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Taringa Podcast

English, Education, 1 season, 352 episodes, 4 days, 5 hours, 27 minutes
Whakarongo ki a Taringa - listen to Taringa, a bilingual podcast brought to you by Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
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Taringa - Ep 340 - Tikanga 101 - Te Reo o te Kiingitanga

"Hei pupuru i te whenua, Hei puru i te toto, Hei pupuru i te mana Maaori motuhake“ In this second special live episode from Tūrangawaewae, honoring and celebrating Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII, we are joined by 17 yr old Epiha Muru-Kete. Epiha reflects on his contributions to the Kiingitanga through te reo o te Kiingitanga and the various roles he humbly fulfils.
10/17/202441 minutes, 42 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 339 - Tikanga 101 - Ngā ringringa me ngā waewae o Kimiora - Pt 2

The second part of our kōrero from Tūrangawaewae during the tangihanga of Kīngi Tūheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero VII, about ngā ringringa me ngā waewae o Kimiora. We get more of the inside scoop of the happenings behind the scenes, as Kawe Nikora & Huirama Matatahi share insights into their mahi and offer some closing thoughts on this historic event.
10/10/202441 minutes, 42 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 338 - Tikanga 101 - Ngā ringringa me ngā waewae o Kimiora - Pt 1

Recorded at Tūrangawaewae during the Tangihanga of Kīngi Tūheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero VII, we are joined by Kawe Nikora & Huirama Matatahi who share their insights into their mahi. This kōrero will continue in our next episode, stay tuned!
10/7/202443 minutes, 44 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 337 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu (Patapatai) - Live from Ako Ararau 2024

This episode is brought to you live from Ako Ararau, Māori Expo. MC Grammar leads us off with some of his usual grammar mastery, and then the crowd are invited to ask a few pātai. Whakarongo mai!
8/30/202455 minutes, 56 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 336 - Special Feature - Rob Ruha - Pt 2

The conversation continues with Rob Ruha. Rob shares his experience as a creative, and finishes up with a short waiata, a capella.
8/16/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 36 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 335 - Special Feature - Rob Ruha - Pt 1

This week we give you part 1 of our kōrero with the illustrious Rob Ruha. Whakarongo mai.
8/2/202448 minutes, 30 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 334 - Special Feature - Tuari Whānau

Tuarihia ki runga, tuarihia ki raro, tuarihia te rongo o ngā waiata, o ngā kura o te whānau Tuari. This week we are honoured to host the Tuari brothers and their infamous sister, boss, māngai Ani Piki Tuari. A whānau spoilt with a wealth of musical talent, haka experience and te ao Māori tirohanga. They share with us their views of stage from musicals, haka and song recording.
7/19/202459 minutes, 2 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 333 - Compilation 2 - Kīwaha

For the second time in Taringa history, we have an entire episode dedicated to Kīwaha. Check out this collection of snippets from episodes 67, through to episode 81, focusing on Māori colloquialism, or as Erica would say, "a funner way of saying something".
6/28/202435 minutes, 2 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 332 - Ngā Taonga - Kākā Wahanui #4

In this episode, our hosts listen to snippets of an interview from 1978 with the famous (or infamous) Whaia McClutchie. Whaia speaks about a range of topics, mainly to do with the role of women on the Marae.
6/21/202454 minutes, 15 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 331 - Tikanga 101 - Kara/Haki

This week, our hosts look at some tikanga pertaining to flags and the meaning that has been imbued into them as iwi, hapū and marae.
6/14/202450 minutes, 56 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 330 - Patapatai - Your Questions Answered - pt32

Patapatai. We at Taringa don’t answer your questions – we wānanga on them! Our latest instalment of patapatai has us in wānanga about whakaahua in the home, the use of English words in Māori sentences, types of karakia for kai and more. Whakarongo mai.
5/31/202447 minutes, 23 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 329 - Tikanga 101 - Te mana o te Hapū

He aha te hapū? What is a hapū? Which hapū do you belong to? How do we define a hapū? How are hapū named? You won't get a straight answer however you may gain more context. Hoinō, hei te mutunga iho kei tō ihu tonu te kōrero.
5/24/202453 minutes, 40 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 328 - Special Feature - Mōtai Tangata Rau

Poutini poutini ki te rua rere hā! Ko te tū a Mōtai Tangata Rau te kaupapa o tēnei puninga. Paraone gives us a glimpse into the build-up and kaupapa that led to the Mōtai Tangata Rau bracket that was performed at the Tainui Regional Kapapahaka Competiton of 2024.
5/17/202456 minutes, 16 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 327 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Passives

It's time for another "Kupu Kupu Kupu", with MC Grammar! How is your understanding of 'passives'? Check out this episode to see whether there is anything you can take away.
5/10/202448 minutes, 21 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 326 - Patapatai - Your Questions Answered - pt31

E ngā taringa areare o te motu tēnā huri mai anō ki ngā patapatai o te wā. This week we answer your questions; pēpeha for Tangata Tiriti, differences between mihi & whaikōrero and reinforcing of mauri. 
5/3/202450 minutes, 41 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 325 - Tikanga 101 - Mauri

Ka tākina te mauri, te mauri i ahua mai nō Tikitikioterangi. This week e hoa mā, we traverse new depths of understanding of mauri. What does it have to do with food soveriengty and Hātūpātū? We find out in this episode. Whakarongo mai!
4/26/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 14 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 324 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Syllabic Stress

In this episode, MC Grammar joins us in the flesh for another deep dive, this time on the topic of syllabic stress. Whakarongo mai!
4/19/20241 hour, 5 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 323 - Special Feature - The Battle of Ōrākau

With this year representing 160 years since the battle of Ōrākau, our hosts reflect on some lesser-known anecdotes, and the importance of remembering all land wars that shaped Aotearoa as we know it today. Whakarongo mai. Check out the video version of this episode here!
4/15/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 23 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 322 - Once Upon a Taima - Paki Kēhua - Kiddy Karanga

He karanga tēnei ki a Ngāi Taringa, kia areare mai o koutou taringa ki tā tātou puninga o te wiki. Hei tēnei wiki ka whakaoko ki tētahi Paki Kehua nō reira e te iwi kia huri mai rā. This week ‘Hei and Erica check out a Paki Kēhua that reminds us of the power of karanga.
4/4/202442 minutes, 26 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 321 - Patapatai - Your Questions Answered - pt30

E ngā taringa areare o te motu tēnā huri mai anō ki ngā patapatai o te wā. This week we answer your questions; koha, merchandising of kōrero tuku iho and the aversion Paraone has for reptilian footwear.
3/28/202450 minutes, 10 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 320 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Te Reo Ōkawa

The grammar whizz, Jarred Boon, AKA "MC Grammar" is back again. Today's discussion is all about reo Ōkawa, or formal language. Whakarongo mai!
3/26/202452 minutes, 47 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 319 - Tikanga 101 - Pōtae

This week our hosts discuss the history and importance of the pōtae as it has been used in a range of contexts.
3/14/202450 minutes, 31 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 318 - Once Upon a Taima - Paki Kēhua - Robert and the Tōtara Tree

This week on Taringa, we feature Episode 47 of Paki Kēhua, "Robert and the Tōtara Tree". Our hosts then dive into a conversation around tikanga as it applies to permission for using natural resources. Click here for more episodes of Paki Kēhua. You can also listen on Apple Podcasts, and Spotify
3/7/202445 minutes, 58 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 317 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Te Mana o te Kupu

E ngā kāwai nui, e ngā kāwai roa, e ngā mana o te kī o tua whakarere tēnā koutou katoa. Kua aua atu te wā – It has been sometime, but Taringa is back with our first episode of the year. Today we talk about te mana o te kupu. Whakarongo mai.
2/29/20241 hour, 1 minute, 56 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 316 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Raumati

Kua tata ngā pō o ngā pōtiki a Rehua. Tēnā tātou i tā tātou puni whakamutunga o te tau Pākehā. MC Grammar joins Paraone, Erica, and Te Puaheiri in this final episode of 2023 to discuss kupu related to this time of the year. We explore expressing gratitude for received gifts and, in true Taringa fashion, delve into considerations for those not with us during this season. Thanks for 'streaming in' this year; we'll be on a longer break, returning in February with more iana, kōrero, and wānanga. Kia tau ngā manaakitanga ki a tātou i ēnei wiki nei – kia haumaru, kia koa, kia manawanui. Tēnā tātou katoa.
12/7/202347 minutes, 21 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 315 - Tikanga 101 - Rākau in Whaikorero with Korohere Nhāpō

In this episode, we are joined once again by the esteemed Korohere Ngāpo who has returned to share some of his knowledge and wisdom around the use of rākau in whaikōrero and other contexts. Check out Episode 34 to learn more about Korohere and te iwi Marutuahu.
11/30/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 29 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 314 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - #29

In this final instalment of Patapatai for 2023, Snowy and Erica discuss the use of waiata Māori in different contexts, the pursuit of knowledge and truth through a traditional Māori lens, and the application of cultural safety in the workplace.
11/23/202337 minutes, 23 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 313 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Te Reo o Te Moana-nui-a-kiwa

MC Grammar, Erica and Kahu wānanga about how te reo Māori is influenced by the languages and cultures of Te Moana-nui-a-kiwa - the Pacific. Comparing Pacific languages such as Hawaiian, Cook Islands, Samoan and Niuean with te reo Māori, they also discuss what makes te reo Māori unique.
11/16/202355 minutes, 45 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 312 - Once Upon a Taima - Paki Kēhua - The Boy Who Didn’t Wash His Hands

Wete! Snowy and Erica feature a story from the Paki Kēhua podcast (Ep 44) about someone who breaks Tikanga at an Urupā. Reflecting on the ramifications of disregarding Tikanga and sharing some of their own experiences, our hosts shed light on the importance of keeping to proper practices at such a sacred site. You can listen to the full set of stories on the Paki Kēhua podcast channel here: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or visit the Paki Kēhua homepage - also available on all other third party podcast apps. 
11/10/202342 minutes, 14 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 311 - Tikanga 101 - Puhoro

Snowy takes some time to share the significant experience of recieving his Puhoro. The team then wānanga around associated tikanga and the pros and cons of the various approaches and processes of different tā moko practitioners.
11/2/20231 hour, 1 minute, 24 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 310 - Once Upon a Taima - Paki Kēhua - The Caveman

It's story time again! Featuring episode 33 of the Paki Kēhua podcast, 'The Caveman' is a story about four tourists who pay the ultimate price for their disrespect of a Tūpāpaku. Whakarongo mai as our hosts dive into the tikanga surrounding this story. You can listen to the full set of stories on the Paki Kēhua podcast channel here: Apple Spotify  . Paki Kēhua homepage 
10/26/202348 minutes, 22 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 309 - Tikanga 101 - Tāwāhi

This is a full reo Māori episode in which Paraone and Kahurangi discuss Tīkanga Māori and travelling. What tikanga do you practice when you’re overseas? How do you look after them and negotiate different situations where there might be conflicts in upholding tikanga? Whakarongo mai, e te iwi.
10/19/202347 minutes, 16 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 308 - Ngā Taonga - Kākā Wahanui #3

Our third installment of archives highlighting the Reo of reknowned orators has Paraone and Erica discussing a eulogy for Major Henry Vercoe by Kepa Ehau. Major Vercoe died at his home at Otaramarae, Rotorua In 1962. As an elder of rank and prestige of Ngāti Pikiao, he was a well-known figure throughout Aotearoa. The featured speaker, Kepa Hamuera Anaha Ehau nō Ngāti Pikiao, was a horseman, soldier, farmer and community leader (b.1885, d.1970). The full audio archive can be listened to here
10/12/202348 minutes, 42 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 307 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Unu - pt 2

Paraone & Erica continue their kōrero with Te Makau Shane Te Ruki as he takes us on a fascinating journey exploring the whakapapa, history and forgotten practices of the Nomadic iwi of the central Waikato region; Ngāti Unu. Our kōrero with Shane offers a glimpse into the rich cultural and environmental heritage of the now non-existent bogs of Kakepuku and the tuna heke, as well as numerous places with names that are now unknown to many.
10/6/202337 minutes, 13 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 306 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Unu - pt 1

In this 2-part series, Te Makau Shane Te Ruki takes us on a fascinating journey exploring the whakapapa, history and forgotten practices of the Nomadic iwi of the central Waikato region; Ngāti Unu. Our kōrero with Shane offers a glimpse into the rich cultural and environmental heritage of the now non-existent bogs of Kakepuku and the tuna heke, as well as numerous places with names that are now unknown to many.
9/29/202346 minutes, 48 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 305 - Patapātai - The world, according to Te Puaheiri

Erica interviews Snowy about his past, present and future. Covering his early years, his introduction and growth in te ao Māori, and his rise through to being a professional Tikanga and Reo Advisor, this is an honest and candid glimpse into the history and current world of Te Puaheiri. Make sure you sign up for Mahuru Māori, e te Iwi - register here
9/22/202353 minutes, 59 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 304 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Actor Emphatics

Ko Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2023! MC Grammar is back with another reo master class. Snowy and Erica wānanga with Jarred on the ins and outs of Māku & Nāku, Nōku & Mōku and Nāna & Māna. Discussing the functions of these powerful kupu in sentence structures focussing on a person and/or people, this ep is another opportunity to help you level up your reo. Make sure you sign up for Mahuru Māori, e te Iwi! Register Here 
9/15/202349 minutes, 19 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 303 - Once Upon a Taima - New Series Feature - Paki Kēhua

Paki Kēhua, meaning ’ghost story’, is a new podcast channel with a set of stories from the Māori world that will lead you on a journey beyond your known truths. We are joined today by the esteemed Tāwhero Haitana; the creative mind behind the series. Available now on all your favourite streaming platforms. Listen, if you dare! Spotify Apple Podcasts Paki Kēhua Webpage  
9/8/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 26 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 302 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Disney Reo Māori

E koe! If you haven't seen the Te Reo Māori Disney movies yet, you're in luck. We chat with key figures involved - Tweedie Waititi discusses her role as director and decision-maker, while Hana Mereraihi Skerret delves into the team's intricate process of presenting Disney classics with a Māori perspective.
9/1/202357 minutes, 50 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 301 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - He iti te kupu

Hona Black, author and recent graduate of Te Tohu Paerua o Te Reo Kairangi, joins us to kōrero about Te Reo, particularly his book -of the book 'He Iti te Kupu: Maori Metaphors and Similes'. The book can be purchased from
8/25/202358 minutes, 25 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 300 - Special Feature - Pākehā Pai

