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The Cellular Alchemist Profile

The Cellular Alchemist

English, Education, 1 season, 67 episodes, 11 hours, 50 minutes
Where does the key to your personal and professional success lie? Who has all the answers to your emotional and spiritual quests? How can you learn to live in alignment with your values and purpose?On this podcast, Ritu Malhotra, a highly accomplished Kinesiologist, Metaphysician, and Spiritual Psychologist, shares her deep study and immersive experience of working with hundreds of individuals across the globe on personal transformation techniques that can help you understand your own emotions, patterns, and behaviors in a new light. Ritu brings home the philosophy that whatever we seek, lies within us and that the transformation we desire, need not take eons to come by. Ritu is your "cellular alchemist" whose mission is to help people of every age, ethnicity, and gender, discover the power of choice in their lives so that they can touch the field of consciousness and light within themselves. Join her as she guides you through the innate wisdom of self-discovery to unlock your infinite potential. || Subscribe and follow the podcast. || Episodes drop every Friday morning on your favorite podcast listening app. ||
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Martyrdom to Happiness : Unmask the roots of self-sacrificing behavior | Seduction Series

Have you ever wondered why some people constantly put themselves last, sacrificing their own needs for others, only to end up feeling bitter and resentful? Well, you're about to discover the hidden motivations behind such self-sacrificing tendencies, as we journey through the life of my cousin, who has mastered the art of playing the martyr in her relationships. We unmask the roots of this behavior, often lodged in childhood experiences, and reveal how it can morph into a pattern of hidden resentment. We also share actionable insights on breaking free from this cycle, highlighting the importance of authenticity, self-patience, and reaching out for support.Let's shake things up a bit with a dash of humor and a splash of happiness, shall we? Amidst the complexities of human relationships and emotions, we delve into the transformative influence of joy and laughter. We challenge you to shift your perception, to find the silver lining even when life seems to be a series of unfortunate events. We underscore the significance of savoring happy moments and the ripple effect of spreading positivity in a world that's too often steeped in tragedies. Settle in for an episode that promises to enlighten you on the intricate dynamics of suffering in relationships, while inspiring you to embrace happiness.Meet your host:Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say:**The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
9/28/202313 minutes
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Reframing Disappointments : Harnessing the Power of Personal Growth | Seduction Series

Ever found yourself marooned on the island of disappointment? Do you often bear the weight of unmet expectations and victimhood? Then in this episode we are going to pivot the narrative! We're diving headfirst into the turbulent ocean of disappointment, excavating its impact on our relationships, our propensity for change, and even our core values. We're not stopping there, though. We're also exploring with the host Ritu Malhotra, how disappointment often becomes an unwelcome tenant in our memories, overstaying its welcome. But, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, we discuss strategies to transform disappointment into a catalyst for growth and self-improvement. Drawing from the wisdom of Pema Chodron, Ritu reveals how a major setback can actually signal the start of an exciting adventure. So buckle up and join us on this odyssey of self-discovery, where we'll decode how to find the 'win' in every negative situation while cherishing our dearest values - kindness, trust, affection, and love. Let's embark on a journey to master the art of managing disappointment and emerge victorious!Meet your host:Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say:**The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
9/14/202310 minutes, 27 seconds
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Breaking the Chains of Dissatisfaction : Finding Joy Beyond Success | Seduction Series

Ever consider why we're so often enticed by the perpetual chase for success, fame, and wealth? Can we find true happiness in this relentless pursuit, when it often leads to an endless cycle of dissatisfaction? This episode invites you to rethink the way you measure success, through the lens of a successful consultant named Sheila. Sheila's story reveals the harsh reality of an achievement-focused life—despite the outward image of success, the interior life is often missing love, joy, and a sense of completion. We enlighten you on the intriguing science of how our brain plays tricks on us, baiting us into this cycle and how we can break free.Making a shift from the typical narrative of success, we emphasize the importance of self-kindness, recognizing our achievements, and seeking joy beyond materialistic gains. Drawing the line between desire and enjoyment, we provide insights on gaining control over our happiness. We wrap up this episode with a self-reflective exercise, prompting you to revisit moments of authentic satisfaction in your life. This exercise aims to encourage more such rewarding experiences in your life. Tune in for this enlightening conversation and join us on this journey towards real satisfaction and joy.Meet your host: Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
8/31/202312 minutes, 49 seconds
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Self-Absorption: A Pathway from Negativity to Hope | Seduction Series

Have you ever wondered why we are so susceptible to our own negative emotions? The Seduction Series is here to shed light on the unconventional side of seduction; the seductive power of our own emotions, moods, thoughts, and habits. Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery and explore how to shift from self-absorption to empathy, the key to human connection and kindness. We will unravel the insidious power of self-absorption that pleases the ego temporarily but can lead to feelings of unworthiness and depression. But it's not all doom and gloom; we also discuss the potential positives of self-absorption, and how maintaining a balance between inner and outer focus can lead to personal growth and success. And perhaps most importantly, we explore the journey from self-absorption to empathy, the key to human connection and kindness. So listen in, as we take on this enlightening exploration of seduction in its various forms, and guide you towards hope and self-awareness. Let's get ready to break the spell of negativity and embrace a more empathetic and balanced perspective.Meet your host: Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
8/17/202313 minutes, 29 seconds
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Irritation: The Unseen Catalyst for Personal Growth | Seduction Series

