Word of Faith Ministries, Inc. is the non-profit Christian Ministry of Dr. Bill Bailey, a Bible Teacher that Proclaims the Word of Faith! Join Dr. Bill as he proclaims the Word of Faith, showcases ministries, and trains people to fulfill the Word of God!
Grateful for God's Gifts
We should be grateful for the Ministry Gifts that God has given for us to grow and develop as believers, and we should develop as a believer to be a supply to others in the Body of Christ, adding our measure to the whole!
14/4/2023 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Science of Spiritual Entropy
Entropy can be thought of as the tendency of ordered systems, or things, becoming disordered, or collapsing... becoming worse. We need to avoid spiritual entropy and meditate on God, and His Word to go from glory to glory, not backslide!
25/3/2023 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Become Narrow Minded!
Dr. Bill shares about the fact, that as Christians, we shou1d be narrow minded-ly focused on the Word of God, and what He thinks, not conformed to this world!
7/12/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Know Those That Labor Among You - Part 2
You need to know, love, and appreciate the ministers that speak into your life! We must know who they are, where they are coming from with regards to agenda, and so much more!
27/7/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Know Those That Labor Among You!
You need to know, love, and appreciate the ministers that speak into your life! We must know who they are, where they are 'coming from' with regards to agenda, and so much more!
21/7/2022 • 1 hora, 1 minuto, 0 segundos
Understanding by Faith
From a recent service at Expedition Church of the Triad, Dr. Bill shares about the 'law of double reference,' and how we understand by faith that the worlds were framed by God's Word!
20/4/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Expository Message - The Book of Philemon
At a virtual (on-line) service for Faith and Victory Church, Dr. Bill covers the short book of Philemon in this powerful and interesting expository message!
14/10/2020 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Lord is the Strength of My Life!
At a virtual (on-line) service for Faith and Victory Church, Dr. Bill shares the testimony of his miraculous healing, when he was raised off his death bed and made whole!
5/8/2020 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Confidence We Have In Faith - Part 2
At a Wednesday Night service at Faith and Victory Church, Dr. Bill continues his teaching on the importance of having confidence in God's written Word; and taking it as you would the word of a trusted friend, or authority figure, in your life!
27/4/2020 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Confidence We Have In Faith - Part 1
At a Wednesday Night service at Faith and Victory Church, Dr. Bill discusses the importance of having confidence in God's written Word; and taking it as you would the word of a trusted friend, or authority figure, in your life!
24/4/2020 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Some Thoughts About Faith
Dr. Bill shares a simple message from Faith and Victory Church's Wednesday night service in which he taught some thoughts on faith and how it works.
21/2/2020 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Building Yourselves Up On Your Most Holy Faith
Praying in the Holy Spirit, or Speaking in Tongues, is a method by which we build ourselves up ON our most holy faith!
10/10/2019 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Mercies of God!
There are many, diverse mercies of God! He is the Father of mercieS, plural! In this message on God's many mercies, we look at the healing mercy of God, in particular!
17/7/2019 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Healing is ALWAYS God's Will!
Dr. Bill shares on the fact that it is ALWAYS God's Will to heal us! How do you receive your healing, and how do you keep your healing? He explores these issues from the Word of God!
26/11/2018 • 1 hora, 0 segundos
God's Will for Your Healing!
Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:17 We can know God's Will for our healing! The Bible is very clear!
12/10/2018 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Faith is a Choice!
Dr. Bill shares the message, 'Faith is a Choice!' The Wednesday Night Bible study at Faith and Victory Church is the 'Hour of Power' for our church!
20/9/2018 • 1 hora, 0 segundos
Understanding Your NEW Birthright!
A birthright is a right, privilege, or possession to which a person is entitled by birth. Dr. Bill does a study of the NEW Birthright, what it is, that you have authority due to your New Birth as a believer, and seven aspects of the NEW Birthright!
3/9/2018 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Shield's Up: The Favor of God!
