Here's the 'cycle'... a man watches porn... often in violation of his very own conscience... and then masturbates... and then feels guilty... and then tries to NOT watch porn... and then starts the cycle over by watching porn again. The Power of Purity is for men who are interested in discovering how to control sex instead of being controlled by sex. The Power of Purity is a 100% safe and confidential resource that will help men... FINALLY... experience their sexual gift in a healthier way. Purity IS possible with The Power of Purity! A NEW EPISODE WILL PUBLISH EVERY TUESDAY!
POP 406 - Tony's Heart Attack
In this episode Tony shares the story of his recent heart attack. On a Monday morning Tony began to feel a tightness and uncomfortable feeling in his chest, which then escalated to his throat and jaw. He eventually drove himself to the hospital, and as the day unfolded, it was confirmed that he had a heart attack. This led to a heart catheterization and the placement of a stent in Tony's heart. Because of this situation Tony was not able to publish an episode of The Power of Purity Podcast for the past two weeks, and in today's episode he shares his story along with 3 key observations that have emerged in his thoughts as a result of this incident. (1) Every day we have is a gift from God, and we should not take our days for granted. (2) What should be the prioritites of our life? (3) There is "LOVE"! 13 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15 Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” James 4:13-15 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. 17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! 18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you. Psalm 139:13-18 20 “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ 21 “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.” Luke 12:20-21 The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God,which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:5-7
23.4.2024 • 33 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
POP 405 - 4 Easter Observations
In this episode Tony shares 4 important observations from the resurrection of Christ that inspire great hope in our hearts. No matter what's going on in our lives or situations, we do not have to be afraid, because of the resurrection. We can both see and experience God's fingerprints and work in our own hearts and lives, and then, based upon what the Lord has allowed us to "see", we can then "go and tell" others. Sometimes we're afraid because of the difficult situations or circumsances of our lives, but God always makes his joy available to us, and this is really good news, because it's so much better to have joy in the midst of our fears instead of just having our fears by themselves. And we can rest assured that the Lord will reveal himself to us, because the very first person he chose to reveal himself to, after the resurrection, was Mary Magdalene, who had been possessed by seven demons. What happened on that day, the most significant day of human history, reveals a template of how God still works in the hearts and lives of his followers. Be blessed, in Jesus' Name, as you listen to these "4 Easter Observations"!
2.4.2024 • 18 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
POP 404 - A Donkey, a Colt, a Foal
In this episode, which was recorded during Holy Week, Tony shares some reflections from Matthew chapter 21 concerning Palm Sunday. This was the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and as he did the people shouted exclamations of praise, adoration, and joy! "Hosanna to the Son of David!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Hosanna in the highest!" Among other key thoughts, Tony focuses on one intriguing observation from the passage, which is the prophetic quote that was written by the prophet Zechariah 500 years before the actual triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. Zechariah 9:9 Based upon this scripture, Tony reflects on the unusal way in which the animal that Jesus rode into Jerusalem is mentioned in the passage: (1) A donkey (2) A colt (3) A foal Why did Zechariah seem to go above and beyond the call of duty to provide such intricate detail concerning, of all things, the donkey that Jesus would ride over 500 years later? The Jews of the day were waiting for the Messiah, their Savior and Deliverer, and that's exactly who Jesus was, but the way the Lord comes into our lives and situations isn't always the way we were expecting!
26.3.2024 • 15 Protokoll, 47 Sekunden
POP 403 - The Temptation of Jesus
Jesus was fully God, and fully human, both at the same time. Jesus, as a human being, lived in this broken and fallen world. And in his humanity, Jesus experienced temptation just like us. Because of this, we have a Savior who understands us. When Jesus was in the wilderness he fasted for 40 days. At the end of the fast he was hungry, and the devil came to him to tempt hm. The devil tempted his to "turn these stones into bread". Or said another way, the essence of the temtptation was for Jesus to take care of the legitimate needs of his physical body in his own way. As if the devil was saying, "You're hungry Jesus, so do what you need to do to take care of yourself!" And in much the same way, the enemy often comes to us and tempts us to take care of the legitimate needs of our own physical body in our own way. In this sense, the urge for a man to satisfy his legitimate sexual needs through the use of pronography is a similar temptation to "turn these stones into bread". Jesus set the example for us. Jesus was a man, and Jesus was tempted, but Jesus also resisted those temptations. The bible then tells us that we can also resist the temptations that come to us, because God will not allow us to be tempted beyond that which we can bear. You have the Lord in your heart and life if you're a Christ beleiver, and you can overcome temptations just like Jesus did!
19.3.2024 • 19 Protokoll, 14 Sekunden
POP 402 - 5 Options for Dealing with the "X"
Just like a coin has 2 sides - heads and tails - there are 2 different components that are virutally inseperable, which are sex and relationship. Or, said another, sex is intended to occur within the context of relaitonship, and this leads to a very important and undeniable reality, which implicates the importance of healthy relaitonship. Or, said another way, the healthier and more funcitonal the relationship is , the healthier and more funcitonal the sex will be that occurs within the context of that relationship. But there's another very important and undenial reality, which is the truth that relationship can be very challenging and difficult. What often happens in the context of relationship is what Tony is calling in this episode, the "X". The "X" is not good. The "X" is hard. The "X" is a disagrement, a difficulty, a tension, a fight, an argument, or a misunderstanding. And the reality is that every couple is going to experience, not just one "X" in their relationship, but many different "X's" over time. And therefore a very important question emerges, which is implicates the title of today's episode: What do we do with the "X's" when they show up in our relationship? In this episode Tony advocates that there are only 5 options on how to deal with the "X", and he shares those 5 options. Of the 5 options, there's one that's the recommended and outstanding option that can and will lead to the possibly of traversing the "X" in a healhty and productive way. Learn to deal with your "X's" in a better way, and that will lead to a healthier and more functional relationship, which will in turn create the environment that makes healthier and more functional sex possible!
12.3.2024 • 21 Protokoll, 58 Sekunden
POP 401 - Watch & Pray
In this weeks short episode Tony reflects on a very interesting scripture found in the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane. He's very sad and he's struggling because he knows what's about to happen. He leaves most of the disciples at a particular place in garden, and then takes Peter, James, and John with him a little further into the garden. As the following scene then unfolds, he asks these three disciples, three different times, to "watch" and to "pray" so they would not fall into temptation. Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41 It's of significane to notice that Jesus connects two important spiritual disciplines here directly to the problem of temptation: to watch and pray. Or said another way, because of the temptations that are lurking around us, that can and will entice us, we must "watch and pray", and it's these spritual disciplines that can then empower us to resist these temptations. The word "watch" that Jesus uses here is defined as: to give strict attention to, be cautious, active, to take heed lest through remission and indolence some destructive calamity suddenly overtake you. Through the words of Jesus a powerful Kingdom formula therefore emerges: If we "watch and pray" we'lll be better equipped to resist temptation!
5.3.2024 • 8 Protokoll, 32 Sekunden
POP 400 - The Blood Arrow
This is Episode 400 of The Power of Purity Podcast! The Blood Arrow! If you were an Indian and you went hunting, you'd probably take more than one arrow in your quiver. In fact, you'd probably want a whole quiver full of arrows, so you'd have plenty of shots ready if you needed them. In much the same way, people need many different "arrows" in their metaphorical quiver that they can draw upon in their struggle/battle agaisnt temptations. We need to have a battle plan in place, before the temptation arises, so that when the moment of truth arrives we have some resources, concepts, and strategies we can immediately employ in the face of that partiuclar temptation. These strategies are the "arrows" in our quiver, and in this episode Tony presents the concept of a new arrow to fight this battle: The Blood Arrow! The blood of Jesus is very powerful! The blood of Jesus brings us the forgiveness of our sins, makes us a child of God when we beleive in Jesus, gives us a relationship with living God, and even gives us the gift of eternal life. So, the strategy here is to call upon the blood of Christ in response to temptation. Take out the "blood arrow" and unleash its power in the face of temptation! In this episode Tony shares 9 powerful scripture verses about the blood of Jesus, and 3 powerful songs about the blood of Jesus. The next time you're confronted with temptation, quote at least 3 verses about the blood, and sing a chorus about the blood, and you will be empowered to overcome... by the blood arrow! Nothing But The Blood of Jesus There's Power in the Blood There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood - sung by Joni Eareckson Tada
27.2.2024 • 26 Protokoll, 24 Sekunden
POP 399 - The Second Greatest Gift You Could Ever Give To God
In this episode Tony shares the SECOND greatest gift you could ever give to God, which is the submission of your will to his will. When God decided to create human beings, he did most amazing and remarkable thing when he decided to give us free will. God did not make us robots. He did not program us so we would have to love him and obey him. Instead, he gave us free will so we would have the choice, and we could then choose to love him and obey him or we could choose not to. In this way, when we do choose to love God and obey him, and when we do choose to surrender and submit our will to him, it's among the greatest gifts we could ever give him. This was the original temptation in the Garden of Eden, when the serpant essentially tempted Eve to exercise her will independently of God. "Why should God have the right to tell you what you can and cannot do? If you eat this fruit, you can be like God! You can decide for yourself what's right and wrong!" And a good example of this from the bible is the example of Jonah, because when God told Jonah what he wanted Jonah to do, Jonah decided he did not want to submit his will to the will of God, and Jonah went in the completely opposite direction! And another good example fo this from the bible is Mary, the mother of Jesus, because when the angel Gabriel announced God's plan to her, she immediately surrendered and submitted her will to the will of God, and thank goodness she did! The SECOND greatest gift you can ever give God is the submission and surrender of your will to his will, and at the end of this episode Tony extends an invitation to you concerning the FIRST and greatest gift you could ever give to God!
20.2.2024 • 26 Protokoll, 38 Sekunden
POP 398 - The Power of Music
In this episode Tony shares a concept / idea / strategy that has helped him tremendously in his personal life... in his walk with God... in his purity walk... in his mental and emotional equilibrium for at least the past year. The Power of Music! God made us, and gave us a heart. And God made music, and music, in a mystical way, is a powerful language of the human heart. There's music in heaven, and there will be music for eternity. It's almost as if we wouldn't know how to be human if we didn't have music. From the earliest days of humanity, humans intuitivly discovered the importance of rhythm and beat, even if it was as simple as beating on a drum. There is rhythm, and melody, and cadance, and beat. And this is the importance of worship, because the music can quite literally transcend our thoughts and reasoning to transport us into the very presence of God. In this episode Tony shares how music can powerfully and profoundly effect our brain chemistry to release the feel good chemicals - dopamine, oxytocin, seratonin, and endorphins - that can help us regulate our emotional state, and our choices, in healthier ways. Tony shares how he's been experiencing music (and dance) in a new, and deeper, and healthier way that's contriubted significantly to his metal, emotional, sexual, and spritual self-regulation. It's a powerful and significant concept / idea / strategy that can and will help you in so many different dimensions of your life. Superstition - Stevie Wonder Mustang Sally - Wilsn Pickett I Wish - Stevie Wonder Let's Stay Together - Al Green I'll Take You There - The Staple Singers Chain Breaker - Zach Williams Redeemed - Big Daddy Weave Redeemer - Nicole Mullen Shattered - Blanca The Power of Music!
13.2.2024 • 35 Protokoll, 37 Sekunden
POP 397 - Checkmate
In this episode Tony shares 2 important metaphors. The first one concerns the game of chess. When you're playing chess, the objective is to get your opponent in "checkmate". This means he doesn't have any moves left. In this metaphor Tony compares our relationship with God to the game of chess. In one sense God is attmepting to get us in "checkmate", which means we surrender completely to his will, plan, and Lordship for our life. God's was is better than my way. And in an interesting turn of events, it can often be the sexual area of a man's life that God uses to finally get that man in "checkmate". It's when we become desperate enough as a result of our struggle with sexual brokenness, compulsion, and addcition, that we often come to the place where we're finally ready and willing to do the work we need to do that will allow God to work in a deeper and more powerful way in our heart and life than ever before. CHECKMATE! The second metaphor is taken from the wonderful movie, The Wizard of Oz! When the farmhouse crashes down, and Dorothy opens the door and steps over the threshold, the movie changes from black and white to color, and she delivers the most significant line of the entire movie: "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!" In this sense there's a kind of "before and after" in each one of our lives. The metaphorical "Kansas" (in black and white) represents the old way we used to live our life, and the metpahorical "Oz" (in color) represents the new way of life God has intended for us. It's the way of God and the way of his kingdom. We're in a new and different place we might not really understand, but we're finally positioned to experience the life, healing, restoration, and redemption of God in our heart, life, and sexuality like we've never experienced before!
6.2.2024 • 28 Protokoll, 56 Sekunden
POP 396 - 4 Important Skills for Purity
Are you serious about being a man of purity? Are you serious about expressing and experiencing your sexual gift in a way that’s consistent with what God says about sexuality? Are you serious about really working on this area of your life? If you are, these things are not going to happen on accident. It’s only going to happen if you can identify some strategic issues that will truly make a difference in your relationship with yourself, and then do the work that’s necessary to apply those things to your life and situation. In this episode Tony shares 4 important skills of purity that will be very strategic for the average guy to practice as he seeks to experience his sexual gift in a healthier way. (1) Self-awareness You need to be in touch with yourself. You need to be award of what’s going on with yourself emotionally so you’re aware of those moments when you might be getting more vulnerable to temptation and acting out. If you don’t know what’s going on with you it sets you up for repeated failure. (2) Interrupting yourself When you feel yourself beginning to escalate in the old cycle of failure, you absolutely need to be able to interrupt yourself in order to break free of that old cycle and create the possibility of choosing something different and healthier. (3) Choosing a healtheir alternative If you can catch yourself as the old cycle begins to unfold, it creates the possibility for you to exercise your “no” muscle, and for you to make a healthier choice, such as calling a friend, going to the gym to work out, mowing the grass, listening to some music, or writing a psalm to the Lord to tell him how your feeling at that moment and what you’re struggling with. (4) Practice We must then choose to practice this new and healthier cycle over and over again. Practice being aware of myself, interrupting myself, and choosing something healthier, and as we practice these 4 important skills of purity we will help you to stay on track!
30.1.2024 • 13 Protokoll, 3 Sekunden
POP 395 - Choose a Healthier Alternative
God did the most amazing and mysterious thing. He created us with free will; the ability to choose; the ability to say "yes" to something if we want to say "yes", and the ability to say "no" to something if we want to say "no". God could have made robots, but God wanted something way more authentic, and real, and sincere than that. He wanted a creature that had the ability to disobey him, but that would freely to choose to obey him. Wow! In this episode Tony reminds us that we have the ability to choose. Over and over again, probably severeal times a day, you're going to have the ability to "choose", and the choices you make will both determine and reveal the person you truly are. Being a healthier person has something to do with getting the power of choice back, and then exercising your will in obedience to God! 14 “Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.15 And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:14-15 11 For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. 12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13 while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearingof the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, 14 who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purifyfor himself a people that are his very own,eager to do what is good. Titus 2:11-13 6 Now Joseph was well-built and handsome,7 and after a while his master’s wife took notice of Joseph and said, “Come to bed with me!” 8 But he refused. Genesis 39:6-8
23.1.2024 • 14 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
POP 394 - The Ultimate Proof
This world is very broken. Every person is very broken, and this is why we need a Savior. This world has a way of beating people up. There's hurt, pain, confusion, depression, difficulty and hardship in every person's life. It just looks different for each of us at different times of our lives. There's an ebb and a flow. When the going gets a little bit tough (or a lot tough), and it seems like things are really hard, we may sometimes be tempted to struggle with questions about God's love. Does God really love me? Does God really care? If God really loved me, why is he allowing this difficult situation in my life? Why doesn't God do something about this? In this episode Tony explores the question of God's love. How can we really know for sure that God loves us, even when we're going through something really difficult in our life? How do I know that God really loves me, even if I'm struggling with a weakness, or even if I've been acting out in a sinful way. What's the ultimate proof of God's love? There is an ultimate proof, and if you understand this one thing you'll always have the sure confidence of God's love for you, regardless of what's happening in your life. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
16.1.2024 • 16 Protokoll, 34 Sekunden
POP 393 - Connected to the Vine
Our connection to God in the process of change, healing, and recovery is of supreme importance. It’s hard enough to overcome sexual compulsion, sexual addiction, or addiction to pornography with the Lord, let alone without the Lord. Even secular recovery programs such as Alcoholics Annoymous affrim the importance of your relationship to a "higher power" to the process of recovery, and at least 6 of the 12 steps directly mention this reality. Step 2: accept that a higher power, in whatever form, will restore your sanity Step 3: make a decision to turn your will and life over to a higher power Step 5: admit to a higher power, another human, and yourself the nature of your wrongdoings Step 6: accept that a higher power will remove your character defects Step 7: humbly request the higher power remove your shortcomings Step 11: use prayer and meditation to connect with the higher power If we're serious about being better men, we must have a relationship thing going on with God, and not just a religion thing. Tony asks a critiically important question at the end of this episode, and the way you answer the question has profound implications for your life! 4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. 5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:4-5 Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. II Corinthians 5:17 12 He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. I John 5:12 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20
9.1.2024 • 20 Protokoll, 37 Sekunden
POP 392 - Through the Storm
Tony recorded this episode on New Years Day, 2024! He focuses on one particular passage which is Luke 8:22-25, and observes how God often chooses to bring his people through a "storm" rather than around the "storm". In Psalm 23 it says that God is with us through the valley of the shadow of death. In the Old Testament God brought his people through the Red Sea when Pharoah was coming to destroy them. Jesus himself had to go through the cross in order to get to the resurrection. And in Luke 8 the disciples had to go through the storm in order to get to the other side of the lake where Jesus had told them to go. No matter what's going on in your life at this time, you can rest asured in faith, that God is with you, and God is going to get you through the situation you might be currently concerned about or struggling with. Even if you're stuggling with your sexual gift in any way at this time of your life, God can get you through. He can get you through sexual addiction to the other side. He can get you through sexual compulsion to the other side. He can get you through porn addiction to the other side. God sees you, he is not indifferent, he cares, and he can get you through! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
2.1.2024 • 22 Protokoll, 20 Sekunden
POP 391 - Good News of Great Joy
Good News of Great Joy Tony recorded this episode on Christmas morning and shares a significant observation from the story of the birth of Jesus in Luke chapter 2. 8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Luke 2:8-12 We learn from the story that this “good news of great joy” is for “all the people”, and this means that what happened on that holy night was for me and for you! On the night Jesus was born, an angel appeared to the shepherds in the fields around Bethlehem and proclaimed a message to them that reveals the very reason that our lives can be changed even today, over 2,000 years later. If you’re struggling in your heart, life, or situation, there is hope! Even if you’re struggling to manage and experience your sexual gift in a healthier way, there is hope! The proclamations of both the angel on the night Jesus was born, and by the old man Simeon in the temple 8 days later, and the implications therein, contain the very truth and power that can change our hearts and lives, even today. Take heart! Have courage! Don’t give up! There is “good news of great joy for all the people”!
25.12.2023 • 21 Protokoll, 56 Sekunden
POP 390 - Savior, Salvation, Redemption
This episode was recorded on December 19th, 2023... in the shadow of Christmas which was just 6 days away. It's so easy to get lost in the helter-skelter and business that comes along with this time of the year - buying Christmas gifts, parties, get togethers, traveling, family obligations, etc. Rush... rush... rush... busy... busy... busy! Sigh! In this episode Tony encourages us to remember the "true reason for the season", and shares 3 important observations from Luke 2, which is the story about the birth of Jesus. It's interesting to note the progresson of 3 intersting vignetes that appear one after the other in this passage. The first one concerns something that was proclaimed by the angel who appeared to the sheperds that night. The second one concerns something that was proclaimed by the old man, Simeon, who had a special connection to the Holy Spirit. The third one concerns something that was proclaimed by the old woman, Anna, who had been a widow for 84 years, and was over 100 years old. SAVIOR! SALAVATION! REDEMPTION! A very significant "theme" emerges around these unusal events that occurred when this special litte boy was born in the manger in Bethlehem, and the proclamation of this "theme" reveals the very reason of his birth. SAVIOR! SALAVATION! REDEMPTION!
19.12.2023 • 16 Protokoll, 49 Sekunden
POP 389 - God With Us
In this episode Tony explores the mystery of the Incarnation - the mysterious reality that God became a man, and made his dwelling among us. God became one of us, and the little baby in the manger - Jesus - was incomprehensibly 100% God and 100% human at the very same time. But this profound mystery isn't just theology for us to believe in our head. It's reality that makes all the difference in our hearts and lives. It's the reality that God is with us that creates the possiblity that our lives can be truly different. It's the reality that God is with us that creates the possibility that a man who's struggling with an addiction to pornography can truly change into a new and different man. What do you think the chances of true and lasting change would be if God wasn't with us? When we're confused... God is with us! When we're struggling... God is with us! When we're depressed... God is with us! When we're discouraged... God is with us! When we feel weak... God is with us! And when we're strugglng with pornography, or any kind of compulsive sexual behavior... God is with us! In this episode Tony shares 3 very powerful scriptures that affirm the reality that... God is with us! “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). Matthew 1:23 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. John 1:1,14 5 The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:5-7
12.12.2023 • 16 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
POP 388 - What Can God Stop?
What can God stop? God is God, and God is all powerful, and God is almighty, and nothing is too hard for God. God can do anything God wants to do, and God can stop anything God wants to stop. In this episode Tony shares 15 amazing things that God stopped in the bible, along with the corresponding verse for each of these 15 things. (1) God stopped sickness. (2) God stopped the storm. (3) God stopped the armies of pharaoh. (4) God stopped paralysis. (5) God stopped leprosy. (6) God stopped lameness. (7) Gid stopped infertility. (8) God stopped hungry lions. (9) God stopped 135,00 Midianites. (10) God stopped the firey furnace. (11) God stopped demons. (12) God stopped deafness. (13) God stopped Goliath. (14) God stopped blindness. (15) God stoppeed death itself. Is there something going on in your life right now that you would like God to "STOP"? In this episode Tony affirms that God can "STOP" anything God wants to "STOP", but also shares one very important reality that we absolutley need to understand and accept.
5.12.2023 • 20 Protokoll, 20 Sekunden
POP 387 - To Tell The Truth
The truth is incredibly important. You're in a spiritual battle that's raging over your life, and the greatest weapon the enemy has to use against you is the power of the "lie". If the enemy tells you a lie, and you beleive the lie, it's as if the lie becomes your truth, because you're beliving it's true, even though it's a lie. In this way the lie can hold power and authority over your life and soul. For example, in the early days of Tony's struggle, he believe the lie, "I cannot resist temptation." And because that lie was holding a place of authority in Tony's life, it was very hard for Tony to resist tempation, because Tony was believing that he could not resist temptation. Jesus said in John 8:32 - "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free." It's absolutly imperative that we identify the lies that are coming against us and that we replace those lies with the truth of God. In this epsiose Tony shares 12 statements of "truth" that will be central to your walk of purity. If you don't beleive these 12 things you will struggle in your walk of purity. If you replace the lies with these 12 statements of "truth", your walk of purity will be strengthened. Be blessed this day, in Jesus' Name!
28.11.2023 • 16 Protokoll
POP 386 - Important BAM Principles - Part 2
A listener of The Power of Purity Podcast sent the following note: I recently listened to episodes 162 and 163 with Frank Johnson and am now going through all 300 plus episodes myself. I am tired of that powerless feeling when those BAM moments hit and want to get to a place where I am controlling sex and not the other way around. I just want to say how much of a blessing your show has been to me. I really relate to you and the guests you’ve had on the podcast. Please continue to keep up this work. Looking forward to hearing from you! Can you relate? Have you ever been living your life, minding your own business, and then out of no where... BAM... you get blindsided with a sudden and unexpected temptation or trigger? It happens to all of us. The "BAM" is the moment you get hit with an unexpected temptation, and how we handle those "BAM" moments will determine our ability to be the man of purity God is calling us to be. In this two part series, Important BAM Prinicples, Tony shares 3 different ideas that are incredibly important toward navigating the BAM with great success! WARNING - there is a "BAM" coming to you in the very near future, and this series will help you be prepared for your next "BAM"!
21.11.2023 • 16 Protokoll, 1 Sekunde
POP 385 - Important BAM Principles - Part 1
A listener of The Power of Purity Podcast sent the following note: I recently listened to episodes 162 and 163 with Frank Johnson and am now going through all 300 plus episodes myself. I am tired of that powerless feeling when those BAM moments hit and want to get to a place where I am controlling sex and not the other way around. I just want to say how much of a blessing your show has been to me. I really relate to you and the guests you’ve had on the podcast. Please continue to keep up this work. Looking forward to hearing from you! Can you relate? Have you ever been living your life, minding your own business, and then out of no where... BAM... you get blindsided with a sudden and unexpected temptation or trigger? It happens to all of us. The "BAM" is the moment you get hit with an unexpected temptation, and how we handle those "BAM" moments will determine our ability to be the man of purity God is calling us to be. In this two part series, Important BAM Prinicples, Tony shares 3 different ideas that are incredibly important toward navigating the BAM with great success! WARNING - there is a "BAM" coming to you in the very near future, and this series will help you be prepared for your next "BAM"!
14.11.2023 • 26 Protokoll, 46 Sekunden
POP 384 - Muscle Memory - Part 2
Muscle memory is so important is so many areas of life and especally in sports. Dancing. Bowling. Golf. Ping Pong. Tennis. Swimming. To become really good at the game you're trying to master, you often need to develop "muscle memory" so you can repeat the proper motion over and over again. The movement needs to become embedded in your body. It needs to become instinct and intuition. You need to be able to do what you need to do, over and over again, without even thinking about it, because if you have to think about it, you're already a step behind where you need to be. And in much the same way, if we're ever going to be the men of purity that God is calling us to be, we need to develop the "muscle memory" necessary for sexual purity. In this series Tony shares some important principles that will help you discover how to develop this "muscle memory". If you practice over and over again, just like your dance steps. and just like your golf swing, the "muscle memory" of your sexual purity will become embedded to the place where you no longer have to even think about it, because you're just doing it without even realizing you're doing it. Be encouraged. Don't dive up. Keep practicing, and you'll develop the "muscle memory" of purity!
7.11.2023 • 36 Protokoll, 26 Sekunden
POP 383 - Muscle Memory - Part 1
Muscle memory is so important is so many areas of life and especally in sports. Dancing. Bowling. Golf. Ping Pong. Tennis. Swimming. To become really good at the game you're trying to master, you often need to develop "muscle memory" so you can repeat the proper motion over and over again. The movement needs to become embedded in your body. It needs to become instinct and intuition. You need to be able to do what you need to do, over and over again, without even thinking about it, because if you have to think about it, you're already a step behind where you need to be. And in much the same way, if we're ever going to be the men of purity that God is calling us to be, we need to develop the "muscle memory" necessary for sexual purity. In this series Tony shares some important principles that will help you discover how to develop this "muscle memory". If you practice over and over again, just like your dance steps. and just like your golf swing, the "muscle memory" of your sexual purity will become embedded to the place where you no longer have to even think about it, because you're just doing it without even realizing you're doing it. Be encouraged. Don't dive up. Keep practicing, and you'll develop the "muscle memory" of purity!
31.10.2023 • 38 Protokoll, 8 Sekunden
POP 382 - Castaway - Part 3
Do you remember the movie, Castaway? In the movie Tom Hanks plays a character named Chuck Noland, who works for Fed Ex. As the story unfolds, he's involved in a plane crash and he's the sole survior. He washes ashore on a deserted island and remains stranded there for over 4 years. His only "companion" is a volleyball he names "Wilson", who he talks to on a regular basis. He tries several times to escape the island but it's an exercise in futility because of the power of the crashing "waves" that are constatnly coming against him. Eventually he devises a plan in his attempt to overcome the waves, and he's finally successful. In much the same way, this story becomes a metaphor for many men who are trapped on the island of sexual compulsion and addiction. It feels like we're trapped. It feels like we're in a bondage that we can never escape. It feels like the constant waves that are coming against us are insurmountable and impossible to overcome. In this series Tony reflects on this metaphor and shares 11 of the "waves" crashing against men that make it seem like they can never get free from the "island" they've been trapped on. But even more importantly, Tony shares God's remdey for each one of these waves, and reveals that in the end, just like Chuck Noland, we can escape the island we've been trapped on for years. Have you been a Castaway? May you be encouraged and inspired by this series toward the true freedom and rescue God has intended for you!
24.10.2023 • 17 Protokoll, 5 Sekunden
POP 381 - Castaway - Part 2
Do you remember the movie, Castaway? In the movie Tom Hanks plays a character named Chuck Noland, who works for Fed Ex. As the story unfolds, he's involved in a plane crash and he's the sole survior. He washes ashore on a deserted island and remains stranded there for over 4 years. His only "companion" is a volleyball he names "Wilson", who he talks to on a regular basis. He tries several times to escape the island but it's an exercise in futility because of the power of the crashing "waves" that are constatnly coming against him. Eventually he devises a plan in his attempt to overcome the waves, and he's finally successful. In much the same way, this story becomes a metaphor for many men who are trapped on the island of sexual compulsion and addiction. It feels like we're trapped. It feels like we're in a bondage that we can never escape. It feels like the constant waves that are coming against us are insurmountable and impossible to overcome. In this series Tony reflects on this metaphor and shares 11 of the "waves" crashing against men that make it seem like they can never get free from the "island" they've been trapped on. But even more importantly, Tony shares God's remdey for each one of these waves, and reveals that in the end, just like Chuck Noland, we can escape the island we've been trapped on for years. Have you been a Castaway? May you be encouraged and inspired by this series toward the true freedom and rescue God has intended for you!
17.10.2023 • 29 Protokoll, 42 Sekunden
POP 380 - Castaway - Part 1
Do you remember the movie, Castaway? In the movie Tom Hanks plays a character named Chuck Noland, who works for Fed Ex. As the story unfolds, he's involved in a plane crash and he's the sole survior. He washes ashore on a deserted island and remains stranded there for over 4 years. His only "companion" is a volleyball he names "Wilson", who he talks to on a regular basis. He tries several times to escape the island but it's an exercise in futility because of the power of the crashing "waves" that are constatnly coming against him. Eventually he devises a plan in his attempt to overcome the waves, and he's finally successful. In much the same way, this story becomes a metaphor for many men who are trapped on the island of sexual compulsion and addiction. It feels like we're trapped. It feels like we're in a bondage that we can never escape. It feels like the constant waves that are coming against us are insurmountable and impossible to overcome. In this series Tony reflects on this metaphor and shares 11 of the "waves" crashing against men that make it seem like they can never get free from the "island" they've been trapped on. But even more importantly, Tony shares God's remdey for each one of these waves, and reveals that in the end, just like Chuck Noland, we can escape the island we've been trapped on for years. Have you been a Castaway? May you be encouraged and inspired by this series toward the true freedom and rescue God has intended for you!
