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The "B" Word Profile

The "B" Word

English, Education, 1 season, 106 episodes, 3 days, 7 hours, 7 minutes
Talk/Music show that promotes the education of the community through engaging topics that focus on helping veterans BATTLE the system and advocates for the repair of BROKEN processes that keep Veterans from getting the help and support they need. We also showcase independent artists and their music .
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The Personal Battle Buddy - How to start my transition out of the military!

Join the Personal Battle Buddy this Monday to talk about the tools and knowledge that Veterans need in order to successfully transition out of the military to civilian life.  Many servicemembers either do not know what to do, how to do it, or when to do it.  They also do not properly utilize the transition programs that are in place to assist in a smooth transition.  This show will also focus on the gaps in the transition process and ways and tips to either narrow the gap or close the gap completely.  If you are transitioning soon...or even if you are not transitioning (eventually you will), this is the show for you.  Make sure you share this will all your Veteran and service member friends that may benefit from this topic.
3/6/201747 minutes
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Personal Development. The do's and don'ts on the road personal development.

Are you one of those individuals that is constantly trying to be better, do better, have better?  You are probably always buying personal develpment materials to either read or listen to, or maybe both.  If that is you, you need to listen in today!  We are going to talk about the proper ways to go about personal development so that you are not spending a lot of money and time on things that do not add value!
2/18/201633 minutes
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Watch out! The ones closest to you may be willing participants in your failures.

As always, most of my shows have to do with experiences that I have dealt with.  Recently, I had a close friend who had a situation occur between her and someone that she trusted.  This individual was someone that she looked up to and also felt as if they were a mentor.  This is the very individual that let her down.  How do you recognize these individuals.  What to do to minimize these types of people in your life.  Does it mean you have to get rid of them or can they still serve a purpose?  We will also talk about managing the situation after you recognize these type of people in your life and how you can still come out on top!
2/17/20161 hour
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Pet Stories! Our Fur Babies and Us!

Our fur babies mean the world to us and are just like family in most cases...sometimes they mean more than family, lol!  Nevertheless, they are a big responsibility and take time, love and attention in order for them to thrive in the home environment.  Recently we brought home two 8week old King Charles Cavaliers...why on earth did we think having two puppies at the same time as a good idea.  Needless to say, nights have been really short around our house and the days really long.  Listen in to our stories, talk about your own stories and find out the best ways to manage your new environment.
2/16/201658 minutes
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Black far have we really come?

February is Black History month.  As the month begins to move forward...I was recently asked a question of whether or not we are making in strides in expanding the knowledge base on Black History?  Are we better or worse off than we have been in the past?  Do we need to make changes...and, if so, what changes and how can they be made?  With the current state of race relations in our this even a feasible idea?  If you have a in and share!
2/12/20161 hour, 1 minute
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Network vs. Getting Worked...Know the difference.

So many groups claim that they are networking when in reality....they are generally just trying to work over the other people in the group.  Are you one of the worked or the workers or are you truly operating in the spirit of what networking is all about?
2/11/20161 hour, 4 minutes
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Dream Stealers!

So many times we give up on our dreams and many times it's because there are people out there in our circles that are convincing you to do so.  Do you have someone (or someones, lol) that are feeding you negative information on why you should give up on those dreams that you've had for so long?  Then it's time to do something about it.  First, you actually have to recognize what these people look like and develp ways on how to deal with them.
2/9/20161 hour
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Manic Monday....Superbowl, and much more!

Today, join us as we discuss the weekend events and whatever else we come up with on this Manic Monday!
2/8/20161 hour
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Sacrifice now for a greater reward later.

Today we are going to be talking about what it means to pay now for a greater reward later.  Some of us are so caught up on the here and now that we miss the prviliege of the journey and therefore we miss out on what life has to offer.  Our culture and society has been conditioned to look for instant gratification and I will tell you that in most cases...that means stagnation.  When we do not look to the future we can get caught not preparing for it and thus not having one.  Yes, it is important to live for today...but what if tomorrow comes...are you ready!
2/5/20161 hour
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Changing your circle: What to change your life? Change the people around you.

Have you ever wondered why you keep ending up in the same circumstance?  Why you can never seem to get past a certain point?  The reason could be the circle of friends that you find yourself in.  Often times, your situation or predicament is a direct reflection of the individuals that you surround yourself with.  Find out how changing your circle can begin to change your life.
2/4/20161 hour
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Manic Monday....Iowa Caucus, weekend events, and much more!

Tune in today as we talk about the Iowa Caucus, what happened over the weekend and much more!  It's Manic Monday and we are going to be talking about any and everything to get your week started off right!
2/1/201655 minutes
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B2B Etiquette. How should you treat other businesses you collaborate with.

Have you ever done business with another business and found the interation was less than desirable.  Have you been the one on the giving end of this bad behavior.  Learn how to interact with other businesses when conducting your day to day operations and learn why it is so important to treat other businesses just as well as your customers...why?  Well, they ARE your customers too
1/29/20161 hour
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The only way to succeed is to fail.