Psalms 5:12 says that God's supernatural Favor will encircle you as a powerful shield! Dr. Bill does an exhaustive study on the power, and right, of Favor for the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ!
30/7/2018 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Opportunities for Using Technology in Ministry (ICFM 2018)
Dr. Bill shares at the 2018 ICFM Annual Convention in a workshop on methods and techniques for the use of modern audio-visual technology in ministry!
31/5/2018 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Steps to Take to Keep Your Heart and Mind Right Before God
During a virtual service for FVC, Dr. Bill shares what he has seen since he was born again in 1969 about keeping your attitude right!
29/3/2018 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Expository Message - The Book of Jude - Part 2
Dr. Bill continues, and concludes, his Expository Message from the New Testament Book of Jude teaching on issues that arise from the narrative, including false teachings arising in these last of the Last days! (Ministered on: Tuesday, March 13, 2018)
13/3/2018 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Expository Message - The Book of Jude - Part 1
Dr. Bill explains what an Expository Message style is in Theology, and then begins a teaching from the New Testament Book of Jude teaching on issues that arise from the narrative. (Ministered on: Tuesday, Feb 27, 2018)
28/2/2018 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
We Have the Mind of Christ
Dr. Bill shares a study from the Word of God concerning the Mind of Christ, and that we, as Christians, can have God's insight into our lives!
16/11/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
God Never Changes His Mind!
Dr. Bill Bailey gives a very personal testimony of his life and experiences in the Lord over his 46 years since his New Birth! As the God's Word Translation says in Romans 11:29, 'God never changes his mind when He gives gifts or when He calls someone.'
24/8/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Christian Suffering - What Are We to Suffer?
Dr. Bill shares about the only suffering that Christians are told that they must face, and that is... persecution! We should be honored to face persecution if we are living righteously according to the Word of God! The world hates the light in us!
14/7/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Increase Your Faith!
Dr. Bill shares on the day that the disciples came to Jesus and requested that He increase their faith. Is it possible to increase your faith, and how could you do it? This important study shows us what faith can do, and what it's 'action words' are!
22/6/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
How a Ministry of Any Size Can Reach the World With the Internet
Dr. Bill had the privilege of sharing on the use of Internet technology in the ministry at the 2015 Annual Convention of the International Convention of Faith Ministries in Branson, MO!
1/6/2015 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Battlefield of the Mind
Satan battles us in the mental realm, we need to take our thoughts captive to the Word of God! Dr. Bill shares how we can use the process of taking a thought, and building a stronghold, for our good!
10/5/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Your Pastor's Care
Dr. Bill uses an overview of Hebrews Chapter 13 to illustrate the care and oversight that your Pastor has for you as a member of your local church! We must honor and obey our Pastors to see the full Blessing of the Lord!
11/3/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
How Do You Fight the Good Fight?
Dr. Bill discusses the method by which we fight the good fight of faith. We know that the fight of faith is necessary, and that the Bible teaches that we do not fight, or war, with flesh and blood... so how DO we fight?
15/2/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Two Kinds of Knowledge
Dr. Bill discusses the difference between natural knowledge and revelation knowledge from God, using the book by EW Kenyon, 'The Two Kinds of Knowledge.' (Due to microphone issues, the audio quality diminishes as the recording progresses.)
20/1/2015 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
How to Be a Better Student of the Word
Dr. Bill discusses how to apply the knowledge that we have of God's Word and what we have learned in the past to insure that we are consistent in our continued study of the Word of God, thereby rightly dividing the Word of Truth!
28/12/2014 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Be Found Faithful!
Dr. Bill encourages us to be faithful, and to work in your local church to help your pastor accomplish the vision and calling of your local church assembly! A faithful man, or woman, is blessed by their faithfulness!
16/10/2014 • 0 minutos, 1 segundo
Praying for You Ministries Lecture Series - Faith
Dr. Bill is interviewed by Praying4You Ministries' Chuckie Daniel about his testimony, faith, healing, and how to receive Jesus as Lord!
