Sobre Three Intentions [iii]
About iii...This project begins right after three geek friends listened the Free Software song wrote and performed by Richard Stallman. Disappointed by the monotonous and boring style of the lyrics and the slow melody, this three guys decided to start a music project focused 100% on spreading Free Software and Free Culture (in their own words "Doing it fun and snappy") and mixing genres like rap, hip hop, punk and grunge, with strong influences from bands like Limp Bizkit, Deftones and Linkin Park.Then they decided to call themselves: iii (Three Intentions), referring their three pillars: Free Software, Free Content and Free Fun.Loyal to its free culture philosophy, this band will publish all its productions under the terms of the Creative Commons licensing model. About making money with music, they say: "Getting rich was never part of the reasons to start, we only do it because we love it and we want to keep playing wherever someone invite us, that's all. Getting paid for playing is great and it isn't a sin, but our music is _free_ and everyone (who likes it) can enjoy it. If someone around the world wants to pay us for playing... man, that's awesome!!!".Taking advantage of the new music industry business model, this group of crazy geeks pretends to offer a fun proposal for young people and free content/software/culture fans.