Francis Piche and I cover a ton of ground. We start with his French Canadian roots. Touch on “the science of happiness”. End with mental toughness. And cover everything in between. Francis is the creator of the Resilience Element and its 5 key components. Clarity, Conviction, Certainty, Commitment and Courage. Francis knocks away your fears and you will be ready to realign your paradigm and crush your dreams.Episode notes:See the Transcript of our interview below all the links.You can check out Francis Piche here: can download his book contributions here:Awakening The Viking Within: Your Creator Within:’s StuffCheck out the Tools For A Good Life Summit here: Virtually and FOR FREE podcasting! Get the Shure MV88 mobile mic, you can literally take it anywhere on the fly my “Insiders Guide to Finding Peace” here: See more resources at Email me:
[email protected] For social Media: Subscribe and share to help spread the love for a better world!As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Transcript starts here!Mischa Z : 00:00:00 Record to the cloud recording and prod in progress. There you go. All right, Francis. Good morning. And it's Francis, is it Pish?Francis P: 00:00:12 Yeah. There's never like a wish, you know, you can put the accent on everything, but not always. So it's, [inaudible],Mischa Z : 00:00:19 You know, I was originally going to say that, but I was like, I'll sound ignorant if I do that, butFrancis P: 00:00:25 See your intuition was right. Yes.Mischa Z : 00:00:29 Follow it. Yeah. I love that thought. Um, so your, um, I asked you before we hit record where you were and your obviously French nationality, what's that? French Canadian.Francis P: 00:00:45 French Canadian. Yeah. That's a big difference.Mischa Z : 00:00:49 Big difference. Yes.Francis P: 00:00:52 So born in Montreal.Mischa Z : 00:00:53 So tell me, what's the big difference about between, when you say that, what comes to your mind? The big difference.Francis P: 00:01:00 I can explain you with one word and I think you're going to explain it. You're going to understand it. So one time I was asking some French people, cause they're always, they always laugh about how we speak, uh, and that we speak like more patient. And then I said, oh really? All right. So I said, just tell me how you say Spiderman because in Montreal, if it's Spider-Man it's Spiderman or we're going to translate it, then we're going to say [inaudible] so it's like French or English. And, uh, and so I asked, I asked him, I said, how do you say Spiderman? And he said, speed up, man. Speed up, man. So I said, do you want to be saved by speed? That man, or you want to be saved by Spiderman? So he laughed. So that's the difference just in one word, because he would say he cheers to that right now. You know, it's like, oh, are you Spiderman or speed ah man,Mischa Z : 00:01:51 Wait a minute. And I love that. Who do I want to be saved by clearly Spiderman.Francis P: 00:01:55 Yeah. Or see that man doing the shopping and the backing. And then that's that, that's all these speeds. So I'm like, wow, that's very, uh, that's very manly. That's really good. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but you know who you want to be saved by Now, you know? Oh, your speed a man. Okay.Mischa Z : 00:02:23 Um, are you, so you're in Laguna beach, are you permanent permanently in the U S right now and have been for a while or just,Francis P: 00:02:34 Well, I do. I, uh, I do have a visa for five years because I have a business that's established here, so I can always renew it every year or every five years, which is really beautiful and amazing. So my permanent address is in, uh, Vancouver and now thanks to, thanks to COVID. I stayed a little bit longer and uh, I mean, I can say as long as I want really that's, that's what that's, that's the beauty. So, uh, you know, every time that I traveled and I come back and I show my visa, I'm very proud because it's an automatic access that like, okay, good. There you go. No questions asked. Yeah.Mischa Z : 00:03:11 Yeah. Fantastic. And this, um, what percentage of Canada is French Canadian where there's, you're speaking French in that deep French roots, if I'm saying that?Francis P: 00:03:26 Uh, well, I mean, there's a, I believe it's, I don't, I don't know if it's going to be recorded. I think there's 11 provinces, uh, and some territories, but in Quebec that's a one in a major province. I think I'd say, you know, you have Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia. Those are the major provinces in Canada. And so I would say percentage wise, it's hard to say, I think we there's about 9 million people in Quebec, um, and 37 in Canada, the whole country. So, you know, you can imagine that California is actually as big as, as a whole country of Canada. And then, um, in Quebec I'd say maybe 75% of it would speak French. So let's say nine, 7 million out of 37. So maybe a good 25%, 20%, 20% maybeMischa Z : 00:04:21 AndFrancis P: 00:04:22 Estimate, but Montreal, most of the people in Montreal would speak. Uh, they can definitely speak English. There's even a part of it. That's the English part of, uh, of Montreal. But if you look at the whole province in itself, that would be more French than English. Yeah.Mischa Z : 00:04:38 Okay. And your, your, um, your, uh, sociology or, um, geography professor might be a little upset right now that you didn't know the exact numbers.Francis P: 00:04:51 I, I know like now I feel, but it's, it's, it's been a while. I mean, I know I'm usually good with numbers. I think I know my population pretty well. Like in general, I always like to know like what the, how many people are living, you know, in the greater area of a big city and then the city itself. But, you know, it's always fascinating to see the concentration of people just in these little spots, which, you know, if you look at Canada, it's a huge country, but all people are at the bottom of the line. Like that's where all people are concentrated right. On the border, right. On the border.Mischa Z : 00:05:26 And is that a resource or just, uh, a resource that's where the most resources are in the country or is that a, uh, climateFrancis P: 00:05:36 Climate? I think it's mostly climate. Yeah. And also, you know, if you look at the path, you know, just where it started with, uh, San on the St. Lawrence river, you know, every, all the exports and ports were coming through that. And then, you know, it went up to, up to Ontario and then you have the big, great lakes. So it's, that's what we share with you guys, the, you know, around Michigan and all of it. So, uh, we share these, these great lakes. And then, uh, I, I, that's one of the reasons, if you look at the Vancouver on the other side of the west side of Canada, then it's pretty much the same thing. As you know, it's, you know, where the Berard inlet is and where all the boats are coming from Pacific Asia.Mischa Z : 00:06:18 So in America you've got, well, historically like the north, the south, right? The, the there's the Confederacy, what do we call the north? The, um, the union, let's say, um, is there that, has there been that sort of tension between, uh, like French speakingFrancis P: 00:06:40 Historically? Yes. In long time ago, but yeah, it was the upper Canada and lower Canada, so that's all, that's how they called it. And, uh, and then I think what United, the whole country is the, uh, railway. So, uh, so Canada was established in 1867. Then, uh, if you look at it's really a history for me right now, like going backwards, I think it was in 1760, that there was a, a war between French and the Brits. And, uh, we lost. And I think since, since then, that that became predominantly a little bit more, uh, Anglophone if you will. But we know that that's where people wanted to keep their rights. And so at one point, you know, even not too long ago, I think it was in 1995 and there was a referendum to see if people wanted to separate themselves from Canada. And, uh, and then it, uh, it was very, very close. I think it was 49, 50 1%. Yeah. So we, so it stayed, it stayed, but, you know, there's a, there's a lot of controversy as well because, um, I think that government or Canada spent a lot of money to try to convince all, uh, people not to, not to separate and of course some caravans of people, but it was very, very close, very close. So there was a closest, I think that it was, uh, for the separation or the independence, if you're, how, how, howMischa Z : 00:08:06 Old were you at that? At that point? IFrancis P: 00:08:08 Was, uh, I think 16, 17. I remember that, you know, I w I wasn't able to vote at that time then, uh, but everyone was, I think, you know, for us, it's 18 years old, you can roll. So it was, it was something that everyone was watching. Like that was pretty important.Mischa Z : 00:08:25 Were you, did you have opinions about it at the time, or were you like, let me go out and hang out with my friendsFrancis P: 00:08:32 At the time I had my opinion and I think I've had the chance to travel. I was, I think I was more pro independence in a way, but not none in the way that I felt that it was, you know, saying, oh, you guys are wrong or whatnot. It was more about preserving the culture, but then at the same time, over time, you with all the travels that I've done, I think it was I've realized that, especially when I went to Sweden, because I studied five months in Sweden and what was fascinating about the countries that they were only eight or 9 million people, and they were speaking many languages, Swedish, Finnish, English, sometimes German, French, and you're thinking, wow, you know, these guys are awesome and they never, and never felt that they wanted to preserve their culture because you know, that at the time unwell was company from, uh, Volvo, uh, many big companies that were established in, in Sweden, small country, almost the size of Quebec.Francis P: 00:09:34 And so I felt, you know, if you really, if you, if you travel a lot and you, you, you will, by default love your culture. And you'll never be scared of losing it because look at the Sweeds, they, they spoke five languages. And so, so I kind of gave a different perspective and I felt, you know, you can definitely be integrated then, you know, I, I, I would say before you, you, you are worried about your own culture, make sure you live your own culture, you know, and then, and that, and, and then, then that way, then you don't need to worry about it because if you're, if you love your culture, of course, like the people that the kids are going to speak French and whatnot. So, yeah, but I mean, what I remember, what I remember for me is, is that at the time the politicians were a little bit too focused on, I felt putting like, okay, this is the bad side.Francis P: 00:10:25 Well, I don't know if I, if it's real, that's what I remember. But for me, what was important, it would have been kind of a