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Taiwanese Diaspora 台灣人 Podcast Cover
Taiwanese Diaspora 台灣人 Podcast Profile

Taiwanese Diaspora 台灣人 Podcast

English, Social, 1 season, 80 episodes, 1 day, 23 hours, 56 minutes
A bilingual podcast featuring personal stories by people of Taiwanese heritage. 雙語訪跟台灣人、華僑、華裔訪談. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook: @twdiaspora. Show notes: Email: [email protected]. Support:
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#74: 簡永達⁠⁠ | 移工築起的地下社會:跨國勞動在臺灣

移工築起的地下社會:跨國勞動在臺灣 Underground Lives: Stories Untold for Migrant Workers in Taiwan 作者: 簡永達⁠ CHIEN Yung-Ta --- Support this podcast:
2/27/20241 hour, 38 seconds
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#73: Off-Broadway Musical in Taiwan | CHEN WuMing 陳午明, Producer of "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change"

Taiwan's musical theater scene is growing! I had the great pleasure of speaking with Producer CHEN WuMing 陳午明 after seeing the Off-Broadway Musical "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change" in Taipei, Taiwan. Now playing through 3/31/24 in Taipei, Taiwan! --- Support this podcast:
2/25/202458 minutes, 59 seconds
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#72: Susie of 雪梨台灣阿姐的碎碎念 interviews me about my Camino!

One of the best things about being in Taiwan for an extended period is meeting one my favorite podcasters!! Susie is the brilliant podcaster behind 雪梨台灣阿姐的碎碎念 (華語). She's very consistent at content creation. There's so much I admire about her. What a treat for me that we were able to connect in person! She's feeling the Camino's calling, and interviews me about my walk on the Camino Portuguese! Here's the uncut version of our conversation + our YouTube video. Podcast Ep 557 on Susie's Podcast: 人生真的必走西班牙朝聖之路Camino de Santiago 嗎? ft.Taiwanese Diaspora Podcast 的Cynthia 來告訴你! Follow Susie's podcast on Spotify | Blog | Instagram | Facebook | ⁠YouTube⁠ --- Support this podcast:
2/22/20241 hour, 8 minutes, 43 seconds
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#71: The Power of Personal Storytelling in Cohorts | Eric Dhan

The topic of today's discussion is a quick overview of what personal storytelling means to us, as it's been a key part of my life the past few years. Eric and I met a few years ago when I was in the beginning stages of podcasting and simultaneously working through some painful moments. It's been really rewarding that we've stayed in loose contact over the years, and serendipitous that we both happen to overlap in Taiwan this month. It's fun talking with someone who thinks deeply on similar issues (which maybe we'll touch on next time). Eric is a terrific facilitator and storytelling enthusiast. I've been working on a few projects over the years (chief among them podcasting and writing, while dabbling in a few other things). Though these experiences, I've found that being in creativity cohorts is super helpful and inspiring -- there's magic when you're able to create a safe and vulnerable space to turn pain, stuckness, overwhelming emotions into works of art and healing. Knowing the power of personal storytelling and carving out time for creativity, we are in early planning phases of putting together a cohort-based Creativity Retreat in Taiwan, and would love to know if any listeners are interested in joining us! Indicate your interest here, and we'll reach out with details: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Instagram ⁠⁠@twdiaspora --- Support this podcast:
1/31/202424 minutes, 25 seconds
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台中的三星尼泊爾手工藝品 | Three Stars Nepal in Taichung, Taiwan

Interview with owner of 三星尼泊爾手工藝品 Three Stars Nepal, a shop in Taichung selling Himalayan singing bowls (頌缽) and other Nepali gifts and products. Conversation is mostly in Mandarin with some English. “認識自己,了解自己,穩定自己。放掉壓力。今天就可以做。今天沒做到,明天可以做。不要很急。沒有什麼來不急的。” 三星尼泊爾手工藝品 Three Stars Nepal 台中市北屯區北屯路439-4號1樓, Taichung, Taiwan -- ⁠⁠ Instagram ⁠@twdiaspora --- Support this podcast:
1/21/202450 minutes, 5 seconds
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在台灣嘉義內觀中心的感想 用英文寫的感想(有照片!) -- ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Instagram ⁠⁠@twdiaspora --- Support this podcast:
1/21/202413 minutes, 44 seconds
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10-day silent meditation retreat | Vipassana in ChiaYi, Taiwan

Solo episode (English): Reflections from attending Vipassana, a 10-day silent meditation retreat, in ChiaYi, Taiwan Read more about my Vipassana experience on my Substack -- ⁠⁠ Instagram ⁠@twdiaspora --- Support this podcast:
1/20/202419 minutes, 8 seconds
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#67: 聊在美國新創的公司搬到台灣 | Dr. Amy Kwok, 啟兒寶的 CEO

Dr. Amy Kwok 是啟兒寶的 CEO。 今天介紹在美國創業的過程,然後把公司搬到台灣的經驗。 啟兒寶PenguinSmart發起於美國矽谷,由麻省理工、哈佛校友聯合創辦,推動智慧型兒童語言復健支持服務,我們的服務很簡單,透過科技結合醫療,擴大早療場域、為家長賦能、為孩子加油。 現在,邀請您一起成為偏鄉和早療孩子復健過程的重要參與者。以啟兒寶PenguinSmart專業團隊開發的科技和遠距早療課程,協助遲緩兒家庭、提供個別化的支持。您的贊助將支持弱勢遲緩兒家庭,讓他們不再被邊緣化,透過在家自主訓練,為孩子營造更多發展機會,大步迎接希望未來。 幫忙支持眾籌目標 (到 11 月 27 日) ⁠⁠ 英文網站: ⁠⁠ 中文網站: ⁠⁠ For the English version of the interview, check out Episode 66. --- Support this podcast:
11/24/202323 minutes, 46 seconds
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#66: Moving a startup from Silicon Valley to Taiwan | Dr. Amy Kwok, CEO of Penguin Smart

Interview with Amy Kwok, CEO of Penguin Smart, on taking an MIT Development Lab idea to the MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition, and forming a startup in Silicon Valley before moving it to Taiwan. Penguin Smart offers digital solutions for parent-centered speech intervention. Crowdfunding support (ends Nov 27) English website: Traditional Chinese website: For a shortened Mandarin version of the interview, check out Episode 67. --- Support this podcast:
11/24/202340 minutes, 55 seconds
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#65: In conversation with Healer Hui

#65: In conversation with Healer Hui A peek into what a conversation between me and Hui is like when we meet up for pickleball and meals. Enjoy! Discussed: leaving her corporate career in finance to pursue becoming a licensed acupuncturist in Boston ancestral healing and family constellations 家族組合排列療法 ("家排") breaking patterns asking for help manifestation 顯化 knowing the how, the what, the why attunement to self upcoming retreat (note: date is moving from Dec 2023 --> Mar 2024) Reiki and Systemic Constellation Retreat in Thailand enrollment open now -- Connect with Hui: Instagram @healerhui2022 -- Instagram @twdiaspora --- Support this podcast:
11/3/202346 minutes, 32 seconds
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#64: Boston Taiwan Music Festival (Sept 9)

#64: Boston Taiwan Music Festival (Sept 9) Interview with Alice and Tsung-Hao about the first annual Boston Taiwan Music Festival 波音旺來, happening this weekend on Sept 9! Free outdoor concert with Taiwanese vibes Sep 9th, 2023 3:30 — 7:00PM 90 Lincoln St., Newton, MA 3:30 pm DJ Justin DJ Justin, the Taiwanese American young artist, is going to bring his remix of nostalgic Mando Pop and groovy beat. 4:00 pm Boston You & Me "Boston You & Me," a celebrated Taiwanese band that has been active in the Greater Boston area for years, will electrify the audience with their rendition of catchy Mandarin pop tunes. 4:50 pm Jenny Fan The festival's lineup is further enriched by the talents of Jenny Fan, a young artist recognized for her distinctive electronic rhythm and blues style. With an exceptional array of original compositions and adaptations of American pop hits, Jenny Fan's performance promises to be a highlight of the event. 5:30 pm JC Alula A crescendo of genres awaits as JC Alula, a versatile musician hailing from Taipei, Taiwan, and Berklee College of Music alumna, takes to the stage. From jazz to Mandarin pop, rock, soul, Latin, and R&B, JC Alula's dynamic range will offer the audience a musical journey like no other. Her belief that "Music is a language to connect souls" underscores her commitment to forging connections through her performance. 6:20 pm Jay Chou Tribute The festival's grand finale promises to be a resounding crescendo as musicians from the Berklee College of Music come together to present "Fantasy Wave (范特西浪潮)," Jay Chou (周杰倫) has been a phenomenon in Asia for decades. Performing a masterful series of adaptations of Jay Chou's classics will provide the Boston Taiwanese community with an unforgettable dose of cherished Mandarin hits. --- Support this podcast:
9/4/202311 minutes, 41 seconds
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#63: 2023 Taiwan Film Festival of Boston (Sept 23-24)

#63: 2023 Taiwan Film Festival of Boston This year is the Fifth Annual Taiwan Film Festival of Boston! Theme: 2023 Faces of Life 臉譜 09/23 10:30 AM   Opening Remarks & Day Off《本日公休》 12:40 PM  Q&A and Panel Discussion w/ Director 傅天余 Tien-Yu Fu 01:40 PM   Coo-Coo 043《一家子兒咕咕叫》 Restricted ▍輔導級 未滿 12歲孩童不得觀賞 04:15 PM   Can You Hear Me?《講話沒有在聽》 05:30 PM  Reception (separate ticket) 09/24 10:00 AM   The Lucky Woman《逃跑的人》 11:30 AM   Q&A and Panel Discussion  w/ Director  曾文珍 Wen-Chen Tseng  12:30 PM City of Lost Things《廢棄之城》 02:20 PM   Blue Gate Crossing《藍色大門》 03:45 PM   Q&A and Panel Discussion w/ Director  易智言 Chih-Yen Yee 04:45 PM Closing Ceremony Tickets and details: --- Support this podcast:
9/1/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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#62: 2023 波士頓台灣影展 (九月二十三到二十四號)

#62: 2023 波士頓台灣影展 今年是波士頓台灣影展 的第五週年! Theme: 2023 Faces of Life 臉譜 09/23 10:30 AM   Opening Remarks & Day Off《本日公休》 12:40 PM  Q&A and Panel Discussion w/ Director 傅天余 Tien-Yu Fu 01:40 PM   Coo-Coo 043《一家子兒咕咕叫》 Restricted ▍輔導級 未滿 12歲孩童不得觀賞 04:15 PM   Can You Hear Me?《講話沒有在聽》 05:30 PM  Reception (separate ticket) 09/24 10:00 AM   The Lucky Woman《逃跑的人》 11:30 AM   Q&A and Panel Discussion  w/ Director  曾文珍 Wen-Chen Tseng  12:30 PM City of Lost Things《廢棄之城》 02:20 PM   Blue Gate Crossing《藍色大門》 03:45 PM   Q&A and Panel Discussion w/ Director  易智言 Chih-Yen Yee 04:45 PM Closing Ceremony 購票 Tickets and details: --- Support this podcast:
8/30/202323 minutes, 47 seconds
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#61 - João Winck on starting Bao's Taiwanese Burger in Porto, Portugal

#61 - João Winck on starting Bao's Taiwanese Burger in Porto, Portugal 在走聖地牙哥朝聖之路中,到了葡萄牙的波爾圖城市,吃到台灣刈包! 有機會訪問餐廳老闆:為什麼一位葡萄牙人會想開台灣小吃店? Halfway through my walk on the Camino Portuguese, I ate delicious guabao. Fatty goodness. Taiwanese-style. What a treat! On my return, I interviewed restauranteur João Winck, owner of Bao's Taiwanese Hamburger (Porto, Portugal) wanting to know the story behind why/how a non-Taiwanese guy would be motivated to bring Taiwanese food to Portugal. The Ilha Formosa ties are strong! Check out Bao's menu at Restaurant artwork by Leslie Video of interview on YouTube (includes English and Traditional Chinese subtitles) -- Say hi! 來打招呼! Newsletter (new!): ⁠⁠ Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on ⁠⁠Instagram⁠, ⁠Facebook⁠. Show notes 主頁: ⁠⁠. Email 電子信箱: ⁠[email protected]⁠. Support 贊助: ⁠⁠ and ⁠ --- Support this podcast:
8/10/202339 minutes, 20 seconds
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#60: Podcasts & Poetry, transforming healing into art w/Shin Yu Pai

