的时间是有限的,不要浪费在过别人的生活上。Day 3 挑战问题What did you love to do as a child? How can you bring that into your life?你小时候热爱做什么?你现在怎么将它融入到你的生活中呢?As a child, I enjoyed playing, spending time with friends in nature, watching movies, going to arcades, and playing games like Super Mario. I also loved listening to music, including pop, classical, ambient, and nature sounds.To bring these activities into my life now, I can set aside time for play and outdoor adventures with friends, schedule movie nights, visit arcades occasionally, play video games for leisure, and create opportunities to listen to music that I enjoy regularly.小时候,我喜欢玩耍,和朋友在大自然中度过时间,看电影,去游乐场,并玩像超级玛莉欧这样的游戏。我也喜欢听音乐,包括流行音乐、古典音乐、环境音乐和大自然的声音。现在,我可以将这些活动带入我的生活中,例如安排与朋友一起玩耍和户外冒险的时间,安排观影之夜,偶尔去游乐场,休闲地玩视频游戏,并经常创造聆听我喜欢的音乐的机会。今日感想真的去参加了贝多芬《疯迷24》的活动,挺有意思的,在音乐厅里的活动,和几百人一起熬夜,还真的听到有人睡着了在打呼~2:30的电影,有两小时看了贝多芬传,真的是乐圣好精彩,也看到艺术家终其一生,也为三餐和养活自己烦恼,到处去贩卖自己的音乐和点子的无奈,是我最感同身受的。期许我们都能做喜欢的事来赚钱,这个附加梦想:还要能毫不费力才行。为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (這個字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我們這個30天的挑戰就是基於這個有名的此生目的的一種探索形式。也可以透過我的網站 下載
3/3/202415 minutes, 5 seconds
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1594 生命最重要的两个日子是哪两个?|找到IKIGAI|Day 2

今日格言"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." - Mark Twain 你生命中最重要的两天是你出生的那天和你找到生命目的的那天。Day 2 挑战问题What do you love to do? What could you do for hours without taking a break?你喜欢做什么?你可以连续几个小时都不休息地做什么?I love to read books about spirituality and self-development. I can do that for hours. I also love exploring new places and making new friends. Traveling, as well as learning interesting things, are among my passions. Additionally, I enjoy eating good food with friends and engaging in amazing conversations.我喜欢阅读有关灵性和自我发展的书籍,我可以连续几个小时都不休息地读。我也喜欢探索新地方,交新朋友,旅行以及学习有趣的事物。此外,我喜欢与朋友一起享用美食,进行深入的交谈。今日感想:在高雄生活渐渐又找到自己喜欢的东西了,每天吃完一个健康充满蔬菜的中餐,加上饭后的一杯手摇茶是我的小确辛,最近又发现了卫武营音乐厅举办的多种音乐会,等等半夜我要参与一个《疯迷24贝多芬》的音乐会,就是一场从今天白天就开始的贝多芬音乐会的24小时演奏,我会带着我的睡袋,最近收听贝多芬的音乐灵感爆冲,还有了解他的生命故事真的也很有趣,最好玩的是,发现贝多芬和我一样都是12月16日出生的!好开心~为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站 下载
3/2/202418 minutes, 3 seconds
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1593 人生的目的到底是什么?|找到IKIGAI|Day1

今日格言"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." - Ralph Waldo Emerson 生命的目的不是为了快乐,而是为了成为一个有用的人,一个值得尊敬的人,一个有同情心的人,让自己的存在有所不同,并且活得好。Day 1 问题挑战What do you hope to gain from finding your life purpose? Why now?你希望从找到你的人生目标中获得什么?你正在寻找人生目的的原因是?I guess turning 41 makes me wonder if I could continue doing what I like and still serve my purpose. I'm at a moment in which I feel I'm getting closer to this answer and I hope this exercise can help me.我猜刚过了四十一岁的生日使我怀疑我是否能继续做我喜欢的事情,并且仍然能够实现我的目标,我现在感觉到我正逐渐接近这个答案,我希望这个练习能帮助我。为了这个系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit也可以透过我的网站 下载回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。
3/1/202421 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

What was the best moment of my life? 我生命中最美好的时刻是?

Hello, you're listening to "Fly with Lily." I'm your new friend, Cindy. I'm from Vietnam, and I'm currently a student. I'm in Kaohsiung because of my university degree in tourism.Today, I got a question from Lily: What was the best moment of my life? This happened two summers ago when I got to reunite with my friends.It was because of the pandemic and also our studies that we parted ways to different countries. During that two-month summer vacation, we went on a trip together and got to catch up with our lives.你好,你正在聆听“学英语环游世界”节目。我是你的新朋友Cindy。我来自越南,目前是一名学生。我之所以在高雄,是因为我正在攻读旅游业的大学学位。今天,Lily问了我一个问题:我生命中最美好的时刻是什么?这发生在两年前的夏天,当我和我的朋友们重聚时。由于疫情和我们的学业,我们分散到不同的国家。在那个两个月的暑假期间,我们一起去旅行,并有机会彼此交流生活。这个是我在高雄餐旅大学演讲认识的学生录音~得到启发就去实作!加入我们的公众微信号Englishfit 或 Line官方账号 @flywithlily 也录下自己的答案吧!
3/1/202434 seconds
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1592 你是不是此时和我一样有点迷惘有点受伤和焦虑|找到你的IKIGAI30日挑战开始

"Life is like wandering through a dark forest; getting lost is just part of the journey of growth."人生如行走于漆黑的森林里,迷失只是成长路上的一部分。为了这个系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit也可以透过我的网站 下载(已经注册过邮箱得朋友不用担心,今天我也会寄给你们)回覆文字:ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。***明日Day1挑战:What do you hope to gain from finding your life purpose? Why now?你希望从找到你的人生目标中获得什么?你正在寻找人生目的的原因是?
3/1/202417 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

1591 情人节快乐!最适合抄写给另一半的英语情话!|有恋爱脑又怎样

“I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.”我爱你,不仅仅是因为你是谁,而是因为我也愛上与你在一起的时候的我。我爱你,不仅仅是因为你已经成为了什么樣子的人,而是因为你,我變成了我想要的樣子。我爱你,因为你召唤了我最好的一面。以上很适合今天情人节抄写给给老公/男友/情人/暧昧对象的一句话~被宇宙甩了两巴掌,看事情的观点局限了自己!内心的世界显现于外!在这过年间发生了很多好事情:世界各地的好朋友来看我:去年在日本认识的Yvonne、三年不见现在在合肥生活的好麻吉碰碰、在峇里岛认识的美国朋友Gina;我和O先生又即将见面了(一些巧合和心路历程和你们分享)!还有你们的留言太感动了!!!今年又收到最多来自听众的红包,大家都在鼓励和感谢我过去的付出。留言分享:“Lily, 红包的金额不多,但算是有点过年的小心意。祝你春节愉快。听了最新的一集,觉得多少可以同理你的彷徨,毕竟也已经在外面跑了这么长一段时间了。 但过去曾因为你节目而获得的收获,是切切实实的,也是影响着未来的,所以还是很感谢你曾经带给大家的这些能量。有时候生活就是这样起起伏伏,允许自己感受这样的低落,但也别忘了给自己再次微笑的机会~最近我也是兜兜转转才发现,原来人最重要的是自己,自己的生活跟身心照顾好之后,才能真正好好去对待别人,就像飞机上的安全警示,总是说,“请先将自己的氧气面罩戴好,然后再照顾他人”。所以不论你未来做什么决定,我相信都是以你跟你最在乎的人为考量,身为曾收到你这么多能量的听众,我都默默祝福你~愿你未来一切安好!”学英语环游世界的计划,4月1日即将relaunch(重新发行),现在就让我试营运,先不定期更新和大家聊天,还有分享这个月的冥想挑战!!!下载和参与方式以下几种:1.关注Line官方帐号@flywithlily 回覆文字meditation,即可获得下载链接!2.关注微信公众号Englishfit 回覆文字meditation,即可获得下载链接!
2/13/202430 minutes, 30 seconds
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1/28/202412 minutes, 20 seconds
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1590 看起来更年轻的魔法在这里|Look Younger

**我们不需要感受必须要看起来更年轻的压力,而是现在我们就可以汲取我们内在的年轻泉源!**1. I feel young and full of life. 我感到年轻而充满活力。2. My body is fit and healthy. 我的身体强健而健康。3. I look younger than my years. 我看起来比实际年龄更年轻。4. People compliment me on my youthful looks. 人们赞美我年轻的外貌。5. I think and act like a younger person. 我思考和行动像一个年轻的人。6. I’m in great shape for my age. 对于我的年龄,我保持在很好的状态。7. People are attracted to my youthful glow. 人们被我年轻的光芒吸引。8. Looking young is easy for me. 看起来年轻对我来说很容易。9. My youthful looks make me feel attractive. 我年轻的外貌让我感觉有吸引力。10. I look young and healthy. 我看起来年轻且健康。11. I am grateful for looking so young. 我对于自己看起来如此年轻感到感激。12. I feel great for my appearance. 我对我的外在感觉很棒。单词记忆:Compliment 赞美Act 举止、行动Be attracted to 被吸引Youthful 年轻的Be grateful for 对... 感到感恩Appearance 外在今日 Day 21 健身挑战:42 Squats 42个深蹲1:30 Min Plank 一分钟三十秒平板支撑32 Push Ups 32个伏地挺身45 Crunches 45个仰卧起坐今日感想:今天好冷,好想放弃。绝望时,请记住:每一次的尝试都是一种成长,每一次的挫折都是通向成功的一步。生命中的路途充满起伏,而每一片黑暗的背后都隐藏着黎明。即便感到力不从心,也请记得,坚持的力量来自于你的内心深处。放弃只会让你失去那些可能即将到来的美好时刻。无论前方的路有多么崎岖,请保持对梦想的信心,因为正是通过坚持不懈,我们才能超越困难,找到光明的出口。每一次的努力都在磨练你更坚强的心灵,每一次的波折都在锻造你更坚定的意志。不论多大的挑战,你都有足够的力量来克服。时光匆匆,但不要因此而匆忙放弃。让每一步都是迈向成功的脚印,让每一次努力都是靠近梦想的一步。因为你值得追逐那些让你心灵深处闪耀的目标。所以,不要放弃,继续前行,你将发现,每一份坚持的努力,都是迈向胜利的关键。
1/25/202420 minutes, 3 seconds
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1589 你想要有一个Beach Body吗?12句中英肯定句让你一天天身材越来越好!

1. I’m able to tone up my body. 我能够使我的身体变得更有线条。2. Getting in shape for the beach is easy for me. 为了海滩而让身形变好对我来说很容易。3. I look great on the beach. 我在海滩上看起来很棒。4. My body is shaping up. 我的身体正在变得更有形。5. I feel confident in my beach wear. 我穿上海滩装感到自信。6. People admire my shape and figure. 人们欣赏我的身形和身材。7. I feel comfortable on the beach. 我在海滩上感到自在。8. I’m healthy and toned. 我身体健康且线条分明。9. I feel sexy and attractive. 我感到性感和有吸引力。10. I am totally at ease with my body. 我完全对我的身体感到自在。11. My body turns heads on the beach. 我的身体在海滩上引人注目。12. I love my amazing beach body. 我喜爱我的惊人海滩身材。单词记忆:Tone up 是身材变得更有线条Get in shape 瘦身Shape up 变得有型Confident 自信Figure 身材Attractive 有吸引力的At ease 自在Turn heads 回头、引人注目Amazing 惊人的今日 Day 20 健身挑战:42 Squats 42个深蹲1:25 Min Plank 一分钟二十五秒平板支撑30 Push Ups 30个伏地挺身45 Crunches 45个仰卧起坐今日感想:原子习惯的真谛在于,与其订立一个遥不可及的、崇高的目标,不如建立一个微小的习惯,一步一步地挑战自己。
1/24/202417 minutes, 44 seconds
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1588 重复收听100遍就会有六块腹肌的12句中英肯定句

1. I have a toned stomach. 我拥有一个有型的腹部。2. My stomach muscles look ripped and solid. 我的腹部肌肉看起来线条分明且结实。3. My abs get firmer every day. 我的腹肌每天都变得更结实。4. I exercise to keep my abs in shape. 我运动以保持我的腹肌形状。5. I focus on getting that ripped abs look. 我致力于打造那种线条分明的腹肌外观。6. People admire my rock-hard abs. 人们钦佩我的坚硬腹肌。7. I enjoy my six-pack. 我喜爱我的六块肌。8. My stomach’s in great shape. 我的腹部状态极佳。9. Getting rock-hard abs is easy for me. 让腹肌变得坚硬对我来说很容易。10. My stomach’s a wall of power. 我的腹部是一道力量的屏障。11. My abs look buff and sexy. 我的腹肌看起来强壮而性感。12. I love my rock-hard abs. 我喜爱我的坚硬腹肌。单词记忆:Toned 紧实Muscle 肌肉Solid 结实、坚固Abs 腹肌Firm 结实、强硬Ripped 线条分明Admire 景仰Rock-hard 像石头一样Six-pack 六块肌Buff 强壮 今日 Day 19 健身挑战:40 Squats 40个深蹲1:20 Min Plank 一分钟二十秒平板支撑27 Push Ups 27个伏地挺身40 Crunches 40个仰卧起坐今日感想:保持良好的身形真的不是一件很简单的事,但是能够坚持做一件不是很简单的事也是在培养一种美德。我觉得不管你坚持什么事情,能对的起自己对自己所做过的承诺,就是爱自己的行为。也就是当你时常说到了却没做到,你就会越来越不爱自己,甚至觉得自己没这么可爱了!
1/23/202420 minutes, 19 seconds
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1587 让你听完不再大吃大喝的12句中英肯定句

1.My dieting willpower is strong. 我的饮食意志力很强。2.I can stick to my diet. 我能坚持我的饮食计划。3.Dieting is easy for me. 对我来说,节食很容易。4.I am strong and determined. 我强大而坚定。5.I follow my diet strictly. 我严格遵从我的饮食计划。6.I think positive thoughts. 我拥有正向的思考。7.I enjoy my diet. 我享受我的饮食生活。8.My diet keeps me healthy. 我的饮食保持我健康。9.I am a diet success story. 我是成功的减肥故事。10.I easily achieve my diet goals. 我轻松实现我的饮食目标。11.I follow my diet faithfully. 我忠实地遵从我的饮食计划。12.I am committed to my diet. 我对我的饮食计划有承诺(会对这个计划忠实)。单词记忆:Willpower 意志力Stick to 坚持Strictly 严格的Positive 正向的Success 成功的Achieve 达成Faithfully 忠实地Be committed to 对...做下承诺今日 Day 18 健身挑战:REST DAY 休息日
1/22/202420 minutes, 34 seconds
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1586 (全英语访谈,荷兰口音)主播故事:从六岁开始的游牧生活:家对我的意义

峇里岛的午茶交谊峇里岛,一片充满阳光与绿意的宝地,这里不仅是度假胜地,也是远距工作者的理想据点。在我在这片天堂般的土地上居住期间,每周都有一场特别的活动,那就是我工作的地方举办的下午茶聚会。这成为我认识新朋友的场所,每一次都有机会结识各行各业的远距工作者。与Juul的相遇在这些下午茶中,我有幸结识了来自荷兰的Juul。Juul是一位博士生,她正在研究数字游牧民(Digital Nomad)的生活方式,而峇里岛成为这个新兴游牧族群的据点。我们的对话不仅停留在表面,Juul热情地邀请我分享我的游牧生活,这是我在Fly with Lily Podcast中难得的被访谈者。游牧生活的背后故事Juul将我的儿时游牧经历细致地呈现,我的家庭由于父亲事业失败,从北到南搬家,我在五所小学度过,到了大学时更是换了九次家。这段旅程,虽然充满挑战,却也孕育出我对于转换环境的适应力。Juul的访谈聚焦于这种常常在移动中的生活,我分享了家对我而言的意义,以及在不断转换环境中所带来的挑战和快乐。挑战与愉悦我认为“家”就是心所在,对我而言,家就是有一张舒适的床,有一个我可以躲藏的角落。路上遇到的朋友常常成为我暂时的家人。这样的生活带来的挑战是吸收资讯和看过的风景太多,有时候感觉记忆体都不足够。但若是停留在同一地点太久,我又会感到无聊到发疯。与Juul的对话片段接下来,让我们一同聆听Juul访谈的片段,体验不同母语人士间的英语交流。这将是一场关于游牧生活的奇妙旅程,请准备好踏上这趟有趣的冒险!Juul的IG:Digital.Nomad.Researcher
1/21/202432 minutes, 33 seconds
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1585 从今后不再情绪进食的12句中英肯定句

1. I eat healthy foods at meal times. 我在用餐時食用健康的食物。2. I easily avoid comfort eating. 我輕鬆避免情緒進食。3. I enjoy healthy, nourishing food. 我喜歡健康、滋養的食物。4. I stay away from junk food. 我遠離垃圾食物。5. I easily avoid eating between meals. 我輕易地避免三餐外吃東西。6. I am in control of what I eat. 我掌控自己的飲食。7. I have a healthy relationship with food. 我和食物有健康的關係。8. I only eat until I feel full. 我只吃到覺得飽足為止。9. I respect my body. 我尊重我的身體。10. I find comfort in other things beside food. 我在食物之外找到安慰。11. I can overcome comfort eating. 我能克服情緒進食。12. I eat only to satisfy my hunger. 我只透過吃飯來滿足我的飢餓感。單詞記憶:Meal times 用餐時間Avoid 避免Comfort eating 情緒進食Stay away 遠離Junk food 垃圾食物Between 在... 之間Have a healthy relationship with 與... 有健康的關係 toxic 有害的Respect 尊重ComfortSatisfy 滿足Hunger 飢餓今日 Day 17 健身挑戰:40 Squats 40個深蹲1:15 Min Plank 一分鐘十五秒平板支撐25 Push Ups 25個伏地挺身40 Crunches 40 個仰臥起坐今日感想:今天在錄節目之前,就一直很想要吃鴨頭加上一杯手搖飲或啤酒或紅酒,但是今天已經吃了很飽,早午餐吃了一個漢堡加蛋還有蘿蔔糕加上一杯芝士四季春,其實只是很饞!這種其實就是情緒性的想要吃東西,來獲得多巴胺來得到滿足。後來一轉念,我先去完成了挑戰,感覺很好就沒有吃了!很有意思的經驗。
1/18/202418 minutes, 3 seconds
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1584 这十二句话帮助我们改写故事,拥有更强大的免疫系统

免疫系统是生物体体内一系列的生物学结构和过程所组成的疾病防御系统。免疫系统可以检测小到病毒大到寄生虫等各类病原体和有害物质,并且在正常情况下能够将这些物质与生物体自身的健康细胞和组织区分开来。1. My immune system is strong. 我的免疫系统强大。2. I fight illness and disease easily. 我轻松抵抗疾病。3. I’m in excellent health. 我身体状态极佳。4. My body fights off viruses with ease. 我的身体轻松击退病毒。5. I feel fit and healthy. 我感到强壮而健康。6. Staying well is easy for me. 对我来说,保持健康轻而易举。7. I enjoy total health and well-being. 我享受完整的健康和幸福。8. My immune system keeps me healthy. 我的免疫系统保持我健康。9. I quickly overcome illness. 我迅速克服疾病。10. My body bounces back fast. 我的身体迅速恢复。11. I feel invincible. 我感到无敌。12. I am immune to colds and flu. 我对感冒和流感免疫。单词记忆:Immune system 免疫系统Fight 抵抗、战斗Disease 疾病Excellent 极佳的、良好的Viruses 病毒Ease 轻松Well-being 幸福、整体的健康Overcome 克服Bounce 恢复、回弹Invincible 无敌的Be immune to 对...免疫Flu 流感今日 Day 16 健身挑战:37 Squats 37个深蹲1:10 Min Plank 一分钟十秒平板支撑22 Push Ups 22个伏地挺身37 Crunches 37个仰卧起坐今日感想:昨天晚上在睡前才想到这天的挑战还没有做,想要放弃但是又提醒自己继续加油,咬紧牙根还是完成了挑战,觉得这样的自己真的很难能可贵,我们在追求一个目标不都是这样吗?与其看着一个目标很想要快速的达成它,不如把它变成一个想要养成的习惯,一天做一点,然后又挑战自己一点点,又可以在过程中更了解自己。你听到的这个播客也是这样来的,起初我只是接受了一个每日播客的挑战,过去虽然会有停播的时候,但现在已经变成习惯了。分享读者来信:来自宁凤他写给我关于理想的早晨的留言收听你的主播有一段时间了,你是个很有魅力的主播,充满生命力和希望。我理想中的清晨,会有一个小房子,有尖尖的屋顶,有个小小的花园,会有栅栏,前面会有一个湖泊,草坪散发着自然的清香。清晨在湖泊前的草坪上做冥想,看着第一缕阳光洒在屋子的角上,然后开始浇花,狗狗也会一直跟着我,慢慢享受早餐…工作一会,准备中餐或者外出工作找好吃的填饱肚子。我一直相信某一天我会实现这种理想的生活。我的回覆:谢谢妳的分享,可以将这一段话打印出来放在书桌前面,用行动一点一滴的讲自己带进自己的愿景中!
1/17/202416 minutes, 44 seconds
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1583 让你一整天都拥有肠道健康的12句中英肯定句

Manage IBS 管理大肠激躁症大肠激躁症(Irritable bowel syndrome,以下简称IBS) 是一种常见的肠道功能性障碍疾病,诊断主要以症状为主,必须排除器质性疾病所造成等因素。 主要临床表现是慢性腹痛或腹部不适感、腹胀、排便习惯改变(腹泻或便秘,或两者交替)。 腹痛或腹胀常因排便或肛门排气而得到舒解。1.I am in control of my stomach and digestion. 我掌控着我的胃和消化。2.I eat healthy, nourishing food.我食用健康、滋养的食物。3.I am able to beat IBS.我有能力战胜肠易激综合症(IBS)。4.Every day my IBS is becoming more manageable.每一天,我的肠易激综合症(IBS)变得更容易管理。5.I feel healthy and whole. 我感觉健康而完整。6.IBS is easy for me to deal with. 对我来说,处理肠易激综合症(IBS)变得轻松。7.I cope calmly with IBS. 我平静地应对肠易激综合症(IBS)。8.I easily avoid foods that trigger IBS. 我轻松避免引发肠易激综合症(IBS)的食物。9.I stay relaxed and stress-free. 我保持轻松和无压力。10.I enjoy regular healthy bowel movements. 我享受规律而健康的排便。11.I eat and drink in moderation. 我饮食适度。12. IBS is manageable for me. 肠易激综合症(IBS)对我是可以被有效管理的。单词记忆:IBS=Irritable bowel syndrome 大肠激躁症Beat 打败、战胜Manageable 容易管理的、易管理的Whole 完整Cope with 处理、应对Avoid 避免Trigger 触动、引发Bowel movements 排便今日 Day 15 健身挑战:-35 Squats 35个深蹲-1 Min Plank 一分钟平板支撑-22 Push Ups 22个伏地挺身-37 Crunches 37个仰卧起坐今日感想:没想到我们的播客除了将健康饮食,今天终于讲到了便便这件事情,如果今天有听到最后的应该是真爱了,我也要把这个播客献给和我分享她有IBS困扰的朋友。也祝福大家都有一个好的肠道消化,这样才会一整天神清气爽啊!
1/16/202416 minutes, 14 seconds
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1582 让你越听越年轻的12句中英肯定句

Beat Aging Process 抗老1.I feel young and alive. 我感觉年轻而充满活力。2. I enjoy healthy and nourishing food. 我享受健康营养的食物。3. I look after myself. 我照顾好自己。4. Staying young is easy for me.对我来说,保持年轻是轻而易举的。5. I keep fit and enjoy regular exercise.我保持身材,享受定期运动。6. I nourish my skin every day. 我每天滋养我的皮肤。7. I drink plenty of refreshing water. 我喝足够的清爽水分。8. I stay active and alert. 我保持活跃和警觉。9. I always get a good night's sleep. 我总是获得充足的良好睡眠。10. I eat and drink in moderation. 我饮食适度。11. I look younger than my years. 我看起来比实际年龄年轻。12. I am full of youthful vitality. 我充满青春活力。单词记忆:1.Nourishing 滋养的2.Look after 照顾3.Refreshing 清爽4.Get a good night sleep 睡好一觉5.In moderation 适度6.Youthful 年轻的7.Vitality 活力今日 Day 14 健身挑战:- 35 Squats 35个深蹲- 1 Min Plank 一分钟平板支撑- 20 Push Ups 20个伏地挺身- 35 Crunches 35个仰卧起坐今日感想:周末的时候,我花了两天整理了一整年的收支状况,并发布在我的网站上,我感觉是一个非常有价值的分享!今年是Fly with Lily品牌成立的第十年,让我也好好的回顾了一下自己目前在做的事,是否要放弃某些对我已经不适用的东西、是否要转型,是否去扩张,还有好多地方想要去探索,但是这半年似乎更重要的功课更去探索内心的自己,心里虽然仍有好多好多的问号,但是我成为了一个更勇敢,更喜欢的自己。不管过程多么混乱,我相信我都会好好的。大家一起共勉。
1/15/202416 minutes, 48 seconds
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1581 (加拿大口音|长访谈)她用一年在意大利和东南亚旅行并写了一本书

嗨,大家好,欢迎来到这期的访谈节目!今天我们要介绍的是我在峇里岛认识的一位来自加拿大的朋友Kat。我们当初是在一个峇里岛的共享工作空间(coworking space)相识的。印象最深刻的时刻之一,就是我们在午餐时间相遇,当时得知了她请了一年的假期,特地飞来亚洲体验生活,并着手写她的书。听完她的计划,我深感有必要访问她,尤其考虑到去年我一整年都在推广迷你退休计划:即不必等到退休才追求自己热爱的事物。0:00 Chinese intro5:30 English intro: Kat’s introduction, preparation and planning of the trip15:56 Kat’s budget for the trip18:49 What challenges did you face before embarking on this journey, and how did they impact your decision?21:33 How did you realise the need for a trip to explore Asia and commit to writing a novel? What motivated you to start this adventure?23:08 What was the most significant lesson you learned during your journey? Were there any unexpected realisations?25:32 How did the challenges you encountered during your journey contribute to your growth and overcoming difficulties? Were there any particularly memorable experiences?31:02 How do you balance seeking inspiration and focusing on writing during your journey? Do you have any creative writing tips or techniques?33:55 During this period, what were the moments that brought you particular joy? 35:25 Were there any specific places or experiences that left a lasting impression?36:32 How do you find inner peace and tranquillity, and maintain stability amidst the changes in environment and culture? 37:57 What precautions and strategies did you employ to ensure a secure and enjoyable experience?41:21 After your trip, how would you integrate the experiences and insights from your journey into your everyday life and work?42:43 How has the experience of a mini-retirement changed your perspective and values in life? What new goals and dreams do you have for the future?44:22 Could you share some advice for those who are considering embarking on a mini-retirement journey? What preparations and mindset are essential?Kat的聯繫方式Kat's IG: @kitkatshermackKat's Email: katshermack@gmail點com
1/14/202446 minutes, 28 seconds
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1580 听了会更健康的20句中英格言 |照顾好你的身体,这是你唯一居住的地方

1. Health is wealth. 健康就是财富。2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我。3. A healthy outside starts from the inside. 健康的外在始于内在。4. Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live. 照顾好你的身体,这是你唯一居住的地方。5. To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. 保持身体健康是一种责任......否则我们将无法保持心智的坚强和清晰。6. Your body hears everything your mind says. 你的身体听得到你的心灵在说什么。7. Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness. 那些认为没有时间吃健康食物的人,迟早将不得不花时间应对疾病。8. The groundwork for all happiness is good health. 所有幸福的基础是良好的健康。9. The first wealth is health. 第一财富是健康。10. He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything. 有健康的人拥有希望,有希望的人拥有一切。11. The greatest wealth is health. 最大的财富是健康。12. Health is a relationship between you and your body. 健康是你和你的身体之间的关系。13. To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise. 要享受健康的光辉,你必须运动。14. A healthy life is a happy life. 健康的生活是快乐的生活。15. Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account. 健康不是我们能够购买的东西。然而,它可以是一个极其有价值的储蓄帐户。16. The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system. 最好、最有效的药房就在你自己的体内。17. Your body is a temple, but only if you treat it as one. 你的身体是一座寺庙,但只有在你将其视为一座寺庙时才是如此。18. Health requires healthy food. 健康需要健康的食物。19. The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition. 未来的医生将不再用药物治疗人体,而是将通过营养来治愈和预防疾病。20. Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live. 照顾好你的身体,这是你唯一居住的地方。
1/11/20248 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

1579 我一定可以!让你更健康、更苗条、更爱自己的12句中英肯定句

1. I am able to get into great shape. 我能够让自己恢复到苗条状态。2.My body responds well to exercise. 我的身体对运动反应良好。3.Getting fit is easy for me. 让自己变得更健康对我来说很容易。4.I crave fitness. 我渴望运动。5. I feel fitter every day. 我每天感觉更苗条健康。6.Fitness comes easily to me. 运动对我来说很容易。7.I love getting fit. 我喜欢变得更苗条健康。8.I’m in terrific shape. 我的身形很棒。9.Staying fit is easy for me. 保持身材对我来说很容易。10.Being fit feels healthy and powerful. 保持苗条感觉健康且充满力量。11.I feel totally fit. 我感觉完全健康。12.I love how being fit makes me feel. 我喜欢拥有健康身形的感觉。单词记忆:1.Get into shape 减肥,恢复到苗条状态2.Respond 反应3.Terrific 非常棒的4.Powerful 充满力量今日 Day 11 健身挑战:-30 Squats 30个深蹲-50 Sec Plank 50秒平板支撑-17 Push Ups 17个伏地挺身-33 Crunches 33个仰卧起坐今日感想:最近因为感觉学员们状态不好,去联络他们的时候,他们也会告诉我为什么他们不愿意早起的因素,我这个时候感觉也很困惑,到底他们说的是借口而去念他们或者骂他们一顿呢?还是他们真的探索后自己的结果。清理自己可能有的负面念头后,我仍然相信他们已经在梦想的路上。为什么那些已经很成功的人仍然很坚持跑步和锻炼、学习新技能和充实自己的心灵,因为拥有再多钱财,这些事情也不可能人家为你做,身体的激素(多巴胺、血清素)也不可能总是透过别人来给你吧?因为状态是一个人可以真是的感觉的到,人活着就是一种感觉。
1/10/202418 minutes, 13 seconds
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1578 让你克服暴食的12句中英肯定句

Overcome Binge Eating. 克服暴食1. I eat healthy meals at regular times. 我定时进食健康的饭菜。2. My diet is good. 我的饮食很好。3. I am strong and determined. 我强壮而有决心。4. I respect my mind and body. 我尊重我的心灵和身体。5. I am in control of my impulses. 我能够控制我的冲动。6. I only eat what is good for me. 我只吃对我有益的食物。7. It’s easy for me to stop binge eating. 我能轻松地停止狂食。8. I have a healthy attitude about food. 我对食物有一种健康的态度。9. I enjoy eating at meal times. 我喜欢在用餐时间进食。10. I easily avoid unhealthy food. 我轻松避免不健康的食物。11. I’m in control of my eating habits. 我掌控着我的饮食习惯。12, I’m able to eat sensibly. 我能够理智地进食。单词记忆:1.Regular 定期的2.Determined 有决心的3.Respect 尊重4.Impulses 冲动5.Binge eating 暴食6.Attitude 态度7.Avoid 避免8.In control of 控制9.Habits 习惯10. Sensible 理智的今日 Day 10 健身挑战:30 Squats 30个深蹲45 Sec Plank 45秒平板支撑17 Push Ups 17个伏地挺身30 Crunches 30个仰卧起坐今日感想: 最近喜欢看一些极圈冒险的故事:像是“阿拉斯加之死 Into the Wild”、“12小时徒步12 Hour Walk”、“勇闯阿拉斯加33天The Comfort Crisis”,故事中的主人翁都是自愿了报名了极圈挑战,而获得更佳的身心状态!结论就是舒适圈可能会埋没你!大家开始动起来吧!不要等到春暖花开!现在就是最佳突破自己的时刻!
1/9/202417 minutes, 12 seconds
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1577 让你开始有动力运动起来的12句中英肯定句

Feel Motivated to Exercise. 感到有动力去运动。1.I crave exercise. 我渴望运动。2.Exercise is easy for me. 运动对我而言很轻松。3.I love exercising to stay in shape. 我喜欢运动,保持身材。4.Exercise keeps me healthy and strong. 运动让我保持健康和强壮。5.I enjoy exercise. 我喜欢运动。6.Finding time to exercise is easy for me. 找到时间运动对我来说是轻松的。7.I enjoy working out and pushing myself. 我喜欢锻炼并挑战自己。8.Exercise is as natural as breathing. 运动就像呼吸一样自然。9.It’s satisfying to exercise regularly. 定期运动令人满足。10.Staying in shape keeps my body fit. 保持身形使我的身体保持健康。11.Exercise boosts my metabolism. 运动促进我的新陈代谢。12.I feel great after exercise. 运动后我感觉很棒。单词记忆:1.Crave 渴望2.Easy 轻松3.Stay in shape 保持身材4.Work out 锻炼5.Push 挑战6.Breath 呼吸7.Regular 定期8.Satisfying 满足的9.Boost 促进10.Metabolism 新陈代谢今日 Day 9 健身挑战:-27 Squats 27个深蹲-45 Sec Plank 45秒平板支撑-17 Push Ups 17个伏地挺身-30 Crunches 30个仰卧起坐今日感想:今天在做Day 8挑战的时候竟然觉得很简单就完成了!有点窃喜!每天我都做了一点点小记录,更确定耐力是可以被延展的!不锻炼的话身体感觉只会更硬而已!所以希望自己继续保持,也和你一起共勉!正在录制这个播客的时候,我的线上的共学小伙伴也正在做她的早起仪式晨间运动!真是太棒了!暫用的公眾微信:Englishfit
1/8/202421 minutes, 49 seconds
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1576 开始吃健康食物的12句中英肯定句

Eat Healthy Foods 吃健康的食物I eat nutritious foods. 我吃有营养的食物。I only choose foods that are healthy. 我只选择健康的食物。My food is packed with goodness. 我的食物充满了营养。My meals are nutritionally balanced. 我的餐食在营养上是平衡的。I eat only what is good for me. 我只吃对我有益的食物。I enjoy a balanced diet. 我享受均衡的饮食。I choose the best quality food available. 我选择最优质的食物。I eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. 我吃很多新鲜水果和蔬菜。Eating healthy foods comes naturally to me. 吃健康的食物对我来说是自然而然的。Healthy food is nutritious and delicious. 健康的食物既有营养又美味。My diet is healthy and nourishing. 我的饮食健康而有营养。I love healthy food. 我喜欢健康的食物。单词记忆:1.Nutritious 营养的2.Choose 选择 (动词) choice 选择(名词)3.Be packed with (充满了)= be full of4.Balanced 平衡的5.Diet 饮食6.Quality 质量 Quantity 數量7.Plenty of 很多8.Vegetables 蔬菜9.Nourishing 滋润的今日 Day 8 健身挑战:-25 Squats 25個深蹲-40 Sec Plank 40秒平板支撐-15 Push Ups 15個伏地挺身-30 Crunches 30個仰臥起坐今日感想:周日写了回顾日记发现过去这一周的自己真的很不错,可能也是新年的第一周,完成了五天的健身挑战,除了一天感冒睡过头之外也有跳舞和完成早起仪式!每天都有读书一两个小时~也有专注吃健康的食物!希望未来的51周也可以保持!大家一起共勉!
1/7/202414 minutes, 40 seconds
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1575 所有设下的边界,都是为了去跨越|Kepler在印度旅行流下的四种男儿泪

时间轴0:00 前言1:53 来台东旅行的原因3:10 为何选择印度?4:30 旅游路线规划7:15 故事1:恐惧的泪水25:07 故事2:离别的泪水28:00 故事3:生气的泪水31:30  故事4: 喜极而泣37:25 给独自旅行的女生建议40:10 住宿建议41:12 收获Kepler的联系方式:Instagram: @kepler_suGmail: mike80441@gmail点com
1/7/202444 minutes, 49 seconds
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1574 让你活得久又活得好的12句中英肯定句

Live Longer 活的更长寿1. I feel young and vibrant. 我感到年轻而充满活力。2. I’m in excellent health. 我的健康状态极佳。3. I stay active and alert. 我保持活跃并保持警觉。4. I respect my mind and body. 我尊重我的心灵和身体。5. I am full of life. 我充满生机。6. I am grateful for my good health. 我对良好的健康感到感激。7. My body is in great shape. 我的身体状态极佳。8. I feel fit and healthy. 我感到身体强健并且健康。9. I take good care of myself. 我善待自己。10. I lead a healthy lifestyle. 我过着健康的生活方式。11. Living longer is easy for me. 对我来说,活得更长寿很容易。12. I live life to the full. 我充分地活着。单词记忆:1.Vibrant 充满活力的2.Active 积极的、活跃的3.Alert 警觉的4. Respect 尊敬5.In great shape 极佳状态6.Fit 身体强健、苗条7.Take good care of 好好照顾8.Lead a .. lifestyle  过着..生活9.Longer 较长的10.To the full 充实今日 Day 4 健身挑战:17 Squats 17个深蹲25 Sec Plank 25秒平板支撑12 Push Ups 12个伏地挺身20 Crunches 20个仰卧起坐今日感想:妈妈最注重健康却最早因为心脏病意外过世,爸爸总是抽烟喝酒作息不正常也活到了82岁,所以,我从来就不会觉得长寿是必然的结果,只是珍惜并活出每一个最好的当下!不要总说等我...就会...,今天就是我们最年轻的一天,用我们现有的资源在我们的舒适圈已经可以做到的小事情就是:让自己感觉是一个超级酷又快乐和充满爱的人!
1/4/202414 minutes, 42 seconds
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1573 让你充满活力的12句中英肯定句

微信账号:EnglishfitBurst With Energy 充满活力I am full of energy. 我充满活力。I have all the energy I need. 我拥有所有我需要的能量。My energy levels are high. 我的能量水平很高。I feel alive and energetic. 我感到充满生机和活力。My energy levels are perfect. 我的能量水平是完美的。My energy reserves are always available. 我的能量储备总是可用的。I love feeling full of energy. 我喜欢感受充满能量的感觉。I have a real zest for life. 我对生活充满热情。I can accomplish anything. 我能够完成任何事情。Energy fills every pore of my skin. 能量充满我皮肤的每个毛孔。I’m alive and bursting with energy. 我充满生机并充满能量。I’m always ready for anything. 我总是随时准备好应对一切。单词记忆:1. Energy 能量2. Level 等级、水平3. Alive 活着的;有活力的4. Energetic 充满活力的5. Reserves 储存、储存量6. Zest 活力、热情7. Accomplish 完成8. Pore 毛孔9. Burst 爆破10. Be ready for 为...准备好今日健身挑战:Day 3 = Rest Day今日心情:昨天吃了一颗感冒药今天的小感冒好了,但早上仍感觉晕晕!这些正面的肯定句让我心情感觉温暖,我充满期待的开始今天!
1/3/202412 minutes, 31 seconds
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1572 让你不会忘记喝水的12句中英肯定句

今日肯定句:Drink More Water 喝更多水I enjoy drinking water. 我喜欢喝水。Water is good for me. 水对我有好处。My body loves water. 我的身体喜欢水。I drink water often every day. 我每天经常喝水。My water intake is perfect. 我的水摄入量是完美的。I always drink enough water. 我总是喝足够的水。I feel hydrated and refreshed. 我感到水分充足,焕然一新。Water is delicious. 水很美味。I feel energized when I drink water. 我喝水时感到精力充沛。Water keeps me healthy and strong. 水让我保持健康和强壮。I thirst for water. 我渴望水。Water cleanses and protects me. 水洗净并保护着我。单词记忆:1.Intake 摄取/摄取量2.Enough 足够的/足够地3.Hydrated 水分充足的4.Refreshed 焕然一新的5.Delicious 美味的6.Energized 精力充沛7.Thirst 渴望8.Cleanse 洗净9.Protect 保护今日健身挑戰:- 15 Squats 15個深蹲- 20 Sec Plank 20秒平板支撐- 10 Push Ups 10個伏地挺身- 15 Crunches 15個仰臥起坐今日感想:没想到今天就感冒了,宇宙也是真会安排,昨天我才在讲健康的肯定句,说去年有多健康!但是今年的愿望就是希望在什么地方都很喜悦~我今天也有可能发烧,但是我还是起床了,只是打几个喷嚏,但是并没有很严重啦!今天早点把东西做一做然后多喝热水休息一下吧!
1/2/202416 minutes, 10 seconds
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1571 让你开始享受绝佳身心健康的12句中英肯定句

今日格言:Health is wealth. 健康就是财富。今日肯定句:Enjoy Optimum Health 享受最佳健康1. I am in excellent health. 我身体状况极佳。2. I feel healthier every day. 我每天感觉更加健康。3. I am in the best health ever. 我拥有最佳的健康状态。4. My health is in perfect balance. 我的健康状态处于完美平衡。5. I have a strong immune system. 我的免疫系统强壮。6. My body works to keep me healthy. 我的身体努力保持我的健康。7. I find it easy to stay healthy. 我发现保持健康很容易。8. I love being healthy. 我喜欢保持健康。9. Being healthy is natural to me. 对我来说,保持健康是自然而然的事情。10. I have a healthy glow. 我拥有健康的光泽。11. I am healthy. 我是健康的。12. I am grateful for being in good health. 我感谢自己身体状况良好。单词记忆:Enjoy 享受Optimum 最佳的 之前有讲过 optimize 最佳化Excellent 极佳Heath, healthy 健康,健康的Perfect 完美Balance 平衡Immune system 免疫系统Natural 自然的 nature 大自然Glow 光泽、光芒Be grateful for 为...感恩今日健身挑战:- 10 Squats 10个深蹲- 15 Sec Plank 15秒平板支撑- 5 Push Ups 5个伏地挺身- 10 Crunches 10个仰卧起坐为什么拥有健康对于圆梦的重要性:1. 能量和耐力: 拥有良好的健康状态意味着你有足够的能量和体力去追求梦想。实现梦想通常需要长时间的努力和持之以恒的工作,而健康的身体能够支撑你应对挑战。2. 专注和效率: 良好的健康状态有助于提高注意力和专注力。这意味着你能更有效地管理时间,更加专注地投入到实现梦想的工作中。3. 心理健康: 身心健康相互关联。拥有健康的身体有助于维持积极的心理状态。在追求梦想的过程中,积极的心态和抗压能力是非常重要的。4. 克服挑战: 追求梦想的过程中,你可能会遇到各种困难和挑战。拥有强健的身体可以提高克服这些挑战的能力,使你更具韧性。5. 持久力: 实现梦想往往是一个长期的过程。拥有健康的生活方式和身体状态可以确保你有足够的持久力,不轻言放弃,坚持不懈地追求梦想。总的来说,健康的身体是通向梦想实现的基石,为你提供了实现目标所需的身心资源。最近心情:最好的疗愈就是在家里,我回到了台湾,找到了接下来半年的落脚处,想要读西班牙语还有考领队和导游的证照,休息一下再出发!上一年有一些遗憾希望2024还能弥补过来!接下来下一站再回去峇里岛然后去泰国再前进越南旅居、2025年可以去参与泰国的泼水节然后再回去冰岛度过夏天,然后再前进中南美洲,这次必须一路下探不折返了!但是人算不如天算,我也相信宇宙会有最好的安排!
1/1/202432 minutes, 15 seconds
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1570 今年最美好的瞬间是什么?

公众微信:Englishfit回顾2023年的21天挑战第11天问题中文:今年最美好的瞬间是什么?英文:What was the most beautiful moment for you this year?There were so many beautiful moments for me this year, but if I have to pick one, I would say it was the time when I saw New Year’s Eve’s Firework at Reykjavik church. It was one of my dreams that came true.今年对我来说有很多美好的时刻,但如果我必须挑选一个,我会说那是我在雷克雅维克教堂看到跨年烟火的时刻。那是我梦想成真的其中一个瞬间。
12/22/202315 minutes, 31 seconds
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1569 今年你有没有达成自己设定的目标?有没有新的期望?

公众微信:Englishfit回顾2023年21天挑战Day 4中文:今年你有没有达成自己设定的目标?有没有新的期望?英文:Did you achieve the goals you set for yourself this year? Any new expectations?回答:No, I didn’t achieve the goals I set for myself but I’m still very content at what I have done so far. I’m hoping my business next year would grow more steadily and I can invest in getting more new customers.我并没有实现我为自己设定的目标,但对于迄今为止所做的事情,我仍然感到非常满足。我希望明年我的事业能够更稳健地成长,并且我能够投资开发更多新客户。
12/14/202314 minutes, 12 seconds
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1568 能分享一个今年让你感激不已的时刻吗?

公眾微信:Englishfit回顾2023年的问题:中文:能分享一个让你感激不已的时刻吗?英文:Can you share a moment this year that you are immensely grateful for?回答:My good friend Omar came to Taiwan to visit me from the States and we planned a five-day trip around Taiwan. The moment when I saw him at the airport and when he still insisted on helping me carry my backpack, I was immensely touched.我的好朋友Omar从美国来台湾探访我,我们计划了一个为期五天的台湾之旅。当我在机场看到他的那一刻,而他坚持要帮我提行李背包的时候,我深感动容。
12/13/202311 minutes, 51 seconds
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1566 今年,你最引以为傲的成就是什么?|回顾2023年挑战开始了!

公众微信:Englishfit回复 “2023” 参加“回顾2023年日记打卡”!2023年的回顾问题:Day 1: 今年,你最引以为傲的成就是什么?What achievement are you most proud of this year?I started a 6-week mini-retirement camp this year, and so far I’ve had 15 members participate in the project. 今年我开启了6周的迷你退休营,然后有十五个学员参加了这个机会。
12/11/20239 minutes, 16 seconds
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1567 (来自瑞典)你在自我成长方面有哪些发现或突破?

公众微信号:Englishfit回顾2023年21挑战Day 2的问题:你在自我成长方面有哪些发现或突破?What discoveries or breakthroughs have you had in personal growth?Hello. You're listening to fly with Lily. I'm your new friend, Teddy. Teddy Goitom. I'm from Sweden, but my roots are from Ethiopian Eritrea. I'm in Chiang Mai, Thailand right now because I am escaping the winter of Sweden. And I'm a producer. I've been doing documentaries. And now in my free time, I am discovering myself and I'm discovering the world. And my dream is to continue discovering the world and meeting people, creating new relationships. And today I'm asked a question by Lily, and the question is, what discoveries or breakthroughs have you had in personal growth? So as a documentary filmmaker, I have been for the past 20 years, been working a lot and traveling, of course, but I've never taken, actually a pause and been thinking about what is it that is driving me and what is it I want to do my next step. And a couple of years ago, I decided to take a break and because I wanted to understand what it is that I want to learn more about. And I found that I was in the film industry. I was not growing. I was not learning. I came to a point where I just felt that I want to do something totally new. So I decided to study. And I decided to go to the university and study art market economy, because I've always been interested as a young person into art. My family took me to museums and I got an opportunity to see art through friends also. So I'm now discovering that new path. And that's it. And thanks for listening. 你好,你正在收听的是《学英语环游世界》。我是你的新朋友泰迪。泰迪·戈伊托姆。我来自瑞典,但我的根源来自埃塞俄比亚厄立特里亚。我现在在泰国清迈,因为我想逃避瑞典的冬天。我是一名制片人。我一直在制作纪录片。现在在空闲时间里,我正在发现自己,也在发现这个世界。我的梦想是继续发现这个世界,结交朋友,建立新的关系。今天莉莉问了我一个问题,问题是,你在个人成长方面有什么发现或突破?作为一名纪录片制片人,过去20年里我一直在工作和旅行,当然,但我从未真正停下来思考过是什么推动着我,以及我下一步想做什么。几年前,我决定休息一下,因为我想了解更多我想学习的东西。我发现在电影行业,我没有成长,我没有学到东西。我到了一个只想做一些全新事物的地步。所以我决定去读书。我决定去大学学习艺术市场经济,因为我一直对艺术感兴趣,作为一个年轻人,我的家人带我去参观博物馆,我也通过朋友有机会欣赏艺术。所以我现在正在发现这条新的道路。就是这样,谢谢你的聆听。单词记忆:1.Escaping - 逃离2.Producer - 制片人3.Documentaries - 纪录片4.Discovering - 探索、发现5.Relationships - 关系、人际关系6.Breakthroughs - 突破、重大进展7.Filmmaker - 电影制片人8.Opportunity - 机会9.Museums - 博物馆10.Economy - 经济
12/11/202317 minutes, 47 seconds
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1565 三十天感恩日记挑战的三十个让你越感恩越幸福的中英问题

公眾微信號:Englishfit30-Day Gratitude Journal Challenge30天感恩日记打卡挑战Day 1: What are you grateful for today?第一天:今天要感谢的是?Day 2: What little blessings and miracles did you experience today?第二天:今天有经历什么样小感动和奇迹?Day 3: What do you most love about yourself?第三天:你最喜欢自己什么地方?Day 4: What about you makes you special?第四天:你最与众不同的地方?Day 5: What risk are you most grateful for having taken?第五天:过去做过什么有风险的事情,但今天的你很感谢有付诸行动?Day 6: How can you express gratitude for something you desire?第六天:你怎么对你渴望的事情表示感恩?Day 7: Who are you most grateful for in your life and why?第七天:在你生命里你最感谢谁,为什么呢?Day 8: What relationships make your life feel rich and full?第八天:你生命中的什么关系让你觉得最丰富?Day 9: Write why you are grateful for your proudest accomplishment.第九天:写下你最值得感谢和骄傲的一件成就。Day 10: What has helped you become more of who you are?第十天:什么事件帮助你成为你今天的样子。Day 11: What is your favorite emotion to feel?第十一天:你最喜欢感受什么样的情绪?Day 12: What painful experience has helped you grow?第十二天:过去什么样的痛苦经历帮助你成长?Day 13: What did you learn from the last challenge you overcame?第十三天:你从过去克服过的挑战学会了什么?Day 14: How can you inject more gratitude into a current challenge?第十四天:你怎么在你现在面临的挑战之中注入更多的感恩之情?Day 15: Write down your favorite affirmations that make you feel good.第十五天:写下你最喜欢的正面的肯定句。Day 16: How can you add gratitude to a situation you want to improve?第十六天:怎么在你现在想要改进的情况下注入更多的感恩之情?Day 17: Describe the last time you felt pure joy.第十七天:描述最近一次感到纯粹快乐的时候。Day 18: What is the best gift you’ve ever received?第十八天:你收到最棒的礼物?Day 19: What have you manifested that you are super grateful for?第十九天:目前发生在你生命中最感谢的人/事是什么?Day 20: What experiences have strengthened you?第二十天:什么样的经验让你更坚强?Day 21: Describe the last time your heart was overflowing with love.第二十一天:描述最近一次心里感受到满满的爱的体验?Day 22: What activities do you most enjoy doing?第二十二天:你最喜欢从事什么样的活动呢?Day 23: What are you afraid of? How is this fear a good thing?第二十三天:你最害怕什么事?这件事在你生命中有没有正面的影响呢?Day 24: What fears have you overcome that made you stronger?第二十四天:哪一个你克服的恐惧让你变得更强大?Day 25: Describe the last time you laughed so hard you almost peed.第二十五天:描述上次你笑到哭(尿)的一次体验?Day 26: What everyday items are you most grateful for?第二十六天:哪一件每天的用品让你觉得很感恩?Day 27: What’s your top goal right now and why are you grateful for it?第二十七天:你的首要目标是什么?你为什么觉得很感恩呢?Day 28: What do you already have that you want more of?第二十八天:你想要拥有更多的...Day 29: Describe the last time you did something nice for someone.第二十九天:描述上次你为别人做的好事。Day 30: Write about what you want to manifest as if it is already yours.第三十天:描述你想要在生命中拥有的任何事情,仿佛你已经有了它们一样。哪一个问题让你最发省思?留言和我们分享哦!
12/10/202317 minutes, 48 seconds
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1564 你最喜欢自己什么地方?

公众微信号:EnglishfitDay 3: What do you most love about yourself?第三天:你最喜欢自己什么地方?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend, Lisa. Imogen Eldridge. I'm originally from the UK, England. I'm currently in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates because I have decided to become a resident here and to make the Middle East my home. After years of being a digital nomad and travelling from country to country, I now really want a base and have decided to stay in Dubai. By profession, I'm a journalist and also a travel blogger, so I write about solo female travel, and I travel around by myself and recommend different countries for women to travel to. In my spare time. I love storytelling and creative writing. I really like boxing as well. I think it's really important to keep fit, and I also run, and I also read and concentrate on personal development because it's really important to keep evolving in this world. Today, I will be answering a question posed by Lily. So the question is, what do you most love about yourself? It took me a long time to even realise that I was worthy of love, so I think what I love about myself the most is that I'm now accepting of who I am and that I am very different from other people and that that's okay. And everybody is unique, and they all have their own gifts to offer. And I'm really happy being the woman that I have now become. So thank you so much, Lily, for allowing me to be on your podcast. And take care, everybody.你好。您正在聆听《学英语环游世界》节目。我是你的新朋友,莉莎(Lisa)。伊莫金·艾尔德里奇(Imogen Eldridge),我原来来自英国,目前居住在阿拉伯联合酋长国的杜拜,因为我已经决定成为这里的居民,把中东当作我的家。在成为一名数字游牧民、穿越各国的多年后,我现在真的想要一个固定的基地,决定留在杜拜。我是一名记者,同时也是一名旅行部落客,我写有关独自旅行的文章,并在空闲时间以独自旅行并推荐不同国家给女性旅行者。我热爱故事和创意写作。我也很喜欢拳击,我认为保持健康很重要,我还慢跑,并专注于个人发展,因为在这个世界上保持进步非常重要。今天,我将回答莉莉提出的一个问题。所以问题是,你最喜欢自己的什么地方?我花了很长时间才意识到自己是值得被爱的,所以我认为我最喜欢的是我现在接受了自己,我和其他人很不同,而这是可以接受的。每个人都是独特的,都有自己的礼物要奉献。我很高兴成为我现在的这个女人。非常感谢你,莉莉,让我参与你的播客。大家保重。单词记忆1. Resident (居民): (n.) A person who lives in a specific place.2. Digital Nomad (数字游牧民): (n.) An individual who works using technology and travels to different locations.3.Solo Female Travel (单独女性旅行): (n.) The act of a woman travelling alone, exploring different countries.4. Base (基地): (n.) The main place where a person lives or works.5. Storytelling (讲故事): (n.) The art of using words to tell a story.6. Boxing (拳击): (n.) A sport where two people engage in a match of punching, usually with padded gloves.7. Accepting (接受的): (adj.) Willing to accept or open to something.8. Evolve (演变): (v.) To develop or change over time.9. Worthy (有价值的): (adj.) Having value or importance.10. Unique (独特的): (adj.) Distinctive and different from others.Lisa的联系方式:[email protected] Imogen Eldridge is a self-confessed solo travel addict. She runs the blog, Girl about the Globe, an award-winning solo female travel blog for socially conscious travellers; empowering women to travel solo and making a difference to the lives of vulnerable girls about the globe.莉莎·伊莫金·艾尔德里奇是一位自称狂热独自旅行的人。她运营着”Girl about the Globe”博客,这是一个屡获殊荣的独自女性旅行博客,专为有社会意识的旅行者而设,鼓励女性独自旅行,并在全球对贫困女孩的生活产生积极影响。
12/7/202316 minutes, 2 seconds
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公众微信号:EnglishfitDay 21: Describe the last time your heart was overflowing with love.第二十一天:描述最近一次心里感受到满满的爱的体验?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your friend Christian. I'm from Spain and New Zealand. I'm in Chiang Mai now because I'm working and traveling around Southeast Asia. I work as a love mentor. And in my free time, I love rock climbing. My dream is to I'm already living my dream, actually. Today I'm asked a question by Lily, and the question is 23. Yeah. Describe the last time your heart was overflowing with love. That's a beautiful question. Well, it was, like, a really good experience for me. I remember I was in Ireland and I was reading my book. I was in the living room, right? And then at some point, I remember there was this guy that came over and he sat down. He was just I don't know, just in the living room. And at first, I felt this urge to go talk with him, even though I don't know why, but I was like, I distrusted that urge. And I was like, okay, no, let's just like because I thought, maybe he's alone. Maybe he wants to talk with someone, I don't know. But then I was like, no, I mean, this urge feels really weird. So I just let it pass. I let it pass. And then after a while, he opened a shelf from down the I don't know, the seat that he was on. And there were a lot of books. So I started speaking with them, and we were chatting and we were talking about books and we were showing each other's soundtrack list and we were talking about where we came from we were doing and what was interesting is that while all this interaction was happening, I thought, wow, this is love. It's completely uninterested. No one wants anything out of that interaction but disconnect with another human being with no expectations whatsoever. And I thought, wow, if this is not love, what is? Right? And then eventually the woman from the pub crawl came over to pick him up. We said goodbye, and I was left like, wow. Feeling so much love inside. I'm like, wow. For so long, I thought that love had to do with trying to flirt with a girl or with a guy or that dance with another person, but actually realizing that love is mundane and easy and it does not ask anything from you. It's just simply there all the time. So yeah, well, that's it. Thank you for listening.你好,你正在聆听《与莉莉一起飞》。我是你的朋友克里斯蒂安。我来自西班牙和新西兰。我现在在清迈,因为我正在东南亚工作和旅行。我是一名爱情导师。在我的空闲时间,我喜欢攀岩。我的梦想实际上正在我生活中实现。今天莉莉问了一个问题:描述你的心最后一次充满爱的时刻。那是一个美好的问题。嗯,对我来说真的是一个很好的经历。我记得我当时在爱尔兰,正在看我的书。我在客厅,对吧?然后在某一刻,我记得有个家伙过来坐下。他只是我不知道,只是在客厅。一开始,我感到有这种冲动要去和他说话,尽管我不知道为什么,但我像是不信任那种冲动。我想,也许他一个人。也许他想和别人说话,我不知道。但后来我想,不,我是说,这种冲动感觉很奇怪。所以我就让它过去了。我让它过去。然后过了一会儿,他打开了他坐在下面的一个架子。那里有很多书。所以我开始和他聊天,我们聊天,互相展示彼此的音轨清单,我们谈论我们来自哪里,我们在做什么,有趣的是在所有这些互动发生的时候,我想,哇,这就是爱。它完全没有兴趣。没有人在这次互动中想要得到任何东西,只是与另一个人断开联系,没有任何期望。我想,哇,如果这不是爱,那是什么呢?对吧?然后最终酒吧爬行的女士过来接他。我们道别了,我留下来,感觉心中充满了爱。我就像,哇。很长一段时间以来,我以为爱是试图和一个女孩或一个男孩调情或与另一个人跳舞有关的,但实际上意识到爱是平凡而容易的,它不要求任何你的东西。它只是一直在那里。所以,嗯,就是这样。谢谢你的倾听。单词记忆:1.Overflowing: (adj.) Filled or supplied with a great quantity; more than full.Example: His heart was overflowing with joy on his wedding day.中文解释: 充满、溢出的;充满丰富的感情或事物。2.Resonate: (v.) Evoke a feeling of shared emotion or belief.Example: The musician's words resonated with the audience, creating a deep connection.中文解释: 引起共鸣;唤起共同的情感或信仰。3.Urgency: (n.) The state of being urgent; requiring swift action.Example: There was a sense of urgency in her voice as she explained the situation.中文解释: 紧急;需要迅速行动的状态。4.Mundane: (adj.) Lacking interest or excitement; dull.Example: Everyday tasks can become mundane if not approached with creativity.中文解释: 平凡的;缺乏兴奋或刺激的;乏味的。5.Disconnect: (n.) A lack of connection or harmony; a disassociation.Example: The misunderstanding caused a temporary disconnect between the friends.中文解释: 断开;缺乏连接或和谐;脱节。6.Flirt: (v.) Behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than serious intentions.Example: She liked to flirt with her classmates, making school more enjoyable.中文解释: 调情;表现得像是被吸引或试图吸引某人,但只是出于娱乐而非认真的意图。7.Expectation: (n.) A strong belief that something will happen or be the case.Example: Managing expectations is crucial for a successful project.中文解释: 期望;对某事发生或成为事实的强烈信念。8.Distrust: (n.) Lack of trust or confidence in someone or something.Example: The history of betrayal led to a deep sense of distrust.中文解释: 不信任;对某人或某事缺乏信任或信心。9.Crawl: (n.) A visit to a number of bars or clubs in a single evening, as a form of entertainment.Example: The group decided to go on a pub crawl to experience the local nightlife.中文解释: 酒吧漫游;在一个晚上参观多家酒吧或具乐部,作为一种娱乐形式。10.Guidepost: (n.) A sign or marker that indicates a direction or boundary.Example: Setting clear goals acts as guideposts on the journey to success.中文解释: 标志;指示方向或界线的标志或标记。
12/6/202320 minutes, 19 seconds
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1562 过去什么样的痛苦经历帮助你成长?

公眾微信號 EnglishfitDay 12: What painful experience has helped you grow?第十二天:过去什么样的痛苦经历帮助你成长?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend, Geoff. I'm from Virginia in America. I'm in Thailand now because I'm retired and living here. In my free time, I like to ride around Chiang Mai on my motorbike. And my dream is to just continue living here the way I am. Today I'm asked a question by lily, and the question is, what painful experience has helped me grow? And I would say ice plunging is painful, but it really makes me aware of my body's reaction and panic and how my mind treats my body when I panic. And I think that is how it helps me grow. So that's it. Thanks for listening. Have a great day.你好。你正在收听《与莉莉一起飞》。我是你的新朋友杰夫。我来自美国弗吉尼亚州。我现在身处泰国,因为我已经退休并定居在这里。业余时间,我喜欢骑着我的摩托车在清迈四处游玩。我的梦想就是继续过着我今天这样的生活。莉莉问了我一个问题,那就是哪个痛苦的经历帮助我成长?我会说冰浴是痛苦的,但它真的让我意识到我的身体反应和恐慌,以及当我恐慌时我的思维如何对待我的身体。我认为这就是它如何帮助我成长的原因。就是这样。谢谢你的聆听。祝你有美好的一天。單詞記憶:1.Retired:中文解释: 退休的英文解释: Having withdrawn from one's work, business, or active life, typically due to age.2.Motorbike:中文解释: 摩托车英文解释: A motorcycle, a two-wheeled motor vehicle.3.Plunge:中文解释: 跳水,突然下降英文解释: To jump or dive quickly and energetically, or to fall suddenly.4.Aware:中文解释: 察觉的,意识到的英文解释: Having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.5.Panic:中文解释: 恐慌,惊慌英文解释: A sudden feeling of fear or anxiety that prevents reasonable thought and action.6.Reaction:中文解释: 反应英文解释: An action performed or a feeling experienced in response to a situation or event.7.Grow:中文解释: 成长,增长英文解释: To develop and mature physically, mentally, or emotionally; to increase in size, amount, or intensity.8.Plunge (in the context of ice plunging):中文解释: 冰浴英文解释: Immersing oneself in cold water, often for health or recreational purposes.9.Perception:中文解释: 感知,知觉英文解释: The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.10.Energetically:中文解释: 精力充沛地英文解释: In a manner characterized by enthusiasm, vigor, or active engagement.
12/5/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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1561 哪一件每天的用品让你觉得很感恩?

公众微信号:EnglishfitDay 26: What everyday items are you most grateful for?第二十六天:哪一件每天的用品让你觉得很感恩?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend, John. I'm from the United States. I'm in Chiang Mai now because I'm saving money on living expenses while getting a master's degree online. I'm a graduate student and a teacher. In my free time, I read and go to the gym. My dream is to start an educational YouTube channel. 你好。你正在收听《与莉莉一起飞》。我是你的新朋友约翰。我来自美国。我现在身处清迈,因为我正在通过在线方式攻读硕士学位,节省生活费用。我是一名研究生和一名教师。业余时间,我喜欢阅读并去健身房。我的梦想是开办一个教育类的YouTube频道。Today I'm asked a question by Lily. What everyday items are you most grateful for? So I brought one really heavy or two really heavy items with me to Chiang Mai from America that most people would not bring. And those heavy items are two glass leftover containers. They're very high quality. You can put them in the oven or the microwave. And I'm really grateful for these because they give me a lot of options. They keep leftovers fresh much longer than a normal box would. 今天,莉莉问了我一个问题,那就是你最感激的日常物品是什么?所以我从美国带到清迈的有两个很重的东西,大多数人可能不会带着来。那就是两个玻璃的保鲜盒。它们质量很好,可以放进烤箱或微波炉。我真的很感激它们,因为它们给了我很多选择。它们比普通的盒子能够更长时间地保持剩菜的新鲜。So I can cook something and eat it three or four days later, and it's perfectly fresh, and that's hard to achieve. And because of these containers, I can cook, like, a large meal with three different helpings, and then I have food today, tomorrow, and the next day or later in the week, if I so choose. They're also excellent because they're glass and they deal with heat well. You can cook instant noodles, or you can cook oatmeal in them. 所以我可以煮一些食物,然后在三四天后吃,它还是非常新鲜的,这是很难实现的。由于这些容器,我可以做一顿有三个不同部分的大餐,然后今天、明天以及下一天或者是这周后期,我都有食物可以吃,这是非常方便的。它们也非常棒,因为它们是玻璃的,对抗热很有用。你可以在里面煮方便面,或者煮燕麦粥。So they've really expanded my dietary options. And they also help save money, because you can keep your leftovers, and you can eat cheap stuff like instant noodles and oatmeal. So even though they're heavy and I don't like taking them to the airport, they're really convenient, and they give me a lot of benefits. So that's a simple, everyday item that I'm grateful for. That's it. Thanks for listening.所以它们真的扩大了我的饮食选择。而且它们还有助于省钱,因为你可以留下剩菜,然后吃一些便宜的东西,比如方便面和燕麦粥。所以尽管它们很重,我不喜欢带它们去机场,但它们真的很方便,给了我很多好处。这就是我感激的简单日常物品。就是这样。谢谢你的聆听。单词记忆1. Living Expenses:中文解释: 生活费用英文解释: The cost of basic necessities needed to maintain one's standard of living.2. Educational YouTube Channel:中文解释: 教育性YouTube频道英文解释: A YouTube channel that focuses on providing educational content, often related to specific subjects or skills.3. Leftover Containers:中文解释: 剩菜盒,保鲜盒英文解释: Containers used for storing and preserving leftover food for future consumption.4. Dietary Options:中文解释: 饮食选择英文解释: The range of choices available to an individual in terms of what they eat on a regular basis.5. Microwave:中文解释: 微波炉英文解释: An appliance that cooks or heats food by exposing it to microwaves.6.Achieve:中文解释: 达到,实现英文解释: To successfully bring about or reach a desired objective or result.7. Convenient:中文解释: 便利的英文解释: Fitting in well with a person's needs, activities, and plans; easy to use or obtain.8. Expensive:中文解释: 昂贵的英文解释: Costing a lot of money; having a high price.9. Preserve:中文解释: 保持,保存英文解释: To keep something in its original state or in good condition.10.Standard of Living:中文解释: 生活水平英文解释: The level of wealth, comfort, and material goods that a person or community has.
12/4/202319 minutes, 28 seconds
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1560 你最喜欢从事什么样的活动呢?

公众微信号:EnglishfitDay 22: What activities do you most enjoy doing?第二十二天:你最喜欢从事什么样的活动呢?Hi, you're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend Sarah. I'm from Germany. I'm in Chiang Mai right now because I love Thailand and Thai food and the tropical weather. I'm a contractor for a German insurance company, and in my free time, I enjoy doing yoga, and I meditate, and I love hosting people and just have people around me. My dream is to have a co-working space again. Today I'm asked a question by Lily. What activities do you most enjoy doing? Yeah, so the activities I most enjoy doing is actually hosting dinner parties, 你好,你正在收听《學英語環遊世界》。我是你的新朋友莎拉。我来自德国。我现在身处清迈,因为我喜欢泰国、泰国美食和热带的气候。我是一家德国保险公司的承包商,业余时间里,我喜欢做瑜伽,冥想,还喜欢招待人,让身边有更多的朋友。我的梦想是再次拥有一个共享工作空间。今天,莉莉问了我一个问题,那就是你最喜欢做的活动是什么?是的,我最喜欢做的活动实际上是主持晚餐派对。Because first, I don't think I'm a great chef, but it is not so much about the food or it is not so much about how you set up the table or how much time you spend preparing or have everything looking instagrammable. It is more like inviting people over a meal and sharing a meal, because everyone eats at least once a day. So this is something everyone would give you a yes. And even if you're not great in cooking, dinner parties can also be set up at potlucks, so people just bring their own little dishes, and then you share a meal together. And when you combine this with a little bit of maybe questions or just maybe even a theme or something, it's a great opportunity to serve community and to get to know new people. You can make new people easy. You can strengthen and maintain the relationships you have with friends and family. People can even bring other people so you can expand the community you have. So, yeah, I think hosting dinner parties is a fun way to be social in a healthy way. Yes, that's it. Thanks for listening.因为首先,我不认为自己是一位出色的厨师,但这并不太关乎食物,也不太关乎如何摆设桌子,或者你花多少时间准备,或者是否让一切看起来像是可在Instagram上分享的。更多的是邀请人们共进一顿饭,分享一顿饭,因为每个人至少每天都要吃一次饭。这是每个人都会答应的事情。即使你不擅长烹饪,晚餐派对也可以搞成聚餐,每个人带自己的小菜,然后大家一起分享一顿饭。当你将这与一些问题、主题或其他东西结合在一起时,这是一个服务社群、结交新朋友的绝佳机会。你可以轻松结交新的朋友,巩固和维护与朋友和家人的关系。人们甚至可以带来其他人,这样你就可以扩大你的社群。所以,是的,我认为主持晚餐派对是以一种健康的方式社交的有趣方式。就是这样。感谢你的聆听。单词记憶:1.Contractor:中文解释: 承包商英文解释: A person or company that undertakes a contract to provide materials or labor to perform a service or do a job.2.Instagrammable:中文解释: 适合Instagram分享的英文解释: A term used to describe something that is visually appealing and suitable for sharing on the social media platform Instagram.3.potlucks:中文解释: 可能是“potluck”和“spot”结合的词,指的是每个客人都带一道菜的社交活动。英文解释: Likely a combination of "pot" and "spot," indicating a social gathering where each guest contributes a dish of food to be shared.4.Co-working Space:中文解释: 共同办公空间英文解释: A shared office space where individuals from different businesses or freelancers work together in a communal setting.5.Maintain:中文解释: 保持英文解释: To keep something in good condition or preserve it; to continue or persevere in an action or state.6.Contemplation:中文解释: 沉思英文解释: The action of looking thoughtfully at something for a long time; deep reflective thought.7.Fellowship:中文解释: 团契,友谊英文解释: A friendly association with others based on shared interests or common goals.8.Contributor:中文解释: 贡献者英文解释: A person or thing that contributes something, especially money, to a cause.9.Appealing:中文解释: 有吸引力的英文解释: Evoking interest, desire, or approval; attractive.10.Mindfulness:中文解释: 正念英文解释: The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something; a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment.今日感想:在这个看似美好却又充满混乱的旅程中,我深刻体悟到一种内心的沉静,它超越了外在的表象,成为我珍视的宝藏。生活的旅途中,我常常感受到绝望的阴影,尤其是在收入不稳定、孤独漂泊的时候。然而,这些挑战并不是生命的终结,而是成长的契机。在这片看似荒芜的土地上,我找到了内在的富足。拥有稳定的收入和心仪的对象固然是幸运,但我发现,真正的安宁来自于对内心的慎独。在生活的喧哗声中,我学会了专注聆听内在的声音,理解那份对自我的深刻渴望。或许我无法总是站在经济安全的高地,或者拥有一段稳定的感情。但这并不代表我缺少价值。透过独处的时光,我找到了属于自己的节奏,学会了与孤独为伍,并将其转化为灵感的源泉。我想告诉听众,外在的表象并不总是生活的全部。尽管我曾经感受到绝望和想要逃离的冲动,但我也因此发现了内心的强大和平静。这是一段探索内在自我的旅程,不论身处何方,都能够找到属于自己的宁静之地。让我们一同体悟生命的奥秘,学会珍惜当下,并在内心找到一片安宁的天地。或许,正是这份沉静,让我们能够在混沌中找到生活的真正价值。
12/3/202319 minutes, 57 seconds
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公眾微信號:EnglishfitDay 19: What have you manifested that you are super grateful for?第十九天:目前发生在你生命中最感谢的人/事是什么?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend Michael. I'm from Colorado in the United States. I'm in Chiang Mai, Thailand, now because this is where I have been dreaming of coming. I am learning to code right now, and in my free time, I like to do lots of things hiking, biking, and in Chiang Mai, motorbiking. My dream is to be here now in Chiang Mai in the winter. And today I'm asked a question by Lily, which is what have you manifested that you are super grateful for? And actually being here in Chiang Mai is the thing that I've manifested that I'm super grateful for. I have been living in climates with winter for my whole life and have been wanting to experience a year without winter. And so I'm here in Southeast Asia and am living my dream of being warm and not experiencing any snow. And, yeah, I feel really grateful for that and for all of the people that have helped me make that happen. So that's it. Thanks for listening.你好。你正在收听《与莉莉一起飞》。我是你的新朋友迈克尔。我来自美国科罗拉多州。我现在身处泰国清迈,因为这是我一直梦想来的地方。我目前正在学习编程,业余时间喜欢做很多事情,比如徒步、骑自行车,在清迈还喜欢骑摩托车。我的梦想是在冬天能够在清迈。今天,莉莉问了我一个问题,那就是你已经实现了什么让你非常感激的愿景?实际上,能够在清迈这个地方是我实现的让我非常感激的事情。我一直生活在有冬天的气候中,一直想体验一年没有冬天的生活。所以我来到了东南亚,正在实现我温暖、不见雪的梦想。是的,我为此感到非常感激,也感激所有帮助我实现这个梦想的人。就是这样。谢谢你的聆听。单词记忆:1.Motorbiking (骑摩托车)Definition: Riding a motorcycle or engaging in the activity of motorcycling.2.Manifested (实现)Definition: Brought into reality; made evident or certain.3.Grateful (感激的)Definition: Feeling or showing appreciation and thankfulness for something.4.Climate (气候)Definition: The long-term pattern of weather in a particular area.5.Experiencing (经历)Definition: Going through or participating in events, situations, or activities.6.Southeast Asia (东南亚)Definition: The region of Asia that includes countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and others.7.Climates (气候)Definition: The prevailing or typical weather conditions of a region.8.Yearn (渴望)Definition: Have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from.今日感想:选择在东南亚打造自己的线上生意有许多原因,其中首要的是这里的生活成本相对较低,加上来自世界各地的人带来的文化多元,以及宜人的气候,尤其是没有冬天。和Michael一样,我非常感激能在这里生活,并且有机会结交志同道合的人,进而学习新语言和提升英语能力。今天和一位来自瑞士的朋友一同品尝咖啡,我们竟然在咖啡厅里用西班牙语、英语以及泰语进行轻松的交谈,这样的体验真的让我感到不可思议!若我身处台湾,除非在大城市,或许有机会创造这样的多元交流,但我并不是特别喜欢大都市的环境。相较之下,清迈虽然是泰国的第二大城市,但步调相对较慢,人们更愿意交流,更亲切热情。这真的是一个特别宜人的地方。
11/30/202314 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

1558 (女声)目前发生在你生命中最感谢的人/事是什么?

Day 19: What have you manifested that you are super grateful for?第十九天:目前发生在你生命中最感谢的人/事是什么?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend Gelene. Originally from Southern California in the United States, I'm currently in Bali, Indonesia, because I've been traveling full time for the last three years and have a digital nomad lifestyle. Now, by profession, I'm a creative entrepreneur with a mission to help women live more meaningful lives through solo travel, transformation, meaningful connections, and play. And I do this through my own podcast, Travel Not to Escape, as well as community. In my free time, I love trying out different restaurants and cuisines, adrenaline activities, salsa, Bachata classes or spiritual classes like meditation and sound healing. And my dream is to make an impact through my work and create a business that impacts women from all over the world, making them more empowered to create and follow a vision for their life that makes them happy and fulfilled. 你好。你正在收听《与莉莉一起飞》。我是你的新朋友Jelene。我原籍美国加利福尼亚南部,目前身处印度尼西亚的巴厘岛,因为在过去的三年里,我一直过着全职旅行和数字游牧的生活。我的职业是一名创意企业家,使命是通过独自旅行、转变、有意义的人际关系和嬉戏,帮助女性过上更有意义的生活。我通过自己的播客《Travel Not to Escape》和社群来实现这一使命。在业余时间,我喜欢尝试不同的餐厅和美食,进行肾上腺素活动,参加骚莎、巴恰塔课程,或者参加冥想和声音疗愈等属灵课程。我的梦想是通过我的工作产生影响,并创建一个影响来自世界各地的女性的企业,让她们更有力量去创造并追随让她们快乐充实的生活愿景。So today I'll be answering a question posed by Lily, and that question is, what have you manifested that you are super grateful for? And I want to share that. When I was 20, I was studying abroad in Rome, and it was my first time out of the country, and I finally felt like this was the life I wanted to live, but then didn't know how to get back to this place when it came time for the program to end. So I promised myself within five years I would go back to Rome no matter what, and within ten, I would be living that life of travel and freedom again. And I'm so proud to have manifested that vision for my life. And those two guideposts really helped me live the life that I want now. So sometimes when you get that beautiful opportunity to see a glimpse of a life that you want, you have to cling on to that. There is a reason that it resonates in your soul. And I didn't know how I was going to live that life of travel, but I saw that possibility and I knew then that it was also possible for me too. And the details to get there were just that they were just details. And the important thing is the vision and feeling it in your soul. So that's it. Thank you so much for listening.所以今天我将回答莉莉提出的一个问题,那就是,你已经实现了什么让你非常感激的愿景?我想分享的是,当我20岁时,我在罗马留学,那是我第一次出国,我终于感觉到这是我想要过的生活,但是当项目结束时,我不知道如何回到那个地方。因此,我向自己承诺,在五年内,无论如何都会回到罗马,而在十年内,我将再次过上那种旅行和自由的生活。我为能实现生活愿景感到自豪。这两个指引确实帮助我过上了我想要的生活。有时候,当你有机会看到你想要的生活的一瞥时,你必须紧紧抓住它。它在你的灵魂中共鸣是有原因的。我不知道我将如何过上那种旅行的生活,但我看到了那种可能性,我当时知道那对我来说也是可能的。到达那里的细节只是细枝末节。重要的是愿景,并在你的灵魂中感受到它。就是这样。非常感谢你的聆听。今日感想:听了Geleen的分享,让我想起了2014年,那是我人生中最迷茫、最失落的时期。曾经我最热爱的旅游,因为柴米油盐和创业就渐渐的抛在脑后,当时,我因为开始了这个播客也是希望可以继续探索实现环球旅游的可能性,这个过程有痛苦也有甜美,我实现了我一直以来的旅游梦想。当时2014年我的实现的第一站是在圣诞节期间到了泰国的孤儿院做义工。这个经历成为我生命中的转折点,之后我踏上了更多不可思议的旅程。现在,我仍然有很多地方想要去探索,这让我对生活充满了许多期待。旅行不仅为我带来了美好的回忆,更让我重新找回了生活的方向。感谢当初的勇气和开始这个播客的决定,让我有了这么多丰富的经历和机会。生命中的每一步都是一场冒险,我期待着未来还有更多精彩的探险等着我去发现。Geleen的播客:<Travel not to Escape>参与的学英语环游世界播客:1517集单词解释:1.Digital Nomad (数字游牧民)Definition: A person who works remotely, often through the use of digital technology, while constantly traveling to different locations.2. Adrenaline (肾上腺素)Definition: A hormone and neurotransmitter that plays a key role in the "fight or flight" response, often associated with excitement or intense physical activity.3. Bachata (巴查塔)Definition: A style of dance and music that originated in the Dominican Republic, characterized by romantic and rhythmic movements.4. Empowered (赋予权力)Definition: Made stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and asserting one's rights.5. Manifested (实现)Definition: Brought into reality; made evident or certain.6. Guideposts (指引标志)Definition: Clear markers or points of reference that help guide one's decisions or actions.7. Resonates (共鸣)Definition: Elicits a positive response or connection, often on an emotional or spiritual level.8. Solo Travel (独自旅行)Definition: Traveling alone, without companions.9. Transformation (转变)Definition: A profound or major change in form, appearance, or character.10. Sound Healing (声音疗愈)Definition: The use of sound, such as singing bowls or chanting, as a therapeutic practice to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
11/29/202319 minutes, 49 seconds
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暫用的公众微信:EnglishfitDay 10: What has helped you become more of who you are?第十天:什么事件帮助你成为你今天的样子?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend Graham. I'm from Scotland. I'm in Chiang Mai. Now, because of work, I'm in advertising, and in my free time, I love to keep myself occupied with reading, with writing, and with watching movies. Today I'm asked a question by Lily, and that question is, what has helped you become more of who you are? Which is actually a great question, and I would answer that most simply by curiosity. Where I am right now in my career is an executive creative director, where I have to do advertising, communications for all kinds of things. Could be a mobile phone, one week, could be a hotel. So I always need to learn, always need to find out more about new products and people and cultures. And that has helped me not just professionally, but I would say, in my private life, curiosity, learning new things, meeting new people. I would say that's the main driver of becoming who I am. Thank you. 你好。你正在收听《学英语环游世界》。我是你的新朋友格雷厄姆。我来自苏格兰,现在我在清迈。因为我的工作是在广告领域,业余时间里,我喜欢通过阅读、写作和观看电影来保持自己的兴趣。今天莉莉问了我一个问题,那个问题是,是什么帮助你更多地成为了你自己?这实际上是一个很好的问题,我会简单地回答是好奇心。我现在的职业是执行创意总监,我需要为各种各样的事情做广告和传播,可能是一部手机,可能是一家酒店。因此,我总是需要学习,总是需要了解更多关于新产品、人物和文化的知识。这不仅在职业生涯上对我有帮助,我会说在我的私人生活中,好奇心、学习新事物和结交新朋友是我成为现在的主要动力。谢谢。单词记忆1.Occupied (忙碌)2.Executive Creative Director (执行创意总监)3.Communications (传播)4.Curiosity (好奇心)5.Professionally (职业上)6.Driver (动力)7.Cultures (文化)8.Mobile Phone (手机)9.Advertising (广告)10.Overseeing (监督)今日感想:今天和泰语班同学一起吃饭,特别是其中有位同年的女同学已经当上了三宝妈。听她分享最近带小孩的烦心和喜悦,真的让我感受到生活的多彩。虽然我目前还没有家庭,但她的分享提醒了我,让我更珍惜眼前拥有的一切。尤其是她强调,不论我们身处何种处境,做了什么选择,我们都可以对自己说:“我现在正处于我应该在的地方,I'm exactly where I need to be.” 我并不是那么相信生命不能重来的说法,我深信每一天都有可能成为最好的一天。嗯,有时候生活可能会感到孤独,但我持续积极地生活,为自己赋予生命的深意。我喜欢追随自己的兴趣,探索新事物,并在学习成长的过程中不断丰富自己。希望这样的分享能够触动在听这个播客的朋友们,提醒大家每天都有机会创造属于自己的最美好的时光。
11/28/202314 minutes, 10 seconds
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1556 什么事件帮助你成为你今天的样子?

現在你可以到 Fly with Lily 网站免費參與我們的30日贏得早起挑戰!Day 10: What has helped you become more of who you are?第十天:什么事件帮助你成为你今天的样子?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend Adam. Originally from Reading, England, I'm currently in Chiang mai, Thailand, because I love the vibe of the city, and I was here for a couple of months in June and July this year. By profession, I'm a voice actor, editor, university examiner, and writer. In my free time, I love exploring new places, reading amazing fiction, journaling, playing piano, and cooking, amongst other things. My dream is to do exactly what I'm doing right now. But more seriously, I'd love to co-write a novel with chat GPT, which I'm in the process of doing right now. Today, I'll be answering a question posed by Lily: what has helped you become more of who you are? So I came travelling 16 months ago. I quit my job, which was really bringing me down. I'd recently received a management position at university and found that it wasn't for me. So travelling for 16 months has allowed me the time to develop meaningful relationships with people from all over the world and to experience new things on almost a daily basis. And because I've been travelling, I've had to find my own balance. And this has been really helpful for me to engage in healthy habits like meditating and journaling consistent exercise, and to be grateful for the wonderful life I'm now leading. And as a result, my self worth and self confidence has greatly, greatly improved. That's it. Thank you for listening. 你好。你正在收听《学英语环游世界》。我是你的新朋友亚当。我原籍英格兰的雷丁,目前身处泰国的清迈,因为我喜欢这座城市的氛围,今年六月和七月我在这里呆了几个月。我是一名配音演员、编辑、大学考官和作家。在业余时间,我喜欢探索新地方,阅读很棒的小说,写日记,弹钢琴和烹饪,还有其他一些爱好。我的梦想就是做我现在正在做的事情。但更认真地说,我想与ChatGPT合作写一部小说,我现在正在进行中。今天,我将回答莉莉提出的一个问题:是什么帮助你更加成为真实的自己?所以,16个月前我开始了旅行。我辞去了让我感到沮丧的工作。我最近在大学获得了一个管理职位,发现那不适合我。因此,过去16个月的旅行让我有时间与来自世界各地的人建立有意义的关系,几乎每天都能体验新事物。由于我一直在旅行,我不得不找到自己的平衡。这对我来说非常有帮助,让我养成健康的习惯,如冥想和写日记,坚持锻炼,并感激我现在过的美好生活。因此,我的自尊和自信大大提高了。就是这样。感谢你的聆听。单词记忆:1.Examiner (考官)Definition: A person who sets or marks an examination.2.Co-write (共同撰寫)Definition: To write together with someone else, collaborating on the creation of a literary work.3.Meaningful (有意義的)Definition: Significant and conveying a sense of purpose or importance.4.Engage (參與)Definition: To actively participate or become involved in something.5.Consistent (一貫的)Definition: Unchanging in achievement or effect over a period of time.6.Meditate (冥想)Definition: To engage in contemplation or reflection, often for relaxation or spiritual purposes.7.Journaling (寫日記)Definition: The practice of keeping a regular record of thoughts, experiences, or reflections in a journal.8. Self-worth (自我價值)Definition: The sense of one's own value or worth as a person.9. Confidence (自信)Definition: The feeling or belief that one can rely on oneself and one's abilities.10.Grateful (感激的)Definition: Feeling or showing appreciation and thankfulness for something.
11/27/202320 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

1555 你最喜欢感受什么样的情绪?

现在你可以到 Fly with Lily 网站免费参与我们的30日赢得早起挑战!Day 11: What is your favourite emotion to feel?第十一天:你最喜欢感受什么样的情绪?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I am your new friend, Bibiana Ford. My business name is called True Amor. Originally from the beautiful island of St. Lucia, I am currently living in London, England, because my mom wanted a better life for me and my siblings. I am a healing coach who helps women to fall in love with themselves wholeheartedly so that they can live and lead their best life from a place of true love. In my free time, I enjoy reading books on healing mindset and transformation. I do enjoy going on solo walks and giving quality time to my loved ones. My dream is to help as much(many) people to heal from past pain and to step into their beautiful self by giving themselves permission to fall in love with themselves wholeheartedly. Today, I'll be answering a question posed by Lily. What is your favourite emotion to feel? That will be love because you can make peace with your past life, find courage to live and enjoy your present life and future. That's it. Thank you for listening.你好。你正在收听《学英语环游世界》。我是你的新朋友,Bibiana Ford。我的公司名字叫True Amor。我原籍圣卢西亚美丽的岛屿,目前居住在英格兰伦敦,因为我妈妈希望我和我的兄弟姐妹能过上更好的生活。我是一位療癒教练,帮助女性全心全意地爱上自己,以便她们可以从真爱的状态中过上并引领她们最美好的生活。在业余时间,我喜欢阅读有关治疗思维和转变的书籍。我喜欢独自散步,花时间陪伴我所爱的人。我的梦想是帮助尽可能多的人从过去的伤痛中康复,通过允许自己全心全意地爱上自己,迈向美好的自己。今天,我将回答莉莉提出的一个问题:你最喜欢感受的情绪是什么,那肯定是爱。因为你可以与过去和解,找到勇气过好现在的生活并享受未来。就是这样。感谢你的倾听。Bibiana Forde, founder of True Amore, helping women to fall in love with themselves so that they can live their best life and know that they are worthy of achieving whatever they want in their life单词记忆:1.wholeheartedly (全心全意)(adverb) With complete sincerity and commitment.2.healing coach (治疗教练)(noun) Someone who guides and supports individuals in their journey toward emotional and physical healing.3.mindset (心态)(noun) A set of attitudes or beliefs that shape one's behavior and thinking.4.transformation (转变)(noun) A profound change in form or appearance; a metamorphosis.5.solo (单独的)(adjective) Alone; without companions.6.wholeheartedly (全心全意)(adverb) With complete sincerity and commitment.7.permission (允许)(noun) Authorization or consent; the act of allowing.8.fall in love with oneself (爱上自己)(phrase) Developing a deep and positive connection with oneself.9.courage (勇气)(noun) The ability to confront fear or adversity with bravery.10.past pain (过去的痛苦)(phrase) Emotional distress or suffering experienced in the past.
11/26/202319 minutes, 28 seconds
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1554 你生命中的什么关系让你觉得最丰富?

Happy Thanksgiving! 感恩节快乐!现在就到 参加我们的30日挑战,让Lily做你一整年的生活、商业、和英语教练!Day 8: What relationships make your life feel rich and full?第八天:你生命中的什么关系让你觉得最丰富?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend Mish, originally from Johannesburg, South Africa, and I'm currently on the Spanish island of Ibiza because this is where I work with some of my clients. By profession, I'm an energy coach, and in my free time, I love hanging out with friends, traveling, seeing new places, and keeping fit through a gym regime or hiking. My dream is to help as many people raise their vibration through exposure to my work so they can move out of a life of chaos and into a life of synchronicity. Today, I'll be answering the question posed by Lily: what relationships make you feel rich and full? Well, that was pretty easy for me. It's the relationship I have with myself because by focusing on the ways that I can evolve as a person, that I am specifically looking at how to raise my vibration, I get to create and live the life I've always wanted. So that's it, really. Thanks so much for listening, and I'm sending you many good vibes.你好。你正在收听《学英语环游世界》。我是你的新朋友Mish,原籍南非约翰内斯堡,目前在西班牙的伊比沙岛工作。我的职业是一名能量教练,在业余时间,我喜欢与朋友一起度过时间,旅行,探索新地方,并通过健身或徒步保持健康。我的梦想是通过我的工作帮助尽可能多的人提升他们的能量频率,使他们摆脱混乱的生活,过上一种同步的生活。今天,我将回答莉莉提出的一个问题:什么样的关系让你感到充实和富有?嗯,这对我来说相当容易。那就是我与自己的关系,因为通过专注于我作为一个人可以如何进化,我特别关注如何提升我的能量频率,我得以创造并过上我一直想要的生活。就是这样,非常感谢你的聆听,我送给你许多好的能量。单词记忆:1.Vibration (振动) - 快速的粒子或波的振动。2.Synchronicity (同步性) - 事件同时发生,看似有关联但无明显因果关系。3.Regime (体制) - 做某事的系统化或有组织的模式。4.Evolve (进化) - 逐渐发展,特别是从简单到复杂的形式。5.Exposure (曝露) - 暴露于与某物接触的状态。6.Chaos (混乱) - 完全的无秩序和混乱。7.Relationship (关系) - 两个或更多人或事物之间的联系方式,或相互联系的状态。8.Profession (职业) - 有薪的职业,尤其是涉及长时间培训和正式资格的一种。9.Hiking (徒步旅行) - 进行长时间步行的活动,尤其是穿越乡村地区。10.Johannesburg (约翰内斯堡) - 南非的一个城市。Mish 的簡介:Michelle Cachucho - Energy Coach & Integrator.Website - www.riseupin.loveInsta - @rise.upinlove
11/23/202316 minutes, 35 seconds
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1553 今天的你很感谢过去冒过什么险?|感恩日记挑战开始啦!

Happy Thanksgiving! 感恩节快乐!现在就到 参加我们的30日挑战,让Lily做你一整年的生活、商业、和英语教练!Day 5: What risk are you most grateful for having taken?第五天:过去有做过什么樣冒险的事讓今天的你很感谢有付诸行动?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend, Andres. I'm from Colombia. I'm in Bucaramanga now because that's where I live. I'm a Spanish teacher, and in my free time, I love to play basketball. My dream is to travel the world and help others learn Spanish. Today I'm asked a question by Lily. The question is, what risk are you most grateful for having taken? I think that the risk that I took a couple of years ago when I was actually in high school, and I had to decide if I wanted to become, like, the class president, right? And at the time, I was a very shy person. And I remember a friend told me, hey, Andres, why don't you try to become class president? And I wanted to, so I ended up giving it a shot, and I ended up becoming class president, even though no one else ran with me, I ran by myself. And it was a really nice experience, because I had to speak in public, I had to speak to all the classrooms. I had to speak in front of the whole school, practically. And it really helped me break out of my shell. So I think that's the thing that I am most grateful for having taken is that risk. That's it. Thank you for listening.你好。你正在收听《学英语环游世界》。我是你的新朋友安德烈斯。我来自哥伦比亚,目前居住在布卡拉曼加。我是一名西班牙语老师,业余时间喜欢打篮球。我的梦想是环游世界并帮助其他人学习西班牙语。今天,莉莉提出了一个问题:你最感激自己曾经冒过的风险是什么?我回想起几年前在高中时曾经冒过的风险,那时我必须决定是否要竞选班级主席。当时,我是一个非常害羞的人。一个朋友建议我:“嘿,安德烈斯,为什么不试试成为班级主席呢?”我很感兴趣,于是我决定一试,尽管没有其他人和我一同竞选,我是唯一的候选人。结果证明这是一次宝贵的经历。我不得不在公共场合演讲,对所有教室发表讲话,甚至在整个学校面前演讲。尽管一开始很有挑战,但这是一段有意义的旅程,帮助我打破了自己的局限。因此,我最感激自己曾经冒险竞选班级主席。就是这样。谢谢你的倾听。
11/22/202314 minutes, 52 seconds
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1552 恭喜你赢得早起仪式|30日赢得早起|Day 30

“The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep.” – Rumi"晨风拥有要告诉你的秘密。不要再入睡。" — 鲁米标题:Winning Morning Routine|赢得早起仪式|Day 30这是第三十天“赢得早起”的任务信息:Congratulations on making it to Day 30 of winning your mornings! Today, you are going to put together everything you tried and enjoyed over the last 29 days, and turn it into a routine that resonates with your needs. Use the space below to build your official, custom morning routine—and feel free to change it up each day if you so choose.恭喜你完成了赢得早晨的30天旅程!今天,你将整合过去29天中尝试并喜欢的所有内容,并将其转化为适合你需要的仪式。在以下空间中建立你的自定义早晨例仪式,如果你愿意,可以每天进行更改。
11/22/202317 minutes, 8 seconds
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1551 对自己弹性些|30日赢得早起|Day29

“When I’m tempted to skip my morning routine or another form of self-care, I remind myself that I can better serve the people I love and the projects I care about when I start with me.” – Courtney Carver"当我想要跳过我的早晨仪式或其他形式的爱自己的活动时,我提醒自己,只有在我从自己做起时,我才能更好地为我所爱的人和我关心的项目服务。" — 科特尼·卡弗标题:Be flexible with yourself|对自己弹性些|Day 29这是第二十九天“赢得早起”的任务信息:As we approach the last day of this journey, I wanted to take a moment to encourage you if you are starting to feel overwhelmed. This workbook isn’t meant to be used as a way to turn your mornings into a chore list that you feel obligated to accomplish every single morning. Instead, use this as a way to build your perfect morning routine. If you don’t like one of the ideas, just don’t do it! This workbook is all about what you can do to make your mornings better—not worse.当我们接近这个旅程的最后一天时,我想花一点时间鼓励你,如果你开始感到不知所措。这本工作手册不是用来将你的早晨转化为你每天早上都必须完成的任务清单的方式。相反,将其用作建立你完美的早晨例行程序的一种方式。如果你不喜欢其中的一个想法,那就不要做!这本工作手册是关于你可以做什么来使你的早晨变得更好,而不是更糟。Review all the activities and exercises you've tried so far. Which did you like? 回顾迄今为止你尝试过的所有活动和练习。你喜欢哪些?Which didn't you like? 你不喜欢哪一个活动?Just because you like something does not necessarily mean you want to keep it due to various reasons. Which do you want to keep as part of your routine? 仅仅因为你喜欢某件事物并不一定意味着你想因为各种原因而将其保留。哪些活动你想要保留作为你例行程序的一部分?免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起俱乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
11/21/202317 minutes, 39 seconds
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1550 拥有一个每天都可以盼望的兴趣或活动|30日贏得早起|Day28

“I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world.” – E. B. White"早晨醒来,我总是在改善世界的欲望和享受世界的欲望之间徘徊。" — E. B.怀特标题: Have an activity/hobby to look forward to each day|拥有一个每天都可以盼望的兴趣或活动|Day 28这是第二十八天“赢得早起”的任务信息:No matter how many great things you do every morning, it can still be overwhelming to know that the rest of your day will be full of important things that you have to do. Having an activity or hobby to look forward to each day can help you stay motivated, and even inspire you to get all your responsibilities finished early! Knowing that you will be able to: do something fun at the end of your day can be a huge boost to your morale in the mornings.无论你每天早上做多少出色的事情,都可能感到不知所措,因为你知道一天的其余时间将充满你必须完成的重要事情。每天都有一个期待的活动或爱好可以帮助你保持动力,甚至激发你提前完成所有责任的动力!知道你将能够在一天结束时做一些有趣的事情可能会大大提高你早上的士气。What are some things you enjoy doing but stopped? 有哪些事是你曾喜欢作但停止的?What are some hobbies you think would be interesting to try? 有哪些爱好是你觉得可以尝试的?
11/20/202319 minutes, 59 seconds
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1549 保持工作区的清洁|30日赢得早起|Day 27

“I like my coffee black and my mornings bright.” – Terri Guillemets"我喜欢喝黑咖啡,也喜欢明亮的清晨。" — 特里·吉列梅特标题:Keep a Neat Workspace|保持工作区的清洁|Day 27这是第二十七天“赢得早起”的任务信息:Whatever you do for work, there is a space where it happens; and this space can become very cluttered over time. This clutter can slow you down as you try to get your day started, and make it much more difficult to accomplish the tasks you need to. However, by taking the time to straighten up every day, you can show up for work knowing that you have set yourself up for success instead of stress. Below, create a checklist of things to run through each day before leaving your office and make this your routine.不论你从事什么工作,都会有一个发生工作的地方;而这个地方随着时间的推移可能变得非常混乱。这种混乱可能会在你试图开始一天的工作时使您变得缓慢,并且使你更难完成所需的任务。然而,只要每天花点时间整理一下,你就可以准备好投入工作,知道自己已经为成功而不是压力做好了准备。在下面,创建一个每天在离开办公室之前需要检查的事项清单,并将其纳入你的例行程序中。例如:Define tomorrow's focus 想好明天工作需要专注的主题、List your smaller to dos for tomorrow 列出明天较小的必做清单、Note tomorrow's appointments 纪录明天的会议、Clear the desk 整理书桌、Open/Sort mail 打开/整理邮件、Empty your inbox 清空邮箱免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起俱乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
11/16/202312 minutes, 50 seconds
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1548 即使在家上班也准备好|30日贏得早起|Day 26

"Whether the day is for writing, designing, or painting, the consistent practice of a morning routine is the doorway into it all." – Elle Luna"无论这一天是用来写作、设计还是绘画,每天早上持之以恒的例行程序的是通向一切的大门。" — 艾莉·露娜标题:Prepare for the Day if you work from home|即使在家上班也准备好|Day 26这是第二十六天“赢得早起”的任务信息:Most people would probably enjoy the idea of not having to “get ready” every morning. However, even if you work from home, changing your clothes and preparing for the day in a more formal way can help you feel better and more motivated to tackle the day ahead. This routine of getting ready will look different for everyone based on the nature of your work, but having a little list of things you do to get ready is another way to win your mornings back. Create a “get ready“ routine for yourself.大多数人可能都喜欢不必每天早上都"准备好"的想法。然而,即使你在家工作,更正式地更换衣服和准备一天的方式可以帮助你感觉更好,更有动力应对前面的一天。根据你工作的性质,准备工作的例行程序对每个人都会有所不同,但拥有一个小清单,列出你准备工作时要做的事情,是赢得早晨的另一种方式。为自己创建一个"准备好"的例行程序。例如:Shower 洗澡、Get Dressed 穿衣服、Makeup/Shave 化妆或刮胡子、Hair 整理头发、Brush Teeth 刷牙冰島歌單播放列表:免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起俱乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
11/15/202311 minutes, 52 seconds
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1547 去户外走走|30日赢得早起|Day 25

加入福來宇宙的預售活動問卷:“When I’m just waking up I like to keep a space for my own thoughts and ideas. Checking my phone is not a priority of mine.” – Andre D. Wagner"当我刚刚醒来时,我喜欢为自己的思想和想法保留一些空间。检查手机不是我的首要任务。" — 安德烈·D·瓦格纳标题:Get out in Nature|去户外走走|Day 25这是第二十五天“赢得早起”的任务信息:Being out in nature every day can be a very healing experience, as well as helping you feel more refreshed for the day ahead. Even if you don't live in a place with lots of nature, even going for a walk outside for fresh air can greatly improve your mornings, mood, and even overall health. You can even incorporate nature time with other parts of your morning routine like reading. Try some ways below that you can include nature time into your mornings, add your own ideas and check them off as you try them.每天在大自然中度过时间可以是一种非常治愈的体验,同时有助于让你为前一天感到更加恢复活力。即使你不住在有很多大自然的地方,甚至只是外出散步呼吸新鲜空气也可以极大改善你的早晨、情绪,甚至总体健康。你甚至可以将大自然时间与早晨例行事项的其他部分结合在一起,比如阅读。尝试以下一些方式,将大自然时间纳入你的早晨,添加你自己的想法,并在尝试后将它们勾选掉。免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起俱乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
11/14/202316 minutes, 26 seconds
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1546 七个帮助训练创意和智力的解谜游戏|30日赢得早起|Day24

福来宇宙预购参与问卷调查:"These morning practices are what fuel me; keeping my routine is not about willpower." – Jenny Blake"这些早晨的练习是我充满动力的源泉;保持我的例行程序不是靠意志力。" — 珍妮·布雷克标题:Do a Puzzle|玩解谜游戏|Day 24这是第二十四天“赢得早起”的任务信息:Puzzles are a great way to get your brain thinking and productive in a fun way before the day's business gets started. In addition to improving your days, doing puzzles can also make your brain healthier, make you a better problem solver, and make your memory more reliable. Try one or several of these options below for about 10 minutes a day. Add your own to try.解谜游戏是在一天的工作开始之前以一种有趣的方式启动你的大脑思维并让你变得更有生产力的好方法。除了改善你的日常生活外,做解谜游戏还可以使你的大脑更加健康,让你成为更好的问题解决者,并使你的记忆更可靠。每天尝试以下一个或几个选项,大约花费10分钟的时间。你也可以添加自己想尝试的选项。单词记忆:1.Fuel 给我能量2.Willpower 意志力3.Productive 有生产力的4.Reliable 可信赖的一些受欢迎的解谜游戏如下:数读sudoku、拼字游戏Crosswords、积木Jigsaw、文字游戏Word game、找字Word finder、找碴Spot the difference、谜语Riddles1.数读Sudoku(数独):这是一个数字谜题游戏,目标是在9x9的方格内填入数字,使得每一行、每一列和每一个3x3的小方格内的数字都不重复。2.拼字游戏Crosswords(填字游戏):这是一种文字游戏,通常在一个方格内填入单词,横向和纵向的单词交叉形成一个网格。每个空格都对应一个字母,目标是根据提示找到正确的单词。3.积木Jigsaw(拼图游戏):这是一种拼图游戏,将碎片拼凑在一起形成完整的图案。积木拼图可以有不同的难度和主题,从简单的图案到复杂的艺术品。4.文字游戏Word Game(文字游戏):这是一个广泛的类别,可能包括多种文字相关的游戏,例如文字连连看、文字接龙等,目标通常是根据一些规则和条件,将文字匹配或连接在一起。5.找字Word Finder(找字游戏):这是一个通常用于寻找特定字词或单词的游戏或工具。你会获得一些字母和一个目标单词,你需要找到所有可能的组合。6.找碴Spot the Difference(寻找不同):这种游戏展示两个相似的图像,你的任务是找到它们之间的差异。这可以是色彩、形状、尺寸等方面的微小变化。7.谜语Riddles:这是一种文字游戏,提供一些描述性的信息,而你需要根据这些信息猜测或解答出与之相关的词语或情景。这是一种挑战思维和创造力的游戏。免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起俱乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
11/13/202316 minutes, 31 seconds
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1545 读有启发的书籍和文章|30日赢得早起|Day 23

参与福来宇宙的预售问卷调查:"Your first ritual that you do during the day is the highest leveraged ritual, by far, because it has the effect of setting your mind, and setting the context, for the rest of your day." – Eben Pagan"你在一天中首先做的仪式是远远具有最高杠杆作用的仪式,因为它对于准备好你的心态,对你接下来的一天过的好与不好都具有影响。" — 埃本·佩恩标题:Read something inspiring|读有启发的书籍和文章|Day 23这是第二十三天“赢得早起”的任务信息:Just like what we listen to, what we read consistently can have a huge impact on our days and overall life. For example, if you are always reading upsetting news stories, it will become harder to see the good that happens—or could happen—in the world around you. However, by being more mindful about your reading habits, you can help make your mornings better, as well as your days in general. Make a list of the things to prepare for 10-15 minutes each morning.就像我们听的内容一样,我们持续阅读的内容也可以对我们的一天和整个生活产生巨大影响。例如,如果你总是阅读令人不悦的新闻故事,那么就会更难看到周围世界中发生的好事情,或者可能会发生的好事情。然而,通过更加注意你的阅读习惯,你可以帮助让你的早晨变得更美好,以及你的日常生活。列出每天早上准备10-15分钟的阅读内容清单。单词记忆:1.Ritual 仪式2.Context 内容3.Consistently 持续地4.Impact 影响、冲击5.Mindful 留意免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起俱乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
11/12/202320 minutes, 30 seconds
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1544 听一些积极正面的播客和有声书|30日赢得早起|Day 22

“I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening.” – Larry King"我每天早上提醒自己:在这一天,我不会因我所说的任何话学到东西。所以,如果我要学到东西,必须通过倾听来实现。" — 拉里·金标题:Listen to Something Positive |听一些积极正面的播客和有声书|Day 22这是第二十二天“赢得早起”的任务信息:What we listen to has an impact on how we feel. If you are listening to things that consistently create negative feelings, you're going to be much more sensitive to situations that could be stressful. However, by starting your day with some positive listening, you are essentially building a foundation of positive thoughts and emotions that will help you be better equipped to deal with problems as they arise. Use the space below to come up with some ideas of what to listen to that makes you feel positive.我们听的内容会影响我们的情绪。如果你一直在听那些让你产生负面情感的内容,那么你对可能会带来压力的情况会更加敏感。然而,通过聆听一些积极的播客或有声书来开始你的一天,实际上你就是正在建立积极思维和情感的基础,这将会帮助你更好地应对问题的出现。使用以下空间来想出一些使你感到积极的音乐/播客和有声书的想法。免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起俱乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
11/9/202315 minutes, 25 seconds
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1543 打造愿景板|30日赢得早起|Day 21

I put my phone as far across the room as possible the night before to force me out of bed when the alarm goes off.” – Josh Gross "我把我的手机放在房间尽可能远的地方,这样当闹铃响起时,我就会被迫起床。" — 乔许·格罗斯标题:Create or Add Something to Your Vision Board |在你的愿景版上创造或增加东西|Day 21这是第二十一天“赢得早起”的任务信息:A vision board is a great way to keep yourself inspired and motivated to start each day on a positive note. If you aren’t familiar with what a vision board is, think of it as goal setting in a tangible way. Rather than having all your dreams and goals just in your head, you can use a vision board to actually bring them to life and create a way to keep yourself focused on them. Starting your day with a vision board addition can help you stay the course towards all the things you want to accomplish. Create a mini vision board below.愿景板(Vision board)是一种保持自己受到激励和积极开始每一天的好方法。如果你不熟悉愿景板是什么,可以将其视为以有形方式设定目标。与将所有的梦想和目标都存在脑海中不同,你可以使用画板来实际将它们呈现出来,并创建一种让自己集中注意力的方式。以画板的方式开始您的一天可以帮助你坚定前行,朝着您想要实现的一切事物迈进。在下面创建一个迷你画板。免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起俱乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
11/8/202312 minutes, 24 seconds
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1542 为每日任务排优先顺序|30日赢得早起|Day 20

"Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." - Benjamin Franklin(早睡早起使人健康、富有和聪明。 - 本杰明·富兰克林)标题:Prioritize Daily Tasks |为每日任务排优先顺序|Day 20这是第二十天“赢得早起”的任务信息:It can be easy to become immediately overwhelmed by everything you know you have to do every day. This overwhelmed feeling can make it much harder to get your day started, but there is something you can do to help yourself! Rather than trying to do it all in a haphazard way, you can just take a few minutes to create an organized, prioritized list of all the tasks you have to complete. This gives you the opportunity to think about what is most important to accomplish, as well as show you how long each task may take. Use the space below to create this list, and reuse it as much as you like.每天都知道自己必须做的事情可能会让你立刻感到不知所措。这种不知所措的感觉可能会使你更难开始一天,但有一些方法可以帮助你!与试图以一种无计划的方式完成所有事情不同,你可以花几分钟的时间创建一个有组织、有优先顺序的任务清单。这让你有机会思考哪些事情最重要,以及每个任务可能需要多长时间。使用以下空间创建这个清单,并根据需要多次使用它。Write everything you need to accomplish. 写下你所有要完成的事Look over your list and choose just 3 things you must accomplish today and schedule an hour for each on your calendar.检查你的清单,选择今天必须完成的3件事情,然后在你的行事历上为每件事安排一个小时的时间。免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起俱乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
11/8/202314 minutes, 26 seconds
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1541 吃你的维他命(维生素)|30日赢得早起|Day19

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined." — Henry David Thoreau"充满信心地走向你的梦想之路!过上你所想像的生活。" — 亨利·大卫·梭罗标题:Take your vitamins |吃你的维他命|Day 19这是第十九天“赢得早起”的任务信息:Most of the time, what we eat might not be providing all the nutrients we need for our body to sleep well at night and be ready for mornings. This is where vitamins can come in handy to fill in the gaps. Of course, you never want to start taking supplements or new vitamins before speaking to your doctor, so make sure you discuss what nutrients you need more of and how much. Use the space below to make notes about your doctor recommended supplements so that you are getting all the nutrients you need.单词记忆:Supplements 补给品、nutrients 营养素大多数情况下,我们的饮食可能无法提供我们的身体所需的所有营养,以便晚上睡得好,早上精力充沛。这就是维生素可以派上用场,以填补不足之处。当然,你永远不应该在未与医生谘询之前开始服用补品或新的维生素,因此确保你讨论你需要更多哪些营养以及需要多少。请使用以下空间记录你医生建议的补品,以确保你获得所有所需的营养。免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起俱乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
11/7/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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1540 吃好吃的早餐|30日贏得早起|Day 18

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." — Dr. Seuss"你的脑袋在你的头上。你的脚在你的鞋子里。你可以决定自己的前进方向。" — 博士苏斯标题:Have a good breakfast |吃好吃的早餐|Day 18这是第十八天“赢得早起”的任务信息:It’s true that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so making sure that you have a good one is vital to winning your mornings. However, there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to a good breakfast. Everyone has different dietary needs. So make sure that you have a good grasp on what your body needs by speaking to your primary care doctor, a nutritionist, or using what you already know. Use the space below to come up with some healthy breakfast ideas that will be best for your body and your mornings.的确,早餐是一天中最重要的一餐,所以确保你吃一顿营养丰富的早餐对于赢得早晨至关重要。然而,对于良好早餐来说,并不存在"一种"的解答。每个人的膳食需求都不同。因此,确保你对自己的身体需求有良好的了解,可以通过与你的主治医生、营养师交谈,或利用你已经了解的知识来确定。请使用以下空间想出一些对你的身体和早晨最有益的健康早餐的想法。免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起俱乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
11/5/202320 minutes, 16 seconds
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1539 没事多喝水|赢得早起30日|Day 17

“I learned to love myself, because I sleep with myself every night and I wake up with myself every morning, and if I don’t like myself, there’s no reason to even live the life.” – Gabourey Sidibe"我学会了爱自己,因为每晚都和自己一起入睡,每天早上都与自己醒来,如果我不喜欢自己,就没有理由过这种生活。" — 加布瑞·席德贝标题:Hydrate|多喝水|Day 17Drinking enough water every day has a trickle effect that can impact how well you sleep as well as how good you feel in the mornings. This is why starting to hydrate for the day should begin as soon as you wake up each day. There is a lot of debate about how much you should drink a day. Whatever the number you land on, you don’t have to drink all of it as soon as you wake up, but getting started with a good portion of it can really help to kickstart your day. Use the space below to come up with a hydration plan that starts when you wake up, and finishes before you go to bed.每天喝足够的水都会产生连锁效应,可以影响你的睡眠质量以及早晨的身体状况。这就是为什么每天早上一醒来就应该开始补充水分。关于每天应该饮用多少水存在着很多争议。不论你选择多少,你不必在刚醒来时就全部喝掉,但开始时饮用其中的一部分可以帮助你迅速启动一天。请使用以下空间制定一个从早上开始、在晚上睡觉前完成的水分补充计划。免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起俱乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
11/2/202311 minutes, 46 seconds
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1538 要活就要动|30日赢得早起|Day 16

"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." — Abraham Lincoln"到头来,重要的不是你活的多久,而是这些年活得如何。。" — 亚伯拉罕·林肯标题:Exercise|运动|Day 16Like stretching, a quick little morning workout is a great way to get yourself fully awake and refresh your body from sleeping the night before. This doesn’t have to be an extreme workout if you don't want it to be, so don’t feel pressured to start going to 5am cross-fit classes—unless that’s your thing. A morning workout can be as simple as a short walk, or some equipment-free exercises; or you can go for a full, heavy workout if you want to. This is all about what would make your mornings better. Use the space below to come up with some morning exercises you would like to try then pick one you like best and stick with it.像伸展一样,一个简短的早晨运动是让自己完全清醒,并恢复身体在前一晚睡眠后的好方法。如果你不想要一个极端的运动,那么不必感到压力,让自己开始参加清晨5点的跨训练课程(cross-fit),除非你喜欢这样。早晨的运动可以是简单的短途步行,或者一些不需要设备的运动;或者你也可以进行完整的、重度的运动,如果你想的话。这一切都是为了让你的早晨变得更好。请使用以下空间想出一些你想尝试的早晨运动,然后选择你最喜欢的一个,并坚持下去。免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起俱乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
11/1/202313 minutes, 53 seconds
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1537 与爱的人联系|30日赢得早起 |Day 15

Being happy or sad, gloomy or excited, moody or stable … are options that are presented to you every morning. You just have to make the right choice." — Anonymous"每天早上,快乐或悲伤、阴沉或兴奋、x或稳定...都是向您呈现的选择。您只需做出正确的选择。" — 匿名标题:Connect with loved ones|与爱的人联系|Day 15Whether you live alone, with a significant other, with family, or with a pet, there are opportunities in the mornings to connect with loved ones. Having a support system that you can interact with in the mornings can help you feel more prepared to handle harder days-and even good days. Make an effort to talk to at least one person (or pet) that you care about every morning, and help create an atmosphere that makes mornings that much better. Below are some ideas to get you started but don't stop there. Add your own!无论你是独居、与伴侣、家人或宠物同住,早晨都有机会与亲人建立联系。在早晨与你的支持系统互动可以帮助你感到更有准备应对困难的日子,甚至是美好的日子。努力每天早晨与至少一个你关心的人(或宠物)交谈,帮助你创造一种让早晨变得更美好的氛围。以下是一些让你开始做这些事的想法,但不要仅限于此。可以添加自己的想法!1.Call _____ 打电话给___2.Write ____ 写信/讯息给3.Send a card to ____ 给___寄张卡片4.Send a birthday card to _____ 送张生日卡给____5.Email _______ Email 给_______6.Bake cookies for ______ 烤饼干给____7.Make craft for ______ 为_____做手工8.Buy a small gift for ______ 给_____买小礼物免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起具乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
10/31/202313 minutes, 54 seconds
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1536 整理床铺|30日赢得早起|Day 14

“The morning is good because we remember that no matter what went wrong the previous days, we just got a perfect opportunity to rewrite history and do better.”"早晨是美好的,因为我们记得,无论之前的日子出现了什么问题,我们现在拥有完美的机会来重新书写历史,变得更好。"标题:Make your bed|整理床铺|Day 14Making your bed every morning is a great way to accomplish something small to start your day off on a successful note. However, if making your bed isn’t something that appeals to you, you can decide to do something different like working on something creative, or watering houseplants. Whatever it may be, doing a simple task each morning can help you feel more ready to have a productive and lively day. Use the space below to come up with some ideas that you would like to try to achieve in the mornings.每天早上整理床铺是开始一天成功的好方法,完成一些小事情。然而,如果整理床铺对您来说不吸引人,你可以选择做一些不同的事情,比如进行创作工作,或浇水给室内植物。无论是什么,每天早上完成一个简单的任务可以帮助你感到更准备好迎接一个充实而充满活力的一天。请使用以下空间来想出一些你想在早晨尝试实现的想法。免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起具乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
10/30/202314 minutes, 16 seconds
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1535 对自己说肯定句|30日赢得早起|Day 13

“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning." — Meister Eckhart"每天早上都成为一个初学者。"标题:Say Affirmation to Yourself|对自己说肯定句|Day 13第十三天赢得早起的信息If a gratitude list is something that doesn’t resonate with you every day, you can also try self affirmations to get your mind in a good place to start your days. Our words and how we speak to ourselves has a much bigger impact than we usually realize. So by practicing affirmations each day, not only are you making your mornings better, but you are also making yourself better in the long run. Use the space below to come up with some affirmations that you need/want to hear every morning.如果每天的感恩清单对你来说不太适合,你也可以尝试自我肯定的方式,以让你的思维处于一个良好的状态,迎接新的一天。我们的言语和我们对自己的对话比我们通常意识到的影响更大。因此,通过每天练习肯定自己,你不仅可以让早晨变得更美好,而且还可以在长远中让自己变得更好。请使用以下空间来想出你每天早上需要或希望听到的一些肯定语句。参考Louise Hay肯定句:"I am open to the wisdom within me."(我愿意接纳我内心的智慧。)"I trust the process of life."(我相信生命的过程。)"I am in the perfect place at the perfect time, doing the perfect thing."(我正处于完美的地方,完美的时机,做着完美的事情。)"I am willing to change and grow."(我愿意改变和成长。)"I forgive myself and set myself free."(我原谅自己,释放自己。)"I love and accept myself exactly as I am."(我爱并接受自己,就是现在的我。)"I am safe, and all is well in my world."(我的世界是安全的,一切都很好。)免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起具乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
10/29/202313 minutes, 20 seconds
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1534 开始一个感恩列表|30日赢得早起挑战|Day 12

“Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who do not.” — Christy Chung"生命太短,不要早上醒来感到后悔/遗憾。所以,爱那些对你好的人,忘记那些不对你好的人。" 标题:Start a Gratitude List|开始一个感恩的列表|Day 12第十二天赢得早起的信息One of the most important ways to make your mornings better is to start them off with the right mindset. A great way to do this is to think of things that you are grateful for each day when you first wake up. However, this doesn’t have to be a chore where you feel like you have to come up with 20 things to be thankful for every morning. You can choose to write down as few or as many things as you want for this morning routine. It's all about what makes you feel like you are winning your mornings. One of the easiest ways to start a gratitude list is to just keep adding to the same one each day. This way, not only can you be inspired by the things you already wrote down, but you can keep that momentum going as you add to it. Use the space below to start a list of things you can be grateful for every day:让早晨变得更美好的其中一个最重要的方法是以正确的心态开始它们。一个很好的方法是在你刚醒来时思考每天你感到感激的事情。然而,这不必成为一个负担,让你觉得你每天早上都必须找出20个值得感激的事情。对于这个早晨的习惯,你可以选择写下您想要的少量或大量的事情。重要的是要让你感觉自己正在赢得早晨。开始感恩清单的最简单方法之一是每天都继续添加到同一个清单中。这样,你不仅可以受到你已经写下的事情的启发,还可以在持续添加新事物时保持动力。请使用以下空间开始一个你每天都可以感恩的事物清单。I’m grateful for my healthy body.我感恩有健康的身体 2. I’m grateful for a job I love. 我感恩有一份热爱的工作3. I’m grateful for having a female community that supports me. 我感恩有一个支持我的女性社群4. I’m grateful for having some good friends. 我感恩有一些好朋友5.  I’m grateful for the freedom to travel the world. 感恩有行走世界的自由6. I’m grateful for the convenience of the internet to help me connect with the world. 感恩网际网络的便利。免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起具乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
10/27/202316 minutes, 27 seconds
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1533 伸展|30日贏得早起挑戰|Day 11

、“If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.” — J.M. Power 如果你想要让你的梦想成真的话,那么第一件事就是要醒来。标题:伸展 Stretch第十一天赢得早起的信息Stretching when you wake up in the morning is an easy way to help wake yourself up, get your blood pumping, and relax any muscles that have been tense at all while you sleep. It also gives your mind something simple to think about and do as you prepare for your incoming day. Depending on your body's needs, or limitations you may have, stretching could be different for you than others, so use the space below to come up with how you would like to accomplish a full body stretch each morning.早上醒来时进行伸展是一种简单的方式,有助于唤醒身体,促进血液循环,并放松在睡觉时可能紧张的肌肉。这也让你的思绪有简单的事情可以思考和做,当你为新的一天做准备时。根据你的身体需求或可能的限制,伸展对你来说可能与其他人不同,所以请使用以下空间来想出你想如何在每天早上进行全身伸展。可以做伸展的部位如下:Neck 脖子Hands 手Back 背Legs 腿Arms 手臂Feet 脚单词记忆:1. Stretch2. Muscles 肌肉3. Tense 紧张4. Depend on 根据5. Limitation 限制免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起具乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站
10/25/202316 minutes, 16 seconds
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1532 让光照进来|30日赢得早起挑战|Day 10

标题:Day 10|让光照进来 Let the light in“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” — Buddha每一天早晨我们就重生了,我们今天做的才是最关紧要的。这是第十天“赢得早起”的任务信息:Depending on when you wake up, the sun may or may not be fully up. However, our natural sleep pattern—or circadian rhythm—is very influenced by how much light is visible when we wake up. For example, if you have blackout curtains, your brain will think that it's not time to wake up yet, and you will feel groggy for longer. On the flip side, if you create a way to let some light in when you first wake up, you will find it easier to get your day started. Use the space below to come up with some ways that you can let the light in in the mornings, to help yourself wake up feeling more ready to start the day.根据你醒来的时间,太阳可能已经升起,也可能还未完全升起。然而,我们的自然睡眠模式,或称生理时钟,受到当我们醒来时可见多少光线的影响很大。例如,如果你使用遮光窗帘,你的大脑会认为还不是起床的时间,你会感到昏昏欲睡更长时间。反之,如果你创造了一种在早晨醒来时让一些光线进入的方式,你将会更容易开始新的一天。请使用以下空间来想出一些方法,以便你可以在早晨让光线进入,帮助自己更容易醒来,准备好迎接新的一天。What can you do to let more light in when it's time to wake up? 你可以做些什么事让你醒来就看到光呢?单词记忆:1. Sleep pattern 睡眠的脉络2. Circadian rhythm 胜利始终3. Groggy 昏昏欲睡4. On the flip side 反之免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起具乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站
10/23/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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10/23/202318 minutes, 4 seconds
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1531 设定闹钟|30日赢得早起挑战|Day 9

標題:Day 9|設定鬧鐘 Set an alarm“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” — Eleanor Roosevelt新的一天代表着新的力量和想法的到来。这是第九天“赢得早起”的任务信息:Alarms are a very common part of waking up in the morning, but it’s important to usethe right type of alarm that will actually wake you up. If you're a snoozer, make sure you take that into account when setting your alarms so that you aren't running late as soon as you're out of bed. On the other hand, if you are a light sleeper, you probably don't need an alarm that sounds like a siren that startles you awake. Use the space below to come up with some better alarm ideas if you need them, and what times you should be setting them for each day.闹钟是晨唤的一个非常常见的工具,但重要的是要使用合适的闹钟,它能够真正叫醒您。如果你习惯拖延时间,请确保在设置闹钟时考虑到这一点,以免一离床就已经晚了。另一方面,如果你是一个浅睡者,你可能不需要一个像警报声一样让你惊醒的闹钟。请使用以下空间,想出一些更好的使用闹钟的方法,以及你每天应该如何设置它们的时间。How will you celebrate when you complete all 7 days in a row? 当你完成了连续七天的挑战,你有什么感觉呢?单词记忆:1. Alarm 闹钟2. Snoozer 贪睡的人3. Siren 警报4. Startle 惊醒免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起具乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站
10/22/202313 minutes, 6 seconds
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1530 远离电子设备|30日赢得早起挑战|Day 8

标题:Day 8|远离电子设备 Unplug“Every morning starts a new page in your story. Make it a great one today.” — Doe Zantamata每一个早晨都会在你的故事展开新的一页,让它变成最棒的一页。Our smartphones and other devices can often begin to take over our morning and night routines. However, it can be a great idea to start having a set time where you "unplug" from these devices and give your brain a rest. Not only can this help you sleep better for the next day, but it can also improve your mornings. Use the space below to come up with times for each day that you can start to unplug and set your mornings up for success.我们的智能手机和其他设备往往会开始占据我们的早晨和晚间日常生活。然而,定期设定一个时间段,让你从这些设备中“解脱”并让大脑休息,这是一个很好的主意。这不仅可以帮助你更好地入睡,迎接新的一天,还可以改善你的早晨。请使用以下空间来为每天设定一个可以开始断开连接并为早晨成功做准备的时间。How do you feel about unplugging? Write any thoughts you have and the results of your actions. 对于断开连结,你有什么感受吗?写下你的感觉!1.smartphone 智能手机2.take over 占据3. Brain 脑袋4. Unplug 断开免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起具乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站
10/19/202310 minutes, 28 seconds
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1529 为好的睡眠创造更好的空间|30日赢得早起|Day7

标题:Day7|为好的睡眠创造更好的空间 Create Space for Your Better Sleep“The most important thing I do each morning is steady myself by not allowing a sense of urgency to penetrate.” — Matthew Weatherley-White每个早晨我做的最重要的事就是不让紧急感去影响我。这是第七天“赢得早起”的任务信息:Another way to help yourself get a better sleep, and be better prepared for the mornings is to create a space that's all about sleep. If you need total silence and complete darkness, consider blackout curtains and ear plugs. If you like background noise and a little night light, find a playlist or show that is easy to sleep to. Everyone has their own way of getting the best sleep possible, so take some time to tum your bedroom into a place where it can happen easily. Use the space below to brainstorm how you can transform your space if needed.帮助自己获得更好的睡眠,并为早晨做好充分的准备的另一种方法是创建一个专门用于睡眠的空间。如果你需要完全的寂静和漆黑,考虑使用遮光窗帘和耳塞。如果你喜欢背景噪音和一点夜灯,找一个容易入睡的播放列表或节目。每个人都有自己获得最佳睡眠的方式,因此花些时间将您的卧室变成一个可以轻松入睡的地方。使用下面的空间来思考,如果需要的话,你可以如何改造你的空间。Bed 床:Light 光:Sound 声音:Smell 气味单词记忆:1.Penetrate 刺穿2.Silence 寂静3.Blackout 全黑4.Ear plugs 耳塞5.Brainstorm 脑力激荡6.Transform 转变免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起具乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站
10/18/202313 minutes, 39 seconds
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10/16/202310 minutes, 6 seconds
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1528 睡前写日记|Day 6|30日赢得早起挑战

“Every morning is a reminder to let go of the past and embrace the present.” — Tonmoy Acharjee每一个早晨都是放掉过去和拥抱现在的提醒标题:Day 6|睡前写日记 Journal before bed这是第六天“赢得早起”的任务信息:It can be hard to get a good night's sleep if you have a lot on your mind from the day before. However, a great way to process all these thoughts and/or worries is to journal about them before bed. This way, you can get a better sleep, and be much more refreshed in the morning. Use the exploration questions below to start your nightly journaling, so that you can make your mornings a little brighter.如果你有很多来自前一天的烦恼或思绪,那么要获得一个良好的夜间睡眠可能会很困难。然而,一个很好的处理这些思绪和烦恼的方法是在睡前写日记。这样,你可以获得更好的睡眠,早上感到更加精神饱满。请使用探索问题开始你的夜间日记,以使你的早晨变得更加明亮。Is anything bothering you today? 今天有哪些事在干扰你?Is this something that you can control? 有哪些事是你能控制的?If it is, what can you do to fix it? 如果可以,你可以做些什么?If it's not, kindly talk yourself into letting it go as if you were counseling a good friend without being critical about yourself. 如果不能做什么,试着用好朋友的温暖不批判口气告诉自己要放下。What are some things you want to get off your chest/vent about? 有没有哪些事,是你想要抱怨下或吐下苦水的?1.process 处理2.bother 干扰3.Counsel 谘询4.Critical 苛刻的免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起具乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站
10/15/202314 minutes, 39 seconds
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1527 拥有一个晚间仪式很重要|Day 5|30日赢得早起挑战

"One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now." — Paulo Coelho有一天你会醒来然后发现你没有更多的时间去做你一直想做的事。现在就去做。标题:Day 5|晚间仪式 Nighttime routine for better mornings这是第五天“赢得早起”的任务信息:Many times, it's best to actually “start” your morning routine the night before. You can do this by laying out your clothes, setting up a timer for your coffee maker, food prepping your breakfast, etc. Any small things you can do to save yourself time in the mornings can be the difference between a stressful or great morning. Use the space below to come up with a nightly routine that sets your mornings up for success.许多时候,实际上是在前一天晚上开始你的早晨日常生活最佳的方法。你可以通过准备好您的衣物、设置咖啡机的计时器、预备早餐等方式来实现这一点。你可以做的任何小事情,都可以帮助你在早晨节省时间,这可能会使你的早晨有压力或愉快之别。请使用以下空间来设计一个每晚的日常生活,以确保你的早晨顺利进行。Prep 准备Stressful 有压力的Lay out 拿出来平放免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起具乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站
10/12/202311 minutes, 55 seconds
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1526 清理空间就是整理自己|Day 4|30日赢得早起挑战

标题:Day 4|清理 Clean up“Eating right and taking the time to slow down and plan in the morning is crucial to a productive day.” — David Moore 好好地吃饭还有花一点时间慢下来在早晨中计划事有效率一天的关键。这是第四天“赢得早起”的任务信息:A clean and organized environment can be a huge stress and time saver in the mornings. However, don't feel like you have to make your housework like a magazine. Organization styles are different for everyone, so make sure that you are creating a space that makes sense to YOU. Making time to clean up every day can save you from not being able to find important items, tripping on things left out, and many more little things that can put a damper on your mornings. Below, let's start with the most logical spaces to win your mornings. Consider the spaces below that you might visit each morning. Organize these spaces for maximum efficiency to start your day.一个清洁有序的环境在早晨可以节省大量的压力和时间。然而,不必让你的家居像杂志一样整洁。每个人的组织风格都不同,因此确保你正在创建一个对你来说有意义的空间。每天花时间清理可以帮助你避免找不到重要物品、绊倒在落在外面的东西上,以及其他可能影响早晨心情的小事情。以下是让你赢得早起的空间列表,请考虑整理和清理这些空间,以最大效益来开始你的一天。单词记忆:1.Organized 有序的2.Tripping on 在...被绊倒3.Damper 使人扫兴的事4.Logical 有逻辑的5.Maximum 最大效益的免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起具乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站
10/11/202314 minutes, 42 seconds
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1525 练习自我关怀 | Day3 | 30日赢得早起挑战

“When you do something beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle, and yet most of the audience still sleeps.” — John Lennon当你做一件美丽的事然而没人发觉,不要伤心,因为每个早晨太阳升起都是好美丽的景象,然而大部分的观众仍然在睡觉。这是第三天“赢得早起”的任务信息:Another way to get better mornings is to make sure you're taking good care of yourself. Part of this is practicing self care regularly. You can do this however you want, but make sure that it's always something that you enjoy- self care shouldn't feel like a chore. When you feel like you're taken care of and feeling your best, starting your days on a positive note every morning will be much easier. Come up with a list of self care practices that you love, and what the best times are to do them.要让早晨变得更美好的另一种方法是确保好好照顾自己。其中一部分是定期实践自我关怀。你可以以任何你喜欢的方式来做,但确保它总是让你愉快的事情 - 自我关怀不应该感觉像一个琐事。当你感到受到照顾并且感觉最佳时,每天早上以积极的心情开始将变得更容易。列出你喜爱的自我关怀做法,以及最适合进行它们的时间。For example:Sit quietly at a park and watch people or nature 静静地坐在公园里然后观察人们或自然Journal on a piece of paper 在纸上面写日记Resist pulling out your phone when bored 避免在无聊的时候拿出手机单词记忆:1.Self-care 自我关怀/自爱2.Chore 琐事3.Practice 练习4.Journal 写日记5.Resist 抵抗6.Pull out 拿出免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起具乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站
10/10/202315 minutes, 12 seconds
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1524 让每个日子都算数|30日赢得早起挑战|Day 2

“Don’t count the days. Make the days count.” — Muhammad Ali不要数日子,而是让每个日子都算数!今天Day 2的信息:Setting a schedule can do wonders for your morning routine. When you have a standard time/way of working through your mornings, you will find it easier to follow through with everything you need/want to do. Having a schedule can prevent stress, and make frazzled, rushed mornings a thing of the past. Use the questions below to come up with a basic morning time schedule so that you know exactly how much time you have to get your day started.制定一份日程表对于你的早晨日常生活有着神奇的作用。当你在早晨拥有一个固定的工作时间和方式时,你会发现更容易完成所有你需要或想要做的事情。制定一份日程表可以避免压力,使紧张匆忙的早晨成为过去。请使用以下的问题来制定一份基本的早晨时间日程表,以便你确切知道你有多少时间来开始你的一天。When do you want to get up? What time is breakfast? What time will you get dressed? 你想要几点起床?几点吃早餐?几点准备着装完毕呢?单词记忆1.Count 算数/数2.Schedule 行程3.Prevent 防止4.Stress 压力|Stressed 有压力的 Desserts 甜点(压力倒过来就是甜点啦)****免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战微信公众号:Englishfit)申请加入迷你退休营早起具乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站
10/9/202315 minutes, 13 seconds
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1523 设下你早起的目标|30日赢得早起挑战开始啦!

