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Purposely Venting

English, Education, 1 season, 100 episodes, 1 day, 3 hours, 46 minutes
Having a good time while discussing relevant topics never felt so right. Join in on the pursuit of sharing experience and outlook on certain topics involving, but not limited to, leveling up, upgrading your life, past traumas, self love, healing and more. Toni dares to venture the unknown adding a signature twist of humor, inspiration, and insight.
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Wasting Your Time Tryna Be Like Them || Out of Alignment || It's Not For You

Thank you for Listening!!
9/6/202424 minutes, 10 seconds
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I Want A Relationship || Desperation In The Dating World || My Man My Man My Man!!!

Girl. Let's talk. 
9/4/202425 minutes, 30 seconds
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Being Strong Minded || Becoming Whole || Looking Within For Love & More

Been working on becoming mentally strong. I have seen so many benefits. Come along as I share with you my journey in hopes of inspiring you to do that same. 
8/28/202425 minutes, 17 seconds
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Mother Wounds

Mother wounds and how having it affects our lives. This is real life. Those of us who have the mother wound should look here to find answers. There is healing :) 
8/22/202418 minutes, 18 seconds
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Manifesting From a Place of Fear || Divine Questions

I have landed on a really eye opening understanding. I believe that when we have desires that are we wanting to be realized, there may be a line of questions that need to follow to understand exactly why you want to manifest in the first place. This is important because at times, we might be manifesting from fear which is the core reason why we are failing to see our dreams made to reality. We may get cheap replicas but nothing that is close to what we are asking for. It may be time to take a step back to better understand what your frequency is communicating for you! :) 
8/14/202426 minutes, 42 seconds
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Be Grateful.

When we are grateful for things we have a deeper level of appreciation. Appreciation I believe is a doorway to a better life! Thank you for joining me on this beautiful Wednesday.
8/1/202413 minutes, 1 second
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Inspired Action || Manifesting

Hey!! Thank you for turning in :) I hope you get something from this podcast that is helpful and inspiring :) Have an amazing Wednesday and a blessed rest of the week 
7/24/202420 minutes, 25 seconds
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Motives || Where Your Energy Goes || Manifest

What you Focus on very cliche, so I apologize in advance. Although this topic seems so outspoken, I promise you it's not what this podcast is about. hehe. Motive, I'd say, is the sneaky energy behind the thought that drive the thought and inspires creative action.. that may be ...for the good..let's hope. It all depends what's your motive for real? In this podcast we dive right into it. I do hope something in this podcast is relatable and that I can help you get that aha!!! moment :) 
7/17/202424 minutes, 8 seconds
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Being More Present To Feel Better

Presence is ultimately a more happy place! In this podcast we speak on being more present and how being in the future or the past is a fest ground from emotional instability. Let's get into it :) 
7/10/202418 minutes, 53 seconds
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Taking Care of Yourself || Self Care Journey

Take Care of You! I know most of us are unacquainted with self care due to our backgrounds. Having not the experience of a loving example, it is very important to give yourself the responsibility of self care in all the arenas of your life. :) Let's talk about it :) 
6/13/202423 minutes, 11 seconds
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Appreciation || Feminine Journey

Heya!! Thank you for tuning in :). I believe this is yet another episode that will help you on your journey of life. Happy Wednesday!! I hope you have an amazing rest of the week :) 
6/5/202415 minutes, 38 seconds
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Giving Myself Grace || Femininity

thanks for tuning in :) This is another  great episode thanks for listening :)
5/30/202421 minutes, 26 seconds
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Wounded Femininity || Overly Masculine

Lots of us are living in a reality where our masculine containers are overactive. Most times our masculine energy is overactive because  it wants to protect and shield our wounded femininity.  Today, we aren't necessarily in the direct line of fire that calls for our masculine container to protect so wildly, yet we  allow that part of us more air time than needed.. much of the time that part of us is activated by simple things that irritate us or pose very minute threats. I think this is very important to discuss. Let's get into it :) Join me in the first of many podcast of us resolving and healing the overly active places within us that hurt as oppose to built up. :) 
5/22/202422 minutes, 59 seconds
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Taking Things Personal || Overly Aggressive