thing. Yeah. And if I would have been a politician at the time, and I remember saying that to my friends, I said, let's not even focus on independence and just say, that's, what's going to happen. But first let's focus on economy. Let's focus on this. Let's focus on that. And then, uh, that's why I think they lost at one point years after when they try it again, because it's like, let's make sure that the base is strong before you can even think about that. And so, uh, but then of course, you know, these politicians were from, uh, a narrow that, you know, there there's some pride too, to talk about it, but I think that's the reason why they lost because they were too focused on that versus saying let's, before we talk about anything, let's just have a good economy, let's have this.Francis P: 00:11:15 And then we'll introduce that. So they, the, the party lost in the election. And I think that's the reason why, because they put too much emphasis on that. It's, it was, it's almost like you have to have a timing for it, but right now, I mean, I'm a citizen of the world. And I think, yeah, it's, you know, it's when you travel and you see, there's no, there's a beauty of different cultures. And I think what's important is really to integrate ourselves together and just appreciate it. And being curious about, Hey, you know, like what, what are you doing? And then, you know, I moved in Vancouver and I, it was a different culture, you know, just in terms of a, the number of Asian people, the number of, of, uh, and then you have the, the Britts, the, the British people initially, and now, you know, so, so it was great. Like, I mean, I love traveling. I love cultures.Mischa Z : 00:12:01 Yeah. I think that's such a powerful statement. Um, you know, I like the concept of don't, you know, if you embody your, your, uh, culture, you know, and then you don't have to have fear of losing it, and then there's the illusion of losing it anyway. Right. Um, but, but, um, how powerful, clearly traveling has been on you and the sort of the, you know, there's the concept sort of elusive, but that we're all one. Right. And if we can,Francis P: 00:12:35 Yeah, I will. I will always remember, Mischa is, uh, I'm pronouncing your name. Right, right. When I went to Sweden, it was really amazing because, uh, that experience exchange student experience was that in that city called wound, or at the time there was 90,000 people in the city and 45,000 for students. And, uh, and then for us, there's a lot of different cultures. And I will always remember one moment where it was a dinner and at the table, there was a Polish guy, French guy, uh, you know, woman and man, uh, UK Germany, like different. And, and, and all we talked about was pretty much the same thing. And we all connected with the same values, which is freedom, uh, compassion, dreams. And, uh, it was just fascinating that, you know, for me, it was the first time that I saw that, Hey, you know, I'm talking about the same thing, I'm from a different country, but we will all want the same. We're all United. And so it was really cool to see that too. And then I felt, man, we can all be together. You know, we, we all have these same human values and it was really cool to see. And so I, it gave me a lot of pleasure to see that and hope and say, wow, such a beautiful human race that we are like, we just, we talk about the same thing. We could be friends with anyone.Mischa Z : 00:14:05 Yeah. Yeah. That's great.Francis P: 00:14:08 Deep down. Right. Like when you, just, when you put aside the religion, when you put aside politics, you put all of the sides. And I think that it was, I heard that there was a study. I don't know if it was with, uh, Heineken, the beer that, uh, kinda, or I'm probably maybe I'm wrong, but that there was a, uh, maybe a TV show where people were not talking about politics and not talking about religion. And they all got along very, very well until they introduced the subject of, of that. And then people started to have some friction, friction, which, which, to be honest, if I compare it, if I compare Canada to us, I mean, there's a lot of beautiful things that I love in both countries. One, I think very strong as a value for Canada is tolerance because there's so many cultures.Francis P: 00:14:56 I think they, there was a magazine once that they say, well, who's the Canadian. Like, if you can, and then there was different, you know, they took a, uh, little cartoon and they just draw like what it would look like. And so you had part of it, east Indian, part of it, French Canadian. And there, it was all different. The unity was really the tolerance because everyone's sitting in the same melting pot. Now, if you look at us, I think one of the value that's really cool is freedom. And I think that people really want to, they stand by their freedom. And so for me, like, I, I just wished that in the world that people can talk freely about the side of politics that they have, that the religion is to me, it's more about why, why are you talking this way? What makes you think that this is, this is so good.Francis P: 00:15:43 Just in being curious, not judging, just being curious and say, oh, that's interesting. I didn't see it from that angle. I see where you're coming from. And, uh, I'll give you a really cool example. That again, in terms of culture really changed my perspective because in Sweden, they told us that, uh, I don't know exactly when I, I'm not sure if it's still being done, but the woman that are the mothers, when they go to the grocery store, they would leave, leave their children in the stroller, outside the grocery store. And so at first, and they say, yeah, of course, because for them, children are jewels of, of, of the economy, jewels of, of the society. And so they will never, ever even do anything against them because they're so precious. And so what happened is that the mothers that are leaving their babies in the stroller, other mothers are taking care of, of the babies while the mothers is inside the grocery store.Francis P: 00:16:43 So it's, it's almost like, yeah, of course, I'm going to take care of your kid and you take care of mine. I do my thing. I come back, everyone's protected. But at first I felt, and I imagine that like in Canada, us, you will be, you would maybe go to jail. They would say, are you kidding me? Like you left your kid, but, but the mentality was so different that I understood what it is to have a different culture. And who are you to judge if you're brought up in that environment? That's how you think since you're, since they won, you would not even, you would not even think that it's wrong. You would just say, yeah, of course. Like we would never do that. Like even a criminal would not even touch the baby because that's part of ingrained in their, in their mind. Yeah. So, so now when you do that, you're thinking, okay, so who am I to judge? Because if I was brought up in that same mold, I would probably have very different values, very different opinions, very different things. So when you meet other people from different countries, it's good to just be really neutral and say, Hmm, why are you guys thinking just curiosity, come out of with curiosity?Mischa Z : 00:17:49 What, what can I learn here? What can, what can, what can this add to my experience versus I need to change your way of thinking.Francis P: 00:17:57 Exactly. And, uh, and I think that personally, I feel, and that's just my opinion, but I think that America needs to be a little bit more like this it's it saddens me to see the polarity of people that are labeling themselves. Okay. Your red, your blue. Yeah. Okay. And, and, and it's almost, it feels like it's, if you're this color, then you will never change. And you're that type of person. And I'm thinking, well, that's just one politician this time. Do you know? It's, it represents a party. It's not a hundred percent of all the things, so there's good and bad in everything. And so let's just be a little bit more curious and what's the end goal. Everyone's wants to be happy. Everyone wants to have a good economy. Everyone wants to get along. Nobody wants to hurt each other. So then who's the best for that. And then, so that's my opinion, but I think so I feel like, uh, it's, it's important that people, you know, are not putting, putting labels on everything and say, this is your category. Don't talk to me. Hey, you know, we're human beings. So it goes back to, you know, the, the melting pot of all the people at the same table. And I think down deep down, people wants the same thing. They want the same thing.Mischa Z : 00:19:10 Yeah. I would agree. And I generally speaking, I mean, you have some outliers, but I think the, of course, you know, the, the, the 22, the 80% that band in there.Francis P: 00:19:21 Yeah, yeah. You know, most, most of us, or all of the same two standard deviations, you know, people far remotely on that line, but I mean, I think it's normal. It's also more yeah.Mischa Z : 00:19:33 Yeah. And then there's room for them to right. So exactly for them. Um, I, yeah, I think, I think, well, I want to, um, we can circle back around to this, but, uh, I, I just wanted to touch on a little bit of what you do and I like your, the resilient, I'm looking over here at your, at your website and resilience, the resilience element, or R E you've got, it's like breaking bad for any Americans or, you know, the breaking bad TV show. Uh,Francis P: 00:20:08 I heard about it. So what is it, solar? Why is that?Mischa Z : 00:20:11 Oh, well it's because breaking bad, they have that. They do the B I think B E. So they do like an element element as well. And then elemental sign they've localized it or whatever. It's really cool. So your R E is reminiscent of that.Francis P: 00:20:26 Good. Well, I wonder when did the show start? Cause I mean, this logo for me was started five years ago. So maybe talking right now. No, but you know, what's interesting is that R E when you, uh, when you look on the periodic table, it means rhenium and a rhenium that's, that's the reason why I became the logo because rhenium was at the time, the element that had the highest boiling point of all the elements. So it was the most resilient element of all. And then they also used it to launch rockets. And so launching dreams, launching, you know, there's, there's something associated with it. And it's also a, uh, it's a byproduct. So it's not like readily available like that. It's a by-product of different things. And so for me, when I describe resilience, I don't think you can say that resilience is resilience.Francis P: 00:21:16 So what is a native? And so there's five components to it. And to me, if you have a goal, if you have a big dream and you want to know what the components are to, to achieve this dream and this goal, well, there's five components and the five components are first one clarity. I need to know where you, where