Te puni toru rau!Kua aua mai te wā. E Ngāi Taringa kia kotahi ai tō tātou whakanui i tēnei kaupapa a tātou e manaakitia ana e Te Wānanga o Aotearoa nō tana orokohanga mai. Kia kotahi atu ā tātou mihi ki Te Māngai Pāho me Irirangi Te Motu mō rātou i tautoko mai i a Taringa i ngā tau tata nei. E ngā ngutu kākā, e ngā kākā wahanui i whakararahi nei i te rākau taumatua o Taringa tēnā koutou, otirā ki a koutou e ngā taringa areare, e ngā taringa rahirahi i whakararahi nei i te uho o Taringa tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.   This week we celebrate our 300th episode. This achievement is due to the support of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, Te Māngai Pāho, Irirangi te Motu, our manuhiri who lend us their time and knowledge, and you of course, our listeners - we thank you all. This week we are honoured to have Alex Barnes join us to bring some light to the discussion of the term "Pākehā pai".
8/20/202346 minutes, 12 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 299 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - #28

In this episode, the Taringa crew tackle a few audience Pātai. What is the difference between Mauri and Wairua? What does "makau" mean, and how is it used? There is also a discussion about pepeha.
8/11/202348 minutes, 8 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 298 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - The use of ”kore”

MC Grammar hits us with another deep-dive into the intricacies of our reo, today focussing on the use of te kupu "kore".
7/27/202345 minutes, 39 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 297 - Patapātai - All about Paraone

We welcome the lovely Erica back to the Taringa studios for Q&A with the esteemed Paraone Gloyne. Paraone shares stories about his upbringing, significant memories and influencial people along his journey.
7/20/202357 minutes, 54 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 296 - Special Feature - Matariki - Live from Ako Ararau

Recorded in front of a live audience at Ako Ararau - Māori Expo 2023, the team celebrate Matariki by reflecting on the significance of Taringa; the way that the show has influenced thought and discussion, as well as providing opportunities to meet and work alongside wonderful people. There is also a discussion about the meaning of "Tapu".
7/14/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 44 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 295 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Karakia / mihi

Noting a resurgence in the use of karakia, Paraone and Kahurangi discuss various delivery styles. Paraone explains, and demonstrates the difference between karakia Māori, and karakia Pākeha.
7/6/202345 minutes, 22 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 294 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - #27

In this episode, Paraone and Kahurangi tackle a few more interesting questions. Which apps do people use when learning a new language? How does one find one's place within te ao Māori? Does there need to be a karakia at the beginning of every hui?
6/30/202346 minutes, 8 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 293 - Tikanga 101 - Te Pūmamao - Nation Building

Takawai Murphy shares his experiences on his life's work in building a nation based on Te Tiriti partnership. He talks about the definition of Tino Rangatiratanga and decolonisation, and presents a few thoughts to challenge our thinking.
6/23/202358 minutes, 33 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 292 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Te ahunga o te pātai

Ka hou mai a Tākuta Anaha i tō tātou kaupapa ki te kōrero ki te reo, ki te ahunga o te pātai, ki te ahunga hoki o te whakaaro e Māori ake ai tō tātou reo.
6/15/202350 minutes, 35 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 291 - Ngā Taonga - Aotearoa Traditional Māori Performing Arts Festival (ATMPAS) - 1992

Hoki mai ki tō tātou whare o Taringa. I tēnei wiki ka āta matapakitia te whetiwara Aotearoa Traditional Māori Performing Arts i tū ai i Tūrangawaewae i te tau 1992.
6/12/202346 minutes, 6 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 290 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Kahu Whaingaroa

This week we take a dive into the deepest harbour in New Zealand with our manuhiri, Raniera Kaio. He talks to us about the intriciacies of the surrounding iwi, Ngati Kahu ki Whangaroa, OR is it Whaingaroa. Listen in to find out.
6/2/202346 minutes, 32 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 289 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Ka Wānangahia te kupu ’kua’

The Taringa trio have a wānanga on the various uses of the word "kua".
5/26/202344 minutes, 47 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 288 - Once Upon a Taima - Tokahaere - He Tohu Kauanuanu

Tokahaere e i ahatia koe e ngā atua o te pō? E te iwi tahuri mai ki tā tātou puninga o Once Upon a Taima. This week we recreate the story of Tokahaere and it's significance to the people of Raukawa.
5/19/202331 minutes, 53 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 287 - Tikanga 101 - Ariki: Royal Blood Lines

The Taringa crew talk about some of the tikanga of our tūpuna regarding ariki in light of the recent coronation ceremony of King Charles III.
5/12/202349 minutes, 32 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 286 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Language of Inclusion

Te reo whakawhāiti. When learning te reo Māori it's easy to get stuck in the black and white of syntax, grammar structures and so forth. However, there are also alot of grey areas which can't be measured by a flow chart. This grey part is tikanga and can only be learned or understood by experience. Whakakāngia tā tātou tīkera, ā, kia whakaoko mai ki tā tātou wānanga mō te rā.
5/5/202341 minutes, 43 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 285 - Special Feature - Way finding through waka histories

Tōia tapotu te waka kōrero ki te wai. Mā wai e tō? Mā Taringa e tō, mā Hoturoa e tō! Hoturoa Barclay-Kerr navigates us through some of his experiences as a Tohunga Whakatere Waka. From these experiences he offers some enlightening insights into our perception of waka, our maritime history and many more.
4/28/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 55 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 284 - Special Feature - Anzac 2023

Snowy and Kahu take some time to reflect on the way that they've acknowledged ANZAC day in the past. The pair also indulge in a short grammar wananga about the use and variations of "wareware".
4/20/202335 minutes
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Taringa - Ep 283 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Porou ki Heretaunga

Hamuera Maika joins the Taringa crew to discuss his region and share some interesting stories. Whakaronga mai!
4/14/202351 minutes, 14 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 282 - Ngā Taonga - Aotearoa Traditional Māori Performing Arts Festival (ATMPAS) - 1990

Snow, Paraone and Kahu listen to some excerpts from the 1990 Aotearoa Traditional Māori Performing Arts Festival (ATMPAS), which was held in a hot tent in Waitangi that year.
4/6/202341 minutes, 31 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 281 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Whakapapa Revisited pt 2

MC Grammar is back again, revisiting kupu used in reference to Whakapapa, plus a few digressions and embellishments. Heoi anō, whakarongo mai!
3/30/202347 minutes, 7 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 280 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - #26

More answers for your questions, e te iwi! We cover pātai both old and new - covering kupu Māori for the word "episode", unpacking the kupu "kawa" when used in a karakia, explanations of Tupuna and their Tikanga around cutting hair, how to reply to the kīwaha “Ko hea koe?" and also thoughts on pōwhiri for people arriving at airports. Lots of mini wānanga within one big wānanga. Mauri ora!
3/24/202342 minutes, 13 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 279 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Uepōhatu

In this episode, the esteemed Waldo Houia shares his upbringing in Te Reo, the reo of Ngāti Porou, and other whakaaro pertaining to his iwi; Ngāti Uepōhatu
3/16/202347 minutes, 20 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 278 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Kupu Whanaunga

MC Grammar brings the fire with his grammatical insights into the wonderous and layered language that is te reo Māori. We recap on appositions, take a look at some known words for kaumātua and talk about the way our language has evolved to reflect the way we see ourselves. Kia mau!
3/9/202348 minutes, 1 second
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Taringa - Ep 277 - Matatini 2023 - Tikanga in kapahaka

As the dust settles and te ao Māori reflects on what was one of the most memorable Matatini, the Taringa trio also reflect and look at some tikanga pertaining to te ao haka. We also wānanga about the future of haka, what competitive haka could like and how we may get there.
3/2/202351 minutes, 6 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 276 - Matatini 2023 - Ngā Kupu o te Haka

Ngā kupu o te haka. Paraone and Te Puaheiri look through He Tohu Whenua Rangatira - A judges compendium of terms used to describe aspects of haka, discussing a selection of kupu from it's glossary. Not only are these kupu for haka but also for our daily use. A challenge is issued to all kapa and non-participating to use these kupu kei ngaro.
2/23/202352 minutes, 39 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 275 - Matatini 2023 - Te Reo o te Kaiwhiriwhiri - The language of the Judge

He aha te reo o te kaiwhakawā o te kaiwhiriwhiri rānei? What is the language of the judge? What are some of the remarks they make when marking certain items of the kapahaka bracket? Kahurangi also explains the techinicality of the poi.
2/17/202346 minutes, 52 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 274 - Matatini 2023 - Ngāti Rangiwewehi with Trevor Maxwell

As we build up to Te Matatini 2023 we invite one of the giants of te ao kapa haka; Trevor Maxwell to join us. We hear untold stories of what happened in 1983 and how "2 weeks in Manutuke" propelled many kapa into existence. We also hear about the risks Trevor and his kapa took to push the boundaries of kapahaka.
2/13/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 42 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 273 - Special Feature - Waitangi 2023

In this episode, JJ Carberry joins us for a wānanga about the provisions of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and we kōrero about what we can do as a part of the resistance.
2/2/202353 minutes, 2 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 272 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - A kōrero with Dr Jeremy Tātere MacLeod

Ka whakapāho atu anō a Taringa i ngā tari o Kauaka i Kahungunu ki te taha o Tākuta Tātere Mcleod. Ka wānangahia e tātou ngā hua i puta mai i tana rangahau mō te mita, te rangi otirā mō te tūreo o ngā iwi. Ka puta hoki ētahi whakaaro hei wero i ngā whakaaro o ngā iwi. Whakarongo mai.
1/27/202352 minutes, 12 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 271 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Apposition

The Taringa crew kick-off 2023 with MC Grammar, gently easing everyone into the nuance of appositions i roto i te reo Māori. Karawhiua!
1/19/202344 minutes, 17 seconds
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Taringa - Waiata Compilation 12 - Summer 2023

To help break up those back-to-work blues, we have some more music for you to sing along to! Enjoy these waiata previously featured in Eps 210 — 223.   Track Listing; 00:41 - Whiti te Marama (Majic Paora) 03:39 - Tīhore mai te Rangi (Ria Hall) 07:07 - Pureora (Arekatera Maihi) 10:13 - Pupuru ai e Hine (Motai) 13:49 - Purerehua (Teremoana Rapley) 18:43 - He Rau Waewae (Hirini Melbourne) 20:04 - Kia Ngawari (He Iti Kahurangi) 22:32 - Te Pū (Tuari Brothers) 25:31 - Ka Hura (Maisey Rika) 31:08 - O-Tāwhao (Taringa crew) 34:11 - Kōrero Māori (Aotearoa)
1/12/202338 minutes, 56 seconds
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Taringa - Waiata Compilation 11 - Summer 2023

We hope you're all having a good summer break! Enjoy some more waiata, previously featured in Eps 199 — 209   Track listing; 00:40 - Pēhea te roa (unknown artists) 03:28 - Aio - Ranea (Ranea Aperahama) 07:49 - Riri Kōpūtahi (Ranea Aperahama) 11:22 - Taku Inoi (Maisey Rika) 16:39 - Tāwhirimātea (Ranea Aperahama) 20:55 - Roto Waho (Ranea Aperahama) 24:09 - He Aio (Haami) 26:58 - Kuikui (Ranea Aperahama) 31:04 - He Waiata Mo Te Tai Tokerau (Te Hononga) 34:42 - He aha koe e pātai nei e moko (Mataatua ki Rotorua)
1/5/202337 minutes, 18 seconds
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Taringa - Waiata Compilation 10 - Summer 2023

Ngā mihi o te tau hōu! For your summer jams, enjoy a selection of waiata previously featured in Eps 185 — 197. Track listing; 00:40 - Ka Tohe Au (unknown artists) 03:42 - Poi Tipua (Ngā Tūmanako) 07:03 - I Ngā Mokai Kiri E (Annette & Teiria) 09:17 - Nō Reira (Dennis Marsh) 13:06 - Te Hekenga O Maruiwi (Te Kapa Haka o Te Iti Kahurangi) 18:26 - Ruia Ruia (Muriwhenua Kapahaka) 18:55 - Tihei Mauriora (Ranea Aperahama) 22:37 - Te Marae Tapu o Raupī (unknown artists) 25:59 - Harihari Kōrero (He Iti Kahurangi) 29:06 - Kei aro atu koe (Kings) 32:42 - Tāwhirimātea (Maisey Rika)    
12/29/202237 minutes, 7 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 270 - Special Feature - Hineraumati 2022

In our last official ep for the year, Snowy, Paraone and Kahurangi talk about verious uses of Reo within the context of holidays and summer activities. Have a great festive season, e hoa mā. You'll hear from us again in January 2023. Mauri Ora!  
12/23/202243 minutes, 41 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 269 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Hei tā Tā

Ka haere a Taringa ki Kahungunu ki ngā taringa huruhuru o te Atua o te Te Reo Māori. Ka whakarangatira a Tā Timoti Karetu i a tātou i āna kōrero mō ōna iho pūmanawa, te āhua o te reo hei ko tāna, me ētahi atu o ōna whakaaro mō ngā kaupapa Māori o te wā.
12/15/202258 minutes, 17 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 268 - Tikanga 101 - Tohi

He aha te tohi? I ahu mai te tohi i hea? Mā wai te tohi e whakahaere? What is a tohi? Where does it come from? Who performs the tohi? We also address how much or what thoughts should inform correct koha this and more in this weeks episode
12/8/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 6 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 267 - Patapātai - All About Erica

Erica is leaving the Taringa crew for a while, so this episode is all about her time on Taringa. We also welcome our new host - Kahurangi Maxwell nō Te Arawa. We have some fun while acknowledging Erica's contribution to Taringa; looking back at her first episodes, how the term "whana way of saying something" was coined, and also firing questions at her - te patapātai ki a Erica.
12/2/202240 minutes, 32 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 266 - Ngā Taonga - Aotearoa Traditional Māori Performing Arts Festival (ATMPAS) - 1988

Delving deep back into the archives, Paraone and Snowy listen to some excerpts from the 1988 Aotearoa Traditional Māori Performing Arts Festival (now called Matatini) which was held in Whāngarei. We also have a special impromptu phone call with a prolific Māori composer to offer their insights to this event, who could it be?! Whakarongo mai to find out, e te iwi. 
11/25/202242 minutes
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Taringa - Ep 265 - Tikanga 101 - Mana Wahine - pt 1

