Each week on the Bart Ehrman Blog Podcast, John Mueller will read two posts from the Bart Ehrman Blog – the first will be a post from the not too distant past, and the second will be from the blog archives (one published roughly the same calendar week but from years 2012 to 2016). The Bart Ehrman Blog was created in 2012 to raise money for charities devoted to fighting poverty, hunger, and homelessness. Each week, Dr. Ehrman publishes 5 or 6 posts (approximately 1000 words each post) providing his insights, opinions, and illuminations on important issues and topics pertaining to the Historical Jesus, the New Testament and Early Christianity. To stay current with all of Dr. Ehrman’s new posts, to read any of Dr. Ehrman’s previous posts, to comment on any of his posts, to read Dr. Ehrman’s responses to comments, and to access other features of the blog, you must become a member of the Bart Ehrman Blog. Cost of membership is minimal (less $4 for a monthly membership or less than $25 for an annual membership) and ALL PROCEEDS from membership go to charity. To join, go to www.ehrmanblog.org Dr. Bart D. Ehrman is a renowned scholar of the Historical Jesus, the New Testament, and Early Christianity; he is the recipient of numerous academic awards, grants, and fellowships; he is a frequent lecturer, debater, and media pundit; he has authored more than 20 books including five which made the New York Times Best Sellers List; he is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill; and among numerous other accomplishments, he is an incredibly great guy.
Ehrman Blog Podcast 11/26/2023
26-11-2023 • 13 minuten, 5 seconden
Ehrman Blog Podcast 11/19/2023
21-11-2023 • 12 minuten, 13 seconden
Ehrman Blog Podcast 11/12/2023
12-11-2023 • 13 minuten, 14 seconden
YHWH and Jehovah: Same? Different? Where's Jehovah Come From?
Dr. Ehrman stresses Paul's concept of bodily resurrection rather than just the resurrection of the soul. I received a number of comments on my recent posts about whether Jesus was Yahweh (Hebrew: YHWH) in traditional Christian thinking/theology. And a number of people have wanted further explanation of the name. In particular: how does it relate to "Jehovah"? In fact, where does the name "Jehovah" come from? And is it in the New Testament?
7-7-2023 • 15 minuten, 12 seconden
Would I Be Personally Upset if the Mythicists Were Right (That Jesus Never Existed)? When Did Jesus Die? Dating Jesus' Death by the Earthquake
Dr. Ehrman might be "energized" if the mythicists were proven right, but his own rigorous investigation tells him that Jesus really existed. Bart criticizes scientists who claim to have found the year of Jesus' crucifixion, pointing out they have no appreciation of the symbolism in Matthew.
28-11-2022 • 16 minuten, 20 seconden
Thanksgiving Blog Post 2022
Bart shares his Thanksgiving message that is personal and reflective.
24-11-2022 • 16 minuten, 4 seconden
What's It Like to Teach at a Research University? What Serious Research Projects Can Undergraduates Do in Early Christianity?
Dr. Ehrman looks at the rewards and demands of teaching at a place like UNC-Chapel Hill. Through descriptions of two honors theses, Bart shows the type of sophisticated research undergraduates sometimes undertake.
21-11-2022 • 17 minuten, 2 seconden
My New Course and Some Big Questions for Studying the New Testament
My New Course and Some Big Questions for Studying the New Testament
7-11-2022 • 23 minuten, 51 seconden
Why Christians and Conservatives Should Accept Evolution - Michael Shermer
In the second part of his Blog Anniversary Guest Post, Michael Shermer describes 8 reasons that conservative Christians should appreciate the explanatory power of evolution.
7-10-2022 • 29 minuten, 1 seconde
Is It Even Possible to Follow Jesus' Teaching to "Love Your Neighbor As Yourself"
Is It Even Possible to Follow Jesus' Teaching to "Love Your Neighbor As Yourself" Did Jesus' insistence on complete self-sacrifice and caring for the less fortunate actually change people's behavior? A Funny Story about the Rapture A brief recollection about changing spiritual views, the fundamentalist idea of the rapture, and a film called "Thief in the Night" that was a precursor to the later "Left Behind" series.
30-9-2022 • 15 minuten, 47 seconden
A Christian NDE and the Problem with Being Filthy Rich | Another Historical Scholar's Understanding of the Resurrection
A Christian NDE and the Problem with Being Filthy Rich The Acts of Thomas has a vivid story that illustrates some early Christian attitudes toward charity. Another Historical Scholar's Understanding of the Resurrection Bart presents views of Gerd Lüdemann that emphasize Peter's vision as the origin of the story of the resurrection.
21-9-2022 • 15 minuten, 13 seconden
Specious Arguments for the Truth of the Bible
Specious Arguments for the Truth of the Bible: Are the number of texts we have of the New Testament an indicator of their reliability?
14-9-2022 • 20 minuten, 24 seconden
The Podcast is Back!
14-9-2022 • 1 minuut, 13 seconden
Two of the Most Violent Passages in Revelation; A Lottery! To Celebrate the Blog's 10-yr Blogiversary; The Apocalypse of John and the Gospel of Jesus: My Final Thoughts
the first reading published March 29, 2022 Dr. Ehrman continues his discussion on violence in the Book of Revelation. In the second reading published April 1, 2022, Dr. Ehrman talks about a blog fundraiser. In the third reading published April 9, 2022, Dr. Ehrman wraps up his threat on violence in the Book of Revelation. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/two-of-the-worst-passages-in-revelation/ https://ehrmanblog.org/a-lottery-to-celebrate-the-blogs-10th-year-blogiversary/ https://ehrmanblog.org/the-apocalypse-of-john-and-the-gospel-of-jesus-conclusion/
11-4-2022 • 20 minuten, 3 seconden
When Did the Bible Get Chapters and Verses?; Is the Book of Acts Historically Reliable? The Negative Case
In the first reading published March 20, 2022 Dr. Ehrman answer when Chapters/Verses were added to the Bible and when scholars realized the manuscripts did not fully agree. In the second reading published March 25, 2016, Dr. Ehrman sets forth reasons to believe the book of Acts is not historically reliable. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/when-did-the-bible-get-chapters-and-verses/ https://ehrmanblog.org/is-the-book-of-acts-historically-reliable-the-negative-case/
28-3-2022 • 19 minuten, 4 seconden
An Eyewitness Account of Jesus' Crucifixion; My Book Sales and the "Relatives" of Paul - Weekly Mailbag
In the first reading published March 16, 2022 Dr. Ehrman discusses a forged Gospel allegedly written by an Essene who witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus. In the second reading published March 25, 2016, Dr. Ehrman responds to a question about his book sales and about a passage in Romans 16:7. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/29185-2/ https://ehrmanblog.org/my-book-sales-and-the-relatives-of-paul-weekly-readers-mailbag-march-25-2016/
20-3-2022 • 17 minuten, 53 seconden
A Humorous Modern Gospel Forgery; The Gospel of John from a Thematic Perspective
In the first reading published March 10, 2022 Dr. Ehrman shares a story about a modern scholar who forged a gospel. In the second reading published March 11 2014, Dr. Ehrman looks at the Gospel of John from a Thematic Perspective. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/a-humorous-modern-gospel-forgery/ https://ehrmanblog.org/the-gospel-of-john-from-a-thematic-perspective-for-members/
13-3-2022 • 15 minuten, 50 seconden
In the Beginning: Myth, Legend, and History in the Book of Genesis (Part 1); Must Jesus Divide Families? Guest Post Douglas Wadeson
In the first reading published March 5, 2022 Dr. Ehrman gives an overview of the first two chapters of an on-line course he recently completed on the Book of Genesis. The second reading (post published Feb 24, 2022) is a guest post by Douglas Wadeson involving Jesus and family values. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/in-the-beginning-myth-legend-and-history-in-the-book-of-genesis-part-1/ https://ehrmanblog.org/must-jesus-divide-families-guest-post-by-douglas-wadeson/
7-3-2022 • 15 minuten, 44 seconden
Heaven and Hell at the Popular Level; Did the Earliest Christians Believe Jesus Became God?