Today's topic came about because I had a conversation with a friend yesterday and her question to me was "Can I do this, it seems like a lot".  Well, listen in and find out what this question was in reference to, why she was feeling doubt in herself and her abilities and what my advice and recommendation is to anyone who is questioning their own abilities to "do" something, "be" something, "make" something happen.  
1/28/201658 minutes
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Business Basics...What you need to know to start a business.

Today we will be talking everything business.  How to get started.  Things to think about.  Pitfalls.  You don't want to miss this show.  
1/26/20161 hour
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2016 and Living for Purpose

As the first month of January begins to come to a close.  I've been asking I living my I know what that is?  Or, am I just aimlessly wandering around...or am I trying to fit something into my life that was not destined for me.  Today, we are going to talk about how to determine what your purpose is and how to live purposely.  Plus, lots of great music and talk.  Don't miss it!
1/25/20161 hour, 1 minute
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Fad Diets, Cleansing, HCG shots, etc....we can't commit to healthy lifestyle.

Have you ever wanted to change your life and just commit to living a healthy lifestyle but instead decided that jumping on the bandwagon of fad options is better.  Did you find lasting results?  Did you find that you felt worse instead of better?  How has your thinking about health changed since your decision?  Were/are/have you been succesful?  Do you believe that the choices you make in an effort to be healthy is a component of how you feel about yourself?  Let's talk about it today on this Talk About It Thursday!
1/21/20161 hour
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Cancer Sucks!

Today, I will share my personal story of how my life has most recently been affected by this horrible thing called Cancer.  Why don't we have a fix for this yet?  What can we do as individuals to reduce our chances?  Why do some people get Cancer for no apparent reason?  We are going to explore this topic in detail today.  If you, or you know anyone that has been affected and you want to share your story or experience, listen in and call in to share.
1/20/20161 hour
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For the our Pageant Ladies: Tips to help you stay organized pageant week

Are you one of those ladies that waits until the last minute to get prepared for your pageant.  Well, take it from two pageant Queens...we can give you some really helpful tips and information to make your pageant week a little less stressful.  These are also tips that you can transition over into your daily lives so everyone can tune in to listen how to keep yourself a little more organized when preparing for that major event!
1/19/20161 hour
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MLK Day Talks - What Contribution would people have said you made after you die?

As we recognize MLK Jr. on this day, we would like to ask the question of what would people say you contributed to society after you die?  Have you made an impact in people's lives?  If you had to tell the story about yourself to the next generation, what would you say?  As we know, Martin Luther King, Jr. made a hue impact in history and whether people agree with his actions or not, supported him or not, it remains that years later, he is recognized for his accomplishments.  Will you be recognized for yours?
1/18/20161 hour
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Black and White Friday

Since the recent release of the Oscar nominations, there has been an outcry by the Black community and the rehashing of the #Oscarsowhite hashtag.  This continued snubbing it seems of the minority population in this inudstry is reflective of the lack of diversity in many other areas of socity and the treatment of Blacks across the country.  Do you think that this trend reflects the overall current sentiment about minorities in this country?  Call in and let us know what you think.
1/15/201659 minutes
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A Whole Bunch of Stuff and then some!

Tune in with my special in stuido guest host!
1/14/20161 hour, 1 minute
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Passive Friendships...what do they look like? Are you a passive friend?

Over the last last year and into the new year I have noticed a growing trend...the growth of what I call "passive friendship" or "passive relationships".  I've been taking notes and just watching and learning and now I'm ready to speak about it.  Find out if you have passive friendships in your life or if you yourself are that passive friend.
1/13/20161 hour
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How to Win Powerball; Women in Business; Relationship Woes and Goals!

With the PowerBall drawing coming up and because it has hit a record high, I thought it would be fun to talk about how to increase your chances on winning according to the experts.  We will also be talking about women in business and what are relationship woes and goals!  Tune don't want to miss it!
1/12/201657 minutes
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Golden Globes, Political Agenda and much more...

Please join us as we cover the hottest topics and events on Monday!
1/11/20161 hour, 1 minute
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Tackling the bureaucracy of the Veteran's Administration to obtain your benefits

The story is the same for many Veterans that have completed their enlistment in the military or retired and are now seeking to receive their benefits for disabilities connected to their combat service.  Many Veterans are frustrated with the process, the delay and often times the denial of those benefits when sufficient evidence exists to award compensation.  Tackling the system can be a daunting process, but they're are options.  Listen in to get help and learn of resources that can make the journey to benefits a little less painful.
1/8/20161 hour
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The Bill Cosby Conspiracy

Lately the news has focused on the sexual assualt allegations presented by various women against Bill Cosby.  His lawyer maintains Bill Cosby's innocence but the media and public have seemingly already condemed him for allegations not yet proven.  What are your thoughts on this matter and do you believe it's all a "conspiracy theory" that is being used to destroy the history and credibility of yet another Black man?
1/7/20161 hour
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Encore Presentation with Boom2G

This is a special Encore Presentation of an interview I did with Boom2G.  This is in dedication to him reaching out to me on my birthday with such a kind message!  Thank you...I really appreicate your words!  Loved our interview!
10/1/201559 minutes
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Pageant Life - Finding that perfect dress...does it exist?