This is a podcast I am very proud of. Please join me in this topic of taking things personal and being overly aggressive. Most of the time we act a certain way because there is no awareness. Let's this episode be your awareness :) 
5/15/202424 minutes, 41 seconds
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Acceptance || A Recipe For Life

Hello!! Welcome to the podcast. I hope this episode really inspires you in all the right ways. Let's talk about acceptance... :)  
5/9/202418 minutes, 59 seconds
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Being Nurturing

this has little to do with the gender roles and wars happening today. This has everything to do with your quality of life :). Let's talk about it!!
4/24/202415 minutes, 9 seconds
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What Do You (I) Bring To The Table

If you had unlimited courage, drive and inspiration.. what would your life look like? this my friends is the magic you bring to the table 
4/17/202413 minutes, 15 seconds
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Desperation || Wanting A Relationship

Desperate for love is not a ground we want to be in, but most of us find ourselves in it's embrace. You are to alone. I definitely share your journey, but overcoming it is essential! Let's talk about it!I pray this finds you in the best of ways.let's connect! Subscribe and stick around :) 
3/11/202419 minutes, 31 seconds
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It's Okay To Be Alone.

Hear me out! Lol the title is wild as we obviously want companionship :). However even when we find ourselves in a relationship, one can still feel alone.. must be something more there ... Thanks for listening 
3/4/202417 minutes, 2 seconds
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Focus || Your Most Expensive Currency

            Thinking is more than just a cluster of thoughts.. it can be the escape to true contentment or a shackle to the pits of nowhere.            Let's talk about your currency being the most expensive and important life forced used in funding whatever things you are focusing on in your world. :) 
2/18/202413 minutes, 1 second
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Consistency Is Key

With us being freshly in a new year, goals are still hot press. This podcast is your motivation to keep going and be CONSISTENT  as this is the main catalyst for any and everything. This is a good one :) 
2/14/202412 minutes
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Proper Manifestation || Why We Manifest

           Lots of us are in a space of wanting to manifest things into our lives for our enjoyment... money, relationship, child, etc. What happens when you are trying to manifest out of desperation. I have been through this so many times and thought I'd share my experience.           I know this podcast will show you so many things you needed to see. :) 
2/11/202417 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Year of Embodiment

Being embodied is like learning a new skill. It seems overwhelming at the start, but then as time goes on - boom!! you are able to channel it on command! I love that for us! I am naming 2024 the year of embodiment. One where I am completely learning to be embodied and focused on that. Being in the mind could be so overwhelming and can really tear down ones health. There are so many benefits to being in the body. Sometimes being in the mind, especially when the mind is not focused on what is good, can lead you down a pretty dark road. Being in the body.. brings us back to reality back to harmony with self. No fight. 
12/21/202316 minutes, 14 seconds
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Seasonal Blues || It Exist

Seasonal blues are evident. Most of us at some point will suffer from seasonal blues. The depression that seems to grip us and it seems like no matter what we do it doesn't seem to loose it's hold. I think it has become somewhat normal at this point, but there are some things we can do to combat them..Let's talk about it :)
12/20/202312 minutes, 2 seconds
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Comparing Yourself is Fruitless

Welcome Back!!! :) 
11/27/202311 minutes, 47 seconds
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Comparison and Feeling Unimportant

          Happy Wednesday! I hope everyones' week is going good! I pray this podcast finds you in good spirits.           Today, we will be talking about comparison and feeling unimportant. With the weather changing it is definitely something that is a thing for everyone. I know for me looking at another person's life has had me in a choke hold. Let's learn to take our woes to God.. and get open about what we are struggling with with a trusted accountability sister or brother. Love you!!
10/25/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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God and Boundaries

Happy Monday! Don't let the topic scare you; I believe this podcast will completely shift your perspective and give you a greater look at who God is and what he will and won't do. God is so good and I hope you can gather that from this episode! I pray your will enjoy your week :) 
10/9/202314 minutes, 30 seconds
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Being Honest || Building A Relationship with God