In the first reading published Feb 20, 2022 Dr. Ehrman shows via examples the differences in his books written for scholars and written for the general public. In the second reading published Feb 29 2016, Dr. Ehrman finishes a thread pertaining to a debate he had re how the resurrection affected the disciples’ understanding of Jesus. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/heaven-and-hell-at-the-popular-level/ https://ehrmanblog.org/did-the-earliest-christians-believe-jesus-became-god/
27-2-2022 • 18 minuten, 41 seconden
The Messages of Jesus and Paul: Basically the Same or Fundamentally Different; How to Make Greek Numbers
In the first reading published Feb 19, 2022 Dr. Ehrman lists the difference and similarities between the messages of Jesus and Paul. In the second reading published Feb 10 2014 Dr. Ehrman explains how the Greek numbers were expressed as Greek letters. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/the-messages-of-jesus-and-paul-basically-the-same-or-fundamentally-different/ https://ehrmanblog.org/how-to-make-greek-numbers/
20-2-2022 • 13 minuten, 54 seconden
Preface to My Book on Revelation: Expecting Armageddon; Discrepancies in the Resurrection Narratives
In the first reading published Feb 5, 2022 Dr. Ehrman shares his preface to his new book on Revelation. In the second reading published Feb 10 2014 Dr. Ehrman shares an assignment he gives his students regarding differences in the Resurrection accounts. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/preface-to-my-book-on-revelation-expecting-armaggedon/ https://ehrmanblog.org/discrepancies-resurrection-narratives-members/
13-2-2022 • 19 minuten, 22 seconden
Do We Have Any Reliable Sources for Pontius Pilate?; How I First Learned the Gospel of Judas Had Been Discovered
In the first reading published Feb 5, 2022 Dr. Ehrman sets forth the historical record we have of Pontius Pilate’s existence. In the second reading published Feb 4 2015 Dr. Ehrman tells the story of his first contact regarding the discovery of the Gospel of Judas. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/do-we-have-any-reliable-sources-for-pontius-pilate/ https://ehrmanblog.org/how-i-first-learned-that-the-gospel-of-judas-had-been-discovered/
6-2-2022 • 18 minuten, 33 seconden
Where Did the Apocalyptic Views of Jesus (and others) Come From?; Mary Magdalene in Various Guises
In the first reading published Jan 25, 2022 Dr. Ehrman discusses the evolution of the apocalyptic views from the time of the prophets to the time of Jesus. In the second reading published Jan 31 2014 Dr. Ehrman begins to explain where Mary Magdalene got her reputation. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/where-did-the-apocalyptic-views-of-jesus-and-others-come-from/ https://ehrmanblog.org/mary-magdalene-various-guises-members/
31-1-2022 • 18 minuten, 3 seconden
The Prophets of Scripture: A Brief Summary of their Message and Mission; How Accurate are the Earliest NT Manuscripts
In the first reading published Jan 20, 2022 Dr. Ehrman discusses what the prophets of the Old Testament have in common. In the second reading published Jan 25 2015 Dr. Ehrman talks about P75 and what it can tell us about the original words of the gospels Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/the-prophets-of-scripture-a-brief-summary-of-their-message-and-mission/ https://ehrmanblog.org/how-accurate-are-our-earliest-nt-manuscripts/
23-1-2022 • 19 minuten, 40 seconden
Did Paul Want to Please the Jerusalem Apostles? Guest Post by Richard Fellows (pt2); Jesus and the Son of Man
The first reading is a guest post published on Sept 26, 2021 by Richard Fellows about the beliefs of Paul, Peter, and James. In the second reading published Jan 21 2016 Dr. Ehrman discusses what Jesus may have meant when he referred to the “Son of Man.” Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/was-paul-really-at-odds-with-peter-and-james-guest-post-by-richard-fellows/ https://ehrmanblog.org/jesus-and-the-son-of-man/
15-1-2022 • 24 minuten, 19 seconden
How I Begin My Book on Revelation; Matthew's Ancient Approach to Scripture
In the first reading published Jan 6, 2022 Dr. Ehrman shares the opening to his latest trade book soon to be published. In the second reading published Jan 5, 2015, Dr. Ehrman responds to a question about Matthew’s failure to understand the clear meaning of scripture. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/how-i-begin-my-book-on-revelation/ https://ehrmanblog.org/matthews-ancient-approach-to-scripture/
9-1-2022 • 22 minuten, 30 seconden
Bart Behaving Badly: Podcasts on the Problem of Suffering; The Resurrection in Paul
In the first reading published Jan 2, 2021, Dr. Ehrman writes about his experience on some recent podcasts. In the second reading published Jan 3, 2016, Dr. Ehrman explains what Paul believes the Resurrection did to sin and death. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/bart-behaving-badly-podcasts-on-the-problem-of-suffering/ https://ehrmanblog.org/the-resurrection-in-paul/
2-1-2022 • 21 minuten, 36 seconden
Which King of the Jews Do You Prefer? Christmas Message, 2021; So Why Was the Letter of Barnabas Attributed to Barnabas
In the first reading published Dec 25, 2021, Dr. Ehrman talks about two different views of the King of the Jews. In the second reading published Dec 30, 2012, Dr. Ehrman gives an overview of Marcion as he sets up why he thinks a letter was attributed to Barnabas. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/which-king-of-the-jews-do-you-prefer-christmas-message-2021/ https://ehrmanblog.org/why-was-the-letter-of-barnabas-attributed-to-barnabas-for-members/
26-12-2021 • 18 minuten, 50 seconden
Terrific or Terrible? What's Your View of Christmas?; End of the Year Option?; Matthew's Genealogy, the Number 14
In the first reading published Dec 16, 2021, Dr. Ehrman asks for your view of Christmas. In the second reading published Dec 18, 2021, Dr. Ehrman discusses the charities supported by the blog. In the third reading published Dec 19, 2012 Dr. Ehrman speculates why there are 14 generations in Matthew’s genealogy. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/what-do-you-think-is-christmas-terrific-or-terrible/ https://ehrmanblog.org/end-of-the-year-option/ https://ehrmanblog.org/why-was-the-letter-of-barnabas-attributed-to-barnabas-for-members/
19-12-2021 • 17 minuten, 9 seconden
Did Paul Want to Please the Jerusalem Apostles? Guest Post by Richard Fellows;
The first reading published Sept 26, 2021 is a Guest Post by Richard Fellows pertaining to Pauls’ relationship to the Jerusalem Apostles. In the second reading published Dec 15 2013 Dr. Ehrman addresses historical mistakes in Resa Aslan’s Zealot. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/did-paul-want-to-please-the-jerusalem-apostles-guest-post-by-richard-fellows/ https://ehrmanblog.org/aslans-zealot-factual-mistakes-members/
12-12-2021 • 22 minuten, 31 seconden
An Article about Religious Studies by One of My Undergraduate Students; Reader's Mailbag: Is the New Testament Authentic?
