Lisa Woodruff is a home organization expert, productivity specialist, and author of multiple books including The Paper Solution. Lisa’s research-based teaching shines a light on the invisible work being done at home and in the workplace. Lisa’s sensible and doable organizing tasks appeal to multiple generations. Her candor and relatable style make you feel she is right there beside you, helping you get organized as you laugh and cry together. Lisa believes organization is not a skill you are born with. It is a skill that is developed over time and changes with each season of life. Lisa has helped thousands of women reclaim their homes and finally get organized with her practical tips, encouragement, and humor through her blog and podcast at
615 - Ultra Productive People Anticipate Roadblocks
Ultra productive people act in real life how normal people act before they go on vacation. Before you go on vacation, you think about your paid work and how to set your business up for success in your absence. I know before we go on vacation, we have checklists for packing. It’s this constant anticipation of roadblocks. I shared some examples to give real life instances when anticipating roadblocks has come into play. Roadblocks One roadblock I have gotten used to encountering is jury duty; I have been summoned like 8-10 times. Tip: This last time I was summoned for the dates while we were supposed to be in London, but then I saw a “pick your dates” button. Once I knew the dates, I started to delay administrative tasks in anticipation of jury duty. I am careful to still fill up my calendar during jury duty possible dates, but I have the mindset that, if they get done, it’s a bonus and if not, that’s ok too. I schedule things like cleaning up my inbox and admin tasks; it’s kind of fun because I don’t normally have time to do those kinds of things. Moving Without Moving I’ve not moved from my physical address for decades, but in that time I have moved a lot. 2024 has become the year of remodeling. When your kid calls at 6:30am and says a pipe is making a hissing sound but he’s going to go back to sleep, you say no! It was simply time to replace the pipes. And while we were at it, the bathroom makeover I wanted to do one day became now. I anticipated the hardwood floors getting ruined so I threw out a crazy solution and the plumber was able to execute it. I also knew it was going to take longer than quoted because it just usually does. Then baby Grayson grew and grew and grew and now he can no longer use a toddler bed/mattress. He’s going to keep growing so we looked at our basement and reimagined the space to include a room for Grayson. The way the floor plan worked out, it lends itself to a galley kitchen. It was kind of like that movie “The Money Pit” where one repair led to another. Next, we upgraded our electrical panel to accommodate all the new appliances. It was originally scheduled to happen before and during our trip to London; I said no way. I anticipated that if the contractor needed me, how it could cut into our vacation. Also by delaying it, Abby would be out for summer from work and we’d have better weather for Grayson to play outside while their home was torn up. Now it’s beautiful and will suit Abby and Grayson for years. When you remodel, you move everything out and come back to an upgraded space. It’s like you moved, but really didn’t. Past Informs the Present We all remember the toilet paper “shortage” during Covid. It was really just the size of the roll. And everyone panicked with the shoremen going on strike. If you understand the supply chain, you can understand when and what to panic about. I knew after everything came to a halt with Covid, that it would be 18 months to three years before we were back to “normal”, before the backlog would be cleared. You can be concerned for stuff from China when the western ports are experiencing delays. You can be concerned for medicine, wine, sugar, and other things from Europe when the eastern ports are experiencing delays. And those products are usually here 2-3 months before we are anticipated to purchase them. But toilet paper? That’s made right here in the US of A, baby!! No.Need.To.Panic. Sickness Playbook The minute I or someone in my family gets sick, I look 7-10 days out to see what needs to get accomplished. Another type of roadblock similar to this is if my mother in law would fall or if someone goes to the ER. My laundry may get a little backed up or meetings may get canceled, but I work ahead at Organize 365® in anticipation of roadblocks so the necessary work is always done. Our house is fully stocked with medicine, food, and nowadays home delivery services make it even easier to get what you need. I have these wellness pills I pop the minute I think I’m getting sick. Also, my family has bought into the fact that you can talk yourself out of sickness. It’s very inconvenient for everyone; don’t be sick! LOL Anticipating roadblocks is only possible if you understand how time passes which we’ll talk about in the next episode. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Products For Getting Organized - Source Naturals Wellness Formula Podcast 10 Year Anniversary Giveaway Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/25/2024 • 34 minutes, 35 seconds
Transformation with Trisha D
In this episode, I introduce you to Trisha D. who sometimes has a very full house of 8 and sometimes just 4 due to her step children and when they have dad time. Trisha was a follower of Cass with Clutterbug and she’d been talking about the Sunday Basket®. The way Lisa teaches and Lisa’s story resonated so strongly with Trisha. With 6 kids to keep track of, the Sunday Basket® really made sense to Trisha and helped with the overwhelm. Previously Trisha had been in an abusive relationship. In Organize 365® and Lisa, she found grace, encouragement, to be brave, to be transparent, progress over perfection, and to put herself first to get out of codependency. Trisha pointed out that if you have never been in a healthy organized environment, then you don’t know what that looks like. She learned what it looks like and how to accomplish it for herself through the Organize 365® products. Despite the differences in functionality of households, the Sunday Basket® can help anyone really, no matter what your situation. Trisha gained so much confidence from organizing and getting control of her life. In her recovery from her past relationship, she appreciates how the systems from Organize 365® can aid in a Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP). Which brought up the question, does the change in environment change emotion or vice versa? And is it easier to change your environment or emotions? Trisha experienced that once she started organizing, it gave her more bandwidth to focus on redefining reality and healing emotionally. Trisha was so impressed with Lisa, this woman who was once depressed and life was a “mess,” she started a business, went back to school, and vulnerably shared it all with her listeners. Trisha’s big take away from Embrace was when Lisa said, “If you doubt that anyone believes in you, I believe in you!” So Trisha started a Friday Workbox®. It became apparent that her employer didn’t appreciate the effectiveness of her using it. So she started her own business! Trisha believes Organize 365® is changing one person at a time, empowering them to follow their dreams. She’s been using the Friday Workbox® and it has helped her organize and prioritize the systems of a business. Listen to hear all she has accomplished in three short years. Trisha now has more hope, faith, time, capacity, a more full life. She truly learned how to create something from nothing. She values the Organize 365® products as roadmaps to life, like the Warrior MAMA Binder, the Friday Workbox®, and Sunday Basket®. Trish’s advice is, “Go for it, whatever way makes sense.” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Friday Workbox® The Paper Solution® Warrior MAMA Binder Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/23/2024 • 49 minutes, 2 seconds
614 - Productive People Are Continually Optimizing - Productivity Building Block #4
Once you are habitually scheduling tasks that lead to consistency with the ability to adapt and be flexible, you may start looking at how to optimize your systems. And once you optimize one system, it becomes a little addictive. I actually became a happier person with optimization. It’s like I was competing with myself and I kept winning! I kept asking, “Can I do it faster? Make it easier? Do it on a different day?” This is what truly productive people do, they optimize. Reward of Optimizing Remember the literature I shared about the Invisible Family Load? It noted three aspects: cognitive, emotional, and managerial. The emotional aspect was negative because of the stress or worry you carry by taking care of your family, but the other two were positive. There’s a confidence that comes from being able to depend on yourself from planning, a happiness that things are getting produced, happiness from finding “me time,” and when you are the one managing it all effectively, that is so rewarding. You Can Make New Rules I remember when I was trying to optimize my laundry. I tried one load a day, which wasn’t right for me. I tried to get it all done over the weekend, but then I was thinking about laundry for three whole days. THEN, I tried to get all the laundry done in one day and that was it for me! I would do laundry on Saturdays while the kids were cleaning their rooms. This worked for a long time. Then when Abby and I were sharing the machines, we worked out a schedule. Now my laundry is optimized on Saturdays again for this phase of life I am in. This is the beauty of Home Planning Day. It’s the time to look at your current phase and optimize your systems and make new rules. Greg and I are traveling more frequently; that may push me to consider a different laundry day. I will re-evaluate this during the next Home Planning Day. Kids sports, holidays, work, or summer, all these seasons of life can affect the optimization of systems. I realized as summer was approaching this year, that Abby would be home on my normal work from home days because she works for the school system and has summers off. This is not really a problem except for the PhD and recording podcasts. I like to be home alone. This forced me to look at my systems and consider what I needed to do to keep my studying and recording optimized. I decided on a few new rules…Mondays and Thursdays I wear ponytails and that shaves a few minutes off of getting ready in the morning. I ended up moving all my PhD stuff to the office and I decided to study there. All of my supplies are in one space now and all work is done at the office. That way “little baby” Grayson can’t distract me either. And I will batch record episodes when possible to be 2-4 weeks ahead. I found that when I try to record any further, the energy is off. If it’s January and I’m trying to record episodes about March energy and tasks, my energy is off. I’m more passionate about the message when I am in the same energy, too. I played with trying to record first thing in the morning, but that didn’t work because that’s “Lisa time.” I’m not in the right energy yet. I also found by batch recording episodes, it takes less time each episode. I am more efficient when I sit down and crank them out. I can also reference “previous” episodes because I just recorded them! These are just a few examples of what I have done to optimize my systems. Decide what needs to be in balance and what can be out of balance in this phase of your life to be truly productive. EPISODE RESOURCES: Organize 365® Podcast Resources The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® Organize 365® Home Planning Day Podcast 10 Year Anniversary Giveaway Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/18/2024 • 30 minutes, 49 seconds
Transformation with Beatrix S.
In this episode, I introduce you to Beatrix S. who lives alone after her husband was transferred to a nursing home where he could get care and supervision for dementia. Beatrix found Organize 365® years ago when Gretchen Rubin interviewed me about the book “The Paper Solution.” Her first thought was, “What, filing cabinets to binders? Prove it!” Beatrix had always struggled with paper. So she got the book, read it in a couple of days, and found herself joining the 100 Day Home Organization Program (which became The Productive Home Solution®) and getting a Sunday Basket®. Now she says she’s hooked. In 2003, Beatrix reflected on her study and how cluttered it had become again. Please, you need to listen to this insightful poem she shares. She was a minister and has a great way of storytelling. You can hear it in this poem. It was clear imagery of the disarray her study was in. It took awhile for Beatrix to wrap her brain around the Sunday Basket® System. She’d not been a part of Organize 365® long when she attended her first Home Planning Day. She also had a couple of unexpected life events, including her husband having a stroke and moving to a nursing home. Beatrix also thought maybe she didn’t have anything left to declutter. It’d been a couple of years since she’d followed Marie Kondo’s way of decluttering her closet. I pointed out that Marie Kondo is great for decluttering and Organize 365® offers great organizational systems. Beatrix had plenty to declutter and organize. Beatrix was most shocked with her bathroom and how much she’d crammed in there! Through the years with Organize 365®, Beatrix has formed a support system of friends. They meet every month and she has found them invaluable with the tough season she is in. Life is good, she acknowledged, but she’s deeply sad and fatigued with loving and caring for her husband. Her advice for others in a similar situation is to surround yourself with as many support systems as you can. Beatrix has more time now; time for friends, beautification, exercise, and planning. She was recently diagnosed with ADHD and it explains so much. Beatrix really wishes she’d had the Friday Workbox® when she was in ministry; she always struggled to finish projects. And she wishes she’d known how to organize paper. She’s appreciative of the replays so she can get additional takeaways and the “teacher’s approach” I take with the systems Organize 365® provides. We had a nice conversation about the evolution of school and how they support the ADHD brain/learning style. Beatrix’s advice is, “Start with the Sunday Basket®. If that doesn’t work then just start with one drawer.” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Home Planning Day The Paper Solution® Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/16/2024 • 45 minutes, 40 seconds
613 - Productive People Are Flexible - Productivity Building Block #3
You are scheduled and consistent, but can you be flexible? I am not talking about all of the stuff others want you to squeeze into your week, but you.The things you deemed important to get done and you scheduled, do you have the ability to be flexible in how and where in your day they can get completed? Flexibility in the Name of Productivity Life is chaotic and throws lots of unexpected things at us, throwing a wrench in our perfect little plans. Are you able to overcome these obstacles or do they turn your day into a wasted day? A few ways I am flexible to still accomplish the goals of the day are ways I choose to be flexible. These unexpected changes keep me on my toes and force me to be disciplined to keep my eyes on my priorities. You can be flexible in when. I wanted to record 4 episodes the other day until Abby needed me. Grayson came with me to the office where I knew I wasn’t going to record, but I could still be productive with a different goal of the day. Once Grayson was picked up, I could choose to count it as time with him and use my later in the day “Grayson time” to record. I also use “wasted days” to be productive. If I’m out of the office and have a technician coming for one item, why not schedule a few more? The other day I had a technician come for the furnace, A/C, and a person to finish where we modified the wall by the fridge. I did stuff around the house while all these technicians were at my house. Another example I’d like to share is if someone in our house gets sick. I’m the mom and it’s nice to have mom when you are sick. And I want to be there for my family. So then I look at what’s coming up in the week. It’s all about the flexible thinking of pivoting. What has to get done, moved to next week, go back in the Sunday Basket®, or scratched off the list forever? Pat jokes that at Organize 365®, we pivot so much it’s like we’re dancing. It’s not so much when in the day or how it gets done, it’s more about THAT it gets done! Productive people are about completing tasks thus being productive. The To-Do List Will Never Be Done Your Sunday Basket® is the keeper of the master to-do list items, right? You go through your basket and determine what must get done in the upcoming week. We like to load up our to-do list but we are frustrated it never seems to get done. Could you be the problem? The trick is to see what can wait, must wait. Let’s say you are left with three things that must get done, which is ok. Schedule those, be flexible to ensure they get completed and then…it’s up to you! Yes, you could say there’s more in the Sunday Basket® and you want to do more. But alternatively, what if you used that time for a hobby, relaxing, catching up with friends or family? And I have found the items I delay completing, end up getting done by someone else, are no longer relevant, or don’t need to be completed anymore. Also, I want you to think about the last time you completed the items on your to-do list. How did you feel? Like superwoman? Yes! Don’t you want that feeling more often? Take care of what must get done and the rest leave so you too have discretionary leisure time. Being flexible in the name of productivity is a skill of truly productive people. Truly productive people are also always optimizing. Join me next week as I explain how you too can always be optimizing to be truly productive. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Podcast 10 Year Anniversary Giveaway Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/11/2024 • 29 minutes, 10 seconds
Transformation with Summer K.
In this episode, I introduce you to Summer K who lives with her son, husband, and dog. Summer originally found Organize 365® in the summer of 2020 through an ad on Instagram. She made the “mistake” of clicking on it and then it “followed” her. Eventually she visited the website and put a Sunday Basket® in the cart for her mom…annnnd one for herself! She knows the systems now and doesn’t fret if a system “breaks” because she can easily get it back up and running. Summer now lives in Minnesota, but there were a few moves before now and when she found Organize 365®. Instead of decluttering and organizing along the way, she chose to put items in storage units. With the Sunday Basket®, Summer had moved away from filing cabinets. The transformation in her thinking, through implementing the Organize 365® systems, also helped her trim down to one storage unit that she left behind when she moved to Minnesota. After about a year, her brother loaded it up and delivered it to her. Summer had the whole basement set up ready to process that unit in hopes of getting rid of 50% of it…and she did! The systems help you to keep the stuff you want and use versus a filing cabinet or storage unit that allows you to store it and forget it long after it is still relevant. Summer is a self proclaimed binder snot. She appreciates a durable functioning binder as much as me! We laughed about how the manufacturers can’t figure out how to use quality products and allow all the products inside to function simultaneously. These are the school supplies we need for our life’s work. She pointed out that they are a fraction of the price of a filing cabinet and do not allow you to keep outdated papers. And as I shared, I even created a binder for Grayson because while he doesn’t have an IEP, he does have OT and other paperwork that is no longer relevant in Abby’s binder or the household binder. So where do you put it? You make that person their own binder. We also discussed different binders for different properties. The binders are there, make them work for you so you don’t have to think of all the filters you need to go through to get to important paperwork you need. Reduce your cognitive load. The Productive Home Solution® (then the 100 Day Home Organization Program) was so helpful for Summer because in the midst of her busy life, when she knew she’d have a 15 minute chunk of time, she’d just look at what she needed to complete next. She’d do it and go back to her busy life. The Productive Home Solution® has evolved over the years to be universal so any person gets the benefits of functional organization. One of the many improvements we have made is a 120 day checklist so you can check off tasks in any order for the amount of time you have. Summer loves this aspect as well as videos that show real life applications. How are real people actually completing the checklists? Summer finds so much value in the Sunday Basket® that she gets her assistant’s a Sunday Basket® and even has them complete a Friday Workbox® Planning Day. It is important to her that they are talking the same language. In planning, she wants them to know she’s talking pink or connections have been made and it’s now turning into purple work. Summer also realized she used to keep a very long to-do list until she started putting ideas only on one side and project tasks on the other side. Then she learned she’d separated her pink and purple work. Summer has been in the business of pink work so it was an “aha” moment when she learned about the color coding of the slash pockets. She shared at first she kept thinking her cobbled systems were better. Then she tried the suggested way and liked it better! She has found all of the systems to be very effective in work and home. Summer’s advice is, “Do 6 weeks in a row to build the muscle to see the real value.” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® The Paper Solution® Friday Workbox Planning Day Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/9/2024 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 56 seconds
612 - Productive People Are Consistent - Productivity Building Block #2
Building block #2 is consistency. I liken consistent people to dependable people. They keep a schedule and plug in things that they’ve said yes to into their current scaffolding which is their calendar, their current plan for the week, month, or year. They say yes, they do what they commit to, and you can count on them. Building block #1 gave you that solid plan, your schedule. Now how do you stay consistent when the unexpected requests come up? Consistent People Can Adapt There was a time when I traded services with a friend. I did her laundry, she made my family meals. I love laundry and by trading for this “service,” I got to drop the cognitive load of prepping and cooking meals. However, I had to adjust my personal laundry schedule to accommodate what I agreed to do for her. Another example I shared was when the kids were at preschool I did errands. I would do my Sunday Basket® on Sunday. I would pay the bills, plan out meals, and “grant” the family’s wishes. Tuesdays, I would drop the kids off and that was my time to zip around town and get all my errands done. My family knew this was the cadence and to get all requests in by Monday at the very latest. Knowing Tuesday was errand day gave me the option to say yes to anyone that needed an errand that I was willing to do for them as well as my own. I knew how much time I had and if I could say yes to additional requests. Consistent People Can Say No When you know where your time is going, you know when you can say yes or no. You know if you will have the capacity. Joey came to me this summer and requested my services (LOL). I looked and knew between trips that were scheduled, PhD assignments, work responsibilities, and managing the remodel of Abby’s “apartment,” I could not say yes for 6 weeks. I had to tell my own child no. I didn’t like doing that and it was a heads up to me to adjust the allocation of my time. On the other hand, because I know where my time goes and that I am very intentional to spend time with my family, I can say yes guilt free to something I want to do for myself. It is better for my family for me to be consistent rather than make a commitment every other week. I have a commitment that keeps me late one night every other week. But in the name of consistency for my family, the off weeks I stay at work and take a call with my colleagues. It fills my cup and keeps me consistent with my family. Stay Consistent Even When Your Energy is Low Consistent people stay consistent even when their energy is low because they realize that their future time is as limited as their current time. One glance at your schedule and you can see that project you want to push off to next week, but then oops, you don’t have time to complete it next week. This mindset is that of maturity and self discipline. When I had low energy about recording some videos, I knew I’d feel better once I had them completed. And as I have said many times, I am where work comes from. My team could not start working on them until I had recorded them. I didn’t not want to put my team behind. And when I looked ahead there was no other time I could record them. You will feel so much better the next day knowing you did what you planned to do and knowing there really wasn’t any other time you could have “caught up” later. Just like at the house, I’ll see a few quick things I could do quickly. Your future self will thank you when you run that thing upstairs or put something away. I have had such a full calendar for a while now. I always think, “What will I do if I or an employee gets sick?” I know my priorities and I know what I will delete or delay in the event it cannot be done. Consistency doesn’t mean you are consistent in every area, totally regimented. It means you are consistent in the areas of priority. Up next? How to be flexible within your schedule. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Podcast 10 Year Anniversary Giveaway Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/4/2024 • 31 minutes, 14 seconds
Increasing Productivity with Michelle P
In this episode, I introduce you to Michelle P. (the voice of the mailbags that you hear every Wednesday), one of our most veteran employees. Michelle was recently sharing how planning has changed her life. You see, Michelle works at Boston University by day and at Organize 365® at night and on the weekends. On her commute to work, she was listening to the episode about your trains and she had an “aha” moment thinking, “That’s me, both my trains are running at maximum productivity.” Even in academia, they support the idea that physical organization of your spaces superchargers your planning. This is where Michelle found herself when listening to that episode. Recently, Michelle has even planned to be debt free in 2025! But she had time to plan that because she’s freed up so much cognitive load and established routines. When she gets ready in the morning, she can think about whatever she wants because she’s laid out her clothes for the week. There are no decisions to be made, she’s on autopilot. After covid, she knew she was headed back to the commute and back to the office. She uses the Sunday Basket® Weekly Planning Sheets to make sure she’s covered all the bases for her BU and Organize 365® responsibilities. She’s planned the days she needs to wash her hair, if she needs to accomplish anything during her lunches, and of course, what’s for dinner. Michelle has her organization in order, allowing room for her to plan. We do not apply the same planning importance or practices in the home that we do at work. And that is what I am working on, shining a light on the lack of planning at home and offering a system for it. When you plan, we know it gives you time. As women, once we have fulfilled our responsibilities, we should absolutely do something enjoyable with the extra time. You can set the example now for your children so they don’t grow up thinking you can never stop and just enjoy. Once you get organized, you can look at your time. Once you get your time planned, you can give attention to your health. Mental health like doing something you enjoy, and physical health like planning a walk, and your grocery list to make more healthy meals according to your family’s phase of life. And I encourage you to be an observer of yourself. If you want to make a change, plan for it. Michelle knew she wanted to go back to the office for the early shift, so she planned accordingly and now she’s a morning person. And she likes it! I know in my planning, I am generous with the time I allow for tasks because inevitably something will pop up. I like to look at my time like lego blocks that I can move around. I can go with the energy. Michelle admitted she had a lazy Saturday, but she wasn’t stressed because she knew some things could get bumped to Sunday. She was able to allow for a lazy day because she planned. Because everything is planned, I too know that everything will get taken care of, it just may need to be rearranged, tweaked, or sandwiched somewhere else. Just when we thought we were done talking, we got on the subject of the holidays coming up. She is so excited this year. Michelle really benefited from the Mini Planning Day and the Holiday Blitz. She gathered information from her family to help her do less and yet meet everyone's expectations and honor traditions that were important. I cannot stress enough how little time there is between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. Planning will be crucial to a smooth holiday/winter season. Wait until you hear when Michelle puts her tree up and why this year may be a challenge. Do you have a plan in place? EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Sunday Basket® Weekly Planning Sheet Organize 365® Home Planning Day Holiday Blitz - Registration Coming Soon! Holiday Blitz Mini Planning Day Holiday Blitz Bundle + Holiday Blitz Mini Planning Day Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/2/2024 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 56 seconds
Coffee Chat - **NEW** Household Manager 21 Day Bootcamp
You love Organize 365® so much and you want to share it with everyone you know. There’s just one little problem. What is the best way for them to try it before they buy it? I got to thinking if I could offer just one thing, what would it be? I narrowed it down to a 21 day bootcamp for you, the household manager. Things Have Been Updated? I started Organize 365® 13 years ago and I have certainly changed as well as the programs have been revamped and improved. We changed where you access all of our offerings and in reviewing them during their migration, I decided some materials needed to be updated. If you have the Sunday Basket® access, I encourage you to go check out all the new material. What used to be offered for training is now all of just step 3!!! And there are 6 steps now and new checklists. The workbook is new and improved too. These types of improvements apply to the other systems too. I just felt like I hadn’t shared enough of my invisible knowledge for you to thoroughly understand how to best run the systems for you. One Thing Leads to Another We offer the Holiday Blitz, Back to School Blitz, and other free events for you to see what it feels like to declutter, get organized and increase productivity. But we didn’t have anything for someone who wanted to get started that wasn’t prompted by a holiday or time of year? This summer, as we were revamping the location of the systems, got me thinking about a signal offer for anytime of year, for anyone to “try it before they buy it.” Our overall goal is to help you to professionalize the family load that we do at home as a household manager by being a leader in your family, running your household as a small business for productivity and profitability, and considering your role as a CEO and CFO. The bootcamp is designed to do that. So go ahead and share away with friends and family to help them discover functional organization. Simple Organizational Systems Organize 365® makes visible the invisible tasks that are weighing you down. In the bootcamp you’ll experience 3 whole weeks of decluttering, organizing, and optimizing your systems at home to increase productivity. Included is a bootcamp workbook that contains 1 sheet from The Productive Home Solution® Monthly Planning Sheet tear pad to look at your month in a 5-week snapshot. I walk you through the process through videos, webinars, and podcast episodes. You will do a little each day and at your pace. You will analyze how you use your spaces and where your time goes. You’ll look at your time in respect to working outside the home, being an entrepreneur, or a stay at home parent. You will then design routines like we do in Home and Workbox Planning Day to optimize time completing your responsibilities while also maintaining self care. You will see how the cycle of organization applies to the phase of life you are currently in. It’s free. It’s available now. It’s about the order that determines your success. Go check it out! EPISODE RESOURCES: Household Manager 21 Day Bootcamp (Coming Oct 7th) The Productive Home Solution Monthly Planning Sheet Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media.
10/1/2024 • 19 minutes, 30 seconds
611 - Productive People Are Continually Optimizing - Productivity Building Block #4
The first building block to becoming a truly productive person is scheduling. Gretchen Rubin’s personality test shows me as a questioner leaning towards a rebel. I love reinventing the wheel. As you know, I have been doing this through my PhD. And I recently came across a study that I have now read many times called “Who’s Remembering to Buy The Eggs?” by Julie Holliday Wayne et al. It uses the term Invisible Family Load. Invisible Family Load I just loved the intentionality and thoroughness of the words she selected to sum up the invisible work of household managers. She started with invisible instead of mental which would imply mental only, but what about scheduling? Planning or worrying? Invisible is inclusive and encompassing. And then she used the word family to include people outside the structure of the home that a household manager would be caring for, like a college student or elderly family member. And lastly, she selected load instead of labor. Labor you get paid to do. Load was explained as being put on, burdensome, or weighing down a mind, thus requiring cognitive load and not getting paid for it. Do you know the top two tasks people marked the most as invisible in a study? Planning (#1) and Scheduling (#2); I think I’m onto something!! Schedules Sunday Basket® I explained a few times that I created different types of schedules I have had in this episode. When I was still in-home organizing, I developed two types of schedules. I had one for working outside my home and one for working from home. I found that when a client canceled at the last minute, I would get frustrated and I was stumped on how to move forward with my day. Once I developed schedules, or scaffolding, for outside or inside work, I would just move to my working from home schedule when clients canceled. For my family, we had a weekend schedule and weekday schedule. Schedules simply keep you on task and eliminate decision making. Every Sunday, I go through my Sunday Basket®. Depending on things that need to get done that week, I can fill in my schedule, keeping in mind the routines I have established. It’s a general guide or, as I mentioned, scaffolding. Scaffolding Planning Days Schedules give you structure but keep in mind, they can be reevaluated. Planning Days give you an opportunity to tweak your schedules. The Sunday Basket® is weekly and Planning Days offer the scaffolding, zooming out a little. Maybe you notice you want to change activities on different days due to a sports schedule change or getting your PhD. In Home Planning Day, we develop routines for morning, afternoon, and evening. In Workbox Planning Day, we develop routines for starting your work day, mid day, and ending your work day. Those six routines reduce your cognitive load. You made a plan proactively, now all you have to do is run it, go on autopilot. Level Up Scheduling Wanna take scheduling to the Nth degree? Schedule the people coming to your home. I mean, book them out far enough that you can get a complete list of all tasks before they come for the appointment. Once you know they are coming, you may find more tasks for them to complete. And schedule meetings with people. I used to want to connect with people but felt rude telling them it would have to wait two weeks, so I just wouldn’t reach out or reply. I found over time that people don’t mind at all. Book the meeting and connect. It may seem weird to book out two months, but the day will be there before you know it and you’ll be connecting like you desired. Truly productive people are always looking at their schedules and realize they support them through scaffolding. Schedules do not limit them. Up next? Consistency! EPISODE RESOURCES: Organize 365® Podcast Resources The Sunday Basket® Organize 365® Home Planning Day Friday Workbox® Planning Day Podcast 10 Year Anniversary Giveaway Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/27/2024 • 36 minutes, 34 seconds
Transformation with Lori R
In this episode, I introduce you to Lori R. who loves having her two adult children live with her. Lori learned her peers were really into podcasts. Lori was trying to keep a lot of balls in the air due to work, her children, and her husband was sick. She searched podcasts for productivity and found the Organize 365® Podcast. She listened repeatedly to the Sunday Basket® episodes and made a makeshift one of her own. Her biggest lesson? Think differently which goes against her engineering brain. Lori has learned a lot like DIY, hire it out, or delegate tasks. Like how she hired cleaners for her son far away at college. And you can just stop. This is the permission Lori needed to just stop projects or roles she no longer wanted to be doing. Lori’s daughter was in competitive cheer, on two teams. That meant a lot of time at the gym. To be more productive, she loaded up her paper and a camp chair and went through papers while her daughter practiced. When you are scheduling everything, be mindful of drive time and the best time to use the bathroom. And you don’t need to watch every practice. Let’s normalize getting ahead on house chores while kids are participating in afterschool activities. The podcast challenged her to think of other things she could accomplish during her daughter’s hours at the gym, like the laundry that was bugging her and bringing a cooler to get groceries. As Lori told story after story of practical application of what she has learned, I realized she’s been creating operational systems to help her home be functional. She finally invested in an official Sunday Basket® in 2021. Even her daughter learned if she needed an important paper, it was in her slash pocket. Lori initially invested in a Medical Binder for her husband. She was happily surprised to have her documentation pay off during covid. He had to go by ambulance a couple of times. She was unable to be with him. She had the peace of mind to take out his list of medications, photocopy it, and send it with the paramedics. Her husband passed away in December of 2022. Lori leaned on the Sunday Basket® to collect all the mail of her deceased husband for later processing. Unfortunately she lost her mother 10 months later. Her mom now has a slash pocket to aid Lori in settling her estate. And that made her a caregiver to her dad. He got his own Sunday Basket® to help Lori in the functionality of his life, too. The statistics say you could outlive your husband. And most women as the household managers end up settling their spouses affairs as well as parents or other loved ones. The Sunday Basket® and Financial Binder are gifts to yourself in these times. After talking to Lori, we identified that her daughter is fairly organized. Thinking differently, I proposed that her daughter help with her father’s house and care. Lori’s advice is, Just get started. Just do a little bit at a time. It adds up. And to get a Medical Binder. Sometimes the apps don’t work at the medical facilities and it’s great to have it on paper. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/25/2024 • 49 minutes, 10 seconds
610 - Productive People's Mindset - Living a Prepared Life
In the mindset trilogy of this series, “prepared” is the last part of mindset. We discussed going pro, being balanced, and now truly productive people are prepared, over prepared really. This level of being prepared can be weird to people or distance you from others, but you won’t be the one scrambling when an unexpected life event rears its head. I’m going to give you some examples. Go Bag A friend of mine is in the caregiver role and I said what she needed is a go bag; think diaper bag for you as an adult. When my dad was sick and I needed to leave when I got the call, I had a go bag. And in fact, I’m going to put one together now and just hang it in the hall. What will I put in it? I’m glad you asked. I’ll make sure there’s my protein and fig bars so I can have healthy food if I am in a hospital or something. I like to have water bottles in there so I don’t have to leave the person I am caring for, as well as a brush, hair clip, socks, sweatshirt or blanket (I’m always cold), battery to charge my phone and watch, and probably a notebook. You know, the things I like to have to keep me comfortable. It’s a form of self care as you are pouring yourself into someone else. Being Overprepared Truly productive people like to have a month or better lead time in their supply chain. Greg and I recently got sick for 7-10 days. But our house was fine because it is always stocked for about a month. I replace the last one before it becomes the last one. At this point we’d be ok for about 2 weeks before we ran out of necessities.There’s plenty of crackers, ice pops, and other foods in the event we are sick or can’t get to the store; the staples. Snow storms or ice on the roads here in Cincinnati? No problem because we are stocked. There’s no need for my family or I to panic. When snow days or storms hit, truly productive people are prepared. They have anticipated unexpected life events and prepared as best as one can. The more prepared you are, the higher level of problems you can handle. Because you are prepared, you can handle a level 5 issue. But be unprepared and most problems can feel pretty chaotic. And truly productive people know their obligations, have them on their calendar, and can manipulate time and obligations to fulfill new responsibilities due to an unexpected event. If you aren’t running at this level, I suggest you participate in the 21 Day Household Manager Bootcamp next month. The Power of Paper I cannot share enough times when paper has come in to save the day. You cannot use your recollection as proof of what you are saying. Doctors, professors, and the general population want physical paper/literature to back up what you are saying. It’s tricky because you know if you are out of milk or bread. But no one knows if your paper is not organized and prepared. You want to be at a point when important papers are required, you can grab them quickly. Recently, I needed OLD paperwork for one of the kids. The doctor was saying he didn’t have documentation that far back. I was able to locate it and provide it. I thought for sure that such a big medical group would have had it, but no. Guess who did? Lisa. Me. I did. That’s the power of paper. Truly productive people feel that whatever they are working on right now, their business, home, homeschool role, parenting, or their marriage, they decide to commit to it 100% for a productive outcome. Where is your focus? What is your mindset in these areas? Next? We’re digging into a 4-part series on the building blocks of organization. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® The Productive Home Solution Podcast 10 Year Anniversary Giveaway Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/20/2024 • 33 minutes, 41 seconds
Rewind Wednesday: How Long Do Golden Windows Last
There are times when getting organized is going to be easier. I call these Golden Windows. Some Golden Windows are given to all of us - like January (new year), spring, and fall. The new year is all about starting the year off with a fresh start and achieving new goals. Spring and fall are both times of the year when there are big season shifts and you get a burst of energy. The spring energy lends itself well to planning and the fall energy lends itself well to productivity. Common Golden Windows include: Expecting a child Moving or selling your home When your youngest child starts school When your youngest child starts middle school When your youngest child starts driving Milestone birthdays If you want to hear a more in-depth definition of Golden Windows, listen to this podcast. Today’s episode is going to focus on a question I get a lot - how long do Golden Windows last? This depends on the type of Golden Window you’re experiencing. There are long and short Golden Windows. A long Golden Window is something you can anticipate. A short Golden Window is one where you don’t realize you’re in a Golden Window until you’re already in it. In a short Golden Window, you don’t get to plan so the energy fizzles out fast. An example of a long Golden Window could be pregnancy. You know you are going to have a baby so you have months and months to plan, re-organize, nest, and prepare. An example of a short Golden Window could be adoption. When we adopted Joey, we got a call at 5 pm, and by 7 pm we had a baby! Each Golden Window, no matter whether it is short or long, is an opportunity not to be overlooked! And while the length of time that Golden Window will be open for you depends on a lot of factors (outside of your control) there are certain things you can do to get the most out of it. Here are my three recommendations for making the most of a Golden Window: Anticipate Optimize Extend Understanding your Golden Windows allows you to get so much more out of these amazing bursts of energy. Listen in to find out how to anticipate, optimize and extend your Golden Windows for maximum impact. EPISODE RESOURCES: Golden Windows Podcast The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Organize 365® Home Planning Day The Paper Solution® Complete Home Organization Bundle Embrace - Self-Guide Retreat - now available on-demand Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/18/2024 • 27 minutes, 35 seconds
609 - Productive People's Mindset - Life in Balance
Truly productive people are always producing due to systems and routines they have established; I call these trains. They have their trains humming along which allows work-life balance. And balance means motion. If you are riding your bike, you are in motion while balancing. But when you slow down, you may lean to one side taking you out of balance. The same is true in life. But truly productive people can spot that imbalance and pivot and iterate to get back to balanced. It’s a lot harder to start a stopped train… It’s a lot easier on your balance if you iterate, opposed to stopping and then trying to get the trains up and running again. Let me refresh your memory of March 2020 when all of our trains stopped. It took almost three years to get all the trains running again. Do you remember how much energy it took? Some trains slowed down too much and had to permanently pull into the station, going out of business. And recently with CrowdStrike going down for the airlines. It’s just not easy to get the planes back up in the air. There is a trickle down stacking effect. The earlier flights didn’t go out so they needed to get those people on their way before they could accommodate current time flights. It took a lot of manpower to get those planes back in the air and caught up on their scheduled flight times. And the next likely time we can anticipate our trains stopping is the election…EEK! You can choose to get tunnel vision and focus solely on the election and possible outcomes. And then get emotional for the few days that follow. You know what productive people will be doing? They will produce until election day, go vote, and go back to producing. Truly productive people recognize what is worth the investment of their time and money. They want to effectively and productively use their time. What took me out of balance There I was chugging along with my trains. I survived Greg’s surgery in December, the quest to solve Grayson’s eczema for a while now, and other family needs for my time. I prepared the trains for the time I’d be gone in England. We had a fabulous trip and I jumped right into work when I got back. But something funny happened. You know I have told you your house will feel off and that is when it’s time to iterate or reset, because organization and balance is a feeling? Well, I didn’t do my normal summer reset. By the end of August, I had to take time off just to get the house back to normal. Why had my systems failed me? They did not fail me but I wasn’t accounting for how much my family had needed me, not to mention all the time I gave to the remodels of Joey’s condo and Abby’s downstairs apartment. I realized I was completely over committed. Productive people can look at their systems and routines and pivot due to recognizing something like being over committed. I started to lean towards home and needed to get back in balance. I made three big decisions to put me back in balance. I have altered some plans at work to allow more home time. I have decided to take one less class to again free up more time to give to my family who have been in a season of needing more of me. This will lighten my load and allow me to stay in balance. You have to know when to take some cars off the train and send them to the yard until you can maintain them again. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® The Productive Home Solution Podcast 10 Year Anniversary Giveaway Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/13/2024 • 33 minutes, 9 seconds
Rewind Wednesday: Golden Windows of Organizing Opportunity
Golden Windows are periods of opportunity that are compounded with energy and free time that, if seized, can propel you into organization and productivity. They’re as divine as they sound! If you’re looking for them, or know when they are coming, you can empower yourself with the resources and community you need (like in The Productive Home Solution®!) and capitalize on the opportunity to organize your home and make it a true haven for your family and your life’s unique purpose. I will say, however, there are times in life when this is nearly impossible. New babies. Depression or other illness. Temporary crises. Short-term monopolies of one role or the other. During these times, you need to snap into survival mode, control disorganization, and just do what you can to ensure everyone is fed and treading water until the chaos clears a bit and you can come up for air. There are also times when organization (and the energy to do it) just comes naturally. It becomes easy, almost effortless, and you seem to make progress quickly. I call these times Golden Windows. There are three types of Golden Windows: Chronological, Situational, and Seasonal. Chronological These Golden Windows are based on your chronological age. When we are younger it’s on the 5’s and 10’s birthdays and, as we get older, it seems to be the beginning of the new decades. The most prominent and productive one happens around the age of 40. I’m not sure why, but turning 40 brings with it a sense of peace and confidence in women’s sense of self and place in the world. Around 40, women stop worrying so much about what everyone else wants them to be and start thinking about what they want to do. How do I want to spend my time? What am I really meant for? How do I want to spend the second half (or more) of my life? It’s a general trend, of course, but I’ve seen it happen with women who are married, single women, women with kids, and women without kids Situational These will naturally vary based on your life and your different roles, but many women see at least a few of these Golden Windows in their lifetime. Some are full of joy and satisfaction, others are heartbreaking and burdensome. A few examples that I detail in this episode are: moving, new babies, children going to school, children moving out, graduations, weddings, divorce, and remarriage. Oftentimes, when the youngest child goes to all-day school, a woman who has previously been a stay-at-home mom decides to rejoin the workforce. I say, if you can, wait! This Golden Window is prime time for home organization, re-prioritization, and productivity. It’s a huge family transition and a great time to capitalize on the little extra freedom. Getting your home organized during this time will set you up for this new phase of life. Seasonal Every one of us gets three Golden Windows a year. Each season of the year brings with it a new energy that we can funnel into organizing our homes if we choose. Now is the time, from August to September, that we get the most intense organizational energy. For the next 10 weeks in America, we have that back to school, huge transition, productivity energy. End of December into the new year and as school gets ready to let out for summer break, you’ll experience 2 more approximately 6-week chunks of a Golden Window. Understanding your Golden Windows allows you to get so much more out of these amazing bursts of energy. I hope you seize your next Golden Window and take small steps to true organization and productivity! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Organize 365® Home Planning Day The Paper Solution® Complete Home Organization Bundle Embrace - Self-Guide Retreat - now available on-demand Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/11/2024 • 41 minutes, 25 seconds
608 - Productive People's Mindset - Going Pro
Welcome to the 10 most productive weeks of the year! About 4-5 years ago, I was able to identify this natural productivity energy cadence in America due to the years of routine from school. Summer is relaxed but when we head back to school, September to December is fast and furious! And once we get into business, it’s the same because businesses are ready to get out of the red and into the black regarding profits, hence Black Friday. Mindset My family and other people have always given me a hard time about how productive I strive to be. I am happy when I am producing. I can’t stop and I don’t want to stop. I am where work comes from in Organize 365® and my home runs off my productivity. I do sleep and make time for my family, but my “normal” is being productive. And I have recently decided I am no longer apologetic for being productive. In fact, I’ve gone pro. Going pro means being a truly productive person that is always effortlessly producing. It’s not that you are just going to run a marathon, but that you are going to finish that marathon. And when you go pro as the home manager, you and your family benefit. What is there to apologize for? I mean, if you hired an actual home manager, would you want them to sit around or would you be thinking, “The house isn’t going to take care of itself!” As a professional home manager, you give 100% effort and produce as a person striving for excellence not this pie in the sky idea or aesthetics of perfection. Be A Scientist Observing Yourself You can learn so much if you just track where you spend your time. If you are running your marathon and feel the need for more time on a specific project, I encourage you to be a scientist of your own life. In my observation, I have decided I will not be getting extra productivity time by staying up late or getting up early. So where else could I gain time? I realized the other day how much time I could save if I didn’t do my hair everyday. Bun hair days mean I get almost an extra hour each day. That’s an extra hour to be more productive. At the same time, I felt something was off. After observing where my time was going, it became apparent that I was spending too much time in CFO tasks. I decided to knock them out in one Saturday to stop taking time away from my weekly objectives. That is what truly productive people do! Observe and iterate. Marathon Energy I am a big fan of Jesse Itzler. Jesse does all kinds of crazy athletic challenges. When I know Jesse is trying to complete one of these challenges, man, I watch him like it’s my job. I am so impressed with his mindset. It’s not a matter of if he’ll finish, just how. Athletes are such a good example of someone who has observed their performance and constantly makes slight improvements. They account for all variables like the best weather conditions, energy they need to be in, court or track or pool conditions to result in their best performance. We applaud it in athletics and we should applaud it in our work and homes. We are in the thick of marathon energy right now. Capitalize on it! Get your Sunday Basket® in order so you can be present because you know every thought or idea is accounted for and planned. Now own that you want to be a truly productive person and focus on your marathon. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® The Productive Home Solution Podcast 10 Year Anniversary Giveaway Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/6/2024 • 43 minutes, 52 seconds
Rewind Wednesday: Creating a WORK Organizing Train
How do we move from being a productive person who can get a lot done in a day to someone who can really set and achieve bigger goals that are going to make a marked difference in the world? The way to become more impactful doesn't come from productivity, it doesn't come from apps, and it doesn't come from digitizing things. It comes from increasing your organization. In order to build the tracks for your work train, you have to establish work systems, processes and habits. In Workbox Planning Day, we talk about having a beginning of the day routine, a midday routine, and an end of the day routine. Then you can add in Friday Workbox® coworking time each Friday, and Planning Day every quarter. Now there will be the new Workbox Planning Day Implementation event that will kick off next week, and will continually happen every quarter. You have to build these tracks first so that you can move forward faster. Having these three routines each day gives you guardrails and allows you to task stack different things at different times of the day so that you have more capacity and more time to work on your purple projects and move new initiatives forward through the company. Now you're moving faster because these habits and routines have reduced your decision making fatigue. You've task stacked as many of your green tasks into these bucketed times each day and week so that you have more free time to work on the other colors - pink, purple and blue. Now it's time to build the train cars. How you build your work train cars is very customized. What your train looks like throughout your career is also very customized. Interestingly, you can get your work train up and running faster than your home train. Typically it only takes a year - if you're an employee. If you're a business owner, it's a lifetime pursuit. You're never going to be done because you're always reorganizing the train tracks, moving around the cars or adding and subtracting them. It's basically one big game. The first work train car will be the Business Friday Workbox®. This will teach you there are four different kinds of work; four different roles you play in your job. Everyone has four: pink, purple, blue and green. Once you figure out what those are, we're going to optimize those four kinds of work over the course of one year. The second train car are the Workbox Planning Days. Until you learn how to plan, how to use your Friday Workbox®, it's really just a pretty way of organizing your to do list. Until you learn to plan the work that's within the workbox, it's very reactive. You might speed up a little, but you will not have the impact that you want to have. How do you take the green work (administrative) and task stack it in as small amount of time as possible at regular intervals throughout the day so that you can increase the capacity you have for the pink, purple and blue work? Once you start going through the Planning Days, you start to proactively and purposefully plan out what your initiatives are going to be in the next 90 days. You start doing less, but getting more in depth. You delete or delegate projects, you streamline your goals and stop overcommitting. You realize how cyclical work is and how much it's related to home. There are other things that are going to slow down your train - like losing a team member, adding a team member, a new product, losing a product, and so on. Every time you pull into the station, you will go through every single train car. Every 90 days, every quarter. I would love for you to join me for the Workbox Planning Day Implementation event next week. It will be the 13th week of every quarter from now on, so you can add this into your coaching package in order to keep your train running. My job is to get you more productive and profitable so that you can avail yourself of all of those great coaches thereafter. EPISODE RESOURCES: Business Friday Workbox® Workbox Planning Day Workbox Implementation Day Sign up for the Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/4/2024 • 29 minutes, 39 seconds
CC - 10 Year Podcast Anniversary
TEN YEARS! You have been able to catch this multi-weekly, ad free podcast for 10 years. I am not so good at reflecting and patting myself on the back. But the team insisted because it’s not just my podcast journey or their podcast journey, but it’s been yours too. Cheers to 10 years! Thank YOU! How did the podcast start? You know the planner that I am, so how do you think the Organize 365® Podcast came to be? I was in direct sales before I started this company, right? So I thought I’d start a podcast and kind of feel out the process. I got to use my teacher skills to teach other direct sales consultants how to grow their businesses. Once I identified as a podcaster, I knew I wanted to start one for Organize 365®. When I start something new, I always ask myself, “On what level can I do this consistently for the rest of my life?” Yes, I am that intense. Consistency is important. So I made an intentional one year plan of episodes. Fast forward 10 years and here we are! I get so much joy from talking to you. It’s fun to look back at how my life was 10 years ago. We all change so much. Some listeners say they resonate more with the old Lisa because of the phase of life I was in then. I was sitting in church one Sunday thinking about the number of people in attendance. After some rough math, I realized that most of the episodes get more downloads than people that were in attendance that day. It’s really incredible! I just kept taking the next step with the podcast over the years. Now there are 23 million overall downloads and we are in the top 5% of all podcasts! This podcast has enabled me to make such a large impact. You start something, keep improving your skills, you collaborate with others and before you know it, you get to do something bigger because others in that same space come alongside you and help you make that impact. That’s what we continue to do at Organize 365®. Thank YOU!! We continue to iterate Do you remember the SMARTIE goals? Well the I is for iterate. And at Organize 365® there have been many iterations due to the phase of business we have been in. We have produced series and some stay, some get put into private playlists for some of our courses, and some get retired. We currently have three kinds of podcast episodes. Coffee Chats: This information is usually time sensitive, like an alert. Some of these episodes expire so we pull them when the content is no longer relevant. Wednesday Transformation with YOU!: These episodes are members from our community who come on the podcast to share the transformation they have experienced by implementing some of the Organize 365® systems. **Please apply!! Please!! Friday: I try to pack these episodes full of useful information. These episodes usually pertain to the energy for the time of year Ways to win: Take a few minutes to figure out in your podcast player, how to leave a review and rate the Organize 365® Podcast. Note: Written reviews can only be left in Apple. Post one of your favorite episodes on Facebook or Instagram and tag Organize 365®. You can do this weekly! Post one of your favorite episodes on LinkedIn and tag Lisa Woodruff. You can do this weekly! What you’ll win: Organize 365® Tote Bag Sunday Basket® Bookmark Bumper Sticker Organize 365® Colored Pencils Good Luck!! EPISODE RESOURCES: SMARTIES Goal Printable Wednesday Podcast Guest Application Tag us on Facebook @organize365 Tag us on Instagram @organize365 Tag Lisa on LinkedIn @LisaWoodruff 10 Year Anniversary Giveaway Entry Form Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media.
9/3/2024 • 53 minutes, 35 seconds
607 - COO Information Management - Operationally Organize Your Information & Paper [5 Weeks to Your Most Productive Fall]
How do you remember what you need to do for the people you need to do it for, I mean really? Information management is the organization that will allow you to make informed decisions for the people, appointments, and processes in your life. The Sunday Basket® takes care of active papers, but some papers you need to hang on to. There are no more actions to do with this type of paper, but they are critical for future reference. I have a binder system, within The Paper Solution, to help you manage all the informational papers. Medical Binder The Medical Binder has allowed me to have many informed conversations with doctors that have led to not needing tests they may have required otherwise or access to medications the doctor may not have considered. I wanted to try to go on Clonidine to help with my hot flashes due to a hunch I had. I had my medical history with me in my Medical Binder. You know why I had it with me? My doctor does not digitize my records. So there aren’t multiple medical records “talking to each other” or being updated. Being prepared for conversations with your doctor can elevate your conversations and the consideration your doctor gives to your concerns or desires. This worked to my advantage many times with my children as well while we tried to get them on a diet and medication that helped them to function their best. With the Medical Binder in hand, you can make critical decisions before you leave the hospital allowing you the best treatment. Let me tell you, you leave the hospital and change your mind? Your options are drastically different with higher price tags. This binder is a life saver! Household Reference Binder When we went to Europe, our smoke detectors went off. And Abby was going crazy so she called grandma, who called Joey. Joey really didn’t want to call us. But it ended up being an easy fix due to the Household Reference Binder. Had I not filled it out, there would have been a couple of annoying days or some expensive invoice from ADT to come out and change the batteries. The Household Reference Binder can also remind you when routine maintenance is due and where you can keep appliance user manuals. This binder can also work to your benefit in selling your house - interested buyers will have peace of mind investing in your home when they know you took care of it and that there’s a binder to help them take care of their new home. Financial Binder We just talked about being the CFO of your home. The Financial Binder helps to organize all the financial aspects of your household economy. You can file away all your insurance documents as well as taxes in this binder for quick future reference. I have shared before that I file taxes for Abby and Joey. So this is where I store their license numbers, issue date, and expiration date to save me time when filing their taxes. I don’t need it any other time of the year so it goes in this binder. This becomes a valuable binder when it comes to settling an owner’s estate. This shaves so many billable hours off an attorney and saves you time, too! Household Operations Binder How does your home function on a yearly cadence? The Household Operations Binder is like your family’s standard operating procedures (SOP’s.) You may find papers from this binder go into “active status” in the Sunday Basket® for a season and back to the Household Operations Binder until the next time. These papers remind us of facts about holidays or annual events. This binder is also where your family could find information and complete tasks normally they could not because it would all be in your brain. But because of the Household Operations Binder, you have externalized the process thus lowering your cognitive load and sharing those tasks. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® The Productive Home Solution Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/30/2024 • 50 minutes, 28 seconds
570 - Creating a HOME Organizing Train
Are you driving a car, or conducting a train? Today's episode is about your home organizing train. It takes a lot of effort to stop a train. When you are productive, have a lot of impact, and your life is up and running - you get a couple of unexpected events coming at you but can take the first few of them in stride. When you are driving a car, there's only so much you can handle. You only have so much capacity, although that car moves fast and is nimble. You can stop it easily, pivot or turn around. The size of your car, how fast it is, how much gas you can keep in the tank has a limit. A train doesn't start or stop very fast - but once you lay those tracks and build those train cars, you can go really far really fast without a lot of effort. How do you lay the tracks and build the cars? Organizing. Creating and maintaining systems, habits, and productivity at home and work. Once you have those established - which is going to take a while - the only thing that will derail you are really big life events. These can be catastrophic: like a medical diagnosis, a divorce, or someone passes away. Or they can be happy events: getting pregnant, getting married, moving to a new home. Your train will also slow down and speed up during the Golden Windows of a calendar year. You will need to slow down and "come into the station" at the end of each quarter at work and each trimester at home. This is the piece I was missing that I am going to share with you. You have to establish your systems, routines, and habits that your train will run on; otherwise you can't have the train. You must establish these first, so your train has something to run on. If not, then you're stuck in the car. When you're driving a car, you're just on roads that have been established by other people and you decide in which order you want to take those roads that somebody else created. You have to stop at every red light, decide whether to turn right or left, take the highway or the back roads. Constantly making all these decisions unnecessarily. Now that you have the engine, it's time to build those train cars. Your first one is the Sunday Basket®. You must become a master at delaying your decision making. You plan your week and stop being pulled by every single decision that comes at you. The next train cars are personal, storage, family, and paper organization - which happens within The Productive Home Solution®. Remember, each of these train cars are going to take a couple of months to build. They will need regular maintenance. This takes discipline and the right mindset. Every car needs to be decluttered and organized every trimester at home. At first, it's going to take more time. To establish the train tracks, move from a car to a locomotive, put the cars on the track, and get the train up to speed takes at least three years. This realization is such a buzzkill, I know. Don't get discouraged though, it's not like it takes this long to see any positive changes. You can run that train at 50% after a year and it's still going to be better than what you had before! But to make the impact you want and need, those train cars need to be running at 80-90% organized so they are running strictly on maintenance. A train that is running on maintenance pulls into the depot and you go through it car by car - this is what happens during Planning Days, and now during the new Prep Event I've created. You will revisit each of your train cars - the Sunday Basket®, your personal, storage, family, and paper. If you are this far in organizing, this will feel weird. You will think that you need to tear it apart and start all over each time. But you know the math: you've subtracted by decluttering, added in what you need, multiplied for productivity and now you're in division. You don't have to start all over again. Even if you have a major event, you can go through it all again - but it will go so much faster. Moving to a train is a purposeful, disciplined act that requires you to grow organizing muscles, to think long-term instead of short-term, to think strategically instead of giving into immediate gratification. Once you learn this, you will have the skill set with you for the rest of your life. EPISODE RESOURCES: Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Organize 365® Home Planning Day Sign up for the Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/28/2024 • 31 minutes, 26 seconds
606 - CFO Household Management - Productive & Profitable Households [5 Weeks to Your Most Productive Fall]
It recently dawned on me that what takes most of my time when processing the Sunday Basket® is the CFO tasks. I used to spend time reconciling the checkbook, now paying bills that can’t be automated, and discussing with Greg what we’d like to do with any extra money. But also as the CFO, I considered the amount of time I think about our money, insurance, wills/trusts, and taxes. And you probably do too! This is a very important role in the part your small business (your home) plays in the nation’s economy. You Must Prioritize Your CFO Role You need to have life insurance, a will, and I talk about your taxes; all CFO responsibilities. What happens to your money in the event something happens to you or your spouse? I remember when I earned a cruise out of the country and we were discussing it with friends. It was brought to our attention that we should have a will and life insurance. When we really thought about how life would continue in the event Greg or I weren’t here, we realized this was a wise investment. And let me tell you that $32 to insure me for $100,000 almost killed us every month because we were down to the penny. And every December when we’d get the invoice for Greg’s much larger policy…ugh, I mean I still dread it!! But I understood the financial peace of mind it provided. Years later, I learned about trusts. And by that time we had a little money and some assets and that triggered me wanting a trust to explain our wishes of how the money would be dispersed to our children in the event it was necessary to access the trust. As the CEO of Organize 365® and my home, I am always thinking about how I can make us stronger and more resilient. And when I have asked that question in the past for Organize 365®, it has gotten the employees life insurance, Q-SEHRA health insurance, 401K, vision/dental, short term disability, and this year…long term disability for me. There are about 7 steps you need to take to get these safeguards in place for you and your family as the CFO. The Breakdown of Getting Financial Plans in Place The Trigger - Maybe a friend goes through an unexpected event, you get advice, or you go on a trip and you realize it’s necessary. Research - Decide what you need and then when you find the right person, they can put all the paperwork in place. Contact Agent - Usually by the time I’m reaching out to someone, I’m ready to buy. Fill Out Paperwork - They will give you the paperwork to get the information necessary to provide what you are hiring them for. Meet With and Pay The Agent - Bring the homework back to them and, of course, they want money for services rendered - this stuff ain’t free! Complete Actions - Once you get the final paperwork back, review it; update it when needed. File It - File it for safekeeping and know where it is for quick access. Knowing where you filed stuff brings me to the next topic of taxes. You all know I take care of a lot for Joey and Abby, including but not limited to their taxes. I have taught my children Organize 365® systems and we all use the same system of the Sunday Basket® and The Paper Solution® Binders. And I have organized my mother in law the same way. This makes it really easy for me to serve as everyone’s CFO. Multiple users, but one system. I look the same place for each person, just a different binder or Sunday Basket®. Now when it comes to Organize 365®’s taxes, things have gotten more complicated over the years and I have hired someone to help and provide advice on tax benefits I could take advantage of. Know when to consult the professional to protect your family’s financial health. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® The Productive Home Solution Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/23/2024 • 45 minutes, 53 seconds
Transformation with Betsy B
In this episode, I introduce you to Betsy B. who lives in Portland, OR with her husband, daughter, 2 dogs, and one snake. Betsy has listened to the podcast for 10 years. She was inspired over the years as I grew Organize 365® that she too could start a business. Betsy is a deep thinker and loved the long episodes that lasted as long as her housework. And she loved that they were chock-full of insights. Betsy is an interior designer so she really took to a recent episode (#601) about how homes used to be constructed and how they supported the style of life then. Betsy gets paid to repurpose those designs to support phases of life her clients are experiencing. The homes in Betsy’s area usually do not have access to the backyard because people used to hang their laundry in their backyards. But now, we like to have get togethers in our backyards. Betsy joked about how the things she’s learned are “baked into Betsy” and her saying to herself “that’s because of Lisa.” I’ve talked in the podcast about iterating your spaces for the phase of life you are in. Betsy iterates the structure and I help you to iterate your spaces. For example, Betsy’s cabinet in her dining room has served as a place for her china, then as a craft station for her daughter, and now it’s where Betsy likes to work and “that’s because of Lisa.” She iterated her space. We got into a discussion about remodeling spaces versus moving. It’s a lot cheaper to remodel. Prices have gone up since the pandemic and we aren’t returning to pre-2020 pricing. And still remodeling is cheaper than moving. Make your spaces work for you. I’m putting a second chandelier over my table and I’m not worried about resale. You know why? Because we aren’t moving! We have made our house work for the phase of life we are in over the years. And then we hit the highlight of our conversation about checklists. Betsy struggles with adrenal fatigue. She has used the Organize 365® systems to efficiently use her energy. For their groceries, she simply wrote out a list of staple items, copied it, and there’s a stack she pulls from before each trip to the grocery store and marks off the items they need. Betsy shared that she has more fun in her life now and added “obviously more time, peace, and space too.” She can take part in the fun stuff because of her checklists. She externalized the executive functions to lower her cognitive load, thus making the fun seem possible. AND due to the lists she has created as she packs, her family can now help also lighten Betsy’s cognitive load and energy required to do something like camping. The fun things don’t seem so overwhelming. She’s made it easy on herself with simple lists in page protectors and dry erase markers so they can reuse the lists. Betsy’s advice is, “Start slow and keep it simple; just do that one thing. Go slowly if it’s overwhelming. You don’t need to make it complicated.” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Home Planning Day The Paper Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/21/2024 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 34 seconds
605 - COO Household Management - Operationally Organize Your House! [5 Weeks to Your Most Productive Fall]
Operational efficiency is where you get your time back. The Productive Home Solution® is a 52 week cadence to organize your home. I like to help change the thinking of our spaces about how we use them for our current phases of life. And with that in mind, some spaces can stay organized forever! I shared a few spaces that I want you to start thinking about differently and answered questions from you at the end. Can a Space Stay Organized Forever? Do you believe once you organize a space it could stay that way forever? Back in the day, Carol and I could walk into a storage space and reduce the amount of items by 50% in 90 minutes. How, you ask? We’d get rid of all those empty boxes for their tv, computers, phones, whatever. You will never need those boxes again. Then we’d toss broken items like furniture and electronics. Next, we’d install the HDX ventilated storage shelving with bins. We knew this worked, but why? Then it dawned on me, our storage spaces are like prepaid stores. You buy Christmas decorations once and get them out of your prepaid store each winter. Speaking of winter, we organize storage spaces in the winter because half of the stuff is out of the storage space at this time. This is also the time to toss things you no longer wish to use during the holidays. Once you tackle the storage space, it can stay organized forever with very little maintenance. The Largest Space The kitchen is one of the most used spaces in the home and efficiency is the name of the game for profitability and productivity. In The Productive Home Solution®, I challenge you to think about 21 specific areas within your kitchen. We set up stations like drink, baking, and lunch, as well as many others. And you will think about how your kitchen is being used for the phase of life your family is currently in. You will consider the staple items for your family. Remember, our homes are small businesses. And how do you stock this supply chain? This takes time! Three weeks at least, and then you will revisit it at least two more times as you go through The Productive Home Solution® again. Sadly, the first time you just won’t get “done” organizing; I never want to be misleading about that. Give yourself time and grace. Remember, you are striving for excellence not perfection. The Order In Which You Organize Matters There is a rhythm and reason as to the 52 week cadence of The Productive Home Solution®. After organizing many homes, being in the education world, and running a business, there are certain energies I have observed that coincide with that 52 week cadence. You all want to do the instant gratification areas of organizing, but then get discouraged because they’re lots of times communal spaces that don’t stay organized. Or it’s July and you are trying to organize your storage spaces; wrong energy. I call this Swiss Cheese Organizing. There’s a link below to watch the webinar to better understand why your organizing probably isn’t working. The Productive Home Solution® sets you up for success by following the natural energy we all feel at different times of the year. Lisa’s Secret Sauce I believe my secret sauce is articulating what a functional home feels like, functions like, and looks like. That articulation comes in the form of all of the material in The Productive Home Solution®, a private podcast, planning days, your fellow classmates inside the program, and the Organize 365® community. Time capacity comes from planning. Space capacity comes from storage. And production capacity comes from knowing what’s coming up around the corner. Join The Productive Home Solution® and experience Home Planning Day for the upcoming most productive 10 weeks of the year to have more time for you to do what you were uniquely created to do! EPISODE RESOURCES: Swiss Cheese Webinar The Productive Home Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/16/2024 • 41 minutes, 32 seconds
Stay at Home Parent Webinar
In case you missed it, today I am sharing this audio replay of my recent Stay at Home Parent webinar. I mentioned a previous webinar, Swiss Cheese Organizing. In this webinar, I share how the order in which you get organized makes a difference. I know it is hard to prioritize your limited time and resources, but you are worth it! AND your organization will help everyone around you! Now is the perfect time to join the Organize 365® community in the Complete Home Organization Bundle. This bundle includes all the essential tools for organizing, planning, and managing all the roles you play, as well as a FREE Complete Sunday Basket® System and The Paper Solution® book! Sign up TODAY so we can ship out all your school supplies next week in time for Home Planning Day on August 24th! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Swiss Cheese Organizing Webinar Complete Home Organization Bundle Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/14/2024 • 52 minutes, 42 seconds
Entrepreneur Webinar
In case you missed it, today I am sharing this audio replay of my recent Entrepreneur webinar. I mentioned a previous webinar, Swiss Cheese Organizing. In this webinar, I share how the order in which you get organized makes a difference. I know it is hard to prioritize your limited time and resources, but you are worth it! AND your organization will help everyone around you! Now is the perfect time to join the Organize 365® community in the Complete Home Organization Bundle. This bundle includes all the essential tools for organizing, planning, and managing all the roles you play, as well as a FREE Complete Sunday Basket® System and The Paper Solution® book! Sign up TODAY so we can ship out all your school supplies next week in time for Home Planning Day on August 24th! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Swiss Cheese Organizing Webinar Complete Home Organization Bundle Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/14/2024 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 40 seconds
Female Employee Webinar
In case you missed it, today I am sharing this audio replay of my recent Female Employee webinar. I mentioned a previous webinar, Swiss Cheese Organizing. In this webinar, I share how the order in which you get organized makes a difference. I know it is hard to prioritize your limited time and resources, but you are worth it! AND your organization will help everyone around you! Now is the perfect time to join the Organize 365® community in the Complete Home Organization Bundle. This bundle includes all the essential tools for organizing, planning, and managing all the roles you play, as well as a FREE Complete Sunday Basket® System and The Paper Solution® book! Sign up TODAY so we can ship out all your school supplies next week in time for Home Planning Day on August 24th! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Swiss Cheese Organizing Webinar Complete Home Organization Bundle Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/14/2024 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 56 seconds
604 - CEO Household Management - Plan Your Next 120 Days [5 Weeks to Your Most Productive Fall]
Planning, planning, planning. Always planning, that’s me. Greg asks if you can over plan and I just don’t think so. As working women with children (or not), there is so much to consider and plan. That is what the Sunday Basket® does for you! Do you need to plan this much and have everything planned? No. But it will increase your intentionality and output. I talked about the idea of a train (momentum of productivity) that you can get moving; one for home and one for work. The idea is we can have it all, we can win at home and work through planning. Listen to episodes 570 and 571 to get the full explanation. How You Gain Time In my active parenting years while growing Organize 365®, I was driving kids, helping with homework, did 100% of the house duties, had my direct sales business, my parents got divorced, my dad passed and I helped settle his estate, and I was just plain out of time. I wanted to share some ways I looked at my time and realized how to reclaim it. After about three years growing Organize 365®, I just came home and abruptly announced, “I am no longer cooking or going to the grocery store.” I gained time and we saved money. It didn’t take long before Greg assumed those duties. About 3-6 years after that, I had learned CFO and COO skills and started to apply them at home. I became more efficient with my time and resources. I think my family assumed a magic fairy came in and cleaned the house. I’d clean while they were away and then I’d work at night, but then my family thought all I did was work. So I flipped the script. I worked during the day while they were at school/work and cleaned while they were home. But I realized I could get those cleaning hours to work on growing Organize 365®, so I hired out my cleaning. And sometimes you just delay a task and see how long you can go without doing it to understand a better cadence for completing those tasks. Maybe it doesn’t need to be done as often as you thought. We are not going for perfection; the goal is excellence. I use my time very purposefully through lots and lots of planning. I eventually abdicated all of my responsibilities at work and home and that freed me up to complete my very own book tour in 2021. Organize 365® ran smoothly and so did my home. My trains were fueled up and knew the directions to go. Trimester Home Planning The Sunday Basket® Home Planning Day is to help you plan, abdicate, and be intentional with your time to get your home train running smoothly. It’s trimester planning, which is what I realized we need to do for homes because quarterly planning never made sense to me. I have found that it is most natural to plan in January, Summer, and Fall for our homes. And that is due to all the school years where we start school at the end of summer, we have a winter break, and then a summer break. There is a certain energy that flows with those breaks and time of year. And I found I really like to sink my teeth into some sort of meaty project that could potentially take up the whole trimester. I broke down my planning and execution process of these meaty projects and the S.M.A.R.T.I.E.S. goal planning I use in episodes 596-599. I schedule our planning days due to that natural cadence I learned in my school years that continued into my teaching years. For Planning Days, we really take a look at your current phase of life. We are getting down to the details so when life tries to derail us, we have accounted for that and we just keep chugging along. Planning Day is the way to make goals realistic and possible. I strongly recommend Planning Day Prep. In Planning Day Prep, you will fill in holidays, birthdays, and other important dates in the planner. You will update your Sunday Basket® and update labels for your Sunday Basket®. You can move archive papers from your Sunday Basket® to your binders. Then on Planning Day, you aren’t distracted by trying to do those things while the webinar is in progress and you are all set up to execute the planning that comes from Planning Day. 8/24 Sunday Basket® Home Planning Day - 9 Steps (10-2pm EST live webinar) 1. Where are you in your current phase of life? 2. Time - 5 different ways you will look at it 3. Habits/Routines - AM, afternoon, and PM routines 4. Housework - Ideal cadence for laundry, cleaning, and meal planning 5. House Administration - Your Sunday Basket® 6. Plan - 3 years, 1 year, a project, 4 months 7. Detailed Week by Week Plan - To complete your meaty project 8. Detailed Weekly Agenda - Daily plan 9. Look at your time additional ways EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® The Sunday Basket® Home Planning Day with Lisa Home Planning Day Prep The Sunday Basket® Home Planning Day with Lisa + Planning Day Prep Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/9/2024 • 56 minutes, 5 seconds
Transformation with Kailley S
In this episode, I introduce you to Kailley S. who is a busy mom of 6 with number 7 on the way. Kailley has a dog, she’s married and her dad recently moved in with them. In 2021, Kailley was looking for an organization podcast. We actually met at a homeschool convention in Cincinnati. At the time, Kailley was expecting the twins (who are now 10 months); now she’s expecting again! Kailley is in the accumulation phase of life and discovered she actually is organized. She knows where things are but that’s just it, there are so many things with 6 kids. She’s learned she’s functionally organized. She gave the example of moving cups lower so the kids could get their own cups (which she wanted) and they didn’t have to climb on the countertops (which her husband wanted). She continues to iterate their spaces as their kids’ needs as they change and grow (SMART-I-ES). Kailley used to go to her husband’s business every Friday to watch the replay and process her Sunday Basket® while her mom would watch the kids. Sometimes Kailley and her husband even got to go out for a lunch date. But Kailley’s mom’s health worsened and she couldn’t help on Fridays anymore. Unfortunately, her mother passed about 5 weeks before her twins were born. Kailley no longer took the time to process her Sunday Basket®, but she was still placing things in it for safekeeping. We pointed out at this point how important it is to know the phase of life you are in. Really busy phases of life may only allow for once a month processing. I know with the PhD right now, I am having to do my Sunday Basket® once a month. But organization is like riding a bike; the skill of organizing doesn’t leave you. When you have small children under the age of 5, life is just chaotic. It’s like once you get on a schedule, the kids change and the schedule is out the window! It’s a time of life to give yourself grace. Speaking of grace, that’s what Kailley wishes she would have known sooner. She was organized despite her spaces not being Pinterest perfect. We all need to give ourselves grace and not compare to others or what they are doing. This is something Kailley had struggled with in the past and the podcast reminded her of this lesson. Kailley homeschools her children, hosts a monthly co-op, and runs one of the ministries at church. Then Kailley added the twins as the holidays were approaching, her mother’s passing, going through her parent’s house, selling their house, and having her dad move in with them. Kailley’s siblings were very helpful in going through and selling her parent’s home. She purchased the Friday Workbox® for church and the Holiday Sunday Basket® Bundle too. Even with the addition of more Sunday Basket®s, she noticed all of them plus a laundry basket were overflowing. She’s been able to declutter all the baskets and is ready to start a routine with the Sunday Basket® again. After all of that, she claims she feels like she is starting to catch her breath. It’s the beginning of a new school year and she’s got a plan in place for Fridays, with her older two going into work with her husband and her dad as the “manny” with the next three; she’ll keep the baby. Kailley’s advice is, “Don’t let a perfect finish deter you from getting started. Start with just one small thing and often that leads to one more small thing. Before you know it, it’s one big thing. Just do it!” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/7/2024 • 45 minutes, 54 seconds
603 - CEO Household Management - Reset or START Your Sunday Basket [5 Weeks to Your Most Productive Fall]
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it until I’m blue in the face, the Sunday Basket® is an essential operating system. Period. We are going to pull up our bootstraps and get prepared for the 10 most productive weeks of the year. We need to get home in order so we can get work in order. How do we do that? The Sunday Basket®. You had the summer to let your brain ooze and be relaxed on tasks, but now is the time to get back to organization and order. We are going to reset or start the Sunday Basket®, a system like no other. I have not found another system that can do what the Sunday Basket® can. Might I add, the Sunday Basket® is available for $179 right now! This is an easy and consistent way to keep overwhelm at bay. And when we are taking care of life, we have less negative self talk and more confidence. A Safe Place to Delay Decisions We delay decisions for many reasons. We get requests and ideas from ourselves, texts, DM’s, emails, communication from our kids’ schools and activities, friends, spouses, and work. They want answers but what if we say, “I’ll get back to you on Sunday.” One of the best reasons is that I find by the time Sunday comes, some of the decisions have been made or are no longer needing my attention. Also, when we see all the “demands for our time” at one time, we can prioritize and decide to commit or decline and pay or delay. It is a capacity creation machine! Holding Ideas and Projects Pink slash pockets are our friends. We have so many ideas and little time to do them, but we also don’t want to forget. The biggest thing for me is scrolling through social media and seeing a cute idea or recipe for a holiday that has just passed or is too far away to get supplies and implement. Or when you see the perfect gift for someone’s birthday or other holiday, you place the gift idea in their blue slash pocket! A Financial System for Your Family We just got done talking about how our homes are small businesses fueling the American economy. The Sunday Basket® acts as a financial system for your home. You need a place to keep track of monthly bills (some are autopay and some need manual paying), your budget, and of course, all things taxes. It’s a great place to keep medical bills if you will be using them for your taxes, as well as investment documentation, and insurance. Two New Videos I have added two new videos to the Sunday Basket® Set Up in Organize 365®. The first video is paper organizing. I recorded a guest at one of my paper organizing retreats. We sorted all of her paper into active or archive papers - for your The Paper Solution® Binders. Turns out some archive papers were in her Sunday Basket® and that was slowing her down each week when she reviewed the slash pockets. Then, with her active paper, we turned it into her improved Sunday Basket®. We did it in 90 minutes, but I broke these down into smaller videos. And we reviewed the rule - If it can wait until Sunday, it must wait. The second video that is new is processing the Sunday Basket® start to finish. You see me do everything - print to do’s, sort all the paper, label slash pockets, fill/review slash pockets in the Sunday Basket®, decide if projects and things for people can still wait, complete the tasks that must get done that week that aren’t errands, plan the week on paper like meals, when I’ll do my errands, and if I have any time to add a special project. There is a co-working time on Sundays at 5pm Eastern. The community is such an important aspect. You can process your Sunday Basket® while others do, too. You can ask questions, celebrate wins, and offer advice. Invest in the Sunday Basket® and gain thinking capacity and 5 hours of time each week through planning, delaying decisions, and peace of mind. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® The Productive Home Solution Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/2/2024 • 59 minutes, 37 seconds
Transformation with Jennifer H.
In this episode, Jennifer H. has returned with an update. The last time I talked to Jennifer in 2019, she was living with her husband in their home and she was excited that her home was to an organizational level that if she needed to have company, she could be ready in a short amount of time; she just needed to tidy up a little. Jennifer was on her 9th round of the 100 Days Program (now known as The Productive Home Solution®). Jennifer shared that the next thing that happened was downsizing her home and her mother-in-law’s things so she, her husband, and her mother-in-law could all live in her mother-in-law’s 3-bedroom ranch. Due to Jennifer’s faith, empathetic conversations, and negotiations with her mother-in-law, the transition was pretty smooth. In April 2020, due to the pandemic, her mother-in-law went to live with her sister in Wichita, Kansas so they could go through all her things and get situated in her mother-in law’s home. They wanted to make sure she was somewhere safe in the event the world shut down. In May, they moved in. Unfortunately, in June her mother-in-law suffered a stroke. And after care didn’t go according to Jennifer’s wishes. Jennifer appreciates that while the siblings don’t always agree, they all keep saying yes to caring for their mom and moving forward together, having tough authentic conversations. We had such a great in depth conversation about how all of our families responded in different ways to the pandemic, the vaccines, and integrating into life again. And now that her brother has retired, he has moved in too! And Jennifer has acknowledged the season of life that she is in and she is the CEO of their home. And that has started a conversation between Jennifer and her husband about their next chapter and if it’s time for them to move out. It’s so important to keep asking “What do I want?” As life and roles change, the answer to that question will change. And the answer to that question will dictate your reaction. And Jennifer says when she asks herself this question, she just takes the next right step towards what she wants. We can’t control others, we can only control ourselves. Reliving those experiences really had us looking at tough authentic conversations those events force us to have. Often if we are open to listening to the other person, we find we are saying the same thing, just using different language. Just because you ask a question does not mean you are judging. Not all those events went the way Jennifer would have liked and that brought us to intuition. It seems as though there are shifts in life that force us to look for new solutions. We use reflective learning to aid our intuition to guide us towards a solution and what we are going to do next. When we resonate with an idea, that is a green light to explore the opportunities in that solution. Now that Jennifer feels organized, she can explore her next steps. She is still teaching part time, but also practices Reiki in an office setting. She’s following her intuition. Jennifer’s advice is, “If you have been listening to the podcast and you are still struggling, hire one of the organizers on the app to help you. They are worth every dime. And putting yourself on your calendar is the only thing to help you reach your full potential.” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® The Paper Solution® The Paper Solution® Certified Organizer Directory Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/31/2024 • 57 minutes, 1 second
602 - The Role of Household Manager
Last week I talked about these large Presidential homes and why they were so big. But it also got me thinking about how they were run. Some had staff or slaves to help them, but some like John and Abigail Adams did not. Houses now aren’t built or run like they used to be. Think About This Our homes are small businesses. By that I mean we, our homes, contribute to 68% of the economy. We buy food, clothes, and products to run and repair/improve our homes and function of daily life. Why don’t we run our homes with strategic focus on our priorities instead of trying to equal out daily tasks that will never be done anyway? AI is coming for the house last. We need to be empowered by objectively looking at our homes as an economic unit; a small business. When we have that perspective, we will make better choices. We are managing our work life and our small business (our homes) and the cognitive load is too great. You need to learn to defer tasks so you are working on the most important task. Think, what needs to get done? By when? In what order? And what things, if they don’t get done, are not going to be a big deal? The Household Manager Room I have always said the only reason I would consider building a new house would be to put the master bedroom on the main level and to finally get the household manager office I have dreamed about. We used to have this planning desk, but as I’m sure many of you have also experienced, it’s not big enough. I want a whole room. So as I started to explain out loud all my organization and reasoning for where I have different papers for taxes, my project closets, Greg’s memorabilia, Warrior MAMA Binders, my Sunday Basket®s, picture frames, and some of Grayson’s stuff, it started to sound like a hot mess. I laughed, but in my head and on paper it’s very organized. The only way I would improve their locations is to have this one room that the primary focus is to efficiently run my home. We should all be so lucky to have one space dedicated to the running of our homes. You Are the American Economy Our homes are like startups. Very little money in the beginning, but the systems help us to focus and eventually turn a profit. The less goals at one time that we are focused on, the more productive and profitable our economic unit will be. We need to have managerial mindsets. In our homes, we have finances and operations. No matter if it’s just you, you are married, with kids, or even a multigenerational home. The focus is no longer divvying up tasks, it’s productivity. You take a leadership stance. You can only control and change you and your mindset. Decide what you want to do and lead by example. Oddly enough, others usually follow suit and fill in the gaps. When I decided I was no longer grocery shopping and cooking, Greg stepped in and our “food life” is even better now. And keep in mind as our family’s grow, our roles will change too. As your kids grow, instill chores or hire help. Just like in business, people quit and systems change; so will your small business. It’s good to do an audit of your home every couple of years. And as a leader with goals in mind, decide how to move forward effectively, productively, and profitably. Going into the next 5 episodes, I want you to think about the systems you have in place and how they can make you productive from a leadership standpoint. And how to run your home through strategic planning instead of a reactive mode of just trying to even out the workload. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® The Productive Home Solution Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/26/2024 • 54 minutes, 49 seconds
Transformation with Julie C
In this episode, I introduce you to Julie C., mom of three boys and two dogs and a wife. In December 2019, Julie was starting to organize her office and thought, “There’s no TV in this room, maybe I’ll find a podcast to listen to.” She was really drawn to the messages along with the teaching of the Organize 365® Podcast. Julie had previously tried the Freedom Filer® Filing System, but ended up confusing herself with it. That’s when she implemented the Sunday Basket® and got her paper under control. Then when the unexpected event of a cancer diagnosis was received, Julie was able to lean on her Sunday Basket®. Julie’s oldest son was a senior and she wanted to make sure his graduation celebration was perfect. Her family and friends were able to help her plans play out due to the organization of actionable items in the Sunday Basket®. I have noticed in my 50’s, some of my friends have experienced a cancer diagnosis or a heart attack. These unexpected events throw life off kilter. This is usually when we realize we need to get all the info out of our heads and onto paper in the event people need to access accounts and such and we are not in a capacity to do so. Our team had a crazy fall last year and I did a 6- part series of the different events and how my staff was handling them; check out episodes 555 through 560 to hear all about them. We can’t control much in these events, but the Sunday Basket® gives us peace of mind. And I mention that Julie being able to have peace of mind gave her the ability to rest, which is when our bodies repair and heal. Julie was also encouraged by the Organize 365® community, realizing others had been in her shoes and learning what they did. Once Julie was back to work, she attended the Friday Workbox® Planning Day sans the Friday Workbox®. I laughed, but Julie explained all the benefits she gained from simply planning. Like scheduling a workout, actually putting it on the schedule in her day. Julie has also acknowledged with her kids getting older, she has more time. Due to the podcast, she was inspired with all her extra time to go for her Doctorate in Education for Leadership and Healthcare. Now that she’s planning to go back to school, she’s also been evaluating cleaning in her house. We talked about how you can clean your house OR you can hire that out and use that time towards a project or something like going back to school. We also talked about the stigma that comes with hiring someone to clean your house. You could feel “holier than thou” OR you may consider how grateful that person is to work, which could be what they really enjoy, and the ability to make money for their family. Julie recently became a member of The Productive Home Solution® and appreciates The Paper Solution® Binders. It’s so important to have the information documented and now in her Medical Binder for the future. And speaking of the future, she wants to get the Launch Binders for her boys. We talked about learning the skills of cleaning your home or other home management tasks. We often learn them in the dorms at college. But what if you don’t attend college, then how do you learn? In either setting, we agreed the Launch Binder is the way to go to share common knowledge with your children as they embark on their independent adult journey. Julie’s advice is, “Just get started. Lean on the system, it doesn’t have to be ‘done.’ It’s a journey, not an end product.” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Friday Workbox® Friday Workbox® Planning Day The Productive Home Solution® The Paper Solution® Launch Binder Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/24/2024 • 49 minutes, 15 seconds
601 - Why Were Old Houses SO Big?
You guys know I’m a history nut and this episode is all about homes from the past and our current homes. I live in the purple state of Ohio. Fun fact, more Presidents have come from Ohio than any other state; 8 Presidents to be exact. I’ve toured Presidential homes in Ohio many times. I was even the greeter at Stan Hywet’s home. It’s so funny for me to think about homes in the late 1800’s to early 1900’s versus homes today and how we use them. And I absolutely drool over the libraries. These were successful people and successful people read. Homes in that time were multipurpose. They were large. Not for the sake of large rooms, but for the sake of having space for entertaining and working. It’s so easy for us to forget how much harder things were in the past to travel, work, entertain, to just live! Eating If you stop and think about life in the 1800’s to early 1900’s, there weren’t easy travel paths. There weren’t restaurants, nor were there hotels. If you had guests, they were likely not there for just the afternoon. It’s so interesting for me to think about the need for eating areas for workers, family, and formal entertaining spaces to have meals with guests. He even had a morning breakfast room! Meals were long, too. There wasn’t tv, movie theaters, or public spaces to hang out. So long dinners it was. And due to the architecture of the homes, the guests never saw the kitchen or the other eating areas. The largest room would often be the entertaining space. Owners may have entertainment and the whole community would be invited. The talent would stay with the owners. Sleeping These homes were so large with so many rooms. On top of all of the entertaining and eating rooms, they needed to sleep. One of the President’s homes had the owners' wing with bedrooms, another wing for live-in workers. There was a wing of rooms, kind of like a hotel for guests. Remember, guests were probably there for a week or longer and your workers lived there, too. Working The doctors, lawyers, and other professionals of that time didn’t have big fancy offices they drove to each day. No, they worked from their home offices that usually had separate entrances. Some of the doctors had a secretary office that you would enter, then proceed to the doctor. I think the reality is we are all working from home nowadays. We all, well not Greg, but most have email on our phones or are checking on something at the office if you do have a brick and mortar you report to each day. Ponder Do our homes reflect how we use them? On the podcast years ago, I asked Jay Papasan, who co-wrote The One Thing, when did we get home manager offices in every home. He snickered and said architecture is the last thing to change, and that’s granted we all agreed on what we want! That’s why all of our homes are fairly similar to that of the 1950’s, after the war. Until next week’s episode, I want you to ponder some spaces in your home. I want you to think about your formal spaces and if you use that space often. Have you allocated space to an activity you don’t do like entertain guests? Lots of times we meet at restaurants. So are you using your spaces effectively, functionally for your life today? Are you using your house functionally to eat, sleep, and work? EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® The Productive Home Solution Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/19/2024 • 38 minutes, 44 seconds
Transformation with Mara D
In this episode, I introduce you to Mara D., mom of four boys and happily married up in Connecticut. Mara organized her closet the Marie Kondo way and felt lighter and brighter. Her friend planted a seed saying she should do that for others. But how? She searched for podcasts about starting an organization business and found the Professional Organizer's Think Tank Podcast. Mara loved that it really gave her direction on how to get started. We discovered we are both educated in the psychology world. There’s a difference though between clinical and general psychology PhD’s. I’m learning so much about psychology, but really I just want to do my own research in the future. I’ll be focusing on positive psychology. I don’t have an employer paying for me to do this or a grant to be approved for me. Once I get my PhD, I will be paying to do research for the sake of the general population. Clinical seems to be for the sake of diagnosis for insurance and medication purposes to get things back to normal. Mara was explaining the Sunday Basket® to all of her clients. When it came to paper, Organize 365® had the solutions. Some organizers may say it ‘s all digital, that you don’t need the paper. But not in our capitalist society. I mean our birth certificates and social security cards are still on paper! And because we aren’t a socialist country, our health information for example is not available to anyone. It’s only available to the people we choose to provide care to us. So then Mara got to thinking, maybe I should experience the Sunday Basket® since I’m telling all of my clients about it. That was like If You Give a Mouse a Cookie because then she wanted to get Sunday Basket® Certified and The Paper Solution® Certified; she values The Paper Solution® Binders. Mara points out to her clients that the solution is you; you have to regularly process your Sunday Basket®. The Sunday Basket® allows you to budget your time like you do your money. When you budget, you proactively decide what resources, time or money, will be spent where and when. You are in charge instead of caught off guard and needing to be reactive. It also allows you to procrastinate on purpose. So often I find when I delay tasks, by the time they need to be completed that week, the task doesn’t need to get done anymore. Someone else has completed the task, the deadline has moved, or requirements of that task have changed. So you may think you are working ahead when there is so much magic in just waiting. Mara now has more time as a result of planning, is consistent, and more patient with others because her to-do list is getting accomplished first allowing her to pour into others. She has more trust in herself to show up and have clarity in her goals. Mara’s advice is, “Any system works if you think it, visualize it, and know your why. Visualize the look, the way you’ll feel, and the functionality you desire. Then when you are deciding on items to keep, toss, or donate, the decisions will be much easier.” EPISODE RESOURCES: Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® The Paper Solution® Professional Organizer’s Think Tank Podcast Playlist The Paper Solution® Certification Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/17/2024 • 37 minutes, 29 seconds
Coffee Chat - Back To School Blitz
I know it’s only July, but you guys…there’s one month when all the schools seem to be out, except year-round schools of course. And that means it’s time to refresh, which means it’s the Back to School Blitz time. This is a free, pre-recorded blitz to get prepared for the kids to start their next year in school. However, this is a cadence you as an adult have experienced since you were in school, so if you don’t have kids…you can still do the Back To School Blitz for yourself! I remember I used to take one week as “camp counselor” with my kids to get prepared. It’s a time to schedule physicals for fall activities, get routine dentist cleanings, might be time for new glasses. And oh by the way, the paperwork! One of the favorite things I did for myself one year was I copied the paperwork. Then the next year, I just copied from one doc to the other. Easy peasy! Let’s take one week together to go through your kids' clothes because they are growing! And then you can plan your shopping spree. They may want to express themselves differently this year. If you do this blitz for yourself, you may find you are in a different phase of life and you want to edit your wardrobe to match your lifestyle now. And I want you to be prepared for the school supply list or look around your office. Is it time to get a new set of pens, highlighters, or a working stapler? I remember the year we needed the scientific calculator - like why? My kids weren’t going to be scientists. You may need to budget for an item or two, but at least you won’t be surprised. Back to School Blitz (Now-August 22nd) Day 1 Clothing Day 2 Command Center Day 3 Supplies Day 4 Personal Grooming Day 5 How We Get Out The Door It’s more fun when you invite a friend or family member to do this with you. This is a great, free introduction to Organize 365® for someone that you know who could benefit. When Labor Day rolls around and you realize it’s back to reality, I want your train to already be chugging along for the ten most productive weeks of the year and that comes with planning now. EPISODE RESOURCES: Back to School Blitz Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/16/2024 • 19 minutes, 16 seconds
600 - NEW Adult Planning Tools
Some people say, “Lisa how do you do it ALL?” And some people hear all I’m doing and say, “Me too!” If you say “Me too!,” you are going to love this episode because it’s completely devoted to my process of planning. I share all my strategic thought process behind the days I have meetings to why I make time for the community on Fridays. I remember hearing, “If you want to grow a business, you must be consistent.” I want to offer a consistent experience for the Organize 365® Community. The Inception of The Sunday Basket® I revisited the story of how the Sunday Basket® came to be. I had this 14” high stack of papers. Joey took really short naps. By the time I sifted through the paper stack and found an actionable thing to accomplish during his wink of sleep, he’d be awake again. So one night, when the kids were in bed and Greg said good night early, I sorted all that paper into 40 piles! I placed those 40 piles in separate folders and they all went in my Longaberger Basket. The next day when Joey laid down, I quickly pulled out one folder and got something accomplished. Reactive to Proactive Once the Sunday Basket® was proving to be effective for me, I started to enforce the rule of, “If it can wait until Sunday, then it must wait.” Once I processed the basket I could make my weekly plan, my follow through. I have found the waiting to be magical! I was using one basket for home and work, but soon realized I should split them into their own boxes. And that’s when I started moving faster, getting more done. So 6 years ago, I started manufacturing the official Sunday Basket®, designed to help the slash pockets stand up and color coded in colors that Organize 365® uses. I went into great detail of the evolution of Organize 365® and products in episodes 521 to 525. New Adult Planning Tools I look at my week that I am a CEO as Monday 8am to Thurs 8pm. And from Thursday 8pm to Monday 8am, I am a home manager. I shared how this is really working to my benefit. I was getting frustrated though that all the planners start the week with Sunday in the month view. I want to see Saturday and Sunday together. And I wasn’t really sure where to document odd things that need to get done, like a baby gift for my hair dresser or ideas for social media for an episode that would not get published for weeks still. Where does one put that information? So I came up with three new products to help you plan. 2 Year Dated Planning Calendar (AKA “Lisa 2 Year Planner”) This planner starts with Monday as the beginning of the week. It starts in July 2024 and goes through 2026. This planner will help everyone who plans out a period of time rather than details of a week or day; it’s not a date book. Rainbow 52 Week Planner This planner has 6 rainbow colors vertically, in rows. I can plan out as far as I need to with this information that I used to not know where to write. The pages can be dated or kept blank. There are periods of time I use it and then the week of vacation I don’t. Make it work for you. Rainbow Weekly Planning Sheet It’s a similar idea as the planner, but labeled one week at a time, or seven boxes horizontally. I use the pink row for social media ideas, the orange for all things podcasting, the yellow for new products; you get the idea. There are seven boxes but you do not need to acknowledge the week day. You can view it as seven items to plan and implement. You can color code your family for needs and activities or a student for their subjects in school. And it matches the Lisa School Binder from the Kids Program! All this planning in the name of staying consistent, also known as your follow through. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Friday Workbox® 2 Year Dated Planning Calendar Rainbow 52 Week Planner Rainbow Weekly Planning Sheet Lisa School Binder Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/12/2024 • 50 minutes, 47 seconds
Transformation with Allie H.
In this episode, I introduce you to Allie H. Allie is a busy lady being an Assistant Professor, pursuing her PhD, taking care of her four children (currently ages 9,7,5,2), and being married to her supportive husband. Allie wanted to change her negative self talk about her home and her life. She’d been following Sarah Hart Unger’s blog and she talked about me and Organize 365®. Allie first found Organize 365® through the podcast. What Allie found in listening to the podcast was organizational advice that was applicable in our busy lives, but also about how to have a positive mindset. She loved that when she finished each episode there was an actionable task. This was specifically helpful as Allie transitioned from young adult to her own, more mature, family. Since she’d been listening to the podcast, when she got her Sunday Basket® she knew what the colored slash pockets were for. She used pink to dream and much to my suprise, after just having her 4th child and getting ready to return to work, she threw in “Learn Italian.” I guess leading by example I have taught you people well to dream! I shared that I love travel and looking back to 2015 it was a dream of mine then that is now starting to come true. And Allie knew it may not be right away, but she dreamed of learning Italian because she is Italian. Also, this goes to show the capacity that is in all of us. Allie pointed out that when we dream and then fulfill those dreams, we are filling up our cups to keep pouring into our families and careers. Allie made a makeshift Financial Binder and put all the important papers in there. When she needed her son Henry’s birth certificate, she knew right where to look. She expressed how much time the products and systems save her as well as her cognitive load. And at work she uses her Friday Workbox® to keep all documentation of her accomplishments for the year because the university she teaches at requires that. It’s also a safe holding place for her CEU’s and other certificates. Her students know of it, too. When they finish a lab with results, they suggest placing it in the Friday Workbox® to have for the next time they do that lab or a similar one. Allie pointed out that due to the size of the Friday Workbox®, it’s easy to leave at work or bring home and it keeps her from retaining too much paper. With Allie being successful in her career, a thriving family, her lack of negative self talk, and two hours free most nights, it prompted a conversation about capacity. We are told this lie that you can’t have it all and do it all well. But we humans have so much capacity when systems are in place. Don’t feel bad for wanting more; we can do more than we think! Allie, being a teacher, is home for the summers. Allie shared that this summer she made a checklist of activities so next summer she’s not starting from scratch with ideas to entertain her four children. And I slipped in a couple of little tips. Once I complete taxes or fill out school paperwork for my children, I always ask myself, “Am I going to have to do this again?” If the answer is yes, I make copies of the filled in paperwork or I make a checklist for ease next time. Also for ease, I make a note to myself when running errands or traveling if I need to put more diapers in the diaper bag or fill up the shampoo. That way when I get home, I fill up whatever it was and then I’m set for the next time I travel. Allie’s advice is, “Listen to the podcast, take it in, and decide what are a few things you can implement. Also progress over perfection. We don’t need to be perfect, but nice and good people that are happy.” Often times we get to see the after but we don’t see the “doing.” It’s in the doing part we get to functional organization, not picture perfect, which results in confidence and happiness. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/10/2024 • 47 minutes, 9 seconds
599 - Household Projects: Step 4- Finishing Projects to 110% & Pick Again
110% actually came from my team one season. They expressed that they wanted to get the Binders updated. They said they wanted to get them to 110% with no errors, with enough room in all sections, and add sections the community had suggested. I was more than happy to “grant this wish” and I want this for your summer meaty projects too. But you all know I do not talk about perfection so what does 110% look like for each of the projects I’ve been focusing on? EASE E. in S.M.A.R.T.I.E.S. stands for (E)ase. If this is the first time you are organizing an area or you are new to one of the Workboxes, that’s enough this time; you’re done. You will need to use the product or space before you understand how you can improve the ease of your systems. When you revisit an area is when you can strive towards the ease 110% will allow in your life. Teacher Workbox: You could revisit Teacher Camp, make better checklists, and improve systems for an easier school year coming up. Paper: Now is the time to start to create cadences for updating your binders. I keep a slash pocket in my Sunday Basket® “for binders.” Once a year, I place updated paperwork in the binders and weed out old paperwork. I tend to do the Financial Binder around tax time, the Household Reference Binder in spring, the Launch & Warrior MAMA Binder in summer, and the Household Operations Binder in October/November. Health: Create a cadence for meal prepping and stocking your pantry with what you need to support this new goal. Do the Productivity & Profitability Blitz and Kitchen section from The Productive Home Solution®. Personal: This section is not as easy but it will make you feel lighter to get to 110%. When you have backups of all the products you use, you will experience ease. You may decide now is the time you are going to switch it all up. Find what you want to be using and then make sure you have back ups. I know this can be spendy but I offered a solution in this episode. You could also do Embrace to get yourself to 110%. And then you can use the Back to School Blitz for yourself and your personal supplies. Kids: After your children are 5, you can update their spaces about every three years. They grow and change in three years - you’ll know when it’s time. And then when they are following the Kids Program for Saturdays and Sundays, you’ll definitely experience ease. Family Spaces: I’m all about a little help! But what I found as a professional organizer was once the job was completed, the homeowner was often looking for a housekeeper. And I really support this because, you will stay tidy for a housekeeper. They will come in and do all the deep cleaning, but you will more likely put things in their place before the housekeeper comes so they can do their job. And that will help you to maintain your organizational systems. Remember, you need to complete the space or product once, use it for a while (like a year maybe) or maybe third time going through that space, then you’ll have ideas on how to take it to 110% and iterate to experience ease. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Friday Workbox® Teacher Friday Workbox® (includes Teacher Camp) The Paper Solution® Launch Binder Warrior MAMA Binder Kitchen Productivity & Profitability Blitz The Productive Home Solution Embrace Self-Guided Retreat Back to School Blitz Kids Program Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/5/2024 • 28 minutes
Transformation with Mechelle
In this episode, I introduce you to Mechelle, married and mother of two. Mechelle found Organize 365® in 2019 through the podcast. One day while on a walk with her friends, she asked “Do any of you know someone who talks about running their home like a business?” She’d been looking for a podcast and then she fell in love with yours truly. She loves all the support and positivity. Mechelle said she starts almost everyday listening to something from our social media or the podcast. She listened for a while and then started investing in products. She nailed down which products she wanted to purchase after a call with Emily. Mechelle has systems in place that are helping her to run her home like a business. So it doesn’t throw her off to have unexpected company - she’s comfortable with the functionality of her home, she knows it does not need to look “showing ready” at all times. Mechelle appreciates the podcast so much because she said her husband Aaron is very much like me. One day on a cruise ship he got an idea. Hours off of the boat he’s showing a mock up drawing of the tool. And days later he had a physical product in his hands. It wasn’t in the marketplace so he made sure it was. Stop dusting and start inventing! As women we are told we can’t have it all - you can’t have work life balance. Yes, you can! We need to refocus the priorities. You don’t actually need to dust every week! We are also told we need to have our houses kept to unrealistic standards. With the right systems in place you can increase capacity to get more done. And when you are getting more done, you just may realize new products that you’d like to have that aren’t in the marketplace. That’s the time to invent it! We laughed over Organize 365® and the requests we have made to software designers, eyebrows we have raised, and products that have been invented to aid in these systems that make us so productive. We, the Organize 365® community, are almost collaboratively working towards this handbook for the home. It took Mechelle about 2-3 years to effectively be using the systems. The first round was like a baby walking. When they fall down, we laugh with them and encourage them to keep going. She gave herself grace and just kept going. The second round she was able to put planning day into action. She kept listening to the podcast and growing. She’s put effort into areas of her life like health, creativity, spirituality, relationships and currency. She’s gained the perspective of spending her time like her money which has resulted in capacity, energy, and freedom. The dailiness of our homes is a never ending story with responsibilities shifting due to our phase of life. Remember I. in S.M.A.R.T.I.E.S. is (I)terative. You just have to keep each space functional for the phase of life you are in. And Mechelle has been doing that. Mechelle’s advice is, “Listen to the podcast and see what speaks to your heart, then reach out to customer service and discuss goals, and then start with the Sunday Basket® (out of head and onto paper). ” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Home Planning Day The Paper Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
We have dissected S.M.A. from our home organizing acronym, S.M.A.R.T.I.E.S. You know what (S)pace you are organizing. You know at the end of the day the functional feeling will be your indicator that you have accomplished 80% organization ((M)easurable). And the (A)esthetics we know are not going to be like a magazine, but it could have a country french flair or whatever design you like. We are moving onto (R)eactive to proactive, (T)hings in place, and (I)terative today. Let’s look at the six categories I’ve been using as examples… Teacher R- You are going to go through last year’s paper and see if you still need any of it. T- Teacher camp, you can attend a replay and get going right now or catch it live the first two weeks of July to get systems in place. Organizing Your Paper R- If you have a chunk of time, put all the paper in one place. Then sort for keep, shred, or recycle. T- Once you have your organized paper piles, actionable paper goes in the Sunday Basket® and reference paper goes in the binders. Organizing Your Health Journey R- Do a total clean out of the pantry and fridge. Toss all food that no longer supports your health goals. Important to restock with food that does provide the health you are looking to accomplish. This is a good time to revisit your recipes. T- 15 minutes a day which could be one drawer at a time. You can do 15 minutes back to back too, but keep the tasks small so if you get interrupted you don’t have a big mess in the kitchen. Personal Development/Personal Spaces R- Get rid of 20-30% of your closet. Our bodies are constantly changing and your wardrobe may be from before kids or a full time job and now you stay home. I have suits in my closet that I don’t wear, but I keep them because they remind me where I am going, so they are aspirational. It’s ok to keep things like that. And it’s ok to slowly replace your wardrobe. You’ll go through it at least 3 times so you can weed out and add as you go . T- My big special thing I did was black flocked hangers. Is there something fun to help you organize? Getting Your Kids Organized R- Only keep the things that are relevant to their age and phase of life. T- A cube system or bookshelf helps you and the child to have defined spaces. Organizing Your Family & Communal Spaces R- You are fighting the tide of memories in this space. Try to remove the items you think you want gone. If you don’t miss them, then they weren’t serving the space and you can choose to store or donate them. T- Be honest with yourself. Are the things in that space serving your family in the current life phase you are in? And (I)terative, this is a step that does not need explaining for each step. You will know it‘s time to iterate when you look around and you are no longer happy walking into that space. When yester-year’s project and today’s project are still out, that could be a sign the family has changed. Maybe you no longer have elementary aged kids, maybe you moved, but something has changed and you need to iterate to make the space functional for your current phase of life. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Teacher Friday Workbox® The Paper Solution® The Productive Home Solution® Kids Program Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/28/2024 • 43 minutes, 48 seconds
Transformation with Rhonda H.
In this episode, we are joined once again by the fabulous Rhonda H. You may remember Rhonda from last year on the podcast; she has been part of the community for a long time. Rhonda will be working with us in the fall with the Homeschool Friday Workbox®. Rhonda has every Organize 365® product you can imagine and recently she decided to do Embrace again. The first time Rhonda did Embrace was in 2022. Due to life circumstances, she couldn’t take action on much and her family still very much needed her. She would watch the videos before bed and write a few things down. It was at this time that she decided to get The Paper Solution® Certification. She went on a feeling of knowing that’s what she wanted to do, but didn’t know the “how” yet. It was a small step she could take in the direction she wanted to go. It was important for Rhonda not to be discouraged by the stage of life she was in, rather to take small steps towards who she wanted to become. THIS time though…Rhonda has been able to take a much deeper dive! She’s attentively listening, taking notes, reflecting, and collaborating with other women from the community. It started with her and two other ladies that got certified at the same time as Rhonda. When others in the Organize 365® community heard what they were doing, they asked to join. Of course, Rhonda and the other ladies were happy to invite them in. As women, the complexities of our lives are constantly changing. Embrace gives you a chance to stop and think about where you are now and where you want to go. Be in community and learn from each other who may have faced the same challenges or phases of life and encourage one another as we all figure out our next steps. The Embrace experience is like middle school camp. There’s costumes, music, but most importantly, a lesson wrapped into each video. There are thought-provoking ideas for you to think about and explore. What roles can you not be replaced in? What do you want? What are the skills you have acquired over life? What are you uniquely created to do? Who do you want to be? It’s a progressive program that helps you to dream and then reel it back based on real life limitations. It continues to stretch you to dream and realize how that could all play out in the long run. It’s healthy empowerment, dreaming with a little tough love and reality. And if this is the meaty project you took on this summer or if you do Embrace, go listen to the playlist on Spotify. Keep it top of mind while you are driving and ponder that question of “What do you want?” This is a perfect reason to get a hotel room for a night or two and really take time for you; undistracted time to think and reflect and really dig into you can make a plan for your next chapter. Rhonda’s advice is, “Do Embrace even if you are repeating it. Get the fun add on’s and get a group together. You will get more out of it because you are in a different phase of life than you were the last time you did it!” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Embrace Self-Guided Retreat The Paper Solution® Certification Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/26/2024 • 58 minutes, 13 seconds
597 - Household Projects: Step 2 - Start & Break It Down
Don’t Start Touching Things…First VIS-U-AL-IZATION Start with the end in mind. We do this in our paid work, but now we need to do it for our meaty project. I know it’s so exciting when you have all your supplies. But to be most effective, I want you to have a meaningful start. When you are done, come Labor Day, how does it look? AND how does it function? Will it effectively support you during the upcoming most productive weeks out of the year? Teacher When you think about going to school, how do you envision the Teacher Friday Workbox® effectively helping you with your administrative tasks? Compile the paper and slash pockets you need to make it a reality. Maybe set up a table in the corner of a room as your project station for the summer. Communicate with your family and remind them about planned neglect. Organizing Your Paper The first few steps are very much like starting the Teacher Friday Workbox®. And you get to start once you have time blocked out on your calendar. How much paper will you go through at time? Starting a Sunday Basket®? Consider the Paper Organizing Retreat or hire a professional paper organizer to help. And then plan it on your calendar. Organizing Your Health Journey When spaces are modified to support goals, goals are more likely achieved. Again visualize how the kitchen will best support your new goals. If it’s losing weight, visualize how you want it to look. I know I’m looking forward to a half full refrigerator and replacing some items I will hand down to Abby and getting some new ones I have my eye on. Personal Development/Personal Spaces Reflect! This is time you are setting aside to reflect on who you are and what you want. I strongly encourage you to attend Embrace. I’d start there because you may find you want to do something different than before Embrace. This is also a time to think about your wants. It’s not like “I deserve this.” No, maybe you have wanted something and everyone else has their needs met…go ahead and dream. And if it’s in the budget, get it! What do you want your life to look like? Getting Your Kids Organized Dream with your kiddos how their rooms could look. Consider your budget and make a plan. I noticed I did this about every three years. Your kids have grown and are now different people. Make sure you know how you will do it because once you tell them they will want to start tomorrow! Organizing Your Family & Communal Spaces Just visualize functionality. I remember this lady who had a perfect home and when a magazine came to take pictures, they replaced some of her decor! It was in that moment that I realized even perfect isn’t perfect. These are communal spaces and they will not stay organized long at all. This is the first floor of a two story home. Plan it out on your calendar when you will do each room and in what order. Focus Since this is your summer long project, I want you thinking about it all the time. On the way to the grocery store you may have a great idea come to you; write it down. And the next time you get 5 minutes or 3 hours, you can implement that idea! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Teacher Friday Workbox® Paper Organizing Retreat The Productive Home Solution® Embrace Self-Guided Retreat Kids Program Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/21/2024 • 48 minutes, 41 seconds
Teacher Podcast #14 - Annie's Pilot
Now that you know all about Annie, it’s time to learn about her Teacher Pilot. Annie was part of the Teacher Friday Workbox® Mastermind. And she had lots of ideas. So when I put feelers out to see who wanted to run a pilot, Annie raised her hand high. Annie had been using the Teacher Friday Workbox® and she wasn’t shy about it. When Annie’s school hosted a “choose your own adventure” personal development day, Annie offered to teach about organization and the Teacher Friday Workbox®. From there, interest grew and we were able to narrow down our pilot participants. I think everyone is in agreement that while massages are nice, to give yourself peace of mind and ease at work feels more like self care! I went on a little sidebar about self care. Self care is such a buzz word among Annie and her peers. But what actually provides long lasting self care? You know, child care and elder care is noted because someone else has to administer that care. But self care, you are the one administering it and it too needs to be done daily. But it’s invisible. Self care is not “in addition to,” but it should be baseline - like we all need daily self care! The lucky kindergarten and 5th grade teachers would be the grades piloting implementing the Teacher Friday Workbox®. And one of Annie’s 4th grade teachers got to sneak into the program too. At the beginning of the pilot, Annie asked each participant to give 10 sentences about how they felt about their current organization and hopes of the program. They got training on how to set up the box and systems. Annie offered additional training throughout the year and during one of their personal development days, she offered for them to see how she had her Teacher Friday Workbox® set up. Annie asked for feedback in February too so she could see their progress. They all said that was extremely helpful. As we saw in Jayme’s pilot, each teacher implemented the Teacher Friday Workbox® in different ways. The teachers all want to stay in the pilot and continue to report their wins. Annie noticed it took her three years to hit that sweet spot and she assumes it will for her colleagues too. The overall feedback though was gratitude for this solution. They are excited, even asking for training over summer. Annie agreed and reminded them they also get to attend Teacher Camp coming up in July!! Let’s face it: Teachers are not digital and we need to offer non-digital solutions to promote teacher retention. I know this is a big ask. But at the end of the day when we meet the needs of our teachers, they will meet the needs of our students. When you move forward with the Teacher Friday Workbox® for your teachers, make sure to provide time for them to effectively learn how to use the Teacher Friday Workbox® and customize it for their classrooms. EPISODE RESOURCES: Teacher Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
Alright, we’re at step one of the meaty project you have decided on. We’re talking prep. We need to wrap our minds around what we are doing, when we are doing it, and our budget. Declutter You may already have some stuff in mind that you have been wanting to get rid of but got held up not knowing what to do with it. I say give it away, donate to donation centers that will recycle or resale the items. Or trash it. Many companies will come out and pick up large items, or get a dumpster and fill it up to your heart's content. And of course, you need to set time aside on your calendar to complete this decluttering. You must be intentional. Prep We talked about this in the last episode. Decide on your budget and get your supplies. I always say buy in advance what you think you will need. We are planning this project to be done in August so…save your receipts in the back of the slash pocket you used to plan this project. With supplies on hand, you can stay in that project energy. At the end, return the items you didn’t use. And prepare your family. Let them know your planned neglect tactics you will be practicing. And let them know your timeline and what to expect! Teachers - Getting organized and ready for the most productive fall Declutter: Your classroom and Teacher Workbox before you leave for summer. Prep: Your calendar and block off Teacher Camp and try to join us live; such great energy to be surrounded by. Organizing Your Paper Declutter: Decide when and how much you will go through at a time and designate where the keep pile will go. Prep: Block off the Paper Retreat or seek out the local help of a professional paper organizer. Organizing Your Health Journey Declutter: Toss all expired items (also consider vitamins) or items that do not support your health journey, from your pantry and refrigerator. And declutter the kitchen - Revisit The Productive Home Solution® section for the Kitchen. Prep: Schedule time daily to track in an app or plan the day for success. Personal Development/Personal Spaces Declutter: Daily plan for 15-30 min to declutter personal spaces. AM? PM? When is best for you? Prep: Sign up for Embrace and try your hardest to join us live! Getting Your Kids Organized Declutter: Go through the Kids Program. Kids stuff sells so consider a garage sale within two weeks of hearing this podcast!! Prep: This is kind of declutter and prep together. But as you get through the Kids Program, you can buy clothes once the closet is decluttered, buy paint once another section has been watched and implemented. You get the idea. You could put together a fun calendar for your kids to follow along with the plan. Organizing Your Family & Communal Spaces Declutter: Let your family know your plan and what to expect. This may be the project to call in Junk King. They’ll come into your home and remove any items for you that you have delayed tossing for this reason - you needed muscles LOL Prep: Decide what is no longer serving you and your home. Plan the time on your calendar when you will complete this task. I know, we didn’t even start! LOL!! Next week we will begin all the fun now that we are decluttered and prepped!! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Teacher Friday Workbox® Paper Organizing Retreat The Productive Home Solution® Embrace Self-Guided Retreat Kids Program Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/14/2024 • 34 minutes, 3 seconds
Teacher Podcast #13 - Meet Annie
6/11/2024 • 46 minutes, 48 seconds
Coffee Chat - Get Ready for Customer Appreciation Days June 13-17
I’m excited to announce that we are having Customer Appreciation Days! I have been encouraging you to really think about this summer and what meaty project you want to conquer. I explained the new SMARTIES goals. And now, I can’t wait to walk you through step-by-step how to accomplish this goal, this project, and celebrate your wins. I want you to double down on that golden window summer energy. Let’s do this!! Time to Shop For Project Supplies That’s right, it’s my favorite thing to shop for…school supplies AKA meaty project supplies! I’ve been giving you heads up online and Thursday nights at 7pm via email with my Weekly Forecasts about this sale. I really don’t want anyone to miss it. It’s finally here!! My team and I have created a downloadable catalog of sorts. I want you to sit on your porch or at your kitchen table with your favorite drink and really think about the supplies you need to effectively accomplish this project. If you can find it in the store, it’s on sale AND there’s free shipping on orders over $250! EPISODE RESOURCES: SMARTIES Goal Printable Customer Appreciation Sales Guide [email protected] Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media.
6/11/2024 • 7 minutes, 14 seconds
595 - Pick Your Meaty Summer Project!
Alright, alright…you have put all your project ideas in your Sunday Basket®. You have identified your extended Sunday Basket® areas for larger items, like a mattress for an upcoming project. And you have said yes, I enjoy completing projects here, like me working on projects on my bed. And we took a hot minute to think through our paid employment so that, as we work on this meaty project, work will be chugging along to set us up for the most productive time of year once summer is over. I know you are saying, “Yes, but Lisa, WHAT is the project?” SMART vs. SMARTIES Accomplishing goals at work and/or at school happens naturally. But when it comes to accomplishing goals at home, it just doesn’t seem to work the same way. The tool that we commonly use for goal setting is the SMART goal. I explained why SMART goals are great for work and school, but will leave you feeling defeated at home. Just in time for summer, I have a new goal setting tool for you to use at home and it’s called the SMARTIES goal. This was not a short episode and that is because I wanted to really explain this new way of setting a goal for your meaty project. S is for Space, the room or person ( ie a child) you are organizing. M is still for Measurable, but it’s a feeling we are measuring. Is your space functionally working and are you feeling organized? A is for upgrading the Aesthetics within your budgets, like a gallon of paint or cubes to put your cereal bags in. No one is being given this idea of a room full of new furniture and finishings. R is for learning skills to go from Reactive to proactive in your life. T is for Time order, not timeline. The date is not as important as the time needed to complete this project. It’s going to take the amount of time it takes! I is for Iterative. This space you are choosing to conquer will never be finished because the people using the space will continue to grow and need different things in that space. E is for Ease, deep sigh…no guilt, no judgment, no unrealistic timelines. Once you learn organization, you’ll have ease in these projects. And finally, S is for Share! Lots of times, once you get the hang of organizing you want to do it for your family and friends. Feel free to share these resources with them. And hop into the community and share what you have been doing. You may give someone an idea or get one yourself! Choose That Meaty Project (detailed explanation in the second half of this episode) Career Goals - Getting organized and ready for the most productive fall Getting Your Kids/Family Organized Organizing Your Paper or a Loved One’s Paper Organizing Your Health Journey Personal Reflection and Leaning Into What You Were Uniquely Created To Do Organizing Your Personal Spaces Organizing Your Family & Communal Spaces I’m excited to cheer you on this summer as you pick a meaty summer goal! Use my free SMARTIES goal printable and get ready to listen to the podcast this summer as you organize and tackle your summer goal. Let’s do this! EPISODE RESOURCES: SMARTIES Goal Printable The Paper Solution® The Productive Home Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/7/2024 • 1 hour, 5 minutes
Teacher Podcast #12 - The Teacher Workbox Graduate Level Course
Anna feels so strongly that the Teacher Friday Workbox® is the solution to ease the overwhelm and increase teacher retention, she created a course in the formal setting of a university. She’s here today to give a peek inside the course. She knew based on her previous life in the education world that not all courses qualify to be reimbursed. There needs to be a focus on how the student would benefit from the teacher completing this course. Proactively, she knew to include SEL (social and emotional learning) standards. SEL being included makes the course even more attractive to those that would be approving reimbursement because schools are starting to require these skills to be taught, but there isn’t a lot of material out there for teachers yet. AND in this course, Anna provides lesson plans for the teachers enrolled in this course. We alluded to schools having funds that were for personal development. And they are Region 10 from Covid funds and in schools that have innovation as one of their core objectives; you can access funds earmarked for innovation workforce readiness in either essential or soft skills. Schools will reimburse for 60%-100% once you produce your transcript. Anna took time in this episode to read the course description. She was sure to stress the importance of learning organizational systems to support executive function. It explains how teachers will learn how to streamline their administrative tasks. And then she went over the modules. Module 1 is getting started and an introduction from yours truly. In Module 2, there will be a focus on ADHD for students and teachers and you get to listen to the ADHD podcast. Module 3 is so much fun as you set up your workbox, label your slash pockets, and dive into the app. Module 4 is learning how to support students' organizational skills and learn about the Lisa Binder; this is the module with the lesson plans helping students to develop SEL standards like self management competency. The last module will reiterate the importance of practicing all the skills and systems you have been taught. Curious? We tried to anticipate some questions you may be having and we want to put your curious mind at ease. I can’t recap them all so you will definitely want to listen to the full episode. Yes, you can take advantage of this course if you have the Teacher Friday Workbox® already. You’ll be lucky enough to have two workboxes AND the graduate credits plus all the other goodies. You can simply take just this one course through Ashland University. If you have existing products with Organize 365®, all products will be consolidated in one account. This is a work at your own pace course so you can be creative as to how and when you complete course work. This will be an evergreen course offered multiple times during the year. Anna is conducting surveys before and after the course. We cannot wait to see the results, share them with you, and continue to improve the course. Now go get registered! Managing Executive Functions with the Teacher Workbox Course $900 3 graduate credits once you complete the course and transcript Teacher Workbox to set up and keep Lifetime Access to online community Weekly Co Working Sessions 5 Day Teacher Camp (there is a replay) Last day to register for this specific course is 7/1/2024 EPISODE RESOURCES: Teacher Friday Workbox® Managing Executive Functions with the Teacher Workbox (Ashland University) Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/5/2024 • 36 minutes, 58 seconds
Coffee Chat - Embrace Bundles & Live Experience
Summer is a great time to focus on you. This is the time of year I always take to reflect on me and my journey. My staff is preoccupied with all the things that come with summer so I take it as a time to sharpen skills and attend conferences. I love conferences, do you? About 7 years ago, I created one of my own conferences to offer to women. We did it live for the first five years, but with Covid and now me pursuing my PhD…it’ll be a minute until I get to offer it live again. But… What are you uniquely created to do? I’m offering for you to take two days to focus on you and discover what you are uniquely created to do in this life. I know as women, possibly wives and moms, we want to find some sort of family-work balance. Make a plan and find a way to do it all! This experience is chalked full of Lisa shenanigans, lessons, and applicable advice. It is a virtual event but I will still guide you through filling out the workbook. AND this year with the add on…a TWO hour zoom call with me, Lisa, at the end of June! I can’t wait to hear all you learn and what you discover! What is in the Embrace Experience? Self Guided Retreat Embrace Workbook And the Add On? 2 hour LIVE EXPERIENCE being hosted by Lisa on Saturday, June 29, 2024 at 10am-12pm ET (replay will be available for approximately 25 days) Exclusive Standalone Blush Pink Sunday Basket® – there is no other way to buy this exclusive color! Embrace Workbook Bonus video from Lisa delivered via email Surprise gift Join us for the LIVE EXPERIENCE by purchasing the Embrace Experience + Add On or, if you already have the Embrace Experience, the Embrace Experience Add On Only! EPISODE RESOURCES: Embrace Experience + Add On Embrace Experience Add On Only [email protected] Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media
6/4/2024 • 8 minutes, 22 seconds
594 - Summer Workbox Focus
It’s summertime! Time to put on some sunscreen, let your hair down and get relaxed, right? Wrong! People, you need to plan what you are doing in business because everyone else has that summer mentality. Let me tell you, summer will be over before you know it. But with a little planning, you will be ready for the most productive weeks that come after summer. Summer, Summer, Summertime… Why does summer go so fast? I’ll tell you why…because in May/beginning of June it’s almost like we exhale from the school year in anticipation of all the summer fun. And the Bermuda Triangle we call July. The first week everyone basically has off or takes off mentally anyway. It’s hot and our energy is zapped. August comes around with back to school. If you have school age children just be forewarned, life will not return to some normalcy until September. Summer is when we take advantage of our PTO and making memories with our families. Be Purposeful With everyone here and there, you’ll be lucky to have a full meeting. It’s a hard time of year for hiring and/or growing your team in skills and mindset. Just reserve yourself to the fact that summer is a good time to work on YOU! If you are a business owner (but also applicable to your position in your company), I would suggest for all summer production to be planned and accounted for by June 1st. We do offer a Friday Workbox® Planning Day on June 7th so it’s not too late to get a plan in place if this is the first time you are considering this. This way you have peace of mind that projects will get done at work so you can get projects done at home; and this will apply to your staff, too. If you are organized in the summer, the pay off is profitability and productivity in the fall. Don't forget the Friday Workbox®. I did a quick rundown of the colors and what you could be planning within each slash pocket. Pink is for all your ideas, personal development, and research and development. We’ll focus on the pink work for Friday Workbox® Planning Day. Purple is for your projects. Projects have dollar amounts and deadlines attached to them like client work or new products that will be launching. I strongly caution you to only pick one to two projects in summer. Blue is for people such as your employees, contractors, vendors, excluding the end user or your customers. And green is for finances and your admin tasks. This is also where you would have your checklists. The Value of a Checklist The good ole checklist. A little tough love here, make sure you are putting tasks on it that are important and that you would not already complete on auto pilot. Checklists are what you are doing and a good indication of what could be handed off. As your company grows, you can use those checklists like job descriptions. Your checklists will point towards the position you need to hire next and what they will be doing. And as people resign, and as business changes and evolves, you will need to evaluate if that checklist still needs to be done or can some tasks be eliminated and the rest handed off to another employee/contractor. When it comes to your checklists, I want you to ask yourself two questions. If this checklist didn’t get done, what would happen? If someone else does this checklist, what would I do with all the time that would move the company forward? Now that we know work will be taken care of, join me next week as I discuss how to choose this meaty summer project you have been waiting to sink your teeth into! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Friday Workbox® Friday Workbox® Planning Day Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/31/2024 • 41 minutes, 28 seconds
Teacher Podcast #11 - Academic Research Support for the Needs of Teachers
Anna is back and we’re talking all about the white paper Anna created for the Teacher Friday Workbox®. When Anna came to me with this pink sparkly box of Teacher Friday Workbox® opportunities, I wanted to talk shop. Anna was almost done with her EED and I am still very much tied up with the PhD. So it was a win-win to have Anna complete a white paper. It is so interesting that there is literature and media supporting what I have been saying all along. Anna’s supportive data came from her EED education and mine is coming from my PhD education. Anna shared that for the school year 2023-24, Tennessee reported 3.900 teacher vacancies and Virginia reported 3.9% of teacher positions were not filled. There is a real teacher retention problem and with the help of Anna (and don’t forget Jayme!), we are out to shine light on the issues and increase teacher retention. There IS Money There is personal development money schools can be using that is not earmarked for the operations of or in the buildings. Schools have these funds and aren’t always sure how or where to spend them. Yes, you can offer self care like maybe a massage day for the teachers, but it’s a temporary fix. Give the teachers a raise! But that is costly to an already dwindling budget. An easy answer will be the Friday Workbox® or the course from Ashland University that rewards them with CEU’s. How Does The Teacher Friday Workbox® Actually Help Educators So how is the Teacher Friday Workbox® like self care? Most of you have heard on the podcast that a lot of teachers have purchased the Teacher Friday Workbox® on their own. They were looking for a solution and treated themselves to organization. As the number of tasks go up, so does the teacher's burnout level. A person needs to see the work before they can start to strategize a solution. The Teacher Friday Workbox® helps to identify all the invisible tasks. Then teachers can decide if they need to eliminate, delegate, or plan for each task. Task Switching We have all heard the stats about how costly in time it is to constantly be switching between tasks. The Teacher Friday Workbox® helps you to identify tasks in similar categories (the task specific slash pockets). When you pull out an IEP for a specific student, you can focus on all the tasks needed to be completed for that one student. Our brain likes this focus on one task and stress is reduced. Reduce Cognitive Load on Working Memory Color coding is so productive for our brains. And I know I have nerded out about the connection in the brain when we write things down. That activity of pen to paper is so impactful on our brains and with recall. Cue the index cards. You write everything down. You don’t stress over remembering what you are trying to remember. The Teacher Friday Workbox® allows you to use your brain as a brain and not a filing cabinet. Community When Anna really stopped to think about what teachers needed in a resource that could decrease burnout …it was the Teacher Friday Workbox®! She also pointed out the value of community that you get. It's nice to have positive voices outside of your building. It’s nice to see what others are struggling with as well as celebrating wins. AND it’s private from parents and students. It’s a safe space for all things teaching. What is included in the Teacher Friday Workbox®? Red Workbox (roughly the size of a watermelon) One Set of Rainbow Slash Pockets Sets of 5 of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Purple, and Pink Online Dashboard Online Private Community Teacher Camp (first two weeks of July) During the Summer - Thursday night coworking time with replays Lifetime Access EPISODE RESOURCES: Teacher Friday Workbox® Managing Executive Functions with the Teacher Workbox (Ashland University) Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/29/2024 • 43 minutes, 52 seconds
593 - Preparing For Projects - Step 4 - Where We Do Our Projects
Ok, just one more detail we need to nail down before you start your project - identify your project space. We all have a lot going on and I’m guessing a lot of projects. It’s ok to be working on more than one thing at a time. In this episode I share some of those things that I have going on. But how do we organize the projects, have appropriate amounts of time to work on them, and a dedicated space where we can leave a few projects out that are “in progress?” Keep in mind, the biggest difference between work projects and home projects is that work is income generating and home is production generating. Once we finish this remodel and get Abby’s washer and dryer downstairs, we will not be generating income from that project, but we will have increased productivity for both of us. Keeping that in mind, you need to plan financial resources for these projects, too. Ok, I had a moment of clarity recently. In preparation for this episode, I was thinking of my project workspaces. I realized almost always my work space has been my bed! I loved my room growing up. My mom would update it from time to time and I loved doing projects on my bed. Then when the kids came along? Again, it was my bed. I would help get them ready for bed, Greg would bathe them, and then we’d put them to bed. The kids liked me upstairs when they went to bed, so then I would work on projects in my room for the next 3-4 hours. In my bedroom, on my bed. As a rule, the kids did not go in our room because they were where I was and that was with them in the kitchen, likely. Therefore, the projects were out of the range of little hands. Which brings me to an important point. Make sure all your basic supplies are in the project area. Back in the day, I made sure all my scrapbooking supplies were available in my project space. Make it easy for yourself so once you start you have all the things you need at your disposal. The other project space, but really I’d have to label it as a workspace, was my kitchen. I love the layout of our family room, kitchen and dining room. When the kids were little, and I revisited this with Grayson, I sectioned off the rooms with baby gates to make one self contained room for us for the day. I remember I used to make awesome playdough (see recipe link below.) It lasted a long time. I kept it out of reach in the laundry room, but all the toys for playdough were within the kids' reach. We basically lived in the kitchen. And as the kids grew, I would alter the cabinets for our needs. At one point, we needed one cabinet dedicated to medicine and vitamins. And I would “audition” the new arrangements. My friend, Carol, used to audition a set up or furniture. Like a bookshelf, she’d audition it in a space in her house and, if it was functional, it stayed and was possibly upgraded. If it didn’t work in that place, then she would audition it in other places. I encourage you to do the same. Try out a desk in your bedroom. If you like it and it works for your life, keep it there. Maybe you get a nicer, better quality desk or realize you need one with drawers or more work space. But you get the idea. I want to give you permission to have those project piles around without stressing. Our homes are lived in, not museums. It's about making peace with the ebb and flow of project life. Honestly, it’s refreshing. It’s all about being smart with your space and making it fit your project lifestyle. EPISODE RESOURCES: Lisa’s Playdough Recipe The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® The Household Operations Binder Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/24/2024 • 43 minutes, 16 seconds
Teacher Podcast #10 - Meet Anna
I want to introduce you to another educator that is embracing the Teacher Friday Workbox® and values the benefits teachers experience when using it. Anna found Organize 365® through podcast interviews I’d done on other shows. Anna knows the transformation that results from the physical products and the blitzes from Organize 365®. Turns out, I could have known Anna many years ago when her mom was a Creative Memories consultant. Her mother's innovation with power layouts in scrapbooking helped me to create many scrapbooks in very short amounts of time. Anna always knew she wanted to be a teacher. She shared memories of teaching her younger brother after an enriching day at kindergarten herself. Anna, now in education in a supporting role outside the school buildings (NOT how you may imagine), values the Teacher Friday Workbox® so much that she created a college course for educators that she will be facilitating that results in 3 college credits at Ashland University. Anna did go to college to be a teacher, but got pulled in a different path. As she “created her own degree,” Anna got to experience emerging adulthood first hand. This is yet another point of connection for Anna and me. After completing her graduate degree at University of Maryland, she moved back to Ohio. While starting her new life she started a small sewing business. She took a substitute teacher position which turned into a Family and Consumer Science (AKA Home Economics) teaching position for the next 6 years. During the pandemic, she created virtual/visual teaching materials for teachers. All of the teachers were looking for help and Anna was right there supporting them. Her next move? She was experiencing a golden window, what better time is there to explore? Over the past year, Anna has had the freedom to explore many opportunities. During her exploration she took courses from Ashland University. She was so impressed with her experience that she approached them and said “Hey, how about I come work for you?” Anna's transition from being a classroom teacher to becoming an adjunct professor at Ashland University in Ohio is a testament to her dedication to education. Equally, her involvement with Organize 365® highlights her ongoing commitment to addressing teacher overwhelm and burnout through practical, curriculum-aligned support. Anna has been very intrigued with the flow theory. She explained it as a task that challenges you enough to stay engaged. And also not so challenging that your desire to stay engaged dwindles. She wants to keep exploring this in her efforts to support teachers. This initiative, along with the new course she created, embodies her belief in equipping teachers with tools to manage their workloads effectively, thereby extending their careers and enriching student learning experiences. Next week we’ll be talking about the white paper Anna has created for Organize 365® and explore even more ways to support teachers in their essential work. EPISODE RESOURCES: Teacher Friday Workbox® Managing Executive Functions with the Teacher Workbox Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
Alright, this is going to be a little bit shorter podcast. We’re going to talk about the garage as an extension of the laundry room. We’re in this short podcast series where I’m trying to make visible the…well, they’re actually not invisible spaces. They’re very, very visible…all look like hot mess spaces inside of our homes. But each hot mess has a different purpose. We have this expectation that while we’re managing all of this, our homes are also going to look like a magazine while we’re doing it. That if we’re doing it right, our house should look like a magazine. But if you can “see” the work, then that’s a problem. And yet, the more complexity your house has, the more people your house has, the more projects your house has, the more chaotic hot spots your house is going to have - because you have all of these projects in process. When you get all the way organized and you do what I'm going to teach you this summer, your house will look more magazine-ish, especially if you are over 50. Under 50 and have kids; change your expectations. Stop giving yourself an aneurysm over things that are really not necessary. Number one, you need the Sunday Basket®. In addition to the Sunday Basket®, you are going to have to keep all of your dreams in a Sunday Basket® overflow space - which is the laundry room. The garage is an overflow of the laundry room. The number one thing that will go into this space is really large items. The second thing that ends up in the garage is anything that’s related to an outside project. Other things that end up in the garage are things that are on their way out. When you start realizing that you are a production machine, you are the CEO of your household, you’re a household manager, everything is in production. Our expectation at home is that we should be able to walk through this perfect magazine house. It’s not a magazine house, it’s a production machine. The cadence for cleaning out your garage is on the red, white and blue holidays in the US - Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day. If you can get your garage and laundry room where they’re actually decluttered and organized, they need to be able to accept all of this “in-processness” with an underlying organization below it. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Free Week of The Productive Home Solution® The Productive Home Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/17/2024 • 20 minutes, 44 seconds
Teacher Podcast #9 - How to Implement the Teacher Workbox in Your School
This is our final episode about the Teacher Friday Worbox® Pilot with principal Jayme. We talked about how Jayme suggests getting started in your school and our hopes for all schools to be using the Teacher Friday Workbox® in the future. What Would Jayme Suggest? We have received a lot of feedback saying everyone is so interested, but they’d like to talk to Jayme. So what does Jayme have to say about this teacher pilot that she implemented in her school? Jayme appreciates all of the resources that come with the Organize 365® company as a whole. The podcast is an endless source of information for home and work organization. But when you add in the Teacher Friday Workbox® for staff, well…The teacher not only gains lifetime access to their dashboard with Organize 365® but they get the community. Jayme loves how supportive the community is as they all share their best practices and encourage each other. They also get Teacher Camp in July. You know, the one month all educators are available? Jayme stressed the principal’s excitement over the Teacher Friday Workbox® is important for the staff to get on board. Each school will implement differently as each teacher will. She suggests for there to be one person “championing” the efforts to get staff on board with the Teacher Friday Workbox®. This person understands and can filter questions about implementation. We can agree there is no budget line for the Teacher Friday Workbox® so Jayme suggested a “phase in plan.” Choose a category of teachers, like first year, or a grade that would most benefit from the Teacher Friday Workbox® and start there. Of course, the best course of action would be for the whole building to start together but we are well aware of budgets. Another segment of teachers that you could prioritize is those that would have had an IEP in school. Let’s meet people where they are, support them in their roles as best as we can, so they stay in those roles longer! Speaking of staying in their roles longer…You say “Yes, this is great but there is a time and financial cost associated with each person who gets the Teacher FridayWorkbox®.” Yes, and there is a time and financial cost associated with new hires. The goal for Jayme and I in all of this is to better support teachers so they will stay in their roles longer and the schools don’t have to hire and train new employees. The community starts to scratch their heads when there is too much turnover in staff. Let’s get everyone settled in, lessen their cognitive load, and be at peace with work and home responsibilities. School Train Stops and Stations I have previously proposed driving in cars versus driving a train; if you don’t know what I mean check out podcast episodes 570 and 571. And that sparked an idea for Jayme about a school train. Trains have quick stops and then they have larger stations that they stop at and spend a little more time at before taking off again. Jayme pointed out the importance of using times like winter/summer break and possibly spring break as your station time. During this time, you can really go through your Teacher Friday Workbox® and reset yourself and your work. We want to see all educators on a train where communication can flow from leadership to the teachers and back to leadership. This program opens communication. Let’s get everyone a ticket on smooth traveling locomotives. Choo choo! For $349 (one time) Teacher Friday Workbox® includes: Teacher Camp Teacher Workbox Slash Pockets Lifetime Access to the Online Community EPISODE RESOURCES: Teacher Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/15/2024 • 41 minutes, 13 seconds
Coffee Chat - College Credits Available for the Teacher Workbox Course!
