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TECH ON DEMAND brought to you by GrowerTalks Profile

TECH ON DEMAND brought to you by GrowerTalks

English, Finance, 1 season, 144 episodes, 2 days, 7 hours, 34 minutes
Cultural and technical information for greenhouse professionals.
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Finishing Stunning Seed Coleus with Dr. Will Healy

Retired Ball technical manager Dr. Will Healy joins host Bill Calkins to share protocols for finishing seed-raised coleus as part of the Tech On Demand series covering crop culture for key annuals and perennials. From media selection and nutrition to water, light and temperature, finishing crops requires careful attention to avoid losses and send high quality product out the door on time. Will is going to help reduce your risk in this process.
10/24/202438 minutes, 32 seconds
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Finishing High Quality Seed Begonias with Dr. Will Healy

Retired Ball technical manager Dr. Will Healy joins host Bill Calkins to share protocols for finishing seed-raised begonias (semperflorens and interspecific) as part of the Tech On Demand series covering crop culture for key annuals and perennials. From media selection and nutrition to water, light and temperature, finishing crops requires careful attention to avoid losses and send high quality product out the door on time. Will is going to help reduce your risk in this process.   VIDEO: Achieving Uniformity in Begonia Germination VIDEO: Training Your Team to Water Properly More Tech On Demand Videos on YouTube    
10/22/202432 minutes, 19 seconds
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All About Sunfinity with Dr. Jamie Gibson

Syngenta Flowers’ Dr. Jamie Gibson joins host Bill Calkins to discuss just about everything you need to know when producing amazing crops of both Sunfinity Yellow Dark Center (from seeds or plugs) and Sunfinity Double (from unrooted cuttings or liners). This sunflower broke into the industry as a gamechanger not long ago and after multiple years wowing shoppers at retail and in landscape installations, the Syngenta team debuted Double Sunfinity at California Spring Trials this year. Yellow Dark Center and Double are very different crops—from their form (seed vs. vegetative) and how they need to be produced. Dr. Gibson discusses both in detail, including all of the nuances for growers to remember when adding these sunflowers to the mix.   Jamie shares research-based tips and tricks for scheduling, culture and production, positioning for optimal sales during three seasons and even gives a sneak peek into what’s coming next in the Sunfinity lineup. The team at Syngenta has conducted extensive research and trials with Sunfinity and you’ll definitely benefit from all of this work, so be sure to listen all the way to the end of this discussion to set your team up for success.   RESOURCES: Sunfinity—The Next Generation of Sunflowers:   Sunfinity Inspiration:   GrowerTalks PGR Guide for Annuals:  
10/8/202451 minutes, 2 seconds
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Growing Cut Flower Dahlias from URC with Dr. Alicain Carlson

Syngenta Flowers’ Dr. Alicain Carlson joins host Bill Calkins to discuss some key components of successful cut flower dahlia programs when starting from unrooted cuttings (URCs). Traditionally, most dahlia crops have been started from tubers, which were dug up and stored each year before replanting. Now, with beautiful dahlias available from URC, many growers are taking advantage of the benefits that come from this form of production. When buying from a reputable supplier, these inputs are virus and disease free with excellent uniformity across the crop, as well as simplified scheduling and potential cost savings. Dr. Carlson digs into the pros and cons of stating from URCs, as well as highlighting some key varieties in the Syngenta Flowers portfolio before moving into culture and production strategies.   Here's what you’ll learn throughout the discussion:   Propagation tips for rooting into 50- or 105-cell trays Importance of long-day lighting in prop Rooting hormone trials and recommendations Why NOT to pinch young plants Winter dahlia production strategies Protocols for maximizing flower quality and “double-ness” Trial results from temperature research specific to dahlias How and when to perform a “hard pinch” after transplant Irrigation and nutrition in the field Pest and disease management in finished crops Postharvest care of dahlias   SYNGENTA FLOWERS CUT FLOWER ASSORTMENT & CULTURE GUIDES:
10/1/202439 minutes, 11 seconds
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Augmentative Biological Control with Dr. Carlos Bográn

This episode supplements information shared in the past two editions of the GrowerTalks Biosolutions Guide that was released in June 2023 and 2024—a popular grower tool intended to help professional growers stay up to date on the latest research into biosolutions, as well as trialed and tested products and strategies.   Many greenhouse owners, growers and IPM managers are moving down the path of softer, more sustainable pest and disease control tactics but continue to use traditional or synthetic chemicals, as well as bio-based products and beneficials or biological control agents. It is this conjunctive approach and the compatibility knowledge required that provides the basis for host Bill Calkins to talk to this episode’s special guest.   Dr. Carlos Bográn wrote two well received articles for our first Biosolutions Guide—Using Bioinsecticides in your Greenhouse and Using Bioinsecticides in Conjunction with Biocontrol Agents—and now he joins the podcast to dig much deeper into these topics. Carlos and Bill also discuss high-tech new research findings, different ways to approach pest population management, how the economics of biosolutions has evolved, the current state of the market and new, cutting-edge products becoming available.   Resources:   GrowerTalks Biosolutions Guide—1st Edition:   GrowerTalks Biosolutions Guide—2nd Edition:   OHP, Inc.: OHP Regional Technical Sales Managers: OHP Literature & Recipes for Success:   OHP Chemical Class Chart:   OHP Product Guide:
9/11/202440 minutes, 8 seconds
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Perennial Problem Children

Host Bill Calkins is joined on this Tech On Demand Rewind episode by Darwin Perennials’ General Manager Karl Batschke to take you through some new ways to better produce some of the latest and greatest perennial genetics.   But he didn’t talk about the easy ones. Instead, Karl addressed some of the more challenging crops and also newer crops that require different cultural and technical regimes. Let’s call  them “Perennial Problem Children”. And like a good guidance counselor, Karl treated each one as an individual and created a custom plan to maximize their potential so you can achieve the results you want—your best crops ever.  But since Bill had Karl on the hook for 40 minutes, he asked him plenty of questions about the market for perennials, what he was seeing and hearing in his travels pre-2020 and thoughts and predictions for the future, which since this conversation is almost 6 years old … could be what we’re experiencing today! Darwin Perennials Resources:
8/27/202445 minutes, 57 seconds
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Audio Files: Testing Nursery Media

TESTING NURSERY MEDIA FROM THE AUGUST 2024 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY LYNN GRIFFITH NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Don’t just grab a containerized plant and call that a sample. We like to think of our potting media and fertilizers being perfectly uniform. The truth is they are not. Take about eight to 10 subsamples for each media sample you wish to collect, whether testing in house or at an outside lab. Insert the soil probe from top to bottom of the soil profile. Give the soil probe a twist with your wrist in order to bite into the soil a little bit, sort of a figure 8. This gives you a nice full profile of soil in the probe. If you just stick the soil into the media and pull it out, you won’t get a full tube of soil, especially if the media is dry. Tap each subsample into the bucket.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—August 2024:
8/13/20249 minutes, 1 second
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Critical Chemistries (Recorded Live at Cultivate ’24) with JC Chong

Joining host Bill Calkins live on the show floor at American Hort’s Cultivate ’24 event, Dr. JC Chong dives deep into a few new products from SePRO, recent research findings and why some chemistries offer more benefits than meets the eye.   JC is the Technical Development Manager at SePRO following an extensive academic career that includes a BS in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Arizona, graduate training at the University of Georgia, post-doctoral training at the University of Florida and a professorship at Clemson University. With almost 20 years in the turf and ornamental industry, he’s now leading SePRO’s ornamental R&D program, delivering innovative solutions to complex problems. He’s also the editor of the popular PestTalks e-newsletter and a frequent contributor to GrowerTalks!   In this fun and informational episode, JC and Bill chat about the 2024 season, Thrips parvispinus and what pests and diseases are impacting fall annuals, perennials and holiday crops now before moving into some new products SePRO has introduced in the past year. Bill learns a new word, “symbiont”, and the science behind why a PGR like Topflor is showing visible plant quality benefits in production.   JC shares some reasons all growers should consider adding the fungicide Obtego to the toolbox and then shares exactly why SePRO’s new StriCore herbicide is a true breakthrough. It’s not often that we see new active ingredients enter the pre-emergent herbicide market, so it makes sense turf and nursery growers are excited about this one.   Be sure to listen all the way to the end because when a podcast is recorded face-to-face, you never know what to expect.   RESOURCES:   SePRO’s Science-Based Solutions:   SePRO Ornamental Products:   Thrips parvispinus Rotation Guide:   Topflor PGR:   Obtego Fungicide & Plant Symbiont:   StriCore Herbicide:  
7/31/202427 minutes, 22 seconds
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Growing Lisianthus: Everything You Need to Know

In this comprehensive episode covering a key cut flower, Ball Seed’s cut flower business manager Joan Mazat and Sakata Seed America’s product technical manager Bob Croft join host Bill Calkins to discuss Lisianthus and share tips and tricks for selecting and producing top-quality crops.   You’ll quickly realize that Bob has tremendous knowledge about and experience with Lisianthus, as he walks greenhouse growers and flower farmers through the ins and outs of the crop—from site preparation and proper classification/grouping to managing all factors of plant growth (light, water, nutrition, temperature and gas exchange) and controlling pests and diseases. Bob wraps up with harvesting protocols, post-harvest strategies and storage tips before he and Joan share some of their favorite series and why Lisianthus is a cut flower favorite.   Resources:   Ball Seed Cut Flower Programs:   Sakata Cut Flower Technical Sheets:
7/14/202455 minutes, 16 seconds
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Biosolutions in 2024 (Part Two) ft. Koppert’s Jeremy Webber

In this conversational Tech On Demand podcast two-part episode, host Bill Calkins and his guest Jeremy Webber cover an extremely popular topic these days, biosolutions, in a way that showcases Jeremy’s experience as a grower and as a trusted biocontrols advisor who’s worked with greenhouses of all sizes (growing a wide range of crops from edibles to ornamentals to cannabis and more) to develop and implement biological crop protection programs. As crop team manager at Koppert US, Jeremy works with experienced teams in the field and in the lab and has a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience in modern integrated pest management (IPM) strategies that he shares over the course of two podcast episodes. Be sure to listen to Part One before hitting play on the second part because they go together.   Bill and Jeremy start episode one discussing the history of Koppert and its 50+-year history of innovation, as well as the company’s vision for 100% sustainable agriculture, before moving on to why biosolutions are on just about every greenhouse professional’s mind and why more are considering bios every year. Then Bill jumps into some rapid-fire questions based on discussions with growers and some most asked questions—like when to use bios versus conventional pesticides and how costs line up between the two. Throughout the first part, Jeremy considers why he (as a former grower) feels biological approaches are critical for our industry’s future, the importance of trust when partnering with a biosolutions supplier, some examples of success moving the industry forward and why bios are a sustainable strategy for any greenhouse operation.   In the second part, Jeremy and Bill dive into some more tactical topics like “gateway” pests to start approaching with biological controls, some favorite predators, unexpected lessons learned from the cannabis side of the industry and why “trials” is possibly not the best word to use when implementing biosolutions on a small scale. Since Jeremy has plenty of greenhouse production experience, Bill asks him for some absolute no-brainer ways that biocontrol strategies can be implemented into any greenhouse immediately—with just-about-guaranteed results.   Before closing, Jeremy and Bill chat a bit about what biosolutions in horticulture will look like in the future and why the market is in the right place at the right time. Jeremy also shares a couple quick tips for application and release best practices for biocontrols from his article in the 2024 GrowerTalks Biosolutions Guide (find a link to the digital version below.)     RESOURCES:   2024 GrowerTalks Biosolutions Guide:   Koppert U.S.:   Koppert Consultants & Locations:   Koppert Crop Protection Products:
7/10/202442 minutes, 35 seconds
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Biosolutions in 2024 (Part One) ft. Koppert’s Jeremy Webber

In this conversational Tech On Demand podcast two-part episode, host Bill Calkins and his guest Jeremy Webber cover an extremely popular topic these days, biosolutions, in a way that showcases Jeremy’s experience as a grower and as a trusted biocontrols advisor who’s worked with greenhouses of all sizes (growing a wide range of crops from edibles to ornamentals to cannabis and more) to develop and implement biological crop protection programs. As crop team manager at Koppert US, Jeremy works with experienced teams in the field and in the lab and has a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience in modern integrated pest management (IPM) strategies that he shares over the course of two podcast episodes. Be sure to listen to Part One before hitting play on the second part because they go together.   Bill and Jeremy start episode one discussing the history of Koppert and its 50+-year history of innovation, as well as the company’s vision for 100% sustainable agriculture, before moving on to why biosolutions are on just about every greenhouse professional’s mind and why more are considering bios every year. Then Bill jumps into some rapid-fire questions based on discussions with growers and some most asked questions—like when to use bios versus conventional pesticides and how costs line up between the two. Throughout the first part, Jeremy considers why he (as a former grower) feels biological approaches are critical for our industry’s future, the importance of trust when partnering with a biosolutions supplier, some examples of success moving the industry forward and why bios are a sustainable strategy for any greenhouse operation.   In the second part, Jeremy and Bill dive into some more tactical topics like “gateway” pests to start approaching with biological controls, some favorite predators, unexpected lessons learned from the cannabis side of the industry and why “trials” is possibly not the best word to use when implementing biosolutions on a small scale. Since Jeremy has plenty of greenhouse production experience, Bill asks him for some absolute no-brainer ways that biocontrol strategies can be implemented into any greenhouse immediately—with just-about-guaranteed results.   Before closing, Jeremy and Bill chat a bit about what biosolutions in horticulture will look like in the future and why the market is in the right place at the right time. Jeremy also shares a couple quick tips for application and release best practices for biocontrols from his article in the 2024 GrowerTalks Biosolutions Guide (find a link to the digital version below.)     RESOURCES:   2024 GrowerTalks Biosolutions Guide:   Koppert U.S.:   Koppert Consultants & Locations:   Koppert Crop Protection Products:
7/9/202439 minutes, 7 seconds
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Audio Files: Best Management Practices for Unrooted Cuttings

BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR UNROOTED CUTTINGS FROM THE NOVEMBER 2022 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY JULIE MARTENS FORNEY NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: When delays are excessive, cuttings experience moisture loss, low carbohydrates and possible pathogen development. In some species, ethylene sensitivity increases as carbohydrate levels drop. If cuttings are stressed due to shipping delays, you might see dropping leaves, leaf yellowing or death, dead growing tips or disease.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—November 2022:
7/2/202410 minutes, 22 seconds
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Success with Poinsettias (Part 2)

You may or may not know that before this podcast, Bill Calkins hosted another one called STEM: Insider Tips for Greenhouse Pros and although the technology was different,  the topics were important and the guests were top-notch. Every now and then, he’ll jump back in time and re-release a STEM episode. In this Tech On Demand Podcast Rewind, we’re wrapping up a 2-part Rewind miniseries on poinsettias. You’ll recognize the guests—now-retired Ball Seed Technical Manager Dr. Will Healy tackled the early stages of poinsettia production in part one and now we’ll hear from Dr. Todd Cavins (former Ball Seed tech guru, now taking his talents to PanAmerican Seed) to take everyone’s favorite seasonal crop to the finish line. Dr. Todd Cavins is back to finish up our two-part episode on poinsettias. Part 1 kicked off the topic last episode focusing on nutrition, explaining that when it comes to poinsettias, if you have the nutrition right, most of your problems will be greatly reduced. If you haven’t listened to that episode yet, we suggest stopping this one and going back in the archives to Success with Poinsettias (Part 1). If you have listened, great! Todd is going to pick up where Will left off and wrap the topic up by covering tools for height measurement and management, as well as pest monitoring and control strategies. Somewhere around weeks 39 or 40 are critical junctures for this important crop and as Todd tells us, it’s transition and adjustment time and he’s going to share knowledge, tips and tricks to help you make the most of your poinsettia crop, how to use a new graphical tracking tool available from Ball Seed, determining your optimal PGR regime and even some postharvest tricks to maximize sell through at retail. We have a lot to cover this time and Todd certainly lives up to the challenge. Resources:    EC Monitor:  Selecta One Poinsettia Catalog (Culture Guides on Page 43):   Ball Seed Poinsettia Growth Tracker Tool:  
6/26/202440 minutes, 28 seconds
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Success with Poinsettias (Part 1)

You may or may not know that before this podcast, Bill Calkins hosted another one called STEM: Insider Tips for Greenhouse Pros and although the technology was different (old school mic, Skype, all sorts of file converting …) the topics were important and the guests were top-notch. Once every couple weeks, we’ll jump back in time and re-release a STEM episode. In this Tech On Demand Podcast Rewind, we’re kicking off a 2-part Rewind miniseries on poinsettias. You’ll recognize the guests—now-retired Ball Seed Technical Manager Dr. Will Healy tackles the early stages of poinsettia production in this episode and hands it off to Dr. Todd Cavins to finish the crop in part two.   In this first part, Dr. Healy takes a deep dive into Nutrition. As he explains, when it comes to poinsettias, if you have the nutrition right, most of your problems will be greatly reduced. We start with an overview of the importance of monitoring EC and pH and quickly get into the nitty gritty details of how to approach feeding your crop, the benefits of front-loading fertilizer and even why withholding feed is a bad strategy. Will does a great job explaining how your feeding decisions impact the EC of the crop, as well as how feed leads to excellent or poor crop presentation at retail. If you are wondering what to do if EC starts to creep up, be sure to listen all the way to the end.    We also spend time on pH and what can be gained by staying in the optimal 5.8 to 6.2 range. One of the most applicable parts of this episode is Dr. Healy’s explanation of how to determine crop needs based on the size of leaves on the plant and how you can effectively measure them using your two hands! As we wrap the episode up, Will talks about watering and shares some poinsettia specific watering strategies. As mentioned before, you are going to want to listen this one all the way to the end. And also, share it with your entire poinsettia team because when you’re all on the same page, good things will happen.    Resources:    EC Monitor:  Selecta One Poinsettia Catalog (Culture Guides on Page 43):   Ball Seed Poinsettia Growth Tracker Tool:  
6/24/202453 minutes, 31 seconds
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Audio Files: How to Deep Clean Your Website