you are, where you want to go. Uh, the second one is conviction. So really the reasons why you want to accomplish something. If, if you don't have enough motivation, then that's not, as soon as you have an obstacle, you're just going to give up. And then the third one is certainty. You know, is that in your mind a certainty that this is gonna, is going to happen, or that if something, if your goal is not achieved, that the certainty is that there's always a lesson and that it's gonna lead you to something beautiful.Francis P: 00:22:05 Then the fourth one is commitment. So obviously you got to take some actions and on a daily basis. And I think when I described commitment, what I'm seeing in general, when people are establishing a really resolutions in the beginning of the year, is that their commitments are too big. Meaning, you know, it's too big of a chunk. Like they, they will not do any, any, it would not go to the gym for a year. And then they would say, oh, I'm going to go three times a week. And that's going to be an hour each. And then I think after two weeks, 92% of the people are actually just giving up on their, on their resolutions. So just let's have small chunks that with the compounding effort effect of, of, of that, that's going to create your goal and that's going to be easy to accomplish.Francis P: 00:22:48 And most of the time, it's just going to be motivated to spend way more than 15 minutes a day on something as an example. And then the fifth one is courage because you can do all of these things, right? Knowing where you're going or where you are, where you're going, have a lot of reasons why motivations, and then you don't have this certainty factor, certainty factor. It can also be, imagine if you had this certainty as a baby that knows they're going to know they're going to walk. You know, they never questioned, they know they're going to walk, but they could fall a million times, but in their mind, of course, I'm going to walk. I'm not going to crawl. I'm not going to say, oh, you know, I've, I've, I've tried it all. I'm stopping analogy, but for them it's of course, of course.Francis P: 00:23:33 Yeah. So imagine if, if in your mind, of course, I'm going to do it. Of course I'm committed to it. And so that's, that's certainty. And then, you know, when you do commitment, then of course, it's going to lead you to, uh, to your goal as well. And sometimes you hit the wall and that's where courage comes in. That's where the science of happiness comes in, where, you know, you can do the things to kind of raise your vibration back to why you're doing it. Then you can slow down and rest and recoup and, uh, do the things that are really helping you in terms of your mind, your body and your soul. So it could be just, you know, meditating, exercising, but it's all based on the science of happiness. So those five components, when you have it, I would, I would, I would ask anyone, challenged me. Like if you have these five components, I think you will definitely achieve your goals. Definitely.Mischa Z : 00:24:27 I love that. You know, what's interesting. I just thought just occurred to me. Um, I get to interview a lot of people, obviously for my podcast and I, and I, I get it interact as I'm sure you do with lots of different styles of people. And there's such a, there's such a, um, you know, you just talked about meditating and, and, and exercising and it, in a way that's like, yeah, that's natural. It's what you do. And that's just part of the routine. Right. And how then you've got sort of this, it's, it's very clear sides of that lifestyle. I don't know if lifestyle is the right word or ideal or mentality mindset call it, what you will, but you would have, then it's people are either like, oh yeah, I just do it. That's what you do. It's how you have a good life. Right. It's part of what I do. And then you've got other people that, that is such a, how can I say it? Um, there's resistance to it, right? Like, like it's, uh, if you were to talk to someone about it, it would be an, a very elusive ideal for them. Does that make sense when I say that?Francis P: 00:25:40 Yeah, I think, I think I understand it. Yeah. Uh, part of what you're saying, definitely. I mean, for me, it's just natural. It is natural. I've never realized that I'm this way, but I mean, I've been meditating for at least six years. I think if I look at my stats, you know, cause I'm using an insight timer, probably over 2003, 2,250 days, uh, that I've done at least one session of meditation. So, and, and the biggest thing that I've done also in terms of meditation was a 10 day silent meditation and in South Africa, which call it, which is called Vipassana. And I see, so for me a day without meditation is, uh, it's not the same. I see so many benefits. Cause you know, it's helps me to slow down to prime my brain to visualize when I want, and it's not always the same.Francis P: 00:26:29 So sometimes I would, I would do guided most of the time. It was not, but I'm also, uh, a student of Dr. Joe Dispenza who was phenomenal in its own way for creating the future that you really want creating it, uh, not being, uh, and also what I'm doing with Proctor Gallagher Institute, which is the same thing. It's, you're, you're seeing yourself with a goal already accomplish. So the meditation for me is that time, my time to start my day and end even before retiring and going to sleep. So this is, uh, I love, I just love this lifestyle. And I think I heard that Ray Dahlia, one of the most successful people in, in terms of wealth management is meditating at least two times a day, 30 minutes. And he's a very busy guy. So to spend an hour a day for someone that's really successful. And usually the argument is, well, I don't have the time, but the thing is, it slows down everything. And then instead of panicking or taking actions on the wrong things, you just have way more clarity. And with clarity, you're saving time. You're like, you're, you're a supernatural person. So that's, that's how I see meditation.Mischa Z : 00:27:43 I would guess that six years ago you would have not had that there would have been more resistance or I don't know if contempts the right word. Um, what's what is the word? Uh, when you, uh, you question the viability of something.Francis P: 00:28:03 Yeah. Maybe there's a skepticism skepticism.Mischa Z : 00:28:06 Thank you. So clearly something happened six ish, years ago, you start meditating, you develop the resilience element, like what's going on six years ago.Francis P: 00:28:18 Yeah. I think, I think I started to meditate a year before I created those resilience element. And the funny thing is that talking about commitment and you know, when I set a small, small little chunk at the time, for whatever reason, I felt that 10 minutes was too short and 15 too long, just like just five minutes difference. Right. So I decided, I decided to start with 13 minutes. I'm like, I'm going to set it at 13. I've been in sales all my life, I guess. Yeah. I'm going to cut in the middle it's 13 minutes and the two minutes I can believe it, but it was the time that I needed to remove the resistance and say, okay, I'm going to do that sometimes days where that's why I like incite them or it's just going so you can time it. You know, if you have three minutes, you have three minutes and that's it.Francis P: 00:29:07 But, uh, so I started to do that. And then a year after, I mean, if I go personal, I, you know, I've been engaged twice the first time it was when I was 24, I think. And three months before the wedding, my fiance just kind of talked to me in our living room. She said, I want to cancel the wedding. I thought, wow. And that was when I started the new job at Xerox, which is kind of the, the, uh, I call it the army of sales because they drill you. And if you're not good, you're out. So I had a lot of pressure to, to be good. And then I had that, that happens at the same time. And I was studying, you know, studying the specs of photocopiers, which was far from what I wanted to think about. Then I wished that it was on, on the construction site.Francis P: 00:29:54 Just no, not thinking. And, uh, so I was in my cubicle learning everything and I had to go through that. So that's just one thing that happened. And then years later, maybe 10 years I got engaged again. And, uh, and it didn't work out. And five years after that I saw I met this person and we thought that we can rekindle their relationship and it didn't work out. So maybe a month or two after I decided, you know what, I'm talking to my coach. I said, I'm, I'm, I'm good. Now I've moved on my time to, to work on my dreams and do what I'm good at. And so I, the idea at the time was I'm going to speak about communication and sales always love public speaking, done some standup, like maybe 10 times, just because I wanted to explore different ways of talking.Francis P: 00:30:43 And, and then I said, what about the big dream? What do you mean? And, and I was a bit upset that he asked me that question and I'm thinking we've been talking for a year, at least. And now you're asking me this questions. Why are you asking me this question? So, you know, cause I want, I, I thought in my mind, I'm going to work every day on, on my goal. And I'm going to create this course in 21 days. And now he's saying, what about the big dream? And I'm thinking, are you listening to me? And he said, okay. So I'm going to ask you to do something that you will not like, do you want to do it? The, what is that question? You're asking me and you're not telling me what it is you like, yeah. Do you want to do it?Francis P: 00:31:22 So maybe because of frustrations, I'm like, sure. I'll do it. What do you want me to do? I want you to do nothing for three days. I'm like, I just told you, I want to say, Hey, you just say you would, all right. So what am I supposed to do? Nothing. And so what does, what does that look like? It's like, well, no journaling, no looking at the TV, social media. And then I was asking, can I meditate then I, yes, you can. And you can see my friends. Yes. Can I go in nature? Nature. Yes. Uh, but then I said, well, what about my clients? You know, I was in real estate at the time. It's like your you're sneaky like, I just don't want you to start anything if they call you fine, but don't just, don't have your open houses. It's just don't do anything.Francis P: 00:32:06 Okay, cool. And then just before I left, I said, I want you to do, and other thing, and, um, I want you to go in five years from now in your agenda, and I want you to write this. Okay. What do you want me to write? It's like, you're going to write, this is the day that I die. So what do you want to do in between Francis what's? What's the point of living? Why are you here? What's your legacy? What do you want to become? Who do you want to with? And then, you know, I saw my big, big dream, what I wanted to do. And