Calling all educators! Do you need graduate credits in order to renew your license? If so, we have the perfect opportunity for you. We now have a professional development course offered through Ashland University that focuses on executive function and utilizing the Teacher Friday Workbox® to reduce your overwhelm as an educator. The course is 3 graduate credits and will be offered multiple times throughout the year. Our first course kicks off in June and will run through the end of August. Once you enroll in the course through Ashland University, you will receive a link to access the graduate class through Google Classroom and you will receive a physical Teacher Friday Workbox® in the mail. You will learn more about the course and meet the instructor, Anna, in Wednesday podcasts coming later this month. Until then, you can find more details at We look forward to learning with you! EPISODE RESOURCES: Teacher Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media
How does our laundry room explode? And is there any way we can have it looking like a magazine? Let's discuss. Now, you may not have a laundry room. Yours may be in the basement, so yours may not work the way my laundry room does. As I'm talking about this, it may be a different space in your house. It may be a spare bedroom. It may be a home office. Or it may be the dining room table. I'm going to go through two more spaces in the next two weeks. So if you're like, “I have bomb explosions in every room of my house,” there are different kinds of explosions. So we're gonna talk about the different kinds. Before the Sunday Basket®, everything I’m going to tell you about would be in the laundry room plus my bills, mail, my actionables. So when I got to Sunday, I would be like “what do I have going on?” “Where are my things?” No one is ONLY doing laundry in their laundry room. Period. No one is. So I’m going to encourage you to go on over to and sign up for the Free Week of The Productive Home Solution®, which is the laundry room. Things that might end up in here are the following: things that you need for a project, but won’t fit in your Sunday Basket®. Things that are in process that we don’t want to forget. Items for the next holiday, for summer vacation, projects that are ongoing that get delayed, backpacks at the end of the school year (that don’t get emptied out until weeks before the next school year!). Things that may be incoming or outgoing into the house - birthday gifts that need to be wrapped, things that need to be returned, donated, or you’re not quite sure what to do with it yet. The Free Week of The Productive Home Solution® is a great introduction to it, because the way I organize a room is not the way people normally would. Go ahead and clean out your laundry room, look at it with different eyes. Next week, we’re going to talk about my garage - which may be your storage area, your den, your porch, your family room, but we all have this space. We’ll check that out next week. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Free Week of The Productive Home Solution® The Productive Home Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/10/2024 • 29 minutes, 33 seconds
Teacher Podcast #8 - Lawrenceburg Middle School Pilot Second Training
Jayme and I were caught off guard by our nerves for this second in person workshop day. I think the reality was that we were using technology we were super familiar with running ourselves to promote more transparency and we weren’t in control. Two type A’s like to be in control! It was so good though and I think our biggest takeaways from this day and this pilot are: We individualize so much for our students, why don’t we do the same for our teachers? Allow real vulnerable conversations and be open to suggestions for improvement When the teachers saw improvement in their main teaching role, they wanted it for their classrooms or personal life next. Jayme had 65% of her staff participate and we were looking for their feedback. I noticed in these responses they are the ones I get from the Organize 356® community. Accomplishment is the number one response I get when I ask people “How does it feel to be organized?” And this group of teachers were no different. This was after only 6 months of use too!! We used the Mentimeter app so that they could submit their answers via their phones so they could be open and vulnerable. We asked “What have you noticed about using the index cards?” Here were a few of the responses: Get things out of my head My ideas are organized I remember things better I can prioritize tasks Less stress Saves time Visibly see what I wanted to do but haven't yet. So the second question we asked them was if they were taking work home. I was shocked that more teachers didn’t say yes. I really thought that was going to be higher until Jayme explained her expectations. Jayme has communicated with her staff how to effectively use their time. Just because it’s called the Friday Workbox® AKA Teacher Workbox, you don’t have to do it on Fridays. She explained to them that she stays late on most Thursdays for games. Since the games don’t start until 6, she has 3 hours to process her workbox. This is helping them not bring work home. Here were the results to that second question. No (9) Yes (15) Sometimes (9) I was also curious to see how many teachers were using digital organization and to what extent. I was shocked that paper was the highest. I thought for sure because of all the buzz that it would be higher digital or hybrid, but nope. In the society of America, a capitalist country, we have our own rules within each organization, so there is not this one, main digital stream. This leads to paper!! And by the way, index cards are paper. I’ve been challenged on this. Think about it...would you rather have your teachers write something down quickly on an index card and continue instruction OR would you like them to pull out their phones? I would hope if you choose the latter there would be an expectation that it not be in the middle of instruction. But then two things happen, the teacher is trying to remember to put it in their phones later AND all the rabbit trails with all their shiny pathways distract the teachers and who knows how long that quick task of entering the idea or task will take! So what were the results of this question? … All Paper (17) All Digital (3) Hybrid of both (13) And lastly I was feeling like, what else do they want? I had taken the time to teach the system of the Teacher Friday Workbox®. I had spent time with the Special Education team, getting them set. It was no surprise with success in their teacher role, now they wanted it in their classrooms and at home. Each teacher was invited to planning day. They got to plan in their personal life. There is so much invisible work required from teachers and they were getting relief from all those responsibilities. And that is why Jayme and I wanted to do this. We want educators to be fulfilled in home and work life, we want teacher retention and this is one way to achieve that! EPISODE RESOURCES: Teacher Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/8/2024 • 42 minutes, 57 seconds
590 - Preparing For Projects - Step 1 - The Sunday Basket
This month I am going to record a 4-part podcast series about how we prepare to get projects done, and then this summer I’m going to record a 7-part series about how to actually set a goal and achieve a goal that is a project inside of your home; specifically how do we start, continue, finish, and pick a new project. You make so many mental decisions about how you want your projects and your process to be before you even start, and of course there are lots of pivots and iterations that happen along the way. But it is the mental preparation, the physical space preparation that you do that really helps you set and achieve goals. What happens before you set the goal - specifically anything household related? And then when you’re in the middle of the goal or the project - how does your household change in regards to the physical spaces? I end up using multiple spaces in my house to keep the things that are related to those projects and to keep me on track. The first one is the Sunday Basket®. It is how you run the administration of a household. It is where you put the mail, your ideas, small items that need fixed, or things that need to be returned. It’s basically a really nice kitchen counter pile collector. Because we do so much inside our households, we have to acquire the items we need for projects we’re going to do before we actually are doing the projects. The Sunday Basket® is also for all the little random things that we remember that we need to do that aren’t necessarily for next week. It adds to and enhances your planning routines. It’s the pink, purple, blue and green slash pocket items. I had this color system before I even manufactured the Sunday Basket®. I filled up the blue, purple and green slash pockets immediately. I got to the pink and just stared at them and didn’t know how to really use them. I had personal goals, but didn’t have any slash pockets to give a physical weight or representation to those personal goals. Your pink slash pockets can be literally anything you want them to be. The nice thing about the Sunday Basket® is it’s fairly private. Nobody’s going into your Sunday Basket®. The Sunday Basket® holds decades of your future hopes and dreams - personally, financially, for your family, for your home. It keeps the daily running of the house going and your weekly cadence of things coming in, things you need to do, things that can wait until next week. That’s basic 101 Sunday Basket® usage. But the beauty of the Sunday Basket® is that all the next week, next month, next year or next decade ideas can also live in here and not get lost when the opportunity comes or you’re ready to do that big project or that big pink work. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Portable Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® The Paper Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/3/2024 • 48 minutes
Teacher Podcast #7 - Special Ed Off Site Deep Dive Day
Now I want to share a bit of a deep dive about refinement of the Teacher Friday Workbox®. I find it ironic that we basically made up IEPs for the workboxes for teachers that create IEPs for students. Each teacher used their workbox differently due to their teaching knowledge, the way they learn and work, and the work they were responsible for. Jayme decided to purchase a red slash pocket for each student to help the teachers. This way each student had a designated spot for all the documentation each teacher needed for meetings and to qualify for the IEPs. It was also a great place to file away documentation of the student when they were caught being good. It is refreshing to sprinkle in a little positivity during the meetings! Jayme was pleasantly surprised with the teacher’s transparency in their struggles. Some of these teachers were new to the school and all of them were new to special education. They were being very vulnerable with the principal in the room. Just because a training is mandated didn’t mean the teachers were going to talk or be as transparent! We discovered some teachers felt they were touching their red slash pockets too much while other teachers felt overwhelmed by the sea of red, like a glaring light of responsibility begging for their attention. I offered the solution to organize by frequency and quantity of intervention. We took this one step further and gave less frequent weekly interacting students different colors. Jayme added to file them according to the due date. This was a huge relief of stress for the teachers. The Teacher Friday Workbox® Is an Investment In the Teacher Not The Physical Workbox We also uncovered that it would be beneficial for special education teachers to have an additional (portable) Teacher Friday Workbox®. These are a durable box and the school will likely not have to replace it. Invest in your staff or not, it will not cancel out the complexity of work a special education teacher carries or their cognitive load. These workboxes are there to provide organization for IEPs that the teachers are held accountable to the transformation of each individual student. There’s a lot to organize, ok? While yes, there is a physical box that goes with this personal development (and Jayme explained giving PGP’s; we call them CEU’s in Ohio), I see this as training, an investment in the person, the human. Some “powers that be” have questioned ownership of these teacher workboxes once the school or district/corporation purchases them. Yes, a teacher could quit and lots of times items the school has purchased for them get left in the classroom on the teacher’s last day. Jayme explained she could see it as an investment in the teacher and how some would see it as a physical product to be left behind. But the incoming teacher would have no knowledge of how to utilize the workbox. The training is like intellectual property now. And if the last scenario played out, the teacher could invest in a new workbox. There are teachers out there already purchasing their own workbox. But they can’t make the building or district change. The principal or superintendent - now that is someone who can encourage change in the building or on a larger scale! Jayme’s building has noticed better communication across the board. Communication has improved due to transparency, work being made visible, teachers not feeling isolated, and work getting accomplished by dividing and conquering. EPISODE RESOURCES: Teacher Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/1/2024 • 31 minutes, 37 seconds
589 - Housework 70+ Downsizing & Legacy
We’ve come to the downsizing & legacy stage of life. These are two different things, although I married them together about 6 years ago when I first wrote about this. Naturally people downsize, but I don’t think they always think about the implications of legacy. Some downsizing is based on your family of origin. A lot of people never get to legacy, but legacy can happen at any time. So in this podcast, downsizing isn’t because you are overwhelmed and want to live a minimalist lifestyle. I’m talking about downsizing because you don’t need this big of a house anymore. It’s a natural phase of life where you start to downsize the amount of possessions you have. Downsizing usually happens when you’ve observed or been through a very major life event; it changes your perspective on time forever going forward. Once you make the shift that people are more important than things, and that you want to spend your time with people instead of taking care of stuff - you start to let go of things on a regular basis. These cascades of downsizing happen 1) for the amount of house you want to clean and maintain, and 2) for the amount of stuff you want to clean and keep from the family of origin you have. This natural wanting to live in a smaller, easier to maintain house typically happens at the end of your 60s and into your 70s. The mental mindset when you have a life-altering event that makes you realize you’re not invincible seems to take place by 70. What is the purpose or job in this phase of life? For downsizing - it’s to continue to refine and curate the physical items you have around you that you still love and use and bring you joy in this season of life. For legacy - it’s to have around you the things that remind you of who you are, where you came from, the legacy you’ve put into your family and into the world. This is why I’m adamant about not having your memories in your storage room. If you love it and it’s part of your legacy - frame it, put it on a shelf, put it anywhere so you can see it. What is your capacity in downsizing & legacy? Over time your capacity will slow down, and you’ll really want to use your capacity to spend time with family and friends, do the things you’re uniquely created to do, not more housework. How do we use the physical spaces in our home? You purposefully choose to live in smaller dwelling spaces so the way you use those smaller spaces changes. What scaffolding or support do we need to make this phase of life easier and more productive? We need understanding, for the generations behind this one who aren’t there yet who won’t understand until they are in it, to listen to this podcast and think “yeah, that makes sense.” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Paper Solution® Portable Sunday Basket® The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/26/2024 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 42 seconds
Teacher Podcast #6 - Special Ed Teachers Started Underwater and Were Drowning
I just knew in my heart of hearts that the Special Education staff was going to need support. Jayme’s building has ⅓ of the student population that qualifies for special education!! How was I going to give that support? Did the staff have the time? So I called Jayme and we decided on a Zoom class and I invited them to be my guest at my upcoming paper organizing retreat. The staff was excited to learn together and Jayme was creative in carving out time for them to complete the training. On Zoom The Zoom training kind of turned into a Q&A. The teachers felt prepared for the IEP meetings until Jayme pointed out that if you have to leave during the meeting (which happened often), then they weren’t prepared. So they all threw out challenges and reasons why that happened. It was impactful for me to understand the variables and complexities involved in the IEP process. It was a non judgmental conversation rather quite productive in preparing them, Jayme and staff, and me, for the paper organizing retreat. The Paper Organizing Retreat I enjoyed getting to meet Jayme’s Special Education staff and understanding their challenges. It was interesting to learn how much traveling they do and how many entities they are responsible for due to creating IEPs. And not to mention that all of the IEPs have legal a Federal level. There are timelines and if one “i” doesn’t get dotted, the whole thing is invalid. I have been on both sides of this process and I know that the IEP meetings are emotionally volatile and the teachers need to be prepared with all the proper documentation. Not having a document or needing to get keys to access a document show unpreparedness and the teacher is perceived to be unorganized and unengaged. Jayme had a unique challenge that in the past her Special Education team had always been experienced and confident in “processing” IEP’s. That was not the case going into this school year. Jayme needed to know just as much as her staff going into this school year. This brought a spotlight on the checklist she THOUGHT everyone had seen and was planning on using. Turned out there were multiple copies, some outdated, and some teachers had not seen the checklists. So there was a new digitally optimized checklist that was created initially in analog as they conversed. They identified tasks that needed to be completed (with dates) before, during, and after the IEP meetings to keep everything legal and moving forward. This was brilliant for Jayme because she had the master and will have it now for her career. The teachers could get access to it and edit it to their process and responsibilities, AND it was all on one page!! Creating Individualized Teacher Workboxes for Those Who Create IEP’s Each teacher embraced the Teacher Friday Workbox®, but they realized they needed to customize it for the student population that they served as well as what felt good to them in an organizational sense. Also, it became obvious how much these teachers are on the move. Traveling between classrooms, meetings, and outside the building. Jayme invested in portable workboxes for the Special Education teachers. **Can’t wait to find out why Jayme got red slash pockets for each student?? EPISODE RESOURCES: Teacher Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/24/2024 • 34 minutes, 14 seconds
588 - Housework In Your 50s - NEW - Emerging Uniqueness
Sorry, I got a little long winded in that last podcast. But you know, the podcast where I talk about your 30s and 40s I can speak to you more authoritatively about because I have lived it. A lot of what I’m saying from here forward is speculation and purely observational. Some things you have to just experience to understand - like giving birth! Being in your 50s is so freeing because you realize that no one is paying attention to what you are doing. They’re worried about themselves, thinking about their own lives, their own dreams, their own hopes, ambitions, time, money, energy and capacity. Chasing who you are uniquely created to be and running after your own uniqueness and becoming as excellent as possible in the thing that you were gifted and created to do is like the rest of my life’s mission. In your 20s there’s so many possibilities - try it all. In your 30s, you need to be an independent adult. In your 40s you go ok, well…I tried a lot of things in my 20s and 30s and these things aren’t moving into the second half of my life so they need to be decluttered, not only physically but mentally. I think there’s an extended new phase of life here, I’m going to call it “Emerging Uniqueness.” Women today in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s have big plans, lofty plans. They love what they are doing and the impact they’re making. Your 50s are a Golden Window…a Golden Decade! If you had your children in your late 30s, this window will shift to later. So where you have your children (if you have them at all) does create where your fixed expenses and time constraints are going to be. The theme of the 50s to me so far and what I’m observing is that women aren’t done. We haven’t even really gotten started, to be honest. We want to be on the list - on the to do list. Like, we would like to be above the dog. Once you’re decluttered and organized, you have a lot of capacity for the unexpected demands on your time and your money because you know how to move things around mentally and physically on your calendar in order to create the capacity when needed. I think that adulthood is self care. It has nothing to do with bubble baths, spas or whatever. Self care is taking care of yourself. In childhood, your parents took care of you. In emerging adulthood, you’re in between your parents and taking care of yourself. Now is your time. What is our purpose or our job in this phase of life? Self care. Taking care of yourself and prioritizing yourself, in addition to everyone else that lives in your household. Planning - planning for you and what you’re doing next and continuing to dream - that is your purpose. What is your capacity? HUGE. Huge capacity, income, earning, time, and 50 years worth of knowledge. How do we use the physical spaces in our home? You understand time capacity now. You understand how limited it is, but also how exponential it is. So, just get your homework done. Once your physical spaces are decluttered and organized, you’re not in accumulation anymore - so it will stay maintained. What scaffolding or support do we need to make this phase of life easier and more productive? Once you’ve done The Productive Home Solution® and The Paper Solution®, what you need is Planning Day. Not only will Planning Days help you plan the next 120 days, it will encourage you, inspire you, motivate you, and hold you accountable to keep growing, reaching further, and dreaming about what is possible. Make a list of the things that you want to do, be, and have in the second half of your life…and then start going after it! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Productive Home Solution® The Paper Solution® The Sunday Basket® Home Planning Day Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/19/2024 • 46 minutes, 59 seconds
Teacher Podcast #5 - Teacher Pilot Launch Day
This is the recap of Day 1. I was driving to Jayme to teach the first workshop for her teachers about the Teacher Friday Workbox®. I’d been having conversations with other schools about implementing the Teacher Program in their schools. I was shocked by the one thing holding them back. The honest feedback I was receiving was that they were afraid they’d be shedding light on how overworked the teachers were and they knew the staff was resentful and considering quitting. They were afraid that making visible all of the invisible work they do would give them reason to submit their resignation! You’re Not Alone And You’re Not Crazy I shared this feedback with Jayme who laughed. “They already know they are overworked!” Jayme’s staff had two reactions to the Teacher Friday Workbox®. Some (especially new faculty) were afraid to do it wrong. Jayme assured them if they were just doing something they were doing it right. And the others had epiphanies saying, “I’m not crazy, and I’m not alone.” Those teachers discovered through the Teacher Friday Workbox® that other teachers felt the same as them. And it was cathartic to visualize all they really did and it was no longer a mystery why they felt overwhelmed. Jayme encourages other schools to understand that each teacher will embrace it at their own level and that’s ok. At one point too, Jayme did the time circles with the teachers once again reinforcing that their time was spread pretty thin. The First Workshop There I was with Jayme the principal, the assistant superintendent, and a room full of teachers. I couldn’t wait to hear all their feedback and realizations. But something interesting happened. I encouraged them to bring to light any issue within the building. This was another time they realized they weren’t alone in noticing the same issues. They were learning from each other. “Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.” Maya Angelou. We discussed the different colored slash pockets and their use in the Teacher Friday Workbox®. The mental wellness of the staff providing for the students is so important. Now teachers had a designated place to place important documents. Red for behavioral matters like IEP’s, 504’s, things with possible legal implications Orange for calendars and computers - maybe they wanted to print off something actionable from a parent Yellow out of the classroom; like field trips or projects for parents who help Green reimbursement but some use it for grading or lesson plans Blue teams; grade level, building level, parent, IEP, meetings (record questions for next meeting) Purple attendance Pink THE TEACHER! PD, peer reviews, or maybe just happy mail to remind you that you are a good teacher and the kids love you. Jayme noticed two awesome unexpected side effects. The teachers were now task stacking due to accomplishing tasks of the same color. And there was a trickle down of sorts where teachers could offer similar solutions to students to tackle their assignments. I Almost Turned Around As I drove away recounting the workshop, all I could think of was the Special Education Team. They had no checklists and they were all new. They were new to the building, and most of them new to the Special Education Department. I knew they were going to need more support, so I arranged more time for the Special Education teachers. I do all of this in the name of teacher wellness, communication, and teacher retention! EPISODE RESOURCES: Teacher Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/17/2024 • 46 minutes, 58 seconds
Coffee Chat - The GIFT of Organization - Teachers & Mothers
“What do you wanna get mom?” Is this the question you are asking your siblings? Are you starting to plan to get something for your mom for Mother’s Day? You know I’m all about planning and I have a great idea that could be the perfect solution to your gift dilemma. You’ll buy the $20 item…but will you gift yourself organization? We moms are where the holidays come from, right? And while you are shopping for your mom (if you are lucky enough to still have your mom), you’ll probably pick up smaller priced items you want. I know this because I am a mom, too. But will you gift yourself organization? Probably not. We have discussed before that this is not a line item in the monthly budget. So now may be the perfect time to put a Sunday Basket® or The Productive Home Solution® on your wish list and start dropping hints. While you love the flowers, now may be the time to say “enough with the flowers, will you please put that money towards organization?” Organization leads to confidence. Confidence leads to believing in opportunity. You’ll have time to explore those opportunities when you become productive as a result of getting organized. Could there be a better gift? I mean actually? Mental sanity - I think most moms long for mental sanity. And maybe you get it for your mom. There is no age where you are too old to start organizing. And really, it’s kind of a gift for you too. You know as well as I do, that at the end of the day you can gift her organization now or do it yourself when you settle that estate. You two could be getting organized together. How will you tell your child’s teacher “Thank You” this year? It’s also the time of year when the class goes in on a gift for the teacher. It’s possible their teacher may not know what it is at first. But once they realize the gift they have received??? Let me just tell you, on the Wednesday podcast there are some episodes coming up where once teachers got their hands on the Teacher Friday Workbox®, they actually ended up using it as a Sunday Basket® for home. Teacher’s value organization. Help your teachers to free up mental chaos at home this summer. Free up their time this summer so they can focus on their families and aspirations, and then they can return to the classroom refreshed. Who knows they may even grab the Teacher Friday Workbox® to stay organized at work, too! Did you know that office supplies are a teachers’ love language? What is included in The Productive Home Solution®? The Productive Home Solution® Playbook Online 52 Week Course with modules, worksheets, videos, and more Online Community via our private app The Productive Home Solution® Private Podcast EPISODE RESOURCES: Organize 365 Community App The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® The Teacher Friday Workbox® The Sunday Basket® Home Planning Day Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/16/2024 • 7 minutes, 26 seconds
587 - Housework in Your 40s - Survival
Well, let’s dive into our 40’s. What I’ve observed in these decades as you move through your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s to 50’s is if you can imagine driving a stick shift car where it doesn’t automatically cycle to the next gear, and you’re driving in second gear and you need to shift into third gear but you don’t and the car is whining. That’s kind of how we are at the end of every decade - we’re whining. We’re not ready to leave this decade because we don’t know the next decade and it makes us a little nervous and apprehensive. For decades, 40 was midlife. That’s no longer true. Until your 40’s, the answer to every organizational productivity problem was buy something, acquire something. Acquire the knowledge, the physical thing, the person. In your 40’s, everything is about letting go. Letting go of what is no longer serving you, letting go of future hopes and dreams that maybe have not materialized. This decluttering happens in every single area of your life in your 40’s. The process of making the decisions about what is staying and what is going is where the new capacity is unlocked. Organize 365® is set up to walk alongside you, provide community, co-working, and all of the lessons that you ended in order to get your home organized because once you do that all the way through, we’ve touched all the stuff and made decisions - it is so cathartic. So in your 40’s, your organization is a lot about your mindset and making your physical space match the next decades of your life and the person who you want to be. What is our purpose in our 40’s? We are surviving - surviving in carpooling and driving, with limited time and financial resources. The purpose is to really move from just being an individual contributor to society, to figuring out what is your family, your ideals, your values. What is our capacity in our 40’s? This is a decade of constraint, capacity is limited and that is great because it requires you to push forward. If you have children, you become insular because you have to. They are humans that are growing so fast and they are depending on you. How do we use the physical spaces in our home in our 40’s? You will probably remodel some spaces, maybe more than once if you plan on living in your home long term. You’ll do bigger renovations in your 40’s than you did in your 30’s. What scaffolding or support do we need to make this phase of life easier and more productive? You need to learn the skill of organization. That’s where The Productive Home Solution®, The Paper Solution®, and The Sunday Basket® come in. Those products were designed to teach you and walk beside you as you really embrace who you are and what you’re uniquely created to do, and how your house will be organized and function for you. The essential thing I want to add to this phase of life are the Planning Days. They are a key differentiator in your 40’s, because you are deciding, you are making decisions and there really is no one guiding your thought process through making these decisions. What do you want to see manifest in the next four months in your household? How are you going to do that? Let's look at all the constraints on your time, on your money, on your business, let's look at the role that you're playing, how many people are in your family. Let's look at all your household responsibilities and your chores. What's your plan going to be for laundry and dishes and meal planning and cleaning? There’s so much time on the other side of 40. If you can use the time in your 40’s to get yourself organized, then when you do have the time in your 50’s it’s amazing. Can’t wait to tell you about it next time. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® The Productive Home Solution® The Sunday Basket Home Planning Day Home Planning Day Prep Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/12/2024 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 12 seconds
Teacher Podcast #4 - The Lawrenceburg Middle School Pilot - Getting Permission Our July 1 Conversation
By now I’m guessing most of you have heard the evolution of the Sunday Basket®. The Sunday Basket® organizes the invisible tasks of home life, right? And with a teaching background, I also know there is a lot of burnout. The Teacher Friday Workbox® is designed to organize the invisible tasks of teaching. So what if, just what if, an entire school would launch a pilot with Organize 365® and they could feel supported and organized? Jayme was the principal who raised her hand and said I want to try this with my building for my teachers. A Spark of a Conversation Normally on the 4th of July people are spending time with their families and celebrating the holiday, right? Not go getters like Jayme and I; we were chatting about the opportunity of a Teacher Friday Workbox® pilot. Much to my surprise when I proposed a call, Jayme agreed. Our excitement for this pilot was ignited and put into action immediately. Jayme showed up in her minivan and we loaded it with workboxes for her building. She had 13 teachers come immediately to pick them up. There were teachers who knew what Jayme had been doing with her Teacher Friday Workbox® so they knew it worked and wanted to get started. More grabbed their workboxes after a meeting, and then more after the first training. Too Much New to NOT Do The Pilot Jayme was explaining to me some of the things she was expecting about the new school year which included new teachers (most of whom were new to special education), a new assistant principal, and more responsibility for her needing to be involved in student behavioral correction. I chuckled and knew with all that change and newness, the Teacher Friday Workbox® was going to save her 2023-2024 school year. Are Your Teachers Ducks? Have you heard the analogy of ducks looking calm on top of the water, but paddling like crazy under? Think of your teachers. Most are doing the same and that’s what leads to burnout. They don’t want you to see they are paddling so fast under water. The real trouble is when you see it - they are headed for burnout for sure. These are teachers who do not have an organizational solution in place. It would be ideal that the teacher understood the Sunday Basket® before embarking on the Teacher Friday Workbox®. But this time, we had to light the fuse due to the time of year. We initially found some of the teachers were overwhelmed with being new to the Organize 365® ecosystem, making visible the administrative tasks of a teacher on index cards (or some did a hybrid with sticky notes), and learning how to color code their work. When you clean up their mental chaos - you get teachers that will stay in their positions longer. We Owe It To Our Teachers I understand that the pressing question with all expenditures within the education budget boils down to “How does this affect the student?” Let me just say, a teacher with less anxiety, more mental bandwidth, and one that feels supported is best for the students! There is a school supply list for students; this should be on the school supply list for teachers. But there is no line item for organization, honestly, at home or in the workplace. I want to see all educators free up time and mental space for employment retention and a happy home life. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Teacher Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/10/2024 • 41 minutes, 35 seconds
Coffee Chat - CC - HOME Planning Day
You are all adults! Why am I trying to force a square peg into a round hole? There are people writing in saying “I am organized and I’d like to have a planning resource.” So here it is, all by its lonesome. I am breaking up The Productive Home Solution® for you more organized people. My school of thought was I originally wanted you to have all the “school supplies” to set you up for success. I realize you are adults and may want to have access to a planning resource without the resources to learn organization because you have already mastered it. Organize 365® continues to revamp and change. As a teacher, I am a lifelong learner and plan to reiterate as many times as needed to provide the best solutions for you! Planning Takes Back Your Mental Life Planning Day is open to everyone! I’ve learned that planning is a higher level of executive function. It’s like building blocks and you can’t effectively plan until you have the basics down. Once you have the executive functions in place to organize, you can move on to planning. Planning makes room for productivity. Look at any productive person, that person that seems to have more hours in their day. At some point they have planned their time to have the outcome of so much productivity. There are plenty of decluttering challenges and productivity solutions, but Planning Day offers the actual skill of organizing life for productivity. Planning Day Is Open To Everyone! I want you to start planning for longer chunks of time. I will show you how to plan further out than just tomorrow or this week. In Planning Day, we are going to think about summer - May, June, July, and August! In summer, we eat differently, play differently, work differently, and it feels good to have a plan in place for those different habits. In your Planning Day workbook, we are going to look at your current habits. But I will challenge you to think about changes you want to make. Maybe since the kids will be home for summer, you’ll want to workout before they get up - but you aren’t currently doing that. Also, you may discover you want to implement a new behavior. Do you know 45% of our life is habitual? I will help you decide what 1 or 2 new habits you want to focus on. Small changes over the course of time prevent overwhelm and result in productivity. While you are registering for Planning Day, check out all the bundles and incentives we are currently offering. EPISODE RESOURCES: Your Year of Transformation Bundle (with kids) Your Year of Transformation Bundle (without kids) Complete Home Organization Bundle Home Planning Day Supplies Bundle - Deluxe Home Planning Day Supplies Bundle - Essentials [email protected] Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media
4/9/2024 • 21 minutes, 33 seconds
586 - Housework in Your 30s - Accumulation
Welcome to our next installment of our phases of organization, our phases of life. So here we are, in our 30’s. We’re going to assume from this point forward that you are living independently and separate from your family home. I coined my own phase of life years ago (thanks Rhonda for the reminder!) for adulthood - accumulation. When you leave your childhood bedroom and you are living on your own, you realize you don’t own anything. Every time you decide you want to do something in your 20’s and 30’s, you end up going to a hardware store. As you progress through your 30’s, the amount of discretionary income you have goes to negative. You usually don’t have any discretionary income by the time you are at the end of your 30’s. Same thing with your time - it goes to negative. How do we go from having some discretionary income and time to lacking both by the time you turn 40? In addition to accumulating supplies like a ladder, hammer, nails, etc., you accumulate other things. Also during your 30’s, you accumulate other people;a significant other, children, or pets. But this is why it’s hard having developmental stages for adults - because not everyone ends up with a significant other, kids or pets. There are so many different variables, different possibilities. You get to choose. You get to decide what your life is going to be like. What is our purpose or job in our 30’s? Our purpose is to fully embrace independence from our family of origin. You are going to firmly establish your household and take on the responsibilities of that fully. What is our capacity? In the beginning you’ve got some time and money, but by the end it’s very constrained and maxed out. You’re trying to find a release valve, so to speak. How do we use the physical space in our home in our 30’s? This is when your home will do the most constant reordering. Your kitchen, kid’s rooms (if you have kids), and living spaces will constantly be updated to fit how you’re living life in your 30’s. What scaffolding or support do we need to make this phase of life easier and more productive? Number one you know will be the Sunday Basket®. You need household administration support - this will be your time to have a CEO meeting with yourself. The Productive Home Solution® is perfectly designed for people in their 30’s. The 2 binders from The Paper Solution® that are the most important in your 30’s are the Household Operations and Household Reference. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® The Productive Home Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/5/2024 • 40 minutes, 15 seconds
Teacher Podcast #3 - School Leadership
Now that you know a little bit about Jayme and her background in educational instruction, let’s move on to the responsibilities she’s had in different roles. Jayme has gone from assistant principal, where she barely left the building, to being the principal, where she was off campus frequently for personal development. But she has yet to be the superintendent! Assistant Principal First thing Jayme pointed out that was so interesting is, in different states, different geographical sections of school are called corporations or districts. And because we have previously learned that Jayme was a counselor, she added that not all schools have counselors. Did you know that it is common for each counselor to have 250-300 students assigned to them? I know Abby and Joey really valued counselors in their schools. It’s her previous title as counselor that makes it a natural strength as the assistant principal to be the liaison between the parents and staff. As assistant principal, Jayme was used to doing whatever her principal needed as well as overseeing special education needs within the school, IEP’s, RIT, attendance, behavior and other miscellaneous responsibilities. Principal Jayme never had to worry about a budget as an assistant principal. Once she stepped into the role of principal, she found the magical money tree…not so magical now that she was in charge of it! She also found herself out of the building frequently for personal development. Thankfully her superintendent is great at communicating educational opportunities for her. Jayme is also the initiator of activities and signs off on them. One of the things that really impressed me upon a visit to her school during the pilot was Movie Day. This is the day before school breaks for Christmas. Jayme and I really talked in detail about the actual details of the day. I was so impressed with her organization and the fact that the students expect and understand the system of that day! If you want to sit with your friend who chose to drink Sprite then you better put a request in for Sprite too! A great takeaway from this conversation is that planning leads to expectation. Expectations are kind of like structure in this situation and that makes people feel safe knowing the next thing that will happen. And because of this organization and planning, her parents trust her to organize annual trips to DC and NYC. Superintendent This is the top dog, if you will, the CEO! We talk about invisible work. When you do it no one really notices until you don’t! And the public facing role of superintendent is very much like this. No one notices until they don’t attend an event. This person also faces the budget that Jayme has become familiar with multiplied by the number of schools they’re in charge of. When Jayme’s school had a massive renovation, it wasn’t the groundskeeper that was reporting to the educational community what the progress and funding was, it was the superintendent! Sure, there are people supporting him in large projects, but ultimately he reports the good and the bad. When a superintendent makes a decision, there are multiple factors they are considering not just the population from one building. This is a very public, almost political, position due to reporting to the faculty, public, board, even the state!. Enough background information… Next episode, we’re going to share how this whole pilot got started with a bang over the 4th of July weekend! EPISODE RESOURCES: Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/3/2024 • 38 minutes, 49 seconds
585 - The Adult Life Span is Void of Developmental Structure at Home - We Are on Our Own!
It is astounding to me that we live in dwellings all over the world and we don’t have much at all (and nothing new) to explain the development of adults and the elderly. Surely this exists and I can’t find it yet?!? First, I’m going to explain what I have been able to find, and then I’m going to ask the same questions I did with the other phases of life. The parabolas I came up with represent money and time. Then there’s the middle, straight line - it’s housework. It’s never accounted for in any of these studies as life-long unpaid work. There are 3 types: cleaning, tasks of daily living, and life administration. What is our purpose in this phase? Do housework! This is our job at home. What is our capacity? It’s three-fold: how much time you have, how much money you have, and the third that is unique to you - your energy. Are you optimally energized for the role that you are in? How do you use the physical spaces in your home during this phase? Houses haven’t changed much since the 50’s. But I can change your mindset about how to use your house. What scaffolding or support do we need? There have been no organizational supports or structures put into place for the administration of households. You need a Sunday Basket®, you need binders to replace your file cabinet, and you need The Productive Home Solution® in order to learn how to organize and optimize every part of your house. Different phases of life require different organizational structures and systems. EPISODE RESOURCES: Parabolas Illustration The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® The Productive Home Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/29/2024 • 55 minutes, 20 seconds
Teacher Podcast #2 - Personal Organizing & Planning
Jayme was a self proclaimed organized hoarder. She’s always been a naturally organized person. In 2017, she hit rock bottom knowing she just had too much. It wasn’t until the windows were replaced in her house. You see when you have new windows installed, you have to move everything away from the windows so the installers have enough room. For about two weeks, all that stuff was in the middle of her room. THAT was chaos, but it shined a light on the fact that all the mess or hoarding at home was causing Jayme mental chaos. This is when Jayme found Organize 365® and cleaned up her personal space, her home. Cleaning Up Mental Chaos at Work Jayme was used to pouring herself into work as a principal Monday through Friday and cleaned house on Saturdays. Jayme would stay as late as she needed to on Friday nights just to have peace of mind that she was prepared to walk back into school on Monday. If we are honest with ourselves, as educators, the one planning period you get is not ample planning time. When you plan as a teacher, you are able to deal with any distractions during instructional time. Jayme found the Education Friday Workbox® (now the Teacher Friday Workbox®) and was able to get organized at work. The Friday Workbox® allows her to plan and feel prepared, and that’s what she wants for her staff. She wants them to continue having a passion for teaching and not feeling burnt out. Cleaning Up Mental Chaos at Home This cleaning up of mental chaos is why Jayme was so excited to share the Education Friday Workbox® with her teachers. If she could just show them how to get organized in the classroom, they would see the benefit of having home organized, too. At Organize 365®, we want to bring light to the invisible work you are doing and have a better plan to tackle it. It took Jayme about 18 months to get her home “done” and longer for work. Jayme encourages her staff to know it will take time. A first grader can’t read a book and write a full report, but after a few years of learning and doing, in 3rd grade maybe they can. And I never mix words about this, it will take time. Jayme finds herself still listening to the older podcasts and learning. She recognizes that the information lands differently now when she hears it based on her progress. She still hears new things she can add to what she’s already used to doing. You have learned a lot about Jayme and next Jayme is going to help us understand the structure of schools and responsibilities of staff in the state of Indiana, specifically Greendale Middle School in Lawrenceburg, Indiana. EPISODE RESOURCES: Teacher Friday Workbox® On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/27/2024 • 25 minutes, 45 seconds
584 - Emerging Adulthood (18-29): Understanding Time Over the Life Span
This is the next installment of the phases of life series. We’re now in the phase of development called Emerging Adulthood. In my PhD studies, I’m trying to figure out the role that the developmental phases of life play in how we learn and do housework over the life cycle. I’ve always been interested in human growth and development. After 18, the amount of literature and research drops off quickly. The key distinguisher of this phase of life versus others is this feeling of being “in between.” Things happen legally at certain ages (18, 21), but other things are assumed to be inherently known or done. This isn’t a US thing, it is a developed country thing. In Asia, until you are married your parents take care of you. In Italy, you live at home with no obligation that you would do the housework until you’re about 30. People are living at home longer now, and not owning homes until they are older. I remember being in my 20’s. I went to a 4-year college, got married a year after graduation, and adopted my babies in my late 20’s. So I was a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM) with 2 kids by the time I was 30. I tell my kids that your 20’s are for trying things. Different jobs, schools, food, places to live - get experience so you know what you want to do by the time you’re in your 30’s. What does it mean to adult? By the time we are 30, we should be responsible for our finances, housework, where we are living, the job we want, and relationships. Finding friends in your 20’s is hard! What is our capacity? Time and money wise - the amounts kind of melt together. You start having to pay for the “not fun” things in life - insurance, rent, utilities, etc. Things you never realize are part of adulthood. Then there’s how we use the physical spaces in our home during this phase. Most of the spaces will be smaller, but will still have zones. Our mini apartment (bedroom), a dorm room, an apartment or condo. I’m already extending my parenting horizon to 25, mostly because I have children with ADHD. It’s difficult for these new adults in this phase, but it’s hard for us parents too. We’re not done. Not that we are ever truly done - but the active parenting to a certain degree is done. As your 20 year olds start to take on more responsibilities of adulthood, there are some that are more easily acquired and there are some that take longer and have more limitations. As the parents of adults, I am paying for and providing these things for our children, but I’m looking at it as we are property owners. Will this work all the way until they are 30? Then I’m doing it. Organize 365® has the Launch Program for 16-25 year olds. Inside of Launch, there are lessons for turning your bedroom into a mini apartment and understanding the zones, a starter Sunday Basket®, and a binder with parts of the Medical, Financial, and Household Reference Binders for renters. Clothing, food, and entertainment are the biggest areas where you will fully embrace adulting. What scaffolding or support do we need? Understanding. This is a phase, there are pluses and minuses. It can be challenging. Having a way to communicate what true adult responsibilities are and what that looks like when you are successful is difficult. It’s much better when the person in their 20’s can figure out what they want to know and then ask the parents. This is the phase of life when you realize the fact that you have to clean your bedroom for the rest of your life! EPISODE RESOURCES: Launch Program Kids Program ADHD Bundle The Sunday Basket® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/22/2024 • 48 minutes, 6 seconds
Teacher Podcast #1 - Meet Jayme
I hope you all remember Jayme from the Teacher Pilot that I shared with you in previous episodes. Jayme found the Organize 365® systems effective for home and then implemented them at work. Jayme was open to the idea of using her school as a pilot to see how the Teacher Workbox® could impact an entire building. In this series, we’ll discuss everything from the idea to implementation and to the feedback. Meet Jayme: Principal at Greendale Middle School in Lawrenceburg, Indiana First off, I want you to know exactly who Jayme is and her background. The funniest request we have received is that people want to know Jayme’s thoughts. Never mind that I too was a teacher and founded this organizational system. Just kidding! But I was surprised by it nonetheless. Jayme shared that she always knew she wanted to be a teacher. She remembers playing school even as a child. As I learned more about Jayme, I was surprised how much we had in common when it came to our childhood aspirations. It was also reinforced through this episode that teachers are cut from the same cloth; that of passion for teaching and hearts of service. School came pretty easy to Jayme with a floating B. She loved math, history, science, and to read. But to spell? That is a different story to this day! Before she even completed college, she was happy to keep her Fridays open so she could sub. She knew there would always be work on Fridays. Soon she met her husband Joe and decided to move to Indiana with Joe so they could live happily ever after together. “I’m not a workaholic, I’m passionate about teaching.” Jayme completed her degree in 1998 in elementary education and middle school certifications for social studies and science. She graduated to teach elementary, but ended up in middle school. She worked in the classroom for about 7 years until she got the desire to counsel the students. She went for her Masters for counseling and finished while she was pregnant with her first child, Pierce. Most of her experience has been with middle grades 6-8 in science and as a guidance counselor. Starting in 2000, Jayme was a school counselor for 4-½ years. This is when she decided she needed another Masters for being a Principal and added another child to her life, Kennedy. Jayme shared she has always had a long commute, but appreciates the time to digest what is currently going on in life and work. With all this driving, education advancement, and growing - you could easily call her a workaholic but she prefers to identify it as her passion. But where does that passion go for some educators? We want to help educators retain that passion and put systems in place to prevent burnout. When the Principal Gets Organized Now that she had her Admin Masters, Jayme could be an assistant principal which allowed her to help students and teachers alike. In 2013, she became an assistant principal only to take over being a principal 1-1/2 years later when her friend and boss had to step down. Jayme thought, “I’m basically already doing her job because she had to miss a lot of work.” Jayme’s eyes were opened as to all the actual responsibilities once she was doing the role of principal for real. Jayme likes to delegate tasks with her assistant principal based on strengths. Jayme was all too excited to share with her staff what had been working to keep her organized and kept burnout at bay. I can’t wait to share with you how this pilot played out!! On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/20/2024 • 20 minutes, 13 seconds
583 - Childhood Organization (0-18): Understanding Time Over the Life Span
The first in this series of podcasts is the childhood phase (0-18 years). We are going to walk through the entire life cycle of a human and look at a few specific questions. 1. What is our purpose during this phase of life? 2. What is our capacity, time and money wise? 3. How are we using the physical spaces in our home during this time? 4. What scaffolding or support do we need to make this phase of life easier and more productive? What is the purpose or job of a child inside the household? There are two - the first is to develop and grow from a child to an adult, and the second is to learn and attend school. That’s it. Some children will be able to add on a third, which is to be a productive, proactive person in the household by doing chores and helping. But some children will not and I think we need to normalize this. Because I always knew that developing from a child to an adult and attending school were the top two jobs of this phase of life, I didn’t add on the third category of household chores for my kids. I did add on bedroom chores, but not household chores. What is the capacity of the child from zero to 18 inside of the house? Birth is when you have a lot more time than you do money. As a child moves from zero to 18, the amount of time and care they need will reduce and the amount of money they are able to generate will start to increase by the time they are 18. It’s a huge two decade phase of life. Children in this phase go from being a baby that can’t even hold a bottle to someone that can drive a car, has a job, goes out and gets their own food or makes their own dinner. The amount of physical, mental, emotional, social change that happens in childhood is huge. How do children use the physical spaces in our homes? Their stuff is everywhere. The amount of stuff doesn’t change, but the types of things do. They’re mostly in our communal spaces; the kitchen, family room, main bathroom, and laundry room if they’re old enough. They’re in their bedrooms or playrooms, sometimes in the basement or bonus rooms. As they get older, they start to get rid of more toys and be in their bedrooms most of the time. Then they can create zones - bookshelves, cube systems, a desk for schoolwork, etc. What scaffolding or support do we need to make this phase of life easier and more productive? Kids need to learn how to clear their mind and organize their bedroom, and they need to learn how to plan for the week ahead and be productive. Here’s how I teach that in Organize 365®. First, there are lessons for parents on how to teach the skill of organizing to your kids. How to organize everything related to babies, clothing, and everything else. Then kids ages 6-15 go though the course to learn about their mini apartments and all the zones they have. You have to organize a bedroom before you can clean it. I teach them what are zones in your bedroom and how to understand there are different areas of your bedroom that have different responsibilities. Lessons on clothing, sharing bedrooms, schoolwork, creating activity bags, organizing passion projects, and school memories or paperwork. Then you have a child’s backpack. Their backpacks are the equivalent to our Sunday Basket®. They go through their backpacks, make sure they have everything they need for Monday, pack their activity bags, and then write down their week on paper. In the Kids Program there is a sheet where they can fill out all their activities and events in the Before School, School Day, After School, and Evening categories. Next week we are going to talk about emerging adulthood, which is 18-29. EPISODE RESOURCES: Kids Program Lisa School Binder School Memory Binder Launch Program Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/15/2024 • 55 minutes, 58 seconds
582 - Understanding Time Over the Life Span - Introduction
In this new podcast series I’m going to talk about organization in each phase of life, but first I want to talk about phases of life. There is childhood (0-18), a new theory called emerging adulthood (18-29), middle adulthood and late adulthood. There is so much to these phases of life and layered on top of these is the capacity and the time limitation of variables as it relates to that phase of life. I picture this like two arches that mirror each other and intersect at two points. We all know that childhood is pretty well established and studied. Then there’s the new theory called emerging adulthood where you’re in between childhood and full adulthood. Then there’s the years around 70-82 where I made up this idea of “reverse emerging adulthood” because you have all this experience, but you’re at an in-between stage again where you are no longer an active contributing member of society. The time and capacity continuum is frustrating for me because when I have time, I didn’t have the knowledge and capacity to act on it. And then when I don’t have the time, I have all the knowledge. A great example of this is menopause. The average age of menopause is 50 years old and that hasn’t changed in the last 2,000 years. However, the age that puberty happens has changed. So the mid-life “dip” most people experience corresponds with menopause. Ironically, when a person is in the generative phase of life and pauses to focus on their needs and desires, usually between 45 and 55, society labels this as a midlife crisis. However, it isn’t a crisis at all. It’s a natural rebalancing of energy and production in the middle of a long adult life cycle. If I have to find academic support for everything I do or want to do in the future, it’s going to take forever for us to really understand how households function throughout a lifespan, let alone how to organize them. So that’s why I wanted to first have this conversation about how I view a lifespan. I view it as inverse arches of time and capacity, and the golden windows where they cross over. In this next series, what can you expect? I’m looking to unpack what our purpose is, what our capacity is, how we use physical space in our homes during certain phases of life, and what support we need to make this phase of life easier or less invisible. Basically I’m trying to figure out, what is the phase of life map of household organization? So if you were to map out household organization across the whole life phase, what would that look like? EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Jump Start - Personal Jump Start - Kitchen The Kitchen Productivity & Profitability Blitz Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/8/2024 • 32 minutes, 14 seconds
580 - Ditch the Lists - Do This Instead
This week I want to talk about lists. Why I don’t have to do lists, cleaning lists, work lists, etc. I just all the sudden realized I didn’t have them and had to figure out, where did they go? When did I get rid of them? How long have I been living without lists? Where was my security blanket? It just seems like the more productive you are, don’t you need more lists? Shouldn’t your lists have lists? So my new to-do list is my Sunday Basket®. Many of the things that our brain reminds us to do or that end up in our Sunday Basket® don't need to be done now, or in the near future, or in some cases, ever. But our brain wants to let us know about it as a possibility… of a potential way of spending our time if we'd like to sometime in the future, maybe. What I’ve moved into after so many years of checklists is establishing better routines, better cadences of natural structures inside my house, inside my day, inside my work. Looking at my morning, afternoon and evening routines. There are six routines that I have Monday through Friday, and then my household management and household cleaning day. There are no organizing emergencies. Having good, strong routines for the essentials and then wide open spaces for whatever you WANT to do. Let’s play more! Are your lists really serving you anymore? Are they helping you? Are they reducing your stress and anxiety or making it worse? For me, the answer has been the Sunday Basket® at home, the Friday Workbox® at work, planning days every 3 or 4 months for home and work, and the Organize 365® Blitzes. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Kitchen Productivity & Profitability Blitz The Paper Solution® The Productive Home Solution® Jump Start - Personal Jump Start - Kitchen The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/23/2024 • 24 minutes, 58 seconds
581 - The Physical Weight of the Cognitive Load
2/23/2024 • 34 minutes, 39 seconds
Coffee Chat - The State of the Family Economy - NEW Meal Planning Blitz
My fellow Americans…I bring you this state of the family economy due to what my household is experiencing and the relief I want to offer you! Have you also noticed the increased prices of the following? I asked the Organize 365® community and this is what you all said: •Groceries •Home Owners (especially in southern and coastal towns) •Electricity •Property Taxes •Rent •Healthcare •Tipping •Streaming Services/Entertainment •Service Providers Wait, I’ve been here before… In December I realized the hustle was back and I started to feel like something else was “brewing” but hadn’t quite put my finger on it. Towards the end of January when I didn’t see financial relief at the end of the tunnel, I knew what it was. We are all feeling inflation, and quite honestly, “shrinkflation.” I have experienced this 4 times in the past. •2004-2005 - I remember those 110 doctor appointments, which I have approximated at 3 hours each. The bills that were racked up due to those doctor visits. And all of the invisible work I put into my family as a result of those doctor appointments, from caring for my children to science experiments called dinner. •2008-2009 - My father was in poor health, and when he passed away, it was my sister and I who were left to take care of his affairs since my parents had divorced a few years prior. I was the executor and on top of kids medical needs, the direct sales company I worked under filing bankruptcy, a recession, and just life! There was a lot of invisible work being accomplished by me of which no one else was aware. • 2011-2012 - The year I decided that if it was to be, it was up to me! I started Organize 365® in an effort to get my life under control and help others to do the same. I just love the American spirit, immigrant risk takers with passion, and how we can all pursue what we want in the way we want to because you all know traditional is not what you would call my business sense. • 2020…Need I say more? This was a time of immense fear and uncertainty. We were home so we organized. Now that we are not home as much, it’s even more important that we stop, plan, implement. Stop doing 800 thousand million trillion things. Get off the treadmill to nowhere. Your home is THE business that powers the American economy! The pandemic pointed out how important small businesses are and today the American home as a business is flexing its muscle. We power America from 123 Main St. And we are really feeling it in the grocery stores. I noticed the ways I have solved this issue in the past are not effective this time around due to my family needs. I stopped (how did I solve this in the past?), planned (took a look at my family and our needs), and now I want to implement it with the Organize 365® community. Kitchen Productivity & Profitability Blitz - March 4-8th -Family surveys (the all skate) -Get clear on breakfast preferences, snacks, and the restaurants you operate daily -Stop wasting money at the grocery store - make your business (your home) profitable and productive Bonus: Great conversations, including how to get 5 “wins,” sparked from the comments after this Instagram Live. EPISODE RESOURCES: Kitchen Productivity & Profitability Blitz [email protected] Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media
2/20/2024 • 57 minutes, 17 seconds
579 - Your Brain Needs Small Tasks and Large Projects
Last week I talked about Saturday time versus Sunday time, having housework time versus having household management time. Here’s another layer: big projects, small projects, big tasks and small tasks. When I’m stressed, I tend to check off as many small tasks as possible - things that don’t require a lot of mental bandwidth. It’s basically decluttering, and that energy makes you feel lighter so you can move into organizing. Then there’s big project energy. You can feel the difference between these. The problem is when you have a whole bunch of little tasks to do, but you have big project energy…or you have a big project energy, but not a big chunk of time. For organizing, sometimes you will want quick wins and you’re organizing with little 15 minute tasks. Sometimes you will want really big two or three hour sessions, or maybe something that takes the entire weekend. When you’re first learning to organize the Organize 365® way, there are two schools of thought. You do short, 15-minute activities…or you empty out the entire closet and get it all organized in one day. As you move along, these 15-minute quick wins that you learn to do just get expanded into longer and longer organizing sessions. It’s all about the kind of energy you have for organizing, what kind of energy you have for projects. That is going to wax and wane throughout the weeks, months, and years. This ties back into Golden Windows. Golden Windows are seasons where the organizing energy is high for everyone. The organizing energy for February is finances. Organizing your finances, crafts, or photos. That is what most people will naturally organize this time of year. Your job right now is to keep going. 15 minutes a day. Just do a 15-minute organizing activity a day while your energy is low and then you just wait. It’s going to happen. Be ready to either task stack a whole bunch of 15-minute sessions in a row, or tackle something really big that you’ve been putting off that you didn’t know when you were going to do it. The more you understand how time is used at home and for what purpose time is used at home, the better you will be able to do it. Saturday time is not the same as Sunday time. Small task energy is not the same as big project energy. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Paper Solution® The Productive Home Solution® Jump Start - Personal Jump Start - Kitchen The Sunday Basket® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/16/2024 • 22 minutes, 7 seconds
578 - Saturday Tasks vs Sunday Tasks
Today starts another three part series, and in this series we’re going to be talking about time, tasks, task stacking, and how to really think about our time at home differently. Today’s episode is about the difference between Saturday time and Sunday time. I’m going to take us all back to our childhood, because I think in childhood we understood the difference between Saturday and Sunday time. So on Saturdays, you cleaned your room (even if that meant just being able to see the floor and the laundry was put away) and then you went out to play. On Sundays, you cleaned out your backpack and got ready for the next school week - check all your folders, finish your homework, give all papers to your parents that they need to see, and so on. As adults, your bedroom turns into the entire house. Saturday becomes your housework day. Saturday work is very visible. Vacuum, clean the house, do the laundry and dishes, grocery shop, clean out the refrigerator…the list never ends. Sunday is for household management. Sunday work is invisible. This is where you go through your Sunday Basket® - open your mail, pay your bills, plan your schedule for the week, decide when you’ll run errands…you get the idea. Both days are important, but both days are different in the amount of visibility other people have about whether or not you have done your work. They have completely different energies to them. My goal is to always make visible the invisible work you’re doing so that we can do LESS OF IT. I want you to stop always working. There’s always, always going to be more to do. When are you able to say it’s done? When you become disciplined at having bigger time blocks for even your housework, you will find those little pockets of time where you could go for a walk, take a longer shower, find a way to start using those for yourself and your wellness - not to get one more thing checked off a list. Challenge yourself to do a time study and try to see if you can get your housework and your household management done in less time next weekend and instead give yourself some free time. Start to prioritize when your free time is going to be and what it will be used for. Start looking at your time like little buckets or Lego bricks, how can you manipulate them based on your energy? EPISODE RESOURCES: The Paper Solution® The Productive Home Solution® Jump Start - Personal Jump Start - Kitchen The Sunday Basket® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/9/2024 • 25 minutes, 58 seconds
Organize 365 Reorganization & Wednesday Podcast Break
First of all…don’t panic! It’s just a small, 6-week break. You know, every once in a while you need to get reorganized and pause something so you have more bandwidth to address another project. That’s all we’re doing! In the meantime, I’d love to record an episode with you about your transformation with Organize 365®! Just go to the website >Podcast >Wednesday Podcast >Apply to be our guest…it’s that simple! But when I come back, the episodes will be a mini series with Jayme from Greendale Middle School who participated in the teacher pilot. This way when new educational faculty want to learn more about the program, they can listen to this mini series instead of having to sift through 9 years of episodes. Adult Circle Time Second of all, have I got something big for you! I’ve been mulling over this idea that as adults we need circle time. You know, think about the weather, what’s for lunch, and activities we have coming up…but for adults. I still have that kindergarten teacher brain. And I really think as adults we could all benefit from a little heads up as to the organizing energy of the week/month, golden windows that are coming up so we can be prepared to get a specific project accomplished, plan for holidays so they don’t just pop up on us, and offerings from us here at Organize 365®! I mean if you think about it, the schools do this for us, right? They let us know all the things that are coming up and then you as the parent plan ahead how you want to participate in each activity/event. Do you have time, money, and availability? Then you know what to expect. That’s all this is - a little circle time that will be every Thursday evening so you can make a proactive plan. I hope you’ll join me! It’ll be everywhere your eyeballs would be That’s right! At 7pm in all the places: your email inbox, the app, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook! The video newsletter will be published and you will get adult circle time to make better informed decisions about your upcoming week! If you have unsubscribed from the newsletter - I hope you’ll reconsider because this will be the one and only communication to go out each week and it’ll be jam packed with helpful information!! There will be a printable PDF for you to get organized, plan, and be more productive. EPISODE RESOURCES: Wednesday Podcast Guest Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/7/2024 • 19 minutes, 9 seconds
577 - Jump Start - HOME - Get to 30% Organized in 6 Weeks
Last week, I shared with you our first Jump Start initiative which is your personal organization, where I would counsel anyone to start getting themselves organized after they’ve implemented the Sunday Basket®. However, some of you are not going to want to start in your personal spaces for various reasons. One, maybe they are already organized. Two, it doesn’t matter how much it would help you if you were organizing yourself - you are drowning so much that you must start in family spaces. Or three, you need your organizing journey to be more visible and not invisible to get a spouse’s approval or buy in for you to continue. Our second Jump Start option, you could do in place of personal organizing or do after. You could do these in reverse order; it doesn’t matter. We’ve pulled the lessons from The Productive Home Solution® into a Jump Start Kitchen Organization Program and walk you through how to get your kitchen all the way organized in six weeks or less. Typically, you get surface level organized and then move on, because everything else seems so much more disorganized than the kitchen. These Jump Start programs encourage you to get all the way organized - either in your personal or in your kitchen spaces. And all the way organized is pretty detailed. When you get all the way organized in your kitchen, you’re going to start with figuring out what your zones should be, and what phase of life you are currently in. I want you to pretend that you are moving into this house for the first time. Think about if you were moving in right now, how you would organize this kitchen without looking at anything that’s in any cabinet. Your kitchen is really like a whole house. It does so many things, and every cabinet is like a tiny room that has a purpose for the phase and stage of life you are in. The size of your kitchen doesn’t matter as much as the functionality. Instead of wishing that you had something that you don’t, take what you have and make it as functional as possible. Then if you ever do move or you have the opportunity to make improvements to your house, you’ll know exactly what you want to put in there. Secondly, when you organize your kitchen, there are so many of the lessons that will carry over into other parts of your house. For example, when you learn how to organize a drawer step by step, you will know how to organize ANY drawer in your house. The next thing is establishing stations. Organizing stations are dependent on the phase of life you are in, as well. If you have kids, you can create a lunch packing station. Do you host a lot of dinners? Make a dinner station. Drink stations, snack stations, the list goes on! What can you add to this kitchen that will give you some extra space? What can you take away that you only need seasonally? Whoever is the primary cook should be the one to establish the organization in the kitchen. I want you to spend a full three to six weeks in your kitchen because you’re going to add 30% more organization to your life. So if you couple this with the Jump Start Personal Organization Program - you will be living an organized life 80% of the time! EPISODE RESOURCES: Jump Start Programs The Productive Home Solution® The Sunday Basket® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/2/2024 • 38 minutes, 46 seconds
Transformation with Lydia M.
In this episode, I introduce you to Lydia M. who has two daughters, ages 4 and 9 months, is married and living in Florida. She has the capacity to run her business, invest in her family, and partake in her hobbies or simply scroll through Instagram. But it wasn’t always like this. Lydia was getting ready to start her bookkeeping business, DAC Balance, so she searched for podcasts to motivate and educate her. She came across the Professional Organizer Think Tank Podcast in 2006 which still exists!! When Lydia heard me say that there was a regular podcast, Lydia found it and has been a loyal listener every Friday since 2017. It was fascinating to learn about what Lydia does, the business sizes that she works with, and compared Organize 365®’s business as it pertained to her business. Simply put, she’s the middle man between the data entry person at a business and a CPA. Some businesses do not need a full time “controller” so they hire Lydia to fill that gap. Lydia and her husband were fortunate enough to move into her great aunt and uncle’s home after losing her aunt. Since her aunt’s passing was somewhat sudden, all their things were still in the home when they moved in. Lydia’s family was happy to not have to purchase something for this home that was new to them but it also meant estate sales, garage sales, and multiple trips to donation centers over the next 4 years to clear it all out. In 2019, Lydia found out she was pregnant. Unfortunately, the pandemic hit not too much later. The idea of becoming a mom and the pandemic gave Lydia time to get organized with the 100 Day Program she’d received as a gift for Christmas. Now that the house had been cleared out, it was time to declutter her stuff. This resulted in items being in the correct rooms…but also meant all the stuff needed to be gone through again. I shared a little tip we competitive puzzle solvers use, and it’s that we go through the pieces three times to complete the puzzle. We declutter to be able to organize to be able to get optimized and the result is productivity. This is why we go through The Productive Home Solution® three times. Lydia went on to describe how she is resetting her home every three months-ish due to her 9 month old growing and developing. With babies, there is a 3-4 monthly cycle in and out of clothes, toys, and safety in your home. Once our children are about 5 that turns into the first half of the school year, the second half, and then summer. This is why we do the home blitzes in that same pattern. Lydia wants to set an example of planning for her girls. I brought up that meme: Choose your hard…Planning is hard and not planning is hard. Lydia wants her girls to know it’s normal to plan for the upcoming week. She wishes someone had taught her that way earlier in life. We talked about the impact on our mental and cognitive load when we use the Sunday Basket® and Friday Workbox®. Speaking of planning and the benefits, you think I rabbit trailed on shipping in the past two episodes? No, we really trailed off getting into what the heck I am doing with my PhD and what my coach and I discussed. Turns out I have had a good chunk of research completed towards putting together a Household Organization/Productivity Theory! Lydia’s advice is, “Buy all the things. Do the blitzes to get a sense of how it feels to be organized in a season.” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® The Productive Home Solution® Planning Day The Paper Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/31/2024 • 57 minutes, 28 seconds
576 - Jump Start- YOU - Get 50% Organized in 6 Weeks
The number one reason cited as to why people do not feel like they are more organized or they do not start getting organized is they don't know HOW to start. They don't know WHERE to start. They don't know how long it's going to take...something else always gets in the way. Today's episode is going to help give you the tools to overcome this hurdle. So when you're at home and you feel like you're disorganized and you have a little bit of time, how do you use it? How do you get started? That's what I've been wrestling with the last 6 months. Looking at customer service emails, listening to things on social media, watching how people are implementing the tools that Organize 365® has to get you more organized, which ultimately give you more time. But - if you don't have any time, how do you get organized? What does it look like when your closet, bathroom, and bedroom are declared "organized"? Your closet is done when anyone could go in there, choose an outfit, and you'd put it on and walk out the door immediately. Your bathroom is done when you have everything you need for your morning, afternoon, and evening routines. No extras of anything and duplicates of everything you couldn't go a day without. Your bedroom is done when it doesn't look like you're living in your storage room. It should be intentional. When you are organized there is no negative self talk, you wake up and have a more productive day, and you are moving forward faster. You have more mental capacity at your discretion in the morning and the evening to reflect on your day. This allows you to go to bed calmer and with less stress, all small but significant benefits - just from being organized! Personal organization is a YOU game. You need to get your space organized first, then you will start to live an organized life 50% of the time. If you start February 15th, you will be personally organized by April 1st. How amazing would it feel to be personally organized in 6 weeks and living 50% of your life as an organized person?! The first Jump Start cycle begins on February 15th, and runs every 6 weeks. You will have dashboard access to the course, and be invited into a private community group in the App. You will also get weekly recordings of The Productive Home Solution® Club. More details can be found at Next week I'll give you all the details on the Kitchen + Meal Planning Jump Start Program! EPISODE RESOURCES: Jump Start: Personal Organization Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Sign up for the Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/26/2024 • 44 minutes, 28 seconds
Transformation with Wendy T.
In this episode, I introduce you to Wendy T. She's married with a 13 year old son, a 10 year old daughter, one cat and one dog. She lives in Southern Australia and owns 2 Air BNB’s. Talking to Wendy gave me a lot of ideas about traveling to Australia, and how to fulfill my wish list. I hope Greg joins me in 2026! It was interesting to learn that Wendy found Organize 365® through the ADHD Podcast which brought her to the Sunday Basket® Podcast and then to the main podcast. In learning about the Sunday Basket®, she thought this could be the way to gain calm in her home. In 2020, Wendy was in the process of moving. She purchased the old The Productive Home Solution® and found permission to let go of things. Back then it was the IDLE “process” and we laughed at the placement of the phone book mentioned. She’d experimented with Marie Kondo, but what she found different with Organize 365® were the systems, processes, and schedules. It was more than just decluttering. Wendy used to have paper piles in each room and she’d throw papers in them thinking, “Oh yeah, I’ll deal with it later.” When those paper piles started to disappear, that’s when she knew Organize 365® was effective in her life. Our homes don’t have administration offices like work, but Wendy saw her Sunday Basket® as a mini administration space. She could hold things in there until they needed to be dealt with. She loves the ability to think less and follows the tried and true systems of Organize 365®. We got on a shipping 2.0 conversation (1.0 was the Canadian shipping last episode), this time about Australia. This held Wendy back for a time. We feel selfish spending this money because it seems like it’s for us. The reality is that the family eats better, the Sunday Basket® user is more calm, and the house runs more smoothly. We pay a lot of money for summer camps and soccer, we should spend money to maintain our homes too! After Wendy splurged on the Organize 365® products and shipping them to Australia, she realized it’s like self care. She doesn’t spend money on shoes or handbags; so this is her splurge. Wendy pointed out that because shipping is so high, she appreciates the planning and implementation days to still be part of organizing life with Organize 365®. Planning Day is where she learned about permission for something else…naps! The planning days brought us to discovering each other's calendars. Australians celebrate different holidays. Their seasons are different from ours. And their school year is different. This got me thinking about America’s natural energy/cadence to organizing and how it matches up, or didn’t in most cases, to Australia’s. Her Golden Window is NOW! We determined Wendy’s weather must be like that of Arizona’s. It’s summer now and can get up to 40 degrees C or 104 degrees F. It’s also one of the busiest times for the Air BNB’s with the gardens. She values her Friday Workbox® even more now with managing people. She’s not doing so much physical work, but she is managing! Wendy’s advice is, “Go back to ‘Lisa Basics’. Give yourself grace. Done is better than perfect. Keep at it - chip away. Just start! It’s just a habit. If you build the habit, it just gets so much easier!” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® The Productive Home Solution® Planning Day The Paper Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/24/2024 • 55 minutes, 8 seconds
575 - Organizational Dominos: Step 3 - Don't Quit
Alright, it's time for the last organizational domino - Don't Quit! When you have mastered something, when you have persevered and you have learned something at a new level, you can easily forget what it was like to learn that skill. For many adults, we don't often have to push through any resistance in order to learn something new. When things get rough, we can choose to be comfortable instead of doing something hard or pushing through the resistance. Quitting is fine. You're allowed to quit. The reason why I didn't quit in 2012 in getting my home organized was because I didn't have any options left. I was turning 40, I started Organize 365®, I was getting our house organized and I had become a Professional Organizer. If I couldn't get my own house organized, how was I going to keep being a Professional Organizer? It was part of my identity of who I was becoming. The next time I wanted to quit was with growing Organize 365®. There have been a lot of things that have happened in 12 years in business that I didn't know how to do. I don't have a business degree, so I am learning how to be a business owner by being in masterminds, hiring coaches, taking courses, going to seminars and conferences. Being an entrepreneur is a never ending professional development course. As an adult you want to quit...or you just figure out how to do it. It's not about being afraid of the effort or the work; it's about not knowing how to do it, or what to do next. Go back to your WHY - why do you want to get organized to begin with? When you know your why, then you know your limits, strengths and weaknesses...and realize that you will need resources, help, expertise, advice and so forth in order to get further and grow more. Organization can be the solution to having a plan and getting your time back. I know you're probably thinking: "it's ridiculous to pay money to Organize 365® to learn how to organize, when I should just know how to do this myself." Why should you know how to do something just because you've always lived in a household? Everything is taught to us, or modeled for us. If you weren't TAUGHT how to be organized, you have to go to class. When you get stuck - join the community, get in the app, go to the coworking time. Get with people who are like minded. Sign up for a 1:1 session with a Certified Organizer. Everyone is going to get stuck. I'm not going to let you quit. Keep pushing through, because on the other side is the organized life and unlocked time freedom that you're looking for. EPISODE RESOURCES: Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Sign up for the Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/19/2024 • 31 minutes, 44 seconds
Transformation with Francie G.
In this episode, I introduce you to Francie G. Francie found herself googling for basement organization podcasts when her mother-in-law decided to downsize from her home of 46 years in November of 2022. She came across the “arranging your hot mess rooms” episode and was hooked. For her mother-in-law's move, which turned into her move too…she invested in The Productive Home Solution®. She grasped the idea of “same with same” and ease of access based on frequency of use. She then chose her own organizational adventure. At the same time, Francie, her husband, and two children, Thomas and JoAnn, were living in a condo. Francie and her husband started their lives there 18 years ago, but knew it was not their forever home. Her mother-in-law downsizing meant they would be acquiring some furniture, memorabilia, and other items from this transition. They knew it was more than their condo could hold. They temporarily rented a storage space, but knew that money could instead go towards a mortgage for a house that was plenty big to have all their stuff in their home. This was the perfect time to start the search for their new home. We got to talking about our children getting older and that means their bodies get bigger too! It’s like 4 adults were living in their home. They were at a point in life where a little more space would be nice. And I don’t think we talk enough about buying your first nice piece of furniture or your first home in your 40’s. We don’t move into our first home and everything is perfect and brand new! Cue the The Paper Solution® Financial Binder. They needed to be more diligent with their money and she wanted peace of mind to know things would be ok. Francie and her husband have always been intentional with their spending despite esteemed professions. They have only had one car, stayed in their condo till they felt they needed to move, and hired a nanny that had capabilities to drive. Francie’s first investment actually was the ADHD Bundle, and we might have gone down a rabbit hole about shipping internationally and how things have changed. She also explained that because of the public transportation and the nanny, she was able to work from home with both children attending different schools, uninterrupted. When the children were in school, the nanny would run errands or help with housework. If Francie needed to go anywhere, she could hop on the public transportation. With all this change for her mother-in-law and their family, Francie started thinking she too may have ADHD. Re-establishing the systems she’s learned, she realized she just has a lot of complexities in her life and no ADHD. Those complexities can suppress executive function. She laughed thinking “Well, I had gestational diabetes while I was pregnant. So maybe I’ll have ADHD while the kids live at home!” She’s realized that Organize 365® is the cure for that! She’s regaining her work/life balance and knows she can do hard things. Francie’s advice is, “the systems, routines, and schedules at home that Organize 365® teaches are the external scaffolding that keeps life organized. ” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® The Paper Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/17/2024 • 55 minutes, 25 seconds
Coffee Chat - New Portables and the School Memories Binder is Back!
I just want all my podcast listeners to be in the know. Now in the Shop are the two new Portable Sunday Basket® color options. I really don’t understand the obsession with all black…so I had to throw in a new fun one too!! The School Memory Binder is back, redesigned, and you can choose a color for that too! Food for thought: each one of your children could have different colors. A gentle reminder that the first Paper Organizing Retreat of 2024 will be here in Cincinnati on March 2nd. You have time…but do you?? Finalize plans and I look forward to seeing you in March! New Portable Sunday Basket Colors Basic Black Black & Pink Stripes School Memory Binder is Back Lattice color choice of white, pink, purple, green, or blue Now can save school memorabilia through 12th grade Don’t Forget the next Paper Organizing Retreat is March 2nd Seems like a long time from now, but not really! If you need to plan who you are going with, where you will stay, and gathering all the paper you will want to organize - do that soon!. This is part of the Certified Organizer certification. So if it has been on your list of things you want to accomplish, then get registered and plan! EPISODE RESOURCES: Portable Sunday Basket® School Memory Binder Paper Organizing Retreat Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/16/2024 • 6 minutes, 25 seconds
574 - Organizational Dominos: Step 2 - Extend Your Timeline
Are you ready for organizational dominos Step 2? Step 1 was getting started - in decluttering and organizing; and understanding that organization is different than housework. It is putting systems in place that will support you and will last for more than a day or a week and give you foundation. Step 2 is how long will this take? I need you to give me more time. If we could do it in a weekend, I would let you know. If we could do it in a month, I would let you know. Even if it was your full time job, we couldn't do it in that short amount of time...there's just too much to do. It's going to take one to three years. I know you don't like that answer but this is not new information, and this is not a marketing scheme. If anything, it's an anti-marketing scheme. It takes a MINIMUM of one year to get organized. Part of why it takes a minimum of one year is because you just finished December. If you're starting brand new now in January, do you remember what all you did in the beginning of December? Thanksgiving? Halloween? There are things that you did seasonally that you don't remember right now as you're organizing in January. There is a seasonality to organizing your physical spaces. Year One During your first year of organizing, your only job is to do 15 minute tasks every single day. Keep doing those 15 minute tasks every single day in every space until it's completely organized. A completely organized space has only 2 requirements. 1. When you walk into that space, it isn't "talking back" to you. The space isn't demanding your attention. 2. There are no more decisions to be made. There's no more thinking about what you're doing (or need to do) in that space. Year Two By the end of your first year, you've been through all the seasons and your house will be pretty much organized. So in year two - you're going to go through your house AGAIN because now you can declutter more, add some organizational systems, make it prettier, etc. You're going to get into the cadence of reflecting on the last 4 months and then planning for the next 4 months. You're going to create better systems, better cadences, start using the Sunday Basket® and The Paper Solution® Binders (if you haven't already). Year Three You are living an organized life in your home and in your work, and you identify as an organized person. Unexpected events happen in your life, but they don't become all consuming. You're better able to handle the complexity. You're going to be able to flex with the unexpected events because your house is under control, your work is under control, and you really do have work-life balance. You know the visible and invisible work that needs to be done in both, and you've set up systems in both that are supporting you so that when the unexpected happens - you're the one that can bounce right back and still maintain your goals. You know where all your time goes, where all your money goes, where all your intention goes, where your energy goes. You know you have capacity to do MORE. Why? Because YOU. ARE. ORGANIZED. EPISODE RESOURCES: Sunday Basket® Friday Workbox® The Productive Home Solution® The Paper Solution® Organize 365® Kids Program Sign up for the Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/12/2024 • 25 minutes, 36 seconds
Organize 365 Cycle of Organizing: Step 3 Increase Productivity
Organizational math. As a math teacher, I knew that if there were any holes in my student’s learning, they would struggle with future math concepts. Math skills build upon each other… just like organizing skills. There is a reason that most organizational programs start with decluttering (subtraction): you must reduce your pile before you can move on to step 2… organizing. Organization adds minutes to your days (addition) and speeds up your pace as you get through the tedium of everyday household tasks. But, increased productivity is the holy grail we all seek. Once you know how to multiply time, there is no turning back. The skill of being a productive person starts with decluttering spaces, calendars, commitments, and sometimes people. Adding the weekly cadence of organizing your time, your priorities, and your actionable to-dos leaves you with a manageable action plan. I used to think productivity = being busy. Now I know that everyone is busy. Ironically, the people who look least busy are usually the most productive. Podcast episode 463: Learning the Skill of Organizing: Step 3 Increase Productivity Next year at this time, do you want to be more productive? More purposeful? More peaceful? The organizational level you are at today is a reflection of the cumulative minutes you invested in the full organizational cycle this year. Decluttering + organization = increased productivity. It would be my honor to walk with you through your organizational journey. Productivity is a fickle friend. It will not spontaneously happen. Productivity must be planned. It's time to make a plan! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Productive Home Solution® The Paper Solution® The Household Operations Binder The Sunday Basket® Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/11/2024 • 39 minutes, 3 seconds
Transformation with Christa G.
In this episode, I introduce you to Christa G. Christa is from a little town not too far from me; but about six years ago moved to Michigan from Georgia. Christa is married and has two children that are almost 12 and 16. Christa ended up hearing one of my interviews on the Boss Mom podcast around 2015/2016. She knew when they got to Michigan that she wanted to start a wedding planning business. She got the Friday Workbox® to keep her on track and organized before they moved. She now runs her wedding planning business full time! She’s known for planning unconventional weddings that reflect the character of the bride and groom. When Christa first found me, my kids were about her kids' ages. We laughed about having these humans that look like adults in our homes and how they take up more space, have opinions, and different food preferences. Christa has been such a proactive mom that these little adults do their own laundry and can prepare meals for themselves…even if it’s just frosted flakes! We rabbit trailed to what I call “selfish” laundry. Christa mentioned that she’d like to see her son wash more than just a uniform he needs for his sports team. When Greg says he’s going to do the laundry and I see only his jeans got washed; I give him a hard time saying “Oh, we’re doing selfish laundry today?” Christa and I agree to just put a full load in the wash instead. She plans her meals for the week when she processes her Sunday Basket® and then the family sees what she’ll be making and what nights they’ll have to fend for themselves. We kind of have this going on at my house except we all have cars and we all have money. So we are all shopping and not all of the food is getting eaten. I remember my mom doing the “refrigerator review” which meant she’d heat up all the leftovers the night before garbage day. Whatever didn’t get eaten, she’d toss. This was one more attempt at that food getting eaten instead of wasted. The Woodruff’s are a work in progress in this area! Christa managed to get her home life running pretty smooth and then she focused on her business. She has learned to become a person of excellence in one area and then build on her skill set. Weddings look so different for each couple. I shared that Greg and I were married 6 months after Greg finally proposed, it took him three years. Christa shared that she eloped. She normally hears “you made this process so much more calm than I expected it to be.” Wedding planners are there to have your back. They will read through all the contracts, search for options for flowers or other items you need, and pivot when needed. This way the bride doesn’t get lost in the weeds of the details. She offered some wedding planning advice: Get help planning your wedding. Ideally a wedding planner, but if not rely on your wedding party to help. Your budget will depend on the number of guests you have attending. So to stay within your budget you may consider a smaller invite list. Find a venue that fits your vision to prevent additional spending in order to transform the space. Hot button alert!! You wanna hear a good story about a good venue and contracts? I shared what happened to Organize 365® with the Savannah Center. You will not see me doing business with them! Christa shared how she had to fight for a couple when at the last minute a venue decided to have their ballroom renovated leaving them to deal with a less than ideal wedding. You bet Christa got that money back!! That’s the blessing of a wedding planner. Christa’s advice is, “learn to be flexible, readjust when needed and not be so rigid in what you want to happen. But feel out what is supposed to happen and what feels right.” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Friday Workbox® The Productive Home Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/10/2024 • 58 minutes, 49 seconds
573 - Organizational Dominos: Step 1 - Start
Happy New Year! Today, I'm kicking off a three-part series called Organizational Dominos. We're starting with Step 1: Start. Next week will be Step 2: Extend Your Timeline, and then comes Step 3: Don't Quit! We all want to quit at some point, but we're going to push through and we are NOT going to quit. But let's talk about getting started first. Getting started is the hardest part when you're trying something new, doing something different, or not really sure where you're going...or confident that you know how to get there. We've been doing Thursday Throwback episodes of the most popular podcast series we've ever had called The Stages of Organization. Step 1 of that cycle is decluttering. Decluttering leads to organization, and organization leads to increased productivity. Decluttering is easy. It gives you the big "WOW" result when you're done. You can do that for a couple of weeks and feel lighter. However, there are problems with decluttering. One is that you don't declutter enough, and the second is if you've already decluttered but what is left isn't organized - then you need to move on to step 2. Over decluttering is a thing! We tend to do this if we don't know how to get organized, and think instead that we just need to get rid of more things. Set a timer for 15 minutes, grab a black trash bag, and fill it up. Even if you just start with trash or broken items, do that. Then go back through and collect anything that you can donate. Stop by the donation place of your choice every single week until you can't fill the car anymore. Declutter 15 minutes a day, and whatever is going to be donated - put it straight in your car. Getting started - declutter. Throw out all the trash and broken items, decide to sell or not sell, establish a donation cadence. Time to move on to organizing. 15 minutes a day. If you use that 15 minutes a day for housework instead of organizing, you're not going to get organized - EVER. What's the difference between housework and organizing? That's what I'm focusing on in my PhD. No joke - in the American Time Use Study, working on a boat is considered housework! Emptying ashtrays, shoveling coal, waiting for your electric car to charge - all housework. Mind blown! Housework is anything you do weekly that is basically undone by the time you finish it. Dishes, laundry, grocery shopping, planning meals, cleaning the refrigerator, you get it. So the 15 minutes a day you are spending on ORGANIZING (not housework!) should be for something that will last at least a month. There isn't enough information out in the world about how to actually get organized. There is for decluttering and productivity - but not organizing. So when you're looking this year to follow someone to inspire you to get organized, look for these things: Someone who has the plan and the results that you want Does their lifestyle match yours? Their rigidity - Do they have lots of checklists? Do their checklists have checklists? How they pivot during unexpected events: Do they pivot the way that you would? I might not be your person. I may not be enough organization for you. And that's ok. Are you ready to get organized in 2024? I want to encourage you that it is literally impossible to be behind when you are organizing. All you have to do is START! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/5/2024 • 24 minutes, 28 seconds
Organize 365 Cycle of Organizing: Step 2 Organizing
Last week we went over the first step to the cycle of getting organized; decluttering. I shared that decluttering leads to organization. I defined organization as lasting change in your home - not like housework that needs to be done daily or weekly. In this episode, I take that definition one layer deeper. Your rooms should not be talking to you…what does that mean? There IS seasonality to our homes; our choice of shoes, meals we cook, our diets, activities we enjoy. Naturally, we need different items for each season. This is why here at Organize 365® we have divided the year into trimesters; 4 month segments to plan for the next phase of seasonality your home and life will be facing. Now that we are done with the holidays, when is the next time you’ll be making a turkey? Likely in 11 months. So you could put that turkey pan and the lifters in your storage...but you can’t because your storage area is a hot mess like every other storage area I’ve seen ever. THIS is why it’s nice to be organized. You can tailor your spaces with the seasonality and have an appropriate organized storage area to do that! Each planning day helps you to anticipate these seasons and the “unexpected” events that come our way with each season. Did you know that this year Easter is in March?? Yes! Our last planning day we talked about that, which will change spring break for many of us. How do you “Spring Break”? You may need to make hotel reservations or talk to people you travel to for Easter. It’s inevitable that after Easter our brains switch to summer - but the reality is that we have a lot of weeks left in school until summer. I also brought awareness to taxes. Yes, they are coming!! It’s funny how these “unexpected” events come out of nowhere and can throw everything off track. This is why we have the planning days. For this reason, you get the first planning day included when you get The Productive Home Solution®. We want to give you all the support we can to get you organized and stay that way even if an unexpected or routine “unexpected” event comes your way. Year One After a year of going through all your spaces (15 minutes at a time) decluttering and organizing, you will no longer have rooms talking to you. No room is reminding you to change the light bulb, order a backup of a product you use daily, or a repair that is needed. You have backup of products you use and systems in place to resupply. You are no longer using your decision making allowance on what you are going to wear, what is for breakfast, or other simple decisions throughout your day. This process of decluttering will result in organization. This will not look like everything is labeled and “pretty.” This kind of organization will look like more time and more free thinking space in your brain. You can start to mentally prepare for your day as you get ready or drive to work. You can focus on accomplishing your goals. You may not be organized now, but you could be a year from now. So where do you start? I always advise starting in your personal spaces and storage, and then you get to choose your own adventure. You can choose your paper, family spaces, or kids spaces. I will note that kids' spaces need to be done in the summer; so consider where you are in the year when you choose where you will organize next. Once you get to fall, you need to do the spaces you didn’t do in summer. This will take you about a year. If you think about how much time you spent on just your bathroom, you can expect your full home to take about a year! Year Two Now that your spaces aren’t talking to you, it’s time to refine. You get life long access to The Productive Home Solution® and can really go through it as many times as you’d like. This time you will go through all of your spaces again…but during this round you will get rid of some things you didn’t last time. You may have set up your Sunday Basket®, but you may find that you are not really making everything wait until Sunday. This year, you will start to understand the importance of waiting until Sunday to free up decision making and time. You will also start to better utilize The Paper Solution® Binders. You will find yourself going through the free blitzes at a deeper level. You are a productive planner. This is the year most people will add the Friday Workbox® too. You have seen the impact of the Sunday Basket® at home and you desire that same level of organization at work, too. Year Three THIS is the year you recognize “I am an organized person.” You finally feel it. No rooms are talking to you. You know the visible and invisible work that needs to get done and you have systems in place to support you in work and life. Work is in control. Life is in control. You can flux when unexpected life events come your way. Your home and work will not fall apart. Now you can gather all the time from both areas and think about whatever you want to all the time. You can now start to do what you are uniquely created to do! I’m not going to lie…you are going to want to quit sometime in these three years. So make sure to catch next week’s episode on what to do when you get the urge to quit. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Productive Home Solution® The Paper Solution® The Household Operations Binder The Sunday Basket® Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/4/2024 • 44 minutes, 2 seconds
Emily Kelly
You all love when Emily comes on the podcast! Here’s the update… Pretty safe to say the two of us like to plan. And there’s a cadence or a cycle to organizing. We dream, make it real, complete the idea, and then we get to start dreaming again. Emily shared that she looks at these areas of her life the last week of the year or the first week of the new year: financial, spiritual, relational, emotional, mental, and vocational. She decides the next steps she wants to take to improve those areas and then strives towards the next step over the next six weeks which takes her to her birthday. She can audition new ideas and keep what works and what needs to be revamped. "Forcing things never prosper.” Emily and I agree I have a pretty high awareness of my intuition. I have always been more focused on the destination rather than how I get there. I asked Emily when she decided to start trusting her intuition. She acknowledged that she used to force things and go against her gut. And it was no surprise that things haven’t worked out with this strategy. At Quality IP, she was tired of forcing square pegs into round holes. Once she relinquished control, she felt God putting things into place to keep her afloat as she started down her entrepreneurial journey. She has hustled. And let me tell you, in general, the hustle is back. The pandemic is over and we are back to the hustle and bustle of life. She has found a couple of marketing clients and she’s done some odd jobs to supplement. She’s always been a fantastic networker and those relationships are paying off. There’s no forcing anything and she’s listening to her intuition. She knows she’s not in control. She reminded us all that we are only in charge of our thoughts, attitude, and our efforts. Emily pointed out not to count eggs that have not hatched. She shared that she had calls lined up that ended up canceling. But Emily didn’t sweat it because she’d taken advantage of all opportunities that had come her way. Don’t say no to a money making opportunity today because you may have money coming in a week or two. A Friday Workbox® can really help a person to keep track of odd jobs while organizing your main stream of income. Emily has found herself to be more productive when she starts the day with a list of priorities from the end of yesterday’s work day. She made her list at the end of the day what was most important to complete the next day while it was fresh. Emily took advantage of her good credit score before she was let go to get a bank loan as a safety net. Keep your credit score in good standings. Things are moving faster since Covid. I remember many years ago learning about the Singularity Theory from Ray Kurzweil, that at some point everyone would know everything. I had the hardest time wrapping my brain around this concept. This has been made possible mostly due to the internet. The rate at which we learn new information is exponentially faster than 10 years ago. There’s not the lag of relaying of the information that there used to be. And now… When Covid hit, we all took advantage of technology that would have slowly been utilized. Covid catapulted that forward. Now most know how to Zoom, order groceries online, and alot of us rely on Amazon. And there has been so much ripple effect from Covid and supply shortages we experienced. We’ve seen the minimum wage has also gone up. But one part of the economy doesn’t go up without everything else going up. There was stimulus money that was given to employers who in turn spent it on wages. And of course, the product they needed went up! I have also noticed that the fad of high ticketed coaching and other online sales funnels are starting to shrink. Reminds me of the book “80/20 Sales and Marketing” by Perry Marshall. The idea is if you are in a bar, and you ratchet a shotgun under the table, 20% will look at you. Those are your people. Now build a relationship with those people because they are your client and know others with similar interests. Focus on your target audience. We buy from people we know, like, and trust! Well, there you have it folks. Emily is now an entrepreneur using the unique skill, knowledge, and abilities she has to do what she was uniquely created to do! The two of us aren’t going anywhere. If you need Emily’s services reach out to her via email [email protected] EPISODE RESOURCES: Friday Workbox® 80/20 Sales and Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/3/2024 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 35 seconds
572 - The GOLDEN Week - Reflect on 2023 & Jump Into 2024
You did it! You made it to the end of 2023. What lies before us are all the hopes, dreams, and possibilities of 2024. This is what I like to call the Golden Week. The week after Christmas and before New Years where you're culminating the end of a year and getting ready for the beginning of a new year. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, the last week of December is magical for everyone. For some of us, we're like "Bye bye 2023! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" What's the cost of not being organized? What's the cost of not making a choice about not making a resolution to get organized? The cost is usually time and money. Everything costs you time and everything costs you money. The first and easiest way that you can save money is by planning your food and meals. You use the Sunday Basket® System to help you meal plan. Use this Golden Week to reflect, make changes or pivots. Take 15 or 20 minutes a week and really start to think about your grocery shopping and meal planning. How can we get a handle on our time? For me, I've always captured every single second of my time to try to get as much out of that time as possible; to be as productive as possible. Now my goal is to get more of my time back so that I can do NOTHING. Yes, you heard that right! I really want to see if I can stop working by 8 pm every night. I know what needs to be moved into daytime hours or completely eliminated. Very few people know where their time goes. Not me. I keep track of everything - every minute spent at work, on school, with Grayson, Greg, Joey, Abby...all of it. So when you look at your 2024, is there one way in which you want to focus on your money? One way in which you want to focus on your time? One way in which you want to focus on your wellness? How can you take the first step to do that? The Sunday Basket® helps you get through as many tasks as possible and plan for the upcoming week of what you anticipate to happen. You can go to to try the free week of the Sunday Basket®. What do you want out of your 2024? Where do you need to improve your organization so that you can have more time and money? EPISODE RESOURCES: Sunday Basket® Free 5-Day Mini Course Sign up for the Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/29/2023 • 54 minutes, 18 seconds
461 - Organize 365 Cycle of Organizing: Step 1 Declutter
Throw-back time…We are going to revisit a 3 part series that includes our most listened to episodes. I’m going to revisit what each step looks like and how to complete them. It’s a domino effect - decluttering leads to organization which leads to productivity! There is so much information about decluttering and productivity but where is the handbook to organization? The middle step is missing. It’s a common thought that housework is organization. I am here to set the record straight. Housework is those daily or weekly chores that never seem to be completed, and organization is the lasting result. Decluttering the utensil drawer and making it more functional for your home is organization. Putting things into the drawer from the dishwasher is housework. Vacuuming and laundry is housework. Once you organize something it usually stays that way for a while unless it's a family space and the results don’t last as long. You know! Declutter → Organization → Productivity Step one is decluttering. All you have to do is set a 15 minute timer. Now to complete a housework task. Go to your bathroom or closet and declutter for 15 minutes. At the end of that 15 minutes decide where the items you no longer want will go. Will you toss them? Recycle them? Sell them? Donate them? In my book “Organization Is a Learnable Skill,” I took 4 months to declutter. Then I decided to sell a few things. For those four months, I placed items in one room. Then I held a garage sale. I wasn’t in a position to work and I wanted to contribute to the family so this was a way I could. You can sell online or however is most convenient for you. BUT I have three rules. In my opinion, sell the items that will bring in $25 or more. It will take you time to set up a garage sale or post and monitor online so make sure it’s worth your time. Then set a deadline to have the items sold. If you haven't sold them by the deadline, then it’s time to trash or donate. You could spend a lot of time trying to re-post or sell elsewhere. Call a spade a spade and move on. Decide before you sell specifically what you are going to use that money for. Like I mentioned, this was my way to contribute to my family. You could go on vacation, buy something for the house, remodel something, buy a new piece of furniture, The Productive Home Solution®…lol, just sayin’. If you have decided to donate…just relocate the items immediately to your car trunk. I encourage you to get a routine down daily or weekly. Maybe every Thursday after work, you stop by your donation center and drop off your items. Maybe you want to get through as much as you can in one week. Before you start the next 15 minute decluttering session the next day, you go drop off your items. Head home and complete as many 15 minute sessions as you have energy for. You CAN spend too long decluttering… Once you are happy with what is in your home, stop decluttering. It’s possible that you keep decluttering things you actually want in search of that sense of control. Or you want to feel like the heavens have parted and are shining down on your hard work. Not yet. The idea is just to get rid of your broken or no longer used items so you can organize the things you do want in your home. I want you to know where they are and have your home functional for you. The next step of organization is where you will feel more confident and in control of your home. Look into my crystal ball These 15 minutes of decluttering sessions are sustainable for about 2 months on your own. And that brings us to the end of February. At that point you are going to think “I love the spaces I have decluttered and organized. I’d really like support to keep going on with the rest of my home. I’d like to try something more with Organize 365®” OR you will think “I did it! I organized the few spaces I spend time in and I’m at peace with that.” I don’t really have a crystal ball but I have observed clients and the Organize 365® community and have seen this play out time and time again. I’d love to be the one to help you get organized in 2024! Who are you gonna follow? Are you ready to get organized in 2024? I am not everyone’s cup of tea and I am ok with that. I am a functional organizer. I strive for excellence not perfection. Greg grew up in a minimalist setting so he gives me grief over the house not being organized. He would not follow me! I am extremely organized, but I am not a minimalist. I like books and memorabilia. I like my things, and the things I have are organized. I hope you do see the value that I am offering. I hope you see how I pivoted during Covid and it seemed approachable for you. I hope you saw me take the challenge of Greg’s shoulder surgery last week and see how the holiday was still successful. It just looked different this year. Whoever you decide to guide you down the road of organization - do you like their lifestyle, daily accomplishments, rigidity? Choose a person that tackles life events and organization in a way that feels good to you. You want results, right? EPISODE RESOURCES: The Productive Home Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/28/2023 • 24 minutes, 52 seconds
Thoughts on Visiting the Kid's Program School Pilot Program
I just love sharing this journey with this community! I love that while processing my thoughts auditorily, I get to connect with you and pick your brains. Just like you all do in the online community! I shared with you about the Teacher Pilot and now I want to fill you in on the Kids Program Pilot. “How did you come up with the Kids Program?” I should have expected this question. Of course, they didn’t have many organizational questions because they had just completed the after school program their parents signed them up for - The Kids Pilot. And there should have been no surprise that it was predominantly boys. Mom wanted little Johnny to pick up after himself better, I guess! We had 14 children participate. They wanted to know how I came up with the Kids Program. First Thing’s First First things first, what is the Kids Program? In my years of professional home organizing, I developed some rules for organizing the kids' rooms. First, no parents. I wanted the child to feel comfortable to say yes or no to items or clothes they didn’t want in their room. And let me tell you, you can force your child, guilt your child into keeping something in their room, but it isn’t getting played with or worn! Speaking of stuffed animals, and you can apply this to other “collections,” there's a process of elimination I explained. Our brains can get all mixed up when the things we definitely want to keep are mixed up with the things we are ok to let go. Also, if the child has a rock collection you don’t want them to have, come up with a compromise. It’s like their passion project and you are completely dismissing it. So instead allow them a certain amount of space or number of items that they can keep. It’s their little passion project, their treasures. You can have an organized room with passion projects in them. And clothes are a whole other battle. When dealing with smaller children, the only real question they are considering is how do these clothes make me feel? They don’t care about the occasion they may need it for. They never knew how you dressed as a child or how you envision your child dressing. They wanna be able to play in comfort. I always found in boys it was jeans vs. “swishy” pants. You can buy them all the jeans you want but if they like swishy pants, swishy pants are the only thing getting worn. I want to save the child from the battle with the parent over what they want to wear. And I want the parent to spend wisely on clothing their children will actually wear. I talk to the child in my only Lisa voice and help them to respectfully articulate to their parents their preferences and why. I know we all want an organized child and an organized child is much more likely to be confident. Organization breeds confidence. There are about 14 steps between “You know how” and “Do it like this” There is no system in place of how we “hand down” how to #adult. This applies to baby steps like helping our children to organize their mini apartments, to our emerging adults to their independent living spaces. That is why we offer the Kids Program and Launch Program for ages 16-25. We go out on our own and overnight gain a ton of responsibility. Did you know that one out of three children are born with organizational skills? So it isn’t any wonder that 87% of adults don’t feel organized. So if we don’t learn organization in school or college, I mean, where are we to learn these skills? It’s not like we wake up adults one day with the skill of organization! The Launch Binder is a great way to comprehensively hand down the skills and systems we have learned along the way for an organized lifestyle. How do we all learn grocery shopping, a cleaning schedule, managing prescriptions, health insurance, buying a car, routine things like oil changes and getting new tires? As parents we just figured it out with each new stage of life. And oh my gosh, throw a kid in the mix and now it just got a lot more complex! Now you are managing a house instead of an apartment, managing other people’s messes and your emotions about those messes, and you are balancing work and home life - not just school and the other stuff mom and dad take care of. Kids don’t know what they don’t know and I believe we all want to better inform our children to reduce their stress and boost their confidence. How do we get this into the educational system? So again I want to ask you, my community…how can we get this into all educational systems? At what age? Senior in high school? At the college level? We NEED to be teaching the skill of organization! Did you know that children who aren’t organized also have increased negative self talk? And as we get older and gain more responsibilities to juggle, do you think the self-talk improves? If we can teach these students how to get organized and maintain it, we’ll have mentally healthier confident children with skills that transfer into the rest of their lives. That will result in them moving through their goals faster and making an impact. Please let me know what you are thinking as I am sharing this information. This is the last frontier AI will approach. And I’m not confident it’ll ever be able to manage the administration of life! So we’ve got to figure this out and teach them how to help themselves in whatever phase of life they are in. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Kids Program Launch Program Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/27/2023 • 39 minutes, 35 seconds
Coffee Chat - Organization is a Learnable Skill Book Club January 12
Happy Boxing Day! Oh my goodness! This is another holiday that I now celebrate that other people may not celebrate. I've basically curated for myself a year full of fake holidays! I don't know any woman that wakes up on the 26th that doesn't want to declutter everything in their house. It's after the holidays, it's at the end of the year, you're getting ready for a new year, new you. This year on Boxing Day, I wanted to let you know that we are going to have a book club on January 12th, going through the book Organization is a Learnable Skill. I self-published this book in 2021 and did a book tour as well. This is the story of getting myself organized in 2012, the year I turned 40 and the same year I started Organize 365®. I wanted to publish this book for a long time because I like to follow someone's story through the highs and lows about how something happens. So often when we are trying to do something new, all we see are the courses, communities, lessons...the whole long list of everything there is to do in order to end up organized at the end of the year. But what happens all the time, during that year? What are the milestones where you start to feel organized? When are the milestones where other people start to notice? What trips you up as you move along through organization? You don't need to re-buy the book to attend the book club. The ticket to attend the live event is $12. Don't worry if you can't attend live, there will be a replay after the event that's available to watch for 25 days. If you need the book and the book club we have that option, too. If you like listening to books - the book is also on Audible! You can submit questions in advance and I'll answer as many as I can. You will also receive a downloadable Journal Prompt booklet in the email with the replay link. So as you're looking to 2024 and want to start getting organized or continue on your organizing journey, these journal prompts walk you through each month of Organization is a Learnable Skill. This book is written almost like a monthly diary, what I did in January, what I did in I felt about that and the progress that I made from being the least organized I've ever been in my entire life. Good luck decluttering everything. Try not to declutter anything with a heartbeat! Make sure the cats, dogs, and children are out of the way as you are frantically decluttering your house getting ready for an amazing, amazing 2024! EPISODE RESOURCES: Organization is a Learnable Skill Book Club Event Organization is a Learnable Skill Book Club + Organization is a Learnable Skill Book Organization is a Learnable Skill (book only) Audible Version Sign up for the Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/26/2023 • 8 minutes, 11 seconds
571 - Creating a WORK Organizing Train
How do we move from being a productive person who can get a lot done in a day to someone who can really set and achieve bigger goals that are going to make a marked difference in the world? The way to become more impactful doesn't come from productivity, it doesn't come from apps, and it doesn't come from digitizing things. It comes from increasing your organization. In order to build the tracks for your work train, you have to establish work systems, processes and habits. In Workbox Planning Day, we talk about having a beginning of the day routine, a midday routine, and an end of the day routine. Then you can add in Friday Workbox® coworking time each Friday, and Planning Day every quarter. Now there will be the new Workbox Planning Day Implementation event that will kick off next week, and will continually happen every quarter. You have to build these tracks first so that you can move forward faster. Having these three routines each day gives you guardrails and allows you to task stack different things at different times of the day so that you have more capacity and more time to work on your purple projects and move new initiatives forward through the company. Now you're moving faster because these habits and routines have reduced your decision making fatigue. You've task stacked as many of your green tasks into these bucketed times each day and week so that you have more free time to work on the other colors - pink, purple and blue. Now it's time to build the train cars. How you build your work train cars is very customized. What your train looks like throughout your career is also very customized. Interestingly, you can get your work train up and running faster than your home train. Typically it only takes a year - if you're an employee. If you're a business owner, it's a lifetime pursuit. You're never going to be done because you're always reorganizing the train tracks, moving around the cars or adding and subtracting them. It's basically one big game. The first work train car will be the Business Friday Workbox®. This will teach you there are four different kinds of work; four different roles you play in your job. Everyone has four: pink, purple, blue and green. Once you figure out what those are, we're going to optimize those four kinds of work over the course of one year. The second train car are the Workbox Planning Days. Until you learn how to plan, how to use your Friday Workbox®, it's really just a pretty way of organizing your to do list. Until you learn to plan the work that's within the workbox, it's very reactive. You might speed up a little, but you will not have the impact that you want to have. How do you take the green work (administrative) and task stack it in as small amount of time as possible at regular intervals throughout the day so that you can increase the capacity you have for the pink, purple and blue work? Once you start going through the Planning Days, you start to proactively and purposefully plan out what your initiatives are going to be in the next 90 days. You start doing less, but getting more in depth. You delete or delegate projects, you streamline your goals and stop overcommitting. You realize how cyclical work is and how much it's related to home. There are other things that are going to slow down your train - like losing a team member, adding a team member, a new product, losing a product, and so on. Every time you pull into the station, you will go through every single train car. Every 90 days, every quarter. I would love for you to join me for the Workbox Planning Day Implementation event next week. It will be the 13th week of every quarter from now on, so you can add this into your coaching package in order to keep your train running. My job is to get you more productive and profitable so that you can avail yourself of all of those great coaches thereafter. EPISODE RESOURCES: Business Friday Workbox® Workbox Planning Day Friday Workbox® Planning Day Monthly Subscription Workbox Implementation Day Sign up for the Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/22/2023 • 30 minutes, 41 seconds
Thoughts on the Teacher Pilot Final Session
I wish you guys could understand the opportunity Jayme gave me when she offered up her school as a pilot school. Jayme had been talking about the Education Friday Workbox® and explaining how she was so organized, but I was still shocked that she was able to get approval overnight! It was an easy “yes” for the superintendent because he knew it was already so effective for Jayme. I am so excited to share how it went! “Most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years.” - Bill Gates The same can be said for our houses. Most people overestimate what they can achieve in one weekend or month and underestimate what they can achieve in one year. It’s funny, through developing Organize 365® I’ve been able to identify that we do not focus on decluttering or productivity as much as we focus on learning organization. The first one aids organization and the last is allowed due to organization. When I wrote “Organization Is a Learnable Skill”, that’s what I shared; my acts of organization. When we are organized, we get the pay off of productivity. I’m excited to dive into the book study and dig into how you can achieve results, too! Three years after launching Organize 365®, I was able to be the business owner and send my team out into the field. After six years of effectively running Organize 365® due to organization leading to productivity, I was still blogging, had the podcast, the early stages of what is now The Productive Home Solution®, and manufacturing for the Sunday Basket®. I was still in multiple direct sales companies and the train wasn’t stopping any time soon. But If you would have told me I would accomplish all of that, I am not sure I would have expected to. I used to love to stay after school when I was a teacher and organize a fellow teachers’ space. They loved when I bopped into their classrooms. I say all of that to tell you that at that time, I launched 8 workboxes. I had a box for all the things I was doing. And the Education Friday Workbox® was one of those 8. Being a teacher is so different from any other career. When you need a potty break at work, you get up and go, right? Not a teacher, they are in charge and looking after multiple children. They can’t just leave them unattended. I have such an understanding of the teacher world, workload, and home life. So I knew how to make the Friday Workbox® work for teachers. I truly believe this should be on each teacher’s supply list. It’s a one time purchase and then a lifetime of organization in the classroom. The real issue becomes who pays for it; I don’t think this should also fall on the teacher! Should it come from the federal budget? The state budget? Or the local educational budget? Each state operates a little differently so we’ll have to cross that bridge when we get to it, I guess. Our teachers really only get paid based on instructional time with students. But what many may not realize is all the administrative tasks they have, the responsibility to meet curriculum, nurturing the relationships with students and parents, and time that takes away from their families and pets that rely on them, too. They do not get paid based on all of the invisible work they do that is not optional! Our teachers make large sacrifices of mental capacity for the career that they love. Did I call Sally’s mom back? I need 4 toilet paper rolls for that experiment tomorrow. Those are just a few examples of what teachers are trying to remember. We need to help teachers free up their mental overwhelm! They are constantly surpassing their mental capacity. I designed this pilot to teach them how to write those thoughts down quickly, something that can be done right in the middle of class, and continue on with the lesson. Then at the end of the week, sort them into slash pockets and conquer the tasks. It’s so gratifying to free up mental capacity for them in a way that makes them confident everything will still get handled. Because I understand this world so much, I decided to create 3 more slash pocket colors for the Education Friday Workbox®. So, how did it go? What I Discovered It was interesting to me that all three sessions I led were mandatory. There were 52 people in attendance. This was offered to all faculty, not just teachers. Thirty-five staff members took on the opportunity to get organized for a more smoothly run classroom. The special needs teachers showed that they needed additional support. After doing a zoom with the special needs teachers, I decided to offer the Paper Organizing Retreat to all of the special needs teachers. Because what I learned was, almost all of the special needs teachers were new to teaching or new to their school building. That’s a lot of newness and it explained their desire for more support! I had 4 of them attend plus Jayme. I sat down with them and learned more about their students and their workload. We came up with customized solutions for each teacher. That’s the thing about any of the workboxes. They will get you 80% of the way there, but then you have to customize it to work for you and your needs. They all felt that for the third session they would like to learn home organization. I was open to other topics like lesson planning. But of course, I love that they were experiencing organization at work and wanted it for home, too. Yes, get both trains running!! What Puzzled Me I was fascinated to learn that only 2 out of all participants had a digital only organizational process. Which meant that of the remaining participants, 50% were hybrid of both paper and digital while the remaining 50% were paper only. Mind blown because I always hear of people trying to get a digital system perfected. But what I think is actually happening is that they are doing double duty! I’m also curious for the faculty that attended but did not take the Education Friday Workbox®, were the first two mandatory sessions beneficial? Should educators get an Education Friday Workbox® during college or first year teaching? Different states evaluate for IEP’s through different entities. What I Would Love I would love for all teachers to have the Education Friday Workbox® and embrace it! I would love to see professional development for teachers via the Education Friday Workbox®. I’d love to be able to improve their mental health by freeing up their mental capacity. And I’d love to see teacher retention. I’m excited for this to become an actual study. But for now, I am happy with this pilot and it will add credibility to studies in the future. I’d love to help more educators as part of this Education Friday Workbox® pilot. What I Need to Move Forward Do you have knowledge about your state and how things are funded for education? Do I need to be part of a special vendor portal? Is there a certain list for vendors to offer professional development for your schools? Do the districts make the decisions in your state? Does your state have an initiative for teacher retention? Are you on the board, PTO, a teacher or a principal and think this is something you may want to do in your building? Do you want to offer it just to first and second year teachers? Or on a voluntary basis? Who makes the decisions? Who do I need to talk to? Do they want to meet in person? What can I do to advocate for these teachers? Who is open to receiving this information? Please email me at [email protected] if you have answers to any of my questions or can aid introductions. I am taking you all on this journey so you can see that though I do not know the answers, I keep trying. The success or failure of execution will determine my next steps. I have been uniquely created for a time like this. I have been uniquely created to create online courses to teach people organization through the internet to make visible the invisible work done at home and work. And after my PhD, I will do research to make visible the cognitive and mental load in all these areas at a scientific level to elevate the conversation of systems and structures that need to be in place for adults, just like we have for children, in school, home, work, and teacher environments. I want you too to discover what you are uniquely created to do! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Education Friday Workbox® Paper Organizing Retreat Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/20/2023 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 38 seconds
570 - Creating a HOME Organizing Train
Are you driving a car, or conducting a train? Today's episode is about your home organizing train. It takes a lot of effort to stop a train. When you are productive, have a lot of impact, and your life is up and running - you get a couple of unexpected events coming at you but can take the first few of them in stride. When you are driving a car, there's only so much you can handle. You only have so much capacity, although that car moves fast and is nimble. You can stop it easily, pivot or turn around. The size of your car, how fast it is, how much gas you can keep in the tank has a limit. A train doesn't start or stop very fast - but once you lay those tracks and build those train cars, you can go really far really fast without a lot of effort. How do you lay the tracks and build the cars? Organizing. Creating and maintaining systems, habits, and productivity at home and work. Once you have those established - which is going to take a while - the only thing that will derail you are really big life events. These can be catastrophic: like a medical diagnosis, a divorce, or someone passes away. Or they can be happy events: getting pregnant, getting married, moving to a new home. Your train will also slow down and speed up during the Golden Windows of a calendar year. You will need to slow down and "come into the station" at the end of each quarter at work and each trimester at home. This is the piece I was missing that I am going to share with you. You have to establish your systems, routines, and habits that your train will run on; otherwise you can't have the train. You must establish these first, so your train has something to run on. If not, then you're stuck in the car. When you're driving a car, you're just on roads that have been established by other people and you decide in which order you want to take those roads that somebody else created. You have to stop at every red light, decide whether to turn right or left, take the highway or the back roads. Constantly making all these decisions unnecessarily. Now that you have the engine, it's time to build those train cars. Your first one is the Sunday Basket®. You must become a master at delaying your decision making. You plan your week and stop being pulled by every single decision that comes at you. The next train cars are personal, storage, family, and paper organization - which happens within The Productive Home Solution®. Remember, each of these train cars are going to take a couple of months to build. They will need regular maintenance. This takes discipline and the right mindset. Every car needs to be decluttered and organized every trimester at home. At first, it's going to take more time. To establish the train tracks, move from a car to a locomotive, put the cars on the track, and get the train up to speed takes at least three years. This realization is such a buzzkill, I know. Don't get discouraged though, it's not like it takes this long to see any positive changes. You can run that train at 50% after a year and it's still going to be better than what you had before! But to make the impact you want and need, those train cars need to be running at 80-90% organized so they are running strictly on maintenance. A train that is running on maintenance pulls into the depot and you go through it car by car - this is what happens during Planning Days, and now during the new Prep Event I've created. You will revisit each of your train cars - the Sunday Basket®, your personal, storage, family, and paper. If you are this far in organizing, this will feel weird. You will think that you need to tear it apart and start all over each time. But you know the math: you've subtracted by decluttering, added in what you need, multiplied for productivity and now you're in division. You don't have to start all over again. Even if you have a major event, you can go through it all again - but it will go so much faster. Moving to a train is a purposeful, disciplined act that requires you to grow organizing muscles, to think long-term instead of short-term, to think strategically instead of giving into immediate gratification. Once you learn this, you will have the skill set with you for the rest of your life. EPISODE RESOURCES: Sunday Basket® Business Friday Workbox® The Productive Home Solution® The Productive Home Solution® Planning Day Workbook Monthly Subscription Plan Kids Program The Productive Home Solution® Planning Day Prep Sign up for the Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/15/2023 • 31 minutes, 26 seconds
12 Years Ago Today - Lisa's Story
Ready to get to know Lisa Woodruff from the past? I feel like it’s valuable to fill you in on where all this started. Have you ever had an out of body experience? A temper tantrum of sorts? I remember one night in 2005, when I had one. It was as if I was watching myself have this meltdown. Greg was in shock, took the kids, and left for a long time. During that time, I tried to figure out what my problem was and how to get it together. I looked at my planner and realized I had taken the kids to 110 Dr. appointments on top of work and regular life responsibilities. No wonder I was having a melt down. I can remember the added stress of how broke we were in 2007 and 2008. Unfortunately after my parents divorced, my father passed away in 2009. My sister and I found a little financial relief in the sale of his house. Nothing stressful about settling an estate! But I was able to remodel our kitchen with some of that money, but then what? I knew better than to think the debt we had accrued wouldn’t just get racked up again if something didn’t change. I do have both trains running full steam ahead now. But there was a time when I graded all aspects of my life with an F with the exception of work. I was a teacher at a Montessori school for 18 months. I learned alot from my co teacher, the students, and that school. I learned compassion and was exposed to more diversity than I ever had in my teacher settings before. 2010 was the year of the Tsunami in Japan and the Earthquake in Haiti. Montessori is flexible and allowed for us to have discussions with the students about these current events in a way that expanded their thinking. I really loved my job there. That is, until it was brought to my attention that they didn’t feel like I was doing as great of a job as I thought I had been doing. As I drove home from that difficult conversation, a conversation I tried to pass on because Abby was home very sick and I just wanted to be with her, I knew I needed to make a change. I asked myself, “What am I doing with my life?” If I was appreciated in my work, I knew my family would make a small sacrifice. But that wasn’t the case. So I decided to ditch the job and raise my grades in the other areas of my life. I was spinning way too many plates the way it was. In December of 2011, I quit my job to be a stay at home mom. I knew the life I wanted to provide for my children. I also knew I needed to make money to replace my teacher salary. I am no stranger to making money and within 6 months I had surpassed that teacher salary. By our 2012 tax refund, I listed 9 schedule C’s! NINE! I was doing it! I was available for my family and making money. Greg and I are very much aligned in two things; doing whatever it takes to help our children and living a life with no regrets, even if that meant money was tight at times. I didn’t want to regret not being home with my children. I don’t regret that we haven’t been able to travel until now but boy am I ready! Europe here we come! And with everything Greg and I have been through, I’m so thankful that my marriage was never in question. 2012 is also the year I launched Organize 365®. I didn’t know what it was going to become. All I knew is that the areas I had been successful in were organization and that it would result in good SEO! I wrote the book “Organization Is A Learnable Skill” for that year. It’s a pretty accurate account of that year. I wrote month by month what I did and how I felt about the actions I was taking. I am a 4th generation female college graduate. I am a 4th generation female business owner! And here we are 12 years later with a podcast that has been consistent for 9 years helping this community. And I am proud to now be pursuing my PhD to better my business, Organize 365®! EPISODE RESOURCES: Episode 69: My Depression Story & How Depression Affects Organization Organization Is a Learnable Skill The Sunday Basket® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/13/2023 • 37 minutes, 29 seconds
Coffee Chat - Planning X 3
Ok, I’m letting you in on some of the behind the scenes stuff I do to prepare for planning days. Yes, I plan for prep for planning days. And I implement after. I think it’s high time I show you live how I do it! Here are the next two additional opportunities you don’t want to miss. The Productive Home Solution® Planning Day Prep Event I normally spend three days at the end of the year just planning. I know it’s crazy, right? And now all my secrets will be revealed. I will be using my real life Sunday Baskets® and my real life slash pockets. This is not in place of the Sunday Basket® Club co-working time. This is a deep dive day! We are going to the next level! I will show you how I go through each slash pocket and update my binders. I will go through all my 2.0 slash pockets and decide on projects. I will take all of my Holiday Blitz papers and place them into the Home Operations Binder for next year’s holidays. We will transform that Sunday Basket® into the Taxes Basket. You’ll look at last year and the new year baskets and consolidate into one Sunday Basket®. I will also go through both the workbook for The Productive Home Solution® Planning Day and The Productive Home Solution® Playbook. Friday Workbox® Planning Day Implementation Event “Do I need this information for the next 12 weeks?” This is the big question for this day. This will happen on the 13th Friday of each quarter. We do the planning day. We get clear on your goals. Then you usually need to meet with your team OR meet with yourself. After discussing the goals and how to reach them, you may scale down or change how you initially thought you would accomplish those goals. People are in place to get these goals accomplished. Then comes Implementation Day! I will expose all 6 of my Workboxes and will go through them live. You will see me go through my slash pockets and relabel them. This will freshen up all your systems and get the ball rolling on your new goals you put in your purple slash pockets. Ooooh, I just love planning! Two New Opportunities: Planning Day Prep Dec 28th (the last Thursday of the year) 2 hour live webinar Replay through Jan 8, 2024 Prep Workbook/Playbook Update Binders Weed through 2.0 Slash Pockets If you did the Holiday Blitz, you’ll consolidate and repurpose those Sunday Baskets® No Prerequisite Friday Workbox® Planning Day Implementation Dec 29th (last Friday of the year) Replay through Jan 8, 2024 About three weeks after Friday Workbox® Planning Day 2 hour live webinar Will always be the 13th Friday of each quarter going forward Weed through 2.0 Slash Pockets and relabel them No Prerequisite All aboard…let’s get both trains (home and work) running efficiently to create the impact we all deeply desire. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Productive Home Solution® Planning Day Prep Workbox Planning Day Implementation Shop the Planning Category Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/12/2023 • 11 minutes, 32 seconds
569 - Increased Productivity Comes from Organization
Today's episode is going to be a refresher to some of you, and new to a lot of you. I've recorded two podcast series that I'm going to reference, plus a concept I created years ago. This will get us all to the same place of thinking as we end the year. Are you the one thinking: "Ok, I want that productivity that Lisa has and I'm doing #allthethings. So why don't I have what I think I should have as productivity?" You're busy running around like a chicken with your head cut off, trying to make the merriment for everyone around you the entire month of December. What you're craving and what you want is to figure out how to finally get organized so you could be more productive, so you could be less stressed, so you can get more done. So why is it that we can declutter, get kind of organized, and then get to productivity - and yet we still don't achieve our goals? Or we get some time back, but not a lot of time...then one little unexpected life event comes and you feel like you've been put behind 6 months at home. Why is it such a regular occurrence that getting sick or an unexpected event can derail us so badly? Organization is a three-part cycle: Decluttering, Organization, Increased Productivity. I'm going to add a fourth part to the cycle - Impact. This is the one that most people never get to. We're always going for productivity, but really I think we're going for impact and productivity is the step before impact. Now consider the Lisa Math that I do...and let's fit all of this together. Adding is organizing. Subtraction is decluttering. Multiplication is productivity. Division is the impact. Impact comes from organization. Not productivity - impact. Productivity will increase the speed of the organization you have, but that's it. If we're only as productive as our organization will let us be, how do we optimize organization? Productivity is time bound. You can only get so much done in a day. EPISODE RESOURCES: Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Planning Day Prep Event Workbox Implementation Event Sign up for the Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/8/2023 • 54 minutes, 4 seconds
568 - Planned Neglect - Enjoy the Holidays!
I've been talking a lot about planning lately - an obscene amount honestly, but that's ok. Ironically, today is Workbox Planning Day! We're starting off the month getting those purple projects completed and ready for more GREEN in 2024! In today's episode I talk about how this week I'd love for you to come up with a list of planned neglect. It's been a long time since I’ve talked about planned neglect. I remember the first time I ever heard about this concept at a Creative Memories conference. I want you to think about all of the things that you've done for the past 11 months of this year. Out of all those things, what are the things that you are NOT going to do in order to create more margin, more bandwidth, more breathing room for you to actually enjoy the holidays and enjoy the end of this year? Really, honestly think about it - what are the things that you are going to purposefully put off from right now until the end of January? Just like right now with getting my PhD, I know I'm neglecting a lot of things in my life for the next 2 years (I'm almost done with year 1!) This doesn't mean I'll never do those things again, just not right now. Figure out what you can do, when you can do it, and how long it is going to take. What are all the roles and responsibilities that you have inside of your life and what are things you can do to make those easier? EPISODE RESOURCES: Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Friday Workbox® Sign up for the Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/1/2023 • 18 minutes, 25 seconds
Coffee Chat - NEW Complete Sunday Basket Pricing
I’m excited to announce that the Complete Sunday Basket® will now be offered at a lower price of $179!! Do you budget for organization? No, most people do not budget for organization. And when you think about spending money on organization, it usually means a professional is coming to your home to complete the organizing or you will be purchasing cute bins to make everything cute. But this, the Sunday Basket®, is a system for organization. We have not traditionally budgeted or thought about purchasing organization in this way. The Sunday Basket® is a system for your home that you are purchasing that most homes do not have. Placing value on learning the skill of organization is a new phenomenon. Same Great Basket with the Same Great Value You as the person considering the purchase has to decide if this is of value or not, right? But it’s hard to determine that until you have used it and experienced all the benefits. But once you have, you realize I should charge a lot more because it’s chalked full of value and transformation. For only $179, you will still get everything you got before…the community, the online dashboard, the workbook, slash pockets, and of course the basket in the color you choose. But what you don’t know yet is the confidence you will get from being organized, the relief you will have knowing all things are taken care of or planned for, less negative self talk, and the time you will have for other things than just panicking about being organized. What Lisa? Why? In the beginning, I was able to offer lower pricing because I was personally mailing each box out from my home. Now I have the warehouse, labor, and supplies… you know - all the things! So as Organize 365® grew and I was able to offer more, I also needed to increase the price to cover those costs. And if you are feeling like you have no time, no money, like you are under water and overwhelmed…then I want to be able to help. This price point should be able to make this more accessible to more people out there who need more time so they can explore and do what they are uniquely created to do. Get Your Sunday Basket® now for only $179! After you use your Sunday Basket® for 12 weeks, I promise you will have recouped the price of your Sunday Basket®! EPISODE RESOURCES: Sunday Basket® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
11/28/2023 • 12 minutes, 8 seconds
567 - Your House IS a Small Business! - Small Business Saturday
Happy Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for YOU! Did you know that you can write a note to us when you place orders with Organize 365®? I love to read them! I also love to know what some of your orders are for...they can be so random sometimes! It makes me so curious - and it makes me want to know even more about you! As you're listening to today's episode, I'm probably putting up our Christmas tree. I used to put it up the Monday before Thanksgiving, when the kids were in school. I'd grab my fountain Coke, turn on holiday music, and get to work. Things have definitely changed! Only in America do you have Thanksgiving, followed by a bazillion days where you spend money. We eat a lot of food and spend a lot of money! I spend an obscene amount of money on Black Friday. I couldn't believe how much money I spent last year, but also how much I saved! I finally realized when you're looking at your household economy (hello food prices!) you have to figure out how to make your money go further at home. Here's my tip: shop for ANYTHING you need on Black Friday! Think of your house as a small business - when you spend money, you stimulate the economy. You are the CEO of your home; the business owner of your household. You have expenses and ways in which you can make your cashflow last longer. If you see anything that is being sold at a deep discount right now, and you know you will be using that item before March 1st - buy it NOW. Also, think about not only the gifts you can give that people want, but also the things that people need. Items like Apple watches or the Hero medication dispenser may be expensive purchases, but for loved ones who it could be incredibly beneficial to (think elderly parents) it would be a worthwhile purchase. Could you go in on big ticket items with other family members? Would it give you peace of mind or take any burden off of you (or them) in some way? You may come up with gift ideas of things that they don't even realize that they need! EPISODE RESOURCES: Black Friday Shop Holiday Blitz Shop Sign up for the Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
11/24/2023 • 24 minutes, 38 seconds
Wednesday Podcast Anniversary - One of the BEST Decisions I Made!!
Happy Anniversary Wednesday Podcast! In this episode, I wanted to do something just a little different. Normally I talk to someone who shares their Organize 365® transformational story. Some way, shape or form they found us, BUT not today’s guest. Today, I am introducing you to the editor of the Organize 365® Podcast, Tiffany Mason with Virtually You! She has been with Organize 365® for a year now. I wanted to know her thoughts about the time she has been with us and the effect we have had on her. She sends me Voxer messages often so I know she has fallen down the same organizational rabbit hole as the rest of us! Recently, Virginia had to leave Organize 365®, but it was Virginia who connected us with Tiffany. There was an interview, we threw a lot at her, she didn’t blink, so we decided to give her a try. Initially, she shared that she felt a little overwhelmed; there were a lot of different episode formats, products she didn’t know about, and lingo she’d not heard before. After a few episodes, it made sense that we had a glossary playlist we needed her to republish for the sake of the Organize 365® Podcast listeners. It wasn’t long before I could tell she was hooked. I mean, she is paid to listen to the podcast, but I think she would listen regardless. But why? Tiffany shared that she feels seen by me. She feels like my mission is not to sell sell sell - but rather offer systems and products to free up time for my listeners so they can do what they are uniquely created to do. Tiffany can also relate to my husband Greg. Her husband is more like me and she finds humor in the things I share regarding Greg and I! And she shared how impressed she was to learn Organize 365® was the 32nd largest woman run business in Cincinnati. I am proud to share that this year we moved up to the 30th spot! Because Tiffany is in Florida and I am in Ohio, I shared that Cincinnati is the number 1 city for startups. She pointed out that our ranking is even more impressive, being in that environment and climbing. I wanted to know how her organization has changed. She said she started with the Friday Workbox® and after she was comfortable with that, she wanted to do a planning day. She has had such a great impact from the planning day that she joked about getting on her knees and calling it a PSA post for society that all women should attend a planning day! She saw what it could do for work so naturally she wanted a Sunday Basket® for home life. She aspires to train her family to put things in her Sunday Basket® as you have shared here on the Wednesday Podcast. We got into an interesting conversation about the definition of home roles. Tiffany saw a post where a wife had the kitchen garbage and questioned if she’s crazy to think he should do all of the garbage, if his “chore” is to do garbage. But this is the problem. After the war in the late 40’s, marketing “brainwashed” us all into thinking a woman’s role was homemaker. The guys aren’t at fault either, they are just doing what they saw modeled. There are plenty of great fathers and husbands who are willing to do their part. Tiffany remembered a previous guest sharing that nowadays women are working and don’t only have the house to focus on. In business, job descriptions are written but at home…well?? And in my studies, I have uncovered this is a white woman problem. In other ethnicities, they have well defined roles and housework gets done! Even the children have roles. Tiffany expressed so much gratitude for being a part of Organize 365®. She is impressed with the grace we all extend one another. She has been able to take some of our organization and implement it with her clients. There are so many moving pieces, but she’s proud to work with Organize 365®. She encouraged all of you to share an episode with someone on the drive to Thanksgiving dinner, like a spouse maybe (wink wink). OR if you have had enough Thanksgiving, get some fresh air while you catch up on the Organize 365® Podcast and feel free to tag us! Tiffany’s advice is, “You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, just get the products that Lisa has taken the time to perfect.” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Home Planning Day Workbox Planning Day Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
11/22/2023 • 58 minutes, 53 seconds
Coffee Chat Organize 365 Black Friday SALES!
I’m excited to announce that for the first time ever, Organize 365® will be participating in Black Friday! My mind couldn’t help but remember the movie “Mr. Mom” from the 80’s. Terri Garr is re-entering the workforce in marketing with a bunch of men. They are in the conference room working on marketing for a tuna company “Schooner Tuna.” Terri’s character points out that it’s tough grocery shopping because of the prices. They were in a recession. Those men weren’t in the grocery stores shopping, but she had been. She said, just offer a discount for now. After getting their buy in, the commercial shows Howard Humphrey, the CEO, expressing his awareness of how times are tough, with the American flag waving in the background, and that Schooner Tuna will be dropping prices by $0.50 per can. And I couldn’t help but draw the parallel to today’s economic climate in the grocery stores. Try as we might to spend less, at the end of the day we all still have to eat! This hit home with me and I feel, at this time, it’s the right time for Organize 365® to offer a sale. That’s right, a sale! I am purposeful with offering a sale or bundle due to the timing of the year. I saw how much you all loved the bundles I have made this year. I hope this gives you the nudge to get started or give the gift of organization to someone else. ORRRR let this be the excuse to start a conversation with someone with whom you share finances. Heck, put it on your list so this year they get to give you a home run gift! Black Friday Shopping Tab You’ll find all these deals online under the Black Friday category in the shop. If you are gifting organization this year…you’ll simply choose that it is a gift. And then we’ll send you an email asking for the recipient’s information so they can get started! Gifts will ship to you so you can wrap them up and watch them open with excitement. So what’s on sale you wonder? The Complete Sunday Basket® 50% OFF! $125 The Sunday Basket® in the color you choose 1.0 Rainbow Slash Pockets (1 set) Essential Slash Pockets (20 total) Online Dashboard The Sunday Basket® Workbook The Sunday Basket® Community The Sunday Basket® Club (42 weeks out of the year) Sunday Basket® Stock Up - No Limit $97 1.0 Rainbow Slash Pockets Essential Slash Pockets (pink, purple, green, blue) The Productive Home Solution® Course $997 4 The Paper Solution ®Binders Online Dashboard The Productive Home Solution® Playbook TPHS Community Planning Day (Dec. 30th) Planning Day Workbook The Productive Home Solution® Playbook for only $49 Friday Workbox® Starter Bundle 50% OFF! $373.50 Friday Workbox® in the color of your choice 1.0 Rainbow Slash Pockets Essential Slash Pockets The Business Goal Planner Online Dashboard Friday Workbox® Community Friday Workbox® Club every Friday of the year Planning Day: Dec. 1st at 10 am ET (with replay available for 6 weeks instead of 25 days) Get them all at these amazing prices until it ends on Cyber Monday November 27th at MIDNIGHT! We are here to help you along the way of planning and crushing your personal and professional development goals. EPISODE RESOURCES: [email protected] Black Friday Shop Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
11/21/2023 • 20 minutes, 10 seconds
566 - Be the Person YOU Want to Be at the Holidays
What do YOU want - and how do YOU want to show up at the holidays? We spend so much time, money, energy, thought, worry, and preparation for the holidays. Always outwardly focused, which is fine. It always seems as if we're constantly in the mindset of...what does the family need? What do elder members or extended members of the family need? What do the kids need? What do we need to keep doing, even though we don't want to do it anymore because somebody still wants us to do it? There are so many things that we spend our time and energy on that are outwardly focused; we do them out of service, out of respect, out of love, whatever it is. In this podcast, I want you to be selfish just for a few minutes. I want you to think about what you want and how do you want to show up at the holidays? You probably just completed the Holiday Blitz. It was free, you got the printables, you watched the videos, you asked your family questions. Then, today at 11 am ET is our first annual Holiday Blitz Mini Planning Day. It's 90 minutes, and if you can't attend live the replay is available to watch through December 31st. This mini planning day will focus on the person we want to show up as at the holidays. Not what you're going to serve, what your house will be decorated like, not if you send out Christmas cards or not. All that was decided in the Holiday Blitz. That is the difference between the planning days and the product. So the Holiday Blitz identifies all the work, all the external, visible things that you see in the holidays - the food, the decorations, and everything in between. The Holiday Blitz Mini Planning Day is about YOU. Planning days are selfish. That's ok. They are selfish because planning days are for you to plan your energy, your financial resources, your intellect, your energy level, your hopes and dreams and desires. I don't think we sit back often enough and ask ourselves what we want, because we're too busy doing all the things that are already on our to-do list and we say: "I'll figure out what I want after ALL this is done." It's time for that to end. You're so used to being the orchestrator, the driver, the director, the doer, the giver, the server. What if someone coordinated the holidays for YOU? How would you want them to orchestrate it? I want to challenge you to give that to yourself because you're worth it and you deserve it. You should be able to enjoy the holidays just like you are making the merriment for everyone else. When you're happier - everybody else is happier too. Remember that. EPISODE RESOURCES: Holiday Blitz Mini Planning Day Holiday Blitz Bundle Holiday Blitz Bundle [+] Complete Sunday Basket® Sunday Basket® FREE Holiday Blitz Sign up for the Newsletter Sunday Basket® & Friday Workbox® Clubs Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
11/17/2023 • 33 minutes, 20 seconds
Transformation with Trish K
In this episode, I introduce you to Trish K. Trish lives at home with her daughter and 3 year old grandson, Wolfie. Trish has a great relationship with her sister, Kathleen, who loves to try all kinds of organizational systems. When she tried Organize 365®, she believed Trish could utilize it too. So about a year ago, she “tricked” Trish into doing “a free thing.” Once Trish was inspired to take her organizing one step further it got her wondering, what else could she learn from Organize 365® Not only has Trish learned new ideas, but she has sustained her organization. That was the thing. With other organizing systems Trish had tried, she’d fall off the wagon. But with Organize 365®, she’s been keeping up with The Productive Home Solution®. Trish has taken advantage of most of the systems and products from Organize 365®. Lisa pointed out that holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, these all happen annually without fail. Trish expressed how she loved the planning days that help her to be proactive. Trish said she wants to live a proactive life. She loves that she gets to revisit her planning every 120 days. Lisa talked about the age old theory that simply writing down our goals “puts them on our radar.” And sometimes we even accidentally achieve them! Even if you do nothing after planning day, you thought about it and are aware now. No one knows what you are doing and no one knows if you took any action. No one is checking. Trish said it’s like planting seeds; over time they bloom. Trish has found so much joy throughout her short time learning with Organize 365®. She unintentionally planted seeds in her daughter, too. Trish was so excited about an organization project she had completed that she wanted to show her daughter. Trish’s daughter has ADHD and Autism, so organizational projects can be tough for her. Heck, school and life has been tough for her! Lots of times when Trish talks to her daughter, she feels like her daughter only hears Charlie Brown’s teacher speaking to her. Much to Trish’s surprise, her daughter is watching what she is doing and wants the same for herself. This brought out a lot of similarities for Trish and Lisa to talk about. They both have grown single moms, who have their own struggles, living with them with their grandchildren. And of course, the conversation turned to their grandsons. They compared weight, the types of beds they are in or about to grow out of, the sizes of clothes they are in, and the pure joy of living with them right now. As grandparents, you get to see life through their eyes because you aren’t worried about dinner or those daily tasks that we do to keep our houses running during the active parenting years. Trish is happy to see her daughter thriving too due to the example Trish is showing. Trish started with her closet and graduated to her kitchen. She goes by The Productive Home Solution® plan and has done the kitchen three times now. Trish described her old placement of items in the kitchen; how silly that she put the thing she uses the most on the highest shelf. She has since learned to put those items in a more convenient spot. Trish also appreciates the freedom of “permission” to put into action functional organization over Pinterest organization where all the boxes match. Trish’s advice is, “Just start!” Even if it’s just one drawer, get started and it will give you energy to do just one more drawer. And that will feel so good, you’ll want to tackle a small closet or room. Get started before your brain has a chance to start coming up with excuses! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Planning Day The Paper Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
11/15/2023 • 48 minutes, 31 seconds
565 - Email is the Laundry and Dishes of Work!
As a teacher, one of my favorite things to do is to figure out a word picture or to take something that is so close to you that you're literally living through it and make it so obvious that you can't unsee it going forward. A couple of months ago, I came up with the title for this podcast and I thought "Yes!" and I've been thinking about how email is the laundry and dishes of work. In this week's episode, I'll explain! Doing laundry and dishes is administrative, it's repetitive, it's hard to outsource. Yet it is essential for your well-being and your cleanliness; and so that you won't be naked when you leave the house! Laundry and dishes are NEVER DONE. I'm a middle-of-the-road person. I'm not going to leave everything in my inbox, but I'm not going to use one single folder either. If it's in a folder, it doesn't exist to me. That's why file cabinets don't work for me. I had a beautiful color-coded file cabinet. It was pointless. That's my limitation - if it's out of sight, it's literally out of mind. For me, it doesn't exist. Everything in my email that's in process must be visual. STEP ONE: You should only have companies and emails coming into your email inbox that you want to do business with. So that means UNSUBSCRIBE! STEP TWO: Once you have emails coming into your inbox, you need to learn to triage and respond in the appropriate time. I'll never get to inbox zero. I'm fine with it. Also, there's no need to respond to email within 24 hours. Scary, I know. Unless your company has a policy, you're not breaking any laws, I promise. My personal response rate? 7 days. Terrible, horrible I know...I can't believe I said that out loud! We need to give ourselves grace and understand that laundry, dishes, and email are never going to be done. We need to pace ourselves, and when you stop trying to get email, laundry, and dishes done - you free up so much mental capacity and time for things that are bigger that you're uniquely created to do. I'll leave you with a couple questions. What if you didn't reply to emails within 24 hours? What if you didn't reply to emails on Sundays? What if you didn't reply to emails from Friday at 5pm until Sunday at 5pm? EPISODE RESOURCES: Sunday Basket® Friday Workbox® The Productive Home Solution® Sign up for our Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
11/10/2023 • 55 minutes, 16 seconds
Transformation with Lisa J
In this episode, I invited Lisa J. back for an update because she has some exciting news. She lives in Australia with her husband Kirk on their large farm, and their two teen children go to boarding school. She takes care of the administrative tasks for their farm. She loves what she does but got overwhelmed with all the tasks. If you recall from her previous episode, she got relief with the Sunday Basket® and Friday Workbox®. It’s not common for a farm in Australia to have more than one person taking care of the office and associated tasks. She took Lisa’s advice after being on the last podcast and has hired an executive assistant three days a week for the past 3 months. It’s going well and she is now looking more at the corporate farm structure. Family farm, one wife is usually taking care of the office. Corporate farm, there is a “team” doing all of the administrative tasks. She can see their farm going in the Corporate direction. The Lisas discussed what that may look like. Lisa Woodruff brought up the point that yes, there are a lot of tasks. Yes, you can hire help to get those tasks done BUT it must be in the name of growth. Or be aware that it may just simply enhance your lifestyle. Right? It will free up time that usually a business owner can then use towards strategy and growth. If you are content with where business is then just know you are paying for that extra time. And that is fine but Lisa made a brilliant point about hiring help in this respect. That being said, Lisa J. is in a growth mindset and since the last episode has been able to attend 4 planning days. She said the way Lisa W. breaks down the quarter really helps her. It helps her to spatially visualize what will be taking place. She likes to do a one year plan, break that down to one quarter, then one month, and lastly one week. The planning days help Lisa J. to do just that and accomplish goals. Lisa J. has been able to transition some purple slash pockets to her assistant. Now that she’s in the thick of it, she and Lisa also talked about some blue and green slash pockets Lisa J. could hand over to her assistant. The Australian government has put a lot of paperwork back on the farms which has increased their workload exponentially. These are tasks her assistant can do, as well as handle technology and social media. Lisa J. was good to create slash pockets for her repetitive tasks and can now offload them one by one. Lisa J. wants to share her organization with other farm offices. It’s usually the wife of the farmer. We all know mom’s wear a lot of hats and not all of them have the capacity or skill set to be #allthethings. Both Lisa’s agree the work that one woman is doing is easily the work of 5 people. Just think of companies as big as Lisa’s farm and there are usually multiple people running HR, bookkeeping, administrative tasks, and more! The beautiful part about Organize 365® systems is that they are kind of like scaffolding and then you, the homeowner or business owner, can customize it to your needs. Anyone can apply these systems to their lives. Drum rolllllll pllllllleassssse….Lisa J. is going to start a podcast to help other farm offices. It will be titled Farm Office Tool Box. She has a burning desire to help other wives/farm offices that may be trying to do it all and feel overwhelmed. She wants to share how she uses the Sunday Basket® and Friday Workbox®, or really how she had kind of combined them to stay consistent and feel in control. And she wants to normalize more people running a farm office. Lisa J. shared that being organized really helps her to feel confident. She trusts herself to make good decisions for the farm. Lisa W. pointed out that all farms, not just Australian farms, will be able to utilize and implement the tips and advice Lisa J. will be sharing. Lisa’s advice will be in her podcast Farm Office Tool Box Podcast…check it out! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
11/8/2023 • 46 minutes, 20 seconds
564 - Moving From Day to Day Planning to Week to Week Planning
I find it challenging, interesting and exciting to try to break down how I plan and win at home and work, which took me two decades to figure out. It's like working backwards with little Lego bricks that you can replicate to build your own productive and organized house. There are productivity courses and productivity gurus. For the most part, people who have learned to be productive have done so through a lot of trial and error, thinking, processing, and moving things around in their brains and in real life. Organization is essential for a productive life because if your physical space is disorganized, then it's harder to have enough mental capacity to organize invisible work - which is what productivity is. If your physical space is disorganized, then your productivity doesn't get enough traction to make enough of an impact in your life that you will persist long enough for it to become magical. The Sunday Basket® is the first step to becoming a productive person, because it moves you from day-to-day thinking to week-to-week thinking. Even if you only do it for 90 minutes on Sundays, it's a monumental lift because the day to day of running a household and being a homeowner is pervasive. There's an inherent, unending task of being a household manager. You can't systematize your house to the point that there's no work to be done. You can reduce your expectations, the amount of stuff you own, the size of the house you live in, outsource your meals, cleaning services...the list goes on and on. But still there's only so much you can automate in your life. You still need to buy clothing and take care of your body (shower, brush your teeth, etc.), eat, sleep, and the like. The final thing I want to reiterate is that the Sunday Basket® System moving you from day-to-day thinking to week-to-week thinking has a secondary benefit for your whole family. It creates this weekly cadence and this purposeful pause in requests and fulfillment of requests for yourself and your family. Being able to look at your finances on Sunday and then make decisions based on what everyone wants or needs helps you make better money decisions and also better time decisions. Next week I'm going to talk about why email is the laundry and dishes of work. Oh my gosh! And then in a few weeks I'm going to talk about how to move into season-to-season productivity, both at home and at work. What does it look like to take the Sunday Basket® and turn it into seasonal productivity? What about the Friday Workbox®? Why would you even want that? Stay tuned! EPISODE RESOURCES: Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Sign up for the Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
11/3/2023 • 39 minutes, 59 seconds
Transformation with Kristi L.