10.10.2023 • 30 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
POP 379 - Why Did God Invent Sex? - Part 3
In this series of episodes Tony talks about why God invented sex. God is brilliant. God is a genius. The wisdom and power of God are incomprehensible. At some point in the flow of eternity God decides he's going to create the universe, and humanity. And just think for a moment about how God could have created humanity if he wanted to. If God wanted the human race he could have just created 8 billion people all at once, just like he created Adam and Eve. But for some reason God comes up with this brilliant idea and he decides he's going to create the human race through the procreation of the human race. So God creates Adam and Eve, and God creates sex. He designs the male body with the right parts, and the right hormones, and the right nerves, and wires it all together with the male brain to create a sexual creature. And he creates the femlae body witht he right parts, and the right hormones, and the right nerves, and wires it all together with the female brain to create a sexual creature. And the male has the ability to become aroused and to become erect, and the female has the ability to become aroused and to lubricate. And the female has the ability to ovulate and to become pregnant. And the whole thing is absolutely amazing, and fascinatiing, and mysterious, and wonderful, and delicious. In this series Tony reveals the 3 primary reasons that God invented sex. As we gain a proper understanding of what sex is, and why God invented sex, it brings clarity to our hearts and minds and creates the frame of reference that allows us to both express and experinece our sexual gift in a way that's consistence with the very reasons God has given us this wonderful gift!
3.10.2023 • 28 Protokoll, 30 Sekunden
POP 378 - Why Did God Invent Sex? - Part 2
In this series of episodes Tony talks about why God invented sex. God is brilliant. God is a genius. The wisdom and power of God are incomprehensible. At some point in the flow of eternity God decides he's going to create the universe, and humanity. And just think for a moment about how God could have created humanity if he wanted to. If God wanted the human race he could have just created 8 billion people all at once, just like he created Adam and Eve. But for some reason God comes up with this brilliant idea and he decides he's going to create the human race through the procreation of the human race. So God creates Adam and Eve, and God creates sex. He designs the male body with the right parts, and the right hormones, and the right nerves, and wires it all together with the male brain to create a sexual creature. And he creates the femlae body witht he right parts, and the right hormones, and the right nerves, and wires it all together with the female brain to create a sexual creature. And the male has the ability to become aroused and to become erect, and the female has the ability to become aroused and to lubricate. And the female has the ability to ovulate and to become pregnant. And the whole thing is absolutely amazing, and fascinatiing, and mysterious, and wonderful, and delicious. In this series Tony reveals the 3 primary reasons that God invented sex. As we gain a proper understanding of what sex is, and why God invented sex, it brings clarity to our hearts and minds and creates the frame of reference that allows us to both express and experinece our sexual gift in a way that's consistence with the very reasons God has given us this wonderful gift!
26.9.2023 • 29 Protokoll, 57 Sekunden
POP 377 - Why Did God Invent Sex? - Part 1
In this series of episodes Tony talks about why God invented sex. God is brilliant. God is a genius. The wisdom and power of God are incomprehensible. At some point in the flow of eternity God decides he's going to create the universe, and humanity. And just think for a moment about how God could have created humanity if he wanted to. If God wanted the human race he could have just created 8 billion people all at once, just like he created Adam and Eve. But for some reason God comes up with this brilliant idea and he decides he's going to create the human race through the procreation of the human race. So God creates Adam and Eve, and God creates sex. He designs the male body with the right parts, and the right hormones, and the right nerves, and wires it all together with the male brain to create a sexual creature. And he creates the femlae body witht he right parts, and the right hormones, and the right nerves, and wires it all together with the female brain to create a sexual creature. And the male has the ability to become aroused and to become erect, and the female has the ability to become aroused and to lubricate. And the female has the ability to ovulate and to become pregnant. And the whole thing is absolutely amazing, and fascinatiing, and mysterious, and wonderful, and delicious. In this series Tony reveals the 3 primary reasons that God invented sex. As we gain a proper understanding of what sex is, and why God invented sex, it brings clarity to our hearts and minds and creates the frame of reference that allows us to both express and experinece our sexual gift in a way that's consistence with the very reasons God has given us this wonderful gift!
19.9.2023 • 31 Protokoll, 30 Sekunden
POP 376 - Reel It In
God is pretty smart. In fact, God is a genius! Sex was his idea. He invented sex. God must be brilliant! He's the one who concieved of it, and created it, and made it as wonderful, and mysterious, and delicious as it is. Since God is the one who invented sex, God has an opinion about sex. He has a heart, mind, will, design, and plan for human sexuality. There are ways to experience sex that are consistant with God's plan for sex, and ways that are inconsistant with his plan. What many of us have done (including the host of this podcast) is that we've taken the gift God created for us and we've turned it into something God never intended for it to be. Some people abuse alcohol to the point where it becomes destructive. Some people abuse food to the point where it becomes destructive. Some people abuse gambling to the point where it becomes destructive. And in much the same way, some people abuse the gift of sex to the point where it becomes destructive. In this episode Tony talks about "lasciviousness", and what it means to "reel in" the unhealthy, dysfunctional, and harmful ways we've become accustomed to experiencing sex to a place that's healthier and more consistent with God's heart, mind, will, design, and plan for sex in our lives.
12.9.2023 • 33 Protokoll, 24 Sekunden
POP 375 - Peculiar People - Part 2
The bible says that God's people are "peculiar people". We are called to be very different from people who do now know, love, or serve God. Out of all the nations of the earth, God chose Israel to be his people. They were to be very different from the nations around them. God's people are to think different. God's people are to have different priorities. God's people think very differently about money, marraige, values, and virtually every area of life. And this "peculiar" difference should certainly have profound implications for the way God's people express and experience their sexual gift. People without God can have sex however they want to have sex, but God's people can't to that. People without God can commit fornication, or adultry, but God's poeple can't do that. People without God can participate in orgies or beastiality, but God's people can't do that. If you belong to call, you are his "treasured posession", he has "called you out", he has "set you apart", and you are part of his "peculiar people". In this series Tony explores the implications of being the "peculiar people" of God, and the implications of that reality upon our sexual gift. Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and puriify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Titus 2:14
5.9.2023 • 17 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
POP 374 - Peculiar People - Part 1
The bible says that God's people are "peculiar people". We are called to be very different from people who do now know, love, or serve God. Out of all the nations of the earth, God chose Israel to be his people. They were to be very different from the nations around them. God's people are to think different. God's people are to have different priorities. God's people think very differently about money, marraige, values, and virtually every area of life. And this "peculiar" difference should certainly have profound implications for the way God's people express and experience their sexual gift. People without God can have sex however they want to have sex, but God's people can't to that. People without God can commit fornication, or adultry, but God's poeple can't do that. People without God can participate in orgies or beastiality, but God's people can't do that. If you belong to call, you are his "treasured posession", he has "called you out", he has "set you apart", and you are part of his "peculiar people". In this series Tony explores the implications of being the "peculiar people" of God, and the implications of that reality upon our sexual gift. Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and puriify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Titus 2:14
29.8.2023 • 31 Protokoll, 14 Sekunden
POP 373 - The Power of Loving God
In this episode Tony shares several very impotant things: (1) He gives a shout out to his old friend, Larry, who just went to heaven. God bless Larry! God bless his life! Larry loved the Lord and served the Lord his whole life, and now Larry is in the presence to of the Lord! To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. II Corinthians 5:8 (2) He shares a beautiful worship song, I Love You Lord, sung by Jared Reynolds. (3) He shares very openly about a "fear" he has that he might not have the strength he needs to continue to honor God as a single man with the expression of his sexual gift. (4) He explores the profound teaching of the bible that explains how our love of God is what empowers our obedience to God. 25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” 27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” 28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.” Luke 10:25-28 If you love me, keep my commands. John 14:15 Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. John 14:21 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching." John 14:23 (5) He shares an important exhortation for us, as the sons of God, to love God so we will be empowered to obey God! Be blessed as you listen to this episode, The Power of Loving God!
22.8.2023 • 33 Protokoll, 5 Sekunden
POP 372 - Talk Yourself Off The Ledge
Have you ever felt like you were standing on the ledge of a building about 50 stories tall? Have you ever felt like you’re about to fall off the ledge? Have you ever felt like you might jump? Sometimes life feels overwhelming. Sometimes we get flooded. Sometimes we’re overwhelmed. Sometimes our emotions charge in to seize us and make us feel horrible feelings we don’t want to feel. Sometimes we don’t know what to do. What do we do when we don’t know what to do? In this episode Tony shares a recent story from his life when he became lost to himself, and got so upset he was almost beside himself. How do we reel ourselves back in when we’ve become lost to ourself? How do we get our legs back under us when we feel like we’ve been chopped down? In this episode Tony talks about what it means to “talk yourself off the ledge” when life seems overwhelming and unmanageable. It’s at these times that we can be in great danger of acting our in our sexual compulsion and sexual addiction. It’s at these times we can be tempted to self-medicate, to anesthetize, and to escape by using our sexual gift in an unhealthy way. You no longer have to be the man you used to be, because you can learn to “talk yourself off the ledge”. 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
15.8.2023 • 33 Protokoll, 15 Sekunden
POP 371 - Tony's Divorce Appeal
In this episode of the podcast Tony shares 4 words that he never thought he'd ever say in his entire life: I'm a divorced man. Tony and Sheri were married on September 17th, 1983, and they were divorced on July 20th, 2023. That means they were married for 39 years, 10 months, and 3 days, or said another way, they were married for just 59 days short of 40 years. On the day Tony recorded this episode of the podcast he had been a divorced man for 12 days. In this heartfelt episode Tony shares several important reflections from the very difficult journey through the most painful and traumatic days of his entire life. In addition he reflects upon the hope of the gospel, and the reality that in the economy of God's Kingdom, life comes out of death. What do we do when life beats us up? What do we do when profoundly diffiuclt things happen in our lives that we cannot change? “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a seed falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” John 12:24 5 Those who cry as they plant their crops will sing with joy when they gather them in. 6 Those who go out weeping as they carry seeds to plant will come back singing with joy. They will bring the new crop back with them. Psalm 126:5-6 Song by Clint Black - When I Said I Do
8.8.2023 • 1 Stunde, 39 Protokoll, 23 Sekunden
POP 370 - Run To God - Part 2
Tony was recently invited to speak on Sunday morning at Trinity Community Church, and in this series he shares the message he presented on that day entitled, "Run to God". We live in a deeply broken world, and sometimes life has a way of beating us up. What do you do when you don't understand what's going on in your life? What do you do when you're overwhelmed with your situation? What do you do when you feel like the waters are up to your neck? What do you do when it seems like God isn't showing up to help you? In this message Tony shares a little bit of what his journey has looked like over the past two years, which has been the most difficult time of his entire life, and what it means to hold on to God, and to "Run to God", no matter what. 1 Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. 2 I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me. 3 I am worn out calling for help; my throat is parched. My eyes fail, looking for my God. 4 Those who hate me without reason outnumber the hairs of my head; many are my enemies without cause, those who seek to destroy me. I am forced to restore what I did not steal. Psalm 69:1-4 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
1.8.2023 • 29 Protokoll, 38 Sekunden
POP 369 - Run to God - Part 1
Tony was recently invited to speak on Sunday morning at Trinity Community Church, and in this series he shares the message he presented on that day entitled, "Run to God". We live in a deeply broken world, and sometimes life has a way of beating us up. What do you do when you don't understand what's going on in your life? What do you do when you're overwhelmed with your situation? What do you do when you feel like the waters are up to your neck? What do you do when it seems like God isn't showing up to help you? In this message Tony shares a little bit of what his journey has looked like over the past two years, which has been the most difficult time of his entire life, and what it means to hold on to God, and to "Run to God", no matter what. 1 Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. 2 I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me. 3 I am worn out calling for help; my throat is parched. My eyes fail, looking for my God. 4 Those who hate me without reason outnumber the hairs of my head; many are my enemies without cause, those who seek to destroy me. I am forced to restore what I did not steal. Psalm 69:1-4 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
25.7.2023 • 33 Protokoll, 59 Sekunden
POP 368 - 5 Strategies for Purity
In this eipisde Tony shares 5 important purity obervations from 1 Peter 1:13-16. In this passage the Apostle Peter shares 5 strategies that bridge the gap from your mind on the inside to holiness in your life on the outside. (1) Prepare your mind for action. (2) Self-control. (3) Set your hope fully on the grace of Jesus Christ which will be revealed when he returns. (4) Be obedient children of God who no longer conform to the evil desires you obeyed when you lived in ignorance. (5) Be holy at your Father in heaven is holy. God would not tell you to do something that was impossible for you to do. If God tells you to be holy, it must be possible for you to be holy. Holiness is within your reach. You can make quality decisions. You can exercise your "no" muscle. You can be a man of purity! Listen to this episode and be encouraged by these 5 Strategies of Puritythe Apostle Peter has given us. 13 Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. 14 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. 15 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” I Peter 1:13-16
18.7.2023 • 29 Protokoll, 46 Sekunden
POP 367 - Taking Risks with Sex
Have you ever been in the place where you know you should not sexully do the thing your're about to do, but for some reason you're simply powerless to resist against it, and you go ahead and do the thing even though you know you shouldn't to the thing? You go ahead and take the "risk" even though you know you should not be taking the "risk". What's going on with that? How and when did we learn to take such great risks with our sexual self? Where were the seeds of such risk taking planted in our hearts and lives? Imagine walking up to the very edge of the Grand Canyon, and literally standing on the very edge, and hanging your toes over! Dude, you're way too close to the edge! Are you crazy! Do you realize that you're flirting with great danger if you alllow yourself to go up to the very edge over and over again. You might get away with it one time. You might get awasty with it two times. You might get away with it seventeen times in a row, but if you keep going up to the very edge, you might just fall off! In this episode Tony helps us to understand how and why we learned to take such big "risks" in our sexual behavior, and what we can do to pull ourselves back from the edge. The power of taking risks can be broken in you life, through the power and the blood of Christ!
11.7.2023 • 35 Protokoll, 10 Sekunden
POP 366 - Take It To God - Part 2
Tony has been leading a men's purity group for over the past 20 years. In group he recently shared a teaching with the men entitled, "Take It To God". To illustrate the ideas shared in this teaching Tony created the diagram that appears as the image attached to this episode. The image is color coded, and illustrates the 3 primary strategies available to us as we seek to process the hurt, pain, and trauma in our lives. (1) Self-Medication (2) Denial (3) Face it In this series Tony shares how counterprodcutive options one and two are, and how we must learn to face our pain, and then how to take our pain to God is we're going to be healthier and more functional people. Many men, if not most men, have used sex, porn, and their orgasm as a way to self-medicate the pain in their heart and life, and Tony helps us understand why we can no longer do this. There is a way that seem right, that leads to death. And there's a way that seems difficult, that leads to life. In this series we discover how the way of God, and the way of God's Kingdom is to journey through our pain rather than trying to avoid it, escape it, or anesthetize it. Welcome to episode 366!
4.7.2023 • 35 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
POP 365 - Take It To God - Part 1
Tony has been leading a men's purity group for over the past 20 years. In group he recently shared a teaching with the men entitled, "Take It To God". To illustrate the ideas shared in this teaching Tony created the diagram that appears as the image attached to this episode. The image is color coded, and illustrates the 3 primary strategies available to us as we seek to process the hurt, pain, and trauma in our lives. (1) Self-Medication (2) Denial (3) Face it In this series Tony shares how counterprodcutive options one and two are, and how we must learn to face our pain, and then how to take our pain to God is we're going to be healthier and more functional people. Many men, if not most men, have used sex, porn, and their orgasm as a way to self-medicate the pain in their heart and life, and Tony helps us understand why we can no longer do this. There is a way that seem right, that leads to death. And there's a way that seems difficult, that leads to life. In this series we discover how the way of God, and the way of God's Kingdom is to journey through our pain rather than trying to avoid it, escape it, or anesthetize it. Welcome to episode 365!
