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The Bean Counter

English, Finance, 1 season, 11 episodes, 1 hour, 37 minutes
People think that accounting and finance can be difficult to understand because it is math based. However, these topics can be difficult because they are conceptual and thus you have to learn about finance and accounting topics from someone that can build your thinking pathways to be receptive to the information. Subscribe today and learn this important skill, not only for your career but for your personal life! Be sure to visit our website at (
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Managing Cash Flow

Many entrepreneurs fail because of cash flow issues. In this episode, I go through a common mistake that business owners make when it comes to sales tax - listen to find out how to solve it!If you need bookkeeping support, contact Coeurbridge at this link:
10/25/20234 minutes, 40 seconds
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1099 Best Practices Step Three

Hi everyone, in this episode, we discuss the final step in best practices regarding 1099s and how to file them. Depending on your software, you may have to fill these out manually or use a service like, or you can file them electronically through your accounting software. If you want to take a Best Practices 1099 course with our training partner, Springboard, go to and sign up for the 1099 Best Practices course. Use code 1099HALF at checkout to enjoy a 50% discount on the course. Also, if you are a small business owner in need of help establishing this 1099 best practice process, or you need someone to enact this process, contact us at [email protected]. Enjoy the episode! Knowing the best practice for handling this process efficiently and effectively can put your mind at ease!
10/23/20236 minutes, 44 seconds
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1099 Best Practices Step Two

In this episode, we discuss the second best practices step in handling 1099's as a small business. Here, we discuss updating vendor records and how they map appropriately to 1099 reporting. Also, our partners at Springboard have a 1099 best practices class that you can take for 50% off if you go to and use the code 1099HALF on checkout. Also, if you are a small business and want help with 1099's, Coeurbridge can help - contact them at [email protected]. ENjoy the episode!
10/23/20236 minutes
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1099 Best Practices Step One

As part of a series on best practices and 1099's - check out this episode that talks about the first step of the process and the best practice method to follow. Included also is a 50% off coupon for a 1099 Best Practices course with our friends at Springboard. Go to and use the discount code 1099HALF upon checkout. Also, if you need bookkeeping help, contact [email protected] to discuss how we can help!
10/23/20236 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to Handle 1099 Filings Effortlessly

2/13/20227 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode 6 - How to Select a Financial Professional

Small businesses and entrepreneurs may not know which financial professional can help. Use this podcast to help you start to assess who can help you!
2/15/20217 minutes
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Episode 5 - Why Profit Does Not Equal Cash

In this production we will examine why profit does not equal cash. We will focus on timing issues that can occur throughout the income statement. It may be surprising that profit does not equal cash, but it is an important idea to get clear in your mind as you examine profit and loss statements if you want to become an entrepreneur through buying an existing business.
9/8/20209 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 4 - Deep Dive 2 - Exploring a 10K

In this production we will examine, in much more detail, what you can learn from the public information contained in the 10-k that a publicly traded company publishes to the Securities and Exchange Commission. If you are wanting to start a business or educate yourself as an employee or investor in a company, then the 10-k is a great source of information.
7/6/202010 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 3 - Deep Dive 1 - How to Start Financial Analysis

In this production we are going to explore how to start analyzing a company’s financial information. We will be specifically exploring where you can find sources of information that help you analyze financial information so that you can invest or start a business with confidence. In future episodes, we will take an even deeper dive into specific analysis of this information you can get from these sources.
5/29/202016 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 2 - Introduction to Financial Analysis

In this episode we are going to explore, at a high level, how to assess company financial information that resides on financial statements.
3/30/202010 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 1 - The Secret to Learning Financial Intelligence

One of the best ways to understand accounting is to relate the conceptual framework of the accounting field to your own personal life. In this episode, we will discuss how financial statements can be understood if we translate our financial lives into the framework of these statements.
2/20/202011 minutes, 19 seconds