In this episode, I introduce you to Kristi L. who has two daughters at home. Rachel is a high school senior and Lydia is in 8th grade. After losing her husband to cancer, Kristi decided to move closer to family in Indiana. Kristi is a rare gem who found Organize 365® before the podcast! It’s so fun to meet someone who has seen and appreciated the evolution of Organize 365®. Kristi started with my eBook in 2012, then grew her organizing skills through the Sunday Basket®. Kristi relied heavily on the Sunday Basket® to stay organized while she took care of her husband. After his passing and trying to do it all, Kristi decided to sell the horse farm and move. It didn’t sell overnight. While trying to keep the house “showing” ready, she moved a lot of stuff into a pod for later organizing which was smart because it took 2 years. She decided the taxes were just too high and was tired of spending a lot of time mowing the lawn, just a quick 8 hours! When they got to their new downsized home with only two garages, Kristi took her time settling in. She could have continued to get COBRA health insurance forever, but her girls needed coverage going into 2019. So Kristi decided to go back to work. It was a good thing too because shortly after her daughter, Lydia, would be diagnosed with epilepsy and she’d be using the Warrior MAMA Binder more than ever. She already had the binder because Lydia has an IEP for ADHD. This is when Kristi decided they needed more structure and she knew the 100 Day Challenge (now The Productive Home Solution®) was just the answer. Shortly after, she added the Friday Workbox® for organization and productivity at work too. She realized a lot of tasks were assigned digitally so admittedly she let the Friday Workbox® go. But then in her review, she was urged to get more training done. It dawned on her they weren’t getting done because it was something the Friday Workbox® used to help with! She was happy to share that she went back to the Friday Workbox® and now has the next three months scheduled, which allowed her to delegate work to others (in different time zones) to help with different tasks associated with the training. She learned her lesson and is sticking with the Friday Workbox®! Kristi now has The Productive Home Solution®. After having a nightmare that she was passing and her daughters were going to have to take care of things and she wasn’t organized, she knew she needed the binders for peace of mind. She pointed out that the Sunday Basket® serves to accomplish actionable tasks while the binders keep your affairs in order. She felt it beneficial to get both which are included in the The Productive Home Solution®. Kristi has a lot less stress these days due to the products and systems from Organize 365®. One the most recent things Kristi treated herself to was the Paper Organizing Retreat! Kristi loved the 1:1 help she received with her paper and binders. She had such a fabulous time at the retreat, not to mention the night in the hotel where she was finally able to charge her car. More importantly, she got to “be” with all her paper that next day and make more progress on what she started at the retreat! Next time she’s bringing her mom! Her mom is 80 and has a lifetime of paper. Kristi likes the idea of being able to shred what she predicts to be 99.99% of that paper at the retreat! Lisa joked that either way, Kristi will be taking care of that paper. So it can be with her mom’s help now or later because it’s not going anywhere otherwise. Kristi’s advice is, “start with the Sunday Basket®, then buy it all.” Kristi says to start with pink and take care of yourself first. Get you organized for two reasons; as a woman you need to get organized first and it’ll take a long time before it needs to be touched up-you’re the only one using your personal space. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Planning Day The Paper Solution® Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with the Organize 365® community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
11/1/2023 • 51 minutes, 52 seconds
563 - What do you need to plan in the next 10 days
My "party trick" is being able to know what you're thinking; I've been doing it for over a decade. My obsession is figuring out how families and homes work. How to make visible the invisible work so ultimately we can spend more time with family and make more memories. If I stay at least 10 days ahead, I'll have a buffer. If you have a buffer, then it takes A LOT for you to get behind the 8 ball again. Here are the things you need to be thinking about that will happen in the next 10 days. Halloween: candy inventory and costumes Fall Events: pumpkin patch, festivals, trunk or treat, etc. Daylight Savings Time: changing clocks and circadian rhythms Election Day: how and when you will vote When people think about more than themselves, they think like politicians, doctors, teachers and business owners. I think about these types of things on a personal level, and then I put my business owner lens on. The more you are the leader, the Household Manager, the CEO and COO of your home - you get to decide what YOU want. You get to ask yourself: "What do I want?" How do I know what's coming next? I know because I observe my own life, look a couple of weeks into the future, and then I move backwards. I'm obsessive about what is coming next, what is coming next, what is coming next. Always. EPISODE RESOURCES: Holiday Blitz Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Sign up for the Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/27/2023 • 36 minutes, 3 seconds
Transformation with Jayme H
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Jayme H, a wife and mom of two. In 2016, Jayme was lucky enough to attend a summit where Lisa was a speaker. From there, Jayme went down the Organize 365® rabbit hole. When she found Organize 365®, she had two children in K-8 and was a teacher. Since then, she has been promoted to counselor and is now principal of her school. Jayme is a unique individual that has found so much success with the Sunday Basket®, that she is doing a pilot of the Education Friday Workbox® with the entire staff at her school. We’re going to report back to everyone in January on the feedback and results. Jayme really loves the process of organizing. In her teaching years, she was stuck trying to be a perfectionist. But now that she’s attended three years of Planning Days and taken advantage of all the other Organize 365® resources, she knows functional organizing is where it’s at! She and Lisa discussed the importance of knowing when to organize and when to move on to doing what you are uniquely created to do. It’s funny, most people start organizing to get control of life and get time back. It’s advised to do The Productive Home Solution® at least three times. But then what? Keep organizing? No! You have earned the time to focus on you now. Many times people want to stay where it’s comfortable. The idea is to get your home to a place where you are not always starting from zero! The Productive Home Solution® gives you an assignment each week, right? If you feel good about that area, you do not have anything to do so go catch up on your show or use it to be uncomfortable growing in what you are uniquely created to do! You don’t have to focus on the whole house all the time, just that week’s assignment. She’s one busy lady with her family, her career, and now her side hustle. Jayme and Lisa also discussed household management like the management you see in the workplace. Jayme wanted her home to run as smoothly as work does. When you go to work, you don’t wonder who is going to clean the restrooms. But who is going to clean the restrooms at home? Roles are not defined. Departments are not defined. All of the invisible work in our homes has not been identified, broken down into “departments” and discussed who will take care of what. Jayme gained so much time that she has been able to grow her organizing business on the side. The first year putting The Productive Home Solution® into action she gained a chunk of time and then again around year 3.When she got motivated to do her binders, it was easy. She had already decluttered and had those papers in their places so she knew where to go for information! This year she finally felt like she could reply, on Planning Day, as feeling organized. She uses her Sunday Basket® at school too and her actions have caught the attention of the Superintendent. When Jayme asked about the school implementing the Education Friday Workbox®, he asked if that’s how she’s always remembering to follow up (AKA bug him) about projects and checking on the progress. He quickly agreed and we are so thankful for the opportunity to run this pilot…can’t wait to share with you all in January!! Jayme’s advice is, “Hold yourself to your own standards.” Stop comparing yourself to others and make the systems work for you. She has recently come to the conclusion that we all have different standards and capacities. You are one person, complete what you think one person should be able to complete; you can’t do it all. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Planning Day The Paper Solution® Education Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/25/2023 • 53 minutes, 11 seconds
Coffee Chat - Get Your Customized Organization Plan - Book a Call
I’m excited to announce that you can get 1:1 organization help! As a female, mom, business owner, and head of household, I see all organizing differently. I see it through all those unique lenses. Despite what all the consultants have said, I just have to run Organize 365® in my own Lisa way. At the end of the day, I want to offer as many ways as possible to learn organization because we all agree it’s learnable and yet only 13% FEEL organized in any particular area. I want to offer what works for you so you can have more time to dive into what you are uniquely created to do. Ok, you want a personalized organization roadmap? Now you can get your own customized, personalized organization road map. I know, with all the free content from the podcast and blitzes, what more could you need? Well, maybe within your business or your household The Productive Home Solution® leaves you with questions or it all just seems too overwhelming. Now all you need to do is email customer service and you will get a form to fill out to get a call schedule with Tanya, Stef or Monique. You can address all the burning questions you have that apply to your unique household or business. At Organize 365®, we understand how the energy of the season and big events impact the home and business. Book your call, get your roadmap from a member of the Education Team, and get to work. No obligation to buy one single thing! You just need to decide: The time you can allocate for organizing The amount of money you have to spend on organizing at the current time Give this gift to yourself! Episode Resources: [email protected] Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/24/2023 • 9 minutes, 44 seconds
562 - Preparing for Getting Organized in 2024 (Auditioning)
I had a huge revelation I have to share with you. I'm going to equate my PhD journey to your journey and how you're getting organized with Organize 365®. Hang in there while I explain. How is what you're doing now getting you ready to get organized? In episode 501 ("Passive Organizing"), I talked about how things like listening to podcasts and doing free blitzes are passive organizing. If you're listening to this podcast and reading this email, then you're learning to become a person who thinks about organization, productivity, and becoming an organized person. You are starting to identify as a person who's learning the skill of organization. It's the same as when I was doing "passive academia" during the postbaccalaureate program to set me up for extreme success for the PhD program. In the 6 week time frame between being accepted to when the postbaccalaureate started, I didn't know what to do or where to start. The only thing I knew to do (since I knew no one at the university) was to search for PhD podcasts in my podcast player. Doing so helped me to assimilate into the world of academia. It helped me to identify as a person who was getting a PhD. We are always in a process of passively doing the next thing, auditioning for the next thing, or actively doing it. You are so ready to be in the auditioning or active stage because you listen to this podcast and you understand the lingo. We speak the same language and you've been passively's time to move to the next step! Audition organizing is when you're investing your time versus your money. There are so many ways you can do this with Organize 365® - so many ways that I don't mention often enough. The podcast, blitzes, free week of The Productive Home Solution® - you can follow me for a long time and never buy anything and still get organized!! Is that going to keep me in business? NO. So that's where active organizing shows up. You actively organize with your dollars. You've tried with your time already, now it's time to try with your money. You start to take advantage of the paid things to move you forward faster. Do you want to get organized in a longer amount of time with less money or a faster amount of time with more money? When you have all the resources at your disposal, you make faster progress because you're not wondering how you can get the same effect without the item you need. You can get from passive organizing to audition organizing with the Holiday Blitz. You can get from audition organizing to active organizing with The Productive Home Solution®. If you've already done the Holiday Blitz but you're not ready for The Productive Home Solution® - then start with the Sunday Basket® or the Holiday Blitz Bundle. Try out a planning day by registering for the Holiday Blitz Mini Planning Day! What would set you up best for running even faster and being even more prepared for when you're ready to take advantage of the next opportunity? Everything is happening FOR us, not TO us. You're in the right place at the right time. If you are in the active organizing stage and you've made the investment in Organize 365® and you're seeing the transformation - THANK YOU! Please come be my guest on the Wednesday Podcast if you haven't done so. For everyone in our community app, thank you for nurturing everyone who is new to this journey and affirming and encouraging them along the way. Remember how you felt when you were moving from passive organizing to auditioning? Then auditioning to active? Reminisce on those feelings and use that as fuel to help others be successful the way you have. EPISODE RESOURCES: Holiday Blitz The Productive Home Solution® Sunday Basket® Sign up for the Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/20/2023 • 44 minutes, 2 seconds
Transformation with Kathryn P.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Kathryn P. who found the Organize 365® Podcast when the paper became too overwhelming and she was looking for help. Kathryn is one of the most generous people. She is a mom to her 18 year old, a foster parent, and is also a teacher. In our conversation, it was clear she does not let any of her kids go without. She provides a safe space for them. Each kid comes with a lot of paperwork though. After Kathryn moved from her 2 bedroom apartment to a 4 bedroom home she now owns, there was just too much stuff and too much paper! Who doesn’t shop the estate sale of the home you are buying? LOL! Kathryn was a smart cookie and did just that! Listen in as we discuss Kathryn’s move from the apartment to the home that was partially furnished due to that estate sale. There were also some renovations that were required. Kathryn used painting and other tasks as ways to teach and bond with her foster kids. Kathryn also set up her “general store” in her attic. She knows where all the extra supplies are for each kid's needs like pencils, luggage, and stuffed animals. Being a teacher and a foster parent serves Kathryn well because she understands what these kids need in the school setting. She takes the kids to their doctor appointments, obtains the 504C’s, and of course an IEP for school. That equates to a lot of paperwork. She decided to make her own Warrior MAMA Binder for the kiddos to keep things organized. This is also where she keeps the sign in sheet for the social worker’s visits. While discussing the slash pockets, I got such a great idea from Kathryn; each kid gets half of a slash pocket. Yes! We are starting to work with a school on a pilot program and I was thinking they’ll need extra slash pockets, but this solution solves that dilemma! See, we all need a community to share ideas and encourage one another! On another teacher note, we discussed the natural cadence of a teacher's life. We call them Golden Windows. Kathryn and I discussed her floors getting replaced. She was prepared, in her most recent Golden Window, to replace her floor until the contractor told her she was missing something. So now she just knows that it gets shifted to next year, same Golden Window, in summer. That’s why we do the planning days. Maximize these natural breaks the school year gives you and plan because then life gets going fast again and you don’t have that time to plan. The planning days give you an opportunity to think about the next 120 days, what needs to get accomplished, holidays/special occasions, prep for those holidays/special occasions, and establish what you want routines to look like. This helps Kathryn to focus on her classroom and her foster kids and not sweat things because she has planned for them. Kathryn’s advice is, “Focus on one thing and find the joy in it.” If you look at the whole project, you will be frustrated that more isn’t getting done. Kathryn gives her time and attention to the kid(s) when she has them and organizes when she doesn’t. She chooses to focus on the positives. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® Warrior MAMA Binder Education Friday Workbox® The Paper Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/18/2023 • 56 minutes, 14 seconds
Coffee Chat - Holiday Blitz
Like most, I get nostalgic with the anticipation of the holidays. My mom really knew how to make the holidays more difficult on herself, all in the name of quality time and acts of service. She loved the time with me and my sister as we created all these tokens of the holiday spirit. Christmas in July was real in our house. We would make so many ornaments for Junior League that we had to start early, not to mention the elaborate holiday cards that we had next on the to-do list. Not like ordering them from an online photo service…oh no, these were painstakingly hand made with intricate details! Once the holidays were upon us, grandma would come over and mom would decorate the whole house with her. Too bad none of it could be real (like the greenery and flowers) because my allergies to outside things are real. All of this was in the name of her holiday party that first week in December. I remember the elaborate wrapping paper and this fun game my mom had to play to keep me from discovering what gifts were mine. Boy did those beautifully wrapped gifts make a great statement when her party was in full swing! Stop Chasing Your Own Tail That wrapping paper “game” is one of my favorite memories, but my mom doesn’t remember because she wasn’t focused on it. She just didn’t want me to know what gifts were mine! I loved it because she had to get more clever each year. I wanted my gifts of course, but I really wanted to know what the code was that I had been puzzled over all December. I bring all of this up to remind you not to chase your own tail this holiday season. Download the Holiday Blitz and do the worksheets. You may learn the things you think your family and loved ones value are not the things you thought. I’ll give you an example; I asked my kids many years ago, and then again 2 years ago, what really made the holidays for them. Two years ago, I learned that yes, my kids like to decorate cookies, but not like I had fantasized. See, when I was little, we’d go to grandma’s house and bake and frost cookies of all shapes and sizes. I loved cookie making day. I wanted to continue that tradition. Turns out my kids would rather do it differently, although they do not want it to go away. I desire this cookie day, so how could I appease all parties? I asked more questions. Do you want to bake the cookies? Frost the cookies? How many cookies do you want to decorate? Do you like having different shapes? I adapted cookie day with my children to a tube of sugar cookie dough so they can decorate a handful of cookies and Mimi’s homemade cookies. I am still giving my children what they want to make the holidays feel like the holidays with a reduced to-do list, saving money, and less stress! But I realized I still want a little more as you may too. I have created Mini Planning Day for this reason! How can you get your cup filled too? When is the Mini Planning Day and Why Attend? Friday, November 17, 2023 at 11 a.m. ET This is a day for you - the maker of holiday magic. In the midst of making sure the holidays look and feel the way your family and close loved ones want it to be, we put our own desires aside. This day is to get prepared. What did you learn from the Holiday Blitz? What supplies do you need? Do you need to take a day off to shop or decorate? When will you throw your holiday party? What makes the holidays for you? And how can you take advantage of Black Friday sales? I have intel to make sure you get all the deals. I’m even throwing in a holiday party planning checklist! Then we devise a plan on how to make this less stressful while keeping up your productivity! And if you are in The Productive Home Solution®, you get 50% off this Mini Planning Day! You Gonna Need More Brains With all this planning comes systems, right? During the holidays here at Organize 365®, we agree you need more brains. You need your year round Sunday Basket®. But you also need a sapphire blue Sunday Basket® to file away paperwork and planning for the new year, especially all your tax stuff! And finally, a hunter green Sunday Basket® for holidays, of course. I label my 1.0 slash pockets Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Receipts, and Waiting For. But you label them how it works most effectively for you! When you are pressed for time, it’s a quick grab to go to the holiday Sunday Basket® instead of rummaging through your year round Sunday Basket®. I really want this holiday season to be spent making time for your family and loved ones and enjoying them. You don’t want to end up sick on the couch watching everyone open gifts as the finale to an amazing holiday season you put on but didn’t get to enjoy! Holiday Blitz Bundle [+] Complete Sunday Basket® Sunday Basket® + 2 Additional Sunday Basket®s One Hunter Green Rainbow 1.0 Slash Pockets One Sapphire Blue One Complete Sunday Basket® (You choose the color) Holiday Blitz Bundle 2 additional Sunday Basket®s One Hunter Green Rainbow 1.0 Slash Pockets One Sapphire Blue Episode Resources: FREE Holiday Blitz Holiday Blitz Bundle Complete Sunday Basket [+] Holiday Blitz Bundle Holiday Blitz Mini Planning Day Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/17/2023 • 44 minutes, 32 seconds
561 - Everything But The House - Jacquie Denny - EBTH
Today on the podcast, we talk to Jacquie Denny - Founder of Everything But The House which is based in Cincinnati. She is a female business owner I met years ago when I was still doing in-home professional organizing. She and Co-Founder Brian Graves met at a tag sale and began EBTH in 2008. Their first online sale was $10,000. They were so excited that they took their spouses out to dinner! Everything But The House began as a business to bring estate sales online in order to get better prices for their clients and reach a broader market and audience. They would go into a house, photograph everything, then invite buyers into the home to pick up their items. Within about 6 years, they changed their approach and now take all the estate items into a facility so buyers no longer visit the home of the client and potentially damage it or the surrounding property during the transaction. Every single home has these 3 things: saleable, donatable, and disposable items. When Lisa first met Jacquie, she asked: "What about the paper?" to which Jacquie asked: "What paper? - We don't do paper." That's when I knew focusing on paper was the right business model for Organize 365®! We talked about how the generations that Jacquie has worked with have transformed the market place. The Silent Generation stays in the same house their entire lives and never downsizes. The Baby Boomers are more apt to downsize or sell off their items before they end up burdening their children with them. Now Gen X and younger generations are far less interested in valuable items and would much rather spend money on vacations or life experiences. Jacquie says she's currently downsizing the largest generation in history - and they think furniture is their most valuable property. Not a lot of 20 or 30-somethings want the big, ornate dining room sets anymore! Jacquie mentioned a few things she's learned over the years that she thought would be helpful for others to hear. First: don't make the mistake of assuming that the longer you hold on to an item, the more valuable it gets. Everything has a 'shelf life' or a life cycle. So for example, if you have a signed Joe Burrow item - sell it while he's still hot! Don't hold on to it thinking in another 5-10 years it'll be worth more than it is now after he's no longer "at the top of his game". Second: things that will almost always hold value are jewelry, art, and luxury goods (such as purses and shoes). Third: what you paid for something or how much it means to you has no influence on what you'll sell it's all about the market! Fourth: the biggest sin you can commit is this - hanging onto an item you aren't emotionally ready to let go of, putting it into a storage facility where it’s forgotten until someone else finds it after you're gone. The diminishing return on that item while it sits there month after month is harder to swallow than letting go of the emotion attached to it, selling it while you still can and using that money for something else. Some people let go of things to pay for expensive vacations. Some people sell things to pay off medical bills. Greg and I ended up selling our gold class rings in 2008 to keep the kids in school, and selling other items that our families had bought for the kids when they were very young (remember layettes?) in order to pay medical bills and other expenses. Sometimes you have to give up things that you think are valuable in order to survive! Want to find out more about Everything But The House? Browse their "Marketplace For The Uncommon" and see if you can find a treasure, or reach out to them to sell a treasure you might already own. Remember, everything is something to someone! EPISODE RESOURCES: Everything But The House Free Consultation (online) Call 888-965-8672 (or listen to the podcast for Jacquie's number!) Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/13/2023 • 34 minutes, 27 seconds
Coffee Chat - Flash Sale - Join the email list!
You might not be on our email list? Don’t get me wrong you don’t have to be on the email list but…I don’t always share the same information on the podcast that I do in the emails and vice versa! Soooooo you probably didn’t hear about the flash sale on the Portable Sunday Basket®. Get ‘em while they still come together As of Tuesday (10/17), we’ll be decoupling the Portable Sunday Basket® and the zipper pencil pouches that come inside. Now’s your chance to snag them while they still come together. We thought it was best to clear out some inventory before we get ready to reorganize all our products. With new products comes new organization. We’re also throwing in both sets of productivity tabs. This could be a great gift for mom or dad to get them organized before you need to take over. Also, what’s better than an organized staff? Sometimes it can be tricky to get a gift for them. Don’t over think it this time, get them a Portable Sunday Basket® so they too can be organized and productive. New Productivity Tabs! That’s right! We know you like the pink, purple, green, and blue ones. Now we offer orange, yellow, white, and red too! You don’t wanna miss out on getting both sets for maximum organization. I use these to label my slash pockets now, then a couple of times a year I actually sit down to freshen up all my labels on my slash pockets. What’s included: Portable Sunday Basket® (in your color choice) Matching Zipper Pencil Pouch Original Productivity Tabs (previously 2.0): pink, purple, green, blue New Productivity Tabs: orange, yellow, white, and red Episode Resources: [email protected] Portable Sunday Basket® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/12/2023 • 3 minutes, 35 seconds
Jacquie Denny - EBTH
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Jacquie Denny, a Cincinnati native and Founder of Everything But The House. I remember calling Jacquie many years ago to have breakfast to talk about Organize 365®. Jacquie had discovered her own successful business through settling her father’s estate and I was looking to pick her brain. She watched as the auctioneer sold her father’s items for pennies on the dollar and thought there just had to be a better way. She also knew that children or loved ones settling an estate likely have full time jobs on top of trying to settle an estate, which is like a full time job of its own. She stumbled into solving a large need for people in her surrounding area by sharing her lived experiences to make others’ lives easier. Now Jacquie finds herself becoming like a family member, almost like a therapist, to families as they navigate this difficult time. Jacquie was an empty nester for 18 months till Jacquie’s dad got a cancer diagnosis. Caring for your parents is so much different than caring for your children. You don’t know how long they will be with you. You may not realize all the appointments they now have, prescriptions that need to be picked up, unexpected lengthy tests they may need. You may even need to cook for them, possibly feed them, and assist in daily hygiene. Unfortunately over the course of 10 years, Jacquie and her husband said goodbye to all of their parents. Jacquie really shared a lot about what it takes to care for loved ones and the toll it takes on the caregiver. And in the end, all of the arrangements that need to be made during an emotional time. Nowadays it's common to not live in the same state as your parents or siblings. Often, parents have remarried and we find ourselves as executors of multiple estates. As their decline begins, it’s a good time to discuss with siblings, or whomever will be helping with caregiving, what the expectations are based on convenience, what your job will allow, and proximity to the loved one. Jacquie had been a stay at home mom when her father passed. After settling one estate after another, her family defaulted to her because she was a stay at home mom and had done it before. Settling an estate is an all consuming process! Jacquie’s business filled this void. She started working her business on the weekends while her husband traveled for work. Little did she know that her business would explode when she went online, with the help of her business partner Brian in 2008. At the end of the day, one of the things that helps Jacquie with her families is organization! Things are going to change and be unpredictable, but with organization it’s easier to pivot. Jacquie’s hope is that all of us will use our experiences and hand down advice to our children on how to survive it better. Do as we learned, not as we did. Jacquie’s advice is… The more organized you can be, the better off you’ll be because things continually change. Utilize a lot of communication and patience to sustain sibling/other caregiver relationships. Don’t assume your support system knows what you need in your caregiving role. If your loved one is not in a facility, contribute how you can remotely with: Sporadic visits where you assume a lot of the daily responsibilities to give siblings or whomever a break. Do some deep cleaning or make freezer meals for when you head home. Help them run errands or pick up their kids (your nieces/nephews) from sports or activities. Cold hard cash to cover the meals, gas, prescriptions, personal care items of your loved one. Be creative on how you can lighten the load and show you care. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/11/2023 • 40 minutes, 13 seconds
Coffee Chat - How to use your HSA to pay for the ADHD Bundle
I recently realized that I haven't fully explained the ADHD Bundle and what my reason is for creating it and selling it the way I do. The # 1 reason why families go bankrupt is because of medical expenses. I want to support families however I can and make it easier to use your Health Spending or Flexible Spending accounts on products and services that are related to your diagnosis. Listen to my Coffee Chat today to hear more explanation about the ADHD Bundle and how it qualifies as a medical expense. If you have an ADHD diagnosis and your doctor and/or therapist has said that you need organizational support - you can buy the Organize 365® ADHD Bundle with your pre-tax dollars. This bundle has all the most beneficial products and programs that Organize 365® offers to support you with your diagnosis. Ask your doctor for a prescription explicitly for this ADHD Bundle so you have justification to provide to the HSA company or for tax purposes. EPISODE RESOURCES: ADHD Bundle ADHD Reference Page ADHD Book Club Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/10/2023 • 10 minutes, 7 seconds
560 - Caring for Siblings and Managing Two Households - Organize 365 Team Unexpected Events - Pat
Our Organize 365® Dream Team has experienced way more than its fair share of unexpected events this year. Like...A LOT. Nearly every single one of them has dealt with or is dealing with really big life events. I asked a few of them who were willing to share about those unexpected events and how they navigated them. Pat's episode will wrap up this podcast series. Believe it or not, this is her FIRST time on the Organize 365® Podcast! I can't believe it took 8 years! It doesn't bother Pat at all though, because she's definitely a more "behind the scenes" kind of person. She's also the most seasoned employee on the Dream Team. She lives with her fur babies (a cat and a dog) and a temporary houseguest - her sister. Earlier this year, Pat's sister had surgery and has been staying with her ever since. She also has some chronic conditions that limit her mobility, so her stay has been longer than expected. They have agreed that she's going to stay at least another 6 months while her house is being repaired and renovated so she can live in it safely. They also realized during this unexpected event that her sister needed help cleaning and organizing the house that she's lived in for over 35 years. It's also a 100+ year old house! More often than not, the relationships with your siblings are the longest ones you'll ever have. Some people choose to never get married or have kids. I have a feeling this 'trend' of seeing older female siblings living with one another (temporarily or long term) will continue for years to come. Pat's message to everyone is this: the bottom line is that everything we do requires effort, but it's always so much easier when you have the right tools to help you. Organize 365® provides these tools, but you still have to do the work. EPISODE RESOURCES: Sunday Basket® Friday Workbox® The Paper Solution® Medical Binder The Paper Solution® Financial Binder The Productive Home Solution® Sign up for our Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/6/2023 • 48 minutes, 34 seconds
Transformation with Andi M.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Andi M. She has a crazy house with lots of ADHD floating around as well as other diagnoses making it pretty difficult to get chaos under control. Cue Organize 365®! Andi started with the ADHD book and then the podcast. Andi sent her three children to three different schools for three different reasons after homeschooling! With that much change, Andi knew her Sunday Basket® would play a vital role. Andi shared about their move from Iowa back to Ohio. She shared about her son’s IEP and the transfer. We went over the financial benefits and hurdles that come with the options of an IEP or 504C for a child with a learning disability. Please know each state has their own rules so check with your state for clarification. In the early days of her children being tested for diagnoses, listening to the Organize 365® Podcast let Andi know she was not alone. There was a virtual conversation being had. There were similar stories being shared. There was advice being offered. Lisa seemed to understand what she was going through. Before she knew it, she and Lisa were like virtual best friends. It may surprise you to know that Andi got the Sunday Basket® for the community! She wanted to chat with others about their organizing and how they were doing it. When we organize, we are in our homes alone. The community lets you know others are experiencing the same hurdles and you can celebrate their wins with them. The Sunday Basket® has never been about the Sunday Basket®; it’s about the families and how they make it work for their lives. Andi’s advice is to start with your paper. When you get your paper organized, it leads to action. Nothing will happen if you don’t have the paper to register for the class, for example. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Planning Day The Paper Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/4/2023 • 56 minutes, 13 seconds
Coffee Chat - ADHD Book Club
How about we have some fun this year for ADHD Awareness Month! So I thought, why not start a BOOK CLUB?! I'll be hosting the first ever Organize 365® Book Club that will feature my book, How ADHD Affects Home Organization. I'm not a psychologist or a doctor, I'm just a former teacher turned stay-at-home-mom that has taught and parented children with ADHD - and I was diagnosed with ADHD in October of last year. I want to use my teaching and organization skills to support any executive function deficits and how they show up in home organization. There are 8 executive functions, and I cover 6 of them in the book. I think about how these executive functions play out in American homes, and what I would put into place in your home to mitigate any deficiencies. Don't ever think anyone has a perfect executive function profile - no one does! Figuring out which of the executive functions that need the most support is half the battle! Book Club Event details: The Book Club is Friday, October 20th from 11am - 12:30pm ET. If you'd like to submit a question before October 20th, click HERE There will be a replay available for 25 days after the event. Register for the Book Club even if you can't join us October 20th. You can listen to the audio version of the book at Do you want to join the Book Club, but don't own the book yet? No problem! There's no requirement to own the book before you join the club. You can buy the book + club package - or you can get it later on. You don’t wanna miss book club! EPISODE RESOURCES: ADHD Book link Audio Book link Book Club Ticket Book + Club combo Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/3/2023 • 7 minutes, 16 seconds
559 - What Do You Mean I May Settle 7 Estates?! - Organize 365 Team Unexpected Events - Virginia
Our Organize 365® Dream Team has experienced way more than its fair share of unexpected events this year. Like...A LOT. Nearly every single one of them has dealt with or is dealing with really big life events. I asked a few of them who were willing to share about those unexpected events and how they navigated them. For episode #5 in this podcast series, it's Virginia's turn! However, this isn't her first time on the Organize 365® Podcast. Virginia lives in Florida with her husband and two boys, and she was with me in Missouri for the Great Homeschool Convention back in March when she realized that being a traveling mom was no longer working for her and her family. She used to travel a lot after she had her first baby, but was living in Maryland at the time and had a lot of family around to support her. Additionally, the complexity of having so many parents contributed to her not being able to travel any longer. Both her and her husband are products of divorce, and each of their parents are remarried. She also has 2 aunts that consider her to be "their child" (her dad was the only one of his siblings who had children) - so that's a lot of older adults in her life! So naturally, Virginia used this opportunity to talk to her parents, step parents and her husband's parents about the Financial and Medical binders that Organize 365® offers. She made it all about her as she said, and showed them how she was organized and then casually asked "How do I do this for you if I need to?" It's not an easy conversation to have, and we know our parents don't want to leave us with any burdens after they're gone...but how do you get people in their 60's and 70's to do their homework so that we can take care of them in their 80's and 90's? Living as a powerful, controlled, organized person doesn't happen by accident. It takes proactive anticipation and purposeful planning. Virginia says you have to build in some slack for yourself, that way when someone (or something) pulls on that proverbial leash - you can't feel it and it doesn't hurt! We need to realize that unexpected events are actually expected, you just never know when they are going to come. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Paper Solution® Medical Binder The Paper Solution® Financial Binder The Productive Home Solution® Home Planning Day (must be a member of The Productive Home Solution® to purchase) Sign up for our Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/29/2023 • 53 minutes, 3 seconds
Transformation with Laura M
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Laura M. who is a mom and wife living in Kansas. Once Lisa learned she was also an academic researcher, she wanted to go offline and geek out about research and all the things. Lisa refrained and they continued on about how Laura found Organize 365® in the weeks of homeschooling due to the pandemic while also carrying on with her full time job. She bought the Sunday Basket® and it sat. When she knew the program would no longer include the kids program, she felt urgency to take advantage of The Productive Home Solution® while it still included the kids program. She did her first Planning Day in December of 2021. Laura loves the mental capacity she now has. She has since started and uses the Sunday Basket® regularly. Laura then started to think about her work days and how meetings were really hanging her up. She wanted to find a way to not be working deadline to deadline and micromanaging her team. Cue the Meeting Mastermind. She now has an effective way to communicate with her team and meetings are more efficient. She has more capacity and more bandwidth. Our capacities can shift from hour to hour depending on what we have to deal with. Because she is focusing on the right things that day, she has more capacity and it gives her relief that she only has to do those tasks and not worry about things that are earmarked for a different day. She knows it will all get done. Laura and Lisa really took a deep dive in the structure of what Organize 365® is building. Laura taught Lisa that Organize 365® is essentially collecting community participatory research! You all are participating - so thank you! They both agreed that in the long run it is for the benefit of the community, and lives will be transformed as a result of the research and surveys that are being done now. They dissected what generalizations have been made about housework and how they both desire inclusive language. However, little side joke, that academia doesn’t really appreciate corporate speak and vice versa! And with inclusivity, Lisa would love to find a way to help all with their organization and housework; she’s thinking about what that will look like. Organize 365® is really striving to provide an operational definition of housework. There must be no assumptions made like a master bedroom, home owner, or man vs. woman's work (worn out conversation but not the solution!) Laura’s advice is, “Just get started at whatever pace you can.” She pointed out even if you are just thinking about it, it’s on your radar, and you will start to take baby steps towards your organizational goals. If you miss a lesson in The Productive Home Solution®, no problem. Start on the lesson of the day in the course. The reality is that the lesson will come back around. If you have extra time you can go back. Lisa added they are all loops. Each lesson is designed for you to start and complete it, leaving the space better - not perfect. But if you never get back to it - no harm - no residual mess. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Planning Day Meeting Mastermind Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/27/2023 • 59 minutes, 2 seconds
558 - Multigenerational Living and Medical Unexpected Events - Organize 365 Team Unexpected Events - Tanya
Our Organize 365® Dream Team has experienced way more than its fair share of unexpected events this year. Like...A LOT. Nearly every single one of them has dealt with or is dealing with really big life events. I asked a few of them who were willing to share about those unexpected events and how they navigated them. Today's episode with Tanya talks about how she stepped up to the challenge of traveling to the Homeschool Convention and Paper Organizing Retreat in Greenville, SC without hesitation. During this recording, I found out about some other things that took place in her personal life right around this time - I had no idea! Tanya made the move to Florida in January 2023 to combine households with her in-laws. We discussed this multigenerational living in a previous episode (check that out here). The timing of this move was incredible, because by the time they were all settling in and her mother-in-law started visiting new doctors and establishing relationships with them, they discovered that she needed to have a heart catheter and surgeries quickly followed. Let's rewind back to March for a second - we decided not to do the booth at the convention, but we still had to make sure the Paper Organizing Retreat went off without a hitch. Tanya was all in, but then something happened right before she was scheduled to fly to South Carolina. On Tuesday night of that week, her son fell during football practice and hurt his arm. The next day they decided to take him to the ER because he was still in pain. Tanya felt guilty she wasn't the one to take him, but her husband was able to since his schedule was more flexible. Turns out he had a broken arm! Tanya reluctantly flew out the next day to join me in Greenville, but knew her son was fine and would be taken care of. As an owner and manager, I find it important to spend as much time as possible in person with my remote staff to problem solve. This worked out great for Tanya and I on this trip. We spent as much time together as we could to discuss how we were going to handle our company finances, move our website, and which of our existing programs were going to work on WordPress without breaking! During the rapid changes with her work role, she was still dealing with the medical situation with her mother-in-law at home. Her in-laws helped a lot with the kids, so logistics changed for a while with school drop offs and pickups. They had no other family in the area, and hadn't made any new friends yet since moving to Florida. Her husband had also just started a new job about a month before, but thankfully his schedule was flexible. Tanya and her husband were doing what was most necessary to keep their heads above water and focusing on the day-to-day essential tasks. She knew she could leave the rest because when she was ready, it would still be there to deal with. I asked what would've helped at the time if anyone could have or would have offered - and she said three things: food, a clean house, and childcare. She also brought up pet care, because her in-laws have a cat. Sometimes you forget how much work pets can be; they definitely are an added chore on top of all the other things! So if you've been paying attention and wondering why all the sudden the Paper Organizing Retreats are only being hosted in Cincinnati at our headquarters - now you get it! If you aren't able to come to Cincinnati, please visit our Certified Organizer Directory on the website to find a virtual or in person retreat near you! Next week we'll hear about Virginia's unexpected event. Stay tuned for series episode #5! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® Certified Organizer Directory Cincinnati Paper Organizing Retreat Sign up for our Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/22/2023 • 47 minutes, 1 second
Transformation with Chelle D
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Chelle D. Listen in as we discuss change, how to plan for it, and the shift in mindset Chelle has experienced since doing The Productive Home Solution®. So way way back in 2019 when times were different, Chelle found Organize 365® listening to a different podcast. She then realized she was already a fan when she saw she’d pinned some things in Pinterest. And of course, she had the ebook. What really caught Chelle’s attention was that I had a solution for paper. Chelle and her husband were both previously nurses and now are real estate agents. She’s been married for 32 years and recently completed her 14th move - that’s what you do when you are in the military. Through all those moves, it’s the paper she has not been able to get under control. Chelle started with 4 boxes that reflected the binders. She shared a few stories where she was able to get whatever she needed without extra stress. She had the paperwork she needed and could readily provide answers. We really dug into the Medical and Financial Binders for her personal life and how they can help her potential home sellers. Having medical knowledge is power, she pointed out. It gives you the power to communicate without a power struggle, to collaborate with healthcare providers, and to get to answers sooner. Also for your own annual visits, you can show up prepared and get your burning questions answered. “I could use a caddy like that” Chelle’s husband said to her. This is where functional organization comes into play. Functional organization can be complemented with Pinterest, but it’s the functionality that provides the routines and systems to keep you moving through your day. Chelle knows once she’s completed that caddy, she’s ready for the next part of her day and it all goes away neatly and ready for tomorrow. Chelle started The Productive Home Solution® before this last move. She has been able to transfer those skills she learned to the new house for functionality. Functionality is what provides the extra time. Now she’s got the extra time and knows how to plan chunks of time in advance. So when the camp put out the S.O.S. that they needed more ice cream sandwiches, Chelle had the peace of mind to be able to help! It’s not about being perfect, just being better. She has let go of her perfectionist mindset and now just plans as best as she can. If you find yourself in the season of life of selling your home, Chelle offered advice on how to achieve a smoother sale by: Decluttering - We can help with that (we agree it’s safe to start before the selling process) De-personalizing - Your home becomes a commodity for others when selling Paint! - Help all the realtors out there and document the paint color in your Household Reference Binder. The #1 question realtors get: “What paint color is that?” Chelle’s advice is, “Take the time to plan.” She’s been using Organize 365® in combination with “The One Thing” process to do this. It doesn’t change the fact that change will come your way, it just changes how you show up for that change. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Friday Workbox® The Productive Home Solution® Planning Day The Paper Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/20/2023 • 54 minutes, 4 seconds
Coffee Chat - Introducing the Caramel Macchiato Sunday Basket
I’m excited to announce that we’ve added a new color to the assortment of options for the Sunday Basket®!! But first, when the fall season finally arrives, what is your go to or favorite hot drink? For most people, it seems like it's Pumpkin Spice EVERYTHING! Me? You will always hear me order a hot Caramel Macchiato. Of course, it was only fitting to have that be the name of our newest Sunday Basket® color! But wait there’s more! We have a fun fall treat for you! When you treat yourself to the new Caramel Macchiato Sunday Basket® from now until Sept. 25th (the Complete or the Standalone), we are adding 2 notepads to your order. I use these notepads constantly - the daily ones I leave in my car, desk, purse, kitchen and office so I don't have piles of note cards lying around. The lined notepads I use on the weekends while I'm processing my Sunday Basket®, for big projects, and in meetings when I take notes. These two notepads are game changers and work great with the slash pockets in the Sunday Basket®. Have you seen the new website? That’s right! We’ve upgraded the Organize 365® website! Your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you. Same great content, just a different look and feel. We'll continue to make more improvements throughout the rest of this year. So grab that favorite drink of yours and please check it out! I hope you all are enjoying week three of the 10 most productive weeks of the year! Episode Resources: Complete Sunday Basket-Caramel Macchiato with FREE Notepads Standalone Sunday Basket-Caramel Macchiato with FREE Notepads Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/19/2023 • 4 minutes, 57 seconds
557 - Medical Emergencies with Adult Children - Organize 365 Team Unexpected Events - Stefanie
Our Organize 365® Dream Team has experienced way more than its fair share of unexpected events this year. Like...A LOT. Nearly every single one of them has dealt with or is dealing with really big life events. I asked a few of them who were willing to share about those unexpected events and how they navigated them. Today's podcast features Stefanie and her daughters Haleigh and Hannah. It was definitely a family affair on this episode! Stefanie lives in a multigenerational house - consisting of herself, her husband Adam, Betty (the dog), their daughter Haleigh and husband Kaleb - and their 6 children! Haleigh and Kaleb have been married 11 years and met at ministry school in South Carolina. They have 4 biological and 2 adopted children - their names are Manchan, Parris, Olivia (Liv), Frances (Fran), Charlotte (Lottie), Isaac (Ike). Kaleb is the Lead Pastor at their church (Christian Renewal - Hilton Head and Bluffton, SC) and Haleigh is the creator of the Foster Care Ministry, Free Homeschool Co-op and Kids Ministry at the church. They are also foster parents and Haleigh is on the Foster Parent Advisory Council for the state of South Carolina. Hannah and Sean have been married 7 years and also met at the same ministry school! They were missionaries for 5 years and served in China, Ecuador and Costa Rica. A few years ago, Hannah started experiencing some health and infertility issues, so they decided to move back to the states to focus on her health. She's the Children's Director at the Bluffton campus of Christian Renewal Church and her husband also works for the church as their Media Director. Late 2022, after receiving their fostering license, Hannah and Sean found out they were expecting. What a surprise and what a miracle. Back in March, Stefanie was gearing up to travel for a few Organize 365 events. She says it seems as if every time she travels, something happens - someone in the family gets sick, her daughter has a new foster placement, or someone needs her more than usual. Stefanie was enjoying a Wednesday off with her youngest grandchild (Ike) when she got a call from Hannah. She was having serious back pains, but was only about 5 months along in her pregnancy. Hannah is a self-proclaimed “worrier” - so she called the doctor and went to get checked out. When she arrived at the hospital, she was 3cm dilated. They immediately called an ambulance and had her transported to Charleston to the closest hospital with a NICU. Gabe was born at 26 weeks 6 days, and weighed 2 pounds 11 ounces. The first 20 minutes of his life he was unresponsive and was getting no oxygen to his brain. The doctors told them they would have a very long road ahead of them, and at first weren't sure if he was going to survive. They only got to see him for a few seconds before they whisked him off to the NICU floor. Gabe was definitely a miracle, he blew everyone away just in his first week of life. He was moved off the ventilator within days and all respiratory support on Mother's Day. Hannah kept track of all of his progress and needs with the Warrior MAMA and Medical binders, plus a journal that Stefanie had given her. They left the hospital with him on June 26 - 4 days after his actual due date. Stefanie loves that all her family members consistently use The Sunday Basket®, Friday Workbox®, binders and even the Education Friday Workbox® for homeschool. Haleigh with her diagnosis of ADHD took the longest to implement the products because the implementation felt very overwhelming; but just recently one of the kids found their birth certificate for her within minutes because it was in his binder (where it was supposed to be!). Hannah has had a lot of relief with the mental load of all of Gabe's medical needs, insurance claims and appointments by using the Sunday Basket®. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Friday Workbox® The Paper Solution® Binders Education Friday Workbox® Warrior MAMA Binder Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/15/2023 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 47 seconds
Transformation with Stef A.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Stefanie Ardoin. She has been part of our Organize 365® Dream Team since 2021 and one of our Certified Organizers since 2018. We are talking about Stef’s transition from empty nester to multigenerational living. We are also talking about her previous roles which transitioned her into her roles inside of the Organize 365® Dream Team - one of those being the administrator of a medical & surgical practice. Once she moved from Louisiana to South Carolina though, we renegotiated Stef’s role within Organize 365® because I definitely wanted to keep her!. Stef and her husband Adam moved next door to her daughter and son in law for two years in South Carolina. Stef wanted to do things a little different with her grandchildren than she had done with her children and this move provided that opportunity. Being neighbors gave them confidence that they could cohabitate. So the two families bought a house together! Stef, her husband, and her daughter’s family (which includes 6 grandchildren) all live together now. Listen in as we discuss the necessity of planning and creating routines. As we talk, you can hear how the process of using the Friday Workbox® is something that productive people naturally lean into. Once Stef was acclimated to Organize 365®, it dawned on her she’d been doing her own form of the Friday Workbox® in the medical practice. Productive people have this natural cadence to reflect on their week, see what’s left to do with pressing deadlines, what can wait, and then plan their next week. Stef shared how she used similar systems in her previous position as an administrator of a medical & surgical practice and how using the Friday Workbox® and Planning Days really helped her to move into the next level of productivity. Once she was on the employee side of things instead of the administrator side, she realized the slash pockets flow in a different order. When you are the business owner and visionary, the slash pockets go pink → purple → blue → green. However when you are the employee, they flow more like green → blue → purple → pink. She was no longer the one coming up or implementing the pink stuff, so it put a different spin on the slash pockets for her. Stef shared how and why there was that shift with her use of the workbox. Stef really took over the Friday Workbox® Club and ran with it! This got us talking about the business owner/administrator’s day, and all the work that is completed before the rest of the employees show up. The keeper of ideas and how those get implemented. The relationship with the employees. It’s important to know them, but not spend so much time getting to know them that you lose chunks of time to work on the business. Offer the element of caring about them, but not that you talk everyday. If they want more time with the CEO, let them learn while you earn. They can always help you at an event or sit in on a presentation. This way you aren't taking away from your valuable time and they are still getting the benefit. Business owners have hard numbers they need to hit to keep the business running, after all. We talked about what that CEO day looks like and the thoughts that are guiding their days. We then discussed meetings. At Organize 365®, how we have a kind of digital workbox for in between meetings. Everyone can see everything that is going on and what the meeting will cover. We use Google Docs and team members can add to it in between meetings to cut down on texts, Voxer messages, and instant messaging. I discovered the other benefit to this system…ideas aren’t being sprung on employees at the meetings. Everyone has time to process and think. This leads to productive and actionable meetings. And that’s why we started to share our meeting structures and agendas inside the Meeting Mastermind, to help other businesses accomplish productive meetings. The idea is that your team should be effectively using the Friday Workbox® and Planning Days, now you need effective meetings to make that action take place. Your teams will also be able to look back at the projects you have previously discussed. Projects maybe you started and then halted, only to realize now may be a better time to try again. You all know I love to spend time in pink work and being the visionary for Organize 365®. I also love to hand things off once I have hatched the idea. The digital systems we have in place allow me to do that and keep ideating on what I was uniquely created to do. After 4 years, this little dream team we have in place allows each team member to step up in their zones of strength and almost be me. This has created more time for me, the business owner, time I am using to get my PhD. What would you do with the extra time? EPISODE RESOURCES: The Friday Workbox® Meeting Mastermind Certified Organizer Directory Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/13/2023 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds
556 - Trying to Empty Nest, New Grandbaby, Wedding & Adult Child Medical Emergency - Organize 365 Team Unexpected Events - Monique Part 2
Our Organize 365® Dream Team has experienced way more than its fair share of unexpected events this year. Like...A LOT. Nearly every single one of them has dealt with or is dealing with really big life events. I asked a few of them who were willing to share about those unexpected events and how they navigated them. This is part 2 of Monique’s story. I have a feeling this part of her story will resonate with many of you, and my hope is that someone out there listening might be able to help Monique with this unique situation, or possibly give her answers. Please reach out if you have any similar experiences you could share, resources she may find useful, or anything that might point her in the right direction. Monique’s 21 year old daughter fell and hit her head on a Friday evening back in March. She has a history of migraines, so by Sunday when she still wasn’t acting like herself they went to the ER to have her checked for a concussion. Monique has dealt with concussions before, when her son (who was 13 at the time) got hit with a baseball in the head and suffered a concussion along with cavernous hemangiomas that had to be surgically removed. If they hadn’t sought help right away, he could have died from the hemangiomas. That was a year-long battle, resulting in 2 surgeries for him. The last thing she wanted was for history to repeat itself with her daughter. Alina was living her best life. She's 21 years old, had a full time job at Ulta, was a nanny, and was involved in the YA Group at church. Suddenly she couldn’t even take 10 steps to the bathroom without help. The doctors gave them 3 options - take her home and hire a home therapist, start taking her to physical therapy, or get her into a rehabilitation facility. Monique chose the rehab. She knew she couldn’t take care of her the way she needed to, she’s not a physical therapist or a nurse! As part of Monique’s story, she wanted to give advice to anyone out there who ever finds themselves in a place to help someone else who is dealing with a traumatic life event. Here are some tips on things to do that are helpful. Give them a place to stay, gas money, or food money if they have to travel. Help with meals/snacks for any other people at home. is great for this! Hire or ask someone to come clean the house, do laundry, or grocery shop for them and their family. Ask the person in need “when would you like my help?” instead of “what do you need?” It takes the pressure off of the person who’s already dealing with a lot to have to ask for help or make more decisions. Just send money if you don’t know what else to do. Cash, gift cards, Venmo, Paypal. Write a nice handwritten note or card to let them know you’re thinking of them. Sending a text to let them know you’re thinking of them, without expecting a response right away. Zenon finally came home from Ukraine, and Monique was able to travel for work and attend the Missouri Paper Organizing Retreat. She needed to laugh and have some fun, and let her brain and her body be “somewhere else” since she was so weighed down from the stress of the entire situation. She also went to host the Certification in South Carolina 2 weeks later. Other Organize 365® Dream Team members were asked to help fill in for Monique at the event, then one of them had their own unexpected event arise at the last minute. Listen in next week to hear the reason why Stef, another Dream Team member, couldn’t attend the South Carolina event like she planned to. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/8/2023 • 45 minutes, 25 seconds
Transformation with Norma C.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Norma C. who is welcoming the next chapter of her life as she gets ready to retire and start a new business with her hubby! Norma was fed up with her disorganization and wanted to get organized as she felt life slowing down. Norma found Organize 365® on YouTube which surprised me, but then it clicked when Norma said she had read the book, too! Now Norma also listens to the podcast for continued learning and motivation. Listen in as we discuss the golden window Norma is about to experience and how she is taking advantage of it! She’s already conquered her closet and a portion of her storage space so it feels like Norma’s goal is realistic. We talked about a lot of internal conversations that take place when you go through your closet in regards to our weight, what fits, what used to fit, the monetary value of clothes you want to get rid of and how to donate or toss items without it haunting you. What is the right amount of clothes anyway? Remember too, styles change, our taste changes, and so do our bodies - so you don’t need to keep things even if they fit or you could fit in them soon. Norma and I have in common that we have lived in our homes for a long time. We discussed the closets and the reality of emptying a room to declutter and get organized. Lots of times people go through those phases when they move, but when you don’t move, this is another way to accomplish that. She shared that her handyman husband has been able to maximize the use of their closets and anything else necessary for organization. Norma and her husband did a lot of traveling this year so far and have been able to organize it all through the Sunday Basket®; she even took her slash pockets on the road! Norma has a countdown on her phone for the day she’s retiring in 2024, and it’s also the countdown to get organized! Now that she has the hang of the Sunday Basket® and can appreciate all the time she has because of it, she’s doing the whole house. She wants this area of her life settled so she can focus on the next chapter. I reminded Norma that in a slower phase of life you may not have to process your Sunday Basket® as often. But once they start their business, it can serve them and keep them on track. Norma’s advice is, “Definitely start with the Sunday Basket®. Make it part of your life and start with bite sized pieces. In the long run, you will start to see that it saves you time.” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Organization is a Learnable Skill The Paper Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/6/2023 • 34 minutes, 57 seconds
555 - Trying to Empty Nest, New Grandbaby, Wedding & Adult Child Medical Emergency - Organize 365 Team Unexpected Events - Monique Part 1
Our Organize 365® Dream Team has experienced way more than its fair share of unexpected events this year. Like...A LOT. Nearly every single one of them has dealt with or is dealing with really big life events. I asked a few of them who were willing to share about those unexpected events and how they are navigating them. Monique is the first to share, but this isn't her first time on the podcast! I love how open, honest, and willing to share her story for the benefit of others she is. Monique has 6 adult children - 3 are biological, and 3 are adopted from Ukraine. Her husband Zenon is a first generation Ukrainian. Within the last 18 months, Monique and her husband have moved to a different state, welcomed their first grandbaby, one of their daughter's got married, and dealt with Zenon losing his job. WHOA! They lived in the same home in Valparaiso, Indiana for 20 years. They also just celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary! The move was the best change for their marriage and their family. Then the first wave of unfortunate events hit. Their son and daughter in law who lived in Wisconsin were expecting a baby and he lost his job. Shortly thereafter, her son lost his job. It was then they decided to follow Monique and Zenon to Tennessee and start a new chapter of their lives. Monique stepped in to help as much as possible like any good parent would - on top of dealing with all of life's normal challenges. She quickly learned it was a mistake to assume that adult children know how to do things that they've actually never done on their own! It's a whole different ballgame stepping back into a teaching role as a parent when they are adults. Monique & her husband also have a few children with special needs. Teaching adulting skills to those children who have a different processing ability can be a challenge. They know this will require a lifetime of mentoring, and they might not be moving out someday and will most likely have a different future than their other children. They really had to do a mindset shift and readjust their expectations once they realized they might not become “empty nesters” like they once thought they would. Lisa and Monique also shared about how much they love being grandparents. Monique's grandson Gabe was 4 months old at the time, and Grayson is about to turn 2! The impact you can have on your grandchildren's lives is so unique and different than what you had on your own children. They both hope they can make better choices this time around, and do things differently with them. Monique's husband can't wait until Gabe is 2 so he can take him to Home Depot, and Greg can't wait until Grayson is 5 so he can take him fishing! Next up in Monique's life was her daughter's wedding in May. She still lives in Indiana, and Monique was trying to be supportive in helping her plan the wedding long distance. She would make weekend trips from Tennessee to Indiana to do all the wedding preparations she could along with her daughter. Monique spent the entire week leading up to the wedding with her as well, and was intentional about carving out special time with her before she became a married woman. How does she do it all? As if a move, a grandbaby, and a wedding wasn't enough to make her head spin - she was also working full time at Organize 365®. Along with her full time job, she was taking out of town organizing jobs and coaching sessions in the evenings and on the weekends to earn extra money. She says she and Zenon had to "get scrappy" in their old age to deal with all the extra expenses in order to invest in their children's lives as much as possible. Monique wastes no time feeling sorry for herself or worrying about how she will get it all done. She simply gets up and gets dressed. She figures out what the next step is and problem solves along the way. She uses her Sunday Basket® and Friday Workbox® - and focuses on only 7 days at a time. It feels like a game of Tetris to her; fitting all the pieces in, figuring out what the most critical things to get done are for the next 7 days, and flexing that time when something out of the ordinary does come along. Then she experienced another blow - Zenon lost his job. But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise - because he was able to go on a trip to Ukraine in March shortly after the war began. He focused his energy on this experience and giving back to his home country. He drove 25 hours in a caravan and made multiple stops along the way, delivering supplies from the western side to the eastern side where people were stuck in war zones. He experienced a once in a lifetime chance to be involved with organizations that help children, bringing people from east to west, taking things that people need from west to east because they couldn't get it, and meeting a relative for the first time. Listen in next week to hear Part 2 of Monique's incredible story - it's unbelievable to think even more unexpected events were right around the corner. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/1/2023 • 49 minutes, 54 seconds
Transformation with Natasha B.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Natasha B., the daughter of immigrant parents. Oh how covid changed so many things for so many of us. Natasha had her own business and lived with her mom. Natasha was ecstatic to learn she’d have two weeks off to tackle some projects she always wished she had time for. But soon their income was affected and ironically, they moved in with her father, step mom, and their 7 month old baby in Florida. She likes to refer to them as “the original modern family!” Natasha took her skills she’d learned after finding Organize 365® and started to organize her dad’s kitchen and house, too. It was a struggle at first, but now they appreciate the method to her madness. Her parents saw how much she loved organizing, so her mom invested in the Sunday Basket® for her. She did at least set it up, but didn’t use it for 2 years. Now she’s in almost all of Lisa’s programs! Natasha found out she had developed Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2019. Listen in as we discuss the necessity of planning and creating habits to feel in control of a disease that makes you feel like you have no control. At any moment, Natasha can be at the mercy of her energy. When she’s having a flare up, she’s in a lot of pain and it causes low energy. But what she finds is that with help from the Sunday Basket and the ‘spoon theory’, she can prioritize tasks per day according to her energy. Organization is now part of Natasha’s health management - it gives her more time, more energy, and more peace. Up until her diagnosis, Natasha was a competitive ballet dancer. Now she’s almost in her 30’s and already in her second career of running a dance studio. She’s now sharing her love of dance in a different way. And her doctors encourage her to keep dancing! She has created a podcast that she plans to air someday. It will be titled “We Dance Too” and would love it to be a layer of her business to help her reach out and partner with other businesses focused on Rheumatoid Arthritis. She wants to share what she has learned about organization that others with her disease could utilize, too. Natasha dreams a lot, so who knows what that third career may look like! She now has the confidence to say no to some things and not feel guilty about it. We discussed not permanently closing the door on opportunities that present themselves now. Just look at them as “not right now” and file away in a pink slash pocket. Natasha wishes that she would’ve known sooner that organization is a learnable skill. But her advice to others is, “Everyone who starts The Productive Home Solution® should just listen to the steps and do one at a time. And follow the energy.” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Planning Day The Paper Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Bachata Fuego Sarasota - Natasha’s business I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/30/2023 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 1 second
554 - Planning Work Responsibilities for the Rest of the Year
At 40 I knew it was “time to start my company.” But what company should I start? I started simple and have grown with demand. Everyone is working all the time and no one has time to plan. You also don’t have the time NOT TO. You still have to put in the hours - so you can spend the time working on current projects, or reflecting on what you were doing. It’s still work. The thing is, no company or no one employee will do this perfectly, and no one actually has the time - you have to just do it. My hunch is that this quarterly planning is going to become the norm due to the internet and business changing so rapidly. Gone are the days of having a 10 year plan, because the change in life alone will make predictability difficult. Not bad to have a 5 or ten year plan, just know there will be lots of course corrections. The Singularity theory says that there will be a time where all knowledge will be known from everywhere instantly. This is where we are headed, people. Cue the Rabbit Trail I took a detour down a rabbit trail in this episode! This rabbit trail began with my recent studies of the Industrial Revolution. It dawned on me that railroads offered transportation, thus lending itself to more communication. Much in the same way when cars were invented. Farmers could get their products much further and visit their families and other farmers because the car could travel further than the standard horse. See, transportation and communication. And now, due largely in part to the pandemic, the internet is the new railroad. The communication and transportation highway. It’s all online, everything. The Workbox Planning Day is a continual progression of regular reflection, opportunity selection, and course correction: Continued regular reflection; Ask yourself How has the world changed in the last three years? Where is my/the business now? Where is it going? Are we going in the same direction? How are people buying? Are we still relevant? Opportunity selection What projects do you want to get to the finish line in this quarter? No more than 5; but ideally 3. Course correction I gave the example of our new website. We hadn’t planned on it but it was necessary to keep the business going. Once the issue was identified, we course corrected Takeaway… Your biggest benefit and your biggest expense in business is the people. EPISODE RESOURCES: Friday Workbox® Workbox Planning Day Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/25/2023 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 41 seconds
Transformation with September G
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to September G. who is an ambitious entrepreneur. We talked about her routines pre and post pandemic, and the moment she just couldn’t take it any longer. The pandemic was the opposite of a Golden Window for September! She couldn’t take that they had settled into old habits during the pandemic. When her husband asked if they were on the verge of a divorce due to September’s unsettled behavior and the meltdown she had, she said that is when they banded together and invested in the Sunday Basket® and their marriage. She has been able to make the invisible work visible, so others can accomplish the same tasks in her absence since she travels often. It gave them a chance to renegotiate and reorder responsibilities. Listen in as we discuss the vital role the Sunday Basket® and The Friday Workbox® plays in both her businesses and her home life. She and her husband actually go through their Sunday Basket® on Fridays, and then he knows what his checklist is for the week. She runs a coffee shop with her children, and the Friday Workbox® helps them get things done more efficiently. It systematizes what’s happening and when, they get more done, work faster, and management is much more proactive. It works so effectively that she has peace of mind that things will not fall through the cracks. I hypothesized that maybe the boys are ok with doing the Friday Workbox® on their own because they saw their dad model this behavior. Even when we don’t realize it, our children are watching us. We need to get ready to cheer September on because in March and April of 2024, she embarks on the Southern Tier Bike Ride from San Diego, CA to St. Augustine, FL. September explained the ride and that it is a 2-month commitment. She is confident that Gerety Education Team, the coffee shop, and her household will be taken care of due to the systems and organization that September, her family, and her remote team have put into place thanks to Organize 365®. She has freedom from stress knowing that things won’t fall through the cracks. September’s advice is, “Just buy all the stuff.” Let Lisa do all the thinking for you and you just fill in the blanks or do the things. Forget struggling to DIY it! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/23/2023 • 56 minutes, 39 seconds
553 - Planning Household Responsibilities for the Rest of the Year
The Barbie Movie Have I mentioned I like to plan? It’s like a never ending mental puzzle. I’ve become really skilled at manipulating my time like Lego bricks; I move it around, expand it, replan it in my brain before taking action. This got me thinking: “How can I explain Planning Day to someone who’s never heard of Organize 365®?” It made me think of a few silly examples, like the Barbie movie. Did you see it? OR did you see a lot of other people talk about seeing it and start thinking maybe I should go see it too?! This is what happens - the more we hear about something, the more we think there must be value in what everyone else is doing. Just like my Culver’s onion rings I talk about all the time, or Madam Secretary being my role model. You see others in the community finding such value in it and I want you to experience the same results with Planning Day. So much of this is mindset. I talked about this in my last podcast series, the difference between being organized and productive is your mindset. Planning Day is a day to think about the next 4 months, and planning your household 3 times a year is very purposeful. The Flow - Positive, Productive, Proactive I’ve coined the products and services that Organize 365® offers the flow. Greg says to me quite often, “Lisa, can you please just go with the flow?” The podcasts, blitzes, The Productive Home Solution™, clubs, Instagram - it’s all curated as a positive, productive, proactive flow! When you are in the flow - you will become very productive due to the cadence and “stair step” process of the Organize 365® products. Whether you have kids or not, it’s a flow we have all become conditioned by due to the American education schedule. We all know that we get rejuvenated in summer, then we buckle down from after Labor Day until mid November. We then get organized in January, and ride the wave through spring break until summer arrives again. Organize 365® recognizes this cyclical pattern and has created a flow that compliments it! Our homes are a business - and we need the Organize 365® products and programs to run that business! What Planning Day Does: Gives you the big picture of where you are going Plan the next 4 months and learn how to “purposefully procrastinate” You will have bigger time horizons. Look at this 4 month chunk and then you don’t have to spend anymore time planning or reacting. The idea is to have thought of most things and then have more time to address something unexpected or overlooked. Helps you to make better decisions Spend your money, time, and energy better. Establish new habits to the point where they are no longer reactionary. You just know the next step or how to approach the situation. After 4-6 weeks you will have more mental capacity. All those other goals and dreams you have? Plan them accordingly and you’ll know exactly when you’ll meet or complete each one! What’s Included in Planning Day (first one is included when you purchase of The Productive Home Solution™): 4 hour Zoom Webinar Brain Dump - personal, financial, household, family Where you are right now - Golden Windows, top 3 priorities, etc. Timed breaks 3-10 min (wherever they fit in) Year at a glance 168 hour time circles - see where your time goes and plan where you want to spend it going forward. Establish routines for morning, afternoon, and evening Analyze how you spend your time on weekdays vs. weekends Plan ideal weeks going forward Set goals for the next 120 days, and break down those goals into each month Replay for 25 Days; to ensure you get started If it was available forever you would not have any urgency to get started You can watch or listen multiple times. If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, take a break, sleep on it, and come back to it the next day (or later). The workbook won’t be fully complete or perfect. Remember the only wrong way to do this is to not start. Workbook (with extra pages so you actually use it! You’ll know why I say this once you listen) Community While there is no live chat (which is nice because then you don’t miss out on anything in replay mode), there is always the community. Many conversations take place during the breaks and after, of course, as everyone continues to take steps towards organization and productivity. I’d love to have you join me in the classroom and get functionally organized so you can do what you are uniquely created to do! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution™ Home Planning Day Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/18/2023 • 56 minutes, 4 seconds
Transformation with Ryan L
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode Ryan L. is back, and she’s getting ready for a Golden Window! The last of her three children is getting ready to fly the coop! What will she do with all her new found time and energy? “This is for me! This is my time!” expressed Ryan. She plans to get fully organized. Ryan is a Kolbe Consultant and we dug into that for a bit. She and I shared our Kolbe numbers, what they mean, and how you too can learn from your Kolbe numbers. Ryan stressed that all numbers are a strength; they just simply show how you do things in those 4 categories. Listen in as we discuss the necessity of planning and creating habits. One of her favorite “Lisa-isms” is Planned Neglect. Set the bar LOW and trust your instincts! It’s impossible to do this incorrectly. Too many times we don’t know how to get started or afraid we’ll do it wrong. The most important thing is to just get started. Ryan plans to start in her laundry room. It’s funny how you can think this is such an insignificant room until you analyze this space. This room is the “workhorse” of the house, the room where every random thing gets dropped. Check out the free week to organize your laundry room, you’ll be surprised! Ryan feels bad that she's so excited for her Golden Window (you know…that mom guilt starts to kick in). She will be able to put time on her calendar and won’t have as many distractions so she will be able to protect that time better. Her goal is to commit 20-25 hours a week to get her home through The Productive Home Solution™ this time around. If you find yourself on the cusp of a Golden Window like Ryan is…immediately fill that new free time as if you’ve hired a Professional Organizer for your house - except you’re the expert! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Productive Home Solution™ FREE WEEK The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution Planning Day The Paper Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/16/2023 • 58 minutes, 27 seconds
552- Productive People Are Weird - Productive People Part 4
Productive people are weird. We just are. We are not going with the flow. We are where the flow comes from. First, I suggest listening to part 1, part 2 and part 3 of this series before doing anything else. In today’s episode we are bringing the entire process of expanding your capacity and productivity together. There’s a process to this and it all comes together today! I have received many requests to record podcasts on how I get so much done. Where do I get the capacity? The energy? How am I so productive? I’m obsessive about being productive and proactive because my sense of significance and purpose is burning so deep in me. I don’t want to waste my time. I am all in on having the most impact I can have on my family, my friends, the Organize 365® community, my team and the community as a whole! But here’s the thing - this was an evolution for me. It didn’t happen overnight or in a weekend. It was a long process. I've been thinking about this series for years, but have never been able to articulate it. I had to dig deep to really pinpoint the things I was doing to get it all done. It was hard for me to remember why or how I got to this skill level. Productivity has everything to do with how you think about your time, energy, capacity and your sense of purpose. It has nothing to do with containers, planners, or checklists. It is your mindset that makes the biggest difference in your own productivity. You can learn how to manipulate your own energy and expand your capacity just by focusing on your personal and professional development. If you also give yourself permission to do things you don’t see other people doing - you will be well on your way. What’s the thing you want to do or learn that will help you take the next step? What’s something you want to do but haven’t for #allthereasons? Today’s podcast is going to have you asking yourself some deep questions: What’s something you can learn to keep growing or developing in order to expand your capacity? What’s something you want to do that's out of your comfort zone? How do you keep maximizing your capacity, then using it with purpose? Are you deriving the energy from your physical space at the most optimal level? Do you truly know how to plan and are you planning enough? A productive person surrounds themselves with physical, mental and emotional space that supports their productivity and growth. Last week, I talked about juggling. I don't feel like I'm juggling, or that my life is imbalanced. This feels more like bouncing balloons up into the air and constantly keeping them from hitting the ground. Productive people have the capacity not only to keep all these balloons in the air, but to have more balloons than they would be physically able to hold all at once. What does it take to do this? Obsessive and relentless planning! I hope you join me and get functionally organized so you can do what you are uniquely created to do! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution™ Home Planning Day The Friday Workbox® Work Planning Day Jeff Olson - The Slight Edge Rory Vaden - Procrastinate on Purpose Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/11/2023 • 56 minutes, 15 seconds
Transformation with Mary B
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Mary B. She’s a mom of 4 and after her divorce found Organize 365®. She walked away from that divorce thinking she wasn’t good enough. When she looked around her house, her negative self talk got the better of her, telling her she wasn’t even good at keeping her house organized. Then when she noticed she’d also been gaining weight, she started to dig into why. Mary was very vulnerable and shared the mental health journey she has been on and how Organize 365® played a role in her healing. Mary saw a naturopath and also saw an EMDR therapist when her anxiety and panic attacks became regular. Through EMDR therapy, she discovered trauma from the divorce hanging around, and unfortunately even more trauma from her childhood. All this trauma was stuck in her body and keeping her cortisol levels high. We discussed how no two people experience the same thing in the same way, and also about how you can move on from a traumatic event without dredging up the past to try and “solve the problem.” Listen in as we discuss the guilt we feel as women - even when we are the ones doing most of the childcare and generating an income too! Research has supported that for each child a woman adds to their life, they gain three and a half hours of extra work while the man gains none. How much leisure time does the dad lose when a child is brought into the family? NONE. How much time does the mom lose when a child is brought into the family? Countless!! It’s time for us. You should not feel guilty about budgeting for home cleaning services then using that time you get back for yourself. Use it for your hobbies and interests - guilt free. It was so important to have this conversation because it seems as though we are living these isolated lives, even in such a connected world. We keep everything so private to “save face” when really it’s all falling apart behind closed doors. These conversations need to be normalized. Mary is not stuck anymore and has been able to conquer her paper piles. If you find yourself in a similar situation to Mary’s, you can reach out to her in the Organize 365 community app so you can have a private, candid conversation with her directly. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/9/2023 • 50 minutes, 59 seconds
551-Planning In All Areas of Your Life - Productive People Part 3
Let’s unpack the next step in my productivity journey - PLANNING! First, if you haven’t listened to part 1 and part 2, I highly recommend doing so before delving into planning! Planning is the fun part, but you really need the foundational productivity mindsets discussed in the first two parts of this series. The planning we are going to discuss in this podcast is a completely different kind of planning. This is planning from the ground up! A productive person teaches themselves how to get all the way done. For me, I really learned how to do this kind of planning in March 2020. This is when reality set in for me and failure was not an option. Planning became my number one priority. The type of planning I’ve learned to do and the type of planning I teach in Planning Days for both Home and Work allows you to look at the big picture as well as what is actually possible in the season you’re in. It’s an awesome way to continue taking next steps without feeling overwhelmed or like you’re drowning! I don’t plan for an entire year at a time. That wouldn’t work for me or my business. I break planning up for Home by my three new years - listen to this podcast to learn more about those. For work, I plan by quarter which allows me to be agile and create efficiencies for my teams and meetings throughout the year. It doesn’t end there - setting up this system for planning and essentially planning out my planning time allows me to have multiple times throughout the year to freshen up my home and work. You know that amazing burst of energy you get at the start of the new year? The whole “new year, new me” energy? Imagine having that multiple times per year? What could that do for your productivity? That’s exactly what these planning days do for me and the Organize 365® community! Ultimately, this podcast series on productivity is going to teach you how to juggle really well. It’s true that life is a juggling act and you need to know how to keep all the balls in the air. Listen in to hear what balls I’m juggling and how I’ve used my productivity skills to juggle better! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Friday Workbox® The Friday Workbox® Planning Day The Productive Home Solution™ Home Planning Day® The Sunday Basket® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/4/2023 • 55 minutes, 32 seconds
Transformation with Kristen M.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Kristen M. a mom of three, a teacher, podcaster, and a teacher-prenuer. How does she do it all? Kristen shared that it started with the Sunday Basket®. She knew she had to get her paper under control first. Routines are so important and without her knowing it, she had established an afternoon routine of doing 15 min of paperwork between the end of her work day and when her children would be home. Once she experienced the magic of the Sunday Basket®, she quickly layered system upon system and now is a well rounded Organize 365® member! Listen in as we discuss the different uses for Sunday Basket®s throughout the year. Kristen used one of her Sunday Basket®s to organize her daughter’s senior year and now her daughter will be going off to college with the Launch Program and Binder. And she will use it differently again closer to the holidays. Hear how Kristen’s children love the magic of the Sunday Basket® too, mind you one is only 8 years old!. The Sunday Basket® helps her to be more present because she is not trying to remember everything. And she can stay aware of her children’s desires due to them contributing to the Sunday Basket® index cards. Kristen also shared the magic of the Sunday Basket® through her eyes. Once she got the hang of it, it was so freeing. Kristen was already organized so why did she need new systems? The reality is the new systems were freeing up her working memory. Instead of trying to remember everything all of the time, now it was physically in her external brains known to us as Sunday Basket®s. She doesn’t have to remember how the school year curriculum went. She just refers to the Sunday Basket® and knows what she can change or do better for the upcoming school year. She uses her different slash pockets to organize things for her podcast, “The Modern Math Teacher” and her teacher business within each “external brain.” She’s impressed when she looks back and can see all the impact she has been able to have due to the physical systems of her external brains, the Sunday Basket®. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/2/2023 • 35 minutes, 12 seconds
Coffee Chat-The Productive Home Solution™ Enrollment Is Open!
I’m excited to announce that The Productive Home Solution™ enrollment is now open! The Productive Home Solution™ is your Household Management Solution. This is a 52 week curriculum, and I will be there every step of the way!! You’ve had your lazy summer days and soon the kiddos will be off to school (or start homeschooling). Believe it or not, this is the time of year that your family needs you the LEAST. Once that crisp fall air hits, we all naturally become more productive. You know what that means…another Golden Window is coming! Let’s get you organized and more productive. I would love for you to join me! What is The Productive Home Solution™? Once a teacher, always a teacher. Now that school is in session, you will be my student. You will systematically go through all the nooks and crannies of your home in a calendar year. Please don’t let that deter you - because you can jump in at any time. Follow your energy and cherry pick tasks. I will spoon feed you every single thing you need to know - even if you are someone who needs to know #allthethings from the very first moment. Labor Day is the official ‘beginning’ of The Productive Home Solution™ - so now is the BEST time to get started! What is included in The Productive Home Solution™? Planning Day Workbook The Productive Home Solution™ Playbook The Paper Solution® 4 Binders (Medical, Financial, Household Operations & Household Reference) Online 52 Week Course with modules, worksheets, videos, and more Online Community via our private app What to expect from The Productive Home Solution™ Current members you may already have your playbook and planning day workbook in the mail due to UPS’s strike. That’s right, UPS is threatening to strike as of the day of this episode. Don’t worry, we used proactive anticipation and are controlling what we can control. Full details around 10 minutes into this episode. If new members pay in full, you can expect the entire The Productive Home Solution™ box soon! If you choose the payment plan, you will get your binders after your final payment. Honestly, you don’t need them for the course until next summer when we move into paper management. The Paper Solution® Members: You will get the option to upgrade! If you sign into your account, the option will be in the drop down menu and then you will have everything you need to keep moving forward on your organization journey. One thing to note: The Sunday Basket® is not included - but it will SUPER CHARGE all of the time you have to spend doing The Productive Home Solution™. Get a Sunday Basket® too! During your Sunday Basket® time, save these important dates: August 26 - Planning Day - organize and plan for the next 120 days August 31 - Tanya Blackburn will be live in the community to debut The Productive Home Solution™ coworking time. First up - closet organization! First 8-10 weeks - It’s all about you and your personal spaces November & December - You will focus on storage spaces. I’m carving out alone time for you! January - May - Family Spaces. I know you want to do these first, and you can, but there is a method to my madness! You’ll be more confident and less frustrated by the time you get here. Summer - We’ll hit all the hodge podge spaces and put systems in place for all that paper! Episode Resources: Organize 365® Community App The Sunday Basket® The Production Home Solution® Planning Day Upgrade to The Productive Home Solution™ Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/1/2023 • 13 minutes, 57 seconds
550 - Expanding Your Capacity - Productive People Part 2
In today’s episode, Expanding Your Productivity: Productive People Part 2, I discuss how the next step on my productivity journey was very much an inside job. A lot of the things that I was doing during this part of my transformative journey were invisible to those around me. But, yet had a massive impact on where I am today. I quickly realized that to have the impact I wanted to have, I would need to create products and courses. The products you need to truly get your papers organized didn’t exist. I would need to create them. The courses you need to learn to get functionally organized and stay organized didn’t exist. I would need to create them. My in-home professional organizing business was growing rapidly and in the background I was creating a new vision and mission for Organize 365®. Listen in to hear how I was able to create this on an airplane! I had a burning desire to help women learn the skill of organization so they could unlock their time to do what they were uniquely created to do. I was having great success with this with my in-home clients. But how could I do that on a larger scale? This is where I had to just keep taking the next step. You know the long game but you are very much in the weeds, putting one foot in front of the other. To those around you, your transformation may be undetectable at this point. If you aren’t sure what the next step is…I’m here to affirm that no one else is going to be able to tell you either. I can tell you that you are always capable of more than you realize. You have so much more in the tank than you realize. Through this period of time in my life, where I was deeply internalized and absorbing information, books and podcasts, I became laser focused on creating the products that now fill the Organize 365® warehouse and are helping people all over the world (literally)! I also created The Productive Home Solution™ as the course that will help you learn to live an organized, productive and proactive life while organizing your entire home - one step at a time. It was through my own experiences of not knowing what that next step was that I was able to create a complete program designed to provide you with the next steps for getting organized in a way that is functional and sustainable for you. Then, once you’re organized, the sky's the limit! You will have unlocked so much time and possibility and I can’t wait to see what’s next for you! It’s so fitting that this podcast happens to be episode 550! We are now half way to 600 episodes because I just keep making the next episode and taking the next step. Whatever stage of life you are in, I want to encourage you to let go of guilt and invest in yourself. Do and get the things you need to feel motivated, be more productive and take the next step. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Productive Home Solution™ The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/28/2023 • 55 minutes, 22 seconds
Transformation with Susan T
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I am excited for Susan T. to share her Organize 365® journey with you! Susan lives with her husband and adult children - her daughter is 29 and her son is 26. They both live in apartments in Susan’s home and we talk about the blessings and challenges of building strong relationships with our adult children. When she found Organize 365® through an interview I did on another podcast, she was helping a friend get her paper organized. She then, like many of you, binged all of the Organize 365® podcasts and found that our solutions were exactly what she needed! She had been trying for a while to figure out a system for organizing her work. She had an ever-growing pile sitting on the corner of her desk. The pile was creating overwhelm for her. She struggles to get her work organized and move easily from task to task. She needed a system for her work and her paper pile. The Friday Workbox® transformed how she organizes her work and her ability to keep moving throughout the week at work, especially as someone who works mostly out in the field. Planning Day for Work and Home have also been a gamechanger for her. She subscribes to both Work and Home Planning Days which leads us to a conversation about how Organize 365® is able to help orchestrate a flow for your life through these planning days, which is exactly why Susan goes to them all. She looks at it as an accountability partner for her home and work. The coaching she gets from me during these events is an added bonus! Listen in to hear our tips for organizing your medical history in real time and how to set aside time for yourself to dream and think! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® The Friday Workbox® Planning Day The Productive Home Solution™ The Productive Home Solution™ Home Planning Day Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/26/2023 • 48 minutes, 41 seconds
549 - Expanding Your Personal Energy - Productive People Part 1
Where does productivity come from? Planning our day the night before? Having solid routines? Having a beautiful and well-maintained planner? Those things are all important, but they aren’t necessarily going to make you more or less productive. What are the differences between productive people vs. less productive people? To begin this podcast, I want to offer grace and understanding for those of you in phases of life where you have very little or no control over your productivity (such as a medical diagnosis, depression and active parenting years). I’ve been where you are and I know that these are all very real constraints. Productivity comes from being in control of your time. In order to do this, you need to observe YOURSELF. Look at your day and pay close attention to your energy levels - physically, mentally and emotionally. Become curious about yourself. What makes you more or less energetic? How can you extend periods of productivity? How can you unlock more of your time? In this episode, which is part one of a four-part series, I discuss the very first steps I took in my transformative journey to becoming my most productive self. I didn’t just wake up one day with the energy and capacity to be the CEO of Organize 365® while also getting my PhD. This was a long journey. The first step in this journey was a wake-up call for me. I realized no one is coming to save me. If it’s going to be, it’s up to me. This realization led me to quit my job and other habits that were draining my energy on all levels. Through this series you can follow along on my productivity journey and learn how I had to take total ownership of my life. Productive people are obsessed with knowing what things make them more or less productive, from their diet choices to the amount of sleep they are getting. A big part of my transformation was looking at the purpose of the things I was trying to do. Productivity is not just about getting more done, it’s about doing things that matter, knowing why you’re doing them and doing them with a sense of calm. Want to instantly boost your productivity? Here are two questions you can start asking yourself to be more productive starting today: What’s one thing I can do right now? Keep moving forward. Even if you are only taking one step at a time. When you feel “stuck” ask yourself, what’s the next step that I can do right now. Do I have 15 more minutes? True productivity is not a check mark on a checklist - it’s a completed project. When you are working on something and running out of time, don’t be afraid to spend extra time to complete the project, especially if it will save you time in the future. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® Brooke Castillo and Kris Plachy Podcast Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/21/2023 • 54 minutes, 15 seconds
Coffee Chat - Embrace Bundle
I have a surprise to share with you! Embrace is now available on demand! Want to learn more about the Embrace experience? Listen to this podcast. July is a GREAT time to do Embrace. Learn what is next for you. We are currently offering an Embrace Bundle that includes: Embrace Self Guided Virtual Retreat with surprise gifts! The NEW! Raspberry Embrace Sunday Basket® A pink journal Available now through July 25, 2023. Episode Resources: Limited Edition Embrace Bundle Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/20/2023 • 5 minutes, 7 seconds
Transformation with Lori S.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Lori S. Lori is married with two adult children. Her daughter has completely left the nest and is getting married next spring and her son is in college. Lori has always been an organized person and loves to plan as much as I do. She found the podcast while looking for new ideas and systems to try on her organizational journey. Lori immediately upgraded the DIY Sunday Basket® in her kitchen to the real Sunday Basket®. She and I discuss how all the solutions ebb and flow, shrink and expand depending on your phase of life. A real light bulb moment for Lori was when she learned my philosophy on getting your storage room organized. In The Productive Home Solution™, I teach you how to organize your storage room as a store. This has allowed Lorie to transform her home over the past year. Lori has unlocked her time to do what she is uniquely gifted to do and that includes writing a book! We discuss Lori’s book, “One Shade Greener at Home: A Room by Room Guide to Reduce Toxins, Lighten Your Environmental Footprint, and Live Simpler”. Listen in to hear the things I’m doing to live greener! Lori and I both agree that small consistent steps over time make the biggest difference! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution™ The Paper Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/19/2023 • 45 minutes, 35 seconds
548- Get Better Supplies!
It isn’t really about scissors. It’s about empowering yourself. It’s about taking back your spaces, your time and making things more efficient, functional and enjoyable for YOU. Your home is yours. It is the place where you have the most control. So if there are things at your home like old scissors - now is a great time to re-evaluate your supplies and get better ones if needed! I can’t say it enough - managing your household is a full-time job and you get to be the CEO. So if things aren’t up to par, you get to make it better! What would make your job as the CEO of your household easier? This podcast is airing in the middle of summer because right now is when you are going to find the best sales and the most variety of office and school supplies. Observe what you use and want to stock up on now while it is all on sale. What current supplies are you just tolerating but would be better served by upgrading or updating? Small upgrades to your supplies can yield big results! Grab your favorite beverage, take some time to yourself and go stroll the back to school supplies aisle at your favorite store. EPISODE RESOURCES: Back to School Blitz Upgrade your Organize 365® Supplies Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/15/2023 • 31 minutes, 11 seconds
Transformation with Janet O
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Janet O. Janet is a mother of two “adult children”, she’s been married for 38 years and she is a Nurse Practitioner in the emergency room! I’ve met her twice at Paper Organizing Retreats as she worked to get all her paper organized once and for all! Listen in as we discuss her husband’s ALS diagnosis, how his diagnosis catapulted her sense of urgency to get organized and how she found Organize 365®. There’s a lot that stands out in this interview for me. What I found most interesting about this interview is how medical professionals view the Organize 365® Medical Binder. Sometimes we worry that our medical providers will be offended by bringing these documents with us or we think that they already have all the information so we don’t need to bring anything. This is not the case. Yes, most medical facilities now have digital systems for record keeping, but they aren’t connected in any way. This means if you are visiting multiple providers (which almost everyone does), they don’t have a complete picture of your health and medical history. When I met Janet for the first time at a Paper Organizing Retreat, she very infamously told me that her husband said the Holiday Blitz (which is FREE) is worth the entire price of The Productive Home Solution™. Janet was notorious for overcomplicating and creating stress around the holiday season. The Holiday Blitz allowed her to simplify and plan ahead for less stress around the holidays. Janet also talks about how she and her husband now use multiple Sunday Baskets® and we discuss recommended intervals for processing different Sunday Baskets® used for specific purposes. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Paper Organizing Retreats The Productive Home Solution™ The Paper Solution® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/12/2023 • 37 minutes, 23 seconds
Coffee Chat - Back to School Blitz
The Back to School Blitz starts NOW! This Back To School Blitz is for YOU…ok, and your kids if you have them. :) Sign-up now to download the amazing workbook we created to help you get ready for fall productivity - whether that includes sending your kids (or yourself) back to school is optional! Plus, you’ll get exclusive free access to our Organize 365® App. The best gift by far that you will get from the Back to School Blitz is the gift of time and peace of mind this fall. This year we are giving you the ENTIRE Back to School Blitz (5 days worth of actionable videos) to do on-demand! It doesn’t matter if you actually have kids going back to school or not - this is a great time to refresh and plan ahead for a successful and enjoyable next season. Here’s a sneak peek at what we will cover each day of the Blitz: Monday, July 10th: Clothing (yes - it’s time get rid of the socks with holes in them) Tuesday, July 11th: Command Center (checklists, calendar, schedules, appointments - all in one place) Wednesday, July 12th: School & Home Office Supplies (replenish supplies and take advantage of back-to-school sales) Thursday, July 13th: Personal Grooming (A fresh haircut, new makeup, and a manicure? Yes, please!) Friday 14th: Getting out the Door (My tried and true approach to being on time and frustration free in the mornings) Here's how it works this year: Register for the Back to School Blitz. It's free. You'll get your printable workbook automatically upon registration. If you are already a customer - use your Organize 365® login information to get your Dashboard. If you are new to Organize 365® you can set-up free access to the Dashboard by selecting Login and "Reset Password" to set-up your new password. *Note: You must register first then you will receive an email to set-up your login. In the Dashboard, select Organize 365® Blitzes then, select Back to School Blitz. Inside the slash pocket for the Back to School Blitz you will find 5 videos and easy access to the workbook if you still need to print it! Feel free to do the blitz at your own pace! It will be available on-demand through Monday, September 4, 2023.
7/11/2023 • 6 minutes, 7 seconds
547-Organization is a Team Sport Part 2
This episode is the second part of a two part series. Rhonda and Casey are back and today we are discussing how Rhonda’s organizational journey led her to become more organized at home, with paper, homeschooling and has allowed her and her husband to expand their work! They have BOTH started new businesses since Rhonda’s organizational transformation. One of the things that initially surprised me when I became a professional organizer was how much a lack of organization was holding people back. Rhonda’s story shows how learning the skill of organization will unlock your time and allow you to do more of what you were uniquely created to do. Rhonda is now an Organize 365® Certified Organizer and provides organizing services to clients in Springfield, MO! Rhonda now understands that organization is not a one size fits all systematic approach. It is about learning the skill of organizing and creating organization that works for you and your family. Now she shares her passion of organizing to help others move from reactive to proactive. How did she go from an overwhelmed and self-described disorganized homeschool mom to being able to juggle homeschool, home, sports and starting her own business? The Business Friday Workbox® with Work Planning Day comes in full view during this episode! Oh my goodness - hearing Casey’s perspective on the Work Planning Day is a must-listen! Casey is a civil engineer who has spent his entire adult life working for large companies. One day he was eavesdropping on Rhonda’s Work Planning Day and suddenly was completely enthralled with it. You have to hear why he kept making Rhonda pause the replay! Casey was able to take my philosophy on meetings back to his company to help re-evaluate the amount of meetings taking place (there were A LOT)! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Friday Workbox® Friday Workbox® Planning Day Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/7/2023 • 44 minutes, 25 seconds
546 - Organization is a Team Sport Part 1
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! This episode is part one of a two part series! I’m so excited to welcome Rhonda H. back to the podcast. She recently shared her transformation story with me and today we are going to hear about Rhonda’s organizational journey from her husband’s perspective! When you are on a transformational journey it impacts those around you. We all hope that as you make positive changes in your life - become more organized, more productive, more positive - it will have a positive impact on those around you, also. And perhaps, it will even inspire and motivate those people to join in. But sometimes it can be intimidating to others, sometimes they aren’t ready for you to make changes or it can even make them feel bad about themselves. Listen in as we explore how Rhonda’s organizational journey impacted her husband and her family. Rhonda and Casey have been married for 18 years. Rhonda has homeschooled (and still is) all four of their children. In this episode, they very candidly and accurately share how they have divided up the invisible work at home over the years and throughout different phases of their life together. Casey is happy to report how Rhonda’s transformation through the Organize 365® courses has led to a new level of confidence that has had a positive trickle down effect on their entire family. Join me for the second part of this interview where we segway from discussing the home and housework to how Rhonda has organized her paper, work and homeschool! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution Planning Day Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
7/5/2023 • 34 minutes, 15 seconds
545 - Back to School Summit: On the Go with Steph from Austin Fowler
In today’s special Back to School Summit episode, I’m talking with Steph Fowler from Austin Fowler. Steph has four kids and became a business owner after having her kids and finding an unmet need in the marketplace. Today’s episode focuses on a question I love to ask other successful entrepreneurs who are balancing home and work - how do you do it? How does Steph Fowler do it? Planning and organization! Steph offers so many amazing insights into balancing a big family with lots of extracurriculars and growing a business. We discuss the importance of making the invisible work visible. She writes it all down! As do I. I’ve been telling you for years - WRITE IT DOWN. Start now - grab some notecards or a piece of paper and start writing down any errant thoughts or to-dos that pop into your head as you listen to this podcast! The best part of this podcast is that you get to hear about everything that’s in my wallet! If you are one of those people like me that’s always curious about how others’ organize their things, you’ll love the detailed conversation we have about how I personally use the Austin Fowler products for organization and productivity on-the-go! Episode Resources: Register for the FREE Back to School Blitz Austin Fowler - Free printable packing checklists Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/30/2023 • 56 minutes, 35 seconds
544 - Back to School Summit: Teachers Put your Oxygen Mask on First with Angela Watson
In today’s special Back to School Summit episode, I’m pleased to welcome Angela Watson back to the Organize 365® podcast! Angela has been on the podcast multiple times now. Angela spent 11 years as a classroom teacher and then created a truly life-changing course for Teachers called the 40-Hour Teacher Workweek. She’s also the host of her own podcast, Truth for Teachers. We hope all the teachers out there will listen to this episode as it is a hug from Angela and I to you! We understand better than most that teachers LOVE to teach. It’s a calling as much as it is a profession. Even if you’re not a teacher, this episode is for you! Angela and I dive into planning and have lots of inspiration and tips to share about how to make the most of your days. We discuss how a really good plan actually frees you up to be more creative. Planning doesn’t box you in. It helps you maximize your time, but you have to find a planning system that works for you. Planning isn’t one-size fits all. Angela and I encourage you through this podcast to listen and learn from many people when it comes to creating a planning system for yourself. Take what works for you and adapt it to your own planning system. Then maintain your planning. Angela has a great analogy for how planning is like gardening. You don’t just plant your seeds then you’re done. You have to keep checking them, watering them, figure out what’s not working and make adjustments. I guess it’s true that life’s a garden! Listen in and learn how you can plan in the most worthwhile way for you. Learn to plan this summer so you will be ready to run when the most productive 10 weeks of the year come around this fall (from Labor Day until the second week of November). What can you do this summer that will help you run farther faster this fall? Episode Resources: Register for the FREE Back to School Blitz Truth for Teachers - Angela Watson’s website Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/29/2023 • 45 minutes, 56 seconds
543 - Back to School Summit: Your Back to School Clutter Bug Type with Cas Aarsen
In today’s special Back to School Summit episode, I’m talking with Cas Aarsen from Clutterbug! Cas has three children and is also growing a company! As we enjoy our summers, we also want to take advantage of this time to set ourselves and our family up for success this fall. Cas and I agree that the more you LEARN to be organized and productive, the more you’re able to show up in all areas of your life. Part of that learning process is discovering what type of organization works best for you and your family. Cas offers a free quiz that allows you to find out what kinds of organizational systems and approaches would work best for you! She calls them her Clutterbugs! I love it! We discuss how important it is to find out what your Clutterbug type is and also how much time, capacity and where you are in the organizing cycle. Organize 365® offers a free quiz that is very complimentary to the Clutterbug quiz. Once you find out your Clutterbug type, the Organize 365® quiz can empower you to pinpoint why you are ready to get organized, how much time you have to commit to getting organized in a sustainable way and where you are in the organizing cycle. There are SO many great tips in this podcast! Enjoy and I hope it empowers you to think forward toward how you want your fall and/or school year to be organized, productive and less stressful this year! Episode Resources: Register for the FREE Back to School Blitz Take the free Clutterbug Quiz Take the free Organize 365® Quiz Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/28/2023 • 58 minutes, 7 seconds
542 - Back to School Summit: Planning with Sarah Hart-Unger
In today’s special Back to School Summit episode, I’m talking with Sarah Hart-Unger about PLANNING. I love planning and so does Sarah. We both attribute planning to our success. There’s so much value in thinking about your time in a concrete way and that is what planning allows you. Sarah is the host of the Best Laid Plans Podcast, co-host of the podcast Best of Both Worlds with Laura Vanderkam, mother of three children, and a pediatric endocrinologist. So needless to say, she has a lot on her plate. Organization and planning are a big part of her ability to do so much! In this episode, we dive into how to use planning as a tool in your arsenal as you head into fall and back to school. We also discuss planning as it pertains to your kids! Kids like to know and have a plan also. Episode Resources: Register for the FREE Back to School Blitz Sarah Hart-Unger- Best of Both Worlds & Best Laid Plans Home Planning Day with Lisa Work Planning Day with Lisa Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/27/2023 • 41 minutes, 39 seconds
541 - The Uniqueness of Your Personal History
Have you ever been looking for something so hard that you miss it? Of course you have. That’s why we have so many idioms for this exact situation, like “If it’d been a snake it would have bit you.” You tear your house apart looking for the glasses that are literally on your head (guilty). You get frustrated at everyone in your house for losing your car keys that are still in the car. Often what we are searching for is right under our nose. Perhaps it’s been there longer than we realize. Today on the podcast, I reflect on my personal history and how it has uniquely shaped who I am and where I am today. I love sharing my story with all of you and I reflect on this not because I want to tell my story. I want you to see that my unique gift and passion for being the CEO of Organize 365® runs deep. Just like I know there’s something that runs deep in you, too. Picture yourself from the 50,000 foot point of view, then take inventory of your life and your story. You’ll quickly realize that your “something” has been right under your nose the entire time. Sometimes we can’t see the forest through the trees. We are so focused on the details of our life that we don’t see the bigger picture. In my business and my life, I give myself permission all the time to dream. I literally schedule this time into my schedule. When you listen to today’s podcast, I am giving you permission to dream. Think back to your upbringing, your life, the experiences you have sought out - everything is so close to you that you may not even see it. Think, dream, and take inventory of your unique personal history. Your story isn’t done yet. Neither is mine. I’m pursuing a PhD and learning that Organize 365® is growing in different ways than I ever imagined. I’m paving my own paths and writing my own story. Your story is also still in the making. In this podcast I encourage you to look at all the puzzle pieces of your life up until now and let’s start to put them together to help you discover your unique purpose. What are the things that you understand better than anyone? What is the thing you would sit down on the internet and research for hours? What is keeping you from taking the next step in pursuing your unique purpose? Whatever you’re dreaming about, I'm here to encourage you to take the next step. Whatever it is…do it. Believe you can do it - because believing in yourself is NOT optional. Give yourself permission to dream it and do it! This is such a fun episode. I hope during this episode you free up your mind for your own story. In order to save you some time googling - here’s the link to the infamous Longaberger Basket Building! Listen in to find out how this ties in! If you’ve forgotten how to dream or you’re not even sure where to begin, I’ve created the Embrace experience for you. EPISODE RESOURCES: Embrace Self-Guided Retreat Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/23/2023 • 48 minutes, 29 seconds
Transformation with Katelyn S.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Katelyn S. In this can’t miss interview, you will get to hear how Katelyn went from a self-described borderline hoarder to being ready to move with just two suitcases (one dedicated to her Organize 365® products) halfway around the world! Katelyn’s transformation brings tears to my eyes. She absolutely embodies the Organize 365® mission, visions and values. When I started Organize 365®, I wanted to have a positive impact on helping people become organized so they can do what they are uniquely created to do and when you hear Katelyn’s story - you will hear how organization freed up her time and mind to do exactly that. Listen in to find out where Katelyn is headed and why! She has some exciting adventures ahead of her. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Education Friday Workbox® The Productive Home Solution™ Embrace Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/21/2023 • 56 minutes, 48 seconds
Coffee Chat: Class is in Session! 2023 Summer Class Calendar
What motivates you? Where do you get stuck in your organization? How can Organize 365® support you MORE in your journey? These are all questions that have led me to create a new offering for you! This summer we will be piloting new classes designed to help you achieve your organizational transformation faster. I know from the Wednesday podcasts that once you implement the Organize 365® solutions, whether it’s the Sunday Basket®, a binder or The Productive Home Solution™, a weight is lifted off your shoulders. You have freed up your mind and most often your time. Then you are able to dream again and do what you are uniquely created to do. The problem is once we become even slightly disorganized, we are starved for the time we need to even implement these solutions. I know that many of you who are going through a challenging life stage or unexpected event are already missing work. And I also know that if you have an appointment or meeting scheduled - you attend and participate. So I’ve created classes for you to help you hold yourself accountable and get your Organize 365® solutions implemented as quickly as possible! These classes will be 3 hours long and you can literally start with your products in the box. The goal of the class is that you will go from having a brand new (or never implemented) Organize 365® solution and have it implemented and ready for use by the end of the three hours. The classes are the PERFECT compliment to your Organize 365® products and I’ve got the absolute BEST teachers lined up for you. The Education Team at Organize 365® has a robust roster of experienced professional organizers who specialize in different areas to provide you the most amazing and informed experience in setting up your organizational systems. This is a great opportunity for you to receive one-on-one support from the dream team! Meet the teachers: Monique Horb will be teaching The Sunday Basket® and The Warrior Mama Classes Stefanie Ardoin will be teaching The Friday Workbox® and The Medical Binder Tanya Blackburn will be teaching The Financial Binder and the Income & Expense Binder How to sign-up: I’ll be doing a free introductory webinar 3 weeks before each class. The webinars are FREE. Join the webinars by registering here. Classes will be $250, but are currently being offered (for this summer only) at the introductory price of $179. Classes can be purchased here Want more professional assistance from Organize 365®? Do you want someone to create your Sunday Basket®, Friday Workbox® or Binders for you? We will be opening up a full-service option as well. This will start at $2,500 per solution. If you want this option, please email customer service at [email protected]. Do you want to talk to the Education Team about your situation, needs or what would work best for you? Reach out to us at [email protected] to set-up a one-on-one call - completely free. Episode Resources: [email protected] Sign-up for the free webinars Register for classes Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/20/2023 • 27 minutes, 52 seconds
540 - How Do You Embrace Your Unique Purpose As an Adult?
In past years I’ve proclaimed, “I don’t know what Embrace is. Just do it.” Today on the podcast, I’m coming clean. I DO know what Embrace is. I’ve just been scared to say it. But I need to. I want to help you unpack what you are uniquely created to do. It’s an evolution, but the sooner you leave fear in the rearview mirror and you take that first step, the sooner you’ll be closer to what you are uniquely created to do. This podcast episode takes me out of my comfort zone. I am coming out of hiding and I’m here to tell you - I do know what Embrace is. I know exactly what it is. I created it and I have carefully orchestrated every aspect of it. Embrace is an embodiment of my unique gift. My ability to tell the story of your life and help you get lost in dreaming of what could be so you can make it happen. Let’s look at it this way: if you are getting ready to list your house for sale, a realtor will tell you to take down all the photos and tchotchkes so that other people can picture themselves living in the house. When you are listening to my podcast, I try to create a conversation where you are able to get lost in your own life. You are able to apply whatever I am talking about to your situation - yourself, your home, your family, your work. For as long as I can remember, I have been putting together the puzzle pieces of what it is to be a female head of household in today’s society. My lifelong pursuit is to figure out who I am and who you are and how that relates to the many other roles we have. When I created Embrace (it was an evolution as well - hear the complete history of Embrace in today’s episode), I wanted to create a completely unique two-day experience to immerse women in the musical of their life. And that’s what Embrace is. It is the musical of your life. It is about you and it is a uniquely “Lisa” experience designed to help you understand and create a vision for how you can get to self-actualization with the life that you have. YES! Your life. Your current life. Not someone on social media’s life. Not your life if you didn’t have kids or weren’t caretaking for a loved one. Not your life if you had more money or more time. Your life. Today. As it is. Ahhh. It feels SO good to finally speak this into my beloved podcast microphone. I DO know what Embrace is and you still should just do it! Learn more about Embrace. I created Embrace for you. I’m cheering you on as you embark on this journey to what you are uniquely created to do. EPISODE RESOURCES: Embrace Self-Guided Virtual Retreat The Productive Home Solution™ with Home Planning Day Sign-up to get the FREE Back to School Blitz in July! The Midlife Unraveling by Brene Brown Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/16/2023 • 37 minutes, 13 seconds
Transformation with Rhonda H.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Rhonda H. Her Organize 365® journey began when her cousin (who is like a sister to her) sent her the Sunday Basket® Podcast Playlist. She binged the podcast and tried to DIY her own Sunday Basket®, but quickly realized (like so many others) there’s no substitute for the real deal. As a homeschool mom to four children, she didn’t stop at The Sunday Basket®; she took her organizational journey through all the available resources at Organize 365®. She had tried many things to get organized and some of them worked as quick fixes, but the Organize 365® approach is where she finally found her organizational transformation. By learning the skill of organizing, she was able to maintain the organization for the first time ever. Why do we pretend we can get organized in a weekend? You can’t get into better health in a weekend. You can’t get out of debt in a weekend. And you can’t get organized in a weekend either. It’s a journey and I’m so excited to have Rhonda joining me on the podcast today to share her journey. Listen to the end to hear how she is now sharing her unique gift with others through Organize 365®! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution™ Education Friday Workbox® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/14/2023 • 55 minutes, 13 seconds
539 - Organizing Your Household Finances: Files Related to Money
This episode is all about organizing your finances. What I’ve found is that organizing your finances isn’t just about money. The Paper Solution® Financial Binder will guide you through your files, computer and the information inside your head needed to create a complete financial binder and estate plan. As difficult as it is to think about and even talk about - you are most likely going to settle an estate someday (you may have already).Your estate will also need to be settled. The Financial Binder was created out of my own experience with settling my dad’s estate. Your life is different after you’ve settled an estate. This binder makes it as painless as possible for you to get your own financial records in place and you can also use this to help your loved ones. Listen in as I outline the four things you need to organize your finances. There is so much invisible work that needs to be made visible when it comes to our finances and estate planning. Every The Paper Solution® Binder includes a fully curated workbook. The Financial Binder’s workbook includes: Financial prep sheet Family information sheets Personal documents and contacts Financial advisor information Insurance policy information Safe deposit box inventory Financial account inventory Debts and loans record Credit card inventory Bill payment records Gift cards and reward tracking Travel rewards Retirement benefits Household inventory EPISODE RESOURCES: The Paper Solution® - get all four essential binders with training courses and a virtual paper organizing retreat! The Financial Binder The Sunday Basket® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/9/2023 • 50 minutes, 35 seconds
Transformation with Jennifer L.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I’m delighted to introduce you to Jennifer L. She's a substitute teacher, caregiver to her grandmother and living with ADHD. As you’ll hear in this interview, she’s balancing A LOT of things. She’s implemented the Sunday Basket® and I have some additional suggestions for her to help her lighten her mental load.. How to process through screenshots on your phone as part of your Sunday Basket® routine Organizational solutions that work well for those with ADHD Caregiving Finding your unique purpose Listen to end to hear how Jennifer L. has started to dream bigger for herself and embrace her unique purpose. It’s truly inspirational. EPISODE RESOURCES: Embrace Self-Guided Retreat The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® The Education Friday Workbox® Jennifer L’s favorite podcast episodes: Six Figure Time and The 4 Kinds of Housework Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/7/2023 • 42 minutes, 25 seconds
538 - Organizing Your Medical Records: Files Related to Health
Why do we put off organizing our medical records? Medical emergencies happen. The more prepared and organized you are, the better care you will receive. The Paper Solution® Medical Binder will allow your loved ones to advocate on your behalf with ease and decisions will be made faster. In this episode we do a deep dive into: What it means to organize your medical records and health What health & medical information do you need to have and where do you find it How to organize medical information for others - loved ones and children Best practices for managing medical records Viewing your medical history from a macro and micro level How to support yourself when you are in the caregiving role Every The Paper Solution® Binder includes a fully curated workbook. The Medical Binder’s workbook includes: Family information sheet Medical information summary Medical & health history Family medical history Doctor information Diagnosis tracker Allergy tracker Medication tracker Lab results Hospitalization & surgery history Doctor appointment tracker Milestone checklist Immunization record EPISODE RESOURCES: The Paper Solution® - get all four essential binders with training courses and a virtual paper organizing retreat! The Medical Binder The Warrior Mama Binder Parent’s perspectives of the pathway to diagnosis of childhood cancer: a matter of diagnostic triage The Sunday Basket® Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Don’t wait to organize your medical and health records. Our health is something we often take for granted when we have it and wish we had it back when we don’t have it. Be prepared. Make the binder for you and your loved ones. This is the best way to support your future self! Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
6/2/2023 • 53 minutes, 21 seconds
Jack Brendamour - Junk King
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! This is a highly motivational podcast. I’m so excited to introduce you to Jack Brendamour, co-owner of Junk King Cincinnati. Listen in as Jack and I discuss: Junk King Cincinnati’s success Honoring the legacy of Pete McCreary, Junk King Cincinnati’s original founder How to handle junk in your home The benefits of using a green and ethical junk company like Junk King What to do with styrofoam The best ways to stay on top of junk piling up in your home How Junk King has saved over 860,000 pounds from going to the landfill EPISODE RESOURCES: Junk King Cincinnati Habitat for Humanity Matthew 25 Ministries The Process of Organizing a Storage Space with Michelle Paradice I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/31/2023 • 44 minutes, 10 seconds
537 - Organizing Your Home Improvement & Repair Records: Files Related to Selling Your Home & Moving
This is the second of a four part series featuring The Paper Solution® Binders. Today I want to introduce you to the Household Reference Binder. The Household Reference Binder is for anything related to your house. Think of it as a little file cabinet for your house. In this episode, we discuss how to implement The Household Reference Binder for: Your home Second home, rental properties, multiple properties, etc. If you are getting ready to sell your home, move or buying a new home If you are a realtor The Household Reference Binder is a powerful tool that you should have to help you protect your biggest asset - your home! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Paper Solution® The Household Reference Binder Sign up for the Organize 365® Newsletter Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/26/2023 • 52 minutes, 47 seconds
Transformation with Jake N.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Jake Nordmark. Jake has been part of our Organize 365® Dream Team for the last 2 years. We are talking about how things changed for him during the pandemic, things he learned with his diagnosis, and a sneak peek into the Launch Program when Jake and several of the other young team members went to school together at Organize 365® to learn and experience Launch. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Launch Program The Paper Solution® I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/24/2023 • 55 minutes, 17 seconds
Organizing Your Household Operations: Holidays, Cleaning Schedules, Meal Planning, Pets & More
This is the first of a four part series featuring The Paper Solution® Binders. Today I want to introduce you to the Household Operations Binder. This binder gives you or someone else everything needed to be the COO of your household! The Household Operations Binder is fun. This binder is all about you, your uniqueness, your family, how you celebrate life and the things and traditions that make your family unique and special. This binder will not only allow you to create a “lesson plan” for how you run your household, but also how to do it more effectively and efficiently. During my active parenting years, the Household Operations Binder was part of my Sunday Basket® routine. I would flip through the binder and create my schedule for the week. Every The Paper Solution® Binder includes a fully curated workbook. The Household Operations Binder’s workbook includes: Cleaning Schedules Meal Planning Master Grocery Lists Family Information Emergency Information Babysitter Information Important Dates Rarely Used Items Tracker (genius!) Electronics Inventory Holiday and Event Planning Vacation and Travel Planning and Checklists Pet Records And more! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Paper Solution® The Household Operations Binder The Sunday Basket® Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/19/2023 • 42 minutes, 32 seconds
Transformation with Ginger H
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Ginger H., and we get to talk about the Sunday Basket® and the habits that Ginger has established. Ginger is an empty nester with her husband and enjoys using her Sunday Basket® and participating in Planning Day. Listen in as we discuss the necessity of planning and creating habits. As we talk you can see where attending Planning Day is optional, but planning for the next 120 days is not optional. Ginger is on her second post retirement career as a real estate agent and talks about how her The Paper Solution® Household Reference Binder has been the best tool for her and her clients. She also explains how the The Paper Solution® Medical Binder was such a delight for her physician and The Paper Solution® Financial Binder has been great for the diversity in documents between her and her husband. Ginger advice is, “Do your husband a favor, do your kids a favor and get yourself organized, use the Sunday Basket®, use The Productive Home Solution™, use the The Paper Solution® Binders so that you know where everything is” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution Planning Day The Paper Solution® I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/17/2023 • 47 minutes, 35 seconds
535 - Your House Needs a Mom
In honor of Mother’s Day, I want to focus on the feminine touches that make a house a home. What are the things you remember growing up from your mother, grandmother or mother figure in your home that you want to add to your home? YOU make your house a home. In this episode, I encourage you to take a minute and reflect on: The great things that the women in your family have given to your family. How have these women helped make your house a home? What are the things you want to replicate? How can you purposefully add in those little traditions, holiday memories and feminine touches to your home? EPISODE RESOURCES: Mimi’s Cookie Recipe Embrace - Self-Guide Retreat - now available on-demand Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/12/2023 • 11 minutes, 24 seconds
Transformation with Dawn F.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Dawn F. and we get to talk about books! All the books! Dawn is an educator who has been a K-2 reading specialist for the past 17 years. Reading is her true passion which means she has a lot of books. Which means we get to talk about organizing books, which books to keep, how many books should you keep and how to store and display books. Dawn’s favorite quote is, “I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves.” I absolutely love this quote. Dawn describes herself as “organizationally challenged.” She has found that the Organize 365® approach works for her. During the pandemic, she found the time and energy she needed to start getting truly organized. Her Sunday Basket® is running smoothly, takes little time to do each week and she feels amazing when she’s able to find all her paperwork at a moment’s notice. She moved and downsized recently and is implementing functional organizing throughout her new home. Listen until the end to hear how I have been using common school supply organizing tools for simple bathroom organization! EPISODE RESOURCES: The 24 Hour Rule The Sunday Basket® The Education Friday Workbox® I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/10/2023 • 48 minutes, 52 seconds
Friday Workbox® Planning day is June 2!
5/9/2023 • 13 minutes, 1 second
Pursuing a PhD 15: Planning the Next Trimester
I want to end this series by talking about how I’m planning for the next trimester and beyond and what is different now than what I was living with before I started this journey. The beginning of this journey started with trying to get naps in, still working a bit on days that I planned to do school, but it has moved to no naps and no work on Mondays and Thursdays. Looking at my past trimester will help me to better plan my next trimester. This has been such a joy being able to verbally process this change with you. Whenever you take on something new, you are changing your identity, adding to the person you already are and the person you are going to become. I have recently gotten to the point where I identify as a PhD student and that I am thinking what it will be like when I am actually Dr. Woodruff. That was the first time I said that out loud! Join me thinking about what it is going to be like when I finish this PhD journey. What journey are you on that you can imagine where you will be at the completion of that journey? EPISODE RESOURCES: Follow my journey on Instagram - Check out the PhD Highlight Button Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/8/2023 • 20 minutes, 58 seconds
534 - How Long Do Golden Windows Last?
There are times when getting organized is going to be easier. I call these Golden Windows. Some Golden Windows are given to all of us - like January (new year), spring and fall. The new year is all about starting the year off with a fresh start and achieving new goals. Spring and fall are both times of the year when there are big season shifts and you get a burst of energy. The spring energy lends itself well to planning and the fall energy lends itself well to productivity. Common Golden Windows include: Expecting a child Moving or selling your home When your youngest child starts school When your youngest child starts middle school When your youngest child starts driving Milestone birthdays If you want to hear a more in depth definition of Golden Windows, listen to this podcast. Today’s episode is going to focus on a question I get a lot - how long do Golden Windows last? This depends on the type of Golden Window you’re experiencing. There are long and short Golden Windows. A long Golden Window is something you can anticipate. A short Golden Window is one where you don’t realize you’re in a Golden Window until you’re already in it. In a short Golden Window, you don’t get to plan ahead so the energy fizzles out fast. An example of a long Golden Window could be pregnancy. You know you are going to have a baby so you have months and months to plan, re-organize, nest and prepare. An example of a short Golden Window could be adoption. When we adopted Joey, we got a call at 5 pm and by 7 pm we had a baby! Each Golden Window, no matter whether it is short or long, is an opportunity not to be overlooked! And while the length of time that Golden Window will be open for you depends on a lot of factors (outside of your control) there are certain things you can do to get the most out of it. Here are my three recommendations for making the most of a Golden Window: Anticipate Optimize Extend Understanding your Golden Windows allows you to get so much more out of these amazing bursts of energy. Listen in to find out how to anticipate, optimize and extend your Golden Windows for maximum impact. EPISODE RESOURCES: Golden Windows Podcast The Productive Home Solution™ Planning Day The Productive Home Solution™ Course + Planning Day Home ALL IN Bundle Embrace - Self-Guide Retreat - now available on-demand Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/5/2023 • 27 minutes, 36 seconds
Transformation with Pamela A
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! In this episode, I introduce you to Pamela A. to discuss her organizing journey and transformation. Pamela spent many years looking for her solutions to get herself and her home organized. With two small boys and a husband, she was on an endless search for organizing solutions. She found the Organize 365® Podcast through a Google search. She was hooked and binged all the old episodes while driving to and from work. That’s SO many episodes. If you are also new around here - I highly recommend using our Organize 365® Podcast Playlists to find what you’re looking for. Flash forward to today - Pamela’s boys are now 27 and 33 years old. Pamela works full-time at a hospital. She has been living in the same house for the past 29 years (similar to me). There are upsides and downsides of staying in the same house for so long. When you move, it forces you to make decisions about your stuff. Pamela and I discuss that over the years she has accumulated a lot of stuff - that’s not hers. Pamela’s house is home to all her sons’ stuff, her grandparents’ stuff and now her own mother’s belongings as well. It’s a lot. Pamela watched the video I made where I show the process of organizing a storage room and she said she’s going to need a dumpster like we used in this video. Watch it for free. Listen in to this interview to hear our in-depth conversation about: Why do we keep all of this stuff? How much should we realistically be keeping of things like children’s artwork, books, American Girls, Legos, etc? How to organize a storage room and how long will it stay organized? Why we use our basements and storage rooms for delayed decision making and how to avoid this in the future. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Process of Organizing Your Storage Space Movie The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® The Productive Home Solution™ I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/3/2023 • 44 minutes, 47 seconds
Coffee Chat - Education Camp Is For Everyone
I’m excited to announce that the Education Friday Workbox® now includes Education Camp! Today’s Coffee Chat will help you understand what this new inclusion means for educators and how you can get your own Education Friday Workbox with Education Camp this summer. What is the difference between the Business and the Education Friday Workbox®? The Business Friday Workbox® is to support you in a financial endeavor in business, whether you are the employer, the manager, or the employee. Education is completely different. People come into education with the skills needed for the students/teachers they support or in the administration they serve to support the students and teachers. The Education Friday Workbox® doesn’t teach you to be a better teacher, it helps you with all of the other work that is required to be in an institution. We have identified seven kinds of work in this Workbox, none of it your lesson plans; it is the administrative work and red tape you need to do so that you can do all of the things you love. The Education Friday Workbox® now includes your first year’s Education Camp. Education Camp is held each year in July. Note: Current Education Friday Workbox® customers will get Education Camp at no charge this July. Join us for Education Camp July 10-14, 2023 by purchasing your Education Friday Workbox®! Organize 365® makes visible the invisible tasks that are weighing you down and keeping you from the amazing instruction that you are qualified and capable of providing. The Education Friday Workbox® is your partner in success for organizing all of those extra administrative tasks, papers, checklists, and the thing that you need in order to hit the ground running and save time so that you have more time for yourself and your family or to invest in more education. If you like teaching, you love learning. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week and thank you for all you do! Episode Resources: [email protected] Education Friday Workbox Education Camp Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/2/2023 • 10 minutes, 11 seconds
Pursuing a PhD 14: Reclaiming My Home Plans During Break
Proactive versus Reactive Listen in to how I map out someone going from a completely reactive life to a proactive one. Since I don’t have a lot of margin in my life right now, there are things I used to do regularly that I’m unable to do. I now have a 2-week break from school and I will be sharing how I plan to continue my proactive living without the additional margin in my life. At first I thought I would take the additional time off from school and put it to working more, but SURPRISE, I have decided to take some additional time off from work to do more personal and family related things. I want to have the flexibility to do whatever my energy is in allowing myself the freedom to do all these things in whatever order and be even better prepared for my next school semester. Here are some of the things I plan to take care of during my break: Reorganize the storage rooms Clean out the family room and toys Move into outside living Personal organizing - closet, bathroom, purse, car, supplements, and personal care Stock the house for the next 4 months Deep cleaning Catching up on podcasts Listen to audiobooks Sunday Basket® deep dive Binder updates Photo printing Puzzles and TV watching with Greg Fun family outings I am in a season where I am running really fast and I love it! What season are you in and how are you planning for these areas of your life? EPISODE RESOURCES: Follow my journey on Instagram - Check out the PhD Highlight Button Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
5/1/2023 • 17 minutes, 5 seconds
533 - Is There an Organization Finish Line?
This episode answers a question I get a lot. How do you know when you are organized? What does it mean to be fully organized? Does anyone ever feel finished? Is there an organization finish line? Let’s get into it! First, you’re going to want to follow along with the Organize 365® Research - get a FREE copy of our newly released research magazine here. Our most recent research study aimed to answer these questions about what it means to be organized and where the finish line might be. In order to do this, we broke organization up into the four categories we defined - personal, storage, family & communal spaces and paper. This allowed us to zero in on different areas and give people an opportunity to rank if they felt organized in any of these areas of their lives. 15% of respondents felt they were personally organized 14% of respondents felt that their storage rooms were organized 18% of respondents felt that their paper was organized 13% of respondents felt that their family & communal spaces were organized This is a huge problem because our research has already revealed that 87% of Americans believe organization is a learnable skill. So the majority of people believe this to be learnable, but yet they have not achieved it. My concern is that people start to think they are the problem. When in fact, the real problem is that we don’t have a good way to learn the skill of organization or know when you’ve accomplished it. Listen in to hear more about how Swiss Cheese Organizing is only exacerbating the problem. Which leads to one of the most important points of this podcast: The order in which you attack organizing your home is MORE important than the amount you get done in any one area. Learning to be organized and becoming organized is a commitment. Just like any other new skill or lifestyle choice you may make - getting healthier, getting out of debt, getting a degree. It’s going to take time. Probably eighteen months to three years. Once you understand that it is going to take time - there’s a relief in that. A release of pressure. Let go of the idea that you can get this done in a weekend. That if you don’t instantly start feeling and operating more organized, you’ve failed. You cannot get a transformation overnight or in the nooks and crannies of your everyday life. This is a commitment. But here’s the really important thing to remember - in three of the four areas of organization we have defined (personal, storage and paper), once you get these areas organized they will stay organized for a long time. Today’s episode includes approximate timelines for each area and tips for maintaining them once they are organized. There is so much organization goodness in this podcast and I want you to take from this that there is no one finish line for organization. There really are four finish lines, but also we are going for excellence not perfection. Create your own benchmarks and allow yourself the time you need to make this transformation and learn this skill. EPISODE RESOURCES: The State of Home Organization Research Magazine - my free gift to you! Watch me organize Michelle’s Storage Room Excellence vs. Perfection in Home Mangement The Productive Home Solution™ Planning Day The Productive Home Solution™ Course + Planning Day Home ALL IN Bundle Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/28/2023 • 25 minutes, 48 seconds
Transformation with Lindsay S
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! Today I’m interviewing Lindsey S. She’s a high school special education teacher that found me through my podcast with Angela Watson. What’s so interesting about this interview is that Lindsey S. was already living an organized life when she found Organize 365®. But her life was speeding up and she had the wherewithal to know she had to implement some new organizational systems and skills if she was going to keep up. She lives with her husband, twin 5 year old daughters, and 9 year old daughter. Lindsey holds nothing back in the hopes that her story will help others. One of her daughters has a learning disability and one has autism. Her openness in sharing her journey advocating for her children is admirable. Even as a special education teacher of 12 years (knowing the ins and outs of the systems in place), she still needed a system for organizing and presenting her documentation for each of her daughters. She uses the Warrior MAMA Binder! We talk about parent intuition and observation which is something I’ve always known (anecdotally) is a thing. But I’m learning more and more about it in my PhD program. Lindsey has thoughts on this also! Switching topics to how Lindsey organizes herself and her household - you have to hear how Lindsey is “chunking” out her Sunday Basket® time! If you are in a busy season of life and can’t seem to find the time to do your Sunday Basket®, this podcast is for you! I am floored to find out Lindsey also has Sunday Baskets® for each of her girls! She walks me through how these are set up and it is absolutely genius! She gave me some ideas to implement in my own life with my daughter. Then, she walks us through her Friday Workbox® which has been amazing for her since she has so much administrative work that she’s been able to make visible (and pretty) with a Friday Workbox®. The Friday Workbox® helps her easily glide through her day. It’s given her more capacity and time. How is Lindsey using the time she’s unlocked through implementing Organize 365® systems and courses? Listen in to find out! EPISODE RESOURCES: Organize 365® Warrior Mama Binder The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® The Productive Home Solution™ I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/26/2023 • 43 minutes, 21 seconds
Coffee Chat - Enrollment is Closing and Phones are Open!
We are getting very close to the spring Home Planning Conference on May 6th which means that enrollment in this spring term of The Productive Home Solution™ will be closing, too! Let the Organize 365® Dream Team help you figure if now is the right time for you to get started and which courses to take! We’d love to hear where you are in your journey and recommend next steps. Send an email to customer service at [email protected] or schedule a call here. Episode Resources: [email protected] Schedule a call The Productive Home Solution™ The Productive Home Solution™ Planning Day The Sunday Basket® Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/25/2023 • 17 minutes, 4 seconds
Pursuing a PhD 13: Plan With the End in Mind
We are nearing the end of my first trimester and I am now in the mindset to be successful in this 4 year journey. In this podcast, I’m talking to you about planning. Processing this journey, I am a whole to part learner, looking at the end of the journey to understand what I will need to move through this journey. I am spending time attending webinars and meetings finding out more about the field I am studying and what else I may want to focus on to further the impact I could have. Once you make a decision, it is not set in stone; you can re-decide, modify, and make changes. As I move forward, I will continue to re-evaluate and plan my PhD experience. Planning for me is the key to not slip back into a reactive life, but to continually be looking at how I am using my days, weeks, months, trimesters, and the next 4 years, for the most impact possible; for myself personally, for my company, and for the people I am doing the research for. EPISODE RESOURCES: Follow my journey on Instagram - Check out the PhD Highlight Button Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/24/2023 • 14 minutes, 3 seconds
532 - How to Organize in the Summer Months
I used to think that once my kids got older that summer wouldn’t be so much of a challenge. Wrong. Adults get summers, too. Have you heard motivation coaches say “you only have so many summers left” OR “you only have so many summers left with your kids?” It may sound cliche, but it’s true! When you put it in this context, it becomes very clear that you should absolutely prioritize your summer experiences! In today’s podcast, I have some questions for you about your summer plans! We break it all down and I’m giving you my tips for planning your summer! It can be whatever you want it to be! Questions to ask yourself: What are your summer traditions? When you think about summer, what do you think about? What are things you do in the summer season exclusively? What have you done in the past that you want to repeat this summer? What is something new you want to do this summer? Are there any big milestones or birthdays or events that will be happening over summer? You MUST plan your seasons. There are natural points throughout the year to do this. Listen to this podcast about what I call Golden Windows to learn more. Here’s why this is important - it’s natural to be reactive at home. The Productive Home Solution™ Planning Day trains you how to plan and proactively prepare for all the foreseeable stuff. It’s not enough to just think about or want it - you have to make a plan for it or it won’t happen. Planning Day helps you understand the cycles and seasons. You learn to create plans for how you will use your home, what your schedule and capacity will look like during that season and how to tap into energy for optimum success. Planning Day is part of the Organize 365® courses that make the invisible work visible so you aren’t in reactive mode and you can unlock your time for yourself, your family and community! What do you want your summer to look like? Join me on Planning Day and let’s put thought and planning into making your summer amazing. It’s your turn to plan and I’m so excited to be your teacher! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Productive Home Solution™ Planning Day The Productive Home Solution™ Course + Planning Day Home ALL IN Bundle Embrace - Self-Guide Retreat - now available on-demand Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/21/2023 • 28 minutes, 26 seconds
Transformation with Deanne W
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! You are in for a treat because in this episode we meet Deanne. She found Organize 365® through the book “How ADHD Affects Home Organization.” She’s a mental health professional who was seeking resources for her clients, but also found the book to be helpful for her and she wanted to learn more about functional organization! Deanne lives with her husband, her 15 year old son and an 18 year old exchange student from Norway! She also has two older sons that have launched. Since Deanne is a mental health professional, we jump right into the connection between organization and mental health. How does organization impact our mental health? We speak anecdotally about the physiological and emotional distress that organization can cause. Deanne started her own functional organizing journey with The Sunday Basket®. It’s a great place to start! She now has a Sunday Basket® she manages on her mom’s behalf, a Friday Workbox® for her business and has gotten her oldest son using his own Sunday Basket®. Deanne plays many roles in life - she is a wife, mother, business owner, caregiver for her mother and I’m sure many other things. We get into what functional organization and systems like The Paper Solution® Binders can do for you as you are balancing these roles and having to advocate for others. As Deanne took on caregiving for her mom, she became the power of healthcare and power of attorney. She set up a Sunday Basket® for her and had to sort through a room’s worth of paper on her mom’s behalf. She has made it a point to set up her own binders. We discuss how doing our binders is (1) a gift we give to those that will one day have to advocate for us or settle our estates and (2) a project that doesn’t need to be perfect. If you are using The Paper Solution® Binders and they are at 80%, that is absolutely an A+ and will save you and your family time in the future. We discuss the process of implementing the Sunday Basket® and our learning styles. How did you implement your Sunday Basket®? Did you do it all at once or one step at a time? Deanne waited until she had a big chunk of time and could get it all set up the way she wanted. She’s now well on her way. This interview covers so many topics, tips and positive organizing affirmations! EPISODE RESOURCES: How ADHD Affects Home Organization The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® The Paper Solution® Binders Additional Resources for Getting Organized with ADHD I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/19/2023 • 40 minutes, 47 seconds
Pursuing a PhD 12: Get Duplicate Supplies
Why is it that when we decide to undertake something that’s going to make a difference in our lives, we still try to cut corners? When I decided to go back to school in pursuit of a PhD, my mindset was initially to make the supplies and things I already had work for my school venture. But when I’ve needed something, I’ve found it’s just better to go ahead and get it. Some of these supplies help me move forward faster, be more productive and/or just be able to get my assignments and reading done in different places. Do you have the supplies or tools you need where you need them? It makes all the difference. Listen to my story about scissors to find out why. Here are some of my favorite supplies mentioned in today’s podcast: Fiskars scissors Shokz Wireless Open-Ear Bluetooth Headset Organize 365® 2.0 Highlighters Organize 365® 2.0 Productivity Tabs Organize 365® Slash Pockets Jergens Cherry Almond Lotion Don’t live in frustration over not having what you need where you need it. The time and sanity savings will offset the investment. EPISODE RESOURCES: Follow my journey on Instagram - Check out the PhD Highlight Button Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/17/2023 • 15 minutes, 49 seconds
531 - How to Organize When You Are Never Home
In today’s podcast, we will discuss how you can get your home organized when you are never home. There are different seasons in our lives in which we will need to change our organization. How does your home change for different seasons of your life? The seasons I’ve identified that require the most functional organizing changes are: Children 0-5 years old Children in middle and high school Empty nesting Caregiving for a loved one Settling an estate Welcoming another generation of your family into your home - listen to this podcast on multigenerational living There will be seasons of life when you will not be home much. When I started podcasting in 2012, I was going through a season of life where I was never home. My children were in two different schools that both required me to drive for hours a day. Looking back now, I can safely say it’s a season. So if you are in a season where you are never home, just know that this is a season. Some seasons feel never ending, but all of these seasons do end. I encourage you to take from these seasons the best that they have to offer knowing that one day you will be on the other side. Why do we want to get our home organized when we are never home anyway? Organizing gives us a sense of control. In a season where you are already pressed for time and feeling a loss of control, you may be wanting to feel organized, proactive and productive when you are at home. Where to begin? At Organize 365®, we’ve identified four areas in every home that need to be organized in different ways and at different times and intervals. These are personal, family and communal, storage and paper. During a season where you aren’t home very much, I’m going to recommend you focus on personal organization. Start with your car. I’ve always defined personal organization as your closet, bathroom, bedroom and car! You need to think about your car completely differently during this season. It’s now an extension of your home. In 2012, I turned my car into my portable house! The trunk was my “car closet” and the front area was my personal cockpit. I set up my car to serve my changing needs. Your secondary focus should be just your personal spaces (as time permits at home). Focus on your bathroom, closet and your side of the bedroom. Do quick tasks that you can complete in 15-20 minutes. Write everything down. If you are away from home as you are listening to this podcast, something you can start doing today, from anywhere, is to start writing everything down. Everywhere you have a thought, you should have a notepad to write it down. Take your Sunday Basket® with you. You need your Sunday Basket® more than ever during this season, but you may want your portable Sunday Basket® to be your primary Sunday Basket®. When you are out and about throughout the day, you will get 15 minute breaks in the action. Look at your portable Sunday Basket® and think “what’s one thing I can get done in this 15 minute pocket of time?” I processed through my Sunday Basket® in waiting rooms, in my car while waiting for my kids and so many other places. It won’t be perfect. Focus on the moments. Build the future life and future person as you go. Support yourself along the way with personal organization that works for you. And bring your Sunday Basket® along for the ride. EPISODE RESOURCES: Portable Sunday Basket® with Pencil Pouch The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution® Planning Day Organizing Personal Spaces Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/14/2023 • 43 minutes, 40 seconds
Transformation with Marie F.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! Meet Marie. This podcast has been a long time in the making. Marie started listening to the Organize 365® podcast back in 2015! She’s had all the versions of The Sunday Basket®. Marie lives with her husband of 23 years, 18 year old daughter and 15 year old twin daughters. She also has a 20 year old son who lives in an apartment nearby. Marie is experiencing the teenage years with her children and is wondering why she still doesn’t feel as organized as she would like and where all of her time is going. This is an all too common theme. I’ve seen it time and time again. You think because your kids are now teenagers that you should be organized. Your kids are much more independent than they were so surely you should be getting your time back. Not so fast. This is a transitional time period where your kids may act and speak as though they are independent - they have independent thoughts, make decisions and it’s a really fun season of parenting. But you are still very much in active parenting. Whenever you’re in a transitional period of time, there’s a push and pull between the now and the soon-to-be. You are still very much in the current season, but starting to wonder what you are going to do next and wanting to get into the next season. You’re in the inbetween. Embrace it. What’s one more experience you want to have during this season? What’s one more memory you want to make? If you’ve ever wanted to hear what goes on during a virtual organizing session - this is it! This interview quickly turns into a session similar to what I used to have with my clients when I did professional organizing. Want to try it for yourself? Ask yourself: What lights you up? What don’t you like to do? What are your family/household members into? How organized do you want to be? What really needs to happen in the next 12-18 months or in the season you’re in? When you think about having your home organized, what does that look like for you? Have you implemented The Sunday Basket® and how is that working for you? Tune in as we also discuss what it truly means to save five hours with The Sunday Basket® and leadership versus management! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution™ The Productive Home Solution™ Planning Day The Paper Solution® I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/12/2023 • 1 hour, 22 seconds
Planning Day is For Everyone!
You need a planning day. Everyone does. Planning is so integral and important for creating a proactive, productive and positive life. For the first time ever, we have opened up Planning Day for everyone. Planning Day used to only be available if you were in The Productive Home Solution™. But some people don’t need or want The Productive Home Solution™. Their home is organized or now is not the right time for The Productive Home Solution™ for them. But they still need Planning Day. Everyone needs to plan. Planning is the next natural step after implementing The Sunday Basket®. It’s a great way to further grow your organizational muscles and become more strategic about how you use your time and capacity. What is Planning Day? Planning Day is a four hour live event (and yes you will get a replay to watch on demand). We will spend this time planning and refining your habits for productivity. True productivity for you for this season of life and your current goals. In Planning Day I will walk you through: What golden window or windows are you in? What resources do you have in the next 120 days? What is your primary role? What are your current routines? What would you like to or need to add to those for the next 120 days? How much time do you have? Then using this data that we gather from your life, we set your goals. We create realistic goals that you can actually accomplish in the next 120 days. We decide what your focus will be personally, with your family or relationships, household and financially. What do you get with Planning Day? Four hour live event hosted by me On-demand replay available for 25 days following the live event Planning Day Workbook shipped to you Access to the Planning Day Community Group I would love for you to join me for Planning Day this May 6th from 10 am - 4 pm Eastern. We are going to create a realistic plan that you are excited about and can sink your teeth into. Planning Day will help you accomplish your goals with confidence because we are already proactively thinking through all the resources and foreseeable hurdles you have ahead. Episode Resources: The Productive Home Solution™ Planning Day Already signed up for Planning Day? Don’t forget your supplies! Home Planning Day Bundle - Deluxe Package Home Planning Day Bundle - Essentials ALL IN Work & Home Planning Day Bundle Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/11/2023 • 8 minutes, 39 seconds
Pursuing a PhD 11: Speed Reading & Getting Glasses
When someone tells you what to do and they have experience - you should probably listen to them. I was told by someone in the know to get my eyes checked before I started my PhD. I didn’t. I felt confident that my over-the-counter readers were just fine. Well, here I am in Week 11 with new glasses! In this episode, I share two things I learned this week through my PhD journey: You need to have the right tools when you are doing anything. A PhD is so reading intensive that you do need to get your eyes checked! Speed reading allows you to take in a lot of information, but details matter in the PhD program. I started using a ruler to read and highlight! EPISODE RESOURCES: Follow my journey on Instagram - Check out the PhD Highlight Button Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/10/2023 • 10 minutes, 7 seconds
530 - How to Organize a Multigenerational Home
This podcast episode will give you tactical and functional organizing tips for multigenerational living. If you are in a multigenerational home or considering this option - this is for you! Multigenerational living is near and dear to my heart these days. I am cherishing this life phase that I’m currently in - sharing my home with Abby (my daughter) and Grayson (my grandson). I know many members of the Organize 365® team and community are also living in multi-generational homes. I realize that there are different circumstances that may lead you to be in a multigenerational home. The three main situations that I’ve seen for multigenerational living are: Caregiving. If you are currently living the “sandwich” generation lifestyle - taking care of your parents while also trying to keep up with your adult children - I have a BIG HUG for you! Being a caregiver can be extremely isolating. I’ve been there and it can be a long road. Consciously merging households. This seems to be a more recent phenomenon (in the United States at least). Families consciously decide to live together because they enjoy each other, it makes economic sense and they can share in the work and experience running the household together. Life circumstances. Sometimes it’s not a conscious decision but life circumstances create a situation where multigenerational living is necessary. Regardless of how you ended up in a multigenerational home, here are my top organizational tips for making the most of the situation: Be purposeful about transitioning the home to support a multigenerational home. Ensure that everyone (INCLUDING YOU) have your own space. Everyone needs their own space. In my home, this means that Abby and Grayson have the basement apartment to themselves. They get to decide what they want down there, what it looks like and they are responsible for everything in this space. I also have my own spaces in the house that are just mine. Create rules for communal spaces, but be willing to renegotiate and evolve those rules as the situation changes. For example, the communal spaces in our home are the living room, kitchen, laundry room and garage. These areas get to be cleaned and organized to my standards. There are rules for how we all operate and take care of these areas. Laundry Days - This one has been great in our household. We have designated laundry days to ensure that we can get laundry done for ourselves on the days that our most convenient for all of us in the household. Don’t feel guilty to say what you want in terms of the communal spaces. Organizing the kitchen and food in a multigenerational home - start by considering the stages of life each of you are in. In my household we have the toddler phase, Greg and I are working away from home and Abby is a stay at home mom. Our kitchen is supporting three very different phases of life. We have created dedicated space for everyone’s food and Grayson’s adorable toddler eating utensils, plates and sippy cups. How I’ve maintained my cleanliness standards in communal spaces: Baby Gates - Living Room, Dining Room and Laundry - Grayson doesn’t go in those areas so they stay picked up. Weekly Cleaning - We have a weekly cleaner come and every Thursday we know the house is being cleaned and everything needs to be picked up. Minimalized toys in the family room - Constantly decluttering and rotating the toys in the family room - not minimalist but definitely minimized. When you live in a multigenerational home, there will be some frustrations. If you are feeling frustrated (and I’ve been there), try to do a mindset swap and remember the many blessings that come with this experience. Your home needs to be organized differently and you need to establish different rules for yourself for all the phases of life you go through and different people or peoples living in your home with you. Top 2 takeaways for living in a multigenerational home: Pick your battles. Create rules. See the episode resources below for your supply list to help keep each member of the family and the entire household running smoothly. You’ll be sharing a lot, but you don’t need to share your own brain! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® - one for each adult in your home Household Reference Binder - one per house Medical Binder - each family member needs their own Financial Binder - each family unit or couple has their own Household Operations Binder - you would have this for each family unit - like teachers at a school - they would each have their own lessons. Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/7/2023 • 46 minutes, 2 seconds
Transformation with Christine M
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! This week, I am sharing my interview with Christine M. She lives with her husband and well loved cat in Ontario, Canada! When Christine M. experienced three moves in a short period of time, she learned the skill of organization through Organize 365®. Christine is a former teacher turned grad student so we had a lot to talk about. Christine found her way to Organize 365® through my friend and fellow podcaster, Angela Watson. She was going through teacher burn-out, something we have been hearing all about. I cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate teachers. If you are a teacher, this podcast is a hug from me to you - thank you for all that you do! Christine’s interest in Organize 365® started through her Teacher Friday Workbox® which is now the Education Friday Workbox®. She wanted to implement systems into her teacher role to help her be more productive and purposeful with her time. Her organizational journey went into overdrive when she found that she and her husband would be moving across Canada to Ontario. She utilized Organize 365® Ten Steps to an Organized Move (which is available inside The Productive Home Solution™) to pull off the most organized move imaginable. Getting organized BEFORE you move is key. In the years that followed her move, she transformed into an even more organized person. We discuss the key principles and learning that she did to fully transform herself into a positive, productive and proactive person. She loves the idea that items in her home are auditioning for their place. Listen in to hear all about her journey and how she is now using her Education Friday Workbox® to organize her grad school journey! I love to hear how the Organize 365® products and courses evolve with your life. EPISODE RESOURCES: Education Friday Workbox® - organizational system designed for teachers The Productive Home Solution™ The Sunday Basket® The Portable Sunday Sunday Basket® I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/5/2023 • 45 minutes, 22 seconds
Coffee Chat - Take the Organize 365 Quiz
How can we make the invisible work visible? How can we streamline or eliminate it? How much time do you have for your organizational transformation at your current life stage? Where are you on your journey? What’s the next best step for you? Did you know Organize 365® has an amazing (AND FREE) quiz to help figure out how much time you have and where you are in the organizing cycle? Take the Organize 365® quiz to help you determine: Your “why” How much time you have to commit Where you are in the organizing cycle (Decluttering, Organizing and Increasing Productivity) I invite you to take the quiz and use the customized results to help you determine the next best step for the upcoming trimester. You can take this quiz as many times as you like throughout your journey! Episode Resources: Organize 365® Quiz Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/4/2023 • 3 minutes, 9 seconds
Pursuing a PhD 10: A Mid-Semester Review & Organization Session
I gave myself the gift of a mid-semester review and reset my PhD organization. It was the BEST gift. I’ve hit the halfway mark in my semester. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything and make sure I’m on target. Here’s how I hit the reset button: Re-read the syllabus for each class (HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS) Compiled and organized all my notes for all my classes into a notebook by class Planned ahead for the second half of the semester by looking ahead and doing anything I could do to organize my remaining assignments and classes Our brain’s desire organizational planning time. Are you giving yourself time to plan and organize your work, home and life? EPISODE RESOURCES: Follow my journey on Instagram - Check out the PhD Highlight Button Organize 365® Slash pockets The Productive Home Solution™ Planning Day Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
4/3/2023 • 8 minutes, 23 seconds
529 - Your Home is a Business
Have you ever thought about how much your home is a business? Our homes are businesses. The entire US economy runs on the economy of your house. If the American family is doing well, the American economy is doing well. When I talk about our homes as businesses, I don’t mean that you should be just going through the motions and checking boxes or anything even similar to that. In this episode, I share how you can use tools and systems (similar to what you would do at work) to gain a bigger impact and less stress at home. A business usually has a CEO and COO. Your home most likely does, too. Sometimes you may be acting as the CEO and COO, sometimes you may just have one of those roles. The CEO creates the strategy of the company, manages the capacity and resources, and plans for execution. Some of the things you may do as the CEO of your home are: During your weekly Sunday Basket® routine, you look at what constraints you have in the upcoming week, what needs to get done Planning your week and trimester in advance The COO plays a critical role in running the day-to-day actionables that will accomplish the strategy the CEO has created for the team. The key to success is that the CEO and COO are both operating proactively and strategically. Making choices about what to work on, how to spend time and money, and what experiences and impact they want to create within their household. In this episode, I deep dive into how The Friday Workbox® operates for your business and apply this to how the Sunday Basket® helps you run the business of home and family. I’d love to hear your feedback on this one! Do you see the parallels between running your home as a business? If this is a new realization for you - the good news is we have opened up The Productive Home Solution™ Planning Day to everyone now. Come learn how to plan like the CEO of your home! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Productive Home Solution™ Planning Day The Productive Home Solution™ The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/31/2023 • 39 minutes, 1 second
Transformation with Sarah Hart-Unger
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! Today I’m excited to talk with fellow podcaster, Sarah Hart-Unger. Sarah hosts the podcast Best Laid Plans, co-hosts the podcast Best of Both Worlds with Laura Vanderkam, is the mother of three children, married to a surgeon, and works as pediatric endocrinologist! So, needless to say, she stays busy! Organization and planning are a big part of her ability to do so much and we will be talking about the systems she has in place. First things first, we talk about parenting! Sarah is experiencing a golden window because her youngest child just turned 5! For parents of children younger than 5, things are just changing so frequently every 6-8 weeks that it is hard to catch your breath in terms of getting organized. We discuss how when you go through different stages and phases of life, you learn how to use your organization and time management skills in different ways. Sarah is a big believer in functional organization. It doesn’t have to be pretty, but it needs to work for you! She shares how she is ruthless about getting rid of things and enjoys knowing where things are. Organizing her time is one of her favorite things to do. Mine, too! We dig deep into how planning your home life by quarters just does not work. It creates weird cut-offs like July. Who wants to start a new plan in the middle of summer? You need to have your entire summer planned out. The quarters of the year aren’t actually new energies. The Organize 365® approach to planning is by trimesters. Planning allows you to make room for your own explosive growth! We both discuss how during busy seasons of life, our respective calendars and planners bring us a sense of peace and allow us to have more capacity. Do you have a plan that you love to look at? That gives you peace, not stress? That creates calm in chaos? Do you have a plan for the upcoming trimester and summer season? Sarah also shares how she has organized her children. We discuss a very hot topic - how to organize kids’ artwork! Check out the episode resources if you want to share the Kids Movie Sarah references with your kids as well! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Productive Home Solution™ Planning Day The Productive Home Solution™ The Sunday Basket® Lattice Binder for kid’s artwork Organize 365® Kids Movie Learn more about Golden Windows and Season of Organizing Watch the video on YouTube to see the sneak peek of Lisa’s Weekly Planning Sheet I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/29/2023 • 44 minutes, 16 seconds
Coffee Chat - TPHS enrollment is open
The day is finally here! I’m so excited for you to join me in The Productive Home Solution™ and Home Planning Day to learn how to get organized and take back your home and time. There are seasons when organizing is optimal. Spring is definitely one of them which is why this opening of The Productive Home Solution™ is a great opportunity for you to finally learn the skill of organization. The Productive Home Solution™ is your school for learning organization. This is a lifetime purchase. You can start now and keep going through the program again and again as life changes and evolves. Another exciting announcement that I share in today’s coffee chat: Planning Day is now an independent course and you no longer have to be a member of The Productive Home Solution™ to join me for Planning Day! Make the most of your spring energy and join me in The Productive Home Solution™ and Planning Day! This course will teach you how to live a more productive and positive life to move towards what you are uniquely created to do! Episode Resources: The Productive Home Solution™ with Planning Day The Productive Home Solution™ Planning Day Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/28/2023 • 6 minutes, 58 seconds
Pursuing a PhD 9: Setting Aside PhD Administrative Time
There is administration time related to getting your PhD. The Sunday Basket® and the Business Friday Workbox® teaches you there are invisible tasks you do at home and work. Once these tasks are made visible, you can eliminate as many as possible. Mid-semester, I realized I need PhD administrative time. Listen in as I review what types of administrative tasks I have while working on my PhD. Planning my work Organizing my email Signing up for teacher office hours Cleaning up Zotero files Next week, I will share with you how I took a pause and reoriented myself. EPISODE RESOURCES: Follow my journey on Instagram - Check out the PhD Highlight Button The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® Zotero Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/27/2023 • 11 minutes, 5 seconds
528 - Do You Know How to Play the Game of Life?