Ever been in a pageant?  Then you know the woes of trying to find that perfect pageant dress.  The one that is going to set you apart for the rest.  Well, here are some awesome tips on how to make this task "somewhat" easier and relieve some of the stress!
9/30/201533 minutes
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It's My Birthday! Having Fun my Way! Libras stand up!

Join me today as I enjoy and explore my birthday with you.  I will be shouting out everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday today so far!  I will also be providing some fun and interesting facts about my birthday!  I will also play some get to know me trivia, if you think you know me, listen in or call in and we will see if you REALLY know me!  This is just going to be a super fun day for my birthday!
9/29/20151 hour
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Exclusive Interview with Super Producer James Worthy!

Super Producer/Songwriter & Model James Worthy is one of the biggest breakout producers in the industry. Worthy has taught himself all the tips & trades when it comes to creating a masterpiece within his musical ability. Accompanying his musical flexibility, James has credits with various artists such as: Truth Hurts, Bobby Brown Jr, Arrested Development, Dave Tolliver of Men At Large, Sara Stokes, Robin S, Sybil, Headkrack of Ricky Smiley, and so many more. With notable hits such as: Truth Hurts - Fight 4 Love, & Sara Stokes - Sneak Peek.
9/28/201554 minutes
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Encore interview with "Journey to Love" Independent Artist Nu

I really loved this interview and I love showcasing artist.  This was one of my favorites because the music was awesome.
9/25/201541 minutes
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Encore Episode of Conversations with soul stirring artist-Ayron Michael

During this interview, Ayron was debuting his new CD titled "Unleashed".  Listen to the inspiring sotry of his journey, his musical style and what things he had in store for his listners.  
9/24/201548 minutes
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ATL Hoodwood or next Hollywood - Encore Show with R&B Artist Dave Tolliver

Since this week is dedicated to going in the archives...I decided to pull one out that was a very popular show.  With the Emmy's airing this week at an all time low even with historical moments, it dawned on me that not only are Black Female actors not really getting the roles they deserved, but there are a lot of Atlanta actors, Black and White, that are not getting substantial roles even though many movies are being filmed here.  Why is that?  Extra roles are plentiful, but when it comes to those principal roles...those are still reserved for Hollywood Actors.  This conversation touched on those very issues.
9/23/201548 minutes
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Encore Interview with Model/Actor/Combat Veteran Kineh N' gaojia!

Don't miss this exciting interview with Kineh N'Gaojia and hear his amazing story!
9/22/20151 hour, 2 minutes
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Encore show of interview with the real "Rick Ross" - Freeway Rick Ross

Check out this Encore interview with the Real Rick Ross.
9/21/201553 minutes
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Child prodigies...Black versus white...and do they push children too far?

I had the opportunity to meet a very interesting young man last night at the 2015 Rice Awards in Atlanta.  His name was Adrian Romoff.  Listen in to hear his story and then discuss whether or not parenting of child prodigies crosses the line of pushing children too far to fast or are these children born into greatness.
9/18/201558 minutes
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Encore show of discussions with R&B Artist Dave Tolliver and Author Kim Brown

Check out the interview I did with R&B Sensation Mr. Dave Tolliver.  This was a really fun interview.  His album is out right now on ITunes.  Check out this interview and download his album titled "Something Like the Greatest".  Also check him out on Facebook and Instagram, Twitter and Periscope so that you can keep up to date with what he has going on these days.  Also had the pleasure of speaking with Author Kim Brown.  Great conversations!
9/17/20151 hour
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Encore Presentation of Group Economics

I recorded this show over 2 years ago, but unfortunately it is still very relevant today.  If you look at the state of the community now and then...the condition is still very volatile.  Community relations with the government and with police has continued to diminish.  How can we turn this situation around?  Will we ever turn it around?  Will we continue to be blinded by our own selfish desires?  Tune in to hear my perspective on this very important topic.
9/16/201558 minutes
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Door to Door Evangelism - Is this an effective method of spreading the Word?

Join the B Word as we discuss this controversial method of spreading the "Word".  Is the door to door method of preaching/teaching effective or do these individuals turn away more individuals than draw them to their belief system.  I will discuss my own experience with these door-to-door pitchmen and offer my own views and opinions on how effective this method of spreading the "Word" is to me.  The B Word welcomes your views and opinions as well!
9/15/201558 minutes
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Listen in to a pre-recorded show done with Production Guru James Barber

Check out a one of the B-words previous shows that talks about production and everything that goes into it.
9/14/201550 minutes
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Remembering 9/11

A short tribute show to remember 9/11.  Do you remember where you were?  Take a moment to just remember and reflect with The B Word.
9/11/201521 minutes
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Dealing with the death of a Fur child.

For some, losing a pet is like losing a family member.  Usually, only those who have experience in this area, really know how it feels to lose a furry friend.  Today, I will be sharing my story of the passing of my best furry friend and how I cope with the loss every day...and how I sometimes still breakdown on some days.  Feel free to call in and share your own stories about your furry friends.
9/10/20151 hour
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Spirituality Versus Religion - Is there a difference? Which do you practice?

