Unit twenty-sixThis is the letter “Z z”01 Trace the letter“Z”.Please count and trace with me.One two three“Z”.A letter“Z”.Z is for zebra z z z.(repeat)Z is for zoo z z z.(repeat)02 Chant with me. Z Z Z,Z is for zebra.(repeat)Z Z Z,Z is for zoo.(repeat)Now ! Let's chant together!Z Z Z,Z is for zebra.Z Z Z,Z is for zoo.
7/11/2017 • 1 minute, 38 seconds
【154】《chant with me》英文字母童子功 the letter Y
Unit twenty fiveThis is the letter“Y y”.01 Trace the big “Y”. Please count and trace with me.One two three “Y”.A big “Y”.Y is for Yo-Yo. Y Y Y.(repeat)02 Trace the little “y”.Please count and trace with me.One two “y”.A little “y”.y is for yarn.y y y.(repeat)03 Chant with me Y Y Y, Y is for Yo-Yo.(repeat)y y y, y is for yarn.(repeat)Now ! Let's chant together!Y Y Y, Y is for Yo-Yo. y y y, y is for yarn.
7/10/2017 • 1 minute, 58 seconds
【153】《chant with me》英文字母童子功 the letter X
Unit twenty fourThis is the letter“X x”01 Trace the letter“X”.Please count and trace with me.One two three“x”.A letter“X”.X is for fox x x x.(repeat)X is for box x x x.(repeat)02Chant with me X XX,X is for fox.(repeat)X X X,X is for box.(repeat)Now ! Let's chant together!X XX,X is for fox.X X X,X is for box.
7/9/2017 • 1 minute, 35 seconds
【152】《chant with me》英文字母童子功 the letter W
Unit twenty threeThis is the letter “W w”01 Trace the letter“W”.Please count and trace with me.One two three four“W”.A letter“W”.W is for window w w w.(repeat)W is for witch w w w.(repeat)02 Chant with me. W W W,W is for window.(repeat)W W W,W is for witch.(repeat)Now ! Let's chant together!W W W,W is for window.W W W,W is for witch.
7/9/2017 • 1 minute, 37 seconds
【151】《chant with me》英文字母童子功 the letter V
Unit twenty twoThis is the letter“V v”01Trace the letter“V”.Please count and trace with me.One two“V”.A letter“V”.V is for van v v v.(repeat)V is for violin v v v.(repeat)02Chant with meV V V,V is for van.(repeat)V V V,V is for violin.(repeat) Now ! Let's chant together!V V V,V is for van.V V V,V is for violin.
7/9/2017 • 1 minute, 34 seconds
【150】《chant with me》英文字母童子功 the letter U
Unit twenty oneThis is the letter “U u”.01 Trace the big “U”. Please count and trace with me.One “U”.A big “U”.U is for umbrella. U U U.(repeat)02 Trace the little “u”.Please count and trace with me.One two “u”.A little “u”.u is for underwear u u u.(repeat)03 Chant with me U u u.U is for umbrella.(repeat)U u u.U is for underwear.Now ! Let's chant together!U u u.U is for umbrella.U u u.U is for underwear.
7/9/2017 • 1 minute, 54 seconds
【149】《chant with me》英文字母童子功 the letter T
Unit twentyThis is the letter “T t”.01 Trace the big “T”. Please count and trace with me.One two“T”.A big “T”.T is for turtle. T T T.(repeat)02 Trace the little “t”.Please count and trace with me.One two “t”.A little “t”.t is for tiger t t t.(repeat)03 Chant with me T t t.T is for turtle.(repeat)T t t.T is for tiger.(repeat)Now! Let's chant together!T t t.T is for turtle.T t t.T is for tiger.
7/9/2017 • 1 minute, 56 seconds
【148】《chant with me》英文字母童子功 the letter S
Unit nineteen0/0/image/201703/cf12b28c5861a884a29fdce42b7a3a38_800_600_1.33_.jpg[/attachThis is the letter“S s”.01 Trace the letter“S”.Please count and trace with me.One“S”.A letter“S”.S is for sun s s s.(repeat)S is for snake s s s.(repeat)02 Chant with me S S S,S is for sun.(repeat)S S S,S is for snakes.(repeat) Now ! Let's chant together!S S S,S is for sun.S S S,S is for snakes.
7/9/2017 • 1 minute, 35 seconds
【147】《chant with me》英文字母童子功 the letter R
7/7/2017 • 1 minute, 58 seconds
【146】《chant with me》英文字母童子功 the letter Q
Unit seventeenThis is the letter“Q q”.01 Trace the big“Q”. Please count and trace with me.One two“Q”.A big“Q”.Q is for queen .Q Q Q.(repeat)02 Trace the little“q”.Please count and trace with me.One two“q”.A little“q”.q is for quilt q q q.(repeat)03 Chant with me Q q q.Q is for queen.(repeat)Q q q.Q is for quilt.(repeat)Now! Let's chant together!Q q q.Q is for queen.Q q q.Q is for quilt.