In the first reading published Dec 2, 2021 Dr. Ehrman shares an op-ed from one of his students, Charlsie Doan. In the second reading published Dec 4, 2016 Dr. Ehrman responds to two blog members’ questions regarding a critique of him and the Sheep and Goats passage. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/an-article-about-religious-studies-by-one-of-my-undergraduate-students/ https://ehrmanblog.org/is-the-new-testament-authentic-readers-mailbag-december-4-2016/
6-12-2021 • 18 minuten, 12 seconden
A Humorous Take on Wealth From a Great Satire of Antiquity; Modern Interest in Apostolic Fathers
In the first reading (published Nov 21, 2021) Dr. Ehrman introduces the Cynic Lucian of Samosata. In the second reading (published Nov 18, 2015) Dr. Ehrman discusses how interest in the Church Fathers has evolved over the centuries. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/a-humorous-take-on-wealth-from-a-great-satire-of-antiquity/ https://ehrmanblog.org/modern-interest-in-the-apostolic-fathers-for-members/
27-11-2021 • 16 minuten, 58 seconden
Really Riled by O'Reilly; Jesus' Private Teachings about the King of the Jews
The first reading (post published Nov 16, 2021) Dr. Ehrman writes about Bill O’Reilly’s book Killing Jesus. In the second reading (post published Nov 23, 2016) Dr. Ehrman explains whether Jesus considered himself the Messiah. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/really-riled-by-oreilly/ https://ehrmanblog.org/jesus-private-teachings-about-the-king-of-the-jews/
21-11-2021 • 16 minuten, 56 seconden
Those Darn Demons! Guest Post by Douglas Wadeson; The Crucified Messiah in 1 Corinthians
The first reading is a Guest Post from Douglas Wadeson (post published Nov 3, 2021) addressing whether Jesus actually healed people. In the second reading (post published Oct 31, 2015) Dr. Ehrman writes about why most Jews rejected the Christian message following the crucifixion of Jesus. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/those-darn-demons-guest-post-by-douglas-wadeson/ https://ehrmanblog.org/the-crucified-messiah-in-1-corinthians/
14-11-2021 • 20 minuten, 9 seconden
Do I hold a Grudge against Bruce Metzger?; How Yahweh of the Israelites Became God of All: Guest Post by Dan Kohanski
The first reading (post published Oct 31, 2021) Dr. Ehrman ends his thread on his relationship with Bruce Metzger. The second reading (published Oct 26, 2021) is a guest post from Dan Kohanski about how Yahweh became the God of all. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/do-i-hold-a-grudge-with-bruce-metzger/ https://ehrmanblog.org/how-yahweh-of-the-israelites-became-god-of-all-guest-post-by-dan-kohanski/
7-11-2021 • 20 minuten, 41 seconden
Starting my New Trade Book on Revelation; Jesus as the Son of God in Mark
The first reading (post published Oct 21, 2021) Dr. Ehrman discusses why it is rare for scholars to write trade books. In the second reading (post published Oct 31, 2015) Dr. Ehrman points out who per Mark’s Gospel knows Jesus is the Son of God. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/starting-my-new-trade-book-on-revelation/ https://ehrmanblog.org/jesus-as-the-son-of-god-in-mark/
31-10-2021 • 17 minuten, 4 seconden
Special Announcement - Nov 7 2021 Webinar "Did Jesus Think He Was a Divine Being?"
A special announcement about a Webinar Dr. Ehrman will be hosting on Nov. 7 2021 at 3pm Eastern Time on the subject of whether Jesus thought he was a divine being. For more information, go to: https://www.bartdehrman.com/webinar
26-10-2021 • 3 minuten, 33 seconden
Knowing What Jesus Said and Did; The Arch-Heretic Marcion's Theology
The first reading (post published Oct 19, 2021) Dr. Ehrman explains how scholars determine what Jesus said and did. In the second reading (post published Oct 18, 2016) Dr. Ehrman shares what we know about Marcion’s views. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/knowing-what-jesus-said-and-did/ https://ehrmanblog.org/the-arch-heretic-marcions-theology/
24-10-2021 • 16 minuten, 40 seconden
What do I think of the New Revised Standard Version?; Anti-Judaism in the Gospels
In the first reading (post published Oct 2, 2021) Dr. Ehrman begins a thread on problems he has with the translation of the NRSV Bible, the best Biblical translation out there and one he worked on. In the second reading (post published Oct 16, 2012) Dr. Ehrman discusses the evolution of anti-judaism. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/what-do-i-think-of-the-new-revised-standard-version/ https://ehrmanblog.org/anti-judaism-in-the-gospels-for-members/
17-10-2021 • 17 minuten, 12 seconden
John Shelby Spong: In Memoriam; Are There Any Completely Anti-Heretical Manuscripts?
