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The Quantum Butterfly

Inglés, Literature, 19 temporadas, 87 episodios, 1 día, 0 horas, 0 minutos
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Sharing the amazing book by Michael A Singer - the untethered soul
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Super EGO: Narcissism and Gaslighting

Superego is much more sophisticated and a highly advanced form of EGO. The basis of the EGO mind (please refer to our other PDF's and Podcasts on the EGO), is that it’s a set of belief systems that create an internal program, or robotic habits. This means that you are taught to react or behave in situations based on past, trauma, wounding, or fear. This creates a behavior pattern that will keep you in a loop of repeating the same experiences over and over without learning the lesson. The mind is linear, it can only think logically by rationalizing, analyzing, or basing things on past experiences. It has no ability to be in the present moment of now or to feel, access intuition, or live in a higher state of consciousness. The mind causes worry, anxiety, fear, attachment, and externalization.
31/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The QFS and how it works

Our currency is our heart’s intention, our soul, and the embodiment of our Higher Self. In essence, our frequency is the key to unlocking the QFS, our embodiment is how we establish ourselves as members of the QFS, and effectively establish our own personal currency within this system that is based on our cosmic blueprint.
31/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Ascension Guide for Children

Ascension Guide for Children Our Children are going through the Ascension process too - this is a guide to support them.
25/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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5D Rehab

5D Rehab The true healing of addictions and the human condition
25/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Universal Laws of New Earth

Universal Laws of New Earth All man-made laws are unenforceable against Sovereign Beings who are embodying their God Self. We are held under no law of man but only under the Universal Laws of Creation. ​All Universal Laws must be honored by all beings choosing to inhabit Planet Earth. Under the New Paradigm, we must be One with all of Creation and existing under the natural laws of the cosmos.
23/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The Scale of Consciousness

The Scale of Consciousness Everything in the Universe is connected. Everything that we say, do and think effects the ALL and each other, and the entire of Creation. Dr. David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness is a scale that identifies consciousness on a range of 0 to 1000. The scale is based on the level of emotions and attitudes that people experience. The lower end of the scale is characterized by emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety, and rage, while the upper end of the scale is characterized by emotions such as love, joy, peace, and understanding. States of enlightenment are at the top of the scale. According to Dr. Hawkins, courage is the beginning point and catalyst for freedom from the lower realms. The Map of Consciousness also capably displays levels of consciousness as a reflection of resistance versus allowing. As one is more resistant, they are lower on the scale, i.e., rigidity, reactionary, etc. As one is more allowing, one is higher on the scale. As we move away from resistance; as we become more allowing, we become more conscious.
23/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The Laws of the Universe

The Laws of the Universe
22/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements
22/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The Divine Decrees

The Divine Decrees
22/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Self Love tools and Disciplines for Children

Self Love tools and Disciplines for Children THE DAILY DISCIPLINES are the tools for Higher Self embodiment! Self-love is how we become our greatest version of ourselves and reach our highest potential. They are simple, fun, and anyone can do them! The key here is consistency and intention, our whole lives we have been taught to serve a system and exposed to indoctrination and programming, it takes a consistent discipline, commitment and intention to let go of lower programs and replace them with higher disciplines or habits. They should not be treated as a hobby, but a prioritized daily discipline as part of a higher lifestyle. Our Higher selves are encoded with our purpose and all the answers are within us. Our hearts are where these answers lie and these disciplines strengthen our connection with our hearts and activate our inner discernment, guidance and gifts. If you feel you are here to help humanity, you must first start with loving and healing yourself, the journey starts within ourselves first. The intention behind each of these will make a profound difference on how effective they will be in your life and will create an equal experience in the external world. So within, so without. The more you tend to the garden within, the more the external world will reflect that back to you in your physical day to day experiences. THE TOOLS are techniques you can use to assist yourself in the moment in your day to day life whenever you are struggling with an energetic or a situation. They will become natural to you as you practice them more consistently.
20/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Mother Gaia's I AM Affirmations

Activate your Godself Within!
20/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Self Love tools and Disciplines