Ever find yourself ensnared in the dark allure of negative emotions? Ever have those days when the smallest things just bug you to no end? We know we have. In the latest episode of Seduction Series on The Cellular Alchemist, your host Ritu Malhotra will take you on a deeply personal journey, exploring how we are often seduced by our own negativity - whether that be anger, disappointment, or even despair. She reveals how we get lost in the abyss of these emotions, surrendering ourselves to their control, and discuss why we allow ourselves to stay entrapped in their shadowy grasp. Yet, we assure you, hope isn't far off as she also shares ways to break free from this seductive dance and rediscover the light on the other side.In the episode, she delves into the role of irritation in our lives, discussing how seemingly insignificant irritants can lead us down a path of negative behaviors. Abd that’s not all. Ritu is also sharing some tried and tested techniques to deal with irritability when it strikes. From moving to a quiet place to repeating the phrase 'it doesn't matter' to ourselves, she offers practical steps to turn irritating moments into stepping stones for growth. So, buckle up, and listen in as we turn the table on irritation and find the win in it.Meet your host: Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
8/3/202311 minutes, 57 seconds
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Practicing Emotional First Aid : Promoting Emotional Health and Healing | Seduction Series

Do you love your mind as much as you love your body? Do you take care of both equally or the body often wins?Tune into this new series from the Cellular Alchemist Podcast- Seduction. Seduction is a superpower as it has a subtle effect but it can hold us tightly in its grit. And no, we aren’t talking about seduction between a man and a woman. This is the unconventional side of seduction and it’s inside in the form of emotions like despair, anxiety, anger and self absorption. It sucks us and doesn’t let us get out because we forget that we are the co-creators of happiness. So, this series is about finding that hope and moving to the other side. We all know about basic physical first aid but are we aware of emotional first aid? Feelings like loneliness and failure wounds us and strangles our brain. This is where your mind seduces you.“Life always gives us a win in challenging situations. It is our job to find it” - Ritu MalhotraListen to the entire episode to know more about what to do with mental injuries, emotional health and how to ask for emotional aid. Meet your host: Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
7/13/202311 minutes, 15 seconds
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Everyday Questions for everyday Life : The Thrill of Being Understood

What is one of the most comforting things we experience?It's when we understand anything completely. It's more of an aha moment filled with gratification. But what adds more thrill to it?The feeling of being understood. As humans it is important to us that the other person can pinpoint our feelings. In fact, most of the times when you don’t understand yourself, you will realize that people will reflect those exact same thoughts back to you. Even as a child, when we told our parents that we felt sad or worried, they asked us to stop feeling like that. Although, our parents were protecting us because they wanted to take the pain away and so they either minimized it or rejected it. However, as a child or as an adult we want someone to validate our feelings. Most people fear that if they acknowledge a sad or anxious feeling of their loved one, they might make it worse but the opposite is true. “One of our deepest longings is that someone acknowledges our feelings” - Ritu MalhotraYour host Ritu Malhotra shares why expressing your feelings is essential and how it can have a huge impact on the overall quality of your life. Tune in!Meet your host: Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
6/15/20239 minutes, 31 seconds
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Everyday Questions for everyday Life : Understanding Why We Never Hear Each Other

Communicating on various devices has become a big part of our lives. We keep on texting through the filter of the screens but we have never been more disconnected.Many times in our day, we are asked, “How are you doing”? And often our response to that is, “All good” or “I’m fine, can’t complain”. It is an automatic robotic answer because these are template questions that aren’t looking for a conversation. In fact, this is where the conversation dies. The problem is we aren’t engaging or communicating with each other. We are focused on sharing a safe part of use. We barely listen. Instead, everyone is interested in talking because that keeps you in control. We can bolster our ego and identity through talking.On the other hand, listening requires effort and attention. You have to keep your opinions and self identity aside for sometime.But you know what happens when you start listening to someone with attention?You raise the energy of the conversation. You drop the armor and ensure that the conversation is real and authentic. The more we seek to connect with others in an authentic way, the more we are able to receive and give.“The need to impress is a shallow way to seek attention”- Ritu Malhotra.Your host Ritu Malhotra of the cellular alchemist podcast shares the importance of listening and how it will ensure that our relationship stops being causal touchpoints. Tune into this soothing episode to listen.Meet your host: Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
5/18/202310 minutes, 21 seconds
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Everyday Questions For Everyday Life : Healing the Pain Behind Addiction - Insights and Strategies

How do we view addiction as a society?Do we look down upon the addicted because they are reckless and irresponsible? But their behavior is often the tip of the iceberg. The major reason behind their addiction is often deep rooted with some kind of trauma and pain.Medical Science defines addiction as a disease but we need a more multi-dimensional approach to understand the reasons behind addiction. Often addiction is a response to physical and emotional pain. Addiction can be any form including substances, food, shopping and even being obsessed with a person. It is anything that makes the suffering and pain go away even for a few minutes.For addicts, it is never the trauma event that disbalances their brain but often their feelings about the event. Also, society offers judgment which fuels the trauma. It's essential to understand that a social approach is needed because the opposite of addiction is connection. “Addiction isn’t the problem, it’s the feelings behind it”- Ritu Malhotra. In this episode your host, Ritu Malhotra shares the reasons behind addiction and how countries like Portugal took the right steps as a society to help heal addiction and decrease substance abuse by 50%.Meet your host: Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
5/4/202310 minutes, 2 seconds
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Understanding the Importance of Emotional Safety | Everyday Questions For Everyday Life

How do you address safety? You either feel it or not, but seldom anyone talks about it. Isn’t it?If you are at home during the scorching heat or blizzards, you definitely feel safe. You even feel safe when you have enough money in your bank. But these are examples of physical safety. What about Emotional Safety? How do you define it?For example, if you are in a crowded place where you don’t know anyone, you will feel unsafe until someone passes a smile at you. Also, if you have invested a lot of money in a business but don’t have adequate data on the performance, you will feel unsafe. An unsafe space usually has yelling, screaming, shouting and verbal personal attacks. On the other hand emotional safety is achieved when you can share vulnerable and sensitive feelings with someone without any fear.Identifying safe emotions and creating a loving space for one another is crucial. If you feel like giving feedback or correction to your loved one, then give it in a calm and loving manner. “You are responsible for your environment and what you allow is your responsibility” - Ritu Malhotra.In this episode your host Ritu Malhotra shares what is emotional safety and what are considered as safe emotions. Listen to the entire episode to understand the importance of emotional safety. Meet your host: Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
4/20/20238 minutes, 38 seconds
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Embracing Your Unique Identity : Why Being "Normal" isn't the Only Option? | Everyday questions for Everyday life