7/7/2017 • 1 minute, 56 seconds
【145】《chant with me》英文字母童子功 the letter P
Unit sixteenThis is the letter"Pp".01 Trace the letter“P”.Please count and trace with me.One two“P”.A letter“P”.P is for pig p p p.(repeat)P is for panda p p p.(repeat)02 Chant with me P P P,P is for pig.(repeat)P P P,P is for panda .(repeat) Now! Let's chant together!P P P,P is for pig.P P P,P is for panda.
7/7/2017 • 1 minute, 34 seconds
【144】《chant with me》英文字母童子功 the letter O
Unit fifteen0/0/image/201703/1c104456092977eaf902962633ea0100_800_600_1.33_.jpg[/attachThis is the letter"O o".01 Trace the letter"O".Please count and trace with me.One"O".A letter"O".O is for ox o o o.(repeat)O is for octopus o o o.(repeat)02 Chant with me O O O,O is for ox.(repeat)O O O,O is for octopus.(repeat)Now! Let's chant together!O O O,O is for ox.O O O,O is for octopus.
7/6/2017 • 1 minute, 39 seconds
【143】《chant with me》英文字母童子功 the letter N
Unit fourteenThis is the letter“N n”.01Trace the big“N”. Please count and trace with me.One two three“N”.A big“N”.N is for nurse.N N N.(repeat)02Trace the little“n”.Please count and trace with me.One two “n”.A little “n”.n is for nest n n n.(repeat)03Chant with me N N N.N is for nurse.(repeat)n n n.n is for nest.(repeat)Now! Let's chant together!N N N.N is for nurse.n n n.n is for nest.触屏版
7/6/2017 • 1 minute, 58 seconds
【142】《chant with me》英文字母童子功 the letter M
Unit thirteenThis is the letter“M m”.01 Trace the big“M”. Please count and trace with me.One two three four“M”.A big“M”.M is for moon.M M M.(repeat)02 Trace the little“m”.Please count and trace with me.One two three“m”.A little“m”.m is for mouse m m m.(repeat)03 Chant with me M M M.M is for moon.(repeat)m m m.m is for mouse.(repeat)Now! Let's chant together!M M M.M is for moon.m m m.m is for mouse.
7/6/2017 • 2 minutes, 2 seconds
【141】《chant with me》英文字母童子功 the letter L
UnittwelveThis is the letter“L l”.01 Trace the big“L”. Please count and trace with me.One two“L”.A big“L”.L is for lion.L L L.(repeat)02 Trace the little“l”.Please count and trace with me.One“l”.A little“l”.l is for lamp l l l.(repeat)03 Chant with me L L L.L is for lion.(repeat)l l l.l is for lamp.(repeat)Now! Let's chant together!L L L.L is for lion.l l l.l is for lamp.
7/5/2017 • 1 minute, 50 seconds
【140】《chant with me》英文字母童子功 the letter K
Unit elevenThis is the letter“K k”.01 Trace the big“K”. Please count and trace with me.One two three“K”.A big“K”.K is for kite.K K K.(repeat)02Trace the little“k”.Please count and trace with me.One two three“k”.A little“k”.k is for kangaroo k k k.(repeat)03Chant with me K K K.K is for kite.(repeat)k k k.k is for kangaroo.(repeat)Now ! Let's chant together!K K K.K is for kite.k k k.k is for kangaroo.
春晓Dawn of Spring作者:孟浩然Author :Meng Haoran春眠不觉晓,Spring mian unconsciously xiao 处处闻啼鸟。Everywhere smell crow bird 夜来风雨声,The sound of wind and rain 花落知多少。The flower falls to know how much
6/15/2017 • 22 seconds
6/15/2017 • 14 seconds
6/15/2017 • 25 seconds
池上On the pond作者:白居易Author: By Baijuyi小娃撑小艇,A Little girl is rowing a small boat,偷采白莲回。Stealing a white water lily and being back.不解藏踪迹,Paddling, don’t know hiding it,浮萍一道开。There is a trace between the duckweed on the water.
6/14/2017 • 24 seconds
送兄Seeing my Brother Off作者:七岁女Author:By A 7-year-old girl 别路云初起,Along the farewell road new clouds appear,离亭叶正稀。Around th' adieu gazebo leaves get thin.所嗟人异雁,I sigh that not with wild geese we could peer,不作一行飞。Who fly together so free with their kin.