HOW TO DEEP CLEAN YOUR WEBSITE FROM THE NOVEMBER 2022 ISSUE OF GREEN PROFIT MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY KATIE ELZER-PETERS NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: … it’s time to deep clean your website and really look hard at what works, what doesn’t, what you never got around to and what needs to change to keep up with new security risks, altered consumer behavior and the prevailing economic winds.   Read the digital edition of Green Profit Magazine—November 2022:
6/13/20249 minutes, 7 seconds
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Audio Files: Cultivating a Future in Garden Retail

CULTIVATING A FUTURE IN GARDEN RETAIL FROM THE APRIL 2024 ISSUE OF GREEN PROFIT MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY JEFF O’BRIEN NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Garden retailers are facing a critical challenge as the shift from traditional customers to fresh-thinking Millennials (and younger generations) reshapes the future of how the horticulture industry evolves.   As the demographic landscape of our society shifts, so too must the strategies of garden retailers and how they connect with this new wave of customers.    Read the digital edition of Green Profit Magazine—April 2024:
6/11/202411 minutes, 38 seconds
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Audio Files: Early Spring Jump-Starts the Season

EARLY SPRING JUMP-STARTS THE SEASON FROM THE JUNE 2024 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY AMY MORRIS NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: As we wait for winter to fade into a distant memory and the first hints of spring color to emerge, we prepare our crops for sales, in hopes of growing our business. An early spring can lead to increased consumer spending, and gardeners feeling optimistic and ready to spend, especially younger consumers and new plant lovers.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—June 2024:
6/6/20246 minutes, 21 seconds
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Audio Files: Re-Check Your Checklist—A Safety Consultant's Guide to Managing Greenhouse Risks

RE-CHECK YOUR CHECKLIST—A SAFETY CONSULTANT’S GUIDE TO MANAGING GREENHOUSE RISKS FROM THE JUNE 2024 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY ZACH BRUCE NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: My job is to guide our customers through potential hazards. We discuss risk scenarios, navigate the ever-changing regulatory landscape and identify gaps in safety programs. My goal is to help growers of all sizes enhance safety within their business. This article is a reflection of those conversations. I’ve gathered the most common risks I see on a daily basis and paired them with reminders to help you apply strategies within your own greenhouse.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—June 2024:
6/4/202410 minutes
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Audio Files: Making Use of UV-C

MAKING USE OF UV-C FROM THE MAY 2024 ISSUE OF INSIDE GROWER MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY CHRIS BEYTES NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: However, used correctly, the benefits seem to outweigh the risk: UV-C systems are relatively easy to implement, are cost-effective, require no re-entry period, reduce chemical use, improve the overall health of your crops, and can help you comply with existing and new regulations regarding chemical use and runoff water sanitation.   Overall, as UV-C technology becomes more tested, proven and widespread, it will be an excellent tool to consider adding to your IPM arsenal.   Read the digital edition of Inside Grower Magazine—May 2024:
5/28/20249 minutes, 16 seconds
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Audio Files: Pansy Transplant Establishment

PANSY TRANSPLANT ESTABLISHMENT FROM THE JANUARY 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY JAMIE GIBSON NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Every pansy grower strives for uniform growth while minimizing plant losses. One major source of pansy crop failure is the improper treatment of plugs upon transplant into the finishing tray. In order to be successful, you must consider several factors in the establishment of pansies. These include pre-plant plug status, substrate preparation, irrigation, fertilization and nutritional monitoring, and substrate fungicide drenching.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—January 2023:
5/23/20246 minutes, 4 seconds
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Talking Tropica Mandevilla & Dipladenia with Maria Bolinger

Ball FloraPlant released the Tropica collection of mandevilla and dipladenia at 2024 California Spring Trials with more than 15 colors carefully sorted into five collections. The flowering tropical plant category is booming with consumer demand and Tropicas seem to be entering the market at the right time. Host Bill Calkins is joined by BallFloraplant’s Southeast and Southwest regional territory manager, Maria Bolinger for a fun discussion about what makes Tropica different and why it’s cutting-edge breeding and carefully curated collections creates opportunities for growers producing tropicals to meet market demand.   The Tropica assortment includes a range of colors (solid, as well as unique) with different profiles and habits selected to fit into a variety of container types and landscapes. There are compact, bush types (Tropica Modesto collection); medium-vigor bush profiles (Tropica Medio); medium-vining (Tropica Grande); large vining (Tropica Grandiosa) and a collection of novelty types (Tropica Unico). Maria explains the best uses for each and how to select and grow them for maximum retail appeal and optimal sell through. She also shares some of her favorites and how to use them in jaw-dropping combinations.   Maria and Bill have been friends and coworkers for years, so you can expect a fun and dynamic discussion. Be sure to listen all the way to the end of this episode for tons of retail ideas and help putting together the best assortment possible.   RESOURCES:   Ball FloraPlant Website:   Tropica Collection & Grower Specs:   Ball FloraPlant at California Spring Trials 2024 (video):
5/16/202432 minutes, 33 seconds
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Audio Files BONUS DOUBLE EPISODE: Keep Your Points Disease Free & A Quick Review of Poinsettia Downy Mildew

KEEP YOUR POINTS DISEASE-FREE FROM THE MAY 2024 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY KURT BECKER NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   AND TO CELEBRATE AUDIO FILES #50! WHEN THIS ONE ENDS … JUST KEEP LISTENING FOR …   A QUICK REVIEW OF POINSETTIA DOWNY MILDEW WRITTEN BY NORA CATLIN ALSO FROM THE MAY 2024 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS   EXCERPT 1: Poinsettia Bract Edge Burn is a common occurrence in this Christmas crop. Brown necrotic lesions occur on the bract margin. The primary cause for this is low levels of calcium in the bract. Some poinsettia varieties have difficulty translocating calcium to the bract margin as the bract expands. Once necrosis begins, Botrytis can follow, often leading to more plant damage. EXCERPT 2: After a long while of not seeing powdery mildew on poinsettias, several cases were seen last season. Perhaps that was a fluke and we won’t see it again—let’s hope that’s the case. But let’s use the mildew seen last year as a reminder and take the opportunity to review this disease.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—MAY 2024:
5/10/20246 minutes, 6 seconds
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Audio Files: It's Time to Fall for Mums

IT’S TIME TO FALL FOR MUMS FROM THE AUGUST 2020 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY NANCY RECHCIGL NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: While every greenhouse and nursery operation are different, one consistent factor common to all is that preparation is key to success. Growing mums for fall sales means having to deal with the challenges summer production can bring. By planning ahead with an agronomic program, growers are prepared when the expected and unexpected arise.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—August 2020:
4/30/20246 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Best Poinsettias For ... (Part 3)

PART 3 OF 3 (discussion starts at 1:35): Best by color; most unusual; what each guest wishes was in their assortment but is not; what’s an old variety you wish would come back; the most challenging poinsettia requests from growers and retailers; BEST POINSETTIA OF ALL TIME.   For this 3-part episode of the Tech On Demand Podcast, host Bill Calkins turns the golden TOD mic over to Chris Beytes, editor-in-chief of GrowerTalks magazine. Let’s all welcome “Bossman Beytes” to his first-ever podcast!   Chris asked three poinsettia experts—Gary Vollmer of Selecta One, Rebecca Siemonsma of Express Seed and Steve Rinehart of Rinehart Poinsettias—to share what they think are the BEST poinsettias for a wide range of grower and retailer needs.   Chris asks about just about every use—early- to late-season, small to large pots, best core and novelty colors, best varieties for regions from Fairbanks to Miami—and he asks them to pick regardless of breeder! He even asks which variety they wish was in their catalog, which variety they wish had never been bred, and which variety is the best poinsettia of all time.   Gary, Rebecca and Steve have more than 100 years of poinsettia experience between them and know almost every variety introduced since St. Louis Red!  
4/12/202429 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Best Poinsettias For ... (Part 2)

PART 2 OF 3 (discussion starts at 1:35): Best for poinsettia “trees”; best for large containers; best traditional straight-ups; best poinsettias as cut flowers; best for independent garden centers; best florist type; best for fundraisers; poinsettias for landscape (?); energy-efficient varieties for cool growing; best for natural, compact finishing; varieties less-prone to whitefly (?); variety with longest shelf life, sturdiest varieties.   For this 3-part episode of the Tech On Demand Podcast, host Bill Calkins turns the golden TOD mic over to Chris Beytes, editor-in-chief of GrowerTalks magazine. Let’s all welcome “Bossman Beytes” to his first-ever podcast!   Chris asked three poinsettia experts—Gary Vollmer of Selecta One, Rebecca Siemonsma of Express Seed and Steve Rinehart of Rinehart Poinsettias—to share what they think are the BEST poinsettias for a wide range of grower and retailer needs.   Chris asks about just about every use—early- to late-season, small to large pots, best core and novelty colors, best varieties for regions from Fairbanks to Miami—and he asks them to pick regardless of breeder! He even asks which variety they wish was in their catalog, which variety they wish had never been bred, and which variety is the best poinsettia of all time.   Gary, Rebecca and Steve have more than 100 years of poinsettia experience between them and know almost every variety introduced since St. Louis Red!
4/12/202438 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Best Poinsettias For ... (Part 1)

PART 1 OF 3: Guest introductions and experience; best early season varieties; best for autumn; best for big box promos/ad flyers; best for late season; best core red by region; best mini.   For this 3-part episode of the Tech On Demand Podcast, host Bill Calkins turns the golden TOD mic over to Chris Beytes, editor-in-chief of GrowerTalks magazine. Let’s all welcome “Bossman Beytes” to his first-ever podcast!   Chris asked three poinsettia experts—Gary Vollmer of Selecta One, Rebecca Siemonsma of Express Seed and Steve Rinehart of Rinehart Poinsettias—to share what they think are the BEST poinsettias for a wide range of grower and retailer needs.   Chris asks about just about every use—early- to late-season, small to large pots, best core and novelty colors, best varieties for regions from Fairbanks to Miami—and he asks them to pick regardless of breeder! He even asks which variety they wish was in their catalog, which variety they wish had never been bred, and which variety is the best poinsettia of all time.   Gary, Rebecca and Steve have more than 100 years of poinsettia experience between them and know almost every variety introduced since St. Louis Red!
4/12/202438 minutes, 36 seconds
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Creating Your Trial Plan

Our guest today is Jason Twaddell. Jason joins host Bill Calkins to tackle an important topic for all growers. In this STEM Rewind, he digs into the Why, What and When of trialing in an effort to highlight the importance of this critical piece of the growing puzzle. With margins getting narrower and the tolerance for inefficiency and shrink dropping to near zero, trialing and testing new genetics before replacing existing varieties is more important than ever. Some of the topics he covers include trialing to solve problems and not just to evaluate what’s new; improving labor–intensive processes and the importance of an internal champion to maximize resources. Jason details the steps to take when implementing an effective trial strategy and also how to plan and prioritize to achieve the goals you set. This episode is appropriate for many roles in your greenhouse operation from management to section growers. Getting your team aligned when putting trials in place is critical to the whole process.
4/9/202430 minutes, 31 seconds
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Audio Files: Resistance Management

RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT FROM THE APRIL 2024 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY DR. RAYMOND A CLOYD NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Resistance develops when pesticides with similar modes of action are continually applied to manage insect and/or mite pest populations below plant-damaging levels. It’s important to understand that pesticides don’t cause resistance; instead, pesticides select for naturally occurring resistance traits in insect and/or mite pest populations by removing susceptible individuals from the population. Two strategies that may delay the onset of resistance developing in insect and/or mite pest populations are pesticide rotations (alternations/cycling) and pesticide mixtures (combinations).   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—April 2024:
4/1/20248 minutes, 45 seconds
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Watering: The Rest of the Story (Part Two)

We are once again joined by Ball Horticultural’s retired Senior Technical & Research Manager Dr. Will Healy. The topic continues… watering and water management. This is part two in a two-part series and hese two episodes work best in tandem so try to listen to part one—The Language of Watering—before jumping into this one.   In the first part, Will delved into the importance of speaking the same language of watering throughout the company and qualitative and quantitative ways to teach water management so that accuracy and efficiency can be achieved.   This episode takes it to the next level getting into specific plant demands, how to determine wet/dry targets, how to optimize any greenhouse for water management and even suggests an inexpensive gift for all of your production team members. 
3/20/202447 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Language of Watering (Part One)

This episode of Tech On Demand, brought to you by GrowerTalks addresses one of the most basic tasks in a professional greenhouse, watering. But proving that water management is fundamental and critical, we are joined by Ball Horticultural’s retired Senior Technical & Research Manager Dr. Will Healy—one of the most experienced and knowledgeable experts in all things greenhouse production. He’s also a great storyteller, which you will learn throughout the episodes. And yes—episodes—because this one is a two-parter. Watering and water management is SO critical that we invited a PhD to help us learn as much as possible about it AND will spend two sessions on the topic. The first part will be all about The Language of Watering and this one is perfect to share with your entire production team and others across your organization.   As Dr. Healy will help us understand, speaking the same language of watering throughout the company is critical and there are qualitative and quantitative ways to teach water management so that accuracy and efficiency can be achieved. Getting watering right WILL reduce your costs and result in better crops.  Gather your team, grab a pen and notepad and get ready for part one in a two-part session on watering. 
3/18/202446 minutes, 23 seconds
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Audio Files: Scouting—Essential & Therapeutic

SCOUTING: ESSENTIAL & THERAPEUTIC FROM THE APRIL 2021 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY PAUL PILON NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Regardless of the types of crops being grown or the size of the operation, scouting is essential to any company that produces plants. This important routine shouldn’t only be viewed as a necessary task to detect pest and disease problems, but as an opportunity to get intimate with the plants in a manner that really lets you observe the plants closely and provides a great indication of how healthy they really are.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—April 2021:
3/13/20248 minutes, 34 seconds
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Audio Files: Terrific Trade Show Prep & Follow-up

TERRIFIC TRADE SHOW PREP & FOLLOW-UP FROM THE MARCH 2024 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY KATIE ELZER-PETERS NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Attending trade shows costs a lot of coin. Whether you pay for a booth, ship plants and fixtures out to the show, and cover hotel rooms and meals for staff or you send staff (and pay for meals and hotel rooms and transportation), at a minimum you’re spending $1,000. But your outlay might be closer to $50K with a booth. Are you getting as much out of the shows as you could be?   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—March 2024:
3/5/20249 minutes, 3 seconds
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Audio Files: Avoiding Crop Contamination

AVOIDING CROP CONTAMINATION FROM THE FEBRUARY 2024 ISSUE OF INSIDE GROWER MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY DAVID KUACK NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: While food crop production in greenhouses or indoor farms might be considered safer than outdoor field production, plants can experience the same exposure to human pathogens regardless of where they’re produced.   The CDC reports many kinds of produce, including organic leafy greens, can be contaminated with human pathogens. According to the CDC, leafy greens produced with hydroponic or greenhouse-grown methods can also be contaminated with these pathogens at any point from farm to fork.   “Greenhouse and indoor farm growers think they are growing a safe product because they are growing in a controlled environment structure,” said Melanie Lewis Ivey, associate professor, Fruit Pathology & Fresh Produce Safety, and extension experience coordinator at The Ohio State University. “There is a difference between a controlled environment and a closed environment.”   RESOURCE: The Ohio State University’s Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team offers an online course called “Good Agricultural Practices for Food Safety of Hydroponic Crops.” This self-paced course provides controlled environment food growers with the information and tools needed to implement best management practices to reduce microbial food safety hazards.   Read the digital edition of Inside Grower Magazine—February 2024:
2/21/202410 minutes, 46 seconds
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Audio Files: Get Familiar with In-House Disease Testing

GET FAMILIAR WITH IN-HOUSE DISEASE TESTING FROM THE FEBRUARY 2024 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY NICK FLAX NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Since the naked eye cannot see bacteria or viral particles, test kits are really the only way to home in on exactly which pathogen you’re dealing with. The alternative is to send plant samples off to a lab equipped with similar, higher -resolution diagnostic tools, but this can be time-consuming and costly, depending on the lab. In the meantime, while you wait to hear testing results, the pathogen could be spreading further through your crops and cause more damage because you weren’t able to react sooner. If you had a test kit on-hand, however, this would give you a much better idea of how to appropriately manage your disease risk when you first saw symptoms and potentially head it off sooner.   Read the digital edition of GROWERTALKS Magazine—February 2024:
2/13/20246 minutes, 17 seconds
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Audio Files: What Does "Compatibility" Mean?