[Episode is in English] I’m thrilled Leona (from connected me with Shin Yu Pai for this Community Interview Features. We discussed Shin Yu's work as an artist, writer, and podcast host. And as two podcasters, Shin Yu and I naturally gravitated to talking live after the initial Q&A, which spawned this soul-enriching conversation that folks who are consciously on a healing journey may appreciate! Check out her work and her podcast (links below). Enjoy this episode! Read our conversation at: Shin Yu Pai (白 欣玉) is a Taiwanese American poet, essayist, editor, photographer, podcast host, and visual artist. She is currently Seattle’s poet laureate (Civic Poet) and host of NPR/KUOW’s “Ten Thousand Things: Artifacts of Asian American Life.” You can follow and support her work at --- Support this podcast:
6/1/202322 minutes, 19 seconds
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#59: TFFB Film Screening of <A Letter to A'Ma> Director's Forum with Director CHEN Hui-Ling

Taiwan Film Festival of Boston (TFFB) is excited to have kicked off 2023 with a sold-out spring event co-organized with ArtsEmerson, Emerson College’s professional presenting and producing organization, at the Emerson Paramount Theater in downtown Boston. We were honored to collaborate with Susan Chinsen, the creative producer and founder of the Boston Asian American Film Festival (BAAFF), which is a professional and international team, to jointly promote “A Letter to A’ma,” a documentary of young people in Taiwan searching for their roots and learning about Taiwan’s history from the perspective of their older family members who are ordinary citizens. 2023 年波士頓台灣影展 (TFFB)的春季活動是與隸屬於 Emerson College 的專業製作團隊 ArtsEmerson 共同合辦 ,地點位於波頓市中心的 Emerson Paramount Theater。Susan Chinsen 是創意製作人,也是波士頓亞美電影節的創辦人。我們很榮幸能夠與非常專業且國際級 的團隊合作,並且結合波士頓亞美電影節 (BAAFF, Boston Asian American Film Festival) 共同推 廣這部帶領台灣人尋根、從庶民視角認識台灣歷史的紀錄片【給阿媽的一封信】 A Letter to A’ma toured in more than 18 cities in North America, including Washington DC, Atlanta, North Carolina, Houston, Los Angeles, Seattle, Northern California, San Diego, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pittsburgh, Chicago, New Jersey, New York, and Boston. We were one of the stops in this relay race. Hosting this film screen challenged us to work as high performing team. All 170 tickets were sold out while more people continue to request tickets. Some even asked for standing spots. 活動當週,170 張電影票全部售罄,且仍有許多觀眾不斷聯絡我們希望可以再拿到更多的 票或者站著觀賞陳慧靈導演的作品。【給阿媽的一封信】是一場北美巡迴的活動,北美超過 18 個城市參與,其中包含華盛頓 DC、亞特蘭大、 北卡、 休士頓、 洛杉磯、 西雅圖,、北加州、 聖 地牙哥、密西根、 俄亥俄州、明尼蘇達州、威斯康星州、匹茲堡、 芝加哥、新澤西、紐約...等。 波士頓是這個接力賽中的其中一站,主辦這個活動是挑戰團隊合作與協調事務的能力。 After the event, Director Chen praised the Taiwan Film Festival of Boston team, saying: &quot;I have never seen any team works so well. The members are young yet mature, and more importantly, every volunteer has an incomparable sense of mission and honor.” Over the years, she had only seen two teams perform at this level. One is TFFB and the other is the Golden Horse Film Festival. She was incredibly touched and encouraged by her trip to Boston.” 陳導演頻 頻讚美波士頓台灣影展說: 「從來沒有見過任何團隊做事這麼有方法,成員這麼年輕且成熟,更重 要的是每一位志工都有無比的使命感與榮譽感。多年以來,她只見過兩個團隊成員有如此的榮譽 感,一個是 TFFB, 另一個是金馬影展。她感覺波士頓之行帶給她無以言喻的感動與激勵。」 After presenting the film, the event featured a post-screening discussion hosted by Julie Wu, a second-generation American-Taiwanese with a literature degree from Harvard University and a medical degree from Columbia University, and the author of &quot;Third Son.” During the discussion, the director spoke about the issue of identity as a Taiwanese. At the end of the discussion, the director recited a poem from the French poet Hugo in French. She expressed that identity is not a single-choice question but a multiple-choice question. Identity is not necessarily the place of birth or where you have lived the longest. Identity is not a noun but a verb; Taiwanese can be a collective achievement formed through the actions of each individual, and it is about what each of us decides to do. After the talk, many Taiwanese and non-Taiwanese audiences shared their thoughts with the director: Taiwan&#39;s story made them see the similar situation and common problems faced by their own country. 活動除了播放紀錄片還有映後座談,與談人 Julie Wu 是美台人二代,《三郎》是她的第 一本著作。她在哈佛大學獲得文學學位後,轉於哥倫比亞大學攻讀醫學,行醫幾年後專心在她的 寫作事業與育兒生活。映後座談,導演及與談人帶領大家討論身為台灣人「身分認同」的議題。 會後有許多非台灣的觀眾來找導演分享,他們說台灣的故事讓他們看見自己國家類似的處境以及 所共同面臨的問題。座談最後,導演用法文朗誦法國詩人雨果的詩,表達身份認同不是一個單選 題可以是複選題,身分認同不一定是出身地或身處最久的地方,身分認同不是一個名詞是一個動 詞;台灣人可以是透過每個個體的做為所形成的集體成就,是關乎我們每個人決定怎麼做。 Speakers (in order of appearance): Emcee: Sherry Lin, TFFB Moderator: Dr. Julie Wu Director: CHEN Hui-Ling Closing Remarks: Susan Chinsen (Creative Producer at ArtsEmerson &amp; Director of the Boston Asian American Film Festival) In partnership with: --- Support this podcast:
5/31/202353 minutes, 15 seconds
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#58: 導演 陳慧齡 | Director CHEN Hui-Ling | 給自己足夠的時間

#58: Director CHEN Hui-Ling | 給自己足夠的時間 The Taiwan Film Festival of Boston (TFFB) was honored to host the Boston stop (15th stop of 20) of Director CHEN Hui-Ling&#39;s US Tour screening her documentary 《給阿媽的一封信》 &quot;A Letter to A&#39;Ma.&quot; The film screening was held on April 15 and cohosted by TFFB in partnership with Arts Emerson and the Boston Asian American Film Festival (BAAFF) -- please check out their programming! The recording of the post-screening Director&#39;s Forum (bilingual in Mandarin and English) will be posted next month. Several people from different cities reached out after they saw the film asking if I would interview the Director... and I&#39;m happy to be able to say YES! This interview was conducted in Mandarin Chinese by TFFB&#39;s 2023 co-presidents Tina and Cynthia prior to the screening (and we ran late to the show!). 導演 陳慧齡 Director Chen had lots of encouraging advice to career changers, especially those wanting to switch to the arts and storytelling. Biggest takeaway for me: 給自己足夠的時間從一個階段過渡到另一個階段 這個事情有好玩到你非得去做嗎? 我做這個東西有我愛的人,或一群人?他們是誰?臉孔可以想像得出來,你就可以放心去做了。 *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Newsletter (new!): ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on ⁠⁠Twitter⁠⁠, ⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠, ⁠⁠Facebook⁠⁠. Show notes 主網頁: ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Email 電子信箱: ⁠⁠[email protected]⁠⁠. Support 贊助: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ and ⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:
4/24/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 15 seconds
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#57: 我正在創造一份很棒的新工作 ! with Iris

#57 with Iris: 我正在創造一份很棒的新工作 ! | I&#39;m in the process of building something great! 這集是用國語聊。This episode is in Chinese. Iris said hi after a talk I gave (in Chinese!) back in October about my journey with podcasting. We finally met up earlier this month. After a two-hour long lunch, Iris and I recorded this conversation about her personal growth journey over the past few years, and the remarkable changes she&#39;s seen in herself before and after arriving to Boston (pre-pandemic). We had so much fun, as you&#39;ll be able to tell with all the laughs.Her mantra of telling herself: &quot;我正在創造一份很棒的新工作 !&quot; (I&#39;m in the process of building something great!). I&#39;m adopting it for my morning routine. Enjoy! Topics: 從認識自己 | getting to know oneself again 從新建裡自我價值觀 | re-establishing personal values 從建立自己跟自己的信念 |rebuilding oneself and one&#39;s belief system 我想要當什麼樣的人?我的動機是什麼?我為什麼要對這件事情抓的真麼緊?| Who do I want to be? What is my motivation? What&#39;s behind the motivation that&#39;s causing me to hang on so tightly? 當平靜喜悅的人 |to become a calm and joyful person 對待自己的方式讓自己進步| how you treat yourself to improve and grow (shame / self-criticism vs encouragement / self-confidence / self-compassion) 用好的精神做每天要做的五件事情|know when you have your best energy so you can apply it to the five things you set out to do each day 用冥想來消化情緒| daily meditation practice to process emotions 用於加來認識身體 | daily yoga to connect with one&#39;s body, to see how its feeling and what it&#39;s telling you 從讀書裡面找到答案 | read daily -- can learn so much from what other people have gone through 寫感恩日記 | write daily gratitude journal 付出分享 | output Follow Iris on FB at 日常。瑜珈 Recommended Books: 1) 原子習慣 | Atomic Habits: An Easy &amp; Proven Way to Build Good Habits &amp; Break Bad Ones by James Clear 2) 子彈思考整理術 | The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll 3) 創造生命的奇蹟 | You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay 4) | Trust Life: Love Yourself Every Day with Wisdom by Louise Hay 5) 自我疼惜的五十一個練習 | The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook: A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and Thrive Letting Go by Christopher Germer and Kristin Neff 6) 一個人的獲利模式:用這張圖,探索你未來要走的路 | Business Model You: The One-Page Way to Reinvent Your Work at Any Life Stage by Bruce Hazen, Timothy Clark, Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Alan Smith The book links above contain affiliate links to, an online bookshop that supports neighborhood and indie booksellers (support local businesses!). If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support! Recommended Meditation App: Insight Timer - featuring Kristen Neff | Kristen&#39;s Self-Compassion Meditation *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Newsletter (new!): ⁠⁠ Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on ⁠Twitter⁠, ⁠Instagram⁠, ⁠Facebook⁠. Show notes 主網頁: ⁠⁠. Email 電子信箱: ⁠[email protected]⁠. Support 贊助: ⁠⁠ and ⁠ --- Support this podcast:
3/29/202356 minutes, 16 seconds
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#56: 中華民國 112 年升旗典禮 2023 Taiwan R.O.C. Flag Raising Ceremony in Rockville, Maryland

#56: 中華民國 112 年升旗典禮 &nbsp;&nbsp;2023 Taiwan R.O.C. Flag Raising Ceremony in Rockville, Maryland Happy New Year! Field recording from today's Flag Raising Ceremony on 1/1/23. (sorry about the wind) (3:15) Taiwan R.O.C. Anthem 唱國歌 &nbsp; (6:25) Remarks by 華府台灣同鄉聯誼會 (8:46) Remarks by&nbsp;華府榮光聯誼會&nbsp; (12:00) Remarks by 黃埔同學會 (15:34) Remarks by Ambassador Bi-khim Hsiao 蕭 大使 美琴 (pictured) (20:55) sing Ode to the Republic of China &nbsp;唱中華名國頌(愛國歌) (24:08) sing 唱梅花 *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Newsletter (new!): Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
1/1/202330 minutes, 7 seconds
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#55: 2022 波士頓台灣影展 (10/1 + 10/2)

歡迎大家來參加今年十月一日跟二日的波士頓台灣影展 (Taiwan Film Festival of Boston, TFFB)! 今天很高興歡迎到兩位 TFFB 的共同會長 Annie 跟 Yu-Jou! &lt;&lt; 買票 link to buy tickets &gt;&gt; --- (00:10) 介紹波士頓台灣影展&nbsp; (3:25) 今年的主題:「裂縫與光」Crack &amp; Light (4:25) 長片一: Grandma and Her Ghosts 魔法阿嬤 (7:55) 長片二: Eagle Hand 老鷹之手 (9:15) 長片三: Me and My Condemned Son 我的兒子是死刑犯 (11:00) 長片四: Enigma: The Chinese Crested Tern 尋找神話之鳥 (12:30) 長片五: Let the Wind Carry Me 乘著光影旅行 (13:45) 長片六: Listen Before You Sing 聽見歌 再唱 (15:30) 短片一 : The Passage &nbsp;通道 (17:55) 短片二: Faces of a Taiwanese Opera Actress &nbsp;苦伶的臉譜 (19:10) 分享學到的經歷 社交媒體:&nbsp; | Instagram&nbsp;@tffboston | | Facebook @TFFBoston&nbsp;|&nbsp; | Twitter @Taiwan_FilmFest |&nbsp; | website: | | 捐款 donate 或介紹募款的申請表 | TFFB is a nonprofit organization run fully by volunteers. Reach out to the team if you're interested in joining the team next year. --- Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
9/26/202223 minutes, 18 seconds
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#54: 2022 Taiwan Film Festival of Boston (Oct 1 and 2)