“Every morning, I wake up saying, 'I’m still alive, a miracle.' And so I keep on pushing.” — Jim Carrey每个早晨,我都会醒着说:我还活着啊,是一个奇迹,所以我就会继续努力。Day 1|目标 ObjectiveDay 1 的信息:If you're ready to start building a morning routine that sets you up for success every day, then this challenge is for you! Whether you want to make your mornings more efficient, save time or you just aren't a morning person, you will find a way to make them better in the next 30 days. For today, however, you will be writing down the goals and objectives you would like to achieve with this podcast challenge. By doing this, you are building a foundation that will help keep you motivated on days you might want to give up.如果你准备开始建立一个每天都能让你取得成功的早晨仪式,那么这个挑战适合你!无论你想要让早晨更高效,节省时间,还是你只是不喜欢早上,你都会在接下来的30天内找到改善的方法。然而,今天,你将要写下你希望通过这个播客挑战实现的目标。通过这样做,你正在建立一个基础帮助你在可能想要放弃的日子保持动力。探索问题:What do you want a good morning or start of the day to look like? 你希望一个美好的早晨或一天的开始是什么样子的?What are some specific things you would like to include in your morning routine?你希望在你的早晨仪式中包括哪些具体的事情?What has prevented you from making your mornings better in the past?在过去,是什么阻碍了你让早晨变得更好?What are some things that work for you?有哪些对你有效的方法?單詞記憶:1.Morning routine 早起仪式2.Challenge 挑战3.Whether 无论4.Objectives 目标5.Achieve 达成免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起俱乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram
10/8/202310 minutes, 21 seconds
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1522 四句英语格言让你了解早晨有多重要

“Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it.” — Richard Whately早上失去一个小时,你会整天都找它。“Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier and healthier life.” — Germany Kent你的早晨会为你整周设下它的tone调(调性),你会看见自己越来越强壮活出一个更满足、快乐和健康的生活。“Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have.” — Lemony Snicket造成是一天重要的时间,你如何过你的早晨通常也就决定了你怎么过一天。“I’ve found that the first thirty minutes of my day have the biggest impact on how I feel for the rest of my waking hours.” — Molli Sullivan我发现我早上的前面30分钟通常给我剩下一天最大的影响。免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战申请加入迷你退休营早起俱乐部:云雀实验室一对一谘询服务 with Lily Podcast我的网站https://flywithlily.com社交媒体 FACEBOOK & LINE官方&微信官方帐号FACEBOOK官方帐号{flywithlily}Instagram我在好学校的Podcast课程
10/6/202312 minutes, 18 seconds
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1521 徒步环岛旅行达人Ivan聊海外志工经验谈

这个录音有点久远,是2021年11月我还在台东的家,Ivan又环岛行经过~~~两年过去了我们都在追寻我们的梦!Ivan的网站:他的email:[email protected]
9/29/202330 minutes, 51 seconds
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1520 一边旅行一边工作的网页设计师如何维持身心平衡?

Lily: So, have you had spiritual practices during your travels?Lily:那么,在你的旅行中,你有进行心灵修行吗?Ashley: During my travel, I really prioritize my mental and emotional being, I also got a weekly online class about philosophy and mindfulness. I also have an intuitive eating app, so that really encourages mindfulness during meals, reminds me to savor each moment and each bite. And in terms of support my mental health I use a cognitive behavioral therapy app and that allows me to record daily reflections, I can choose different journal prompts and also practice breathing and meditation exercises. For the last 9 month I've lived out of a suitcase and so, during this time, I really emphasize the importance of finding balance, so whether I'm in a busy city or in a really natural serene kind of setting, I still always try to take breaks, step outside and really connect with the surroundings, so that really helps me with maintaining a work-life balance and also deepening my connection to all the places that I get to visit.Ashley:在我的旅行中,我非常重视我的心理和情感状态,我也参加了一个每周的在线哲学和正念课程。我还使用了一个直觉饮食的应用程式,这真的鼓励我在用餐时保持正念,提醒我珍惜每一刻和每一口。在支持我的心理健康方面,我使用了一个认知行为疗法的应用程式,它使我能够记录每日的反思,我可以选择不同的日志提示,并进行呼吸和冥想练习。在过去的9个月里,我一直在旅行,所以在这段时间里,我非常强调寻求平衡的重要性,无论我身处繁忙的城市还是自然宁静的环境中,我总是找到时间休息,走出去真正与周围环境连结,这真的帮助我保持工作和生活的平衡,并加深我对所造访的所有地方的连结。单词记忆:1.prioritize 重视/视为优先2.mental 心理上的3.emotional 情绪上的4.philosophy 哲学5.mindfulness 正念6.intuitive 直觉的7.remind 提醒8.savor 品味9.cognitive 认知上的10.behavioral 行为的11.therapy 心理治疗12.daily 每日的13.reflections 反思14.journal 日记15.prompts 提示16.meditation 冥想17.exercises 练习18.emphasize 强调19.balance 平衡20.serene 宁静的下集节目预告:邀请我在台湾的好朋友Ivan来分享他2020-2021在加勒比海小岛上做志工的经验。
9/27/202317 minutes, 55 seconds
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1519 对长期在外的人,旅行的意义是什么?

听众评价:记单词很实用‼️主播声音很甜美很喜欢,最主要还有英文稿可以看,把单词单独列出来拼读这点真的很实用!!!主播对单词和句子有好好分析有的让我学到知识!超级实用!!‼️雪花粥 via Apple Podcasts ·China ·08/28/2023今天的访谈~Lily: Now, we have a special guest joining us, someone who's an experienced traveler, having journeyed around the world and found inspiration in travel. Welcome to the show, Ashley!我们有特别来宾加入我们,她是一个资深的旅行家,和Lily一样正在环游世界而且因为旅行收到很多的启发,她就是Ashley,Ashley!欢迎来到我们的节目!Ashley: Thank you, Lily. I'm so happy to be here and share my story.Ashley:感恩Lily,我很开心可以在这里分享我的故事。Lily: Could you tell us what travel means to you?Lily:你可以告诉我们旅行对你来说意味着什么吗?Ashley: Travel to me is about self-discovery and connection. It really helps find like-minded people who share the same passions as me. It also brings me such immense joy from all the meaningful connections that I make, with wonderful people from different backgrounds. It's about embracing new experiences, venturing out into being unknown and meeting people who challenge and expand my views. Through travel I learn not only about the world and also learn about myself and that really allows me to grow as a person.Ashley:对我来说,旅行是关于自我发现和连结。它真的帮助我找到志同道合和有着相同热情的人们。旅行也让我因与不同背景的美好人们建立的有意义的连结而感到无比的喜悦。它是关于接受新的经验,勇于冒险进入未知世界,并遇见能挑战和扩展我的观点的人们。透过旅行,我不仅学习了解这个世界,也学习了解自己,这真的让我作为一个人成长。单词记忆:1.experienced 有经验的2.journey 旅行3.inspiration 启发、灵感4.self-discovery 自我探索5.connection 连结 志同道合的7.passion 热情8.immense 无与伦比的9.meaningful 有意义的10.background 背景11.embrace 拥抱12.venture out into 在世界中闯荡13.challenge 挑战14.expand 扩展15.allow 允许16.grow 成长下集预告:一边旅行一边工作的网页设计师如何维持身心平衡?
9/25/202313 minutes, 55 seconds
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1518 一段英语的祈祷文让你更爱妳的工作/事业

**来自Zoey7906在喜马拉雅给我的五星评价**听Lily老师的广播已经有一段时间了,第一次听到老师的声音就好喜欢,温柔温热,当即订阅了老师的节目,老师的故事非常真实,我的人生正在经历着老师的跌宕起伏,非常感同身受,好想参加一次老师的线下活动。祝福Lily老师的生活越来越好。本文:(来自澳洲的Ashley Rose为我们朗读|Read by Ashley Rose from Australia)"Divine Creator, I am thankful for the opportunities and talents that have led me to this point in my career journey. Please guide me in making wise decisions and taking inspired actions in my work. Help me find fulfillment, success, and growth in my chosen path. Grant me the courage to pursue my dreams and make a positive impact in my career."事业: "神圣的创造者,我对使我在事业旅程中走到这一步的机会和天赋心存感激。请引导我在我的工作中做出明智的决策和充满灵感的行动。帮助我在我的选择中找到满足、成功和成长。赐予我追求梦想和在事业中产生积极影响的勇气。"1.Divine 神圣的2.Creator 创造者3.Thankful 感恩的4.Opportunities 机遇5.Talents 才能6.Lead 领导7.Career 职业8.Journey 旅行9.Guide 引导10.Wise 智慧11.Decision 决定12.Inspired 被启发的13.Fulfillment 满足14.Path 路径15.Grant 赐予16.Courage 勇气17.Pursue 追求18.Positive 正面19.Impact 影响学习:1.透过这次邀请我的朋友来贡献声音的时候想到了我在巴塞罗纳的时候其实做过这样的特辑,认识新朋友,让他们就是介绍自己然后抽一个问题,我想要让他变成我播客接下来的形式,这样我可以认识新朋友又介绍给大家认识,又能一边在路上旅行,所以我觉得很棒,所以我也开始着手未来播客的准备请大家尽情期待。2.这次献声的朋友是Ashley,她有一个很可爱的姓(last name)是Rose(中文翻译是玫瑰,然后我的名字是Lily百合。。哈哈别忘了我的旅行妹妹Jasmine是茉莉花),所以我都常常和她开玩笑说:We‘re meant to meet! (我们注定要相遇!)她是网页设计师,来自澳洲,所以大家也可以熟悉下澳洲的口音。3.今天我从峇里岛的乌布(ubud)移动到Canggu(仓谷)来,我有几个在这里认识的朋友也一起到这边度过周末,今晚还会和我在冰岛做志工一起认识的朋友一起见面,此时真的觉得很满足、感恩。喜欢我的节目的话恳求大家为我在你的收听平台上写个五星评价,让我在节目中可以念出来哦!
9/22/202316 minutes, 52 seconds
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1517 一段英语的祈祷文为你带来更多的钱

"Divine Source of Abundance, I am thankful for the prosperity that flows into my life. Please guide me in managing my finances wisely and responsibly. Grant me the clarity to make sound financial decisions and the discipline to save and invest wisely. May abundance continue to manifest in all areas of my life."财务: "丰盛的源头,我对流入我生活的丰盛心存感激。请引导我明智而负责地管理我的财务。赐我清晰的头脑,使出色的金融决策,并有节制地进行储蓄和投资。愿丰盛继续在我生活的各个方面显现。"1.Divine 神圣的2.Source 源头3.Abundance 丰盛4.Prosperity荣华富贵5.Flow 流向6.Guide 引领7.Manage 管理8.Wise 有智慧的9.Responsible 负责的10.Grant 赐予11.clarity 清晰12.Financial 财务的13.Decision 决定14.Discipline 自律15.Save 节省16.Invest 投资17.Continue 继续18.Manifest 实现、显现学习:1.今天的声音是我在乌布认识的一个女生Geleen帮我录制的这个财务的祈祷文,她来自南加州,也是数字游民一边旅行一边打造她的生意。2.一边玩乐一边也很辛勤的工作,但是只要一天晚上没有睡好就好难受呀!下午禁喝咖啡啦!
9/18/202319 minutes, 31 seconds
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1516 一段英语祈祷文帮你赢得更多美好的关系

"Dear Universe (or Higher Power), I am grateful for the people in my life who love and support me. Please bless my relationships with understanding, compassion, and harmony. Help me cultivate healthy connections, communicate with love, and mend any broken bonds. May my relationships be a source of joy and growth for all involved.""亲爱的宇宙(或更高的力量),我对爱护和支持我的人心存感激。请赐福我的人际关系,使之充满理解、同情和和谐。帮助我培养健康的连结,用爱来沟通,修复破裂的联系。愿我的人际关系成为所有和我有关的人的喜悦和成长的来源。"1.Grateful 感恩2.Support 支持3.Bless 祝福4.Relationships 人际关系5.Understanding 理解6.Compassion 同情7.Harmony 和谐8.Cultivate 培养9.Connection 连结10.Communicate 沟通11.Mend 修复12.Bond 联系13.May 愿14.Source 来源15.Joy 喜悦16.Growth 成长17.Involved 相关的学习:1.相信自己在对的道路上2. 拥抱创伤,让痛苦流经全身3. 感恩过去遇到这么多事,还是在这里好好的!
9/14/202314 minutes, 37 seconds
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1515 一句英语的祈祷文帮你获得更多的幸福

For Wellness: "Dear Universe (or Higher Power), I am grateful for the gift of health and well-being. Please bless and protect my body, mind, and spirit. Grant me the strength and vitality to live a life full of purpose and joy. May I make choices that nourish and heal me. Thank you for the well-being that surrounds me."健康: "亲爱的宇宙(或更高的力量),我对健康和幸福的恩赐心存感激。请保佑并保护我的身体、心灵和灵魂。赐予我力量和活力,使我能过上充满目的、充满喜悦的生活。愿我做出有益于我的选择,并有助于我的康复。感谢你所赐的幸福。"单词记忆:1. Universe/higher power  宇宙2. Grateful 感恩3. Health 健康4. Well-being 幸福、健康、福祉、福利5. Bless 祝福、保佑6. Protect 保护7. Mind 心灵8. Spirit 灵魂9. Grant 赐予、奖学金(名词)10. Strength 力量11. Vitality 活力Purpose 目的Choices 选择Nourish 滋养 Heal 疗愈 Surrounds 环绕学习:1.Ubud 乌布的原意原来是疗愈2.我现在会说峇里岛的方言,跟当地人可以打成一片,感觉很好3.交到了10个女生朋友,都在一边旅行一边打造他们的线上事业4.开始写成就日记感觉很好
9/12/202317 minutes, 35 seconds
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1514 赚大钱的人,必须具备什么样的特质?

My Daily Money Affirmations1.I am a magnet for financial abundance.我吸引丰盛。2.Money flows to me. 钱流向我。3.I am a money magnet. 我是金钱磁铁。4.Wealth comes to me easily. 财富轻易流向我。5.I am open to prosperity.我打开自己迎接富贵6.I deserve financial abundance now. 我现在就值得丰盛。7.I do all things in love. 我做我热爱的事。8.Money is drawn to me. 钱被我吸引。9.I am in tune with abundance. 我和丰盛共振。What qualities must a person have to make "big money"? 赚大钱的人,必须具备什么样的特质?What qualities must the person have to make big money? Okay, well first off, What's a lot of money, right? So that's relative to you what big money feels like. But the qualities that you need to have is to really understand a few things. One is the integration of the masculine and the feminine. Knowing that only certain actions that you're gonna take are going to create that result. And more importantly, is your energy. More importantly, is the feminine in you, how you're feeling? Are you taking enough rest? Are you taking good care of yourself? Because then when you bring that high vibration frequency part of you to your actions, you create a lot bigger results, right? So qualities you need to possess are consistency. Don't focus too much on when things go wrong. Focus on what's working. See everything is an experiment. And don't just don't focus on when you fall. Just get back up, get back up, and just like it didn't happen, move, move forward. 需要具备的品质包括:首先,我们一直在谈论什么是大笔金钱,什么是很多钱,这是相对于你的感受而言的。但你需要懂得几件事情。首先是阳性能量与阴性能量的融合。知道只有某些行动会产生那种结果。更重要的是你的能量。更重要的是你内在的阴性能量,你的感受如何?你有足够的休息吗?你好好照顾自己吗?因为当你将这个高振动频率的部分带到你的行动中,你会创造出更大的成果,对吧?所以你需要具备的品质包括坚持和无需太过关注问题。把焦点放在运作的不错的行动。所有事情都是一场实验。别只关注当你跌倒的时候。站起来,继续前进,就像什么都没发生过一样,继续向前迈进。单词记忆1.Integration 整合2.Masculine 阳性3.Feminine 阴性4.Vibration 振动5.Frequency 频率6.Possess 拥有7. Experiment 实验嘉宾Jamie Faye联系方式她的邮箱:[email protected]她的网址:
9/3/202318 minutes, 11 seconds
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1513 如果你有很多钱,你认为自己还会是一个好人吗?

Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.金钱只是个工具,它可以带你去任何想去的地方,但是它不能取代你这个驾驶。Do you think you’d still be a good person if you had a lot of money?Do you think you'd still be a good person if you had a lot of money? Yeah, because I don't think that money is like the culprit, like money again is just this thing. It's paper, right? Or it's coins or what have you. Money is not the demon. Money is not the entity, right? It's if money becomes evil, it's because of the hands of the people that it's in. It's because of the greed and the darkness of the people that it's in power. 如果你有很多钱,你认为自己还会是一个好人吗?是的,因为我认为钱不是罪魁祸首,钱只是一种东西。它是纸,或者是硬币,等等。钱不是恶魔,钱不是实体。如果钱变得邪恶,那是因为掌握钱的人的手。那是因为掌权者的贪婪和黑暗。单词记忆1. Replace 取代2. Culprit 罪魁祸首3. Demon 恶魔4. Entity 实体5. Greed 贪心6. Darkness 黑暗
8/31/20239 minutes, 37 seconds
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1512 旅行的时候钱都放在哪里?

I trust my judgement to make good financial decisions. 我相信我会做出好的财务决定。When you are walking around a big city, where on your body is a safe place to keep money? Is it safe in a handbag?When you're walking around a big city. Where on your body is a safe place to keep money? Is it safe in a handbag? Um, I keep my wallet in a fanny pack, like around my hips so that my hand is actually kind of like always touching it. Or like a messenger bag, you know, like a little messenger bag. That again, I can keep close. And then I think if you're walking around with a lot of cash or something for some reason, like you just went to the ATM or something like that, then of course I think it's good to have one of those things that's like inside your clothing if you're walking around, maybe not just a big city, even small little towns, but you, it's known for pickpockets or whatever, you know, not to be an alarmist, but if it's known for that or you're concerned, then it's good to have something inside your clothing too. Also as an emergency like if you need that money.当你在大城市里走动时,在身上哪个地方是一个安全的地方来放钱?手提包里安全吗?嗯,我会把钱包放在腰包(腰包就是那种绑在腰部的小包),这样我的手实际上总是碰触着它。或者像是斜背包,你知道,就像是个小型的斜背包。我也可以让它靠近我。然后,我认为如果你身上携带了很多现金或出于某种原因你刚刚从自动提款机取了钱,那当然最好是把它放在衣服里,就算你在小镇走动,但是如果该地以扒窃而闻名,或者你担心这方面的问题,那么在衣服里也放一个东西是很好的,这也可以作为紧急情况下的选择。单词记忆:1.Judgement 判断2.Handbag 手提包3.Fanny pack 腰包4.ATM 提款机5.Pickpockets 扒手6.Concerned 担心
8/29/202319 minutes, 22 seconds
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1511 什么职业才能赚到尽可能多的钱?

Your mindset shapes your financial reality! Today, affirm your abundance and attract wealth effortlessly. Embrace gratitude, stay open to opportunities, and believe in your worthiness. 你的心态塑造了你的财务现实!今天,肯定你的丰盛,轻松地吸引财富。拥抱感恩,敞开心扉迎接机会,并相信你的价值。If a young person wanted to know what career they should pursue to make as much money as possible, what would you recommend they do? 如果一个年轻人想知道应该追求什么职业才能赚到尽可能多的钱,你会建议他们做什么?If a young person wanted to know what career they should pursue to make as much money as possible, what would you recommend they do? Well, first I'd wanna know what is as much money as possible and why do they wanna make as much money as possible? Because they want to just like, have a status or they want people to be jealous of them, or they wanna be able to do whatever they want. I would really just slow them down to try to understand what does it mean? Why do you wanna make money? And also then have them connect to what is their why separate from money. What if they had all that money already? What would they do? Because, because you can make a lot of money doing something that you're aligned with. Like you're a perfect example of that Lily, right? Like you can find a thing that's you're calling that's connected to your purpose and find a professional purpose and make a lot of money doing it. Um, it's more important for you to find that thing and then find a way to create prosperity from it 如果一个年轻人想知道应该追求什么职业才能赚到尽可能多的钱,你会建议他们做什么?嗯,首先我想知道“尽可能多的钱”指的是多少钱,以及为什么他们想要赚到尽可能多的钱?因为他们只是想要有地位,还是想要让别人嫉妒,或者他们想要随心所欲。我会真的让他们停下来,试着了解这意味着什么?为什么你想赚钱?同时,我会让他们明白,他们的“为什么”与金钱是分开的。如果他们已经有了所有这些钱,他们会做什么呢?因为你可以做一些与自己的使命相契合的事情来赚很多钱,就像你就是一个很好的例子,Lily,对吧?你可以找到与你使命相关联的事情,找到一个专业目标并从中赚很多钱。从这个角度来看,更重要的是找到那个事情,然后找到一个从中繁荣的方式。单词记忆:1.Affirm 肯定2.Abundance 丰盛3.Effortlessly 毫不费力地4.Worthiness 价值5.Recommend 推荐6.Status 地位7.Jealous 嫉妒8.Separate 分开9.Professional 专业的10.Prosperity 荣华富贵
8/26/202325 minutes, 28 seconds
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1510 在你的生活中买过的东西中,你记忆最深刻的是哪些?

本月为学英语环游世界的节目评价五星都会有意外之财!I attract enough income to pay for the lifestyle I want.我吸引足够的收入去支付我要的生活方式。Of the things you have bought in your life, which do you remember most happily?Of the things you bought in your life, which do you remember most happily? This question was really hard for me. When I read over your questions, I was like, so excited about this interview and this one I was like, I don't even know how do I answer that? But now that I've had some time to think about it since it's the second time I'm answering the question, I think that the things that have been experiences and the things that I've invested in myself. So trips, places over the past few years, I've been able to go places and work, like see clients in other countries. That is super satisfying for me, like super satisfying and training. My coach, my therapy trainings, trips I've done, all types of modalities. Those have been the most valuable to me. 在你的生活中买过的东西中,你记忆最深刻的是哪些?幸运的是,这个问题对我来说确实很难。当我阅读你的问题时,我对这次访谈感到非常兴奋,但对于这个问题,我感到有点不知所措。但现在我已经有一些时间来考虑,因为这是我第二次回答这个问题,我认为我记忆最深刻的东西是我所拥有的经历,以及我投资于自己的事物。所以旅行、地方等等,过去几年来,我能够去不同的地方工作,比如在其他国家见客户。这对我来说非常令人满足,非常令人满足,还有培训,我的教练、心理治疗的培训,我参与了各种不同的模式。这些对我来说是最有价值的。单词记忆:1. Attract 吸引2. Lifestyle 生活方式3. Satisfying 满意的4. Therapy 心理治疗5. Modalities 模式Lily 推荐的录音后制网站:
8/24/202316 minutes, 1 second
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1509 你想每个月赚多少钱?

Money is a renewable resource; it flows to those who are open to receiving it.金钱是一种可再生的资源;它流向那些愿意接受它的人。How much money do you want to earn each month?How much money do you want to earn each month? Yeah. So my goals, my money goals change all the time, and they are based on what I wanna create. So money I want to save for like buying land, um, money. I want to invest back into my business, which is where most of my money goes. Um, so right now I'm at a goal of getting to consistent 60 k months. Um, and then I'd say in 2024, I'd be looking at more like a hundred K or a little bit more. Yeah. 你想每个月赚多少钱?是的,我的目标和金钱目标经常变化,而且都是基于我想要创造的内容。我想储蓄钱来购买土地,把钱投资回我的生意,这是我大部分钱花费的地方。目前我的目标是实现稳定的每月6万美元收入。然后我会说在2024年,我会考虑更高的目标,可能是10万美元或更多一点。1.Based on 以...为基础2.Invest 投资3.Consistent 持续的
8/21/202315 minutes, 38 seconds
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1508 钱和爱哪个重要?

I control money; money doesn’t control me. 我控制钱,钱不会控制我。Do you think money is more important than love?Do you think money is more important than love? Absolutely not. Absolutely not. I mean, love is the highest. Love and appreciation are the highest frequencies in the universe. So if you are focusing on your appreciation of what you have, of your, the temple, of your body, of what you do have in your life, focusing on the love that you do have in your life that you create, love is created, not found. Okay? So it's important to remember that you create your feelings, you create your feelings. They don't just appear out of nowhere, right? You know that 5:00 AM wake up club, right? Like, you create how you feel. So love and appreciation are much more important, but money will much more easily come when you're in a place of high vibration. It will come. When you're in a place of love, when you're experiencing love, you don't have to have a person in your life to love, to experience love.你认为金钱比爱更重要吗?绝对不是的。绝对不是的。我的意思是,爱是最高的。爱和欣赏是宇宙中最高的频率。因此,如果你专注于对你所拥有的事物的欣赏,对你的身体的寺庙的欣赏,对你生活中拥有的东西的欣赏,专注于你创造的爱,爱是创造出来的,不是被寻找到的。知道吗?所以记住,你创造你的情感,你创造你的情感。它们不是从无处出现的,对吧?你知道凌晨5点的醒来具乐部,对吧?就像你创造你的感觉一样。因此,爱和欣赏更加重要,但是在你保持高频率的情况下,金钱将更容易来临。当你处于爱的状态时,当你正在体验爱时,你不需要生活中的某个人来爱,也可以体验爱。单词记忆:1.Absolutely 绝对2.Frequency 频率3.Universe 宇宙4.Appreciation 感激之情5.Vibration 振动
8/17/202313 minutes, 27 seconds
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1507 钱如何让我们更快乐?答案可能和你想得不一样!

How do you think money helps make us happy? 妳觉得钱如何让我们开心?How do you think money helps make us happy? Well, I don't think that it's the actual money that makes us happy. I think it's the innate ability for money to often make us feel freer, right? So you were saying like that you have a lot of students, women in your community who say they wish they made more money, so they didn't rely on their husbands, rely on a man because they have more freedom. So it's not that actually having more money in the bank makes you more happy, but if you have money and that gives you freedom, then you're gonna be more happy, more content. So it's important to look at, okay, how do I wanna feel? I wanna feel free. How can I feel more free where I am? How can I create more freedom? Sometimes that's about money, but also that's an internal game. 我认为金钱如何帮助我们感到快乐呢?嗯,我认为并不是金钱本身让我们感到快乐。我认为是对金钱的理解,是金钱通常能让我们感到更自由的内在能力,对吧?所以你刚才提到,你的社群里有很多学生,女性们表示希望能赚更多钱,这样她们就不必依赖丈夫,不必依赖男人,因为这会让她们更自由。所以,其实不是在银行里有更多钱让你更快乐,而是如果你有钱,并且这给了你自由,那你就会更快乐,更满足。所以重要的是要考虑,好,我想要什么样的感觉?我想要感觉自由。我怎么在现状中感到更自由?我怎么创造更多的自由?有时这可能与金钱有关,但同时也是一种内在的游戏。单词记忆:1. Community 社群2. Rely on 仰赖3. Content 满4. Create 制造5. Internal 内在的
8/15/202316 minutes, 25 seconds
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1506 如果你需要赚取额外的钱,你会怎么做呢?

All I need to become more prosperous is within me.我需要的一切荣华富贵都在我心里。你是否梦想成为下一个成功的主播?或者构建一个属于自己的学英语环游世界的生活方式?这里是你摆脱焦虑、实现自由人生的起点!我们即将于8月13日开始的迷你退休营,将为你提供宝贵的资源和指导,让你在短短六周内达成这些梦想。现在就透过我们的节目文本预订一个30分钟的免费谘询通话,了解更多详情并开启你的转变之旅。 (开放咨询时间8.1-8.12)准备好迎接属于你的自由人生吗?立即订阅我们的Podcast,让我们一起探索、学习、成长,打造一个充满爱、自由和丰盛的生活!If you needed to earn some extra money, how would you do that? 如果你需要赚取额外的钱,你会怎么做呢?If you needed to earn some extra money, how would you do that? Okay, so for me, when I need to earn some extra money, money that I didn't plan on needing to earn, this is called a cash injection, which means like when a company needs like a bunch of cash to do something that's like unexpected, like pay for ads or hire a new team member or travel or do a training or just add infrastructure, right? Or buy a new computer or buy equipment. You might not have planned for that, but then sometimes you need a cash injection. So for me, how I create a cash injection is look for who I wanna serve. So what's gonna be the most useful way for me to bring in the money that I need to bring in, in alignment with what I do? So I look who could I serve? Is there someone who is a past client who might be a good candidate for a new program? That's the easiest thing to do. Someone who already knows you, or is there someone who's been swimming towards me, orbiting me that I can help? And that would create a cash injection. 如果我需要赚取额外的钱,我会怎么做呢?好的,对我来说,当我需要赚取一些未计划中的额外钱时,这就是所谓的现金注入,意思是当公司需要一大笔钱来做一些意外的事情,比如支付广告费用、雇用新的团队成员、旅行、培训,或者增加基础设施,购买新的电脑或设备。你可能没有计划这些,但有时候你需要现金注入。对我来说,我是通过寻找我想要服务的对象来创造现金注入。这对我来说最有用的方式是如何以符合我所做的事情为导向来赚钱。所以我会寻找我能够服务的对象。有没有一个过去的客户可能是一个新计划的合适候选人?这是最简单的做法。有人已经了解你,或者是否有人一直在接近我,绕着我转,我可以帮助他们?这将创造现金注入。单词记忆:1. Extra 额外的2. Injection 注射3. Unexpected 没有预料的4. Hire 雇用5. Infrastructure 基础建设6. Serve 服务7. Alignment 相符合、校直8. Client 客户9. Candidate 候选人10.Orbit 围绕着转
8/10/202320 minutes, 2 seconds
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1505 钱对你来说重要吗?如果你有很少的钱,你是否能很快乐呢?

I’m always looking for new sources of income.我总是在找新的收入来源。你是否梦想成为下一个成功的主播?或者构建一个属于自己的学英语环游世界的生活方式?这里是你摆脱焦虑、实现自由人生的起点!我们即将于8月13日开始的迷你退休营,将为你提供宝贵的资源和指导,让你在短短六周内达成这些梦想。现在就透过我们的节目文本预订一个30分钟的免费谘询通话,了解更多详情并开启你的转变之旅。 (开放咨询时间8.1-8.12)准备好迎接属于你的自由人生吗?立即订阅我们的Podcast,让我们一起探索、学习、成长,打造一个充满爱、自由和丰盛的生活!How important is money to you? If you had little money, could you be happy? 钱对你来说重要吗?如果妳有很少的钱,妳是否能很快乐呢?(English begins at 6:37|英语开始6:37)How important is money to you? If you had little money, could you be happy? Well, I think money is fairly important because, um, it gives me freedom, right? So I think that money is important and allows me to hire team members so that I can expand my business so I can support more people. It allows me to travel with ease, right? It allows me to buy anything my dog needs. It allows me to buy gifts for people. It allows me to do a lot of things. If I had a little money, could I be happy? I think it's really relative, like, what does that mean? A little bit of money. So it's not that I have to have a lot of money to be happy, it's about do I have the money to do the things I wanna do? So I think it's really important, and in my programs and my coaching, I'm always pointing people to, what's the amount of money that you want to need? It's not about that. That could be a lot for me. And that could not be enough for you, or that could be really little for me and perfect for you. 钱对你来说重要吗?如果妳有很少的钱,妳是否能很快乐呢?对我来说,钱是相当重要的,因为它给我自由。钱的重要性在于它让我能够聘请团队成员,扩展我的业务,以便能够支持更多的人。它让我能够轻松旅行,购买我狗狗所需的一切,为人们买礼物等等。如果我只有一点点钱,我会快乐吗?这是相对的,什么是一点点钱?重点不在于拥有多少钱让我快乐,而在于我是否有足够的钱去做我想做的事情。因此,对我来说,钱是相当重要的,我在我的课程和指导中总是引导人们思考,他们需要多少钱才够用,而不是盲目追求数量。对我来说,这可能是很多钱,而对你来说可能不够,或者对我来说可能很少,而对你来说可能正好。单词记忆:1. Fairly 相当地2. Freedom 自由3. Allow 允许4. Relative 相对的5. Perfect 完美的
8/9/202322 minutes, 15 seconds
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1504 你更喜欢哪个?赚钱还是花钱?

There is always more than enough money in my life. 我的生活中总是有足够的金钱。你是否梦想成为下一个成功的主播?或者构建一个属于自己的学英语环游世界的生活方式?这里是你摆脱焦虑、实现自由人生的起点!我们即将于8月13日开始的迷你退休营,将为你提供宝贵的资源和指导,让你在短短六周内达成这些梦想。现在就透过我们的节目文本预订一个30分钟的免费谘询通话,了解更多详情并开启你的转变之旅。 (开放咨询时间8.1-8.12)准备好迎接属于你的自由人生吗?立即订阅我们的Podcast,让我们一起探索、学习、成长,打造一个充满爱、自由和丰盛的生活!(English begins at 6:20|英语开始6:20)Which do you enjoy more: earning money or spending money?你更喜欢哪个?赚钱还是花钱?Hmm. I think I enjoy earning money more because when I'm earning money, that means I'm helping people. So like money coming into my bank account or money coming through my credit card system means that my work is getting out there, that I'm helping people in the way that I desire to. I really love my work. It's so aligned. It is my calling. There is no confusion there. I don't wanna do anything else. So earning money means that for me. So for me, I enjoy earning money more, but I also like spending money. I love spending money on myself. I'm really good at investing in myself, which I think is a really important thing, um, if you're wanting to get out there. Um, and I also like buying myself nice things or delicious food or things like that. But I enjoy earning money more than I enjoy spending it. 你更喜欢哪个?赚钱还是花钱?嗯,我觉得我更喜欢赚钱,因为当我赚钱的时候,意味着我在帮助人们。所以当钱进入我的银行帐户或通过信用卡系统进来时,这意味着我的工作正在传播,我正在以我想要的方式帮助人们。我真的很喜欢我的工作,它与我内心高度契合,是我的使命。在这方面毫无疑问,我不想做其他任何事情。对我来说,赚钱意味着这一切。所以,我更喜欢赚钱,但我也喜欢花钱。我喜欢把钱花在自己身上。我很善于投资自己,我认为这是非常重要的,如果你想要成功。我也喜欢给自己买一些好东西,或是品尝美食之类的。但相较于花钱,我更喜欢赚钱。
8/7/202320 minutes, 11 seconds
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1503 女人无需害怕谈论钱|中英文访谈在节目简介里

今日格言:I accept financial success.我接受财务上的成功你是否梦想成为下一个成功的主播?或者构建一个属于自己的学英语环游世界的生活方式?这里是你摆脱焦虑、实现自由人生的起点!我们即将于8月13日开始的迷你退休营,将为你提供宝贵的资源和指导,让你在短短六周内达成这些梦想。现在就透过我们的节目文本预订一个30分钟的免费谘询通话,了解更多详情并开启你的转变之旅。 (开放咨询时间8.1-8.12)准备好迎接属于你的自由人生吗?立即订阅我们的Podcast,让我们一起探索、学习、成长,打造一个充满爱、自由和丰盛的生活!(English Interview starts at 10:00 | 英语完整访谈开始10:00)Lily:Hello, you're listening to Fly with Lily. Now I'm at the school that I'm studying Spanish in and it's called Corazon Maya. I've been in Guatemala for three months and this is my last week and the Friday would be my birthday. And then actually I'm having such a busy week. I've been preparing my launch and then I have a lot of questions about money. And then I accidentally just met this woman. I was just going to let her talk about how we met. And I think she's wonderful. She has this really warm energy and actually this is the second time we are recording this. And then she's so cool about it and I just fell in love with her personality and I just think it's the right thing to do. I had this such a strong intuition I needed to invite her to the show. So let's welcome to let's welcome Jamie. Jamie. Hi. How we met?你好,现在正在收听《学英语环游世界》。目前我正在危地马拉学习西班牙语,所在的学校名为Corazon Maya。在这里待了三个月,这是我最后一周,周五是我的生日。这一周非常忙碌,我一直在准备产品的发布,同时也有很多关于金钱的问题。然后,我无意中遇到了这位女士,我想让她分享我们是如何认识的。我觉得她非常棒,散发出温暖的能量。实际上,这是我们第二次录制这个声音(之前的录音不小心被删除了)。她对我的小失误毫不在意,并且非常酷,这让我对她的个性印象深刻。所以,我决定邀请她参加我的访谈。我有种强烈的直觉,觉得邀请她是对的。现在,让我们欢迎Jamie。 Jamie,你好。我们怎么认识的?Jamie:Yeah, so we met here in San Pedro in Guatemala where you are. And I have been staying for just a couple of weeks. And we met in a cafe that I guess you frequent a lot that you go to a lot. 是的,我们在危地马拉的圣佩德罗认识的,也就是你所在的地方。 我只呆了几个星期。 我们在一家咖啡馆第一次遇见,我猜你经常去那里。Lily:That was my favorite cafe actually.实际上那是我最喜欢的咖啡馆。Jamie:Okay. So that was just the second time I've been there. And we met because first I told you "Bon Provecho” when you got your food, which is like “bon appetit” and you said “gracias” with food in your mouth, which was cute. <Laugh>, I made you laugh <laugh>, right. You were really sweet. And then later on, 'cause I saw you had your computer and you were obviously working for yourself and you're nomadic, I asked you to watch my computer when I went to the toilet. And then you were like, I'm gonna ask you later. So we had that little moment and then later that day we just started talking and getting to know each other. And yeah, we did definitely have, like you said, I don't know this time or last time we recorded an instant connection, like a really warm connection. And that's how we met.好的,那是我第二次去那里。我们之所以见面,是因为当你拿到食物时,我首先对你说了"Bon Provecho",就像是"bon appétit",然后你嘴里含着食物说了"gracias",这真的很可爱。我让你笑了。你真是太可爱了。后来,因为我看到你有电脑,而且你显然是在为自己工作,而且也是正在进行数位游牧,所以当我上厕所时,我让你帮忙看了一下我的电脑。然后你说:等一下我也要请你帮我看一下。于是我们从互相帮忙开始,晚些时候我们开始交谈并互相了解。是的,我们确实有像你说的那样一种立刻就有的链结,就像是一次非常温暖的连结。这就是我们认识的方式。Lily:Yeah. Let's talk about, let's talk about that instant connection. It's because you told me that you are, you just started digital nomading and I was just like, wow, that's amazing. Because it's quite trending nowadays. Like almost like everybody wants to travel the world, make money at the same time. So eight years ago when I first started this, I didn't know about that word, digital nomad. And then five years in and somebody was like telling me that you are, you are a digital nomad. I was just like, what? What was that? And then probably about these two years, a lot of people like saying that they want to do(be) a digital nomad. And I was just like, oh, I've been doing that for years. And I just like, I couldn't wait to tell you my experiences and then it was right. And then you were about leaving, but you like left maybe 20 minutes later. Yeah. Yeah. Like we had a such a wonderful connection and then the conversation was great. So a little bit sad that we are not here for long because you are leaving on Saturday. I'm leaving on Sunday. Where are you going next?是的。让我们来谈谈那个立刻就有链结。当你告诉我你刚刚开始数字游牧时,我就感到非常兴奋。因为现在这个概念非常流行,几乎每个人都希望能够环游世界并赚钱。但八年前,当我第一次开始这样的生活时,我还不知道数字游牧这个词。五年后,有人告诉我,你是一个数字游牧者。当时我还不太了解这个概念,但这两年来,越来越多的人都在追求这样的生活方式。而我,我只是单纯喜欢我正在做的事情,所以我迫不及待地想与你分享我的经历。本来你说要离开了,但又聊了大概20分钟,我们之间的连结如此美妙,谈话也非常愉快,让我们有点遗憾地感受到时间飞逝。由于你周六就要离开,而我周日也要离开,我们在这里的相遇和交流让我们都感到非常珍贵。接下来你要去哪里呢?Jamie:Next I'm going back to Costa Rica. So I was in Costa Rica for a couple months. I've only been a digital nomad technically for a few months like this. I'm coming into my third month, so I'm really new at this. And my dog is in Costa Rica, so I came here just for a couple weeks. I'm gonna go back and get her and I think I'm gonna come back here. I'm not sure exactly when, but I really liked it here. If she wasn't with me, if she was with me now, I don't think I'd be going back to Costa Rica. Hmm. Nice. Not yet anyway.接下来我打算回哥斯达黎加。所以我在哥斯达黎加待了几个月。从技术上来说,我才成为数字游牧者几个月而已。我即将进入第三个月,所以对这样的生活还有些陌生。我的狗在哥斯达黎加,所以我来这里只待了几周。我打算回去接她,然后可能还会回到这里。我还不确定具体的时间,但我真的很喜欢这个地方。如果她现在和我在一起,我想我可能不会回到哥斯达黎加。嗯,这还不确定,我还在考虑中。Lily:Hmm. Good. So after this trip I'm going back to Europe. So I have this problem a lot of people want to have, which is like, I don't know where I should go. I have three places and then they are all great options. Like one is Japan that already booked the tickets and the other two is like, should I stay in Iceland for a little bit longer? Or like, should I go back to Spain to practice Spanish more? So I have this problem唔。 好的。 所以这次旅行结束后我将返回欧洲。 所以我遇到了很多人都想遇到的问题,就像我不知道我应该去哪里。 我有三个地方,它们都是不错的选择。 就像一个是已经订票要前往的日本,另外两个是,我应该在冰岛多呆一会儿吗? 或者说,我应该回到西班牙多练习西班牙语吗? 所以我有这个问题!Jamie:<Laugh> quite a problem, Lily. Yeah.<笑>这是一个很大的问题, 是的。Lily:Yeah. And the reasons why I want to ask you to be on this podcast is because like first when you introduce me about what you do for your job, you're like, I'm coaching seven figure income CEOs, like CEOs. And I was just like so impressed because I was just like, a lot of people, they are like having this money issue. I don't think you have that because if you are coaching them, you're probably already like over a lot of money traumas already. Yeah. So I think it's perfect for you to be on the show and share your experiences. Especially a lot of my audience, they are, they are wanting to travel the world like us. They want to have a online business. They want to be able to like, not to worry about money anymore. But you are, you are the expert like doing all these things like I am as well, but I'm actually running into like some problem with like how to guide my audience to that. So you are like perfect. You're like godsend the angel. So thank you that, yeah. So yeah. Why do you think why do you say yes to the show? Yeah. 'cause I, your, your time is so valuable.是的。 我之所以邀请你来参加这个播客,是因为就像你首先向我介绍你的工作内容时一样,你说,你正在指导收入美金七位数的首席执行官。 我印象非常深刻,因为我觉得很多人都遇到了金钱问题。 我不认为你有这样的经历,因为如果你是他们的教练,你可能已经疗愈了很多金钱上的创伤。 是的。 所以我认为你参加这个节目并分享你的经历是完美的。 尤其是我的很多观众,他们想要像我们一样环游世界。 他们想要开展在线业务。 他们希望能够不再担心金钱。 但你是,你是像我一样做所有这些事情的专家,但我实际上遇到了一些问题,比如如何引导我的观众做到这一点。 所以你就像完美的天赐的天使。 所以谢谢你! 你认为为什么你会同意录制这个节目? 因为你的时间是如此宝贵。Jamie:Hmm. Well, first I said yes before we even said that we were gonna talk about money, but I, I remember telling, telling you when we were talking that like, I, I have no problem talking about money. I think it's a super important topic and as a woman it's unique, it's getting more common. I see a lot more people in social media with this skillset to talk about money. But a few years ago it wasn't, I was like the only person in like Tel Aviv about it. So I said yes, because I think that this is the most inspiring and one of the most effective ways to help people is for them to hear real conversations and not looking for perfection, but just looking for like authentic answers and realness. And we're just all searching for connection. So for me, this is, we're all searching for connection. So for me, this is a really enjoyable, pleasurable way. Like to spend my time and I believe that it will help people and I have no attachment to that. It will also bring me prosperity, but I also believe that when we do things that are enjoyable for us, we're opening ourselves up to more prosperity.唔。 好吧,在我们说我们要谈论金钱之前,我首先说是的,但是我,我记得当我们谈论金钱时告诉过你,就像我,我谈论金钱没有问题。 我认为这是一个非常重要的话题,作为一名女性,这个话题会是独特的,而且也变得越来越普遍。 我在社交媒体上看到更多的人拥有这种技能来谈论金钱。 但几年前,情况并非如此,我是在特拉维夫这样的地方唯一对此有看法的人。因为我认为这是最鼓舞人心、最有效的帮助人们的方法之一,就是让他们听到真实的对话,而不是寻求完美,而只是寻找真实的答案和真实性。 我们都在寻找连结。 所以对我来说,我们都在寻找连结。 所以对我来说,这是一种非常愉快、愉快的方式。 我喜欢花时间在这方面,我相信这会帮助别人,但我对此没有执着。 它也会给我带来财富,但我也相信,当我们做一些让我们愉快的事情时,我们就会向更多的财富敞开大门。Lily:Yeah. Especially this is like the second time we're recording this. Yeah. So <laugh>,是的。 尤其是这已经是我们第二次录制了。 是的。 Jamie:So even double, double prosperity, <laugh>,所以即使双倍富足,Lily:Double, yeah. Prosperity. And then to women as well. Like I often joke about this like my, my students will will tell me about like how their days were affected because the husband was like making them a little bit uncomfortable and then they would be like, ah, they wish they had more money. They don't have to rely on men or something like that. I often joke about like like you should tell your husband, happy wife, happy…双倍富足。 然后对女人也是如此。 就像我经常开这个玩笑一样,我的学生会告诉我她们的生活因为丈夫让她们有点不舒服而受到了影响,然后她们就会说,希望自己有更多的钱,那么她们就不必依赖男人。 我经常开玩笑说你应该告诉你的丈夫:快乐的妻子,就等于快乐的...Jamie:Life. Happy life. Oh yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.生活。 幸福生活。 哦耶。绝对是如此的。d
8/3/202318 minutes, 22 seconds
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1502 我就是金钱磁铁|吸引金钱丰盛播客系列开始啰!

本日格言:I am a money magnet. 我就是金钱磁铁。你是否梦想成为下一个成功的主播?或者构建一个属于自己的学英语环游世界的生活方式?这里是你摆脱焦虑、实现自由人生的起点!我们即将于8月13日开始的迷你退休营,将为你提供宝贵的资源和指导,让你在短短六周内达成这些梦想。现在就透过我们的节目文本预订一个30分钟的免费谘询通话,了解更多详情并开启你的转变之旅。 (开放咨询时间8.1-8.12)准备好迎接属于你的自由人生吗?立即订阅我们的Podcast,让我们一起探索、学习、成长,打造一个充满爱、自由和丰盛的生活!Hi, you're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend, Jamie Faye, and I'm a feminine leadership coach. I'm originally from New York, but I've also lived in Tel Aviv, Israel for 10 years, and now I'm in Guatemala here with Lily because I was in Costa Rica and I needed to do a border run. My dream is to build a sustainable farm to raise my family on and to be able to invite people from all over the world to beautiful celebrations and retreats and healing, um, and to continue to work on my online business and to have that be a great source of revenue. How about you?嗨,你正在聆听《学英语环游世界》。我是你的新朋友Jamie Faye,也是一名女性领导力教练。我原本来自纽约,但我在以色列的特拉维夫生活了10年,现在我在瓜地马拉(危地马拉)和Lily一起,因为我之前在哥斯达黎加,因为签证的原因需要出境一趟。我的梦想是建立一个可持续发展的农场,用来照顾我的家人,并邀请来自世界各地的人来参加美丽的庆典、静修营和疗愈工作坊。同时,我也会继续经营我的线上事业,并将其打造成一个重要的收入来源。那么你呢?单词记忆:1.Feminine 女性的2.Leadership 领袖力3.Coach 教练4.Border run 因为更新签证效力所做的出境旅游5.Sustainable 可持续性的6.Celebration 庆祝、庆典7.Retreat 静修8.Healing 疗愈9.Revenue 营收
8/2/202320 minutes, 31 seconds
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1501 你可以做这件事,来加速你环游世界的脚步|七层深问题

今日格言:中文:不断学习,不断进步,走向金钱丰盛之路,身为女性的妳拥有无限可能。英文:Keep learning, keep growing, and embark on the path to financial abundance; women are limitless.本日生活教练:用 “7 Levels Deep七层深问题” 找出自己的欲望的背后动机!(促使自己在生活中可以找到更多实现动机的可能,帮助实现你的梦想!)你是否梦想成为下一个成功的主播?或者构建一个属于自己的学英语环游世界的生活方式?这里是你摆脱焦虑、实现自由人生的起点!我们即将于8月13日开始的迷你退休营,将为你提供宝贵的资源和指导,让你在短短六周内达成这些梦想。现在就透过我们的节目文本预订一个30分钟的免费谘询通话,了解更多详情并开启你的转变之旅。 (开放咨询时间8.1-8.12)准备好迎接属于你的自由人生吗?立即订阅我们的Podcast,让我们一起探索、学习、成长,打造一个充满爱、自由和丰盛的生活!
7/28/202324 minutes, 19 seconds
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现在在清迈的医院和大家分享这段心情,希望可以帮助也正在受伤的人!It’s okay to be not okay! 过得不好也没关系!If you don’t die in the disaster, you will get bigger blessing in the future! 大难不死必有后福!
7/12/202310 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

1500 与O先生第一次见面的完整经过|中英对照

"Love is a journey, and regardless of the distance, it's important to cherish the scenery and beautiful moments along the way."爱情是一段旅程,不论远近,都应该珍惜途中的风景和美好时刻。你是否梦想成为下一个成功的主播?或者构建一个属于自己的学英语环游世界的生活方式?这里是你摆脱焦虑、实现自由人生的起点!我们即将于7月3日开始的迷你退休营,将为你提供宝贵的资源和指导,让你在短短六周内达成这些梦想。现在就透过我们的节目文本预订一个30分钟的免费谘询通话,了解更多详情并开启你的转变之旅。准备好迎接属于你的自由人生吗?立即订阅我们的Podcast,让我们一起探索、学习、成长,打造一个充满爱、自由和丰盛的生活!   It was a rainy Monday afternoon in Kansas City, I just got out of my pedicure appointment and realized it would be taking a bit longer for me to ride a bus to our meeting. I got a text from you that you were already in the bar where we were about to meet for the first time. For some reason, you finished work early and decided to go to the bar a bit ahead of our arranged time. So I took an Uber to the Plaza.这是一个下着雨的星期一下午,我刚刚修完脚,意识到我坐公交车去我们约定见面的地方会花费更长的时间。我收到了你的短信,说你已经在我们第一次见面的酒吧了。出于某种原因,你提前下班并决定提前去酒吧。所以我打了一辆优步去广场。 I was relieved that I was only 10 minutes late for our previously arranged time. But when I arrived at the bar, my heart was still pounding uncontrollably, hoping being late wouldn’t make a bad impression of me. At the same time, I was very delighted to be able to hear a story from the Uber driver, his name was Steve (who I’m guessing was in his 60s) still celebrates anniversaries by enjoying a chocolate cake with his wife every month. Having just gone through a recent break up with my ex, I was still wondering if I would ever meet someone great. After sharing this with Steve, he assured me that I would and that whoever I ended up meeting would be an even greater relationship. Having been on the way to meet you and still nervous, Steve had helped calm me as was very nice.我为自己只晚了10分钟感到宽慰。但当我到达酒吧时,我的心仍然不受控制地怦怦跳动,希望我的迟到不会给你留下不好的印象。与此同时,我很高兴能够听到一位优步司机的故事,他叫史蒂夫(我猜他六十多岁了),他每个月都和妻子一起享用巧克力蛋糕来庆祝结婚纪念日。我刚刚和前任分手,仍然在想是否会遇到一个很棒的人。在向史蒂夫倾诉之后,他向我保证我会遇到一个更好的人,并且与我相处的关系会更好。在去见你的路上,我仍然很紧张,但史蒂夫的帮助让我感到平静和友善。I first saw you sitting patiently waiting for me, dressed in a nice light water blue shirt with a glass of red wine at our table in the corner. I came to say hi, apologizing for being late, and sat down across from you. The bar you picked was called Granfalloon, being a sports bar with large screens around the room, it looked classy. I really liked the decor. That day I was wearing a red flowery off-shoulder dress, and the end of the skirt covered my ankles. However, my new toe nails were bright orange which go well with my new world map tattoo on the top of my feet I got just last week.首先我看到你耐心地等着我,穿着一件很好看的淡蓝色衬衫,桌子上有一杯红酒。我走过去打招呼,道歉说我迟到了,并坐在你的对面。你选择的这家酒吧叫做Granfalloon,是一家装饰高雅的运动酒吧,房间里有大屏幕。我真的很喜欢这个装饰。那天我穿着一条红色的花朵露肩长裙,裙摆盖到了脚踝。不过,我的新脚趾甲是鲜艳的橙色,与我上周刚纹的世界地图纹身很搭配。   When I sat down across from you, my heart was still pounding really fast. I figured it was due to your good looks. You were cordial and polite. After I ordered, you asked a series of questions and how my weekend went. Suddenly my head went blank. All I could remember and share was that my friend Addi, and I drank lots of shots of Tequilas and went partying on Saturday night. Oops, at the time you probably thought I was a party animal. Yet, just as I thought that I had ruined your impression of me you seemed to sense it and calmed me down by complimenting my nails. I then directed your eyes to see my new tattoo. We talked a lot about our travels. Your eyes sparkled when you shared your proudest adventures, your plans of moving to Florida, and dreams to buy a sailboat to learn how to sail the world. (I’m so proud of you. In less than a year during the time I’ve known you, you’ve accomplished everything you said you would do.)当我坐在你的对面时,我的心还在怦怦跳。我觉得这是因为你长得很帅。你很礼貌。在我点了酒之后,你问了一连串的问题,询问我的周末过得如何。突然间,我的头脑一片空白。我只记得我和朋友艾蒂喝了很多龙舌兰酒,然后在周六晚上狂欢。哎呀,当时你可能觉得我是个派对动物。然而,就在我以为我毁了你对我的印象时,你似乎察觉到了,并通过称赞我的指甲来安抚我。然后,我引导你看到我的新纹身。我们谈了很多关于旅行的话题。当你分享你最自豪的冒险、搬到佛罗里达的计划以及学习航海环游世界的梦想时,你的眼睛闪闪发光(我为你感到骄傲。在我认识你的这段时间里,不到一年的时间里,你实现了你说过的一切)。   Aside from how achieved and successful you were when you shared in our conversation, you looked like the Ken doll I used to love to play with as a little girl. You had mid-summer blond hair and were blue-eyed, tall, slim, and fit. Your smile made my heart skip several beats and I hope you didn’t notice how blushed and nervous I was.除了在我们的对话中分享你取得的成就和成功外,你看起来像小时候我喜欢玩的肯尼娃娃。你有着盛夏般的金发,蓝眼睛,身材高挑、苗条而匀称。你的微笑让我的心跳快了好几拍,我希望你没有注意到我脸红和紧张。  You were educated, good-mannered, and very sophisticated, but you could also pull off a bit of goofiness in our conversations. Which helped me to relax.你非常有教养、有礼貌、非常老练,但在我们的对话中,你也能扮小丑逗我一下。这帮助我放松下来。   After I relaxed, it surprised me that we had so much to talk about, we both had three glasses of wine and then we continued ordering some snacks to share. Our topics ranged from our love for travel and adventure, and passion for self-improvement. And what were the odds? We were both planning to go to Florida and Spain in just a few months! I loved talking about my favorite authors with you and found that you read their books, too. Not to mention those people have also greatly influenced your life! What fascinated me were your dreams to have a beach house and have a sailboat! I started to feel that you probably had looked at my dream list recently. Coincidentally, I had just recently jotted down my similar dreams in my new diary a few days before and when I asked myself the question, “If I could have anything in the world, what would it be?” I had written down a beach house and a boat.在我放松下来之后,我惊讶地发现我们有很多话题可以谈,我们都喝了三杯酒,然后继续点了一些小吃分享。我们的话题涵盖了对旅行和冒险的热爱,以及对提升自我的热情。怎么会这样巧呢?我们俩都计划在几个月内去佛罗里达和西班牙!我喜欢和你一起谈论我最喜欢的作家,发现你也读过他们的书。更不用说这些作家也对你的生活产生了极大的影响!让我着迷的是你拥有拥有一座海边别墅和一艘帆船的梦想!我开始觉得你可能最近看过我的梦想清单。巧合的是,就在几天前,我刚刚在我的新日记里写下了我类似的梦想,当我问自己这个问题:“如果我能拥有世界上的任何东西,那会是什么?”我写下了一座海边别墅和一艘船。   Then when I revealed I’d been experiencing some boy problems recently, you shared your recent breakup with your girlfriend of five years, Amy; who ended up only moving away across from you, and that even though you didn’t want to, you still saw her almost everyday. You seemed pretty bothered by it. For some reason, that revelation made me feel close to you. Even though at the time I chose to hold back the information that I was… still married. I couldn’t break the news to you because I was worried that you would judge me. Even though the truth was that my then husband had been through my recent break up and had broken my heart, I couldn’t risk what we had so far. I was having so much fun on our date and never wanted it to end.然后,当我透露我最近遇到一些男生问题时,你分享了你和女友艾米分手的事,她竟然搬到了你对面,尽管你不想,但你几乎每天都能见到她。你似乎对此相当烦恼。出于某种原因,这个告白让我感到亲近。尽管当时我选择隐瞒我仍然是已婚的事实。我不能向你透露这个消息,因为我担心你会评判我。即使事实上,我的前夫是我最近的分手对象,他伤透了我的心,但我不能冒险破坏我们迄今为止的一切。我在我们的约会上玩得太开心了,不希望它提早结束。   We went to a couple of places after that, you showed me what Brookside was like and we ended up sitting outside of the patio in a restaurant in the West Side. The weather cleared up and the temperature was so mild. I had a huge grin ear to ear the whole time. I haven’t enjoyed a great banter session with anyone for a while. You seemed to understand me very well and made me forget that I was speaking a second language. You also mentioned that most of the dates you had recently gone on, didn’t survive after Happy Hour. But I actually made it to dinner and got in your unmarked van, and let you drive me around, which became our inside joke with our friends later. 之后,我们去了几个地方,你向我展示了布鲁克赛德的风景,最后我们坐在西边的一家餐厅的庭院外面。天气放晴,温度很温和。我一直笑得合不拢嘴。我已经很久没有享受到这样愉快的交谈了。你似乎非常了解我,让我忘记自己在说第二语言。你还提到你最近约会的大多数人在欢乐时光过后就不再联系了。但是我实际上到了晚餐时间,并坐进了你的无标志货车,让你开车带我四处游玩,这后来成了我们和朋友之间的笑话。I felt so safe beside you, you made me feel alive and I could be myself with you. I even insisted on paying for our dinner to thank you for a great time which I have never done before. It was very sexy to see how competitive you were, and you hated to lose. So you promised to take me to the Jazz museum and a couple of your favorite places next time we meet.我在你身边感到非常安全,你让我感觉到活力,我可以真实地做自己。我甚至坚持付了我们的晚餐账单,感谢你给我带来了美好的时光,这是我从未做过的事情。看到你竞争意识如此强烈,不愿输给别人,真的很性感。所以你答应下次我们见面时带我去爵士音乐博物馆和你喜欢的几个地方。   When you dropped me off at the Cold Storage, you excitingly got out of your van, and gave me a big bear hug. You didn’t kiss me, but just looked into my eyes and rubbed my fingers for a second, saying let’s go out again soon, which I found really sweet. After I got home and I got a text from you thanking me again for a great night. I read it lying alone on the borrowed couch at Josh’s, but I felt great. I put down the phone smiling but reached again to text Addi, “OMG, I just met this guy for drinks, and he’s such a cutie…!!”在你送我回我朋友的公寓时,你兴奋地下了车,给了我一个大大的熊抱。你没有吻我,只是凝视着我的眼睛,抚摸了一下我的手指,说我们很快再出去约会,我觉得这非常甜蜜。回到家后,我收到了你发来的短信,再次感谢我度过了美好的夜晚。我一个人躺在朋友家借来的沙发上看着手机,但感觉很棒。我放下手机微笑着,却又发了条短信给艾蒂,“天哪,我刚刚和一个帅哥喝了酒,他太可爱了...!!”The next day, after a few texts back and forth between us, we agreed to meet again and check out the used bookstore I recently discovered on 39th street.第二天,在我们之间的几条短信交流后,我们同意再次见面,并去看看我最近发现的39街上的二手书店。加入新一期開營的第四期迷你退休營/早起訓練營,請填寫問卷預約30分鐘免費諮詢:  或加主播微信:iflywithlily 验证消息:报名)我的IG:flywithlily微信:iflywithlily
6/30/202334 minutes, 1 second
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1499 你记得我们的第一次约会吗

"Enjoy the present moment, don't worry about the future or dwell on the past, fully immerse yourself in the interaction with your date, creating beautiful memories.""享受当下的美好时刻,不要担心未来或过去,让自己完全投入到与约会对象的互动中,创造美好的回忆。"你是否梦想成为下一个成功的主播?或者构建一个属于自己的学英语环游世界的生活方式?这里是你摆脱焦虑、实现自由人生的起点!我们即将于7月3日开始的迷你退休营,将为你提供宝贵的资源和指导,让你在短短六周内达成这些梦想。现在就透过我们的节目文本预订一个30分钟的免费谘询通话,了解更多详情并开启你的转变之旅。准备好迎接属于你的自由人生吗?立即订阅我们的Podcast,让我们一起探索、学习、成长,打造一个充满爱、自由和丰盛的生活!(8:02 完整英语的访谈|English Interview starts at 8:02)So Omar, do you remember our first date? Yeah. We went out for a drink, didn't we? Yeah. Exactly. Yeah, exactly and then do we just go home after that? I think I took you out since it was going well, and I was having fun talking with you. I think we went to another place and got something to eat if I remember right mm-hmm. Yeah, was that all? It's been a while. What else did we do? I think we got another drink after that. We drank a lot. Yeah, we drank a lot. What's going on? Thirsty. You were just very asking all the questions. Very thirsty. Did you follow that 30/70 rule on me as well? I think I was pretty close, if I remember right. Yeah, we both contributed on that. Exactly. Well, that's what you get when you date a famous podcaster. There's going to be a lot of conversation and questions. Yeah.噢,对了,你还记得我们第一次约会吗?没错,我们一起去喝酒了,对吧?没错,确切地说,我们一起去了酒吧。然后我们回家了吗?不太记得了。我记得我们在酒吧喝了一些,然后可能去了另一个地方吃东西。对,那是什么地方来着?好像有一段时间了,我不太记得具体的地方了。我们还做了其他什么吗?我记得我们在那之后又喝了一杯。我们确实喝了不少酒。是的,我们喝得挺多的。嗯,可能因为当时口渴吧。你好像问了很多问题。嗯,的确渴了。你是说我们都遵守了30/70的规则吗?我记得我们都做出了一些贡献。没错。好吧,这就是和著名播主约会的结果,会有很多对话和问题。没错。加入新一期開營的第四期迷你退休營/早起訓練營,請填寫問卷預約30分鐘免費諮詢:  或加主播微信:iflywithlily 验证消息:报名)我的IG:flywithlily微信:iflywithlily
6/28/202322 minutes, 52 seconds
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1498 对于美国男人的理想第一次约会是怎么样

Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale. 偶尔在平凡的生活中,因为爱情,给我们带来了一个童话。(18:58 完整英语的访谈|English Interview starts at 18:58)你是否梦想成为下一个成功的主播?或者构建一个属于自己的学英语环游世界的生活方式?这里是你摆脱焦虑、实现自由人生的起点!我们即将于7月3日开始的迷你退休营,将为你提供宝贵的资源和指导,让你在短短六周内达成这些梦想。现在就透过我们的节目文本预订一个30分钟的免费谘询通话,了解更多详情并开启你的转变之旅。准备好迎接属于你的自由人生吗?立即订阅我们的Podcast,让我们一起探索、学习、成长,打造一个充满爱、自由和丰盛的生活!的确,爱情有时候可以在平凡的生活中创造出童话般的奇迹。它可以改变我们的世界观,让我们感受到无比的喜悦和幸福。当爱情降临时,我们的心境瞬间变得明亮起来,生活充满了美好的色彩。爱情让我们体验到浪漫和惊喜,就像童话故事中的主角一样。它能够将我们从现实的压力和琐碎中解放出来,带领我们进入一个完全不同的世界。在爱情的陪伴下,我们能够感受到心灵的宁静和温暖。爱情也能够激发我们内心深处的渴望和勇气,让我们敢于追求梦想和冒险。它鼓励我们勇往直前,克服困难和挑战,就像童话故事中的英雄一样。爱情给予我们力量,让我们相信奇迹和美好的存在。无论我们是否相信童话故事,爱情总是能够在我们的生活中创造出美丽的瞬间和回忆。它是一种神奇的力量,能够使我们感受到人生的惊喜和无尽的可能性。所以,让我们在平凡的日子里保持对爱情的开放和渴望,让它给我们带来一个属于自己的童话故事。无论爱情如何改变我们的生活,让我们记住,每个人都值得拥有属于自己的童话结局。This one is actually a question I want to know about: What is the ideal first date for an American man? An ideal first date for an American man? Well, it really depends and I'll say it depends on how you met and your relationship prior to that. If this is someone you met on online dating, usually I think it's best just to meet for something very quick, like a cup of coffee or a drink at happy hour. Something where there's not like a really long commitment that lasts maybe 20 minutes and you can kind of get to meet the person in real life and then if it's going well you can always extend it or agree to meet like later that week. I just feel like it's been putting yourself in a situation when you commit to going out to dinner or an all-day event on Saturday with somebody you've never really met in real life, is a bit of a large commitment. 理想的第一次约会对于美国男性来说,实际上是一个视情况而定的问题。它取决于你们是如何认识的,以及在约会前是否已经建立了一定的关系基础。一个常见的选择是在轻松愉快的氛围中相约喝杯酒或享受美食。这样的约会通常不会太长,大约持续20分钟到几个小时不等。这样的约会可以让你们在现实生活中见面,并进一步探索彼此的兴趣和相处方式。如果约会进展顺利,你们可以随时延长约会时间或安排更多的见面。重要的是,不要对自己设定太大的承诺压力,毕竟这只是第一次约会而已。让约会自然流动,并随着时间的推移逐渐发展更深入的关系。1.Depends on 取决2.Prior to 先前的3.Online dating 线上约会4.Extend 延长5.Commitment 承诺Now if it's somebody that you, like say a co-worker or somebody that you are childhood friends with or that is a friend of a friend and you already know that person, then just meeting for a cup of coffee or a drink might be not enough. Maybe it's something a little bit more intensive that's going to last a few hours. But yeah, it really depends on how you met that person and your relationship before that. Yeah. 你提到的情况确实可能需要更长时间的约会,特别是如果你与对方已经有某种程度的熟悉或者共同的背景。如果你和对方是同事、儿时朋友或朋友的朋友,那么你们可能已经有一些共同点和话题可以聊天。在这种情况下,约会可以更深入,时间可能会更长,因为你们有更多的事情可以讨论和分享。例如,你可以选择去一家舒适的咖啡厅或酒吧,让你们有足够的时间进行真实而深入的对话。你们可以讨论过去的回忆、共同的兴趣、工作或学业等话题。这样的约会可以让你们更好地了解彼此,并且有机会建立更深厚的关系。重要的是,选择一个场所和活动,能够让你们两个都能感到轻松自在并且有良好的交流氛围。无论约会持续多长时间,最重要的是在约会期间保持真实和开放,并尊重彼此的舒适范围。当然,这只是一些建议,最终约会的具体形式和长度还是要根据你和对方的喜好和情况来定。记得放松、享受约会,并让事情自然发展。祝你顺利!6.Coworker 同事7.Childhood 童年8.Intensive 密集的加入新一期开营的第四期迷你退休营/早起训练营,请填写问卷预约30分钟免费谘询:  或加主播微信:iflywithlily 验证消息:报名)我的IG:flywithlily微信:iflywithlily
6/25/202324 minutes, 4 seconds
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1497 约会不是一场游戏,而是一个探索自己的过程|和美国人约会

加入新一期开营的第四期迷你退休营/早起训练营:  或加主播微信:iflywithlily 验证消息:报名)Dating is not a game, but a process of discovery. Be open, be yourself, and let the journey unfold naturally.约会不是游戏,而是一个探索的过程。保持开放,做真实的自己,让旅程自然展开。(8:20 完整英语的访谈|English Interview starts at 8:20)How important is having a great conversation in a date? Well, I think it's very important. You know, everybody's different and everybody has different chemistry and different ways. But one of the best ways to build rapport with somebody is through conversation and through asking about them and their life and what they care about. And it's, at least in Western culture, I've heard that generally speaking you should try to ask ask... the conversation split should be 70-30. So you should be asking... you should be talking 30% of the time and your date should be talking 70% of the time. Seriously? There's a law. Well, it's not really a law, but it's... Do you follow that as well? I try to. I mean, if you find yourself talking most of the date, it's probably not going well. Because that means you're mostly just talking about yourself and not really learning about them. So if I find myself in a situation where I feel like I've been doing most of the talking, I try to just start asking them questions to learn more about them. 在约会中进行愉快的交谈有多重要?嗯,我认为这很重要。你知道,每个人都是不同的,每个人都有不同的化学反应和不同的方式。但与某人建立融洽关系的最佳方式之一是通过交谈并询问他们和他们的生活以及他们关心的事情。而且,至少在西方文化中,我听说一般来说你应该试着问问……谈话的比例应该是 70-30。所以你应该问……你应该有 30% 的时间在说话,而你的约会对象应该有 70% 的时间在说话。严重地?有一条法律。嗯,这不是真正的法律,但它是......你也遵守吗?我试着。我的意思是,如果你发现自己在约会的大部分时间里都在说话,那可能进展不顺利。因为这意味着你主要只是在谈论你自己,而不是真正了解他们。因此,如果我发现自己处在一种感觉大部分时间都是我在说话的情况下,我会试着开始向他们提问,以了解更多关于他们的信息。1.Chemistry 化学反应2.Rapport 融洽关系 加入新一期开营的第四期迷你退休营/早起训练营,请填写问卷预约30分钟免费谘询:  或加主播微信:iflywithlily 验证消息:报名)我的IG:flywithlily微信:iflywithlily
6/20/202319 minutes, 30 seconds
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1496 和美国人第一次见面/约会,我们千万不能说的话(下)

加入新一期开营的第四期迷你退休营/早起训练营:  或加主播微信:iflywithlily 验证消息:报名)"Dating is not about finding the perfect person but about finding an imperfect person and seeing them perfectly."约会不仅仅是寻找完美的人,而是寻找一个不完美的人并完美地看待他们。(6:43 完整英语的访谈|English Interview starts at 6:43)Oh this one I also heard a lot, and actually I heard my friend, he complained to me that once he had his Chinese colleague saying like you look tired and you look fat. Yeah so obviously you know these kind of statements when said by your family or your really good friends you know it's a lot more common you should definitely never ever say these to a person that you're going on a date with or have interest in. Rather than saying those phrases, you should say nothing. Nothing is the best policy. Yes, that is. And I mean if they look like one of those things and you find that undesirable, then maybe just don't go on a date with them again. Well, you know why they say that? I totally understand. It's because you look tired. Can I do something for you to help you not feel so tired? You know, usually it's like care. Yeah, and I understand that. However, there's not really anything you can do for them in the moment of them being tired. They just need to go take a nap. And really it's a pointless statement because you can't help them, and the next time you see them they may not be tired. They are just insults to their look. So yeah, just say nothing. 哦,这个我也听到很多,实际上我听到我的朋友,他向我抱怨说有一次他的中国同事说你看起来很累,你看起来很胖。是的,很明显,当你的家人或你真正的好朋友说这些话时,你知道这种说法更为常见,但你绝对不应该对要与之约会或感兴趣的人说这些话. 与其说那些话,不如什么都不说。什么都不说是最好的政策。对。我的意思是,如果他们看起来累或胖,而你发现那是不是你喜欢的,那么也许就不要再和他们约会了。你知道他们为什么这么说吗?我完全明白。那是因为我说你看起来很累,是不是我可以为你做点什么让你不那么累吗?你知道,通常这就像关心。是的,我明白这一点。然而,在他们疲倦的那一刻,你真的无能为力。他们只需要去小睡一下。这真的是一个毫无意义的声明,因为你无法帮助他们,只是在侮辱他们的外表。下次你见到他们时,他们可能不会感到疲倦。所以最好什么都不说。1.Complain 抱怨2.Common 常见3.Policy 政策4.Take a nap 小睡一下5.Pointless 毫无意义6.Insults 侮辱加入新一期开营的第四期迷你退休营/早起训练营,请填写问卷预约30分钟免费谘询:  或加主播微信:iflywithlily 验证消息:报名)我的IG:flywithlily微信:iflywithlily
6/18/202319 minutes, 19 seconds
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1495 和美国人第一次见面/约会,我们千万不能说的话(上)

加入新一期开营的第四期迷你退休营/早起训练营:  或加主播微信:iflywithlily 验证消息:报名)You're more than just a body. 你不仅仅是身体而已。(16:43 完整英语的访谈|English Interview starts at 16:43)Alright, this is another one that I often hear and I find it can be a little bit offensive, it's like complimenting body parts. For example, like you have very beautiful legs or... Or other parts. Yeah, or other beautiful parts. Yeah, so yes, that can be, in Western culture, that can be seen as very forward, very aggressive, and almost without fail, any woman that you ask that to is going to kind of seize up and get very defensive and want to go away from you. For a woman asking a man that, it's not nearly as bad, but it's still, I wouldn't consider it very appropriate or very polite. For example, like feeling a guy's arm and then saying that, oh, you have muscle. Yeah. I mean, it's not as bad as the other way around, definitely. But it still wouldn't, generally, be received very well. 好吧,这是我经常听到的另一个,我发现它可能有点冒犯,就像赞美身体部位一样。比如你有很漂亮的腿或者……或者其他部位。是的,或其他美丽的部位。是的,所以是的,在西方文化中,这可以被视为非常直接,非常有侵略性,而且几乎毫无例外,你要求的任何女人都会变得冷酷并变得非常防御并想要离开你。对于一个女人如果对一个男人这样说,这并没有那么糟糕,但我认为这仍不是很合适或很有礼貌。例如,感觉一个男人的手臂然后说,哇,你有肌肉。是的。我的意思是,绝对没有像男生对女生这样说那么糟糕。但总的来说,它仍然不会被很好地接受。1.Offensive 冒犯的2.Compliment 赞美3.Aggressive 有侵略性的4.Without fail 毫无意外5.Seize up 失灵,不动的、变得冷酷6.Defensive 防御的7.Appropriate 恰当的So a better way to compliment somebody and get their attention would be to compliment their clothes or their hair. Accessories. Accessories, yes, correct. Because you think about it in a sense of the person can't really change their body parts. That's just who they are. But a person can... they woke up that morning and they chose to put those clothes on. They chose to style their hair that way. So in a sense, you are complimenting their choices, not their person. And that will be received much more favorably. Yeah, and before we recorded and you told me that it's okay to say someone is beautiful or someone is handsome Yes, that's okay but that's also a very generic term, you know, why are they beautiful? Why are they handsome? Is it their body parts or is it their clothes? Is it their makeup? Is it their hair? That's a lot more general, so that's not necessarily a bad statement, but it's also nice to be specific. So, oh, I really like your hair. I really like that dress you're wearing, or something to that like. 因此,赞美某人并引起他们注意的更好方法是赞美他们的衣服或头发。或是配件,是的,正确的。因为你从某种意义上考虑,人无法真正改变他们的身体部位。他们就是这样。但是一个人可以……他们那天早上醒来,他们选择穿上那些衣服。他们选择那样设计头发。所以从某种意义上说,你是在赞美他们的选择,而不是他们的人。这将受到更多的欢迎。是的,在我们录制之前你告诉我可以说某人很漂亮或某人很帅是的,没关系但这也是一个非常通用的语言,你知道,他们为什么漂亮?他们为什么帅?是他们的身体部位还是他们的衣服?是她们的妆吗?是他们的头发吗?这更笼统,所以这不一定是一个糟糕的陈述,但具体一点也很好。所以,哦,我真的很喜欢你的头发。我真的很喜欢你穿的那件衣服,或者类似的东西。8.Accessory 配件9.Generic 通用的10.Statement 描述加入新一期开营的第四期迷你退休营/早起训练营,请填写问卷预约30分钟免费谘询:  或加主播微信:iflywithlily 验证消息:报名)我的IG:flywithlily微信:iflywithlily
6/17/202323 minutes, 52 seconds
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1378 弄清楚喜欢怎么学习 |快乐学英语第十七招

第十七招:Figure out how you learn. It can be by memorising, reading, speaking, summarising or other methods. Find out how you study best. It can be in a quiet place by yourself or with a group. 弄清楚你是如何学习的。可以通过背诵、阅读、口语、总结或其他方法。找出你最好的学习方式。它可以一个人在一个安静的地方,也可以和一群人一起。加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界、自学英语和达成理想生活的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
12/3/202112 minutes, 23 seconds
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1377 知道过去哪些方法有效 |快乐学英语第十六招

第十六招:Know what works best for you. Think about what methods have been successful for you in the past and stick with them. 知道什么最适合你。想想过去哪些方法对你来说是成功的,并坚持下去。故事:自己早起习惯的建立和准备语言考试督促自己。加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界、自学英语和达成理想生活的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
12/2/202113 minutes, 45 seconds
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1376 制造一个你想要的学习氛围 | 快乐学英语第十五招

第十五招:Create an atmosphere in which you want to learn, not because you have to. You’ll learn more when you’re learning because you want to. 营造一种妳想要学习的氛围,而不是因为妳必须学习。因为妳想要,所以当妳学习时,妳就会学到更多。故事:从纽约回来台湾之后的一连串的主动出击。和外国人一起住、做着每天都需要用英语的工作、平时做语言交换、订阅英语新闻杂志来每天进步一点点。五点钟具乐部云雀实验室里每个人都是我们的老师。英语的训练营里,大家都非常认真。加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界、自学英语和达成理想生活的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
12/1/202114 minutes, 44 seconds
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1375 也给自己一些短期目标,并在达成的时候奖励自己 | 快乐学英语第十四招

第十四招:Give yourself short term goals too and reward yourself when you achieve each one. 也给自己设定短期目标,并在实现每个目标时奖励自己。                          故事:从James Clear“原子习惯”这本书来举例:写作、运动、阅读,学英语从背单词达到小目标给自己一个小奖赏。加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界、自学英语和达成理想生活的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
11/30/202114 minutes, 32 seconds
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1374 给自己一个长期目标 | 快乐学英语第13招

第十三招:Give yourself a long term goal. Focus on working towards it. 给自己一个长期的目标。专注于为之努力。故事:我的学生Richard实现了他的梦想过去我订的目标:英语考试、国外旅行、英语演讲、英语歌唱... 等等。加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界和自学英语的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
11/23/202113 minutes, 7 seconds
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1374 给自己一个长期目标 | 快乐学英语第13招

第十三招:Give yourself a long term goal. Focus on working towards it. 给自己一个长期的目标。专注于为之努力。故事:我的学生Richard实现了他的梦想过去我订的目标:英语考试、国外旅行、英语演讲、英语歌唱... 等等。加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界和自学英语的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
11/23/202113 minutes, 7 seconds
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1373 不要为了考试学习 |快乐学英语第12招

第十二招:It’s better not to study just to take a test. Think of the bigger picture. What can you do when you have a good command of English? How will the quality of your life improve? 话说,最好不要为了考试而学习。想想更大的图景。当你英语流利时,你能做什么?你的生活质量将如何提高?故事:我的学生Richard到瑞典工作加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界和自学英语的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
11/22/202110 minutes
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1372 从计划这件事找到学习英语的动力 | 快乐学英语第十一招

第十一招:Plan to take a test. You’ll find that you work harder when you need to study for something. 计划参加考试。当你需要为某事而学习时,你会发现你会更加努力地工作。故事:Amy的故事我学习西语的例子加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界和自学英语的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
11/21/202110 minutes, 42 seconds
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1372 从计划这件事找到学习英语的动力 | 快乐学英语第十一招

第十一招:Plan to take a test. You’ll find that you work harder when you need to study for something. 计划参加考试。当你需要为某事而学习时,你会发现你会更加努力地工作。故事:Amy的故事我学习西语的例子加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界和自学英语的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
11/21/202110 minutes, 42 seconds
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1371 使用这个字而非记单词 |快乐学英语第十招

第十招:You will find words easier to remember if you try to remember an example sentence using that word rather than the word on its own. 如果你尝试使用该词而不是单独的词来记住例句,你会发现单词更容易记住。故事-学会用英英字典来查生词和例句,柯林斯字典-例如 interest,An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. 最好的投资就是投资自己的脑袋。加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界和自学英语的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
11/14/202112 minutes, 3 seconds
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1371 使用这个字而非记单词 |快乐学英语第十招

第十招:You will find words easier to remember if you try to remember an example sentence using that word rather than the word on its own. 如果你尝试使用该词而不是单独的词来记住例句,你会发现单词更容易记住。故事-学会用英英字典来查生词和例句,柯林斯字典-例如 interest,An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. 最好的投资就是投资自己的脑袋。加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界和自学英语的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
11/14/202112 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

1370 变成晨型人,在早上学习 |快乐学英语第九招

第九招:Use your body clock. Become a morning person, and study early in the morning.使用你的生物钟。变成晨型人,在早上学习。夜猫子:night owl和Lily一起早起的播客 “Wake up with Lily Podcast”请在Apple Podcast/Spotify 搜寻“Wake up with Lily”故事-早上6点与在危地马拉的老师学习西语-早上7点与再英国的老师学习英语加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界和自学英语的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
11/11/202111 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

1369 记忆英语单词列表 | 快乐学英语第八招

第八招:Memorisation of lists is one of the most common ways of learning vocabulary for a test. It's only a good exercise for short term studying. 记忆列表是学习考试词汇的最常见方法之一。但这只是短期学习的一个很好的练习。故事-学习西班牙语加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界和自学英语的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
11/10/20218 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

1368 每天听一集学英语环游世界的播客 | 快乐学英语第七招

第七招:Visit Fly with Lily Podcast at least once a day and listen to an episode. 至少每天看一下学英语环游世界Podcast有没有更新,然后完成收听一集。故事我听播客的故事到自己做播客然后用播客来打造个人品牌环游世界加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界和自学英语的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
11/9/202115 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

1367 新单词用它3遍 |快乐学英语第六招

第六招:Keep a notebook of new words you learn. Use them in sentences and try to say them at least 3 times when you speak. 把你學到的新單詞記在筆記本上。在句子中使用它們,並在說話時嘗試至少說 3 次。故事Toastmasters演講俱樂部的訓練,學到新詞,立刻再演講的時候使用並聽到。做到單詞訓練至少可以看到它五次以上加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一樣學英語環遊世界嗎?現在就加入我們的IFLYCLUB,現在就用最優惠的價格,學英語環遊世界去!不管你為了要出國壯遊做準備、還是為了要能夠用旅遊的方式打造自己的生活型態,在這裡你可以學到更多,並結識世界各地的朋友們!加入我們這個最有正能量的女生社團!在這裡你可以參與直播課、線上課程了解如何環遊世界和自學英語的秘笈,認識來自世界各地環遊世界的遠距工作者和英語自學成材的牛人,還可以跟著Lily的腳步一起環遊世界!加速妳環遊世界的腳步!會員預約15分鐘免費通話微信IFLYCLUB  填寫表單或是預約15分鐘Call,來看看妳學英語和環遊世界战斗值座落在哪裡
11/8/202113 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

1366 练习听说读写四项核心技能 | 快乐学英语第五招

第五招:Practise the 4 core skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. They all need to be worked on for you to improve. 练习 4 项核心技能:阅读、写作、口语和听力。四项技能都需要练习才会有进步。字的结构:字形、字音、字义句子的结构:句型、句意、句子的语调在学校的学习找纽约的住宿陈姐的学习方式加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界和自学英语的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是从1.1开始预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
11/7/202114 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

1365 告诉家人你的英语学习计划 |快乐学英语第四招

第四招:Tell your family and friends about your study plan. Get them to push you to study and also don’t let them interrupt you. 告诉你的家人和朋友你的学习计划。让他们推动你学习,也不要让他们打扰你。在家带宝宝Carmen的故事早起具乐部加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界和自学英语的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是从1.1开始预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
11/6/20219 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

1364 给自己制定一个学习计划 |快乐学英语第三招

第三招:Practise every day. Make yourself a study plan. Decide how much time a week you are going to spend studying and stick to it. Establish a routine. 每天练习。给自己制定一个学习计划。决定你每周要花多少时间学习并坚持下去。建立例行公事。故事:吃鲸鱼排的例子每天1个单词每天只是穿上跑步鞋在IFLYCLUB的朋友每天学一个主题/一句英语问题&回答加入我的IFLYCLUB 想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界和自学英语的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB  填写表单或是从1.1开始预约15分钟Call,来看看妳学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
11/5/202111 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

1363 将自己放置在全英语的环境中 | 快乐学英语第二招

第二招:Surround yourself in English. Put yourself in an all English speaking environment where you can learn passively. The best way to learn is through speaking. 让自己沉浸在英语之中。将自己置于全英语环境中,你可以被动学习。最好的学习方式是通过口语。故事梦想就是学好英语环游世界出国回来之后就更有动力想要学好英语,所以就找了英语相关工作、搬进了外国人住的公寓、因为拥有了更多外国朋友就会周末带他们去玩、后来也会认识外国的男生就交往外国的男朋友。加入我的IFLYCLUB ”想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界和自学英语的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!“会员预约15分钟免费通话微信IFLYCLUB 里填写表单或是 发送信息预约15分钟Call,来看看你学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
11/4/202113 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

1362 不要害怕犯错 |快乐学英语第一招

第一招:Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Be confident. People can only correct your mistakes when they hear you make them. 不要害怕犯错误。自信点。别人只有在听到你犯了错误时才能纠正你的错误。环游四十国之前经历:美国五百强企业埃森哲、EA GAMES的英汉语培训师、全中国第一个志愿导游上海贵旅特经理故事:在”芝麻街英语“面试狂掉芝麻:Sesame 念错别人的招牌和外国人说话鸡同鸭讲:passion“ 热情” 讲成 patience ”病人/耐心“加入我的IFLYCLUB ”想要和Lily一样学英语环游世界吗?现在就加入我们的IFLYCLUB,现在就用最优惠的价格,学英语环游世界去!不管你为了要出国壮游做准备、还是为了要能够用旅游的方式打造自己的生活型态,在这里你可以学到更多,并结识世界各地的朋友们!加入我们这个最有正能量的女生社团!在这里你可以参与直播课、线上课程了解如何环游世界和自学英语的秘笈,认识来自世界各地环游世界的远距工作者和英语自学成材的牛人,还可以跟着Lily的脚步一起环游世界!加速妳环游世界的脚步!“会员预约15分钟免费通话公众微信IFLYCLUB,里填写表单或是 发送信息预约15分钟Call,来看看你学英语和环游世界战斗值座落在哪里
11/3/202114 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

1361 (英文版)环欧火车旅行最终回,我的成长与感想和下一步 |环欧火车旅行第29集

Nothing good will ever happen to you if you never leave your house. 如果你永远不出门,好事决不会发生在你身上。Before my evening flight back to Barcelona, I also booked several cooking classes making pizza, tiramisu and pasta, as well as a walking tour in downtown Rome. Luckily, the classes connected seamlessly. I had a full schedule and I made several friends who I still keep in touch with till this day.在回去巴塞罗那的晚上班机之前,我在罗马市区预定了几堂制作Pizza、提拉米苏、和意大利面的课程,还有一个在市中心的徒步之旅,幸运的是这些课程都连接的天衣无缝呢,让我一整天都行程滿滿的,而且还交了几个至今我们还保持联系的朋友。That was the end of my journey in Europe. I had so many beautiful memories and had seen most of the cities I was eager to visit. I had met the people I wanted to meet and also got together with some friends before I went back to Taiwan. 这就是我在欧洲旅行的终点了。我拥有好多美丽的回忆,还看到了许多我曾经渴望拜访的城市。在我回台湾前还见了许多我一直想见又和一些朋友重逢。After I got back to Taiwan, I had some quality time with my family and then I was figuring out where I would like to go after I had some much-needed rest. Then the pandemic hit. A lot of my friends in Europe were suffering from the sudden change in their lives and restrictions on things that previously seemed normal. I only talked to a few of my hosts briefly however they seemed quite low and there was a point at which it felt like the world was ending. At this time, a lot of people in Europe and other countries died from this horrible disease and many more were stuck on their computers and within their homes for weeks on end. 回到台湾后,我和家人共度了一些美好的优质时光,然后在我充分休息正要计划着下一站要去哪里的时候,新冠肺炎的大流行蔓延各地。我在欧洲的朋友都因为这个在他们生命中的突然转变和生活受到的限制而受苦着。我仅仅和几个曾经接待过我的沙发主人说话,然而他们都心情低落也感觉世界好像就要灭绝了。因为在那个时候,在欧洲和许多国家有许多人死于这个可怕的疾病,还有许多人待在家里被电脑给困住不知道多久了。Now in hindsight, I am really glad I took the trip. I really am. Though it was hard and I was exhausted from the trip, I followed my heart, and I didn’t waste time. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to create so many beautiful stories to tell. I saw so many beautiful sights and scenery however I was most interested in the people who lived there. At this point, I don’t know when the world will be normal and safe to travel again. It’s very possible that we will have to continue to travel with caution and socially distance from people we meet from now on. Back when I was traveling, these ideas never crossed my mind. 现在我回头看,我真的很高兴那时我启程了。虽然路途很辛苦,我也精疲力竭,但我一路跟随着我的心所以也没有浪费时间。不然我就不会有机会制造和说这么多美丽的故事。我看到了许多美丽的风景,然而我最有兴趣的还是住在那里的人。此刻,我并不清楚何时这个世界会回归正常并能够再度旅行。也很有可能从此之后,我们必须要继续小心的旅行着并保持社交距离。而这些是我在旅行的时候,从来没有想过的。I was used to flying all the time, and I even created a brand for myself called Fly with Lily. However, the train made it so easy to travel to nearby countries. The eurail ticket was also a money saver too and I took 56 rides with a two month pass, which came to around 900 euros. 我以前总是不停的到处飞,我甚至开创了一个品牌叫做「和Lily一起飞」。然而,这个火车旅行让我们可以更方便的到邻近的国家去旅行。环欧火车的通票也非常的划算,让我省了不少钱,在两个月的旅程中,我用900欧元搭乘了56趟火车,和横跨了10个国家呢。At the end of my journey, I saw how far I had come from when I first thought about the idea of traveling around Europe by train. These thoughts developed after a conversation with my good English friend in Barcelona, Greg, who suggested that train travel was a great way to leave a smaller carbon footprint than flights and was more environmentally friendly. He had lived in Sweden for almost twenty years and even shared that some Northern Europeans advocated “Flight Shame”.  He jokingly told me that maybe I should stop encouraging people to “fly” since I was building my personal brand “Fly with Lily”.  Over the years while I was traveling around the globe, I became more aware of the impact of my actions on the place I lived in and I felt inspired by Greg to try this new approach for myself. When we can travel again, I would love to try more train journeys in different countries and continents. My experiences convinced me that this method of travel is not only more environmentally friendly but that there are so many exciting adventures to be had. At the top of my list is traveling around China by train, experiencing the many sides of this vast country and sharing what I see with my loyal listeners. 在旅行的最后,我终于能看到从一开始有这个想要用火车旅行的想法是如何一路支持我美梦成真。这些想法在我和我在巴塞罗那的英国好朋友,Greg的建议下而促使了行动,Greg在瑞典居住了将近二十年的时间,有次他告诉我北欧正在进行一个叫做“飞行耻(Flight Shame) ”的活动,说火车旅行比飞机旅行更要能减少碳排量还能更环保。他开玩笑地告诉我或许我应该要停止鼓励人去“飞”。在这几年的环球旅行中,我的确更有意识到我的行为是如何影响我居住的地方。而且我也被Greg给鼓舞到了,并也想要尝试用新的方式来影响地球。如果我们又可以开始旅行了,我会想要在更多不同的国家和大陆进行更多的火车旅行。我的经验也让我更加确信这样的旅行方式不仅更环保,还可以创造更多的冒险经验。在我的愿望清单上,中国会是我未来最想要用火车来旅行的国家,也希望可以用这样的方式看到这个广大国家的更多不同面向,并且和我重视的听众们来分享我所看到的。**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车29“
10/19/20216 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

1360 环欧火车旅行最终回,我的成长与感想和下一步 |环欧火车旅行第29集

Nothing good will ever happen to you if you never leave your house. 如果你永远不出门,好事决不会发生在你身上。Before my evening flight back to Barcelona, I also booked several cooking classes making pizza, tiramisu and pasta, as well as a walking tour in downtown Rome. Luckily, the classes connected seamlessly. I had a full schedule and I made several friends who I still keep in touch with till this day.在回去巴塞罗那的晚上班机之前,我在罗马市区预定了几堂制作Pizza、提拉米苏、和意大利面的课程,还有一个在市中心的徒步之旅,幸运的是这些课程都连接的天衣无缝呢,让我一整天都行程滿滿的,而且还交了几个至今我们还保持联系的朋友。That was the end of my journey in Europe. I had so many beautiful memories and had seen most of the cities I was eager to visit. I had met the people I wanted to meet and also got together with some friends before I went back to Taiwan. 这就是我在欧洲旅行的终点了。我拥有好多美丽的回忆,还看到了许多我曾经渴望拜访的城市。在我回台湾前还见了许多我一直想见又和一些朋友重逢。After I got back to Taiwan, I had some quality time with my family and then I was figuring out where I would like to go after I had some much-needed rest. Then the pandemic hit. A lot of my friends in Europe were suffering from the sudden change in their lives and restrictions on things that previously seemed normal. I only talked to a few of my hosts briefly however they seemed quite low and there was a point at which it felt like the world was ending. At this time, a lot of people in Europe and other countries died from this horrible disease and many more were stuck on their computers and within their homes for weeks on end. 回到台湾后,我和家人共度了一些美好的优质时光,然后在我充分休息正要计划着下一站要去哪里的时候,新冠肺炎的大流行蔓延各地。我在欧洲的朋友都因为这个在他们生命中的突然转变和生活受到的限制而受苦着。我仅仅和几个曾经接待过我的沙发主人说话,然而他们都心情低落也感觉世界好像就要灭绝了。因为在那个时候,在欧洲和许多国家有许多人死于这个可怕的疾病,还有许多人待在家里被电脑给困住不知道多久了。Now in hindsight, I am really glad I took the trip. I really am. Though it was hard and I was exhausted from the trip, I followed my heart, and I didn’t waste time. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to create so many beautiful stories to tell. I saw so many beautiful sights and scenery however I was most interested in the people who lived there. At this point, I don’t know when the world will be normal and safe to travel again. It’s very possible that we will have to continue to travel with caution and socially distance from people we meet from now on. Back when I was traveling, these ideas never crossed my mind. 现在我回头看,我真的很高兴那时我启程了。虽然路途很辛苦,我也精疲力竭,但我一路跟随着我的心所以也没有浪费时间。不然我就不会有机会制造和说这么多美丽的故事。我看到了许多美丽的风景,然而我最有兴趣的还是住在那里的人。此刻,我并不清楚何时这个世界会回归正常并能够再度旅行。也很有可能从此之后,我们必须要继续小心的旅行着并保持社交距离。而这些是我在旅行的时候,从来没有想过的。I was used to flying all the time, and I even created a brand for myself called Fly with Lily. However, the train made it so easy to travel to nearby countries. The eurail ticket was also a money saver too and I took 56 rides with a two month pass, which came to around 900 euros. 我以前总是不停的到处飞,我甚至开创了一个品牌叫做「和Lily一起飞」。然而,这个火车旅行让我们可以更方便的到邻近的国家去旅行。环欧火车的通票也非常的划算,让我省了不少钱,在两个月的旅程中,我用900欧元搭乘了56趟火车,和横跨了10个国家呢。At the end of my journey, I saw how far I had come from when I first thought about the idea of traveling around Europe by train. These thoughts developed after a conversation with my good English friend in Barcelona, Greg, who suggested that train travel was a great way to leave a smaller carbon footprint than flights and was more environmentally friendly. He had lived in Sweden for almost twenty years and even shared that some Northern Europeans advocated “Flight Shame”.  He jokingly told me that maybe I should stop encouraging people to “fly” since I was building my personal brand “Fly with Lily”.  Over the years while I was traveling around the globe, I became more aware of the impact of my actions on the place I lived in and I felt inspired by Greg to try this new approach for myself. When we can travel again, I would love to try more train journeys in different countries and continents. My experiences convinced me that this method of travel is not only more environmentally friendly but that there are so many exciting adventures to be had. At the top of my list is traveling around China by train, experiencing the many sides of this vast country and sharing what I see with my loyal listeners. 在旅行的最后,我终于能看到从一开始有这个想要用火车旅行的想法是如何一路支持我美梦成真。这些想法在我和我在巴塞罗那的英国好朋友,Greg的建议下而促使了行动,Greg在瑞典居住了将近二十年的时间,有次他告诉我北欧正在进行一个叫做“飞行耻(Flight Shame) ”的活动,说火车旅行比飞机旅行更要能减少碳排量还能更环保。他开玩笑地告诉我或许我应该要停止鼓励人去“飞”。在这几年的环球旅行中,我的确更有意识到我的行为是如何影响我居住的地方。而且我也被Greg给鼓舞到了,并也想要尝试用新的方式来影响地球。如果我们又可以开始旅行了,我会想要在更多不同的国家和大陆进行更多的火车旅行。我的经验也让我更加确信这样的旅行方式不仅更环保,还可以创造更多的冒险经验。在我的愿望清单上,中国会是我未来最想要用火车来旅行的国家,也希望可以用这样的方式看到这个广大国家的更多不同面向,并且和我重视的听众们来分享我所看到的。**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车29“
10/18/202119 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

1360 环欧火车旅行最终回,我的成长与感想和下一步 |环欧火车旅行第29集

Nothing good will ever happen to you if you never leave your house. 如果你永远不出门,好事决不会发生在你身上。Before my evening flight back to Barcelona, I also booked several cooking classes making pizza, tiramisu and pasta, as well as a walking tour in downtown Rome. Luckily, the classes connected seamlessly. I had a full schedule and I made several friends who I still keep in touch with till this day.在回去巴塞罗那的晚上班机之前,我在罗马市区预定了几堂制作Pizza、提拉米苏、和意大利面的课程,还有一个在市中心的徒步之旅,幸运的是这些课程都连接的天衣无缝呢,让我一整天都行程滿滿的,而且还交了几个至今我们还保持联系的朋友。That was the end of my journey in Europe. I had so many beautiful memories and had seen most of the cities I was eager to visit. I had met the people I wanted to meet and also got together with some friends before I went back to Taiwan. 这就是我在欧洲旅行的终点了。我拥有好多美丽的回忆,还看到了许多我曾经渴望拜访的城市。在我回台湾前还见了许多我一直想见又和一些朋友重逢。After I got back to Taiwan, I had some quality time with my family and then I was figuring out where I would like to go after I had some much-needed rest. Then the pandemic hit. A lot of my friends in Europe were suffering from the sudden change in their lives and restrictions on things that previously seemed normal. I only talked to a few of my hosts briefly however they seemed quite low and there was a point at which it felt like the world was ending. At this time, a lot of people in Europe and other countries died from this horrible disease and many more were stuck on their computers and within their homes for weeks on end. 回到台湾后,我和家人共度了一些美好的优质时光,然后在我充分休息正要计划着下一站要去哪里的时候,新冠肺炎的大流行蔓延各地。我在欧洲的朋友都因为这个在他们生命中的突然转变和生活受到的限制而受苦着。我仅仅和几个曾经接待过我的沙发主人说话,然而他们都心情低落也感觉世界好像就要灭绝了。因为在那个时候,在欧洲和许多国家有许多人死于这个可怕的疾病,还有许多人待在家里被电脑给困住不知道多久了。Now in hindsight, I am really glad I took the trip. I really am. Though it was hard and I was exhausted from the trip, I followed my heart, and I didn’t waste time. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to create so many beautiful stories to tell. I saw so many beautiful sights and scenery however I was most interested in the people who lived there. At this point, I don’t know when the world will be normal and safe to travel again. It’s very possible that we will have to continue to travel with caution and socially distance from people we meet from now on. Back when I was traveling, these ideas never crossed my mind. 现在我回头看,我真的很高兴那时我启程了。虽然路途很辛苦,我也精疲力竭,但我一路跟随着我的心所以也没有浪费时间。不然我就不会有机会制造和说这么多美丽的故事。我看到了许多美丽的风景,然而我最有兴趣的还是住在那里的人。此刻,我并不清楚何时这个世界会回归正常并能够再度旅行。也很有可能从此之后,我们必须要继续小心的旅行着并保持社交距离。而这些是我在旅行的时候,从来没有想过的。I was used to flying all the time, and I even created a brand for myself called Fly with Lily. However, the train made it so easy to travel to nearby countries. The eurail ticket was also a money saver too and I took 56 rides with a two month pass, which came to around 900 euros. 我以前总是不停的到处飞,我甚至开创了一个品牌叫做「和Lily一起飞」。然而,这个火车旅行让我们可以更方便的到邻近的国家去旅行。环欧火车的通票也非常的划算,让我省了不少钱,在两个月的旅程中,我用900欧元搭乘了56趟火车,和横跨了10个国家呢。At the end of my journey, I saw how far I had come from when I first thought about the idea of traveling around Europe by train. These thoughts developed after a conversation with my good English friend in Barcelona, Greg, who suggested that train travel was a great way to leave a smaller carbon footprint than flights and was more environmentally friendly. He had lived in Sweden for almost twenty years and even shared that some Northern Europeans advocated “Flight Shame”.  He jokingly told me that maybe I should stop encouraging people to “fly” since I was building my personal brand “Fly with Lily”.  Over the years while I was traveling around the globe, I became more aware of the impact of my actions on the place I lived in and I felt inspired by Greg to try this new approach for myself. When we can travel again, I would love to try more train journeys in different countries and continents. My experiences convinced me that this method of travel is not only more environmentally friendly but that there are so many exciting adventures to be had. At the top of my list is traveling around China by train, experiencing the many sides of this vast country and sharing what I see with my loyal listeners. 在旅行的最后,我终于能看到从一开始有这个想要用火车旅行的想法是如何一路支持我美梦成真。这些想法在我和我在巴塞罗那的英国好朋友,Greg的建议下而促使了行动,Greg在瑞典居住了将近二十年的时间,有次他告诉我北欧正在进行一个叫做“飞行耻(Flight Shame) ”的活动,说火车旅行比飞机旅行更要能减少碳排量还能更环保。他开玩笑地告诉我或许我应该要停止鼓励人去“飞”。在这几年的环球旅行中,我的确更有意识到我的行为是如何影响我居住的地方。而且我也被Greg给鼓舞到了,并也想要尝试用新的方式来影响地球。如果我们又可以开始旅行了,我会想要在更多不同的国家和大陆进行更多的火车旅行。我的经验也让我更加确信这样的旅行方式不仅更环保,还可以创造更多的冒险经验。在我的愿望清单上,中国会是我未来最想要用火车来旅行的国家,也希望可以用这样的方式看到这个广大国家的更多不同面向,并且和我重视的听众们来分享我所看到的。**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车29“
10/18/202119 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

1359 (英文版)在意大利海滨小城镇结下的难忘的友谊,最终站 | 环欧火车旅行28

Not all who wander are lost. Luka came to pick me up at a station near him called Latina. It was about one hour train ride from Rome. As soon as we got in his car, he handed me his phone and asked me to be his DJ. I played music I liked from his phone and I introduced him to a few Taiwanese bands I like, for example Mayday and F.I.R. Luka loved receiving guests and learning English and cultures from couchsurfers. I could also see Luka was indeed very serious about his learning. Every day he spent one hour reading aloud from his book. He was also very keen to speak with me every day to practice his spoken English, and showed me all the scenic places around his town. Luka was a photographer and a fitness instructor. He lived by the beach and had a very healthy lifestyle. He gave me his spare room where I could listen to the ocean and wake up to say hello to the beach in the morning. I cooked for Luka almost every night that I stayed with him, and introduced him to lots of different kinds of Asian food. Luka had an open mind for food too. It was just very nice to be able to show him new food and try new recipes. Luka had a fully equipped kitchen and he didn’t mind doing the dishes afterwards. After his fitness class, Luka would take me to the nearby beach towns to have coffee and give me tours here and there. Before meeting Luka, I had only seen big cities in Italy like Rome, Milan and Florence. However, the small town was tranquill and lovely too, especially when walking and enjoying it with a local.One morning after working on the computer, I cried in front of Luka because I felt the uncertainty of the future and it scared me too. I was stressed out. I knew I was going back to Taiwan, but I didn’t know what I would do there. It also felt like my travel life was ending, too. Luka was so lovely, didn’t mind me crying and encouraged me with his own story. He said he could relate a lot to my situation. Just like me, Luka had chosen not to get an office job and became self-employed. However, sometimes this lifestyle had its own downsides and sacrifices too. In the afternoon, Luka wanted to cheer me up and took me to an organic farm where he often purchased his groceries from. He told me he used to sell eggs from the farm and saw the unhappy chickens in the cage. He became really unhappy too. At that point he made a change in his career and pursued what his heart told him to. He was a lot happier. Also now, he only ate eggs from free-range chickens on organic farms. He told me this while pointing out the chickens in the farm and carrying a basket of organic products he had just purchased. I was watching the chickens running around and they did seem happy.  I became really good friends with Luka, and we enjoyed our week together. When he dropped me off at the station on my last day in Italy, our eyes were all wet as we said goodbye. Stay Tune. This is almost the end of my Eurail journey. In the next episode I'll be sharing what inspired me to finally do this trip and where I'm going next. 从我的旅行英語训练营摘录(客房服务)There are no towels in my room. 我房間里沒有毛巾。 Could you bring it to me? 你可以幫我送過來嗎? The hot water is not hot enough. 水不夠熱。 The heater in my room doesn’t work. 我房間里的暖氣壞了。 The air conditioner is not working. 空調不能用。 **参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车28“
10/9/20216 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

1358 在意大利海滨小城镇结下的难忘的友谊,环欧火车最终站 | 环欧火车旅行第28集

Not all who wander are lost. 并不是所有的流浪者都是迷失。Luka来到了离他家最近的车站叫Latina来接我,差不多是离罗马大约一个小时的火车车程吧。当我一踏进入到他的车里,Luka立刻把他的手机交给我,并且要我做他的音乐DJ。我就播放了几个我喜欢的台湾乐团像是五月天还有飞儿乐团。Luka非常喜爱接待沙发客,因为他可以借此学习英文还有不同国家的文化。我也感觉到Luka相当认真在学习英语。每天,他都会花一个小时一边读书,一边大声的念英语。当我待在那里的时候,他也每天非常积极的和我练习英文,并且带我去几个离他家近的景点。Luka是一个摄影师兼健身教练。他住在海边并拥有一个非常健康的生活型态。他给我休息的客房让我每天早晨都能看到海并听到海浪声。当我住在Luka家时,我几乎每晚都会煮饭给Luka吃,而且为他介绍各种不同的亚洲食物。Luka非常愿意尝试各种不同的食物。Luka有一个设备非常齐全的厨房,而且也不介意饭后洗碗。他上完健身课后,会带我到附近的海滨小城去喝咖啡还有到处逛逛。在遇见Luka之前,我只有去过在意大利像是罗马、米兰还有佛罗伦萨这样的大城市。然而在意大利的小城镇更是宁静又可爱,特别是可以和一个当地人四处走走的时候。有天早上在电脑前工作完毕之后,忽然感到对未来的不确定性,害怕的我,竟然在Luka面前哭了。我感觉压力好大。因为我要回台湾了,但是我并不清楚我回台湾要做什么,甚至我也感觉到我的旅游生涯要结束了。Luka人好好,并不介意我在他面前哭而且也用他的故事鼓励我。他说对我的情况他十分能够体会,因为就像我一样,Luka也选择放弃他在办公室前的工作然后变成一个自由职业者。然而这样的生活型态的确有他的缺点和牺牲。下午时,由于Luka想要让我开心一点,他就带我到附近他常购买农产品的有机农场。他告诉我他以前在农场贩卖鸡蛋,并且看着笼子里非常不开心的鸡。他也渐渐地变得越来越不开心。所以在那一刻他就决定要转变他的职业,然后追求他心向往的事情。他现在变得比较开心了,而且他也只吃在这些自由放牧养鸡场所生产的鸡蛋。他一边手拿着刚刚购买一大箱的农产品,一边指着农场里的鸡和我分享这个故事,我看着鸡们自由的奔跑着,牠们的确看起来开心。就在那一周的相处下,我和Luka变成了非常好的朋友。当Luka送我回车站的那天,也是我在意大利的最后一天,在告别的时候我们彼此的眼眶都湿了。从我的英语旅行英語训练营摘录(客房服务)There are no towels in my room. 我房間里沒有毛巾。 Could you bring it to me? 你可以幫我送過來嗎? The hot water is not hot enough. 水不夠熱。 The heater in my room doesn’t work. 我房間里的暖氣壞了。 The air conditioner is not working. 空調不能用。 **参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车28“
10/8/202111 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

1357 (英文版)累坏了!在美丽的杜布罗夫尼克旧城海港稍作休息 | 环欧火车旅行27

**Life is too short to worry about stupid things. Have fun, regret nothing and never let anyone bring you down.Due to the bus being delayed, the three hour ride turned into a six hour ride. I arrived in Dubrovnik in the evening and had to find my apartment lugging my suitcases across the old town. I was immediately impressed, though. The old town was complete and I could find an entrance to a 16th century stone wall. Along the way I discovered that they contained the old buildings and churches very well. After I arrived at my apartment, I cooked myself a healthy meal and felt content and got ready for bed. The next day, I woke up to this idyllic harbor view from my window. I also booked a walking tour from Airbnb experience. Kresmir was my guide that day. I met him at the entrance of the old town. I was the only guest. Kresmir ran a farm and airbnb business in the suburbs of Dubrovnik, and occasionally ran guided tours for the tourists in town. He told me many stories about Dubrovnik and we walked around every corner of the old town. I think when you arrive in a new place, hiring a guide could be a very rewarding experience. If I were walking alone by myself, I would miss so many details related to architecture. Some people might think it’s not important, however, I would not make a connection quickly with a place where I only stay for a short time. He was very nice. After the guided tour he even invited me to white coffee in a cosy coffee house. It was the right decision to do the tour because after that, it rained for two days in Dubrovnik. It finally cleared up on the day I was leaving for Italy. However, I also regained the strength I needed to keep going. I was ready for my next stop in Italy.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing a story that happened in Italy.**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车27“
10/7/20213 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

1356 累坏了!在美丽的杜布罗夫尼克旧城海港稍作休息 | 环欧火车旅行第27集

Life is too short to worry about stupid things. Have fun, regret nothing and never let anyone bring you down. 人生苦短,不必担心愚蠢的事情。玩得开心,不要后悔,不要让任何人把你打倒。因为巴士延迟,本来三个小时的行程变成了六个小时,我抵达了杜布罗夫尼克已是傍晚,却得拖着我的行李横跨旧城区,但我马上就被惊艳了。旧城非常的完整,我还能找到16世纪古城墙的入口。沿路我发现他们非常完整地保存了旧建筑和教堂。在我抵达了我的公寓之后,我给自己煮了美味又健康的一餐,然后感觉十分的满足地准备要就寝了。隔天,我醒来看到窗外风光明媚的海港景色。这天,我也在airbnb体验中定了一个徒步之旅。Kresmir是我那天的向导。我在旧城的门口和他见面。当天我是唯一的客人。Kresmir在杜布罗夫尼克郊区经营一个农场还有airbnb的民宿生意,他只有偶尔会来城中给游客作导览。他告诉我许多有关杜布罗夫尼克的故事,然后,我们走遍了旧城的每个大街小巷。我认为当你抵达了一个新地方,雇佣导游是一个非常会让你收获颇丰的经验。如果我是一个人走的话,我一定会错过许多关于建筑物的许多细节。有些人可能觉得这不是太重要,然而如果我只是在一个地方待短短的时间,我是不可能可以很快的与一个地方产生连接的。Kresmir人非常的友善,带我逛完之后,带我到一家非常温馨的咖啡屋请我喝当地有名的白咖啡。后来说明了我定了这个徒步之旅是一个正确的决定,因为之后在杜布罗夫尼克整整下了两天雨。在我要前往去意大利的那天,终于放晴了。然而,我已休息足够,准备好继续前行到我在意大利的下一站。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在意大利发生的有趣故事。从我的英语旅行英語训练营摘录(购物)Shopping center 購物中心department部門window櫥窗ON SALE打折elevator   電梯escalator 手扶梯**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车27“
10/7/202110 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

1356 累坏了!在美丽的杜布罗夫尼克旧城海港稍作休息 | 环欧火车旅行第27集

Life is too short to worry about stupid things. Have fun, regret nothing and never let anyone bring you down. 人生苦短,不必担心愚蠢的事情。玩得开心,不要后悔,不要让任何人把你打倒。因为巴士延迟,本来三个小时的行程变成了六个小时,我抵达了杜布罗夫尼克已是傍晚,却得拖着我的行李横跨旧城区,但我马上就被惊艳了。旧城非常的完整,我还能找到16世纪古城墙的入口。沿路我发现他们非常完整地保存了旧建筑和教堂。在我抵达了我的公寓之后,我给自己煮了美味又健康的一餐,然后感觉十分的满足地准备要就寝了。隔天,我醒来看到窗外风光明媚的海港景色。这天,我也在airbnb体验中定了一个徒步之旅。Kresmir是我那天的向导。我在旧城的门口和他见面。当天我是唯一的客人。Kresmir在杜布罗夫尼克郊区经营一个农场还有airbnb的民宿生意,他只有偶尔会来城中给游客作导览。他告诉我许多有关杜布罗夫尼克的故事,然后,我们走遍了旧城的每个大街小巷。我认为当你抵达了一个新地方,雇佣导游是一个非常会让你收获颇丰的经验。如果我是一个人走的话,我一定会错过许多关于建筑物的许多细节。有些人可能觉得这不是太重要,然而如果我只是在一个地方待短短的时间,我是不可能可以很快的与一个地方产生连接的。Kresmir人非常的友善,带我逛完之后,带我到一家非常温馨的咖啡屋请我喝当地有名的白咖啡。后来说明了我定了这个徒步之旅是一个正确的决定,因为之后在杜布罗夫尼克整整下了两天雨。在我要前往去意大利的那天,终于放晴了。然而,我已休息足够,准备好继续前行到我在意大利的下一站。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在意大利发生的有趣故事。从我的英语旅行英語训练营摘录(购物)Shopping center 購物中心department部門window櫥窗ON SALE打折elevator   電梯escalator 手扶梯**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车27“
10/7/202110 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

1355 (英文版)火车旅涂沿路想吐,不吃辣的克罗地亚人哭着吞了辣汤 |环欧火车旅行

At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy, and your eyes sparkling. At that point I had already been on over 40 train rides in Europe and all of them were quite smooth, but this one to Split was a bit difficult for me. I finally had a bit of a taste of Balkan travel. Before I departed I had heard that Balkan travel could be difficult and dangerous. I thought it was about security. However, the air conditioning in the cabin was too hot and the rail tracks were so bumpy along the way which made me feel sick. I almost threw up in the middle of the journey. Split is the second biggest city in Croatia, located on the coast, the last stop of the Croatian railway. The station was quite run down and small. My host, Marin, came to pick me up with his car and helped me with my suitcase which was very nice. I came to his very minimalistic apartment and he prepared his spare room for me. Marin was working in real estate in Split and had been working hard to build his business in town. He asked me some questions about Chinese investment; too bad I had no idea about real estate and couldn’t offer much help to him. I decided to cook for him the next day. The next day, Marin dropped me off at the old town in the morning and I waited for my tour guide to show up. This was something else that I booked with Airbnb experience. The tour guide was very knowledgeable about the history of Split and we walked through almost every area of the old town and outside of the very famous Diocletian Palace. I enjoyed the walk-around and seeing the old sites, however, I couldn’t really connect to the stories. It happened a lot on the trips actually; I found I was more interested in chatting with and learning things from fellow travelers rather than learning about many historical details and dates. I remember how uninterested I was in school about history. Even though the teacher was really good at telling stories, I always dozed off in the class. What I learnt through traveling was that everyone has different tastes and interests in what they want to see and do. So I would not probably be hitting the shopping mall in every city, and I might feel a bit bored with the history, but hey, I was where the history had actually happened. For that I was proud. That evening, I cooked Tom Yum Soup (a spicy soup from Thailand) and Green Curry rice for Marin. His kitchen was not very well equipped but I managed to make them yummy with very minimal tools. Travel really made me realize how capable I was. Give me some Asian ingredients and a stove, I could perform magic! Marin was not very used to spicy food, but he managed to clean his plates and ate the whole bowl of spicy soup with his eyes both watering which I found really adorable. The next day after wandering around town, I thanked Marin for his hospitality and got ready for the bus to the last stop in Croatia, which was Dubrovnik. The bus route down to Dubrovnik from Split was absolutely gorgeous. It was picturesque and postcard scenery for most part of the trip. The bus was driving along the coast, but we had to stop twice for passport inspection because we were passing through Bosnia. This time I couldn’t reach Bosnia because most of the train routes were not operating in winter. I had to give up the idea of visiting Bosnia, Serbia, and Bulgaria. However, at this point, though my mind was broadened from all the visits, I was physically exhausted. Thanks to the low travel season, I’d managed to find myself a very decent service apartment for 40 Euros a night with a great view right next to the harbor. I was ready to have a few quiet days resting before my last destination of this trip, which was Italy.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing a story that happened in Dubrovnik, Croatia.**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车26“
10/2/20217 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

1354 火车旅涂沿路想吐,不吃辣的克罗地亚人哭着吞了辣汤 |环欧火车旅行第26集

At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy, and your eyes sparkling. 一天结束时,你的脚应该是脏的,你的头发乱糟糟的,你的眼睛闪闪发光。旅行到这个时候,我已经在欧洲坐了超过40趟火车,一切都满顺利。但是从扎格雷布到斯普利特的这段火车对我来说有点艰辛,因为我终于了解到什么是巴尔干半岛式的旅行,在我启程前往巴尔干半岛前,我听说巴尔干半岛的旅行会很辛苦还有危险,我原本以为一切都是和安全问题有关,然而,这段路上车厢里的空调实在太热,还有火车轨道整条路起伏不平上上下下跳动着让我感觉有点恶心。我在中途还差点吐了!斯普利特是克罗地亚的第二大城,坐落在海岸边,也是克罗地亚铁路的最后一站。它的火车站非常的老旧和小。我在斯普利特的沙发主人Marin人非常的好,不仅开车来接我还帮我提行李。我来到他非常极简的公寓里,他准备了他的空客房给我。Marin是在斯普利特的房地产公司上班,而且也在市中非常积极的建立自己的生意。他问我有关中国投资的问题,可惜我对房地产一窍不通,所以没能帮上忙。我决定隔天给他做饭。隔天早晨,Marin把我送到旧城然后我就等我的向导出现。这也是我在airbnb体验中预定的另外一个行程。导游对于斯普利特的历史非常的了解,而且我们几乎走遍了旧城的每一个角落还有戴克里先宫殿的外围。我很享受到处走走还有亲眼看到古迹,然而,我却和历史故事无法有太多的连结,其实这常常发生在我的旅行路上。我发现我对于和同行的游客聊天比学习认识那些历史细节还有日期还要感兴趣。我记得在学校時我对历史学科多么地不感兴趣。虽然老师很会说故事,然而我在课上却常常睡着,这也让我在旅行中学到每个人想要看和作的事情都有不同的品味和兴趣。虽然我不会去每个城市的购物商城而且对于历史感到无聊,但是,嘿!我现在在历史发生的地方,这就是让我觉得十分骄傲的事。那晚,我煮了泰式的宫阴汤还有绿咖喱给Marin吃。他的厨房设备并不是非常齐全,然而我却有办法用很少的工具煮出可口的菜肴。旅行真的让我了解到自己有多能干。给我一些亚洲的食材,和一个炉具,我就可以变魔术了!谁知道Marin非常不习惯吃辣的食物,然而他却好可爱的把盘子里所有的食物清空还泪眼汪汪地喝了整碗的辣汤。隔天自己到处晃荡后,我感谢Marin他的好客然后准备好去坐巴士到我在克罗地亚的最后一站,也就是杜布罗夫尼克。从斯普利特到杜布罗夫尼克巴士路线实在是太美了。几乎一整路都是如画如诗和明信片般的风景。更有趣的是,巴士虽然是沿着海岸线开着,然而却因为会经过波斯尼亚的国家边界,需要停两次做护照检查。这次我因为火车的冬天路线而无法拜访波斯尼亚、塞尔维亚还有保加利亚,在此刻我因为这些旅行足足开了眼界,但我的身体实在是累到不行了,也好感谢因为是旅游淡季,所以我可以在杜布罗夫尼克的旧城里找到座落在港口旁拥有绝佳美景却仅仅40欧元一晚的酒店式公寓,希望能在前往环欧火车之旅的最后一站意大利之前,来好好的休息并度过安静的几天。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在克罗地亚杜布罗夫尼克发生的有趣故事。从我的英语旅行英語训练营摘录(客房服务)Do you have a laundry service? 你們有衣物送洗的服務嗎?Could you come to pick up my laundry? 你們能來收取我的送洗衣物嗎?Can you mail this postcard for me? 你們可以幫我寄這張明信片嗎?Is the pool free for guests? 游泳池免費供房客使用嗎?Charge it to my room, please. 請把費用算在我的住宿費里。**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车26“
10/1/202111 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

1354 火车旅涂沿路想吐,不吃辣的克罗地亚人哭着吞了辣汤 |环欧火车旅行第26集

At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy, and your eyes sparkling. 一天结束时,你的脚应该是脏的,你的头发乱糟糟的,你的眼睛闪闪发光。旅行到这个时候,我已经在欧洲坐了超过40趟火车,一切都满顺利。但是从扎格雷布到斯普利特的这段火车对我来说有点艰辛,因为我终于了解到什么是巴尔干半岛式的旅行,在我启程前往巴尔干半岛前,我听说巴尔干半岛的旅行会很辛苦还有危险,我原本以为一切都是和安全问题有关,然而,这段路上车厢里的空调实在太热,还有火车轨道整条路起伏不平上上下下跳动着让我感觉有点恶心。我在中途还差点吐了!斯普利特是克罗地亚的第二大城,坐落在海岸边,也是克罗地亚铁路的最后一站。它的火车站非常的老旧和小。我在斯普利特的沙发主人Marin人非常的好,不仅开车来接我还帮我提行李。我来到他非常极简的公寓里,他准备了他的空客房给我。Marin是在斯普利特的房地产公司上班,而且也在市中非常积极的建立自己的生意。他问我有关中国投资的问题,可惜我对房地产一窍不通,所以没能帮上忙。我决定隔天给他做饭。隔天早晨,Marin把我送到旧城然后我就等我的向导出现。这也是我在airbnb体验中预定的另外一个行程。导游对于斯普利特的历史非常的了解,而且我们几乎走遍了旧城的每一个角落还有戴克里先宫殿的外围。我很享受到处走走还有亲眼看到古迹,然而,我却和历史故事无法有太多的连结,其实这常常发生在我的旅行路上。我发现我对于和同行的游客聊天比学习认识那些历史细节还有日期还要感兴趣。我记得在学校時我对历史学科多么地不感兴趣。虽然老师很会说故事,然而我在课上却常常睡着,这也让我在旅行中学到每个人想要看和作的事情都有不同的品味和兴趣。虽然我不会去每个城市的购物商城而且对于历史感到无聊,但是,嘿!我现在在历史发生的地方,这就是让我觉得十分骄傲的事。那晚,我煮了泰式的宫阴汤还有绿咖喱给Marin吃。他的厨房设备并不是非常齐全,然而我却有办法用很少的工具煮出可口的菜肴。旅行真的让我了解到自己有多能干。给我一些亚洲的食材,和一个炉具,我就可以变魔术了!谁知道Marin非常不习惯吃辣的食物,然而他却好可爱的把盘子里所有的食物清空还泪眼汪汪地喝了整碗的辣汤。隔天自己到处晃荡后,我感谢Marin他的好客然后准备好去坐巴士到我在克罗地亚的最后一站,也就是杜布罗夫尼克。从斯普利特到杜布罗夫尼克巴士路线实在是太美了。几乎一整路都是如画如诗和明信片般的风景。更有趣的是,巴士虽然是沿着海岸线开着,然而却因为会经过波斯尼亚的国家边界,需要停两次做护照检查。这次我因为火车的冬天路线而无法拜访波斯尼亚、塞尔维亚还有保加利亚,在此刻我因为这些旅行足足开了眼界,但我的身体实在是累到不行了,也好感谢因为是旅游淡季,所以我可以在杜布罗夫尼克的旧城里找到座落在港口旁拥有绝佳美景却仅仅40欧元一晚的酒店式公寓,希望能在前往环欧火车之旅的最后一站意大利之前,来好好的休息并度过安静的几天。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在克罗地亚杜布罗夫尼克发生的有趣故事。从我的英语旅行英語训练营摘录(客房服务)Do you have a laundry service? 你們有衣物送洗的服務嗎?Could you come to pick up my laundry? 你們能來收取我的送洗衣物嗎?Can you mail this postcard for me? 你們可以幫我寄這張明信片嗎?Is the pool free for guests? 游泳池免費供房客使用嗎?Charge it to my room, please. 請把費用算在我的住宿費里。**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车26“
10/1/202111 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

1353 (英文版)全世界最美的耶诞市集在克罗地亚 | 环欧火车旅行地第25集

Own a little, see a lot.On the way to Zagreb in Croatia, I quickly visited Vienna in Austria because it was only two hours from Bratislava by train. It really amazed me how close these countries were physically and yet they have totally different vibes and cultures. I rented Lime, which is a small electric scooter that was quite popular on the streets in Europe and you could rent it on your mobile app with a few taps, and I quickly moved around Vienna. After a few hours of roaming around, I realized that to my own surprise I didn’t like Vienna very much. Maybe it was because I felt it was more expensive and crowded compared to Bratislava and Budapest, or perhaps because it had been overrated and over romanticised by the old me. It was probably also because I was expecting to see my Taiwanese friend Christine again, who happened to have a tour around town, however she couldn’t meet up with me because of  some issues with her group. I was a bit disappointed.I was very happy to hop on my train to get to my next city, Zagreb in Croatia. It’s about a 6-hour train ride to Zagreb and the seat was very comfortable. I had received news that my original host, Alex, couldn’t receive me due to a high fever. However, at that point, I still couldn’t find any host. So I asked if Alex was feeling better and suggested that we could take care of each other if I stayed there. Alex heard about my situation and agreed to host me even though he was still a bit under the weather. Alex was from France and was working in Zagreb on the construction of and design of luxurious cars. He had been staying at home for a few days so was happy to greet me. His home was very modern and cozy. He used to live in Japan for many years, so when he heard I was going to make some gyoza and soup for him, his face lit up.The next day I went to buy groceries for gyoza and soup. It was lovely to shop in the local supermarket because you had a taste of how locals live. The weather in the Balkans was sunnier and the people seemed more friendly compared to the last few cities I visited in central and Eastern Europe. You should see how people were still welcoming when allowing me to use toilets in their restaurants, stores and even at an evening gala which I wasn’t invited to and only passed by. This was different from my experiences in cities like Budapest where you had to pay or become a customer to use it, which I totally respect. However, they just smiled a lot more.I booked a history and photography tour in downtown Zagreb on Airbnb Experience, a service which I grew to like over the years.  I often found quality trips and deals over there. When I arrived downtown, there was a Christmas market going on. It was the most beautiful Christmas market I’d seen so far during my trip. Mirna showed up with her bike and we found another traveler, Rachel, who was a journalist from the US and had been traveling in the Balkans for a while. Mirna took us off the beaten trail in Zagreb and shared many interesting anecdotes about Zagreb. I had already fallen in love with this colorful city! I couldn’t remember much detail about the history but I remember how cozy and relaxed I felt when I was wandering along the streets. The Christmas market also seemed quite endless, continuing up to the hill and many delicate decorations, sculptures and wall paintings along the way. We hung out together until it was dark and the sunset was breathtakingly beautiful under the Christmas lights. Although I only stayed in Zagreb for two nights, I would highly recommend Zagreb as a must-visit city in Europe.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing a story that happened in Split, Croatia.**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车25“
9/28/20217 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

1352 全世界最美的耶诞市集在克罗地亚 | 环欧火车旅行地第25集

Own a little, see a lot. 拥有少一点,看到很多。在去克罗地亚首都扎格雷布的时候,我快速的拜访了一下奥地利的首都维也纳因为从我在的布拉提斯拉瓦只要搭两个小时的火车就到了。让我惊讶的是,这些国家如此地相近,然而他们有着截然不同的气氛和文化。到了维也纳后,我租了一台小电动车叫Lime,可以让我快速的移动在维也纳的市中心。没几个小时之后,我竟然惊讶的发觉到,我不太喜欢维也纳这个城市。或许是因为我感觉这个城市和我刚去的布拉提斯拉瓦还有布达佩斯比起来贵上了许多。这有可能是因为被以前的我高估和浪漫过度了。也有可能是本来想要再见到我的台湾朋友Christine,然而她在带团发生了一些问题,而无法见面,让我有点失望。所以我非常开心地可以搭上火车前往我下一个城市,在克罗地亚的扎格雷布。大概从维也纳需要六个小时,然后座位非常的舒适。我接到消息说原本我的沙发主Alex因为高烧而无法接待我,然而一直到快到了扎格雷布,我仍然找不到其他可以接待我的人,所以我又鼓起勇气问Alex是否感觉好多了,或许我到了可以彼此互相照顾。虽然Alex还是有点不舒服,但听到我的状况后,就同意接待我。Alex是来自法国然而他是来扎格雷布来设计奢华的跑车。他(因为身体不适)一个人关在家里好几天,所以看到我非常的开心,他的公寓也非常的时髦和温暖。他曾经住在日本好几年,所以他听到我会作煎饺还有汤给他喝,他整个人就精神了起来。隔天,我就去采买煎饺和汤的材料。在当地的超市消费非常的好玩,因为你可以感受到当地人是如何生活的。在巴尔干半岛的气候阳光普照,所以这里的人感觉起来也比我上几个在中欧还有东欧旅游的城市还要友善。你应该要看看人们是怎么欢迎我使用他们的洗手间的,无论是在商店、餐厅、甚至是一个我并未受到邀请,而只是路过的一个豪华舞会都会很亲切地让我用他们的洗手间。这个经验和我在布达佩斯感受的完全不同,因为在布达佩斯上厕所除非你是顾客,不然就是要钱。虽然我也很尊重每个城市不一样的文化,然而,在扎格雷布,那里的人笑我在airbnb体验中预订了在扎格雷布市中心的一个历史和摄影的导览,airbnb体验是我这几年越来越喜欢用的服务之一,我常常在上面看到很多很有质感的旅行行程还有优惠。当我抵达市中心的时候已经有一个耶诞市集开始忙碌起来了,而且这是在我旅行中看到过最美丽的耶诞市集。Mirna和她的单车一起出现,是本次体验的导游,还有我们也找到了另一个同行的游客,Rachel,她是在巴尔干半岛旅游多时的美国记者。Mirna带我们去扎格雷布许多较少人逛的小路还与我们分享许多有关扎格雷布的趣事。我已经爱上了这个多彩的城市。我记不住太多的历史细节然而我记得是在街上晃荡那个温暖和放松的感觉。圣诞市集也感觉起来规模非常的大,一路绵延漫步了这个山丘,一路上还充满了许多精细的装饰、雕像和墙画。我们一起逛到一直到天黑了,然后令人屏息的日落美丽地坐落在圣诞灯下。虽然我只有在扎格雷布待两晚,我真的会强力推荐大家在欧洲旅行的时候一定要来!Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing a story that happened in Split, Croatia.敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在克罗地亚Split发生的有趣故事。从我的英语旅行英語训练营摘录(购物)Is there a shopping center around here? 這附近有購物中心嗎?Is that store open on Sundays? 這家商店星期日有開嗎?What are their business hours? 他們的營業時間是幾點?Where can I find the elevator? 我在哪裡找得到電梯?May I help you, sir? 先生,我可以幫忙你嗎?**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车25“
9/28/202114 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

1351 (英文版)旅行的质量是用在路上得到的友谊来衡量 |环欧火车24集

A journey is best measured with friends, rather than miles. Unlike the physical beauty of Budapest, downtown Bratislava was an eclectic mix of really old architecture, run down Brutalist architecture and some ultra-modern buildings. I walked to the old town where there was a Christmas market going on and it was full of people. The vibe there was very cozy and relaxing, with tempting smells of cooked meat and warm honey wine drifting through the cold, winter air. I bought a chicken burger and a cup of honey wine to enjoy by myself. I saw another guy was also eating and drinking by himself so I asked him where he was from. It turned out he was also from out of town and was there for an exhibition. Mauro was an engineer from Italy. After finishing, he left but 10 minutes later he texted me and invited me for coffee. One of the most enjoyable parts of travelling solo is opportunities like this to meet new and interesting friends. I am sure that I would not have met Mauro or many other new people had I been travelling in a group with others I already knew. We had a lovely afternoon chatting at a modern coffee house in the old town. He left for his flight back so I stayed at the coffee shop catching up with my good friend in Barcelona online.After that I met up with Pablo who I had hosted as a couchsurfer when I was in Barcelona and who was then in Bratislava on a working holiday. I love friends who travel because we always manage to meet in different locations or cities, and we never know where we will meet next. Pablo was from Argentina and was young and passionate about traveling. He inspired me by being very strategic about his travels too. Either he would take his mom or girlfriend on a nice holiday, or he would couchsurf and work to save up money. He was always on the road. I believe traveling doesn’t have to be expensive or a luxury for a rich few. Over these years, I have experienced both a luxurious travel lifestyle and also budget travels. I think both of these experiences are nice to have so long as you’re experiencing new cultures, new foods and meeting new friends. That always broadens your horizon in a way nothing else can.Pablo was so lovely as I remembered and he invited me to try some special local hot tea, which contained 63% alcohol. We walked around the Christmas market and visited his favorite local art museum. He also took me to the hostel where he worked and it was really unique, and reminded me of Berk’s place. As it was, Pablo also knew about Berk who was very famous for his friendliness in Bratislava. I felt really lucky to be his guest.I went back home and started cooking some noodles and asked Berk to have some. Berk is vegan so he really liked my veggie noodles. We watched Happiness Expenditure on Netflix, which is a documentary following a Canadian couple’s journey in a van across North America. There were so many ups and downs on the road but we were deeply touched by their spirit to conquer and explore. Berk said his dream was to drive a van and explore the north of Turkey and travel for a while. I told him my stories about how I bummed around in Europe for many years and fulfilled my travel dreams and he was very inspired by it. I encouraged him to pursue his dreams because the world was full of opportunities. We ought to follow our joy and our heart’s desire. We had a really nice chat and the conversations warmed my heart like the noodles did to mine, too. Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing a story that happened in Zagreb, Croatia.**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。
9/22/20216 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

1350 旅行的质量是用在路上得到的友谊来衡量 |环欧火车24集

A journey is best measured with friends, rather than miles. 旅行最好是用朋友数而不是英里数来衡量。布拉提斯拉瓦和實質上美丽的布达佩斯不同的是它的市中心是非常老旧的建筑和超级前卫的大楼综合体。我走路到旧城看到有一个正在进行中且充满人潮的圣诞市集。气氛非常的温暖而且放松,还有许多诱人的烤肉香和温暖甜甜的蜂蜜酒在寒冷的冬日空气中漂浮着。我买了一个鸡肉汉堡,还有一杯蜂蜜酒一个人享受着,我看到一个男生一个人一边喝着和吃着东西,所以我就问他是从哪里来的。原来他也不是来自斯洛伐克而是来这里参展。Mauro是一位来自意大利的工程师。吃完饭后,他就离开了,然而10分钟后我收到他的简讯的邀请去喝咖啡。其实独自一人旅行最有趣的地方就是像这样可以认识新的又有趣的朋友。我很肯定的如果我是和一大群认识的人一起来的话,我就不会认识Mauro还有其他的新朋友。我们一起在旧城一家非常时髦的咖啡厅一起聊天度过愉快的下午,之后他离开赶搭回家的班机,我则留下来在线上和在巴塞罗那的好朋友叙叙旧。在此之后,我和曾经在巴塞罗那接待的沙发客Pablo见面,那时的他正在布拉提斯拉瓦打工度假。我喜欢爱旅行的朋友因为我们总是可以在不同的场所和城市见面,而且我们都不知道何时会再见面。年轻的Pablo来自阿根廷,非常热衷旅行。他非常有策略的旅行方式也非常的启发我。有时他会带上他的妈妈或女朋友去好好地度假,有时他会用沙发从浪的方式和一边工作来省钱,就让他可以一直旅行。我相信旅行不需要很贵也不是给一些有钱人家的奢侈品。在这几年间,我体验过豪华的旅行生活型态和便宜的旅行,但我认为两种体验都非常好,只要你能从中体验到新的文化、食物和认识新朋友,因为没有什么比的上这些事情更能帮助你打开你的视野。就像我记忆中的一样,Pablo非常的好,见面之后立刻邀请我喝一种当地特有的“热茶”,里面有63%酒精。我们在圣诞市集附近走走还参观了他最喜欢的博物馆。他也带我去他工作的青年旅舍,那个青年旅舍感觉非常的独特,让我想起了Berk的住所。也因为这样,我和Pablo提起了Berk,也因为Berk的友善好客在布拉提斯拉瓦相当的著名,所以Pablo也知道Berk,我感到相当的幸运成为他的客人。回到家后,我开始煮面并且邀请Berk和我一起享用。Berk吃全素饮食,所以他很喜欢我的素菜面,我们一同在Netflix上看了这部纪录片叫做Happiness Expenditure,是在描述一对加拿大的情侣从北到南跨越北美洲的故事。这故事中有许多的起起伏伏,让我们都对这对情侣为了克服这一切和他们探险的精神感到十分感动。然后Berk就告诉我他的梦想就是要开一台小货车从北部的土耳其开始探索和旅行一段时间。我告诉他过去几年我是如何在欧洲游晃几年的时间,还有在世界各地流浪的故事让我实现了旅游梦,让他非常的受启发。因为这个世界充满了机会,所以我鼓励他要追寻他的梦想。我们应该要追寻自己的喜悦和心的向往。我们聊得很开心,而这个对话就像我煮的麵條一样也温暖了我的心。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在克罗地亚的首都扎格雷布旅行发生的有趣故事。从我的英语旅行英語训练营摘录(认识全世界的朋友)Where are you from? 你從哪裡來?How long have you been in China? 你來中國多久了?Do you speak Chinese? 你會說中文嗎?(Mandarin 普通话)Wow, where did you pick up your Chinese? You speak Chinese so well!哇,你在哪裡學的中文?你中文講得好棒喔!Why did you come to China? Did you come here to study Chinese or just visit? 為什麼來中國?來學中文還是純觀光?**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。
9/21/202115 minutes
Episode Artwork

1349 (英文版)在斯洛伐克的时髦又古怪的奇妙体验 |环欧火车旅行第23集

Open your hearts and find your wild. I loved couchsurfing those days when I was traveling around Europe, seeing different kinds of lifestyles and being inspired by what I saw around me. I had been very interested in Slovakia because one of my good friends in Barcelona, Lenka, was from there. It was a strange thing for me actually that whenever I met new friends and made a connection, I fantasized about visiting their country soon. It didn’t often take long to happen over the past few years and Slovakia was one such case. When I visit a new country, I often start with their big cities. The reason being that it is usually easier to travel inside the capital where the transportation is much more comprehensive. I arrived in Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia, in the evening and went to Berk’s house. Before I arrived, I'd seen photos of Berk’s place and it looked like a very trendy bar. I wondered what awaited me. Berk greeted me at the front door, and his place was in the basement of a modern service apartment, with a really dark passage down. Then I saw a very trendy bar-like space, with some bohemian decorations and some quirky and retro posters. Berk told me he was actually hired two years ago as a receptionist of this interesting hostel, and what I saw was actually the reception of the hostel. The owner decided to transform the building into a service apartment but Berk remained as one of the keepers of the building and has the basement as his living space. Berk seemed very outgoing. Immediately I met several friends of his and went to a gathering to play some instruments. This was my first introduction to a jam session, where you pick an instrument and just go along with what everyone was playing. People there played the guitar, ukulele, trembline, african drums, and hand pan. I picked up something that I didn't know the name for, just enjoying the music and playing with the beat. It was a really relaxing evening with this self-made concert! Afterwards we went for some vegan food together in a bar and it was really nice to feel like a local there. On the way home, Berk was sharing the stories behind why he had moved to Slovakia from Turkey and how hopeless he felt about the political, social and religious situation back in Turkey. Although it was a bit difficult for me to pitch in anything, it was very interesting for me to know how Berk felt about it. I’m usually quite indifferent towards politics and religion. Maybe it was because of where I was from, where everyone was really free to make their own choices and I felt grateful for that freedom. Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing the story of meeting a new friend and reuniting with my couchsurfer in Bratislava, Slovakia.**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和
9/10/20215 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

1348 在斯洛伐克的时髦又古怪的奇妙体验 |环欧火车旅行第23集

Open your hearts and find your wild. 打开你的心扉,去寻找你的世界。(/去撒你的野)在欧洲旅游的时候,我很喜欢沙发冲浪,因为我能看到不同的生活型态而被启发。因为我在巴塞罗那的一个好朋友Lenka是来自斯洛伐克,所以我变得对斯洛伐克很感兴趣,奇怪的是,只要我有机会认识新朋友和有了连结,我就会幻想自己很快地去拜访他们的国家。通常都不会花太久的时间发生。斯洛伐克就是其中一个例子。通常当我参观一个新的国家,我会从他们的大城市开始,原因是大城市通常都有比较发达的交通,这样比较容易在里头旅行。所以我在傍晚抵达了斯洛伐克的首都,布拉提斯拉瓦,然后我前往Berk的住所。在我抵达之前,我就有看到Berk的住所的照片,看起来像是一个非常时髦的酒吧。所以我纳闷有什么在等着我。Berk在前门等我,他的家在一个非常时髦的酒店式公寓的地下室,通往地下室的地道非常的漆黑。然后,我看到了一个非常时髦像酒吧的空间,有着波西米亚风的装饰还有一些古怪又复古的海报,原来我看到的是一个青年旅舍,Berk告诉我其实他是两年前的时候被雇佣做这家旅社的前台,然而这个大楼的拥有者决定把大楼改装成酒店式公寓,然而Berk仍然还是帮忙管理的人员之一,所以他现在就住在这个地下室。Berk看起来非常的外向。我立刻就见了他的好几个朋友然后还到了一个聚会去玩了些乐器,这是我第一次接触到即兴演奏,你可以拾起一个乐器然后就跟着大家一起演奏。那里有人玩吉他,有人玩乌克丽丽、铃鼓、非洲鼓、手碟。我捡起了我并不清楚名字的乐器,然后只是一边享受音乐和跟着节奏玩。真的是一个非常放松的大家让各司其职的音乐会。之后我们去一个酒吧享受全素的食物,让我感觉真的好像是一个当地人。在我回家的路上,Berk就分享他为何会从土耳其搬到斯洛伐克,还有他对于土耳其的政治、社会、宗教的情形有多么的绝望。听到他的故事我觉得很有意思,但因为我通常对政治还有宗教的话题都相当漠不关心,所以我感觉要说些什么参与讨论有点困难,也或许是因为我来自的地方,大家都可以非常自由的做他们自己的决定,此时,我对于那样的自由非常的感恩。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在斯洛伐克的首都布拉提斯拉瓦旅行认识的新朋友还有与我的沙发客再次见面的有趣故事。从我的英语旅行英語训练营摘录One sleeper to Milan, please. 一張到米蘭的臥鋪票。(sleeper不要念成slipper拖鞋)Please give me one ticket to Seattle for the sleeping car. 我要一張到西雅圖的臥鋪票。Can I have an upper berth? 我可以睡上鋪嗎?I’d like the lower berth. 我想要睡下鋪。Is it a long ride? 路程遠不遠?**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车23“
9/9/202112 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

1347 (英文版)一个人在布达佩斯的旅行不寂寞 |环欧火车旅行第22集

If you never go you'll never know. The original plan was interrupted and changed as a result of Palli’s sudden visit. I dropped my plans to visit Berlin and some cities in Poland however it was well worth it. Even though he was no longer by my side, his kindness and sweetness would always stay in my heart. I was grateful to have met him on my journey.It was definitely nice to get together with Palli however saying goodbye to him left me feeling sad and emotionally drained. I asked Rikke, my friend in Copenhagen, if I could stay with her one more night to recover my energy. I asked to cook for her to thank her for her kindness the other day too. Rikke was so sweet and prepared chicken and vegetables for both of us and I cooked beef dumplings that evening. We also watched a documentary about Peru, where I had visited that May, and shared some wine together. My soul really needed this space and time to recharge and recover. As I grew as a traveler, I learned to be independent but also knew when to depend on others too. I decided to take a cheap flight to Budapest the next day, so I could skip a day on the train. My host in Budapest was very nice and offered to pick me up at the airport. Though he charged a small fee (25 euros), I thought it was pretty fair. The host, Peter, lived a semi-retired life by trading in the morning and doing airbnb business on the side. In his free time, he was interested in energy healing work, so he also offered Reiki and massage to his friends. He also ran a tour business, so I was happy to support and I bought a tour bus ticket and also a ticket to the famous hot spring from him. After all, he gave me a private bedroom to stay in his beautiful apartment in downtown Budapest. That was very generous and sweet, and he also cooked breakfast for me the next morning. Budapest was big and extremely beautiful. It was right to get the bus ticket because I could navigate around the city quickly. When I’m traveling, I usually don’t really care too much about checking out the sights. I like to wander and absorb the energy of the city and love seeing where fate takes me. The food was also very inexpensive in Budapest and I especially enjoyed the pastries a lot.  I had a huge sweet bread roll called trdelnik for 3 euros and a croissant with pistachio paste for 2.5 euros. Trdelnik is very popular in different countries in Central Europe and the warmth, sugar and flavour are perfect on a cold winter day. I didn’t know if it was because I was alone or what, but time seemed really slow. I guess maybe I was still recovering after separating from Palli. In two days, I visited the most scenic spots in Budapest, went to the hill, went on a boat ride, and also visited the famous hot spring palace. Sometimes people say it must be lonely to travel by yourself, but for me, I quite enjoy my own company. I could still see my host and share food and chat in the evening so it was a good balance.  Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing interesting stories that occured in Bratislava, Slovakia.**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车22“
9/7/20216 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

1346 一个人在布达佩斯的旅行不寂寞 |环欧火车旅行第22集

If you never go you'll never know. 如果你不去,你永远不会知道。原本的计划因为冰岛的Palli突然的来访而中断了。虽然放弃了去参观柏林还有一些波兰的城市,然而却很值得。他已经不在我的身旁,但他的好和贴心会一直长存在我心中。我非常感谢在我的旅程中遇见他。可以和Palli聚在一起的确是很棒,然而说再见也让我感觉伤心还有留下我在情感中感觉枯竭。我问我在哥本哈根的朋友Rikke是否可以再让我和她一起住一晚上去恢复我的能量。我想要为她煮饭,并且谢谢她几天前的接待。Rikke好贴心,为我们俩准备了鸡肉和蔬菜而我则是在那一晚做牛肉饺子。因为我五月才去了一趟秘鲁,所以我们一起看了一部有关秘鲁的纪录片,一边共享一些红酒。我的灵魂的确需要这个空间和时间去充电还有恢复。随着旅行一直在成长,我不仅学会了独立,也学会知道什么时候应该要仰赖别人。我决定隔天要搭廉价的航空去布达佩斯,这样我就可以省掉好几天坐火车的时间。我在布达佩斯的沙发主人非常的好,他还提供了来机场接我。虽然他收一点小小的费用(25欧元),我觉得也是很公道。Peter是我的沙发主,他是一个借着白天在炒股,一边经营民宿过着半退休的生活。在他的空闲时间,他对能量医疗的工作非常感兴趣,所以他也对他的朋友提供灵气和按摩的服务。他也经营一个旅行事业,所以我也非常高兴可以支持他,我从他那边买了一张巴士券还有一张去他们那边最有名的温泉门票。毕竟,他让我在他市中心美丽的公寓中的私人房间住两晚。我觉得他非常的慷慨和贴心,甚至隔天还做了早餐给我吃。布达佩斯很大而且也非常的美。买巴士票券是正确的,因为这样我就可以快速的在城市中导览。当我在旅行的时候,我真的不是非常在意要去看哪些景点。我喜欢到处乱走,然后吸收整个城市的能量,然后也看看命运会带我去哪里。在布达佩斯的食物也非常的便宜,我特别喜欢他们的糕点。我花了3欧元吃了一个好大的叫trdelnik的甜面包卷,还用2.5欧吃一个夹着开心果酱的可颂面包。Trdelnik是在中欧许多不同国家非常热门的一种面包,它的热气、糖霜还有口味非常适合在寒冷的冬天里享用。我并不清楚是不是因为我一个人还是怎么样,时间似乎过得很慢。我想,我可能还在与Palli的分离中恢复中。就在两天内,我参观了在布达佩斯最美丽的景点,去了小山坡还坐了船,甚至还到了他们那里最富盛名的春天宫殿泡了温泉。有些人说,一个人旅行一定很寂寞吧,可是对于我,我倒是挺享受一个人的。反正我晚上还可以和我的沙发主一起分享食物和聊天,所以我认为这是一个很好的平衡。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在斯洛伐克的首都布拉提斯拉瓦旅行的有趣故事。从我的英语旅行英語训练营摘录refund the ticket 退票coach 普通車廂 second-class 二等座first-class 頭等艙aisle seat 走道座位window seat 靠窗座位**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营/早起训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车22“
9/6/202114 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

1345 (英文版)我和我的冰岛恋人一起上了火车 |环欧火车第21集

All I want in my life is tons of adventures to look back on.The train ride to Copenhagen from Hamburg was incredible because the train would drive into a gigantic ferry boat to continue the journey at sea. By the time we had settled in it was close to sunset and I was mesmerised with the view from the top deck of the boat. Rikka, my Danish friend who I had met in Barcelona two years ago in a Spanish lesson, came to pick me up at the station in Copenhagen. She had invited me two years earlier when she left and we'd always kept touch. Although we had only briefly met and shared a meal once in Barcelona, I felt like we had been friends for a long time. Rikka struck me as a very gentle woman who had great taste and philosophy in art and life when we first met. She was also passionate about art and had been dedicated to helping artists get their work seen and appreciated around the world for many years. She was very warm and open with me, taking good care of me while I was in Copenhagen and showing me around the museums and cafes of downtown Copenhagen. There is something very special about reconnecting with old friends I met on the road in their home cities.  Then Palli decided to fly out from Reykjavik in Iceland and visit me in Copenhagen! Palli and I became really close after I visited Iceland early that year, and we had traveled to many cities together after my visit to Reykjavik. He had come to stay with me in Barcelona in March for a week. Then we visited Vilnius in Lithuania in May. We also had a summer camping trip to the Westfjords in Iceland and had often talked about visiting Copenhagen together. During the three years I was in Europe, I had been out on dates with some incredible men, however the only one I had a unique connection with was this Icelandic man. Palli was tall, good-looking, intelligent, strong in character and had a heart of gold. Although he was six years younger than I was, we could talk for hours on many different and interesting topics. Most importantly, he could understand my humor and always responded back with quick wit. I enjoyed looking at his grey eyes and hearing his life stories and traveling together. Palli was also the only person who I had shared a train ride with on this Eurail journey, which made him even more special and unique in my life. We took the train from Copenhagen and went across the border to arrive in Malmo in Sweden, where we rented an Airbnb. I finally had some rest after 40 days of non-stop moving and meeting people. With Palli, I could be totally relaxed and let my guard down, and even be vulnerable at times. I felt Palli was the person who understood me the most in the world.While Palli was with me, bad news came from China where the publisher made a sudden decision against publishing my book due to the tension between China and Taiwan. I had spent 2000 euros hiring an illustrator, sent the draft, and finalized the book and all the contracts that were sent from China and sent back from Spain. All the back and forth now seemed like a useless act. Losing money also made it feel like a scam as this book had been part of the reason that I wanted to move back to Asia. I had even planned a book signing in Shanghai on Christmas day. I couldn’t help but burst into tears. Seeing Palli lying by my side, I felt I might have made a big mistake by leaving Europe and having sold all my things in Spain, there was no turning back. I felt so humiliated and also saddened by the situation. Palli knew that I had been working on that book for the whole year, with all of the ups and downs that come with writing a book. He got up and played a song on his phone. My tears dried up quickly. It was magical.“Always look on the bright side of life…” He also sang along with it. Like each of us, Palli had experienced some unpleasant events in his life but he was also often the brightest and the most positive person I knew. If he could still see life this way after all the unpleasant events, I could too. Maybe something better was meant to come later. I was also thankful that while I was having the hardest moment of my trip, I wasn’t alone.Time seemed slow and the air had a bittersweet feeling when we were in Malmo. However, it was also time to say goodbye to Palli and continue on the rest of my journey before leaving Europe. Palli gave me lots of kisses in those three days we were together. Even though that could be our last meeting, we both knew we would cherish those memories we created dearly.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing interesting stories that occured in Budapest, Hungary.**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营口语课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车21“
8/29/20218 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

1344 我和我的冰岛恋人一起上了火车 |环欧火车第21集

All I want in my life is tons of adventures to look back on. 在我的人生里,我想要的只是无数值得回顾的冒险。从汉堡到哥本哈根火车的旅程非常令人不可思议,因为火车会开到超级大的渡轮在海中继续前行。当我们进入游轮的时候,已经是日落的时分,所以我对于在船上顶部甲板上看到的景色感到非常的着迷。我的丹麦朋友Rikka是我两年前在巴塞罗那上西班牙语课认识的,她来哥本哈根的车站接我。两年前我们刚认识的时候,她就曾邀请我到哥本哈根找她,我们从那时就一直保持联系。虽然我们只有见过并且在巴塞隆纳吃过一次饭,但我感觉我们就像是好久的朋友。Rikka给我的第一印象就是一个在生活和艺术都非常有品位的女性。她也对艺术非常的热衷,并且多年来投身于帮助艺术家的作品被世界看到和欣赏。她对我非常的温暖和敞开,当我在哥本哈根的时候也十分照顾我并且带我去市中心的咖啡厅和博物馆参观。能够和老朋友在他们的家乡又再度连结上感觉真的十分地特别。然后Palli决定从冰岛的雷克雅未克飞来哥本哈根来看我!Palli和我是在2019年初在冰岛旅行认识的,我们变得很亲近,从我在雷克雅未克的旅行之后,我们共同去了许多城市。三月的时候他到巴塞罗那拜访我一个星期,然后五月的时候我们去立陶宛的维尔纽斯玩。我们夏天的时候又去冰岛的西峡湾一起露营,在这段期间,我们时常聊到要一起来哥本哈根玩。在我住在欧洲的三年间,我和几个非常棒的男人出去约会几次,然而我只有和这个冰岛男有独特的连结。Palli又高又帅,聪明又性格很强,然而也有一颗像金子一样的心。虽然他比我小六岁,我们总是可以聊好多不同和有趣的话题。更重要的是,他总是能理解我的幽默,而且常常可以很快速地又聪明地回应我的笑话。我非常喜欢看着他灰色的眼睛并听他诉说他的人生故事,还有一起旅行。让Palli更加在我生命中的地位独特的原因是,他也是唯一一个和我一起搭上这趟环欧火车的人。我们从哥本哈根搭火车跨越国界来到了在瑞典的马尔默。在那里一起租了一个民宿。我终于可以在40天的马不停蹄地认识新朋友和旅行后,来休息一下。和Palli在一起,我可以全然的放松,并且将我的防备放下,甚至有时可以展现我的脆弱。我感觉Palli是这个世界上最了解我的人。然而当我和Palli在一起的时候,来自中国的出版商忽然传来了坏消息,因为中国和台湾的紧张关系,他们决定不出版我的书了。我已经花了2000欧元请了插画师,把书的草稿送上去了,还完成了所有从中国寄到西班牙的合约。这样的来来回回的,现在看起来一点用处都没有。因为出版书而损失钱这件事更让我觉得好像被骗了。也是由于这本书的出版,才让我想要回去亚洲,我甚至计划圣诞节那天在上海举办签书会。我忍不住哭了起来,看见Palli在我身旁躺着,我更觉得离开欧洲的我可能犯了一个大错,然而我已经把我在西班牙的所有东西都卖掉了,已经没有回头的机会。Palli知道我为这本书忙了一整年还有在写这本书所有七上八下的心情。他听到我在哭就起身用他的手机播了一首歌。我的眼泪停止了。真的好神奇。他跟着音乐一起哼着:“永远看生活光明的一面...”就像我们一样,Palli也遭遇了许多在生命中令人不悦的事件,但是他是我认识最正面积极的人。如果他可以在他生命中发生的不幸的事之后,还可以用这样的正面积极的角度看世界的话,我想我也可以。或许更好的事情注定晚一点才会来。我很感恩在我旅程中最难熬的一刻的时候,我并不是一个人。我们在马尔默的时光感觉好慢,空气中也夹杂的苦苦甜甜的感觉。然而,是时候要和Palli说再见了,继续我在离开欧洲前的旅行。Palli在我们在一起的三天给了我好多吻。虽然这次可能是我们最后一次见面了,我们彼此都知道我们会珍惜共同创造的回忆。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在匈牙利布达佩斯旅行的有趣故事。从我的英语口语训练营摘录《想和你用英语聊聊天》如何回答Excuse me. Could you please tell me how to get to Taipei 101?對不起,你能告訴我怎麼樣去台北101嗎?You can go along this road and turn left at the first crossing, then you'll see it. 沿著這條路一直往前走,在第一個十字路口左轉,你就可以看到它了。I'm going that way, follow me, please! 我正要去那,請跟我走吧!**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营口语课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车21“
8/28/202115 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

1343 (英文版)在德国汉堡与印度小哥开箱新家与当地人的可爱好客 | 环欧火车第20集

Your wings already exist. All you have to do is fly.I had a new couchsurfing host since I hadn’t been able to contact my original host in Hamburg. I arrived at Himanshu’s apartment and he greeted me warmly at his door. Then I learnt that Himanshu himself had just arrived in this apartment a few hours ago from India, and that this was actually his first day in the apartment! He said he had just relocated to Hamburg because of work and that his company had arranged everything for his stay. He was happy to share with travelers like me and he could use some company. His apartment was spacious and really modern, and I felt really lucky to be the first guest he received at his house. He was really welcoming and nice too. I finally got in touch with my original host, Sam, who was really apologetic because he had given me the wrong number and wanted to make up by showing me around Hamburg before I left for Copenhagen. It turned out that he was really witty, fun and lovely to talk to as well, so I quickly forgave him for what happened. He was very knowledgeable about Hamburg and took me to many beautiful places and areas to visit.  That day was also a clear and nice day unlike the gloomy weather the day before. Hamburg had many bridges and water around it so it felt really beautiful to walk around. The nine people I met in Germany were so amazing and that reminded me of something I often shared in my podcast. There are no strangers; only friends you haven’t met. They were so kind and sweet, and the hustle and bustle of Germany didn’t bother me anymore. Due to the friendly people I met there and the beautiful scenery, I left with a very good impression of Germany!Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing interesting stories that occured in Copenhagen, Denmark.**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营口语课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车20“
8/27/20214 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

1342 在德国汉堡与印度小哥开箱新家与当地人的可爱好客 | 环欧火车第20集

Your wings already exist. All you have to do is fly. 你的翅膀已经存在,你要做的就是飞翔。因为无法联系上汉堡原先的沙发主,所以我找了另外一个沙发主来借宿给我。当我抵达了Himanshu的家他很热情的在家门口招呼我。然后我才发现原来Himanshu几个小时前才从印度抵达了自己在德国汉堡的公寓,而且这是他在这个公寓的第一天。他说,他刚刚才因为工作搬到汉堡,然后他的公司为他安排了所有住宿的细节。他非常开心可以和像我一样的旅行者分享,因为他觉得或许他也会需要有伴。他的公寓好宽敞又时髦,对于成为他在这个家第一个被接待的客人,我感到十分地幸运。他也非常的好客和亲切。另外,我终于联系到我原本在汉堡的沙发主Sam,充满歉意的他告诉我原来无法联系上他的原因是因为他不小心给了错误的号码,他想要在我前往哥本哈根之前,带我在汉堡逛逛来弥补我。见到他本人后,我感觉他真的很聪明、有趣又好笑,所以我很快的就原谅他了。他对于汉堡也是非常的熟知,带我去好多美丽的地方和地区去逛逛。那天天气晴朗不像前一天的天气那样阴郁湿冷。汉堡市里有好多小桥和水域,所以到处走走是非常美丽的经验。所以在德国遇到的九个人都好棒,而且真的提醒了我常常在播客分享的一句格言:陌生人只是你尚未认识的朋友。他们都好善良和贴心,所以原先德国市区繁忙的景象已经不再让我烦心。也由于这些友善的人和美丽的景色,让我对德国的印象真的好好!敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在北欧哥本哈根旅行的有趣故事。从我的英语口语训练营摘录《想和你用英语聊聊天》如何回答I think we are lost. What should we do?我覺得我們迷路了,我們該怎麼辦?We should ask for directions! 我们应该问路!Maybe we should have hired a guide. 也许我们应该请一位导游。There is no need to worry. Let's just take a taxi. 没什麽好紧张的。我们搭计程车就好了。**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营口语课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车20“
8/26/202112 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

1341 (英文版)在汉堡遇见会说中文的德国朋友 | 环欧火车旅行20集

Life is an adventure. Take risks. After having breakfast with Yasmine, I went to the station to catch my train to Hamburg. I wanted to see my friend Bonnie, who I had met through the internet. She had been one of my podcast listeners and later joined my online travel club. She was in Germany because she had a medical exchange in Hamburg. Bonnie is from Anhui, China, and is a doctor who has a young daughter. When we first met, she had never been abroad however she was taking full advantage of the chance to see places in Europe. This experience had really broadened her mind and she credited me for inspiring her, which I felt really happy about. She had just visited Iceland hours before she came to pick me up at the station! It was amazing to see how she had transformed into a world solo-traveler and we were happy to finally meet up in person. What should we have for lunch in Hamburg? We decided to eat some hamburgers to celebrate our first meeting there. After a delicious hamburger session, we were thinking of having a walk-around Hamburg. It was really cold and once again the hustle and bustle of the city made me feel a bit nauseous. I felt dizzy navigating myself on the subway system and it was at that point a German lady tapped my shoulder and asked us in Mandarin if we needed any help. We were surprised and asked her to recommend a place to visit and help us buy subway tickets. We had a chat and the young German lady had been studying Mandarin for a few years. She even had a Chinese name, Li-Shan, and since she was also off work that day, decided to join us and showed us around Hamburg. It was really cold and rainy but it was so much fun to hang out with a knowledgeable and sweet local friend. Li-Shan took us to the pier and suggested that we get on a ferry boat, so we could see some sights without moving too much. On the boat while we were chatting with this wonderful lady, I couldn’t help but wonder how lucky we were in this strange country to meet such a lovely local who was eager to help us and who spoke our language!Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing interesting Couchsurfing stories that occured in Hamburg, Germany.**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营口语课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车19“
8/25/20215 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

1340 在汉堡遇见会说中文的德国朋友 | 环欧火车旅行19集

Life is an adventure. Take risks. 生活是一场探险,要懂得冒险。和Yasmine一起吃完早餐后,我就去车站赶搭火车去汉堡。这次我想要见我在网上认识的朋友Bonnie,她同时也是加入我线上旅游俱乐部的播客听众。因为有一个医学方面的交换机会所以她来到了德国。Bonnie来自中国安徽,是一个有幼小女儿的医生。当我们刚刚认识的时候,她还从来都没有出国过,然而她现在已经充分的利用机会去看欧洲的许多地方。这个经验真的让她打开了眼界,她也将功劳归功于我给她的鼓励,这让我十分地开心。在她来车站接我之前的几个小时才刚刚拜访了冰岛!真的很棒看到她转变成一个环球的独行旅行者,然后我们很开心终于见到本人了。然而到了汉堡,我们中餐该吃什么?我们决定去吃汉堡来庆祝第一次在那里见面,再吃完好吃的汉堡之后,我们想在汉堡附近逛逛。那天天气好冷,所以在城市里的匆忙又一次让我觉得有一点噁心。当我在地铁里面试着找路,我开始觉得有一点晕眩,就在这个时候有个德国的女士轻轻地点了我的肩膀,并且用中文问我们是否需要任何的帮助。我们都挺惊讶,并且问她有没有推荐的参观景点并且帮助我们购买地铁票,我们聊了一会儿,然后这个年轻的德国女士学中文已经几年了,她甚至有一个中文的名字叫丽珊,她刚好已经下班了,所以决定加入我们并且带我们逛逛汉堡。那是个又冷又下雨的一天,然后和一个见闻广博又贴心的当地朋友一起玩真的好有趣。丽珊带我们去码头,还建议我们上渡轮,这样我们就可以一边看景色又不用一直走来走去。在船上的时候我们一直和这位好棒的女士聊天,我不禁纳闷我们是多么幸运能在一个陌生的国家,可以认识一个可爱又热心帮助我们当地人,更不要说还是用我们的母语和我们沟通着!敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在德國汉堡沙发冲浪旅行發生的有趣故事。从我的《想和你用英语聊聊天》如何回答Where should I get a ticket for the Subway?我要到哪裡才能买地铁的票?You can use the automatic ticket machine over there. 你可以使用那裡的自动售票机。You can buy a travel pass next to the ATMs. 你可以到提款机旁边买旅行通票。You can ask the attendant in the booking office. 你可以问问售票处的服务人员。**参与我为期6个月的口语训练营参加每日的直播课程/旅行英语训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营口语课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车19“
8/24/202110 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

1339 (英文版)到柏林的路上诸事不顺,但我知道有人在等我 |环欧火车旅行第18集

Getting lost is not a waste of time, to travel is to evolve. On the way to the train station in Munich for my trip to Hamburg, I arranged to meet up with my German classmate while studying Spanish in Barcelona, Julia. Munich is her home and she had just got married and was pregnant. It was so nice to meet up with her and share stories together. Though Julia was a lot younger than me, we always had much to talk about when we were back in Barcelona. I really enjoyed her positivity and energy towards life. Actually before I set off to Hamburg, I had not yet connected successfully with my host there and got none of his replies about my arrival. It was pretty strange. Julia walked me to the station and it also turned out my original train to Hamburg was cancelled. It didn't appear that I could get another train to Hamburg that day. I had to make a very quick decision since the train on the next track going to Berlin was leaving in 15 minutes. I’d planned to see Berlin, but after visiting Copenhagen and Hamburg before that. I quickly hugged Julia goodbye, and jumped on the train to Berlin instead. On this eight-hour train ride to Berlin, I had to figure out where to stay that night and postponed my trip to Hamburg. Luckily, I quickly connected with Yasmine, a Lebanese girl who offered to let me stay at her place. She told me that although she had plans to study that night, she’d love to host me. The whole train ride felt really long. Although I was sitting in the first class lounge and the train seat was supposed to be comfy, I felt antsy after 6 hours on the train already. The last two hours felt never-ending. Finally I arrived in Berlin and it was already 8.45pm! I had to figure out how to get to Yasmine’s place which was another two connections and a 45 minute subway ride away.I have heard people talk about Berlin so many times, and that it has a very colorful hippie spirit. It was already dark and I couldn’t really see what the city was like. However, from the pattern of the seat fabric to the colorful mosaic tiles by the platform, I was already mesmerised. I also felt I had stepped back into the eighties and was reminded of the Beatles and the love affair between John Lennon and Yoko Uno.After getting lost and missing my connections a few times inside the station, I finally found my way to Yasmine’s place. It was pitch dark and I couldn’t see a thing on the road. I was feeling exhausted, starving, and a little bad about Yasmine waiting for me although otherwise I felt extremely calm, peaceful and loved. When I finally arrived at Yasmine’s small cozy studio in the suburbs of Berlin, it was already 10:30pm! What I couldn’t believe was that Yasmine had prepared a table of food for my arrival! There were salads and some fried Lebanese croques. She did not eat with me but I finished everything on the table. After dinner, Yasmine also insisted that I sleep in her bed and she crashed on the sofa because it might be a bit small for me. Strangely, I couldn’t sleep a wink even though I was exhausted. It might be my full belly of food, but I guess I was just simply touched by her overwhelming hospitality.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing stories that occured in Hamburg, Germany.**参与我为期6个月的扎实的旅行英语训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车18“
8/21/20216 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

1338 到柏林的路上诸事不顺,但我知道有人在等我 |环欧火车旅行第18集

Getting lost is not a waste of time, to travel is to evolve. 迷失并不是浪费时间,旅行是一种进化。在去搭从慕尼黑前往汉堡的火车路途中,我安排和曾经在西班牙巴塞罗那一起学习西语的德国同学Julia见面。慕尼黑是她的家乡,她最近结了婚而且怀孕了。好开心可以见她还有与她一起分享故事。虽然Julia比我年轻很多,当我们在巴塞罗那的时候,我们总有很多话可以说。我很欣赏她的乐观还有在生活中散发的积极能量。其实在我前往汉堡之前,我还没有和我在汉堡的沙发主联系上,他甚至也没有对我即将来临的抵达有任何的回复。这真的很奇怪。Julia和我一起到车站,才发现原本要去汉堡的车子被取消了,而且当时也没有另外可以去汉堡的火车。所以我必须做出一个很快的决定,因为在隔壁的轨道上有一台前往柏林的火车,即将在15分钟后出发了。我是有计划去柏林,然而是在拜访哥本哈根和汉堡之后,但我仍快速的和Julia拥抱说了再见,然后就跳上了去柏林的火车。在去柏林的这趟要8小时的火车,我得找出在哪里过夜并且将我的汉堡之行延期了。我很快地和Yasmine联系上了,她是一位来自黎巴嫩的女孩,在沙发冲浪网站上提供我住在她家。虽然她告诉我当晚她必须准备考试,仍然她很乐意收留我。这趟旅途感觉十分的漫长,虽然我是在一等座的车厢,车子的座位应该是蛮舒服,但是我在六小时之后已经坐立不安。最后两个小时更是过得好慢。当我终于抵达柏林的时候已经是晚上的八点四十五分!我还得找出要去Yasmine的家,然后又是一趟45分钟加上两次转车的旅程。在我去柏林之前,已经听别人说起柏林好多遍了,而且说柏林是非常多彩具有嬉皮精神的地方。然而我到的时候天色已经好黑,所以我根本看不出这个城市是长成什么样子。但是从在车厢里的座椅的布料花色,到月台间七彩的马赛克瓷砖,我已经目眩神迷了。感觉自己好像不小心踩进了八零年代还让我想起了披头四和约翰蓝侬和小野洋子的恋爱韵事。在车站里迷路了好几次又错过了好几次转接的地铁,我终于找到去Yasmine家的路了。路上一片漆黑看不到任何东西,我感觉又累又饿又对于Yasmine在等我感到有点愧疚,然而却又极度平静、祥和和感觉被爱。当我终于抵达了Yasmine位在柏林郊区小小又温暖的一室厅时,时间已经是晚上十点半了!更让我不敢相信的是Yasmine竟然准备了一桌食物等待我的来临。桌上有沙拉还有黎巴嫩的可乐饼,她没有和我一起吃饭而是让我吃光了桌上的所有食物。晚餐之后,Yasmine还坚持我睡在她的床上她则睡在沙发上,因为她发现她的沙发可能对我来说太小了。奇怪的是,虽然我精疲力竭,我竟然一夜未睡著。可能是因为我肚子里满满的食物,但我猜想是对于她的非常好客的熱情感到十分感动。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在德國汉堡發生的有趣故事。搭乘火车一定用到的!从我的旅游英语训练营搭火车的课程摘录:express 快車/local 慢车ticket machine 售票機gate 門locker 置物櫃conductor 車掌dining car 餐車**参与我为期6个月的扎实的旅行英语训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车18“
8/20/202113 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

1338 到柏林的路上诸事不顺,但我知道有人在等我 |环欧火车旅行第18集

Getting lost is not a waste of time, to travel is to evolve. 迷失并不是浪费时间,旅行是一种进化。在去搭从慕尼黑前往汉堡的火车路途中,我安排和曾经在西班牙巴塞罗那一起学习西语的德国同学Julia见面。慕尼黑是她的家乡,她最近结了婚而且怀孕了。好开心可以见她还有与她一起分享故事。虽然Julia比我年轻很多,当我们在巴塞罗那的时候,我们总有很多话可以说。我很欣赏她的乐观还有在生活中散发的积极能量。其实在我前往汉堡之前,我还没有和我在汉堡的沙发主联系上,他甚至也没有对我即将来临的抵达有任何的回复。这真的很奇怪。Julia和我一起到车站,才发现原本要去汉堡的车子被取消了,而且当时也没有另外可以去汉堡的火车。所以我必须做出一个很快的决定,因为在隔壁的轨道上有一台前往柏林的火车,即将在15分钟后出发了。我是有计划去柏林,然而是在拜访哥本哈根和汉堡之后,但我仍快速的和Julia拥抱说了再见,然后就跳上了去柏林的火车。在去柏林的这趟要8小时的火车,我得找出在哪里过夜并且将我的汉堡之行延期了。我很快地和Yasmine联系上了,她是一位来自黎巴嫩的女孩,在沙发冲浪网站上提供我住在她家。虽然她告诉我当晚她必须准备考试,仍然她很乐意收留我。这趟旅途感觉十分的漫长,虽然我是在一等座的车厢,车子的座位应该是蛮舒服,但是我在六小时之后已经坐立不安。最后两个小时更是过得好慢。当我终于抵达柏林的时候已经是晚上的八点四十五分!我还得找出要去Yasmine的家,然后又是一趟45分钟加上两次转车的旅程。在我去柏林之前,已经听别人说起柏林好多遍了,而且说柏林是非常多彩具有嬉皮精神的地方。然而我到的时候天色已经好黑,所以我根本看不出这个城市是长成什么样子。但是从在车厢里的座椅的布料花色,到月台间七彩的马赛克瓷砖,我已经目眩神迷了。感觉自己好像不小心踩进了八零年代还让我想起了披头四和约翰蓝侬和小野洋子的恋爱韵事。在车站里迷路了好几次又错过了好几次转接的地铁,我终于找到去Yasmine家的路了。路上一片漆黑看不到任何东西,我感觉又累又饿又对于Yasmine在等我感到有点愧疚,然而却又极度平静、祥和和感觉被爱。当我终于抵达了Yasmine位在柏林郊区小小又温暖的一室厅时,时间已经是晚上十点半了!更让我不敢相信的是Yasmine竟然准备了一桌食物等待我的来临。桌上有沙拉还有黎巴嫩的可乐饼,她没有和我一起吃饭而是让我吃光了桌上的所有食物。晚餐之后,Yasmine还坚持我睡在她的床上她则睡在沙发上,因为她发现她的沙发可能对我来说太小了。奇怪的是,虽然我精疲力竭,我竟然一夜未睡著。可能是因为我肚子里满满的食物,但我猜想是对于她的非常好客的熱情感到十分感动。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在德國汉堡發生的有趣故事。搭乘火车一定用到的!从我的旅游英语训练营搭火车的课程摘录:express 快車/local 慢车ticket machine 售票機gate 門locker 置物櫃conductor 車掌dining car 餐車**参与我为期6个月的扎实的旅行英语训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营,报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车18“
8/20/202113 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

1337 (英文版) 在慕尼黑和印度夫妇大战UNO和与当地人品尝德国料理的糗事

Memories are timeless treasures of the heart. 记忆是心灵永恒的财富After Salzburg, I boarded another train to another new city and country for me; Munich, Germany. I was planning to stay for two nights with an Indian couple on couchsurfing who offered to host me. As soon as I arrived in Munich, I noticed how busy and bustling the city was, which was quite different from all the other cities I had visited on this European train journey. Actually it made me think of the city, Taipei, where I used to live but gradually grew out of the longer I lived there. I never really liked Taipei so much because of the busy and fast-paced lifestyle. I had a strange feeling about my first impression of Germany and wasn’t sure if I would like my experiences there.I arrived at Vivek’s house. It was after their dinner time on a Friday evening, and Vivek and his wife Swati greeted me with warmth in their living room. Their apartment was basic but I had a couch that they had prepared for me to stay on. They had just been married for a year and moved to Germany because of work. They started using couchsurfing to host people from around the world because they’d found this could actually spice up their mundane routine life after work. I could sense they were both very intelligent people and they were interested in my experiences in making podcasts, as they were interested in starting their own. So I hosted a mini exploration workshop to help them find topics for their podcasts, right there in the living room. This interest was very nice to find out about because although they were both engineers in a prestigious German company, they had many interests away from engineering and science. Swati was passionate about handcrafts and helping women back in India, and Vivek really loved walking and connecting with people. They also taught me how to play UNO, the card game, which I lost many times and we laughed a lot. It was a great night. The next day I met up with Sebastian, a local guy who I also connected with through couchsurfing and he suggested that we walk around Munich. It was great since I didn’t feel like navigating through the hustle and bustle of Munich alone. Sebastian was an amazing guide and planned a route which showed me some of the most enjoyable places in Munich and also how distinctive Bavarian culture is within Germany. At lunch, we ordered a pretzel, white sausages, and beer together. I learned the right way to eat German white sausages. If I didn’t have Sebastian’s instructions, I’d never have known how to eat one! The wrap was actually plastic, and I had to peel it with my knife and enjoy cutting it into small pieces to pick up with my fork. I really enjoyed the flavor and thought that it was the best sausage I ever tasted. Unlike the German sausage I had tried before, it had just the right amount of saltiness and tenderness. However, due to my inexperience cutting the sausage, it slipped off my plate and onto the floor whilst peeling it away from the wrapping. Sebastian later teased me about my clumsiness cutting a sausage.After I said goodbye to Sebastian and walked home that Saturday night, I decided to offer to teach the couple how to make vegan dumplings and spring rolls together. They were quick learners and took it very seriously. It was a really enjoyable night sharing food and eating the food we made together.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing stories that occured in Berlin, Germany.**参与我为期6个月的扎实的旅行英语训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车17“
8/19/20217 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

1336 在慕尼黑和印度夫妇大战UNO和与当地人品尝德国料理的糗事|环欧火车之旅第17集

Memories are timeless treasures of the heart. 记忆是心灵永恒的财富离开萨尔斯堡之后,我坐上了另一台火车去一个新国家和新城市;德国的慕尼黑。我准备入住在沙发冲浪网站上提供我两晚住宿的印度夫妇的家。当我一抵达慕尼黑,我立刻注意这个忙碌又热闹的城市,和我在这次旅行途中参观的城市很不同。事实上让我想到以前住过一阵子城市--台北。因为它忙碌又快速的生活形态,我从来没有真正的喜欢台北。所以德国给我的第一印象给我一个十分奇异的感觉,我不确定我是否会喜欢在这里的体验。我抵达了Vivek的家,已经是超过了他们晚餐时间的星期五夜晚了,Vivek和他老婆Swati在他们的起居室温暖的招呼我。他们的公寓非常基本,但是他们有一个沙发提供我当晚的住宿。他们才刚结婚一年,然后因为工作搬到德国。他们开始使用沙发冲浪是因为这个活动帮助他们在工作后的平淡生活常规带来些趣味。我可以感觉到他们两人都是非常聪明的人,而且也对我做Podcast播客的经验非常感兴趣。他们也有兴趣开始自己的Podcast播客。所以我就在他们的客厅开始了一个小小的探索工作坊来帮助他们来找到Podcast播客的主题。非常有趣的发现这对夫妻,虽然他们都在德国非常有名的公司担任工程师,然而他们拥有很多与工程和科学并不相关的兴趣。Swati非常热衷手工艺和帮助在印度的女性,然而Vivek很喜欢走路还有与人连结。他们还教我玩UNO牌,然而我却一直输搞得大家都笑成一团。真是一个美好的夜晚。隔天我和Sebastian一起见面,他也是我在沙发冲浪连接上的当地人,他建议我们在慕尼黑到处走走。因为我并不想要一个人走在繁忙又热闹的慕尼黑,所以我觉得他的提议真的很棒。Sebastian是个很棒的向导,才一上午他就带我走了一个可以展示我慕尼黑最宜人的景点路线,然后又告诉我巴伐利亚的文化是有多么特别。午餐时,我们一起点了咸脆饼、白香肠和啤酒,我学习如何用正确的方法来吃德国的白香肠。如果我没有Sebastian的指点,我还真的不知道怎么正确的吃德国香肠呢!香肠的肠衣是塑胶的,所以我必须要用我的刀剥它的皮,然后要慢慢的把它切成小块,再用叉子送到嘴里品尝。我真的好喜欢它的味道,而且我认为它是我吃过最好的香肠了。和我往常吃的德国香肠不同,白香肠的咸度和口感都恰到好处。然而因为我实在没有切香肠的经验,在我正在慢慢地给我的白香肠剥皮的时候,它就溜出了我的盘子然后掉在地上了。Sebastian之后一直笑我在切香肠的时候有多么笨拙。我和Sebastian说再见,然后自己在星期六的晚上走路回家,然后我决定要教这对夫妇如何制作素食的饺子和春卷。他们学得好快而且很认真。那一天我们一边分享一边吃我们共同制作的食物,真的是非常享受的夜晚。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在德國柏林發生的故事。搭乘火车一定用到的!从我的旅游英语训练营搭火车的课程摘录:railway station 火車站 (railroad station/train station)platform 月台track 軌道route map 路線圖timetable 時間表ticket 車票ticket window 售票處**参与我为期6个月的扎实的旅行英语训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车17“
8/18/202111 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

1336 在慕尼黑和印度夫妇大战UNO和与当地人品尝德国料理的糗事|环欧火车之旅第17集

Memories are timeless treasures of the heart. 记忆是心灵永恒的财富离开萨尔斯堡之后,我坐上了另一台火车去一个新国家和新城市;德国的慕尼黑。我准备入住在沙发冲浪网站上提供我两晚住宿的印度夫妇的家。当我一抵达慕尼黑,我立刻注意这个忙碌又热闹的城市,和我在这次旅行途中参观的城市很不同。事实上让我想到以前住过一阵子城市--台北。因为它忙碌又快速的生活形态,我从来没有真正的喜欢台北。所以德国给我的第一印象给我一个十分奇异的感觉,我不确定我是否会喜欢在这里的体验。我抵达了Vivek的家,已经是超过了他们晚餐时间的星期五夜晚了,Vivek和他老婆Swati在他们的起居室温暖的招呼我。他们的公寓非常基本,但是他们有一个沙发提供我当晚的住宿。他们才刚结婚一年,然后因为工作搬到德国。他们开始使用沙发冲浪是因为这个活动帮助他们在工作后的平淡生活常规带来些趣味。我可以感觉到他们两人都是非常聪明的人,而且也对我做Podcast播客的经验非常感兴趣。他们也有兴趣开始自己的Podcast播客。所以我就在他们的客厅开始了一个小小的探索工作坊来帮助他们来找到Podcast播客的主题。非常有趣的发现这对夫妻,虽然他们都在德国非常有名的公司担任工程师,然而他们拥有很多与工程和科学并不相关的兴趣。Swati非常热衷手工艺和帮助在印度的女性,然而Vivek很喜欢走路还有与人连结。他们还教我玩UNO牌,然而我却一直输搞得大家都笑成一团。真是一个美好的夜晚。隔天我和Sebastian一起见面,他也是我在沙发冲浪连接上的当地人,他建议我们在慕尼黑到处走走。因为我并不想要一个人走在繁忙又热闹的慕尼黑,所以我觉得他的提议真的很棒。Sebastian是个很棒的向导,才一上午他就带我走了一个可以展示我慕尼黑最宜人的景点路线,然后又告诉我巴伐利亚的文化是有多么特别。午餐时,我们一起点了咸脆饼、白香肠和啤酒,我学习如何用正确的方法来吃德国的白香肠。如果我没有Sebastian的指点,我还真的不知道怎么正确的吃德国香肠呢!香肠的肠衣是塑胶的,所以我必须要用我的刀剥它的皮,然后要慢慢的把它切成小块,再用叉子送到嘴里品尝。我真的好喜欢它的味道,而且我认为它是我吃过最好的香肠了。和我往常吃的德国香肠不同,白香肠的咸度和口感都恰到好处。然而因为我实在没有切香肠的经验,在我正在慢慢地给我的白香肠剥皮的时候,它就溜出了我的盘子然后掉在地上了。Sebastian之后一直笑我在切香肠的时候有多么笨拙。我和Sebastian说再见,然后自己在星期六的晚上走路回家,然后我决定要教这对夫妇如何制作素食的饺子和春卷。他们学得好快而且很认真。那一天我们一边分享一边吃我们共同制作的食物,真的是非常享受的夜晚。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在德國柏林發生的故事。搭乘火车一定用到的!从我的旅游英语训练营搭火车的课程摘录:railway station 火車站 (railroad station/train station)platform 月台track 軌道route map 路線圖timetable 時間表ticket 車票ticket window 售票處**参与我为期6个月的扎实的旅行英语训练营,请到我的公众微信账号IFLYCLUB,回复:训练营报名最新一期的训练营课程。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车17“
8/18/202111 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

1335 (英文版)在萨尔斯堡见网友 | 环欧火车旅行第16集

I'd rather have a passport full of stamps than a house full of stuff. I was really looking forward to meeting Christine, a Taiwanese blogger and a local tour guide based in Austria who I had invited to one of my early podcasts to talk about intercultural relationships. I have been following Christine on social media ever since the podcast episode was first released seven years ago. Although I had never met Christine in person, throughout the podcast interview, I felt she was really outgoing and seemed happy in her marriage with her Austrian husband and family. So I was really surprised to learn that her divorce was finalized soon after the podcast episode, although my marriage with a British-born Chinese man didn’t last long either. I wanted to meet up with her to chat about intercultural relationships and to finally catch up in person. Christine was petite though her energy could light up the coffee shop where we met in downtown Salzburg. She told me about her new life, new man and work she’s been doing and she was very content with her life in Austria. It looked like Christine had moved on a long time ago and was enjoying her freedom. She volunteered to be my tour guide the next day and showed me around in Salzburg the next day. This was really nice and we had a walk-around, lunch and drinks.  This time we even recorded a new episode for my podcast and Christine and I gave new advice on love and marriage, in which we both shared how important it is for women to have their financial independence and self-care. Salzburg was even more beautiful because now I had learnt from Christine’s positivity and outlook on life. It was really nice to meet up with her and I wish all the best for her life in Austria. Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing stories that occured in Munich, Germany. ****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车16”
8/17/20214 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

1334 在萨尔斯堡见网友 | 环欧火车旅行第16集

I'd rather have a passport full of stamps than a house full of stuff. 我宁愿有一本盖满章的护照,也不愿意有一间装满杂物的屋子。我非常期待见到Christine,她是来自台湾的博主,同时也是定居在奥地利的当地导游。她是我在早期播客中邀请来聊跨文化恋情的来宾之一。自从几年前播客播出那个时候开始,我在社交媒体上一直关注她。虽然我从来没有见过Christine本人,但是从播客的访谈中,我感觉她非常外向,而且和她与奥地利的家人相处融洽并且和老公的婚姻十分幸福。所以当我知道,他们在播客那集播出之后,很快就离婚了,我真的好惊讶,然而我自己和英国出生的华人老公也没有持续很久,我还是很想要见见她本人来叙叙旧并且聊聊跨文化的恋情。Christine本人很娇小,然而她的能量可以轻易的点燃我们在萨尔斯堡见面的咖啡屋。她告诉我她的新生活、新男人、还有她最近正在做的工作,和她非常满意在奥地利的生活。看来Christine已经向前看而且很享受她的自由。她隔天自愿要当我的向导并带我到萨尔斯堡逛逛。我们到处走走,吃午餐还有喝酒,真的很棒。这次我们甚至又录制了新的一集的播客内容,Christine和我给对爱情和婚姻的新建议,我们都同意并分享了女人经济自主和自爱的重要性。萨尔斯堡因为Christine的正能量还有她对生活的角度在我看来更美丽了。见到她真的很棒,我祝愿她在奥地利的生活一切顺利。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车16”
8/16/20218 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

1333 (英文版)把爱传出去,无论你在哪里 | 环欧火车旅行第15集

I was never going to go if I waited for someone to come with me. It had been so cold and rainy since I arrived in Austria, which didn’t always make travelling and trips outside comfortable. When I stayed with people, I really liked to cook a traditional dumpling dish from my culture and this seemed like suitable food for the gloomy weather.  That night in Salzburg, I really wanted to cook something different for my host and so decided to prepare chicken soup for me and my host. This soup recipe had accompanied me throughout my happy and sometimes lonely days living in Spain. The ingredients are packed as bundles to sell in every supermarket in Spain. They usually included celery, carrots, potatoes, leeks and a strange potato-like root that I had just found out was called celeriac (the root of the celery). Since I was on a Eurail journey around Europe, I was glad this bundle could be found in almost every supermarket in Europe, with some minor differences in ingredients from time to time.  After I arrived at Salzburg, I immediately went to the supermarket to pick up some chicken legs and the soup bundle and texted my host Christian that I would make soup for him that night. When he picked me up at the station, he particularly complimented my gesture of making food for him. He said he had been trying to help as many travelers as he could coming to Salzburg with low budgets by offering his place for people to stay in Salzburg, which has been listed the most beautiful city on Lonely Planet and had hotel prices reflecting this status. Christian was very well-traveled and enjoyed helping travelers through couchsurfing, unlike some male hosts that I saw on couchsurfing who only wished to host female travelers. Christian would receive male or female couchsurfers, and sometimes even more than one traveler in his house. He said most of the time they would just eat separately. Some even would empty his food cabinet. So he was very touched that I offered to cook. Truth to be told, I was simply happy to be able to cook and share my comfort food with someone in a strange city. Not to mention that he was also kind enough to offer me a comfy futon in his cozy living room to sleep on.After dinner, Christian went out to buy a bottle of red wine instead of us going out in the rain even though the weather outside was still quite miserable. We chatted and shared travel stories together over a few glasses. Though it was a cold and rainy night in Salzburg, the stories, food, wine and good company really warmed me. I stayed two nights at Christian’s place and cooked dumplings again on the second night. I think it was so important for me to be able to reciprocate back to the people who hosted me. Even if I didn’t get the chance to offer something back, I would also pass down the goodwill to the next hosts or guests I receive.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing a story of finally meeting up with someone who I only chatted once online in person in Salzburg.****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车15”
8/14/20216 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

1332 把爱传出去,无论你在哪里 | 环欧火车旅行第15集

I was never going to go if I waited for someone to come with me. 如果要等有人跟我一起才出发,那么我将哪儿也去不了。从我开始抵达奥地利之后,天气就相当的湿冷,所以在外旅行变得不是太舒适。当我和别人一起共住的时候,我很喜欢煮传统的饺子餐,然后这种食物也特别适合这样阴郁的天气。这晚我抵达了萨尔斯堡,我真的想要为我的沙发主人煮些不一样的东西,所以我决定要准备鸡汤。这个汤的食谱陪伴我在西班牙快乐和有时寂寞的日子。食材是被打包一捆一捆在每一个西班牙的超市都可以看到。通常里面有芹菜、胡萝卜、土豆、大葱,还有一种我现在找出名字来的像土豆一样的芹菜根,。当我在进行环欧的火车旅行,我很开心看到这个汤包蔬菜捆,在全欧洲的每个超市都可以找得到,有时候会因为地方不同而食材会有些微不同。当我一抵达萨尔斯堡,我立刻就去超市去购买鸡腿还有这个汤包蔬菜捆,然后传简讯给我的沙发主Christian说那晚我会做汤给他喝。当他来车站接我的时候,他特地赞美我做菜给他的举动。他说因近年来,萨尔斯堡被列为寂寞星球旅游导览书中最美丽的城市后,旅馆的价格也居高不下,所以他提供他的住所来帮助更多的旅客用低的预算来参观萨尔斯堡。Christian was very well-traveled and enjoyed helping travelers through couchsurfing, unlike some male hosts that I saw on couchsurfing who only wished to host female travelers.Christian旅行的经验很多,也很享受用沙发冲浪来帮助旅客,不像我看到有一些男性的沙发主,只愿意接待女性的游客,Christian会接待男性或女性的游客,有时在家里甚至接待超过一人。他说,大部分的时间他们都是分开吃饭,有时后他们甚至会吃空他的食物储藏柜。所以对于我说要煮饭给他吃,它相当的感动。老实说,我仅仅是因为可以在这个陌生的城市料理和分享这些安慰我的食物而感到开心。更不要说他还那么好心地在他温暖的客厅给我一个舒服的沙发睡。晚餐后,因为外面的天气实在还是很糟糕,所以我们不出门,Christian出门去买一瓶红酒。我们一起喝几杯,聊天还有分享许多旅行故事。虽然那天晚上在萨尔斯堡是个又冷又下雨的夜晚,那些故事、食物、酒还有好的同伴真的很温暖我。我在Christian家里待了两晚,然后在第二个晚上我做了饺子。我认为让我可以回报接待我的人真的很重要,若当时没有机会给什么东西出去,我也会将这个好意传递到我下一个沙发主,或者是我接待的下一个沙发客。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在萨尔斯堡见网友的故事。搭乘火车一定会看到的用语!Seat 座位Priority Seat 博爱座Way out 出口Mind the gap 小心间隙****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车15”
8/13/20218 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

1331 (英文版) 环欧旅行中认识的朋友,后来竟然搬到了台湾 |环欧火车旅行第14集

We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us. I set out on my journey and left Lucerne with wonderful memories with my kind host Josh. That day I was off to a new country, Austria. The train ride from Lucerne to Innsbruck was three hours and the time flew by while I was busy enjoying the beautiful scenery along the way and making a vlog. It was cold and rainy when I finally arrived at the station in Innsbruck, and my couchsurfing host was already waiting for me in his car.I was immediately greeted in very fluent Mandarin by Felix, a tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed young man who’s German born and had studied Mandarin for only a year. He showed me downtown Innsbruck. I was impressed to see how he insisted on using Mandarin and wanted to learn new words and phrases along the way.  Felix had his own online business selling membership to people who wanted to use the maps he created for mountain biking. Felix and I were about the same age and we had much to talk about business, traveling, and relationships. Felix was a very outdoorsy person but that day in Innsbruck, the weather was too miserable to go out. I made dumplings and Felix made some hot wine at my request. So we were just talking and sharing food and drinks together on the sofa. We even binge-watched a whole series of Taiwanese soap operas. Felix said he had some trouble understanding Mandarin with a Taiwanese accent, though he found the storyline of the series we had just watched quite funny. Felix was quite an open book who willingly shared a lot of his life with me and we immediately became friends after only one day. He was very kind, helping me carry my heavy luggage and waiting for the bus with me in the snow the next morning when I departed to Salzburg. We have kept in touch to this day, and Felix even moved to Taiwan during the pandemic! He visited me in my hometown Kaohsiung when he first arrived in Taiwan which was really sweet. It also shows that the friendships made through couchsurfing could be long lasting and profound. It was so lovely to see that he enjoyed life in Taiwan and made many friends here after arriving.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing a story of sharing my comfort food -- a Spanish soup which helped me through my days in Spain with my host in Salzburg.****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车14”
8/12/20215 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

1330 环欧旅行中认识的朋友,后来竟然搬到了台湾 |环欧火车旅行第14集

We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us. 我们旅行不是为了逃避生活,而是为了不让生活逃避我们。这天我带着我美丽的回忆离开了瑞士鲁森前往另一个新国家:奥地利。从鲁森到因斯布鲁克的火车车程好美,我忙着一边拍照和用视频记录,三个小时过得飞快。当我抵达到目的地因斯布鲁克的火车站,天气又湿又冷,然而我的沙发主人已经在车子里等我。Felix在德国出生,是个身材高挑、金发蓝眼的年轻人,才学了一年中文的他,立刻用很流畅的中文和我打招呼。他带着我在因斯布鲁克市中心参观,我马上对他坚持用中文和我介绍印象深刻,一路上还不时的想要学习新词和词汇。Felix拥有自己的线上生意,在贩卖想要使用他制作的登山脚踏车地图的会籍。Felix和我差不多大,所以我们聊了很多有关生意、旅行还有情感关系的话题。Felix是一个非常喜欢户外活动的人,然而那天在因斯布鲁克,天气实在太糟了所以我们无法出门。所以我做了饺子,Felix则在我的要求下做了热红酒。当我们一起在沙发上享受食物还有酒的时候,我们甚至还连续看了好几集台湾的偶像剧。Felix说有点听不懂台湾口音的中文,然而他认为剧集的情节相当的有趣。Felix像一本打开的书般,不太保守自己的秘密,很愿意和我分享很多关于他的生活,所以我们很快的就在一天内成为朋友了。他真的人非常的好心,隔天早上我要前往萨尔斯堡,他在雪中还帮我提我很重的行李,陪我等待去车站的巴士。我们直到今天都还保持联系,Felix甚至还在新冠肺炎大流行的时候,搬到了台湾。他一抵达台湾就立刻到我的家乡--高雄来拜访我让我觉得十分贴心。这又显示在沙发冲浪网站的友谊是可以长长久久又有意义。看他在抵达到台湾之后的生活交到了许多朋友我感觉非常的棒。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在萨尔斯堡和我的沙发主人分享我的暖心食物--西班牙汤的故事。搭乘火车一定会看到的用语!On time 准时Expected 预计Delayed 延误Cancelled 取消****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车14”
8/11/20218 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

1329 (英文版) 碰到了在我播客生涯中我最兴奋的一件事情 |环欧火车旅行第13集

If traveling was free, you'd never see me again. I began podcasting in 2014 and started traveling with businesses associated with my podcast in 2015. Back then and up until a few years ago, I still encountered a lot of people while I was traveling who didn't know what a podcast was. I’m very happy to see how podcasting has become a career for a lot of people including as Youtubers. When I first found podcasts it was summer 2005, while I was working as an intern in an English radio station in Taipei. At that time I was very eager to improve my ability in English. When I discovered that there were so many resources for me to listen to real English in podcasts, I really thought I had found a gold mine! In 2014, I started recording my first learning English podcasts and a few years later, I found myself in Barcelona. I taught podcast workshops to expats and travelers there in my studio and built a community of podcasters. Podcasting had not only become a tool for me to create but also a tool for healing. I found strength in telling my stories and sharing my experiences and knowledge.So I was pleasantly surprised to find an active podcasting community while I was touring around Switzerland. I had the chance to visit a local podcaster and I heard they were working on building a podcast tower, which is a recording studio especially for podcasters in Switzerland. I met a local podcaster who I had connected with on a podcaster’s group, Katarina. She was originally from Sweden and had resided in Zurich for many years. We met at a coworking space for lunch where they were planning to build a recording studio. At lunch, we both shared how we started podcasting and what had made us become so passionate in sharing our voices. After lunch, Katarina took me upstairs and showed me where they were building their studio, and I saw equipment and shelves on the floor waiting to be set up. I was very happy to see that and immediately wanted to report back to the community that I had built in Barcelona. Although I don’t think you need a recording studio in order to produce your podcasts (a quiet environment would do), seeing them making it happen excited me.All the best to the Swiss Podcasters and I hope that the community gets stronger and better.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing a story of meeting my friend Felix in Innsbruck, Austria. 敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车13”
8/9/20215 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

1328 碰到了在我播客生涯中我最兴奋的一件事情 |环欧火车旅行第13集

If traveling was free, you'd never see me again. 如果旅行是免费的,你就再也见不到我了。我自从2014年开始录制Podcast播客,然后2015年便开始因为Podcast播客开始的一些相关生意机会,而开始旅行。在那个时候,甚至一直到几年前在各地旅行的时候,仍然有很多人不知道什么是Podcast播客。现在我很开心播主已经变成了许多人追求的职业。我发现Podcast播客的时候是在2005年的夏天,那时我正在台北的英语广播电台做实习生。那时我非常想要增进我的英语能力,所以当我发现在Podcast播客里有许多真实英语的资源,我真的觉得我找到了金矿!2014年的时候,我开始录制了英语Podcast播客,几年后,我在西班牙巴塞罗那自家工作室里,教导许多外派人士和旅客制作Podcast播客,还有建立了一个播主的社群。录制Podcast播客不仅变成了我创作的工具,同时也是我疗愈的工具。我在分享自己故事、知识和经验中,找到了力量。所以当我在瑞士旅行的时候,我非常惊喜的发现在那里有一个活跃播主社群。所以我有一个机会见到当地的播主,并且参观他们正在建造的一个播客塔(Podcast Tower)。Katarina是我在那个播主团体里连结到的一个当地播主。她原本来自瑞典,住在瑞士苏黎世多年了。我们在他们建造的播客塔的合伙办公室里约吃午餐。在一边吃午餐的时候,我们聊到了各自是如何开始录制Podcast播客并且热衷于分享自己声音的故事。午餐之后,Katarina带我上楼,然后给我看他们建造录音室的地方。我看到有设备和架子在地上正准备安装。我真的很开心看到而且立即就想和我在巴塞罗那的社群朋友们分享这个消息。虽然我不认为必须要有一个录音室才能产出自己的Podcast播客(一个安静的环境就行),然而看到他们把想法变成现实让我十分兴奋。我祝福所有在瑞士的播主们,希望他们的社群越来越好和茁壮!敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在奥地利因斯布鲁克认识朋友Felix的故事。搭乘火车一定会看到的用语!Waiting room 待车室(lounge 休息室)Left luggage office 行李保管室Lost property 遗失物品(Lost and Found)Request Stop 招手才会停车的站牌****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车13”
8/8/202111 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

1327 (英文版) 到处旅行的瑞士单亲妈妈 |环欧火车旅行第12集

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. I had such an eventful week in Switzerland. Not only did I make new friends, go sightseeing and enjoy some amazing local food but I also got to see friends who I met on my previous trip. I met Patricia in May, 2019,  when I was visiting Ibiza. We were sharing the same room in the hostel and Patricia was very outgoing so we immediately became friends. We’ve kept in touch since our meeting in Ibiza. That day she and her daughter came out of their way and drove to meet me in Lucerne, which is their favourite city. They invited me on a scenic boat ride before taking a cable car up to a very luxurious hotel in the mountains for drinks. The scenery was even more breathtaking when shared and enjoyed with a good friend! Many of my listeners tell me that they want to travel but often feel unable to because of kids and current family responsibilities. Patricia is living and breathing proof that it is possible to manage both. She is a single working mom who is also very well-traveled and never compromises on the things in life that matter to her. Like me, travel is her biggest passion! She told me about many amazing solo travel experiences as well as priceless journeys shared with her two kids on road trips. One of her most memorable family trips was an unplanned, ten day visit to Italy in her car. They left Switzerland without any bookings to their name, preferring to see where their journey took them each day. On one night, this meant an evening sleeping in the car; an experience her kids will no doubt remind her of for many years to come.   She and I both believe that where there’s a will, there’s a way. Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing a story of visiting the first podcast tower in Zurich, Switzerland.****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车12”
8/6/20214 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

1326 到处旅行的瑞士单亲妈妈 |环欧火车旅行第12集

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 有志者,事竟成。我在瑞士度过了好充实的一周,我不仅交了新朋友、去观光、还去享受了许多美妙的食物,甚至见了我在之前旅行认识的朋友。我在2019年5月的时候,在拜访伊比萨的时候遇见Patricia。我们住在同一间青年旅舍的同一间房。Patricia非常的外向,所以我们马上就成为了朋友。离开伊比萨之后我一直有联系。那天她和她女儿特别开车来鲁森来看我,鲁森也是他们最喜欢的城市。他们邀请我坐上了景观船,然后我们坐上了缆车到了山上一家非常奢华的酒店喝饮料。和一个好朋友在一起景色变得更美丽。我有很多听众告诉我,他们想要旅行然而因为他们的小孩还有当前的家庭责任他们没有办法。Patricia就是可以兼顾到这两者的活生生的例子。她是个在上班的单亲妈妈,然而她也游历了非常多国家也从不会和生活要事妥协。就像我一样,旅行是她最大的热情。她告诉我许多她独自旅行的美妙经验,甚至还有和她两个孩子一起的公路旅行。让她最印象深刻的其中一个家庭旅游就是一个没有计划的十天意大利之旅。他们没有预定任何房间,从瑞士离开就看看他们的旅行会带他们到什么地方去。有一晚,甚至要睡在车里,然而这是个绝对会让她的孩子接下来许多年都会提醒她的一个体验。她和我都相信,有志者事竟成。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享在苏黎世参观一个播客塔的 故事。搭乘火车一定会听到这几句话!The next train to arrive at platform 2 is the 10:30 to Monaco. 2号月台即将抵达的是10点30分往摩纳哥的列车。The ten-fifteen train from London, going on to Oxford, will be late. 10点15分从伦敦出发前往牛津的列车将会延误。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车12”
8/5/20218 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

1325 (英文版) 为什么在欧洲独自旅行用沙发冲浪最好玩 | 环欧火车旅行第11集

Most of the time, beauty lies in the simplest of things. It was actually really nice to be able to go to the hosts’ place after my day’s visit. It gets dark really quickly during winters in Europe, usually before the end of the working day around 5pm. The weather was often miserably cold and rainy; just the sort of weather for returning to the host’s place where we either shared food or I cooked for them. This time in Switzerland I even had the opportunity to share amazing special food from my hosts, like Matthew in Bern who taught me how to make Raclette, which looks like Swiss Grill with cheese using a special oven. While I stayed with Josh in Lucerne, who’s from Hawaii but lived in Switzerland for many years, he made lao lao, a Hawaiian meal wrapped with taro leaves. It was really impressive. I will never forget its fragrance and taste. It was so delicious too. Josh was a very special man and he shared many stories with me. He was an artist and was really kind when we met. A few years ago, when Josh was a successful entrepreneur he experienced a tragic family bereavement which left him feeling sad, angry and lost. He made a few big lifestyle changes including moving to Switzerland and was now ready to share his stories so as to help other people heal. I have been a podcaster for many years and I want to use this knowledge to help others too. Over the years I've benefited tremendously by telling my own healing stories, helping others and making a living. One night, we sat down and created a podcast together and organized the ideas. It was a very beautiful moment that I will never forget.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing a story of a well-traveled single mom from Switzerland.****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车11”
8/4/20214 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

1324 为什么在欧洲独自旅行用沙发冲浪最好玩 | 环欧火车旅行第11集

Most of the time, beauty lies in the simplest of things. 大多数时候,美存在于最简单的事物中。事实上,可以在一天的游览完毕时,回到我沙发主人的家感觉真的很好。在欧洲的冬天天黑的很快,差不多在一天结束工作之前就会全黑了。天气也经常很冷又下雨。当天公不作美的时候,回到主人家可以一起分享食物或者我煮饭给他们吃,实在太棒了。这次在瑞士我有幸能享受到来自我沙发主人许多美味又特别的食物,像是在Bern的Matthew教我如何吃Raclette,一种用使用特别烤盘和用奶酪制作的瑞士烧烤,还有当我在鲁森和来自夏威夷的Josh一起分享他做的唠唠,是一种用芋头叶子包起来的夏威夷传统食物。真的超级棒。我永远都不会忘记那个香味还有味道。吃起来也十分美味。利用沙发冲浪的方式来省钱和分享食物虽然很棒,但是分享住在当地人们的生活和交换彼此的经验是什么也比不上的。对于我来说,也是一个可以分享和贡献我经验和知识的机会。Josh是一个非常特别的人,他和我分享了许多故事。他是一个艺术家而且当我们见面的时候非常的友善。几年前,Josh是个成功的生意人却遭遇了一个悲剧般的丧亲事件让他伤心、生气又失落。他做了许多生活型态的大改变,其中包括搬到瑞士来,现在他也准备好分享自己的故事来帮助别人疗愈。我作为一个播主已经多年,而且我也希望用我的知识来帮助别人。几年来,我也受益于讲述自己的疗愈故事,帮助别人来谋生。有一晚,我们就坐下来帮助他创造一个播客然后组织一些想法。那是一个非常美丽,而且让我永远不会忘记的时刻。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享一個旅行經驗非常豐富的瑞士單親媽媽的故事。搭乘火车一定会听到这几句话!Attention passengers, the ten-oh five train to Manchester is now leaving from track two. 各位旅客,10点5分出发往曼彻斯特的列车在2号月台马上就要出发了。Attention passengers, the train for Salzburg, departing at 5:24 will be arriving shortly. 各位旅客,5点24分出发往萨尔斯堡的列车即将到站。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车11”
8/3/202110 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

1323 (英文版)我拿到了陌生人的家中钥匙 |环欧火车旅行第十集

Not all classrooms have four walls. On the way to Bern, I was communicating with my other Couchsurfing host and he said he could not greet me at his house because he was having a Hebrew lesson. So he met me at the station and gave me his key and address and he left! Another adventure began. It was a cold, rainy November evening and the road to his apartment was really dark. When I finally opened the door, I saw a lovely cozy apartment complete with a cat. So I was hanging out by myself until Matthew came home. He then made me Pasta and dessert. This wasn’t the first time on my travels when I was given house keys by someone I had only just met. It is something that you wouldn’t normally expect in daily life, especially if you believe the world to be as difficult and dangerous as it seems in the news. This complete trust in other people is a refreshing and much-needed contrast. I love being a traveler and I really appreciate the trust of people who were strangers at the time we met. Their generosity and trust changed the way I see the world. It opened my eyes to the world of possibilities just waiting to be discovered.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be taking a closer look at reasons why using couchsurfing benefitted my solo journey across Europe.****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车10”
8/1/20213 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

1322 我拿到了陌生人的家中钥匙 |环欧火车旅行第十集

Not all classrooms have four walls. 不是所有的教室都有四堵墙。山和海也是课堂。在去伯恩的路上,我和我的沙发主人Matthew联系,他说因为他要去上希伯来语课,不能在家里迎接我,所以他在车站和我约见面,见到他后,他直接给了我他的钥匙还有家地址就离开了!另一个冒险又开始了,那是一个又冷又下雨的11月晚上,去他公寓的路真的好黑。然而当我终于打开他的家门,我看到一个很温暖可爱的公寓,还加上一只猫咪,实在太完美了。然后我就自己一个人打发时间直到主人Matthew回家。他煮了意大利面和甜点给我。这并不是第一次在旅行的时候,刚认识的朋友给了我他们家里的钥匙。但这是在日常生活中你通常不会预料到的,特别是如果你相信这个世界就像电视新闻看到的那样困难与危险。这种完全的信任让人十分的耳目一新,而且也是这个社会非常需要的一种反差。我爱当一个旅行者,而且我很感激那些陌生人给我的信任。也因为他们的慷慨和信任让我改变了对世界的看法。也让我被这个世界等着被发现的机遇打开了眼界。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享为何使用沙发冲浪来横跨欧洲对我独自旅行益处多多!搭乘火车一定要会使用这几句话!Is this the right platform for Malmo? 往马尔默的火车是这个月台对吗?(track 轨道)Where do I change for Vienna? 想要去维也纳的话,我要在哪里转车呢?You’ll need to change in Budapest.  你必须在布达佩斯转车。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车10”
7/31/202110 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

1321 (英文版)意想不到的美食初体验 | 环欧火车旅行第九集

Sometimes, I need to go off on my own. I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm just recharging my batteries.After thanking Yann for the wonderful hospitality for two days at his home, I decided to go for another scenic adventure, so I jumped on a random train up to the mountain. On the way up, I could see the whole Lake Geneva and the calm beauty truly amazed me. I arrived at the top at a place called Les Pleiades. It looked like a small village for skiing and was completely deserted. No one was getting off and I was reminded by the conductor that the train would start again in an hour. It was early November and it was starting to snow as I walked, tiny flakes of snow gently landing on my hair. For someone from a tropical island, the novelty of snow never wears thin. It was really beautiful and I almost went dancing (or slipping) on the train track with my heavy suitcase and backpack.. I was also feeling desperate for a toilet moment again, which is a strange physical reaction whenever excitement is mixed with the uncertainty of a trip.I went into this small restaurant which was empty and only had two staff working. One of the men was very friendly and let me know that I could use their restroom. The whole atmosphere was immediately relaxing. After the toilet break, I sat down and wondered if I should order something for lunch. I saw the Swiss Fondue on the menu and I was very curious. The waiter did not speak much English but he was very friendly when greeting me and took the time to teach me the finer details of how to enjoy my first Swiss Fondue through his careful coaching. The Swiss Fondue looked a lot like the “hot pot” we have in Asia, but instead of broth, it was melted cheese. You dip the bread and vegetables in the hot melting cheese, and you could sprinkle pepper on them to add to the flavor. I loved seeing the cheese dripping from my bread when I lifted it away from the pot and it was certainly very delicious and comforting for my tummy. Although I was alone, I truly enjoyed the atmosphere and immersed myself in exploring the new food, with a dream backdrop of a snowy mountain top. It was quite an expensive and simple lunch at 30 Euros but it was worth every cent. With little time to spare from my remaining 30 minutes, I paid for the meal and got on the train to head back down. Then it was time to head off to my next destination which was Bern!Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing another heartwarming Couchsurfing experience in the capital city of Switzerland - Bern.搭乘火车一定会听到的几句英语:This train terminates here. 这是本列车的终点站。All change, please. 这里是终点,请换车。Please take all your luggage and personal belongings with you. 别忘记你的行李还有随身物品。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车9”
7/30/20215 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

1320 意想不到的美食初体验 | 环欧火车旅行第九集

Sometimes, I need to go off on my own. I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm just recharging my batteries. 有时候,我需要一个人去旅行。我不伤心,我也没有生气,我只是在充电。在谢谢Yann两天在他家的热情款待之后,我决定再去另一个美丽景色的冒险,所以我又跳上随便一台车到山顶。在爬坡的路上,我可以看见日内瓦湖,它的宁静的美丽真令人惊艳。我抵达了这个地方叫Les Pleiades。看起来像是一个滑雪而且完全无人的小镇。没有人下车,然而车掌提醒我再一个小时车会再发动下山。那是11月初,而且当我开始走路了就下雪了,雪花轻轻地降落在我的发梢,对于从热带岛屿来的我,下雪总是让我感觉很新奇。真的很美,我几乎在轨道上边跳舞(或是快跌倒了),我也感觉非常地想要去洗手间,这也是旅行中当我既兴奋又感到有许多不确定的时候会有的生理反应。我进入了小小空空的只有两个服务员在工作的餐厅,有一个男服务员,非常友善立刻让我知道我可以使用他们的洗手间。整个餐厅的气氛立刻就轻松下来了,我从洗手间回来,坐下就纳闷我是否点个午餐来吃。我看到在菜单上有瑞士火锅,我很好奇。服务员虽然说不太多英语,但招呼我非常友善,而且也很仔细教我如何去享用我的第一个瑞士火锅。瑞士的火锅看起来就像我们在亚洲吃的火锅,然而他的汤底不是大骨头而是融化的奶酪。你可以用面包和蔬菜沾那热热融化的火锅里的奶酪,然后可以在上面撒一些胡椒增加风味。我非常喜欢看到当我拿起我的面包,奶酪从上面滴下来的样子,而且真的蛮好吃,我的胃也非常的满足。虽然我是一个人,但是我真的很享受沉浸在那个气氛之下而且又有如梦似的山上下雪的背景陪伴着我。虽然是一顿既昂贵又简单的一顿午餐,要价30欧元,但真的每一分都好值得。用着剩下的三十分钟来享受一下,我买单后就接着上车往山下走。然后前往我的下个目的地:伯恩。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享在瑞士首都伯恩感受到的另外一个十分暖心的沙发客体验。搭乘火车一定会听到的几句英语:This train terminates here. 这是本列车的终点站。All change, please. 这里是终点,请换车。Please take all your luggage and personal belongings with you. 别忘记你的行李还有随身物品。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车9”
7/29/20219 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

1319 (英文版) 随便跳上一台火车,看命运带我去哪里 |环欧火车旅行第8集

I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world. That morning, Yann showed me around Lake Geneva and dropped me off at a vineyard. He suggested I hike up the mountain and then hitchhike to Montreux. After that, I was off on my adventure. I was a little bit disoriented and thought it would be too cold for me to go hiking, so I immediately found a train station nearby and hopped on a train at random to see where destiny would take me. As luck would have it, the train I took ended up in Montreux. Along the way I was so excited and mesmerized by the scenic view through the train window! I walked around the small town and time seemed to go by so slowly. Then I asked a clerk about the scenic train which was included in my pass and went on another ride through the mountains to Zweismmen. I was amazed by the picturesque little houses I passed in the valleys, and the rugged mountains that towered overhead. After I visited the village, I came down the mountain on the Golden Pass (one of the most famous trains in Switzerland), and it was the most luxurious experience I’ve ever had. The green upholstered seat I was sitting in was so comfortable and beautiful, it made me feel like a queen. When I looked out the window I was really amazed and wondered what life would be like living in this majestic landscape.In the evening, I offered to cook dumplings for Yann. He was curious about every step I took when preparing them. He had coincidentally bought me dessert and drinks from a Chinese shop nearby, so we ended up making a very Chinese dinner together. We talked about my adventures and had a really lovely time chatting deep into the night.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing my first experience of eating a Swiss fondue!****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车8”
7/28/20214 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

1318 随便跳上一台火车,看命运带我去哪里 |环欧火车旅行第8集

I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world. 我不再是从前的我了,因为我看过月亮在世界的另一边闪耀。那天早晨,Yann带我去日内瓦湖附近,然后在一个葡萄园把我放下来。他建议我爬山然后搭便车到蒙特勒。之后,我的冒险开始了,我有点搞不清楚方向,然后感觉爬山有点冷,所以我很快的找到了附近的火车站,然后就随便跳上了一台车,看看命运会带我去哪里。运气很好,这车果真就一路开到了蒙特勒。在路上我好兴奋和被这窗外美轮美奂的景色吸引得不得了!我沿着小镇走了一圈,时间过得好慢。我问了票务员,哪台車是包含在我环欧通票的景观车,我立刻又坐了另一台车穿越山岭的到了茲懷斯文。我真的对坐落在山谷之间那如画般的小房子还有险峻的山峰的景色给迷倒了。参观完小村落后,我坐上了在瑞士最著名的景观列车之一的黄金列车下山,那也是我最奢华的火车经验。那有着绿色布料装饰的暖垫椅子好舒服又美丽。让我感觉好像皇后一样。当我从窗外看出去,我真的很惊艳也纳闷那些住在这样雄丽风景下的生活是如何。晚上,我主动提出要包饺子给Yann。他很好奇我准备的每一个步骤,他也很巧的买了中国的甜点还有饮料给我,所以我们吃了非常中国风味的一餐。我们就聊我的冒险记,然后聊得很开心一直到夜深了。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享更多我吃瑞士火锅的初次体验!搭乘火车一定会听到的几句英语:Ticket, please. 请出示一下车票。The train stops for three minutes at this station. 本列车将会在本站停3分钟。We are now approaching London Kings Cross. 目前我们抵达的是伦敦国王十字车站。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车8”
7/27/20218 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

1317 (英文版)在瑞士旅行感受到的窘境、震撼和富足的生活型态

My heart is born to travel. I actually didn’t know there was a basement, at first. Yann took me downstairs to a huge and dimly lit laundry room and where the family hung their clothes to dry. It was very strange for me, since in Spain and in Asia, we hang most of our laundry to dry in the sun outside. Being in this laundry room made me realize how dirty my clothes were -- I only had three sets of clothes and I hadn’t washed them in a week! Unfortunately, my awkwardness got the better of me, and I decided against asking to use his washing machine. I would go on wearing these old clothes. When we walked out of the laundry room, Yann led me to another door and told me to close my eyes.When I opened my eyes again I saw a church. The house was actually connected to the church where Yann and his wife had been preaching. He told me he moved here twenty years ago and the church gave him this house so he and his family could have a place to live. He told me that, because his son has grown up and moved away, he has a spare room to offer to guests. He has hosted guests like me from around the world in that room. In fact, he has made a point of only hosting guests from countries he didn’t know too much about.I was deeply touched by his story and I think he was an amazing man. That night, Yann prepared dinner and we had a great chat about his previous guests, and the volunteer work he had done in Madagascar. He learned while he was there how delicious the food was and he had a special batch of chilis he had brought back. I had some of the chilis and I loved it. Then we went to his home office and planned my trip for the next day. Yann said the best way to travel in small towns in Switzerland is actually by hitchhiking. He then wrote Montreux on a piece of cardboard and insisted I take it with me. Though I decided against hitchhiking because I’m a bit timid, I was grateful for his help. I got up around 8am, and Yann had already sent me a text message that he had prepared breakfast for me downstairs. I went down and saw yogurt and toast laid on the table. And he had also prepared a sandwich and some dried mango for me to take with me on today’s trip. I was amazed by his hospitality. I was in one of the most expensive countries in the world, but I hardly paid a cent because of this man’s generosity. Though he gave away so much for free, I could tell he lived a richer life because of it.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing more of my solo adventures on the Swiss train journey!****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车7”
7/26/20215 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

1316 在瑞士旅行感受到的窘境、震撼和富足的生活型态 |环欧火车旅行第七集

1316 在瑞士旅行感受到的窘境、震撼和富足的生活型态My heart is born to travel. 我的心生来就是要旅行。事实上,原先我不知道那里有一个地下室。Yann带我到地下室到一个好大的暗暗的洗衣室,那里是他的家人晾他们衣服的地方。其实在西班牙还有在亚洲,我们大多把我们的衣服晾在太阳下,所以这个感觉有点奇怪,但是在那个洗衣间里,我又想到因为旅行只有带三套衣服出来,一周在路上没洗衣服,我现在衣服很脏,但是我觉得实在有点别扭,所以我并没有问他要使用他的洗衣机。我就继续穿我的髒衣服吧。当我们走出洗衣室之后,Yann告诉我要闭上自己的眼睛。当我又打开自己的眼睛我看到了一个教堂,原来房子是和他和他老婆传道的教堂是连在一起的。他告诉我他20年前搬来这里,教会送他们这个房子给他和他的家人住,但是他的儿子已经长大离开家,家里有一个空房可以给客人用。他就开始招待世界各地的人,事实上,他也强调他只提供给那些他不太认识的国家的人来住宿。他的故事让我很感动,而且我觉得他是一个很棒的人。那一晚,Yann准备晚餐然后我们聊之前他接待过的客人还有他在马达加斯加的志愿工作聊得好开心。他聊到那里的食物有多好吃,还有带回来一些那裡的辣椒醬。我嘗試了一些,而我好愛啊!然後我們去他的辦公室計畫我隔日的旅行,Yann说在瑞士小镇旅行的最好的方式是搭便车,他写下了蒙特勒在一块纸板上,然后坚持我带上。因为我有点害羞所以我还是没有去搭便车,但真的蛮感谢他的帮助。我大概8点起床,然后接到Yann的简讯说他已经在楼下准备好了早餐。我下楼然后看到优格和吐司已经摆放在餐桌上。他还准备了一个三明治和芒果干给我旅行带着。我真的对他的好客感觉到非常的惊奇。我在世界上最贵的国家之一,然而因为Yann的慷慨,到现在我还没花到一毛钱。他给别人好多东西,然而我可以说他因为这样过上了更富足的生活。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享更多我在瑞士火车旅行的独自冒险故事!搭乘火车的实用句:I missed the train for Copenhagen. 我错过去哥本哈根(København)的火车。Can I cancel the/this ticket? 我可以取消这张票吗?(退款=refund、罚款=fine/penalty)I left my bag on the train. 我把一个背包留在火车上了。I lost my ticket. 我的票不见了。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车7”
7/25/202112 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

1315 (英文版)想要见见瑞士最好客的沙发主 |环欧火车第六集

Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. I arrived at Renens around 7pm, and the host Yann came to pick me up at the station. He and his wife are pastors and loved receiving guests from around the world. He reached out to me on Couchsurfing and I saw all the amazing comments previous guests had left. Although I had never heard of Renens before, it being a suburb between Geneva and Lausanne, this man seemed so gracious and welcoming that I had to meet him. He was very friendly and took my luggage as soon as I arrived. That night, it was raining quite heavily. It took us about ten minutes to walk to his house from the station, but the rainy walk was worth it because I got to learn about this extremely friendly man’s life. When we arrived, he gave me a tour of his house. The house, despite being very warm and cozy, was absolutely ginormous. It was a two story house with five bedrooms, a living room, a home office, and a well-equipped kitchen. When I went upstairs, I saw my room. On the desk I saw that there were cookies, juice, and Swiss chocolate prepared for me. I put my luggage down and he immediately said to come with him if I wanted to see something cool.And that cool, unforgettable, magnificent thing… I will tell you about next time.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing what I saw in Yann’s house!****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车6”
7/23/20214 minutes, 6 seconds
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1314 想要见见瑞士最好客的沙发主 |环欧火车第六集

Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. 每一天都是一段旅程,旅程本身就是家。我大概7点抵达勒南,我在瑞士的沙发主Yann到车站接我。他和他的老婆都是牧师,喜爱接待来自世界各地的朋友。他在沙发冲浪网站上面找到我,然后我看到所有之前游客留的美好评论。虽然我从来没有去过勒南,而且它还在日内瓦和洛桑之之间郊区的地方,我仍然想要见见这么好客的人。当我抵达的时候,他非常友善的而且立刻就帮我拿了我的行李。那天晚上,雨下得好大,我们大概从车站走路要走10分钟到他家,但是这个下雨的路途非常值得,因为我了解到这位非常友善的人的生活。当我抵达他家的时候,他给我一个导览,他的家虽然超级大的,有五个卧室,一个超大的客厅还有办公室和一个设备齐全的厨房,然而非常的温馨。当他带我上楼的时候,我看到了我的房间,在桌子上为我准备了不仅有饼干、果汁还有瑞士的巧克力。我把我的行李放下了,他立刻就问我要不要跟随他去看一个非常酷的东西。而那个又酷又难忘又雄伟的东西。下次我再跟你们说。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在Yann的家到底看见了什么!搭乘火车的实用句:Where does this train go? 这火车去哪里?Is this seat taken? 这位子有人坐吗?Excuse me, that’s my seat. 不好意思,那是我的座位。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车6”
7/22/20216 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

1313 (英文版)一个在摩纳哥得到的小教训 |环欧火车第五集

Since life is short and the world is wide, the sooner you start exploring it, the better. My good friend in Barcelona Nora always said she loved Monaco. To my knowledge, Monaco is the smallest country in the world if you exclude the Vatican. It's a popular tourist destination due to its proximity to the French Riviera and tax free status. It's also a place where the rich and famous flock to - full of luxurious hotels, resorts and casinos. It also only takes 23 minutes from Nice to Monte-Carlo by train. So I decided to check it out myself before I left Europe. Apart from the luxurious atmosphere I immediately noticed after I got off the train, I had my first taste of Monaco prices within the first 5 minutes. A notification flashed up that my cell phone was roaming and in the time it took me to get out of the station, I had already accumulated a 60 euro bill. At that time, I had a phone number from Spain and the data plan said it covered most of the European countries. Oh well, the 0.78 square miles that make up Monaco seemed to be outside this plan. So, just be aware that when traveling across borders in Monaco and in Switzerland you need to turn off your phone’s roaming coverage. Otherwise, don’t be surprised when you go home and see a huge phone bill! I hope my unfortunate experience will help you when you plan your next trip to Europe.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing my journey into Switzerland, and the encounter with an incredibly hospitable Couchsurfing host.****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车5”
7/21/20214 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

1312 一个在摩纳哥得到的小教训 |环欧火车第五集

Since life is short and the world is wide, the sooner you start exploring it, the better. 既然人生是如此短暂、世界是如此宽广,你越早开始探索它越好。我在巴塞罗那的好友Nora总是说她好爱摩纳哥,据我所知摩纳哥是在梵蒂冈之后最小的国家,因为它靠近法国里维埃拉和免税状态,是非常著名的旅游胜地。还是有钱人和有名人士爱来的地方,因为这里满满都是奢华酒店、度假村还有赌场。而且从尼斯只要搭火车23分钟就可以到,所以我决定在我离开欧洲前一定要看看。我一下火车之后马上就注意到非常奢华的气氛,但不到五分钟,我的手机有一条短信告诉我我的手机因为漫游被索取了60欧元。那个时候因为我有一只来自西班牙的电话号码,资费方案有包括大多的欧洲国家,但摩纳哥并不包含在内。所以当你在欧洲横跨国界一定要小心了,特别是在摩纳哥和瑞士边界旅行的时候。否则千万不要惊讶当你回家了看到一个超额的账单!我希望我不幸的经验可以帮助你下一次计划去欧洲的旅行。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在瑞士的旅行和遇见了一个好客的沙发主。搭乘火车的实用句:What track is for Bern? 伯恩的火车是在那个轨道上?Is this the train to Berlin? 这是去柏林的火车吗?****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车5”
7/20/20217 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

1311 (英文版)法国尼斯一个不舒服的沙发住宿体验

The world is more beautiful than the world wide web. 现实世界比互联网要美妙多了。My wish was actually really simple, which is to see the world with my own eyes. During this Eurail trip, I used Couchsurfing to save money and experience local cultures on a deeper level. I stayed and met up with around twenty Couchsurfing hosts in these two months. In my Couchsurfing profile, I specifically stated that I didn’t use Couchsurfing to date. I published my schedule for this trip and I had received around a hundred offers to stay.   You could see their past hosting experiences and the references left by guests on the hosts’ profile. So I tried to find the hosts with nice reviews and those who could offer a spare room. I would say most of the experiences have been great, but there were a few ones which I found a bit uncomfortable. I’ll share one today. I will also bring up a few questions at the end of the episode  which I hope will get you thinking. I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas, so please share them!After a couple of days sorting my stuff in Barcelona, I took a flight to Nice to continue my Eurail journey. My couchsurfing host in Nice, France, who had lived there about 9 years with his family. His apartment was centrally located and it was perfect for my next journeys to Monaco and Geneva. I felt really lucky! During the time staying with him, there were also two couchsurfers from Kazakhstan sharing the apartment. It turned out we were going to the same travel conference those days too. I didn’t know those girls very well, but they seemed really friendly. The host was also lovely and helpful. However, those days the host often complained to me in private that he felt used when the girls had the breakfast he offered and never asked to wash the dishes or cook anything back. He never said anything right in front of them, though. I felt a bit uncomfortable about the situation and offered to make dumplings and buy lunch to compensate even though I was out of their interactions. I was trying to be a good guest however became somewhat uneasy living in his place as the week went on. It seemed that my efforts were interpreted the wrong way as some kind of romantic spark and some comments became uncomfortably flirtatious. I sincerely thought the host was a very gracious and nice person. However, in the end, I felt relieved when I finally left his place. It got me thinking about a couple of questions, which I still don’t have conclusive answers to. I would be interested to hear other people’s views. What is appropriate behavior for the host and the guest? Is it the same across cultures and  how could we objectively understand the meaning behind words and actions? If a guest feels uncomfortable with something they see or with something they experience in a host’s place, is it appropriate to challenge this and if so, how? When we write a reference about an experience do we have a responsibility to write it only from our perspective or should we think about how other people might feel in that situation.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing an unexpected incident when traveling in Monaco by train. ****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车4”
7/18/20216 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

1310 法国尼斯一个不舒服的沙发住宿体验|环欧火车第四集

The world is more beautiful than the world wide web. 现实世界比互联网要美妙多了。我的愿望很简单,就是用我的脚步去丈量这个世界, 在这次环欧旅行中,我试着要省钱和为了体验更多的文化尝试了沙发客的体验!这两个月的火车行我总共经历了19个不同地方当沙发客的体验,在我的沙发冲浪档案里,我都会特别强调,我不是用沙发冲浪来约会的,我将我两个月的行程公开后,收到了将近上百封的住宿邀约!在每个沙发主人的档案上,你可以看得到他们过去接待的经验还有沙发客留下的评价。我尽量挑选亲切的留言、有良好评价,还有可以提供独立房间的沙发主。我得说这次欧洲沙发的冒险体验大多都是非常美好的,然而有少数几个让我感觉不是太舒服的,今天我就来分享一个吧!我也在节目最后提出了几个问题希望你们也可以思考一下或告诉我你是怎么想的。在回去巴塞罗那处理我的东西之后,我又飞到尼斯继续我的环欧火车之旅。在法国尼斯的沙发主和他家人住在法国九年了。他的公寓就在市中心,所以对我接下来的要去摩纳哥还有日内瓦(瑞士)的火车旅行会非常的方便。我感到很幸运!在他家住宿的那段时间,还有两位来自哈萨克斯坦的女孩,因为我们同样是参加俱乐部在欧洲的旅行大会,共享了他的公寓。我不是很认识这两个女生,但是她们人看起来非常友善。沙发主人也是非常的好客和热心的主人。然而,他则在那几天一直在私底下和我抱怨这两个女生,吃他的喝他的,也没有做饭来回馈他。我则为了补偿他为他做了饺子还有买午餐。即使我和他的互动不是像他们和沙发主那样子,住在他家我还是感觉有点不自在,因为我试着要当一个好客人,然而他以为我们之间有浪漫的火花,在我待的那周言语中有点挑逗。我真的觉得这个沙发主是个很好客的好人,然而,在终于离开他的地方,我真的觉得解脱了。这件事让我想了好多问题,到现在我都没有确切的答案,我很好奇,也想听听其他人的意见。到底什么是对于沙发主人和客人适当的行为呢?在不同的文化是一样准则的吗?我们要怎么客观的去理解话语和行为背后的意思呢?如果一个客人对于看到的某件事或他们在主人家里体验到感到不舒服的话,去拿出这件事来挑战对方是不是适当的事情呢?那应该怎么做了?还有我们需不需为对方写这件事的评价负责任?在写的时候我们是完全用我们的观点来写,还是试想别人可能会怎样感受到那个情况来写呢?敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在摩纳哥火车旅行沒有预料到的一个小意外。搭乘火车的实用句:How often does the train run to Geneva? 开往日内瓦的火车多久有一班?When is the earliest train to Monte Carlo? 去蒙地卡罗的最早火车是几点?****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车4”
7/17/20218 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

1309 (英文版)在西班牙火车旅行体验的遗憾、感动与浪漫

The restless race of the traveler's heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together; wanderlust.I jumped on the train to Valencia and arrived at my Airbnb in the evening. The next day it was raining so hard and there was no umbrella in the house so I was stuck for the whole morning. I finally got out and had some breakfast quickly and had to fix the nose stud that I just got before the trip which fell off when I was in the shower that morning. The girl in the tattoo shop couldn’t fix it so she gave me a temporary nose ring. I'd never had anything like that. I had always found nose rings silly, so it felt so bizzare to have one. Due to the weather conditions and little time I had, I didn't get to see the famous beach and the science museum in Valencia. That was a pity.Next stop: Madrid. Though it wasn’t my first time to Madrid, this time I had someone I wanted to see. That was Guille, who I met a year ago online when I was making a Spanish Challenge series on my podcast. I was so happy that I finally met him in person. He was a slim and good looking guy. To my surprise, he was wearing the same nose ring as me! He wore it very well, needless to say! That evening Guille treated me to dinner and we had a really lovely and deep conversation. Guille said he wanted to thank me for the advice I gave him for his online business. I remember the beautiful procession of vegan meals just kept coming one after another. They not only looked like art but tasted like it too! Now Guille is traveling in his van all over Spain. He said he was inspired by my lifestyle, and I felt so glad to have spread the joy of travelling to another. That was touching.Seville was 20 degrees warmer than Madrid. My host was Daniel and he didn’t speak any English but was super friendly. He took me to many places and my favorite was Spanish Square. Just like he said, it is definitely the most beautiful Spanish Square in Spain. The next day I was walking around the old town and was amazed by the huge cathedral and the warm weather. At sunset, Daniel picked me up and took me to a tapas place. Tapas is a typically Spanish collection of different dishes like mini breadsticks, cheese slices, and sausages eaten together and almost always good company and good drinks. He told me many interesting stories about Seville and even took me to the tree where he had his first kiss when he was younger. It was very adorable. Through my broken Spanish, I showed Daniel how to make dumplings for dinner and the evening progressed to singing Karaoke in his living room which was hilarious. Daniel was a fun and respectful host. He took me to many interesting places, showed me the food culture and made me feel very welcome in his house. He took me to the airport the next day so that I could fly to Barcelona and even gave me a poem he wrote as a goodbye present. That was romantic.Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing an uncomfortable Couchsurfing experience that took place in Nice, France.****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车3”
7/16/20216 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

1308 在西班牙火车旅行体验的遗憾、感动与浪漫

1308 在西班牙火车旅行体验的遗憾、感动与浪漫The restless race of the traveler's heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together; wanderlust.旅行开始之前,当渴望和期盼缠在一起旅行者的心,如永不停歇的赛跑,旅行让人上瘾。这一天我索性地跳上了火车,第一站到了Valencia(瓦伦西亚),傍晚到了我的airbnb,结果隔天下大雨,因为没有伞,在家里被困了一个早上,就在终于可以出门了,迅速吃了个早点,然后去抢救我因为早上淋浴时掉下来的鼻环,那是我在旅行前刚刚穿好的洞,结果到了附近的刺青店里的,女师傅没法弄好,只好给我一个临时的鼻环圈圈。我从来没有带过那种鼻环圈圈,而且一直以来觉得鼻环圈圈看起来挺傻的,在自己鼻子上感觉也很奇特。这天因为天气的关系还有赶路,就没去看我一直很想拜访的在瓦伦西亚的著名海边和科博馆,这是遗憾。下一站是马德里,这也不是我第一次去马德里,而是去见我很想去见的人,Guille和我认识已经有一年的时间,之前我在做西班牙语挑战播客系列的时候他和我联系,见到了西语主播Guille,本人又瘦又帅啊!刚好Guille鼻子上有一个和我相对称的鼻环,顿时觉得亲切了起来,Guille请我吃饭,聊得好深入好开心!记得那天素食菜一道道上来好像艺术品一样,Guille说是为了谢谢我之前给他在线上事业的建议。现在Guille开着房车在西班牙各地旅行中,他说也是那次晚餐受到了我生活方式的启发,我很开心可以将旅行的快乐散布给其他人。这让我非常感动。Seville(塞维尔)的气候相对马德里暖了将近20度,接待我的沙发主人Daniel虽然英语不说,但是非常的亲切!他带我去好多地方,而我最喜欢的西班牙广场,就像他说的,在塞维尔的西班牙广场是全西班牙最美丽的广场。我隔天我自己到了市中心旧城区,对那里的大教堂还有温暖的气候感觉非常的惊奇。傍晚时分Daniel来接我,带我去一个下酒菜店里,西班牙的下酒菜就是典型的西班牙各种不同的小菜碟,像是迷你的面包棍、起士片还有香肠,是下酒的良伴。他告诉我许多塞维尔当地的故事,甚至还带我去他年轻时发生初吻的小树下,超级可爱。那天晚上我就用我破破的西语教Daniel包饺子做晚餐,然后我们一起在客厅唱起了西班牙语的卡拉OK,超搞笑的。Danie是个好有趣而且又很尊重我的主人,他带我去很多有趣的地方,介绍给我当地的食物文化,还让我在他家感觉非常自在。隔天,Daniel送我去机场回巴塞罗那还送我他写的一首诗当离别礼物。那举动真的很浪漫。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在法国尼斯一个不舒服的沙发体验。****本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车3”搭火车实用句:May I have a timetable? 可以给我火车时刻表吗?Is there a dining car? 有餐车吗?What time does the train start? 火车几点出发呢?
7/15/20218 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

1307 (英文版)Lily离开美丽的西班牙的原因还有如何克服出发的各种恐惧

Life is short and the world is wide. 生命很短暂,然而世界很大。In winter 2018, I was working hard on a promotion for my travel business and trying to achieve my ambition of winning a financial prize. Due to the time difference between Spain and China, I started working as soon as I got up and often worked through the day. I frequently forgot about lunch and was often exhausted in the evenings. By Christmas Eve, I had hit my goal for that promotion but I felt sad. I was sick and lying in bed. I decided to book a trip to Prague in February, where my friend Sonia had invited me earlier. After booking the trip, I started to look forward to it and the next day I felt so much better. So I think the antidote to my sickness and boredom was definitely a vacation.Then I got another invitation to Iceland in January 2019. While there, I met Palli who was a local marine engineer. We liked each other and wanted to get to know each other better.  Although we were both unable to make a commitment due to the long distance, we met in different countries for vacations that year. Palli would work really hard at sea for two to three weeks and then had one week free which was great for him to fly to see me. In between those meetings, I felt so restless and excited about our next meeting that I decided to fill gaps in my schedule with more trips and adventures. I was in Europe, Asia and even flew to South America that year. Even when I was back in Barcelona, I had decided to open up my apartment for couchsurfers just to immerse myself in travel vibes and keep my life busy. That decision opened up so many opportunities to deepen some of the most important friendships in my life. Elia, who was also from Taiwan, was the first couchsurfer I hosted in my apartment and  became my assistant for my business. Another guest was Hallvard, a young Norwegian musician, who stayed alone the first night before returning back to visit and stay with me with his two tall roommates from Oslo. We ended up meeting again in his home in Oslo, when they became my hosts. Pablo, a sweet Argentinean traveler, came to stay with me for two nights in Barcelona and then we met up again in Bratislava while he was having a working holiday during my Eurail journey. I also had a couple of really successful podcasting meetups and workshops in my apartment, however the stress of growing a physical business in Barcelona and an existing online business which allowed me to see the world more freely was becoming overwhelming. It reached a point where I had to renew my entrepreneur residency which was a complicated and time-consuming process. To make matters worse, there were political riots in Barcelona at the time and the political situation had become very heated. While all this was going on, I was eager to see Palli however we were not ready for a full blown relationship. There was an important decision to be made; should I stay in Europe or should I leave? I had been offered a tempting publishing contract in China which I was very excited about and also had discovered my desire to make up with my father back in Taiwan. Ever since splitting up with my ex-husband a few years ago, we hadn't talked much. As time went by, I started to better understand his perspective and wish to protect his daughter. He was going to turn 80 years old the next year and I thought that I would feel regret if I missed celebrating it together. So, I made up my mind to exit Europe, and then bought a two month Eurail pass to enjoy it before I went back to Taiwan. I made a plan to see all the cities I had always been wanting to visit before sharing the routes and plans with my students online to make some extra money to cover my expenses. Thank God moving out of my two-bedroom apartment in Barcelona was pretty smooth too. I gave away most of my belongings and sold my furniture online. I had my last podcasters’ meetup in my almost-empty apartment, and afterwards my podcaster friends took all my trash down to the garbage. A couple of friends came to fix and repaint the walls of my recording studio, where I had put several acoustic foams which damaged the walls. After this, the apartment was as new as when I first moved in.One night while I was in my almost-empty apartment. I thought that I had made a mistake. I got cold feet before my trip due to the fact I had always hated traveling in winter. Winter in Europe was always gloomy in my opinion and I was also afraid that I might get sick or be unable to continue my trips. Although I had already made an announcement to my friends, students and my podcast listeners that I was going, I was scared and wanted to quit.“If not now, then never!” The encouraging voice came to me when I was almost swallowed by my fear and ready to call it quits.Then I handed my keys to the real estate agent and made my first trip, and the fear dissipated as soon as I started my journey. Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing my emotional journey and encounters while traveling by train in Spain.得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车2”
7/14/20219 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

1306 Lily离开美丽的西班牙的原因还有如何克服出发的各种恐惧|环欧火车之旅第二集

Life is short and the world is wide. 生命很短暂,然而世界很大。在2018年的冬天,因为想要得到我旅游生意团队竞赛的奖金,我很努力在推广并且想要达到我的野心目的。因为西班牙和中国的时差,我总是一起床就开始工作一直到晚上。我经常会忘记吃午餐,而且在晚上的时候感觉到精疲力竭。在圣诞节的前夕,我达成了推广目标,然而我却觉得很难过。我生病了,在床上躺着。所以我决定二月要去我的朋友Sonia先前邀请我去的布拉格之旅。在预定了那场旅行之后,我开始期待着,并且隔天我的身体立刻感觉就好多了。所以我认为我生病和无聊的解药就是一场旅行。然后我在2019年的一月又被邀请去冰岛。在那里我认识了当地的海洋工程师Palli。我们喜欢彼此,也想要多认识对方。虽然我们因为远距离无法作出感情上的承诺,但是那一年我们一起在不同的国家度假。Palli会在海上辛勤工作两到三个礼拜,然后当他有一星期假期的时候,他就会飞来看我。在等待下次见面的心情让我好兴奋,我总是感觉坐不住,所以我就决定要在不见面的时候多安排旅行和冒险活动。那年,我人不仅在欧洲、亚洲,我甚至去了南美洲一趟。甚至再回到巴塞罗那的时候,我还决定开放我的公寓给世界各地的沙发客们,让我可以沉浸在旅行的感觉中也让我的生活一直保持忙碌。那个决定却打开了好多机会让我可以更加深许多在我生命中重要的友谊。Elia,来自台湾,是我第一个在我公寓里接待的沙发客,她后来成为我生意上的助理。另外一个客人是来自挪威年轻的音乐家,Hallvard原先来我家住了一个晚上之后,又带着他在奥斯陆,两个高大的室友来我家再住一晚。后来我们又在他们奥斯陆的家相遇了,那次变成他们接待我。还有一个非常贴心的阿根廷游客Pablo,在我巴塞罗那的家住了两晚,后来我因为火车旅行到了斯洛伐克的首都布拉提斯拉瓦(Bratislava),他人刚好在那里的青年旅社进行打工换宿,所以我们又见面了!在我的公寓里,我举办了几场成功播客见面会还有工作坊,然而建立一个在巴塞罗那的实体事业还同时拥有已经让我有更多自由看世界的线上生意的压力,实在让我招架不住。然后到了我必须要续签我的创业居留证,整个过程复杂又耗时。更糟糕的是,在巴塞罗那那时发生了政治暴动,整个情况变得激切。在这一切都在发生的同时,我很想见Palli,然而我们两人都没准备好要开展一段认真的感情。所以我必须要做一个重要的决定,我是要留在欧洲还是离开呢?中国那边给我一个可以出版我的书籍的诱人机会,还有我也发现我想要和我在台湾的父亲和好,自从我和我前夫在几年前分手后,就没什么讲话。随着时间的过去,我开始可以了解他想要保护女儿的心情。在隔年他就要80岁了,所以我想如果没有一起庆祝的话,我一定会感觉非常后悔。所以,我就下定决心要离开欧洲,然后在回去台湾前,我买了环欧通行证准备用两个月好好的去享受欧洲风情。我做了一个计划去看所有我曾想要去的城市,还有和我的学生们分享路线和计划去弥补我的支出。感谢老天,搬出我在巴塞隆纳两房的公寓也非常的顺利,我把我大部分的东西送出去,还有在网上卖掉我的家具。我在我几乎要空的公寓里举办了最后一次的播主聚会,然后结束之后让我的朋友们帮我把垃圾拿下楼丢掉。几个朋友也来帮我修理,还有重新的粉刷过我录音间里的被我用隔音棉毁掉的墙壁。之后,我的公寓就像我刚搬进去的一样新!有天晚上在我几乎要空的公寓里,我以为我犯下了一个错误。我开始对接下来的旅行感到退缩,因为我一直讨厌在冬天旅行,以我所见,欧洲的冬天总是很阴郁,然后我害怕我会生病然后无法继续我的旅行,“如果现在不去,就永远不会去了!“当我快要被我的恐惧吞噬和准备要放弃的时候,有个鼓励的声音就忽然冒出来了!然后我把钥匙交给房屋中介,开始了我的第一个旅程,当我开始在路上的时候,我的恐惧就立刻瓦解了。敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在西班牙火车旅行中碰到的遗憾、感动和浪漫***本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车2”
7/13/202110 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

1305 (英文版)我是如何用2个月漫游欧洲12国的?