Ka whakapuakina e Ngāhuia Murphy ana rangahau me ōna whakaaro mō ngā āhuatanga o te wahine Māori i ngaro i ngā tau. Ka kōrerotia te tapu me te mana o te wahine i mua te aupēhia o te mana o te wahine Māori e te Pākeha, e tōna whakapono, e āna tuhinga hoki. Dr Ngāhuia Murphy talks about her research and ideas regarding the status of wahine Māori that had been lost in recent history. The sacredness and the reverence of women before their oppression by western beliefs, ideaologies and historical writings is also discussed.
11/18/20221 hour, 11 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 264 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Mai, Nā, Rā

MC Grammar and the team have an in-depth discussion on the use of "mai", "nā" and "rā"
11/10/202246 minutes, 54 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 263 - Iwi o te Wiki - Te Aitanga a Hauiti

In this week's "Iwi O Te Wiki" episode, Dr Wayne Ngata shares kōrero about Te Aitanga a Hauiti
11/4/202253 minutes, 39 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 262 - Once Upon a Taima - Te Pakanga ki Ō-Rākau

In honour of our national day of commemoration of the NZ Land Wars, this installment of Once Upon a Taima is a brief version of the battle of Ō-Rākau in 1864. This version is based on the account of Hitiri Te Paerata, a Chief of Ngāti Raukawa & Ngāti te Kohera, who fought in the battle himself - losing many of his whānau, including his Father and Brother. To read more about Hitiri, go here:  
10/28/202230 minutes, 45 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 261 - Tikanga 101 - Karanga Aotearoa

ko te whakahokinga mai o ngā kōiwi tupuna ehara i te hanga. The repatriation of ancestors' bones is by no means an insignificant feat. We talk with Paraone about his experience travelling to Vienna to bring back our tūpuna. We discuss the preparation and the tikanga that was involved in carrying out such a task. Kia āta whakarongo e hoa mā ehara tēnei kaupapa i te hanga.
10/20/202249 minutes, 3 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 260 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Different ways to say ”and”

MC Grammar is back again, with another deep-dive into the intricacies of our reo. This time, the crew take a look at the various ways to say "and".
10/13/202242 minutes, 10 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 259 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt25

While Paraone is still away in Austria, Snowy and Erica answer more questions from you, e Ngai Taringa. They discuss favourite kaimoana, give some advice on using intructional Reo in the house. They also have a brief look at the kupu "hei", using numbers in a listing format and share some thoughts on non-Māori teaching te reo Māori.
9/30/202240 minutes, 8 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 258 - Ngā Taonga - Te Petihana Reo Māori

Ko ngā kaupapa i puta mai i te Petihana Te Reo Māori i ngā tau rima tekau tau ki mua pēhea te tini! Ka whakarongo tātou ki ētahi o ngā kōrero i hopukina ai i taua rā i te 14 o Hepetema o te tau 1972. Ka kōrero a Erica rāo ko Te Puaheiri mō te hunga nāna anō te kaupapa, te hunga i tae atu ki Paremata, ngā hua i puta me ngā kaupapa e tohea tonutia o moroki nei.
9/23/202243 minutes, 45 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 257 - Tikanga 101 - Te kitenga atu o ētahi kōiwi

Ka aha koe mēnā rā ka tūpono atu koe ki ngā kōiwi? He aha te tikanga me whai e koe? Me waea atu ki a wai? He aha ngā mea ka taea e koe? Whakarongo mai ki tēnei wānanga.
9/15/202245 minutes, 40 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 256 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Mahuru Māori

I tīmata a Mahuru Māori i te tau 2014. He whakaaro nō Paraone ki te kōrero Māori mō te roanga o te marama o Mahuru. Ka kōrerotia ngā pānga, ngā huritao, ngā wawata hoki mō te kaupapa.
9/9/202236 minutes, 44 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 255 - Once Upon a Taima - Te Taenga mai o Ngātokimatawhaorua

E kau ki te tai e kau ki te tai e. E kau rā te tai whanake kōrero o Wana Pana Taima e huamo nei i tēnei wiki tuarua o Mahuru Māori. Ka hoea e te tokotoru o Taringa te hone o ngā kōrero mō Ngātokimatawhaorua, tōna kaihanga, tana kaiurungi hoki. Ka kōrerotia hoki te kīwaha e mau nā i a koe. Nō reira whakarongo mai.
9/6/202234 minutes, 25 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 254 - Hoki Whakamuri - Iwi o te Wiki - recaps

While Paraone enjoys the sun in Fiji, Snowy and Erica recap a few previous "Iwi o te wiki" episodes - including Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Rangitāne and Kahungunu ki Wairarapa. If you haven't already, sign up for Mahuru Māori e hoa mā:
8/26/202236 minutes, 50 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 253 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Complex Manner Particles (Pūtohu) and Passives

MC Grammar returns to wānanga with us about Pūtohu (complex manner particles) but up another level this time; how to modify them to use in passive structures. 
8/19/202242 minutes, 52 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 252 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt24

The Taringa team answer more pātai from you, our audience. These pātai turn into mini wānanga about some favourite kupu whakarite, whether or not a marae should be built in Australia and government agencies using waiata iwi for waiata tautoko.
8/12/202237 minutes, 25 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 251 - Tikanga 101 - Oriori

Following the recent Ngāti Raukawa recording and release of "Te Oriori o Raukawa", this episode discusses what an Oriori is, what they contain and the kaupapa within them. Being the composer of this Oriori, we are priveleged to be able to hear Paraone unpacking his composition process. To listen to the full 27 minute waiata, go here:
8/4/202256 minutes, 14 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 250 - Ngā Taonga - Aotearoa Traditional Māori Performing Arts Festival (ATMPAS) - 1986

Listening through the archives again, we feature and discuss 3 items from the 1986 Polynesian Festival (now called Matatini) held at the Q.E. II Park, Ōtautahi (Christchurch).
7/29/202246 minutes, 26 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 249 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Hineuru

Nau mai piri mai ki tēnei whakapaohotanga mō Iwi o te Wiki. This week we take a journey into the tribal region of Ngāti Hineuru. Whakarongo mai!
7/22/202248 minutes, 45 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 248 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Derived nouns

Tūingoa - Derived nouns. Nau hoki mai ki tēnei wāhanga e kīia nei ko Kupu Kupu Kupu me tō tātou mātanga reo a Jarred Boon e kī nei ko Mc Grammar.
7/14/202244 minutes, 32 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 247 - Tikanga 101 - Te tuku mana / te whakamana

He aha ngā tikanga whakamana tuku mana rānei i mahia ai e ō tātou tūpuna, ka mutu he aha ngā momo tuku mana ka kitea, ka taea rānei i tēnei ao. What is succession or the handing down of mana? Furthermore what types of successions are seen or possible today?
7/8/202242 minutes, 31 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 246 - Patapātai - Speed Patapatai #1

In this episode, Paraone and Erica tackle the challenge of answering a few audience questions, with only 2 minutes per pātai!
6/30/202237 minutes, 41 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 245 - Special Feature - Matariki - Live From Te Papa

For our 5th birthday, the Taringa team is leaving the bustling metropolis of Te Awamutu to bring you this live special from the cultured capital of Wellington. The Taringa trio will be joined by some mega manuhiri - Te Mata Punenga, a collective of tohunga handpicked and trained by the renowned Tā Pou Temara and the late Dr Wharehuia Milroy. They will be discussing the launching of Matariki as a public holiday, the underpinning principles of Matariki and the practices associated with mātauranga Māori and whakapono Māori.   You can also watch the filmed live stream here:   This episode also features our new music track "Taringa Areare", made especially for you, our loyal audience:
6/27/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 45 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 244 - Iwi o te Wiki - Rangitāne

In our first ever dual guest Iwi episode, we hear from two knowledgable tangata Rangitāne, Peter Meihana & Te Matahiapo Safari Hynes. We chat with them about the history, whakapapa and future hopes of their Iwi which covers the Manawatū, Horowhenua, Wairarapa and Marlborough areas of New Zealand.
6/17/202255 minutes, 3 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 243 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Postposed Particles - Locatives (Extension)

MC Grammar is back again with another demonstration and workshop of his elite verbiage abilities. We look at some kupu that specify locations beyond, over yonder, not too far from, no too far after and not too many to confuse you.
6/10/202246 minutes, 51 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 242 - Once Upon a Taima - Tāwhaki - Chapter 4 - Tāwhaki, Karihi, Urutonga me ngā Ponaturi

It's been a long time since Koro and Moko had a kōrero paki, and this one ventures back to the time of Tāwhaki - with the story about his whānau executing revenge on the evil Ponaturi who had wronged them.
6/2/202236 minutes, 33 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 241 - Tikanga 101 - Whakapapa

He aha te whakapapa? He aha rānei te whakapapa ki a koe? He aha tōna iho hei tō te mātauranga Māori? Ka wānangahia ēnei tūwhai pātai i tēnei puni o Tikanga 101. What is whakapapa? What is whakapapa to you and how can we find it? What is it's essence in accordance to Māori philosophy? These are the types of questions considered on this installment of Tikanga 101.
5/27/202240 minutes, 59 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 240 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Kupu Whakakaha - Intensifiers

Hoki mai anō ki Kupu Kupu Kupu. Ka wānangahia e tātou ētahi anō kupu whakakaha kāore i kōrerotia i te puni 130. Ka kōrerotia hoki ngā whakamahinga e whakaaetia ana te whakamahi me ētahi kāore e whakaaetia ana. Welcome back to Kupu Kupu Kupu. We deliberate over more adjective intensifiers that weren't mentioned in ep 130 (pt 1). We also discuss their permitted uses and their non-permitted uses.
5/20/202238 minutes, 32 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 239 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt23

Ka āta wetewete te tokotoru o Taringa i ngā pātai ka tukuna mai e koutou. Kia piri mai ki tēnei puni kia rongo ai, kia wānanga ai hoki i ngā kōrero ka puta. The Taringa trio unpack the queries sent in by you. Join us to hear and deliberate on the conversation that eventuates.
5/12/202242 minutes, 30 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 238 - Tikanga 101 - Moemoea

He aha te tohu o te moemoeā? He aha rānei ana whakamāoritanga? Ka āta wānangahia e te tokotoru o Taringa ō rātou wheako ki te moemoeā me ngā tohu. What is the sign of a dream? What are the interpretations? The Taringa trio share their own experiences with dreams and their messages.
5/5/202242 minutes, 36 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 237 - Ngā Taonga - Aotearoa Traditional Māori Performing Arts Festival (ATMPAS) - 1983

I te tau 1983 tū ai te Whetiwara Poronihia i Tomoana Showgrounds i Heretaunga kei raro i te manaakitanga o Ngāti Kahungunu. Ka āta matapakihia ētahi waiata haka anō hoki a ētahi kapa i tū ai i tēnei whakataetae. In 1983 the Polynesian Festival was held at Tomoana Showgrounds, Hastings under the care of Ngāti Kahungunu. A selection of items by some of the groups that competed in this competion are discussed .
4/29/202246 minutes, 43 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 236 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Postposed Particles - pt 3

Ka hono mai anō tō tātou ake kaiako a MC Grammar ki te whakataka i ētahi anō kura o ngā kupu pūmuri. Hei tēnei wiki ka matapakihia ngā kupu 'anō' me 'rānei' me ana āheinga katoa. Our very own tutor MC Grammar joins us again to drop some more gems on postposed particles. This week we discuss the words "anō" and 'rānei' and a few of their functions.
4/23/202251 minutes, 17 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 235 - Tikanga 101 - What does it take to change kawa and tikanga?

E panoni ai i te tikanga te kawa rānei me aha te iwi? He aha rānei ngā whakaaro me wānanga? What does it take to change kawa or tikanga? What are the considerations that should be deliberated upon.
4/14/202244 minutes, 20 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 234 - Once Upon a Taima - Irawaru and Māui

Our old mate, Māui, is back at it in this old tale about greed, self control, and the relationship between brother in laws!  Whakarongo mai!
4/7/202233 minutes, 18 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 233 - Hoki Whakamuri - Iwi o te Wiki - recaps

We have a look back at some snippets of our older Iwi episodes to stir the barrel of mātauranga and prompt your curiosity. We look at eps 137, 178 & 192. If you haven't listened to these eps already - then go back and do so, there is gold in them hills!
3/31/202234 minutes, 48 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 232 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Postposed Particles - pt 2

Kei...ana = Whilst. Ka...ana = Whenever. Kia...ana = to be left as is. Are you intrigued or confused yet? Jarred Boon AKA MC Grammar will be dorpping bars on these constructs giving us more way's to express ourselves in everyday te reo Māori contexts. Kia areare mai nei e tai mā.
3/24/202246 minutes, 53 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 231 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt22

We take another dive back into more questions from you - our treasured audience! Answering pātai on Manaia, tikanga around photos of loved ones who have passed, and other related kōrero along the way.
3/17/202239 minutes, 44 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 230 - Tikanga 101 - Toi Moko

Mokomōkai: He aha te mokomōkai he aha i panoni ai tēnei ingoa mō te upoko kua kōhuatia ki te ingoa o Toi Moko? What is mokomōkai? Why was this name for a preserved head changed to Toi Moko? Tamahou Temara joins the Taringa crew to explain this whakaaro and to elaborate on his commitment to the repatriation of the remains of our tūpuna from the far reaches of the globe.
3/11/202255 minutes, 30 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 229 - Ngā Taonga - NZ Polynesian Festival 1981

We have another delve back into the archives to bring you some of the items performed at what is now called Matatini, in 1981. Details of the Ngā Taonga excerpts featured are: Excerpt 1 (10:11): Kaikōrero: Irirangi Tiakiawa. Haka: Te Arawa E - Excerpt 2 (18:15): Mangatū from Te Tairāwhiti - WHAKAEKE : Taku patu taku patu - Excerpt 3 (30:23): TANIWHARAU from Waikato - POI : Nga ra o Hune (comp. Princess Te Puea. The poi runs into the Whakawatea.) - Excerpt 4 (50:49): Ngāti Rangiwewehi - CHORAL : Te Rina. (lyrics by Tommy Taurima of Ngāti Kahungunu. The duet is sung by Gus and Leah Ratana.) -  
3/3/202258 minutes, 34 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 228 - Iwi o te Wiki - Kahungunu ki Wairarapa