27.6.2023 • 34 Protokoll, 30 Sekunden
POP 364 - No Temptation Has Taken You
In this episode Tony focuses on a beatiful and very hopeful verse in the bible. No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. I Corinthians 10:13 Tony shares seven very important observations from this verse that affirm that you can process and manage the temptations that come to you in a healthy and godly way. (1) You will be tempted. (2) These temptations are common to every man. (3) Sometimes it feels like these temptations are "seizing" you. (4) You can always handle the temptations that come to you because of God's faithfulness. (5) It's not "if" you're tempted, but 'when". (6) There will always be a way of escape. (7) God doesn't always remove the temptation, but he gives you the ability to stand up under the temptation. Be encouraged brother! God has given you everything you need to manage the temptations that come to you in a godly way!
20.6.2023 • 24 Protokoll, 56 Sekunden
POP 363 - Shoulder Surgery
Hey guys! Tony here! When I was 13 years old I dislocated my right shoulder, and the injury has literly followed me through life for the past 52 years. It was finally time to do something about it (as in bone on bone and unbearable pain) and this past Friday (4 days ago) I had a complete shoulder replacement surgery. Since I began the podcast over 7 years ago I've never missed publishing an episode, and I don't want to start now. (Please note - I did take a sabbatical from the podcast for a period of time when my wife left me.) To be honest I'm not feeling very good right now as I'm recooperating from this shoulder surgery, but I at least wanted to share a brief episode with you this week. This is probably the shortest episode of the podcast ever published, but I do pray it will be a blessing and encouragement to you!
6.6.2023 • 5 Protokoll, 49 Sekunden
POP 362 - The Hidden Price of Porn
When we look at porn, she's always so beautiful. Right? We're captivated, and enraptured by the form of her naked body. It makes us want so bad what we're seeing with our natural eyes. We think that this is what we need to feel happy and fulflled. But if we could see her in another way, with our spritual eyes, she might look more like the image posted to represent this episode of the podcast. She's a metaphorical corpse. She's rotten, and decaying. As it says in Galatians 6:8, when we sow to please our flesh it leads to "corruption", which happens when a dead body begins to decay. In this episode Tony shares an amazing list that a man he knows created. It's a list of 43 hidden prices the man was paying in exhchange for his indulgence in pornography. When we're acting out with porn in sexual compulsion, our natural eyes see something we think is beautiful, but behind the scenes in the spiritual realm there is decay, destruction, and corruption. Do not be decieved! 7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:7-9
30.5.2023 • 30 Protokoll, 24 Sekunden
POP 361 - Yoke, Bit & Compass
Since he's moving soon (because of his wife's divorce) Tony has been getting rid of all kinds of stuff in the effort to downsize for the move. Therefore when his sister and nephew invited him to go to the local flea market he was determined to try to not buy any more "stuff". However, when he left the flea market 3 hours later he was the proud owner of 3 items he had puchased. Tony bought each one of these 3 items because each one is a metaphor of a significant spritual reality that he wants to be reminded of on a regular basis. (1) A yoke. (2) A bit. (3) A compass. In this episode Tony shares what each of these items mean to him, and why he will be placing them in his new home when he moves in the near future Matthew 11:28-30 Psalm 32:9 Daniel 4:34 John 15:1-2;5
23.5.2023 • 38 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
POP 360 - The Accumulation of Successes
If you're going to be the man of God, and the man of purity that God is calling you to be you have to get in the battle and stay in the battle. You're going to have to fight temptations to make quality decisions. You're going to have to exercise your "NO" muscle. I wish I could tell you that when you have a success, and you properly navigate your way through and around a temptation, that this success will carry you for the next 90 days, and you won't even be tempted again for at least the next 90 days. But it doesn't work that way, because chances are pretty good you're goint to be tempted again, and then again, and then again, and so forth and so on. So, one success is awesome. One success is wonderful. Congratulations on your one success. But one success is not enough. You need to have that one success, and then the next success, and then the next success, and so forth and so on. Or, said another way, we need the "accumulation of successes", and the more successes we accumulate, the more momentum we get in God, and the successes then become easier and easier to achieve. In this episode Tony discusses the intricacies and nuances of "the accumulation of successes".
16.5.2023 • 34 Protokoll, 14 Sekunden
POP 359 - From a Beast to a Fly
In this episode Tony talks about how the battle for purity becomes easier over time. We become stronger. We learn to exercise our "no muscle". We accumulate more and more successes. We learn that we can resist temptation. Temptation is not bigger than you. You're bigger than temptation, and God always makes a way to escape. You can grow in godliness. You can grow in righteousness. You're not doomed to forever hang on by the skin of your teeth and white knuckles. In the old days it seemed like temptation was this powerful beast that would come in and cease you. It was bigger than you and it was hard to resist. But now that you're growing in God and getting some tools and stategies the beast is becoming a fly, and you can shoo away a fly when it trys to bother you. God's grace and healing are powerful. You are a man of God, and you're designed for high levels of success in God's Kingdom. The beast is becoming a fly!
9.5.2023 • 29 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
POP 358 - The Confluence of Compulsion
Salmon are amazing. Every year they turn around to swim upstream agaisnt very powerful currents that are resisting them. They return to the place they were born so they can spawn, a new generation of salmon are born. Their survial is based upon their ability to swim against the vicious currents. In much the same way, our metaphorical survival to be the men of God that we're called to be will be predicated upon our ability to swim against the persistant, and powerful, and vicious currents of temptation that are resisting against us. In this episode Tony identities the confluecne of 3 different powerful forces that work together to create the complulsion in us that makes us want to act out in sin. (1) The power of habit, or the old "groove" of sin we've allowed to be established in us. (2) Brain science, or the way we've trained our brains to crave the feel good chemicals that compel us to act out. (3) The law of sin, or the natural proclivity we have as fallen and sinful people to delight in doing the very things we know we shouldn't do. Any one of these forces would be difficult to resist in and of itself, and when you put all three of them togther they can become a very vicious current that makes it hard for us to swim upstream. In this episode you'll understand how the "confluence of compulsion" works against our sexual purity, and what we can do in return to swim agains these currents to have success and victory in God!
2.5.2023 • 39 Protokoll, 30 Sekunden
POP 357 - You Control You
The bible says in Proverbs 25:28 that a man who has no self-control is like a city with no walls. That's not a good thing! In the days of the bible is was very important to have a wall around your city because the wall is what protected you from the bad guys. If you didn't have a wall around your city you would be subject to attack at any time and you couldn't protect yourself effetively. In much the same way, if we're ever going to be the man God is calling us to be, and if we're ever going to be the man of purity that God is calling us to be, we're going to need the ability to protect ourselves in many different ways. You need the ability to catch yourself at the moment of temptation. You need to mentor yourself. You need to tell yourself the truth. You need to put a choke chain on yourself. You need to recognize and renounce the lie. You need to not let yourself get away with bad behavior. You need to hold yourself accountable to yourself. You need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps. You need to work on you. You need to make quality decisions. You need to make quality choices. You need to self-regulate. You need to talk yourself off the ledge. You need to soothe yourselff. You need to interrupt yourself when you beging the old cycle. You need to hold on to yourself. You need to have a solid relationship with you. You need to get your legs under you. You need to not become lost to yourself. You need the ability to take care of yourself, and the abllity to mentor yourself, and to watch yourself, and to reel yourself back in if you start become lost to yourself. And why do you need to do these things? Because a man with no self-control is like a city with no walls! Like a city that is broken down and without walls [leaving it unprotected] Is a man who has no self-control over his spirit [and sets himself up for trouble]. Proverbs 25:28 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control.Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 6:22-25 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. II Corinthians 10:5 11 For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. 12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age. Titus 2:11-12 YOU CONTROL YOU!
25.4.2023 • 35 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
POP 356 - Brain Management - Part 3
In this new series talks about the importance of "brain management". Sometimes it's hard enough to fight the battle when the enemy is on the outside of me, but what do I do when the enemy seems like he's on the inside of me, because sometimes it feels like the enemy is me! My own thoughts and my own emotions sometimes gang up on me and conspire against me in a very powerful way, and it's at these times I need a self-awarness to fight agaisnt my very own thoughts and emotions in the attempt to manage what's going on between my ears on the inside of me. Brain management! In this series Tony identifies and shares common "lies" that often hold power over men in their struggle with sexual purity. Examples: "I can't resist temptation." (That's a lie because you can resist temptation.) "My sexual sin is my wife's fault." (That's a lie because you're responsbile for your own choices and actions.) "Lots of men look at porn so it's no big deal if I look at porn." (That's a lie because what other people do does not give you the right to do the same thing.) It's incredibly important that we have the ability to identify the lies, because if we beleive a lie, it becomes our truth, because we're believing it's true, even thought it's a lie, and the lie therefore assuems a positon of power and authority in our life, and we then begin to act and make decisions based upon the lie. To be the men of purity God is calling us to be we need "brain management". We need the abiltiy to take rebel and mutiny thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ. We need to renew our minds so we can approve the good, pleasing and perfect will of God. We need to gird out loins with the truth and figth the lies with the sword of the Spirit. Welcome to "Brain Management", and be BLESSED in Jesus' Name!
18.4.2023 • 43 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
POP 355 - Brain Management - Part 2
In this new series talks about the importance of "brain management". Sometimes it's hard enough to fight the battle when the enemy is on the outside of me, but what do I do when the enemy seems like he's on the inside of me, because sometimes it feels like the enemy is me! My own thoughts and my own emotions sometimes gang up on me and conspire against me in a very powerful way, and it's at these times I need a self-awarness to fight agaisnt my very own thoughts and emotions in the attempt to manage what's going on between my ears on the inside of me. Brain management! In this series Tony identifies and shares common "lies" that often hold power over men in their struggle with sexual purity. Examples: "I can't resist temptation." (That's a lie because you can resist temptation.) "My sexual sin is my wife's fault." (That's a lie because you're responsbile for your own choices and actions.) "Lots of men look at porn so it's no big deal if I look at porn." (That's a lie because what other people do does not give you the right to do the same thing.) It's incredibly important that we have the ability to identify the lies, because if we beleive a lie, it becomes our truth, because we're believing it's true, even thought it's a lie, and the lie therefore assuems a positon of power and authority in our life, and we then begin to act and make decisions based upon the lie. To be the men of purity God is calling us to be we need "brain management". We need the abiltiy to take rebel and mutiny thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ. We need to renew our minds so we can approve the good, pleasing and perfect will of God. We need to gird out loins with the truth and figth the lies with the sword of the Spirit. Welcome to "Brain Management", and be BLESSED in Jesus' Name!
11.4.2023 • 33 Protokoll, 29 Sekunden
POP 354 - Brain Management - Part 1
In this new series talks about the importance of "brain management". Sometimes it's hard enough to fight the battle when the enemy is on the outside of me, but what do I do when the enemy seems like he's on the inside of me, because sometimes it feels like the enemy is me! My own thoughts and my own emotions sometimes gang up on me and conspire against me in a very powerful way, and it's at these times I need a self-awarness to fight agaisnt my very own thoughts and emotions in the attempt to manage what's going on between my ears on the inside of me. Brain management! In this series Tony identifies and shares common "lies" that often hold power over men in their struggle with sexual purity. Examples: "I can't resist temptation." (That's a lie because you can resist temptation.) "My sexual sin is my wife's fault." (That's a lie because you're responsbile for your own choices and actions.) "Lots of men look at porn so it's no big deal if I look at porn." (That's a lie because what other people do does not give you the right to do the same thing.) It's incredibly important that we have the ability to identify the lies, because if we beleive a lie, it becomes our truth, because we're believing it's true, even thought it's a lie, and the lie therefore assuems a positon of power and authority in our life, and we then begin to act and make decisions based upon the lie. To be the men of purity God is calling us to be we need "brain management". We need the abiltiy to take rebel and mutiny thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ. We need to renew our minds so we can approve the good, pleasing and perfect will of God. We need to gird out loins with the truth and figth the lies with the sword of the Spirit. Welcome to "Brain Management", and be BLESSED in Jesus' Name!
4.4.2023 • 35 Protokoll, 24 Sekunden
POP 353 - Spice It Up with Keelie Reason - Part 2
Keelie Reason is back as a guest on The Power of Purity Podcast for the second time. She was on the show in the early days on episodes 41 & 42. Keelie oversees a ministry called... Love Hope Aventure... which focuses on intimacy in marriage. Keelie is also a blogger and has posted over 1,000 various articles on topics related to marriage with an emphasis how to experience healthier sex in your relationship and marriage. In this episode, among other things, Tony and Keelie discuss... sexual discrepancy between parnters how the lower sexed person becomes the gatekeeper of sex different arousal templates arousal and sex - which should come first? Keelie writes the following on her website: Our goal is to help you get the resources you need to have a better marriage relationship. Also, we talk really openly and candidly about sex. Not that we share specifics to what we do in the bedroom…instead we offer real resources for husbands and wives that want more information about sex, foreplay, and how to be more adventurous in the bedroom. Keelie is married to her highschool sweetheart, Austin, and they have 3 boys and live in Dallas Texas.
28.3.2023 • 45 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
POP 352 - Spice It Up with Keelie Reason - Part 1
Keelie Reason is back as a guest on The Power of Purity Podcast for the second time. She was on the show in the early days on episodes 41 & 42. Keelie oversees a ministry called... Love Hope Aventure... which focuses on intimacy in marriage. Keelie is also a blogger and has posted over 1,000 various articles on topics related to marriage with an emphasis how to experience healthier sex in your relationship and marriage. In this episode, among other things, Tony and Keelie discuss... sexual discrepancy between parnters how the lower sexed person becomes the gatekeeper of sex different arousal templates arousal and sex - which should come first? Keelie writes the following on her website: Our goal is to help you get the resources you need to have a better marriage relationship. Also, we talk really openly and candidly about sex. Not that we share specifics to what we do in the bedroom…instead we offer real resources for husbands and wives that want more information about sex, foreplay, and how to be more adventurous in the bedroom. Keelie is married to her highschool sweetheart, Austin, and they have 3 boys and live in Dallas Texas.
