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Komunikacijska psihologija - s Gerhardom Ohrbandom Cover
Komunikacijska psihologija - s Gerhardom Ohrbandom Profile

Komunikacijska psihologija - s Gerhardom Ohrbandom

Croate, Psychology, 1 saison, 30 épisodes, 46 minutes
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Jeste li prodajni profesionalac, marketinški stručnjak ili samo normalno ljudsko biće koje želi poboljšati vašu komunikaciju za manje od tri minute tjedno? Ja sam psiholog (M.A. sa Sveučilišta u Hamburgu) i nastavnik jezika iz Hamburga / Njemačka. U ovom ćemo podcastu pokriti sva područja ljudske komunikacije. Dugoročno ćemo se usredotočiti na interkulturnu i dvojezičnu komunikaciju, kao i na rješavanje teških ljudi - na poslu i kod kuće.
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Kako pronaći dobre uzore za komunikaciju

30 How to find good role models for communication Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
01/03/20221 minute, 41 secondes
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Neću to ponoviti

29 I am not going to say this again Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
22/02/202253 secondes
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Nemojte reći "U čemu je vaš problem?"

28 Do not say “What´s your problem?” Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
15/02/202238 secondes
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Izbjegavajte generalizacije

27 Avoid generalizations Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
08/02/20221 minute, 24 secondes
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Ne govori "budi razuman"

26 Don't say "Be reasonable" Recommended book: George Thompson “Verbal judo” Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
01/02/202237 secondes
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Čekajte sve napade!

25 Wait for all the attacks Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
25/01/20221 minute, 6 secondes
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Zabluda Čovjeka od slame

24 The Strawman Fallacy Recommended book: Chris Voss “Never split the difference” Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
18/01/202258 secondes
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Počni s "ne"

23 Start with a No Recommended book: Chris Voss “Never split the difference” Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
11/01/20221 minute, 7 secondes
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Kako izaći iz besmislenih rasprava

22 How to get out of pointless discussions Recommended book: Eric Berne “Games people play” Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
04/01/20221 minute, 2 secondes
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Nemojte reći "Smiri se!"

21 Don’t say “Calm down!” Recommended book: George Thompson “Verbal judo” Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
28/12/202158 secondes
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Transakcijska analiza - uvod

20 Transactional analysis - introduction Recommended book: Eric Berne “Games people play” Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
21/12/20211 minute, 30 secondes
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Imate li opis vlastite osobe?

19 Do you have a persona description? Recommended book: Arthur Samuel Joseph “Vocal power” Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 20 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
14/12/20211 minute, 21 secondes
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Kako odbiti nerazumne zahtjeve

18 How to refuse unreasonable demands Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
07/12/20211 minute, 24 secondes
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Što mogu učiniti s kroničnim lažljivcima?

17 What can I do about chronic liars? Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
30/11/20211 minute, 14 secondes
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Napravite popis svojih slabosti

16 Make a list of your weaknesses Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as  well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If you want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
23/11/20211 minute, 4 secondes
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Invert tehnika

15 The Invert! Technique Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
16/11/20211 minute, 11 secondes
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Dijeta za vašu pažnju

14 The attention diet Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Recommended reading James Altucher “Skip the line” Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
09/11/20211 minute, 4 secondes
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Ne morate uvjeravati sve

13 You do not need to convince everybody Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
02/11/20211 minute, 16 secondes
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Kako reagirati kada te netko nazove idiotom

12 How to react when someone calls you an idiot Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
26/10/20211 minute, 7 secondes
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Kako reagirati na otrovne ljude na poslu

11 How to react to toxic people at work Recommended literature for this episode: Patricia Evans “Victory over verbal abuse”, “Controlling people”, “The verbally abusive relationship” David Hawkins “Dealing with the crazymakers in your life” Susan Forward “Emotional blackmail” Alice Miller “For your own good”, “Thou shalt not be aware”, “The drama of the gifted child” Gerhard J. Ohrband Recommended podcast: Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon.
19/10/20212 minutes, 22 secondes
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10 Self-handicapping Recommended literature for this episode: Rhodewalt, F.; Fairfield, M. (1991). "Claimed self-handicaps and the self-handicapper: On the relation of reductions in intended effort to performance". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 25 (4): 402–417. Rhodewalt, F.; Hill, S. K. (1995). "Self-handicapping in the classroom: The effects of claimed self-handicaps on responses to academic failure". Basic and Applied Social Psychology 17 (4): 397–416. Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
12/10/20212 minutes, 26 secondes
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Ciljevi promicanja i ciljevi prevencije