WHAT DOES “COMPATIBILITY” MEAN? FROM THE FEBRUARY 2024 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY DR. RAYMOND A. CLOYD NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: … integrating BCAs and pesticides is complex due to the various direct and/or indirect effects that pesticides may have on BCAs. For instance, any delay in the population growth of BCAs by pesticides (and even fungicides) can substantially affect the ability of BCAs to manage pest populations below economically plant-damaging levels. Another factor to consider is that combining BCAs with pesticides not only has to effectively manage pest populations, but also has to be cost-effective. Finally, we need to stop using the term “compatibility.”   Read the digital edition of GROWERTALKS Magazine—February 2024:
2/9/20246 minutes, 49 seconds
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Spring Prep: Plant Nutrition

Host Bill Calkins is joined by Dr. Josh Henry, a Ball technical service specialist with expertise in plant nutrition and fertility, to take you through a range of topics related to crop nutrition with the goal of setting you and your team up for success with spring production.   In this discussion, Josh covers an early-season checklist that includes water testing, injector calibration and the importance of having an in-house testing toolbox handy. Then he digs deeper into options for fertilizer—macronutrients and micronutrients—and tips for adjusting pH up or down. There’s a lot of great information packed into 25 minutes, so this is a perfect podcast to share with your entire production team.   WATCH THE FULL VIDEO PRESENTATION:   Resources Mentioned:   Properly Conduct a Pour-Thru Test for pH & EC (VIDEO):   AlkCalc calculator for adjusting pH and Alkalinity (from e-GRO):   Ball Seed Ornamental Plants Plug Growing Chart:   Fertilizer Injector Calibration (University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension):
2/7/202425 minutes, 35 seconds
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Tip Atrophy: Triggers & Solutions

Something some of you might struggle with early in production is tip atrophy, often called tip abortion. This is when you see symptoms during propagation, often on calibrachoa or petunia, where it looks like the cuttings were accidentally pinched—but you know they weren’t. Poor rooting, stunted growth and strappy foliage can also cause you to wonder what the heck is going on? To answer that question, we turn to Dr. Will Healy.   As Will explains, this issue can be triggered by a handful of different occurrences in propagation and doesn’t always affect the entire crop. He starts by explaining that tip atrophy occurs in a range of different greenhouse crops in every season but is most often experienced with petunia and calibrachoa in the spring and pansy in the fall. It can be pervasive across entire crops or random, making it especially frustrating. Usually considered a symptom of nutrient deficiency, Will explains that tip abortion or atrophy is nutritional but there are certain processes to understand.   Will runs through the need for micronutrients, especially boron, calcium and copper in a tip atrophy prevention strategy and exactly what levels to aim for when supplementing. The final piece to this puzzle is being aware of potential trigger events. High relative humidity, low light, poor root growth, wet growing points, high soil pH, low transpiration, nutrient leaching and more can lead to tip atrophy.   By the end of this presentation, you and your team will be in a much better position to avoid tip atrophy and tip abortion in your greenhouse production.   FULL VIDEO PRESENTATION: 
2/1/202437 minutes, 38 seconds
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Audio Files: Avoiding Tax Audits

AVOIDING TAX AUDITS FROM THE JUNE 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY MARK E. BATTERSBY NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Today, the IRS enforces the tax law in a number of ways, including the increasingly more common correspondence (examination by mail) audits and the dreaded field (face-to-face audit) examinations. The result is that many businesses are being scrutinized far more often than the numbers indicate.   Read the digital edition of GROWERTALKS Magazine—June 2023:
1/31/202410 minutes, 22 seconds
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Achieving Uniformity in Canna Production

As we’ve discussed in other Tech On Demand videos and podcasts, the key to successfully producing high quality crops often starts at the very beginning. How you and your team approach the earliest stages of germination and propagation sets the stage for uniformity down the line. We’re pleased to welcome back frequent guest Dr. Will Healy who continues to think about ways to share his knowledge and decades of experience working with growers of all shapes and sizes. This time, he's here to focus on canna, which can be a tricky one.   YOU WANT TO WATCH THIS VIDEO ALL THE WAY TO THE END, BECAUSE THERE ARE SOME CRITIAL TOPICS COVERED RELATED TO PGRs AND NUTRITION SPECIFIC TO CANNA!   Will begins by explaining the germination process, defining terms and talking about the unique laser drilling technology that allows moisture to penetrate really hard canna seeds. After establishing the importance of proper moisture management and temperature control for tropical crops like canna, he digs deeper into flat filling and seeding best practices. With canna, the trick is BURYING THE SEEDS so they don’t rise to the surface after irrigation. Will offers three options for achieving this on the seeding line.   Before wrapping up, Will spends time on growth regulator selection specific to canna, because as a monocot there are some chemicals to avoid. Nutrition is also covered, because canna respond best to certain formulations.   WATCH THE FULL VIDEO PRESENTATION:   Resources:   At-Risk Crops—Canna (VIDEO):   Training Your Team to Water Properly (VIDEO):   Mystery Solved! Slime, Moss and Algae (VIDEO):   Starting Strong with Seed Propagation (VIDEO):
1/24/202434 minutes, 2 seconds
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Achieving Uniformity in Begonia Production

As we’ve discussed in other Tech On Demand videos and podcasts, the key to successfully producing high quality crops often starts at the very beginning. How you and your team approach the earliest stages of germination and propagation sets the stage for uniformity down the line. We’re pleased to welcome back frequent guest Dr. Will Healy, who continues to think about ways to share his knowledge and decades of experience working with growers of all shapes and sizes. This time, he's here to focus on seed-raised begonias   Will begins by explaining the germination process, defining terms and talking about the importance of melting the coating on pelleted seeds. After establishing the importance of proper moisture management to melt pellets effectively, he digs deeper into flat filling and seeding best practices including properly centering the seed in each cell and not burying them.   Then the discussion turns to why you should treat begonias like unrooted cuttings in the after germination—they’re a monocot, with root clusters instead of a taproot. As a tropical plant, Will reminds us that cold water in germination is not ideal and tempered water should be used. Lighting is also recommended—immediately after trays leave the water tunnel. You’ll also hear protocols for irrigation management and nutrition to help get begonias off to a strong start. The discussion wraps up with quick looks at other begonia species often started from seed, like tuberous, interspecific and boliviensis types.     Resources:   Training Your Team to Water Properly (VIDEO):   Mystery Solved! Slime, Moss and Algae (VIDEO):   Starting Strong with Seed Propagation (VIDEO):  
1/23/202441 minutes, 27 seconds
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Audio Files: Two Tobamoviruses to Keep an Eye Out For

TWO TOBAMOVIRUSES TO KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR FROM THE FEBRUARY 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY DR. ANN CHASE & DR. MARGERY DAUGHTREY NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Virus symptoms are notoriously hard to identify just by looking. They can be mimicked by genetic variegation, or by certain other diseases or disorders, even spray injury—especially from overspray or drift from herbicides. One virus disease can easily be mistaken for another.   Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) are two very closely related viruses that you may encounter on many different greenhouse crops. Identifying ToMV or TMV may start by looking for mottling or mosaic in leaves, yellowing or browning of veins, leaf strapping, stunting or dieback of plants.   Read the digital edition of GROWERTALKS Magazine—February 2023:
1/12/20249 minutes, 43 seconds
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Audio Files: The Rise of Vertical Farming

THE RISE OF VERTICAL FARMING FROM THE FEBRUARY 2023 ISSUE OF INSIDE GROWER MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY DANIEL PILSWORTH NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: The sky is the limit: In 1999, Columbia professor Dickson Despommier used the term “vertical farming” to describe a system of agriculture in which crops are grown indoors on vertically stacked platforms. His students imagined skyscrapers with lush greens, bursting from the sides of city buildings and providing hyper-local produce to dense urban centers. In the two decades since then, vertical farming has grown up in unexpected—yet promising—ways. In fact, according to the most recent P&S Intelligence report, the total vertical farming market size in 2021 was $3.98 billion and this number is expected to grow 25.2% annually to reach $30.2 billion by 2030.   Read the digital edition of Inside Grower Magazine—February 2023:
1/9/202410 minutes, 22 seconds
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Audio Files: Rehydrating Unrooted Cuttings

REHYDRATING UNROOTED CUTTINGS FROM THE JANUARY 2024 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN AND NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Fact: Dehydrated cuttings root non-uniformly. This means in the earliest stages, unless rehydration strategies are in place, you run the risk of getting off to a weak start. Poor moisture management at the beginning of the process will cause problems throughout production.   In a recent Tech On Demand video, Ball technical managers Dr. Will Healy (now retired) and Dr. Nathan Jahnke shared tips and tricks for choosing the best rehydration methods, based on trials and research. This article summarizes their key points in an effort to help you make the best decisions when cuttings land on your loading dock.   Read the digital edition of GROWERTALKS Magazine—January 2024:
1/2/20249 minutes, 30 seconds
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Achieving Uniform Germination & Flowering in Petunia Production

As we’ve discussed in other Tech On Demand videos and podcasts, the key to successfully producing high quality crops often starts at the very beginning. How you and your team approach the earliest stages of germination and propagation sets the stage for uniformity down the line. We’re pleased to welcome back frequent guest Dr. Will Healy. Will recently retired as Senior Manager of Ball’s technical services group but continues to think about ways to share his knowledge and decades of experience working with growers of all shapes and sizes. This time, he's here to focus on seed-raised petunias.   FULL VIDEO LINK:   Will begins by explaining the germination process, defining terms and talking about the importance of melting the coating on pelleted seeds (like petunias). After establishing the importance of proper moisture management melt pellets effectively, he digs deeper into flat filling and seeding best practices including properly centering the seed in each cell and NOT BURYING PETUNIA SEED, which can be more challenging than it sounds. Then the discussion turns to building a strong root system and avoiding “root running” or failure to root. As cotyledons begin to emerge, attention must be paid to the goal of achieving uniform petunia stands and again, it comes back to irrigation to prevent drying. By day 8 in the germination process, your petunias should be off to a strong start, setting the crop up for success.   Resources: Training Your Team to Water Properly (VIDEO): Mystery Solved! Slime, Moss and Algae (VIDEO): Starting Strong with Seed Propagation (VIDEO):  
12/26/202343 minutes
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100th Episode! Telling Stories with Chris Beytes

Can you believe it’s the 100th episode of the Tech On Demand podcast? Well, it is—and this is going to be a special one!   For the 100th episode, host Bill Calkins wanted to have some fun while also digging into a wide range of topics related to horticulture. His guest is none other than Chris Beytes, the editor-in-chief of Ball Publishing. Get ready for a fun conversation with a guy who’s one of the best storytellers around and someone who knows a little about a lot of things and a lot about plenty more. Chris has been in the industry for decades and you probably know him best as the bossman at Ball Publishing and GrowerTalks magazine. But did you know he and his wife owned a greenhouse in Florida before he entered the world of trade journalism?   Over the next 30 or 40 minutes, get ready to learn even more as Chris tells some stories … stories of that greenhouse business in Florida, going fast on a skateboard, how some of his most memorable interviews came about, being stranded in a German train station, thoughts on the future of the floriculture industry, his quest for a two-pronged pitchfork and plenty more.   Yes, this podcast covers A LOT in 30 minutes—it’s a wild ride from beginning to end. Sit back and enjoy.   RESOURCES:   GrowerTalks Magazine:   Acres Online E-News (latest edition):   Acres Online E-News (subscribe):   Ball Redbook:  
12/21/202335 minutes, 3 seconds
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Audio Files: The Importance of Transparent Communication

THE IMPORTANCE OF TRANSPARENT COMMUNICATION FROM THE DECEMBER 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY AUSTIN BRYANT NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: The challenge lies in placing plants with similar watering, spray requirements and lighting together while considering the available square footage. This complex juggling act continues as salespeople manage prebooked orders, adjusting contracted versus speculative material. It’s a dynamic process that unfolds until the last cutting and plug finds its way into the soil or until space runs out. Ideally, the former happens before the latter, as no one enjoys making that call to a customer to cut a prebook. Read the digital edition of GROWERTALKS Magazine—December 2023:
12/18/20236 minutes, 31 seconds
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Audio Files: Train to Retain

TRAIN TO RETAIN FROM THE DECEMBER 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY BROCH MARTINDALE NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: … there are numerous ways technology has changed even the simplest of tasks. As we hire and train the next generation of growers, it’s important to keep up with technology. Or are we waiting for the evening news to tell us what we’re doing tomorrow? Read the digital edition of GROWERTALKS Magazine—December 2023:
12/4/20236 minutes, 46 seconds
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Horticulture in an Omnichannel World ft. Rich Christakes

In a conversational episode, host Bill Calkins and his guest (and friend) Rich Christakes cover an extremely wide range of topics related to the modern greenhouse and garden center industry rooted in the goal of providing perspective and opportunities for action. Rich, CEO of Alsip Home & Nursery (a grower-retailer with two locations in Northwest Indiana and Chicagoland) and founder of the Ship My Plants online marketplace, has a unique perspective on garden center retail, variety selection, business management, the importance of peer groups and creating exceptional customer experiences.   Bill and Rich start by covering spring 2023 and new ways to meet the needs of today’s shoppers and then start talking plants—focusing on improvements to best sellers and the importance of new breeding. Then they change gears and address labor. Rich shares how Alsip has benefited from H2A and H2B labor sources and the importance of training and staff development. He explains some recent shift in Alsip’s purchasing strategies and ways they’ve set new goals for buyers and managers, which has resulted in significant revenue gains.   Then Rich and Bill spend time talking about ways to inspire key emerging customer bases by allowing them to shop however they prefer, from in-store and traditional delivery to online and even on Amazon. New shopping approaches provides a perfect segue into Ship My Plants, an innovative online platform for buying and selling plants. Think of it as “DoorDash or Uber Eats for plants” because it’s a multi-vendor marketplace that allows shoppers to order plants from local garden centers. This means garden centers maintain their store name and brand while engaging new customers and gaining another avenue for sales.   Before closing, Rich and Bill express how thankful they are to work in an industry that reflects positivity at a time when it’s so needed. Plants make people happy, benefit the Earth and improve mental health—and as green industry professionals, there many reasons to be proud and extremely grateful.   Be sure to listen all the way to the end of this episode! There are a ton of actionable ideas for everyone.   RESOURCES: Ship My Plants: Ship My Plants Director of Business Development, Clint Albin: [email protected] Alsip Home & Nursery:  
11/22/202347 minutes, 25 seconds
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Audio Files: Sanitation & Preparation—Starting Strong

SANITATION & PREPARATION: STARTING STRONG FROM THE FEBRUARY 2021 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY PAUL PILON NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Many growers take for granted the benefits of having a strong start, and when less-than-ideal conditions are present from the beginning, they often struggle to stay ahead of these issues throughout the crop or the entire spring season. A strong start likely has different meanings for different growers, but here’s a few methods I like to employ to get my growing season started off the right foot.   Read the digital edition of GROWERTALKS Magazine—February 2021:
11/20/20235 minutes, 41 seconds
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Audio Files: Vertical Farm Site Selection

VERTICAL FARM SITE SELECTION FROM THE NOVEMBER 2023 ISSUE OF INSIDE GROWER MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY DAVID KUACK NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: A major consideration when starting an indoor farm is site selection, which can have a direct bearing on efficiency and profitability. There are lots of factors to take into consideration, from the physical location to the utilities available, nearby neighbors and more. Here we break down what to think about before your next retrofit or build.   Read the digital edition of Inside Grower Magazine—November 2023:
11/13/202310 minutes, 3 seconds
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Audio Files: Common Propagation Mistakes

COMMON PROPAGATION MISTAKES FROM THE NOVEMBER 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY LYNN GRIFFITH NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Horticulture is an art as well as a science. Propagating plants vegetatively is even more of an art than growing in general. Sure, there’s research data on propagating the more common ornamental plants. However, variables such as variety, season, geography and structures can make large differences in what works and doesn’t work.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—November 2023:
11/6/20239 minutes, 1 second
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Audio Files: Floral Packaging Evolved

FLORAL PACKAGING EVOLVED FROM THE OCTOBER 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY SARA EVENSON NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: I’ll be the first to admit that navigating sustainability is complicated. It’s not enough to depict mountains of legal documents I’ve gotten lost under while trying to decipher the best path forward. Is it better to recycle or better to compost? What does post-consumer content even mean? What can I recycle at my house? I’ll even admit I spent the better part of two years tossing a container in my recycling bin only to later discover it wasn’t on the shortlist of items my city recycled. I, an ardent supporter and passionate advocate for all things “recycling and sustainability,” was guilty of contaminating the recycling stream! With so much stacked against us, how do we choose the best path forward?   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—October 2023:
10/30/20238 minutes, 34 seconds
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Audio Files: Poinsettias, The Final Step—Shipping

POINSETTIAS: THE FINAL STEP—SHIPPING FROM THE OCTOBER 2010 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY DR. P. ALLEN HAMMER NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Poinsettia growers have a responsibility for the post-production longevity of the plants we offer to consumers. Growers can’t afford to simply be happy to have the plants out of the greenhouse door. Satisfied poinsettia consumers make for repeat customers. As a poinsettia producer and marketer, you can do a great deal to maintain the potential postharvest beauty and longevity built into the modern poinsettia cultivars. Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—October 2010:
10/19/20235 minutes, 28 seconds
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Audio Files: Digital Crop Templates

DIGITAL CROP TEMPLATES FROM THE OCTOBER 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY BILL CALKINS NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Remember when the walls of your greenhouse office were lined with file cabinets? Maybe they still are … but perhaps at least a few have been tossed to the curb with the contents now residing on computers and phones. Some of those drawers, no doubt, held files on past crops and your growers could pull a folder and see some notes from years gone by. Unfortunately, there was usually very little consistency and plenty of gaps (not to mention the inability of new growers to decipher another person’s handwriting). Those challenges (and space restrictions) are, thankfully, a thing of the past with new tools like Google Docs and other file-sharing platforms. The system used for storing and sharing crop template files really doesn’t matter, as long as it can be organized, easily updated and shared online for access via mobile devices.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—October 2023:
10/13/20238 minutes, 23 seconds
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Audio Files: Perfecting Perennial Propagation

PERFECTING PERENNIAL PROPAGATION FROM THE JANUARY 2020 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY CHRIS FIFO NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: My earliest memory of plant propagation was in second grade. I was taking cuttings off my mom’s Swedish Ivy and sticking them in a glass of water. I loved watching them grow roots. My passion for propagation had evolved by the fifth grade and I was propagating spider plants and giving them to teachers. I’ve come a long way since then and my career has focused on perennial propagation and production.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—January 2020:
10/9/20237 minutes, 7 seconds
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Audio Files: Good Questions! (So-So Answers)

ACRES & ACRES: GOOD QUESTIONS! (SO-SO ANSWERS) FROM THE OCTOBER 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY CHRIS BEYTES NARRATED BY THE AUTHOR, CHRIS BEYTES   EXCERPT: Chris Beytes, as the editor of a horticultural trade publication, you have a unique perspective on industry trends. What recent developments in the horticulture sector do you believe will have the most significant impact on businesses and professionals in the coming years?   I guess my answer is that we’re a maturing industry, and we can’t expect major breakthroughs or developments to come along. Instead, we get small, incremental changes that are hard to recognize until after the fact. Think about this: Houseplants were hot in the ’70s, then they went away. Why? And why did they come back? It wasn’t anything we did. My question is, “What is the next thing we do that will fall out of fashion, or come back into fashion, and how do we recognize it?”   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—October 2023:
10/4/20235 minutes, 58 seconds
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Audio Files: A Wake-Up Call for Baby Boomers

A WAKE-UP CALL FOR BABY BOOMERS FROM THE OCTOBER 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY AMY MORRIS NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: The work ethic of Baby Boomers was deeply rooted in their experiences of economic struggle, as many of them grew up during times of scarcity and uncertainty. This instilled in them the value of hard work and the importance of saving for the future. As a result, they often put in long hours and were willing to make personal sacrifices to achieve their career goals.   The children of Baby Boomers, spanning multiple generations, have grown up in a vastly different world. The advent of technology and the rise of the Internet have transformed the way people interact, communicate and work. This has led to a divergence in work ethics, as the younger generations have been exposed to new opportunities and challenges that their parents’ generation could not have fathomed.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—October 2023:
10/2/20235 minutes, 17 seconds
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Benefits of Dynamic Lighting (Part Two) with Rose & Michael from Sollum Technologies