6/14/2017 • 25 seconds
山中送别Parting Among The Hills作者:王维Author:WangWei山中相送罢,I watch you leave the hills, compeer;日暮掩柴扉。At dusk I close my wicket door.春草明年绿,When grass turns green in spring next years,王孙归不归。Will you return with spring once more.
6/14/2017 • 22 seconds
江雪Snowy River作者:柳宗元Author:Liu Zongyuan千山鸟飞绝,All birds are vanished in hills,万径人踪灭。As well as all human tracks.孤舟蓑笠翁,But only one man in cape and hat of bamboo, 独钓寒江雪。Fishing in a solitary skiff on a snowy river.
6/13/2017 • 28 seconds
相思Love Seeds作者:王维Author:WangWei红豆生南国,The red bean grows in southern lands.春来发几枝?With spring its slender tendrils twine?愿君多采撷,Gather for me some more, I pray,此物最相思。Of fond remembrance 'tis the sign.
6/13/2017 • 25 seconds
登乐游原On the Plain of Tombs作者:李商隐Auther:Li Shangyin向晚意不适,At dusk my heart is filled with gloom,驱车登古原。I drive my cab to ancient tomb.夕阳无限好,The setting sun seems so sublime,只是近黄昏。O but’tis near its dying time.
6/12/2017 • 22 seconds
寻隐者不遇Missing the Recluse When Visiting Him作者:贾岛Author:Jia Dao松下问童子,I ask the houseboy 'neath a pine tree,言师采药去。My master's gone for herbs",he says.只在此山中,He's amid these mountains somewhere,云深不知处。And nowhere to be found in heavy haze.
6/11/2017 • 27 seconds
照镜见白发Behoding White Hair In Glass作者:张九龄Author:Zhang Jiuling宿昔青云志,Of my high dream I used to be so proud,蹉跎白发年。Now I pass my days while hair turns white cloud.谁知明镜里,Not realise till I see myself in glass,形影自相怜。Oh but my visage pitieth me, alas.
6/11/2017 • 14 seconds
6/11/2017 • 22 seconds
6/11/2017 • 20 seconds
鸟鸣涧The Gully of Twittering Birds 作者:王维Author:WangWei人闲桂花落,Idly I watch the cassia petals fall,夜静春山空。Silent the night and empty the spring hills.月初惊山鸟,The rising moon startles the mountain birds,时鸣春涧中。Which twitter fitfully in the spring gully.鸟鸣涧The Gully of Twittering Birds 作者:王维Author:WangWei人闲桂花落,Idly I watch the cassia petals fall,夜静春山空。Silent the night and empty the spring hills.月初惊山鸟,The rising moon startles the mountain birds,时鸣春涧中。Which twitter fitfully in the spring gully.
6/11/2017 • 20 seconds
月夜忆舍弟Thinking Of My Brothers On A Moonlii Night作者:杜甫Author:Du Fu戍鼓断人行,War drums break people’s journey drear;边秋一雁声。A swan honks on autumn frontier。露从今夜白,Dew turns into frost since tonight;月是故乡明。The moon viewed at home is more bright。
6/11/2017 • 27 seconds
送灵澈上人Seeing Monk Lingche off 作者:刘长卿Author:Liu Changqing苍苍竹林寺,From the temple, deep in its tender bamboos,杳杳钟声晚。Comes the low sound of an evening bell.荷笠带夕阳,While the hat of a pilgrim carries the sunset,青山独归远。Farther and farther down the green mountain.
6/10/2017 • 21 seconds
马诗Verse For Horse作者:李贺Author:Li He大漠沙如雪,The boundless desert of the snow-like sand,燕山月似钩。O’er the Mt Yan the sickle-like moon bright. 何当金络脑,Oh when could I don the gold bridle grand,快走踏清秋。Let autumn hear my hooves gallop in flight.
6/10/2017 • 33 seconds
问刘十九Asking Liu Shijiu作者:白居易Author:Bai Juyi绿蚁新醅酒,Green Ants a newly brew,红泥小火炉。Red clay miniature stove.晚来天欲雪,With dusk, the snow impending,能饮一杯无?Care to have a cup, or no?
6/10/2017 • 21 seconds
竹里馆Bamboo Mile Lodge作者:王维Author:Wang Wei独坐幽簧里,Alone I sit in dark bamboo,弹琴复长啸。strumming the lute, whistling away.深林人不知,deep woods that no one knows,明月来相照。where a bright moon comes to shine on me.
6/9/2017 • 20 seconds
莲花坞The Lotus Dock作者:王维Author:Wang Wei日日采莲去,In picking lotus from that islet far,洲长多暮归。You're often back to see the evening star.弄篙莫溅水,Please don't send water splashing while you punt,畏湿红莲衣。Or else the scarlet lotus dress you'll mar!