Some belive that spirituality and religion are different and some believe that you cannot have one without the other.  Do you consider youself one or the other or do you believe they both mean the same thing?  In the wake of the current issues with same sex marriages and the protection of religious freedoms while executing a public office...does there need to be separation of church and state or should any and everyone be able to practice their religion regardless of the outcome?
9/9/201554 minutes
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Internet Dating and the Catfish!

Internet dating has become somewhat of a norm in today's society.  Have you ever dated from the Internet and if so, did you get what you bargained for.  There are so many things that can go wrong when dating not just in person but also from the Internet.  We will be discussing those topics and more today!
9/8/20151 hour
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Wedding Day: The Do's and Don'ts for the Brides and Grooms to be

Learn how to have the wedding you want and what to do and not to do to prepare for that special day
9/7/201559 minutes
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Learn how to travel on a budget: The frugal traveler's guide!

Learn the tips of the most experienced traveler's.  Learn how to make your dollars go farther and get more.  Learn the tricks to get those much wanted upgrades...and so much more!
9/4/20151 hour
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Making your mark as an artist in the music Industry.

Making a mark on the music industry is not an easy task.  Some try all their life and never get the momentum or recognition that they want or deserve.  Listen in to find out what things can ruin your chances of ever finding success and what things that can help move you forward in this industry
9/3/201559 minutes
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Mental Health in the Black Community

According to the US HHS Office of Minorty Health, adult Blacks are 20 percent more likely to report serious psychological distress than adult whites.  Historically, there have been numerous barriers to access to treatment.  What is preventing this community from not only getting treatment, but seeking it as well?
9/2/20151 hour
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Chocolate Cities: Reclaiming a place in today's society.

Have you heard of Chocolate Cities?  Well, tune in to get a sneak peak into what these cities could actually look like for people of color in the future.  Cities where the communities thrive from within using resources built and developed by its inhabitants.
9/1/20151 hour
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Back to the Basics: Getting Your Life Back on Track

Atlanta's renowned life coach and empowerment expert joins the show to talk about the two most important things that can derail individuals from moving forward from failure and realizing their full potential.  Learn how to let go of the baggage, which could also be people that are preventing you from getting back on track.  Learn the basics of life changing activities that can catapult you into the next phase of your life!
8/31/20151 hour, 1 minute
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Lessons I learned this week that everyone needs to hear!

This week has been an extremely hard week and I have learned some very important and valuable lessons that I must share with everyone.  Tune in to learn the things that you must know in order to not fall into the same holes!
7/31/201330 minutes
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An Apology to Blacks and Group Economics

Listen in to this show to hear and understand my apology to Black people for my own misunderstanding of the legitimate economic issues facing our community and learn the systematic plan that can help to raise the community out of the economic ditch that has been dug for us.
7/24/201357 minutes
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Implications of the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman Trial

Are race relations in this country better or worse?  Was this case about race or the imperfections of the law or both?  What happens now?  Can this case trigger the turning point to focus on all violence issues affecting the Black community (i.e., Black on Black crime)?  Civl rights versus legal rights? We will be discussing all these things and more so don't miss out as we discuss these topics with a guest celebrity panel.  Call in to weigh in on this landmark case and the verdict.
7/17/20131 hour
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All Things Production!

Conversations with film and music producer and composer James Barber who has over 20+ years in the industry working with artists like Phil Collins, Earth, Wind and Fire, Kevon Edmonds, Smokey Robinson, George Clinton, Mary J. Blige, Johnny Gill, and multiple other gold and platinum recording artist.  He has also worked on various award winning shows such as Girlfriends, Proud Family, Everybody Hates Chris and many more. He will be here to discuss the atroscities that are plaguing the industry of film and music and how we must not only change the way we do business but the way we think about the business of entertainment. James spent several years teaching these important concepts and he will be here sharing his valuable knowledge and experience.
7/10/201350 minutes
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ATL the next Hollywood...Hell No...Hoodwood!

You do not want to miss this show.  Co-hosting with none other than Dave Tolliver (Men at Large).  We will be discussing the so called "New Hollywood - Atlanta"  and what it really takes for that to become a reality...and not just a reality show! 
7/3/201347 minutes
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"Journey to Love" with Indie R&B Artist - Nu

Nu is definitely making an impact with the release of his new CD this past May called "Journey to Love".  Listen in as we have an indepth conversation with Nu about his passion for music and his life revelations that inspired his latest work of art!  Nu's powerful gift of singing has won him first place in numerous talent contest. In addition, he was honored with a spot in a mojor talent search sponsored by So So Def's very own CEO Jermaine Dupree. I am excited to have Nu on the show and I know that this episode will provide listeners with a view into the future of R&B music.  
6/26/201340 minutes
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Conversations with Dr. Ron Williamson - "The Doctors"

I will be talking with Dr. Ron Williamson from the CBS hit show "The Doctors".  He will be talking about his time on the show and his new ventures that could include a possible reality show of his own.  
6/19/201335 minutes
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Interview with Mic Burna - New Artist of Nokio of Dru Hill!