If you haven’t already listened to part one of this episode, you’ll want to jump back in the archive and start there. This is part two and we continue the conversation, picking right up where we left off.   LINK TO PART ONE:   In this two-part episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins talks to Rose Séguin (agronomist) and Michael Hanan (U.S. senior sales director) from Sollum Technologies about “dynamic” LED lighting and how this new technology allows for multi-zoning to meet the needs of multiple crops, as well as the ability to control light intensity and spectrums. Learn why fully-dynamic LED lighting is good for your crops, as well as your bottom line. Rose and Michael share case studies, new research and a fresh approach to LED lighting.   In Part Two, the team from Sollum explains why the dynamic solution they provide can be installed in just about any greenhouse facility, as well as how true partnerships with grower clients lead from goals to outcomes. Rose and Michael share case studies and past experiences with breakthrough results. Then they detail how their team is constantly learning and using data to help growers make improvements from crop to crop, season to season and year to year. Furthermore, partnering with leading researchers in academia promises to bring even more knowledge to the table that can be implemented at clients’ operations.   You’ll want to listen all the way to the end of this episode as Rose and Michael share thoughts about the future of dynamic lighting and how new research is opening up opportunities to consider how light can be used to reduce disease and truly optimize plant health and quality for growers in all segments of horticulture.   If you have plans to explore new lighting technologies and want to learn more about the potential of dynamic lighting in enhancing plant health and reducing disease in horticulture, this episode is for you! It’s a perfect blend of science and real-world application with two guests who bring passion and tremendous knowledge to an energetic discussion about a critical topic.   Be sure to subscribe to the Tech On Demand Podcast, brought to you by GrowerTalks on your favorite podcast app—that way you’ll never miss an episode!   Resources discussed in the podcast episode:   Sollum Technologies website:   Smart Greenhouse with Dynamic LED Lighting:   White Papers:   Case Studies:   Contact Michael Hanan: [email protected]
9/26/202323 minutes, 8 seconds
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Benefits of Dynamic Lighting (Part One) with Rose & Michael from Sollum Technologies

In this two-part episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins talks to Rose Séguin (agronomist) and Michael Hanan (U.S. senior sales director) from Sollum Technologies about “dynamic” LED lighting and how this new technology allows for multi-zoning to meet the needs of multiple crops, as well as the ability to control light intensity and spectrums. Learn why fully-dynamic LED lighting is good for your crops, as well as your bottom line. Rose and Michael share case studies, new research and a fresh approach to LED lighting.   In Part One, The team from Sollum and Bill discuss exactly why the ability to control spectrum and intensity via software (versus simply turning lighting like HPS on or off) leads to flexibility and adaptability for specific crops—even down to the variety level. They dig into the ability of this kind of lighting technology to dial into specific stages of crop development—from young plants to finished material—and also how dynamic lighting can be customized to deliver specific outcomes based on diverse crop mixes or monoculture ranges.   Rose and Michael explain the science behind Sollum’s lighting strategies by walking listeners through questions frequently asked and discussed when planning new projects, as well as how their team helps solve problems and put new users at ease. As a partner and not simply a supplier, they don’t install and walk away.   If you have plans to explore new lighting technologies and want to learn more about the potential of dynamic lighting in enhancing plant health and reducing disease in horticulture, this episode is for you! It’s a perfect blend of science and real-world application with two guests who bring passion and tremendous knowledge to an energetic discussion about a critical topic.   Resources discussed in the podcast episode:   Sollum Technologies website:   Smart Greenhouse with Dynamic LED Lighting:   White Papers:   Case Studies:   Contact Michael Hanan: [email protected]
9/26/202328 minutes, 56 seconds
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Success with Dipladenia ft. Dr. Jamie Gibson from Syngenta Flowers

In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Dr. Jamie Gibson, technical lead for Syngenta Flowers, for a deep dive into dipladenia. If you’re listening in real time, plans for 2024 are most likely being made and if you’re like a lot of growers that means you’re looking to add tropical plants to the mix for next year. We’ve seen a lot of interest in Dipladenia recently—for many reasons—and new breeding and introductions are helping drive the category by helping you produce amazing crops that fit different sizes, profiles and uses.   In this episode, Jamie explains how important it is to start dipladenia with the end in mind. This means you should know your target dates to ship and sell, as well as what the end use of the crop is intended to be. As mentioned, new breeding is allowing for careful selection, both with inputs (URC, callused URC, liner, enhanced liner and prefinished), as well as plant profile and habit (from mixed container components to vigorous stand-alone specimens). If you have a plan, you can find a dipladenia to fit it.   Once you know the goal, it’s time to dial in a production plan. Jamie walks you through this piece of the puzzle from propagation from the different forms through finish, with special attention paid to start times and cultural management. He discusses ideal greenhouse environment, nutrition, pest and disease control, pinching and trimming, PGRs and even post-harvest recommendation.   One part of this presentation that you’ll want to pay close attention to is the “recipe” Jamie shares for the final 10 weeks of production. These final weeks of a long crop can make or break your success and sell-through.   The Syngenta Flowers team has put a lot of time and trialing into dipladenia and much of what they learned went into the launch and support of their new collection called Madinia, which includes three types—Petite, a medium-vigor size and Maximo— all with core colors.   Resources discussed in the podcast episode:   Syngenta Flowers Dipladenia Madinia Landing Page—FULL RESOURCES AND COMBINATION VIDEOS:
9/21/202333 minutes, 53 seconds
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Audio Files: Headwinds Ahead?

HEADWINDS AHEAD? FROM THE SEPTEMBER 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY STAN VANDER WAAL NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: My father used to use the term, “Batten down the hatches,” which I feel is very applicable to today's business environment. The definition of my father’s term is, “To prepare for a difficult or dangerous situation.” With this thought in mind, I’d like to consider how we as operators and business owners can prudently plan and navigate the challenges ahead.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—September 2023:
9/19/20234 minutes, 58 seconds
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Audio Files: The Labor Dilemma

THE LABOR DILEMMA FROM THE JUNE 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY AMY MORRIS NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Why does our industry face this dilemma? I believe it’s because prospective employees observe greenhouses and garden centers as offering the same compensation and career potential as the local McDonald’s. They see an entry-level temporary or transitional job when what we’d like them to see is a fun, challenging and rewarding opportunity. We all know the one thing holding us back from making greenhouses and garden centers the best place to work: compensation.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—June 2023:
9/18/20234 minutes, 58 seconds
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Audio Files: Not Customer Service—Hospitality

ACRES & ACRES: NOT CUSTOMER SERVICE—HOSPITALITY FROM THE SEPTEMBER 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY CHRIS BEYTES NARRATED BY THE AUTHOR, CHRIS BEYTES   EXCERPT: If you’ve been reading this column for a while, you’ll know I’m passionate about customer service. I’ve long felt it’s the one easiest (and hardest) place you can make your business stand out from the crowd. Easiest because so few businesses excel at it; hardest because it requires that your staff (and you) are at your absolute best at the hardest times possible: when face-to-face with a customer. And it requires having staff who are willing to learn and practice the fine art of service.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks Magazine—September 2023:
9/6/20235 minutes, 11 seconds
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Audio Files: Guide to High Tunnel Production

GUIDE TO HIGH TUNNEL PRODUCTION FROM THE MAY 2022 ISSUE OF INSIDE GROWER MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY PATRICK MAHONEY NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Growers obviously want to minimize their expenses, but at the same time want to maximize crop growth and boost their profitability. This can be a tough balance to achieve, as newer growing practices can often come with a hefty price tag.   However, with a high tunnel, growers can start to obtain some of the benefits of greenhouse growing, without having to make a large investment or overcomplicating their grow. A high tunnel hoophouse offers a cost-effective solution that can significantly improve an operation’s efficiency, while providing a number of other benefits along the way.   A key advantage is the potential for a high tunnel grant, which is offered through a Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) program. This grant allows growers who qualify government funding that alleviates some of their production expenses.   For growers who want to stick to soil, a high tunnel is the perfect way to enhance in-ground crop production, solve general outdoor issues and increase profits.   Read the digital edition of Inside Grower Magazine—May 2022:
9/3/202310 minutes, 31 seconds
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Audio Files: Building a Vertical Farm Team

BUILDING A VERTICAL FARM TEAM FROM THE AUGUST 2023 ISSUE OF INSIDE GROWER MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY ERIKA SUMMERS NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: In my experience, here’s what I’ve seen work as the core makeup of a successful vertical farming implementation team. This team in the initial planning phase includes a grower, a mechanical engineer (or engineering firm) and a finance/business person. Other members of the team need to be added as the project progresses, but aside from someone raising funds for the venture, these are the “three pillars,” as I refer to them.   Read the digital edition of Inside Grower Magazine—August 2023:
8/30/20239 minutes, 8 seconds
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MYSTERY SOLVED! Slime, Moss & Algae with Dr. Will Healy

For more than three decades, Dr. Will Healy was a technical services manager at Ball working with countless growers around the world to solve greenhouse challenges and grow amazing crops. Over that period of time, there was a phenomenon he saw over and over and made it part of his mission to figure out how and why it happened. Now retired but still constantly looking for ways to share knowledge with the horticulture industry, Will joins Tech On Demand host Bill Calkins to reveal what he’s learned about this mystery. The topic is slime, moss and algae in greenhouse production.   This is not only a mysterious (and somewhat gross) topic, but also one that’s key to successful propagation and finishing of crops. Moss and algae growth supports fungus gnat and shorefly infestations and limits water movement leading to non-uniform growth—both situations you want to avoid at all costs. With these issues in mind, Will begins this discussion all the way back at the time of media selection. He then moves to how your flat filling equipment can positively or negatively impact media and the formation of an algae or moss “crust”.   How and when you apply irrigation often directly affects the formation of a crust on plugs and pots you want to avoid, as well as leading to hydrophilic or hydrophobic growing media. Answering the questions, “Where did slime, mold and algae come from?” And … “How do I avoid it?” Will explains that dry, fine fiber in media floats hydrophobic fibers to the surface, which in turn causes flooding of cells and compaction of the upper layer of media leading to smooth surfaces on each cell that encourages slime and algae growth. Thankfully, there are ways to avoid this, and Will has the solution to this phenomenon.   Training Your Team to Water Properly Video:
8/22/202347 minutes, 11 seconds
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Audio Files: Biofungicides—What to Consider

BIOFUNGICIDES: WHAT TO CONSIDER FROM THE AUGUST 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY DR. ANN CHASE NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: You should be aware of some considerations before trying biopesticides in your operation. It might be simpler to convert completely to biopesticides, but it’s rarely practical due to limitations in controlling a wide array of diseases. There are some facts you need to know to make the most successful use of any pesticide—biological or conventional.   This article was originally published in the first edition of our Biosolutions Guide, which came out with the June issue of GrowerTalks.    Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks & Green Profit Magazine—August 2023:
8/21/20237 minutes, 54 seconds
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Tissue Culture: The Next Frontier (Part 2) with Dr. Nathan Jahnke & Deanna Felton

Skip the intro and get right to the content—fast forward to 1:15.   In the second part of this Tech On Demand discussion, Dr. Nathan Jahnke (Culture Research Manager at Ball Horticultural Company) and Deanna Felton (Production & Propagation Manager at Sunbelt Greenhouses) continue the foundation built in the previous episode, this time covering preparation, inspection and grading, as well as best practices for acclimation and the importance of providing feedback to labs and suppliers. Nathan and Deanna wrap up with some of their tips for TC, based on a lot of experience with this product form. Be sure to listen to part one if you haven’t already!     In part one, Nathan and Deanna set the stage with an overview of commonly used terms, how exactly Tissue Culture material is produced and the most common product forms you can expect to receive from TC labs. Then they dial in on critical components for success before taking you crop by crop through common TC species—ranking them in terms of difficulty to produce.   Over the past 50 years, commercial greenhouse production has been revolutionized many times—from seed to plugs to vegetative material, just to name a few evolutions. The newest frontier for professional growers is Tissue Culture (TC): The growth of cells derived from living tissue in an artificial medium.   Producing from Tissue Culture is certainly cutting-edge, although it’s not brand new to the world of horticulture. As more and more crops are offered from TC and production teams gravitate to this type of young plant input for many advantageous reasons, there’s bound to be a steep learning curve. TC plantlets are not like unrooted cuttings, plugs or liners—they are quite different and require new skills.   There is significant research underway and new strategies for TC production being published and now is the time to begin learning ways to produce TC-raised crops efficiently and effectively. That is the basis of this video series.   Join Dr. Nathan Jahnke, Culture Research Manager at Ball Horticultural Company and Deanna Felton, longtime Production and Propagation Manager at Sunbelt Greenhouses in Georgia for a 2-part podcast diving deep into Tissue Culture production—approaching the topics from both research and application angles.   DOCUMENT—Tissue Culture Language & Commonly Used Terms:   WATCH THE VIDEO PRESENTATIONS FROM THIS PODCAST—DIVIDED INTO SEVEN PARTS:  
8/15/202341 minutes, 47 seconds
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Tissue Culture: The Next Frontier (Part 1) with Dr. Nathan Jahnke & Deanna Felton

In the first part of this Tech On Demand discussion, Dr. Nathan Jahnke (Culture Research Manager at Ball Horticultural Company) and Deanna Felton (Production & Propagation Manager at Sunbelt Greenhouses) set the stage with an overview of commonly used terms, how exactly Tissue Culture material is produced and the most common product forms you can expect to receive from TC labs. Then they dial in on critical components for success before taking you crop by crop through common TC species—ranking them in terms of difficulty to produce.   Part two covers preparation, inspection and grading, as well as best practices for acclimation and the importance of providing feedback to labs and suppliers. Nathan and Deanna wrap up with some of their tips for TC, based on a lot of experience with this product form. Be sure to listen to part two when you’re done with this one!   Over the past 50 years, commercial greenhouse production has been revolutionized many times—from seed to plugs to vegetative material, just to name a few evolutions. The newest frontier for professional growers is Tissue Culture (TC): The growth of cells derived from living tissue in an artificial medium.   Producing from Tissue Culture is certainly cutting-edge, although it’s not brand new to the world of horticulture. As more and more crops are offered from TC and production teams gravitate to this type of young plant input for many advantageous reasons, there’s bound to be a steep learning curve. TC plantlets are not like unrooted cuttings, plugs or liners—they are quite different and require new skills.   There is significant research underway and new strategies for TC production being published and now is the time to begin learning ways to produce TC-raised crops efficiently and effectively. That is the basis of this video series.   Join Dr. Nathan Jahnke, Culture Research Manager at Ball Horticultural Company and Deanna Felton, longtime Production and Propagation Manager at Sunbelt Greenhouses in Georgia for a 2-part podcast diving deep into Tissue Culture production—approaching the topics from both research and application angles.   DOCUMENT—Tissue Culture Language & Commonly Used Terms:   WATCH THE VIDEO PRESENTATIONS FROM THIS PODCAST—DIVIDED INTO SEVEN PARTS:  
8/15/202324 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ball Customer Day 2023 FRIDAY Panel Discussion: Planning for 2024—Your Business, Plants and People

For the past couple years at the annual Ball Customer Day event in West Chicago, panels have been assembled to share thoughts on a topic during lunch in the big tent. This year, the topic was how to plan for 2024—a big question and one that has everyone in the industry talking. Following three unique seasons, it can be challenging (if not impossible) for you and your team to set sights on a plan for your operation next year.   Because Ball Customer Day is now actually two days, the final Thursday and Friday in July, this episode only covers one panel. Be sure to check out the other panel discussion (also posted as a podcast) because the participants are different, and the ideas are unique.   On Friday, moderator Bill Calkins spoke to Kate Terrell, second generation owner of Wallace’s Garden Center, a grower-retailer located in Bettendorf, Iowa. Also on the panel was Tom Seery, also second generation as a Ball Seed sales rep and Midwest Regional Manager. The third panelist was Jim Kennedy, national sales manager at Ball, who shared how Ball Seed is planning as a supplier and ways Ball Seed can assist your team when strategizing for upcoming years.   Panelists shared thoughts on these questions:   How did your team create a plan for 2023? What went into this planning and how did the season go? The big question heard around the industry is, “How do I plan for 2024?” How is your business thinking about your 2024 plan at the moment? With change and turnover constant in any organization, developing teams and team members is more critical than ever. Please share how your company goes about training and education of staff members. Why invest in this? Does it pay off? Because Customer Day is focused on innovative new plants, as well as tried and true varieties, please share some of the plants and concepts you feel will make an impact in 2024. Finally, please offer one key to success for 2024.
8/9/202335 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ball Customer Day 2023 THURSDAY Panel Discussion: Planning for 2024—Your Business, Plants and People

For the past couple years at the annual Ball Customer Day event in West Chicago, panels have been assembled to share thoughts on a topic during lunch in the big tent. This year, the topic was how to plan for 2024—a big question and one that has everyone in the industry talking. Following three unique seasons, it can be challenging (if not impossible) for you and your team to set sights on a plan for your operation next year.   Because Ball Customer Day is now actually two days, the final Thursday and Friday in July, this episode only covers one panel. Be sure to check out the other panel discussion (also posted as a podcast) because the participants are different, and the ideas are unique.   On Thursday, moderator Bill Calkins spoke to Johannes Pieterse (JP) and Brent Troost, co-owners of Countryside Greenhouse and Flower Shop, a grower-retailer with locations in Elburn and Crystal Lake, Illinois. The third panelist was Jim Kennedy, national sales manager at Ball, who shared how Ball Seed is planning as a supplier and ways Ball Seed can assist your team when strategizing for upcoming years.   Panelists shared thoughts on these questions:   How did your team create a plan for 2023? What went into this planning and how did the season go? The big question heard around the industry is, “How do I plan for 2024?” How is your business thinking about your 2024 plan at the moment? With change and turnover constant in any organization, developing teams and team members is more critical than ever. Please share how your company goes about training and education of staff members. Why invest in this? Does it pay off? Because Customer Day is focused on innovative new plants, as well as tried and true varieties, please share some of the plants and concepts you feel will make an impact in 2024. Finally, please offer one key to success for 2024.
8/9/202327 minutes
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Achieving Uniformity: Pansy & Viola Germination

Synchronous germination is the goal—uniform seedlings that germinate within a 48-hour window and grow uniformly throughout production. Dr. Will Healy joins host Bill Calkins for a deep dive into the germination process with a focus on pansy and viola crops. Will begins by explaining why water and oxygen are the most critical elements in pansy germination, as well as the importance of hydration levels from Day 0-4.   He then shares ways to reduce the potential of creating a “gel layer” on seeds, instead moving them into the germination stage effectively. Next, Will explains best practices for flat filling with uniform moisture and ways to avoid dry spots and “checkerboarding” in young plant production.   Moving down the seeding line, pansies and violas should be top coated with a coarse media but distribution of the media is the key element. At the end of the line should be a water tunnel but, again, there are protocols to follow, and Will explains them all. Lastly, when your plug trays are filled, there’s always the discussion of whether bench production or a chamber is optimal. Will explains pros and cons for both.   Resources mentioned:   3-Part Pansy Production Video Series:   Training Your Team to Water Properly Video:   Optimize Your Seeding Line Video:
8/8/202336 minutes, 23 seconds
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Audio Files: Employees—Blessing or Curse?

