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The Story of Mankind by Hendrik van Loon Cover
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The Story of Mankind by Hendrik van Loon

English, Literature, 1 season, 65 episodes, 13 hours, 30 minutes
A book that won the Newberry Prize in 1921 for an Outstanding Contribution in Children's Literature, The Story of Mankind, by Hendrik van Loon is indeed a classic that has been enjoyed by generations of children and adults. The book is an engagingly written work, dedicated to the author Hendrik van Loon's two young son's Hansje and Willem. It was created to convey the history of the human race to young people in a way that was interesting, memorable and would spur them onto further research and reading into the subject. Tracing the origins of mankind from about 500,000 BC into the present era, The Story of Mankind encompasses anthropology, culture, sociology and history. This book creates a vivid portrayal of the development of the human race from the time of the caveman to the intelligent dominate species that it is today. Designed to be read by young readers and perhaps their parents and teachers along with them, it provides valuable lessons in a variety of subjects in a very readable fashion. Modern day readers may find some of the concepts politically incorrect or not quite enlightened. Some critics have also found that van Loon takes Biblical concepts and presents them as proven history. However, aside from these small blips, the book is indeed a treasure trove of information. It also describes the foundations of Western thought and culture. It traces the development of art, music, literature, culture and civilization itself in the Western World. Van Loon was motivated to select the areas of history that he would describe by apparently asking himself whether this particular person or event changed the course of civilization or not. After World War I, the author added one more chapter called “After Seven Years” and in later years, his children and other writers have added more chapters to make the book more contemporary and relevant for modern readers. The original illustrations by the author added to the appeal of the book as he was a talented artist and naturalist. The book was also adapted to film in 1957, in a quirky version starring the inimitable Marx Brothers. As basic reading for anyone interested in the history of the human race, The Story of Mankind provides a great launching pad from which to explore the deep and complex mysteries that are contained in the origin of our species on earth.
Episode Artwork

00 Foreword

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1/2/20238 minutes, 25 seconds
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01 The Setting of the Stage

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1/1/20239 minutes, 8 seconds
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02 Our Earliest Ancestors

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12/31/20225 minutes, 6 seconds
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03 Prehistoric Man

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12/30/20225 minutes, 24 seconds
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04 Hieroglyphics

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12/29/202210 minutes, 19 seconds
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05 The Nile Valley

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12/28/20227 minutes, 10 seconds
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06 The Story of Egypt

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07 Mesopotamia

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08 The Sumerians

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12/25/20227 minutes, 20 seconds
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09 Moses

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12/24/20225 minutes, 10 seconds
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10 The Phoenicians

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12/23/20223 minutes, 13 seconds
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11 The Indo-Europeans

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12/22/20224 minutes, 7 seconds
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12 The Aegean Sea

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13 The Greeks

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14 The Greek Cities

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15 Greek Self-Government

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16 Greek Life

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17 The Greek Theatre

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18 The Persian Wars

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19 Athens vs. Sparta

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20 Alexander the Great

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21 A Summary

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22 Rome and Carthage

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23 The Rise of Rome

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24 The Roman Empire

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25 Joshua of Nazareth

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26 The Fall of Rome

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27 Rise of the Church

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28 Mohammed

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29 Charlemagne

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30 The Norsemen

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12/3/20224 minutes, 30 seconds
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31 Feudalism

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32 Chivalry

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33 Pope vs. Emperor

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34 The Crusades

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35 The Mediaeval City

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36 Mediaeval Self-Government

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37 The Mediaeval World

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38 Mediaeval Trade

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39 The Renaissance

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40 The Age of Expression

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41 The Great Discoveries

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42 Buddha and Confucius

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43 The Reformation

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44 Religious Warfare

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45 The English Revolution

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46 The Balance of Power

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47 The Rise of Russia

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48 Russia vs Sweden

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49 The Rise of Prussia

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50 The Mercantile System

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51 The American Revolution

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52 The French Revolution

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53 Napoleon

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54 The Holy Alliance

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55 The Great Reaction

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56 National Independence

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57 The Age of the Engine

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58 The Social Revolution

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59 Emancipation

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60 The Age of Science

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61 Art

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62 Colonial Expansion and War

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11/1/202218 minutes, 9 seconds
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63 A New World

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10/31/202220 minutes
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64 As It Shall Ever Be

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10/30/20221 minute, 32 seconds