Whatahoro Fox joins us to speak about his Iwi from South Waiarapa.
2/24/202254 minutes, 28 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 227 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Postposed Particles - pt 1

Pūmuri = Postposed particles. Pū Tohu = Manner Particles. Tonu = a manner particle. Intrigued yet? Listen to this ep to find out the many uses of tonu with our in lingustic luminary Jarred Boon aka MC Grammar.
2/17/202249 minutes, 18 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 226 - Tikanga 101 - Onioni

Mahimahi, ekeeke, onioni. Hei tēnei puni o tā tātou punua pāoho ka matapakihia te kaupapa o te mahi ai hei tā te tirohanga Māori. In this episode we look the act of copulating from a Māori perspective. Kia areare mai ō koutou taringa, kia huakina mai te whare o Hinengaro.
2/10/202253 minutes, 32 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 225 - Special Feature - Waitangi 2022 - With Dayle Takitimu

Ka hono mai a Dayle Takitimu ki te whakaputa atu i ōna whakaaro mō te ture me te tiriti me etahi atu kōrero hei te tirohanga o tēnei roia. Kia areare mai hoki ō taringa ki te kīwaha e whakahuatia ana te pono me te whenua. Dayle Takitimu joins us to express her thoughts on law and the treaty along with other views. Also keep an ear out for the idiom that conveys truth stemming from the earth. Taringa hī! Taringa hā!!
2/3/202259 minutes, 15 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 224 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Kahu

This week we welcome Rutene Gabel to discuss Ngāti Kahu. Whakaronga mai!
1/27/202248 minutes, 24 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 223 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Complex Particles ”ai” - pt 3

He ahe koe i kore ai e kai? He aha ia e kore nei e kai? He aha au e kore ai e kai? Hei tukatuka ake anō i te tau hōu mahi ka kotahi atu tātou ki te Kupu Kupu Kupu me tō tātou mātanga reo ara ko Jared Boon me kī ko Mc Grammar. Ka āta matapakihia e mātou ngā rerenga kua whakahuatia ake i mua nā. Why didn't you eat? Why isn't he eating? Why won't I eat? To kickoff the working year we head straight into Kupu Kupu Kupu with linguistic expert Jarred Boon, AKA "MC Grammar",  taking a close look at the aforementioned structures.
1/20/202242 minutes, 45 seconds
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Taringa - Waiata Compilation 9 - Summer 2022

To help break up those back-to-work blues, we have some more music for you to sing along to, waiata previously featured in Eps 171 — 184.  Taringa will be back with our regular kōrerorero next week.  Track Listing; 00:42 - Nōhea (Rei, Tyna) 04:01 - Te Reo o te Ngākau (unknown artists) 06:41 - Tohora nui (unknown artists) 07:43 - Raumati (Pere Wihongi) 11:06 - A-ha-ka-ma (Te Ara Reo Māori - Pānia Papa & friends) 11:57 - Nei Te Tiriti (Ruia Aperehama) 15:40 - Maranga mai Pikiao (unknown artists) 18:26 - Motai - Ara Re (Mōtai Tangata Rau) 21:42 - Taku Whare Tapere (Ngā Tūmanako) 24:26 - He Aha Ai (Te Ara Reo Māori - Pānia Papa & friends) 27:46 - Katarina (Ngā Tūmanako) 31:56 - Kapakapa Mai Te Manawa (Te Ara Reo Māori - Pānia Papa & friends) 35:44 - Kia mau ki tō ūkaipō (Six60)
1/13/202240 minutes, 37 seconds
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Taringa - Waiata Compilation 8 - Summer 2022

We hope you're all having a good summer break! Enjoy some more waiata, previously featured in Eps 157 — 168 Track Listing: 00:42 - Oriori Tekau mā waru (Ngā Tūmanako) 04:48 - Kei Moumou (Ngā Tūmanako) 07:47 - He Rangi ataahua (Te Reo Takiwa Dunn) 11:29 - Medley: Tōia Mai, Maringi ngā roimata (Ngā tamariki wāhine o te kura o Te Waipounamu, 1977) 15:38 - Mahuru (Earth wind and fire remake for Mahuru Māori) 19:22 - Pōhutukawa (Maisey Rika) 24:51 - He Oriori Mōhau (Ngā Tūmanako) 28:35 - E Rere te Manu (Mel Davis) 32:42 - Ka Titiro (unknown artists) 34:44 - Tangihia (Te Kapa Haka o Te Iti Kahurangi) 38:31 - I waenganui pū harakeke (Koea Kaka and friends) 42:00 - Ngā Tūmanako (Ngā Tūmanako)
1/6/202245 minutes, 46 seconds
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Taringa - Waiata Compilation 7 - Summer 2022

Ngā mihi o te tau hōu! For your summer jams, enjoy a selection of waiata previously featured in Eps 145 — 156. Track Listing; 00:42 - Ka Kotahi Ai Te Iwi (Te Ara Reo Māori - Pānia Papa & friends) 03:40 - A Me Te O (Te Ara Reo Māori - Pānia Papa & friends) 05:53 - Rule Your Mind (Sophronia Smith) 08:56 - E Rima E (unknown artists) 11:20 - He Whare Mokemoke (Te Ara Reo Māori - Pānia Papa & friends) 14:06 - Tō Aroha (Kataraina Pipi) 18:39 - Waerea (Ngā Tūmanako) 22:13 - Kia Taiea Te Tū  (Ngā Tūmanako) 24:51 - Hei Konei Rā (Pātea Māori Club) 28:07 - E kore au e ngaro (unknown artists) 29:59 - He Raruraru (Te Ara Reo Māori - Pānia Papa & friends) 32:13 - Tiki Tapu (Rob Ruha)
12/30/202136 minutes, 31 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 222 - Special Feature - Hineraumati 2021

In our last episode for what has been rather strange and challenging year, we talk about the shifting Tikanga around Christmas, and have a look back at some of our favourite moments from the year. Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and the entire Taringa crew would like to thank everyone for their support, and wish everyone a very safe and happy festive season.
12/24/202148 minutes, 41 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 221 - Tikanga 101 - Hapa me te Whati - pt3

We give examples of some errors that can happen when writing or reciting karakia, and incorrect tikanga practices around the building & opening of Whare. We then discuss the effects that these mistakes can have on the intentions of important kaupapa.
12/16/202142 minutes, 12 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 220 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt 21

It's a real mixed bag in this ep as we answer a reo question about the use of "mo" and "kimi", offer some thoughts on tikanga around whānuangatanga in the current covid climate, and we also discuss Taniwhā gender - inspired by Story the from Ep 218.
12/9/202136 minutes, 42 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 219 - Ngā Taonga - NZ Polynesian Festival 1979

Diving back into the precious ‘Ngā Taonga’ archives, this time we are at the NZ Polynesian Festival in Lower Hutt in February, 1979. Listen along as we kōrero in depth about a few of the items that were performed at the event.
12/2/202138 minutes, 47 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 218 - Once Upon a Taima - Ngake me Whātaitai

Featuring the traditional story which was turned into an award winning childrens book, we are fortunate to have author Ben Ngaia join us to speak about the significance of this story and his work writing the book. Check out our facebook page for a Ngake me Whātaitai book give away, or purchase it from here:
11/26/202132 minutes, 55 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 217 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Complex Particles ”ai” - pt 2

Jarred Boon (aka MC Grammar) is back for another schooling session on "ai". We review instances covered in Ep 214, (habitual action, dependent actions, subsequent action clauses), and go in depth on using the particle "ai" in a range of questioning contexts.
11/20/202149 minutes, 55 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 216 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Manawa

Ka tau mai a Dr Enoka Murphy ki te pae kōrero i tēnei puni o Iwi o te Wiki ki te whakahuahua i ngā kōrero motuhake mō Ngāti Manawa.
11/12/202147 minutes, 51 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 215 - Tikanga 101 - Hapa me te Whati - pt2

Ka hoki mai anō te takitoru o Taringa ki te āta matapakihia tēnei kaupapa te whati me te hapa me kī hei tō te tirohanga Māori i roto i ngā whakaritenga Māori pēnei i te whaikōrero me ētahu atu tūwhai āhuaranga. The Taringa trio return to discuss this topic of errors and falters in according per se to the Māori perspective within Māori contexts such as formal oration and other aspects.
11/4/202140 minutes, 28 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 214 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu with MC Grammar - Complex Particles ”ai” - pt 1

Te Reo expert Jarred Boon joins us to talk about the use of the complex particle "ai". Ka kōrerotia hoki tētahi kīwaha i kōrerotia ai e tana kuia i a rāua e tohe ana. E mārama ai ki tēnei momo pūhono me whai wheako kia rongo ai koe ki ana whakamahinga huhua. Whakarongo mai.
10/29/202145 minutes, 37 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 213 - Ngā Taonga - NZ Polynesian Festival 1972

A muri ake i tētahi paku whakatā, ka hoki mai anō te wāhanga o Ngā Taonga. Ka hoki ki mua ki 1972 ki te Whetiwara Poronīhia tuatahi ki te whakarongo ki te āhua o te kapahaka o te wā me te kite i ngā kākano i whakatōngia i aua tau kua hua mai ai i ēnei tau. After a short hiatus, Ngā Taonga returns to our regularly scheduled programming. We go back in time to 1972 to the first Polynesian Festival to listen to the style of kapahaka of the time and to witness the seeds planted then that have since borne fruit in today.
10/21/202149 minutes, 36 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 212 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt20

Uia mai koia, whakahuatia ake; Ko wai te whare nei e? Ko Taringa! Welcome back to another addition of patapatai. We reflect on Mahuru Māori, look at non-binary taking on moko, what non-Māori and Māori may want to consider when it comes to pepeha and many more. Nō reira kia areare mai ō koutou taringa, kia huakina mai ō koutou ngākau hoki. Taringa Hi!
10/15/202139 minutes, 24 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 211 - Mahuru Māori Feature - Te Ao o te Tohunga - Tā Pou Temara - pt 3

Koia tēnei ko te wahanga whakamutunga o tēnei punua raupapatanga whakahirahira ki tō tātou Pāpā a Tā Pou Temara. Kia hono tonu mai ki te ihi, te wehi me te mana o tana kōrero.
10/8/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 39 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 210 - Mahuru Māori Feature - Te Ao o te Tohunga - Tā Pou Temara - pt 2

Hoki mai ano ki te wahanga tuarua o tēnei punua raupapatanga ko Te Ao o te Touhunga. Ka noho mai a Tā Pou ki tō tātou whare o Ipurau ki te kōrero tonu mai mō tana whakatupuranga me ana wheako i mātau ai ia ki ngā mahi a te tohunga. Share your reo Māori story for a chance to win your part of $10,000. Record and share your story starting with the sentence “I speak te reo Māori because...” or “I learn to reo Maori because...”  then upload it to Instagram, Facebook or TikTok using the hashtag #mōtereo and enter at 
9/30/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 53 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 209 - Mahuru Māori Feature - Te Ao o te Tohunga - Tā Pou Temara - pt 1

Ahorangi Tā Pou Temara. He mōhio, he pūkenga, he ruānuku, he tā, he ahorangi - Ko ēnei tūwhai āhua katoa e hāngai pū ana ki tēnei taniwha o te ao Māori. Engari ka toko ake te pātai nā te aha i pēnei ai? Nā wai rānei i pēnei ai? Whakarongo mai ki te hautoru tuatahi o tēnei punua raupapatanga e kīia nei Te Ao o te Tohunga. Share your reo Māori story for a chance to win your part of $10,000. Record and share your story starting with the sentence “I speak te reo Māori because...” or “I learn to reo Maori because...”  then upload it to Instagram, Facebook or TikTok using the hashtag #mōtereo and enter at 
9/23/202159 minutes, 39 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 208 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāpuhi - take 2

We are graced by Julian Wilcox this week for "Iwi o te Wiki", as we take a second look at the intricate, complex architecture of the sacred house of Ngāpuhi. Listen out for our kīwaha which may have you rolling your eyes, or even answering back at some one.   Share your reo Māori story for a chance to win your part of $10,000. Record and share your story starting with the sentence “I speak te reo Māori because..” or “I learn to reo Maori because...”  then upload it to Instagram, Facebook or TikTok using the hashtag #mōtereo and enter at 
9/16/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 40 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 207 - Tikanga 101 - Parapara

He tapu te parapara? He aha i tapu ai? Me pēhea e porowhiu atu? Is waste/trash sacred? If so, why? How is it to be disposed of? In the first week of Mahuru Māori, the Taringa trio ponders these questions in consideration of such practices as tā moko, tangihanga and humuhumu (amputation) with the remnants and their disposal in mind.
9/10/202144 minutes, 55 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 206 - Tikanga 101 - Hapa me te Whati - pt1

What is a hapa? What is a whati? What are they in the context of te reo Māori and tikanga Māori? What are the underpinning principles that make them Māori concepts? Why can I say "KAITOA!" when I'm relieved or satisfied with something?
9/3/202150 minutes, 7 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 205 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Lock in your reo during lockdown

As we face new and uncharted waters, so too does te reo Māori. What kupu do we use for certain terms like hand sanitiser? Pandemic? Social distancing? Ka āta wānangahia te tokotoru o Taringa atu i tō rātou ake 'kāhui rāhui' mō tēnei kaupapa.
8/27/202133 minutes, 49 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 204 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Whaka

This week's episode explores the use of the prefix "whaka".
8/20/202139 minutes, 8 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 203 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt19

In this "Patapātai" episode, our hosts answer questions about education systems, pepeha structure, Christianity, and Tangihanga.
8/12/202142 minutes, 19 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 202 - Tikanga 101 - Kai - Tikanga mō te kai

Paraone, Snow and Erica discuss Tikanga mō te kai in various contexts.
8/8/202147 minutes, 18 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 201 - Ngā Taonga - Karanga

Karanga te hau muri, karanga te hau runga, karanga te hau uru, karanga te hau whiti karanga ngā taonga o tua whakarere. The Ngā Taonga series continues as the Taringa trio look at some excerpts of karanga. We also contest the thought of how and when the karanga was to be used. Whakarongo mai.
7/30/202149 minutes, 12 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 200 - Special Feature - Matariki & Puanga

Hari huri tau ki a Taringa! Special guests Che Wilson and Rangi Matamua join us in the film studio for our 4th birthday. We answer some audience pātai, and speak in depth about the Tikanga of Matariki and Puanga.
7/23/202153 minutes, 23 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 199 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Ngå ingoa tūwahi