Self Love tools and Disciplines THE DAILY DISCIPLINES are the tools for Higher Self embodiment! Self-love is how we become our greatest version of ourselves and reach our highest potential. They are simple, fun, and anyone can do them! · The key here is consistency and intention, our whole lives we have been taught to serve a system and exposed to indoctrination and programming, it takes a consistent discipline, commitment and intention to let go of lower programs and replace them with higher disciplines or habits. They should not be treated as a hobby, but a prioritized daily discipline as part of a higher lifestyle. Our Higher selves are encoded with our purpose and all the answers are within us. Our hearts are where these answers lie and these disciplines strengthen our connection with our hearts and activate our inner discernment, guidance and gifts. If you feel you are here to help humanity, you must first start with loving and healing yourself, the journey stats with ourselves and within first. The intention behind each of them will make a profound difference on how effective they will be in your life will and will create an equal experience in the external world. So within, so without. The more you tend to the garden within, the more the external world will reflect that back to you in your physical day to day experiences. They are incredible tools for transformation. THE TOOLS are techniques you can use to assist yourself in the moment in your day to day life whenever you are struggling with an energetic or a situation, for example if you often struggle with stress or anxiety. They will become natural to you as you practice them more consistently.
20/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Victim to Victor

Victim to Victor Victim Consciousness stems from the belief that things happen TO us and not FOR us. It is the belief that we have no control over our experience and are at the mercy of outside forces. Victim consciousness is based in fear frequencies. Fear frequencies create trauma and wounding within the physical and energetic vessel.
19/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The Insights of Awakening

The Insights of Awakening
19/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The 10 Love in Action Codes

The 10 Love in Action Codes 10 intentions for a better planet
19/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The Control Dramas

The Control Dramas The Control Dramas are the four main ways that we as Humans stay co-dependent, emotionally, on one another. This often plays out in distinctly in romantic relationships, which is where we become addicted to and take energy from one another. This can be generational and stems from childhood trauma and dysfunction. These were first coined by James Redfield in his Book, The Celestine Prophecy.
18/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The Ascension Process

The Ascension Process This Ascension program is an in-depth guide on how to go navigate the ascension process. We are all on our journeys and at different points, we all have different needs or resonate with different things. Use this guide as a way of knowing where you are on your journey and how to focus your energy toward your highest path of healing and moving through the ascension process. Each stage holds different energies, lessons, awareness, and focus. Some of these stages may be occurring simultaneously or in a different order. The most important thing to remember is that our journeys will never be completed, we will always be in a constant state of evolution and expansion. However, once we reach a certain level of awareness, our transformations will be more organic and most of our insights will come from within rather than from the external. Along with this program you can also reference our other free resources and guides to assist you on your journey.
18/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Divine Feminine Inner Child Healing

Divine Feminine Inner Child Healing
17/1/20240 minutos
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Divine Masculine Inner Child Healing

Divine Masculine Inner Child Healing
17/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Story of Creation for Children

Story of Creation for Children
17/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The Celestine Prophecy

The Celestine Prophecy A new spiritual awakening is occurring in human culture, an awakening brought about by a critical mass of individuals who experience their lives as a spiritual unfolding, a journey in which we are led forward by mysterious coincidences.
16/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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5D Healing

5D Healing
16/1/20240 minutos
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High Vibrational Definitions Part 2

High Vibrational Definitions Part 2
16/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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High Vibrational Definitions

High Vibrational Definitions
16/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The 7 Chakras

The 7 Chakras
15/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Gaia's Pharmacy

Gaia's Healing Pharmacy
15/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Equal Energy Exchange Economy

Equal Energy Exchange Economy
14/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The Carbon to Crystalline Process

Assisting your Body through the Carbon to Crystalline Process
14/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The Dragons

A Podcast on working with the Dragon energies
14/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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True Philanthropy

A Podcast on the meaning of True Philanthropy
13/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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This Podcast guides you through different ways to do Ceremonies
13/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Divine Parenting Traits

Divine Parenting Traits
13/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The Ascension Protocols

The Ascension Protocols
13/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The Sovereignty Decrees

The Sovereignty Decrees
12/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Embodying True Sovereignty

Embodying True Sovereignty
12/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Balanced Harmonics

Balanced Harmonics
11/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Connecting with your Angels or Higher Self

Connecting with your Angels or Higher Self
11/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Mastering Energy

Mastering Energy
10/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Embodying the Divine Traits - Part 2

Embodying the Divine Traits - Part 2
10/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Embodying the Divine Traits Part 1

Embodying the Divine Traits Part 1
9/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The Ascension Glossary

Ascension Glossary
9/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The EGO Traits - Part 3

Part 3 of the EGO Traits
8/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The EGO and its Traits - Part 2

The EGO Traits part 2
8/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The EGO and its Traits - Part 1

Introduction to the EGO and beginning unpacking each of the Traits
7/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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The Story of Creation

The True Story of Creation. Earth = Heart and the 144 000
6/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos