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The Bright Side, Life and Leadership Cover
The Bright Side, Life and Leadership Profile

The Bright Side, Life and Leadership

English, Finance, 2024 seasons, 312 episodes, 3 days, 1 hour, 23 minutes
Alexis Robin is an Executive Coach and radio host of The Bright Side™. This weekly Leadership Coaching Show hits on topics regarding, work life, leadership, communication, relationships and real life. Shows are around 10 minutes and broadcasted from Truckee, California. Alexis is the Co-Founder of pLink Leadership. pLink Leadership is a firm dedicated to accelerating positive change in a big way. Listening to these podcasts may help you get out of your own way!
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Owning Your Part

So you made a mistake, now what? Join me while I talk about how to own your part with grace and grit, and why it's a positive leadership practice. For more information on driving your own development, check out pLink+ The pLink Leadership Community here! Alexis Robin, Host of The Bright Side, is a Speaker on Positive Leadership and is the Co-founder of pLink Leadership.  She lives in Truckee, CA with her husband and college bound twins where she enjoys the trees, sun, and the great outdoors.  Visit pLink Leadership to find out how you can work with Alexis, or one of the pLink coaches. 
8/21/202311 minutes, 31 seconds
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Are You Making These Empathy Mistakes?

Empathy is an important skill that leads to connection, respect, and understanding of the people you work with. As leaders we need to skill up on empathy.  Tune in for why it matters, mistakes we leaders make and how to improve your empathetic capabilities. Alexis Robin is the CXO and Co-Founder of pLink Leadership.  For more information on bringing pLink Leadership into your organization visit us here. 
7/11/202211 minutes, 26 seconds
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Is Achievement Burning You Out?

In this episode I talk about the connection between achievement, burn-out and well-being.  If you are looking for a little more resilience and a little less burnout, tune in for 12 minutes and learn about the five domains of well-being and how over indexing on one can lead to burnout.  Walk away with ideas for how to rebalance and get your mojo back.  Alexis Robin, host of The Brights Side is an executive coach and Co-Founder of pLink Leadership.  Want more goodness in your leadership life?  Sign up here!
5/31/202213 minutes, 23 seconds
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Connecting in a Divided World

In this show I offer you tools to stay connected when you are in situations that are divisive.  I reference a Heineken commercial called "World's Apart" that you can find here.  Challenge yourself to connect vs. polarize with some of these leadership practices. For more resources from pLink Leadership, visit our Positivity Hub or sign up for some pLink love in your inbox.  Alexis Robin, your host is an executive coach and the Co-Founder and Chief Experience Officer at pLink Leadership. 
5/23/202211 minutes, 29 seconds
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Managing Expectations

If you've ever delegated something and it didn't go well, this quick show on managing expectations will support you in getting better results.  Scaling as a leader, means being able to lead through others.  Tune in for 10 minutes of leadership development. Alexis Robin, the host of The Bright Side is the CXO, and Co-Founder of pLink Leadership. If you are interested in having her or someone from pLink Leadership speak at your next event, click here. 
5/16/202211 minutes, 38 seconds
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Building Leadership Confidence

A lot of leaders struggle with confidence. In this show I talk about why it's important and how to build it. I offer six practices to get you on your way to projecting leadership confidence. Check out our free resources at the pLink Leadership Positivity Hub.  And sign up for positivity in your inbox here. Alexis Robin, host of The Bright Side is the Chief Experience Officer and Co-Founder of pLink Leadership.  To invite hero the pLink Leadership Team to speak at your event or work at your company, email [email protected]
5/9/202211 minutes, 44 seconds
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Self-Compassion, The Secret Accelerant to Growth

In this episode I talk through the mindsets and practices of self-compassion. This topic comes up in almost every meeting we facilitate at pLink Leadership.  It's amazing how being gentle with oneself creates room for you to grow.  If you are a serial perfectionist or tend to beat yourself up, tune in for a break from that, "I'm never good enough" feeling. Alexis Robin is the Chief Experience Officer for pLink Leadership.  She puts the "xo" in CXO.  Our work at pLink Leadership builds competence, character and consciousness which correlates with better outcomes in every area of life and business.  Click to hire Alexis for a Keynote!
4/25/202213 minutes, 16 seconds
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Love And Leadership

Does love as a value belong in leadership?  Spoiler alert yes!  But why and how? Join me as I walk through how leaders with Love as a value can improve their business outcomes, their relationships and their culture.  For access to the assessment I discuss on the show, click this link ... https://www.viacharacter.orgTo bring the pLink Leadership Team into your company, request time for a chat here... 
4/18/20228 minutes, 57 seconds
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Listen Louder

Most of us aren't as good at listening as we should be.  On this show I discuss why that is, the risks of listening poorly and give you tactical practices that you can hear today and use tomorrow to be a better listener.  If you focus on one leadership skill this year, make it listening!Host: Alexis Robin Co-Founder of pLink LeadershipFor more great resources, visit our Positivity Hub  here and sign up to stay connected. talk to us about coming to your company click below
4/11/202211 minutes, 11 seconds
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How to Be A Better Leader in 10 minutes a Day

Ten tips for driving your own development in as little as 10 minutes a day.  Stop waiting for someone to develop you and start taking control of your leadership journey with these easy ideas to expand your competence, character and consciousness as a leader. Host Alexis Robin is the Co-Founder of pLink Leadership.  Get Started by signing up for tips and insights and happenings at 
4/4/20229 minutes, 42 seconds
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Building Trust in a Hybrid World

In this episode, I'm joined by my friend and colleague Cindy Jackson.  A coach dynamo, Cindy has spent her career in leadership learning and development and brings great insight to the topic of trust in a hybrid world.  Join us for 10 minutes of insights and tips for building trust with your remote, in person, hybrid team!Alexis Robin is the host of The Bright Side and Co-Founder of pLink Leadership
1/5/202212 minutes, 27 seconds
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From Frantic to Focused

In this show I address the challenge facing many leaders today who are feeling like they've lost their flow and are in a constant state of whack a mole (a childhood amusement park game, where the little mole pops up randomly out of different holes and one tries to win by whacking it).  I give you three approaches to move from a feeling state of frantically whacking metaphorical business moles to a more focused state or flow state.  Alexis Robin is an Executive Coach and the Co-Founder of pLink Leadership, a Leadership Development Firm that helps leaders build and deliver coherent development programs across their organization with the goal of accelerating positive change in A BIG WAY. 
11/3/202113 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Key Ingredient To Your Success

If there was one thing you could do to ensure your success, would you? Tune in for insight and tips on ensuring your success by adding this key element to your routine! The Bright Side is a weekly radio show on KTHO Radio 96.1 FM in South Lake Tahoe, CA. The show is sponsored by pLink Leadership.
5/16/201811 minutes, 41 seconds
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Reducing Complexity in Your Work and Life

in this show I take you through a series of actions that you can take to reduce the complexity at work and in your personal life. This time of year can feel super complex with the competing priorities and end of year work goals. Join me for 10 minutes of insight into how to simplify your days and find a bit more peace of mind. These tips work all year long! The show is sponsored by pLink Leadership, a leadership consultancy helping transform the way people work to enable positive change in the world. #thinkplink
12/20/201711 minutes, 23 seconds
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What To Do When You Don't Like Your Work Colleague

Sometimes we get stuck working with someone who we don't like very much or worse who drives us crazy. What can you do in that situation? Tune in for a few ideas of how to navigate a difficult relationship at work. Alexis Robin is an executive coach and works with positive leaders to make positive changes and a better world. The Bright Side is sponsored by pLink leadership. Visit us on the web at
12/11/20179 minutes, 39 seconds
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Are Your Reactive Tendencies Getting In The Way Of Your Success?

Many leaders have strengths that get cancelled out by reactive tendencies. If you are passionate, that's a strength, but if your passion turns into controlling or critical tendencies, then it can cancel out the the benefits of your strength. Tune in for more on this cancelling effect that is inspired by Bill Adams and Bob Anderson of the Leadership Circle Group. Our show is sponsored by pLink Leadership. Positive Leaders. Positive Change. Better World. #thinkplink
12/6/201711 minutes, 54 seconds
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4 Things To Do To Finish The Work Year Strong

The holidays are here and it can be easy to let 2017 fade away with to a dull end. This is the time to gear up and motivate to finish the year strong. In this show I discuss 4 steps you can take to finish this year in the best way possible. Tune in for 10 minutes of leadership insight! Sponsored by pLink Leadership, Positive Leaders. Positive Change. Better World. #thinkplink
11/28/201711 minutes, 33 seconds
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Making the Most of Your Thanksgiving

A few tips and ideas for how to make the most of your holiday weekend. For our international audience, these tips can be used for any holiday you have coming up! Happy Thanksgiving from our team at pLink Leadership. Visit us at for great resources in the Library!
11/20/201713 minutes, 31 seconds
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3 Things Leaders Must Develop To Be Successful

As the world becomes more complex, the demands of leaders become greater. It is no longer about just competence. I'm not sure that it ever was. Join us to explore the 3 elements of great leadership, competence, consciousness and character.
11/8/201711 minutes, 21 seconds
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Overcoming Overwhelm

Wondering what to do when everything is piling up? Tune in for tips to overcome overwhelm with Alexis Robin. Visit us at pLink Leadership for more resources in the library at
11/6/201711 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Power of Intention

When we intend to do things it is much more powerful than when we wish for something. In this show we explore the power of intention. Visit us at our company website
11/6/201711 minutes, 31 seconds
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Secrets to A Braver Life

As our team heads off to Courage Camp, we are thinking about how you can live a braver life at home in your work, your relationships and with yourself. Tune in and get brave! Sponsored by pLink Leadership #thinkplink
10/24/201711 minutes, 16 seconds
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Life Strategy 101

Based on our monthly blog at pLink Leadership, this week's show covers how to be strategic about your life. For more on this topic, check out our blog for September at
9/14/201711 minutes, 39 seconds
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What To Do When You Get Emotionally Hijacked

It happens to all of us. Someone says something to trigger us and our emotions take over. What is the best way to regain your composure? Tune in and find out. The Bright Side is 10 minutes of professional development provided to you by pLink Leadership. For more on having us come into your company, visit our website
8/31/201711 minutes, 44 seconds
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5 Ways To Do Life Better

5 tips to navigate life more effectively. You'll feel better and people will enjoy being around you more if you employ some of these ideas. For more about pLink Leadership and free swag from our library, visit us at
8/15/201711 minutes, 32 seconds
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How To Make A Good First Impression

Ever wonder how to woo (win others over) on the first meeting? Tune in for tips with Executive Coach, Alexis Robin from pLink Leadership. #thinkplink Visit us at Be a better you.
8/10/201711 minutes, 26 seconds
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What To Do When You Get Constructive Feedback

It's hard to know what to do when someone gives you feedback. Most of us get defensive and/or explain away our behavior. Sometimes we fall into self-loathing and beat ourselves up. Tune in for 10 minutes on a solid strategy for what to do and say when you receive feedback. For more about pLink Leadership, visit us at We are a coaching and leadership firm that supports companies changing the world!
8/1/201711 minutes, 27 seconds
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10 Habits of Unlikeable People

Based on Dr. Travis Bradberry's article in the Huffington Post, this show highlights 10 habits that make us unlikeable. I share what does make us likeable and why it's important for performance that like us. Read the full article here For more about the positivity link, visit us at
7/24/201711 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to Make A Graceful Exit When Changing Jobs

If you decide to leave, do it gracefully so you can keep your reputation and relationships in tact. Tune in for tips on how to exit with grace when changing jobs. Alexis is an executive coach and Cofounder of pLink Leadership. The pLink crew works to make positive leaders for positive change to make a better world. Visit us on the web at
7/18/201712 minutes, 40 seconds
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Free Yourself

Declare your independence from things not serving you in your work, personal life, relationships and health. Learn how to identify what is and isn't serving you in this 10 min show!
7/3/201711 minutes, 10 seconds
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Planning an Epic Summer!

It's that time of year again when you start dreaming of the perfect summer. Tune in for tips on how ensure you make the most of your entire summer! Join the fun at and share something from our library page.
6/21/201711 minutes, 9 seconds
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Say It Simpler

We often over complicate our communication. This episode is about simplifying your message and becoming a more effective communicator. Enjoy! For more on the link between where you are and where you want to be, visit us at
6/13/201711 minutes, 43 seconds
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Desperately Seeking Your Passion

Have you ever been frustrated by not being able to find your passage. In this show, I reference The Crossroads of Should and Must by Elle Luna and help you think about how to define your passion. For more pLink Leadership, check out our website
6/6/201711 minutes
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Five Things You Are Doing to Zap Your Team's Productivity

Not getting the results you want from your team. Tune in to find out if you may be unintentionally causing it. Alexis Robin, Host of The Bright Side, is a Speaker on Positive Leadership and is the Co-founder of pLink Leadership.  She lives in Truckee, CA with her husband and teenage twins where she enjoys the trees, sun, and the great outdoors.  Visit pLink Leadership to find out how you can work with Alexis, or one of the pLink coaches. 
5/24/201712 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Value of Values

Values are important to understand and live by, but they can be difficult to articulate and explain. Tune in to learn the value of understanding your own values and how to define them. For more on the work we are doing at pLink Leadership, visit our website #thinkplink #thebrightside
5/1/201712 minutes, 16 seconds
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Spring Clean Your Work Life!

It's that time of year when we need to take stock, clear out the old and make room for new growth in our businesses. Today's show is focused on spring cleaning your work life. Take a cue from nature and prepare to bloom! For more on pLink's work to create more positive change in the world, visit our website
4/24/201711 minutes, 16 seconds
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6 Signs That You Are a Confident Leader

Confidence is a quality that so many leaders seek and need to be successful. How do you know if you are confident as a leader? Listen to these signs and see how you measure up. For more on pLink Coaching Center visit our website at #thinkplink
4/18/201710 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Five Skills You Need to Flourish in A Rapidly Changing World

This show is based on a great new video from on the 5 traits/skills you will need to flourish in the future. It turns out they are uniquely human traits. Times are changing and we need to change too. Tune in for what to be working on and what to be helping your children learn as well. For more about Alexis Robin or our p.Link team, visit and click on the about page. #thinkplink
3/28/201712 minutes, 26 seconds
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Manage Your Time Better

With more information coming at us than ever, managing time is a full time job. Join me for some tips on how to get back into control as it relates to how your spend your time each week. For more on p.Link Coaching Center for Excellence, visit us at Check out the library for free resources to be your best self.
3/20/201711 minutes, 23 seconds
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How To Overcome Mistakes At Work

Have you ever really blown it at work? Mistakes happen, and how you respond to those mistakes are crucially important. Tune in for tips on what to do after you make a mistake at work. Alexis Robin, Host of The Bright Side, is a Speaker on Positive Leadership and is the Co-founder of pLink Leadership.  She lives in Truckee, CA with her husband and teenage twins where she enjoys the trees, sun, and the great outdoors.  Visit pLink Leadership to find out how you can work with Alexis, or one of the pLink coaches. 
3/13/201710 minutes, 36 seconds
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How To Flex Your Gen X

Based on an article I wrote, this show takes you through the best way to thrive and shine amid the shadows of Boomers and Digital Natives. Tune in GenXers!
3/13/201711 minutes, 21 seconds
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8 Signs That You are the Best Actor In Your Own Life

Riffing off of the Oscars, use this episode to check in and see how you are doing in the leading role of your life! For more about the pLink Team, visit our website at
2/28/201711 minutes, 39 seconds
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How To Start Meditating

If you want to meditate but starting feels overwhelming, tune in for some easy tips to help you remove obstacles to a mindful practice. Alexis Robin helps to demystify meditation. Don't wait any longer, these 10 minutes will get you started on your practice. For more on the organization behind The Bright Side, visit our website
2/24/201712 minutes, 28 seconds
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Five Reasons You Aren't Being Promoted

Ever wonder why you aren't getting promoted and other people are? Tune in to see if you are doing one of these five things that get in the way of getting promoted. For more about our team of coaches, visit
2/13/201712 minutes, 12 seconds
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3 Things HR Leaders Should Be Thinking About

As an HR Professional or Learning and Development Specialist it is crucial you are thinking about these three things to ensure your organization and it's talent are ready for the future. For more about Plink Coaching Center visit our website
2/8/201711 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to Be A Better You

This is a super fun show where I chat with my friend and pLink CEO, Gretchen Pisano about how to be a better you. If you want to improve your life, work, relationships, tune in! Find out more about what we are doing in the world at
1/31/201712 minutes, 12 seconds
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Bouncing Back From Difficulty

This show is about building resilience and thriving despite adversity. Join me and learn what practices will help you overcome difficult times in your life. For more on pLink and our team, visit the website at
1/23/201711 minutes, 20 seconds
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Accepting Others

This show is a tall order as accepting others isn't always an easy task. I was inspired by MLK Jr. and I think that it's important to keep trying to understand each other even when our values are vastly different. For more about the work we are doing in the world, visit our website at #thinkplink
1/19/201711 minutes, 23 seconds
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Choosing Your Response

Learn to tap into your emotional agility. You can be stressed because you are late or you can choose to be late and calm. Either way you are late, and choosing a more relaxed response means less stress in your life. Tune in for tips on how to get back in control of your response to situations. A great resource for this is Susan David's new book "Emotional Agility". Alexis Robin, Host of the Bright Side, is an Executive Coach and CoFounder of pLink Coaching Center for Excellence. Visit her and the team on #thinkplink
1/9/201710 minutes, 11 seconds
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10 Things To Do in 2017

It's a new year which means your palette is blank! What should you do with this one precious year? Here are 10 ideas of things to do in 2017. Join us on Facebook at our pLink Coaching Center For Excellence page for more great tips, articles and inspiration. #thinkplink #thebrightside #2017
1/3/201711 minutes, 11 seconds
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Setting New Years Intentions

Resolutions don't work, but setting intentions does. Tune in for tips on setting your intentions for how to make 2017 as good or better than 2016. Alexis Robin is a an Executive Coach and Cofounder of pLink Coaching Center for Excellence. Find out more about the rest of the team at Happy New Year! Kick some butt in 2017. 
12/30/201611 minutes, 44 seconds
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Wrapping Up The End of The Year

It's that time again, when reflecting on your goals and actions over the past year will help you end the year with a bang. Tune in for questions to ask yourself as you finish 2016. Alexis Robin, Host of the Bright Side is Cofounder of pLink Coaching Center For Excellence. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Festivus, Happy Hanukkah! #thinkplink
12/21/201612 minutes, 7 seconds
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Driving a Performance Culture

Alexis Robin, Host of the Bright Side shares ideas and research on how to build a culture of performance in your organization. If you are a leader in your company looking for better results, tune in. The Bright Side is sponsored by pLink Coaching Center for Excellence. Check out our Equus programs, blending insights from horses with leadership coaching.
12/12/201612 minutes, 4 seconds
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Broaden Your Perspective

This show is about looking at things from different angles and how much your view changes a thing. Tune in for tips and benefits of broadening your perspective. Alexis Robin, host of The Bright Side, is an executive coach and is the COO of pLink Coaching Center for Excellence. Check out the team at and visit our library for free tools. #thinkplink
12/7/201611 minutes, 25 seconds
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Navigating the Holidays with Humor and Grace

This is our annual show including worksheets available on our pLink Coaching Center For Excellence Facebook Page. Learn what you can and can't control, how to have your ideal holiday and what to do with all of those outrageous things that come up this time of year.
11/28/201611 minutes, 35 seconds
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Stop Worrying, Start Influencing

If you are spending a lot of time worrying about things outside of your sphere of control, you are likely reducing your ability to influence. Tune in for tips on how to stop worrying and start influencing at work, at home and in your community. For more about the pLink Team, visit us on the web at #thinkplink
11/18/201611 minutes, 37 seconds
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Navigating The Election With Grace

A special sneak peak of today's show about how to navigate the election with grace to help you get through the next 48 hours! I take you through how to stay friends with someone who is voting for the opposing candidate, why people don't change their minds when new evidence arises about a candidate, and what you can do to stay gracious during an ugly election. For more about pLink Coaching Center, visit us on the web at
11/7/201612 minutes, 53 seconds
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Clearing Out The Ghosts In Your Closet

This Halloween themed show will help you figure out how to clear out those old stories or experiences that are haunting you. Enjoy a fun show with some spooktackular ideas for moving on from old ghosts. For more on pLink Coaching Center for Excellence, the company behind the podcast, check out our website at or download our app The Positivity Link. #thinkplink
10/31/201612 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Art of Innovation

Ever wonder how to innovate on your creative ideas when you are so busy? Get some ideas on this show. For more on what pLink Coaching Center For Excellence is up to, visit our website or like us on Facebook, pLink Coaching Center For Excellence.
10/24/201610 minutes, 57 seconds
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Optimism Is Not A Soft Skill

Gone are the days when optimism was considered a soft skill. Happiness, hopefulness and optimism are powerful accelerants to resilience and better outcomes. In this show I quote Lopez and Lyubomirsky's evidence based research to support this claim. For more great resources on our work at pLink Coaching Center, visit our website at
10/5/201612 minutes, 31 seconds
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Avoiding Bad Hires

Sometimes the best talent is not the person who perfectly matches your job description. We often will hire someone based solely on experience vs. character or strengths. Tune in for tips on finding the right talent and not getting stuck with the wrong talent. For more on pLink Coaching Center, visit our website at #thinkplink
9/26/201612 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to Know If You Are Ready for The Corner Office

If your goal is to join the c-suite of your organization, tune in to see how to know when and if you are ready for that corner office. There is more to being ready than work experience or your degree. Alexis Robin is one of the Co-founders of pLink Coaching Center For Excellence. To find out about having Alexis speak at your event or to bring in the pLink team to your organization, visit us at
9/20/201611 minutes, 29 seconds
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Compromise, Is It Good or Bad?

Do you ever wonder if you are being too rigid or too much of a pushover? When is compromise the right thing to do and when is wrong? This week's show explores how to know if you should give in and compromise, or stand your ground. it turns out, we have a pretty sophisticated internal mechanism for knowing which way to bend. Alexis Robin, Host of The Bright Side is an Executive Coach and CoFounder of pLink Coaching Center for Excellence. For more about pLink and a host of free resources, visit us at
9/8/201610 minutes, 12 seconds
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Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

As the saying goes, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone". Tune in for tips on how get out of your own comfort zone and create new outcomes with host Alexis Robin, Co-founder of pLink Coaching Center For Excellence and Executive Coach. For more on what we do at pLink, visit us on the web
8/29/201610 minutes, 56 seconds
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What To Do When You Feel Trapped

Feeling trapped is a trigger for reactive tendencies. Tune in for some ideas to on what to do and how to manage your reactivity. Alexis Robin is an Executive Coach and founder of pLink Coaching Center for Excellence, a coaching and leadership development firm.
8/29/201612 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to Read More Business Books?

I love to learn and am a very slow reader. I found myself falling asleep with even the best new books. This show outlines how I learn using technology and save time doing it. Check it out, and see if it's a fit for your lifestyle. #thinkplink For more on what we are doing at pLink Coaching Center, check us out at
8/1/201611 minutes, 36 seconds
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Be More Curious Than You Are Critical

This is my mantra and will help you to be a more creative (read less reactive) leader or human being. What do I not know that I don't know? What is a generous assumption I could make? Alexis Robin, Host of The Bright Side, is a Speaker on Positive Leadership and is the Chief Experience Officer of pLink Leadership.  She lives in Truckee, CA with her husband and teenage twins where she enjoys the trees, sun, and the great outdoors.  Visit pLink Leadership to find out how you can work with Alexis, or one of the pLink coaches. 
7/21/201610 minutes, 56 seconds
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How to Make The Most Out of Your Summer

It's already mid July! How are you making the most out of your summer? There is still time to check off your summer bucket list with these tips! For more from the pLink Team, visit us on the web at #thinkplink #summer2016 #livebig
7/18/201611 minutes, 2 seconds
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Creating a Minimal Viable Team

MVP isn't the only thing you should be thinking about if you are a start up founder. In order to ride the wave of creating a start up, you'll want to ensure you've created a team who's got the chops! Tune in for how to create an MVT, Minimal Viable Team with Alexis Robin, Co-founder of pLink Coaching Center For Excellence #Thinkplink For more on the pLink Team, visit us at
7/6/201612 minutes, 11 seconds
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3 Mistakes Sales People Make During In-Person Meetings

Whether your job is sales or you are just in the business of influencing people, you might be interested to see if you are making these 3 classic mistakes that sales people make during in person calls.
6/27/201610 minutes, 50 seconds
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Creating a Culture of Creativity and Accountable

How can you motivate and hold people accountable while still creating a culture where creative ideas can form and innovation can happen? Tune in for tips on answering this question with Alexis Robin, Co-founder of pLink Coaching Center for Excellence. For more about the pLink Team visit
6/14/201610 minutes, 58 seconds
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Leading and Motivating a Remote Team

Ever wonder how to inspire and lead a team that is spread out across the country or world? Join Alexis for hands on tips for managing and motivating your remote team. Alexis and Gretchen (the CEO of pLink Leadership) live 2600 miles apart and manage a team that is spread out across the US. Visit for more information on their team.
6/2/201611 minutes, 8 seconds
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Demystifying Empathy

There is a lot about empathy that's floating around these days. It is important to build trust and create space for people to be authentic. Join me to discuss barriers to empathy and ways to show empathy. For more on Alexis Robin or for great resources, visit our website, #thinkplink
5/23/201610 minutes, 26 seconds
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Conviction…Getting What You Want

If you've ever started out with determination only to change your mind as circumstances get complex or difficult, you'll enjoy this show on how to stay true to your initial convictions. Alexis walks us through how this works with horses and what you can do to get more of what you want. Visit to learn more about The Positivity Link and pLink Coaching Center.
5/10/201611 minutes, 28 seconds
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Stop Thinking, Start Feeling

In this show we talk about the different systems our body uses to communicate with us, cognitive, emotional, intuitive, and physical. So often we get stuck in the thinking traps and patterns and ignore the other signals we are getting. Join Alexis Robin, Executive Coach and Co-founder of pLink Coaching Center as she explores this topic. For more visit
4/25/201611 minutes, 6 seconds
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It's Not Forever

Nothing is forever, and this show addresses how to navigate things that feel like they are forever. Alexis Robin, is an executive coach and co-founder of pLink Coaching Center For Excellence. The Bright Side, is broadcast on KTHO Radio in South Lake Tahoe, CA. Visit to meet the pLink team and view them behind the scenes.
4/19/201611 minutes, 21 seconds
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How to Avoid Burnout

If you are burned out, listen in to learn about what your burnout is telling you and how to avoid burning out in the future. Alexis Robin is the Co-founder of pLink Coaching Center For Excellence and an executive coach from Lake Tahoe, CA. Learn more at
4/7/201611 minutes, 54 seconds
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Managing Conflict

This episode is about conflict resolution and how to overcome conflict. We'll cover what causes conflict, how to navigate it and how to avoid it. Tune in for 10 minutes of ideas with Alexis Robin, Co-founder of p.Link Coaching Center for Excellence.
3/28/201612 minutes, 6 seconds
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Stop That! Affecting Personal Change

At a recent workshop, a gentleman asked me how he could work on his own behavioral changes. This show is dedicated to answering that question. For more about the work we are doing at p.Link Coaching Center for Excellence, visit our newly launched website, and enjoy the free resources on our Library page.
3/25/201613 minutes, 6 seconds
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Five Leaps of Faith You Should Consider Taking

In honor of Leap Day, in this show, I cover some leaps of faith you should considering taking in your life. It's risky, it's not for everyone, but for those of you who have a steak of bravery in you, tune in and join me in a leap! For more on Alexis Robin, Co-founder of p.Link Coaching Center, visit our website
3/16/201611 minutes, 52 seconds
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Building Trust

Trust is a huge piece of operational excellence in your working relationships. It also weighs in heavily in determining over all satisfaction with your job. Tune in for ways to build trust. For more about Alexis Robin and The p.Link Coaching Center visit us at
3/3/201610 minutes, 32 seconds
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Other People's Business

You should do this, they should do that, boy do we spend a lot of time in other people's business and them in ours. How do you navigate this? Tune in to find out. Alexis Robin is an Executive Coach and the Co-Founder of p.Link Coaching Center For Excellence. Learn more at
2/27/201613 minutes, 54 seconds
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How to Persevere

To persevere is the opposite of giving up. Ever wondered how to build up your personal grit? Tune in for a few words from Alexis Robin, Executive Coach and Co-founder or p.Link Coaching Center for Excellence. For more, visit www.
2/4/201610 minutes, 18 seconds
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Take 15 Minutes for You

There are 1440 minutes in a day, take 15 for you. Putting yourself first, by taking a few minutes to sleep more, exercise, meditate or enjoy some quiet time will prepare you to be more available to others. Take 15! Join us on The Positivity Link on Facebook and hashtag #take15 to tell us what you did for yourself. Alexis Robin, the host of The Bright Side is the Co-Founder of p.Link Coaching Center for Excellence.
1/26/201611 minutes, 50 seconds
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Increasing Power at Work

Tips on how to increase your influence and power at work. If you want to be a change maker or drive strategic direction, these tips can help. Alexis Robin is an executive coach and co-founder of Coaching Center for Excellence.
1/15/201611 minutes, 22 seconds
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New Year New You! 2016

In honor of the new year, this show is dedicated to setting intentions not resolutions for the new year. I'll take you through a great way to change your outcomes in 2016 and give you and exercise to do to kick off your 2016 intentions. For more on the forward thinking stuff we're doing at p.Link Coaching Center for Excellence, visit our website, Happy New Year! From Alexis Robin
1/8/201611 minutes
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10 Things to Be in 2016