Join me for my interview with Mic Burna who has signed recording deal with award winning producer Nokio's (of Dru Hill) label, Audio Revolution Group (ARG).   Mic Burna has been featured in Vibe and is scheduled to release his new single "Holy Ghost" later this Summer!
6/12/201331 minutes
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Conversations with soul stirring artist -Ayron Michael

Ayron Michael's is debuting his new CD titled "Unleashed" this month and we are going to be speaking with him about his journey, his musical style and what things he has in store for the listners on his new album.   A raw talent out of Ft. Pierce, Florida, Ayron is on his way to new heights and not just for fortune, fame or personal gain.  It's about the music.  It's about using the music to offer love and hope! Join me in talking to Ayron and hearing his story and his path to the future.
6/5/201347 minutes
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Male and Female Insecurity in the Black Relationship

How does insecurity operate to diminish the strength of the Black relationship?  This insecurity can be sexual, financial, physical (i.e., attractiveness, weight, color).  Where does this insecurity come from and can it be released in order to not only strenghten the relationship but stregthen the way we feel about ourselves and even possibly help to restructure the martial bond. Are you insecure about yourself...about your relationship to the point where it makes you do things like ask for the password to your mates phone, email accounts, etc?  Do you constantly question what your mate is doing or where they are going?  Do you get upset when your mate talks about someone of the opposite sex or looks at them?  If your answer to these questions are yes...then ask yourself why?  We are going to discuss this topic in detail tonight so join in and listen in!
4/10/201331 minutes
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CHILD SUPPORT - Ruining the family unit!

Are you one of those mother's that uses child support to continue to taunt your ex because you're bitter?  Are you a man that actually pays to support your children but you care still caught up in the child support trap with the government all up in your business?  Are you a brother that's dealing with one of those spiteful women that just can't seem to allow you to actually be a father if it doesn't involve money? Or are you one of the women that actually uses the system because the father of your child doesn't pay and doesn't want to pay?  Maybe you're a woman on the other side with a spouse who is in the child support tornado that continues to go around and around and now you're caught up in it too! If so...this is the show for you...can this unfair and lopsided system be changed and how do we continue to support the children and not tear the families and the comunites apart? 
4/3/201331 minutes
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The B Word is Blowing Up Tonight with BOOM2G!

Check out my interview with DBoy Radio personality, Detroit Rapper/MC...BOOM2G!  We are going to get down Detroit style and keep it real on his success and his views about the game in general.  We are also going to listen to a few of his tracks as well!  This is going to be a great show tonight so make sure you tune in!
3/27/201358 minutes
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Is there still a color line amongst Blacks?

Do we still divide ourselves into light and dark skinned cliques? Is there still the perception that light is right and dark is not?  Is there a difference between the genders and what is felt about light versus dark skins?  Is this affecting the way we work, live and help each other? What is your perspective?  Let's talk about this tonight!
3/20/201331 minutes
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Social Media - Keep your friends close, your enemies closer!

Are you a social media junkie?  Do you Tweet, Facebook, Tumble, Pinterest, Instagram, Hoot, Google or any of the other zillion social medial apps available.  Well, so do I.  But, I've found out a very alarming phenomena that is happening that is actually the opposite of what these forms of communication were meant to do. Join me tonight as I expose the truth of the REAL social media world and how it's affecting us and what we need to to in order to manage it and create the social media world that we intended!
3/7/201324 minutes
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Are Online Degrees really all they're cracked up to be?

Are you interested in going back to school?  Does the current economy dictate that you need more education or training? Are you one of those individuals where time is not your friend and a traditional classroom in this day and age just won't work for you.  We will be talking about online schools and degrees and things to be thinking about and looking out for.
2/28/201331 minutes
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"Life is But a Dream" - Public Perception and Celebrities

I watched the Beyonce Documentary the other day and then was on Facebook and saw some very distrurbing comments.  It got me to thinking about people and the perception they have about celebrities and what some of the things they do because of their feelings or perceptions about these individuals.  It was really alarming some of the comments that were being posted and so I'm going to talk about what is occuring with these individuals and why and why some of these perceptions can even lead to murder.
2/21/201331 minutes
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Is Retirement Just a Dream?

None of us are getting any younger and it is never too late to plan for tomorrow.  However, do you plan on living the life that you've always dreamed of living when it comes time to retire or are you one of those individuals that it seems will have to work forever!!!  
2/13/201326 minutes
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Not Yet Human...Blacks Today!

The Black man has no rights which the White man is bound to respect. . . . He may justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery . . . and treated as an ordinary article of traffic and merchandise.—Chief Justice, Roger Brooke Taney (Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1856)
2/7/201330 minutes
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Blacks and Professionalism - Can they exist together?