if there was a needle, they went bam, like in my big dream. And then you said, I don't want, I don't want the answer. Let's talk in three days. And, uh, so now I'm just left with this idea. And by the way, my coach at the time decided to do the same exercise, which was really cool. So we were actually, actually, I think we were three people not doing anything. And, uh,Mischa Z : 00:33:09 Yes. Your question quick. Yeah. Ask you a question quick. Yeah. That you just said that moment of the big dream did that happen in that moment that he was like,Francis P: 00:33:21 Oh yeah. I mean, I, I mean, I knew that. I knew that if, you know, seriously, if I, and if I even would ask you or any people listening, you know, you have five years, if that's the case, what do you want to do? So my mom, I don't want to leave this world without achieving my dreams. Like, of course, like, and then I knew that it was instant, but then he didn't want me to answer that question right away either. And so I started to ruminate, what is it exactly that I wanted to do? And so during that three days, you know, you can journal, so you get the ideas. And then I would just pray, please. I just want to, like, you know, what can I put it in my mind somewhere? And you keep it, you know? And then like recycling, it's almost like it was filtering.Francis P: 00:34:06 And then some ideas would, would leave. Some would stay, but there was a predominant thought that stayed. And I was so looking forward to jot everything down, as soon as I, this exercise is done. And, you know, I, it was a very interesting, because the first day when they gave me that exercise, I thought, you know, I'm leaving my coach's office and I'm thinking, what am I going to do now? So, uh, I remember driving and saying, oh, maybe I can go for an ice cream. Nev I never go for an ice cream, but I thought, you know, I just saw a sign. And then, um, I'm, I'm stopping. And there's a huge line for people to wait for their ice cream cones. And I'm probably the only one with a big smile on my face. And I'm like, Hey, I'm waiting. This is good. I have nothing to do, you know, great 45 minutes that I don't have to worry about.Francis P: 00:34:59 And, uh, and then I remember walking on the streets and people would look at me and say, hi, you know, they, they, I guess I had a different vibe and I remember even meeting a friend and he said, you're so calm. Like you still come like, Hey, by the way, do you have time for another hour? I'm you know, and, and I was so present. Cause I had, like, I had nothing to do. I had no thinking of things to do. My exercise was you do nothing. So then I'm present, I'm fully present with what's happening.Mischa Z : 00:35:34 What's next, what's coming my, or just open to, to let's see whatFrancis P: 00:35:39 I like. And there's no work to be done. Like it's clear you do nothing. Okay. So, and then what, like, I enjoy this moment. And so it was very, very powerful. And then, uh, three days after it, you know, in my mind, I thought, okay, so if I have only five years, which five years a great timeline, because if I say you have a week, it's very good to meet you for the podcast. Sorry, got to go. I have other things to do. Or if it's three months, six, you know, you might say I'm going to sell everything that are traveled, going to do everything that I want. But then at one point, if it's after a year, let's say you had a year of traveling. You do ever, you go everywhere, then what, then what? So then you're thinking, okay, so there's something bigger than I want to do. I want to leave something. And then to me, I thought, okay. So for any dreams that people would have, or that I want, I've seen that the successful people always had at one point or the other, a choice to make between giving up or continuing. And I thought, I want to share this mindset, this mindset of resilience to make sure that, you know, you're you keep on going, even though you have obstacles and losses in your life and setbacks, and then yeah,Mischa Z : 00:36:56 Yeah. Hold that thought. Um, let's go back to, to you. And there's two other people. So you, your coach, your coach is going to do this with you. And then there was a third.Francis P: 00:37:08 Yeah. It was another of his clients. And, uh, and then we all, it was all very powerful, very powerful for all of us.Francis P: 00:37:18 Uh, I don't know the other guy, my coach is still my coach. So we, uh, I remember that for him too. It was something that changed. Um, just you just realize, why, why are you doing what you're doing? And what, what does it matter? You know? Uh, and so for me, I decided, okay, I'm going to build this company. And then I just knew that it was resilience. So yeah, it, it was, it was clear, so much clarity, uh, which is an exercise that I had to do. And if you say you don't have time, what's the point of today? What's, what's why here and, and, and really things can, can be the light. And we would, you know, if you really had that life sentence, you would take that time. You would. So, you know,Mischa Z : 00:38:06 One thing I'm working on myself right now, um, or is so, you know, I'm building new things podcast and just did this summit. I've got other bigger, broader ideas, and it can be so easy to feel like I'm behind. I don't have time. Um, I will start comparing where I am to where you are, all these things. And I'd love what you said, because I'm trying to, like, if we can stay in the moment, which is so powerful and trust that, you know, I'm right where I'm supposed to be, and everything's happening when it's supposed to. I like this idea too, that there's the illusion that I can make it happen faster or slower. Right. So, um, what am I trying to say? It's early. I guess what I'm trying to say is, uh, so I'm, I'm, I'm literally have been writing down, you know, what, what if there was no hurry? What, what if things can be delayed? That's you said that, and I love that. It's like, Hey, wait, I can feel like there's this urgency that these things have to be done. And if they don't, it's the be all end all and whatever my vision is will collapse, but that's an illusion. And, and so, yeah, that's, that's what, maybe speak to that a little bit more of that.Francis P: 00:39:24 Yeah. There's definitely some illusions. And I think the illusions are coming from what the society is saying to our education, our parents, uh, I mean, at the end of the day, we have 95% of everything that we're doing that's unconscious or is, is it's just habit. Sure. It's habit thinking. And so we're being driven by our subconscious most 95% of the time. The beautiful thing is that we do have a conscious mind that is able to reject or accept any ideas. Uh, and then, you know, when we have a new idea that comes in and it goes into the subconscious, and then there's some conscious kid, and usually the subconscious will always accept, but they create some sort of a conflict. So because it's, it's, it's how you've been living for a long time. So, uh, the way to change things and change the illusion is to impress a new idea with repetition.Francis P: 00:40:16 That's, that's why, you know, the program that I'm in the Proctor Gallagher Institute is, is so, so amazing. And that's, and that's based on thinking we're rich people that had a lot of success. And so it's like meditation. It's like everything, you know, I, I couldn't even imagine that, that I didn't think that repetition was so important because, you know, we go to the gym, we know that you're not going to change your muscles in one day, but we read a book once and that's it. And then we end and it's because we go to school, we get information and then we're being tested once on it. And then we move on and we're being rewarded for gaining more information, but we're not being rewarded for the application of that information. So, so to change your subconscious mind and to change the illusions, to impress new ideas.Francis P: 00:41:10 And, uh, and then that's, that's why I'm fascinating about what I'm doing and helping other people to do that. And really we can do anything. And, and, and, you know, the fact that we think that there's not enough time or that, you know, it's, it's pretty amazing. When you ask questions, what is your concept of time? What is your concept of money? Do you feel that you have enough money making money as these, you know, in society? It's no, you got to work hard. You're going to hustle. You're going to do this. And the more and more I'm realizing with what I'm doing is it's all about the vibration. It's all about the being it's, it's, uh, you're not gonna, and it's who you are that creates everything. It's the be, do have a equation versus there have. And what I mean by that is when I was young, I always felt that I would be someone once I have XYZ, once I do this, and then I'm going to become a happy, I'm going to be happy once I have the house, once I have the dog that the marriage and everything, but it's the other way around, you're being the way you're you are, is creating the type of actions that are going to lead to what you have later on.Francis P: 00:42:21 It's not the other way around. So otherwise, if you're, if you're on the other side of the equation, then it's a chase. It's a, and then you go to the, the goalpost and then the whole journey is, is being miserable. I was one of them. You know, I, I was always, I stayed four years in a company for bonus and I was miserable and it caused me, I'm pretty sure my first relationship, the marriage, because, you know, my flame was diminishing and diminishing, diminishing instead of being happy in the journey. And we don't know when that life is going to end. So that's why I was so passionate about, you know, make, make, make it living, not being scared of dying, being scared of not living while you're here. And I think it's really, really important. That's why, and I have a friend that passed away two weeks ago, actually on my birthday, and I'm going to try not to be emotional, but it was, uh, you know, two weeks before that, uh, we had a conversation and I know that it was the last one because, you know, he had cancer for two years and, uh, and I wanted him to maybe participate in two or what we call a remote healing.Francis P: 00:43:36 So it's sending energy from different people to him. And he said, I'm good. I don't need this. I'm like, so what's going on? It's like, well, you know what? I think I'm, I think I'm done. I think I, I'm just sick of, of being sick. And, uh, I've had a good life, you know, I've, there's of course there's things that I wish I had, like a family and kids, but, you know, for the most part, I'm pretty happy at what I, what I, what I've done. And so imagine having a conversation with your best friend and you just, you know, it's the last one. So every second counts. Right? So you're, and then, um, I, it was a beautiful conversation, human conversation where