Are you playing Checkers or Chess? Of course, you are playing Checkers. We all are. But, some of us are playing (and winning) Chess, too! In today’s episode, I breakdown how you can “play” the game of life better with an emphasis on strategy. As I breakdown the “game of life” in this episode, we discuss: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Marie Kondo’s life with three kids Generational norms The strategy of living life with a planned approach Which leads us to the free Organize 365® blitzes. These blitzes were designed to help you get ahead. They may seem like “small wins” but they have a huge impact on how we look at our time in a more strategic (chess-like) way. These blitzes teach us how to incorporate forward planning into our game of life. In the next four months, you are going to experience Memorial Day, Mother’s Day, tax day and the summer season. These things are coming whether you plan ahead or not. But, if you do join our blitzes and planning day, you’ll be able to approach the next four months with a planned and strategic approach. This will allow you to enjoy summer experiences with your family, sign your kids up for their favorite camps, purchase plane tickets before they sell out and look forward to your summer. Playing Chess allows you to get out of the reactiveness of the Checkers game. Organize 365® Planning Days allow you to do the mental work ahead of time so you can enjoy the upcoming season. I hope you’ll join me! EPISODE RESOURCES: Routine Reset Blitz Organize 365® Home Planning Day The Productive Home Solution™ Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/24/2023 • 43 minutes, 51 seconds
Transformation with Stefanie Fowler
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! During this month we have been talking to women about how women in their 30s are getting it done. Stephanie represents women that are not working from home. She began her career as a corporate executive before she left to continue to grow the company she founded with her husband, Vince. She and Vince have 4 kids, 11, 9 (twins), and 6. She worked from home for the last couple of years, but got physical space last Spring and she is back working in an office. She enjoyed her time working from home, but realized she needed more thinking and planning time and has since moved into a physical office space. She moved to a condensed schedule, Monday to Thursday available for meetings and in the office with Fridays off, to give her the ability to have some parts of a stay-at-home mom. Never being able to fully work on just Austin Fowler, she has found time saving activities. Her time is very full with her own business and a family of 6 so it is important to her to plan and prepare for her weeks and weekends. She is very disciplined and uses her Sunday Basket® and Friday Workbox® to plan while using her bags to pack and prepare. Listen in to find out what things work well for Stephanie and her family during this season of growing children and a growing business. EPISODE RESOURCES: Instagram @austinandfowler I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/22/2023 • 45 minutes, 36 seconds
Coffee Chat - Join us for the Routines Reset Blitz
In today’s Coffee Chat I’m excited to launch a brand new Organize 365® Blitz! Over the years, we have provided blitzes for free to help our audience learn how to strategically plan ahead for things like school, holidays, golden windows and seasonal organizing. The newest blitz is all about routines. Have you observed that you personally go from “Hey, I got this!” to sudden out of control feelings? You just wake up and feel like you are behind the eight ball? This happens to me. And I’m betting it happens to you sometimes, too. How do I get back on top? How do I regain control of the things that I can control? This is exactly what I’m sharing with you inside the new Routine Reset Blitz. This is a simple three day blitz where we are going to reset our morning, afternoon and evening routines. Resetting your routines is the thing that will make it all easier and help you get back to getting things done. Inside the Routine Reset Blitz, I teach you that it is not about what you are going to do for your routines. It’s about why. Each routine throughout the day is going to answer a question. I equate this to The Sunday Basket®. The Sunday Basket® itself is wonderful but the real magic of The Sunday Basket® lies in being able to habitually ask yourself, “Can this wait until Sunday?” and then being able to move on with your day if it can. Your routines can do this for you, too. I want you to rethink when you use all your decision making energy. This blitz will guide you through thinking about your day, the purpose of your routines and how they can create success that cascades throughout your day. Good routines make everything lighter. They give you more capacity and productivity. And I want to help you reset your routines. Episode Resources: Join the FREE Routine Reset Blitz The Sunday Basket® Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/21/2023 • 5 minutes, 57 seconds
Pursuing a PhD 8: Creating Multiple Uniforms For The Hats I Wear
Are we really talking about clothing again? What does this really have to do with getting a PhD anyway?! Organization unlocks our time and productivity unlocks our capacity. I’m using my PhD as the example for these stories, but everything I’m sharing with you is how I am taking past organizational strengths, learning, or habits that I have had or am developing now and how I’m refining those in order to get more time and have more capacity. The way in which we free up our time in order to be able to do the next thing, that’s organization. As we organize, we create a habit. A habit is just doing the thing you’ve already organized without consciously thinking about it. In order to really get more time, you have to over analyze some basic habits to figure out if there is a more efficient way to do these things and somehow create this new habit and put it on autopilot so we don’t have to even think about it. This brings us back to clothing! Listen in as we talk about how creating a uniform for the different hats you wear will help you to transition into the role that you're playing and mentally enter into that space. EPISODE RESOURCES: Follow my journey on Instagram - Check out the PhD Highlight Button Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/20/2023 • 13 minutes, 35 seconds
527 - Excellence vs Perfection in Home Management
There is no such thing as perfection. There just isn’t. Don’t let social media fool you. What about those pictures you see as you're scrolling your phone? Those aren’t real. Perfection isn’t real. But how do we get our brain and subconscious mind to understand this? When you see me, you are getting the 100% real me. I don’t use filters. As a matter of fact, I don’t even know how to use filters. It’s important for me to show you the real me. What you see is what you get. I am not a perfectionist. I am a woman of excellence. This episode is going to help you understand how you are also a person of excellence and what that means. Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do..therefore excellence is not an act, but a habit.” The habits taught through the Organize 365® systems and courses lead us to be people of excellence. These same habits help us free our brains and time to do what we are uniquely created to do. Habits are so purposeful. Negative habits tend to happen naturally. But positive habits rarely happen naturally. I want you to think about your habits - are they helping you be a person of excellence? Are they allowing you the time you need to do what you are uniquely created to do? I want you to choose a life of excellence over perfectionism. Don’t expect perfectionism from yourself or others. A person of excellence is able to focus on substance, richer conversations, better solutions and live a more productive life. A word of the wise, choosing not to be a perfectionist is not an excuse to be lazy. You still need to strive for excellence. This will look different depending on your phase of life and priorities. I want to leave you with three things in this episode: Perfectionism is not a thing. Excellence is a great middle ground for you to strive for. You will never be done working on yourself, learning, growing and creating the person you want to be. It’s a journey. As you think about your journey, I want you to also think about your home and the three seasons per year within your home. You need different things in those seasons. A person of excellence is continually improving and evolving the way they organize and use their home and time. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution™ The Paper Solution® The Friday Workbox® Aristotle Quotes Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/17/2023 • 30 minutes, 30 seconds
Transformation with Andrea Dekker
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! Welcome back Andrea to the podcast. Andrea, 37, is married to her husband, age 41 and together they have 4 children, 2 girls and 2 boys ages 11, 8, 7, and 5. Listen in as we talk about how she stays organized in her 30’s with a young family. Andrea discusses her focus of functional organizing for a family of six. We also get to hear how interesting her time and scheduling works, and what she does to make the different seasons of her life work within a schedule. We all know feeding a family can be challenging and the desire to make the right food choices is a priority. Andrea shows us her process of making food changes in her family when change doesn’t come easy for anyone. Andrea mentions the quote “Build a life you don’t need to escape from” and how she and her family have built that life where she feels energized and isn’t looking for a vacation to bring her rest. She doesn’t feel the need to take days off to recharge her batteries, because it seems to work itself into each and every day. EPISODE RESOURCES: I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/15/2023 • 51 minutes, 20 seconds
Pursuing a PhD 7: Organizing Everything on My Google Calendar
Have you wondered why you don’t seem to have enough time in your day? I use my Google calendar to organize my time, everything that would naturally occur in my life gets a time block on my calendar, including commute time. Then when I look at my week, I can play with those time blocks. Am I spending enough time in certain areas or too much time? I’ve been able to see all this time in my calendar and I’ve gotten better at estimating my time for my classes and assignments. This allows me to figure out where I have extra time and where I don’t have enough time. Have you asked yourself, why don’t I get everything done? Or do I have the capacity to take on something new? Start looking at the pockets of time on your calendar that do not have anything associated with. Document how you use that time for a week or two and then you know if you have time you can actually give to something new and maximize your productivity. EPISODE RESOURCES: Follow my journey on Instagram - Check out the PhD Highlight Button Google Calendar Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/13/2023 • 10 minutes, 25 seconds
526 - Marie Kondo Has Thrown in the Towel and Admits Her House is Messy
Let’s break down one of the fastest spreading organizational news stories I’ve ever seen - Marie Kondo is admitting that her home is no longer tidy and she’s embracing it! The news of Marie Kondo’s house being no longer organized spread like wildfire. This was not an accident. Marie Kondo is a worldwide sensation. She did an amazing job marketing her book and herself. She’s a renowned organizer and businesswoman. Here are some past episodes I’ve done on Marie Kondo: Why the Magic Art of Tidying Up Doesn’t Work for American Women What Do You Do with Items that Don’t Spark Joy? How Marie Kondo is the Atkins Diet of Organizing We all can feel better knowing that Marie Kondo is saying perfection does not exist. Although, if you have been following my podcast all this time, you know that I have always valued progress over perfection. In this episode, I take the conversation in the media about organization a step further. What does it mean to feel organized? Can you recognize and observe organization or is it a feeling? Is organization the ability to quickly take action? How do we know when we are organized or when we are no longer organized? Your home and your organizational systems should be a representation of YOU. What’s important to you? What works for you? What doesn’t work for you? I LOVE my home. I love how I decorated it. I love how I organized it. I love what I’ve saved over the years. And I want you to love your home also. I want you to love the stuff you are maintaining, dusting and living with. I want you to look forward to being at home, walking around your own home and loving the things you see on the walls, shelves, even inside your storage room. Organization and being organized is SO much more than minimalism. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Productive Home Solution™ The Paper Solution® The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/10/2023 • 28 minutes, 53 seconds
Transformation with Jami and Jason Balmet
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! Meet Jamie and Jason Balmet in Oklahoma running a small business, raising 7 children, and homeschooling: 10 year old twin boys 7 year old twin boys 5 year old girl 2 year old boy 3 month old boy Jamie and Jason are currently in the accumulation phase and we talk today about how they handle this phase of life with home and work. We discussed how their housework is divided, they’ve got a great mix going on, and how the kids are involved in this. They have some great tips on how to get the kids involved at home. One of the tips for this was to talk a lot about their family vision and how that plays into giving responsibility to everyone in the family. Listen in as they tell us how their family began traveling full time to now putting down roots in Oklahoma. We also get to hear about how they organize things at work and home and how different their systems are; Jamie loves her paper and Jason is all about the digital side of things. Because their business blends with work deadlines plus having family time, the communication aspect is key for the two of them. Being honest with each other about their needs and their mental space is important to keeping things running smoothly. How have they gotten to this place in their lives? They are very clear on what their goals are. Working in the business and on the business and being purposeful and intentional with planning plays a large part in how they have been able to succeed. Tips from Jamie: Be clear on your vision What are your family values What are you saying yes to and what are you saying no to Planning meetings annually and quarterly about Business Homeschool Family Be realistic with your time EPISODE RESOURCES: eMyth by Michael E. Gerber The Productive Home Solution™ and Planning Day Finding Joy in Your Home Finding Joy in Your Home Podcast I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/8/2023 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 6 seconds
Pursuing a PhD 6: Organizing ALL Your Due Dates in One Document
This week I am talking about how I organize my assignments. Some of the things I use are Organize 365® Slash Pockets that are colored red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. These slash pockets help you organize the basic tasks you do at home and at work inside of a Sunday Basket® or a Friday Workbox®. These organize the everyday events, not the projects. I am using colored slash pockets, productivity tabs, and highlighted documents to keep track of everything within my courses. Red: Research Lab Orange: Wednesday Class - Psych 501 Yellow: Thursday Class - Psych 502 The game changer for me was creating the excel spreadsheet with all assignments and reading ordered by due date and color coded. I cannot explain how much more grounded I felt when I could see in totality everything I needed to do inside of a 2-page spread. This gives me the extra buffer I need by allowing me to stay ahead. If you have different moving deadlines, moving pieces, or moving parts that need to be done over a period of time, it may be helpful to put all of those into one big document in order of when things need to happen, versus keeping things separate in separate categories of your life. What would happen if in very busy seasons of your life you would use this one big document to go by what is due next versus what role you are playing in your life? EPISODE RESOURCES: Follow my journey on Instagram - Check out the PhD Highlight Button Organize 365® Slash Pockets 1.0 Sunday Basket® Business Friday Workbox® Kolbe Organize 365® Productivity Tabs Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/6/2023 • 12 minutes, 47 seconds
525 - Lisa's Organization Story 2022
When I started this podcast series looking at how I’ve used the Sunday Basket® over the years, I thought I’d be sharing with you the tactical details of how I use the Sunday Basket®. What I realized is that the Sunday Basket® is a habit. Like brushing your teeth, making the bed, getting ready in the morning. Things we didn’t do at one point and eventually they become part of your everyday life and routines. And that’s what the Sunday Basket® has become. It’s part of my everyday routine. In this episode we are back in my present day life. My kids are now adulting. Their day to day needs are off my plate. I’ve outsourced a lot of the tasks that have to do with my home and I have a whole team at Organize 365®. Presently, my Sunday Basket® is running like a well-oiled machine. And it’s serving its purpose for Grayson, my grandson, as well. I end up with lots of toys that need batteries on Sunday. I drop those in there throughout the week and all the incoming mail. My Portable Sunday Basket® goes back and forth between my home and my office. I have a slash pocket for calls that need to be made during business hours and things that can’t be dealt with on Sundays. What has really increased over the years, and if you listened to the previous episodes in this series, you have probably noticed the evolution of my Friday Workbox®. I have multiple Friday Workboxes® and pretty much always have. I used to have Friday Workboxes® set-up for different income streams. Now I have Friday Workboxes® for departments, teams and initiatives within Organize 365®. But the biggest shift in my life right now is the transition I just made to becoming a student again. This was a big decision for me. And as I was trying to make the decision to take this leap, I asked myself “what if?” What if I do get my PhD? How will I feel? What if I don’t do this? And I decided, definitively, that if I didn’t say yes to this at this point in my life I would be disappointed. I would still want it four years from now. And this is the time to do it. To jump in with both feet and go for my dream of becoming a PhD. So now I want to ask you, what if? What if you had the real Sunday Basket® with the playbook, the properly color coded slash pockets? What if you had access to the Sunday Basket® Club every Sunday as your accountability and success partner? What if you came to Planning Days with me and truly planned out your goals, assessed your routines and created a plan for your upcoming trimester? What if you took the courses inside The Productive Home Solution™ and learned to be organized while getting your entire home organized? What if everything in your home had a place and you had more time? What if you had a Friday Workbox® and Friday Workbox® Planning Day to help structure your work and deliver on your projects with ease? What if you knew what you were uniquely created to do? Keep moving forward and keep making progress and thinking about what is possible. I can’t wait to continue this series in five years. I’m excited about what’s to come for me and Organize 365®! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Friday Workbox® Portable Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution™ Home Planning Day Work Planning Day Embrace - Discover what you are uniquely created to do. Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/3/2023 • 46 minutes
Emily Kelly: How Do You Know What You Are Uniquely Created To Do? - Part 3
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! Listen in as Emily and I come back together for the final episode of our podcast series. The things we are talking about we regularly talk about privately, but we feel that what we are sharing is meant for more than just ourselves. People really don’t talk about this: how you stay organized at home, how you survive hard things, how you transition through unexpected events. I am such a forward motion focused person, I’m always thinking about what is next. And this is what excites me and lights me up. We talk about what you are uniquely created to do. It is not necessarily ONE thing, it is always evolving, changing, and growing. The Organize 365® mission is to help you get organized so that you have more time so you can do what you are uniquely created to do. My only goal is to show you the invisible work that you’re doing and you can decide if you want to continue doing it or not, organize it, habitualize it, or declutter it, so that you can get time to do what you are uniquely created to do. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® Victim’s Assistance in Akron I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
3/1/2023 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 58 seconds
Pursuing a PhD 5: Organizing Paper Citations By Color
During week 4, we talked about how I think in color and how it helps me to learn things faster. When focusing on learning something new, being able to chunk the information into at least 4 color categories as I am learning is really helpful. I’ve learned how to add colors into writing my papers to help me remember which journals I am citing, which information is mine, and which information is from different authors. As I am going through this PhD podcast, I hope that learning how you organize in one phase of life can inform and help you in the next phase of life. EPISODE RESOURCES: Follow my journey on Instagram - Check out the PhD Highlight Button Zotero Organize 365® Research Podcast Organize 365® Research Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/27/2023 • 11 minutes, 1 second
524 - Lisa's Organization Story 2017
Are you ready for the positive, productive and proactive Lisa to make her debut? Welcome to 2017! In this podcast, we explore the paradigm of personal and professional growth. By 2017, I was running my in-home professional organizing business. It was BOOMING. But I had this gut feeling that it wasn’t what I was supposed to be doing. I was noticing that a lot of the women I was organizing were diagnosed or self-diagnosed with ADHD. I enjoyed what I was doing so much that I wanted to reach more people. I wanted to make a strategic pivot in my business so I could have a larger impact. During this period of my life, my Friday Workbox® took center stage. I went to an office supply store to get more slash pockets and found that they were no longer offering packs of solid colors - only the multi-colored packs. That’s when I realized that I needed to manufacture these slash pockets and bring this all together so people could master these systems and save time. Talking through my ideas with my mom helped me think even beyond just manufacturing the slash pockets. She had me walk her through exactly how I would create a Sunday Basket® or Friday Workbox® if I were to create my own. And then she got to work with her sewing machine and the first Sunday Basket® prototype was born. Looking back, it was such an exciting time of growth for me - both personally and professionally. I knew I needed to become a different kind of company (beyond in-home professional organizing). I needed a team. For the first time ever I was starting to trust my own intuition as a business owner. This is when I started to make the leap into the business owner and CEO you see today. I hired my first coach. I needed to invest in myself to grow as a business owner. I knew that the cap to my business growth was me. I had to (and still do) grow for my business to grow. All those things that I did gave me the investment in myself that I needed to understand my worth and grow into the role I wanted for myself. It’s okay for not every single thing I do in my business to be direct income generating. I wanted to create systems and processes that anyone in the world could get a Sunday Basket® to save 5 hours per week to use for The Productive Home Solution™ to unlock their time for what they were uniquely created to do. And that’s what I’ve done. All of these organizing solutions and courses are available to you today because 2017 Lisa had a bigger vision for herself and for YOU! How do you want to change your future? Learning to be organized can get you there. The time I spent as a professional organizer was what helped me create the courses we now offer at Organize 365®. I saw how much organization had a larger impact on people’s ability to achieve results. I share stories of this in this episode. What impact could living an organized life have on you? EPISODE RESOURCES: FREE Sunday Basket® Mini Course The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® The Productive Home Solution™ 1.0 Slash Pockets 2.0 Slash Pockets Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/24/2023 • 56 minutes, 1 second
Emily Kelly: Organization During Multiple Transitions - Part 2
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! I’m excited to welcome back my sister, Emily Kelly, to the podcast for part 2 of 3 in this series. This has been much anticipated by the Organize 365® community and I was waiting for the perfect time for her to tell her story. In part one of this podcast series, Emily Kelly shares her experience for the last year. Today she is sharing how she has organized her personal and work life during this time. Listen to Emily as she describes how she is using her Sunday Basket®, Friday Workbox®, and her slash pockets to sync her bills, goals, and her calendar. Emily and I share what we looked like before slash pockets and binders while working together to settle our Dad’s estate. I share my CliffsNotes™ on how we handled this important time in our lives. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® Athena International I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/22/2023 • 54 minutes, 9 seconds
Pursuing a PhD 4: Organizing Lecture Notes By Color
The way I see the world in color is helping me organize my PhD studies and the work I am doing in school. Being able to use color allows me to chunk the information I am learning and help me remember it better. Pink: For home it is anything related to your uniqueness and for work it is your ideas and marketing. Purple: For home it is anything related to household work and projects and for work it is the visible work and projects. Blue: For home it is anything related to your family and pets and for work it is your team and people. Green: For home and work it is anything related to money and your invisible work. I was able to learn how to do a literature review, how to do an annotated bibliography, and how to write a proposal for a conference using color for each of these key components. Whenever we talk about introductions it will be pink, whenever we talk about methods it will be blue, and whenever we talk about results it will be purple. EPISODE RESOURCES: Follow my journey on Instagram - Check out the PhD Highlight Button Organize 365® Research Podcast Organize 365® Research Organize 365® Business Friday Workbox® Organize 365® Sunday Basket® Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/20/2023 • 11 minutes, 45 seconds
523 - Lisa's Organization Story 2012
When we left off in the previous episode, I was in the pit of despair. I wish I could say I was out of it by 2012. Spoiler alert - not quite. But 2012 is when a monumental shift began to happen. I was 39 years old by this point. I quit my job. Our family was sinking into debt. Our kids medical needs were still high. I didn’t even recognize my own house (it was a wreck). And my marriage was feeling the strain. My inherent organization ability had gotten me this far in life but now everything I knew about organization was not enough. I didn’t have a playbook or framework for being the person I needed to be - hosting the holidays, having kids with busy schedules (and going to two different schools), and all the other positions I found myself filling. Which leads me to explore how we become disorganized. I think part of it is that we get to a point in our lives where we no longer have a story we are working towards. This episode is really important because when you find Organize 365®, you're likely a pretty organized person and looking for more tips and tricks to be even more productive. But more of us stumble across Organize 365® when they realize “I can no longer continue this way for the rest of my life, there has to be another way.” And the good news is that if you have had this thought - there is another way. Change can be uncomfortable. But it is through this discomfort that you transform. I’ve seen it time and time again in the Organize 365® community. What you may not be expecting is that when you need to learn the skill of organization the most is usually at a point in your life where you don’t have the time and money to do so. But by not budgeting the resources to get organized, you won’t be able to easily get out of re-living the same story you are trying to get out of. This is where I found myself in 2012. I was in the wrong story. Tune in and find out how I began to turn it around in 2012. Also in this episode: The Friday Workbox® takes center stage Tips and Rules for Organizing Passion Projects & Hobbies Want to hear more about my 2012 story and my 5 tips for organizing with depression? Listen to this podcast. What is the organized story of me going forward? Stay tuned next week to find out! What is the organized story of you? EPISODE RESOURCES: FREE Sunday Basket® Mini Course Organization is a Learnable Skill The Friday Workbox® The Sunday Basket® Saving Your Story Photo Organization Program Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/17/2023 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 58 seconds
Emily Kelly: What Happened With the Dream Job - Part 1
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! I’m excited to welcome back my sister, Emily Kelly, to the podcast. This has been much anticipated by the Organize 365® community. And I was waiting for the perfect time for her to tell her story. Emily Kelly worked for Organize 365® for about 5 years. When I last interviewed her on the podcast, she was embarking on a new adventure. She had found, what she believed to be, her DREAM JOB. This is a three part series where we are going to get all the details on Emily’s journey since she left Organize 365®, but you are also going to get an in depth look at the relationship between Emily and me. Sibling relationships are unique because this is likely the longest relationship you will have in your life. Longer than your parents, your spouse, your children and your friends. You and your sibling(s) are in a unique position and have experienced things together that will forever just be an experience shared between you and them. Emily experienced some very unexpected life events. And one of the lessons that she had learned during her time at Organize 365® kept her going in the right direction. Grace. Give it freely. To yourself and others. Flash forward to today and we find Emily, a new version of herself, ready to share the broken road that led her to exactly where she needs to be. But you will hear more about that in Part 3. EPISODE RESOURCES: Jesus Calling Book The Sunday Basket® I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/15/2023 • 52 minutes, 52 seconds
Pursuing a PhD 3: I Do Not Have 186 Hours - Week 3
Starting the PhD, I was as planned as you could possibly be. I even took care of all the possible health visits I could have before starting school just so I didn’t have to take away any time to do that once I started; now that is planning! This journey is not easy, but I prefer to be positive and upbeat, not sharing everything that’s not working. I don’t pay attention to the things that I don’t have control over, but I am going to tell you the things that have gone wrong in the first 3 weeks just so I can point back to this episode and be like, “remember week 3”, not everything is perfect. In preparing, I began by pretending, since I’m a pretty productive person, I could add in this extra 30 hours of work and nothing else would really be sacrificed. That’s not a thing because there aren’t 186 hours in a week, there are only 168 hours in a week. I’m hoping that the learnings that I take from this can be beneficial to you and whatever it is that you are adding to your plate and whatever you are striving to be as well. EPISODE RESOURCES: Follow my journey on Instagram - Check out the PhD Highlight Button Laura Vanderkam - 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think Oura Ring Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/13/2023 • 17 minutes, 12 seconds
522 - Lisa's Organization Story 2007
The year was 2007. And I was ROADKILL. Unexpected life events had run me over. Divorce had unexpectedly hit my family. My father was in poor health. I was raising young children with medical diagnosis. I had attended one HUNDRED and ten doctors appointments. I came unglued. I reached my breaking point. There I was standing in my kitchen. Not making sense. Tapping on a cabinet. Greg swooped in and got the kids out of the house. As I stood there pleading with myself, “You’ve got to get it together, Lisa!” I went upstairs to my room to figure out why I felt like I was falling apart. At the time, I had a physical planner. I flipped backwards through my planner and realized a pattern. I was spending so much time at doctor’s appointments. I started to tally it up and found that in the past year, I had gone to 110 doctor’s appointments. Doctor’s appointments are not only time consuming, but they are expensive. So at the same time, I had become a “jill of all trades.” I was running my Creative Memories business, cleaning houses, organizing, tutoring, working for Scholastic book fairs and several other direct sales related jobs. No wonder I was falling behind and apart. When it rains, it pours. My Sunday Basket® became my umbrella. I was overwhelmed. And I was being pushed to new limits. But I wasn’t disorganized. I cannot even imagine what this phase of my life would have looked like if I had not already had my Sunday Basket® system and routine in place. I was not home much at all during this phase of life, but I always had my Sunday Basket® with me. Which meant I was able to still be productive while waiting at the doctor’s office or in the car pick-up line. This helped me keep up when life started moving way too fast. EPISODE RESOURCES: Free Sunday Basket® 5 Day Mini Course The Sunday Basket® The Warrior MAMA Binder The Paper Solution® Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/10/2023 • 28 minutes, 56 seconds
Transformation with Maggie C
show notes
2/8/2023 • 53 minutes, 31 seconds
Coffee Chat - Introducing The Paper Solution Binder Bundle
I’m so excited to introduce you to The Paper Solution® Binder & Course Bundle. When I wrote the The Paper Solution® book, I knew I wanted to provide this offering. And we have finally been able to do it. The Paper Solution® provides a complete solution to the unseen but impactful organization that allows you to have confidence and peace of mind during life's unexpected events. Learning to become an organized person is both an outer and inner game. It doesn't always look perfect but it provides calm in the storm, order in the midst of chaos, breathing room and clarity for you to think and make a plan as life continually pivots. Life is a dance. A dance between the known and unknown. The necessary and unnecessary. How you want to spend your time and how you need to spend your time. Along the way we have different levels of organization. Often when we talk about getting organized, we talk about our storage room, closet, kitchen or car. Places we can see with our eyes. Mental organization and unexpected life event organization is often invisible. But oh so impactful when done properly. If you have experienced one of these events: Moved houses/apartments Gotten married Had a baby Experienced a medical event for yourself or loved one Lost a loved one The invisible work that goes into navigating these life events is very stressful, and organization is your life raft. The Organize 365® Binders were created out of all the unexpected events that I have lived through. I was looking for a solution. A solution to organize the invisible work I was doing and provide a playbook for what needed to be done. The Paper Solution® provides you with everything you need: The Medical Binder The Financial Binder The Household Operations Binder The Household Reference Binder Lifetime Access to The Paper Solution® Course Dashboard Which includes: Editable downloads, lessons for each binder, tips from Certified Organizers Organize 365® Virtual Paper Organizing Retreat on Demand Access to the Organize 365® Community App and The Paper Solution® Community Group Ready to learn more? Visit The Paper Solution® Course page.
2/7/2023 • 27 minutes, 41 seconds
Pursing a PhD 2: Setting Up Systems for Writing
There is a difference between perfectionism and setting up a system. My first writing assignment should have taken me just an hour or two but instead it took me eight hours. I shared my new adventure on Instagram stories and many of you told me to take a page from my own book and embrace progress over perfection. YES! I hear you but let me explain… I wasn’t trying to be perfect. I was trying to spend some time now to set-up my systems and create a template for myself to save me time in the future. Does this sound familiar to you? This is EXACTLY what organizing does. Organizing is an investment in time today for a future exponential return on time. EPISODE RESOURCES: Follow my journey on Instagram - Check out the PhD Highlight Button Organize 365® Research Podcast Organize 365® Research Zotero Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/6/2023 • 8 minutes, 53 seconds
521- Lisa's Organization Story 2002
This podcast is the first in a series of five that will walk you through different life phases and stages I’ve experienced, and how The Sunday Basket® has been my partner in productivity along the way! Join me in my time machine as we take a glimpse into what my life looked like in 2002 and how The Sunday Basket® was created to support me during this phase of life. In 2002, I had two babies, a successful career in direct sales, the same house I still live in today and of course, Greg! I also had a paper pile problem. And everyday I was playing “the paper pile game”. I would leave my ever-growing pile of papers (bills, mail, to-do lists, calls to make, checks to be deposited and everything in between) on one side of my kitchen island. Each day I would have the best of intentions to tackle that paper pile; but often I would have just enough time to shuffle the papers around before one of the babies needed me and then right back on the counter it would go. That process was repeated day in and day out. How could I make this paper pile more actionable? One night as my family slept, I finally laid out all the papers in front of me. I began to sort the paper piles into categories. By the end of that evening, I had 40 separate “piles” that were now categorized. The next day I was able to grab just one of those categories (I had separated them all into binder dividers I had on hand) and take immediate action. Oh my goodness! What a profound impact this had on me. It felt so good to finally be taking action and little by little I watched the paper pile shrink. I put all the binder dividers in a Longaberger basket (remember those?) and I began to add any new mail, paper, notes, to-dos, etc. into the basket. Then each Sunday, I would sit down and go through it. This is where I learned how to prioritize things that needed to be done before the next Sunday and plan my week ahead as a mother and direct sales leader. The impact of breaking down my paper piles into actionable chunks was HUGE. This is how The Sunday Basket® was born! Want to have your own The Sunday Basket® experience like I did? We have a FREE 5 Day Sunday Basket® Mini Course that you can join now. This course will walk you through gathering your paper piles and how to sort them in 5 daily tasks. Join me next episode as my journey takes a stark turn from babies and bliss to chaotic and unexpected. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Mini Course The Sunday Basket® Organize 365® Paper Organizing Retreat See photos from 2002 on Instagram Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/3/2023 • 38 minutes, 15 seconds
Transformation with Laura L
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! Today I’m so excited to introduce you to Laura L. During the pandemic she found me via the Organize 365 podcast. Laura started her Organize 365® journey with The Sunday Basket® and the binders. She also created binders for her parents. The day she got the MS diagnosis, the Medical Binder and the Sunday Basket® became monumental to her daily success. Laura got into the habit of taking her Medical Binder with her to doctor’s appointments. She loves having everything at her fingertips. She has noticed that she gets a poor cellular signal in the medical buildings; so it’s nice to have the paper copy to reference. Laura was already a fan of all things Organize 365®; but she felt compelled to share her success story with others. Laura launched her business and is The Paper Solution® Certified. She is thankful for the peace of mind that comes from the organization offered by the Sunday Basket®. Recently at her daughter’s wedding the portable Sunday Basket® was called “The Bag with All the Nuclear Codes.” She was organized and had all the information with her in her portable Sunday Basket ®. Then again the very next day it held the information needed for her mother because she had a doctor’s appointment to take her to. Her advice if you are just getting started: “Just carve out the time to do it!” EPISODE RESOURCES: The Paper Solution® Binders Paper Organizing Retreats The Sunday Basket® The Organize 365® Medical Binder The Friday Workbox® The Portable Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® Certification I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/1/2023 • 27 minutes, 23 seconds
Pursuing a PhD 1: Over Prepared
Episode 1 - Over Prepared Even though I am the CEO of Organize 365® I am not exempt from life events that can throw a person off track. I only got a 48 hour honeymoon phase of balancing life, work and school until life showed up! But we are in it now - I’m juggling home and school and family! As I pondered the week I have concluded to only try to be seven days ahead, not four years! I was so over prepared I didn’t know what to do with myself and then it dawned on me that I could work ahead. I learned I could even test ahead if I’m prepared. And I just may do that because who knows when life is going to show up again! Listen in to hear how my family has handled the transition! Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/30/2023 • 8 minutes, 19 seconds
520 - Tax Organization & Deductions
I am not a CPA and neither am I on my way to becoming one…but I have learned so much about how to get organized for optimal results when it comes to doing or getting your taxes done. And I’d love to share some ideas on how to organize the paperwork you need for your taxes and make the tax season easier for you. Whether you do your taxes yourself or have someone do them for you - it is in your best interest to have organized documentation. Documentation is key! The Organize 365® Income and Expense Binder holds all your substantiating documentation for your business. Did you know you need 7 years of substantiating documentation? Now there is a way to effortlessly keep track of everything. This binder will give you peace of mind at tax time. EPISODE RESOURCES: Free Organize 365® Tax Organizer Worksheet Organize 365® Income and Expense Binder Green Slash Pockets Mimi’s Cookie Recipe (as mentioned in the mailbag) Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/27/2023 • 32 minutes, 33 seconds
Transformation with Rosa E.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share their challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! I have spoken about life events and how they derail us from time to time. Rosa E. came to the paper workshop and was energized to get her home organized. Little did she know that shortly thereafter her mother would be moving in with her permanently. A life event was about to derail her. Now that her mother has moved in, her family is finding a new normal. I offered some ways she could spend some special and intentional time with her mother. I speculate that this model of multigenerational homes may become popular due to the economy and all the demands on two parents in the workforce. I also shared how this works in my house with Abby and Grayson living there. Each family’s space is considered mini condos or apartments. And I teach this starting in the Organize 365® Kids Program. It’s easier to divide common spaces up and identify personal spaces. Everyone needs a “safe space” to decompress and do what they want to do without answering to anyone. I also pointed out that we all like the Sunday Basket® because it speaks to us, we’re all just 12 year olds at heart. And now she’s implementing a Sunday Basket® for her mother too. To top it all off, Rosa is also starting a new career. She’s home organizing and The Paper Solution® Certified. She has been using the Friday Workbox® as her partner in success as she’s starting her business. She attributes the Friday Workbox® to helping her schedule her week, think ahead to marketing and networking, and grow her organizational business in Arizona. EPISODE RESOURCES: Organize 365® Paper Organizing Retreats The Paper Solution® Certification The Business Friday Workbox® The Sunday Basket® I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/25/2023 • 39 minutes, 59 seconds
519 - Organizing my PhD journey Part 1
I just experienced a Golden Window and I want to share with you how I got organized to embark on my back-to-school journey! When I shared with you all that I’m going back to school to earn a PhD, I got a lot of suggestions. So many amazing suggestions that I literally started a pink slash pocket so I wouldn’t lose any of these valuable ideas. And, of course, I want to share everything with you. Here’s why - this journey is super helpful if you are also going back to school (whether you’re working towards a PhD or a different degree). And it’s also helpful to apply my journey and my experiences to any and all of life’s changes. The type of organizing I’m doing to get ready for my PhD experience is no different than the type of organizing and preparation I would recommend for any life change or transition - having a baby, moving, starting a new job, getting ready to retire, getting ready to welcome grandchildren. When you are getting ready to make a change (especially one that will impact your daily schedules and routines) it’s important to look around your home and at your organizational systems to make them as functional, organized and efficient as possible for what life is going to look like for the foreseeable future. This is a whole new life transition. Remember recently when I explained the difference between Ready…Set…Go? I have completed all household projects, put systems in place, reorganized my schedule, and I am in “Go” mode. This has been a major transition for me and I really evaluated how I spend my time, my habits, my routines, and looked for 30 hours I could devote to my post-baccalaureate first, and then my PhD. I will be taking you all on this journey with me. I could not be more excited and in four short years I will have earned my General PhD in Psychology from Fielding University! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® Happy Doc Student Podcast How to PhD Podcast The PhD Life Raft Podcast PhD Pending A PhD Rollercoaster: A Diary of Ups and Downs of Being a Doctoral Student Stay connected with me and see behind the scenes on Instagram. Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/20/2023 • 45 minutes, 23 seconds
Transformation with Kristen K.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share their challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! Kristen K. had a demanding full time job and a demanding two year old. When she “broke”, she found herself searching for productivity podcasts. Lucky me, Organize 365® came up and Kristen was listening so she could gain control over her boxes of mail. Kristen was taking vacation days just to address these boxes of mail; and she knew there had to be a more productive way. Paper can easily get the better of anyone. After listening to multiple episodes, she knew the next step was the Sunday Basket. You guys, she still has her original Sunday Basket and uses it faithfully! She’s even gone further to become a certified organizer so she can help others. She knows the struggle and doesn’t want others to go through the same struggle. Kristen made an interesting side comment during this episode. She said, “I mean I had to do it, I knew my husband wasn’t going to help.” Too often we think our family is going to join us in this organization endeavor. No, they may not - and that’s ok. You have to go into it knowing this is a “you” thing. We also discussed productivity vs. priority! Being productive is NOT prioritizing your tasks. Pick your priority, and that priority is ONE. You can prioritize ONE section of your life or ONE room in your house. We go over all the ins and outs of this topic in the episode. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution™ The Paper Solution® Certification I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/18/2023 • 42 minutes, 11 seconds
518 - The Lisa Glossary Part 13: Defining Executive Functions in the Home & ADHD
Is it possible? Can you put enough systems in place to correct or manage ADHD? After diving into ADHD and running all the tests, the ADHD expert was convinced I did not have ADHD. However, when we took a deeper dive into my childhood and who I was before Organize 365®; it was a clear picture of a person with ADHD. The expert explained that all the systems I have put in place, combined with hiring out the tasks that I struggle with…I have masked the fact that I have ADHD! I didn’t always believe in an ADHD diagnosis. When I was young and thought I knew everything, I was convinced children just needed a little more discipline and manners. Some children just had a lot of energy is how I explained it. But then I had one student who put me in my place. I thought it was crazy for mom and dad to try medication for the little girl during the VERY last week of school. But much to my surprise; she was a very bright student and the medication helped ADHD get out of her way! I realized I knew nothing about anything. Isn’t it funny how the more you know, the more you realize that you know very little? Once we adopted children, I loved to play preschool with them. It wasn’t until a routine doctor visit that it was brought to my attention that I would be raising a child with ADHD. At this point, I craved information to help my children to succeed. I was lucky enough to attend seminars in Cincinnati with all the best doctors and learn about ADHD! Now I’m embarking on my PhD journey, where I’ll be focusing on the brain and the eight executive functions. That’s right! I’m a lifelong learner and am confident that I have the systems in place that I need to be organized and succeed. It has come full circle – and I’m here to share it with all of you! EPISODE RESOURCES: ADHD Podcast Playlist ADHD Resources Page ADHD Online Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
1/13/2023 • 23 minutes, 27 seconds
481 - The Lisa Glossary Part 12: Swiss Cheese Organizing - Organize 365® Research Findings
What does it mean to be organized? How do you know when you’re done organizing? No one has ever officially defined "organized." I decided I would define it. We started by conducting academic-level research using our surveys. You can read more about Organize 365® Research and the finding on our Research page. For most Americans, organization happens as Swiss cheese organizing. You’re a little organized here and a little organized there. You can’t confidently say, “I AM organized,” because you think that being organized means perfection while not being organized is hoarding. You don’t have language for what happens in the middle of these two! We need to consider the idea of done rather than perfect. In this episode, I share many statistics and findings from our research, which is all leading us to change the way we present and teach the material in The Productive Home Solution™. If you just get through the first 42 days of the 100 Day Home Organization Program, you will have 80% of the spaces you use on a daily basis organized. You CAN call yourself organized. But many of you don’t FEEL organized. It doesn’t fully check off any single category of organizing as complete for you. It just marks a couple more spaces in your Swiss cheese organizing. I want to see you get to the point where you can say that you are personally organized or storage organized or paper organized, etc. You get to pick and choose which areas you want to tackle and master and declare organized in your life. Coming in the fall in The Productive Home Solution™, you will be able to pick an area, focus on it for 5 or 6 weeks, and then declare that area of your life organized. You’ll work in baby steps to mark a full area as done so you can move on to the next area you want to organize. But what does it mean to be organized? Both men and women declare their home organized when… You’ll have to listen in to find out the answer! Learn more about and join The Productive Home Solution™ here. This episode is a part of the Organize 365® Glossary Playlist. Listen to other episodes on the Glossary Playlist here.
1/12/2023 • 40 minutes, 56 seconds
468 - The Lisa Glossary Part 11: Organize 365® Research
For 2022, we are adding to the Lisa glossary. This week, we are talking about the Organize 365® Research projects. No matter when you begin your transformational journey (or when you need to reset or restart), this information will be here as a reference for you. Listen in as I teach you about the ideas and beliefs that are at the core of everything I teach and how I approach organizing. Several years ago, as I was writing the Organize 365® vision, I knew that I wanted to conduct research to bring to light the organizational needs of Americans. I want to be the go-to resource for knowledge about home and paper organization. I legitimately had no idea how to do research surveys and data analysis. Recently, I have been learning about the difference between market research and academic research. Organize 365® is now sponsoring academic-level study and third-party data collection backed by Harrisburg University. Research always starts with a hypothesis — what you think the result will be. I wanted research results that showed that women are doing the majority of the work at home. But, that’s now what we found. We have started to share our initial research findings. As I learn more about research, we really end up with more questions. One of the steps in research is to define every term used in study surveys. For example, you cannot ask a participant about “mental health” because that term is too broad and open to interpretation. However, you can ask about anxiety or depression. When we developed the first survey, I needed to figure out how to define “housework.” The research questions ended up focusing on four different types of housework. Cleaning - Cleaning is related to the dwelling and covers any task a cleaning company would do. Learn more back in Podcast 422. Tasks of Daily Living - These are tasks related to the person regardless of where they live. These are the tasks defined by Social Security Disability and include things like preparing food, consuming food, running errands, planning meals, and washing laundry. Learn more back in Podcast 424. Maintenance - is an optional housework activity where the property owner makes an additional infusion of money into their investment (property) to maintain and improve their property. In the long run, maintenance expenses increase the value of the initial investment. Learn more back in Podcast 428. Organizing - is an optional housework activity where a person makes an investment of current time for a future return of time. This is completely optional and customizable. Time spent today organizing results in an exponential time in the future. Often this involves setting up systems of organization and can be applied to renters and owners. Learn more back in Podcast 426. Literature Review As part of academic research, researchers look at other studies done on similar topics. The Organize 365® review looked at the role of women in the 21st century home. As I mentioned above, I thought women were doing all of the housework. It turns out that everyone thinks they are doing the majority of the work at home. There is so much work to be done. Defining housework and recognizing these four areas makes housework feel overwhelming and never-ending. As women become more effective at articulating their role in housework, families will be able to better understand how much work is being done and proactively decide if the work should continue to be done at all. Our next study survey has been completed and we are busy analyzing the results. Learn more back in Podcast 430. #myextra5 The Sunday Basket® consistently saves people at least five hours a week by getting organized and being proactive. Through organization, you get extra time, and we all need more time. Follow or tag Organize365® on Instagram and share how you are spending your extra time once you get organized! — #myextra5 This episode is a part of the Organize 365® Glossary Playlist. Listen to other episodes on the Glossary Playlist here.
1/11/2023 • 42 minutes, 27 seconds
467 - The Lisa Glossary Part 10: Organize 365® Binders
For 2022, we are adding to the Lisa glossary. This week, we are talking about ditching the file cabinet and establishing essential household binders. I also want to be your teacher to help you get your home and work paper organized and functional. No matter when you begin your transformational journey (or when you need to reset or restart), this information will be here as a reference for you. Listen in as I teach you about the ideas and beliefs that are at the core of everything I teach and how I approach organizing. As a professional organizer, I used to teach people how to build (and hopefully maintain) a color-coded file cabinet at home. But, in 2017, I had a sickening revelation that what I was teaching was not working. In a short time, I heard from two audience members who needed to emergently evacuate. No matter how organized their files were, their paper was not portable. I am a functional organizer, and I learned that our paper needs to be portable and limited to a reasonable amount of space. It was time to ditch the file cabinets and organize reference papers into essential household binders. File cabinets are typically not well-maintained and they are certainly not portable. America needs a better solution for reference paperwork. After some ongoing analysis, I realized that household paper generally fits into four categories. I look at my own life experience caring for my ill father and settling his estate. I look at my life as a homeowner. I thought about all of the information it took to keep my household organized and my family functioning. There were no ready-made systems for being a caregiver and executor when my father passed away. I have worked with the members of the team who have gone through similar life challenges to try and make our binders as broad and effective as possible. But, because they are binders, they can also be adapted to handle any life situation you encounter. I created a reference binder for each of the four areas of essential household paperwork. Tax forms and kid's memories live outside of this system, but everything else that needs to be saved can typically be fit into one of the four essential binders. The Four Essential Household Binders Organize 365® sells physical binders to help with your household paper organization. The contents for each binder are also detailed in The Paper Solution book. However, our physical binders have multiple pages of worksheets that help get the information from the many places it lives organized into one location. Setting up the binders will make your life more organized and easier. But, it is also a gift for your family. If anyone else ever needs to take over any portion of your #adulting, they will have what they need at their fingertips. Financial Organizing Binder This binder details your current and future financial information. It includes retirement accounts, vehicles, insurance, home inventory, estate planning, and funeral plans. This binder was originally designed for someone to be able to take over your financial life and close your estate. It can help with tracking bills, setting a house, or cancelling a lease. I estimate that in order to have a comprehensive financial binder, you will get 30% from your file cabinet, 30-40% digital information, and 30-40% in your memory or on random papers in your home. Medical Reference Binder This binder is designed to be used mainly by a caregiver. You can set one up if you are caring for someone else, or you can set one up to make it easier for a friend or family member to care for you. Although medical records are electronic, they are siloed in each medical practice. Many of the software systems do not effectively share information. Pharmacy, doctors, dentists, specialists, and insurance companies all have their own record systems in America. I estimate that 5-10% of this information lives in your file cabinet right now. 40-50% is online in some kind of medical record system. The other 40-55% is not recorded anywhere (yet!). Your medical binder is also a perfect place to keep a list of questions for your next appointment, write down observations, record behavior changes, and communicate with other caregivers. This binder has a comprehensive workbook that includes a health history, childhood milestone tracker, symptom recorder, and place to record what you have already attempted. Life is short and the unexpected happens. We will either need caregivers or be caregivers. Having a portable, concise medical reference binder will help you to get the best care. Household Reference Binder This binder is the one I use most frequently. It is designed for people who are homeowners but can be used if you rent too. This binder is designed to have all the reference information you would keep organized if your house was a person. If you were selling your house tomorrow, you could hand over the binder to the new owners. The binder contains home improvement information, paint colors, appliance information, and landscaping details. Typically, 80% of the contents of this binder are already in your file cabinet. Manuals, make and model numbers, serial numbers, and similar information can be stored in the binder. I also recommend keeping receipts for purchases here too so you know when it was purchased and how much it cost. Household Operations The Household Operations binder is all of the paperwork and information you need to run your household. No matter what kind of dwelling you have, you need a place to track meal planning, cleaning schedules, events, holidays, vacations, and pet information. As a teacher, I think of this binder as my lesson plan book for my family. Why binders? Papers that live in your file cabinet are not enough for someone to come in and manage your life. Some of the information on the pages in the binder lives in your computer, in your head, and in physical places like your wallet. File cabinets are not portable. Most of our emergencies involve leaving the house. We evacuate or lose our homes to a fire or flood. Someone gets hospitalized and we need the paperwork available for the healthcare team. In true emergency situations, it is rare to need reference papers at home. Usually, you need them where you need to go. Papers need to be taken to the family member, a doctor, a lawyer, or a school meeting. File cabinets hold far more information and physical paper than most of us can effectively manage. When I helped professional organization clients clean out their paperwork, most can declutter at least 80%. What about tax paperwork? Keep it in a file cabinet or file box. These items are bulky and rarely referenced. In a true emergency, you could replace them. What about kid-related papers? Kid’s School Memory Binder Kids enjoy their own memories most when they are young and can see their own growth and progress. When your kids are in the midst of their accumulation phase or survival phase of life, they probably will not have time to sit down and look through their old math tests and spelling lists. But, when your kids are young, you might be amazed at how much joy they get from looking at their artwork, stories, and projects. They will sit down with their binders and tell stories about school that you might not otherwise get to hear. Have your kids help to make their own memory binder and then use them. Sit down together and see what they have to say about certificates, awards, and their own creations. Warrior Mama Binder For kids who have an IEP or 504, we have the Warrior Mama binder. This is a combination of medical and educational information that will help you to keep your child’s paperwork organized and help you to advocate for his or her best education. Walk Softly and Carry a Big Binder My children are adopted and both needed additional support in their educational journey. I found that when I was going to advocate for my kids, I needed the medical and educational papers together for both doctor’s appointments and school meetings. I needed medical tests, health records, and learning assessments all in one place. Your binder will hold essential details and can cut down on the time you need to spend to get your support professionals up to speed. This gives you more effective time during appointments. In my own experience, having paper documentation raises your expertise level with professionals and gives you immediate credibility. Why Not Digital? In all the times I have advocated for the people I love, paper has worked best. No one has ever asked me for a digital file. Often, systems are incompatible with one another. Records from the doctor are not easily accessible by the school record-keeping system. Paper is immediate. Sending a digital file after a meeting has not gotten the same results as passing around a physical paper during a meeting when all of the decision-makers are gathered together. This episode is a part of the Organize 365® Glossary Playlist. Listen to other episodes on the Glossary Playlist here.
1/10/2023 • 38 minutes, 41 seconds
466 - The Lisa Glossary Part 9: The Paper Solution
For 2022, we are adding to the Lisa glossary. This week, we are talking about The Paper Solution. In 2020, I published a book called The Paper Solution. I also want to be your teacher to help you get your home and work paper organized and functional. No matter when you begin your transformational journey (or when you need to reset or restart), this information will be here as a reference for you. Listen in as I teach you about the ideas and beliefs that are at the core of everything I teach and how I approach organizing. Paper is my thing. I love writing on paper, I love organizing paper, I love everything about paper. But, as a professional organizer, I realized there is very little information available about how to organize paper, the categories of paper we deal with in our lives, and how to actually use paper in everyday life. Less Paper, not Paperless. Although we have been promised a “paperless” society, the reality is that the US is a paper-based society. We are able to handle more things digitally than ever before, but we still need physical paper for many things in life. In America, our vaccine cards, birth certificates, vehicle titles, and medical records are all physical paper. Other parts of the world have digital systems for these things, but because of the uniqueness of our government and our focus on freedoms, we do not have universal, digital records for these things. In my own life, physical paper has saved me over and over. Paper means that I can avoid expensive professional fees, and it gives me authority with lawyers, doctors, and school principles. In America, paper is the way I (and you) can substantiate claims and provide proof of what you know. Paper is useful in settling estates, advocating for children during IEP meetings, and for communicating vital health information during a medical emergency. The Paper Solution The Sunday Basket® is the foundation of an organized home. The Sunday Basket® starts as a physical basket that holds actionable papers. But, really, it is so much more. It is a weekly habit of processing and looking proactively at the upcoming week that keeps the household running more smoothly. In 2020, I published The Paper Solution as a physical book. It is written to change your mindset about papers, and to give you the practical tools to get your household papers organized. The Big Purge As a professional organizer working in people’s homes, I saw over and over that file cabinets allow us to save much more paper than we ever in. Surprisingly, most Americans can get rid of 80% of their filed papers and will never need them again. You can declutter your papers in as little as 15 minutes a day. Take a few file folders out and review them. Make piles for papers to recycle, shred, and save. Put the “save” papers back in the file cabinet. If you have ever taken care of a loved one’s papers, you know how vital it is to have important papers organized and easy to find. Take care of the people you love by clearing out all the old papers that no longer need to be stored or saved. Types of Paper - Actionable and Reference Of the papers that should be kept, there are two main categories. Actionable papers are papers that require you to take some action — bills to pay, grocery lists to buy, or a note to book that vacation hotel. Reference papers are all of the other papers we save — bank account numbers, retirement statements, wedding cards, and love letters. These we may look at again sometime in the future, but they mostly need to be kept safe. Ditch the File Cabinet After years of helping people get their files color-coded and organized in a file cabinet, I had several clients who were facing emergency evacuations. The reality was that they did not have time to pull out important documents during their emergency. That is when I realized that our reference papers need to be portable and there must be a constraint on how much paper we keep. It’s not realistic to load up an entire file cabinet when trying to get away from a forest fire or a hurricane. For several years, I have been teaching people to ditch the file cabinet and replace it with several essential reference binders. (More on this in the next podcast). Certified Organizers America is going to need a team of trained professionals who understand the skill of organizing to teach it to others. The Organize 365® system offers different levels of assistance for learners depending on their personal needs. Certified Organizers are trained by Organize 365® to provide 1:1 or small group coaching, assistance, and support. I want you to have what you need to get organized and to be successful. We all need to have our paperwork organized. You can do it now, or you can do it after an emergency. It is a blessing to do it now — it is a gift to yourself and those who love you. Organize 365® offers The Paper Solution for any type of paper you have. Actionable, household, reference, or work. Learn more at! This episode is a part of the Organize 365® Glossary Playlist. Listen to other episodes on the Glossary Playlist here.
1/9/2023 • 36 minutes, 57 seconds
340 - The Lisa Glossary Part 8: Special Circumstances that Impact Your Organization
See the full blog post at This is part eight of a series sharing the Organize 365® Story. I want to talk with you about some special circumstances that impact your organizational journey. As always, I start with helping you to get the right mindset about home organization. I want to give you the ability to look at your life circumstances and understand the ways in which they are impacting your organization. Getting your thoughts and mindset ordered is vital to ordering your physical spaces. I want to share with you some life circumstances and talk about how they affect your thinking and your organizing work. This week, I want to share some special circumstances you may face in order to help the Organize 365® community to have a shared vocabulary and foundational language. No matter when you begin your transformational journey (or when you need to reset or restart), this information will be here as a reference for you. Listen in as I teach you about how I special circumstances and their impact on organization. These ideas are at the core of everything I teach and how I approach organizing and will help you take those first steps towards learning the skills of organization in order to progress along your transformational journey. See all eight parts of this series at This episode is a part of the Organize 365® Glossary Playlist. Listen to other episodes on the Glossary Playlist here.
1/8/2023 • 35 minutes, 49 seconds
339 - The Lisa Glossary Part 7: Redefining the Meaning of "Work"
See the show notes at This is part seven of a series sharing the Organize 365® Story. I want to talk with you about how you define "work." As always, I want to share my mindset and thinking with you. I also want to share how owning a home or running a household can also be your work. In this podcast, I also share many of the words I use surrounding the concept of work that help me to be more efficient, productive, and effective. This week, I want to share my perspectives on work to help the Organize 365® community to have a shared vocabulary and foundational language. No matter when you begin your transformational journey (or when you need to reset or restart), this information will be here as a reference for you. Listen in as I teach you about how I think about work. These ideas are at the core of everything I teach and how I approach organizing and will help you take those first steps towards learning the skills of organization. This episode is a part of the Organize 365® Glossary Playlist. Listen to other episodes on the Glossary Playlist here.
1/7/2023 • 51 minutes, 17 seconds
338 - The Lisa Glossary Part 6: Redefining How We Look at Time
See the blog post at This is part six of a series sharing the Organize 365® Story. I want to talk with you about how you look at time affects your organization and productivity. As always, I focus on helping you get the right mindset about how you spend your time. Time is the most abstract concept that will have the longest impact on how you spend the rest of your life. I want to share with you some of the ways you can change your mindset and how I think about time has changed over time and has helped me to grow in productivity. This week, I want to share my perspectives on time to help the Organize 365 community to have a shared vocabulary and foundational language. No matter when you begin your transformational journey (or when you need to reset or restart), this information will be here as a reference for you. Listen in as I teach you about how I think about time. These ideas are at the core of everything I teach and how I approach organizing and will help you take those first steps towards learning the skills of organization. This episode is a part of the Organize 365® Glossary Playlist. Listen to other episodes on the Glossary Playlist here.
1/6/2023 • 46 minutes, 8 seconds
337 - The Lisa Glossary Part 5: Home Organization Perspective
See the full blog post at: This is part five of a series sharing the Organize 365® Story. I want to talk with you about getting your home organized. As always, I start with helping you to get the right mindset about home organization. I want to give you the ability to figure out how to organize your home for yourself. Getting your thoughts and mindset ordered is much more effective than ordering your physical spaces. I want to share with you some of the ways you can change your mindset and the way you name the spaces in your home. This week, I want to share my home organization perspectives to help the Organize 365® community to have a shared vocabulary and foundational language. No matter when you begin your transformational journey (or when you need to reset or restart), this information will be here as a reference for you. Listen in as I teach you about how I think about how we get our homes organized. These ideas are at the core of everything I teach and how I approach organizing and will help you take those first steps towards learning the skills of organization. This episode is a part of the Organize 365® Glossary Playlist. Listen to other episodes on the Glossary Playlist here.
1/5/2023 • 33 minutes, 49 seconds
336 - The Lisa Glossary Part 4: Renaming Everyday Home Spaces for Modern Life
See the full blog post at: This is part four of a series sharing the Organize 365® Story. This week, I want to share how you rename the spaces in your home to make them more functional as part of your transformational journey to an organized life. I define and explain things like a hot mess room and a drink station. I share how the names you give different spaces in your home can dramatically affect how you think about them. This podcast and our new glossary will help the Organize 365® community to have a shared vocabulary and foundational language. No matter when you begin your transformational journey (or when you need to reset or restart), this information will be here as a reference for you. Listen in as I teach you about different ways I organize homes to make them functional. This episode is a part of the Organize 365® Glossary Playlist. Listen to other episodes on the Glossary Playlist here.
1/4/2023 • 36 minutes, 56 seconds
335 - The Lisa Glossary Part 3: From Overwhelm to a Plan
See the full blog post at: overwhelm-to-plan-organize-365-story-part3 This is part three of a series sharing the Organize 365® Story. This week, I want to talk with you about what happens as we move from one phase to the next. Typically, we get overwhelmed, feel like we are living in chaos, and struggle to have a plan. We struggle to keep pace with the new change while we are trying to learn a new level of organization, and the transition takes longer than we expect. As things get moving faster and you begin to feel overwhelmed, the way to regain clarity and be able to adjust from being reactive to productivity is the Sunday Basket®. This week, I want to share the details of the Sunday Basket® to help the Organize 365® community to have a shared vocabulary and foundational language. No matter when you begin your transformational journey (or when you need to reset or restart), this information will be here as a reference for you. Listen in as I teach you about how I think about how we get our homes organized. These ideas are at the core of everything I teach and how I approach organizing and will help you take those first steps towards learning the skills of organization. This episode is a part of the Organize 365® Glossary Playlist. Listen to other episodes on the Glossary Playlist here.
1/3/2023 • 48 minutes, 6 seconds
334 - The Lisa Glossary Part 2: Discovering Cycles & Seasons of Organizing
Check out the blog post at This is part two of a series sharing the Organize 365® Story. This week, I want to share the cycles and seasons you will experience along your transformational journey to an organized life. This podcast and our new glossary will help the Organize 365® community to have a shared vocabulary and foundational language. No matter when you begin your transformational journey (or when you need to reset or restart), this information will be here as a reference for you. Listen in as I teach you about the cycles and seasons that influence your organizing journey and that are at the core of everything I teach and how I approach organizing. This episode is a part of the Organize 365® Glossary Playlist. Listen to other episodes on the Glossary Playlist here.
1/2/2023 • 38 minutes, 45 seconds
333 - The Lisa Glossary Part 1: Organizing Foundation
Check out the blog post and more details here: This week on the blog, I am starting a series sharing the foundation of Organize 365®. I share the five foundational principles that are the bedrock of everything I teach inside of Organize 365®. I want to ensure that we have a common vocabulary and you know what the foundational principles are. No matter when you being your transformational journey (or when you need to reset or restart), this information will be here as a reference for you. This episode is a part of the Organize 365® Glossary Playlist. Listen to other episodes on the Glossary Playlist here.
1/1/2023 • 36 minutes, 3 seconds
Bonus - Organization is for Me in 2023
Has your New Year’s energy kicked in yet? It’s time to capitalize on that energy! We know you have goals and we have the tools you need to get you there! One of the things that I have learned over the last decade is that life is work. There’s unpaid work at home and paid work at work and sometimes there’s unpaid work at work and sometimes there’s paid work at home. It’s all work. In order for me to be the best me I can be I need to plan for both the unpaid and the paid work that is my privilege and responsibility as a contributing member of society. We have heard from many of you that you are trying to decide or pick what your focus will be in 2023 and I say we should just have it all. An organized person unlocks their time, allowing them to pursue what they are uniquely created to do! The start of the new year feels like the turning of a page, a clean slate to make lasting organizational change in our lives - at home and at work. Organization is a learnable skill. One that will take you wherever you want to go. Follow your renewed energy that the new year brings and use it to maximize your progress! Half the battle in learning the skill of organization is deciding what to do next. The “Organization Is For ME 2023” Bundle can make those decisions for you. This bundle will assist you with getting organized and making consistent progress towards your goals at HOME and at WORK. Why can’t we have it all? Why can’t you be organized with your paid work and your unpaid (but oh so fulfilling) unpaid work? That’s why we’ve put together the Organization is for Me in 2023 Bundle - to help you do just that. You don’t have to choose between work and home. This bundle is going to give you the courses and tools you need to excel at both. In this bundle you’ll get The Productive Home Solution™ with Planning Day. As well as The Friday Workbox® system with the Goal Planner and Planning Day for your work. Imagine how amazing it will feel to unlock your time in 2023?! How it would feel to come home to an organized house and create a system and routine for managing your work, passion projects or business? This is your YEAR! Be all you can be with the Organization is for Me 2023 Bundle! Episode Resources: Watch the video Organization is for Me 2023 Bundle The Productive Home Solution™
12/31/2022 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 48 seconds
517 - Go!
Last week I shared with you that one of my weaknesses has been overcoming the fact that I usually "ready, fire, aim" as opposed to "ready, set, go." Learning to do the SET step in Ready, Set, Go has been my weakness. What I have found from nearly 11 years of working with the Organize 365® community is that GO is the area that tends to trip you up. Being able to GO - actually getting started or keep moving on your goals and overcome your self-limiting doubt - can paralyze us. I used to be where you are. I used to worry about what others would think of me. Will Greg (my husband) judge me? Can I meet or exceed my own goals? What if I can't do what I want to do? What if I can't live up to my own expectations? What if I invest time or money and fail? The what ifs would paralyze me and keep me from starting. It allowed me to stay stuck. Stuck in my reactive and negative life. I would start a cycle of getting ready and set but never going. Ready, Set, repeat. There was no risk with ready and set. I didn't have to step too far out on a limb or too far out of my comfort zone. Then one day I asked myself - what if everything happened for me? What if everything was easy? What if I did achieve these goals? What if I was able to achieve a bigger impact on my family, community and ultimately the world? And I ask you - What if I had never started Organize 365®? What if I stopped podcasting tomorrow because I worry about looking silly or foolish? What if all of the Organize 365® products went away and were no longer resources to you? How did that make you feel? I don't know what it is that you have to offer the world. I don't know what a more organized life with less stress and more time will do for your family, your community and your work - but I bet it is more than you even realize now. And ultimately the only way we will know is if you GO. If you actually get started. Stop holding onto that branch of self-limiting beliefs and negative what-ifs. It's time to take the next step in your organizing journey - it's time for you to go. What great timing! We are headed into a new year - clear out your house, clear out the cobwebs in your mind. Get ready, set, and let's GOOOOO. I believe in you. You can do this, you have what it takes, and the time is now. Please join me. We are going to do this together. If your goal is to reclaim your home and your time - I have the solution for you. The Productive Home Solution™ is a new way of thinking about your space and time! Half of the battle with anything we are ready and set to do is deciding what the next step is (and then the next step after that). Avoid decision fatigue and use The Productive Home Solution™ as your roadmap to guide you through the journey of getting organized. Organization will carry you through so many of your goals; and was the first step for me getting to where I am today. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Productive Home Solution™ Organize 365® Year End Bundle The Productive Home Solution™ Planning Day - December 31, 2022 Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/30/2022 • 28 minutes, 14 seconds
Bonus - The Kids Program Orientation
Today I will be giving you a full orientation on the Organize 365® Kids Program. Children want to be helpful. They love to learn and want to please adults! And in a perfect world, we would all have plenty of time to work together to keep a home clean and tidy. But we often don’t have the time or energy. Our time and patience gets consumed by after-school activities, homework, housework, and adult work. Teaching your children the skill of organization is an absolute must. These skills will serve them well while they're living in your household and, one day, their own. The Organize 365® Kids Program is your solution. This is your “get organized'' class for kids.” Taught directly to them by me! EPISODE RESOURCES: Download the Kids Program Syllabus Watch the video Get the Kids Program Get the Year End Bundle that includes The Productive Home Solution™ & The Kids Program
12/29/2022 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 25 seconds
The Process of Organizing your Storage Space with Michelle Paradice
Meet Michelle. She’s the voice behind the mailbag introductions on the podcast and the Customer Service Team lead here at Organize 365®. Michelle is SO loved by the Organize 365® team and customers! She got quite the surprise when I asked if I could come and organize her storage area and video it for The Productive Home Solution™! You guys…my home is already SO organized, including my storage area. I’ve already shown everyone in The Productive Home Solution™ my storage area too many times. It was time for me to tackle someone else’s storage room. The progress we made in ONE DAY may seem unbelievable; but it is all very doable when you know the order of the tasks you need to complete to get organized! Michelle picked me up at the airport and we got to work. Thank goodness we had a dumpster. We started by focusing on what could go in that dumpster. We were able to tackle a tucked away storage area with old shelving and her garage. Michelle, who described the experience as “humbling”, almost had us pass on that tucked away storage area. But looking back, that was the most rewarding space to get organized. We really forced Michelle to focus on what we could get rid of first by repeatedly saying “You have the dumpster, we are here, what can go?”. Then we focused on cleaning and reloading the storage area by zones. Michelle said it felt like a 40 year old weight had been lifted off her shoulders at the end of the day. Her mom (who also lives in the home) was so pleased at what we accomplished in one day. When you listen to this episode, I want you to be inspired and know that you too can learn how to get an organized storage area and then go do it. Once you have it organized properly, it should stay organized for a very long time…if not forever. EPISODE RESOURCES: Limited Time - watch the video of Lisa Organizing Michelle’s Storage Room (only available through 12/31/22). Shelving Units Bins The Productive Home Solution™ Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/28/2022 • 57 minutes, 54 seconds
End of the Year Business Tax Prep & 2023 Certification Dates
Wow, a lot can happen in a year! As you reflect on this year, go over your planner, see how much you did, what new things you tried, and how much you have grown and changed! Let’s talk about how you want to grow in your business, in your unique gifting and in the impact you can have on others. Imagine if you could help them to get results faster? As you think about 2023 I want you to consider helping your clients even more than you do already! Listen in to hear about The Paper Solution® Certification. If this is something that has been on your mind or in your heart to do next year - schedule a call with Monique Horb ([email protected]) to learn more! EPISODE RESOURCES: Year End Business Checklist The Paper Solution® Certification The Paper Solution® Certification Orientation Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/27/2022 • 25 minutes, 12 seconds
516- Set...
In part two of this three part Ready, Set, Go series, we are going to discuss the middle child of the Ready, Set, Go family - SET. What does it mean to get SET and to be SET? The running joke for visionary entrepreneurs like myself is the quote, “Ready, Fire, Aim!” And boy have I lived that quote in the past! At first, in my 20s, it was because I didn’t know what I was doing - at home, at work, or as a parent. I learned the hard way - every time! But later in my 30s, it wasn’t really my fault anymore. There wasn’t enough time to prepare or aim. Life was moving so fast that I was missing important things while running at Mach 1 speed! It wasn’t my fault. And it’s not yours either. The last time we had “preparation time” in our calendars was in grade school where our teachers carefully planned our assignments and workload so we had time to complete things. By the time high school arrived: extra-curricular activities, part-time jobs and sleep filled in all the cracks and then some. No one has enough time. And no one is going to give us more time. #truth Work colleagues, parents, children, partners, neighbors and friends all want our time. Some demand, some plead, some expect it without question. And we give it…gladly, lovingly, freely. We get up earlier, stay up later, eliminate hobbies and rearrange our days. Eve Rodsky compares our time this way, “Men’s time is worth diamonds, and women’s time is like sand.” Ouch. You can’t unhear that. But, it’s true for me. Greg has a golf night. He goes on fishing and golf trips. I haven’t had a hobby night or gone on a trip with friends since having children (22 years ago)! After work, Greg makes dinner and then watches TV. Now, I do the dishes (sometimes), take a bath and do a puzzle. But I feel weird about it. Until a few years ago, my after-work activities involved driving kids, cleaning the kitchen, laundry, straightening up, etc. until I felt it was an acceptable time for me to stop “working” and take my bath. When are we going to give ourselves the permission to take back a little of our time? Last week we talked about being ready. The truth is you and I are OVER ready. We have been for decades. But we don’t make the plan and run the race to a different end. Why is this? SET is all about saying your time is not more important, but AS important as everyone else’s. For me, in this season, it means I am going to start my Ph.D program and travel - A LOT. For work, for pleasure, and for me. Let me be clear. My family is not happy about it. They intellectually support it, but in words and actions, they are not pleased with the change. Am I being selfish? Maybe. Would I want it for every single one of them? Absolutely! When one of my family members wants to…further their education, move out, have a baby, take a trip, find a new doctor, pursue a new passion…I facilitate the how, when, where, and payments. I am happy for the sacrifices of time and self-focus I have devoted to my family over the last 25 years, and for the ability to grow Organize 365® around my family. But now I want to pour more of my time and talent into my unique gifting. So, how do we get SET to do the things we want and need to do in life? We know how to help others in our lives get set. We set our kids up for school, set-up their school supplies, bookbags, dorm rooms, etc. We set our partners up for their endeavors and trips. We know how to get set-up; we just don't often look at doing it for ourselves the way we do for others. How do we SET ourselves up for success? Getting SET comes after getting ready because when you are getting SET you are already ready. You are doing the final steps before you GO (more on that next week). What do you need to GO? Get that together now. How can you get SET for a productive and proactive new year? If your goal is to reclaim your home and your time - I have the solution for you. The Productive Home Solution™ is a new way of thinking about your space and time! Half of the battle with anything we are ready and set to do is deciding what the next step is (and then the next step after that). Avoid decision fatigue and use The Productive Home Solution™ as your roadmap to guide you through the journey of getting organized. Organization will carry you through so many of your goals and was the first step for me getting to where I am today. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Productive Home Solution™ Organize 365® Year End Bundle The Productive Home Solution™ Planning Day - December 31, 2022 Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/23/2022 • 44 minutes, 47 seconds
Transformation with Amber N.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! Amber N. shared her transformation with me! She’s the mom of two children who are a senior in high school and 14 years old, and she has a Greg of her own! Amber had always been inspired to be organized; but at some point life just got in her way. She was no longer organized but desperately wanted to be. Amber had tried other organization systems, including hiring a professional organizer. The funny part is, once she got through some of the Organize 365® resources, she no longer needed that professional organizer to come back in for a “refresh”. She had learned the skill of organization and now she can do it on her own! I keep telling you, organization is a learnable skill people! Amber had to come to terms with what “being organized” actually means. Did it mean mimicking the pictures from Pinterest; or was it more important for it to be done? Picture vs. Reality. Cute vs. Organized. We put so much pressure on ourselves to give our children these picture perfect parties or bedrooms. Honestly, our kids aren’t on social media and do not see the pictures we see. They are not on Pinterest. They are not looking for these tiny details. They are just happy to spend time with us, and to celebrate their birthday. Give yourself some grace. Amber had to start with baby steps…but ultimately she ended in a sprint. She started with her mail and the Sunday Basket® despite all the paper in her house. She was so excited with the results that she wanted more and wanted it more quickly. Now she’s The Paper Solution Certified and can help people on their own organizational journeys! I encourage everyone to evaluate what your energy level is during each season, and what area you want to focus on - such as the house, school & work, or maybe it’s being a more intentional mom. Then set the expectation at the beginning that ‘something is better than nothing’ when it comes to getting organized. Amber has learned so much from Organize 365®. Her major takeaway is to extend herself grace. Her other biggest takeaways are: If you put a process in place, you can move through it Good is good enough and focus on macro not micro Don’t get bogged down Now that she is organized, she has time to spend with her family and on her business too. She also has more money because she isn’t paying late fees and more grace that she gives to herself! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Paper Solution® Certification I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/21/2022 • 42 minutes, 58 seconds
515 - Ready...
Are you READY to think differently? Are you READY to evaluate your past new years goals and productivity? Are you READY to put in the work and reap the rewards of your focus & labor? Are you physically READY? Mentally READY? Emotionally READY? Today’s episode is about readiness. And I’m so excited to share my ideas for what it means to be READY. My favorite activity is to think about my thinking. It is a habit that I have cultivated into an art form and can no longer do without. It’s my habit. And that is the thing about habits. Bad ones are easy to fall into and hard to break. Good ones take thought, planning, discipline and determination to establish. Yet, habits are the ONE thing that separates the life you have today and the future you envision for yourself. You cannot fall into productivity (it doesn't just happen) Your house will not magically clean and organize itself As I get ready for the new year, I want to share with you how I think about this coming season. As the December days quickly pass by, I look forward to the new year. This is the official day I start running my race for a productive 2023 - when new opportunities like starting college for my Ph.D program begin. I am getting ahead of myself. Today. Today is about being READY. Readiness is a state of being. You will never be 100% ready. And that's 100% okay! You don't have to be 100% ready in order to start! Readiness is an understanding of the strengths and limitations you are experiencing in THIS phase of your life. What unique seasons are you experiencing right now that you can leverage to move forward in your home organization goals? Are you in a season where you are home more? Do you have more energy at a certain time of day, or day of the week? Is there a big event coming up that will motivate you to work faster? Do you have a companion who is motivated to pace with you? Is this a season where you have money in the budget to add to your efforts? Would selling unused past purchases help you fund your new years goals? You may not be in a season where you are READY to devote more time and energy to your personal home. And that is OK. However, what I have found to be true more often is that there is always a seed of readiness in each season, but we miss it. I mentioned that I think about my thinking - constantly. I love sharing my unique thinking with you - to motivate you to do the same! Think about where you are right now and what you are ready for! Change is normal. Most people spend their whole life trying to avoid change. But change is where transformation comes from. Change unlocks the future. And it starts with READINESS. READINESS is fragile READINESS is fleeting READINESS holds all the potential for the future Next week I will share with you my thoughts on SET, but this week focus on your READINESS. READINESS is the first step in your new year. Don't miss it! EPISODE RESOURCES: The Productive Home Solution™ Organize 365® Year End Bundle The Productive Home Solution™ Planning Day - December 31, 2022 Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/16/2022 • 29 minutes, 51 seconds
Organize 365® Reality KIDS TV Show with Maura
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today I am so excited for you to meet Maura. Over the summer I put out a social media post requesting a family that would allow me to get their kid’s rooms organized and FILM IT ALL for a movie about Kids Organization. Maura was jumping up and down saying “pick me”! Maura is a mom of four - Bode (12), Lucy Belle (10), Finley (7) and Blaise (4). She runs a bakery out of her house (oh my goodness - she makes the BEST cookies) and her husband also works from home. As Maura put it, “the spigot never stops.” Which leads us to talking about OVERWHELM as a parent. The overwhelm is beautiful and messy all at the same time. And I’m so glad I was welcomed into Maura’s house to put into action the principles of Organize 365®’s Kids Program. I LOVE ORGANIZING CHILDREN. I LOVE IT. I was able to come one day early, meet these kiddos, and look at the task ahead of me. I spent a total of 2-3 hours with each child individually and we focused on the oldest three. We are all looking for ways to connect with and spend quality time with our children. Did you know that time spent teaching kids the skills of organization while organizing their room with them can be the BEST quality time? Get the kids involved! Working with your kid to organize their room is quality time you can spend with them. They love the one on one time. They love talking about their stuff. They love getting to make decisions. They love the result and the process. You are teaching them the valuable skill of organizing while spending time with them. Make it an enjoyable process for both of you! Listen to their stories. Everything in their room has a story for them. These are their little treasures! Now when Maura tucks her kids in at night, she can actually go into their rooms and not get filled with so much frustration over the mess. Listen for the update since my visit. I can’t come to everyone’s house but trust me - you can do this! The Organize 365® Kids Program is like I am there with you and we go through all the areas. Harness your kids excitement to your benefit NOW is just as good a time as any. Since the kids are out of school and there’s anticipation building for the holidays…declutter and organize. Make room for all the new stuff that will be coming into your home. I also shared some tips you may want to use for other ideal times that you want to declutter and organize. EPISODE RESOURCES: Watch the Kids Organization Movie featuring Maura’s lovely family LIVE this Friday with me at 7 pm ET. Want to get organized as a family? The Limited Time Year Bundle is the perfect resource to get yourself and kids organized in 2023. Sign-up for the Kids Program Orientation on December 27 at 11 am ET The Kids Program The Launch Program Maura’s Cookies Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media! I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
12/14/2022 • 45 minutes, 49 seconds
Limited Time Family Organization year end bundle
“In today’s podcast, I’m channeling my 30-something self. Once school let out for the holiday break, any shred of productivity or sanity that I was going to have for the last 10 days of the year were out the window and I was back to being camp counselor again. If you are in your active parenting years, this podcast is a HUGE HUG from me. It’s all going to be alright. You’re going to be fine. Everyone is going to love everything that they get, everyone is going to appreciate the work that you are doing, all the invisible tasks are going to be well-rewarded. YOU ARE DOING A GREAT! If your primary role and responsibility right now is raising humans…that is not a job. It’s a life’s calling. It is your legacy. It is your life. It is all consuming. I’ve been there. I’ve done it. I know you feel like you never have any time. And you may tell yourself that you will get organized when you have more time. But, the truth is...people in their 30’s are the BEST at getting organized. Because you need it SO much more. Learning the skill of organizing is not optional. If you opt-out, meaning you don’t want to learn the skill of organizing, then everything is going to be harder for you. Organization skills is where ease, capacity, time and sanity comes from! It is an essential skill. The Organize 365® Year End Bundle includes the three essential things you are going to need in order to get optimally organized in 2023. This will ensure your whole entire life is organized so you can move even faster. I know what you want… More impact More capacity Do more. Be more places You really don’t have to pick and choose. You need to be everywhere and doing everything in your 20s-40s. You need to learn the skill of organizing AND your children need to learn the skill of organizing. So here’s what we’ve put together for you: The Productive Home Solution™ The Kids Program - like The Productive Home Solution™ for your kids The Sunday Basket® System If you are wanting to get your WHOLE family organized; from the dog all the way to mom and dad, then listen to the end because we have a big event planned to help you AND your family
12/13/2022 • 20 minutes, 25 seconds
514 - The Productive Home Solution™ with Tanya Blackburn
show notes
12/9/2022 • 56 minutes, 9 seconds
Transformation with Ashley C.
On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too! This week, I am sharing my interview with Ashley C. She lives with husband, three children and some fun pets! She shares her struggle with living up to the Pinterest perfect bar she set for herself when she had her first baby. Ashley has been a dedicated podcast listener for years. The Organize 365® podcast gave her the permission to forgo the Pinterest perfect nursery rooms and scrapbooks and get things done a little less than perfect. We discuss how we have all these long to-do lists and so much pressure on ourselves but the funny thing is, no one is checking that list. No one is disappointed that we didn’t accomplish something or accomplish it in the way we planned. Ashley is somewhat of a reformed perfectionist now. In her business, she uses the phrase “experiments in imperfection.” She joined The Productive Home Solution™ and got her new home organized. Only recently did she purchase the Sunday Basket®. Why now? Lisa helped her to unveil feelings of fear of failure. Ashley knew about all the resources Organize 365® has to offer but she subconsciously felt that maybe she wouldn’t do them justice. I encourage everyone to not sit on the sidelines due to fear of failure. Is it time for you to get off the sidelines and make the commitment with the Sunday Basket® system? I am happy to say Ashley is organized and on her way to the next chapter of life. Her transformation story is ongoing as she is now working her way into business and just got started with the Friday Workbox®. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® The Productive Home Solution™ I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/7/2022 • 48 minutes, 7 seconds
Coffee Chat 2023 Paper Organization Retreat Locations
Great News! We have two new locations for 2023!! I hope to see you there! Learn more and sign-up for a live, in-person Paper Organizing Retreat. Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/6/2022 • 3 minutes, 23 seconds
513 - Keith Boswell with ADHD Online
In today’s episode as we wrap up our series on my ADHD journey and exploration of executive functions, I am excited to introduce you to Keith Boswell, Vice President of Marketing at ADHD Online. ADHD Online is transforming the diagnosis and treatment of people dealing with neurodiversity. Organize 365® and ADHD Online have partnered several times over the past year to present organizational solutions that I have found to work for others struggling with ADHD. Keith brings a new level to this conversation we’ve been having - he is open about his diagnosis of ADHD and his own organization challenges and triumphs. We talk about his familys’ problem areas, the progression of aging children, and roles that will come with the organization of their house. Find out how we met and how our partnership is evolving. Keith and ADHD Online are doing some important work for awareness and helping people function with ADHD. They are helping people to get a faster diagnosis and move on to finding solutions. ADHD Online has medical professionals providing the diagnosis and from there you can choose to work with them or your primary doctors and pharmacies. And, they are proud to say that the solution is not always medicine! They really work with their clients to help them succeed. Organize 365® is excited to work with them to provide solutions that work for helping their clients live a more organized and proactive life. EPISODE RESOURCES: ADHD Online ADHD Awareness Resources Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
12/2/2022 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 3 seconds
512 - What is the Executive Function of Initiating & Task Monitoring
In today’s episode we wrap up our four part series on exploring the executive functions and the role they play in our ability to be organized. I’ve always believed that you won’t just “be organized.” Organization is a learnable skill. This means that it’s not something you have to be born with. If you’re currently not organized, that's okay too! You can absolutely learn how to be organized. I have always had a strong belief that organization is a learnable skill. So, I wasn’t surprised to learn that 87% of Americans also believe that organization is a learnable skill. However, I was surprised to find that of those same Americans - only 18% believed that they are organized. Organize 365® courses and programs teach you how to be organized. If you struggle with initiating and task monitoring, then you need community. That’s why adding the Organize 365® Community App was important to me. Initiation is simply the “start” factor. Task Monitoring is the ability to look at how far you have come and understand how much still needs to be accomplished. EPISODE RESOURCES: Organize 365® Blitz (Free) Organize 365® Community The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan Listen to today’s episode to learn how community and grace play a huge role in helping you learn a new skill (like organizing). Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
11/25/2022 • 35 minutes, 1 second
511 - What is the Executive Function of Planning
As we continue our series exploring executive functions today we get to talk about planning. Can you hear it in my voice? Planning is my FAVORITE-IST thing! Planning is so much more than filling in a planner or checking boxes. Planning is purposefully setting aside time and deciding how you want to show up in the next season. Decide what rules you want to make for your next season so you can be as proactive as you want to be. It’s time to dream about what is possible, about what you want to change, and about what you don’t want to change. At Organize 365®, I offer LIVE Planning Days for home and work where I teach you how to proactively plan. They are conveniently scheduled around natural Golden Windows. Golden windows is a phrase I created to help articulate different times that are optimal for getting started on your transformational journey to organizing. Learn more about golden windows in podcast 242 - Golden Windows of Organizing Opportunity. You do realize, without knowing it, there are about three times a year we shift in life? These are what I like to call Golden Windows. This is a time to organize and plan. Effective planning going into these golden windows can have a profound impact on your organizational transformation because your organizing energy is naturally higher than normal. And with a plan in hand you can really capitalize on that energy. Planning is everything! Planning will help you make the invisible work visible. See how I’ve applied this to so many seemingly “invisible” tasks in life such as putting up and taking down my Christmas tree. There are a lot of layers to this conversation - listen to the full episode and join me for the next part of this executive function series where we will be talking about initiation & task monitoring. EPISODE RESOURCES: Organize 365® Blitz Business Friday Workbox® Starter Bundle with Planning Day Friday Workbox® Planning Day Bundle The Productive Home Solution® with first Planning Day included Home Planning Day Bundle - Essentials Home Planning Day Bundle - Deluxe ALL IN Work & Home Planning Day Bundle Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
11/18/2022 • 49 minutes, 25 seconds
Planning the Holidays with Jessica the CEO of Ultimate Bundles
Today’s coffee chat is a special Holiday Blitz Edition. Every year I host my annual FREE Holiday Blitz. The goal of the Holiday Blitz is to help you strategically plan for your holiday season by making the invisible work of the holidays visible. The Holiday Blitz includes 13 free downloadable planning pages and 5 course videos where I walk you through planning the holiday season. We talk about how you can simplify your holidays, embrace your uniqueness and be present, proactive and productive throughout the season. Listen in as I interview busy CEO and mom Jessica Evans of Ultimate Bundles. Jessica shares with us how she used the Holiday Blitz to plan out her holiday traditions. Find out what traditions she loves, which ones she doesn’t enjoy as much and how she is setting herself up for success this holiday season. Jessica also shares some really fun holiday ideas! Do you want to plan your holiday season with The Holiday Blitz? There’s still time! Join the Holiday Blitz On Demand now. EPISODE RESOURCES: The Holiday Blitz On Demand The Holiday Blitz Bundle Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
11/15/2022 • 34 minutes, 8 seconds
510 - What is the Executive Function of Organization of Materials
Does it ever feel like you have a two year old in your brain talking to you all day reminding you of things you need to do and demanding what to do next? Do you feel like you are playing an adult version of Memory or Go Fish when it comes to your paperwork? Now that I've learned that I have ADHD, I'm ready to dive deeper into this topic of executive function and organization with formal research. Lots of times ADHD can be diagnosed when the person’s executive functions are analyzed. In this episode I explain the Executive Function of the Organization of Materials. Did you know most people organize their closets and kitchens first? Why do you think that is? Listen to the full episode to understand. At Organize 365®, I have designed systems with enough structure to get the job done and with a little wiggle room for customization, because we’re all unique. Here are the rules to keep you on track… Everything should have a place. True - but you (not Pinterest, not society - you) get to pick that place. We tend to reorganize about every twenty years due to stages of life and unexpected life events. This is totally NORMAL! Maintain what is working for you. You only need to implement systems for what is unorganized. Organization of Materials has an order (think stages of life) Organization of Materials is about personal rules you create to maintain sustainable organization. Through learning the skill of functional organization; you will literally unlock your time and be able to spend it doing what you are uniquely created to do. EPISODE RESOURCES: Lisa School Binder Organize 365® Lattice Binders Organize 365® 1.0 Slash Pockets Learn more about “zones” and functional organizing in The Productive Home Solution™ Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
11/11/2022 • 47 minutes, 57 seconds
509 - What is the Executive Function of Working Memory?
What's next for research at Organize 365®? Now that I've learned that I have ADHD, I'm ready to dive deeper into this topic of executive function and organization with formal research. Lots of times ADHD can be diagnosed when the person’s executive functions are analyzed. In this episode, I shared three examples of me relying on my working memory. I analyze if my working memory helped or hindered the situation and explore explanations as to why I responded, the way I did, in each situation. The executive function of working memory holds information in your head for a short amount of time so you can manipulate that information and do something. Example: A math problem. You take in the information of the numbers and functions that are being requested. When you do the problem in your head you are using your working memory to solve the problem. All hope is not lost - yes we can improve our executive functions according to Psychology today. They suggest to identify which executive function you want to improve and then pick a strategy to help you improve. Strategies to improve your executive functions include: Chunk things into smaller tasks Externalize information using notepads, to do lists, or reminders (had you completed the math problem, mentioned earlier, on paper, you would be helping your working memory by reducing demand upon your working memory so it is available for other items you need to remember) Buddy up with a peer to foster accountability Blocking access to distractions such as your phone in a drawer while focusing on a task Use rewards to motivate periods of consistent effort EPISODE RESOURCES: Psychology Today Strategies for improving executive function The Sunday Basket® The Friday Workbox® The Holiday Blitz Planning Day for Home Planning Day for Work Notepads and Notecards Find me on Instagram @Organize365 Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
11/4/2022 • 49 minutes, 47 seconds
508 - The Future of Executive Function Research As It Relates to ADHD
What's next for research at Organize 365®? Now that I've learned that I have ADHD, I'm ready to dive deeper into this topic of executive function and organization with formal research. There are five areas of executive function that involve organization: Initiating - getting started Working Memory - holding information Planning - planning ahead Monitoring - knowing what needs to be done next Organizing Materials - organizing your home I believe that you can impact and change your executive functioning by learning the skill of organization so you can have more time to do what you're uniquely created to do. At Organize 365® we have programs, systems, and products to help you in each of these areas. In this episode, I explain where I am going next and the massive decision that I have made in order to take the next step. I've talked about doing it for years, but finally, in January of 2023, I will begin a one-year program that will lead me into a Ph.D. program. No one else will do this research for me. If we are going to take on this project as a company, I want to be the one not just leading the team, but leading the research. To do that, I have to have a Ph.D. I've already been rearranging my schedule and preparing myself, my family, and my team for what this will look like. I'm dividing my week into three parts so my family, my company, and my studies all get the attention they need. Come along with me on the journey! Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/28/2022 • 30 minutes, 8 seconds
The Next Wednesday Podcast Will Be December 7th
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I want to let you know that there will not be any Wednesday Transformations in November. I had some scheduling conflicts and was not able to record any new interviews for you. Wednesday Transformations will return on December 7. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/26/2022 • 1 minute, 26 seconds
507 - A Psychologist Gives Lisa The Final Answer on Her ADHD Diagnosis
Do I have ADHD or not? This has become so confusing! According to ADHD Online, I have a medical diagnosis of ADHD. According to Barbara Hunter's analysis of my BRIEF-A assessment, my executive functioning indicates that I do NOT have ADHD. Who is right? I took my questions to a psychologist in Cincinnati for a final answer. Why? Well, first, I want to give good recommendations to the Organize 365® community. If ADHD Online is not a good resource, I don't want to refer you to them. Second, I want to continue to do executive function research related to ADHD and organization, so I want to know if I actually have ADHD or not as I go into that project. Organization is a learnable skill. If we learn the skill of organizing, can we mitigate or eliminate the effects of ADHD? In this episode, I share with you my story of gathering supporting information from my childhood, taking additional assessments, and speaking with the psychologist to get the final answer. I explain the criteria for an ADHD diagnosis. I also share how in the process, we determined first that I do NOT have dyslexia as I have always been told. Two interesting things were the clinchers for my final answer. One was speeding tickets, and the other was how I handle money and debt. Listen to this episode to hear how in the beginning, the psychologist believed there was no way that I could have ADHD and how this all came together to finally find out if I do have ADHD. More Resources Book: How ADHD Affects Home Organization Organize 365® ADHD Playlist Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/21/2022 • 30 minutes, 22 seconds
Transformation with Carrie F.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Carrie F. She lives with her husband and they have two teens at home and one away at college. She's a retired veterinarian. Paper was her greatest organizational struggle at home, especially after closing her practice. We talk about how she overcame her piles of paper by pressing through, starting with the current paper, and then working her way back through the rest of the paper. Is paper your nemesis? The Sunday Basket® System is the first step to getting your paper organized! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket® System The Productive Home Solution™ I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/19/2022 • 32 minutes, 43 seconds
506 - Lisa's Executive Function Profile
This month I've been exploring the topic of ADHD and more specifically, discovering if I have ADHD. Last week, I shared my journey to reach the point of deciding to be tested for ADHD. First I took the assessment from ADHD Online and was told that I DO have a medical ADHD diagnosis. In this episode, I'm talking with my friend Barbara Hunter about whether she thinks I have ADHD... or not. She gave me The BRIEF-A to make her determination. This is the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function® Adult Version. The BRIEF-A is given in three parts: I took the assessment. Then both my husband, Greg, and my chief of staff, Stephanie, took the assessment to give their perspective on me. Barbara walked through the sections of the test with me to explain what the various sections mean and my results compared to Greg and Stephanie's opinions of me, as well as ways to improve my executive functioning in some areas. The final result? According to The BRIEF-A, Barbara says that this current assessment of my executive function says that I do NOT have ADHD. So, where do I go from here? I contacted a doctor in the Cincinnati area to do more testing so I can definitively find out if I have ADHD or not. More to come! Looking for more information on ADHD and Organization? Start with my book, How ADHD Affects Home Organization. It's available for free as an audiobook on the ADHD Playlist! Resources Mentioned in This Episode Book: How ADHD Affects Home Organization ADHD Online Springer School and Center Barbara Hunter and Integrated Learning Designs The BRIEF-A Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/14/2022 • 43 minutes, 2 seconds
Transformation with Kat S.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Kat S. She lives with her husband and together they run her music studio out of their home. Kat feels like she learned to be organized at a young age because her mom had hoarding tendencies, but she has learned so much more since implementing Organize 365® systems. She and her husband trend to the minimalist side and have great systems in place for living and working together. Kat was able to bring her husband home to work in her business in part because she was able to show him using her Business Friday Workbox® and her stack of pink slash pockets all of the ideas that she had for her business that she needed help to bring to life. What's in your pink slash pockets? Visit Kat's website at I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket® System The Productive Home Solution™ Friday Workbox® I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/12/2022 • 48 minutes, 34 seconds
505 - Does Lisa Have ADHD?
Do I have ADHD? My mom doesn't think I have ADHD. I didn't think I had ADHD. At one point, I adamantly opposed people who suggested I had ADHD. But, in more recent years, I have thought: Maybe I do have ADHD? When I would organize women in the Cincinnati area, many would start their appointments by telling me that they had or thought they had ADHD. My kids received their ADHD diagnoses when they were children and attended Springer School and Center for many years. I was a teacher and I saw many kids receive their ADHD diagnosis and the support put in place for them. My book How ADHD Affects Home Organization came out of this time of discovery and research about ADHD and research about organization. (By the way, you can now get the audiobook for free on our new Organize 365® ADHD Playlist!) People who have ADHD need more structure and support. It's not an issue of intellect. It's an issue of executive functioning. Everyone learns at a different pace and organization is a learnable skill. It's just that people who have ADHD tend to need a person to help put structure in place for them to learn the skill of organizing. In this episode, I fill you in on my journey of learning about ADHD and then coming to the point of deciding to find out if I actually have ADHD... or not. Many things came together recently for me to reach this point personally. I have done some biohacking with my Oura Ring and Apple Watch. I began a partnership and series of webinars with ADHD Online and learned more about their services. But, it was my recent meeting with Barbara Hunter that pushed me over the edge. She was at Springer School and Center for over 20 years. I took any class they offered as my kids were students there. They often bring in top-notch experts in conjunction with Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Barbara is now doing executive function coaching through her company Integrated Learning Designs. In this meeting, we were discussing how there are many resources for students and employees with ADHD, but no one is really addressing how ADHD affects your home life. So, then, I pondered out loud whether I actually have ADHD or not. Do I really want to know? What would it change if I knew? I wouldn't medicate for ADHD at this point in my life if I have a diagnosis because I have skills and systems already in place to make my life run smoothly. What would knowing that I have or do not have ADHD do for me? What I really want to know is my level of executive functioning and how to optimize that, whether I have ADHD or not! Barbara tells me there's a test for that! It's called The BRIEF-A. I was in! Just in our casual conversation, Barbara saw signs in me that pointed towards an ADHD diagnosis. And I saw more signs. I always had a floating "C" in school, I'm a talker, I interrupt people, I'm a busybody who doesn't vacation well, and I can't sit to watch TV without a puzzle to work on or laundry to fold. So, I made arrangements to take the test with Barbara. Before that, still unsure of if I really wanted to know the answer, I decided with some trepidation and some encouragement from Joey to first take the test from ADHD Online to see what they had to say. The results? According to ADHD Online and their assessment, I have ADHD. Next week, I talk about my results from The BRIEF-A and my meeting with Barbara Hunter. What does Barbara have to say about my executive functioning based on The BRIEF-A? Resources Mentioned in This Episode Book: How ADHD Affects Home Organization ADHD Online Springer School and Center Barbara Hunter and Integrated Learning Designs The BRIEF-A Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/7/2022 • 25 minutes, 50 seconds
Transformation with Jennifer S.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Jennifer S. She lives with her husband and three kids, two of whom are off to college. Jennifer is an attorney and has always worked full-time outside of the home. We have a great discussion about wills, trusts, power of attorney for your adult children, inventories, caring for aging parents, and so much more. Jennifer shares how the Sunday Basket® kept her life running in a hard season while caring for her grandmother at the end of her life and her own aging parents. Jennifer loves Planning Days for both home and business but needed a little extra help. She gives a thank you to Stefanie at Island Organizing for her services related to the Business Friday Workbox® organization and the community she's found there. Jennifer, like many of us, tends to be a perfectionist. She's learning to say, "I am a person of excellence!" How are you pursuing excellence? I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket® System The Productive Home Solution™ Friday Workbox® Home Planning Day Business Planning Day Stefanie at Island Organizing I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
10/5/2022 • 56 minutes, 44 seconds
504 - Six-Figure Time
In over a decade of studying female heads of households in their homes and researching what it takes to get them organized, I've thought a lot about time and the invisible work we are doing. The big thing when I started my business was hitting six figures. Everyone wanted to hit $100,000 in yearly income. Back then, I had just quit my teaching job in a private school making $24,000 a year in take-home pay. I couldn't even wrap my mind around ever being a six-figure income earner! Over the years, as I've looked at how women use their time, I've come to this conclusion: You can have six-figure time without the six-figure income. It's all about mindset and how you choose to spend your time. In this episode, I share my observations of six-figure income earners and my suggestions for developing a six-figure time mindset. How Six-Figure Income Earners Spend Their Time As a professional organizer, I went into the homes of many six-figure earners with million-dollar homes. These were often doctors, lawyers, business owners, and C-Suite executives. I had the opportunity to see how they run their lives and the type of help they hired. Having a six-figure income gave these women and their families a choice in how they spend their time. Can you have this six-figure time mindset without the six-figure income? I think you can! Many millionaires are time-poor while many who have no income at all are time rich. What's the difference between time poverty and being rich in time? Time Passing vs Making a Difference Most people see time in terms of how much time is passing and what they can get done. Truly productive people see a third dimension: If I spend my time doing this today, will it make a difference in the future? Will it make a difference a month, a year, 5 years, or 10 years from now? People who are time multipliers always make their time decisions based on the significance factor. If you could get the to-do list done, what would you do with your free time? Too many of us just add more to-do items to the list. I think we most want time freedom. To reach that goal, you must be proactive and not reactive. I talk about this all the time at Organize 365®. This is not a new concept. But, this is more than just planning out the big projects. You have to develop the habit muscle of proactivity in every area of your life. It means not doing every little thing when you have the thought. You write the thought on the index card, drop it into the Sunday Basket®, and do those little things all batched together to save time. Six-figure time takes being proactive a step further. Instead of waiting to have the thought about the dog's medicine or the bills that need to be paid, you put it on a schedule with a plan for how to get it done or create other automations for the task like using bill pay. You purposely plan ahead for how the task will be done. What in your life can be systematized, scheduled, and automated to save you time and mental space? Forward Thinking and Planning Days Everyone is a forward thinker according to Ben Hardy. The difference is how far ahead into the future you think. It's great to have 15 minutes of free time and do something that your future self will appreciate like emptying the dishwasher or starting the laundry, but this is reactive productivity. How do you move to the next step and think farther into the future? The answer is planning days. Planning days for your home and your work give you the focused time to get more done and have more impact. The goal isn't a longer to-do list. The goal is more time to do what you're uniquely created to do so you can have more impact. I'll be honest: It's more comfortable to add to the to-do list and check off the low-level tasks because it makes me feel productive. It takes time to wrestle with the question of what you're uniquely created to do and to try things out to see if that's the right thing for you. It takes time to develop skills and practice those skills. Six-figure income earners spend a lot of time growing their skills. Six-figure income earners also spend a lot of time networking and making connections with like-minded people. Surround yourself with people who are investing their time and resources into being more productive so they can have an impact on the world. They also change their role as they grow. Six-figure income earners do the things that are the highest use of their time. You have to focus on working your way out of jobs. This might mean delegating jobs to other people or services that can do the work for you. This might be other family members. Consider meal planning services or hire a house cleaner. It might also mean changing the standard at which you do a task in your home. Can you lengthen the time between dusting or changing your sheets? Building Relationships I think that the true freedom of six-figure time comes when you can start to think about not just the work that needs to be done at home or in the office, but how you can impact relationships in your family, friends, and work. This is harder to prioritize because no one is holding us accountable. Using the Sunday Basket® for Six-Figure Time The Sunday Basket® System is the first step in developing a six-figure time mindset. It helps you think about and systematize your personal life, household, family, and finances. I teach you how to move from being reactive to proactive. Now, based on this podcast you can take your thinking to the next level. When you focus on your Sunday Basket® color of the week, consider the chess level next steps. What can you do for yourself, your household, your family, or your finances that would save you time and give you time freedom for the future? I encourage you to pay special attention to how you invest your time with your family because these are the types of things that never make the to-do list and we fail to think about them until it's too late. I've shared many times about how I spent purposeful time with my kids in their teens to develop the close relationships that I have with them now. Here's a simple way to be productive in your home instead of reactive and make time for family and relationship-building this holiday season: Join our holiday blitz! Get on the wait list for the 2022 Holiday Blitz now! Being a six-figure time person means seeing how valuable your time is and how valuable you are. Invest your time wisely! Resources Mentioned in This Episode Book: I Know How She Does It by Laura Vanderkam Book: 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think Book: Overcoming Underearning by Barbara Stanny Book: Procrastinate on Purpose by Rory Vaden Book: Who Not How by Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan Join the waitlist for the 2022 Holiday Blitz The Sunday Basket® System Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/30/2022 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 34 seconds
Embrace Breakthroughs - Part 3
On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. For the rest of this month, I have a treat for you on the Wednesday Transformation episodes I want to share with you some of the extraordinary breakthroughs from women just like you who attended Embrace 2022. Listen in for Part 3 of the transformations! Embrace is now available on demand! You can learn more about the Embrace Self-Guided Retreat here. Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/28/2022 • 25 minutes, 41 seconds
503 - The 4 Kinds of Work: Housework, Invisible, Hobby & Unique Purpose
There are four types of work that we all do at home. In this episode, I go through these four types of work in detail and discuss how to reduce the amount of time spent on the first three so you can do more unique purpose work. Housework We've talked a lot over the last couple of years about housework. As a part of our Organize 365® Research, I have honed in on and defined this type of work. There are three main types of housework: cleaning, tasks of daily living, and organization. You must clean your home to some standard you set, do all the tasks that make you a human, like showering and brushing your teeth, plus the things in your house must have a home. Housework is like a part-time job of 18-25 hours each week for the average household without children! Listen to these episodes for more about how I define housework: #422 - Defining Housework Part 1 - Cleaning #424 - Defining Housework Part 2 - Tasks of Daily Living #426 - Defining Housework Part 3 - Organization #428 - Defining Housework Part 4 - Maintenance #495 - The Process of Equitably Dividing Housework #497 - Housework: The Hot Mess Theory Part 1 with Jacqui Ioli #498 - Housework: The Hot Mess Theory Part 2 with Jacqui Ioli #499 - Effort: The 80/20 of Housework - Not All Housework is Equal Invisible Work This is the work that happens in your Sunday Basket®. I talked about this with Eve Rodsky. Invisible work is the mental load and related tasks to running a household. These are things like paying the bills and planning for holidays. This type of work doesn't fit into the housework category and we have a hard time labeling and quantifying it. The Sunday Basket® System helps with invisible work. The first six weeks of setup and habit-building can take a lot of time because you're setting up systems and processes. You have a set time to handle all these little one-off or recurring tasks. It might take you 90 minutes to 3 hours in the beginning, but then something magical happens. The time savings (and lightened mental load) that you experience during the week is exponential. The average Sunday Basket® user saves 5 hours each week! There is a second type of invisible work: emergency invisible work. Illnesses, scheduled changes, and childcare/adult care fall into this category. When you or someone else gets sick in your family, the world around you doesn't stop and wait for you. The regular work doesn't go away and the emergency itself often creates more work. There are also schedule changes that are really just a part of life and we have to just roll with them. Not everyone has the final category, but childcare and caregiving for adults is a full-time 24/7 job all on its own. Hobby Work Angela Watson and I talked a lot about hobby work earlier this summer in relation to teachers. We naturally fill our time with work, but it's not all essential work. Sometimes, we do extra work to make ourselves feel better or make something look the way we want. That's hobby work. This often involves trying to be perfect or redoing work. When I talked to Jacqui, she called this overwork. Whatever you call it, it is robbing you of your free time! This is refolding the clothes in the drawer, matching the socks, folding the underwear, micro-organizing the toys, and over-cleaning. Unique Purpose Work The female head of household struggles the most to prioritize unique purpose work over all other work. Unique purpose work is the work that you're uniquely created to do. No one else can do this work except you. But, too many of us feel that we must have an "A" in the first three areas before we can move into unique purpose work. Your family will push back. Your internal thoughts will push back. It's easier to search the internet for a fun printable about cleaning and press into hobby work. The reality is this: The pain of not doing what you're uniquely created to do must become greater than the pain of continuing to prioritize housework, invisible work, and hobby work for you to choose to prioritize your unique purpose work. How Do I Find What I'm Uniquely Created to Do? I'm asked all of the time: How do I find what I'm uniquely created to do? First, I suggest that you go through the Embrace Self-Guided Retreat. We've set it up as an on-demand experience that you can do alone or make a weekend of it with friends. The sessions will help you focus on yourself and show you how to begin to dream again. Second, you need to understand that finding your unique purpose takes time. I told you when we talked about passive organizing that it takes 12-18 months of research before you get started on organizing. It's natural then that it will take just as much time and research to find what you're uniquely created to do. You need focused thinking time. At Organize 365®, our mission is to help you get organized so you have the free time to do what you're uniquely created to do. Take your time back through organization! Find what you're uniquely created to do and press into it! Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/23/2022 • 44 minutes, 33 seconds
Embrace Breakthroughs - Part 2
On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. For the rest of this month, I have a treat for you on the Wednesday Transformation episodes I want to share with you some of the extraordinary breakthroughs from women just like you who attended Embrace 2022. Listen in for Part 2 of the transformations! Embrace is now available on demand! You can learn more about the Embrace Self-Guided Retreat here. Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/21/2022 • 24 minutes, 25 seconds
502 - How Marie Kondo is the Atkins Diet of Organizing
Marie Kondo is like the Atkins Diet of organizing. Yes, it's true. Let me explain. Please understand that this is NOT an anti-Marie Kondo episode! I think Marie Kondo is awesome in so many ways. She's done so much to raise awareness for organizing and decluttering in the media and the general public. There are benefits to her method, but I do feel that the Marie Kondo method is not the best long-term solution for the average American woman or home. Last week I kicked off this podcast series by talking about passive organizing. When you're in this information-gathering stage, your interest and initial motivation can be sparked by things like Marie Kondo's book or TV show. In this episode, I explain why Marie Kondo's organizational method is like the Atkins Diet of organizing. First, ultra-low-carb diets like the Atkins Diet can give you quick results. You can get really, really quick results using the Marie Kondo method. That quick win can give you the motivation that is needed to keep going in the beginning. The problem is that you have to get rid of nearly everything to get those results! Americans (and Australians) in particular tend to have larger homes and more stuff in those homes. Japanese homes are usually much smaller and rooms are more often multifunctional. When an American woman uses the Marie Kondo method of organizing, there's a lot of pain and chaos that goes along with pulling everything out of a particular space. It's like the headache you get when you go through carb withdrawal. Second, the Atkins Diet is very one-size-fits-all, as is the Marie Kondo Method. There are strict rules to follow without deviation to get those results. Marie Kondo's Method is very prescriptive, telling you exactly how you should have each area of your home. Do you have paper? She says get rid of it all except a tiny folder. This doesn't work for the typical American because so many important documents must be kept and presented in paper format. My grandson, Grayson, is a toddler and he already has two pieces of paper that must be kept track of for the rest of his life: his birth certificate and his social security card. We are not and cannot be paperless in the United States at this point in time. There are too many variables in the American household, especially in terms of paper, making a one-size-fits-all approach difficult to follow. Don't even get me started on books. Marie Kondo says to get rid of all of your books. I did it. I got rid of all of my books. And I regret it! I love books and bookshelves. I have a couple of custom bookshelves in my home and I want more. I have hundreds of books on Audible and I'm in the process of buying many of those again in paper format so I can highlight them and write in them. (Side note: I'm so used to thinking in terms of pink, purple, blue, and green work that I'm starting to highlight information in my books this way using our Organize 365® highlighters.) Third, the Atkins Diet is very restrictive and not as filling. The Marie Kondo Method is very restrictive and not as fun. There is one way to follow her program. If you don't follow the program to the detail, you don't get an A. But, I want an A in organizing. The problem is, I like stuff. I'm organized, but I like stuff. I don't have a ridiculous amount of stuff, like clothes, but my closet is far from being a capsule wardrobe. These types of prescriptive systems tell you exactly what the end should look like to be considered organized. Minimal. Rainbow ordered. What if you have 35 pieces in your wardrobe instead of 33? What if you kept your books instead of getting rid of them all? Then you didn't follow the method and you don't get an A. You're not organized. Lastly, most people cannot maintain the Atkins Diet for the rest of their lives. In a similar way, it is difficult to maintain organization like Marie Kondo. As soon as you stop following the prescriptive directions, the organization falls apart. It doesn't last. The Marie Kondo method of organizing gets you started, but it's not a sustainable way for most Americans to live. Organization is a skill that must be learned. You must know how and why you want to get organized. Your phase of life and the type of order that you want play a part. You need to practice making decisions that become rules and then habits for your life and home so that in the long term, you deal with less decision fatigue. Marie Kondo's method of tidying is a wonderful place to start your journey. You can make some great visible progress with her system, but if you are not naturally a minimalist, it is not a sustainable lifestyle. If you're like me and you like stuff (and are a bit of a rebel), it's time instead to focus on learning the skill of organization. Use the momentum of these quick-start methods to propel yourself into lifelong organization rather than endless cycles of decluttering and feelings of lack. Here at Organize 365®, we're not about Pinterest-perfect organizing. Our focus is functional organizing. Learning the skill of organizing is a lifestyle change, not a quick-fix project. It requires a mental shift. It's about having what you need, those things having a home, and regularly putting everything back where it belongs. The Productive Home Solution™ teaches you the skill of organization, guides you in developing systems, and learning to make decisions that become habits. I help you do the mental and the physical work. I show you how to make the invisible work visible. Are you ready to move from passive organizing and short-term solutions to actively learning the skill of organization? Resources Mentioned in This Episode Organize 365® Highlighters The Productive Home Solution™ The Sunday Basket® System The Friday Workbox® Related Episodes #501 - Passive Organizing #138 - Why The Magic Art of Tidying Up Doesn't Work For American Women Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/16/2022 • 23 minutes, 14 seconds
Embrace Breakthroughs - Part 1
On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. For the rest of this month, I have a treat for you on the Wednesday Transformation episodes I want to share with you some of the extraordinary breakthroughs from women just like you who attended Embrace 2022. Listen in for Part 1 of the transformations! Embrace is now available on demand! You can learn more about the Embrace Self-Guided Retreat here. Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/14/2022 • 22 minutes, 5 seconds
501 - Passive Organizing
It's time to add a new term to our organizing glossary: passive organizing. I've said for years that it really takes three years to get organized, but the first 12-18 months are not easily recognized in that process. The reason is that this first chunk of time is spent in passive organizing. What is passive organizing? Passive organizing is the time period during which you're becoming aware that maybe organization could help you become more productive. Maybe organization could help you get back your time. You're thinking, you're researching, and you're listening. This is passive organization. The change is happening in your mind, in your emotions, in your heart, and in your beliefs. Passive organizing is the "pink" work of organizing. This is the time frame when you're working on yourself. You haven't committed to organizing, but you're gathering information and working on your mindset. You're thinking about the when, the how, and the order. You're deciding who you want your teacher to be. In passive organizing, you're consuming exorbitant amounts of information. Sometimes, this can cause information overload and paralysis. You might struggle to take action because you see the best in all the options. Let's take a little rabbit trail. The Kolbe Assessment is a quantitative test that helps you determine how you think. Among other things, it tells you how you leverage these three areas of thinking and processing in order to complete a project: How much do you need to research something before you can do it? How much structure do you need before you can take action? How much do you need to talk before taking action? I am a "quick start." I spend the majority of my time talking about a project and then the active work portion of the project comes out really quickly at the end. I verbally process everything and I change my mind a lot. My team on the other hand tends to be much higher in research and/or structure. An example of this is how I wrote the book How ADHD Affects Home Organization. I completed the writing of the book in a weekend, but I spent two years preparing to write the book and talking about it first! How much research, structure, and talking do YOU need before you can take action on getting organized? The other obstacle to deciding to get started with organing is having a tipping point. You have to reach a point when the pain of continuing to live in the current state of life is greater than the pain of change and learning a new skill to get the result you want. You have to realize that organization is a learnable skill. Another tipping point is a golden window. These are big life events: a milestone birthday, a new baby, a new house, a new job, a loss, a health diagnosis, etc. Many times, multiple big events happen at the same time. These are seasons of opportunity. Disorganization leads to more disorganization, but when you seize the opportunity, these are major turning points. I want to remind you that I was once where you are. Back in 2012, I quit my teaching job, I was overweight, I was depressed, and everything was falling apart around me. You can read my story in Organization is a Learnable Skill and listen to my depression story in episode #69. I was negative and pessimistic. You would not have wanted to be my friend back then. What you see of me now is the after picture! You must also believe that you can get organized. You must make a decision that you are now going to live proactively instead of reactively. This is where you draw a line in the sand and step over it. And one day, you will find yourself listening to an Organize 365® Podcast episode and you just get up and start organizing while you listen instead of just gathering information! Are you ready to draw your line and get started on your organizing journey? Resources Mentioned in This Episode The Kolbe Assessment Book: How ADHD Affects Home Organization Book: Organization is a Learnable Skill Get Started: The Sunday Basket® System Get Started: The Productive Home Solution™ Related Episodes #69 - My Depression Story #242 - Golden Windows of Organizing Opportunity Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/9/2022 • 39 minutes, 42 seconds
Transformation with Loren S.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Loren S. She lives with her boyfriend and her 10 houseplants. Loren describes herself as a natural "piler" but implementing the Sunday Basket® System means that she now has fewer piles around her home. She and her boyfriend participated in the Adult Spring Break Blitz by cleaning out and reorganizing their linen closet together. Loren also introduced me to The Conqueror Challenge, which is an app that gamifies exercise. I do some teaching in my conversation with Loren about how to manage her Sunday Basket®. We talk about having only 5 slash pockets in each color and how to manage an ideas slash pocket for each color. Loren shares how she tried to DIY a Sunday Basket® for herself before committing and purchasing the Sunday Basket® System. She found the extra teaching you get with the Sunday Basket® System precisely what she needed to mentally grasp the system and be successful. Is it time for you to make the commitment and purchase the Sunday Basket® System? I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket® System The Productive Home Solution™ Related Episodes Swiss Cheese Organizing - Organize 365® Research Findings - #481 I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/7/2022 • 33 minutes, 8 seconds
500 - The Slight Edge - Consistency is THE Key
One of the most impactful books I've ever read is The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. This book taught me so much about consistency, well before Organize 365® was even an idea. We've reached a major milestone with this episode here at Organize 365®. This episode is our 500th Friday podcast episode. This doesn't count the extra episodes we've done over the years with Wednesday Transformations, Coffee Chats, and more. Counting those would bring us to well over 700 episodes in total and you've downloaded these episodes over 16 million times as of July 2022. Those numbers and that amount of content creation only come with consistency. In all these years, I've NEVER missed publishing a Friday episode! I was in my late 20s or early 30s when first read The Slight Edge and it stuck with me. I didn't fully understand back then the impact of a habit over time. You don't see that until you look back later. I knew I had to find ways to unlock more time in my life. I dived deep into how organization could unlock more time for me. Now, with the creation and implementation of the Sunday Basket® System, YOU have collectively unlocked 3 million hours and counting in YOUR lives! Wow! In this episode, I'm sharing quotes from The Slight Edge and things I learned from the book. Here are some of my takeaways: I had to see things in life not as being "to" me, but rather "for" me. Consistency beats talent. Most businesses take 10 years to really get started. Things will take longer than you want, but you need to look at time differently. Stop looking for permission! Podcasts that take breaks don't last. I have higher self-standards now, but there are no "shoulds" and much more "grace" in my life. Focus on what you can change. Visionaries make people uncomfortable. I'm odd. You probably are too. There are fewer people to talk to as you move up. You have to live more in your mind than in reality to see the next big thing happen. It's time to stop filling your days with to-do lists and household tasks. Quit doing things that don't matter in the long term. Focus instead on being consistent in what WILL make a difference over time. Consistency beats talent, money, and pedigree every time. I'd love to hear how you're using your extra time to do what you're uniquely created to do! Join me on a Wednesday Transformation episode, tag me on Instagram (@Organize365), or share your story in our community app. Resources Mentioned in This Episode Book: The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson The Sunday Basket System® The Productive Home Solution™ Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
9/2/2022 • 49 minutes, 6 seconds
Transformation with Laurie R.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Laurie R. She lives with her husband and three kids, including one with special needs. When Laurie lost her job in 2015, she looked for organizing podcasts to listen to and found Organize 365®. At the time she was frustrated because her 1800s-era home had no closets and everything felt cluttered. You might be surprised to learn that she actually tackled her paper management first! We talk about Swiss cheese organizing, how hiring a house cleaner is a form of accountability, and permission to let go of things. Laurie also gave a great tip for creating a "jobs binder" to hold copies of professional licensure paperwork, performance reviews, and portfolio samples. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket® System The Productive Home Solution™ Friday Workbox® The Paper Solution® Warrior MAMA Binder Related Episodes Swiss Cheese Organizing - Organize 365® Research Findings - #481 I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/31/2022 • 30 minutes
Friday Workbox® Planning Day Orientation
Time to plan out the next quarter of your work? Learn more about the Friday Workbox® Planning Day in this orientation replay. Watch the video version and download the syllabus here:
8/30/2022 • 44 minutes, 59 seconds
Friday Workbox® Orientation
Time to your work? Learn more about the Friday Workbox® in this orientation replay. Watch the video version and download the syllabus here:
8/30/2022 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
499 - Effort: The 80/20 of Housework - Not All Housework is Equal
The Pareto Principle says that 80% of the fruit comes from 20% of the labor. I first learned about this principle when reading 80/20 Sales and Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More by Perry Marshall. This is not just a sales thing. It can be seen in nature, road traffic, and math. So, I started thinking about how this 80/20 principle applies to our homes and housework. I know that perfection is not attainable. Instead, I've resolved to strive for excellence. What does it look like to be an excellent homemaker? We tend to equate cleanliness with organization. We are looking for order but "cleaning" your house doesn't bring that order. In this episode, I share with you how I have employed the 80/20 principle in my house to bring it to excellence but not perfection while also giving me time to do what I'm uniquely created to do. (Spoiler alert: We're going to talk more next week about using that extra time!) What do 80% and excellence look like for my floors, counters/flat surfaces, laundry, and straightening/tidying in my home? What does it mean to get to 80% in your Sunday Basket® routine and The Productive Home Solution™? Read the full show notes here: Resources Mentioned in This Episode Book: 80/20 Sales and Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More by Perry Marshall The Sunday Basket® System The Productive Home Solution™ Organize 365® Research Paper Organizing Retreats Related Episodes Swiss Cheese Organizing - Organize 365® Research Findings - #481 Organizing Personal Spaces - #482 Organizing Family & Communal Spaces - #483 Organizing Storage Spaces - #484 Organizing Paper Management - #485 Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/26/2022 • 57 minutes, 20 seconds
Transformation with Holly P.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, Holly P. is joining me again to update us on her transformation. You can listen to her previous transformation story here. Holly is back to talk about the Friday Workbox®, quick moves, self-care, and more. I love how Holly put together a Workbox® just for her pink slash pockets and how her dreaming and rising self-confidence brought her a promotion to management in her company. Way to go Holly! Holly's story is a great example of what happens when you use those pink slash pockets and start dreaming. What is in your pink slash pockets? I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket System Friday Workbox® Book: Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo Transformation with Katherine Z. The Paper Solution® Certification Program I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/24/2022 • 32 minutes, 2 seconds
Paper Organizing Retreat Orientation
Time to get your paper organized? Learn more about our paper organizing retreat in this orientation replay. Watch the video version and download the syllabus here:
8/23/2022 • 36 minutes, 35 seconds
498 - Housework: The Hot Mess Theory Part 2 with Jacqui Ioli
Jacqui Ioli is back with me on the podcast to finish the conversation that we started last week. Be sure to listen to her Wednesday Transformation to hear more about who she is and her story. Before you listen to this episode, go back and listen to the first part of our conversation about Jacqui's Hot Mess Theory of work and the concepts of overwork, underwork, rework, and workarounds. In this episode, Jacqui and I get into real-world examples of how you can eliminate overwork, underwork, rework, and workarounds, especially in terms of creating correct paths using the Sunday Basket® System. Many people have gotten organized using Marie Kondo's system of pulling everything out and going through it all until it's done. Unfortunately, this doesn't work well for the average woman, especially moms. It causes more chaos because you don't have big blocks of time to work with. The Organize 365® method gets you organized in 15-minute, bite-sized chunks of time that you can expand into larger blocks when the time and energy are available. You will still have some of the hot mess chaos between the stages of decluttering, organizing, and increasing productivity, but it will not be catastrophic to you personally and your life in general. The Sunday Basket® specifically helps you eliminate the four types of work that Jacqui discusses and gives you back time. Our research says you can get back on average 5 hours a week by developing a Sunday Basket® routine! Having a place to gather the actionable paper but also a time to sit down and process those papers and random thoughts gives you the space to develop procedures and eliminate the problem of no correct path. Jacqui describes how she has a procedure for when she finds a pair of work pants that don’t meet her needs. She has a correct path for removing those pants from her closet and home. Could you create your own Sunday Basket® System? Could you create your own curriculum like The Productive Home Solution™ to organize your home? Sure, but as Jacqui describes, it's faster and easier to buy the programs and modify anything to fit your specific needs rather than to create it from scratch. Eliminate the overwork! Jacqui also talks about signs and systems for taking care of an aging parent. If you're caregiving for an aging parent or another relative, you need to hear how Jacqui talks about vital signs for determining their capacity for caring for themselves. She also gives this great tip about creating a duplicate binder of their paperwork to keep at your home. What about paper versus digital? Yes, we went there too in this conversation! By all means, keep digital copies, and feel free to create complimentary digital systems. But, paper is powerful! When you walk into doctor's appointments or IEP meetings, you will save time, get more accomplished, and be taken more seriously if you can hand over a physical piece of paper. I hope you enjoy this conversation with Jacqui. I loved hearing about her research and examples of how and why the Sunday Basket® system works to eliminate the hot mess chaos in your life! Be sure to visit the post for this episode because you can download Jacqui’s slides from her presentation as well as some medical forms that she graciously shared with us and links to other things we discussed.
8/19/2022 • 45 minutes, 41 seconds
Transformation with Lisa J.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Lisa J. She lives with her husband on a farm in a remote area of Western Australia. They also have two teens who go to boarding school because of their remote location. Their 17,000-acre crop-oriented farm and they have employees who live onsite. Lisa found Organize 365® when she was searching for a better way to organize their business. We had a great conversation about Australia, the Friday Workbox®, Lisa's partial digital system with her Friday Workbox®, anxiety, and community involvement. I even snuck in a little business coaching about hiring and training new employees. Lisa's story is a great example of what happens when you get your work life organized. If you're looking to get your business or work life organized, you need the Friday Workbox®! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® Workboxes I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave us a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. See this post and coffee chat episode for help setting up a podcast app as well as how to leave a rating and a review. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
8/17/2022 • 46 minutes, 26 seconds
The Paper Solution® Certification Orientation
Have you been considering becoming a certifed organizer? Learn more about The Paper Solution® Certification program in this orientation replay. Watch the video version and download the syllabus here:
8/16/2022 • 49 minutes, 26 seconds
The Sunday Basket® Orientation
Are you ready to tackle the piles of actionable paper in your home and misc to-dos that you're keeping in your head? Learn more about The Sunday Basket® System in this orientation replay. Watch the video version and download the syllabus here:
8/16/2022 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 42 seconds
497 - Housework: The Hot Mess Theory Part 1 with Jacqui Ioli
Jacqui Ioli is my guest today on the podcast. If you're not familiar with Jacqui's story, be sure to go back and listen to her Wednesday Transformation episode. I asked Jacqui to join me to talk in-depth about why the Sunday Basket® works and how the concepts spill over into your work with the Friday Workbox®. Jacqui has been a registered nurse for 40 years and a nurse practitioner for 25 years. She went back to school in her 50s to get her Ph.D. in nursing education and research. She's brilliant! (And talking with her makes me want to get a Ph.D. even more!) I know you're going to love hearing how she explains these concepts. Jacqui got into research because she wanted to figure out why work was such a mess for the outpatient nurses she was supervising. She found grounded theory research, which is simply the basic way people solve day-to-day problems in a particular setting. She applies her knowledge of grounded theory to my theory of organizing: Declutter, organize, and increase productivity. After some insight into how a medical practice operates, we dive into types of work as well as the concept of invisible work. Invisible work is everywhere at home and at work! Making the invisible work visible allows you to reduce it, systematize it, and talk about it. Next, we dig into Jacqui's Hot Mess Theory of work. The Hot Mess Theory consists of four different types of work that are happening simultaneously. These are: Overwork Underwork Rework Workarounds In this episode, Jacqui fabulously explains these four types of work in detail and how they relate to the Sunday Basket® and your work life. Overwork is too much work or too many steps. Jacqui explains this in terms of dusting. You could dust daily, but is that necessary? Could you stretch out dusting to my standard of six weeks or maybe every four weeks works between at your house? In this area it is important to ask two questions: Where am I doing too much? Where can I delegate? If you are overworking, you are also underworking. Underwork is working below your level of skill and training. If you say that it is just easier to do it yourself rather than delegate a task, you are both underworking and overworking yourself at the same time. This brings us to rework. This is work that wasn't done right the first time and must be done again. At home, this can be related to looking for something that you lost. The Sunday Basket® rescues you here because you can use it as the holding place for those important and actionable items. In terms of paperwork, where can a task be automated that has to be done over and over again? In housework, why are you refolding clothes or reloading the dishwasher? Let good enough, be good enough! Doing rework leads back to overwork. Workarounds happen when you don't follow the process or there is no correct path. You don't have time to think when you're in the midst of overwork, underwork, and rework. You then end up taking the workarounds because there's no correct path. The Sunday Basket® System and Friday Workbox® routines give you the opportunity to process the work, iterate, and create the correct path. These systems help you reduce barriers to your work and you make forward progress! Jacqui and I just kept talking and talking so we split this conversation into two parts. she will be back next week to talk more about her Hot Mess Theory. Be sure to check out the full show notes on the website for this episode to get the download of Jacqui's slides from her presentation.
8/12/2022 • 49 minutes, 10 seconds
Transformation with Jacqui I.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Jacqui I. She lives with her husband and adult son, but has also been responsible for her aging parents and their estate. Listen in to hear how getting organized has helped her cope with the emotional rollercoaster of some unexpected events over the last year. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution™ Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
8/10/2022 • 51 minutes, 33 seconds
496 - Women's Work: Fair Play - Redistributing the Housework Cards with Eve Rodsky
I'm so excited to have Eve Rodsky on the podcast again! Eve first joined me on the podcast back in episode #312 where she discussed her book Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too Much to Do (and More Life to Live). I highly recommend going back and listening to that episode so you have a foundational understanding of the concept of Fair Play. Since she was here last time, she has released the Fair Play Documentary that I also think you should go watch. In this episode, Eve and I discuss the invisible work being done at home and how society has tried to erase the gender division of labor in the home. So much focus has been on women and giving women tools to better balance work life and home life. Eve found it difficult through Fair Play to give solutions to families who said that both the man and the woman in the household were doing a task. Enter the mustard. How did the mustard get into your refrigerator? This is a great example that you have to hear Eve use to explain the difference between the execution of a task versus the cognitive labor related to a task. It's eye-opening! We then discuss some of Eve's family background growing up with a single mom as well as my daughter Abby's life as a single mom today. A large number of children each year are both to single moms. These single moms are unfortunately at a disadvantage because they are usually holding all of the cards for their families and therefore have fewer work and income opportunities available. Eve also walks me through an exercise that I hope you will also do for yourself. First, what is an activity outside of your roles that you love to do and share with the world? This goes beyond self-care or exercise or pleasure reading. Second, what is something you love to do? What values does doing this thing bring up for you? I of course talked about travel and learning, but Eve helped me see how understanding the values underneath these things will help you find activities that can bring up these values for you even when you're unable to do the activities you really want to do. I hope you enjoyed this conversation with Eve Rodsky as much as I did! Connect with Eve Rodsky Visit Watch the Fair Play Documentary Follow Fair Play Life on Instagram Listen to episode #312 - Fair Play with Eve Rodsky
8/5/2022 • 47 minutes, 15 seconds
Transformation with Shea B.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Shea B. She lives with her husband, her 12-year-old daughter, and her 8-year-old son who has special needs. Shea found Organize 365® because she needed something to pick up her after listening to true crime podcasts. She stayed because she related to my stories about raising my kids who also have special needs. Shea says that she appeared organized, but she didn't feel organized. She ordered The Productive Home Solution™ and while her family was away, she did a year of organizing in 4 days! The freedom of an empty house allowed her to move quickly. The other resource that Shea found helpful is the Warrior MAMA Binder. She tells how she was able to better advocate for her son and receive needed services for him. Now she has more time to give back to the community that supported her when her son was a newborn. What a great way to use her extra time! Can you relate to Shea's story? Do you need a system to manage all of the paper and information related to a disability diagnosis for your child? The Warrior MAMA Binder is the resource you've been looking for! I walk you through gathering all of the paperwork from medical to IEP/504 and more so you can be a better advocate for your child. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket® System The Productive Home Solution™ The Paper Solution® Warrior MAMA Binder I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins!
8/3/2022 • 41 minutes, 35 seconds
495 - The Process of Equitably Dividing Housework
Over the last several weeks, we've been talking about the history and importance of Home Economics. Listen to all of the episodes in this series: The History of Home Economics In Lisa’s Family - #492 The Secret History of Home Economics Part 1 (1800-1940) - #493 The Secret History of Home Economics Part 2 (1940 - Now) - #494 I left you last week with the promise of the story of how my house didn’t fall apart while I was on the book tour last summer. This story really begins in 2012. So, back in 2012, I started getting organized. In Organization is a Learnable Skill, I share this story and how I went from being overweight and depressed to organized and starting a company. What happened next was the realization that I could teach this skill of organization through a podcast and courses. The problem? Well, about 5 or 6 years ago, I found that I was out of time. With everything I was doing at home, I only had about 6 hours a day to devote to Organize 365®. I tried working until late at night. I tried working on the weekends. My family wasn't happy because they only saw my working hours and it looked like I was always working. I just didn't have any additional time in my days to grow my business and I didn't have the finances to hire any more people. In this episode, I want to share with you how I worked myself out of jobs at home to make time to do what I'm uniquely created to do! At that time, my kids were in high school and I was driving them 25 hours a week. I was doing all of the household chores except taking out the trash and mowing the lawn. So, I made some decisions. I abdicated everything related to cooking, except doing the dishes. Greg took this area on. I delegated the house cleaning to a housekeeper. For a period of time, I even hired out most of the laundry to our local dry cleaner. The Sunday Basket® and my weekly Sunday Basket® routine took the load of many of the invisible things. The routine running of the household takes place during my Sunday Basket® time. Bill paying, holiday planning, date night planning, vacation planning, reordering prescriptions, making doctor appointments, placing online orders, scheduling car maintenance, and more. Anything related to running errands, I place orders to be shipped or picked up instead of running around town. As far as organization is concerned, there wasn't much left. My husband and kids handled their own personal organization, I was personally organized, the storage area was organized, and my paper was organized. These things only needed maintenance. That only left family and communal spaces. Because I have a house cleaner, all that's left is for me to just make sure that those spaces are picked up regularly. When I left for the book tour last summer, Greg was sure that the house would fall apart without me. But, it didn't! Everyone continued to do the things they do and they figured out how to handle the dishes. Every member of our family is now capable of making a meal, cleaning, and doing their laundry. They handle their own personal and paper organizing needs. I have worked myself out of these jobs! What job can you start working yourself out of so you have more time to do what YOU are uniquely created to do? The Productive Home Solution™ and the Sunday Basket® System can help you take control of your home and paper starting today! The Sunday Basket® System alone can give you back 5 hours a week of your time!
7/29/2022 • 30 minutes, 10 seconds
Transformation with Lauren S.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Lauren S. She lives with her husband and 4 kids. She has a daughter who is non-verbal and wheelchair-bound from a genetic condition. Lauren shares the chaos of the last couple of years from two job changes for her husband to issues with access to services and changes to special ed teachers for her daughter during the pandemic. She decided that she could not continue to live in survival mode permanently! She joined The Productive Home Solution™ and jumped in with both feet. This self-proclaimed creative who struggled with organization decided that organization is a learnable skill. She made organizing her part-time job and plowed through the 100 Day Home Organization Program and more in less than 100 Days! Lauren pushed past grief and faced the emotional paperwork for her daughter to create her Warrior Mama Binder in time for an IEP meeting as well as boxing up belongings of her late brother for safekeeping that had been taking up space in her home office. The community app and the Sunday Basket® Club were essential to her success especially when she struggled with figuring out what her next step should be. Can you relate to Lauren's story? Do you have a special needs family member for whom you are the primary caregiver? Are you tired of living in the chaos of survival mode? Regain control of your home and paper with The Productive Home Solution™ and the Sunday Basket® System like Lauren did! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket® System The Productive Home Solution™ The Paper Solution® Warrior MAMA Binder I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins!
7/27/2022 • 47 minutes, 52 seconds
Coffee Chat: Fall 2022 Paper Organizing Retreats!
We're bringing back in-person Paper Organizing Retreats! I'm so ready to start traveling again to see you and help you get your paper organized! I would love for you to join me at one of these upcoming corporate Paper Organizing Retreats: 10/1-2: Phoenix, AZ 10/8-9: Orlando, FL 12/10-11: Cincinnati, OH Gather up and fill your car with all of your paper to join me at one of these Paper Organizing Retreats. We will start Saturday morning by bringing in all of your paper and pairing 1-2 retreat attendees with a certified organizer who will personally guide you through the weekend. Until lunchtime, you will declutter and prepare for shredding. Then we have lunch and a shredding company will come to do all of the shredding on-site. The rest of Saturday and most of Sunday will be spent separating your paper into projects. We will end our time on Sunday with a Sunday Basket® time. You can expect me to be on-site on Saturdays at these retreats. We plan to have time to take pictures together, do a book signing, and have a mini Organize 365® store open for you. Please note that there are a limited number of seats available at the Paper Organizing Retreats. Start planning now! You can learn more and register for the retreat near you at Our certification program is changing too! On the Fridays before these Paper Organizing Retreats, Monique will guide new certified organizers through their training so they will be ready to assist attendees. I'll be there to get a picture with you for our website and have lunch with you. If you're interested in certification, learn more at If an in-person Paper Organization Retreat isn't a good fit for you at this time, check out the virtual Paper Organizing Retreats that our certified organizers are hosting here:
7/26/2022 • 18 minutes, 49 seconds
494 - The Secret History of Home Economics Part 2 (1940- Now)
This is the third episode is a series on Home Economics and the book The Secret History of Home Economics by Danielle Dreilinger. In the first episode, I talked to you about my personal family history. In the last episode, we talked about how Home Economics grew and moved outside of personal homes in the 1800s and early 1900s. Listen to all of the episodes in this series: The History of Home Economics In Lisa’s Family - #492 The Secret History of Home Economics Part 1 (1800-1940) - #493 In this episode, we pick up the timeline at World War II. The ending of the war brought a change with fewer women in the workforce and fewer women going to college. Two-thirds of women were married by the time they reached age 24. Despite new technology, in the 1950s, these women were still spending 52 hours a week on housework. At this time the American Home Economics Association defined Home Economics as being concerned with strengthening family life. A divide emerged. On one side were women who understood the original definition of Home Economics. They believed that what happens at home is important, is a science, and should be studied in higher education. On the other hand, there were children of the next generation like me who were taught that Home Economics was about socialization and based on what the government and consumer brands wanted for society. You either had to be a fulltime homemaker or have a fulltime career. Jobs held by men generally brought in enough income for women to have the luxury of being primary homemakers. There were still scientific advancements being made in the field of Home Economics during this time period, but brands like Betty Crocker and Johnson & Johnson were driving the narrative of what it meant to run your family. I love digging into the history of divides in thinking like this. My grandmother never understood the controversy. She said to just do the work! It doesn't matter where the work is or what the work pays. Just do the work. As we move forward, I want to talk more about the division of housework. How did housework go from being all women's work to now being a discussion about having equity at home? What I really want you to see is the invisible work that is being done at home. Much of what we do is on autopilot and was learned from our mothers and grandmothers. There is a shift in process. Everyone in the family wants to feel valued for the work that they are contributing to the family. In the next episode, I'll share how I worked myself out of being a fulltime stay-at-home mom to being a working mom who traveled for six weeks last summer. (Spoiler alert! Nothing fell apart at home while I was gone!)
7/22/2022 • 23 minutes, 16 seconds
Transformation with Tracy S.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Tracy S. She lives with her husband and three high school and college-age kids. Tracy is a former special education teacher and homeschooler. She used to have so much anxiety at night that it would drive her out of bed. Everything was in her brain and she was terrified of forgetting an important piece of information or not being able to find an important piece of paper. The Sunday Basket® reduced her anxiety and helps her sleep better. Tracy also found the Kids Program helpful and wishes that she'd had that resource available when her kids were younger. Can you relate to Tracy's story? Do you have paper and informational stress and anxiety that keeps your brain awake at night? I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket® System The Productive Home Solution™ Kids Program I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins!
7/20/2022 • 37 minutes, 41 seconds
Coffee Chat: How to Listen to a Podcast in 2022
I'm going to get a little meta on you today. This is a podcast about podcasts. Stick with me! Take a journey with me and learn about some of the changes to podcasting over the years. I'm not a fan of asking you in every episode to rate and review and follow the podcast, but rating, reviewing, following, and sharing a podcast is what helps the podcast directories know that you find our content valuable. In turn, those directories like Apple and Spotify are more likely to put the Organize 365® podcast in searches and on charts where new people can find us. When you share on social media, I'd love it if you'd take a screenshot of the episode you're listening to and tag me in your post. It's not about the numbers themselves or the charts. Those are vanity metrics in many ways. The podcast crossed 16 million downloads last week (and that's amazing!), but more people need to hear our message! This is about reaching more people with the message that organization is a learnable skill, the invisible work needs to be made visible, and being organized gives you time back to do what you were uniquely created to do.
7/19/2022 • 25 minutes, 50 seconds
493 - The Secret History of Home Economics Part 1 (1800-1940)
Last week, I shared with you some of the history of my family of origin, which has given me the perspective that I have regarding home economics. You can listen to that episode here. In this episode, I'm diving into the content of The Secret History of Home Economics by Danielle Dreilinger. This is a meaty book and a fascinating read! Home Economics was the path that was created for women to enter college and earn college degrees. Women like Catherine Beecher, Ellen Swallow, and Margaret Murray Washington led the way in the field. Home Economics at that time was about an ideal home life that was unhampered by tradition and which utilized modern science for better productivity. It was about the study of food properties and diets as well as experiments with bacteria, standardization of clothing measurements, and so much more. This is the time in which MY grandmothers were living and earning their Home Economics degrees. They were learning that what you do at home affects the larger American economy. Running your home like a business is a thing and it impacts more than just your family! I hope that you found this history as informative and as interesting as I did! I shared a few ways that we are making changes in our home to be better examples for and to teach our children how to stretch their budget and food supplies. How will you use this knowledge about Home Economics to make changes in how you run YOUR home? What missing skills will you be teaching your children now in light of the current state of the economy? In the next episode, we will talk about how the view of home economics shifted after World War II. The Launching Life Skills Bundle is a great resource for the young adults in your life! We’ve put together digital training and the essential portions of our physical resources to help your high schooler, college student, or young professional prepare to transition from living at home as a kid to being an independent adult. Learn more here about this and the rest of our Kids Program here.
7/15/2022 • 31 minutes, 3 seconds
Transformation with Nancy B.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Nancy B. She lives with her husband and their two young children. Nancy is a nurse practitioner in Canada. She first learned about Organize 365® through a former grad school professor who was sharing about her Sunday Basket®. Nancy had used the Marie Kondo method successfully for herself but quickly found that she needed something more to keep her growing family organized. She really saw the benefits of her new systems during a medical emergency when she was able to quickly gather medications and information for her husband when he experienced a heart attack a few weeks after their second child was born. Can you relate to Nancy's story? Are you a somewhat organized person but your systems aren't working now that you're a wife and mom? Have you had a medical emergency in your family and not been able to quickly gather the needed medical details and paperwork? This episode is for you! Related episodes: My Depression Story & How Depression Affects Organization - #69 I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket® System The Productive Home Solution™ I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins!
7/13/2022 • 28 minutes, 18 seconds
Welcome to the Organize 365® Podcast!
Welcome to the Organize 365® Podcast. I'm your host, Lisa Woodruff, CEO and Founder of Organize 365® 87% of Americans believe that organization is a learnable skill but they only give themselves a 1 in 6 chance of being organized in any particular area. As a former educator, I'm taking on the challenge of uncovering how to make the invisible work at home visible, how to eliminate as much as possible, and to get our home from being in the process of being organized to finished being organized. Join me for client success stories on Wednesdays and my latest thoughts on the state of the American home on Fridays, plus some bonus episodes from time to time. Welcome to the Organize 365® Podcast. I'm so glad you're here! Learn more about Organize 365® and our programs: Organize 365® Organize 365® Research The Sunday Basket® System The Productive Home Solution™ The Friday Workbox® Visit the Organize 365® podcast channel to see all of our podcasts and playlists.
7/8/2022 • 1 minute, 54 seconds
492 - The History of Home Economics in Lisa's Family
Last summer while I was on The Paper Solution® book tour in Chicago, an attendee recommended that I read The Secret History of Home Economics by Danielle Dreilinger. It sounded interesting so I grabbed the audiobook. Oh my! I couldn't listen fast enough! When I got home, I had to have a paper copy of the book to take notes and dive deeper. Over the last year, I've been digesting and contemplating what I read in this book. I'm now ready to share my thoughts and reflections over the course of several podcast episodes this month. First, I want to talk to you about my latest reflection on my family of origin and how this reflection has created a greater understanding for me of the role women in my history have had and then next week we will dive into the content of the book. In this episode, I share about the families on both my dad's side and my mom's side and the difference between the two in terms of average life span, education, and family practices. I go into depth about my mom's side of the family where we have a long history of women going to college and becoming entrepreneurs. The Secret History of Home Economics helped me understand why each generation in my family thought about and experienced a different college and work experience - even with the same college subject degree! This was the foundation from which I went to college, became an entrepreneur, developed a love for travel, and now understand home economics. I also share with you the origin of my "grandma name" that I hope Grayson will use once he starts talking! - but so far I respond to anything!! What was your family of origin like? What is your background in understanding home economics? History is SO fascinating! There is an economy at home and work to be done at home that is valuable. At Organize 365®, we're figuring out what that work is, defining it, and eliminating Swiss Cheese organization. The journey begins with the Sunday Basket® System to organize your actionable paper and continues to organizing the rest of your home with The Productive Home Solution™. Then you can take that success into your work with the Friday Workbox®. Join me as I teach you the skill of home organization and make visible the invisible work that is done at home!
7/8/2022 • 37 minutes, 3 seconds
Transformation with Laurie W.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Laurie W. She lives with her husband. They are empty nesters with boys who come home frequently for long visits. Laurie found Organize 365® through the podcast. She was about to start working on organizing her youngest son's room while listening to an episode of the podcast when she heard me say to work first on the room where you spend the most time. Laurie dropped everything and moved to the living room to start her journey to a lasting organization. We talk about the pandemic, family working from home, organizing storage spaces, how bigger houses just mean more places to put things, Sunday Basket® insights, The Paper Solution® book, Home Planning Day, and more. Can you relate to Laurie's story? Are you an empty nester ready to take advantage of this golden window? Are you surrounded by family working and schooling from home? Are you struggling to get your Sunday Basket® habit started? I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket® System The Productive Home Solution™ The Paper Solution® book Home Planning Day I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins! Read the full show notes with links here:
7/6/2022 • 47 minutes, 58 seconds
491 - Bite Size Organizing: How to Declare You Are Organized!
I'm changing and iterating again! I'm a teacher and a life-long learner and it's time to pass new knowledge on to you. We are finally ready to release to you the changes to The Productive Home Solution™ that I've been talking about in some of the recent podcasts. Over the last 18 months, our Organize 365® Research has revealed that 87% of you believe that organization is a learnable skill, but only 13-18% of you feel organized in any of the four essential areas of organization. So, a large percentage of us feel like horrific failures when it comes to organization! It's time for that to change! It's now time for The Productive Home Solution™ to be re-organized to reflect these four essential areas of organization. Beginning today, The Productive Home Solution™ Dashboard will have the content and videos from the 100 Day Home Organization Program split into Slash Pockets for the four essential areas of organization. Now you get to decide which area you want to organize first and declare that you are organized in that space. You'll also find four new corresponding groups in our community app where you can share and chat with others who are working on that same essential organizational space with you. In this episode, I give you more background and information about these changes. I also give you some advice and considerations for which space to tackle first. If you've not yet taken the leap to join The Productive Home Solution™, now is the perfect time! No more waiting for the next session to start. You can begin with any of the 4 organizational spaces starting today! Learn more here. Which area will you choose to get fully organized first this fall? Your personal spaces? Your family & communal spaces? Your storage spaces? Your paper management? Read the full show notes with links here:
7/1/2022 • 46 minutes, 38 seconds
Transformation with Samantha S.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Samantha S. She is a teacher who lives with her husband and her three kids under four years old. Samantha found that by going through The Productive Home Solution™ to organize her home, moving to a new home was easier but it also made for much less stress when both her second and third children were born four weeks early in 2019 and 2021. Samantha loves following along with the Sunday Basket® Club using the recording and is able to process her 1.0 Slash Pocket system in less than an hour each week. She says that following along with the Sunday Basket® Club removes analysis paralysis. She doesn't have to think about what needs to be done to process her Sunday Basket® because we guide her through each week! Next up on her list is to get her The Paper Solution® Binders organized. Can you relate to Samantha's story? Has The Productive Home Solution™ helped you survive a move or unexpected event? Do you join us each week in the Organize 365® app for the Sunday Basket® Club? I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket® System The Productive Home Solution™ (formerly All Access) The Paper Solution® Binders I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins!
6/29/2022 • 40 minutes, 45 seconds
490 - Running Your Home Like a Classroom
Have you seen the organization in a kindergarten classroom? It's full of cubbies and bins. Any classroom from preschool through high school is designed to function well. The environment is organized in a way that there is a place for everything to be put away. There's a place for the books and the toys. There are stations designated for different activities. Classrooms are also set up to be age-appropriate. You won't find baby toys in the middle school classroom! The classroom environment is set up so that when the kids enter, they have the age-appropriate things they need and everything is where it is supposed to be. Your home can be set up this way too! If you are teaching the skill of organizing to someone else, you first need a picture of what done looks like. Have an orientation when you organize a space in your home. This shows your family where things are located, the rules of that area, and what it should look like when it is clean up after using that space. Next, you need a lesson plan. You have to know the right amount of work to give to your student so that they neither become bored or overwhelmed when learning how to organize. Finally, the person you're teaching needs to have a spark ignited to want to learn the skill of organization. You cannot create this spark in someone else, but once they have it, it's game on! In this episode, I help you think about what your space should look like to make it function like a classroom. I also walk you through how to teach the skill of organization to someone else. What will your first step be in making your home function like a classroom? The Productive Home Solution™ gives you all of the information and tools that you need to organize your home so that it is age-appropriate and functions well for your current life stage. It's also set up in bite-sized chunks so you can do as little or as much as you want to do at a time. Join The Productive Home Solution™ here.
6/24/2022 • 42 minutes, 36 seconds
Transformation with Andrea P.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Andrea P. She lives with her husband, their young son, and their dog in the UK. Andrea with diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. She sought the diagnosis because while she compensated well into her adult years while she was single, life became too much when in a space of 3 years she married, bought a house, adopted a dog, and had a baby. I'm sure many of you can relate! She found that organization is a learnable skill and is now thriving! What resonates with YOU about Andrea's story? Do you have ADHD? I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket® System The Productive Home Solution™ (formerly All Access) The Paper Solution® Binders I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins!
6/22/2022 • 33 minutes, 20 seconds
489 - Becoming a Student of Organization
Do you know your preferred learning style? If you don't know your learning style, think back to your highest level of formal education. How did you make it through or study for tests? That's likely your preferred learning style. You may find that you use more than one learning style, but you have a natural bent toward one of them. There are four main learning styles: Auditory Kinesthetic Visual Reading / Writing In this episode, I'm sharing details about these four learning styles to help you figure out which one works best for you. Then, I want you to use these learning styles to see your home (and your work) in a different way. Because I am a teacher at heart, I have created our systems at Organize 365® to work for any learning style. I explain some of the features of our products and how to make better use of those things from the perspective of your learning style. From podcasts to coworking times, from videos to written materials, I've given you the content in multiple formats to help you succeed in becoming organized. It's your home! Focus on consuming and implementing new information in your preferred way of learning. Give yourself the grace to learn as an adult learner the way that you are uniquely wired to learn! How do you learn best? What features of Organize 365® programs and products have you found work best for your learning style?