6/9/2017 • 22 seconds
6/9/2017 • 19 seconds
独坐敬亭山Sit Alone on Ching-ting Hill作者:李白Author:Li Bai众鸟高飞尽,The birds flown and all high away,孤云独坐闲。Lone cloud floated by in heedless mood.相看两不厌,Never tired of looking at each other,只有敬亭山。Only the Jingting Mountain and me.
6/7/2017 • 23 seconds
6/7/2017 • 19 seconds
宿建德江Passing the Night on a River in Jiande作者:孟浩然Author:Meng Haoran移舟泊烟渚,I guide my boat to mooring by a misty islet,日暮客愁新。With the setting sun, a traveller's sorrows revive.野旷天低树,Wilds so vast, the sky stoops to the trees,江清月近人。The river so clear, moon close to man.
6/7/2017 • 21 seconds
6/6/2017 • 40 seconds
哥舒歌GENERAL GE SHU作者:西鄙人Author:Xi Biren北斗七星高,This constellation, with its seven high stars,哥舒夜带刀。Is Ge Shu lifting his sword in the night.至今窥牧马,And no more barbarians, nor their horses, nor cattle,不敢过临洮。Dare ford the river boundary.
6/6/2017 • 21 seconds
蝉The Cicada作者:虞世南Author:Yu Shinan垂绥饮清露,The feelers down drinking fresh dew,流响出疏桐。From sparse phoenix trees flows your trill.居高声自远,High perching, far your voice would strew,非是藉秋风。To which the autumn wind aids nil.
6/6/2017 • 25 seconds
易水送别Adieu! By the Yishui River作者:骆宾王Author:Luo Binwang此地别燕丹,Here,he parted with Dan,壮士发冲冠。Yan's prince'nd the paladin flamed the annoyance.惜时人已没,Bygone is the One figure of the Old,今日水有寒。Now that still the water with chillness.
6/5/2017 • 26 seconds
渡汉江Crossing the Han River 作者:宋之问Author:Song Zhiwen 岭外音书断,Beyond the ridges interflows are severed,经冬复历春。Go past the winter and taste spring again. 近乡情更怯,The more homeward, more anxious I am, 不敢问来人。And I don't dare to inquire local folks,then.
6/5/2017 • 25 seconds
题西施石作者:王 轩岭上千峰秀,江边细草春。今逢浣纱石,不见浣纱人。
6/5/2017 • 25 seconds
6/5/2017 • 25 seconds
终南望余雪ON SEEING THE SNOW-PEAK OF ZHONGNAN作者:祖咏Author:Zu Yong终南阴岭秀,The unsunned side of Zhongnan Mount,积雪浮云端。Gleams with fallen snow high as clouds.林表明霁色,Sunshine returning on the boughs,城中增暮寒。Breathes cold to the city at dusk.触屏版
6/5/2017 • 23 seconds
6/5/2017 • 16 seconds
咏风Ode to the Wind作者:虞世南Author:Yu Shinan逐舞飘轻袖,You chase dancers to swing their sleeves,传歌共绕梁。And waft tunes to wind beams and eaves;动枝生乱影,You sway branches hence shadows shake,吹花送远香。And blow bloom scent and far you take.
5/26/2017 • 24 seconds
越女词Song of the Yue Girl作者:李白Author:Li Bai耶溪采莲女,A girl is picking lotus in the Ye Brook,见客棹歌回。Seeing the strangers she turns round while singing a boat song.笑入荷花去,Laughing into the deepest of the lotus,佯羞不出来。Pretending and shaming, won’t come out.
5/25/2017 • 20 seconds
5/24/2017 • 25 seconds
行军九日思长安故园Thinking of My Garden in Chang'an on the Double Ninth FestivalCen Shen作者:岑参Author:Cen Shen强欲登高去,I may exert myself to climb a mountain or hill,无人送酒来。But there's no one to supply me with wine.遥怜故园菊,I sorrow for the chrysanthemums in my own garden,应傍战场开。They must be blooming, but with the grim battlefield nearby.
5/23/2017 • 24 seconds
八阵图The Stone Fortress 作者:杜甫Author:Du Fu功盖三分国,With his exploits history is crowned,名成八阵图。For his Stone Fortress he’s renowned. 江流石不转,The river flows but stones still stand, 遗恨失吞吴。Though he’d not taken back lost land.