The first reading (post published Oct 9, 2021) Dr. Ehrman xxx the passing of John Shelby Spong. In the second reading (post published Oct 13, 2015) Dr. Ehrman answers a blog members’s question re the existence of manuscripts that are consistently anti-heretical. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/john-shelby-spong-in-memoriam/ https://ehrmanblog.org/are-their-any-completely-anti-heretical-manuscripts/
10-10-2021 • 19 minuten, 51 seconden
Why these Caricatures of the Old Testament God? Guest post by Amy-Jill Levine; Jesus and the Ten Commandments
The first reading (post published Sept 28, 2021) is a Guest Post by Amy-Jill Levine explaining why we sometimes think there are two contrasting Gods in the Old and New Testament. In the second reading (post published Oct 13, 2016) Dr. Ehrman begins a thread on Jesus’ relationship with the Jewish law. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/why-these-caricatures-of-the-old-testament-god-guest-post-by-amy-jill-levine/ https://ehrmanblog.org/jesus-and-the-ten-commandments/
3-10-2021 • 21 minuten, 51 seconden
Christian Stereotypes of "the God of the Old Testament." Marcion is Alive and Well and Well and 59/What to do About It. Guest Post by Marc Zvi Brettler; Faith, History, and Isaiah 7
The first reading (post published Sept 23, 2021) is a Guest Post by Scholar Marc Zvi Brettler about perceptions of God in the Old and New Testament. In the second reading (post published Sept 27, 2012) Dr. Ehrman responds to a blog member’s question about Isaiah predicting the virgin birth. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/christian-stereotypes-of-the-god-of-the-old-testament-marcion-is-alive-and-well-and-well-and-what-to-do-about-it-guest-post-by-marc-zvi-brettler/ https://ehrmanblog.org/faith-history-and-isaiah-7-for-members/
27-9-2021 • 18 minuten, 59 seconden
The Essence of Religious Literacy: A Christian Perspective. Guest Post by Fredrick Ackun; The Messy World of Second Century Gospels
The first reading (post published Aug 17, 2021) is a Guest Post by Platinum Blog Member Fredrick Ackun about religious literacy. In the second reading (post published Sept 9, 2016) Dr. Ehrman contemplates early gospel sources. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/the-essence-of-religious-literacy-a-christian-perspective-guest-post-by-fredrick-ackun/ https://ehrmanblog.org/messy-world-second-century-gospels/
18-9-2021 • 19 minuten, 17 seconden
On the Flipside: The Glorious Salvation of Saints in the Teachings of Jesus; The Rise of the Roman Empire
In the first reading (post published Sept 12, 2021) Dr. Ehrman sets forth Jesus’ view of what happens to the righteous after their death. In the second reading (post published Sept 9, 2016) Dr. Ehrman begins explaining the historical context of the Roman Emperor around the time of Jesus. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/on-the-flipside-the-glorious-salvation-of-saints-in-the-teachings-of-jesus/ https://ehrmanblog.org/the-rise-of-the-roman-empire/
13-9-2021 • 16 minuten, 52 seconden
Was Paul Really at Odds with Peter and James? Guest Post by Richard Fellows; Do Most Manuscripts Have the Original Text
In the first reading (post published Sept 2, 2021) is a guest post sharing his view about the beliefs of Peter and James. In the second reading (post published Sept 8, 2016) Dr. Ehrman explains why scholars once believed our earliest manuscripts were not as similar to the original manuscripts as more recent manuscripts. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/was-paul-really-at-odds-with-peter-and-james-guest-post-by-richard-fellows/ https://ehrmanblog.org/do-most-manuscripts-have-the-original-text/
6-9-2021 • 23 minuten, 5 seconden
Sin and Divine Punishment as a Dominant Theme of Scripture; What Do YOU Think? A Matter of Life and Death
In the first reading (post published August 26, 2021) Dr. Ehrman discusses God’s active role in suffering. In the second reading (post published August 21, 2021) Dr. Ehrman writes about a possible new blog feature. Join the blog at https://ehrmanb.log.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/sin-and-divine-punishment-as-a-dominant-theme-of-scripture/ https://ehrmanblog.org/what-do-you-think-a-matter-of-life-and-death/
29-8-2021 • 16 minuten, 34 seconden
Is This a God You Want to Worship? Some Horrors of Scripture; Jesus' Lack of Agony
In the first reading (post published August 15, 2021) Dr. Ehrman gives examples of how God deals expresses his anger in the Old Testament. In the second reading (post published August 21, 2015) Dr. Ehrman sets the stage for the bloody sweat passage in Luke. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of members+h ip goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/is-this-a-god-you-want-to-worship-some-horrors-of-scripture/ https://ehrmanblog.org/jesus-lack-of-agony/
23-8-2021 • 21 minuten, 20 seconden
According to the Prophet Amos; A Blog Event! Want to Join a Three-Week Book Club?
In the first reading (post published August 8, 2021) Dr. Ehrman writes about how Amos presents the wrath of God. In the second reading (post published August 14, 2021) Dr. Ehrman writes about an upcoming Book Club fundraiser for the blog. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of members+h ip goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/the-god-of-wrath-according-to-the-prophet-amos/ https://ehrmanblog.org/a-blog-event-want-to-join-a-three-week-blog-book-club/
16-8-2021 • 17 minuten, 46 seconden
My New View of the Book of Revelation; Did Luke Originally Have Chapters 1 and 2
In the first reading (post published August 5, 2021) Dr. Ehrman explains issues he faces in writing his upcoming book. In the second reading (post published August 13, 2013) Dr. Ehrman explains why scholars believe the first two chapters of Luke may have been added later. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/my-new-view-of-the-book-of-revelation/ https://ehrmanblog.org/did-luke-originally-have-chapters-1-2/
8-8-2021 • 21 minuten, 47 seconden
Were Cephas and Peter Two Different People; The Textual Problem of 1 Thessalonians 2:7
In the first reading (post published July 29, 2021) Dr. Ehrman begins addressing reasons for thinking Cephas and Peter were different people. In the second reading (post published August 10, 2015) Dr. Ehrman explains the difficulty with resolving a textual variant found in First Thessalonians. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/were-cephas-and-peter-two-different-people-a-blast-from-the-past/ https://ehrmanblog.org/the-textual-problem-of-1-thessalonians-27/
1-8-2021 • 24 minuten, 44 seconden
Nazi's and the Meaning of the Word Jew, Guest Post by Jason Staples; How Women Came to be Silenced
In the first reading (post published July 24, 2021) Jason Staples writes about his new book re historic use of the terms Israelite and Jew. In the second reading (post published August 2, 2013) Dr. Ehrman discusses the diminishing authority of women in the early Church. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/nazis-and-the-meaning-of-the-word-jew-guest-post-by-jason-staples/ https://ehrmanblog.org/how-women-came-to-be-silenced-for-members/
25-7-2021 • 21 minuten, 22 seconden
Does Revelation Contain an Eye Witness Account of the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Guest Post by James Tabor; Josephus's Clearest Claim about the Burial of Crucified Victims
In the first reading (post published July 15, 2021) James Tabors sets forth reasons for why he believes part of the Book or Revelation contains the eye witness account of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. In the second reading (post published July 29, 2014) Dr. Ehrman discusses a statement by Josephus pertaining to the burial of those crucified. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/does-revelation-contain-an-eyewitness-account-of-the-eruption-of-mount-vesuvius-guest-post-by-james-tabor/ https://ehrmanblog.org/josephuss-clearest-claim-about-the-burial-of-crucified-victims/
18-7-2021 • 28 minuten, 25 seconden
The Book of Revelation and the END. Starting at the Beginning; Some Questions on the Greek
In the first reading (post published July 6, 2021) Dr. Ehrman explains the contents of the Book of Revelation as he begins to write his new book on the Book of Revelation. In the second reading (post published July 18, 2012) Dr. Ehrman answers a blog member’s question about whether differing Greek dialect is used to date manuscripts. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/the-end-starting-at-the-beginning/ https://ehrmanblog.org/some-questions-on-the-greek-for-members/
12-7-2021 • 18 minuten, 49 seconden
Some Intriguing Questions about Jesus' Predictions and Mental Health; Metzger and Me, the Seminar on the Canon.