What can you work on in 2016 and what should you be? Here are 10 ideas to make 2016 your best year yet. Tune in weekly with Alexis Robin, Life and Executive Coach with p.Link Coaching Center For Excellence. Find out more at
1/4/201615 minutes
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The Art of Receiving

Receiving gifts is an art, and it's good to be reminded of ideas for receiving graciously. If you've ever failed at this, you know that awful feeling and look on someone's face when you blurted out, "Oh, I already have one of these", or "Why would you pick this for me?!". Join Alexis Robin, Executive Coach and Life Coach for some reminders of how to receive. Happy Holidays from The Bright Side.
12/22/201511 minutes, 5 seconds
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Overcoming the Holiday Blues

If you are feeling blue during the holiday season, this show will give you some insight on what do to navigate these feelings. Alexis Robin is an executive coach and co-founder of The p.Link Coaching Center for Excellence, a Coaching and Leadership Development Firm. Find out more about the team at Happy Holidays
12/15/201511 minutes, 33 seconds
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Developing Patience and Grace During The Holidays

Feeling less than patient? Find yourself grouchy with a cashier? Tune in for ideas on how to develop your grace and patience during the holidays. Alexis Robin is an Executive Coach and can work with you and your company. Meet the rest of the p.Link Team at or Download our app "The Positivity Link" to get all the podcasts.
12/10/201510 minutes, 25 seconds
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Breaking Up With Busy

If you are using being "too busy" as an excuse, listen to this show. Take back your life and prioritize what matters! Host Alexis Robin is the co-founder of p.Link Coaching Center for Excellence a Global Executive Coaching Firm.
12/7/201511 minutes, 58 seconds
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Showing Gratitude - Thanksgiving Show

Tune in for tips on how to show gratitude, to the ones you love, people who challenge you, people who serve you, those you work with and yourself on this this week's show. I am grateful for all of you that listen and comment on the Bright Side Episodes. Thank you and Best wishes for a lovely Thanksgiving! Warmly, Alexis Robin
11/25/201510 minutes, 34 seconds
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Getting Emotionally Prepared for the Holidays

Before your twinkle and peppermint dreams turn from sweet to anxious, try a few of these tips for navigating the holiday season. Alexis Robin has hosted The Bright Side for 5 years on KTHO Radio in Lake Tahoe, CA. For more info find her on Linkedin or on
11/19/201511 minutes
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Letting Things Fall Away

It's the fall show, where we're discussing how we can let things fall away that no longer serve us to prepare for growth in the spring. For more about Alexis Robin and The p.Link Coaching Center for Excellence, visit our website at or our Facebook page The Positivity Link
11/14/201511 minutes, 56 seconds
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Controlling Your Destiny

Do you want to gain a little more control over your destiny? Great news, you can. Much of what you need to do to change your results is shared on this show. Tune in and change your course. To read more about Alexis Robin, visit the Team Page on 
11/14/201515 minutes, 44 seconds
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Get Better Results

If you don't like the results you are getting in your life or at work, tune in to find out how better results are available to you and totally within your control. Alexis Robin talks about the confirmation bias, the negativity bias and other cool brain facts that will help you change your results. For more about Alexis and The p.Link Coaching Center for Excellence, visit us on the web
11/2/201511 minutes, 58 seconds
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Get Hung Up On The Journey

In this show Alexis talks about the benefits of getting hung up on the journey vs the destination. The show was inspired by her friend Sarah. Where are you so focused on the outcome that you completely miss the journey? For more about Alexis Robin and p.Link Coaching Center for Excellence visit or our facebook page The Positivity LInk.
10/28/20158 minutes, 46 seconds
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Week 10, Cultivating Laughter, Song and Dance

If you suffer from the "Being Cool" syndrome, this episode will help you find ways to give your coolness a day off and enjoy some of life's greatest pleasures, laughter, song and dance. Warning, you may have more fun after listening to this show. Based on Brené Brown's book, The Gifts of Imperfection. For more on host, Alexis Robin and the Team at p.Link Coaching Center for Excellence, go here…
10/21/201517 minutes
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Week 9, Cultivating Meaningful Work from The Gifts of Imperfection

This week we'll talk about letting go of supposed to and self-doubt and cultivating meaningful work. It's number 9 in the 10 part series of Brené Brown's work, The Gifts of Imperfection.
10/21/201510 minutes, 37 seconds
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Week 8, Cultivating Calm and Stillness

This week's show reviews the eighth guidepost for wholehearted living from Brené Brown's book, The Gifts of Imperfect. In this chapter she talks about letting go of anxiety as a lifestyle. Many of us are operating with anxiety every day. Tune in for tips and understanding on how to get comfortable with stillness and cultivate more calm in your life. For more on The Bright Side Host or the p.Link Coaching Team visit or join the conversation on our Facebook page, "The Positivity Link"
10/13/201511 minutes, 22 seconds
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Week 6, Cultivating Creativity and Letting Go of Comparison

Week six of the ten week series on Brené Brown's book The Gift's of Imperfection. This week we explore how comparison gets in the way of wholeheartedness and how creativity adds to it. To learn more about Alexis Robin, the host, visit
10/8/201511 minutes, 45 seconds
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Week 7, Cultivating Play and Rest from The Gifts of Imperfection

We are on to week 7 and talking about the importance of play and rest to wholehearted living. We explore letting go of productivity as self-worth. Join Alexis as she explores Brené Brown's work in The Gifts of Imperfection. is where you can find out more about Alexis and the team at Coaching Center for Excellence.
10/8/201512 minutes, 16 seconds
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Week Five, Cultivating Intuition and Trusting Faith

This week we discuss letting go of the need for certainty and trusting our intuition. Enjoy this re-cap of Brené Brown's "Gifts of Imperfection", Guidepost 5 for Whole-Hearted Living. For more on Alexis Robin, Host of the Bright Side, visit
9/21/201512 minutes, 3 seconds
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Cultivating Gratitude and Joy, Week Four of Brené Brown's Gifts of Imperfection

Letting go of scarcity and fear of the dark is the gist of this week's show. One of my favorite points that Brené makes is that joy and gratitude can be vulnerable and intense experiences. Tune in for tips on fully experiencing joy and gratitude in your life. For more on Alexis Robin, the Bright Side's Host, visit or comment on the show at Facebook/thepositivitylink.
9/14/201512 minutes, 16 seconds
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Cultivating Resilience - Week Three of Brené Brown's Guideposts to Wholehearted Living

Based on "The Gifts of Imperfection", this show covers guidepost #3, Cultivating Resilience. Join Executive Coach, Alexis Robin, for 15 minutes and discover how you can become more resilient and stop numbing and feeling powerless. Find out more about Alexis and the Positivity Link Team at
9/4/201515 minutes, 19 seconds
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Week Two Gifts of Imperfection: Cultivating Self-Compassion

Let go of perfectionism and cultivate self-compassion. Alexis explores Brené Brown's 2nd guidepost in the Gifts of Imperfection in this week's show. This is the 2nd in a 10 week series. Find out more about The Positivity Link on Facebook/thepositivitylink or
8/31/201513 minutes, 49 seconds
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Cultivating Authenticity - Week 1 Gifts of Imperfection Series

Based on Brené Brown's book, The Gifts of Imperfection, we are hosting a 10 week series on each of the guide posts of whole-hearted living. This week listen in to learn about letting go of what people think and cultivating authenticity. Check out Brené's website and TED talks at
8/17/201519 minutes, 3 seconds
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Wholehearted Living

This show is an overview of the 10 guideposts of wholehearted living from Brené Brown's book "The Gifts of Imperfection". It kicks off a 10 week string of shows detailing one guidepost per week. For more on Alexis Robin and the Team, visit us on the web at or on Facebook at The Positivity Link.
8/10/201517 minutes, 53 seconds
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Work Less Do More

This show is about how to do more in less time. Tune in for tips on how you can become more productive. Alexis Robin is an Executive Coach and Co-Founder of Coaching Center for Excellence. Find out more at
8/5/201516 minutes, 46 seconds
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Conversations to Have With Your Spouse

When was the last time you made time for some real conversation with your spouse? If it's been a while since you've talked about anything but your schedule, what is for dinner or what's on TV, you might want to dive into one of these topics. As Susan Scott said, "The conversation is the relationship".
7/28/201514 minutes, 57 seconds
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Great Leadership

This show is based on the classic leadership book, "Good To Great" by Jim Collins. Alexis Robin, Executive Coach and Founder of Coaching Center, reviews what it takes to be a great leader. For more on P.Link, visit our site We are making the link between positivity and effective leadership.
7/20/201520 minutes, 16 seconds
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Cultivating Personal Drive

Have you ever wondered if you can teach drive? A listener recently asked me about this, so I decided to talk about it on this episode. Tune in and post your thoughts about cultivating personal drive on our Facebook Page, The Positivity Link. For more on Alexis Robin and The Coaching Center for Excellence, visit our site at
7/13/201519 minutes, 42 seconds
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Why You Shouldn't Skip Vacations

When was the last time you took a real vacation? Meaning, when did you turn off work, and give your mind and body a break from the daily grind? It turns out there are benefits to taking vacation both in your work and personal life. There are also risks when we don't vacation. This weeks show explores the facts about vacation and why you should be taking one or three and some tips to navigate the dreaded re-entry upon your return. Alexis Robin is an Executive Coach and Co-Founder of Coaching Center For Excellence. For more info check out
6/30/201524 minutes, 25 seconds
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Hiring Future Ready Talent

If you are looking to add to your team or replace someone, you will want to listen to this show. Alexis walks you through qualities of future ready talent for your organization. What is needed to succeed tomorrow is different than what was needed yesterday. Alexis Robin is an Executive Coach and Co-Founder of Coaching Center For Excellence. Find out more at
6/16/201518 minutes, 58 seconds
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Perfect, The Enemy of Done