It's been a journey for sure. I've learned so much in the last few weeks and I am hoping that this podcast will communicate that. I hope you will catch what is for you and leave the rest! Let's get into it :) 
9/26/202318 minutes, 37 seconds
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Feeling Rejected by God

So many of us struggle with feeling rejection. Whether that is from people or God.. lots of us are walking around in deep belief that we are rejected. This shows up in all aspects of our lives and most times it is not for the better. Please join me in this episode where we talk about my journey and experience with rejection. I am hoping something said will inspire you begin to shine the light on your own feelings of rejection. Thank you for listening :) 
9/18/202314 minutes, 30 seconds
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Being Alone vs Being With Yourself

Happy Monday!! I hope the weekend was good and treated you well :) Today we will be talking about the importance of being with yourself AKA spending time alone. when we are alone in any manner it is seen as a negative thing. We think life is not happening the way we want and that God or the Universe has singled us out and wants us to be alone when in fact being alone is a blessing in disguised. There is so much that can be accomplished in the time of being alone then when we are surrounded by others. Being alone is definitely a time to get to know yourself, develop yourself, and in most cases, heal yourself :). Let's get into it
9/11/202316 minutes, 41 seconds
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Wounded Soul || Wanting a Relationship

Wanting a Relationship is  beautiful thing. When seeking it for love it is a harmonious endeavor that is inspiring and a true loves look at redemption. On the flip side, what happens when we have yet to heal the past pains of heartache? Abandonment? Anger? Hurt? Sadness? Do you believe these things just go away? Is there an unspoken expectancy for your partner to heal this trauma? Let's talk about it. :) 
9/6/202313 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Ending of an Era || Sexualized Woman || Modesty

Hey! Welcome or welcome back to another podcast! I am really sadden that I have to even have this talk, but it so matters. WE as women should be more mindful of what we are wearing because it communicates to the world who you are and what type of time you are on. Modesty doesn't have to be nun status, yet covering up could really change your world. The way they see you is apart of a grander narrative. It is time to change it up. Start anew and fresh. Why do you dress the way that you do? Why do you want to be so provocative? Who is egging this narrative on for you? Woman it is time to change! 
9/4/202315 minutes
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Make Your Mind Up

In today's world, it is essential to have aim. When there is not aim we are left to be rumpled and moved each time a current comes. We have no goals so life is free to do whatever it chooses! It is time to decide to win. I am happy because I have decided to be. I enjoy life because I have decided to enjoy life. You catch my drift? :) Let's get into it :) 
8/28/202312 minutes, 20 seconds
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Decide || Friday Motivation

Make you mind up to be happy!! Hey! Happy Friday!! You made it to the end of the week! Here is some motivation going into the weekend! You got this!! Blessing to you!
8/25/20237 minutes
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Validation || Looking for Others to Validate You

Validation, something we hear about all the time but never seem to grasp the severity of how important it is. Most of us are seeking validation from external sources and wonder why we feel like we are up and down on a daily basis. Let's change this today! Listen and learn :) 
8/21/202314 minutes, 35 seconds
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How Fruitful Is Your Life?

You ever see those people who seem to live amazing lives filled with organization and beauty? How do you think they got there? Where is this energy coming from? What are they focused on a daily basis? Yeah! We need to talk about this because it is so important because a lot of us are watering dead plants. It's time to start watering and putting energy into things that will pay us back tenfold. 
8/14/202314 minutes, 5 seconds
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Feeling the Void || Relationship

Relationships are amazing. When wanting a relationship for the right reasons they are beautiful in their time. What happens though when we want a relationship to feel a void? The things we didn't receive from our parents in childhood tend  to be sought out in relationships. If left uncheck this could lead to us bending on dealbreakers in the name of getting a "need" met... Scary.. Let's get into it!
8/7/202312 minutes, 40 seconds
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Do It For Yourself

A lot of the time the actions that we take are for another person. Many of us do not even take the time to get dressed really nice for ourselves. Why is that? Why are our actions motivated by the attentions we will receive from another person? Let's explore :)
7/24/202314 minutes, 35 seconds
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Self Acceptance