I said, so what do you, uh, what do you recommend? Like if you had to send a message to the whole world, what would it be for you?Francis P: 00:44:26 And he said, well, just be yourself. Just be yourself. You're authentic self. He Said, don't let anyone sway you or anything. So where you from your past. And, uh, and for him that he see, you told me the story, his name is Neil Anderson. And he told me to study when he was young. And he used to go back at, at, at home. Cause his mom was asking him to always go back at home before he would do anything else playing or anything. And he said, at times when it was raining, I was watching it a TV show. And I think he was in Scotland at the time. And the TV show was that there was a psychologist that was bringing some actors and I guess talking about some different concept. And he was fascinated by it. He was fascinated, he told his dad, that's what I want to be.Francis P: 00:45:11 I want to be a psychologist. And his dad was more of an engineer type. And he said, no, you know, you're either an engineer or a doctor or you're you go in business. And so he ended up going into business and doing a lot of different things. It was successful. And then at one point I decided to be a psychologist and he did, and it was a really, really good one. And so he followed his heart and then later his, that was brought up. But so that's, I think that's why you say, you know, don't let anyone sway you from your path. And the path is very unique to everyone. And then he also said, I would wake up every day and I asked myself, how can I have a life of abundance and vitality? And then I said, uh, how do you define abundance?Francis P: 00:45:52 He said, well, that's, that's the beauty of life. You're the one that created this one definition. So it was, so to me, I say that because after that, they kind of gave me a kick in my butt to a refocus on my project of documentary, on resilience element and interviewing the people because life is so precious and I want to live my life to the max and not let my fear and not let the society, the people, anything sway me from my path. And I think you really know what your path is when you're asking yourself like this kind of fake life sentence of five years, and it could be less, it could be more. And so really why are we here? Is that, is that to live in fear most of our time or more most of our life, or really go for it and, and do anything that we can to have a legacy, to have an impact, to help others and, and make, make something good out of our life. And that's why now I'm, that's, that's my driver. Driver to honor what my friend was saying and just help people to live their best life with their dreams. And if there's any obstacles, they're going to know what the resilience element is. And they're going to know the stories of people that against all of the, uh, they made it happen. And then now there's no excuses. You can use all the science, you can use the stories and they can do anything. So that's, that's why I'm doing what I'm doing.Mischa Z : 00:47:22 Do you remember the point when Neil, um, I guess left his business life to start his psychology?Francis P: 00:47:30 That Um, I, I don't remember. I know that you just, uh, there's a moment where I wish I knew the answer, but he just decided to go forward. Cause I think at one point you realize why, why am I doing what I'm doing? And so maybe for some, you know, if they can ask themselves, is this really what I want? I buy Bower of that from somebody else? Is it my thing? Or is it somebody else? My parents, the society, whatever, because I believe that, you know, even my godfather told me when I was 16 and it was my birthday and he gave me a birthday card and he said, Francis, you know, now you're 16. That's awesome. And you're gonna make decisions for, for, for your career. Please don't make a decision for the paycheck. Do what makes your heart come alive. Otherwise you'll be poor all your life. And I've been following the advice.Francis P: 00:48:26 I, first time I had a job offer to job offer. One was 55,000, you know, when years ago, 20 more, and then the other 1 35, it was just 20,000 difference. But, you know, I felt 30, 40% more and international business or international company, a multinational, a great salary path. I don't know, but it was selling electronic parts. I didn't care about electronic parts, but Hey, you know, there's all that path versus another one, which was a smaller company traveling around the world for, I think it was dentistry, but you know, I was passionate about traveling and the cultures and everything, but the salary was not good. And so imagine if you take that same person, you have the one that's on the trajectory of fully living your passion fully being alive every day, not being in jail, not dying every day. And the other one that's alive, does what he loved.Francis P: 00:49:25 And then you become an expert. You would just use your, your you're gonna love what you do that, you know, your people are gravitating around you because you're the, your, your enjoy, your vibration is high. And 10 years later, I mean, money was not in be, even be part of the equation. First of all, you're happy every day. And I would probably guess that actually your fortune, whatever, how you call your fortune is, is way better. Like in terms of your health, your relationship, uh, maybe salary, maybe money, but, you know, it's, and it doesn't even matter. So I discovered that card 20 years after and, uh, wow. Okay. And that, around that time I decided to go for, and with the exercise and my coach and everything I decided to go for my dreams.Mischa Z : 00:50:13 Do you think, um, it sounds to me like, uh, I'm my condolences for your, for your dear friend, Neil. Um, what a, what a heavy moment. And I mean, and how powerful that you could be there and, and show up for those conversations too. I think that that's, uh, that's, um, it's a gift, you know? And so thank you for sharing that. Um, that's, uh, it's good. It's good. I mean, those tragic circumstances that the beauty comes out of, right?Francis P: 00:50:50 Yeah. And you know, the funny thing is that he actually did die on my birthday, so I don't think it's a coincidence. So I see it as a rebirth day now every year. And, uh, and he took the time to even send like a message on Facebook, I guess, maybe a couple of hours. Cause I learned about it the day after. So I knew that it would come, I didn't know when, but yeah. What a beautiful gift you gave us or he gave me to, uh, and my friends, cause I thought about it, but you know, he's yeah, that was very instrumental.Mischa Z : 00:51:24 Yeah. Sounds like maybe up until that moment, you were sort of, uh, lost sight of your vision for a minute. Okay.Francis P: 00:51:32 I mean, I was, I was recommending it, but I think it's just like, it's almost like the mail that just closed, you know, it's it's, it was, it was up in the air, but now, you know, it's, you know, I know. And uh, and that's, that's, that's his biggest gift, you know?Mischa Z : 00:51:54 Yeah. So at your website, um, and that's F R a N C I S P I C H That'll be in the show notes. Anybody can click, um, check it out. You have some great, a couple of cool interviews. There's one interview with uh Baptist de Pape. Yeah. Yeah. How awesome is that? Um, but I'm just looking at your, um, do you have extensive training and, and, and, uh, coaching and personal development and all this stuff, and it sounds like currently the Proctor Gallagher Institute, is that Bob Proctor or is itFrancis P: 00:52:37 Yeah, Bob Proctor is behind with, uh, Sandy Gallagher's. So it's Sandy Gallagher was an attorney, a merger acquisition attorney, and she just wanted to expand, uh, what Bob was teaching. And so right now, thanks to her and the merge of this organization, they're in more than 90 countries. And so, uh, it's a ripple effect of, and I, I, to be honest, the only thing that I knew about Bob to me and my mind was the movie that the secret. And I felt that I wasn't sure if I really liked, uh, Bob, I knew I had a lot of respect, but I, but now when I, when I discovered what he's talking about and merging what I've learned from Dr. Joe Dispenza and, and really talk, it's almost like a bridge of what I would call the 3d society, you know, the hustling and everything, and a five D, which is, you know, you, you tap into this field of consciousness and now magic starts to happen.Francis P: 00:53:30 And now it's quantum leaps. It's not a, you got to work hard for it. That's the merge that he has. So he is, so it felt that it was me, was me totally. And, and all the language that he's using in terms of the, is really a mindset program, business wealthy, or however you want to call it, but it was, it was me. And so I felt equipped to talk about it, coach it right away. And, uh, and I really underestimated how powerful it is until I started to do the program. I'm the product of the product, you know, and consulting and I apply and that's, and to me, I think I see him as a, as almost a, a grandpa, you know, the grandpa had a lot of success, the followed a mentor called Earl Nightingale, who had a lot of success who was talking about the thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking, grow rich book.Francis P: 00:54:18 And so, you know, of course these guys, there's a reason why they were successful. And so what Earl Nightingale told Bob was do what I say until we can prove me wrong. And, and then to me, it was okay. So if Bob did what he said, and then I'm going to do what Bob is asking me to do. And, uh, and that don't question it and it works. It's, that's why, you know, in terms of goals there, we're not even asking people to think about, Hey, how can you improve by 20% or 15%? They're saying, you know, you take your monthly, your annual income and converting into annual monthly income. So it's 12 times more. And the funny thing is that once you started think that way, and you raise your vibration to that level, your ideas are completely different. If I ask you, like, how can you improve your business by 10% or how can you 10 X your business, the ideas are not the same.Francis P: 00:55:16 And you know, everything that comes now is bigger ideas, bigger ways to accomplish it. And so now the sudden it's possible. It's completely possible. And, and, and the only reason why it's not possible is because of what we call the paradigm. And the paradigm is all your subconscious that you've been thinking about for a while. And so from people that they would probably say, it's impossible, 10, 10, X, it's impossible, but there's a million ways to create abundance. You know, people, even in the ones that have a salary, why, because, you know, you can start to do what you love and, uh, and do offer a service and you'd better be rewarded for it. You can establish a store, you can, there's so many ways to do it. Right. But yeah,Mischa Z : 