Have you ever stopped and wondered what is normal?Ever noticed when you tell someone that you feel hurt because you were criticized or you can’t stop once you start eating chocolates, their usual answer is that is being normal. As human beings we are hardwired to belong as we are deeply concerned with not being out of line. But what if you are feeling compulsive or fraud or mean. Is that called being normal or is it just being an average person?Also, no one has the right answer to the question, “How to be normal?” Most people are just following what their parents, teachers and society taught them as being normal.It's essential to step back and think about your core beliefs and ask yourself questions like:Is same sex marriage okay?Will I actually go to hell if I eat beef?Is it really wrong to sit and eat lunch on the staff table in the office?Taking a step back to think critically and analyze the situation can tell you a lot about the art of being normal.“Remember perfection doesn’t exist, that’s why I like the term “Not Yet”, which means we will always be work in progress”- Ritu MalhotraListen to the entire episode where your host shares about how to follow your own beat and break the stereotypes of being normal.  Meet your host: Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
4/6/20239 minutes, 10 seconds
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Finding a Middle Ground and Embracing Counter-Dependency | Everyday questions-for everyday life

Was Cinderella your favorite story growing up? If yes, then did you end up having the Cinderella complex?Cinderella complex is also known as the fear of independence. The story of Cinderella is about a young girl who rises above her miseries when a prince comes to rescue her.Lot of young girls are told by their mothers, grandmothers, aunts and friends that they can’t survive without a man. They are taught that they cannot stand alone and they are too fragile. Also, this thinking is prevalent even today.Most women suffer with the Cinderella complex syndrome as they think their own hard work and intelligence isn’t enough. Deep down they are just waiting for someone to come along and take the charge. “We don’t teach our kids to face failure and our girls to take charge of their own life”- Ritu Malhotra.In this episode, your host Ritu Malhotra of the Cellular Alchemist podcast shares how it is essential to find a middle ground and be counter dependent on each other not out of desperation but out of love for each other. Listen to the entire episode to know how to overcome Cinderella Complex?Meet your host: Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
3/23/20238 minutes, 52 seconds
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Overcoming the Fear of Abandonment for a Better Future | Everyday questions-for everyday life

What is the common fear that we all have faced once in our life even for a microsecond?The primal basic fear of abandonment. The feeling of not considering ourselves worthy of love.These thoughts might have crossed a few people for mini seconds in their lives while for others it is a deep-rooted issue. The fear of abandonment usually begins in childhood when children don’t get proper security from their parents.An absent father, a mother with loaded responsibilities or even death of one parent can trigger abandonment issues in children. It is important to understand that children cannot handle such big emotions on their own. They need support and guidance to navigate.Although, if you related to this then you can unlearn these patterns from your childhood. No one outside can fill the hole or void for you. You can change the narrative once you accept that you are a human and it is okay for you to struggle.You are not alone and you are worthy of every ounce of love coming your way.“We are not helpless victims of our past but we have to face our past for our better future”- Ritu Malhotra. Your host Ritu Malhotra of the cellular alchemist podcast shares an example of one of her patients and how she broke-free from her self-abandonment patterns in a few weeks. Tune in now!Meet your host: Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
3/9/202310 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to deal with control freaks | Everyday questions-for everyday life

Have you ever dealt with a control freak? Don’t they always have a critical say in everything? It is either their way or the highway.Most people who cannot be dominated have arguments with controlling people while others who agree to them hold on to resentment for them. However, there is a better way to deal with such people. Use the right words around controlling people. Avoid replying to them with sarcasm and calmly communicate how their behavior makes you feel. Don’t use the word “no” around them as they might find it aggressive. Also, don’t sweat the small stuff. Allow them to make decisions for smaller things but when it comes to bigger decisions give them lesser information and state your limits. Such people also do not like sudden changes and so inform them prior.“No matter how perfect we make our lives, we always want to control something. We are powerless outside of ourselves and so we must let go of the illusion of control”- Ritu Malhotra.In this episode, your host Ritu Malhotra shares why controlling people behave in a certain way. Their actions are triggered due to anxiety and fear and they use control as a defense mechanism.Listen to the entire episode to know how to deal with such relationships. Meet your host: Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
2/23/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Supression Equals Depression | Everyday questions - for everyday life

People who are depressed don't all walk around with long faces or cry at the slightest provocation. Instead, they start with statements like 'I feel down.''Everything seems gray.''I feel so helpless.'Or 'Who could be more useless than me.'This is what depression sounds like, how it shows up, and how can we see it in action. Sometimes maybe fatigue or hopelessness or helplessness or pulling away from social activities altogether.Life can be challenging for all of us at times, and we must all face fundamental existential truths like mortality. But how can you help yourself? Well, you need to find what you love because it will occupy a significant portion of your life. If you haven't found it yet, don't give up; keep looking.Journaling, being mindful, and setting yourself free to move forward are all very effective ways to feel unstuck.Your host Ritu Malhotra is sharing more such valuable advice throughout this episode to help you stop feeling depressed and let go of the weight of your emotions.Listen to this episode and find out yourself.Meet your host: Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP****The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
2/9/202313 minutes, 17 seconds
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Is Anxiety the 21st Century Hangover? | Everyday questions - for everyday life

Anxiety doesn’t come from thinking about the future but stems from the need to control it.Can’t decide between two salad dressings? Or do you find it difficult to conduct a presentation, meet a friend or just complete small tasks for the day? Does deciding things make you sweaty and your breathing becomes faster? Then, you probably have anxiety.In this episode your host Ritu Malhotra shares the causes of increasing anxiety in today’s generation and solutions to deal with it. She feels that when someone concentrates on a single worry and gives their focus to it, more worries occur. We are more anxious than our previous generations even when we haven’t witnessed famines or great wars but it's also because we are more self aware and fixated on our conditions.The only way to deal with anxiety is to disempower the worry and let it go. Anxiety raises its head when responsibilities seem too great. Instead, turn anxiety into action and move the energy.“We are restless for the next big story of our wants but are already tired as soon as we get it”- Ritu Malhotra.Listen to the entire episode to understand the real causes of anxiety in depth and various ways to combat it.   Meet your host: Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
1/26/202312 minutes, 26 seconds
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Moving on from regret | Everyday questions - for everyday life

Regret is the price we pay for free will.Ever dwelled on past situations or relationships? Are you caught in a web of could haves and should haves?Then, this episode is definitely for you. Regret stops you from living a fulfilling life. In fact, it even hampers your present decisions as you continuously protect yourself and ensure that you never make a decision that your future self will regret. In this episode, your host Ritu Malhotra shares ways to break free from regret. She suggests that guilt forces you to wallow in pain until you take a step back and try to look at the situation differently. Develop a flexible mindset, and instead of repeatedly telling yourself, “I should have done it differently”, ask, “I wonder why I did something the way I did”? Understand that there are no random occurrences in life. Every joy and pain has a purpose, so rise above your regret and learn the lesson to move on.“No venture, no gain. Allow yourself to make mistakes and regret them but then move on because that’s how you will make lesser mistakes”- Ritu Malhotra. Listen to the entire episode to learn more ways of dealing with regrets, and to know an impactful exercise that the host shares towards the end to overcome such feelings. Meet your host: Blending Psychology with SpiritualityRitu Malhotra firmly believes in blending Science with Spiritualism to bring in faster and more permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing, and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic well-being. To know more about Ritu and her work visit See what her clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
1/12/202313 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to stop overthinking? | Everyday questions - for everyday life

Can't stop overthinking every life situation? Is it affecting your overall well-being as it doesn't allow you to catch a break or rest peacefully?Overthinking has plagued our generation. It is the root cause of depression and anxiety. Most people feel that if they think about a situation long enough, they might find a better solution. But remember, there is a difference between obsessively thinking about something and looking for an answer. In this episode, your host Ritu Malhotra discusses the causes of overthinking and solutions to break the pattern. Mostly your brain overthinks because of past regrets, insecurity and fear. The first step to overcome this is to distract your brain by cleaning your desk or sleeping over it. Once you feel rested, your brain will invariably find a solution. "Self-awareness is what we owe ourselves. We can all have it because it's free. So, be kind to yourself as you deserve it" - Ritu Malhotra.Listen to the entire episode to know the root causes and solutions to break the pattern of overthinking. To connect, with Ritu, visit www.ritumalhotra.comAbout Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfillment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
12/29/20229 minutes, 20 seconds
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How to deal with anger issues | Everyday questions for everyday life

Do you feel angry quickly? Does your anger affect your relationships?The only thing that brings us together as humans is our feelings. Anger is also a feeling, but it isn’t necessarily bad. In fact, it helps you to raise your voice against wrong things but learning to cope with anger is a little tricky. You have to be mindful and replace your anger with something more beneficial. In this episode, your host Ritu Malhotra discusses in depth the reasons behind one’s anger and how to turn your anger into an opportunity of knowing yourself better. Usually, anger arises when you feel disconnected, unaccepted, uncared or unloved. Most people deny acknowledging these feelings as it makes them vulnerable, but if you dig deeper, you will realize that anger motivates you to find peace. “Whatever we suppress or resist, it persists” - Ritu Malhotra.Listen to the entire episode to know the different stages of anger and how to shift your focus from them by honoring yourself with calmness. To connect, with Ritu, visit www.ritumalhotra.comAbout Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfillment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
12/15/202210 minutes, 54 seconds
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People pleasing is stressful | Everyday questions for everyday life

Are you a people pleaser?Do you give into easily to people pleasing people?Well not trying to have a word play here - but when people applaud you, say nice words to you in order to meet their vested interests - it can become a big stresser for you. It can be hard to say no to something after a few words of appreciation or applause. We also tend to say yes to requests and demands because we want to avoid conflict. And you love the acceptance and approval you get because everyone says what a nice person you are and how dependable you are.In this episode,  your host Ritu Malhotra is discussing the topic of people pleasing and how you can look beneath and beyond this problem. If you carefully look into this matter, you are going to realize something astonishing.Listen on to find more… To connect, with Ritu, visit www.ritumalhotra.comAbout Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfillment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
12/1/20229 minutes, 32 seconds
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Letting go of a Bad Relationship | Everyday questions for everyday life

Here is the beginning of yet another series - Everyday questions for everyday life.Relationships and events are constants in our lives; some we can handle, some we can comprehend and find reasons for, while other events can be quite confusing and disturbing. So in this series, we are trying to answer some of these queries that you come across very often.Let’s begin with relationships. It is very often that some relationships go sour and it is difficult to carry on with them. Then how do you find the courage to walk out of a toxic relationship? Let’s find out from Ritu in this episode of The Cellular Alchemist podcast. To connect, with Ritu, visit www.ritumalhotra.comAbout Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfillment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
11/17/202210 minutes, 27 seconds
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Irony of Mediocrity | Your Life: Who's Choice Is It?

We are surrounded by mediocrity.People are in the habit of choosing mediocre products. Mindless movies sell more than talented theatres. Shallow novels outsell deep literary works. Even in food, people will prefer unhealthy foods like pizza and hamburgers over healthy fruits and salads.Everywhere we see around us, where there is a choice between profound and shallow, we tend to choose the shallow. It may be because it's popular or something that's familiar and socially acceptable, even if it's an unhealthy habit. The bottom line is that most of our social lives revolve around mindless conformity. How about we could find a way to embrace our average selves as well as strive for greatness?Listen to today’s episode of the Cellular Alchemist podcast to learn that from the host, Ritu Malhotra.To connect, with Ritu, visit www.ritumalhotra.comAbout Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfillment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
11/3/202212 minutes, 7 seconds
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Being in the Growth Zone | Your Life: Who's Choice Is It?

