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Let’s learn Japanese from small talk! Cover
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Let’s learn Japanese from small talk!

Japanese, Education, 1 season, 89 episodes, 2 days, 1 hour, 38 minutes
Hi guys :) This is the podcast program for Japanese learners. We want to give you Japanese real conversations! Please have fun learning Japanese :) Twitter: @smalltalkinJP Email: [email protected] Vocabulary List: We would appreciate informing us of any questions, comments or requests you may have. We are really looking forward to hearing from you ?✨
Episode Artwork

86. 福岡(ふくおか)のSpa ResortとSingapore旅行(りょこう)のお話!

Vocabulary list (43min 34sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]     Thank you very much for listening!
5/1/202347 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

85.最近もやもや(be bothered)しませんか?〜日本に住む外国人、外見を気にしすぎる日本人〜

Vocabulary list (40min 49sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]     Thank you very much for listening!
11/20/202245 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork


Vocabulary list (49min 47sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (   email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
9/11/202255 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

82. 恥(は)ずかしいことがあった時は、コメディーでも見て、笑うのが一番!笑

Vocabulary list (25min 00sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
7/30/202229 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork


Vocabulary list (23min 00sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
6/5/202227 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

83. 初めてのお酒あり収録(recording)! 笑いすぎててすみません…笑 part1

Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
5/1/202224 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork


Vocabulary list (26min 11sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
1/1/202230 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

80. アニメとオノマトペと欲しい超能力(superpower)!

Vocabulary list (28min 3sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (   email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
9/26/202134 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork


Vocabulary list (29min 11sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
8/22/202135 minutes
Episode Artwork


Vocabulary list (21min 23sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (   email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
7/25/202126 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

77.一人暮らし(living by myself)と理想(ideal)の結婚相手(marriage partner)

Vocabulary list (20min 20sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
6/26/202125 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

76. 私たちの社会人生活について!

Vocabulary list (25min 59sec~):  You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (   email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
5/25/202131 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

75. 質問エピソード(パート3)~日本語学習、オススメ観光地(かんこうち)、好きな食べ物など~

Vocabulary list (30min 22sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
4/25/202135 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

74. Q&Aエピソード(パート2)~このポッドキャストについて~

Vocabulary list ( 20min 14sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
3/30/202124 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

73. Q&Aエピソード(パート1)~イギリス留学(りゅうがく)や海外生活について~

Vocabulary list ( 24min 48 sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
3/15/202129 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

72. お年玉(New Year’s Allowance)の使い方と学校生活(school life)での思い出

Vocabulary list ( 33 min 49 sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]   Thank you very much for listening!
3/1/202140 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

71. イギリスと日本の好きなもの&バレンタインについて

Japan Podcast Award 投票(vote)お願いします!(2月15日までです!!) Vocabulary list ( 29 min 58 sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
2/14/202137 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

70. 通勤通学時間(commuting time)の過ごし方と2020年に流行った曲

Japan Podcast Award 投票(vote)お願いします!  Vocabulary list (18min 49sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (   email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
1/30/202123 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

69. 2020年に私たちがハマった(be into)おすすめの食べ物&ドラマ&アニメ

Japan Podcast Award 投票(vote)お願いします! Vocabulary list ( 29min 20sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
1/15/202134 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

第4回ひとりごとシリーズ:妹と一緒に年末年始(New Year's holiday)のテレビとスポーツの話

こんにちは! 今回は妹と年末年始のテレビ番組とスポーツの話をしました! 音質がすごく悪くて本当にすみません。 今年は1年間ありがとうございました。よいお年を!
12/31/202018 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

68.はんこ(name seal)文化と今年の流行語(buzzwords)

Vocabulary list (17min 55sec~):  You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (   email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
12/17/202022 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

67. 私たちがイギリスで無性(むしょう)に食べたかったもの&イギリスの思い出(おもいで)について

Vocabulary list (26min 22sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
11/16/202031 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork


Vocabulary list (28 min 49 sec 〜): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (   email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
10/31/202033 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

63. 私たちが日本企業で働きたい理由!

Vocabulary list (35 min 30 sec 〜): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (   email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
10/16/202042 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

65. 気分(きぶん)は毎日(まいにち)ダイエット中!?明日からできるダイエット方法(ほうほう)紹介(しょうかい)

Vocabulary list (33 min 44 sec 〜): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
10/16/202041 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

64. カラオケの定番曲(standard number)と言えばどの曲?〜スイーツと音楽と芸能人(celebrity)〜

Vocabulary list (40min 19sec 〜): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (   email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
9/26/202045 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

62. 食べたり(eat)、涼んだり(enjoy the cool air)......日本の夏の楽しみ方(How to enjoy summer in Japan)

Vocabulary list (35 min 54 sec 〜): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
8/22/202044 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

61. 海外にあるオススメ日本食レストラン(Curry and Rice, Sushi, Takoyaki)

Vocabulary list (35min 36 sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
8/7/202045 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

60. 小さなペットと日本でのバイト経験

Vocabulary list (35 min 39 sec~):  You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (   email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
7/25/202041 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

59. 海外のAmazonで買えるオススメ日本商品(しょうひん)!

Vocabulary list (43 min 30 sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
7/11/202050 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

58. 私達の就活(job hunting)の話とコンビニで買える家飲み(drinking at home)セット

Vocabulary list (34min 28sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)     Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (    email: [email protected]     Thank you very much for listening!
6/27/202038 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

57. 恋愛(れんあい love)についての色々な話!

Vocabulary list (33min 11sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (   email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
6/13/202037 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

56. 私たちの秘密(ひみつ, secret)を暴露(ばくろ, expose)します!笑

Vocabulary list (39min 34sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
5/30/202047 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

55. コロナ禍(か)での生活と改(あらた)めて自己紹介(じこしょうかい)

Vocabulary list (42min 11sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
5/16/202050 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork


妹と野球の話をしました! 説明がうまくできなかったので、わかりにくかったらごめんなさい、、、 楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです!
5/4/202020 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork


Vocabulary list (36min 37sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]     Thank you very much for listening!
4/25/202044 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

第2回ひとりごとシリーズ: 朝ご飯(あさごはん)について

今日は朝ご飯(あさごはん)について話しました! 音質(おんしつ, sound quality)はあまり良くないかもです...泣(すみません...)
4/19/202018 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

53. 花粉症(hay fever)でもお花見(Cherry-blossom viewing)がしたい!

Vocabulary list (34min 50sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
4/11/202041 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork


ひとりごとシリーズをはじめます!みなさん家にいることが多いと思うので、すこしでも役に立てば嬉しいです! トピックに関して、リクエストがあれば教えてください! メール: [email protected] Twitter: @smalltalkinJP
4/10/202017 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

52. 居酒屋(いざかや Japanese pub)でいつも何を注文する?~ゆるキャラと居酒屋さんでの好きな食べもの~

コロナウイルスが世界的に流行していますが、みなさんに影響が及ばないよう祈っています。 私たちは元気で就活などを頑張っています! Vocabulary list (32min 43sec~):  You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (   email: [email protected]     Thank you very much for listening!
3/21/202039 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

51. 春が来た Spring has come! 旅行に行こう Let’s go on a trip! 〜大分(おおいた)・広島(ひろしま)編〜

Vocabulary list (28min 32sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
3/7/202035 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

50. ハンバーガーとお米とインスタントラーメンと!~ラーメンよりインスタントラーメン派(an instant noodles person)~

Vocabulary list (29min 59sec~):  You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (   email: [email protected]     Thank you very much for listening!
2/22/202034 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

49. きのこ派?たけのこ派?大論争(big argument)! 〜日本のおかし〜

Vocabulary list (28min 14sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
2/8/202033 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

おまけエピソード! Japan Food Trends for 2019-2020

Vocabulary list (15min 07sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
1/29/202018 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

48. 1周年記念(one year anniversary)エピソード!

Vocabulary list (28min 58sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)    Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (    email: [email protected]     Thank you very much for listening!
1/18/202034 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

37. かっこいい名字(cool surname)と国民的アイドル(nationally renowned pop stars)

Vocabulary list: (29min 50sec〜) You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Also, we would appreciate your support on Patreon. Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
1/17/202037 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

47. あけましておめでとうございます!令和2年が始まりました!