1305 (英文版)我是如何用2个月漫游欧洲12国的?|环欧火车之旅第一集The only trip you will regret is the one you don’t take. 你唯一会后悔的旅行是你没有去的那一个。Hello and welcome to the Fly with Lily Podcast. I’m Lily Wong and in the following episodes I will take you on a journey around Europe. In this journey, we will meet a varied cast of people and look at both some of the highlights and challenges of travelling solo. These podcasts cover many different topics and work best when I hear your thoughts, comments and ideas. So please comment, subscribe and share; I always love hearing from my listeners, wherever you may be. 欢迎来到Fly with Lily的播客,在接下来的几集我会带你进行一场环游欧洲的旅行。在这趟旅行中,我们会见到不同的人物,还会来看一个人旅行的好玩的地方和挑战之处。这些播客将涵盖许多不同的主题,你们的心声、评论还有点子会帮助我做的更好!所以请你们不要吝啬评论、订阅或者是分享;我喜欢接到我在各地听众的意见。So, how did it all begin? Why did I pack my bags for a European rail trip? It all started one night in Shanghai in 2015 when I was listening to a talk given by a man who had travelled around Europe with a ukulele and visited five countries on the train in one month. When he talked about the people he had met, I dreamt that I too could have an adventure like this one day. Having lived in Spain for almost three years with an entrepreneur visa, I had become used to the convenience and low cost flight tickets easily available and had forgotten about my dream of travelling in Europe by train. It was when I finally decided to leave Spain that I realised just how many countries I hadn’t visited! I didn’t know when I would next come back to visit so this seemed like the perfect moment to buy a Eurail pass for two months. Starting from Spain, the countries which I originally planned to visit were France, Monaco, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia, Greece, and finally Italy. Poland, Bosnia and Greece did not happen, including because of winter train timetables however I did get to Sweden. 所以,一切是怎么开始的呢?为什么我会带上行囊去用火车环游欧洲呢?用火车环游欧洲的想法其实是在2015年婦女節的时候,在上海听了一场演讲(后来我也邀请了主讲人Alan上我们学英语环游世界第162集的节目),大受鼓舞,主讲人用一个月的时间用火车环游了5个国家,当他谈到路上遇到的有趣的人事物的时候,让我对火车环欧旅行充满向往,那时我就在心里默默许愿,有机会到了欧洲也要这么壮游一场。后来因为拿到创业签住在西班牙将近三年的时间,由于来往欧洲各国的飞机十分的便宜便利,让我都差点忘了曾经拥有的梦想!就在我决定离开西班牙回来亚洲定居继续旅行的时候,才想到欧洲还有好多地方没看过,而下次回来不知道什么时候了,我在欧洲铁路官网上买了一张两个月的火车通票(Eurail Pass),从西班牙启程,原先规划路线从法国、摩纳哥、瑞士、奥地利、德国、丹麦、波兰、匈牙利、斯洛伐克、克罗地亚、波西尼亚、希腊,然后最后一站意大利。因为火车时间表的关系,我最后没有去成波兰、波西尼亚还有希腊,然而我却去到了瑞典。This was my last adventure before leaving Europe in 2019 and I departed from Spain in November when the weather was getting colder. I used Couchsurfing to stay in strangers’ places and get to know people in the cities I was visiting. In two months, I was in twelve countries across Europe. Originally it felt like a mission impossible, and I almost chickened out of it in the middle. The constant long distance travel was a huge test for my mind, body, and soul, however, I gritted my teeth and kept going in the face of challenges. Although the pandemic has been slowing down globally, in Taiwan the infection rate has gone up. At this time, I am living in a hillside village in Taiwan and this has given me the calmness and space to begin writing. I wrote the English version first and edited it with the assistance of my English teacher Oliver, before translating it into Chinese. So listeners, get yourself a drink of your choice, make yourself comfortable and buckle up because we’re flying off on our European tour with Lily! 这是2019年我在离开欧洲的最后一个冒险,我一个人坐火车在开始要变冷11月的时候从西班牙出发,并且用沙发冲浪的方式住在陌生人家中然后认识当地人,用了两个月去了欧洲12个国家,起初感觉是不可能的任务,甚至害怕会中途退缩,一直长途在路上旅行真的是对身心灵非常大的考验,但是我还是咬牙达成了!直到最近全世界的疫情较为趋缓,然而在台湾却感染案例不断,我搬到了台湾山坡上的小村子,得以静下心后,我才开始用英文写下了这个火车环欧旅行还有沙发冲浪的故事,然后请我的英语老师Oliver协助修改,我再自己亲自翻译而成!所以听众们,准备好一杯你喜欢的饮料,让自己坐得舒服些,绑好安全带因为我们即将和Lily一起飞到欧洲进行一场奇幻之旅!Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be taking a closer look at reasons why I decided to leave the beautiful country of Spain and how I overcame the fear associated with this departure.敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会告诉你我为什么离开西班牙这个美丽的国家,还有我是如何克服出发伴随的各种恐惧。***本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车1”
7/12/20216 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

1304 我是如何用2个月漫游欧洲12国的?|环欧火车之旅第一集

1304 我是如何用2个月漫游欧洲12国的?|环欧火车之旅第一集The only trip you will regret is the one you don’t take. 你唯一会后悔的旅行是你没有去的那一个。Hello and welcome to the Fly with Lily Podcast. I’m Lily Wong and in the following episodes I will take you on a journey around Europe. In this journey, we will meet a varied cast of people and look at both some of the highlights and challenges of travelling solo. These podcasts cover many different topics and work best when I hear your thoughts, comments and ideas. So please comment, subscribe and share; I always love hearing from my listeners, wherever you may be. 欢迎来到Fly with Lily的播客,在接下来的几集我会带你进行一场环游欧洲的旅行。在这趟旅行中,我们会见到不同的人物,还会来看一个人旅行的好玩的地方和挑战之处。这些播客将涵盖许多不同的主题,你们的心声、评论还有点子会帮助我做的更好!所以请你们不要吝啬评论、订阅或者是分享;我喜欢接到我在各地听众的意见。So, how did it all begin? Why did I pack my bags for a European rail trip? It all started one night in Shanghai in 2015 when I was listening to a talk given by a man who had travelled around Europe with a ukulele and visited five countries on the train in one month. When he talked about the people he had met, I dreamt that I too could have an adventure like this one day. Having lived in Spain for almost three years with an entrepreneur visa, I had become used to the convenience and low cost flight tickets easily available and had forgotten about my dream of travelling in Europe by train. It was when I finally decided to leave Spain that I realised just how many countries I hadn’t visited! I didn’t know when I would next come back to visit so this seemed like the perfect moment to buy a Eurail pass for two months. Starting from Spain, the countries which I originally planned to visit were France, Monaco, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia, Greece, and finally Italy. Poland, Bosnia and Greece did not happen, including because of winter train timetables however I did get to Sweden. 所以,一切是怎么开始的呢?为什么我会带上行囊去用火车环游欧洲呢?用火车环游欧洲的想法其实是在2015年婦女節的时候,在上海听了一场演讲(后来我也邀请了主讲人Alan上我们学英语环游世界第162集的节目),大受鼓舞,主讲人用一个月的时间用火车环游了5个国家,当他谈到路上遇到的有趣的人事物的时候,让我对火车环欧旅行充满向往,那时我就在心里默默许愿,有机会到了欧洲也要这么壮游一场。后来因为拿到创业签住在西班牙将近三年的时间,由于来往欧洲各国的飞机十分的便宜便利,让我都差点忘了曾经拥有的梦想!就在我决定离开西班牙回来亚洲定居继续旅行的时候,才想到欧洲还有好多地方没看过,而下次回来不知道什么时候了,我在欧洲铁路官网上买了一张两个月的火车通票(Eurail Pass),从西班牙启程,原先规划路线从法国、摩纳哥、瑞士、奥地利、德国、丹麦、波兰、匈牙利、斯洛伐克、克罗地亚、波西尼亚、希腊,然后最后一站意大利。因为火车时间表的关系,我最后没有去成波兰、波西尼亚还有希腊,然而我却去到了瑞典。This was my last adventure before leaving Europe in 2019 and I departed from Spain in November when the weather was getting colder. I used Couchsurfing to stay in strangers’ places and get to know people in the cities I was visiting. In two months, I was in twelve countries across Europe. Originally it felt like a mission impossible, and I almost chickened out of it in the middle. The constant long distance travel was a huge test for my mind, body, and soul, however, I gritted my teeth and kept going in the face of challenges. Although the pandemic has been slowing down globally, in Taiwan the infection rate has gone up. At this time, I am living in a hillside village in Taiwan and this has given me the calmness and space to begin writing. I wrote the English version first and edited it with the assistance of my English teacher Oliver, before translating it into Chinese. So listeners, get yourself a drink of your choice, make yourself comfortable and buckle up because we’re flying off on our European tour with Lily! 这是2019年我在离开欧洲的最后一个冒险,我一个人坐火车在开始要变冷11月的时候从西班牙出发,并且用沙发冲浪的方式住在陌生人家中然后认识当地人,用了两个月去了欧洲12个国家,起初感觉是不可能的任务,甚至害怕会中途退缩,一直长途在路上旅行真的是对身心灵非常大的考验,但是我还是咬牙达成了!直到最近全世界的疫情较为趋缓,然而在台湾却感染案例不断,我搬到了台湾山坡上的小村子,得以静下心后,我才开始用英文写下了这个火车环欧旅行还有沙发冲浪的故事,然后请我的英语老师Oliver协助修改,我再自己亲自翻译而成!所以听众们,准备好一杯你喜欢的饮料,让自己坐得舒服些,绑好安全带因为我们即将和Lily一起飞到欧洲进行一场奇幻之旅!Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be taking a closer look at reasons why I decided to leave the beautiful country of Spain and how I overcame the fear associated with this departure.敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会告诉你我为什么离开西班牙这个美丽的国家,还有我是如何克服出发伴随的各种恐惧。***本系列会将中英的版本分开录制,想要进行更深入的英语听力学习或训练,可以听伴随在中文版本的下一集。得到本集节目的中英文文本,预定环欧火车旅行的资讯和网站,当时的照片和影片甚至路线图,请关注公众微信IFLYCLUB,回复文字“环欧火车1”
7/11/20217 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

1303 我交往的第一個外國男朋友,他問我的10個問題讓我找到人生的目的(Part 10)

You carry so much love in your heart, give some to yourself.你的心裡有好多的愛,拨出一些給自己吧。如果你也很想要交往外國男女朋友,昨天在我的微信公眾帳號IFLYCLUB發佈了一篇原創文章,一定要看,這篇文章的名字是《3個快速和老外交朋友的秘訣》,你也可以在公眾號回覆“外國人”得到這篇文章!7.5 我們的《跟Lily說英語去旅行》的訓練營也開始招生了,同樣,妳可以在公眾微信帳號IFLYCLUB上面可以回覆:訓練營,得到報名的入口。另外我的和老外用英語交友聊聊天的直播課程也正在預售中,預計報名滿20人就會開課!目前已經有9個朋友報名了,感謝在微信上報名的Hitomi、Carmen、林子、Joey、劉翠、Lu,還有在FB上的Elie、玉珍、之瑜,已經先報名預售課,懇請大家多多支持!這樣我得以繼續用我的冒險經驗來服務你們,還有做更多公益的事情!****我的解藥 果真還是他充滿眼淚的下午,我提起最後ㄧ絲絲可以與生活對抗的力氣,在失聯後的第十天,傳了簡訊給他。"I guess I still can't bear this alone. I am too lonely.I know we aren't compatible. But I still need you to bethere for me a lot. Please don't see me as a substitute.Crying...I've been too down for too long." (我猜我沒有辦法自己承受,我真的太寂寞了。我知道我們不合適。但是我仍然非常需要你支持我。請不要講我視為替代品。哭哭,我真的低潮太久了。)我ㄧ邊打手機簡訊一邊哭泣,這是我內心最孤單的聲音...他傳來,"I've been missing you a lot this past week. There havebeen so many times I wanted to call but I thought you can'tbear to hear my voice. I am here for you." (過去這個禮拜我真的很想你,有好多次我想打給你但是我想你應該不想聽到我的聲音。我在這裡支持你。)此時我的線上廣播正好播放Gnarls Barkley的"Crazy",這首歌,我ㄧ直記得有一天在他去美國之前,我在他的房間,當時房間很暗,只有電腦螢幕亮著,他抱著我,介紹這首他最近喜歡的ㄧ首歌,而這次卻是我第二次再聽到這首歌...."我們很像電影的人物。" 我說。"這就是我的生活。"他笑笑說。然後他用著他"尚未開發的嗓音"跟著音樂接著唱"I think you are crazy~ Just like me.."正在看著他簡訊的我,大笑...這已經是我這十天來第一次因為生活的巧合驚喜而笑...正想傳簡訊告訴他這件事時,電話響起來...是他。我按下了通話鍵,我們的對話變得很生疏,"你好嗎?"他說,"我還好。"我接著說。"我好寂寞"。我告訴他剛剛在看他簡訊時,廣播剛好播放Crazy這首歌。"好巧喔!"他用他很可愛的中文說。我想這一切都很像是命中注定,命中注定你怎麼都甩不開這個人,分離了偏偏又還是會相聚,我們在完全沒有對方的聯絡方式下巧合碰了四次,成為朋友後在路上老是碰到我們認識的人,ㄧ連串的巧合讓我們感情更緊密,隨著感情的加深,伴隨的卻是不知所措的忌妒和痛苦,當你體認到,只有跟這個人在一起時的自己最快樂時,你真的...只有手足無措。"妳要不要出來?" 他問。我說,"我不知道我八點跟別人吃晚餐。"他說,"沒關係我可以去找妳。""我想讓妳開心點。""你不用讓我開心。" 你要讓你自己開心...我心裡這麼想。"恩。但我想跟妳說話。"他說。我們約在101見面,當我抬頭仰望101大樓,他出現了...還好只是十天沒見面而已並沒讓我忘記他長得什麼樣,只是他的嘴唇上方好像被刮鬍刀狠狠的刮上一刀,"你怎麼了?" 這是我們見面的第一句話。"我有故事要告訴妳。"他一如往常把我當做愛聽故事的小女孩跟我說他這瘋狂的一個星期。這一個禮拜他都在君悅飯店,他們美國公司的人來台灣,他負責接待,顯然這個禮拜他派對過多,而且酒也喝了太多,對於他嘴巴上的傷,其實他也不知道怎麼來的。他所能記得的最後ㄧ件事就是那天有人帶了一瓶伏特加到Party上。還有他在計程車上寫電話給一個女生,可是他卻在紙上一直劃圈圈。(笑)。醒來發現幸好還在自己家裡,只是嘔吐物滿地,搞得全身髒兮兮的。還有,他喜歡的女生下決心要嫁給他的男朋友,還拍了婚紗照。"你應該寫一本書才對,一定很多人會喜歡,你的生活。" 我開玩笑的說。很高興聽到他跟同事之間的關係變熱絡了,很高興聽到他的生活這麼有趣熱鬧。"妳呢?我相信妳也活得跟我一樣瘋狂。"他微笑的正等著我跟他說我的"故事"。"我快無聊死了。"我說,"我的生活好無趣。"真的。如果大家的生活集合起來,可能不會比他經歷的一半"有趣"。他因為他的台灣女朋友來台灣,經過掙扎後,還是分手了。之後他愛上這個令他癡迷的同班同學,他曾經認為他遇到完美的另一半,像被拋在天堂那般的快樂,後來這個女生卻給他地獄般的痛苦;他身邊圍繞著許多愛慕他的女生,很顯然的,他也很喜歡和這些女生"玩",每天玩不完的大小PARTY。但是他的心,就是很單純很真心的喜歡那個韓國女生。雖然我"曾經"打敗他心儀的對象,晉身為他的"女友"。但是呢!他還是很喜歡她。我想這就是他摩羯座最固執的一面。><我的生活雖然有夠無趣了,但是我這個人,實際上就是一個書蟲,我只愛看電影跟逛書店,沒有什麼野心理想,只想作一個對生活上都感到快樂滿足的人,夢想未來的生活可以環遊世界,開一家小書店,寫寫文章,當別人的心靈導師。對於我這個腦子裡充滿白雪公主式的夢幻理想的人,他對我來說就像是一本驚奇有趣的小說,有時又扮演白馬王子把我從無趣寂寞的生活拯救出來。說實在的,有時候我也真的很討厭他。舉他的缺點可能比說他優點還要輕鬆容易;說他壞話比說他好話更花時間。他的固執自大自滿悲觀憤世嫉俗愛抱怨花心可以把我弄哭心碎很多次。但是他卻可以有辦法讓我停止傷心哭泣。所以,如果當我的毒藥解藥都是同一人,我就只有陷入。"我決定要跟你媽講你的壞話。"他又惹我生氣,我說。怒。"喔!她也會跟妳說我壞話,妳們可能要花六個月講。"他調皮的說。"我的家人都討厭我,他們會說我很多壞話。" (其實這不是真的,據我所知,他家人很愛他。)"才不會呢!你這麼'可愛'""我是'可憐沒人愛'!" (昏倒~那時他的中文已經這麼好)我想,他永遠贏。你沒辦法討厭他,你只會越來越愛他;他不是壞習慣,因為你根本沒有方法把他戒除。他不會對你太NICE,他只會對你過度體貼;他很常說謊,你不會相信他;他不會表現忌妒,他會顯示他的在乎;他不會愛妳,因為妳要愛妳自己。(寫於2006.6.13)**What would you do with your life if money wasn’t an issue? 如果錢不是問題,你會用你的生命做什麼?If money wasn’t an issue, I’d get on the road and travel! 如果錢不是問題,我就會上路去旅行。節目接著休息幾天,7.7會再開始分享我在2019年環歐火車旅行沙發衝浪的故事!我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line/IG/FB:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在7.1前用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張手寫台灣造型的明信片!
6/30/202121 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

1303 我交往的第一個外國男朋友,他問我的10個問題讓我找到人生的目的(Part 10)

You carry so much love in your heart, give some to yourself.你的心裡有好多的愛,拨出一些給自己吧。如果你也很想要交往外國男女朋友,昨天在我的微信公眾帳號IFLYCLUB發佈了一篇原創文章,一定要看,這篇文章的名字是《3個快速和老外交朋友的秘訣》,你也可以在公眾號回覆“外國人”得到這篇文章!7.5 我們的《跟Lily說英語去旅行》的訓練營也開始招生了,同樣,妳可以在公眾微信帳號IFLYCLUB上面可以回覆:訓練營,得到報名的入口。另外我的和老外用英語交友聊聊天的直播課程也正在預售中,預計報名滿20人就會開課!目前已經有9個朋友報名了,感謝在微信上報名的Hitomi、Carmen、林子、Joey、劉翠、Lu,還有在FB上的Elie、玉珍、之瑜,已經先報名預售課,懇請大家多多支持!這樣我得以繼續用我的冒險經驗來服務你們,還有做更多公益的事情!****我的解藥 果真還是他充滿眼淚的下午,我提起最後ㄧ絲絲可以與生活對抗的力氣,在失聯後的第十天,傳了簡訊給他。"I guess I still can't bear this alone. I am too lonely.I know we aren't compatible. But I still need you to bethere for me a lot. Please don't see me as a substitute.Crying...I've been too down for too long." (我猜我沒有辦法自己承受,我真的太寂寞了。我知道我們不合適。但是我仍然非常需要你支持我。請不要講我視為替代品。哭哭,我真的低潮太久了。)我ㄧ邊打手機簡訊一邊哭泣,這是我內心最孤單的聲音...他傳來,"I've been missing you a lot this past week. There havebeen so many times I wanted to call but I thought you can'tbear to hear my voice. I am here for you." (過去這個禮拜我真的很想你,有好多次我想打給你但是我想你應該不想聽到我的聲音。我在這裡支持你。)此時我的線上廣播正好播放Gnarls Barkley的"Crazy",這首歌,我ㄧ直記得有一天在他去美國之前,我在他的房間,當時房間很暗,只有電腦螢幕亮著,他抱著我,介紹這首他最近喜歡的ㄧ首歌,而這次卻是我第二次再聽到這首歌...."我們很像電影的人物。" 我說。"這就是我的生活。"他笑笑說。然後他用著他"尚未開發的嗓音"跟著音樂接著唱"I think you are crazy~ Just like me.."正在看著他簡訊的我,大笑...這已經是我這十天來第一次因為生活的巧合驚喜而笑...正想傳簡訊告訴他這件事時,電話響起來...是他。我按下了通話鍵,我們的對話變得很生疏,"你好嗎?"他說,"我還好。"我接著說。"我好寂寞"。我告訴他剛剛在看他簡訊時,廣播剛好播放Crazy這首歌。"好巧喔!"他用他很可愛的中文說。我想這一切都很像是命中注定,命中注定你怎麼都甩不開這個人,分離了偏偏又還是會相聚,我們在完全沒有對方的聯絡方式下巧合碰了四次,成為朋友後在路上老是碰到我們認識的人,ㄧ連串的巧合讓我們感情更緊密,隨著感情的加深,伴隨的卻是不知所措的忌妒和痛苦,當你體認到,只有跟這個人在一起時的自己最快樂時,你真的...只有手足無措。"妳要不要出來?" 他問。我說,"我不知道我八點跟別人吃晚餐。"他說,"沒關係我可以去找妳。""我想讓妳開心點。""你不用讓我開心。" 你要讓你自己開心...我心裡這麼想。"恩。但我想跟妳說話。"他說。我們約在101見面,當我抬頭仰望101大樓,他出現了...還好只是十天沒見面而已並沒讓我忘記他長得什麼樣,只是他的嘴唇上方好像被刮鬍刀狠狠的刮上一刀,"你怎麼了?" 這是我們見面的第一句話。"我有故事要告訴妳。"他一如往常把我當做愛聽故事的小女孩跟我說他這瘋狂的一個星期。這一個禮拜他都在君悅飯店,他們美國公司的人來台灣,他負責接待,顯然這個禮拜他派對過多,而且酒也喝了太多,對於他嘴巴上的傷,其實他也不知道怎麼來的。他所能記得的最後ㄧ件事就是那天有人帶了一瓶伏特加到Party上。還有他在計程車上寫電話給一個女生,可是他卻在紙上一直劃圈圈。(笑)。醒來發現幸好還在自己家裡,只是嘔吐物滿地,搞得全身髒兮兮的。還有,他喜歡的女生下決心要嫁給他的男朋友,還拍了婚紗照。"你應該寫一本書才對,一定很多人會喜歡,你的生活。" 我開玩笑的說。很高興聽到他跟同事之間的關係變熱絡了,很高興聽到他的生活這麼有趣熱鬧。"妳呢?我相信妳也活得跟我一樣瘋狂。"他微笑的正等著我跟他說我的"故事"。"我快無聊死了。"我說,"我的生活好無趣。"真的。如果大家的生活集合起來,可能不會比他經歷的一半"有趣"。他因為他的台灣女朋友來台灣,經過掙扎後,還是分手了。之後他愛上這個令他癡迷的同班同學,他曾經認為他遇到完美的另一半,像被拋在天堂那般的快樂,後來這個女生卻給他地獄般的痛苦;他身邊圍繞著許多愛慕他的女生,很顯然的,他也很喜歡和這些女生"玩",每天玩不完的大小PARTY。但是他的心,就是很單純很真心的喜歡那個韓國女生。雖然我"曾經"打敗他心儀的對象,晉身為他的"女友"。但是呢!他還是很喜歡她。我想這就是他摩羯座最固執的一面。><我的生活雖然有夠無趣了,但是我這個人,實際上就是一個書蟲,我只愛看電影跟逛書店,沒有什麼野心理想,只想作一個對生活上都感到快樂滿足的人,夢想未來的生活可以環遊世界,開一家小書店,寫寫文章,當別人的心靈導師。對於我這個腦子裡充滿白雪公主式的夢幻理想的人,他對我來說就像是一本驚奇有趣的小說,有時又扮演白馬王子把我從無趣寂寞的生活拯救出來。說實在的,有時候我也真的很討厭他。舉他的缺點可能比說他優點還要輕鬆容易;說他壞話比說他好話更花時間。他的固執自大自滿悲觀憤世嫉俗愛抱怨花心可以把我弄哭心碎很多次。但是他卻可以有辦法讓我停止傷心哭泣。所以,如果當我的毒藥解藥都是同一人,我就只有陷入。"我決定要跟你媽講你的壞話。"他又惹我生氣,我說。怒。"喔!她也會跟妳說我壞話,妳們可能要花六個月講。"他調皮的說。"我的家人都討厭我,他們會說我很多壞話。" (其實這不是真的,據我所知,他家人很愛他。)"才不會呢!你這麼'可愛'""我是'可憐沒人愛'!" (昏倒~那時他的中文已經這麼好)我想,他永遠贏。你沒辦法討厭他,你只會越來越愛他;他不是壞習慣,因為你根本沒有方法把他戒除。他不會對你太NICE,他只會對你過度體貼;他很常說謊,你不會相信他;他不會表現忌妒,他會顯示他的在乎;他不會愛妳,因為妳要愛妳自己。(寫於2006.6.13)**What would you do with your life if money wasn’t an issue? 如果錢不是問題,你會用你的生命做什麼?If money wasn’t an issue, I’d get on the road and travel! 如果錢不是問題,我就會上路去旅行。節目接著休息幾天,7.7會再開始分享我在2019年環歐火車旅行沙發衝浪的故事!我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line/IG/FB:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在7.1前用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張手寫台灣造型的明信片!
6/30/202121 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

1302 我交往的第一個外國男朋友,他問我的10個問題讓我找到人生的目的(Part 9)

Life is too short. 生命太短暫So love your life, be happy and keep smiling. 所以愛你的人生,要開開心心的還有保持微笑。Before you speak, listen. 在你說話之前,先去傾聽。Before you write, think. 在你寫字之前,先想一想。Before you spend, earn. 在你花錢之前,先去賺錢。Before you pray, forgive. 在你禱告之前,先去原諒。Before you hate, love. 在你仇恨之前,先去愛。Before you quit, try. 在你放棄之前,先去試試看。Before you die, live. 在你死之前,先好好地活一場。“每次打開都能聽到舒服的聲音,內容即能得到知識和一些想法,更重要的是不會有要用力聽才能聽清楚的壓力。”Cafe58 via Apple Podcasts · Taiwan · 06/26/21親愛的大人物先生(Mr. B),這是我最難寫的一封信,在你出差的21天,我每天都想你。我想念你的毛毛手,我想念你的dirty blond hair(金褐髮),我想念你的ㄧ切。當你在LA出差的時候,你用中文手寫的訊息,說你好想我,我好開心...讓我有了精神繼續我新上任的工作。當你在IDAHO跟父母在一起時,你打來長途電話,讓我很開心。你在機場打給我告訴我你錯過班機,我也好開心,我真的不得不承認,我真的好喜歡你想到我,打電話給我。接你飛機的前一天,我好累又興奮的趕到你家,請你的室友Sandra幫我開門,讓我住在你家,我想買些東西給你吃,預備好給你ㄧ些小驚喜。那天我真的好想念你,但沒想到你的班機竟延遲了十六個小時,讓我等待你的時間加長了,我倒數著距離你下飛機的小時數,雖然公司出了突發狀況,我必須要工作,但是我卻一點也不覺得辛苦,我想我真的好興奮能見到你。在機場見到你,感覺你好像變胖了一些,看到我後你把我手上零零碎碎的東西一一卸下,把我抱起來。回到家後,我們一起吃著泡麵,我覺得好幸福。你給我的小禮物,我真的很喜歡。也很受寵若驚,我想我知道我在你心裡的重量。你知道嗎?我真的覺得我好喜歡你,雖然我怕我說出這句話之後你就消失不見了,那天晚上,我跟你說,"I think I like you"(我想我喜歡你) "I think it's more than like" (我想應該比喜歡還要多)我講不出來...我想說的其實是 I love you.......我已經在心裡喊了好幾百遍了...我好想對你說這句話without thinking about if you love me or not.....(不要想你是否愛我)但是我卻步了...我好害怕...我真的好怕.....沒想到愛一個人的快樂尾隨的是恐懼。在我最難過的時候我找不到你...在最難過的時候,你在約會...我真的很難過....今天希望你快樂的我,卻變得不快樂......我真的希望你快樂啊,但我應該怎麼作?我真希望我可以不要感覺這些感覺...真的很複雜......寫於2006.6.1What would you do with your life if you had a guarantee of success? 如果你有成功的保證,你會用你的生命做什麼?If I had a guarantee of success, I’d travel the world, own my business and start a family.如果我有成功的保證,我會環遊世界,擁有我自己的生意,然後組建家庭。明天我們會來探討這個問題:What would you do with your life if money wasn’t an issue? 如果錢不是問題,你會用你的生命做什麼?請訂閱關注收聽Part 10!(本系列最後一集)我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line/IG/FB:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/28/202119 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

1302 我交往的第一個外國男朋友,他問我的10個問題讓我找到人生的目的(Part 9)

Life is too short. 生命太短暫So love your life, be happy and keep smiling. 所以愛你的人生,要開開心心的還有保持微笑。Before you speak, listen. 在你說話之前,先去傾聽。Before you write, think. 在你寫字之前,先想一想。Before you spend, earn. 在你花錢之前,先去賺錢。Before you pray, forgive. 在你禱告之前,先去原諒。Before you hate, love. 在你仇恨之前,先去愛。Before you quit, try. 在你放棄之前,先去試試看。Before you die, live. 在你死之前,先好好地活一場。“每次打開都能聽到舒服的聲音,內容即能得到知識和一些想法,更重要的是不會有要用力聽才能聽清楚的壓力。”Cafe58 via Apple Podcasts · Taiwan · 06/26/21親愛的大人物先生(Mr. B),這是我最難寫的一封信,在你出差的21天,我每天都想你。我想念你的毛毛手,我想念你的dirty blond hair(金褐髮),我想念你的ㄧ切。當你在LA出差的時候,你用中文手寫的訊息,說你好想我,我好開心...讓我有了精神繼續我新上任的工作。當你在IDAHO跟父母在一起時,你打來長途電話,讓我很開心。你在機場打給我告訴我你錯過班機,我也好開心,我真的不得不承認,我真的好喜歡你想到我,打電話給我。接你飛機的前一天,我好累又興奮的趕到你家,請你的室友Sandra幫我開門,讓我住在你家,我想買些東西給你吃,預備好給你ㄧ些小驚喜。那天我真的好想念你,但沒想到你的班機竟延遲了十六個小時,讓我等待你的時間加長了,我倒數著距離你下飛機的小時數,雖然公司出了突發狀況,我必須要工作,但是我卻一點也不覺得辛苦,我想我真的好興奮能見到你。在機場見到你,感覺你好像變胖了一些,看到我後你把我手上零零碎碎的東西一一卸下,把我抱起來。回到家後,我們一起吃著泡麵,我覺得好幸福。你給我的小禮物,我真的很喜歡。也很受寵若驚,我想我知道我在你心裡的重量。你知道嗎?我真的覺得我好喜歡你,雖然我怕我說出這句話之後你就消失不見了,那天晚上,我跟你說,"I think I like you"(我想我喜歡你) "I think it's more than like" (我想應該比喜歡還要多)我講不出來...我想說的其實是 I love you.......我已經在心裡喊了好幾百遍了...我好想對你說這句話without thinking about if you love me or not.....(不要想你是否愛我)但是我卻步了...我好害怕...我真的好怕.....沒想到愛一個人的快樂尾隨的是恐懼。在我最難過的時候我找不到你...在最難過的時候,你在約會...我真的很難過....今天希望你快樂的我,卻變得不快樂......我真的希望你快樂啊,但我應該怎麼作?我真希望我可以不要感覺這些感覺...真的很複雜......寫於2006.6.1What would you do with your life if you had a guarantee of success? 如果你有成功的保證,你會用你的生命做什麼?If I had a guarantee of success, I’d travel the world, own my business and start a family.如果我有成功的保證,我會環遊世界,擁有我自己的生意,然後組建家庭。明天我們會來探討這個問題:What would you do with your life if money wasn’t an issue? 如果錢不是問題,你會用你的生命做什麼?請訂閱關注收聽Part 10!(本系列最後一集)我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line/IG/FB:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/28/202119 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

1301 我交往的第一個外國男朋友,他問我的10個問題讓我找到人生的目的(Part 8)

I’m afraid you won’t love me anymore. 我害怕你不再愛我。I’m afraid I’m going to lose you.我害怕我將失去你。I’m afraid you’re going to replace me and find someone better than me. 我害怕你會找到比我更好的人取代我。I’m afraid someone can make you happier than I can. 我害怕有人會比我更會逗你開心。I’m afraid you will lose interest in me, in us. 我害怕你會對我和我們不再感興趣。這張圖片是不用用他新寵兒的掌上型電腦UMPC畫圖傳MSN給我,收集的圖片。嘻嘻,他一定是知道我會展示出來獻寶。至於他為什麼要畫一個小內褲在那邊...ㄟ...聽說他好像到了為"維多利亞的秘密Victoria Secret"幫我買了一個東西吧!這傢伙,算他狠,我跟他說叫他也買ㄧ件丁字褲給自己啊!回來我們來開內衣PARTY好嚕!嘻嘻~他快回來嚕!好期待唷!!What would you do with your life if you had no fear? 如果你沒有恐懼,你會用你的生命做什麼?I’d travel as far as I could and share everything I experienced on the road if I had no fear. 我r如果我什麼都不怕,我會盡可能去遠方旅行,然後分享我在路上所有體驗到的東西。***What you want is on the other side of the fear! 你想要的都在恐懼的那一端。明天我們會來探討這個問題:What would you do with your life if you had a guarantee of success? 如果你有成功的保證,你會用你的生命做什麼?請訂閱關注收聽Part 9!我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line/IG/FB:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/26/202111 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

1301 我交往的第一個外國男朋友,他問我的10個問題讓我找到人生的目的(Part 8)

I’m afraid you won’t love me anymore. 我害怕你不再愛我。I’m afraid I’m going to lose you.我害怕我將失去你。I’m afraid you’re going to replace me and find someone better than me. 我害怕你會找到比我更好的人取代我。I’m afraid someone can make you happier than I can. 我害怕有人會比我更會逗你開心。I’m afraid you will lose interest in me, in us. 我害怕你會對我和我們不再感興趣。這張圖片是不用用他新寵兒的掌上型電腦UMPC畫圖傳MSN給我,收集的圖片。嘻嘻,他一定是知道我會展示出來獻寶。至於他為什麼要畫一個小內褲在那邊...ㄟ...聽說他好像到了為"維多利亞的秘密Victoria Secret"幫我買了一個東西吧!這傢伙,算他狠,我跟他說叫他也買ㄧ件丁字褲給自己啊!回來我們來開內衣PARTY好嚕!嘻嘻~他快回來嚕!好期待唷!!What would you do with your life if you had no fear? 如果你沒有恐懼,你會用你的生命做什麼?I’d travel as far as I could and share everything I experienced on the road if I had no fear. 我r如果我什麼都不怕,我會盡可能去遠方旅行,然後分享我在路上所有體驗到的東西。***What you want is on the other side of the fear! 你想要的都在恐懼的那一端。明天我們會來探討這個問題:What would you do with your life if you had a guarantee of success? 如果你有成功的保證,你會用你的生命做什麼?請訂閱關注收聽Part 9!我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line/IG/FB:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/26/202111 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

1300 我交往的第一個外國男朋友,他問我的10個問題讓我找到人生的目的(Part 7)

“If it's bitter at the start, then it's sweeter in the end.”― Madonna這是"先苦後甘"的英文,在Madonna的新歌Get Together聽到很有感覺。我常常覺得,每個人一生中吃的苦頭大多差不多,但有分先吃完晚吃完之分,所以啊,如果現在眼前有一大堆的困難挑戰,不要輕易放棄這個可以磨練自己砥礪心智的機會。我很開心現在接的這個工作這麼有挑戰性,雖然最近真是忙翻了沒什麼睡,但是想到可以學的事情好多,可以發展的很多,就覺得十分興奮。最重要是主任也很支持我鼓勵我,聽我的看法和意見。縱使我知道前面的路很艱辛,很辛苦,但是我相信我們一定可以咬緊牙關度過。還有目前,在地球兩端的我們...昨天在螢幕前看他用手寫訊息傳過來的中文"我好想你"。整個人要凍結了...很感動,真的,不管是真的是假的是安慰是思念...我想把這些感動,都收藏起來。一種無法言喻的Bittersweet…(苦中帶甜的)(寫於2006.5.13)If you had 5 minutes and the whole world was forced to listen, what would you say? 如果你有五分鐘,讓整個世界都強迫聽你說話,你會說什麼?I would talk about love, forgiveness, and life purpose. 我會談論愛、原諒、還有生命的目的。明天我們會來探討這個問題:What would you do with your life if you had no fear? 如果你沒有恐懼,你會用你的生命做什麼?請訂閱關注收聽Part 8!我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line/IG/FB:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/25/20219 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

1300 我交往的第一個外國男朋友,他問我的10個問題讓我找到人生的目的(Part 7)

“If it's bitter at the start, then it's sweeter in the end.”― Madonna這是"先苦後甘"的英文,在Madonna的新歌Get Together聽到很有感覺。我常常覺得,每個人一生中吃的苦頭大多差不多,但有分先吃完晚吃完之分,所以啊,如果現在眼前有一大堆的困難挑戰,不要輕易放棄這個可以磨練自己砥礪心智的機會。我很開心現在接的這個工作這麼有挑戰性,雖然最近真是忙翻了沒什麼睡,但是想到可以學的事情好多,可以發展的很多,就覺得十分興奮。最重要是主任也很支持我鼓勵我,聽我的看法和意見。縱使我知道前面的路很艱辛,很辛苦,但是我相信我們一定可以咬緊牙關度過。還有目前,在地球兩端的我們...昨天在螢幕前看他用手寫訊息傳過來的中文"我好想你"。整個人要凍結了...很感動,真的,不管是真的是假的是安慰是思念...我想把這些感動,都收藏起來。一種無法言喻的Bittersweet…(苦中帶甜的)(寫於2006.5.13)If you had 5 minutes and the whole world was forced to listen, what would you say? 如果你有五分鐘,讓整個世界都強迫聽你說話,你會說什麼?I would talk about love, forgiveness, and life purpose. 我會談論愛、原諒、還有生命的目的。明天我們會來探討這個問題:What would you do with your life if you had no fear? 如果你沒有恐懼,你會用你的生命做什麼?請訂閱關注收聽Part 8!我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line/IG/FB:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/25/20219 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

1299 我交往的第一個外國男朋友,他問我的10個問題讓我找到人生的目的(Part 6)

The capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill, the willingness to learn is a choice.能夠學習的才能是天賦,學習的能力是技巧,然而學習的意願是一種選擇。寫完"重新開始"後,我的心情真的輕鬆了不少。不用在他面前試著變成一個他想要的有趣的人,作朋友很輕鬆只要不要超過界線就不會模糊 困惑...我拿起手機,想要問他好不好,他的聲音聽起來很開朗,他說他拿到他新工作預付的薪水,可以帶我去他一直想要帶我去吃的義大利餐廳晚餐。我也好開心的說,好啊!聽到你的聲音真好!下午,充滿了好心情,開始盛裝打扮,把我好久沒穿的洋裝和大衣拿出來燙平,到了補習班,班主任一看到我就虧我,"Lily!!!你約會齁~~~~~~"結果一整天有好多人說我好漂亮...我就說:因為今天我要約會啊!!!不知道爲什麼,很開心,他帶我出去晚餐,也是第一次他特別約我請我。不過也是好久之前他說他拿到他新工作的薪水就要帶我去這間義大利餐廳,沒想到,他果真是說到做到的人。雖然晚上下著大雨,但是我們的約會進行的很順利,他沒有抱怨太多工作的事,我點了我最喜歡的Frozen Margarita (瑪格麗特冰沙)有點微醺後,我才開始打開了話夾子...後來我們就在桌子上用蠟筆塗鴉我們的英文中文名字他說,他覺得我們兩個,應該前世有因緣(在一起)之類的,所以到今世才又來"糾纏不清"(這是我自己加的啦!)我大笑,很難想像一個外國人,跟我講前世因果之類的話...不過...其實我深有同感....(大笑加點頭很用力),整晚下來,我們似乎都很認同要繼續只當朋友這件事。後來我們到誠品逛逛地下室的衣服,他跟我說,他想要看我怎麼跟陌生人說話,因為他一直很害羞,他想要認識更多有趣的人,但是一直有障礙跟他感興趣的人聊天。可是這對於我有一年業務經驗,作保險的時候,我以前最常做的事就是在咖啡館和馬路上撘訕人,也因此交到了不少朋友,這是很輕而易舉的事,還要看我有沒有那個心情呢!訣竅其實沒什麼,就是"表現出你對人的興趣",通常會碰到防衛心很重的人,但是他們還是會很開心告訴你有關他們的事。卡內基的書上說:人們都渴望談論他們自己。(這本書叫做《人性的弱點》,How to Win Friends and Influence Others written by Dale Carneigie, 戴爾卡內基著)後來我成功的搭訕了Bjorn有興趣認識的一位妹妹,讓他印象深刻!哈!(寫於2006.4.30)What would you do differently with your education if you got a chance to start over? 如果你有機會重來,你會對你接受的教育中做些什麼不一樣的事情?I’d look at it in a different perspective and learn as much as I can and help others. 我會用不同的面向來看待教育,也會試著努力學習來幫助其他人。明天我們會來探討這個問題:If you had 5 minutes and the whole world was forced to listen, what would you say? 如果你有五分鐘,讓整個世界都強迫你說話,你會說什麼?請訂閱關注收聽Part 7!我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line/IG/FB:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/24/202110 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

1298 我交往的第一個外國男朋友,他問我的10個問題讓我找到人生的目的(Part 5)

本日格言:Fall in love with someone who doesn't make you think love is hard. 和一個不會讓你覺得愛是很困難的人戀愛。聽眾的五星評價:原来我等待的是高雄吗?“关注lily很久了,应该有三四年,但因为苹果手机丢了就没有再听o最近买了iPad,看总有一个关于“高雄”的弹出提醒」心里还纳闷,谁?怎么知道我在关注这个地方呢?因为过去一年有喜欢的一个人,他是高雄人,因为疫情一直没有回大陆工作。所以我看了高雄的息一年。现在他回来了,就坐在我身边,但已经没有喜欢的感觉了,他也说他有意中人在台湾等他。但关注高雄像有了习惯,像还有喜欢的人在那儿一样。现在听@Fly with Lily,知道原来高雄有打拘啤酒,高雄人自己也不知道呢,他也不知吧?希望有天去高雄.到高雄港看日落. Lily,我想要高雄港的明信片,谢谢您哦~:让我听到关于它的事情”Rosa Si via Apple Podcasts · China · 06/06/212006.4.27的日記他內心有個空洞我知道我填不滿它當親蜜愛人太沉重還是選擇退一步再作朋友吧!不知道為什麼,作了這個決定,感覺忽然輕鬆很多,雖然知道一開始對我們都很不好受,如果他沒有辦法照你的期望愛自己妳也沒辦法成為他想要的愛人如果 早看到這點就應該勇敢去結束交往只是一種形式最重要的是 愛 感情 感覺我對他的感覺仍然是不變的我沒有放棄他只是我比較愛自己因為自己是一輩子的愛人不要在愛情裡迷失了自己因為這樣不值得愛情會老 會變質最重要的是自己是不是活的有價值當然 遇到一個肯欣賞的人是真的很幸運的事曾經 我也遇過一個肯欣賞我的人可是 我還真不懂得珍惜現在 才發現能遇到一個懂自己的人是多麼難...不過,想清楚之後,我覺得我還是一顆未發育完全的鑽石,應該多花一點時間,琢磨自己,讓自己發光發熱,而不是,渴求別人的肯定。好了!就這樣!再出發吧!(寫於2006.4.27)今天的探索問題:Whose life do you envy the most and why? 你最羨慕誰的生活,為什麼呢?I envy people who have managed to combine travelling the world, owning their own businesses and properties, and having great relationships with their families and partners.  我羨慕有人可以結合環遊世界,擁有他們的生意還有地產,然後又可以和他們的家人和伴侶保持良好關係的人。明天我們會來探討這個問題:What would you do differently with your education if you got a chance to start over? 如果你有機會重來,你會對你接受的教育中做些什麼不一樣的事情?請訂閱關注收聽Part 6!我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line/IG/FB:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/23/202115 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

1298 我交往的第一個外國男朋友,他問我的10個問題讓我找到人生的目的(Part 5)

本日格言:Fall in love with someone who doesn't make you think love is hard. 和一個不會讓你覺得愛是很困難的人戀愛。聽眾的五星評價:原来我等待的是高雄吗?“关注lily很久了,应该有三四年,但因为苹果手机丢了就没有再听o最近买了iPad,看总有一个关于“高雄”的弹出提醒」心里还纳闷,谁?怎么知道我在关注这个地方呢?因为过去一年有喜欢的一个人,他是高雄人,因为疫情一直没有回大陆工作。所以我看了高雄的息一年。现在他回来了,就坐在我身边,但已经没有喜欢的感觉了,他也说他有意中人在台湾等他。但关注高雄像有了习惯,像还有喜欢的人在那儿一样。现在听@Fly with Lily,知道原来高雄有打拘啤酒,高雄人自己也不知道呢,他也不知吧?希望有天去高雄.到高雄港看日落. Lily,我想要高雄港的明信片,谢谢您哦~:让我听到关于它的事情”Rosa Si via Apple Podcasts · China · 06/06/212006.4.27的日記他內心有個空洞我知道我填不滿它當親蜜愛人太沉重還是選擇退一步再作朋友吧!不知道為什麼,作了這個決定,感覺忽然輕鬆很多,雖然知道一開始對我們都很不好受,如果他沒有辦法照你的期望愛自己妳也沒辦法成為他想要的愛人如果 早看到這點就應該勇敢去結束交往只是一種形式最重要的是 愛 感情 感覺我對他的感覺仍然是不變的我沒有放棄他只是我比較愛自己因為自己是一輩子的愛人不要在愛情裡迷失了自己因為這樣不值得愛情會老 會變質最重要的是自己是不是活的有價值當然 遇到一個肯欣賞的人是真的很幸運的事曾經 我也遇過一個肯欣賞我的人可是 我還真不懂得珍惜現在 才發現能遇到一個懂自己的人是多麼難...不過,想清楚之後,我覺得我還是一顆未發育完全的鑽石,應該多花一點時間,琢磨自己,讓自己發光發熱,而不是,渴求別人的肯定。好了!就這樣!再出發吧!(寫於2006.4.27)今天的探索問題:Whose life do you envy the most and why? 你最羨慕誰的生活,為什麼呢?I envy people who have managed to combine travelling the world, owning their own businesses and properties, and having great relationships with their families and partners.  我羨慕有人可以結合環遊世界,擁有他們的生意還有地產,然後又可以和他們的家人和伴侶保持良好關係的人。明天我們會來探討這個問題:What would you do differently with your education if you got a chance to start over? 如果你有機會重來,你會對你接受的教育中做些什麼不一樣的事情?請訂閱關注收聽Part 6!我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line/IG/FB:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/23/202115 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

1297 我交往的第一個外國男朋友,他問我的10個問題讓我找到人生的目的(Part 4)

有吃過麻油雞口味的冰淇淋嗎??終於來到慕名已久的位在台北中正區的雪王冰淇淋,共有七十三種口味從普遍廣受喜歡的巧克力、草莓口味到其他無法想像的豬腳、芥末、麻油雞、牛排口味但還好它沒有像我前陣子買的哈利波特的魔豆(magic beans)那樣有肥皂(soap) 灰塵(dust) 甚至鼻屎口味(booger)的所以請放心,此店賣的冰淇淋,還沒有怪到這麼噁心!托我怪怪男友的福,似乎不夠奇怪的東西沒有辦法吸引他。他點了麻油雞冰淇淋,因為前一天他才吃了麻油雞當晚餐。很興奮的他,還立刻傳了簡訊給他的朋友,說他正在吃麻油雞冰淇淋。我點番茄, 我的香港朋友Carrie點薑汁。都算可以接受。但是Bjorn最後被麻油雞冰的乾乾雞肉打敗,沒有吃完。我們說好下次要帶日本朋友ENDO來吃芥茉口味的。哈!真期待!!!(寫於2006.4.17)~~~Flavors of normal Ice Cream: Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla, 冰淇淋的口味正常款:巧克力、草莓、香草我喜歡的美國冰淇淋Ben & Jerry會有的特別的口味Chocolate Brownie(巧克力布朗尼)、Strawberry Cheese Cake(草莓起士蛋糕)、Cookie Dough (餅乾麵團)雪王冰淇淋怪怪版本:豬腳(Pork Knuckle)、芥末(Mustard)、麻油雞(Sesame Oil Chicken、牛排Steak)今天探討妳此生渴望還有人生意義的問題:What do you like doing so much that you lose track of time? 什麼是你很喜歡做又會忘記時間的事?Exploring a new place and getting to know interesting people I have only just met with some nice food and drinks on the side. 探索新地方還有一邊吃好吃和好喝的來認識有趣的人。明天我們會來探討這個問題:Whose life do you envy the most and why? 你最羨慕誰的生活,為什麼呢?請訂閱關注收聽Part 5!我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line/IG/FB:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/22/202112 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

1297 我交往的第一個外國男朋友,他問我的10個問題讓我找到人生的目的(Part 4)

有吃過麻油雞口味的冰淇淋嗎??終於來到慕名已久的位在台北中正區的雪王冰淇淋,共有七十三種口味從普遍廣受喜歡的巧克力、草莓口味到其他無法想像的豬腳、芥末、麻油雞、牛排口味但還好它沒有像我前陣子買的哈利波特的魔豆(magic beans)那樣有肥皂(soap) 灰塵(dust) 甚至鼻屎口味(booger)的所以請放心,此店賣的冰淇淋,還沒有怪到這麼噁心!托我怪怪男友的福,似乎不夠奇怪的東西沒有辦法吸引他。他點了麻油雞冰淇淋,因為前一天他才吃了麻油雞當晚餐。很興奮的他,還立刻傳了簡訊給他的朋友,說他正在吃麻油雞冰淇淋。我點番茄, 我的香港朋友Carrie點薑汁。都算可以接受。但是Bjorn最後被麻油雞冰的乾乾雞肉打敗,沒有吃完。我們說好下次要帶日本朋友ENDO來吃芥茉口味的。哈!真期待!!!(寫於2006.4.17)~~~Flavors of normal Ice Cream: Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla, 冰淇淋的口味正常款:巧克力、草莓、香草我喜歡的美國冰淇淋Ben & Jerry會有的特別的口味Chocolate Brownie(巧克力布朗尼)、Strawberry Cheese Cake(草莓起士蛋糕)、Cookie Dough (餅乾麵團)雪王冰淇淋怪怪版本:豬腳(Pork Knuckle)、芥末(Mustard)、麻油雞(Sesame Oil Chicken、牛排Steak)今天探討妳此生渴望還有人生意義的問題:What do you like doing so much that you lose track of time? 什麼是你很喜歡做又會忘記時間的事?Exploring a new place and getting to know interesting people I have only just met with some nice food and drinks on the side. 探索新地方還有一邊吃好吃和好喝的來認識有趣的人。明天我們會來探討這個問題:Whose life do you envy the most and why? 你最羨慕誰的生活,為什麼呢?請訂閱關注收聽Part 5!我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line/IG/FB:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/22/202112 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

1296 我交往的第一個外國男朋友,他問我的10個問題讓我找到人生的目的(Part 3)

Have you had the feeling that someone is turning the path of your life? 你有沒有過這種感覺就是某人正在改變你人生的道路?And you are aware that something different and special is about to happen?又或著有覺知到可能特別或不一樣的事情就要發生?You can't feel more alive and you have a new feeling toward things.而且你感覺充滿生氣對事物有了新的感覺呢?最近看了一本漫畫叫 "達令是外國人"作者是日本女生,她跟一位義大利人交往內容是紀錄平日她們生活的點點滴滴,很好笑喔!對異國戀情有興趣的人可以去瞧瞧。我在書局看的時候,忍不住笑了出來,趕快摀住嘴巴,不然我真是會大笑的讓整間書局的人聽到。可能也是因為自己也在談一段異國戀情吧!所以特別有感觸。其實這樣的感情,除了有可能語言不通外,文化上的差異也是很辛苦要去克服的部份。不要看異國戀情好像新奇刺激,私底下,為了要調整彼此的個性差異,可是會吃不少苦頭的喔!最近看到一句話"人生不是得到就是學到"沒有什麼好害怕失去的,反正人來到世上,還不是光光的什麼都沒有,走的時候帶不走任何東西,能保有,會想念的是----愛我想不管怎樣,都要珍惜眼前的這段緣份。有緣,才能在茫茫人海中相遇 相戀或許對方是可以拉你一把,讓你發現人生意義的小天使,交往,只是一種形式,而人生中最可貴的,往往不是形式上的。而是感情、感覺和愛不要失去控制的去愛,不要佔有的愛,不要忌妒的愛,那樣才是真愛。尋找一份永恆的愛的我 ^_^(寫於2006.3.29)What is your favorite topic to talk about? 什麼是你最喜歡談論的話題?I love talking about travel and self-development topics, in particular related to spirituality and the purpose of life. 我熱愛了旅行還有自我成長的話題,特別是有關精神方面還有人生的目的。明天我們會來探討這個問題:What do you like doing so much that you lose track of time? 什麼是你很喜歡做又會忘記時間的事?請訂閱關注收聽Part 4!我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line/IG/FB:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/21/202111 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

1295 我交往的第一個外國男朋友,他問我的10個問題讓我找到人生的目的(Part 2)

來自2006年3月15日的日記:那是第一次,聽你講別的女生,我忌妒了,甩掉本來挽著你的手,生氣的嘟嘴,你笑著說,"對不起,但這次你必須要牽我的手。"第一次,你在大街牽著我的手我的心裡,感覺甜蜜蜜的,希望你永遠都不會放開。在別人的眼裡我們到底像什麼?對我而言,不重要。我好奇的是,對你而言。第一次,看了一部我們都好喜歡的電影-Me and You and Everyone We Know正當我們都驚呼著今天不可能再更美好時,我們又更確定彼此的感覺和存在。You whispered…(你輕聲說...)“I've found someone and 100% sure.” (你找到真命天女而且百分百確定。)That's the answer I've been longing for.(這就是我期待已久的答案。)Part 2 深層了解你此生的渴望,問題:When you were a child, what did you dream of doing when you grew up? 當你還是小孩的時候,你曾經夢想過長大會做什麼嗎?I dreamt about milking cows in the mountain meadows of Tibet. I even wrote a composition about it. I could see myself in an open green field, wearing a traditional tibetan outfit petting animals. The air is moist and filled with the fresh mint smell. I have the rugged mountains behind me. 我曾夢想在西藏山上的草坪上擠牛奶,我還寫了一篇作文,那篇作文裡,我可以看見自己在一個開放的綠色田野,穿著傳統的西藏服飾在摸動物。空氣濕濕的還有充滿了新鮮薄荷的香味,我背後還有綿延的山脈。明天我們會來探討這個問題:What is your favorite topic to talk about? 什麼是你最喜歡談論的話題?請訂閱關注收聽Part 3!我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line/IG/FB:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/20/202114 minutes, 16 seconds
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1294 我交往的第一個外國男朋友,他問我的10個問題讓我找到人生的目的(Part 1)

分享真實故事:我交往的第一個外國男朋友節目中提到的英語實用句:What do I want to do with my life? 我想要做什麼?What is the purpose of my life? 我的人生使命是什麼?Fancy seeing you here! 好巧哦,在這見到你!It’s so funny that I kept bumping into you. 好奇怪怎麼一直撞見你。It’s your birthday! Let me buy you brunch tomorrow! 你生日!明天我請你吃早午餐吧!What is your personality like? 你的個性是怎麼樣的?你是怎麼樣的人?What would you do in five years? 五年後會做什麼?What’s holding you back? 什麼事情在阻擋妳做這件事?第一個問題:What was your favorite thing to do growing up? 你長大過程中最喜歡做的事情?What I can remember are three favorite things. The first one is exploring the neighborhood with my neighbors and friends. The second is studying English and discovering the intricacies of the language and culture. Thirdly, I remember how much I loved reading  personal development books and how they made me feel happier. 我記住的有三件我最喜歡做的事,第一個就是和我的鄰居和朋友探索我們家附近的地區。第二個就是學英語還有了解這個語言和文化的細節和錯綜複雜處。第三,我記得我好喜歡讀一些自我成長的書籍,還有那些書籍如何讓我感覺更快樂了。明天我們會來探討這個問題:When you were a child, what did you dream of doing when you grew up? 當你還是小孩的時候,你曾經夢想過長大會做什麼嗎?請訂閱關注收聽Part 2!我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line/IG/FB:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/20/202114 minutes, 12 seconds
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1293 早晨好重要 | 名人的早起習慣還有我堅持早起一年的心得

Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can tell you what kind of day you will have.早晨是一天重要的一天,以為你如何度過你的早晨可以說明你會擁有什麼樣的一天。分享:我早晨做了什麼,感覺~每天日更讓我有很好的習慣。Richard Branson wakes up at 5am every morning so that he can “achieve so much more in a day, and therefore in life.” 維京航空創辦人Richard Branson 每天早上五點起來,因為他可以「在一天裡成就的更多,所以在生活上也是。」For Oprah Winfrey, 20 minutes of morning meditation fills her with "hope, a sense of contentment and deep joy." 美國知名女主人Oprah Winfrey 早上20分鐘的打坐可以給她希望、滿足感還有深層的喜悅。Every morning, Steve Jobs would get up, make his bed, and then look himself in the mirror and ask "If today was the last day of my life, would I be happy with what I'm about to do today?" 每天早上,蘋果電腦的創辦人Steve Jobs會起來,把床鋪鋪好,然後在鏡子裡看著自己問:「如果今天是我生命的最後一天,我會對我今天即將要做的事情感覺開心嗎?」A major belief of Tony Robbins: “If you don't have 10 spare minutes to work on yourself every morning, then you don't have a life.” 世界級激勵大師Tony Robbins說:「如果你每天早上沒有十分鐘來做自我成長,你只是存在著。」Both Warren Buffett and Bill Gates credit their success to focusing on one thing at a time (vs multi-tasking, which actually doesn’t help us get more done!). 世界首富Warren Buffett和比爾蓋茲他們將他們的成功歸在他們只在一個時間專注一件事情上,相較於一心多用的我們並沒有做得更多!Almost everyone listed above makes daily exercise a habit, as the routine and goal-setting aspects help keep them focused. 上面列出的人都將每日練習成為一種習慣,把它變成每日的日常還有目標設定的面向讓他們可以保持專注。
6/18/202118 minutes, 2 seconds
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1292 知道WFH的意思嗎?想要和你分享HOPE!| 焦慮來臨給自己的十句英語肯定句

WFH = work from home 在家工作H.O.P.E 希望這四個字母代表:Hold on. 等一等。Pain ends. 痛苦就會結束了。This feeling won't last forever. 這感覺不會永遠都在。Thoughts and emotions aren't facts. 想法和情緒都不是現實狀況。3. I can feel anxious and still handle this.  我感到焦慮但是我能夠處理。4. My bravery is stronger than my fear. 我的膽子比我的恐懼還要更強大。5. I am safe right now. 我現在是安全的。6. Anxiety is reminding me to slow down my breathing. 焦慮是在提醒我去放慢我的呼吸。7. I’ve survived other tough times before, and I will be resilient this time, too. 我已經從其他艱難的時刻活過來,我一定也會也立刻恢復好狀態的。8. This feeling is a normal reaction. I will use my coping tools to respond with thoughtfulness and self-compassion. 這個感覺是一個正常的反應。我會替自己設想和給自己同情的工具來回應這些感覺。9. I don’t have to figure this all out right now; I will trust the process. 我不需要現在就把這些想清楚;我相信這個過程。10. Thank you anxiety for always trying to look out for me, but it’s okay now; I got this! 謝謝焦慮感一直在看護著我,現在我沒關係了。我可以的!我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line:@flywithlily為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/18/202115 minutes, 45 seconds
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1291 送給正與焦慮共存的你 |焦慮的十種症狀

Anxiety isn't weakness. Living with anxiety, turning up and doing stuff with anxiety, takes astrength most will never know. 焦慮並不是一種缺點。和焦慮共存,還是出現做該做的事情,需要大部分人都不了解的勇氣。You always imagine the worst in every scenario. 你總是在每個狀況下設想最糟糕的情形。You overthink about the smallest of things. 你對很小的事總是想很多。You have trouble falling asleep even when you are sleep deprived. 即使你已經睡不飽了,你還是很難睡著。You reject invitations even if you want to go out. 即使想要出門,你還是會拒絕邀請。You constantly feel scared of saying something stupid and wrong. 你經常害怕會說出愚蠢的和錯誤的話。You always compare yourself with others. 你總是和別人比較。You are easily worried with words of concern. 你很容易擔心,並且說出擔憂的話語。You get very nervous when you think about the future. 當你想到未來你總是很緊張。You blame yourself when others don't reply to your messages. 別人不回你信息,你就會責怪自己。You feel unwell physically and mentally, most of the time. 大多時間,你會感覺生理和心理上都不是很舒適。*提醒昨天的1290音頻有更換,最近投資了Envato Elements的素材庫,所以開始最近在玩一些音效,大家可以幫我聽聽看喜不喜歡這樣的搭配我的微信公眾帳號:iflyclub(貴旅特),我的Line:@flywithlily 來關注最近旅行英語和早起訓練營的消息!為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/17/202116 minutes, 20 seconds
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1290 我旅行的原因是?|學習的好奇心,探索如何用英語講“求籤”這件事

I travel because life is short and the world is huge. 我旅行是因為生命很短暫然而世界很大。推薦書目:寂天出版《用英語遊Taipei》,摘自P48STEP 1 Clearly explain who you are.Inform En Chu Kong of your name, age, date of birth, address, and the reason you are seeking his help. You must cast a saint throw to have the opportunity to draw a bamboo stick for divination. The basic principle is that only one matter can be addressed by each divination stick.STEP 2 Draw a bamboo stick. One divination stick is drawn from a bucket of bamboo sticks. Memorize the number of the stick and return it to the bucket for the next user. Next, the inquirer must cast a saint throw again to make sure the number on the drawn stick is what the god wants. The inquirer mustchoose a new bamboo stick until he or she is able to cast a saint throw.STEP 3 Get the divination. Proceed to the administration desk, where you will receive an oracle that matches the number from the stickSTEP 4 Have your oracle explained. The staff of the temple will help explain the message clearly.為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/15/202120 minutes, 5 seconds
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1289 妳為什麼總是在這裡?| 教妳如何和外國人聊“擲筊” Bwa-bway

Why are you always gone? Why are you always here?為什麼妳總是不在?為什麼妳總是在這裡?If we were meant to stay in one place we would have roots instead of feet.Fortune-telling 擲筊(更正中文發音:JIAO,像“交”)“Bwa-bway"(Taiwanese)is a traditional Taoist ritual. The means of doing it are fairly simple: just throw two halt-moon shaped pieces of wood as you ask a question to the god. The bwa-bway set is considered a communication tool from the god. Both half-moon shaped pieces are red and have one flat side. The way they land determines the god's answer.聖筊 Saint throw: If one piece lands with the flat side up and one with the flat sidedown, the god is saying yes to your question.笑筊 Laughing throw: A combination of two flat sides facing up indicates the question was not clearly asked or the answer is obvious in the heart of the inquirer so asking the god is unnecessary because one already knows the answer.陰筊 Lunar throw: A combination of both pieces landing flat side down gives a "no" answer to your question.**摘自《用英語遊Taipei》p47 寂天出版社為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!
6/14/202118 minutes, 29 seconds
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1288 Daily affirmation for difficult time 在困難時刻練習的每日肯定句

Daily affirmation for difficult time 在困難時刻練習的每日肯定句1. I'm managing well during this time. 這個困難的時刻,我處理得當。2. Things always work out for me. 事情總是會往好的方向去。3. I’m a strong person and can overcome any setbacks. 我是一個堅強的人而且能夠克服任何挫折。4. I have control over my life and home. 我能控制我的生活和家(雖然不能改變外面的局勢)。5. The actions I take lead me in the right direction. 今天我做的行動帶領我到正確的方向。6. The world needs my unique contributions. 這個世界需要我獨特天賦的貢獻。7. I can solve problems and find solutions. 我可以解決問題還有找到方法。這七句話每天念七次,念一個禮拜,就能讓心情長久的平靜下來~然後6.14我們播客頻道又會再見了!謝謝聽眾在Apple Podcast給我的五星評價:“想環遊世界,但沒有機會,但是聽老師分享去旅行的故事,又與我們分享當地的風俗習慣與好吃的,跟語法跟單字的意思,超級有收穫的,謝謝妳。”小明 via Apple Podcasts · Taiwan · 06/02/21“不只學習到英文,還能接收到老師良好的價值觀,對未來充滿著期待。”Yuli via Apple Podcasts · Taiwan · 06/04/21為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!(活動延長至 7.1)
6/8/202111 minutes, 10 seconds
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1288 Daily affirmation for difficult time 在困難時刻練習的每日肯定句

Daily affirmation for difficult time 在困難時刻練習的每日肯定句1. I'm managing well during this time. 這個困難的時刻,我處理得當。2. Things always work out for me. 事情總是會往好的方向去。3. I’m a strong person and can overcome any setbacks. 我是一個堅強的人而且能夠克服任何挫折。4. I have control over my life and home. 我能控制我的生活和家(雖然不能改變外面的局勢)。5. The actions I take lead me in the right direction. 今天我做的行動帶領我到正確的方向。6. The world needs my unique contributions. 這個世界需要我獨特天賦的貢獻。7. I can solve problems and find solutions. 我可以解決問題還有找到方法。這七句話每天念七次,念一個禮拜,就能讓心情長久的平靜下來~然後6.14我們播客頻道又會再見了!謝謝聽眾在Apple Podcast給我的五星評價:“想環遊世界,但沒有機會,但是聽老師分享去旅行的故事,又與我們分享當地的風俗習慣與好吃的,跟語法跟單字的意思,超級有收穫的,謝謝妳。”小明 via Apple Podcasts · Taiwan · 06/02/21“不只學習到英文,還能接收到老師良好的價值觀,對未來充滿著期待。”Yuli via Apple Podcasts · Taiwan · 06/04/21為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!(活動延長至 7.1)
6/8/202111 minutes, 10 seconds
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1287 我的心在這兩者之間擺盪 |有天你會逃離你的城市嗎

節目更正:明信片活動延長至2021.7.1My heart swings back and forth between the need for routine and the urge to run.我的心總是擺盪在對常規的需要還有想要跑走的衝動。他們會回答這個問題:Would you ever run away someday?有天你們會逃離高雄嗎?Angela’s IG: blameitonthekidzMaybe. If I get used to, if I think my life gets too easy and I want something hard again, I might run away just for the challenge to change the pace of things.或許吧。如果我太習慣在高雄的生活,忽然我想要在挑戰自己來改換下生活的步調。Donny’s IG: freediveandthrive,Podcast叫做Thrivers PodcastI already ran away to Xiaoliuqiu Island, which is, um, uh, about one hour and a half travel South of Kaohsiung. It's a small Island off the Southwest coast of Taiwan. So yes, I did run away, but it's, uh, close enough to Kaohsiung that I can visit any day of the week.我已經逃離高雄到了往南一個半小時之外的小琉球。小琉球是一個在台灣西南海域的小島。所以是的。我已經逃離了,但是因為離高雄夠近,所以我一星期裡隨時都可以去高雄。Podcast 將會停更至6.14再開始上傳新一季的節目
6/6/202113 minutes, 3 seconds
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1284 生命在於創造自己 |高雄因為什麼出名?

原来英语和旅行可以这样子 很羡慕lily能用英语环游世界,这世界我们只来一次 我们为什么不去做自己喜欢做的事情。去看自己的的风景 去见自己喜欢的人呢!听了lily的节目之后仿佛找到自己的生活方式,现在每天都在努力学习英语,希望能早点能说一口流利的英语 我想我马来西亚最好的朋友她看到的话看到的她一定会很开心的 (来自喜马拉雅FM农公子的五星评价)今日格言:Life isn’t about finding yourself; life is about creating yourself.生命不在找尋自己,而在創造自己。他們會回答這個問題:Is Kaohsiung famous for anything?高雄因為什麼出名嗎?Angela:I think if for some of the buildings, so there's 85 building there's Lotus ponds. And also there's I know Kaohsiung is definitely number one for some kind of foods and also for Takao beer. Yeah. It has its own local brewery. Takao Beer. 我認為它是因為某些建築著名,像是八五大樓,還有蓮池潭。還有我知道高雄一定是某些美食城市中的第一名。它還有自己的當地釀啤酒廠,像是藍色瓶子的打狗啤酒。Donny:I am not an expert on Kaohsiung, but I don't think it's particularly famous for anything, uh, except for maybe perhaps some of its landmarks, like the 85 building, um, and also its Harbor. Um, but in terms of being very famous for one particular reason, I don't think so.我不是高雄的專家,但我也不認為高雄特別因為什麼有名。除了八五大樓和高雄港這樣的地標吧。但是如果說因為什麼特別原因而有名,我想不出來。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:How long does it take to get from your hometown to Kaohsiung? 從你家鄉到高雄要多久時間?
6/4/202113 minutes, 51 seconds
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1285 對未來充滿期待 | 從美國、蘇格蘭到高雄要多久時間?

Grateful for where I am at. Excited about where I’m going. 感恩我所在的地方。對未來充滿期待。他們會回答這個問題:How long does it take to get from your hometown to Kaohsiung? 從你家鄉到高雄要多久時間?Angela:The average flight time or the direct flight would take about 15, 14, and 15 hours direct flight. (From New York)從紐約的話直飛需要十五個小時左右。Donny:Well, my hometown is in Scotland. Um, so it would take several days to get to Kaohsiung at least a day. If you were to travel by air.我的家鄉在蘇格蘭,所以會花上好幾天才能到高雄。但是如果你搭飛機的話,需要至少一天的時間。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:When you travel, do you miss Kaohsiung? What do you miss the most?當你旅行的時候你想念高雄嗎?什麼是你最想念的呢?
6/3/202111 minutes, 21 seconds
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1283 請確保自己不要受這件事影響 | 高雄最糟糕的事

來自聽眾對節目的五星評價辛随我愿主播的声音很甜美! 这是我听所有的口语节目里面最实用的,因为我们不光是听老师在讲解英语,而且我们能听到纯正的外国人 讲话的语速 ,这让我们感受到了自己的英语学的稍微有一点点慢 ,所以才会听不太懂,我觉得这个节目要是听久了,一定会对我们英语口语有很大的帮助 !今日格言:Make sure your worst enemy is not living between your own two ears.請確保你最大的敵人不是住在你兩耳朵之間。他們會回答這個問題:What is the worst thing in Kaohsiung? 高雄最糟的事是什麼?Angela:Sometimes people don't like to follow rules. Uh, so sometimes as a foreigner,we're used to, if there's a law, then there's a law. If you break the law, you get in trouble for it, or there's fine. Or, you know, some kind of consequence, but I feel in Kaohsiung, it can be a little bit too lax sometimes. And so if you're counting on a law being enforced,  sometimes there's a lack of enforcement.有時候人們不遵守規則。所以身為一個外國人,我們習慣如果有規定,就要遵守。如果你違反規定,就會有麻煩或者會有懲罰。或許是,某類的後果。但是我覺得在高雄,有時有點太過於放鬆。所以如果你寄望在有強制規定的話,可能會有點失望。Donny:The worst thing in Kaohsiung is easily the air pollution, which, um, a lot of people complain about it all the time, which, uh, is it's not the case that it's always bad. It's just as often good as it is bad, but when it gets bad some days, or some weeks, especially in the winter season, then the air pollution is really bad in Kaohsiung. And then you have to be extra cautious about your activities and about looking after your health. Um, it's a good idea to get out of the city when the air gets like that. But definitely just as with all large cities in Taiwan, air pollution is a serious issue at certain times.高雄最糟糕的地方就是空氣污染,雖然不是一直都很糟,然而很多人總是不停的抱怨。可以說是,時好時壞,特別是在冬季的時候,空氣污染在高雄非常的糟糕。所以你在進行你的活動的時候一定要特別注意照顧自己的健康。如果空氣很糟的時候,就要離開城市。但的確就像在台灣的其他大城市,空氣污染是在某些時刻的嚴重議題。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:Is Kaohsiung famous for anything? 高雄因為什麼出名嗎?
6/1/202117 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

1282 是誰帶走你今天的平靜? | 高雄最棒的一件事

為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!來自聽眾對節目的五星評價跟Lily一起每日打卡 开始重拾英语“lily老师声音非常甜美,每天在上课前都会给予我们正能量,开始一天的学习与工作,课程内容实用难度不大,易于掌握坚持,利用早上通勤时间就可以积累实用词汇短语,非常好!口语练习作业老师也会细心指导,我已经被纠正了好几个顽固的错误口音。总之,这个课程非常有意义,学习同时,似乎跟着lily在外旅行,也更加坚定了自己环游世界的梦想!”A梓烨 via Apple Podcasts · China · 05/24/21Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles. It takes away today’s peace.擔憂不會帶走明天的麻煩,它只會帶走你今天心靈的寧靜。他們會回答這個問題:What is the best thing in Kaohsiung? 高雄最棒的事是什麼?Angela:I would say it's the combination of a few factors. So for me, choosing to live here, it's the low cost of living. The fact that it's by the ocean, which I mean, all of Taiwan is an Island. So you have the ocean everywhere, but here specifically, there are really nice beaches. Uh, you have the convenience of the city and lots of work opportunities as well. And also for starting your own business. Uh, it's a big market here. So all these factors combined, I think that makes us a very attractive city.我會說是好幾個因素的組合,所以對於我來說,選擇住在這裡是因為較低的生活成本。還有在海旁邊的這個因素,我的意思是,台灣是一個島,所以到處都有海。但是特別是這裡,有很棒的沙灘。你有同時有城市的便利,也有許多工作的機會。還有對於成立自己的的事業也是非常好的,因為市場很大。所以把這些因素綜合起來,就讓高雄成為了一個非常迷人的城市了。Donny:For me, the best thing in Kaohsiung is the weather because I like hot sunny weather all the time. I don't like it when it gets even cool. Anything below 23 degrees is not comfortable for me. So, uh, I think the weather is the best thing and the price of everything, which is just very cheap.對我來說,高雄最棒的事情就是天氣,因為我喜歡一直很熱又有大太陽的天氣。我甚至不喜歡涼爽的天氣,只要氣溫低於23度,對我就是不舒服了。所以我認為高雄的天氣是最棒的,還有每件東西的價格都很便宜。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:What is the worst thing in Kaohsiung?高雄最糟的事是什麼?
5/31/202115 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

1281 不盡情發揮,就會一直渺小下去 | 在高雄可以做些什麼

為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!我的女神���“追随老师7年,老师每天的陪伴成了林子每天的必需品️ 还有老师的声音和故事都�️股无形的力量一直在鼓励和推动我️ 让我想把每一天都过莹润充实的引领人� 爱你�lily �”Remember if you play small you stay small. 記住如果你不盡情發揮的話,就永遠都很渺小。他們會回答這個問題:What is there to do in Kaohsiung? 在高雄可以做什麼呢?Angela:There are lots of events, markets and markets range from the traditional food markets to nighttime entertainment markets. There are weekends like Sunday or Saturday afternoon markets. There's all kinds of markets. And with that also comes with lots of options for food. Definitely. So Taiwan is known for food destination. So when you get here, you try everything.高雄有很多活動和市集,市集從傳統的菜市場、觀光夜市到週末的午間市集。有各式各樣的市集,也因為這樣就會有很多食物的選擇。台灣是著名的美食天堂,如果你來到高雄,一定每樣東西都試試。Donny:As I mentioned before, you have the mountain, which is nice to visit, um, there's also, uh, a lot of parks and museums. There are some museums to visit. Um, there are, there's a lot of new developments going on, especially in the South of the city. Uh, there's the landmark 85 building, which is, um, you know, the second largest, second tallest building in Taiwan. It's quite interesting to see, um, Qijing Island has has some nice activities. You can even do some surfing there. And one of the best things about Kaohsiung is that it's easy to get from Kaohsiung, to places like Xiaoliuqiu Island, Kenting in the national park, in the South of Taiwan, and also the mountains in the central part of Taiwan. So it's a good base to have to visit more of the South of Taiwan and Tainan, which is very close.就像我先前說的,高雄有值得一看的山,也有許多公園和博物館。有許多的新建設正在發展,特別是在南部的城市,有地標85大樓,是台灣第二高的建築,也是非常有趣的,旗津也有許多不錯的活動。你甚至可以在那裡衝浪。高雄最棒的一件事就是你可以輕易的到小琉球島和墾丁國家公園。所以是一個參觀許多南部台灣城市很棒的基地。還有也很靠近台南。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:What is the best thing in Kaohsiung?高雄最棒的事是什麼?
5/30/202118 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

1280 今天做一件未來會感謝自己的事 |最好拜訪高雄的時刻

為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!感觉“很贴近生活,讲的我个人十分喜欢,是有人文情感和其他方面的,比直接学习英语更加有趣,生活变得有趣了”荷包蛋小天使 via Apple Podcasts · China · 05/24/21Do something today that your future self will thank you for.今天做一些未來自己會感謝你的事。他們會回答這個問題:What is the best time to visit Kaohsiung?最好拜訪高雄的時間是什麼時候呢?Angela:I would say not in the dead of winter and not in July any other month is fine. July is too hot.我會說不要在冬天最寒冷的時候來,也不要在七月,其他月份都可以。七月太熱了。Donny:That depends. Um, I would say that for most people, for most tourists then the best time to visit would be in the spring season and the autumn season, maybe between the months of March and may. And then again, between the months of late September and November, those are the times of year when the weather is mostly beautiful everyday, quite hot, but not as hot as it is in the middle of the summer and less risk of typhoons or things like that.要以情況而定。我覺得對大部分的觀光客來說,春天和秋天是最好參觀高雄的季節,或許在三月和五月之間和九月到十一月間。這段時間天氣每天都很美麗,也挺熱,但不像在仲夏那樣熱還有也比較少颱風,諸如此類。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:What is there to do in Kaohsiung? 在高雄可以做什麼呢?
5/29/202110 minutes, 39 seconds
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1279 專注在教訓上,你就會一直成長 |高雄有在成長嗎

為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!感恩遇见你“太赞了�学了几十年的英语不如跟着Lily学半年来的轻松快乐,教学内容实用性强,贴切生活�太棒了��”超赞�值得购买收听�希望还有更多更好的作品� via Apple Podcasts · China · 05/24/21If you focus on the hurt, you will continue to suffer. If you focus on the lesson, you will continue to grow.如果你專注在傷痛上,你就會一直受苦。如果你專注在學到的教訓的話,你就會持續成長。他們會回答這個問題:Is Kaohsiung growing? Is this a good or a bad thing? 高雄在成長嗎?是好事還是壞事呢?Angela:Uh, I think it's definitely developing. I don't know about if it's growing in size of population, but it's definitely been developing over the years and old buildings are getting renovated and there's new, interesting architecture public spaces that are developed and new spaces for public to use. So, yeah, it's definitely developing and changing.我認為它絕對在發展。我不知道是不是在人口上有成長,但是的確在這幾年來,老舊的建築在翻新,而且也有些新的有趣建築物。公共空間也在發展新的空間給大眾使用。所以,是的,高雄絕對在發展和改變。Donny:I'm not sure if Kaohsiung is growing or not. That's all I can really say. I don't know what the population statistics are, but I think that Kaohsiung certainly has room to grow if it wanted to grow, but there are also many parts of the city that are very old and run down. So I would imagine that some parts of the city would be renovated or even, you know, demolished and then improved upon in the future. Um, I think all that's possible in Kaohsiung.我不確定高雄是不是又在成長。那就是我能說的。我不了解人口的數字。我認為高雄確實有空間可以成長,如果他想要成長的話,但許多城市的區域非常老和破舊,所以我能想像又一些地方可能會被翻新、廢除,然後在未來改進。我認為這些都是在高雄可能會發生的。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:What is the best time to visit Kaohsiung?最好拜訪高雄的時間是什麼時候呢?
5/28/202114 minutes, 52 seconds
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1278 鼓勵你去找到這些東西 |為什麼你會想要來高雄

為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!最喜歡聽的podcast節目、很喜歡!“很喜歡Lily教小段落的英文+分享過去的故事經歷~ 全程正能量、很適合聽完之後重整自己的內心和生活^ _ ^”I love cinnamon via Apple Podcasts · Taiwan · 05/24/21I urge you; go find buildings and mountains and oceans to swallow your whole. They will save you, in a way nothing else can.我鼓勵你:去找到建築物、山林還有海洋讓它們去吞噬你的全部。它們會拯救你,用一種沒有任何其它事能用的方式。他們會回答這個問題:Tell me why I would enjoy visiting Kaohsiung. 告訴我為何我會喜歡在高雄觀光。Angela:I think that if you don't have a plan, it's really easy to just stay and see what happens and meet people and get invited to events and take a walk, see the scenery just hang out at the beach, go to the pier, all these it's just really easy to just stay.我認為如果你沒有計畫,這裡非常容易可以停留下來然後看看會發生什麼事情或認識人,然後被邀請去活動,和去散散步,也可以就在海邊打發時間,或到碼頭那裡。我說得這些就是因為這裡真的很簡單就可以待上一段時間。Donny: Well, if you have never experienced a big East Asian city with traditional Taiwanese stroke, Chinese culture, then I think it's an interesting place because it's very real, very Taiwanese. Um, so if you want to really see the real Taiwan and how it operates on a large scale, then I think that this is a good city to visit.如果你從沒有體驗過擁有傳統中國文化或東亞大城市的文化,我認為高雄是非常真實,而且也很有台灣味。所以如果你想要看真實的台灣,還有了解它是怎麼樣在一個大規模下運轉的話,我認為這是一個值得一來的城市。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:Is Kaohsiung growing? Is this a good or a bad thing? 高雄在成長嗎?是好事還是壞事呢?
5/27/202115 minutes, 12 seconds
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1277 知識要有熱情來點燃它 | 在哪可以吃到便宜好吃的美食

Knowledge is power, but enthusiasm pulls the switch.知識就是力量,但有熱情才能啟動它。(pull the switch 拉下開關)他們會回答這個問題:Where is the best place to get a reasonably priced, but delicious meal in Kaohsiung? 在高雄哪裡是最好可以吃到便宜又好吃的食物呢?Angela:Everywhere. And there's so many restaurants and so many that are in an affordable price range for an average meal. Okay. To really have your fill at mealtime, I would say 150 NT you can have a full meal. I can get at one of my favorite restaurants, I can get a pizza, a salad, and a drink for 170. Uh, so yeah, there's, there's basically everywhere. Just do your research and try and find out which places you like.到處都可以。有好多的餐廳而且很多都是可負擔的價格範圍。好的。如果你要正餐吃飽的話,我想大概150元台幣就可以吃到全餐。舉例在我最喜歡的其中一間餐廳,我可以用170元吃到一個披薩,一份沙拉,一杯飲料。像這樣的餐廳比比皆是。只要做下搜尋,然後就可以試著找到你喜歡的地方。Donny:Absolutely no idea. I'm not the person to ask about that.完全不知道。我真的不是回答這問題的最佳人選。(可參考1272)明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:Tell me why I would enjoy visiting Kaohsiung. 告訴我為何我會喜歡在高雄觀光。
5/26/202113 minutes, 23 seconds
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1276 內在改變,世界就變了 |如果你可以改變你城市的一件事,你會改變什麼呢

為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!When things change inside you, things change around you.當你內在改變的時候,事情就會在你周遭改變。他們會回答這個問題:If you could change one thing in Kaohsiung, what would you change and why? 如果你可以改變高雄的一件事情,那會是什麼呢?為什麼?Angela:I would like it to be more clean, uh, just in regard to less trash I feel, and this is not just related to Kaohsiung, but maybe Taiwanese and a little bit of Asia too. That over-packaging is a problem. When you buy something, it comes in layers and layers of packaging. And most of it is plastic and then the trash ends up somewhere. So I wish there was a reduction in these kinds of packaging and plastics, or at least make it sustainable materials so that if it falls to the ground, it's not the worst thing. Yep. Basically this.我會希望它更乾淨,更少垃圾。但是不僅僅是針對高雄或許是整個台灣的環境甚至亞洲。過度的包裝是一個問題。當你買東西的時候,總是有一層又一層的包裝,而且大部分都是塑膠,然後垃圾就會在某處。所以我希望,有較少這樣的包裝還有塑膠類的東西,或至少用對環境沒有損害的材料,所以當它被埋進土裡,也不至於太糟。基本上就是這樣。Donny: Well, because I'm a freediving instructor. I would change the water off the coast. I would make it much deeper and put a coral reef there, a big coral reef and make the water completely clear. And then I would be able to live in Kaohsiung and also teach freediving from the city at the same time because it does have a lot of great things about it that I do miss about city life.因為我是自潛教練,所以我會改變沿岸的水質,我會讓它變的更深而且會放個珊瑚礁在哪裡,這樣水就會變得完全乾淨。然後,我就可以住在高雄並且同時可以在城市裡教自潛。因為城市裡的確有許多讓我想念的很棒的事情。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:Where is the best place to get a reasonably priced, but delicious meal in Kaohsiung? 在高雄哪裡是最好可以吃到便宜又好吃的食物呢?
5/25/202117 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

1276 內在改變,世界就變了 |如果你可以改變你城市的一件事,你會改變什麼呢

為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!When things change inside you, things change around you.當你內在改變的時候,事情就會在你周遭改變。他們會回答這個問題:If you could change one thing in Kaohsiung, what would you change and why? 如果你可以改變高雄的一件事情,那會是什麼呢?為什麼?Angela:I would like it to be more clean, uh, just in regard to less trash I feel, and this is not just related to Kaohsiung, but maybe Taiwanese and a little bit of Asia too. That over-packaging is a problem. When you buy something, it comes in layers and layers of packaging. And most of it is plastic and then the trash ends up somewhere. So I wish there was a reduction in these kinds of packaging and plastics, or at least make it sustainable materials so that if it falls to the ground, it's not the worst thing. Yep. Basically this.我會希望它更乾淨,更少垃圾。但是不僅僅是針對高雄或許是整個台灣的環境甚至亞洲。過度的包裝是一個問題。當你買東西的時候,總是有一層又一層的包裝,而且大部分都是塑膠,然後垃圾就會在某處。所以我希望,有較少這樣的包裝還有塑膠類的東西,或至少用對環境沒有損害的材料,所以當它被埋進土裡,也不至於太糟。基本上就是這樣。Donny: Well, because I'm a freediving instructor. I would change the water off the coast. I would make it much deeper and put a coral reef there, a big coral reef and make the water completely clear. And then I would be able to live in Kaohsiung and also teach freediving from the city at the same time because it does have a lot of great things about it that I do miss about city life.因為我是自潛教練,所以我會改變沿岸的水質,我會讓它變的更深而且會放個珊瑚礁在哪裡,這樣水就會變得完全乾淨。然後,我就可以住在高雄並且同時可以在城市裡教自潛。因為城市裡的確有許多讓我想念的很棒的事情。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:Where is the best place to get a reasonably priced, but delicious meal in Kaohsiung? 在高雄哪裡是最好可以吃到便宜又好吃的食物呢?
5/25/202117 minutes, 51 seconds
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1275 後悔是永遠不會找到答案的問題 |高雄有哪些常見的犯罪

Failure is an answer. Rejection is an answer. Regret is an eternal question you will never have the answer to. ‘What if…’’If only…’’I wonder what would have…’You will never, never know, and it will haunt you for the rest of your days.失敗是一種回答。拒絕也是一種回答。但後悔是一個你永遠都不會得到答案的。就像你會說:“如果...就好了“”要是我...””我納悶如果我這麼做的話,可能會發生什麼?“你是永遠都不可能知道的。而且這個感覺可能還會在餘生繼續嚇唬你。Angela:Ok. I had to look this up because in the six years that I've been here, I have hardly not witnessed any crime in front of me. I had my bicycle, a really old bicycle stolen once by a homeless person and the police got it back for me. So nothing that so far has happened to me, knock on wood. Uh, but if the crime that does exist, I would say maybe it's DUI driving while intoxicated and maybe some gang related shootings, but I personally have not witnessed this. It's only come up in the news, so I know it does exist, but for me it does not make any impact on my life, does not affect me.我剛才還要查一下,因為在我在這裡的六年間,我幾乎沒有親眼目睹任何的犯罪事件。我有一台很舊的腳踏車,曾經被一個流浪漢偷走,然而警察幫我找回來了。所以到目前為止,還沒有任何事情發生在我身上,老天保佑!但是還是有犯罪活動的,我會說是酒後駕駛,還有一些和幫派有關的槍擊案,但我本人並沒有親眼看到,只有在新聞報導裡看見。所以我知道它是存在的,但是對於我本人和生活上倒是沒有造成衝擊。Donny:Uh, well like most of Taiwan, uh, petty crime is very rare, so it's very unlikely that you will have anything stolen or anything like that. And also because of the nature of Taiwanese culture there's very little aggressiveness or confrontation, which is obviously a great thing. It means that people don't, you know, outwardly show their aggression and get into fights very often. So I don't see much crime. I think most of the crime might be basic things like traffic violations and then some things that you don't see maybe in the government side or official side, that kind of thing.就像台灣的大部分地區,偷竊是非常少見的,不太可能你的東西會被偷,也有可能是台灣人的天性,比較少攻擊和衝突事件,明顯來說這是一件好事。也代表人們很少向外展露他們的侵略性或者是打架。所以我不常見犯罪的事情。我認為大多數的犯罪就像違規交通,或者是你不會看到的事情,像是政府和正式的場合,諸如此類。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:If you could change one thing in Kaohsiung, what would you change and why? 如果你可以改變高雄的一件事情,那會是什麼呢?為什麼?
5/24/202122 minutes, 46 seconds
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1274 給自己一些鼓勵的話 | 高雄最值得參觀的景點

Even now, as broken as you may feel, you are still so strong. There’s something to be said for how you hold yourself together and keep moving, even though you feel like shattering. Don’t stop. This is your healing. It doesn’t have to be pretty, or graceful. You just have to keep going.即使現在你感覺非常的心碎,你還是很堅強,雖然你覺得自己被擊垮了,要替你如何保持冷靜地繼續前進說些鼓勵的話。不要停止和放棄。這就是你的療癒之旅。這個旅程不一定要很美、或很優雅。你就是要繼續前進。他們會回答這個問題:What is especially worth seeing in Kaohsiung? 在高雄最值得參觀的景點是什麼?Angela:I think if you are new to a lot of the Asian architecture, there are a few really beautiful spots. Like some of the large temples and at Lotus Ponds, there are the Tiger Dragon pagodas and Chengqing Lake, the beautiful hotel and, and swimming area there. Uh, and the pier area is more on the traditional side and cultural, but yet modernized as well. So yeah, this whole gives a little taste of the culture.如果妳是剛剛接觸到亞洲的建築的話,有一些很美麗的景點像是在蓮池潭那裡的大型寺廟有龍虎塔還有澄清湖,那裡有美麗的旅館還有可以游泳的區域。還有碼頭區有傳統的地區,也有文化的一面,但也是非常現代化的。這個可以讓你了解到一些高雄的文化。Donny:Oh, worth seeing? Um, well, I think the mountain is very beautiful. The monkey mountain, it's much bigger than people think, there's much more to it. It has some nice long trails through the jungle on the mountain. Uh, I used to do trail running there for hours and hours at a time and found all the small trails. Um, and there are the monkeys to see, of course.值得看的嗎?我認為山區是非常的漂亮,像是壽山,比人們看到的還要大的更多而且也有很多值得探索的。它有很多穿過叢林的山徑。我曾經在哪裡做過好幾個小時的山徑慢跑然後找到許多小路徑,當然那裡也可以看猴子。 明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:What crimes are most common? 在高雄最常見的犯罪活動是什麼?
5/23/202117 minutes, 6 seconds
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1273 去沒有門的地方吧 |外國人回答:有很多遊客來高雄玩嗎

“Dear Lily,不論在什麼樣的心情聽你的Podcast,都讓我有正能量,謝謝你分享生活及旅行經驗,讓我的心也跟著你去飛翔。“來自Sally在Apple Podcast上的五星評價,謝謝妳,今天的格言送給你~When one door closes, pack your bags and go where there are no doors.當一扇門關了,打包你的行李去沒有門的地方吧!他們會回答這個問題:Do tourists visit Kaohsiung frequently? 有遊客會來高雄觀光嗎?Angela:I would say so. I think probably because of the easy transportation, how easy it is to get to Kaohsiung and the fact that there is an international airport. So, uh, definitely before COVID, uh, that there were busloads of tourists coming in and out very frequently. Yep.有喔!我認為大概是因為非常方便的交通,而且又很容易可以抵達高雄的關係。而高雄也有自己的國際機場。在新冠肺炎的疫情之前,有好多坐遊覽車的觀光客在這裡非常頻繁的進進出出。是滴!Donny: I think, uh, quite a lot of Taiwanese tourists visit Kaohsiung, but internationally, I think it's, um, it's very under the radar. So, um, most people who are visiting Kaohsiung from outside of Taiwan or coming to visit family members who live here, or like some of my students who come to learn freediving, they, they might come from Japan or Korea or Singapore, and they would fly into Kaohsiung in order to come, come and visit me in the South. But, uh, it's not a huge place for international tourism.我認為很多的台灣觀光客會來高雄玩,但是在國際間非常不為人知。許多人來是因為他們有家人住在這裡,像是我的學生回來這裡學習自潛,他們可能會從日本、韓國或新加坡來,他們會飛到高雄然後南下來小琉球找我。但是在國際遊客並不多。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:What is especially worth seeing in Kaohsiung? 在高雄最值得參觀的景點是什麼?
5/22/202113 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

1273 去沒有門的地方吧 |外國人回答:有很多遊客來高雄玩嗎

“Dear Lily,不論在什麼樣的心情聽你的Podcast,都讓我有正能量,謝謝你分享生活及旅行經驗,讓我的心也跟著你去飛翔。“來自Sally在Apple Podcast上的五星評價,謝謝妳,今天的格言送給你~When one door closes, pack your bags and go where there are no doors.當一扇門關了,打包你的行李去沒有門的地方吧!他們會回答這個問題:Do tourists visit Kaohsiung frequently? 有遊客會來高雄觀光嗎?Angela:I would say so. I think probably because of the easy transportation, how easy it is to get to Kaohsiung and the fact that there is an international airport. So, uh, definitely before COVID, uh, that there were busloads of tourists coming in and out very frequently. Yep.有喔!我認為大概是因為非常方便的交通,而且又很容易可以抵達高雄的關係。而高雄也有自己的國際機場。在新冠肺炎的疫情之前,有好多坐遊覽車的觀光客在這裡非常頻繁的進進出出。是滴!Donny: I think, uh, quite a lot of Taiwanese tourists visit Kaohsiung, but internationally, I think it's, um, it's very under the radar. So, um, most people who are visiting Kaohsiung from outside of Taiwan or coming to visit family members who live here, or like some of my students who come to learn freediving, they, they might come from Japan or Korea or Singapore, and they would fly into Kaohsiung in order to come, come and visit me in the South. But, uh, it's not a huge place for international tourism.我認為很多的台灣觀光客會來高雄玩,但是在國際間非常不為人知。許多人來是因為他們有家人住在這裡,像是我的學生回來這裡學習自潛,他們可能會從日本、韓國或新加坡來,他們會飛到高雄然後南下來小琉球找我。但是在國際遊客並不多。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:What is especially worth seeing in Kaohsiung? 在高雄最值得參觀的景點是什麼?
5/22/202113 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

1272 請不要吃符合這些特徵的食物 |外國人喜歡台灣美食嗎

為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!You are what you eat. So don’t be fast, cheap, easy or fake.你就是你吃的東西,所以不要亂吃些快的、便宜的、簡單的、或假的。他們會回答這個問題:Do you like the food in Kaohsiung? 你喜歡高雄食物嗎?Angela:Yes, I do. Uh, besides Taiwanese food, there is a lot of different variety. You can get Italian food. There's authentic Neapolitan pizza that I know of. There are authentic tacos from an Argentinian vendor. There's Israeli food. There's lots of different ethnic and international, um, cuisine also besides the native Taiwanese flavors and also constantly new kinds of snacks or foods appearing in places like the night markets.喜歡。除了台灣食物以外,還有很多不同的食物。你可以吃得到義大利食物。像是我知道一家非常道地的拿波里披薩。還有阿根廷小販製作的道地的墨西哥捲餅。還有以色列的食物。有很多非常有異國風情和國際的美食。在夜市裡,當地的台灣風味小吃和美食總是不斷的推陳出新。Donny: Nope. I don't like the food anywhere in Taiwan. Um, any restaurant food, any of the so-called traditional foods, any of the street snacks. Uh, I think it's all, it's all pretty much junk food and I try not to eat it.不喜歡。我不喜歡台灣任何地方的食物或是在餐廳裡的菜。一些像是俗稱的傳統美食或是路邊小吃。我認為大多數是垃圾食物。我試著不去吃它。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:Do tourists visit Kaohsiung frequently? 有遊客會來高雄觀光嗎?dvkcskph
5/21/202116 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

1272 請不要吃符合這些特徵的食物 |外國人喜歡台灣美食嗎

為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!You are what you eat. So don’t be fast, cheap, easy or fake.你就是你吃的東西,所以不要亂吃些快的、便宜的、簡單的、或假的。他們會回答這個問題:Do you like the food in Kaohsiung? 你喜歡高雄食物嗎?Angela:Yes, I do. Uh, besides Taiwanese food, there is a lot of different variety. You can get Italian food. There's authentic Neapolitan pizza that I know of. There are authentic tacos from an Argentinian vendor. There's Israeli food. There's lots of different ethnic and international, um, cuisine also besides the native Taiwanese flavors and also constantly new kinds of snacks or foods appearing in places like the night markets.喜歡。除了台灣食物以外,還有很多不同的食物。你可以吃得到義大利食物。像是我知道一家非常道地的拿波里披薩。還有阿根廷小販製作的道地的墨西哥捲餅。還有以色列的食物。有很多非常有異國風情和國際的美食。在夜市裡,當地的台灣風味小吃和美食總是不斷的推陳出新。Donny: Nope. I don't like the food anywhere in Taiwan. Um, any restaurant food, any of the so-called traditional foods, any of the street snacks. Uh, I think it's all, it's all pretty much junk food and I try not to eat it.不喜歡。我不喜歡台灣任何地方的食物或是在餐廳裡的菜。一些像是俗稱的傳統美食或是路邊小吃。我認為大多數是垃圾食物。我試著不去吃它。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:Do tourists visit Kaohsiung frequently? 有遊客會來高雄觀光嗎?dvkcskph
5/21/202116 minutes, 7 seconds
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1271 我喜歡和好人在一起 | 喜歡高雄人嗎

“与其他高密度输出的英语podcast不同,每集信息量不大所以学习起来不会很累,现在每天下班路上边散步边听,不仅能学一些实用的英语表达更能听到有趣的旅行故事,是放松学习的好选择。Lily加油!也期待疫情早日过去,把学到的用在新的旅途上”clariexixi via Apple Podcasts · China · 02/25/21來自Claiexixi在Apple Podcast上的五星評價,謝謝妳,今天的格言送給你~Kind people, are my kinda people. 好人就是和我一掛的人。他們會回答這個問題:Do you like people in Kaohsiung? What are they like? 你喜歡高雄人嗎?他們是什麼樣子的呢?Angela:I do. I think people in Kaohsiung generally are very inviting and welcoming and they have this warmth and relaxedness about them. Uh, sometimes they can be a bit too casual, so it can be both ways. So if you like casual, it's great. But sometimes if you want to change, you might want to, you know, go to a different spot for a while.我喜歡。我認為高雄人普遍非常的熱情好客而且他們又溫暖又悠閒。有時候可能有點太隨便,所以也可以是好或不好啦!如果你喜歡隨意,那就很棒,但是有時候你可能會想要有點改變,那麼你可能就要去不同的地方一下子。Donny: For the most part people in Kaohsiung, just like the rest of Taiwan, are friendly and pretty quiet and easy to get along with and accepting of foreigners too.大多數的高雄人就像是在其他地區的台灣人,都非常友善,而且不多話,但是都很好相處也都能接受外國人。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:Do you like the food in Kaohsiung? 你喜歡高雄食物嗎?
5/20/202110 minutes, 32 seconds
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1270 給妳滿滿滿的祝福與正能量 | 高雄最有趣的事是什麼

為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!“Lily的故事跟聲音真的很激勵人心,讓自己的生活重新充滿動力,謝謝妳的分享�”Liz Chennnn via Apple Podcasts · Taiwan · 05/14/21來自Liz在Apple Podcast上的五星評價,謝謝妳,今天的格言送給你~This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, love to complete your life. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson這是我對你的祝福:在困難的時候擁有安慰,在傷心來臨時可以微笑,雲來的時候就有彩虹,有笑聲伴隨著親吻,有日落來溫暖你的心,有擁抱醫治精神不振的時候,有雙眼可以看到美麗的事物,有友誼可以照亮自己,有信念所以你就能相信,當懷疑的時候就有自信,有勇氣去認識自己,有耐心接受真理,有愛去圓滿你的生命。他們會回答這個問題:What is the most interesting thing in Kaohsiung? 高雄最有趣的事情是什麼?Angela:Most interesting thing. Hmm. I think that the combination of the secret beach and having low cost of living and inviting people and being safe, I think this combination makes it a very unique spot to be in.最有趣的事情啊?嗯,我認為是有沙灘、秘境、低的生活消費、非常友善好客的人們、加上又非常安全。綜合以上的這些特點,讓這個城市非常獨特。Donny:Kaohsiung is not the most interesting place in the world. I think some of Kaohsiung’s history is quite interesting. Um, but other than that, I can’t think of anything right off the top of my head that makes Kaohsiung particularly interesting.高雄不是世界上最有趣的地方。但是我認為高雄的歷史蠻有趣的。除此之外,我一時想不出來有什麼特別的事情讓高雄特別有趣。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:Do you like people in Kaohsiung? What are they like? 你喜歡高雄人嗎?他們是什麼樣子的呢?
5/19/202113 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

1269 如何得到夢寐以求的東西 | 外國人說最喜歡高雄什麼

為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!It’s the rule of life that everything you have ever wanted comes the very second you stop looking for it. ~ Sex and the City生活準則:當你停止去找你一直夢寐以求的所有東西時,它們就會自己到來了。他們會回答這個問題:What do you like most about Kaohsiung? 你最喜歡高雄的什麼?Angela:I think that the climate is great even compared to Taipei. The climate differs a lot here. It's a lot more sunny, a lot more mild, less rain. And, uh, the people here are more relaxed and outgoing. They're very easy to start conversations with people on the streets. And, uh, yeah, the vibe here is just, there's less stress and plenty of events to go to.這裡的氣候和台北比真的很棒,氣候和台北很不同。這裡更多太陽,更溫和也比較少雨。而且人們比較悠閒和外向。在街上很容易就可以和人們開啟對話。對了,這裡的感覺也比較沒有壓力,還有很多的活動可以去。Donny:I like that it is a laid-back place and the cost of living is extremely cheap. It's possible to have a whole apartment to yourself for, you know, very, very inexpensively. And, um, the weather is good, pretty much all year round, except for typhoons and a few cold spells in the cool season. It's my style of weather, which is hot.我喜歡高雄是因為這是一個比較放鬆的地方而且生活成本非常的便宜。你可以用便宜的價格擁有自己的整個公寓。幾乎整年都天氣很好,除了颱風天,或涼爽季節裡有幾個冷鋒面。而且是我喜歡的熱氣候。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:What is the most interesting thing in Kaohsiung? 高雄最有趣的事情是什麼?
5/18/202117 minutes, 31 seconds
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1268 在一個陌生城市,我是最快樂的 | 你想要居住在另一個城市嗎

為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!I am never happier than when I am alone in a foreign city; it is as if I had become invisible.當我一個人在一個陌生的城市我是最快樂的,彷彿我變成了隱形人。他們會回答這個問題:Would you like to live in another city? 你會想要住在另一個城市嗎?Angela:In Taiwan? Um, possibly Taichung in the center of the West coast. And, uh, only because, uh, in Kaohsiung, maybe it can feel a bit crowded sometimes, but not as crowded as some other places that I've experienced. It's just maybe Taichung is a little bit more spaced out and they have a lot of, uh, arts and cultural events. And that's probably just for another taste because I've always been in Kaohsiung.在台灣嗎?可能是在西岸中部的台中吧,因為在高雄,有時可能覺得有點擁擠,但是不像我過去體驗過的地方這麼擠。也有可能因為台中比較分散還有很多的藝文活動。也因為我一直都在高雄所以想要換換不同的口味。Donny:Yeah I really love Tainan. Tainan has a really nice atmosphere, a really nice vibe. I would, uh, I think if I was to go back to living in the city, I would like to live there, and also Taitung because it's on the East coast, which is beautiful and more close to nature. Taipei is a great city if you love city life. But all of those places are too far away from the beautiful water in the South of Taiwan for me to want to live there.會啊,我真的很愛台南,台南有非常好的氣氛,還有非常不錯的氛圍。我想如果我要在住在城市裡,我會想要住在那裡,因為很美,而且又很接近自然。如果你喜歡城市生活的話,台北市個很棒的城市。但是這些地方都離南台灣美麗的海水太遠了,以至於我不會想要住在那裡。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:What do you like most about Kaohsiung? 你最喜歡高雄的什麼?
5/17/202116 minutes, 43 seconds
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1267 說一個新語言,這個世界就變得不同|高雄的主要語言是什麼

Speak a new language so the world will be a new world. ~Rumi說一個新的語言,這個世界就會變成一個新世界。感謝【藝術家製造公司】的播主Keno 和 【雪瑞說】的播主Sherriel來找我!並給我一些未來podcast事業上面的想法靈感!Play a new instrument so the podcast will be a new podcast. 彈一個新樂器,所以這個播客也會變成一個新播客。他們會回答這個問題:What is the main language in Kaohsiung? 高雄的主要語言是什麼?AngelaMandarin. And then after that, probably Taiwanese.中文或是台語。DonnyUm, well I think like in most of  Southern Taiwan the main languages are, Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese, and most people in Kaohsiung speak Taiwanese as a  first language, I would say.我認為在大多數的南台灣,主要的語言是中文和台語,但我會說大多數的高雄人的母語是台語。*mother tongue 母語*回答:為什麼我是高雄人,卻不說台語,這件事!*今天是我打工換宿,小幫手最後一天,很開心在旅行蟲這裡認識了Eileen、佳、Ariel、Hypo、Zoe,還有讓我非常影響深刻的幾個住客,Kepler(我的一日男友)、Atman(美國籍的印度人作家)、Chopper(之前美拍有介紹過他,一個過著有意識生活,不穿鞋的音樂家)明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:Would you like to live in another city? 你會想要住在另一個城市嗎?
5/13/202116 minutes, 42 seconds
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1266 旅行不是工作後的獎賞 | 高雄的主要景點有哪些

Travel is not a reward of working, it’s the education of living. ~Anthony Bourdain旅行不是工作後的獎賞,他是生活的教育。Travel is the only thing you spend money on that makes you richer. 旅行是唯一一件花錢又會讓你變得更富有的事情。The best investment is to invest in yourself. 最好的投資就是投資在你身上。AngelaI think Lotus Pond attracts a lot of people and the Harbor area is full of activity and life. And it's very artsy there now. So these two places and a lot of nature that is easy to get to from Kaohsiung as well.我認為蓮池潭吸引很多人,還有港口也總是充滿活動和人。現在那邊也感覺越來越有藝文氣息了。所以這兩個地方還有自然景觀都是非常容易從高雄過去的。*我最喜歡靠近港口的兩個地方,Pier Two(駁二)還有Banana Pier (香蕉碼頭)DonnyWell, I think the mountain is one of the best parts of Kaohsiung because I like to be outdoors. I like nature. I like running, I like hiking. I like running on mountains. Um, I like to see the coastal region there. It's very beautiful. Um, so the mountain is definitely one of my favorite places. Mainly Kaohsiung is a good place to live. If  you want to live a more laid back and quiet life, and get on with your own things. It doesn't really have so many big attractions.我認為山是高雄最棒的部分,因為我喜歡在戶外,和自然,我喜歡跑步和爬山。喜歡在山上跑步。我也喜歡在那邊看海岸的區域,非常美。所以山絕對是我最喜歡的地方。高雄在許多方面來說是個很好居住的地方,如果你想要住在比較悠閒又安靜,可以好好做自己想做的事情的話。它真的沒有太多的景點。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:What is the main language in Kaohsiung? 高雄的主要語言是什麼?
5/10/202115 minutes, 8 seconds
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1266 旅行不是工作後的獎賞 | 高雄的主要景點有哪些

Travel is not a reward of working, it’s the education of living. ~Anthony Bourdain旅行不是工作後的獎賞,他是生活的教育。Travel is the only thing you spend money on that makes you richer. 旅行是唯一一件花錢又會讓你變得更富有的事情。The best investment is to invest in yourself. 最好的投資就是投資在你身上。AngelaI think Lotus Pond attracts a lot of people and the Harbor area is full of activity and life. And it's very artsy there now. So these two places and a lot of nature that is easy to get to from Kaohsiung as well.我認為蓮池潭吸引很多人,還有港口也總是充滿活動和人。現在那邊也感覺越來越有藝文氣息了。所以這兩個地方還有自然景觀都是非常容易從高雄過去的。*我最喜歡靠近港口的兩個地方,Pier Two(駁二)還有Banana Pier (香蕉碼頭)DonnyWell, I think the mountain is one of the best parts of Kaohsiung because I like to be outdoors. I like nature. I like running, I like hiking. I like running on mountains. Um, I like to see the coastal region there. It's very beautiful. Um, so the mountain is definitely one of my favorite places. Mainly Kaohsiung is a good place to live. If  you want to live a more laid back and quiet life, and get on with your own things. It doesn't really have so many big attractions.我認為山是高雄最棒的部分,因為我喜歡在戶外,和自然,我喜歡跑步和爬山。喜歡在山上跑步。我也喜歡在那邊看海岸的區域,非常美。所以山絕對是我最喜歡的地方。高雄在許多方面來說是個很好居住的地方,如果你想要住在比較悠閒又安靜,可以好好做自己想做的事情的話。它真的沒有太多的景點。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:What is the main language in Kaohsiung? 高雄的主要語言是什麼?
5/10/202115 minutes, 8 seconds
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1265 選擇你的生活並不為之妥協 |你住在這裡多久了

Ten years from now, make sure you can say you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it. ~Mandy Hale確保十年後,你可以說你選擇了你的生活,你並沒有為之妥協。他們會回答這個問題:How long have you lived in Kaohsiung? 你已經住在高雄多久了?Angela:Six years so far. This is probably the start of my seventh year.到目前為止六年了。這大概是我第七年的開始。*seven year itch: 七年之癢Donny:I lived in Kaohsiung for about six years.我住在高雄大概六年。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:What are the main attractions in Kaohsiung? 高雄的主要景點是什麼?
5/9/20216 minutes, 34 seconds
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1264 我們最大的不同 |用英語講家鄉的地理特徵

The profoundest differences are never geographical.最大的不同都通常不是在地理位置上的。他們會回答這個問題:Can you describe the main geographical features of Kaohsiung? 你可以描述下高雄的主要地理特徵嗎?Angela:There are the Gushan mountains and the West side, uh, along the coast. And there's Love River that winds through the city of Kaohsiung. And, uh, there's the Lotus ponds to the North end of Kaohsiung, there's a Chengqing Lake to a little bit in the East by Fengshan. Um, yeah, I guess that'd be it.有鼓山在西側沿海,有愛河蜿蜒穿過這個高雄市,還有一個蓮池潭在北邊高雄的頂上,還有一個澄清湖在東邊的鳳山。我想差不多就是這樣子。Donny: Yes. Um, so Kaohsiung is quite a flat city, but to the West of the city, there is a small mountain, which in English is known as Monkey Mountain. And, um, there is also a river running through the city called the Love River and the river on the one hand separates the city into North and Southern parts. And on the other hand, separates it into West and Eastern parts when it starts to run South. Uh, there's a very large harbor to the South of Kaohsiung used to be one of the largest harbors in the world. And then there's also a long Island to the South of the city called Qijin Island, which is also mostly part of the Harbor.是的,所以高雄是一個相當扁平的城市,在西側有柴山/壽山,還有一個愛河穿過這個城市,叫做愛河,把高雄分成南北,然後當它開始往南流又把整個城市分成東西。在南部有一個非常大的港灣,曾經是世界上最大的港灣。也有一個長島,叫做旗津。也是港灣其中一個很大的部分。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:How long have you lived in Kaohsiung? 你已經住在高雄多久了?
5/8/202110 minutes, 9 seconds
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1264 我們最大的不同 |用英語講家鄉的地理特徵

The profoundest differences are never geographical.最大的不同都通常不是在地理位置上的。他們會回答這個問題:Can you describe the main geographical features of Kaohsiung? 你可以描述下高雄的主要地理特徵嗎?Angela:There are the Gushan mountains and the West side, uh, along the coast. And there's Love River that winds through the city of Kaohsiung. And, uh, there's the Lotus ponds to the North end of Kaohsiung, there's a Chengqing Lake to a little bit in the East by Fengshan. Um, yeah, I guess that'd be it.有鼓山在西側沿海,有愛河蜿蜒穿過這個高雄市,還有一個蓮池潭在北邊高雄的頂上,還有一個澄清湖在東邊的鳳山。我想差不多就是這樣子。Donny: Yes. Um, so Kaohsiung is quite a flat city, but to the West of the city, there is a small mountain, which in English is known as Monkey Mountain. And, um, there is also a river running through the city called the Love River and the river on the one hand separates the city into North and Southern parts. And on the other hand, separates it into West and Eastern parts when it starts to run South. Uh, there's a very large harbor to the South of Kaohsiung used to be one of the largest harbors in the world. And then there's also a long Island to the South of the city called Qijin Island, which is also mostly part of the Harbor.是的,所以高雄是一個相當扁平的城市,在西側有柴山/壽山,還有一個愛河穿過這個城市,叫做愛河,把高雄分成南北,然後當它開始往南流又把整個城市分成東西。在南部有一個非常大的港灣,曾經是世界上最大的港灣。也有一個長島,叫做旗津。也是港灣其中一個很大的部分。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:How long have you lived in Kaohsiung? 你已經住在高雄多久了?
5/8/202110 minutes, 9 seconds
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1263 快樂就是這麼簡單 | 外國人回答高雄的夏天氣溫

Happiness is, getting the shower temperature right the first time. 快樂就是,一次就把淋浴的水溫搞定。What is the average temperature in summer time in Kaohsiung? 高雄的夏天平均氣溫是幾度?Angela:Uh, should be around 25 to 32 degrees Celsius.大概是25到32攝氏度。*華氏:FahrenheitDonny:I think it's in the high twenties somewhere, somewhere between about 27 and 30 degrees.我認為應該是在27度以上,大概27到30度之間。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:Can you describe the main geographical features of Kaohsiung? 你可以描述下高雄的主要地理特徵嗎?
5/6/20216 minutes, 36 seconds
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1263 快樂就是這麼簡單 | 外國人回答高雄的夏天氣溫

Happiness is, getting the shower temperature right the first time. 快樂就是,一次就把淋浴的水溫搞定。What is the average temperature in summer time in Kaohsiung? 高雄的夏天平均氣溫是幾度?Angela:Uh, should be around 25 to 32 degrees Celsius.大概是25到32攝氏度。*華氏:FahrenheitDonny:I think it's in the high twenties somewhere, somewhere between about 27 and 30 degrees.我認為應該是在27度以上,大概27到30度之間。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:Can you describe the main geographical features of Kaohsiung? 你可以描述下高雄的主要地理特徵嗎?
5/6/20216 minutes, 36 seconds
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1262 我要送你一場暴風雪 | 外國人回答高雄下雪

If kisses were snowflakes, I’ll send you a blizzard.如果親吻像雪花,我就會送你一場暴風雪。他們會回答這個問題:Does it snow in Kaohsiung? 高雄下雪嗎?Angela:Nope. Never snows, never snows in Taiwan except in the mountains.台灣除了在山區從不下雪。Donny:No, I don't think it's, I don't think it's snow if it's snowed in Kaohsiung I don't think it's been for a long, long time. Actually. I was there, um, one of the first years I came to Kaohsiung, I think it was the coldest year for about 25 years. And I knew it went down to about one degree. So maybe up in the higher places in the mountains, it might have snowed a little bit, but not in the city.不,我不認為。如果高雄曾經有下過雪一定是很久以前。事實上,在我剛來高雄的前幾年,是我遇過25年來最冷的冬天,據我所知他下降到一度。所以或許在高山的地方可能下一點雪,但是不會在城市裡。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:What is the average temperature in summer time in Kaohsiung? 高雄的夏天平均氣溫是幾度?
5/5/20217 minutes, 59 seconds
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1262 我要送你一場暴風雪 | 外國人回答高雄下雪

If kisses were snowflakes, I’ll send you a blizzard.如果親吻像雪花,我就會送你一場暴風雪。他們會回答這個問題:Does it snow in Kaohsiung? 高雄下雪嗎?Angela:Nope. Never snows, never snows in Taiwan except in the mountains.台灣除了在山區從不下雪。Donny:No, I don't think it's, I don't think it's snow if it's snowed in Kaohsiung I don't think it's been for a long, long time. Actually. I was there, um, one of the first years I came to Kaohsiung, I think it was the coldest year for about 25 years. And I knew it went down to about one degree. So maybe up in the higher places in the mountains, it might have snowed a little bit, but not in the city.不,我不認為。如果高雄曾經有下過雪一定是很久以前。事實上,在我剛來高雄的前幾年,是我遇過25年來最冷的冬天,據我所知他下降到一度。所以或許在高山的地方可能下一點雪,但是不會在城市裡。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:What is the average temperature in summer time in Kaohsiung? 高雄的夏天平均氣溫是幾度?
5/5/20217 minutes, 59 seconds
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1261 氣候都在變,我們為什麼不變?| 高雄的氣候 + 談論氣候的英語單詞

The climate is changing, why aren’t we? 氣候都在變了,我們為何不變?他們會回答這個問題What is the climate like in Kaohsiung? 高雄的氣候是怎麼樣?Angela:It's mostly warm to hot and the winters are very short.在高雄的天氣通常是溫暖到炎熱,冬天也很短。Donny:Kaohsiung is hot, very hot. If you're not used to hot places, then this is a good place to find out if you like hot places. Um, if you don't like hot places this is not the best place for you. Uh, it's quite hot most of the year.高雄很熱。如果你不習慣炎熱的天氣的話,這就是讓你發現自己習不習慣炎熱天氣的一個好地方。如果你不喜歡熱的地方這就不是對你最好的。因為一整年都很熱。Hot / Warm  熱/暖和Cold / Cool  冷/涼爽Sunny / Rainy  晴天/雨天Clear / Cloudy 晴朗的/多雲的Dry / Humid 乾燥/潮濕Foggy / Misty 有霧的/朦朧的Gusty / Windy 陣風/有風的Thunder / Lightning 打雷/閃電明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:Does it snow in Kaohsiung? 高雄下雪嗎?
5/4/202115 minutes, 50 seconds
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1260 不要低估玩樂的重要性 | 在高雄大家都去哪裡玩和打發時間

