3 reasons why I ❤️ online learning...In our very first episode of the SPARKLEandTHRIVE podcast/videocast, I talk about how online learning has transformed my life and TechPixies as a business over the past year.FOR YEARS, I've been surviving, not thriving. In 2019, I put a stake in the ground and I decided it was time to stop suviving and start thriving. This journey from surviving to thriving has been a long time in the works - 16 years in fact! I've tried and failed and tried again and I have learned a lot in those failures - more than in my successes BUT now is the time, my time, TechPixies time to thrive.In this episode tell the story of how TechPixies nearly failed (when we were trying to be a face to face only programme) but how the women who worked for me encouraged me to keep going even when I had to let them go because I couldn't afford to keep them on. I talk about how, in order to take TechPixies online, I needed to not only raise money (remember I had to let people go because I couldn't afford to keep them on!) AND I needed to upskill myself in how to build an online business selling courses.One of the things I tried to do right after I raised investment was reach out to people in the online course creation space on LinkedIn to see if any of them could mentor me as I made the transition from face to fact to online. Crickets. No one responded to my requests. So what I learned early on is that there one of the major benefits to online learning is instant access to experts in the industry you are interested in. 👍 NUMBER 1 BENEFIT TO LEARNING ONLINE: INSTANT MENTORSHIP FROM THE EXPERTS After 6 months of trying to do it on my own and feeling like I was letting my investors down, I found a course online called 'Digital Course Academy' run by Amy Porterfield.It transformed my business so much that I've even become a partner in her next DCA launch. Doors open 2 September. If you are interested in online course creation (like I was!) you might want to checkout some of the amazing free resources she has like a free course creater starter kit or a quiz that will help you work out what kind of course you should create (all links listed at the bottom of this post).This course was transformational to me and my business. I believe 100% that if my students are successful, I'm successful and that is something that I've learned from all my online mentors. So when I applied the learnings from DCA, I was able to transform the TechPixies Social Media Magic course in such a way that our online students started to see the same benefits as our face to face students. 👍 NUMBER 2 BENEFIT OF ONLINE LEARNING: You can learn anything! (but not all online courses are created equally!)In the video, I talk about how you can learn anything online now - cake baking, dog training, social media management. There are literally online courses for everything.BUT... it is possible to spend good money on bad online courses when really, you want to spend good money on good online courses.So what is the difference between a good online course and a bad online course?⭐ Good online courses have both video and audio. Those videos are short, ideally 5-10 minutes long so you can learn in small chunks, apply quite quickly and get a small win. ⭐ I prefer 5-7 modules with 6-9 lessons. ⭐ You want an online course to have supporting documents, things you can print out and support you with your audio and visual learning. 👍 NUMBER 3 BENEFIT OF ONLINE LEARNING: Online SupportThe third thing to look out for when looking to sign up to an online course is Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at
[email protected] Thanks for listening!