Annie, one of the three co-presidents of the 2022 Taiwan Film Festival of Boston (TFFB), joins us for a chat today about this year's event!&nbsp; This is the fourth annual TFFB event, and the first fully in-person event since the start of the pandemic.&nbsp; This year's line up includes 6 features films and 2 short films (link to 2022 program). The directors and producers of select films will be joining for live discussions.&nbsp; &lt;&lt; Tickets are on sale on the website!! &gt;&gt; See you on Oct 1 and 2 at the AMC Theaters in Downtown Crossing (Boston, MA)!&nbsp; --- (7:00) Background on TFFB (founding, annual planning timeline) &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:30) This year's theme:&nbsp;Crack &amp; Light&nbsp;「裂縫與光」&nbsp;&nbsp; (13:00) Film 1: Grandma and Her Ghosts 魔法阿嬤&nbsp;&nbsp; (14:45) Film 2: Eagle Hand 老鷹之手 &nbsp; (16:57) Film 3: Me and My Condemned Son 我的兒子是死刑犯 &nbsp; (19:00) Film 4: Enigma: The Chinese Crested Tern 尋找神話之鳥 (20:30) Film 5: Let the Wind Carry Me 乘著光影旅行&nbsp; (21:15) Film 6: Listen Before You Sing 聽見歌 再唱 &nbsp; (23:33) Short film 1 : The Passage 通道 &nbsp;&nbsp; (24:35) Short film 2: Faces of a Taiwanese Opera Actress 苦伶的臉譜 &nbsp;&nbsp; --- &lt;&lt;Follow TFFB &gt;&gt; | Instagram @tffboston| |Facebook @TFFBoston| |Twitter @Taiwan_FilmFest| | website:| Support TFFB by donating and recommending corporate/non-profit grant opportunities. &nbsp; TFFB is a nonprofit organization run fully by volunteers. Reach out to the team if you're interested in joining the team next year.&nbsp; --- Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
9/26/202234 minutes, 19 seconds
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#53: 在 Madison, Wisconsin 建立 Taiwan Little Eats 餐廳

我每次去 Madison, WI 就會到他們開的台灣小吃餐廳吃好吃的,享受店裡的風格。真的是我其中最愛去的地方!很高興有機會跟 Seven 跟 Christine 聊。Seven 跟 Kai 在美國的威斯康星州的麥迪遜城市開的台灣小吃餐廳。Christine 在 University of Wisconsin Madison 讀中國文學的博士。 What a fun conversation (in English and Mandarin) with Seven and Christine from Taiwan Little Eats, a restaurant featuring amazing food and a cultural space for arts and conversation. I love the space and food, and make a point to stop in every time I'm in Madison.&nbsp; In this episode 這集聊的題目:&nbsp; How Seven and Christine met (what a cute love story) &nbsp;他們認識的故事 Lessons in restaurant entrepreneurship (logo design, renovations, decor and design, location, menu, etc) &nbsp;在美國開餐館的過程 Why it's important to partner when starting a venture (in this case, Seven pulled in his friend Kai) &nbsp;來朋友進來一起合作或幫忙 Christine shares a little about her journey learning Chinese (I aspire to so fluent!) by finding mediums to obsessively immerse in. Check out her music (in Mandarin!) at Instagram @kelisidingding and YouTube. 克麗絲叮在台灣演唱國語歌! If you're in town or have an opportunity to pass through Madison, definitely grab a drink and meal at Taiwan Little Eats on State St:&nbsp; Website: Instagram @taiwanlittleeats&nbsp; Facebook We recorded this in the fall of 2021. 去年錄得。 *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
7/23/202243 minutes, 34 seconds
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#52: [Friendspiration Series] Bentley Brown, expressing identity through filmmaking

This is the second episode in the Friendspiration Series! Pretty thrilled that the turnaround on this one a week from when we recorded. I'm thrilled to have Bentley Brown as a guest today. I first met him a few months ago, actually a few nights before I ran the Boston Marathon, when he was in town for a film screening of his latest: "Revolution from Afar." It's currently running on PBS. In this episode, we chat about spending the formidable years of his childhood in Chad, how filmmaking is a way to express his identity, and the many lessons he's learned as a filmmaker. Feel free to reach out to him if you're interested in booking a screening! Revolution from Afar "In 2019, after protests across Sudan resulted in the fall of 30-year dictator Omar al-Bashir, the military took control, shutting down the Internet and leaving those outside abroad to voice a plea for peaceful transition to civilian government. An ocean away, Sudanese-American poets, rappers and musicians, whose families left Sudan for America in decades past, gather in Brooklyn and Denver to perform in support of the revolution. At the heart of the film is a conversation around identity, belonging and the uncertain future of Sudan." Website: Tik Tok @waldbrown Instagram @waldbrown Bentley Brown 是美國出生,在乍得長大的電影製片人。新的電影叫 Revolution From Afar, 拍蘇丹裔在美國看蘇丹革命的運動對自我認同有什麼影響。這集是用英文聊。 *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
7/21/202258 minutes, 54 seconds
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#51: [Friendspiration Series] Stephanie Evans, founder of Pamoja

This is the first episode in the Friendspiration Series! We recorded this almost exactly a year ago in Feb 2021, a few months after Pamoja officially launched. I'm super excited to introduce you to Stephanie Evans, founder of Pamoja! We first met at a post-MBA program in Italy, and I'm so excited for her to share her journey in founding a leather goods brand while working full-time. Her first product: The Nia (3-in-1 multi-functional bag: wallet, crossbody, clutch).&nbsp; Topics discussed: entrepreneurship, goal setting, product development and prototyping, finding partners, social impact, and more.&nbsp; Perspective on putting in time and energy at nights and on weekends to realize your dream: "It's time well spent -- it's a return on investment on myself!" Such an inspiration. Congrats, Stephanie! Shop Pamoja @ | Instagram: 5% of proceeds go to support the Kujuwa Initiative *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
2/3/202237 minutes, 20 seconds
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Announcement: I'm running the Boston Marathon -- will you help me fundraise for BCNC to support new immigrants

Announcement: I'm running the Boston Marathon in April -- will you help me fundraise for BCNC to support new immigrants &nbsp; Make a donation using this link (before April 30, 2022): *** About: Boston Marathon! Nonprofit: Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC)&nbsp; Ask your HR or search these databases to see if your company has a Match program: WGBH&nbsp;|&nbsp;Charity Navigator Corporate donations: connect with me if you'd like to make a business donation and have your logo advertised on our race shirts!&nbsp; Training updates:; *** I'm running the Boston Marathon for #TeamBCNC to support fostering inclusive communities for Asians and new immigrants.&nbsp; Like many children of immigrants, I learned to code switch, brushing off comments like, "You're too Asian. You're not American enough." Fearing confrontation, I suppressed the hurt emotions. Eventually I asked, "Why am I minimizing myself to appease their ignorance?" Seeking to rediscover and reaffirm my multi-faceted identity, I channeled my energy into creative projects and nature experiences. I had the privilege to participate in a multi-week storytelling workshop sponsored by&nbsp;BCNC's Pao Arts Center&nbsp;and&nbsp;The Podcast Garage&nbsp;where I processed an impactful and painful personal event linked to racism, transforming it into a powerful story to share in front of a live audience. I'm grateful my parents cultivated communities to give me roots and a deep appreciation of my heritage. I'm proud to be Taiwanese-American, a runner, and much more. BCNC helped me on my journey to reclaim my voice. I hope we can collectively create spaces for new immigrants to feel at home, and that we continue to share our stories and learn from one another. These communities are safe spaces, empowering us to honor our authentic and unique traits as our superpowers. Will you join me in supporting BCNC?&nbsp; Donate $25, $50, $75, $100+, or whatever amount your heart desires*.&nbsp;Thank you! * Some companies will match donations! Ask your HR or check databases at:&nbsp;WGBH&nbsp;|&nbsp;Charity Navigator *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
1/18/20225 minutes, 11 seconds
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公告:我四月分要跑波士頓馬拉松!希望你能幫忙捐款給幫助新移民的非營利。 捐款 (make a donation): 波士頓馬拉松 (Boston Marathon) 非營利 (nonprofit): Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC) 波士頓華埠社區中心 訓練的過程 (training updates):; *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
1/18/20222 minutes, 55 seconds
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#50: 用雇主或投資移民簽証到美國的步驟 / Employment Based Immigration Visa Process

#50: 用雇主或投資移民簽証到美國的步驟 / Employment Based Immigration Visa Process&nbsp; (episode is in English and Mandarin. 這集用英文跟中文聊) Want to immigrate to the US? There are many visa options. Mark (an immigration consultant) and Priscilla (an immigration lawyer) join us again for a conversation on the Employment Based Immigration Visa process (EB1 through EB5). They're both based of Taiwan and help clients from Taiwan immigrate to the US and Canada. 主要是幫助想用投資移民的台灣人辦簽証移民到美國或加拿大。&nbsp; What are the requirements for EB1, EB2, EB3, EB4, and EB5?&nbsp; Which one has higher probability of guaranteed visa?&nbsp; Check out episodes 45 and 46 to hear more about their experiences as international students, coming from Taiwan to the US. ***&nbsp; Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
12/31/202137 minutes, 26 seconds
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#49: Life After Competitive Table Tennis 當桌球選手之後的生活 w/Barbara Wei 魏欣芳

#49: Life After Competitive Table Tennis 當桌球選手之後的生活 Barbara Wei (魏欣芳) shares her journey on redefining herself after spending over half her life as a world table tennis champion. &nbsp; Becoming a table tennis world champion as a child and teen Encountering her biggest “moment of failure” and how that actually freed her up to play better Reflecting on how table tennis shaped her and what the sport means to her now Giving back to the table tennis community What "getting on the table" looks like now Why Lightening McQueen from Pixar's Cars resonates with her so deeply&nbsp; (Episode is in English)&nbsp;&nbsp; 2021 World Table Tennis Championships: Behind the Scenes in Houston&nbsp; *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
12/23/202136 minutes, 41 seconds
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#48: Casual convo on expat childhood, graduating from college, favorite comfort food

#48: Casual convo on expat childhood, graduating from college, favorite comfort food w/Judy Chen Pulled this from what I'll call the Time Capsule Series (recorded a while back, but not-yet-published interviews). This episode is from Summer 2019, after Judy graduated from Tufts University and contemplating next steps. We met up for a casual conversation at the Boston Public Library and talked about all sorts of topics: &nbsp; Reflecting on her life as an expat child growing up in Suzhou, China and attending a Singaporean International School Graduating from Tufts University with an anthropology degree Conducting research for her undergrad thesis to address the question "What does it mean to have a life at work?" and specifically examining work culture in the SF Bay Area through interviews, participant observations, and conferences (pretty relevant question given the events of the past two years) Going abroad to Chile for a "double study abroad" What she hopes to do if granted her OPT (one-year work visa in the US) What kind of food she seeks out when she gets homesick (Episode is mostly in English, with some Chinese tossed in. 大部分用英文聊!) *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
12/22/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 43 seconds
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#47: Disability Pedagogy and Accessibility Advocacy w/Janelle Chu Capwell

#47: Disability Pedagogy and Accessibility Advocacy (殘疾教育和無障礙宣傳) Janelle Chu Capwell (朱自立) joins us for a conversation on: - Growing up in the San Gabriel Valley (the SGV) - Being a PhD candidate at the University of Arizona in English Composition and Rhetoric - Her research interests: disability pedagogy and hiring student workers with disabilities &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Finding and sharing resources for the hard of hearing community at college (ex: CART captioning at Univ of Arizona) - This immersive cultural project ("the Reciprocity Project"): using BiteSized Taiwanese to learn Taiwanese and will be documenting her learnings on her blog (and sharing with us here on the podcast!) - Unpacking the privilege of choosing when to disclose her Asianness and Biracialness Follow Janelle's Reciprocity Project at: Contact Janelle at: [email protected] Thank you to Marissa for joining us for the conversation and helping provide captions!&nbsp; Link to video of this episode on YouTube &lt;coming soon&gt; w/captions in English and option to translate into Chinese. Link to full transcript of this episode:&nbsp;&lt;coming soon&gt; Resources: *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
12/18/202159 minutes, 37 seconds
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#46: 追美國夢:台灣律師到美國讀法律 LLM