As humans when we choose to just exist - we carry on with our day-to-day chores - we eat, we live, we sleep, we do our jobs, and we take care of our life’s business as we know best. At any given point in time - we can create a life of consumption and myopically focus on our surroundings without seeing the broader landscape around us, consuming day after day without any perspective on what surrounds us OR we can choose a life of growth. We can either choose to stay in our comfort zone or push ourselves in pursuit of the greater life.In this episode of Cellular Alchemist Podcast, your host, Ritu Malhotra, discusses how you can be in the growth zone s a life’s choice.Enjoy the conversation…To connect, with Ritu, visit www.ritumalhotra.comAbout Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfillment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
10/20/202211 minutes, 58 seconds
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Helplessness says : Find Your Power | Your Life: Who's Choice Is It?

When we feel challenged, pushed into a corner, or helpless, the quote says, "Find your power within you in a disempowering situation." Whenever we feel powerless, it's always a delusion since we never are entirely powerless. It's just our state of mind, and one of the options we have is helplessness. There are many more options, but why do we choose helplessness as the only option we have?In this episode of the Cellular Alchemist podcast, your host Ritu Malhotra is discussing how you can find the power that is already within you so that you can save yourself from choosing helplessness.Listen in…To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, and nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
10/6/202212 minutes, 50 seconds
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Life Choices: Who's Choice Is It | Your Life: Who's Choice Is It?

When we run away from making choices in our life, it's likely, someone else starts making them for us. And then after a point of time - we start resenting them. We start feeling like a victim.When we encounter a crisis, it is essential to consider how we handle it. When we encounter minor disappointments and setbacks, it is critical to choose our response to them. In situations like when we do not get the job we desire or experience a loss, personally or financially, we take it in stride. Yes, there is sadness, but these are normal reactions. But if we begin to see these problems as permanent, we will not be able to deal with them. Go deeper into the notion of making life choices in this episode as we navigate the power of making choices and how to regain your power by making your own choices. To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, and nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
9/22/20229 minutes, 21 seconds
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Growing Up : This Is Us

Beliefs sometimes are almost like a disease we catch during our growing-up years. But where does this disease come from? It is something that we learn from our parents.  As an act of love, we believe what they say or do. We are all a product of our prejudice and ignorance and we keep passing it on.However, if we knew that the universe is a reflection of our beliefs, then how would we be able to clear away our past traumas and perceptions?Listen in to solve some of these riddles of life that can help you to create a happier today and brighter tomorrow.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, and nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say:**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
9/15/20228 minutes, 7 seconds
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Resolving the Trauma of Loss | The Body's Truth : The Inside Story

Loss is tough for all of us, and the trauma of loss translates into the biology of our bodies.The emotions we experience when we lose someone or something are embedded inside our bodies. They become an inseparable part of us. The stress that we experience thereafter affects our brains and body's development. One might move away from the trauma of loss mentally, but emotionally, spiritually, and physically it is not very easy. The focus of today's episode is to understand this and how to cope with the trauma more effectively.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
9/8/20229 minutes, 7 seconds
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Reprogram The Brain To Create The Life You Want To Live | The Body's Truth : The Inside Story

Is it possible to reprogram the brain?In neuroscience research, it has been found that we are only using 10% of the brain's potential. In order to maximize our brain's storage capacity and capitalize on our latent potential, we need to remove the negative emotional stress that stands in the way of our goals and dreams.The common integrative area, or CIA, is a  part that actually determines your capability and thinks it's protecting you, but it doesn't let you try anything new, as it wants you to believe whatever you believe about yourself to be true. There is, however, a way to reprogram your mind and live the life you want to liveJoin us in this episode and learn more about it.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
9/1/20229 minutes, 2 seconds
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Signals From the Body - hidden Stress | The Body's Truth : The Inside Story

The human tendency is to avoid hidden stress, especially something that hurts us and causes anxious situations.But the thing that we avoid gets embedded into the body and stays concealed.Sometimes we try to avoid it by conjuring fanciful daydreams of the future or the past. We think that we cannot face a stressful or challenging life situation and we wish to evade it.But if we cannot recognize denial, it cannot end.It will remain.And the longer it stays - the heavier it gets causing further illness. Find out in today’s episode how you can learn from each of the experiences and evolve. To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
8/25/20226 minutes, 59 seconds
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Memory is More than Mental | The Body's Truth : The Inside Story

The body stores memories of the past.  Memories of past experiences, encoded in our bodies, can have a very strong impact on our present. It is possible to experience the physical expression of a past memory without having conscious awareness of where it came from.Time has reality only to our conscious belief system. The brain makes no distinction between past and present. A triggering experience that is encoded in your memory can produce a real-time physical response.   It is possible to change these body memories so that they no longer produce an unwanted physical reaction. A great place to start is by finding a therapist who understands the mind-body connection and uses Kinesiology via Bio-Feedback. To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
8/18/20227 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Mind's Eye - Imagination | The Body's Truth : The Inside Story

Imagination is where the magic starts. It is at the heart of creation, it is what makes us human. Imagination is not about escaping from reality.  It is the art of creating the possible. You have to first see it in the mind's eye. Through imagination, you build flexibility of thought and then a new reality. Human intelligence is the means, imagination is the road. Where it leads is up to you. You have a choice to create your journey, an alternative reality.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, and nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
8/11/20227 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Power of Our Beliefs | The Body's Truth : The Inside Story

