Über Jürgen Joherl.
JJ is a German-born freelance bassist & lately now also composer from Amsterdam, NL.In the past he had been also a semi-pro member & bassist of 2 bands, first in Stuttgart (South-Germany) & later in Amsterdam (The Netherlands).Most notable band involvement so far had been his gigging for a while with "The JJC Helder Band", a A'dam based group around female singer Marlies Helder with a.o. guitarist Joop van Nimwegen (Ex-Q65/Livin' Blues) and drummer Pierre van der Linden (Ex-Brainbox/Focus) of a certain Dutch Rock Music legacy.In 2003 he started to also focus on exploring & composing, arranging, playing & finally also producing own and mainly instrumental tunes in various Funk-Latin-Smooth-Jazz-World Beat inspired music styles & flavors. It's a kind of "One-Man-Band" project so far & all music is done by himself in with his studio-setup at home. He self-released his (digital) album debut "Heartland" in 2005, upfollowed by a 4-track EP-album as preview for his overdue new album "Moving On" in 2009..to be continued!ISSA Official 2023 Nominee * International Songwriter Of The Year * (Atlanta, USA)WSA Top Finalist 2020/2021/2022 * Best Jazz Song * (Sydney, Australia)ISSA Award 2021 * International Engineer Of The Year *