#46: 追美國夢:台灣律師到美國讀法律 LLM (episode is in Chinese / 國語) Priscilla grew up in Taiwan having a fascination with foreign culture. After graduating with law school with a specialty in IP law in Taiwan, she enrolled at UPenn's LLM program. She'll share about how she landed a job at a US law firm, and how her first boss taught her so much more than being a lawyer.&nbsp; *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
12/9/202127 minutes, 52 seconds
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#45: 回想十年前在美國當高中大學的留學生

#45: 回想十年前在美國當高中大學的留學生 (episode is primarily in Chinese / 這集大部分是用國語聊) Mark shares his experience as an international student from Taiwan attending high school and college in the US: dorm life vs homestay with an American family; learning English and practicing speaking through ESL, sports, writing love letters to his high school girlfriend, and journaling; facing challenges with optimism; advice to students (and parents) about sending their kids to study abroad.&nbsp; 回想十年前在美國當高中大學的留學生。 住在宿舍和寄宿家庭的差別。 學英文的方法(上 ESL 課,交女朋友,打球,寫日記)。 用樂觀的態度面對挑戰。 給想出國留學的學生和父母的建議。 *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
12/8/202129 minutes, 42 seconds
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#44: Making it Count: Taiwanese American Identity on Pew Research Report w/ Christina Hu 胡若涵

#44: Making it Count: Taiwanese American Identity on Pew Research Report w/ Christina Hu 胡若涵 (Director, Write in Taiwanese Census Campaign | Director of Civic Engagement, Taiwanese American Citizens League) Christina shares her journey this past summer working with the Pew Research Center on having the report corrected to reflect Taiwanese-Americans as it's own category.&nbsp; Links Pew Research Center, "Key facts about Asian Americans, a diverse and growing population" article originally published on 4/29/21): (correction added 9/8/21) (Open Letter, 9/8/21) Pew Research reissues report on Asian Americans after misrepresenting Taiwanese Americans Taiwan Plus News (on YouTube): "PEW Now includes Taiwanese Americans as a Category" Data Analysis (on TACL): "Media Treatment of Disaggregated Data on Asian Diversity in May 2021" Originally recorded in Sept 2021. Languages spoken: English, Mandarin 國語. Check out Episode 43, recorded in May 2021, on backstory. *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
9/26/202123 minutes
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#43: Taiwanese Identity, US Census Data, and Pew Research Center's Report on Asian Americans

#43: Conversation w/organizers of Write in Taiwanese Census Campaign on Taiwanese Identity (台灣自我認同), US Census Data (人口普查), and Pew Research Center's Report on Asian Americans&nbsp;(亞裔的文章) "This is who we are. Keep making it count. 自己的認同繼續報" Christina Hu: Director, Write in Taiwanese Census Campaign | Director of Civic Engagement, Taiwanese American Citizens League Leona Chen: Creative Director, Write in Taiwanese Census Campaign | Editor-in-Chief, Chieh-Ting Yeh: Media Director, Write in Taiwanese Census Campaign | Editor-in-Chief, Ketagalan Media Languages spoken: English, Mandarin 國語, Taiwanese Hokkien 台語 taigi Links Pew Research Center, "Key facts about Asian Americans, a diverse and growing population" article originally published on 4/29/21): (correction added 9/8/21) (Open Letter) Response to Pew Research Reports Hiding Taiwanese Identity: “We made it count. Now tell our stories.” TACL Video on YouTube: "Calling all Taiwanese. Keep Making It Count"&nbsp; Details on how Pew and CNN used the US Census data "Asian American Disaggregated Identity in Media - APPI Month 2021" Originally recorded in May 2021. Check out Episode 44 on outcome and published corrections, recorded in Sept 2021. *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
9/20/202146 minutes, 26 seconds
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#42: Soul Searching and Burning Man Epiphany w/Yaa-Lirng Tu

Psyched to share this snippet of convo with Ling -- recorded last fall in Sept 2020. We went to the same college at the same time, but somehow our paths didn't cross until an alumni event a few years ago.&nbsp; - MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI): the internships abroad program &nbsp; - Working at Pixar Animation Studios on Finding Dory, Toy Story 4, Soul, and many more!&nbsp;(and then leaving) - Language learning philosophy: make as many mistakes as possible; seed new languages in bits: learn one small tidbit and practice noticing it in the real work -- like meditation; let it be part of you - Language learning apps, platforms, and communities: Discord, Hello Talk, Tandem&nbsp; - Computational Linguistics&nbsp;and natural language processing (NPL): fascinating space to dive into &nbsp; - Experience of moving to and quarantining in Taiwan: LINE chat with all the cute stickers - Life choices anchored around valuing varied and interesting experiences&nbsp; - Able to spend time and energy rediscovering creativity, self, and identity&nbsp; Book recommendation: Creativity Inc, by Ed Catmull&nbsp;(buy from twdiaspora's link to support the podcast!) *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
8/3/202142 minutes, 54 seconds
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#41: Community Voices in Podcasting hosted by Asian Women for Health (panel discussion)

Sharing this lunch and learn panel discussion from 7/6/21 hosted by Asian Women for Health (Instagram: @asianwomenforhealth), featuring Boston-area podcasters of Asian heritage in a behind-the-mic scoop discussion about podcasting and content creation: Audrey Paek - From Resilience to Radiance Podcast (Instagram: @paekaudrey) Fei Wu - Feisworld Media (Instagram: @feisworld) Cynthia Lin - Taiwanese Diaspora Podcast (Instagram: @twdiaspora) (unable to join us) Mable Chan - One in a Billion (Instagram: @onebillionvoices)&nbsp; Recording and Resources: Livestream Tools Video Production Tools Podcast Tools Business Tools Make Noise by Eric Nuzum Side note: I first heard about Asian Women for Health a few months after starting my podcast, when I met the organization's founder Chien-Chi Huang at a Storytelling Workshop hosted by the PRX Podcast Garage in Boston. To hear her story, check out Episode 27.&nbsp; *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
7/8/20211 hour, 47 seconds
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#40: 從小就知道她想離開台灣到美國讀書 w/Blake Cheng 鄭瑋津

[Nomadic Taiwanese (Nomadic 台灣廊) Series] Part 1 of 2 (中文).&nbsp; Blake Cheng 鄭瑋津 knew from a young age she wanted to leave Taiwan. 她從小就知道她想離開台灣到美國讀書。In elementary school, she went to Toronto, Canada on a school trip, an experience she recalls on with mixed feelings. She ended up doing her Master's degree in Chicago, Illinois, USA in arts management 藝術管理, which she cites as when she became an adult and developed a close community with her classmates. After working in Shanghai, China for a few years, she realized the environment and lifestyle wasn't meshing with her values, so she returned to Taiwan (another culture shock). 以為在上海住的生活跟人與人的交流不習慣,所以就搬回台灣。 In late 2019, she and her partner started their travels in Southeast Asia. However, at the time we conducted our interview, she was back in Taiwan because of COVID-19.&nbsp; pictured: Blake in Chicago. More episodes to come with Blake: today's interview in English (voiceover by Cynthia), Part 2 featuring Blake's journey to entrepreneurship.&nbsp; Blogs: and; Follow Blake on Instagram: 正向戀愛學 and @packortravel&nbsp; Interview conducted in March 2020. --- The Nomadic Taiwanese (Nomadic 台灣廊) Series is bilingual podcast series brought to you by the hosts of Curious Barbell and Taiwanese Diaspora podcasts to amplify voices from Taiwanese communities around the world. 歡迎來到Nomadic 台灣廊系列,一個由 台灣人 Podcast 和好奇槓鈴Podcast所合作的音頻節目。 You may know Angie from the Curious Barbell and Cynthia from Taiwanese Diaspora. We are excited to be your hosts and to bring different perspectives to the conversations. Cynthia is an American-born Taiwanese and Angie is a Taiwanese-born Taiwanese. 我們是這個節目的主持人。我們的中文名字是 林欣岫 (美國出生長大的華裔) 和 王郁秀 (台灣出生長大的台灣廊)。 This series will feature people who choose alternative career and life paths, rather than taking the more conventional and stable paths. Sometimes, these choices take them abroad, enabling them to move frequently rather than staying in a single place for long periods of time. Some topics we explore in this series include: personal identity and growth, deciding when and how to change it up, familial relationships, interacting with local communities, saying farewell, and a lot more. Conversations will be primarily in Mandarin Chinese and English. We’re very excited to invite you along for the ride! Taiwanese Diaspora 是由cynthia 林所主持、以中英雙語進行與台灣人、華僑、華裔訪談的音頻節目.Taiwanese Diaspora 是以中英雙語進行與台灣人、華僑、華裔訪談的音頻節目.好奇槓鈴則是訪健身訓練產業的創業家、教練、醫療專業人員、留學生的專業知識以及人生故事.在「Nomadic 台灣廊」系列,我們將訪談那些在不同國家間穿梭的台灣子民們,探討在這樣的生活形式下,這些人是如何理解自己的身分、他們與台灣文化和家人的關係、以及怎麼與各地文化互動、建立生活圈(或者斷捨離)的故事。 Connect with Angie: website | Instagram @curiousbarbell&nbsp;| Facebook Connect with Cynthia: website | Instagram @twdiaspora, Twitter and Facebook. --- Support this podcast:
6/27/202132 minutes, 15 seconds
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#39: Flushing NY’s Legend Chicken 霸王別姬 w/Yvonne and Henry

#39: Together with family friends, Yvonne and Henry founded Legend Chicken 霸王别姬 (Flushing, NY) to highlight Taiwanese cuisine. &nbsp; Interview happened 2 years ago, a few months after they first opened the Taiwanese snack bar.&nbsp;Happy to finally be sharing our conversation! I was in NY a few weeks ago and made a special trip into Flushing just to eat 1) Legend Pops 鹽酥雞 (Taiwanese popcorn chicken), 2) Bouncing Curds Q彈豆干. Tasty tofu and halal certified chicken off a stick.&nbsp; In this episode:&nbsp; - career switching,&nbsp; - learning and experimenting to make heritage snacks,&nbsp; - setting up a short supply chain, and&nbsp; - going into business with friends and family.&nbsp; Website and Menu: Follow Legend Chicken on Instagram and Facebook &nbsp; #twdiasporapodcast #taiwanese #streetfood #flushingNYC #popcornchicken #鹽酥雞 #鹹酥雞 #foodonsticks #entrepreneurship #careerchange #heritage #小吃攤 *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
6/13/202149 minutes, 48 seconds
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#38: Francesca Chang 張思佳 - Attorney on a Journey

Hear from Francesca Chang 張思佳 about her journey turning the universe's curveballs into awesome opportunities: leaving a law practice shortly after passing the Bar, taking a tangentially-related-to-law tech job in the Bay Area, then life happened and she moved to Taiwan. She is now a travel blogger and vlogger promoting slow travel in Taiwan through partnerships with Taiwan's Tourism Bureau and other agencies, as well as a Life Coach helping people leave the law and other situations that are no longer serving them.&nbsp;Advice to aspiring entrepreneurs: "Be a C Student!"&nbsp; Follow Francesca's travels on YouTube: 思佳情雀Attorney on a Journey | Instagram: Blogger | Website Contact Francesca for Life Coaching: Website | Instagram: Life Coach&nbsp; *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
6/4/202154 minutes, 41 seconds
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#37: Michelle Wu 吳弭 - City Councilor 市議員 and Candidate for Mayor of Boston 市長候選

Incredibly inspiring conversation with Michelle Wu 吳弭, City Councilor 市議員 and Candidate for Mayor of Boston 市長候選.&nbsp; (2:25) Campaign kickoff videos: 中文 / English / español. (4:56) Remarks recorded at a Boston neighborhood Town Hall (Sept 2020).&nbsp; (22:43) City Councilor Bio:; (25:00) Our interview in English + 中文的訪談&nbsp; (37:40) Why local politics matter (45:18) Message to those who want to get involved in politics and campaigns (51:30) Support the campaign (volunteer, donate) Follow Michelle on YouTube, Twitter @wutrain, Instagram @wutrain *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
5/3/202157 minutes, 37 seconds
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#36: Globe Trotting as a Diplomat’s Daughter 外交官女兒的成長 w/Grace Chou

Excited to share this episode where Grace Chou, where we chat about marathon running and podcasting, as well as her adventures living around the world (South Africa, Brazil, Portugal, Spain, Taiwan, US). 我們聊跑馬拉松,做podcast,還有了解她當台灣外交官的女兒真麼在不同國家生長的故事。她住過南非,巴西,葡萄牙,西班牙,美國! 恭喜 Huge congratulations to Grace! 她最近出了podcast,歡迎大家收聽! She recently launched her podcast Stories from a Nomadic Citizen -- check it out! Get in touch w/Grace at [email protected]. (This episode is in English and Chinese, w/a little Portuguese and Spanish. 這集是用英文跟國語聊,Grace 還有用葡萄牙語跟西班牙語介紹!) *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
4/10/202159 minutes, 1 second
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#35: Wearing Our Asian-ness Externally w/Jeff Tseng