Beliefs are foundational. They are at the core of how we function.  It doesn’t matter if our beliefs are true or not if they are based on reality or imagined. The truth is what we believe dictates how we interact with the world around us.Our belief system is an invisible force behind our behaviour.  The good news is that you are not a victim of your preconceived beliefs.- Beliefs can be examined. - Beliefs can be adapted and changed to align with your truth.- New beliefs can lead you to better and greater thoughts and actions.The message is simple…Don’t let the beliefs of the past keep you from your promising future. You have a choice.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
8/4/20227 minutes, 16 seconds
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Everyday Anxiety | The Body's Truth : The Inside Story

Anticipatory anxiety is the fear of what could happen in the future. With this type of anxiety, we may fixate on the things we can't control or predict. The future always seems out of our reach. It is out of reach because it does not exist.  The only place it can be found is in our heads. The unknown represents a possible threat.  What we don't know we cannot control and what we can't control is very scary. This brings about everyday anxiety.How can we free ourselves from this negative spiral?We need to begin with our thoughts.  We need to bring clarity to what it is that we fear.  This will help us become aware of the positive changes we can make that can move us towards a new beginning. To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
7/28/20228 minutes, 17 seconds
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Emotional Maturity - Snapshots of Ourselves

Emotional Maturity is the ability to be mindful of ourselves and of our thoughts and feelings that result from what happens inside or outside of us. It primarily means to consciously choose our response with intention and care.Emotional Maturity is the ability to know that we’re at the crossroad, possibly stuck in the mud and in order to grow and become who we want to be, we need to hold ourselves accountable. It is the key to the soul’s evolution.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
7/21/20226 minutes, 47 seconds
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Thought Chatter - Snapshots of Ourselves

What were you thinking about one second ago? Maybe you were internally voicing your thoughts or adding images or feelings to them. We all do this automatically throughout the day.We spend a lot of time listening to ourselves talk inside our heads. Every time you read or decide or imagine something there’s an inner voice and 40% of the time we’re attending to that inner voice.When silent talking gets stuck and starts spinning in a loop I call it ‘chatter’. Listen to my podcast for my thoughts on Thought Chatter.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
7/14/20226 minutes, 41 seconds
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Looking With Fresh Eyes - Snapshots of ourselves

All too often we look at life with the eyes of yesterday. Everything that we see has our thoughts attached to it. As we look at something we attach a label to it, presume that it will be as it was before, and then act accordingly.We never really know what we’re looking at, even when we’re seeing the most familiar things. Try to look at someone you live with, with fresh, new eyes…feel what you see…look at them as though for the first time.   To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfillment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
7/7/20226 minutes, 58 seconds
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Life: A Journey or a Destination? - Snapshots of Ourselves

Goals, targets, destinations, deadlines - we are all surrounded by these words.How often are we mentally in the present but our minds are moving into the future?We focus so much on the destination that we lose out on the experiences and enjoyment of our present.   It is difficult to avoid a result-driven world, but if we are mindful, we can still reach the destination while enjoying the journey.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfillment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
6/23/20226 minutes, 27 seconds
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Creating Meaning of Life - Snapshots of Ourselves

“Does life have meaning? What is the point of it all?” Is it just the mere living of a life, pursuing goals like family, finances, academic accomplishments or success, however we define it?To understand this let’s get to the basics first… you might think I’m being ultra-philosophical but isn’t it human nature to attach meaning to everything? If we didn’t, we couldn’t make sense of all the craziness that surrounds us many times. To give meaning to something helps us predict what we can expect and also to some extent control the outcome.Meaning is not something outside of ourselves…not some cosmic universal truth waiting to be discovered. It’s a resource we must cultivate ourselves. Meaning is something we must continually find and nurture….consistentlyTo connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfillment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
6/9/20229 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Voice Within : Seeds of Wisdom

The power of listening to yourself. Our inner speech turns out to shape our thoughts and decisions in more ways than you might have imagined.In reality, our fear of and struggle against these ‘givens’ is the source of our troubles. Once we embrace them we realize that they have exactly what we need to gain the courage, wisdom and happiness we’ve always desired. When we are mindful and make choices with wisdom; we meet each situation with openness, curiosity and kindness and our lives are better for it.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
5/25/20227 minutes, 4 seconds
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Are You Serious? : Seeds of Wisdom

We all want to take a more light-hearted approach to life. The best and only way to do it is to consciously shift accept that your perception of reality becomes your reality! That is to say that your reality is coloured by your expectations, and your expectations are a direct result of your beliefs and your beliefs sprout from the thoughts you constantly dwell upon.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
5/11/20228 minutes, 37 seconds
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Beyond Good And Bad : Seeds of Wisdom

There’s no ‘good’ or ‘bad’...and in time we realise that it’s just our social self that labels or accepts these labels. Though it can get scary when you begin to lose the long-held sense of self. But as you stay with it the essential YOU embrace that loss.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
4/27/20226 minutes, 1 second
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Can Empathy Be Learned? : Seeds of Wisdom

Empathy has also been called ‘vicarious introspection’, commonly described as the ability to put yourself in another’s shoes. Though it’s important to make sure that you’re assessing how they would feel in their shoes not how you would feel in their shoes! Most often, the problem is, despite the fact that we yearn for others to try fitting into our shoes, are we ready to do the same for them?To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
4/13/20228 minutes, 6 seconds
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Searching For God : Seeds of Wisdom

I find myself searching and asking the ultimate question, “Does life have meaning? What is the point of it all?” Is it just the mere living of a life, pursuing goals like family, finances, academic accomplishments or success, how do we define it?God is not something outside of ourselves…not some cosmic universal truth waiting to be discovered. It’s a resource we must cultivate ourselves. Meaning is something we must continually find and nurture….consistently. And the most important truth is that meaning equals value; it’s made by us in our minds and it changes over time.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
3/3/20225 minutes, 35 seconds
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Life is Like a Movie : Seeds of Wisdom