Exhibiting professionalism is a lot more then being in a field that is called a profession.  You can be a lawyer, a doctor, a scientist and still not show an ounce of professionalism.  A hard truth in our community is that we DO NOT show professionalism therefore...we ARE NOT professionals.  Is this true?  How do we change this perception or can we?   I will be providing my own true life experiences on this topic and would love to talk to you about yours or your opinions on this topic.  Tune in and join in!
1/24/201332 minutes
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Friends and Business - To Be Friends or Not to Be Friends?

Last week we discussed the idea of Family and Money and should they mix.  Well, this week we will discuss the Friends and Business delimma.  Should you go into business with a friend?  Should you recommend that friend for a job within your company?  Should you offer your friends or talk to your friends about business opportunities (i.e., MLM's, Direct Sales Companies).  So many times you always here that the first people you should expose your business too is your friends and  family.  Hmmmm, is that really a smart idea.  Can you be successful in business with friends?  We will discuss the pitfalls and ways that this idea can actually work.  
1/17/201341 minutes
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Family and Money - Do they Go Together?

Should you loan family money or just give it to them?  Should you always be the go to family member when other members are in trouble?  Are you always the one asking for money from your family members when you need help and is it their responsibility to help you.  Do these situations cause a strain on the family relationship and can it even destroy the family.  If you are married...should the spouses family move in due to financial difficulties?  How long should they be able to stay?  How long should your children live with you?  If, they move out, can they come back and for how long?  These are just some of the questions and issues we will be dealing with on this show. A lot of our money issues are things that can be avoided and sometimes we end up enabling our family members to continue to make bad money decisions because we always come to the resuce.  If this is you...don't feel bad or get in and tell your story and voice your opinion!  The idea is to strengthen the family...not tear it apart and so many times money issues can do just that.  Let's fix it!
1/10/201341 minutes
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Happy New Year - Back to Business!!!

With the New Year, now is the perfect time to get back in school and set yourself up for a better year.  However, with the rising costs of tuition, this may seem like an impossible option.  However, there are some definite strategies that you can employ to make this process a lot less costly!  I will be talking with Mr. Ethan Brisby, author of "5 Proven Strategies on How to Pay for College”. Ethan has written for several publications both online and print and earned a B.A in Urban Studies (Cum Laude) from Morehouse College in 2010. Listen to his proven strategies on how to make your dreams of obtaining a college education a reality!
1/3/201333 minutes
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Merry Christmas - My Family Christmas Special!

If you really want to know who needs a reality show...then listen in to meet my Family...The Garth family Christmas Special!  You definitely don't want to miss this!
12/27/201231 minutes
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LGarth's Tips - I'm On One...30 Minutes to Wealth!

SPECIAL GUEST HOST - DAVE TOLLIVER (MEN AT LARGE)! Right before the Holiday's, listen to LGarth just tell it like it needs to be told.  I'm on one and it's because I'm so sick of the excuses  and no movement!!!!!  The New Year is coming...we're still here...for evidence that the Myan's predictions are right...YET!  So what the HELL is wrong???  Let's start the New Year off with the right mindset to be bigger and better than we've ever been!  Let's GO!
12/20/201231 minutes
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Conversations with Rick Ross (aka "Freeway" Rick Ross)

This is a must listen to show!  We will be talking with "Freeway" Rick Ross.  He will talk about his story and we will get his perspective on the current state of the Black Community.   Ricky Donnell Ross, better known as “Freeway” Rick Ross, is one of those rare figures whose experience as a drug kingpin has lead him to a life of rebuilding the community in which he once helped destroy. According to the Oakland Tribune” In the course of his rise, prosecutors estimate that Ross exported several tons of cocaine nationally, and made more than $600 million in the process. Counting inflation its 1.6 billion dollars comparing 1986 to 2010. Now, he has applied the passion that helped him build an empire to helping the youth, Ross has been given a second chance to uplift his community by giving back through mentoring and sharing his story. He plans to inspire many of today’s youths to achieve their greatest successes without following in his footsteps.    
12/13/201252 minutes
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Celebrity Panel Discussion with an R&B Sensation and Author

Celebrity Panel Discussion with Dave Tolliver of R&B Group Men at Large and Kim "Possible" Brown, author of Thankful, Grateful & Blessed.  We will delve into the careers of these two great individuals as well as talk about how the media marketing strategies affect Blacks as they attempt to take steps to creating and/or reinventing thier careers.
12/6/20121 hour
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Entrepreneur Spotlight!

Listen in and find out what AWESOME Black owned businesses are doing in our communities!
11/29/201230 minutes
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SPECIAL EDITION - Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Want to give special thanks for something this year!  Call in and share!!!!
11/22/201230 minutes
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Talib Kweli LIVE with L Garth!

We finally got the reschedule set and Talib will be live on the air with me TONIGHT!  This is a must listen show.  
11/8/201233 minutes
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30 Minutes to Wealth - "Perseverance and Persistence"

The moment you give up could have possibly been your breakthrough!
10/31/201229 minutes
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Entrepreneur Spotlight! - Talib Kweli and Kineh N'gaojia

Special guests Afro-centric Hip Hop Artist Talib Kweli and decorated Combat Veteran turned actor/model.  Come hear their stories tonight
10/24/20121 hour, 1 minute
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Interview with Renowned Playwrite: Alvin Moore, Jr.!