(episode is in English)&nbsp; Honored to share this conversation with Jeff Tseng, centered around a post he wrote on social media (quoted below) in reaction to the recent spike in violence against Asians in the US.&nbsp;We discuss racism in the workplace and dating worlds, and reflect on how writing is a great way to process thoughts and feelings.&nbsp; Favorite lines from our convo: "We wear our Asian-ness externally. There's no escaping it. People will assign it to you regardless -- it's the snap judgement that everyone makes." "Be a voice in conversations. Amplify other voices that you find to ring true in your mind and your heart." . Jeff's post:&nbsp; "My father used to make us use an alias when joining the waitlist at restaurants. “If they see our names are Chinese, they will make us wait longer.” I suppose we’ll never know if the host stand at the Cheesecake Factory in White Flint Mall indeed had a racial bias issue, but my father’s paranoia showed me the precariously thin line Asian Americans walk on and how we all feel invisible except in the most inopportune moments. . I wrote a paper for my business school ethics class about anti-Asian racism in the workplace and how its brand of subtleness made it almost impossible to prove and even harder to combat. The response from the [white] professor was a polite but ironic, “I’m not sure about that.” We don’t have to grasp at subtleties now that the racism is overt. Even still, in the most violent example, people wonder out loud what the motivation could’ve been and suggest that the gunman couldn’t control his feelings toward these women, as if to say, he simply loved Asians too much. . I once went on a date with a [white] person who tipsily explained why he only dates Asians, “They have fewer choices, so they aren’t going to reject me.” If the white man’s quest to find something docile has led them to us, our perceived desperation is the bonus. Even if these people do love us in their own way, perhaps part of it will always be because they see Asians as less than. . But we are not desperate. There is a dignity that comes with being Asian. We are the people who invented the moveable type, gunpowder (oops), and the dan dan noodle (you’re welcome). There is a dignity that comes with being Asian American too, not from what we contribute through working at NIH or cooking the foods everyone likes, but by persevering in a place that isn’t always welcoming and has strange grammar rules. . There was a time growing up when I wished I weren’t Asian. Without the guise of my Cheesecake Factory alias, life has been harder in ways, some concrete and others I’ll never know how to explain. But thinking about it today, I would not trade in my Asian identity. It is the fabric of a beautiful culture and community – a gift that unfurls slowly, showing me something new every day." . Follow Jeff on Instagram @fatricenoodle *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
4/5/202135 minutes, 3 seconds
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#34: Put yourself in the right place to succeed 有志者,事竟成 w/Bruce Chiang

(episode in English and Mandarin / 英文+國語) "I had good people around me and good people pushing me in the right direction." So excited to share this conversation with Bruce Chiang 江中翔 !&nbsp; (4:15) 江中翔 的自我介紹. (7:00) 台灣出生,客家人,為什麼到俄勒岡州. (5:00) Bruce self-intro in English. He was born in Taiwan and grew up in Hood River, Oregon, where he didn't grow up around too many other Taiwanese-American families. (15:00) Starting school in the US, parents teaching them Chinese, AAU travel basketball. 在美國上學,父母教中文,打籃球。 (22:00) Sharing his unique experiences growing up in rural America. 在鄉下長大的特色。 (26:30) High school to college, jobs, post-college. (39:15) Advice on how to get his dream job (3 options), informational interviews, networking tips. (45:30) Going to Taiwan to work for a year.&nbsp; (57:00) Getting his dream job, having that job end suddenly, starting his own company, living the dream.&nbsp; *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
2/27/20211 hour, 19 minutes, 2 seconds
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#33: Canadian Mountie talks Personal Finance and the FIRE Movement w/William Wang, co-host at The Financial Classroom podcast

(episode in English / 英文) William Wang is a law enforcement agent ("Mountie") with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP 加拿大皇家騎警) in Saskatchewan (薩斯喀徹溫省) and cohost of The Financial Classroom podcast. In our conversation today, he shares first about growing up in Kaohsiung and Vancouver (溫哥華), and then we chat about his passion for personal finance (個人財務) and the FIRE movement (財務獨立提早退休). Listen to The Financial Classroom podcast on Spotify, on Apple, or other podcast players. Follow their tips on Facebook, on Instagram. *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: and --- Support this podcast:
2/14/202145 minutes, 23 seconds
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#32: An Educator on a Mission to Help Third-Culture Kids Discern Identity w/David Tan

(episode in English / 英文) Fully-packed episode with David Tan, who became an educator after learning about educational inequities. He's on a mission to help third-culture kids discern identity. He was born in the US and attended international schools in Asia in his middle and high school years. He returned to the US to attend college at The Ohio State, triple majoring in Chinese, political science and economics. After deciding to pursue education instead of law, he went to the University of Michigan for his Master's. He then taught social studies in Detroit, Nigeria, and Vietnam. 這集是與 David 分享他了解美國城市教育不平等,讓他想去當老師。他的目的是幫助第三文化的孩子辨認身份,能過認識自己。他出生於美國,初中和高中期間搬到亞洲讀國際學校。 他回到美國上俄亥俄州立大學,主修中文,政治學和經濟學三門專業。 在決定追求教育而不是法律之後,他去了密歇根大學攻讀碩士學位。 然後,他在底特律,尼日利亞和越南教社會研究。 Topics discussed:&nbsp; - (2:09) David's self-intro in English. - (5:36) 中文的自我介紹.&nbsp; - (8:31) The most influential and formidable place he's lived. - (16:48) Culture shock experienced when returning to the US for college? - (27:36) Master's program and student teaching.&nbsp; - (29:47) Immigration waves and policies (Chinese Exclusion Act). What happened to Chinatown Detroit?&nbsp; - (35:00) Teaching in Detroit where 95% of student population was low-socioeconomic status. - (42:20) Three identity-related questions people commonly ask themselves. - (44:22) George Orwell's 1984. David's mission to hold space and provide vocabulary to help students vocalize identity topics.&nbsp; - (46:16) Why leave the US to teach internationally?&nbsp; - (50:10) Being a third-culture kid is a double edged sword. Fourth question that third-culture kids wrestle with.&nbsp; *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: --- Support this podcast:
1/22/202158 minutes, 43 seconds
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#31: College in Amsterdam, childhood in Thailand, skiing in Switzerland / 阿姆斯特丹上大學,泰國生長,瑞士滑雪

(bilingual episode in Mandarin Chinese and English / 中英) Fun episode with Cherry Lin 林璩茜! Cherry recently launched a cooking website geared towards students living on their own -- it includes recipes that helped her survive years of learning how to adult. Check it out at and let her know what your favorite dishes are!&nbsp;她最近新開始了網站有學習下廚的食譜,歡迎大家參考! Topics discussed:&nbsp; - speaking 4.5 languages: English, Mandarin, Taiwanese, Thai, Dutch, - life as a 20-year old college student in Amsterdam (阿姆斯特丹上大學),&nbsp; - dating article written by Cherry (, - holiday traditions in the Netherlands featuring Dutch Sinterklaas, - childhood in Thailand (泰國生長),&nbsp; - childhood in Thailand (泰國生長),&nbsp;childhood in Thailand (泰國生長),&nbsp; - skiing in Switzerland with secondary school (瑞士滑雪),&nbsp; *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: --- Support this podcast:
12/30/202047 minutes, 59 seconds
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#30: Georgia Senate Runoff Election, Taiwanese American Citizens League (TACL) / 喬治亞州參議院選舉 , 台美公民協會

(bilingual episode in Mandarin Chinese and English / 中英) Wellington Tzou discusses growing up in Atlanta, Georgia, &nbsp;key dates in the upcoming Georgia Senate Runoff Election, founding TASA at Emory University, and becoming Board President at the Taiwanese American Citizens League (TACL). 喬治亞州參議院選舉 , 台美公民協會. --- Key dates and links for the Georgia Senate Runoff Elections:&nbsp; Request absentee ballot: Register to vote and check your registration: 12/7/2020: voter registration deadline. 12/14/2020: in-person early voting begins, at any polling location in your county.&nbsp; 1/5/2021: runoff election for U.S. Senate seats and Georgia office seats, at your assigned polling location. --- Relevant links:&nbsp; Center for Pan Asian Community Services; Taiwanese American Citizens League (TACL) *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: --- Support this podcast:
12/7/202033 minutes, 10 seconds
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#29: 夢花國際影展 Dream Flare Film Festival (11/6-11/20) featuring 愛睏娛樂 Aikhun Entertainment

(bilingual episode) It's my great pleasure to speak with Chantelle Lin, CEO and Linda Chen, Head of Social Media from 愛睏娛樂 Aikhun Entertainment. Aikhun Entertainment has partnered with the Taipei Film Festival and the Asian World Film Festival to put on the Dream Flare Film Festival, going on right now through Nov 20, 2020.&nbsp; -- Virtual event accessible to North American audience only: Week 1 (Nov 6-13): 8 Full-Length Films | 長片. Week 2 (Nov 13-20): 7 Short Films | 短片. -- Dream Flare Film Festival&nbsp; Aikun Facebook&nbsp; Aikhun Instagram&nbsp; -- Purchase tickets and passes 買票:&nbsp; Promo code: ‘80DFFFIGFR’ for 20% off All Access Pass (base price $48). 10% off on tickets for these featured movies: Get the Hell Out 逃出立法院 (Discount Code: 10DFFFGTHO).&nbsp; The Way Home 阿查依蘭的呼喚 (Discount Code: 10DFFFHome).&nbsp; Ama &amp; Alan 阿嬤阿倫 (Discount Code: 10DFFFAhma). *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: --- Support this podcast:
11/9/202034 minutes, 19 seconds
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#28: Call to Vote / 去選舉!

US 2020 Elections are around the corner. Are you ready to vote?&nbsp; -- More resources mentioned on the episode listed on the website 請到主網頁看更多相關資訊連結: -- This topic of this episode was suggested by listeners. So we sit down with a few listeners and talk about voting in the upcoming 2020 US general election. This episode is non-partisan, serving as a bilingual resource for those voting for the first time. General elections are more than just voting for a president. Depending on the state's cycle, you can vote on governors, senators, congressmen, state and local officials, on ballot questions, referendums, etc. Understandably, it can be a confusing process for first-time voters, especially non-native English speakers. &nbsp;Some states will put information out in more than just English, but often times, you have to do your own digging. Here are some resources referenced in this episode: 這集的主題是聽眾建議的。我們會與幾位聽眾聊聊即將來臨的美國2020年大選。這集無關黨派,主要是提供第一次投票的人雙語資訊做為參考。美國的大選不僅是選總統, 根據州的週期,還可以選州長、參議員、國會議員、州和地方官員 (如當地法官、教育委員...),以及公投議題(如地稅、消費者權益...)等。 對於首次投票的選民,尤其是非英語母語的選民,可能會感覺一頭霧水。 有些州有提供其他語言的翻譯資訊,大多需要自己去搜尋。 以下是我們提到的參考資源: Check your Vote Registration 查詢自己的投票登記&nbsp; Voter registration deadlines for 50 states 各州投票登記截止日&nbsp; Sample Ballot Lookup 選票樣本&nbsp; League of Women Voters of the US (LWVUS) &nbsp;美國女性選民聯盟&nbsp; Vote from Abroad via FVAP 美國海外 &nbsp;&nbsp;----- Ways to vote: 投票方式: 1. Mail-in ballots. 郵寄選票。Many states are offering mail-in ballots. If you signed up for an absentee or mail-in ballot, you have a few options to return it. 1) You can mail it back with the envelope provided, but make sure you drop it off early. &nbsp;OR 2) You can drop it off at City Hall or other drop boxes around your city. OR 3) You can drop off at early voting or in-person voting. 大部分的州都有提供郵寄選票。 如果申請不在本地或郵寄選票的話,交回選票有以下幾種方式。 1)放進回郵信封郵寄回去,但請務必提早寄出。 2)您可以將選票投到市政府和其他指定地點特別設置的選票收件箱。 或3)可以到提前投票或當天投票的地點投遞。 -- 2. Early Voting. 提前投票。This is an option in many states. This is when you can show up and vote early, in-person. You can also drop off your ballot. 很多州都有特定的提前投票所,可以去親自投票,或是也可以投交已經填好的選票。 -- 3. In-person election day voting on Tuesday, Nov 3 於11月3日(星期二)選舉日親自去投票。Limited precincts will be open this year. Lines may be long. 今年開放的投票地點有限,可能要排隊較久。 *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: --- Support this podcast:
10/19/202030 minutes, 42 seconds
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#27: Breast cancer survivor and founder of Asian Women for Health / 乳癌倖存者, 亞裔女性健康聯盟