11/10/2014 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Remembering the Importance of Words
Dr. Bill reminds us of the importance of words in our life. Everything in your life is controlled by words! We must use and appreciate the system that God has put in place for our benefit!
16/9/2014 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Watch Your Attitude!
Dr. Bill reminds us that we are to love God, and promote the Kingdom of God, not the world! The world, and the world system, will try to take our attention away from what God wants us to do! Keeping the right attitude will protect us from distractions!
4/8/2014 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Binding and Loosing in the Spiritual Realm
There are many types of prayer. All of these types are powerful tools that the Lord has given us. In this message, Dr. Bill talks about the Prayer of Binding and Loosing! We have authority to bind things in the devil's realm, and take authority over him!
26/5/2014 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Mark Them That Teach False Doctrine
Dr. Bill talks about the Biblical difference between judging a person, and judging false doctrine. We are to mark those that teach false doctrine and avoid them!
24/3/2014 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Titus Times of Today
Dr. Bill shares an expository messsage of the Book of Titus. We examine what is behind the 'Greasy Grace' movement, and the fact that this doctrine of devils has been around a long time, and satan is just 're-hashing it' today!
20/1/2014 • 1 hora, 1 minuto, 1 segundo
The Sower Sows the Word!
Dr. Bill shares on the importance, and meaning, of Jesus' parable of the sower. If you can understand this parable, you can understand the operation of God's Kingdom! The entire Kingdom of God operates on the seed-time/harvest principle!
23/10/2013 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
God's Healing Power is Normal for Believers!
During FVC's regular monthly healing and communion service, Dr. Bill takes on the fact the we, as believers, are sons and daughters of God, and should be ministering healing as Jesus did!
4/8/2013 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Your Perspective Is Important!
A short, direct message from Dr. Bill concerning the importance of your personal viewpoint, or perspective, and how it determines your understanding of the Word of God.
1/5/2013 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Anointing Will Teach You
The Anointing Himself will teach you! You need to lean to your human spirit, to tap in to the Holy Spirit!
20/5/2012 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
God's Rhema Contains the Power!
God's Rhema Word contains the Power to bring His Word to pass in your life!
11/12/2011 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Greasy Grace: Don't Slide In!
Dr. Bill compares the radical 'Greasy Grace' Movement to true Biblical Grace! We must guard against false doctrine, which can be subtle and easy to fall into!
2/11/2011 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
You Gotta Get Out of the Boat!
Dr. Bill takes an event from the earthly ministry of Jesus to illustrate how faith works in your everyday life!
29/5/2011 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Don't Set Your Heart on Evil Things (Part 2)
Dr. Bill continues his study of the evil and disobediance that can be found in the hearts of men, especially in the Last Days!
19/1/2011 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Don't Set Your Heart on Evil Things (Part 1)
Dr. Bill covers the fact that the Children of Israel were examples to the New Testament Church; God wants us to avoid the same traps that they did, and refuse to fall prostrate to evil!
12/1/2011 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Whose Report Will You Believe?
YOU are the establishing witness in your life! You must establish the Truth of the Word of God by taking a stand!
22/12/2010 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
We Need To Be Led By The Spirit!
Now, more than ever before, we need to be sensitive to the leadings of the Holy Spirit!
14/10/2010 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
What is the Word of Faith Message? (Part 5)
After a bit of review, Dr. Bill continues his message on the Word of Faith, looking into Hebrews Chapter 11 and covering the Hall of Fame of Faith!
6/10/2010 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
What is the Word of Faith Message? (Part 4)
Dr. Bill takes a detailed look at Mark 11:22-25 as he continues to explain what the Word of Faith is about!
2/10/2010 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
What is the Word of Faith Message? (Part 3)
Dr. Bill discusses the Power of the Word of God, and how God intends for you to use the Word to empower your life of faith!
21/9/2010 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
What is the Word of Faith Message? (Part 2)
Dr. Bill continues a message explaining EXACTLY what the Word of Faith message is, and what it means to YOU personally!