Never, ever, underestimate the importance of having fun.~Randy Pauch絕對不要低估玩樂的重要性。Angela: I would say usually in outdoor spaces, uh, first and, uh, such as monkey mountain, the pier area. Uh, and so there's a lot of outdoor events, so that's probably what attracts people to, to hang out outdoors and lots of nice public spaces. And at nighttime, probably in the Northern area with, with pubs and a lot of these cozy or lively restaurants.首先我會說是在戶外,像是柴山、碼頭的區域。那裡有許多的戶外活動,所以大概就是為什麼會吸引人們在戶外活動,還有那裡有很多很棒的公共空間。在晚上的時候,可能人們回去北部活動,那裡有酒吧還有許多氣氛很好的餐廳。Donny:Um, well, I'm not the best person to ask, uh, about places to hang out, but, um, I can give a couple of recommendations. Certainly there's, uh, Legends, which is a bar and restaurant that does really good food. And it's run by really good people. That's in the Zuoying area. Um, there's the Brickyard Club, which is quite famous in Kaohsiung and a couple of places off the top of my head would be Black Dog Bar. And also the Lighthouse, which are quite popular, especially among the foreigners in Kaohsiung.關於可以去玩的地方,我或許不是回答這個問題最好的人,但是我可以給一些建議:像是傳奇,它是一個餐廳和酒吧,有非常好吃的食物,也被很棒的人經營。它是在左營區。還有磚廠也在高雄很有名。還有幾個我想到的是黑狗酒吧和燈塔,都是外國人在高雄喜歡去的地方。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題What is the climate like in Kaohsiung? 高雄的氣候是怎麼樣?
4/25/202111 minutes, 33 seconds
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1259 我們真正的問題不是人口爆炸 | 高雄有多少人口,萬、億、兆英語怎麼說

Real problem is not population explosion, but what the population is doing. ~Radhanath Swami我們真正的問題不是人口爆炸,而是這些人口在做什麼。What is the population of Kaohsiung? 高雄有多少人?Angela:It is about 2.7 million. 大概是270萬人。Donny:Um, I think in the city, it's something between two and three million, I think. I'm not sure. 我想在城市裡有大概兩到三百萬,我不是太確定。英語千萬億萬的說法ten thousand: 一萬a hundred thousand: 十萬a million: 一百萬ten million: 一千萬a hundred million: 一億a billion: 十億ten billion: 一百億a hundred billion: 一千億a trillion: 一萬億明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題 Where do people hang out in Kaohsiung? 人都在高雄哪些地方玩?
4/24/202116 minutes, 35 seconds
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1258 我就在家的路上 | 外國人回答 What is Kaohsiung like

I was born very far from where I am supposed to be. So I guess I’m on my way home. 我出生在距離我應該在的非常遙遠之處。所以我猜我應該在家的路上了。Angela:Kaohsiung is relaxing. It has a mild climate. It's basically relaxing. I think that's the feel that you get here mostly. 高雄令人放鬆,有一個溫和的氣候,基本上令人放鬆。我想這就是你在這裡大多時候會感覺的。Donny:Well, that's a hard question actually. Uh, well, it's a very large city. It's very large, but it's very spread out. It has several downtown areas. So it's possible to live in one part of the city and not really travel to other parts of the city. It's quite an industrial city and it's a very typical Taiwanese city. 嗯,這個問題真難。呃,它是個很大的城市,也非常的散開。它有好幾個鬧區。所以你可以住在一個部分的城市但不需要去到其他部分的城市。它是一個工業城市也是一個非常典型的台灣城市。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題 Where do people hang out in Kaohsiung? 
4/17/20219 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

1257 選哪一條路都沒有關係 | 學習用英語聊自己家鄉的方位

If you don’t know where you want to go, then it doesn’t matter which path you take. ~Alice Wonderland如果你不知道你要去哪裡,那麼你選擇哪一條路都沒有關係。 ~愛麗絲夢遊仙境他們今天都被問到一個這樣的問題:Where is Kaohsiung? 高雄在哪裡?Angela:Kaohsiung is a large city, uh, in the Southern part of Taiwan. 高雄市一個大城市,在台灣的南部。Donny: Kaohsiung is in the South. Very Southwest of Taiwan. 高雄在南部,是在台灣非常西南側的地方。被別人問起台灣在哪裡的時候,回答。Taiwan is an island. It's on the east side of Mainland China. 台灣是一個島,在中國大陸的右邊。(Taiwan is not Thailand!!!)方位的英語東:East西:West南:South北:North東北:Northeast西南:Southwest西北:Northwest東南:Southeast明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題What is Kaohsiung like?微信公眾帳號:iflyclubFacebook/IG/Line:@flywithlily
4/15/20219 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

1256 做妳愛做的事情就是成功 | 用英語介紹自己的家鄉特輯開始了

If you’re happy doing what you love, nobody can tell you you’re not successful. 如果妳很開心的做你愛的事情,沒有人可以告訴妳,妳不成功。(如果妳正在開心的做妳愛做的事,妳就是非常成功的人。)閒聊:我的近況。我的收穫。我和Angela, Donny在網上認識了將近一年的時間才見了面,因為我想要做這個特輯可以幫助大家用英語聊自己居住的地方。Angela:Hello, you're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend, Angela. I'm originally from the United States. I'm living in Kaohsiung because originally my aunts had invited me after seeing me travel around the world. And I wanted to come to Taiwan and learn about this side of my family. I'm teaching as an English teacher and maybe one day I hope to open my own business, but not exactly sure what that could be. 哈囉,妳正在收聽的節目是Fly with Lily學英語環遊世界。我是你的新朋友Angela,我源自美國,我住在高雄是因為我阿姨看到我環遊世界後邀請我來高雄,而且我也想要來台灣了解我這一邊的家人。我是一個英語老師,而且我希望有一天我可以開展我自己的事業,但是我還不是很明確的知道那會是什麼。Donny:Hello, you're listening to fly with Lily. I'm your new friend, Donny. I'm originally from Scotland. I'm living on the Island of Xiaoliuqiu in Taiwan because I'm a freediving instructor. I have a freediving school here, and my dream is to live a happy and healthy life in a place with good weather. 哈囉,你正在收聽的節目是Fly with Lily學英語環遊世界。我是你的新朋友Donny,我來自蘇格蘭,我居住在在台灣旁的小琉球島上因為我是自由潛水教練。我有一個自潛學校在這裡。我的夢想是生活在一個擁有好天氣然後快樂又健康的地方。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題Where is Kaohsiung?
4/15/202117 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

1256 做妳愛做的事情就是成功 | 用英語介紹自己的家鄉特輯開始了

If you’re happy doing what you love, nobody can tell you you’re not successful. 如果妳很開心的做你愛的事情,沒有人可以告訴妳,妳不成功。(如果妳正在開心的做妳愛做的事,妳就是非常成功的人。)閒聊:我的近況。我的收穫。我和Angela, Donny在網上認識了將近一年的時間才見了面,因為我想要做這個特輯可以幫助大家用英語聊自己居住的地方。Angela:Hello, you're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend, Angela. I'm originally from the United States. I'm living in Kaohsiung because originally my aunts had invited me after seeing me travel around the world. And I wanted to come to Taiwan and learn about this side of my family. I'm teaching as an English teacher and maybe one day I hope to open my own business, but not exactly sure what that could be. 哈囉,妳正在收聽的節目是Fly with Lily學英語環遊世界。我是你的新朋友Angela,我源自美國,我住在高雄是因為我阿姨看到我環遊世界後邀請我來高雄,而且我也想要來台灣了解我這一邊的家人。我是一個英語老師,而且我希望有一天我可以開展我自己的事業,但是我還不是很明確的知道那會是什麼。Donny:Hello, you're listening to fly with Lily. I'm your new friend, Donny. I'm originally from Scotland. I'm living on the Island of Xiaoliuqiu in Taiwan because I'm a freediving instructor. I have a freediving school here, and my dream is to live a happy and healthy life in a place with good weather. 哈囉,你正在收聽的節目是Fly with Lily學英語環遊世界。我是你的新朋友Donny,我來自蘇格蘭,我居住在在台灣旁的小琉球島上因為我是自由潛水教練。我有一個自潛學校在這裡。我的夢想是生活在一個擁有好天氣然後快樂又健康的地方。明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題Where is Kaohsiung?
4/15/202117 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

1255 跟老外一起去吃麵:台灣人有尋找美食的超能力

1255 跟老外一起去吃麵:台灣人有尋找美食的超能力Lily:Good. So what do you think about going to the noodle shop with a Taiwanese friend?David:Hmm. I think it's good to go to eat things with Taiwanese folks, because I think Taiwanese people have a superpower for finding good food. If I go with my Taiwanese friends for dinner, they find restaurants that I would never have even seen and they're always good restaurants. So I think going to eat with a Taiwanese friend is definitely the best way to experience noodles in Taiwan.莉莉:很好,那你覺得和台灣朋友一起去麵館怎麼樣?泰偉:嗯,我覺得和台灣人去吃東西很好,因爲我覺得台灣人有一種尋找美食的超能力。如果我和我的台灣朋友一起去吃飯,他們會發現我從來沒有見過的餐館,他們總是找到很好的餐館。所以我覺得和臺灣朋友一起去吃麵絕對是在台灣體驗麵條最好的方式。接下來我們會播放我們在吃面之後的幾段討論,請別忘記了持續收聽,然後約上你的老外朋友一起上麵店!可以的話關注我們的IG & 臉書粉絲頁是Fly with Lily,或者是在Apple Podcasts 和喜馬拉雅FM給我一個五星的評價,這樣就會有更多人和我們一起踏上學英語環遊世界的旅程。
4/10/20216 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

1254 跟老外一起去吃麵:板條不再是我的最愛

1254 跟老外一起去吃麵:板條不再是我的最愛Lily:And what's the next one? Do you still remember? We had the flat noodles。David:The flat rice noodle, those used to be my favorite but they're not quite as chewy as the other ones, so they're not my favorite anymore, but they're still really, really good. Still nice and chewy. So I enjoyed those as well.莉莉:下一個是什麼?你還記得嗎?我們吃的板條。泰偉:板條曾經是我的最愛,但它們不像其他的麵條那麼有嚼勁,所以不再是我的最愛,但它們仍然非常非常好吃。還是很有嚼勁,所以我也很喜歡。接下來我們會播放我們在吃面之後的幾段討論,請別忘記了持續收聽,然後約上你的老外朋友一起上麵店!可以的話關注我們的IG & 臉書粉絲頁是Fly with Lily,或者是在Apple Podcasts 和喜馬拉雅FM給我一個五星的評價,這樣就會有更多人和我們一起踏上學英語環遊世界的旅程。
4/9/20214 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

1253 跟老外一起去吃麵:描述麵的口感

1253 跟老外一起去吃麵:描述麵的口感Lily:Okay. Let's talk about this one's quite special to you. Very dear to your heart. Thick rice noodles!David:Yeah. I really like, I really like big noodles. So the thick rice noodles were definitely my favorite.Lily:Was that the first time you tried it?David:It is. Yeah, the thick rice noodles, the best way to say it is that they were, they were chewier, they had more bounce. I like chewing things. Lily: You liked the texture.David: It was very good texture.莉莉:好,我們來談談這個對你來說很特別的麵,而且深得你心。米苔目!泰偉:是的。我真的很喜歡,很喜歡粗的麵條。所以粗的米粉絕對是我的最愛。莉莉:那是你第一次嘗試嗎?泰偉:是的,這個粗的米粉,最好的說法是,它們(比米粉)更有嚼勁,更有彈性。我喜歡咀嚼東西。莉莉:你喜歡它的口感。泰偉:口感很好。接下來我們會播放我們在吃面之後的幾段討論,請別忘記了持續收聽,然後約上你的老外朋友一起上麵店!可以的話關注我們的IG & 臉書粉絲頁是Fly with Lily,或者是在Apple Podcasts 和喜馬拉雅FM給我一個五星的評價,這樣就會有更多人和我們一起踏上學英語環遊世界的旅程。
4/8/20215 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

1252 跟老外一起去吃麵:想想陽春麵的新英文名字

Lily:Oh, we had the plain noodles. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think of the plain noodles? David:I would say plain noodles for Americans are probably not well known. But I wouldn't say that they tasted plain when I think of plain noodles I think of something that has no taste and this definitely had a taste.Lily:So shall we give a new name for it?David:Probably, but I'm not sure what that name would be.莉莉:哦,我們吃的是陽春麵,是的,你覺得陽春麵怎麼樣?泰偉:我要說,美國人可能不太知道陽春麵。但我聽到陽春麵的英文名時,我想到的是嚐起來很普通的麵,但這個絕對有味道。莉莉:我們要給它取個新名字嗎?泰偉:可能吧,但我不確定這個名字會是什麼?接下來我們會播放我們在吃面之後的幾段討論,請別忘記了持續收聽,然後約上你的老外朋友一起上麵店!可以的話關注我們的IG & 臉書粉絲頁是Fly with Lily,或者是在Apple Podcasts 和喜馬拉雅FM給我一個五星的評價,這樣就會有更多人和我們一起踏上學英語環遊世界的旅程。
4/7/20214 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

1251 跟老外一起去吃麵:吃蝦子不吐蝦子皮的泰偉

1251 跟老外一起去吃麵:吃蝦子不吐蝦子皮的泰偉Lily:And the third one is the seafood rice noodles. So I think there's lots of different kinds of seafood. Yes. Yeah. Do you remember those?David:There was octopus and clams and fish and fish cake, which I also ate. Let's see. What else was there? Oh, there were shrimp.Lily:You didn't even take off the shells.David:No, I read somewhere that the shells don't do any harm. And so I decided to try eating the shells once, and I liked that it was crunchy. So I continued eating the shells.Lily:OK. And then I remember when you were talking about rice noodles, you feel like it's really different than all the other noodles right?.David:Yeah. They tasted compared to the other noodles almost a little bit rough, and I liked that.莉莉:是的,第三個是海鮮米粉。所以我想有很多不同種類的海鮮。你還記得嗎?泰偉:有章魚、蛤蜊、魚和魚板,我也吃了。我想想,還有什麼,有蝦!莉莉:但你連殼都沒脫。泰偉:不,我讀到過殼不會有什麼危害。所以我決定嘗試吃一次殼,我喜歡它脆脆的。於是我繼續吃殼。莉莉:好吧。然後我記得你說米粉的時候,感覺它真的和其他所有的麪條不一樣,對吧。泰偉:是的。和其他的麪條相比,它們嚐起來有一點粗糙,我喜歡。接下來我們會播放我們在吃面之後的幾段討論,請別忘記了持續收聽,然後約上你的老外朋友一起上麵店!可以的話關注我們的IG & 臉書粉絲頁是Fly with Lily,或者是在Apple Podcasts 和喜馬拉雅FM給我一個五星的評價,這樣就會有更多人和我們一起踏上學英語環遊世界的旅程。
4/6/20218 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

1250 跟老外一起去吃麵:分享的快樂

Lily:All right. And the second one is my favorite, every time I go to the noodle shop, I always order that one.David:That's the, it's an egg noodle, right?Lily:The egg noodles. Yes.David:With wontons.Lily:Yes. Very good. Yeah. How many wontons were there?David:There were three wontons.Lily:And how many you had?David:I had two.  I was a bit of a wanton hog.莉莉:好的,第二種是 我最喜歡的,每次去這家麵館,我總是點那一種。泰偉:那是雞蛋麵對吧莉莉:意麵,是的。泰偉:有餛飩。莉莉:是的,很好,有多少餛飩?泰偉:有三個。莉莉:你吃了幾個泰偉:我吃了兩個。我是一個有點愛吃餛飩啦。接下來我們會播放我們在吃面之後的幾段討論,請別忘記了持續收聽,然後約上你的老外朋友一起上麵店!可以的話關注我們的IG & 臉書粉絲頁是Fly with Lily,或者是在Apple Podcasts 和喜馬拉雅FM給我一個五星的評價,這樣就會有更多人和我們一起踏上學英語環遊世界的旅程。
4/6/20214 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

1249 跟老外一起去吃麵:回憶吃麻醬麵的印象

跟老外一起去吃麵:回憶吃麻醬麵的印象Lily:Do you still remember all the noodles we tried?David:No. I already forgot.Lily:Really? I'll help refresh your mind?David:Please do.Lily:The first one is the sesame noodles. What was your impression?David:I thought the Sesame noodles were very good. There's a shop near my house that serves sesame noodles, but the noodles that they used in the shop were much better.Lily:Yeah. Did we finish it?David:We did not.莉莉:你還記得我們試過的所有麵條嗎?泰偉:不,我已經忘了。莉莉:真的嗎,我能幫你恢復下記憶嗎?泰偉:求你了!莉莉:第一個是芝麻麵,印象如何?泰偉:我覺得芝麻麵很好吃。我家附近有一家賣芝麻麵的店,但是他們在這家店裏用的麵條更好吃。莉莉:是的,我們吃完了嗎?泰偉:並沒有。接下來我們會播放我們在吃面之後的幾段討論,請別忘記了持續收聽,然後約上你的老外朋友一起上麵店!可以的話關注我們的IG & 臉書粉絲頁是Fly with Lily,或者是在Apple Podcasts 和喜馬拉雅FM給我一個五星的評價,這樣就會有更多人和我們一起踏上學英語環遊世界的旅程。
4/5/20216 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

1248 跟老外去吃麵記:一口氣點了六碗麵老闆很困惑

1248 跟老外去吃麵記:一口氣點了六碗麵老闆很困惑Lily:Hello David, we just came back from the noodle shop. David:We did.Lily:How do you feel right now?David:Full, hahaha.Lily:Very full. What was your favorite part of the whole experience?David:I think my favorite part was how confused the laoban (shop owner) was.Lily:What happened to laoban?David:Well, we were two people and we ordered six bowls of noodles. And so the poor man had to make six bowls of noodles for two people.Lily:Yeah. I think he was happy to get so many business, you know, from us.David:But I think he thinks we're crazy...Lily:Right. A little bit. Yeah. I agree. He was confused when I was paying the bill and yeah. And, but it was fun. It was fun. It was fun. And we made a video, we recorded something and then we are about to share our experience. 莉莉:哈囉,泰偉,我們剛從麵館回來。泰偉:是的。莉莉:你現在是什麼感覺?泰偉:飽,哈哈哈。莉莉:你最喜歡的是什麼部分?泰偉:我覺得我最喜歡的部分是那個老闆有多困惑。莉莉:老闆怎麼了?泰偉:嗯,我們是兩個人,點了六碗麪。於是,這個可憐的人不得不爲兩個人做六碗麪條。莉莉:是的,但我想他很高興從我們這裏得到這麼多生意。泰偉:但我覺得他覺得我們瘋了莉莉:對,有一點點。是的,我同意。我買單的時候,他很迷茫,但是很有趣,很開心。我們錄了一段視頻,錄了一些東西,然後我們要分享我們的經驗。接下來我們會播放我們在吃面之後的幾段討論,請別忘記了持續收聽,然後約上你的老外朋友一起上麵店!可以的話關注我們的IG & 臉書粉絲頁是Fly with Lily,或者是在Apple Podcasts 和喜馬拉雅FM給我一個五星的評價,這樣就會有更多人和我們一起踏上學英語環遊世界的旅程。
4/5/202111 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

1248 跟老外去吃麵記:一口氣點了六碗麵老闆很困惑

1248 跟老外去吃麵記:一口氣點了六碗麵老闆很困惑Lily:Hello David, we just came back from the noodle shop. David:We did.Lily:How do you feel right now?David:Full, hahaha.Lily:Very full. What was your favorite part of the whole experience?David:I think my favorite part was how confused the laoban (shop owner) was.Lily:What happened to laoban?David:Well, we were two people and we ordered six bowls of noodles. And so the poor man had to make six bowls of noodles for two people.Lily:Yeah. I think he was happy to get so many business, you know, from us.David:But I think he thinks we're crazy...Lily:Right. A little bit. Yeah. I agree. He was confused when I was paying the bill and yeah. And, but it was fun. It was fun. It was fun. And we made a video, we recorded something and then we are about to share our experience. 莉莉:哈囉,泰偉,我們剛從麵館回來。泰偉:是的。莉莉:你現在是什麼感覺?泰偉:飽,哈哈哈。莉莉:你最喜歡的是什麼部分?泰偉:我覺得我最喜歡的部分是那個老闆有多困惑。莉莉:老闆怎麼了?泰偉:嗯,我們是兩個人,點了六碗麪。於是,這個可憐的人不得不爲兩個人做六碗麪條。莉莉:是的,但我想他很高興從我們這裏得到這麼多生意。泰偉:但我覺得他覺得我們瘋了莉莉:對,有一點點。是的,我同意。我買單的時候,他很迷茫,但是很有趣,很開心。我們錄了一段視頻,錄了一些東西,然後我們要分享我們的經驗。接下來我們會播放我們在吃面之後的幾段討論,請別忘記了持續收聽,然後約上你的老外朋友一起上麵店!可以的話關注我們的IG & 臉書粉絲頁是Fly with Lily,或者是在Apple Podcasts 和喜馬拉雅FM給我一個五星的評價,這樣就會有更多人和我們一起踏上學英語環遊世界的旅程。
4/5/202111 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

1247 如何用英語聊麵食文化?

上集節目中,我們聊到許多麵條的英語單詞,還沒有收聽的趕快到學英語環遊世界的1246 這些麵食的英語怎麼說?補收聽,今天這是稍微進階一點版本的,適合想要挑戰自己英語程度的朋友收聽。Lily會分享你可以怎麼介紹吃麵的文化,還有在吃麵的時候可以聊的話題。你也可以解釋一下吃麵的文化,(文摘自Wikipedia)Noodles are a symbol of longevity in Chinese culture. They are as much a part of a Chinese birthday celebration as a birthday cake with lit candles is in many countries. Since noodles do symbolize long life, it is considered very unlucky to cut up a strand. 麵在中國文化象徵長壽,我們會在生日慶典的時候吃,就像許多國家會點蠟燭在生日蛋糕那樣,因為麵食象徵長壽,所以吃麵的時候若把一串麵食切斷也是非常不吉利的。單詞解釋:Symbol 象徵Longevity 長壽Culture 文化Birthday celebration 生日慶典Symbolize 象徵It is considered 被認為Unlucky 不吉利Strand 串如果你是到了一個比較有麵食特色的地方,你也可以告訴外國朋友由來,以在高雄鹽埕區和哈瑪星為例:There are over one hundred noodle shops here in Yancheng District and Hamasen area. The noodles are also very diverse and many different kinds to choose from. One of the main reasons why the noodle shops are so popular is because this area is close to the harbor and the customs. Therefore, when the fishermen and the immigrant workers are having their break at work, all they need is quick and delicious snacks, so they can be back to work soon. 在高雄鹽埕區哈瑪星這帶更是麵食豐富的一個區域,有超過一百家的麵食,而且種類非常多元而且很多選擇。原因是因為這個區域靠近海港與海關,所以許多的漁民和外來移民工人在工作休息時候,需要的就是一碗快捷美味的點心,所以這就是為什麼麵店這麼受歡迎的原因。單詞解釋Diverse 多元Harbor 港口The customs 海關Fishermen 漁民Immigrant workers 移工Snacks 點心帶老外去吃麵的時候,就是你們暢談自己食物文化的最好時機。可以多問對方問題來聊彼此對這道麵食的感受。Have you had the (sesame noodles)? 你有吃過芝麻麵嘛? How do you like it? (你喜歡嗎?)What are your favorite noodles? 你最喜歡哪道麵食? How would you describe the taste to your friends who have never eaten them before? (你會如何敘述這個麵食的口味給你從未吃過的朋友呢?)最近在我的家鄉高雄鹽埕區這裡的SKB文明鋼筆店裡舉辦了一個畫説鹽埕麵的展覽活動,今天我帶了我之前在旅行認識的美國小帥哥David一起來高雄我最喜歡的麵店:美女的麵,我們一口氣點了六道面,跟外國人一起來品嘗不一樣的麵條,特別有意思。你們猜猜David最喜歡的是哪一道面?接下來我們會播放我們在吃面之後的幾段討論,請別忘記了持續收聽,然後約上你的老外朋友一起上麵店!可以的話關注我們的IG & 臉書粉絲頁是Fly with Lily,或者是在Apple Podcasts 和喜馬拉雅FM給我一個五星的評價,這樣就會有更多人和我們一起踏上學英語環遊世界的旅程!
4/5/202110 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

1247 如何用英語聊麵食文化?

上集節目中,我們聊到許多麵條的英語單詞,還沒有收聽的趕快到學英語環遊世界的1246 這些麵食的英語怎麼說?補收聽,今天這是稍微進階一點版本的,適合想要挑戰自己英語程度的朋友收聽。Lily會分享你可以怎麼介紹吃麵的文化,還有在吃麵的時候可以聊的話題。你也可以解釋一下吃麵的文化,(文摘自Wikipedia)Noodles are a symbol of longevity in Chinese culture. They are as much a part of a Chinese birthday celebration as a birthday cake with lit candles is in many countries. Since noodles do symbolize long life, it is considered very unlucky to cut up a strand. 麵在中國文化象徵長壽,我們會在生日慶典的時候吃,就像許多國家會點蠟燭在生日蛋糕那樣,因為麵食象徵長壽,所以吃麵的時候若把一串麵食切斷也是非常不吉利的。單詞解釋:Symbol 象徵Longevity 長壽Culture 文化Birthday celebration 生日慶典Symbolize 象徵It is considered 被認為Unlucky 不吉利Strand 串如果你是到了一個比較有麵食特色的地方,你也可以告訴外國朋友由來,以在高雄鹽埕區和哈瑪星為例:There are over one hundred noodle shops here in Yancheng District and Hamasen area. The noodles are also very diverse and many different kinds to choose from. One of the main reasons why the noodle shops are so popular is because this area is close to the harbor and the customs. Therefore, when the fishermen and the immigrant workers are having their break at work, all they need is quick and delicious snacks, so they can be back to work soon. 在高雄鹽埕區哈瑪星這帶更是麵食豐富的一個區域,有超過一百家的麵食,而且種類非常多元而且很多選擇。原因是因為這個區域靠近海港與海關,所以許多的漁民和外來移民工人在工作休息時候,需要的就是一碗快捷美味的點心,所以這就是為什麼麵店這麼受歡迎的原因。單詞解釋Diverse 多元Harbor 港口The customs 海關Fishermen 漁民Immigrant workers 移工Snacks 點心帶老外去吃麵的時候,就是你們暢談自己食物文化的最好時機。可以多問對方問題來聊彼此對這道麵食的感受。Have you had the (sesame noodles)? 你有吃過芝麻麵嘛? How do you like it? (你喜歡嗎?)What are your favorite noodles? 你最喜歡哪道麵食? How would you describe the taste to your friends who have never eaten them before? (你會如何敘述這個麵食的口味給你從未吃過的朋友呢?)最近在我的家鄉高雄鹽埕區這裡的SKB文明鋼筆店裡舉辦了一個畫説鹽埕麵的展覽活動,今天我帶了我之前在旅行認識的美國小帥哥David一起來高雄我最喜歡的麵店:美女的麵,我們一口氣點了六道面,跟外國人一起來品嘗不一樣的麵條,特別有意思。你們猜猜David最喜歡的是哪一道面?接下來我們會播放我們在吃面之後的幾段討論,請別忘記了持續收聽,然後約上你的老外朋友一起上麵店!可以的話關注我們的IG & 臉書粉絲頁是Fly with Lily,或者是在Apple Podcasts 和喜馬拉雅FM給我一個五星的評價,這樣就會有更多人和我們一起踏上學英語環遊世界的旅程!
4/5/202110 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

1246 這些麵食的英語怎麼說?

本集節目中提到的英語單詞:面条的味道taste、口感texture、形狀shape米粉 rice noodles 意麵 egg noodles 義大利細麵Spaghetti陽春麵 plain noodles 板條 flat noodles  你也可以特別加上big/wide來形容大的大小和寬度和一般的細麵不同。麻醬麵 noodles with sesame paste 也可以說是sesame noodles 芝麻麵依照麵條的原料,我們基本上可以分成這三類 wheat noodles 小麥製作 rice noodles 米製作 starch noodles澱粉製作像是同樣都是米做的寬麵,我們會有客家粄條、粿仔、河粉的說法,但其實指得是差不多的東西,僅僅是做法還有國家產地習慣稱呼的差別,所以你可以這麼解釋They are all made of rice, but the way they are shaped and cooked is different. 在美國的大街小巷可以看到這樣的麵食餐廳,上面會有Pho這個字,其實就是越南河粉的意思。下集節目會聊到如何用英語聊麵食文化,問外國人的問題,還有需要注意的事項!
4/4/202110 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

1246 這些麵食的英語怎麼說?

本集節目中提到的英語單詞:面条的味道taste、口感texture、形狀shape米粉 rice noodles 意麵 egg noodles 義大利細麵Spaghetti陽春麵 plain noodles 板條 flat noodles  你也可以特別加上big/wide來形容大的大小和寬度和一般的細麵不同。麻醬麵 noodles with sesame paste 也可以說是sesame noodles 芝麻麵依照麵條的原料,我們基本上可以分成這三類 wheat noodles 小麥製作 rice noodles 米製作 starch noodles澱粉製作像是同樣都是米做的寬麵,我們會有客家粄條、粿仔、河粉的說法,但其實指得是差不多的東西,僅僅是做法還有國家產地習慣稱呼的差別,所以你可以這麼解釋They are all made of rice, but the way they are shaped and cooked is different. 在美國的大街小巷可以看到這樣的麵食餐廳,上面會有Pho這個字,其實就是越南河粉的意思。下集節目會聊到如何用英語聊麵食文化,問外國人的問題,還有需要注意的事項!
4/4/202110 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork


4月企划:用英语聊自己的家乡和文化1. 4.3-14: 画说盐埕面-带老外去吃面2. 4.15-5.15: 老外聊高雄
4/2/20217 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

1245 有志者事竟成 | 到处旅行的单亲妈妈

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 有志者,事竟成。I had such an eventful week in Switzerland. Not only did I make new friends, go sightseeing and enjoy some amazing local food but I also got to see friends who I met on my previous trip. 我在瑞士度过了好充实的一周,我不仅交了新朋友、去观光、还去享受了许多美妙的食物,甚至见了我在之前旅行认识的朋友。I met Patricia in May, 2019,  when I was visiting Ibiza. We were sharing the same room in the hostel and Patricia was very outgoing so we immediately became friends. We’ve kept in touch since our meeting in Ibiza. That day she and her daughter came out of their way and drove to meet me in Lucerne, which is their favourite city. They invited me on a scenic boat ride before taking a cable car up to a very luxurious hotel in the mountain for drinks. The scenery was even more breathtaking when shared and enjoyed with a good friend! 我在2019年5月的时候,在拜访伊比萨的时候遇见Patricia。我们住在同一间青年旅舍的同一间房。Patricia非常的外向,所以我们马上就成为了朋友。离开伊比萨之后我一直有联系。那天他和她女儿特别开车来鲁森来看我,鲁森也是他们最喜欢的城市。他们邀请我坐上了景观船,然后我们坐上了缆车到了山上一家非常奢华的酒店喝饮料。和一个好朋友在一起景色变得更美丽。Many of my listeners tell me that they want to travel but often feel unable to because of kids and current family responsibilities. Patricia is living and breathing proof that it is possible to manage both. She is a single working mom who is also very well-traveled and never compromises on the things in life that matter to her. Like me, travel is her biggest passion! She told me about many amazing solo travel experiences as well as priceless journeys shared with her two kids on road trips. One of her most memorable family trips was an unplanned, ten day visit to Italy in her car. They left Switzerland without any bookings to their name, preferring to see where their journey took them each day. On one night, this meant an evening sleeping in the car; an experience her kids will no doubt remind her of for many years to come.   我有很多听众告诉我,他们想要旅行然而因为他们的小孩还有当前的家庭责任他们没有办法。Patricia就是可以兼顾到这两者的活生生的例子。他是跟在上班的单亲妈妈,然而他也游历了非常多国家也从不会和生活要事妥协。就像我一样,旅游是她最大的梦想。他告诉我许多她独自旅行的美妙经验,甚至还有和他两个孩子一起的公路旅行。让她最印象深刻的其中一个家庭旅游就是一个没有计划的十天的意大利之旅。他们没有预定人和房间,从瑞士离开就看看他们的旅行会带他们到什么地方去。有一晚,甚至要睡在车里,然而这是个绝对会让他的孩子接下来许多年都会提醒她的一个体验。She and I both believe that where there’s a will, there’s a way. 她和我都相信,有志者事竟成。
3/26/202120 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

1244 美存在于最简单的事物 | 不仅省钱又温暖你心的旅行

Most of the time, beauty lies in the simplest of things. 大多数时候,美存在于最简单的事物中。It was actually really nice to be able to go to the hosts’ place after my day’s visit. It gets dark really quickly during winters in Europe, usually before the end of the working day around 5pm. The weather was often miserably cold and rainy; just the sort of weather for returning to the host’s place where we either shared food or I cooked for them. 可以在一天的游览完毕后回到我沙发主人的家感觉真的很好。在欧洲的冬天都天黑的很快,差不多在一天结束工作之前就会全黑了。天气也经常很冷又下雨。当天公不作美的时候,回到主人家可以一起分享食物或者我煮饭给他们吃实在太棒。This time in Switzerland I even had the opportunity to share amazing special food from my hosts, like Matthew in Bern who taught me how to make Raclette, which looks like Swiss Grill with cheese using a special oven. While I stayed with J in Lucerne, who’s from Hawaii but lived in Switzerland for many years, he made lao lao, a Hawaiian meal wrapped with taro leaves. It was really impressive. I will never forget its fragrance and taste. It was so delicious too. 这次在瑞士我有幸能享受到来自我沙发主人许多美味又特别的食物,像是在Bern的Matthew叫我如何吃Raclette,一种用使用特别烤盘和用奶酪制作的瑞士烧烤,还有当我在鲁森和来自夏威夷的J一起分享他做的唠唠,是一种用芋头叶子包起来的夏威夷传统食物。真的超级棒。我永远都不会忘记那个香味还有味道。吃起来也十分美味。Saving money and sharing food with Couchsurfers is great, but nothing compared to the rewards of hearing the stories of people who live there and exchanging experiences. For me, it was also an opportunity to share and contribute my experiences and knowledge.利用沙发冲浪的方式来省钱和分享食物虽然很棒,但是分享住在当地人们的生活和交换彼此的经验是什么也比不上的。对于我来说,也是一个可以分享和贡献我经验和知识的机会。J was a very special man and he shared many stories with me. He was an artist and was really kind when we met. A few years ago, when J was a successful entrepreneur he experienced a tragic family bereavement which left him feeling sad, angry and lost. He made a few big lifestyle changes including moving to Switzerland and was now ready to share his stories so as to help other people heal. I have been a podcaster for many years and I want to use this knowledge to help others too. Over the years I've benefited tremendously by telling my own healing stories, helping others and making a living. One night, we sat down and created a podcast together and organized the ideas. It was a very beautiful moment that I will never forget.J是一个非常特别的人,他和我分享了许多故事。他是一个艺术家而且当我们见面的时候非常的友善。几年前,J是个成功的生意人却遭遇了一个悲剧般的丧亲事件让他伤心、生气又失落。他做了许多生活型态的大改变,其中包括搬到瑞士来,现在他也准备好分享自己的故事来帮助别人疗愈。我作为一个播主已经多年,而且我也希望用我的知识来帮助别人。几年来,我也收益于讲述自己的疗愈故事,帮助别人来谋生。有一晚,我们就坐下来帮助他创造一个播客然后组织一些想法。那是一个非常美丽,而且让我永远不会忘记的时刻。英语训练营 报名方式,加公众微信:iflyclub 回复:训练营
3/23/202114 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

1243 不是所有的教室都有墙 | 一个改变我对世界看法的事件

Not all classrooms have four walls. 不是所有的教室都有四堵墙。山和海也是课堂On the way to Bern, I was communicating with my other Couchsurfing host and he said he could not greet me at his house because he was having a Hebrew lesson. So he met me at the station and gave me his key and address and he left! Another adventure began. It was a cold, rainy November evening and the road to his apartment was really dark. When I finally opened the door, I saw a lovely cozy apartment complete with a cat. 在去伯恩的路上,我和另外的沙发主人联系,然后他说因为他要去上希伯来语课,所以不能在家里迎接我。所以他在车站和我见面,给了我他的钥匙还有家地址就离开了!另一个冒险又开始了,那是一个又冷又下雨的11月晚上,去他公寓的路真的好黑。然而当我终于打开他的家门,我看到一个很温暖的公寓,加上一只猫咪,实在太完美了。So I was hanging out by myself until Matthew came home. He then made me Pasta and dessert.  然后我就自己一个人打发时间直到主人Matthew回家。他煮了意大利面和甜点给我。This wasn’t the first time on my travels when I was given house keys by someone I had only just met. It is something that you wouldn’t normally expect in daily life, especially if you believe the world to be as difficult and dangerous as it seems in the news. This complete trust in other people is a refreshing and much-needed contrast. I love being a traveler and I really appreciate the trust of people who were strangers at the time we met. Their generosity and trust changed the way I see the world. It opened my eyes to the world of possibilities just waiting to be discovered.这并不是第一次在旅行的时候我刚认识的朋友给了我他们家里的钥匙。但这是在日常生活中你通常不会预料到的,特别是如果你相信这个世界就像电视新闻看到的那样困难与危险。这种完全的信任让人十分的耳目一新,而且也是这个社会非常需要的一种反差。我爱当一个旅行者,而且我很感激那些陌生人给我的信任。也因为他们的慷慨和信任让我改变了对世界的看法。也让我被这个世界等着被发现的机遇打开了眼界。和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:加微信iflyclub,回复“训练营”,每月初开营
3/16/202115 minutes, 17 seconds
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1242 我只是需要充电 |在瑞士下雪的山顶吃火锅

跟Lily一起早起云雀实验室的活动即将在3.15开始了,和Lily一起做运动、打坐还有读书,感受清晨五点满满的正能量,只收女生哦,报名请至微信:iflyclub,回复文字:早起Sometimes, I need to go off on my own. I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm just recharging my batteries. 有时候,我需要一个人去旅行。我不伤心,我也没有生气,我只是在充电。After thanking Yann for the wonderful hospitality for two days at his home, I decided to go for another scenic adventure, so I jumped on a random train up to the mountain. On the way up, I could see the whole Lake Geneva and the calm beauty truly amazed me. I arrived at the top at a place called Les Pleiades. It looked like a small village for skiing and was completely deserted. No one was getting off and I was reminded by the conductor that the train would start again in an hour. It was early November and it was starting to snow as I walked, tiny flakes of snow gently landing on my hair. For someone from a tropical island, the novelty of snow never wears thin. It was really beautiful and I almost went dancing (or slipping) on the train track with my heavy suitcase and backpack.. I was also feeling desperate for a toilet moment again, which is a strange physical reaction whenever excitement is mixed with the uncertainty of a trip.在谢谢Yann两天在他家的热情款待之后,我决定再去另一个美丽景色的冒险,所以我又跳上随便一台车到山顶。在爬坡的路上,我可以看见日内瓦湖,它的宁静的美丽真令人惊艳。我抵达了这个地方叫Les Pleiades。看起来像是一个滑雪而且完全无人的小镇。没有人下车,然而车掌提醒我在一个小时车会再发动下山。那是11月处,而且当我开始走路了就下雪了,雪花轻轻地降落在我的发梢,对于从热带岛屿来的我,下雪总是让我感觉很新奇。真的很美,我几乎在轨道上边跳舞(或是快跌倒了),我也感觉非常地想要去洗手间,这也是旅行中当我既兴奋又感到有许多不确定的时候会有的生理反应。I went into this small restaurant which was empty and only had two staff working. One of the men was very friendly and let me know that I could use their restroom. The whole atmosphere was immediately relaxing. After the toilet break, I sat down and wondered if I should order something for lunch. I saw the Swiss Fondue on the menu and I was very curious. The waiter did not speak much English but he was very friendly when greeting me and took the time to teach me the finer details of how to enjoy my first Swiss Fondue through his careful coaching. 我进入了小小空空的只有两个服务员在工作的餐厅,有一个男服务员,非常友善立刻让我知道我可以使用他们的洗手间。整个餐厅的气氛立刻就轻松下来了,我从洗手间回来,坐下就纳闷我是否点个午餐来吃。我看到在菜单上有瑞士火锅,我很好奇。服务员虽然说不太多英语,但招呼我非常友善,而且也很仔细教我如何去享用我的第一个瑞士火锅。The Swiss Fondue looked a lot like the “hot pot” we have in Asia, but instead of broth, it was melted cheese. You dip the bread and vegetables in the hot melting cheese, and you could sprinkle pepper on them to add to the flavor. I loved seeing the cheese dripping from my bread when I lifted it away from the pot and it was certainly very delicious and comforting for my tummy. Although I was alone, I truly enjoyed the atmosphere and immersed myself in exploring the new food, with a dream backdrop of a snowy mountain top. 瑞士的火锅看起来就像我们在亚洲吃的火锅,然而他的汤底不是大骨头而是融化的奶酪。你可以用面包和蔬菜沾那热热融化的火锅里的奶酪,然后可以在上面撒一些胡椒增加风味。我非常喜欢看到当我拿起我的面包,奶酪从上面滴下来的样子,而且真的蛮好吃,我的胃也非常的满足。虽然我是一个人,但是我真的很享受沉浸在那个气氛之下而且又有如梦似的山上下雪的背景陪伴着我。It was quite an expensive and simple lunch at 30 Euros but it was worth every cent. With little time to spare from my remaining 30 minutes, I paid for the meal and got on the train to head back down. Then it was time to head off to my next destination which was Bern!虽然是一顿既昂贵又简单的一顿午餐,要价30欧元,但真的每一分都好值得。用着剩下的三十分钟来享受一下,我买单后就接着上车往山下走。然后前往我的下个目的地:伯恩。
3/13/202120 minutes, 50 seconds
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1241 我不再是从前的我了 |感受瑞士的震撼的美景与奢华

这一篇在台东的酒店录制的,已经在外面一天,声音好累,但是已经答应大家要上传,见谅!I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world. 我不再是从前的我了,因为我看过月亮在世界的另一边闪耀。Yann showed me around Lake Geneva and dropped me off at a vineyard. He suggested I hike up the mountain and then hitchhike to Montreux. After that, I was off on my adventure. I was a little bit disoriented and thought it would be too cold for me to go hiking, so I immediately found a train station nearby and hopped on a train at random to see where destiny would take me. Yann带我去日内瓦湖附近,然后在一个葡萄园把我放下来。他建议我爬山然后搭便车到蒙特勒。之后,我的冒险开始了,我有点搞不清楚方向,然后感觉爬山有点冷,所以我很快的找到了附近的火车站,然后就随便跳上了一台车,看看命运会带我去哪里。As luck would have it, the train I took ended up in Montreux. Along the way I was so excited and mesmerized by the scenic view through the train window! I walked around the small town and time seemed to go by so slowly. Then I asked a clerk about the scenic train which was included in my pass and went on another ride through the mountains to Zweismmen. I was amazed by the picturesque little houses I passed in the valleys, and the rugged mountains that towered overhead. After I visited the village, I came down the mountain on the Golden Pass (one of the most famous trains in Switzerland), and it was the most luxurious experience I’ve ever had. The green upholstered seat I was sitting in was so comfortable and beautiful, it made me feel like a queen. When I looked out the window I was really amazed and wondered what life would be like living in this majestic landscape.运气很好,这车果真就一路开到了蒙特勒。在路上我好兴奋和被这窗外美轮美奂的景色吸引得不得了!我沿着小镇走了一圈,时间过得好慢。我问了票务员包含在我环欧通票的景观车,我立刻又坐了另一台车穿越山岭的到了茲懷斯文。我真的对坐落在山谷之间那如画般的小房子还有险峻的山峰的景色给迷倒了。参观完小村落后,我坐上了在瑞士最著名的景观列车之一的黄金列车下山,那也是我最奢华的火车经验。那有着绿色布料装饰的暖垫椅子好舒服又美丽。让我感觉好像皇后一样。当我从窗外看出去,我真的很惊艳也纳闷那些住在这样雄丽风景下的生活是如何。In the evening, I offered to cook dumplings for Yann. He was curious about every step I took when preparing them. He had coincidentally bought me dessert and drinks from a Chinese shop nearby, so we ended up making a very Chinese dinner together. We talked about my adventures and had a really lovely time chatting deep into the night.晚上,我主动提出要包饺子给Yann。他很好奇我准备的每一个步骤,他也很巧的买了中国的甜点还有饮料给我,所以我们吃了非常中国风味的一餐。我们就聊我的冒险记,然后聊得很开心一直到夜深了。和Lily一起五点早起感受丰盛的正能量,云雀实验室报名方式,关注公众微信iflyclub回复文字:早起
3/9/202114 minutes, 7 seconds
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3.1-3.7停更通知 3.8 恢复更新!

3/7/20212 minutes
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1240 保证旅程不会无聊 |在瑞士尝试分享的富足喜悦

I don't know where I'm going but I promise it won't be boring. 我不知道我要哪个地方,但是我保证那不会无聊。That night, Yann prepared dinner and we had a great chat about his previous guests, and the volunteer work he had done in Madagascar. He learned while he was there how delicious the food was and he had a special batch of chilis he had brought back. I had some of the chilis and I loved it. Then we went to his home office and planned my trip for the next day. Yann said the best way to travel in small towns in Switzerland is actually by hitchhiking. He then wrote Montreux on a piece of cardboard and insisted I take it with me. Though I decided against hitchhiking because I’m a bit timid, I was grateful for his help. 那一晚,Yann准备晚餐然后我们聊之前他接待过的客人还有他在马达加斯加的志愿工作聊得好开心。他聊到那里的食物有多好吃,还有带回来一些那裡的辣椒醬。我嘗試了一些,而我好愛啊!然後我們去他的辦公室計畫我隔日的旅行,Yann说在瑞士小镇旅行的最好的方式是搭便车,他写下了蒙特勒在一块纸板上,然后坚持我带上。因为我有点害羞所以我还是没有去搭便车,但真的蛮感谢他的帮助。I got up around 8am, and Yann had already sent me a text message that he had prepared breakfast for me downstairs. I went down and saw yogurt and toast laid on the table. And he had also prepared a sandwich and some dried mango for me to take with me on today’s trip. I was amazed by his hospitality. I was in one of the most expensive countries in the world, but I hardly paid a cent because of this man’s generosity. Though he gave away so much for free, I could tell he lived a richer life because of it.我大概8点起床,然后接到Yann的简讯说他已经在楼下准备好了午餐。我下楼然后看到优格和吐司已经摆放在餐桌上。他还准备了一个三明治和芒果干给我旅行带着。我真的对他的好客感觉到非常的惊奇。我在世界上最贵的国家之一,然而因为Yann的慷慨,到现在我还没花到一毛钱。他给别人好多东西,然而我可以说他因为这样过上了更富足的生活。推荐iTalki的英语老师,用我的推荐连结注册定课程可获得10美元学习金! with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?Podcast课程:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:加微信iflyclub,回复“训练营”,每月初开营云雀实验室:加微信englishfit,回复5AM喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
2/26/202117 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

1239 我的心就是注定要旅行 | 在瑞士旅行感受到的窘境和震撼

My heart is born to travel. 我的心就是注定要旅行。I actually didn’t know there was a basement, at first. Yann took me downstairs to a huge and dimly lit laundry room and where the family hung their clothes to dry. It was very strange for me, since in Spain and in Asia, we hang most of our laundry to dry in the sun outside. Being in this laundry room made me realize how dirty my clothes were -- I only had three sets of clothes and I hadn’t washed them in a week! Unfortunately, my awkwardness got the better of me, and I decided against asking to use his washing machine. I would go on wearing these old clothes. When we walked out of the laundry room, Yann led me to another door and told me to close my eyes.事实上,原先我不知道那里有一个地下室。Yann带我到地下室到一个好大的暗暗的洗衣室,那里是他的家人晾他们衣服的地方。在西班牙还有在亚洲,我们大多把我们的衣服晾在太阳下,所以个感觉有点奇怪,但是在那个洗衣间里,我又想到因为旅行只有带三套衣服出来,一周在路上没洗衣服,我现在衣服很脏,但是我觉得实在有点别扭,所以我并没有问他要使用他的洗衣机。我就继续穿我的髒衣服吧。当我们走出洗衣室之后,Yann 告诉我要闭上自己的眼睛。When I opened my eyes again I saw a church. The house was actually connected to the church where Yann and his wife had been preaching. He told me he moved here twenty years ago and the church gave him this house so he and his family could have a place to live. He told me that, because his son has grown up and moved away, he has a spare room to offer to guests. He has hosted guests like me from around the world in that room. In fact, he has made a point of only hosting guests from countries he didn’t know too much about.当我又打开自己的眼睛我看到了一个教堂,原来房子是和他和他老婆传道的教堂是连在一起的。他告诉我他20年前搬来这里,教堂送他们这个房子给他和他的家人住,但是他的儿子已经长大离开家,家里有一个空房可以给客人用。他就开始招待世界各地的人,事实上,他也强调他只提供给那些他不太认识的国家的人来住宿。I was deeply touched by his story and I think he was an amazing man. 他的故事让我很感动,而且我觉得他是一个很棒的人。推荐iTalki的英语老师,用我的推荐连结注册定课程可获得10美元学习金! with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?Podcast课程:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:加微信iflyclub,回复“训练营”,每月初开营云雀实验室:加微信englishfit,回复5AM喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
2/25/202113 minutes, 54 seconds
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1238 你对家的定义是什么呢?|我是怎么遇到了超级好客的瑞士沙发主人

Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. 每一天都是一段旅程,旅程本身就是家。I arrived at Renens around 7pm, and the host Yann came to pick me up at the station. He and his wife are pastors and loved receiving guests from around the world. He reached out to me on Couchsurfing and I saw all the amazing comments previous guests had left. Although I had never heard of Renens before, it being a suburb between Geneva and Lausanne, this man seemed so gracious and welcoming that I had to meet him. 我大概7点抵达Renens,我在瑞士的沙发主Yann到车站接我。他和他的老婆都是牧师,喜爱接待来自世界各地的朋友。他在沙发冲浪网站上面找到我然后我看到所有之前游客留的美好评论。虽然我从来没有去过Renens,而且他还在日内瓦和洛桑之之间郊区的地方,我仍然想要见见这么好客的人。He was very friendly and took my luggage as soon as I arrived. That night, it was raining quite heavily. It took us about ten minutes to walk to his house from the station, but the rainy walk was worth it because I got to learn about this extremely friendly man’s life. When we arrived, he gave me a tour of his house. The house, despite being very warm and cozy, was absolutely ginormous. It was a two story house with five bedrooms, a living room, a home office, and a well-equipped kitchen. 当我抵达的时候,他非常友善的而且立刻就帮我拿了我的行李。那天晚上,雨下得好大,我们大概从车站走路要走10分钟到他家,但是这个下雨的路途非常值得,因为我了解到这位非常友善的人的生活。当我抵达他家的时候,他给我一个导览,他的家虽然超级大的,有五个卧室,一个超大的客厅还有办公室和一个设备齐全的厨房,然而非常的温馨。When I went upstairs, I saw my room. On the desk I saw that there were cookies, juice, and Swiss chocolate prepared for me. I put my luggage down and he immediately said to come with him if I wanted to see something cool.当他带我上楼的时候,我看到了我的房间,在桌子上为我准备了不仅有饼干、果汁还有瑞士的巧克力。我把我的行李放下了,他立刻就问我要不要跟随他去看一个非常酷的东西。And that cool, unforgettable, magnificent thing… I will tell you about next time.而那个又酷又难忘又雄伟的东西。下次我再跟你们说。推荐iTalki的英语老师,用我的推荐连结注册定课程可获得10美元学习金! with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?Podcast课程:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:加微信iflyclub,回复“训练营”,每月初开营云雀实验室:加微信englishfit,回复5AM喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
2/24/202118 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

1238 你对家的定义是什么呢?|我是怎么遇到了超级好客的瑞士沙发主人

Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. 每一天都是一段旅程,旅程本身就是家。I arrived at Renens around 7pm, and the host Yann came to pick me up at the station. He and his wife are pastors and loved receiving guests from around the world. He reached out to me on Couchsurfing and I saw all the amazing comments previous guests had left. Although I had never heard of Renens before, it being a suburb between Geneva and Lausanne, this man seemed so gracious and welcoming that I had to meet him. 我大概7点抵达Renens,我在瑞士的沙发主Yann到车站接我。他和他的老婆都是牧师,喜爱接待来自世界各地的朋友。他在沙发冲浪网站上面找到我然后我看到所有之前游客留的美好评论。虽然我从来没有去过Renens,而且他还在日内瓦和洛桑之之间郊区的地方,我仍然想要见见这么好客的人。He was very friendly and took my luggage as soon as I arrived. That night, it was raining quite heavily. It took us about ten minutes to walk to his house from the station, but the rainy walk was worth it because I got to learn about this extremely friendly man’s life. When we arrived, he gave me a tour of his house. The house, despite being very warm and cozy, was absolutely ginormous. It was a two story house with five bedrooms, a living room, a home office, and a well-equipped kitchen. 当我抵达的时候,他非常友善的而且立刻就帮我拿了我的行李。那天晚上,雨下得好大,我们大概从车站走路要走10分钟到他家,但是这个下雨的路途非常值得,因为我了解到这位非常友善的人的生活。当我抵达他家的时候,他给我一个导览,他的家虽然超级大的,有五个卧室,一个超大的客厅还有办公室和一个设备齐全的厨房,然而非常的温馨。When I went upstairs, I saw my room. On the desk I saw that there were cookies, juice, and Swiss chocolate prepared for me. I put my luggage down and he immediately said to come with him if I wanted to see something cool.当他带我上楼的时候,我看到了我的房间,在桌子上为我准备了不仅有饼干、果汁还有瑞士的巧克力。我把我的行李放下了,他立刻就问我要不要跟随他去看一个非常酷的东西。And that cool, unforgettable, magnificent thing… I will tell you about next time.而那个又酷又难忘又雄伟的东西。下次我再跟你们说。推荐iTalki的英语老师,用我的推荐连结注册定课程可获得10美元学习金! with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?Podcast课程:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:加微信iflyclub,回复“训练营”,每月初开营云雀实验室:加微信englishfit,回复5AM喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
2/24/202118 minutes, 33 seconds
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1237 活得越老越会享受生活 |购买旅游电话SIM卡使用到的对话

The older I get, the less I care about what people think of me. Therefore the older I get, the more I enjoy life. 越长大越不在乎别人怎么看我。因此,活得越老越会享受生活。一等座车厢和二等座相比,位置大又宽敞、有较多放行李的位置。(但都有无线网络和充电的插头)我:Excuse me do you have the travel SIM card? 不好意思你们有旅游用的手机电话卡吗?柜台:For Switzerland only? 只有在瑞士吗?我:That's right. 是的。柜台:How many days are you gonna be here? 你在这里待多久?我:About a week. 大约一星期。柜台:Here’s the plan: So you pay 30 euros to get unlimited texts and phone calls. Also 10GB for the internet. 这个手机的资费是:你付三十欧元会得到无限的短信和打电话的时间。还有10G的网络。我:I noticed it’s cash only but do you accept Euros? 我注意到这里只能付现,你们收欧元吗?柜台:Yes, they are pretty much the same rate. (我把30欧给她。)Do you want to put the SIM in now? 是的,他们汇率差不多。你现在放电话卡进去吗?就这样,我买到了当地的电话卡,4G网络,速度很快,那一周没有使用上的问题,离开之后,我就又换回了自己原本的SIM卡Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?Podcast课程:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:加微信iflyclub,回复“训练营”,每月初开营云雀实验室:加微信englishfit,回复5AM喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
2/23/202110 minutes, 55 seconds
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1237 活得越老越会享受生活 |购买旅游电话SIM卡使用到的对话

The older I get, the less I care about what people think of me. Therefore the older I get, the more I enjoy life. 越长大越不在乎别人怎么看我。因此,活得越老越会享受生活。一等座车厢和二等座相比,位置大又宽敞、有较多放行李的位置。(但都有无线网络和充电的插头)我:Excuse me do you have the travel SIM card? 不好意思你们有旅游用的手机电话卡吗?柜台:For Switzerland only? 只有在瑞士吗?我:That's right. 是的。柜台:How many days are you gonna be here? 你在这里待多久?我:About a week. 大约一星期。柜台:Here’s the plan: So you pay 30 euros to get unlimited texts and phone calls. Also 10GB for the internet. 这个手机的资费是:你付三十欧元会得到无限的短信和打电话的时间。还有10G的网络。我:I noticed it’s cash only but do you accept Euros? 我注意到这里只能付现,你们收欧元吗?柜台:Yes, they are pretty much the same rate. (我把30欧给她。)Do you want to put the SIM in now? 是的,他们汇率差不多。你现在放电话卡进去吗?就这样,我买到了当地的电话卡,4G网络,速度很快,那一周没有使用上的问题,离开之后,我就又换回了自己原本的SIM卡Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?Podcast课程:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:加微信iflyclub,回复“训练营”,每月初开营云雀实验室:加微信englishfit,回复5AM喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
2/23/202110 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

1236 激励我环球旅行的原因 |预定火车座位会用到的实用英语对话

I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it.我看到了自己的道路,但我不知道它通向何方。不知道我将去向哪裡,就是激励着我去旅行的原因。~西班牙女詩人Rosalía de Castro这一天要到一个新国家:瑞士,让我特别的期待,我知道早上的这班火車必须从尼斯到马赛然后再一路北上坐总共7个小时到日内瓦,沿路经过法国的里维埃拉风景好美,一幅幅像是活动的风景明信片。我目不暇接的用双眼和手机还有摄影机记录整个时刻。旅游的心情太兴奋了,实在好喜欢!这天早上我和售票员的对话,由于我已经很熟练,所以我就把我的环欧通票(Eurail Pass),手机上的行程(itinerary),还有护照(passport)都放在了桌上。我和A:Bonjour (法语:日安)我:Speak English? (A: 点点头) I'd like to reserve my ticket from here to Geneva today.A: (帮我查票)From here to Marseille, 20 Euros, Marseille to Geneva 27 Euros. Book it just for you? (这里到马赛,20欧,马赛到日内瓦27欧,只订一个人吗?)我: Yes.(然后我用信用卡付款,拿到票后她又和我解释一遍票上的资讯。在马赛只有16分钟的转车时间,所以我想在确认下。)我:Is it enough time to get on the other train?(到另一台火车时间够吗?)A:There's an earlier train to Marseille at 10:00, do you want it? (有一班较早的车到马赛,10点出发,你要吗?)我: That'd be great. Thank you so much. (太好了,非常感谢你。)就这样,售票员帮我换了车票,没有多加收钱。非常好,也给我充足的时间可以转车,或许也可以让我快闪马赛下!我和A:Bonjour 我:Speak English? I'd like to reserve my ticket from here to Geneva today.A: From here to Marseille, 20 Euros, Marseille to Geneva 27 Euros. Book it just for you? 我: Yes.我:Is it enough time to get on the other train?A:There's an earlier train to Marseille at 10:00, do you want it? 我: That'd be great. Thank you so much.参加和Lily说英语去旅行,有144节线上课程144节语音作业,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走,参加报名请关注微信:iflyclub 回复:训练营
2/22/202111 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

1236 激励我环球旅行的原因 |预定火车座位会用到的实用英语对话

I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it.我看到了自己的道路,但我不知道它通向何方。不知道我将去向哪裡,就是激励着我去旅行的原因。~西班牙女詩人Rosalía de Castro这一天要到一个新国家:瑞士,让我特别的期待,我知道早上的这班火車必须从尼斯到马赛然后再一路北上坐总共7个小时到日内瓦,沿路经过法国的里维埃拉风景好美,一幅幅像是活动的风景明信片。我目不暇接的用双眼和手机还有摄影机记录整个时刻。旅游的心情太兴奋了,实在好喜欢!这天早上我和售票员的对话,由于我已经很熟练,所以我就把我的环欧通票(Eurail Pass),手机上的行程(itinerary),还有护照(passport)都放在了桌上。我和A:Bonjour (法语:日安)我:Speak English? (A: 点点头) I'd like to reserve my ticket from here to Geneva today.A: (帮我查票)From here to Marseille, 20 Euros, Marseille to Geneva 27 Euros. Book it just for you? (这里到马赛,20欧,马赛到日内瓦27欧,只订一个人吗?)我: Yes.(然后我用信用卡付款,拿到票后她又和我解释一遍票上的资讯。在马赛只有16分钟的转车时间,所以我想在确认下。)我:Is it enough time to get on the other train?(到另一台火车时间够吗?)A:There's an earlier train to Marseille at 10:00, do you want it? (有一班较早的车到马赛,10点出发,你要吗?)我: That'd be great. Thank you so much. (太好了,非常感谢你。)就这样,售票员帮我换了车票,没有多加收钱。非常好,也给我充足的时间可以转车,或许也可以让我快闪马赛下!我和A:Bonjour 我:Speak English? I'd like to reserve my ticket from here to Geneva today.A: From here to Marseille, 20 Euros, Marseille to Geneva 27 Euros. Book it just for you? 我: Yes.我:Is it enough time to get on the other train?A:There's an earlier train to Marseille at 10:00, do you want it? 我: That'd be great. Thank you so much.参加和Lily说英语去旅行,有144节线上课程144节语音作业,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走,参加报名请关注微信:iflyclub 回复:训练营
2/22/202111 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

1235 旅行要趁早 | 一个在摩纳哥得到的小教训

*封面来自网络,标题为:An expensive nap 昂贵的午觉Since life is short and the world is wide, the sooner you start exploring it, the better. 既然人生是如此短暂、世界是如此宽广,你越早开始探索它越好。My good friend Nora in Barcelona always says she loves Monaco. To my knowledge, Monaco is the smallest country in the world if you exclude the Vatican. It's a popular tourist destination due to its proximity to the French Riviera and tax free status. It's also the place where the rich and famous come - full of luxurious hotels, resorts and casinos. It also only takes 23 minutes from Nice to Monte-Carlo by train. So I decided to check it out myself before I left Europe. 我在巴塞罗那的好友Nora总是说她好爱摩纳哥,据我所知摩纳哥是尽在梵蒂冈之后最小的国家,他是非常著名的旅游胜地因为它靠近法国里维埃拉和免税地位。还是有钱人和有名认识爱来的地方,因为这里满满都是奢华酒店、度假村还有赌场。而且从尼斯只要搭火车23分钟就可以到,所以我决定在我离开欧洲前一定要看看。Aside from the luxurious atmosphere I immediately noticed after I got off the train, in 5 minutes, I immediately got a text message that my cell phone was roaming and I was being charged for 60 euros. That time, I had a phone number from Spain and the data plan says it covers most of the European countries. Oh well, Monaco is not included in the plan. 我一下火车之后马上就注意到非常奢华的气氛,但不到五分钟,我的手机有一条短信告诉我我的手机因为漫游被索取了60欧元。那个时候因为我又一只来自西班牙的电话号码,资费方案有包括大多的欧洲国家,但摩纳哥并不包含在内。So, just be aware that when traveling across borders in Monaco and in Switzerland. Turn your phone’s roaming off. Otherwise, don’t be surprised when you go home and see a huge phone bill! I hope my unfortunate experience will help you when you plan your next trip to Europe. 所以当你在欧洲横跨国界一定要小心了,特别是在摩纳哥和瑞士边界旅行的时候。否则千万不要惊讶当你回家了看到一个超额的账单!我希望我不幸的经验可以帮助你下一次计划去欧洲的旅行。Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?Podcast课程:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:加微信iflyclub,回复“训练营”,每月初开营云雀实验室:加微信englishfit,回复5AM喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
2/20/20219 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

1235 旅行要趁早 | 一个在摩纳哥得到的小教训

*封面来自网络,标题为:An expensive nap 昂贵的午觉Since life is short and the world is wide, the sooner you start exploring it, the better. 既然人生是如此短暂、世界是如此宽广,你越早开始探索它越好。My good friend Nora in Barcelona always says she loves Monaco. To my knowledge, Monaco is the smallest country in the world if you exclude the Vatican. It's a popular tourist destination due to its proximity to the French Riviera and tax free status. It's also the place where the rich and famous come - full of luxurious hotels, resorts and casinos. It also only takes 23 minutes from Nice to Monte-Carlo by train. So I decided to check it out myself before I left Europe. 我在巴塞罗那的好友Nora总是说她好爱摩纳哥,据我所知摩纳哥是尽在梵蒂冈之后最小的国家,他是非常著名的旅游胜地因为它靠近法国里维埃拉和免税地位。还是有钱人和有名认识爱来的地方,因为这里满满都是奢华酒店、度假村还有赌场。而且从尼斯只要搭火车23分钟就可以到,所以我决定在我离开欧洲前一定要看看。Aside from the luxurious atmosphere I immediately noticed after I got off the train, in 5 minutes, I immediately got a text message that my cell phone was roaming and I was being charged for 60 euros. That time, I had a phone number from Spain and the data plan says it covers most of the European countries. Oh well, Monaco is not included in the plan. 我一下火车之后马上就注意到非常奢华的气氛,但不到五分钟,我的手机有一条短信告诉我我的手机因为漫游被索取了60欧元。那个时候因为我又一只来自西班牙的电话号码,资费方案有包括大多的欧洲国家,但摩纳哥并不包含在内。So, just be aware that when traveling across borders in Monaco and in Switzerland. Turn your phone’s roaming off. Otherwise, don’t be surprised when you go home and see a huge phone bill! I hope my unfortunate experience will help you when you plan your next trip to Europe. 所以当你在欧洲横跨国界一定要小心了,特别是在摩纳哥和瑞士边界旅行的时候。否则千万不要惊讶当你回家了看到一个超额的账单!我希望我不幸的经验可以帮助你下一次计划去欧洲的旅行。Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?Podcast课程:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:加微信iflyclub,回复“训练营”,每月初开营云雀实验室:加微信englishfit,回复5AM喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
2/20/20219 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

1234 这个世界比手机里的世界要美丽太多了 | 法国尼斯一个不舒服的沙发住宿体验

The world is more beautiful than the world wide web. 现实世界比互联网要美妙多了。我的愿望很简单,就是用我的脚步去丈量这个世界, 在这次环欧旅行中,我试着要省钱和为了体验更多的文化尝试了沙发客的体验!这两个月的火车行我总共经历了19个不同地方当沙发客的体验,在我的couchsurfing档案里,我都会特别强调,我不是用沙发冲浪来约会的,(I’m not using couchsurfing to date!),我将我两个月的行程公开后,收到了将近上百封的邀约!在每个沙发主人的档案上,你可以看得到他们过去接待的经验还有沙发客留下的评价(reference)。我尽量挑选亲切的留言、有良好评价,还有可以提供独立房间的沙发主。我得说这次欧洲沙发的冒险体验大多都是非常美好的,然而有少数几个让我感觉不是太舒服的,今天我就来分享一个吧!我也在节目最后提出了几个问题希望你们也可以思考一下或告诉我你是怎么想的。My couchsurfing host in Nice, France, who had lived there about 9 years with his family. His apartment was centrally located and it was perfect for my next journeys to Monaco and Geneva. I felt really lucky! During the time staying with him, there were also two couchsurfers from Kazakhstan sharing the apartment. It turned out we were going to the same travel conference those days too. I didn’t know those girls very well, but they seemed really friendly. The host was also lovely and helpful. However, those days the host often complained to me in private that he felt used when the girls had the breakfast he offered and never asked to wash the dishes or cook anything back. He never said anything right in front of them, though. I felt a bit uncomfortable about the situation and offered to make dumplings and buy lunch to compensate even though I was out of their interactions. I was trying to be a good guest however became somewhat uneasy living in his place as the week went on. It seemed that my efforts were interpreted the wrong way as some kind of romantic spark and some comments became uncomfortably flirtatious. In the end, I felt relieved when I finally left his place. 我在法国尼斯的沙发主和他家人住在法国九年了。他的公寓就在市中心,所以对我接下来的要去摩纳哥还有日内瓦(瑞士)的火车旅行会非常的方便。我感到很幸运!在他家住宿的那段时间,还有两位来自哈萨克斯坦的女孩,因为我们同样是参加俱乐部在欧洲的旅行大会,共享了他的公寓。我不是很认识这两个女生,但是她们人看起来非常友善。沙发主人也是非常的好和热心的主人。然而,他则在那几天一直在私底下和我抱怨这两个女生,吃他的喝他的,也没有做饭来回馈他。我则为了补偿他为他做了饺子还有买午餐。即使我和他的互动不是像他们和沙发主那样子,住在他家我还是感觉有点不自在,因为我试着要当一个好客人,然而他以为我们之间有浪漫的火花,在我待的那周言语中有点挑逗。终于离开他的地方时,我真的觉得解脱了。It got me thinking about a couple of questions, which I still don’t have conclusive answers to. I would be interested to hear other people’s views. 这件事让我想了好多问题,到现在我都没有确切的答案,我很好奇,也想听听其他人的意见。What is appropriate behavior for the host and the guest? Is it the same across cultures and  how could we objectively understand the meaning behind words and actions? If a guest feels uncomfortable with something they see or with something they experience in a host’s place, is it appropriate to challenge this and if so, how? When we write a reference about an experience do we have a responsibility to write it only from our perspective or should we think about how other people  might feel in that situation.到底什么是对于沙发主人和客人适当的行为呢?在不同的文化是一样准则的吗?我们要怎么客观的去理解话语和行为背后的意思呢?如果一个客人对于看到的某件事或他们在主人家里体验到感到不舒服的话,去拿出这件事来挑战对方是不是适当的事情呢?那应该怎么做了?还有我们需不需为对方写这件事的评价负责任?在写的时候我们是完全用我们的观点来写,还是试想别人可能会怎样感受到那个情况来写呢?
2/19/202118 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

1233 旅行让人上瘾 |在西班牙火车旅行体验的遗憾、感动与浪漫

The restless race of the traveler's heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together; wanderlust.旅行开始之前,当渴望和期盼缠在一起旅行者的心,如永不停歇的赛跑,旅行让人上瘾。只要每一次可以去探访新的地方,我的心就~~~~兴高采烈的飞呀飞!讲到我的环欧旅行进行了两个月时间,因为要离开西班牙了,才发现有好多地方其实没有去过,但是火车路线太多,所以就选了几个大城市。1.Valencia 瓦伦西亚 火车2.5 小时这一天索性就跳上了火车,第一站到了Valencia,傍晚到了我的airbnb,结果隔天下大雨,因为没有伞,在家里被困了一个早上,就吃了个早点,紧急抢救了我掉下来的鼻环(是一个小钻石),结果那个女刺青师傅没法弄,只好给我一个临时的鼻环(圈圈)我从来没有带过那种,觉得挺奇怪了,而这天为了赶路也没去看我一直很想拜访的海边和科博馆,这是遗憾。I jumped on the train to Valencia and arrived at my airbnb in the evening. The next day it was raining so hard and there was no umbrella in the house so I was stuck for the whole morning. I finally got out and had some breakfast and had to fix the nose stud that fell off when I was in the shower this morning. The girl in the tattoo shop couldn’t fix it so she gave me a temporary nose ring. I'd never had anything like that. I had always found it silly, so it felt so blizzard to have it. It was a pity I didn't get to see the beach and the science museum.2. Madrid 马德里 火车2.5小时下一站是马德里,这也不是我第一次去马德里,而是忽然想去见我很想去见的人,Guille和我认识已经有一年的时间,之前我在做西班牙语挑战的时候他和我联系,见到了西语主播Guille,本人又瘦又帅啊!刚好Guille鼻子上有一个和我相对称的鼻环,顿时觉得亲切了起来,Guille请我吃饭,聊得好深入好开心!记得那天素食菜一道道上来好像艺术品一样,Guille说是为了谢谢我之前给他在线上事业的建议。现在Guille开着房车在西班牙各地旅行中,他说也是那次晚餐受到了我生活方式的启发,让我非常感动。Next stop: Madrid. Though it wasn’t the first time to Madrid, I wanted to see the person I’d been wanting to see. Guille, who I met a year ago online when I was making a Spanish Challenge series on my podcast. I was so happy that I finally met him in person. He is a slim and good looking guy. We were wearing the matching nose ring so it suddenly made us closer. That evening Guille treated me to dinner and we had a really lovely and deep conversation. Gulle said he wanted to thank me for the advice I gave him for his online business. I remember the beautiful set of vegan meals just kept coming one after another and they not only looked like art but also delicious! Now Guille is traveling in his van around Spain all over. He said it was inspired by my lifestyle, and I feel really honored to be his muse.3. Seville 塞维尔 火车 2 hoursSeville的气候相对马德里暖了将近20度,接待我的沙发主人Daniel虽然英语不说,但是非常的亲切!他带我去许多地方,我最喜欢的是西班牙广场(Plaza de España),就像他说的,绝对是西班牙最美的广场,隔天我自己到了市中心参观了大教堂,我穿了太多了,傍晚时分Daniel来接我,带我去市中心喝一杯到处逛逛,还带我去他发生初吻的小树下,超级可爱。有天晚上我就教Daniel包饺子做晚餐,然后我们一起在客厅唱起了西班牙语的卡拉OK超搞笑的。我想Daniel真的超级喜欢我,但是也很绅士。走的时候,Daniel带我去机场回巴塞罗那还送我他写的一首诗。(这是浪漫)Seville was 20 degrees warmer than Madrid. And the host Daniel didn’t speak any English but was super friendly. He took me to many places and my favorite was Spanish Square. And just like he said, it is definitely the most beautiful Spanish Square in Spain. The next day I was walking around the old town and was amazed by the huge cathedral and the warm weather. Daniel picked me up and took me to a tapa place. He told me many interesting stories about Seville and even took me to the tree he had his first kiss. It was very adorable. I showed Daniel how to make dumplings for dinner and we sang Karaoke in his living room and it was hilarious.He definitely liked me too much but was also very respectful. He took me to the airport to Barcelona and even gave me a poem he wrote as a goodbye present. Guille 的公众微信:Guille 西语说Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?Podcast课程:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:加微信iflyclub,回复“训练营”,每月初开营云雀实验室:加微信englishfit,回复5AM喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
2/18/202115 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

1233 旅行让人上瘾 |在西班牙火车旅行体验的遗憾、感动与浪漫

The restless race of the traveler's heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together; wanderlust.旅行开始之前,当渴望和期盼缠在一起旅行者的心,如永不停歇的赛跑,旅行让人上瘾。只要每一次可以去探访新的地方,我的心就~~~~兴高采烈的飞呀飞!讲到我的环欧旅行进行了两个月时间,因为要离开西班牙了,才发现有好多地方其实没有去过,但是火车路线太多,所以就选了几个大城市。1.Valencia 瓦伦西亚 火车2.5 小时这一天索性就跳上了火车,第一站到了Valencia,傍晚到了我的airbnb,结果隔天下大雨,因为没有伞,在家里被困了一个早上,就吃了个早点,紧急抢救了我掉下来的鼻环(是一个小钻石),结果那个女刺青师傅没法弄,只好给我一个临时的鼻环(圈圈)我从来没有带过那种,觉得挺奇怪了,而这天为了赶路也没去看我一直很想拜访的海边和科博馆,这是遗憾。I jumped on the train to Valencia and arrived at my airbnb in the evening. The next day it was raining so hard and there was no umbrella in the house so I was stuck for the whole morning. I finally got out and had some breakfast and had to fix the nose stud that fell off when I was in the shower this morning. The girl in the tattoo shop couldn’t fix it so she gave me a temporary nose ring. I'd never had anything like that. I had always found it silly, so it felt so blizzard to have it. It was a pity I didn't get to see the beach and the science museum.2. Madrid 马德里 火车2.5小时下一站是马德里,这也不是我第一次去马德里,而是忽然想去见我很想去见的人,Guille和我认识已经有一年的时间,之前我在做西班牙语挑战的时候他和我联系,见到了西语主播Guille,本人又瘦又帅啊!刚好Guille鼻子上有一个和我相对称的鼻环,顿时觉得亲切了起来,Guille请我吃饭,聊得好深入好开心!记得那天素食菜一道道上来好像艺术品一样,Guille说是为了谢谢我之前给他在线上事业的建议。现在Guille开着房车在西班牙各地旅行中,他说也是那次晚餐受到了我生活方式的启发,让我非常感动。Next stop: Madrid. Though it wasn’t the first time to Madrid, I wanted to see the person I’d been wanting to see. Guille, who I met a year ago online when I was making a Spanish Challenge series on my podcast. I was so happy that I finally met him in person. He is a slim and good looking guy. We were wearing the matching nose ring so it suddenly made us closer. That evening Guille treated me to dinner and we had a really lovely and deep conversation. Gulle said he wanted to thank me for the advice I gave him for his online business. I remember the beautiful set of vegan meals just kept coming one after another and they not only looked like art but also delicious! Now Guille is traveling in his van around Spain all over. He said it was inspired by my lifestyle, and I feel really honored to be his muse.3. Seville 塞维尔 火车 2 hoursSeville的气候相对马德里暖了将近20度,接待我的沙发主人Daniel虽然英语不说,但是非常的亲切!他带我去许多地方,我最喜欢的是西班牙广场(Plaza de España),就像他说的,绝对是西班牙最美的广场,隔天我自己到了市中心参观了大教堂,我穿了太多了,傍晚时分Daniel来接我,带我去市中心喝一杯到处逛逛,还带我去他发生初吻的小树下,超级可爱。有天晚上我就教Daniel包饺子做晚餐,然后我们一起在客厅唱起了西班牙语的卡拉OK超搞笑的。我想Daniel真的超级喜欢我,但是也很绅士。走的时候,Daniel带我去机场回巴塞罗那还送我他写的一首诗。(这是浪漫)Seville was 20 degrees warmer than Madrid. And the host Daniel didn’t speak any English but was super friendly. He took me to many places and my favorite was Spanish Square. And just like he said, it is definitely the most beautiful Spanish Square in Spain. The next day I was walking around the old town and was amazed by the huge cathedral and the warm weather. Daniel picked me up and took me to a tapa place. He told me many interesting stories about Seville and even took me to the tree he had his first kiss. It was very adorable. I showed Daniel how to make dumplings for dinner and we sang Karaoke in his living room and it was hilarious.He definitely liked me too much but was also very respectful. He took me to the airport to Barcelona and even gave me a poem he wrote as a goodbye present. Guille 的公众微信:Guille 西语说Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?Podcast课程:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:加微信iflyclub,回复“训练营”,每月初开营云雀实验室:加微信englishfit,回复5AM喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
2/18/202115 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

1232 想去旅行的冲动是一种生活充满希望的征兆 |跳上陌生人的车一路前进美国中西部

The impulse to travel is one of the hopeful symptoms of life. 想去旅行的冲动是一种生活充满希望的征兆。Austin和我认识的故事:I need a sign 我需要一个信号(from the universe)1. 在认识Austin不到12个小时,跳上了他的车子 I jumped on his car after only knowing Austin for 12 hours.2. 开了20个小时从Orlando,Florida 到Independence,Missouri We drove 20 hours from Orlando,Florida to his home Independence,Missouri.3. 让我住在他家一个礼拜,睡他的房间,他自己在客厅地板上。I stayed at his place, he gave me his room and slept on the floor in the living room. 4. Austin那个时候一家美式餐厅担任服务员,我印象最深刻的是,每次去吃饭,他给的小费都好多,而且每次都会看着服务员的眼睛很诚挚的说谢谢。Austin was a waiter at Red Robin. What struck me the most, every time I went to have meals with him, he always tipped a lot, and he always sincerely said thanks to the people who waited on us.5. 我们仍然保持联系。事实上,昨天我们聊天,他跟我说,他开始学习中文了,还和我要了几个学习语言的秘诀。We still kept in touch. Actually, yesterday he reached out to me and said he’s now starting speaking Mandarin and asked me for a few language learning tips!Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?Podcast课程:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:加微信iflyclub,回复“训练营”,每月初开营云雀实验室:加微信englishfit,回复5AM喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
2/17/202113 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

1231 开始创建一种不需要休假的生活方式

My goal is to build a life I don't need a vacation from. 我的目标是创建一种不需要休假的生活。2019 was my biggest travel year. I was in 22 different countries.2019年暴走了22个国家2020 was when I was very frustrated with my travel dreams and business. I found freedom in spirit.2020年旅游梦受挫,但是找到了心灵上的自由2021 I can regroup and learn with full passion and I want to really get to know myself.2021年重新出发,好好学习,认识自己If my podcast has helped you in any way, please let me know!如果我的播客帮助你,请告诉我。You can message me at my FB/IG page @flywithlily or leave a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts or Ximalaya App.你可以直接私信我的FB/IG粉丝页,或者留下一颗五星的评价在Apple Podcasts或者是喜马拉雅的app跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将在3.1开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号iflyclub,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
2/16/202111 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

1230 三个让你打开自己与世界的无限机遇的技巧 |我在西班牙创业的故事

2/15/202116 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

1229 这个世界需要什么样的人? | 10个帮助你立刻找到你此生的热情所在

Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive. ~Howard Thurman不要问自己世界需要什么?问你自己,是什么让你活过来?去做吧,因为世界需要的活出自我的人。~霍华德·瑟曼1. What was your favorite thing to do growing up?2. When you were a child, what did you dream of doing when you grew up?3. What is your favorite topic to talk about?4. What do you like doing so much that you lose track of time?5. Whose life do you envy the most and why?6. What would you do differently with your education if you got a chance to start over?7. If you had 5 minutes and the whole world was forced to listen, what would you say?8. What would you do with your life if you had no fear?9. What would you do with your life if you had a guarantee of success?10. What would you do with your life if money wasn’t an issue?1.你从小到大最喜欢做什么?2.当你还是个孩子的时候,你的梦想你长大后在干什么?3.你最喜欢谈论的话题是什么?4.你做什么会入迷的忘记时间?5.你最羡慕谁的生活?为什么?6.如果你有机会重新开始一次你的学校生活,你会么改变它?7.如果你有5分钟时间让全世界听你说话,你会说什么?8.如果你没有恐惧,你会做什么?9.如果你保证会成功,你会做什么?10.如果钱不是问题,你会做什么?**和Lily一起感受清晨五点起床的丰盛仪式,云雀实验室2.15开始22天早起直播活动,报名参加,关注微信号:iflyclub,回复文字:早起。
2/14/202111 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

1229 这个世界需要什么样的人? | 10个帮助你立刻找到你此生的热情所在

Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive. ~Howard Thurman不要问自己世界需要什么?问你自己,是什么让你活过来?去做吧,因为世界需要的活出自我的人。~霍华德·瑟曼1. What was your favorite thing to do growing up?2. When you were a child, what did you dream of doing when you grew up?3. What is your favorite topic to talk about?4. What do you like doing so much that you lose track of time?5. Whose life do you envy the most and why?6. What would you do differently with your education if you got a chance to start over?7. If you had 5 minutes and the whole world was forced to listen, what would you say?8. What would you do with your life if you had no fear?9. What would you do with your life if you had a guarantee of success?10. What would you do with your life if money wasn’t an issue?1.你从小到大最喜欢做什么?2.当你还是个孩子的时候,你的梦想你长大后在干什么?3.你最喜欢谈论的话题是什么?4.你做什么会入迷的忘记时间?5.你最羡慕谁的生活?为什么?6.如果你有机会重新开始一次你的学校生活,你会么改变它?7.如果你有5分钟时间让全世界听你说话,你会说什么?8.如果你没有恐惧,你会做什么?9.如果你保证会成功,你会做什么?10.如果钱不是问题,你会做什么?**和Lily一起感受清晨五点起床的丰盛仪式,云雀实验室2.15开始22天早起直播活动,报名参加,关注微信号:iflyclub,回复文字:早起。
2/14/202111 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

1228 你知道你生命中最重要的两个日子是什么吗?|找到人生意义IKIGAI的九个关键

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. ~ Mark Twain你生命中最重要的两天:你出生的那一天还有你找出你为什么出生的那一天。~马克吐温The 9 Keys to Ikigai 找到IKIGAI的九个关键do what you do best 做你做最棒的事情know how to say no 知道如何去说不take care of your energy 照顾你的精力practice continuous personal development 持续个人成长stop and decide to do something fulfilling 停下来决定做有意义的事情align your personal values with those of your company/business 让你的公司还有事业的价值观和你保持一致simplify. don't make things difficult 简化。不要让事情变得困难love the why of your company/business/purpose 爱上你成立公司/开展事业/人生目的的原因trust in others 相信别人**和Lily一起感受清晨五点起床的丰盛仪式,云雀实验室2.15开始22天早起直播活动,报名参加,关注微信号:iflyclub,回复文字:早起。**这次被邀请到Podfest Global会支持中文场,邀请了女力心声的Anne谈播客社群行销、艺术家制造公司的Keno谈创意还有雪瑞说的Sherriel来聊商业模式,,想要免费的票吗? 这集节目也会教你如何拿到!
2/14/202115 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

1228 你知道你生命中最重要的两个日子是什么吗?|找到人生意义IKIGAI的九个关键

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. ~ Mark Twain你生命中最重要的两天:你出生的那一天还有你找出你为什么出生的那一天。~马克吐温The 9 Keys to Ikigai 找到IKIGAI的九个关键do what you do best 做你做最棒的事情know how to say no 知道如何去说不take care of your energy 照顾你的精力practice continuous personal development 持续个人成长stop and decide to do something fulfilling 停下来决定做有意义的事情align your personal values with those of your company/business 让你的公司还有事业的价值观和你保持一致simplify. don't make things difficult 简化。不要让事情变得困难love the why of your company/business/purpose 爱上你成立公司/开展事业/人生目的的原因trust in others 相信别人**和Lily一起感受清晨五点起床的丰盛仪式,云雀实验室2.15开始22天早起直播活动,报名参加,关注微信号:iflyclub,回复文字:早起。**这次被邀请到Podfest Global会支持中文场,邀请了女力心声的Anne谈播客社群行销、艺术家制造公司的Keno谈创意还有雪瑞说的Sherriel来聊商业模式,,想要免费的票吗? 这集节目也会教你如何拿到!
2/14/202115 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

1227 你的故事有天会成为别人的求生指南|活出ikigai的10个规则

1227 活出ikigai的10个规则One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else’s survival guide. 有一天你会讲述一个你度过难关的故事,而且有一天它会变成某人的生存指南。1. Stay active; don't retire 保持活跃,不要退休2. Take it slow 慢慢来3. Don' t fill your stomach 不要吃太撑,8分饱就行4. Surround yourself with good friends 让自己围绕着好朋友5. Get in shape for your next birthday 为了下一个生日好好的健身6. Smile 微笑7. Reconnect with nature 和大自然重新连接8. Give thanks 给予感谢9. Live in the moment 活在当下10. Follow your ikigai 活出属于自己的人生意义和Lily一起感受清晨五点起床的丰盛仪式,云雀实验室2.15开始22天早起直播活动,报名参加,关注微信号:iflyclub,回复文字:早起。
2/11/202110 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

1227 你的故事有天会成为别人的求生指南|活出ikigai的10个规则

1227 活出ikigai的10个规则One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else’s survival guide. 有一天你会讲述一个你度过难关的故事,而且有一天它会变成某人的生存指南。1. Stay active; don't retire 保持活跃,不要退休2. Take it slow 慢慢来3. Don' t fill your stomach 不要吃太撑,8分饱就行4. Surround yourself with good friends 让自己围绕着好朋友5. Get in shape for your next birthday 为了下一个生日好好的健身6. Smile 微笑7. Reconnect with nature 和大自然重新连接8. Give thanks 给予感谢9. Live in the moment 活在当下10. Follow your ikigai 活出属于自己的人生意义和Lily一起感受清晨五点起床的丰盛仪式,云雀实验室2.15开始22天早起直播活动,报名参加,关注微信号:iflyclub,回复文字:早起。
2/11/202110 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

1226 寻找那会让你全身心投入的那条路 | 如何找到人生目的IKIGAI?

Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot. Seek the path that demands your whole being. 寻找那会打开你心结的智慧。寻找那会让你全身心投入的那条路。~Rumi如何找到人生目的IKIGAI?1. 找出这四个问题的答案,写越多越好!2. 是否可以有交错融合之处?3. 用一句话来叙述自己的IKIGAI这四个问题是:1. What you love 你热爱的2. What you‘re good at 你擅长的3. What you can be paid for 你可以赚钱的项目4. What the world needs 这个世界需要的但:结合了1&2你找到了Passion 热情,你会感到Satisfaction, but feelings of uselessness 满足但无用感结合了2&3你找到了Profession 专业,你会感到Comfortable, but feelings of emptiness 舒适但空虚结合了3&4你找到了Vocation 天职,你会感到Exitement and complacency, but sense of uncertainty 兴奋和自满,但是不确定的感觉结合了1&4你找到了Mission 使命,你会感到Delight and fullness, but no wealth 喜悦和满足但是没有财富Happy Chinese New Year's Eve 祝福大家除夕夜快乐!和Lily一起感受清晨五点起床的丰盛仪式,云雀实验室2.15开始22天早起直播活动,报名参加,关注微信号:iflyclub,回复文字:早起。
2/10/202114 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

1226 寻找那会让你全身心投入的那条路 | 如何找到人生目的IKIGAI?

Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot. Seek the path that demands your whole being. 寻找那会打开你心结的智慧。寻找那会让你全身心投入的那条路。~Rumi如何找到人生目的IKIGAI?1. 找出这四个问题的答案,写越多越好!2. 是否可以有交错融合之处?3. 用一句话来叙述自己的IKIGAI这四个问题是:1. What you love 你热爱的2. What you‘re good at 你擅长的3. What you can be paid for 你可以赚钱的项目4. What the world needs 这个世界需要的但:结合了1&2你找到了Passion 热情,你会感到Satisfaction, but feelings of uselessness 满足但无用感结合了2&3你找到了Profession 专业,你会感到Comfortable, but feelings of emptiness 舒适但空虚结合了3&4你找到了Vocation 天职,你会感到Exitement and complacency, but sense of uncertainty 兴奋和自满,但是不确定的感觉结合了1&4你找到了Mission 使命,你会感到Delight and fullness, but no wealth 喜悦和满足但是没有财富Happy Chinese New Year's Eve 祝福大家除夕夜快乐!和Lily一起感受清晨五点起床的丰盛仪式,云雀实验室2.15开始22天早起直播活动,报名参加,关注微信号:iflyclub,回复文字:早起。
2/10/202114 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

1225 什么是IKIGAI?| 你的人生目的是什么?

What is ikigai? It’s a Japanese word.A reason for being, the things that get you up in the morning. 什么是ikigai?它是一个日文的词汇。它的意思就是:一个让你早上起床和存在的理由。What is the purpose of your life?妳此生的目的是什么?If you asked me what my life purpose is, I’d say I want to use my stories and experiences to help my audience learn English more easily, break their limitations, and pursue their dreams bravely.我的人生目的:就像我在节目一开头说的,用我的故事和经验,帮助大家更好的学习英语,打破自己的局限,并且勇敢去追寻梦想!明天我会分享找到自己人生目的的方法。**这次被邀请到Podfest Global会支持中文场,邀请了女力心声的Anne谈播客社群行销、艺术家制造公司的Keno谈创意还有雪瑞说的Sherriel来聊商业模式,,想要免费的票吗? 这集节目也会教你如何拿到!**和Lily一起感受清晨五点起床的丰盛仪式,云雀实验室2.15开始22天早起直播活动,报名参加,关注微信号:iflyclub,回复文字:早起。
2/10/202110 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

1225 什么是IKIGAI?| 你的人生目的是什么?

What is ikigai? It’s a Japanese word.A reason for being, the things that get you up in the morning. 什么是ikigai?它是一个日文的词汇。它的意思就是:一个让你早上起床和存在的理由。What is the purpose of your life?妳此生的目的是什么?If you asked me what my life purpose is, I’d say I want to use my stories and experiences to help my audience learn English more easily, break their limitations, and pursue their dreams bravely.我的人生目的:就像我在节目一开头说的,用我的故事和经验,帮助大家更好的学习英语,打破自己的局限,并且勇敢去追寻梦想!明天我会分享找到自己人生目的的方法。**这次被邀请到Podfest Global会支持中文场,邀请了女力心声的Anne谈播客社群行销、艺术家制造公司的Keno谈创意还有雪瑞说的Sherriel来聊商业模式,,想要免费的票吗? 这集节目也会教你如何拿到!**和Lily一起感受清晨五点起床的丰盛仪式,云雀实验室2.15开始22天早起直播活动,报名参加,关注微信号:iflyclub,回复文字:早起。
2/10/202110 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

1224 绝望和开心的时候一定要听 | 一个神奇的寓言故事

This too, shall pass.When things are bad, remember: It won’t always be this way. Take one day at a time.When things are good, remember:It won’t always be this way. Enjoy every great moment.这也是会过去的。当事情很糟的时候,记住:事情总不会这样,一天过好一天就可以。当事情很好的时候,记住:事情总不会这样。好好享受每一个很棒的时刻。距离上次的节目已经有一个礼拜,这个礼拜还是有持续做我的跟Lily说英语去旅行的直播哦,所有的直播视频都可以在我的FB、YT还有喜马拉雅“学英语环游世界”可以收看得到。你也可以关注Podcast“跟Lily一起说英语去旅行”收听声音的版本。二月一直没有想出比较好的Podcast主题来,所以索性就放了一个假期,接下来我们這一整个月会来讨论人生的目的IKIGAI,也是我在许多工作坊会做的一个找出自己人生目的的练习,但是今天我特别想要分享在我们云雀实验室里面,我们做的每日冥想特别是第19天有一个寓言的任务,我就一遍英文、一遍中文念给大家。最后我也会和大家分享一个我最近发生的和钱还有亲人有关的故事。“ This Too Shall Pass. “There was a king and he once said to the court sages - I have a ring with one of the finest diamonds in the world and I want to hide a message under the stone that can be useful in a situation of extreme despair. I will give this ring to my heirs and I want it to serve faithfully. Think of what kind of message will be there. It must be very short to fit in the ring.“ This Too Shall Pass. “有一个国王向他宫中的智者要求说:“我为我自己做了一个非常漂亮的戒指,我是用最好的钻石做的,我想要在这个戒指里面藏着一个讯息,它可以在我极度绝望的时候帮助我。它必须非常小,这样它才可以被藏在那个戒指的钻石底下。”The sages knew how to write treatises, but did not express themselves in one short sentence. They thought and thought, but did not come up with anything.他们都是智者,他们都是伟大的学者,他们可以写出伟大的论文,但是要给一个非常简短的讯息,让它可以在极度绝望的时候帮助国王……他们左思右想,参考了很多书,但还是想不出来。The king complained about the failure of his venture to a faithful old servant who raised him from infancy and was part of the family. And the old man said to him:“I’m not a sage, I’m not educated, but I know such a message. For many years spent in the palace, I met a lot of people. And once I served a visiting mystic whom your father invited. And he gave me this message. I ask that you don’t read it now. Save it under the stone and open it only when there’s no way out at all. The king listened to the old servant.国王有一个年老的仆人,他几乎就像他的父亲──他以前是他父亲的仆人。国王的母亲早死,因此由这个仆人来照顾他,所以他并没有像仆人一样地被对待,国王对他非常尊敬。那个老年人说:“我不是一个智者,我也不是一个学者,我没有那么博学多闻 ,但是我知道那个讯息──因为就只有一个讯息。这些人无法将它给你;它只能由一个神秘家、一个已经达成他自己的人给你。”“我在宫中已经度过了漫长的岁月,各色各样的人我都看过。有一次,一个神秘家,他是你父亲的贵宾,刚好由我服侍他。当他要离开的时候,为了要感谢我对他的服务,他给了我这个讯息。”他将它写在一张小小的纸上,折叠起来,告诉国王说:“不要读它,只要将它藏在戒指里。唯有当每一件事都失败,已经无路可走时,才可以将它打开。”After some time, the enemies attacked the country and the king lost the war. He fled on his horse and his enemies pursued him. He was alone, his enemies were many. He rode to the end of the road. There was a huge deep cliff before him, if he fell there, it is the end. He could not go back, as the enemies were approaching. He already heard the clatter of their horses' hooves. He had no way out. He was in complete despair.时间很快地就来到了,国家受到了侵略,国王失去了他的王国。为了要保存性命,他骑着他自己的马逃走,敌人的马在后面追赶。他只有一个人,而他们人很多。他来到了一个无路可走的地方,一个死的尽头,再过去就是悬崖和深谷,一掉下去就完了。他不能回头,因为后面有敌人在追赶,他可以听到他们的马蹄声,他也无法再向前走,而且也没有其他的路……And then he remembered the ring. He opened it and found an inscription: “This too shall pass”突然间他想起了那个戒指。他将它打开,把里面的纸拿出来,里面有一个很小但是非常有价值的讯息,在它上面写着:“这也是会过去的。”After reading the message, he felt that everything was quiet. Apparently the pursuers got lost and proceeded in the wrong direction. Horses were no longer heard.当他在读这句话的时候,他突然变得很宁静:“这也是会过去的。”事情真的就这样经过了。每一件事都会经过,在这个世界上没有一件事会永远停留。那些追赶他的敌人一定是在森林里迷路了,一定是走错路了,马蹄声渐渐、渐渐地听不到了。The king was filled with gratitude to the servant and the unknown mystic. The words were powerful. He closed the ring. And set out on the road. He gathered his army and returned his state. On the day when he returned to the palace, they arranged a magnificent meeting, a feast for the whole world - the people loved their king. The king was happy and proud. The old servant came up to him and said softly: “Even in this moment, look at the message again.”国王非常感激那个仆人,以及那个未知的神秘家。那些话语被证明是奇迹般的。他将那张纸折叠起来,放进戒指里,再度纠集他的军队,收复他的王国。当他以胜利的姿态进入首都,那里到处都在庆祝,有音乐,也有跳舞,他对自己感到非常骄傲。那个老年人走到他马车的旁边说:“这个时候也要看一下那个讯息。”The King said, “Now I am a winner, people are celebrating my return, I'm not in despair, not in a hopeless situation."“Listen to this old servant,” the servant answered. “The message works not only in moments when everything is bad, but also in moments of victory.”国王说:“你是什么意思?现在我已经胜利了,人们都在庆祝,我并不是处于绝望之中,我并不是陷入绝境。”那个老年人说:“听着,这是那个圣人告诉我的:这个讯息不只是在绝望的时候可以用,在很快乐的时候也可以用。它不只是在你被打败的时候可以用,它在你胜利的时候也可以用──不只是当你在最后的时候可以用,当你在第一的时候也可以用。”The king opened the ring and read:"This too shall pass."And again he felt a silence fall over him, although he was in the midst of a noisy dancing crowd. His pride dissolved. He understood the message. He was a wise man.国王将那个戒指打开,读了里面的讯息:“这也是会过去的。”突然间,同样的宁静、同样的和平降临到他身上──就在群众当中,就在大家都高高兴兴地在庆祝和跳舞当中……那个骄傲不见了,那个自我不见了。每一件事都会经过。And then the old man said to the king; “Do you remember everything that happened to you? Nothing and no feeling is permanent. As night changes day, so moments of joy and despair replace each other. Accept them as the nature of things, as part of life”他叫他的老仆人坐上他的马车,他问说:“其他还有什么吗?每一件事都会过去……你的讯息真的非常有帮助。”那个老年人说:“你记得你经历过的一切吗?没有什么事、没有什么感受是永恒的。夜晚会转为白天,喜悦和绝望的时刻也会互换。接受这就是自然,就是人生的一部分。”Look at the events in your life (both good and not so good) while considering the words of the parable "This too shall pass.”当你检视人生中的遭遇(有好有坏)时,请想着寓言里的智慧“这也会过去”。和Lily一起感受清晨五点起床的丰盛仪式,云雀实验室2.15开始22天早起直播活动,报名参加,关注微信号:iflyclub,回复文字:早起。
2/9/202119 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

1224 绝望和开心的时候一定要听 | 一个神奇的寓言故事

This too, shall pass.When things are bad, remember: It won’t always be this way. Take one day at a time.When things are good, remember:It won’t always be this way. Enjoy every great moment.这也是会过去的。当事情很糟的时候,记住:事情总不会这样,一天过好一天就可以。当事情很好的时候,记住:事情总不会这样。好好享受每一个很棒的时刻。距离上次的节目已经有一个礼拜,这个礼拜还是有持续做我的跟Lily说英语去旅行的直播哦,所有的直播视频都可以在我的FB、YT还有喜马拉雅“学英语环游世界”可以收看得到。你也可以关注Podcast“跟Lily一起说英语去旅行”收听声音的版本。二月一直没有想出比较好的Podcast主题来,所以索性就放了一个假期,接下来我们這一整个月会来讨论人生的目的IKIGAI,也是我在许多工作坊会做的一个找出自己人生目的的练习,但是今天我特别想要分享在我们云雀实验室里面,我们做的每日冥想特别是第19天有一个寓言的任务,我就一遍英文、一遍中文念给大家。最后我也会和大家分享一个我最近发生的和钱还有亲人有关的故事。“ This Too Shall Pass. “There was a king and he once said to the court sages - I have a ring with one of the finest diamonds in the world and I want to hide a message under the stone that can be useful in a situation of extreme despair. I will give this ring to my heirs and I want it to serve faithfully. Think of what kind of message will be there. It must be very short to fit in the ring.“ This Too Shall Pass. “有一个国王向他宫中的智者要求说:“我为我自己做了一个非常漂亮的戒指,我是用最好的钻石做的,我想要在这个戒指里面藏着一个讯息,它可以在我极度绝望的时候帮助我。它必须非常小,这样它才可以被藏在那个戒指的钻石底下。”The sages knew how to write treatises, but did not express themselves in one short sentence. They thought and thought, but did not come up with anything.他们都是智者,他们都是伟大的学者,他们可以写出伟大的论文,但是要给一个非常简短的讯息,让它可以在极度绝望的时候帮助国王……他们左思右想,参考了很多书,但还是想不出来。The king complained about the failure of his venture to a faithful old servant who raised him from infancy and was part of the family. And the old man said to him:“I’m not a sage, I’m not educated, but I know such a message. For many years spent in the palace, I met a lot of people. And once I served a visiting mystic whom your father invited. And he gave me this message. I ask that you don’t read it now. Save it under the stone and open it only when there’s no way out at all. The king listened to the old servant.国王有一个年老的仆人,他几乎就像他的父亲──他以前是他父亲的仆人。国王的母亲早死,因此由这个仆人来照顾他,所以他并没有像仆人一样地被对待,国王对他非常尊敬。那个老年人说:“我不是一个智者,我也不是一个学者,我没有那么博学多闻 ,但是我知道那个讯息──因为就只有一个讯息。这些人无法将它给你;它只能由一个神秘家、一个已经达成他自己的人给你。”“我在宫中已经度过了漫长的岁月,各色各样的人我都看过。有一次,一个神秘家,他是你父亲的贵宾,刚好由我服侍他。当他要离开的时候,为了要感谢我对他的服务,他给了我这个讯息。”他将它写在一张小小的纸上,折叠起来,告诉国王说:“不要读它,只要将它藏在戒指里。唯有当每一件事都失败,已经无路可走时,才可以将它打开。”After some time, the enemies attacked the country and the king lost the war. He fled on his horse and his enemies pursued him. He was alone, his enemies were many. He rode to the end of the road. There was a huge deep cliff before him, if he fell there, it is the end. He could not go back, as the enemies were approaching. He already heard the clatter of their horses' hooves. He had no way out. He was in complete despair.时间很快地就来到了,国家受到了侵略,国王失去了他的王国。为了要保存性命,他骑着他自己的马逃走,敌人的马在后面追赶。他只有一个人,而他们人很多。他来到了一个无路可走的地方,一个死的尽头,再过去就是悬崖和深谷,一掉下去就完了。他不能回头,因为后面有敌人在追赶,他可以听到他们的马蹄声,他也无法再向前走,而且也没有其他的路……And then he remembered the ring. He opened it and found an inscription: “This too shall pass”突然间他想起了那个戒指。他将它打开,把里面的纸拿出来,里面有一个很小但是非常有价值的讯息,在它上面写着:“这也是会过去的。”After reading the message, he felt that everything was quiet. Apparently the pursuers got lost and proceeded in the wrong direction. Horses were no longer heard.当他在读这句话的时候,他突然变得很宁静:“这也是会过去的。”事情真的就这样经过了。每一件事都会经过,在这个世界上没有一件事会永远停留。那些追赶他的敌人一定是在森林里迷路了,一定是走错路了,马蹄声渐渐、渐渐地听不到了。The king was filled with gratitude to the servant and the unknown mystic. The words were powerful. He closed the ring. And set out on the road. He gathered his army and returned his state. On the day when he returned to the palace, they arranged a magnificent meeting, a feast for the whole world - the people loved their king. The king was happy and proud. The old servant came up to him and said softly: “Even in this moment, look at the message again.”国王非常感激那个仆人,以及那个未知的神秘家。那些话语被证明是奇迹般的。他将那张纸折叠起来,放进戒指里,再度纠集他的军队,收复他的王国。当他以胜利的姿态进入首都,那里到处都在庆祝,有音乐,也有跳舞,他对自己感到非常骄傲。那个老年人走到他马车的旁边说:“这个时候也要看一下那个讯息。”The King said, “Now I am a winner, people are celebrating my return, I'm not in despair, not in a hopeless situation."“Listen to this old servant,” the servant answered. “The message works not only in moments when everything is bad, but also in moments of victory.”国王说:“你是什么意思?现在我已经胜利了,人们都在庆祝,我并不是处于绝望之中,我并不是陷入绝境。”那个老年人说:“听着,这是那个圣人告诉我的:这个讯息不只是在绝望的时候可以用,在很快乐的时候也可以用。它不只是在你被打败的时候可以用,它在你胜利的时候也可以用──不只是当你在最后的时候可以用,当你在第一的时候也可以用。”The king opened the ring and read:"This too shall pass."And again he felt a silence fall over him, although he was in the midst of a noisy dancing crowd. His pride dissolved. He understood the message. He was a wise man.国王将那个戒指打开,读了里面的讯息:“这也是会过去的。”突然间,同样的宁静、同样的和平降临到他身上──就在群众当中,就在大家都高高兴兴地在庆祝和跳舞当中……那个骄傲不见了,那个自我不见了。每一件事都会经过。And then the old man said to the king; “Do you remember everything that happened to you? Nothing and no feeling is permanent. As night changes day, so moments of joy and despair replace each other. Accept them as the nature of things, as part of life”他叫他的老仆人坐上他的马车,他问说:“其他还有什么吗?每一件事都会过去……你的讯息真的非常有帮助。”那个老年人说:“你记得你经历过的一切吗?没有什么事、没有什么感受是永恒的。夜晚会转为白天,喜悦和绝望的时刻也会互换。接受这就是自然,就是人生的一部分。”Look at the events in your life (both good and not so good) while considering the words of the parable "This too shall pass.”当你检视人生中的遭遇(有好有坏)时,请想着寓言里的智慧“这也会过去”。和Lily一起感受清晨五点起床的丰盛仪式,云雀实验室2.15开始22天早起直播活动,报名参加,关注微信号:iflyclub,回复文字:早起。
2/9/202119 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

我累死了 感觉智力下降

“我太累了”的英文怎么说?1. I'm beat.我太累了。2. I'm exhausted.我很疲惫。3. I'm dead tired.我累死了。4. I'm pretty tired.我真的累了。5. It's killing me.可把我累死了。6. I'm worn out.我已经筋疲力尽了。7. I must have tired myself out.我一定疲劳过度了。8. I really need a break.我真得歇歇了。
2/1/202110 minutes
Episode Artwork

我累死了 感觉智力下降

“我太累了”的英文怎么说?1. I'm beat.我太累了。2. I'm exhausted.我很疲惫。3. I'm dead tired.我累死了。4. I'm pretty tired.我真的累了。5. It's killing me.可把我累死了。6. I'm worn out.我已经筋疲力尽了。7. I must have tired myself out.我一定疲劳过度了。8. I really need a break.我真得歇歇了。
2/1/202110 minutes
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1223 如何进行第一次的冥想

HOW DO YOU MEDITATE FOR THE FIRST TIME?Once you’ve found your quiet space, follow these steps:1. Sit down comfortably. No need for a cross-legged position. You can also sit on a chair with your feet on the ground. Just make sure that you can sit in this position for a few minutes without needing to move.2. Set your timer for 5 minutes and close your eyes.3. Now start focusing on your breath. What does it feel like? Is it slow or fast? Deep or flat breathing? Notice how your chest and belly are rising and falling with your breath.4. Keep experiencing every breath fully, without trying to control it. When you notice your thoughts wandering away, gently bring them back to your breath. Do this until your timer goes off.你找到了一个安静的空间,请你根据以下的步骤来做。1.找一个舒服的姿势坐着。不一定要盘腿坐。你也可以坐在椅子上,把你的脚放在地上。只要确保你可以不动的坐上几分钟。2.将你的闹钟设定5分钟,然后闭上你的眼睛。3.开始关注你的呼吸。感觉起来怎么样?是慢还是快?是深呼吸还是平缓的?注意到你的胸部和肚子都跟着你的呼吸起伏。4.完整的去体验你的呼吸,试着不要去控制它。当你注意到你的意识跑掉了,温柔地再把意识带回你的呼吸。一直这么做直到你的闹铃响。21天冥想 关注EnglishFit 每个月15日开始22天中英冥想资料放送与共同学习群与任务直播。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将在2.1开营了,有144节线上课程,课后还可以发自己的语音作业让专业老师帮助你正音更有自信说英语!在家学习也好像在世界各地游走,现在加入请关注iflyclub,回复训练营
1/31/202110 minutes, 46 seconds
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1223 如何进行第一次的冥想

HOW DO YOU MEDITATE FOR THE FIRST TIME?Once you’ve found your quiet space, follow these steps:1. Sit down comfortably. No need for a cross-legged position. You can also sit on a chair with your feet on the ground. Just make sure that you can sit in this position for a few minutes without needing to move.2. Set your timer for 5 minutes and close your eyes.3. Now start focusing on your breath. What does it feel like? Is it slow or fast? Deep or flat breathing? Notice how your chest and belly are rising and falling with your breath.4. Keep experiencing every breath fully, without trying to control it. When you notice your thoughts wandering away, gently bring them back to your breath. Do this until your timer goes off.你找到了一个安静的空间,请你根据以下的步骤来做。1.找一个舒服的姿势坐着。不一定要盘腿坐。你也可以坐在椅子上,把你的脚放在地上。只要确保你可以不动的坐上几分钟。2.将你的闹钟设定5分钟,然后闭上你的眼睛。3.开始关注你的呼吸。感觉起来怎么样?是慢还是快?是深呼吸还是平缓的?注意到你的胸部和肚子都跟着你的呼吸起伏。4.完整的去体验你的呼吸,试着不要去控制它。当你注意到你的意识跑掉了,温柔地再把意识带回你的呼吸。一直这么做直到你的闹铃响。21天冥想 关注EnglishFit 每个月15日开始22天中英冥想资料放送与共同学习群与任务直播。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将在2.1开营了,有144节线上课程,课后还可以发自己的语音作业让专业老师帮助你正音更有自信说英语!在家学习也好像在世界各地游走,现在加入请关注iflyclub,回复训练营
1/31/202110 minutes, 46 seconds
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《环游世界的女人》特辑访谈作家梅塔梅塔简介:《自媒体百万获利法则》、《利他存折》畅销书作者,分享她在环游世界五大洲如何解决大家最担心的安全和钱的问题!访谈时间戳:3:20 遇到这样的变态,你会怎么办?????20:00 阿姨在网路找到爱的故事推荐书:《我妈的异国婚姻》 作者 陳名珉22:00 梅塔对想要经营自媒体/创业的人的建议26:00 给女生的建议:拥有更多选择的自由哪里可以找到梅塔:目前超過500位vvip終生制客製化服務天天日更的頻道《跟Lily说英语去旅行》训练营2.1开营,请关注公众微信iflyclub,回复文字”训练营“
1/30/202129 minutes, 40 seconds
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2021年访谈特辑第一集《环游世界的女人》:作家梅塔梅塔简介:《自媒体百万获利法则》《利他存褶》两本畅销书的作者,曾经在大学的时候独自一人拿着环球机票游历五大洲,今天她来分享一个她从来没有在别的地方分享过的故事!访谈时间戳2:00 梅塔的环游世界100天4:26 环游世界的动机7:00 梅塔的不快乐的童年得到的智慧:帮助别人就是在帮助自己8:00 启发梅塔环游世界的人推荐书:《3000元开始的自主人生》 《你可以不只是上班族》BY Chris Guillebeau11:15 梅塔的一天一本书的智慧:不要那我们不擅长的去和别人比较12:45  梅塔出国旅行误闯天体营的体验13:45 如何审核沙发主保护安全15:10 一个在荷兰发生美丽的误会16:00 对脱光的第一个反应19:30 另外一个惊喜 naked bike?21:15 如何使用环球机票22:00 现在喜欢的旅行方式23:00 梅塔说真话的智慧25:15 梅塔爱自己的智慧33:15 梅塔最欣赏的特质如何找到梅塔:目前超過500位vvip終生制客製化服務天天日更的頻道
1/29/202136 minutes, 6 seconds
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1222 冥想的8个好处 |我开始冥想的故事

冥想的8个好处 |我开始冥想的故事 lowers blood pressure 降低血压strengthens the immune system 增强免疫系统helps in regulating metabolism 帮助新陈代谢decreases inflammation 减低发炎的机会grows brain areas related to 帮助头脑的各区域发展regulating hormones 调节荷尔蒙Self-control 自我控制ability to pay attention 增加注意力being happy 变得快乐reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression 减低焦虑和沮丧的症状improves your memory 改善你的记忆力increases creativity 增进创造力故事:2020年中,开始每天打坐10-15分钟,感觉更快乐,特别是开始听了21天的冥想挑战。21天冥想 关注EnglishFit 每个月15日开始22天中英冥想资料放送与共同学习群与任务直播。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将在2.1开营了,有144节线上课程,课后还可以发自己的语音作业让专业老师帮助你正音更有自信说英语!在家学习也好像在世界各地游走,现在加入请关注iflyclub,回复训练营
1/28/202113 minutes, 57 seconds
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1221 正念的另一解释 | intention 和 attention 的区别

Mindfulness: the intentional use of attention正念:有意识的去使用你的注意力Intention 意识/意念/意图,intend 为它的动词:计划Attention 注意力,attend 为它的动词:抵达Pay attention to 注意...I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to what you were saying. 抱歉,我没有留意你刚说的话。IntentionI have no intention to hurt you. 我不想伤害你。21天冥想 关注EnglishFit 每个月15日开始22天中英冥想资料放送与共同学习群与任务直播。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将在2.1开营了,有144节线上课程,课后还可以发自己的语音作业让专业老师帮助你正音更有自信说英语!在家学习也好像在世界各地游走,现在加入请关注iflyclub,回复训练营
1/28/20219 minutes, 48 seconds
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1220 冥想一次要多久时间?|Unless的用法

You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day - unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour. 除非你太忙,不然你应该每天至少静坐20分钟;然而一个小时的静坐才是最理想的。故事:刚开始自己在接触冥想觉得3分钟都很久。目前可以坐20分钟。有时候也会察觉到情绪比较差,或者想要培养睡眠的情绪,也会冥想Unless 除非下面教学unless 用法应该怎么用。unless 用法一、用在现在式unless 用在现在式的时候,通常表达的是,如果你现在不怎么样….未来就会怎么样。例:You will damage your health unless you stop smoking.除非停止吸烟,否则将损害健康。例:I’ll be waiting for you at the theatre unless you call me to say you’re not coming.除非你打电话给我说你不来,否则我会在剧院等你。Unless 用法二、用在过去式Unless同样也可以用在过去式,当Unless 用在过去式的时候,主要子句的主词后面要接would.例:Unless she was working late, she would be here.除非她工作到很晚,否则她会来这里。Unless 用法三、用在过去完成式Unless除了可以用在现在式、过去式之外,还能用在过去完成式。当Unless 用在过去完成式的时候,主要子句后面的主词要接would have/wouldn’t have。例:They would have shot him unless he’d given them the money.除非他给了他们钱,否则他们会开枪打他。不能使用Unless的两种情况在使用Unless的时候,要特别注意下面两点:1.Unless不能用在疑问句2.在子句里,Unless后面不能接will或是would21天冥想 关注EnglishFit 每个月15日开始22天中英冥想资料放送与共同学习群与任务直播。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将在2.1开营了,有144节线上课程,课后还可以发自己的语音作业让专业老师帮助你正音更有自信说英语!在家学习也好像在世界各地游走,现在加入请关注iflyclub,回复训练营
1/25/202114 minutes, 1 second
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1220 冥想一次要多久时间?|Unless的用法

You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day - unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour. 除非你太忙,不然你应该每天至少静坐20分钟;然而一个小时的静坐才是最理想的。故事:刚开始自己在接触冥想觉得3分钟都很久。目前可以坐20分钟。有时候也会察觉到情绪比较差,或者想要培养睡眠的情绪,也会冥想Unless 除非下面教学unless 用法应该怎么用。unless 用法一、用在现在式unless 用在现在式的时候,通常表达的是,如果你现在不怎么样….未来就会怎么样。例:You will damage your health unless you stop smoking.除非停止吸烟,否则将损害健康。例:I’ll be waiting for you at the theatre unless you call me to say you’re not coming.除非你打电话给我说你不来,否则我会在剧院等你。Unless 用法二、用在过去式Unless同样也可以用在过去式,当Unless 用在过去式的时候,主要子句的主词后面要接would.例:Unless she was working late, she would be here.除非她工作到很晚,否则她会来这里。Unless 用法三、用在过去完成式Unless除了可以用在现在式、过去式之外,还能用在过去完成式。当Unless 用在过去完成式的时候,主要子句后面的主词要接would have/wouldn’t have。例:They would have shot him unless he’d given them the money.除非他给了他们钱,否则他们会开枪打他。不能使用Unless的两种情况在使用Unless的时候,要特别注意下面两点:1.Unless不能用在疑问句2.在子句里,Unless后面不能接will或是would21天冥想 关注EnglishFit 每个月15日开始22天中英冥想资料放送与共同学习群与任务直播。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将在2.1开营了,有144节线上课程,课后还可以发自己的语音作业让专业老师帮助你正音更有自信说英语!在家学习也好像在世界各地游走,现在加入请关注iflyclub,回复训练营
1/25/202114 minutes, 1 second
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1219 冥想是一个什么样的旅程?

Meditation is the journey...From sound to silence, from movement to stillness, from a limited identity to unlimited space.冥想从有声到无声、从动作到静止,从有限的身份到无穷无尽的宇宙。Meditation 冥想Silence 沉默、无声Movement 动作Stillness 静止 Limited 有限的 unlimited 无限的 Identity 身份Space 空间 21天冥想 关注EnglishFit 每个月15日开始22天中英冥想资料放送与共同学习群与任务直播。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将在2.1开营了,有144节线上课程,课后还可以发自己的语音作业让专业老师帮助你正音更有自信说英语!在家学习也好像在世界各地游走,现在加入请关注iflyclub,回复训练营
1/24/20217 minutes, 54 seconds
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1218 Mindfulness(正念)是什么?| Lily被愤怒淹没的小故事

1218 正念是什么?Do not lose yourself in the past. Do not lose yourself in the future. Do not get caught in your anger, worries, or fears. Come back to the present moment, and touch life deeply. This is mindfulness. 不要缅怀过去而失去了自己。不要眺望未来而失去了自己。不要被你的愤怒、烦恼、还有恐惧给绑住了。随时回到当下,然后深入地碰触生命。这就是正念。Lose yourself 失去自己(无法展现真实的自己)Past 过去Future 未来Get caught 抓住、逮住Present 当下Mindfulness 正念 (这里的正念是免除佛教意识的正向的意念,而是较多是觉察意念)故事:Felix 的话语21天冥想 关注EnglishFit 每个月15日开始22天中英冥想资料放送与共同学习群与任务直播。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将在2.1开营了,有144节线上课程,课后还可以发自己的语音作业让专业老师帮助你正音更有自信说英语!在家学习也好像在世界各地游走,现在加入请关注iflyclub,回复训练营
1/23/202116 minutes, 49 seconds
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1218 Mindfulness(正念)是什么?| Lily被愤怒淹没的小故事

1218 正念是什么?Do not lose yourself in the past. Do not lose yourself in the future. Do not get caught in your anger, worries, or fears. Come back to the present moment, and touch life deeply. This is mindfulness. 不要缅怀过去而失去了自己。不要眺望未来而失去了自己。不要被你的愤怒、烦恼、还有恐惧给绑住了。随时回到当下,然后深入地碰触生命。这就是正念。Lose yourself 失去自己(无法展现真实的自己)Past 过去Future 未来Get caught 抓住、逮住Present 当下Mindfulness 正念 (这里的正念是免除佛教意识的正向的意念,而是较多是觉察意念)故事:Felix 的话语21天冥想 关注EnglishFit 每个月15日开始22天中英冥想资料放送与共同学习群与任务直播。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将在2.1开营了,有144节线上课程,课后还可以发自己的语音作业让专业老师帮助你正音更有自信说英语!在家学习也好像在世界各地游走,现在加入请关注iflyclub,回复训练营
1/23/202116 minutes, 49 seconds
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1217 什么是冥想?这句话解释的最好!

Imagine a hot tub for the mind. That is what meditation is; it can bathe your mind in relaxing thoughts.什麼是冥想?想像你的頭腦浸泡在一個熱水池。它可以幫助你的頭腦放鬆。Imagine 幻想Hot tub 热水池Meditation 冥想Bathe 沐浴、泡澡Relaxing 放松的Thoughts 思想提到我的Life Coach(生活教练)Katie有出现过在我们节目的672集天冥想 关注EnglishFit 每个月15日开始22天中英冥想资料放送与共同学习群与任务直播。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将在2.1开营了,有144节线上课程,课后还可以发自己的语音作业让专业老师帮助你正音更有自信说英语!在家学习也好像在世界各地游走,现在加入请关注iflyclub,回复训练营
1/21/202110 minutes, 20 seconds
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1217 什么是冥想?这句话解释的最好!