Human beings have been telling stories since the dawn of civilisation...sharing our own and listening to another. We love to get lost in stories: through a film, a book or a play. We’re drawn into the lives of characters whose heartbreaks and talents reflect our own.... there is comfort in knowing that we can re-live our story whenever we like.Think for moment the story you tell yourself about you.Ask yourself how you can change your story.Change your script,  re-train your brain; move beyond your existing story.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
2/3/20227 minutes, 7 seconds
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Treading Lightly Through Life : Seeds of Wisdom

Whether it is coffee, cocaine, substances, gambling or social media it’s time to listen to the silent voice within…de-clutter and lighten the load!It’s time to be good to yourself. It’s time to take action, cut unnecessary ties and free up space and time because inaction and indecision take a heavy emotional toll.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
1/20/20227 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Problem with the Chase : Seeds of Wisdom

“what you want will find it’s way to you”! How much more evident could it get? Yet because of our conditioning, we are programmed to expect a specific outcome and we channel all our stress and anxiety towards it. By doing so we actually make the outcome less likely to happen. We push it away, distance it from us.It’s important to understand that your happiness doesn’t lie on the other side of a job. The more you realise and practice this the easier it is for your desire to find you.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
1/7/20227 minutes, 6 seconds
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Hidden Anxiety : Seeds of Wisdom

Hidden AnxietyMany times we mask what we feel inside. Even when these emotions are negative and stressful we are programmed to hide them. Over time this is detrimental to our well being and shows up as anxiety... even though we function well enough it festers and infects unseen. Listen to this podcast to learn adaptive and productive strategies to help yourself.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
12/30/20216 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Hidden Truth of Motivation : Seeds of Wisdom

How can we cash into the currency of motivation? Our addictive behaviours have made life so difficult.  We love pleasurable feelings and we want more.  What we do not truly know is every time we give in to an urge we want more.  Motivation is a two-part process.  It is about balancing pleasure and pain.  Listen to this podcast to discover the hidden truth of motivation.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
12/23/20218 minutes, 15 seconds
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What is Love? : Seeds of Wisdom

What is Love? Is love an intimacy, is it romance, lust or passion? Where can we find it? Is there something beyond love for another? Love that lasts is an increased awareness, a sensibility beyond the physical.  Self-love, self-respect, self-worth: there is a reason they all start with ‘self’. You can’t find them in anyone else. This is why self-love is an inside job.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
12/15/20218 minutes
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Getting Better : Why Do We Suffer?

To move beyond pain and suffering does not necessarily mean to live without pain and suffering. It means learning to adapt to adversity.Nothing in life remains static. If we have good days, we will surely also have bad days. If we are happy, we will surely also face unhappiness. The key to life is to see life as an experience, learning from our mistakes and to try to improve every day.Appreciate the small stuff and develop resilience to handle the unpleasant.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
9/20/20217 minutes, 11 seconds
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Getting Better : Why Is Introspection So Scary?

Why is introspection beneficial?People who introspect recognize the fact that they may have biases and distortions in their interpretation of reality and they are aware that everyone sees the same thing entirely differently and that’s OK. Introspection makes us agile enough to frequently refine the interpretation of our own reality.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
9/6/20219 minutes, 25 seconds
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Getting Better : Our Need For Connection

Connection Is a Core Human NeedIt is our relationships that give us a sense of belonging.  The need to connect is as fundamental as our need for food and shelter.  The need to love and belong includes the need for relationships, social connections, to give and receive affection and to feel part of a group. No person is an island unto themselves. We are born through connection, and it is through connection to others that we accomplish virtually everything else in life. We do not just prefer healthy relationships; we need them.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
8/9/20218 minutes, 45 seconds
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Getting Better : What Goes Around Comes Around

You get back what you send out. It delivers back to you, the results of whatever you give to it. Hence, the choices you make will set in motion a chain of reactions and give you back a result corresponding to whatever that decision triggered.Quantum entanglement is thought to be one of the trickiest concepts in science, but its actually very simple.  Listen to this podcast to understand that you are in complete control of your energy.  What you give to the universe it will give back to you plus more than what you imagined you would get out of life.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
6/24/202112 minutes, 41 seconds
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Getting Better : The Need For Drama

The need for drama forces us to run and create emergency and more emergency.  Maybe you’ve noticed this pattern in your own personal life – you just can’t seem to get away from the drama? Well maybe it’s not fate, or coincidence, but an innate personality trait.This truth lies at the heart of addiction.  A lot of the drama takes place in our own heads, and it’s usually because we’re too deeply immersed in a difficult situation to recognize it isn’t as dire as it seems.  The highs and lows of drama can have serious effects in our lives, listen to this podcast to understand how.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
6/8/202110 minutes, 43 seconds
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Getting Better : The Obstacle is The Way

Whatever your goal, there will be obstacles in your way. How do you react?Your perception of an obstacle makes a differenceSome people see obstacles as a puzzle to solve. Some see obstacles as an opportunity to grow. Others see obstacles as threats. Still, others see obstacles as meaning they cannot succeed.Your view of barriers to achieving your goals affects how you react.The process of overcoming these obstacles is what brings life meaning and provides a sense of accomplishment and success. To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
5/25/20218 minutes, 8 seconds
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Getting Better : The Courage to Change

The courage to change is a real courage. It is the willingness to leave behind the known, safe and live for the unknown. In doing so you are shifting the balance, the control and source of power. It is the courage to own your life... to not blame others, to ask for what you want, to be aware and alive to your own life, to be responsive and trust that you have what it takes to weather the storms life throws at you. To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
5/6/20218 minutes, 21 seconds
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Getting Better : The Stories We Tell Ourselves

We are all storytellers whether we realize it or not. We all tell stories about who we are, where we came from, where we’re going, and why things happen to us the way they do. What is the grand story of our life—the myth we tell ourselves about how we came to be the person we are or is it something much bigger and positive?Listen to my podcast to discover how to create meaningful stories over time in your life.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**
4/30/20219 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ritu Malhotra in Conversation with Manisha Dahad on SHE Talks