Inspired by Brene Brown's work in her book Daring Greatly, Alexis Robin discusses the pitfalls of perfectionism and tips for being more effective and delivering excellent work. The Bright Side is a Coaching Radio show that airs in South Lake Tahoe, CA where Alexis and her family live. Find out more about how to work with Alexis and the Positivity Link team at
6/10/201520 minutes, 11 seconds
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Building Resolve

Do you ever feel like life is testing your resolve? Sometimes when things get tough it's important to persevere. Enjoy this short show, while Alexis Robin, Executive Coach and Jennifer Scanio, GM of KTHO Radio discuss when to give up and when to push on and how to survive in the process. For more on Alexis and the Positivity Link Team visit our website,
6/2/201516 minutes, 28 seconds
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Practicing Mindfulness for Everyday People

If you are overwhelmed by the mindfulness movement, or perhaps want to dabble in a little mediation but aren't sure how, tune in for some tips on getting started. You don't have to be a yogi or guru to benefit from mindful practices. The practice builds resilience and helps lower stress. For more about Alexis Robin, Host of The Bright Side, Visit Our Website,
5/27/201515 minutes, 53 seconds
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Trusting Your Gut

Join Alexis Robin, Executive Coach for a discussion on the science behind gut feelings. If you are a leader and you want to stay ahead of the curve, you may be able to leverage your smart head and your intuitive gut to stay ahead of the competition. For more detailed research supporting this show, read Dan Goleman's book, "Focus". For more on Alexis and the Team at Link, visit
5/13/201518 minutes, 3 seconds
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Getting to Ground Truth

Ground Truth is the absolute truth about something. When we don't get to ground truth we risk solving the wrong problems or wasting valuable time and resources. Join Alexis while she explores the topic of Ground Truth at work and in your personal life and gives you tips for what can help you get to ground truth. For more about Alexis Robin and the Positivity Link team, visit
5/5/201516 minutes, 6 seconds
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Getting Past Failure

So you tried something and it didn't succeed. That happens. But what happens if you get stuck in failure? How can you move past it? Join Alexis Robin, Executive Coach for a chat about moving past failure. The Bright Side is a Life and Business Coaching Radio Show that supports future minded thinkers. Find out more at or Suggest a show at Facebook/Thepositivitylink.
4/21/201512 minutes, 46 seconds
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Personal Global Impact

Can one person really make a global impact? You bet, in fact each of us makes an impact each day. Tune in for tips on sustainability, compassion and making your own personal impact. The Bright Side is a coaching radio show hosted by Alexis Robin, Executive Coach and Co-Founder of Coaching Center for Excellence. Check us out on the web at
4/14/201517 minutes, 22 seconds
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Managing Expectations

If you've ever been disappointed by someone you work with, or frustrated because people can't seem to do what you want them to do, tune in to this episode with key practices for managing expectations. Alexis Robin, host of The Bright Side, is an Executive Coach and Co-founder of Coaching Center for Excellence. Join the conversation on Facebook/Thepositivitylink.
4/3/201514 minutes, 34 seconds
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Help! I'm So Busy

If you are feeling the overwhelm of modern day life, the job, the family, the to do list and in box that never ends, tune in for some tips on how to manage your "Busyness". Learn more about host, Alexis Robin at
3/24/201518 minutes, 31 seconds
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Effective Communication

We all want to be heard, that I know for sure, so how do we say things so people can actually hear us? In this show Alexis will walk you through some tips for communicating more effectively. For the infographic that goes along with this show, like our Facebook Page "The Positivity Link".
3/17/201517 minutes, 15 seconds
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Overcoming Stress

Ever wonder what stress actually does to your body? It releases hormones that raise blood pressure and inhibit the brain from learning. So much for cramming for a test at the last minute. Alexis talks you through the effects of stress and the power of activating the parasympathetic nervous system to lower stress. PERMA is Well-being theory by Dr. Martin Seligman. For deeper learning check out Flourish, Seligman's book.
3/10/201516 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Art of Self Promotion

Join Alexis while she talks about the importance of self-promotion in work, as a business owner/thought leader and in your personal life. She'll walk you through ideas to promote yourself in a genuine manner and shine your light in the world. The world could benefit from your gifts, this show will tell you how to not keep them a secret. Read more about The Positivity Link Team at
2/24/201514 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Paradox of Choice

Do you ever stress and stress over choosing something? Maybe it's a new car, or a new job or even just a new pair of jeans. Alexis review's Barry Scwartz's theory on The Paradox of Choice. Learn about why choosing is hard, and why too many choices might not be a good thing. Find out more about Coaching Center and The Bright Side Host, Alexis Robin at
2/10/201520 minutes, 32 seconds
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How To Make The Most Out Of 2015

Alexis Robin, Executive Coach and host of The Bright Side, walks you through 10 things you can do to get the most out of 2015. There is a corresponding info graphic and links to supporting materials on her Facebook Page Enjoy these tips and start getting the most out of your year!
2/3/201520 minutes, 21 seconds
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Being the You You Want To Be

What makes you who you are, are your actions. Each choice we make gets us closer to being the person we want to be. In this show, Alexis takes you through the process of moving from who you are to who you want to be. For more about Alexis, visit or like our Facebook Page at
1/19/201516 minutes, 2 seconds
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Just One Thing in 2015

What if you could focus on shifting one thing that would affect everything on your resolution list. Join Executive Coach, Alexis Robin and find out how on today's Bright Side. Happy New Year! For more visit
1/6/201517 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Bright Side Holiday Show- From The Mouths of Babes

We invited the kids to weigh in on this show. We covered the art of giving and receiving, favorite holiday traditions and self-care. Tune in for some holiday fun. We'll be back to the really serious stuff next week! May you and your families have a peaceful holiday. If you have a warm bed to sleep in, a pair of shoes that fit and dishes in your sink you are blessed. Life is good, go celebrate! Warmly, Alexis Robin - Host of the Bright Side
12/23/201421 minutes, 15 seconds
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Recalculating, The Art of Changing Your Mind

Have you ever made a decision or said something and totally wished you hadn't. Tune in to learn about recalculating and what to do in that situation. Alexis Robin, host of The Bright Side, is an Executive Coach and Life Coach for Plink Coaching Center for Excellence. What is! The Positivity Link. Find us on
12/15/201413 minutes, 27 seconds
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Navigating the Holidays with Humor and Grace

This is a holiday classic, combining a few fun tools available for you on our Facebook page It includes a holiday mapping system to create the kind of holiday you'd like and of course holiday bingo cards for navigating with humor and grace. Find out more about Alexis Robin, Bright Side host and Co-founder of Coaching Center for Excellence at
12/8/201419 minutes, 44 seconds
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Are You Too Critical?

Alexis Robin, Executive Coach, walks you through the reactive tendency of being critical. She talks about the definition of critical, how to notice it in yourself and others and what you can do to change it. Being critical can undermine your leadership and relationships. If you fall into this reactive tendency, tune in for this short show.
12/8/201421 minutes, 48 seconds
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Gratitude 2014

It's that time of year when we all start focusing on gratitude. Did you know there are many many benefits of gratitude. Things like improving your sleep and making your more resilient. In this short show, Alexis walks you through the benefits and some ideas for expressing gratitude. For more information on Alexis and the Coaching Center, visit Happy Holidays
11/18/201422 minutes, 45 seconds
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Navigating Your Holiday Calendar

Feeling overwhelmed by all the things you have to do between now and the holidays? Tune in for tips on reducing your anxiety and taming your calendar beast with Alexis Robin, Executive Coach and Co-founder of Coaching Center for Excellence. Learn more about The Positivity Link at Happy Holidays!
11/13/201420 minutes, 49 seconds
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Gearing Up for the End of the Year

As we approach the end of the year, it's a great time to reflect on what you still want to accomplish. Alexis Robin talks your through steps to close your year with a bang. For more about Alexis and the team, check out
11/6/201414 minutes, 29 seconds
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Meditation - Just Like Me for Business

Based on Dan Goleman's "Just Like Me" meditation for children, this short 3 minute meditation will prepare you to be compassionate before interacting with others. Music is by Meditation Masters, Song "Meditating with Your Kids". Speaker is Alexis Robin, Executive Coach, Life Coach and Co-Founder of Coaching Center For Excellence
11/4/20143 minutes, 37 seconds
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Who Do You Think You Are?

If you ever have had a moment of, "How did I get here?" or "Who do I think I am making this speech?" then tune in, you are not alone. This show is dedicated to my dear friend Indrani Goradia who is the founder of Indrani's Light Foundation. She like many of us was questioning herself before a huge speaking engagement in London on women and violence and thinking, "Who do I think I am to speak about this?" . We are called to deliver different messages and do big things. Who are we not to take on these tasks. If not you then who? Tune in for tips on how to navigate these thoughts when you have them. Find out more about Alexis Robin, Executive Coach and Host of the Bright Side at
10/28/201420 minutes, 3 seconds
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Playing to Win

Have you ever noticed how often you talk about what you don't want when someone asks you what you do want? Playing to win is about going after what you want in life vs. protecting yourself against what you don't want. Explore how to shift your focus from playing to not lose to playing to win. Alexis Robin, host of The Bright Side Radio Show, is an Executive Coach and Co-Founder of Coaching Center For Excellence. Learn more at or Facebook/Thepositivitylink
10/21/201416 minutes, 49 seconds
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Men, Women and Stress

So you are both really stressed out and communication at home is tough? Tune into this show to learn about the different ways stress affects women and men and get some ideas for being supportive during times of stress. Alexis Robin, Host of The Bright Side has been talking about Life and Business on the air for 5 years this month. Find out more about Alexis and the team at
10/7/201421 minutes, 46 seconds
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What do you believe in? We all believe in different things. The question is, are the helpful or harmful? Alexis explores this topic suggested by her daughter Celeste, who wanted to know if unicorns were real. Tune in for 20 minutes and learn some techniques for investigating your beliefs. Find out more about Alexis Robin, Executive Coach at
10/3/201418 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Disciplined Pursuit of Rest