00:56:01 Yeah, I was gonna say it, uh, it, um, those ways are expanding exponentially just with technology and all this stuff. And, and there's, there's a thirst for, for that information to, or for, yeah. Um, I, I, um, you did some landmark stuff too. I see. You've done a bunch of stuff. Some Tony Robbins, uh, uh, I'm just, you know, uh, looking on your, on your sort of your history of, of coaching and your passion for it, and you love it clearly. And it's, and it, it's fun. It's fun to talk to you because you know, you, you definitely have a, a presence and, and, and that calmness that you're talking about and that being in the moment is, is very evident. And it'll be fun to see for people if it, if it transfers through, through the podcast. Right. Um, so I just want to acknowledge that.Mischa Z : 00:57:03 So thank you for that, but I have, I, I, what I'm thinking is maybe you could speak to this quick. So somebody is in that spot where, where maybe there's a breakup in their life, right. That, that the woman of their dreams evaporated, or the man did, or, you know, you've been through a couple of heavy breakups along the way. Um, or perhaps there's that burnout moment, um, that burnout moment at work or career, or what have you. Um, and it's like, we know things have got to change for some of us, right? Some people not, but some of us it's like, wait, things have to go a different way. And thinking of your resilience element in your, you know, your clarity, conviction, uh, certainty, commitment, and courage, if someone's on the very front end of that. Right. So someone's like at the breaking point and they're like aware and ready to like, maybe plow forward in a new direction or take a leap or something like that. Like what, give me some like, tangible, workable tools, like a few things you're like, all right, if someone's in that spot and they know they are ready to change, or things have got to give, like give me something that somebody, some of the very front of end of that can doFrancis P: 00:58:30 Well. I think I'm going to give, um, I love to give a lot. I mean, I'm going to give a, what I always feel is a foundation of everything for before we even start to talk about the five components and those are very, and that's that's, if you, if people would be my clients, they'd be surprised how often we would actually go back to that basic and that foundation. And so there's a couple things that I think are very important. One, uh, is, is to say there's a book called "The Way Of Mastery". And, uh, one of the things that they mentioned is that, and I think landmark would probably touch on that as well, is that all events are neutral. Okay. Let that sink for a second. So what if I asked you, what do you think that means?Mischa Z : 00:59:15 Yeah, to me, that's like, that's, that's this idea that the breakup was bad, but perhaps it's neutral, neither good nor bad. It just is.Francis P: 00:59:26 Everything. Yeah. Everything is, everything is just neutral. And so, because, I mean, maybe people are not going to see it, but it can imagine in their mind. So I have a cup, a cup that has my logo on it, and then you see, uh, something black and white. And then on the other side, that same cup there's, it's only black. So if I, if I would ask someone like, so what do you see? Like, what colors do you see? And it's a while I see white, then the black, what are you talking about? This is not white and black. This is, this is black. And you're like, what are you talking about? And then, and then you just realize that, you know, like turning on the other side and then, oh, it's black, you know, but it's just because it's a different angle. It's a different perception.Francis P: 01:00:07 Yeah. So, so what's in the way of something that's like, the cup is the cup. The cup is just the cup. Like an accident is an accident. What breakup is a breakup, everything is just is, but then you have, first of all, the first filter is perception. So all, if I look at, at a different angle, then I would discover that, oh, you're right. Like it's actually white and black, but then on top of it, there's also meaning. And so if I show you, if someone says, do you know that I don't like to mix white and black together? Or what are you talking? You're making me mad right now. You know, I hate that. You know, what are you talking about? This is only black. No, it's white and black. And so now this sudden, like the meaning on top of it is huge.Francis P: 01:00:50 So, you know, and then, so it's imagine your mom is saying Mischa you're, you're a piece of nothing. How would you feel? And then there's a two year old that says exactly the same thing. You are just a piece of, you would probably laugh. It's exactly the same, but you know, all of a sudden the meaning, because it's your mom, then now it's big thing though. Like now it hurts your, your, your heart, but essentially it's all the same. It's just all events are neutral. So the beauty of that is that now that we know it, we can choose, we can choose. This is very important. What I'm saying, choosing the perception, choosing the meaning. And then it's a different story. And if so, for someone that had a bleed or a breakup, and I think what's also important what I've learned with the Vipassana meditation and observing the thoughts and, and knowing that everything is in permanent is to go through the pain, really go through it, feel it, you know, I remember when another relationship where I wasn't sure if the person was cheating on me or not.Francis P: 01:02:00 And I remember having this meditation and I decided to go through it, like, let's say, okay, let's, let's go through the graphic of her cheating on let's, let's go like, instead of resisting, because the resistance is just creating this pain even longer. So now I decide, okay, I'm going to go through it because I had this experience in my body of having the pain during the meditation. And I went through it and I lived, and I felt a sensation, felt the sensation fully. And it's fascinating, whoa, this is intense. Wow. And the, and then eventually it evaporated. Yeah. So it was, it was an amazing learning experience. So I decided to go through this visual. Okay. Let's say she's cheating on me and everything. But then I realized, is this really above me? Is she really considering mean the whole, if like, if that would happen, would she even say I'm going to do that against Francis.Francis P: 01:02:52 I'm just totally going to him off. And, but it has nothing to do with my value. It has nothing that would be her decision to do something because of whatever the perception in the meeting sheet she had. Yeah. It had no, but so then when I discovered that I felt, well, it doesn't even matter. What I know is that if she doesn't, then it would be over because that's not my value, but it has nothing to do on my value, my worth. So, so, so now that I know it, I just, and then as soon as this meditation was over, I remember that the little inner voice was you got it, you got it. It doesn't matter. It's. And then five minutes after she called and she broke up. So, so I had a beautiful meditation right on time. It's almost like, yeah, you got it.Francis P: 01:03:45 Exercise. That's done on. And she did, in fact, uh, was with someone that I thought that maybe there was something, but, and you know what? It didn't matter because I felt well, of course, it's not, I'm happy for her. I'm really happy because this is a match for her, not a match for me. So the first, that's just the first foundation of saying, you know, all events are neutral, uh, and choosing. So, you know, it's when people say it's in a language, your language is a dead giveaway of your belief. So if you say, Hey, Mischa, you want to go to my party? You're like, uh, I might, I might be like. "I might" what is that? So it's not commitment. And a lot of people are keeping their option, be all open, but you're not committing to anything. So it's a, an old people would say, I have to do something.Francis P: 01:04:33 I got to do something. It's basically being a victim of not taking ownership of, of what you really want. It's not true that you have to do something because it's actually a choice. You know, I have to work. No, you don't, you don't, if you don't want to work, you don't while there's a consequence to it, but you choose. Yeah. It's better to say I choose something versus I have to, uh, Sufism. Now, this thing is bigger than you. So that's another distinction. So when I hear my clients, I say, Hey, what I choose? Yeah. And choose is now, this is beautiful because you feel empowered right away. You're choosing something. Nobody's telling you what to do. You're choosing, you're choosing your perception. You're the meaning. You're choosing all the time. And if you don't choose, if you don't do anything, you choose not to do anything. And, uh, and then, uh, another last aspect is, and Einstein said, the most important question that people can ask themselves is, do I believe that God or the universe is benevolent?Francis P: 01:05:39 So imagine how you live your life. When you think that life is bad, life can always have catastrophes and setbacks. And it's not. It's a, it's a bad world versus I believe that everything is benevolent. So that means that. Now, when I have a challenge, I know that this is for my highest good, it's a very different way to live life. And it's in some ways. And that happened to me a couple of times, is that when something happens out of nowhere, I'm almost excited. Cause I'm thinking, well, the universe, God is really helping me is saying, Hey, sorry, you're going to, you're going to fall right now. You're really going in a wrong direction. I got to help you. And that's what happened to me. Like, I mean, three months before the wedding, cause I was on the verge of like really pleasing, uh, not being happy and deciding that this is how I would live my life.Francis P: 01:06:33 And I would have been miserable, probably fight all the time in front of the kids and that's not good and be, and really not be happy and maybe die before. So we noticed that, yeah, it was, it was a gift. It was a re so when you see, and that's what I love also from Bob Proctor, he said, I have never learned anything from my failures. I started in my, from my wins. I've never learned anything from my wins, but I've learned so much from my failures. That's why I love failures. As much as my wins. That's a beautiful way of looking at things, right. So now you're saying, well, everything's for my is good. I believe the universe is benevolent. So I accept it. I embrace it. I go through my pain and then I'm free on the other side. And so that's kind of the foundation, I would say for anything that happens before I started working with anyone it's to really grasp these concepts.Francis P: 01:07:28 And then of course, you know, in conversations we Slater or something would happen and