21.3.2023 • 33 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
POP 351 - Secrets of Sex & Marriage with Dr. Michael Sytsma - Part 2
Dr. Michael Sytsma is a licensed professional counselor and certified sex therapist. He earned a Ph.D. from the University of Georgia in Marriage and Family Therapy, and his dissertation topic was "Sexual Desire Discrepancy in Married Couples". Dr. Sytsma has over 30 years of clinical experience in sex therapy and founded Building Intimate Marriages, Inc. and co-founded Sexual Wholeness, Inc. Dr. Sytsma is the co-author of a new book, along with Shaunti Feldhahn, entitled "Secrets of Sex & Marriage - 8 Surprises That Make All the Difference". In the research for this book Dr. Sytsma and Shaunti Feldhahn did the largest nationally representative survey ever conducted with married couples about sex. This research, entitled "The Marriage Intimacy Project" (MIP) was conducted over the span of three years, involving a large research team, professional survery companies and several partner organiazatons to gather, analyze and organize input from more than 5,300 individuals using anonymous surveys and interviews. Through this research the authors identified eight simple, transformational factors to help move couples from disconnection to delight. This book reveals the most importat sex-related issues for the average couple - offering workable solutions and lasting hope. The book is not a "sex manual:, but it is a fascinating and practical field guide that will help couples more intimately understand one anohter and create the marriage they've always wanted. Please note - Tony interviewd Shaunt Feldhahm in episodes 108 & 109 of The Power of Purity Podcast is you'd like to check it out! Visit
14.3.2023 • 38 Protokoll, 49 Sekunden
POP 350 - Secrets of Sex & Marriage with Dr. Michael Sytsma - Part 1
Dr. Michael Sytsma is a licensed professional counselor and certified sex therapist. He earned a Ph.D. from the University of Georgia in Marriage and Family Therapy, and his dissertation topic was "Sexual Desire Discrepancy in Married Couples". Dr. Sytsma has over 30 years of clinical experience in sex therapy and founded Building Intimate Marriages, Inc. and co-founded Sexual Wholeness, Inc. Dr. Sytsma is the co-author of a new book, along with Shaunti Feldhahn, entitled "Secrets of Sex & Marriage - 8 Surprises That Make All the Difference". In the research for this book Dr. Sytsma and Shaunti Feldhahn did the largest nationally representative survey ever conducted with married couples about sex. This research, entitled "The Marriage Intimacy Project" (MIP) was conducted over the span of three years, involving a large research team, professional survery companies and several partner organiazatons to gather, analyze and organize input from more than 5,300 individuals using anonymous surveys and interviews. Through this research the authors identified eight simple, transformational factors to help move couples from disconnection to delight. This book reveals the most importat sex-related issues for the average couple - offering workable solutions and lasting hope. The book is not a "sex manual:, but it is a fascinating and practical field guide that will help couples more intimately understand one anohter and create the marriage they've always wanted. Please note - Tony interviewd Shaunt Feldhahm in episodes 108 & 109 of The Power of Purity Podcast is you'd like to check it out! Visit
7.3.2023 • 30 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
POP 349 - 12 Lessons I've Learned During The Most Difficult Time of My Life - Part 6
On July 6th, 2021 Tony's wife left him, and she filed for divorce 28 days later. Since then it's been 18 months at the time this episode series is being posted, and it absolutely has been the most difficult time of Tony's life. Nothing else is even close. It's been the deepest and darkest valley of his life, and it's been the greatest loss of his life. After 18 long months, in this series Tony reflects upon 12 lessons he's been learning during this difficult time in his life. Tony has learned that there are at least 2 different kinds of pain in this world. One is what Tony calls "stupid pain" and the other is what Tony calls "redemptive pain". One is pain that is wasted and the other is pain that accomplishes somethihg of significance and value. One is useless pain and the other is pain with a purpose. It's kind of like when you have to have surgery, because in a very odd way the doctor is going to help you by "hurting" you even more. He's going to cut you open, and in a very real way perpetrate even more pain upon your situation and life. You're going to have to get stiches, and you're going to have to go through recovery and physical therapy. But at least it's "pain with a purpose". It's pain that's accomplishing something in your life. It's "redemptive pain". As Tony considers the very difficult and painful situation he's been living through, in this series he comtemplates the lessons that he's learning. These lessons are much deeper than lessons of the "head" because they're lessons of the "heart". In this sixth episode of the series Tony shares lessons 10, 11 & 12! "I pray this series will encourage you and help you with the painful things you're facing in your life at this time". Tony
28.2.2023 • 40 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
POP 348 - 12 Lessons I've Learned During The Most Difficult Time of My Life - Part 5
On July 6th, 2021 Tony's wife left him, and she filed for divorce 28 days later. Since then it's been 18 months at the time this episode series is being posted, and it absolutely has been the most difficult time of Tony's life. Nothing else is even close. It's been the deepest and darkest valley of his life, and it's been the greatest loss of his life. After 18 long months, in this series Tony reflects upon 12 lessons he's been learning during this difficult time in his life. Tony has learned that there are at least 2 different kinds of pain in this world. One is what Tony calls "stupid pain" and the other is what Tony calls "redemptive pain". One is pain that is wasted and the other is pain that accomplishes somethihg of significance and value. One is useless pain and the other is pain with a purpose. It's kind of like when you have to have surgery, because in a very odd way the doctor is going to help you by "hurting" you even more. He's going to cut you open, and in a very real way perpetrate even more pain upon your situation and life. You're going to have to get stiches, and you're going to have to go through recovery and physical therapy. But at least it's "pain with a purpose". It's pain that's accomplishing something in your life. It's "redemptive pain". As Tony considers the very difficult and painful situation he's been living through, in this series he comtemplates the lessons that he's learning. These lessons are much deeper than lessons of the "head" because they're lessons of the "heart". In this fourth episode of the series Tony shares lessons 8 & 9! "I pray this series will encourage you and help you with the painful things you're facing in your life at this time". Tony
21.2.2023 • 32 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
POP 347 - 12 Lessons I've Learned During The Most Difficult Time of My Life - Part 4
On July 6th, 2021 Tony's wife left him, and she filed for divorce 28 days later. Since then it's been 18 months at the time this episode series is being posted, and it absolutely has been the most difficult time of Tony's life. Nothing else is even close. It's been the deepest and darkest valley of his life, and it's been the greatest loss of his life. After 18 long months, in this series Tony reflects upon 12 lessons he's been learning during this difficult time in his life. Tony has learned that there are at least 2 different kinds of pain in this world. One is what Tony calls "stupid pain" and the other is what Tony calls "redemptive pain". One is pain that is wasted and the other is pain that accomplishes somethihg of significance and value. One is useless pain and the other is pain with a purpose. It's kind of like when you have to have surgery, because in a very odd way the doctor is going to help you by "hurting" you even more. He's going to cut you open, and in a very real way perpetrate even more pain upon your situation and life. You're going to have to get stiches, and you're going to have to go through recovery and physical therapy. But at least it's "pain with a purpose". It's pain that's accomplishing something in your life. It's "redemptive pain". As Tony considers the very difficult and painful situation he's been living through, in this series he comtemplates the lessons that he's learning. These lessons are much deeper than lessons of the "head" because they're lessons of the "heart". In this fourth episode of the series Tony shares lessons 6 & 7! "I pray this series will encourage you and help you with the painful things you're facing in your life at this time". Tony
14.2.2023 • 35 Protokoll, 57 Sekunden
POP 346 - 12 Lessons I've Learned During The Most Difficult Time of My Life - Part 3
On July 6th, 2021 Tony's wife left him, and she filed for divorce 28 days later. Since then it's been 18 months at the time this episode series is being posted, and it absolutely has been the most difficult time of Tony's life. Nothing else is even close. It's been the deepest and darkest valley of his life, and it's been the greatest loss of his life. After 18 long months, in this series Tony reflects upon 12 lessons he's been learning during this difficult time in his life. Tony has learned that there are at least 2 different kinds of pain in this world. One is what Tony calls "stupid pain" and the other is what Tony calls "redemptive pain". One is pain that is wasted and the other is pain that accomplishes somethihg of significance and value. One is useless pain and the other is pain with a purpose. It's kind of like when you have to have surgery, because in a very odd way the doctor is going to help you by "hurting" you even more. He's going to cut you open, and in a very real way perpetrate even more pain upon your situation and life. You're going to have to get stiches, and you're going to have to go through recovery and physical therapy. But at least it's "pain with a purpose". It's pain that's accomplishing something in your life. It's "redemptive pain". As Tony considers the very difficult and painful situation he's been living through, in this series he comtemplates the lessons that he's learning. These lessons are much deeper than lessons of the "head" because they're lessons of the "heart". In this third episode of the series Tony shares lesson 5! "I pray this series will encourage you and help you with the painful things you're facing in your life at this time". Tony
7.2.2023 • 47 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
POP 345 - 12 Lessons I've Learned During The Most Difficult Time of My Life - Part 2
On July 6th, 2021 Tony's wife left him, and she filed for divorce 28 days later. Since then it's been 18 months at the time this episode series is being posted, and it absolutely has been the most difficult time of Tony's life. Nothing else is even close. It's been the deepest and darkest valley of his life, and it's been the greatest loss of his life. After 18 long months, in this series Tony reflects upon 12 lessons he's been learning during this difficult time in his life. Tony has learned that there are at least 2 different kinds of pain in this world. One is what Tony calls "stupid pain" and the other is what Tony calls "redemptive pain". One is pain that is wasted and the other is pain that accomplishes somethihg of significance and value. One is useless pain and the other is pain with a purpose. It's kind of like when you have to have surgery, because in a very odd way the doctor is going to help you by "hurting" you even more. He's going to cut you open, and in a very real way perpetrate even more pain upon your situation and life. You're going to have to get stiches, and you're going to have to go through recovery and physical therapy. But at least it's "pain with a purpose". It's pain that's accomplishing something in your life. It's "redemptive pain". As Tony considers the very difficult and painful situation he's been living through, in this series he comtemplates the lessons that he's learning. These lessons are much deeper than lessons of the "head" because they're lessons of the "heart". In this second episode of the series Tony shares the lessons 3 & 4! "I pray this series will encourage you and help you with the painful things you're facing in your life at this time". Tony
31.1.2023 • 38 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
POP 344 - 12 Lessons I've Learned During The Most Difficult Time of My Life - Part 1
On July 6th, 2021 Tony's wife left him, and she filed for divorce 28 days later. Since then it's been 18 months at the time this episode series is being posted, and it absolutely has been the most difficult time of Tony's life. Nothing else is even close. It's been the deepest and darkest valley of his life, and it's been the greatest loss of his life. After 18 long months, in this series Tony reflects upon 12 lessons he's been learning during this difficult time in his life. There are at least 2 different kinds of pain in this world. One is what Tony calls "stupid pain" and the other is what Tony calls "redemptive pain". One is pain that is wasted and the other is pain that accomplishes somethihg of significance and value. One is useless pain and the other is pain with a purpose. It's kind of like when you have to have surgery, because in a very odd way the doctor is going to help you by "hurting" you even more. He's going to cut you open, and in a very real way perpetrate even more pain upon your situation and life. You're going to have to get stiches, and you're going to have to go through recovery and physical therapy. But at least it's "pain with a purpose". It's pain that's accomplishing something in your life. It's "redemptive pain". As Tony considers the very difficult and painful situation he's been living through, in this series he comtemplates the lessons that he's learning. These lessons are much deeper than lessons of the "head" because they're lessons of the "heart". In this first episode of the series Tony shares the first lesson! "I pray this series will encourage you and help you with the painful things you're facing in your life at this time". Tony
24.1.2023 • 37 Protokoll, 54 Sekunden
POP 343 - Hard Questions with Dr. Carol Tanksley - Part 4
NOTE - At the end of this episode Tony shares a special prayer over you: A Prayer Over My Sexual History & Physical Body. Dr. Carol Tanksley was a recent guest on The Power of Purity Podcast (episodes 336 - 338). Tony had prepared a list of really good questions for that interview, but Tony and Dr. Carol never got around to any of those questions. In view of that, Dr. Carol has come back for this series of episodes (episode 340 - 343) to answer those questions. If you could ask Dr. Carol any question you could, what would you ask her? Here are just a few of the questions that Tony and Dr. Carol will discuss during this series: What does a couple do if one person wants sex more thant the other person? What do you do if your spouse doesn't want to have sex with you? What if one person wants to experiment with some things in their sex life, but the other partner is uncomfortable with what their partner is interested in trying? What's the difference between being willing to stretch your comfort zone sexually versus participating in something that would constitute a violation of your conscience or personhood? Is masturbation a sin if you do not have sexual access to your spouse in the context of your marriage? These are just a few of the many questions that Tony and Dr. Carol discuss during this series of episodes. Dr. Carol Tanksley is an author, speaker, personal coach, licensed OB-Gyn physician, and an ordained Doctor of Ministry. She practiced medicine as an OB-Gyn physician and Reproductive Endocrinologist for over 29 years. While continuing to practice medicine, she also obtained an M.Div. (Master of Divinity), and then a D.Min. (Doctor of Ministry) from Oral Roberts University, focusing on Christian leadership. With her husband Al, Dr. Carol produced a regular radio program “The Dr Carol Show” from 2009 until not long before his death in 2016. Dr. Carol lives near Austin, Texas, where she enjoys being Grandma Carol to four wonderful grandchildren. Be blessed as you listen to this special interview with Dr. Carol Tanksley!
17.1.2023 • 28 Protokoll, 8 Sekunden
POP 342 - Hard Questions with Dr. Carol Tanksley - Part 3
Dr. Carol Tanksley was a recent guest on The Power of Purity Podcast (episodes 336 - 338). Tony had prepared a list of really good questions for that interview, but Tony and Dr. Carol never got around to any of those questions. In view of that, Dr. Carol has come back for this series of episodes (episode 340 - 343) to answer those questions. If you could ask Dr. Carol any question you could, what would you ask her? Here are just a few of the questions that Tony and Dr. Carol will discuss during this series: What does a couple do if one person wants sex more thant the other person? What do you do if your spouse doesn't want to have sex with you? What if one person wants to experiment with some things in their sex life, but the other partner is uncomfortable with what their partner is interested in trying? What's the difference between being willing to stretch your comfort zone sexually versus participating in something that would constitute a violation of your conscience or personhood? Is masturbation a sin if you do not have sexual access to your spouse in the context of your marriage? These are just a few of the many questions that Tony and Dr. Carol discuss during this series of episodes. Dr. Carol Tanksley is an author, speaker, personal coach, licensed OB-Gyn physician, and an ordained Doctor of Ministry. She practiced medicine as an OB-Gyn physician and Reproductive Endocrinologist for over 29 years. While continuing to practice medicine, she also obtained an M.Div. (Master of Divinity), and then a D.Min. (Doctor of Ministry) from Oral Roberts University, focusing on Christian leadership. With her husband Al, Dr. Carol produced a regular radio program “The Dr Carol Show” from 2009 until not long before his death in 2016. Dr. Carol lives near Austin, Texas, where she enjoys being Grandma Carol to four wonderful grandchildren. Be blessed as you listen to this special interview with Dr. Carol Tanksley!
10.1.2023 • 29 Protokoll, 49 Sekunden
POP 341 - Hard Questions with Dr. Carol Tanksley - Part 2
Please note - KINTSUGI refers to a process by which broken ceramics are fixed using a mix of lacquer, powdered gold, silver or platinum. This results is a design of intricate veins which run around the repaired object. These irregular lines are not seen as flaws but are seen as a beauty element. The result is that the repaired piece of ceramic is actually more beautiful and more valuable than before it was broken! Dr. Carol Tanksley was a recent guest on The Power of Purity Podcast (episodes 336 - 338). Tony had prepared a list of really good questions for that interview, but Tony and Dr. Carol never got around to any of those questions. In view of that, Dr. Carol has come back for this series of episodes (episode 340 - 343) to answer those questions. If you could ask Dr. Carol any question you could, what would you ask her? Here are just a few of the questions that Tony and Dr. Carol will discuss during this series: What does a couple do if one person wants sex more thant the other person? What do you do if your spouse doesn't want to have sex with you? What if one person wants to experiment with some things in their sex life, but the other partner is uncomfortable with what their partner is interested in trying? What's the difference between being willing to stretch your comfort zone sexually versus participating in something that would constitute a violation of your conscience or personhood? Is masturbation a sin if you do not have sexual access to your spouse in the context of your marriage? These are just a few of the many questions that Tony and Dr. Carol discuss during this series of episodes. Dr. Carol Tanksley is an author, speaker, personal coach, licensed OB-Gyn physician, and an ordained Doctor of Ministry. She practiced medicine as an OB-Gyn physician and Reproductive Endocrinologist for over 29 years. While continuing to practice medicine, she also obtained an M.Div. (Master of Divinity), and then a D.Min. (Doctor of Ministry) from Oral Roberts University, focusing on Christian leadership. With her husband Al, Dr. Carol produced a regular radio program “The Dr Carol Show” from 2009 until not long before his death in 2016. Dr. Carol lives near Austin, Texas, where she enjoys being Grandma Carol to four wonderful grandchildren. Be blessed as you listen to this special interview with Dr. Carol Tanksley!