5/21/2017 • 26 seconds
逢雪宿芙蓉山主人Lodging Overnight In Lotus Hill Against Snow作者:刘长卿Author:Liu Changqing日暮苍山远,At eventide the bleak hill seems faraway, 天寒白屋贫。The thatched huts stark in the chilly day.柴门闻犬吠,Hearing the dog bark,by the wicket gate,风雪夜归人。Hearing the dog bark,by the wicket gate.
5/20/2017 • 28 seconds
听弹琴 Listen to the Zither Playing作者:刘长卿Author:Liu Changqing泠泠七絃上,Tinkl-tinkling, played in a zither seven-stringed,静听松风寒。Listening still, I feel cold wind through the pine.古调虽自爱,Though the olden tunes are my own treasures,今人多不弹。While nowadays,more of the zitherists decline.
5/20/2017 • 26 seconds
5/19/2017 • 31 seconds
田家作者:聂夷中父耕原上田,子劚山下荒。 六月禾未秀,官家已修仓。
5/18/2017 • 41 seconds
剑客Swordsman作者:贾岛Author:Jia Dao十年磨一剑,Ten years it takes to grind a sword,霜刃未曾试。Its frosty edge has yet to be tested.今日把示君,Today I'm showing this sword to you,谁有不平事?Is there anyone who has a grievance.
5/17/2017 • 18 seconds
5/16/2017 • 20 seconds
夜雪Night Snow作者:白居易Author:Bai Juyi已讶衾枕冷,I wondered why the covers felt so cold,复见窗户明。and I saw how bright my window was.夜深知雪重,Night far gone, I know the snow must be deep—时闻折竹声。from time to time I hear the bamboo cracking.
5/15/2017 • 48 seconds
长安秋望Autumn View around Chang'an作者:杜牧Author:Du Mu楼倚霜树外,Up in th' tower o'er the trees in rime,镜天无一毫。I look 'cross the mirror-like sky.南山与秋色,Mount Zhongnan and the autumn hues 气势两相高。Both are imposing and sublime.
5/14/2017 • 43 seconds
5/13/2017 • 20 seconds
5/12/2017 • 20 seconds
【49】《My day》Good Night Song 晚安(第20首)
Good Night Song 晚安Good night,sweetheartGood night,mammy and daddySweet dreams muaGood night, moon!Good night, stars!Good night, Mom!Good night, Dad!Kiss the moon good night.Kiss the stars good night.Kiss Mom good night.Kiss Dad good nightGood night,sweetheartGood night,mammy and daddySweet dreams muaGood night, moon!Good night, stars!Good night, Mom!Good night, Dad!Kiss the moon good night.Kiss the stars good night.Kiss Mom good night.Kiss Dad good nightGood night晚安甜心晚安,爸爸妈妈有个好梦 亲晚安,月亮!晚安,星星!晚安,妈妈!晚安,爸爸!亲亲月亮晚安。亲亲星星晚安亲亲妈妈晚安亲亲爸爸晚安晚安甜心晚安,爸爸妈妈有个好梦 亲晚安,月亮!晚安,星星!晚安,妈妈!晚安,爸爸!亲亲月亮晚安亲亲星星晚安亲亲妈妈晚安亲亲爸爸晚安晚安
3/21/2017 • 1 minute, 36 seconds
【48】《My day》I Love You 我爱你(第19首)
I Love You 我爱你Do you love me daddyYes I love you so muchI love you when you are happyI love you when you are sadI love you when you are smilingI love you when you are cryingI love you when you are playingI love you when you are sleepingI love you love you love youI love you love you love youI love you love you love youI love you no matter whatDo you love me mammyYes I love you so muchI love you when you are happyI love you when you are sadI love you when you are smilingI love you when you are cryingI love you when you are playingI love you when you are sleepingI love you love you love youI love you love you love youI love you love you love youI love you no matter what爸爸,你爱我吗?是的,我非常爱你当你快乐的时候我爱你当你伤心时我爱你当你微笑时我爱你当你哭泣时我爱你当你玩耍时我爱你当你睡着时我爱你我爱你爱你爱你我爱你爱你爱你我爱你爱你爱你不论如何我都爱你你爱我吗,妈妈?是的,我非常爱你当你快乐的时候我爱你当你伤心时我爱你当你微笑时我爱你当你哭泣时我爱你当你玩耍时我爱你当你睡着时我爱你我爱你爱你爱你我爱你爱你爱你我爱你爱你爱你不论如何我都爱你