Vocabulary list (35min 38sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (   email: [email protected]    Thank you very much for listening!
1/4/202041 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

2020年1月31日まで!Japan Podcast Award 2019 に投票(とうひょう, vote)よろしくお願いします。

↓Please click here to vote for us :) Thank you very much for your support! サポートありがとうございます。 みなさん、よいお年(とし)をお迎(むか)えください。来年(らいねん)もどうぞよろしくお願いします! Our podcast link: or each episode’s link
12/30/20195 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork


Vocabulary list (35min 06sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)   Twitter: @smalltalkinJP (  email: [email protected]   Thank you very much for listening!
12/20/201940 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

45. 日本の文豪(literary legends)と京都旅行(きょうとりょこう)のすすめ

Vocabulary list (27min 46sec~): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)  Twitter: @smalltalkinJP ( email: [email protected]  Thank you very much for listening!
12/7/201933 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

38. 好きな言葉(our favourite phrases)と流行に物申す!(we object to the current trends)

Vocabulary list: (29min 42sec〜) You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Also, we would appreciate your support on Patreon. Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
11/29/201935 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

44. 日本の就活(しゅうかつ)についてと東京駅の魅力(みりょく)!

Vocabulary list (35min 13sec〜): You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter: @smalltalkinJP mail: [email protected] Thank you very much for listening!
11/23/201941 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

43. 和製英語(made-in-Japan English)?それとも英語?(QuizとNew sectionあります!)

Vocabulary list: (28min 50sec〜) You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
11/9/201938 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

42. ユーチューバー(YouTuber)とポケモン(Pokemon)とタピオカ

Vocabulary list: (29min 54sec〜) You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)  Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
10/26/201933 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

41. Special Episode! お悩み相談エピソード!

Vocabulary list: (38min 25sec〜) You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
10/19/201946 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

大切なお知らせ Important information

Thank you very much for listening to our podcast! リスナーの皆様(みなさま)へ Patreonでサポートしてくださっている皆様へ これからもポッドキャストは続(つづ)けるので、応援(おうえん)していただければ嬉(うれ)しいです!
10/17/20197 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

40. 私たちも関西弁(かんさいべん)話せるようになりたい!

Vocabulary list: (29min 23sec〜) You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening.
10/12/201934 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

39. 日本の美容室(hair salons in Japan)とラピュタ(one of the Ghibli movies)とバルス(a spell from the movie)

Vocabulary list: (31min 42sec〜) You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
10/5/201938 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

36. 月の中にいるのはうさぎ?〜お月見(moon viewing)と秋グルメ(Autumn food)〜

Vocabulary list: (29min 56s-)  You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
9/14/201935 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

35. 無人島に何を持ってく? What would you bring to a deserted island?

Vocabulary list: (30min〜)  You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
9/7/201936 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

33. 夏祭り(summer festivals)と日本の夏の楽しみ方(ways to enjoy summer in Japan)

Vocabulary list: Vocabulary: 28:46~ You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP)  Thank you very much for listening!
8/24/201934 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

22. 人を泊める問題(a problem of letting someone stay overnight)と長すぎる持ち物リスト(a too long packing list)

Vocabulary list You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening! We hope new vocabulary list system will help you more than before. Please let us know your comments :)
8/3/201944 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

30. ハーフのお友達にインタビュー Japanese and English mixed conversation

Vocabulary list You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening! We hope new vocabulary list system will help you more than before. Please let us know your comments :)
7/26/201934 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

29. 暑さに耐えられない(We can't stand the heat)けど、遊びましょう(Let’s hang out)!

Vocabulary List:  You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
7/20/201943 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

27. もうすぐ七夕(the festival of stars)! 悪夢(nightmare)をもう見ませんように...

Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
7/6/201937 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

26. マイク購入(purchase of a microphone)とロンドンの観光地スポット(sightseeing spots)

Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
6/29/201934 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

25. 哲学(philosophy)とギャンブル(gamble)とアニメ(anime)と...

Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
6/25/201930 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

24. 日本で英語を教えるJETプログラムについて〜Interviewing an AssistantLanguageTeacher (ALT)!! 〜

Twitter (@smalltalkinJP)  Thank you very much for listening! 
6/15/201933 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

23. 日本のメディアと、好きなテレビ番組(our favourite TV programmes)について

Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
6/8/201934 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

21. お知らせと海外かぶれ(be over-influenced by foreign culture )について

Vocabulary list You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
5/25/201935 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

20. 自炊(self catering)と簡単(easy)に作れる日本食紹介(introduce)

Vocabulary list You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
5/18/201946 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

19. 日本語の方言(dialect)ってどんな感じなん??〜方言クイズ(a quiz of the dialect)〜

Vocabulary list You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
5/11/201949 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

18. カルチャーショック(culture shock)とロンドンでの生活を振り返る(take a look back on our lives in London)

Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
5/4/201952 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

17. OkinawaとHokkaidoのオススメ(highly recommend)なfoodと新コーナー(a new segment)

Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
4/27/201942 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

16. 日本とイギリスの恋愛トーク(girls talk)!〜日本とイギリスの恋愛って違うの??〜

Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
4/20/201938 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

15. 自己紹介(self-introduction)によって明かされる(be revealed)私たちの本性(our real character)

Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
4/13/201946 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

14. 新元号(the new Imperial era name)と日本人コミュニティー

Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
4/6/201942 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

13. イタリア旅行(a trip to Italy)の話と謝罪会見(a public apology)

Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
4/1/201928 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

12. 日本の卒業式(そつぎょうしき)ってどんな感じ??

Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
3/24/201921 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

11. パリピ(party people) デビューと行くべきチェーンレストラン(chain restaurant)

Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
3/16/201919 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

10.豆腐メンタル(とうふめんたる)と血液型占い(けつえきがたうらない)って??〜Relationship between blood type and personality〜

Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
3/9/201921 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

9. 日本のトイレ・昔話(むかしばなし)浦島太郎(うらしまたろう)って?〜What can people learn from Japanese fairytale?〜

Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
3/2/201921 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

7. 1000 plays anniversary ~Interview with a translator~

To celebrate 1000 plays of our podcast, we made a special episode interviewing a translator working into English from French and Japanese. He shared his experience of studying abroad in Japan and how to improve his Japanese. Please enjoy listening :) p.s. please follow our Twitter (@smalltalkinJP)
2/12/201916 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

6. 日本のバレンタインデー〜Japanese girls give chocolates to boys on Valentine’s Day〜

Vocabulary list:  You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)  Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
2/7/201917 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

5. 2月3日は節分の日(せつぶんのひ)!〜Japanese people throw beans as their custom!?〜

Vocabulary list:  You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)  Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
1/30/201913 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

3. 日本の受験文化 〜Why do Japanese students eat KITKAT for the entrance exam?〜

Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :)  Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
1/22/201914 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

1. Pronunciation of vocabularies in the 1st episode

Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Vocabulary 中毒(ちゅうどく): addiction 自己紹介(じこしょうかい): self-introduction 交換留学生(こうかんりゅうがくせい): an exchange student 演目(えんもく): program 先月(せんげつ): last month 成人式(せいじんしき): a coming of age ceremony 祝日(しゅくじつ): a national holiday 複雑(ふくざつ): complicated ほとんど: mostly 人生で一度(じんせい): once in entire life もちろん: of course 母(はは)、お母さん(おかあさん): mother 同じ(おなじ): same おばあさん: grand mother 嫌だ(いやだ): don’t like something or want to do something 何よりも(なによりも): more than anything 将来(しょうらい): in the future 受け継がれる(うけつがれる): be inherited 午前・午後(ごぜん・ごご): AM・PM 同窓会(どうそうかい): reunion 卒業する(そつぎょうする): to graduate 〜年ぶり(ねんぶり): for the first time in 〜 years 連絡する(れんらくする): keep in touch with someone I recorded pronunciation of vocabularies in the 1st episode. Please use it as a tool of your study.
1/15/20191 minute, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

1. はじめまして!〜成人式(せいじんしき)って何?〜 What is coming of age ceremony?

Hello :) Nice to meet you! Vocabulary list: You can view the vocabulary list on our blog using the link above :) Twitter (@smalltalkinJP) Thank you very much for listening!
1/12/201910 minutes, 35 seconds