Imagine a hot tub for the mind. That is what meditation is; it can bathe your mind in relaxing thoughts.什麼是冥想?想像你的頭腦浸泡在一個熱水池。它可以幫助你的頭腦放鬆。Imagine 幻想Hot tub 热水池Meditation 冥想Bathe 沐浴、泡澡Relaxing 放松的Thoughts 思想提到我的Life Coach(生活教练)Katie有出现过在我们节目的672集天冥想 关注EnglishFit 每个月15日开始22天中英冥想资料放送与共同学习群与任务直播。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将在2.1开营了,有144节线上课程,课后还可以发自己的语音作业让专业老师帮助你正音更有自信说英语!在家学习也好像在世界各地游走,现在加入请关注iflyclub,回复训练营
1/21/202110 minutes, 20 seconds
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1216 清晨五点俱乐部结局~但我们云雀实验室仍然五点起床 |Day 64

Day 64Epilogue: 5 Years Later场景:在他们参观监狱的几个月后,亿万富翁过世了。女企业家成为一个非常成功的企业家,艺术家把拖延的毛病改掉了,成就了好几张美丽的画作,他们一起共同养育了一个小男孩,他的名字就叫做Stone。他们仍然每天五点起床进行20/20/20的早起仪式。The entrepreneur has become a fabulously wealthy woman, having grown the company she founded into an iconic enterprise. She has let go of the demons of her past that haunted her for so long and absolutely loves the life she shares with her husband, the artist. She still works hard, but she also enjoys her time off a lot.女企业家变成了一个超级有钱的女人,将她创建的公司成长一个非常有标志性的企业。她释放了过去让她害怕好久的恶魔,现在百分之百爱上了她和她的丈夫艺术家的生活。她仍然工作很勤劳,但是也很享受不工作的时间。Fabulous 难以置信的/绝佳的Found 建立Iconic 有标志性的Enterprise 企业Haunted 被吓唬的、闹鬼的
1/15/20219 minutes, 28 seconds
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1215 释放批判、仇恨和冷漠的一切 |Day 63

和Lily一起感受一下清晨五点起床的丰盛仪式吧!云雀实验室开始招生了,只收女生朋友的报名,请至公众微信:iflyclub 回复文字:早起Day 63Chapter 17 The 5 AM Club Members Become Heroes of Their Lives (part 3)场景:他们在参观曼德拉的监狱的时候,随从跟他们说了一些故事,尤其是说到曼德拉是如何在那非常困难的环境下,建立了不凡的意志力和展示了高超的领袖力,让大家都很感动。Leadership is for everyone. Each of us, no matter where we live, what we do, what’s happened to us in the past and what we’re experiencing right now, must release the shackles of blame, chains of hate, leg irons of apathy and prison bars of ordinary that keep us in slavery to the dark forces of our lowest nature. 每个人都有领袖力。我们之中的每个人无论活在哪里,做什么,在过去中发生在我们身上的事和现在我们正在经历的。必须要释放那批判的枷锁,仇恨的锁链,在脚上的冷冰冰的铁块,还有那让我们一直屈就于最低本性的监狱牢房里。Shackles 枷锁Blame 责怪Apathy 漠不关心Slavery 奴役Prison bars 牢房
1/13/202115 minutes, 2 seconds
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1214 每件事情的发生都是安排好来帮助我们的 |Day 62

和Lily一起感受一下清晨五点起床的丰盛仪式吧!云雀实验室开始招生了,只收女生朋友的报名,请至公众微信:iflyclub 回复文字:早起Day 62Chapter 17 The 5 AM Club Members Become Heroes of Their Lives (part 2)场景:他们在参观曼德拉的监狱的时候,随从跟他们说了一些故事,尤其是说到曼德拉是如何在那非常困难的环境下,建立了不凡的意志力和展示了高超的领袖力,让大家都很感动。Everything we go through as we travel through a life is, in truth, a fantastic orchestration designed to introduce us to our truest talents, connect us with our most sovereign selves and deepen our intimacy with the glorious hero that lives inside each of us. 我们在生命的旅程中经历的每件事其实都是被设计好的绝佳的安排来引荐我们内在最真实的才能,让我们可以连接到我们的生命自主的权利还有加深了我们和活在我们每个人心中的英雄的亲密关系。Orchestration (管弦乐)编排Deepen 加深Intimacy 亲密关系Glorious 华丽的
1/12/202114 minutes, 7 seconds
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1213 坚持用积极的心态来过每一天 | Day 61

和Lily一起感受一下清晨五点起床的丰盛仪式吧!云雀实验室开始招生了,只收女生朋友的报名,请至公众微信:iflyclub 回复文字:早起Day 61Chapter 17 The 5 AM Club Members Become Heroes of Their Lives场景:他们一起到了南非的Capetown,到了Robben Island参观了曼德拉当初被囚禁的地方,看到一个这么伟大的人曾经在一个这么糟糕的地方被霸凌被欺负,仍然坚毅的去创造历史,造福世人,他们都深受感动。No matter what struggles we face and what adversities we will endure. No matter what attacks, humiliation and violence are visited on us. We must persist. We must continue. We must stay strong. We must live our luminous nature. And magnify our sovereign selves. Even if it feels the whole world is against us. This is truly what makes us human beings. Even if it seems the light will never transcend the darkness, keep making your walk to freedom. Model what’s highest for the rest of us. Exemplify grace, for the majority of us. Demonstrate actual love, for all of us. 无论我们在面对什么样的折磨或承受什么样困境,无论什么在攻击我们的事、羞辱还有暴力在我们周围。我们一定要坚持。我们要持续。而且我们要保持坚强。我们一定要活出我们发光的本质,放大我们的身份自主权,就算整个世界都在跟我们抗争,这是我们成为人类的必经之路。即使光明永远没有办法战胜黑暗,继续将你的步伐走向自由。以最高的美德来作为我们的模范,以慈悲作为典范,为全人类展示真正的爱。
1/11/202112 minutes, 4 seconds
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1212 活的没有明天但是也要有活到100岁的准备 | Day 60

Day 60Chapter 16: The 5 AM Club Embraces The Twin Cycles of Elite Performance (part 5)场景:进入了课程的尾声,亿万富翁希望大家珍惜每一刻,因为每一天都是赚到的。Enjoy every morning and appreciate each day you have on Earth. Take bold risks yet hedge them with common sense. Balance living like there is no tomorrow with behaving like you’ll live forever. So that when the end does come, you’ll know you lived your life as a majestic testimony to the capacity for legendary that every human being carries inside of them.享受每一个早晨还有感恩你在地球每一天。采取大胆的举动,但是也要用常识防止危险。平衡自己的生活,要活得好像没有明天但是也要有你或许活到100岁的准备。所以当人生的终点来了,你会知道你活出每个人类都向往的最好的人生,而且借由你的存在让他们知道每个人都有能力做得到。Appreciate 感激、感恩Bold 大胆Hedge 防避Common sense  常識Majestic 伟大的Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?好学校Podcast课程众筹:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:云雀实验室:喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
1/6/202112 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

1211 发生在你身上的事很少是意外 |Day 59

***云雀实验室报名连结:或关注微信公众号:iflyclub,回复文字:早起Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfitDay 59Chapter 16: The 5 AM Club Embraces The Twin Cycles of Elite Performance (part 4)場景:讲到最后一课的时候,亿万富翁把它藏在了一个小棺材里。Nothing is wrong. There has been no waste. All is unfolding as it should. At your end, you will realize that very little of what happened to you was an accident. Everything was for your growth. And all was for your good.一切都是对的。没有什么被浪费的事,事情就是照着这样展开。在你人生的结尾,你会发现很少事情是意外。许多事情都是因为你的个人成长而发生。而且都是为你好的。Waste 浪费Unfolding 发展Accident 意外
1/5/202117 minutes, 5 seconds
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1210 和自己展开一辈子的爱恋 |Day 58

Day 58Chapter 16: The 5 AM Club Embraces The Twin Cycles of Elite Performance (part 3)场景:他们来到了南非的开普敦,清晨五点仍然上课,今天我们来看一下拥抱精英表现的两个循环。Ultimately, you’re the only person you’ll be with your entire life. Why not strengthen your relationship with your greatest self, fully know your genius and start a lifetime love affair with your most noble nature?最终你就是唯一一个会陪伴你一辈子的人。为何不好好的加强你与最高自己的关系,完整的了解自己的天赋还有展开你和你的最高尚本质的一辈子的爱恋?Ultimately 终极地Strengthen 加强Love affair 恋爱韵事Noble 高尚的***云雀实验室报名连结:或关注微信公众号:iflyclub,回复文字:早起Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit
1/4/202110 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

1209 你的心知道你要去哪里 | Day 57

Day 57Chapter 16: The 5 AM Club Embraces The Twin Cycles of Elite Performance (part 2)场景:这个地方他们有注意到亿万富翁时不时会咳嗽流血,但没有放在心上,一直以为他很健康。To know ever-increasing amounts of happiness, trust what makes you feel happy. Your heart knows where you need to be. It’s so much wiser than your head. Instinct knows so much more than intellect and intuition is smarter than reason, that’s for sure. Our intelligence is made up of what those around us have taught us. It’s limited. It’s confined by logic—and what’s been done before.相信让你开心的事情,就是去知道喜悦感不停增加的秘诀。你的心知道你需要去哪里,而且他比你的头脑更是聪明。本能会比你的智慧还要了解更多,直觉比道理还要聪明,这是一定的。我们的智力是周围的人教导我们的结果,它是有限的,而且是被逻辑和以前被做过的事情产生的结果。Ever-increasing 持续不断的Wise 智慧Instinct 本能Intuition 直觉Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?好学校Podcast课程众筹:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:云雀实验室:喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
1/3/202110 minutes, 18 seconds
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1208 体验红药丸的现实,必须常离开这个世界 | Day 56

跟Lily说英语去旅行课程1.4开营了,144节线上课程与144节揪音作业反馈让你立即开口说英语,报名请到公众微信号iflyclub,回复:训练营**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: 56Chapter 16: The 5 AM Club Embraces The Twin Cycles of Elite Performance场景:这边亿万富翁说到每个礼拜他都会让两天都完全不使用科技产品,甚至数十年来他都会在六、七、八月完全放假去做一些休闲的事情。There’s such an enchantment to life. It’s right in front of you. Available to anyone. We all can become magicians of sorts. But to experience this higher reality I’m speaking of—to really find it—you’ll need to leave the world a lot.生活有多么多的迷人之处,就在你面前,而且是每个人都能够取得,我们都可以成为各种各样的魔术师。但是去体验还有真正的找到我说的更高的现实,你必须要很常离开这个世界。Enchantment 魅力、魔法Available 可获得Magician 魔术师
1/2/202114 minutes, 50 seconds
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给大家看看我喜欢的高雄港我2021年的7个心愿Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?好学校Podcast课程众筹:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:云雀实验室:喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
1/1/202112 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

1207 5AM Club 讲到的 60 minute student 是什么意思呢?|Day 55

跟Lily说英语去旅行课程1.4开营了,144节线上课程与144节揪音作业反馈让你立即开口说英语,报名请到公众微信号iflyclub,回复:训练营**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: 55Chapter 15:The 5 AM Club Is Mentored on The 10 Tactics of Lifelong Genius (part 6)场景:我们来研究下何为The 60 Minute Student(六十分钟学生)Specific tactics for your sixty minutes include reading every good book you can get your hands on, reviewing your journal notes, working through an online program, talking with a mentor and watching skill-building videos.给你的这个60分钟的特定的策略包括读一本你可以取得的好书、回顾你的日记笔记、认真观看一个线上的课程、与你的导师谈话,和观看一个建立技能的影片。Tactics 战术、策略Get your hands on 取得、获得Review 回顾Mentor 导师Skill-building 技能建立
1/1/202114 minutes, 27 seconds
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Day 4 - 直播录制一个podcast给大家看一下现在的Podcast主题如何设计录制的流程2020年感恩的事情!Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?好学校Podcast课程众筹:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:云雀实验室:喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
12/31/202054 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork


Day 4 - 直播录制一个podcast给大家看一下现在的Podcast主题如何设计录制的流程2020年感恩的事情!Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?好学校Podcast课程众筹:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:云雀实验室:喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
12/31/202054 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

1206 今天我们来学习一下如何设计美丽的一周 | Day 54

跟Lily说英语去旅行课程1.4开营了,144节线上课程与144节揪音作业反馈让你立即开口说英语,报名请到公众微信号iflyclub,回复:训练营**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: 54Chapter 15:The 5 AM Club Is Mentored on The 10 Tactics of Lifelong Genius (part 5)场景:来了解一下The Weekly Design System 设计每周的系统The Implementation: Carve out and then ritualize thirty minutes early each Sunday morning to create your “Blueprint for a Beautiful Week.” Start the process by writing a story in your journal about the highlights from the seven days you just lived. Then record your lessons learned and optimizations for making the coming week even better.如何执行:每个星期日早晨拿出30分钟并且把它成为每周的仪式,去创造你美丽的一周蓝图。先开始在你的日记写下这你刚刚活过的这七天的精彩地方。并且记录你得到的教训和优化让接下来的每周更加的好!Implementation 执行Ritualize 使之成为仪式Blueprint 蓝图Highlights 最精彩的部分Optimizations 优化
12/31/202015 minutes, 8 seconds
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1206 今天我们来学习一下如何设计美丽的一周 | Day 54

跟Lily说英语去旅行课程1.4开营了,144节线上课程与144节揪音作业反馈让你立即开口说英语,报名请到公众微信号iflyclub,回复:训练营**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: 54Chapter 15:The 5 AM Club Is Mentored on The 10 Tactics of Lifelong Genius (part 5)场景:来了解一下The Weekly Design System 设计每周的系统The Implementation: Carve out and then ritualize thirty minutes early each Sunday morning to create your “Blueprint for a Beautiful Week.” Start the process by writing a story in your journal about the highlights from the seven days you just lived. Then record your lessons learned and optimizations for making the coming week even better.如何执行:每个星期日早晨拿出30分钟并且把它成为每周的仪式,去创造你美丽的一周蓝图。先开始在你的日记写下这你刚刚活过的这七天的精彩地方。并且记录你得到的教训和优化让接下来的每周更加的好!Implementation 执行Ritualize 使之成为仪式Blueprint 蓝图Highlights 最精彩的部分Optimizations 优化
12/31/202015 minutes, 8 seconds
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发起的想法?如何早起,几点睡觉有谁的启发?开启的过程,给我的好处、不便的地方!我使用的早晨仪式!Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?好学校Podcast课程众筹:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:云雀实验室:喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
12/30/202049 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

1205 你的梦幻团队成员应该要包括哪些人?|Day 53

跟Lily说英语去旅行课程1.4开营了,144节线上课程与144节揪音作业反馈让你立即开口说英语,报名请到公众微信号iflyclub,回复:训练营**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: 53Chapter 15:The 5 AM Club Is Mentored on The 10 Tactics of Lifelong Genius (part 4)场景:这边亿万富翁聊到了每在情人节自己会送老婆一首诗还有情趣内衣,所以也送给了艺术家和女企业家一首诗:May We Never Say Goodbye(愿我们永远都不说再见),也意味着他们即将要分别了。Specific members of your Dream Team could include a fitness trainer who you work with regularly, a nutritionist, a massage therapist, a financial coach to fortify your fortune, a relationship adviser to help you maintain rich bonds with the important people in your life and a spiritual counselor to assist you in staying grounded on the eternal laws of a life well-lived.梦幻团队的成员应该要包含一个健身教练、营养师、按摩师还有财务教练去强化你财务、一个情感顾问帮助你去保持你和生命中重要的人的连结,还有一个心灵顾问来帮助你在外在规则里的过好生活并保持清醒。Nutritionist 营养师Therapist 治疗师Fortify 强化Bonds  连结Stay grounded 保持清醒/理智
12/29/202014 minutes, 15 seconds
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发起的想法里面的内容制作的过程制作的插曲活动的规则建议的使用方法参与的老师/同学有同学重复上了4次呢?为什么要重复进行?从一月开始会有的直播活动,每个月会有至少一个作家或者是在学英语、游世界有杰出成就的朋友分享。Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的Podcast节目名称:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?好学校Podcast课程众筹:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:云雀实验室:喜马拉雅ximi团会员招募:
12/29/202056 minutes
Episode Artwork

1204 进行这20/20/20法则将升级你的私人生活!|Day 52

跟Lily说英语去旅行课程1.4开营了,144节线上课程与144节揪音作业反馈让你立即开口说英语,报名请到公众微信号iflyclub,回复:训练营**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: 52Chapter 15:The 5 AM Club Is Mentored on The 10 Tactics of Lifelong Genius (part 3)场景:在巴西准备婚礼的过程中,他们还是没有懈怠学习哦,今天他们接触到一门比较重的课:终身学习必备的10招,也算是亿万富翁给他们的结婚礼物吧,但实际上亿万富翁又送给他们许多东西,其中包括了帮助女企业家不再受到投资人威胁的合约。Rising at dawn and running The 20/20/20 Formula is your main move to lead your field and upgrade your personal life. These ten calibrated habits are your amplifiers. They’ll ensure that you go from seeing results that are linear to rewards that are exponential.在黎明时起床和运作这个20/20/20法则会是你领先在你的领域和升级你私人生活的主要活动。这10招校准过的习惯会是你的放大器。他们可以保证你会直接看到效果,而且会快速的得到收获。Upgrade 升级Calibrated 校准后的Amplifier 放大器/扩音器Linear 直线的Exponential 呈指数增长
12/28/202013 minutes, 44 seconds
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为什们开始这个九十天计划?直播内容的主题:帮助别人Fly with Lily 网站 flywithlily.comFB、IG、YT:flywithlily公众微信号:iflyclub、englishfit喜马拉雅的节目:学英语环游世界现在在忙什么?好学校Podcast课程众筹:和Lily一起说英语去旅行训练营:云雀实验室:
12/28/20201 hour, 59 seconds
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1203 困境是被包装过后的礼物 ,加油!|Day 51

跟Lily说英语去旅行课程1.4开营了,144节线上课程与144节揪音作业反馈让你立即开口说英语,报名请到公众微信号iflyclub,回复:训练营**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: 51Chapter 15:The 5 AM Club Is Mentored on The 10 Tactics of Lifelong Genius (part 2)场景:他们正准备着在巴西圣保罗的婚礼,然而半路却遇到了枪手,此时女企业家厉害又冷静地制服了枪手,救了自己的未婚夫,让亿万富翁吓得目瞪口呆!In that moment, she realized that on the other side of every tragedy lives a triumph. And beyond adversity exists a bridge into enduring victory, if one has the eyes to see it.在那一刻,她意识到每一个悲剧的另一面都有胜利,如果你够有远见,在克服每个困境之后都能让你拥有持久的胜利。Realize 意识到Tragedy 悲剧Triumph 胜利Adversity 逆境Enduring 持久的
12/27/202011 minutes, 3 seconds
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1202 作出你想要在世界上看到的那个改变 +听众木木的故事|Day 50

跟Lily说英语去旅行课程1.4开营了,144节线上课程与144节揪音作业反馈让你立即开口说英语,报名请到公众微信号iflyclub,回复:训练营**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: Day 50Chapter 15:The 5 AM Club Is Mentored on The 10 Tactics of Lifelong Genius場景:这边强调和太阳一起起床并不是要大家睡眠不足,而是要养成早起早睡的习惯。And as each of us does our part to make our personal revolutions, every relationship in our life—from the one we have with our craft to the connections we share with each other—improves with us. Sort of like Mahatma Gandhi’s words ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world.’如果我们每个人都做好我们自己的个人革命,那么在我们生活中的所有亲密关系,包括我们和自己的工作还有和彼此的连结,都会因为我们自己变得更好而改善,有点像是甘地说的:作出你想要在世界上看到的那个改变。Revolution 革命Craft 工艺Connection 连结Improve 改善
12/26/202023 minutes, 19 seconds
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1201 原谅不小心伤到你的人 |Day 49

跟Lily说英语去旅行课程1.4开营了,144节线上课程与144节揪音作业反馈让你立即开口说英语,报名请到公众微信号iflyclub,回复:训练营**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: Day 49Chapter 14: The 5 AM Club Grasps the Essentialness of Sleep场景:到了罗马的第一站亿万富翁竟然带他们到了坟场,这时候,发现女企业家手上戴着订婚戒指!这里演说家也出现了,和他们聊睡眠的重要性。这里他们也分享了美好一天的蓝图,大概是這樣的4:45起床,差不多9:30上床,10:00 睡著。We each do the best we can based on the level of awareness, maturity and personal security we are at. People who hurt others really are hurting within themselves. They are behaving in the wisest way they know how to behave. If they were capable of conducting themselves with greater leadership, generosity and humanity, they would have done so.我们都在我们觉知、成熟度和个人安全的感受的程度上做到最好。会伤害别人的人也真的是内在受伤很重的人。他们用他们知道最聪明的方式在保护自己。如果他们能够用最高的领袖力、慷慨、和人性来表现自己的话,他们早就这么做了。Awareness 觉知Maturity 成熟度Wisest 最有智慧的Conduct 表现Generosity 慷慨
12/25/202015 minutes, 54 seconds
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1200 早上起床不要滑手机的原因|Day 48

跟Lily说英语去旅行课程1.4开营了,144节线上课程与144节揪音作业反馈让你立即开口说英语,报名请到公众微信号iflyclub,回复:训练营**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: Day 48Chapter 13:The 5 AM Club Learns The 20/20/20 Formula (part 4)场景:解析20/20/20 Formula每个时段要做的事情、原因和好处Cortisol is one of the main materials that stunts your genius and devastates your implicit opportunity to make history. Very good scientific data confirms that your cortisol levels are highest in the morning.”Cortisol就是皮质醇,也称作压力的荷尔蒙,他是主要阻碍你天赋的成长还有让你的摧残你创造历史的机会。科学数据表示在早晨你的皮质醇是释放最多的时候。Cortisol 皮质醇Stunt 阻碍成长Implicit 隐性的Devastate 毁坏Level 水平
12/24/202012 minutes, 53 seconds
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1199 你的余生现在开始精彩|Day 47

Day 47Chapter 13:The 5 AM Club Learns The 20/20/20 Formula (part 3)场景:亿万富翁继续讲课,希望更多人可以发挥自己的潜能,而非继续埋没自己。Make the remainder of your life an exercise in audacity, a testimony to exceptional productivity and a rare expression of unstained beauty. Honor all you truly are by living your genius instead of loathing yourself, by denying your specialness.**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: 让你的余生都是一个大胆做自己的练习、展示自己杰出高效力的证据,还有一种稀有的不被污染美丽的表现。忠于并且活出最棒的自己,而不是用否定自己的特别之處来继续厌恶自己。Remainder 剩下Audacity 大胆、胆量Unstained 不被沾染的Loath 怨恨Deny 否定
12/23/202018 minutes, 6 seconds
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1199 你的余生现在开始精彩|Day 47

Day 47Chapter 13:The 5 AM Club Learns The 20/20/20 Formula (part 3)场景:亿万富翁继续讲课,希望更多人可以发挥自己的潜能,而非继续埋没自己。Make the remainder of your life an exercise in audacity, a testimony to exceptional productivity and a rare expression of unstained beauty. Honor all you truly are by living your genius instead of loathing yourself, by denying your specialness.**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: 让你的余生都是一个大胆做自己的练习、展示自己杰出高效力的证据,还有一种稀有的不被污染美丽的表现。忠于并且活出最棒的自己,而不是用否定自己的特别之處来继续厌恶自己。Remainder 剩下Audacity 大胆、胆量Unstained 不被沾染的Loath 怨恨Deny 否定
12/23/202018 minutes, 6 seconds
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1198 我们不爱自己的真正原因 |Day 46

**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: Day 46Chapter 13:The 5 AM Club Learns The 20/20/20 Formula (part 2)场景:这边真正的去介绍20/20/20 法则,也说到了很多人早起只是去看新闻,去滑手机,这个浪费了我们最宝贵的时光。(是你吗?)Failing to keep self-promises is one of the reasons so many of us don’t love ourselves. Not following through on what we tell ourselves we’ll do so destroys our sense of personal worth and dissolves our self-esteem. Keep behaving like that and the unconscious part of you will begin to believe you’re not worth anything.无法对自己信守承诺是许多人不爱自己的原因。没有贯彻我们告诉自己的事不但摧毁了我们的个人价值,还让我们的自尊心也更瓦解了。一直这样做的话,你会不知不觉地开始相信自己是不值得任何事情的。Self-promises 自我承诺Destroy 摧毁Dissolve 瓦解Unconscious 无意识的
12/22/202016 minutes, 36 seconds
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1198 我们不爱自己的真正原因 |Day 46

**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: Day 46Chapter 13:The 5 AM Club Learns The 20/20/20 Formula (part 2)场景:这边真正的去介绍20/20/20 法则,也说到了很多人早起只是去看新闻,去滑手机,这个浪费了我们最宝贵的时光。(是你吗?)Failing to keep self-promises is one of the reasons so many of us don’t love ourselves. Not following through on what we tell ourselves we’ll do so destroys our sense of personal worth and dissolves our self-esteem. Keep behaving like that and the unconscious part of you will begin to believe you’re not worth anything.无法对自己信守承诺是许多人不爱自己的原因。没有贯彻我们告诉自己的事不但摧毁了我们的个人价值,还让我们的自尊心也更瓦解了。一直这样做的话,你会不知不觉地开始相信自己是不值得任何事情的。Self-promises 自我承诺Destroy 摧毁Dissolve 瓦解Unconscious 无意识的
12/22/202016 minutes, 36 seconds
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1197 不允许自己再恋爱了 |Day 45

**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: Day 45Chapter 13:The 5 AM Club Learns The 20/20/20 Formula 场景:我们到了罗马,一个对亿万富翁别具意义的地方。一个他遇见梦中情人/老婆的地方,这里也稍微描述了他的爱情故事,然而他的妻子几年后过世了,他没有再娶而是更专心在他的慈善事业上。Though she had passed away suddenly many years earlier, he never remarried. He wouldn’t allow himself to fall in love again, preferring to concentrate on growing his business empire, expanding his philanthropic pursuits and enjoying the genuinely lovely life he’d earned, alone.虽然她在许多年后忽然过世了,他就没有再娶过。他不允许自己再恋爱了,宁可专心在壮大自己的事业版图,还有慈善的追求还有独自享受他为自己赢得的可爱生活。Remarried 再娶Concentrate on 专心Empire 帝国Philanthropic 慈善的Pursuit 追求
12/21/202011 minutes, 46 seconds
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1197 不允许自己再恋爱了 |Day 45

**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: Day 45Chapter 13:The 5 AM Club Learns The 20/20/20 Formula 场景:我们到了罗马,一个对亿万富翁别具意义的地方。一个他遇见梦中情人/老婆的地方,这里也稍微描述了他的爱情故事,然而他的妻子几年后过世了,他没有再娶而是更专心在他的慈善事业上。Though she had passed away suddenly many years earlier, he never remarried. He wouldn’t allow himself to fall in love again, preferring to concentrate on growing his business empire, expanding his philanthropic pursuits and enjoying the genuinely lovely life he’d earned, alone.虽然她在许多年后忽然过世了,他就没有再娶过。他不允许自己再恋爱了,宁可专心在壮大自己的事业版图,还有慈善的追求还有独自享受他为自己赢得的可爱生活。Remarried 再娶Concentrate on 专心Empire 帝国Philanthropic 慈善的Pursuit 追求
12/21/202011 minutes, 46 seconds
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1196 冥想的好处 | Day 44

**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: Day 44Chapter 12: The 5 AM Club Discovers The Habit Installation Protocol (part 6)场景:亿万富翁解释了5点起床的习惯养成需要经过三个阶段:Destruction (破坏),Installation (安装),Integration (整合)Do not neglect the call on you to deploy your fullest talents, magnify your spectacular strengths, multiply your happiness and discover a paradise of peace within you that no outer event can ever reduce.不要忽视了可以让你去部署你全部的天赋、扩大你惊人的力量,大量增加你的幸福的召唤(使命),还有发现了一个没有其他外在事件能够减少你内心宁静的天堂。Neglect 忽视Call 召唤Magnify 扩大、放大Spectacular 惊人的Multiply 大量增加、使相乘
12/20/202014 minutes, 8 seconds
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1196 冥想的好处 | Day 44

**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: Day 44Chapter 12: The 5 AM Club Discovers The Habit Installation Protocol (part 6)场景:亿万富翁解释了5点起床的习惯养成需要经过三个阶段:Destruction (破坏),Installation (安装),Integration (整合)Do not neglect the call on you to deploy your fullest talents, magnify your spectacular strengths, multiply your happiness and discover a paradise of peace within you that no outer event can ever reduce.不要忽视了可以让你去部署你全部的天赋、扩大你惊人的力量,大量增加你的幸福的召唤(使命),还有发现了一个没有其他外在事件能够减少你内心宁静的天堂。Neglect 忽视Call 召唤Magnify 扩大、放大Spectacular 惊人的Multiply 大量增加、使相乘
12/20/202014 minutes, 8 seconds
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1195 做个无理的人 | Day 43

**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: Day 43Chapter 12: The 5 AM Club Discovers The Habit Installation Protocol (part 5)场景:这边他们知道自己要去罗马,感觉有点兴奋!这边亿万富翁说到自己除了5点起床外,他还每天洗冷水澡,每个月进行两次断食,来训练自己的意志力。“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” - George Bernard Shaw通情达理的人通常都会去适应世界,然而无理的人才会是着让这世界去适应他。所以所有的进步都是仰赖着无理的人。Adapt himself to 适应Unreasonable 无理的Persist 坚持Progress 进步
12/19/20207 minutes, 19 seconds
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1194 我是命运的主人 | Day 42

**加入主播XIMI团年卡会员送季卡和喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: Day 42Chapter 12: The 5 AM Club Discovers The Habit Installation Protocol (part 4)场景:这边讲到了习惯的建立公式,还有一个新习惯必须要坚持66天才会真的成型,提醒大家不要没有坚持几周,甚至两个月就放弃了。It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.我决心不管未来碰到多么困难的事情我都要克服。因为我是我命运的主人。我灵魂的掌舵者。
12/18/202011 minutes, 13 seconds
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1193 如何培养一个新习惯 | Day 41

**现在加入主播XIMI团年卡送季卡还送喜马拉雅VIP**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: Day 41Chapter 12: The 5 AM Club Discovers The Habit Installation Protocol (part 3)场景:这边透过亿万富翁的讲课,艺术家反思到自己为何会一直没有自信,因为自己不够自律,在某方面的拖延,让他越来越不喜欢这样的自己,也没有办法把自己的创造力发挥到极致。The more we practice a fresh habit, the more our brains will work with us and evolve to make it part of who we are. 我们越是练习这个新习惯,我们的头脑就会愿意和我们一起去进化,并让这个习惯成为我们的一部分。Practice 练习Fresh 全新的Evolve 进化Make it part of 成为一部分
12/18/202014 minutes, 49 seconds
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1192 宁可非凡,也不要庸庸碌碌 |Day 40

**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中: Day 40Chapter 12: The 5 AM Club Discovers The Habit Installation Protocol (part 2)場景:面对如此美景,他们也一边和亿万富翁学习建立习惯背后的科学,为何加入五点起床的行列提高你的自我控制让你可以在生活的各个方面获得领先。Albert Einstein wrote ‘Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.’”爱因斯坦曾经写过,伟大的灵魂总是会遇到和庸俗的心态完全相反的事情,庸俗的心智是没有办法理解为何有人会而去勇敢和诚实的去表达他自己的意见而拒绝盲目地遵从传统的偏见来活。 Opposition 相反Mediocre 平庸的Is incapable of 不能Bow 鞠躬Prejudices 偏见
12/16/202016 minutes, 36 seconds
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1191 祝我生日快乐 |也祝福你余生都是冠军 |Day 39

**阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:好學校Podcast課程目資中今天是我生日,祝我生日快樂~Happy Birthday to Me!!!**Day 39Chapter 12: The 5 AM Club Discovers The Habit Installation Protocol场景:现在他们已经到了印度Agra,欣赏这个耗时22年完成的世界建筑奇迹:Taj MahalI hated every minute of training. But I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’” —Muhammad Ali 世界拳王阿里我讨厌训练时的每一分钟,但是我说,宁愿现在受苦然后余生都是冠军。Quit 放弃Suffer 受苦Rest of your life 余生Champion 冠军
12/15/202010 minutes, 38 seconds
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1190 能有两次以上坠入爱河的你真的很幸运 |Day 38

现在你可以加入Lily的12.15日启动的Lark Lab每日清晨五点直播参与我们的免费晨间打卡,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 38Chapter 11: Navigating the Tides of Life (part 2)场景:他们坐着直升机离开,前往Agra,印度,亿万富翁带他们去看世界的七大奇迹之一:Taj MajahHer mother had once told her that if you are fortunate enough to fall in love even two or three times within a lifetime, make each of these stories count fully.她的妈妈曾经告诉她如果她能很幸运在一生中有两到三次的坠入爱河的体验,记得一定要让每一次都永生难忘!Fortunate 幸运Fall in love 坠入爱河Lifetime 一生Make...count 让(这件事)有意义
12/14/202013 minutes, 58 seconds
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1189 关于人性最悲惨的事 |Day 37

现在你可以加入Lily的12.15日启动的Lark Lab每日清晨五点直播参与我们的免费晨间打卡,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 37Chapter 11: Navigating the Tides of Life場景:这一天,他们两个划船去野餐,企业家分享自己想要成就伟大企业的梦想,还有也表露了过去的创伤。艺术家终于和企业家表白..这一天,他们两坐上了直升机,没想到就是亿万富翁开的,说要带他们离开毛里求斯,在他们还没有学习到什么叫20-20-20 formula的时候,他们有些恐惧有些不舍。Dale Carnegie, the self-help author, and it read: “One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.”戴尔卡内基,自我成长的作者说过, 我所知道有关人性最悲惨的事情莫过于我们总是倾向于延迟去生活。我们总是幻想着未来会有有一个魔幻的玫瑰花园而不是今天就在窗外盛开着的玫瑰。Self-help 自我成长Tragic 悲惨Human nature 人性Tend to 倾向Horizon 地平线 
12/14/202015 minutes, 4 seconds
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1188 成为自己最爱的样子 | Day 36

现在你可以加入Lily的12.15日启动的Lark Lab每日清晨五点直播参与我们的免费晨间打卡,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 36Chapter 10: The 4 Focuses of History-Makers (Part 7)场景:这边亿万富翁解释我们的ancient brain(古代的头脑)是如何用寻找匮乏和危险等等负面的信息来保护我们不受伤害,然而不去训练我们的觉知的话,很可能我们就无法作出对我们最好的决定,来帮助我们来创作或成为更好的人。当我们能够战胜自己的脑袋的时候,我们获得的是更多。The fantastic reward you’ll receive as you fully express your strengths and gifts isn’t only the product of your heroic efforts. It’s who you’ll become by advancing through the fire of your fears and the heat of your trials along the process to mastery.当你能完全的去诠释你的力量和天赋的时候,最棒的收获不仅仅是你英雄劳动下的产物,而是你在经历这些充满苦难恐惧的考验下,你一边进步成为的人。Reward 奖励Heroic 英雄般的Advance 进步Trials 考验
12/12/202010 minutes, 52 seconds
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1187 成为一个Purist(纯粹主义者)|Day 35

现在你可以加入Lily的12.15日启动的Lark Lab每日清晨五点直播参与我们的免费晨间打卡,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起 阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: Day 35Chapter 10: The 4 Focuses of History-Makers (Part 6)场景:这边说到我们如何不让科技的滥用而危害了我们有创意又高产的生活。Simplify. Streamline everything. Become a purist. Less really is more. Concentrate on just a few work projects so you make them amazing versus diluting your attention on too many.简化。精简每件事。成为一个纯粹主义者,少真的就是多。专注在几样工作项目上你就可以把他们都做的很棒,而非专注于许多事,而稀释了你的注意力。Simplify 简化Streamline 精简Purist 纯粹主义者Concentrate 专注Dilute 稀释
12/11/202015 minutes, 57 seconds
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12.11 停更通知

I don’t know if I am having an allergy or a cold but I’ve been sneezing up a storm today. So I won’t be updating the podcast today. Come back tomorrow please!回答:Feel better! = I hope you feel better!
12/10/20202 minutes, 2 seconds
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1186 人生开始做减法,没有意义没有联结没有对话的Bye Bye |Day 34

现在你可以加入Lily的12.15日启动的Lark Lab每日清晨五点直播参与我们的免费晨间打卡,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起 阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: Day 34Chapter 10: The 4 Focuses of History-Makers (Part 5)场景:这边说到我们的人生实在是时间破产到不行,许多事情需要我们的注意力,又哗众取宠,现在的人做事情没有以前人专注,也会常常犯一些很低级的错误。In some ways, the new technologies and social media are not only eroding the Everests of our glorious productive potential, they are also training us to be less human. We have fewer real conversations, fewer true connections and fewer meaningful interactions.”某种程度上,新科技和社交媒体不仅让我们高产的潜质被消弱,他们也训练我们变得更不人性。我们拥有更少的对话,真诚的联结,和有意义的互动。Erode 消弱Human 人性化Connection 联结Interaction 互动
12/9/202011 minutes, 33 seconds
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1185 放弃受害者模式 |Day 33

     现在你可以加入Lily的12.15日启动的Lark Lab每日清晨五点直播参与我们的免费晨间打卡,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起   阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读:      Day 33    Chapter 10: The 4 Focuses of History-Makers (Part 4)    场景:   这边有介绍到创造历史的人会专注的四件事情上面,接下来我们用几天时间介绍一下每一个焦点。    Every time you become aware of yourself dropping into victim mode and make a more courageous choice, you rewrite the narrative. You raise your self-identity, elevate your self-respect and enrich your self confidence. Each time you vote for your superior self you starve your weaker side—and feed your inherent power.   每当你自觉到自己掉进了被害者的模式而且能更勇敢的作出选择的时候,你就改写了故事。你提高了自我认同、自尊、还有自信。每当你可以投票给更高的自我时,你就帮助你内在的力量变得更强大。    Victim mode 受害者模式   Courageous 有勇气的   Narrative 故事   Self-identity 自我认同   Inherent 内在的       
12/7/202013 minutes, 36 seconds
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1184 你说钱很好,但有钱可以做些什么事情?| Day 32

现在你可以加入Lily的12.15日启动的Lark Lab每日清晨五点直播参与我们的免费晨间打卡,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 32Chapter 10: The 4 Focuses of History-Makers (Part 3)场景:这边有介绍到创造历史的人会专注的四件事情上面,接下来我们用几天时间介绍一下每一个焦点。We are spiritual beings having a human experience—as the old saying goes. Having plenty of money is what life wants for you. Abundance is nature’s way. There’s no scarcity of flowers, lemon trees and stars in the sky. Money allows you to do superb things for yourself and for the people you care most about. And it offers you the chance to help those in need.”古话说的好:我们是拥有人类经验的灵魂个体。拥有很多的钱是生命自然要给你的,就像我们没有稀缺的花和柠檬树还有天上的星星多得数不清。钱让你去做伟大的事情还有可以给你最关心的人们。他给你一个机会去帮助需要帮助的人。Spiritual 精神的Abundance 丰富Scarcity 稀缺Superb 非常好的
12/6/202010 minutes, 9 seconds
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1183 认识自己 Know thyself | Day 31

现在你可以加入Lily的12.15日启动的Lark Lab每日清晨五点直播参与我们的免费晨间打卡,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 31Chapter 10: The 4 Focuses of History-Makers (Part 2)场景:這邊花了比較多篇章說到科技如何害我們浪費時間在無益處的事情上,讓我們反而缺少人性跟活力。“Be grateful for every moment. Don’t be timid when it comes to your ambitions. Stop wasting time on insanely trivial things. And make it a priority to reclaim the creativity, fire and potential that is dormant within you. It’s so important to do so. Why do you think Plato encouraged us to ‘know thyself’? -- Warren Zevon, song writer对每个时刻都充满感恩,当聊到你的野心的时候不要胆怯。不要浪费时间在小事上。让找回正在休眠的创造力、热情和潜力变成你的首要任务。不然为什么柏拉图会鼓励我们要“认识自己”呢?Timid 羞却的Ambition 野心Trivial 极小的Priority 首要任务Dormant 休眠的
12/5/202010 minutes, 24 seconds
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1182 如果知道自己已经无法长生不老,那想要怎么样过活?| Day 30

现在你可以加入Lily的12.15日启动的Lark Lab每日清晨五点直播参与我们的免费晨间打卡,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 30 Chapter 10: The 4 Focuses of History-Makers场景:講到了為什麼我們會有特殊的渴望,當你透過更多自覺力的練習。女企業家發現自己愛上了同行的藝術家,此時藝術家也分享了自己在創作上的無法徹底抒發的痛苦。流浪汉分享到许多人用查看信息、上网购物、埋怨他人、过度工作的方式来逃避自己的问题和痛苦。真正有效率的人是不会浪费时间在这些事情上。Thinking about dying brings what matters most into much sharper focus. You’ll stop allowing digital distraction, cyber diversions and online nuisances to steal the irreplaceable hours of the blessing called your life.想想死亡就会让你知道什么事更重要而让你有更锋利的专注。你会停止允许那些让你分心的数位装置,去偷走了你生命无法取代的幸福时刻。Sharper 更锋利的Digital 数位的Cyber 网络Diversion 移转Irreplaceable 无法取代的
12/4/202013 minutes
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1182 如果知道自己已经无法长生不老,那想要怎么样过活?| Day 30

现在你可以加入Lily的12.15日启动的Lark Lab每日清晨五点直播参与我们的免费晨间打卡,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 30 Chapter 10: The 4 Focuses of History-Makers场景:講到了為什麼我們會有特殊的渴望,當你透過更多自覺力的練習。女企業家發現自己愛上了同行的藝術家,此時藝術家也分享了自己在創作上的無法徹底抒發的痛苦。流浪汉分享到许多人用查看信息、上网购物、埋怨他人、过度工作的方式来逃避自己的问题和痛苦。真正有效率的人是不会浪费时间在这些事情上。Thinking about dying brings what matters most into much sharper focus. You’ll stop allowing digital distraction, cyber diversions and online nuisances to steal the irreplaceable hours of the blessing called your life.想想死亡就会让你知道什么事更重要而让你有更锋利的专注。你会停止允许那些让你分心的数位装置,去偷走了你生命无法取代的幸福时刻。Sharper 更锋利的Digital 数位的Cyber 网络Diversion 移转Irreplaceable 无法取代的
12/4/202013 minutes
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1181 用心的去活出美好的一天 | Day 29

现在你可以加入Lily的12.15日启动的Lark Lab每日清晨五点直播参与我们的免费晨间打卡,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 29Chapter 9: A Framework for the Expression of Greatness (Part 2)场景:这边介绍了成功公式的三个步骤的时候,亿万富翁回忆在瑞士的鲁森认识演说家,在某一天早上在酒店里点了一杯热水柠檬片的故事。If you show up the way I encourage you to show up, here’s the powerful insight: There is a ton of competition in ordinary but there’s almost non at extraordinary.如果你想我鼓励的那样出席/露面/不缺席,这里有一个非常有力的见解,平凡中有很多的竞争,不凡里却几乎没有。Today is a glorious day and I’ll live it at excellence, with boundless enthusiasm and limitless integrity, true to my visions and with a heart full of love. 今天是一个美好的一天,而我用满满的热情和没有限制的品格,不违背我的愿景,并用一颗真诚的心卓越的活出它。Competition 竞争力Extraordinary 特别地Boundless 没有边界的Enthusiasm 热情Limitless 无限的
12/3/202013 minutes, 5 seconds
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1181 用心的去活出美好的一天 | Day 29

现在你可以加入Lily的12.15日启动的Lark Lab每日清晨五点直播参与我们的免费晨间打卡,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 29Chapter 9: A Framework for the Expression of Greatness (Part 2)场景:这边介绍了成功公式的三个步骤的时候,亿万富翁回忆在瑞士的鲁森认识演说家,在某一天早上在酒店里点了一杯热水柠檬片的故事。If you show up the way I encourage you to show up, here’s the powerful insight: There is a ton of competition in ordinary but there’s almost non at extraordinary.如果你想我鼓励的那样出席/露面/不缺席,这里有一个非常有力的见解,平凡中有很多的竞争,不凡里却几乎没有。Today is a glorious day and I’ll live it at excellence, with boundless enthusiasm and limitless integrity, true to my visions and with a heart full of love. 今天是一个美好的一天,而我用满满的热情和没有限制的品格,不违背我的愿景,并用一颗真诚的心卓越的活出它。Competition 竞争力Extraordinary 特别地Boundless 没有边界的Enthusiasm 热情Limitless 无限的
12/3/202013 minutes, 5 seconds
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1180 每天做对的选择,人生才会开始改变 | Day 28

现在你可以加入Lily的12.15日启动的Lark Lab每日清晨五点直播参与我们的免费晨间打卡,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 28Chapter 9: A Framework for the Expression of Greatness场景:他们在天堂中的小岛,毛里求斯,开始了每天五点钟起床,这边亿万富翁和他们分享,很多历史上优秀的人有一个黑暗面,就是他们很容易在生活中失衡,所以我们更要学着自觉,用在五点钟练习的冥想帮助自己去作出更好的选择。This heightened level of insight and consciousness will then optimize your daily decisions. And, logically, once you get your daily choices right, you’ll accelerate your leadership, accomplishment and impact dramatically.被提高的见解和意识才会优化你的每日的抉择。逻辑上,一旦你把每天的选择都弄对了,你会大大地加速你的领袖力、成就、还有影响力。Heightened 提高的Insight 见解Consciousness 意识Optimize 优化Accelerate 加快
12/2/202011 minutes, 53 seconds
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Lily的访谈@“她的赫兹共振”Podcast:想做的事都做完就不会怕死了!“节目段落摘要”:(02:30) 当初是怎么开始接触podcast并以此创业? (08:13) 是什么契机开始环游世界? (09:22) 意外发现老公出轨后才觉醒“如果家庭不是我的重心,那我还想做什么?” (15:41) 先去原谅自己,同时也会发现原谅别人是件容易的事 (16:42) 女人有三个改变命运的时机 (21:22) 创下破亿下载量,分享做podcast的心法 (26:01) 为什么怕死?因为没有做到自己想做的事 (30:03) 做podcast六年来最大的收获 (35:13) 你可以把自己看得很没有价值,你也可以把自己看得很贵重Herstory 她的赫兹共振 Podcast来跟Ellen聊聊你的想法各方合作与建议欢迎写信给主持人Ellen:[email protected] 网站链接~~
12/1/202042 minutes, 55 seconds
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1179 不要推迟自己的爱情生活 | Day 27

现在你可以加入Lily的12.15日启动的Lark Lab每日清晨五点直播参与我们的免费晨间打卡,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 27The 5 AM Method: The Morning Routine of World-Builders场景:结果这一晚就受到了真正的死亡威胁,女企业家的投资方竟然派了杀手,到她住的地方去并拿刀威胁她一定要离开自己的公司。在她惊魂未定的时候,艺术家出现了,艺术家同时和他分享了一个小时后的故事还有他刚刚做的梦(这个梦就是大部分人过的生活,到老的时候才记住了自己的梦想)。他说他惊觉他不能再拖延不去创造惊人的作品甚至改善他的健康、幸福还有自信,甚至他的爱情生活了。(wink wink)The dream made me understand that I can’t postpone doing amazing work anymore. That I can’t put off improving my health, my happiness, my confidence and even my love life.那个梦让我意识到,我不能在推迟去完成伟大的作品了。我也不可以推迟去增进我的健康、我的幸福、自信还有我的爱情生活。Postpone 推迟 = put offConfidence 自信
11/30/202011 minutes, 10 seconds
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1178 早起喝一口这种饮料帮助你抗老又清醒 | Day 26

现在你可以加入Lily的12.15日启动的Lark Lab每日清晨五点直播参与我们的免费晨间打卡,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 26The 5 AM Method: The Morning Routine of World-Builders场景:介绍了早起喝咖啡的好处哈哈哈~“Fantastic cognitive enhancer when consumed in moderation each morning,” expounded the billionaire as he sipped away. “And it’s packed with antioxidants, so coffee also slows aging.当他喝一口咖啡时,亿万富翁娓娓道来,“每天早晨饮用适量的咖啡,咖啡是极佳的认知增进剂还有丰富的抗老素,会减缓老化。“Consume 消费、食用In moderation 适当的Expound 阐述Sipped away 慢慢的喝一口Antioxidants 抗老素
11/30/202010 minutes, 23 seconds
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1177 想要领先在自己的领域上必须要做的事情 | Day 25

现在你可以加入Lily的12.15日启动的Lark Lab每日清晨五点直播参与我们的免费晨间打卡,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 25Chapter 8: The 5 AM Method: The Morning Routine of World-Builders场景:The billionaire 亿万富翁,介绍加入清晨五点俱乐部给他的改变,让他在毫无打扰,不分心的早晨发挥他的创造力!!!此时女企业家去收到了一个来自她投资方的死亡威胁!!有钱人誓师用最好的保安来照顾她的安全。Protection from distraction is precisely how you need to work if you’re serious about dominating your field and winning at your craft.如果你是非常认真要来主宰和领先在你的技艺领域上,保护自己不要被分心正是你要好好练习的事。Protection from 保护... 不被Serious about 认真对待Dominate 主宰Craft 技艺
11/28/20209 minutes, 9 seconds
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1176 真正的富裕 | Day 24

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 24Chapter 7: Preparation for a Transformation Begins in Paradise (Part 5)场景:这边演说家继续去定义什么叫做真正的富裕,本章太多精彩的句子了。I should also say real riches come from living by the noble virtues of productivity, self-discipline, courage, honesty, empathy and integrity as well as being able to lead your days on your own terms versus blindly following the sheep that so many in our sick society have been trained to become.真正的富裕是来自与活出了高尚美德的高效力、自制力、勇气、诚实、同情心,品格还有活出自己想要的生活而不是跟着我们生病社会中训练出来的羊群一样。Noble 高贵的Virtues 美德Self-discipline 自制Empathy 同理心 Integrity 品格
11/27/202014 minutes, 10 seconds
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1175 追求财富可以,但千万不要用财富来定义自己的价值 | Day 23

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 23Chapter 7: Preparation for a Transformation Begins in Paradise (Part 4)场景:这边演说家继续去定义什么叫做真正的富裕,本章太多精彩的句子了。Our culture tells us to pursue titles and trinkets, applause and acclaim, money and mansions. All that’s fine—it truly is—so long as you don’t get brainwashed into defining your worth as a human being by these things. 我们的文化,告诉我们去追求职称、无关紧要的东西、称赞、钱还有豪宅。其实都没有关系,但重要的是,只要你不要被洗脑用这些事情来定义你的价值。Applause 掌声Acclaim 称赞Mansions 豪宅Get brainwashed into 被洗脑成Define 定义
11/26/202011 minutes, 4 seconds
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1174 找到使命之后的生活是什么样子的?|Day 22

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 22Chapter 7: Preparation for a Transformation Begins in Paradise (Part 3)场景:演说家说毛里求斯是像天堂一般最纯净自然的。大家都很容易对简单的东西满足,也重视家庭和朋友的聚会。他分享每次离开毛里求斯之后,它就更努力的要将社会中的贪婪、仇恨和冲突洗掉。而且他也想要让更多人知道,一个真正的领导者,绝对不是一个不敬的人。So many good souls among us are just so scared they refuse the call on their lives to go out into the blue ocean of possibility where mastery, the dignity of bravery and the authenticity of audacity await them.在我们之中有好多好人害怕也拒绝他们生命中的使命,而不去走进让他们变得更真诚、勇敢、高人格和高自尊的充满机会的海洋世界。Refuse 拒绝Mastery 精湛Dignity 尊严Authenticity 真诚Audacity 大胆
11/25/20207 minutes, 59 seconds
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1173 成功的男人背后都有一个伟大的女人,成功的你背后都有谁 | Day 21

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 7: Preparation for a Transformation Begins in Paradise (Part 2)场景:这边演说家和女企业家、艺术家分享了他和Stone Riley亦师亦友的情缘,表示,所有优秀的运动员背后都有一个教练。当你的人变得更好,所有的事都会跟着你成长,这样的心态,让你的收入和影响力加倍、在个人修炼还有你的专业能力方面,你的投资也会得到三倍的回报。“A child has no trouble believing the unbelievable, nor does the genius or the madman. It’s only you and I, with our big brains and our tiny hearts, who doubt and overthink and hesitate.” —Steven Pressfield一个小孩对于相信那些难以置信的事情很容易,天才和狂人也是这样。只有像你和我拥有一个大脑袋和小心脏的才会去怀疑、多想和犹豫。-- 历史学家 Steven PressfieldMadman 狂人Brain 头脑Doubt 怀疑Overthink 想太多Hesitate 犹豫
11/24/202014 minutes, 26 seconds
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1172 真正的领袖都在忙些什么?|Day 20

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 7: Preparation for a Transformation Begins in Paradise场景:大家猜到了吗?是演说家!!!女企业家非常激动的看着他,并且感谢他的演说是如何将她从死亡边缘中救起。然而他强调,是因为大家开始真的去运用了他分享的东西来改变人生。Pure leaders are so secure in their own skin their main mission is the elevation of others. They have such self-respect, joyfulness and peacefulness within themselves that they don’t need to advertise their success to society in a feeble attempt to feel a little better.真正的领袖对于他们自己是非常有自信的,他们的主要任务就是提升别人。他们内在有非常高程度的自尊、喜悦、和平和,他们并不需要向社会大肆宣传自己的成功,去让他们稍微感觉良好一些。Elevation 提升Self-respect 自尊Advertise 大肆宣传Feeble attempt 无谓的尝试
11/23/202013 minutes, 24 seconds
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1172 真正的领袖都在忙些什么?|Day 20

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 7: Preparation for a Transformation Begins in Paradise场景:大家猜到了吗?是演说家!!!女企业家非常激动的看着他,并且感谢他的演说是如何将她从死亡边缘中救起。然而他强调,是因为大家开始真的去运用了他分享的东西来改变人生。Pure leaders are so secure in their own skin their main mission is the elevation of others. They have such self-respect, joyfulness and peacefulness within themselves that they don’t need to advertise their success to society in a feeble attempt to feel a little better.真正的领袖对于他们自己是非常有自信的,他们的主要任务就是提升别人。他们内在有非常高程度的自尊、喜悦、和平和,他们并不需要向社会大肆宣传自己的成功,去让他们稍微感觉良好一些。Elevation 提升Self-respect 自尊Advertise 大肆宣传Feeble attempt 无谓的尝试
11/23/202013 minutes, 24 seconds
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1071 亿万富翁在毛里求斯的房子到底长什么模样呢?| Day 19

Day 19Chapter 6: A Flight to Peak Productivity, virtuosity and undefeatability. (part 7)场景:花了蛮大的一个篇幅在介绍流浪汉的豪华海边别墅,现在我们知道原来流浪汉的名字是Mr. Stone Riley,这个时候他们以为在房子里看到的是他,然而却是.....(猜猜是谁呢??)The billionaire’s house was low-key. The design was of the beachfront chic sort. Kind of a Martha’s Vineyard cottage meets Swedish farmhouse feel. It was both sensationally beautiful and completely private.亿万富翁的房子很低调,设计是非常时髦的海滨别墅,有点像是葡萄园岛(美国度假胜地及富豪居住的地方)和瑞典农庄的综合感觉。是同时非常漂亮又有完全隐私的地方。Billionaire 亿万富翁 Millionaire 百万富翁Low-key 低调Beachfront 滨海的Cottage 小木屋Sensationally 轰动的、极好的
11/22/202013 minutes, 28 seconds
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1170 成功最爱护什么样的人?|Day 18

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 18Chapter 6: A Flight to Peak Productivity, virtuosity and undefeatability. (part 6)场景:企业家和艺术家被私人飞机带到了毛里求斯,在前往流浪汉(其实是位亿万富翁)的住所的沿路美景让他们以为来到了天堂。马克吐温也写过这么一句话,上帝先造了毛里求斯,才建造天堂,在下车前,司机带给他们一卷纸张,上面写了五个清晨五点俱乐部的规则。RULE #5 When you feel like surrendering, continue.Triumph loves the relentless.当你觉得要屈服的时候,请继续。成功最爱不屈不饶的人。Surrender 屈服、投降Triumph 成功、胜利Relentless 不屈不饶的
11/21/20205 minutes, 3 seconds
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1169 成为伟大人物需要付出的代价 |Day 17

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 17Chapter 6: A Flight to Peak Productivity, virtuosity and undefeatability. (part 5)场景:企业家和艺术家被私人飞机带到了毛里求斯,在前往流浪汉(其实是位亿万富翁)的住所的沿路美景让他们以为来到了天堂。马克吐温也写过这么一句话,上帝先造了毛里求斯,才建造天堂,在下车前,司机带给他们一卷纸张,上面写了五个清晨五点俱乐部的规则。RULE #4 To have the results The Top 5% of producers have, you must start doing what 95% of people are unwilling to do. As you start to live like this, the majority will call you crazy. Remember that being labeled a freak is the price of greatness. 规则四你要拥有前5%高效人士拥有的习惯,你就必须得做出那些95%的人不愿意做的事,当你开始这么做的时候,大多数的人都会说你疯了。记得被标签成狂人,就是做伟大的事情需要付出的代价。Results 结果Producers 生产者/高效人士Be unwilling to 不愿意做Majority 大多数Be labeled 被标上
11/20/20208 minutes, 25 seconds
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1168 所有的事情都是一开始很难,现在很容易 |Day 16

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 16Chapter 6: A Flight to Peak Productivity, virtuosity and undefeatability. (part 4)场景:企业家和艺术家被私人飞机带到了毛里求斯,在前往流浪汉(其实是位亿万富翁)的住所的沿路美景让他们以为来到了天堂。马克吐温也写过这么一句话,上帝先造了毛里求斯,才建造天堂,在下车前,司机带给他们一卷纸张,上面写了五个清晨五点俱乐部的规则。RULE #3 All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end. Everything you now find easy you first found difficult. With consistent practice, getting up with the sun will become your new normal. And automatic. 所有的改变都是一开始很难,中间很混乱,但是最后都是会很华丽的。你现在觉得容易的事情,其实一开始都很难的,持续的练习,跟太阳一起起床会变成你的新习惯,而且一切都会很自动。Messy 混乱Gorgeous 华丽Consistent 持续的New normal 新常态Automatic 自动的
11/19/20207 minutes, 52 seconds
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1167 你有早起的习惯吗?如果没有的话,可以做什么事让自己起早一点?|Day 15

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 15 Chapter 6: A Flight to Peak Productivity, virtuosity and undefeatability. (part 3)场景:企业家和艺术家被私人飞机带到了毛里求斯,在前往流浪汉(其实是位亿万富翁)的住所的沿路美景让他们以为来到了天堂。马克吐温也写过这么一句话,上帝先造了毛里求斯,才建造天堂,在下车前,司机带给他们一卷纸张,上面写了五个清晨五点俱乐部的规则。今天我们分享规则二。RULE #2 Excuses breed no genius. Just because you haven’t installed the early-rising habit before doesn’t mean you can’t do it now. Release your rationalizations and remember that small daily improvements, when done consistently over time, lead to stunning results.规则二:借口不能孕育你的天赋。就因为你没有早起的习惯并不代表你做不到。释放那些你需要为每件事合理化的行为,记住每天小小的进步,只要你每天都可以持续的做,就会有惊人的结果。Breed 孕育Release 释放Rationalization 合理化Consistently 持续地Stunning 惊人的
11/18/20208 minutes, 31 seconds
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1166 你在做的哪一件事是你创造力的杀手?| Day 14

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 6: A Flight to Peak Productivity, virtuosity and undefeatability. (part 2)场景:企业家和艺术家被私人飞机带到了毛里求斯,在前往流浪汉(其实是位亿万富翁)的住所的沿路美景让他们以为来到了天堂。马克吐温也写过这么一句话,上帝先造了毛里求斯,才建造天堂,在下车前,司机带给他们一卷纸张,上面写了五个清晨五点俱乐部的规则。接下来五天我们会一天分享一个规则。RULE #1 An addiction to distraction is the end of your creative production. Empire-makers and history-creators take one hour for themselves before dawn, in the serenity that lies beyond the clutches of complexity, to prepare themselves for a world-class day.规则一对分心事物的沉迷就是创造力的终结。建立自己帝国的人和历史的创造者都会在黎明前给他们自己多一个小时,在许多杂事掌控之外的宁静里,为世界级的一天准备好自己。Addiction 沉迷、上瘾Distraction 分心、分神Dawn 黎明Serenity 宁静Clutches 掌控
11/17/20209 minutes, 19 seconds
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1165 你的时间有限不要为别人而活 |Day 13

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 13Chapter 6: A Flight to Peak Productivity, virtuosity and undefeatability.场景:女企业家和艺术家在等着被接走,早上4:49在流浪汉指定的地点,他们两个人都不习惯早起。结果出现了一台劳斯莱斯,司机非常热情的接待他,并解释到,他们所认为的流浪汉,其实是世界上最有钱的人之一。而且他们即将要飞到毛里求斯,来开始进入这个5AC(5点钟俱乐部)的训练。你的時間有限,所以不要為別人而活。Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.不要被教條所限,不要活在別人的觀念裡。Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking.不要讓別人的意見左右自己內心的聲音。Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice.最重要的是,勇敢的去追隨自己的心靈和直覺,只有自己的心靈和直覺才知道你自己的真實想法,其他一切都是次要。And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.Limited 有限的 Waste 浪费Dogma 教条Drown out 淹没Intuition 直觉
11/15/202013 minutes, 33 seconds
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1164 在什么时候我们应当全力以赴?| Day 12

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 12Chapter 5: A Bizarre Adventure into Morning Mastery (part 2)场景女企业家和艺术家都非常的心动,然后开始询问为何他会提出这样的邀约,看似流浪汉的有钱人说,他这么做出自于真心慷慨,还有改变别人的爱,因为他明瞭我们并不能将自己的财产带进棺材里。The reality is that life has got your back, even when it doesn’t look like it does. But you need to do your part and go all in when windows of opportunity appear.事实上生命在支持着你,就算当它看起来没有。当机会之窗出现时,你必须尽责全力以赴。You can’t take your title, net worth and fancy toys with you when you die, you know?你知道吗?当你死的时候你并不能将你的职称、净值和华丽的玩具带进棺材里。Has got your back 一直支持你Go all in 全力以赴Windows of opportunity 机会之窗Appear 出现
11/14/20209 minutes, 37 seconds
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1163 只有这样做,你才可以找到你真正的自己 | Day 11

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 11Chapter 5: A Bizarre Adventure into Morning Mastery场景:这时候流浪汉提出了邀请,邀请艺术家和女企业家到他为在南非开普敦附近小岛上的海边别墅,去感受几个神奇的早晨,完全免费!女企业家想要抛弃追逐金钱迷失的过去,然而挫折的艺术家仍然对这个点子保持怀疑。流浪汉和他们强调,他要让你感受的不是鼓舞激励而是真正的转变。When you get away from the noise and nuisance and be in quiet and tranquility that you remember who and all — You’re truly meant to be.当你可以远离那些噪音和烦心的事情然后静下来的时候,你就记起了自己是谁,还有你真正注定要成为的人。Get away from 远离...Nuisance 讨厌的事/人Tranquility 宁静Meant to be 注定
11/13/20206 minutes, 31 seconds
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1162 让此生活得有价值的方法之一 | Day 10

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 10Chapter 4: Letting Go of Mediocrity and All That’s Ordinary (part 4)场景:流浪汉涛涛不绝地讲自己的观点,主要评论现在的人大多不太思考和追求自己人生的卓越,总是以外在条件来评估自己,以至于庸庸碌碌的一生。Even if over a lifetime you only generate a single masterpiece. To achieve this feat alone will have made your life’s journey a worthy trek.即使一生中你只有产出一件杰作,然而能达成此壮举就应该让你此生的旅程很有价值了。Lifetime 一生Generate 生产Masterpiece 杰作Feat 壮举Trek 旅程
11/12/202014 minutes, 57 seconds
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1161 为什么要拥抱改变?|Day 9

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 9 Chapter 4: Letting Go of Mediocrity and All That’s Ordinary (part 3)场景:这是女企业家和艺术家开始互吐露心声了,女企业家为自己总是强迫性的查看她的手机,艺术家则是感觉自己卡住了没有办法创作。The greatest starting point for winning in your work and making a splendid life is joining what I call The 5 AM Club. 在你的工作上领先和创造一个辉煌的生命的起点就是加入我所谓的清晨五点俱乐部。All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end所有的改变都是一开始很难,中间的时候很混乱,但是到最后都是非常的华丽的。Splendid 辉煌的Messy 混乱的Gorgeous 华丽的
11/11/202013 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

1160 愿我们老的时候,不要后悔没有做这件事| Day 8

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 8Chapter 4: Letting Go of Mediocrity and All That’s Ordinary (part 2)场景:这边说到更多为何我们要去建立一个良好的晨间仪式和习惯。此时的女企业家打开了心胸诉说自己在日常生活中的许多分心的杂物还有在管理企业上的困境,而看似流浪汉的超级有钱人也安慰他。What’s the point of spending your best mornings and potentially productive days climbing mountains that you realize were the wrong ones when you are frail and wrinkled?如果当你体弱又皱纹满脸的时候,却意识到自己竟然在最好的早晨和最有潜质的高效日子里,爬错误的山(枕头山/专注在其他无益身心灵的行为),这人生还有啥意思呢?What‘s the point 有啥意思/有什么意义Potentially  可能/潜在地Realize 意识到Frail 体弱的Wrinkled 皱纹满脸的
11/10/202011 minutes, 49 seconds
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1159 不要跟不同频、不懂你的人一起玩 | Day 7

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 4: Letting Go of Mediocrity and All That’s OrdinaryThe homeless man 虽然其貌不扬,看起来真的好像是住在纸屋子里的街友。但是他讲起他的生活和事业的理念和过去受到的苦难,再讲他怎么爬起来的过程,深深的打动了本来保持着怀疑的女企业家,让她想起了自己的爸爸,本篇有太多的好句子了,第一部分结束在他开始分享为什么我们需要一个好的Morning Routine早晨仪式。When it comes to relationships, I only surround myself with human beings who fuel my joy, stoke my peace and excite me to become a better man. Life’s way too valuable to hang with people who don’t get you. Who you just don’t vibe with. Who have different Mindsets, Heartsets, Healthsets and Soulsets. 我只让我身边围绕这可以让我充满喜悦,增添和平还有激发我成为一个更好的人的爱人、亲人和朋友。生命是在太短了不值得和不懂你的,还有那些跟你不同频、拥有不同的心态、灵态、健康体态、还有魂态的人一起玩。Relationships 情感关系Surround with 环绕着Fuel 给予能量Stoke 增添Vibe with 和谁同频/产生共鸣“You're the average of five people you spend the most time with."
11/9/202012 minutes, 41 seconds
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1158 当你最想放弃的时候,最应当这么做 |Day 6

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 6Chapter 3: An Unexpected Encounter with a Surprising Stranger这一章节让另外三个主角都相遇了,一个似乎心还未融化的固执的企业家,还有挫折的艺术家和穿着像个流浪汉的亿万富翁。大家都在猜测演说家是不是死了。像流浪汉的亿万富翁给了一个演说家改变他的证词,让他过上富裕幸福的生活。而女企业家还是对所有的事情感觉怀疑,但是一点点褪去了傲气,而感觉或许此刻就是给她改变的契机。Do not live as if you have ten thousand years left. Your fate hands over you. While you are still living, while you still exist on this earth, strive to become a genuinely great person. — Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor不要活得好像你有一万年可以活。你的命运掌握在自己的手上。当你还活在这个地球上的时候,奋力成为一个真正伟大的人。羅馬帝王馬可·奧理略The moment when you most feel like giving up is the instant when you must find it in you to press ahead.当你最想要放弃的时候正是你应该找到内心的力量并且用力的向前行的时候。Fate 命运Exist 存在Strive 奋力Genuinely 真正地Give up 放弃
11/8/202012 minutes, 12 seconds
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早起的收获和秘诀,来自5AM CLUB的会员们的分享

5AM Club会员挑战早起一周的收获~收获~1. Sally:更喜欢自己,不会焦虑,接受当下2. 山歌哥:透过静下来的时间做反思3. Yoland:整个工作状态更好了4. Jessica:透过利用闹钟挺高专注力5. Shawn:挺高自信、晚上早睡6. Cathy:多出了时间学习7. 小婷婷:开始有时间吃早餐,并且和闺蜜一起互相鼓励要如何加入我们的5AM Club直播活动?1. 你可以先透过早起群每天和早起的大家互道早安来感受一下正能量,或参与7日的清晨五点起床的体验,到我的公众微信账号:iflyclub,回复文字:早起2. 我们正在阅读的这本书是The 5AM club,阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 获得更多的早起早睡秘诀和每日会员分享,请关注我另一个专辑“清晨五点俱乐部”
11/8/202031 minutes, 13 seconds
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1157 宁可辛苦也不要感受庸庸碌碌的心碎 |Day 5

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 5AM Club 导读 Day 5Chapter 2: A Daily Philosophy on Becoming Legendary (part 4)场景:总是会有人嗤之以鼻,然而演说家都表示理解,因为一个优秀的生活不是每个人都可以活出,不是那么简单。他说,甚至我们很多从小就错误地被教导高的品德应该是简单就可以拥有的,如果很困难,就代表我们在错误的道路上。举例一些历史上有名的伟人例如爵士音乐家、艺术家(米开朗基罗/Van Gogh)、人权捍卫者,生物学家(达尔文)、作家(Stephen King)都是经过重重困难和失望,挑战他们的心智而得到卓越的成就,甚至到死之后才被宣扬。就在这个时候演说家一直咳嗽。结果倒下!Becoming legendary is never easy. But I’d prefer that journey to the heart-break of being stuck in ordinary that so many potentially heroic people deal with constantly.成为传奇从未是件简单事。但是我仍宁愿有这样的旅程,也不要和许多有潜力成为英雄的人经常要处理被困在平凡一般的心碎。Legendary 传奇Prefer… to...宁可... 也不要Heart-break 心碎Stuck 困住的Ordinary 一般
11/7/202013 minutes, 53 seconds
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1157 宁可辛苦也不要感受庸庸碌碌的心碎 |Day 5

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 5AM Club 导读 Day 5Chapter 2: A Daily Philosophy on Becoming Legendary (part 4)场景:总是会有人嗤之以鼻,然而演说家都表示理解,因为一个优秀的生活不是每个人都可以活出,不是那么简单。他说,甚至我们很多从小就错误地被教导高的品德应该是简单就可以拥有的,如果很困难,就代表我们在错误的道路上。举例一些历史上有名的伟人例如爵士音乐家、艺术家(米开朗基罗/Van Gogh)、人权捍卫者,生物学家(达尔文)、作家(Stephen King)都是经过重重困难和失望,挑战他们的心智而得到卓越的成就,甚至到死之后才被宣扬。就在这个时候演说家一直咳嗽。结果倒下!Becoming legendary is never easy. But I’d prefer that journey to the heart-break of being stuck in ordinary that so many potentially heroic people deal with constantly.成为传奇从未是件简单事。但是我仍宁愿有这样的旅程,也不要和许多有潜力成为英雄的人经常要处理被困在平凡一般的心碎。Legendary 传奇Prefer… to...宁可... 也不要Heart-break 心碎Stuck 困住的Ordinary 一般
11/7/202013 minutes, 53 seconds
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1156 你的生活是不是充满了这些东西?借口、恐惧、怀疑、不可以、不应该 | Day 4

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 5Am ClubChapter 2: A Daily Philosophy on Becoming Legendary (part 3)演说家也说理解我们可能对成人生活的失望。也理解有些人虽然满意自己的生活,却处在舒适区里感觉停滞、恐惧、和麻木,无法更多的创造自己。讲到激动处的时候,演说家这时似乎上气不接下气了。本篇实在太多好句子了,值得一读再读。Life’s too short to play small with your talents.  生命太短而不能忽略自己的天赋而去妥协。Limitation is nothing more than a mentality that too many good people practice daily until they believe its reality.许多好人仍每天遵循着充满限制的心态导致他们认为这就是真实的状况,直到他们相信生活是充满了不应该、不行。You need to remember your excuses are seducers, your fears are liars and your doubts are thieves.必须记住你的借口都是在诱惑你不去做你真正应该做的事。你的恐惧都不是真的,你的怀疑是偷你梦想的窃贼。Play small 妥协Limitation 局限Mentality 心态Reality 现实Seducers 诱惑因 liars 说谎的人 thieves 窃贼
11/6/202015 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

1156 你的生活是不是充满了这些东西?借口、恐惧、怀疑、不可以、不应该 | Day 4

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 5Am ClubChapter 2: A Daily Philosophy on Becoming Legendary (part 3)演说家也说理解我们可能对成人生活的失望。也理解有些人虽然满意自己的生活,却处在舒适区里感觉停滞、恐惧、和麻木,无法更多的创造自己。讲到激动处的时候,演说家这时似乎上气不接下气了。本篇实在太多好句子了,值得一读再读。Life’s too short to play small with your talents.  生命太短而不能忽略自己的天赋而去妥协。Limitation is nothing more than a mentality that too many good people practice daily until they believe its reality.许多好人仍每天遵循着充满限制的心态导致他们认为这就是真实的状况,直到他们相信生活是充满了不应该、不行。You need to remember your excuses are seducers, your fears are liars and your doubts are thieves.必须记住你的借口都是在诱惑你不去做你真正应该做的事。你的恐惧都不是真的,你的怀疑是偷你梦想的窃贼。Play small 妥协Limitation 局限Mentality 心态Reality 现实Seducers 诱惑因 liars 说谎的人 thieves 窃贼
11/6/202015 minutes, 46 seconds
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1155 最伟大的人通常有什么特质呢?| The 5AM Club 导读 Day 3

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 2: A Daily Philosophy on Becoming Legendary (part 2)场景:The Spellbinder(演说家)说到我们每个人都应该活出我们的最高潜质,而非被网络绑架然后变成我们数位装置的奴隶,应该要好好保护我们的内在宁静。The great women and men of the world were all givers not takers. 这世界上伟大的男人和女人都是给予的人而非只是拿的人。You also create a private life strong in ethics, rich with marvelous beauty and unyielding when it comes to the protection of your inner peace.成为给予的人,也就是保护自己内心的平静时,你同时也去创造一个有道德规范、美丽而不屈的私生活。create 创造private life 私生活marvelous 极好的unyielding 不屈的inner peace 内心平静
11/5/202014 minutes, 7 seconds
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1154 变成传奇的每日哲学 | The 5AM Club 导读 Day 2

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 2: A Daily Philosophy on Becoming Legendary场景:The Spellbinder 演说家 本书的主角之一,他是世界上最伟大的演说家,他的信息让许多人可以碰触到自己最高潜能并且获得活出丰富生命的魔力。他高大又有气质。今天他在这场会议上有上千人在听他演说。You’re exactly where you need to be to receive the growth necessary to lead the unusually productive, extremely prodigious and exceptionally influential life that you’ve earned through your harshest trials.在你生命中你的所有考验都是帮助你成为高效人士和极度有影响的人生的必要成长。productive 富有成效的prodigious 令人印象深刻的exceptionally 格外地influential 有影响力的harshest 最严苛的
11/4/202014 minutes, 4 seconds
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1153 你有被生活背叛的感觉吗?| The 5AM Club 导读60天之旅开始啰!

现在你可以随时加入Lily的清晨五点俱乐部参与我们的免费晨间打卡或是付费的直播活动,一起运动、冥想、和读书,或透过我们的公众账号iflyclub,回复早起阅读5am Club或收听其他英语有声书,注册得60天免费试读: 1: The Dangerous Deed场景:The entrepreneur 企业家 本书的主角之一,本来是受人尊敬,却被陷害要离开自己创立的企业,她决定这一天要结束她的生命,结果却发现了一张优化生命的研讨会的门票,她决定去看看。entrepreneur 企业家philanthropist 慈善家sleeping pill 安眠药escape 逃离conference 大型会议She felt life itself had betrayed her. And that she deserved so much better.Maybe it was time to rethink her opinion. She couldn’t see many options.她感觉生活背叛了她。她值得更好的。她或许可以换个角度思考,但是她并没有看到她有其他的选择。
11/3/202013 minutes, 34 seconds
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1152 改变生命第十招:体验学习的喜悦

Experience the joy of learning 体验学习的喜悦Each time you learn something new, you gain more knowledge, and with more knowledge comes more confidence.每当你学习一些新的事物的时候,你就学到了更多的知识,有更多知识的时候,你就有更多自信。Learning new skills helps us to be more adaptable in new situations. It also encourages us to be more creative and innovative in our thinking, and we are, therefore, more comfortable with the unknown.学习新技能可以让我们在新的环境中变得更适应。也会鼓励我们的思考变得更有创意和创新,因此,我们会对未知感到不这么害怕了。 Reading is a great way for us to learn. To fully embrace the joy of learning, pick up that novel you’ve heard so many people talking about. Once you find the genre that interests you most, devour as many pages as you can.阅读是一个可以帮助我们学习的很棒的方法。要完全的拥抱学习的喜悦,开始读那本大家都在谈论的小说吧。当你找到你最喜欢的类型,尽可能的多读几页。想要参与我们的早起俱乐部,或者是和Lily一起早起打卡做运动、冥想还有读书,可以到我们的公众微信:iflyclub   / 贵旅特, 回复:早起
11/2/202012 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

1151 改变生命的第九招:活在当下

Live in the moment 活在当下Many of us tend to think that the grass is greener on the other side. Often, we get to the other side of the fence and find that this is not so.我们当中有很多人总觉得,这山望那山高。常常我们去到另外一边又不觉得是那么一回事。The motivation to change our lives comes from our desire to be happy. We are often so busy focusing on our pursuit of happiness that we miss the joy of actually living in the moment.想要改变的动力往往来自我们想要快乐的渴望。我们总是忙着专注在追求幸福,但是我们错失活在当下的喜悦。Our desire to have happiness in our lives is a desire of a future state, not of the present. We become so consumed with all our problems in the present that we miss the precious beauty of the moment.得到快乐的渴望是一种对未来状态的渴望。我们往往会被当下的问题搞得精疲力尽,然后错失了当前的美丽。Sitting on the beach eating an ice-cream with your best friend is a moment of happiness. Appreciating and showing gratitude on a daily basis is experiencing happiness in the moment. Helping those in need brings us joy and happiness.和最好的朋友坐在海边吃冰激淋就是快乐的时刻,所以心存感激或是日常表示感恩就是在当下体验幸福。帮助需要帮助的人也会带给我们喜悦和幸福。This is what living your life in the moment is all about – don’t miss these moments because you are too busy focusing on your pursuit of happiness.这就是活在当下,不要因为忙着追求幸福。错过这些时刻。想要参与我们的早起俱乐部,或者是和Lily一起早起打卡做运动、冥想还有读书,可以到我们的公众微信:iflyclub   / 贵旅特, 回复:早起
11/2/202017 minutes, 27 seconds
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1150 改变生命的第八招:接受自己

Accept yourselfThe only person who is going to change your life is you! To create that change, you have to like yourself.能够改变自己生命的只有你自己!想要制造那个改变,你必须开始喜欢自己。There will be times in your life where you will face rejection, and there will be people who will not like you or your choices. Accepting who you are and loving yourself despite adversity helps you to move forward in your life.总会有面对拒绝而且也会有人不喜欢你和你的选择。接受自己,并在困境中爱自己,会帮助你在生活继续前进。 Find your courage, love yourself, and step out and do something crazy. Don’t worry about what anyone thinks or whether it is the right thing to do. If it feels right, act on it and go create the life you love.找到你的勇气,爱上自己,走出去并且做些疯狂的事,不要担心是不是有人认为那是不是正确的是。如果感觉对了,试着去做然后创造你爱的生命。#想要知道如何让外国老师免费帮你修改你的文章,到公众账号:贵旅特 / iflyclub,回复IT#我老爸的Podcast出炉了!名称为:岂有此李,帮我关注订阅哦!#想要加入我们60天五点早起的挑战吗?到公众账号:贵旅特 / iflyclub,回复早起
10/31/20209 minutes, 25 seconds
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1149 改变生命的第七招:面对你的恐惧

Face your fearsIt’s easy to ignore our fears and hope that they will go away. Unfortunately, it does not work like that.忽略我们的恐惧和希望他们会自己走掉很简单,但总不是这样。 If you want to change your life, learn to master your fears so they can’t control you any longer. Whether it’s a fear of failure, loneliness, or the unknown, it can stop you from living your life to the fullest. We know when our fears are controlling our lives because we feel discontent and unfulfilled.如果你想要改变你的生命,学习去战胜自己的恐惧,这样他们就不能控制你。不管是害怕失败的恐惧、寂寞还是未知,其实他们都不能阻止你去活出充实饱满的生命。我们知道,当我们的恐惧在战胜我们的生命因为我们感觉不满足。 Once we face our fears we take back our power to choose how we want to live our lives and when we do this we change our lives forever.一旦我们面对我们的恐惧,我们拿回我们的权利去选择我们要怎么样活出我们的生命,当我们这么做的时候我们就能永远改变我们的生活。讲一个我面对恐惧来改变自己生命的故事吧!这件事发生在我高中的时候,我考上了学校唯一的英语资优班,也是唯一的男女合班,每天都和我喜欢的英语更接近学习最实用的听力和会话技巧,而且班上的同学都好优秀,那个时候我和隔壁班的一个男同学Lion走的比较近,Lion是隔壁男生班的班长,人长的十分英俊,功课又是超级好,可以当好朋友的我与有荣焉。没有想到有一天就在学校的电子论坛BBS上看到Lion指名道姓说我不是,还说他问过班上的同学都对我有相同的厌恶感,当时的我有点害羞,也很自卑,就开始怀疑自己是不是就是他口中说的那样的人。极度怀疑自己的我陷入了前所未有的低潮,那个时候,我几乎天天在浴室里洗澡时就边哭。一个是我自认的好朋友对我的观感竟然是这么差,再来,没想到他还去收集大家的意见来验证自己是对的。所以当时极度自卑的我就在想,像我这么差劲又不讨喜的人,根本就不值得活在世界上。(现在我看到自己写的这一段话,我也很惊讶曾经这么在意别人的想法)。就这样低潮了半年左右,我变得越来越孤僻,几个比较要好的同学搞不清楚为何我这么长的时间走不出来,得不到理解的我每天在相同的环境下,感觉就要窒息了!直到快接近高一下学期的某一天,我们班导宣布了一个这样振奋人心的消息:如果有觉得不适应资优班的可以提出转入普通班!当时我心跳得好快,我认为这是我可以从头再来的希望,当下我就默默做出了决定,既紧张又害怕,手里微微出汗,下了课我立刻奔向学校的公共电话就拨打给爸爸。我说:爸爸,我其实在资优班不是很快乐,刚才班导说有个机会可以转回普通班,我可不可以转班?这时正屏息着又冒汗的我不知道会得到怎么样的回答。没想到爸爸很快地爽朗说道:只要你开心就好!然而全班却只有我一个人提出申请。后来到了普通班(女生班),我决定每天都要把它当作新的一天,我开始阅读自我成长的书籍,并且开始积极的关心身边的同学,就像是要弥补过去没有做好的事情那样,没想到才一个学期过后,一个转班生的我竟然被选为班长,而且班上的同学都十分挺我。更好玩的是,每一次我们班都会拿整洁和秩序第一名,然后我每次都会和Lion在升旗台前一起并排领奖,然而每一次颁奖只要和他在同一个地方几秒钟我都会身体非常的不舒服,甚至想吐。但印象很深刻的一次,就是大概在高二下学期尾,他约我出来在班级的走廊前,而且带着礼物和我正式道歉!我并没有想到会有这一天,然而,当下我没有原谅他,也没有给他好脸色。老实说,后来我有点后悔,我问老爸说该怎么处理,老爸说了这么有智慧的话:得饶人处且饶人!和我当时的心情是明显的对比啊!无奈脸还是拉不下来,不想去面对心里的积怨,就这样一天过一天,我们毕业各自分飞了。当时的我不会想如果不是因为他的一个错误,我就不会有今天这样的正面的变化。几年后,妈妈因为心脏病忽然过世,我又再次陷入了严重的低潮,这次我却不知道要怎么样才能走出来,透过朋友的介绍我上了一堂心灵课程,课中老师要我们想一个在我们生命中对我们很坏,但我们还没有原谅的人,这时候,我就想到了他。后来下课后,我回到高雄,找到毕业纪念册里面Lion的电话号码,打电话前我感到非常的紧张,后来他接起电话了,我跟他说:我原谅你了。虽然他的反应挺冷漠,可能早就忘记这件事了,然而这个时候,我才算是真正的释放了。从我的故事中,你们可以知道,只有勇敢的去面对自己的恐惧还有放下过去的悔恨,你的人生才会改变。如果这个分享对你有帮助,请留言给我。
10/31/202019 minutes, 35 seconds
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1148 改变生命的第六招:开始活出一个更均衡的生活

Start living a balanced lifeOur health does not remain the same. Our physical, emotional, and spiritual state changes as we get older. What we can control, however, is how we feed our minds and our bodies.我们的健康并不总是维持一样的水平,我们的身体、情绪、还有精神状态随着我们变老而改变。我们可以掌控的是我们给我们身体和心智的东西。 Living a balanced and healthy life builds our resilience to the physical changes of our body. Exercise is the best way in which we can attain a positive and optimistic attitude toward life.活出一个均衡又健康的生活会让我们的身体对变化更有恢复力。运动就是让我们可以对生活正面积极的最好方式。Living a healthy, well-balanced life with lots of exercise is a lifestyle choice that will give you a happier and more fulfilled life. Exercise is an incredibly powerful tool that will improve your life and help you feel good.开始用很多运动活出一个更健康、均衡的生活是一个会让你更开心更满足的生活方式抉择。运动也是一个可以改善并且让你感觉良好的一个强大工具。What kind of exercise is best? One recent study found that patients with mild to moderate depression experienced similar decreases in symptoms regardless of whether they participated in light, moderate, or vigorous exercise groups. The bottom line: just get moving.什么样的运动呢?最近有个学习发现病人有轻微到中度的忧郁的症状不管是轻中或高强度的运动团体,他们的情绪都会有差不多的改变。底线就是:动起来吧!#想要知道如何让外国老师免费帮你修改你的文章,到公众账号:贵旅特 / iflyclub,回复IT#我老爸的Podcast出炉了!名称为:岂有此李,帮我关注订阅哦!#想要加入我们60天五点早起的挑战吗?到公众账号:贵旅特 / iflyclub,回复早起
10/29/202017 minutes, 33 seconds
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1147 改变生命的第五招:做一些让你害怕的事

This is all about you choosing to step out of your comfort zone and see limitations from a different perspective. 这篇是在讨论如何踏出舒适区,然后用不同观点看到自己的一些限制。Public speaking is one of the most frightening things anyone can do. I was petrified of public speaking; however, I knew that I wanted to be a motivational speaker. So I joined ToastMasters to overcome my fear of public speaking.公共演讲一直都是好多人害怕的事,我总是超级害怕公共演讲的,然而我知道我想要成为一个激励演讲家,所以我加入了演讲俱乐部去克服我对公共演说的恐惧。My first speech was terrible. My knees were knocking, I broke out in a sweat, and I couldn’t stop shaking. But I did it, and the feeling of completing the speech was better than I ever expected. I chose to keep going, and now I earn a living as a motivational speaker.我的第一篇演说好可怕。我的膝盖抖到不行,而且还冒了一身汗,一直在发抖。但我做到了,事实上完成一个演讲的感觉比我期待的要更好。我选择一直加油,现在我也作为一个激励演讲的人赚钱。Make a list of scary things that you would like to do but are too afraid to. Start small, put a plan in place, and then go do them. Never stop doing scary things if you genuinely want to avoid complacency and comfort and change your life.列出一张你想做的事情但是你又很害怕做的事。开始不要太大的目标,一步一步来,有个计划,然后开始去做,如果你想要避免自满或者是舒适而想要改变你的生活,不要停止做些让你害怕的事。#想要知道如何让外国老师免费帮你修改你的文章,到公众账号:贵旅特 / iflyclub,回复IT#我老爸的Podcast出炉了!名称为:岂有此李,帮我关注订阅哦!#想要加入我们60天五点早起的挑战吗?到公众账号:贵旅特 / iflyclub,回复早起
10/28/202013 minutes, 38 seconds
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1146 改变生命的第四招:放下悔恨和过去

Regrets will only hold you back in life. If you spend all your time thinking about the past, you will miss the present and the future.后悔只会让你的生命停滞不欠。如果你总是花时间在想过去的事情,你就会错失现在还有未来。You cannot change what you did or did not do in the past, so let it go. The only thing you have control over now is how you choose to live your present and future life. Each time you experience a negative thought about your past, challenge it.你不能够改变过去你做过或没做过的事,让他去吧。你能有控制的事情就是如何选择活在现在和未来。当你体验一个关于自己过去的负面的想法。挑战并改变它。If you want to have some fun and visualize letting go of your regrets, try writing down each regret on a piece of paper and then burying it in your backyard or burning it in a bonfire with friends.如果你让想像如何放掉你的后悔更加有趣的话,试着放下你的后悔,把这些写在每一张纸上把它埋在你的后院,或者和朋友一起野营在营火中烧掉。#想要知道如何让外国老师免费帮你修改你的文章,到公众账号:贵旅特 / iflyclub,回复IT#我老爸的Podcast出炉了!名称为:岂有此李,帮我关注订阅哦!#想要加入我们60天五点早起的挑战吗?到公众账号:贵旅特 / iflyclub,回复早起
10/27/202016 minutes, 41 seconds
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1145 改变生命的第三招:设定目标

Once you know what is important in your life and what your dream life looks like in the long run, you need to take action and set your long-term, medium, and short-term goals. Acting on these goals will enable you to achieve your dreams and change your life[1].当你开始知道在你生活中什么是重要还有你的梦想生活是长成什么样的时候,你需要付出行动,并且设定你的长期、中期还有短期的目标。付诸行动在这些目标还有梦想上,都有机会可以改变你的生命。Remember that your goals may change. Always be flexible with setting and achieving your goals as things in life change, and your goals need to reflect these changes. It’s the small steps that you take that create the momentum when you’re learning how to change your life.记住你的目标也会改变的,总是比较弹性的达成你的目标,你的目标也要能反映这些改变。当你在学习怎么改变你的生命。总是小步伐可以帮助你去制造你需要的动力.#想要知道如何让外国老师免费帮你修改你的文章,到公众账号:贵旅特 / iflyclub,回复IT#我老爸的Podcast出炉了!名称为:岂有此李,帮我关注订阅哦!#想要加入我们60天五点早起的挑战吗?到公众账号:贵旅特 / iflyclub,回复早起
10/26/202012 minutes, 31 seconds
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1144 你不得不知道的几个厨房用语的英语(下)

你不得不知道的几个厨房用语的英语(下)9月的时候到了台北的共煮生活实验室,帮忙主人Craig打造他们的品牌声音播客“共煮人生”“挖来共,你来煮”讲述他们的创业故事,现在你已经可以在Apple Podcast//Google Podcast找到他们的节目“共煮人生”还有“挖来共,你来煮”,Craig在2017年开始了共煮食堂的活动,至今已经办了超过300场的共煮料理的聚会,让许多人的下班生活更丰富起来,在疫情没有开始之前,Craig也接待了不少外国友人来一起煮饭,我一直认为这个是一个很棒的文化交流活动,但是在接待外国人到自己厨房做饭的时候,我们如果知道一些最基本的单词和厨房用语,那就会让整个活动更加地顺利和安全了!所以在今天的节目里,Craig准备了10个在厨房的时候会用到英语动词,而我这边会再进行中文的解说,最后我会加上一个我在共煮活动里特别的亲身体验!!现在您收听的是你不得不知道的几个厨房用语的英语(下)我们来听听今天学习的动词吧!你刚刚听到的就是台北共煮生活实验室为我们今天播客提供的一个教学材料,听过一遍还记起来不要紧,我这里会加上这些单词最常被使用的方式!今天煮饭的时候可以开始用起来!1. Bake 焗烤,例:Bake the cake 烤蛋糕2. Grill 烧烤,例:grill the chicken 烤鸡3. Broil 烤,例:Broil the beef 烤牛肉4. Roast 烘烤,例:Roast lamb 烤羊5. Boil 煮沸,例:Boil the water 煮沸水6. Steam 蒸,例:Steam the bun 蒸包子7. Simmer 小火慢炖,例:Simmer the soup 炖汤8. Stew 炖煮,例:Stew the curry 煮咖哩9. Braise 红烧,例:Braise the chicken wings 红烧鸡翅10. Poach 水煮,例:Poached eggs 水波蛋故事:印象最特别的一次共煮经验就是在挪威教我的几个男生室友包饺子,过去许多包饺子的经验都是男生都会觉得自己手拙不太愿意参与,这次我在挪威的经验可就不同了,这些金头发黄眼睛的男生每一个步骤都要了解还拍照做笔记,看着他们互相帮助包饺子就觉得超可爱的,他们说好喜欢这样的活动,因为感觉很有意义又很平静,又可以和室友一起吃饭互动。后来其中有一个室友,星期六又到了女朋友家包饺子。
10/25/202011 minutes, 53 seconds
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1143 一个让你开始相信自己梦想的好方法 | 改变生命的第二招

你一定要试试看这个让你开始相信自己梦想的好方法Create a dream board 创造一个梦想板When we were children, we would daydream all the time. We were skilled at dreaming and visualizing what we would be when we grew up. We believed that anything was possible.当我们还是小朋友的时候,我们总会做百日梦,而且会梦想我们长大会怎么样,我们也相信,万事皆有可能。As we grew into adults, we lost our ability to dream. Our dreams became hidden once we started to feel like achieving our dreams was impossible.当我们长大成人后,我们失去了梦想的能力,,只要我们开始感觉达成梦想好像是不可能的事,我们的梦就被埋没了。A dream board is a great way for you to start believing in your own dreams again. Seeing your dreams every day on a dream board brings them life. It will also act as a daily reminder to refocus your energy and direct it toward what you really want to achieve.一个梦想板就是一个让你开始相信自己梦想一次的好方式。每天在你的梦想板上看到你的梦就赋予他们生命。你也可以将它当成每天的一个提醒去重新将你的精力放在你想要达成的东西上面。What are your dreams? 你的梦想是什么?I've already been to over forty countries, and it remains my dream to travel even more extensively as I love talking to different people and learning from them. 我已经去了四十个多個国家,所以更广泛的去旅行一直都是我的梦想。我喜欢和不同的人说话和学习。#今天节目里我提到制作我自己梦想板工具是:pinterest,它的网站是 #想要知道如何让外国老师免费帮你修改你的文章,到公众账号:贵旅特 / iflyclub,回复IT#我老爸的Podcast出炉了!名称为:岂有此李,帮我关注订阅哦!#想要加入我们60天五点早起的挑战吗?到公众账号:贵旅特 / iflyclub,回复早起
10/24/202014 minutes, 15 seconds
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1142 Re: What are your dreams? What makes you happy?

What are your dreams? 你的梦想是什么?I've already been to over forty countries, and it remains my dream to travel even more extensively as I love talking to different people and learning from them. 我已经去了四十个多個国家,所以更广泛的去旅行一直都是我的梦想。我喜欢和不同的人说话和学习。What makes you happy? 什么让你开心呢?There are so many things that can make me happy. In fact, a few years ago, I had even made a list of thirty things that made me happy, the top of which was exploring new places and making new friends. 有很多事情让我开心。事实上,几年前我列了一个表写出三十件让我快乐的事情。其中探索新的地方和交新朋友,是让我开心的事情。#想要知道如何让外国老师免费帮你修改你的文章,到公众账号:贵旅特 / iflyclub,回复IT#我老爸的Podcast出炉了!名称为:岂有此李,帮我关注订阅哦!#想要加入我们60天五点早起的挑战吗?到公众账号:贵旅特 / iflyclub,回复早起
10/23/202012 minutes, 51 seconds
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1141 Re: What is it that you want to achieve in your life?

What is it that you want to achieve in your life? 你想要在生命中达成什么?I want to be able to call myself a success before I die. In that respect, I think being successful is having the freedom and ability to do whatever I want, coupled with the feeling that I’ve helped people with my skills and talents. I was actually asked this question yesterday but I wasn’t sure if I could honestly answer it with a “Yes.” 我想要能够在死之前说我自己很成功。就那方面再说说吧,我认为成功是拥有足够的自由还有选择去做任何我想要的事。还有用自己的天赋和技能帮助别人。事实上,昨天当我被问到这个问题,然而我还不是太确定我能说我是(成功的)。写下你的答案和我们分享哦!#想要知道如何让外国老师免费帮你修改你的文章,到公众账号:贵旅特 / iflyclub,回复IT#我老爸的Podcast出炉了!名称为:岂有此李,帮我关注订阅哦!#想要加入我们60天五点早起的挑战吗?到公众账号:贵旅特 / iflyclub,回复早起
10/22/202012 minutes, 12 seconds
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1140 这三个英语问题帮助你找到人生的意义|改变生命的十招的第一招

节目灵感来自Life Hack的一篇文章:10 Things You Can Do Now to Change Your Life Forever  你可以永远改变生命的10件事Find meaning  找到意义 Spend some time trying to sort out what is important in your life and why it is important.What is it that you want to achieve in your life? What are your dreams? What makes you happy?Your meaning in life gives you purpose and sets the direction of how you want to live your life. Without meaning, you will spend the rest of your life wandering aimlessly with no direction, focus, or purpose.花一些时间去整理,什么事是在你生命中重要的,和什么原因。你想要生命中达成什么?你的梦想又是什么?什么事情让你开心?你生命的意义会给你目标而且会让你知道为什么和你想要怎么样去过你的生活。如果没有意义的话,你将会毫无目的的在你接下来的人生漫无目的的过。几个重要的单词:1. sort out 整理2. achieve 达成3. purpose 目的、目标4. wandering 漫游5. focus 焦点这三个问题的答案,把它写下来吧!What is it that you want to achieve in your life? What are your dreams? What makes you happy?节目已经进到了尾声,赶快在评论区里分享今天学到了什么?!我爸爸的Podcast已经出炉了~叫“岂有此李”,现在已经可以在Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, , 喜马拉雅等APP搜寻到,赶快去下载收听吧!清晨五点俱乐部将在11.2号开始60天挑战,希望你可以一起来和我们一起挑战5点钟起床一起运动、打坐还有读书!详情请在公众帐号:iflyclub,贵旅特回覆早起。祝福你有个美好的一天,Have a Wonderful Day!
10/21/202014 minutes, 9 seconds
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1139 你不得不知道的几个厨房用语的英语(中)

第三集:你不得不知道的几个厨房用语的英语(中)9月的时候到了台北的共煮生活实验室,帮忙主人Craig打造他们的品牌声音播客“共煮人生”“挖来共,你来煮”讲述他们的创业故事,现在你已经可以在Apple Podcast//Google Podcast找到他们的节目“共煮人生”还有“挖来共,你来煮”,Craig在2017年开始了共煮食堂的活动,至今已经办了超过300场的共煮料理的聚会,让许多人的下班生活更丰富起来,在疫情没有开始之前,Craig也接待了不少外国友人来一起煮饭,我一直认为这个是一个很棒的文化交流活动,但是在接待外国人到自己厨房做饭的时候,我们如果知道一些最基本的单词和厨房用语,那就会让整个活动更加地顺利和安全了!所以在今天的节目里,Craig准备了11个在厨房的时候会用到英语动词,而我这边会再进行中文的解说,最后我会加上一个我在共煮活动里特别的亲身体验!!现在您收听的是你不得不知道的几个厨房用语的英语(中)我们来听听今天学习的动词吧!你刚刚听到的就是台北共煮生活实验室为我们今天播客提供的一个教学材料,听过一遍还记起来不要紧,我这里会加上这些单词最常被使用的方式!今天煮饭的时候可以开始用起来!1. Peel  削皮,例:Peal the potato 给马铃薯削皮2. Squeeze,挤,例:Squeeze the lemon 挤柠檬汁3. Juice 榨,例:Juice the oranges 榨柳橙汁4. Stuff 酿塞,例:Stuff the onions in the chicken 塞洋葱到鸡里5. Spread 涂抹,例:Spread the butter on the toast 涂抹奶油在烤面包上6. Slather 大量抹,例:Slather the cream on the cake 给蛋糕大量抹奶油7. Coat 涂薄薄一层,例:Coat the salt on the fish 给鱼抹一层薄薄的盐巴8. Mash 捣碎成泥,例:Mashed Potato 马铃薯泥9. Pan-fry 煎 10. Stir-fry 炒11. Deep-fry 炸故事:大家有吃过Ceviche吗?这是一道生鱼沙拉,在南美洲尤其是秘鲁、厄瓜多一带非常的盛行,用的是生鱼但是加上大量的柠檬汁,就可以把生鱼拌熟了,酸酸甜甜的滋味,尝过一次让我一辈子都忘不了。在巴塞罗那居住的那段时间,有段时间我体验接待世界各地的游客到我家住,有一次一位来自厄瓜多现在居住美国的足球教练Kristen来到我家,他是素食主义的人,亲手下厨做了一道素食的Ceviche给我吃,我们一直在厨房Peel(削)小黄瓜还有Squeeze(挤)柠檬汁,弄了很久,最后成品真的味道和Ceviche一模一样,让我也十分难忘!
10/18/202010 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

1138 你不得不知道的几个厨房用语的英语 | 邀请美国朋友一起脚踩乌冬面(上)

你不得不知道的几个厨房用语的英语 | 邀请美国朋友一起脚踩乌冬面(上)9月的时候到了台北的共煮生活实验室,帮忙主人Craig打造他们的品牌声音播客“共煮人生”“挖来共,你来煮”讲述他们的创业故事,现在你已经可以在Apple Podcast//Google Podcast找到他们的节目“共煮人生”还有“挖来共,你来煮”,Craig在2017年开始了共煮食堂的活动,至今已经办了超过300场的共煮料理的聚会,让许多人的下班生活更丰富起来,在疫情没有开始之前,Craig也接待了不少外国友人来一起煮饭,我一直认为这个是一个很棒的文化交流活动,但是在接待外国人到自己厨房做饭的时候,我们如果知道一些最基本的单词和厨房用语,那就会让整个活动更加地顺利和安全了!所以在今天的节目里,Craig准备了11个在厨房的时候会用到英语动词,而我这边会再进行中文的解说,最后我会加上一个我在共煮活动里特别的亲身体验!!现在您收听的是你不得不知道的几个厨房用语的英语(上)我们来听听今天学习的动词吧!1.Knead 揉捏,例:Knead the dough 捏面团2.Chop 切,例:chop the spinach 切菠菜3.Slice 切片,例:Slice the bread 切面包4.Dice 切块,例:Dice the tomato 切番茄5.Shred 切丝,例:Shred the cheese 切起士6.Mince 切碎,例:Minced meat 绞肉7.Grate 磨碎,例:Grate the black pepper 磨碎黑胡椒8.Whisk 搅打,例:Whisk the egg 打蛋(也可以说Beat the egg)9.Whip 打发,例:whipped cream 奶油10.Blend 混合,例:Blend the fruit 混合水果11.Stir 搅拌,例:Stir the coffee 搅拌咖啡你刚刚听到的就是台北共煮生活实验室为我们今天播客提供的一个教学材料,听过一遍还记起来不要紧,我这里会加上这些单词最常被使用的方式!今天煮饭的时候可以开始用起来!故事:讲到Knead这个动作我想到有一次在东京学习做寿喜烧,寿喜烧里面的乌冬面(Udon noodles)我们要亲自动手做,由于乌冬面用的水是非常的少的,所以面团很难揉开,我们将面团包了好几张塑胶袋放在地上用脚踩了起来,我记得踩了三回合,感觉非常的久,做出来的面条非常的好吃。后来我到了美国,7、8个朋友一起相约做炒乌冬面,我让大家和我一起在地上踩面,有些人一边踩就一边跳舞,还有人做瑜珈,那种感觉太有趣了,一辈子都忘不了。
10/12/202011 minutes, 41 seconds
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1137 十个你不得不知道的厨房用具的英语和一个好玩的英语单词游戏

第一集:10个你不得不知道的厨房用具的英语和一个好玩的英语单词游戏你有多久没有煮饭了呢?在世界各地旅行的时候,我最喜欢做的两件事就是,到当地人的厨房和他们一起做饭!你现在收听的节目是学英语环游世界,我是你的主播Lily Wong9月的时候到了台北的共煮生活实验室,帮忙主人Craig打造他们的品牌声音播客“共煮人生”“挖来共,你来煮”讲述他们的创业故事,现在你已经可以在Apple Podcast//Google Podcast找到他们的节目“共煮人生”还有“挖来共,你来煮”,Craig在2017年开始了共煮食堂的活动,至今已经办了超过300场的共煮料理的聚会,让许多人的下班生活更丰富起来,在疫情没有开始之前,Craig也接待了不少外国友人来一起煮饭,所以我们今天这集会让他分享他与外国人一起煮饭的经验还有厨房用具的英语说法,最后我们会一起玩一个记忆单词还有同时可以练习口语的一个小游戏!1、spatula 锅铲、刮刀例:Flip pancakes with a spatula.用锅铲翻动煎饼。2、pan 平底锅例:You can make a lot of delicious things with just one pan.你可以用一锅就能做出很多美味的东西。3、peeler 削皮刀例:I hurt my finger once when I was using the peeler!我曾经用削皮刀割到手!4、knife 刀例:Every cook needs a good knife.每个厨师都需要好的刀子。5、pot 锅例:Put all of the ingredients in a pot, and cook.将所有材料放入锅里煮。6、refrigerator 冰箱例:He has a huge refrigerator!他有一个大冰箱!7、dishes 碟子、盘子例:I don’t like washing dishes.我不喜欢洗碟子。8、cutlery / silverware / flatware 餐具、银器例:Washing silverware is such a pain.洗餐具是如此痛苦的一件事。9、cutting board 切菜板、砧板例:I wish I had a nice cutting board.我希望我有一个好的砧板。10、stove 炉子例:I forgot about the food cooking on the stove.我忘记炉子上做的饭了。想要参与我们的外国人、或主播Lily直播讲座互动活动,关注公众微信:贵旅特(iflyclub)
10/4/202014 minutes, 18 seconds
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1136 一个超好用的英语聊天小诀窍(Ask a PS Question)

如果:像我到了这样的聚会,有好多我不认识的人如果我看到那个红发美女朋友对她很有兴趣,却这样问她:(強調:錯誤示範)Lily:How are you? 你好吗?红发美女:Me? Uhh, good. 我?好啊?Lily:Where are you from? 你哪里来?红发美女:The UK. 英国。Lily:What do you do? 你做什么?红发美女:I'm a blogger. 我是博主。Lily:Why are you in Barcelona? 你为什么在巴塞罗那?红发美女(受够了):Umm... I have seen a friend of mine over there. Bye. 嗯,我看到那里有我一个朋友,拜拜。以上错误示范就是Lily把自己毕生会的“Wh-”问句都搬出来,但红发美女就像是犯人一题题接着答,心里不舒服最后找借口走了。相反地,如果是问问题高手来开场,一定会让问题间有“关联(connection)”,就像搭了一座桥,很自然地带到下一题。想想看,红发美女说自己来自英国(the United Kingdom),Lily就可以针对关键字“英国”再往下探索:“UK? Which part? England or...?”;又或者就对方是一位 blogger (博主),Lily可以再接着问:“Blogger? What topic do you talk about ?”,鼓励对方从熟悉的内容多讲一点,再加上你专注感兴趣的表情,让对方侃侃而谈根本不难。总之,大家都会问问题,但如何“问得聪明”、“问得自然”又“问得恰当”,就要开口去试试看啰!我们的对话稍微调整一下,把开场招式 Ask a PS question 铭记在心:Lily:Excuse me, do you know what they are doing? 不好意思,他们在干嘛?红发美女:Oh, yes. We are about to have lunch and introduce ourselves. 哦,对啦,我们正要吃午餐和介绍自己。Lily:So how do you know this event? 你怎么知道这个活动的?红发美女:I'm a blogger and I saw this event on meetup. I have already been here a couple of times. 我是博主,然后我在meetup看到这个活动,我已经来这里好几次了。Lily:I see. What kind of topic do you talk about on your blog? 理解,你都在博客上聊什么话题呢?红发美女:I'm a sex blogger. Check it out it's a sex toy that is named after me! You can just call me Venus! And you? What do you do? 我是性博主,看看这个情趣玩具就是以我的名字命名的,你可以叫我Venus就行。你呢?Lily:My name is Lily and I'm a podcaster. Nice to meet you. 我叫Lily,我是播主。很高兴认识你。这就是开场招式 Ask a PS question的“P”,指的是对方(person),找跟“对方”相关的内容来问问题,因为无论是哪一国人最熟悉的话题一定就是“自己”;接着再搭配“Ask a PS question”的“S”,也就是当下你与对方“共同的处境(situation)”(例如:都在同一个地方,都在等着自我介绍)找线索问问题,只要对方回答起来不费力,就很容易聊得来!结果后来红发美女变成我在巴塞罗那最好的朋友!我们后来成为了同栋楼的邻居,她也特别的帮助我!她的网站是 她也有YouTube和IG都是 venusohara 快去关注下!想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
10/1/202011 minutes, 9 seconds
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9对称图像思维记忆法:    英语单词中常常会出现一些对称现象 , 这简直同建筑物毫无两样了。了解这一点 , 我们就可以把单词中某些对称性的部分单独提出来 , 作为一个整体图像进行记忆,这样就可以变得轻松、有趣。例如 :tomorrow 明天 "orro";cabbage 洋白菜 "abba";tomato 西红柿 "";cotton 棉花 "otto";chuch 教堂 "";museum 博物馆 "";common 通常的 "ommo";follow 跟随 "ollo" 等。10象形记忆法:    象形词是就是人们利用单词整体或局部结构的象形性(形状)、特征、动作而创造出来的。在记忆过程中尽量运用直观形象和形象思维,以提高记忆效果。这类词在英语中占有重要地位 , 只要我们抓住这一特点 , 记忆单词就容易多了 , 英语中象形词很多 , 却很少被人们发现。例如 : eye see meet sleep (e、e 代表两只眼睛);bed(b、d 代表前后床头);cup(u 为杯子状);banana(a 代表香蕉的瓣 ,n 代表连接的把);rabbit(b、b 为两只长耳朵)等。11感官记忆法:    感官记忆法是把耳、口、眼、手调动起来,把听、说、读、写统一起来,尽可能地用多个感官, 达到记忆目的的方法,这样做的好处是沟通大脑皮层各部分之间的联系,反复运动使相关信息反复刺激大脑中各个相应的神精中枢,加深了大脑皮层上的记忆痕迹,可以有效提高记忆效果。也可以注意我们日常生活中出现的英语,如电器设备上的英语,各种警示语、标语等,还可以聆听外文歌曲,欣赏国外影视 …… 耳濡目染,日积月累,反复回想,自然牢记。例:有些人整天把奔腾挂在嘴边,却不知道 pent 的词根含义,只知道联想、方正,不知道 legend, founder,其实只要稍微留心,品牌电池的外包装上有 battery(电池)字样,洗发精瓶外有 shampoo(洗发水)字样,某些药品包装盒上的 OTC(Over the Counter,非处方药)字样等。教师在授课过程中,应适当渗透相关知识,教育学生勤观察,多积累。做个有心人。12游戏记忆法:    在小学阶段,英语单词的记忆是难点。在单词记忆时应引入各种游戏,不仅能有效地调节英语学习的气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,还能促使学生以积极的心态,在活动中主动地记忆单词。1. 单词接龙游戏:多人合作,首先由任一个学生说出一个单词,下一个学生说出的单词的第一个字母必须是上一个学生所说单词的尾字母,如此循环下去,不能重复同一个词,如有人在规定的时间内未说出单词,则被淘汰,剩下的学生继续游戏,谁坚持到最后谁就是获胜者。如:car — read — do — one — eat — ten — name-- evening — game — English …2. 拆词游戏:如多变的天气,用 weather 这七个字母能拼出多少个学过的单词?we/eat/at/tea/the/he/her/here/there/tree /are/where/hear/heart/what/water … ;3. 改头换面游戏:即在一个单词中增加、减少或改变一个字母使之成为一个新词。如:of — off/if, us — as/bus, know--now/known/knew, hair — chair/air, look — book/cook...13卡片记忆法:    卡片记忆,为了充分利用组块原理扩大短时记忆容量,就是让学生自制词汇卡片,写上单词的词形、词性、词义、音标、搭配等,看一面,尝试着记忆另一面。随身携带,随时随地进行词汇记忆。这种方法的特点是简单实用且便于携带,不受时间和空间的限制,可随时随地用。这样不仅可以寓学于乐,而且还可以大大提高对闲暇零星时间的合理有效利用。这样能有效地掌握了大量生词,并形成长时记忆。14歌诀、顺口溜记忆法:    用歌诀来记忆知识是一种传统的学习方法,由于“诀”的字句整齐,顺口押韵,因而易诵易记,且经久难忘,与死记硬背比起来,往往能收到事半功倍的效果。因此,采用这种方法记忆单词,学生识记和掌握就容易、轻松多了。15故事记忆法:    就是把要记忆的单词串记成故事,通过有趣的故事情节进行记忆。比如《奇速英语24个故事串记中学3500词汇》就属这类记忆法。16结合词组、短语、句型、句子记忆法:    如:danger —— in time of great danger 在危机时刻leadership—— under the leadership of 在…领导下如:要记忆introduce(介绍)这个单词可结合句型introduce sbt o Allow me to introduce my friend Mr. Smith to you.想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/29/202043 minutes, 55 seconds
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分享:48小时速记3500单词的16种记忆方法(上)明天分享另外8种记忆方法!1、运用读音规则记忆法:    英语是拼音文字,根据英语这一特点,使语音与单词中的字母有机的结合,以增强单词的记忆。就是利用英语国际音标来识记单词。国际音标是标识标记英语语音的符号系统。如果熟悉并掌握国际音标及规则字母、字母组合的发音 , 就可以根据音标来直接拼写英语单词 , 尤其是一些比较长又难于识记的单词 . 例如:pronunciation ( n. 发音 ) , 就可以根据其音标来正确书写单词。单词的读音与字母及其组合的发音之间又有着密切的联系。比如:cow,how,now 等词中的字母组合 ow 都发 /au/ 这个音;cake,these,five,note 等词中的元音字母都发该字母名称音等。对于一些长串字母组成的单词,可采用按读音分节的方法进行记忆。如:computer 可分为 com/k? m/、pu/pju:/、ter/t? / 三部分,important 可分为 im/im/、por/p /、tant/t ?nt/ 三个部分。英语单词之间有时候读音完全相同或极为相似 , 这样一来 , 我们可以通过比较、观察 , 找出它们的同异之处 , 来进一步加深印象 , 增强记忆效果。例如 :/tu:/-two, too /si:/-sea, see /mi:t/ -meet, meat /f :/-for, four/raIt/-right, write 英语中有些单词的读音被直接替换成了汉语词汇 , 这是因为起先在汉语中还没有跟这个单词相对应的词汇 , 掌握音译词后 , 我们就很快根据读音记住这个单词了。例如 : tank 坦克,jeep 吉普,Changjing 长江,jacket 夹克衫,New York 纽约。因此,教师必须帮助学生详细地总结、熟记和使用字母及字母组合的发音规则,学生一旦掌握了这个识记单词的方法,记单词时就不需要一个字母一个字母地去死记硬背。就可以节约大量的记词时间,而且效果较为持久,既增强了兴趣、信心,又增加了成功感,为进一步学习英语打下坚实基础。2、字母组合变化记忆法:    英语单词中以某个单词为基础,加、减、换、调一个字母就成了另一个新单词。具体方法如下:前面加字母,例如:is-his,ear-near / hear,read-bread。后面加字母,例如:hear-heart,you-your,plane-planet。中间加字母,例如:though-through,tree-three,for-four。 减字母,例如:she-he,close-lose,start-star。换字母,例如:book-look / cook,cake-lake / wake / make / take。调字母(即改变字母顺序),例如:blow-bowl,sing-sign,from-form。另外可以简化单词的拼写 , 重新组合 , 有时我们需要把一个古怪而难记的单词重新组合 , 简化记忆程序 , 从而使它变得有趣、生动。如 : 把 "sign"(记号)中的 "ign" 变成 "ing", 重新组合成 "sing"(唱歌),然后用 "sing" 记住 "sign";把 "ear"(耳朵)中的 "e" 放在 "ar" 后 , 重新组合成 "are"(是),然后用 "are" 记住 "ear";把 "leak"(泄漏)中的 "e" 放在 "k" 后,重新组合成 "lake"(湖),然后用 "lake" 记住 "leak"。3、比较记忆法:    比较是人们认识客观世界的重要手段,有比较才有鉴别,不经过比较就很难弄清事物的相互关系。这里介绍的是对相似而又不同的单词进行对比分析,弄清它们的异同以进行记忆的方法。如:改变一个元音的词就能变换出不同的词:ball,bell,bill;改变一个辅音的词就能变换出不同的词:fight,light,might,night,right,sight,tight;音同而形义不同的词:sun 和 son,too 和 two ;音形相同而意义不同 :light(光)和 light(轻);义相同 : also/too/either, ago/before/past, each/every/all, because/as/for;义相反 : yes/no, old/new, right/wrong, up/down, young/old 等等。4、联想记忆法:    苏联著名生理学家巴甫洛夫指出:" 记忆要依靠联想,而联想则是新旧知识建立联系的产物。" 联想是记忆的基础。联想记忆单词就是充分运用发散思维展开自己的想象力,由此及彼、由点到面,由一个单词尽可能多地联系到与它相关的各种形式、结构及用法等。使所要记忆的英语单词生动、形象和系统化,使新词和旧词之间建立一种荒诞夸张、稀奇古怪、难合情理的联系,令人终生难忘,从而达到以旧带新、快速记忆之目的。例如:生词 bake(vt. 烘、烤)利用联想记忆,在湖边 ( lake ) 做 ( make ) 蛋糕 ( cake ) 并烘 ( bake ) ;打球时联想到:ball, ( play ) basketball, ( play ) football,playground 等等;吃饭时联想到:dining - room, ( have ) breakfast, ( have ) lunch 等等;睡觉时联想到:bed,bedroom,go to bed,sleep,go to sleep,fall asleep 等等。这样日积月累、持之以恒,就可以积少成多,从而做到薄积而厚发。1、相似(联想)记忆法:如,ball, bell, bill,boll, bull等。2、对比(联想)记忆法:事物之间相反的特性容易形成对比联想。3、接近/同义(联想)记忆法:在学习到nose时,我们可以联想到smell。4、同音(联想)记忆法:如,dear与deer,读音为[d??(r)]。5、变形联想:英语中的单词有很多只需稍微变一变,就可以变出很多单词来。6、典故联想:通过典故来联想,也可以帮助记忆单词。5分类或归纳记忆法:    英语词汇极其丰富,如果能把单词分门别类地进行记忆,是大有好处的。分类的方法因人而异,因爱好而异,灵活多样。按其性质,用途等来分类,使之条理化、系统化,就容易巩固,记忆,如按颜色、学习用品、交通工具、食品、生活用品等种类归纳,还可以按科目名称、时间、数字、季节、动植物、职业名称、场所地点名称图名等归纳分类等。采用归类的方法。在学习一个新单词时,可一并学习与之相关的同类词。例如时间的分类如下:1. Time: century, year, season, month, week, day, night, hour, quarter, minute, second.2. Seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter.3. Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.4. Week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.5. Days: the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.6. day and night: dawn, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, mid-night.6重复记忆法:    重复能深化记忆的 " 痕迹 "。俗话说 " 一回生,二回熟,三回成师傅 ",但这种重复不是简单的,机械的往复,而是有适当的间隔,休息,根据艾宾浩斯的遗忘曲线,人的遗忘从识记后便开始,先快后慢。因此,复习的时间间隔就应是先短后长。应在第一次记忆后隔二十分钟记一次,第二天再记第三次,一周后再记第四次,一个月以后记忆第五次,这样进行多次的重复不但能形成长时间的记忆而且效果较好。我曾经听到过这样一个例子:如果你盯着一个人连续看三个小时,但以后再也看不到他了,那么也许一两个月后你就把他的长相给忘了,但是如果你把这三个小时分配到许多天中,每天只看那个人一两分钟,这样下去,你就一辈子都不会忘记他的长相。具体做法就是先规定自己一天背的词汇的数量,然后在一天中每隔一段时间把这些词汇通背一遍,相隔的时间不宜太短,背熟后隔几天后再把这些背过一遍。如此循环下去,会收到很好的记忆效果。这种方法适合于时间比较充沛,可以专门用一段时间来学英语的人。要有毅力的人才能坚持背下去。7语境记忆法:    记忆英语单词与环境有关。记忆和理解英语单词的时候,我们要利用 " 环境因素 " 的 " 暗示 ",随后又在不断地学习和应用过程中逐步摆脱这些 " 环境因素 " 的 " 暗示 ",达到抽象的记忆和理解。而且即使已经记住的生词,也只是在特定的环境里才知道其意义,环境一变,似乎又成了生词。比方说,从某一课里学到了一个生词,而且确实记住了,如果把它放到另一新课程,可能会觉得陌生。因此,要想熟练地掌握英语单词,还必须要在各种语境下记忆。不管主观上是否意识到这一点,这是我们每个人记忆英语单词时实际上走的一条曲折的路,千万不能因短期内记不住而灰心丧气。例如:"get away" 作 " 离开、滚开 " 解,"get through" 作 " 到达、打通 " 解,"get up" 作 " 起床、登上 " 解等。脑子里有了这么多对于 get 这个单词意义的理解时,别人猛一问 get 这个英语单词何意时,还不一定马上回答出来。但是这个单词与其它单词组合在一起,在不同语境里出现时,却都能随机应变地正确解释它。只有到了这种境界,才能说明对英语单词意义的理解比较广泛了,英语水平提高了。8图表记忆法:    利用图表法可以把零星、分散的材料组织起来,从整体记忆。图表可使学习者迅速发现各个记忆之间的异同,呈现它们之间的内在联系。采取图表记忆有助于对识记信息有规律地存储并快捷地提取。如一些表示空间概念的介词,单从汉语翻译的内容来理解,往往会弄错或混淆,但如果用图表示,则很容易理解和记忆,如:under/beneath, on/over/above, across/through, in/on/to the south, in/into 等等;英语中有些内容比较适合制成表格,这样便于理解,给学生留下的印象更深刻,如人称代词主格、宾格、形容词性的物主代词、名词性的物主代词和反身代词表:。分享:48小时速记3500单词的16种记忆方法(上)明天分享另外8种记忆方法!想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/28/202034 minutes, 45 seconds
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*Bread & Breakfast 面包早餐类bread 面包bagels 贝果面包buns 小餐包tortillas 玉米饼cereal 早餐麦片oatmeal 燕麦片*Refrigerator Poultry 冰箱肉类bacon 烟熏猪肉chicken 鸡肉beef 牛肉hot dog 热狗sausage 香肠fish 鱼*Drinks 饮料juice 果汁milk 牛奶water 水whole fat 全脂 low fat 低脂 skim milk 脱脂*Frozen 冷冻meat 肉pizza 披萨TV dinner 电视晚餐ice cream 冰激凌waffles 松饼*FruitsApples 蘋果Oranges 柳橙Bananas 香蕉Strawberry 草莓cherry 車厘子 櫻桃*Condiments 调味酱ketchup 番茄酱mayonnaise 蛋黄酱mustard 芥末Salt  鹽巴Pepper 胡椒想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/27/20209 minutes, 26 seconds
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This heart of mine was made to travel the world. 我就是想要环游世界。 “Traveling: it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”旅行时让你常常觉得一切尽在不言中,然而却把你变成一个会说故事的人。“No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.”直到回家了睡在自己熟悉又旧的枕头上时才体会到旅行是多么美的一件事情。“To move, to breathe, to fly, to float, to roam the roads of lands remote, to travel is to live.”移动、呼吸、飞翔、漂浮、在遥远的路上漫游着,旅行就是生活。“Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport.”在世界上所有的书中,最好的故事总是在环球旅行中发生。“Don’t wait. Life goes faster than you think.”不要等待,因为生命比你想象的走得更快。“I’d rather have a passport full of stamps than  a house full of stuff.”我宁可拥有一本充满戳章的护照,也不要满屋子满满的东西。“People having babies, and I’m like… what country am I going to next?”人们忙着生小孩,然而我问我自己....我下个国家要去哪里呢?“As you travel solo, being totally responsible for yourself, it’s inevitable that you will discover just how capable you are.”当你一个人旅行的时候,你完全的对你自己一个人负责,不可避免的你会发现你是多么有能力的一个人。想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/26/202032 minutes, 17 seconds
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I will _______, _________, and _________. When I want to give up, I will ________, ________, and ______.If I don’t study at least 10 minutes in English a day, I will not ________. 用英语写下这样的挑战书我 ——————会承诺每天学10分钟英语我会————当我先放弃的时候,我会——————如果我没有一天学十分钟,我就不会——————你可以做的事:memorise 5 vocabulary 记忆五个单词Listen to a podcast 听一个播客read an English article 读英语的文章当想放弃,给自己的鼓励:talk to a friend 和朋友一起聊聊take a break 休息一下start new 重新开始给自己的惩罚not go out with my friends on the weekend 周末不和朋友出去玩not eat dinner 不吃晚餐not go to bed 不去睡觉想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/25/202034 minutes, 46 seconds
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What did they order? What is good here? What do you recommend?I'd like.......(one of that), please.进到餐厅一坐下,服务生便会送上一本餐牌 “Menu” 和水,餐牌裡通常分开几大类的餐点: Appetizer 前菜 Side dish 小菜 Main dish / Main Course / Entrée 主菜 [Entrée 是法文] Dessert 甜点 Beverage 饮料 饮料有分有酒精 (“Alcoholic beverage”) 和无酒精 (“Non-alcoholic beverage”)。等了一会,服务生通常就会来问你要不要点餐,我们来看看这一段点餐英文会话: (1) Are you ready to order?你可以点餐了吗? (2) Would you like to order now?你想现在点餐吗? (3) May I take your order now?我可以帮你点餐吗?如果你还需要多一点时间,你可以说: (4) Can I have a couple more minutes?我可以要多两分钟吗? (5) Can I have a few more minutes?我可以要多几分钟吗?A: May I take your order now?我可以帮你点餐吗? B: What’s today’s special?今天的特餐是甚麽? A: Today’s special is fried fish.今天的特餐是炸鱼。 B: Ok. I’ll have the special, please.Ok, 那我要一个特餐。“Daily special” 是「每日特餐」,”Today’s special” 是「今天的特餐」。A: Would you like to order now?你想现在点餐吗? B: Can I have a few more minutes?我可以要多几分钟吗? A: Of course. I’ll come back.当然。我等下再回来。[几分钟过去…] A: May I take your order now?我可以帮你点餐吗? B: What do you recommend?你有甚麽建议吗? A: Our steak is great.我们的牛排很不错的。 B: Ok, I would like a steak then.Ok, 那我要牛排吧。 A: Sure, how would you like the steak?好的,你的牛排要几分熟? B: Well done, please.我要全熟。*medium well 七分熟medium 五分熟medium rare 三分熟想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/25/202027 minutes, 45 seconds
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开始关注你最喜欢的外国明星的英语网站(微博)本直播来聊一聊Facebook(脸书)最常看到的几个英语单词首页 home 动态时报 news feed 粉丝专页 fan pageHome page 首页**Lisa created a Facebook fan page for her baby, so that she can share his photos with friends.丽莎为她的宝宝创立了一个粉丝专页,用来分享宝宝的照片。聊天室视窗 chat box 社团 group 活动 event 贴图 sticker 表情符号 emoticon常见的动作滑到上面 scroll up 滑到下面 scroll down Scroll up to the top, and you’ll see the latest status.滑到最上面就能看到最新的动态。 **Please scroll down if you want to see more information.如果想看更多资讯,请往下滑。打卡 check in (v.); check-in (n.)Taipei 101 is one of the top Facebook check-in locations in Taiwan.台北101是台湾其中一个最热门的打卡地标分享 share 留言 comment 收藏 save 讚 like/thumbs-up 按讚 click the Like button/thumb up**Please click the Like button on Facebook to help me win the singing competition!请帮我按讚让我赢得歌唱比赛! Oh my god! Brad Pitt just thumbed up my comment!噢!我的天!刚刚布莱德彼特按我讚耶!收回讚 unlike (v.) 追踪 follow 取消追踪 unfollow想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/24/202031 minutes, 17 seconds
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CANADACanada is the second largest country in the world.Animals Canada is known for Beavers, Bobcats, Lynx, Lemmings, Polar Bears, Wolverine, Arctic Fox, Badger, Black Bear, Coyote, Moose and Porcupine.Plants Canada is famous for its maple trees and maple syrup. Their flag is recognizable due to the large red maple leaf in the center.Climate Generally, Canada has four distinct seasons, particularly in the more populated regions along the US border. Winters can be very cold with plenty of snow.Sports and recreation Winter sports are very popular especially ice hockey, skiing and skating. Lacrosse and soccer are also popular.Native crafts Native Canadians are known for their jewelry, beaded moccasins, baskets, and leather goods. The inuits are known for their soapstone, ivory and carvings.THE UNITED KINGDOMEngland is one of the nations that make up the United Kingdom.Landmarks England has many castle and ancient sites such as stonehenge and Roman ruins. Other famous landmarks include Buckingham palace, Big Ben, the bridges over the Thames and the Tower of London.Climate England’s weather is very changeable and unpredictable. Generally summers are warm and winters are cold.Arts England is known for literary accomplishments. To name a few: Winnie-the-Pooh, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, Beowulf, King Arthur, Robin Hood and Alice in Wonderland. One of the most famous authors of all times, Shakespeare, was from England.Sports The English love soccer (called football), cricket and rugby. Also popular are horse racing, hockey, tennis, swimming, and other water sports. Gambling on sports— which is legal in England— is popular.THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAThe USA is a large country in the western hemisphere.LANDMARKS The Statue of Liberty, located in New York, was the sign to many immigrants that they had reached America as they sailed across the ocean to come to the new world.SPORTS Baseball is called ‘The Great American Past Time’ but football follows a close second.ANIMALS The USA is a large area of land that includes a variety of habitats. Because of this they have a very diverse ecosystem country wide including mountain goats, prairie dogs, and crocodiles.FOOD Since the USA is home of many cultures, American cuisine has become a mixture of many different styles and flavors. Many also feel that the hamburger and fries is the ultimate American food.想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/22/202031 minutes, 12 seconds
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mellifluous (adj.) A sound that is sweet and smooth, pleasing to hear.声音甜美的 serendipity (n.) the chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way奇缘 epiphany (n) a moment of sudden revelation 对事物真谛的顿悟 eloquence (n) the art of using language in an apt, fluent way.流利的口才 ineffable (adj.) too great to be expressed in words.妙不可言的紧接上集没讲完的英语学习方法!1. discourse(dis + cur = apart + to run = to run about here and there)论文;论述(原意是这儿说一说,那儿谈一谈) 2. precursor( pre + cur = before + to run = to run before)先驱;预兆 3. cursory(cur = to run)匆忙的;粗略草率的(原意为速度快到无暇细看的) 4. incur (in+ run = run into原意是使发生,亦即招致) 招致 5. cursive(cur = to run)草书的,写字时像跑一样快,自然是草书 6. excursion (out + run = run out)远足 7. concourse (together + run= run together)集合 8. courier (cour = run) 快递,字面意思是跑得很快的人。 9. course(cour= run)路程、过程 10. cursor (curs+ or= runner) 电脑游标来看看例句:1. That plane crash occurred only minutes after take-off. 空难在起飞几分钟后就发生了。 2. My first meeting with her often recurs to my memory. 我与她的第一次会面的情景经常出现在我的记忆中。 3. Did all the members concur in getting a bank loan? 会员们是否都同意向银行贷款? 4. This button switches the current on. 这个按钮接通电流。 5. This is my current address. 这是我目前的位址. 6. My hands were full, so I just gave the book a cursory reading. 我忙得不可开交,所以只把这本书大略看了一下. 7. Move the cursor on the screen or to select choices from menus displayed on the screen. 移动萤幕上的游标或者从萤幕上显示的功能表上选择。 8. Any expenses you may incur will be chargeable to the company. 你的所有开销都可以由公司支付. 9. Our currency will not be depreciated. 我们的货币不会贬值。 10. A courier delivered the parcels to our office. 快递把包裹送到办公室了.想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/21/202025 minutes, 31 seconds
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1.逻辑记忆法: 2 联想记忆法: 3.构词记忆法: 4.分类记忆法: 5.卡片记忆法: 6.字典记忆法: 7.比较记忆法: 8.理解记忆法: 9.联繫记忆法: 10.感官记忆法: 11.同义/反义记忆法: 12.图表记忆法: 13.趣味记忆法: 14.复习记忆法: 15.综合记忆法: 记住英文单字最好综合利用多种方法,而不只是一种,利用各自的优点。想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/20/202038 minutes, 28 seconds
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bedroom 卧房living room 客厅parlor 起居室storeroom 储藏室kitchen 厨房dining room 餐厅bathroom 浴室guest room 客房basement地下室attic 阁楼pantry 食品储藏室cellar 酒窖balcony 阳台banister 栏杆window 窗户screen 纱门(窗)sliding glass door 玻璃拉门flap翻门doorbell 门铃floor 地板stairs 楼梯walk-in closet衣柜间fireplace壁炉ceiling 天花板couch / sofa 沙发cushion椅垫coffee table (客厅沙发前的)矮桌end table 茶几;小桌子rocking chair 摇椅recliner 躺椅Armchair 扶手椅divan矮长沙发(无扶手及靠背)carpet 地毯wall-to-wall carpet 全铺地毯TV set电视柜TV电视机Video/DVD/CD/MP3 player录映带/DVD/CD/MP3 播放器remote control遥控器air conditioner 冷气机electric fan电风扇bunk bed 上下双层床single bed 单人床twin-size bed 两张单人床double bed 双人床queen-size bed 大号的双人床king-size bed 特大号的双人床Baby crib / cot婴儿床spring bed弹簧床night table/ nightstand 床头几bedside cupboard / headboard cabinet 床头柜closet(固定牆上)衣橱wardrobe衣柜、衣橱dresser(附有镜子的)衣橱chest of drawers 五斗柜(多个抽屉的橱柜)lamp 檯灯bathroom vanity 浴室盥洗台bathroom accessories 浴室配套装置dressing table / vanity table梳妆台cabinet 储藏柜cupboard碗橱gas stove瓦斯炉counter流理台dish rack碗架、盘架dining table餐桌microwave oven微波炉icebox / refrigerator / fridge冰箱dishwasher 洗碗机range fan抽油烟机oven 烤箱toaster烤吐司机rice cooker电锅blender / juice extractor果汁机 / 榨果汁机bookcase 书柜desk书桌bureau(附抽屉及活动写字抬的)书桌worktable 工作台;缝纫台Antique furniture 古式家具clothes rail 挂衣杆DIY furniture自装式家具shoe rack鞋架gate-leg table / folding table折叠桌folding chair折叠椅tumble烘衣机washing machine洗衣机vacuum cleaner吸尘器想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/19/202020 minutes, 17 seconds
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Describe the girl? Who can she be? The girl is wearing a hat and a white dress. She seemed elegant and I don't know her. Where is she now? Why is she there? She's watching the Eiffel tower in downtown Paris by herself. She might be a tourist and she just arrived here. What can she be thinking about? She's having a great time and thinking about where to lunch next. How is she feeling now? Why? She is feeling very happy because Paris is a beautiful city and she really enjoys being by herself.Where is it? Who can you see? What are they doing? How do they feel? When is it? Why are they there?This morning I go to work really early. It's 6am in the morning. There are not many people. I see two people sitting in front me. On the right, there is a girl reading her book. On the left there is a man sleeping.What can you see? Who are they? What are they doing? How are they feeling? When is it? Why are they there?想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/19/202030 minutes, 34 seconds
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What is the name of the TV series? 电视剧什么名字?Which episode did you watch? 你看的是哪一集?-I watched the first episode of Jane the Virgin. 我看的是Jane the Virgin 的第一集What is it about? 是讲关于什么?It’s about Jane, who has always been a virgin, gets pregnant with a baby without having had sex! It turns out to be a mistake that her doctor makes when she was doing her regular check-up at the OBGYN. The baby also belongs to an ex-lover of Jane. So things become very complicated for her. 讲的是一直是处女的珍在没有性经验的情况下竟然怀孕了。原来是她在妇产科做例行检查发生的错误。这个宝宝还是Jane的以前的情人。所以事情变得非常复杂。What do you think? 你觉得怎么样呢?-I think it’s quite bizarre and interesting. 我觉得满奇怪有趣的。Will you continue watching it? 你会一直看下去吗?-I would like to continue watching. 我会一直看哦。想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/18/202030 minutes, 34 seconds
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wannagonnagottakindasorta 是哪些片语的缩写呀?wanna (= want to) 【美国口语】wanna 是 "want to" 的缩写,意为「想要」「希望」eg:Wanna grab a drink tonight?今晚喝一杯如何?gonna(= going to)gonna 是"going to" 的缩写,用在将来时中,一般与 be 动词连用成「be gonna」结构, 但在口语中也有省略be的情况出现。【美国口语】eg:Who's gonna believe you?谁会信你呢?gotta (=got to)【美国口语】gotta是"got to"的缩写,意为「不得不」「必须」eg:I gotta go now.我现在得走了。kinda (= kind of)kinda 是"kind of"的缩写,意为「有点」「有几分」eg:I'm kinda freaking out!我快疯了!sorta (=sort of)【美国口语】sorta 是 "sort of" 的缩写,意为「有几分」「可以说是」eg:I'm sorta excited.我有点小兴奋!聊天不知道怎么结尾吗?用以下这几句!1. It was nice chatting with you. 很开心和你聊天。2. Well, it’s getting late. 嗯,有点晚了。3. Anyway, I should get going. 我应该走了。4. Sorry, I’m afraid I need to… 抱歉,我担心我必须。。。5. I’m sorry to cut you off, but I actually got to run. 不好意思打断你了,我得快点走了。想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/16/202043 minutes, 3 seconds
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Have A Crush On Someone 迷恋/暗恋某人 --I HAD a crush on my husband when I first met him. 我第一次看到我老公就暗恋他。Flirt With Someone 和某人示好/调情Ask Someone Out 约某人约会Fall In Love 坠入爱河Love At First Sight 一见钟情Date 约会 Date night 约会夜晚(没有小孩的)I heard that your brother is dating a model. Is it true? 我听说你哥哥在和模特儿约会,是真的吗?Go out with 约会/谈恋爱Stand someone up 放鸽子/跟某人爽约I was planning to have dinner with Barbara, but she stood me up. I waited for her at the restaurant for three hours, but she never came. 我打算和芭芭拉吃晚餐,但是她放我鸽子。我在餐厅等她等了3个小时,她都没有出现。hug 抱抱 kiss 亲亲engaged 订婚I'm engaged 我订婚了!She said yes! 她答應我的求婚了!Did you hear? John and Sarah are engaged! They’re planning a June wedding. 你有听说吗?约翰和莎拉订婚了,他们在计划一个六月婚礼。Fiancé / Fiancée 未婚夫/未婚妻Get Married 结婚 = get hitched/tie the knot We got married in 1972, so we’ve been together for more than 30 years! 我们在1972年结婚,我们已经在一起超过30年了!Honeymoon 蜜月They went to Costa Rica for their honeymoon. 他们去哥斯达黎加蜜月。Anniversary 纪念日My parents’ wedding anniversary is May 22nd. 我爸妈的婚礼纪念日是五月二十二日。想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/15/202023 minutes, 12 seconds
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Burger Queen flew Billy and his Bronx coworkers to its training center. After returning, Billy told his cousin about his trip. "Boy, was it great! I made tons of money in overtime. We were in training 12 days straight. We worked almost 16 hours a day. We learned how to make ten new menu items. You'll see them on the menu next month. Everything was free! I had my own private room in the hotel. The food was fantastic. The hotel had six different restaurants. I ate all I could eat three times a day. I can't wait to go back there again." Jill asked, "Go back where? Where did you go?" He said, "They said we were in Texas." She asked, "They 'said'? Where in Texas? What city?" He said, "I don't know. I didn't even see a city. All I saw were the hotel and the training center."汉堡王后送Billy还有他在布朗克斯区的同事去他们的训练中心,回来之后,Billy告诉他的侄子这趟旅行。“天呐,好棒啊!我在这段期间赚好多钱,我们在训练中心一直带了12个晚上,每天都工作16个小时,我们学习做了10个菜单上的新品。你下个月就可以看到了。每样都是免费的!我有自己的个人房间在酒店里,这酒店还有六个不同的餐厅。我在那里尽我所能的吃尽了三餐。我迫不及待再回去哪里了“。Jill问,”去哪里呢?你是到哪儿去了?哪个城市呢?”他说,“说我们是在德州。”她问?“谁说?在德州那里?哪个城市?” 他说,“我不知道,我没有看到城市,我看到的尽是酒店还有训练中心。”想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/14/202035 minutes, 41 seconds
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a. do the laundry 洗衣b. get up 起床c. eat/have dinner 吃晚餐d. go to bed 睡觉e. watch TV 看电视f. go home 回家g. eat/have breakfast 吃早餐h. go to work 去上班i. read a book 读书j. listen to music 听音乐k. take/have a shower 洗澡l. go shopping 逛街m. read a newspaper 读报纸n. iron the clothes 熨衣服o. get dressed 打扮/着装p. eat/have lunch 吃中餐举例:写文章的时候,用what/when/how/where/whyI got my iPhone 6s! After placing an order on the internet a month ago, it was delivered to my place this morning. I am so excited! It’s the latest model of the iPhone. I finally have my own smartphone! What a wonderful day it is today!(我拿到iPhone 6s了!一个月前在网路上下单后,今天早上送到家裡来。我好兴奋啊!这是最新型的iPhone。我终于有一支自己的智慧型手机了!今天真是美好!)我这天的日记:I had a very busy day!I got up at 7:54 am and was just in time for my live class with my students at 8 o’clock. 昨天我非常的忙碌!我7:54分起床,然后刚好赶上8点和我学生的直播课。Thankfully it could be done online. After that, I went to do some shopping for a wounded friend. I took the groceries to his house and had a chat. 好险,这个课程可以在网上教。之后,我去帮我一个受伤的朋友买些东西,我把杂货带到他的家,然后聊一下天。Around 2:15 pm, I left his house and went to the movie theater with my good friend, Venus, and we saw ‘Fifty Shades Freed’. To my surprise, I really liked it. It was better than the last movie of this series I saw. 大约下午2:15,我离开他家和我的好朋友Venus去电影院一起看「格雷的五十度阴影:自由」,出乎我意料之外,我非常喜欢,它比这个系列的上个电影好看。Then, I had to quickly say goodbye to her and went to the Apple store to have my phone fixed. 然后,我得和我的朋友快快说再见,去苹果店修我的手机。Afterwards, I went to another friend’s house for hot pot dinner. I had a lot of food because I didn’t have time to eat all day. 后来,我又去了一个朋友家吃火锅。因为一整天都没时间吃东西我一下子吃得好多菜。I ended up having a tummy ache. I arrived at home around midnight and went to bed right away. What a day!结果我肚子疼。我大约半夜才到家,然后就直接睡觉了,真是好充实的一天啊!想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/14/202021 minutes, 5 seconds
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turnstile/ swing door 旋转门information  服务台lost & found 失物招领处refund 退货处deposit counter 寄物处locker 寄物柜cashier 收银员,卖场中常以这个字作为结帐处的标示cash register 收银机scanner  扫瞄器bar code  条码cash-only lane  只收现金的结帐柜檯Charge or debit?  刷信用卡还是以现金卡付款?cart (美式) / trolley (英式)   手推车shelf  货架aisle 货架间的走道 (超市裡常以aisle one, aisle two 告诉客人商品在哪个地方)coupon 折价券gift voucher 礼券  (voucher为凭证之意)receipt 收据invoice 发票frozen food 冷冻食品dairy products 乳製品canned food 罐头食品beverages  饮料baked goods  麵包蛋糕类free sample  免费试吃ingredients 製造成分manufacture date 製造日期expiry date / expiration date / best before  保存期限nutrition facts  营养标示drinking yogurt  优酪乳soya drink 豆乳sherbet 雪酪 (主要以水果与冰,有时会加一点牛奶的冰品)gelato 义式冰淇淋 (含乳脂肪量比较低的冰淇淋)whipped cream 打发过的奶油powdered milk 奶粉condensed milk  炼乳whole milk 全脂牛奶low-fat milk 低脂牛奶skim milk / non-fat milk 脱脂牛奶scallions / green onions  青葱sweet potato  蕃薯cauliflower  花椰菜 (不可数名词)celery 芹菜 (不可数名词)eggplant 茄子 (不可数名词) aubergine 英式说法bamboo shoot  竹笋cabbage 高丽菜 (不可数名词)Chinese cabbage  大白菜 (不可数名词)burdock 牛蒡 (不可数名词)asparagus  芦笋 (不可数名词)drumstick  棒棒鸡腿 (英文就是鼓棒啊~)salami 义大利腊肠 (吃pizza时常会看到这一味,不可数名词)ground meat 绞肉rib  肋排cutlet  烤肉用的薄肉片milkfish 虱目鱼trout 鳟鱼grouper  石斑abalone 鲍鱼snapper  鲷鱼bass 鲈鱼cod fillet  鳕鱼salmon fillet 鲑鱼scallop  干贝cuttlefish 墨鱼squid 乌贼prawn 明虾shrimp 虾子想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/13/202026 minutes, 22 seconds
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Why is the water blue?Because the fish said so.... Blue, blue, blue!You can find more funny memes on memes.com想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/11/202028 minutes, 14 seconds
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1. It’s such a nice day today, isn’t it?天气真好,是吧? 2. It’s getting colder and colder recently. I don’t like winter!最近天气渐渐变冷了,我不喜欢冬天! 3. I really like your watch. Where did you buy it?你的手錶很好看我很喜欢!在哪裡买的阿? 4. Nice shoes! Did you buy them in Japan?好好看的鞋子!你在日本买的吗? 5. The hat looks really good on you.这帽子真的很适合你耶! 6. Our boxing lesson is really hard, don’t you think?我们的拳击课真的很难耶,你不觉得吗? 7. The new treadmill machine is quite nice.这新的跑步机相当不错! 8. Sometimes I use the sauna at the gym and it feels really good.我有时候会使用健身房裡的桑拿室,感觉还不赖。 9. I have been to your country before. I thought the food was absolutely amazing.我之前有去过你的家乡,我觉得那边的食物也太惊人的好吃了吧![情境:在某个party场合上] 10. What brought you here?你怎麽在这裡?/有什麽风把你吹来了? 11. Do you know about the new show on Discovery Channel called “Naked and Afraid”?你知道Discovery频道最近有一个叫“Naked and Afraid”的新节目吗? 12. What do you think about the protest in Hong Kong?你对香港的抗议事件有什麽想法? 13. Do you like Taiwanese food?你喜欢台湾的食物吗? 14. What kind of food do you normally eat back home?你在家乡都吃什麽样的食物呢? 15. Have you ever tried eating stinky tofu?你有吃过臭豆腐吗?想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/11/202037 minutes, 39 seconds
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自我介绍参考使用的模版!基本资料Good morning /Good afternoon, everybody.My name is ———(我的名字是)My friends call me ——————(我的朋友叫我)My nickname is ——————(我的暱称是)I am ———— years old.(我——岁)I live in ————(我住在I go to———— school.(我唸————学校I work at————(我在————上班)I am a student(我是学生)My favorite class is ————(我最喜欢————课)我的家人和朋友There are——people in my family. (我们家有~人)My father/dad is a ~ (我爸爸是~)My mother/mom is a ~(我妈妈是~)My brother is a ~(我哥哥是~)My sister is a ~(我姐姐是~)I have (many/——个)good friends in my school/life. (我有很多/~个好朋友在我学校/生活)We always ————together. (我们总是一起做~~)我喜欢/我不喜欢I like/dislike to eat _(我喜欢/不喜欢吃~~食物)I like/dislike to play——.(我喜欢/不喜欢~运动)I like/dislike to play the————(我喜欢/不喜欢~乐器)I like/dislike to listen (我喜欢/不喜欢~音乐)I like/dislike (我喜欢/不喜欢~植物或宠物或颜色)我会/不会|我擅长不擅于I can/can'tI am good/bad in (running/swimming/speech/play)(跑步/游泳/演说戏剧表演)当我When I am happy, I will...(当我快乐时,我会…When I am sad, l will...(当我悲伤时,我会When I am angry, l will... (当我生气时,我会….When I am worried, l will...(当我忧愁时,我会)我希望I hope I can have good grades. (我希望考试成绩不错)I hope I can be taller and taller. (我希望愈长愈高)I hope I can be prettier and prettier. (我希望愈来愈漂亮)I want to be a ~(我希望成为一位~)想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/9/202028 minutes, 18 seconds
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报纸上通常会有的标题缩写:Aussie=Australian(澳大利亚的) Biz=business(商业) champ=champion(冠军) con=convict(罪犯) deli=delicatessen(熟食) expo=exposition(博览会) homo=homosexual(同性恋) lib=liberation(解放) pro=professional(专业的;职业的) rep=representative(代表) Russ=Russia(俄罗斯) Sec=secretary(秘书) chute=parachute(降落伞) copter=helicoPter(直升机) nat'l=national(全国的) com'l=commercial(商业的;广告) c'tee=committee(委员会) C'wealth=Commonwealth(英联邦) telly=television(电视机) tech=technology(技术) pix=pictures(电影) vet=veteran(老兵;老手) vic=victory(胜利)想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/8/202029 minutes, 5 seconds
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1135 想要改变生活可以怎么开始做?| Lily入住了共生公寓的心得