3/21/2017 • 1 minute, 21 seconds
【47】《My day》Jump on the Bed 在床上跳(第18首)
Jump on the Bed 在床上跳Jump Jump On The BedJump jump jump jumpJump on the bedRoll roll roll rollRoll on the bedHop hop hop hopHop on the bedOops We fell out of the bedOh Roll On The BedJump jump jump jumpJump on the bedRoll roll roll rollRoll on the bedHop hop hop hopHop on the bedOops We fell out of the bed在床上跳跳跳跳跳跳在床上跳滚滚滚滚在床上滚弹弹弹弹在床上弹哎呀,我们从床上掉下来了哦在床上滚跳跳跳跳在床上跳滚滚滚滚在床上滚弹弹弹弹在床上弹哎呀,我们从床上掉下来了
3/20/2017 • 46 seconds
【46】《My day》Bath Time 洗澡时间(第17首)
Bath Time 洗澡时间It's Bath TimeGet into the bathtubGet into the bathtubBathtub bathtubI take a bathSplash in the waterSplash in the waterWater waterWater everywhereMake bubbles with the soapMake bubbles with the soapBubbles bubblesBubbles everywhere洗澡时间到了进入浴缸进入浴缸浴缸浴缸我洗澡溅起水花溅起水花水水到处都是水用肥皂搓起泡用肥皂搓起泡泡沫泡沫泡沫无处不在
3/20/2017 • 1 minute, 19 seconds
【45】《My day》I like carrots 我喜欢胡萝卜(第16首)
I like carrots 我喜欢胡萝卜I like carrotsYum yum yumI don't like beansNah nah nahI like carrotsYum yum yumI don't like beansNah nah nahI like chickenYum yum yumI don't like fishNah nah nahI like potatoesYum yum yumI don't like mushroomsNah nah nah我喜欢胡萝卜好吃好吃好吃我不喜欢豆子不不不我喜欢胡萝卜好吃好吃好吃我不喜欢豆子不不不我喜欢鸡肉好吃好吃好吃我不喜欢鱼不不不我喜欢土豆好吃好吃好吃我不喜欢蘑菇不不不
3/20/2017 • 1 minute, 8 seconds
【44】《My day》Thank You Song 谢谢你(第15首)
Thank You Song 谢谢你Can you help me pleaseYes MommyCan you help me please please Yes MommyYes MommyThank youThank youYou're so niceYou are welcomeThank youYou are welcomeCan you help me please pleaseYes DaddyYes DaddyThank youThank youYou're so niceYou are welcome你能帮我吗好的妈妈请你帮帮我好吗好的妈妈好的妈妈谢谢你谢谢你你太好了不客气谢谢你不客气请你帮帮我好吗好的爸爸好的爸爸谢谢你谢谢你你太好了不客气
3/20/2017 • 42 seconds
【43】《My day》fly me high 飞高高(第14首)
fly me high 飞高高Fly me high DaddyOk honeyFly fly fly me highDaddy fly me highYou're the best La la laSwing swing swing me round Daddy swing me roundYou're the bestI love my DaddyHe makes me laughI love my DaddyHe makes me smileFly fly fly me highDaddy fly me highYou're the bestI love youSwing me round DaddyOk honey爸爸带我飞高高好吧亲爱的飞飞飞高高爸爸带我飞高高啦啦啦转转转圈圈爸爸带我转圈圈你最好啦我爱爸爸他让我大笑我爱爸爸他让我微笑飞飞飞高高爸爸让我飞高高你最好啦我爱你 爸爸带我转圈圈好吧亲爱的
3/17/2017 • 1 minute, 37 seconds
【42】《My day》Daddy's Home爸爸回到家了(第13首)
Daddy's Home 爸爸回到家了Sweetie I'm homeSweetie Sweetie I'm homeSweetie Sweetie I'm homeSweetie Sweetie I'm homeGive me a big hug SweetheartDaddy's homeDaddy Daddy Daddy's homeDaddy Daddy Daddy's homeDaddy Daddy Daddy's homeGive me a big hug DaddySweetie I'm homeSweetie Sweetie I'm homeSweetie Sweetie I'm homeSweetie Sweetie I'm homeGive me a big hug SweetheartMommy's homeMommy Mommy Mommy's homeMommy Mommy Mommy's homeMommy Mommy Mommy's homeGive me a big hug Mommy!甜心我回来了甜心甜心我回来了甜心甜心我回来了甜心甜心我回来了甜心给我一个大大的拥抱爸爸到家了爸爸爸爸爸爸到家了爸爸爸爸爸爸到家了爸爸爸爸爸爸到家了爸爸给我一个大大的拥抱甜心我回来了甜心甜心我回来了甜心甜心我回来了甜心甜心我回来了甜心给我一个大大的拥抱妈妈到家了妈妈妈妈妈妈到家了妈妈妈妈妈妈到家了妈妈妈妈妈妈到家了妈妈给我一个大大的拥抱
3/17/2017 • 1 minute, 10 seconds
【41】《My day》Good Job 好棒(第12首)