13/9/2010 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
What is the Word of Faith Message? (Part 1)
Dr. Bill begins a message explaining EXACTLY what the Word of Faith message is, and what it means to YOU personally!
4/9/2010 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Mystery of Lawlessness
The mystery of lawlessness is already at work! What is this mystery, and how is it affecting the state of today's world?
16/8/2010 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Jesus: Liar or Lord?
Jesus Christ is either Lord of the Universe, or the greatest liar that ever lived! Who do YOU say that He is?
16/8/2010 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
What Is Your Association?
Who you associate with impacts your faith life... you need to associate with those of "like precious faith!"
15/7/2010 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
BLESSED Is The Nation Whose God Is The LORD!
Despite the push to rewrite history, the fact remains that the United States was founded on Biblical principles and still has a Godly calling on her today!
4/7/2010 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
What God Is Saying To The Church Today!
Dr. Bill discusses what God is saying to us specifically in this hour, as we enter the last of the last days, and how to enter into God's Sabbath Rest!
30/6/2010 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Gospel of Peace
Dr. Bill brings us a message about the Gospel of Peace, provided to us by the God of Peace!
12/4/2010 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Be Always Ready to Answer
Be prepared to answer serious questions for people, but avoid questions that gender strife!
22/7/2009 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
How to Overcome in Perilous Times
Dr. Bill demonstrates from scripture that even though we live in perilous times, we do NOT have to paticipate!
20/7/2009 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Avoid Unbelief!
Avoid Unbelief! - Dr. Bill Bailey
8/4/2009 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
You Can Know the Will of God
You can absolutely KNOW God's Will in your life!
22/2/2009 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Living in the Blessing
Dr. Bill shares on how to live in the Blessing and how it will effect your life.
18/7/2007 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Think About What You Think
What you think on, and consider in life, becomes a part of you! The mind is the battleground... we must pay attention to think only on things that agree with the Word of God! Whatever is good, just, pure... in other words, think scripturally!
16/7/2006 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Your Church - A Matter of Life and Death!
Dr. Bill discusses how important your church is to your life... and death!
12/7/2005 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Power of Confession
We need to understand the difference between natural knowledge and revelation knowledge and then use revealed knowledge from God to confess success and enjoy the benefits of God's Wisdom and Power!
10/4/2005 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Blessed and Highly Favored!
Dr. Bill shares that God has highly favored His children... we need to believe for His favor!
18/7/2004 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Putting Pressure on the Word for Harvest
We must apply the Word of God to our lives! And then, keep up the 'pressure' of God's Word! A message from 06/25/2003.
25/6/2003 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Take A Stand Against Fear
Take A Stand Against Fear - Dr. Bill Bailey
11/9/2002 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
God is the God of Increase!
We need to understand that with God, His intent for us is always to increase, to expand, to grow, and to prosper in all that we do!
1/1/2002 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Follow After God!
Dr. Bill encourages us to take a moment and reflect on what is Number 1 in our lives... is it a hobby, a vocation, a personal pursuit, or... is it God? We should follow after God!
1/1/2001 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Importance of Hearing
Dr. Bill discusses the fact that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. The word translated 'Word' is the Greek word 'rhema,' or 'spoken word.' It is the revealed, spoken Word of God that, when heard, and received brings us faith!
1/1/2000 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Science of Faith
Can Science and Faith be reconciled? Dr. Bill looks at the two, and at the body of knowledge of faith, and how we can live by faith! A message from 02/26/1989.
26/2/1989 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
A Classic Message: "The Life of Faith"
Dr. Bill addresses living a life of dedication to God and His Word, that is, living the life of faith!
8/5/1985 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 1 segundo
Thou Shalt Not Worry!
In a classic message from 1984, Dr. Bill covers the fact that we should not worry... what worry is, and where it comes from!
22/3/1984 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
You Are An Ambassador!
