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Rux Ton Cover
Rux Ton Profile

Rux Ton

United States, Dance - EDM, Electronic, Electronic - Futurebass, Dance - IDM, Electronic - Synthwave, Hiphop - Trap

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3 tracks
3 sample tracks
Rux Ton - Galaxy Girl (Lofi Hiphop version)
A Lofi Hiphop version of Galaxy Girl by Rux Ton
Rux Ton - Without You
A track reminiscent of oldschool dance and trance music from the early 2000s with a midetempo glitchy drop at the second half of the song.
Rux Ton - Galaxy Girl
A fun energetic track future bass styled love song
About Rux Ton
Rux Ton was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio where he grew up playing older videogames that eventually inspired him to start producing in 2002. His sounds are purposed to make you nostalgic for a place and time you haven't been to, and his vocals will remind you of how human we really are.