In the first reading (post published June 29, 2021) Dr. Ehrman answers two questions from blog members. In the second reading (post published July 11, 2012) Dr. Ehrmam discusses the impact of his seminar class with Bruce Metzger. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/some-intriguing-questions-about-jesus-predictions-and-mental-health/ https://ehrmanblog.org/autobiographical-metzger-and-me-the-seminar-on-the-canon-for-members/
5-7-2021 • 20 minuten, 38 seconden
Why My Book on Revelation Has Been Different to Write; When Was Matthew Called Matthew
In the first reading (post published June 20, 2021) Dr. Ehrman talks about his upcoming book on Revelation. In the second reading (post published June 24, 2013) Dr. Ehrman discusses when the Gospel of Matthew was named. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/why-my-book-on-revelation-has-been-different-to-write/ https://ehrmanblog.org/when-was-matthew-called-matthew-for-members/
28-6-2021 • 18 minuten, 5 seconden
The Issue of Tenure for Professors; Fundamentalists and the Variants in Our Manuscripts
In the first reading (post published June 13, 2021) Dr. Ehrman discusses why tenure is important and how one in his field gets it. In the second reading (post published June 20, 2014) Dr. Ehrmam addresses why fundamentalists should be concerned with the differences in our manuscripts. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/the-issue-of-tenure-for-professors/ https://ehrmanblog.org/fundamentalists-and-the-variants-in-our-manuscripts/
20-6-2021 • 20 minuten, 54 seconden
The Trinity! A Final Summation; Complications with Finding an Original Text
In the first reading (post published June 10, 2021) Dr. Ehrman concludes his thread on the Trinity. In the second reading (post published June 14, 2014) Dr. Ehrmam address the difficulties with finding an “original” letter of Paul. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/the-trinity-a-final-summation/ https://ehrmanblog.org/complications-with-finding-an-original-text/
13-6-2021 • 20 minuten, 33 seconden
The Spirit in the Life of Jesus; Q&A With Ben Witherington: Part 1
In the first reading (post published June 2, 2021) Dr. Ehrman discusses the presence of the Spirit in early Christianity. In the second reading (post published June 6, 2021) Dr. Ehrmam answers questions about his book, Did Jesus Exist? Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/the-spirit-in-the-life-of-jesus/ https://ehrmanblog.org/qa-with-ben-witherington-part-1-for-members/
7-6-2021 • 20 minuten, 36 seconden
Jesus According to the Christians: A Three Part Blog Lecture Series; New Discussion of Gnosticism
In the first reading (post published May 24, 2021) Dr. Ehrman invites you to a lecture series. In the second reading (post published May 27, 2014) Dr. Ehrmam begins a thread on Gnosticism. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/jesus-in-the-ancient-christian-imagination-a-three-part-blog-lecture-series/ https://ehrmanblog.org/new-discussion-of-gnosticism-for-members/
28-5-2021 • 16 minuten, 45 seconden
On Being an Agnostic. Or Atheist?; The Message of Jesus.
The first reading (post published May 23, 2021) Dr. Ehrman shares his definitions of agnostic and atheist. In the second reading (post published May 4, 2014) Dr. Ehrmam summarizes the heart of Jesus’ message. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/on-being-an-agnostic-or-atheist/ https://ehrmanblog.org/the-message-of-jesus/
23-5-2021 • 15 minuten, 59 seconden
Why the Spirit Mattered for Early Christians; Signs in the Gospel of John
In the first reading (post published May 16, 2021) Dr. Ehrman begins explaining the presence of the spirit in the Trinity. In the second reading (post published May 23, 2015) Dr. Ehrman discusses the differences in miracles/signs between the synoptics and John. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/why-the-spirit-mattered-for-the-earliest-christians/ https://ehrmanblog.org/signs-in-the-gospel-of-john/
17-5-2021 • 17 minuten, 44 seconden
The Council of Nicea and the Resulting View of Christ; Did the Gospels Originally Contain Miracle Stories?
The first reading (post published May 2, 2021) Dr. Ehrman explains what was decided at the Council of Nicea. In the second reading (post published May 21, 2012) Dr. Ehrmam explains why it is likely stories of Jesus’ miracles were part of the original Gospels. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/the-council-of-nicaea-and-the-resulting-view-of-christ/ https://ehrmanblog.org/did-the-gospels-originally-contain-miracle-stories/
9-5-2021 • 18 minuten, 10 seconden
You call *This* a Heresy? The Views of Arius, In His Own Words; Paul on Judas
The first reading (post published April 25, 2021) Dr. Ehrman sets forth a heretical position of the nature of Jesus prior to the Council of Nicea. In the second reading (post published May 23, 2013) Dr. Ehrmam sets forth what Paul knew about Jesus and Judas. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/the-actual-heretical-views-of-arius-in-his-own-words/ https://ehrmanblog.org/paul-on-judas-for-members/
2-5-2021 • 15 minuten, 4 seconden
What is "When Belief Dies" (by Sam Devis): Guest Post by.Sam Devis; Did Paul Invent the Resurrection?
The first reading (post published April 6, 2021) is from Sam Devis who reads posts for the blog and has a podcast “When Belief Dies.” In the second reading (post published Apr 23, 2014) Dr. Ehrmam begins a thread on Paul’s impact on Christianity. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/what-is-when-belief-dies-by-sam-devis-guest-post-by-sam-devis/ https://ehrmanblog.org/did-paul-invent-the-resurrection-for-members/
25-4-2021 • 20 minuten, 27 seconden
The Fear of Hell, Good Debaters, and the Name of God: Mailbag April 22, 2016; What do tectonic plates have to do with suffering
In the first reading (post published April 22, 2016) Dr. Ehrman responds to three questions from blog members. In the second reading (post published Apr 23, 2011) Dr. Ehrmam addresses an argument by Dinesh D’Souza for why there is suffering. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/what-do-tectonic-plates-have-to-do-with-suffering/ https://ehrmanblog.org/the-fear-of-hell-good-debaters-and-the-name-of-god-mailbag-april-22-2016/
18-4-2021 • 19 minuten, 56 seconden
Was Christ Human But Not Divine? Another Early Christian View; Modern Appearances of Jesus
In the first reading (post published Mar 13, 2021) Dr. Ehrman points out problems of early Church fathers criticizing earlier adoptionist views. In the second reading (post published Apr 15, 2014) Dr. Ehrmam details an alleged sighting of Jesus in the 1950s. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/other-christians-who-said-christ-was-not-fully-god/ https://ehrmanblog.org/modern-appearances-of-jesus-for-members/
11-4-2021 • 17 minuten, 19 seconden
The Value of Amulets for Reconstructing the New Testament Text: Gues Post by Brice Jones; My Memory Book, Chapter 4 Again: The Death of Jesus
The first reading (post published Mar 18, 2021) is a guest post from Brice Jones regarding Amulets and how they help with New Testament Reconstruction. In the second reading (post published Apr 15, 2015) Dr. Ehrmam writes about false memories and Jesus’ death. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/the-value-of-amulets-for-reconstructing-the-new-testament-text-guest-post-by-brice-jones/ https://ehrmanblog.org/my-memory-book-chapter-4-again-the-death-of-jesus/
4-4-2021 • 22 minuten, 49 seconden
Did Jesus Really Have a 'Triumphal Entry' into Jerusalem?; Jesus, Matthew, and the Law.