Sleep is the new status symbol and finding time to rest is one way that we can ensure we're contributing at our highest level. If you are prone to glorifying "busy" or you've slept 5 hours or less for a week or more, you need to listen to this show. Alexis Robin, Executive Coach shares tips and facts about the benefits of rest and how to get it. Find out more about Alexis and the Team at
9/23/201420 minutes, 24 seconds
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I Have it all and I'm Still Not Happy

Every wonder why that wonderful life is not what you had expected? Do you have a beautiful home and family and a good job and are still feeling unsatisfied? If so, this podcast is for you. Tune in to listen to Life and Executive Coach Alexis Robin for tips on sorting out this conundrum. For more on Alexis and the Team of Coaches visit our website at or our facebook page -
9/16/201419 minutes, 50 seconds
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This show is based on the award winning article written by Daniel Goleman in the Harvard Business Review Dec Issue 2013. It is about the 3 areas of focus, Self, Other and Wide World. Focus is the foundation to great leadership in today's world. Did you know that we process 5x more information each day, than we did 20 years ago? Join Alexis Robin while she explores the topic of focus on The Bright Side. Find out more about Alexis Robin, Executive Coach and Co Founder of Coaching Center for Excellence at or join our Facebook page for great articles on positive psychology and business.
9/16/201418 minutes, 41 seconds
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Returning to Routine

It's back to school which means back to routine for most of us with children. Whether you love routine or hate it, there are some great benefits that you should know about. Tune in for 20 minutes with Alexis Robin as she discusses the rationale for some routine in your life with Dreu Murin (Morning Host of KTHO Radio, who hates routine). Learn more about Alexis and her team at Coaching Center For Excellence by visiting today
8/27/201420 minutes, 37 seconds
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Don't Waste a Day!

Tune in for tips of how to make the most of this life with my tips for how to make the most of each day. Borrow my tips or use them to build your own. This show is dedicated to the 30 days of living like Mitch and Jody Underhill event. #Don'twasteaday Alexis Robin is an Executive Coach and Co-founder of Coaching Center For Excellence. She lives in Lake Tahoe, CA with her husband and twins. Find out more about The Positivity Link at
8/18/201422 minutes, 17 seconds
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Lessons from a Kitchen Remodel Part Deux

This show has a handful of metaphors from our recent kitchen remodel that can apply to every day life. Tune in for some great tips on remodeling your kitchen and your way of thinking. Alexis Robin is an Executive Coach and Co-founder of Coaching Center for Excellence. Her show The Bright Side, airs every Monday at 5:15pm in South Lake Tahoe on KTHO Radio 96.1FM 590AM Learn More at
8/12/201417 minutes, 41 seconds
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A Life Well Lived

This week I received news that a friend of mine, Barbara Novak, passed away at age 64. It was a reminder of the uncertainty of life and made me reflect on how I was living my life. This show explores a series of questions about a life well lived. Are you prioritizing the things that matter to you? Are you happy with how you've spent the last 5 years, 10 years of your life? Tune in and reflect on your own life for 20 minutes. If not now then when? Alexis Robin is an Executive Coach and Co-Founder of Coaching Center for Excellence. Find out more at
8/6/201422 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Make Anything Work... Lessons from a Kitchen Remodel

This is part one of a multi-part series in the lessons I've learned from our recent kitchen remodel. Each week, I'll be sharing a metaphor for life that came out of this great experience. This week is about doing dishes in the bathtub...or How to make anything work. Alexis Robin is an Executive Coach and Co-founder of Coaching Center for Excellence. Her show is hosted on KTHO Radio 96.1FM 590AM weekly on Monday nights in Lake Tahoe, CA.
7/28/201418 minutes, 52 seconds
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Creating a Positive Culture at Work

Tune in to listen to 4 ways that you can create a positive work culture in your organization. Also learn about the benefits that positive culture and meaning and purpose in the workplace provide. Alexis Robin is an Executive Coach and Co-Founder of Coaching Center For Excellence. Learn more at
7/22/201420 minutes, 11 seconds
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How to Get What You've Never Had

So you want your life to be different than it is? What's getting in your way? Find out if you have one of the three things that keep people from moving forward by listening to Executive Coach Alexis Robin on The Bright Side. For more information about Alexis visit
7/15/201417 minutes, 15 seconds
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Dealing With Difficult People

How does one deal with difficult people in their lives? Some people say, "Just cut them out of your life!" but what if you can't? This 20 minute show touches on ideas for managing those difficult relationships in your life. Tune in to hear executive coach, Alexis Robin on The Bright Side. For more information visit
7/10/201420 minutes, 2 seconds
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Set Yourself Free

It is independence day and its time to set yourself free! Learn how to get out of your own way with Alexis Robin, Co-Founder of Coaching Center for Excellence. Happy Independence Day!
7/2/201420 minutes, 5 seconds
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Stop Worrying

If you've lost many a night of sleep worrying about something that never happened you are not alone. We worry about all kinds of things that rob us of enjoying the present moment. Think about Y2K… So many people fretted about the world ending when computers rolled to the year 2000. I In this show, Executive Coach Alexis Robin talks about how to stop worrying, why you should and how sometimes we even create the very thing we are worried about. Tune in and help yourself stop worrying. Find out more about Alexis Robin and Team at
6/24/201417 minutes, 21 seconds
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Getting the Most Out of Summer

Those 3 months that fly by…. Summer. This show is dedicated to tips on how to get the most out of summer. If a few of these fun filled season's have passed you by in the past, tune in to have the best summer ever. Learn more about Alexis Robin and the Team at at
6/17/201413 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Art of Winging It

Let's face it, we can't be totally prepared for everything, and sometimes we just have to wing it. Tune in to hear Alexis Robin's best tips for winging it, delivering on the fly and bringing it on a second's notice. For more about Alexis Robin, Co-Founder of the Coaching Center for Excellence, Check out her bio on KTHO Radio 96.1 FM is a South Lake Tahoe, CA radio station.
6/10/201419 minutes, 2 seconds
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Negotiating in a Job Interview

Do you ever wonder how to negotiate when interviewing. What's more important to, salary or office hours? When should you ask about tele-commuting? When should you push for more, and when is enough enough? Are you really worth what you are asking for and if so, how can you communicate that? Tune in for this short show based on a recent Harvard Business Review Article with Alexis Robin, Co-founder of Coaching Center for Excellence.
6/9/201416 minutes, 37 seconds
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How to Choose

Trying to decide? Listen to Alexis Robin, Executive Coach discuss ideas for making choices. Learn more about Alexis and her team at The Bright Side is a weekly radio show hosted on KTHO Radio 96.1 FM 590 AM in South Lake Tahoe, CA
5/22/201422 minutes, 20 seconds
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Nailing Time Management

So you think you don't have enough time? Join the crowd. It turns out time management is less about minutes than you think. Alexis Robin, Co-founder of Coaching Center for Excellence and Executive Coach talks about how you can get time back on your side in this short episode of The Bright Side. Find out more about Alexis and her colleagues at
5/12/201419 minutes, 13 seconds
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Getting Your Team to Speak Up at Work

Alexis Robin, Executive and Leadership Coach discusses Amy Edmondson's ideas around creating a psychological place to work from her new book, TEAMING. Listen to the benefits of creating a safe environment to speak up as well as learn about leadership behaviors that contribute to this type of environment in the workplace. Learn more about Alexis Robin at
4/29/201419 minutes, 3 seconds
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Co-working and it's Benefits

Have you heard about these new "Co-working" spaces and wondered if it might be better than working from your couch in your pj's? Jamie Orr, Co-Founder or Tahoe Mountain Lab Co-working space and Alexis Robin, Executive Coach discuss the benefits and the ins and outs of the latest trend in Co-working. Learn more about the Host Alexis Robin at
4/22/201417 minutes, 8 seconds
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Work Life Balance or Harmony?

In this show, I explore a concept called work-life harmony. It's like work-life balance 2.0 and although it's fresh thinking vs a tried and true philosophy, I figured I share it with you to spark your own thoughts about moving your work from a means to a life you love to a part of a life you love. Learn more about Alexis Robin at and
4/15/201419 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to Run a Great Meeting

If you've ever been subject to a horrible meeting, or are guilty of running boring, ineffective or what feel like unnecessary meetings, check out these ideas for hosting a great meeting. Easy tips for taking your meetings to the next level. Feel free to share this with people who invite you to their meetings. :) Alexis Robin is an Executive Coach and Co-Founder of Coaching Center for Excellence. The Bright Side airs in Lake Tahoe every Monday at 5:15pm.
4/7/201415 minutes, 47 seconds
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JOMO - The Joy of Missing Out

Have you heard of FOMO, the fear of missing out? This show is all about, JOMO, the joy of missing out. If you are feeling over scheduled, overwhelmed or just over it... Tune in for 15 minutes of The Bright Side with Alexis Robin. Learn more at or
4/3/201414 minutes, 34 seconds
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Communication 2.0

Take your communication to a higher level. Alexis Robin, host of the Bright Side Radio Show, talks about how to improve on your communication skills and make more meaningful connections. Find out more about Alexis at Listen Live at KTHO Radio 96.1 FM in South Lake Tahoe, Monday's at 5pm
3/7/201416 minutes, 9 seconds
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Digital Detox

In a time where screen time is getting more action than sleep, a detox is needed. Listen in to a few techniques to reset your brain and detox from all that technology. Alexis Robin is an executive coach, speaker and radio host of The Bright Side. Find out more at
2/24/201412 minutes, 36 seconds
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Navigating Transition

Call it limbo, the unknown, transition... it's that squishy place where we've left behind something in our life and we still aren't quite sure where we'll end up. Alexis Robin, Executive and Life Coach talks about why people don't like transition and how to navigate through the unknown waters of transition. Read more about Alexis and her work at
2/4/201417 minutes, 50 seconds
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Stop Making Excuses

We all do it, and most of the time if we'd just started doing what we're making excuses about when we started making excuses, we'd be done by now. Tune in for tips on how to stop making excuses and get out of your own way with Life and Business Coach Alexis Robin. Alexis is the co-founder of Coaching Center for Excellence. Learn more here:
2/3/201415 minutes, 49 seconds
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Growing Your Circle of Influence