3.1.2023 • 35 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
POP 340 - Hard Questions with Dr. Carol Tanksley - Part 1
Dr. Carol Tanksley was a recent guest on The Power of Purity Podcast (episodes 336 - 338). Tony had prepared a list of really good questions for that interview, but Tony and Dr. Carol never got around to any of those questions. In view of that, Dr. Carol has come back for this series of episodes (episode 340 - 343) to answer those questions. If you could ask Dr. Carol any question you could, what would you ask her? Here are just a few of the questions that Tony and Dr. Carol will discuss during this series: What does a couple do if one person wants sex more thant the other person? What do you do if your spouse doesn't want to have sex with you? What if one person wants to experiment with some things in their sex life, but the other partner is uncomfortable with what their partner is interested in trying? What's the difference between being willing to stretch your comfort zone sexually versus participating in something that would constitute a violation of your conscience or personhood? Is masturbation a sin if you do not have sexual access to your spouse in the context of your marriage? These are just a few of the many questions that Tony and Dr. Carol discuss during this series of episodes. Dr. Carol Tanksley is an author, speaker, personal coach, licensed OB-Gyn physician, and an ordained Doctor of Ministry. She practiced medicine as an OB-Gyn physician and Reproductive Endocrinologist for over 29 years. While continuing to practice medicine, she also obtained an M.Div. (Master of Divinity), and then a D.Min. (Doctor of Ministry) from Oral Roberts University, focusing on Christian leadership. With her husband Al, Dr. Carol produced a regular radio program “The Dr Carol Show” from 2009 until not long before his death in 2016. Dr. Carol lives near Austin, Texas, where she enjoys being Grandma Carol to four wonderful grandchildren. Be blessed as you listen to this special interview with Dr. Carol Tanksley!
27.12.2022 • 33 Protokoll, 42 Sekunden
POP 339 - The Car Episode
Podcast 339 – The Car Episode What in the world does "The Car Episode" have to do with sexual purity? In this episode Tony does something he’s never done before. He records an episode of the podcast as he’s driving down the highway in his car. The episode was spontaneously inspired after a text conversation with another person, of all things, concerning the topic of weight loss. In this episode Tony share 3 strategic factors that have worked together to help him loose 35 pounds and to get in better shape than he’s been in for years. Those 3 factors concern: Diet Exercise Writing psalms You might immediately think the first 2 factors make total sense. If a person begins to watch their diet and exercise, it will help them to loose weight and to get in better shape. But how in the world does writing psalms have anything to do with loosing weight and getting in better shape? If you’re interested in this idea, or at least curious, you’re welcome to listen to this episode of The Power of Purity Podcast. What in the world does "The Car Episode" have to do with sexual purity? Listen to this episode and find out! 28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30 (KJV)
20.12.2022 • 55 Protokoll, 9 Sekunden
POP 338 - Left Brain Right Brain with Dr. Carol Tanksley - Part 3
In this amazing interview with Dr. Carol Tanksley, Tony had prepared 24 various interview questions to discuss with Dr. Carol. From the very beginning of the interview the discussion took on a life of its own, and by the end of the interview Tony had not asked Dr. Carol even one of the questions he had prepared. The interview was very spontaneous, lively, and unexpected. Dr. Carol Tanksley is an author, speaker, personal coach, licensed OB-Gyn physician, and an ordained Doctor of Ministry. She practiced medicine as an OB-Gyn physician and Reproductive Endocrinologist for over 29 years. While continuing to practice medicine, she also obtained an M.Div. (Master of Divinity), and then a D.Min. (Doctor of Ministry) from Oral Roberts University, focusing on Christian leadership. With her husband Al, Dr. Carol produced a regular radio program “The Dr Carol Show” from 2009 until not long before his death in 2016. Dr. Carol lives near Austin, Texas, where she enjoys being Grandma Carol to four wonderful grandchildren. Be blessed as you listen to this special interview with Dr. Carol Tanksley!
13.12.2022 • 43 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
POP 337 - Left Brain Right Brain with Dr. Carol Tanksley - Part 2
In this amazing interview with Dr. Carol Tanksley, Tony had prepared 24 various interview questions to discuss with Dr. Carol. From the very beginning of the interview the discussion took on a life of its own, and by the end of the interview Tony had not asked Dr. Carol even one of the questions he had prepared. The interview was very spontaneous, lively, and unexpected. Dr. Carol Tanksley is an author, speaker, personal coach, licensed OB-Gyn physician, and an ordained Doctor of Ministry. She practiced medicine as an OB-Gyn physician and Reproductive Endocrinologist for over 29 years. While continuing to practice medicine, she also obtained an M.Div. (Master of Divinity), and then a D.Min. (Doctor of Ministry) from Oral Roberts University, focusing on Christian leadership. With her husband Al, Dr. Carol produced a regular radio program “The Dr Carol Show” from 2009 until not long before his death in 2016. Dr. Carol lives near Austin, Texas, where she enjoys being Grandma Carol to four wonderful grandchildren. Be blessed as you listen to this special interview with Dr. Carol Tanksley!
6.12.2022 • 29 Protokoll, 41 Sekunden
POP 336 - Left Brain Right Brain with Dr. Carol Tanksley - Part 1
In this amazing interview with Dr. Carol Tanksley, Tony had prepared 24 various interview questions to discuss with Dr. Carol. From the very beginning of the interview the discussion took on a life of its own, and by the end of the interview Tony had not asked Dr. Carol even one of the questions he had prepared. The interview was very spontaneous, lively, and unexpected. Dr. Carol Tanksley is an author, speaker, personal coach, licensed OB-Gyn physician, and an ordained Doctor of Ministry. She practiced medicine as an OB-Gyn physician and Reproductive Endocrinologist for over 29 years. While continuing to practice medicine, she also obtained an M.Div. (Master of Divinity), and then a D.Min. (Doctor of Ministry) from Oral Roberts University, focusing on Christian leadership. With her husband Al, Dr. Carol produced a regular radio program “The Dr Carol Show” from 2009 until not long before his death in 2016. Dr. Carol lives near Austin, Texas, where she enjoys being Grandma Carol to four wonderful grandchildren. Be blessed as you listen to this special interview with Dr. Carol Tanksley!
29.11.2022 • 32 Protokoll, 22 Sekunden
POP 335 - A Conversation with George Carneal - Part 4
In ths series of episodes Tony interviews author George Carneal on a wide range of various topics related to sexuality. George Carneal, author of “From Queer to Christ," grew up in the ’70s, raised by a Southern Baptist minister in the ultra-conservative Bible Belt. For years he struggled with his Christian faith and a same-sex attraction. George shares his painful journey through a secular world at odds with homosexuality, in addition to a religious world that is hostile to homosexuals. Perhaps sharing his journey through the eyes, and mind, of a confused child dealing with a same-sex attraction will give some insight into the pain and difficulty of navigating these two worlds. George would eventually spend 25 years immersed in the homosexual lifestyle (mostly in the Los Angeles club scene) and shares the pitfalls of that life. His story is not about glamorizing a life he once lived. This is merely his journey and what he learned along the way. Deliverance from that bondage is possible. There is hope in Christ! George is a frequent speaker at churches, and conferences and has worked with pastors who are struggling with how to address the LGBT issue, with pastors and parents who are seeking guidance on how to help their LGBT children, as well as LGBT individuals who want out of that life. George has also appeared on many different radio, podcast, and television broadcasts including The Christian Television Network, D. James Kennedy Ministries/Truths That Transform, and The Christian Broadcasting Network – CBN. Tony interviewed George Carneal previously in episodes 212 - 215 of The Power of Purity Podcast. Can Christ heal a deeply wounded and broken man? Listen to this interview for the answer to this very important question! NOTE - Stay tuned for a few minutes of bonus conversation at the end of this episode!
22.11.2022 • 32 Protokoll, 25 Sekunden
POP 334 - A Conversation with George Carneal - Part 3
In ths series of episodes Tony interviews author George Carneal on a wide range of various topics related to sexuality. George Carneal, author of “From Queer to Christ," grew up in the ’70s, raised by a Southern Baptist minister in the ultra-conservative Bible Belt. For years he struggled with his Christian faith and a same-sex attraction. George shares his painful journey through a secular world at odds with homosexuality, in addition to a religious world that is hostile to homosexuals. Perhaps sharing his journey through the eyes, and mind, of a confused child dealing with a same-sex attraction will give some insight into the pain and difficulty of navigating these two worlds. George would eventually spend 25 years immersed in the homosexual lifestyle (mostly in the Los Angeles club scene) and shares the pitfalls of that life. His story is not about glamorizing a life he once lived. This is merely his journey and what he learned along the way. Deliverance from that bondage is possible. There is hope in Christ! George is a frequent speaker at churches, and conferences and has worked with pastors who are struggling with how to address the LGBT issue, with pastors and parents who are seeking guidance on how to help their LGBT children, as well as LGBT individuals who want out of that life. George has also appeared on many different radio, podcast, and television broadcasts including The Christian Television Network, D. James Kennedy Ministries/Truths That Transform, and The Christian Broadcasting Network – CBN. Tony interviewed George Carneal previously in episodes 212 - 215 of The Power of Purity Podcast. Can Christ heal a deeply wounded and broken man? Listen to this interview for the answer to this very important question!
15.11.2022 • 31 Protokoll, 40 Sekunden
POP 333 - A Conversation with George Carneal - Part 2
In this series of episodes Tony interviews author George Carneal on a wide range of various topics related to sexuality. George Carneal, author of “From Queer to Christ," grew up in the ’70s, raised by a Southern Baptist minister in the ultra-conservative Bible Belt. For years he struggled with his Christian faith and a same-sex attraction. George shares his painful journey through a secular world at odds with homosexuality, in addition to a religious world that is hostile to homosexuals. Perhaps sharing his journey through the eyes, and mind, of a confused child dealing with a same-sex attraction will give some insight into the pain and difficulty of navigating these two worlds. George would eventually spend 25 years immersed in the homosexual lifestyle (mostly in the Los Angeles club scene) and shares the pitfalls of that life. His story is not about glamorizing a life he once lived. This is merely his journey and what he learned along the way. Deliverance from that bondage is possible. There is hope in Christ! George is a frequent speaker at churches, and conferences and has worked with pastors who are struggling with how to address the LGBT issue, with pastors and parents who are seeking guidance on how to help their LGBT children, as well as LGBT individuals who want out of that life. George has also appeared on many different radio, podcast, and television broadcasts including The Christian Television Network, D. James Kennedy Ministries/Truths That Transform, and The Christian Broadcasting Network – CBN. Tony interviewed George Carneal previously in episodes 212 - 215 of The Power of Purity Podcast. Can Christ heal a deeply wounded and broken man? Listen to this interview for the answer to this very important question!
8.11.2022 • 33 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
POP 332 - A Conversation with George Carneal - Part 1
In this series of episodes Tony interviews author George Carneal on a wide range of various topics related to sexuality. George Carneal, author of “From Queer to Christ," grew up in the ’70s, raised by a Southern Baptist minister in the ultra-conservative Bible Belt. For years he struggled with his Christian faith and a same-sex attraction. George shares his painful journey through a secular world at odds with homosexuality, in addition to a religious world that is hostile to homosexuals. Perhaps sharing his journey through the eyes, and mind, of a confused child dealing with a same-sex attraction will give some insight into the pain and difficulty of navigating these two worlds. George would eventually spend 25 years immersed in the homosexual lifestyle (mostly in the Los Angeles club scene) and shares the pitfalls of that life. His story is not about glamorizing a life he once lived. This is merely his journey and what he learned along the way. Deliverance from that bondage is possible. There is hope in Christ! George is a frequent speaker at churches, and conferences and has worked with pastors who are struggling with how to address the LGBT issue, with pastors and parents who are seeking guidance on how to help their LGBT children, as well as LGBT individuals who want out of that life. George has also appeared on many different radio, podcast, and television broadcasts including The Christian Television Network, D. James Kennedy Ministries/Truths That Transform, and The Christian Broadcasting Network – CBN. Tony interviewed George Carneal previously in episodes 212 - 215 of The Power of Purity Podcast. Can Christ heal a deeply wounded and broken man? Listen to this interview for the answer to this very important question!
1.11.2022 • 32 Protokoll, 10 Sekunden
POP 331 - A Woman's Broken Heart with Renee - Part 3
Renee has been married to her husband for over 30 years. Seven years ago she discovered that her husband was involved in an affair with another woman. Her heart was completely broken and it led to the most painful period of her life. In this very honest and vulnerable interview Renee shares her story with us. She shares her journey through the pain, and hurt, and confusion that unfolded, the lessons she's learned along the way, and how her situation brought her closer to God than she's ever been before. This interview provides a unique glimpse into the heart of "Eve", and helps men to understand what it's like for a woman when she learns of her husband's sexual unfaithfulness. In additon, it's a beautiful story that illustrates the healing and redemptive power of God, even in the most difficult circumstances and situations of our lives. Can we trust in God no matter what happens in our lives? Is God still good, even in the midst of our pain? Listen to Renee's story for the answers to these questions, and much more! To contact Renee: Website: Email: [email protected] MHAWA - (MIND, HEALTH, AGRICULTURE, & WELLNESS ACADEMY) WHOLE HEALTH - MIND & BODY True Holiness is Wholeness in the Service of God, the Condition of True Christian Living. Via Zoom, In-Person, Phone, On-Site at our Ranch, and At Your Home.
25.10.2022 • 34 Protokoll, 47 Sekunden
POP 330 - A Woman's Broken Heart with Renee - Part 2
Renee has been married to her husband for over 30 years. Seven years ago she discovered that her husband was involved in an affair with another woman. Her heart was completely broken and it led to the most painful period of her life. In this very honest and vulnerable interview Renee shares her story with us. She shares her journey through the pain, and hurt, and confusion that unfolded, the lessons she's learned along the way, and how her situation brought her closer to God than she's ever been before. This interview provides a unique glimpse into the heart of "Eve", and helps men to understand what it's like for a woman when she learns of her husband's sexual unfaithfulness. In additon, it's a beautiful story that illustrates the healing and redemptive power of God, even in the most difficult circumstances and situations of our lives. Can we trust in God no matter what happens in our lives? Is God still good, even in the midst of our pain? Listen to Renee's story for the answers to these questions, and much more! To contact Renee: Website: Email: [email protected] MHAWA - (MIND, HEALTH, AGRICULTURE, & WELLNESS ACADEMY) WHOLE HEALTH - MIND & BODY True Holiness is Wholeness in the Service of God, the Condition of True Christian Living. Via Zoom, In-Person, Phone, On-Site at our Ranch, and At Your Home.
18.10.2022 • 30 Protokoll, 30 Sekunden
POP 329 - A Woman's Broken Heart with Renee - Part 1
Renee has been married to her husband for over 30 years. Seven years ago she discovered that her husband was involved in an affair with another woman. Her heart was completely broken and it led to the most painful period of her life. In this very honest and vulnerable interview Renee shares her story with us. She shares her journey through the pain, and hurt, and confusion that unfolded, the lessons she's learned along the way, and how her situation brought her closer to God than she's ever been before. This interview provides a unique glimpse into the heart of "Eve", and helps men to understand what it's like for a woman when she learns of her husband's sexual unfaithfulness. In additon, it's a beautiful story that illustrates the healing and redemptive power of God, even in the most difficult circumstances and situations of our lives. Can we trust in God no matter what happens in our lives? Is God still good, even in the midst of our pain? Listen to Renee's story for the answers to these questions, and much more! To contact Renee: Website: Email: [email protected] MHAWA - (MIND, HEALTH, AGRICULTURE, & WELLNESS ACADEMY) WHOLE HEALTH - MIND & BODY True Holiness is Wholeness in the Service of God, the Condition of True Christian Living. Via Zoom, In-Person, Phone, On-Site at our Ranch, and At Your Home.