In the first reading (post published Mar 27, 2021) Dr. Erhman gives some background re Passover in Jerusalem and how Jesus entered. In the second reading (post published Mar 27, 2015) Dr. Ehrmam compares Matthew’s Gospel and Paul and whether followers of Jesus must follow the Jewish law. Also, info on the Ehrmanblog newsletter. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/did-jesus-really-have-a-triumphal-entry-into-jerusalem/ https://ehrmanblog.org/jesus-matthew-and-the-law/
28-3-2021 • 24 minuten, 42 seconden
Another weird event in my life that led me to be a research scholar; The Book of Acts: An Overview
In the first reading (post published Mar 6, 2021) Dr. Erhman discusses the second weird event (hepatitis) that led him to be a research scholar. In the second reading (post published Mar 21, 2016) Dr. Ehrmam gives an overview of the Book of Acts. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/another-weird-event-that/ https://ehrmanblog.org/the-book-of-acts-an-overview/
21-3-2021 • 19 minuten, 54 seconden
The Doctrine of the Trinity, Where We Are So Far; Do Paul and Jesus Represent Fundamentally Different Religions?
In the first reading (post published Mar 7, 2021) Dr. Erhman continues a thread on the Trinity. In the second reading (post published Mar 14, 2016) Dr. Ehrmam discusses student debates and the religious views of Paul and Jesus. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/the-doctrine-of-the-trinity-where-we-are-so-far/ https://ehrmanblog.org/do-paul-and-jesus-represent-fundamentally-different-religions/
14-3-2021 • 17 minuten, 54 seconden
In what Sense is Jesus God, in Mark Matthew and Luke, my change of mind; More on the Name Nazareth
In the first reading (post published Feb 28, 2021) Dr. Erhman writes about the differences of Jesus’ divinity between John’s Gospel and the Synoptic Gospels. In the second reading (post published March 3, 2015) Dr. Ehrmam addresses two arguments from mythicists that Nazareth did not exist. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/in-what-iuo-is-jesus-god-in-matthew-mark-and-luke-my-change-of-mind https://ehrmanblog.org/more-on-the-name-nazareth/
7-3-2021 • 18 minuten, 43 seconden
An Intriguing but Most Peculiar Book! Guest Post by Kristin Swenson; 666 The Number of the Beast
In the first reading (post published Feb 13, 2021) Kristin Swenson provides a guest post pertaining to her new book. In the second reading (post published Feb 18, 2013) Dr. Ehrmam explains why 666 is in the Book of Revelation. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/an-intriguing-but-most-peculiar-book-guest-post-by-kristin-swenson/ https://ehrmanblog.org/666-the-number-of-the-beast/
28-2-2021 • 21 minuten, 20 seconden
One of the Weird Events in My Life that Led Me To Be A Research Scholar; The Pre-Pauline Poem in Philippians.
In the first reading (post published Feb 13, 2021) Dr. Ehrman writes about how a Quest led him to be a research scholar. In the second reading (post published Feb 18, 2013) Dr. Ehrmam discusses evidence of a very very early early belief in incarnation Christology. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/one-of-the-weird-events-in-my-life-that-led-me-to-be-a-research-scholar/ https://ehrmanblog.org/the-pre-pauline-poem-in-philippians-2-for-members/
21-2-2021 • 19 minuten, 29 seconden
One on one Q and A with Dr. Ehrman re Paul's disagreement with a teaching of Peter and James
The week’s podcast is of a question and answer session I had with Dr. Ehrman on the topic of a disagreement Paul had with a teaching of Peter and James. We discuss the source of this disagreement, its content, why they disagreed, and on which side of the disagreement, if any, Jesus would have sided. Dr. Ehrman gives several opportunities for blog members to have their own Q & A with him and to not miss out on an opportunity, make sure you frequently check posts on the blog. You can also become a member of the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and have access to about 2500 posts in the blog archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity.
14-2-2021 • 30 minuten, 42 seconden
Jesus, Mary Magadalene, and...Sexual Innuendos?; Are Group Hallucinations Possible? The Case of Mary
In the first reading (post published Jan 31, 2021) Dr. Ehrman answers a blog member’s question about the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene as portrayed in the Gospel of Philip and the Da Vinci Code. In the second reading (post published Feb 9, 2016) Dr. Ehrmam presents stories of group hallucinations. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/jesus-mary-magadalene-and-sexual-innuendos/ https://ehrmanblog.org/are-group-hallucinations-possible-the-case-of-mary/
7-2-2021 • 20 minuten
My Materialist View of the World; Q & A about Jesus Before the Gospels, Part 1
In the first reading (post published Jan 26, 2021) Dr. Ehrman explains his view of the world and compares the reason for his “belief” with those who believe in God. In the second reading (post published Feb 5, 2016) Dr. Ehrmam answers 4 questions about his book Jesus Before the Gospels. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/my-materialist-view-of-the-world/ https://ehrmanblog.org/q-a-about-jesus-before-the-gospels-part-1/
31-1-2021 • 22 minuten, 22 seconden
Want to Hear Me Give a Live Lecture?; Jesus and Marriage, an Actual Argument
In the first reading (post published Jan 21, 2021) Dr. Ehrman invites you to watch him record two of his lectures for his Intro to New Testament class. In the second reading (post published Jan 27, 2014) Dr. Ehrmam presents reasons for believing Jesus was not married during his ministry. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/want-to-hear-me-give-a-live-lecture/ https://ehrmanblog.org/jesus-marriage-actual-argument-members/
23-1-2021 • 14 minuten, 19 seconden
The Blog Year in Review, 2020; Is Repentance a Biblical Idea? Interview with David Lambert
In the first reading (post published Dec 31, 2020) Dr. Ehrman sums up the changes and successes of the last year of the blog. In the second reading (post published Jan 19, 2016) David Lambert answers questions pertaining to his book about the Bible and repentance. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/the-blog-year-in-review-2020/ https://ehrmanblog.org/is-repentance-a-biblical-idea-interview-with-david-lambertb/
17-1-2021 • 22 minuten, 17 seconden
Is the Trinity in the Bible?; The Invention of Heaven and Hell
In the first reading (post published Jan 6, 2021) Dr. Ehrman begins a thread about the doctrine of the Trinity. In the second reading (post published Jan 13, 2013) Dr Ehrman answers a blog member’s question about Christianity’s origin in a belief of heaven and hell. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/is-the-trinity-in-the-bible/ https://ehrmanblog.org/the-invention-of-heaven-and-hell-for-members/
10-1-2021 • 20 minuten, 10 seconden
Want To See My New Book Manuscript? A Blog Fundraiser; Pauls' Gospel and Marcion
In the first reading (post published Dec 26, 2020) Dr. Ehrman invites you to read his new manuscript and help raise money for charity while doing so. In the second reading (post published Jan 6, 2013) Dr Ehrman explains whether Paul had a copy of a Gospel, as Marcion alleges. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/want-to-see-my-new-book-manuscript-a-blog-fundraiser/ https://ehrmanblog.org/pauls-gospel-and-marcion-for-members/
3-1-2021 • 14 minuten, 8 seconden
Christmas 2020; Reader's Mailbag, Sophia, non-apocalyptic Christianity, John the Baptist.