(Episode is in Mandarin Chinese and English; 這集是用國語跟英文) (3:05) English: Chien-Chi is a breast cancer survivor (乳癌倖存者) and founder of the non-profit organization Asian Women for Health (亞裔女性健康聯盟) -- a peer-led, community-based network dedicated to advancing Asian women's health and wellness through education, advocacy, and support.&nbsp; (3:58) 國語: 台商會&nbsp; (10:21) English: mental health resources, Asian American Mental Health Forum (volunteer-run annual event).&nbsp; (11:40) English: global attendees, get trained to be a facilitator and lead a cohort. Check out the multi-lingual programs and informational resources for cancer support groups, mental health resources, COVID and hepatitis B. (13:43) 國語: 推廣 B 敢言的講座,健康方面 (14:45) English: The annual fundraising gala this year will on Oct 17 (virtually): 2020 CelebrAsians Fashion Benefit! Asian Women for Health will host its&nbsp;8th annual CelebrAsians Survivor Fashion Benefit: Embodying HERstory&nbsp;on&nbsp;Saturday, October 17, 2020, from&nbsp;6:15-8:30 p.m (EST). At this year’s virtual event, we are excited to feature the athletic sportswear and shoes of&nbsp;ASICS&nbsp;to showcase the style, spirit, and health journeys of our survivor models, who have faced cancer and trauma with inspiring strength and resilience. Buy tickets to the event and make donation to the AWFH organization via my fundraising page).&nbsp;VIP swag bag features black-owed, Asian-owned, women-owned companies/products/services.&nbsp; (15:55) 國語: 義演&nbsp; (17:30) English: October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Partner with AWFH! &nbsp; (18:13) 國語: 跟別的牙醫團體合作 (19:30) English: always looking for volunteers (21:40) Before founding AWFH, Chien Chi was a video producer and made a documentary (記錄片) for WGBH/PBS called Tug of War (拔河). &nbsp; Email: [email protected]&nbsp; Instagram @AsianWomenforHealth&nbsp; Website: *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: --- Support this podcast:
10/2/202023 minutes, 32 seconds
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#26: Tips on writing essays in college, All the Pep Band hype / 寫作文的方法, 大學鼓舞樂隊

(Episode is in English; 這集是用英文) Starting college and want some advice on getting through the mounds of assigned readings and essay writing? Check out Chelsea's tips (recorded pre-COVID). Back-to-school series featuring Chelsea. At the time of recording, Chelsea was wrapping up her first semester of senior year in college. 我們是肺炎之前錄這集。她剛好在大四的寒假休息,準備上大學最後一學期! She has since graduated! Congrats, Chelsea! 恭喜! (1:30) A sneak peak into dorm/apt life: Roomba fights. 住在學校跟室友活動。 (2:16) Favorite class: socratic seminar. 在喜歡的課。 (6:41) Tips on how she keeps up with all the assigned readings for classes to effectively writes essays (without drafting or outlining the way we’re taught in high school). 有什麼方法讀老師指定的閱讀然後能夠很快的寫作文。 (11:52) Pep band! 參加學校的樂團,在籃球比賽表演。 (18:25) Post college plans. 畢業後的安排。 *** Say hi! 來打招呼! social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: --- Support this podcast:
9/18/202020 minutes, 56 seconds
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#25: High school track team / 高中賽跑隊

(Episode is in English; 這集是用英文) Back-to-school series featuring Christopher, a high school sophomore at the time of the pre-COVID recording, about running on the track team and recovering from a flub when he dropped the baton during a relay. We're joined by his older sister, who adds some insights as well. Other topics: high school classes, pep rallies and football games, volleyball state championship games.&nbsp; 高中賽跑隊 Cover art photo courtesy of @cyehphotography *** Say hi! 來打招呼! social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: --- Support this podcast:
9/4/202016 minutes, 46 seconds
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#24: Trumpet/cornet, orchestra auditions, taking Chinese at school / 吹喇叭,試聽,美國學校中文課的課程

(Episode is in English; 這集是用英文) Back-to-school series featuring Christian (a high school sophomore at the time of the pre-COVID recording). He talks about all the memorable things I personally associate with high school (super nostalgic!): band friends, band trips, music auditions, and finding a "school family" through team sports. If you're a high school student interested in auditioning for out-of-school chamber groups, such as the Maryland Classic Youth Orchestra, Christian will tell you about his experience auditioning on trumpet. In addition to going to 中文學校 on weekends, Christian also takes Chinese at high school -- he'll tell us about some of the project-based learning they do (possibly good tips for people involved in teaching weekend Chinese schools!).&nbsp;Christian plays a snippet of La Vie en Rose on trumpet. Enjoy! 今天這集提到:吹喇叭,試聽,美國學校中文課的課程跟在中文學校學的差別。 Cover art photo courtesy of @cyehphotography *** Say hi! 來打招呼! social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: --- Support this podcast:
8/28/202018 minutes, 8 seconds
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Join Curious Barbell and TWDiaspora for a Meetup this weekend!

親愛的聽眾們, 你也在不同文化求學、生活、工作,或正在探索你的台灣人身份嗎?歡迎來加入好奇槓鈴和台灣人Podcast的聯合線上 Meet Up 吧! 這是個中英文雙語的聚會,我們想討論的話題包括:探索在跨文化生活的人生樣貌;在海外科技及運動科學的生活與工作;其他你想聊的話題。 Hi Curious Barbell and Taiwanese Diaspora listeners! We're co-hosting a bilingual meetup this weekend for our podcast fans. Come hang out and meet other listeners! After a quick round of intros, we'll open up the floor. Some topics of interest to us are: Navigating between cultures (在文化之間); Living abroad as a 華僑 and supporting Taiwanese-owned businesses; Careers in sports science and fitness, tech; You suggest (when you register)! [Meet Up 時間 date &amp; time] Saturday 8/29 @ 9-10:30 pm US Eastern 美國東部。Saturday 8/29 @ 6-7:30 pm US Pacific 美國西部。Sunday 8/30 @ 9-10:30 am Taiwan 台灣。Sunday 8/30 @ 11 am - 12:30 pm Sydney 澳洲。 [報名方式 Registration Link] 請到以下 Gumroad 網址報名,你將能在報名後獲得Zoom會議的註冊連結.。 [報名費用 Fees] 自由抖內 By donation。本次聚會走溫馨路線限額10名,快加入我們吧!We have 10 spots for this meet up. Join us now! [關於我們 About US] 台灣人Taiwanese Diaspora Podcast 是由Cynthia 林所主持、以中英雙語進行與台灣人、華僑、華裔訪談的音頻節目。節目連結:。好奇槓鈴Curious Barbell Podcast 則是由Angie 所主持,探索健身知識與職涯以,以及運動科學海外留學工作的節目。節目連結:。 We look forward to meeting you! ~ Angie and Cynthia --- Support this podcast:
8/28/20201 minute, 9 seconds
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#23: A Fifth Grader's Adventures / 五年級的生活故事

(Episode is in English; 這集是用英文) Super fun pre-COVID19 conversation with Chloe (age 10)! She very articulately shares insights about life as a fifth grader: games at recess, responsibilities of a patrol, graduation traditions, 中文學校,演講比賽, learning from her siblings on how to skate and play trumpet, helping her parents cook dumplings and mochi, and nervous anticipations about starting middle school.&nbsp; Cover art photos courtesy of @cyehphotography &nbsp; *** Say hi! 來打招呼! social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: --- Support this podcast:
8/21/202031 minutes, 56 seconds
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#22: Scott Hsu on Life as an International School Teacher / 國際學校老師的生活

(Episode is in English; 這集是用英文) Today's interview was recorded in April and features Scott Hsu. He's a 2nd gen Taiwanese American teacher/musician/father who grew up in Massachusetts and spent most of his formative years in the college town of Amherst. His wife is a 2nd gen Taiwanese-American as well and they have two 3rd gen kids (ages 9 and 10). Scott had been teaching high school math at international schools for the past 7 years. &nbsp;His family has had the opportunity to live in New Delhi, India for 3 years and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for 4 . Aside from teaching, he's a concert organizer in HCMC and an aspiring professional musician.&nbsp; Topics discussed: growing up in Amherst, becoming a teacher at American schools abroad, moving to different countries with young children, music scene in Ho Chi Minh City, quarantining and remote teaching due to coronavirus.&nbsp; Check out Scott's music projects:&nbsp; Meta Forrester (retired project): Delta Crabb (current project): *** Say hi! 來打招呼! social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: --- Support this podcast:
8/14/202039 minutes, 21 seconds
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#21: Eric Tsai, Founder of Outreach for Taiwan / 幫台美人多瞭解台灣歷史跟別的話題

(Episode is in English and Chinese; 這集是用英文跟中文)&nbsp; Bilingual conversation with the founder of Outreach for Taiwan ( Eric Tsai.&nbsp;We connected at the Boston Taiwan Film Festival last year. Eric talks about why he founded Outreach for Taiwan, and about the types of workshops and topics he prepares for various Taiwanese-American student groups. He's recently been doing live streams on Facebook, so tune in to learn more!&nbsp; 蔡宗霖 &nbsp;用雙語跟我們介紹他組織的研討會,幫台美人多瞭解台灣歷史跟別的話題。我們去年在波士頓影展認識。 Follow Eric! Instagram @OFTaiwan. Daily posts at *** Say hi! 來打招呼! social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: --- Support this podcast:
5/13/202044 minutes, 11 seconds
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#20 Reposting my chat with Susie on her podcast

Reposting my interview with Susie! Susie Wang is one of my beloved podcast hosts. She has two (!) podcasts -- one in English (titled: "Darling what did you say") and one in Mandarin (and sometimes Taiwanese, titled "雪梨台灣阿姐的碎碎念 (華語)"). Tune in on any podcast player and follow Susie on Instagram at Instagram @sydneytaiwanbigsister. I've been following Susie since I started this podcast and so very excited we got to talk. We recorded at the end of week four of Boston's stay-at-home orders (slightly scratchy sound quality because we tried something different to record), and posting it now during week eight (thanks for your patience!)&nbsp; 我跟雪梨阿姐聊得很開心!我很愛聽她做的兩個 podcast (推薦大家聽聽看!)。我們是在波士頓防疫隔離第四個禮拜聊;現在已經第八個禮拜了! *** Episode #168 on Susie Wang's podcast.&nbsp; 在美國出生的Cynthia 講講他的Taiwanese Diaspora 台灣人Podcast 跟台灣人華僑和華裔的雙語訪談。 聊聊波士頓防疫生活 為什麼在美國出生現在確對台灣和中文很有興趣 Cynthia 是我做podcast 以來最早認識的podcaster 我們終於講到話覺得超開心! Taiwanese Diaspora 台灣人Podcast *** Say hi! 來打招呼! social media 社群: @twdiaspora on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Show notes 主網頁: Email 電子信箱: [email protected]. Support 贊助: --- Support this podcast:
5/6/202023 minutes, 42 seconds
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#19: Preservation of Japanese Colonial Architecture in Taiwan / 保留台灣日本時代的建築物

(Episode is in English)&nbsp; Emi Higashiyama (東山絵美 / 陳繪美) discusses her new research project: documenting Japanese colonial architecture in Taiwan. She was born in Japan to Taiwanese immigrant parents, grew up in Taiwan (she identifies as a "third culture kid"), went to American school in Taiwan, and traveled extensively in her adult life. She has a ton of hobbies and interests, which led her to historic preservation. Connect with her @JapaneseColonial on Instagram!&nbsp; 保留台灣日本時代的建築物 *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora.&nbsp; [email protected].&nbsp; --- Support this podcast:
5/2/202045 minutes, 53 seconds
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#18: Working in Public Affairs, Encountering Racism / 在公共關係上班,遇到種族歧視

(Episode is in English) Winnie Chen works in public affairs and loves journaling. She shares tidbits about her experience growing up in CA: about being a rebel by skipping Chinese school, about how her favorite college subjects helped her understand her bicultural identity and appreciate her parents' sacrifices, and about how she handled encountering racism in class by a guest lecturer. 在公共關係上班,遇到種族歧視。 Follow Winnie on Instagram @lilwonnton.&nbsp; Website: *** Shownotes TBD *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora. [email protected] --- Support this podcast:
4/15/202034 minutes, 7 seconds
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#17: college music education major, euphonium, Chinese yo-yo, TASA

(Episode is in English)&nbsp; Thomas Lin talks about life in college as a music education major, his love of Chinese yo-yo (扯鈴) and euphonium, and involvement with the University of Maryland (UMCP) chapter of the Taiwanese American Student Association (TASA). Follow Thomas on Instagram @its.lintentional&nbsp; UMCP TASA: *** Shownotes TBD *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora. [email protected] --- Support this podcast:
3/29/202040 minutes, 15 seconds
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Nomadic Series #1: Angie and Cynthia