6/17/2022 • 34 minutes, 5 seconds
Transformation with Sarah K.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Sarah K. She lives with her husband and two of her adult children. Sarah shares how she tamed the paper monster! She used to dread her husband asking for a receipt or important paper, but not anymore. She went from 13 (yes, 13!) file cabinets down to 1/2 a desk file drawer and organized binders. Now she can find the papers she needs for her family, her home, and her rental properties quickly and easily in her Sunday Basket®, Business Workbox®, and The Paper Solution® Binders. I also love how organizing became a family project for this tight-knit former homeschooling family. What resonates with YOU about Sarah's story? Are you dealing with medical issues in your family or drowning in paper? I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at
6/15/2022 • 45 minutes, 20 seconds
488 - Where Did All the Teachers Go? An Interview with Angela Watson
Angela Watson is here again! If you're a teacher and you don't know Angela, you need to meet her! She was a classroom teacher for 11 years and has spent over a decade as an instructional coach. She has a podcast called Truth for Teachers and created the 40 hour Teacher Workweek program to help teachers take back control of their time. In this episode, Angela and I dive into what's going on in education and the classroom post-pandemic. A survey from the NEA says that 55% of teachers are looking to retire sooner than they had the previous fall. That's a scary number when the typical attrition rate for teachers is 8%. Education Week says that teachers work an average of 54 hours a week and half of that time is spent on non-teaching time work. Angela's surveys have found that the average in her audience is 62 hours per week. Teachers know when they go into this profession that work doesn't end at 3pm, but at the same time, teachers are being taken advantage of because of their deep care for their work. What's the solution? How can teachers work fewer hours and be more productive? Angela and I have both spent a lot of time working on different angles of this issue so we chat about ways to fix this problem! It comes back to boundaries and organization. Angela's contribution to the solution is the 40 hour Teacher Workweek program. One of the things she does in this program is help teachers understand the difference between hobby work and required work. We have a long discussion about what hobby work is and how to cut back your work hours by reducing this type of work. Using Angela's program, most members have been able to cut 5 hours off of their work week in the first month in the same way that Sunday Basket® users are able to save 5 hours a week after using the system for 6 weeks! My contribution to the solution is the Education Friday Workbox®. This system compliments Angela's solution by helping you organize the administrative and paperwork side of teaching. Instead of missing deadlines and spending time looking for important papers, you have more time to focus on the lesson planning and the teaching that you love. I love talking with Angela! I hope you teachers out there find help and hope in these solutions!
6/10/2022 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 55 seconds
Education Friday Workbox® with Kate McDonnell
For the final episode in this series about the Education Friday Workbox®, I'm talking with Kate McDonnell. Kate is single and lives with her cat in Colorado. She has been a teacher for over 15 years. Her career started with teaching science but her background is in computer programming. She now teaches many different technology-related courses in different formats with a schedule that changes every week. Kate is also a certified organizer. You can find out more about working with her here. In this episode, Kate and I discuss the challenges of teaching and organizing so many different classes and then the administrative work that goes along with that. Kate loves using the portable Sunday Basket® to carry her Slash pockets and papers with her to her various schools. We also talk a little about managing email. You know that I'm not your digital organizer, but I do have some tips for organizing email. (I share even more about email organization in the email course inside of The Productive Home Solution™.) Learn more about the Education Friday Workbox® here. Registration for Teacher Camp is now open. Click here to learn more and sign up.
6/8/2022 • 37 minutes, 29 seconds
487 - Optional Organizing: Memories & Photos
In this final week of the series on spaces to organize, I'm talking about the second optional space to organize: memories and photos. Now, I don't personally believe that this is an optional space to organize for me and my family. It's kind of a passion of mine! After you have sorted through the four essential areas of paper -- medical, financial, household reference, and household operations -- you're still left with a lot of paper that I categorize as memories and photos. What do you do with all of these things? In this episode, I explain that there are different levels of final organization of memories and photos that you could choose to end at from simple boxes of collated photos to photo albums and binders. I love creating topic-based albums: holidays, vacations, birthdays, etc. I also personally love creating binders and albums because my family is more likely to pull them off the shelf and look at them over items kept in a box. Organizing your memories and photos can be such a source of joy for your family as they look back at the family history you've gathered and fun memories from their lives. In our Saving Your Story Photo Organization Program, I walk you through sorting all of your photos, eliminating duplicates, and creating final albums with those photos. Is organizing memories and photos optional for you? What is keeping you from organing this space?
6/3/2022 • 18 minutes, 25 seconds
Education Friday Workbox® with Michele Vinje
Over the last few weeks, we've been talking about the updated Education Friday Workbox®. This week, I'm talking with Michele Vinje. She's been an educator for over 28 years in the same school and the same building for her entire career. She has taught various history and economics courses to sophomores, juniors, and seniors over the years. You can hear more of Michele's personal story in her transformation episode. Michele is also a certified organizer. You can find out more about working with her here. In this episode, Michele and I discuss how the education system has changed since the pandemic. We talk about how the Education Friday Workbox® is a place to hold all of those administrative tasks that are important but not urgent so you can get to them once a week and before something is due. Michelle describes how the Education Friday Workbox® frees up your brain and that it is a system that is inclusive for all educators and administrators but customizable for anyone in the education world. And don't forget about the colors! The colored Slash pockets make it easy to find a category of information quickly. Learn more about the Education Friday Workbox® here. Registration for Teacher Camp is now open. Click here to learn more and sign up.
6/1/2022 • 39 minutes, 35 seconds
Coffee Chat - Embrace Playlist
The final Embrace experience is right around the corner! I've put together a playlist on Spotify of all of the music we will be playing over the course of the weekend. In this Coffee Chat episode, I share with you why I'm sharing this playlist and why I think it is important for you to hear the music before the Embrace experience. Find the playlist on Spotify by searching for Organize 365® Embrace 2022 or use this link: It's not too late to join the Embrace experience virtually. Go here to learn more and sign up to join us:
5/31/2022 • 6 minutes, 34 seconds
486 - Optional Organizing: Kids
We've been talking about essential organizing for the last several podcast episodes. Listen to the rest of the episodes in this series: Organizing Personal Spaces Organizing Family & Communal Spaces Organizing Storage Spaces Organizing Paper Management This week, we are transitioning to the first of two optional spaces to organize. The first space is kids. Organizing anything related to kids is optional! But, if you have kids, I really think you do need to organize the things and spaces related to them. I've tried to organize my kids in a way that is Pinterest-worthy but let me tell you, it just doesn't work. It's not functional. I have three mindset shifts for you when it comes to organizing kids: It's good enough. Establish how long it takes to achieve good enough. Remember that organization is a learnable skill, even for your kids. In this episode, I go deeper into these three thoughts. I also break down the ages and stages of organizing kids and give you tips for each of those stages. Whether you have 0-5-year-olds, 6-12-year-olds, or teens, I have suggestions for not only organizing your kids but also teaching them how to organize themselves! What do you find hardest about organizing your kids? How are you teaching them to organize for themselves? Take the next step in organizing your kids with our Kids Program. For your teens and young adults heading out into the world, take a look at our Launching Life Skills Bundle or Launch Bundle. Also talked about in this episode: Kids One Clip
5/27/2022 • 36 minutes, 50 seconds
Education Friday Workbox® with Annie Sisemore
This week, Annie Sisemore joins me to tell you how she uses her workbox in her job as an educator. Annie began her teaching career by substitute teaching right out of high school and has experience over the years in middle school math, instructional coaching at the district level, and as an adjunct professor teaching college students who want to be teachers. You can hear more of Annie's personal story in her transformation episode. In this episode, Annie shares some great insights from her personal experience for using your Education Friday Workbox® such as how she uses slash pockets for her college students who she never sees in person and for gathering information for training new teachers in her district. We also talk more about the philosophy behind and changes we made to the Education Friday Workbox®. Get the presale Education Friday Workbox® with special bonus here while supplies last. Registration for Teacher Camp is now open. Click here to learn more and sign up.
5/25/2022 • 42 minutes, 3 seconds
All About Teacher Camp
Teacher Camp is coming the week of July 11 - 15, 2022! Sheri MacGregor and I are going to walk you as a teacher or education administrator through the Education Friday Workbox® to get you ready for the coming school year. We will add a new Slash pocket color each day with 30 minutes of teaching and training to give you ideas for how to organize your administrative work. Then for the next 90 minutes, you will have the opportunity to co-work with other educators to work out and plan your system of organization. Listen to this episode for all of the details! To join Teacher Camp, go to:
5/24/2022 • 7 minutes, 38 seconds
485 - Organizing Paper Management
In this podcast series, we've been talking about essential organizing. You can catch up on this series by listening to these episodes: Organizing Personal Spaces Organizing Family & Communal Spaces Organizing Storage Spaces This week, we are moving to organizing your paper management in our quest for functional organization in your home. You know how much I love to talk about paper organization! People are FINALLY coming around to the fact that paper is not going away, and it needs to be organized. You could organize your paper first or last, and you could also choose to only organize portions of your paper. We found in our research study that 54% of people have piles of paper everywhere. Only 18% of people have a system in place for organizing that paper. In addition, 70% of Millenials perceive a reduction in stress when their paper is organized. You see, we all have paper. You could have less paper, but you're never going to be paperless. Paper is different than other areas of your home. It's different because 85% of what you store in your filing cabinet you will NEVER need again. The remaining 15% is paper that you do need and you need to be able to find it when you go looking for it. You only go looking for these important papers when there's a problem. Binders are the solution! Trust me, your future self in crisis will thank you when you have your paper organized and can find what you need. But here's the other problem you will run into with paper: Only about 20% of what I suggest that you put into your binders is actually in your filing cabinet or it is actually paper at all. The other 80% of what needs to be in your binders is either on the computer where only you know how to find it or it is stored in your brain. If something happens to you, how does anyone else take care of anything in your home or for your family? In this episode, you'll find encouragement for why and how to get your paper organized. Are your papers organized? What is keeping you from organizing your paper? Mentioned in this episode: Podcast #420 - The Weight of Paper Paper Organizing Retreats The Paper Solution® Binders
5/20/2022 • 32 minutes, 31 seconds
All About the New Education Friday Workbox with Sheri MacGregor
I am so excited to share with you our updated Education Friday Workbox®! Sheri MacGregor is joining me in this episode to help me tell you about all of the changes. Sheri MacGregor is a former teacher with a Master's in Elementary Education, a certified organizer, and is now in charge of our teacher support at Organize 365®. You can listen to these previous podcast episodes to learn more about Sheri: Friday Workbox with Sheri MacGregor Transformation with Sheri M. Sheri was a part of the mastermind group that helped us revamp the Education Friday Workbox® and Playbook. You'll be seeing a lot more of her because she did all of the videos in the Education Friday Workbox® dashboard, will be joining me for Teacher Camp, and will be your host and guide for the weekly co-working time for teachers. The new Education Friday Workbox® has an updated Playbook to help you set up your organizational system. We also included not only the 2.0 Slash pockets but 3 additional colors of Slash pockets - because we know that teachers are juggling extra categories of work that need to be organized! In this episode, Sheri and I talk about these changes and so much more! We share with you some practical ideas for organizing your Education Friday Workbox®, Teacher Camp coming this summer, and how to approach your administrator for reimbursement and continuing education units. Get the presale Education Friday Workbox® with special bonus here while supplies last.
5/18/2022 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 4 seconds
484 - Organizing Storage Spaces
In this podcast series, I have talked with you about organizing your personal spaces and then about organizing your family and communal spaces. Now, we're ready to move into your storage spaces. Storage spaces are not easy to organize, but once you set your mind to it, they can be maintained for the rest of your life! Really, they can! Whether it is your attic, basement, or an off-site storage unit, once you have a system in place, this storage space can stay organized for decades. With the exception of some transient storage spaces, your storage space is generally a hidden area of organization. People don't see these spaces so we tend to put off organizing them. What I want you to understand is the mindset of organizing a storage space. You must start thinking of it as a store. It is your on-demand, already paid-for store, where you're storing things for when you need them. In this episode, I share with you about creating a storage mindset, what kinds of things you might find in your storage space, and how to group those items. I also talk about why you might consider tackling your storage space BEFORE the rest of your home. Ready to organize your storage space? You'll find more detailed guidance for organizing your storage space in The Productive Home Solution™. What do you keep in your storage spaces? What have you been holding onto in your storage space that really needs to go?
5/13/2022 • 41 minutes, 12 seconds
Transformation with Krys H.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Krys H. She lives with her husband and their 21-year-old cat, but she is also mom to 11 grown children. Krys talks about the medical issues in her family and how having The Paper Solution® Medical Binder paperwork with her helped the first responders care for her during a recent accident. She also shares how she packed for a long-distance move that included downsizing from 3,000 sq ft to 1,400 sq ft. Krys is also a faithful keeper of her Sunday Basket®, which she does on Friday each week. There are so many fun nuggets of inspiration in this conversation! What resonates with YOU about Krys' story? Are you dealing with medical issues in your family or preparing for a move? I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket® System The Productive Home Solution™ (formerly All Access) The Paper Solution® Binders I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins!
5/11/2022 • 28 minutes, 26 seconds
483 - Organizing Family & Communal Spaces
This week we are moving from personal organization to the next area of organization: family and communal spaces. These are the areas that you will want to organize first because people see them when they come into your home, but they are the hardest areas to organize and maintain. I know, there can be judgment anxiety over these spaces. There is also a tension between wanting these spaces to look good but also being able to live in them comfortably. In our research study, we found that only 14% of people say that they have their family and communal spaces organized. Why is this? Well... How often have you spent so much time cleaning and organizing just to turn around and find that space trashed again? I'm sure you've been through these seasons or you might be living in one of those seasons right now! Sometimes, it's like shoveling snow in a snow storm! As you can see, family and communal spaces are hard and that's why I recommend that you start with organizing your personal spaces. Build your organizational muscles and habits there first. When you do get to the family and communal spaces, start with your kitchen. You'll feel a difference when you know where everything is in your kitchen and when you know that everything in there is purposeful. After the kitchen, move on to your other shared spaces: the family room, communal bathrooms, dining room, front hall closet, and cleaning supplies. Listen to this episode for more encouragement and inspiration for tackling the organization of these hard-to-organize family and communal spaces. What makes these family and communal spaces so hard for you to organize and maintain? Do you have toddlers? Teens? Lack of time? Too much stuff? Ready to get these family and communal spaces organized? Learn more about The Productive Home Solution™ and how the program can help you reach that goal.
5/6/2022 • 21 minutes, 31 seconds
Transformation with Catherine D.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Catherine D. She lives with her husband and their blended family of 6 kids. They also have a dog, two bunnies, and fish. (And backyard chickens are on the wish list!) Catherine talks about wrestling through paper, passion projects, and storage spaces. She put the effort into creating spaces in her home that were functional during the pandemic. There's even a little retreat space for Catherine to relax with decor that makes her happy. She says that Organize 365® has helped her look at the spaces in her home differently! What resonates with YOU about Catherine's story? Do you have any special retreat spaces in your home? I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Productive Home Solution (formerly All Access) I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins!
5/4/2022 • 35 minutes, 11 seconds
Coffee Chat - Thank You for 15 Million Downloads!!!
Oh my goodness!!! The Organize 365® Podcast launched in September of 2014 and has now reached a major milestone: A few weeks ago, we crossed 15 million downloads! In this quick coffee chat, I simply want to say thank you for listening. But, in true Lisa fashion, I want to turn the tables and encourage you to pursue your unique calling even when it seems like that thing doesn't even exist yet. Be sure to listen to Emily's farewell episode to hear how Emily's dream job appeared when she was ready for it:
5/3/2022 • 8 minutes, 43 seconds
482 - Organizing Personal Spaces
I’ll be honest: Organization is optional. While cleaning and tasks of daily living are not optional, you CAN survive without organizing. Even though this next-level step of organization is optional, when you do choose to do it, it is a current investment of time today for a future exponential return on time later. Organization always pays you back in time and sometimes money. You can't make anyone else be organized, so you have to start with yourself and your personal spaces. Organization must become a habit starting with these personal spaces. It needs to be something that you do regularly, spending 15 minutes a day or an hour once a week working on building your organizational muscles. The best place to begin? Your closet! You are 100% in control of your clothing. After that, you can move on to your portion of the bathroom space and bedroom space, your wallet or purse, and your transportation. Remember: This is NOT about perfection. Organized means that everything has a place and everything is in its place. When it comes to organizing these spaces, there are no rules. I'm not going to come judge you and your space. Make it how you want it to be! In our research study, "Organization is Not an Optional Hobby for Women," we found that 62% of women reported that anxiety prevents them from organizing their personal spaces. I just want to hug you and tell you that this doesn't have to be stressful. In this episode, I share more about what personal spaces are and some encouragement and instruction for building your habit of organizing in these spaces. There are also some changes coming to the 100 Day Home Organization Program in the fall based on this research that I share too. Are you ready to get your personal space organized? Read more about our research studies here. Ready to start organizing? Read more about The Productive Home Solution™ here. Want more inspiration? Listen to my morning, afternoon, and evening routines episodes to hear more about how I use and organize my personal spaces.
4/29/2022 • 30 minutes, 34 seconds
Leveling Up: A Farewell to Emily
On Wednesdays, I usually talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. This Wednesday Transformation is a little different. In this episode, I sat down with my sister, Emily Kelly, to talk about her personal and professional transformation. Emily came to work with me at Organize 365® over 4 years ago. During that time, her mindset has shifted. Emily has been leveling up. She has regained control of her finances. She's gone through hard seasons. Now she's ready for a new adventure. I said I'd never fire Emily and she said she'd never quit, but the time came recently for Emily to leave Organize 365® because her dream job appeared. She didn't go looking for it. It found her. Listen in as Emily tells the whole story in this episode. Mentioned in this episode: You can listen to my depression story in episode #069. I hope you find Emily's story encouraging as you're working towards your transformation! How are you leveling up? I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins!
4/27/2022 • 2 hours, 31 minutes, 4 seconds
Transformation with Jackie S.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Jackie S. She lives with her husband, two young children, and their dog. Jackie is also my cousin! Jackie describes herself as an under-buyer until the pandemic made her change a few of her habits. She talks about how Planning Day gives her more realistic expectations of her time constraints and keeps her from "should-ing" on herself. She shares how she's learning to balance her time between family, home, and work responsibilities with creative twists when needed. She also wants to have more than three priorities in a day, but I reign her in and explain the difference between three deeper priorities and a million shallow tasks. We also geek out together on topics like task-stacking and habits. Jackie and I could have talked forever! I hope you enjoy our conversation! What resonates with YOU about Jackie's story? I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution (formerly All Access) Planning Day I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins!
4/20/2022 • 1 hour, 11 seconds
480 - Organize 365® History of Teaching the Skill of Organization
It's time for a little Organize 365® history lesson! Let's retrace the 10-year journey of Organize 365® and the various iterations of the 100 Day Home Organization Program. I was a very organized child. My mom used to take me shopping with a bag of buttons in hand. While she tried on clothes, I'd sit on the floor and sort the buttons. I love sorting things and I love finding new ways to organize things. Over the course of my lifetime, I've had seasons where I was extremely organized, such as when I was a teacher. At other times, I was completely unorganized, like when we adopted our babies or when my father passed away and I was managing his estate. I found that when I was disorganized, I felt so out of control. Listen in to hear more about how the 100 Day Home Organization Program was born and continued to change over the years. We're making changes to the program again now that it is a part of The Productive Home Solution™ (formerly called All Access). Based on our research, I'm excited to reveal the new choose your own adventure format that will enable you to make progress on what you need to organize in your current season of life. Note: If you're a current member of The Productive Home Solution™ you will continue to have legacy access to anything you have access to now. Learn more about and join The Productive Home Solution™ here.
4/15/2022 • 39 minutes, 1 second
Transformation with Jullia R.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Jullia R. She lives with her husband, two teenagers, and their pet cat. Jullia shares how the Sunday Basket® tamed her mail and papers. She loves that system creates vertical, color-coded piles that do NOT take over her counters. She also tells how a simple change she made while going through the 100 Day Home Organization Program made a world of difference in the functionality of her kitchen. In between the extra trips to the donation center and the dumps, she's found more control. What resonates with YOU about Jullia's story? I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution (formerly All Access) I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins!
4/13/2022 • 30 minutes, 15 seconds
479 - A Day in the Life - Friday Workday
In this podcast series, I will be diving into organizing the business of work. I will be taking you along with me for a workweek that I recorded in November 2021. At Organize 365®, we divide our work into four categories. As a shortcut, we use the Friday Workbox® colors to categorize the different kinds of work. These colors are pink, purple, blue, and green. Creating a shared vocabulary and defining different kinds of work gets all of our team on the same page. Together, we move faster in the same direction and have fewer episodes of miscommunication. Today is Friday - It is a hodgepodge day for me with a little green, a little blue, and a little purple work, but little to no pink work. On this Friday, I start my day with purple by talking to YOU live online about this week’s podcast episode topic. Because I record my podcasts so far in advance, by the time an episode airs, I usually have a little more to share with you. Another purple activity for today is a masterclass I’m teaching called “Your Most Productive Year Ever.” I’m spending some extra time with the team today by having Thanksgiving lunch together. Many people on the team will be taking extra time off for the holiday next week. Most of you probably do your Friday Workbox on Friday afternoons, as I counsel you to do. While I will do a deep dive into my email, I will wait until over the weekend to do my Friday Workbox. It sounds blasphemous, but I purposely do this so I don’t overwhelm my team with new ideas going into the weekend. I just tie up the loose ends from my email, handle anything left on my desk, and prepare for the very beginning of the week. Then, I will spend 4-5 hours working over the weekend and during that time, I will go through my Friday Workbox®. I don’t talk much on the podcast about working over the weekend. I know many of you don’t want to work over the weekend, but this is what works for me in this season. This also gives me the margin to spend more of my Friday on social connections with my team. I love the life I’ve created for myself, but by the end of the day on Friday, I’m ready to go home to spend time with Greg and snuggle Grayson. In this podcast, I will take you along and talk to you at different times during my workday. Listen in to hear more about how I spend Fridays with my team, why we don’t do Black Friday sales, and how I use Google docs over email when possible. How do you spend your Fridays? Do you do your Friday Workbox® on Fridays? Learn more about the Friday Workbox® here.
4/8/2022 • 22 minutes, 38 seconds
Transformation with Kristina S.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Kristina S. She lives with her husband and two young girls in Germany. She shares how she and her husband stay organized as teachers without a permanent classroom space as well as how the Sunday Basket® has been the solution to her family's paper organization needs. I always love these international stories! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution (formerly All Access) Workboxes I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins!
4/6/2022 • 55 minutes, 28 seconds
478 - A Day in the Life - Thursday Workday
In this podcast series, I will be diving into organizing the business of work. I will be taking you along with me for a workweek that I recorded in November 2021. At Organize 365®, we divide our work into four categories. As a shortcut, we use the Friday Workbox® colors to categorize the different kinds of work. These colors are pink, purple, blue, and green. Creating a shared vocabulary and defining different kinds of work gets all of our team on the same page. Together, we move faster in the same direction and have fewer episodes of miscommunication. Today is Thursday - It is an all pink day for me. It is important to both work in and on your business. Working on your business means taking time for your personal development, your growth, your mindset, your skillset, and thinking about where you’re headed in the future. You need days like this when you can step back to work on yourself and dream for your business. On Thursdays, I usually focus on myself. I spend time raising my lid so I can lead Organize 365® and the dream team to the next level. I use these days for coaching programs, conferences, webinars, podcasts, and books. Instead of joining a coaching program right now, I’ve instead joined a couple of round tables for C-level executives and for business owners in the Cincinnati area. I have been spending my Thursday mornings meeting with other members of these round tables. On Thursday afternoons, I’ll often do things that I personally need to do like doctor’s appointments or clothes shopping. No one expects me in the office on Thursdays and I can do whatever I want! In this podcast, I will take you along and talk to you at different times during my workday. I’ll share with you who I’m meeting with today, how I got a rare lunch with my husband, and how I handled some unexpected changes to my schedule. What activities and resources are you using for your pink days to work on yourself and on your business?
4/1/2022 • 28 minutes, 46 seconds
Transformation with Natalie H.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Natalie H. She lives with her husband and two (soon to be three!) kids. She shares how she set out to declutter 25% of her stuff and changed her mindset along the way. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution (formerly All Access) Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins!
3/30/2022 • 37 minutes, 22 seconds
477 - A Day in the Life - Wednesday Workday
In this podcast series, I will be diving into organizing the business of work. I will be taking you along with me for a workweek that I recorded in November 2021. At Organize 365®, we divide our work into four categories. As a shortcut, we use the Friday Workbox® colors to categorize the different kinds of work. These colors are pink, purple, blue, and green. Creating a shared vocabulary and defining different kinds of work gets all of our team on the same page. Together, we move faster in the same direction and have fewer episodes of miscommunication. Today is Wednesday - it is a mix of purple and blue work. Wednesday tends to have some departmental meetings and I use the rest of my time to focus on some purple work to meet end-of-year deadlines. In this podcast, I will take you along and talk to you at different times during my workday. Part of what I share is some different productivity habits I have slowly added in over the past 30 years that help me to be more effective and get so much done. Listen in and I’ll share about my meetings with Amy, Mary, and Sue. I also share some of the details of how Organize 365® functions, how I make decisions, and how I go through my workday. Sometimes, you need to do a whole bunch of different kinds of work on the same day. In many ways, Wednesday is a rainbow day for me. What systems or tools do you use to keep your work organized during a rainbow day?
3/25/2022 • 36 minutes, 11 seconds
Transformation with Valarie H.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Valarie H. She lives with her husband and their two dogs. They have two adult children who visit. She shares how her stay-at-home move helped her get the house organized and gave her more time for hiking. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution (formerly All Access) Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
3/23/2022 • 33 minutes, 29 seconds
Bonus: Decluttering for Ukraine
Organize 365 wants to support your decluttering efforts in an organized way to support the refugees fleeing from Ukraine. Join us in the Adult Spring Break Blitz March 21-25 to declutter with a purpose or to deep dive into ONE area of your home. Register here and join us in the Organize 365 app!
3/20/2022 • 30 minutes, 2 seconds
476 - A Day in the Life - Tuesday Workday
Today is Tuesday, and this is a blue day. This is my most structured day of the workweek. It is meeting day. Organize 365® is 10 years old, and we were a 2 million dollar company in 2021. We have 20 team members:14 in the office and several remote contractors. We also work with outside vendors and support companies. I will be in meetings all day with the team. I’ll be working in the business. How Organize 365® Keeps Meetings Productive I have created the most productive way of communicating with the team with a weekly check-in to make sure we are on the same page. Communication is the number one obstacle to growth inside of a profitable company. At Organize 365®, we have shared meeting agendas in Google Docs for every single scheduled meeting (and for some of our major projects). I put my own thoughts, questions, and ideas at the top. The team enters their questions for me in the next section for things that need approval, a budget, a signed contract, extra help, or other things to move forward. Within the document, there are topics for the team discussion. Each team member types in a different color, and often we are able to resolve questions or collect ideas in advance of the actual meeting. If we are able to resolve things outside of the meeting, the team can move forward in their work. As an organization, we very rarely email other team members. All projects are in shared documents and can link out to other files if needed. No one needs to comb through an email thread or hunt for an email. I check all of the agendas a few times a week and add anything I can answer at the time. By keeping all our ideas and communication in one place, we make better and quicker decisions. Today’s Meetings Listen in as I take you along on my meetings with Vanessa, Shona, Stephanie, Pat, Monique, and Erin. I used to fit my meetings into my calendar, but now I have dedicated a full day to the meeting necessary to keep the company running smoothly. I schedule every meeting to start at the top of the hour, and if we finish early, I fill in the time by making progress on other tasks. When my meetings are done for the day, I use any time left to complete administrative work, review meeting agendas to find my actionable items to add to my Friday Workbox®, and deep-diving into some projects. What can you do to make your team days more productive?
3/18/2022 • 41 minutes, 46 seconds
475 - BONUS Lisa's 50th Birthday - Lisa Math
I’m so excited. It’s my birthday! I am 50 years old today!!! The women in my family have lived to be old—into their 90s and 100s. I have always been in awe of all they have done in their lives. Organize 365® just turned 10 years old. I think I am going to live to 100, so I am just getting started. I have an innate understanding of time and money that I call “Lisa math.” It doesn’t follow the traditional rules about these things, but I am able to use it to show how I understand the world. We all have constraints in life. We are naturally limited by our time, money, and energy. Getting organized helps you to develop more capacity by investing your current time for a future return of more time. Improving your capacity allows you to do more things in life, handle unexpected events, and live out your unique purpose. The mission of Organize 365® is to help busy people get their home and paper organized so that they can do what they are uniquely created to do. Over the last 20 years, my Sunday Basket® has given me an extra 5,200 hours. I have poured that extra time into creating Organize 365®. I have been able to help many of you save more time by using your Sunday Baskets®. And, boy, have those hours added up! By end of 2020, the Organize 365® customers saved over 1 million hours!!! At the end of 2021, we have saved over 2.5 million hours. Your time and capacity have been unlocked. So many of you have been gracious enough to share how you are living your unique purpose using the hashtag #myextra5. That is the best birthday gift ever.
3/18/2022 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 25 seconds
Transformation with Jennifer M.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Jennifer M. She and her husband are empty-nesters who are also snowbirds. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365® community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution (formerly All Access) Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins!
3/16/2022 • 38 minutes, 2 seconds
Coffee Chat - Lisa Live
I want to stop by quickly and let you know about some upcoming Organize 365® events. For all the details, check out
3/15/2022 • 5 minutes, 34 seconds
474 - A Day in the Life - Monday Workday
In this podcast series, I will be diving into organizing the business of work. I will be taking you along with me for a workweek that I recorded in November 2021. At Organize 365®, we divide our work into four categories. As a shortcut, we use the Friday Workbox® colors to categorize the different kinds of work. These colors are pink, purple, blue, and green. Creating a shared vocabulary and defining different kinds of work gets all of our team on the same page. Together, we move faster in the same direction and have fewer episodes of miscommunication. Today is Monday, and Mondays are pink days in my work. Pink work is about ideas and possibilities—new projects, new ideas, new partners, possible process improvements, and other future ideas that might become a reality. Because I am the CEO and visionary of Organize 365®, I give myself two full workdays each week to focus on my pink work. I take time to think, to dream, to process, and to move forward about what might be in our future. I spend a lot of time and research exploring possibilities, and sometimes I put the ideas on hold, and sometimes I decide that we are never going to do a particular project. In this podcast, I will take you along and talk to you at different times during my workday. Part of what I share is some different productivity habits I have slowly added in over the past 30 years that help me to be more effective and get so much done.
3/11/2022 • 29 minutes, 5 seconds
Transformation with Tiera A
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Tiera A. She lives with her husband and middle school daughter. She shares all about how she got her house in order, lost 30 pounds, and found lost time. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution (formerly All Access) Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
3/9/2022 • 38 minutes, 55 seconds
473 - A Day in the Life - Evening Routines
In this podcast series, I will be sharing how my habits, routines, and the different ways I think about time. This week I’ll be sharing my evening routines. I always learn more from listening to real-life stories of how other women are “getting it done.” Thanks for letting me share mine with you! Evening routines help us transition from day to night. They take place after dinner and as we wind down for the day. It’s time to relax, get ready for bed, and do any prep for the morning. A Day in the Life Evening Routines When the sun goes down, I’m done for the day. I love being at home, taking my bath, and then sitting on my bed. I might watch TV, work on a puzzle, read a book, or snuggle Grayson. I went to record my evening routine for you, and I don’t really have one. It doesn’t change much. I don’t want to talk about it at night, because that’s my low energy time. I take a hot bath every night. The length of time varies, but I use my Epsom salts and some other skincare and self-care. I put on my pajamas and a cozy jacket. I get ready for my evening. In the past, I would prep for the day ahead. I would pack a lunch and lay out my clothes. I also review my calendar and think through my schedule for the next day. Now, I tend to do this at the end of my workday during my afternoon routine. I’m also including a recording of an older evening routine that I followed when the kids were younger. Different seasons of life have different needs for structure. Do you have an evening routine? Which of your routines are the most effective for you?
3/4/2022 • 32 minutes, 35 seconds
Transformation with Martine E.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week I am sharing my conversation with Martine E. She lives in France with her husband and their two daughters. She started with a DIY Sunday Basket® and then upgraded to a Friday Workbox™ and The Productive Home Solution™. She shares about her newfound peace of mind and exploring to find her unique purpose. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution/ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins!
3/2/2022 • 49 minutes, 8 seconds
472 - A Day in the Life - Afternoon Routines
In this podcast series, I will be sharing how my habits, routines, and the different ways I think about time. This week I’ll be sharing my afternoon routines. I always learn more from listening to real-life stories of how other women are “getting it done.” Thanks for letting me share mine with you! Afternoon routines are those things we do between our daytime activities (work or school) and dinner. A Day in the Life Afternoon Routines Adding an afternoon routine to my schedule in my 40s was a game changer! Today my commute home from the office provides that natural transition. In my 30s, my transition came at the end of the school day, driving in the carpool, or collecting the kids from the bus stop. Recognizing your transition may be all you need for your brain to make a switch in priority and production. Ultimately daily routines add structure and reduce decision-making fatigue. Listen in as I share how I “bucket” my morning routine to line up with the kind of work I’ll be doing each day of the week. As a bonus, I added my afternoon routine when my kids were in high school to this podcast episode. This podcast series is not for you to compare yours and my schedules, but to open your thoughts to explore the possibilities of what could be in your everyday life. My afternoon routine has continued to change and evolve over the years and will continue to do so in the future. Do you have an afternoon routine? Is it time to add or take something away from your afternoon routine?
2/25/2022 • 41 minutes, 18 seconds
Embrace Breakthroughs 2021 - Part 4
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This month, I have a special treat for you! Normally, you get to hear the transformational story of ONE member of our community. This month, I want to share some of the very special breakthroughs of women just like you as they attended Embrace 2021. You can learn more about the 2022 Embrace experience on our website. In 2022, we have both virtual and in-person options. Save the date of June 25 & 26, 2022!!!
2/23/2022 • 12 minutes, 29 seconds
471 - A Day in the Life - Morning Routines
In this podcast series, I will be sharing how my habits, routines, and the different ways I think about time. This week I’ll be sharing my morning routines. I always learn more from listening to real-life stories of how other women are “getting it done.” Thanks for letting me share mine with you! It's time to dive into the workweek. Before I go any further, I just want to remind you that here at Organize 365®, we view your “work” as “whatever you spend the majority of your Monday - Friday doing during the day.” Why is it important to define our workday as “work”?! It was so powerful for me to redefine “work” for myself and view my seasons of parenting, homeschooling, and being the family medical liaison as “work” because then I could embrace and apply better routines & productive habits to my day. I share one week of my morning routines recorded in November in this week's podcast. While recording this week, I realized that I actually have two different morning routines. Listen in as I share how I “bucket” my morning routine to line up with the kind of work I’ll be doing each day of the week. As a bonus, I added on to this podcast episode my morning routine when my kids were in high school. Hands down, one of the best habits I embraced for my mental health was establishing daily routines. Why? Because it gave my “never-ending to do list days” structure and broke my day into buckets of time. We all need structure, routines, and transitions in our days. This podcast series is not for you to compare yours and my schedules, but to open your thoughts to explore the possibilities of what could be in your everyday life. My morning routine has continued to change and evolve over the years and will continue to do so in the future. Do you have a morning routine? Is it time to add or take something away from your morning routine?
2/18/2022 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 50 seconds
Embrace Breakthroughs 2021 - Part 3
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This month, I have a special treat for you! Normally, you get to hear the transformational story of ONE member of our community. This month, I want to share some of the very special breakthroughs of women just like you as they attended Embrace 2021. You can learn more about the 2022 Embrace experience on our website. In 2022, we have both virtual and in-person options. Save the date of June 25 & 26, 2022!!!
2/16/2022 • 36 minutes, 18 seconds
470 - A Day in the Life - Sundays
In this podcast series, I will be sharing how my habits, routines, and the different ways I think about time. This week I’ll be sharing my Sunday Routine. I always learn more from listening to real-life stories of how other women are “getting it done.” Thanks for letting me share mine with you! As I shared in the last podcast episode, Saturdays are fundays around here, which means Sunday afternoons are my domestic workday. We started watching church from home sometime in late 2018/early 2019, and Greg’s mother has been coming to our house on Sundays for the past few years. My Sundays are now spent entirely at home. I decided for this season to add all housework tasks in and around my Sunday Basket® time on Sundays from 12-4. I fit my housework into a four-hour time block. Each weekend, I give my home and family a four-hour block of time. Some weeks I am running to check all the to-dos off my list, and other weeks I am looking into my Sunday Basket® to find projects to fill that time. I have always found that getting my machines and people started first, before I dive into the work only I can do, has improved my productivity. I do the same thing on Sundays during this work time. I go through my emails and make decisions. I review my meeting agendas for the week. I get myself organized. I clear out papers, plan my outfits, and update my calendar so that I have time to get my most important work done. In my 20s, 30s, and 40s, four hours would not have been enough time for all of this. This podcast series is not for you to compare your schedule with mine, but to open your thoughts and explore the possibilities of what your everyday life could look like. How much time do you need to spend on housework each weekend? Which day or days will you do so, and for how long?
2/11/2022 • 36 minutes, 44 seconds
Embrace Breakthroughs 2021 - Part 2
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This month, I have a special treat for you! Normally, you get to hear the transformational story of ONE member of our community. This month, I want to share some of the very special breakthroughs of women just like you as they attended Embrace 2021. You can learn more about the 2022 Embrace experience on our website. In 2022, we have both virtual and in-person options. Save the date of June 25 & 26, 2022!!!
2/9/2022 • 37 minutes, 24 seconds
469 - A Day in the Life - Saturdays
Today marks the start of a podcast series I have wanted to produce for years! I love sharing the “behind the scenes” of my daily life on Instagram. For a long time, I have been thinking about how I could share my day-to-day life on the podcast. Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing how my habits, routines, and the different ways I think about time. I did not get to these mindsets and behaviors overnight. It was a transformation that happened over a decade. I want to share the information that would have helped me make these changes faster and more effectively. Now, I do not “have all the answers.” I am on the journey of life, just like you, working to have more control over how and where I spend my time and energy. The easiest way to understand where someone's time and energy goes is to hear their story. So, I’ll be sharing my days in lots of detail. I ask that you just consider these as possibilities and inspiration. Dream a little bit and explore how you might make some changes to your everyday life. Saturdays Let's start with my Saturday routine. Saturday is a “free day” in the Woodruff household. On Saturdays, everyone picks their meals, sleeps as late as they want, and chooses their entertainment. It is a great way to transition from the hustle and bustle of our Monday - Friday into the more relaxed pace of the weekend. Saturday is my new Sunday. Until we made this transition as a family, Saturdays were full of chores and work. Now that I work full-time in an office, I can’t even imagine having the energy to stay in full-on work mode on my Saturdays at home. Many of you make Sundays your “free day.” Either way, I think the important thing is that each person in the house gets to have a day, or a part of a day, to “do their thing.” Do you have a day to rest and enjoy your passion projects? I am not sure I could have had this kind of a day in my 20s, 30s, and 40s, but I wish I had at least considered the option. One of my passion projects is taking care of my family and our shared home. Listen in as I take you along on my “domestic day” and the rewards I choose when my time and energy run out. I don’t get it all done either! But, I do rest and rejuvenate when I hit my limits.
2/4/2022 • 26 minutes, 37 seconds
Embrace Breakthroughs 2021 - Part 1
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This month, I have a special treat for you! Normally, you get to hear the transformational story of ONE member of our community. This month, I want to share some of the very special breakthroughs of women just like you as they attended Embrace 2021. You can learn more about the 2022 Embrace experience on our website. In 2022, we have both virtual and in-person options. Save the date of June 25 & 26, 2022!!!
2/2/2022 • 34 minutes, 12 seconds
268 - YOUR Why: WHY Are You Thinking About Getting Organized Now?
There are 4 main categories of reasons why people decide to get organized. In this episode, I walk you through the main reasons to help you find YOUR why. Unpacking your why will help you stay motivated and keep your eye on the prize when you get stuck in the day-to-day of your organizing. Which of these four reasons for getting organized resonates most with you? I got caught up in the hype of New Year's resolution or the Marie Kondo Netflix series. I'm tired of feeling behind and reactionary. I'm looking for my home to be a restful haven. I want to break a family cycle of disorganization. Every reason has its trouble spots to overcome. If you jumped in spontaneously, the beginning is fun and easy, but then you find an area that requires more thought or doesn't fit the model, and you get stuck. Dig into another reason to continue organizing. If you're reactionary, there will be a period of time in which you feel like you're going backward. If you didn't have a model of organization growing up, it's probably going to take a little longer to learn the skill of organization. Be sure to take (and print) pictures of your progress too! It's hard to see your progress when you're so close to your home. Taking a step back and comparing before and after photos will help you see the progress. I don't want to see you give up! Figure out your why and hang onto it when you feel discouraged. What will getting organized allow you to do or be? Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
2/1/2022 • 22 minutes, 38 seconds
Transformation with JB and Lorie G
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I have an extra special treat for you! By popular request, today’s transformation is featuring Lorie and her dad JB. So many of you have enjoyed watching Lorie help her 92-year-old dad declutter his home and get started with his Sunday Basket® habit. They are both great storytellers and have so many life lessons to share. I hope you enjoy their story as much as I do! Lorie has been a previous guest when she shared her own Wednesday Transformation and she also shared how she adapted to teaching from home during the pandemic. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution/ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! PS - Be sure to share YOUR unique way of using #myextra5 and tag your post on Instagram so we can share your wins!
1/26/2022 • 44 minutes, 58 seconds
Transformation with Charlotte S.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Charlotte S. She shares her very unique journey. She has worked as an international disaster relief nurse and lived both overseas and in the US. Her family size and shape have changed dramatically over the years. Listen as she goes from overcrowded and overstressed to having more time and an empty nest. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution/ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
1/19/2022 • 45 minutes, 49 seconds
465 - What a Difference 10 Years Makes
Happy New Year’s Eve! It’s hard to believe, but ten years ago, I started along this journey to create and share Organize 365®. I share the details of this story in my memoir Organization is a Learnable Skill. I was in a place where my world was spinning out of control, I had quit my job. I could never have in my wildest dreams imagined that so many good things would happen. A podcast, physical Sunday Basket® system, and published books were not even in the realm of possibility in my future. But, I had written down my biggest possible goal for Organize 365®. I have all of my dreams recorded in my special pink notebook. I went back and looked at it. That year I took to focus on my home and family changed my life. I changed my mindset from overwhelmed and reactive, to productive and proactive. I knew that my zone of genius was organizing. I set some goals for growing my business, but I have pivoted and exceeded my wildest dreams! Sometimes it’s hard to dream forward ten years. Instead, take a little bit of time and look backward ten years. What have you accomplished in the last decade? What life experiences have you added to your journey? Who are you today that you weren’t ten years ago? Over the last few months, Organize 365® has been making a lot of changes. We are planning to be settled into our new normal by January 2022. We are working to make the transformational journey easier to start (and to finish) for everyone! We have been busy bees at the office getting everything decluttered and organized to better support your journey. You can learn more about: The Complete Sunday Basket® System The Productive Home Solution™ (formerly known as All Access) The Kids Program The Friday Workbox™ Organization is an inside job. But, it is also a learnable skill. It’s not as simple as tying your shoes. It’s more like learning a foreign language. It typically takes about 365 days. You can start anytime you want. The sooner you start, the faster you will transform your life. Join us! I look forward to helping you get organized! Thank you for being on this journey with me! Thank you for listening, downloading, sharing, and rating the podcast. We are going to celebrate ten years next week, and I cannot wait!
12/31/2021 • 35 minutes, 24 seconds
464 - End of the Year Thoughts
If you and I were at a family holiday gathering together this week, the podcast today is the conversation I would start. I have always been inquisitive. Asking big questions and researching new interests is something I have always done. I see it in my husband, Greg, and our kids too. Whenever we wonder about something, we grab our phones and start to Google. It’s a great thing really, the ability to question and get answers to your questions right away. Access to information has become a great equalizer and I find more and more of my friends have caught the questioning and researching bug that I have always had. The last two years have brought an unprecedented amount of change in every single area of our lives, and it is the pace of that change that is hard to comprehend. I do not have a big revelation, actionable plan, or solution to share. These are partly mindset shifts, and some observations, thoughts, and musings. Listen in and have a mental conversation with me this weekend. YOU are the person I would most like to talk to at the party.
12/24/2021 • 37 minutes, 17 seconds
Wednesdays - Be My Guest!
Be My Guest! Read more and apply here:
12/22/2021 • 2 minutes, 44 seconds
463 - Learning the Skill of Organizing - Step 3 Increase Productivity
What do you think of when you think of productivity? Remember last week when I said that when I am organized I feel like I can make forward progress on my goals and projects. For me productivity means doing MORE usually in LESS time or with less resistance. If you break down the 3 steps to getting organized: Decluttering = Removing. Organizing = Rearranging. Increasing Productivity = Moving forward faster. Let's look specifically at Increasing Productivity. Productivity comes from thinking and planning. Every minute you spend planning SAVES 4-5 minutes in executing your plan. Planning = TIME SAVED. While it may be hard to find time to plan your day, your meals or your vacation, you KNOW that when you do - everything goes easier and faster. Once again I have one caution... to be most effective, you need to have decluttered and organized the area you want to increase productivity in. These steps do need to be done in order. 5 Steps to Increased Productivity. Use the organized system. Plan. Refine and reorder. Evaluate / maintain. Execute. Get your FREE printable of the 3 stages of decluttering here!
12/17/2021 • 37 minutes, 7 seconds
Transformation with Sarah H
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Sarah H. She is a physician and a single mom. She shares how she has worked to become more proactive even during an unpredictable phase of life. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution/ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
12/15/2021 • 29 minutes
462 - Learning the Skill of Organizing - Step 2 Organize
Get your FREE printable of the 3 stages of decluttering here! FINALLY! Don't you just want to jump right to the step where you get to go buy cute matching containers when you are organizing a space? ME TOO! BUT every time I do that... it influences what I keep and how I store things instead of my THINGS influencing those decisions. (In the podcast I share how I figured that out as a professional organizer.) First, let's talk about what being organized means. For me it means: Everything has a place. I know where to find things. I do not spend time LOOKING for things. I FEEL organized and put together. I can have friends over and feel great. My house looks good - not perfect - but good. I feel confident in my abilities. I don't have too little or too much. I have choices of how to spend my time. I am able to make forward progress on my goals and projects. Before I dive into the 5 steps to organizing I want to give you one caution... You will not get it 100% right the first time. Yep, no matter what you are organizing, your goal is to get 80-90% better. The last 10% comes in step 3. Which I will cover next week. Ok, so you know how you will feel and are not going for perfection, let's dive in! 5 Steps to Organizing Get a big picture plan for the space. Combine like items. Match your items to the space. Buy organizers. Clean and finish. Organizing feels amazing! But after a while... you realize something is missing. The last 10% is Step 3 of organizing — Increased Productivity. Links to things mentioned in the podcast: Try one FREE week of the 100 Day Home Organization Program - now available inside The Productive Home Solution.
12/10/2021 • 41 minutes, 36 seconds
Transformation with Kerensa P
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Kerensa P. She lives with her spouse and young daughter. She shares her story of how a medical binder helped in her infertility journey and helped her to grow her family. She also shares how much she has benefited from working with a Sunday Basket® Certified Organizer. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution/ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
12/8/2021 • 46 minutes, 44 seconds
461 - Learning the Skill of Organizing - Step 1 Declutter
5 Steps to Decluttering Eliminate all trash, food and broken items. Sell or consign anything of value you want to sell. Bag up any donatable items and deliver them to the donation center. (Including consignment items they wouldn't take) Collect everything that goes in another room and locate it in that room. Make a list of any spaces that need organizers, or items that need to be replaced. Decluttering feels good, but not finished. Step 2 of organizing needs to follow quickly to bring order into your newly emptied space. Try the 100 Day Home Organization Challenge free at Get your FREE printable of the 3 stages of decluttering here!
12/3/2021 • 44 minutes, 29 seconds
Transformation with AJ C.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with AJ C. She lives with her spouse, two kids, and a pandemic puppy. AJ shares how she has made progress in her storage room, kids rooms, and how she has increased her capacity to handle more projects with less stress. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® The Productive Home Solution/ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
12/1/2021 • 31 minutes, 5 seconds
460 - Thanks for Listening to 7+ Years of the Podcast
Happy Thanksgiving weekend! Yesterday was Thanksgiving here in the US. It’s a time my family uses to catch up with family and friends. Thanksgiving kicks off the busy memory making, holiday filled end of the year. Today, I want to share how thankful I am that I have been able to connect with you through this podcast for the last seven years. Even more mind-boggling, Organize 365® will turn ten years old in January 2022. Now that we are nearly a decade in, I am thinking about what Organize 365® will look like in another ten years. What do we want to take along as we move forward? What do we want to refine? The podcast is not going anywhere. The Organize 365® team is here to help you with your life transformation, and we want to be sure the podcasts we share align with helping you to achieve your goal. I am deeply exploring the question: Are the quantity and quality of the podcasts we share actually helping you transform? So much of our foundational teaching about the skills of organizing are buried back in the beginning of the podcast. The skills of organization are built on decluttering, organizing, and increasing productivity. I want to really create some foundational podcasts that you can listen to on Fridays. They are concepts from older podcasts, but they will be refreshed for our new normal. There are a limited number of skills you need to learn to be able to get organized. Once you learn, then you need to apply the skills to actually create change! I am super excited about these curated podcasts we are putting together. I am looking forward to seeing their impact. What have you been running hard and holding your breath to get through over the last eighteen months? Where do you need to refine your own life to make it more sustainable going forward?
11/26/2021 • 24 minutes, 1 second
459 - NEW Community App Essential FAQs with Monique Horb
Monique Horb is back, and today is the day!!! Our community app is now live and available for download!!! Our old app with access to some of your dashboard has been removed from the App Store and Google Play Store, but we have a brand new online community ready for you. Today, we are launching our Organize 365® online community app. This will function similarly to Facebook, but it is private and less distracting. We have simplified everything to make this app more productive. There is nothing there to take you away from your organizational interactions. When you are in the app, you can enjoy the other members and a supportive community, but the distractions have been eliminated. You will have as much community as you desire, but you will also be able to stay focused on your own transformation and make progress along your own organizational journey. The app is directly connected to our website, so all of your specialized online communities will open automatically when you log in. We have been working behind the scenes for months to get ready to host this community. We built this specifically for you. We want to have one place where it is easy for you to find what you need, and where it is easier for us to get you news, information, updates, and encouragement. This new community will save you time, help you be more productive, and give you encouragement. We have organized the community app to match your organizational journey. There are only six groups in the app. News & Updates - will have all the current news about Blitzes, Masterclasses, and whatever Lisa dreams up The Sunday Basket® Club - everything from the Facebook group has moved here including the weekly Sunday Basket® Club live and the replays 100 Day Program - motivation, encouragement, and interaction for completing the 100 Day Home Organization Program tasks All Access Program - content related to the extra step of All Access including the Tuesday Binder tips, photos, planning day, and the new All Access Podcast by Lisa Friday Workbox™ Club - all the support and encouragement you need for maximizing your Friday Workbox™ including the Friday Workbox™ sessions and replays Certified Organizer Group - community support and interaction for all of our Sunday Basket® Certified Organizers, our The Paper Solution® Certified Organizers, and Friday Workbox™ Certified Organizers We hope that you jump in, make connections with the rest of the Organize 365® community, and continue to move along your journey! We are still learning about the amazing ways we can support and encourage you using this technology - please give us grace as we continue to increase the value for you. Things we do know the new app offers - badges to show what groups people belong to (including the Dream Team and Certified Organizers), direct messaging capabilities, and direct access to many of the printables. We are so excited about having a new community app. We would love for you to download it and come check it out! Please download the official mobile app through the iOS App Store or Google Play Store. You can also access the community on your desktop. When you create your account, please use the email address that is associated with your Organize 365® dashboard access. Once logged in, check out “Start Here" to learn about this new platform. Have questions? Please click here for app FAQs
11/19/2021 • 22 minutes, 59 seconds
458 - Friday Workbox Essential FAQs with Monique Horb
In the current podcast series, I am sharing my conversations with members of the Dream Team while we are in the messy middle of some of our current transitions. In this four part series we will be unpacking the most commonly asked FAQs for different parts of the Organize 365® transformational journey. I want to keep you updated on changes and improvements as we declutter and organize before our 10th Anniversary in January 2022. We are not eliminating anything, or raising our prices on any existing products. We are simply doing some decluttering, organizing, and increasing productivity. This week, I am sharing my conversation with Monique Horb. Monique is the Organize 365® Director of Business Development. We have spent most of the last year taking the Friday Workboxes to 110%. We have upgraded our Friday Workboxes into two overarching categories - Business and Education. We look at work differently here at Organize 365®. For us, work includes anything you do for the majority of your hours from Monday to Friday. We want to help you organize the different kinds of work that you do so that you can get more life and spend time in your unique purpose. Friday Workbox FAQ What is the Friday Workbox™ and why might I want one? At home, we are used to thinking about having paper. However, at work, it feels like we are always on a computer. The Business Friday Workbox™ is a physical representation of your work inside of a box. Our brain is not digital.This system will hold all of your ideas and actionable to-do in a single place where you can quantitatively see it. Printing your emails and other digitials items helps you and others see the quantity of work you are handling. What is the difference between a Sunday Basket® and a Friday Workbox™? The physical components are the exact same physical tools as the Sunday Basket®. But, it goes deep because business is more complex and nuanced. For most of us, our brains make connections better when we are not in front of digital screens. The Sunday Basket® is for anything related to your home, and the Friday Workbox™ is for anything related to work. Both help to eliminate your to-do list, and hold your ideas for future possibilities. Both help you to prioritize how you will spend your time and energy over the upcoming week. I understand how the Friday Workbox ™ can hold ideas, but what other things go in there? As a leader of a company, it is easy to spend a lot of time talking about ideas. If you have a more traditional job, the systematic approach of the Friday Workbox™ will still work for you. It works for anyone in any kind of business.Every job has four core components. Once you identify the components that relate to your job, you can optimize them and make your approach more productive. What colors are used in the Friday Workbox™? Pink - anything that is only done by youPurple - your assignment or job descriptionBlue - the team that helps you get your work done (direct reports and supervisors)Green - financial OR administrative and repetitive tasks If I get a Friday Workbox™, how long will it take to work? What do I have to do for this to be useful? This is not a one and done system. The Sunday Basket® takes four to six weeks to build the habit. The Workbox takes a bit longer to set up and build the habit. We ask you to give it a full quarter of the year; give it a full 13 weeks. You keep talking about planning. I don’t feel like I have the time or authority to stop my work and plan for my next quarter. How does your planning system work? When I think about my planning, I realize that I am a teacher, and teachers always spend so much time planning. I’ve always been a salaried employee, not an hourly one. When I tried to limit my hours in the past, I had to plan a lot to be a really good teacher. As the owner of Organize 365®, I am spending at least 20 hours a week thinking and planning. The more prepared I am, the faster and easier the work is for the rest of the team.For you, start with five minutes after each meeting. Go through what you have been asked to do, and add it to your actionable to-do list. See how much your productivity improved. Next, add on five minutes before meetings and review the notes from the previous meeting, write down any questions you have for the meeting, and then do your five minute post review. I know that a Friday Workbox ™ is the place to store the actionable to-dos and the Friday Workbox ™ Planner is the place to plan. What makes the Organize 365® planner different from others? I was an unusual child and I have had a planner since the fourth grade. I love planners. Most planners sold are really more of a date book or calendar; they record dates. Our planners have actual education for how to plan your time. The front of the planner has pages to guide you in thinking about your goals in all four kinds of work. I then guide you through an audit of how you actually spent your time. Then, we realign your time decisions so you can create what you are trying to create. The calendar keeps track of your appointments, and the planner gives you the vision of what you are going to accomplish.Planning and purposeful thought makes everything happen. Every single person is busy, but the goal in life is not to do more. The goal is to organize your time, thoughts, and energy so that you can make the biggest impact in the world. This system will increase your impact. Using a common language improves your communication tools. Improving your communication tools helps more people collaborate effectively without requiring more complexity. I have a lot of paper for my job. Does it all live in the Friday Workbox™? Each slash pocket represents and holds the paper for a single idea or project. Lisa has multiple boxes of slash pockets — one at work and one at home. The most active ones live in an active workbox or portable bag for this quarter, and the rest tend to stay in one place. Frequently accessed reference papers are printed and kept physically in binders, and they are also kept digitally. The binders are color coded to match the workbox and hold the reference materials for easy access when needed. The contents of each binder is reviewed quarterly to ensure they are up to date and to identify any decisions that need to be made on the contents. I have heard about a Friday Workbox™ Club. What is that and how can I join? As a teacher, I know there are many different kinds of students and learners. They need different levels of support and tutoring to be successful. Organize 365® provides three different ways to help you be successful in implementing the Friday Workbox™ system. On demand dashboard training videos Friday Workbox™ Club - 90 minute virtual sessions in an online community for co-working and accountability Friday Workbox™ Certified Organizers - individuals who partner with Organize 365® and can provide 1:1 or small group assistance I have purchased other programs and not followed through. What support or access is there for the Friday Workbox™? Organize 365® is an education company. When you invest in our programs, I want you to have access to the teachers, the community, and the support you need to achieve organization. There is a lot included in your initial purchase — we want you to succeed!This is your professional development and an investment in yoru time management and productivity. It will multiply your time going forward, and we are not going to take it away from you. Is there a way to try this before I make a purchase? Absolutely! Please go to and read all about the workboxes. A Masterclass is coming soon! And, there is a free five day mini course available to you.
11/12/2021 • 52 minutes, 11 seconds
Transformation with Holan S.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Holan S. Holan lives with her husband and young son. She is a rebel dealing with family medical emergencies, and shares how she has been successful despite not following directions for the 100 Day Program. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
11/10/2021 • 47 minutes, 59 seconds
Transformation with Jessica E.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Jessica E. Jessica has a very unique living situation. She has her son at home, her husband works out of the country, and her mom lives with them part -time. As a full time college instructor who will soon be moving overseas, she shares all about how now that she is organized she has more free time and more increased capacity to meet her goals. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365® The Sunday Basket® ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
11/3/2021 • 35 minutes, 8 seconds
454 - Sunday Basket Essential FAQs with Emily Kelly
I am super excited to welcome you to the next Organize 365® Podcast series. I am sharing my conversations with members of the Dream Team while we are in the messy middle of some of our current transitions. In this 4 part series we will be unpacking the most commonly asked FAQs for different parts of the Organize 365® transformational journey. I want to keep you updated on changes and improvements as we declutter and organize before our 10th Anniversary in January 2022. We are not eliminating anything, or raising our prices on any existing products. We are simply doing some decluttering, organizing, and increasing productivity. This podcast is all treats -- no tricks! This week, Emily Kelly and I go back to the foundation of home organization and talk about the Sunday Basket®. Emily is our Director of Customer Success and my sister. Emily has been making phone calls to many of you and has gotten to connect with you on a personal level, just like I did during the summer book tour. We are hearing about how you found Organize 365®, where you live, and what your transformational journey looks like so far. We are taking what we learn in those conversations to make our programs even better! During our opportunity to interact with all the members of this community, the same questions came up over and over. Change is nerve-wracking, especially after the out of control experiences so many of us faced during the pandemic. As your organizing teacher, I want to give you the lesson plan for how to get started and make progress getting your home and paper organized. Today, Emily and I share the top ten questions we have been getting about the Complete Sunday Basket® System. Listen in and let me know what you learn from our discussion! Top 10 Sunday Basket® FAQ: 1. What is the Sunday Basket®? At the most basic level, it is a box that sits on your counter and acts as a place to hold all your ideas, actionable to-dos, kitchen counter papers, and mail. It is also a cadence to check those items and prioritize them for maximum efficiency throughout the week. It is your brain in a box! This clears up your brain for higher level thinking, problem solving, or even to rest. Although the “brain in a box” started as a joke, the Sunday Basket® actually does externalize your executive functioning part of your brain. Anyone can find success using this system, but it is especially effective for people diagnosed with ADHD. 2. What does the Complete Sunday Basket® System include? As a teacher, I wanted to ensure that any kind of learner could use and be successful with this system. For that reason, the training materials and support cover a variety of learning styles. The physical products include all the supplies you will need to use your Sunday Basket®: a collapsible box in your choice of color, 25 slash pockets to organize your actionable paper, and a training booklet. There is an online dashboard with training videos. And, every purchase includes access to the online community with a weekly Sunday Basket® Club - an online co-working and accountability session. As with all Organize 365® products, this includes lifetime access. 3. How long does it take to know if this system will work for me? Some people catch on quickly, and have it down in two weeks. For the majority of people, it takes four to six weeks to develop the Sunday Basket® habit. It takes some time for you to change your habits, and learn a new way of keeping track of your to-dos and making good decisions about how and when to do them. You are moving from living in a reactive mode to a proactive mode. The to-do list isn’t going away; finishing your to-do list faster is not the answer. It takes your brain at least a month to trust yourself and the new system. Initially, your brain will pester you, but if you consistently use the Sunday Basket® your brain will learn to calm down and trust that the Sunday Basket® works! 4. What if Sunday at 5 pm doesn’t work for me to do the Sunday Basket® Club live? Do it every week when it works for you. Watch the Sunday Basket® replay! The day and time you do your Sunday Basket® does not matter as long as you are consistent and develop the habit. Make a rule for yourself, and stick to the time that works in your life 5. I don’t have enough paper to do my Sunday Basket® every week. What should I do? It’s ok to adjust to what you need. If you are just getting started, still develop a routine habit of working in your Sunday Basket®. You can start with once a month or every two weeks to get in the habit, and then increase to every week. If you have been doing your Sunday Basket® for a long time, you may be more proactive and you likely have cleared out a lot of your previous backlog. It’s ok to do it less frequently just don’t stop entirely! You can try every other week, or the first two weeks of each month, or a different cadence. Whenever you feel stressed or anxious, consider going through your Sunday Basket® to get back on track. Chaotic times of year like May, August, and the last six weeks of the year benefit from weekly attention. 6. I have the opposite problem. I can’t wait a whole week without going into my Sunday Basket® again, there’s too much going on. Can I do it twice in the same week? This situation is more typical, especially as people are learning the skills of organization or in a transition time of life. When going through my Sunday Basket®, I (Lisa) typically only plan through Thursday. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are too far away to plan effectively. I front load my week to get as much as I can done on Monday and Tuesday, and then I adjust as the week goes on. Of course, if needed, you can do your Sunday Basket® twice! 7. You say to do the Sunday Basket® first when getting organized. Can I do the Sunday Basket® and the 100 Day Home Organization Program at the same time? If so, how would you recommend I do them together? Yes! Emily recommends picking one day to do your Sunday Basket® and make that your only organizing task that day. Then, the rest of the week, do as much of the 100 Days as you reasonably can - focusing on progress over perfection and giving yourself grace for what is not done. Lisa recommends - reframe your sense of time. “Most people underestimate what taking a full 365 days to focus on getting organized will do to transform the next ten years of your life” ~ Lisa Woodruff. Take a deep breath. You are on a journey moving toward proactivity and organization. You have everything that you need. What do you want to do first?Start with your most pressing need or what you are most excited to do. Make it work for you. You have made an investment, so keep working towards your goals. 8. I am drowning!! What if I don’t have the time to dedicate to my Sunday Basket® in order to get my five hours a week back? Is there a way to “start smaller” on the Sunday Basket® concept? If you literally have no time or energy to get started, this can feel overwhelming. We know that spending about 90 minutes per week going through your Sunday Basket® gives you five hours of free time later in the week once you establish the habit. The Sunday Basket® moves you into proactive anticipation, and that results in more efficiency and effectiveness. The net result is you have more free time.If you are listening to the podcast, you are taking the first step. You are mentally becoming a more organized and proactive person. It can take 9-18 months for your mindset to change enough that you are ready to take physical action. You are doing it right, and you are already saving yourself time just by the learning you do when listening to the podcast!Unfortunately, there is ultimately no smaller step to getting organized than the Sunday Basket®. In order to pivot from reactive to proactive living, you need a system. The Sunday Basket® is the system you need to create change. You need to refocus your time and priorities to make changes in your life. Find one whole day before the end of the year and use it to stop and completely change direction. Set up your Sunday Basket® and see how your life changes. 9. Talk to me about the lifetime access part of Organize 365® programs. I have purchased programs from other companies and I haven’t done them. I don’t trust myself to follow through with this either. Can you convince me? I don’t follow the most common online selling practices. I don’t want people to feel pressured or anxious about purchasing or participating. I want to offer a transformational experience that I know is going to work and will be available for you as you go through life. Financial situations change. Emotional and physical demands change. Unexpected events are part of every single life. Organize 365® is here for you when you are making progress, and when you step away and come back. Making a purchase can take things to the next level. It tells your brain you are serious and that you are investing in making a change. The membership aspect to our paid programs also helps to build community, gives you support, and strengthens your commitment. When you are in the Sunday Basket® Club, you have a membership in a group of people who focus on prioritizing what they are accomplishing for the upcoming week. With lifetime access, you can start today. Some progress is always better than NO progress. Start now and take the first step. Join and start making progress. And, with the Sunday Basket® Club, you have weekly educational courses from certified organizers. Slowly improving over time can lead to big changes. 10. Does the Sunday Basket® organize ALL my papers? No! The Sunday Basket® is only for your actionable to-do related papers. When you start your Sunday Basket® we have you collect the loose papers from everywhere in your home. You then divide them into actionable and reference/archive. Any papers that do not require action should live outside of your Sunday Basket®. Organize 365® recommends storing your archival papers in portable, space-limited binders. Listen to podcast 456 next week for more information about that. BONUS: OK I think it might work, Is there a way for me to try it out before I buy it? We have a seven day mini course where you get more information on the Sunday Basket® delivered by email. Sign up at
10/29/2021 • 54 minutes, 33 seconds
Transformation with Mary G
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Mary G. She lives with her husband and two daughters. She shares about her journey with anxiety and helping her kids deal with their ADHD. Mary shares how getting (more) organized and learning to think proactively helped her family survive some very challenging unexpected events. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
10/27/2021 • 47 minutes, 25 seconds
452 - Big Social Media Changes for Organize 365®
We have a big announcement for you! We wanted our amazing community to be the first to know. We are leaving Facebook! I have wanted to leave Facebook for three years. The Organize 365® mission, vision, and values includes building life in community. In the past, some people who purchased a Sunday Basket®, the 100 Day Program, or All Access were unable to participate in the community aspect of our programs. Some did not have an account, and others chose not to have one. That limitation has always bothered me. The community that goes along with the Organize 365® transformation should be available to everyone who wants to participate. We have been upgrading our technology and support for your transformation for several years already. The online community was especially difficult because it took us a long time to find the right way to create it. I wanted an app for our community that was truly independent of any other platform or company. We finally found our solution. We are creating our own custom Organize 365® community app. Now, everyone can be in community on this app specifically with other people who have invested in their transformational journey with Organize 365®. I wanted a way to host a community that was positive, productive, and purposeful. Everything in the new community app will help grow your mindset, increase your positivity, and help you organize your home to live a positive, proactive, purposeful life. Here’s what it will look like: Organize 365® app for people who have purchased Organize 365® products The app is free to download, but participation is limited to those who have purchased specified products It will provide the same community groups we currently have on Facebook The Dream Team and Certified Organizers will be there to help you along your journey All Access members will have a curated, private podcast starting December 5th, available only in the app The current Organize 365® app is going away once the new app is ready The website is optimized for mobile and you have access to your dashboard directly on your smartphone Near the end of 2021, we will archive all of the Facebook groups associated with our purchased products The free Facebook groups will continue including my lives and the Blitzes We are giving you information to help you be proactive about this transition. The app is not launching today. We’re hoping to have it live in the next 2-6 weeks - ideally sometime in November 2021. You will get an email inviting you to join once the app is ready. We have been working on this transition for three years already. It’s the right time for us to make this happen. We are looking forward to seeing you in our new community as soon as everything is in place.
10/22/2021 • 20 minutes, 14 seconds
Friday Workbox with Jennifer Butler
Welcome to our new Wednesday series of transformational stories from our new Friday Workbox Certified Organizers! Organize 365® recently upgraded all of the Business Friday Workbox Systems and we are so excited to share the stories of the certified organizers who helped us make these improvements! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. Today, I am sharing my conversation with Jennifer Butler. Jennifer is one of our newest Friday Workbox Certified Organizers. Jennifer brings experience as a parent of a child with a serious medical illness, and as an entrepreneur. She also has experience with autism, ADHD, and living internationally with her family. She brings all of this life experience and knowledge to her services. You can find Jennifer at House of Order, on Instagram, and Facebook. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® All AccessCCESS Friday Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats Organize 365® Certified Organizers
10/20/2021 • 33 minutes, 3 seconds
450 - The Organize 365® Values
Four years ago, on a plane from Los Angeles to New York, I wrote out the Organize 365® mission, vision, and values. Today, we are a much larger team making a bigger impact in the world, but our values have stayed true. What is truly amazing is that these five values are not just held by the Dream Team, but these are the values that the Organize 365 community has as well. When we focus on these values, we arrive at the “after” feel of organization and productivity I shared with you last week. (Don’t forget to tag us in your after photos of what you are doing now that you have increased your capacity by getting organized!) Organize 365® guides you along a transformational journey that organizes both your heart and your mind. Our values are: Power of Positivity Building Community Life in Abundance Transformational Freedom Proactive Anticipation Let me know what value you think is the strongest for you and how you are seeing it in your transformational journey!
10/15/2021 • 26 minutes, 24 seconds
Friday Workbox with Jenn Dickel
Welcome to our new Wednesday series of transformational stories from our new Friday Workbox Certified Organizers! Organize 365® recently upgraded all of the Business Friday Workbox Systems and we are so excited to share the stories of the certified organizers who helped us make these improvements! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. Today, I am sharing my conversation with Jenn Dickel. Jenn shared about finding a Mastermind back in early 2020. She is back today to share her experience in our newest Mastermind to improve the Friday Workbox and become a Friday Workbox Certified Organizer. Jenn is a businesswoman and entrepreneur who loves to help others focus on improving their productivity. You can find Jenn at Seasonal Navigation Organizing, on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® All AccessCCESS Friday Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats Organize 365® Certified Organizers
10/13/2021 • 32 minutes, 46 seconds
448 - Before: Clutter & Stress, After: YOU!
Most professional organization companies like Organize 365® want to show before and after photos. We all love to see a big change - we love makeover shows, decluttering shows, and even dating shows. Magazine pictures and Pinterest show some drool-worthy before and after photos, and many of us are striving to achieve that “after” look of perfectly aligned shelves, and color coded produce bins in the refrigerator. But, those pictures aren’t reflective of real life. Those photo-worthy moments don't last when life is lived and stuff is used. The real change that comes from getting organized is hard to put into words, impossible to quantify, and can’t be demonstrated on social media. The photos we can take in our homes can sometimes show a partial improvement or a sample of the transformation. When you get organized, how you feel changes dramatically! Listening to this podcast starts to shift your mindset toward living an organized and proactive life. You incrementally get better at using your time to achieve your own priorities. When you add on our courses and products, you add rocket fuel to your transformation. Getting organized enough to feel different can happen in a weekend or a month, but your home (your outer reflection) will not look perfect. It’s actually not about your stuff. Before We have all had at least one season of life where our feelings were the “before” of living an organized life. When you live reactively, feeling stressed, depressed, overwhelmed, and anxious is typical. When your life is driven by someone else’s agenda and the obligations others place upon you, all you can do is react. As I share in Organization is a Learnable Skill, during my most reactive times, I was afraid of letting other people down and not meeting external expectations. My emotions were just like a before picture of a disorganized kitchen. Thoughts were everywhere. I couldn’t focus and I knew I was not keeping up. Even worse, I was unbelievably stressed and I wasn’t meeting my own expectations. I didn’t have capacity for anything more. My house, brain, and heart were all disorganized. After As I developed the Sunday Basket®, I got a grip on my life again. Taking 60-90 minutes a week to look ahead and plan, gave me much more mental capacity and less stress. As I have continued to be more proactive in my own life, I have more time for myself, for self-care, for my passions, and for building relationships. I also have more capacity to pour into Organize 365® so that I can help you get organized so that you can live out your unique purpose. As you get organized and learn to live proactively, the way you feel inside changes. You are more calm and less overwhelmed. When unexpected events occur, you can adjust what is on your calendar, defer and delete the things that are no longer important, and handle what is actually happening. Your capacity increases - in almost every area of your life. You have more time for yourself, your relationships, your passion projects, and your life. Show us your afters! We want to see your after photos. Not the cluttered and then empty kitchen counter, though that is great too! The after is you, living the life you are uniquely created to live! What is the essence of you? What do you love doing? Maybe it’s being with your family, reading a great book, hiking in nature, starting a business, writing a book, spending time supporting a charity, or something we haven’t even thought about yet. The more you increase your organization and proactivity, the more capacity you have for what you want to do. The possibilities are limitless. Each of us has a story that keeps expanding. So, on Saturdays, we want to see your afters on Instagram! We’ll be sharing some from the Dream Team, and we want you to share with us.
10/8/2021 • 35 minutes, 2 seconds
Friday Workbox with Sheri MacGregor
Welcome to our new Wednesday series of transformational stories from our new Friday Workbox Certified Organizers! Organize 365® recently upgraded all of the Business Friday Workbox Systems and we are so excited to share the stories of the certified organizers who helped us make these improvements! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. Today, I am sharing my conversation with Sheri MacGregor. Sheri was a Wednesday Transformation guest in 2020 and is back today as a Friday Workbox Certified Organizer. She has experience as a teacher, running a construction business, dealing with medical paperwork, has worked on IEP’s, and has settled an estate. We talk about how she has adapted her professional organizing business in COVID and while moving. There’s so much to learn here! You can find Sheri at Peaceful Paper Peaceful Spaces, on Instagram and on Facebook. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® All AccessCCESS Friday Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats Organize 365® Certified Organizers I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
10/6/2021 • 46 minutes, 15 seconds
446 - Win at Home and at Work!
For our final podcast in the Friday Workbox series, I want to teach you how I am able to get so much done, so that you can use the same tools to transform your life. I am a naturally productive person. My productivity is the result of my ability to plan. One of my gifts is my orientation to time. I have always been good at assigning an accurate amount of time to a task. As I moved from my to-do list to my Sunday Basket® and Friday Workbox™, I began to schedule time to complete tasks directly on my calendar. Every week, I take time to work through my Sunday Basket® and Friday Workbox™. As I do so, I pull out the tasks that must be done in the upcoming week, determine how long it will take, and schedule when I will do them. I can immediately see if there are conflicts between what I need to do and the time available so that I can prioritize and make decisions proactively. Every seven days, I make new decisions about what I will take action on. The reason a Sunday Basket® and Friday Workbox™ are so effective is because all of my dreams, ideas, research materials and goals are safely captured in my boxes. I may not get to those dreams as soon as I would like, but nothing is ever forgotten. My secret sauce to productivity and success is the act of planning. I want to share with you how I use Planning Day and Workbox Planning Day with every new season as the ultimate task stacking habit. Home At home, Planning Day occurs just prior to the new cycle of the 100 Day Home Organization Program. During that week, I look at how I will use my time in the upcoming 17 weeks, set new goals, and deep review through any 2.0 slash pockets that have been on hold. Work At the end of each calendar quarter, I deep dive into my plan for my business. On the 13th week of the quarter, just before my new quarter starts, I use the last week to reconcile expenses, set new goals, update the social media agenda, and do a deep review of every business slash pocket I have created. Then, I execute that plan for the next 12 weeks. Win By being realistic about what I can complete in the upcoming quarter, I am able to actually achieve my goals and finish my projects. Anything that I will not have the time, money, motivation, or energy to address goes back into holding. Those ideas and projects are ready and waiting for their right time to shine. I know all of those slash pockets will be reviewed at the next planning day, and I can take action on them then if the time is right. The better you get at planning and improving your productivity, the more capacity and impact you will create. You will win at home, work, relationships, and in your community. You will learn to live with excellence, ease, and enjoyment. Planning is the key to unlocking your ability to achieve your goals!
10/1/2021 • 33 minutes, 37 seconds
Friday Workbox with Tanya Blackburn
Welcome to our new Wednesday series of transformational stories from our new Friday Workbox Certified Organizers! Organize 365® recently upgraded all of the Business Friday Workbox Systems and we are so excited to share the stories of the certified organizers who helped us make these improvements! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. Today, I am sharing my conversation with Tanya Blackburn. Tanya is a professional organizer in Winston-Salem, NC. She is a Friday Workbox Certified Organizer who has experience in both corporate settings and as a small business owner. We talk about setting and meeting goals, finances, business operations, and the new slash pocket colors. You can find Tanya at Prime Organizing, on Facebook, and on Instagram. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® All Access Friday Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats Organize 365® Certified Organizers I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
9/29/2021 • 31 minutes, 20 seconds
444 - Green (Administrative) Work is Not Optional
This week, I want to teach you all about the green slash pockets in the Friday Workbox System. Green slash pockets are for financial responsibilities and repetitive administrative tasks. At first, I thought green slash pockets were optional. I worked in direct sales for a long time, and I realized that most direct sellers did not look at the financial side of the business. We had a passion for the products and companies we were representing, but did not pay attention to the money. Unfortunately, many of us were not making enough sales to be profitable, and it was also easy to spend money faster than it came in on new samples and gifts. Creative Memories introduced me to the idea of looking at my business finances on a monthly basis. By keeping my sales and purchases organized, I was able to know every month if I was making a profit or experiencing a loss. This simple financial organization was the inspiration for the Organize 365® Annual Income & Expense Binder. Money in the door is not profit, and it is vital to update the financial situation of a business at least monthly to ensure your financial picture is realistic. Not everyone owns a small business or deals with financial tasks as a part of their work. When not used for finances, the green slash pockets are repetitive administrative tasks that need attention on a regular basis. Tasks repeat at different intervals in different work settings, but consider what tasks you do over and over every day, week, month, quarter, and year. Creating checklists and systems for ensuring these repeating tasks are handled will improve your efficiency and productivity. As you begin to reach your maximum capacity at work, I recommend hiring an administrative assistant or an executive assistant. These staff members can begin to take over these repetitive administrative tasks, especially those that are easy to explain and delegate. Training someone to handle your email, calendar, correspondence, and errands is an investment in leveling up your own capacity for your most important work. Having your checklists established helps ensure your assistant is cost-effective. Despite having over twenty team members at Organize 365®, there are administrative tasks I must do every single week. I share more detail in the podcast, but I still need to ensure that every week I make time for email, errands and orders, checklists, and my Friday Workbox. My Friday Workbox time is not optional. This is the time when I review all of my slash pockets and active projects, update my calendar, plan time to work on each slash pocket in the upcoming week, and update all of my meeting agendas. I need to ensure I move projects forward so our company stays healthy. Effective and productive work is the result of good habits and systems. If you want to succeed at work, your green (administrative) work is not optional.
9/24/2021 • 20 minutes, 32 seconds
Workboxes with Adriane McGraw
Welcome to our new Wednesday series of transformational stories from our new Friday Workbox Certified Organizers! Organize 365® recently upgraded all of the Business Friday Workbox Systems and we are so excited to share the stories of the certified organizers who helped us make these improvements! Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. Today, I am sharing my conversation with Adriane McGraw. Adriane is a professional organizer in Fostoria, OH. She has experience in HR for a Fortune 500 manufacturing operation. Her business Paper & Progress is dedicated to helping small businesses and working professionals streamline their operations and systematize their success. We also share about how the Business Friday Workboxes have been made even better by the certified organizers mastermind team. You can find Adriane at Paper and Progress. She is also on Facebook and Instagram. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats Organize 365® Certified Organizers I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
9/22/2021 • 35 minutes, 36 seconds
442 - Blue Work Slash Pockets are All About YOU!
Today, I want to teach you how I think about the blue slash pocket topics in my Friday Workbox. At first, blue is for you. Then, as your business or role grows, blue becomes the color for your team. In the Friday Workbox, the slash pockets build upon one another, and need to evolve in order, especially if you are the owner of a business. Pink possibilities become purple projects. Purple projects then inspire you to grow a team to help you meet your business goals. When you first begin working, blue slash pockets are for your professional development, meetings, and your human resources records. You need to know and understand yourself first, before you can lead a team. After you know yourself, you can learn more and better understand your family members and work team members. Learning and developing yourself and your team can only make your work better and more effective. As you better understand who you naturally attract and how you best deliver your message, your impact will grow. As you reach more people, you will need to add people to your team. If you are a female head of household, it is best and easiest to add housework assistance to your team first. This can be a housecleaner, laundry assistance, child care, pet care, or car care. Freeing yourself from household tasks gives you more capacity for your work. In Organization is a Learnable Skill, I tell my own story of growing a team at home and at work. Growing your team at work, especially if you are directly hiring people, is a new skill set that you will need to develop. If you are a business owner, when you hire employees or contractors, you will have to generate pink and purple work for those people and you will want to ensure their efforts are worth the financial expense. Blue slash pockets will help you keep your team organized, and will provide reminders to learn about your worker’s styles for learning, feedback, and motivation. As your team grows, your personal development should focus on growing your own skills in communication, overseeing workloads, and running meetings. Organize 365® also has some unique approaches to meetings. I share how we use one-to-one, daily huddles, department, and team meetings in the podcast - be sure to listen in to hear the details!
9/17/2021 • 30 minutes, 59 seconds
440 - Pink versus Purple Work
On the last podcast, I taught you about how to create a plan for your work. In this next series of podcasts, I will be taking you behind the scenes and sharing how the Friday Workbox system was organically developed from my own experiences. Today, I want to teach you how I think about the pink and purple slash pocket topics in my Friday Workbox. I am the daughter of a salesman father and an entrepreneur mother. I also have been a classroom teacher, so when I look back on my own work history, I can see the ways I am different from other business owners. I am also highly analytical about how I work, and I am extremely productivity minded. My earliest work included over twenty direct sales businesses. In observing successful direct sales leaders, they were good at selling their products, providing VIP customer service, and creating a team who also had these skills. Because of my interest in productivity, I not only adopted these skills, but I focused my efforts on my most profitable customers. I had the same earnings and success with a team that was only 25% as large as the other industry leaders, and with only 20% of the typical customer base. I don't like to waste time, materials, or effort. Throughout my working years, I am able to educate, sell, and support my customers. Over time, I have realized that I am successful in these things because I think of my business as having a total of four pillars. In this and upcoming podcasts, I will share with you how pink, purple, blue, and green colors correlate with different parts of your work and how they build upon each other. PINK = POTENTIAL When I turn to my Friday Workbox, all of the different ideas, dreams, possibilities, and potential goes into pink slash pockets. These are not commitments or goals, they are dreams and ideas. Sometimes, they become active right away, other times they take years to materialize. They are truly about potential; things that may happen in the future. Because the possibilities are endless, collect as many pink slash pockets as inspire you. By keeping my possibilities in pink slash pockets, I physically review them quarterly and update, add, dream, and rethink how they may apply to my business. PURPLE = PROJECTS In the Friday Workbox system, purple are the actionable, goal-oriented, deadline-driven, dollars-committed, projects. Once your pink item becomes an actionable project with a deadline, and other people become involved, it moves to a purple slash pocket. Most people can only take action and make progress on one to five slash pockets at any one time. As your team grows, you can increase your capacity by having other people complete purple projects at the same time and increase your impact. Any kind of business or work requires both pink and purple working together. In some workplaces this is potential leads being upgraded to actual customers. In other jobs, this is article ideas turned into publications. Both together are required to sustain your business. Once you have a cycle of both, you can move onto the next step of work - blue. Check back next week for more on that!
9/10/2021 • 20 minutes, 32 seconds
Friday Workbox with Stefanie Ardoin
We are back from our 2021 summer break, and I am so excited to let you know that we have some exciting new episodes! Starting today, I will be sharing transformational stories from our new Friday Workbox Certified Organizers! Organize 365® recently upgraded all of the Business Friday Workbox Systems and we are so excited to share the stories of the certified organizers who helped us make these improvements! Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today, I am sharing my conversation with Stefanie Ardoin. Stefanie is a professional organizer in Hilton Head, SC. She is a registered Health Information Administrator with over thirty years in the medical field. She is also an expert in both paper and digital organizing. She has so much to share with us about her own journey and the many ways she is already helping the Organize 365® community. We also share about how the Business Friday Workboxes have been made even better by the certified organizers mastermind team. You can find Stefanie at Island Organizing. Her digital community is Paper & Digital Simplified. She is also on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats Organize 365® Certified Organizers I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
9/8/2021 • 33 minutes, 49 seconds
438 - Creating a WORK plan
Throughout September, I will be teaching you how to proactively plan your work, control your work situations, and make decisions about what your work is going to look like, now and in the future. It is time to plan our work. I have always been a non-traditional worker, so we use a very broad definition of work at Organize 365®. I want you to make a plan for your work and make thoughtful decisions about how to manage this part of your life. No one will ever get everything on their to-do list done. Getting a system in place to manage your to-dos will allow you to optimize your work and have more time for your life. What is work? Work is whatever you are doing for the majority of your Monday to Friday hours. Your priority for the majority of the week in this season of life is your work. It can be volunteering, caregiving, working a traditional job, or being an entrepreneur. It can also include being a stay at home parent, or a homeschooling parent. There are many different kinds of work. Work is a mindset about how you approach your activities, and may or may not be related to what you do to earn an income. Where do you work? The COVID-19 pandemic has changed where we work. Because of our new experiences, now we all can discuss in-person work, remote work, and hybrid work. Where each of us works will likely continue to change over the coming months and years. I started Organize 365® at my kitchen table, moved into a corner of my bedroom, briefly used a spare bedroom, had an office in a loft space at home, and then finally moved to the Organize 365® office. No matter what kind of work you do, you need to consciously decide where you will do your work. Many homes do not have a dedicated home office. Some work requires working in different locations on different days. However, establishing where you work is vital to effectively getting your work done. No matter where you do your work, you need a consistent place to capture your work papers, ideas, and to-do items. For your household, the Sunday Basket® handles all of your home paperwork. At work, the solution is the Friday Workbox. What hours do you work? I love working. I love creating impact through my work. I have never been successful setting work hours for myself, but I have learned to set non-work hours so that I have time and energy for my home and family. I set aside Sunday as a day when I do not do work, and I lavish my attention on my family. This is my approach, but yours may be different. You may be in a season where your focus and priorities are on parts of your life outside of work. In those times, you may need to fit your work hours into firm boundaries. In this situation, determine when you will start and stop your work day. Be clear about what can be flexible and what cannot change. Try different approaches to your work hours and determine what is best for you at this time. Where will your work supplies be put away? No matter what your work situation is, you need to have a place where you can put all the parts of your work away. This is especially important if you are working from home or working from multiple mobile locations. Just like in kindergarten, at the end of the day, your workspace needs to be clean. The Friday Workbox is designed to hold all of your active work papers, and to keep them organized so that you make consistent progress towards your work goals. When you have your Friday Workbox, a computer, and a phone, you can work anywhere. This is a system that is easy to grab, ready for you to easily access your work and take action, and safe for storing your work when you are done for the day. As more people are working and schooling from home, it can be hard to be done working for the day especially if our work is out in the open. Putting everything into the Friday Workbox (including the laptop) and putting it away, allows your work space to return to the other functional purpose. Putting away things we are not actively using improves the family enjoyment of our spaces. I am a multi-faceted, multi-passionate person. I know many of you are too. Over time, I have found that having a separate box to store the pieces of a project or job helps me to organize my brain. Prior to using boxes to store my projects, I had multiple unfinished projects in the open around my home. It was overwhelming, and I did not make as much progress as I thought I would by keeping these things visible. At the end of each work session, develop a transition routine. Check your email one last time. Close your computer. Drop any notes for action items or reminders in your Friday Workbox. Put your papers back in the Friday Workbox. Put your Friday Workbox away and enjoy your non-working time with the others in your home. If you need more help getting your Friday Workbox system started or optimized, we now have Certified Organizers who are specialists in the Friday Workbox System. They are specially trained to help you as an individual, or can help you get the Friday Workbox installed in your workplace. For more information, please check out our directory.
9/3/2021 • 38 minutes, 18 seconds
436 - Decide and Make a Plan
It’s time to decide and make a plan. Last week, we talked about what is in your control. Control is about the decisions you make, how often you decide, and the impact of the decisions you make. These things matter much more than how many decisions you make. Today, we will talk about different aspects of decision making. Deciding seems so final. It’s really not. I will teach you about making deliberate decisions today, and then reassessing them when the information you have changes. Almost a decade ago, I decided what to have for breakfast, and I haven’t needed to decide again. I just grab the same breakfast and coffee and I’m ready to go. Who thinks this much about breakfast? We all do! We just don’t realize how much effort we put into decision making if we aren’t actively paying attention to our decisions. When choosing my breakfast, I thought about calories, energy level, hunger, and how different food choices affect my energy level. I weighed all these factors and made a decision about what I will eat every single day. I have shared about ways that other leaders make decisions once to avoid decision fatigue in podcast 271. Anyone can learn to make decisions about the little things like simple meals, clothing uniforms, or putting items into a Sunday Basket®. Deciding once spends more energy up front, but it reduces decision fatigue and exhaustion over things that do not really matter in the long run. Another important factor in making good decisions is controlling how many decisions you need to make in a given day. In the past, I used to think it was a sign of success that I made all of the decisions in the company; everyone answered to me! Now almost all of the decisions at home and work are happening without me - this is growth and success that can scale and be sustained! Organize 365® uses a decision making ladder similar to Michael Hyatt’s Delegation Levels and the Phoenix Project Levels of Decision Making. We all have a finite capacity for making decisions. It’s a physical reality. You can only make so many decisions. If you want to make more impact, you must empower and teach people how to make decisions the way you would make them. This means they can make decisions without you. Freeing up your own capacity and investing in your team furthers your mission and vision so much more than you can do alone. One important lesson I’ve learned about decision making is that you can only make decisions about your own home, work, and life. Decisions become easier once you truly embrace that you only control yourself. Other people will make their own decisions. I can see the beauty in all of the decisions that people make. The decisions that others make don’t bother me. I love to learn how other people come to the conclusions and decisions that they make. You can’t make a decision to control another person. You can only decide how you want to work, live, or do life. Very few decisions we make are permanent or irreversible. At certain times in life, and certain seasons of our lives, we will need to re-make our decisions. Whenever you get more information, you should reflect and reconsider your decision. Ask yourself: Does it still work in this season of life? What has changed and how should my decision adapt? I now look at what decisions may need to change at the start of each of my mini new years (January, May, and September). I make my decisions at the beginning of each 4 month stretch, and then I see how it goes. I don’t mind taking 120 days to research and try new decisions, and the final decision tends to last five to ten years. I work on one or two big decisions each trimester; this system doesn’t work with 30 new decisions. September is the most productive planning time of the year. Every year, I set aside a Planning Day for my home and set goals for myself, home, family, and finances for the next 120 days. I also set aside a day every quarter for myself and my team to do a Workbox Planning Day. I’d love to have you join me and make progress on your own decision making and goals!
8/27/2021 • 36 minutes, 27 seconds
432 - What is in Your Control?
Here’s the thing, you don’t have very much control over almost anything. But, you have so much control over a few things. I recorded a bunch of podcasts before I left for the book tour, but I like my podcasts to be as relevant as possible. I want it to feel like we are talking on the phone together in real time. But, I can’t see the future. COVID keeps changing our lives. It is one of the things that we cannot control. We all desire a sense of control. But, when you focus on things outside of your control, it causes stress, anxiety, and worry. If you choose to focus on what you do control, you can reduce or eliminate the stress, anxiety, and worry. We have control over our mind, our home, our media inputs, and our impact in the world. COVID is extremely important, but it is not urgent. It is distracting most of us from our purpose and our impact on the world. Today, I want to talk with you about making decisions about the things you actually can control. You set the tone and cadence in your home. You control the decision making. Identify what you can control. Then, make decisions so that you can get some of your time back. I want you to be able to control what you can, and free up your time to do what you want to do. For me, stress and anxiety come from the unknowns in life. The more I focus on what I do control, the less I worry. I want this for you too.
8/20/2021 • 33 minutes, 48 seconds
432 - The Time Value of the 100 Day Home Organization Program
In August, I start planning and thinking about the next mini new year - the school year. During July, I like to reflect and review the past year and begin to dream and plan for the future. No matter the season, I spent a lot of time thinking about and pondering how I invest the minutes of my life. I have always valued every minute and think through how to optimize, prioritize, and maximize each one. Time management is the process of evaluating where you are in all the areas of your life, determining your priorities, allocating the resources available to you, and making a plan to achieve your goals. In this podcast, I recap some podcasts on time management. In episode 134, I share how I plan my life in mini years (trimesters). In episode 426, I share how organizing is an optional investment of time today for a potential increase in your time in the future. The Sunday Basket® is an organizational system that will take 60-90 minutes of planning time to free up an extra 5 hours of time each week. More importantly, when you are organized, your brain is free to think and dream, instead of just trying to keep track of to-dos. Episode 366 is about organizational math. I share how I apply the same benefits of basic math skills to your transformational journey into organization. For any of you who are math phobic, I promise we only talk about addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In episode 269 I discuss how we make decisions to prioritize either time, money, or motivation. Understanding what is most important in our current situation helps us to decide what approach will result in the most effective outcomes. I no longer measure value strictly in terms of time or money. Instead, I look for the tangible outcomes of my daily actions. The 100 Day Home Organization Program is priced at 10% of the cost of in-home professional organizers helping to declutter and organize an entire home. However, most of us do not value our time as much as we do our money. Committing financial resources to getting organized helps to motivate people to engage in the 15 minute a day tasks of the 100 Day Program, and actually achieve a transformation of their homes and lives. Which of your goals are worth an investment of your time, money, and motivation in the next four months?
8/13/2021 • 41 minutes, 10 seconds
430 - Literature Review & Discussion - The Role Women Play in the 21st Century Home and Gender Equity
Today, I am bringing back the Organize 365 lead researcher, Sarah Dyson. We are sharing about our soon to be published literature review scheduled to be in the The Journal of the Arkansas Psychological Association. We share how we needed to define a shared language in order to collect data and discuss solutions. The submitted article is titled The Role Women play in the 21st Century Home and Gender Equality- A State of the Art Literature Review. As soon as it is available, we will share a copy of the publication on our research page at My initial hypothesis was that women were doing more work at home than men. Interestingly, those are not the results of our research! Members of younger generations share housework far more equitably than we expected. Gender roles have changed and we need solutions for all genders, all age groups, and all types of households. Organize 365® is adjusting based on this information. The literature review covers four major topics in the home: cueing and goal attainment, gender roles, female entrepreneurship, and future research. Listen in for a sneak preview of all these topics.
8/6/2021 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 26 seconds
Transformation with Adrienne W.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Adrienne W. She lives with her husband and 2 kids under 5 years old and she works as a teacher. She shares about getting her home organized has given her control over the whole household. She also shares her tip for using her Sunday Basket® to improve communication with her husband. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
8/4/2021 • 47 minutes, 37 seconds
428 - Defining Housework Part 4 - Maintenance
Learn more at In November of 2020, I did a two part podcast on the four kinds of work in business (361 & 362). It turns out, there are also four kinds of housework, and I introduced these in Podcast 418. There are many of these business concepts that also equate to our homes, we just don’t think of running our household like it is a business. We hear a lot about work/life balance as though these are two separate ways of getting things done. There are so many parallels between your day job and your home job. A few podcasts ago, I shared that Organize 365 is pursuing research about organization. One of the first challenges we faced is that we do not have a common vocabulary around work inside the house like we have for work in the workplace. As part of our research, we needed to define the words we were using in the survey questions. That meant, we needed to define housework. This is the final episode of a four part series that defines and explains the different kinds of work we all do inside of our homes. Today, I am sharing some details about the fourth kind of housework - maintenance. Home maintenance tasks are the tasks that the owner of the property is responsible for in order to increase the value of the home. This includes things like painting, updating flooring, replacing HVAC units, and purchasing a new roof. It is technically optional, but it is in the best interest of the property owner to keep the maintenance up to date. It is an investment the owner makes to protect the value of the property. Maintenance can be done directly by the owner, or it can be done indirectly by hired help. Renters have very little, if any, maintenance expenses and responsibilities. In the most recent research, Organize 365® discovered two important things. Home maintenance is the kind of housework where external help is most often hired by the homeowner. Home maintenance is also the only category of housework that is most often completed by men. When Greg and I first purchased our home, my dad taught me a very important lesson. His advice was to make any desired improvements to our home as soon as possible, so we would get the most enjoyment from our purchase. He was so right! I also remember my aunt recommending an annual home maintenance budget of 5% of the value of the home. That is a lot of money. You may not spend the whole amount every year, but larger expenses can use up several years worth of the budget. If you own your home, I want you to think about being the landlord of your home. This will help you determine what maintenance tasks are most important. The Organize 365® Household Reference Binder is helpful in keeping track of your maintenance needs and documentation that the necessary tasks have been completed. Having an organized system for my documents and information has helped me to make decisions about when to replace and when to fix certain appliances. I can also better predict my maintenance expenses because all of my papers are easily accessible and organized. I hope that you find these descriptions of housework helpful and I want you to think about how you can become more efficient with your housework to do the work you are uniquely created to do!
7/30/2021 • 23 minutes, 46 seconds
Transformation with Lisa F.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Lisa F. She lives with her husband, three kids, and a whole bunch of animals. She shares so much about how she has slowly increased her organization over the last few years. Lisa found Lisa from podcasts, and has consistently worked to transform her home, her family, and her life! I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
7/28/2021 • 45 minutes, 30 seconds
Transformation with Sheila M.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Sheila M. She has been through the 100 Day Program nine times already! She lives with her husband and two sons. Listen in to hear how she has gotten control of her paper and is ready to take on her newest life event - retirement! I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
7/21/2021 • 36 minutes, 23 seconds
424 - Defining Housework Part 2 - Tasks of Daily Living
In November of 2020, I did a two part podcast on the four kinds of work in business (361 & 362). It turns out, there are also four kinds of housework, and I introduced these in Podcast 418. There are many of these business concepts that also equate to our homes, we just don’t think of running our household like it is a business. We hear a lot about work/life balance as though these are two separate ways of getting things done. There are so many parallels between your day job and your home job. A few podcasts ago, I shared that Organize 365 is pursuing research about organization. One of the first challenges we faced is that we do not have a common vocabulary around work inside the house like we have for work in the workplace. As part of our research, we needed to define the words we were using in the survey questions. That meant, we needed to define housework. This is the second of a four part series that defines and explains the different kinds of work we all have to do inside of our homes. Today, I am sharing some details about a second kind of housework, tasks of daily living. This type of housework is a set of skills we all need to do or have done for us for our survival. Tasks of daily living are related to the Social Security Disability definition of disability and include things like grooming, grocery shopping and meal preparation, transportation, and paying bills. Some transitional high schools offer training in these skills through Project search and other programs. Tasks of daily living follow the individual. In college, as a new parent, and as a grandparent, you will always have to feed yourself and do laundry. Conversely, the amount of cleaning likely went up and down depending on your stage of life. However, once you share a home with another person, you begin to negotiate to divide and conquer the tasks for convenience and productivity. Generally, these tasks become consolidated as the responsibility for the person who is home more often. Tasks of daily living are the hardest and most expensive to delegate. Some small portions of them can be outsourced, but it is not convenient to have help with these items. Most of those surveyed reported they did their own tasks of daily living. In the study, we also asked what the major barriers to doing these tasks were, and most of the general population reported a lack of motivation or being too tired. See more about the research at The major solution to keeping your tasks of daily living organized and getting them completed proactively is the Sunday Basket®. You need to create better systems, better habits, and reduce your expectations!
7/16/2021 • 34 minutes, 24 seconds
Transformation with Lori W.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Lori W. She lives alone with her rescue chihuahua and does not have any children. She shares how she is downsizing her paper and clutter collections while caregiving for family members. Lori also shares how The Paper Solution has been helpful in her journey. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
7/14/2021 • 45 minutes, 55 seconds
422 - Defining Housework Part 1 - Cleaning
In November of 2020, I did a two part podcast on the four kinds of work in business (361 & 362). It turns out, there are also four kinds of housework, and I introduced these in Podcast 418. There are many of these business concepts that also equate to our homes, we just don’t think of running our household like it is a business. We hear a lot about work/life balance as though these are two separate ways of getting things done. There are so many parallels between your day job and your home job. A few podcasts ago, I shared that Organize 365 is pursuing research about organization. One of the first challenges we faced is that we do not have a common vocabulary around work inside the house like we have for work in the workplace. As part of our research, we needed to define the words we were using in the survey questions. That meant, we needed to define housework. This is the first of a four part series that defines and explains the different kinds of work we all have to do inside of our homes. Today, I want to explain the first kind of housework - cleaning. This is a type of housework that we all think about when we consider housework. But, we rarely agree on exactly what “clean” looks like. I define cleaning as anything that a cleaning company would do inside your house. There is a level of cleanliness that is necessary for health. Cleaning will always cost you time, and sometimes it can cost you money. Regardless, someone is responsible for the level of cleanliness and the frequency of cleaning in your home. Setting rules for cleaning, determining an action plan, and establishing habits of actually cleaning will help you ensure this kind of housework gets done. Remember to find more at
7/9/2021 • 40 minutes, 27 seconds
420 - The Weight of Paper in America
I want to talk with you about the Weight of Paper in American Households. I began talking about paper in 2012, when I shared a DIY version of the Sunday Basket® that transformed my paper organization at home. At that point, I had been using my own Sunday Basket® for ten years. I began using this paper organization system when I had two kids under two years old, and I needed a way to get my actionable to-do’s actually accomplished. I needed a way to manage the mail, the kitchen counter piles, and the kids paperwork. Looking at random papers all over the house kept me reactive, and I wanted to be more proactive and effective when managing my home. I learned to delay the things that initially seemed urgent and important to one day a week. By developing the system of giving these things regular attention on Sunday, I was able to have more weekday time to run my direct sales business, be a stay at home mom, and manage our house too. This system results in an immediate change, and over time (usually about six weeks) the habit of addressing all of your paper weekly will give you back five hours every week. There was a long time when people believed they didn’t have or need paper, and there has been an expectation of a paperless society. In early 2021, Organize 365 sponsored research about the State of the Household in the 21st Century. As part of that survey, I wanted to learn more about how different generations were dealing with their paper. In today’s podcast, I share the outcomes of the research we did on the weight of paper in the American home. For the purpose of this study, the Sunday Basket® refers to a safe holding place for all of your actionable papers, ongoing household projects, kitchen counter piles, and to-do items. Here are the main findings I want to share with you today: Both men and women agreed the Sunday Basket® would be a useful solution for five different kinds of paper clutter: mental piles, kitchen counter piles, unfinished project papers, unorganized reference papers, and important papers. The same research subjects also agreed that the four main binders offered by Organize 365 would be a useful solution for finding their important reference papers. 84% of Americans believe that organization is a learnable skill! It is so exciting to have the statistical, quantitative research done to back what I have known for years. As a result of this research, I have more information to give you better resources to help YOU get organized!
7/2/2021 • 22 minutes, 24 seconds
Embrace Interview with Beth Guckenberger
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing my interview with Beth Guckenberger. I shared this interview as part of Embrace last weekend. Beth and her husband have 11 children (biological, foster, and adopted). Together, they are the executive directors of Back2Back Ministries. During the interview, she shares how she uses note cards to stay organized and dream. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
6/30/2021 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 53 seconds
418 - The State of the American Home Survey with Sarah Dyson
Today, I am excited to announce our very special guest, Sarah Dyson, PhD. I want to introduce you to Sarah who is our new lead researcher here at Organize 365. She is the reason we have been able to launch our research efforts. Sarah has been a listener since 2014 and she has done the 100 Day Program and uses several Friday Workboxes. Sarah is passionate about research because, as she explains, it can be used to find evidence and data to solve almost any problem. After Episode 365, she reached out to Lisa to offer her services and experience to assist Organize 365 to conduct empirical research to prove that the Organize 365 systems work. She has helped us pivot from business research to real, rigorous, significant, academic research. As Lisa explains, Organize 365 has a great foundation and is building the systems to support what is coming, but we definitely need the help of our audience and supporters to bring our mission and vision to life. Sarah is one of many people who have stepped up to join us - and there’s always room for more! Sarah and Lisa share about the IRB, literature review, survey construction, and some specific definitions we used in the research. One of the most mind blowing things is that there are no standard definitions of “housework” in the US. Sarah and I talk about four major kinds of housework that we focused on in this first research study - cleaning, maintenance, tasks of daily living, and organization were all defined and studied separately. We also talk quite a bit about how gender roles, depression, and anxiety all play into how we deal with housework. For more information on the Organize 365 research - check out
6/25/2021 • 43 minutes, 39 seconds
Transformation with Lizzie D
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am speaking with Lizzie D. She lives with her husband, their 4 year old son, 2 year old daughter, and a dog. Her husband works at home, and she works full time outside of their home. She felt like a “bad adult” for a long time, but found success with the Sunday Basket® and was able to gain capacity to tackle the 100 Days. She’s a recovering perfectionist and doing such a good job! I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
6/23/2021 • 42 minutes, 19 seconds
416 - Setting Up a Household Home Office
Today, I want to share with you about my new CEO home office. I’ll be sharing the video of this process in the 100 Day Home Organization Program Facebook Group. I share my dream home office, command center, launch pad - a place where everything I want is readily accessible in one space. I want a place to run my household - a dedicated space separate from the planning desk typically found in the kitchen. I have always wanted a place to have to plan and direct everything that happens in my household - a place for my Sunday Basket®, bill paying, processing paper, planning meals, crafting, and mending not related to income producing work. I’m definitely not moving to a new home, and our family is changing. But, I’ve been dreaming about changes we can make to our home right now. In the podcast, I tell you about some changes I want to make to our storage spaces and how I’ll move those things into our actual living spaces to enjoy. I also will share how I am planning to update some other rooms to make them more functional. I am planning for about the next three years or so. I share my thoughts about how I am analyzing how we use our space, the way our family and home is changing, and how I can adapt to the life we are living. In this season of life, becoming a grandma, owning a business, traveling for the book tour, and simplifying, I want you to understand how I think about adapting our living space, so you can figure out how to best use your home. Be sure to check out the video if you’re a member of the 100 Day Facebook Group!
6/18/2021 • 19 minutes, 36 seconds
Transformation with Annie S
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am speaking with Annie S. She lives with her husband and 3 of her 4 sons. She’s gone from stress and anxiety to joy and confidence. She shares how she left Marie Kondo for Lisa’s message of grace and letting go of perfection. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
6/16/2021 • 35 minutes, 51 seconds
414 - The 4 Phases of Pandemic Life
Today, I want to spend some time reflecting on the COVID -19 pandemic and share some thoughts that a member of this community shared with me. In many ways, getting through the pandemic of the last year and a half is mirrored in the four life phases I teach you about in The Mindset of Organization. Although we each had unique experiences over the last 18 months, we all experienced the pandemic together, and looking at how these phases of life are applicable to life events can help us to figure out how to get organized when we face unexpected events. The four phases of life each require different organizational needs. This means, you may be organized in one phase, but struggle in another. There are different kinds of organization you’ll learn throughout your life, and organization is a learnable skill - you can figure out how to be organized in any phase or unexpected event in your life. Childhood - birth to 21 Children learn organizational skills on a micro level during childhood. Everything is in one location, they are generally responsible for only a small area like a mini-apartment, and there is a weekly rhythm that helps instill the skills of getting and maintaining organization. Pandemic - In the first few weeks of the pandemic, we were safe at home for a short term (at least that was the expectation), we had a focus on fun, learning new things, and having a dedicated time to make progress. However, this time passed very quickly, and often whole families were home together and had to rapidly figure out how to balance work, school, and continuously sharing a space. Accumulation - moving out of your childhood home until 39 years old As soon as you leave your parents’ home, you begin acquiring the “stuff” of adulthood and have responsibilities for the whole home. There is also mental, emotional, and educational accumulations of relationships, schooling, and career paths. Pandemic - Generations continue to be cyclical, and the minimalism peak of 2000 has reversed course and we are headed back towards maximizing. The toilet paper shortages, need for cleaners and disinfectants, and supply chain issues will likely continue to remind people they are no longer able to have what they want as soon as they want it. One solution is to set up storage areas in the home to maintain a little bit more supply or stock on hand. Survival - Generally 40-55 years old As women approach their 40th birthday, there is a mindset shift when they are more comfortable in their own skin and stop caring about what others think. There is also a general acceptance of what and who we are, so people begin to declutter stuff, aspirational expectations, and jobs. By 40, you are truly a “grown up” and feel the responsibility of being an adult. For many of us, our time is not our own and we are sandwiched between elders, children, and our community and work commitments. Pandemic - First, I know we did not all survive the pandemic intact. There have been losses of businesses, income, jobs, homes, health and even lives. Those of us who are surviving have been impacted by this difficult, scary, and exhausting time. The greater world is not done with the pandemic, and the results of this worldwide event will be felt for years to come. Legacy & Downsizing - 55 and over Although this generally occurs around the age of 55, moving into a focus on legacy and downsizing is greatly impacted by our life events. I’m becoming a grandma! I have also lost a parent. The lessons we learn about how short life can be, the burdens of leaving too much stuff for others to deal with, and a fatigue that encourages us to minimize our responsibilities are all part of this phase. There can also be an element of wanting to enjoy the reminders of our success and achievements. Pandemic - For those of us who have survived the pandemic and are beginning to look to the future, we need to look clearly at what our lives will look like going forward. Some people are downsizing habits and routines for a simpler life. Others are making time and space to do more of what has been missed over the last year. Tomorrow has never been guaranteed, but the pandemic has given us a renewed appreciation for our opportunities. Give grace, accept grace, and spend time with the people you love when you can!
6/11/2021 • 29 minutes, 40 seconds
Transformation with Jennifer V
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am speaking with Jennifer V. She lives at home with her husband and daughter. She shares about how Lisa is helping her in the survival phase of the sandwich generation, and how she benefitted from upgrading to a real Sunday Basket®. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
6/9/2021 • 26 minutes, 40 seconds
412 - #Adulting with Milana - Life Skills Bundle
I am excited to have Milana back on the podcast today as our guest. She was our summer intern in 2020, and she’s back to talk with me today about #adulting. She was able to go through our Launch Program (a part of the Organize 365 Kids’ Program) to give us feedback. Today, we are talking about the Launching Life Skills Bundle - now available in the Organize 365 Shop! Launch is aimed at helping older kids and young adults from 16-25 transition from living at home with parents to launching into independence. The Launching Life Skills Bundle includes The Videos from the Launch portion of the Kids’ Program A starter Sunday Basket® - just the 1.0 weekly folders The Launch Binder - a simplified personal reference binder with slash pockets and printables covering green (money), red (medical), and blue (housing, cleaning, and wardrobe) Lisa and Milana share how this course gives you everything you need to be an adult and teaches life skills for independent living. These are resources and references for 16-25 year olds to learn the skills of adult living including meal planning, cleaning, basic budgeting, paper management and reference information, and more! If you have a young adult in your life you’d like to gift lessons in the skills of organization and empowerment towards becoming an adult, consider this complete system!
6/4/2021 • 58 minutes, 57 seconds
Transformation with Ami W
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Ami W. She lives with her husband, daughter (8) and son (5) who joined their family via foster to adopt in 2018. Ami was diagnosed with ADHD about a year ago at the age of 44. She’s also caring for her father in hospice care and has been helping him to downsize and declutter. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
6/2/2021 • 45 minutes, 15 seconds
410 - Organization is a Learnable Skill Chapter 1
You guys, it’s finally here! My newest book - Organization is a Learnable Skill is available for pre-order on Amazon. It officially publishes on June 25, 2021. Listen in to hear about purchase and pre-order bonuses! Today, I want to share Chapter 1 from the book as a podcast. Remember, if you preorder, you can listen to the audio version of this book on a website up until the book launch. This chapter reveals just how reactive and disorganized my life had become, and how much I was struggling in my own life. It is not a matter of if you will experience unorganized periods in your life, it is a matter of when. My relatable story will have you laughing out loud and emotionally releasing the clutter that you have in your life and in your home. Unlike my previously actionable and tactical books, this book is my story. This is my personal memoir. I share my raw and unfiltered thoughts and I take you along on my transformational journey as I transitioned from a reactive person who moved with the ebbs and flows of life to the proactive person I am today. I share the mindsets and emotional challenges that I experienced during the year that I reclaimed my home. And, I hope to see you on the book tour in July and August!!! All of the details can be found at (please note tickets MUST be purchased in advance and are limited).
5/28/2021 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 3 seconds
Transformation with Leslie S
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Leslie S. She has a husband and five children. Today, she’s sharing about her #decluttering2021 journey and progress! I hope you find her story as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
5/26/2021 • 38 minutes, 5 seconds
Coffee Chat - NEW Organize 365 CALENDAR!
5/25/2021 • 4 minutes, 11 seconds
408 - New Book + July Book Tour Details
5/21/2021 • 33 minutes, 29 seconds
Transformation with Mickela M
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Mickela M. She lives at home with her (almost) high school aged daughter and her college aged son. She recently moved, has a family business, and has had both kids at home during the pandemic. Mickela shares her growth using the Friday Workbox (and Lisa shares a secret Workbox update!). I hope you find her story as inspiring as I do! Bonus - Hat tip to Mickela for the Stress vs. Chaos podcast topic last week! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
5/19/2021 • 52 minutes, 42 seconds
Coffee Chat - Monique & Lisa Certification Program
5/18/2021 • 30 minutes, 34 seconds
406 - Stress vs. Chaos
Today, I want to process through some observations for you about what I am expecting for the Summer of 2021. The pandemic continues to change, and we are starting to have updated recommendations and increasing freedom to do more once again. Almost all of us have something that the pandemic took from us, but getting back to our old “normal” brings up feelings of both stress and chaos. I actually expect that we will have at least two more years of life disruptions as a result of the pandemic. Stress is a constraint, but is also a force that causes change. Stress makes coal into diamonds. In our lives, stress can be what helps us prioritize the most important thing and eliminate everything else. Chaos, on the other hand, is a threat to our survival or resources. Chaos affects our needs, not our wants. It is panic inducing and fear provoking. Think back to the toilet paper shortages of the early lockdowns - that was chaos. I want to talk with you about how to apply these definitions to your upcoming summer so that you can use stress to maximize the good, and avoid chaos.
5/14/2021 • 30 minutes, 16 seconds
Transformation with Amanda P
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Amanda P. Amanda has been the podcast editor since the beginning of the Organize 365 Podcast. She also lives full time (and homeschools) in an RV with her husband, and 4 boys (14, 10, 7, and 5). She also has experienced some health challenges during her time with Organize 365. Amanda is sharing her lesson “that less stuff would make life feel lighter and more agile.” I hope you find her story as inspiring as I do! Amanda is currently taking new audio clients, and you can find her at I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
5/12/2021 • 44 minutes, 11 seconds
404 - My Next Life Stage & Unexpected Event
This is going to be a bit of a coffee chat style episode. I want to share about an unexpected event that is ushering in my next life stage. I’m going to be a grandma! Abby is expecting her baby at the end of September. We are super excited about adding a little baby blessing to our lives!!! I am still processing how this will affect all of us, but I am SO excited to be a grandma! Abby and the baby will be living with us. As many of you know, I have never been pregnant. And, I have never been a grandma before. I am saying yes to this whole new phase of all of our lives - I want to experience all of it and be there for everything. I have always seen Greg and myself as a mentor and coach for our kids. I want to be as present and supportive as possible as I help my kids reach adulthood, and beyond. We work together on critical thinking about why we do things, and this transition is no exception. So, in addition to sharing this amazing news today, I want to talk through how our family is planning for this change in our lives - especially with a little baby in the house. I am adapting the book tour. I am thinking through how we will support Abby and the baby as they transition to their next phases of life. And, we are reorganizing our house as we will now have three generations living under the same roof. Listen in and you can hear my thoughts about this exciting unexpected event!
5/7/2021 • 18 minutes, 17 seconds
Transformation with Amy M
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Amy M. She lives with her Husband, four children, and her aging father-in-law. Amy has this to share about her journey “Organizing your life really is the secret to making your dreams come true - you just have to plan and execute every single day with baby steps. It's playing the long game.” I hope you find her story as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
5/5/2021 • 35 minutes, 48 seconds
402 - Lisa's YES List
I have always wanted to record a podcast about what I am saying “Yes!” to and what I am saying “No!” to. Today, I am sharing my YES! list. What I realized people are doing when they share these kinds of lists are actually different ways of thinking about how you are using your time. For me, the “no list” is about decluttering my decision making stress and setting boundaries. On the other hand, my “yes” list is about supporting my priorities. This week, I will be sharing my “yes” list for the next of my New Year’s - the Summer (May to August). The things on my “yes” list will not get my complete focus, but I will be finding extra pockets of time to use for these things. This Summer, I am saying YES! to: Traveling safely in the US! I have been home for the entire pandemic, and I am ready to travel. I’m fully vaccinated. I will be following the most current CDC recommendations during my travel. But, my big news is that I am preparing for a book tour! I’ll be touring my newest book Organization is a Learnable Skill from July 8 to August 10th. My kids’ requests for my time! As I said last week, I will be focusing on getting my kids to do more of their own #adulting responsibilities. However, any requests to just spend time together will be met with a YES! from me. Makeup, fun hair, beauty routines, and enjoying a corporate casual look! I have been having a lot of fun trying out new makeup, a new curling iron, playing with my hair and makeup, and working on my wardrobe. I don’t own yoga pants or sweatpants. We have the freedom to choose what looks good on our bodies and works best for our current life stage. Making our home a place we love to be! Greg and I are doubling down on optimizing our home. We want it to be a place we love to be, function well for us, upgrade anything we can, and to make it work for everyone who lives there. I encourage you to do the same for your home - no matter what budget you are working with. I hope that my “yes” and “no” lists help you to figure out if there are any things for your Summer that you want to firmly establish as a yes or a no for you right now.
4/30/2021 • 14 minutes, 19 seconds
Transformation with Cailla M
Listen here: Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Cailla M. She lives with her husband, daughter, and a cat. She shares her story of facing some very difficult events in 2020, both as a teacher and in some health challenges for her husband. Despite all she went through, Cailla shares how she has been able to change her mindset, her self-talk, and her home to better care for her family and herself. I hope you find her story as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
4/28/2021 • 40 minutes, 45 seconds
400 - Lisa's NO List
I have always wanted to record a podcast about what I am saying “Yes!” to and what I am saying “No!” to. Today, I am sharing my no list. What I realized people are doing when they share these kinds of lists are actually different ways of thinking about how you are using your time. It’s not necessarily calling different things good and bad. It’s about prioritizing (what things get your yes) and decluttering and setting better boundaries (what things get your no). Over the next 100 Day cycle, I will be saying no to four main things. Different times of year call for attention to different kinds of tasks and areas of focus. When you make a yes or no list, you are creating a rule that helps you spend less energy making decisions. These rules can be for your next of the Lisa’s New Years, or it can be permanent. You get to choose. Listen in and I’ll explain why I am saying no to these things. This list helps me declutter activities that are taking time on my mind and in my schedule. These are either things on my calendar or a mindset I am letting go. I am decluttering these things - at least for now. Perfectionism Diet ideas Working in the evening Doing things for my kids
4/23/2021 • 19 minutes, 58 seconds
Transformation with Jordan B
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Jordan B. She lives with her husband and two teenage sons. Jordan started with her Sunday Basket®. After doing the 100 Day Program, she finds it much easier to have guests over without stress. I hope you find her story as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
4/21/2021 • 33 minutes, 49 seconds
398 - The ONE Thing with Jay Papasan
I am super excited today to introduce you to Jay Papasan. He is the co-author of The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results with Gary Keller. Jay is a best selling author and executive at Keller Williams Realty. I quote the ONE Thing mantra regularly - What’s the ONE Thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” Clarifying our number one priority ensures that we make great decisions. We know what to say yes to; and then say no to everything else. Jay and I explore the origins of the ONE Thing question, and how I have applied it to my life and business. My understanding of the ONE Thing has grown over time and can be applied in any arena at different levels at different times in our lives. Jay shares how you can use this ONE Thing question to figure out what to do today, and in life. He graciously explains what his own lifetime ONE Thing is in his own life. There are limitless possibilities for how we can use our time, so the ONE Thing question can break down your choices so you can clarify what makes the biggest impact for you. Making decisions proactively ensures a better investment of your hours and your minutes so that you have fewer regrets. Time is not renewable. It is a precious resource and who you give it to matters greatly. Jay also gives some great guidance on how our habits decide our futures. He shares his ideas about making rules for how you choose to spend your time. Listen in for his amazing advice! He explains how he balances openness to new people with those he already has decided are the most important. Jay also teaches us about how to best set goals and the secret to improving our chances of achieving them. He talks about accountability and how to set the steps to stay on track to reach our goals. Systematically working backwards from the goal helps to create a straight line of actions that will move the needle and he shares how to set up a system. This is a proven process that naturally narrows our focus on key goals. Perfection is overrated. Let’s make progress. Follow Jay and learn more at .
4/16/2021 • 53 minutes, 6 seconds
Transformation with Amber Z
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Amber Z. She lives with her husband and four kids. She’s been working on the 100 Day Program since 2018 and shares about her progress (but not perfection!).I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
4/14/2021 • 53 minutes, 20 seconds
396 - Discovering YOU: Curating Your Life with Gail Golden
This is part four of a four part podcast series on discovering YOU. This week, I will be talking with you about how to curate your life with Gail Golden. Gail is a management psychologist who helps businesses build better leaders. She helps to create powerful interventions and boost the bottom line. So far, you have learned how you think and get something done. You now also know how to follow your energy and trust your intuition. Then, we covered how to create and trust your plan - for a day, a week, or a season. I invited Gail to the podcast this week to share knowledge from her new book Curating Your Life: Ending the Struggle for Work-Life Balance. I want to introduce her to the Organize 365 audience. We are all on a journey from a reactive to a productive life. Everything we organize gives us more time, and some women now have 12-15 hours a week and are wondering “now what?” Gail shares how she has figured out what she is doing next, and how she is curating her next season of life. Gail recommends The Power of Full Engagement. She shares how instead of asking “Do I have time for that?” she asks herself “Do I want to spend energy on that?” For Gail, the management of energy is how she makes decisions about how to spend her time and her life. Gail shares how many of her clients feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and inadequate most of the time. She also noticed that people never seemed to develop a work life balance - at least until they curated their life. There are things that matter, but are not important, so we can just do them good enough. This leaves energy left over for the things you want to be great at. Lisa and Gail talk about how to increase your energy, and even your energy capacity. Organizing your space means you don’t waste energy looking for things. Knowing yourself and awareness of your energy means you can manage your energy by selecting environments that give us energy. Also - sleep, water, healthy diet, and regular breaks can all contribute to our optimum energy levels. No matter what we do - our energy capacity is finite. This means, we still need to make decisions about how to spend our energy. They also talk about mid-life re-curating. Sometimes life happens to you and something changes (divorce, COVID, job loss). Other times, we have changed and we recognize that we need something different in our lives and we elect to re-curate and make choices about our next steps in life. The theme of re-curating honors that our earlier choices were right for us at the time, but do not have to be followed forever. Gail also gifts us by exposing the “obnoxious roommate” in our heads that speaks against every decision we make. You know that voice! If you stay home with your family, the voice asks why you are not at work. If you stay home, the voice asks why you “wasted” college or are not contributing more to the world. Gail calls that roommate out, and gives advice for talking back to that cruel voice and ensuring that our decisions about what to curate reflect what is best for us. Gail also shares some incredible insights on how we live out our curation as social creatures. When we curate our lives, we do so in the context of many relationships. Listen in for her amazing explanation of how to balance individual needs with those you love. We finish up by talking about how to manage our energy as we begin to re-enter the world after COVID. Gail gives some great questions for each of us to consider as we figure out what things to reincorporate into our lives, and what things are no longer best for us and can be left in the past. Listen in and see what you are called to curate in your life.
4/9/2021 • 45 minutes, 4 seconds
Transformation with Kristin B
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Kristin B. She lives with her spouse and her daughter. Her transformational journey has had some major ups and downs! I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
4/7/2021 • 52 minutes, 12 seconds
394 - Discovering YOU: Create & Trust Your Plan
This is part three of a four part podcast series on discovering YOU. This week, I will be talking with you about how to create and trust your plan. I want to help you discover how you might be able to change your future. So far, you have learned how you think and get something done. You now also know how to follow your energy and trust your intuition. Now, I want you to see how to create and trust your plan - for a day, a week, or a season. These plans are not for the rest of your life, they are to make specific progress on a goal, right now. Planning is the antidote to decision fatigue. The thing that drains my energy faster than anything else is to make a bunch of decisions. The more rules you can create, the less decisions you will have to make, so the more brain power and energy you have to do what is more important. Think about something you have to decide all of the time (like what’s for dinner) - make a rule! Taco Tuesday is a classic for a reason. It’s a easy rule. It might be boring, but it saves me time, energy, and frustration to make this a rule. This is a proactive solution to decisions and helps to reduce decision fatigue. Decision fatigue is only combated when you take responsibility and ownership of the questions and decisions that are being requested of you. Create rules, and eliminate the questions. In this season, it is easier for me to make a set plan and know what it is going to be rather than arguing about whether or not I should be in charge of these decisions. Planning allows you more energy, more bandwidth, more time for the things you want to do more of in your life. Think about one thing you want to achieve. Identify one goal. What is the sprint? What is the timeframe for that goal? Start thinking about making a plan for that goal. Are there any rules related to that plan that will make it easier for you to create a habit? What time of day will you have energy to pursue this goal? Setting and achieving goals is the way you change your future. Creating an action plan and then trusting (and following) your plan is how you make progress. When you set aside the time, you will get to your goal, and see your new life. I hope you discover something about yourself in this podcast, and I’d love to hear all about it on Facebook or Instagram!
4/2/2021 • 26 minutes, 58 seconds
Transformation with Deborah I
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Deborah I. She lives with her significant other and their cat. She graciously shares her transformation while dealing with mental health issues. Deborah shares how giving herself grace was more powerful than focusing on perfection. I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
3/31/2021 • 47 minutes, 35 seconds
392 - Discovering YOU: Follow Your Energy & Intuition
This is part two of a four part podcast series on discovering you. This week, I will be talking with you about how to follow your energy and intuition. I want to help you discover how you might be able to follow your energy and intuition to get things done - more so than you could ever do with just a todo list. As I pay attention to thought leaders, I see a major paradigm shift towards following your energy and intuition. This is the latest evolution in productivity. Over time, we can see how new ideas have progressed through our society, with people in different places on the acceptance curve, so I want to bring you along if these are new mindsets for you. Intuition is hearing your inner voice, and trusting that knowing feeling in your gut. As you pay attention to your intuition, I think you will find that we have more knowledge inside of us than we believe. I also want to share some stories with you about energy and intuition, to start you thinking about your intuition and energy. There are multiple kinds of energy to consider - mental, physical, spiritual, and relational to start. In exploring these ideas, I recommend The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz. They share paradigm shifts about energy that you may want to consider. I share my experience with changing from a detailed weekly schedule made in advance to building a schedule and making choices to follow your energy. I hope you discover something about yourself in this podcast, and I’d love to hear all about it on Facebook or Instagram!
3/26/2021 • 32 minutes, 20 seconds
Transformation with Melissa G
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Melissa G. She lives with her husband, daughter, and two dogs. She started her organizational journey by tackling her paperwork! That’s jumping in with both feet. She also shares some of her challenges facing unexpected events. I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
3/24/2021 • 40 minutes, 43 seconds
390 - Discovering YOU: How You Think (Kolbe)
3/19/2021 • 48 minutes, 43 seconds
Transformation with Debbye C
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Debbye C. Debbye has been married for 44 years to her high school sweetheart, and she has a son with high functioning Asperger's Syndrome who lives in a basement apartment. Today, she shares about her transition from the survival to legacy phase of life. She is now growing her career as a professional organizer. I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
3/17/2021 • 44 minutes, 58 seconds
Coffee Chat - Shhh - Surprise for Lisa!
3/16/2021 • 6 minutes, 42 seconds
388 - Happy Birthday to the Sunday Basket!
Happy Birthday Sunday Basket® The physical Sunday Basket® is THREE years old today. Today, I want to invite you to celebrate the Sunday Basket® with me! I am re-sharing and re-airing The Sunday Basket® podcast. I share where the Sunday Basket came from, how it starts at the introductory level, how we sell it, what support is available to you, and where to learn more. You can learn more at
3/12/2021 • 43 minutes, 25 seconds
386 - How to Multiply Time with Rory Vaden
How to Multiply Time with Rory Vaden I love the way Rory Vaden looks at time and prioritization. I first learned about him when I was getting started in multiple direct sales companies. He is an expert in the principles of success - time management, goals, and positive attitudes. I reviewed two of his books - Take the Stairs and Procrastinate on Purpose on the Organize 365 YouTube channel in 2020. I even have an older podcast about what I learned from his books - Episode 152. I am delighted to share our conversation about time with you today. We talk about leadership, motivating others, achieving goals, and multiplying time. Rory shares some amazing thoughts about how to achieve your dreams - he says: It’s not that people struggle from a lack of discipline, as they do from a lack of vision. The amount of our endurance is directly proportionate to the clarity of our vision. The number one cause of all procrastination is self-criticism [perfectionism]. We also talk about how to make steady, consistent progress towards any kind of goals (work, home organization, or anything else). He explains how he makes decisions about prioritizing his to do items. And, then he drops his bomb, he teaches me how to multiply time by changing how I think about the items on my list. You multiply time by giving yourself the emotional permission to spend time on things today that create more time tomorrow. As Rory talks about how getting organized is a way you can multiply time, we share how my own lessons for you are helping you to multiply time in your own lives. Things like the Sunday Basket® and the 100 Day Home Organization Program can lead you to freeing up ten to fifteen hours a week once you set up the systems. Automation of your organizing can lead to exponentially more time as you continue to build and refine systems. Any time you create a process today, it saves you time tomorrow, and then saves you time every day moving forward. Invest in good habits, invest in your self-discipline, and invest in how you think about and use your time - you will get exponential rewards in the future. If you want to systematize and grow your business, I recommend you consider working with Rory Vaden and Brand Builders. We help people monetize and build their personal brand. Organize 365 is partnering with them and you can get a free call at
3/5/2021 • 30 minutes, 9 seconds
Organizing Holiday Decorations
Organizing Holiday Decorations Why do we keep the decorations we keep, and what is the best way to store them? As we go through life stages and unexpected events, our holiday items take on new meaning and sometimes add to our guilt or depression. That was true in my case. This week, your challenge is to organize your holiday decorations. Visit for the full blog post. Find all the blog posts, podcasts and more right at your fingertips! Get the APP: If you are old school like me, or use your email inbox as your to-do list, you might want the challenge delivered to your inbox instead. Sign up for emails here: This episode is brought to you by Onnit the makers of Alpha Brain Click here to save 10% off your first order:
3/3/2021 • 15 minutes, 12 seconds
384 - Transformational Freedom & Lisa's Word of the Year
Blog post available at Last week, I reviewed my 2021 first quarter pink slash pocket projects with you. I shared what has been going well, and what projects I have deferred (or even abandoned without guilt!). The one project I did not deep dive into with you yet is my health slash pocket. In 2021, I am focusing on my health. I started out by using my 100 Day Home Organization Program planner to track habits and metrics. Knowing where I start means I can see how I am changing inside of my life. Transformational Freedom: As you let go of one thing, you are open to receiving the next. We strive to unlock your life’s purpose through the process of decluttering, organizing, and increasing productivity. I am tracking and analyzing multiple aspects of my health including sleep, food, steps, and supplements. For 2021, my word of the year is health. I am focusing on my physical, emotional, spiritual, relationship health, and the health of Organize 365. In the podcast, I also talk about the Organize 365 focus word for 2021: impact. We are working to make our mission, vision, and values come to life for the growing team. If you don’t already have a word for 2021, take some time and reflect on what your word might be. You are not bound to your choice - but let it serve as a reminder of the goals we have for ourselves and our intentions for who we want to become. I hope you choose a word you can grow into and want to be reminded of this year. I hope to see you progress on your transformational journey and unlock the potential you have inside of yourself.
2/26/2021 • 29 minutes, 14 seconds
Embrace Break Throughs Part 4
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This month, I have a special treat for you! Normally, you get to hear the transformational story of ONE member of our community. This month, I want to share some of the very special breakthroughs of women just like you as they attended Embrace 2020. You can learn more about the 2021 Embrace experience at
2/24/2021 • 31 minutes, 39 seconds
382 - Update on Lisa's Q1 Pink Slash Pocket Goals
For the very first podcast of 2021, I shared what my pink slash pockets will be for the first New Year of 2021. Now that we are halfway through that first quarter, I want to share what I have completed, what I have completely let go, and why this has been the best experiment I have ever done inside of my Sunday Basket®. My Sunday Basket® is my habit and weekly system that keeps my actionable to dos, my ideas, my mail, keeps my family running smoothly, and allows me to focus on work during the week without worrying about household tasks. Consistent use of the Sunday Basket® helps your brain move from reactive to proactive. After about six weeks, most users find they have capacity for the Sunday Basket® 2.0 slash pockets. These slash pockets hold the papers and ideas related to larger projects that require a consistent infusion of time, money, and/or motivation to be completed. The 2.0 slash pockets focus on four major life areas: home, family, money, and self. In today’s podcast, I am sharing what I’ve been doing so far in my personal pink slash pockets so far in 2021. I was focusing on launching my kids into #adulting, family photo memories, creating an Organize 365 scrapbook, systematizing beauty, and my to be read list. Listen in as I share what projects I have completed, what projects I called “good enough to be done,” and which things I have decided to abandon or ignore. And, I’d love to hear about YOUR pink slash pockets in 2021 on Facebook or Instagram! Also mentioned in this episode: Organize 365 Kids Program Organize 365 Launch Bundle Organize 365 Memorabilia Binder
2/19/2021 • 34 minutes, 1 second
Embrace Break Throughs Part 3
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This month, I have a special treat for you! Normally, you get to hear the transformational story of ONE member of our community. This month, I want to share some of the very special breakthroughs of women just like you as they attended Embrace 2020. You can learn more about the 2021 Embrace experience at
2/17/2021 • 30 minutes, 8 seconds
380 - Creating a Simple System for Filing Taxes
The older you get and the more #adulting you do, the more you realize there are taxes for everything. There are almost as many kinds of taxes as there are kinds of insurance. When I was younger, and taxes seemed easier, I used to do our taxes myself using TurboTax. Now, our finances are much more complicated, and we use an accountant to file our taxes. However, I have a process that lets me get my paperwork ready in three to four hours total! When I was an in home professional organizer, I saw many people request extension on their personal income tax filings. Not because they didn’t know how to do their taxes. Not because they didn’t have the money to pay the taxes. All because they did not have their tax documentation in order.They have to get their paperwork under control in order to complete their taxes. I want to help you become proactive instead of reactive in approaching your taxes, so today I am sharing some of my own processes for making taxes easy. I always work on my taxes in February (usually during the Super Bowl). Back when I was a Creative Memories consultant, I learned to organize my business taxes using the IRS Schedule C categories. First, every January 1, I add a green slash pocket to my Sunday Basket® labeled “Taxes” to keep all of my incoming paperwork together and organized. As I have shared before, I recommend you make your decisions in advance whenever possible. Establish habits and routines to reduce decision fatigue. Here are my lessons to make tax time easier. If you have a business, figure out how you will categorize expenses related to Schedule C categories. A few years ago, I made a cheatsheet of my categories and how I group expenses to keep my categories uniform from year to year. I also recommend making checklists for yourself of annual tasks (writing down mileage for vehicles) and for the papers you are expecting in the mail (income, mortgage, bank, investment statements). Keep up with recording your expenses monthly. I recommend the Organize 365 Income and Expense Binder as your one place to keep your receipts, documentation, and to track your expenses. This way you will know how your expenses are affecting your profitability every month and can adjust as needed. Record your income monthly. This will help you to recognize the many ways you are generating income in your business and you can adjust where you spend your energy so that you are focusing on the most effective parts of your business. If you spend a few hours each month, then at the end of the year you can do your inventory counts and be ready for tax time. The Organize 365 Income and Expense Binder is what I have used in all of my businesses to keep track of income, expenses, and mileage. If you do not have a similar system set up for your business finances already, you can purchase this from our shop at I am excited to share my simple system for income taxes with you. However, I am not a tax advisor or accountant, so these are my personal thoughts. Please do not use them as tax advice and consult your own professional for information about your specific situation.
2/12/2021 • 23 minutes, 50 seconds
Embrace Break Throughs Part 2
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This month, I have a special treat for you! Normally, you get to hear the transformational story of ONE member of our community. This month, I want to share some of the very special breakthroughs of women just like you as they attended Embrace 2020. You can learn more about the 2021 Embrace experience at
2/10/2021 • 26 minutes, 40 seconds
378 - Diversity & Inclusion at Organize 365
Today, I want to talk with you about diversity and inclusion at Organize 365. I have always been intentional and purposeful about creating an inclusive and diverse company over the last nine years. Organize 365 is based in Cincinnati, Ohio, and I get to see the great work that Procter & Gamble does to actively work towards diversity and inclusion. I have learned so much from their approach to building intentional depth and breath of their employees. As we grow and expand, we will continue to strive to represent the beautiful colors, thought patterns, races, and religions of the world. While race is one important facet of diversity and inclusion, I also want to share some other ways that Organize 365 strives to build a team of people who represent all different kinds of diversity. In the podcast, I share many of the ways we are already diverse some of which include generation, family structure, and awareness and empathy for people with special needs. I am also delighted that the Organize 365 community is wonderfully diverse and so inclusive of all who join us on the journey.
2/5/2021 • 28 minutes, 50 seconds
Embrace Break Throughs Part 1
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This month, I have a special treat for you! Normally, you get to hear the transformational story of ONE member of our community. This month, I want to share some of the very special breakthroughs of women just like you as they attended Embrace 2020. You can learn more about the 2021 Embrace experience on our website.
2/3/2021 • 26 minutes, 12 seconds
376 - Black History of Home Ownership
As we get ready to celebrate February as Black History Month in the United States, I want to share some of the history I have learned about the differences between Black and White Americans owning houses in the US. I am doing my best to use preferred terms and inclusive language, so I am asking for grace as you listen. I am always open to learning new things, but I also want to use this platform to share information about the US history with people who may not have learned these things in school and who have not yet added this topic to their learning journey. During the Summer of 2020, I dove into reading and learning about the historical differences between the experiences of Black and White Americans. I am a lifelong learner. I love history. I love to learn about different cultures. I love to learn about all people all over the world. I am learning about myself, my home, and broadening my horizons by learning about the experiences of others in the world. As a White woman celebrating Black History month, I want to be respectful, and I want to share information that would be relevant to my primary topic of organizing your home. I also want to acknowledge that my experience is different than that of African Americans, and I thought back to all the things I have been reading and learning about home ownership. I believe that the more we understand the differences that shape our lives, the better we are together and the more empathetic we are towards one another. In my history studies last summer, I began to learn how many White people were able to gain college educations and grow their wealth because of home ownership. I was initially shocked to learn about some of the differences I describe on the podcast. My family of origin had very different experiences, and by learning about the history of US housing, my eyes were opened to the reality of the differences in the US. I want to share some of the fascinating, eye-opening information I researched last summer. Links to several of these resources are below: Black Wall Street - Podcast The Color of Law - book by Richard Rothstein NPR interview with The Color of Law author Richard Rothstein The Banker - Movie In the podcast, I share some of my own learning, insights, and a raising awareness of my own biases and assumptions. I offer you some resources to do your own research and learning. Knowing each other’s stories will bring us better understanding, and better conversations. I want all of us to leave more educated. What unites us is far greater than what divides us.
1/29/2021 • 40 minutes, 48 seconds
Transformation with Zetty M
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Zetty M. She lives with her husband and three daughters (9, 11, and 14). They have been a nomadic sailing family for the last five years, but are now settled down in Wisconsin for the next nine years while the kids finish school. She shares how she has transformed her home and life along her organizing journey. And, she started her own business! I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I do! You can find Zetty at I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
1/27/2021 • 56 minutes, 5 seconds
Coffee Chat - Organize 365 Merch Store
This is a special Coffee Chat episode, available only in your podcast player. Coffee Chats are time sensitive, so this episode will disappear once the content is no longer relevant. Listen in for all of the new Organize 365 products available in our brand new Merch Store!
1/26/2021 • 11 minutes, 18 seconds
374 - 2021 Resetting My Evening Routine
As we head into 2021, I want to talk with you about moving from a reactive life to a proactive one by resetting your daily routines. In 2020, many of us picked up some bad habits and time wasting activities that snuck into our schedules. I am working on recapturing my time for purposeful activity, and I want to share my thoughts and strategies with you. My evening routine is the shortest of all of my routines, and it is my least consistent routine. I like to use this time to focus on my hygiene and care of my body. I take a hot bath, do some skin care, and take my vitamins. Before the pandemic, I used to do something productive before doing these getting ready for bed activities. During the pandemic, I spent that time on my phone - on social media, reading about news events, reading hundreds of emails, and following different internet rabbit holes that were not particularly productive. For the next 120 days, I am focusing on incorporating habits of planning my outfits for the week on Sundays. I want to plan my food for the next day in advance. I also want to get back to reading physical books. Projects from my updated slash pockets are also things I may include in this time. I am focusing on writing out my notecard with the next day’s schedule and plan each evening. Think about what would make the biggest impact for you in the next 120 days. You cannot do it all. But, when you pick what you want to do, you can focus on doing those things with excellence. Do not take on too much - pick small easy things. Find ways to remind yourself about these changes, and see how it goes.
1/22/2021 • 17 minutes, 30 seconds
Transformation with Anna D
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Anna D. She lives with her husband of 25 years and shares two dogs with her adult daughter. She found Lisa from the ADDitude webcast. Anna began her transformational journey during some major unexpected life events. She settled her sister’s estate, remodeled her mom’s house, and was dealing with her own ADD. She shares her story of learning to thrive despite chaos. I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
1/20/2021 • 43 minutes, 9 seconds
372 - 2021 Resetting My Afternoon Routine
As we head into 2021, I want to talk with you about moving from a reactive life to a proactive one by resetting your daily routines. In 2020, many of us picked up some bad habits and time wasting activities that snuck into our schedules. I am working on recapturing my time for purposeful activity, and I want to share my thoughts and strategies with you. When I consider daily routines, I look at the morning, afternoon, and evening time periods. I am going to discuss each of these and share what I was doing pre-pandemic, how 2020 dramatically changed these times of day, and what I want these routines to look like in 2021. I actually think afternoon routines are one of the most important and often overlooked transition periods, especially for women. I first introduced my 2017 afternoon routine in Podcast Episode 193. You can listen to that if you want more information about my morning routine before the pandemic of 2020. As you adjust and adapt your routines, I really recommend small changes. Small changes over time are more successful and create more lasting change than big sweeping changes that are difficult to sustain. Afternoon routines are the transition from work or school back to home and family time. It is the bridge from your daytime activity to the dinner hour. The afternoon routine is one you have to be conscious about setting up, especially if you want to be deliberate about what you do during this time. Depending on your phase of life, the afternoon routine can include dinner preparation, cleaning up the house, checking kids homework, and sometimes driving to and from activities. But, it is the change over from work to house life. For many years, I did not actually stop working at a typical time, so my afternoon routine was a pause to just get my family on track. However, as Organize 365 has grown, I worked to develop the habit of stopping work at a reasonable time to give my family my full attention. I delighted in my habit of spending time with Greg every day. During the Pandemic, Greg and I both began to work later everyday. We both worked a lot more and did not end at our normal times anymore. I did run to Culvers almost every day to give myself a commute and some alone time. Over the summer, I began to spend more time at the warehouse and continued to work more than my basic 40 hours a week. In the Fall, I began to work more at the warehouse and office. I still need a transition from work to home and some private, quiet, alone time for my thoughts. I want to keep the transition, but I no longer enjoy eating all this fast food. Updating my pink slash pockets has already given me more motivation and desire to work on my own projects after my work hours. This is a more desirable way to use my time than driving to get fast food. And, we are spending more time sharing meals together as a family. Of the three routines, this one is the most nebulous for me, and the one that is still in process. I am not fully sure how I am going to achieve these changes to my routine, but I am giving myself grace as I figure this out. So, as you figure out what you want to adjust in your afternoon routine, be patient and observe what is working and not working right now. Do you want to spend time with family? Is this a helpful time to tackle your 100 Day Home Organization Program task of the day? Do you need to focus on your food and nutrition? Do you have hobbies or personal projects you will focus on? I would love if you can share your afternoon routine ideas in the Facebook group or on Instagram and tag me!