Good Job 好棒Good jobYou are fantasticGood good good jobYou are fantasticGood good good ideaYou are amazingGood good good workI am so proud of youHere's a big kissKiss KissYou are amazingI am so proud of youGood good good jobYou are fantasticGood good good ideaYou are amazingGood good good workI am so proud of youHere's a big kissKiss Kiss做得好你做得很棒做得好,好,好!你做得很棒好,好,好主意!你很了不起!棒,棒,棒的工作!我为你感到骄傲来个大大的亲 亲亲你是了不起的我为你感到骄傲做得好,好,好!你做得很棒好,好,好主意!你很了不起!棒,棒,棒的工作!我为你感到骄傲来个大大的亲 亲亲
3/16/2017 • 53 seconds
【40】《My day》I Need to Pee 我要尿尿(第11首)
I Need to Pee 我要尿尿I need to PeeGo to the bathroomI need to PeeI need to PeeGo to the bathroomDon't forget to wash your handsFlush the toiletI need to poopGo to the bathroomI need to poopI need to poopGo to the bathroomDon't forget to wash your handsFlush the toilet我要尿尿去洗手间我要尿尿我要尿尿去洗手间别忘了洗手冲厕所我要拉屎去洗手间我要拉屎我要拉屎去洗手间别忘了洗手冲厕所
3/16/2017 • 40 seconds
【39】《My day》Clean up time清理时间(第10首)
Clean up Time 清理时间Clean up time! Pick up the books.Clean up time!Clean up time!Put your things away.Pick up the toys. Pick up the books.Put your things away. Yeah!Clean up time! Clean up time!Put your things away.Pick up the crayons. Pick up the blocks.Put your things away. Yeah!清理时间(到了)收拾好书本(念白)清理时间!清理时间!把你的东西收拾好。收拾好玩具,收拾好书。把你的东西收拾好。耶!清理时间!清理时间!把你的东西收拾好。收拾好蜡笔,收拾好积木。把你的东西收拾好。耶!
3/15/2017 • 1 minute, 4 seconds
【38】《My day》What is this 这是什么(第9首)
What's This 这是什么What's thisIt's a ballWhat's thisWhat's thisWhat What WhatIt's a ballIt's a ballBall Ball BallWhat's thisWhat's thisWhat What WhatIt's a dollIt's a dollDoll Doll Doll这是什么这是一个球这是什么这是什么什么什么什么这是一个球这是一个球球球球这是什么这是什么什么什么什么是个洋娃娃是个洋娃娃洋娃娃
3/15/2017 • 56 seconds
【37】《My day》Play ground song运动场的歌(第8首)
Playground Song 运动场的歌Slide down the slide滑下滑梯Ride on the swing荡秋千WhooshWhooshSlide down the slide SwooshSwooshRide on the swingTeeter-totterTeeter-totterRide on the seesawWe like the playground Ride on the seesawWe like the playground嗖嗖滑下滑梯哗哗哗哗荡秋千上下上下骑跷跷板我们喜欢运动场骑跷跷板我们喜欢运动场
3/13/2017 • 51 seconds
【36】《My day》Go for a walk去散步(第7首)
Go for a Walk 去散步It's sunny Let's go for a walkIt's sunnyLet's go for a walkLook at the flowersLook at the treesLook at the cloudsLook at the flowersIt's sunnyLet's go for a walkIt's sunnyLet's go for a walkLook at the flowersLook at the treesLook at the clouds让我们去散步阳光灿烂让我们去散步吧阳光灿烂让我们去散步吧看看花看看树看看云看看花(念白)阳光灿烂让我们去散步吧阳光灿烂让我们去散步吧看看花看看树看看云
3/13/2017 • 33 seconds
【35】《My day》Have a good day 祝你今天过得愉快(第6首)
Have a good day 祝你今天过得愉快mommy run Here comes the school bus Run and run Here comes the school bus Run and run Kiss me goodbye Goodbye See you later Have a good day See you later Have a good day 妈咪 快跑校车来了跑啊跑校车来了跑啊跑亲我一下 再见再见晚点见祝你今天过得愉快晚点见祝你今天过得愉快
3/13/2017 • 1 minute, 9 seconds
【34】《My day》Are you ready你准备好了吗(第5首)
Are you ready 你准备好了吗?Are you ready 你准备好了吗?Are you ready?Yes.Let's go!Are you ready for kindergarten?Are you ready?Are you ready?Put on your backpack.Put on your shoes.Yes. Let's go!Yes. Let's go!你准备好了吗?可以了,我们走吧!你准备好去幼儿园了吗?准备好了吗?准备好了吗?穿上你的背包。穿上你的鞋子。可以了,我们走吧!可以了,我们走吧!