ACRES & ACRES: EMPLOYEES—BLESSING OR CURSE? FROM THE AUGUST 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY CHRIS BEYTES NARRATED BY CHRIS BEYTES   EXCERPT: HR will never be easy. But perhaps looking at your people as a blessing rather than a curse is a first step toward creating a culture that attracts better people, who’ll be more pleasurable to manage, which will further foster a culture that attracts better people, and so on and so on. It kind of reminds me of something I heard years ago: “What if I train my people and they leave?” “Yeah, but what if you don’t train your people and they stay?”   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks & Green Profit Magazine—August 2023:
8/4/20235 minutes, 35 seconds
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Audio Files: 5 Herbicide Myths Holding Your Program Back

5 HERBICIDE MYTHS HOLDING YOUR PROGRAM BACK FROM THE AUGUST 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY BROCH MARTINDALE NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Weed management strategies commonly rely on multiple applications of pre-emergent and postemergent herbicides that are supplemented with handweeding. To help you build a robust program, it’s important to dispel some myths about using herbicides in your production.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks & Green Profit Magazine—August 2023:
8/2/20236 minutes, 47 seconds
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Developing a Pesticide Rotation Program (and more) with JC Chong

In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Dr. JC Chong, technical development manager at SePRO, to discuss the importance of pesticide rotation programs and how to develop and implement them in your operation. Rotating chemistries and modes of action not only gives you an effective approach to eliminating pests but helps ensure you can use the best products for years to come—without resistance and loss of sensitivity to pests.   JC and Bill dig into exactly why resistance programs are critical to reducing resistance and why resistance leads not only to reduced options and crop issues but also higher costs. Then they move into resources and tips to navigate the oftentimes puzzling world of insecticide rotation. JC explains why rotating modes of actions and not trade names is necessary, as well as how many modes of action should be used in an effective rotation. Finally, they go even deeper into how you can customize rotations for your needs using the tools and resources JC employs when he consults with greenhouse and nursery growers.   Because JC is a true insect and mite pest expert with more than 15 years-experience as a professor and researcher, Bill picks his brain on a current hot-button topic … Thrips parvispinus, the specific thrips that led to quarantines in Florida and spread to many states on tropical plants in 2023. JC offers his expertise on the pest, his outlook for Fall 2023 and 2024 and a new rotation program he developed at SePRO that’s available to download and save for use if you need to battle this particular bug.   Resources discussed in the podcast episode:   Insecticide Guide Poster   Thrips parvispinus Rotation Guide   Ornamental Solutions Tech Sheet   SePRO Ornamental Products   BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE!
7/24/202346 minutes, 36 seconds
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Audio Files: Acres & Acres—Pandemic Not Required

ACRES & ACRES: PANDEMIC NOT REQUIRED FROM THE JULY 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY CHRIS BEYTES NARRATED BY THE AUTHOR ... CHRIS BEYTES!   EXCERPT: The main point here is how the overall season turned out, and based on your scores, 2023 (7.6/7.6) will be the third-best season since I started trying to keep score. Only the pandemic years of 2020 (8.1/8.2) and 2021 (8.2/8.1) beat it. In fact, no other season comes close!   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks & Green Profit Magazine—July 2023:
7/10/20235 minutes, 9 seconds
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Audio Files: Simple Things Growers Miss That Affect Plant Quality

SIMPLE THINGS GROWERS MISS THAT AFFECT PLANT QUALITY FROM THE JUNE 2021 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY MIKE FERNANDEZ NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT:   In today’s digital world, we’re bombarded with information. That’s especially true if you’re new to greenhouse production. Best practices, expert advice, training and technology tips abound. The truth is many successful growers take a back-to-basics approach. Focusing on improving and perfecting just a few areas of your growing operation can make you more successful. Here are a few reminders of simple things new and experienced growers alike can use to increase plant quality, efficiencies and profits.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks & Green Profit Magazine—June 2021:
6/27/20236 minutes, 43 seconds
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Audio Files: The Echinacea Renaissance

THE ECHINACEA RENAISSANCE FROM THE APRIL 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY LOWELL HALVORSON NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Our modern echinacea grew out of this crisis. Breeders pulled back and reassessed their strategies, especially within the dominant innovators. Features that define a good echinacea today—such as heavy flower count, extended bloom window, long lifespan and slow-to-fade flowers—come from their “whole plant” approach toward selection and improvement. Rather than walking through a field of samples and picking out cool flower tops, breeders judged plants by their ability to survive winter, create multiple growing points and pass through TC production successfully.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks & Green Profit Magazine—April 2023:
6/23/20237 minutes, 7 seconds
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Audio Files: Planning For 2024

PLANNING FOR 2024 FROM THE MAY 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY STAN VANDER WAAL NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Planning considerations: Consult with your customers or prospective customers early about opportunities, but also clearly discuss timelines you need to work with to execute a successful 2024 season. Don’t underestimate the planning, supply chain run time or delays, or the time it may take to get the approvals you need for a given proposal. Cost review: Unfortunately, most operating costs haven’t gone down. Lay out your plan to clearly articulate what you’ll need for cost increases. Do you need to build? Depending on the size of your expansion this may be a challenge. We now plan and give final approval two years ahead. I’ve heard there’s some capacity with builders, and if your expansion is five acres or less, you may be able to complete it for 2024 production. Don’t forget the internal capacity building: your team. What positions will you need to fill? Do you have the experience and ability to support your growth plans?   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks & Green Profit Magazine—May 2023:
6/20/20236 minutes, 47 seconds
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Audio Files: Putting Your Media to the Test

PUTTING YOUR MEDIA TO THE TEST FROM THE JULY 2021 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY ED BLOODNICK & TROY BUECHEL NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Comparative product evaluations, product demonstrations and product trials are important for growers when evaluating new products, plant varieties and even growing media. This is the best way of determining what new product can benefit your business. But there are certain protocols that should be followed to ensure products are evaluated properly and the results can be replicated should you decide to move forward with a new product.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks & Green Profit Magazine—July 2021:
6/16/20238 minutes, 51 seconds
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Audio Files: Frequent Hardy Mum Concerns

FREQUENT HARDY MUM CONCERNS FROM THE JULY 2022 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY MICHAEL DIBERTI NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Some stress—such as moisture, low fertility and temperature—can contribute to the budding issue. Temperature is one of the most frequent triggers. Nighttime temperatures of many of the current mum cultivars need to be above 60F (15C). Lower temperatures over a course of days generally cause the premature budding. The result of it can make the mum look stunted and odd-looking. Plant growth slows down and appears not to fill out as normal.   If you’re experiencing cooler-than-normal temperatures, frequently scouting the crop can be beneficial to early detection of premature budding. Look at the plants’ terminals to see if you can start to see this bud development. If you’re seeing buds, there are a few practices that can prevent further development.    Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks & Green Profit Magazine—July 2022:
6/13/20235 minutes, 55 seconds
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Audio Files: Minimizing Risk—Overwintering Perennials

MINIMIZING RISK: OVERWINTERING PERENNIALS FROM THE AUGUST 2022 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY PAUL PILON NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: To better manage and minimize the risks associated with overwintering perennials, it’s important to understand and accept that the main goal of overwintering is the survival of the root systems. This may seem like common knowledge, but most growers don’t think of overwintering plants in this manner. Focusing on the survival of the root system will greatly increase overwintering successes.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks & Green Profit Magazine—August 2022:
6/9/20238 minutes, 23 seconds
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Audio Files: Optimize Rooting Uniformity—A Hierarchical Process

OPTIMIZE ROOTING UNIFORMITY: A HIERARCHICAL PROCESS FROM THE NOVEMBER 2022 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY BILL CALKINS NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: For greenhouses rooting large numbers of cuttings or growers interested in processes to improve rooting success, it’s critical to look at the key limiting factors to producing high-quality rooted liners. This is a very scientific process that involves multiple factors of plant growth—hydration, light, temperature, nutrition and gas exchange.    Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks & Green Profit Magazine—November 2022:
6/6/202310 minutes, 43 seconds
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Audio Files: Acres & Acres—I Think We’ve Answered the Question

ACRES & ACRES: I THINK WE’VE ANSWERED THE QUESTION FROM THE JUNE 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY CHRIS BEYTES NARRATED BY CHRIS BEYTES   EXCERPT: Last month in this space I talked about how nervous much of the industry has been about going into spring with the economy boasting both high interest rates and high inflation—and having just come out of a global pandemic, too. Plus, labor rates and input costs are up massively, and we’ve raised prices more in the last two years than we had in the last 20. Would our gardening customers show up this spring? Have we become too much of a luxury?   Well, we’re a month further into the season than last time (I’m writing this the Friday before Mother’s Day), so let’s continue the discussion.   Read the digital edition of GrowerTalks & Green Profit Magazine—June 2023:
6/1/20235 minutes, 39 seconds
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Audio Files: Poinsettia Fertilization Tricks

POINSETTIA FERTILIZATION TRICKS FROM THE MAY 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY LYNN GRIFFITH NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Stock plants of almost any kind need more magnesium inputs than production plants. There are a couple of reasons for this: 1) Among the primary functions of magnesium in plants is that it’s in the middle of the chlorophyll molecule; and 2) it’s a mobile element.
5/17/20236 minutes, 31 seconds
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Audio Files: Heating in Your Winter Greenhouse

HEATING IN YOUR WINTER GREENHOUSE FROM THE OCTOBER 2022 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY PATRICK MAHONEY NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Fortunately, there are a number of ways for growers to improve their greenhouse and limit expenses during winter. To get the most out of their structure, operations will want to look at the key factors that impact heating efficiency, starting with the greenhouse’s ability to retain heat and the effectiveness of its heating system.
5/16/20237 minutes, 19 seconds
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Audio Files: Payroll 2023 Style

PAYROLL 2023 STYLE FROM THE MARCH 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY MARK BATTERSBY NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Payroll, typically the biggest expense of a business, has come a long way since its creation in 1913. The 16th Amendment to the Constitution gives Congress the “power to lay and collect taxes on incomes.” The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 established the minimum wage, overtime, recordkeeping and youth employment standards, further complicating payrolls.   Obviously, understanding the basic rules for withholding payroll taxes—and paying over withheld amounts—on the wages of all employees in the commercial growing or retail business is a good start. Guidance and advice from a competent, qualified advisor is virtually a necessity.
5/10/202311 minutes, 25 seconds
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Audio Files: Should You Hire a Consultant for Your Greenhouse?

SHOULD YOU HIRE A CONSULTANT FOR YOUR GREENHOUSE? FROM THE JUNE 2022 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY ALBERT GRIMM NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Most of us are simply not aware of any mistakes we make or else we would avoid them. If we’re unaware of our flaws and deficiencies we cannot improve upon them, and therefore, honest critique is the most valuable professional gift that anybody can present us with. If you’re ready to accept critique, you’re ready for a consultant.
5/2/20235 minutes, 7 seconds
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Specialized Growing Media: Jiffy Flexistart

This audio is from a recent Trending Now video. You can find the video version at    Tech On Demand podcast host and GrowerTalks Senior Editor Bill Calkins talks to John Bonin, the substrate mix product manager and senior account manager for Jiffy Group, about the iconic company’s new Flexistart specialized growing media. John takes you through a bit of Jiffy’s mission and the importance of high-quality substrates before explaining why Flexistart is a reliable product for professional young plant producers looking to drive performance, speed and precision, while reducing waste and labor costs.   More Resources: Plant propagation systems | Blends quality substrates | Jiffy Group Jiffy substrates and mix for professional use | Jiffy Group‘ Meeting the Challenge of High-Quality, Cost-Efficient Substrates ( Jiffy Flexistart - Hear what clients are saying! - YouTube Jiffy Group International The Netherlands Jiffy Group –Sustainability
4/27/202334 minutes, 1 second
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Audio Files: How Much Are You Losing to Waste?

HOW MUCH ARE YOU LOSING TO WASTE? FROM THE JANUARY 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY STAN VANDER WAAL NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Let’s talk realistically about waste, and for this discussion, break waste into two parts: First, production—which, to me, is from the buying of the product to delivery at the store. I would suggest producers can be as low as 2% and as high as 10% in this area. Second is shrink, or what we refer to as sell-through at retail.
4/26/20236 minutes, 5 seconds
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Audio Files: When Using Your Land Doesn’t Go As Planned

WHEN USING YOUR LAND DOESN’T GO AS PLANNED FROM THE OCTOBER 2022 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY MATT STURZEN NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Unless they’re actively involved in local government or kept up to date on land use issues, many individuals and businesses are unaware of their rights or restrictions as it relates to real property. This is especially true for those in the agricultural and nursery industries, since operations can go years without undergoing significant land use changes. However, land use issues can quickly arise and become complicated as time passes by. This is because land use plans are ever-changing, especially as urban and suburban development increases.
4/20/20238 minutes, 15 seconds
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Audio Files: Visa Program Primer

VISA PROGRAM PRIMER FROM THE DECEMBER 2022 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY SHAWN PACKER NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Many employers turn to the temporary foreign guestworker visa programs like the H-2A and H-2B visa—so much so that we’re seeing record numbers of applications. In 2021, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) certified 317,619 H-2A temporary agricultural visas and 181,451 H-2B temporary non-agricultural visas. That’s up from a DOL certified 200,049 H-2A visas and 133,985 H-2B visas in 2017.    Here are five things you should consider before embarking on this journey of hiring workers under these programs.  
4/18/20239 minutes, 45 seconds
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Audio Files: The Splitting of Impatiens

THE SPLITTING OF IMPATIENS FROM THE JANUARY 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY LOWELL HALVORSON NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS EXCERPT: When analyzing impatiens sales these days, we can see that the category has split into two distinct segments, each with its own sweet spot and market focus. Wholesale price lists show this breakout regularly. They often follow “Impatiens” with “Impatiens, Hybrid” or perhaps “Impatiens, SunPatiens.” This division reflects the new normal and, looking under the hood, we can also see each segment is shifting under different breeder and buyer pressures.
4/14/20236 minutes, 37 seconds
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Audio Files: Trends in Biocontrols

TRENDS IN BIOCONTROLS   FROM THE FEBRUARY 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE   WRITTEN BY JULIE MARTENS FORNEY   NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: With biocontrols, it’s not an either/or approach when it comes to using chemicals, but a both/and. A combination of biology and chemistry delivers great success. For instance, “you can use biologicals up front to keep pest issues in check all through a crop if the weather is just right,” Dr. Michael Brownbridge explained. “That lets you save chemistry until the last few weeks of production so you can clean things up prior to shipping.”   The flip side is true, too. “If you have high pest and disease pressures, you can use chemistry first like a battering ram to knock down the problems and follow up with biologicals to mop up and provide protection to the plant,” he continued.   When it comes to diseases, he pointed out “there’s an increasing body of scientific evidence that if you use a combination of biology and chemistry you get better disease control.”
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Audio Files: Tech in the Greenhouse

TECH IN THE GREENHOUSE FROM THE APRIL 2023 ISSUE OF GROWERTALKS MAGAZINE WRITTEN BY JENNIFER ZURKO NARRATED BY BILL CALKINS   EXCERPT: Most of the new tech we’re seeing boils down to one reason: lack of resources. There aren’t enough servers to bring your food or enough cashiers at the grocery store, so those industries have had to figure out how to alleviate the problem while still providing those services to their customers. In the growing biz, it’s no different. We’re experiencing a lack of resources, too—and have been for years—so it’s expected that some of the technology that we’re seeing in other industries to address labor shortages have made their way into the greenhouse. But if you step back, you realize that the focus hasn’t just been on the lack of hands—growers are also looking for new ways to continuously improve on quality in a shorter and shorter amount of time.
4/10/202312 minutes, 42 seconds
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Water Movement: The Importance of Vapor Pressure Deficit (Part 3)

How to effectively manage VPD. This is the third and final episode in a series of podcasts looking into an important greenhouse production topic, vapor pressure deficit or VPD. Host Bill Calkins talks to guest Dr. Will Healy in an attempt to make some fairly complex information understandable and usable in this conversation about VPD, relative humidity and water loss. They are following up on a print article ran in the January issue of GrowerTalks magazine that walked readers through some definitions related to VPD, as well as why it is an important measurement to use and how it can specifically benefit young plant production. This podcast (and the others in the series) goes quite a bit deeper into the topic.   Dr. Healy has more than three decades of experience working with greenhouses of all shapes and sizes and around the world to implement the best strategies for their unique situations. Will retired recently from Ball Horticultural Company but continues to think about ways to improve horticultural production.   In this podcast, Dr. Healy continues the discussion of total moisture control my walking you through misting strategies from Stage 1 through 3 of rooting, including optimum VPD set points and values from hydration of URCs through root development. He shares exactly why you and your team need to establish rooting groups, identifying the specific needs of each crop and grouping them accordingly, because we all know each crop needs a specific environment for maximum performance. Will spends time on VPD frequency and mist duration, based on real-world greenhouse applications before closing the miniseries with thoughts on controllers (from simple to sophisticated) and the data collected by sensors that’s both critical and nice to have.   If you haven’t listened to PARTS 1 & 2 in this series, jump back in the archives and check it out because it sets the stage well for this cast.   RESOURCES: Learning Curves & Data Curves, GrowerTalks January 2023 by Bill Calkins (article): Plant Empowerment (book): Tech On Demand—Training Your Team to Water Properly (video):
2/9/202337 minutes, 57 seconds
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Water Movement: The Importance of Vapor Pressure Deficit (Part 2)

WHEN is Vapor Pressure Deficit critical in greenhouse production? This is the second in a series of podcasts looking into an important greenhouse production topic, vapor pressure deficit or VPD. Host Bill Calkins talks to guest Dr. Will Healy in an attempt to make some fairly complex information understandable and usable in this conversation about VPD, relative humidity and water loss. They are following up on a print article ran in the January issue of GrowerTalks magazine that walked readers through some definitions related to VPD, as well as why it is an important measurement to use and how it can specifically benefit young plant production. This podcast (and the others in the series) goes quite a bit deeper into the topic.   Dr. Healy has more than three decades of experience working with greenhouses of all shapes and sizes and around the world to implement the best strategies for their unique situations. Will retired recently from Ball Horticultural Company but continues to think about ways to improve horticultural production.   In the second episode of the series, Will and Bill discuss when VPD is most critical in greenhouse production. Using VPD to schedule irrigation is a much more scientific approach versus “watering every Tuesday and Thursday” because it takes into account how much water has been lost by plants. Will shares details about VPD accumulation and why this matters, as well as when in production VPD management can help reduce the risk of pests and diseases.   If you haven’t listened to PART 1 in this series, jump back in the archives and check it out because it sets the stage well for this cast.   RESOURCES: Learning Curves & Data Curves, GrowerTalks January 2023 by Bill Calkins (article): Plant Empowerment (book): Tech On Demand—Training Your Team to Water Properly (video):  
2/1/202328 minutes, 49 seconds
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Water Movement: The Importance of Vapor Pressure Deficit (Part 1)

This is the first in a series of podcasts looking into an important greenhouse production topic, vapor pressure deficit or VPD. Host Bill Calkins talks to guest Dr. Will Healy in an attempt to make some fairly complex information understandable and usable in this conversation about VPD, relative humidity and water loss. They are following up on a print article ran in the January issue of GrowerTalks magazine that walked readers through some definitions related to VPD, as well as why it is an important measurement to use and how it can specifically benefit young plant production. This episode (and the others in the series) goes quite a bit deeper into the topic.   Dr. Healy has more than three decades of experience working with greenhouses of all shapes and sizes and around the world to implement the best strategies for their unique situations. Will retired recently from Ball Horticultural Company but continues to think about ways to improve horticultural production.   In the first podcast of the series, Will and Bill focus on clarifying the importance of VPD and Relative Humidity (RH), as well as explaining the process of Evapotranspiration. The episode sets the stage for upcoming presentations covering when VPD is most critical and ways to manage this integral piece of your greenhouse environment puzzle.   RESOURCES:   VIEW THIS PRESENTATION AS A VIDEO WITH SLIDES: Learning Curves & Data Curves, GrowerTalks January 2023 by Bill Calkins (article): Plant Empowerment (book): Tech On Demand—Training Your Team to Water Properly (video):
1/26/202336 minutes, 41 seconds
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Happy 75th Birthday PanAmerican Seed with Anne Leventry (Part 2)

In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by PanAmerican Seed president Anne Leventry, celebrating the company’s 75th anniversary. With so much history, ground-breaking products and innovative breeding, this conversation is divided into two parts. Be sure to check out part 1, as well, to get the full story!   Companies that survive and thrive for decades are nimble enough to maneuver trends and fads but consistent and focused enough to chart a thoughtful and successful course amidst constant change. This is certainly the case with PanAm, who’s celebrating an impressive anniversary and making innovative moves to grow for decades to come.   In this episode, the conversation turns to plants—breeding goals, Anne’s favorite varieties, underused and underappreciated products and floriculture’s future. It’s a mix of entertaining plant talk and an insight into PanAmerican’s strategic vision.   Because Anne has been on PanAmerican Seed’s global leadership team for many years, her personal stories and behind-the-scenes insights offer a unique look into PanAm and floriculture’s evolution from a macro perspective.   You’ll want to listen all the way to the end of this episode and if you haven’t listened to part 1, it would be best to jump back in the archives and check it out before starting this one, because the information builds throughout. In the first part, Bill and Anne discuss the evolution of PanAmerican Seed, company growth, breakthroughs and industry challenges not yet solved.   Resources:   PanAmerican Seed: Wave Petunias: Beacon Impatiens: Dragon Wing Begonias:  Gryphon Begonia: Cool Wave Pansies: Solarscape Hybrid Impatiens: Seed technology & enhancements:  First-Year-Flowering Tool:   BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE!  
12/2/202229 minutes, 55 seconds
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Happy 75th Birthday PanAmerican Seed with Anne Leventry (Part 1)

In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by PanAmerican Seed president Anne Leventry, celebrating the company’s 75th anniversary. With so much history, ground-breaking products and innovative breeding, this conversation is divided into two parts. Be sure to check out part 2, as well, to get the full story!   Companies that survive and thrive for decades are nimble enough to maneuver trends and fads but consistent and focused enough to chart a thoughtful and successful course amidst constant change. This is certainly the case with PanAm, who’s celebrating an impressive anniversary and making innovative moves to grow for decades to come.   In this episode, the topics at hand include industry history, corporate leadership, overcoming horticultural obstacles and the importance of reliability. These dynamics are critical when applied to the horticultural industry, and topics that impact all greenhouse professionals.   Because Anne has been on PanAmerican Seed’s global leadership team for many years, her personal stories and behind-the-scenes insights offer a unique look into PanAm and floriculture’s evolution from a macro perspective.   You’ll want to listen all the way to the end of this episode and the next, because the information builds throughout! In part 2, Bill and Anne turn to plants—PanAm’s breeding goals, game-changing plants, “sleeper crops” and the future of floriculture.   Resources:   PanAmerican Seed: Wave Petunias: Beacon Impatiens: Dragon Wing Begonias: Gryphon Begonia: Cool Wave Pansies: Solarscape Hybrid Impatiens: Seed technology & enhancements:  First-Year-Flowering Tool:   BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE!
12/2/202231 minutes, 40 seconds
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30+ Tropical & Foliage Plants in 30 Minutes with Andrew Britten

We’ve heard about plant parents (folks who care for plants the same as pets and even children) and the younger generations of gardeners (as well as plenty of others in the same houseplant tribes) flocking to garden centers, urban plant shops and even farm markets in search of the same interesting houseplants they see on Instagram and Tick Tock. Wholesale growers and retailers who’ve been riding the trend have seen significant growth in terms of both interest and sales. Thankfully the trend doesn’t seem to be fading, so if you’re not yet in the game, you haven’t missed the wave. On the other hand, the hot plant of the day does seem to change rapidly so staying aware of different genera and having a wide range of different plants available seems pretty critical.   Host Bill Calkins is joined in this episode by Andrew Britten, the tropicals and foliage technical and sales manager at Ball, to help us all understand the most common genera available and run through a pretty long A-Z list to help you understand how to produce them with success. Andrew has an impressive resume built as a head grower, production manager, technical advisor and sales manager for some of the largest and most cutting-edge greenhouses in North America. He’s produced and grown dozens of genera and is here to share everything from plant origins and varieties available to types of starter material and brief cultural best practices.
11/15/202225 minutes, 47 seconds
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Types of Starter Material for Tropical & Foliage Plants

For those of you new to producing tropical and foliage plants or interested in learning more about the category, it can be a pretty steep learning curve. Maybe you have a long history in bedding plants, spring annuals and veggies or perennials and ornamentals. Well, what I’ve learned is that the tropical and foliage market is quite different. There’s certainly overlap, from a greenhouse production standpoint, but the differences are numerous.   You may know him from previous podcasts covering pests and diseases on tropicals, but this time Andrew Britten is here to walk us through different types of starter material from which you’ll begin your crops.   Andrew has a ton of experience producing tropical plants from a diverse range of starter materials and has gone through the growing pains required for successful growing to finish. He’s a true tropical plant production expert who’s been a head grower, propagation manager, sales manager and technical manager focused on tropicals for the last two decades or so. These days, he’s the technical sales manager for tropicals and foliage at Ball.   Here are the types of starter material discussed in this short but critical podcast:   Unrooted Cuttings (URC) Tissue Culture (TC) Calloused Cuttings (CC) Rooted Cuttings (RC) Air Layer (A/L) Canes Stumps   Past Episodes with Andrew Britten: Preventing & Managing Disease on Tropical Plants:   Controlling Insects on Tropical Plants:
11/10/20229 minutes, 15 seconds
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Preventing & Managing Disease on Tropical Plants

Host Bill Calkins is joined by Andrew Britten, a greenhouse and nursery technical expert with a wide range of experience from large-scale production and propagation to technical services and even sales of foliage and tropical plants. He’s been a head grower, young plants manager and production manager at some of the largest and most well-respected operations in North America. Interestingly, Andrew was GrowerTalks’ Young Grower Award winner back in 2005. Andrew joins the podcast again to discuss the most common diseases you might encounter when finishing tropical and foliage crops across North America. He goes one by one through more than 10 diseases, sharing causes, how to identify and finally, control strategies. The goal with this podcast is to help you produce your best crops ever and send clean, healthy tropicals and foliage to market. If you haven’t listened to the previous podcast covering insect identification and control on tropicals, jump back in the archives and check it out. Throughout the podcast, Andrew and Bill reference photos and slides, which you can find at: BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE!
9/15/202216 minutes, 39 seconds
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Controlling Insects on Tropical Plants with Andrew Britten

Host Bill Calkins is joined by Andrew Britten, a greenhouse and nursery technical expert with a wide range of experience from large-scale production and propagation to technical services and even sales of foliage and tropical plants. He’s been a head grower, young plants manager and production manager at some of the largest and most well-respected operations in North America. Interestingly, Andrew was GrowerTalks’ Young Grower Award winner back in 2005. Andrew joins the podcast to focus on insects, because they’re something a lot of growers struggle with when they finish tropical and foliage crops across North America. He begins with an overview of the most common pests dealt with in tropical plant production and what kinds of damage to look for when identifying them. These “usual suspects” include aphids, spider mites, mealybug, whitefly and thrips. Then, he turns his attention to managing and controlling these pests, talking about both conventional chemical and biological controls. Throughout the podcast, Andrew and Bill reference photos and slides, which you can find at: BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE!
8/29/202219 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ball Seed Customer Day: Production & Planning for 2023

Ball Seed National Sales Director, Jim Kennedy and RCOP, Inc. owner, Mindy Clesen join host Bill Calkins to look ahead and provide the 2022 Ball Seed Customer Day audience with ideas and insights to help greenhouse professionals make the best decisions for the year ahead.   Mindy and Jim share some of their experiences from 2021 and 2022 and how they will apply these to 2023 planning. Then, they discuss recent cost pressures and supply challenges explaining how these factors impact budgeting. Labor is also a topic addressed, with ideas for mitigating what is an extremely relevant difficulty. Finally, they share thoughts on why our industry is more (or less) prepared for the uncertainty facing the North American economy in the short term.   Visit for a wide range of resources and information to help your business in 2023!   Make plans to attend Ball Seed Customer Days in 2023. Visit for event information.
8/18/202240 minutes, 28 seconds
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Greenhouse & Nursery Diseases: Focus on Summer with Dr. Ann Chase & Dr. Aaron Palmateer

In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined for the second time by Dr. Ann Chase, owner of Chase Agricultural Consulting, and Dr. Aaron Palmateer, technical development lead for the ornamental business at SePRO. Both are expert-level plant disease gurus with decades of combined work in the field. Last time we talked with Ann and Aaron, the discussion centered on what to expect—from a disease perspective—in spring production. If you didn’t listen to that one, jump back in the archives and check out Episode 33. This time, we’re moving on to summer, but first, the guests reflect back on spring for a bit before jumping right into warm-season diseases like Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, soft rots like Erwinia, Southern Blight, Xanthomonas and plenty more. They discuss what they’ve seen in greenhouses and nurseries already this summer and what they expect to see soon—more than 25 diseases they’ve seen first-hand. One of the most interesting parts of this cast is a rundown of common diseases and the temperature ranges that bring them on. The episode continues with thoughts on why producing crops (like vinca, poinsettias and fall pansies) out-of-season often requires the most vigilance and hardest work by production teams before concluding with an in-depth look at the most cutting-edge control strategies for summer diseases.   Resources: Dr. Ann Chase: [email protected] Dr. Aaron Palmateer: [email protected] Chase Horticultural Research: SePRO:   BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON ANY MAJOR PODCAST APP SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE!
6/28/202250 minutes, 52 seconds
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Control Your Inputs: Reduce Risk Through Growing Mix Selection

In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by two dynamic guests for a discussion that’s equal parts informational and instructional with a healthy dose of humor added to the mix. In relation to current supply chain challenges that are predicted to continue for some time, the importance of versatility and flexibility is as important now as ever and trialing to develop modern plans and backup plans plays a huge role in successful crop production. With growing media (especially peat) at the foundation of professional greenhouse production, understanding how you can take more control of your inputs and continue to create optimum quality plants is a critical component to your overall plan. We’re lucky to have two experienced and creative guests join us this episode to share their thoughts, knowledge and advice to explore potential solutions for increasing crop quality, as well as efficiency. Pierre-Marc de Champlain and John Santoro from Berger are here to explain ways to ease supply chain burdens using creative growing mix selection and incorporating different media components in the correct way. The discussion begins with the current supply chain, good and bad, and then moves on to why peat is not only the backbone of soil mix components but also a very viable option now and looking to the future. Get ready to hear all about why responsible bog management is at the forefront of Berger’s approach and why this is good for the entire industry. Pierre-Marc and John share their thoughts on why versatility is critical now more than ever and ways to fine tune your production by looking closely at your media mix. The episode wraps up with an explanation of the importance of trialing and creating a plan and backup plan related to growing media. Both of the guests have a lot of experience and unique takes on greenhouse production and I know you’ll find this episode engaging, informational and fun. You’ll want to listen all the way to the end of this episode, because we cover a lot of topics that build to a comprehensive growing media strategy.   Resources: Learn more about Berger: Connect with Berger Experts: Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Association:   BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE!
6/2/202258 minutes, 56 seconds
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Dynamics of Growing Media (Part 3): Successful Analysis & Interpretation

In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Troy Buechel, a Horticulture Specialist with Premier Tech, for the final episode in a three-part series discussing the technical side of growing media. Now that we’ve worked our way through testing and sampling, it’s on to analysis. Looking at returned data from tests conducted on growing media, water and plant tissue can seem overwhelming but Troy is going to walk you through it. This episode begins with a look into the most important numbers to consider when you see results from a test. From pH to EC and macronutrients to micronutrients, a lot can be gleaned when you understand what’s most critical. Knowing deficiencies can quickly lead to reversing the issues at hand and bringing your crop back to its potential. Next, Troy discusses contaminants that can lead to plant stress, such as sodium chloride, and what this can mean to a crop. Clear results from testing are important before starting to correct problems. Next, the discussion turns to the ranges you want to see related to pH, EC, macronutrients and micronutrients. The conversation gets pretty in-depth and technical so feel free to pause the podcast, make notes and then hit play again. Another topic of conversation in this episode is types of tests and ways they are conducted. Some can be done easily, in house, while others require the expertise of a lab. Troy helps make sense of this, so you choose the best path. This episode (and series) ends with some real-world stories and situations Troy has encountered over the years. As you listen, you might start nodding because as we all know, no grower or greenhouse is immune to common problems, or even the weirdest ones. You’ll want to listen all the way to the end of this episode, because the information builds throughout! Special thanks to Troy and the folks at Premier-Tech (the company behind Pro-Mix Growing Media) for lending much-needed expertise to such an important topic.   Premier Tech Resources: To listen: Benefits of Analytical Testing Testing Water EC How to Test Water pH and Alkalinity To read: Sampling Procedures for Testing Water and Fertilizer Solution Media and Tissue Testing – Why Test? Media and Tissue Testing - Media Testing Methods Media and Tissue Testing - Measuring pH and E.C. of Media pH Meter Calibration And Sample Preparation For In-House Testing To connect:  Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE!
5/5/202244 minutes, 58 seconds
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Dynamics of Growing Media (Part 2): Effective Sampling

In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Troy Buechel, a Horticulture Specialist with Premier Tech, for the second in a three-part series discussing the technical side of growing media. Sampling is perhaps the most critical part of diagnostics and getting to the root of problems in your greenhouse. “Junk in, junk out,” as they say. An effective sample allows you or an independent lab to figure out the cause of a problem, while a poor sample isn’t worth much. It’s really all about consistency. Troy and Bill start by going over what makes a consistent sample—cultivar, size, planting date, greenhouse block, etc. Sampling random plants from different locations and conditions creates a very muddy picture and stands in the way of an accurate analysis. But following some simple protocols can make the picture much clearer and the solution similarly straightforward. Next, they run through a detailed sampling process. Troy then covers some dos and don’ts when it comes to sampling, as well as sharing some stories from the field. Sending a whole plant can lead to problems, as can sending wet samples. The last thing you want a lab to receive is a bag of mush. Troy talks you through all the steps to take. They wrap up with a conversation about protocols to follow to ensure a quick, useful analysis. You’ll want to listen all the way to the end of this episode, because the information builds throughout! Stay tuned for episode three, coming soon, where Troy and Bill tackle successful analysis and interpretation, because testing and sampling are done with a goal in mind. The goal is data to use in decision making. If you missed the first part in our series, The Importance of Testing, jump back in the archives and check it out.   Premier Tech Resources: To listen: Benefits of Analytical Testing Testing Water EC How to Test Water pH and Alkalinity To read: Sampling Procedures for Testing Water and Fertilizer Solution Media and Tissue Testing – Why Test? Media and Tissue Testing - Media Testing Methods Media and Tissue Testing - Measuring pH and E.C. of Media pH Meter Calibration And Sample Preparation For In-House Testing To connect:  Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE!
4/20/202232 minutes, 13 seconds
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Dynamics of Growing Media (Part 1): The Importance of Testing