Dr. Bill shares about our rank as Amassador of Heaven here on the earth. We must know our authority! Recorded: May 21, 1983 - Concord Believer's Convention, Concord, NC
21/5/1983 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 1 segundo
Classic Series - Why Do Some Christians Fail? (01/16/83 - Part 2)
We continue to consider how, and why, some Christians fail in their walk of faith.
16/1/1983 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Classic Series - Why Do Some Christians Fail? (01/13/83 - Part 1)
God says that His people fail due to lack of knowledge. How, and why, do some Christians fail?
13/1/1983 • 1 hora, 0 segundos
Ministering the Word in Love
God is Love, and we are to do everything that we do by, and in, Love! In this teaching, Dr. Bill shares what it means to minister the Word in Love!
15/8/1982 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Tapping Into God's Power - 4 (Sat, June 26, 1982)
Tapping Into God's Power 4 - Saturday Evening, June 26, 1982 - New Covenant Church, Winston-Salem, NC
26/6/1982 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Tapping Into God's Power - 3 (Sat, June 26, 1982)
Tapping Into God's Power 3 - Saturday Afternoon, June 26, 1982 - New Covenant Church, Winston-Salem, NC
26/6/1982 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Tapping Into God's Power - 2 (Fri, June 25, 1982)
Tapping Into God's Power 2 - Friday Evening, June 25, 1982 - New Covenant Church, Winston-Salem, NC
25/6/1982 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Tapping Into God's Power - 1 (Thu, June 24, 1982)
Tapping Into God's Power 1 - Thursday Evening, June 24, 1982 - New Covenant Church, Winston-Salem, NC
24/6/1982 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Classic Healing Series - 6
April 3, 1982, Concord, NC, Piedmont Believers Convention
4/4/1982 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Classic Healing Series - 5
April 2, 1982, Concord, NC, Piedmont Believers Convention
3/4/1982 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Classic Healing Series - 4
April 1, 1982, Concord, NC, Piedmont Believers Convention
2/4/1982 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Classic Healing Series - 3
March 31, 1982, Concord, NC, Piedmont Believers Convention
1/4/1982 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 1 segundo
Classic Healing Series - 2
March 30, 1982, Concord, NC, Piedmont Believers Convention
1/4/1982 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Classic Healing Series - 1
March 29, 1982, Concord, NC, Piedmont Believers Convention
30/3/1982 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
A Classic Message: "Discouragement" (1982-Feb-28)
The two main enemies of faith are fear and discouragement. Much has been taught on fear, but what about discouragement?
28/2/1982 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit - Part 2
In this second part of a classic message from December 1981, we do a detailed study of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, especially looking at arguments against it, and what the Bible teaches on the subject!
27/12/1981 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit - Part 1
In a classic message from December 1981, we do a detailed study of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, especially looking at arguments against it, and what the Bible teaches on the subject!
20/12/1981 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Integrity of the Gospel
God's Word has ultimate integrity! It can not fail, or change!
26/9/1981 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Gospel, The Good News
The word 'Gospel' means 'Good News,' so what is preached and called 'Gospel' should be GOOD NEWS!
18/8/1981 • 1 hora, 0 minutos
Consistency On the Word
Dr. Bill takes us on a detailed study of scripture involving what it means to be consistent on God's Word. His Word has integrity, and we MUST believe, and stand for it!
18/8/1981 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
No Other Gospel!
On a powerful missions trip to Jamaica, West Indies, Dr. Bill shared the message that 'Gospel' means 'Good News,' and that there is no other Gospel than the GOOD NEWS!
21/6/1981 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
You CAN Know His Will!
On a powerful missions trip to Jamaica, West Indies, Dr. Bill ministered after a man that said that we could NOT know the Will of God... so Dr. Bill taught on the fact that we CAN know God's Will!
19/6/1981 • 1 hora, 0 minutos
You Can Trust His Word!
On a powerful missions trip to Jamaica, West Indies, Dr. Bill taught a message to the folks there on trusting the Word of God!
18/6/1981 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
A Faith Report!