Based on the work of Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and Cindy Jackson, fellow Executive Coach's training, this show discusses how you can grow your circle of influence. The good news is, it's actually pretty simple. For more on Alexis Robin, Life and Business Coach, Check out
1/14/201415 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Five Best Things You Can Do For Yourself in 2014

If you even did one of these five things you'd be helping yourself out. So why not tune in and listen. Alexis Robin, Life and Business Coach shares the five best things to do for yourself in 2014. To learn more about her body of work, visit or Happy 2014!
1/13/201418 minutes, 20 seconds
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Resolutions are Out, Intentions are In

Instead of resolving to do things, this year, set intentions. Intentions are a plan or an aim towards something. This will help you stay focused on where you want to go and what you want to add to your life! Check out or for more info on the host Alexis Robin
12/31/201314 minutes, 24 seconds
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Controlling Your Reactive Tendencies

Based on the Leadership Circle Profile, Alexis discusses reactive tendencies and how to move into a more creative way of living. If you've ever wished that you could be less controlling, complying or distancing, this show will give you tips on how to move into more productive responses. Find out more at or
12/11/201320 minutes, 16 seconds
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Dialing Back the Holiday Crazy

If you feel overwhelmed by the holiday frenzy, tune into this episode of the Bright Side with Life and Business Coach Alexis Robin for tips on how to dial back the holiday crazy.
12/6/201318 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ten Things You Should Do This Thanksgiving

This show includes 10 ideas for things you can, should or could do on Thanksgiving. Do one, do all ten. Happy Thanksgiving from Nourish Life and Business Coaching.
11/26/201318 minutes
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Navigating the Holidays with Humor and Grace

If you are dreaming of a white Christmas and you keep getting a crazy, stressed out un-magical Christmas, this show is for you! Get the holiday season of your dreams with a few intentional steps. See the blog for downloadable worksheets at Happy Holidays from The Bright Side and Alexis Robin.
11/25/201321 minutes, 54 seconds
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Your Leadership Wake

Do you ever wonder what kind of "wake" you leave behind as a leader? Do boats tip over and capsize after you've sailed through or do they use your wake to launch or play? We all leave an energetic wake behind, find out what yours is.
11/18/201316 minutes, 26 seconds
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Doing Things That Scare You!

In honor of Halloween, we're talking about doing things that scare you, why it's good for you and how to start small if you don't do this regularly. Listen in and then go do something spooky! Happy Halloween.
10/31/201322 minutes
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How to Say No

We all get caught up saying yes to things we don't want to do. Listen to this show and learn about how to graciously say no. What kind of questions should you be asking yourself before agreeing to do something? Find out by tuning in for 15 minutes. Learn more about the Host Alexis Robin at or
10/24/201318 minutes, 47 seconds
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Dealing with Conflict

Conflict happens, and the good news is, that means people give a darn about something! In this show we talk about how to handle conflict effectively and with grace. Tune in. For more on the Host of The Bright Side, read about Alexis Robin on or
10/17/201316 minutes
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I recently read in Fast Company Magazine that marshaling time away from the job will be one of the key actions successful leaders do to thrive in times of great change. Learning the art of mindfulness will help to broaden your perspective, improve your ability to work collaboratively with folks, and will improve your well-being. Tune in for some simple tricks to becoming mindful and find out what the buzz is all about.
10/8/201320 minutes, 59 seconds
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This 15 minute show is all about values, guiding principles and how they show up in our lives. If you've ever had a strong emotional response to something that your rational mind says, "isn't that big of a deal" there are likely value conflicts afoot. Working in a place that aligns with your values feels good, hanging with friends who align with your values also feels good. Tune in for this powerful show with Alexis Robin, Life and Business Coach and Co-founder of Coaching Center for Excellence
10/1/201316 minutes, 50 seconds
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Fall into Change

It's Fall, my favorite time of year and in this episode I talk about how we can learn to change more gracefully by taking cues from nature. Tune in for 15 minutes. Learn more about Alexis Robin, at
9/25/201316 minutes, 40 seconds
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Navigating People's Responses

Do you ever wonder how to respond when someone doesn't answer in the way you'd hoped? Tune in and grab some ideas. Hosted by Alexis Robin, Executive Coach.
9/23/201317 minutes, 11 seconds
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Finishing the Year Strong

It's September and you have a choice... kick back and slip into the holiday season and put off those goals until 2014, or kick some butt and finish the year strong. Want to know how? Listen in to Alexis Robin on The Bright Side. or
9/17/201317 minutes, 50 seconds
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Everyday Inspiration

Looking for a little more inspiration in your life? Tune in for tips on finding inspiration in everyday things. It's easier than you think. For more on Radio Host, Alexis Robin, check out or
8/27/201317 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Power of Choice

Sometimes life feels out of our control, but the reality is we all have the power of choice. Claiming the power of choice is a powerful way to free yourself from unsatisfying situations. If you've ever said, "I can't, or I'm stuck in this crummy situation", this show is for you. So go ahead listen in and get back in the driver's seat of your life! Learn more about the Host Alexis Robin at or
8/13/201313 minutes, 6 seconds
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Why Having Direction is More Important than Having Time

We often blame things not getting done on "not enough time", but I believe it's not enough direction in many cases. Tune in for 15 minutes on getting clear on your direction and watch your time multiply. Visit or for more information on Alexis Robin, Host of The Bright Side, and to get the Nourish Life Coach App on your phone.
8/1/201313 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Have More Fun

Life is supposed to be fun; so how did we get so serious as we got older? Tune in for 15 minutes on how to make space for having fun, being silly, enjoying life and letting fun in. Learn to notice when you are stopping fun in it's tracks. "Stop splashing me! No, I'm serious, don't get me wet!" Really? Let the fun flow! Read more about Alexis Robin at or
7/23/201314 minutes, 21 seconds
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To Lead with Fear or Love?

This show is all about leading with a combination of both warmth and strength and why you should. The article is written by Amy J. C. Cuddy an associate professor of business administration at Harvard Business School. Tune in and learn how to increase your influence as a leader. For more about the Host, Alexis Robin, Check out the Coaching Center for Excellence on line.
7/16/201317 minutes, 35 seconds
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Overcoming Obstacles

Join Alexis Robin, Master Life Coach and Radio Host for 15 minutes of discussion about how to overcome obstacles. Don't stand by and let things get in your way, figure out how to get over, around, or under them. Learn more about what Alexis does at or
7/1/201315 minutes, 50 seconds
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How To Change

So you want things to be different than they are but you aren't sure what to do. Tune in for 15 minutes of insight on how to change. Alexis Robin, Life Coach, Business Coach and Consultant hosts The Bright Side in South Lake Tahoe, CA weekly on KTHO Radio 96.1 FM. See more about her at
6/24/201318 minutes, 1 second
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Nimble Goal Setting

How should you set goals when the future is so unclear? There is a way, but you must be nimble. Get creative and choose multiple pathways. This 15 minute show references E. Locke's goal setting theory and is one of the key tools to Harness Flux. Learn more about tools like this on
6/23/201315 minutes, 13 seconds
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How to Create Your Dream Life

Ever wondered how to create a life that you love? We talk about future thinking and realistic intentions and how to get there. The reality is that we are starting to live much longer so creating a joyful life and filling your discretionary time is more important. Listen in for 15 minutes and build your beautiful life! See more about Alexis at
5/31/201313 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why are we so good at building a life we don't want?

It seems that so many of the people I talk to spend a lot of time building lives they don't really want. People say yes to promotions and opportunities that look good on paper, but are totally out of alignment with the life they'd like to build. Why do they do this? Fear, social pressure, lack of attention to decisions, you name it. Listen in for 15 minutes and see if you are doing this right now. Read more about Alexis Robin at
5/22/201320 minutes, 51 seconds
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And You Blew It...

Do you ever have one of those moments where you reflect on how you handled a situation and think, "Wow, I blew that." It happens to all of us. On this 15 minute show I share a personal story of how I blew it communicating with my daughter and tips for bouncing back from these instances.
5/17/201314 minutes, 49 seconds
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Never Give Up

When you feel like quitting, or you've failed, that is the time that you have to fight for what you want. This show gives some insight into ways to keep on going toward your goals and and your dreams! EnjoyLearn more about Alexis Robin at
5/8/201314 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Art of Being Present

Do you ever drive home and have no recollection of how you got there? Being present is about putting your attention and energy into what is happening now. This show offers ideas for practicing being present, preparing to be intentionally present during important moments in your life and hits on the benefits of being present. All in just 15 minutes. Enjoy!
4/29/201316 minutes, 33 seconds
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Five Steps to Freedom.mp3

If you're feeling trapped in your life, listen to this podcast. Five simple steps to getting free in your life. My personal favorite: #5 Start being an I can not an I can't person. For more on Master Life Coach Alexis Robin, check out or Podcasts are available on Buzzsprout, iTunes and on the Nourish Life Coach App in the App Store.
4/19/201314 minutes, 6 seconds
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Harvesting Talent in Your Organization

As the need for good and experienced bench strength increases, companies continue to struggle with finding great talent. This show gives tips and ideas for revealing talent inside your organization as well as highlighting potential talent from the outside. For more on Alexis Robin visit and
4/16/201316 minutes, 29 seconds
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Leveraging Insights

So you read a great article in Fast Company, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal... what did you take out of it? This show gives you tips and ideas for leveraging insights for new learnings. When you attend a workshop, take a webinar or read a book, spending 10 minutes to reflect on it and jot down some insights will help you integrate the information. The result - It will be easier to share, you'll sound smarter ;) and you can make positive changes based on your new knowledge. Kudos to my co-founder of Plink Coaching Center for Excellence, Gretchen Pisano, for teaching me these tricks.
4/16/201315 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to Motivate Disengaged Employees

So your staff is a little..ahem, dis-interested, dis-engaged, apathetic. All is not necessarily lost; many disengaged employees can be brought back around a few of these techniques. Enjoy these ideas you can take action on tomorrow!
3/28/201316 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Art of Self Renewal

How do you renew yourself when you are burned out? We've all been there... worked to the bone, weary, tired, spent. Do you just keep on going until you crash? Learn the art of self-renewal and master refueling on good energy with Master Life Coach and Business Consultant, Alexis Robin.
3/28/201316 minutes, 29 seconds
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How to Find Your Dream Career

Do you wish that you loved what you do for work? Alexis talks about how to move from your day to day job to a fulfilling career doing what you love. Whether you know what you want to do and are just afraid to leap or you don't know what your dream career is but you know it's not what you're doing now, there are tips and tricks for figuring it out. Spend 15 minutes today listening in and begin your journey! Find out more about Alexis at
3/14/201315 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to Get Lucky!