In the first reading (post published Dec 25, 2020) Dr. Ehrman writes about the Christian message during these difficult times. In the second reading (post published Jan 2, 2016) Dr Ehrman answers blog member questions about the divinity of Sophia, the rise of non-apocalyptic Christianity, and non-Christian evidence for John the Baptist. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/christmas-2020/ https://ehrmanblog.org/readers-weekly-mailbag-january-2-2016/
27-12-2020 • 20 minuten, 36 seconden
Is Suffering a Problem for Those Who Suffer? The Virgin Birth and the Gospel of John
In the first reading (post published Dec 12, 2020) Dr. Ehrman wraps up a thread on suffering. In the second reading (post published Dec 28, 2014) Dr Ehrman writes about whether Jesus’s birth in John is of a virgin. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/the-virgin-birth-and-the-gospel-of-john/ https://ehrmanblog.org/is-suffering-a-problem-for-those-who-suffer/
20-12-2020 • 18 minuten, 45 seconden
Are You Interested in a Platinum Membership?; Aslan's Zealot: To Start With.
In the first reading (post published Dec 8, 2020) Dr. Ehrman writes about the benefits of being a Platinum Member of the blog. In the second reading (post published Dec 13, 2013) Dr Ehrman begins a series of posts on Resa Aslan’s book Zealot. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/are-you-interested-in-a-platinum-membership/ https://ehrmanblog.org/aslans-zealot-start-members/
13-12-2020 • 20 minuten, 31 seconden
Paul Dictated His Letters: How Does THAT Complicate Finding an Original?; A Third View of Jesus' Body at the Resurrection.
In the first reading (post published Dec 3, 2020) Dr. Ehrman discusses the difficulties in determining what is an “original” NT document. In the second reading (post published Dec 1, 2013) Dr Ehrman explains Jesus’ resurrected body as viewed by Luke and John. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/paul-dictated-his-letters-how-does-that-complicate-finding-an-original/ https://ehrmanblog.org/third-view-jesus-body-resurrection-members/
6-12-2020 • 18 minuten, 9 seconden
A Fund-Raising Webinar: What Can We Really Know about the Birth of Jesus??; Why was the Gospel of Mark Attributed to Mark?
In the first reading (post published Nov 27, 2020) Dr. Ehrman explains how to get your bid in for a fund-raising webinar. In the second reading (post published Dec 5, 2014) Dr Ehrman provides reasons why the Gospel of Mark was named Mark. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/a-fund-raising-webinar-what-can-we-really-know-about-the-birth-of-jesus/ https://ehrmanblog.org/why-was-the-gospel-of-mark-attributed-to-mark/
29-11-2020 • 14 minuten, 49 seconden
Oh Ignorant Critics.; The Collection: Apostolic Fathers.definitions
In the first reading (post published Nov 20, 2020) Dr. Ehrman writes about some feedback he received from a critic. In the second reading (post published Nov 17, 2012) Dr Ehrman writes about the writings of the Apostolic Fathers. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/at-least-dont-be-ignorant/ https://ehrmanblog.org/the-collection-apostolic-fathers-for-members/
22-11-2020 • 19 minuten, 45 seconden
Interested in Volunteering for the Blog?; Thomas and the Other Gospels
In the first reading (post published Nov 8, 2020) Dr. Ehrman discusses volunteer opportunities on the blog. In the second reading (post published Nov 16, 2012) Dr Ehrman sets forth Mark Goodacre’s belief that the Gospel of Thomas relied on the Synoptics. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/interested-in-volunteering-for-the-blog/ https://ehrmanblog.org/thomas-and-the-other-gospels-for-members/
15-11-2020 • 14 minuten, 14 seconden
Why do Some People Make Such Bad Arguments for the Superiority of their Religion?; Our Anonymous Gospels, Starting with Luke
In the first reading (post published Nov 2, 2020) Dr. Ehrman rejects a common argument for one’s religion. In the second reading (post published Oct 14, 2014) Dr Ehrman discusses the author of Luke. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/why-do-some-people-make-such-bad-arguments-for-the-superiority-of-their-religion/ https://ehrmanblog.org/our-anonymous-gospels-starting-with-luke/
8-11-2020 • 21 minuten, 49 seconden
The Original Blog Post!! Misquoting Misquoting Jesus; The Jewish Messiah
In the first reading (published Oct 22, 2020) Dr. Ehrman reposts his very first blog post for the upgraded blog. In the second reading (post published Nov 4, 2015) Dr Ehrman discusses the history of the Jewish Messiah. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/the-original-blog-post-misquoting-misquoting-jesus/ https://ehrmanblog.org/the-jewish-messiah/
1-11-2020 • 23 minuten, 39 seconden
What Happens When Your Beliefs Contradict What You Have to Teach?"; The Gospels and the Existence of Jesus
In the first reading (post published Oct 21, 2020) Dr. Ehrman answers a blog member’s question about teaching what you don’t believe. In the second reading (post published Oct 27, 2016) Dr Ehrman discusses early evidence supporting Jesus really existed. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/what-happens-when-your-beliefs-contradict-what-you-have-to-teach-readers-mailbag/ https://ehrmanblog.org/the-gospels-and-the-existence-of-jesus/
25-10-2020 • 23 minuten, 24 seconden
A Major Blog Announcement; The Arch-Heretic Marcion, Jesus, and the Jewish Law
In the first reading (post published Oct 9, 2020) Dr. Ehrman discusses the blog upgrade. In the second reading (post published Oct 16, 2016) Dr Ehrman explains how some early Christians viewed Jesus’ relationship to the Old Testament. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity.