11.10.2022 • 34 Protokoll, 56 Sekunden
POP 328 - Happily Ever After - Part 10
The purpose of The Power of Purity Podcast concerns the topic of human sexuality. What does it mean for us to experience and practice our sexual gift in a healthy way? What does it mean for us to practice our sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? The answer to these questions, at least in part, concerns the context of relationship. The reason for this is because our sexual gift is intended to be expressed and experienced within the context of a healthy relationship. Said another way, it's a healthy relationship that creates the context for healthy sexuality, and because of that we need to do everything we can do to make our relationship as healthy as it can possibly be. In this series Tony shares the single most important principal necessary for successful relationship. This principle is so important that it's absolutely non-negotiable. If people do not understand this principle, and submit to this principle, and practice this principle, and cooperate with this principle, their ability to experience successful relationship will be seriously hindered, compromised, and sabotaged. In the same way a roofer must understand the reality of gravity, and function within the parameters of that reality, people in relationship must understand this non-negotiable relational principle. If a roofer violates the reality of gravity, he can be seriously harmed for such a violation, because he might fall off a roof and be seriously injured. And in much the same way, if people in relationship violate the non-negotiable relational principle that Tony's discusses in this series, their relationship will likely be seriously harmed. The content of this series can be a steppingstone toward healthier relationship, and healthier relationship can be a steppingstone toward healthier sex. Welcome to... Happily Ever After! Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21 Differentiation means that everybody get to be different. I get to be me, and you get to be you!
4.10.2022 • 43 Protokoll, 55 Sekunden
POP 327 - Happily Ever After - Part 9
The purpose of The Power of Purity Podcast concerns the topic of human sexuality. What does it mean for us to experience and practice our sexual gift in a healthy way? What does it mean for us to practice our sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? The answer to these questions, at least in part, concerns the context of relationship. The reason for this is because our sexual gift is intended to be expressed and experienced within the context of a healthy relationship. Said another way, it's a healthy relationship that creates the context for healthy sexuality, and because of that we need to do everything we can do to make our relationship as healthy as it can possibly be. In this series Tony shares the single most important principal necessary for successful relationship. This principle is so important that it's absolutely non-negotiable. If people do not understand this principle, and submit to this principle, and practice this principle, and cooperate with this principle, their ability to experience successful relationship will be seriously hindered, compromised, and sabotaged. In the same way a roofer must understand the reality of gravity, and function within the parameters of that reality, people in relationship must understand this non-negotiable relational principle. If a roofer violates the reality of gravity, he can be seriously harmed for such a violation, because he might fall off a roof and be seriously injured. And in much the same way, if people in relationship violate the non-negotiable relational principle that Tony's discusses in this series, their relationship will likely be seriously harmed. The content of this series can be a steppingstone toward healthier relationship, and healthier relationship can be a steppingstone toward healthier sex. Welcome to... Happily Ever After! Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21 Differentiation means that everybody get to be different. I get to be me, and you get to be you!
27.9.2022 • 42 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
POP 326 - Happily Ever After - Part 8
The purpose of The Power of Purity Podcast concerns the topic of human sexuality. What does it mean for us to experience and practice our sexual gift in a healthy way? What does it mean for us to practice our sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? The answer to these questions, at least in part, concerns the context of relationship. The reason for this is because our sexual gift is intended to be expressed and experienced within the context of a healthy relationship. Said another way, it's a healthy relationship that creates the context for healthy sexuality, and because of that we need to do everything we can do to make our relationship as healthy as it can possibly be. In this series Tony shares the single most important principal necessary for successful relationship. This principle is so important that it's absolutely non-negotiable. If people do not understand this principle, and submit to this principle, and practice this principle, and cooperate with this principle, their ability to experience successful relationship will be seriously hindered, compromised, and sabotaged. In the same way a roofer must understand the reality of gravity, and function within the parameters of that reality, people in relationship must understand this non-negotiable relational principle. If a roofer violates the reality of gravity, he can be seriously harmed for such a violation, because he might fall off a roof and be seriously injured. And in much the same way, if people in relationship violate the non-negotiable relational principle that Tony's discusses in this series, their relationship will likely be seriously harmed. The content of this series can be a steppingstone toward healthier relationship, and healthier relationship can be a steppingstone toward healthier sex. Welcome to... Happily Ever After! Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21 Differentiation means that everybody get to be different. I get to be me, and you get to be you!
20.9.2022 • 47 Protokoll, 5 Sekunden
POP 325 - Happily Ever After - Part 7
The purpose of The Power of Purity Podcast concerns the topic of human sexuality. What does it mean for us to experience and practice our sexual gift in a healthy way? What does it mean for us to practice our sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? The answer to these questions, at least in part, concerns the context of relationship. The reason for this is because our sexual gift is intended to be expressed and experienced within the context of a healthy relationship. Said another way, it's a healthy relationship that creates the context for healthy sexuality, and because of that we need to do everything we can do to make our relationship as healthy as it can possibly be. In this series Tony shares the single most important principal necessary for successful relationship. This principle is so important that it's absolutely non-negotiable. If people do not understand this principle, and submit to this principle, and practice this principle, and cooperate with this principle, their ability to experience successful relationship will be seriously hindered, compromised, and sabotaged. In the same way a roofer must understand the reality of gravity, and function within the parameters of that reality, people in relationship must understand this non-negotiable relational principle. If a roofer violates the reality of gravity, he can be seriously harmed for such a violation, because he might fall off a roof and be seriously injured. And in much the same way, if people in relationship violate the non-negotiable relational principle that Tony's discusses in this series, their relationship will likely be seriously harmed. The content of this series can be a steppingstone toward healthier relationship, and healthier relationship can be a steppingstone toward healthier sex. Welcome to... Happily Ever After! Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21 Differentiation means that everybody get to be different. I get to be me, and you get to be you!
13.9.2022 • 41 Protokoll, 12 Sekunden
POP 324 - Happily Ever After - Part 6
The purpose of The Power of Purity Podcast concerns the topic of human sexuality. What does it mean for us to experience and practice our sexual gift in a healthy way? What does it mean for us to practice our sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? The answer to these questions, at least in part, concerns the context of relationship. The reason for this is because our sexual gift is intended to be expressed and experienced within the context of a healthy relationship. Said another way, it's a healthy relationship that creates the context for healthy sexuality, and because of that we need to do everything we can do to make our relationship as healthy as it can possibly be. In this series Tony shares the single most important principal necessary for successful relationship. This principle is so important that it's absolutely non-negotiable. If people do not understand this principle, and submit to this principle, and practice this principle, and cooperate with this principle, their ability to experience successful relationship will be seriously hindered, compromised, and sabotaged. In the same way a roofer must understand the reality of gravity, and function within the parameters of that reality, people in relationship must understand this non-negotiable relational principle. If a roofer violates the reality of gravity, he can be seriously harmed for such a violation, because he might fall off a roof and be seriously injured. And in much the same way, if people in relationship violate the non-negotiable relational principle that Tony's discusses in this series, their relationship will likely be seriously harmed. The content of this series can be a steppingstone toward healthier relationship, and healthier relationship can be a steppingstone toward healthier sex. Welcome to... Happily Ever After! Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21 Differentiation means that everybody get to be different. I get to be me, and you get to be you!
6.9.2022 • 42 Protokoll, 10 Sekunden
POP 323 - Happily Ever After - Part 5
The purpose of The Power of Purity Podcast concerns the topic of human sexuality. What does it mean for us to experience and practice our sexual gift in a healthy way? What does it mean for us to practice our sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? The answer to these questions, at least in part, concerns the context of relationship. The reason for this is because our sexual gift is intended to be expressed and experienced within the context of a healthy relationship. Said another way, it's a healthy relationship that creates the context for healthy sexuality, and because of that we need to do everything we can do to make our relationship as healthy as it can possibly be. In this series Tony shares the single most important principal necessary for successful relationship. This principle is so important that it's absolutely non-negotiable. If people do not understand this principle, and submit to this principle, and practice this principle, and cooperate with this principle, their ability to experience successful relationship will be seriously hindered, compromised, and sabotaged. In the same way a roofer must understand the reality of gravity, and function within the parameters of that reality, people in relationship must understand this non-negotiable relational principle. If a roofer violates the reality of gravity, he can be seriously harmed for such a violation, because he might fall off a roof and be seriously injured. And in much the same way, if people in relationship violate the non-negotiable relational principle that Tony's discusses in this series, their relationship will likely be seriously harmed. The content of this series can be a steppingstone toward healthier relationship, and healthier relationship can be a steppingstone toward healthier sex. Welcome to... Happily Ever After! Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21 Differentiation means that everybody get to be different. I get to be me, and you get to be you!
30.8.2022 • 48 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
POP 322 - Happily Ever After - Part 4
The purpose of The Power of Purity Podcast concerns the topic of human sexuality. What does it mean for us to experience and practice our sexual gift in a healthy way? What does it mean for us to practice our sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? The answer to these questions, at least in part, concerns the context of relationship. The reason for this is because our sexual gift is intended to be expressed and experienced within the context of a healthy relationship. Said another way, it's a healthy relationship that creates the context for healthy sexuality, and because of that we need to do everything we can do to make our relationship as healthy as it can possibly be. In this series Tony shares the single most important principal necessary for successful relationship. This principle is so important that it's absolutely non-negotiable. If people do not understand this principle, and submit to this principle, and practice this principle, and cooperate with this principle, their ability to experience successful relationship will be seriously hindered, compromised, and sabotaged. In the same way a roofer must understand the reality of gravity, and function within the parameters of that reality, people in relationship must understand this non-negotiable relational principle. If a roofer violates the reality of gravity, he can be seriously harmed for such a violation, because he might fall off a roof and be seriously injured. And in much the same way, if people in relationship violate the non-negotiable relational principle that Tony's discusses in this series, their relationship will likely be seriously harmed. The content of this series can be a steppingstone toward healthier relationship, and healthier relationship can be a steppingstone toward healthier sex. Welcome to... Happily Ever After! Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21 Differentiation means that everybody get to be different. I get to be me, and you get to be you!
23.8.2022 • 36 Protokoll, 30 Sekunden
POP 321 - Happily Ever After - Part 3
The purpose of The Power of Purity Podcast concerns the topic of human sexuality. What does it mean for us to experience and practice our sexual gift in a healthy way? What does it mean for us to practice our sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? The answer to these questions, at least in part, concerns the context of relationship. The reason for this is because our sexual gift is intended to be expressed and experienced within the context of a healthy relationship. Said another way, it's a healthy relationship that creates the context for healthy sexuality, and because of that we need to do everything we can do to make our relationship as healthy as it can possibly be. In this series Tony shares the single most important principal necessary for successful relationship. This principle is so important that it's absolutely non-negotiable. If people do not understand this principle, and submit to this principle, and practice this principle, and cooperate with this principle, their ability to experience successful relationship will be seriously hindered, compromised, and sabotaged. In the same way a roofer must understand the reality of gravity, and function within the parameters of that reality, people in relationship must understand this non-negotiable relational principle. If a roofer violates the reality of gravity, he can be seriously harmed for such a violation, because he might fall off a roof and be seriously injured. And in much the same way, if people in relationship violate the non-negotiable relational principle that Tony's discusses in this series, their relationship will likely be seriously harmed. The content of this series can be a steppingstone toward healthier relationship, and healthier relationship can be a steppingstone toward healthier sex. Welcome to... Happily Ever After! Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21 Differentiation means that everybody get to be different. I get to be me, and you get to be you!
16.8.2022 • 42 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
POP 320 - Happily Ever After - Part 2
The purpose of The Power of Purity Podcast concerns the topic of human sexuality. What does it mean for us to experience and practice our sexual gift in a healthy way? What does it mean for us to practice our sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? The answer to these questions, at least in part, concerns the context of relationship. The reason for this is because our sexual gift is intended to be expressed and experienced within the context of a healthy relationship. Said another way, it's a healthy relationship that creates the context for healthy sexuality, and because of that we need to do everything we can do to make our relationship as healthy as it can possibly be. In this series Tony shares the single most important principal necessary for successful relationship. This principle is so important that it's absolutely non-negotiable. If people do not understand this principle, and submit to this principle, and practice this principle, and cooperate with this principle, their ability to experience successful relationship will be seriously hindered, compromised, and sabotaged. In the same way a roofer must understand the reality of gravity, and function within the parameters of that reality, people in relationship must understand this non-negotiable relational principle. If a roofer violates the reality of gravity, he can be seriously harmed for such a violation, because he might fall off a roof and be seriously injured. And in much the same way, if people in relationship violate the non-negotiable relational principle that Tony's discusses in this series, their relationship will likely be seriously harmed. The content of this series can be a steppingstone toward healthier relationship, and healthier relationship can be a steppingstone toward healthier sex. Welcome to... Happily Ever After! Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21 Differentiation means that everybody get to be different. I get to be me, and you get to be you!
9.8.2022 • 42 Protokoll, 5 Sekunden
POP 319 - Happily Ever After - Part 1
The purpose of The Power of Purity Podcast concerns the topic of human sexuality. What does it mean for us to experience and practice our sexual gift in a healthy way? What does it mean for us to practice our sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? The answer to these questions, at least in part, concerns the context of relationship. The reason for this is because our sexual gift is intended to be expressed and experienced within the context of a healthy relationship. Said another way, it's a healthy relationship that creates the context for healthy sexuality, and because of that we need to do everything we can do to make our relationship as healthy as it can possibly be. In this series Tony shares the single most important principal necessary for successful relationship. This principle is so important that it's absolutely non-negotiable. If people do not understand this principle, and submit to this principle, and practice this principle, and cooperate with this principle, their ability to experience successful relationship will be seriously hindered, compromised, and sabotaged. In the same way a roofer must understand the reality of gravity, and function within the parameters of that reality, people in relationship must understand this non-negotiable relational principle. If a roofer violates the reality of gravity, he can be seriously harmed for such a violation, because he might fall off a roof and be seriously injured. And in much the same way, if people in relationship violate the non-negotiable relational principle that Tony's discusses in this series, their relationship will likely be seriously harmed. The content of this series can be a steppingstone toward healthier relationship, and healthier relationship can be a steppingstone toward healthier sex. Welcome to... Happily Ever After! Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40 Differentiation means that everybody get to be different. I get to be me, and you get to be you!
2.8.2022 • 46 Protokoll, 3 Sekunden
POP 318 - Kris Bishop Revisited - Part 3
Kris Bishop is a good man with a good heart. Although Kris became a Christian when he was a child, and he had a calling on his life to go into the ministry, and he preached his first sermon when he was in eight grade, he struggled deeply with an addiction to pornography for many years. Kris thought that when he got married his problem with pornography would finally go away, but that didn't happen, and in fact his struggle with porn followed him into his marriage. His wife, Jamie, caught him acting out many different times over the years, and each time her heart was deeply broken. Over the years that followed she became more and more discouraged at Kris's inability to change. Jamie struggled deeply with thoughts and feelings that something must be wrong with her because of her husband's problem with porn. The marriage slowly became defined by distance and disconnection, and Jamie eventually became involved in an affair with another man. When Kris finally learned of this affair, Jamie decided to leave him, and when she left it was the WAKE UP call that finally captured Kris's attention. He knew he had to change, or his marriage and family would be destroyed forever. This began the healing journey that Kris & Jamie have now been walking on for over the past 10 years. Their story is remarkable, and Kris has had an amazing level of success in his walk of purity for over 10 years now. Listen to this amazing story and be blessed. Welcome to... Kris Bishop Revisited - Part 3. The audio clip shared in this episdoe is from Ray Ortlund's book - The Death of Porn: Men of Integrity Building a World of Nobility
26.7.2022 • 38 Protokoll, 39 Sekunden
POP 317 - Kris Bishop Revisited - Part 2
Kris Bishop is a good man with a good heart. Although Kris became a Christian when he was a child, and he had a calling on his life to go into the ministry, and he preached his first sermon when he was in eight grade, he struggled deeply with an addiction to pornography for many years. Kris thought that when he got married his problem with pornography would finally go away, but that didn't happen, and in fact his struggle with porn followed him into his marriage. His wife, Jamie, caught him acting out many different times over the years, and each time her heart was deeply broken. Over the years that followed she became more and more discouraged at Kris's inability to change. Jamie struggled deeply with thoughts and feelings that something must be wrong with her because of her husband's problem with porn. The marriage slowly became defined by distance and disconnection, and Jamie eventually became involved in an affair with another man. When Kris finally learned of this affair, Jamie decided to leave him, and when she left it was the WAKE UP call that finally captured Kris's attention. He knew he had to change, or his marriage and family would be destroyed forever. This began the healing journey that Kris & Jamie have now been walking on for over the past 10 years. Their story is remarkable, and Kris has had an amazing level of success in his walk of purity for over 10 years now. Listen to this amazing story and be blessed. Welcome to... Kris Bishop Revisited - Part 1.