1/15/2021 • 16 minutes, 15 seconds
Transformation with Melinda K
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Melinda K. She lives with her retired husband, college age step-daughter, and 2 dogs. In our conversation, Melinda shares how she was inspired to clean up her office (and how she started her 100 Day Home Organization Program doing double time and following her energy. She’s also a bit of rebel, so she can encourage others who don’t want to be told what to do, even by me! I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
1/13/2021 • 43 minutes, 4 seconds
370 - 2021 Resetting My Morning Routine
As we head into 2021, I want to talk with you about moving from a reactive life to a proactive one by resetting your daily routines. In 2020, many of us picked up some bad habits and time wasting activities that snuck into our schedules. I am working on recapturing my time for purposeful activity, and I want to share my thoughts and strategies with you. When I consider daily routines, I look at the morning, afternoon, and evening time periods. I am going to discuss each of these and share what I was doing pre-pandemic, how 2020 dramatically changed these times of day, and what I want these routines to look like in 2021. I first shared my thoughts about a morning routine back in Episode 192. You can listen to that if you want more information about my morning routine before the pandemic of 2020. We are going to start with the morning routine, because that is when our day first starts. Traditionally, morning routine strategies are written by men without children who take over an hour to get their day started - even without showering, hair or makeup. My reality is that my mornings have almost always been dictated by what my family needs. My basic morning routine takes me about 45 minutes just to get prepared to leave the house and start my day. When I get up, I get ready for the day and then leave my bedroom. I do not lounge around the house in the morning. I get ready for the most dressy event of the day and stay dressed all day long. I do not ever go back and change my clothes. With the pandemic, my morning routine faced several disruptions. I had all this content that I felt like I had to consume before I could get out of bed and start my day. My spouse and whole family were home too, which changed how I was working. Around this time, my mental mindset was changing and the podcasts I listened to completely changed. We had to quarantine several times as a family due to COVID exposures (everyone was thankfully safe and negative). Joey totaled his car, which meant he needed more rides. Honestly, I just abdicated my morning routine in so many ways, and became reactive to the changes happening in my life. As you build your morning routine for 2021, ask yourself: What do you want? When do you want to get up? When do you want to start your work day or tasks? What things do you want in your morning routine? What do you want done early in the day? Do you want to change what media you are consuming in the morning? Please feel free to share your morning routine ideas in the Organize 365 Facebook Group!
1/8/2021 • 23 minutes, 31 seconds
Transformation with Jamie J
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Jamie J. She lives with her husband, and two twin daughters. Her daughters were born prematurely and have overcome some challenges (including extra paperwork!). Jamie says “I just thought I was born to be unorganized and that was the way it would always be.” But she found the Sunday Basket® and has gotten her papers under control. Next up, IEP and homeschooling binders! I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at You can find the Mini Medical Binder downloads mentioned today at
1/6/2021 • 34 minutes, 46 seconds
Coffee Chat #1 - January 5, 2021
There's a new Organize 365 pop up podcast! I'll be doing some Coffee Chat episodes on Tuesdays - but they'll only be available in your favorite podcast player. These are time sensitive episodes about products, events, or specific information. And, they will self-destruct (disappear) when they are no longer relevant. So, make sure you are subscribed to the podcast and you will never miss an episode!
1/5/2021 • 9 minutes, 10 seconds
368 - My 2021 - 100 Day Round 1 - Pink Slash Pockets
Happy New Year 2021! We did it! We made it through 2020! When I look back on 2020, there is of course the pandemic, and all of the things that were unexpected, not desirable, and even terrible. But, there were also great things that happened in 2020. In 2020, we did a lot of pivoting, adjusting, and adapting. Organize 365 moved to a bigger warehouse and hired more full time staff members. As a family, we had family members home at different times, and came out ok. As I look forward to 2021, it feels really hard to plan and set goals. The first quarter of 2021, is not going to be the best time of (most) of our lives. But, once we are safe at home, we are mostly in control of what happens inside of our home, our mindset, and our planning for that. When I reflect on 2020, my core personality and gifts did not change, but my habits changed drastically. When the pandemic first arrived, I filled my days with work. As the year went on, I was able to return to the rhythm of working mostly during work hours, but I filled my free time with habits that were not serving me. Those habits were wasting two to four hours of my day (and I’ll tell you all about them in the next three podcasts). But, you need a proactive plan when removing less useful habits from your life. My Pink slash pockets remind me to make time for hobbies and relationships that are important to me. When I looked at my Pink slash pockets in my Sunday Basket® the other day, I realized I had not changed them at all during the pandemic. I had pockets for travel and restaurant dates with Greg. I did not want the pandemic to interfere with these dreams and goals, so I kept them throughout all of 2020. As I look at the next 120 days (the first of my 3 new years in a calendar year), I will likely not be traveling or eating in a restaurant. My heart goes out to those industries and the very hard season they are still experiencing. I was resistant to changing my pink slash pockets, and that meant that I limited my own hobbies and interests to just jigsaw puzzles. I definitely enjoyed doing lots of puzzles, and do not plan to stop enjoying them in 2021. But, I do want to incorporate new pink slash pockets for myself. I am saving my former Pink slash pockets for now, but I am starting some new projects in the next 120 days. Listen in and I will share my new possibilities for my free time and self improvement projects for January through April of 2021. What do you want your first 120 days of 2021 to look like? Start to dream about the different ways you can possibly use your time, and when the time presents itself, you can jump into one of your possible projects! Mentioned in the episode: Launch Bundle with Binder
1/1/2021 • 33 minutes, 22 seconds
Complete Sunday Basket Q&A
Listen here: Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I normally get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am sharing an audio copy of a recent Sunday Basket® webinar that I taught. I walk you through setting up a Sunday Basket® and teach you all about the different slash pockets you will want to set up. I walk you through setting up and using a Sunday Basket® step by step in this podcast. Are you ready to create a lasting system for the paperwork and to-do’s that clutter your kitchen counter tops and your mind? Listen in and then get started with your own Sunday Basket®. You can learn more at or you can purchase today in our shop.
12/30/2020 • 53 minutes, 36 seconds
367 - Content Consumption Tips from Lisa & Teddy Roosevelt
Blog post at I am constantly consuming books, podcasts, webinars, and social media. These sources allow me to connect with people, ideas, and passions that I have, but to do so on my own time when I am ready for it. I love to learn and have an insatiable capacity for knowledge and learning. Because I follow my interests and seek out new things to learn, I constantly change what I am listening to. During the holidays this year, I am making an effort to provide lots of content for those in the audience who may be lonely or looking for a friend during this difficult year of the pandemic and social distancing. I will take you along with me, and I remember years that the holidays were difficult in my own life. I want to be there for you as much as I can this year. I often view Instagram stories as a virtual reality show with my own personal friends (even if the people I am following do not know me!). So many of you ask me about what books, podcasts, Netflix series, webinar, and social media I am reading and watching. The reason I do not answer is because it would take over half an hour each week just to explain what I am consuming this week. It is constantly changing, and a lot of it builds on things I have already learned and consumed. Also, I consume a lot of content. This week, I am sharing some of the tips from an article about President Teddy Roosevelt - another productivity nut! In 2019, Erin McCarthy published 13 Reading Tips from Theodore Roosevelt, and today I am sharing some of them with you, along with a few of my own thoughts about them. Listen in, and I will share what I listen, watch, and do around the house, and how I choose what to consume next!
12/25/2020 • 37 minutes, 17 seconds
Transformation with Jennifer B
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Jennifer B. She lives with her husband, daughter, 2 cats, and 2 dogs. She also has a son who recently moved out and lives nearby. Jennifer says she decided to get organized when “autoimmune illness and spinal arthritis forced me to quit working as a veterinarian and left me with little to no energy and a lot of pain/depression. I could no longer keep up with the management of all the stuff and the people and the pets and the events. I felt like a failure. I needed less stuff, less stress and better systems to manage it all so I could stop being a victim of this disease and disorder.” She started with listening to the podcast and slowly getting rid of the excess stuff in her home. I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
12/23/2020 • 44 minutes, 50 seconds
366 - Organizational Math
Today, I want to encourage you to embrace organizational math. With organization, you can move your life from reactive to proactive, but doing so takes focus and determination. First, we change your mental model, and then you layer on the practical and physical skills. I was a middle school math teacher, and I share how I apply the same benefits of basic math skills to your transformational journey into organization. For any of you who are math phobic, I promise we will only talk about addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Addition When you decide to get organized, the first thing you will want to do is to add a new habit into your life routine. Habits require focused efforts to ensure their successful adoption. When we want to improve our lives, we often try to add many new habits all at one. However, being able to cement a new habit into your routine usually requires about 120 days, but if you tackle fewer goals more effectively you will ensure achieving a lasting change. Spoiler alert: the first habit to add when working towards organization is the Sunday Basket®. Subtraction When you think about applying subtraction to organization, it is the first step we take in the 100 Day Home Organization Program - decluttering. Decluttering naturally starts with removing excess physical objects from your home - things you no longer need, want, use, or have space for. After that, you can gain further space from subtracting obligations, negative people, negative thoughts, and inefficiencies from your life. Multiplication This is where organizational math begins to gain major power. Organization always gives you more time. When you start with gaining extra time planning your week and task stacking by using your Sunday Basket® each week, you will gain time to work through the 100 Day Home Organization Program. Then, as you gain control of your home and paper, you can tackle your paper binders, kids rooms, and photos. Moving through decluttering, organizing, and increasing productivity helps you to make space for what you are uniquely created to do. Division This is the most powerful part of organizational math. With your increased ability to focus as the result of your organizing, you can now divide time into fewer but more powerful roles in your life. When you get to this stage of your transformational journey - you will divide your time into three major baskets: your Friday Workbox for the work you are uniquely created to do, your Sunday Basket® to manage all of your household obligations and to-dos, and your passion projects (hobbies and personal satisfaction). This is when Planning Day and time blocking your calendar powers up your life and your capacity. As you move along Maslow’s Hierarchy, keep working on learning your organizational math skills and adding on new ones as you continue along your transformational journey!
12/18/2020 • 23 minutes, 4 seconds
Transformation with Sara P
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I share my conversation with Sara P. She lives with her husband of 9 years, son who is 6.5. and daughter who just turned 5. She started with the Sunday Basket® and said: “I was sick of getting irritated and cranky when I got home from traveling to see papers everywhere. I needed a paper system before the next traveling contract started.” She’s had great success in changing so many of her mindsets and household systems. I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
12/16/2020 • 29 minutes, 11 seconds
365 - 365!! Organize 365 Mission, Vision & Values & 3 year picture
The Organize 365 Mission, Vision, and Values. I will also be sharing our Vivid Vision for the next 3 years! Our Mission Organize 365® helps busy women, in all phases of life, learn the skill of home and paper organization in one year with functional organizing systems that work. By acquiring these skills, women are free to pursue their passions and gift the world with their unique, God-given talent. Back in Spring 2017, I started to realize that Organize 365 was becoming bigger than me. I needed to build a team to see my vision for the future of the company materialize. I hired 7 people in 7 weeks, and we began to work towards the 3 year goals I set back then. In those three years, we have created and sold a physical Sunday Basket®, binders, and a traditionally published book The Paper Solution. The mission statement I wrote back in 2017 is still the foundation of the service we provide today, though it has been expanded a bit over the years. In the podcast, I share my mission, vision, and values with you directly. We have achieved all of the practical, actionable goals I set back in 2017, and today I am sharing where I see Organize 365 going over the next three years. I want you to know exactly how we will be improving the customer journey, how we will continue to refine and add value to the lifetime programs you have already purchased, and the new content we will be creating to continue to help you achieve home and paper organization. I have always envisioned Organize 365 as an educational and transformational company. You come to Organize 365 when you need to learn how to get organized. As your teacher, I can ensure that you can really truly learn the skill of getting organized, reduce the number of hours it takes to organize and maintain your home, and have your house be a haven that does not talk back to you, so you are free to get out there and do what you are uniquely created to do. I look forward to helping YOU get organized!
12/11/2020 • 21 minutes, 43 seconds
Transformation with Stephanie S
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I talk with Stephanie S. She lives with her husband, her mother, and 5 kids. She shares how her husband now is working on projects that have been on hold for over 3 years! Together they balance a family, a kinship placement, homeschooling, and the rest of family life. I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
12/9/2020 • 43 minutes, 59 seconds
364 - Take Control of Your Thoughts
Take Control of Your Thoughts Today, I want to talk with you about metacognition (thinking about your thinking) and how that helps you to take control of your thoughts. It really is a cognitive choice to see the positive in every situation. I start by sharing a letter from a member of the Organize 365 community who is struggling with her negative thoughts about the could have, should have, and would have things that she missed out on before having a functioning Sunday Basket®. From the many of you who have reached out, I know she is not alone in struggling with giving herself grace and celebrating progress (not demanding perfection). In the podcast, I will share with you some experiences in my own home and family that could definitely have been seen through a negative light. However, I share with you how I practice thinking about the good even in these challenges and sometimes even disappointing events. I am giving you concrete examples of how I choose to see the positive side of whatever life brings my way. Shifting your mindset in this way requires practice and you will not always get it right. I even share how I had some (brief) tantrums when things did not go as planned, but how I was able to practice taking control of my thoughts and reframing what was happening in my life. I want to help you learn to become a more positive, proactive person. I want you to move towards the future you dream of for yourself and your family. The future that will have will be the result of your design. Adjust your mindset so you can see what you want for your own future, and then we will work together to transform your life and make it happen.
12/4/2020 • 24 minutes, 10 seconds
Transformation with Sarah T
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I talk with Sarah T about how her life has been transformed and how she is learning to identify as an organized person. Sarah has a full house with her husband, 10 year old daughter, 8 year old son, 5 year old son, 2 dogs, and some other small animals. We talk about how she has adopted multiple systems to stay organized while working and schooling from home and getting a new dog in 2020! Listen in to hear how she organizes her clothing in a way that works perfectly for her! (#permissiongranted to do what works in your home and family!!!) I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
12/2/2020 • 34 minutes, 43 seconds
363 - Understanding Inventory at Home
This episode, Understanding Inventory at Home, is directly related to Episodes 361 and 362 on the different kinds of work. I am sharing some of my thoughts about analyzing how we use the principles we use to run a business and relate them to how we run our households. I think this is super useful because it allows us to take the emotion out of our thinking, and to realize that there is work to be done. Our work will never be done - at work or at home. Once we recognize that, it reduces our stress. We can then conscientiously pace ourselves to prioritize what is truly important and urgent. Because of the COVID pandemic, we are home more and we are using our homes differently than before. This means that the nature of our work and our homes is changing. We are now keeping a larger stockpile of many home goods (toilet paper anyone?). My previous productivity advice to outsource, hire help, or automate things is not always available or economically feasible anymore. Let’s start over and look at the home through a different lens. I want us to think about our household inventory in terms of time, money, and physical items inside our homes. In the podcast, I share with you some business terms, and then apply them to our homes and lives. Bottom line: The goal of living an organized and productive life is to achieve as many goals as possible using the least amount of time and energy. Then, you can use the remaining time, energy, and money to do what you are uniquely created to do. Right now, I am looking at the inventory we keep in our house. Is it the right amount? Is it in the right location? And, I think the key question is: how many of those to do list items and goals are even necessary at all? Listen in and I’ll explain how our inventory continues to change (and what I predict will happen after the pandemic is finally gone). I even include some of the ways I am thinking about inventory inside my own home and family. Vocabulary Lesson (based on The Phoenix Project - Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford): Throughput Business - the rate at which the systems generate money through sales Household - the number of to do and goal items you can accomplish (per day) Inventory Business - all the money the system has invested in things it intends to sell Household - all of the items the home has that it intends to turn into to do items or goals Operational Expenses Business - all the money the system spends on turning inventory into throughput Household - all the time and energy we spend turning inventory into finished to dos or goals
11/27/2020 • 30 minutes, 43 seconds
Blessings We Have Received From 2020
Listen here: Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, our transformation will focus on being able to see the positive and the good that is happening in every single situation. 2020 has been a challenge in so many ways. I definitely do not want to repeat 2020 in any way. However, I would love to give you a perspective shift and help you to see all of the wonderful things and blessings we have had in 2020. Today, I want to share some of the blessings that have been experienced by the Organize 365 community in this crazy, unprecedented, extraordinary year.
11/25/2020 • 17 minutes, 15 seconds
362 - The 4 Kinds of Work Part 2
This week, we are continuing to look at the different kinds of work. Having labels for things like types of work allows us to see things differently and sometimes leads to better communication. Prior to founding Organize 365, my entire life was reactive. Everyone else got to tell me what to do - the economy, my family, my stuff. I just kept reacting to what was happening in my environment. In 2011, I drew a line in the sand. Sink or swim, I am in charge of my life from here on out. I started by taking care of my home and began proactively attacking my life. Unless you actively decide to do planned work and work to create a life where the majority of your work is planned, you will remain in firefighting mode and continue to be reactive. Until I read The Phoenix Project, I did not even have a mindset for types of work like this. I did not realize the two other kinds of work we are talking about today were a thing that existed. Last week, we explored proactive and reactive types of work. Today, we add in maintenance and change orders. Work: Maintenance - maintenance is the repeating tasks that result in the care and upkeep of your home and life. Many people ask Organize 365 for a cleaning checklist or a home maintenance checklist. There are tons of them on Pinterest. However, if you are using the internet for a list consider how often you need to do the tasks. Are you sure everything you are doing on your checklist needs to be done (at all) or needs to be done as often as you are doing it? Your standard and comfort level is unique to you. Maintain at the level at which you want to maintain your home. Make a list of the tasks you want to be done - daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly timeline. Make sure that the frequency you assign each task matches with the home you want to have. Work: Change Orders - anytime things change, it creates work. When a person, assignment, or locations changes, you need to think through the new situation, and you need to do the work to make the change happen. Change is part of life - try not to add a lot of drama. Pivot, adjust, and keep making progress. Often, these kinds of change orders are reactive. Tip! With meetings, book 5-30 minutes after them for your change order work meeting. Follow up as immediately as possible - adjust the agenda (maintenance), and then get your to do items into your Sunday Basket or Friday Box, make decisions, give approvals, or adjust deadlines. At home, you may need to adjust to new dietary requirements or adjust for your energy level or adjust to someone else (sick kid, spouse stuck late at work, etc.). I have learned to proactively adjust my plans based on my energy levels. As I analyze my own patterns, I have learned that I need to have a certain kind of energy in order to be effective at content creation - writing books or recording podcasts. Other kinds of work I can do no matter what my energy level is at a given moment. I adjust my schedule each evening for the next day based on my energy level. I am giving you permission to make your own maintenance checklists and your own change orders. Just because we have work to do in our own homes, does not mean that we need to do it at a certain time or in a certain order or on a certain day. I give you permission to loosen the standards you have set for yourself that are so high. They may be robbing you of your joy. Do what is right for you. Try it without worrying. There is no failure, it is just an experiment.
11/20/2020 • 29 minutes, 36 seconds
Transformation with Betsy H
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week, I am answering a listener request to do a virtual organizing session on the podcast. Betsy reached out and requested my assistance to help her tackle the 100 Day Home Organization Program. She had already purchased a membership, but is trying to balance kids at home, multiple part time jobs, and ADHD in the midst of our current global pandemic. Together, we rethink how she can participate in the 100 Days in this challenging season. I hope you find this conversation as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket ® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
11/18/2020 • 46 minutes, 15 seconds
361 - The 4 Kinds of Work - Part 1
I have recently been enjoying parable based books to learn new things and to gain confidence that my own analysis and plans are “right” in the world of business.Reading a fictionalized version of important information helps me to apply learning and see nuances rather than just read dry facts. Recently, I listened to The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim and learned how they describe four different kinds of work. In this podcast, I will introduce you to the first two kinds of work. I then also share my thinking about how these kinds of work are also present in our home and household lives. By thinking about these kinds of work, we can get better work patterns and be more effective in the work we do. Constraints - constraints are limits that are difficult or impossible to change - in this episode, I give examples of time, money, and space. When we do not have enough of these things, it can be a limit on our organization and productivity, and changing our situation can require a major effort. Bottlenecks - are problems that can be analyzed and solved - in this episode, I give examples of time, money, and space. I explain how we are not using what we have effectively. It is vital to discern whether you are facing a constraint or a bottleneck - many times there are effective changes you can make. Work: Firefighting - reactive work that has deadlines, stress, or feels like a crisis. This work shows up unexpectedly and causes us to pivot, iterate, and adapt rapidly. In the home, the Sunday Basket® contains and then puts out fires. Firefighting is reactive by its very nature. Work: Planned Work - Planned work is proactive. When you plan your work, you use your time, money, and space more effectively. Organize 365 members accomplish large goals without stress, overwork, or being hurried. The 100 Day Home Organization Program focuses on planned work. Each day is planned out for you and you make progress in 15 minute chunks. Try it! For the next 10 days, every evening I want you to write out your plan for the next day in the order you will accomplish your tasks on a notecard. Write down your appointments, any household tasks you need to accomplish (pick up a prescription or clean the oven or do laundry). When you write out a plan for your day in order, you can see if you days are smoother. Bonus: the evening before, also add to the index card what clothing you will wear and write down what you will eat. Spoiler alert - there are no perfect days and no perfect plans! The goal is to move from reactive to proactive. You can learn more about using notecards in Episode 310: Ditch Your To Do List with Notecards. Listen in next week for the other two kinds of work! Books mentioned in this episode (affiliate links): Traction - Gino Wickman Lisa’s YouTube Review Get a Grip - Gino Wickman and Mike Paton The Phoenix Project - Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford The Goal - Eliyahu Goldratt
11/13/2020 • 36 minutes, 31 seconds
Transformation with Stephanie F
Listen here: Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today’s Transformational Podcast features my conversation with Stephanie Fowler of Austin|Fowler: Chic Bags That Simplify Your Life on the Go. We talk about how she has progressed in her own organizing transformational journey and now has time to create and run her own company. I know many of you are either ready to take this next step, or are dreaming of the day when you can do what you are uniquely created to do, and I want to share this conversation with you. She and her husband have 4 kids at home and she runs her business! I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
11/11/2020 • 41 minutes, 58 seconds
WFH Productivity - Interview with Emily - Workbox Additions & Retreat day
11/4/2020 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 27 seconds
359 - 2020 Declutter Entertainment
These weeks between October 1st and Thanksgiving are typically the most productive weeks of the year. I want to help you make October super productive by helping you declutter. I want to give you tasks you can complete in 15 minutes a day so you can declutter some different areas of your life. I am focusing on decluttering only, not on organizing or productivity. Have you been listening, or have you been taking action this month? We’ve talked about files, hot spots, and hot mess rooms. Today, we are going to talk about decluttering entertainment. This pandemic has taught me that Americans are entertainment hoarders. We have long lists of things we pursue for the sake of entertainment like kids’ activities, restaurants, shopping, TV shows, sporting events, and even travel. We have become so used to consuming entertainment that the pause in novelty during the pandemic has led to boredom. There was even a meme that said: “I finished Netflix today, what’s next?” Today, I want to share my thoughts about decluttering the entertainment we have inside of our homes. Those games, puzzles, and hobby materials that you were keeping just in case - have you used them? Can you plan to use them this winter? If you have entertainment you no longer wish to keep, clear out your house and make more space for the things your family does use. Listen to the podcast as I talk with you about board games, video electronics, that mega box of cords, and even analog entertainment (waffle makers, for example). I want you to use the entertainment you do have and enjoy to make memories with your family. And, for the things you no longer need, can you pass them on and bless some other family? I bought a bunch of puzzles when we first started staying safe at home. I have passed them along to people who passed them along to others - the puzzle train means that many families get to enjoy spending time together working on a puzzle, but do not have to keep storing a puzzle they have already used. I’d love to hear what things you have passed along to others on Facebook or Instagram!
10/30/2020 • 18 minutes, 29 seconds
Transformation with Renee C
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week’s Transformational Podcast features Renee. She and her husband have 2 daughters, and a dog. She also works as a speech language pathologist. She shares how she has gotten her home and kids organized, and how the Mini Medical Binder helped her family during COVID (get yours at! I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at
10/28/2020 • 46 minutes, 52 seconds
358 - 2020 Declutter Hot Mess Room
These weeks between October 1st and Thanksgiving are typically the most productive weeks of the year. I want to help you make October super productive by helping you declutter. I want to give you tasks you can complete in 15 minutes a day so you can declutter some different areas of your life. I am focusing on decluttering only, not on organizing or productivity. Today, I want to talk with you about decluttering your hot mess room. A hot mess room (HMR) is where we lovingly place (shove?) things we don’t know what to do with, can’t part with right now, are not sure about, or want to keep “just in case.” Depending on your home, a HMR can be a garage, shed, storage room, basement, attic, shed, or sometimes even a whole house. If you are working through the rest of your home (like with the 100 Day Home Organization Program or All Access Membership), you declutter your main living areas, and end up dumping your extra stuff into an area that becomes a HMR. This area becomes overwhelmed as you put things into the space “for now” while you delay making a decision to actually get rid of the stuff. This is perfectly normal - it’s a rest stop for your clutter on the way out the door. All Access members have a deep dive course to help clear out a HMR, but for today, I want to help you to make progress simply decluttering this space. Unlike a kitchen or a living room, HMR can be hard to clear out because they accumulate stuff from everywhere in the house. Today, I want to help you make progress decluttering this area so that it is more useful to you. First - be realistic about any item you are considering continuing to keep just in case you need it. Remember that you have just lived through the ultimate just in case scenario - you were safe at home (sometimes for months) during a global pandemic. If you didn’t use the item (food, clothing, or hobby) during that time, you probably never will. Let it go. If you do keep just in case items, you should know what you have and how to find it when you need it. Second - clear out the things you don’t need that will make the biggest difference in the space - empty boxes, broken items, orphan pieces of furniture, and household items you no longer want or do not use (vases & holiday decorations that do not fit your taste or style anymore). See if you can reduce the stuff by 25-30%. Send things to trash, recycling, or donation centers and reclaim your storage space for the things you do want to keep in storage.
10/23/2020 • 18 minutes, 20 seconds
Transformation with Melissa F.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week’s Transformational Podcast features Melissa F. She and her husband have 13 year old twins, a dog, and a business. She shares how she has organized her home and her paper - and we celebrate her progress! I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! Melissa's kids Allie and Brady have an Etsy shop. Feel free to check it out! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket ® 100 Day Home Organization Program All Access Friday Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
10/21/2020 • 52 minutes, 5 seconds
357 - 2020 Declutter Hot Spots
In today’s podcast, I want to inspire you to take quick action to address the clutter hotspots in your home. A hotspot is anywhere that paper or physical stuff accumulates. As our lives change, we often use our homes in ways that are different from the organizational systems we have already set up. This leads to stuff sitting out and making hotspots. There are three major reasons a clutter hotspot develops: You have not made a decision about an item. You have a project you are deferring (not taking action on right now). You have brought new items into your living space that need to be given a home. In the podcast, I will walk you through several different hotspots that have popped up in my own home during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how I was able to declutter them. I bought some food items but did not have a plan to actually prepare them for a specific meal, so they were left out. Some hotspots were from aspirational purchases where I purchased things I thought I wanted to do (breaking my own 24-hour rule), and left the items out in our living space. Another hotspot was from purchasing new kinds of supplies for the pandemic (gloves, masks, hand sanitizer) without a place to store them or a sense of how many we needed to store in our home. I want you to take some time and look around your home for your hotspots. Which of the reasons above are these items sitting out randomly around the house? What can you do with your items? What can you donate? What can you work on right away? What can you finish up? As you look for solutions, think about the Sunday Basket® has helped to eliminate your paper clutter hotspots from your kitchen counter. You know where to put items while you make a decision, you have a place to store your paper that is supporting deferred projects, and you have a home for every piece of paper that enters your home! Make your home function for the way you use it every day, the way your family lives right now in the present moment. I want you to know that if you need it, you have #permissiongranted to choose functional organizing for your actual daily life.
10/16/2020 • 16 minutes, 48 seconds
Transformation with Jill M
Listen to all of the transformational interviews at On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today, I am sharing my conversation with Jill M. She lives in IL with her husband and 2 kids. She recently completed her Master's Degree and is now starting her own business. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
10/14/2020 • 40 minutes, 2 seconds
356 - 2020 Declutter Files
These weeks between October 1st and Thanksgiving are typically the most productive weeks of the year. I want to help you make October super productive by helping you declutter. I want to give you tasks you can complete in 15 minutes a day so you can declutter some different areas of your life. I am focusing on decluttering only, not on organizing or productivity. When decluttering, the way to make it easier, faster, and more effective is to create rules for your items. Rules free us! With rules, you will make quicker decisions and reduce your decision fatigue. You don’t need to stop and consider each item’s value or importance, you will refer to your rule and rapidly decide to keep or toss. This week, we are focusing on decluttering the file cabinet. The Paper Solution launched in August of 2020, and I am hearing from many of you how helpful that book is in getting your paper under control. For the fall, I want to help you declutter and reduce the amount of paper you are managing (and will later organize). When it comes to paper, you need rules. There are different kinds of papers - I think of papers as being parts of different categories. First, all actionable paper belongs in your Sunday Basket®. For the podcast today, I am focusing on decluttering your archive (sometimes called reference) papers. When you make your rules, you need to answer two questions: What will I save? (or what will I toss/not save)? How long will I keep this category of paper? In the podcast, I share examples of the rules I use in my own life for my own paper for several different categories: Manuals & warranties Phone books Kids’ school papers Pets Home decor paperwork Automobiles I do not always keep papers, and I’ll explain why I now discard many papers in these categories. If you sort through 3-5 folders from your file cabinet each day, it will typically take around 15 minutes. Focus on identifying what you want or need to keep, and toss the rest (of course, shred sensitive private information). Most people are able to reduce their saved paper by 50-80% when decluttering this way.
10/9/2020 • 17 minutes, 19 seconds
Transformation with Audrey N.
Listen to all of the Transformational Podcasts at This week, we are back to our traditional transformational podcast. On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today, I am sharing my conversation with Audrey N. She just started her 2nd round of the 100 Day Program. She is married, works part time outside the home, and is a parent. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! Audrey recommends the meal planning app Plan to Eat (no affiliate). I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
10/7/2020 • 31 minutes, 26 seconds
355 - Is COVID a Golden Window?
These weeks between October 1st and Thanksgiving are typically the most productive weeks of the year. You will get to see your productivity skyrocket and your 2020 goals come to fruition. Once the holidays come, you will turn your focus to social events and making memories, so I want to talk with you about how COVID may be a Golden Window for you. Some of you have been barely surviving this pandemic. And, that’s perfectly reasonable. I am not asking you to do more, but I want to share some short, actionable podcasts that can help you cultivate a mindset so you are prepared for when you can deep dive into organization and productivity. A Golden Window is a time in your life where you have an unusual period of energy, drive, and focus to take back your life and get organized. Are you in a period of your life where you are reevaluating your life? Have you stopped to think about how you use your time, where you live, your job situation, or your home? Everything has changed - for all of us. For a Golden Window, you are ready for the change. If you are merely reacting and surviving, you may not have the extra time, energy, and motivation that a Golden Window brings. If you are not in a Golden Window, do not worry. Keep going and give yourself grace. Your turn will come. If you are in a Golden Window (Podcast 242), I want to help you analyze and plan for this opportunity. If you are entering a Golden Window, I want to help you end 2020 strong, and to start thinking about how you can use this opportunity to look ahead 5-10 years and begin making the changes towards that future. Listen in as I help you figure out what you want to start and how to take the first step.
10/2/2020 • 24 minutes, 42 seconds
Transformation with Kerstin H
This week, we are back to our traditional transformational podcast. On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today, I am sharing my conversation with Kerstin H. She lives in Germany with her husband and foster daughter. She started with a Sunday Basket® and has found much more peace in life and control of her time. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
9/30/2020 • 41 minutes, 15 seconds
354 - The New Economy and Our Homes
As we continue to explore our interim normal from COVID-19, I want to share some insights on the economy and how we are changing the way we use our homes. I am not an economist or a real estate expert, but I am a questioner and I want to share my own personal thoughts about how we continue to adapt to these extraordinary (unprecedented) times we are in. We are in the middle of a transition in technology, working from home, social media, and how we are living in our current reality. As I have shared before, my study of different generations has shown that history is cyclical and we move from one end of a particular pendulum to the other, and then we come back again. The Stuff We Keep In the 1980’s we were at the height of consumerism and stuff. Near 2020, many people were very minimalist. In the next few years, I expect that people are not going to declutter as much. We have now faced supply chain issues, shortages, and have learned we cannot always go shopping for (or even order delivery) of the things we want right now. Our families are also changing. More people are living at home, indefinitely. While young adults used to go out and begin living independently, the health and economic issues are meaning more are living at home for longer periods. This also changes the amount and type of stuff we are keeping in our homes. Economic Changes Retail stores are going bankrupt. The economy was shifting prior to the pandemic, but COVID creased a condensed timeline. While businesses usually change at a much slower pace than individuals or families, they are now being forced to adapt more quickly, and not all will be successful. Supply chain issues are also a real thing, and will likely continue for a while. For people who traditionally stockpiled things, you may not have access to the same quantity as before. You may not have space to store extras while you are also housing additional people in your home. Your ability to afford to shop and plan ahead may also be altered. Living at Home If you decluttered something and are regretting letting it go, because your “just in case” actually came true, give yourself grace. There is no benefit to blame or anger at this unpredictable global health crisis. If you have not used something in the last 6 months, I want you to really consider letting it go and allowing it to bless someone else. As we head into our first Fall and Winter seasons in this pandemic, I want you to think about what you will need to get through this season. What items do you want to be sure you have for this season? What do you need to change or adapt in how your physical home is functioning? What do you want to have at home? What can you afford? What do you have space to store? How will you adapt your holiday plans for social distancing and public health? How will you make your home feel like home for all who are living there? IDS At Organize 365, we use the Traction model for our business operating system. One component is that we IDS problems and issues. We identify, discuss, and solve challenges as a team. I share some fun examples in the podcast - so be sure to listen in for an insider peek at some recent decisions we made.
9/25/2020 • 35 minutes, 1 second
353 - Go with the Flow is Gone
The COVID-19 Pandemic has taken away our ability to go with the flow. We are living in a snow globe where our city, job, government, and public health are continually shaken up and we are chasing around. So many people are sharing that life feels so hard right now. There is no flow. The pandemic has stopped our hustle, bustle, and flow. Most of us have lived through hard times like this before, and humanity has definitely survived times of uncertainty and upheaval similar to what we are facing now. In the podcast, I share about how we have survived and have the lessons from other times in history when our lives were similarly out of control. However, catastrophic events do not impact everyone equally. Depending on your location, family, job, and other factors, you may be experiencing a lot or a little bit of life disruption. Today, I want to talk with you about how to find your flow again - even though it will be different than it was before COVID-19. First, if you are not a natural flow generator, find and follow good leaders. Second, get started. Let go of perfection. Release the need to do it all. But, actually taking action and moving your body will produce much better results than thinking about what you want to do. Third, I really want you to work on your schedules and routines. These basic steps will get you moving in the morning and can keep you moving throughout the day. When you clean up - you know the drill - pick up trash, clothes, and food in that order. Start simple, and just get started. I also share how my morning, afternoon, and evening routines have helped me to continue to be engaged in my life and make progress during the pandemic. It is typical to be less productive than you were before the stay at home events, but using routines will help you to transition to the next part of the day and keep the momentum going. I share suggestions for setting up your routines and share my own inside the podcast. For links to the items Lisa is using, please go to the show notes page on the website.
9/18/2020 • 38 minutes, 14 seconds
The New Corner Office with Laura Vanderkam
This week our Wednesday podcast is my conversation with my absolute, most favorite author - Laura Vanderkam! We discuss many things she writes about in her new book, The New Corner Office. We talk about all things working from home - how to manage time, organize your workday, still be productive, and get energized to get things done. Laura is also analytical so we talk about different ways to apply routines, rituals, transition time, separation, and habits so we can find success in this interim normal as many continue to stay safe at home.
9/16/2020 • 47 minutes, 8 seconds
352 - Interim Normal & Our Homes
Listen here: We are living in the middle of a global health pandemic during COVID-19. The middle of any kind of change or transition is messy!!! As we go through the middle, we can end up feel trapped - we cannot go back, but we are not yet to the place we want to be. I want to help you make sense of this pandemic and disruption we are all facing. I want to share my analysis of what is going on in society, our homes, and our responses to this uncertainty we have all been living with since at least March of 2020. I am hearing from many of you that you are facing anxiety, depression, and feelings of loss. Every single person on Earth has had plans derailed this year. So - what do we do about the messy middle? We are certainly not yet to the "new normal" that will come someday, but we do have to begin to function more effectively and make some progress in life. We are all struggling to make sense of our current reality and to figure out how to function in a new world. We cannot live our pajama day, Netflix, and quarantine cocktail life while we wait for the end. We must work our way through this messy middle. I want to walk with you, provide inspiration, and help you to survive (and maybe thrive) in this unexpected life event. I cannot fix everything going on, but I can help you to find your bearings so you can get some traction while we all stumble through this middle place together. Listen in as I talk to you about how to analyze and adapt for: School (in person or from home) Vacations & Fun Work Adult Children Thinking Time Schedules & Routines Cash Flow & Money Just as getting organized begins with your mindset, so does getting yourself and your loved ones through this time. I am here as your teacher, your coach, and your friend. You are not alone in this journey, and I will walk along side you and continue to share and inspire. Furthermore, if you are struggling with mental health during this time, that is a true, real, and vital medical need. Please seek medical attention for your medical needs. Please reach out to your health care team and ask for help. If you want to hear more about the time I struggled with depression, you can listen to that podcast here. However, I am not a medical professional, and I cannot provide medical assistance.
9/11/2020 • 26 minutes, 3 seconds
The Paper Solution - Excerpt from the audiobook -
I am so excited to share with you a short excerpt from The Paper Solution audiobook! My publisher has allowed me to share this reading from the book with you all. I hope that you are making progress on your home papers and getting them organized, but if you find this helpful, be sure to pick up your own copy of The Paper Solution. Order your copy here!
9/9/2020 • 13 minutes, 27 seconds
351 - The Paper Solution - Kid Papers From 0-18 Years Old
The Paper Solution - Kid's School Memory Binder In The Paper Solution, I teach you how to ditch your file cabinet and replace it with portable, functional binders for reference papers. The Paper Solution will tell you how to set up your binders, gives you access to sample printables, and gives you a list of what to include in each of the binders I recommend you create. The Kid's School Memory Binder Binders have so many benefits - they are easy to update, they help limit how much we save, and they are far more portable than a file cabinet. This is one place to keep art work, stories, awards, certificates, and those adorable school photos. I have even made these binders for Greg and myself. We had some great times reading each other's school papers, sharing stories, and just being surprised by each other. One binder for each person in the house is really fun and a great way to keep a reasonable amount of school memories in an organized way. The Kid's School Memory Binder helps to keep your child's school papers, memories, and certificates in easy to enjoy (and space limiting) binders. When you use page protectors, it is easy to add and remove papers over time. I am always astounded by how much kids enjoy looking back at their own work and sharing the stories. For details on what to include in your binder, listen to the podcast and then check out Chapter 14 of The Paper Solution. In the podcast, I also share about the Warrior Mama IEP Binder - a way to help you get and keep your paperwork organized if you are dealing with special needs or individualized education plans.
9/4/2020 • 20 minutes, 4 seconds
Wednesday Transformation - Melissa S - Work & Motherhood Organization Journey
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today’s Transformational Podcast features my conversation with Melissa S. Missy lives with her husband and 3 girls. This is the second part of our conversation. Today we talk about work, motherhood, and other organizational parts of life. Missy works in a family business with 180 employees that focuses on media and trade publications. She and Lisa share about how Missy uses a Workbox and Binders to keep all of her papers organized so she can be an organized business owner. They also share how the Workbox and Sunday Basket® help Missy plan her week and stay proactive rather than reactive! I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
9/2/2020 • 49 minutes, 48 seconds
350 - The Paper Solution - How to Organize Your Family's Fun & Daily Living
Enjoy the podcast: In The Paper Solution, I teach you how to ditch your file cabinet and replace it with portable, functional binders for reference papers. The Paper Solution will tell you how to set up your binders, gives you access to sample printables, and gives you a list of what to include in each of the binders I recommend you create. The Household Operations Binder The idea for this binder grew from my career as a teacher. I think of this binder as a lesson plan for my home and family - I want to keep track of and grow the traditions that are meaningful to the people in my family and I want to reduce the things that do not bring joy or value to my family. I created this binder to help keep track of ideas for celebrating and decorating for different holidays. I also keep childcare information, pet information, and meal plan information in this binder. I want it to be a single place someone could go to step in and help with our family routines and care. This is a place to keep the things you want to remember from our three times a year Blitz - like summer ideas or winter holiday plans. The Household Operations Binder allows you to hand off care of your home, children, or pets to another person. It keeps all of the details and information in a single place. It also helps you to keep your ideas together in one place so that it is easy to transition into fun. For details on what to include in your binder, listen to the podcast and then check out page 218 of The Paper Solution.
8/28/2020 • 15 minutes, 57 seconds
351 - Kids Papers from 0-18 Years Old
8/28/2020 • 19 minutes, 56 seconds
Wednesday Transformation - Melissa S. Home Organization Journey
Listen here: Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today’s Transformational Podcast features my conversation with Melissa S. Missy lives with her husband and 3 girls. She shares how she has used the skills she has learned from her Sunday Basket® and the 100 Day Program to transform her paper and home. She shares how she makes time for her 15 minute a day task, has helped settle her mom's estate, and how the Warrior Mama binder has helped with her kid's education. Missy shares her own challenges with ADHD and how she has gone from living a reactive to a proactive life (and how that is so much easier on her brain!). I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
8/26/2020 • 49 minutes, 9 seconds
349 - The Paper Solution - How to Organize Past, Present & Future Monies
In The Paper Solution, I teach you how to ditch your file cabinet and replace it with portable, functional binders for reference papers. The Paper Solution will tell you how to set up your binders, gives you access to sample printables, and gives you a list of what to include in each of the binders I recommend you create. The Financial Organizing Binder In full honesty, this is last binder I made for myself, but it was probably the most important binder I made. Money can be a tricky and emotional topic, so give yourself grace if you are new to this topic. I help as the executor of both my grandmother and my father, and I saw what a blessing it is to the people you love to have your financial papers in order and organized. The Financial Organizing Binder is meant to keep track of past purchases and closed loans, current bill pay checklists and active accounts, and dreams for the future with retirement accounts and some celebration of life (funeral) information. It is meant to be a help to your family, or you can use it when you need to settle someone else's estate. The Financial Organizing Binder allows you to keep your past, present, and future finances together in a portable and organized system. For details on what to include in your binder, listen to the podcast and then check out page 196 of The Paper Solution.
8/21/2020 • 13 minutes, 30 seconds
348 - The Paper Solution - Saving Your Medical History
In The Paper Solution, I teach you how to ditch your file cabinet and replace it with portable, functional binders for reference papers. The Paper Solution will tell you how to set up your binders, gives you access to sample printables, and gives you a list of what to include in each of the binders I recommend you create. The Medical Organizing Binder Before my father passed away, I was his power of attorney for health care. I was doing my best, but I did not know his medical history, diagnosis, or even his medications. I started out writing down information on scraps of paper, but I was traveling several hours between my home and his, and it was hard to keep it organized. Having test and lab results recorded in an organized way helps me to feel less anxious and more informed. The Medical Organizing Binder keeps track of your diagnosis, family history, and what is normal for you (or for the person you care for). Everything I and the medical team could want to know about my children is organized in one place. And, in the US, digital medical records are not kept indefinitely and they do not always transfer between providers. The Medical Organizing Binder allows you to keep a complete personal medical history in a portable and organized system. For details on what to include in your binder, listen to the podcast and then check out page 209 of The Paper Solution. Try out a sample FREE mini Emergency Medical Binder printable at - Feel free to share this link with family, friends, and co-workers!
8/14/2020 • 15 minutes, 18 seconds
347 - The Paper Solution - How to Organize Papers from Your Physical Home
In The Paper Solution, I teach you how to ditch your file cabinet and replace it with portable, functional binders for reference papers. The Paper Solution will tell you how to set up your binders, gives you access to sample printables, and gives you a list of what to include in each of the binders I recommend you create. The Household Reference Binder The Household Reference Binder is the first binder I ever made, and it is one of the easiest to assemble. The Household Reference Binder is all of the papers about your home that you would pass on to a new person moving into the home. It works for homeowners and for renters. The Household Reference Binder is one complete inventory of your appliances, repair information, service providers, and decoration choices like paint colors. My Household Reference Binder repeatedly saves me time, headaches, and money. Everything I could want to know about my home is organized in one place. For details on what to include in your binder, listen to the podcast and then check out page 188 of The Paper Solution available at
8/7/2020 • 14 minutes, 55 seconds
40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club - from Home with Angela Watson
On the Wednesday Podcast this week, I share my conversation with Angela Watson. Angela is the creator and teacher of the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club. Her program helps teachers become more prepared and organized so they can spend less time at work and have a sustainable career. We talk about the many choices we have made to pivot during the safe at home experience. Angela and I deep dive into some of the challenges teachers are facing while teaching remotely. We also talk deeply about the challenges parents have faced with remote learning and an unpredictable school year in the fall. We talk about how to balance the administrative tasks for teachers too. We talk about how to balance professional AND personal development. We both want you to show up as the best version of yourself - and that means time away from work to rest and recharge. I think this will be fascinating as a parent, teacher, or just someone working on self-care. Learn more about the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club and how you can join now as a friend of Lisa (even though it's closed to the public!) -
8/5/2020 • 46 minutes, 7 seconds
346 - The Paper Solution Book Launch Day Details
We hope you can join us for this non-traditional book launch!!! The Paper Solution book is launching August 4, 2020 and I want to share some details with you! While it is disappointing that I cannot safely travel and hug each and every one of you in person, I still want to share the celebration as The Paper Solution launches. Today, I am sharing my plan with you! I want you to have The Paper Solution - I don't want to just sell you a book, I want you to have a paper reference guide in your hands - so you can finally get your household papers under control. We all know that we are still having supply chain issues, and books are no exception. Please consider preordering so you can be sure you get a copy! You can order your copy at
7/31/2020 • 16 minutes, 9 seconds
Adapting to Teaching from Home with Lorie
This week, my Wednesday conversation is with Lorie G. She was on a previous Transformational Podcast and she is back with an update and some super helpful information this week. Lorie started the 100 Day Program after some damage to her house and after losing nearly 100 pounds. In our conversation, she shares how she adapted to schooling from home in the spring, and how is doing her best to make ideas and plans for the uncertain fall school year. She is honest about how she has been challenged to be consistent with her Sunday Basket®. At the same time, she customized her Friday Teacher Workbox to help her adapt to teaching during the pandemic. She is frank about how she has make important choices and rearranged priorities. Listen in to hear grace in action, and to be inspired to face whatever comes next year. Lorie has been super generous, so we are sharing two bonus items. Her sign in document is available here, and you can watch a special video here.
7/29/2020 • 37 minutes, 29 seconds
345 - Too Much or Too Little Time - How to Make Time Work for You
As we enter July 2020, I want to talk with you about time. I want to talk about how time is passing during this global pandemic. You either have so much time you do not know what to do with it, or so little time you do not know how you will get it all done. In my life, I have vacillated between those two thoughts, but it is different now. We will probably be living with the virus for a while yet to come. It is going to take time to sort out all things that have been disrupted or changed by the pandemic. During our Ready For the School Year Blitz, I kept reminding you to focus on what you can control. What are you in control of? How can you take control of your time (knowing "pandemic time" is different)? No matter how productively we had been living prior to the pandemic, now most of us are living reactively. To move towards proactive living and productivity once again, we need systems, routines, and habits. But, July is not the time to do any of those things. I am working on how I can best support you in September when your productive energy and focus will increase. As you enjoy the rest of summer, I want you to let your brain noodle on a few ideas before we head into the fall. I answer two reader questions and share my own mindset about some concepts around time. Listen in as I talk about these questions: How do you know when you have done enough? How do you balance the concepts of planned neglect and Laura Vanderkam's idea of 168 Hours - You Have More Time Than You Think? Do you have to be doing everything that you are doing related to the care and maintenance of the house and the people that live inside of it? With everyone living inside of your house 24/7, the workload related to caring for your home and people needs to be divided more fairly among the people who share your home. For this, I recommend going back to the podcast or book review of Eve Rodsky's Fair Play.
7/24/2020 • 32 minutes, 23 seconds
Lifelong Learners - Changing our Home Libraries with Maria Dismondy
Listen here: “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” - Charlie "Tremendous" Jones This week, my Wednesday Podcast is a conversation with children's author and my virtual friend Maria Dismondy. We pack so much into this quick interview. Listen in to hear how we talk about living a life with healthy balance and discuss virtual book tours. We also talk about how to change the conversations we are having inside of our homes. We talk about how to build a library of books that represent all of the children and how our books should reflect the world around us. Maria has written books with the goal of making sure there are children's books that celebrate our differences so that any kid can open a book and see themselves in the pages. You can find her books or learn more about Maria Dismondy at You can still preorder your copy of The Paper Solution - launching August 4, 2020.
7/22/2020 • 50 minutes, 45 seconds
344 - Space Planning for Pandemic Living
Brace yourself - I want you to think about your house in way unlike you have ever thought about your house before. I want to challenge all of us to change from how we think we should live in our homes, and embrace how we are actually living in our homes. I am hoping we will not be forced to stay safe at home again, but I want us to be prepared. As women, we often feel like when people come into our homes that we are being judged and graded. Most women I have spoken with have felt this way at some point in their lives. We take pride in having a clean and hospitable home, but we are often short in time and money to make that a reality. I want to help you make some mindset shifts for living in this pandemic. Walk through your house with index cards or a note pad. Stop in each zone and make notes about what worked and what did not. I share with you some of the thinking I did about my own house and family. Walk through your house with index cards or a note pad. Stop in each zone and make notes about what worked and what did not. I share with you some of the thinking I did about my own house and family. For example, everyone in the home needs a place to work, alone space, passion projects, and adequate technology. I also share some changes you can consider making to the spaces in your home. You can make new rules. You can change how you are using your spaces. I'd love to hear from you in our Facebook community if you are using spaces in new or unusual ways. Mentioned in the podcast: Kids Program & Planner Getting Ready for the New School Year Blitz
7/17/2020 • 26 minutes, 11 seconds
Professional Organizers Think Tank (POTT) with Monique Horb
Listen here: This week for our Wednesday podcast, Monique Horb and I deep dive into the Professional Organizer's Think Tank (POTT). We have both worked as in home professional organizers, and I share some of the history of how Organize 365 has transitioned along the way. The POTT is the largest FREE Facebook group for professional organizers. It is a blend of seasoned professional organizers and people just exploring professional organizing as a career path. We share how the group is a great place to learn about this as a potential job. We also share about the POTT podcasts (Lisa shares details about setting prices and policies in that podcast) and we share about the Sunday Basket® Certification Program that you can add on to your professional organization business. The conversation also shares some information about the SALES part of running your own professional organization business.
7/15/2020 • 50 minutes, 8 seconds
343 - Decluttering for Fall Productivity
As we try to plan for the fall, I want you to be more thoughtful about your home. We are processing a massive amount of change every single day. It is also impossible to make an effective plan for even the near future in our current world. It is very hard to live with the constant unknown we are facing right now. I am recommending that you spend some time this summer focusing on ruthless decluttering. I want you to embrace your current phase of life, and get rid of anything you no longer want or need. Ruthless decluttering is a physical activity that makes you feel great. You will create physical, energetic, and emotional space in your home. Get the stuff out! Focus on the life you are actually living right now. If you haven't used something you had been saving "just in case" during the pandemic and all the supply chain shortages - let them go!
7/10/2020 • 26 minutes, 26 seconds
The Paper Organizing Retreat with Monique Horb
Listen here: Welcome to week two of our updates with Monique Horb. This week we talk all about the Paper Organizing Retreats. We talk about where they come from and why people find them so helpful in finally getting their paper organized and ditching their filing cabinets. One of the real gifts of a Paper Organizing Retreat is a chance to focus on your papers without interruption in a dedicated space - it allows you to really make progress! They are also way more affordable than hiring an in home professional organizer. We also talk about how we converted these in person Paper Organizing Retreats to virtual in the COVID pandemic hosted by our All Paper Certified Organizers. Some are even offering deep dives into specific binders. Remember, if you preorder 5 copies of The Paper Solution and submit your receipts by July 17th, you can join our virtual POR as a preorder bonus. You can place your preorder at We also share how the Sunday Basket® Certified Workshop Organizer program can add to your business. Monique also shares some of her paper organizing packages and workshops. If you are looking for a local or virtual Paper Organizing Retreat, please check our directory.
7/8/2020 • 44 minutes, 50 seconds
342 - Creating a Massive Possibilities List
Blog post: This year has been challenging, unpredictable, unplannable, unusual, and unprecedented. We have had to pivot and adjust more than ever before in our lives (at least for many of us). Our brains are processing so much change all the time. Everything needs to be thought about all the time. Our habits and routines have been completely disrupted. We are using our decision making power so much more often and are getting exhausted so much more easily than before. I want to help you create a massive possibilities list, and not using a to do list. I want to help you to change how you think to focus on chunking and orienting your thinking to bigger priorities. All month, we will be talking about how to adjust our thinking, homes, and lives to take more control of our homes as we continue to move forward during the pandemic. Listen in and hear how I have transitioned from a to do list to a possibilities list. Learn more about The Sunday Basket®.
7/3/2020 • 32 minutes, 20 seconds
Transformation with Eva C
Listen to all the Wednesday Transformations. Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week’s Transformational Podcast features Eva C. She has a full house! She lives with her husband and three teen aged sons. Her oldest child, a daughter, moved out last year. And, her in-laws live in the basement suite! Listen in as she describes the transformation after 20 years of marriage, four kids, 15 years of homeschooling, and 8 moves. She also shares her most important lesson: "I found out that I would be okay if I gave things away." I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at To learn more about the programs and products described here, please go to Organize 365.
6/24/2020 • 49 minutes, 52 seconds
Transformation with Verna R
See all of the Wednesday Transformations at This week, we return to our regularly scheduled Wednesday Transformational Podcasts. This week I am speaking with Verna R. She has had several unexpected events in her life and is busy doing international humanitarian work. She finished her first round of the 100 Day Home Organization in just 35 days. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
6/17/2020 • 53 minutes, 29 seconds
Interview with Milana Yarbrough
In light of current events, this week I am sharing a special podcast conversation with the newest Dream Team member - our summer intern Milana. She was open hearted and willing to speak with me about about racism and what I have learned about my part in it. I have learned so much and WILL BE part of the discussion and the solution. I hope you can listen and open your mind, even if these ideas are uncomfortable. I am working to be better and do better. I hope you will join me by listening in.
6/5/2020 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 46 seconds
In This Together with Amy P
Listen to all of the Wednesday Podcasts here: This week, we are continuing a mini-series during our Wednesday Transformational Podcast. I will be sharing conversations with a few members of the Organize 365 Dream Team. I ask them about how they have been staying safe at home during our exceptional (unprecedented!) circumstances. This week, I speak with Amy our Graphic Goddess who has been safe at home with her husband and young kids. She shares some of her challenges and triumphs during the past few weeks including homeschooling younger kids. We also share some of the ways Organize 365 has been adapting to the changing circumstances in our current world. I hope you enjoy this conversation as we share how we are #inthistogether as we #staysafeathome. I would love to hear about how the Organize 365 experience has been transformational in your life. Please reach out to us at and let us know your story.
6/3/2020 • 33 minutes, 11 seconds
In This Together with Vanessa N
Listen here: This week, we are continuing a mini-series during our Wednesday Transformational Podcast. I will be sharing conversations with a few members of the Organize 365 Dream Team. I ask them about how they have been staying safe at home during our exceptional (unprecedented!) circumstances. This week, I speak with Vanessa our Director of Operations who has been safe at home with her husband and kids. She shares some of her challenges and triumphs during the past few weeks. We also share some of the ways Organize 365 has been adapting to the changing circumstances in our current world. I hope you enjoy this conversation as we share how we are #inthistogether as we #staysafeathome. I would love to hear about how the Organize 365 experience has been transformational in your life. Please reach out to us at and let us know your story.
5/27/2020 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 58 seconds
Transformation with Lorraine M
Listen to all of the Wednesday Podcasts here: Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week’s Transformational Podcast features Lorraine M. She shares her home with her husband and their two adult children. She has transformed from having an unorganized home to being a professional organizer and becoming All Paper Certified. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at
5/13/2020 • 31 minutes, 14 seconds
Transformation with Lori and Julie
Listen to all of the Wednesday Transformational Podcasts at Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week’s Transformational Podcast features our first sisters - Lori and Julie! They both live in Canada and share how they have been working along their transformational journey together! Each woman has two kids. They have each faced some real challenges and they are very funny! Don't miss the part where they share: When you know the purpose of something, you won’t misuse it. And when you know YOUR purpose you won’t misuse yourself I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at
5/6/2020 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 55 seconds
Transformation with Sheri M
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week’s Transformational Podcast features Sheri M. Sheri is a teacher and shares her home with her two college age sons. She shares how she started using Lisa's materials after having a procedure to repair a brain aneurysm caused by a car accident and how getting organized made life easier. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at
4/29/2020 • 41 minutes, 12 seconds
BONUS - Pandemic Update - WE are in this TOGETHER
This is a bonus episode recorded as a Facebook and Instagram LIVE on Friday March 24th, 2020. Today, I want to share with you some thoughts on where we are in the midst of the COVID health crisis and our sheltering in place. I share some of the things I am finding inspiring, and I also share some inspiration for continuing to stay safe at home and finding our new normal. Please forgive any sound abnormalities, but I wanted to be able to share this important message with you! Learn more about the 100 Day Organization Program or try a FREE WEEK.
4/24/2020 • 24 minutes, 19 seconds
4 Steps to Organizing BIG Projects for Productivity - Part 4
For the April podcast episodes, I want to talk to you about how to plan a big project or work towards a big goal. Full disclosure, I generally record podcasts 6-8 weeks in advance. I recorded these in February and March, and I used the examples I was planning at the time. Today, the world looks very different, and many of my examples are not things we can do right now. I know many of these kinds of big projects, celebrations, and plans are all up in the air right now. We are all missing out on direct physical connection to keep our communities safe. I made the decision to air these episodes anyway, because how you plan a big project did not change. How we are living right now has changed dramatically. But, the principles of organizing never change. You can still learn the skill of organizing. It takes learning and skill to develop organization and productivity. I am sharing my system for completing big projects. I break it down into smaller steps, and I am going to teach you these skills so you can follow along, and maybe even plan a project of your own. I am trying to provide as much encouragement, motivation, perspective, and love as possible during this time of uncertainty. We are in this together! After you have been doing your Sunday Basket® for 6-8 weeks, you will find you have 2.0 slash pockets with projects that still need your attention. Today on the podcast, I want to share with you how to move beyond your Sunday Basket® to dos and weekly focus to actually completing big projects. I want to show you how I create bigger goals and accomplish bigger projects. I do this by using a consistent system for approaching my big projects and I want to teach you how to apply these same skills. For this podcast series, I am talking about three different example projects: a large party or celebration, summer planning for kids, and moving to a new home. This system is for a project that requires more than a single weekend to complete. Much of the time, you will collect ideas and papers for your project in a 2.0 slash pocket. When you are committed to taking action and completing the project, you will follow the steps in the podcasts. Listen to Step 1 here. Listen to Step 2 here. Listen to step 3 here. Step 4 - Work Your Plan & Get it Done! I put my slash pockets in the order they need to happen. For example, invitations need to go out before I can order food, so I put the pockets in that order. I also recommend putting “must do” items before “nice to do items.” Look at your calendar carefully, and schedule time to get these tasks done. As you make your schedule, you may find out that you do not have enough time to do it all. That is normal - deferring or deleting portions of your project helps you to get to the goal without burning up all of your resources (time, money, energy). I always start by planning for what I need from other people - quotes for work I need done, outside help, information about what the kids want for summer, etc. I have also learned that I can work effectively for 90 minutes, but cannot typically sustain my focus for 4 hours, so I plan accordingly. Allow more margin or buffer to your plan if you are feeling stressed or pressed for time. It’s better to have too much time than too little. Each evening, make an index card with the schedule for the next day. Do not make a vague to do list, but actually make a schedule of what will be done and when. Then, follow the schedule and do the things you have scheduled. The unexpected will happen so be sure to allow yourself margin, be flexible, and reduce your goal. Work ahead as much as you possibly can (ideally in order of priority), to reduce your stress when unexpected things show up. Click here to download these printables! :)
4/24/2020 • 35 minutes, 14 seconds
Transformation with Katherine Z
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week’s Tranformational Podcast features Katherine Z. She lives with her husband, 2 kids, and (soon to be) 2 dogs. Katherine has worked with a professional organizer, but found success with All Access and choosing functional organization over perfection. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket ® 100 Day Home Organization Program All Access Friday Workboxes
4/22/2020 • 40 minutes, 54 seconds
4 Steps to Organizing BIG Projects for Productivity - Part 3
For the April podcast episodes, I want to talk to you about how to plan a big project or work towards a big goal. Full disclosure, I generally record podcasts 6-8 weeks in advance. I recorded these in February and March, and I used the examples I was planning at the time. Today, the world looks very different, and many of my examples are not things we can do right now. I know many of these kinds of big projects, celebrations, and plans are all up in the air right now. We are all missing out on direct physical connection to keep our communities safe. I made the decision to air these episodes anyway, because how you plan a big project did not change. How we are living right now has changed dramatically. But, the principles of organizing never change. You can still learn the skill of organizing. It takes learning and skill to develop organization and productivity. I am sharing my system for completing big projects. I break it down into smaller steps, and I am going to teach you these skills so you can follow along, and maybe even plan a project of your own. I am trying to provide as much encouragement, motivation, perspective, and love as possible during this time of uncertainty. We are in this together! After you have been doing your Sunday Basket® for 6-8 weeks, you will find you have 2.0 slash pockets with projects that still need your attention. Today on the podcast, I want to share with you how to move beyond your Sunday Basket® to dos and weekly focus to actually completing big projects. I want to show you how I create bigger goals and accomplish bigger projects. I do this by using a consistent system for approaching my big projects and I want to teach you how to apply these same skills. For this podcast series, I am talking about three different example projects: a large party or celebration, summer planning for kids, and moving to a new home. This system is for a project that requires more than a single weekend to complete. Much of the time, you will collect ideas and papers for your project in a 2.0 slash pocket. When you are committed to taking action and completing the project, you will follow the steps in the podcasts. Listen to Step 1 here. Listen to Step 2 here. Step 3 - Plan - Be on Target, on Time, & on Budget The biggest gift you can give your brain is time. The more time you have, the better you will capture all of your ideas, refine them, and prioritize. Allow yourself to work on this project in several chunks over several weeks. Use your slash pockets to help you decide what to do. Time block and add to do items to your calendar. As you decide on your plan, work on the most important or time sensitive items first. Keep asking the question: What is the one thing you could do - that makes everything else easier or unnecessary? As you develop your plan, set your goal, and adjust as necessary. Consider your: Budget Time Available Scope (maybe you will paint, but not build a deck) Outside expertise or help available Energy Having your plan laid out and working on your project over time is typically much more effective than trying to get these big projects done in one major chunk of work time. Building your slash pockets and plan over days to weeks gives your brain time to evaluate your choices and helps you be better, stronger, and more efficient. Click here to download these printables! :)
4/17/2020 • 33 minutes, 54 seconds
Transformation with Sara B
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week’s Tranformational Podcast features Sara B. She is a single mom of 3 kids from 5-19. She works full time and is in school part time. Her inspiration for getting organized was tackling her paper piles. She started with the Sunday Basket ® and has transformed her home and life. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket ® 100 Day Home Organization Program All Access Friday Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
4/15/2020 • 33 minutes, 19 seconds
Bonus: Lisa & Tara: How 2 Business CEOs are Weathering the Pandemic
Today, I am sharing ANOTHER bonus podcast from Organize 365. This is my frank conversation with fellow business owner Tara. We sat down to talk about what it is like being a business CEO in the midst of our current world events and economic climate. Although this is not highly organization related, I know that some of you enjoy hearing about what it is like to be a business owner and how I make those decisions. Listen in and enjoy! Please rate and review the podcast!
4/11/2020 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 54 seconds
4 Steps to Organizing BIG Projects for Productivity - Part 2
For the April podcast episodes, I want to talk to you about how to plan a big project or work towards a big goal. Full disclosure, I generally record podcasts 6-8 weeks in advance. I recorded these in February and March, and I used the examples I was planning at the time. Today, the world looks very different, and many of my examples are not things we can do right now. I know many of these kinds of big projects, celebrations, and plans are all up in the air right now. We are all missing out on direct physical connection to keep our communities safe. I made the decision to air these episodes anyway, because how you plan a big project did not change. How we are living right now has changed dramatically. But, the principles of organizing never change. You can still learn the skill of organizing. It takes learning and skill to develop organization and productivity. I am sharing my system for completing big projects. I break it down into smaller steps, and I am going to teach you these skills so you can follow along, and maybe even plan a project of your own. I am trying to provide as much encouragement, motivation, perspective, and love as possible during this time of uncertainty. We are in this together! After you have been doing your Sunday Basket® for 6-8 weeks, you will find you have 2.0 slash pockets with projects that still need your attention. Today on the podcast, I want to share with you how to move beyond your Sunday Basket® to dos and weekly focus to actually completing big projects. I want to show you how I create bigger goals and accomplish bigger projects. I do this by using a consistent system for approaching my big projects and I want to teach you how to apply these same skills. For this podcast series, I am talking about three different example projects: a large party or celebration, summer planning for kids, and moving to a new home. This system is for a project that requires more than a single weekend to complete. Much of the time, you will collect ideas and papers for your project in a 2.0 slash pocket. When you are committed to taking action and completing the project, you will follow the steps in the podcasts. Listen to Step 1 here. Step 2 - Chunk Tasks and Create Slash Pockets Separate tasks into different topics, piles, and groups. Use slash pockets to hold different parts of the project together. For big projects like this, I do not worry about color coding, I just use what I have available. In order to help, I’m including a few typical slash pocket ideas for the different projects. I am giving you 5 slash pocket ideas, but use as many as makes sense for your project. Party Planning Summer Planning Moving Invite/Guest List Ideas Old House House Prep Kid #1 New House Food Kid #2 Contracts Party Items/Decorations All Kids Together (shared camps) Moving Checklists Memory/Photo Project Family Activities Mortgage Paperwork Reminder: ***For more assistance, ALL ACCESS members can consult the Household Operations Binder for summer and party planning and the 10 Steps to an Organized Move (Dashboard) for moving.*** Click here to download these printables! :)
4/10/2020 • 28 minutes, 32 seconds
Transformation with Suzanne G
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! This week’s Tranformational Podcast features Suzanne G. She is a minimalist, married to a maximalist. They got married in their 40’s and they share their home with her adult stepson. They have combined houses twice and she had to make space just to hang up her coat in the entryway. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket ® 100 Day Home Organization Program All Access Friday Workboxes
4/8/2020 • 35 minutes, 40 seconds
Bonus - Lisa & Mary: Why We Need the Medical Printables in the Pandemic
FREE Mini Medical Information Binder Download There is nothing more frustrating than nervously watching a tragedy unfold before your eyes and feel like there is nothing you can do to help. The hours I have spent the last month reading articles, watching video clips, and following friends on social media is mind blowing. This nervous energy eats me alive. I want to DO something. In general, emergencies are a guarantee in life. Someday you will need to have your medical and financial ducks in a row to facilitate your care or the care of a loved one. You can download your FREE Mini Medical Information Binder Printables. These are selected pages from the full Medical Organizing Binder from Organize 365. I want to help you get organized now, so you can tackle what comes knowing your important papers are ready to go. Make time and get your medical information organized NOW.
4/6/2020 • 42 minutes, 39 seconds
4 Steps to Organizing BIG Projects for Productivity - Part 1
For the April podcast episodes, I want to talk to you about how to plan a big project or work towards a big goal. Full disclosure, I generally record podcasts 6-8 weeks in advance. I recorded these in February and March, and I used the examples I was planning at the time. Today, the world looks very different, and many of my examples are not things we can do right now. I know many of these kinds of big projects, celebrations, and plans are all up in the air right now. We are all missing out on direct physical connection to keep our communities safe. I made the decision to air these episodes anyway, because how you plan a big project did not change. How we are living right now has changed dramatically. But, the principles of organizing never change. You can still learn the skill of organizing. It takes learning and skill to develop organization and productivity. I am sharing my system for completing big projects. I break it down into smaller steps, and I am going to teach you these skills so you can follow along, and maybe even plan a project of your own. I am trying to provide as much encouragement, motivation, perspective, and love as possible during this time of uncertainty. We are in this together! After you have been doing your Sunday Basket® for 6-8 weeks, you will find you have 2.0 slash pockets with projects that still need your attention. Today on the podcast, I want to share with you how to move beyond your Sunday Basket® to dos and weekly focus to actually completing big projects. I want to show you how I create bigger goals and accomplish bigger projects. I do this by using a consistent system for approaching my big projects and I want to teach you how to apply these same skills. For this podcast series, I am talking about three different example projects: a large party or celebration, summer planning for kids, and moving to a new home. This system is for a project that requires more than a single weekend to complete. Much of the time, you will collect ideas and papers for your project in a 2.0 slash pocket. When you are committed to taking action and completing the project, you will follow the steps in the podcasts. Step 1 - Identify your Project and Dedicate a Sunday Basket® or Workbox to the Project Once you have committed to your project or goal, dedicate a separate Sunday Basket®, portable Sunday Basket®, or Workbox to your project. You can purchase a plain Sunday Basket (no slash pockets) in the Organize 365 Shop. Having a separate box physically represents your resolve to reaching the goal, and helps your brain to focus on completing the project. The separate box is a temporary focal point - at the end of the project you will reuse the box for something else. Then, empty your brain into the box. Write down every thought, idea, or plan you have about your project. Make sure you capture every thought your brain has, even if you end up with duplicates. Getting everything out of your head will resolve the feeling of overwhelm that you initially face. Drop physical items (invitations, photos, receipts, etc.) directly into the box. Click here to download these printables! :)
4/3/2020 • 28 minutes, 44 seconds
Transformation with Elizabeth P
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! On today's Transformational Podcast Elizabeth P and I talk about her organizing journey. Elizabeth is firmly in the sandwich generation. She initially was living in and traveling between two cities. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket ® 100 Day Home Organization Program All Access Friday Workboxes
4/1/2020 • 29 minutes, 49 seconds
328 - Point of View - To Parent or Not to Parent
In February, the Organize 365 Podcasts were designed to help you to discover YOU. I want you to have some tools and frameworks to learn more about yourself and how you see the world. (Don’t forget to take your FREE personality tests from Cloverleaf!) In March, I want to share with you four different points of view that affect how I see the world. We all start out seeing the world from our own experience and our own life. We adopt a cognitive bias that shapes how we understand everything around us. These points of view shape your organizational decisions and how you view the world. And, as you explore your own point of view, you can better understand your own mental models. I will be sharing some of my own mental models and points of view this month. This week, I share about how the decisions you make about who is in your family and the size of your family changes your perspective. Some people want children, some want them but do not have them, and some choose not to have them. Depending on your identify as a parent or not, you will likely see the world differently than others who have a different family structure. I talk about those ideas today, but I would love to hear what you think about these kinds of points of view have shaped your perspective on the world. I am consciously trying to grow Organize 365 into a community that will reach all kinds of women, many who will be different than me. Organization is a LEARNABLE skill that we can all acquire together. I want you to be able to learn these skills, get your home and paper organized, and then be able to use the extra time for what you were uniquely created to do.
3/27/2020 • 24 minutes, 37 seconds
Transformation with Michelle S
Listen to all the Wednesday Podcasts! Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! On today's Transformational Podcast I get to talk with Michelle S. (This is a different Michelle S). Michelle went from zero to All Access in a few weeks, and has gone full steam ahead! Her family is her husband and their cat Harrison. She shares her story of going from busy and out of control to getting her life together over 3-4 rounds of the 100 Days. She and I get to discuss how dreams change over time, and we can change our homes too! I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket® 100 Day Home Organization Program All Access Friday Workboxes
3/25/2020 • 31 minutes, 52 seconds
327 - Point of View - Religion of Origin
In February, the Organize 365 Podcasts were designed to help you to discover YOU. I want you to have some tools and frameworks to learn more about yourself and how you see the world. (Don’t forget to take your FREE personality tests from Cloverleaf!) In March, I want to share with you four different points of view that affect how I see the world. We all start out seeing the world from our own experience and our own life. We adopt a cognitive bias that shapes how we understand everything around us. These points of view shape your organizational decisions and how you view the world. And, as you explore your own point of view, you can better understand your own mental models. I will be sharing some of my own mental models and points of view this month. This week I share how religion has played a role in my life. It is a cornerstone of my identity, so I share some of the different experiences I have had. I talk about my own beliefs and personal growth, but I hope you can see how I think deeply about the ways my mindset has changed throughout my life. I want to give you the skills to analyze your own mindset, and change it if needed. I am consciously trying to grow Organize 365 into a community that will reach all kinds of women, many who will be different than me. Organization is a LEARNABLE skill that we can all acquire together. I want you to be able to learn these skills, get your home and paper organized, and then be able to use the extra time for what you were uniquely created to do.
3/20/2020 • 21 minutes, 32 seconds
Transformation with Lauren P
You can hear all of the Wednesday Transformational podcasts here. Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! On today's Transformational Podcast I get to talk with Lauren P. She lives with her husband (a physician), 3 young girls under 6, and has a baby on the way. Lauren has become organized enough to work in her real estate development company, help her husband's business, raise her kids, AND work on a novel! I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program All Access Friday Workboxes
3/18/2020 • 35 minutes, 51 seconds
326 - Point of View - Generation of Origin
In February, the Organize 365 Podcasts were designed to help you to discover YOU. I want you to have some tools and frameworks to learn more about yourself and how you see the world. (Don’t forget to take your FREE personality tests from Cloverleaf!) In March, I want to share with you four different points of view that affect how I see the world. We are all born into our very own specific circumstances. We all start out seeing the world from our own experience and our own life. We adopt a cognitive bias that shapes how we understand everything around us. These points of view shape your organizational decisions and how you view the world. And, as you explore your own point of view, you can better understand your own mental models. As part of my teaching you about your own mindset of organization, I will be sharing some of my own mental models and points of view this month. Today on the podcast, I delve into how our lives are affected by the generation we are born into. In the podcast this week, I talk about the different generations in the world today, and I share how both Greg and I were shaped by the generational influence on the elders of our families. If you want to hear still more about how we are influenced by our generation, I recommend Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069 and you can see my book review of that video on the Organize 365 YouTube channel. I am consciously trying to grow Organize 365 into a community that will reach all kinds of women (and eventually men too!). Over 100 Sunday Basket® Certified Organizers are part of the Organize 365 team and they all look different than me. Organization is a LEARNABLE skill that we can all acquire together. I want you to be able to learn these skills, get your home and paper organized, and then be able to use the extra time for what you were uniquely created to do.
3/13/2020 • 28 minutes, 5 seconds
Transformation with Maggie H
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! On today's Transformational Podcast I get to talk with Maggie H. She is married with three children (one still in diapers) and works as a chiropractor and training people to ride horses. Maggie shares how she has gone from being an ostrich and ignoring her mess to finally tackling it and making real change in her home. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
3/11/2020 • 30 minutes, 31 seconds
325 - Point of View - Culture of Origin
In February, the Organize 365 Podcasts were designed to help you to discover YOU. I want you to have some tools and frameworks to learn more about yourself and how you see the world. (Don't forget to take your FREE personality tests from Cloverleaf!) In March, I want to share with you four different points of view that affect how I see the world. We are all born into a certain body in a certain time in history. We all start out seeing the world from our own experience and our own life. We adopt a cognitive bias that shapes how we understand everything around us. These points of view shape your organizational decisions and how you view the world. And, as you explore your own point of view, you can better understand your own mental models. As part of my teaching you about your own mindset of organization, I will be sharing some of my own mental models and points of view this month. I start out by talking about my culture of origin. I am consciously trying to grow Organize 365 into a community that will reach all kinds of women (and eventually men too!). Over 100 Sunday Basket® Certified Organizers are part of the Organize 365 team and they all look different than me. Organization is a LEARNABLE skill that we can all acquire together. I want you to be able to learn these skills, get your home and paper organized, and then be able to use the extra time for what you were uniquely created to do. Learn more about the Sunday Basket®.
3/6/2020 • 30 minutes, 46 seconds
Transformation with Michelle S
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today’s Transformational Podcast features my conversation with Michelle S. Michelle was heading into a Golden Window and shares how she started with a podcast binge. She and her husband share the Scheidler Ranch where they enjoy hobbies like maple syrup making, beekeeping, photography, food preservation, and dog racing. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
3/4/2020 • 25 minutes, 17 seconds
Transformation with Alison D
Self Publishing School: and enter "Lisa Woodruff" as your referral source. Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today’s Transformational Podcast features my conversation with Alison D. She lives at home with her husband of 22 years and two teenagers. Since getting organized, she has written and self-published a book, created a website, and opened an LLC. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
2/26/2020 • 38 minutes, 13 seconds
Transformation with Christine F
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to share my conversation with members of the Organize 365 community as they talk about the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journeys. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today’s Transformational Podcast features my conversation with Christine F. Christine Fogh Music is married with three biological children and one foster baby. The children are homeschooled, AND Christine runs her own business as a vocal coach and piano instructor. You can find Christine at I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at
2/19/2020 • 21 minutes, 55 seconds
322 - What Kind of a Bug Are You?
As I shared on the Discovering YOU podcast last week, all this month I will be diving deep into different personality tests, models, and ways of thinking about yourself and how you move through the world. This week, I am excited to share my conversation with Cas of Clutterbug. Listen in as we talk about the four different ClutterBug types that Cas has identified. She shares how she discovered four different organizing styles. In her model, she identifies a preference for organization at a macro or micro level. She also talks about how people prefer their items to be hidden or out in the open. During our conversation, Cas and I both chat about what our personal ClutterBug types are. I also share how my daughter is a completely different style, and we do some brainstorming about how to adapt teaching our children the skills of organizing when they are different from us. We also talk about how to adapt the Sunday Basket® to each of the different organizing styles. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did. If you can, go take her "What ClutterBug Are You?" Quiz on her website before you listen so you can follow along for your own style.
2/14/2020 • 37 minutes, 7 seconds
Transformation with Jamie S
Listen here: Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today’s Transformational Podcast features my conversation with Jamie S. Jamie lives with her husband, their 13 year old son and a 10 year old German Shephard/Collie mix. They adopted their son as a nearly teenager, and have had an abrupt transition to parenting. She and Lisa discuss how that has affected her transformational journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
2/12/2020 • 29 minutes, 58 seconds
321 - Discovering YOU
In 2019, we decided that in 2020, Organize 365 would not offer any new products. Instead of focusing on teaching our community about new products and how to use them, we are focusing on making improvements and adding value for what you have already purchased. Because we have some open space and time to do something new and different, I want to take you on a journey with me. I promise you that once you get your home and paper organized, you will have more time and you will be able to share your unique gifts with the world. I know that once you are no longer trapped in clutter and your home is a sanctuary and a rest from the world, you will have so much to share with others. I am starting to hear from some of you that you are reaching that place. You can hear the open futures on our Wednesday Transformation Podcasts. But, I am also hearing that you do not know where to start figuring out what comes next. Today on the podcast, we are going to start discovering YOU! Over the next weeks and months, I am going to share the experts, books, assessments, and personal growth journey I have been on. I will share my resources and my own critical analysis of my own life and thinking. I want to help you get organized and then to go out into the world to get, do, be, and give back to live out your unique purpose. Listen in and you will hear what I have planned for the next part of our journey. If you are not fully organized yet, I still think you should listen in and let your heart and mind start working on what might come next. Understanding your why and your goal can give you additional fuel and motivation to keep working on decluttering, organizing, and increasing productivity.
2/7/2020 • 32 minutes, 1 second
Transformation with Jennifer H
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! The Transformational Podcast this week is with Jennifer H. She lives at home with her husband and 2 dogs. They are empty nesters and getting ready to sell their family home and live with her mother who needs more support. Listen in as Lisa and Jennifer discuss some items that have been difficult to declutter and how they are changing their mindsets to create more space! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
2/5/2020 • 54 minutes, 29 seconds
320 - Find Your Mastermind of Friends
This week on the podcast, Jenn Dickel and I share our experience starting and growing our own small businesses. We discuss starting a part-time business, making the leap to full time self-employment, and learning to network. As women who own businesses, we talk through how we can explore our differences and then come together and support each other as business women. Women do not all have the same gifts, work in the same niche, or offer the same services. Anytime we take on a new dream, we benefit from walking alongside others on similar journeys. We discuss the Facebook group the Professional Organizer’s Think Tank (POTT). Lisa started (and has supported) this group as a free resource for professional organizers who start their own businesses. They also share information about the POTT podcast where Lisa shares some of the real details and decision making in the early years of her former in-home professional organizing business. No matter what business or adventure you are considering, women can benefit from finding a mastermind of like-minded and similarly focused friends. When we work together, we have a bigger impact, AND we have more fun! You can have this same experience in your personal life by attending Embrace in West Chester, Ohio June 26-28, 2020. EARLY BIRD PRICING THROUGH FEBRUARY 2020!!! Register at One way you can get extra support as a professional organizer is by becoming an Organize 365 Sunday Basket ® Certified Workshop Organizer. Lisa is offering a FREE Masterclass for people interested in learning about becoming certified on Tuesday February 4, 2020 at 1 PM EST. This is an informational class on what certification offers your own professional organization business. Organize 365 wants to support those of you who want to start your own small business helping others get organized. Because of Lisa’s upcoming Book Tour, this is the last time the Certification Program will be open in 2020!
1/31/2020 • 50 minutes, 31 seconds
Transformation with Denae V
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today’s Transformational Podcast features my conversation with Denae V. She is married with three children and one on the way. Denae shares how she started with the Sunday Basket and has freed up lots of extra time for her family. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
1/29/2020 • 40 minutes, 43 seconds
Transformation with Lisa W
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! The Transformational Podcast this week is with Lisa W. She has a full house with her husband, three kids under 18 and an adult kid, and 4 dogs. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
1/22/2020 • 38 minutes, 51 seconds
318 - Saving Your Story - Interview with Emily Kelly
Today on the podcast, my sister Emily and I share more of our family history. Our mom was conscious and proactive about creating memories and capturing them in photos. We share how the Organize 365 Photo Program came to be. We review our family history with photos and reminisce about our favorite albums. Because of all of these things, we worked together to create our new Saving Your Story Photo Program for physical photos. For a while, we were both involved in Creative Memories. For the Photo Program, we are partnering with Creative Memories once again. We share how you can benefit from the photo program and make your own albums to share your memories with those you love.
1/17/2020 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 35 seconds
Transformation with Elise T
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today’s Transformational Podcast features my conversation with Elise T. She and her husband are in their mid-60s and retired, now with 7 grandchildren in 3 different states. Listen in to hear how they have managed being blessed with two homes worth of stuff! I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
1/15/2020 • 24 minutes, 48 seconds
Transformation with Holly P
Welcome the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get organized! Today, you get to hear from Holy P. She lives with her husband, son, and cat. She took on the challenge of professional organizing in addition to her full time job. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
1/8/2020 • 50 minutes, 19 seconds
316 - Solve the Problem for Good!
When you are first getting organized, I teach you that there are actually 3 steps you need to take to get your schedule, your home, and your papers in order. First, you declutter. Second, you organize. Third, you improve your productivity. I teach you how to start getting organized each week by using a Sunday Basket® . I help you to get your home organized in the 100 Day Home Organization Program. Once you have these areas under control, you will be amazed at how you get more done in less time than you ever have before. Women tell me all the time in the Wednesday Transformational Podcasts how much more free time they have. Today on the podcast, I want to share with you how I use these very same organizational skills to tackle other problem areas in my life. I wanted to solve several problems for good. I was tired of the time and mental energy I was spending on each of these areas of my life. To be honest, I could not have solved these problems prior to getting my home and paper organized first, but I have now permanently fixed these life issues. Listen in today to hear how I solved several of the issues in my life for good. I will tell you about my hair, my makeup, my schedule, my food, and my clothing. I also teach you the skills, the thinking, and the steps to finding the same solutions in your own life. Share with me on Instagram or Facebook and tell me what problem you are able to solve for good! PS - If you want to have me visit your city in person during the book tour for The Paper Solution: What to Shred, What to Save, and How to Stop It From Taking Over Your Life launching August 4, 2020, please fill out your information and connections here.
1/3/2020 • 25 minutes, 58 seconds
Transformation with Vanessa N
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today, you will get to hear from a member of the Organize 365 Dream Team. Vanessa has been hired and is currently learning (and doing) #allthethings. Vanessa is running our Organize 365 Gives Back Program, helps with shipping, is learning all the back end stuff Pat does, and more! Vanessa lives at home with her husband and 3 children. She started with the Free Week and the laundry room and has been working on getting more organized. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
1/1/2020 • 38 minutes, 43 seconds
315 - Capability + Confidence = Action ; 2020 is YOUR year!
Today on the podcast, I want to help you with the skills it takes to change your thinking. In the eight years of Organize 365, I have learned so much about the MINDSET of organization. The transformation from disorganization to organization happens first in your mind. The way you actually become organized is to change your thoughts. First, you have to believe you are capable of becoming organized. Spoiler: organization is a learnable skill, and anyone can learn to become organized (it just takes longer for some of us!). Every single person listening to this podcast is capable of having an organized life. But, the skills needed can be different depending on your phase of life and generation. I want you to have new thoughts and see just how capable of being organized you truly are. Second, you need confidence in your skills and your organizational journey. This podcast is designed to give you confidence each and every week. I am a motivational teacher, I want to inspire you to action. From listening to the podcast, your thoughts become organized and your physical reality follows - you will see the changes in your home and that will build your confidence. Finally - action is the outcome. Once you have the capability and confidence to pursue organization, you will take the action necessary to manifest an organized life. In the podcast today, I explain all of this in more detail, and then give you several examples of how you develop capability and grow your confidence and move into action in all different kinds of life experiences. I hope this podcast continues to provide the instruction you need to keep moving along your transformational journey. PS - Are you ready to take the first step? Everyone needs to start with the Sunday Basket ®. That will give you the foundation you need to manage your most basic organization needs and starts your mind on learning the skills of being organized. If you have your Sunday Basket ® system in place (and you are using it!), join us for the next round of the 100 Day Home Organization Program. We begin again on Monday January 6th. It’s not too late and we’d love to have you join us in this lifetime membership program!
12/27/2019 • 24 minutes, 13 seconds
Transformation with Emily K.
Welcome to our newest Wednesday Transformational Journey Podcast. I wanted to give each of you a gift this week to celebrate the Christmas holiday. My special little Christmas gift to you is my conversation with my younger sister Emily. Emily is our Director of Marketing and has been a huge asset to our Dream Team. In today’s conversation, Emily shares her 10 year challenge. We are going to look at the last 10 years, and 10 years ago with the last Christmas we got to share with our Dad before he passed away. Emily still lives in our hometown, and is 10 minutes from our childhood home. Our parents divorced later in life, and along with the 2008/2009 economy definitely left her with some challenges. Emily lost her job, is a single woman with a mortgage, and almost lost her home. Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
12/25/2019 • 51 minutes, 11 seconds
314 - You Are NOT As Disorganized as You Think - Cracking the Organization Code
Today on the podcast, I want to talk to you about why you are not as disorganized as you think you are. There are three things going on: You are overwhelmed. You don’t know where to start. You don’t recognize the progress you are making. I break down each of these and help you analyze them. I walk you through your thoughts and to find solutions for these issues. I want you to see where you are having success being organized, and I give you ways to get better at the other parts. Listen in to see how you can keep working on your organizational journey. PS - If you want to try the 100 Day Home Organization Program before you buy, we have a FREE WEEK you can do as a trial. We give you access to the Laundry Room week videos, website pages, and printables from the planner.
12/20/2019 • 19 minutes, 52 seconds
Transformation with Michelle P.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today, you will get to hear from a member of the Organize 365 Dream Team. Michelle P is our customer service specialist. She is the person who answers your emails, helps you find the right place to start getting organized, and manages our Organize 365 Facebook Group. Michelle is single, and lives with her mother in Boston. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
12/18/2019 • 37 minutes, 6 seconds
313 - What Are You Tolerating?
Today on the podcast, I ask an important question, and I share my answers. What are you tolerating? What are all the things in your life that are broken or need maintenance? What have you been meaning to fix or address that just has not made it to your priority list to get done? Listen in as I share about four major life areas where you may be tolerating things that you can address. I share my own experiences and stories, and I provide some of the solutions I have found that work. -What are you tolerating in your physical space (your home)? -What are you tolerating in your family dynamics? -What are you tolerating in your emotional well being and relationships? -What are you tolerating in your free time? As we head into 2020, think about these areas of your life. If you find that you want to make changes, make a plan. Figure out what you want to be different, and begin to change your life. I am here to help, and would love to hear from you!
12/13/2019 • 27 minutes, 26 seconds
242 - Golden Windows
12/12/2019 • 49 minutes, 6 seconds
Transformation with Nancy A.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today, Nancy A shares her journey of getting organized. Nancy and I go off script and skip most of the questions I usually ask the guests who share their transformations. Nancy was a client of mine back when I did in home professional organizing. We know each other well, so she has a very different perspective on the Lisa experience! I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
12/11/2019 • 35 minutes, 30 seconds
312 - Fair Play - Eve Rodski
On the podcast today, I have the most interesting conversation with Eve Rodsky. We talk about the different tasks involved in running a home and keeping a family functioning. Eve spent several months capturing many of the tasks that people (women especially) take on in their families, and she focused on the ones that are especially invisible or “unnecessary.” Eve Rodsky has recently written a book (with a card game) that captures 100 tasks involved in running a home. Her book is called Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too Much to Do (and More Life to Live). She helps the adults in the house identify their values and to make sure that the division of labor works for them (and EVERY family needs to find their unique balance). When dividing up the tasks, Eve explains the different parts of “owning” the task from start to finish: conception, planning, and execution. Spoiler: this explains why your husband brings home the “wrong” mustard and feels like he “can’t get anything right.” There is a system to help build trust and skills to support the home and family. As part of these concepts, Eve also explains different models that women use to understand their roles and which tasks they should have ownership of in order to have a fair division of labor at home, especially when considering gender. Women can be Intentional Traditionalists, New Superwoman, Accidental Traditionalist, and The Collaborator. Make sure you listen in so you can evaluate where you are today, and where you would like to go. We also get to talk about how getting your home organized gives you more time, and how you then need to figure out what to do with your time. Having a disorganized home can really function as a buffer or form of procrastination to avoid facing the hard questions about what you are called to do in life. Eve talks about how our culture shows us how to get to and through our first child’s baby shower, but then leaves us to figure out the rest of life without signposts or milestones. We talk about how to stay interested in our own lives. We share our perspectives to figure out how to still have a passion and choose things that interest us and are interesting. I cannot do the work for you in understanding all the tasks of your home, or in having the difficult conversations with the people you love. However, I do want you to know that you have choices about how to divide the labor of your home. I want you to figure out your unique gift and contribution to the world. For extra fun, make sure you stick around to the end to hear about Eve’s thinking on unicorn space and how to find it with the help of their spiritual friends.
12/6/2019 • 47 minutes, 46 seconds
Transformation with Maggie L.
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! Today, Maggie L shares her journey of getting organized. Maggie is the primary breadwinner while her husband stays at home with their two children (ages 9 and 4). Maggie shares how it took a long time to finally get started on her organizing journey. However, when her golden window showed up (after being let go from her job), she jumped in with both feet. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
12/4/2019 • 45 minutes, 14 seconds
311 - Lisa's Book Tour Wishlist
So… have you heard I have a traditionally published book scheduled to come out in August of 2020? I am planning a book tour to come see as many of you as possible. I want to go everywhere you are, and share hugs. I get to plan every day of this book tour, and I want to reach out to ask you to join in, help me, and celebrate with me. The book tour will kick off at Embrace (June 26-28, 2020, in West Chester, Ohio). I am already planning all kinds of surprises for you! I need your help in planning a year long Lisa Book Tour - September 2020 to May 2021 in the US. (For my international friends, the book is currently also scheduled to be published in Canada and the United Kingdom with details to come later. I am also hoping to come visit you!) I want to learn about you and your hometown. If you are willing to help with ideas and connections for the book tour, here is my wish list: Location - what is the best way to get to and around your hometown? Book Signings - where can we get together to do a book signing? Media Connections - please share any connections or recommendations for media (TV, radio, or print) Speaking Events - please share any connections for conventions, events, or other opportunities where the Organize 365 message would be helpful Corporate or Brand Connections - if there is a product or service that is headquartered in your hometown, I love to meet people in person and build community YouTubers or Podcasters that share your home city Any other person, business, or community connection where the Organize 365 message would benefit the audience. Especially if you can introduce or connect us One of the things I am looking forward to about this trip is getting to see so many different parts of the United States. Every town and city will be different and I am excited to meet all of you and learning about the places you call home. I also want to keep making connections. No matter how far you have (or have not yet) gotten in your organizing journey, I’d love for you to connect me with other people where I can add value. Anytime you take on a big project like this or take action toward a dream, you do not have to know every step. You just have to know the first step. I have the book written and a publisher, so now the next step is to see how together we can share steps along our organizing journey.
11/29/2019 • 17 minutes, 49 seconds
Transformation with Jessica E
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! I love sharing these transformations women experience during their organizing journeys! Today, Jessica E shares her journey of getting organized. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. Jessica is married with 4 kids and navigating the journey of getting educational needs diagnosed and addressed. She has been able to transform her home and family. She now has more time and energy to help her family heal and thrive. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket ® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
11/27/2019 • 45 minutes, 16 seconds
310 - Ditch Your To Do List With Notecards
Today on the podcast, I want to teach you how I ditched my long to do lists and every single thing I ever want to do ends up on index cards (notecards). I have shared bits and pieces of my system in Instastories and on some of my Facebook lives before, but today I want to share the WHOLE system with you. Listen in to hear: How I used to make long to do lists on legal pads and filled up notebooks, and why that that NEVER worked for me. The DETAILS of the process I use to record each to do or thought I have on an index card. I’ll tell you what to write, where to put the index card, and how it is SO much more effective to make a non to do list to do list. (Say that 3 times fast!) How I go from all of those individual thoughts and index cards to a single index card with my daily plan. If you are struggling to keep track of your many different to dos, if you keep finding old to do lists that never got done, or if you just want to improve your planning and productivity, this episode is for you! I have been able to make such incredible improvements in my productivity since I have switched to this system, and I want you to be able to do the same. And, if you STILL have unanswered questions after today, please send me an email and I might do a follow up episode. As a teacher, I know if one person ASKS a question, probably several of you had the same question! PS - I hope you were able to join me the week of November 11th for the Holiday Blitz. We looked at the memory filled time from Thanksgiving through New Years and identified our priorities. We planned ahead for where to spend our valuable time, money, and energy to best take care of ourselves and our families during this busiest time of the year. It’s not too late to join us and have your best holiday season yet. You can register to get your free printables. And, the Holiday Blitz videos are now available on the Organize 365 YouTube channel for FREE! PPS - You can also follow me on Instagram to see how I use my index cards!
11/22/2019 • 32 minutes, 14 seconds
Transformation with Diane A
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! Today, Diane A shares her journey of getting organized. Diane lives with her husband and three children (and two guinea pigs). Diane grew up with parents who saved EVERYTHING and shares how she was able to get her home organized in time to host a family reunion. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket ® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
11/20/2019 • 40 minutes, 31 seconds
309 - How to Get Organized with ADHD - Your Questions Answered
Today on the podcast, I want to answer questions that have been submitted about how to get organized with ADHD for both adults and children. I do start with a review of different executive functions. I want to be sure you hear me clearly - no one has perfect executive functioning. So, I want to share different ways you can adjust your mindset and behaviors to make progress on your organization journey. Here is my best hint: consistency beats everything. Simple things done consistently over time will result in real, lasting changes in your life, home, and organization. If you fall off the wagon, or break your streak, just start again. Keep going. I start with telling you about different medications, supplements, over the counter, and support techniques I use for myself and my children. One that was Joey’s favorites was Alpha Brain Supplements. Listen in as I answer the following questions: How do you get a routine going when you can’t stay consistent? How do I not get so overwhelmed so that I do nothing? How do I stay focused? How do you overcome out of sight is out of mind? I have a 14 year old girl who never sticks with a system. Everything is always disorganized! How do you maintain everything in its place? That’s so boring! How do you get started when you do not want to do it, and the project looks overwhelming? I am consistently inconsistent. Help! How would you organize a student with ADHD? How do you stay on task? Where do you start when getting organized? Kids’ spaces are always disorganized. What should I do? I’m overwhelmed because I have a very messy space. How do you move forward when your brain shuts down? How do I learn to delegate? I teach some different ways to deal with these issues and help you along your organizational journey! I love to answer your questions. If you have another topic or questions you would like to have me answer, please email me - lisa [at] organize365 [dot] com. Did you miss the Holiday Blitz? You are not too late! Head over to the Organize 365 Facebook group or IGTV to watch the videos from this week and download the printable workbook at
11/15/2019 • 48 minutes, 42 seconds
Transformation with Ryan L
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast as women just like you share their transformations along their organizing journey. Today, Ryan L shares her journey of getting organized. Ryan has been following Organize 365 for a while. She shares her home with a husband (who travels a lot), 2 sons in high school (and occasionally sees the son in college), and 2 cats. Ryan is passionate about protecting the earth and shares quite a bit about her preference for buying used and ensuring her discards find appropriate homes. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at
11/13/2019 • 36 minutes, 52 seconds
308 - How to Fit In Behavior Change
Recently, I’ve been talking about how learning to get organized is based in meeting different levels of needs and by being exposed to different teaching techniques. This week on the podcast, I want to move from theory to practice. I want to talk to you about some specific ways to fit organizational behaviors into your schedule. I want to move you beyond a certain way to fold shirts and, instead, help you to change your behavioral habits. These habits make up 80% of our actions everyday, and we must PLAN and WORK to create change. Big change over time comes from changing little habits on a regular basis. When I teach, I think hearing about real people in real situations is super helpful in applying information. So, I answer your question about irregular, unpredictable schedules. I also answer a listener question about being in the accumulation and survival stages at the same time (and I talk about both time and your space for this question). A third question addresses being organized when working two jobs and going to school. I will also send you back to some of my prior podcasts where I explore these changes in detail and give you much more information. Here are some other podcasts I have recorded that also help answer these questions and you can apply to working towards changing your habits and behaviors: I write out my schedule each week when I do my Sunday Basket®. You can find a weekly schedule printable here so you can try the same technique. Podcast 197 - You Need a Schedule Podcast 254 - Find More Planning Time Podcast 227 - Having an Adult Spring Break Podcast 192 - Morning Routines for the Modern Day Woman Podcast 193 - Creating Afternoon & Evening Routines Podcast 128 - How to Hire Household Help I hope this helps kick off some new habits for you! I would love to hear from you on Instagram or on Facebook. PS - If you are enjoying the Organize 365 Podcast, I'd appreciate it if you can leave a rating or review. It helps other people find us.
11/8/2019 • 26 minutes, 39 seconds
Transformation with Stacy W
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! Stacy is the mom of 2 teenagers and AND 2 under 5 years old. She and her husband downsized from 2300 to 1400 square feet AND cleaned out 2 storage units. With little kids, she explains how she benefits from cycling through the 100 Day Program as her little kids keep growing and changing. She also shares how she was able to combine two households full of furniture and stuff by working through the 100 Day Program. AND, she shares about how she and her husband worked on getting organized together. She also shares her experience with the Kids Program if you want to hear some more about that! I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
11/6/2019 • 23 minutes, 41 seconds
307 - Learning Organizational Skills - Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience
Last week, we talked about the ways in which you need to take care of your physical and safety needs before you can get organized. Today on the podcast, we will talk about how you actually learn the skills of organization. Edgar Dale was an educator who studied the different methods teachers used to deliver a lesson, and he quantified how much a student could be expected to recall based on the approach the teacher used. The way you get information directly affects how much you retain. The retention does vary by individual learner as well, so it is helpful to learn how YOU best learn. Lessons can be delivered as reading, hearing, seeing, video (hearing and seeing), saying (teaching back), and saying while doing (experiential learning). I share with you how I analyzed this information and applied it to different places I have taught - as a classroom teacher, as the Sunday Basket ® instructor, and as the owner of Organize 365 while onboarding new staff members. Organization is a learnable skill. The only way you cannot get organized, is if I fail to teach you. My job is to figure out how to correctly teach the skills of organization. I am continually working to learn better ways to teach, motivate, inspire, and help you meet your goal of getting organized. I offer 3 different levels of courses in getting organized. You can start with the Sunday Basket ®. Then you can join the 100 Day Home Organization Program. Finally, you can get your whole life organized in All Access. I continue to make improvements, enhancements, and additions to help you get organized. These programs work because we have included every single learning strategy that Edgar Dale recommended. And, if you need even more personalized help, you can find a Sunday Basket ® Certified Workshop Organizer near you.
11/1/2019 • 25 minutes, 37 seconds
Transformation with Amelia L
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! Today, Amelia L shares her journey of getting organized. Amelia has been married for 17 years and has five kids. She helped to care for her mother after she had an injury and is also beginning to homeschool one of her children. Amelia stays at home full time and shares many twists and turns along her journey towards getting organized. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket ® 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get organized!
10/30/2019 • 38 minutes, 48 seconds
306 - Applying Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to Your Organizing Journey
As you go deeper into your organizing journey, you will find that things are empty. You may find empty shelves, empty cabinets, and empty space on your calendar. As you look for something to fill these spaces, you should consider the different kinds of human needs that benefit from being addressed. Maslow’s theory looks at these different kinds of needs as a pyramid, and I have found benefit from spending extra time and energy on each level at different times. I love to learn new things and apply them to the process of getting organized. Today, I want to introduce you to Abraham Maslow and his theory about the hierarchy of needs. In the podcast, I explain and apply the 5 levels of human needs to different phases of the year and unexpected events. I explain how these different kinds of needs change as our lives cycle through different seasons. I want to help you spend more time in the highest levels so that you can live out your unique gift and share it with the world. Finally, I share how Planning Day before each new round of the 100 Day Home Organization Program helps you to review and revise how you will meet each level of need during the upcoming trimester. I want to help you move to a mindset where you can pursue your personal esteem and self-actualization needs without guilt. Understanding where you are in your organizational journey will help you take the next right step for you. Tag me in your Instagram post and tell me what your next step is!
10/25/2019 • 29 minutes, 31 seconds
Transformation with Anna G
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! Today, Anna G shares her story of getting organized. She lost her mom to cancer in 2013, right when her first child is born. She grew up with lots of stuff, and it took a while for her to find her organizing groove. As her kids grow up, she is regularly evaluating and re-organizing the house. We celebrate her progress, not perfection today. She also shares her experience with the Kids Program if you want to hear some more about that! I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats
10/23/2019 • 34 minutes, 26 seconds
305 - Calm in Chaos
Today on the podcast, I want to share with you how I stay calm in chaos. I recently experienced two major unexpected events. One was an emergency, the other was not. However, they both happened at the same time and required me to completely rearrange my schedule. When the unexpected happens, your priorities often shift quickly. Being organized and having time to think through how to deal with unexpected events has helped me change how I approach chaotic situations. Not every unexpected event or situation is fixable, but being organized means there is more margin to think and decide before reacting. When I was disorganized, I had many tasks and projects crying out for my attention. I also often felt sorry for myself and I looked for more attention by complaining. As I got organized, I learned how to be a better problem solver. I also was able to shift my focus so I work deeper and faster on fewer active projects. This podcast will show you how I changed my mindset, and will give you some ideas for changing yours. I hope I can help you move from reactive to proactive and to find the margin that comes from a more organized life.
10/18/2019 • 33 minutes, 5 seconds
Transformation with Rachel M
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! Today, Rachel M shares her journey of getting organized. Rachel M was widowed 3 years ago and continues to raise her 2 teenagers. She’s a rebel updating her home to reflect her current family arrangement. She’s in school working on her paralegal training and figuring out life as a single mom. She also shares her meal planning ideas for visually focused people. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
10/16/2019 • 36 minutes, 21 seconds
Transformation with Jennifer B
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! Jennifer B is a woman who has worked outside the home and then stayed home with her children. She is moving towards an empty next and redesigning an updated home for her next phase of life. She has recently lost her father and dealt with his lifetime of accumulated research. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
10/9/2019 • 30 minutes, 45 seconds
303 - The Evolution of Lisa's Desk
For today’s podcast, I want to bring you a new way of looking at personal growth. I believe strongly in helping all women find what they are uniquely created to do. I am not about pursuing a vision of perfection, but I DO want you to look at your habits, decisions, and goals. I want you to get your home and paper organized so you have the capacity to pursue your own unique purpose. This podcast looks at the evolution of my desk and office as a way to share how I have experienced growth and change in my own life. I have had many different roles as a woman, and the different desks that I have used as I run the business of Organize 365 have changed with me. I share the practical and tactical decisions and changes I have made in my desks as my life has changed. As a business woman, I think sharing the real story of how I have grown this business can be helpful to you as you face changes in your own life. Listen in as I share where I have been, where I am going, and how YOU can take the next steps to change your own life. Just for fun, if you want to see a VERY OLD post and pictures about how my desk has grown and changed, you can find it here.
10/4/2019 • 39 minutes, 47 seconds
Transformation with Michele V
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! Today, Michele V shares her journey of getting organized. She is a high school teacher in Wisconsin. She lives alone in a house, and has customized the 100 Day Home Organization Program to her life and schedule. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
10/2/2019 • 39 minutes, 2 seconds
302 - What Lisa's Self Care Looks Like
We have spent the last 2 months talking about how to get more done, and how to free up time to focus on your life goals. But, as productive as I am, I cannot work all of the time. Today, I want to help you understand how I make time to rejuvenate so that I can keep working hard on my business. Social media shows us self care as girls’ weekends, spa days, or expensive salon days. So often, self care is shown as “getting away” from all of the people and places we work so hard to care for. For me, I focus on the things that fill me up, leave me feeling cared for, and energize me. Today, I want to teach you about how I select self-care activities. Most of the self-care ideas I share cost $5 or less. I know how hard it can be to take care of yourself when you are pulled in many directions (especially with children) or don’t have tons of extra money to splurge. Spoiler alert - if you have been following me for even one week, you know I take a bath nearly every evening. The bath helps me to unwind, get away, and decompress. But, I also share several other simple, inexpensive, and relatively easy ways to focus on restoring yourself. Self care can be anything that you do for you. Things that make you feel good about yourself and how you present yourself. They are the things that fill you up. Please share your own self care tips and ideas (especially frugal ones) with our community. I'd love to hear what YOU do for your self care. Please share with me online. Facebook - Instagram - @organize365
9/27/2019 • 18 minutes, 3 seconds
Transformation with Bridget W
I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. On Wednesdays, we will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply here. I promise, I’m not scary and it’s just us talking! Today, Bridget W shares her journey of getting organized. She is the mom of 2 boys and the owner of several goats. She went from disorganized to all in and has joined us as a Sunday Basket Certified Workshop Organizer. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
9/25/2019 • 39 minutes, 8 seconds
301 - FINISH!
It’s time to FINISH! This week, I want to talk about FINISHING. In our current, crazy lives, we often struggle to accomplish the things we start. Having so many open projects increases the clutter in our homes and our brains. As we head towards the end of the calendar year, I want you to direct your effort into finishing what you have started. In order to finish, I want to encourage you to keep working on your current organizing project until it is done. This is not a chance to beat yourself up for failing at perfection, but I do want you to feel like your project or area is finished. I definitely do want you to feel like you have accomplished your task with a sense of excellence. I want to give you permission to take the time you need to follow all the way through and complete your project. I want you to keep working and do the things that make your house into a home for you and your family. You do not need to keep up with anyone else’s timeline. Just keep working on YOUR area. Small, consistent steps will add up over time. As long as you keep moving towards your vision, you are making progress, and that is enough to celebrate. If you want to work on your laundry room organization for this, we offer a FREE trial week of the 100 Day Home Organization Program. As you have the tools to get organized and actually see your progress, you will get more motivated. This will lead to a desire to spend more time getting your home organized. I recommend that you follow your organization energy and keep working on your selected area to finish your decluttering and organizing. The 100 Day Program is a lifetime membership and will be available as you can work on it. You cannot be behind when you are organizing! I also include important information about identifying your own organizing energy and preferred style for approaching organizing. I help you figure out how to make bigger time blocks to spend getting organized if that is something you desire. And, I give you blatant permission to plan to neglect some of the tasks that are currently filling up your schedule. Finally, I help you to see how finishing one project can lead to getting your next thing done faster, and how the final result is growing your productivity for your whole life. Episode 243 - How to Get Organized Faster Episode 244 - How to Get Organized with a Chronic Illness: The Spoon Theory (How to Get Organized Slower) Episode 277 - Decluttering Jobs & Obligations What is ONE project you could FINISH this week?
9/20/2019 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Transformation with Vicky G
Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. Today, Vicky G shares her journey of getting organized. She is an empty nester who loves crafts and has moved three times in five years. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
9/18/2019 • 32 minutes, 33 seconds
300 - How Lisa Sees Time
Welcome to Episode 300! Thank you for all of your support over the 5 years of the podcast. If you are enjoying following me, please share with someone else and go rate and review the podcast on your favorite listening platform. On to the show! For this week’s podcast, I really want to talk about one thing that has made all the difference in being able to be as productive as I am. It’s the way I look at time. I am running a company, renovating my house, homeschooling my daughter, visiting my son at college, sustaining my marriage, and I still have time left over. An organized life gives you time. I want to teach you about how I came to view time in a unique way and share the way I currently understand time. For many people, time is an abstract concept and can be a struggle for many people to understand the passage of time. Understanding time ensures that you know how long different kinds of tasks take to complete. It helps you understand how time passes and how to schedule time for your life. When you understand time, you have time for pre-task preparation, clean up afterwards, and transportation to and from your events. When you follow my method for understanding time, you will improve your focus. This will mean that you can finally get your home organized, or move your business into profitability, or have rooms for your other dreams and priorities. Changing your mindset about time will mean that you can schedule your time, improve your organization, and increase your productivity. After I learned how to manage my own schedule via time blocking, I also learned how to manage other people to have them take some of my house tasks off of my plate. And then, I used those same skills to grow my team here at Organize 365. Adding on other people allowed me to increase my capacity. I could give directions and oversee them, but I was freed up from physically doing tasks. Here are some prior episodes where I share my own learning about how to delegate tasks to others. I like to say that I get my machines and people working first thing in the morning, and then, I do my tasks for the day. I have also included some episodes that help you batch your tasks into time blocks to make your work more productive. Episode 65 - How to Outsource Your Household Tasks Episode 89 - 10 Working Mom Hacks for a More Productive Week Episode 128 - How to Hire Household Help Episode 210 - Changing Your Focus From Money to Time Episode 246 - Maximizing Your Time: Dividing Your Week in Half Episode 261 - My Personal 7 Year Transformation
9/13/2019 • 36 minutes, 45 seconds
Transformation with Kimberlie P
On Wednesdays, I will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. Today, Kimberlie P shares her journey of getting organized. She has a blended family and an encore career after time as a military family. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. I hope you enjoy her story and find her as inspiring as I do! I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
9/11/2019 • 44 minutes, 12 seconds
299 - FOCUS! - Distraction is Holding You Back
I have been talking with you about setting goals and planning. I want to see you succeed and reach your goals. But, I hear from many of you, and you share that you have some real challenges. It is not a lack of time. It is not a lack of goal setting. It is not a lack of knowledge. Distraction is keeping you from achieving your goals and dreams. Distraction is stealing your ability to focus. The ability to FOCUS is what will actually change your life. Today on the podcast, I want to share with you my own teachers for learning how to concentrate, focus, and improve your productivity. Keys to achieving your goals: Plan your goals (and shorten your timeline) Go PRO Focus. Eliminate distractions. I am multi-passionate and I think I can successfully multitask. I am the queen of distraction and procrastination. I have been working on my focusing skills for YEARS. Consistency in your behavior builds your trust in yourself and your capabilities. I want to show you how you can practice focusing over a long time so that you can build up your endurance. I will tell you how you too can learn to focus and transform your life. PS - If you want to listen to me on the Entrepreneurs On Fire Podcast, I am sharing the link.
9/6/2019 • 24 minutes, 40 seconds
Transformation with Monique H
I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. On Wednesdays, we will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply here. I promise, I’m not scary and it’s just us talking! Today, Monique H shares her journey of getting organized and progressing to a career as a professional organizer. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
9/4/2019 • 27 minutes, 54 seconds
298 - Going PRO - Productive, Proactive, Profitable
Going PRO as the Home CEO Let's talk about how you can optimize your efforts as the CEO of your home in order to be more PRO: Productive Proactive Profitable Positive I have studied organization and productivity strategies for years, but many of them are directed at men working in business, and do not cross over to running a home. I want to give you actual tools you can use to make your home life productive. I know you are in charge of all of the household tasks, even if you do not personally do them. Some of you have outsourced things like house cleaning, laundry, and meal preparation. Regardless of the number or kinds of tasks you are juggling, I can help you optimize the effort you put into your home. Professionals practice and that is how they get better. Practice will help you to learn new skills, hone your craft, condition your mind to stay on task, and to do more faster and with less effort. Going PRO allows you to optimize the time, effort, and resources you spend in your life to complete the projects in your life and home. Listen in and see how you can gain productivity in your life in any role right now. Share in the Organize 365 Facebook group or tag me on Instagram @organize365 and tell us about your #ONEgoal2019 and share your success! PS I would love to guide you as you go PRO in your house this fall in the next round of the 100 Day Home Organization Program. We start on MONDAY! Join us!
8/30/2019 • 28 minutes, 34 seconds
Transformation with Samantha R
I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. On Wednesdays, we will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply here. I promise, I’m not scary and it’s just us talking! Today, Samantha R shares her journey of getting organized. She has transformed her home while homeschooling SEVEN children. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
8/28/2019 • 27 minutes, 47 seconds
297 - Planning Your Most Productive Year
I want to help you how to have your most productive Fall ever. Make sure you listen in for the KEY concept to ensure you successfully increase YOUR productivity! In the last week weeks, we have reviewed how you can work on decluttering, organizing, and increasing productivity. If you need more information on the basics of these three steps, I cover them in detail in Podcast number 144, 145, and 147. Fall can be the MOST productive time of the year, if you are prepared to take advantage of the September and October energy. On the podcast today, I explain how I have increased my productivity over the last seven years. I have analyzed how I have improved my skills over the years and I give you the steps to help you improve your productivity. I will show you how to gain control of your life and achieve your goals, especially in the areas of Family Finances Home Self I want you to improve your productivity so you can get traction on your goals. I want you to succeed at transforming your life so you can focus on your unique purpose. Let’s start TODAY!
8/23/2019 • 24 minutes, 44 seconds
Transformation with Lorie G
I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. On Wednesdays, we will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply here. I promise, I’m not scary and it’s just us talking! Today, Lorie G shares her journey of getting organized after a flood. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links: Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
8/21/2019 • 20 minutes, 58 seconds
296 - Increasing Productivity -- Answering Your Questions
As I tell you all the time, getting organized has 3 steps - decluttering, organizing, and increasing productivity. Today on the Podcast, I deep dive into productivity. If you don’t move forward into organization and productivity, you can end up stuck on decluttering and get rid of too much. Increasing Productivity Today, I answer your questions about productivity including: How do I maintain an organized home? How do I maintain an organized closet? How do I keep up with daily tasks? How do I keep my car cleaned out and ready to go? How do I keep the kitchen clean during the week? How do I keep up with home maintenance tasks? Increasing organization and productivity give you more time. Time to follow your dreams and try new things! What do you want to have time for in your life? If you have been around here for more than a few days, you know I love teaching you how to be more productive! Thank you for submitting your questions. Keep making progress! If you are ready to share your story of success with Organize 365, you can apply here to be my special podcast guest.
8/16/2019 • 18 minutes, 33 seconds
Transformation - Sandy O
I am grateful that you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and with the Organize 365 community. On Wednesdays, we will be sharing the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumph of women just like you who are progressing along their organizing journey. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply here. I promise, I’m not scary and it’s just us talking! Today, Sandy O shares her journey of getting organized. I am humbled and honored to have been part of her journey. For more information about the programs and products mentioned in this podcast please check out these links Organize 365 The Sunday Basket 100 Day Home Organization Program ALL ACCESS Workboxes Paper Organizing Retreats I look forward to helping YOU get Organized!
8/14/2019 • 30 minutes, 33 seconds
295 - Organizing - Answering Your Questions
As I tell you all the time, getting organized has 3 steps - decluttering, organizing, and increasing productivity. Today on the Podcast, I deep dive into organizing. Sometimes, people get stuck in decluttering mode and get rid of too much instead of moving forward in the cycle. Organizing is matching like with like and then ensuring everything has a home. Today, I answer your questions about organizing including: How do I get organized when I don’t have enough space to sort, group, and categorize my stuff? How do I get organized if I don’t have a traditional storage area like an attic, garage, or basement? If I am in the 100 Day Home Organization Program, and I am “falling behind” (PS - there is NO falling behind when you are getting organized!), how do I know if I should keep working in an area or move along? How do I handle items if I’m on the fence about keeping vs discarding? How do I make sure I get the most important areas of my home organized efficiently? If you have been around here for more than a few days, you know I love teaching you how to get your home and paper organized! Thank you for submitting your questions. Keep making progress! If you are ready to share your story of success with Organize 365, you can apply here to be my special podcast guest.
8/9/2019 • 25 minutes, 17 seconds
294 - Declutter - Answering Your Questions
As I tell you all the time, getting organized has 3 steps - decluttering, organizing, and increasing productivity. Today, I deep dive into changing your mindset to get better at decluttering so you can move towards a more organized home and life. I teach you how to adapt your thinking in order to be more successful in your decluttering. I answer your decluttering questions including: How do I stop bringing things I don’t actually need (like those pesky just in case items) into my home? How do I get rid of the clutter associated with all the projects on my to do list? How do I keep book clutter under control without having to eliminate my entire TBR pile? How do I follow through with my decluttering plans and actually get stuff out of my house? What is the thing that is holding me back from getting rid of things I no longer want or need? And, at the root of all of this, how do I move from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset? I am here to help you get your home and paper organized in one year with functional systems that work. I help you figure out what questions to ask yourself to get some of your most difficult clutter out of your home and move towards a more organized life. I share some of my own challenges in clearing out my house. I also teach you how I was able to adapt my thinking to move me towards the organized and productive life I am living today. I look forward to helping YOU get Organized! :)Lisa
8/2/2019 • 24 minutes, 31 seconds
293 - Embrace Breakthroughs
So many of you asked me to create a virtual Embrace experience. I carried you in my heart the whole time Embrace was going on. And I kept thinking ... How could I do that? I thought and puzzled and then puzzled some more. And then I did it! Listen in to the podcast this week to hear the Embrace attendees telling you about THEIR experience at Embrace and THEIR transformations. Including: Doing what you need to do to make your family better Overcoming fear and guilt Repairing a broken marriage Depression happens, but you will get through it A mindset shift from feeling like you are drowning to learning how to relax and let the next thing come How to create a life purposefully and want the best for YOU - not just everyone else We are all more alike than we are different Dumping the guilt and not looking back It's ok to be single Grieving the loss of what you thought your life was going to look like You are not broken You are WORTH IT! It is ok to accept the love you are given without trying to "pay it back" And then consider experiencing Embrace for yourself in our new "Embrace the Journey Bundle". We even created a custom Organize 365 puzzle just for you to work as you puzzle through your own organizational transformation. You can check out the whole bundle here.
7/26/2019 • 44 minutes, 21 seconds
292 - Dreaming About Next Year's Book Tour
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about both the present and future of Organize 365. I wanted to fill you in on everything that’s been going on here at Organize 365. That’s right, we’ve got lots of exciting things happening including an awesome book tour following the release of my new book that’s hitting the market in August 2020! So, if you’re dying to hear more, tune into this podcast episode to discover everything you need to know about the big things that are coming to Organize 365 very soon! The Evolution Of Organize 365 Sometimes, I have to really give myself a pinch when I look back at what we’ve accomplished to date with Organize 365. Setting out with the goal of helping people to organize their lives has inspired me in so many ways as I’ve moved forward on this journey. Visions happen when you take the right steps to make them work. You’ve probably heard me say that before, but it’s so true! Hiring a team gave me time to launch this podcast as a free learning resource followed by lots of amazing products that I’m extremely proud of including the Sunday Basket, 100 Day All Home Program, Paper Organizing Binders, Workboxes and lots of great Masterclasses, too! Along the way, we partnered with other professional organizers all over the United States in our Certified Sunday Basket Workshop Organizer Program. Most recently, we came out with the Kids Program, which is a digital course designed to walk your kids through all sorts of skills they need for organizing their bedrooms, clothes, backpacks, and whatever else they manage to bring into the house! With such a great choice of products and resources available, I feel like this leg of the journey has come to an end. We have all the basics needed to help you organize your home, develop your organizational muscles, and keep it going. So, it’s time to move onto the next thing! NEW Book Coming Soon! Did you hear? The Paper Solution will be published by Putnam Books next summer! Since launching my business back in 2012, my vision of what I wanted Organize 365 to become has developed into something more than I could ever have imagined. My ideas continue to be crazy exciting, not just for me, but hopefully for you guys, too. One of my biggest visions I have had was to become a traditionally published author and have a national book tour. My main vision with this new book is to take the message of paper organization NATIONAL. In America, so many people are fooling themselves into thinking we’re a paperless society and we’re not. You can have less paper, but you’re probably not paperless. The Paper Solution will help people from all over the country get their paper organized. My Dream For The Book Tour You might not know this about me, but I’ve always wanted to have a book tour. I don’t know how it’s going to go or where I’m going to go just yet, but I can promise you this – I am going to have the book tour to end all book tours! If I could have my dream book tour, I would spend 12-14 days in a different part of the country every month for eight months. I know it might sound a little crazy, but that would be my dream. In the first leg of the tour, I’d hit the West Coast and do morning TV, book signings at Barnes & Noble, and attend a few paper organizing retreats hosted by the certified organizers. Tune into the podcast to hear about all my dreams! Are You Dreaming? I bet you are! As you take back the organization of your home, you start to realize how much control you have over your space, your energy, and your time. The next step – to dream about the next thing you want to design and put your time and energy into... Are you ready to take back your home? Registration just opened for the fall round of the 100 Day Home Organization Program. We would love to have you join us! Have you been *thinking* about becoming a Certified Sunday Basket Workshop Organizer? Registration is OPEN today through July 28! Already IN the 100 Day Program? The new Fall Planners and Planning Day are ready for you in the Shop! Sign up for one of the last Paper Organizing Retreats Lisa is doing in Cincinnati. September, January, and April are all open for registration. Enjoy the last full week of July! View the full post here:
Learn more about the Organize 365 Kid's Program here.
7/17/2019 • 18 minutes, 30 seconds
290 - The Transtheoretical Model
Have you ever wanted to make a behavior change to your personal or professional life? Maybe you want to start eating healthy, pick up a new hobby, or live a more organized life. Whatever your "big change" is, there are five simple steps you can take to help conceptualize lasting and impactful changes to your behavior. All these steps are outlined in the Transtheoretical Model, a biopsychosocial model that incorporates five sequential stages to help you modify your behavior long-term. If you’re anything like me, you probably freaked out a little bit with the mention of the Transtheoretical Model. I mean, it sounds so serious. Thankfully, I know just the person who can help break it down for you into bite-sized chunks that you can follow and apply to your own life. Meet Rachel Miller Kroouze, a Health Communication and Education professional with experience in health and prevention programming. Rachel has always been interested in health communication and helping others make positive health behavioral changes. She’s also an organizer at heart and has a lot to say about the Transtheoretical Model and how it can fuel positive behavior changes in just about anyone. So, if you want to make some impactful changes to your personal or professional life using a tried and tested method with a proven track record of life-changing results, dig in! Stage 1 – Precontemplation The precontemplation stage is when you don’t have any foreseeable intentions to change within the next six months. This is the very first stage of the Transtheoretical Model and you might not even notice you’re in it or have been in it in the past. You might have a few habits that aren’t doing you any favors. You continue to do them because you aren’t aware of the consequences. You’re probably not even aware that a problem exists and if you do, you’re ignoring it. Or, you might have even tried to put a stop to them in the past but failed and continued along the same path. Thinking the classic “failure is inevitable, so why try?” is a common thought to have when you’re at this stage of the process. Stage 2 – Contemplation Ah, contemplation… an inner epiphany in which you finally start to think about change. This is when you know you need to make a change to your behavior and fully intend to do so within the next six months or so. To move from precontemplation to contemplation means something sparked you to put this goal to change on your radar. Maybe your doctor told you that you needed to make lifestyle changes for your health. Or, perhaps your home has run out of storage space and you realize it’s time to declutter and get organized. A wake-up call has happened and now you’re asking yourself what you should do next to address the problem. You begin thinking about what action you need to take, and you may spend weeks or even months hanging out in this contemplation stage, which is totally normal. Stage 3 – Preparation When you move out of contemplation and into preparation, you’re ready to make a change. You know that you’ve reached a crossroads and you can’t linger in the middle forever. You need to move forward. The only thing stopping you is figuring out how you’re going to do it and what action you’re going to take. So, it’s time to make a plan of action. If you’re trying to organize your paper or get fit and healthy, for example, this is when you prepare and get yourself ready. You may want to learn how to get organized across the board, in which case the All Access Membership may be for you because it gives you EVERYTHING you need to get your home and paper organized in 365 days. But, if you want to focus on something more specific and keep most of your organizing to one day of the week, the Complete Sunday Basket System may be more to your liking. Take your time and have a look through our different offers to find what works for you. What’s going to help you make the behavioral changes in your life that you desire? Once you can answer that question, it makes the preparation stage so much easier. Rachel and I are both huge fans of the Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies Quiz, where you’ll discover whether you’re more of an upholder, questioner, obliger, or rebel. Understanding your tendency and how to leverage it to your advantage is a great way to help you find ways to plan for action, make better decisions, and meet your own expectations. Stage 4 – Action The action stage of the Transtheoretical Model is when you’re in the process of making behavioral changes with your actions. You’ve made different modifications to your lifestyle and are trying to turn these into habits that will soon become second nature. The strength of action comes from the preparation stage. So, if you’ve prepared well enough, you’ll be more than ready to take some action and make the necessary changes in your life that you know you need to make. Action is when you’ve convinced yourself why this is something you need to change and act on. You've prepared yourself, done the research, got all the approvals, everything is in line, and you’re ready to do the thing! Remember that action includes making modifications as you go. Nothing is set in stone. If you find that something isn’t working for you and you want to change it, do it. Stage 5 – Maintenance Once you reach the final stage, you’re maintaining the changes for a prolonged period of time. You’ve been working hard to sustain the behavior change and as the months go by, you’re working to prevent a relapse. The more you do something, the easier it becomes. As you develop new behaviors, the initial resistance you felt at the beginning gets lower. You start to see the benefits of what you’re doing, and you’ll be even happier with the decision you’ve made. Maintenance is the stage we all aim for when we set out to make a positive behavior change in our personal or professional lives. If you find that you make your way through these steps, only to find something that didn’t work for you or maybe you’ve “fallen off the wagon” and are right back at the first step again, don’t be too hard on yourself. Each time you climb up the staircase, you build upon it. You’ve been there before, and you know where the squeaky step is. You know what not to do and you know what you need to change in order to make it this time. And you WILL make it! Rachel is a member of the Organize 365 Facebook group and we expect a lot of interesting conversations to come from this episode of the podcast (and blog post) so if you want to talk to her more and get involved with the discussion, join the Facebook group – we’d love to hear from you! View the full post here:
7/12/2019 • 42 minutes, 27 seconds
289 - Kids: 3 Kid's New Years
Learn more about the Organize 365 Kid's Program here.
7/10/2019 • 15 minutes, 29 seconds
288 - Organizing BIG Projects
Do you have a big project looming over your head? Maybe you’ve been procrastinating on it for a while and now you’re ready to get things in order. Or, maybe you woke up this morning with an amazing idea to start a big project in your home or office. This is a great weekend to tackle those BIG projects! Here’s a little-known fact about me – I love projects. The bigger the project, the better. I love everything about big projects from the planning stage right through to completion. So in this episode of the podcast, I’m going to reveal how I tackle really big projects in hopes that it might help or inspire you to organize a big project of your own. The Basement to Bedroom Project It all began with a basement… last spring. Abby had outgrown her bedroom and we’ve talked about the idea of her moving down to the basement for some time. Did you know she has a pet ferret living in her bedroom with her? Yeah, those things need a big cage and they take up a lot of room. So, we decided she could move to the basement and have the space she needs for her and Willow (the ferret). Plus, it worked out pretty well for me because I’ve been working from a home office in my bedroom for years and I knew Abby’s old bedroom would make a great office. So, it’s a win-win situation for both of us. The only problem is that moving Abby’s bedroom to the basement is a mammoth task. One thing to remember about doing a big project in your house is that it doesn’t just affect one person. One room is like an octopus with tentacles that trickle out to other areas of the house and, before you know it, you’ve got the entire house involved. To make the process go as smoothly as possible, I needed a plan. And before I knew it, project basement was underway! In the podcast, I recount how I tackled that project: Step 1 – The Planning Phase Step 2 – Budgeting Step 3 – Getting to Work! Last weekend, I started... The Master Bedroom & Lisa's New Home Office Project. I have been sharing my progress on all three of these projects in my highlights on Instagram. :) What about you? Do you like to tackle really big projects? Do you have a project scheduled for this holiday weekend? Tag me online so I can see! View the full post here:
7/5/2019 • 34 minutes, 21 seconds
287 - Kids: 4 Phases Of A Kid's Life
Learn more about the Organize 365 Kid's Program here.
7/3/2019 • 24 minutes, 35 seconds
286 - The Kids Program & NEW Organize 365 Products
I’ve got some exciting news to share with you on the podcast as we launch lots of exciting NEW products here at Organize 365! I’m going to walk you through everything going on including a deep dive into our brand new and highly anticipated Kids Program! If you’ve always wanted to get your kids organized and even encourage them to jump on this organizational train ride with you, this is your chance! But that’s not all! (Yes, there’s more… a lot more!) We’re also launching our new Lattice Binder, Kids Clips, and Volunteer Workbox! I’m beyond excited to finally share this news with you! If you want to find out more about all these new products and all the amazing things happening here at Organize 365, tune in! Inside The Volunteer Workbox Let’s kick things off with the Volunteer Workbox! It’s the eighth edition in our line of workboxes that are carefully designed to help organize your work both at home and you know, actual work. You can visit the Organize 365 Shop to browse through our collection of workboxes if you’re interested. The Volunteer Workbox was the one thing we were missing in our collection. We wanted to launch a special workbox for all the different volunteer things you do. This could be anything from helping out at your church, hosting the local book club meetings, or participating in a volunteer organization. The Volunteer Workbox will work if you have a support role in a Volunteer organization or you are the leader. :) Exploring The Lattice Binder We have added a new Lattice Binder to our office supplies. This deluxe 2" D-ring, one-touch heavy duty binder with an extended back will protect your slash pockets and help you containerize projects. The Lattice Binder is a white on white basket weave that’s similar to the Sunday Baskets with an Organize 365 logo on the back. Because it’s white, you can use it for anything you want. The Kid Clips Next up… we’re bringing back the Kids Clips! (Hooray!) If you’ve been around for a while, you may remember I used to sell little Kid Clips that were basically super strong magnets for your refrigerator. I called them the ONE Clip back then because you just needed one for each of your kids. This time around, the Kid Clips are CUSTOMIZABLE. Grab your sharpies and color each clip to match your child's personality. The Kids Program Okay and now for the big reveal… the one you’ve all been waiting for – The Kids Program! This program is designed to help organize kids of all ages 0-23. The current program supports kids 0-17 and the LAUNCH program will be added next year (at no additional cost) supporting kids 18-23. What You Can Expect From The Kids Program When you buy the Kids Program, you’ll get access to the dashboard. This is where you’ll find all the cute slash pockets and when you click on them, you’ll be taken to a new course, video, or download. You’ll find five slash pockets inside the Kids Program. Each one is independent of the others, so you don’t have to do anything in order if you don’t want to. These slash pockets are organized into the following categories: Parents, Littles, Learn, Saturday, and Sunday. Here’s a little more information about each of the slash pockets: Parents – This one is for all the parents out there who need help getting their kids organized. I help you assess your home and your life and reveal what exactly you need to do to teach your kids to declutter and organize. Each lesson comes with a video and additional resources to help you along the way. Littles – This part of the program is aimed at kids from birth through to age five. Trying to organize your home with kids under the age of five is like shoveling snow in a snowstorm. Almost impossible. But with this program, I help you with everything from organizing feeding zones, playing zones, sleeping zones, moving from one size clothing to the next, and so much more. Learn – If you have older kids who happen to be organizationally inclined, you’re in luck. The Learn Program is where most of the videos are and it seriously takes you through everything, such as cleaning a bedroom and making it more like a mini apartment that’s divided into zones. With this program, I teach the skill of thinking like an organized person. And those skills will carry your kids into adulthood. Saturday & Sunday – The slash pockets inside of the Saturday and Sunday slash pockets are all about creating habits and routines. Saturdays are the days when you clean and organize your bedroom. On Sundays, the slash pockets will walk you through how you’re going to plan your week using six simple steps. You can read all about the Kids Program, watch a video showing you inside the program, and watch the replay of our Kids Program Masterclass all over at I hope you have a great weekend and 4th of July week! Snap a few pictures of your kid's cleaning their rooms and tag me on Instagram or Facebook! I can't wait to see! View the full post here:
6/28/2019 • 33 minutes, 1 second
285 - Interview With Amanda Tress of the FASTer Way
I’ve been talking about health and fitness on the podcast a lot lately. In Episode 283, I shared my own wellness and weight loss journey. Then in Episode 284, I had my Director of Operations, Kelly Leardon, on the show to discuss weight loss and developing healthy eating and wellness habits. What each of those episodes had in common was Amanda Tress’ FASTer Way to Fat Loss program, which Kelly and I both love. I’ve been following the program for the best part of a year and have seen amazing changes in both my physical and mental health. I’m very excited that I got the chance to sit down with Amanda herself to discuss the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program and to share her story of how she became one of the most successful female entrepreneurs in the country. Meet Amanda Amanda is the founder of FASTer Way to Fat Loss, the premier virtual intermittent fasting fitness and nutrition program. She’s not only a fitness fanatic, but an inspiring business woman who I’ve been following for years (her Instagram profile keeps me motivated!). Before she launched FASTer Way to Fat Loss, Amanda spent years training people in the gym. She experimented with different nutrition strategies and, remarkably, her clients began to see an epic change. She spent a lot of time fine-tuning the strategies until she came up with the best way to bring them together for optimal results. Since then, she’s worked with over 100,000 clients, helping them to achieve their health and fitness goals. Helping others improve their health and wellness came very naturally to Amanda, who always says, “I didn’t choose the fitness industry, the fitness industry chose me.” Amanda and I dive into: How to work from home When is it the right time to hire people for your business? Why do women put their health last on their to do list? In these last 3 episodes, I have pulled back the curtain on how I am tackling and progressing through adding a new habit and mindset to my life. I hope it has been helpful for you to see how I have approached this new lifestyle and can relate that back to your organizational journey. Watching other women chase and embrace their dreams is inspiring to me. Would you like to hear more interview podcasts like this on Organize 365? Let me know! Next week, we will be diving into the NEW Organize 365 Kids Program. I can't wait to share with you the program we have been building for the last year. Sign up for the Kids Program Masterclass being held Tuesday, June 25th to learn all about it! View the full post here:
6/21/2019 • 42 minutes, 41 seconds
284 - Weight Loss & Wellness Habits
Every weight loss and wellness journey is different. Everyone has their own unique story to tell and I don’t know about you, but when I hear how someone made a drastic change to their health and well being, it motivates me to do the same! So, I wanted to invite Kelly Leardon onto the podcast to talk about her wellness journey because not only is it inspiring, but she actually used a lot of the same methods we talked about in the previous episode of the podcast – “Lisa’s Wellness & Weight Loss Journey.” In this episode, we dive deep into what Kelly did to boost her nutrition, lose weight, and get her "mojo" back. It’s a great story and you’ll discover a few great resources along the way in case you wanted to try any of these things out for yourself! Meet Kelly As you may know, Kelly joined the Organize 365 team at the beginning of 2019. She keeps me on my feet for sure and I’ve never met anyone as good at setting goals and smashing them, too! Kelly is an experienced Director of Operations with a history of working in the Executive Office industry. Welcoming Kelly onto the team as the Director of Operations means that I am leaving the management role of Organize 365. I have so much more free time and I am so grateful to have Kelly on the team. When you hire someone onto your team, it does two things. First, it takes tasks off your list. Second, it forces you to level up your skills because you have to be more productive, proactive, and profitable. Interestingly, when she first joined, we were both in a very similar stage of our lives where we wanted to prioritize our wellness and weight loss. My main reasoning to do so was because, hey, I want to live to be 100 years old… you know, like one of those ancient tortoises. Kelly wanted to slim down because she has a fabulous wardrobe and wants to keep it! In this podcast, we dive into: Establishing New Monthly Habits How We Track What We Eat And Other Habits A Closer Look At The “FASTer Way to Fat Loss” Are you on your own weight loss and wellness journey? If so, I’d love to hear all about it! Head over to our Facebook group and join to take part in the discussions. And here’s a fun idea... if you have any before and after photos of your weight loss journey, please share them with me on Instagram and tag me @organize365, I’d love to see how far you’ve come and plus, it’ll motivate me to keep going with my own wellness journey, too! View the full post here:
6/14/2019 • 45 minutes, 50 seconds
282 - What Is "Maintenance?"