Ritu Malhotra founded Ajna Center for Learning in Pune, a counselling and training organization, in 1987. Ritu is a psychologist, an emotional counsellor, a Kinesiologist and a teaching Metaphysician. She heads the Weikfield Scholarship foundation, her outreach initiative,  that supports 150 pure science students from rural Maharashtra.Manisha Dahad believes in and stands for the potential and greatness of every human being. Constantly reinventing herself and unleashing her potential, she is truly unstoppable. As the Co-Founder of Impossible Transformations LLP, Manisha considers the organisation to liberate people from their limitations and enable them to become greater more powerful leaders and human beings to achieve what they want. To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at About Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, and nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
4/5/202130 minutes, 33 seconds
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Why You Feel You Don't Matter on The Yoga Conversations Show: Ritu Malhotra

How would you define your values?Before you answer this question, you need to know what, in general, values are. Ritu shares common limitations set by people universally.  When the things that you do match your values, your life is usually good – you're satisfied and content. But when these don't align with your personal values, that's when things feel... wrong. Our ability to see is what Ritu facilities her clients with.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at About Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, and nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
3/23/20214 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Key to Saving your Relationships: The Yoga Conversations Show and Ritu Malhotra

"Yes, you're fine. Of course, you're fine. But would like to get better? Kinesiology is an emotional fitness!" - Ritu M.Emotional Intelligence is experiential learning, it is not bookish.  Once you master emotional learning, it is yours.  No one can take it away from you.  Ritu talks about common limitations people have and how we can overcome them.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at About Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, and nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
3/23/20215 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Power of Choice on The Limitless Show: Anshu Todi with Ritu Malhotra

The Power of Choice — Why Our Choices Matter One of the great things about having the power to choose is that if you don't like the place you are in your life right now, you can change it! Ritu Malhotra on the "The Limitless Show" with Anshu Todi.Known as the "Cellular Alchemist" Ritu Malhotra, is a Psychologist, Metaphysician,  Kinesiologist and a Life Coach.Ritu talks about her work, the stigma related to mental care and the importance of the power of choice.  The power of intention is the starting point and will magnetize exactly what you are putting out.  To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at About Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, and nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
3/21/202148 minutes, 8 seconds
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Kinesiology, Vipassana and being Invincible on: The Yoga Conversations Show and Ritu Malhotra

Ritu Malhotra talks about Kinesiology, Vipassana and being Invincible with Haresh Punjabi from the Yoga Conversation Show.  Ritu is a psychologist, a kinesiologist, and a teaching Metaphysician. She has her own centre called Ajna Center for Learning where her primary focus is to help people discover the power of choice in their lives and learn to touch the field of consciousness and light.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at About Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfillment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
3/21/202152 minutes, 30 seconds
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Our Mental Health Dominates the Choices We Make: Sneha Mallya and Ritu Malhotra

A candid and delightful conversation with Sneha Mallya. Ritu shares her thoughts on mental health and how she believes mental health should start in the early years. Our mental health dominates the choices we make. Ajna Center is just one of the many initiatives that she has carefully handled over 3 decades. To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at About Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, and nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
3/17/202111 minutes, 56 seconds
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How to Set POWERFUL Intentions: A Quick and Powerful Way: Ritu Malhotra

You are what your Deepest Desire is, as your Desire is, so is your Intention.Our Destiny is shaped by our Intention.We are our intentions. Our intentions shape the choices of our vision, beliefs, values, habits, and actions. Our intentions determine our choices that lead to outcomes.Everything that happens in the Universe begins with Intention. Listen to this podcast to find out more about how you can set your own Intention and make it a reality!To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at About Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, and nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
3/17/20215 minutes, 20 seconds
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Creative Visualization Is Powerful: Ritu Malhotra

Every time you imagine something you make a new choice.  A vision is not just a picture of what could just be, it is an appeal to the higher self, a call to become something more.Watch this video, to understand how Creative Visualization can help you change your life to what you want it to be.Ritu uses scientific techniques of kinesiology, the wisdom of Eastern philosophy, and groundbreaking concepts involving the mind and body that are not found anywhere else. 
3/17/20215 minutes, 31 seconds
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Childhood Beliefs Create Our Future: Ritu Malhotra

Past incidences affect your Future. How do we change the Limiting Beliefs we have?By Kinesiology and Muscle Testing, we can change Cellular Memory whenever we make the choice to do so.  We can retrain memory neurons in the brain, we just need to reorganize the past memories and release the stress that is holding it.  By doing so we change our present perception and then of course behave in an entirely new fashion. Letting go of the past – childhood trauma recovery and living in the now. ~ Work one-to-one with Ritu.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at About Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, and nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit www.ajnacenter.orgSee what our clients say: **The Cellular Alchemist is produced and managed by DFYP**
3/17/20219 minutes, 52 seconds
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What is The Cellular Alchemist Podcast?

Welcome one and all!If you are someone who is seeking alignment, awareness, and answers for personal transformation - you are in the right place. If you are willing to take a unique approach to understanding human emotion and behavior, then you are in for a treat.Cellular Alchemist podcast is your key to unlocking your power, potential, and happiness.About your host:Ritu Malhotra is a psychologist, a kinesiologist working with stress-related imbalances, and is a teaching Metaphysician. Being trained and experienced in the unique modality of bio-feedback from California, the USA, Ritu has facilitated hundreds of individuals and intensive training in India and all over Germany, Hungary, and other European countries, leading groups towards exploring and eliminating the emotional and spiritual roadblocks in their lives.She founded Ajna Center for Learning in 1987 and has been practicing and teaching for over 30 years. Her pioneering focus has been to bring together western and eastern philosophies into a comprehensive whole by teaching simple, yet practical training methods for future counselors, life coaches, teachers, and any others interested in learning to live the "big picture" in their lives.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfillment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit
12/9/20203 minutes