Welcome to Nomadic Taiwanese (Nomadic 台灣廊), a new bilingual podcast series brought to you by the hosts of Curious Barbell and Taiwanese Diaspora podcasts to amplify voices from Taiwanese communities around the world.&nbsp; 歡迎來到Nomadic 台灣廊系列,一個由 台灣人 Podcast 和好奇槓鈴Podcast所合作的音頻節目。 You may know Angie from the Curious Barbell and Cynthia from Taiwanese Diaspora. We are excited to be your hosts and to bring different perspectives to the conversations. Cynthia is an American-born Taiwanese and Angie is a Taiwanese-born Taiwanese.&nbsp; 我們是這個節目的主持人。我們的中文名字是 林欣岫 (美國出生長大的華裔) 和 王郁秀 (台灣出生長大的台灣廊)。 This series will feature people who choose alternative career and life paths, rather than taking the more conventional and stable paths. Sometimes, these choices take them abroad, enabling them to move frequently rather than staying in a single place for long periods of time. Some topics we explore in this series include: personal identity and growth, deciding when and how to change it up, familial relationships, interacting with local communities, saying farewell, and a lot more. Conversations will be primarily in Mandarin Chinese and English. We’re very excited to invite you along for the ride! Taiwanese Diaspora 是由cynthia 林所主持、以中英雙語進行與台灣人、華僑、華裔訪談的音頻節目.Taiwanese Diaspora 是以中英雙語進行與台灣人、華僑、華裔訪談的音頻節目.好奇槓鈴則是訪健身訓練產業的創業家、教練、醫療專業人員、留學生的專業知識以及人生故事.在「Nomadic 台灣廊」系列,我們將訪談那些在不同國家間穿梭的台灣子民們,探討在這樣的生活形式下,這些人是如何理解自己的身分、他們與台灣文化和家人的關係、以及怎麼與各地文化互動、建立生活圈(或者斷捨離)的故事。 *** Let us know what you think! Connect with Angie @curiousbarbell and Cynthia @twdiaspora on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.&nbsp; --- Support this podcast:
3/20/202050 minutes, 15 seconds
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#16: Sociology, Freelancing, Powerlifting Coach / 社會學,自由職業,建生教練

Sociology, Freelancing, Powerlifting + Life Coach 社會學,自由職業,建身+建生教練&nbsp; w/Angie Wang, host of Curious Barbell *** Shownotes TBD *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora. [email protected] --- Support this podcast:
3/16/202057 minutes, 50 seconds
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#15: Abigail Hing Wen, author of Loveboat, Taipei

(Episode is in English. Additional show notes coming soon) Abigail Hing Wen, author of Loveboat, Taipei. Loveboat, Taipei comes out Jan 7, 2020.&nbsp; *** (0:00) Intro in English. I had a very exciting conversation with Abigail today about her debut novel Loveboat, Taipei, as well as a smattering of others topics including dating, working the tech world, the bamboo and glass ceilings for minority and women, her writing process, and more. Hope you enjoy! (0:48) 中文的介紹。(Intro in Chinese + high level summary).&nbsp; (1:59) Intro to Abigail.&nbsp; (3:00) Intro to Loveboat, Taipei the book.&nbsp; (6:14) Ever Wong, protagonist in the book. (7:15) Abigail's reflections on being on Loveboat. How that experience, rebellion included, was instrumental &nbsp;in helping her form her identity. As a VC, she looked for entrepreneurs who had similar rebellious streaks. (9:17) The book touches on mental health topics. Why was it important to highlight these in the book?&nbsp; (11:20) Career transitions and crossroads.&nbsp; (17:20) MFA while working.&nbsp; (18:38) Bamboo and glass ceilings.&nbsp; (22:44) Favorite books and authors growing up.&nbsp; (23:48) Finding and selecting critique partners, literary agents, publishers (slightly poor audio quality here). (27:51) Identity.&nbsp; (31:36) Dating. &nbsp; (34:18) What's next? &nbsp; (36:20) Writing process. (37:18) Writing workshops, mental health conferences, book tour (38:46) Follow Abigail on Twitter and Instagram @abigailhingwen or read more about her at; *** Say hi! 來打招呼!If you like what you hear or have a story to share, send me a note! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora. Email: [email protected] OR [email protected]. --- Support this podcast:
1/5/202040 minutes, 12 seconds
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#14: Mental Health Journey and Self-Care Practices

(Episode is primarily in English) We continue our conversation from Episode 13 with Tony Hu (胡牧民). In this episode, Tony shares about his mental health journey and self care practices. Thank you for your bravery and vulnerability, Tony! *** (Intro) in English and Chinese.&nbsp; (2:10) Taiwanese/Asian pop culture recommendations? musicians and artists: Jay Chou (周杰倫), Wang Leehom, JJ Lin (林俊傑), Jolin Tsai (蔡依林).&nbsp; (3:45) Taiwanese drama series: 我們與惡的距離 (The World Between Us). Deals with heavy issues: capital punishment, the law, justice, and mental health.&nbsp; (4:45) Undergrad: studied psychology. Currently studying social work. Personal journey with mental health started in high school and university. Lots of factors that led to depression: academic stress, not being able to meet expectations, fear of not being able to keep up, what am I going to say to my parents and friends who have helped put me in this position to be able to go to school abroad. Felt directionless after graduating university, loss of confidence.&nbsp; (7:30) Went back to Taiwan after college. Had very supportive family. Mental health in Taiwan is still a stigmatized topic. Finding the courage to ask for help. Mom flew from Taiwan to Canada to rescue him. Being depressed is like being smothered by a heavy blanket. Even the little things took a ton of effort.&nbsp; (9:33)&nbsp;Slowly got better through the support of the people around him. Reframe and self-talk. Had associate success with grades, career, future, and finances. Can be a big pressure point for a lot of people. It's ok to not be ok.&nbsp; (11:45) Therapy has been incredibly helpful and beneficial.&nbsp; (14:40) Therapy in Taiwanese and Asian culture is taboo. Talking to a stranger/therapist has been helpful because they tend to be more objective. Friends can give a skewed view.&nbsp; (16:30) Perception of mental health, therapy, social work, resources and support in Taiwan and Canada. People are becoming more open about talking about mental health in the west, and that it's ok to seek help. In Taiwan, there's a perception that mental health is intertwined with violence and best to keep quiet about because it's still a shameful topic to bring up. In recent years, there are resources and support groups at college counseling centers.&nbsp; (20:00) Umbrella of therapy and treatment: meditation, yoga, medication, therapy, mindfulness, art, exercise, self care. Practicing good self-care: taking breaks; treating yourself; caring for your heart, mind, and body; giving yourself space; surrounding yourself with caring people; being more confident in yourself; accepting that failures and setbacks don't define you. Take life one step at a time.&nbsp; Connect with Tony on Instagram @tonyhu0_0. US-based metal health resource: National Alliance on Mental Health *** Say hi! 來打招呼!If you like what you hear, have a story to share, or are curious about exploring other mental health related topics on this podcast, send me a note! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora.&nbsp; Email: [email protected] OR [email protected]. --- Support this podcast:
12/22/201927 minutes, 9 seconds
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#13: Taiwanese-Canadian’s Perspective on American School in Taiwan & Alt-Military Service

(Episode is primarily in English)&nbsp; Tony Hu (胡牧民) is a Taiwanese-Canadian who has gone back and forth between Taiwan and Canada (加拿大) his whole life. He shares his experiences and perspectives on growing in Canada and the US, going to American School (美國學校) in Taiwan, college in Canada, alternative military service (替代役) in Taiwan, and now back in Canada for grad school.&nbsp; *** (intro) in English and Chinese (2:15) How Tony stumbled upon the podcast. Interested in hearing about how other people think about their Taiwanese identity. (4:25) Tony's self-intro in English. Childhood going back and forth between Taiwan, the US, and Canada. High school in Taiwan at an international school. University in Montreal, Canada. Alternative-military service 替代役 for 13 months in Taiwan. Back in Toronto, Canada now for graduate school.&nbsp; (5:41) Tony's self-intro in Chinese. 在台灣上美國學校。在大學讀心理學。回台灣當兵,在金門的國小當替代役。現在在加拿大讀social work. (8:00) Experience attending international/American school in Taiwan. The curriculum was catered towards learning through an American lens (American government, politics, and history), so Taiwanese history, language and culture not really taught in school. Outside of school, he'd have to switch to speaking Chinese. English bubble in a Chinese-speaking country. Code-switching came naturally; conversational Chinese was done at home, but his dominant language was English. His educational background was very westernized. Now trying to get in touch with his heritage more.&nbsp; (12:30) A lot of the Chinese, particularly reading and writing, he knows now was acquired recently through the military experience teaching at the school (替代役). Relied on the Chinese-English dictionary to write his daily logs. (14:20) Had to have foreign passport to attend international school in Taiwan. So mostly of his classmates were Americans or Asians who spent time overseas. Family could be involved in business or missionary.&nbsp; (16:30) Didn't have to attend cram school or take the Taiwanese university tests. He took the SATs and participated in extracurriculars because he knew he'd be going abroad for college. Canadian universities don't put as much emphasis on extracurriculars as US universities.&nbsp; (18:30) What's cool about the US and Canada is that they're both so multi-cultural. Communities of people can form pretty naturally. Vancouver is a Taiwanese hub in Canada, as is Toronto. Access to Asian food in Toronto: Scarborough-Markham, Pacific Mall, Chinatown. Please tag us on Instagram (@tonyhu0_0 and @twdiaspora) with specific Taiwanese food recommendations in Toronto!&nbsp;Tony's favorite food: Bubble tea 珍珠奶茶 + Taiwanese beef noodle soup 牛肉麵. Check out Episode 14 for continued discussion with Tony about mental health. &nbsp; *** Say hi! 來打招呼!If you like what you hear or have a story to share, drop me a note! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora.&nbsp; Email: [email protected] OR [email protected]. --- Support this podcast:
12/22/201922 minutes, 20 seconds
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#12: Psychologist on Systemic Therapy / 跟心理師聊家庭治療

(Episode is in Chinese and English / 這集用國語和英文聊) I had the pleasure of talking with Dr. Geri Tien (田乃潔 博士) today about mental health and her focus on using systemic therapy to work with first and second generation family members. Born in Taiwan, she knew at young age she wanted to be a therapist. To do so required her to get at least a Master's degree, which brought her to the US. Today, she works and practices in Colorado, where she's one of a handful of licensed therapists conversant in English, Mandarin Chinese, and Taiwanese. &nbsp; Topics discussed:&nbsp; - How did she pick psychology, and specifically systemic / family therapy, as an area of study, especially considering that mental health is a taboo topic in Taiwan?&nbsp; - Systemic / Family Therapy as a tool for discussing challenging topics between 1st and 2nd generation family members: career choices, boundaries, expectations, etc.&nbsp; - How to talk about therapy and mental health issues with family?&nbsp; - High vs low-context cultures&nbsp; - 1st vs 2nd generation immigrants and perspectives on career selection: is it a cultural phenomenon or a consequence of immigrant struggles?&nbsp; - Maslow's hierarchy of needs: Asian families express love through cooking and food. Rooting in basic material stability before pursuing spiritual happiness.&nbsp; Contact Geri by email: &nbsp;GeriTien AT *** Say hi! 來打招呼!If you are curious or have an interest in exploring other mental health related topics on this podcast, send me a note! &nbsp; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora. [email protected] --- Support this podcast:
8/29/201939 minutes, 12 seconds
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#11: Contemporary Piano Improvisation Musician from Kaohsiung / 現代鋼琴即興的音樂家

(Episode is in Chinese and English / 這集用國語和英文聊) Today's conversation is with Chi-Wei Lo (駱奇偉), one of Taiwan's premier pianists. He was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan and is currently a DMA candidate at the New England Conservatory. He shares stories and memories about starting to play at age 3, and how the years of playing classical music gave him the repertoire and foundation to really know music, and how all of that led him to fall in love with improvisation. His talent and hard work won him awards around the world, including scholarships to attend Walnut Hill School for the Arts for high school (MA) and Julliard for college (NY). He commissioned a composition titled "For Kaohsiung" for the Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation (KRTC), in which several hundred metro cards with his likeness were printed. He's also played benefit concerts to raise money and awareness for the Kaohsiung City Cerebral Palsy Association.&nbsp; Upcoming Performances:&nbsp; 7/31/2019 at 3pm (Kaohsiung, Taiwan):; 7/31/2019 at 8 pm (Kaohsiung, Taiwan):; 8/9/2019 at 7:30 pm (Boston, MA):; Facebook: YouTube: *** Say hi! 來打招呼!If you're a musician and want to be featured, drop a note!&nbsp; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora. [email protected] OR [email protected].&nbsp; --- Support this podcast:
7/29/201943 minutes, 17 seconds
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#10: Reflections of a Parachute Kid / 回想到小留學生的時候

