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Request Pending

English, Social, 5 seasons, 57 episodes, 17 hours, 13 minutes
During this time of social isolation, The Drag explores all the ways people are finding community and comfort online.
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The Drag says goodbye to the class of 2024

Four of The Drag's graduating seniors -- Leni Steinhardt, Tamara Rodriguez, Mackenzie Matwick and Heather Stewart -- share their goodbyes to The Drag and UT. 
5/9/20248 minutes, 55 seconds
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Introducing 'Forsaken'

Introducing a new series from The Drag: "Forsaken." "Forsaken" is a series that explores the systems that both enhance and oppress the lives of the more than 29 million people living in Texas. Each episode will address issues that Texans face each day – the good and the bad. We’ll explore the criminal justice system, Texas politics, civil rights, social issues and even a little bit of history. Texas is the second-most diverse state in the nation and has equally diverse stories to tell. As the legendary late Texas singer Billy Joe Shaver sings: “You fathers and you mothers / Be good to one another / Please try to raise your children right / Don’t let the darkness take ‘em / Don’t make ‘em feel forsaken / Just lead ‘em safely to the light.” The first two episodes of "Forsaken" drop Thursday, March 7. Follow "Forsaken" on: Apple Podcasts Spotify Or your favorite podcasting app!
3/14/20245 minutes, 20 seconds
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Not your average yard sale site

How can you help the environment, make friends and furnish your house without spending any money? Join your local Buy Nothing Facebook group. The Buy Nothing Project is a global network of hyper-local gift economies. All you have to do is find a group near you and start posting.
7/29/202022 minutes, 27 seconds
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Why does everyone love true crime?

Look at the trending podcasts on any streaming app, and odds are there is at least one true crime series topping the charts. These tales of horrifying violence, conniving killers, and kindhearted victims who didn’t see it coming inspire shock and interest across the internet, and the audience is notably female. Podcasts like Crime Junkie and My Favorite Murder use discussion and comedy to give women a safe space to confront their fears. Other podcasts like Dr. Death and Serial take a more journalistic approach to covering these stories. How can we consume and create these stories with sensitivity? Featuring Haley Butler and Tinu Thomas, hosts of The Orange Tree podcast.
7/21/202034 minutes
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How Money Diaries empower women

Common etiquette bans three topics at the dinner table: politics, religion, and money. But women on the internet are breaking one of those rules in a big way, with Refinery29’s Money Diaries. Women post weekly journals documenting their salary, monthly expenses and daily expenditures. It’s a great way to empower women with finance knowledge, but it also scratches the itch everyone has to peer into people’s personal lives.
7/15/202018 minutes, 55 seconds
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The comforts of ASMR

ASMR? Is that when people eat with their mouths open on YouTube? Sometimes, but not really. ASMR, or autonomous sensory meridian response, is the euphoric sensation that arises from certain relaxing sounds or visuals, and an entire online world has risen from it. Viewers and creators use ASMR to relieve anxiety, fall asleep and feel a sense of community, while facing stigma and misunderstanding from others who don’t experience the sensation. Featuring ASMR creations from Gentle Whispering ASMR, Goodnight Moon, Bluewhisper, Massage ASMR, Behind the Moons, LovelyVirus and Equal ASMR.
7/7/202026 minutes, 43 seconds
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Into the woods with cottagecore

Young people’s latest fantasies aren’t about fame and fortune. They’re about the tranquility and simplicity of a small cottage in the woods with a lot of books to read, bread to bake and raised garden beds to tend. But they aren’t fulfilling this fantasy by moving out to the country — they’re going online. Request Pending host Sara Schleede explores the internet’s latest aesthetic trend, “cottagecore,” and the ethical implications of these pastoral daydreams.
6/30/202028 minutes, 24 seconds
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Don’t worry. You’re not the only one who has been spending a lot of time on the internet lately. Request Pending follows our host, Sara Schleede, as she explores the wackiest and most thought-provoking online communities. Stay tuned for the first episode coming this summer.
6/16/20201 minute, 52 seconds