The worlds is too big to stay in one place, life is too short to do just one thing.世界大的不能总在一个地方停留,生命太短而不能只做一件事。上个月我在台中跨界共生公寓入住了一个月时间,因为不能旅行的时候,就到共生公寓里去环游世界,我现在已经离开了共生公寓,已经到台北共煮生活实验室给我的房间一个礼拜,我来这里的任务就是协助品牌的推广和企业Podcast的制作,然而很大的一部分是想要满足我想要继续旅行的欲望,就在入住台中共生公寓的这段时间,我不仅交到了知心的朋友例如来自的国的Nelli,还和Elis(共生公寓的老板)还有华语老师Jasmine一起参与主讲了一场打破金氏世界纪录的Podcast大会。等下你听到的对话是我离开共生公寓的那一天,在去台北的路上和创始人Elis的谈话,听听这个月Lily学到了什么?还有Elis给想要在生活中有所改变的你的一些建议。好的,听完节目的你有什么想法呢?可以试着透过评论来留言给我们,想要听听Elis主持的三层公寓可以到Apple Podcast,,Google Podcast搜寻“三层公寓”可以找到他录制的音频节目喔!也希望你有空来台中跨界共生公寓来生活看看!想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/8/202018 minutes, 41 seconds
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若关係很熟,可以只写名字,但如果对方是同事或上司,男同事要加「Mr.」,女同事则加「Ms.」;如果知道这位女性的婚姻状况,已婚要加「Mrs.」,未婚要加「Miss」。1. 期待回复类I look forward to your reply. 等待您的回复。I look forward to hearing from you. 期待您的消息。I look forward to seeing you. 期待见到您。2. 热心服务类Please advise if necessary. 若有任何建议,请您尽量提出。If you require any further information, feel free to contact me. 如果有任何问题,欢迎与我联繫。Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. 如果有任何需要,欢迎与我联络。3. 感谢客气类Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience. 很抱歉,造成您的不便。I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter. 关于您对此事的关注,我们十分感激。Thank you for your kind cooperation。 非常谢谢您的合作。Thank you for your assistance。 非常谢谢您的协助。4. 正式结尾 Sincerely,Thank you,Yours truly,Warm wishes,Sincerely yours,Respectfully yours,5. 非正式结尾  Best,Peace,Warmly,Cheers,Regards,Take care,Best wishes,正式的例子~Dear Mr. Alex, I am writing this letter to inform you that I have to take a sick leave from course due to the fever. Sorry for any inconvenience caused by my absence. I would review the material before next course. Feel free to contact me if you need further verification from my doctor. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. Respectfully yours,Shirley HuangAlex 教授您好:我写这封信给您是因为我发烧了,今天的课想和您请病假。如果我今天的缺席对课堂造成任何不便,也先跟教授说声抱歉,我会自行再赶上複习进度的。若教授需要医生证明,也麻烦告诉我。谢谢教授愿意抽空读这封信。学生 黄雪莉 敬上想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/7/202042 minutes, 46 seconds
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推荐的app:Duolingual、Hello Talk、Speak and Translate、Podcast(ESL Podcast)、iTalki(爱拓奇)、百词斩我学习西语的app是Wlingua你用什么app学习英语呢???请评论告诉我哦!想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/6/202028 minutes, 10 seconds
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你们现在收听的是「学英语环游世界」的 Podcast 播客,其实我们现在可以听到全世界各地不同的节目了,今天的挑战是要让自己去找一个全英语的播客节目去收听注意:我的推荐:Super Soul Sunday, Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Tim Ferriss Show, The Optimal Daily希望你们从收听英语播客得到更多的乐趣!想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/6/202037 minutes, 39 seconds
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谈了这么几点,只是想告诉大家,多听多唱英文歌对学习颇有帮助,而且只有反复吟唱才能将你听到的歌词铭记于心。听唱英语歌不仅可以帮助学英语,它还有调节紧张情绪培养乐感、陶冶情操等益处。我最喜欢的一段歌词Photograph by Ed Sheeran When I'm away, I will remember how you kissed me 当我不在的时候,我会记得你怎么吻我Under the lamppost back on Sixth street 在第六街街尾的路灯下Hearing you whisper through the phone, 听你在电话的那一头低声地说:"Wait for me to come home." 「等我回家。」想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/5/202012 minutes, 29 seconds
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Do you like coffee? I like tea better! 你喜欢咖啡吗?我比较喜欢茶。So we're getting started. 所以我们要开始了。I’d like a tall latte to go. 我要外带一杯中杯拿铁。short/small 小杯tall 中杯grande 大杯venti 超大杯foam 奶泡Cappuccino = espresso + steamed milk + foam + chocolate powderMocha flat white 像拿铁咖啡,没有奶泡Whole milk 全脂牛奶Soy milk 豆奶Decaf 低咖啡因with room 有空间加奶without room 加满咖啡想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/3/202031 minutes, 13 seconds
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直播里有提到的英语和解释:Lily的本月目标~I want to read books about time management and budgeting. 读有关时间管理和预算的书。How to set goals? 如何设定目标?Why do we set goals? 为什么我们设定目标?How are we going to achieve those goals?单词:honeymoon 蜜月bucket list 遗愿清单investment 投资 finance 财务 self-improvement 自我成长 relationship 人际关系Things I want to purchase 我想要购买的东西Long term goal 长期目标short term goal 短期目标目标的想要程度:1. It would be nice to have it. 拥有它会很好2. I’m glad to have it! 会很开心拥有它3. OMG! Must have!!! 天呐!我一定要有!!!同学们的作业:Alvin:I’d like to make more new friends.Kacey Wang:The goal of this month is to learn English more seriously than last month.劉:I would like to spend more time playing with my kids and helping them manage their time.窩窩鄉:I want to remember 500 English words in this month and get a new job?小番茄:I have three monthly goals:1. find a like job 2. read book everyday 3. lose weightMissPlanet:I plan to recite 100 words per day, and try to pass the IELTS in Sept.靜靜的夏:I’d like to take my parents on a trip this month, and I have booked the plane ticket and hotel. Our family will spend a wonderful spring festival in Thailand.想要参与更多的外语聊天秘诀,直播互动课程,别忘了关注我的公众微信账号:贵旅特(iflyclub)
9/3/202036 minutes, 4 seconds
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1134 学英语的28种自学方式(接下来每天发送一个直播课程的录音)

Write out your monthly goals in English. 用英语写下你本月的目标。Order your coffee in English. 用英语点你的咖啡。Listen to a song in English and try to write down your favorite part of the song, in English. 用英语听一首歌,然后用英语写下你最喜欢的歌词部分。Listen to a podcast in English. 听一个英语播客。Download an app (like Duolingual) to practice vocabulary daily. 下载一个app每天练习你的词汇。Write an email in English and screenshot it. 用英语写email,并截图下来。Translate the morning’s headlines to English. 用英语翻译今天的头条新闻的标题。Write a social media (WeChat)  post in English, introducing yourself. 用英语发一篇自我介绍在你的微信朋友圈Message someone in English for 5 minutes.用英语聊天五分钟。Pick your favorite meme and post it here. 找到你最喜欢的英语搞笑图片,然后张贴在这里。Quiz yourself on the English translation of items while walking through your supermarket, then post what you found here. 当走过超市给自己一个英语的翻译训练,用英语告诉我们你看到了什么。Journal about your day in English. 用英语记录下今天发生的事。Read a news article in English. 读一篇英语写的文章。Learn some common English phrases about love. 学一些关于爱的句子。Go to an English language exchange website and start exchanging your language with others. 上一个英语语言交换的网站和别人交换你的语言。Watch a popular English TV episode (examples: Friends, Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother) and write a summary of what happened. 看一些有名的英语电视剧,然后写下你看到了什么。Write down everything you see, in English, during your commute (or lunch break) 用英语写下你通勤时或午休所看到的所有事情。Label the items in your apartment with their English name. 用英语标示你公寓里所有的东西。Create five English flashcards for your most commonly used and forgotten words and phrases. 制作5张常用单词和你常忘记的单词的闪示卡。Create a list with five your favorite English words. 写下5个你最喜欢的英语单词。Learn four quick facts (in English) about your favorite English-speaking countries. 学习四个有关你最喜欢的英语国家的事实!Start following an English website (twitter account) of your favorite foreign celebrity. 开始关注你最喜欢的外国明星的英语网站(微博)。Order your meal in English. 用英语点餐。Commit to study at least 10 minutes in English everyday. Submit your vow here. 下定决心每天学习英语十分钟。在这里写下你的挑战书。Find and write down a quote in English. 找一条英语格言并把它写下来。Make a shopping list in English. 用英语写下你的购物清单。Go old school and write out difficult vocabulary words and their definitions, five times each. 用古老的方式,抄写五个困难的字汇各五次Change your phone’s and computer’s language to English. 把你的手机和电脑的语言转换成英语
9/3/202020 minutes, 4 seconds
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1133 能夠打开自己与世界无限机遇的三种超能力是什么?

8/25/202024 minutes, 24 seconds
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1132 离开自己的舒适圈,打造自己的生活方式:Lily用Podcast打造的游牧生活分享

8/17/202029 minutes, 11 seconds
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1131 华语教师到墨西哥一边旅行工作的经验分享

8/11/202022 minutes, 27 seconds
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1130 你有跟我纳闷一样的问题吗?鸟儿为什么会飞但是要待在同个地方?

》》》》》》》》一键领取入口《《《《《《《​I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth.我一直想知道,为什么当鸟儿能飞到地球上的任何地方时,却呆在同一个地方。She wondered what was keeping david .她在納悶,什么事情把戴維耽擱下來了。She wondered why he should take so much trouble for her .她納悶,為什么他要為她找這些個麻煩。I wonder why turkey seems to belong to thanksgiving ?我納悶為什么火雞總是和感恩節連在一起呢?**只要纳闷自己的生活该何去何从的时候,我就会问自己?我问我自己这个问题:What activity would you undertake if you do not have to be concerned with making a living? In other words, what would you do if money were no object?**节目中最后跟大家分享:你是不是觉得心情很差,没有动力呢?It’s okay to not feel okay! “You know what, things are bad, and maybe you’re feeling bad. Guess what? It’s okay to not feel okay! I mean, how could you not suffer? Given what’s happening in the world right now. How could you not feel grief on the loss of your former life on the loss of our former world? How could you not to feel some senses of loss of motivation and drive with all our brothers and sisters who are hurt? All the businesses that are going bankrupt. All the countries that are in massive turbulence. Some said on the break of revolution?” From Robin Sharma, author of 5AM Club
8/5/202012 minutes, 55 seconds
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1129 德国美眉Nelli聊聊学习语言瓶颈还有圆打工换宿的梦

》》》》》》》》一键领取入口《《《《《《《​1029 德国美眉Nelli聊聊学习语言瓶颈还有当周围的人都反对自己,她是如何坚持的跨出第一步的故事!透过旅行她理解到,你可以活得和别人不一样!!Nelli Hammer德国人,现年28岁。2014、2017在浙江学习中文。2019到了台湾进行打工换宿一年,曾经学中文学到哭泣,想要圆旅行梦总是收到打击,如何坚定的走出自己的路?*她提到可以寻找打工换宿的地点的网站:workaway.info她用她的故事告诉你,梦想的路虽然有时困难重重,但是无比甜蜜美好的!Nelli的IG:l1n3l1
8/4/202025 minutes, 6 seconds
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1128 一句让你充满力量的话语,想做什么现在就开始吧!| 如何安慰别人的英语

》》》》》》》》一键领取入口《《《《《《《​“Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just… Start.”现在就开始,就从你在的地方开始。害怕着开始,痛苦着开始。怀疑着开始,双手发抖的开始。声音颤抖着开始。开始了就不要停下来。就在你在的地方开始,就你拥有的开始。就只要开始就好。安慰别人的英语:1、Don't be so hard on yourself.别这么难为自己。2、Don't beat yourself up.不要自责。(其实没有什么的)3、Dude, Look on the bright side.老兄,想想好的方面。4、Take it easy, man. It's not a big deal.放轻松,老兄。没什么大不了的。5、Hi guys, there is no pleasure without pain in the world.伙计,这个世界没有无痛苦的快乐。
7/30/202010 minutes, 49 seconds
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1127 更有可能杀死你的是这件事 | 寂寞时可以怎么英语求助?

》》》》》》》》一键领取入口《《《《《《《​不能去旅行时,就到台中跨界共生公寓吧,每天回家都有环游世界的感觉!Brené Brown 说:Living with air pollution increases your odds of dying early by 5 percent. Living with obesity, 20 percent. Excessive drinking, 30 percent. And living with loneliness? It increases our odds of dying early by 45 percent. 和污染共同生活会增加你提早死亡5%的机率。肥胖会增加20%。饮酒过量会增加30%。然而和寂寞一起共同生活呢?他会增加你提早死亡45%的机率。今天的节目:1. 解释一下今天的格言2. 当你感觉寂寞的时候可以怎么说:I feel lonely. 3. 求助的时候可以怎么说:I feel really lonely recently, would you like to hang out?hang out 一起出来玩,have a drink 喝一杯,call 打电话,meet online 在网上见面,video chat 视讯电话,call 打电话
7/28/202013 minutes
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1126 Lily在Toastmasters上的奇遇:药剂师Grace分享自学英语成才的经历

》》》》》》》》一键领取入口《《《《《《《Grace在访谈里提到对她最有帮助的作者:Micheal SwanGrace的邮箱:[email protected] & Lily 在节目中共同分享的这个非营利组织网站:Toastmasters.org打开你与世界的无限奇遇,研讨会预售中,请到公众微信账号贵旅特,回复:IP
7/27/202027 minutes, 26 seconds
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1125 人生最快乐的时刻 | 他徒步环岛的故事

》》》》》》》》一键领取入口《《《《《《《One of the happiest moment in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can’t change. 人生最快乐得时刻是,当你有勇气放下你没有办法改变的事。今天要分享的是一个徒步环岛青年的故事,六月中的时候我接到一个这样的沙发请求,说要用徒步环岛,然后经过高雄来住一晚,Ivan就是一个这么神奇的人,他从台北内湖的家出发,走了22天,终于到了我家。当天我很兴奋地去买了烤鸭,馒头还有手摇茶,和Ivan一起分享他的环岛历险,看到Ivan一身黝黑的肌肤,还有他提着一个菜篮装着他的所有家当我笑了,那一天聊天聊得很开心,我和Ivan分享了我最近最揪心的事情,也和我上一集分享的故事有关,就是我和Palli已经好久没有说话了,我不知道为什么那么心灵相通的我们,最后他对我的简讯用不读不回的方式来回应我,我的直觉Palli可能是已经有了新女友不敢告诉我吧,因为的确我会有一点不好过。也有可能发生了不好的事情,不想让我知道,我就不会那么担心。反正都是为了我好,才没有和我保持联系。我想还是要放下,就像今天的格言一样,我要学习得到那放下不能改变的事的快乐,毕竟这个疫情的发展情势,我想短期间内我们是不会见面了。(哭)这个时候,Ivan也和我分享了一个他自己的故事,Ivan几年前一个很亲爱的家人过世了,他常常也会传信息给这个家人,也是不读不回,虽然我不认为Palli是因为过世了不回我信息,(其实我也不知道是什么原因),也不敢问。但是我觉得真的被Ivan的乐天给感染了!Ivan告诉我说,如果事情不会更坏,那就是要变好了。以下就是在Ivan离开我家的时候,我们在新光码头录得一段对话。录节目的这一刻,已经距离我们上次见面又20天了,他现在已经走到台湾东部的花莲,看他那么勇敢地一个人踏上了徒步环岛的旅行真的觉得很了不起,也很激励,有机会真的多多走走去看看并好好认识我们生长的地方!Ivan的Blog《50天徒步環島台灣》:
7/20/202018 minutes, 52 seconds
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1124 在这个冰天雪地只有32万人口的国家谈恋爱是什么样的感觉?

7/13/202031 minutes, 5 seconds
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1123 你值得让你向往的生活 | 你们有热水澡吗?英语怎么说?| 国外提钱的那些事

7/9/202014 minutes, 27 seconds
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1123 你值得让你向往的生活 | 你们有热水澡吗?英语怎么说?| 国外提钱的那些事

7/9/202014 minutes, 27 seconds
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1122 做这件事,就能改变结局!| 可以走到那里吗?| 国外使用信用卡注意下!

7/7/20208 minutes, 39 seconds
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1121 为自己坚持踏出那一步喝彩 | 不用找了英语怎么说?| 记得出国前和大使馆登记下

7/6/20208 minutes, 36 seconds
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1120 这世界上问题会少很多,如果你这么做!| 碰到小擦撞的英语怎么说?|查汇率

7/6/202013 minutes, 22 seconds
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1119 不管生活如何虐我,每天找点积极的想法 | 如何问打车到目的地多少钱 | 旅行贴士

7/2/202011 minutes, 55 seconds
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1118 一个可以疗伤的方法 | 找手推车的英语实用句 | 旅行贴士

7/2/202020 minutes, 10 seconds
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1117 为那些无法用言语表达的时刻生活

7/1/202021 minutes, 20 seconds
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1116 如何梦想成真?

“If You Are Working On Something That You Really Care About, You Don’t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You.” – Steve Jobs  如果你正在你真正关心的事情上努力,你不需要被推动,而是愿景推动着你。Whatever you want or need in life can be programmed in the space “computer". It has unlimited organizing power to work for you, clearly articulating the intention and throwing its seeds in the field of all possibilities.Thus, you will attract the right people, as well as favorable situations and circumstances; which will help you in the manifestation and implementation of your desires.“意图及愿望法则”。不管你人生中想要或需要什么,都可以在宇宙这部“电脑”中进行编程。宇宙有无穷无尽的组织力量为你服务,只要清楚说出你的意图,把种子掷到蕴含无限可能的能量场。因此,你可以吸引对的人、吸引有利的情境,帮你实践你的愿望。QUESTION 1: What is your highest intention in life?QUESTION 2: What can you do to make this happen?QUESTION 3: How will this intention best serve you and others?问题一:你人生中最高的意图(目标)是什么?问题二:你如何实现这些意图(目标)?问题三:这个意图(目标)将如何服务你和其他人?(为所有人带来最高的利益)Question 1: I want to inspire millions of people to pursue their dreams with my experiences and stories. 我要用我的故事和经验去激励上百万人去追寻他们的梦想。Question 2: By podcasting and going to small gatherings and sharing my stories. 我会用播客的方式,还有去一些小的聚会分享我的故事。Question 3: Through actions and constantly improve myself, I will heal my own past traumas and help others become happier and more fulfilled.用行动还有持续不断的改善我自己,我可以帮助我治愈我过去的创伤,还有帮助其他人更加的满足和快乐。环岛演讲&粉丝见面会确定了日期:7.17 台中、7.21 高雄、7.22 台北报名请至FB:Fly with Lily
6/29/202012 minutes
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1115 如果你知道你不会失败,你会做什么?

Dare to live the life that you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.大胆的去活出你梦想的生活,大步往前走去让你的梦想成真。What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?如果你知道你不会失败,你会做什么?我的公众微信:iflyclubFB/IG/Line:flywithlily   or FB:ipodcasttw7.21 在高雄晚上7:00 举办「我如何用播客环游世界」届时欢迎在ipodcast 粉丝页报名参与!
6/25/202014 minutes
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1114 如果你只剩下一年可以活,你会做什么?

我想要和大家分享一段录音,来自西班牙巴塞罗那的Nuria,在我的节目中被问到这个问题:If you only had one year to live, what would you do?如果你只剩下一年可以活,你会做什么?英文原稿:Hello, you're listening to Fly with Lily, I'm your new friend, Nuria, I'm from Barcelona, I'm a human resources manager. I'm in Barcelona because I live in Barcelona. Today, I got a question from Lily. If I only had one year to live, what would I do? Ufff, I would sell my house, and with the money go around the world first. Maybe to Argentina, Tierra de Fuego, em, to go to Alaska, and go to Japan as well, and Australia, well, EVERYWHERE!!! Go to see the Blue... I don't know that in English! Go to Africa to see the ram dance. Then, I would spend 6 months doing that. I would go back to Barcelona, learn how to play piano in one month! (Laugh) Write and write and write, the last three months I would spend with my people, I would make a big party. It would last for one week, we would dance, we would eat, we would love, we would hug, we would celebrate and I will go happy.How about you, my friend? 中文翻译:你好,你正在收听的是Fly with Lily,我是你的新朋友,Nuria,我来自巴塞罗那,我是人资部门的经理,我在巴塞罗那的原因是...我就住在这里。今天,Lily问我一个问题,如果你只剩下一年可以活,你会做什么?哇,我会卖掉我的房子,用那个钱去环游世界,或许去阿根廷火地岛,呃,还有去阿拉斯加,也要去日本,去澳洲,嗯,基本上所有的地方,去那个蓝色的..哈哈,我不知道那个地名用英语怎么说啦!还要去非洲看舞蹈,我会用6个月环游世界。接着我会回到巴塞罗那,用一个月学习弹钢琴,然后投入写作,最后的三个月我会和我的家人好朋友在一起,我会办一个大型的派对,我们跳舞、大吃大喝、互相爱护、和抱抱,庆祝我的生命,这样我就会开心地走了。我的朋友,你呢?我的公众微信:iflyclubFB/IG/Line:flywithlily7.21 在高雄晚上7:00旅居文旅举办「我如何用播客环游世界」届时欢迎报名参与!
6/23/202012 minutes, 49 seconds
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1113 如何增进自己的英文写作能力?

1113 如何增进自己的英文写作能力?1. 开始每天写英语日记。2. 阅读大量英语的书籍和文章,你喜欢的主题,并且里面不会有超过20%你不懂的东西。3. 交往一些外国的笔友。4. 写完之后,找专业的老师或是英语为母语的朋友给你批改纠正下。 An idea that helps my students learn in an interesting way I have always had English speaking friends, however, most of my Chinese students don’t have such luck. About 10 years ago, I was a language instructor for the employees at EA games and got to know Anthony, a Korean American and the game producer who just relocated from the U.S. Anthony was really outgoing and friendly, and loved making friends. We hit it off in the first class. Although we were teacher and student, we usually went for a drink and chatted for hours after work. I also enjoyed showing him around Shanghai. One time he recommended me saying that I was  probably the coolest mandarin teacher in China. That touched me a lot. He told me back home he really enjoyed CouchSurfing, which is to stay overnight on a friend's (or even a stranger's) couch. That was the first time I heard about such a way to travel and live! My horizon widened a bit more every time I spoke to him. I also wanted my students to have this kind of magical experience because language learning could be so much fun when you’re learning from different cultures. It was a shame that Anthony only had some opportunities to practice a few sentences of Mandarin in my class. So an idea came to my mind; I made my students teach him Mandarin after class. They would go to a cafe and had a mission to speak to Anthony about one topic in Mandarin for about 30 minutes. That activity helped my students use what they knew in English to express themselves, and Anthony got to learn a few more new sentences in Mandarin as well as experience speaking to different people locally.我一直身边不乏讲英语的朋友,然而我大多数的学生并没有学习的环境,十年前我在上海的EA Games教授英语还有汉语,认识了刚刚从美国过来工作的游戏制作人Anthony,Anthony非常的大方开朗,就是那种特别会交朋友的那种人,和我一拍即合,我们虽然是师生关系,但是下班总是会一起喝一杯,我喜欢带他到处逛上海,后来有一次他在他的FB上面推荐我,说我大概是全中国最酷的汉语老师,让我十分感动!他告诉我,在美国的时候有一个嗜好就是CouchSurfing 沙发冲浪,那是我第一次听到这样的旅行方式,所以每一次和他说话都让我眼界变宽了!我也很希望我的学生有机会有这样的神奇体验,因为和不同文化的人学习真的很有趣。我想到Anthony除了和我讲几句汉语就没有什么太多练习的机会,所以我灵机一动,就让我的学生开始轮流教他汉语,他们会相约一个咖啡厅然后用30分钟解释中文的一个主题给Anthony听,因为这个活动让我的学生也充分的运用到了英语,Anthony也有机会学习到新的汉语和不同人说话的经验。结论:记住,英语的实力是真正在你能够应用了多少,而非学了多少!用在文化交流或者是帮助别人学习汉语就是一个一石二鸟的方式!如果你身边没有外国友人的话可以利用italki、或者是hello talk app找外国友人练习英语,或是最近美思的Danny也有在组织类似这样的语言交换活动群,可以他的微信meisionline来咨询!italki的推荐链接,用这个注册,购买10美金学习点数,会赠送10美金学习点数
6/20/20207 minutes, 58 seconds
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1112 学英语变得超级好玩的方式!

6/18/20206 minutes, 20 seconds
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1111 一个点燃你动力的练习!

6/16/202015 minutes, 10 seconds
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1110 网友问:学英语一天学一句可以变好吗?

6/16/202010 minutes, 31 seconds
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1109 少说多做才能真正开始

6/12/202011 minutes, 16 seconds
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6/8/202036 minutes, 53 seconds
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1108 探索和学习才是奇迹之旅的开始

6/3/202012 minutes, 24 seconds
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6/2/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 40 seconds
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1107 自律才能自由

6/1/202011 minutes, 11 seconds
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1106 一个可以改变你人生轨迹的英文字

6/1/202011 minutes, 27 seconds
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1106 一个可以改变你人生轨迹的英文字

6/1/202011 minutes, 27 seconds
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1105 云旅行! 六个关于招财猫的有趣小知识

5/28/202014 minutes, 11 seconds
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1105 云旅行! 六个关于招财猫的有趣小知识

5/28/202014 minutes, 11 seconds
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1104 云旅行! 六个关于寿司的有趣小知识

5/27/202012 minutes, 22 seconds
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1103 云旅行! 六个关于相扑的有趣小知识

5/26/202014 minutes, 15 seconds
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1102 云旅行!六个关于东京铁塔的有趣小知识!

5/25/202011 minutes, 53 seconds
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1101 云旅行!来聊聊日本吧!

5/25/202012 minutes, 30 seconds
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1100 云旅行!六个关于法国香水的有趣小知识

5/21/202020 minutes, 57 seconds
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1099 云旅行!六个关于可颂面包的有趣小知识

5/19/202010 minutes, 57 seconds
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1098 云旅行!六个关于艾菲尔铁塔的有趣小知识

5/18/202013 minutes, 12 seconds
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1097 云旅行!聊聊法国!

5/17/202016 minutes, 2 seconds
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1096 云旅行!6个关于大笨钟的有趣小知识

5/15/202012 minutes, 15 seconds
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1095 云旅行!6个关于炸鱼薯条的有趣小知识

5/13/202014 minutes, 27 seconds
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1094 云旅行!6个关于莎士比亚的有趣小知识

5/13/202010 minutes, 19 seconds
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5/12/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 1 second
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1093 云旅行!6个关于双层红巴士的有趣小知识

5/11/20209 minutes, 43 seconds
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1092 云旅行!来聊聊英国吧!

5/10/202014 minutes, 57 seconds
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1091 云旅行!6个关于大峡谷的有趣小知识

5/7/202011 minutes, 9 seconds
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1090 云旅行!6个关于自由女神像的有趣小知识

5/6/202010 minutes, 41 seconds
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1089 云旅行!6个关于百老汇的有趣小知识

5/5/202011 minutes, 27 seconds
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1088 云旅行!我们来聊聊美国吧!

5/4/202015 minutes, 12 seconds
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1087 不是所有的苦难都是来搅乱你的生活的!

最后Marc给大家的留言,So I was more than happy to help out with this description of this list. But I don’t usually talk about travel products, or traveling in general, so if you’re interested at all my podcast is called “Automated” and I have guests on, and we talk about the future of technology and how it’ll impact jobs. So if you’re at all interested in artificial intelligent or robots or tons of vehicle, you can check out my website at, I’m also active on linkedin and twitter, but all the links and descriptions are on the website. Thanks for listening and of course, safe travels out there.我很开心可以帮助大家来念这一个清单,但是我通常不太聊旅行产品,或是旅行,所以如果你有兴趣听我的播客,我的播客名字叫“自动化” 我有嘉宾,也分享未来的科技,还有它会怎么影响我们的工作,若你感兴趣的话,你可以看看我的网站,我也在领英,或推特比较活跃,但是链接和介绍都在网站上。谢谢收听,当然希望你们出门小心啦!VIP订阅/训练营资讯,请关注公众账号:guilvte
4/29/202016 minutes, 51 seconds
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1086 It's never too late (1-10 旅行产品听力练习)

4/29/20208 minutes, 7 seconds
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1085 找到这三样东西,你的人生就圆满了!

4/27/20208 minutes, 23 seconds
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1084 不要为做这件事而内疚!

4/26/20209 minutes, 37 seconds
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1083 你的过去不代表你的未来

YAY【学英语环游世界】已经进驻Himalaya APP想听到更多英语格言+旅行实用句+Lily朋友们介绍的旅行贴士吗?请加入我们的VIP订阅!加入方式,到公众微信guilvte,回复:VIP
4/23/202010 minutes, 20 seconds
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1: 05 one oh five=five past one1: 15 one fifteen =a quarter past one1: 30 one thirty= half past one1: 40 one forty= twenty to two1: 45 one forty-five= a quarter to two1: 55 one fifty-five=five to two
4/23/202056 seconds
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1082 你的生活不需要别人的理解

4/22/202012 minutes, 17 seconds
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Do you mind switching the seat with me?关注我的视频号收听更多旅行实用句!和我一起学英语环游世界
4/22/202053 seconds
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1081 什么才是最大的成功

庆祝【学英语环游世界】创办6周年啦!参与【学英语环游世界】学英语VIP01. 每月至少获得20则VIP音频节目02. 优美的英语格言+英语旅行贴士(无广告)03. 说英语去旅行线上课程精解版本144节(价值699元)04. 每月一次线上同学会 05. 微信交友交流群06. 各地粉丝见面优先购票权申请方法:1. 加微信:guilvte ,回复文字:VIP2. 小助手微信:shoutbyher (注:VIP)3. 前50名报名赠送一张台湾宝岛寄出的明信片哦!(请留下详细地址)
4/21/202010 minutes, 1 second
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Please remove all liquids from your bag.“请清除你背包内的所有液体?”参与【学英语环游世界】VIP年订阅加公众微信:guilvte,回复文字:VIP或扫码关注我的视频号|影音号
4/21/202056 seconds
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How much does it cost to check in a bag?托运行李的费用是多少呢?参与【学英语环游世界】VIP年订阅加公众微信:guilvte,回复文字:VIP或扫码关注我的视频号|影音号
4/20/202059 seconds
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1080 你就是作者 | 旅行必备配件 15:网状洗衣袋

庆祝【学英语环游世界】创办6周年啦!参与【学英语环游世界】学英语VIP01. 每月至少获得20则VIP音频节目02. 优美的英语格言+英语旅行贴士(无广告)03. 说英语去旅行线上课程精解版本144节(价值699元)04. 每月一次线上同学会 05. 微信交友交流群06. 各地粉丝见面优先购票权申请方法:1. 加微信:guilvte ,回复文字:VIP2. 小助手微信:shoutbyher (注:VIP)3. 前50名报名赠送一张台湾宝岛寄出的明信片哦!(请留下详细地址)
4/20/20207 minutes, 13 seconds
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Where is the check-in desk / for British Airways?英国航空的登机手续柜台在哪里呢?参与【学英语环游世界】VIP年订阅加公众微信:guilvte,回复文字:VIP或扫码关注我的视频号|影音号
4/19/202053 seconds
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1079 当生活太难的时候

庆祝【学英语环游世界】创办6周年啦!参与【学英语环游世界】学英语VIP01. 每月至少获得20则VIP音频节目02. 优美的英语格言+英语旅行贴士(无广告)03. 说英语去旅行线上课程精解版本144节(价值699元)04. 每月一次线上同学会 05. 微信交友交流群06. 各地粉丝见面优先购票权申请方法:1. 加微信:guilvte ,回复文字:VIP2. 小助手微信:shoutbyher (注:VIP)3. 前50名报名赠送一张台湾宝岛寄出的明信片哦!(请留下详细地址)
4/19/20209 minutes, 40 seconds
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1078 只有你改变,你的世界才会变 | 旅行必备配件 13:透明小收容器

4/16/20207 minutes, 2 seconds
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1077 你一生的电影是长什么样子的? | 旅行必备配件 12:透明洗漱包

4/15/20208 minutes, 37 seconds
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4/15/202059 minutes, 59 seconds
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1076 不要对自己说不 | 旅行必备配件 11:药物分类盒

4/14/20208 minutes, 18 seconds
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4/14/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 50 seconds
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1075 瑞典人常说的Fika是什么意思? | 旅行必备配件 10:衣服折叠夹

4/13/202011 minutes, 18 seconds
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4/13/20201 hour, 9 minutes, 25 seconds
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1074 要骄傲但不要自大 | 旅行必备配件 9:充气的酒瓶保护袋

4/12/20207 minutes, 50 seconds
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4/10/202055 minutes, 32 seconds
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1073 用自己的方式美丽 | 旅行必备配件 8:密码锁

4/10/202014 minutes, 26 seconds
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4/9/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 18 seconds
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1072 爱上自己的蜕变 | 旅行必备配件7:防漏旅行瓶

4/8/20209 minutes, 33 seconds
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4/8/20201 hour, 7 minutes
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1071 这样绝对不容许! | 旅行必备配件 6 :装箱清单

4/7/202010 minutes, 14 seconds
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1. Clarity of mind 清楚的头脑2. Better health 更好的健康3. More freedom 更多自由4. Less stress 更少压力5. More time 更多时间6. self-confidence 自信7. Greater purpose 更多使命感8. Extra money 多余的钱9. Better relationships 更好的关系10. Lifetime memories 一辈子的回忆全文如下,加我公众微信号贵旅特(Guilvte)更多精彩~~The Benefits of Minimalism
4/7/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 31 seconds
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1070 不要把温柔视为软弱 | 旅行必备配件 5 :首饰盒

4/6/20207 minutes, 54 seconds
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1069 为什么我们活着会这么累 | 旅行必备配件 4 :打包方盒

4/5/202014 minutes, 47 seconds
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1069 为什么我们活着会这么累 | 旅行必备配件 4 :打包方盒

4/5/202014 minutes, 47 seconds
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4/5/202029 minutes, 4 seconds
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4/5/202029 minutes, 4 seconds
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4/5/202025 minutes, 3 seconds
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4/5/202025 minutes, 3 seconds
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4/5/20209 minutes, 4 seconds
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4/5/20209 minutes, 4 seconds
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4/4/20202 hours, 21 minutes, 34 seconds
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4/3/20203 hours, 10 minutes, 14 seconds
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1068 不再失去自己 | 旅行必备配件 3 :一条鲜艳的行李带

4/2/20208 minutes, 11 seconds
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4/2/20202 hours, 26 minutes, 15 seconds
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1067 你的梦想绝对不会背叛你 | 旅行必备配件 2 :一条鲜艳的行李带

4/1/202010 minutes, 14 seconds
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4/1/20202 hours, 31 minutes, 5 seconds
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1066 如何成为坚强的人?| 旅行必备配件 1 :行李秤

想看到本集的文本,可以加入我们的VIP订阅哦!你会获得:01. 每月至少获得20则VIP音频节目02. 优美的英语格言+英语旅行贴士(无广告)03. 学英语会员微信交友交流群04. 各地粉丝见面会优先购票权申请方法:1. 扫描二维码微店直接付款 留下微信号与邮箱2. 小助手微信:shoutbyher (注:VIP)现在加入可以获得Lily亲手寄出的明信片一张哦!
3/31/202012 minutes, 59 seconds
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1066 如何成为坚强的人?| 旅行必备配件 1 :行李秤

想看到本集的文本,可以加入我们的VIP订阅哦!你会获得:01. 每月至少获得20则VIP音频节目02. 优美的英语格言+英语旅行贴士(无广告)03. 学英语会员微信交友交流群04. 各地粉丝见面会优先购票权申请方法:1. 扫描二维码微店直接付款 留下微信号与邮箱2. 小助手微信:shoutbyher (注:VIP)现在加入可以获得Lily亲手寄出的明信片一张哦!
3/31/202012 minutes, 59 seconds
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1065 来和Daniel 玩拼字游戏 (下)

今日格言:You can’t force yourself to stop liking someone, but you can tell yourself that you deserve better and try to move on.你不能强迫自己不再喜欢某人,但你可以告诉自己,你应该得到更好的,并试着继续前进。 6. peaceful 宁静的7. laughter 笑声8. employee 雇员9. currency 货币10. audience 听众
3/31/202028 minutes, 23 seconds
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来自Dr. Wayne Dyer的文章:"How To Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt You: In 15 Steps"Step 1: Move On to the Next Act 了解人生像一场戏Step 2: Reconnect to Spirit 重新和性灵链接Step 3: Don’t Go to Sleep Angry 不要生气地去睡觉Step 4: Switch the Focus from Blaming Others to Understanding Yourself 转换焦点去了解自己Step 5: Avoid Telling People What to Do 不要告诉别人应该怎么做Step 6: Learn to Let Go and Be Like Water 让自己放手,学习像水流一样,不要抵抗Step 7: Take Responsibility for Your Part 为自己做不好的地方负责Step 8: Let Go of Resentments 释放怨恨Step 9: Be Kind Instead of Right 仁慈但不需要实事求是Step 10: Practice Giving 练习给予Step 11: Stop Looking for Occasions to Be Offended 不要看那些会冒犯你的事情Step 12: Don’t Live In the Past – Be Present 活在当下Step 13: Embrace Your Dark Times 拥抱黑暗时刻Step 14: Refrain from Judgement 不要批判Step 15: Send Love 送爱出去更多精彩/活动通知请关注公众微信:guilvte
3/30/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 45 seconds
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1064 跟Daniel一起来玩拼字(上)

今日格言:You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.你必须战胜一些糟糕的日子,才能赢得生命中最美好的日子。跟Daniel一起玩拼字1. fourteen 142. exciting 刺激的3. keyboard 键盘4. landlord 房东5. judgement 批判参加英语训练营,请到公众微信账号:guilvte,回复文字:训练营
3/30/202017 minutes, 18 seconds
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今天直播主题:如何一边旅行一边赚钱?更多惊喜!请加公众微信:guilvte  How to make money while traveling:1. Freelancing online 在网上接案子2. Language tuition 语言家教3. Teach other people your skills 教别人你的技能4. Make things to sell 做东西买别人5. Offer your services at hostels 去青旅提供你的服务6. Sell your photos 卖你的照片7. Street performances 街头表演8. Seasonal work 做季节性工作9. Dog sitting and walking 遛狗10. Surveys and market research 在网上做问卷-- 或是加入一个像是Lily加入的环球俱乐部可以在旅行的路上推广自己的旅行赚钱 -- 或是在网上架設自己的一个课程系统,贩售课程来获取收入加我微信:iflyclub,可以获得更多资讯!
3/29/20201 hour, 17 minutes, 26 seconds
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更多精采关注公众微信账号:guilvte,或网站:flywithlily.comSpeak, speak, speak!Be confident and speak as often as possible to as many people as you possibly can! Do not be shy to make mistakes! The more you practice the better and more confident you will become in your pronunciation and vocabulary. Remember, speaking is a skill like learning a musical instrument or new sport – the only way you can get good is to actually do it!Use technologyA smartphone can be a powerful tool for learning languages. Use it to record yourself speaking then listen back to see how your English sounds to other people. Make the most of all your favourite productivity apps to organise your practice time and make a note of all the new words you learn.ListenListen to news bulletins and songs in English to listen to the pronunciation of words. You can also learn new words and expressions this way. The more you listen, the more you learn! Try copying what you hear to practise your pronunciation and learn which words in a sentence are stressed.Read out loudRead the newspaper or a magazine out to yourself. You could even find a script for your favourite TV show and act it out! This is a great way to practise pronunciation because you only need to concentrate on making sure you English sounds great and don’t need to worry about sentence structure or grammar.Learn a new word every dayChoose a word you would like to work on and use practice it in different sentences. Use the word until you have learnt it and keep using it regularly.Watch filmsWatch movies in English and pay attention to new vocabulary and pronunciation. Imitate the actors and have fun with it.Make friendsMake friends with English speakers or others learning to speak English and compare notes. Talk about things that you have learnt and exchange ideas.Do interesting activities in EnglishTake a cooking course in English or join a book club! Anything you enjoy doing, make sure you do it and communicate it in English. Using English to talk about things you enjoy will make practising a positive experience.Have a debateDebate all the topics that interest you with friends in English. Try to use as much vocabulary as you can to get your point across and listen to the other arguments carefully so you can argue against them effectively.Use a dictionaryOnline dictionaries often have audio examples so you can check your pronunciation and there are lots of great dictionary apps that you can take everywhere with you on your smartphone. Make sure not to become too reliant on these tools, though. Have a go at saying the words first then check afterwards to see if you were right!So, with all these practice tips to choose from, which one are you going to try first?
3/28/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 45 seconds
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每天21:00在喜马拉雅上直播啰!直到疫情结束~更多精彩请关注微信:guilvte,或flywithlily.comPros of living abroad1. Personal growth2. Increased opportunities: Most people who live abroad have incredible stories to tell about all the things they've experienced.3. A better understanding of the world.4. A new set of challenges to look forward to and a better understanding of yourself and how you deal with those challenges.5. You'll be able to learn a second language.6. Employers value and appreciate employees that have experience working abroad.7. Financial benefits: You can save a lot of money living abroad.8. The opportunity to travel to multiple countries.9. You'll see and do new things that you never knew about while you were at home.10. It's exciting.11. You'll meet lots of new people and make new friends from all around the world.12. Freedom.Cons of living abroad1. You'll miss your family and friends.2. Your family and friends will worry about you.3. Culture shock can be overwhelming at times.4. Financial troubles: It's expensive to move abroad and get yourself set up.5. Regular activities like grocery shopping, banking, and going to the doctor can be extremely stressful.6. Family reunions and holidays can get very expensive.7. The cost and amount of paperwork you need to fill out to work abroad legally is frustrating.8. You'll miss holiday season back home.9. If you're older, you might have a hard time getting back into a career in your home country.10. Dealing with taxes in your home country.11. Dealing with illness or intolerances to local foods abroad.12. Not having access to foods or medicines that you're familiar with in your home country.
3/27/20201 hour, 22 minutes, 32 seconds
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1063 和我在一起混太久会有的后果! | 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 15 制定预算

3/26/202014 minutes, 1 second
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未来思考直播的话题:大家可以帮我看看!(后来决定再把主题调整为和学英语和旅行有关的话题)每晚21:00 直播直到疫情结束!
3/26/20201 hour, 1 minute, 53 seconds
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1062 不再容忍负面的影响 | 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 14 不在旅游景点附近吃饭

3/25/20208 minutes, 10 seconds
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今天分享的这个是我在Toastmaster的演讲文Just Do ItWhat is your dream?Do you dream to become richer, fitter, and more fulfilled in many aspects in your life?Or have you already lost the momentum to pursue what you want in your life? Do you want to know what to do to find the power back and become a bit closer to whatever you want in your life?I have a great solution and I’ve been using it for many years and it has helped me become richer, fitter, and more fulfilled in lots aspects of my life.Let’s follow Nike’s Slogan, “Just do it”, We know it’s a slogan from Nike, but I’m not here to promote the brand. But we all know that action speaks louder and I believe once you put into action into the things you want, you will be somehow closer to it.However, according to many people, fear is what’s holding them back. Although fear is actually protecting you but if you’re not taking any action, what you want won’t fall onto your lap. Tony Robbins said it right, fear represents false evidence appearing real. So what you’re scared of, 99% of the time won’t happen. So feel the fear and do it anyway.Some things have also helped me along the way, which is to understand that we all have one life and all of us have the same destiny which is we’re not going to get out of this life alive! Whenever you find fear has stopped you doing the things you want in your life. Just think about this, you might not have tomorrow!!I’ll share some of my personal experiences over the years to show how the actions have helped me get things that I want!I started podcasting and began doing business onlineI’ve always believed doing business online can set myself free. I found someone teaching podcasting and he has made a fortune in his biz, so I enrolled in his class and started podcasting. It was scary at first, but now I can’t imagine not podcasting. I also had a couple business opportunities coming to my way. I started to promote several companies and it has brought me financial fulfillment and travel opportunities. I left my cheating husband and find my own happinessI lost myself in my marriage and when I found out my husband was having an affair, I was very scared to leave because I was emotionally and financially dependent on him. I was living in serious depression for one year after finding out he had been cheating on me.  I was really glad one day that I found the courage and left the house and never went back again. Now I know I can be the source of my happiness and I don’t need a man to support me financially.I started to travel and do many activities that have scared meLast year was my craziest travel year of all the years I’ve travelled. I was in 22 different countries. It really scared me several times when I decided to visit Iceland, Peru and went on a train journey around Europe for two months. However, it was also the best experience I’ve ever had. Now with the pandemic going on over there, I’m so glad that I did it.To summarise, what are you waiting for? Buddha says the biggest problem we all have, is we think we have time. With coronavirus hitting our globe, and many countries are in critical situations, we should really list down what we want in this life and start making things happen. Just do it. 谢谢大家的参与,我们疫情期间,每晚8点和大家聊聊~疫情期间我们可以充实自己,疫情过后我们玩遍世界!
3/25/20201 hour, 25 minutes, 2 seconds
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1061 有一万个理由可以微笑 | 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 13 中午吃丰盛一点

3/24/20208 minutes, 28 seconds
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1060 最坚强的人关起门来哭 | 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 12 淡季旅行

3/23/202010 minutes, 38 seconds
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1060 最坚强的人关起门来哭 | 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 12 淡季旅行

3/23/202010 minutes, 38 seconds
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1059 对优秀的新定义 | 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 11 住一套公寓而不用住两个房间

3/22/202013 minutes, 38 seconds
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1058 要像女王一样思考 | 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 10 待在城市之外

3/19/20209 minutes, 39 seconds
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1058 要像女王一样思考 | 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 10 待在城市之外

3/19/20209 minutes, 39 seconds
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1057 为什么你不需要做有把握的事 | 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 9 飞行日期要灵活

3/18/202014 minutes, 17 seconds
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1057 为什么你不需要做有把握的事 | 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 9 飞行日期要灵活

3/18/202014 minutes, 17 seconds
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1056 你对“成功”的定义是什么呢?| 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 8 不要住最好的房间

3/17/202013 minutes, 41 seconds
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1055 找伴侣的基本原则 | 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 7 寻找城市旅游卡

3/16/202012 minutes, 30 seconds
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1054 生活把我们磨练成钻石 | 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 6 运用点数和里程数换免费旅行

3/15/202012 minutes, 23 seconds
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1053 阻碍你跟随梦想的原因是什么?| 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 5 外出携带水和零食

3/12/202014 minutes, 20 seconds
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1052 学好英语环境很重要吗? | 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 4 留意住宿的地点

3/11/202011 minutes, 28 seconds
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1051 通往成功的信念是什么? | 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 3 去当地市场买菜

3/10/202014 minutes
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1050 爱自己的起点 | 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 2: 预定可以煮饭的房间

3/9/202016 minutes, 55 seconds
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1050 爱自己的起点 | 旅行省钱贴士 NO. 2: 预定可以煮饭的房间

3/9/202016 minutes, 55 seconds
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1049 你恨TA吗?| 旅行省钱贴士 NO.1: 找免费的活动来省钱旅行!

3/8/202010 minutes, 58 seconds
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1049 你恨TA吗?| 旅行省钱贴士 NO.1: 找免费的活动来省钱旅行!

3/8/202010 minutes, 58 seconds
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1048 你羡慕别人的生活吗?| 最适合跟你的闺蜜一起去全球10大旅行地 Part 4

3/5/202011 minutes, 46 seconds
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1048 你羡慕别人的生活吗?| 最适合跟你的闺蜜一起去全球10大旅行地 Part 4

3/5/202011 minutes, 46 seconds
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1047 生气了怎么办?| 最适合跟你的闺蜜一起去全球10大旅行地 Part 3

3/4/202012 minutes, 22 seconds
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1047 生气了怎么办?| 最适合跟你的闺蜜一起去全球10大旅行地 Part 3

3/4/202012 minutes, 22 seconds
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1046 迎接困顿过后的礼物 | 最适合跟你的闺蜜一起去全球10大旅行地 Part 2

3/3/202013 minutes, 10 seconds
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1045 不要怀疑就是你| 最适合跟你的闺蜜一起去全球10大旅行地 Part 1

3/2/202010 minutes, 48 seconds
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1044 真正的力量来自哪里 | 等熬过了这段日子,我们一起去完成50件事吧?Part 5

2/29/20209 minutes, 26 seconds
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1043 如何面对命运的捉弄 | 等熬过了这段日子,我们一起去完成50件事吧?Part 4

2/27/202010 minutes, 52 seconds
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1042 用你的脚步来丈量世界 | 等熬过了这段日子,我们一起去完成50件事吧?Part 3

2/26/202010 minutes, 28 seconds
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1041 学英语是不是很难 | 等熬过了这段日子,我们一起去完成50件事吧?Part 2

2/25/202012 minutes, 42 seconds
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1040 事情一定会变好的 | 等熬过了这段日子,我们一起去完成50件事吧?Part 1

2/24/202012 minutes, 4 seconds
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1039 没有退路,才有出路

2/23/202011 minutes, 4 seconds
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1038 学好英语之后会发生什么事情?

2/20/202011 minutes, 42 seconds
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1037 做了这件事,后果可能不堪设想

2/19/202011 minutes, 24 seconds
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1036 怎么过上不后悔的人生

2/18/20209 minutes, 22 seconds
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1035 生命要有取舍

2/17/20209 minutes, 31 seconds
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1034 不要害怕从头再来

2/16/202010 minutes, 43 seconds
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1033 情人节快乐!给自己的一封情书

2/13/202010 minutes, 54 seconds
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1033 情人节快乐!给自己的一封情书

2/13/202010 minutes, 54 seconds
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1032 如何梦想成真

2/12/202010 minutes, 11 seconds
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1032 如何梦想成真

2/12/202010 minutes, 11 seconds
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1031 每当想到人生,请记住这两件事

2/11/202011 minutes, 13 seconds
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1031 每当想到人生,请记住这两件事

2/11/202011 minutes, 13 seconds
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1030 希望有一天我可以诚实地说:我做到了!

2/10/202011 minutes, 37 seconds
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1030 希望有一天我可以诚实地说:我做到了!

2/10/202011 minutes, 37 seconds
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1029 每当你想要放弃,就想想这件事!

2/9/20209 minutes, 59 seconds
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1029 每当你想要放弃,就想想这件事!

2/9/20209 minutes, 59 seconds
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1028 学英语想放弃的时候请用这三招

2/6/202010 minutes, 24 seconds
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1028 学英语想放弃的时候请用这三招

2/6/202010 minutes, 24 seconds
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1027 跌倒了爬起来,受伤了也会痊愈,我们一定可以克服难关的!

2/5/202011 minutes
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1027 跌倒了爬起来,受伤了也会痊愈,我们一定可以克服难关的!

2/5/202011 minutes
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1026 学习放下

2/4/202012 minutes, 37 seconds
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1025 你一定可以

2/3/202013 minutes, 1 second
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1024 用英语说如何预防新型冠状病毒

2/2/202015 minutes, 2 seconds
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1023 如何摆脱自己身上的痛苦经历?

1/30/202012 minutes, 28 seconds
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1022 活着最棒的事是什么?| 快闪美丽奢华的摩洛哥的五分钟代价

1/29/202011 minutes, 44 seconds
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1021 2020要记住的几件事 | 如何学好英语

1/28/202014 minutes, 6 seconds
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1020 要相信自己一定行 | 遇见环游世界的单亲妈妈

1/27/202014 minutes, 10 seconds
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1019 你觉得你没有什么影响力吗?| 在机场借我两千泰铢的人

1/26/202011 minutes, 13 seconds
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1018 梦想不要只是谈论它

1/24/202014 minutes, 39 seconds
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1017 犯错了,不要停滞不前,前方的美景在等你

1/6/202018 minutes, 7 seconds
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1016 你经历的痛苦和努力都没有白费

1/5/202014 minutes, 34 seconds
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1015 这里有个2020年要给你的提醒

Here is a reminder for you in 2020.Don't chase anyone.Don’t beg someone to stay.Know your worth.Save space for people who matter.Accept what cannot be changed.Leave what isn’t for you.Love yourself.这里有个2020年要给你的提醒。不要追任何人不要求别人留下来。了解自己的价值。给有关紧要的人们留些位置。接受不能被改变的。离开不属于你的人事物。爱自己。Happy New Year, Goodbye 2019, Hello 20202019年的最后一天,回顾一整年:忙事业,收获不错忙环球,去了22个国家旅行忙恋爱,花时间专心了解一个人忙家庭,回出生的地方和爱的人在一起忙友谊,新朋友成了知己,旧朋友回归2020年,只想不忙了,随心所欲。爱自己、爱家人、读书、写作、弹琴、再加上一点说走就走的小旅行就可以。 - end - 「贵旅特」就是热爱生命并且用实际行动去改变自己的一群人。「学英语环游世界」是我们的电台节目「Fly with Lily」是口号和Lily一起学英语环游世界去!
1/1/202014 minutes, 56 seconds
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Lesson 24.6 认识全世界的朋友

Lesson 24.6 认识全世界的朋友David:Hi, Could you tell me how to get to the Summer Palace?Sherry:Sorry, I'm not from here.David:Thanks anyway.Sherry:Not at all. I'm heading to the Summer Palace too. Do you want to go together?David:Sure, I like making friends. My name is David. Nice to meet you.Sherry:I'm Jerry. Nice to meet you, too.David:All right, Sherry. Let's go.David:你好,请问颐和园怎么走?Sherry:不好意思,我也是刚到这儿的。David:谢谢。Sherry:不客气,我也要去颐和园。一起走吧?David:好,我喜欢交朋友。我叫大卫,很高兴认识你。Sherry:我叫杰瑞,我也很高兴认识你。David:嘿,Sherry,走吧。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/27/20194 minutes, 3 seconds
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Lesson 23.6 At the hospital 在医院

Lesson 23.6 At the hospitalA: Have you got anything for diarrhea?B: Yes, here you are. These tablets are very effective.A: How should I take this medicine?B: Take two tablets every six hours.A: I see. I’ll follow your instruction.B: And take a good rest for a few days.A: Thank you!A:你们有治拉肚子的药吗?B:有,在这儿。这些药片非常的有效。A:我应该怎么吃这个药呢?B:每六小时吃两片药片。A:了解了,我会按照你的指示。B:然后好好地休息几天。A:谢谢你!跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/26/20191 minute, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lesson 22.6 Making Telephone Calls 打电话

Lesson 22.6 Making Telephone CallsA: Good afternoon, Sales Department. May I help you?B: Could I speak to Mr. Bush, please?A: I’ll see if he is available. Who shall I say is calling, please?B: John Smith.A: Hold the line, please. Mr. Bush is in a meeting with the Managing Director at the moment, I’m afraid. Can I help you?B: Well, I want to discuss with him the new contract we signed last week.A: I don’t think the meeting will go on much longer. Shall I ask him to call you when heis free?B: Yes, that would be easiest.A: Could I have your name again, please?B: Yes. It’s John Smith.A: 下午好,销售部,我能帮你什么忙吗?B:可以和Bush先生说话吗?A: 我要看一看他是否在。请问我得告诉他谁打来的?B: John Smith.A:请别挂机,Bush先生正在和总经理开会,我可以帮你忙吗?B: 好的,我想跟他讨论一下我们上星期签订的合同。A: 我想会议不会开得太久,我让他有空给你打电话,好吗?B: 是的,那样最好了。A: 请再一次告诉我你的姓名,好吗?B: 好的,我叫John Smith。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/25/20193 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lesson 21.6 Taking Pictures 拍照

Lesson 21.6 Taking PicturesA: Excuse me, something is wrong with my camera.B: Let me have a look. What’s wrong?A: I can’t release the shutter.B: OK. I see. We need to send back to the office. It will take three days to come back.A: How much do I have to pay for the repair?B: Let me check. Oh, your camera is still under warranty, so you might just need to pay for the new parts for the camera, if were place any.A: That’s great.A:不好意思,我的相机有点儿问题。B: 让我看一下。怎么啦?A:我的快门好像坏了。(按不了)B:理解。我们要送回去办公室。要三天才能回来。A:维修要多少钱?B:我来看看。你的相机仍在保固期间。如果我们有换零件的话,你只要为相机的新零件付费。A:太棒了!跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/24/20192 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lesson 20.6 At the post office

Lesson 20.6 At the post office 在邮局A: Good morning, I want to send this parcel to Canada.B: Airmail or surface mail?A: How long would surface mail take, compared to airmail?B: Oh anything up to 3 or 4 months for surface mail.It depends on the sailing of the ships. Airmail would only take 1 to 2 weeks.A: How much would this parcel cost me by airmail?B: Just let me weigh it for you. That’s 2 lb. and 6oz. That’ll be 10 pounds.A: Thanks. That’ll be OK.A:早,我想寄这个包裹到加拿大。B:航空邮件还是普通邮件?A:和航空邮件相比,普通邮件需要花多久的时间?B:嗯,普通邮件需要3~4个月,视船的航行情况而定。航空邮件只要花1~2周的时间。A:这个包裹的航空邮费是多少?B:我来帮你称一下重量,2磅6盎司。需要10英镑。A:谢谢。这样就可以。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/23/20193 minutes, 9 seconds
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Lesson 19.6 Prices and Discounts 折扣

Lesson 19.6 Prices and DiscountsA: Could you show me the dress on the model?B: Here you are. We have three different colors:White, blue and pink.A: What’s the price?B: $50A: Can you make it any cheaper?B: It’s made of wool. In other stores you might get it for$80.A: I’ll take it if you give me a discount.B: $48. That’s the best I can do.A: Ok. I’ll take the blue one.A:你可以给我看看在模特儿身上的那件连衣裙吗?B:在这里。我们有三种不同的颜色:白色,蓝色,和粉色。A:价钱多少呢?B:50元。A:你可以给我便宜一点吗?B:这是羊毛做的。在别的店你可能要80元才能买到。A:你给我点折扣我就买。B:48元。不能再低了。A:好的,我要买蓝色的。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/23/20192 minutes, 53 seconds
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Lesson 18.6 At the restaurant 在餐厅里

Lesson 18.6 At the restaurant1. Will you recommend some French dishes?2. Could you fix me something light?3. Do you have vegetarian dishes?4. Do you have set meals?5. What is the difference between this and this?6. What did they order? I would like to order the same thing.7. I’ll have this and this.8. Would you like an appetizer?9. What’s the soup of the day?10. I’d like a bowl of tomato soup, please.11. I think I’ll have a vegetable salad.12. What kind of dressing do you want on your salad?1. 你可以推荐下法国菜吗?2. 你可以给我来点轻食吗?3. 你们有素食餐吗?4. 你们有套餐吗?5. 这个和那个有什么不同?6. 他们点了什么?我想要和他们点一样的。7. 我要这个和这个。8. 你先要来点前菜吗?9. 今日汤是什么呢?10. 我想要来碗番茄汤。11. 我要来份素菜沙拉。12. 你先要什么样的沙拉酱?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/20/20193 minutes, 4 seconds
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Lesson 17.6 Shopping for cosmetics 买化妆品

Lesson 17.6 Shopping for cosmeticsA: May I help you?B: Do you have the latest eyeshadow from Shisedo?A: Yes, What colors do you like? Any special colors?How about this one?B: Can I try it on and see how it looks?A: Of course. This product moisturizes at the sametime.B: Looks good. I’ll take it.A: 我可以帮你吗?B:你有资生堂的最新眼影吗?A:有的。你喜欢什么颜色的?有特定的颜色吗?这个怎么样呢?B:我可以试用看看然后看起来怎么样再决定。A:当然。这个产品会同时滋润你的眼部。B:看起来不错。我买了。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/19/20192 minutes
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Lesson 16.6 Shopping for Jewelry 买珠宝

Lesson 16.6 Shopping for Jewelry A: Good evening, miss. Do you want me to show you anything?晚上好,小姐。要我拿点什么给您看看吗?B: Yes. I'm looking for a diamond ring.是的,我想买一个钻石戒指。A: What kind do you have in mind?您想买什么样的?B: I'm not so sure. Do you have some good recommendations?我还拿不定,你有什么好的介绍。A: Just a moment, how about this one. you may try it on.请稍候,这个怎么样,您不妨戴上试一试。B: Thank you. This fits me perfectly. l'll take it.谢谢,这个非常适合,我买了。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/18/20191 minute, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lesson 15.6 Shopping for clothes 买衣服

Lesson 15.6 Shopping for clothesA: Hello! Can I help you? 你好!需要我帮忙吗?B: Well, I am looking for some winter clothes for my fiancée.嗯,我想帮我的未婚妻买件冬衣。A:Oh, it's the high time for you purchasing in our clothes shop. We are now having a preseason sale on all our winter apparel. 噢,现在在我们店里买衣服正是时候。现在我们的正在进行冬衣的季节性促销。A: Really? What's that? 真的吗?怎么促销?B: Every thing for winter is 20% off. 冬衣全都打八折。A: I think my fiancée may favor the sweater in the shop window. Would you like to help me look for any skirts that go with this sweater? 我想我的未婚妻会喜欢商店橱窗的那件羊毛衫的。你能帮我挑一条和这件羊毛衫相搭配的裙子吗?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/17/20192 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lesson 14.6 Shopping 购物

Lesson 14.6 ShoppingA: May I help you?B: Is this the right counter for gloves?A: Yes, madam.. What sort of gloves do you want?B: Well, let me see some of each.A: Certainly. What size do you take?B: Six and a quarter, I believe, but you’d better measure my hand to make sure.A: I think a six is your size. How do you like these? I can recommend them, they are very reliable.B: Very well, I’ll take these two.A: 我可以帮你吗?B:这是手套的柜台吗?A:是的女士,你要找什么样的手套呢?B:嗯,让我都看看一些吧。A:好的,你的尺寸是?B:我想是,六又四分之一,不过你最好再量下我的手确认下。A:我认为你是六号尺码,你喜欢这双吗?我很推荐,而且很耐穿的。B:好,让我就买这两只。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/16/20192 minutes, 36 seconds
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Lesson 13.6 Fast food 快餐店

Lesson 13.6 Fast foodA:Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you?B:I’d like a beef-burger, a French fries and a milkshake, please.A:What flavor would you prefer, sir?B:I’m not quitesure. What do you have?A:We have strawberry, chocolate, vanilla and banana.B:Very well. I’ll try the banana flavor.A:Anything else, sir?B:No, thanks. That will be all.A:下午好,先生。我可以帮你吗?B:我想要一个牛肉汉堡,一份薯条,和一个奶昔。A:你偏好什么口味?B:不是太确定。你们有什么口味?A:我有草莓、巧克力、香草还有香蕉。B:很好。我要试试香蕉口味。A:还需要其他什么吗?B:不了,谢谢。就这样。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/15/20192 minutes, 26 seconds
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Lesson 12.6 In the Restaurant 在餐厅

Lesson 12.6 In the RestaurantA:Waitress, can I have the bill, please?B:Yes, sir. How would you like to pay the bill, sir?A:Do you accept credit cards?B:Yes, sir. But we only accept American Express, Mastercard and Visa. What kind do you have?A:Master card. Here you go.B:Wait a moment, please.A:服务生,可以给我账单吗?B:是的,你要怎么买单吗?A:你接受信用卡吗?B:是的,但是我们只接受美国运通,万事达卡和维萨。你是用哪一种的?A:万事达卡,在这里。B:请稍等。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/13/20191 minute, 52 seconds
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Lesson 11.6 At the Hotel Room 在客房

Lesson 11.6 At the Hotel RoomA: Is this the front desk?B: Yes, sir. What can I do for you?A: This is Room 705. The air conditioner in my room doesn’t work.B: I’ll have that taken care of immediately.A: And may I have two more towels, please?B: No problem. We’ll bring you the towels in just a minute.A: 这里是前台吗?B: 是的,先生。我可以帮你吗?A: 这是705号房。房间里的空调坏了。B: 我马上去处理。A: 还有我可以要多两条毛巾吗?B: 没问题,我们一会儿就送毛巾过来。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/12/20192 minutes
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Lesson 10.6 Checking in 入住

Lesson 10.6 Checking inA: Good afternoon. May I help you?B: Yes. I made a reservation and I’d like to check in.A: Your name, please?B: Steve Johnson.A: Oh yes. A double room for two nights. Is that correct?B: Yes it is.A: Would you please fill out this registration card?B: No problem.A:下午好,需要帮助吗?B:我有一个预约,我想要登记入住。A: 好的,你的名字是?B:Steve Johnson.A: 是的.你有一个双人房预定两晚。是吗?B:是的。A:可以麻烦你填下登记卡吗?B:没问题。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/11/20193 minutes, 2 seconds
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Lesson 9.6 At the Gas Station 在加油站

Lesson 9.6 At the Gas Station1、车子的油用完了,去加油站加油会用到什么样的表达呢?A:How much gas would you like, sir?您想加多少油,先生?B:93#, 20 liters. Here's the money.九十三号的,二十升。给你钱。A:Ok, wait a moment please…Your gas has been filled,sir. And here's your change.好的,请稍等……油已经加好了,先生。这是找您的零钱。B:Thank you. Bye!谢谢,再见!2、车子没油了,去哪里加油该如何表达呢?A:Our car is running out of gas.车快没油了。B:Is there a gas station nearby?附近有加油站吗?A:There is one over there.那边有一个。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/10/20192 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lesson 8.6 Find the way 找路

Lesson 8.6 Find the wayA: Good morning, madam. I think I’m lost here. The place I want to go to is a hotel called the Hilton.B: Do you know in which area?A: No, I am sorry I have no idea. I am a stranger here.B: I see. Well, do you know anything near the hotel?A Oh, yes. My friend told me the hotel was near the central Railway station.B: Then you’ll have to take a bus and get off at the Central Railway station.A:Can you show me where the Central Railway station is on the map?A:早安,女士,我想我迷路了,我想要去的酒店叫希尔顿。B:你知道在哪个区域吗?A:抱歉我不知道,我对这里不熟悉。B:理解,嗯,你知道酒店附近有什么吗?A:对了,我朋友说附近有中央车站。B:那么你必须搭公车到中央车站下车。A:你能告诉我中央车站在地图上哪里吗?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/9/20193 minutes, 26 seconds
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Lesson 7.6 Renting a Car 租车

Lesson 7.6 Renting a CarA: The car isn’t running smoothly. I’d like to have a look at it.B: What's the matter with it?A: I’m not sure. It could be the tires. Let’s stop here.B: How about the tires?A: Nothing serious. The right one needs some air.A: 车跑得不是很顺。我想要看下。B:怎么啦?A:我不是很确定。可能是轮胎。我们在这停吧。B:轮胎怎么了?A:没什么,右边的需要充下气。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/8/20191 minute, 52 seconds
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Lesson 6.6 Travel by Train 搭火车

Lesson 6.6 Travel by TrainA: Good morning. Could you tell me the time of train to London, please??B: Yes, there are trains at 7:59, 9:18, and 10:32.A: What time does the 7:59 train get to London?B: At 9:36.A: What about coming back? I’d like to come back at about 7 pm.B: There’s one at 7:10pm and the next one is at 7:40 pmA: Mmm, how much is a return ticket?B: If you get on before 4pm or after 6pm,there’s a saver return which is 9 pounds. An ordinary return is 16 pounds.A: An ordinary return, please.A:早安,你可以告诉我去伦敦的火车时刻吗?B:好的,有7:59, 9:18,还有10:32。A:7:59分的火车几点到伦敦呢?B:9:36A:那么回来的时间呢?我想要在大约晚上七点回来。B:有7:10和7:40晚上回来的车。A:嗯,来回票多少钱?B:如果你4点前或六点后上车,有一个打折的车票是9镑,普通来回是16镑。A:请给我普通来回票。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
12/6/20193 minutes, 49 seconds
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Lesson 5.6 Take a Taxi 搭出租车

Lesson 5.6 Take a TaxiDriver: Where to, madam?Me: To this place, please.Driver: Star Hotel. OK.Me: How long does it take to get to the hotel?Driver: About 20 minutes.(20 minutes later)Driver: Here’s the hotel.Me: How much is the fare?Driver: That’s 10 dollars.司机:去哪,小姐?我:请到这个地方。司机:星星酒店,好的。我:多久到酒店?司机:大概20分钟。(20分钟之后)司机:酒店到了。我:多少钱?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
12/5/20191 minute, 47 seconds
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Lesson 4.6 Money Exchange 换钱

Lesson 4.6 Money ExchangeBank clerk: Good Morning, sir. What can I do for you?Terry: Yes, I'd like to change Australian dollars for RMB.Bank clerk: How much do you want to change?Terry: I am not sure. What's the rate today?Bank clerk: It's 1 Australian dollar to 6.1 Yuan RMB.Terry: What was the rate yesterday?Bank clerk: The rate was 1 Australia dollar to 6.5Yuan yesterday.Terry: Oh, the rate goes down.Bank clerk: It does, sir. Do you still want to have it changed now?Terry: Let me think… Will the rate still godown tomorrow?Bank clerk: I don't know, sir. But it won't change much.Terry: Well, I want to change 1000 Australian dollars for RMB.Bank clerk: Okay. Please sign here in this form.Terry: OK.Bank clerk: Here is the 6,100 RMB.Terry: Thank you very much.听看学银行职员:早上好,先生。请问有什么可以帮助您?泰瑞:是的,我想把澳元换成人民币。银行职员:您想换多少?泰瑞:我不敢肯定。今天的汇率是多少?银行职员:1澳元兑6.1元人民币。泰瑞:那昨天的汇率呢?银行职员:是1澳元兑6.5元人民币。泰瑞:哦,汇率跌了。银行职员:是的,先生。您还想换吗?泰瑞:我想想……汇率明天还会跌吗?银行职员:我不知道,先生。但不会有太大变化。泰瑞:嗯,我想换1000澳元。银行职员:好的。请在这张表格上签个名。泰瑞:好的。银行职员:这是你的6100元人民币。泰瑞:谢谢。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
12/4/20195 minutes, 20 seconds
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Lesson 3.6 Arrival / Transit 抵达 / 中转

Lesson 3.6 Arrival / TransitMe: Hello sir. Here’s my passport.我:先生你好。这是我的护照。Customs Officer: What is your purpose of visit?海关人员:你这次来的目的是什么?Me: Sightseeing.我:来观光的。Customs Officer: How long are you staying?海关人员:打算待几天呢?Me: Nine days.我:9天。Customs Officer: Where are you staying?你待在哪里?Me: At my friend’s apartment. Here’s his address.在我朋友的公寓。这是他的地址。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
12/3/20192 minutes, 23 seconds
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Lesson 2.6 On the Plane 在飞机上

Lesson 2.6 On the Plane状况一 Situation 1 机上点餐Order on the PlaneFlight attendant: What would you like for lunch?空服员:午餐想吃什么?Me: What do you have?我:你们有什么?Flight attendant: We have beef with rice and fish with noodles.空服员:我们有牛肉饭还有鱼面。Me: Fish with noodles, please.我:请给我鱼面。Flight attendant: What would you like to drink?空服员:你想喝什么?Me: Orange juice, please.我:请给我柳橙汁。状况二 Situation 2 好冷 Feeling ColdMe: I feel a bit cold. Can I have an extra blanket?我:我有点冷。可以再给我一条毛毯吗?Flight attendant: Yes, madam. Here you go.空服员:好的,女士。这里。Me: Thank you. Can I also have some water?我:谢谢。可以给我水吗?Flight attendant: Of course. I’ll be right back.空服员:当然。马上过来。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
12/2/20192 minutes, 42 seconds
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Lesson 1.6:在机场 At the Airport

Lesson 1.6:在机场 At the Airport状况二Situation 1:办理登机手续Check in状况二 Situation 2: 在安全检查处 At the SecurityCheckTSA: Do you have any liquids, laptop computers or ipads in your bag?安检人员:你有任何液体、手提电脑、或者平板电脑在你的包包里吗?Me: Yes, I have a laptop.我:是,我有一个手提电脑。TSA: Please remove it and put it in a separate tray.安检人员: 请你把它拿出来放在单独的盘子里。Me: Okay.我:好的。TSA: Any keys, wallet or mobile phones in your pockets?安检人员:有钥匙,皮夹或手机在你口袋吗?Me: No, I’ve put them in my bag already.我:没有,我已经放在我的包包里。TSA: Okay, please step through the security gate.安检人员: 好的,请走过安检门。(BEEP)TSA: Madam, please step over here… Could you lift your arms up…turn around please.安检人员: 女士,请走过来这,你可以把你的手举高吗? ...请转身(BEEP)TSA: It’s your belt. Could you take it off and put it through the x-ray again.安检人员:是你的皮带。 你可以把他脱掉,并且再过一次安检的机器。Me: Okay.我:好的。TSA: Please step through the security gate again.安检人员:请再一次通过安检门。(NO BEEP)TSA: Alright, no problem. Please collect your bags,have a nice day.安检人员:好的,没问题了。请拿好你的包包,祝你有个美好的一天。Me: Thank you!我:谢谢!跟Lily一起说英语去旅行的训练营即将开营啰!有144节线上课程,针对24个不同的旅游场景循环加深强度,课后你还可以缴交自己的录音还有老师亲自帮助你纠正不好的发音,让你立即开口说英语,在家学习也好像在世界各地游走!现在报名到公众微信帐号guilvte或是Line ID:flywithlily,回覆训练营,跟我们一起学英语环游世界去!
12/1/20193 minutes, 40 seconds
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Lesson 24.5 认识全世界的朋友

Lesson 24.5 认识全世界的朋友A:Hey Michelle, this is my friend James. He' s visitingShanghai from New York.米歇尔,这是我的朋友,詹姆斯。他从纽约来上海玩。B:Oh, hi James. Nice to meet you. So, uh, are youvisiting for business or pleasure?哦,詹姆斯你好。很高兴见到你。那你来这儿是办公还是游玩的?C:Well, actually a little of both. I' m meeting somebusiness contacts but I' m also taking some Mandarin classes too.嗯,事实上两个目的兼有。我来处理一些生意上的事,同时我还报了普通话班打算学一学。B:That' s cool! How' s it going?酷!现在进行得怎么样了?C:Well, I' m finding the classes pretty tough actually,but I' m having a great time in Shanghai. It' s really an amazing city.嗯,事实上我发现,学习的内容比较难,但是我在上海的时间很充裕。上海真的是很了不起的城市。B:It sure is. Are you staying for long?当然。你要在这儿待很久吗?C:Only two weeks unfortunately. I wish I could staylonger but.有点遗憾的说,只有两个星期。我多希望我可以待的时间更久一点。B:Well listen, if you need someone to show you thesights then just call me. I' m having a little get-together at my new apartmentnext week so if you want to drop by then.如果你想游玩,需要一个人给你当向导就打电话给我。下周在我的新公寓有个小聚会。如果那时你有时间,可以过来玩玩。C:That sounds great. I' d love to! Let me take down yournumber,Michelle.听起来不错,我想我会去的!米歇尔,能告诉我你的手机号吗?
11/27/20193 minutes, 7 seconds
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Lesson 23.5 At the hospital 在医院

Lesson 23.5 At the hospital1.  I’ve been sickfor ten days.我已经病了10天。2.I’ve had a bad headache for three days.我的头已经痛了10天。3.Colds are going around these days.最近感冒在流行。4.The flu is going around. Do you have a fever andnausea, too?感冒正在流行。你有发烧及恶心的症状吗?5.Now show me your tongue and say “Ah.”让我看看你的舌头,说“啊”。6.Let me feel your pulse.我来量一下你的脉搏7.The nurse will take your blood pressure.护士会帮你量血压。8.I need to take your temperature.我要量一下你的体温。9.Lie down and I’ll give you a thorough examination.躺下来,我给你作全身检查。10.You’d better take an X-ray and find out what’s wrong.你最好照张X光片,看看是哪里有问题。11.You’ll take a blood test.你要去验血。12.I’ll give you an injection.我给你打一针。
11/26/20192 minutes, 49 seconds
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Lesson 22.5 Making Telephone Calls 打电话

Lesson 22.5 Making Telephone CallsA: Hello, it’s Shirley from the marketing department.How can I help you?B: This is Adele speaking. May I speak to David,please?A: Could you hold on, please? I’ll see if he’s in.B: Thank you.A: David is occupied now. Would you like to leave amessage?B: Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t hear you. Could yourepeat that, please?A: David is not here right now. Can I take a message?B: Would you ask him to call me back?A: Certainly.B: Thank you.A: 喂,我是行销组的雪莉,请问有什麽事?B: 我是爱黛儿,我想找大卫。A: 你稍等一下,我帮你看看他在不在。B: 好的,谢谢!A: 大卫现在在忙,需要帮你留言吗?B: 不好意思,我听不清楚,请你再说一次。A: 大卫现在不在位置上,需要帮你留言吗?B: 那请他回拨给我好了。A: 好的。B: 谢谢!
11/25/20192 minutes, 45 seconds
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Lesson 21.5 Taking Pictures 照相

Lesson 21.5 Taking PicturesA:Excuse me, could you take a picture of us?B:No problem.A:Just press here. Give us the lake for the background,please.B:Say “Cheese.”A:Cheese.B:Here is your camera. Look at the pictures and see ifthose are OK.A:They look fantastic. Thank you very much for yourhelp!A:不好意思,你可以帮我拍张照吗?B:没问题。A:按这里就可以了。我们要以湖为背景。B:笑一个。A:(笑)B:你的相机在这。看看照片可不可以。A:它们看起来美极了,非常谢谢你的帮忙。
11/24/20191 minute, 54 seconds
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Lesson 20.5 At the post office 在邮局

Lesson 20.5 At the post office1.            Do you want itinsured?你的邮件要保险吗?2.        Youshould insure your packages against loss and damage.你的邮包应该要保险,以免遗失或损坏。3.            What are theinsurance rates?4.            保险费率是多少?5.            That all dependson the value.6.            那得视价值而定。5.        Theinsurance is 50 cents. 保险费是50美分。6.        Howmuch do I need for these letters?寄这些信要多少钱?7.            That comes to 15dollars, please. 一共是15美元。8.            You should buy a20-cent stamp. 你应该买一张20美分的邮票。9.        Can Isend these books as printed matter? 这些书我可以以印刷品邮寄吗?10.      It’sprinted matter.  这是印刷品。11.      Thisrate for printed matter is cheaper.印刷品的邮资比较便宜。
11/22/20192 minutes, 34 seconds
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Lesson 19.5 Prices and Discounts 打折讲价

Lesson 19.5 Prices and Discounts1.   Is 20% off OK? 打8折好吗?2.   How about 40dollars? 40美元好不好?3.   Can you sell itfor 10 dollars? 这个10美元卖不卖?4.   My last price is20 dollars. 我最多只肯出20美元。5.   Is that your bestprice? 你最低只能出这个价钱吗?6.   That’s the best Ican do. 我不能再降了。7.   This is thelowest possible price. 这已经是可能的最低价格了。8.   I’m afraid thoseare the best terms we can offer.恐怕这些已经是我们做能提供的最优惠条件了。9.   It’s cheap.很便宜的。10.Theprice is not bad. 这价格不贵。11.Ithink these prices are quite reasonable. 我觉得这价格很公道。12.Ourprices are no more expensive than others. You’ll find our prices arecompetitive. 您会发现我们的价格绝对不会比别家贵。
11/21/20192 minutes, 51 seconds
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Lesson 18.5 在商场购物 Buying Grocery

Lesson 18.5 在商场购物Buying Grocery1.   The fish here isvery delicious. 这里的鱼非常美味。2.   These are thebest of our restaurant. 这些是我们餐馆的招牌菜。3.   What’s thespecialty of this place? 这里的招牌菜是什么?4.   I’d like to havesome local specialties. 我想吃一些有地方特色的菜。5.   This place isnoted for steaks. 这里以牛排闻名。6.   What’s today’sspecial? 今天的特价餐是什么?7.   What do you havetoday for supper? 今天晚餐你们供应什么菜色?8.   We have all kindsof Western food at your choice. 我们有各式西餐供您挑选。9.   What can beserved very quickly? I have only 30 minutes. 哪一种上菜比较快?我只有三十分钟。10.Arethere any foods you don’t like to eat? 有没有您不吃的食物?11.I’mallergic to seafood. 我对海鲜过敏。12.Doyou have typical Chinese food? 你们有地道的中国菜吗?
11/20/20193 minutes, 5 seconds
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Lesson 17.5 Shopping for cosmetics 买化妆品

Lesson 17.5 Shopping for cosmeticsA: May I help you?B: Yes, I’m looking for some perfume. Do you have  perfumes with a light scent?A: How about this one? It smells like green tea and isour best seller. Try it.B: It does smell good. How much is it?A: It goes for $40.B: OK. I’ll take this one.A: Would you like to buy our lotion? It’s on sale.B: I’ll take two bottles of lotion.A:有什么可以为您服务的吗?B:我想买香水,你们有没有清淡一点的?A:这瓶怎么样?它是绿茶的味道,卖的非常好。你可以试用看看。B:真的不错。这是多少钱?A:40美元。B:好,那我就买这一瓶。A:你要不要买我们的乳液,在特价哦。B:好,那我就买两瓶。
11/19/20192 minutes, 36 seconds
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Lesson 16.5 Shopping for Jewelry 买珠宝

Lesson 16.5 Shopping for JewelryA: Would you please show me the earrings in thewindow?B: Are those the ones you want?A: No, the ones next to them.B: Here you are.A: Thanks. What kind of stones are they?B: They’re crystal. They are from South Africa. Wouldyou like to try them on ?A: Yes, please. How much are they?B: It’s $150.A: They look beautiful. OK. I’ll take them.A:请拿橱窗里那耳环给我看一下好吗?B:这一对吗?A:不是,旁边那对。B:这是您要看的耳环。A:谢谢。这是什么宝石?B:这是南非的水晶。要不要试戴看看?A:好。请问它们多少钱?B:150美元。A:很好看,那我就买下了。
11/18/20192 minutes, 22 seconds
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Lesson 15.5: 买衣服 Shopping for clothes

Lesson 15.5 Shopping for clothes1.   That looks a bittoo plain. 那个看起来太朴素了。2.   This looks to mea little old-fashioned. 这个款式看起来比较旧一点。3.   I’d likesomething not too fashionable. 我想买不太时髦的。4.   Could I see someof the new styles, please? 可以看一下新的款式吗?5.   It’s the verylatest fashion. 这是最新的样式。6.   It’s of goodquality. 这是优质品。7.   It’s the bestquality hat, and our own make. 帽子的布料是最好的,而且是本店自制的。8.   Will it wearwell, and won’t the color fade? 耐穿吗?不会褪色吗?9.   Is it washable? 耐洗吗?10.CanI wash it in a washing machine? 这件衣服可以用洗衣机下吗?11.Itneeds to be hand-washed. 必须要用手洗。12.Willit shrink? 会不会缩水呢?
11/17/20192 minutes, 47 seconds
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Lesson 14.5: 购物 Shopping

Lesson 14.5 Shopping1.   I have no idea.Which one would you recommend? 我拿不定主意,你会推荐哪一种?2.   Can you give mesome suggestions? 可以给我一些建议吗?3.   I don’t think I’lltake any today. 我今天先不买了。4.   I’ll think aboutit. Thank you. 我再考虑看看,谢谢。5.   None of these fitme. 这些没有一个适合我。6.   That isn’t quitewhat I want. 那不是我想要的那种。7.   I don’t think the scarf matchesmy coat. 我觉得这条围巾和我外套不搭。8.   I look awful inthe blue hat. 我戴这顶蓝色的帽子不好看。9.   All right, I’lltake this one. 好吧。我就买这个。10.Whatelse are you going to buy? 你还想要买其他的吗?11.Areyou sure one will be enough? 你确定一个就够了?12.Couldyou send it to China? 你可以送到中国吗?
11/15/20192 minutes, 36 seconds
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Lesson 13.5: 快餐 Fast food

Lesson 13.5 Fast foodA: Two number 3s, please.B: All right. What would you like to drink?A: Diet Coke.B: Regular or large?A: Regular, please.B: OK. Anything else?A: No, thanks.B: For here or to go?A: For here.B: The total is $6.50. Do you want to pay with creditor cash?A: Cash, please.A:请给我两个三号餐。B:好的,你要喝什么?A:低卡可乐。B:是要一般尺寸还是大的。A:麻烦给我一般的。B:好的,还有其他的吗?A:没有了。B:内用还是外带呢?A:内用。B:总共是6.50元。你是要用信用卡还是现金付款?A:用现金。
11/14/20192 minutes, 36 seconds
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Lesson12.5 In the Restaurant 在餐厅

Lesson 12.5 In the Restaurant1.   Sorry, all ourtables are full now. 很抱歉,我们现在客满。2.   How long do wehave to wait? 我们需要等多久?3.   Do we have towait for a long time? 我们需要等很久吗?4.   May I see themenu, please? 请给我们看下菜单好吗?5.   Do you have aChinese menu? 你们有中文菜单吗?6.   Can we have thewine list? 我们可以看一下酒单吗?7.   I want to have adrink before the meal. 饭前我想喝点饮料。8.   May I take yourorder now? 你可以点菜了吗?9.   Are you ready toorder, sir? 先生,您要点菜了吗?10.Wewould like to order now. 我们要点餐。11.Notready yet. 还没好。12.Weneed a little more time to think about it. 我们需要再考虑一下。
11/13/20192 minutes, 34 seconds
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Lesson 11.5 At the Hotel Room 客房服务

Lesson 11.5 At the Hotel Room1.   The room is toonoisy for me to sleep. May I change to a quieter room? 这个房间太吵了,我睡不着。可以帮我换到安静一点的房间吗?2.   How do I makeexternal calls? I’d like to make an international call to China.请问外线电话怎么打,我想要打国际电话到中国。3.   Can I get onlinein my room? 房间里可以上网吗?4.   You can go to theBusiness Center on the third floor for Internet service. 你可以到三楼的娱乐中心去上网。5.   I left the key inmy room. Could you open the door for me? 我把钥匙留在房间里了,你能不能帮我开门呢?6.   We would like tohave our meals in our room.我们想在房里用餐。7.   This is Room 615.Could you please send up a continental breakfast for two people? 请送两份西式早餐到615号房。8.   Do you have alaundry service? 你们有衣物送洗的服务吗?9.   Could you come topick up my laundry? 你们能来收取我的送洗衣物吗?10.Canyou mail this postcard for me? 你们可以帮我寄这张明信片吗?11.Isthe pool free for guests? 游泳池免费供房客使用吗?12.Chargeit to my room, please. 请把费用算在我的住宿费里。
11/12/20193 minutes, 35 seconds
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Lesson 10.5: 登记入住 Checking In

Lesson 10.5 Checking in1.   Excuse me. Whereis the elevator? 不好意思。电梯在哪里?2.   May I have thekey for room 704? 请给我704号房间的钥匙。3.   I’m checking outthis morning. 我今早结账退房。4.   My plane leavesin the evening. Can I check out later? 我要搭乘傍晚的飞机,可以晚一点退房吗?5.   Did you use themini bar? 你使用过迷你吧台吗?6.   I didn’t use it. 我没有用。7.   How are you goingto settle your account? 你打算如何付款?8.   And your methodof payment? 你的付款方式是什么?9.   Could I have mybill? 我可以看一下账单。10.Whatis this for? 这笔费用是什么?11.I’dlike to get my valuables. 我要领取我寄放的贵重物品。12.Canyou keep my baggage until 3 p.m.? 你能帮我保管行李到3点吗?
11/11/20192 minutes, 47 seconds
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Lesson 9.5 At the Gas Station 在加油站

Lesson 9.5 At the Gas StationA: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to fill up the gas? 不好意思,你可不可以教我怎样加油?B: Of course. First, run the credit card through themachine, and select the gas you’d like. 可以啊。先刷卡并选择你要的那种油。A: What should I do after that? 然后呢?B: Insert the nozzle into the tank of your car. Becareful, the gas hose is very heavy. Now press the button on the pump to allowthe gas to flow. The gas will be released into the tank of your car. When thetank is full, the fuel will stop pumping. 然后将油枪嘴插入车子的油箱。小心点,管子很重。好,现在按下加油机上的按钮,油会流出来,把油枪握把上面的板机压住,就可以加油了。油一加满,机器会自动停止加油。A: It’s easy! Thank you! 挺简单的,谢谢。
11/10/20193 minutes, 34 seconds
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Lesson 8.5 Find the way 找路

Lesson 8.5 Find the wayIs this the right way to Hilton Hotel?这个是去希尔顿酒店的正确方向吗?Should I go this way or that way?我应该走这边还是那边?Does this bus go to Green Lake?这个公交车到绿湖吗?Can I travel from here to the Star Hotel by this bus? 我可以从这里坐公交车到星星酒店吗?It’s going as far as the railway station.这和到火车站是一样的距离。I’m going to the National Palace Museum. Which busshould I take? 我要去国家博物馆。我是要搭哪一班巴士呢?Take a number 37 or 49 bus.搭37或是49路。Walk with me. I’m heading in the direction where you’llbe catching the bus you want. 跟我一起走。我也是要过去那个你要赶的公车方向。Is there a public restroom near here?这附近有公共厕所吗?
11/8/20192 minutes, 54 seconds
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Lesson 7.5: Renting a car 租车

Lesson 7.5 Renting a CarA: I’d like to rent a car. 我想租车。B: May I see your driver’s license, please? 我可以看下你的驾照吗?A: Here’s is my international driver’s license. Whatkinds of cars do you have? 这是我的国际驾照。你们有什么款式的车?B: We have Honda, Citroen and Toyota. Which make andmodel do you prefer? 我们有Honda, Citroen, 还有Toyota。你比较喜欢那种款式和厂牌的?A: I’ll take the Citroen C2. What is the rate for thecar per day? 我就租CitroenC2。你们一天的费率是多少?B: The price is 60 euros per day. Do you wantinsurance? 一天是60欧元,你要保险吗?A: Full coverage, please? 麻烦全险。B: That’s an extra 10 euros a day. 那就额外多10欧元。A: Do I have to fill up when I check in? 还车的时候我要加满油吗?B: Yes. 是的
11/7/20192 minutes, 34 seconds
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Lesson 6.5 Travel by Train 搭火车

Lesson 6.5 Travel by Train1.   Excuse me. I’dlike to find out about trains to Cambridge. 对不起,我想问一下去剑桥的火车时刻。2.   I want afirst-class single to London. 我想要买一张到伦敦的头等单程车票。3.   I’d like to buy aticket to San Francisco. 我想买一张到旧金山的火车票。4.   Two round-triptickets for tomorrow, non-smoking. 两张明天的来回车票,非吸烟车厢的。5.   Is it an expresstrain? 是快车吗?6.   It’s a localtrain. 这班是慢车。7.   I want to take anexpress train, not a local train.我要搭乘快车,不要慢车。8.   One sleeper toMilan, please. 一张到米兰的卧铺票。9.   Please give meone ticket to Seattle for the sleeping car. 我要一张到西雅图的卧铺票。10.CanI have an upper berth? 我可以睡上铺吗?11.I’dlike the lower berth. 我想要睡下铺。12.Isit a long ride? 路程远不远?
11/6/20192 minutes, 53 seconds
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Lesson 5.5 Take a Taxi 搭出租车

Lesson 5.5 Take a TaxiDriver: Where to, madam?司机:小姐,去哪里?Me: Grand Central Station, please. I want to catch a6pm train.我:请到中央车站,我要赶晚上6点的火车。Driver: I think you’ll make it if we don’t get stuckin a traffic jam.如果不塞车的话,应该赶得上。(After a while) 一会儿Driver: Here is the Grand Central Station.司机:中央车站到了。Me: Thank you. How much is the fare?我:谢谢你。多少钱?Driver: The meter reads 9.15 dollars.司机:9.15美金Me: Here you are. Keep the change.我:这是车费,不用找了。Driver: Thank you.司机:谢谢。
11/5/20192 minutes, 1 second
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Lesson 4.5 Money Exchange 换钱

Lesson 4.5 Money  Exchange我想把美元换成欧元 I’d like tochange US dollars into EurosMe: I’d like to change some US dollars into euros andI’d like to know today’s exchange rate.我:我想把这些美元换成欧元,请问今天的汇率是多少?Service: According to today’s exchange rate, one USdollar in cash is equivalent to 75 euro cents.柜员:根据外汇牌价,今天是1美元换0.75欧元。Me: Is there any service charge?我:要付手续费吗?Service: We charge a 1 euro commission on eachtransaction. How much would you like to change?柜员:每笔交易的手续费是1欧元。您想换多少?Me: 400 US dollars. Here it is. Would you please giveme small bills?我:400美金在这。你可以换成小钞给我吗?Service: No problem.柜员:没问题。
11/4/20192 minutes, 38 seconds
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Lesson 3.5: 抵达中转 Arrival Transit

Lesson 3.5 Arrival / Transit1.   Where can I finda baggage trolley? 我哪里可以找到行李推车呢?2.   Do you know whichlines to follow? 你可以告诉我该走哪个通道吗?3.   You can followthe green lines if you don’t have anything to declare. 如果你没东西要申报的话,你可以走绿色通道。4.   Can I fill in anew customs declaration form now?我可以现在重填一份海关申报表吗?5.   Where should Ipay the tax?我应该在哪里缴税?6.   Do you haveanything to declare? 你有东西要申报吗?7.   Got any tobacco?Spirits? 带有香烟和烈酒吗?8.   I have somecigarettes, just for my own use. 我有带一些香烟,但是是我自己要抽的。9.   Please bring yourluggage here for inspection.请把行李带过来检查。10.Pleaseopen this baggage. 请打开行李。11.Thisis a gift for a friend. 这是给朋友的礼物。12.Pleaseshow me your declaration form. 请给我看你的申报表。
11/3/20193 minutes, 17 seconds
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第一天我在法国��环球旅行俱乐部的尼斯大会的结尾,培训师Marc Accetta 给我们这四个问题(建议每一年都要问自己一次):1. What is your main goal?(你的主要的目标是什么?)2. Who or what are you afraid of or intimidated by, that is having an effect on you not scoring? (你在害怕什么人事物?)3. What are the strengths or talents you have, or will develop, that you will use to beat your goalie and score? (你有什么优势和技能可以帮助你?)4. What do you have to do to overcome that effect or eliminate that person’s hold on you? (你下一步要做什么可以克服这个困难?)我的公众账号:贵旅特(ID:guilvte)
11/3/201910 minutes, 35 seconds
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Lesson 2.5: 在飞机上 On the Plane

Lesson 2.5: 在飞机上 On the PlaneBeef or pork? 牛肉还是猪肉呢?Omelet or porridge? 煎蛋卷还是燕麦粥?May I have some more bread?我可以再吃点面包吗?Would you like something to drink? 你想要喝什么?Orange juice, please. 请给我柳橙汁。Coffee or tea? 咖啡还是茶?Can I have a soda with lemon chips? 可以给我一杯汽水加柠檬片吗?Are you finished? 你吃完了吗?Yes, I’ve finished. 是的,我已经吃完了。Not yet. 还没。Do you have any cup noodles? 你有杯面吗?Do you sell duty-free items on this flight? 这个班机有卖免税商品吗?
11/1/20192 minutes, 9 seconds
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Lesson 1.5: 在机场 At the Airport

Lesson 1.5:在机场At the Airport状况一Situation 1:办理登机手续Check inMe: I would like to check in.我:我想要办理登机。Ground Staff: Passport, please.地勤人员:请给我护照。Me: Here you go.我:在这里。Ground Staff: Thank you.地勤人员:谢谢。Me: I would like a window seat.我:我想要靠窗的座位。Ground Staff: We can do that. Put your baggage on thescale, please?Here is your boarding pass and your passport.地勤人员:我们可以做到。把你的行李放在磅秤上好吗?Me: Where is my gate?我:我的登机门在哪?Ground Staff: To the right. Go through the securitygate and custom. It’s gate 69.地勤人员:在右边。请走过安检门还有海关查验。是69号登机口。Me: Thank you. By the way, where is the nearestrestroom?我:谢谢你。顺便问一下,最近的洗手间在哪儿?Ground Staff: Down the hall to your left.地勤人员:直走就在你左手边。Me: Thank you! Have a good day!我:谢谢!祝你有个愉快的一天!
10/31/20192 minutes, 57 seconds
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Lesson 24.4 认识全世界的朋友

Lesson 24.4 认识全世界的朋友1.Where are you from? 你从哪里来?2.How long have you been in China?你来中国多久了?3.Do you speak Chinese? 你会说中文吗?4.Wow, where did you pick up your Chinese? You speakChinese so well!哇,你在哪里学的中文?你中文讲得好棒喔!5.Why did you come to China? Did you come here to studyChinese or just visit?为什么来中国?来学中文还是纯观光?6.What do you do in China?你在中国从事什么工作?7.Do you like Chinese food?你喜欢中国食物吗?8.What do you like about China?你喜欢中国哪些东西?9.Where have you been in China?你去过中国哪些地方?10.Are you interested in doing a language exchange withme?你有兴趣和我做语言交换吗?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营环欧旅行学员互动群:-- 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:环欧火车
10/27/20192 minutes, 37 seconds
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Lesson 23.4 At the hospital 在医院

Lesson 23.4 At the hospital1.   My nose isstuffy. 我鼻塞。2.   I have a runningnose. 我流鼻涕。3.   I feel likethrowing up. 我想吐。4.   What I eat won’tstay down. 我一吃就会吐。5.   I have a stomachache. 我肚子痛。6.   I have diarrhea. 我拉肚子了。7.   I have constipation. 我便秘了。8.   I have asthma. 我气喘。9.   I have a food allergy. 我食物过敏了。10.Howlong have you had it? 你这个病多久了?11.Whendid the symptoms start? 病状是什么时候开始的?12.Itall started yesterday. 是昨天开始发病的。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营环欧旅行学员互动群:-- 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:环欧火车
10/25/20193 minutes, 41 seconds
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Lesson 22.4 Making Telephone Calls 打电话

Lesson 22.4 Making Telephone Calls1.   Can I talk toMark? (我可以跟 Mark 讲话吗?)2.   He is out on hislunch break right now. Would you like to leave a message? 他出去吃午饭了, 你要留言吗?3.   He is not available right now. CanI take a message? 他不在,我可以帮你传话吗?4.   Can I leave amessage? 我可以留个话?5.   Yes. Go ahead,please. 可以, 请继续。6.   Of course. Holdon for just a second so I can grab a pen and paper. 当然, 稍等一下让我拿个纸笔。7.   Sure, if you canexcuse me for just a second. Let me find a piece of paper to write it down. 当然, 如果你可以等我一下下, 让我找张纸写下来。8.   Is Daisy there? (Daisy 在吗?)9.   This is she. 我就是。 (注: 男的用 This is he.)10.You’respeaking/talking to her. 你正在跟她说话。(注:男的用You’re speaking/talking to him.)11.Thisis Daisy. 我就是Daisy.12.That’sme. 我就是。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营环欧旅行学员互动群:-- 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:环欧火车
10/24/20194 minutes, 38 seconds
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Lesson 21.4 照相 Taking Pictures

Lesson 21.4: 照相 Taking pictures1.When can I get my pictures? 我什么时候会拿到我的照片?2.Do you have batteries? 你们有电池吗?3.Is this a digital camera? 这是数位相机吗?4.What functions does this model have? 这款相机有什么功能?5.Is there any difference between these two camera models? 这两款相机有什么不同?6.How many pixels does this camera have? 这台相机的像素是多少?7.Does this camera focus automatically? 这台相机是自动对焦的吗?8.Could I give them a try? 我可以试用一下吗?9.What is the button? 这个按钮是做什么的?10.It is very user-friendly. 这台非常好操作。11.What kind is the most durable? 哪一种最耐用?12.Can the lens take wide angle shots? 这镜头有广角功能吗?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营环欧旅行学员互动群:-- 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:环欧火车
10/23/20193 minutes, 10 seconds
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Lesson 20.4: At the post office 在邮局

Lesson 20.4 At the post office1.   Where would youlike to send it? 你要寄到哪里?2.   Be sure to putdown the address ofthe receiver clearly. 务必把收件人住址写清楚。3.   I want to sendthis letter special delivery. 这封信我想寄限时专送。4.   I want to sendthis by registeredairmail. 我想寄航空挂号。5.   It’s much betterto use airmail. Sea mail takes too much time. 最好寄航空,海运太慢了。6.   Please registerthis letter. I’d like a receipt. 这封信寄挂号,我想要收据。7.   You’ll have totake your letter to the registered mail section which is the next window. 你必须把信拿到隔壁的挂号信窗口去办理。8.   How long does ittake by regular mail? 普通邮件要多久?9.   It may take abouta week at the most. 最久可能要一星期。10.Itusually takes about 7 days by airmail. 航空邮件通常要七天。11.What’sthe fastest way to send this package? 寄这个包裹最快的方式是?12.Airmailspecial is the fastest way, but it’s expensive. 航空快递最快,不过很贵。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营环欧旅行学员互动群:-- 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:环欧火车
10/22/20195 minutes, 16 seconds
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Lesson 19.4 Prices and Discounts 讲价钱

Lesson 19.4 Prices and Discounts1.   Are you having asale on leathergoods today? 你们今天皮件在打折吗?2.   How much discount do you give? 你们打几折?3.   Is this the saleprice? 这是特价后的价格吗?4.   Could you cut theprice a little, please? 你可以把价钱降低一点吗?5.   Can’t you make ita little cheaper? 不能再算便宜一点?6.   Is there adiscount for two? 买两个能不能算便宜一点?7.   We can offer youa better price if you buy more. 如果你多买一点,我们可以给您更优惠的价格。8.   If you can let ushave a competitive quotation, we’ll place our orders right now. 如果你给我的价钱比别家低,我们就马上订货。9.   I should say ourprices are generally lower when compared with others. 我必须说明,我们的价格跟别家相比,一般来说都比较便宜。10.I’lltake it if you give me a discount. 你帮我打个折我就买。11.Couldyou give me a discount if I pay in cash? 付现金比较便宜吗?12.Howmuch are you willing to pay? 你愿意出多少钱?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营环欧旅行学员互动群:-- 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:环欧火车
10/21/20194 minutes, 57 seconds
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Lesson 18.4 在商场购物Buying Grocery

Lesson 18.4在商场购物Buying GroceryAmy: Excuse me, do you sell apples?请问你们卖苹果吗?Store sales: Yes. They are over there.有,苹果在那边。Amy: Do you sell them individually or by weight? 是论个卖还是论重卖?Store sales: By weight. 60 cents per pound.论重卖。 每磅60美分。Amy: Could you weigh these, please?请称一下这些好吗?Store sales: $4.55, please. Anything else?4.55美元。还要什么吗?Amy: Maybe this bag of cherries, please.请给我一袋樱桃。Store sales: Here you are. 这是你要的樱桃。Amy: 请问你们卖苹果吗?Store sales: 有,苹果在那边。Amy: 是论个卖还是论重卖?Store sales: 论重卖。 每磅60美分。Amy: 请称一下这些好吗?Store sales: 4.55美元。还要什么吗?Amy: 请给我一袋樱桃。Store sales: 这是你要的樱桃。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营环欧旅行学员互动群:-- 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:环欧火车
10/20/20191 minute, 54 seconds
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Lesson 17.4 Shopping for cosmetics 买化妆品

Lesson 17.4 Shopping for cosmetics1.   What is your skintype? 请问您是什么肤质的?2.   For oily skin,dry skin or sensitive skin? 请问是油性皮肤、干性皮肤还是敏感性皮肤要用的?3.   My skin is oily. 我是油性皮肤。4.   How does thisproduct work? 这个产品有什么功效?5.   I’d like twobottles of lotion. 我要买两瓶乳液。6.   I’m looking for afoundation with sun protection. 我想找有防晒功能的粉底。7.   This color suitsyou. 这颜色适合你。8.   I’d like abrighter color. 我想要亮一点的颜色。9.   Do you have thelatest lipstick from Christian Dior? 你们有没有迪奥最新出的口红?10.CanI try this nail polish? 我可以拭擦这瓶指甲油吗?11.What’sthe difference between these two mascaras? 这两瓶睫毛膏有什么不同?12.Thisone makes your eyelashes look longer, and this one creates a curly effect. 这款是加长型,这款是卷翘型。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营环欧旅行学员互动群:-- 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:环欧火车
10/19/20193 minutes, 12 seconds
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Lesson 16.4 Shopping for Jewelry 买珠宝

Lesson 16.4 Shopping for JewelrySituation one Buying watchesBing: Can I see some women’s watches?Store sales: Of course. How about this one?Bing: What functions does this watch have?Store sales: It’s a luminous watch with atime-reminder function.Bing: Is it waterproof?Store sales: Yes, and it comes with a worldwide guarantee.Bing: I’ll take it. Please set the watch for me.宾:我想看一些女表。店员:好的。这只怎么样?宾:这只有什么功能?店员:它有夜光功能,还可以报时。宾:防不防水吗?店员:防水,而且还有全球保证书。宾:好,我要买。请帮我调好时间。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营环欧旅行学员互动群:-- 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:环欧火车
10/17/20194 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lesson 15.4 Shopping for clothes 买衣服

Lesson 15.4 Shopping for clothes1.   What is yoursize? 你穿几号的?2.   I don’t know mysize. 我不知道我的尺寸。3.   I think it’s 36. 应该是36。4.   Here’s one inyour size. 这一件是你要的尺寸。5.    Can you measuremy size? 你可以帮我量我的尺寸吗?6.   Sorry, we don’thave any one in your size. 对不起,我们没有您要的尺寸。7.   Is there anyspecial brand you’d like? 有什么特别喜欢的牌子吗?8.   What’s the trade mark? 这是什么牌子的?9.   What kind of material is this? 这是什么材料?10.Whatis this made of? 它是用什么做的?11.Isit made of silk? 是丝制的吗?12.It’smade of leatherwith zipper. 是皮制的,还有拉链。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营环欧旅行学员互动群:-- 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:环欧火车
10/16/20193 minutes, 51 seconds
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Lesson 14.4 Shopping 购物