Most of us like to form our own opinions about what maintenance means to us. On the podcast, we talk a lot about the cycle of getting organized and increasing productivity. But what about the maintenance stage of your organizational journey? What does it really mean to maintain something? According to the good old dictionary, maintenance is the process of maintaining or preserving a condition or situation or the state of being preserved. While this gives us more clarity on the meaning of maintenance, it doesn’t dive into the details or tell us how it equates to the maintenance of our homes. As we go through the 100 Day Home Organization Program and declutter and organize each space in our homes for the third or even fourth time, we enter a phase of maintenance which I want to unpack with you in this episode of the podcast. What Maintenance Looks Like In The Physical Areas Of Your Home If you asked me what stage of the organizational journey I’m currently in, I would say I’m living in maintenance. I don’t do much. Everything in my house is decluttered and organized (I am a professional organizer, after all). But that doesn’t mean I don’t do the dishes or laundry. I still have non-organizational, cleaning related tasks to do just like anyone else. I still have to put things away at the end of the day. However, once you’ve decluttered and organized your entire house, it usually stays organized. One reason why your house might not stay organized is because of the kids. I don’t mean just the toddlers either. No matter what age they are, kids are like little chaos creators. They tumble through the house like mini tornadoes and just have a way of messing things up. But if your kids tend to mess up their own rooms and the joint family rooms but stay out of your storage room and master bedroom, etc., the work you’ve done to get the majority of your home organized is probably well maintained. To me, living an organized life that’s maintained is when you reach the end of the day and you don’t have to start decluttering and organizing everything. All you have to do is pick things up and put them back to where they go. It’s simple. In the podcast, I dive deeper into... Maintenance In Different Seasons Of Life Maintenance In Everyday Home Life What Does Maintenance Mean With Your Paper? One thing that you need to come to grips with when it comes to organizing is that your home will never be perfect. Perfect is not the end goal here. The end goal is to live a more organized and functional life and being able to maintain it as a result. View the full post here:
5/31/2019 • 23 minutes, 13 seconds
281 - Decluttering Negative Thoughts
Your inner thoughts can have a serious impact on your state of mind. If you see the world through a darkened lens, that negative way of thinking can quickly become a way of life. When I tell people that I used to be the queen of negativity, they find it hard to believe. I’ve since adopted a more positive outlook on life which I talk about in episode 261 of the podcast, My Personal Seven-Year Transformation. Nowadays, thinking positively comes easy to me. I like to think about negative thoughts as weeds in our mind. Weeds that need to be pulled out from the roots. If the garden of your mind has become overgrown with persistent weeds that you can’t clear, it’s time to tackle the root of the problem. When I gave myself the quest to declutter my negative thoughts, I did three things. First, I realized how negative I was. Second, I replaced anything negative in my life with a positive difference. And finally, I eliminated all the ways that negativity was coming into my life. In this episode, I reveal the steps you can take to overcome your negative mindset and start living a more positive and happy life. Ready to say goodbye to negative thoughts? In this week's podcast, I cover these 3 points: 1. Be honest with yourself 2. Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts 3. Eliminate the negativity I hope that these tips help you to declutter your negative thoughts so that you can start living a happier life with a positive outlook. The more I press into this, the more I truly believe that we are in control of our thoughts and feelings. You can literally design any future you can imagine. Have you ever cut something negative out of your life and replaced it with something positive? Let me know over on Instagram or Facebook, I’d love to hear from you! View the full post here:
5/24/2019 • 25 minutes, 28 seconds
280 - You Need An Admin Day
Whenever spring hits, do you feel like you’re in a mad rush to get everything organized? I know I do. I’ve often talked about the fact that I like to divide my year into three trimesters. Each one is carefully planned and, although it starts out completely organized, it ends in a chaotic whirlwind. If you feel like you’re caught in an enormous tornado of tasks, not unlike the one from The Wizard of Oz, I want to help you step out of the chaos. Focusing on what’s important and finding more planning time to eliminate some of the to-dos from your list will help you lead a more peaceful life. In this episode, I reveal why you need an admin day. An entire day where you can go through your Sunday Basket and knock tasks off your list in one epic swoop. Why You Need An Admin Or Errand Day If you’re anything like me, you’ll discover a lot of administrative tasks when you go through your Sunday Basket. Things like forms that need to be scanned, scheduling doctor’s appointments, emails that need your attention, and so on. The only problem is that a lot of these things can’t be done on a Sunday. The doctor’s office is closed, so you can’t call up to make an appointment. Before you know it, you’ve got a stack of administrative tasks or errands you need to do on a different day other than Sunday. This is why you need to assign an administrative or errand day (or both!). An errand day is when you take a full day to do your errands. You’re probably in the car going from one place to the next. An administrative day is when you’re at home (probably in front of the computer) and you’re plowing through things that can’t be done on Sunday. If you’re new to Organize 365, you’re likely wondering why I talk about Sunday’s so much. Well, it’s because I have this thing called The Sunday Basket System. This is where you can defer all your ideas, mail, paper, forms, and to-dos into a pretty box that sits on your kitchen counter. Each Sunday, you systematically go through the basket. To find out more about the Sunday Basket and how it can help corral all your kitchen counter papers and to-dos, click here. Getting Organized In Each Trimester On the Sunday before the start of each trimester, I go through my Sunday Basket as normal. I pay the bills, update my calendar, and all the rest. But there will also be an exorbitant list of things that I can’t get done on Sunday. I need a full workday for these things. And you might, too. If you work nine to five for somebody else, finding the time during the week for these things can be tricky. But, it’s totally worth it to take a vacation day to do this. You can get a lot done with just one day off work. So, the next time you do your Sunday Basket at the busiest times of the year, I want you to do something slightly different. Instead of putting everything that can wait until next Sunday, keep everything in front of you in a pile. You’ll probably have a lot of index cards and papers you’ve repeatedly put back into the Sunday Basket and that’s okay. In previous podcasts, we talked about eliminating such pockets altogether in what I like to call Sunday Basket 3.0. We also talked about decluttering obligations out of your Sunday Basket, and now we’re going to get into clearing all of the things you’ve been putting off time and time again. Creating Your "Brain Dump" List To help organize your time, I suggest making two lists. One for all the errands you need to get done and another for all the administrative tasks list. Or, you can combine the two. So over on the errand list, you might have things like buy the end of year teacher gift, post that parcel to your mother in law, and things like that. The administrative list will be home to tasks like changing your passwords, replying to emails, making phone calls, and so on. Make the biggest list you possibly can. Next, start crossing things off that you really don’t want or need to do. Then, grab a pencil (yes, we’re going old school for this one) and write down how long each task is going to take to complete. When you’ve got that done, add up all that time to figure out how long you’ll need to complete the entire list. If it’s going to take you five hours, you’ll need to set five hours aside during the week to get those things done. You might find that some things will take time and money that you just don’t have or want to invest in right now. That’s okay. Just cross it off your list. Now that you have your lists cut down, it’s time to prioritize the tasks on the list in order. That way, you know what’s the most important things that need to get done compared to the things at the bottom of the list that you can probably do later. You’ll end up with a concrete list or plan that you can follow on your admin or errand day. Give it a try! Go through your Sunday Basket, do a big brain dump, and make a list of everything you want to get done. Then, set an admin or errand day and work like a trooper to get everything on that list done. If you decide to have your own errand or administrative day, I’d love to hear how you got on! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips. Don’t forget to share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! Full the full post here:
5/17/2019 • 29 minutes, 6 seconds
279 - 3 Reasons Why You Can't Get Organized & What To Do About It
When our life gets unorganized, we tend to blame outside sources such as our spouse, our lack of money, not having enough time, and so on. But the truth is that your cluttered life (and home) has nothing to do with any of that. Those are just the things we like to think are holding us back. What’s really holding us back from living a more organized life is having a plan to achieve that life. If you’ve tried to get organized in the past and failed time and time again, you’re in the right place. Today's podcast is designed to help get you organized and decluttered once and for all. Before we dig into the good stuff, I need you to download this fun worksheet to follow along with the podcast. We have ALL been unorganized at some point in our lives... even me. Before I turned 40 back in 2012, I reached the most unorganized stage of my life. My home was so cluttered, it was tearing at the seams. My "epiphany" moment hit me on a random afternoon when I came home with a few bags of groceries and realized I had nowhere to put anything that I bought. The fridge was packed and some of the things in there were way past their expiration dates. The cupboards were the same. But the madness wasn’t confined to my kitchen. Oh no. The clutter rampage had spread throughout my entire home. Every drawer was a junk drawer. So, I sat down and made a list of every single space that needed to be organized and I spent the next 100 days organizing. I needed to regain control of my house and my life. It wasn’t easy, but I got there, and now I want to help you do the same. Sometimes life just gets moving too fast and we literally get run over. Unfortunately, it is not a matter of if this will happen, it is a matter of WHEN. And when it does, it takes a herculean effort to get back up and get organized again. Many of you ask me... "How do you know what I am thinking or what my house looks like?" Well, because we have all been there. I know you feel like no one has ever ended up with their house as disorganized as yours, but we ALL have. And after analyzing when and why this happens, I have actually determined that there are some key seasons in your life where almost everyone will feel like you do today... In the podcast today, I unpack... 1. What’s your why. 2. What season of life are you in. 3. Understanding the Cycle of Organization. And why we can get organized in one phase of life and everything seems to fall apart as you move from one phase to the next. Now is The Best Time to Get Organized :) Don't roll your eyes at me! You know you are itching to clean out the garage, wash everything in sight, and declutter! And you will... for a weekend. And then you will fall back into your daily routines and stop your organizational efforts. It is not you. It is totally normal! But do you want ordinary? Or are you ready for EXTRAORDINARY? Living an organized and productive life is extraordinary! The 100 Day Home Organization Program is your plan to move from an ordinary reactive life to an extraordinarily productive life. Sign up! We start on Monday! View the full post here:
5/10/2019 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 5 seconds
278 - Not "Normal" Parenting
I received an email the other day and it honestly had me in tears. It was from a listener of the podcast who reached out to thank me for being so open and honest about the struggles of motherhood in episode 261, "My Personal Seven-Year Transformation." She also talked about her own challenges that she faces on a daily basis as a mother of three boys, one of whom was born with a very rare, life-threatening disease. As you can imagine, she is not your everyday mother. What many of you find normal, she does not. You ARE The Mother That Your Children Need The subject line of this email read, “All I ever wanted to be was a mom.” When I first read that, I was immediately hooked. As many of you know if you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while, I shared the same dream when I was younger. I always wanted to be a mother and I knew I could relate to the sender almost immediately. We all have an idea of who we will be as a mother. But, more often than not, that vision never comes into view. I am keenly aware many of you have never been able to birth a child... like me. Which makes posts like these about parenting, or announcements about our Mother's Day coupons, hard to hear. It is also why the 100 Day Home Organization Program doesn't organize kids, it organizes YOU... any woman in any size dwelling. For me, when I found out I couldn’t get pregnant, I hit a roadblock and it almost floored me. But, I steered off that path and made a new path to motherhood. My own path. Adoption turned out to be my road to motherhood and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Motherhood Is Never What We Anticipate... Easy Or Hard Let me share a few lines from her email: “Our boys are not typical. Our oldest was born with a very rare disease and will most likely not make it to 18. Each time he gets a cold or any type of illness, it can cause brain damage. He has spent a good portion of his life in the hospital as we fight to give him the best chance he has.” As you can imagine, not many mothers prepare themselves for such a heart-breaking and difficult roadblock. How can you prepare for something like that? You can’t. It’s so easy to doubt your ability as a mother, but you ARE the mother your child needs you to be. Motherhood might not look or feel the way you thought it would. But it doesn’t matter. This is your story as a mother, and you are the mother that your children need. Parenting A Child With Additional Needs Whether your child has learning or physical disabilities, your role as a mother becomes so much harder when faced with more than the everyday parenting challenges. For me, the hardest part of mothering was stepping into and owning the mother my children needed me to be and not the mother that I thought I would be. If you are struggling with the weight of your mothering right now, listen to this week's podcast. Don't let society's expectation and what everyone else is doing change how you view your child, your relationship with your child, and what your child needs. You’ve got this and I'm right there behind you. Happy Early Mother's Day! Still looking for a gift for your mom or what to ask for yourself? We created Mother's Day coupons you and your family can use to give the perfect Organize 365 gift! View the full post here:
5/3/2019 • 30 minutes, 32 seconds
277 - Decluttering Jobs & Obligations
Do you ever feel like you’ve got too much on your plate? Sometimes, we can be so focused on making things more organized, efficient, and productive that we forget to pull the brakes. Do we really need to do all the jobs we’re doing? If you’ve been listening to the last few episodes of the podcast, you’ll notice that I’ve talked about shifting mindsets and changing habits a lot lately. We revealed how you can eliminate your to-do list, and what an organized life feels like. We also uncovered the Sunday Basket 3.0, which isn’t a new product, but a new way of tackling your Sunday Basket when you’re a seasoned pro. Now we’ve reached the fourth episode of this mini four-part series, where I talk about decluttering jobs and obligations. You know, the things that have loomed over our heads for weeks and we really don’t want to do. You might feel like you don’t have a good enough reason to get rid of them, which is why they’ve stuck around for so long. But, I’m here to help you kick the guilt monster out and shut the door on some of those jobs that you just don’t care about anymore. So, if you want to finally declutter those jobs and obligations that have gathered dust at the back of your mind, tune into this episode and find out how to: Take a step back and evaluate your current obligations Identify your unique vs. competent abilities Eliminate tasks from your calendar And the controversial one... How to break away from a direct sales company. I received a question about how to quit direct sales. It was a loaded question, but I could really relate to it because as many of you know, I used to work in direct sales. I loved it at the time. But I reached a point in my life and business where I knew I had to break away from direct sales. Even though you work for a direct sales company, it doesn’t mean you’re obligated to stay until you’re old and gray. You’re a unique person with a unique gift and ability. Don’t sell your soul to any company. You don’t know what’s going on behind closed doors. A company, no matter what size it is, will always put their best interests first. So, you should do the same and put yourself first, too. I talk about all this in more detail in the podcast, but what I will say is that if you think now is the time to leave your direct sales gig, or any job for that matter, you’re probably right. Ask yourself if you were asked to re-join the same company all over again, would you say yes? If not, it’s time to pack your bags and move on. It’s Okay To Say No It’s time to eliminate jobs and obligations from your calendar that you just don’t want to do anymore. Remember – it’s okay to say NO. No can be a complete sentence if you want and need it to be. If you decide to eliminate things from your calendar using any of my suggestions, I’d love to know how it went for you and how many things you managed to eliminate? Follow me on Instagram to follow our adventures at the Cincinnati Homeschool Convention this weekend! Registration for the next round of the 100 Day Home Organization Program is OPEN!! And.. we now have PAYMENT PLANS! I'd love for you to join us! View the full post here:
4/26/2019 • 43 minutes, 16 seconds
276 - Sunday Basket 3.0
A few weeks ago in my regular Facebook LIVE on Tuesday mornings for the women in the 100 Day Home Organization Program, I started to expound on and articulate how I have moved into a new level of using my Sunday Basket. The first thing you need to know about Sunday Basket 3.0 is that it is not a physical product. Lisa, what do you mean it’s not an actual product? You got me pumped up for nothing! Hold on! I say it’s not a physical product because it’s an evolution of the original Sunday Basket System you already have. If you’re not familiar with the Sunday Basket Club or the Sunday Basket System, let me explain real quick… A Mini Lesson On Sunday Baskets The Sunday Basket is a system for processing ongoing household projects and developing a weekly routine of collecting, processing, and maintaining it all in one place. You start with a basket. Well, it’s more of a box but kind of looks and operates like a basket, hence the name. You can buy the Complete Sunday Basket System for $97.00 and receive all the necessary workshop materials you need. This includes two sets of slash pockets called the 1.0 and 2.0 slash pockets. With the 1.0 slash pockets, you get red, orange, yellow, green, and blue slash pockets. Everything you put into these slash pockets are things that need to get done this week. So, any errands, events or bills, etc. that need to be completed this week will go inside the 1.0 slash pockets. The 2.0 slash pockets are monochromatic and include five pink, five blue, five green, and five purple slash pockets. With the 2.0 slash pockets, each color represents a category. So, purple is for anything household related, blue is for family members, green is for financial, and pink is for your own hopes, dreams, projects, and goals. When Sunday rolls around, you take everything out of the basket and sort through what you’ll do this Sunday and what can wait until next Sunday. Eliminating Things From Your Sunday Basket When your home is organized, you’ll generally have a lot less to do in terms of organizing. Another gift that leading a more organized life will give you is TIME. Time to do a puzzle in the evening, give the dog a second walk around the block, and time for yourself. But, when you have all this free time, many of you talk about feeling guilty. It’s like if you’re not doing something "proactive" and productive, you’re lazy or even selfish (which is crazy!). One rule of the Sunday Basket System is if it can wait until next Sunday, it must wait until next Sunday. But, what if something in the basket can always wait until next Sunday? Do you keep it moving onto the following week for months or even years? Well… you can if you want to. But if you want to get it out of the way, I suggest picking a time during the day or week to work on it and do it then. The more you live an organized life, the fewer things you’ll have in your Sunday Basket. If you become a seasoned pro like me, you might not even need all the slash pockets in the Sunday Basket anymore. But getting to that stage of eliminating things from your basket will take time. And, as each task is completed and each week you’re organizing more and more, you’ll receive an extra gift of time each week. So, what does all of this have to do with the Sunday Basket 3.0? The Sunday Basket 3.0 is about eliminating things out of your Sunday Basket that are no longer serving you or that you just don’t want to do anymore (or ever). Deciding What To Do With Your Free Time When you are in the process of eliminating your to-do list and moving to the Sunday Basket, you develop the habit of writing down every idea that you have in your head onto index cards. You’re also continuing to defer those things until the following Sunday when you can. This process helps you to make the decision if you're going to do it at all, and if so, when. For the most part though, you can knock out a lot of your index cards on Sunday. You may have to set time aside to do some of the things during the week and then anything that can be put off until later goes into your 2.0 slash pockets, which are for projects. If you’re in a stage similar to me where your kids are grown up and everything’s pretty much taken care of, you’ll have all this time you don’t know what to do with. Can you relate? If so, here’s a little challenge for you… Think back to when you were a teenager. What did you like doing? How did you spend your free time? I hope you can come up with something because let me tell you, I can’t. I always wanted to be a mom. I got a teaching degree because I knew it would help me when I did have kids. But, after I got married, we realized we couldn’t have kids. So, we adopted. My entire life has been about wanting kids and being a mom. And, I did it all. But now the kids are grown up and my "mommying" is kind of over. So, now what should I do with my free time? I have no idea. Well, that’s not totally true. I like doing puzzles. Yes, I’m like a retired old lady, but you know what? Those guys in the retirement homes are up to their eyeballs in puzzles. They have a library, and they get their dinner made for them each day. Plus, they’re surrounded by their friends, and they don’t even have to go outside if they don’t want to. To me (a.k.a someone that doesn’t like nature all that much), that sounds like a dream. So, yeah… I guess when “I grow up,” I want to be retired and doing all the puzzles in the world. The Sunday Basket 3.0 So, when you reach the stage where your house is organized, and you’ve entered the Sunday Basket 3.0 era, it’s okay to have projects in there that you have no intention of doing. Just get rid of them. You don’t have to stick to the same projects you wanted to do before you got organized. Heck, you don’t have to pick up the same projects you wanted to do yesterday! It’s OKAY. Just because you had a passion for something before, it doesn’t mean it has to be your passion for the rest of your life. Passions aren’t always forever. Sometimes, a passion hangs around for a season and then it transitions into something new. And, that’s okay! So, the next time you go through your Sunday Basket, and you sort through your 2.0 slash pockets, ask yourself if you still have the passion and desire to do that thing at all. If not, it’s time to say goodbye and move on! No guilt necessary! Are you in the Sunday Basket 3.0 stage yet? Let me know over on Instagram or Facebook and tell me, what are some of the things you like to do just for the fun of it? Any puzzle fans out there? View the full post here:
4/19/2019 • 20 minutes, 9 seconds
275 - What Living An Organized Life Feels Like
I talk about organizing a lot on the podcast (it’s called Organize 365 after all!). I’ve covered everything from discovering your why to the Psychology of the Sunday Basket and how to know Which Workbox is Right for You? But surprisingly, I’ve never addressed what living an organized life actually feels like... until now! In this episode, I reveal what an organized life really looks like. No unrealistic expectations. No idealistic dreams. None of that. Just an honest look behind the curtain of an everyday, organized life. Setting Realistic Expectations I’ll be honest with you. There was a rather delusional time in my life when I pictured a perfectly organized life to mirror Martha Stewart’s. You know, with everything neatly packed into pretty containers, angelic children floating around the house, and waking up to an adorable puppy licking my nose as he waits for his morning walk. Like I said, delusional. Once I started to declutter and really focus on living a more organized life, my previous expectations were, for lack of a better phrase, shot to hell. I realized that you’re never going to have everything you want just perfect. You can drive yourself crazy trying, but it’s like trying to reach the end of the rainbow. It’s never going to happen. The sooner you get rid of unrealistic expectations and focus on the achievable, the sooner you can start living not only a more organized life, but a happier one, too. In the podcast I explore... How an Organized Life Looks Different in Each Stage of Life How an Organized Life is Being "Company Ready" How Living an Organized Life is Having More TIME So, what does an organized life feel like? An organized life feels like all your basic needs are met and all of the things in your house are done. And then the real work of stepping up to who you were uniquely created to be takes center stage. THAT is what I want to see. WHO were YOU uniquely created to be and give to this world? It sounds so Oprah like, but it is for YOU, too. It is my greatest fulfillment in life to have found the time to create a curated program for you to get your home organized to free up your time so I can see what your unique gift is to the world. Thanks for letting me be a part of your journey! PS - If you are stuck in your organizing and are not sure why, I'd love for you to join me in my masterclass this month: 3 Reasons You Can't Get Organized And What To Do About It. View the full post here:
4/12/2019 • 20 minutes, 52 seconds
274 - STOP Trying To Finish The To-Do List
Last week, we talked about why it’s impossible to be behind when you’re organizing. We covered how organizing will always pay you in time and finished with a discussion about why you should aim for progress, not perfection. Shifting your mindset to focus on progress rather than perfection takes practice. We become so obsessed with ticking off every task on our to-do lists that we lose sight of the progress we’ve made. A few of you recently messaged me and asked me to talk about how you can change the way you structure and plan your time. It’s easy to let your to-do list control your time and how you spend it, which is only part of the reason why I think it is time to eliminate your to-do list. Yes, you read that right. Eliminate your to-do list. Don’t re-prioritize it. Don’t take tasks off and move them onto next week’s to-do list. I want you to take your to-do list, hold it up and set a flame to it (you know, hypothetically). You might not know this about me, but it’s been 18 months since I wrote out and completed my last to-do list. I just don’t need it anymore. If you want to join me over here in the (almost) stress-free zone with more free time than you know what to do with and no to-do lists to worry about, this is the podcast episode you’ve been waiting for! How I Got Rid of My To-Do List There was a time in my life when I lived for my to-do list. Or rather, I lived through my to-do list. I would list everything I needed to get done that day and, like most of you, ticked them off one by one as I completed each task. When a task was left unfinished, I carried it onto my to-do list for the next day. It helped me to get things done, most of the time. But I found myself constantly referring to my list throughout the day, so much so that it honestly felt like I couldn’t live without it. To go from that level of dedication to a to-do list to not having one at all is quite the turnaround, don’t you think? The funny thing is, I didn’t even realize I didn’t have a to-do list anymore until people started asking me for advice on what to do with theirs. As someone who had an answer for every question about organizing, I was stumped. Then, of course, I had the "a-ha!" moment when I suddenly realized I was living my life without a to-do list. And, you know what? The world didn’t stop spinning. I didn’t lose focus, and my productivity levels were better than ever. At some point over the last seven years, I went from being depressed, overweight and in debt to feeling much happier, thinner and debt-free. But it didn’t happen overnight. It took a lot of small steps, and one of those steps was ditching the to-do lists. I can't wait for you to email me and let me know that you too have ditched your to-do list! PS - Do you feel stuck in your organizing? Sign up for the April FREE Masterclass, 3 Reasons You Can't Get Organized & What to do about it Masterclass here. PPS - We just made our BIGGEST announcement of 2019... You can now buy the 100 Day Home Organization Program and ALL ACCESS with PAYMENT PLANS! View the full post here:
4/5/2019 • 30 minutes, 58 seconds
273 - It is IMPOSSIBLE To Be Behind When You Are Organizing
Do you ever feel like you’re behind in your organizing routine? Maybe you went on a sunny vacation and came back with a stack of mail to sort? Or, perhaps you skipped a few days in the 100 Day All Home Program? You might feel anxious, worried, or even a little guilty. But, here’s the truth… After you start, it’s physically impossible for you to be behind in organizing. Don’t believe me? Listen to this episode of the Organize 365 podcast to find out why your organizing journey is more like an endless escalator than a staircase with an infinitive first and last step. The Organizational Journey To put all of this into perspective, I want you to think about organizing in a similar way to how a baby learns to crawl, walk, and run. In the beginning, a baby will learn how to crawl on the floor. In organization land, this is basically you when you’re decluttering your house. Next, the baby might stand up and take a few steps while holding onto furniture for support. This is when you’ve reached out for help and taken the first steps in organizing (congratulations, by the way!). Maybe you signed up for the 100 Day All Home Program, or perhaps you hired a professional organizer to help you out. It’s all going well because you’ve got that extra support and encouragement. Eventually, the baby lets go of the coffee table and starts taking its first steps on its own. Granted, they’re wobbly steps, and the baby looks a little like a duckling with its bottom stuck out and arms flying everywhere. But, at least they’re finally walking unaided, right? Sure, they might fall a lot but they’re making progress, just like you. When you “go it alone,” you might stumble and even feel like giving up at times. But you’ll get there. Soon, you’ll organize all the main areas of your life so well that when you return to re-organize them the following year, it won’t take you half as long. As you go through your organizational journey, your skills, or "organizational muscles" as I like to call them, will continue to develop and grow. And, like the baby in this analogy, eventually you’ll start running. Organizing is Hard. Productivity is Fun! In Episode 251, I talked about the fact that decluttering is easy. Organizing is hard. And, productivity is fun! Once you’ve got the hang of things and you start building your organizational muscles, you’ll become so much more productive. Remember that organization is a learned skill. You can’t learn it overnight. When you first start decluttering like a mad woman, you’ll be left with things that you’re not sure if you want to keep or not. The things that you do want to keep will need to go into containers. At this stage of your organizing journey, you’ve swapped your declutter hat for a productive one instead. When you go through the 100 Day Home Organization Program for the first time, it can be a bit overwhelming. You’ll get a lot done in your first round. You’ll declutter the house, and by the time you’re done, you’ll think, well, that should do it for another five or 10 years! The truth is that you’ll never be done organizing! In fact, I’d go as far as saying that it’s not until the second or even third time through the 100 Day Home Organization Program that you start having those big "ah-ha!" moments. You’ll discover that organizing your kitchen for the second time with the program is so much easier and fluent than the first time. You’ll have productive formulas and routines in place for your paper. And, because your processes are more streamlined, you’ll be able to get a lot more done in that 100-day time frame. Snap Photos of your Progress When you’re in the middle of organizing everything, it’s tough for your mind to see the progress you’re making. So, grab your camera and snap a few before and after shots. Give yourself that instant gratification of seeing what things looked like before your inner organizing ninja got to work. You don’t need to show anybody the photos if you don’t want to. They can be there for you to look back at on those terrible days when you feel like you’re never going to be organized. Whenever you feel that way, you can look back at the photos and see how far you’ve come. You’ll know that you have made real progress, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. Be proud of yourself. You’ve decided to start living a more organized life. You’ve put the gears in motion, and you’re building organizational muscles. That is something to be proud of. On a side note… If you do decide to share your before and after photos, I’d love to see them on Instagram! Please remember to tag me @organize365! Organizing Pays You In Time In Episode 269, I talked about the time, money, motivation trifecta that’s necessary for change. Organization always gives you more time. It doesn’t pay in cash, but it does give you the time you need to balance other areas in your life. When you’ve got more time because you don’t need to spend hours organizing paper, you can put that time to better use. The 100 Day All Home Program is designed to give you the freedom to live your best life without worrying about organizing your home 24/7. It gives you the tools you need to make a lasting, incremental organizational change in your home throughout the seasons. Once you complete the program, you’ll find that the areas in your home where you spend most of your time are all better organized. But, when you’re in the heart of the action all the time, it’s easy to look around and think about all the areas lacking the standard of organized heaven that you were reaching for. But, if you take a closer look, you’ll realize that you’ve come a long way since taking those first baby steps. Your organizational muscles are growing. By the time you do the 100 Day Organization Program for the second or third time, you’ll find areas that you perhaps didn’t address the first time. And, you’ll realize that organizing comes a lot more naturally to you now. Don’t aim for perfection, aim for progress! Realize that reaching the perfect organized life takes time. It’s not instantaneous. But, even by taking that first baby step, you’re already ahead of the game. You’re one step closer to living a more organized life that gives you the time you need to live your best life.
3/29/2019 • 24 minutes, 5 seconds
272 - What Do You Do With Items That Don't Spark Joy?
Let’s be real. Not every item in your home will spark joy as soon as you see it or pick it up. And, it doesn’t have to. In this episode of the podcast, I explore what we should do with the items that don’t give us any real joy in our lives. But first, I’ve got a question for you… Have you ever read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo? It’s a great book that encourages readers to transform their homes into a clutter-free zone using the KonMari Method. As an organizing nut, I’ve read this book from cover to cover. Although I enjoyed it, I don’t think its paper organizing solutions work for American women. The KonMari Method challenges you to keep the things you really love and get rid of the rest. Literally. While this method might work for some, it doesn’t work for people like me who have a lot of stuff and no time to stop and think if an item sparks true joy. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for keeping items that have real meaning and decluttering the things that don’t have much of a purpose. But, what about paper? In her book, Marie’s key principle for sorting papers is to throw them all away (I know, I had to hold myself up after reading that, too). There’s no way we can get rid of ALL our paper. I can’t function as an American woman, business owner, homeowner, wife, and mother without paper. I just can’t. So, we’re going to dive into this further and figure out just how much paper we can get rid of and how much we can keep. Let’s jump in! Sorting Your Papers 85% of the papers you have in your house are shreddable. That leaves you with 15% that you’ve deemed important or necessary enough to keep. So, let’s take that 15% and start a complete paper organization overhaul, shall we? Unless you’re a passionate organizer like me, sorting your papers probably doesn’t fill you with feelings of joy and happiness. Instead of picking up a paper and asking yourself if it sparks joy, ask whether it is useful. If you don’t have any use for it, it’ll meet its grim fate in the shredder. If it does have use, it can be organized into binders. Should You “Go Paperless”? Is going 100% paperless a good idea? And, is it even possible? The short answer is no. Yes, you can go digital with lots of different things in your personal life and/or business. But, paper is never going to stop. It’ll always find a way to slip back into your life, whether that’s in the form of a letter, tax return documentation, or your kid’s art pieces! Although it seems like the world is taking everything digital, there will always be a place for paper. You can try to go digital. But sooner or later, you’ll need somewhere to organize your papers. Take a young couple as an example. Yes, they’re all into technology and the "Cloud." But, when they have their first child and he/she returns home from school with a backpack filled with drawings, they want to keep them all forever. Three kids down the line, they’ve got stacks of old drawings and no storage space for all the paper they’ve accumulated! If you’re in a similar situation, have a binder for each child. Then, choose 100 of your favorite drawings and keep those. You don’t need to keep every little thing your child creates. Sure, your kid might be the next Picasso, but how many pumpkin pictures does one family need? Save the ones that are the most useful. They’re the ones that make you feel good and are laced with happy memories. If you need help sorting your kid’s school papers and art, check out our Kid’s School Memory Binder. Organizing Your Reference Paper Actionable papers and reference papers have different usefulness, profitability, and portability, which means you’ve got to organize them differently, too. I recommend that every family have four specific binders: 1. Financial Binder 2. Medical Binder (for each family member) 3. Household Reference Binder 4. Household Operations Binder (Each of these binders is also available for International use. You can find the International versions over in our Shop.) All your reference papers can go into one of these binders, where you can access them easily and update as and when required. You can’t haul a filing cabinet around with you. But, with all your papers neatly organized in binders, you can literally just grab and go. Organizing Your Actionable Paper Actionable papers are things like bills, receipts, forms, and things that require some form of action. Reminders like changing air filters, giving your dog flea and tick medicine, and so on all come under this same category of "actionable paper." The problem with this type of paper is that it just gets everywhere. You’ll find them on your nightstand, on the kitchen table, and even tucked away in your car’s glove compartment. So, how can you organize all your actionable papers? The answer is with the Sunday Basket System. Keeping all your actionable to-do lists, bills, reminders, and so on inside your Sunday Basket gives you complete control over those papers and helps you develop a more organized way of thinking. Don’t Let Paper Control You! I honestly can’t imagine a world without paper. Technology is great, but there’s nothing like writing things down and having a physical copy of the things that are important to you. Remember that paper doesn’t have to control you, you control paper. If you’ve tried any of my suggestions for paper organization, I’d love to hear from you! Share your stories or snaps with me on Instagram and don’t forget to join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips! Tag me in your posts @organize365 or use the hashtag #organize365!
3/22/2019 • 25 minutes, 23 seconds
271 - Organization Decision Fatigue
Decision Fatigue Do you suffer from decision fatigue? When you’re bombarded with too many decisions, your brain works in overdrive. And, you end up mentally and physically exhausted. So many of you have asked me to talk about this issue on the podcast, so…here it is! But, before you jump into this episode, it’s worth checking out the Time, Money, Motivation podcast (ep.269). The trifecta I talk about in that episode will help change your mindset. When you learn to look at things differently, you’ll have the willpower to make real transformational change. To help you out, we offer a FREE week trial of the 100 Day Home Organization Program. It won’t work miracles. But, it will bring you leaps and bounds closer to living a stress-free and more organized life (minus decision fatigue!). The truth is that you don’t need to run a marathon or get a PhD to experience a transformation. You can achieve a very BIG change from a very tiny shift to your mindset and daily habits….and, I’m going to show you how! What is Decision Making Fatigue? When you’re lost in decision fatigue, you usually lack time, money or motivation (or all three). When you wake up in the morning and go about your day, you’ll have X amount of decisions to make. Your decision-making ability only goes so far. If you’re faced with decision after decision, you’ll burn-out. That’s what decision fatigue is. A nasty little thing, isn’t it? How can you beat decision fatigue? Want to know how you can kick decision fatigue’s hypothetical butt? Grab a hammer, lift your little decision fatigue monster up by the scruff of its neck and…. ah, I’m just messing with you! To overcome decision-making fatigue, you’ve got to create rules and habits. Habits take up to 100 days to form and cross the barrier from something you do now and then, to something you do ALL the time. My entire life is an outpouring of habit stacking. You wouldn’t believe the number of habits I’ve accumulated over the years. But, I wouldn’t have it any other way because they’ve helped me live a super productive life. And, supplied me with lots of energy. However, habits take a long time to cultivate and develop. I’d be lying if I said it's easy. It’s not. My advice is to start small. Create no more than three habits per year and make them stick. Next up, you need to have rules. Rules are instantaneous, and they can adapt. The $50 Decision-Making Challenge Everyone has a decision-making limit. An infinitive decision-making capability isn’t a thing. You only get a limited amount of decisions each day. You’ve got to decide whether the decisions you’re making every day are worth your time. Is stopping to decide what shoes to wear to the gym worth sacrificing a decision slot? Probably not. So, here’s my challenge for you…. When you go through your week, imagine that every decision you make costs $50. Deciding what to eat for lunch? $50. But, if you’ve already got your lunch prepared and you know what you’re having, you can put that $50 back in your pocket. If you start looking at each decision as having the same worth, you’ll build your organizational muscles as you begin to see which choices are worth it and which ones are not. Thinking about the where, why & what The reward of organization is time. When you’re organized, you get to decide how you use your time. The fewer decisions you make, the higher quality decisions you can make. To beat decision fatigue, you’ve got to consider the where, why and what. Where? Where does an item go when you don’t want it? Will it go in the trash or to goodwill? When thinking about the where, make a decision for each physical item that you no longer want or need in your home. It could be as simple as picking up an item and asking yourself if you want to keep it. If you do, put it where it needs to go. If you don’t, ask yourself if it’s trash. If it is, it goes in the trashcan. If not, it goes to goodwill. The same can be said for shredding. If you’re faced with a stack of paper that needs shredding, you’ve got to decide where and when you’ll shred it. Don’t bombard yourself with questions. Keep it simple. Will you shred it, or will you hire someone else to do it? When will you shred it? The goal is to try to make your decision tree as small as possible. You can do this by creating rules that help reduce the amount of decisions you need to make before reaching an outcome. Why? Next, think about your ‘why.’ Why are you making all these decisions? Pick up your nearest item. Mine happens to be a cup. So, if you were me, you’d ask yourself whether you want to keep this cup. If not, decide if it has any value. If it does, it’s good enough for goodwill. If not, (maybe it’s got a chip or crack) then toss it in the trash. During this thought process, you’ll have an entire conversation in your head about why you will or will not keep the item in your hand. But you’ve got to be ruthless. Quiet the chatter in your mind, take control of your decisions, and move on! The Sunday Basket is the physical way of learning how to detach your self-worth from what your brain is going on and on about. What? Decision fatigue is partly about what you’re going to do with the object you don't want. But, perhaps even more than that, it’s about what you’re going to do about all the thoughts that you have about the object that you don't want anymore. Don’t let your brain get in the way. That little inside voice you’ve got chatting your ear off 24/7 needs to be silenced. Get in the habit of making tactical decisions. Create rules that you feel good about. If you feel good donating to goodwill, make that a rule. The key takeaway I want you to go away with is to make your decision of where, turn off your brain about the why, and then you'll have more time and focus for the what! That’s how you’re going to overcome decision fatigue. View the full post here:
3/15/2019 • 43 minutes, 51 seconds
269 - “Time, Money, Motivation:” The Trifecta Necessary for Change
I don’t have enough money to … If I have more time I would … I’m just not motivated. These are the top 3 things holding you back from the change you crave and I finally figured out how they are RELATED! Did you know what the most common New Year’s Resolutions are? To get fit/lose weight Pay off debt/get money in order Get organized Did you also know that when you start on one of these goals, the others fall in line, too? It takes time, but it will happen. I promise. And by time I mean … years. I was an EXTREMELY productive child, working 40 hours a week babysitting because I could easily sell the moms I worked for into hiring me for more time if I told them I was available. (Suckers!) ;) Time, Money and Motivation all go hand-in-hand. TIME Organization always gives you more TIME. ALWAYS. If you decide to be a minimalist, you are, hands down, going to have more time. Part of organization is decluttering. But decluttering involves more that just your physical objects. You will declutter items from your calendar, out of your email inbox, organize your paper, and occasionally declutter past relationships that are no longer mutually beneficial. Personally, I started my journey in the “getting organized” category. It took me about 18 months. Organizing is proactively choosing how you are going to use your time. If you are a reactionary, others choose how you spend your time. Productivity is the outpouring of living an organized life. MONEY Your money is your resource. Money comes from constraining yourself so that you can budget yourself and get out of that resource what you want. No one has unlimited money. NO ONE. Money is a constraint that makes you CHOOSE what you invest in. My money journey has been life long and it was not until about 2 years ago that Greg and I finally got consumer debt free. And then we slipped. We are still working on this area together. MOTIVATION Your energy and your motivation come from your health and wellness. With a great set of genes and not too much vanity, I haven’t minded a “few” extra pounds and unhealthy food choices. Recently, I have started prioritizing my future health by being more responsible now. I could never have the time and money to focus on this in the past. Listen in as I deep dive into my 7 year journey of health and wellness, from fast food and fountain cokes to salads and zone bars. I haven’t “arrived,” but I HAVE improved. Habits change slowly, consistently, over time as you will see from my health and wellness story. Listen to the podcast to hear the 3 steps I took in each area to make improvements. It has been a 7 year journey from drowning in reactionary mode to the thriving productive woman you see today. And I wouldn’t change any of it! As I said last week, making major changes, one step at a time, is hard. And I can see in our FREE Facebook group Organize 365 and on Instagram, when people share their photos of the inner struggles they are facing as they make progress in their organizational journey and I honestly cheer OUT LOUD to see the progress and I think to myself, look how far they have come! :) Organize 365 is here to support you on your organizational journey. What is your number one priority in the new year? I’d love to hear it. I’m cheering for you! The Self Coaching School - Brooke Castillo episodes mentioned in this podcast (32, 71, 76, 77, 85, 104, 105, 129, 243) If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365!
3/1/2019 • 54 minutes, 15 seconds
267 - Warrior Mamas with Monique Horb
In this episode, Lisa invites Monique Horb back onto the podcast. Monique is a Sunday Basket Certified Workshop Organizer and runs her own professional organizing business, Organizing Your Chaos. In today’s episode, Lisa and Monique tackle the nuanced and difficult conversations surrounding parenting children with special needs. Speaking from experience, both moms discuss the challenges and joys of parenting their unique kids and the documentation needed to do it well. Organize 365 introduces the Warrior Mama Binder, a workbook and documentation powerhouse designed for moms by moms of children with unique learning needs. Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! If you’re ready to use my strategies to finally take back your home, jump right in to the 100 Day Home Organization Challenge. You can try a week free to see if it’s right for you! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
2/15/2019 • 56 minutes, 2 seconds
266 - Workshops, Sunday Basket Club & Retreats
The past year in the life of the Sunday Basket has been a whirlwind! I wanted to pause and clarify the differences between the Sunday Basket Workshops, the Sunday Basket Club and the Paper Organizing Retreats. Why do we need a Sunday Basket anyway?! What do you do with your mail when it comes in your door? What about the ideas that flood your head while you’re driving your kids to school? How about prescriptions, coupons, “to do lists”? I promise you are spending more time managing these things than you think. The Sunday Basket System is the answer to eliminating that to do list and freeing your mind from constantly trying to keep up with the hamster wheel of ideas that flood it daily. If you haven’t started your Sunday Basket yet, you can purchase the Complete Sunday Basket System here. The purchase of the Complete Sunday Basket comes with a virtual “on demand” training you can access on Organize 365 in your dashboard. I just updated those training videos last week. Additionally you can listen to the Sunday Basket podcast here to learn more about the Sunday Basket and follow along as you set yours up. Where did the IN PERSON workshops come from? The Sunday Basket Workshop was designed after my passion for Creative Memories workshops, where women would come from all over Cincinnati (and in my backyard) to laugh, drink wine or lattes, listen to 80s music and put photos into albums on the last Friday of the month in my home. It is my vision that we will have Certified Sunday Basket Workshop Organizers in every major city in America teaching and helping women organize their paper and be freed from the guilt and burden that piles of unorganized paper brings. If you are looking for a Sunday Basket Workshop Organizer in your city or town to help you get organized, please check out our Certified Organizer Directory! How about the Sunday Basket Club? Because the Sunday Basket became so popular, and because I love community so much, when the demand came to have a “Sunday Basket Club” on Sundays where I would go through your Sunday Basket with you, I wanted to say yes, but I was overwhelmed with the prospect of having to teach that EVERY SUNDAY. However, two of our all star Sunday Basket Workshop Organizers volunteered to run it … so I said yes! The Sunday Basket Club has a 90 minute Facebook Live time where you can go through your Sunday Basket with Monique Horb and Ryan Lanier EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY. The Sunday Basket Club is a virtual weekly workshop kind of like “co working” as you go through your Sunday Basket. But it is more than just your Sunday Basket papers. Everyone in the Club also has the basic 4 binders I use to ditch their filing cabinet. To gain access to the Sunday Basket Club, you can sign up for the Complete Paper Program or All Access. You can learn more about and/or purchase the Complete Paper Program here. You can learn more about and/or purchase All Access here. Last but not least, Paper Organizing Retreats. Lastly, let’s come full circle. The Sunday Basket Workshops started because of the good ol’ Creative Memories days. And even though you can learn about the Sunday Basket System and Workshops from our Certified Organizers, or participate virtually by buying it on demand from Organize 365, and you can go through your Sunday Basket weekly in the Sunday Basket Club; like I said, I like community. And I LOVED hosting Creative Memories workshops and my famous “Winter Wonderland Retreat”. So naturally, Paper Organizing Retreats were born and I am LOVING hosting them and so excited about all the progress I have seen women make in this weekend away to really focus on and tackle those paper organizing projects. So join me, my team and our Certified Organizers at an upcoming Paper Organizing Retreat in April! You can learn more and/or register here! We would LOVE to help you get your paper organized and most importantly, give you a BIG HUG! PS Have you thought about becoming a Sunday Basket Workshop Organizer? The program is OPEN! But only until February 10th! Hop on over to to learn more and/or sign up! We would love to have you on the team. :) If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! View the complete post here.
2/8/2019 • 24 minutes, 49 seconds
264 - UPDATE: A Year to Get Organized - Molly
In this episode, we get an update on Molly, who you first heard about in Episode 239. As an almost-40 mother of three, Molly was living in a state of overwhelm. She found Organize 365, and her whole life transformed. This is the second six months of that transformation. Lisa walks us through Molly’s year not as a perfect model to measure ourselves against, but to reassure us that an imperfect path to organization still leads to organization. Resources from Molly’s journey: The 100 Day Home Organization Program Paper Organizing Retreats The Sunday Basket Friday Workboxes Embrace: You are Enough National Conference Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! If you’re ready to use my strategies to finally take back your home, jump right in to the 100 Day Home Organization Challenge. You can try a week free to see if it’s right for you! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
1/25/2019 • 27 minutes, 3 seconds
239 - A Year To Get Organized - Molly
Come peek at a year in the life of Molly, a woman who has decided that she has had enough; it’s time to take back her life. In order to do so, she needs to get organized, and that means organizing her paper, organizing her house, and becoming more productive. She wants to free herself from the everyday responsibilities that she thought were solely hers to open herself up to her unique talent. Lisa walks us through the first two rounds of the 100 Day Home Organization Program that is part of All Access, as well as a few of the bonuses offered with the program. If you’ve ever wondered what these systems are and how they can transform your home, listen in! Check out the new web site (and the All Access Program)! Binge the top 7 podcasts Lisa recommends to start. Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook Group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365!
1/25/2019 • 48 minutes, 53 seconds
263 - From Piles to Productivity with Virginia Deane
In this episode, Lisa chats with Virginia Deane, the daughter of Holly Knill, and a productivity expert in her own right. Lisa and Virginia examine the way that the Friday Workboxes, specifically the Corporate Workbox, can help a team of individuals cut through the paper piles, skyrocket their productivity, and truly enjoy their jobs. Interested? Grab your spot at one of our free Master Classes and start tackling your scattered to do lists. That Boot Camp Virginia mentions in the episode? It’s now the Grow Your Business Focus Day at our Paper Organizing Retreat! Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! Are you interested in joining us for one of our live events? View the upcoming events and come make progress (not perfection) on your organizational goals! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! If you’re ready to use my strategies to finally take back your home, jump right in to the 100 Day Home Organization Challenge. You can try a week free to see if it’s right for you!
1/18/2019 • 1 hour, 51 seconds
261 - My Personal 7 Year Transformation
If you’ve ever wondered how Lisa finds “balance,” how she manages to grow a six-figure business while managing her home, you’ll want to listen to this episode. In a heaping dose of vulnerability, Lisa shares how she has transformed over the past seven years professionally and personally after enduring a dark valley in 2012. This episode is all about grace, and is a triumphant story about following a dream while still being Mom. Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Join us for the Embrace: You Are Enough Conference this summer and start (or continue) your own personal transformation. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! Are you ready to make this YOUR YEAR? Sign up for a FREE Masterclass to learn more about the 100 Day Home Organization Program here! If you’re ready to use my strategies to finally take back your home, jump right in to the 100 Day Home Organization Challenge. You can try a week free to see if it’s right for you!
1/4/2019 • 58 minutes, 10 seconds
260 - 2018 Blessings
This episode does not follow the usual format you may be used to. In this episode, the words aren’t Lisa’s; they’re yours! Lisa is combing through stories, anecdotes, and testimonials from the Organize 365 audience. She is celebrating big wins and little victories alike, and finding that we’re all in this together. Many of these come from the Organize 365 Facebook group--if you’re not a member of the group, join us! The Out with the Old Decluttering Challenge begins on December 26th. There’s still time to join! Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! If you’re ready to use my strategies to finally take back your home, jump right in to the 100 Day Home Organization Challenge. You can try a week free to see if it’s right for you! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
12/21/2018 • 38 minutes, 38 seconds
259 - Truth for Teachers with Angela Watson
In the last episode of this interview series, Lisa sits down with Angela Watson of The Cornerstone for Teachers and Truth for Teachers Podcast. Angela is a veteran elementary school teacher turned instructional coach who helps overwhelmed teachers prioritize their obligations and reduce their working hours without reducing their impact. Follow Angela’s blog, learn more about her online course, and subscribe to her podcast, where Lisa will be a guest in early 2019. In addition to Angela’s strategies, the Organize 365 Teacher Friday Workbox and Homeschool Friday Workbox are great tools to use if you are an educator. Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! This year, celebrate Boxing Day with the Out with the Old Decluttering Challenge! Tackle your home room by room in this free blitz starting December 26th. If you’re ready to use my strategies to finally take back your home, jump right in to the 100 Day Home Organization Challenge. You can try a week free to see if it’s right for you!
12/14/2018 • 52 minutes, 47 seconds
258 - The Psychology of the Sunday Basket
In the next installment of our interview series, Lisa sits down with Holly Knill, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in Maryland, to discuss the science behind why The Sunday Basket™ works for just about anyone. Based on actual brain science and universal human nature, Holly explains the five ways that The Sunday Basket™, both the routine and the physical tool, are helpful in changing habits to lead a more proactive life. Lisa’s depression story can be found in Episode 69, and more information about the work that Holly does can be found at The Expanding Heart Center. You can learn more about The Sunday Basket here, and you can purchase the complete Sunday Basket Workshop or just the box in our shop. The entire Sunday Basket system also comes as a part of The Complete Paper Organization Program. Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
12/7/2018 • 59 minutes, 36 seconds
257 - Time to Parent with Julie Morgenstern
In this episode, Lisa chats with Julie Morgenstern, a force in the field of personal and home organization. Between her books, including Organizing from the Inside Out and Time to Parent, to her informative podcast, Julie has positioned herself as an expert on the effects of true organization on the entire family. You’ll hear familiar refrains, like “it’s not about the containers!” and “You don’t have to throw everything out!” You’ll get practical tips for organizing a family. You’ll leave with an understanding about the one thing every woman needs in her life. Enjoy this insightful episode! Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! Try the 100 Day Home Organization Program for free, and see if it’s right for you! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
11/30/2018 • 36 minutes, 19 seconds
254 - Finding More Planning Time
In this episode, Lisa chats about those coveted pockets of time she finds throughout the day. So often, we set aside time to do a task, only to spend the first half (or more!) thinking about what approach we should take. Since our brains are always with us, Lisa shows us how to use humble office supplies to skyrocket your productivity. You may not be able to create time, but you can take full advantage of the time you do have, using the tips in this episode. Grab your index cards! Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. This episode, on linen closets, is mentioned in the episode. You can tackle your linen closet, and all of the other spaces in your home, using the 100 Day Home Organization Program (now offering one week free!). Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
11/9/2018 • 30 minutes, 47 seconds
253 - 60 is the new 40
Are you ready for a rebirth? In this episode, Lisa explains her new perspective on generations and how when we were born affects how we use our home. Since we are living longer, we have “extra” time to live a vibrant life and use our gifts. What’s holding us back? Our homes. What can we do about that? And what will Lisa do with her extra years? It’s all in this episode. Both Generations and The Mindset of Organization are available on Amazon. Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
11/2/2018 • 30 minutes, 42 seconds
252 - Endurance Means Not Stopping
How do I get so much done? Find out in this episode as I talk about what endurance means to me and how I manage to live a productive live without a running to do list. But basically? Endurance means not stopping. Doing one more (small) thing after you complete a task is like getting a two-for-one bonus. Once you get rolling in your organizing, it’s so much easier to keep going. Starting is the hard part, and you’re already doing that! Just keep going! Sign up here for the FREE sneak peek of the 100 Day Home Organization Program. Like it? Join the entire program or dive into All Access. The 2018 Holiday Blitz starts on November 12th and ends with a free webinar on the best way to organize your holidays. You won’t want to miss that webinar, because in it I’ll be releasing a super secret Black Friday special! Want these show notes delivered to your inbox? Sign up for my newsletter and get everything from the podcast episodes, plus a few extra bonuses! Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365!
10/26/2018 • 30 minutes, 2 seconds
251 - Decluttering is Easy. Organizing is Hard. Decorating is Fun.
In this episode, Lisa is talking about why, when taking control over your home and paper, the organization stage feels like the hardest. It’s why the cute container systems don’t work, why we don’t see true organization in photos on Pinterest, and why we need to go through the 100 Day Home Organization Program three times a year. In her simple, logical way, Lisa breaks down the common reasons why organization feels difficult and what we can do to overcome that hurdle. Turn your memories into tangible treasures at Once Upon a Time. Learn more about the Paper Organizing Retreats in Cincinnati, and all our other upcoming events, here. Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
10/19/2018 • 36 minutes, 47 seconds
249 - Manifesting Your Organization
In this episode, Lisa discusses how your mindset and visualization of your goals can actually help you achieve them. By righting your mind and fulling believing in that progress, your goals are dust. By using how Organize 365 has changed in one calendar year, Lisa talks about putting your energy in the right places in order to visualize and realize your goals. Full disclosure: She gets a little woo woo! Hang in until the end--you’ll be glad you did! Bummed you missed the fall Paper Organizing Retreat? No worries! One is coming up in January--you can sign up now! The Medical, Financial, Household Reference, and Household Operations Binders are available in our shop. Workboxes for professional organizers, those in corporate jobs, teachers, homeschoolers, entrepreneurs, and direct sellers are also now available! Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
10/5/2018 • 39 minutes, 37 seconds
248 - My "Yearly" Deep Dive
In this episode, Lisa describes the seasonal energies throughout the year and how to take advantage of these high and low tides. She’s structured the 100 Day Home Organization Program around this concept, and is carving out space during the fall to dig deep into how she’s spending her time. The Deep Dive calls for each task and responsibility to defend itself and its place on the to do list. Instead of asking, “Can this wait until next Sunday?” she is asking, “Can this wait until January? For more details on how to do a Sunday Basket deep dive, you won’t want to miss this episode of The Sunday Basket Podcast. Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
9/28/2018 • 20 minutes, 17 seconds
246 - Maximizing Your Time: Dividing Your Week in Half
In this episode, Lisa opens up about why she feels that women have so many responsibilities in the home, and how she’s tackling them by thinking about her week differently. We are used to thinking of the week as Monday morning through Friday afternoon, and the weekend as Friday night through Sunday night. But what if the balance shifted, and our week was divided in true halves between our “work” life and “home” life? Would that create the sense of work-life balance we all seem to be craving? Visit Laura Vanderkam’s website and check out her interview with Lisa to learn all about reframing the way you think about time. To get Lisa’s Productive Home CEO Planner, join the 100 Day Home Organization Program or get everything with All Access. Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
9/14/2018 • 44 minutes, 39 seconds
245 - The First Paper Organizing Retreat
Episode 245 is the audio of a Facebook Live, where Lisa chats about all the fun and productive things we’ll be doing, and the delicious food we’ll be eating, at our very first Paper Organizing Retreat. Many people are able to organize their home and paper using our Complete Paper Organizing system or the 100 Day Home Organization Program (now available as an All Access bundle), but many of us thrive on community. The Organize 365 Paper Organizing Retreats will give you just that! In this episode, Lisa goes over the weekend’s agenda and answers frequently asked questions about the event. If you’re missing this one but want to join us for the next Paper Organizing Retreat, check out the live events page to get upcoming dates. We are proud to have Shred-it, the world leader in information security, sponsor our very first Paper Organizing Retreat. Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
9/7/2018 • 25 minutes, 4 seconds
244 - Organizing with a Chronic Illness - The Spoon Theory
Christine Miserandino’s Spoon Theory pivots around the fact that some people, especially those with chronic illnesses, start with less energy than others. In this episode, Lisa breaks down this theory and how it applies to home organization. Lisa shares actionable steps for anyone to make progress in their homes--because having a chronic illness does not mean you can’t live an organized, productive life. My two books, How ADHD Affects Home Organization and The Mindset of Organization address aspects of this issue as well. You can also listen to this episode of the Organize 365 podcast to hear my experience with ADHD. If you’d like to hire a professional organizer, in-person or virtually, find the list of Certified Organizers here. Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
8/31/2018 • 34 minutes, 27 seconds
243 - How to Get Organized Faster
We tell ourselves all kinds of reasons why we can’t get organized. Some of them are legitimate, others others are thinly veiled iterations of “It’s hard” or “I don’t want to.” In this episode, Lisa strips down two of the most common legitimate excuses--chronic illness and young children--and uncovers a new way to tackle the 100 Day Home Organization program that doesn’t involve small bits each day. If you’ve got one of these barriers, or if you’re just a project-oriented person, you’ll want to listen to this episode to find out how to modify the program to fit your needs. Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
8/24/2018 • 48 minutes, 19 seconds
242 - Golden Windows
In this episode, Lisa outlines what she calls “Golden Windows” of opportunity, life phases that bring with them circumstances that are prime for organization. Some Golden Windows happen just once in a lifetime, others happen several times a year. When these Golden Windows come along (or better yet, more than one at a time), we can capitalize on them and target that energy toward resetting and reorganizing our home. The directory of Organize 365™ Certified Professional Organizers can be found here. Listen to the podcast about Lisa's three new years for details on how she divides her calendar year, and learn about the 100 Day Home Organization Program and All Access, both of which follow those new years. Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
8/17/2018 • 47 minutes, 15 seconds
241 - Using Your Planner for Productivity
When we use our planner as our datebook, we may have an idea of the times of our appointments and commitments, but we don’t align our weekly focus with the goals we actually want to accomplish in our lives. In this episode, Lisa explains her purposeful decision to not do laundry, and the deeper reason why she chooses intentionality over obligation. Lisa shares the problem with the readily available planners in today’s market, and why the Home CEO Planner is different. If you are looking for permission to let go of the guilt and start intentionally focusing your time toward the things that matter to you, this episode will speak to you. Listen to Podcast 134 to get the full details on how Lisa divides the year into three planning seasons. If you want to get your hands on your own Home CEO Planner, join the 100 Day Home Organization Program. Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
8/10/2018 • 58 minutes, 48 seconds
240 - A Year With Organize 365 - Dawn's Story
Grab the tissues! This episode was recorded live at the Organize 365 RISE: You Are Enough National Convention, held in June 2018. Lisa interviewed Dawn Carlson, a wife, mother of four, business owner, and new Certified Sunday Basket Workshop Organizer. In this interview, Dawn shares her story of transformation from depressed, struggling, frazzled woman to a confident, productive CEO with Organize 365. Using the 100 Day Home Organization Program and virtual organizing, Dawn took back her home and freed herself to do what she is uniquely created to do. Dawn gives us a glimpse of the real-life ups and downs of home organization, and brings us the inspiring message that YOU can do it. Dawn is a member of our All Access, a program designed to help you transform your home in one year. Interested in a live event with Organize 365? Check out the upcoming events! Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook Group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program!
8/3/2018 • 46 minutes, 46 seconds
238 - Starting Your Professional Organization Business
In this episode, Lisa talks us through the story of Angela, a wannabe professional organizer who finds encouragement and motivation through Organize 365. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a profitable, confident, productive professional organizer, this episode is for you. Organize 365 has launched programs to help you START your business, MARKET your business, and GROW your business. With the Sunday Basket Certified Workshop Organizer program, Angela transforms her business from a small hobby business to a money-making profession she loves. Snag that free checklist here! Want more information on launching your professional organization business? The Professional Organizer’s Think Tank is for you. Want more information on adding the Sunday Basket Certification to your current business? We’d love for you to join us in the Certification Program! Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode. Like the show? Leave a review! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram and join the Facebook group for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365 or using #organize365!
7/20/2018 • 40 minutes, 9 seconds
237 - Toys, Collections & Sharing Bedrooms
We’ve reached the final episode of the Kid’s Organization Series. I hope you’ve all enjoyed this mini-series so far and found the advice useful when it comes to organizing your bedroom – or mini apartment as I like to call them! In previous episodes, I’ve talked about organizing your clothes, closets, and rearranging the furniture in your bedroom. But now I want to talk about organizing your toys, collections, and how to save space if you’re sharing a bedroom with someone else. Eliminate Your Nightstand If you share a bedroom with a sibling or a friend at college, every space counts. With two beds in the room, it’s unlikely you’ll have a lot of space to work with unless you’re lucky and have a massive room for you both. If you’ve been keeping up with the podcast, you’ll know that my son is preparing for college and we’ve been shopping for his new apartment. During one of my many Walmart visits, I came across storage headboards. Well actually, there were more like mini bookcases with shelving suitable for things like an alarm clock, picture frames, ornaments, books, and other small items. A storage headboard eliminates your need for a nightstand, giving you more floor space to work with. If you want to have a lamp near your bed, you can use a clip-on dorm lamp that can clamp onto your headboard. They are adjustable and you can angle it so that you can read at night without shining a stream of light in your roommate’s face – phew! Cube Units For Bunk Beds If you have bunk beds in your room, a storage headboard is probably out of the question. But don’t worry, I’ve got the perfect solution! IKEA are the masters of storage units! Their KALLAX shelving units are my favorite. They are available in a range of different sizes, but if you’re looking for the perfect bookshelf for bunk beds, I suggest going for the 1 x 5 unit. It takes up very little space and you can easily attach it to the wall with a standard L bracket. You’ll need to think about functionality over appearance. Most people will immediately assume that the unit should be facing outwards, but this isn’t how I do it. I recommend connecting the unit to the wall sideways so that the kids can reach into the shelves from their beds. Reducing The Bedroom Clutter If you share a room, you MUST reduce the number of collections and toys that you keep because there just isn’t enough room to spare. If your family has additional storage space or a family bookshelf, etc., then you might be able to keep some of your possessions there if you don’t want to donate or throw them out. Cube units are easier to work with for organizing your bedroom because they’re functional, long-lasting, and you can easily separate them if you like. A 2 x 8 unit, for example, can be stacked on top of each other with your TV on top. My daughter took a slightly different approach to her shelving units and, instead of putting a TV on top of her 2 x 8 unit, she put her hamster cage on top of it. It’s not a regular hamster cage either – it’s a hamster mansion! Organizing Books Is it just me or is every home overflowing with books? I was a preschool teacher and when my kids were young, we literally had EVERY picture book ever published. The house was covered in them until I finally decided to do something about it. My kids were never big readers. They preferred to play with toys rather than sit and read for hours. So, I took all the picture books and stored them in the loft. I then put their toys in their bedrooms and they were so much happier. If you’ve got a lot of books, you should think about donating some of them or moving them to where everyone else in the family keeps their books. I suggest assigning one of your cubes in your shelving unit for books – and that’s it! Organizing Your Toys & Collections Everyone has a passion project. Your passion project is the type of toys that you’re currently into. Whether it’s PS4 games, Monster High Dolls or Lego, your passion project will probably take up at least four of the cubes in your unit. Toys are different from collections because toys are the things that you play with while collections are more personal and private. Your collection is special because it has a memory connected to it and, even though the rest of the family sees it as junk, you don’t see it that way. There’s just one thing to remember – your entire collection HAS to fit into one cube. You can store them in a bin, but once that container fills up – it’s time to go through it! You should spread everything out on the floor and go through it piece by piece. Prioritize your collections and only keep the items that you still love. Everything else should be donated or thrown out because they’re just taking up space that you don’t have. Find A Display Area For Your Collections Once you’ve gone through the bin, you need to find a flat surface in your room where you can display your favorite pieces from your collections. I suggest putting them on a ledge or “floating shelf” that you can hang up on the wall with a nail or L bracket. This type of shelf comes in a range of sizes and is relatively inexpensive. You can find them anywhere, including IKEA, Target, and even Walmart. You can attach it to your wall and use it as a collection shelf. If you share a room with a sibling, get two shelves for your collections and stack them on top of each other. I hope you enjoyed this special Kid’s Organization Series as much as I enjoyed making it! I’ve organized plenty of kid’s rooms in the past. It’s one of my favorite things to do because each child is different and their bedrooms reflect their personalities – I think that's fantastic! If you tried any of my suggestions, I’d love to see them! Follow me on Instagram for more great organizing tips, then share your photos with me by tagging me @organize365! View the complete post here:
7/13/2018 • 34 minutes, 37 seconds
236 - Kids Closet Clean Out
We’re continuing our Kids Organization Series and following up last week’s topic of redesigning your bedroom with an episode all about cleaning out your closets and organizing your clothes – it’s exciting stuff, I know. But don’t worry, a closet clean out doesn’t take as long as you might think. As you continue to improve your organizing skills and return to a space you’ve previously organized, the process becomes much easier and quicker. If you haven’t listened to my previous podcasts offering clothing organization tips, you can go back through podcast episodes 103 to 107 to listen. Have you caught up? Great! Let's get stuck into organizing your closet! Donating Unwanted Clothes Donations should happen on a regular basis. In fact, I would go as far as saying it should be a part of your everyday life. I go through my closet and reorganize the clothes quite often. So when I began going through everything recently, I didn’t have much to do. There weren’t many clothes that I needed to donate, but that wasn’t the case when it came to organizing my kid's closets. I’ve always taught my kids the value of donating to those in need. When they were really young, like around six or seven years old, we would reorganize their room together and they would give me the things that they wanted to donate. Now that they’re much older, they take the things they want to donate and put it in the donation area. So when it came to organizing their closets, a lot of the clothes were set aside to donate. This is not only a great way to get rid of all the clothes you don’t want anymore, but it also frees up closet space and gives those clothes to someone in need. Organizing Hangers When I told my kids I was going to help them clean their closets, they were pretty excited about it. I started in my son’s room first, and if there’s one thing you need to know about his closet set-up, it’s the fact that everything he owns (except for socks and underwear, etc.) is hung up in the closet. However, a large part of his closet consisted of empty hangers that took up way too much space. So, the very first thing I did was take all of the empty hangers and put them in a laundry basket. I made sure that all of the hangers faced the same direction because as you know, hangers love to get tangled together. Putting your empty hangers in a laundry basket is great because it gives you more free space on the rod and you can just grab a hanger whenever you need one. Keep Vs. Donate To keep or not to keep? – that is the question! One of the biggest decisions you’ll make when you clean out your closet is deciding which clothes you want to keep and which you wish to donate. When I help my kids go through their closets, I hold each item of clothing up high for them to evaluate. They look at it and decide its fate with a simple “yes” or “no” response. It’s a quick process of elimination and I go through the clothes super-fast for two reasons: I don’t want this to take forever I know kids can get bored All of the clothes that they want to keep are hung up in the closet and all of the clothes they want to get rid of are put into trash bags for donation. Instead of carrying all the bags downstairs and into the car, I tie a tight knot at the top and take them to the top of the stairs and I roll them down! It saves a lot of time and energy because I don’t have to keep running up and down the stairs – plus, it’s just fun to roll things down the stairs! Sorting The Clean Laundry The next step is to go through all of the clean laundry items and sort out the pieces of clothing in the same way as we did before. This is where you’ll look at each piece of clothing and decide if you want to keep it or donate it to Goodwill. While you organize your closet, you should keep in mind whether or not you plan on buying any new clothes soon. For example, my son needs new white long sleeve t-shirts for college, so we ended up donating his old ones because we knew that we were going to add a bunch of new t-shirts to his closet very soon. As we organized the clean laundry, I held up each piece and again, my kids answered either “yes” or “no.” Anything that they wanted to keep went back into the closet. And anything they wanted to donate went into the donation bags – and yes, we rolled them down the stairs again! Organizing Closet Shelves My daughter's closet has multiple shelves that I built for her when she was much younger. Back then, she would use them to store her toys, but now she uses them to store her clothes. So when we were in the process of organizing her closet, we used the shelves to store other pieces of clothing that she didn’t want to hang up including her leggings, workout clothes, soft shorts, etc. We hung everything else up in the closet and put the winter clothes on one rod and the spring/summer clothes on the other rod. We then took small bins or storage boxes and used them to store things like socks, underwear, swimwear, and things that she can grab whenever she needs them. And there you have it, the easy (and speedy) way of organizing your closet! I hope you have fun going through your clothes. And if you have a dresser drawer in your room, you can arrange it in the same way. But instead of hanging the clothes you want to keep in the closet, you fold them up and put them into your dresser – simple! Next week, I will be talking about collections, toys, and sharing your bedroom. :) Remember to sign up for the Back To School Blitz! View the complete post here:
7/6/2018 • 20 minutes, 15 seconds
235 - Kids Summer Bedroom Redesign
On this week’s podcast, I kick start the 3-week Kid’s Organization Series. It’s for kids between the ages of 7 and 21 – so whether you’re still in school or preparing to graduate from college – this series is for you! I tried something a little different this week and recorded my podcast on video, too. If you would prefer to watch this episode, you can do that here... Organizing Your School Art & Memories But before we get started, I want to reach out to all the kids out there who are bored out of their minds this summer. If you can relate, I’ve got your back! One of the things you could do is go through all of your old artwork and school papers and sort out the things that you love and want to save to look back on in years to come. Sort everything into two piles – a keep pile and a recycle pile. Once you have gathered all of the papers and artwork you want to keep, you can store it all in a plastic tub and keep it in your closet, or you can put everything inside a binder using sheet protectors. You can create your own binder OR you can ask your parents (as nicely as possible) to let you order the Organize 365 School Art & Memory Binder where you can safely store and protect all of your papers and artwork so that they will last a lifetime. Organizing your artwork is something you could do while you’re in the process of redesigning your bedroom, which is something that I did A LOT when I was a kid because I loved switching things around and making my room feel “brand new” again. So, if you want to redesign your bedroom this summer and change things up for yourself, follow these easy redesign tips! Planning On Graph Paper I don’t know about you, but I find it easier to envision a redesign when I’ve drawn up a quick plan on paper first. Measure your bedroom and notice where the windows, doors and outlets are. In my case, I’m redesigning my son’s bedroom which measures 10' x 10'. So, I’ve drawn out my plan on the graph paper to fit 30 squares across and 30 squares from top to bottom. [So, three squares of the paper is equal to one foot and one square of the paper is equal to four inches.] Marking Doors, Windows & Outlets Before we can get to the fun part of moving furniture around and getting creative with your bedroom, there are a few things you will want to mark on your plans such as doors, windows, electrical outlets, and vents. Leave enough space for any door openings in your room, whether it’s the main door to your bedroom, a closet door, or the door to a bathroom, etc. Figure out how much space you need to leave free and mark this on your graph paper as a semi-circle. You can watch how I do this in this week's video... Also mark the placement of all of the windows in your bedroom. I also like to label each of the electrical outlets and the vent to allow heat and air conditioning to enter the room without any obstruction. Using Post-It Notes As Furniture Now that you have all the boring stuff marked on your plan, you can start redesigning your bedroom with Post-It Notes. Create a Post-It Note for each piece of movable furniture in your room. Many of you will have a desk, a dresser, or a bedside table. Measure it and cut a Post-It Note in the same shape and size that corresponds with your plan. Remember, three squares on the graph paper is equal to one foot. So if your bed measures 6' x 3', you’ll need to convert that measurement to fit the dimensions of the squares of your plan. You can liven things up by using multi-colored Post-Its and labeling each one as you go. When I was a kid, I would do this ALL THE TIME. I would plan my new bedroom design over and over again. And when I was done with that, I made a plan for future homes – I just loved it. What can I say? Some kids played sports and some kids planned their future homes in excruciating detail and precision! Moving Big Pieces Of Furniture When it comes to redesigning your room and moving big pieces of furniture around, you need to think of the process as a huge jigsaw puzzle. Make sure you leave enough space in your room to move things around in the most efficient way possible and try not to limit your own walking space. You’ve got to be able to walk around your room without climbing over furniture to get to the other side! In this week's video, I show you (using my Post-It Note furniture) how to move your bed and desk and not get stuck in the room!... If you have too many things that can’t fit in your bedroom or your college dorm room, I suggest renting an outside storage unit. This is especially useful if you’ve recently moved back home with your parents and there’s not enough space to keep all of the things you accumulated throughout college. Just put it all in a storage facility – out of sight, out of mind! The Kids Organization Series I hope you enjoyed this first episode of the Kids Organization Series and found some useful tips and ideas for organizing and redesigning your own bedroom or apartment. In this series, I’m going to be focusing on all the things that you don’t have time for during the school year that you could finally do in the summer. If you’d like to catch up with the podcast’s I recorded last year for organizing your bedroom and collections, go to Don’t forget to take photos of your newly organized bedroom and tag me @organize365 on Instagram – I’d love to see how you're organizing your rooms and share it with my followers! View the complete post here:
6/29/2018 • 26 minutes, 43 seconds
234 - Living Through Renovations & Moving
Living through renovations, natural disasters, and moving can be a very stressful and disorganized time. Your house is turned upside down in the blink of an eye and before you know it, you’re stepping over stacks of books on your way to the bathroom and the dog is snoozing on top of a box labeled, “The GOOD China” – just thinking about it gives me a headache! Instead of gritting your teeth and living through the chaos, you can follow these three easy steps that will help to not only organize your home during transitional times (such as moving or renovating the kitchen), but they’ll also help to keep you sane. 1. The Hot Mess Room Challenge The first step is to do the Hot Mess Room Challenge well in advance. The challenge is different for everyone because no two “hot mess rooms” are the same. Your hot mess room could be your basement, the guest bedroom, or your garage. It’s the room in the house that has collected a mass of random items that don’t have a place anywhere else in the home. If you’re thinking of a room like that in your house, it’s your hot mess room! So, what is the Hot Mess Room Challenge? The Hot Mess Room Challenge takes 28 days to complete and it takes you through the progress of getting your hot mess room organized. You can think of the hot mess room like a jigsaw puzzle. The challenge will help you to separate each piece, organize each one and, in the end, put them together into an organized storage unit. The Hot Mess Room Challenge can be download it right here. It’s delivered directly to your inbox, ready to download! At the end of the 28-day challenge, instead of a hot mess room, you’ll have an organized storage room with shelving, bins with color-coded labels, and a complete inventory of everything you have stored in that room. When disaster strikes and you need to find something such as a flashlight or a photograph of a family member, you can’t waste time looking through boxes upon boxes. Having an inventory gives you peace of mind knowing that if you ever needed something in a rush, you'll know exactly where to find it. 2. The Sunday Basket® Once you have completed the Hot Mess Room Challenge, you’re ready to move onto stage two – organizing your Sunday Basket® System! You need to make sure that your Sunday Basket® is ALWAYS accessible to you 100% of the time. In fact, you should think of your Sunday Basket® as your lifeline during these stressful transitional times. Your Sunday Basket® is where you will keep your color-coded lists of everything that is in your storage room and an inventory of the things you have packed into boxes. If you are renovating your kitchen, for example, you would label boxes with things such as “Utensils,” “Dishes,” “Pots and Pans,” etc. So when you need to find something inside one of the kitchen renovation boxes, you can check the Sunday Basket® checklist and it will tell you exactly where you can find that item. Another reason why you need your Sunday Basket® up and running when you’re moving or renovating your home is that, in both of these cases, you’ll have paperwork coming in such as household bills, invoices, etc. and you can keep all of these papers organized in your SundayBasket®. 3. The Organize 365 Binders Before you move or renovate your home, you need to make each of the four Organize 365 Binders to eliminate your filing cabinet and organize all of your paperwork. Once you have all of your binders arranged, you can move to your new house without trailing a bunch of unsightly and disorganized filing cabinets with you – how awesome does that sound? It takes time to organize each binder, so I would suggest tackling one at a time. If you’d like to find out how I organized my binders, you can head over to the Sunday Basket® Podcast to hear more about that and each of the four binders I mention below: Medical Binder: You should think of the Medical Organizing Binder as a caregiver binder and store information regarding your family’s medical and health history, doctor information, diagnosis tracker, immunization record, hospitalization and surgery history, and so on. Financial Binder: The Financial Organizing Binder is for all of your finances, which includes everything you need to keep your finances in order during a home renovation, a move, or when a natural disaster strikes. Inside, you should keep your insurance policy information, financial prep sheet, credit card inventory, bill payment records, debts and loans, and any other finances that you need to keep track of. Household Reference Binder: Every homeowner needs a Household Reference Binder. It’s where you should store everything that you want the new homeowner to know (if you’re selling your house), including home exterior and interior information, home appliances, and details of things such as when you last checked the hot water heater, etc. Household Operations Binder: The Household Operations Binder is the key to maintaining your home and running the household. Inside this binder, you should keep all of the basic household information, important dates, trackers, meal planning, and your plan in the event of an emergency. Whenever you’re moving to a new house, renovating, or in the aftermath of a natural disaster, you’ll need to know where you keep your four binders. I suggest keeping them in the same place where you store your SundayBasket® so you can just grab it all and go! I hope you found these three steps useful when it comes to living through renovations, moving to a new home, or recovering from a natural disaster. Purchase your Sunday Basket® and Binders in my shop today! View the complete post here:
6/22/2018 • 29 minutes, 10 seconds
Bonus - Workboxes Deep Dive
Friday Workboxes will increase your productivity in your "work" just like the Sunday Basket® does for your home. This podcast was originally a Facebook LIVE. You can watch the video here. Check out all the Organize 365 Friday Workboxes here. Join the Organize 365 Newsletter to stay on top of new products as they launch. And follow Lisa on Instagram to see behind the scenes of her everyday life and watch new products as they are developed.
6/18/2018 • 46 minutes, 54 seconds
233 - Living In Small Spaces
Just because you live in a small home doesn’t mean your storage space has to be limited. Over the years, I’ve received A LOT of emails on the subject of maximizing storage space in small living spaces such as studio apartments, condos, and tiny houses. In fact, I received this email from an Organize 365 fan named Amy just the other day and wanted to share it with you: “Since having a baby, it’s been so hard to keep on top of things at home, but listening to your podcasts in the afternoons usually gives me a little push. Do you have experience with organizing small homes and apartments? Our apartment constantly feels cluttered, but in reality, there are very few things we can get rid of, it’s just a small space. Any advice for those of us who don’t have basements, garages, spare rooms or even a hall closet and also don’t have a lot of money for complex storage systems that fancy tiny homes all seem to utilize?” Amy is in a situation that I know many of you can relate to. Living in a small space with a baby usually means that there is going to be a lot of “stuff” – it’s just the way it is. The issue lies with the fact that you genuinely NEED all of that extra baby stuff because you never know when you’ll need it again, especially if you’re planning on expanding your family in the future. The Baby Issue I’m not saying that having a baby in a small space is an “issue,” but it’s important to realize that children come with a lot of clutter. Expecting to add more kids to your family without expanding the amount of space taken up in the home is an unrealistic expectation. Now that I’ve given you that little reality check, we can dive into the good stuff! If you’re fortunate enough to have a nursery in your home, it’s a good idea to try and keep most of the baby related items in there as much as possible. And if you want to maximize your space WITHOUT decluttering, I have four space-saving suggestions for you! 1. Create More Space Before you say anything – Yes, I understand that you can’t just click your fingers together and magically increase the size of your home to create more space. That’s not what I’m saying, but it is essential to start looking at your house with “new eyes.” Try and see your home’s potential. It may be difficult at first, but trust me – there’s always a way to create more space! A great tip I have for you is to use shoe holders over every door in your house. You can avoid using hooks (which can damage the door frame) by using 3M Command Hooks instead. With Command Hooks, you can just pop the shoe holder over the top and it’ll hold the rack in place without causing any damage to the door – phew! So, what can you store inside these fantastic shoe organizers? I’m glad you asked! You can literally store all of the little things in your house inside the shoe holders. For example, on the back of the bathroom door, you can put your shampoo, soaps, and items that you would typically put in your medicine cabinet, etc. On the back of the nursery door, you can store cute little baby things like hair accessories, tiny socks, diaper rash cream. and baby wipes, etc. 2. Increase Storage Space With Bed Risers & Space Saver Bags A bed riser is cheap. You can pick one up from somewhere like Walmart for just $10. Bed risers can lift your bed a few inches or even a few feet above the floor, giving you additional storage space. I’m a huge fan of bed risers. Our master bed has not one, but TWO bed risers underneath it because… well, I couldn’t see the TV screen over the bed frame! We also ended up putting our dog’s bed underneath our bed. So, every night our dog Hunter sleeps underneath our bed. If you have a dog and he’s a part of the family like ours is, then this news probably won’t surprise you in the slightest. It’s definitely a unique storage solution to store your dog’s bed (and your dog!). You can use one bed riser or double it up for even more storage space. Another great way to maximize space in the home is to use a Space Saver Bag. You can put your big fluffy blankets in there over the summer and other out-of-season clothes to help save yourself more space. Use a vacuum to suck all the air out of the bag and watch in awe as the fluffy blanket that kept you warm all winter gets flattened into a very thin pancake. Store the bag underneath your bed and don’t think about it until next winter! 3. Go ‘Vertical’ If you really want to make the most out of the small space that you DO have, you’ve got to start thinking vertically. Take a trip to Ikea and get yourself one of those cube storage units and stack them on top of each other against the wall. Build it all the way up to the ceiling if you can and store different items in each cube so you can have less clutter around the house – sorted! 4. Use An Outside Storage Facility I understand that not everyone can afford to invest in an outdoor storage facility, but if you can save up just a little bit of money each month, you can have enough to rent a small storage unit to help declutter your home. Choose a size that’s right for you and use it to store all the extra things in your house that you won’t need for a while such as holiday decorations, memorabilia, and baby equipment that your child no longer needs but you may come back to in the future for the next little one. There’s ALWAYS storage solutions if you’re willing to think outside the box. Don’t let yourself be limited by the physical amount of space that you do have and try to look at it from a new perspective and, who knows, you might even come up with a few of your own creative storage ideas along the way! My entire company is run from my small home office in my bedroom. A small space forces you to constantly prioritize your space and your to-do's. Check out the NEW Friday Workboxes and get your homeschool, teaching, direct sales and entrepreneur businesses organized in a box. :) View the complete post here:
6/15/2018 • 15 minutes, 21 seconds
231 - Creating Summer Routine Days
Summer is meant to be a relaxing time of the year filled with fun activities, holidays, and warm afternoons spent soaking up the sun on the beach. However, summer is my least productive season (and I’m a productivity NUT, so that’s saying a lot!). Things just don’t get done and, before you know it, the summer has ended and all you have to show for it is a great tan but not much else. When we go head first into summer without a second thought about routines or schedules, we often end up feeling bored because we don’t know what to do with our time. I’m not saying you should have a structured plan and organize every little detail of your summer, but it wouldn’t hurt to have a few routine days that you can use sparingly throughout the summer. I have five different routine days for the summer that I’d like to share with you: 1. Help & Support Day If you have kids, you need a day off. It’s as simple as that. Yes, we love our children, and we’d do anything for them, but sometimes we need some time for ourselves – a bit of ME time is good for you! I’m a full-time working mom with two teenagers and just last summer, I hired a nanny. I know what you’re thinking, “Why on earth did you hire a nanny for two teenagers?” Well, here’s why: Reason 1: There was a lot of random driving that needed doing last summer and I didn’t have the time to drive my kids around. So, the person I hired to help me out would drive my kids to wherever they wanted to go and I was able to concentrate on work without any interruptions – success! Reason 2: I had a lot of household chores and projects I wanted to be done, but had no time to get to. She was able to scan all of my scrapbooks, do the dishes, clean the kitchen, and do the laundry – and it was fantastic! If you’re not a mom, this probably sounds ridiculous. But if you ARE a mom, you might be thinking… “brilliant – I NEED THIS!” When I was a teenager, I worked as a babysitter. Before the summer kicked off, I would approach the parents I worked for and ask them if they wanted a day to themselves. I would be happy to look after their kids while they got their hair done (because it was the 80’s and hair was literally everythingback then) and when the mom’s heard this, they thought it was a genius idea. I created a desire in them that they didn’t even know existed! Not to boast, but I was basically an entrepreneur from birth. So, when I became a mom, I was looking for someone who would sell the same services as I did – and I found them! 2. Pool Day Who doesn’t love a pool day? Whether you’re practicing your backstroke or soaking up the sunshine, everyone loves a good pool day in the summer. Most pools open between 10 am and noon, so you have most of the morning to do whatever you like, and the kids can have their own independent time, too. When it’s time to go to the pool, pack your swimwear, towels, and whatever else you need to bring with you and go out and enjoy the day as a family! Remember, the pool tends to zap up all of your energy and brain power, so you probably won’t have the energy to get much done when you get home. Take it easy and order some pizza to finish the day off in style! 3. Errand Day You can eliminate a lot of time from an errand day by just buying things online like I do. You can shop for groceries online as well, so this might be a good option for you if you don’t feel like pushing a cart through a store. You’ll probably need at least one or two errand days over the summer. Some of you may need an errand day each week, while others will need just one errand day per month. The best way to prepare for errand day is to create a list of what needs to be done and check off each task as you go. 4. Home Day This is my favorite kind of day where you can stay home and do whatever you like with your time – it’s paradise! I usually like to focus on one of my larger projects on a home day because I’ve got plenty of time to get it done. However, there’s nothing worse than enjoying your home day and having someone tell you that you need to get up and leave the house. That’s the worst, isn’t it? Avoid this scenario by telling everybody it’s a home day. Make sure they know that you have no intention of driving them around the country or to McDonald’s for some fast food (unless you change your mind, in which case, that’s perfectly fine!). One of the best ways to make a home day super successful is to introduce your kids to a new activity. This can be anything from a new subscription box to a science kit or homemade play dough. I love play dough, and I often make homemade play dough that kids of all ages (including me) like to play with. It’s a creative pastime and it doesn’t cost a lot of money, which makes it perfect for a low-key day at home! Visit the blog post to get my homemade play dough recipe to try for yourself! 5. Big Event Day A big event day is basically a day spent outside of the house doing something BIG. This can be anything from the amusement park to the zoo. It’s always a good idea to plan for the big event day the night before it actually happens. If you’re going to be traveling, make sure to fill your car with gas in advance. You should also pack and plan everything you’ll need for the big event day, such as snacks, food, etc. Each of these summer routine days is designed to give you some inspiration and guidance if you’re struggling to be productive over the summer months. I hope you found it helpful and you can use some (if not all) of these routine days this summer! View the complete post here:
6/1/2018 • 25 minutes, 6 seconds
230 - Setting Your Summer Goals
Before I get into this week’s topic, I have TWO very exciting announcements for you! First, this is your LAST chance to register for the Organize 365 National Convention! That’s right, tickets are almost sold out, and registration for the event closes at midnight on May 29th – so make sure to click here to learn more and sign up! The second announcement is for all the teachers out there and anyone who feels like once the school year starts, their head starts spinning! If this sounds like you, the 100 Day Home Organization Double Time is EXACTLY what you’ve been looking for. It cuts the time of the 100 Day Program in half, which means you can get it done TWICE as fast! Don’t miss out on this one time offer! There are just 120 slots available! So, if you miss out this time, you’ll have to wait until August to sign up. If you manage to get your hands on one of these treasures, you’ll receive the current planner AND the brand-new planner that we’re launching in August – now that’s what I call a real VIP experience! Registration for the 100 Day Home Organization Double Time opens Friday May 25th and ends on May 29th at midnight or until the 120 slots have been claimed. Once they are gone, they are gone! If you want to be one of the first people to try the 100 Day Home Organization Double Time Program, click here to sign up! Now, onto setting your summer goals! Summer Is Coming! Summer is just around the corner and most of you are probably busy packing your suitcases and planning your summer vacation. It’s an exciting time of the year. I know I’m really looking forward to planning my summer and spending more time with my family. Is it just me or does anyone else feel like summer is the dreamiest season of the year? Do you know what I mean? Things just seem to merge together and before you know it, you’re right back at the start of the school year again and you’ve no idea where the time went. Weird, right? Well, I think I’ve gotten to the bottom of it. Let me share how you can reach your summer goals without fail – I promise. Try Not To Have Too Many Goals This Summer When you think ahead to the summer, it’s tempting to overestimate just how much you can get done. I’ve always thought of July as the “Bermuda Triangle” of months. Nothing happens in July. It’s almost impossible to get any work done and I can’t explain why. Instead of giving yourself a hard time because you “failed” to reach all of your summer goals, take a step back and realize that it’s okay! It’s okay that you didn’t get the kitchen painted this summer or that you didn’t have time to declutter your closet – give yourself a break, it’s summer after all! I think one of the main issues we all run into over the summer is the mistake of setting too many goals for ourselves in such a short space of time. Summer is very short, and it’s very spontaneous. One minute you could be focused on organizing your kitchen and the next thing you know, you’re running down the street in your flip-flops trying to sniff out where that delicious smell of BBQ'd ribs is coming from – unplanned things just happen. Give yourself the grace from the beginning and know that you’re not going to get a ton of goals accomplished in the summer – and learn to be okay with it. Set Yourself One Or Two Goals MAX I always try and focus on one specific area of my life over the summer. Sometimes, I might go as far as assigning myself two goals for the entire summer, but it’s okay to have just the one. Here is a glimpse into a few of my previous summer goals throughout the years: In 2015, I decided to focus my summer on improving my personal health and working on my marriage. I walked 10,000 steps per day and invested in having more one-on-one time with my husband. We spent summer nights talking outside on the patio, and that was the same summer we discovered (and binge-watched) the TV show “24.” It was an easy-going summer and one that I really enjoyed. In 2016, I redesigned my websites because we had just launched the 100 Day Home Organization Program. A lot of my free time was spent in front of my computer screen. I decluttered my desktop, posts, and Pinterest boards, which helped me to have a real work-focused year with limited distractions and clutter. In 2017, I focused on decluttering the house and began to work on redoing different spaces, such as the kid's bedrooms and our landscaping. This summer project grew more momentum and ran into the beginning of 2018 – we recently had our windows and doors replaced! So now that you’ve heard all about my previous summer goals, I bet you’re thinking, “Great Lisa, but what are you focusing on this summer?” Well, this summer, I’m going to focus on my kids. My son is preparing to leave for college and will be moving into his own apartment, so we have to help him get ready and prepare his living quarters before he begins his studies. My daughter also got her temporary license, so I’ll spend a lot of time driving with her and taking a few road trips to help her gain more confidence as a new driver. What Is Your ‘BIG Summer Win?’ You’ve heard all about my summer goals, but now it’s time to start thinking about what YOU want to accomplish this summer. What “BIG WIN” do you want to achieve over the next few months? The key here is to get as specific as possible with your big summer win. The more you can narrow it down to just one specific goal, the more likely you are to succeed. I would love to hear your big goal for the summer so please share it with us in the Organize 365 Facebook Group or go over to Instagram and tag me on what your big summer priority is going to be – I can’t wait to see what you guys will be up to this summer! Oh and don't forget... if you are ready to jumpstart your home organization journey, I would LOVE for you to join me in 100 Day Home Organization DOUBLE TIME. Registration is only open until Tuesday IF the planner supply lasts that long! Join Here. Happy Memorial Day Weekend! View the complete post here:
5/25/2018 • 16 minutes, 50 seconds
229 - Organizing In Every Season
Before we get into the main topic of this week’s podcast episode, I have two time-sensitive subjects I want to share with you. First, the Organize 365 National Convention will be held in Dallas from June 7th to June 9th. Ticket sales end at midnight on May 29th, so make sure you get yours while you still can! The tickets are selling FAST, so click here to get your ticket today!! The second thing I’d like to discuss is the 100 Day Home Organization Program. Although it can be completed within 100 days, some of you may not be able to complete the program within the recommended time slot, and that’s okay. So, keeping this in mind, I’ve decided to reveal how you can do the 100 Day Home Organization Program in double time on next week’s podcast episode! Now with that out of the way, let’s get into the meat of this week’s podcast episode! This one is a little different from my usual podcasts because I’ll be focusing on the seasons of parenthood and how each one brings new changes to our organization routine. My Mini Epiphany The other day seemed ordinary enough, nothing that remarkable or exciting happened. I pulled into my driveway with my daughter, and at the same time, my husband Greg arrived home with the dog from daycare. Then, my son pulled up to the house. At that moment, we all arrived home together as a family – and I had an epiphany. Okay, so it wasn’t like a mind-blowing ordeal where I discovered the true meaning of life or anything. But still, it made me realize something very important. I’m happy. It may seem like a throwaway thing to say but if you think about it, how often in our busy lives do we take a moment and appreciate what we have? How many times have you stopped to ask yourself, "Am I happy?" It’s not as easy as it seems, right? And yet, that’s how I felt. Happy. Seasons of Parenting I’m the type of person who enjoys every season of parenting. I live in the moment. My son Joey is leaving for college soon, and many people have told me that I’m going to be sad when he leaves. But I don’t think I will be that sad. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll miss him when he goes. But at the same time, I love seeing him grow up and going off to college is just another step in his journey. If you’re a new parent, you’ll face many obstacles throughout your child’s life, and with each stage that passes, another will take its place. When you overcome these obstacles, your organizational strength will grow, and you’ll have the tools you need to prepare for the next challenge in life. So, let’s take a look at each season from babyhood all the way through to your child graduating from high school (you may want to grab a tissue!) The Early Years of Parenting New parents face a great deal of change in the early years, especially in the baby, toddler, and pre-school stages. Babies are a handful, and they can quickly go from one diaper size to the next. You always need to change your stockpile of diapers and then you need to organize what your kids will eat and drink. As you continue to expand your family, you’ll also develop your mental bandwidth to include not just yourself, but each additional little human that you’re responsible for. Grade School: The Game Changer Year When you have younger kids, your house can suddenly become overloaded with toys, clothes, and apparatus such as strollers and car seats, etc. But as the kids grow up, you can start to move the toys into their bedrooms and put the strollers and things into storage or give them to another family member if you don’t plan on using them yourself. And once the kids go to all-day school, your home and organizational routine will change drastically. This is a time that I like to call "The Game Changer Year." It’s dramatic, I know. But seriously, when the kids are in school for most of the day, you’ll not only have more time for yourself, but you’ll also have more time to organize your home. Everything seems to flow a lot easier, and you can treat yourself to some quiet time now that the kids are off to school. Even those of you at work while your kids are at school will notice a distinct difference in function of your home and the organizational progress you make will STAY! FYI - I highly recommend taking a day or 2 off work while your children are at school to reclaim your home. :) Middle School: Gaining Independence Oh, middle school – how I’ve missed you! If you didn’t know, I used to be a 7th and 8th-grade school math and science teacher, so forgive me if I get a little nostalgic thinking back to the good old days. What I love about this age group is their ability to form their own opinions, and being able to witness their brains process change and develop as they progress through the school year. Middle school is a time when kids are starting to become more independent in their actions. High School: Graduation & College Whether you love it or loathe it, high school is one of the most memorable times of a child’s life. Their independence starts to take shape, and they begin to think about driving and colleges. I don’t know about you, but I love helping my kids take their beliefs, ideas, and unique talents and figuring out what it is that they want to do with their lives. It’s up to us as parents to launch our kids into adulthood with the tools and strategies they need to make decisions that will help them succeed and live a fulfilling, happy life. Eventually, my kids will be done with college, and maybe someday they’ll get married, or they’ll travel around the world with their friends – and I’m really excited for all of it. I have enjoyed each season of parenting and the organization that goes along with it and I hope you do, too! As I am typing this, I just received the final workbook for the Organize 365 National Convention in Dallas from June 7th to June 9th. Oh my goodness, is it chock full of productivity, goal setting, and personal development! It brings tears to my eyes as I envision those of us attending being transformed and connected in ways only a live event can. I know many of you have immovable plans, but if you are still thinking... maybe I should. You SHOULD! You will not regret it! Come see me! Register at View the complete post here:
5/18/2018 • 23 minutes, 13 seconds
227 - Having An Adult Spring Break
Spring break isn’t just for kids. Adults need a breath of fresh air every so often to recharge their batteries and diminish work-related stress and anxiety. Taking a spontaneous break isn’t something I do very often, but the more I live a truly organized life, the clearer I can see the patterns of how to breed more productivity in organization and a large part of this is taking the time to relax, unwind, and de-stress. My impromptu adult spring break adventure began a few weeks ago without me even realizing it until I was mid-way through the week! I share my story on this week’s podcast episode and it begins with replacing the windows in my home. I know what you’re thinking, what does something as mundane as windows have to do with spring break? As it turns out, deciding to upgrade my windows kick-started a week of relaxation and organizing because it gave me the opportunity to take some time off work. Upgrading Our Windows Greg and I had been thinking about moving for some time, but we finally decided against it and focused on renovating and upgrading our current home instead. Our old wooden windows were once the envy of the neighborhood back in 1986. But that was over three decades ago and they are no longer functioning. The entire process took three days. Although this didn’t bother us much, our dog Hunter wasn’t pleased since he had to get shipped to doggy daycare until the workers were done. Even though all of this work would be going on in the house, I knew I couldn’t take a break from my work schedule. However, I also knew that the workers would be replacing the windows in both of my kid’s bedrooms and trying to walk through the room to reach those windows would be almost impossible! There was one clear solution – I had to take a break from work (if only for a few hours) and clean my kids' rooms so the workers could cross the threshold to reach the windows. Cleaning & Organizing The Kids' Rooms Since both of my kids are teenagers and their rooms are more like mini apartments than bedrooms, let’s just say that I don’t go in there very often! But on this occasion, I didn’t have a choice. I took the morning off work and assigned myself an hour and a half to clean each room. I stuck to my schedule and finished both rooms on time, but when I finished cleaning, I didn’t feel like working. If you know me, you’ll know that I always feel like working. However, Monday passed, and then Tuesday came and went, and I still didn’t feel like working. My Adult Spring Break By the time Wednesday arrived, it hit me. I had scheduled my own spring break! Granted, most of you probably would prefer to go on a sunny vacation for spring break, and the idea of cleaning your kid’s rooms and organizing the inventory sounds like work. But for me, it’s heaven! I spent a large part of my spring break creating and organizing my Household Reference, Household Operations, Financial and Medical Binders. I even revealed how I arranged them and I also recorded a podcast series that you can listen to on The Sunday Basket Podcast. When I wasn’t organizing my binders, I was out shopping with my family and getting things done that I usually didn’t have time to do. Finding The Time To Organize We all live such busy lives that it can be challenging to find the time to organize anything. The more I started to think about a week-long adult spring break, the more I was convinced that this is something I’m going to do every year. My Sunday Basket and 100 Day Home Organization Program with 100 Day Productive Home Planner saves me a minimum of five hours per week. It helps me to organize and plan by season – which is much more practical than planning for the entire year in advance because life always gets in the way of our plans. By planning your schedule every 100 days, you can carve out pockets of time for yourself so you can spend your time wisely and get more done. Find out how you can live a more organized and happy life by joining us at the Organize 365 National Convention. It’s going to be an awesome experience and I would love to have you there. Grab your tickets here before they sell out! View the complete post here:
5/4/2018 • 24 minutes, 52 seconds
224 - So Lisa Is A Questioner...
I took Gretchen Ruben’s Four Tendencies quiz and discovered that I’m a Questioner. I say "discovered," but I guess it’s not that much of a surprise at all. Did you take the Four Tendencies quiz and find out what you are? A couple of weeks ago here in Cincinnati, Ohio, I had the Sunday Basket® Workshop Certified Organizers in town for a boot camp. I told them that I had recorded the podcast with Gretchen Ruben and so they took the Four Tendencies quiz. We found out that the majority of them are Obligers. We also had a few Questioners in the mix, though I don’t think we had any Rebels or Upholders. So I think the majority of people who listen to my podcast are probably Obligers or Questioners. And as a Questioner myself, I know that being a Questioner is not an easy road. Questioners are analytical. I’m going to tell you about my questioning tendencies and how it relates to the Organize 365 products I develop. Instead of using the term Questioner, I’ve always said that I’m very analytical. So I think people who are very analytical are probably a Questioner on Gretchen Ruben’s scale. Also, I think your personality comes into play, because you can be a contrary Questioner or you can be a productive Questioner. I’m a productive Questioner. I question and I analyze so that I can get an end result or so that I can help others get an end result. That is my overarching questioning–ness. I question something to figure out how to solve a problem. My ultimate goal as a teacher, educator, coach, motivator, parent, and human being is to solve problems and help people achieve the end result that they have for themselves. So I am a Questioner, an analyzer, in order to get you to the end result that you desire. Obligers & Questioners I think the majority of you up to this point have been Obligers, but in March I think I had some Questioners on the 100 Day Home Organization Program wait list! I got a couple of emails that asked, "Why are you making me wait? This is ridiculous. Here is my money, let me in please. Can I have the program? I don’t want to wait a month." I literally got three of those emails in one week! I do not promote the 100 Day Home Organization Program every day of the year. I promote it for ten days, three different times of the year, when I know you will have the best end result of jumping into it. Now, I analyzed this quite a bit. I do not need the external motivation that an Obliger needs. My goal for Organize 365 is to get you to your desired end result which is an organized home. And as an educator, and a teacher, and an analyzer, I know that your best chance for success is to start in September, in January, and in April. You’ll get as far as you possibly can because you’ll be going with the natural energy of the year. However, I know that doesn’t work for everyone. And so in the future on the wait list page at the bottom, there’ll be a button that says, “Can’t wait, click here.” If you just took that quiz and you’re an Obliger, you wait until September and you start with everybody else. You will have so much more success with the 100 Day Home Organization Program if you’re doing the weekly Facebook Lives and if you’re in the Facebook Group because everybody is doing the same thing which will help you get to your end result of organizing your house. The next round of the 100 Day Home Organization Program starts on MONDAY! And... I have opened registration for those of you who keep emailing trying to get in. :) You can sign up through the new store here... (Your planner will get there by FRIDAY.) An Update On The Sunday Basket® Club We started the Sunday Basket® Club because a bunch of you Obligers came to me and said that you needed to pay a monthly fee so you would do your Sunday Basket®. And you said you wanted a Sunday Basket® class. I want you to have excellent value when you put money into Organize 365. When you pay for something at Organize 365, I want you to say at the end, “Oh, my gosh, it was worth so much more than that!” So, I price accordingly. I price for the value that is in the product, but I also price so that when you’re done, you realize you got even more than you expected. With the Sunday Basket® Club, I was going to do twice-a-month training sessions on how to organize your paper, which I started doing in January. But I quickly realized that people were joining in February and not getting January’s "how to get started with organizing your paper." There’s an order to it that was missing. So… introducing the new Sunday Basket® Club! It’s $99 a year. You can do the Sunday Basket® on Sundays with Monique and Ryan, and then every other Monday night, is a Facebook Live Q & A, just like in the 100 Day Home Organization Program. It’s an opportunity for you to tell me what you want to hear by telling me what questions you have about your paper. For Questioners, simplicity comes at the end when you’ve decided what the answers to your questions are. That’s how we get simplicity. So go ahead, ask me all the questions you want in the Sunday Basket® Club! I Want To Get You Results We are constantly analyzing and tweaking. Part of why I say, “Progress, not perfection” is because as a Questioner, I know there’s no perfect. If you give me something that’s perfect, I’m going to question it. I want you to get the best end result and that is why I do everything that I do. I want to give you all of the options so you can get the end result of getting your house organized. And sometimes, you see too many choices so you can’t make a decision in order to get to your end result. I am trying to tailor my products to what you need. So that’s a sneak peek into how a Questioner thinks and why I make changes. Every change I make is to benefit you. The 100 Day Home Organization Program hasn’t changed in years. I am going to make it available on demand in the future, but I’m still going to do the launch model because that’s what works for the majority of my audience. Next week, we’re going to dive into physical products and the highs and lows of creating them! And there’s still time to join me in Dallas, Texas for the Organize 365 National Convention on June 7-9, 2018! I can’t wait to meet you and give you a BIG hug! View the complete post here:
4/13/2018 • 23 minutes, 23 seconds
223 - In My Top 5: Gretchen Rubin
You asked and I listened. This week on the podcast, I’m thrilled to welcome author Gretchen Rubin. Gretchen is one of the most influential writers in the world on human nature. She hosts an award-winning podcast and her best-selling books have been published in 30 countries and sold over 3 million copies! On the podcast, we talked about Gretchen’s most recent book, The Four Tendencies, and how your personality type relates to getting your home organized. Which Personality Type Are You? Gretchen explained that the The Four Tendencies are four different personality types: Upholder Questioner Obliger Rebel You can probably tell which one you are just from the name! But if you want to take the survey for free, visit Gretchen explained that these personality types vary depending on what motivates you. We’re all motivated by two main kinds of expectations: Outer Expectations: such as a work deadline or request from a friend Inner Expectations: our own desire to do things Upholders readily meet both types of expectations. Questioners question all expectations, so they'll only do something if they're convinced it makes sense. They make everything an inner expectation and object to anything they see as inefficient or irrational. Then there are Obligers, those who readily meet outer expectations (things other people want), but struggle to meet inner ones (the things they want). I think there are a lot of you out there! Finally, there are Rebels, those who resist all expectations, both outer and inner. Obliger is the most common type of tendency, with Rebel and Upholder being least common. Listen to the podcast to find out which tendency I have. Hint: No one guessed it correctly on Facebook! Making The Sunday Basket® Work For Your Personality Type I enjoyed telling Gretchen about the Sunday Basket® and it was interesting to unravel that it’s my Obliger audience who were saying, "We need you to go through the Sunday Basket® with us on Sunday." I’m so pleased that I created the Sunday Basket® Club to give people the outer accountability that they need. How Does Personality Type Affect Home Organization? I think we have all of the tendencies in our family of 4! So how does this help us to get our homes organized, especially when dealing with the variety of tendencies in our family? I listened with great interest to Gretchen’s advice on how to get the home organized when taking personality types into account. Gretchen explained that a big problem for Obligers is that they often struggle to delegate tasks. Do you recognize this tendency in yourself? This is where it helps to have people hold you accountable. Another great tip that Gretchen gave is one that I’ve heard myself say before… if you want to clean out the spare room, invite guests. That may well be the only thing that you need to do! Your Habits = Your Identity Like Dr Phil always used to say – You have an identity from being cluttered, but then you get organized and you have a new identity. So you have to really focus on that. Once you become organized, you ARE living a different kind of life. We don't realize how much of our life is habitual. This is why both mine and Gretchen’s podcasts ask so many questions. It's to help people think about making choices and changing habits. I LOVED talking to Gretchen. She concluded on the show that if we have habits that work for us, we're much more likely to be healthier, happier, and more creative. Hey, have you signed up to join me in Dallas, Texas for the Organize 365 National Convention? I can’t wait to meet you and give you a BIG hug! View the complete post here:
4/6/2018 • 33 minutes, 3 seconds
222 - 3 Reasons I Am ULTRA Productive
I want to share with you three reasons that I am an ultra-productive person. Productivity is definitely a mindset and a way that I was just inherently hard-wired for, but it is something you can learn. #1 Productive People Don't Waste Any Time You might be thinking, “Well, duh. I don’t waste time either.” But it’s more than just not wasting time. I see time as my friend and I am in complete control of my time. This mindset shift alone will take a while for you to cultivate, especially if you’re thinking it can’t work for your circumstances. It is a mindset. Along with not wasting time, I reorganize my time - all the time. I see my day as blocks of time, but because I’m in control of all of my time, I move things around. #2 Productive People Are Results Oriented I didn’t realize until recently how I do a to-do list and how an unproductive person does a to-do list. If you watched both of us doing our to-do lists, we would both look equally busy and look like we were getting the same amount done. But at the end of the day, my to-do list is done and you feel like you never got started on your to-do list. Here’s the difference. I measure my success each day in finished products, not actionable work. Busyness gets me nowhere. Productive people are not busy, they are producing. That is the big distinguisher. You have to stop some of your busyness in order to get an end result, which means you have to know where you’re going. When you look at the whole day at the end of the day, what did you actually get finished? What did you get done? What have you produced? Productive people are measuring what we are finishing and producing, not how we are spending our time. #3 Productive People Follow Tried And True Action Plans The biggest secret about productivity is that it is all about experimenting and creating habits. That is what productive people do. They try, they analyze, they look at their results and then they tweak and tweak. Productive people follow tried and true action plans. Whenever I have something new in business that I have never done before, I try to find somebody who has done that and I ask them what people they use, what system do they use, what is their process? I may tweak that for my own business, or I may tweak that for my own productivity or where it fits best in my schedule, but I don’t start everything from scratch. The 100 Day Home Organization Program was developed by a professional organizer (me!) who took all of the spaces in your house, divided them into an organized chart, and then created the order in which you organize them according to the areas where you spend the most time and the areas of the house you have the most control. The 100 Day Home Organization Program WORKS! If you are looking to PRODUCE an ORGANIZE home, follow this system. ;) Being A Productive Person The things that I do that make me a very productive person are I don’t waste any time and I feel that my time is in my control. I am results oriented, not busyness focused, and I follow tried and true action plans to get the results I want. If you are looking for a way to end up feeling 100 days from now that your house is more organized, I really do think that the 100 Day Home Organization Program is the solution for you. We would love to have you join us. View the complete post here:
3/30/2018 • 22 minutes, 16 seconds
221 - How The 100 Day Program Is Like Montessori Learning
This week’s podcast episode is about the 100 Day Home Organization Program which is now open for registration! Many of you listen to my podcast for a solid six months or more before you believe that you can become organized. Eventually you try the Sunday Basket® and attend a Sunday Basket® Workshop. After 6-8 weeks of using the Sunday Basket®, you wonder why you waited so long. Then, the intrigue sets in – would the 100 Day Home Organization Program work for me? Yes, IF you aknowledge these two things... First, it will take you a full calendar year, three times through the 100 Day Home Organization Program, to become fully organized… you can do it… and it works! Second, you have to be willing to make an investment. An investment of your time, money and motivation. A big part of the transformation starts with the transaction. What you pay for, you value and you take it more seriously. I Liken The Program To Montessori Learning On the podcast, I share an email that I received from Marcy who likened my methods to the classical model for education (the grammar, dialectic and rhetoric stage). Marcy made so many great points and this intrigued me as it’s not something I was aware I was doing. This got me thinking about Montessori teaching methods, something that I’m very familiar with having worked as a Montessori teacher. In a Montessori classroom, students are grouped by three year age groupings and not by grade. Over the course of three years in the same classroom, children interact with students 3 years older and 3 years younger than themselves. All teachers in the classroom teach all age groups. You get a real depth of education because you are with different age groups throughout your education. You learn how to be mentored and how to be a mentor. Another key aspect of Montessori is it repeats the curriculum over and over at a different level. The same presentations are delivered to children, but expectations are different based on their age. Kids move at their own pace, as long as the work gets done. They can deep dive into the topics they love the most and there is no limit – peers do not hold individuals back. When I worked as a middle school Montessori teacher, I always made sure that I incorporated what was going on in the real world into the classroom. This is very similar to how I teach in the podcast. I am very thoughtful about what I teach and when. I want to meet you where you are. I teach three steps to getting organized. Declutter Organize Increase productivity Click on the links above to listen to my popular podcast episodes on each. By repeating the 100 Day Home Organization Program over and over agian, the amount of time you spend on each stage will change. The first time you do the program, you’ll spend most of your time decluttering. Give yourself grace. You must take pressure off yourself. The expectation is that you’re going to start taking some action. You may not get through the full 100 days your first time (not many people do!). If you start the program now, your second time through will begin in September. The organizing energy in September is really strong! You will spend more time on organizing from September to December the second time you go through the 100 Day Home Organization Program. Newsflash, you will not believe what you didn’t get rid of the first time! You can never get rid of as much as you need to because your mind won’t let you. But when you get to the point where you have empty space, this will rock your world! Empty spaces can feel strange. In round two, you will learn to start living with a few empty spaces. January 1, 2019, you’ll start your third time through the program – this is when you’ll be doing 50% organizing and 50% productivity. People LOVE productivity. But in order to get productive, you have to declutter and organize first. Join The 100 Day Home Organization Program! Registration for the 100 Day Home Organization Program is open now until April 3rd. I can't wait to help you GET organized! View the complete post here:
3/23/2018 • 32 minutes, 43 seconds
220 - HMR-Dreams & Memories In Your Storage Room
Hold on tight folks – it’s about to get emotional! This week on the podcast, I talk about how to manage items related to your hopes, dreams, and memories that are still in storage. The Hot Mess Room Challenge As my podcast episodes related to the Hot Mess Room Challenge series draws to a conclusion, I’m still in the middle of organizing all of my crafts! Organize 365 is my passion now so I no longer need to keep all of my crafts. It is time for them to go. If you’re in the Hot Mess Room Challenge, you’ve already been watching a lot of videos in my storage room. If you’re not and you would like to be, click here. It’s a free 28-day program with printables, an ebook, and all of the videos. In an ideal world, I would love for my storage room to look like it should at the end of the Hot Mess Room Challenge. Guess what, though? It doesn’t look great yet and it probably won’t look like that ...ever. The reason? It’s often because it takes us up to 3 times or more to go through a space to get it to a point where you’d want to share the finished result with anyone, let alone announce it on Pinterest! Tackling Difficult Memories Our storage room is full of memories. There are many items in my storage room that remind me of the future that I thought I’d be living. They represent an unusual kind of loss because the items aren’t attached to the loss of people or money. Instead, they represent a future that I thought I would have, but haven’t yet, or that I know will never happen. We all have hopes, dreams, ambitions, and pictures of our future that don’t materialize in the ways we thought they would. It doesn’t make it bad. It doesn’t make it good. It is just the reality of our current situation. Are there items in your storage that remind you of… The mom or woman you thought you’d be? The person you thought you’d marry? The lifestyle you thought you’d have? The career you thought you’d have? The free time you thought you’d have? These are difficult, but important questions. Often, we’re not holding onto things for financial reasons. Instead, we feel that if we keep them, then one day that dream or ambition may come true. Flip Your Mindset Instead of focusing on what may have been, focus on what you have. For me, I never thought I’d have a dog, but here I am with Hunter and I couldn’t imagine a world without him. What do you have that you didn’t think you would? I never imagined that I could talk to people from my bedroom and inspire others to change their life based on their goals, hopes, and dreams to get organized. I’m teaching and using my gifts in ways that I never imagined I would. However, it was extremely hard to get rid of all my teaching supplies. Giving up on my dream of owning a day-care center was a process. It took me years to let my teaching license lapse and let my supplies go. A Yard Sale, Charity Event & Party All In One! It’s wonderful to receive your emails and see the successes that you’re achieving when you’re getting your homes in order. On the podcast this week, I had to share Lynn’s story because I LOVE it! She was debating over what to do with all of the things that she no longer needed and she finally settled on a yard sale in her basement. Everything was free, but people were asked to make donations to charity. She was partying with her friends in the kitchen while people were taking things away and at the same time donating to help others. After 2 hours, most of the items were gone and she’d made over $800 to donate to a local charity. She told me how good it felt on all levels. Supply & Demand Steph emailed me to share that smaller families may be the reason why people don’t want to inherit so much stuff anymore. With parents tending to have fewer children these days, we often don’t battle with siblings for nostalgic mementos like we may have done in the past. Mind blown! She’s absolutely right. It’s certainly true for when my sister and I were going through the family home as there was so many things and only the two of us to sort and acquire them. Take A Deep Breath & Start I really want you to look at the things you are storing and ask yourself whether you really need it... BUT at the same time, give yourself more grace if required. Maybe it’s time to get rid of things, but equally, maybe it’s not. It could be that you just needed to hear the words this time and then the next time we talk about it, that’ll be the time to take action. We know that intellectually we need to get rid of things, but it’s the physical and emotional ties that hold us back from getting rid of things until the third or fourth time. Previous Podcast Episodes The main podcast episodes that I recommend you listen to, where I talk about my own childhood memories and how to deal with items when someone passes away, are: 3 Things To Consider When You Are Saving Childhood Memories What to Save When A Loved One Passes 10 Things I Am Decluttering After 30 Years! Next week, I am sharing how the 100 Day Home Organization Program is like Montessori Education. Which is appropriate as I am here in Texas this weekend at the Home School Convention. Education is on my mind. :) I will also be stopping by the Hotel for the Organize 365 National Convention on June 7-9, 2018. All the party plans are humming along. AND... I'm visiting the 1000+ Sunday Baskets that just arrived this week. I have to go see all my basket babies! Thanks so much for following along on my journey and supporting the new Organize 365 Store! You may have noticed that I’m not on Facebook as much these days. It’s become so complicated! While I still have a business page and a personal account, please know that everything that I record goes into the Organize 365 Facebook Group - it’s a great free resource. If you’re not in this group, why not?! Head on over and sign up. What I really enjoy about the Facebook Group is the shared conversations you all have with each other. It’s great when you post questions and success stories as the whole Organize 365 team LOVE's to see what you’re doing and share it with our wonderful community. I really like Instagram and, in particular, I love Instastories! Click here to follow me on Instagram. You’ll often see me posting quick snippets of my life and they’re only available for 24 hours. If Instagram isn't your thing, you can also see my Instastories on Facebook Stories, as well. Speaking of Sunday Basket®s, if you love the system and are looking for a way to make a little money on the side, or to drive clients to your existing professional organizing business, please consider coming alongside the already 50 strong team of Sunday Basket® Workshop Organizers! Why now? You can join between now and April 1, 2018 for a $500 one time fee and a yearly renewal of $250. Starting April 1, the one time fee goes up to $745, so get in now and save! 50% of the professional organizers on the Organize 365 Sunday Basket® Workshop Organizer Team say they have received a new professional organizing client at their FIRST WORKSHOP. You can learn more about becoming a Sunday Basket® Workshop Organizer and/or sign up here: View the complete post here:
3/16/2018 • 28 minutes, 11 seconds
219 - HMR-Craft Organization
Does your home ever feel like a craft store?! This week on the podcast, I talk all about how to get your crafts in order so you can create space and have more time to enjoy doing the things you love. One of the reasons I’ve not tackled the hot mess room on the podcast so far is precisely because it’s a hot mess room and it’s overwhelming! When there’s so much in there, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and not really know where to begin, especially when you’re listening to my podcast episodes but then can’t physically see the things you should be sorting. Because of this, I’m here to try and teleport myself into your space and give us the chance to tackle this together in the most logical way possible. Start With The End In Mind Imagine for a moment that we could stop time and you could have seven full days to dedicate solely to working on your craft. Obviously, it’s not practical in the real world, but it’s a great starting point to look at all of your crafts and work out exactly what you could and would want to use in that time. This will form the basis for everything we do to organize your crafts. It’s most likely that you’ll have enough crafts to keep you going for seven years rather than seven days. Therefore, it’s going to take you more than seven days just to organize it, let alone start enjoying it! You need to have this reality check. Otherwise, you’re setting up for unrealistic expectations – and we all know I’m the queen of those! My Scrapbook Downsizing I have always loved scrapbooking and making photo albums. As a result, I’ve accumulated LOTS of supplies over many years. I came the realize that I didn’t need all of those supplies anymore. I simply don’t scrapbook as much as I used to. It this week’s podcast episode, I explain how I managed to reduce my craft supplies from taking up two very large closets in the basement to one armoire in the loft. Why am I telling you this? It’s so you can clearly see how I went from having supplies for a full-time business to supplies that will support me making one or two albums a year. Letting Go Of The Stamping & Counted Cross Stitch Similar to my scrapbooking supplies, I used to have A LOT of stamping supplies which I have now condensed to hardly any at all (just a small shoe box versus the whole bookcase that I used to have). My mother is an artist and makes wonderful rubber stamp cards. Because mom did it, I bought hundreds of rubber stamps and ALL the associated supplies. I was decluttering last summer when I realized that I hadn’t stamped in 15 years. I was only keeping them because: I’d spent a lot of money on them The looked super cute They sat on the gorgeous piece of furniture that my late grandfather had made I did two things. First, I chose 20 stamps to keep for future projects and I sent the rest to my mom to use and give to others. Second, I took the stamp holder off the wall and offered it to my sister. She was delighted to accept it as she now got something that grandpa had made and she had a use for it. I did the same with counted cross stitch. I used to LOVE counted cross stitch, but I came to realize that I haven’t done a project in 17 years. I can’t imagine a time when I’m going to do one again any time soon, but I CAN see a time in the distant future when I will pick this hobby back up. So I’ve kept a couple of hoops and all my flosses are in order for when this time comes, but it’s in a small box that’s easy to store. Allow Yourself To Let Go Scrapbooking , stamping, and counted cross stitch are examples of crafts that I used to be really into, but am less so now. Similar to what I did, ask yourself if you’re still really into something and if not, adjust the amount of supplies that you hold onto. As you’re looking at your craft and reliving the memories of the interest in that craft, ask yourself: What is your current need, desire, and excitement for this craft? What is your future need, excitement, and desire for this craft? Only keep the things you really need and give 90% away! It may not be exactly 90%, but I guarantee you it will be around that amount. You do not need to keep a lot. Sometimes an advancement in technology makes your craft redundant. My stamps are a great example of this. They’re wooden, but modern ones are clear and much easier to use. If you want to revisit a hobby later, invest a bit of money in new things. Don’t be held back by the old things that you’re storing. Just because you’ve held onto them doesn’t mean you have to use them forever. Speaking of projects... OH MY GOODNESS! We have so many new products and opportunities coming out THIS WEEKEND I can't even stand it!! If you are following me on Instagram or Facebook be ready for LOTS of videos. :) I can't even decide what I am the most excited about!! First, I am so happy to announce that the BINDERS ARE IN! That's right! They are finally ready! There are five binders currently available - Financial, Medical, Household Reference, Household Operations, and Kids School Memories. You are going to LOVE THEM! and... the Official Sunday Baskets® are IN! I can't even believe my dream is coming true! If you have already participated in the Sunday Basket® Workshop, you will want to get your Official Organize 365 Sunday Basket® to accompany your slash pockets! If you haven't yet, we are now offering a special Sunday Basket® Kit for only $97 which includes the virtual Sunday Basket® Bundle 1.0 & 2.0 AND your very own Sunday Basket®! SHOP HERE As always, thank you for all you do as the heartbeat of Organize 365. I love hearing from all of you and am always cheering you on from the sidelines as you take control of your life - one room, one pile of paper at a time. Happy Organizing! ... Still reading?! Then you are a SUPER fan! Have you signed up to join me in Dallas, Texas for the Organize 365 National Convention? I can’t wait to meet you and give you a BIG hug! View the complete post here:
3/9/2018 • 38 minutes, 52 seconds
218 - HMR Just In Case
Welcome to the Hot Mess Room Series - Week 2! It’s time to sort through all of those items that you’ve been hanging onto without ever knowing where they’re likely to eventually end up. Storage is essential, but it can quickly get out of control. It’s time to ask yourself two simple questions… Will I use this item 1-4 times a year? Is this item saved for a specific person, for a specific date in the future? If you can answer yes, the item can stay. If it’s a no, it’s time for it to go. Storing things that you need is fine, and the more organized you get, the more you’ll appreciate a well-functioning storage room. My free 28-day organizational program on this topic goes into much more detail. Listen to my previous podcast for more information and you can sign up for it here. The number one goal for storage is to ask yourself if an item is something that you’re ever going to use. This applies to your items and the items that you are storing for others. I covered so many different things in this podcast including gifts, wrapping, furniture, home repair items, sports & entertainment equipment, cleaning supplies, kitchen supplies, toys, home decor, children's storage, making money, and clothing. You can read all about it in the blog post here. The Series I know that organizing a hot mess room doesn’t happen overnight so I’m creating this 4-episode podcast series to tackle things. This is Part Two. Last week, we laid the foundation and over the next two weeks we will cover: Craft organization Sorting memories and dreams for the future If you’re not already doing the 28-day challenge, then WHY NOT?! It’s a completely free program and you can start at any time. Sign up to start your journey here. Join me in Dallas, Texas for the Organize 365 National Convention on June 7-9, 2018! I can’t wait to meet you and give you a BIG hug! View the complete post here:
3/2/2018 • 48 minutes, 19 seconds
217 - From Hot Mess Room To Organized Storage
Take a deep breath – it’s time to get your hot mess room in order! This is one of the most requested podcast topics fro me to cover. If it helps, it was equally overwhelming for me to think about how I was going to inspire and motivate you to sort it out. What I finally realized was, you needed a 28 day course. And I didn't want money to be the reason you didn't tackle this already overwhelming space. So I created a FULL 28 day course complete with a 25 page eBook, 9 full color printables, and 28 daily emails with actionable tasks and daily videos or podcasts to keep you going.You can get the WHOLE course FREE here. Over the next 4 podcasts, I’m going to tackle your out of control storage area head on. Buckle up and get ready for the ride! Whether it’s the storage room, garage, spare bedroom, or even your entire house, there’s always going to be things that you just don’t know what to do with. As things build up in one space, they become a jigsaw puzzle. It’s your job to try and work out what items should go where. To move forward, you need to realize what’s actually in there and then once you’ve achieved that, you can sort it out. There’s two reasons why you have a hot mess room… You have a lack of time (and decision-making capabilities) You have a lack of space Lack Of Time There’s always something that will be more important to distract you from addressing the hot mess room. The reason that things are in there in the first place is because you don’t know what you want to do with them. They’re all there because you don’t want to deal with them. If you did want to deal with them, you would have! Lack Of Space Your goal is to have a functioning and organized storage area. The logistics of this will depend on your individual situation. If you have a garage and basement and lots of available space to fill, you may need to make tough decisions to reduce the amount of possessions you are storing. If you live in a smaller space, the reason that you may have a hot mess room is because you literally don’t have a storage area at all. When we pick houses, we often don’t make our purchasing decisions based on storage even though it’s something that we all need. Storage is a natural by-product of life. We all need a certain amount of stuff and that is absolutely fine. Depending on your circumstances, you may need an off-site storage facility. There’s nothing wrong with this. Here are 3 good examples of when this may be necessary… When two families blend together, especially if children are involved When you downsize, but the kids are still using the house as a storage facility If you move to an area where you don’t have a garage or basement Make Storage Work For You Since I started offering physical products, I’ve really had to think about the organizational logistics for myself and the wider team. Initially, we used the Home Depot shelving in the garage to store everything and this very quickly expanded to include an off-site storage facility. This worked, but it wasn’t ideal. As it got colder, we realized that a physical office with a door would be more appropriate for our needs. In all of these spaces, we used the Home Depot shelving – there were lots of trips to the store! The key to organization is to ensure that it works for your needs. If it doesn’t, change it, find a better solution, and move on. The System Whatever your system, start from an empty space for the optimum organization. The more uniform, the better. Your shelving and storage need to be neat, tidy, and clearly accessible. I personally use the HDX ventilated 24” deep shelving from Home Depot. I love that it is heavy duty yet very flexible and lightweight. (How to set up your storage room and the exact products I use are in the the WHOLE course FREE here.) It works for basements, storage facilities, garages, and even attics because it is so adaptable in height. It’s the system I LOVE for setting up a storage room. If space is limited, you can place folding tables on the top of the shelving to make a countertop to work on. It’s a great money-saving tip. The beauty of this system is that you can find anything at any time. Color-coded bins will hold your items and the contents will all be indexed in a home reference binder. You will keep this in the house for when you need to use it. Sign Up! I’m offering you the opportunity to enroll in a special 28-day program just for the hot mess room. It’s completely FREE! I’m super, super excited about how much this will help you. Sign up for this 28 day daily organizational challenge and you’ll get… Daily actionable work that will yield real results A 2-minute video each day An eBook and a comprehensive shopping list of how to set up a storage room 9 colorful printables to track what you have stored in your storage area Imagine getting organized in just 28 days! It’s a reality and it’s my FREE gift to you! Click here to start your 28-day organizational hot mess room journey. Hey, have you signed up to join me in Dallas, Texas for the Organize 365 National Convention? I can't wait to meet you and give you a BIG hug! View the complete post here:
2/23/2018 • 26 minutes, 39 seconds
216 - In My Top 5: Emily Kelly
It’s the big one guys! Over the last few weeks, I’ve been super excited to introduce you to some of the people that have really helped shape who I am over the last decade. So I couldn’t think of a better way to finish the series than by inviting my very own sister, Emily Kelly, onto the podcast! Emily takes you on the journey of some of our life experiences and shows you how I’ve become the person and businesswoman I am today... and to dish the dirt on everything about me that only a sister can know! We’re very lucky to be in such a special relationship. I’m also super excited to let you know that Emily is now part of the Organize 365 Team. She is running the Sunday Basket® Workshop Organizer Certification Program. Entrepreneurship Runs In Our Family We grew up in a 100% entrepreneurial family so the idea of working for someone else was just never entertained. For us, we were taught that you either owned the company or you started one from scratch. On the podcast, Emily takes us back to when she was 3 years old to the story of her first friend whose mom owned a home goods shop in the valley and our Mom who was running her business from our basement. Every day, they’d play "shops" with the little guest checks or receipts lying around from both homes. It was that or trading stickers. It’s all we’d ever known. Everywhere we went, we were pretending we were in business. It was so much fun! By contrast, since I was 4 years older, I was often out babysitting and dreaming of the day I’d become a mom! To picture the scene, we grew up in a neighborhood in Akron with no traffic (or sidewalks!) and there were very few children. It meant that we had to make our own fun. I’ll never forget the day Emily and her friend set up a lemonade stand outside the house. Entrepreneurism was everywhere for us, but it’s lovely to reflect on the fact that we learned business from different perspectives because of our ages. Our Mom’s Business Emily loves that we’re both true to form with the women on mom’s side of the family when it comes to business minds. We have inherited the attitude of "I have an idea and it’s going to sell." Our grandma mailed fabric all over the world so people could make their own clothes. Grandma Green had a flower shop, and our mom’s idea grew while working for a clothing business. Emily and I have such fun recalling the stories of mom and grandma taking clothes for a huge end-of-season event to Cleveland to maximize sales in the 1970’s/80’s. Everyone helped with it. Mom saw potential right away. Many people were being successful with the trunk parties, but no one had the undergarments. Cue mom! She literally got on a plane to New York, went to a show, and started buying lingerie. She had slips coming out of her ears! It was an old-school direct sales business that she’d created on her own. Emily says that just blows her away! It reminds me of when I got on the plane to Dallas and asked the manufacturer to produce my Sunday Basket® for me. Mom grew the business to where she had women working for her in 26 states when she sold it just a few years later. It was an amazing achievement with lots of reinvestment. We are both so similar in the way we approach business today because of how she was. White Gloves, Party Manners & Favorite Games Emily and I recall how when we were young, we took etiquette classes to learn all about silverware and to get our slips out for formal dinners (slips feature heavily in our childhood!). We also learned how to get out of a car in a skirt. I often wondered, would any of this help me see the royal family? We’re both BIG royals. I would have put being Queen on my list of jobs to be when I grew up if I could. I can’t wait for the royal wedding and new royal baby this year! We did love to play lots and lots of games when we were growing up, too. We came up with all sorts of games. By far, our favorite was one we made up called "big friend." Visit the blog post here to view a short video of Emily and I sharing our memories of the game. Entrepreneurism Ran In Our Dad’s Family, Too Our dad was no exception to entrepreneurism. Sales was his strength and Dad’s company had over 100 employees. His father and grandfather had a coffee company. Our father’s company in Akron that he eventually became co-owner of was called Alcon Tool. Dad’s enthusiasm for manufacturing made us fall in love with the industry. Dad’s ethos on work is something that stays with us both today. It doesn’t matter what role you play in the team, everyone is equally important. That’s what I’m trying to grow at Organize 365. Dad’s Passing Our father passed away 10 years ago just before he was 61. On the podcast episode, Emily and I reflect on this most upsetting time in our lives. We talk about how it was kind to put us both as executors, but not practical. We found our own roles and formed a strong team at a difficult time. Growing Independently It’s true that we had a privileged upbringing in both education and financial support, but in every single generation, the businesses that our families grew started from scratch. There was no inheritance, but just a great idea and the determination to succeed. Dad started life as a salesman and left as a partner. When I reflect back, my best advice would be to take a look at what you have and not what everyone else has. I’m successful and I’m very blessed, but I work really hard. I want to give back as much as possible, but I create zero excuses for myself. Having my husband Greg working allowed me to start Organize 365, but Emily is a very successful single woman. So it’s not your spouse that makes or breaks you. Think about the "something" you were uniquely created to do and give it to the world. Every reason why you’re not pursuing it is an excuse. Take what’s in your way and get rid of excuses to move forward. This podcast is about our family highlights because it’s all about encouraging and inspiring you. When you focus on the positives, opportunities become bigger and brighter and you can chase them. If you focus on what could have been, things look darker and it’s harder to chase your goals. Creative Memories The time when Emily and I worked for Creative Memories was a super exciting time in both our lives. Replacing my teaching salary with direct sales so I could stay at home with my family was my dream and I was going to do everything I could to get there. My dad helped me decide on Creative Memories. We both felt it had a big reach... it turns out we were right! As Emily says, I joined and went straight to the top! Emily was one of my great customers and after turning me down initially, I finally managed to get her to sign up, too. She went straight to the top as well! We built teams and were in the top 6% performers of the company. We take a lot of what we learned in those days with us now to run a fun community workshop feel. Emily & I As A Team Again This brings us to today and where Emily and I find ourselves in the organizational realm. Although it’s not the most profitable, I’m staying with the home and paper organization, as it’s the area where I feel I can recreate the community buzz of Creative Memories. I’m constantly pivoting and moving forward to create this feeling in your house and at our workshops. It’s awesome to have Emily on board to run the Sunday Basket® Workshop Organizer Certification Program. Prices go up on April 1st so get in touch with Emily to talk about the next steps as soon as you can. We’d love to have you on the team! Emily and I see the vision of bringing people together all over the world. It’s a space where you can share experiences and move forward from them. No one should feel alone and that’s why the workshop model works so well. Emily is so excited to be on board and she feels just like she did when we worked together at Creative Memories. For her, we’ve never been better than then as a team. I love Emily and so will you, I am sure! View the complete post here:
2/16/2018 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 29 seconds
215 - In My Top 5: Melanie Moore
I am so excited to introduce you to Melanie Moore on this week’s Organize 365 podcast! As many of you know, I’m running a series of the top 5 people who have helped shape and define me over the last decade and Melanie definitely qualifies. Melanie is the Director of Training & Development at CinchShare, a social media scheduling software that helps entrepreneurs, business owners, and anyone using social media to spend more time doing what they love rather than being tied to a computer. We use CinchShare at Organize 365 and I’m delighted that CinchShare is sponsoring the Organize 365 National Convention on June 7-9, 2018 in Texas. Melanie is going to be the Master of Ceremonies! How I Met Melanie The first time we spoke, I was in Walmart when my cell phone rang. The lady on the end of the phone sounded so enthusiastic that I pretended to know exactly who she was (even though at that stage I didn’t!). At the time, Melanie organized events where companies would come together, share ideas, and take them back to their own teams to grow their businesses. She asked if I would be a speaker and I couldn’t wait to jump in and say yes. I’d always wanted to be a national direct sales speaker and this was the perfect opportunity to learn and develop. She couldn’t pay me, but asked if I had a book I’d like to sell at the end. I said, "Yes." The speaking opportunity was in 2 weeks so I had 2 weeks to write a book... which, of course, I did!! :) Be An Action Taker After several meet-ups, we realized that we were both action takers. Being an action taker is a lot of fun. It opens up time to spend on things you enjoy rather than deliberating over things that don’t hold so much significance. For example, when something breaks, I’ll buy a new one right away. I won’t take hours pondering it. If the new one doesn’t work out, we’ll try again. Why Melanie Is An Inspiration To Me Melanie’s enthusiasm and expertise is infectious. And we both talk as fast as each other! I love that we both see the bigger picture in life. We’re able to both draw on our direct sales experience and see what’s working and what isn’t. The opportunities for both of us that arise from this are just super exciting. Organize 365 National Convention in Dallas Tickets are available NOW! Describing this convention is something I am having a hard time articulating. It’s a convention that meets a retreat with a splash of the group activities you did on school field trips. Think of it as a chance to meet and hug me (I’m a big hugger!). It’s all about getting like-minded people in a room together and learning so much from each other. Prepare to meet new friends, enjoy new experiences, and open your mind to a world of possibilities that you never thought possible. Give yourself the time to take a step out of the real world and purposefully plan your next year. I promise you, you’ll walk out of the convention as a new person. As Melanie says, “You’ll be a new person on a new mission. You’ll see clarity like you’ve never experienced. Clarity alone will bring you back every single year.” Rise – YOU Are Enough I want you to leave the conference believing in YOU. The convention will give you the resources you need to continue on your organizational journey and open up time in your calendar and space in your life for the future you want to happen. The more organized you are, the better your personal and professional life can be. I have a burning desire to see people thriving and living a relaxed life where they can live out their free time. The Organize 365 community is super awesome. We all learn from each other, including me! For example, thanks to a suggestion from someone in the group (thank you!), I now peg my jeans instead of hanging them so I have a designated space for each TYPE of jeans I wear. The peg is a brilliant idea! Supporting each other also brings us to synergy and the idea that 1 + 1 = 3 (or for me and Melanie, 8 million!). It’s important to get off technology and see people face-to-face. Melanie is such a wonderful example of this and I’m so happy that our paths crossed. There’s so much value in speaking to people. If you dream it and believe it, you can achieve it. As Melanie says, she can’t wait to see my dream of running a national convention actually come to fruition… and neither can I! We’re super excited to meet you all. There are only 160 tickets available. Once they’re gone, they’re GONE! Join us for some big surprises, be ready to be inspired, and take action. Come to Dallas and rise with us. View the complete post here:
2/9/2018 • 50 minutes, 25 seconds
213 - In My Top 5: Laura Vanderkam
I’m super excited to introduce Laura Vanderkam to the podcast. I’m a HUGE fan and I’ve wanted to get her on the show since I started out. Laura is the talented author of several time management and productivity books – I’ve read them all! She is here to guide us through life by saying, "Hey! It can be tough, but there’s so many different ways to manage our time and make things easier." I feel like I already know so much about Laura from her inspirational podcast, "The Best of Both Worlds." I’m always searching for podcasts about successful women and how they do it (aren’t we all?) and this is where I discovered Laura. The podcast is all about loving our families and our jobs as one, a concept that’s often presented as oppositional, but this one aims to prove it doesn’t have to be that way. Laura and her co-host Sarah Hart-Unger have taught me so much, not only about organizing my life for the better, but also giving me the confidence to speak up and stand my ground on the things that are important to me. Can You Have It All? Well, according to Laura – yes, you can. Not only that, she tells you how to hit it out of the park. My personal light bulb moment was coming across, "What Most Successful Women Do Before Breakfast," one of Laura’s books. To me, the content really makes sense. It’s about loving harmonizing your family and career, helping out, being flexible, and organizing your time to allow you to feel fulfilled in every part of your life. Grab Those Goalposts Use goals to manage your time. I’m a big believer that you can pretty much do whatever you want if you pick a goal and set steps to make it work. I definitely look at my time differently now thanks to Laura. Unfortunately, good things don’t just appear like magic. You need to think about how you’re realistically going to get to where you want to be. Set manageable targets within achievable timeframes and the goal setting process will start to flow. The book "I Know How She Does It" is really good for this. Prioritizing Family Time – Anytime Talking about looking at time differently, I love the concept of shaking things up. A simple change can affect your life dramatically. For example, if you feel like you’re missing out on quality time with your family, why not try making your meal time together at the beginning of the day. There’s so much pressure for family meals to be in the evening, but this can happen at any other time. How about breakfast? Breakfast food is fun and often people, especially children, are in a better mood in the morning. So it really can be a great option for busy families to have that time to sit together. Work out what works best for you and your family and shake it up. Looking At Your Time Differently Who knew the middle of the week was Thursday evening? I know, right?! This is a game changer. Laura explains that if you start from Monday morning, the midpoint of the week is really Thursday evening, even though it feels like the end of the week. For Laura, managing time is about balance. What does balance mean to you and how can you achieve it? Don’t be leisurely about your leisure time. It’s not about scheduling things you have to do – it’s about scheduling things you WANT to do! While she doesn’t suggest planning every part of your life, sometimes we do need to schedule our free time. If you want to go for a run, factor in that 20 minutes somewhere. Laura also says it’s important not to blame anyone else. You are in control. Don’t use the kids as an excuse for not being able to do things. I pick 1-3 things I want to accomplish and look at how that fits in with the family – at least then I’m in the equation. We need to think about ourselves. The Great Sleep Debate – Are We Getting Enough? I was inspired by Laura tracking her sleep over a couple of years and had every intention of tracking my sleep for 2 weeks – I ended up doing 2 nights! I’ve always said I need 6/7 hours, but the issue is I love sleeping in on the weekends. The purpose of Laura’s study was to see, in actual numbers, what the life of a professional woman looks like. It turns out, we have a lot more free time than we think. It’s how we use that time that’s key. Outsource The Things That Actually Take Up Your Time We need to ask ourselves, where are we actually spending most of our time? It’s likely to be picking up laundry or doing the daily house chores, but we definitely need to look beyond the obvious if we want to save time. Many of you know that I used to organize people professionally. I’d get constant calls from women asking me why they suddenly felt overwhelmed by the housework, despite work not changing and their kids being older. The reason was mostly because they’d gotten rid of the nanny who had been looking after the kids AND the housework. Often, they’d just need a part-time housekeeper to fill the gap and they’d be back on track. Laura points out that those little jobs we often multitask are actually taking up tons of valuable hours that we could be spending elsewhere. She says to set aside a time and, if it’s not done in that time, it’s probably not that important. We definitely underestimate the hours it takes to sort the home, but give yourself credit for doing that activity, whether you outsource it or not. Putting You In Control If something’s not done, I feel like it’s my problem. I know that I often put that on myself. I’m sure many of you can relate, but Laura says there’s always a choice and I think that is so important to remember. Sometimes you are doing this to yourself and you can take back control. Balancing family, free time, and chores can be overwhelming. What I LOVE about Laura is that not only does she have great ideas for managing your time effectively, she’s able to make me see that I can’t do it all. I’m WORKING And best of all – that’s ok! Looking Forward The next book from Laura is called "Off The Clock" and it comes out on May 29th. It’s a time study about tracking time and how people look at their lives. How do people spend their time differently? Laura found that people who felt like they had a lot of time had done something different or memorable. They felt like they had more time because they were doing something with their time that they actually remembered. The conclusion was that when you do this, your time actually expands. I LOVE it! The date is already on my calendar to get it. To find out more about Laura Vanderkam, click here. Follow me on Facebook and on Instagram – I’m currently addicted to Instagram Stories! View the complete post here:
1/26/2018 • 49 minutes, 53 seconds
212 - In My Top 5: Andrea Dekker
I have mentioned on the podcast many times before that there is one blog that I read every single day... it is Andrea Dekker's. There is so much great material on her blog Andrea has four children under the age of six and she explains how she manages all their very different requirements, and her own, with a simple "be prepared" mantra. She also shares with us some great advice on selling your unwanted items on Craigslist, something she does often with success. How We Both Got Started Both Andrea and I started out with very different blogs. For me, I remember I was going to be this "guru" to help when your kids had food allergies and other things. But then I realized that dealing with that and dealing with everything my kids needed me to do was just too much! That is when in 2012, I launched Though for Andrea, it was a little different. Andrea explains on the podcast that she just fell into doing what she does. After finishing college, starting work, and getting married, she realized she hated her job. Her father gave her some great advice when he told her to find out what she enjoyed doing and figure out a way to get paid for doing it. In doing that, she would be successful even if she didn't make a lot of money. So, a job she really disliked ended up being the springboard to starting her own organizing business, which was essentially her dream job. This was back in 2006. She didn't even have internet in her own house. But eventually she began to write her own blog, and she took some work as a virtual assistant. One of many things I love about Andrea's blog is her level of consistency. She would post every day at 8am and, just like reading a newspaper, I would sit down to read her blog every morning. I even copied this routine when I started blogging. My posts went up at 8am because Andrea's posts did! Andrea is good at routine. She takes the normal, everyday tasks and makes them more efficient and functional. She explains during the episode that she doesn't have creative, cool things to share. She just focuses on functionality and frugal solutions. If It Doesn't Work, Change It I was delighted that Andrea was willing to share a couple tips for my Organize 365 listeners. And I can certainly relate to the first tip about constantly evaluating what works and what doesn't work. Take the kids' toys for example... if the toys no longer fit in their space, then something has to go. Don't continue to just accumulate without purging as you go along. I am a self-confessed consumer, but the kids' toys change as they get older. I find that spreading them out into different rooms, or making them responsible for their own toys in their own space, makes it less overwhelming for you to clean them up again afterwards. Making the house work for you and your children is key. Andrea makes her house work for her. It’s almost like a preschool room... the kids can help themselves. I remember when my children were born, I kept the socks upstairs because that's where you keep socks, right? But we always put socks and shoes on in the family room. So when I moved the socks downstairs, it was like the heavens opened and the angels started singing because I didn't have to go searching for socks anymore. Make your house function for you and your family. It works until it doesn't work. And then when it doesn't work, change it. How To Sell On Craigslist The thing about purging and reorganizing is that you end up with a bunch of stuff that I tell you to load in the car, take to Goodwill, drop it all off, and move on. This is where Andrea gives us some great advice as she is so good at selling on Craigslist. On her website, she has some great articles on this topic where she goes into great detail about how to write the advertisement and what things are most important when selling via Craigslist. Click here to see her "Craigslist 101" posts. And she even has one on how she sold her house on Craigslist – click here to see it. She really is that good at this! Her best piece of advice is to be honest with yourself. Is it worth your time to take pictures, post the ad, respond to emails, and to sell the item? If not – donate it! If you are going to sell, make sure you take high-quality pictures and list the measurements. The more information you can give, the fewer emails you will get with questions about your item. Also with pricing, Andrea gives a great tip... Take a look at similar items in your area and price your item a little bit less. Even at just a couple dollars less, people will subconsciously be drawn to your item. This is where I am so different from Andrea. I have literally given things away that are worth hundreds of dollars just to have them out of the house. In fact, I did that with my daughter's guinea pigs. I gave them away and paid my daughter one hundred dollars before she changed her mind. I'm just not good at selling things. ;) - No guilt here if you too are in the survival phase of life and just want the clutter gone! Lighten Your Load Having been fully through the accumulation stage, (20s and 30s) I am working my way through survival (40-55). I am so pleased to direct those of you struggling with young children and mountains of toys over to Andrea's blog to see how she is thriving during the accumultaion years with 4 children under 6. In this week's blog post, I have lots of links to my favorite posts on Andrea's blog. If you want to see the crazy antics I am up to, follow me on Instagram and watch my daily Instagram Stories to see a peek into my life. View the complete post here:
1/19/2018 • 51 minutes, 21 seconds
211 - Building Organizational Muscles
You are probably confused right now. Lisa Woodruff, muscles? Well, the muscles I'm talking about are your organizational muscles! Are you ready to build your organizational muscles? Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not very good at physical exertion at all. In fact, I think sweating is a sin! I prefer to exercise my mental and organizational skills. Really, I am pathetic when it comes to exercise. I can literally go days when my step counter on my phone reads less than a thousand. There was a time a few years ago when I was able to walk 10,000 steps, but I just don't have the time now. And I don't want to make the time to do it, but I am making an effort. My goal this year is 5,000 steps and so far I'm doing pretty good. Bear in mind, this is my whole exercise program. I'm just trying to move more. I'm not trying to lose weight, just maintain it. Organization is similar to exercise in that regard. You have to match your organizational goals to the organizational outcome you want. Only compete with yourself! Hitting A Roadblock A lot of you will hit a roadblock this week. Isn't it freaky how I know that. Well, here's what happens... Over the Christmas break, you had time off and decluttered like a mad woman. The first step to getting organized is to declutter so you can see what you have left to organize. You got rid of everything that didn't move. Even the dog and children were afraid to sit too still in your house! You followed my advice and bought the bookshelves and bins from Home Depot. You've taken down Christmas and your holiday decoration area looks amazing. You feel like a boss, you're on a roll. You go from room to room, decluttering, taking out the trash, making donations. It looks better, but it doesn't feel organized and you don't know what to do next. Maybe I haven't recorded a podcast for that particular room and you're stuck, but decided not to buy the 100 Day Home Organization Program. You're saving money and it's expensive. Maybe you'll buy it later. And you're right, it is a little expensive and it should be. It was designed by a professional organizer and it works! It's OK, you don't need to buy the 100 Day Home Organization Program. I'm going to tell you how to grow your organizational muscles on your own. I am going to show you step-by-step how to tackle two areas in your home, the master bathroom and your linen closet. Organizing The Master Bathroom In just 15 minutes a day, you can organize the bathroom that you use every day to get ready to the point you feel like I came in and did it for you. Day One - Take a look at your towels. Do you need all of them? Remove the ones you don't need. Wash the ones you need out on display and freshen them up. Then, you're done with towels. Day Two – Make-up. Get rid of old samples and colors you don't wear and perfume that gives you migraines. Consolidate them into one space. It might help to take a look at the blog I wrote about Organizing Make-Up. You could also add in some organizational tools like the Make-up Manager I use like this one on Amazon (affiliate link). Over the next few days, assess your nail polish, your jewelry, your underwear and socks (yes, I keep all of these in my bathroom). Then look around you at the walls, do you like what you see? Continue until you have organized every single cabinet, drawer, and shelf, and then do it again. This is how you get organized, by spending 15 minutes a day in the same space every single day until you can go into that space for two 15 minute sessions in a row and there is literally nothing to do. It takes repetitive action, but your master bathroom will be amazing. Organizing Your Linen Closet Back in 2006, it took me about 4 months to organize my laundry room. Every 2 or 3 days, I would spend half an hour trying different things until I was happy... new shelving, new cabinets, new countertops. I had a blast doing it. Nobody cared. No one goes in there, no one messed it up. I could do what I wanted. I would run the washer and dryer at the same time. It was like white noise. I couldn't hear the rest of the family. It was amazing! But in the podcast, I focus on the linen closet. First of all, you need to empty it all over the floor and check out the bulky items (towels, blankets, comforters). Be honest with yourself here as these take up space. Do you need so many? Why do you still have towels from the 1980's? It is a cycle... we buy new and store the old ones in the linen closet. It's the same with bedding, get rid of them. If you think you don't have this stuff, just wait until you empty everything onto the floor. You'll see that I'm right. I had four sets of 20 year-old flannel sheets that I loved as a child, but my children didn't want them on their beds! Get rid of old towels and donate others that don't match your color scheme anymore to a homeless shelter along with any old single sheets. Be ruthless, what's the worst that could happen? That is how you organize your linen closet. But if you're thinking, "Wait, wait. There's still more stuff in here." I know you'll figure it out. And if you don't know how to take the next step, then you need a professional organizer to guide you. The Beauty of the 100 Day Home Organization Program You can organize your house like we did in these two scenarios, going back in day after day. But, if like me, it takes you 4 months to organize your laundry room, you can see how long it would take to do your whole house this way. You will get the same result room by room, but with the 100 Day Home Organization Program we go through the entire house in 100 days, take a break, and then do it again. Each time, your whole house is more organized, not perfect, but better. But in addition to the 15 minute daily actionable tasks, the real beauty of the 100 Day Home Organization Program is that it comes with a lifetime membership. There are no renewal fees. Once you're in, you're in. Am I Too Late To Join? I launched the 100 Day Home Organization Program in December in order to capitalize on the momentum of January 1st. You're all fired up and ready to go as we hit the kitchen. Perhaps you didn't sign up because you just didn't have the money at the time. Or you had done the kitchen a couple of times already and didn't want to do it again. Or maybe you thought you could just do it on your own. Maybe now you're starting to realize how beneficial it would be to have a professional organizer, one that has organized 100's of homes, just to tell you what to do each day and you can go do it. Well, if like those that have emailed me asking when the 100 Day Home Organization Program opens again, you thought you'd missed out... surprise! I am opening the doors again this weekend only. If you join between now and Monday, you can start the program on January 22nd when everyone who started on the 1st is done with the kitchen and moving onto the master suite (bedroom, bathroom and closet). Don't try to go back to day one, jump in with everyone else in the master bedroom! You can join us mid-stream, not have to do your kitchen, and get both the Winter and Summer 2018 planners at no extra cost. To find out more and sign-up, just click here. I am SO excited to be able to offer you this opportunity and I hope you will join us as I know this program works. It looks like it's going to be a long winter. You're going to be inside a lot, so let's get organized while we're there. Join us! View the complete post here:
1/12/2018 • 29 minutes, 8 seconds
210 - Changing Your Focus From Money To Time
In 2018, I want you to start valuing and looking at your time differently. Who you spend your time with, what you spend you time on, and how you want to spend your time in the future. In today's podcast, I am answering the question, "How did I purposefully create the Organize 365 business and organized life that I am living right now?" It is true. I am fulfilled, satisfied, and debt free, but it hasn't always been like this. It has been a journey. For me, the change came when I hit 40. I think milestone birthdays are like a window of opportunity to think about how we spend our time and money, and to make shifts to propel us through the next decade. In this podcast, I share a few key transitions in my thought process, and how I spent my time and money in the last 6 years that really were the catalyst for this change. I shifted my focus from thinking about our income needs to how I wanted to spend my time. I focused on hiring help both at home and in my business. I expanded my thoughts beyond how to be a great professional organizer to how to change the organization industry. Finally, this past fall I reflected on all of these changes and created the... Organize 365 Mission, Vision & Values Mission: To inspire, motivate, and teach busy women to take back their home and paper with practical and doable organizing systems and programs that work. Vision: Through research, targeted surveys, and data analysis, Organize 365 will bring to light the organizational needs of the homeowner to shape and develop the discussion about the "stuff" in American homes through podcast conversation and book-thought leadership. As a trusted leader in home and paper organization, Organize 365 will be the "go-to" resource for busy women, future professional organizers and home-organizational brands, and the media. Organize 365 will help the homeowner finally get organized with home and paper organization courses, products that combine teaching and application of practical organization principles. Values: We value the power of positivity. Our words, mindset, and actions shape our reality. Organize 365 uses empowering words to shape personal change. We build community. In community, everyone can learn to be organized, action is easier and happens exponentially. Organize 365 believes organization is a learnable skill. We live life in abundance. Resources are not limited, but limitless. Through collaboration, Organize 365 connects the right people and resources for maximum benefit and sustainability. We believe in transformational freedom. As you let go of one thing, you are open to receiving the next. We strive to unlock your life's purpose through the process of decluttering, organizing, and increased productivity. I hope you have enjoyed learning a little about the roots of Organize 365! Ask yourself this... If I could do, be, and have anything in the world and I didn’t have to worry about all the things that I’m worrying about, what would that look like? Follow me on Facebook and on Instagram – I’m currently addicted to Instagram Stories! View the complete post here:
1/5/2018 • 57 minutes, 46 seconds
208 - How Organizing Your House Is Like Playing Candy Crush
Have you ever played Candy Crush? It is so ridiculously simple and mindless… but addictive. In this week’s podcast episode, I compare organizing your house to playing this fun, addictive, and ultimately endless game of Candy Crush. It was around three summers ago that I played this game obsessively. I would find any excuse to play Candy Crush. I would even make extra time to play it, and play it for way too long trying to get through a level. Finally, I had to take it completely off my phone because I just have no will power. A couple of years later, I put it back on my phone and found I wasn't quite so addicted as I was the first time. A word of warning – if you have never played Candy Crush, don't take this podcast as permission to go and download it! When I first started playing it, I thought you could "win," that you could finish the game, but there are literally millions of levels. You can never win. I don’t recommend wasting your time on it! What does Candy Crush have to do with home organization? As the new year approaches, we all start to set goals to get organized, lose weight, and put our finances in order, all at the same time. These are the top three New Year's resolutions that we all want to achieve. On January 1st, when people ask you what you're going to do, you say, "I'm going to lose 10 pounds, I'm going to get out of debt, and I'm going to get organized," because that is what everybody plans to do every single January! When it comes to home organization, at the end of the year you may say, "I'm going to get my house in order." What you mean is you're going to declutter, donate, sell, and basically get rid of things. That's what you mean by getting organized in the last week of the year. That's like the first 20 levels of Candy Crush. You go in, you play it, you go to the next level. Or, when organizing your home, you go in the room, you fill a trash bag, you take it out to the car, or you donate it and you continue like this… donating, trash, donating, trash. You feel good and you're also getting a bit of exercise while doing it! Another example – you're clearing the house, taking down decorations, and you feel like you're doing a great job, then suddenly you return to a room you have already done, checking for any other clutter, and you get a little stuck. You start to look for more help to make decisions about what you need or don't need. It's not as easy to get through the room. This is like Candy Crush – often they don't let you through the level on the first shot so you have to play it again until you finally get through it. What happens when you get stuck? Let’s say you make great progress until you realize there are no more "quick wins." So where do we go from there? Maybe you buy some little containers and organize some drawers, maybe tweaking and maintaining things you've done before. By about the middle of January, there is still 80% that has not been organized successfully and you don't know where to start to resolving this. You wonder if there are organizers you can buy. This usually doesn't work, it costs a lot of money, and there aren't organizers you can buy for the space you need to organize... don't you hate that? This is because 99% of organization has nothing to do with the cute containers. It’s like you are stuck on Candy Crush level 56 and you're asking yourself, what do I have to do to get through this level?! There are two things you can do when playing Candy Crush when you get stuck: Pay for help You can pay for more moves when you run out of your lives, plus other pay options. Head online – I go to YouTube Just search for “how to beat level 57 in Candy Crush” and watch a video of some genius who knows how to beat that level. Either you go spend the time watching someone who knows how to do it or you pay the money to take you to the next level. Guess what, it's the same with organizing. You start to get wins and you are flying through your house. You will want to spend more time organizing your house because you are having such success. Equally, when you get frustrated and your laundry room is driving you bananas, you are going to start figuring out how to beat that laundry room. Someone has to win the battle and you want it to be you. You get so determined that once it is complete, you have a sense of satisfaction and can give yourself permission to go and do something else with your time. When you're in the middle of January and you’re going to tackle the front hall closet or the laundry room, for example, just like in Candy Crush, you have two choices: Go online You can go online and find many resources and people that can help you. For example, on Pinterest or YouTube, you can see spaces that have been organized by others and watch how they do it. Hire help You can get a professional organizer or you could do my 100 Day Home Organization Program. How I can help you? To help you get organized, I have two things to offer you that I am so excited about. The Sunday Basket® Podcast I’m so excited to let you know that on Sunday, December 31st, I’m launching the Sunday Basket® Podcast. It is available now on iTunes. Please go check it out and subscribe. Starting tomorrow, on the Organize 365 podcast I will be posting a podcast to listen to EVERY DAY through December 31st. I am calling this the Organize 365 BINGE. These are previous podcasts that I have pulled out and put in the exact order I would have you listen to them if you were brand new to Organize 365. They will help you with the mental mindset you are going to need going forward. So whether you are new to Organize 365 (welcome!) or you are a regular, take a moment to subscribe, listen, and share this podcast with your friends and family. Help lighten the load for everyone! Then from December 31st to January 7th, I will have 8 brand new episodes on the SundayBasket® Podcast. You have to subscribe to The Sunday Basket® Podcast, though, so be sure to do that so you get my daily tips and motivation! The 100 Day Home Organization Program Registration to my 100 Day Home Organization Program is now open – click here to join. The program gives you 100 actionable, 15 minute a day activities starting on Monday, January 1st. Every day by email, you will receive a 15-minute activity with a short video, an actionable step, and any links to material that I talk about in the email or video. It is designed to systematically organize your entire house in 100 days. Don't worry, it comes with a lifetime membership so you don't have to commit to do all 100 days IN 100 days. You can skip days and go back to them and do this over and over again. We do the program 3 times a year. Also with the 100 Day Home Organization Program, you get my amazing planner! On January 1st, I will go live in the private Facebook Group and take you through the first part of this planner to set your goals and productivity. I also do a weekly live Q&A in the group which I also post online. So even if you aren’t on Facebook, you won't miss out. This is the game changer from waking up on January 1st, 2018 saying, "I'm going to lose some weight, get out of debt, and get organized" to waking up on January 1st, 2019 saying, "I got organized." My goal is to help increase your productivity to allow you to do whatever you were uniquely created to do. We as women are being taken out by the everyday and this is stopping us from being the unique individuals we are meant to be. I really want to be your coach, motivate you, and help you reduce the time spent on everyday tasks, to become more organized, purposeful, and productive through 2018. If you would like to join the 100 Day Home Organization Program, just click here. I hope to see you on the inside! View the complete post here:
12/22/2017 • 21 minutes, 34 seconds
207 - Who Is In Your Top 5?