Ko hea tēnei wāhi? In this Kupu,Kupu,Kupu episode we discuss place names and the language associated with them.
7/19/202145 minutes, 48 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 198 - Tikanga 101 - Toto - the ultimate koha

The ultimate koha: Should I give blood? Is it tapu? This week we host special guests Pio Terei and Nicola Adams (better known as Nix) to discuss donating blood from a mātauranga Māori perspective. Tau ana ngā manuhiri, tau ana ngā kōrero, tau ana te kaupapa.
7/13/202146 minutes, 46 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 197 - Once Upon a Taima - Matariki

Mānawatia a Matariki. This week's Once Upon a Taima retells the story about the battle between Tūmatauenga and Tāwhirimātea which eventuates into the creation of Matariki.
7/1/202136 minutes, 58 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 196 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Te Reo o te Rangatahi

We speak with Te Korou from Te Wharekura o Hoani Waititi who let's us in on the way our rangatahi are coming up with their own kīwaha. We also look at the development of te reo Māori as it progresses into the 21st century. Ka hūiki tō tātou tīma Taringa i runga i te māramatanga ehara rātou i te hunga taiohi ināianei.
6/24/202146 minutes, 40 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 195 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt18

In this "Patapātai" episode, our hosts answer questions around the use of Karanga in modern contexts, Whakatau, and the various dialects that have developed across Aotearoa.
6/17/202140 minutes, 42 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 194 - Tikanga 101 - Te tapa whare, te tapa taonga, te tapa kaupapa

What's in a name? The Taringa trio look at the thoughts and considerations that are or should be taken when naming such things as whare (marae and contemporary buildings), taonga (heirlooms, objects) and kaupapa (initiatives, companies). Keep an ear out also for our kīwaha that denotes a period since something has happened.
6/11/202145 minutes, 12 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 193 - Ngā Taonga - Kākā Wahanui #2

Me kore ake te kākā wahanui i ngā kaikōrero o tēnei putanga. We harrow through the collections of Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision to showcase the skills of the kākā wahanui (the prominent orator). Whakarongo mai!
6/4/202148 minutes, 53 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 192 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Kuri

Ruia, ruia, tahia tahia! Tia Waitai-Henare a young prodigy of Ngāti Kurī ilk gives us a glimpse into the history of the northern most iwi of Aotearoa.
5/28/202141 minutes, 30 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 191 - Once Upon a Taima - Paki Kēhua #3 - The Neighbour

Our third scary story is inspired by real events from Paraone's childhood. Parental guidance recommended.
5/23/202145 minutes, 56 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 190 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Mihimihi

Paraone and Snowy discuss the use of mihi in various contexts, looking at questions like: "What are the mainstays?" and, "What gets over-used" etc.
5/14/202138 minutes, 35 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 189 - Tikanga 101 - Te tapa pēpi

Paraone and Erica discuss names of people - babies and adults being named, the meanings behind them and how they are used and received.
5/6/202136 minutes, 57 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 188 - Iwi o te Wiki - Te Āti Awa

Ben Ngaia joins us in the studio to chat with Paraone and Erica about the his Iwi, Te Āti Awa, an iwi with traditional bases in the Taranaki and Wellington regions of New Zealand.
4/29/202148 minutes, 25 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 187 - Special Feature - Anzac 2021

For Anzac this year, we read some old letters from our Māori soldiers, and reflect on the hardship and sacrifices they endured. We also spotlight some of the specifics of the language and grammar used at the time. To see more examples of letters like this, visit and . Also - here is a video of the 28th Māori battalion performing Hitara Waha Huka
4/22/202141 minutes, 36 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 186 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt17

In this "Patapātai" episode, our hosts answer questions around the differences between Whakatau and Pōwhiri, the reason for singing after speeches, and various wairua departure places, other than Te Reinga.
4/15/202140 minutes, 4 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 185 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Te Reo o te kohukohu

Te Puaheiri and Erica discuss the meaning, use and origin of Te Reo o te kohukohu, or "cuss words", with a few examples thrown in along the way.
4/9/202137 minutes, 30 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 184 - Tikanga 101 - Whānau Pēpi

Dr Naomi Simmonds talks about how she got to her topic for her thesis.Tū te turuturu nō Hine-te-iwaiwa: Mana wahine geographies of birth in Aotearoa New Zealand. Challenges, whakaaro and kōrero surrounding Māori birth practices, knowledge gaps, re-activaion of placenta practices and the key of te reo Māori in birth practices.
4/1/20211 hour, 14 minutes, 17 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 183 - Ngā Taonga - Pōkeka me Kaioraora

Back into the archives we go - listening to some examples of Pōkeka and Kaioraora - chants and songs of derision, hatred, cursing and conflict.
3/26/202155 minutes, 52 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 182 - Iwi o te Wiki - What is an Urban Māori

This week's episode looks at the 'Urban Māori'; what the term means to our guest and hosts, and challenging perceptions. There is also discussion around the use of Te Reo Māori as a vehicle for reconnection, ie: helping others to reconnect via their learning journey.
3/18/202156 minutes, 31 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 181 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - How to pātai - pt2

This kōrerorero is about how to ask and answer questions like; which way something was done, how something went or when something was finished. We also cover the difference between oti and mutu, īnawhea and nōnawhea, different ways to say something is good - and a few more gems to level up your questioning vocab.
3/11/202137 minutes, 27 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 180 - Tikanga 101 - Toi Series - Maurakau

We are privileged to be joined by Hemi Tai Tin, a Kaiako Rangatira from Te Whare Tū Taua o Aotearoa (The International School of Māori Weaponry), who speaks in depth with us about this ancient art form.
3/5/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 24 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 179 - Once Upon a Taima - Paki Kēhua #2 - Pepetuna School

We're back with another ghost story e hoa mā, our second Paki Kēhua is sure to send a chill down your spine, and leave you wondering about those things you sometimes hear in the night.
2/26/202145 minutes, 49 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 178 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Pikiao

Wāta Cribb phones in to talk with us about the Te Arawa tribe - Ngāti Pikiao, from the western bay of plenty. Talking in depth about the lakes, the ancestors Tamatekapua and Rangitihi with his eight children and their descendants - who became known as Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru (the eight beating hearts).
2/11/20211 hour, 32 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 177 - Special Feature - Waitangi 2021

The Taringa team look at some Whakataukī pertinent to the kaupapa of The Treaty of Waitangi in Aotearoa.
2/4/202154 minutes, 2 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 176 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt16

Back for 2021, our hosts answer a few questions around learning te reo Māori.
1/28/202137 minutes, 41 seconds
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Taringa - Waiata Compilation 6 - Summer 2021

Another compilation of musical goodness to keep you all jamming over the summer break. Ko ēnei ngā waiata from Eps 121 - 142 - Enjoy.
1/7/202143 minutes, 9 seconds
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Taringa - Waiata Compilation 5 - Summer 2021

Kanikani move that body to this compilation of Waiata from Episodes 101 through to 120. Ngā mihi o te tau hōu pākehā - happy new year Ngai Taringa.
12/31/202048 minutes, 43 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 175 - Hoki Whakamuri - the best of 2020

Looking back at some of our favourite moments from the year, we reflect on our kaupapa and discuss the lessons we've learned this year. The Taringa team will be taking a break for the summer, but fear not - we will have some waiata compilations for you to enjoy over the break, and we will be back with our regular episodes in late January. Hei konā koutou!
12/24/202055 minutes, 10 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 174 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Te reo ki te pēpi

We welcome back the lovely Erica and her new baby, as our hosts discuss te reo ki te pēpi: language used with babies.
12/17/202048 minutes, 11 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 173 - Tikanga 101 - Toi Series - Rongoa

The Taringa team travel to Motatau to visit a Rangatira Rongoa - Tohe Ashby. We discuss the use of natural resources to heal our bodies, minds and spirits - including those of the great Northern Kauri trees. Watch the full video ep here:
12/10/202049 minutes, 22 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 172 - Iwi o te Wiki - Rongo Whakaata

Matai Rangi Smith phones in to talk to us about his Iwi: Rongo Whakaata
12/3/202039 minutes, 45 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 171 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt15

In this "Patapātai" episode, our hosts answer questions around Matariki hautapu, learning te reo, and appropriate use of tauparapara.
11/26/202044 minutes, 12 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 170 - Ngā Taonga - Mōteatea

We feature the famous waiata aroha - Ka Eke ki Wairaka, a song composed by Rihi Puhiwahine for her lover, Te Mahuta Te Toko. Paraone and Snow discuss the history behind the composition, and explain the significance of the meaning behind it, and also shed light on the waiata that was composed in response. For more information on this kaupapa, check out
11/19/202042 minutes, 25 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 169 - Special Feature - Live From Kaitaia - Enhancing lives with te reo me tikanga Māori

Streamed and recorded live from Te Tai Tokerau at the Kaitāia campus of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, hosts Paraone Gloyne and Te Puaheiri Snowden are joined by Eli Smith and his son Tuhoronuku. Together with a live audience, they discuss Reo and Tikanga in the home and how it enhances our lives.
11/13/202042 minutes, 47 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 168 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Kupu Whakarite - Te Whānau Mārama - pt 2

Part 2 of our focus on metaphorical language in the theme of heavenly bodies looks at more examples of Reo embellishments around the kaupapa of the sky, stars, moon and planets.
11/6/202044 minutes, 1 second
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Taringa - Ep 167 - Tikanga 101 - Toi Series - Raranga me te Whatu

He Rangatira o te mahi Raranga, Karl Leonard, joins us to talk about his elaborate craft of weaving. This week's waiata was sourced from the user medadane on youtube: Taringa does not own this recording and does not claim any copyright or ownership from the use of it in this episode.
10/30/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 23 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 166 - Once Upon a Taima - Paki Kēhua #1 - What's Cooking?

Featuring the first of our new Ghost Story series, this episode is sure to send a chill up your spine. Parental guidance and/or discretion is advised for young children.
10/24/202054 minutes, 46 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 165 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Wai

Aperahama Edwards phones in to talk to us about this Iwi from the Northern East coast of Aotearoa - Ngāti Wai, unified by its descent from one of the oldest lineages in Taitokerau, Ngāti Manaia.
10/16/202046 minutes, 50 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 164 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Kupu Whakarite - Te Whānau Mārama - pt 1

We delve back into the metaphorical language by going over Kupu Whakarite in the theme of heavenly bodies - using simile to refere to anything that is in the sky - stars, moon, planets, the sun etc. Enjoy!
10/8/202049 minutes, 52 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 163 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt14

Paraone and Snow talk about educational calendars, te reo rua and academic referencing in a Māori framework.
10/2/202040 minutes, 49 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 162 - Tikanga 101 - Toi Series - Taonga Puoro

Horomona Horo, an exponent of taonga puoro who has dedicated his life to helping the resurgence of this art by giving these taonga a modern song. "Horo" reveals to us about his tumultuous life and how tonga puoro saved him just as his mentors were saving taonga puoro.
9/25/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 48 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 161 - Special Feature - Mahuru Māori 2020 - Te Reo o te wā

Our first ever live episode! We set up at our Hamilton Mangakōtukutuku campus with a live audience and discuss how Māori language is changing with the times.
9/19/202050 minutes, 54 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 160 - Ngā Taonga - He kaitiaki o Ngā Taonga

A kaimahi of Ngā Taonga sound and vision talks with us about the importance of archiving, the inner workings of looking after the content, and also shares a few of her own favourites with us too. Original archive sources:   1) Excerpts from a speech by Te Ouenuku Rene to members of Parliament at the presentation of the Māori language petition. 2) Katerina Mataira speaking about kōhanga reo. 3) Paraone at Ngā Manukōrero 1997. 4) (Waiata o te wiki) Ngā tamariki wāhine o te kura o Te Waipounamu.
9/11/202052 minutes, 58 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 159 - Iwi o te Wiki - Te Rarawa

E ao te kōrero mō tēnei iwi o te wiki. A progeny of Te Rarawa whakapapa and a prodigy of Te Rarawa wānanga. Raniera Mcgrath presents a glimpse into the history of Te Rarawa and its people. Kua whakawerahia hoki te kaupapa o Mahuru Māori nō reira ka kōrero tō hoa i roto i tōna reo ūkaipō. E tai mā, e hika mā e mara mā - whakarongo mai.
9/4/202052 minutes, 51 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 158 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - How to pātai - pt1

Registered for Mahuru Māori?  go here to sign up!   Everyday pātai in everyday reo. Looking at ways to ask some everyday questions, we cover words and intonation for asking past and present times, cups of tea, table manners, travel plans, greetings and more.
8/28/202044 minutes, 22 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 157 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt13

We share our thoughts on the "huruhuru" debate, talk in depth about how to learn about Whakapono Māori and what it means to you.
8/21/202050 minutes, 17 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 156 - Tikanga 101 - Toi Series - Philosophies of mahi Toi

In the first of our Toi series of Tikanga episodes we talk to Rangi Kipa, a renowned multifaceted Tohunga of toi, who shares his journey and thoughts on learning and applying Māori artistic skills. He talks in depth about the strategies behind using that knowledge in art and design practices that are both culturally relevant to our people in today's society.
8/13/202056 minutes, 49 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 155 - Once Upon a Taima - Tāwhaki - Chapter 3

Inspired while picking pūhā with his Moko - Koro is tells the 3rd kōrero of Tāwhaki, where his Taokete try to execute a devious and brutal plan against him. Te Waiata o te wiki is 'He Raruraru', by Pānia Papa, sourced from the Wairere CD's produced by Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
8/6/202036 minutes, 19 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 154 - Iwi o te Wiki - Whakatōhea

Our kaikōrero Anameka Paenga joins us from Ōpōtiki and talks with us about the eastern bay of plenty iwi named after a Tupuna Wāhine - Muriwai.   Original source for the waiata o te wiki:
7/30/202055 minutes, 41 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 153 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - A phrase a day

Revered full time Te Reo lecturer from AUT and author Hemi Kelly joins Paraone and Snow to go through some of the examples of useful phrases from his book "A Māori Phrase a day". You can purchase his book here:
7/24/202043 minutes, 58 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 152 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt12

Delving into questions about time - mua and muri, te ingoa Māori o Australia, being an isolated reo speaker and some ideas around Māori business conduct.
7/17/202045 minutes, 1 second
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Taringa - Ep 151 - Tikanga 101 - Ghostbusting - part 1

