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psychic Medium Spasoff

United States, Electronic

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About psychic Medium Spasoff
A buzzing and energetic force in the rich and diverse world of electronic music, Richard Spasoff is a true force to be reckoned with. Having devoted 30 years crafting a reputable name as a leading psychic advisor, curating mediums and medical intuitions, Richard Spasoff has always found music to be a peerless source of comfort and tranquility amidst life’s many troubles and anxieties. Forging moving divine connections and igniting healing and hope for thousands of celebrities, corporate CEOs, clergy, judges, attorneys, police officers and others,Richard Spasoff is now looking forward to a new passion.The dynamic Southern California based practitioner is curating a refreshing new subgenre of New Age music, dominated by “psychic music”, and promoting relaxation and the spirit of calmness within listeners. With stirring and soulful singles, such as “Paradise”, “Underworld” and “Terror in the Night”, Richard has continued to soar, imbuing listeners with relaxed and symphonic vibes through 11 moving singles and three full-length albums. Highlighting the contrast between darkness and the realm of light, Richard is driven to use his musical talents to underscore his “dark side” as well, with hauntingly authentic recordings that sound like sci-fi and horror soundtracks. He is confident that his clairaudient and clairsentient abilities allow him to communicate with the other side, coping with grief, and channeling his diversity within musical realms. Apart from captivating listeners with unique musical compositions, Richard Spasoff has also sent waves within the TV and radio personality for over 25 years, engaging in a massive amount of positive media messaging. Acting as a formidable connection to Angelic light and utilizing his ability to work in the realms of God and the Angels, Richard represents a fascinating array of colorful life and creative work experiences. A true Renaissance Man, with unbridled liberty and freedom, Richard has been involved in a series of celebrated professional endeavors. He has been a choreographer and dance instructor with wide-ranging experience, and a dance host for the City of Las Vegas. Richard has also worked in the capacity of a dance therapist, teaching people to overcome their inner fears through physical movements. A motivational speaker and standup comedian, Richard has hosted shows that blended psychic readings and comedy – and released a CD called Men from Belview: The Comedy Art of Ken Fetzer and Richard Spasoff in 2007. The eclectic and soulful artist is now looking forward to composing more varied electronic fusions that truly strike through hearts, minds, and souls. He also aims to work on movie sound tracks with different production companies, while honing his own skills and sensibilities.