We are always trying to fix ourself, others, and /or our situation... why? Do you know who you are? Do you love yourself? let's get into it!1
7/19/20239 minutes, 26 seconds
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Getting Back To You

It's so easy to become outward focus to the point of leaving yourself. It can seem like a daunting task to get back to yourself, but it isn't and I hope after listening to this episode you will become inspired to connect back to you :)
7/17/202315 minutes, 16 seconds
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Stepping into a new role in life can be scary.. all he triggers - abandonment, unworthiness, and the like can come up and make you feel bad even though the new role is a blessing! Let's talk about it :)
7/10/202314 minutes, 45 seconds
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Struggle Love || Dating Woes

The Dating world can be a daunting and scary thing, but I promise as you start to realize habits and cycles, answers will come!
7/5/202314 minutes, 23 seconds
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Relationships Mirrors Back To You || Dating Woes

In Dating relationships tend to mirror back to you want is under the surface. Inconsistency? Unworthiness? Ghosting? Yeah... Let's get into it :) 
7/3/202314 minutes, 14 seconds
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Too Focus on Getting in a Relationship

Too focused on getting into a relationship and not focusing on anything else... all your life force is being placed into the lack of your life. Change it today !! I believe in you :) Hey!! Happy Friday :) Thank you for tuning in :) I hope that this episode finds you in the best of spaces. Our journey's are not always pretty, but the less make for a beautiful future, if you will listen to them. 
7/1/202316 minutes, 16 seconds
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Focus On Yourself

Hey!! Happy Tuesday! Focusing on you can do so much. In the arena of becoming your best version it is essential to put the focus on yourself!! you have a life live it :) 
6/28/202315 minutes, 9 seconds
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Out Of Your Head, Into Your Body

The body we have has been numb throughout our lifetimes. Much of the time the body will communicate with us, but if we are numbed out and in our minds we may not feel it to hear it to heal it. Nerves are a big indicator of something being off or not right (i.e. being around certain ppl). Your body is your greatest asset! Let's get back to it! :)
6/19/202316 minutes, 40 seconds
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Dating as a Codependent III

WELCOME BACK!!  Dating as a codependent can be challenging. It can be even more challenging when the programs we received as children go against healthy attaching to someone. Is it okay for the person you are dating to go a day or two without talking-to you? is it healthy to have space in the beginning? Let's talk about it :)
6/12/202313 minutes, 21 seconds
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Focus On What You Can Control

Heya!! Welcome to another podcast!! IG:
6/5/202314 minutes, 14 seconds
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Dating as a Codependent || Anxious Attachment Style

Happy Monday! Welcome to the podcast! In this episode we talk about dating anxious dating as a codependent
5/30/202315 minutes, 19 seconds
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Abandonment Issue as a Codependent

Hello Hello!! thank you for tuning into the midweek episode :) we are discussing how as a codependent it can be hard to express disappointments with others because it might be at the expensive of them leaving. :( let's talk about this
5/24/202313 minutes, 46 seconds
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Oversharing as a Codependent

Happy Monday! Well to or welcome back to the purposely venting podcasted!! In this episode we are talking about oversharing as a codedepent. Yes this is a thing and I'm hoping to help you overcome your self sabotaging behavior. Yes we tend to do that  lot. :)follow me 
5/22/202312 minutes, 58 seconds
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Understand Yourself to Better Heal

thanks for joining me for a mid week podcast :). in this episode I discuss how coming how to the fact that i am truly introverted has played a huge role in healing for me. Hopefully you can relate :) consider subscribing 
5/17/202315 minutes, 49 seconds
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Emotions As a Codependent

Dealing with Emotions as a Codependent is such a common thing. Emotions can be scary especially with the beliefs that surround them. I hope this episode touches you as much as it has touched me. The practice of being honest is everything :) 
5/15/202315 minutes, 2 seconds
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Codependency Kills Healthy Dating

Welcome to another episode!! We are continuing or topic of codependency and how that shows up in dating. I really appreciate this episode and hope it will also bring you as much joy as it has brought me. My love to your ears and soul :-) Thank You for listening :-)
5/8/202317 minutes, 32 seconds
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Dating As a Codependent :)