Who you gonna call? Not the Ghostbusters - but if you listen to this kōrero you can gain some understanding. Using our own experiences and knowledge, we go into depth with acknowledging spiritual presences, and how to live and communicate with wairua that may be in some of the spaces we also inhabit.
7/10/202050 minutes, 5 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 150 - Special Feature - Matariki 2020 - Revitalisation and Hautapu at home

In this two-part Matariki special, we reflect on the recent revitalisation of tikanga Matariki, and look at how the umu kohukohu whetū used to be conducted in a traditional way, then at Paraone's house, we give examples of how anyone can do their own hautapu ceremony using what you have at home. Click HERE to get the Matariki handbook with karakia you can use for your own ceremony. This episode was filmed and released on Māori TV in 2 episodical parts - to watch the episodes go here: Part 1 - Matariki Revitalisation Part 2 - Matariki Hautapu at home
7/3/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 53 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 149 - Ngā Taonga - House Opening Ceremonies

Come with us as we dig deep in the archives of Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision to listen to some sound clips of te tānga o te kawa o te whare (tapu removing ceremony of a whare). Our hosts look at some of the intricacies of this ritual and shed light on some of it's aspects and practices.
6/26/202053 minutes, 54 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 148 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngā Rauru

Rauru Broughton - a descendant named after the eponymous ancestor of his iwi (Ngā Rauru), phones in to talk to us about the namesake, area, stories and the tikanga. This week's kīwaha is "ōna kurakura" (what rubbish! dislike towards someone or what they said) Original source for the Waiata is
6/19/202055 minutes, 4 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 147 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Ētahi hapa o te reo

We go though some common mistakes in Te Reo such as whakahua (pronunciation) and plurals, the use of 'āhei' and 'taea', 'i' and 'ki', statives, mai and atu and some good tips for online resources to help your Reo learning. This week's kīwaha is "Māna" (I could be wrong...)  
6/12/202047 minutes, 2 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 146 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt11

Answers to more audeince questions like the origin and use of passives, singular or multiple possesives, Mōu and Nāu in kōrero mihi, the way of Rāhiri, Taonga Puoru and a handy new search feature on our podbean website - check it out at
6/5/202040 minutes, 17 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 145 - Tikanga 101 - Cultural Appropriation

What is cultural appropriation? And how does it affect us? As an individual and a collective - what are our responsibilities?' This kōrero looks at how Tikanga is adopted or used in other cultures, and unpacks some of the implications around cases of it being exploited or mis-used, across several culteres.
5/29/202046 minutes, 43 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 144 - Once Upon a Taima - Putauaki and Tarawera

Back in the studio, we bring you the engaging story of Putauaki and Tarawera - a fable of a meandering course of love, and the breaking points of two Maunga.
5/22/202032 minutes, 21 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 143 - Iwi o te Wiki - Te Aupōuri

Heeni Brown brings us some interesting Tipuna stories and wonderful Iwi dialect from the far North.
5/15/202051 minutes, 46 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 142 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Random Rerenga Reo #2

Reo learners and geeks take note. We look at double vowel vs macronisation of compound words, the use of some common kupu like 'Arā', 'Otirā' and Īna/Inā, and discuss a few other common perplexities in the use of Te Reo. This episode's kīwaha is "Inē" = surprise reaction - is that right!?    
5/8/202046 minutes, 53 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 141 - Feature Follow Up - Ngā Waiata o te Pakanga

Continuing on from our Anzac special, we profile several waiata that originated from past times of conflict. We listen, unpack their meaning, evolution and application. The kīwaha from this episode is "te tū ana te puehu" (something bad is going to go down)   Original sources for Waiata featuredin this content: 1) Hoki Hoki Tonu Mai (Old Vsn) (comp by Paraire Tomoana): 2) Ngā Rā O Hune (comp by Te Puea Hērangi): 3) Te Hokowhitu a Tū (kia kaha rā): 4) Hoki Hoki Tonu Mai (New Vsn): 5) Mōteatea - Tērā te Whetu (by Tiaki Hira): 6) Tomo Mai E Tama Mā(Ngāti Porou):
5/1/202052 minutes, 54 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 140 - Special Feature - Anzac 2020

This tribute kōrero is not just about our Soldiers that went to war, but also about those at home who held down the Whānau and Iwi roots and adjusted their Tikanga while watching their world change around them. Our Kīwaha o te wiki is "kei raro e putu ana" (I'm not doing too well, I've hit rock bottom) Here are the lyrics for our Waiata o te wiki:   Ngā Whare Pa Verse 1: Powhiritia a nga morehu Te iwi, tangihia Te mamae e, me te pouri nui Tenei ra kua mahea Chorus: Hoki mai ra! Hoki mai ra ki te kaianga E tatari atu nei ki a koutou Nga tau roa i ngaro atu ai. E aroha e ngau kino nei i ahau Verse 2: Ngā whare pa tenei huakina Te iwi kia koa Kua hoki mai nga tamariki toa Ki te ao ora   TRANSLATION: Welcome home the survivors. All of you who have been mourning The inward grief, and great mourning today is cleared away.     Welcome home!   Welcome back to the village   that has been waiting for you.   Long years you have been gone. Sorrow   has gnawed within me.     Open wide the doors of our homes Everybody rejoice The brave boys have returned to the world of (normal) life.      
4/24/202054 minutes, 3 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 139 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt10

Today our hosts answer you pātai about immersive learning, the difference between Tipuna and Tupuna, double negatives, and non Māori based pēpeha. NOTE: This episode was recorded before the level 4 Covid-19 government restrictions were set in place.
4/16/202037 minutes, 32 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 138 - Ngā Taonga - Ngā Reo o te Wāhine

We listen to some historical excerpts of Wāhine Te Reo speakers, and discuss the significance and content of the kōrero whilst unpacking the surrounding Tikanga. This week's kīwaha is "haere ake nei" (this is how it is). Links to the full versions of the Ngā Taonga excerpts featured; Excerpt 1) TE REO O TE PĪPĪWHARAUROA: Whaea McClutchie, nō te hapū o Hinetāpora, Ngāti Porou - "He wahine ka tū ki runga i te marae, he kōrero..." Excerpt 2) TE PUNA WAI KŌRERO: In 1986 at Waitangi Dame Whina Cooper addressed the absent Prime Minister and Governor-General, after Waitangi Day festivities had been moved to Wellington (excerpt of her kōrero.) Henare Te Ua translates her speech into English, urging them to return to Waitangi. Excerpt 3) EULOGY FOR SIR APIRANA NGATA: Princess Te Puea Herangi delivers a eulogy [in te reo Māori] on the death of Sir Apirana Ngata. Excerpt 4) MĀORI TRUST ARCHIVES - TANGIHANGA OF TE PUEA HERANGI: Continuation of recordings made at the tangihanga of Princess Te Puea Herangi - Unidentified female speaker.  
4/10/202045 minutes, 55 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 137 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Hauā

Tia Gillet skypes in to join us for a chat about the large Iwi from the eastern Waikato of New Zealand - Ngati Hauā, featuring our very first impromptu whānau performance of Waiata o te wiki. This week's kīwaha is "Ō roke" (load of bullsh*t, you're full of it!) This episode was recorded prior to the Covid-19 Government enforced Level 4 restrictions. 
4/3/202041 minutes, 44 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 136 - Tikanga 101 - Hard Times, Hard Tikanga

Hard times call for hard calls. Tikanga has evolved throughout the centuries and continues to do so today. As the world comes to terms with the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic - te ao Māori has also had to shift its ideas around tikanga. Me whakamoe te tikanga kia ora ai te tangata. We talk through the practicality and protocols of still honouring our culture, while staying safe and healthy. This episode was recorded prior to the governemnt announcement on Level 3 and Level 4 protocols. Original waiata source:
3/26/202051 minutes, 50 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 135 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Mihi ki te Ringawera

Want to pimp your mihi to the Ringawera? Listen up here e te whānau, we give you lots of examples of kupu, kīwaha and sentences to use when addressing the hard working kaimahi of food at any occasion. Check out the whakamārama for the last waiata - Kua Te Ngāngara here:
3/20/202045 minutes, 48 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 134 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt9

Paraone and Te Puaheiri answer questions about the use of the word "Iho", the term poroporoaki and some expert advice on how to offer Karakia in the mornings.
3/13/202041 minutes, 18 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 133 - Tikanga 101 - Harikai

Harikai are a genre of haka that are traditionally performed around food offered and enjoyed at significant occasions. Particular Harikai were composed for particular foods. Learn more about it as our 3 food loving hosts give some examples and talk about the meaning behind the custom.
3/6/202041 minutes, 15 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 132 - Once Upon a Taima - Mauao

Popcorn time again everyone! We bring you the Story of the humble lonely Mountain that watches over Tauranga.
2/28/202031 minutes, 47 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 131 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Mutunga

Jamie Tuuta skypes in to talk to us about this iconic Northern Taranaki Iwi, including some interesting history around the Crown Land confiscation and Parehaka. This week's Waiata o te Wiki is "He Pikinga Poupou", performed by the Taringa Waita crew - view the lyrics to sing along here:
2/20/202050 minutes, 38 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 130 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Intensifiers

How can you make something more or less of what you are saying? We discuss many intensifiers and comparatives that can help the expression of anything descriptive.
2/13/202041 minutes, 10 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 129 - Special Feature - Te Tiriti o Waitangi

The hosts challenge each other on their historical knowledge around the Treaty of Waitangi. Along the way, they talk about some of the facts and offer some thoughts surrounding this important kaupapa.
2/7/202048 minutes, 31 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 128 - Tikanga 101 - Taonga Whakarākei

Giving or receiving a Taonga have important customs that relate to the origins and purpose of adornment.
1/31/202048 minutes, 1 second
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Taringa - Ep 127 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt8

The first question session of 2020 - Paraone and Erica talk about Kūmuri Hāngū, Reo around taking photos, mis-use of macrons, kupu rata, and Paraone's choice of 3 prominent whaikōrero speakers of the current time.
1/23/202037 minutes, 5 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 125 - Iwi o te Wiki - Tūhourangi-Ngāti Wāhiao

Renown for their sweet sound and Haka prowess, we are joined by our guest - Te Mauri Kingi, to tell us the origins, stories, thoughts and philosophies behind the Rotorua based Iwi - Tūhourangi-Ngāti Wāhiao.
1/9/202047 minutes, 38 seconds
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Taringa - Waiata Compilation 4 - Summer 2020

Ngā mihi o te tau hōu pākehā - happy new year Ngai Taringa - We know you'll enjoy this compilation of our Waiata from Episodes 74 through to 99 - kanikani move that body! Go to to register or learn more about our Tikanga and Reo courses.  Track listing: 01:10 - Hautoa Matatika 04:16 - Nā Tane 07:30 - Ōku Tapairu 11:48 - Working to Live 16:07 - Te Putorino 18:19 - Ko Koe Io 20:26 - Te Matatini Ki Te Ao 23:57 - Hutia Te Rito 25:13 - He Putiputi pai 27:25 - Maramataka 28:50 - Hineamaru 32:22 - Tīhore Mai Te Rangi 33:54 - E Te Hokowhitu Atu 35:41 - Ka Tangi te Tītī 38:40 - Ō Tohu Rā 44:42 - Tēnei Au 46:00 - Whiti Te Marama 48:28 - Auē Te Aroha 51:31 - Tēnei Mātou 53:43 - Niwareka 57:21 - Rona 58:34 - Rongomai 61:34 - Anō Te Pai
12/31/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 40 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 124 - Special Feature - Kirihimete 2019

Watch the full episode In this filmed feature episode, we talk about kirihimete, kai, presents and patero as we look back at some of our highlights from the year. Link to the original waiata on Youtube See you all in 2020! Taringa Hi!
12/24/201929 minutes, 49 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 123 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Kupu Whakaniko - Pt 4 - Kararehe

Our fourth installment of Kupu Whakaniko focuses on kupu whakarite kararehe - the figurative language in Te Reo around the theme of Animals.  
12/19/201948 minutes, 42 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 122 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt7

Discussing more of your questions - we cover the modern progression of values around tapu, the difference between Anake and Noa Iho, some A and O chat around a famous whakataukī, and the language evolution of our Tipuna.
12/12/201939 minutes, 4 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 121 - Tikanga 101 - Kaitiaki

Go to to register or learn more about our Tikanga and Reo courses.  This week Taringa discusses the spiritual guardian and their signs. I tēnei wiki ka matapakihia e Taringa te kaitiaki me āna tohu.
12/5/201939 minutes, 47 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 120 - Once Upon a Taima - Poutini

This story is about the origins of Pounamu (or Greenstone) - a beautiful and precious stone found in certain parts of the South Island, New Zealand. Pounamu is a Taonga that plays an important part in Māori history and Tikanga, and in this episode - we both tell the story and talk about how, and why.
11/29/201939 minutes, 28 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 119 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Whātua

Our friend and Māori language teacher Te Kurataioho Kapea joins us for a kōrero about his Iwi - Ngāti Whātua.
11/22/201952 minutes, 3 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 118 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Whakakāhoretanga

Negation - can't, won't, didn't etc - Paraone puts Erica to the test with a one-on-one schooling in negatives.
11/14/201934 minutes, 42 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 117 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt6

Covering Macrons, Pao, Karanga and a classic mis-heard lyric - we bring you another dose of answers to your questions.
11/8/201934 minutes, 5 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 116 - Tikanga 101 - Pāhopori (Social Media)

Go to to register or learn more about our Tikanga and Reo courses.  We look at behaviour and courtesies around the digital world - things to consider with the use of technology, social media and online platforms.
11/1/201951 minutes, 41 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 114 - Iwi o te Wiki - Te Whānau a Apanui

Rawiri Waititi is our kaikōrero on this hōtaka - joining us by phone to chat about the history, the area and the people of this large East Coast Iwi.
10/18/201944 minutes, 23 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 113 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Possessive Pronouns

'Tūkapi Puriro' or 'Posessive Pronouns' - tāku, āku, tāu, āu etc - our hosts drill many examples of how ownerhsip structure works in Te Reo Māori.
10/11/201939 minutes, 37 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 112 - Tikanga 101 - Hawaiki