(Episode is in Chinese and English / 國語+英文)&nbsp; Tracy Chien (簡郁容) shares memories and reflections about moving to the US from Taiwan in 1993 when she was 10 years old. She was sent solo by her parents to live in an informal homestay arrangement to attend school. She was called a parachute kid (小留學生), an unaccompanied minor sent overseas for school. She reflects that this was a particularly difficult and emotionally traumatizing time of her life: she had limited resources to pursue hobbies and interests, she was without her family in foreign community, she did not have friends because she did not know English. Despite not having much of a support network to help her adjust and learn the new culture properly, she eventually adjusted. This was long before Facetime or Skype, and even before long-distance phone calls. She had limited contact with her parents, primarily through written letters. Tracy was determined to learn how to read, write and speak like an American. Tracy fully took advantage of this unique situation and viewed it as an opportunity to “self teach.” She relied heavily on books from the public library and the electronic dictionary, and excelled. She identifies herself as a hybrid Taiwanese and American, even though there are elements from both cultures that she doesn’t fully agree with or relate to. This informs her philosophy about raising her kids, and furthers her desire to give them the tools and resources to feel at home in both Taiwan and the US.&nbsp; More details in the show notes on the website. &nbsp; *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora. [email protected] --- Support this podcast:
7/8/201942 minutes, 36 seconds
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#09: 核能工程師談教育傳承 / Nuclear Engineer on Teaching Kids About Their Family Heritage

(Episode is in Chinese. 這集用國語聊。)&nbsp; We talk with Dr. Peng (彭博士) today about his career as a nuclear engineer (核能工程師). A native of Taiwan, he completed his elementary through Master’s studies in Taiwan, and considers himself really lucky throughout his education endeavors to have had really great teachers who recognized his strengths and encouraged him to pursue his dreams. He then came to update New York for his PhD in nuclear engineering, because there weren’t programs offered in Taiwan at the time. He ended up raising his family in the US and having a career that took him to commercial power plants in several states around the US: Louisiana (路易斯安那州) to Michigan (密歇根州) to Illinois (伊利諾伊州) to Delaware (特拉華州) to Maryland (馬里蘭州).&nbsp; On the personal front, he shares about how his family plugged into the Taiwanese communities everywhere they lived, so that his kids would have the opportunity to learn about their heritage. I personally like his philosophy about passing on cultural heritage: it’s up to the parents to find ways to expose their kids to different things, and up to the children to pursue learning about things that spark an interest. 父母親必須要給機會讓小孩認識中國文化,小孩必須要有興趣保留中國人的一些傳統。 More details in the show notes on the website. &nbsp; *** Dr. Peng's book recommendation: Brighter than a Thousand Suns: A Personal History of the Atomic Scientists. Cynthia's recommendation: HBO miniseries Chernobyl (切爾諾貝利), created and written by Craig Mazin and directed by Johan Renck.&nbsp; This is such an incredibly well-made 5-part miniseries on HBO. Historically accurate portrayal of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of April 1986, the human lives involved in cleaning up the aftermath, the promulgation of information out of the Soviet Union at the time. &nbsp; If you want to hear a bit more about the creation of the miniseries, listen to The Chernobyl Podcast, hosted by Peter Sagal (NPR’s “Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me!”) and series creator, writer and executive producer Craig Mazin. &nbsp; *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora. [email protected] --- Support this podcast:
6/30/201936 minutes, 10 seconds
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#08: 確保您飲用水的政府工程師 / Civil Servant Bringing Safe Drinking Water to your Tap

(Episode is mostly in Chinese)&nbsp; Today's topic is drinking water (飲用水)! In the United States, we are (for the most part) incredibly lucky to have safe, potable water by a quick turn of the faucet. Curious about which government entity regulates and establishes federal standards for drinking water? Historically, it's been the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). The states and public water systems are then tasked with enforce the standards and regulations. George Chien (錢宗駒) is an engineer with the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA). A native of Taiwan, he came to the US fifteen years ago to pursue an interdisciplinary graduate degree in Environmental Engineering and Management. In our chat today, George shares with us his perspectives on being a civil servant, and also teaches us the steps of bringing water from reservoirs through to your tap.&nbsp; A written interview with George about civil service in CA: Cynthia's book recommendation:&nbsp; What the Eyes Don't See: A Story of Crisis, Resistance, and Hope in an American City, by Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha. This book is one of my favorite reads from 2018. If you're at all interested in water/health/environmental policy or local/state/federal policy making, this is a great account. It's written in a memoir-style by the pediatrician who correlated the blood lead level rise in her patients in Flint, MI. She sprinkles personal stories as well, for those interested in hearing immigrant stories (like me!). She was born in the UK to Iraqi parents, she grew up in the Detroit area and has strong ties to Michigan. &nbsp; *** Say hi! 來打招呼! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora. [email protected] --- Support this podcast:
6/19/201928 minutes, 51 seconds
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#07: 阿岫推薦兩個雙語網路廣播節目 / Cynthia’s Bilingual Podcast Recommendations (x2)

(Episode is in Chinese and English)&nbsp; 最近比較忙,但是希望這週末能發布新的給大家聽!今天想跟大家推薦我最近在聽的兩個雙語網路廣播的節目。希望你們也喜歡! I haven't posted any new episodes in a new weeks, but fear not. I have lot of interviews recorded and awaiting my edits. Stay tuned -- hope to put something out this weekend! In the meantime, I'm recommending two bilingual podcasts I started listening to a few months ago.&nbsp;Hope you enjoy them, too! *** 百靈果NEWS:; *** *** 雪梨台灣阿姐的碎碎念 (華語) Chinese Podcast: *** Darling What Did You Say, by Susie Wang: ************* Say hi! 來打招呼! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora. [email protected] --- Support this podcast:
6/15/20197 minutes, 9 seconds
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#06: A Twin’s Perspective on Moving from TW to HK to the US (CA) / 雙胞胎從台灣到香港到美國加州

(Episode is in Chinese and English)&nbsp; Bilingual episode with Yi-Chien, who shares her perspective about growing up with a twin sister and being an expat as her dad's job took the family around the world. She was born in Taiwan, grew up in Hong Kong and attended an international school, and came to the US for her last year of high school and college.&nbsp; 雙語:謙謙在台灣出生,在香港長大,然後在美國加州上大學。她爸爸的工作讓家庭到出版。她跟我們分享她跟雙胞胎妹妹在各個國家的生活。 Say hi! 來打招呼! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora. [email protected] --- Support this podcast:
5/13/201925 minutes, 5 seconds
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#05: Conversation on Identity [English and Mandarin] / 身份認同的討論 「中+英」

(Episode is in Chinese and English)&nbsp; Min Kyriannis (鄭明瑤) joins me today for a conversation on identity. She shares her perspective about growing up in Flushing, NY, where she immigrated with her family as an infant. She speaks Taiwanese, Mandarin, English, Cantonese, Japanese, French, and Greek! She’s raising her kids to be multilingual as well. How does she stay up-to-date on Taiwanese pop culture? What career advice does she have for Asian mid-career women? Tune in to find out!&nbsp; This is the first truly bilingual episode on this podcast! We flip flop a bit between English and Mandarin, and Min tosses in some Taiwanese as well! I had a great time chatting with Min and hope you enjoy our conversation, too! This episode is probably most relatable to those who are fluent in Chinese and English, and grew up in the US in the 1970-1990s. &nbsp; 這集的題目是身份認同。我們有用英文、國語、台語來聊。你是七十到九十年代在美國長大的嗎?你英文跟中文兩個語言都能溝通嗎?那你可能會對這集了解! *** Say hi! 來打招呼! If you like what you hear or have a story to share, drop me a note! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora.&nbsp; [email protected] --- Support this podcast:
4/27/201929 minutes, 22 seconds
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#04: From Biomedical Engineer to Cardiologist [English] / 生物醫學工程師轉成心臟病專家 「英文」

(Episode is in English)&nbsp; Dr. Ed Chu is a Taiwanese-American cardiologist. He was born and raised in Florida to parents who immigrated to the US from Taiwan. Like many ABC's, he attended Chinese school on weekends, spoke Mandarin at home, and used chopsticks for pretty much everything. He studied biomedical engineering in college, and went to work for a medical technology company for two years. He soon realized that he had a calling to help people in a different way, and became a doctor. He’s currently a cardiology fellow in NYC, and has some great advice for people considering medicine as a profession. Tune in to hear what is favorite meal is! (We caught up with him while he was on break from moonlighting at the hospital. Apologies for the background elevator dinging.) *** If you like what you hear or have a story to share, drop me a note! I’d love to hear from you.&nbsp; Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora. Email us at [email protected] OR [email protected]. --- Support this podcast:
4/15/201914 minutes, 12 seconds
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#03: Studying Noise in Taiwan as an Anthropologist [English] / 人類學家到台灣研究噪音 「英文」

(Episode is in English)&nbsp; We talk with Dr. Jennifer C. Hsieh, a Taiwanese-American anthropologist. She grew up in Texas and has lived in Asia and Europe. She became fascinated by anthropology during college at Harvard, and went on to earn her PhD from Stanford. She spent 16 months in Taipei conducting research on how the Taiwanese distinguish between noise and sound. She is currently a postdoc at the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University, where is she working on her upcoming book on the production of noise as a regulatory object in contemporary Taiwan. &nbsp; 謝若鈴 是位人類學的學者。她在美國德州出生,然後在亞洲跟歐洲住。她在哈佛讀大學跟斯坦福讀博士。在讀研究所的時候,她搬到台北住了十六個月,研究聲音和噪音。她現在在哈佛的費正清做博士後研究,把在台灣做的研究寫成一本書。 *** If you like what you hear or have a story to share, drop me a note! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora. Email: [email protected] OR [email protected]. --- Support this podcast:
3/21/201927 minutes, 3 seconds
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#02: 到日本留學讀產品設計 (中文) / Studying Product Design in Japan (Chinese)

(Episode is in Chinese / 這集用的語言是中文) We speak with Moose, a Taiwanese-born college student, about his experience going to college in Japan to study product design and also doing a semester-long exchange program in California. Talk about cultural adaptation! 跟 Moose 聊他到日本留學。 Why did you want to go to college in Japan? / 你為什麼會想到日本留學? How did you learn Japanese? / 你怎麼學日語? How did you become interested in product design? / 你為什麼對產品設計有興趣? What was your biggest surprise (culture, food, education system)? / 有沒有遇到不熟悉的東西? What did you do during your semester-long exchange program in California? / 你後來到美國加州交換一學期做了什麼? What advice would you give to others who might want to study abroad? / 有沒有想給想出國的學生的建議? Featuring a music clip from Moose’s first EP performing "Yakusoku" (in Japanese) / 聽歌手唱的第一個影片 (日文)。 Email: [email protected].&nbsp; Follow (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram): @twdiaspora Visit: --- Support this podcast:
3/14/201921 minutes, 14 seconds
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#01: 90年代移民到美國 (中文) / Immigrating to the US in the 1990s (Chinese)

(Episode is in Chinese / 這集用的語言是中文) Auntie shares stories about immigrating to the US in the 1990s. / 阿姨跟我們聊她 90年代移民到美國的故事。 The importance of keeping the family together and happy. / 最重要的是保持家庭團結和快樂。 From successful entrepreneurs in Taiwan to becoming a restaurateur on the east coast. &nbsp;/ 離開在台灣建立的企業 到美國東部開餐廳。 Comparisons between American and Taiwanese school systems. &nbsp;/ 台灣跟美國教育的差別。&nbsp; *** If you like what you hear or have a story to share, drop me a note! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora. Email: [email protected] OR [email protected]. --- Support this podcast:
3/7/201932 minutes, 58 seconds
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#00: 歡迎收聽 “台灣人” (國語)

大家好! 我是阿岫。歡迎收聽 “台灣人” 的廣播。 再來的幾集,我會邀請台灣華僑,華裔,和本地人 來分享他們的故事或介紹不同有關華人的題目。 我們大部分會用英文或國語溝通,但也會有講客家話,台語,等等的來賓。 如果您有什麼想跟各位觀眾分享的,請你跟我聯絡。郵件是 [email protected].&nbsp; 好吧,我們準備開始! *** Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @twdiaspora. Email: [email protected] OR [email protected]. --- Support this podcast:
2/15/201937 seconds