Welcome to another podcast :) I hope you enjoy this episode and that you will hear what you need to hear. 
5/1/202313 minutes, 46 seconds
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Codependency || Please Don't Leave Me

Codependency is a stoping station for us. In the podcast, I go into another branch of codependency. Please don't leave me goes into many forms and will mean different things to different people. I hope something said in this podcast will create a ripple effect and allow you to start questioning things in your life that are codependent driven. Thank your listening! Follow me:@Toni.Purposely.Living 
4/10/202315 minutes, 51 seconds
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Happy Monday!! I hope you off to a great start this week! I want to get into a very uncomfortable topic, something i have definitely been in a long term relationship with Codependency. In this episode I just touch on the surface and give a bit of experience I have had. I hope this speaks to you :)
4/3/202313 minutes, 32 seconds
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You're Too Available

Hey! Definitely missed you all! Let's get it back kicked off with You're Too Available. Yes, it might sound a bit scary and harsh but, if you are anything like me, you are too available and it is affecting the way you relationship :)
3/31/202323 minutes, 46 seconds
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What Do You Really Want?

What do you want? Can you genuinely answer that question without thinking about another person's life? Relationship is important but do you want it, or want it a certain way, because it's what you see? Let's think about it. 
2/28/202313 minutes
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Comparison || My Personal Struggles

There are so many desires that we have from day to day. Are they our own or do we want it because we see it? It may serve us to realize our true desires as opposed to what we think we desire. God gives us the desire of our heart and not those of another's. 
2/20/202315 minutes, 16 seconds
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Becoming Nonchalant || Unbothered & Calm

Happy Monday!!!I have a thing or two for the person who is looking to become more detached and unbothered by others. I hope you enjoy!
2/13/202315 minutes, 46 seconds
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A Better Life || Take your Time

I've learned so much on my journey of being plant based. One of the best lessons learned since i've been on this journey is to take my time. This has been a huge blessing and I just wanted to share my experience in hopes that it will find you and help change your life :)
2/8/202314 minutes, 20 seconds
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Real Change || Changing Yourself || Becoming new

Real Change? It's so interesting what I have learned about change. Yes it is true change is inevitable, but is it really? In order to become something new we need to start understanding just how to do that. It is certainly not going to come as a result of doing the same thing over. 
2/2/202318 minutes, 18 seconds
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Mind Your Words, Change Your Life

Hello! Welcome back to another podcast! Super excited to get into this one! I feel that God has truly been laying this on my heart heavy and I believe it has really changed my life for the better! Anytime the take things away we tend to uncover a better, more authentic version of ourselves. Today Join me in the challenge of being impeccable with your words. Use them wisely because universes were created with mere words. Just imagine what you can create or what you have been creating with your words :). 
1/24/202313 minutes, 38 seconds
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Stop Telling People Your Business!

Happy New Year Y'all!! In this episode we talk about the negatives of over sharing and how this can impact you in various ways. If you are like me you can use a little advice in this area. :) 
1/16/202311 minutes, 41 seconds
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High Value Men? Women? || Over it.

Happy Monday!! Welcome to another Podcast! So look, by no means am I on the bandwagon of high value man or woman. I think the topic is so frustrating because it's almost like the "healed," or the folks who believe themselves to be better than others, have created another topic of discussion that has driven a wage. Yes it is important to be  yoked appropriately... but how did we get here to where men and women believe themselves better than each other? I'm irritated slightly, but this is just a rant...  
12/26/202218 minutes, 50 seconds
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Choose Yourself! || Know Your Worth

Think about the statement "Know Your Worth" it is not believe your worth it's know your worth... today we get into choosing yourself and how that has been a constant theme in my life for sure! 
12/19/202220 minutes, 3 seconds
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Desperate For Love || Self Concept

Happy Monday! In this episode we get into how desperation is a lack of positive self concept. Let's get into this juicy topic!Follow Me: 
12/12/202216 minutes, 51 seconds
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Feeling Unworthy? Listen to This || Feminine Work