Go to to register or learn more about our Tikanga and Reo courses.  Hawaiki - the ancestral home of Māori and peoples of Te Moana Nui a Kiwa (islands of the pacific triangle). Where is it, why did they leave it and how? These are some of the questions we touch on in this kōrerorero.
10/3/201939 minutes, 5 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 111 - Once Upon a Taima - Hātūpātū and the Birdwoman

We're back in Story mode, with this epic tale about Hātūpātū and the Kurangaituku, the Birdwoman.
9/27/201936 minutes, 14 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 110 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Porou

Ngarimu calls in to kōrero about his Iwi from the East Cape and Gisborne regions - Ngāti Porou.
9/19/201955 minutes, 16 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 109 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt5

We're back with some more answers for several new audience questions - new dialects, formal and informal kōrero, taea vs ahei and ngā momo kaupare - all sprinkled with our usual tangents and anecdotes along the way.
9/13/201947 minutes, 21 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 108 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - 'A' and 'O' revisited

With Paraone in Mahuru Māori mode, we have a very knowledgable special Reo speaking guest, Whakarongotai Hohepa, join us to talk about the ever confusing yet vitally important use of 'ā' and ʻō'.
9/6/201945 minutes, 14 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 107 - Tikanga 101 - Makawe

Go to to register or learn more about our Tikanga and Reo courses.  This kōrerorero covers practices, customs and beliefs about hair.
8/30/201945 minutes, 26 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 105 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Wairere

Ngāti Wairere historian and carver Wiremu Puke phones in to talk to us about his Iwi. We kōrero around the whakapapa, and find out some interesting facts about Hamilton place names along the way.
8/16/201941 minutes, 38 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 104 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Random Rerenga Reo #1

Our first RRR kōrero covers the functions of negating with "kāore aku", applying possesives like "māu/mōu, nōku/ōku, nāku/āku" etc, along with "a vs ā" and "ā and ō" category differentiations. Along the way we unpack the kupu and give examples of how they can and should be used in Te Reo Māori.
8/9/201941 minutes, 5 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 103 - Tikanga 101 - Kai Māori

Go to to register or learn more about our Tikanga and Reo courses.  Ngānehu Turner phones in to kōrero about Māori food - the forgotten delicacies, traditions and some of her favourites.
8/2/201954 minutes, 12 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 102 - Once Upon a Taima - Tāwhaki - Chapter 2

In this episode we have the second instalment of the Tāwhaki story, as told in a conversation between Koro and Moko.
7/26/201943 minutes, 15 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 101 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Raukawa Te Au ki te Tonga

Pakake Winiata calls in to talk with us about his Iwi - the history, the stories, and the people.
7/19/201950 minutes, 2 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 100 - Special Feature - Kotahi Rau!

Go to our facebook page and watch the Ep: This features 3 very special famous guests, celebrating 100 episodes with lots of laughs and discussions about te Reo i te kāinga and te ako i te Reo.
7/11/20191 hour, 8 minutes, 29 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 99 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - 'i' and 'ki'

Enter our competition for Taringa merch! This episode is an in depth discussion looking at the uses of "i" and "ki" in Te Reo Māori.
7/4/201949 minutes
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Taringa - Ep 98 - Special Feature – Matariki 2019

We hassle Dr Rangi Mataamua for his thoughts on the division of time and also puts his ideas out about the practice of our Māori knowledge. Ka whakahōhā tātou i a Dr Rangi Mataamua mō ōna whakaaro o te whakawae o te wā ka mutu, ka aia atu ōna whakaaro mō te whakamahinga o ō tātou mātauranga Māori.
6/26/201954 minutes, 19 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 97 - Tikanga 101 - Maramataka - Lunar Cycle

Go to to register or learn more about our Tikanga and Reo courses.  Our special kaikōrero Rereata Māhika joins us by phone to kōrero and share his knowledge of Maramataka and many other important factors in our natural world.
6/20/201956 minutes, 30 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 96 - Once Upon a Taima - Niwareka & Mataora

The origins of Tā moko are told through this famous story of love and jealousy.
6/13/201949 minutes, 12 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 95 - Iwi o te wiki - Ngāti Tama

We are fortunate to have Taku Parai phone in to talk with us about the people of the northern Taranaki Iwi - Ngāti Tama.
6/6/201938 minutes, 57 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 94 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Kura Reo

After a visit to the Tokoroa Kura Reo o Ngāti Raukawa in April, We bring you some snippets of the kaiako and the classrooms. Be sure to check out the video on our facebook page -
5/30/201950 minutes, 4 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 93 - Tikanga 101 - Tīkanga & Convenience - to be or not to be

When does convenience affect Tikanga? Should it ever? As our fast modern times start to be blend our customs, there are sometimes cases where Tikanga is adapted for certain occasions, but it might not always be appropriate.
5/23/201937 minutes, 36 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 92 - Once Upon a Taima - Tāne - Chapter 2 - The 3 Kete

Our story on Tāne and his brothers continues, as he journeys to Rangiātea to retrieve the three Kete o te wānanga.
5/16/201925 minutes, 38 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 91 - Iwi o te Wiki - Te Wharehuia Milroy tribute

We pay tribute to one of the instigators of the elite Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo Māori programme and a giant of te reo Māori, Dr James Te Wharehuia Milroy QSO, CNZM (Ngāi Tūhoe and Ngāti Kōura), who passed away on Tuesday.
5/9/20191 hour, 7 minutes, 8 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 90 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Pronouns

This ever popular and sometimes confusing Reo subject covers many examples of you, me, them, us etc. We try to decode and outline some rules with examples of pronoun use in Te Reo Māori.
5/2/201940 minutes, 52 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 89 - Tikanga 101 - Nga Kēmu Māori

Paraone and Te Puaheiri kōrero about Māori games and passtimes - from way back when, now, and the future.
4/25/201949 minutes, 18 seconds
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Taringa - Waiata Compilation 3

In a slight change of plan, this week we have put together a compilation of some of the beautiful waiata from past episodes, and we have a special guest to help Erica explain why!
4/17/201947 minutes, 18 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 88 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt4

The parents are away and the kids are left to play - Snowy and Erica answer questions about embalming, lunar phases,  tohutō (macrons) and Tikanga compromised for convenience like practices around hākari, karakia, wairea and karanga.
4/11/201950 minutes, 49 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 86 - Special Feature - Ako ki Airani

We are treated to a visit from a very special kaikōrero; passionate Irish Te Reo speaker Aoife Finn shares the experience of teaching herself our Māori language from afar - he tangata kai ngākau a Aoife.
3/28/201939 minutes, 1 second
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Taringa - Ep 85 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Kupu Whakaniko - Pt 3 - Rākau

Get your note pads out, as we discuss more terms of embellishment and the metaphorical use of Te Reo surrounding the topic of rākau.
3/21/201945 minutes, 41 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 84 - Tikanga 101 - Tapu

Ka kōrero mo Tikanga 101 - Paraone and Snowy discuss Tapu in it's various contexts, including the history, as well as how it is viewed and applied in modern times.
3/15/201952 minutes, 4 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 83 - Once Upon a Taima - Tāne - Chapter 1 - The Wharekura

Turn up the volume and enjoy this kōrero that includes our first chapter of the famous story about Tāne and his brothers in their pursuit for knowledge and wisdom.
3/7/201938 minutes, 27 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 82 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Apa

After a bit of a kaupapa break - Iwi o te Wiki kicks off again with Kiley Nepia joining us to talk about Ngāti Apa, including some of the positive initiatives they have put in place. Check out their delicious Iwi made goodness at
2/28/201942 minutes, 11 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 81 - Special Feature - Te Matatini 2019

As Te Matatini ki te Ao 2019 is taking place in Pōneke, we talk about some of the ins and outs of Kapahaka - with special guest Tiaki Terekia.
2/20/201948 minutes, 55 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 80 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Borrowed Words (Not Transliterations) - pt1

In our first kōrero on Kupu Mino — or loaned words, we start to de-mystify the common mis-use of the word "Transliteration" and cover the history and function of borrowed words used in Te Reo Māori.
2/14/201943 minutes, 27 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 79 - Tikanga 101 - Technology & Tīkanga

As you isten to this kōrero on a digital device - consider the impact of technology on our Tīkanga in the modern age.
2/7/201939 minutes, 51 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 78 - Once Upon a Taima - Kupe - Chapter 2

We continue the story of Kupe as he hunts his nemesis Te Wheke while naming many places in the newly found Aotearoa.
2/1/201933 minutes, 18 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 77 - Hoki Whakamuri - Pt 2 - A few 2018 favourites

Mau mai hoki mai ki Taringa mā 2019! We start the year off with a some throwbacks to a couple of our favourites from 2018, enjoy!
1/24/201957 minutes, 49 seconds
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Taringa - Waiata Compilation 2

More music for you to enjoy from 'Waiata o te wiki' - get the guitar out and have a sing along!
12/29/20181 hour, 1 minute, 46 seconds
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Taringa - Waiata Compilation 1

Jam along to some of our 'old time favourites' on this compilation of songs from 'Waiata o te wiki'.
12/25/201857 minutes, 56 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 76 - Special Feature - Kirihimete 2018

Meri Kirihimete e te whānau! Our 2018 Christmas special features Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Te Taiurungi (CEO) Te Ururoa Flavell - with jingle bells, stories and many laughs along the way.
12/23/201850 minutes, 24 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 75 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - The Normalisation of Te Reo

Radio NZ presenter Guyon Espiner joins us for a kōrero about the status quo of Te Reo in NZ, language revitalisation and his Reo learning journey so far. Check out Guyon and Shannon's podcast "Kīwaha" at
12/19/201851 minutes, 6 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 74 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt3

Ko ngā kõrero matapaki mai i a Ngāi Areare pātai ko te whaikõrero, te karanga, ngā karakia Māori me te kīanga 'ngā mihi'
12/14/201845 minutes, 3 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 73 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt2

The questions keep flowing in, and we shall answer! Paraone, Erica and kaikōrero Julia talk about taea vs āhei, whakaaro Māori, cultural considerations in the work place, ‘a’ and ‘o’,  embalming, tūpāpaku and Mokomokai.
12/7/201856 minutes, 5 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 72 - Patapātai - Your Questions Answered - pt1

New kaupapa! We are answering you, our beloved audience - and in doing so, here we discuss Kirituhi and Tā moko, kai Māori, whakatiki (fasting), states of tapu, pounamu, hāngū and composing for kapahaka. Ka mau te wehi!
11/29/201847 minutes, 48 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 71 - Tikanga 101 - Kaumātua

Kaumātau - our respected elders, are the kaupapa mo tēnei hōtaka, enjoy.
11/22/201842 minutes, 1 second
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Taringa - Ep 70 - Once Upon a Taima - Kupe - Chapter 1

Enjoy the first chapter of our story about Kupe - the great navigator, and a waiata from the Black Katz in the 80's.
11/15/201831 minutes, 14 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 69 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāpuhi

Quinton Hita joins us for a chat about many things Te Reo and Ngāpuhi.
11/8/201856 minutes
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Taringa - Ep 68 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Ngā matarua o te kupu

The many faces of the word, we cover kupu with multiple meanings.
11/1/201837 minutes, 22 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 67 - Tikanga 101 - Ngā Tohu

Signs or omens, including uncanny coincidences and meaningful occurrences are the topic of this kōrero.
10/25/201847 minutes, 18 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 66 - Once Upon a Taima - Tāwhaki - Chapter 1

The first of several stories about Tāwhaki is told through a bedtime kōrero between Koro and Moko.
10/18/201838 minutes, 46 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 65 - Compilation 1 - Kīwaha

By popular demand, here are all our kīwaha o te wiki sections from Ep 19 to current date - enjoy!
10/11/20181 hour, 9 minutes, 51 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 64 - Hoki Whakamuri - Pt 1 - Kupu Kupu Kupu

In a fully bilingual style, this is our first review episode - revisiting past episodes of our language and word focussed kaupapa.
10/6/201853 minutes, 2 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 63 - Iwi o te Wiki - Hāhi Ringatū

He hōnore, he korōria ki te Atua, He maungārongo ki te whenua, He whakaaro pai ki ngā tāngata katoa, i tēnei wiki ka āta matapakihia e Taringa te hāhi Ringatū.
9/27/201846 minutes, 43 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 61 - Tikanga 101 - Wairua

I tēnei terenga ka āta matapakihia e te tokorua nei ngā āhuatanga o te wairua! Tēnā areare mai o koutou taringa.
9/13/201841 minutes, 22 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 60 - Wanapanataima - Rangi rāua ko Papa

Tēnā koutou e te iwi! Kua puta te wiki tuatahi o Mahuru Māori ki te whei ao ki te ao mārama! Ko tō tatou kaupapa mō tēnei wiki ko te Orokohanga o te ao, arā ko Rangi rāua ko Papa, whakarongo pikarikari mai, areare mai o taringa, haere haere mai!
9/7/201833 minutes, 8 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 59 - Iwi o te Wiki - Kiingitanga

Rahui Papa - spokesperson for Te Arikinui Kiingi Tūheitia (the Maaori King), visits us in the studio to talk about the Kiingitanga movement.
8/29/201850 minutes, 13 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 58 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Whakawhiti Reo

Māori language expert Leon Blake is our kaikōrero for this discussion about translating between Te Reo Māori and English.
8/23/201855 minutes, 16 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 57 - Tikanga 101 - Tangihanga pt 3

Pakake Winiata (Mr Tapu), joins Paraone and Snow for part 3 of Tangihanga - discussing whaikōrero, tūpāpaku, kirimate, whānau pani, takahi te whare and many meaningful personal experiences.
8/16/201852 minutes, 28 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 56 - Once Upon a Taima - Rātā

Enjoy the epic retribution story of Rātā.
8/9/201836 minutes, 27 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 55 - Iwi o te wiki - Te Iwi Mōrehu

Kaikōrero Tema Hemi discusses his people - Te Iwi Morehu, followers of the Rātana faith.
8/1/201842 minutes, 48 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 54 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu – Ngā momo tohu wā

Expressions and concepts of time i roto te reo māori is the topic for Kupu Kupu Kupu this week.
7/25/201839 minutes, 28 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 53 - Tikanga 101 - Whakapono

On today's show Paraone and Snowy talk with our guests Pakake and his son Te Whatanui about Whakaapono
7/19/201851 minutes, 25 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 52 - Once Upon a Taima - Tongariro

This week we bring you the story of Tongariro, and a kōrero about taunaha and how some of our place names around Aotearoa came to be.
7/11/201833 minutes, 33 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 51 - Special Feature - Matariki 2018