it would just be upset. And so I was so upset that this person did that. I'm at work, all events are neutral. Uh, so now with that, you go back and you go back to the event and now you work on the beliefs, where's this belief coming from and you kind of tweak it and you, and that's how I know that for me. I think one of my strengths is I can unlock someone pretty fast. So in an hour, you know, I can do something. That's, that's why I love what I do. And that's why there's a premium to what I do as well, because I can really get people on lot fast. And I think it's because, I mean, I've had these, these problems in my life, either breakups or, uh, it's financially, uh, you know, and I talk about it in the, uh, what I called, uh, it's a book that was from JB Owen.Francis P: 01:08:24 And, uh, we became best celebrator compilation book and it was called the in night possibilities. And, uh, and so I know what it is to sometimes go to the cashier and you don't want to fix, you're going to be able to pay. And it's an awful feeling, a very awful feeling. So another thing that I would say for as an advice to people is really pay attention to where you put your, your attention does. That's where you put your energy. And so are you focusing on the lack? Are you always in fear or you're like, okay, that's enough. I don't think that it serves me anymore. Now I'm going to create, I'm going to choose to put my focus on abundance on ways to generate and to generate it. And because when you put your attention to that, that's what you manifest. That's your vibration versus really saying, I believe in myself, I believe I can do this.Francis P: 01:09:10 I'm going to get out of it and I'm going to succeed. And that's all I put my attention to it. Then that's, there's everyone. I see a book right now. It's called "Your Invisible Power" from Genevieve Behrend I think, but the point is is that we all have this power. That's accessible to everyone. There's a power that exists that helps us, helps us to take this oxygen in our lungs. Where's that coming from? There's something that grows trees that grows flowers, and it's really effortless for trees and flowers to grow. They they're not, you're sustaining it. They're actually using the power. So the beautiful thing is that we all have access to the same power. So why is it that some people are able to succeed so much and some don't, there's only one common denominator and that's you. So that means that you, the beautiful thing is now you can reassess and say, oh, I'm, I'm the one that created it. And I could be the one that creates something new. And that's why it's so fascinating. And I love, I love working on mindset. I love that. Hold on one second, one second.Francis P: 01:10:19 Ignite Happiness. Yes. This is the book, uh, that was Ignite Possibilities, but Ignite Possibilities and also Ignite Your Inner Spirit. So I've had the chance to be in two books. One is relating the story of my plant medicine in Peru and the lessons, very powerful lessons that I've learned. And then the other one is really about 2020, what happened? And the business partners that faltered into their commitment that put me in a situation, financial situation was that that was not easy. And I realized at the end of it, I'm summarizing that I didn't act in the beginning to ask my partners to keep their commitment, because it was out of fear. What it gave me after the whole year is that I am a creator and I could have created that. I had the power to create from the get go. So I like to say you either wait or you create it's really just that you wait or you create, so you don't like this situation while you're waiting.Francis P: 01:11:23 So what do you want to do? And I was waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting. And then to realize that I could have created this conversation from the get-go my fear manifested. They didn't pay, they didn't do anything. I could have just acted out of power and love and just say, this is not acceptable. If you want to work with this project, this is how it works. I don't, I don't want to hate you. It's all good. You just tell me, what's your choice. I'm choosing that you make a choice. You either keep your commitment or you're out, but you know, your beauty is you choose which one do you want? Because working with me, that's how it's going to work. We're going to keep our commitment. So, Hey, I don't want to force you anything. You, you choose which one you want. And that's the conversation I had at the end, but I waited a whole year. And so that'sMischa Z : 01:12:14 Why I'll say prophecy that you're talking about. Exactly.Francis P: 01:12:17 So, and that's also where you put your attention, right? So I was trying to be nice the whole year. And, but, you know, and I have absolutely no problem with these people at all. Actually I have a lot of compassion because they gave me the one of the most beautiful lessons. I know that now I can create anything really. And so it was a $190,000 lessons, but, but you know what, I know I have the power to create millions. So it doesn't matterMischa Z : 01:12:48 Everything you had at that point.Francis P: 01:12:51 Oh yeah. I mean, and you know, I still owe some money that's that's but the beauty is that I know I have the power of creation and that's why, I mean, I, I feel that I've had a lot of gamut of different emotions and different events in my life that I feel that I I'm thanking God and the universe that I, I haven't had. Like, I mean, at first I remember days where I was first thing, but now I know that this was for my highest good. I know.Mischa Z : 01:13:18 Yeah. Yeah. And you can have compassion for the situation and the people within it, which is what a gift is that. So what year did that go down?Francis P: 01:13:28 Uh, 2020. It was really when things didn't go as much as well as we wanted, but then, you know, and I'm laughing, this is good. This is a good sign.Mischa Z : 01:13:38 Right. You can talkFrancis P: 01:13:39 About it now. This is great. I be healed. Uh, but you know, at the end of 2020, then, you know, I think I just decided, and I'll give you another example. You know, sometimes we, I had my pension funds that I created a long time ago when I was a salary person and a at the end of the year, really wanted to go do the event with Joe Dispenza and then I didn't have the money. So here's another gift I'm going to tell people is that you can never, ever, ever say, I cannot afford it. That's impossible. So can, you can say you don't have the money in your bank account. That's, that's true. That's a fact. But to say that you cannot afford it. The best story that I've had for this is my friend, Crystal Russ, who's a mental toughness coach. And he was telling him about his story, but they basically had a challenge and he didn't have the money. But once you realize that you are resourceful, that means you can afford everything because what's in the way is maybe just you making a bold request. Because if I say, Hey, Mischa, you know your best, friend's gonna die tomorrow. If you don't bring $50,000 by tomorrow at 10:00 AM, what would you do? Yeah, I'm going to go,Mischa Z : 01:14:50 I'm going to start talking to people and I'm going to rally the troops.Francis P: 01:14:53 Right? You would do anything. Right. So, so that's, what's available for everyone. You can do that. And so, uh, so what are, so what happened is that for me, I have this pension fund, but then I realized that the reason why I didn't want to use it is because unconsciously, I felt that I could not be able to replenish it. And then I felt, this is a BS belief. No, if I really believe in myself, of course, I will be able to replenish it back. So yes, I'm going. And then my life changed because I didn't in December. I ended up staying a month in, in, uh, in, uh, Mexico, met beautiful, amazing souls, met the one of the same guy, uh, two weeks, uh, two months after who is the one that introduced me for the program that I'm in right now. And I have friends that are completely amazing and it just gave me so much more abundance.Francis P: 01:15:47 And, and I, and I even went to Costa Rica and, uh, April of this year. And so there's a lot of things that I've done. And I think it would have not been possible for me without going to that event. This was one week. But the point is, is that I decided to, to believe in myself and say, no, if I know that I let's say let's pick a number, a million dollar. Why would I be afraid to spend 10 K if I know, really know that I'd be able to make a million. So one of the things that people do is that they, they look at what they're losing versus what they're going to get. And sometimes what we're going to get, we don't know exactly that's the unknown, which is why we read, or just not take that leap because I know what I'm losing, but I'm not quite sure exactly what I'm going to get.Francis P: 01:16:34 And the only person that can help you to do that is you to believe internally that it's possible because everything is created twice, once in your mind. And then outside, it's not, the phone was not created physically. And then, oh, you know, this is a phone. Now we're going to create the phone. Now the phone was created inside. Same thing with the plane, you know, they were crazy at the time, but they had the creation inside them and then it became a manifestation. So yeah, I think hopefully that's a lot of value for the listeners. Cause I mean, there's, there's a lot of different concepts that were already talked about, right?Mischa Z : 01:17:11 Yeah, no, that's beautiful. Everything's created twice. I'm going to take that in your language. You said this a few minutes ago, but your language is a dead giveaway of your beliefs. Love that. Um, I liked what you said too about, about when you were talking about your pension and you're like, well, I, I, I, cause I can have the propensity to do that too. I'm like, well, I've got some resources if I invest it here, I'm, I'm, I'm in the, the, um, you know, the limited mindset of, of, well, I won't have it anymore versus, and I can't replenish it versus look at the, what, the opportunity that it's going to create for you. And perhaps it might not even be financial replenishment, but theFrancis P: 01:18:01 Spiritual awarenessMischa Z : 01:18:02 Or friendships or yeah.Francis P: 01:18:05 Lifelong or a yeah. A loving relationship or whatever. I mean, I mean, I, I sold my condo in Vancouver years ago and you know, if I look at the cost of opportunity and the whole and what it's worth now, I mean, everything that I've done so far, it's probably well over a million, something of, of things that I think get like the salary that I used to have and everything, but now it's, it's like the it's, I've turned a corner and now it's being accelerated. And I know I'm going to get it 10 times that. And so being in that moment where let's say there's a span of 10 years, then