Alvin Moore, Jr., the 26 year old, award-winning playwright from Nashville, TN (by way of Moss Point, MS)N) is blazing the stage play arena as he joins the ranks of Tyler Perry, David E. Talbert, JD Lawrence and others. Alvin is an extraordinary playwright, director, producer, actor, songwriter, musician, and businessman. He has written, directed, and often produced several hit gospel/inspirational stage plays including, but not limited to, A Mother’s Prayer, When The Lights Go Out, In God's Hands, The Perfect Gift, and many more. He has been blessed with the opportunity to work with and direct some of the industry’s best entertainers such as Robin Givens, Johnny Gill, Shirley Murdock, and Jermaine Crawford who all starred in Alvin’s hit stage play, A Mother’s Prayer as well as Wendy Raquel Robinson, Keith Robinson, Clifton Powell, and Lloyd who all starred in his hit stage play, When The Lights Go Out, as well as Ruben Studdard, Golden Brooks, Darius McCrary, Buddy Lewis, Chris Spencer, and Marlo Williams who all starred in Alvin’s hit stage play, The Perfect Gift. Alvin also stars in all of his stage plays as his most notable and well-known, self-created signature character, “Gramps,” a hilarious, yet wise old man who keeps audiences coming back for more laughs time and time again. He is a talented songwriter and musician as he writes and produces original songs which are found in his hit stage plays. As the Chief Executive Officer of Alvin Moore Entertainment, LLC, Alvin uses hard work, humility, enthusiasm, creativity and a Christ-like attitude to help him to continue creating mind-blowing, life-changing stage plays for all generations to enjoy. His dream is to tell his story to the world through his stage plays in hopes of inspiring someone to trust God and step out on faith for with Christ, all things are possible.  
10/17/201230 minutes
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Pre-record - Tell me about the Industry

L Garth talks about the industry.
10/10/201231 minutes
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LGarth's Tips - 30 Minutes to Wealth -Repair My Credit!

Giving you what you need for success in 30 minutes!
10/3/201232 minutes
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Entrepreneur Spotlight! - Douglas "II NICE" Lofton

Each month, we will spotlight a business owner, entrepreneur, actor, artist, and anyone trying to and doing their thing!  We love to support those individuals trying to develop themselves and their community!  If you or you know someone who fits this description we would love to talk to you and feature you on this segment of our show.  Please send all inquiries to [email protected].  See you in the spotlight!
9/26/201229 minutes
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Color Outside the Lines - Topic/Issue of the Week!

We will focus on the current top issues and topics affecting our community this week! Terry Williams Execution The Black Vote College Hazing - FAMU Black Youth Problem
9/19/201232 minutes
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Listener's Choice!!!

The lines are open to talk about the things that you want to know about.  Let's talk about the things affecting you and your family on a personal level!  Have financial questions, issues, concerns, comments...then this is the forum for you.  Have questions about becoming a business owner...let's discuss it.  Have questions, comments, concerns about the community...let's focus on it!  This is your show!
9/12/201231 minutes
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MEN in BLACK! Learn to live successfully in your skin!

LGarth's Tips - 30 Minutes to Wealth! We are focusing on those specific things we need to do and the steps we need to take in order to secure the wealth we desire and to create generational wealth.
9/5/201236 minutes
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$1500 Prada carrying $5 of wealth: Purse Check!

Ladies, It's time for a purse check!  Startling statistics show that single black women's median wealth is $5 while single white women's median wealth is $42,600.  There are a lot of variables at play here and yes, we do carry some of the responsibility, but how much and can this be changed?  Is it a problem with Black Women?  What's really going on?  Let's talk about it!
8/29/201228 minutes
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You are the ONLY MASTER of your Plan!

On the last segment we talked about why and how we remain in  our own perpetual slavery.  Well, I am going to show you on this segmnet how to begin to develop and Master the plan for your life!  You have all the tools...let's put them to work!  
8/22/201228 minutes
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Why We Are Still Slaves

You thought slavery was over....well, it's not!  We are still very much in slavery and not just to the whites, asians, hispanics and everyone else out there...but to ourselves as well.  We KEEP OURSELVES IN SLAVERY.  Why?????  Listen in and I'll tell you why.
8/8/201222 minutes
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Reality vs. "REALITY"

Why do we rush, break out neck, TiVo and whatever else we need to do to make sure we don't miss what the next "Housewife" is doing, but we fail to apply that type of energy to our own households, our families, our children, our businesses, our finances?  What is wrong with this picture?  Let's talk about it.
8/1/201228 minutes
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I love my Black People - But Really, "Love and Hip Hop"?????

The B Word is back with a vengence, BIGGER and BETTER than ever!  LGarth is pushing the envelope with topics that will get you talking and warm your blood as she discusses the plight of the African American Community from a position of truth and in your face realism.  This week, Blacks and Reality TV...what the HELL are we doing????  Get in on the conversation and provide your perspective and opinion on why this is or is not helping uplift, grow and broaden our communities!
7/4/201227 minutes
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Failing to Plan means Planning to Fail...Will We EVER Learn?