***MUST LISTEN***Feeling unworthy I am a bit passionate in this podcast! You've been warned lol!! Happy Monday!
12/5/202215 minutes, 3 seconds
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Cultivating Love Within || Feminine Work

Happy Monday! Today we will be talking about building and stabilizing love within ourselves! Feminine Energy and Femininity overall is built on inner being and stillness. In order to grow within, change beliefs and be one and feel complete, regardless of outside factors, there needs to be a place of stability within you :) Let's get into it :) IG:
11/27/202224 minutes, 19 seconds
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Femininity || Feeling Your Feelings

Happy Monday!! Welcome to a new week! Today we will continue with the topic of Femininity and how different things might stunt your femininity and hopefully from this podcast you can gather what is the right path for you :). Let's get it 
11/21/202219 minutes, 2 seconds
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Wounded Femininity || Innerwork

Toxic Femininity? Let's get into it 
11/14/202221 minutes, 7 seconds
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Anxiety || Oh Boy....

Anxiety! Yes the roommate that pays no bills, contribute in no way, but has the most to say. In this episode I speak on my journey with anxiety and also give some tips on things I've changed in my life to help with my anxiety. I am not a doctor I am just sharing what worked for me and maybe just maybe this will help you to concur your roommate too! Thanks for tuning in :) 
11/7/202221 minutes, 7 seconds
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Love Bombing || Stay Woke

Hey! Happy Monday! Let's get into this podcast about love bombing! So many of us have experienced this but don't have a name for it. I'm here to name it for you :) Spread the word! It's real lol Stay woke 
11/1/202218 minutes, 40 seconds
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Let's Talk About Fear

Happy Monday Friends :) Today we dive into a well known topic/feeling, Fear. I Hope you resonate with what I say and are able to reflect as I have been doing :)  this is not the best topic but it is definitely one of the most helpful 
10/24/202218 minutes, 40 seconds
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Acceptance || Innerwork

Welcome to another podcast! Today we are talking about acceptance! Why is it to  hard and why its is so pivotal to having a good life. Let's get into it!
10/17/202214 minutes, 7 seconds
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Loneliness || InnerWork

Hey yall! Happy Monday!!! let's get into this episode shall we :) We are all in this together 
10/10/202213 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Energy of Wanting || InnerWork

Happy Monday :) In this episode we talk about Wanting more precisely the Energy of Wanting. Energy speaks for us and what you practice the most will speak volumes for you before you open your mouth.  With the holiday season coming up it might be beneficial to get ahead of this so that you can have a better experience. 
10/3/202212 minutes, 36 seconds
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Self Love || Money

Heya!! Happy Monday!! I hope you all were able to enjoy your weekend. Thank you for joining me for another one. This week podcast has to do with Money and spending habits. How are your spending habits? How do you utilize your money to love yourself?Let's get into it :) 
9/26/202214 minutes, 32 seconds
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Connecting to Yourself || Innerwork

Happy Monday!! thanks for tuning in to another episode. In this one we touch on connecting with ourselves and how essential that is. Connection to self, your inner self is a game changer and is fundamental to developing self overall. have you understood self connection?Let's get into it!
9/20/202215 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Importance of Your Energy, It Matters || Innerwork

Vibration, Energy, Vibes... it matters. Energy is the necessary juice for any and every endeavor we will set off to accomplish. What are the areas you find that you are giving away your energy with little to no give back? Join me as we take the discussion of energy into a much deeper understand and it is my hope that you will hear something that will spark your own curiosity. Let's get it :) 
9/12/202217 minutes, 14 seconds
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Abandonment Terrors & How They Show Up

Happy Tuesday!! I hope you all had a phenomenal and long weekend and are ready for your coming week!In this podcast we talk about abandonment issues. Abandonment issues are common to us all. We all at some point experience abandonment because we come from very imperfect parents and are living within an imperfect world.  All we can do is acknowledge, greet, and feel our feelings. This may seem so simplistic but it is so necessary.. My hope is that something said in this podcast will ignite something within you :) Let's get into it!
9/6/202214 minutes, 53 seconds
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Blame Your Thoughts || Inner Work