you're in this mud. Yes, of course it feels like it's, it's not good, but you don't know yet until you've learned all the lessons. And I, that's why I firmly believe that I've had so many different situations that I can help so many people. And now with the documentary, which will be given to people at large. And my goal is to make a global so that, uh, we know our inner power. We can reawaken our inner power. Yeah.Mischa Z : 01:19:09 That's great. So ignite possibilities and ignite. What was the other one that youFrancis P: 01:19:13 Were in your inner spirit,Mischa Z : 01:19:15 Inner spirit. Um,Francis P: 01:19:18 And you know, I, and I'd love to, to give a gift for the listeners. I mean, I created like a little PDF so they can have my chapter. I can give it to you guys and they can read it. So that would be like,Mischa Z : 01:19:32 Perfect. We could put a, like a link in the show notes where someone could download it for example, or is that, or, okay. That'd be great. Um, so you had, you'd mentioned, so the story that's, uh, where you've lost everything in effect by delaying conversations that if I heard you say this correctly, you had some fears, you were in a business relationship and you let your fears hold you back from having necessary conversations. Um, which, which, which book is that story in?Francis P: 01:20:10 Uh, this one is Ignite Posabilities, cause I called it awakening your creator within because you have this power of creation. It's really? Yeah.Mischa Z : 01:20:19 So you, you, you had mentioned, and I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but you, you were like, yeah, I was, I was at the grocery store or talking to the cashier, how am I going to pay for this? You had some of those meals,Francis P: 01:20:33 Uh, those moments where I was just wishing that it would go through. Yeah. And when, you know, surprises where it's, you know, they say, no, it's not working. And you're like, what the, and then, because they charge interest and I was always being on time and, you know, having credit card debts and all of it. So it's, it's not, not a good vibration, definitely not a good vibration. And I had to go through that to understand that, you know, at one point you, you make a decision. You're like, no, this is not how I'm feeling. This is not my personality. Um, I'm better than that. And, uh, and that's where you start to book to work on your being. Cause the being like it's a different type of person to go to the store and the fear or the one that unconsciously truly believe that you're going to get it all back.Francis P: 01:21:19 So it doesn't matter that you're spending money because you know, you will make some money versus being in fear and just, you know, like, and, and I, and I know like you can be stuck in that for a while, but then you realize, what am I saying to myself? Do I really believe that I have all the skills and the abilities to get more than that? And if you do, then you're being as different now. You're I think out of love, you're acting out of faith. And then you know, that what you have to offer is so big. That's why, you know, as soon as you make that click of being, you can, all of a sudden, even ask for a raise or change job, cause you know, your worth and all of a sudden, boom, you make $10,000 or more because you believe in yourself.Francis P: 01:21:59 I mean, I have a friend, I think he told me that, you know, if you look at the market, he knew that it would be, he was 30% lower than what he was supposed to be paid 30%. So if it's a salary of a hundred, that's 30,000. Yeah. So imagine elevating your being to a point that, you know, your value and you're going to ask for it because of course you bring value. Of course you bring, and then by default, you're going to be rewarded for it. And so they say that there's a beautiful saying that said, you can never outperform your self image. You can never outperform your paradigm. If your paradigm, or keeping you at this level of temperature, like a thermostat, that's where you are. You're going to go a little bit above, maybe a little bit below, but you will always be on that line until you change the temperature until you change and you rewire your brain and with new beliefs, then you're going to, that's where you're going to go.Francis P: 01:22:54 And, uh, and by the way, I just want to make sure, cause then in the integrity of what I said with, uh, uh, your language is that giveaway of your belief that that's coming from my friend, Chris Doris, and he's an amazing mind demand, like the waste as it. I just loved it. So I borrowed it. So it's a crystal or it's a mental toughness coach as well, but yeah, so you can never outperform your paradigm. Yeah. So the key is really to change your paradigms and then you change all your life because your paradigms are, are driving the way you use your time, the way your, you have your relationship, the way you have your belief about money, everything. So that's fascinating. That's beautiful. We can change all that. Yeah.Mischa Z : 01:23:33 How cool was that? I, we could keep going and going and going. Um, I think I covered most of, I would love to talk more about JB and that experience, but we can save that for round two. Um, because how cool is that, that you got to participate in that and a couple of books. And I think what's interesting there too are sort of what are the, was there a financial benefits from that? Not that there should have been. I was just my own curiosity. I'm like thatFrancis P: 01:24:03 Do a quick, quick story is that, you know, I decided to, uh, take a leap of faith. And that was again, like at the time that I owed a lot of money and uh, but I, but I, and I was also working on a visa to, to be in the United States. And so before I got the visa, I couldn't generate business in USA. It would have been illegal. So I knew that all I could do is networking or do something else. And so there was a moment where I was still in real estate and I was waiting for a deal to come through. And, uh, and then I had the idea, I'm just going to go to Peru and do this, this iowaska ceremony, the deal came out of nowhere. And then it was a chance for me to go, but it was not confirmed yet.Francis P: 01:24:40 And I was waiting for it. And I was in fear of, if it doesn't go, then I owe 6,000. I could have the six and then it doesn't cost me anything. What am I doing? And I was riveted on my screen for an hour. You know, when the car come down and all my credit card information was done, all I had to do is click, but I wasn't sure. And I'm like, oh, and then I decided to close my computer, go through the washroom or the restroom. And then in the restroom I thought, oh my God, you're doing the same thing. Like 20 years ago, we decided to go for a job for the money. You canceled your trip to go to Peru and you didn't see the metric, each shoe. Now it's available. You're using the same argument, same thing, money, money, money, money, and i thought...Francis P: 01:25:20 You know what? I want to break free of that and I'm doing it. So I reopened my computer as soon as it was out when, as there where the check-in counter thing. And I did it. And then my flight ticket was booked half an hour after boom. I got like a confirmation on the deal. So I was rewarded. So this isn't a very important thing is that we wait for things, but sometimes we just need to do this leap of faith. And we're being rewarded. I had asked her and the reward was that I went to do the plant medicine ceremony and through, and then the ceremony, I got the idea because I met JB only once, one time before. And the, the, the, what I got as an inner voice was you talk about this experience. You talk to JB and you tell her in the book and I was very unapologetic about it.Francis P: 01:26:06 I just said, Hey, JB, I'm inside your book. What's the next step? I didn't even say, can I please, I guess with that level of certainty and vibration, she said our, all right, so which one do you want? I said, which one do you have? And it was the concept that I had in, during the plant ceremony was being the Viking, you know, re like using your voice and everything. And I, so she said, well, we have the ignite, the warrior soul available. And I felt, wow, this is exactly in line with my, the Viking thing and everything. So I, and that's how, that's how it happened. And then it morphed into inner spirit, but that's all, that's all. I, I, I did it, it was just for me out of the, the, the inspiration to, to talk about the message that was really powerful and that ceremony, uh, and I think people would enjoy that one too.Francis P: 01:26:56 Maybe I can give two to two lengths and, you know, they can choose which one they want, but, um, yeah. So that's how it happened. And then, you know, since I've done one book then JB and deciding need to do another, and that's all it rolled out. So the point is by saying yes to life, by, by having faith, taking a leap of faith, it leads to different things, and it could be friendship. It could be a book, but, uh, and I've done that lately recently, two weeks ago, I decided to take it a leap of faith, go to Mexico to celebrate birthday and the amount of things that I would have missed without going there. I said, yes, to opportunity. I met new friends. It's unbelievable. So life is meant to be lifts and not, not being afraid. And so I honored Neil on that, and it was just being your true, authentic self and not let anything, or anyone sway you from your path. So obstacles, setbacks, whatever it is, we have the power to create. Yeah.Mischa Z : 01:27:50 Yeah. It's, it's beautiful. Um, yeah, I think we've, we've covered most of the stuff. Thank you. We could go on and on about your, your experience with JB. But I think that, that, I think this is a good spot to end, uh, Francis. Um, was there anything that you wanted to add that maybe we missed orFrancis P: 01:28:11 No, I think we've covered a lot of ground and I would just say, uh, to people that, you know, believe in yourself, believe in yourself, everything is available. And if you think it's not, it's just because it's a, it's a paradigm, that's all, you can just work on it. I know I can help them in many different ways and that'd be more than an honor to help them. And, you know, just, just so they remember that they can do anything. If you can just watch stories of multitude of people that either on their physical side or the business side or whatever happened, they were able to bounce forward and they can, everyone can.Mischa Z : 01:28:48 Yeah, it's beautiful. Um, thank you for that. Again, everybody you can find Francis at Uh, we'll put the link in the show notes and then we'll put two links for, um, your sections of those two books, um, which are awesome books. I'd obviously I have Ignite Happiness and there's great stories in there. So, um, yeah, I'm going to hit stop and then we'll say goodbye, offline. Beautiful. Okay.