3/13/2017 • 47 seconds
【29】《My day》学会20首英语儿歌让宝宝开口讲英语
《My Day》是美国家庭亲子儿歌,通过20首念白和歌唱,表现了孩子从早上起床上学、上午游戏活动、下午回家时光、晚上睡觉一天的生活,内容简单却丰富乐观、情绪昂扬、积极向上,旋律欢快活泼,节奏明快,淋漓尽致地表现了幸福家庭的欢声笑语,体现了孩子成长的纯真和乐趣。《My Day》浓缩了儿童化英语的精华,含有孩子生活的高频用语,为孩子的语言发展奠定了基础。如礼貌用语:Good morning、Good night、Thank you。日常生活需求的表达:I am hungry、I am full、I need to Pee。日常生活情感表达:I like、I love you、I'm sleepy。日常活动:Time to get up、Are you ready、run 、Slide down the slide、Ride on the swing。听懂和学会这20首儿歌,孩子基本上可以融入英语环境生活。 《My Day》适合家庭或幼儿园的创建渗透式语言教育环境和氛围。歌曲幽默、模仿生活、场景再现,父母和老师要做的就是每天陪伴孩子,聆听和感受——朗诵和表演——仿编和创编,感受幸福家庭的欢乐,促进孩子的语言发展,只要坚持,一不小心你和孩子都会变成了双语大小达人。分享其中8首,感受一下家庭的欢声笑语和幸福。完整的20首歌曲在万花童邮局里直接欣赏。第1首 Good morning早上好第5首 Are you ready你准备好了吗第6首 Have a good day 祝你过得愉快第11首 I need to pee 我要尿尿第13首 Daddy’s home 爸爸回到家了第14首 Fly me high 飞高高第15首 Thank you song谢谢你 第20首 Good night song 晚安曲
3/10/2017 • 2 minutes, 57 seconds
【33】《My day》you look great你看上去好极了(第4首)
You Look Great 你看上去好极了Put on your dress WowPut on your dress WowPut on your hat YeahMy little princessYou look goodThank youPut on your T-shirt WowPut on your T-shirtWowPut on your pants YeahMy little princeYou look greatThank you穿上你的裙子 哇哦穿上你的裙子 哇哦戴上你的帽子 耶我的小公主你看起来很美谢谢你穿上你的T恤 哇哦穿上你的T恤 哇哦穿上你的裤子 耶我的小王子你看上去很帅谢谢你
3/10/2017 • 1 minute, 9 seconds
【32】《My day》breakfast time 早餐时间(第3首)
Breakfast Time 早餐时间Mommy I am hungryBreakfast is readyCome and eatMommy MommyI am hungryBreakfast is readyCome and eatYum Yum BreakfastIt is YummyYum Yum BreakfastI am fullMommy I am hungryLunch is readyCome and eatMommy MommyI am hungryLunch is readyCome and eatYum Yum LunchIt is YummyYum Yum LunchI am fullMommy I am hungryDinner is readyCome and eatMommy MommyI am hungryDinner is readyCome and eatYum Yum DinnerIt is YummyYum Yum DinnerI am full妈妈我饿了早餐准备好了来吃吧妈咪妈咪我饿了早餐准备好了来吃吧好吃的早餐真美味好吃的早餐我饱了
3/10/2017 • 1 minute, 18 seconds
【31】《My day》Wash Your Face 洗脸(第2首)
Wash Your Face 洗脸Go wash your faceYes, MommyGo wash your face Go wash your face Yes, MommyYes. I will wash my faceGo brush your teethOkay, DaddyGo brush your teeth Go brush your teethOkay, DaddyOkay. I will brush my teeth快去洗脸吧。好的,妈妈快去洗脸吧快去洗脸吧好的,妈妈好的,我会去洗脸快去刷牙好的,爸爸快去刷牙快去刷牙好的,爸爸好的,我会去刷牙
3/9/2017 • 53 seconds
【30】《My day》Good Morning 早上好,起床了(第1首)
Good Morning 早上好,起床了Good Morning sweetie I'm sleepyGood Morning time to get upI don't want to get up, I'm sleepytickle tickle tickle I'll tickle youhurry and get up sleepy headtime to get upI'm sleepyGood Morning time to get upI don't want to get up, I'm sleepytickle tickle tickle I'll tickle youhurry and get up sleepy head 早上好甜心我还困早上好 该起床了我不想起来,我还困挠挠挠 我要挠你痒痒了快点儿起床,小瞌睡虫该起床了我还困早上好 该起床了我不想起来,我还困挠挠挠 我要挠你痒痒了快点儿起床,小瞌睡虫