The plight of the African American Communities financial status is self-induced.  Will we ever learn that money management and financial planning starts long before a year out from retirement.  Are we ever going to stop planning to be broke?  Tonight, hear from a very special guest who finally learned that taking control of your future and finances does not just takes time and education.  Now, she is helping others do the same thing. 
5/30/201229 minutes
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Sex is my Business...

Are you a budding entrepreneur, but your business is in the sex industry?  What's wrong with that?  The sex industry is a billion dollar industry.  Are you helping or hurting your community?  Have you been thinking of starting a business in this industry but are afraid of what people might say?  Are you someone who disapproves of this type of business or the industry as a whole?  We are going to be discussing this topic in detail and would love to hear your comments or opinions on the matter.  You can call in live during the show or send an email to the message box or send an email to [email protected].
5/23/201231 minutes
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"The Black Widow"

Join me as I interview "The Black Widow" (aka Jocelyn Hinton).  renowned female rapper extrodinaire!  She is the CEO of "Pretty Hustlas Entertainment" which embodies models, artist and women on the move, such as Legendary Female Hip Hop artist "Roxanne Shante".  We are going to talk with her about her road to success, the struggles she faced and continues to face as a black, female, executive business owner and dual role as a successful rap artist.  This is an interview you don't want to miss.  She is beautiful, real and raw!  If you have questions or would like to speak live on the air send your emails to [email protected] or call in during the show!  It's going to be HOT!
5/16/201238 minutes
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Do you know people that constantly talk about their friends, but the very next minute they're laughing and joking with them.  Do you know people that talk a good game about how they're down for you and would be there through thick and thin, high and low and then the minute you need someone or ask for their support, they're no where to be found or have all the excuses in the world why they can't help.  Do you know those people who constantly have their hand out to take but never out to give.  What about those people who are negative nellies about everything and every idea you have to do better and get ahead, but as soon as you start talking about doing something dumb like hanging at the club every weekend, they're all for you know people like that?  Well, I want to hear your or call in and talk about people that you recognized as "Frenemies" in your life that you had to remove and we will discuss this crazy phenomenon and expose the truth behind these actions!
5/9/201231 minutes
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Can you Hypnotize yourself to Riches???

Learn the art and power of your mind.  We are going to be talking to certified hypnotherapist and author Ms. Hope Wright.  She is going to talk to us about the power of the mind and how tapping into your dreams to get what you want is not only possible but very real. 
5/2/201230 minutes
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How to be a Gold Digger!

Right, WTH!!!  That's what I said, but really, we are going to discuss this phenomenon on both the male and female side and show you REALLY how to be an acceptable "gold digger" that possible...sure it is, but you have to listen in to find out how!
4/25/201230 minutes
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SURPRISE....You didn't win the lottery...AGAIN!!!!

This month we are attempting to highlight women of success, but unfortunately, I keep getting side tracked, lol!  Tonight, you have to hear the craziest reason I heard for not having drive and doing something, anything to move life forward.  OMG...I'm tripping and you will be too.  Listen in.  By the way, I know there have got to be some people who are going to want to chime in on this one.
4/18/201229 minutes
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Blacks are like crabs in a barrel!

Have you ever heard this reference?  Did you know that YOU fit into this category?  I bet you're saying right I don't!  Blah, blah, blah.  Well, I'm going to tell you excatly why you DO.  Tune in.
4/11/201228 minutes
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Up Close with Toni Griffin of the Toni and Griff Show

We will be talking with the very beautiful and successful wife of famed comedian, author, radio personality Arlen Griffin (2Trillion)...Mrs. Toni Griffin.  We are going to get up close and personal as she shares her story of how she made the decision to step out of the Army and enter the world of business ownership.  Toni was one of The Georgia Army National Guards top recruiters.  She has successfully started her own radio show with her husband "Griff", a management company and a PR company while still managing to be a wife, a mother and a homemaker, as well as a soldier until her retirement next year!  How does she do it all???  Well, she's going to tell us as well as give her words of wisdom and advice on how you can do to and get out of that "being owned" mentality and into owning yourself!
4/4/201230 minutes
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I'm Ready...Show Me The Money!

Learn how to finally get to the level you want, earn the money you deserve and keep it!
3/28/201229 minutes
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"N" Word Rich, Black Folk Broke

This show is dedicated to explaining why the majority of Blacks don't understand true wealth building and why when Black folks think they are "rich", they're really not.  We will also discuss how to dispel this destructive belief system and educate the African American community on the process of true wealth building.
3/21/201227 minutes
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Living My Dreams - Following Through On What I Say

This show will answer the question on why you are not living your dreams and why you don't follow through on the things you tell yourself and others that you are going to do even though you have good intentions.  
3/14/201229 minutes
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The Poor Man Mindset

Learn what the poor man's mindset is.  Learn the difference between the mindset of the wealthy and the mindset of the poor.  Learn how to change to the wealthy man mindset and start attracting the lifestyle you want to live simply by changing the way you think and view money!
3/8/201227 minutes