Lesson 14.4 Shopping1.   What do you recommend as a souvenir from thiscountry? 你可以推荐一些纪念品让我带回去吗?2.   Where is thismade? 它们产自哪里?3.   It’s one of ourbest-selling items. 这是我们店里的抢手货之一。4.   This is thespecial season for bargain sales. 这是大减价特卖的季节。5.   It’s entirelyhand-made with wonderful workmanship. 这是地地道道的手工制作,工艺精湛。6.   Here are somesamples, sir. 先生,这是样品。7.    It’s not forsale. 这是非卖品。8.   They’re onexhibit. 这些是展示品。9.   I’m sorry but I’mafraid they’re out ofstock right now. 很抱歉现在可能没货了。10.Sorry,we’ve sold out, sir. 对不起,我们没货了。11.Sorry,but we don’t have it in stock. 对不起我们没货了。12.I’llhave a look in our store warehouse. Please wait a moment. 请稍等一下,我去仓库看看。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营环欧旅行学员互动群:-- 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:环欧火车
10/15/20194 minutes, 38 seconds
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Lesson 13.4: 快餐 Fast food

Lesson 13.4 Fast food1、I like chicken breast, isn't leg. 我要鸡胸肉不要鸡腿?2、Please don't putany pickles on my hamburger.我的汉堡里不要加腌黄瓜。3、No onions on my hamburger, please.我的汉堡不要加洋葱。4、The fries will be up in about 2 minutes do you mindwaiting?薯条还要等2分钟,你要等吗?5、Anything else?还要点些什么吗?6、No, thanks, that will be all.不要了,谢谢,就这样。7、Is it for here or to go?请问内用还是外带?8、Can I have an extra ketchup?可以再给我一包番茄酱吗?9、Do you have any straw? 有没有吸管?10、I need some napkins. 我需要一些餐巾纸。11、Can I refill my coffee? 请问咖啡可以续杯吗?12、Do you mind if I share the table with you? 可以跟你们公用一张桌子吗?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营环欧旅行学员互动群:-- 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:环欧火车
10/14/20193 minutes, 55 seconds
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Lesson 12.4 In the Restaurant 在餐厅里

Lesson 12.4 In the Restaurant1.   I’m Jason White.I reserved a table for two at 8.我叫杰森怀特,我预订了一张8点钟的双人桌。2.   I don’t have areservation. 我没有定位。3.   A table forthree, please. 我要一张三人桌。4.   Have you got atable for eight? 你们有8人桌吗?5.    Is this placevacant? 这个座位有人吗?6.   Can we take thesmall table by the window? 我们可以坐靠窗那张小桌子吗?7.   Sorry, madam, theone by the window has been booked by others. 对不起,女士,靠窗的那张桌子已经有人预订了。8.   Do you have acorner table for two? 请问靠角落有两个人的位子吗?9.   I’ll show you toyour table. 我带您到预定的餐桌。10.Yourtable is ready now, sir. Come this way. 先生的餐桌已经准备好,请这边走。11.Canwe change tables? 我们可以换桌吗?12.Canwe change to the non-smoking area? 我们能换到禁烟区吗?
10/13/20192 minutes, 54 seconds
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Lesson 11.4 At the Hotel Room 客房服务

Lesson 11.4 At the Hotel Room1.   There are no towels in my room. 我房间里没有毛巾。2.    Could you bringit to me?你可以帮我送过来吗?3.   The hot water isnot hot enough. 水不够热。4.   The heater in myroom doesn’t work. 我房间里的暖气坏了。5.   The air conditioner is notworking. 空调不能用。6.   I can’t lock thedoor. 我的门锁不住。7.   The light in myroom is not working. 我房间的灯坏了。8.   The toilet doesn’t flush. 马桶不能冲水。9.   Could you checkit out please? 麻烦你们来看一下好吗?10.Couldyou fix it? 你能修好吗?11.I’llhave that taken care of immediately.我马上处理这件事。12.Howdo I use the safe in my room? 房间里的保险箱怎么用?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
10/11/20193 minutes, 2 seconds
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Lesson 10.4 Checking in 入住登记

Lesson 10.4 Checking in1.   Does it includetax and service charge?这个价钱含税和服务费吗?2.   How long do you plan to stay here? 您打算在这里住多久?3.   Do you have lessexpensive rooms? 有没有便宜一点的房间?4.   Could you give mea discount if Istay for three nights? 住3个晚上有没有折扣?5.   May I see the room,please? 我可以先看看房间吗?6.   I’ll take theroom. 我要定这间房。7.   I made areservation and I’d like to check in. 我有预约,想办理住宿登记。8.   Could you spellout your name? 请问您的姓名怎么拼?9.   Will you fill inthis registration form, please? 请填写这张登记表。10.Isbreakfast included? 含早餐吗?11.Whattime is breakfast served?早餐几点供应?12.Whereis the restaurant for breakfast? 早餐要在哪里吃?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
10/10/20193 minutes, 14 seconds
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Lesson 10.4 Checking in 入住登记

Lesson 10.4 Checking in1.   Does it includetax and service charge?这个价钱含税和服务费吗?2.   How long do you plan to stay here? 您打算在这里住多久?3.   Do you have lessexpensive rooms? 有没有便宜一点的房间?4.   Could you give mea discount if Istay for three nights? 住3个晚上有没有折扣?5.   May I see the room,please? 我可以先看看房间吗?6.   I’ll take theroom. 我要定这间房。7.   I made areservation and I’d like to check in. 我有预约,想办理住宿登记。8.   Could you spellout your name? 请问您的姓名怎么拼?9.   Will you fill inthis registration form, please? 请填写这张登记表。10.Isbreakfast included? 含早餐吗?11.Whattime is breakfast served?早餐几点供应?12.Whereis the restaurant for breakfast? 早餐要在哪里吃?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
10/10/20193 minutes, 14 seconds
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Lesson 9.4 At the Gas Station 在加油站

Lesson 9.4 At the Gas StationSituation 1: At the full-service gas station 请服务员加油Victor: We’re running out of gas. How far is the nearest gasstation?Amy: It’s only a few kilometers to the nearest gas station.[Five minutes later]Victor: Fill it up, please.Attendant: What kind of gas would you like?Victor: Regular, please.Attendant: OK.Victor: How much is that?Attendant: It comes to $50.维多: 我们的车快没油了,最近的加油站还有多远?艾美:再开几公里就到了。【5分钟后】维多:请加满。服务员:要加哪一种油?维多:普通汽油。服务员:好的。维多:多少钱?服务员:总共50美元。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
10/9/20195 minutes, 11 seconds
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Lesson 8.4 Find the way 找路

Lesson 8.4 Find the way1.    Could you drawa map, please? 你能画张地图给我吗?2.   Could you mark ithere? 你帮我标明一下好吗?3.   Are there any signs along the way? 一路上有什么标示吗?4.   Are there anylandmarks? 有什么显著的地标吗?5.   Can I check theaddress you have? 给我看一下地址好吗?6.   Let me take youthere. 让我带你去吧。7.   I’m going thatway. I’ll show you. 我正好要去那里,我帮你带路。8.   Can we get therein about ten minutes? 我们10分钟内到得了那里吗?9.   How far is it tothe post office? 这里离邮局有多远?10.Howlong will it take me to get there? 我到那里要多久?11.CanI get to the hotel on foot?走路到得了酒店吗?12.Whichdirection is it tothe hospital? 去医院要往哪个方向走?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
10/8/20193 minutes, 21 seconds
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Lesson 7.4 Renting a Car 租车

Lesson 7.4 Renting a Car1.   Could you show methe rate list? 有没有价目表可以看?2.   How much is the deposit? 押金要多少?3.   There is a $500deposit. 需要500元押金。4.   Does this includeinsurance? 这个价钱含保险费吗?5.   Full coverage,please. 我要保全险。6.   I would like theaccident insurance. 我要保意外险。7.   Do I have to fillup when I check in? 我还车时需要把油加满吗?8.   Is the mileagefree? 开车里程数不计费吗?9.   Is there any mileage limit? 开车里程数有限制吗?10.Whatis the charge per mile? 里程数怎么收费?11.Whereshould I return the car? 我要在哪里还车?12.Youneed to return the car here. 你必须要把车还到这里。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
10/7/20192 minutes, 45 seconds
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Lesson 6.4 Travel by Train 搭火车

Lesson 6.4 Travel by Train1.   Take the BlueLine to Seventh Street Station, and then change to the Red Line. 先搭乘蓝线车到第七街站,在转换红线车。2.   Does this trainstop at Union Station? 这趟车会在联合广场停吗?3.   When does it getin? 火车何时进站?4.   When is the nexttrain to Los Angeles? 下一班到洛杉矶的车几点开?5.   What time doesthe next train leave? 下一班火车几点开?6.   The next oneleaves at 6:30 on Platform 20. 下一班车6点30分从第20站台开出。7.   There’s one at8:30 and one at 9:40. 有一班车8点30分开,还有一班9点40分开。8.   One just leftabout 5 minutes ago; and there’s another one at 10:30. 有一班车5分钟前刚开走;下一班车10点30分开。9.   What time does itreach Washington? 火车什么时候到华盛顿?10.Whendoes it get there? 几点会到那里?11.It’sscheduled to arrive at 11:50. 按照列车时刻表是11点50分到。12.It'sdue in at noon. 中午会到。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
10/6/20193 minutes, 39 seconds
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Lesson 5.4: Take a Taxi 搭乘出租车

Lesson 5.4 Take a Taxi1.   Turn right at thenext corner. 请在下个转角右拐。2.   I’m sorry, sir,but no smoking is allowed in the car. 先生不好意思,车里不能吸烟。3.   Oh, we’re in thetraffic jam. 哦,我们在车阵里。4.   I’m in a hurry.Please take shortcut. 我在赶时间,请你抄小路。5.   This is one-waytraffic. 这是单向道。6.   Here’s the hotel.酒店在这里。7.   Please stop here.I’ll walk over to the park. 请在这里停车,我会走过去公园。8.   I’d like to getoff at the next intersection. 我想在下个路口下车。9.   Please stop infront of the exhibition center.  请停在展览中心前面。10.SorryI can’t stop here. No parking is allowed here in front of the exhibitioncenter. 不好意思,我不能停这里。展览中心前面不能停车。11.Canyou wait for a while? 你可以等一下吗?12.Howmuch is the fare? 车费是多少钱?
10/4/20193 minutes, 13 seconds
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Lesson 4.4 Money Exchange 换钱

Lesson 4.4 Money  Exchange1.   We are closed onSaturdays and Sundays. 星期六日不营业。2.   Do you have 24hour banking? 你们有24小时银行服务业务吗?3.   Can I withdrawmoney from the ATM of your bank? 我可以从你们的自动提款机取款吗?4.   How much can Iwithdraw each day? 我每天可提取多少钱?5.   Small change,please. 麻烦帮我换成零钱。6.   I’ll change onehundred and here is the money.我想兑换100元,钱在这里。7.   How do you likeyour money? 你要怎么换?8.   I’d like 8 $10bills, and the rest in small change.我要8张10元的纸钞,其他的换零钱。9.   Could you breakthis into 3 twenties, 3 tens and the rest in coins, please? 请把这张(100元钞)换成3张20元,3张10元其余的换零钱好吗?10.Doyou want 5s or 10s? 你要换5元的还是10元的零钱?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
10/3/20193 minutes, 3 seconds
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Lesson 3.4: 抵达/中转 Arrival/Transit

Lesson 3.4  Arrival/ Transit1. Are you traveling alone? 你一个人来吗?2. I’m with my husband. 我和我丈夫一起。3. Any relatives here? 你的亲戚在这里吗?4. Is your family going to join you in the UK? 你的家人会在英国一起加入你吗?5. Are you with a group? 你是跟团吗?6. Do you have a return ticket? 你有没有回去的机票?7. Where’s the baggage claim? 请问哪里是行李提领处?8. Which carousel is for flight TG 945? TG945的航班是哪一个行李转盘?9. Excuse me. This is my bag. 不好意思。这是我的包。10. I can’t find my bag. 我找不到我的包。11. What does your bag look like? 你的包看起来什么样子?12. It’s a green suitcase with wheels. 是绿色有轮子的行李箱。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
10/2/20193 minutes, 3 seconds
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Lesson 2.4:在飞机上 On the Plane

Lesson 2.4 On the Plane1.   Could you putyour seat up please? 请把椅背竖直好吗?2.   This headphone isnot working. Can I have a new one? 这个耳机坏了。可以给我新的吗?3.   How do I turn onthe light? 请问怎么开灯?4.   Could you give meone more blanket? 请再给我一条毯子好吗?5.   One extra pillow,please. 再给我一个枕头。6.   Where is thelavatory? 洗手间在哪里?7.   I don’t feelwell. 我不舒服。8.   I feel likevomiting. 我想要吐。9.   Do you haveanything for airsickness? 你们有晕机药吗?10.Doyou have anything for a headache? 你们有头痛药吗?11.Whendo you start to serve dinner? 请问晚餐几点开始供应?12.CanI have some snacks? 可以给我一些点心吗?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
10/1/20192 minutes, 34 seconds
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Lesson 1.4 At the Airport 在机场

国庆假期愉快!出行顺利!Lesson 1.4  Atthe Airport1. I can be upgraded to business class using mymileage. 我可以用我的里程数升级到商务舱。2. Whenam I supposed to check in? 我什么时候需要办理登机手续?3. I would like to check in. 我要办理登机手续。4. May I check in here for flight BA 168 to Shanghai? 请问这里是去上海的BA 168航班办理登机手续的柜台吗?5. Do I have to pay for the airport tax? 我需要付机场税?6. I’d like an aisle seat. 我要靠走道的座位。7. A window seat, please. 请给我靠窗的位置。8. I’m sorry, but there are no window seats available.很抱歉,已经没有靠窗的位置了。9. Do you have any other seats open where we can sittogether?  还有没有其他连在一起的座位?10. I’m afraid all the flights are fully booked. 所有的航班都客满了。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/30/20193 minutes, 12 seconds
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Lesson 24.3 认识全世界的朋友

Lesson 24.3:认识全世界的朋友1. Where did you grow up? 你在哪长大的?2. Where are you from originally?你在哪里出生的?3. What brings you to this party? 你为什么会来参加这个聚会?4. How do you know xxx? 你怎么认识的xxx?5. Do you have any pets? 你养宠物吗?6. What’s your favourite book? 你最喜欢的书是哪一本?7. What’s your dream job? 你理想的职业是什么?8. What’s your favourite food? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?9. What countries have you travelled to? 你去哪些国家旅行过?10. What’s your favourite season? 你最喜欢的的季节是哪一个?11. I like your shirt! Where did you get it? 我喜欢你的衬衫,你是在哪里买的呢?12. Did you hear about (something trending in thenews)? 你听说了(当下的热点事件)吗?13. Do you prefer texting, calling, or emailing? 你是倾向于发短信,打电话还是发邮件?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/27/20193 minutes, 41 seconds
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9/27/201919 minutes, 24 seconds
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Lesson 23.3 At the hospital 在医院

Lesson 23.3 At the hospital在医院1.   What’s thetrouble? 什么地方不舒服?2.   What seems to bethe problem? 你觉得哪里不舒服?3.   Do you have any symptoms? 有什么症状吗?4.   Any othersymptoms? 还有其他症状吗?5.   I have a fever. 我发高烧。6.   I’m running a temperature. 我正在发烧。7.   The fever won’tgo away. 发烧不退。8.   I have a terribleheadache. 我的头很痛。9.   I keep feelingdizzy. 我老觉得头晕。10.Ithink I have a cold. 我好像感冒了。11.Ihave a sore throat. 我喉咙痛。12.Ikeep coughing. 我一直咳嗽。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/26/20192 minutes, 25 seconds
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9/26/201919 minutes, 43 seconds
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Lesson 22.3 Making Telephone Calls 打电话

Lesson 22.3 Making Telephone Calls打电话1.   + plus 加号2.   country code 国码3.   area code 地区码4.   phone number 电话号码5.   Will he be in theoffice tomorrow morning? 他明天早上会在办公室吗?6.   What time could Ireach him? 我几点可以联系到他?7.   I’ll try and gethim on his cellphone. 我会试着用手机和他联系看看。8.   I must have thewrong number, sorry for bothering you. 我一定是打错电话了,对不起打搅你了。9.   I’m afraid you’vegot the wrong number.  你可能打错了。10.CouldI check the number? Isn’t it 6548-4290? 我可以确认下号码吗?是不是6548-4290?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/25/20192 minutes, 37 seconds
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9/25/201924 minutes, 13 seconds
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Lesson 21.3 Taking Pictures 拍照

Lesson 21.3 Taking Pictures拍照1.   Is it allowed totake pictures here? 这里可以拍照吗?2.   May I use a flash? 我可以使用闪光灯吗?3.   May I videotape? 我可以摄影吗?4.   I’d like to havethese pictures developed.我想要看到这些照片冲洗出来。5.   What size ofprints would you like to have? 你想要什么样的冲印尺寸?6.   I want thesepictures in size 5 by 7. 我要5X7的相片。7.   Regular will befine. 普通的就可以。8.   When can I get mypictures?我什么时候会拿到我的照片?9.   Do you have batteries? 你们有电池吗?10.Ineed batteries like this. 我需要像这样的电池。11.I’mlooking for a camera. 我在找摄影机。12.Whattype of camera are you looking for? 你在找什么样子的摄影机?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/24/20192 minutes, 42 seconds
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Lesson 20.3 At the post office 在邮局

Lesson 20.3 At the post office 在邮局1.   What’s the sizeand weight limitfor mailing a package? 邮寄包裹的大小和限重是多少?2.   Would you pleaseweigh this letter for me? 请帮我称下这封信好吗?3.   Put the parcel onthe scale, please. 请把包裹放在称上。4.   What’s the maximum weight allowed? 最高限重是多少?5.   The limit is 15pounds per package. 每包限重15磅。6.   Your letter is 10grams overweight. 你的信超重十克。7.   You’ll have topay 30 cents extra because it’s overweight. 你必须再付30美分的超重费。8.   Does the letterhave anything valuablein it? 信里面有贵重物品吗?9.   Are the contentsfragile? 里面有易碎物品吗?10.Howdo you want to send it? 你想怎么寄?11.Byregular mail? 寄普通邮件吗?12.Doyou wish to send it by airmail? 你要寄航空邮件吗?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/23/20192 minutes, 59 seconds
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9/23/201918 minutes, 30 seconds
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9/23/201918 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 19.3 Prices and Discounts 讲价和打折

Lesson 19.3 Prices and Discounts 讲价和打折1.   How much doesthat come to? 总共多少呢?2.   It comes to ten pounds. 总共是十磅。3.   It adds up to 400 dollars. 一共是四百美元。4.   What’s thedifference in price between this and that? 这个和那个的价格差别有何不同。5.   The cheaper oneis 30 dollars. 比较便宜的那个是三十美元。6.   Is that the sameprice? 那个价格一样吗?7.   The price ofthese two is the same. 那两个的价格是一样的。8.   The special pricewill be effectiveuntil June 20. 特价会一直执行到六月二十号。9.   Too expensive.These prices are too high. 太贵了,这些价格太高了。10.Theprice is unreasonable. 这价格不合理。11.That’smore than I can afford. 这价格我出不起。12.Anydiscount? 打折吗?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/22/20193 minutes, 7 seconds
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9/22/201918 minutes, 35 seconds
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Lesson 18.3 Buying Grocery 在商场购物

Lesson 18.3 Buying Grocery在商场购物1.   Is there asupermarket around here? 这附近有超市吗?2.   What time do youclose? 你什么时候关门呢?3.   We’d better goand get a shopping cart. 我们最好去拿个购物车。4.   Do you carrysanitary pads? 你们有卖卫生棉(垫)吗?5.   Where can I findthe shampoos? 我在哪里能找到洗发精?6.   Which aisle can Ifind the toothbrushes in? 哪个走道可以找到牙刷呢?7.   It’s cheaper tobuy beer by the case. 卖啤酒论箱买比较便宜。8.   This is sold byweight. 这个按重量计价出售9.   This is sold bypackage.这个是一包包卖。10.Whatabout some of these lemons?买一点柠檬好吗?11.Pleasehelp me to pick out the best one. 请帮我挑个最好的。12.Pickout larger one. 请帮我挑个最大的。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/20/20192 minutes, 59 seconds
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Lesson 17.3 Shopping for cosmetics 买化妆品

Lesson 17.3 Shopping for cosmetics 买化妆品1.   I’m thinking ofgetting some perfume. 我在想要买点香水。2.   Do you carry thelatest Chanel perfume? 你们有卖最新的香奈儿香水吗?3.   Which perfume hasa rose scent? 哪一个香水有玫瑰味?4.   I’d like a littlelighter scent of perfume. 我想要清淡一点的香水。5.   What is the basenote on this perfume? 这个香水的后味是什么?6.   Do you have asample of this?这有没有试用品?7.   Can I smell thisbottle of perfume? 我可以闻一下这瓶香水吗?8.   Can I try thisbottle of perfume? 我可以试下这瓶香水吗?9.   Which perfume isyour best seller? 哪一款香水你们买的最好?10.Howmany milliliters are there in this container?这瓶香水是多少毫升?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/19/20193 minutes, 5 seconds
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Lesson 16.3 Shopping for Jewelry 买珠宝

Lesson 16.3 Shopping for Jewelry 买珠宝1.   I’d like to lookin a mirror. 我想要看下镜子2.   Are there anyother designs? 有其他的款式吗?3.   May I see this? 我可以看看这个吗?4.   May I see thesecond watch from the left? 我可以看左边的第二支手表吗?5.   Can I see somewomen’s watches? 我可以看看女士的手表吗?6.   Do you carry pairwatches? 你有卖对表吗?7.   A Rolex for aman, please. 麻烦看下男士的劳力士。8.   I’m looking for awaterproof watch. 我在找防水的手表。9.   What functionsdoes this watch have? 这只手表有什么功能?10.Isit waterproof? 是防水的吗?11.Isit anti-shock? 是耐震的吗?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/18/20192 minutes, 51 seconds
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Lesson 15.3 Shopping for clothes 买衣服

Lesson 15.3 Shopping for clothes买衣服1.   Do you have anyother designs? 有其他的设计吗?2.   Can you show mesomething similar? 有差不多的东西吗?3.   Which one do youlike? 你喜欢哪一个?4.   Do you like thisone? 你喜欢这一个吗?5.   What color do youwant? 你想要什么颜色?6.   White or somelight color, I think. 白色或某种浅色的。7.   ack, please. 麻烦黑色。8.   The color suitsyou. 这颜色适合你。9.   It’s a little tooshowy. 这颜色有点太显眼。10.Doyou have any other colors? 你有其他的颜色吗?11.Doyou have the same pattern in other colors?这图案有其他的颜色吗?12.Doyou have brown ones in the same style? 这样式有咖啡色的吗?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/17/20192 minutes, 37 seconds
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Lesson 14.3 Shopping 购物

Lesson 14.3 Shopping 购物1.   We have the very thing you want. 我们有你要的东西。2.   We have many styles and shades for you to choose from. 我们有各种样式和花色供您选择。3.   We have various goods in different sizes. 我们货品众多,规格齐全。4.   May I touch this?我可以摸这个吗?5.   May I take a look at the handbag right there in the second row on the second shelf? 我可以看一下放在第二个架子上第二排的那个手提包吗?6.   No, not that one.The gray one. 不,不是那个,是灰色的那一个。7.   Show me that necklace, please. 请给我看看那条项链。8.   Is this the one you want? 这个是你要的吗?9.   How would you like this one? 这个怎么样?10.Have you seen our new hats? 你有看过我们的新帽子吗?11.Are they specialties from Greece? 这是希腊的特产吗?12.I’m looking for something special made in this country. 我在找本地的特有的商品。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/16/20193 minutes, 7 seconds
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Lesson 13.3 Fast food 在快餐店

Lesson 13.3 Fast food 在快餐店1.   I’d like abeef-burger, please. 请给我一个牛肉汉堡2.   Two cheeseburgers, please. 请给我两个起士汉堡。3.   I’d like onelarge French Fries. 请给我一个大号薯条。4.   A cheeseburgerand French Fries. 一份起士汉堡和薯条。5.   I’d like a milkshake, please. 请给我一个奶昔。6.   What flavor wouldyou prefer, sir? 先生,想要什么口味的?7.   A diet Coke togo, please. 请给我带走一个低卡减肥可乐。8.   Large or regular?大号的还是普通的。9.   Two number 4s,please. 麻烦两个4号餐。10.Whatsauce would you like? 你想要什么酱。11.Sweetand sour sauce, please. 麻烦糖醋酱。12.Twofried chickens, please. 麻烦两份炸鸡。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/15/20194 minutes
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Lesson 12.3 In the Restaurant 在餐厅里

s there a nice restaurant near the hotel? 酒店附近有不错的餐厅吗?Are there any good Chinese restaurants in this area? 这附近有没有好吃的中国餐厅?Any cheaper restaurants here? 附近有便宜一点的餐厅吗?Do I need a reservation? 我需要预约吗?Could you please phone the restaurant and reserve a table for me? 你可以帮我打电话到那家餐厅定位吗?Do you take telephone reservations? 你们接受电话预约?Hello. I’d like to book a table. 你好,我想要定位。I’d like to reserve a table for six at 7p.m. tomorrow. 明天晚上七点我想要定一个六人桌。For how many guests, please? 请问有几个客人?10.I’m afraid we don’t have any tables open at that time. 很抱歉,那个时段我们已经客满了。11.Do you have a dress code? 你们有着装规定吗?12.Have you made a reservation? 你们有定位吗?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/13/20193 minutes, 34 seconds
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Lesson 11.3 At the Hotel Room 客房服务

Lesson 11.3 At the Hotel RoomThis is Room Service. 这是客房服务。This is Room 608. 这是608号房。My room number is 512. 我的房间号码是512。I have a problem. 我遇到一个问题。I have a complaint to make. 我有一个问题需要解决。May I have two more towels, please? 请问可以再给我两条毛巾吗?May I have an extra blanket? 可以再给我一条毛毯吗?Do you provide drinking water in the room? 你们房间有没有提供饮用水?Do you provide a hair dryer? 你有提供吹风机吗?10.There is no toilet paper in the bathroom. 浴室里没有厕纸。11.There’s no soap in the bathroom. 浴室里没有香皂。12.There is no shampoo in the bathroom.浴室里没有洗发精。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/12/20192 minutes, 56 seconds
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Lesson 10.3 Checking in 入住登记

Lesson 10.3 Checking in1.I don’t have a reservation. 我没有预订。2.Can I book a double room? 我可以定双人房吗?3.Do you have vacancies for tonight? 今晚有空房吗?4.I’d like to make a reservation for tomorrow. 我想要为明天预约。5.Do you have a double room for tonight? 你们今晚有双人房吗?6.I’d like to reserve a room with a single bed. 我想要预订一个单人房。7.I can let you have a room with a bath. 我可以给你一间有浴室的房间。8.I’d like a room with a view. 我想要有景观的房间。9.It has a wonderful view of the sea. 这个房间有很棒的海景。10.We will put you in a deluxe room at no extra charge. 我会给你一个豪华套房,不给你多收费。11.I’m afraid not, sir. We’re booked solid right now. 抱歉先生,我们房间都订满了。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/11/20193 minutes, 28 seconds
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lesson 9.3 At the Gas Station 在加油站

Lesson 9.3 At the Gas StationDo you want any oil? 你需要机油吗?I’ve got enough oil, but I haven’t got much water. 我有足够的机油,但是我没有太多水。Please check the tire pressure for me. 请帮我检查下胎压。How much for one gallon? 一加仑多少钱?What is the price per liter? 一公升多少钱?What does it come to? 总共多少钱?Do I have to pay first or later? 我要现在付还是等一下。Ten dollars for No. 3, please. 麻烦三号机器买10元汽油How do I use the pump?我如何用这个加油机?10.Could you show me how to fill up the gas? 你可以教我如何加满油吗?11.Where do I pay? 我在哪里付钱?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/10/20192 minutes, 41 seconds
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Lesson 8.3 Find the Way 找路

 跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/9/20193 minutes, 15 seconds
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Lesson 7.3 Renting a Car 租车

跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/8/20192 minutes, 40 seconds
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Lesson 6.3 Travel by Train 搭火车

Lesson 6.3 Travel by Train 搭火车1.   Where is thenearest railroad station? 最近的火车站在哪里?2.   Where is thenearest subway station? 最近的地铁站在哪里?3.   Where is theticket window? 售票窗口在哪里?4.   Can I buy aticket here? 我可以在这里买票吗?5.   Can I get changefrom the ticket machine? 我可以在这个售票机器上找零吗?6.   Can I reserveseats on the train? 我可以预定火车上的座位吗?7.   You needn’treserve seats on the train. It’s never full. 你不需要预定火车的座位。从来不会客满的。8.   Which train do Itake to Seattle? 我坐哪台火车去西雅图呢?9.   Can I take thistrain to London? 我可以坐这台火车去伦敦吗?10. Whichline goes to Chinatown?那条线去中国城呢?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/6/20192 minutes, 49 seconds
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Lesson 5.3 Take a Taxi 打出租车

Lesson 5.3  Takea Taxi 打出租车1.   Where to, sir? 先生去哪?2.   Where do you wantto go? 你要去哪儿?3.   I’m staying atthe Grand Hyatt Hotel. How long is the ride from here? 我要去君悦酒店。从这里到哪里要多久?4.   Can you take usto nal museum of history? 你可以带我们到国家历史博物馆吗?5.   Drive me to theCentral Park, please. 请带我到中央公园。6.   Please take me tothis address.  请带我到这个地址。7.   To this place,please. 请带我到这个地方。8.   I’ve got to be atthe airport before noon. Can we make it? 我中午需要到机场,我们到了了吗?9.   We should make itif the lights are with us.10.如果没有塞车的话我们应该可以赶得到。11.Don’tdrive too fast, please. 请不要开太快。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/5/20192 minutes, 28 seconds
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Lesson 4.3 Money Exchange 换钱

Lesson 4.3 Money Exchange 换钱1.   The current rates are on the notice board, sir. 先生,汇率都表示在告示牌。2.   I want to change some US dollars into euros. 我想要把一些美金换成欧元。3.   I would like to exchange my RMB for 500 US dollars. 我想要用人民币兑换500美元。4.   How much would you like to change? 钱想要怎么兑换?5.   Small change, please. 麻烦帮我换成小钞。6.   What is the service charge? 服务费是多少?7.   How much is a commission? 手续费是多少?8.   We charge a 1 dollar commission on each deal.我们每笔交易会收1美元的手续费。9.   Would you please sign your name at the place marked with “”? 请在引号的地方签名好吗?10.What are your banking hours? 请问你的营业时间是几点?
9/4/20193 minutes, 3 seconds
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Lesson 3.3 Arrival / Transit 抵达/中转

Lesson 3.3 Arrival / Transit 抵达/中转1.   Passport, please.请给我你的护照。2.   Here you are. 在这里。3.   What’s the purpose of your visit?你来的目的是什么?4.   Sightseeing. 观光。5.   I’m here on business. 我来出差的。6.   How long are you staying here? 你在这里待多久?7.   A month or so. 一个月左右。8.   Where are you staying?你在哪里待?9.   A hotel downtown. 市区的旅馆。10.I will stay at a friend’s place. 我会在朋友家住。11.Have you been here before? 你以前来过这里吗?12.No, this is my first time. 不是,这是我第一次。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/3/20192 minutes, 25 seconds
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Lesson 2.3 On the Plane 在飞机上

Lesson 2.3 On the Plane在飞机上1.   airsickness 晕机2.   emergency exit 紧急出口3.   bread 面包4.   altitude 高度5.   ground temperature 地面温度6.   centigrade 摄氏度 =Celsius7.   Fahrenheit 华氏度8.   captain 机长9.   Could you please help me put my baggage up there? 可以帮我把我把行李放上去吗?10.The overhead compartments are all full. Where can I put my luggage?上面的置物箱都满了,我的行李放哪里?11.You can place the baggage under the seat in front of you. 你可以把行李放在前方座椅的下方。12.Please fasten your seat belt. 请系上你的安全带。13.How do I recline my seat? 我要怎样把椅背放下来?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/2/20192 minutes, 57 seconds
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Lesson 1.3 At the Airport在机场

Lesson 1.3  Atthe Airport在机场1.   How long is the flight from New York to L.A.?从纽约到洛杉矶飞行要多久时间?2.   Well, it’s supposed to be five hours, but sometimes it’s longer. 嗯,大概要五小时,但是有时候会稍久一点。3.   I’d like to make a reservation to Rome for tomorrow. 我想预订明天飞往罗马的机票。4.   I can give you a reservation on that. 我可以帮你预定那个航班的座位。5.   How much is the round-trip ticket from Sydney to Cape Town? 从雪梨到开普敦的来回机票要多少钱?6.   The one-way ticket from London to Barcelona is 80 USD if you book early. 从伦敦到巴塞隆纳的单程机票提早预定的话是80美金。7.   Is that a non-stop flight? 那是直达的航班吗?8.   There’s no direct flight to Kathmandu from Barcelona. 从巴塞隆纳到加德满都没有直飞的航班。9.   You need to transfer in London. 你需要在伦敦转机。10.I’d like to travel first class someday. 有一天我想要搭乘头等舱。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
9/1/20193 minutes, 49 seconds
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Lesson 24.2 认识全世界的朋友

Lesson 24.2:认识全世界的朋友1. It’s such a nice day today, isn’t it?天气真好,是吧?2. It’s getting colder and colder recently. I don’t like winter!最近天气渐渐变冷了,我不喜欢冬天!3. I really like your watch. Where did you buy it?你的手表很好看我很喜欢! 在哪里买的阿?4. Nice shoes! Did you buy them in Japan?好好看的鞋子! 你在日本买的吗?5. The hat looks really good on you.这帽子真的很适合你耶!6. Our boxing lesson is really hard, don’t you think? 我们的拳击课真的很难耶,你不觉得吗?7. The new treadmill machine is quite nice.这新的跑步机相当不错!8. Sometimes I use the sauna at the gym and it feels really good. 我有时候会使用健身房里的桑拿室,感觉还不赖。9. I have been to your country before. I thought the food was absolutely amazing. 我之前有去过你的家乡,我觉得那边的食物也太惊人的好吃了吧!10. What brought you here? 你怎么在这里?/有什么风把你吹来了?11. Do you know about the new show on DiscoveryChannel called “Nakedand Afraid”?你知道Discovery频道最近有一个叫“Naked and Afraid”的新节目吗?12. What do you think about the protest in Hong Kong? 你对香港的抗议事件有什么想法?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/30/20194 minutes, 12 seconds
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Lesson 23.2 At the hospital 在医院

Lesson 23.2 At the hospital1.   make anappointment 预约2.   symptom 症状3.   check-up 检查4.   flu 流行性感冒5.   cold 感冒6.   sneeze 打喷嚏7.   diarrhea 拉肚子8.   vomit 呕吐9.   allergy 过敏10.heart attack 心脏病11.high blood pressure 高血压12.toothache牙疼13.painkiller止痛药14.pill药丸15.tablet药片16.capsule 胶囊17.powder药粉18.vitamin维他命跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/29/20192 minutes, 34 seconds
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Lesson 22.2 Making Telephone Calls 打电话

Lesson 22.2 Making Telephone Calls1.   May I speak to David, please? 请问大卫在吗?2.   Speaking. 我就是。3.   May I ask who is calling, please? 请问你是哪位?4.   This is Peggy from Classic Books.我是善本书的佩琦。5.   It’s James here. 我是詹姆士。6.   Just a moment,please. 请稍等。7.   Hold on. 稍等。8.   Hang on. 稍等。9.   I am afraid he is not in right now. 很抱歉,他现在不在。10.He’s just gone out. Would you like to call him back later?他刚出去。你可不可以待会再打来?11.Would you like to leave a message? 你要留言吗?12.MayI leave a message? 我可以留话吗?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/28/20192 minutes, 43 seconds
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Lesson 21.2 照相 Taking pictures

Lesson 21.2 照相 Taking pictures1.   Are you good at taking pictures?你擅长拍照吗?2.   Could you take a picture? 你可以拍张照吗?3.   Give me the landscape of the seashore for the background. 用海边的景色做背景。4.   Just press here, please. 按这里就行了。5.   May I take a picture of you? 我可以帮你拍张照吗?6.   Are you ready now? 你准备好了吗?7.   Make a smiling face. 笑一笑。8.   Say “cheese.” 笑一个。9.   Do you want to be in the picture with us? 可以一起照张相吗?10.CanI have a picture taken with you? 我可以和你合影吗?11.Onemore, please. 再拍一张。12.May I take a picture here? 我可以在这里拍照吗?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/27/20192 minutes, 53 seconds
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Lesson 20.2 At the post office 在邮局

Lesson 20.2 At the post office1.   Excuse me. Where can I buy stamps? 对不起。请问我要在哪里买邮票?2.   At which window do they sell stamps? 哪个窗口卖邮票呢?3.   Third on the right is the counter.右边的第三个窗口就是。4.   What kind of stamp do you need?你需要什么样的邮票?5.   Please give me nine five-cent stamps. 请给我九张五分的邮票。6.   Here’s three dollars and fifty cents in stamps.这些邮票总共是3元50美分。7.   I’d like to have some commemorative stamps.我想要买些纪念邮票。8.   Do you sell envelopes here? 你卖信封吗?9.   I’d like to buy some postcards. 我想买几张明信片。10.How many postcards do you want? 你需要几张明信片?11.Where’s the parcel postcounter, please? 寄包裹的柜台在哪里?12.I’d like to mail this package to Shanghai. 我想要寄这个包裹到上海。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/26/20193 minutes, 49 seconds
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Lesson 19.2 Prices and Discounts 讲价钱

Lesson 19.2 Prices and Discounts1.   How much? 多少钱?2.   How much is this?这个多少钱?3.   What about the price? 价钱怎么样?4.   How much do you say it is? 你说这个要多少钱?5.   What’s the price of this? 这个定价多少?6.   How much for two?买两个多少钱?7.   It would only cost you 5 dollars. 这个只要花你五美元。8.   It’s 99 cents only. 只要99美分。9.   It sells for eight dollars per pair. 这个8美元一对。10.The original price is 100 dollars and we take 10% off for the sale.  原价只要100元,然后我们再给你打9折。11.The retail price of it is $9. 这个零售价是9美元。12. The price of the shoes is marked on the price tag.鞋子的价格在标签上。**跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/25/20193 minutes, 6 seconds
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Lesson 18.2 在商场购物 Buying Grocery

Lesson 18.2 在商场购物 Buying Grocery1.   apple 苹果                                                  2.   orange 橙子3.   grape 葡萄                                                  4.   kiwi fruit 奇异果5.   watermelon 西瓜                                      6.   pineapple 凤梨7.   banana 香蕉                                                           8.   strawberry 草莓9.   lemon 柠檬                                                 10.cherry樱桃11.coconut椰子                                                          12.melon甜瓜13.peach桃子                                                 14.tangerine橘子15.pear梨子                                                    16.passionfruit 百香果17.mango芒果                                                18.avocado牛油果跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/23/20191 minute, 46 seconds
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Lesson 17.2 Shopping for cosmetics 买化妆品

Lesson 17.2 Shopping for cosmetics1.   cologne 古龙水                 2.   scent 香味3.   light 味道淡的                               4.   strong 味道浓的5.   top note 前味                                             6.   middle note 中味7.   base note 后味                              8.   floral scent 花香调9.   woody scent 木质调                     10.citrus scent 柑橘调11.moisturizer保湿用品                  12.essence精华液13.oily skin 油性肌肤                         14.dry skin 干性肌肤15.sensitive skin 敏感肌肤               16.acne痘痘17.blackhead鼻头粉刺、黑头
8/22/20191 minute, 46 seconds
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Lesson 16.2 买珠宝 Shopping for Jewelry

Lesson 16.2 买珠宝 Shopping forJewelry1.   May I see the necklace in the window? 我可以看下在橱窗里的项链吗?2.   I’m looking for a pearl necklace. 我在找珍珠项链。3.   Is this pearl genuine? 这个是真的珍珠吗?4.   What is this stone? 这是什么样的宝石呢?5.   Where is this stone from? 这个宝石是哪里产的呢?6.   How many karat is this gold? 这个是几K金?7.   It’s 18-karat gold. 这是18K金8.   Is this a real diamond? 这是真钻吗?9.   Does it come with an appraisal? 这个附有品质检定书吗?10.What size is this ring? 这个戒指是几号的?11.Could you please measure my ring finger? 你可以量下我的指围吗?12.May I try it on? 我可以试戴下吗?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/21/20192 minutes, 31 seconds
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Lesson 15.2 Shopping for clothes 买衣服

Lesson 15.2 Shopping for clothes 买衣服1.   I’d like to buy a white shirt. 我想要买一件白色的衬衫。2.   I’d like to look at your sweater. 我想要看看你们的毛衣3.   I’m looking for a cotton skirt. 我想要找一件棉质的裙子。4.   Bring me a pair of woolen gloves, please. 请给我一对羊皮的手套。5.   Would you mind showing me some scarves? 请给我看些围巾?6.   What sort of shirt are you interested in? 你想要什么样子的衬衫?7.   Do you need socks or gloves? 你要袜子还是手套?8.   What kind of coat would you like to see?你想要看什么样的大衣?9.   Do you carry Burberry handbags? 你们卖Burberry的手提包吗?10.I need a pair of shoes. 我需要一双鞋子。11.Are there any proper shoes for making a trip?有适合旅行穿的鞋子吗?12.Any particular style? 有想要特定的款式吗?跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/20/20192 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 14.2 购物 Shopping

Lesson 14.2:购物Shopping1.   Is there a shopping center around here? 这附近有购物中心吗?2.   Is that store open on Sundays? 这家商店星期日有开吗?3.   What are their business hours? 他们的营业时间是几点?4.   Where can I find the elevator? 我在哪里找得到电梯?5.   May I help you, sir? 先生,我可以帮忙你吗?6.   What can I do for you? 我可以为你服务吗?7.   I just want to look around. 我只想到处看看。8.   I’m just looking.我只是看看。9.   Do you carry cashmere sweaters here? 你们有卖喀什米尔的毛衣吗?10.Is this the right counter for gloves? 这个是手套的正确柜台吗?11.Are you looking for something special? 你在找特别的东西吗?12.I want something like this. 我想要像这样的东西。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程— 帮助你开口去说英语,录音作业反馈— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/19/20192 minutes, 20 seconds
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Lesson 13.2 Fast food 在速食店

Lesson 13.2 Fast food 在速食店1.   small 小的                           2.   medium 中的3.   large 大的                           4.   refill 续杯5.   sweet and sour sauce 糖醋酱6.   barbecue sauce 烤肉酱7.   mustard sauce 芥末酱8.   pepper 胡椒                                               9.   cream 鲜奶油10.sugar糖                                                       11.without ice 去冰12.flavor味道                                      13.strawberry 草莓14.chocolate巧克力                          15.vanilla香草16.bacon培根
8/18/20191 minute, 51 seconds
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Lesson 12.2 在餐厅里 In the Restaurant

Lesson 12.2: 在餐厅里 In theRestaurant1.   seafood 海鲜                                  2.   beef 牛肉3.   pork 猪肉                                        4.   lamb 羊肉5.   fish fillet 鱼排                                 6.   shrimp 虾7.   octopus 章鱼                                  8.   lobster 龙虾9.   crab 螃蟹                                        10. rib 肋骨排11. vegetarian dish 素食餐12. spicy 辣                                            13. salty 咸14. greasy 油腻的                    15. tasteless 没有味道的16. raw 生的                                         17. rare 三分熟18. medium 五分熟                 19.medium-well七分熟20.well-done全熟跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/16/20192 minutes, 42 seconds
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Lesson 11.2 Room Service 客房服务

Lesson 11.2 Room Service客房服务1.   room service 客房服务2.   alarm clock 闹钟3.   heater 暖气机4.   battery 电池5.   sheet 床单6.   Jacuzzi tub 按摩浴缸7.   bath plug 浴缸塞8.   pay movie 付费电影9.   laundry 脏衣服10.internalcall 内部电话11.external call  外部电话12.long-distance call 长途电话 call 国际电话14.DO NOT DISTURB 请勿打搅15.PLEASE MAKE UP ROOM NOW 请即刻整理房间跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/15/20192 minutes, 6 seconds
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1014 Cici & Lily:如何克服在生意上会遇到的挫折

今天和Cici聊到:- 生意上碰到的挫折- 人生不是学到就是赚到- 学习的重要*分享富爸爸的观念:1. 在现实世界里,人们往往是依靠勇气而不是聪明去领先于其他人的。2. 大部分人从来不赢是因为他们太害怕失去,这也是我发现的学校教育的一大误区。3. 风险总是无处不在,要学会驾驭风险而不是一味回避风险。4. 学校的问题是经常把你变成你所学专业的人员。变成你所学专业的人员的可怕后果在于太多的人因此而忘了去关注自己的事业,他们耗费一生去关注别人的事业并使他人致富。学习旅行外语、交往全世界朋友、透过体验国内外旅行也可以把这件事当成一份事业,赚取额外收入。加入我们的团队,一起学习成长!公众微信:贵旅特
8/14/201933 minutes, 1 second
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Lesson 10.2 Checking in 登记入住

Lesson 10.2 Checking in 登记入住1.   reservation 预订2.   vacancy 空位                                              3.   triple room 三人房4.   suite room 套房                             5.   rate 一晚房费6.   deposit 押金                                               7.   discount 折扣8.   registration form/card 登记表/卡9.   valuables 贵重物品                      10.bellboy 行李员11.doorman 门房,看门的人12.maid 清洁工/女佣            13. tennis court 网球场14. golf course 高尔夫球场 shop 咖啡厅16.conference room 会议室17.emergency exit 紧急出口18.wake-up call/morning call 晨唤19.tip/gratuity小费跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/14/20192 minutes, 43 seconds
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Lesson 9.2 在加油站 At the Gas Station

Lesson 9.2:在加油站At the GasStation1.   My car is running out of gas. 我的车没油了。2.   There isn’t any gas in the tank. 油箱里没有任何油。3.   Is there a gas station nearby? 附近有加油站吗?4.   How far is the nearest gas station? 最近的加油站有多远?5.   What kind of gas do you want? 你要哪种汽油?6.   Regular, please. 麻烦普通汽油。7.   Unleaded, please.麻烦无铅的汽油。8.   How much gas do you want? 你要多少汽油?9.   Ten gallons of regular gas, please. 麻烦10加仑的普通汽油。10.Fill it up with regular, please. 麻烦普通汽油加满。11.Could you fill it up, please? 可以麻烦你加满汽油吗?12.Fill it up with unleaded and check the oil, please.请帮我加满无铅汽油并且检查机油。
8/13/20192 minutes, 42 seconds
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Lesson 8.2 找路

Lesson 8.2 Find the way1.   Excuse me. I wonder if you can help me. 不好意思。你是否能帮我呢?2.   I lost my way. 我迷路了。3.   I’m lost. 我迷路了。4.   What is this street? 这条街在哪儿?5.   Where are we on this map? 我们在地图上的哪里?6.   Where can I find the railway station? 哪里我能找到火车站?7.   I’m looking for the Hilton Hotel. 我在找希尔顿酒店。8.   Could you tell me the way to the City Zoo? 可以告诉我怎么去城市动物园吗?9.   How can I get there? 我怎么到那里?10.Excuse me. I’m looking for a supermarket. Is there one near here? 不好意思,我正在找超市。这附近有吗?11.I’m afraid I don’t know. 我不知道。12.I’m a stranger here myself. 我也不是来自这里的。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/12/20192 minutes, 37 seconds
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Lesson 7.2 Renting a Car 租车

Lesson 7.2 Renting a Car1.   automatic car 自排车2.   manual car 手排车3.   deposit 押金4.   start a car 发动车子5.   insurance 保险6.   low protection 强制险7.   theft protection 盗抢险8.   loss damagewaiver/collision damage waiver  碰撞险9.   walk-through 检查车子是否有毁损10.mileage里程数11.underconstruction 道路施工12.fullinsurance/full coverage 全险13.PersonalAccidental Insurance 个人意外险14.personaleffects protection 携带物品险15.bebroken down 抛锚16.flattire 爆胎17.deadend 道路尽头跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/11/20192 minutes, 55 seconds
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Lesson 6.2 坐火车 Travel by Train

Lesson 6.2 坐火车 Travel by Train1.   catch the train 赶火车2.   ticket office 售票处3.   reserve a seat 预订座位4.   fare 车费5.   one-way ticket 单程票6.   round-trip ticket双程票7.   single ticket 单程票8.   sleeper 卧铺9.   change trains 换车10.local train 慢车11.full满了12. line火车路线13.refund the ticket 退票14. coach普通车厢15. first-class头等舱16.aisle seat 走道座位17.window seat 靠窗座位18.excursion 短程旅行跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/9/20192 minutes, 24 seconds
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Lesson 5.2 Take a Taxi 打出租车

Lesson 5.2:Take a Taxi 打出租车1.   Please send a taxi to the ABC company. 请送一台车到ABC公司。2.   The taxi will be there in 10 minutes. 出租车10分钟内会到这里。3.   I need a taxi tomorrow morning. Please come to pick me up at Holiday Inn at 10. 明天早上我需要出租车。请明天10点到Holiday Inn来接我。4.   Did you call a taxi? 你有叫车吗?5.   Where can I catch a taxi? 我可以去哪里搭车呢?6.   Where’s the taxi stand? I’m a stranger here. 5.出租车站在哪里?我这里不熟。7.   Is there a taxi stand nearby? 附近有出租车站吗?8.   Taxi! 出租车!9.   How much is the fare to the airport? 到机场要多少钱?10.  It depends on the meter reading. 要看打表跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/8/20193 minutes, 4 seconds
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Lesson 4.2 换钱 Money Exchange

Lesson 4.2: 换钱 Money Exchange1.   bill 纸币                                                       2.   coin 硬币3.   bank 银行                                                    4.   window 办理窗口5.   banking hours 营业时间6.    withdraw 提款7.   commission/service charge 手续费8.   application 申请单    9.    receipt 收据10.Where is the currency exchange? 请问兑换外币处在哪里?11.Where can I change some money? 我可以去哪里换钱?12.I am sorry. We don’t change foreign currency. 抱歉。我们这里不能换钱。13.I want to know today’s exchange rate. 我想知道今天的汇率。14.What is the exchange rate between the US dollar and the euro today? 请问今天美元兑换欧元的汇率是多少?
8/7/20192 minutes, 34 seconds
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1013 旅行创业家:Rosie的吉隆坡游学感悟

8/7/201913 minutes, 29 seconds
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1013 旅行创业家:Rosie的吉隆坡游学感悟

8/7/201913 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lesson 3.2 Arrival / Transit 抵达/中转

Lesson 3.2 Arrival / Transit1.   stopover 过境停留时间2.   disembarkation card 入境卡3.   customs declaration form 关税申报表4.   customs 海关(要用复数形式)5.   resident 居民6.   non-resident 非居民7.   foreigner 外国人8.   baggage inspection  行李查验9.   lost and found  行李遗失招领处10.declare报税11.personal belongings 私人物品12.prohibited items 违禁品13.Passport,please. 请给我你的护照。14.Here you are. 在这里。15.What’s the purpose of your visit?你来的目的是什么?16.Sightseeing.观光。17.I’m here on business. 我来出差的。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/6/20192 minutes, 48 seconds
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Lesson 2.2 On the Plane 在飞机上

Lesson 2.2 On the Plane1.   economy class 经济舱2.   business class 商务舱3.   first class 头等舱4.   inflight movie 机上电影5.   lavatory (机上的)洗手间6.   occupied 有人的7.   vacant 空的8.   life jacket 救生衣9.   oxygen mask 氧气罩10.turbulence  气流11.Excuseme, could you show me where seat 37A is? 请问37A座位在哪里?12.It’s over there next to the window. 就在那里,靠窗的那一个。13.Do you mind changing seats with me? 你介意跟我换座位吗?14.Can I change seats with you? 我可以跟你换位子吗?15.Excuse me. You have my seat. 不好意思。你坐在我的座位上了。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/5/20192 minutes, 45 seconds
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Lesson 1.2 At the Airport 在机场

Lesson 1.21.   make areservation 作预定2.   flight number 班机号码3.   check in 办理登机手续4.   one-way ticket (美)单程票5.   single ticket(英)6.   round-trip ticket(美)7.   来回票 return ticket (英)8.   direct flight 直飞 =non-stop flight9.   reconfirm theticket 再确认机票10.carry-on bag 随身行李11.baggage allowance 免费行李额度12.departure  出发13.Are there any flights to London Heathrow Airport on Sunday? 星期天有去伦敦希思罗机场的班机吗?14.How often is there a flight to Tokyo? 去东京的航班多久一班?15.There’s a flight to Taipei every Monday, Wednesday and Sunday. 每周一、三、六都有一班去台北的飞机。16.When’s the next flight?下一班飞机是几点的?17.The next flight leaves at 8:45 P.M.下一班飞机晚上8:45离开。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
8/4/20193 minutes, 54 seconds
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Lesson 24.1: 认识全世界的朋友 Making Friends

Lesson 24.1: 认识全世界的朋友 Making Friends询问对方姓名May I have your name? 请问你怎么称呼?What's your name? 你叫什么名字?What's your surname? 请问你贵姓?Could you please spell your name for me?请你拼一下你的名字好吗? 询问来自哪里Where are you from? 你来自哪里?Where do you come from? 你来自哪里? 回答来自哪里I'm from China. 我来自中国。I come from America. 我来自美国。询问家里有几口人How many people are there in your family?你家里有几口人?回答家里有几口人There are six people, including me. 包括我在内有六口人。Our family has five people, my parents, my twobrothers and I. 我家里有五口人,我父母,两个哥哥和我。跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/26/20192 minutes, 33 seconds
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Lesson 23.1 在医院 At the hospital

Lesson 23.1 At the hospital1.   ambulance 救护车                       2.   doctor 医生3.   nurse 护士                                      4.   sore throat  喉咙痛5.   cough 咳嗽                                     6.   running nose 流鼻涕7.   headache 头痛                              8.   stomachache 胃痛9.   fever发烧10.take one’s temperature 量体温11.asthma 气喘                                               12.fracture 骨折 poisoning 食物中毒14.injection 注射15.take someone’s blood pressure 量血压16.prescription  处方签 /drug store 药房18.medicine 药19.first-aid kit 急救箱跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/25/20192 minutes, 25 seconds
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Lesson 22.1 打电话 Making Telephone Calls

Lesson 22.1打电话MakingTelephone Calls1.   pay phone/public phone公共电话2.   telephone booth  电话亭3.   coin 硬币4.   phone card 电话卡5.   cellphone  手机6.   dial 拨号7.   dial tone 拨号音8.    operator  接线员跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/24/20191 minute, 23 seconds
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1012 Lily在西班牙,Cici在印尼,聊聊为什么我们停滞不前的原因是?

学习旅行外语,交往全世界朋友,和我们一起学习!公众微信:贵旅特(ID: guilvte)
7/24/201931 minutes, 46 seconds
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1012 Lily在西班牙,Cici在印尼,聊聊为什么我们停滞不前的原因是?

学习旅行外语,交往全世界朋友,和我们一起学习!公众微信:贵旅特(ID: guilvte)
7/24/201931 minutes, 46 seconds
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Lesson 21.1 照相 Taking Pictures

Lesson 21.1 照相 TakingPictures1.   take apicture  拍照2.   photograph  照片3.   video camera  录影相机4.   pixel  像素5.   digital camera 数位相机6.    shutter 快门7.   flash闪光灯8.   lens  镜头9.   LCD=liquid crystal display 液晶荧幕10.memory card 记忆卡 底片12.zoom out / zoom in 缩小/放大13.tripod  三脚架14.battery 电池15.battery charger 电池充电器跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/23/20192 minutes, 27 seconds
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Lesson 20.1 在邮局 At the post office

Lesson 20.1在邮局At thepost office1.   post office 邮局                                         2.    stamp 邮票3.   mailbox 信箱                                                         4.   post card 明信片5.    envelope  信封6.   parcel/package 包裹7.   airmail 航空信                                           8.   postage 邮资9.   postmark  邮戳                                          10.scale 磅秤11.fragile  易碎的12.commemorative stamp纪念邮票13.stamp sender  寄件者14.recipient  收件者15.mailing address 寄件地址跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/22/20192 minutes, 19 seconds
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Lesson 19.1 讲价钱 Prices and Discounts

Lesson 19.1 讲价钱 Prices and Discounts1.   Cash 现金2.   cash register 收银台3.   credit card 信用卡4.   credit cardregister 信用卡机5.   bar code 条码6.   bar codescanner  条码扫描器7.   discount 折扣                                                         8.   price tag  价码9.   Calculator 计算器                便宜11.expensive  贵                                              12.margin利润13.receipt 收据                                               14.plastic bag 塑料袋15.paper bag 纸袋                                 礼物跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/21/20192 minutes, 24 seconds
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Lesson 18.1 在商场购物 Buying Grocery

Lesson 18.1 在商场购物 BuyingGrocery1.   supermarket  超市2.   grocery store 杂货店3.   shopping basket 购物篮4.   shopping cart 购物车5.   potato chips 薯片6.   instant noodles  泡面7.   chocolate  巧克力8.   shampoo  洗发精9.   hair conditioner 润丝精10.toothbrush 牙刷11.toothpaste 牙膏12.sanitary pads卫生巾13.tissue  面纸14.deodorant  除臭剂15.razor 刀片16.shaving cream  刮胡泡17.sun protection 防晒霜18.mineral water 矿泉水19.juice  果汁                                       20.apple苹果21.orange桔子                                               22.grape葡萄 fruit猕猴桃                            24.watermelon西瓜25.pineapple菠萝                              26.banana香蕉27.strawberry 草莓                            28.lemon 柠檬29.cherry樱桃                                     30.coconut 椰子31.melon 甜瓜                                     32.peach桃子33.tangerine橘子                              34.pear梨子35.passion fruit百香果                     36.mango芒果37.avocado油梨
7/19/20194 minutes, 32 seconds
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Lesson 17.1 买化妆品 Shopping for cosmetics

Lesson 17.1  买化妆品Shoppingfor cosmetics1.   perfume  香水                                2.   cosmetics  化妆品3.   mascara   睫毛膏              4.   lipstick  口红5.   eye shadow  眼影              6.   nail polish  指甲油7.   foundation  粉底                           8.   blush 腮红9.   lip gloss  唇蜜10.loose powder  蜜粉11.brush 刷子                                      12.lotion  乳液13.cream  面霜                                    14.gel 凝胶15.facial mask 面膜跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/18/20191 minute, 54 seconds
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Lesson 16.1 买珠宝 Shopping for Jewelry

Lesson 16.1 买珠宝 Shoppingfor Jewelry1.   necklace 项链                                2.   earring 耳环3.   bracelet  手环                                4.   ring 戒指5.   brooch 胸针                                    6.   pearl 珍珠7.   amber  琥珀                                               8.   jade  玉9.   ruby  红宝石                                               10.sapphire  绿宝石11.emerald  绿翡翠                           12.crystal  水晶13.silver  银                                               金15.diamond  钻石          watch  数位手表17.mechanical watch 机械手表18.pocket watch 怀表           19.watchband  表带20.hour hand 时针                              21.minute hand 分针22.second hand 秒针跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/17/20192 minutes, 32 seconds
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1011 旅行创业的故事--Ming (心态篇)

7/17/201912 minutes, 32 seconds
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1011 旅行创业的故事--Ming (心态篇)

7/17/201912 minutes, 32 seconds
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Lesson 15.1 买衣服 Shopping for clothes

Lesson 15.1 买衣服Shoppingfor clothes1.   sunglasses 太阳眼镜                    2.   umbrella 雨伞3.   scarf围巾                                                    4.   gloves 手套5.   hat 帽子                                                      6.   necktie领带7.   swimming suit 泳衣          8.   swimming trunks 泳裤9.   Spaghetti-strapped shirt细肩带上衣10.tank top 背心                                             11.T-shirt T恤12.long sleeve 长袖                            13.short sleeve 短袖14.shorts  短裤                                    15.shirt  衬衫16.blouse 女生上衣                           17.sweater  毛衣18.turtleneck 高领毛衣                    19.suit 西装20.dress 洋装                                       21.skirt  裙子22.jacket  外套                                    23.overcoat 大衣24.jeans 牛仔裤                                  25.pants/trousers  长裤26.sandals 凉鞋                                       靴子28.flip-flops  夹脚拖鞋                       29.high heels  高跟鞋30.leather  shoes 皮鞋                       31.sneakers  运动鞋32.shoelace  鞋带                               33.shoe polish  鞋油跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/16/20194 minutes, 12 seconds
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Lesson 14.1 购物 Shopping

Lesson 14.1购物Shopping1.   Shopping center 购物中心2.   department 部门                                      3.   window 橱窗4.   ON SALE  打折                                            5.   elevator  电梯6.   escalator   手扶梯          7.    size  尺寸8.     color  颜色                                      9    style / design 样式10 specialty 具有当地特色的产品11 SOLD OUT 卖光了                         12  try on 试穿13.mirror  镜子                                        黑色15  white  白色                                                 16  red  红色17  pink  粉色                                                    18  blue  蓝色19. yellow  黄色                                    20.  green  绿色21.  brown  咖啡色                               22  grey 灰色23. orange   橘色                                 24. purple 紫色Have a wonderful day    
7/15/20192 minutes, 49 seconds
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Lesson 13.1 在速食店 Fast food

Lesson 13.1在速食店Fastfood1.   hamburger  汉堡 (burger)2.   mayonnaise  蛋黄酱(mayo)3.   pickle 酸黄瓜                                                         4.   cheese 奶酪5.   onion rings 洋葱圈6.   chicken nuggets  鸡块7.   fried chicken 炸鸡                         8.   apple pie 苹果派9.   ketchup 蕃茄酱                 10.chicken burger 鸡肉汉堡 burger 鱼汉堡                        12.French fries 薯条13.coke 可乐                                                       tea 红茶15.milkshake 奶昔                                咖啡 chocolate 热巧克 juice 柳橙汁(OJ)19.sundae 圣代                                                  cream 冰激凌21.straw  吸管                                                 22.napkin 餐巾纸
7/14/20192 minutes, 51 seconds
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Lesson 12.1 在餐厅 In the Restaurant

Lesson 12.1 在餐厅 In theRestaurant1.   restaurant  餐厅2.   waiter/waitress 服务员3.   menu 菜单                                                  4.   order 点餐5.   appetizer 开胃菜                                      6.   soup 汤7.   salad 沙拉                           8.   main dish/ entree主菜9.   side dish 配菜                                             10.dessert  甜点11.beverage饮料                                              wine 红酒13.dressing 酱汁                                 14.spaghetti 意大利面15.steak 牛排                                                   16.white wine 白酒17.spoon  汤匙                                                 18.knife 刀19.fork 叉                                                                      20.napkin  餐巾21.grill  火烤                                                     22.roast炉烤23.stew  炖                                                                   24.boil 煮沸25.fry 炸
7/12/20193 minutes, 26 seconds
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Lesson 11.1 在酒店房间 At the Hotel Room

Lesson 11.1在酒店房间 Atthe Hotel Room1.   air conditioner 空调                                             2.   light 灯3.   light bulb 灯泡                                                       4.   safe 保险箱5.   fridge/mini-bar 冰箱/迷你酒吧6.   lock 锁                                                                                  7.   kettle 热水壶8.   remote control 遥控器                9.   hair dryer吹风机10.blanket 毛毯                                               11.outlet/socket 插座12.towel 毛巾                                                  13.toilet paper 厕纸14.pillow 枕头                                                  15.shower 淋浴间16.faucet 水龙头                                            17.bathtub浴室18.bathmat  浴室地垫                                  19.toilet  马桶20.soap  香皂                                       21.shampoo  洗发精22.body lotion  身体乳液      23.shower gel  沐浴精24.comb  梳子跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/11/20193 minutes, 8 seconds
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Lesson 10.1 登记入住 Checking in

Lesson 10.1登记入住Checking in1.   reception 接待柜台2.   lobby 大厅3.   service bell 服务铃4.   check in / checkout 入住登记/退房5.   single room 单人房6.   double room 双人房7.   twin room 双人房(两张单人床)8.   bath 卫浴设备9.   elevator 电梯10.key 钥匙11.key card 门房卡12.breakfast 早餐13.shuttle bus 接驳车14.swimming pool 游泳池15.buffet restaurant 自助餐厅16.gymnasium = gym 健身房17.sauna 桑拿浴室 酒吧跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/10/20192 minutes, 44 seconds
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1010 旅行创业的故事--Tamia

7/10/201912 minutes, 1 second
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1010 旅行创业的故事--Tamia

7/10/201912 minutes, 1 second
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Lesson 9.1 在加油站 At the Gas Station

Lesson 9.1  在加油站 Atthe Gas Station1.   gas station /petrol station 加油站2.   gas gauge 油表3.   run out of gas 没油了4.   regular 普通汽油5.   unleaded 无铅汽油6.   premium 高级汽油7.   diesel 柴油8.   gas pump 加油机9.   gas pump nozzle 油枪10.gas tank/fueltank 油箱11.gas tank door 油箱门12.gas tank cap 油箱盖13.self-service gas station/full-service gas station 自助加油站/有服务员帮你的加油站14.oil 机油15.gallon/liter 加仑/公升Lesson 9.1  在加油站Atthe Gas Station1.   gas station /petrol station 加油站2.   gas gauge 油表3.   run out of gas 没油了4.   regular 普通汽油5.   unleaded 无铅汽油6.   premium 高级汽油7.   diesel 柴油8.   gas pump 加油机9.   gas pump nozzle 油枪10.gas tank/fueltank 油箱11.gas tank door 油箱门12.gas tank cap 油箱盖13.self-service gas station/full-service gas station 自助加油站/有服务员帮你的加油站14.oil 机油15.gallon/liter 加仑/公升
7/9/20193 minutes, 4 seconds
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Lesson 8.1 找路 Find the way

Lesson 8.1找路Findthe way1.   landmark 地标                               2.   lose one’s way 迷路3.   direction 方向                                4.   city map 市区地图5.   traffic lights 交通灯                      6.   blocks 街区7.   at the corner 在转角       8.   cross the street 穿越马路9.   public restroom 公共厕所10.on your left 在你的左边11.on your right 在你的右边12.go straighton 直走跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/8/20191 minute, 46 seconds
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Lesson 7.1 租车 Renting a Car

Lesson 7.1租车Renting a Car1.    renting a car 租车2.    international driver’s license/3.    international driving permit 国际驾照4.    rate 费用                                         5.    try 试车/尝试6.    check in/return 归还车子7.    (check out,租走车子)8.    compact 小型车9.    SUV=sport-utility vehicle 厢型车10.van 货车11.speed limit 限速                            12.police officer 警官13.parking space 停车位      14.parking lot 停车场15.parking meter 停车计费表 单行道                            17.No U-turn 禁止掉头18.road map 交通图                          19.scrape 刮痕20.dent 凹痕跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/7/20193 minutes, 10 seconds
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Lesson 6.1 搭火车 Travel by Train

Lesson 6.1搭火车Travelby Train1.   railway station 火车站2.   platform 月台                                            3.   track 轨道4.   route map 路线图                        5.    timetable 时间表6.   ticket window 售票处                  7.   ticket 车票8.   express 快车                                   9.   ticket machine 售票机10.gate 门                                                            置物柜12.conductor 车掌/列车员                                      13.dining car 餐车跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/5/20192 minutes, 12 seconds
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Lesson 5.1 打出租车 Take a Taxi

Lesson 5.1打出租车Takea Taxi1.   call a taxi 打电话叫车2.   catch a taxi 拦出租车3.   taxi stand 出租车招呼站4.    meter 计费表5.    safety belt 安全带6.   vacant 空的7.   trunk 后行李箱8.   fare 车费9.   keep the change 不用找钱10.traffic lights 红绿灯11.intersection 十字路口12.sidewalk 人行道13.crosswalk 斑马线14. Uber 优步跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/4/20192 minutes, 13 seconds
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Lesson 4.1 换钱 Money Exchange

Lesson 4.1 换钱Money Exchange1.   currency exchange外币兑换2.   dollar 美元                                                   3.    quarter 25美分4.   dime 10美分                                                           5.   nickel 5美分6.   penny 1美分                                                           7.   euro 欧元8.   exchange rate 汇率                       9.   small change 换小钞10.sign 签名(动作)                        11.signature 签名(名词)12. ATM=Automatic Teller Machine 自动提款机跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/3/20192 minutes, 10 seconds
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Lesson 3.1 抵达/中转 Arrival / Transit

Lesson 3.1抵达/中转 Arrival / Transit1.   transit/transfer/changeplanes 转机2.   transit lounge 转机候机室3.   transfer counter 转机柜台4.    immigration 入境柜台5.   arrival lobby 入境大厅6.   baggage claim 行李提领处7.   liquor 酒8.   cigarette 香烟9.   airport terminal 航站大厦10. baggagecarousel 行李转盘11. sightseeing 观光12. on business/on abusiness trip商务洽谈/商务旅行跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营— 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 — 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语— 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/2/20192 minutes, 26 seconds
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Lesson 2.1 在飞机上 On the Plane

Lesson 2.1在飞机上On thePlane1.   aisle 走道                                                    2.   seat 座位3.   middle 中间的                   4.   middle seat  中间座位5.   window seat 靠窗座位6.   overhead 在头上的7.    compartment隔间8.   overheadcompartment 头顶的置物箱9.   flight attendant 空服员10.airsickness bag 晕机袋 belt 安全带12.blind窗帘13.tray小桌板 pocket 座位前的口袋15.headphone 耳机16.pillow枕头17.blanket 毛毯跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营-- 6个月144节线上课程与录音作业反馈 -- 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语-- 报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
7/1/20192 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lesson 1.1 在机场 At the Airport

1.   airport 机场                                                2.   terminal 航站楼3.   ticket (E-ticket)机票                                4.   passport 护照5.   visa 签证                                                      6.   boarding pass 登机牌7.   airline 航空公司                                        8.   trolley 行李推车9.   departure 出发                                          10.board 看板登机11.departure board 出发看板12.(departure) gate登机门13.VIP =very important person 贵宾14.lounge休息室                               15.VIP lounge  贵宾室跟Lily一起说英语去旅行 训练营6个月144节线上课程与反馈 24节直播课帮助你开口去说英语报名请至公众微信账号:贵旅特 (guilvte)回复:训练营
6/30/20194 minutes, 32 seconds
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1009 沙发客Elia的环球故事

6/29/201927 minutes, 1 second
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1009 沙发客Elia的环球故事

6/29/201927 minutes, 1 second
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1008 旅行创业家--Tina的故事

6/27/201915 minutes, 24 seconds
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1007 旅行创业 -- Bonnie的故事

6/19/201915 minutes, 56 seconds
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1006 Cici在以色列,Lily在秘鲁的现场直播聊:如何一边赚钱一边圆环球梦!

加入我们的行列,参与国内外旅行、学习旅行外语、认识全世界的朋友!公众微信:贵旅特 (guilvte)
6/12/201921 minutes, 40 seconds
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1005 旅行创业的故事 - Millie

6/4/201952 minutes, 37 seconds
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1004 旅行创业的故事 - Buffy

加入我们的行列,学习旅行外语,交往世界各地的朋友! 公众微信:贵旅特(guilvte)
5/28/201927 minutes, 6 seconds
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1004 旅行创业的故事 - Buffy

5/28/201927 minutes, 6 seconds
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1003 Cici的故事:我为什么去环游世界?

5/21/20198 minutes, 51 seconds
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1002 怎么开始免费旅游?

5/14/201927 minutes, 58 seconds
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1001 越玩越富的人生

5/7/201931 minutes, 25 seconds
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1001 越玩越富的人生

5/7/201931 minutes, 25 seconds
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1000 什么是旅行创业家?

Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.不要忙于生计而忘了生活。更多学习内容关注公众微信账号:贵旅特
4/30/201923 minutes, 56 seconds
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999 出境流程教学

Victory won't come to me unless I go to it.胜利是不会向我走来的,我必须自己走向它。[ M. C. Moore│第14任华盛顿州州长出境流程教学一、到航空公司的划位柜檯 CHECK-IN COUNTER二、护照查验 PASSPORT INSPECTION AREA/PASSPORT COUNTER三、旅客及随身行李检查 PASSENGER AND BAGGAGE INSPECTION四、前往登机门 BOARDING GATE五、登机 PLANE※附图为常见的机场标示
4/29/201911 minutes, 47 seconds
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999 出境流程教学

Victory won't come to me unless I go to it.胜利是不会向我走来的,我必须自己走向它。[ M. C. Moore│第14任华盛顿州州长出境流程教学一、到航空公司的划位柜檯 CHECK-IN COUNTER二、护照查验 PASSPORT INSPECTION AREA/PASSPORT COUNTER三、旅客及随身行李检查 PASSENGER AND BAGGAGE INSPECTION四、前往登机门 BOARDING GATE五、登机 PLANE※附图为常见的机场标示
4/29/201911 minutes, 47 seconds
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998 飞机上的餐饮 | 想自己拥有的

Think of what you have rather what you lack. Of the things you have, select the best and then reflect how eagerly you would have sought them if you did not have them.想想自己拥有什麽,而不是缺少什麽。选出自己现在最珍贵的东西,然后想想如果你没有这些,会多麽急切地想要得到它们。[ Marcus Aurelius│罗马帝国皇帝]飞机上的餐饮 Airline meal 注意过这些飞机餐单字吗?SFML:Fish, Seafood 鱼;海鲜ORML:Oriental Meal 东方餐食(荤食)AVML:Asian Vegetarian Meal 东方素食(无蛋奶、无葱薑蒜)VGML:Vegetarian Meal 西式素食(无奶、无葱薑蒜)BBML:Baby Meal 婴儿餐LSML:Low Sodium (Low-Salt Meal) 低钠无盐餐HNML:Hindu Meal 印度教餐食(无牛肉)MOML:Muslim Meal 伊斯兰教餐食(无猪肉)KSML:Kosher Meal 犹太教餐食(遵守犹太教之规定)
4/28/201910 minutes, 29 seconds
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998 飞机上的餐饮 | 想自己拥有的

Think of what you have rather what you lack. Of the things you have, select the best and then reflect how eagerly you would have sought them if you did not have them.想想自己拥有什麽,而不是缺少什麽。选出自己现在最珍贵的东西,然后想想如果你没有这些,会多麽急切地想要得到它们。[ Marcus Aurelius│罗马帝国皇帝]飞机上的餐饮 Airline meal 注意过这些飞机餐单字吗?SFML:Fish, Seafood 鱼;海鲜ORML:Oriental Meal 东方餐食(荤食)AVML:Asian Vegetarian Meal 东方素食(无蛋奶、无葱薑蒜)VGML:Vegetarian Meal 西式素食(无奶、无葱薑蒜)BBML:Baby Meal 婴儿餐LSML:Low Sodium (Low-Salt Meal) 低钠无盐餐HNML:Hindu Meal 印度教餐食(无牛肉)MOML:Muslim Meal 伊斯兰教餐食(无猪肉)KSML:Kosher Meal 犹太教餐食(遵守犹太教之规定)
4/28/201910 minutes, 29 seconds
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997 各种派和蛋糕名称 | 不要想没有什么

Now is no time to think of what you do not have.Think of what you can do with what there is.现在不是想缺什麽东西的时候,而是该想怎样利用现有的东西。[ Ernest Hemingway│海明威 ]蛋糕和派Cakes and Pies ※ raspberry cheese pie 覆盆子起司派※ pecan pie 胡桃派※ pumpkin pie 南瓜派※ coconut cream pie 椰子奶油派※ mocha cream cake 摩卡奶油蛋糕※ cheesecakes 起司蛋糕※ hazelnut cake 榛果蛋糕※ walnut coffee cake 胡桃咖啡蛋糕
4/28/201912 minutes, 59 seconds
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997 各种派和蛋糕名称 | 不要想没有什么

Now is no time to think of what you do not have.Think of what you can do with what there is.现在不是想缺什麽东西的时候,而是该想怎样利用现有的东西。[ Ernest Hemingway│海明威 ]蛋糕和派Cakes and Pies ※ raspberry cheese pie 覆盆子起司派※ pecan pie 胡桃派※ pumpkin pie 南瓜派※ coconut cream pie 椰子奶油派※ mocha cream cake 摩卡奶油蛋糕※ cheesecakes 起司蛋糕※ hazelnut cake 榛果蛋糕※ walnut coffee cake 胡桃咖啡蛋糕
4/28/201912 minutes, 59 seconds
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996 鸡尾酒第二集 | 低头焦虑的我们

We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.我们以前常仰望苍天,思索人类在星空中的未来,现在我们只会低头,忧心自己在尘世间的处境。[Interstellar│星际效应(2014)]鸡尾酒Cocktail 第二集※ Daiquiri 戴基里※ White Lady 白衣佳人※ Cuba Libre 自由古巴※ Sidecar 侧车※ Negroni 尼格罗尼※ Manhattan 曼哈顿◎饮酒过量,有害〈碍〉健康。
4/27/201911 minutes, 27 seconds
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996 鸡尾酒第二集 | 低头焦虑的我们

We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.我们以前常仰望苍天,思索人类在星空中的未来,现在我们只会低头,忧心自己在尘世间的处境。[Interstellar│星际效应(2014)]鸡尾酒Cocktail 第二集※ Daiquiri 戴基里※ White Lady 白衣佳人※ Cuba Libre 自由古巴※ Sidecar 侧车※ Negroni 尼格罗尼※ Manhattan 曼哈顿◎饮酒过量,有害〈碍〉健康。
4/27/201911 minutes, 27 seconds
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995 8种找到学习英语的动力的方式

If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.如果你在独自一人时笑了,那是真心的笑。[Andy Rooney│知名媒体人]自己创造学外语的动力英文唸到一半,是否觉得失去热忱呢?试试以下方法找回你的动力吧!一、跟朋友一起念书 Study with friends二、每次专心念书一小时后,就给自己一点奖励 Give yourself some reward三、移除会分心的事物 get rid of things that distract you四、放点音乐 play some music五、探索异国文化 explore foreign cultures六、利用最初的动机 find your “why”七、扩大范围寻找动力 search for motivation 八、了解自己的弱点 know your own weakness 九、专注在成功的经验 focus on successful experiences
4/25/201916 minutes, 22 seconds
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995 8种找到学习英语的动力的方式

If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.如果你在独自一人时笑了,那是真心的笑。[Andy Rooney│知名媒体人]自己创造学外语的动力英文唸到一半,是否觉得失去热忱呢?试试以下方法找回你的动力吧!一、跟朋友一起念书 Study with friends二、每次专心念书一小时后,就给自己一点奖励 Give yourself some reward三、移除会分心的事物 get rid of things that distract you四、放点音乐 play some music五、探索异国文化 explore foreign cultures六、利用最初的动机 find your “why”七、扩大范围寻找动力 search for motivation 八、了解自己的弱点 know your own weakness 九、专注在成功的经验 focus on successful experiences
4/25/201916 minutes, 22 seconds
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992 酒吧常见零食 | 人生的意义是以思想和行为来衡量

Life is measured by thought and action, not by time.人生的意义是以思想和行为来衡量,而非以生命之长短。Baron Avebury│亚维布里酒吧常见零食 Bar snacks※ dried nuts 乾坚果※ beef jerky 牛肉乾※ fish fingers 炸鱼条※ nachos 辣味玉米片※ sandwiches 三明治※ pretzels 椒盐脆饼※ onion rings 洋葱圈※ pizza slices 切片披萨※ buffalo wings 水牛城辣鸡翅 ]
4/24/20198 minutes, 29 seconds
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992 酒吧常见零食 | 人生的意义是以思想和行为来衡量

Life is measured by thought and action, not by time.人生的意义是以思想和行为来衡量,而非以生命之长短。Baron Avebury│亚维布里酒吧常见零食 Bar snacks※ dried nuts 乾坚果※ beef jerky 牛肉乾※ fish fingers 炸鱼条※ nachos 辣味玉米片※ sandwiches 三明治※ pretzels 椒盐脆饼※ onion rings 洋葱圈※ pizza slices 切片披萨※ buffalo wings 水牛城辣鸡翅 ]
4/24/20198 minutes, 29 seconds
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989 各种汤品的英文 | 不要将生命浪费在疑虑和恐惧

Don’t waste life in doubts and fears.不要将生命浪费在疑虑和恐惧之中。[ Ralph Waldo Emerson│爱默生 ]汤品 Soups※ lentil soup 扁豆汤※ cauliflower soup 白花椰菜汤※ asparagus soup 芦笋汤※ onion soup 洋葱汤※ mushroom soup 蘑菰汤※ carrot soup 胡萝卜汤※ oyster soup 牡蛎汤※ cabbage soup 高丽菜汤
4/24/20198 minutes, 46 seconds
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989 各种汤品的英文 | 不要将生命浪费在疑虑和恐惧

Don’t waste life in doubts and fears.不要将生命浪费在疑虑和恐惧之中。[ Ralph Waldo Emerson│爱默生 ]汤品 Soups※ lentil soup 扁豆汤※ cauliflower soup 白花椰菜汤※ asparagus soup 芦笋汤※ onion soup 洋葱汤※ mushroom soup 蘑菰汤※ carrot soup 胡萝卜汤※ oyster soup 牡蛎汤※ cabbage soup 高丽菜汤
4/24/20198 minutes, 46 seconds
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994 西班牙菜 Spanish Cuisine |最平凡的小事

That might sound boring, but I think the boring stuff is the stuff I remember the most.这可能听起来无聊,但最平凡的小事反而是最难忘记的。[UP│天外奇蹟(2009)]来源:华特迪士尼影片西班牙菜Spanish Cuisine 谈到西班牙食物,我们第一个会想到西班牙酒馆轻食 (Tapas)。西班牙人午觉睡很久,然后工作到晚上八点。下班后,他们会去酒吧好好放鬆一下!※ anchovy olive oil and vinegar油醋渍鱼 ※ mussels with peppers and tomatoes 胡椒番茄蚌※ bread and cheese 麵包和起司※ anchovy stuffed olives 橄榄鯷鱼※ fried squid 炸鱿鱼※ garlic shrimp 蒜头虾※ tortilla (Spanish omelet) 西班牙蛋饼※ roasted almonds 烤杏仁
4/23/20199 minutes, 44 seconds
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994 西班牙菜 Spanish Cuisine |最平凡的小事

That might sound boring, but I think the boring stuff is the stuff I remember the most.这可能听起来无聊,但最平凡的小事反而是最难忘记的。[UP│天外奇蹟(2009)]来源:华特迪士尼影片西班牙菜Spanish Cuisine 谈到西班牙食物,我们第一个会想到西班牙酒馆轻食 (Tapas)。西班牙人午觉睡很久,然后工作到晚上八点。下班后,他们会去酒吧好好放鬆一下!※ anchovy olive oil and vinegar油醋渍鱼 ※ mussels with peppers and tomatoes 胡椒番茄蚌※ bread and cheese 麵包和起司※ anchovy stuffed olives 橄榄鯷鱼※ fried squid 炸鱿鱼※ garlic shrimp 蒜头虾※ tortilla (Spanish omelet) 西班牙蛋饼※ roasted almonds 烤杏仁
4/23/20199 minutes, 44 seconds
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993 中式早餐的英文 | 如果这个世界上只有喜悦

We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.如果这个世界上只有喜悦,我们就永远也学不会勇敢和耐心。[ Helen Keller│海伦凯勒 ]中式早餐 Chinese Breakfast ※ congee (watery rice porridge) 稀饭※ dried pork 肉鬆※ steamed dumplings 小笼包※ steamed buns馒头※ fried bread sticks 油条※ soy milk豆浆※ fried dumplings煎饺※ cha siu bao (steamed barbecued pork bun)叉烧包※ radish cake萝卜糕
4/22/20198 minutes, 20 seconds
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993 中式早餐的英文 | 如果这个世界上只有喜悦

We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.如果这个世界上只有喜悦,我们就永远也学不会勇敢和耐心。[ Helen Keller│海伦凯勒 ]中式早餐 Chinese Breakfast ※ congee (watery rice porridge) 稀饭※ dried pork 肉鬆※ steamed dumplings 小笼包※ steamed buns馒头※ fried bread sticks 油条※ soy milk豆浆※ fried dumplings煎饺※ cha siu bao (steamed barbecued pork bun)叉烧包※ radish cake萝卜糕
4/22/20198 minutes, 20 seconds
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991 出租车实用例句 | 学习爱自己

When you don't like yourself, you tend to dislike everything connected to you. New things seem to be more attractive. When you learn to love yourself, then the same old life starts looking new, starts looking nice.当你不喜欢你自己时,你也不会喜欢你周遭的一切;新的事物看起来比较有吸引力。但当你学会爱你自己时,原本的生活开始变得焕然一新、变得美好。[English Vinglish│救救菜英文(2013)]来源:Eros International出租车实用例句I'd like you to call a taxi, please. 请帮我叫部出租车。May I get in? 我可以上车吗?Would you take me to the airport, please? 请载我到机场。I'll get off here. 我要在这裡下车。You can keep the change. 不用找钱了。
4/20/20197 minutes, 26 seconds
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990 酒店和旅馆常用单词 | 先原谅别人

Sometimes you've got to forgive in order to be forgiven.有时候你必须原谅别人,才能原谅自己。[The Judge│大法官(2014)]来源:威秀电影酒店旅馆常见单字:※reception 接待柜台※lobby 大厅※bellboy 大厅服务员※doorman 门房※cashier 出纳处※concierge 礼宾处
4/19/20195 minutes, 41 seconds
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988 欧姆蛋蛋卷的配料英语 | 人生如乐曲

Life is like music; it must be composed by ear, feeling, and instinct, not by rule.人生如乐曲,要用耳朵、感觉和直觉去谱写,而不是按规则。[Samuel Butler│英国小说家]欧姆蛋配料I’d like an omelet with ○○. 我要一份○○欧姆蛋。※ grilled tomatoes 烤番茄※ ham 火腿※ bacon 培根※ cheese 起司※ sausage 香肠※ mushrooms 蘑菇※ chives 细葱※ vegetables 蔬菜
4/18/20198 minutes, 2 seconds
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987 如何购买邮票 | 世界是个游乐场

The world's a playground. You know that when you are a kid, but somewhere along the way everyone forgets it.我们小时候都知道,这世界是个游乐场;只是在长大的过程中,大家都忘了。[Yes Man│没问题先生(2015)]来源:华纳兄弟如何购买邮票Where can I buy stamps?请问邮票要在哪买?Ten 20-cent stamps, please.我要10张20分的邮票。I would like 10 stamps for international postcards, please.我要10张国际明信片的邮票。I would like 10 commemorative stamps, please.我要10张纪念邮票。How do I operate the stamp vending machine?请问邮票贩卖机怎麽使用?Where else can I find a stamp vending machine besides at the post office?请问邮票贩卖机除了在邮局外,哪裡还有?Do you have other stamp patterns?请问有种图桉的邮票吗?How much is it for 3 aerograms?请问3张邮简要多少钱?
4/17/20197 minutes, 25 seconds
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986 常见主菜的英文 | 放弃热情让你衰老

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.岁月使皮肤产生皱纹,但是放弃热情则使人灵魂衰颓。[Samuel Ullman│诗人]常见主菜 Main Dishes※ spaghetti 义大利麵※ duck confit 油封鸭※ escalope 牛肉片※ sirloin steak 沙朗牛排※ chicken curry 咖哩鸡※ braised beef 炖牛肉※ French-style duck with orange sauce 法式橙鸭※ grilled salmon 炙烤鲑鱼※ roast veal 烤小牛肉
4/16/20194 minutes, 32 seconds
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985 各式穀麥早餐的英文 | 生活没有剧本

The difference between life and the movies is that a script has to make sense, and life doesn’t.生活和電影的不同之處在於:電影的劇本要寫得有道理,生活則不必然。[ J. L. Mankiewicz ]Lily推荐的四部电影: A Star is Born; Life Itself; Begin Again; OnceCereals 穀麥早餐Granola:由燕麥片、杏仁、腰果、核桃等各式堅果組成raisin bran:葡萄乾麥片shredded wheat:絲捲麥片,一種全麥製成的麥片Cheerios:通用磨坊(General Mills)公司所出的全穀物麥圈Rice Krispies:家樂氏(Kellogg’s)公司所出的脆米片Frosted Flakes:家樂氏(Kellogg’s)公司所出的糖霜穀片Cornflakes:玉米片Muesli:一種含燕麥、水果、堅果的什錦燕麥片
4/15/20197 minutes, 9 seconds
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984 常见的餐厅用语 | 不因他人评论而改变

A thing is a thing, not what is said of that thing.事物的本质,不因他人评论而改变。[Birdman│鸟人(2014)]来源:福斯探照灯影业常见的餐厅用语May I take your order? 决定要点什麽了吗?How would you like your steak? 您的牛排要几分熟?What kind of dressing on your salad? 您要哪一种沙拉酱?
4/14/20199 minutes, 47 seconds
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984 常见的餐厅用语 | 不因他人评论而改变

A thing is a thing, not what is said of that thing.事物的本质,不因他人评论而改变。[Birdman│鸟人(2014)]来源:福斯探照灯影业常见的餐厅用语May I take your order? 决定要点什麽了吗?How would you like your steak? 您的牛排要几分熟?What kind of dressing on your salad? 您要哪一种沙拉酱?
4/14/20199 minutes, 47 seconds
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983 常见的啤酒种类 | 不要让别人决定你的价值

不要让别人决定你的价值。别人怎麽看你不重要,你怎麽看你自己才是一切。Don’t let others decide your value. How others see you is not important; how you see yourself means everything.[The Lego Movie│乐高玩电影(2014)]来源:Warner Bros. Pictures常见的啤酒种类Beer※ Budweiser 百威啤酒※ Heineken 海尼根啤酒※ Guinness 健力士啤酒※ Miller 美乐啤酒※ Corona 可乐娜啤酒◎饮酒过量,有害〈碍〉健康。
4/13/20198 minutes, 3 seconds
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982 游乐园常用会话 | 不要先入为主(特别来宾:Marc)

It is only when we see without any preconception, any image, that we are able to be in direct contact with anything in life.只有当我们不带任何先入为主的观念,不带任何主观形象去观察的时候,我们才能与生活中的任何事物建立直接的关係。游乐园常用会话Is Universal Studios open during the Christmas holidays?请问环球影城会在圣诞节假期间开吗?One adult and 3 student tickets, please.我要一张全票和三张学生票。Does the admission include everything?是一票玩到底吗?※ haunted house 鬼屋※ carrousel 旋转木马※ roller coaster 云霄飞车※ Ferris wheel 摩天轮※ pirate ship 海盗船※ free falls 自由落体※ dodgem 碰碰车
4/12/201914 minutes, 16 seconds
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982 游乐园常用会话 | 不要先入为主(特别来宾:Marc)

It is only when we see without any preconception, any image, that we are able to be in direct contact with anything in life.只有当我们不带任何先入为主的观念,不带任何主观形象去观察的时候,我们才能与生活中的任何事物建立直接的关係。游乐园常用会话Is Universal Studios open during the Christmas holidays?请问环球影城会在圣诞节假期间开吗?One adult and 3 student tickets, please.我要一张全票和三张学生票。Does the admission include everything?是一票玩到底吗?※ haunted house 鬼屋※ carrousel 旋转木马※ roller coaster 云霄飞车※ Ferris wheel 摩天轮※ pirate ship 海盗船※ free falls 自由落体※ dodgem 碰碰车
4/12/201914 minutes, 16 seconds
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981 客房服务用语 | 永远做对的事

Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other. 永远做对的事,这会让一半的人感激,另一半的人感到惊艳。[The Intern│高年级实习生(2015)]来源:华纳兄弟How do I use the safe in my room?房间裡的保险箱要怎么用?I need a morning call at seven tomorrow morning.请在明天早上7点叫我起床。We would like to have our meals in our room.我们想在房裡用餐。May I have two more towels, please?请问可以再给我两条毛巾吗?
4/11/201910 minutes, 22 seconds
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981 客房服务用语 | 永远做对的事

Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other. 永远做对的事,这会让一半的人感激,另一半的人感到惊艳。[The Intern│高年级实习生(2015)]来源:华纳兄弟How do I use the safe in my room?房间裡的保险箱要怎么用?I need a morning call at seven tomorrow morning.请在明天早上7点叫我起床。We would like to have our meals in our room.我们想在房裡用餐。May I have two more towels, please?请问可以再给我两条毛巾吗?
4/11/201910 minutes, 22 seconds
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980 酒店客房常见用语 | 可以接受失败但不接受不去尝试

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying.我能接受失败,每个人总会在某些事上失败,但我不能接受甚至不去尝试。[ Michael Jordan│麦可·乔丹 ]酒店客房常见用语There is no toilet paper in the bathroom.浴室裡没有卫生纸了。Could you check it out, please? 麻烦你们来看一下好吗?I left the key in my room. Could you open the door for me?我把钥匙留在房间裡了,你能不能帮我开门?Is the pool free for guests?游泳池是免费供房客使用的吗?
4/11/201912 minutes, 59 seconds
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979 行李检查对话 | 成功是失败后仍保有热情

Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.成功是经过接连不断的失败后,依旧保有热情。[ Churchill│邱吉尔 ]行李检查 Baggage inspection Officer: Please bring your baggage here for inspection.请把你的行李拿过来检查。Me: Here you are, officer.好的,先生。Officer: Is all your baggage here?你所有的行李都在这裡了吗?Me: Yes, a camera bag, a travel bag and a suitcase.是的,一个相机包、一个旅行袋和一个行李箱。Officer: Have you got anything to declare?有什麽要申报的吗?Me: No. I have only personal effects.没有,我只有一些私人用品。
4/9/201912 minutes, 8 seconds
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978 博物馆常见用语 | 不要失去希望

We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.我们必须接受有限的失望,但是千万不可失去无限的希望。[ Martin Luther King│马丁·路德·金]博物馆常见用语Is it an original? 请问这是真迹吗?Is it a duplicate? 这是彷製品吗?Whose work is it? 这是谁的作品?May I have a floor map of the exhibition, please? 请问有展览楼层平面图吗?
4/8/201911 minutes, 42 seconds
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977 速食怎么点?| 生命中最喜悦之事

The greatest pleasure of life is love.生命中最喜悦之事,莫过于拥有爱。[ Euripides│希腊三大悲剧大师]速食怎麽点?Fast Food Would you like to go for the meal deal?你要点套餐吗?Is it for here or to go?内用还是外带?What would you like with your burger?请问您的汉堡附餐要配什麽?Please put the number card on your table. We'll bring your meal to you when it's ready.请把号码牌放在您的桌上,餐点好了我们会帮您端过去。
4/8/20198 minutes, 2 seconds
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976 各种汤类的英文 | 爱活的生活

Love the life you live; live the life you love. ~Bob Marley爱你活的生活;活出你爱的生活。汤 SOUP※ Soup 汤的总称※ Broth 清汤※ Stock 清汤、高汤料※ Gravy 肉汁
4/7/20199 minutes, 13 seconds
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975 美国的道路标示 | 别让过去决定你的未来

Don’t let your past determine your future.不要让过去决定你的未来。[Ant-Man│蚁人(2015)]美国道路与标示美国公路有州际公路(Interstate)、国道(U.S. Route)及州道(State Route)。东西向的highway是偶数号,南北向的highway是奇数号,他们的分道点是以highway的号码与方位标示(例如South、North),而不是用目的地的名称。※ INTERSTATE ROUTE 州际公路※ U.S. ROUTE 国道※ RAILROAD CROSSING 铁路平交道※ PEDESTRIAN CROSSING 人行道※ DO NOT ENTER 禁止进入※ DETOUR 绕道※ NO PASSING ZONE 禁止通过区域
4/5/20196 minutes, 10 seconds
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974 更改住房事项 | 爱和真理是最伟大的力量

Truth and love are two of the most powerful things in the world; and when they both go together they cannot easily be withstood.爱与真理是最伟大的力量,当两者结合,就不会轻易被打倒。[西方谚语]更改住宿事项延长入住Is it possible for me to extend my stay here for 2 more nights?请问我可以再住两个晚上吗?提早退房I am afraid that I have to leave a day earlier because of a change of schedule.我的行程改了,恐怕要提早一天退房。要求加床Can you put an extra bed in my room?请问我的房间可以多加一张床吗?要求换房My room faces the street, and it's too noisy. May I change to a quieter room?我的房间面对街道太吵了,可以帮我换安静一点的房间吗?
4/4/201912 minutes, 34 seconds
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973 砍价实用句 | 愿你爱家胜过爱黄金

If more of us valued home above gold, it would be a merrier world.若大家爱家庭更胜于黄金,世界一定会更美好。[The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies│哈比人:五军之战(2014)]讨价还价How much discount do you give?你们打几折?Could you cut the price a little, please?你可以把价钱降低一点吗?Is there a discount for two?买两个能不能算便宜一点?Is this the sale price?这是特价后的价格吗?I’ll take it if you give me a discount.你帮我打折我就买。国外观光区的商品定价通常偏高,游客向老闆杀价或讨折扣, 几乎是不可避免的过程。但若是商家已在门口或牆壁贴上Fixed Price(不二价),表示不愿意降价,游客就不应该再开口杀价,以免显得不礼貌,成为不受欢迎的拗客。
4/3/20199 minutes, 36 seconds
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973 砍价实用句 | 愿你爱家胜过爱黄金

If more of us valued home above gold, it would be a merrier world.若大家爱家庭更胜于黄金,世界一定会更美好。[The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies│哈比人:五军之战(2014)]讨价还价How much discount do you give?你们打几折?Could you cut the price a little, please?你可以把价钱降低一点吗?Is there a discount for two?买两个能不能算便宜一点?Is this the sale price?这是特价后的价格吗?I’ll take it if you give me a discount.你帮我打折我就买。国外观光区的商品定价通常偏高,游客向老闆杀价或讨折扣, 几乎是不可避免的过程。但若是商家已在门口或牆壁贴上Fixed Price(不二价),表示不愿意降价,游客就不应该再开口杀价,以免显得不礼貌,成为不受欢迎的拗客。
4/3/20199 minutes, 36 seconds
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972 机票费用常见实用句 | 辛苦背后最大的收获

The highest reward for a man’s toil is not what he gets for it but what he becomes by it.辛苦背后最大的报偿,不在于如何能从中获益,而是能够因此成长多少。[ Ruskin│罗斯金 ]机票费用常用语彙Are there any flights to Beijing on Sunday?有星期天飞往北京的机票吗?How much is the airfare from Paris to Taipei?从巴黎到台北的机票是多少钱?I’d like to confirm the departure time. 我想确认出发的时间。Which flights have seats available? 哪一个班机还有位子?
4/2/20196 minutes, 57 seconds
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971 点心英语 | 把每一天当作最后一天活

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. 活着,如同生命最后一天般活着。学习,如同你会永远活着般学习。 [ Mahatma Gandhi│甘地 ] 点心Snacks ※ cashews 腰果 ※ peanuts 花生 ※ almonds 杏仁 ※ pretzels 椒盐脆饼 ※ pistachios 开心果 ※ raisins 葡萄乾 ※ pumpkin seeds 南瓜子 ※ walnuts 核桃
4/1/20196 minutes, 42 seconds
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970 各式调味酱 | 做让你害怕的事

Always do what you are afraid to do.不要害怕去做你所恐惧的事情。[ Emerson│爱默生]常见的调味酱※ salt 盐※ pepper 胡椒※ ketchup番茄酱※ mayonnaise美奶滋※ mustard芥末※ vinegar 醋※ soy sauce酱油※ chili sauce 辣椒酱※ syrup糖浆
3/31/20199 minutes, 32 seconds
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970 各式调味酱 | 做让你害怕的事

Always do what you are afraid to do.不要害怕去做你所恐惧的事情。[ Emerson│爱默生]常见的调味酱※ salt 盐※ pepper 胡椒※ ketchup番茄酱※ mayonnaise美奶滋※ mustard芥末※ vinegar 醋※ soy sauce酱油※ chili sauce 辣椒酱※ syrup糖浆
3/31/20199 minutes, 32 seconds
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969 搭火车旅游 | 让我们好好过活

We have one shot. Let’s make it count.我们只有一次机会,让我们好好过好我们的人生。[The Hunger Games:Mockingjay – Part 2│飢饿游戏:自由幻梦 终结战(2015)]搭火车旅游囉!I took the wrong train. At which station should I get off?我搭错车了,要在哪一站下车才好呢?At which station should I change trains?我应该在哪一站转车呢?Is this the local or express train? 这列是普通车,还是快车?Which track does the train to Las Vegas leave from?哪一路火车是要去拉斯维加斯的?Is this the right platform for the train to Chicago?往芝加哥的车在这个月台搭吗?
3/30/201911 minutes, 19 seconds
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969 搭火车旅游 | 让我们好好过活

We have one shot. Let’s make it count.我们只有一次机会,让我们好好过好我们的人生。[The Hunger Games:Mockingjay – Part 2│飢饿游戏:自由幻梦 终结战(2015)]搭火车旅游囉!I took the wrong train. At which station should I get off?我搭错车了,要在哪一站下车才好呢?At which station should I change trains?我应该在哪一站转车呢?Is this the local or express train? 这列是普通车,还是快车?Which track does the train to Las Vegas leave from?哪一路火车是要去拉斯维加斯的?Is this the right platform for the train to Chicago?往芝加哥的车在这个月台搭吗?
3/30/201911 minutes, 19 seconds
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968 烹饪方法 | 舍得是一种境界

Taking is an ability; letting go is a state of mind.取,是能力;捨,是境界。[To the Fore│破风(2015)]来源:华映娱乐烹饪方法grilled (用烤架)烤的sauté 嫩煎;嫩炒stir-fry 炒steam 蒸煮deep-fry 油炸braise 以文火炖煮
3/29/20199 minutes, 47 seconds
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967 飞机上常用单词 | 书与朋友贵精

Books and friends should be few but good.书与朋友,贵精而不贵多。[西方谚语]飞机上常用单字※ tray 折叠餐桌※ seat pocket 椅背置物袋※ headphone; headset耳机※ pillow 枕头※ blanket 毛毯※ console 扶手上的操作按钮檯※ blind 窗帘※ inflight meal 机上餐点※ duty-free items 免税商品
3/28/20196 minutes, 6 seconds
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966 国外逛街买衣服 | 一朵重要的玫瑰花

It's the time you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important.在玫瑰花身上所花费的时间,使你的玫瑰花变得那麽重要。[The Little Prince│小王子(2015)]来源:ifilm 传影互动在国外逛街买衣服,走进商店时, 店员通常都会走过来亲切地和你打招呼,问你:May I help you? 需要帮忙吗?What can I do for you? 有什麽可以帮忙的吗?Are you looking for something? 您想找什麽商品吗?如果你只是想逛逛而已,就可以客气地跟她说声:I’m just looking. 我只是看看而已。I’m just browsing. 我只是逛逛而已。
3/27/20196 minutes, 32 seconds
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965 常见的订房用语 | 哭泣有助于自己放慢脚步

Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life's problems.哭泣有助于自己放慢步调去检视人生难题的重量。[Inside Out│脑筋急转弯(2015)]来源:华特迪士尼影业常见的订房用语I have confirmed the reservation. Thank you very much for calling.您的订房已经确认,非常感谢您的来电。I’m afraid we have no record of a reservation in your name for that date.很抱歉,我们那一天没有您的订房纪录。With an unguaranteed reservation, we’ll hold the room for you until 6 p.m.非担保订房会帮您保留房间到晚上六点。You have to pay an advance deposit for a guaranteed reservation.如果您要担保订房的话,需要预付订金。
3/26/20197 minutes, 5 seconds
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964 换钱实用句 | 做自己最好

I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There’s no one I’d rather be than me.我是坏人,那又怎样。变好无望,坏也无妨。我只想做我自己。[Wreck-It Ralph│无敌破坏王(2012)]来源:华特迪士尼影业换钱实用例句Do I need to pay a handling charge?请问要付手续费吗?The amount of money is not right.金额错了。Please sign your name on the checks.请在支票上签名。Could I have an exchange receipt?请给我交易收据。
3/26/20195 minutes, 58 seconds
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963 客房需求实用句 | 只有一种成功

There is only one success─to be able to spend your life in your own way. 只有一种成功,那就是能够用自己的方式度过自己的人生。[Christopher Morley│美国作家]客房常用需求I forgot to bring a toothbrush.我忘了带牙刷。I really need a pencil.我很需要用笔。There isn’t a rollaway bed in my room.我房间裡面没有折叠床。I need a dry-cleaning list.我想要一份乾洗价目表。My sister wants a shower cap.我妹妹想要一顶浴帽。The bellboy did not bring up our bags.大厅的服务生没有把我们的行李送上来。
3/21/20198 minutes, 20 seconds
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962 转机实用句 | 放弃理想的人才会老

3/19/20198 minutes, 18 seconds
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961 飞机上不适的实用句| 让我们陷入困境的不是无知

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.让我们陷入困境的不是无知,而是深信为真理的谬论。[The Big Short│大卖空(2016)]来源:派拉蒙影业飞机上身体不适I feel a little sick.我觉得不太舒服。I am feeling airsick.我好像晕机了。My ears are ringing.我耳鸣听不到。I feel like vomiting.我想吐。May I have some airsickness medicine?请问有晕机药吗?I need an airsickness bag.我需要呕吐袋。Is there a doctor on board?飞机上有医生吗?
3/19/201917 minutes, 10 seconds
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I never feared death or dying, I only fear never trying.我从来不害怕面对死亡,我只怕自己不曾努力尝试人生[Fast & Furious 6│玩命关头6 (2013)]
3/17/201930 minutes, 41 seconds
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959 搭乘地下铁实用句 | 善良是不会破产的投资

Goodness is the only investment that never fails.善良是唯一永不破产的投资。[ Henry David Thoreau│梭罗 ]搭乘地下鐵Can I use this MetroCard to get in? 我可以使用捷运卡进入吗?My MetroCard doesn’t work. 我的捷运卡不能用。We will issue a replacement. 我们将替您换发一张。I saw a suspicious item on the train. 我在列车上看到可疑物品。Could you tell me where the emergency exit is?你能告诉我紧急逃生出口在哪裡吗?Should I stay in the train or get off? 我应该待在车上或下车?All passengers, please remain in the train.请全部乘客待在车上。
3/17/201913 minutes, 6 seconds
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958 泰式料理的英语说法 | 学习给爱

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.生命中最重要的事,在于如何付出爱,并且知道如何接受它。[ Morrie Schwartz│墨瑞‧史瓦兹 ]泰国菜 Thai Food※ Tom Yum Kung 海鲜蔬菜酸辣汤※ Tom Kai Kha 椰鸡奶汤※ Green Papaya Salad青木瓜沙拉※ Thai Chicken Salad 泰式鸡肉沙拉※ Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce 鸡肉沙嗲沾花生酱※ Pad Thai 泰式河粉※ Thai curries 泰式咖哩
3/15/201910 minutes, 41 seconds
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958 泰式料理的英语说法 | 学习给爱

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.生命中最重要的事,在于如何付出爱,并且知道如何接受它。[ Morrie Schwartz│墨瑞‧史瓦兹 ]泰国菜 Thai Food※ Tom Yum Kung 海鲜蔬菜酸辣汤※ Tom Kai Kha 椰鸡奶汤※ Green Papaya Salad青木瓜沙拉※ Thai Chicken Salad 泰式鸡肉沙拉※ Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce 鸡肉沙嗲沾花生酱※ Pad Thai 泰式河粉※ Thai curries 泰式咖哩
3/15/201910 minutes, 41 seconds
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957 回应店家实用句 | 最大的悲哀

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.小孩子害怕黑夜情有可原,但最大的悲哀是人类惧怕光明。[ Plato│柏拉图 ]It’s time to shop! 国外旅行购物,不知如何回应店家亲切的招呼吗?购物时的超实用小句:I am just looking.我只是看看。I want to think about it.我考虑一下。I think I'd like to pass this time.这次就先不买了。I will take it.我就买这个。What I bought is a pair of shoes, not 2 shirts.我是买一双鞋,不是两件衬衫。This is not what I picked out.这不是我要的那件。
3/15/201913 minutes, 16 seconds
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957 回应店家实用句 | 最大的悲哀

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.小孩子害怕黑夜情有可原,但最大的悲哀是人类惧怕光明。[ Plato│柏拉图 ]It’s time to shop! 国外旅行购物,不知如何回应店家亲切的招呼吗?购物时的超实用小句:I am just looking.我只是看看。I want to think about it.我考虑一下。I think I'd like to pass this time.这次就先不买了。I will take it.我就买这个。What I bought is a pair of shoes, not 2 shirts.我是买一双鞋,不是两件衬衫。This is not what I picked out.这不是我要的那件。
3/15/201913 minutes, 16 seconds
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956 托运行李实用句 | 改变从你开始

Life's a little bit messy. We all make mistakes. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.生活总会有点不顺意,我们都会犯错。天性如何并不重要,重要的是你开始改变。[Zootopia│动物方城市(2016)]来源:华特迪士尼工作室电影机场托运行李小指引:搭机出国时要往Departure( 出境)处,不要走到Arrival(入境)处,然后到所搭乘的航空公司的划位柜臺(Check-In Counter)办理登记手续 验票 托运行李过磅 贴标籤(Claim Tag)。如果行李超重的话,就要支付超重运费(Over Weight Charge /Excess Baggage Charge)。若托运的行李超重,将超重的部分拿出来随身携带,即能省下超重的运费。报名旅行英语144节课程,加微信:guilvte ,回复:2019
3/13/201913 minutes, 55 seconds
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956 托运行李实用句 | 改变从你开始

Life's a little bit messy. We all make mistakes. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.生活总会有点不顺意,我们都会犯错。天性如何并不重要,重要的是你开始改变。[Zootopia│动物方城市(2016)]来源:华特迪士尼工作室电影机场托运行李小指引:搭机出国时要往Departure( 出境)处,不要走到Arrival(入境)处,然后到所搭乘的航空公司的划位柜臺(Check-In Counter)办理登记手续 验票 托运行李过磅 贴标籤(Claim Tag)。如果行李超重的话,就要支付超重运费(Over Weight Charge /Excess Baggage Charge)。若托运的行李超重,将超重的部分拿出来随身携带,即能省下超重的运费。报名旅行英语144节课程,加微信:guilvte ,回复:2019
3/13/201913 minutes, 55 seconds
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956 上车下车使用的英语片语 | 未尝苦涩,哪知甘甜

上车到底是用get in还是get on呢?教你认识各种搭乘交通工具的片语:※ board/get on上车(公车、火车) ※ get off下车(公车、火车)※ get in/into上车(计程车) ※ get out of下车(计程车)※ change trains/buses/planes转车(火车、公车、飞机)购买旅游英语课程,请加公众微信号:guilvte 回复:2019
3/12/201915 minutes, 49 seconds
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956 上车下车使用的英语片语 | 未尝苦涩,哪知甘甜

上车到底是用get in还是get on呢?教你认识各种搭乘交通工具的片语:※ board/get on上车(公车、火车) ※ get off下车(公车、火车)※ get in/into上车(计程车) ※ get out of下车(计程车)※ change trains/buses/planes转车(火车、公车、飞机)购买旅游英语课程,请加公众微信号:guilvte 回复:2019
3/12/201915 minutes, 49 seconds
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955 主菜、开胃菜英语怎么说?| 年纪越大就越难维持友情

It’s harder to stay friends with people when you're older. You have so much of your own shit going on.当你年纪越大时,越难去维持友谊,因为自己有太多事情。[The Night Before│圣诞狂欢夜(2015)]来源:哥伦比亚影业主菜、开胃菜英文怎么说?图解外出用餐实用单字轻松学!※ main dish/main course/entrée (n.)主菜※ appetizer/starter (n.)开胃菜※ tip (v.)付小费(n.)小费※ bill/check (n.)帐单※ street food街边小吃※ drink/beverage (n.)饮料
3/11/201911 minutes, 7 seconds
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954 各种日式料理的名称 | 成功很简单

If you want to be successful, it’s just this simple.Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing.And believe in what you are doing.想要获得成功,是再简单不过的事:只要你知道自己在做什麽,并且热爱它、信仰它即可。[ Will Rogers ]▍日式料理英文:seafood donburi (海鲜丼)omelet rice (蛋包饭)chicken donburi (鸡肉丼)ramen (拉面)sake (清酒)udon (乌龙面)soba (荞麦面)yakiudon (日式乌龙炒面)okonomiyaki (什锦烧)takoyaki (章鱼烧)
3/11/20199 minutes, 27 seconds
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953 英文点日式食物 | 全力以赴

The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.奥运的重点不在于获胜,而是参与,人生的要领不在于征服,而是全力以赴。[Eddie the Eagle│飞跃奇蹟(2016)]来源:二十世纪福斯今天教大家出国玩用英文点日式食物!其实与一般西餐点餐方式相同,只有餐点换成日式食物而已喔,一起来看情境对话怎么套用吧!另外加映常见日式食物的英文单字!▍生活对话:Customer: I would like to order some noodles, please.Waitress: I recommend the ramen with sliced roasted pork belly. It's the chef's specialty.顾客:我想要点些面食。服务生:我推荐叉烧拉面。这是主厨特制的。Customer: Do you serve sake here?Waitress: Yes, we do. We have a variety of alcohol.顾客:你们这有供应清酒吗?服务生:有的,我们有各种的酒类。Waitress: We're out of beef donburi. Would you like to have the chicken instead?Customer: Ok, I'll take the chicken one.服务生:我们的牛丼卖完了。您要换鸡肉丼吗?顾客:好,那我换鸡肉的。
3/9/201914 minutes, 35 seconds
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952 各种蛋料理的说法 | 切忌只说不做的梦

But there is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them. But it’s better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you’re fighting for.人生怀有苦难,也充满失败,没有人可以侥倖避免。但为了梦想奋斗而失利的战争,远比从未争取梦想的失败更有价值。[ Paulo Coelho │巴西小说家 ]周末来临,又是可以来份悠闲早午餐的时候了!班尼迪克蛋、炒蛋、煎蛋的英文怎么说?英文点餐又要怎么向服务生说呢?▍来看实用例句:Can I get scrambled eggs, please? 请问可以给我份炒蛋吗?I'll take my eggs fried. 我要煎蛋。I'd like a boiled egg, please. 我要水煮蛋。▍认识各种蛋料理: sunny-side up单面荷包蛋(太阳蛋) scrambled eggs炒蛋 fried egg煎蛋 eggs benedict班尼迪克蛋(淋酱半熟水煮蛋) soft-boiled eggs半熟水煮蛋 hard-boiled eggs全熟水煮蛋 omelet煎蛋卷
3/8/201913 minutes, 57 seconds
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952 各种蛋料理的说法 | 切忌只说不做的梦

But there is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them. But it’s better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you’re fighting for.人生怀有苦难,也充满失败,没有人可以侥倖避免。但为了梦想奋斗而失利的战争,远比从未争取梦想的失败更有价值。[ Paulo Coelho │巴西小说家 ]周末来临,又是可以来份悠闲早午餐的时候了!班尼迪克蛋、炒蛋、煎蛋的英文怎么说?英文点餐又要怎么向服务生说呢?▍来看实用例句:Can I get scrambled eggs, please? 请问可以给我份炒蛋吗?I'll take my eggs fried. 我要煎蛋。I'd like a boiled egg, please. 我要水煮蛋。▍认识各种蛋料理: sunny-side up单面荷包蛋(太阳蛋) scrambled eggs炒蛋 fried egg煎蛋 eggs benedict班尼迪克蛋(淋酱半熟水煮蛋) soft-boiled eggs半熟水煮蛋 hard-boiled eggs全熟水煮蛋 omelet煎蛋卷
3/8/201913 minutes, 57 seconds
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951 西餐常见蔬菜 | 没有行动是暗杀理想主义

Words without actions are the assassins of idealism.没有行动的言词,是理想主义的暗杀者。[Herbert Clark Hoover│第31任美国总统 ]西餐常见蔬菜会吃不会说吗?带你一起认识这些餐桌上常见的蔬菜!artichoke朝鲜蓟Remove the bottoms of the artichokes.(把朝鲜蓟的底部切下来。)eggplant茄子Fry the eggplants in oil.(把茄子放进油锅里面炸。)cucumber黄瓜Slice the cucumbers into small pieces.(把黄瓜切成薄片。)cabbage包心菜Are we going to stuff the cabbage?(我们要在包心菜里包馅料吗?)lettuce莴苣We use the whole leaves of lettuce to decorate the salad.(我们用整片的莴苣叶来装饰沙拉。)cauliflower白花椰菜Lemon juice will keep the cauliflower white.(柠檬汁能使花椰菜保持原有的白色。)pea豌豆Please shell the peas into a colander.(把青豆剥出来倒进滤碗里。)
3/7/201910 minutes, 27 seconds
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951 西餐常见蔬菜 | 没有行动是暗杀理想主义

Words without actions are the assassins of idealism.没有行动的言词,是理想主义的暗杀者。[Herbert Clark Hoover│第31任美国总统 ]西餐常见蔬菜会吃不会说吗?带你一起认识这些餐桌上常见的蔬菜!artichoke朝鲜蓟Remove the bottoms of the artichokes.(把朝鲜蓟的底部切下来。)eggplant茄子Fry the eggplants in oil.(把茄子放进油锅里面炸。)cucumber黄瓜Slice the cucumbers into small pieces.(把黄瓜切成薄片。)cabbage包心菜Are we going to stuff the cabbage?(我们要在包心菜里包馅料吗?)lettuce莴苣We use the whole leaves of lettuce to decorate the salad.(我们用整片的莴苣叶来装饰沙拉。)cauliflower白花椰菜Lemon juice will keep the cauliflower white.(柠檬汁能使花椰菜保持原有的白色。)pea豌豆Please shell the peas into a colander.(把青豆剥出来倒进滤碗里。)
3/7/201910 minutes, 27 seconds
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950 寻找方向 | 不能说我没有唱过

People may say I can’t sing, but no one can ever say I didn’t sing.他们可以说我唱得不好,但不能说我没唱过。[Florence Foster Jenkins│走音天后(2016)]来源:二十世纪福斯▍寻找附近建筑物与区域I wonder if the Museum of Modern Art is around here.(不知道现代艺术博物馆是否在附近?)Do you know a souvenir shop around here?(你知道这附近有纪念品店吗?)Could you please tell me what district Park Street is located in?(请问公园街在哪一区呢?)▍指路与走错路The road runs parallel to Seventh Street.(这条路与第七街平行。)You can find the street on the map. It is located in the central part of the city.(你可以在地图上找到这条街,它就位在市中心。)You're heading in the wrong direction.(你正朝着错误的方向走。)▍片语学习get to到某地run parallel to和⋯⋯平行be located in位在
3/6/201910 minutes, 42 seconds
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950 寻找方向 | 不能说我没有唱过

People may say I can’t sing, but no one can ever say I didn’t sing.他们可以说我唱得不好,但不能说我没唱过。[Florence Foster Jenkins│走音天后(2016)]来源:二十世纪福斯▍寻找附近建筑物与区域I wonder if the Museum of Modern Art is around here.(不知道现代艺术博物馆是否在附近?)Do you know a souvenir shop around here?(你知道这附近有纪念品店吗?)Could you please tell me what district Park Street is located in?(请问公园街在哪一区呢?)▍指路与走错路The road runs parallel to Seventh Street.(这条路与第七街平行。)You can find the street on the map. It is located in the central part of the city.(你可以在地图上找到这条街,它就位在市中心。)You're heading in the wrong direction.(你正朝着错误的方向走。)▍片语学习get to到某地run parallel to和⋯⋯平行be located in位在
3/6/201910 minutes, 42 seconds
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949 问路的英语实用句 | 今天是你唯一拥有的现金

3/5/20196 minutes, 21 seconds
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948 询问票期实用句 | 好好过活

3/4/201910 minutes, 52 seconds
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948 询问票期实用句 | 好好过活

3/4/201910 minutes, 52 seconds
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947 购票实用英语 | 每一天都当作最后一天

3/3/20197 minutes, 42 seconds
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946 点餐实用英语 | 大多数人都是壮志未酬身先死

3/2/20197 minutes, 35 seconds
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945 只要你想要,做出行动(3.1 巴塞罗那粉丝见面会)

3/1/201926 minutes, 9 seconds
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944 请人介绍餐点实用句 | 做事有效率的捷径

2/28/201912 minutes, 7 seconds
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942 退房实用句 | 直到爱上为止

2/26/201912 minutes, 42 seconds
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941 帐单错误实用英语 | 凡是值得做的事

2/25/20199 minutes, 10 seconds
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936 酒吧饮料种类实用句 | 不要轻言不可能

2/20/201910 minutes, 27 seconds
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934 酒吧闲聊实用句 | 如果你想得到从未拥有的东西

2/18/20199 minutes, 57 seconds
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928 洗衣服实用英语 | 人生是由缺憾臻致圆满的艺术

2/12/20199 minutes, 27 seconds
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927 洗衣精、洗衣服的英文怎么说 | 生命是份礼物

2/11/201910 minutes, 39 seconds
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923 找房子实用英语 | 你我之间并没有什麽不同

2/7/20198 minutes, 49 seconds
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922 国外租房必备单词 | 请不要只过安逸的日子

2/6/20199 minutes, 26 seconds
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921 吃港式点心用的英语会话 | 成功的祕诀在于和谐的自我

2/6/201911 minutes, 9 seconds
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920 港式点心的英语怎么说 | 想看见彩虹吗?

2/3/201919 minutes, 47 seconds
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916 「平板电脑」、「网路摄影机」的英文怎么说? | 不屈不挠的意志

1/28/201913 minutes, 37 seconds
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915 电脑配备 | 宁可去尝试事情,并从失败中学习

1/27/201910 minutes, 42 seconds
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914 警察局报案 | 你可以不需要原谅他

1/26/20199 minutes, 4 seconds
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908 修改尺寸 | 人们应该无所不美

1/19/201913 minutes, 34 seconds
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907 询问尺寸与试穿 | 塑造你的本性

1/18/201910 minutes, 54 seconds
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904 探索城市实用句 | 成就大事的几样要素

1/15/201912 minutes, 3 seconds
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903 各种探索行程 | 活出与众不同

1/14/201913 minutes, 33 seconds
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900 聊聊晴天 | 每个人都需要被好好鼓励

1/11/20199 minutes, 16 seconds
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899 聊聊下雨天 | 现实才是真实

1/10/20199 minutes, 7 seconds
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898 聊聊下雪天 | 每个人都有我们值得欣赏的地方

1/9/201912 minutes, 6 seconds
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893 购物付账实用句 (上) | 不要做棺材里最有钱的人

1/4/20199 minutes, 14 seconds
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882 设定一个让你早上想从床上跳起来的目标

12/24/201813 minutes, 56 seconds
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881 不要再说“我没有时间”

12/23/201813 minutes, 46 seconds
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878 值得吗?当然!

12/20/20189 minutes, 4 seconds
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876 你唯一的限制是你的头脑

12/18/20188 minutes, 51 seconds
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872 现在正是时候

12/14/201810 minutes, 59 seconds
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844 描述最近一次感到纯粹快乐的时候

今日感恩格言:“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.”困苦的路通常带领我们到美丽的目的地。 第十七天:描述最近一次感到纯粹快乐的时候。Day 17: Describe the last time you felt pure joy.和我的儿子玩,看着他无忧无虑的玩是让我感觉最纯粹快乐的事。It was playing with my son this morning. I felt pure joy watching him play without a worry in the world.上个月去户外郊游,和大自然相处的时候让我觉得好快乐,仿佛所有的烦恼都飞到九霄云外。Last month when I went hiking, I felt so joyful when I was with nature, as if all the troubles had gone far away.今天晚上做菜的时候,期待家人回家一起品尝一桌我亲手做的菜是我感觉最纯粹快乐的时候。It was when I was cooking tonight that I felt pure joy. I was looking forward to the whole family coming home to enjoy a table of food together.--Lily的感恩日记--第十七天:描述最近一次感到纯粹快乐的时候。Day 17: Describe the last time you felt pure joy.昨天我吃午饭和我的朋友分享我最近的挣扎和成长。他也很大方的分享他所经历的事情。我觉得当我和我的朋友可以没有夹杂任何批评和羞辱并且敞开心胸诚实的在一起,是我感觉最纯粹快乐的事情。It was yesterday when I was at lunch and felt comfortable enough to share my recent struggle and growth with my friend. And he openly shared what he has gone through too. I like when my friends and I can be open and honest with each other with no criticism and shame involved. That connection just made me feel very joyful.
11/16/20189 minutes, 9 seconds
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839 过去什么样的痛苦经历帮助你成长?

11/12/201814 minutes, 34 seconds
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836 写下你最值得感谢和骄傲的一件成就

11/8/201811 minutes, 9 seconds
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835 你生命中的什么关系让你觉得最充实丰富?

11/7/20189 minutes, 34 seconds
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833 你是怎么对已经拥有的人事物表达感激之情的?

11/5/20188 minutes, 48 seconds
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832 过去做过什么有风险的事情,但今天的你很感谢有付诸行动?

11/4/201811 minutes, 29 seconds
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817 在国外吃得不见得都是美食

10/20/20189 minutes, 39 seconds
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816 我的玩具熊带了一个朋友回来!

10/19/20188 minutes, 7 seconds
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815 泰国式按摩还是泰国式酷刑?

10/18/20188 minutes, 4 seconds
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813 出国旅游受到明星般的宠爱

10/16/201812 minutes, 58 seconds
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812 制造恐慌的机上广播

10/15/20188 minutes, 32 seconds
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809 神秘的欧洲淋浴器

10/12/201810 minutes, 30 seconds
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807 在飞机上听到的有趣机长广播

10/10/201810 minutes, 46 seconds
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804 他和女朋友分手了,所以带了一个同名的陌生人度假

10/7/201810 minutes
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802 电影明星闯入单身派对

10/5/201810 minutes, 30 seconds
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800 因为该死的导航,我要错过我的足球赛了!

10/3/201815 minutes, 6 seconds
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799 男子登机巧遇自己的分身

10/2/201812 minutes, 24 seconds
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797 这位爸爸被自己蠢哭(十月播客主题:聊聊旅行趣事)

10/1/201812 minutes, 38 seconds
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796 你和别人最大的不同是?

9/29/201813 minutes, 34 seconds
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795 享受生活需要拥有的两个心态

9/28/201813 minutes, 20 seconds