In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Troy Buechel, a Horticulture Specialist with Premier Tech, for the first in a three-part series discussing the technical side of growing media. Assumptions and “trial and error” often lead to greater production problems, as well as wasted time money. Learn why proper testing of media, water and plant tissue is always the best bet, because without it, there’s no starting point in your mission to diagnose and correct issues. Troy and Bill start by framing up the discussion by explain exactly why testing is important and should be done regularly, versus when a problem arises. Then, Troy begins the conversation by outlining the goals of testing—to establish trend lines related to pH, EC and nutrients to help paint a complete production picture. He details the parameters that should be tested, and when. Some can be tested twice a year (before spring and fall/winter production), while others need to be checked as often as weekly.   They spend a lot of time discussing testing tools, including the best types of pH and EC meters, because using bad tools that aren’t calibrated correctly is basically a waste of time. Before closing, Troy shares some real-world testing stories to highlight why these activities are so critical. Poor testing or no testing can lead to devastating results.   You’ll want to listen all the way to the end of this episode, because the information builds throughout! Stay tuned for episodes two and three, coming soon, where Troy and Bill tackle proper sampling and how to use returned results to make proper changes and get on a path to success.        Premier Tech Resources Check out Premier Tech’s Training Center, filled with videos and technical documents:   Learn more about Premier Tech and PRO-MIX and their range of horticulture industry-leading media products:   Continue the conversation by reaching out to the Premier Tech Grower Services Team:   To Listen: Benefits of Analytical Testing Testing Water EC How to Test Water pH and Alkalinity To Read: Media and Tissue Testing - Media Testing Methods To Connect:  Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: YouTube:   BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE!
4/8/202233 minutes, 43 seconds
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Talking Tech with Danziger’s Mike Fernandez: NGI Nuances, URC Priorities & Low-Input Baskets

In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Mike Fernandez, Danziger’s market manager for North America, a long-time plant guru and trusted source of knowledge to greenhouse professionals around the world. The three topics on the plate are production specifics for New Guinea and hybrid impatiens, prioritizing sticking plans for unrooted cuttings, while remaining flexible and the ins and outs of low-input planters and baskets. Mike and Bill start of the episode with a quick discussion of the current market, including supply chain challenges impacting young plants, chemicals, media and fertilizer. Mike offers suggestions for the current state and advice moving forward. Next, they address environmental nuances to help produce New Guinea and hybrid impatiens, focusing on time and temperature. After that, Mike takes a hard look at why the best plan for creating protocols and schedules for URC sticking might just be to stay flexible and make informed decisions on the fly. He also shares tips for minimizing the stress this type of planning can cause. Finally, they discuss Mike’s trial results with low-input (two or three cuttings) production of baskets and patio pots. The goal with such programs, like Durabella from Danziger, is to help you produce high-quality, quick-turn 12-inch programs. The benefits of such programs extend from your bottom line through retail and onto the end consumer. It’s truly a triple win. You’ll want to listen all the way to the end of this episode, because Mike has a lot of important information to share!       Resources: Danziger Variety & Production Information: Danziger Digital Catalogs: Durabella Combinations:   BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST APP SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE!
3/2/202232 minutes, 25 seconds
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Be Vigilant: Greenhouse Diseases in 2022 with Dr. Ann Chase & Dr. Aaron Palmateer

In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Dr. Ann Chase, owner of Chase Agricultural Consulting, and Dr. Aaron Palmateer, technical development lead for the ornamental business at SePRO. Both are expert-level plant disease gurus with decades of combined work in the field. The episode kicks off with a discussion about the top diseases to watch for in the coming year, including a deep dive into Botrytis and downy mildew. The guests discuss why innovation in disease control products is driving research and why this benefits growers around the world. Ann and Aaron then dive into bacterial diseases such as pectobacteria and agrobacteria and why diseases with latent or asymptomatic expression can be a particular nightmare. They also touch on less-devastating diseases and how to control them. Next, Ann and Aaron tackle viruses, including TSWV, INSV and tospoviruses. It’s incredibly challenging to diagnose viruses, because they show such a range of symptoms, so our guests spend plenty of time discussing the importance of early recognition. The podcast wraps up with solutions, and a rundown of current products on the market. New premixes, new FRAC codes, biopesticides and biofungicides and broad-spectrum products are all on the table these days. Ann and Aaron are leading the way in research to help you understand and apply these new products.   Resources: Dr. Ann Chase: [email protected] Dr. Aaron Palmateer: [email protected]   Chase Horticultural Research: SePRO:     BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON ANY MAJOR PODCAST APP SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE!
2/16/202256 minutes, 31 seconds
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Holding & Handling Unrooted Cuttings

Cuttings are arriving at greenhouses around the world and in order to get these young plants off to a great start, some processes and protocols need to be in place to hold and handle the cuttings between unboxing and sticking. What do you need to look for and how do you need to proceed to ensure uniformity in production? We’re going to address these questions and many more in this episode of the Tech On Demand podcast brought to you by GrowerTalks where our goal is always to bring you tips, tricks and information to produce your best crop ever. Be sure to subscribe to the Tech On Demand podcast on your favorite podcast app like iTunes, Spotify, Google, Stitcher and more so you never miss an episode. Host Bill Calkins is joined by Dr. Will Healy, Senior Technical Manager at Ball Horticultural Company. This episode, Will is bringing you extremely relevant advice on how to handle cuttings when they arrive at your loading dock after a very long journey from their farms of origin. When they were harvested and packed, they were as healthy as can be. But we all know what can happen in a truck … From temperature roller coasters to severe dehydration, they often arrive in desperate need of attention. Are you and your team prepared to practice cuttings husbandry and even resuscitation before the little plants move to the transplant line? You will be after this podcast. Visit the GrowerTalks Magazine Website  
12/20/202134 minutes, 27 seconds
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Next Level Engagement, Growth and Brand Building

In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by the dynamic Sam Kirkland, strategic relationship manager with Epicor Software Corporation to discuss how to leverage local messaging, technology and measurable programs to drive significant bottom-line growth. According to Sam, modern engagement strategies proving successful in garden center retail (and other industries) include community and local messaging, customer growth management and loyalty marketing. All of these pieces work together to generate dollars that go straight to the bottom line.   Sam and Bill start by looking at the tremendous growth the horticultural industry has seen in the past two years and why it’s important to support, retain and grow the new folks walking through garden center doors. They quickly move into tactical ways to market a business to drive loyalty and the importance of following a plan. Once plans and tactics are in place, it’s time to create key performance indicators and measurements to track your efforts. Sam has plenty of anecdotal and data-driven stories of how successful garden centers have approached this process using technology. As he says, “Now is the time to realize the benefits of all of your hard work.”   When you begin to think about customer loyalty as a driving goal, interesting information emerges. Your most engaged shoppers spend more and shop more often. They gravitate toward products you recommend, and they evangelize your business to others in the community. Often, they shop with you every season and view your store as their on-stop-shop for everything garden related. And they’re your most profitable group. You want more of them.     Resources:   Epicor for Retail   Article: 3 Retail Strategies to Win Customer Loyalty   Case Study: Weston Nurseries & Customer Loyalty   Visit the GrowerTalks Magazine Website   BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON ANY MAJOR PODCAST PLAYER SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE – iTunes, Spotify, Google, Stitcher and more.
11/15/202146 minutes, 56 seconds
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Structures Strategies: Build New or Refresh?

In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Paul Golden, Sales Manager for Commercial Growing with Prospiant Inc., to discuss how you should approach the decision to build new greenhouses or retrofit or repurpose your current structures to meet new crop needs or prepare for product mix shifts in the future. They look at many angles this episode, from the physical structure and components inside to the people who work under the greenhouse roof. Your greenhouse structures serve diverse purposes and impact just about every factor in your business, including the health and success of each crop, as well as labor, efficiency and employee attitudes. Through this podcast, Paul and Bill touch on all of these factors and more moving from the structural functionalities needed for your equipment to how your existing layout impacts labor and efficiency. One key factor to consider when deciding to build new or refresh is the cost of maintenance and Paul spends plenty of time on this. Perhaps shifting these expenses towards a new build is a better bet long term. The podcast concludes with a discussion geared toward hybrid business, grower-retailers. If you have plans to add a retail component to your business, due to increased demand in the past few years, you have a whole new set of considerations, beginning with the fundamental question: Is your greenhouse structurally sound? You also need to think about the shopping environment and whether your current facility is conducive to people with a far different tolerance for the greenhouse environment than your staff. Resources: Prospiant Website: Prospiant Horticultural Information & Resources: GrowerTalks Magazine Website:
10/29/202140 minutes, 19 seconds
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At Risk Crops: Pansy Part Three (Finishing)

In this episode, Ball Senior Technical Manager Dr. Will Healy and host Bill Calkins rethink Fall and Spring Pansy propagation in an effort to help you start your best crop ever. This is the final part in a 3-part series covering this critical multi-season crop. This time, Will starts with a discussion of Pansy Mottle Syndrome (what to watch for and how to mitigate the risk) before tackling common grow-out issues. Will and Bill talk about ways to speed up a crop, as well as strategies to slow your pansies down. You’ll want to listen all the way to the end of this podcast and then share it with your production team. Your best bet is to make sure everyone is on the same page immediately before and after transplant. The finishing stage is not a time to deal with disease, so Will talks about prevention and control tactics. Finally, he offers suggestions for post-harvest prep, with the goal of shipping the best crop possible to your retail and landscape customers.   Resources: GrowerTalks Insecticide, Miticide & Fungicide Guide: GrowerTalks Annuals PGR Guide: Ball Tech On Demand At Risk Crop Video Playlist: Training Your Team to Water Video: In this At Risk Crop series, each episode looks at risk factors, as well as methods of control for specific crops, with additional resources available at  
8/25/202138 minutes, 5 seconds
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At Risk Crops: Pansy Part Two (Receiving & Transplant)

In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Ball Senior Technical Manager Dr. Will Healy to discuss inherent risk with Fall and Spring Pansy crops. Pansies are a relatively quick crop with plenty of nuances. If your team is experienced, you’re most likely not too worried about getting them to market. Nonetheless, crop uniformity, moisture management and nutrition are some key areas to keep fresh in the minds of your crew. Will is as experienced with pansies as anyone in the industry and in this series, he’s going to take you from start to finish using the latest techniques.   Will covers the stage when you receive plugs and transplant them into finished containers by focusing on greenhouse environment and crop culture. He starts with tips and strategies for receiving plugs in an effort to minimize risk with young plants. Then he moves into the processes to put in place prior to transplant, such as sanitation, temperature and RH management and nutrition. Next, he covers what your team needs to know immediately following transplant by digging deep into irrigation and nutrition.   You’ll want to listen all the way to the end of this episode and then share it with your production team. Your best bet is to make sure everyone is on the same page before you sow the first seed.   Resources:   Slideshow that accompanies this podcast:     Tech On Demand At Risk Crops YouTube Playlist:   Visit the GrowerTalks Magazine Website:   BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON ANY MAJOR PODCAST PLAYER SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE – iTunes, Spotify, Google, Stitcher and more.
8/11/202118 minutes, 1 second
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At Risk Crops: Pansy Part One (Propagation)

Ball Tech On Demand At Risk Crops: Pansy Part One (Propagation)   In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Ball Senior Technical Manager Dr. Will Healy to discuss inherent risk with Fall and Spriing Pansy crops. Pansies are a relatively quick crop with plenty of nuances. If your team is experienced, you’re most likely not too worried about getting them to market. Nonetheless, crop uniformity, moisture management and nutrition are some key areas to keep fresh in the minds of your crew. Will is as experienced with pansies as anyone in the industry and in this series, he’s going to take you from start to finish using the latest techniques.   He begins with a discussion about sowing using primed seed before moving into uniform moisture and media coverage. He then dives deeper into hydration strategies (wet and dry) in the first week after sowing and into Stages 1 and 2. Next, he covers ways to plan a fertilizer program complete with micronutrients before tackling ways to control growth early, including water, DIF and chemical PGRs. Will closes the first part of this pansy series with disease management focusing on Thielaviopsis, Pythium, leaf spots and Downy Mildew. You’ll want to listen all the way to the end of this episode and then share it with your production team. Your best bet is to make sure everyone is on the same page before you sow the first seed.   Resources:   Slideshow that accompanies this podcast:   Tech On Demand At Risk Crops YouTube Playlist:   Visit the GrowerTalks Magazine Website:   BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON ANY MAJOR PODCAST PLAYER SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE – iTunes, Spotify, Google, Stitcher and more.
7/16/202130 minutes, 14 seconds
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Success Growing Garden Mums with HydraFiber

Tech On Demand: Success Growing Garden Mums with HydraFiber   In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by two knowledgeable people from Profile Products, the company behind HydraFiber. Daniel Norden is the Senior Technical Specialist and Jennifer Neujahr is the Director of Business Development and they are on the cast to talk garden mums – specifically the benefits and nuances growers can expect when using HydraFiber media substrates in production.   With the much-discussed shortages and challenges related to supply of raw materials for growing media, more and more greenhouses are turning to HydraFiber for many crops. While it’s great that a relatively new product like wood fiber is available, there will be a learning curve to tackle when making a change. Daniel spends some time covering a few tips when incorporating HydraFiber, such as irrigation, nutrition and the importance of media testing. He points out some things to watch for, and also the benefits growers have seen in their garden mum crops. Then Jennifer takes listeners through some of the new products and why more and more greenhouse professionals are opting for them. This episode is heavy on the technical side, but Bill and the guests also spend time discussing what’s going on in the media market these days. You want to stick around to the end of this one.   Resources:   View the slideshow from this conversation:   Learn more about HydraFiber and their range of media substrates:   Watch their Maximize Mum Production Video:   Visit the GrowerTalks Magazine Website:   BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON ANY MAJOR PODCAST PLAYER SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE – iTunes, Spotify, Google, Stitcher and more.
5/20/202133 minutes, 6 seconds
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High-Tech Media with Ed Bloodnick

High-Tech Media with Ed Bloodnick In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Ed Bloodnick, grower services and product development director at Premier Tech Horticulture, the company behind PRO-MIX growing media. Ed leads the grower services team at Premier Tech, responsible for customer product support, training, laboratory services and product trials. Ed’s been at Premier Tech for 33 years and before that was the GM of a 20-acre greenhouse operation producing a range of crops from annuals and perennials to nursery and seasonal plants. He’s the perfect guest to discuss current media and substrate technology and why it’s changing the game and creating tremendous opportunities for growers.   Ed starts by sharing a quick history of soilless media and why our industry moved away from mineral soils in the 1970s. Then he and Bill dive right into the topic of media with added microorganisms like bacteria and mycorrhizae and why these “active ingredients” are so important, from a plant and soil health perspective. Ed explains how and why Premier Tech developed a strategy to incorporate microorganisms, as well as the differences between them, from endo vs. ecto and then into the importance of tripartite relationships in optimum plant growth. The bottom line is that growers using this type of media are seeing the benefits very clearly, including enhanced plant growth, disease suppression and improved flowering and fruiting. They close by discussing how and why growers should begin trialing new media types in production. The topic may seem complex, and it is, but Ed does a fantastic job explaining it in a way that makes it understandable for growers of all experience levels. You’re going to want to listen all the way to the end of this episode!   Resources:   Check out Premier Tech’s Training Center, filled with videos and technical documents:   Learn more about Premier Tech and PRO-MIX and their range of horticulture industry-leading media products:   Continue the conversation by reaching out to the Premier Tech Grower Services Team:   Visit the GrowerTalks Magazine Website:   BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON ANY MAJOR PODCAST PLAYER SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE – iTunes, Spotify, Google, Stitcher and more.
4/20/202137 minutes, 2 seconds
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Sustainable Growing Solutions Can Pay Off Bigtime

Tech On Demand: Sustainable Growing Solutions Can Pay Off Bigtime   In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined for the third time by Bryce Anderson, sales manager for The HC Companies. In this episode, they tie a bow on a three-part miniseries that started with pricing, moved to adding value and now wraps up with a more specific and action-oriented look at how sustainable packaging can create multiple payoffs. Bryce is a 28-year industry vet with experience in a wide range of roles from greenhouse production and distribution to retail and even manufacturing. He’s been a head grower and production manager, as well as garden center manager. He also brings experience in sales and operation management. This diverse skill set makes him a perfect guest to cover our topic du jour – Sustainable Growing Solutions Have Far-Reaching Payoffs.   This time, Bill and Bryce dig into how sustainable products fit perfectly into current (and shifting) consumer wants and needs. Bryce characterizes current market demand, as well as grower attitudes towards products that are not only good for the Earth but also fit seamlessly into modern greenhouse production scenarios. Next, the guys address costs and how sustainable products may be more expensive but the payback is greater. They close the discussion with a conversation about mindset changes and exactly why these new products should not be lumped into the general product mix, but instead called out as just that – new. Bryce ends our three-part podcast by sharing some thoughts on why now is the time to take some baby steps and test the waters with new sustainable products. After sharing his insights on pricing and differentiation, as well as a clear tactic, hopefully the story is pretty clear. Now is the time to embrace change and build your business for the future.   Resources:   Learn more about The HC Companies and their range of industry-leading horticultural containers:   Continue the conversation with Bryce Anderson via email: [email protected]   Visit the GrowerTalks Magazine Website:   BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON ANY MAJOR PODCAST PLAYER SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE – iTunes, Spotify, Google, Stitcher and more.
3/23/202126 minutes, 52 seconds
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Level Up Your Value Proposition

Tech On Demand: Product Differentiation is Critical to Your Value Proposition In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is once again joined by Bryce Anderson, sales manager for The HC Companies. Bryce is a 28-year industry vet with experience in a wide range of roles from greenhouse production and distribution to retail and even manufacturing. He’s been a head grower and production manager, as well as garden center manager. He also brings experience in sales and operation management. He says his skills have evolved over the years to include water, media, nutrition management and he has a particular focus on crop quality. That wide range of skills and experience should make this discussion particularly interesting – Product Differentiation is Critical to Your Value Proposition. Following up on the previous episode focused on pricing, Bryce and Bill spend some time on ways and reasons to differentiate. They begin by highlighting how critical it is for growers to move toward product uniqueness and away from falling into the commodity trap. Bryce shares his perspectives on how to navigate a marketplace of choices and find products that are truly different. He spends time on the costs required to create difference but even more time on the cost not to differentiate. They kick around the question if differentiation strategies should fall on the grower or retailer (or both). Bryce wraps up the podcast with final thoughts on creative ways to elevate a product mix and grab attention as a wholesale grower. This is a fantastic discussion of a very important topic. Throw in your earbuds and open your mind to some fresh thinking. Resources: Learn more about The HC Companies and their range of industry-leading horticultural containers:  Continue the conversation with Bryce Anderson via email: [email protected] Visit the GrowerTalks Magazine Website:  BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON ANY MAJOR PODCAST PLAYER SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE – iTunes, Spotify, Google, Stitcher and more.
3/16/202127 minutes
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Don't Sell Yourself Short!