Welcome back to another installment. Happy Monday!!! I hope you all have an amazing week!In this podcast we are talking about thoughts. Thought life and why you are probably stagnate in this area! Be mindful, notice your thoughts! YOU got this
8/29/202215 minutes, 48 seconds
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Individuality || Thinking For Yourself || Innerwork

Welcome to another installment of purposely venting! This one is a treat.In this podcast we discuss the sheep mindset. Who told you this was right or wrong? Why don't you think for yourself? What's the issue with dependence? What would being independent look like for you? Maybe some questions you should think about when listening :) I hope you are able to hear some magic in this topic :)  Talk soon :) 
8/26/202210 minutes, 18 seconds
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In a world full of different opinions, it important to understand what you think and feel. Make your own definitions and make sure you abide by them as long as you are true to yourself :). In this episode I talk about femininity and what that means to me. We may have neighboring ideas of it's meaning to us individually, yet still take what you want and leave what you don't. I like to think femininity is a very important topic as our world lacks it in so many ways. I hope you can listen and feel what you need to feel in order to make positive changes in your world. 
8/24/202212 minutes, 36 seconds
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Protecting Onto Others || Inner Work || Deep Healing

          Thank you for joining me for another podcast! I have been on a bit of a hiatus but it feels great to be back. How I have missed you all!!! :)           In this Podcast we discuss projecting, good and bad. In my journey, I have had my fair share of projecting and have realized all projections point back to me. In learning how to look and deal with projections, there is a  great chance we will uncover roots that starter it to begin with. 
8/19/202211 minutes, 8 seconds
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Inner work: Inner Child Work

Hello Friends! Join me in this podcast where we talk about the inner child and hopefully give you a better understanding of what it means. Inner work is so essential if we are to grow and evolve. Let's heal our inner spaces and beautify our outer spaces :) 
7/14/202213 minutes, 26 seconds
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I Don't Feel Worthy || Let's Talk About It

Open confessions... Good morning! Thank you for tuning into another episode in this one I get into my feelings of feeling unworthy and just not enough. I believe this is a common feeling we all experience it. What is the right way? what is the right answer? Let's talk about it. 
7/2/202212 minutes, 5 seconds
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Seeking Validation || Escaping Through Others

Welcome Welcome Welcome back  to the podcast.In this podcast, I talk about my personal experience and realization with escaping the pain of my traumatic childhood through use of mal-adaptive habits that have done more harm than good. I get real and admit my deepest wrong in an effort to resolve it and to let you know you are not alone. We share the same heart. The trick is to become aware and use your triggers to uncover that trauma that is buried and hiding inside you. You can, one day at a time, release the pain and begin to grow and uncover your truest deepest self. There is love here, I pray you can feel it!
6/28/202215 minutes, 56 seconds
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Relationship Illusion and Misconceptions

In this episode I talk about how relationships in my mind have been an escape and how I have had the false illusion that romantic relationships would be the happiness my soul was seeking. Yes, as you guessed it it stems from childhood. I've noticed how this erroneous thinking has troubled my mind and often times left me feeling depleted and depressed, let's get into it. 
6/24/20229 minutes, 5 seconds
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Comfort Breeds Cycles

Welcome to the podcast! In today's episode we are feeling a little sad, but life is not a matter of pulling the wool over people's eyes. I am opening up to you all about my struggles with relationship and my mindset on toxic relationships and why I continue to run back to what I don't want.Trauma plays a huge role in your decisions now. The more we understand that the better we are able to move passed it. Become aware so that you can face yourself. 
6/23/202213 minutes, 59 seconds
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How To Really Level Up

Yes, let's get into it. Leveling up need not be as dramatic as the internet makes it to be. Leveling up is a series of decisions you make daily to achieve a certain intention. You can level up just as soon as you realize your intention. Let's get into it!Hey yall! Hey girl hey! We've missed you. Thank you for your patients with us in our learning to be more consistent!
6/12/202211 minutes, 47 seconds
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Abandonment Issues || Let's Talk About it...

Join us as we talk about abandonment issues. We believe there is no simple way to talk about such a heavy topic but we tried our best lol. We hope you enjoyed it!
4/14/202228 minutes, 18 seconds