9 Promotion goals and prevention goals Recommended literature for this episode: Higgins, E. T. (1997). Beyond pleasure and pain. American Psychologist, 52, 1280-1300. Higgins, E. T. (2012). Beyond Pleasure and Pain: How Motivation Works. Oxford University Press. Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon. Are you interested in learning German? Get a free membership in my Facebook group. There, you will get updates on my articles. And you can ask me anything related to learning German. If want to get on my waiting list for my German courses, please click here. We will not work with a textbook like at school. We will focus exclusively on eliminating your mistakes and on expressing ourselves professionally.
05/10/20212 minutes, 18 secondes
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Namjere provedbe

8 Implementation intentions Recommended literature: Gollwitzer, P. M. (1990). Action phases and mind-sets. In E. T. Higgins & R. M. Sorrentino (Eds.), Handbook of motivation and cognition (Vol. 2, pp. 53-92). New York: Guilford. Gollwitzer, P. M. (1993). Goal achievement: The role of intentions. In W. Stroebe & M. Hewstone (Eds.), European review of social psychology (Vol. 4, pp. 141-185). Chichester, England: Wiley. Gollwitzer, P. M. (1996). The volitional benefits of planning. In P. M. Gollwitzer & J. A. Bargh (Eds.), The psychology of action: Linking cognition and motivation to behavior (pp. 287-312). New York: Guilford. Gollwitzer, P. M. (1999). Implementation Intentions: Strong Effects of Simple Plans. American Psychologist, July edition, 493-503. Gollwitzer, P. M., & Brandstatter, V. (1997). Implementation intentions and effective goal pursuit. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73, 186-199. Gerhard J. Ohrband Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon.
28/09/20212 minutes, 30 secondes
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Експресивно пишување

7 Expressive writing Recommended literature: James W. Pennebaker, John E. Evans (2014). Expressive Writing: Words that     Heal.    Idyll Arbor. Stefanie P. Spera, Eric D. Buhrfeind and James W. Pennebaker (1994). Expressive Writing and Coping with Job Loss. The Academy of Management Journal, 37, 287–322. Gerhard J. Ohrband Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon.
21/09/20212 minutes, 50 secondes
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Prijetnja stereotipima

6 Stereotype threat Recommended literature for this episode: Shih, M. , Pittinsky, T.L.M. and Ambady, N. (1999). Stereotype Susceptibility: Identity, Salience and Shifts in Quantitative Performance. Psychological Science, 10 (1), 80–83. Steele, C.M., Aronson J. (1995). Stereotype threat and the intellectual test performance of African Americans.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69 (5), 797–811. Steele, C.M. (1997). A threat in the air: How stereotypes shape intellectual identity and performance. American Psychologist, 52 (6), 613–629. Gerhard J. Ohrband Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon.
14/09/20212 minutes, 37 secondes
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Osjetljivost odbijanja

5 Rejection sensitivity Recommended literature: Downey, Geraldine, & Feldman, Scott I. (1994). Implications of rejection sensitivity for intimate relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, nr. 70, pp. 1327-1343. Gerhard J. Ohrband Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon.
07/09/20212 minutes, 4 secondes
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Teorija Carol Dweck

4 Recommended literature: Dweck, C. S. (1999). Self-theories: Their role in motivation, personality and development. Philadelphia: Psychology Press. Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York: Random House. Hong, Ying-yi, Chiu, Chi-yue, Dweck, Carol S., Lin, Derrick M.-S., Wan, Wendy (1999). Implicit theories, attributions, and coping: A meaning system approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology nr. 77 , pp. 588-599. Wood, Robert and Bandura, Albert (1989). Impact of conceptions of ability on self-regulatory mechanisms and complex decision making. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology nr. 56, pp. 407-415. Gerhard J. Ohrband Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon.
31/08/20212 minutes, 41 secondes
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3 Recommended literature: Patricia Evans “Victory over verbal abuse”, “Controlling people”, “The verbally abusive relationship” Recommended podcast: Gerhard J. Ohrband Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon.
24/08/20212 minutes, 32 secondes
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Imate li četiri uha?

2 Recommended literature: Friedemann Schulz von Thun “Miteinander reden 1: Störungen und Klärungen: Allgemeine Psychologie der Kommunikation“ Gerhard J. Ohrband Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon.
17/08/20211 minute, 34 secondes
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Dobrodošli u komunikacijsku psihologiju

1 Gerhard J. Ohrband Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact [email protected] On Linkedin: Twitter: If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon.
10/08/20211 minute, 27 secondes