Tech On Demand: Don’t Sell Yourself Short!   In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Bryce Anderson, sales manager for The HC Companies. Bryce is a 28-year industry veteran with experience from greenhouse production and distribution to retail and even manufacturing. He’s been a head grower and production manager, as well as garden center manager. He also brings experience in sales and operation management. He says his skills have evolved over the years to include water, media, nutrition management and he has a particular focus on crop quality. It’s this comprehensive understanding of the industry that makes him perfect for our discussion today - Are Growers Selling Themselves Short? The Struggle to Balance Price with Value.   In this entertaining conversation, Bryce and Bill discuss what they’ve seen over the years that makes this topic of particular importance, while bringing an understanding of the realities of greenhouse production and market dynamics to the table. Bryce talks a lot about the myth and reality of consumer price sensitivity, market competition and what factors into a fear of raising prices. He touches on the importance of knowing your market and your costs, as well as his thoughts on what it takes to be profitable. Stick around all the way to the end for a timely and relevant conversation about the current market, post-pandemic, and how critical it is to capitalize now to hook a new generation and set of customers. You’re going to love this episode!   Resources:   Learn more about The HC Companies and their range of industry-leading horticultural containers:   Continue the conversation with Bryce Anderson via email: [email protected]   Visit the GrowerTalks Magazine Website:   BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE TECH ON DEMAND PODCAST ON ANY MAJOR PODCAST PLAYER SO YOU NEVER MISS AN EPISODE – iTunes, Spotify, Google, Stitcher and more.
3/9/202136 minutes, 17 seconds
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At Risk Crops: Basil

Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops - Basil Our miniseries on At Risk Crops continues with Basil. To look at the inherent risks with this crop, we’re joined by Nick Flax, a technical specialist with Ball Horticultural Company. The discussion covers Basil Downy Mildew. Nick shares information about this aggressive pathogen, as well as strategies for avoiding it. Resources: Slides for this presentation:   Overview of At Risk Crops: At Risk Crop Resources: At Risk Crop Video Playlist: Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine: Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.
2/9/202122 minutes, 21 seconds
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At Risk Crops: Canna

Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops - Canna Our miniseries on At Risk Crops continues with Canna. To look at the inherent risks with this key tropical crop, we’re joined by Dr. Will Healy, senior technical manager with Ball Horticultural Company. The discussion covers viruses impacting this crop. Will shares information about these potential challenges, as well as proven strategies for control. Resources: Slides for this presentation: Overview of At Risk Crops: At Risk Crop Resources: At Risk Crop Video Playlist: Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine: Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.  
2/9/202114 minutes, 4 seconds
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At Risk Crops: Carnation

Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops - Carnation Our miniseries on At Risk Crops continues with Carnation. To look at the inherent risks with this crop, we’re joined by Dr. Will Healy, senior technical manager with Ball Horticultural Company. The discussion covers viruses and fungal diseases impacting this crop. Will shares information about these potential challenges, as well as proven strategies for control. Resources: Slides for this presentation:   Overview of At Risk Crops: At Risk Crop Resources: At Risk Crop Video Playlist: Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine: Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.  
2/9/202114 minutes, 45 seconds
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At Risk Crops: Hosta

Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops - Hosta Our miniseries on At Risk Crops continues with Hosta. To look at the inherent risks with this crop, we’re joined by Dr. Nathan Jahnke, a research manager with Ball Horticultural Company. The discussion covers viruses impacting this crop. Nathan shares information about these potential challenges, as well as proven strategies for control. Resources: Slides for this presentation:   Overview of At Risk Crops: At Risk Crop Resources: At Risk Crop Video Playlist: Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine: Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.
2/9/202110 minutes, 45 seconds
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Growing for the Pro Landscape Market

Tech On Demand: Growing for the Pro Landscape Market   In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by joined by Lisa Lacy and Jeff Gibson. Lisa is a Portfolio Manager with PanAmerican Seed – a brilliant plant guru with a keen market sense, spotting trends far before they come to fruition. Jeff is Landscape and Independent Garden Center Business Manager with Ball Horticultural and someone who knows our industry inside and out with an ability to learn markets and help growers produce and deliver the crops relevant to each. Our topic this time is the Professional Landscape Segment – a huge part of our industry and one with particular wants, needs and nuances.   Both Lisa and Jeff are industry veterans and with that experience comes plenty of stories, so sit back and enjoy a lively conversation about ways to work effectively, as a grower, with the professional landscape segment. We talk about how the market has changed over the years, what landscape professionals have shared about how they want product grown and delivered, the importance of trust and availability and tips that have worked for many greenhouses. We also discuss how plant breeding and development has evolved to focus on landscape market needs and the importance of trialing new varieties to determine durability and longevity in today’s landscapes. Finally, we wrap up with everyone’s favorite topic – new varieties and products proving success with professional landscapers and designers.   Resources:   Ball Landscape Website – including the 2021 Thrive regional poster, Photo Library and ready-to-use presentations for growers:   PanAmerican Seed Pro Landscape Website – including a regional plant selector, sell sheet creation tools and a plant calculator to help design installations:   GrowerTalks Magazine Website:
2/3/202144 minutes, 13 seconds
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At Risk Crops - Tomato

Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops - Tomato Our miniseries on At Risk Crops continues with Tomato. To look at the inherent risks with this crop, we’re joined by Nick Flax, a technical specialist with Ball Horticultural Company. The discussion covers a specific virus, as well as bacterial leaf spot impacting this crop. Nick shares information about these potential challenges, as well as proven strategies for control. Resources: Slides for this presentation: Overview of At Risk Crops: At Risk Crop Resources: At Risk Crop Video Playlist: Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine: Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.
2/3/202125 minutes, 34 seconds
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At Risk Crops - Geranium

Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops – Geranium Our miniseries on At Risk Crops continues with Geranium. To look at the inherent risks with this crop, we’re joined by Dr. Todd Cavins, a technical manager with Ball Horticultural Company. The discussion covers bacterial diseases impacting this crop. Todd shares information about these potential challenges, as well as proven strategies for control. Resources: Slides for this presentation:   Overview of At Risk Crops: At Risk Crop Resources: At Risk Crop Video Playlist: Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine: Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.
2/2/202114 minutes, 10 seconds
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At Risk Crops - Hiemalis Begonia

Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops – Hiemalis Begonia Our miniseries on At Risk Crops continues with Hiemalis Begonia. To look at the inherent risks with this crop, we’re joined by Dr. Nathan Jahnke, a research manager with Ball Horticultural Company. The discussion covers viruses and fungal diseases impacting this crop. Nathan shares information about these potential challenges, as well as proven strategies for control. Resources: Slides for this presentation:   Overview of At Risk Crops: At Risk Crop Resources: At Risk Crop Video Playlist: Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine: Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.  
2/2/202111 minutes, 59 seconds
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Cost Savings in Plant Protection Products with Aaron Palmateer

Tech On Demand: Cost Savings in Plant Protection Products with Aaron Palmateer In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Aaron Palmateer, Senior Technical Representative with Bayer Ornamentals, to talk about the economic side of things – moving beyond “sticker shock” and understanding how plant protection products can actually save you money. Aaron begins by jumping right into the topic with an overview of how growers really do save money when incorporating effective products into their pest, disease and weed management strategies. Next, we tackle the topic of generics and how such products might not be the best approach. Digging deeper, Aaron outlines a plan for cost-effective chemical rotations before sharing some examples of new chemistries developed to not only reduce long-term costs but solve greenhouse problems in creative and modern ways. Be sure to listen all the way to the end of this episode to learn about a new resource available from Bayer, a user-friendly Spanish language pest identification guide that’s sure to be a critical tool for all greenhouse operations. Resources: Bayer Ornamentals Website: Spanish Pest Identification Guide: GrowerTalks Magazine Website:
11/13/202031 minutes, 28 seconds
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Building a Pest & Disease Management Program with Aaron Palmateer

In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Aaron Palmateer, Senior Technical Representative with Bayer Ornamentals, to discuss the ins and outs of putting together a comprehensive pest and disease management program for your greenhouse. The episode kicks off with an explanation of integrated pest management for pest and diseases before moving into the key components for a solid program. Once the basics are covered, Aaron shares specific strategies to build a program and ways to know exactly what you’re dealing with when it comes to your crop plan. We wrap up with a conversation about the many variables that exist each season and methods and protocols to follow to minimize the risk of introducing pest, diseases and weeds into a production environment. Be sure to listen all the way to the end of this episode to learn about a new resource available from Bayer, a user-friendly Spanish language pest identification guide that’s sure to be a critical tool for all greenhouse operations. Resources: Bayer Ornamentals Website: Spanish Pest Identification Guide: GrowerTalks Magazine Website:
10/30/202031 minutes, 16 seconds
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Root, Stem and Crown Rot Diseases with Aaron Palmateer

Tech On Demand: Root, Stem and Crown Rot Diseases with Aaron Palmateer In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Aaron Palmateer, Senior Technical Representative with Bayer Ornamentals, to talk about root, stem and crown rot diseases. Because some of the diseases discussed occur below the soil and out of sight, detection is extremely critical to avoid devastating effects to the crop. The earlier symptoms are detected the better - that’s how this episode begins. Next, Aaron moves to an overview of the major pathogens impacting root, stem and crown and exactly how they cause disease. He goes in depth on the Big Four – Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium – but also discusses less-common pathogens and fungi.  This episode concludes with a review of treatment options and rotation suggestions. Be sure to listen all the way to the end of this episode to learn about a new resource available from Bayer, a user-friendly Spanish language pest identification guide that’s sure to be a critical tool for all greenhouse operations. Resources: Bayer Ornamentals Website: Spanish Pest Identification Guide: GrowerTalks Magazine Website:
9/4/202030 minutes, 8 seconds
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Foliar Diseases of Ornamental Plants with Aaron Palmateer

Tech On Demand: Foliar Diseases of Ornamental Plants In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Aaron Palmateer, Senior Technical Representative with Bayer Ornamentals, to talk about foliar disease on greenhouse crops. Leaf spot disease management must be a top priority for all greenhouse professionals and Aaron explains why, as well as comparing the importance of yield to farmers with quality for greenhouse growers. After setting the stage for this episode’s discussion, the conversation moves to the importance of diagnostics and then a deep dive into how exactly disease happens and a review of the “disease triangle” with a twist. The differences between fungal and bacterial pathogens are detailed before Aaron tackles best practices to avoid them. This episode concludes with a review of treatment options and how to avoid resistance. Be sure to listen all the way to the end of this episode to learn about a new resource available from Bayer, a user-friendly Spanish language pest identification guide that’s sure to be a critical tool for all greenhouse operations. Resources: Bayer Ornamentals Website: Spanish Pest Identification Guide: GrowerTalks Magazine Website:
8/28/202047 minutes, 51 seconds
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At Risk Crops - Cabbage & Kale

Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops – Cabbage & Kale Our miniseries on At Risk Crops continues with Cabbage & Kale – two very common fall crops. To look at the inherent risks with these key seasonal crops, we’re joined by Dr. Todd Cavins, a technical manager with Ball Horticultural Company. The discussion covers bacterial leaf spot, or black rot. Dr. Cavins shares information about these potential challenges, as well as proven strategies for control. Resources: Slides for this presentation: Overview of At Risk Crops: At Risk Crop Resources: At Risk Crop Video Playlist: Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine: Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.
8/17/202020 minutes, 20 seconds
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At Risk Crops - Peppers

Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops - Peppers Our miniseries on At Risk Crops continues with Peppers – ornamental and edible. To look at the inherent risks with this key seasonal crop, we’re joined by Dr. Todd Cavins, a technical manager with Ball Horticultural Company. The discussion covers bacterial leaf spot and tospoviruses. Dr. Cavins shares information about these potential challenges, as well as proven strategies for control. Resources: Slides for this presentation: e-GRO: Insecticides Labeled for Greenhouse-grown Vegetables resource mentioned in the discussion: Overview of At Risk Crops: At Risk Crop Resources: At Risk Crop Video Playlist: Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine: Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.
8/12/202019 minutes, 32 seconds
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At Risk Crops - Zinnia

Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops – Zinnia   Our miniseries on At Risk Crops continues with Zinnia. To look at the inherent risks with this key crop, we’re joined by Dr. Will Healy, senior technical manager for Ball Horticultural Company. Bacterial leaf spot, fungal leaf spot and powdery mildew are the topics at hand and Dr. Healy shares how to identify these diseases and also best strategies for control. Producing a clean, healthy zinnia crop is the ultimate goal.   Resources:   Slides for this presentation:   At Risk Crop Resources:   At Risk Crop Video Playlist:   Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine:   Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.
7/27/202013 minutes, 10 seconds
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At Risk Crops - Garden Mums

Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops – Garden Mums   Our miniseries on At Risk Crops continues with Garden Mums. To look at the inherent risks with this key seasonal crop, we’re joined by Dr. Will Healy, senior technical manager for Ball Horticultural Company. The discussion centers on one major disease concern, Chrysanthemum White Rust. Dr. Healy shares information about this disease, as well as proven strategies for control. Fusarium on chrysanthemums is also covered in detail.   Resources:   Slides for this presentation:   At Risk Crop Resources:   At Risk Crop Video Playlist:   Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine:   Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.
7/27/202017 minutes, 9 seconds
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At Risk Crops - Overview

Tech On Demand: At Risk Crops - Overview   This episode kicks off a miniseries on At Risk Crops. For a high-level overview of this topic, we’re joined by Dr. Will Healy, senior technical manager for Ball Horticultural Company. To start off our look at At Risk Crops, Dr. Healy digs into ways to manage the Disease Triangle – Pathogen, Host and Environment – and overall strategies to use when producing crops with inherent challenges. Continuous management of the disease triangle, throughout the entire production process, is required to ensure crop success.   Resources:   At Risk Crop Resources:   At Risk Crop Video Playlist:   Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine:   Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.
7/27/20205 minutes, 50 seconds
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Holding & Delaying Greenhouse Crops

Tech On Demand: Holding & Delaying Greenhouse Crops   Although this season is an anomaly, the first time North America has experienced pandemic-related quarantines and sheltering, holding crops due to market challenges like weather impact growers more often than not. Today, we catch up with three experts covering a wide range of greenhouse crops from a technical and cultural perspective to learn strategies greenhouse professionals can use when product can’t be shipped on time. What crops respond well to holding and delaying strategies from cutting back to temperature manipulation and chemicals to lighting? How can you best make those kinds of decisions? What data do we have to determine how to treat specific crops? Are there any that you absolutely should not hold in certain ways? We tackle all of this and much more for seed annuals, vegetative annuals and perennials with PanAmerican Seed's Jerry Gorchels, Gary Vollmer from Ball FloraPlant and Selecta One and Chris Fifo with Darwin Perennials and Kieft Seed. The goal is to keep annual and perennial crops alive and saleable longer.   Resources:   Holding & Delaying Crops - Excel Tool and Strategies Document:   Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine:   Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Faceboook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.  
7/20/202045 minutes, 13 seconds
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Greenhouse Sanitation

Tech On Demand: Greenhouse Sanitation Our Tech On Demand topic du jour is Greenhouse Sanitation. This time, we’re joined by Dr. Todd Cavins. Todd’s one of the technical services experts at Ball Seed and has been helping professional growers solve greenhouse production challenges for more than ten years in the field and before that was a professor at Oklahoma State University. You may have seen the hashtag #startcleanstayclean in hort posts recently. We all know it’s true. But does your greenhouse really have a sanitation plan? You don’t have to answer that, but you do have to listen all the way to the end of this episode because Todd covers a lot. From how growers (especially managers) traffic pests around a greenhouse to best practices for keeping greenhouses clean, Todd takes us from spring cleanup through crop production in all stages to help determine where problems lie and most importantly, how to clean them up. Resources: GrowerTalks Article: Start Clean. Stay Clean. Subscribe to GrowerTalks Magazine: Join the Greenhouse Tech Team closed group on Facebook and connect with more than 1000 greenhouse professionals | Log onto Facebook and search: Greenhouse Tech Team in groups.
7/14/202030 minutes
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Poinsettia Disease Control with Aaron Palmateer

Tech On Demand: Poinsettia Disease Control In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Aaron Palmateer, Senior Technical Representative with Bayer Ornamentals, to talk about managing disease on poinsettias. When it comes to disease identification and management, Aaron’s a pro – with a background in plant pathology. He looks into his crystal ball and talks about diseases growers can expect on poinsettia crops this season, regionally and across all of North America. He also spends time on best practices and general guidelines to reduce the threat of pathogens and maximize the chance of success, as well as the importance of diagnostics. He covers pythium, botrytis, rhizoctonia, phytophthora, powdery mildew and a whole lot more. And in terms of solutions, the newest technologies in broad spectrum controls are covered giving growers solid information on new tools for the toolbox. Be sure to listen all the way to the end of this episode to learn about a new resource available from Bayer, a user-friendly Spanish language pest identification guide that’s sure to be a critical tool for all greenhouse operations. Resources: Bayer Ornamentals Website: Spanish Pest Identification Guide: GrowerTalks Magazine Website:
7/13/202030 minutes, 45 seconds
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Poinsettia Insect Control with Aaron Palmateer

Tech On Demand: Poinsettia Insect Control In this episode of Tech On Demand brought to you by GrowerTalks, host Bill Calkins is joined by Aaron Palmateer, Senior Technical Representative with Bayer Ornamentals, to talk about managing insects on poinsettias. The discussion centers on insect challenges greenhouse professional face when producing poinsettias. Aaron takes listeners on an action-oriented journey from starting strong in the early stages of propagation through to finishing this critical holiday crop with minimal insect pressure. Regional specifics are covered, as well as how to avoid challenges from common and less-common pests. With challenges come solutions, and Aaron shares the latest technologies available to combat insects when they’re found. Be sure to listen all the way to the end of this episode to learn about a new resource available from Bayer, a user-friendly Spanish language pest identification guide that’s sure to be a critical tool for all greenhouse operations. Resources: Bayer Ornamentals Website: Spanish Pest Identification Guide: GrowerTalks Magazine Website:
7/10/202040 minutes, 14 seconds