Go to the Taringa facebook page or to watch this special feature episode in full. Hari huritau ki a Taringa! On our first birthday, Kaliko, Rangi and Tariao visit us for an epic Kōrero on Matariki.
7/5/20181 hour, 16 minutes, 52 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 50 - Iwi o te wiki - Ngai Takoto

This week we are joined by special guest Peter-Lucas Jones to talk about his iwi: Ngai Takoto. Whakarongo mai e ngā iwi!
6/27/201857 minutes, 56 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 48 - Tikanga 101 - Tangihanga pt 2

This week, Paraone and Snowy are joined again by the lovely Awhimai Huka for part 2 of our Tangihanga discussions.
6/13/201846 minutes, 50 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 47 - Once Upon a Taima - Te Ika a Māui

We bring you the epic story of Māui and his brothers on their famour fishing expedition.
6/7/201837 minutes, 49 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 46 - Iwi o te wiki - Ngāti Tūwharetoa

Kaikōrero Kila Haitana joins us to talk about Ngāti Tūwharetoa Iwi.
5/31/201854 minutes, 53 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 45 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu – 'A' and 'O' categories

The language rules of "A" and "O" categories within Te Reo take us on a journey through many examples of this ever-confusing kaupapa.
5/23/201840 minutes, 3 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 44 - Tikanga 101 - Iwi and Hapu Structure

This week we’re back into Tikanga 101 with Paraone and Snowy discussing Iwi structure and the intricacies of Pepeha.
5/16/201840 minutes, 17 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 43 - Once Upon a Taima - Māui and Tunaroa

This week we tell the story of Māui and Tunaroa, and have a chat about fishing and eeling tikanga.
5/10/201833 minutes, 16 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 42 - Iwi o te wiki - Ngāti Rangi

This week we are joined by special guest Che Wilson to talk about his iwi: Ngāti Rangi. See if you can count how many times our hosts use te kīwaha “We’i na”. There might be a prize for the correct answer!
5/2/201845 minutes, 4 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 41 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu – Kare ā roto

The focus of kupu kupu kupu this week is the language of kare ā roto. Our hosts draw on personal experience to explain what this means, and at times you may be thinking "turituri warawara” - the kiwaha of the week.
4/25/201837 minutes, 27 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 40 - Tikanga 101 - Tangihanga pt 1

In the first of many kōrero about Tangihana, Awhimai Huka joins us for the 10th installment of Tikanga 101.
4/18/201840 minutes, 58 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 39 - Once Upon a Taima - Reitu & Reipae

Nau mai ki Episode 39 ō Taringa! This week in Once upon a Taima, we have the amazing story of the twins: Reitu and Reipae, followed by a brief discussion about pakuwha. Listen out for te kiwaha o te wiki: “Marika” as our hosts compete to see who can use it the most!
4/12/201836 minutes, 49 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 38 - Iwi o te wiki – Ngāi Tūhoe

Iwi o te wiki features Ngāi Tūhoe, as Paraone and the Snowman have the pleasure of chatting with kaikōrero Dr Rangi Matamua. Whakarongo mai e te whānau!
4/5/201845 minutes, 48 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 37 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu – "Nativisms"

The focus of Episode 37 is something that our presenters have coined “Nativisms”, in particular as they apply to kupu and associated tikanga in various contexts. Te kīwiha mō tēnei wiki: “kōrero, kōrero!”. Whakarongo mai, and feel free to pop over to Facebook and leave us a comment!
3/28/201835 minutes, 3 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 36 - Once Upon a Taima - Maui rāua ko Mahuika

Welcome to Episode 36 of Taringa! This week's kiwaha is "Kai a te ahi!", listen in to hear it in context. Hopefully you don't have to use it too often! We're also treated to the amazing story of Maui's adventure in pursuit of the power of fire in "Once upon a tāima". Enjoy!
3/21/201836 minutes, 6 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 35 - Tikanga 101 - Karakia

In this episode of "Taringa", our group has an elaborate conversation about the true definition of 'karakia' as well it's various uses and misuses. Te waiata mō tēnei wiki is "Whakataka Te Hau".
3/14/201838 minutes, 51 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 34 - Iwi ō te wiki - Maru-Tuahu

In this week’s episode of Taringa, our hosts compete to use te kīwaha “whu!” as many times as possible. Our iwi ō te wiki is Maru-Tuahu with special guest Korohere Ngāpō, followed by te waiata ō te wiki: “Kotahi Kapua”.
2/26/201834 minutes, 43 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 33 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu – tū whitia te hopo

This week’s episode of Taringa is centered around the umbrella expression, or kīanga, “tū whitia te hopo”, which means “feel the fear and do it anyway”, especially as it applies to learning Te Reo Māori. Our waiata ō te wiki is “Arohaina Mai.
2/19/201839 minutes, 55 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 32 - Tikanga 101 - Karanga

In this week's podcast, our hosts, Paraone and Tariao are joined by the lovely Pānia Papa to discuss te kīwaha ō te wiki: "Ka ngangaro". The three also discuss and share their experience with "karanga". We then enjoy the waiata "He Kākano Ahau", and we farewell our wonderful Tariao by listening to a few bloopers from past episodes.
2/13/201841 minutes, 28 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 31 - Once Upon a Taima - Kahungunu & Rongomaiwahine

Episode 31 of Taringa brings you an in depth korero about blood identity, and the story of Kahungunu & Rongomaiwahine. Whakarongo mai!
2/8/201841 minutes, 24 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 30 - Iwi o Te Wiki - Ngāti Kahungungu

In this episode of Taringa we will be talking to Tatere mō tōna iwi o Ngāti Kahungungu, ā, ka mutu tēnei hōtaka ki te Waiata o te wiki - Tahi Nei Taru Kino. Kia areare mai ōu Taringa
1/31/201853 minutes, 44 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 29 - Kupu Kupu Kupu - Te Reo Ōpaki

Whakarongo mai te motu e ! Whakarongo mai te iwi e ! Ki tēnei matapaki mō te Reo ōpaki
1/22/201825 minutes, 31 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 28 - Tikanga 101 - Whaikōrero

E rau rangatira mā kua hora te kai a te rangatira e. I tēnei rā we have lyndsay Snowden in the studio with us to have a bit of a kōrero around whaikōrero!
1/16/201841 minutes, 50 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 27 - Once Upon a Taima - The Origin of Kio Rahi

He pūrakau tēnei e pā ana ki Rahi-tutaka-hina and Ti Are Pakewai. This story is about the origins of the kēmu Kī o-Rahi.
1/8/201816 minutes, 26 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 26 - Iwi o Te Wiki - Ngāti Raukawa

Happy New Year e te whanau! In our first Episode of 2018, Paraone talks in depth about his Iwi - Ngati Raukawa.
1/3/201832 minutes, 30 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 25 - Kupu Kupu Kupu - Te Reo o Te Haka

Merry Christmas everyone... Whakarongo mai te motu e! Whakarongo mai te iwi e! Ki tēnei matapaki mō te Reo o Te Haka e!
12/25/201731 minutes, 31 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 24 - Tikanga 101 - Mōteatea

He kōrerorero tēnei e pā ana ki te Mōteatea. Today Hariru, Tariao and Paraone have a bit of s kōrero around Mōteatea ōna Tikanga, ōna Whakamahinga, tōna kata.
12/19/201740 minutes, 58 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 23 - Once upon a taima - Te Piringa o Tauheikurī rāua ko Tamataipūnoa

Episode 23 - Whakarongo pīkarikari mai, Areare mai ōu Taringa ki te Once a upon a Taima I tēnei wiki. Our Once upon a Taima this week is a follow on from our kōrero with Ruth Smith last week about Te Āitanga ā-Mahaki.
12/12/201714 minutes, 44 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 22 - Iwi o te wiki - Te Aitanga a Mahaki

We are back into ‘Iwi o te Wiki’ in episode 22 with our guest Ruth Smith talking to us in depth about Te Aitanga a Mahaki. Piki Mai, Kake mai. Kia areare mai ōu Taringa.
12/4/201742 minutes, 8 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 21 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Te Reo o te Kainga

In Ep 21 we have Hariru Roa back in again to have a kōrero about Te Reo o te kainga - the language used at home. Inā he tamariki āu, if you have children or are wanting to use Te Reo Māori a bit more in your whare, this one is for you!
11/27/201734 minutes, 51 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 20 - Tikanga 101 - Wharekai

In Ep 20 we have Hariru Roa in and will we speaking about tikanga in the wharekai. The ins and outs, the do's and don’ts of the wharekai. Whakaoko mai e te iwi!
11/20/201733 minutes, 53 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 19 - Once Upon a Taima - Te Awa i Tahuti

Episode 19 features a story about the Waikato River - with ‘Te Awa i Tahuti’ in our 5th installment of ’Once Upon a Taima’.
11/13/201715 minutes, 18 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 18 - Iwi o te wiki - Ngāti Awa

In this episode of Taringa we will be talking to Hakahaka Hona mō tōna iwi o Ngāti Awa, ā, ka mutu tēnei hōtaka ki te Waiata o te wiki - Piki Mai, Kake mai. Kia areare mai ōu Taringa
11/6/201734 minutes, 15 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 17 - Kupu Kupu Kupu - Kīwaha

For Ep 17, our Kupu Kupu Kupu kaupapa features an interesting kōrero about Kīwaha.
10/30/201724 minutes, 30 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 16 - Tikanga 101 - Kākahu

In episode 16, “Tikanga 101”, Paraone and Tariao discuss some of the reasons for our kākahu (clothing) related traditions, including formalities on the Marae, and other contexts.
10/23/201731 minutes, 22 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 15 - Once Upon a Taima - Tinirau rāua ko Kae

Episode 15 features our fourth installment of 'Once Upon a Taima' - with the story of Tinirau rāua ko Kae and the origins of Haka.
10/16/201726 minutes, 53 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 14 - Iwi o te wiki - Kai Tahu

For Ep 14, our kaikōrero for Iwi o Te Wiki is Hana O'Regan, speaking to us about Kai Tahu.
10/9/201746 minutes, 26 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 13 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Mita

In EP 13 - we are back in Te Reo Pakeha, and Tariao and Paraone get stuck into another installment of 'Kupu Kupu Kupu' - covering some of the different Iwi language dialects and talking through examples of the unique aspects of each Mita.
10/2/201750 minutes, 16 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 12 - Tikanga 101 - Nga Mihi Ki Te Tangata

Kua tae rā tātou ki tēnei te wiki whakamutunga o te Mahuru Māori mō te tau 2017 ka mutu koinei hoki te hōtaka whakamutunga i roto katoa i Te Reo Māori! Ā tērā wiki hoki ai māua ki te reo pākeha. Tikanga 101 - Ko te kaupapa kei te matamata o te arero i tēnei wiki ko te Mihi. Whakaoko mai e te iwi!
9/25/201722 minutes, 16 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 11 - Once Upon a Taima - Whanawhana & Tāwhaitu

Kei aku rau rangatira, auraki mai ki Taringa! I tēnei te wiki o te “Wana Pana Taima” rere ai ngā kōrero mo te rangatira o ngā patupaiarehe o Pirongia Maunga, o Whanawhana.
9/18/201726 minutes, 43 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 10 - Iwi o te wiki - Ngāti Maniapoto

Nau mai, Tauti mai e kare mā ki Taringa. I tēnei hōtaka ka puta ngētehi e pā ana ki Te Rohe Pōtae, Ngāti Maniapoto. Ko tā tātou kaikōrero mo te wiki nei, ko tētehi o ngā kanohi kitea, o ngā rangatira o Ngāti Maniapoto, arā ko Doug Ruki. Areare mai o Taringa e hoa mā!
9/11/201731 minutes, 22 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 09 - Kupu, kupu, kupu - Mahuru Māori

Nau mai ki te hotaka tuaiwa o Taringa i tēnei te marama o Mahuru Māori! Ko te kaupapa e tūhurahuratia ana e māua ko te Mahuru Māori. Pīkarikari mai , areare mai ōu Taringa, haere haere mai ki Kupu, Kupu, Kupu.
9/4/201726 minutes, 22 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 08 - Tikanga 101 - Koha

Bonus Episode!! In Ep Tua Waru (Eight) of Taringa - Paraone and Tariao cover our second installment of 'Tikanga 101' - with a kōrero about Koha.
8/30/201725 minutes, 4 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 07 - Once Upon a Taima - Ka Mate (Origins)

Episode Tua Whitu (Seven) of Taringa - a bilingual podcast about all things Māori, from Aotearoa (New Zealand). We have a special guest Sophronia Smith joining us to talk about Maori Music and the recent "Songs of Rangahau" album. This week 'Once upon a taima' highlights the origins of Ka Mate.
8/28/201734 minutes, 3 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 06 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngāti Toa

Welcome to episode tuaono (number 6). Here we have the second instalment of "iwi o te wiki", where we hear from Kahu Ropata of Ngāti Toa.
8/21/201736 minutes, 24 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 05 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu - Pronunciation & Macrons

In episode 5 we bring you "Kupu, kupu, kupu" - with a kōrero about Whakahua (Pronounciation)and the proper use of Tohutō (Macron - a symbol to mark long vowels).
8/14/201728 minutes, 59 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 04 - Tikanga 101 - Hongi and Kihi

In episode tuawhā (four), Paraone and Tariao cover our first 'Tikanga 101' - with a kōrero about Hongi and Kihi.
8/7/201727 minutes, 4 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 03 - Once Upon a Taima - Maui me te Rā

This week we have 'Once upon a taima', where we retell the well-known pūrakau, Maui and the Sun. Kia pikarikari mai ōu taringa ki te punua pāoho tuatoru.
7/31/201718 minutes, 38 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 02 - Iwi o te wiki - Ngāti Ranginui

In Episode 2 of Taringa, we have our first 'Iwi o te wiki' kaupapa where we talk to Ngairo Eruera from Ngāti Ranginui, and have our supporting waiata 'Tauranga Moana'.
7/23/201723 minutes, 51 seconds
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Taringa - Ep 01 - Kupu, Kupu, Kupu – Kia Ora Whanau me Aroha mai, Matariki

Welcome to Taringa - a bilingual podcast about all things Māori, from Aotearoa (New Zealand). Released on Matariki 2017, we have a special guest Dr. Rangi Mataamua joining us to talk about all things shiny and bright.
7/16/201741 minutes, 1 second