Do you ever wonder why some people are so darn lucky? In this episode Alexis talks about what kind of things you can do to create more luck in your life. Warning leprechaun's are not part of it, but your life might feel like you found a pot of gold if you employ these tactics. 15 minutes of life coaching that might just change your life. Download the Nourish Life Coach App on iTunes or Google Play for daily inspirations and to get these shows on your smart phone.
3/11/201315 minutes, 40 seconds
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Getting Control of Your To Do List

If you are feeling overwhelmed by your to do list and not sure where to start, Alexis will give you tips for tackling it like a champion. Enough with the stress and anxiety and waking up in the middle of the night because you missed an appointment. Tune in and get back in control. Learn more about Alexis at or
3/8/201313 minutes, 44 seconds
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Leading with Your Strengths

Gallup Strength Finders is a great way to get engaged in your work. This Show talks about the power of using your strengths to map your career vs. getting caught up in your work experience. There are ideas for applying strengths for both companies and individuals.
2/27/201317 minutes, 38 seconds
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Creating Your Sacred Space

A show that investigates how to create sacred physical spaces, with a nod to creating "sacred time spaces" as well. Your internal life mirrors your external life and is often a metaphor for your life. This concept was explored by Alexis Robin and a handful of other Master Martha Beck Life Coaches with Oprah's, O Magazine and IKEA in the Life Improvement Seminars in 2011. Spoiler - Renovation not necessary, even a space the size of a window sill can be sacred.
2/18/201314 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to be Happy Now

Sometimes in the pursuit of happiness, you need to stop the pursuit and just enjoy the happiness. We often wait to be happy until.. we lose 20 lbs, until we meet someone, when we get a better job, pay off our debt...etcThis show will give you five ways to be happy now.
2/18/201312 minutes, 54 seconds
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Exploring Your Emotional Palette

There are hundreds of emotions and we work within a handful of them. Getting to know you emotional palette and expanding it will help you get in touch with what you are truly feeling. Sometimes my clients say, "I'm feeling bad", but what they mean is, "I'm feeling frustrated and anxious about a this situation in my life." In this show, Alexis uses the example of wine tasting and colors to help explain the emotional palette.
2/18/201314 minutes, 35 seconds
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How to Avoid Burnout

(Recorded March 2012) Get clear about your burnout... notice and name it, investigate how you act when you burn out and listen to what your burn out is telling you. Alexis gives you tips on how to avoid burnout by noticing early warning signs, building a solid foundation by taking good care of yourself and more. Tune in and put out the flames.
2/18/201314 minutes, 38 seconds
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Living Like Today is Your Last Day

Recorded July 2012. Carpe Diem... What would you do if today were your last day? If you only had one more day, how would you spend it? In this show we look at what you might regret not doing and give you a little boost to get going doing the things you've always wanted to.
2/18/201312 minutes, 28 seconds
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Leading in an Age of Uncertainty

The only constant is change... This is the new normal... We are living in a time of flux and things are more uncertain than ever. When people don't understand what is happening their emotions escalate which shuts down creativity and leads to rigidity. This episode gives you tips for managing and leading during uncertain times. Uncertainty + Good Leadership = Thriving Organizations.
2/5/201317 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ten Signs That You're in a Good Relationship

Aint love grand? Sometimes it's hard to tell. In this episode we look at 10 signs that you are in a good relationship. As Valentine's Day approaches, many folks start to look around at other couples and wonder how their own couple measures up. You certainly don't have to have all 10 of these things to be happy in your relationship, but it you only have one or none, It might be worth reflecting on why so many are missing. Happy Valentine's Day! May you find love everywhere you go.
2/5/201310 minutes, 55 seconds
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Your Employee's Just Aren't That Into You

Based on an article from Inc. Magazine, written by Laura Entis, this episode highlights why employee's are disengaged, and how much disengagement is costing American companies. (Spoiler Alert, $11 Billion a year from turnover alone). Alexis gives tips on how you can improve your management style to improve your relationship with your direct reports which can result in improved engagement. For the whole article see
1/28/201317 minutes, 55 seconds
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Fail Brilliantly

Learn from people like Michael Jordan about how to fail famously (Did you know he was cut from the high school basketball team? How about Walt Disney who was fired for lack of imagination!). Failure is part of success. The most successful people in the world are the one's who fail a lot. When we get to a certain age we realize that people might laugh at us if we fail, and slowly but surely we start trying less and failing less to protect ourselves. That's when we slow down our learning curve.
1/18/201314 minutes, 50 seconds
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Change Your Story

We all have a story about our life, our current situation, our relationship and we all have the ability to change that story. This show will discuss tips for how to change your story.
1/18/201315 minutes, 39 seconds
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Helping... If you have time to help you have more than many folksOptimism...Choose optimism, look for the good in lifePerseverance...Don't give up when things get hard. Stick it out. Excitement... Be excited about life, it's a series of teeny tiny miracles.A little dose of hope... "People who are high in hope can withstand twice as much pain for twice as long as those who aren't." Lopez et al Hope Theory
1/18/201313 minutes, 19 seconds
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Trusting the Process of Life

Sometimes life goes sideways and we find ourselves disappointed, cheated, wronged or worse hopeless. Then sometimes life goes wrong in our favor; it rights our course, it gives us courage to do things we wouldn't do, and it puts us on track to our best life. The trick is to learn how to search for optimism and potential vs. getting bogged down in the "unfairness" of it all. In this show I share how to do that, and a personal story about a time when I lost what felt like everything, and turned up getting all that I'd ever hoped for. Look for more about what we do at
1/7/201318 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to Rock 2013... An Alternative to New Year's Resolutions

Download the free worksheets on We often think that we have to deliver on all of our resolutions on January 1st. I look at it a different way. We've got 365 days to change our habits before next year. So, start by thinking what you want to have accomplished by 12/31/13 and then make decisions that get you closer to those things. Think of your your resolutions as a destination vs. a starting point. Imagine trying to quit smoking, loose 10 lbs, find a mate and organize your house all on January 1... with a hangover. Let's make real change this year. Tune in and learn how.
1/1/201313 minutes, 37 seconds
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Living and Leading with Love and Kindness

The are days when it feels like the world is a bad place. There are times when hope is hard to come by. It is my belief that one person, one act, one intention at a time, we can all make this world a good place to be. In this show, I give 15 ways to lead your life with love and kindness. This show is dedicated to the survivors in Newton, Connecticut.
12/18/201225 minutes, 48 seconds
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Why Putting Yourself First is the Nicest Thing You Can Do for Others

It's hard to put yourself first, but the reality is, if you don't who will? This show will teach you why you should put yourself first at work, with family, and with your spouse as well as how to do this.
12/11/201219 minutes, 35 seconds
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Three levels of compassion: Beginner - showing compassion for people who've fallen on hard times, Intermediate - showing compassion for people who are grumpy, tired or stressed out, and Advanced - Showing compassion for people who have wronged you. If you want to skip the chit chat on the front end... skip to 5 min and 40seconds.
12/4/201221 minutes, 26 seconds
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Maintaining Well-being During the Holidays

Are you enjoying the magic of the season, or are you waking up panicked about your to do list? Well-being during the holidays is key to truly enjoying the season. In this show we look through the lens of PERMA, the Well-being theory created at UPENN by Dr. Seligman at ways to experience well-being in the midst of holiday hustle. Enjoy! Be well.
11/27/201219 minutes, 56 seconds
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Generation Flux

Based on a great article in Fast Company (One of my favorite business mags), this show talks about navigating uncertain times. Tune in for tips on becoming "more flux able"
11/20/201219 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Art of Communication

"You're like a broken record" "We're going to loose our marbles" Have you ever said something only to have the person listening not understand you? In this 15 minute show, learn tips for communicating more effectively. Tip One: Check for understandingTip Two: LIsten louder or the person speaking will leave important details out. (why? Tune in to find out)
11/19/201215 minutes, 35 seconds
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How to get motivated, how to stay motivated. Feeling lazy, feeling stuck, listen in and get un-stuck in less than 20 minutes with Master Life Coach Alexis Robin from South Lake Tahoe, California. For more on Alexis, check out
11/19/201218 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Simple Way to Improve Your Life

How to get from where you are to a better place with some simple tips. Learn how to get on the path to your best life in less than 20 minutes.
11/19/201223 minutes, 5 seconds
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Gratitude A Thanksgiving Show 2012

What level of gratitude are you at? Beginner, Intermediate or Expert? Tune in and see how to improve your life with gratitude.
11/19/201215 minutes, 43 seconds
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Emotional Congruence

The art of emotional congruence is admitting to yourself what you are experiencing emotionally at any given time. When you pretend to be calm when you are nervous, your energy feels weird to the people around you; it feels incongruent. This is especially true with horses, which I learned at a horse whispering coaching event this fall.
10/2/201215 minutes, 38 seconds
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Finding Your Ideal Mate

Ever wondered how to find "the one"? Ever had a date that was great on paper, but something was missing? This show will give you a step by step technique for finding your ideal mate. Using this technique will help you determine more clearly what you want (best done before you meet Mr. Wonderful, so your judgement isn't clouded with lust). Spoiler- It's about getting clear on what you want and what your deal breakers are.
2/13/201217 minutes, 11 seconds