18-10-2020 • 18 minuten, 34 seconden
Hard Evidence that the Book of Acts was Written by an Eyewitness; Anti-Judaism in the Gospel of Luke
In the first reading (post published Oct 4, 2020) Dr. Ehrman addresses an archeological/geographical argument that has been used to support the authenticity of Acts. In the second reading (post published Oct 8, 2015) Dr Ehrman explains why Luke is not supportive of all the Jews. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/hard-evidence-that-the-book-of-acts-was-written-by-an-eyewitness/ https://ehrmanblog.org/anti-judaism-in-the-gospel-of-luke/
11-10-2020 • 23 minuten, 14 seconden
Why Believe in God; Christians Charged as Perverts and Criminals
In the first reading (post published Oct 2, 2020) Dr. Ehrman explains his difficulty with those who give God as the answer to things we haven’t yet been able to explain. In the second reading (post published Oct 7, 2012) Dr Ehrman shares Fronto’s, tutor of emperor Marcus Aurelius, disparaging remarks about mid-second century Christians. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/why-believe-in-god/ https://ehrmanblog.org/christians-charged-as-perverts-and-criminals-for-members/
4-10-2020 • 18 minuten, 40 seconden
Reader's Mailbag Sept 25, 2016: Debate with a Mythicist! And the Book of Revelation; Jesus Getting Angry
In the first reading (post published Sept 15, 2016) Dr. Ehrman answers two blog member questions pertaining to an upcoming debate and where Revelation fits in with the deapocalypticism of Jesus. In the second reading (post published Sept 21, 2013) Dr Ehrman discusses Jesus’ anger in Mark. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/debate-with-a-mythicist-and-the-book-of-revelation-readers-mailbag-september-25-2016/ https://ehrmanblog.org/jesus-getting-angry-members/
27-9-2020 • 20 minuten, 38 seconden
Gospel Questions and Problems; The Ebionites and their Gospel
In the first reading (post published Sept 13, 2020) Dr. Ehrman gives answer to three NT trivia questions he asked his undergraduate students on day one of class. In the second reading (post published Sept 13, 2013) Dr Ehrman shares what we know about the Gospel of the Ebionites. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/gospel-questions-and-problems/ https://ehrmanblog.org/ebionites-gospel-members/
20-9-2020 • 18 minuten, 27 seconden
An Unusual Podcast Interview with a Muslim about How I Debate. Check This One Out!; Jesus Going to His Death in Luke
In the first reading (post published Sept 11, 2020) Dr. Ehrman shares a Muslim podcast he was interviewed on that he thinks you would enjoy. In the second reading (post published Sept 9, 2012) Dr Ehrman points out instances where Luke changes Mark’s version of Jesus’ death. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/sultans-and-sneakers-podcast-006-ehrman-on-debating/ https://ehrmanblog.org/jesus-going-to-his-death-in-luke-for-members/
13-9-2020 • 13 minuten, 56 seconden
Paul's Ascent to Paradise, Guest Post James Tabor; Does James Contradict Paul?
The first reading (post published August 23, 2020) is a Guest Post from Prof. James Tabor re the republishing of his book “Paul’s Ascent to Paradise.” In the second reading (post published Sept 4, 2016) Dr Ehrman explains why Paul and James view of justification by faith/words may not be contradictory. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/pauls-ascent-to-paradise-guest-post-by-james-tabor/ https://ehrmanblog.org/does-james-contradict-paul/
6-9-2020 • 22 minuten, 53 seconden
At Last! Jesus and the Son of Man; Another Take on Jesus' Existence
The first reading (post published August 23, 2020) Dr. Ehrman summarizes his view on Jesus and Jesus’ relation to the Son of Man. In the second reading (post published August 30, 2012) Dr Ehrman explains why scholars don’t respond to questions re whether Jesus actually existed. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/at-last-jesus-and-the-son-of-man/ https://ehrmanblog.org/another-take-on-jesus-existence/
30-8-2020 • 15 minuten, 44 seconden
A 'Newly Discovered''Gospel': Was Jesus Married with Children?; Were Jesus' followers armed?
The first reading (post published February 2, 2020) is a republished guest post from Bob Cargill regarding a then recent book claiming evidence was discovered that Jesus was married. In the second reading (post published August 26, 2016) Dr Ehrman responds to a blog member who asks about the historicity of Jesus’ disciples being armed at Gethesame. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/a-newly-discovered-gospel-was-jesus-married-with-children-2/ https://ehrmanblog.org/were-jesus-and-his-followers-armed
23-8-2020 • 33 minuten, 33 seconden
A Podcast of Interest to You! Guest Post by Ian Mills and Laura Robinson; When I First Realized the Importance of Textual Criticism: The Bloody Sweat
The first reading (post published August 14, 2020) is a guest post from Ian Mills and Laura Robinson about their New Testament Review podcast. In the second reading (post published August 20, 2015) Dr Ehrman explains how the bloody sweat passage shined a light on the importance of textual criticism. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/a-podcast-of-interest-to-you-guest-post-by-ian-mills-and-laura-robinson/ https://ehrmanblog.org/when-i-first-realized-the-importance-of-textual-criticism-the-bloody-sweat/
16-8-2020 • 19 minuten, 1 seconde
The Opening Section of the Gospel of Judas; Male Domination in Antiquity
In the first reading (post published August 7, 2020) Dr. Ehrman translates the opening section of the Gospel of Judas. In the second reading (post published August 1, 2013) Dr Ehrman discusses why men believed they were superior to women and their roles in antiquity. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/the-opening-section-of-the-gospel-of-judas/ https://ehrmanblog.org/male-domination-antiquity-members/
9-8-2020 • 16 minuten, 41 seconden
Why Would An Atheist Teach the Bible? Readers' Mailbag; A Intentional Change in Mark 15:34
In the first reading (post published July 19, 2020) Dr. Ehrman responds to two questions pertaining to why atheists teach the bible? In the second reading (post published August 2, 2015) Dr Ehrman discusses the original wording of Mark 15:34 “My God My God Why have you forsaken me?” Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/why-would-an-atheist-teach-the-bible-readers-mailbag/ https://ehrmanblog.org/an-intentional-change-in-mark-1534/
2-8-2020 • 21 minuten, 20 seconden
Did Paul Really Think "All Israel Will Be Saved?" Guest Post by Jason Staples; Jesus' Association with Women
The first reading (post published July 24, 2020) is a guest post by adjunct professor Jason Staples about a confusing statement made by Paul. In the second reading (post published July 28, 2013) Dr Ehrman addresses whether women were associated with Jesus’ ministry. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/did-paul-really-think-all-israel-will-be-saved-guest-post-by-jason-staples/ https://ehrmanblog.org/jesus-association-with-women-for-members/
26-7-2020 • 21 minuten, 44 seconden
New Book on Museum of the Bible: Guest Post by the Editors Jill Hicks-Keaton and Cavan Concannon; Paul the Persecutor and the Historical Jesus
The first reading (post published July 13, 2020) is a guest post by editors Jill Hicks-Keaton and Cavan Concannon on their book about the Museum of the Bible. In the second reading (post published July 20, 2012) Dr Ehrman answers a blog member’s question whether Paul knew of the historical Jesus when Jesus was crucified. Join the blog at https://ehrmanblog.org/ and read up to 6 new posts each week and every post in the archives. Your entire minimal cost of membership goes to charity. https://ehrmanblog.org/new-book-on-museum-of-the-bible-guest-post-by-the-editors-jill-hicks-keaton-and-cavan-concannon/ https://ehrmanblog.org/paul-the-persecutor-and-the-historical-jesus-for-members/