When Dr. Bill was pastoring a church in Salisbury, NC, the Lord spoke to him about giving away his sound system. He did, but needed one by the next Sunday! Here's how God 'came through' in this adventure in faith!
29/5/1981 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Healing: Our New Birthright - Classic Message (1981-Apr-15)
While pastoring in Salisbury, NC, in 1981, Dr. Bill spoke on healing, and methods of receiving healing for all.
15/4/1981 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Redeeming the Time
In a Classic Message from March of 1981, while pastoring in Salisbury, NC... Dr. Bill encourages us to redeem the time we have on earth by living and walking in the Word of God, and living in the supernatural of God!
4/3/1981 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Living Healed: How to Stay Well!
While pastoring in Salisbury, NC, Dr. Bill shares how to live in healing; how to stay well!
18/2/1981 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Forgiveness... By Faith!
In a Classic Message from February of 1981, Dr. Bill examines the fact that knowing simple rules of faith are not enough. You must operate on the underlying principles of faith to be successful; and one of those is to to learn to forgive by faith!
1/2/1981 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Power of Patience - Part 5 (12/20/1980)
The Biblical Power of Patience is the power of consistancy, and constency in the Word! A Classic Series from 1980.
20/12/1980 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Power of Patience - Part 4 (12/20/1980)
The Biblical Power of Patience is the power of consistancy, and constency in the Word! A Classic Series from 1980.
20/12/1980 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Power of Patience - Part 3 (12/19/1980)
The Biblical Power of Patience is the power of consistancy, and constency in the Word! A Classic Series from 1980.
19/12/1980 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Power of Patience - Part 2 (12/19/1980)
The Biblical Power of Patience is the power of consistancy, and constency in the Word! A Classic Series from 1980.
19/12/1980 • 1 hora, 1 minuto, 0 segundos
The Power of Patience - Part 1 (12/18/1980)
The Biblical Power of Patience is the power of consistancy, and constency in the Word! A Classic Series from 1980.
Dr. Bill concludes his detailed study of the Spirit, Soul, and Body, and how satan attacks the mind and tries to build strongholds in the mind to defeat you!
Dr. Bill continues a detailed study of the Spirit, Soul, and Body, and how satan attacks the mind and tries to build strongholds in the mind to defeat you!
Dr. Bill continues a detailed study of the Spirit, Soul, and Body, and how satan attacks the mind and tries to build strongholds in the mind to defeat you!
Dr. Bill begins a detailed study of the Spirit, Soul, and Body, and how satan attacks the mind and tries to build strongholds in the mind to defeat you!
17/11/1980 • 1 hora, 1 minuto, 0 segundos
Halloween and the Occult
Dr. Bill discusses Halloween and the Occult, giving historical background, and a scriptural understanding of this evil holiday and what it is about.
21/10/1980 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Radio - Halloween and the Occult
On the radio broadcast, Dr. Bill taught a special message on Halloween and the Occult
21/10/1980 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
A Classic Message from April of 1980, "Precise Faith!"
Taken from the 'New Beginnings Campmeeting' held at New Covenant Church in April of 1980, Brother Bill shares on the fact that satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus comes to give LIFE! We must use our faith as a tool precisely to receive from God!
23/4/1980 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
A Christian's Steps to Answered Prayer
There are steps we need to take to have our prayers answered. In this Classic Message from 1980, Dr. Bill shares steps to receiving answers from God!
22/2/1980 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Walking in Newness of LIFE - Part 2 (01/09/1980)
We must say what God says about us... true humility is agreeing with God! Join Dr. Bill in this classic teaching from a meeting in January of 1980!
9/1/1980 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Walking in Newness of LIFE - Part 1 (01/09/1980)
We should be walking in LIFE, not portraying DEATH! Death is an enemy, not a friend! Join Dr. Bill in this classic teaching from a meeting in January of 1980!
9/1/1980 • 1 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
God's Formula for Financial Success
In a Classic Message from October, 1979, Dr. Bill ministers on God's directions for receiving financial blessing and success!