On the podcast this week, I ask you the question – who is in your top five? Let me explain! A few years ago, a cell phone company had a benefit for their customers where you could select the top five people that you talk to the most on the phone and those calls would be free. They would run advertisements where they talked about you having a "top five." My husband, Greg, and I used to find the whole "top five" thing amusing, and I recall it was often the source of jokes with comedians! Then I heard a quote and it really had an impact on me. “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” by the late Jim Rohn. You’re the average of the five people that you spend the most time with in terms of income, positivity, taking action, etc. The five people you spend the most time with are who you’ll be the most like. I remember when I first heard this quote, it really caused me to think about who the five people are that I spend the most time with. At the time, I was thinking how true the quote was. My income was the average of the five people I spent the most time with. My gossip level was the average of the five people I spent the most time with! (I don’t gossip anymore, but I used to gossip a lot!). I changed how I spend my time It was a conscious decision that I made to change how I spend my time. Hearing that quote over and over again and thinking, well, who do I want to be like? What income do I want to have? What kind of free time do I want to have? How do I want to spend my free time? What do I want to talk about in conversations? I don’t listen to the news anymore, but at the time I was watching CNBC every day and I was freaking about the stock market… our money… every day. I lived in a very moment-to-moment life. Now I live a much more peaceful, purposeful, proactive, cultivated life. I have cultivated the life that I am living. I let the media and the people in that I want and I don’t let in the rest. My life is not directed based on what comes across my desk or comes across my TV. Even in my free time, I am choosing not to be marketed to through commercials, and I’m choosing not to get my news fed to me through a regular network news program. Who are your five top people? Now when you hear this, you may think about the five people you spend the most time with. They may all be under three feet tall! You’re not going to change that. You’re not going to change your spouse, your kids, your parents, your parish, your church, your whatever. The people you spend the most time with are somewhat static and somewhat flexible. So, who you spend the most physical time with may not be as easy to change as who you spend your intellectual time with. Ask yourself, who do I want to learn from? Who do I want to be like? If I could hang out with them tomorrow, and we lived in the same city, who would I hang out with? I changed my top 5 through podcasts. I picked two or three podcasters I really liked at the time and I listened to every one of their episodes. And I would sometimes listen to their episodes over and over again so I would mentally be with them all the time. When I find someone I like, I listen to their podcasts and (virtually) I become their "best friend" and get to know a lot about them. You probably know a lot about me. You may listen to me every day. You may be interacting with me in social media. I like to think that I might be one of the top five people that you spend the most time with! Great characteristics of your top five people I want you to think about the average of the five people you spend the most time with, and who are the five people you most want to spend 2018 with? Listen to the podcast to hear about four characteristics of people that I think would be most helpful for you to have in your top five going forward in 2018. Change your mindset A year from now at the end of 2018, what do you want your life to look like? Who do you want to be associating with? How much money do you want to be making? Who are those people that are living the life you want to be living 12 months from now? Your top five don’t have to be the physical people you see every day. So really, consciously, think about who is going to be in your top five going into 2018. Then follow me on Facebook or on Instagram. I would love to be in your top 5 in 2018... and beyond! View the complete post here:
12/15/2017 • 19 minutes, 56 seconds
206 - The Difference Between Excellence & Perfection
It’s the beginning of December, the time of year when we reflect back on the past 11 months. We set goals to accomplish the things we said we were going to get done this year before the clock strikes midnight on December 31st. This is a podcast that has been brewing in my mind for a while. I’ve often said “progress over perfection” and “done is better than perfect.” But perfection is a good thing, not a bad thing, right? Should we strive for perfection? I don’t think perfection is something to be idolized. I’m very goal orientated but I’m not a perfectionist, although I have lots of goals that I want to accomplish. I first realized I wasn’t a perfectionist in 8th Grade. I couldn’t get to that ideal of straight A’s. I always had a floating C on my report card. I remember failing a test because I wasn’t getting the information clearly. I was seeing it differently. Later, I found out I had dyslexia which made a lot of sense! We all see the world in a different way. There is no one exactly like you. When we strive for perfection, what is the outside marker that deems we are doing a good job? Who is the judge of what perfection is? Perfect to one person may not be perfect to another. I want to change our vocabulary from perfectionism to excellence I’m definitely a woman of excellence. I try to be excellent in everything I do, but I don’t strive for perfection. The definition of perfection is “the condition, state or quality of being free or as free as possible of all flaws or defects” or “the action or process of improving something until it is faultless or as faultless as possible.” The definition of excellence is “the quality of being outstanding or extremely good” and “an outstanding feature or quality.” They sound pretty similar and, in some cases, the words can be used interchangeably. The difference is the intent behind the words and the way they make you feel. When you are going for the perfect room, the perfect picture, the perfect goal weight, you are fixated on what the outcome is going to look like. Is it your level of perfect or someone else’s level of perfect? Expectations of others In the past, when I’ve thought I could get something perfect, the problem was that it never was. My husband has perfectionistic tendencies. When we were newly married and I would paint a room or complete an organizing project, my husband would come in, inspect it, and find the flaws... which I can tell you, I was not very happy about! I’m a good enough painter. I saved us a lot of money painting the rooms. They’re not perfect, but they’re beautiful. I did the best that I could with the resources I had and I finished the job. I did it with excellence. But when I tried to meet the expectations of other people, I felt judged. Am I ever going to be good enough? When you strive for perfection, the definition alone tells you “the condition, state or quality of being free or as free as possible of all flaws or defects.” Free of all flaws and defects? Are you kidding? We’re in a fallen world. We can’t be free of flaws because we’re human. Excellence IS achievable I am so much happier now that I’m striving for excellence. But I was 30 years old before I decided to be a woman of excellence. For example, I spent years watching my best friend do everything... parenting, being hospitable, and being a friend... with excellence. One day, I just started doing what she did. I used to spend a lot of time bemoaning the fact that I had chores to do, or waiting until the chores filled up a block of time, or resenting that I had to do the chores. Now, if I’m walking by and I see something that needs doing... laundry to put away, something to pick up... I do it right away. I’ve become a person of action and excellence. How does this relate to you? When you are looking to get your house organized or become a more productive person, there is a tendency for us to dream about what it’s going to be like when everything is perfectly organized. It’s not going to happen. I want to change your mindset here. If you’re striving for perfection, your days are going to end in frustration and defeat. You are not going to get there. The thing I found out when striving for excellence is that “done is better than perfect.” Excellence in action So, this is how excellence plays out for me. Everyday, I set out to do one to three big tasks, things I want to knock off my to-do list. Often, I’ve done most of them by noon and I add more. And everyday I am amazed at what I get done, but I don’t set myself up for failure trying to be perfect at things. Excellence is taking the next step. It’s not about having a perfect outcome. It’s just looking at the next step that needs to be done, taking the action, then figuring out what the next step is. There’s none of the inner dialogue. Whenever I am trying to do something to be perfect, I spend so much time thinking about it, talking to myself about it, and preparing to do it instead of just doing it. When I act as a person of excellence, I just want to have this house well-run and everyone have what they need. How do you feel about excellence? There’s no real action to take, but I just want you to start thinking about the different feelings you have when acting in a perfect way or acting in excellence. How much time do you spend internally dialoguing with yourself over your own expectations? How your house looks How organized different spaces are How perfectly you do something How much of your time is wasted on the thinking and not the doing Sometimes in the doing, in the action, the perfect answer will come to you. A more excellent way will be revealed. If you have a couple of things on your list that you want to get done in the morning, just go ahead and attack those things with excellence, doing the next thing you know how to do. You will get so much more done than if you try to do one thing perfectly everyday. I would love to hear your feedback on this. You can talk to me on Facebook or on Instagram (I'm having lots of fun on Instagram Stories right now!) View the complete post here:
12/8/2017 • 22 minutes, 46 seconds
205 - How To Decorate For The Holidays In 3-1/2 Hours
'Tis the season to get overwhelmed with stress and give yourself a migraine and cold sweats just thinking about decorating your house for the holidays! We all love how our house looks when it is all decorated, but the task itself seems like climbing Mount Everest. We can get ourselves so worked up about how arduous the task appears. I know it feels like the biggest task of my life at times. How can we change our mindset on this? Recently, I held a "Holiday Blitz" challenge on Facebook Live, a free 5-day "get ready guide" for the holidays. To those of you who took part, I hope you found it super useful. The printables are available here and the videos are still on Facebook. During the challenge, I discussed how women have many roles that they play, and how we have different things to do all the time that leave us feeling like we are always working. The holidays are a time where there is a lot of pressure on the female head of the home. She needs to produce great food, decorations, and gift ideas, and be the host for guests, just to name a few. When it comes to decorating, we tend to put up every decoration we have because everybody loves them, right? Well, yes, but would they even notice if we didn’t use EVERY decoration? Well, most likely, they wouldn't! Where to start? It was around 10 years ago that decorating my house took on this momentous feeling. I used to love it, but so many things led to a change for me. I've tried various approaches over the years to get back into the swing and take joy from festive decorating, and the approach that has worked best is a giant purge. We all have that box of decorations sitting in the basement that we no longer use. You collect all these decorations and wish you had a space, but really they are just guilt in boxes and it is okay to get rid of them. Yes, go ahead and donate them. You will not need them in the future. And you will not miss them either! That doesn’t mean you can't ever add new things, just as long as they make sense to you. We bought a Christmas tree (ours have to be fake as I am allergic to real trees) around 10 years ago and, at the time, I loved it. Then Christmas tree technology really moved on and I got pre-lit tree envy, but for years couldn’t justify the cost. This year though – I bought it! Or rather, them. I got a few… but they were a great addition for us, as I’ll explain shortly. What next? This year, I decorated my entire house in 3-1/2 hours and I’m going to share my secrets with you. I break it down into 4 steps. Clean I always decorate on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The kids are on holiday and I’m off work, but my husband isn’t. So he gets the gift of leaving the house looking normal and returning to it fully decorated. This year, it fell perfectly that our housecleaner was coming that same day, too. Block out time I started optimistically by blocking out the whole day, but life happened and I couldn’t get started until 12:30 pm, rather than 10 am as I had originally planned. I already knew I had to be done by 6:30 pm. We had family coming in from out of state, and it was likely that my husband would finish work early. I was a little stressed at losing a couple of hours in the morning, but knew that I had to get it all squeezed in somehow. Start with the hardest part For me, the hardest part was always setting up the old tree. So I started with the smallest of the new trees. It took me no time! I was amazed. Then, I moved onto the bigger tree and assumed that would be simple, too. I shifted the furniture around and "ta-da," in 20 minutes I was done and had a beautiful big tree. Getting the new tree(s) saved me so much time and so much stress. It will alleviate so much worry for me next year. Keep going until you’re done At 2-1/2 hours into it, and with the Fall decorations down, nativity scenes set up, wreaths hanging, and baby Jesus in his wooden manger, I was done. But I wasn’t done. Those tree ornaments weren’t going to hang themselves! I made excuses. I even hid the ornaments on the other side of the room. I so desperately wanted it to be over already. But I didn’t quit. Our ornaments are separated into boxes by which tree they go on. I put the living room tree ornaments on and it was so fast and easy. By this point, I realized I had been so close to giving up and had been moaning about something so simple. I looked at what I had left and made a plan. I changed some things up and put things in new locations. Yes, I gave myself permission to change my own rule! We get so locked into tradition sometimes that we lose the sense of things. By the end, I was exhausted. So I had a coffee and took a nap in the time that I had to spare. My husband was thrilled when he got home and I was so pleased with myself that I actually got it done. Remember… You are in control. You can ask family which are their favorite decorations (do this before you put anything up so you know they actually remember it) and you can take away the pressure of having to put up all the other things that they don’t mention and won’t notice aren’t there anyway. Ease the pressure on yourself where you can and bring back the joy of holiday decorating. To see more about my holiday decorating and whatever else I'm up to, follow me on Instagram. Happy Holidays! View the complete post here:
12/1/2017 • 21 minutes, 55 seconds
204 - Puerto Rico - Giving Back
I am delighted to welcome Dr. Carmen Landrau to this week's podcast episode. Carmen is a cardiologist, a professional speaker, a mom of 3 kids, and is from Puerto Rico. How Carmen balances work and home life is fascinating and her method of getting help to those in need in Puerto Rico is amazing. Those of you who listen regularly will know that I become obsessed when there is a natural disaster so I was thrilled to have Carmen on the show. Carmen and I met in California at a conference for entrepreneurs. With the help of her coach, she has developed a keynote speech helping professional women get to the next step in their careers and life. Women are multi-everything. We are busy being wives, mothers, daughters, friends, and career women. We all have the same problem and, if we want to have it all, we need to figure out how to do that. Our way of thinking is different to men and the expectations are different. Carmen helps women figure it out. The link to Puerto Rico I brought up my desperation about Puerto Rico to Carmen when we met in California. It was then that I learned Carmen’s family lives in Puerto Rico and that she has given to the cause in a very tangible way. I just knew I wanted to share her story with you. Carmen and I agree that nobody will save you in life. As women, we need to get more bold with our solutions and not wait to be asked to fix something. Carmen’s mom, sister, and extended family are still in Puerto Rico. They are one of the lucky few that have power, water, and food while 90% or so of the island still does not, nearly two months since the hurricane. I was incredibly naive and ignorant about Puerto Rico. I thought it was tiny like St. John Island and figured we could just move the people off the island. It is a significant population (they would have 5 electoral college votes if they were a state) and they don’t want to leave. At the time we recorded the podcast episode, the official death toll was 50. However, the true statistic is more like 500 as people are dying from "natural causes" brought on by the lack of resources. Carmen is part of an amazing movement helping the people of Puerto Rico Carmen worked around the system and got medical supplies there. It all started on a Facebook group set up by a doctor in Florida who is also from Puerto Rico. Initially, it was set up for female Puerto Rican doctors to see how they could help. It has evolved to include both sexes and other professions who want to help. Word of mouth from those within the group meant that a day or so later the Baton Rouge Emergency Aid Coalition (BREAC) got in touch. They are a group of volunteer medical professionals who have stocks of medication that they have collected from other shelters used in previous natural disasters. The equipment and medication can be used elsewhere, as long as they are obtained by licensed professionals in order to maintain chain of custody. But how to get them to Puerto Rico? Amazingly, through word of mouth and social media, people offered their planes to transport it, including United Airlines. Nine planes have gone out from Houston, 20 or 30 more nationwide. All of this happened because of volunteers and people making donations. It is almost too simple... doctors in Puerto Rico send out requests to doctors in Houston, then they source it and send it. Doctors in Puerto Rico then meet the plane and distribute it to those in need. No politics or red tape makes for a smooth and efficient system. The aftermath and legacy Carmen believes that when you find yourself in the aftermath of something like a natural disaster, or something else unexpected, you need to act and get over it or your whole life goes downhill. She acknowledges that people are still trying to figure out what happened and how to cope, but that’s why she is doing this. She is from Puerto Rico so she has a clear motive, but she is amazed by how many others want to help. When she asks why they do it, nobody has a specific answer. It is just the genuine goodness of their heart. That brings with it so much meaning and it is more appreciated than anything. Carmen knows it will take years to mend the damage done in Puerto Rico, but hang in there. Puerto Ricans know what they are doing and can fix this with you. They have survived this and the sky is the limit, keep moving forward. See this as an opportunity to re-invent yourself and try to make the best of it. There are many obstacles to helping in Puerto Rico, not least that it is an island nation. When the power goes out in Florida, there are trucks flooding in from other states to get things up and running. That cannot be done in this case. It is commendable that if you put a woman at the helm, things happen. When somebody is hurting, we go in there and fix it. The impact of this will be around for years, just as it will be in Texas and California and all those other sites of recent disasters. We are getting so used to the tragedy. It almost becomes a recurring news item with the lead up to it being more fully covered than the devastation and the impact itself. That is when they need us most and we need to know that they need us. Thank goodness for social media... it can be really useful. People affected can ask for exactly what they require. There is an opportunity for business owners to help There is an opportunity for business owners to help each other here. If only the effort big business put into the Olympics in Rio was put into helping Puerto Rico, right? They don’t apply that to charity and they most likely won’t, but smaller businesses can step up. We can also use newer technologies and update the island. We do not need to try to rebuild exactly what was there. It can be seen as a blank canvas, full of opportunities for those who seek them and take advantage of this situation to improve lives. Big business should pause for thought, too. They spend so much of their money on advertising, but the world is evolving and we don’t watch TV anymore. When will they realize they would do better to find a problem, like the situation in Puerto Rico, and solve it? We, as the public, would see and appreciate that. Surely there can be no better form of advertising. So, what can you do? Get out there and ask the questions. Figure out what people need and provide it if you can. Look at your resources and connect differently. Use that to help people. It is the day after Thanksgiving here in the United States and that significance is not lost on Carmen. There is always a reason behind what happens in our lives and perhaps the reason she and I met was so I could offer this help. What goes around, comes around. So if you can help, you should. It may be you one day. Related to this, I plan to set up an initiative for 2018. As we are decluttering, think about what makes us uniquely us and how we can impact the community around us. When we did the fundraiser for Houston, it was fun and we were able to surprise people. That feels good. (We are over $8,000 – THANK YOU so much to all who have contributed!) On the podcast, Carmen encourages everyone to go to the website There are ways that you can donate to fundraisers and so many links to stories like Carmen’s. They also have a cool way of doing things so you don’t have to wonder how to help – they have an Amazon Wishlist! If you would like to find out more about Carmen, click here. View the complete post here:
11/24/2017 • 53 minutes, 30 seconds
203 - Meal Planning with Tiffany King
11/17/2017 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 9 seconds
202 - The Seasonal Energy of Decluttering, Organizing & Productivity
In this week’s podcast episode, I talk to you about organizational energy. At the beginning of 2017, I recorded three podcast episodes in a row after I had come to the conclusion that there is a cycle to getting organized. The first step is decluttering. The second step is organization. The third step is increased productivity. I want to take some time to "unpack" what each of these steps are and understand the energy behind decluttering, getting organized, and becoming more productive. What do you tend to focus on? If you’re a homeowner, you most likely tend to focus on one of these five: decluttering, organizing, being productive, cleaning, or decorating. And you’ll likely subscribe to and follow people (podcasters, bloggers, authors, etc.) who have the same focus as you. For example, I’m focused primarily on organization and on having a home that is organized in a functional way. To become organized, you first need to declutter. When you have worked on organization, you then tend to start working on productivity. I focus on all three steps as I see them as interconnected, but you’ll rarely hear me talk about cleaning or decorating! Let’s look at what I mean by these steps… Decluttering Decluttering is the act of reviewing a space and removing what no longer needs to be there. Quite often, decluttering needs to be completed as a group/family activity. At the very least, you need input from your family members when it comes to deciding what to do with their items. Decluttering is 70-90% physical and 10-30% mental. It becomes more of a mental exercise when you are dealing with items that are of emotional significance. Organization Organization is 50% physical and 50% mental. The mental aspect of getting started. Then the physical emptying out the space. Then comes the mental decision making on what to do with items. Back to physically buying and filling containers to use. And ending in mentally evaluating and reevaluating if the organization methods you chose is the BEST for you. Back and forth between mental and physical at a rate of 50/50. Increase Productivity Productivity is 10% physical and 90% mental. Being productive is largely a decision-making activity. For example, if you decided that you wanted a new capsule wardrobe, you would spend 90% of your time working out the when, what, and how of it all. Then, the actual act of going out and buying what you want, after all the decisions have been made, would take just 10% of the overall time. Cleaning Cleaning is 100% physical. There is very little thought process involved. You know what needs to be cleaned and you, or someone else, needs to take action. The only mental aspect is often us trying to justify or avoid doing a task that just needs to be done! That is why it is the easiest item to delegate! Decorating is something that I have so little experience with, I’m not even going to attempt to explain that one! How this relates to energy cycles In today's podcast and post, I explain how energy cycles throughout the year ebb and flow and how they relate to home organization. (This post is a long one and this email is long enough! Read the whole post here.) but I will post the energy you are feeling right now... October - December At this time of year, we start planning for the holidays. Thanks to those of you who took part in my holiday blitz this past week! Your focus is back to cleaning again. You want to clean before Thanksgiving and before you start putting those Christmas decorations up. The energy that is coming in the last 6-7 weeks of the year will come in waves. The energy will not be constant. The waves will come and you should ride them and not push them off. It’s harder to resist than to actually go and do what you want to do. For example, you’ll get an urge to go clean a room, declutter the kids’ rooms, decorate, etc. Whatever it may be, you will find you have these urges. I recommend just acting on them. December 22nd It seems funny for me to be so specific with a date, but on December 22nd my blog traffic will double (like it has done for the past few years)! I’ve realized that most of us start organizing on December 22nd. It’s when the kids are home for the holidays. Extended family start to arrive, if you are at home on the holidays. You are done with your holiday shopping, wrapping, etc. Most of the cleaning is done. You have time off work (with most jobs). It’s winter so you don’t want to be spending too much time outside. You will start to think about a home organization project that you could undertake. Family are around to help with decluttering. The focus is more decluttering than organizing at this time. From December 22nd to January 1st, the decluttering energy turns into an organizational energy. The 100 Day Home Organization Program I open enrollment for my 100 Day Home Organization Program at certain times of the year for a reason. The timing is well thought through and I base it on the cycles and energies that I’ve discussed in this week’s podcast episode. I’m pleased to let you know that the 100 Day Home Organization Program has just opened again (November 10-14). Click here to register. If you join now, you’ll start receiving the daily emails right away and you'll get the new and improved planner. Remember, the 100 Day Home Organization Program is not just for Christmas, it’s a lifetime membership! You can do the program again and again until your life has transformed. My goal is for you to live an organized life so you can spend your time doing what you love and pursuing your life purpose. What a great gift that would be, at Christmas or any time of year! View the complete post here:
11/10/2017 • 59 minutes, 15 seconds
200 - The State of Paper In American Homes
This week’s podcast episode is number 200. 200 episodes. Can you believe it?! As if that wasn’t exciting enough, last week the Organize 365 podcast surpassed 2 million downloads! Thanks to each and every one of you who have listened to my podcast and who have supported me with Organize 365. I thought a lot about what to cover on my 200th episode and decided that I wanted to talk about paper, one of my favorite topics. Also, this week I have a few special announcements to make… all of them related to paper! I’m launching a second podcast – The Sunday Basket® Podcast In January 2018, I’m going to launch a second podcast called The Sunday Basket® Podcast. Recently, I’ve been wanting to talk more and more about paper organizing, but I know that not everyone wants to hear about it. So I decided to create a separate podcast where I can talk about paper organizing to my heart’s content for anyone who wants to listen. By having a separate podcast all about paper organization, I can focus the Organize 365 Podcast on my philosophy for home organization, mindset, other fun organizational predicaments, and productivity. Every generation handles paper differently Every generation looks at organization differently, and as such, they handle their paper differently. When we understand our generation, we develop an understanding of how we handle paper. Here’s an example of how we handle paper differently. The majority of people today do not use checkbooks anymore. However, I spend 30-40 minutes a week balancing my checkbook and reconciling our household transactions. I can’t comprehend how other people don’t do this! As a Gen X person, I was brought up with paper. On the other hand, Millennials will tell me that they do not have any paper. It is not a "thing" for them at all. What is a checkbook?! The paper tsunami is coming The majority of paper is with the Silent Generation and the Baby Boomers. These generations set up filing cabinets. They did not have computers so paper ruled. Today, we tend to continue with the filing cabinets, but our habits have changed... rather, our filing cabinets have become a habit and not a resource. We have all sorts of paper that we file away, but if we want to look something up, we don’t go to our paper files, we look things up online! Realistically, 80% of the paper in our filing cabinets right now should be recycled or shredded. The issue is that none of us want to shred all of that paper. But neither do Baby Boomers or the Silent Generation. One of these days someone is going to have to go through all of this paper. Even if you don’t do this with your own files, you may end up doing it for your parents and your grandparents. All of these files need to be sorted through, because while 80% of it most likely can be shredded, the other 20% is very important. For example, it could be an important part of your family history, or even lead to cold, hard cash. I have found both when sorting through my family paperwork! I helped a client with her paperwork when her husband passed away and there were multiple 6-figure investments hidden in the piles of paperwork that, thankfully, we discovered. This happens more than you can imagine. Almost always, when circumstances lead to you having to sell your parents’ home, paper is the one thing that gets boxed up to deal with "later." Your parents' generation has likely lived in their home for decades, and therefore, there is SO much to sort through. Paper always seems to be the thing that can be boxed up. The issue is that "later" can become decades. This can result in generations of paperwork boxed up in people’s basements. After all, who has time to sort through it all? I’m writing a new book about paper organization! I’m so excited to share with you that I’m writing a book on paper organization. My book will help you handle the paper tsunami that is is coming – the tsunami consists of your own paperwork, plus your parents’ paperwork, and your grandparents’ paperwork. We don’t need filing cabinets anymore. I call files little paper graveyards! We need all of our information digital and scanned. My book will take you from the Sunday Basket® to online digital scanning. My goal is to provide the road map that people need to help them tackle their paper and NOT keep it out of sight and out of mind in the basement anymore! With all the natural disasters that have been happening lately, I am more inspired than ever to help people get their paper digitalized so that it’s always available to them. There is a paper tsunami coming… and we need to be ready! Please take the household paper survey I would like to find out more about the paper in your house. I would love it if you would take my household paper survey. It will only take you 5 minutes to complete. The link to it is on the homepage. Sunday Basket® Workshops If you want to get started with sorting your paper, please consider signing up for a virtual SundayBasket® Workshop with me. I love delivering the virtual workshops. They are so much fun and I guarantee you will find it really helpful. Learn more here. Or maybe you would prefer an in-person Sunday Basket® Workshop delivered by a SundayBasket® Workshop Licensee. That would be amazing! Click here to find your nearest in-person workshop provider. Or maybe you’re interested in becoming a Sunday Basket® Workshop Licensed Provider! Registration is always open. Click here to learn more. Creating a Schedule Printable Finally, for the past couple of months, I have focused on productivity, looking at goal setting and routines. Many of you downloaded my Creating A Schedule printables. I hope you found them useful. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, what are you waiting for?! One final note... In the podcast, you'll hear me mention adding a new front page to the printable that lists the 5 podcasts related to it... why you need a morning routine, afternoon and evening routine, how to plan your week, and how to set goals. Well, I didn't do that after all so I've just linked to them here. Now that's productive! Have a great week, and don't forget to take the paper organizing survey! View the complete post here:
10/27/2017 • 37 minutes, 5 seconds
199 - My Bedroom Condo
Did you know that I have a condo? In this podcast episode, I share all about how I have preserved my sanity in my teenage years, 20s, 30s, and 40s by having my own condo. Putting yourself first I hope that by sharing how I use my condo, and how it’s evolved over time, will help give you the permission that you need to put yourself first. I tend to talk about productivity in the fall because it’s a naturally productive time. It’s often a time when people set their goals and intentions for the next 12 months – certainly, I do. Many people have been in touch with me regarding my recent podcast episodes on time management and productivity, and they have told me that they struggle with applying many of the concepts themselves because they are people pleasers (and with this, I can’t help but feel a little like that must mean that I appear not to be). The funny thing is, I’ve ALWAYS been a people pleaser. It’s something that has been with me my whole life. It's only in recent years that I’ve started to learn how to put myself first. It has been really hard to do and has taken a lot of careful thought and proactivity on my behalf. I have often thought that if I put myself first and share this with people, they will think that I am selfish, that I don’t care about others, or that I’m spoiled. I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking this. A little history about my condo When I was young, I lived in a neighborhood without many children to play with my own age. I was not athletic so that ruled me out of pretty much all extra-curricular activities. So I spent my time playing "teacher" with my younger sister and "training" how to be a babysitter. I also helped my mom with her business, a direct sales clothing company. I created a game to play with my sister called "Big Friend." My sister and I pretended to be 16, our bikes were cars, our kitchen was a café, and our bedrooms were our apartments. I LOVED my bedroom! When I got punished by my parents, I’d get sent to my room – which was never a punishment in my eyes! I would spend lots of time in there, and would love to reorganize and redecorate it. My love of the private space and sanctuary of my bedroom continued into college in my dorm room, then on to when I lived in a shared house. Even when Greg and I moved to the spacious house that we still live in today, I’ve always spent most of my time in one part of the house. When my children developed separation anxiety at night, I stayed upstairs because they wanted me on the same floor as them. Since I’m always looking at ways to be productive, I worked in my bedroom until they fell asleep. Because of this, I had started spending the whole evening upstairs – especially when Tivo was invented! So when the kids go to bed, I stay upstairs, hang out in my bedroom, watch TV, take a bath…. I just spend a lot of time in there. It’s cozy and warm. I have a TV, my office, and food in my bedroom. I break all of the bedroom rules. In fact, I have a fully functioning office in my bedroom – it's the Organize 365 headquarters! Even though my kids are teenagers now, one of them still prefers that we’re on the same level in the house. Therefore, I still spend most of my evenings upstairs in my bedroom. It’s nice to have a private space just for you The whole point of getting organized is to help you find the time to do the things in life that you want to do. When you do the 100 Day Home Organization Program, you will find that there is a clear method to the organizational approach that you’re taken through. It starts in the kitchen, which is where the majority of people spend their time in the home. The kitchen is most important for your family. Next is the master bedroom and closet. They are most important for your soul! This is where you get dressed, where you sleep, where you regenerate yourself. It’s all about you (and a little about your spouse, of course!). The rest of the house is for your family, but the bedroom is about you. It’s your condo! My house is an apartment building I like that our house is like our own apartment building. Downstairs, the kitchen is like the café which is where we socialize and catch up. Upstairs, we all have the privacy of our own apartments. Our apartments are decorated to our own taste and style. So in the same way that I encourage my kids to think of their bedroom as a mini-apartment, I treat my bedroom just the same. The key is to have a space that is all yours I know your bedroom isn’t all yours, but honestly, 99% of the time your spouse really doesn’t care what you do with the bedroom (if your spouse is anything like mine). If they do, focus on your half of the bedroom! Use an imaginary piece of tape to divide it, if need be. Do you put yourself first? If you are feeling like you have to take care of your kids, your job, your spouse, your house, and you are at the end of the list... I want you to move yourself up to the top of the list. I’m not suggesting you do this all the time or even every day. But how about for just an hour a week? I would love for you to pencil in an hour that is just for you on your calendar. In addition, why not do an organizational task this week just on your stuff, on your area and no one else’s. When you get yourself organized, your family follows suit. There is an energy that comes from that positive place. For me, when I want to have "me time," I take great comfort hanging out in my condo! View the complete post here:
10/20/2017 • 46 minutes, 1 second
198 - Good, Better, Best Goals
On the podcast this week, I talk about goal setting. Goal setting is one of my favorite things. I may even like it more than organizing! The kind of goals that I love to set are BHAG – which stands for big, hairy, audacious goals. To put this into context, when I was 16 my goals were: to be a stay-at-home mom, home-school my kids, and grow all my own food, own a business AND be the President of the United States! I have always had really high expectations for myself and others around me. When I was graduating from college, I was told I had "unrealistic expectations." I think it’s fair to say that I do often have unrealistic expectations. I usually don’t achieve my goals in the time frame that I originally set. But that is because they are so big that they require extra time, resources, and personal development in order to achieve them. But I DO achieve them! Examples Of Big Goals That I Have Achieved In summer 2016, one of my big goals was to create an Amazon number 1 bestseller by the fall… and I did! (The Mindset of Organization). Then in the spring, I published my second book, How ADHD Affects Home Organization , within 90 days. It also became an Amazon number 1 bestseller, sold over 5,000 copies and is currently featured as an Amazon book of the month. I exceeded my own big, hairy, audacious goal! I remember when I announced in May 2016 that I wanted to get published by August 2016, some concerned Organized 365 readers thought that I was setting myself up for a fall. I received emails saying “Do you think you’ve bitten off more than you can chew?,” and “Are you sure you can publish a quality book that fast?” The fact is, we’re not used to people setting and achieving really, really big goals. Entrepreneurs are well known for chasing the elusive goal. And as soon as they get close to the goal, they extend it and make it bigger. I sure can relate to that! Introducing Good, Better, And Best Goals I was listening to James Wedmore’s podcast recently and he discussed this idea of good, better, and best goals. The basic idea is that the goal you want to achieve has 3 levels – a good goal, a better goal, and a best goal. Good, Better, And Best Goals In Home Organization I think this concept of good, better, and best goals relates to home organization as well. I’m a functional organizer and not a "picture-perfect, Pinterest home" organizer. What I’ll be teaching you is to set expectations that reach a good and better goal, but not necessarily a best goal. Let me explain. You could say that to declutter a space would be a good goal. A better goal is to functionally organize that space after it is decluttered. The best goal would be for the room to be really well designed, have been designed by an interior designer, and have brand new containers that all match! A laundry example would be as follows – Good... clean laundry. Better... clean and put away. Best... clean, put away, and organized. In my 100 Day Home Organization Program, I have often said that it takes 3 times going through a space to really get it organized. Really, what we are doing there is getting to good, to better, then to best. I talk through some more examples of good, better, and best goals on the podcast, ranging from organizing paper, to setting weight goals, to how far you got with creating a plan from last week’s podcast episode. Don’t Get Too Attached To The Outcome Of Goals Sometimes when we set goals, we get very attached to what an outcome will look like. This may be based on what has happened in the past, the results of others, or just an ideal that we carry around. I would urge you not to get too attached to exactly what the outcome will look like. Because it may well be that you achieve a goal without even really realizing it. I would love for you to consider the following in goal setting: 1. When you are setting a goal, think of what would be a good, better, or best goal. Good means this has to happen. If this doesn't happen, then I didn’t meet this goal. Better is what I really want to happen, what I’m striving for. Best is if the sun, moon, and stars aligned and all your big goals are met! 2. Do not get attached to the outcome of the goal. Sometimes, our goals can be achieved in ways that we didn’t envision. Good luck at setting your good, better, and best goals! I’d love to hear how far you get with them over in my Facebook Group. If you’d like to join, click here. View the complete post here:
10/13/2017 • 33 minutes, 23 seconds
197 - You Need A Schedule
On the podcast this week, I talk about time management and productivity. I’ve finally figured out what is missing for women on this topic! Everyone needs a schedule. You need a plan and you need to proactively tell yourself what you should be doing. Because if you don’t, you will just end up sidetracked and distracted. I haven’t talked about time management and productivity very much in the past. That is because I think that you need to get physically organized first before you can get mentally organized. This is a little different from what you’re used to hearing me say. I do think that change happens in your mind first and then in your physical reality – as far as getting physically organized and decluttered. But when it comes to productivity and time management, we’re at a whole new level. Now we are visualizing what change will look like and mentally making the changes. That is why I want to make this physical for you. I have created some AMAZING printables that I’m so happy to share with you. You can download them here and they go with this week’s podcast episode and next week’s episode as well. They also go with episodes 192 and 193 on routines. Making changes to our time management and how we manage our schedule does not happen overnight. I have devised 4 steps for creating a plan for time management. Steps 1 & 2: Morning and Afternoon & Evening Routines I recently created two podcast episodes on my morning routine and my afternoon and evening routines. Thank you for all the feedback that I’ve received on these episodes – I loved recording them and they’ve been really well received. Many people talk about morning and evening routines, but for me my afternoon routine is my most important routine right now (between 2-5pm – after my productive work) . In this week’s podcast episode, I talk you through exactly what I want you to do to creat your routines and my worksheet will help you formulate one – just add ONE new thing into your morning, afternoon and evening routine. Step 3: Work out all of the roles that you are responsible for in the household This step is going to overwhelm you! I take you through the task of working out how many roles you are responsible for when it comes to running your household. There are A LOT of roles and you will be surprised how many relate to you. For example, healthcare coordinator, taxi driver, vacation planner, etc. On the worksheet, you are then asked to work out all of your ‘to-dos’ for each role. You may find this difficult, but give it your best shot! To put this into context – a couple years ago, I completed a time study for me and Greg. We discovered we were spending 36 hours a week on household and childcare related tasks. Step 4: Planning your time and creating a schedule In this final step on my worksheet, you actually plan your time. You create a schedule. The focus is on being PRODUCTIVE. When you plan your time in advance (right down to the minutes), you will find that you have more minutes. Yes, you get more time back in your day! I can work with you on this task, if you'd like. I love helping people plan their schedules in order to be more productive. Just click here to book a coaching call with me. You NEED a schedule – especially if you work from home. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a work-from-home employee, a stay-at-home mom, or you have any other role that requires you to work from home, you NEED to have a schedule. I consider "work" as your life purpose. That is how I define work. This could be paid or unpaid (i.e., stay-at-home mom). Whatever your work is, it’s your life purpose. Time is so valuable and you can never get it back so you need to work out a schedule that ensures you do not fritter away your time. Share your new schedules in the Organize 365 Facebook Group! View the complete post here:
10/6/2017 • 56 minutes, 32 seconds
196 - The 24 Hour Rule
On the podcast this week, I introduce you to a rule that I impose upon myself that I call the “24 Hour Rule." The 24 Hour Rule is going to free you up from all the things that you might do, should do, could do, or want to do someday. Instead, it’ll teach you to focus on today. Warning: Please listen to the full podcast episode! You may think at first that the 24 hour rule is a little crazy, but by the end I hope I’ve convinced you to give it a try. A Bit Of Background The 24 Hour Rule is something that I developed for myself after I’d been doing the SundayBasket™ for a few years. Why? Well, I found that a couple of items in my Sunday Basket™ stayed every week! This goes against the rule of the Sunday Basket™, that you empty the Sunday Basket™ completely on Sunday. Then you hold up every single item – every piece of paper, mail, slash pocket – and you ask yourself, “Can this wait until next Sunday?” If it can, then it goes right back into the Sunday Basket™. At the end of your time working on your Sunday Basket™, you have identified the items that need to be acted on before next Sunday. All the rest can wait. I Started To Drown In My WOW Ideas I’m an ideas person. Ideas come to me all the time and I get so excited. I’m a WOW person and not a HOW person – I usually leave the details to someone else. I love to write down my ideas or print them off and then put them in my Sunday Basket™. I realized that all of these WOW ideas were the items in my Sunday Basket™ that were staying each week. I was just accumulating a lot of ideas, but not necessarily implementing them. In other words, I was drowning in my own ideas and becoming overwhelmed. I had to stop stockpiling all of my should/could/someday ideas in a physical location because it was wasting my time instead of inspiring me. To overcome this problem, I created the 24 Hour Rule. The 24 Hour Rule Explained My 24-hour rule is pretty simple. When I find a great idea, I ask myself, “Can I do this within 24 hours?” Now, of course, there are many things that you can’t implement fully in 24 hours, but here’s another way to look at this… We all have times when we come up with a juicy idea that we dive right into and end up spending 2 hours (sometimes even more!) on the internet researching our idea. Do you agree? Most likely, you didn’t have those 2 hours when you first got your idea, but you made time within 24 hours to flesh it out. Then you decided if it was worth pursuing now, later, or not at all. My point is that, if an idea is that good and it moves you that much, then you will take immediate action on it. All of the other someday ideas can be disregarded right now. Don’t write them down or print them off. Just let them be. As soon as I adapted the 24 Hour Rule, I found that if I really wanted to do something awesome for my business, my home, or my family, I could almost always start to take action within 24 hours. A Recent Example Where I Applied The 24 Hour Rule A recent example of my coming up with an idea and applying it within 24 hours is the fundraising appeal that I am currently running for Avondale House in Houston, Texas. I was completely glued to the news on Hurricane Harvey – reading and watching everything about it on my phone. I felt so bad for those affected that I thought there must something I can do to help. That’s when I came up with the idea of fundraising for Avondale House. You can read all about it and contribute here. Great news, we’ve raised over $2,000 at the time of recording this podcast! Thank you so much to everyone for contributing. Now you see that the idea of helping out with Hurricane Harvey relief was so important to me that if I had waited, I would never have taken action. Your To-Do List Is Never-Ending The reality is that as soon as you knock things off your to-do list, other things come onto it. That is why it’s a to-do list, and not a to-done list – it’s never going to end! As soon as you come to terms with your to-do list, it will give you greater perspective on organizing your to-dos, prioritizing, and a more realistic view of life. There is only so much you can do in your day and I really, really want you to be able to use some of your free time for whatever you want to do. This is why a key piece of advice that I have for you is to only have 3 big things – or what I callrocks – that you want to accomplish each day. Keep things realistic and don’t constantly chase the impossible. I’m going to cover this concept in more detail in future podcast episodes so stay tuned. The Sunday Basket™ Most things come back to the Sunday Basket™ because I truly love the Sunday Basket™. The Sunday Basket™ takes time to set up and get used to using. But when you’ve been implementing the Sunday Basket™ for 2 months, I’m going to bet that you find you have a lot more time back in your week. That time comes from no longer looking for paper items and trying to remember things, and from being more organized. It’s amazing how much time you spend just with switching tasks. Did you know you can spend up to 20 minutes switching tasks and recovering from getting distracted? That’s a lot of time! And that’s why, I always encourage you to put your big ideas in your Sunday Basket™. But let’s take it a step further and always apply the 24 Hour Rule to each and every one of those ideas. I suggest that when you review your ideas every week, you should assess whether you will act on it in 24 hours. If not, throw it away or review it again in 100 days. I challenge you today… What is something that you have on your someday list that you can eliminate? I challenge you to get rid of it – go ahead and lighten your load! Now, is that big idea you have right now actionable within 24 hours? Then, I encourage you to start pursuing it now! Are you interested in knowing more about the Sunday Basket™? You can join attend a virtual class here or join the Sunday Basket™ Workshop Licensing Program by clicking here! View the complete post here:
9/29/2017 • 39 minutes, 13 seconds
195 - From Depression To Professional Organizer In 100 Days
On the podcast this week, I’m thrilled to introduce you to Wendy Zanders. Wendy is a successful professional organizer and her story fascinates me. She has done things in almost the exact opposite order to how I’d normally recommend, but it has worked well and I couldn’t be happier for her. Her story just goes to show that there are many different routes to success and we must all follow the path that feels right for us. Wendy discovered me when she was suffering from depression Wendy found me and the Organize 365 blog and podcast during the most depressing time of her life. Her family had suffered the loss of a dear family member and she was really struggling. She actually connected with me when she heard me share my depression story, as her experiences felt so similar to mine. Wendy shares on the podcast how she joined my Jumpstart Professional Organizer Program (a one-time offering this past summer). The program was for people wanting to start a professional organizer business. She then joined my Sunday Basket™ Workshop Licensing Program, and later she joined my 100 Day Home Organization Program. This is pretty much the exact opposite order that you would expect! A little more about Wendy Wendy is 35, lives in Frederick, Maryland, and she has a husband, a 4 year old daughter, a 10 year old son, and a new business. She is in between the accumulation and survival phases of life. Her life is pretty busy, with non-stop family commitments, business commitments, and church commitments. Wendy and her husband both work full-time, and they very much divide and conquer when it comes to running the family and household. Earlier this year, Wendy decided that she wanted to get a part-time job on the weekend to help build up the family emergency fund. She was given the advice to find something she loves to do and then do it as a business. Like me, Wendy LOVES being organized and helping others get organized. Becoming a professional organizer seemed like the perfect choice! Wendy and I first spoke in May of this year. After asking me plenty of great questions, she decided to join my Jumpstart Professional Organizer Program. Thankfully, her husband was behind her 100%, something that is always a huge help for the women who take my program. Wendy is also a member of my Professional Organizers Think Tank Facebook Group. She explains on the podcast how being a member of the group really took things to another level for her, being able to connect with other like-minded professional organizers on the same journey as her has been invaluable. She works on her professional organization business on Friday nights and Saturday. Wendy had a goal to earn back the program fee within 7 months and she did so within 3 months! Becoming a professional organizer despite having ADD Wendy shares on the podcast that she has attention deficit disorder, something that you wouldn’t always associate with a professional organizer. Wendy was not diagnosed with ADD until later in life. It was actually the point at which her son was being tested for ADHD that she realized she had many of the symptoms herself. Wendy becoming a successful professional organizer... with ADD... really does mean that if you have a passion to do something, then go out there and do it! Marketing can be the biggest challenge One of Wendy’s key strengths is marketing her business. Being a professional organizer means meeting and connecting with many people. Therefore, marketing efforts that lead to the most results are often those conducted in person. Wendy is a superstar when it comes to marketing her business and on the podcast she shares the many ways that she’s doing this. Become a Sunday Basket™ Workshop Licensed Provider Would you like to become a Sunday Basket™ Workshop licensee like Wendy? Would you like to help people in your local area get their paperwork organized? This is a first step before joining my mentoring program for professional organizers. My Sunday Basket™ Workshop Licensing Program is now open and I’d love for you to join. Registration closes next Tuesday, September 26th. Please click here to find out more. If you want to join the licensing program, but it’s not right for you at this time, you can put yourself on the (no obligation) wait list for next time. Finally (because I’m so excited about it!), I want to share that Wendy and I are both going toBizChix Live in October which is going to be AMAZING. If you want to learn more about the event please, click here. Happy Paper Organizing! View the complete post here:
9/22/2017 • 57 minutes, 32 seconds
194 - Preparing For An Emergency
There is nothing more frustrating than nervously watching a tragedy unfold before your eyes and feel like there is nothing you can do to help. The hours I have spent the last month reading articles, watching video clips, and following friends on social media who are going through natural disasters is mind blowing. This nervous energy eats me alive. I want to DO something. Ironically in Cincinnati, Ohio, we have very few natural disasters. A stray tornado or big snow storm, but nothing like the fires, earthquakes, and hurricanes I 've watched in the last month. Even so, emergencies in general are a guarantee in life. Someday you will need to have your medical and financial ducks in a row to facilitate your care or the care of a loved one. This week in the podcast, Betsy shares her Houston Hurricane story, and I share how you can organize your important documents and help the autistic community at the Avondale House School in Houston, Texas. The Avondale House is a resource for the special needs community in Houston and a school for children with autism. For the rest of 2017, when you purchase the medical and financial organizers through this link, 100% of the sale will go to the Avondale House School. The financial and medical organizers are editable PDFs so you can store your information digitally or they can be printed and put in a binder – it's your choice! These organizers collect all your important information so you don't have to hunt through your filing cabinet or wish you could take the whole thing with you if you have to evacuate. This will really help you in an emergency situation, whatever that situation may be. 100% of the proceeds from sales of my medical and financial planners will go to Avondale House. This is a "win-win" situation as you get these two great organizers AND you get to donate to such a great cause. If you would prefer to not purchase the planners, but would rather donate directly to Avondale House, you can do so here. One thing you will never hear me say is, "It 's just stuff." I know better. Physical items can be replaced, but it does not minimize the pain and inconvenience of doing so. I hope you are reading this in a house with running water, a working sewage system, and electricity Like I said in the podcast, my own medical and financial organizers were not filled out, but I am doing it now. I don't want to, and I don 't "have the time," but I know... one day I will be glad I did. Prayers to everyone in the path of these natural disasters. View the complete post here:
9/15/2017 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 12 seconds
193 - Creating Afternoon & Evening Routines
When is the last time you took a hard look at your afternoon and evening routines? We hear A LOT of people talk about their morning routines. (I shared details about my morning routine last week.) It’s also quite common to hear about evening routines. But, I’ve hardly ever heard anyone talk about afternoon routines. For me, my afternoon routine... or rather, my after-school/after-work routine... is really key to my productivity. In this week’s podcast, I dive into my afternoon and my evening routine. Afternoon Routine When I talk about an afternoon routine, I am referring to the time of day when we are transitioning from work responsibilities back to our family responsibilities. Personally, my afternoon routine is currently going through changes as my children are getting older and are no longer relying on me for rides home from school and to their various activities. As such, I find myself with more time to work in the afternoon. For quite some time, my work day ended at 2pm when I left to pick up the kids. If I’d done my work for the day by 2pm, that was a good day. Any work that I got completed after 2pm was what I called "bonus" work! As the kids have gotten older and more self-reliant, I have been able to carry on with work, if needed, from 3:15pm (when I get home from picking them up) until 5:30pm. Yes, I do work a lot! If I don’t have work to do at this time, I sometimes take a nap. This year, I have help with my kids' school pick up and my son will be driving, which means my work day will be 8am to 5pm. Whether your work day ends at 2pm, at 5pm, or whenever, here is one daily routine I recommend you follow during the last 20 minutes of your work day: Tidy Up – Take a few minutes to organize your work space. Coming in the next day to a tidy area will get you into the right mindset. Calendar – Look at your calendar for the next day and get an idea of what you currently have scheduled. To-Do List – Go over the list of goals you have set for the week and figure out which items need to be completed the next day. Write It Down – On either an index card or a legal pad, write down your tasks for the next day in the order you need to complete them. Remember to always TRUST the schedule you made the day before! The impromptu coffee run sounds good in the moment, but your rational mind says otherwise. Following this afternoon routine today will set you up for a successful tomorrow. Then, 5:30pm to 7:30pm is the time I have set aside to spend with my husband and kids, but I also have time set aside to do other important things for myself. Here are some of the things that I like to do as part of my afternoon routine after I've spent valuable time with my family: Clean the Kitchen – I like to ensure everything is clean and put away in the kitchen. (This is a new addition for me this year.) Plan Dinners – Take a few minutes and decide what to make for dinner the next day. This saves you from scrambling to figure it out the next afternoon. Pack the Car – Look at the schedule you made for the next day and place anything you need for tomorrow in the car. For example, dry cleaning that needs to be dropped off. That is my afternoon routine and I think it’s the key to my productivity. Evening Routine From 7:30pm to 9pm, everyone in my family likes to enjoy some alone time. I tend to head upstairs to my office and continue working. But, the work that I do at this time is work that I really enjoy doing and nothing too heavy. At 9pm, I start my bath and pick my clothes out for the next day. I try to keep my wardrobe pretty simple. Capsule wardrobes really interest me and I’m going to dive deeper into that idea in the fall. Around 9:30pm, Greg and I watch a TV show. (You’ll need to listen to the podcast if you want to hear me run through my favorite programs right now!) No matter which small tasks you add to your evening routine to help the next day run smoother, make sure to take time to RELAX. Remember, at the end of the day, it isn’t about what you didn’t accomplish that day, it’s about what you DID accomplish and how you impacted the people around you. It’s all in the routine! Don't miss Lisa and Joey's bear, rope, and toaster Walmart trip in this episode! View the complete post here:
9/8/2017 • 25 minutes, 14 seconds
192 - Morning Routines For The Modern Day Woman
In this week’s podcast episode, I talk all about productivity and morning routines. You’ll discover why my morning routine is different than everyone else’s and why I make no apologies for that! Two years ago, I recorded a podcast episode where I talked all about my morning and evening routines at that time. If you would like to hear it, click here. In that episode, I focused on decision fatigue and how setting up routines that you can run on auto-pilot will minimize the number of decisions you need to make. It's amazing the difference a well-planned morning routine can make! This week’s episode continues to build on that topic with a focus on productivity. I love productivity. I’m a productivity nut. If there is any way that I can save 5 seconds a day, I’ll figure it out and I’ll save those 5 seconds, whether I put them to good use or not! Wasting time is one of my biggest pet peeves. So, I love to study how to be more productive. However, just recently I noticed that the majority of the productivity gurus that I have been following – those with podcasts, books, blogs, etc. on productivity – are all men. I’ve tried to change this and seek out female leaders in the productivity field, but they are hard to find. Even though I am a very productive person, it’s hard not to feel like I’m not as productive as I could be when comparing myself to someone so different than me. There are many differences between the productivity schedule of a man and a woman. There are also key differences between the schedule of a Gen X and Gen Y person. There are HUGE differences between the productivity schedule of people with and without kids! Many of the male gurus I have been listening to want you to get up early (before 5am), have an ice cold shower, exercise, meditate… this is not for me. I've tried aspects of it. I even found myself in the gym at 6am…it DID NOT work out well for me! I realized, I was comparing myself to people with such different lives, goals, and challenges than mine. We all strive for balance. As women, we are always trying to seek balance in our lives. But you know what… balance is boring! We can’t perfectly balance everything and if we do – if there is complete balance and not one single thing that gets more of you because you’re so passionate about it – where is the fun in that?! Think of it like a cookie. First, we all like/need different ingredients in our cookies. The base ingredients are often similar, but the rest varies, whether that’s chocolate, raisins, gluten free, soy free, etc., just like we all have different things going on in our life. Second, whatever those ingredients are, they are not required in equal proportions. That would not make for a good cookie! Third, there is no perfect cookie for all. We are all different and unique! You need to know WHO you are taking productivity and morning routine advice from. The productivity routine of the modern woman covers 7 items: Household Cleaning Shopping Work - paid or unpaid Self Care Spouse (optional) Kids (optional) They may not all be applicable to everyone. For example, I know not everyone has a spouse or kids. Personally, I opted out of number 2 and have a housekeeper! My point is that you need to know who you are, what phase of life you’re in, when you like to wake up, what your expectations are for yourself and work. When you are clear on all of that, you can work out the best morning routine for you. My morning routine. I define my morning routine as from the time I wake up until when I start the productive part of my day. For me that is a 5:45-6am wake-up until around 9-10am when I get to work. I wake up with enough time to get up, get ready, and get in the car to take my kids to school. I’m on auto-pilot with my routine so much so that I don’t need to think about it. Refer to this episode and also this one to learn about my make-up caddy. It’s almost impossible for me to forget anything with the way that I’ve organized this. In this week’s episode, I talk you through in detail exactly what I do, what I eat, etc. There are 4 steps to establishing a morning routine. Step 1 – Habitualize your regular daily morning routine for getting up/ready Step 2 – Determine your best work time for doing your household tasks and work Step 3 – Create a flex day – this is a day where you don’t have any big work demands and can blitz smaller tasks and be responsive to new things that come up Step 4 – Create a focus for each day – this doesn’t mean you can’t do other things, but always have a focus/priority for each day There is no perfect. I’ve spent so much time trying to find the perfect morning routine and the perfect way to be productive. I realize now that there is no such thing as perfect. I would love for you to look at your own morning routine. Are you a morning person or not? Do you like to dive into creative work early or not? Is exercise something that really helps you first thing? Get to know yourself and build the routine that suits you. What fuels you? How long does it take? How do you work best? Let me know in my Facebook group. Next week, I’m going to talk about afternoon and evening routines. View the complete post here:
9/1/2017 • 36 minutes, 21 seconds
62 - Creating Morning & Evening Routines
Every year I tweak my morning & evening routines when summer ends and the kids go back to school. Here are 5 steps to create your own morning & evening routines.
8/30/2017 • 22 minutes, 39 seconds
190 - The Cost of Clutter & Disorganization
In this week’s podcast, I take a look at the cost of clutter and disorganization in our lives. I think we all know that there is a cost benefit to leading a more organized life, but did you know that it’s not just a financial benefit? A disorganized and chaotic life can bear many costs… let's look at the different costs that disorganization causes in our lives and the steps that you can take to make a difference. 1. Financial Cost Buying twice, losing things, items getting ruined, misplacing coupons that eventually expire… I don’t think anyone would argue that there is a not a financial cost benefit to being more organized. 2. Mental Cost It can be mentally draining trying to remember all of the things that we are responsible for… getting the laundry started, doing the dishes, getting the kids ready for various activities, etc. We are constantly trying to remember and stay on top of things. The Sunday Basket™ is a HUGE help here. Personally, I like to make notes and jot down ideas all through the week and then go through them all together on a Sunday. I find 50% of the items in my SundayBasket™ are notes to myself. 3. Time Cost When disorganization creeps into your life, you lose time. You lose time looking for things. You lose time doing things on a whim. You lose time just trying to escape from your cluttered and disorganized situation by watching TV and playing on your phone. The funny thing is that while you know you are losing time, you don’t have time to figure out where you’re losing it. There is NO TIME! If you had the time, you could do a time study and really get to the bottom of how you can save time, but again… who has time for that?! I have done a time study twice and it was very depressing seeing the true reality of how much time I spent driving in my car and watching TV. We have a lot of demands on our time and, if you’re not proactive in how you manage your time, you end up doing things on a whim and putting out fires. 4. Emotional Cost There was a study that concluded a direct link between families who have more clutter, disorganization, and unfinished projects in their homes with mood and cortisol levels. Basically, the conclusion is that there are health benefits to being more organized in the household, and the risks of not doing so include depression and a less satisfied marriage.Here is a link to the study. It’s important to note that there’s no right or wrong when it comes to home organization. Just like there is no perfect weight for a woman, or no perfect way to feed a baby, everyone has a different level of home organization that is right for them and makes them happy. Irronically, the more progress you make in some areas of organization, the more frustrated you get in other areas. This is completely normal and it just signifies a new level of organization that you expect. You have raised the bar and you now need to stay above that bar for your own peice of mind. So how do we make the change we want to see? YOU need to take action! It’s really important to understand that you are in the driver’s seat and the change that you require will not just happen to you, but rather by you. You need to make it happen . Don’t wait for someone to come rescue you because, believe me (I’ve been there), that will not happen! There are two things that you need to do to help bring about the change that you want: 1. Change your mindset – Bring about the mental transformation to live a clutter-free, organized life. You are already doing this right now by reading this newsletter and listening to my podcast. 2. Physical change – For this, I have an exercise for you to do! To do the exercise, you need to listen to the podcast episode and hear me talk you through it. Trust me. All I will say is listen to the podcast episode when you are at home and have a piece of chalk handy! P.S. Registration is now open for my 100 Day Home Organization Program where I am with you every step of the journey to help you get your home and your life organized. Every week, I am there to encourage and motivate you, share stories, and help you reach your goals. You will make fast and lasting progress because of the way the program has been organized. You will also be with a group of like-minded ladies who are all on the same journey as you, taking action at the same time as one another in the same living spaces. Let me teach you how to expand your mind. I will show you how to be more productive,more proactive, and how to plan. You will take back your home and have time to live the life that you are supposed to live. The 100 Day Home Organization Program is an investment, but it’s an investment in yourself. It will make home organization your new priority. You will start to see a reduction in all of the other costs associated with disorganization and clutter. Register now! Registration ends on August 28th for the next session starting September 4th. And for those of you already registered... Congratulations! Please pass this on to ONE person you would love to do the 100 Day Home Organization Program with you! View the complete post here:
8/25/2017 • 25 minutes
189 - Meet Dawn - Your 100 Day Home Organization Classmate
On last week’s podcast episode, I introduced you to Holly, Monique, and Emily, the virtual organization teachers for my 100 Day Home Organization Program. ( This week, I thought it would be a great idea to introduce you to one of the 100 Day Home Organization Program members. Wait until you meet Dawn! We had so much fun recording the episode and giggling like school girls. Dawn first noticed me in 2015 when she was searching online for help with keeping her house clean. I would LOVE for you to tell me how YOU met me! Dawn has been using a Sunday Basket™ for about a year, having participated in the Sunday Basket™ virtual workshops, and she joined the 100 Day Home Organization Program in January, 2017. With 4 school-age kids with ages ranging from 6 to 15, Dawn is definitely in the survival phase of life. :) I was embarrassed to admit on air that I thought THAT was enough responsibility - the kids & house - and was SHOCKED when I found out she owned an electrical contracting business which she has been running with her husband for 14 years!! Dawn is responsible for the business bookkeeping and office staff, but her focus, productivity, and ability to even get to the office was derailed when she had her fourth child and couldn't keep up. Similar to myself, Dawn spends A LOT of time in her car. During the school year, she spends 3.5 hours per day in her car doing the school run for her 4 kids who are at 4 different schools. Dawn got my attention in the 100 Day Home Organization Program Facebook group for two reasons. First, her regular use of smiley face emojis. Second, she has goats. Lots of goats. I initially thought maybe one or two. Little did I know,she has over 35 goats?!?! With all this going on in Dawn’s life, is there any wonder she looked for some help with getting her home organized? Dawn started the 100 Day Home Organization Program in January, 2017. First time around, Dawn admits she got distracted and didn’t follow along. When she posted about this in the Facebook group, I swiftly moved her to the front of the class and helped her out. For anyone considering joining, know that the 100 Day Home Organization Program is not passive and I WILL make sure you do the work! Under my guidance and watch, Dawn organized her whole kitchen within 3 days. It went from a disorganized mess to super-organized. She went on to do her master bedroom, making a huge improvement to her house. The 100 Day Home Organization Program is something that you have access to for life and it is not designed to be done once. No one, myself included, could get through the whole program in one go at it. That is why it’s a lifetime membership. When Dawn started the 100 day program for the second time, she signed up for the virtual organization package. In her first call with me, we decided to turn her dining room into her office... and she has never looked back. Dawn also shares how we worked together to fix her messy breakfast situation in the kitchen and how we sorted out her garage. If you sign up for the virtual organization package for the upcoming 100 Day Home Organization Program, you will get to work with Monique, Holly, or Emily, who I introduced you to last week. If you would like to sign up for the 100 Day Home Organization Program, registration for the September 2017 session opened TODAY! Click here. Check out my Facebook LIVE Friday afternoon to see my new garage shipping station I put together this week to mail out planners to those of you who register! View the complete post here:
8/18/2017 • 40 minutes, 55 seconds
186 - Why I still don't have clothes to wear
In this week’s podcast episode, I discuss how best to declutter and organize your closet. I discuss capsule wardrobes, how you can purge too much, and how you can have a variety in your everyday clothing while loving and wearing everything in your closet! I started this year with three episodes about the importance of decluttering, organizing, and increasing productivity. In those episodes, I explained that when you reduce the amount of "stuff" you own and get it all organized, your productivity will increase. This will give you LOTS of extra time to focus on what you were meant to do in life. Productivity is a result of living an organized life. This week's episode builds upon those topics. So if you missed those episodes and would like to listen to them first, they are #144 – Declutter!, #145 – Organize, and #147 – Increase Productivity. What to buy? When I was in high school, my mother taught me some important lessons on how and what to buy when it came to clothes. Here are the tips she shared with me that I still find helpful today: "Cost Per Wearing" Analysis – Evaluate the cost of your clothing by how many times you think you will wear it. A $150 coat is worth the investment if you wear it 100 times, bringing the cost of the coat down to $1.50 per wear. Compared to a $15 "bargain" top that you only actually wore once, meaning the cost per wear is $15. The $150 coat was a far more economical investment. Buy In Outfits – Focus on purchasing items that are interchangeable. By focusing on a specific color scheme or style in mind, it will save you time and stress because everything will match. What to keep? Now that you have some ideas for how to shop for new clothes, what should you do with all of your existing clothes that are sitting in your closet? It’s time for you to decide what needs to stay and what needs to go. Just recently, I went through my own closet to decide what to keep and what to get rid of. Here are the rules that helped me when decluttering my own clothes. Keep clothes that fit you – We all have that one item of clothing we are keeping until we can lose 5 pounds and it will fit once again. It NEEDS to go! You should only keep clothes that fit you and make you feel great. Don’t keep clothes that make you feel like you should change to be able to wear them. Keep items that match each other – If it doesn’t match anything else in your wardrobe so you have nothing to wear it with, it needs to go. It doesn’t matter how cute or comfortable those shoes are if you are never going to wear them. No extra purses – Most women do the same with purses… we usually stick to one primary purse yet hold onto our old purses, telling ourselves we might one day need them. This ALMOST NEVER happens! Try to keep your everyday purse, as well as a particular favorite, and get rid of the rest. You really DON’T need them all. Types of wardrobes to consider... If you’re looking to try something entirely new when it comes to organizing your wardrobe, there are a couple different options out there for minimizing your closet. Capsule wardrobe – This type of wardrobe limits you to a certain number of items per capsule (not including your under garments). You set the number to what you would like and you limit your wardrobe capsule to that number. Have capsules for work, seasons, or specific occasions, it’s up to you. You can keep the rest of your clothes, but it takes the stress out of planning your day-to-day outfits. Uniform wardrobe – Many successful executives such as Steve Jobs, Barrack Obama and Mark Zuckerberg have utilized the uniform wardrobe. Clothes in this kind of wardrobe are all similar and interchangeable. For example, my wardrobe consists of mostly jeans, sweaters, and tops. Jeans match pretty much everything so it is easy for me to buy a large variety of tops to interchange with them. As parents, our wardrobes often fall to the wayside as we spend all of our time and money making sure that our kids (who are constantly growing) are getting the clothes that they need. I’m here to tell you that it’s IMPORTANT to update your wardrobe, too. Instead of buying the occasional, random item for yourself on a whim, make a point of finding yourself something nice that matches your wardrobe. It’s essential for you to look and feel good about yourself, too. Now that I have shared my ideas for decluttering your wardrobe, I challenge ALL of you to walk into your closet and come out with 15 items that you no longer need or want. This is a great first step towards getting your closet decluttered. By following my tips and getting your closet organized, you’ll be able to get dressed quicker, feel better, and get on with living your best life. Now go declutter! View the complete post here:
7/28/2017 • 46 minutes, 3 seconds
185 - Back to School Blitz
I’m excited to announce that next week I’m running a Back To School Blitz. It’s a 5-day challenge designed to help get you ready for a really productive fall and fully prepared for the new school year. So in this week’s podcast, I talk all about the Back To School Blitz. Why run a Back To School Blitz? For me, the start of the school year signifies the start of my 12-month year. I discussed this in podcast 134 where I explained that I have 3 different "mini new years" in my year. It starts in September... the beginning of the school year, then January... the beginning of the calendar year, and finally June... the beginning of summer. Each has a different set of possibilities, but September has the most possibilities for me. It's when I set the BIG goals for my year ahead. In my opinion, it doesn’t matter if you’re not going to school, the beginning of the school year is when we should all get everything in order and set our goals for success. Productivity starts with being prepared. There are plenty of little things that we could do now to set ourselves up for a productive school year. So, my 5-day Back To School Blitz is designed to help set everyone up for a productive school year... whether you go to school or not! I’m more excited about doing it for myself than for my kids. What is the Back To School Blitz? It’s a 5-day challenge that you need to sign-up for here. It’s delivered to you by email. Every day at 5am EST, you will receive checklists via email. You should print a copy for everyone in your house who is taking part in the blitz. For example, I’ll print off three... one for me and one for each of my two children. Since my kids are teenagers, I’ll try and convince them to do the checklist themselves. Don’t worry, the checklists are not lists of things to buy. In fact, my Back To School Blitz does not involve buying anything at all! Instead, it’s all about decluttering, culling, and making inventories of what we have in our house so that in August we can go ahead and buy exactly what we need. This will stop you from over or under buying things. So here’s what it involves: Monday: Clothing – Going through your closet and figuring out what you need, what needs altered, etc. Tuesday: Set up a command center – A back to school Sunday Basket™ that you will set up next week and continue to use thereafter. It will help you take note of the various things that need to be done before going back to school (i.e., supply lists, school uniform, car pool arrangements, etc.). Wednesday: Supplies – A supply list for your home or your home-based business. It’s the best time of the year to stock up on things like pens, binders, highlighters, etc. Thursday: Personal grooming – Look at what you have and what you need. Schedule manicures, haircuts, other treatments, etc. Friday: What does it take to get this family out the door? – Backpacks, lunches, purses, car, etc. Since everything is delivered by email, you need to sign up. In addition, every day I will go live on Facebook at 10:30am EST to provide support and share additional tips and advice. Together, we are going to get our kids and ourselves ready for a really productive fall and new school year. Are you with me? View the complete post here:
7/21/2017 • 13 minutes, 14 seconds
184 - Book - Downsizing the Family Home
It’s a rite of passage almost no one will escape: the difficult, emotional journey of downsizing your or your aging parents' home. Here, nationally syndicated home columnist Marni Jameson sensitively guides readers through the process, from opening that first closet, to sorting through a lifetime's worth of possessions, to selling the homestead itself. Using her own personal journey as a basis, she helps you figure out a strategy and create a mindset to accomplish the task quickly, respectfully, rewardingly—and, in the best of situations, even memorably. Throughout, she combines her been-there experience with insights from national experts—antiques appraisers, garage-sale gurus, professional organizers, and psychologists—to offer practical wisdom and heartwarming advice so you know with certainty what to keep, toss or sell. Downsizing The Family Home: What to Save, What to Let Go
7/19/2017 • 20 minutes, 39 seconds
183 - All about Laundry
Doing laundry always seems like it takes a lifetime, doesn’t it? But how long does it really take? For this week’s podcast episode, I timed how long it took me to complete ALL of my laundry. Over the course of a weekend, I used a stopwatch and I timed from when I began a laundry task to when I completed it. By doing this, I was able to get an accurate idea of how long completing all of my household laundry really took. My Findings The truth is, the actual tasks involved in doing laundry didn’t take up too much time. Every time I went into the laundry room to complete a task, I was usually only in there for about 5-8 minutes. So it really wasn’t taking me very long. I discovered I was able to do 9 loads of laundry in only 61 minutes. BUT... and this is a big but... the 61 minutes were spread over 3 days. So I pretty much felt like I spent 3 days in my laundry room! So what I came to learn is that, while the tasks don’t take very long, laundry can seem so much more time consuming than it really is because it occupies so many of our thoughts as we are doing it. I found I was always thinking about things like when the current load will be complete, whether I have gathered everything for the next load, where are the hangers, and so on. My Laundry Tips Fortunately, there are ways to save yourself both time and stress when it comes to your laundry. Here are my top tips for making laundry easier: Sort by weight – Instead of separating your laundry into loads by color, try separating them by how much each item weighs. Heavier items take longer to dry and lighter items take less time to dry. This will save you drying time on those little loads. Difficult load first – We all have that load of laundry that is just more difficult than the rest. Do your most difficult load of laundry first and this will make the rest of your loads less stressful. Multiple days of laundry – By spreading your laundry time throughout the week and doing some of the easier loads on weekdays (towels for example), you will save yourself time and stress on the weekends. Set a timer – Every time you start a load of laundry, start a timer on your phone. By setting the timer for 45-50 minutes, it will help prevent you from forgetting about the laundry and losing track of time. Of course, hiring someone else to do the laundry would be the ultimate time saver! This might not be an option for everyone, but it’s definitely something to consider. There may be no perfect solution to doing laundry, but I would LOVE to hear your suggestions for making laundry quicker and easier. Please share your ideas in my Organize 365 Facebook Group. A special thank you to this week’s podcast sponsor, TidyLiving! Use the promocode ORGANIZE365 to save 10% View the complete post here:
7/14/2017 • 18 minutes, 2 seconds
178 - Book - How ADHD Affects Home Organization
In her latest book, Lisa Woodruff explores the executive functions of the mind that directly affect your ability to organize your home: flexible thinking, working memory, self-monitoring, task initiation, planning, and organization. Along the way, she provides tips and strategies for overcoming obstacles—tools you can use to get the organized house you’ve been dreaming of. Now available as an Audible Book. How ADHD Affects Home Organization
6/21/2017 • 28 minutes, 32 seconds
176 - Sometimes You Are Just Stuck In A Phase
This week’s podcast is about the times when you find yourself in a tough phase of life. It’s about the times when you literally have no time to get organized no matter how much you want to. It may be that you’re SO busy you struggle to find even 15 minutes a day to get your home organized. Or you have the time, but what you want/need to do requires money and you literally don’t have a spare $15 right now. It may be both, you don’t have a spare 15 minutes AND a spare $15! They’re not phases that we want to find ourselves in, but nonetheless, it can happen to us all and probably will at least once in our life. I can easily draw upon my own personal experience with this topic. I’d LOVE to say that I was stuck in this phase of life for a week or a month, but it was more like 6 years! In the episode, I touch on how to get organized if you have a chronic condition (like fibromyalgia or a physical ailment). I’m afraid I have no magic answer ,but my main advice is to get someone to help you, either paid (if you can afford it) or unpaid (friends and family). When you have help in place, you then need to think about how you can incorporate help with home organization as well as physical care. People want to help you, and so, broaden your thinking on how you can use that help. If you’re a parent, a lot can depend upon the age of your children and what I like to call the "stage of parenting" that you find yourself in. I recorded a whole podcast episode on this very topic: #130 - The Three Stages of Parenting. Age 0-6 is when you’re doing EVERYTHING for your kids. You’re at home a lot. It can be exhausting. And there’s SO much to organize because the rate of change when it comes to clothes, toys, etc. is mind boggling! Age 6-12 is when you do things with your kids. You teach them how to start looking after themselves. 13+ is when they’re becoming a young adult. Then, it’s more about coaching and mentoring. So what do you do when you’re in the middle of a phase and you don’t have time or money to get your house organized? My answer is to work on changing your mindset. A lot goes on in your head before you see it in physical reality. I notice this with my business, my finances, my relationships… the world is more mental than it is physical. Positivity feeds and attracts more positivity, and negativity feeds and attracts more negativity. I reference in the podcast a documentary series on inventions that I watched and loved. If you’d like to check it out, it’s by National Geographic called American Genius. If you’re in a hard place and you feel stuck in a tough phase of life, this doesn’t mean that you should give up the desire to have an organized home in the future. If you think about having an organized home and you want it enough, you will manifest it. Having a Sunday Basket™ will really help you too. The Sunday Basket™ helps bring order, it develops the right skills, and brings about the discipline required for an organized house. Of course, please continue to listen to my podcast and other podcasts on home organization, too! Continue working on your mindset, even if you’re somewhat limited in the action that you can take right now. You will be amazed at the power of a mindset shift! View the complete post here:
6/9/2017 • 25 minutes, 45 seconds
174 - How ADHD Affects Home Organization Book Launch
This week’s podcast episode is a special one for me as it's all about my new book, How ADHD Affects Home Organization, which launched June 1! In this week’s podcast episode, I share a lot about why I decided to write the book, what my goals are, and how I truly believe that this book is REALLY going to help people with ADHD feel empowered and able to take control of their home organization! If you’d told me years ago that I’d one day be the author of a book called How ADHD Affects Home Organization, I’d have found it hard to believe... I don't have a degree or PhD in the subject! However, it’s a topic that I’ve specialized in for almost 20 years in order to help my children. I’ve worked hard on overcoming every challenge that my children have faced, no matter how many attempts it took. We’ve tried a 100% natural approach with no medication at all, and we’ve tried various medications and alternative therapies, too. I’ve read medical journals, researched like crazy, and over the years I’ve developed an obsession with understanding how the mind works and how we can improve it. I’ve parented, taught, and professionally organized people who struggle with ADHD. I’ve helped people from all around the world get their homes organized and stay organized. My podcast series on ADHD last spring was very popular. SO many people got in touch to say how much it had helped them and how I was able to explain things in a way that no one else had ever managed to before. Through all of the above, I came to accept that I am an expert and I can and should use my expertise to really help others. It seemed about time to write a book and so I did... and that’s why I’m launching How ADHD Affects Home Organization. This book is for people who find themselves overwhelmed, even paralyzed, with home organization. Where you put effort in and don’t make progress, and you spend money on organizing solutions that just don’t work! My book is for people who know what to do, but just can’t get started! Organization is not easy. And if you have ADHD, it’s a lot harder, but it’s not impossible! It’s all about understanding how your brain works, then working with your brain and not against it. It’s about recognizing your strengths and weaknesses, using them to your advantage, and finding strategies that work for you. How ADHD Affects Home Organization explores the executive functions of the mind and how they affect your ability to organize your home. In particular, I take 6 executive functions (flexible thinking, working memory, self-monitoring, task initiation, planning, and organization) and explain for each one what it is, why it’s important when organizing your house, and I share solutions to problems that you may face. The kindle book is free from June 1st - 3rd. Then from June 4th, it’ll be 99 cents for the rest of the month. If you buy the Kindle version, you’ll also receive a discount when downloading the audio version from Audible. Please get a copy of the book and please, please review it, too. It really helps more people receive the message that they too can get organized! This book will help the loved ones of those who have ADHD, too. Once you understand how the brain of a loved one with ADHD works, you understand them as a person a little bit more than you did before. I truly believe it’s going to be a game changer and really help a lot of people. I’m so EXCITED! I want to remove the cloud over people who have ADHD and offer them hope, solutions, and empowerment. To get your copy, please click here!
6/2/2017 • 29 minutes, 54 seconds
172 - How Losing a Loved One Affects Your Phase of Life
Welcome to the final episode of my three-part series all about the different phases of life and how specific life experiences can cause them to overlap. In this week's episode, I talk about what happens when we lose a loved one. Specifically, I focus on losing a parent. It's rather poignant for me that when I recorded the episode, it was 8 years to the day that my father had passed away. Losing a loved one moves you into three phases of life Survival When your parent passes away, immediately you're thrust into the survival phase. You have a lot to do. You have to plan the funeral, speak to other family members, help organize the estate, and many other things at an incredibly stressful and emotional time of your life. You're in the survival phase. Accumulation You will accumulate a lot of belongings from your parents. At such an emotional time, you don't want to let go of things in haste. So I recommend finding an off-site storage unit for a certain period of time just so you can take time to decide what to keep and what to let go of. If you're anything like me, you may find yourself trading-up many items that are actually nicer than those you already have! Downsizing & Legacy After about a year, you enter the downsizing and legacy phase. The legacy phase comes first and it lasts for about 3-4 years. You start to think about what you'll keep longer term that once belonged to your parents. What do you want to be a part of their legacy? It's all about how you're going to take the essence of the person who passed away and put it to use in a meaningful way. I really recommend finding interesting and creative ways to keep the items that carry sentimental value to you. For example, I have a shadow box and every time I find little things that remind me of my Dad, I put them in the shadow box in the basement. About year 5, you're going to find yourself focusing more on downsizing. At this time, not only will you be thinking about what you want to keep that once belonged to your parents, but you start to think about yourself, too. You start to look at YOUR belongings and think about what will be YOUR legacy. You realize that someone has to get rid of it all someday! I could record podcasts for weeks about how different life events, in addition to our chronological age, impact what organizational phase of life we feel like we are most in at any one moment. My goal in recording these podcasts was not for you to be able to better categorize your phase of life, but to recognize that we are all floating between the phases at any one time and can learn and grow at our own pace and stage of life. A special thank you to this week's podcast sponsor, the National Association of Senior Move Managers!
5/19/2017 • 42 minutes, 58 seconds
170 - How Caring for Family Members Affects Your Organizational Phase of Life
Last week, I introduced you to the 4 phases of life and how when you have your babies can impact upon your phase of life. This week, I explore this topic even further and share with you how caring for family members can also affect your organizational phase of life. Having a baby, the topic of last week's podcast, is a welcome and joyous life event. When you have a baby, you're thrust into the accumulation phase. All of those! This week's focus is on when you become a caretaker for a family member. Unfortunately, when you become a caretaker of a family member, that's not such a joyous life event. Sometimes we'll see it coming and have a gradual lead in, other times it rocks our world in an instant! Often this will be due to medical emergencies, like when a loved one falls and breaks their hip...which I've found in recent years is a real thing and it happens A LOT! I can share from first-hand experience that being a caretaker is EXTREMELY time consuming. You have an immediate prioritization shift in your life. You're thrust into having responsibility over two sets of everything...two households, two sets of bills, etc. Whatever stage of life you were previously in, when you become a caretaker, you're also now in the survival phase, too. In this podcast episode, I share with you some really useful ideas on how to cope if this happens to you. I also have two super useful products that are designed to help you keep track of, and ultimately share when needed, important personal information. One focuses on medical information (i.e., insurance, current and past prescriptions, medical history, etc.). The other focuses on financial information, mainly for spouses to keep a joint record (i.e., bank details, etc.). They are editable so you can fill one in for yourself, another for your parents, and I even fill the medical record out for my children. It's just so useful to keep all the information that you have in one simple record. Next week, I look at how losing a close family member can affect your phase of life. I'm sure you can guess what phase you find yourself in when that happens! Full blog post can be viewed at A special thank you to this week's podcast sponsor, the National Association of Senior Move Managers!
5/12/2017 • 40 minutes, 46 seconds
169 - How When You Have Babies Affects Your Organizational Phase of Life
I'm super excited to share with you my next series of 3 podcasts which are all about the different phases of life and how they overlap. Most people are living in overlapping phases of life. I really want to address this topic and explore what it means for you. This is something of a storytelling podcast - there's not a lot of direct action for you to take, but lots of learning! I've actually been wanting to record this podcast series for about 9 months, but it's a topic that is best approached when the timing is just right! January is all about organizational projects, March is about decluttering... May is the perfect time to reflect! It's all centered around what I consider to be the 4 phases of a woman's life. The Childhood Phase (birth to around 18 years old) - Limited organizational requirements and heavily influenced by parents. The Accumulation Phase (around 18-39 years old) - A period of learning and accumulating. You accumulate more and more belongings! Usually in this phase, you accumulate a spouse and family, too! The Survival Phase (around 40-54 years old) - A mindset shift takes place at this stage. Most people are working during this phase and, in addition to that, they're looking after their family and running the household. And if you're anything like me, you're in your car all the time! The Downsizing & Legacy Phase (age 55+) - The big clear out! Kids are moving out and you naturally start to reduce the amount of items in your house. You also begin to consider your legacy - what will you save and why? There are three big life events that affect these phases of life - having children, becoming a caretaker for someone, and when someone close to you passes away. This week's focus is on having children. When we have kids, we go into full blown accumulation mode. Even the most minimalist of people can't resist accumulation when it comes to babies! As more and more millennials are tending towards having children in their early 40's, what does this mean in terms of the stages in life? Having a baby in your 40's = an overlap of the accumulation and the survival stage. Next week, I look at how becoming a caretaker for someone can affect your phase of life. Have a great week!
5/5/2017 • 43 minutes, 13 seconds
167 - Why I Am A Bag Lady No More
This week on the podcast, I'm talking to you about all the different kinds of bags you have in your house. From backpacks to purses, I'm going through the different kinds of bags and how many we should have of each. And I am super excited about the next three podcasts. I'm creating a series of podcasts about what to do when the phases of life overlap. Thank you so much for being part of the Organize 365 community. My hope each day is that I can provide you with one new nugget of information that will help you make your home organization easier. Have a great week!
4/28/2017 • 37 minutes, 6 seconds
165 - Are you a lion, wolf, bear or dolphin?
The book The Power of When will help you understand your body’s natural chronotype and how to use that information to achieve your personal goals in organizing your home and living a more productive life. I used the information in this book to understand how and why the members of our family choose to do daily routine tasks at different times of day and how to best support my kids as they become adults. The Power of When
4/19/2017 • 40 minutes, 45 seconds
160 - Decluttering Madness Week 4: the Garage
Clean out and back up the cars - because we are going to FILL them! Designate one car for donations and one for items that need to be delivered, returned or consigned. Next decide how long you have to work on this project at ONE time. If you have 2 hours or more - EMPTY the garage. You know it's true. Once the items are OUT of the garage it is as easy to donate them as it is to put them back in the garage. The garage houses all of the future projects we "think" we are going to do. The biggest work you are going to do is DECIDE if you really are going to do those ideas and projects. In the podcast I talk about how I no longer have flower gardens, why I easily donate items we have purchased and never used and how we need better tools. It's a funny listen. And will keep you going while you declutter guilt and expectations in the form of flower pots and old sporting equipment. Check your storage solutions. Now is the time to invest in a few plastic shelving units to organize what you have left and buy organizers specific to what YOU have in your garage. Keep going! You can do this! Keep decluttering all the way until March 31!! I want you to focus on decluttering and your Sunday Basket this month so… The 100 Day Home Organization Challenge registration is closed. Join the wait list here and you will be the first to be notified when it reopens.
No one wants to go down here. I know. If you haven't listened to the "How to Sort a Box" podcast. It is podcast #150 and goes along with today’s podcast #159 Ok. The basement. In this space you need a leader who will direct the family. - Usually mom. The leader goes down and starts sorting boxes and items into family members' piles. And then each family member (one at a time) will come down, make decisions and carry the donations up. -HINT- Preparation is KEY here! The more the leader prepares, the quicker the decisions go and the more gets donated. There is no denying that basements, attics and storage rooms ZAP energy and are the HARDEST areas to organize! Everything is down there because you don't know what to do with it. ;) So pace yourself. Each bag and box donated is a HUGE win! Keep going. You can do this! Don't forget to download the family and individual brackets to play along. View the get started post for "rules". :) This is the LAST day to register for the Sunday Basket workshops. Start tackling that storage room… one box at a time. For the full show notes go to
3/17/2017 • 17 minutes, 55 seconds
157 - Declutter Madness Week 2 - The Family Room
The first step in organizing the family room is to stop and think about what you really do in this space. Do you still watch DVDs or do you stream your entertainment? If your youngest child is in 2nd grade it is OK to move all the toys out of the family room. If your youngest child is in middle school all their toys can be in their room. For the full show notes go to
3/10/2017 • 25 minutes, 41 seconds
156 - Declutter Madness Week 1 - Bedrooms
Here are the 7 steps to decluttering your bedroom at any age. 1. Pick up all trash 2. Collect all food, dishes and dirty laundry. 3. Scan the room and fill a bag of any easily donateable items. 4. Go through ALL your clothes. Try on all your pants and tops. 5. Look at the items on your floor (including furniture) and make decisions about what can go. 6. Go through the books in your bedroom. 7. Stand and look at each wall of your room. For the full show notes go to
3/3/2017 • 28 minutes, 33 seconds
153 - 4 Steps to Getting Photos Organized
Step 1 - Get ALL your photos in ONE place. Step 2 - Decide what you want. Step 3 - SORT by person and Project. Here are my favorite albums to make. Click here for my photo services and see videos of the most popular albums I make. Step 4 - Print your photos. :) TimeShel is the Apple App I am using to print 30 photos each month from my phone. Look at these beautiful pictures! TimeShel is super easy to use. Remember to use the code: ORG365 to get a free month 10 prints or 40% off your 30 monthly print subscription. Era is the Apple app I mentioned for having larger prints printed from your phone. Again, use the code ORG365 and get free shipping on your first order. :) Click here for all the links and show notes. Click here to join the 100 Day Home Organization Challenge.
2/17/2017 • 38 minutes, 42 seconds
152 - Book Review: Procrastinate on Purpose
The Procrastinate on Purpose By Rory Vaden is the book that explains how I am so ridiculously productive and it has NOTHING to do with time management. I had so much fun sharing about the significance calculation, the rule of 30 and how all this relates to getting your home organized! Rory's Focus Funnel: Can it be eliminated? Can it be automated? Can it be delegated? No? Then do it now or procrastinate it on purpose. Links mentioned in the podcast: 100 Day Home Organization Challenge My Weekly, Monthly and Yearly checklists. Rory's book on Kindle The audio book version of The Mindset of Organization is finally here!! I hope you enjoy the sample chapters in podcast 140. You can get a free audible copy of The Mindset of Organization and start a free 30 day trial of audible at
2/15/2017 • 53 minutes, 29 seconds
151 - Help Saving Your Precious Heirlooms
I talk a LOT about saving your memories. And while I tell you to save your memories in blankets and photo albums, I have not given you a resource to do so. Until today. I am SO excited to introduce you to Once Upon A Time Creation. Jen Anderson has created a beautiful line of keepsakes that can be created from your storage room treasures. Check out my favorites in this week’s blog post. What treasures will you create? Check out Once Upon a Time Creation here. Click here to join the 100 Day Home Organization Challenge.
2/10/2017 • 22 minutes, 56 seconds
146 - Book Review: The ONE Thing
The ONE Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan is the book that has helped me the most in achieving increased productivity. Using the focus question, “What is the ONE thing I can do, such that by doing it, everything else will become easier and unnecessary?” I prioritize my day on a continual basis. In this podcast you will hear: Why I prioritized a nay over recording this podcast. How extraordinary success is sequential. About the domino effect. How to apply the ONE thing to organizing your home. The audio book version of The Mindset of Organization is finally here!! I hope you enjoy the sample chapters in podcast 140. You can get a free audible copy of The Mindset of Organization and start a free 30 day trial of audible at
1/18/2017 • 25 minutes, 11 seconds
140 - The Mindset of Organization Audiobook
The audio book version of The Mindset of Organization is finally here!! I hope you enjoy these sample chapters today. You can get a free audible copy of The Mindset of Organization and start a free 30 day trial at
12/23/2016 • 35 minutes, 39 seconds
139 - How I lost 80 hours in 2 weeks and what I did to survive
Listen to how being organized, and living an organized life allows you to be more productive, and be able to handle those unexpected emergencies and events that come into every person's life. Change is inevitable. Unexpected events are going to happen. They are a guaranteed but they're unexpected. A few weeks ago, I had a series of events happen in a matter of just two to three days that cost me 80 hours out of the next two weeks of my life. Some of these were good changes. Some of these were bad changes. And all of them were unexpected. I'm going to walk you through that 16 days, how these events unfolded over that time, what ended up getting sacrificed out of my schedule, and how I got back on track. So what did I do? #1 - I managed my expectations. #2 – My systems are rock solid. #3 - I used my phone for almost everything! #4 - I remained calm so that the kids and Greg remained calm too. So this getting organized thing, it's a big deal. It's a really big deal. It has a huge impact, not only on your space and how your space looks, but your ability to drop everything and take care of your kids or the people that you work with so that they can go and grieve or do what they need to do, and you can pick up the pieces and not be a hot mess or all stressed out about it. It's important for your marriage if you're married. The more organized you are, the more time you have for those people that you love and for yourself. The quickest way to get to a productive life is to get your home organized. Join me in the 100 Day home organization challenge and let’s do this!
12/21/2016 • 25 minutes, 32 seconds
138 - Why the Magic Art of Tidying Up Doesn't Work for American Women
I’m sharing what I like, don't like and why I think that this book doesn't work for American women. Talk about a controversial statement, I know, but I think "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" does not work for the majority of American women. Marie and I approach organizing differently based on our ages and countries of origin./p> There a few things that I do like about Marie's book. I love that she has brought the discussion of clutter and organizing to the attention of the media and people around the world. I like the idea behind her method of sparking joy. “If it doesn't spark joy that you should get rid of it.” I also love that Marie champions that idea that organization is a teachable and learnable skill. Yes, yes, YES! That is what I have been saying for years, that it doesn't matter if you're not organized now, you can learn to be organized. {To really understand why this book doesn’t work for American women read the whole post or listen to the podcast where I dive deep into the differences between an American house and a Japanese house and our cultural differences.} What works for Marie but I have not seen as easily implementable for Americans are the following five things. #1 Marie says you should tidy all at once and be done. Immediately that rubbed me the wrong way, which is why I had such a hard time with her book. Having helped so many women organize their whole homes and organized my own I know, it took me three years to get organized. Knowing how hard American women try to be organized and the quantity of items to be organized I knew it was not that easy. You can't just wave a magic wand, do it once and it's all done. #2 Marie consistently brings up this idea of perfectionism, the perfect system and that you can reach perfection. I do not think that you can reach perfection. I'm not there, I actually get bored when I get anywhere close to being super productive. I create all these alternative projects I can do to make my life a little bit more cluttered. I don't want to live in a perfect minimalistic, 100% efficient life. I don't agree that you can actually even achieve a perfect life. #3 Is the topic of paper organization. This is the hot button that originally rubbed me the wrong way when reading Marie’s book. The first time I read her book, I stopped reading after the one and a half pages about how to organize paper, which basically said just get rid of all of it. I about had a heart failure. So when I re-read the book last week, and I read all the way through I realized that towards the end of the book she does tell you how to organize paper, a little bit. But she still sticks with the idea that almost all paper should be thrown away and that there are only three files that you should have. Files. Not filing systems. Files. Three envelopes or three files of paper, TOTAL. #4 Marie glosses over photos and memories. Her suggestion to go through your photos one by one and make decisions, would take at least a year for most of the Americans that I know. It is definitely not something you can tidy all at once and be done in a day or two. Furthermore, most Americans have a hard time deciding which photos are good to keep and which ones can be let go. Don’t believe me? What do you do with your school pictures after you put one in a family frame and hand them out to friends and family members? If you are like most Americans you store the rest in the school envelope and “save” them. Who know, we might “need” them. And they cost good money. See – we need help. And lastly, #5 Marie explains how she empties her purse every single day. Her wallet, train ticket, etc all come out of her purse and are stored in different places in her home. Then she puts the purse in a bag and puts it up on the shelf of her closet. There is no way that I could empty out my purse and refill my purse every day. I am so grateful that the "Magic Art of Tidying Up" has become such a popular book and has brought this whole idea of organizing and decluttering to the forefront of the media. It has opened up the discussion for people around the world to really take a look at the stuff that they have saved and think about the kind of a life that they want to live. However, if you are an American and you have read this book and you've made great progress in your master closet, but then you haven't made much more progress in the rest of your house, you're doing just fine. So what does work for American women? The 100 Day Home Organization Challenge is the perfect match for your American home. Registration just opened for the January 2 kick off. Join today!
12/16/2016 • 40 minutes, 12 seconds
137 - Share Your Memories This Holiday Season
When your family gathers together for the holidays this year, bring out your memory boxes! Organizing old family memories, treasures, photos, and memorabilia is time-consuming and hard emotional work. Why not involve the whole family this year and conquer a few boxes at the same time. Pull out all the photos. Grab a few boxes of photos and let you family enjoy them, unorganized and all. Enjoy sharing stories and reminiscing about old times. Use a photo-safe pen for family members to label who is in the picture on the back. Let your family pitch duplicates, blurry pictures, pictures of landscapes, and other unnecessary photos. Ask a teenager to scan the best photos and share them with the family. Let your family members take the photos home! Record the stories. You can make a video or audio recording of your family’s memories, but I like good old fashioned oral tradition as well. Share stories, let the grandchildren overhear, and laugh until you cry. Hearing the stories of your family’s history is powerful. Pull out childhood memories from the attic and storage room with your adult children. Bring up a few boxes of your adult child’s childhood memories to reminisce and go through in the family room. Share the memories and either declutter the items or send them home with your child. J If you are the child, go grab a few of those boxes on your next visit home. Play old home movies on the TV. Fire up the old VHS or movie reel player and enjoy watching past holidays, babies take their first steps and ride their bikes. Memories are meant to be shared and enjoyed. Enjoy yours with your families this holiday! You can view the full post here: Thank you to for sponsoring this podcast series.
12/14/2016 • 22 minutes, 55 seconds
135 - Adult Trinket Management
For many of us, it is relatively easy to let go of inexpensive items of clutter that we no longer love and need. As you progress through your home decluttering/organization journey, you will naturally start to question why you are keeping items of greater value. For many of us, the act of collecting is fun. As children, we collected Beanie Babies, Happy Meal toys, and rocks. As we age, the desire to have complete collections can consume us beyond our actual desire for the items being collected. And once collected, collectibles have both a real and a perceived value. So what do we do when we look around our homes and see expensive clutter that we lovingly collected and purchased? Does the collection still bring you joy? Have you documented the memory? Look up the monetary value. Share your collections with family. You can view the full post here: Thank you to for sponsoring this podcast series.
12/7/2016 • 58 minutes, 56 seconds
134 - My 3 New Years
I always thought that I divided my calendar into three separate years because I was a schoolteacher or because I had children. But the more I talk to women without children who work 9-to-5 jobs, the more I find that this way of looking at the calendar actually rings true for most women. In this week’s post, I will walk you through how I organize my calendar three times a year, and how each time block starts out structured and organized and ends up chaotic and unstructured. My 3 calendar seasons are September to December, January to May, and June to August. Read the full post here:
12/2/2016 • 20 minutes, 7 seconds
132 - Love Languages & Clutter Free Gifts
Match your holiday gift to the recipients "love language" and give clutter free gifts this holiday season. Have you heard of the 5 love languages? Understanding how we give and receive love helps us make more meaningful purchases and give gifts that will be used and appreciated. The five love languages are: Quality time Acts of service Touch Gifts Words of affirmation In this week's blog post, I have ideas for clutter free gifts for each of the 5 love languages. Read it here:
11/25/2016 • 13 minutes, 42 seconds
131 - How to Organize Husbands (children, significant others, parents, etc.)
It is so easy for us to start organizing ourselves and start making progress. Then we look at our spouses and notice that they have not made the same progress we have made. We want them to be doing what we are doing. However, they need to see a few more things from us before they're ready to jump on board. Here are the steps: Husbands are looking for you to be consistent. Your husband is looking for results that last. Change is yucky. He has to want it for himself. Stop focusing on his passion projects. Click here to read the whole post:
11/23/2016 • 33 minutes, 35 seconds
130 - The Three Stages of Parenting
Just as there are 4 phases of life that I identified in the Mindset Of Organization Book, these 3 phases of parenting all need different organization as well. The more you understand where you are in life, the more successful you will be at finding and implementing the organization you need to make your life function better. Parenting Stage 1: 0-6 years old – You Do It All The first stage of parenting is sheer survival! Under the age of 6 almost all daily duties with your children fall on your shoulders. The days are long and I’m not sure who said the years are short – they weren’t for me! Organizing yourself and your family in this stage is like shoveling snow in a snow storm. Organization is unique to you and your family and likely will completely change every 3 months. My solution was to chunk my year into 3 month groupings. I would make a few goals for each of my kids, purge their clothes and toys and keep plugging away. Parenting Stage 2: 7-12 years old – You Do It Together The grade school years of parenting were the easiest for me. I loved the structure, the fact that my kids were still under my control and the great friends I made during those years. These are very social years where the kids and parents connect and enjoy activities together. As your kids age through this stage their toys will go from being everywhere – to being only in their rooms. These are the years when your kids learn chores and establish their contributing roles to your family dynamics. Parenting Stage 3: 13+ years old – Guidance & Support This parenting stage is as time consuming as the first, except this time I am in my car all the time and not at home. Luckily for me I view that large quantity of driving time as the best quality time I get with my teens. Deep thoughts, but dreams and life lessons are often talked about in the hours and hours of time I spend with my teens in the car. I find myself going from managing one family calendar to providing and supporting my teens as they take on their own calendar scheduling, activities and start making their big lifetime goals come to life.
11/18/2016 • 28 minutes, 39 seconds
129 - How to Organize Sporting Equipment
Almost all sports involve special clothing, equipment and leaving the house. Even walking my dog! Here are 8 steps to get your sporting equipment organized and have everything you need – when you need it! Get a bag for EACH sport and each person. Create a custom checklist for each bag. Buy MORE of anything you can! Keep the sports bags and uniforms in the car, garage or laundry room. Stocked “Mom Bag”. Stocked “Spectator Bag”. Buy Garage Organizers. Clean Out the Car! For more ideas and further explanation view the whole post here:
11/16/2016 • 25 minutes, 56 seconds
128 - Productivity # 9 How to Hire Household Help
You only have 24 hours a day. The only way to get more time is to eliminate tasks or get help doing them. I know this is a hard concept for some to embrace. The idea of paying someone to do something you CAN do is a big mental mindset shift. By PAYING for a task to be done by someone else you are saying. I can't do it ALL. This is important enough to me at this time to make sure it is done and done regularly. I am going to use that time that is freed up to do..... What is it that you REALLY what to be spending your time doing? This blog post is a meaty one. I share the 10 steps I go through when hiring help. How to hire help Make a job description. In your dream world what are ALL the things this person would do? When I hired babysitters for my daughter, I specifically looked for people who liked to cook and liked pets - 2 of my weaknesses and my daughter's strengths. Invite 10-20 people to look at your job description. Many people will not respond, so reach out to between 10 -20 potential good matches. When you get a yes... The LESS hours you need, the more candidates you will go through. Schedule an in person interview at your house on the day you want regular service. If you want a babysitter every Friday night, interview people on Friday night. If they can’t make the interview at that time... they won't be able to accept the job. Be flexible. The best employee/ employer relationship is a win -win. You win by getting the task done. Know what you want done - no matter what - and what would be a great addition, but not a deal breaker if it can't be done. Hire for a long time relationship not a one off task. Working in your home with your family is an intimate relationship. Trust your "gut feel" when interviewing and go for the candidate you feel most comfortable with. Remember this is a job. Don't get too chummy too fast. Maintain your role as employer and have safe boundaries. Negotiate. Be fair with what you are willing to pay. If you are wanting just a few hours or a specific day and time, be willing to pay a little for then to work around your schedule. Start with a trial. When you have picked your winner - start with a 30 day trial. Having a trial period of time allows you both to get to know each other and the expectations of the job. At the end of 30 days you will be able to clarify any tasks that need to be changed, modify hours, and solidify the agreement going forward. Be a good employer. I LOVE being an employer. Appreciate your hired help. Treat them like a valued member of your team. Remember important events in their lives. Pay them fairly and ethically. Pay the taxes you know you should. Enjoy your new found time! I use and recommended for household employment needs. By using this link I will earn an affiliate commission at no additional expense to you. Thanks! Save 20% on a membership here.
11/11/2016 • 34 minutes, 3 seconds
127 - Boys' Collections
Boys have fewer categories of “toys” but more pieces and parts than girls. The key to having an organized boy’s room is to buy organizers specifically designed for each of their precious collections. Understanding how boys go from toys to collections will also shed some light on the husbands and fathers in your life. The blog post is full of Amazon links of the exact products I use when organizing boys Legos, video games, and card collections. Next Wednesday I will tackle how to organize sporting equipment for all ages.
11/9/2016 • 34 minutes, 59 seconds
126 - Passion Projects
Our natural inclination is to want to organize someone else or dive deep into organizing our "passions." The easiest way to actually GET ORGANIZED is to go through your home in a logical progression starting with one room and slowly working your way through the whole house. But we get stopped by wanting to organize family members or jumping into the deep end with Passion Projects. Everyone has 1-3 current Passion Projects. Passion Projects are hobbies, memory items or pursuits that we identify with and make us come alive. We over buy and over collect in these areas because our desire to know and do more is unquenchable. Passion Projects are not necessarily a monetary investment. But they are always a huge emotional and time investment. Because we are so passionate and invested in our hobbies, we naturally want to get those organized first. Which is always a bad idea. Passion Projects are hard to explain to others. We do not have a rational reason why we are saving what we are saving, but we knew we "need" to. I am totally cool with that, but overtime I want you to get down to 1-3 Passion Projects. You can't be passionate about everything... In 2017 I am going to dive deep into organizing Passion Projects. For now, focus on decluttering and organizing any nonPassion Project space in your home. Come join the discussion over on Facebook and tell me what your (and your family member's) Passion Projects are. View the full post
11/4/2016 • 22 minutes, 52 seconds
124 - Productivity #8 Time Management & Goal Setting
Today’s podcast came from a reader's submission, “Now that I no longer have kids' schedules dictating my time, I have no clue how to start planning MY time.” I find this is SO true. When I have very little time, I manage my time and tasks well. When I feel like I have “all the time in the world,” I waste almost all of it. In this podcast, I am diving deep into how we look at the time we have and how to make our own goals and deadlines to live the life we want. I’d love to walk you through how to set and start your home organization plan in motion. Please join me in an upcoming webinar. You can view all the productivity podcasts here:
10/28/2016 • 18 minutes, 8 seconds
123 - More Basement & Storage Room Organization Tips
Basements and storage areas are the easiest places to hide treasures we aren’t sure if we still want and items we don’t know how to properly get rid of. Today, I am revisiting this space with more ideas to help you tackle your storage monster. And with the winter holidays just around the corner, I have a challenge for you and some tips on scaling back and organizing your holiday decorations. You can find more storage organizing posts and podcasts here:
10/21/2016 • 23 minutes, 18 seconds
121 - 10 Weeks To An Organized Move
This summer, I took the 10 Weeks To An Organized Move blog series and organized it into a free eBook resource. If you, or someone you know is moving, you can download the eBook here:
10/7/2016 • 25 minutes, 9 seconds
120 - Productivity #6 - 10 Ways to Find More Time
Once you have your tasks divided out by type, then it’s time to find new pockets of time to accomplish your to-do list! Here are 10 ways I have been able to find more time in the last 10 years: Watch less TV. Limit my time on social media. Turn off my phone notifications. Shorten the amount of time I spend straightening up in the morning. Smoosh household tasks together. Skip household tasks all together on one day each week. Get up early or stay up late. Hire help and use that time on your focused work. Trade a day with a friend or use dates to knock out to-do's. Work faster and accept that done is better than perfect. Listen to this week’s podcast to hear how I did – or didn’t - use each of these strategies in different phases of my life. For all links to all the posts in the productivity series go here:
9/30/2016 • 34 minutes, 17 seconds
119 - Twenty 5-Minute Tasks
Once you have streamlined and moved most of your household tasks to large chunks of time in your calendar, you can now start to use 5 minute snippets of time to knock off some of the repetitive routine tasks on your list. This opens up more valuable chunks of time to get done bigger - and more valuable - projects. I know it sounds kind of counterintuitive, but if you are always doing little tasks here and there, you never feel done. If you have a 4-hour time block set aside to do those tasks and can knock 30 minutes off during the week through six 5-minute chunks, you feel accomplished and organized! Here are twenty tasks I do in 5-minute pockets of time to get you started thinking about what your twenty tasks will be: Start a load of laundry Empty the dishwasher Fold a load of laundry Clean off the kitchen counter Do the dishes Clean out a shelf in the pantry Empty all the trash cans Pick up toys in the family room Collect all the towels and start the laundry Vacuum a room Delete email and voicemail from your phone Change your furnace filter Take items up or downstairs Go through your mail and open it all Write a thank you note Book a doctor appointment Refill soap dispensers Clean out 1 drawer Shred paper Put 10 things away Use those minutes you spend talking on the phone or waiting for people knocking off your repetitive tasks!
9/23/2016 • 20 minutes, 53 seconds
118 - Productivity #5 - Dividing Your Tasks Into Different Kinds of Work
All work is NOT created equal. Before you listen to the podcast this week, make a giant list of all the tasks you want and need to get done. Then listen in to discover how to re-organize your to-do list to get the most done. There are 4 kinds of tasks that end up on my to-do list. Here is a brief synopsis of each one: 1. Ideas - Oh boy, do I have a BUNCH of ideas! Instead of putting my ideas on my to-do list, I jot the idea on a scrap of paper and toss it into my Sunday Basket. Then every 2-3 weeks, I read through my ideas and 80% end up getting tossed in the garbage. 2. Repetitive tasks I can be easily distracted from while doing them - Laundry, dishes, bill paying, cooking, grocery shopping, yard work, etc. These never-ending repetitive tasks can easily be done while listening to a podcast or beside my husband or kids while chatting with them. I save these tasks for Sundays and evenings when the family is home. 3. Focused work - These are the big things on your to-do list that would make a difference in your home, family, or career, but they require silence and focused work to get them done. Often, these are the items that move from list to list because we don't have the time to do them. NEWS FLASH, the time is never going to magically appear. Sorry. To change your life and get big things done takes prioritization and time. Start by finding 30 minutes a day to put toward your focused work. Just ONE goal. Then work your way up to 2-4 hours a day. This is NOT easy, but SO worth it! It will feel weird pulling that time from other areas, but once you accomplish one goal you will be hooked! 4. Thinking time - This is not a to-do on your list, but I find if I do not have any time for my mind to wander - while I am driving, walking the dog, or doing the dishes - I get cranky. I need time to think and dream about possibilities and solutions. I am an entrepreneurial creative type and we need lots of time to think. You might need some planned thinking time, too! For all the links to all the posts in the productivity series go here:
Checklists save time and sanity! In this podcast I am going over the checklists I use for monthly tasks and remembering one time yearly to do's. All the posts in this series will be linked at See my specific checklists here:
9/2/2016 • 17 minutes, 27 seconds
115 - The Mindset of Organization: Take Back Your House One Phase at a Time
The Mindset of Organization: Take Back Your House One Phase at a Time has launched on Amazon. Click here to buy your copy: Do you have ideas for my book launch tours or media connections to share? Email me at [email protected]!
8/26/2016 • 36 minutes, 55 seconds
114 - Productivity #3
Step 2 in becoming more productive is to take your Sunday Basket to the next level. This is part two of Sunday Basket 2.0 It's time to add some planning time to the Sunday Basket. Once you have all your actionable to do's chosen for the coming week, group the tasks that make sense to do together. Like all the errands. Then using the Sunday Basket planning printables decide which days you will do each of your tasks. Stack your tasks to get the most done in a short amount of time. Download the Sunday Basket Planning Printable at Join me on Facebook>Facebook All the posts in this series will be linked at
8/19/2016 • 14 minutes, 20 seconds
112 - Productivity #2
Why do you want to be more productive? It is easier to find time when you know what you will do with it. Step 2 in becoming more productive is to take your Sunday Basket to the next level. This is part one of Sunday Basket 2.0 Start to write down EVERY thing you want to do or remember and put those in the Sunday Basket. And start to track your time. What tasks or activities could you eliminate in order to make more time in your schedule to reach your productivity goal? Join me on Facebook All the posts in this series will be linked at
8/5/2016 • 19 minutes, 39 seconds
111 - Travel
5 things I do to make vacation packing easier. 1. Keep a prepacked bathroom bag for each family member. 2. Keep a written packing list from year to year. 3. Keep all prepurchased vacation items in one location. 4. Pack condo staples to save time and money. 5. Get your pet supplies and instructions ready. All that's left to pack are your clothes and electronics! Happy Vacationing! View all the videos that go with this podcast at
7/29/2016 • 11 minutes, 5 seconds
110 - Productivity #1
Every other week I will be recording podcasts on productivity to share with you what I do to get so much done. Becoming a more productive person is a process that happens overtime. The spacing of these podcasts will give you time to absorb and implement changes into your routine so you will become more productive too! All the posts in this series will be linked at www.organize365,com/productivity In this podcast I mentioned the books: 168 Hours You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkamp Tell Your Time by Amy Lynn Andrews
7/22/2016 • 44 minutes, 39 seconds
109 - Organizational Quicksand: What to Do When You Are Stuck
It never fails. You are ready to get organized, but the people and circumstances around you have you stuck. In this podcast I will break down the various situations that get us stuck in each phase of our organizational journey. Join the 100 Day Home Organization Challenge here.
7/15/2016 • 46 minutes, 33 seconds
107 - Kid Bedroom Organization - Step 5 - The transition from childhood bedroom to living on your own
Organize 365 107 - Kid Bedroom Organization - Step 5 - The transition from childhood bedroom to living on your own
This week is all about your toys, hobbies & passions. Oh boy! This is a BIG week. OK lets talk about ALL your toys, hobbies and passions. First I want you to list your top 3. If you were going away for a month and could only take 3 things to play with or do, what would they be? After you find spaces for those 3, maybe 4 categories of things we have to tackle the rest... do you want then at all? Do you want them only a few times a year? Are they memories you want to save? To view all the posts in this series go to
6/24/2016 • 26 minutes, 52 seconds
105 - Kid Bedroom Organization - Step 3 - Creating a Work Space
Your school work is similar to your parents work - work. You need to have a space just for your backpack and purse. And you should only have ONE back pack and purse to use each week. Wait until the weekend to change to a new bag. :) It's time for you to get your own school and office supplies. I will share with you the basics you need including your own stapler, tape dispenser and scissors. To view all the posts in this series go to
There are 5 types of clothing covered in this podcast: 1. Clothing that is too BIG (hand -me-downs) 2. Clothing that is too SMALL. 3. Clothes you don't like and would never wear 4. Dressy clothes & uniforms 5. FAVORITES! :) By categorizing your clothing in these types, you can more easily make decisions on what to keep and where to store your clothes. To view all the posts in this series go to
In this episode Lisa shares the basics of kid bedroom organization. Get tips to teach your child how to organize and clean a bedroom. Learning the skills of organizing your bedroom is so much more important than just making your mom happy. I want you to think of organizing your bedroom like it is your apartment. It is your very own space inside your parent's home. You don't need to worry about paying rent or utilities, but it is yours to take care of, clean, and organize. Bedroom organizing basics 1. Start a Weekly Cleaning Schedule. You need to pick a day and time WEEKLY to clean and organize your room. 2. Clear the Clutter. Do the TOP 3 tasks to clean your bedroom... Clean up trash and food, take out all the dirty laundry, and clean up your floor. 3. Declutter and Donate. Look around and see if there are any toys or clothes you can donate or get rid of. 4. Clean your bedroom. That means vacuum and dust! Let's take these one at a time... 1. Create a cleaning schedule to clean and organize your bedroom every week. There really is no way around this one. You need to clean and organize your room every week. If you skip a week, the clutter gets so out of control it is really hard to get it done without being overwhelmed. Pick a specific day and time for organizing your room and ask your parents to help you schedule it on your family calendar. You can pick ANY day and time, but I find Saturday morning tends to be the best for most girls, unless they are in a competitive sport. At first, it may take you 2-4 hours to clean and organize your room. But after you go through all 5 of these posts, it will get quicker and easier. Eventually, you should be able to get your whole room clean and organized in an hour or less. 2. Do these TOP 3 bedroom cleaning tasks. Clean up trash and food, take out all the dirty laundry, and clean up your floor. The older you get, the more food and laundry you will have in your room. The younger you are, the more your toys will be all over the floor. Each week, no matter what, start by doing these 3 things first: 1. Pick up ALL the trash and put anything food related back in the kitchen. 2. Pick up all the dirty clothes and put them in the hamper or laundry room. 3. Pick up and put away what is on your floor. 3. See if there is anything you can donate or get rid of. Every week and every time we talk, I am going to be encouraging you to get rid of stuff and declutter your bedroom. Here's why... 1. Your bedroom is not a house. You have limited space to store your treasures and you need to make sure they are STILL treasures and not just old stuff you don't know what to do with. 2. You are always getting NEW stuff which means you need to get rid of OLD stuff. 3. Things break, you lose pieces, and you just stop playing with stuff over time. HOW do you do declutter your bedroom? 1. Decide what you no longer play with or want. 2. Take it to your mom and see if she or your siblings want it. 3. Help mom create a donation box or basket for you to put stuff in each week that you no longer want. 4. Clean your room... That means vacuum and dust! Ahem. Yes. Cleaning means CLEANing. Once you have your bedroom organized, run the vacuum and dust your dresser. NOTE: Please wear tennis shoes or shoes where your toes are covered when you vacuum for safety. :) To view all the posts in this series go to
6/3/2016 • 26 minutes, 21 seconds
101 - Organization 101 – The Sunday Basket
Where do I START organizing? That's the number one question I get asked as a professional organizer. And while that is a loaded question with multiple "right" answers, I have decided to start all of my clients with a simple system I call The Sunday Basket. It's not magic, and you don't have to use a basket... any bag or box will do. You see, organization is a way of living and "being organized" is a way of thinking. The Sunday Basket is a system for processing mail, kitchen counter "to do" papers, and ongoing household projects. The weekly routine of collecting, processing and maintaining household to dos and papers is the perfect training ground for all your future home organization skills. And, like it or not, the mail just keeps on coming... giving us plenty of practice to hone and refine our organizing skills. I have complied all the best videos, podcasts, and posts from all over my website into one organized page to help you get your Sunday Basket started in 4 easy steps. Sign up for the FREE 4 step Organization 101: The Sunday Basket here.
5/20/2016 • 41 minutes, 3 seconds
98 - 5 Tips for Organizing an ADHD Home
In the last 4 podcasts I shared how the executive functioning part of the brain affects home organization. Today I want to share 5 general tips for achieving home organization success if you have ADHD. Simplify EVERY area of your home EXCEPT for your passions. Box up past projects and put them in storage. {Keep them, but not in your work space.} Clean up your craft/ project area every 1-3 weeks. Maintain and straighten you home every 2-3 days. Reflect on what IS and is NOT working often. View the post and podcast here: Link to Alpha Brain:
4/29/2016 • 34 minutes, 28 seconds
93 - Why I Donate To Goodwill & Other Updates
I have been hedging my affinity for Goodwill due to the backlash in public sentiment. My goal is to help you declutter your house, not debate current news events. However, when I received an email from the Butler County Board of Developmental Disabilities agency asking to help spread the word about the goodwill that Goodwill was doing in our community, I was excited to jump in. In today's podcast, I go more in depth about my affinity for Goodwill over the last 20 years and how I have experienced excellent service and amazing opportunities in my community for the disabled because of the opportunities Goodwill provides. By using the voucher in today’s post, the value of your Goodwill donation will NOT be sold. It will be given as a CREDIT to the less fortunate in our community to use as money in the Goodwill shops. It has been my experience that Goodwill lives up to their mission, "Goodwill Easter Seals of Miami Valley and Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries provide vocational training to people with developmental disabilities. Goodwill’s core mission is to empower people with disabilities and other needs to achieve independence and to enhance their lives. The local Goodwill organizations are a part of the world’s largest and most successful network providing employment and training services for people with disabilities and other barriers to employment." No matter where you donate, giving the items in your home which have become clutter to others in need is always a blessing! View the post and voucher link here:
3/25/2016 • 35 minutes, 1 second
91 - 12 Semi-Annual Tasks to Complete When You Change the Clocks This Weekend
This week, you will turn your clocks forward and lose an hour. Oh, how I hate to lose time! However, the changing of the clocks reminds me to do a few other semi-annual maintenance tasks! Here are 12 things to do When you change the clocks this weekend.
3/11/2016 • 13 minutes, 23 seconds
90 - How to SORT Paper
I LOVE to sort paper! But I know even the strongest man will break out in a cold sweat at the thought of sorting a mountain of paperwork. This week in the podcast, I am walking you through how I think about paper and where it all goes. I don’t even think it is the sorting as much as the KEEP pile that will drive you bananas. I keep paper in 3 places: The Sunday Basket Binders Files/Or scanned You can see pictures of the process and download a printable over on the blog post, but if you want to understand how I decide if a paper is a basket, binder, or file paper, you’ll want to listen to the podcast.
3/4/2016 • 18 minutes, 24 seconds
89 - 10 Working Mom Hacks For a More Productive Week
The days I can get both kids to school ALL day and actually be ABLE to work are a mini miracle. After spending years and years wishing .... there were no snow days.... children didn't get sick.... my home didn't need maintenance... unexpected tasks wouldn't pop up... I gave in and realized that the only thing I can control is ME. So I set out to streamline, systematize, and proactively take care of anything I needed to do for the week... in advance. Did you know that for every hour you spend planning, 3-4 hours are saved from redundancy, waiting for information, and not being prepared. I don’t know about you, but I’ll take that trade any day! In the podcast, I share a few more productivity stats and tricks. I have set aside my Sundays as the day that I get done everything I possibly can. Obviously that entails doing the Sunday Basket, but here are 10 more tasks I do each Sunday that save me HOURS and HOURS each week.
2/26/2016 • 21 minutes, 11 seconds
88 - How to Let Go of Your Own Memorabilia
Today is all about YOU. Why do we save what we save, and how can we make the decision to get rid of it? In this podcast I am sharing the 10 items I have help on to for 35-15 years. How I acquired the item, what it means to me and why it is time to let it go.
2/19/2016 • 32 minutes, 12 seconds
87 - What to Save When a Loved One Passes
This week’s podcast and post is week 2 of a 3 week series dealing with different types of MEMORIES. This week is all about what you save when a loved one passes... a spouse, a parent, or a child. Tough stuff. No one is ready. And the decisions sometimes need to be made quickly. The podcast is full of lots of details that get lost in a blog post. Losing a parent is never easy. Any items that are left in your parents’ house not only have meaning because your parents used them, but they are from your childhood as well. So I’m not going to lie, I filled a 27 foot U-Haul full of stuff and brought it back to my house after my father passed away. View the whole post here:
2/12/2016 • 36 minutes, 16 seconds
86 - 3 Things to Consider When You Are Saving Your Kid's Memories
For years I just "organized" my piles in cuter containers, better systems and a larger house. But organization is not about containers or beautiful systems. It is about keeping what you want and love so you can enjoy those items now and in the future. So today I want to talk about the items you are saving for your kids. Specifically - kids artwork, clothing, school papers, old toys, pictures, cards, books, old sporting equipment, etc. 1. What do THEY want? The first question you need to ask is what does your child want to keep? So often I and other mothers save everything "for our kids". But what I realized is I was having trouble letting go. Letting go of memories, stages of life and opportunities to do more in their short years at home. At first we save ALL their clothes in case we have another child. But when no more children come, we just say we are saving the clothes for grandchildren. REALLY?! I DID like it when I had some of my baby clothes to reminisce with my mom about when I had my children. But none of them fit. The stains you can't see now - we glaring when I looked at those clothes 30 years later. My kids are pretty good at getting rid of things when they are done with them. WE put them in the basement! :) So really ask your kids - starting at the age of 4 - what THEY want to keep. 2. What do YOU want? Honestly your kids do NOT want every. single. spelling test they ever did. But I know a mom who keeps them all. Her child's handwriting is so precious to her. That is TOTALLY FINE. Just know you are saving the for YOU not them. Think about it this way. What if your mom showed up today with 18 boxes of every single school paper you ever did? Nostalgic? Would you like to see them? Sure of course! For a few hours. Would you want those 18 boxes in your basement? How about your baby clothes? 5 large tubs full? Every single toy you played with? 3. WHEN do you each want it? I'm not totally clueless. I know your storage room is accumulating boxes of things your kids DO want to keep. And those kids want to keep things at YOUR house long after they leave. It's all about making decisions. While making a scrapbook of pictures, a binder of school papers and a baby blanket {more below} all take TIME - and lots of it. They are a way to: Process through the piles. Pick the best. Experience the memories together. Enjoy a NEW creation. Empty out your storage room without emptying out your heart. I have explained in great detail how to make photo albums and save your kid's school papers in binders. Today let's tackle baby clothes. Head on over to the blog post to see how I turned our kid's baby clothes into blankets.
2/5/2016 • 25 minutes, 42 seconds
85 - 3 things I am doing this month to organize my files and tax documents
1. Collecting tax documents. Collecting, organizing and preparing tax documentation is overwhelming. I think it is because the information you need comes to you in a trickle through the mail, your email inbox and your own receipts - little by little - every day for weeks like Chinese water torture. So I have come up with a few ways to alleviate my anxiety and take the torture out of tax preparation. Have a file, box or basket to put ALL incoming tax information. Make a master list AFTER you file your taxes this year of the documents you needed to find. Above is a picture of my list. Set aside a 3-4 hour chunk of time to organize and prepare your taxes in one sitting. I actually look forward to this day. :) 2. Purging all my files & creating a color coded filing system. After I file our taxes in early February I purge our filing cabinet. The first time I really did this it took days and I was able to get rid of 80% of what I had. Download my FREE Printable - To Shred or Not to Shred So I thought and thought and came up with this simpler, yet still cool, system. I already had colored hanging files {which I LOVE!!} and I assigned each category in my filing cabinet a color. Then I purged each file as I put the contents in the new colored file. 3. Systematizing my home based business income & expenses for 2016. Tax time has been a breeze the past few years because I have kept up with my business taxes each month. Having been in business for myself for over 20 years, I know how hard it is to keep everything organized. This year I disciplined myself to do my finances in my business all by myself DAILY! Each month I would reconcile and do my tax prep on the 1st of the month. I actually started to look forward to it because I have created a checklist and form to fill out each month so I didn't miss any expenses. Each month I knew how much I actually made. I was able to continually refine my process and reduce my expenses. This year I had my graphic designer make my pages in to adorable printables and they are available in my ETSY shop both as a digital download or printed with divider tabs in a DUO Binder. Click here to read the full post, download the printable and enter the giveaway!
1/29/2016 • 28 minutes, 52 seconds
84 - Where to Donate Items You No Longer Want or Need
My goal as a professional organizer is to help people get rid of the stuff they don't want so they can breathe and enjoy the stuff they choose to keep. Honestly, the quickest and easiest way to do this has been to donate everything that can be donated at Goodwill and trash the rest. However, as I have matured as an organizer and grown my Cincinnati team, I have started to see how the items you may no longer want or need will fit a need somewhere else in the community. As our team had moved in to organizing and cleaning out family homes for sale it has become more apparent that we should and could be sharing these treasures for good. So, this fall our team set to work and researched who really wanted and needed the stuff our clients no longer used. I am so sad I had not taken the time to do this earlier. :( The items you and I no longer like or need -really do fit a need someone else in the community has. This list is specific for Cincinnati, but it will get you thinking outside of the box no matter where you live. This list will continue to be updated and refined. Feel free to leave a comment or contact me with more current information and additional donation locations I have not found. Click here to read the full post.
1/22/2016 • 28 minutes, 47 seconds
81 - Where do I START Organizing?
Congratulations!! You made the decision to GET organized. There is just one problem... where do you start? In today's podcast you will learn all about HOW to start, WHERE to start and be encouraged to just START! Check out the complete post and links here:
1/1/2016 • 14 minutes, 39 seconds
80 - My Winter Break Triple Threat
Over winter break I double dog dare you to accomplish the following three things all at the same time with your children. 1. Spend one-on-one time with each child. 2. Go through their room with them and find out what they still love and what they're ready to part with. 3. Help them see the value of organization by donating their unwanted items to charity, or selling them on Craigslist and eBay and earning some money. Check out the complete post and links here:
12/22/2015 • 15 minutes, 17 seconds
78 - What Phase of Life and Organizing are YOU in?
In my professional organization experience I have noticed 3 distinct phases of life a woman goes through in relation to her home and clutter. 1. Ages 25-40 the Accumulation Phase 2. Ages 40-55 the Survival Phase 3. Ages 55+ the Legacy & Downsizing Phase Once you have determined your phase of life, then you must select what Organizational Stage you are in. 1. Overwhelmed 2. Creating Systems & Organization 3. Refinement & Styling
12/11/2015 • 31 minutes, 10 seconds
75 - Combining Households
Today I'm answering a reader question, how can you organize two households and one? This response has been long overdue and I'm happy to go through how you organize combining two households into one. On the podcast I talk about the different things to consider when you are melding two households with children and those without children.
11/20/2015 • 13 minutes, 33 seconds
74 - Organizing Projects
I am answering a reader question today about how I organize projects. In this podcast I talk about organizing projects in your Sunday basket. Organizing projects for your work. And how I organize my goals.
11/13/2015 • 20 minutes, 26 seconds
73 - Challenges of Organizing the Homes Special Needs Children
On the podcast today I'm sharing another heavy topic. There is a reason why the homes of parents of children with special needs are disorganized. In this podcast I go through the five stages I have observed parents with special needs children go through. You can read the complete post here:
11/6/2015 • 19 minutes, 19 seconds
69 - My Depression Story & How Depression Affects Organization
I have been feeling the tug to share my personal experience with depression for quite a while. It may surprise you to hear that I have struggled with depression. I'm a pretty upbeat gal! Well, it surprised me too. In today's podcast, I share my personal story with depression and how it affects every area of your life. Here are 5 tips I gave myself and share with clients about how depression affects organization. 1. Give yourself grace. I cannot even put into words how depression zapped me of every shred of energy to do ANYTHING. And the thought of tackling an organization project was SO overwhelming. My "will power" got up and went - AWAY! 2. Get a friend to help you. Another friend's perspective, energy and motivation are contagious and can help you push through when you just want to watch TV. Used strategically, friends can help you get organized and stay functioning when your own initiative is low. Over 50% of the Organize 365 clients call us in to help because they just can't do the organizing themselves in their depressed state. 3. Pick ONE area and COMPLETE it before moving on no matter how long it takes. Slow and steady wins the race! Your home did not become a "mess" overnight, and it won't get organized overnight either. One step at a time. Pick an area where you can get a quick win and start there: Your night stand Your dresser The car The Master Closet The key is to MAINTAIN that area when you tackle area #2. The Productive Home Solution™ is ordered in a way so the areas you organize will stay organized as you move on to the next area of your home. 4. Acknowledge your limitations. I know how frustrated you are! Knowing what I USED to be able to do made me even MORE depressed when I couldn't seem to tackle even the basics when I was depressed. If it's a bad day... it's OK! You have time to get organized and take care of yourself. And when your desire is beyond your physical ability - hire help. 5. Surround yourself with positive people. I know it's easier to say than do, but I always felt better when I made myself go OUT and BE with people, even though I didn't want to. I can't even tell you how many times we will be laughing with clients and then they say, "I can't believe how fun you make organizing!" "I haven't been able to laugh like that in a long time." "If I knew how quickly you could get this organized I wouldn't have waited so long to call." and our favorite. "I can't believe there are people who actually LIKE to organize!" These thoughts come from my personal experience. What about you? Do you have any tips to share?
10/9/2015 • 47 minutes, 15 seconds
65 - 10 Ways to Outsource Your Household Tasks
Do you have more to do than time to do it? Here are 10 ways to outsource your household tasks. I am a wife, mother, and business owner. Over the last 20 years I have juggled those three commitments in various ways. And what I've come to understand is that no one person can do everything. I have tried all of the ideas where you have your kids and your husband help you with the household tasks in order to free up some of your time. And I do many of those, but what do you do when there's not enough of you and your children and your husband to get everything done? In order to grow my business over the last 20 years I have always hired help. Sometimes that is in the form of help to actually help my business as in a personal assistant, or an editor. But more and more I find it that the tasks I need to outsource are household related. And really at the end of the day, the majority of the clients that the Organize 365 team organizes are really busy career oriented women who have let the household tasks go in order to focus on what is more important, their spouse, their children, in their career. Click here to read all 10 items I have or am about to outsource.
9/11/2015 • 20 minutes, 19 seconds
60 - Sunday Planning Printables
Planning my week on Sunday saves me hours of time each week. These FREE printables will help you save time too! Click here to download your printables:
8/7/2015 • 15 minutes, 30 seconds
58 - Back to School Checklists
My list of "to do's" to get my kids ready for school grows longer every year. You can download my Back to School and Home Office Supply lists at
7/3/2015 • 18 minutes, 24 seconds
Organizing Kids' Artwork
This podcast was originally aired in 2014. The content of the podcast and show notes have become a part of the Kids School Memory Binder. If you would like to learn more and/or purchase a binder, click here. You can read the original blog post here.
6/1/2015 • 13 minutes, 38 seconds
IDLE - Week 8: Old Phones
My cellphones won't charge, and won't turn on, yet I still have them. WHY?
2/20/2015 • 8 minutes, 5 seconds
IDLE - Week 7: Batteries
How to decide what batteries to keep and where to keep them. Hear Lisa's funny, or not so funny story about the smoke detectors and the fire chief.
2/13/2015 • 11 minutes, 13 seconds
IDLE - Week 6: Stuffed Animals
Come listen to the game I play with children to help them donate their furry friends.
2/6/2015 • 11 minutes, 26 seconds
IDLE - Week 5: Books
Lets talk about books. There are 5 different kids of books: memory books, reference books, pleasure books, books you are finished with and electronic books. How many do you need?
1/30/2015 • 15 minutes, 53 seconds
IDLE - Week 4: Magazines
Where do you store your Magazines? How many magazine collections do you have? Storage solutions and ideas for carving out reading time are on today's podcast.
1/23/2015 • 18 minutes, 4 seconds
IDLE - Week 3: Catalogs
Where do you store your catalogs? How many do you use? Are you still shopping from Catalogs, or are you an online shopper?
1/16/2015 • 11 minutes, 19 seconds
IDLE - Week 2: The Process
Before we dig too deep in the IDLE process let's talk about stages of organization and stages of life. Determine if you are in an acquiring or downsizing stage of life.
1/9/2015 • 12 minutes, 28 seconds
IDLE - Week 1: Phone books
Clutter is delayed decision making. Every Friday in 2015 we will work on changing your mindset about ONE item that maybe cluttering up your home.
1/2/2015 • 16 minutes, 30 seconds
Organizing Your Kid's Medical Needs - Organizing Life's Stages and Unexpected Events:
From paperwork to tax deductions and pills to therapy. Professional organizer, Lisa Woodruff, shows you how to organize your kid's medical needs.
10/24/2014 • 39 minutes, 39 seconds
Babies and Toddlers - Organizing Life's Stages and Unexpected Events
Making the transition to motherhood is a process. Babies and Toddlers require a LOT of organization! Professional Organizer Lisa Woodruff talks about the organizational step she took to bring order into the chaotic baby years.
10/10/2014 • 23 minutes, 37 seconds
Adoption & Infertility - Organizing Life's Stages and Unexpected Events
Lisa shares how she came up with the idea for a new podcast series called Organizing Life's Stages and Unexpected Events.