19.7.2022 • 33 Protokoll, 54 Sekunden
POP 316 - Kris Bishop Revisited - Part 1
Kris Bishop is a good man with a good heart. Although Kris became a Christian when he was a child, and he had a calling on his life to go into the ministry, and he preached his first sermon when he was in eight grade, he struggled deeply with an addiction to pornography for many years. Kris thought that when he got married his problem with pornography would finally go away, but that didn't happen, and in fact his struggle with porn followed him into his marriage. His wife, Jamie, caught him acting out many different times over the years, and each time her heart was deeply broken. Over the years that followed she became more and more discouraged at Kris's inability to change. Jamie struggled deeply with thoughts and feelings that something must be wrong with her because of her husband's problem with porn. The marriage slowly became defined by distance and disconnection, and Jamie eventually became involved in an affair with another man. When Kris finally learned of this affair, Jamie decided to leave him, and when she left it was the WAKE UP call that finally captured Kris's attention. He knew he had to change, or his marriage and family would be destroyed forever. This began the healing journey that Kris & Jamie have now been walking on for over the past 10 years. Their story is remarkable, and Kris has had an amazing level of success in his walk of purity for over 10 years now. Listen to this amazing story and be blessed. Welcome to... Kris Bishop Revisited - Part 1.
12.7.2022 • 29 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
POP 315 - God Has An Opinion About Sex - Part 3
God is the one who invented sex. It was his idea. He's the one who thought of it... and created it! God is the one who conceived the idea that both the man and the woman together would reflect the image of God. He created them male and female. He created the male penis... and the female vagina and clitoris. He created testosterone and estrogen. He created the penis with the ability to get an erection... and the vagina with the ability to lubricate. He invented the sperm... and the egg. And he placed 4,000 nerve endings at the tip of the penis... and 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris. God's idea was amazing and brilliant! And since God is the one who invented sex... God also has an opinion about sex. The manufacturer of a product is always the one who knows best how that product should and should not be used... because he's the one who conceived of the product... and designed the product. In view of this... God knows best how sex should and should not be used by human beings... and God has revealed his heart... mind... and will concerning sex to us in the instruction book he's given us... the Holy Bible! In this series Tony shares 4 important principles that help us to understand God's opinion about sex.
5.7.2022 • 45 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
POP 314 - God Has An Opinion About Sex - Part 2
God is the one who invented sex. It was his idea. He's the one who thought of it... and created it! God is the one who conceived the idea that both the man and the woman together would reflect the image of God. He created them male and female. He created the male penis... and the female vagina and clitoris. He created testosterone and estrogen. He created the penis with the ability to get an erection... and the vagina with the ability to lubricate. He invented the sperm... and the egg. And he placed 4,000 nerve endings at the tip of the penis... and 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris. God's idea was amazing and brilliant! And since God is the one who invented sex... God also has an opinion about sex. The manufacturer of a product is always the one who knows best how that product should and should not be used... because he's the one who conceived of the product... and designed the product. In view of this... God knows best how sex should and should not be used by human beings... and God has revealed his heart... mind... and will concerning sex to us in the instruction book he's given us... the Holy Bible! In this series Tony shares 4 important principles that help us to understand God's opinion about sex.
28.6.2022 • 30 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
POP 313 - God Has An Opinion About Sex - Part 1
God is the one who invented sex. It was his idea. He's the one who thought of it... and created it! God is the one who conceived the idea that both the man and the woman together would reflect the image of God. He created them male and female. He created the male penis... and the female vagina and clitoris. He created testosterone and estrogen. He created the penis with the ability to get an erection... and the vagina with the ability to lubricate. He invented the sperm... and the egg. And he placed 4,000 nerve endings at the tip of the penis... and 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris. God's idea was amazing and brilliant! And since God is the one who invented sex... God also has an opinion about sex. The manufacturer of a product is always the one who knows best how that product should and should not be used... because he's the one who conceived of the product... and designed the product. In view of this... God knows best how sex should and should not be used by human beings... and God has revealed his heart... mind... and will concerning sex to us in the instruction book he's given us... the Holy Bible! In this series Tony shares 4 important principles that help us to understand God's opinion about sex.
21.6.2022 • 29 Protokoll, 16 Sekunden
POP 312 - The Moment of Temptation - Part 4
In this series of episodes - The Moment of Temptation - Tony answers a letter he recieved from a 28 year old listener of the podcast. The letter said the following: I would like to say thank you for your podcast! It has been highly influential in my journey towards sexual freedom and bringing my sexuality under the authority of Christ. I am seeking to completely break the stronghold of masturbation in my life. I tend to go several months without doing it and feel really good in my journey and them “BAM” comes the temptation and I fall. I am currently 28 and searching for a godly wife. For whatever reason, God in his providence has not provided that woman yet. Do you have any tips for me in the moment of temptation? What can I do to stand strong when assaults from my flesh and the enemy come crashing in? God bless you in this difficult season of life. You are an encouragement and inspiration many men! Look forward to hearing from you soon. Tony responds to this letter by sharing 4 different insights and suggestions that will help men to manage the "BAM"... which is... The Moment of Temptation!
14.6.2022 • 32 Protokoll, 50 Sekunden
POP 311 - The Moment of Temptation - Part 3
In this series of episodes - The Moment of Temptation - Tony answers a letter he recieved from a 28 year old listener of the podcast. The letter said the following: I would like to say thank you for your podcast! It has been highly influential in my journey towards sexual freedom and bringing my sexuality under the authority of Christ. I am seeking to completely break the stronghold of masturbation in my life. I tend to go several months without doing it and feel really good in my journey and them “BAM” comes the temptation and I fall. I am currently 28 and searching for a godly wife. For whatever reason, God in his providence has not provided that woman yet. Do you have any tips for me in the moment of temptation? What can I do to stand strong when assaults from my flesh and the enemy come crashing in? God bless you in this difficult season of life. You are an encouragement and inspiration many men! Look forward to hearing from you soon. Tony responds to this letter by sharing 4 different insights and suggestions that will help men to manage the "BAM"... which is... The Moment of Temptation!
7.6.2022 • 33 Protokoll, 2 Sekunden
POP 310 - The Moment of Temptation - Part 2
In this series of episodes - The Moment of Temptation - Tony answers a letter he recieved from a 28 year old listener of the podcast. The letter said the following: I would like to say thank you for your podcast! It has been highly influential in my journey towards sexual freedom and bringing my sexuality under the authority of Christ. I am seeking to completely break the stronghold of masturbation in my life. I tend to go several months without doing it and feel really good in my journey and them “BAM” comes the temptation and I fall. I am currently 28 and searching for a godly wife. For whatever reason, God in his providence has not provided that woman yet. Do you have any tips for me in the moment of temptation? What can I do to stand strong when assaults from my flesh and the enemy come crashing in? God bless you in this difficult season of life. You are an encouragement and inspiration many men! Look forward to hearing from you soon. Tony responds to this letter by sharing 4 different insights and suggestions that will help men to manage the "BAM"... which is... The Moment of Temptation!
31.5.2022 • 27 Protokoll, 30 Sekunden
POP 309 - The Moment of Temptation - Part 1
In this series of episodes - The Moment of Temptation - Tony answers a letter he recieved from a 28 year old listener of the podcast. The letter said the following: I would like to say thank you for your podcast! It has been highly influential in my journey towards sexual freedom and bringing my sexuality under the authority of Christ. I am seeking to completely break the stronghold of masturbation in my life. I tend to go several months without doing it and feel really good in my journey and them “BAM” comes the temptation and I fall. I am currently 28 and searching for a godly wife. For whatever reason, God in his providence has not provided that woman yet. Do you have any tips for me in the moment of temptation? What can I do to stand strong when assaults from my flesh and the enemy come crashing in? God bless you in this difficult season of life. You are an encouragement and inspiration many men! Look forward to hearing from you soon. Tony responds to this letter by sharing 4 different insights and suggestions that will help men to manage the "BAM"... which is... The Moment of Temptation!
24.5.2022 • 34 Protokoll, 28 Sekunden
POP 308 - Holy Ghost Power - Part 4
As Christians we're called to do many things that are very hard to do... if not impossible. Things like... Forgiving others Forgiving ourselves Turning the other cheek Loving your enemies Esteeming others higher than myself Sacrificially serving Trusting God when I don’t understand Being non-judgmental Walking the narrow path Resisting the urges and passions of the flesh... and being a man of sexual purity! In the same way an appliance has to be plugged in before it can "work"... the Christian has to be plugged into the Holy Spirit... the divine "power source"... in order to be the person God is calling them to be. If we're ever going to be men of purity... and if we're ever going to manage the urges and passions of the flesh... we absoulutely must have the power of the Holy Spirit. It's non-negotiable. In this series Tony shares 3 amazing things that Jesus said about the Holy Spirit... and then 5 practical principles on how to "plug in"... and translate Holy Ghost power into our lives. In this episode Tony shares Priniciple 5 of Holy Ghost Power! But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8
17.5.2022 • 38 Protokoll, 59 Sekunden
POP 307 - Holy Ghost Power - Part 3
As Christians we're called to do many things that are very hard to do... if not impossible. Things like... Forgiving others Forgiving ourselves Turning the other cheek Loving your enemies Esteeming others higher than myself Sacrificially serving Trusting God when I don’t understand Being non-judgmental Walking the narrow path Resisting the urges and passions of the flesh... and being a man of sexual purity! In the same way an appliance has to be plugged in before it can "work"... the Christian has to be plugged into the Holy Spirit... the divine "power source"... in order to be the person God is calling them to be. If we're ever going to be men of purity... and if we're ever going to manage the urges and passions of the flesh... we absoulutely must have the power of the Holy Spirit. It's non-negotiable. In this series Tony shares 3 amazing things that Jesus said about the Holy Spirit... and then 5 practical principles on how to "plug in"... and translate Holy Ghost power into our lives. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8
10.5.2022 • 26 Protokoll, 55 Sekunden
POP 306 - Holy Ghost Power - Part 2
As Christians we're called to do many things that are very hard to do... if not impossible. Things like... Forgiving others Forgiving ourselves Turning the other cheek Loving your enemies Esteeming others higher than myself Sacrificially serving Trusting God when I don’t understand Being non-judgmental Walking the narrow path Resisting the urges and passions of the flesh... and being a man of sexual purity! In the same way an appliance has to be plugged in before it can "work"... the Christian has to be plugged into the Holy Spirit... the divine "power source"... in order to be the person God is calling them to be. If we're ever going to be men of purity... and if we're ever going to manage the urges and passions of the flesh... we absoulutely must have the power of the Holy Spirit. It's non-negotiable. In this series Tony shares 3 amazing things that Jesus said about the Holy Spirit... and then 5 practical principles on how to "plug in"... and translate Holy Ghost power into our lives. In this episode - # 306 - Tony shares the gospel... and how we become the temple of the Holy Spirit when we accept Christ as our personal Savior. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8
3.5.2022 • 32 Protokoll, 46 Sekunden
POP 305 - Holy Ghost Power - Part 1
As Christians we're called to do many things that are very hard to do... if not impossible. Things like... Forgiving others Forgiving ourselves Turning the other cheek Loving your enemies Esteeming others higher than myself Sacrificially serving Trusting God when I don’t understand Being non-judgmental Walking the narrow path Resisting the urges and passions of the flesh... and being a man of sexual purity! In the same way an appliance has to be plugged in before it can "work"... the Christian has to be plugged into the Holy Spirit... the divine "power source"... in order to be the person God is calling them to be. If we're ever going to be men of purity... and if we're ever going to manage the urges and passions of the flesh... we absoulutely must have the power of the Holy Spirit. It's non-negotiable. In this series Tony shares 3 amazing things that Jesus said about the Holy Spirit... and then 5 practical principles on how to "plug in"... and translate Holy Ghost power into our lives. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8
26.4.2022 • 27 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
POP 304 - Tony vs Tony - Part 2
The Christian life is a battle! There's spiritual warfare! We have to fight against the devil... who is the enemy of our soul... who is attempting to steal... kill... and destroy. And sometimes we have to fight agains human enemies who are poised against us in hurtful and destructive ways. Moses had a conflict with Pharaoh. David had to fight Goliath. King Nebuchadnezzar threw Daniel in the lions den. Gideon had to fight the Midianites. Samson had to fight the Philistines. But what do you do when the enemy you're facing is YOU? What do you do when you're in a fight with yourself? What do you do when you're the one sabotaging your own forward progress in God's Kingdom? Sometimes we can we our own worst enemy... and in this series Tony talks about what it's like to be in a fight with Tony... and how we can find victory in God... even when we're fighting against ourself! What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God - through Jesus Christ our Lord! Romans 7:24-25
19.4.2022 • 35 Protokoll, 42 Sekunden
POP 303 - Tony vs Tony - Part 1
The Christian life is a battle! There's spiritual warfare! We have to fight against the devil... who is the enemy of our soul... who is attempting to steal... kill... and destroy. And sometimes we have to fight agains human enemies who are poised against us in hurtful and destructive ways. Moses had a conflict with Pharaoh. David had to fight Goliath. King Nebuchadnezzar threw Daniel in the lions den. Gideon had to fight the Midianites. Samson had to fight the Philistines. But what do you do when the enemy you're facing is YOU? What do you do when you're in a fight with yourself? What do you do when you're the one savbataging your own forward progress in God's Kingdom? Sometimes we can we our own worst enemy... and in this series Tony talks about what it's like to be in a fight with Tony... and how we can find victory in God... even when we're fighting against ourself! What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God - through Jesus Christ our Lord! Romans 7:24-25
12.4.2022 • 34 Protokoll, 13 Sekunden
POP 302 - Wisdom From The Grave - Part 3
Tony's mother... Mary Ingrassia... passed away a year and a half ago... and this series of The Power of Purity Podcast... Wisdom From The Grave... is presented in honor of her. Mary loved the Lord... she was a deeply devoted Christian... and she was a serious student of the bible. She spent many years doing her personal bible studies... including Beth Moore studies... Bible Study Fellowship... and Precepts bible studies. When Mary went to heaven... she left behind stacks of her bible studies and workbooks... and Tony's sisters ended up with these treasures. Recently... Tony's sister sent out a few pages from one of Mary's bible studies... that was entitled... 4 Musts To Live Successfully. When Tony recieved these bible study notes from his mother's past... it was a tremendous encouaragement to him... and perfect timing... as he's been struggling through the most difficult year of his entire life. In this series of episodes... Tony applies these 4 principles of success to a man's walk of purity... and in this episode Tony shares the fourth principle. I miss you mom... and I love you with all my heart! From Tony
5.4.2022 • 33 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
POP 301 - Wisdom From The Grave - Part 2
Tony's mother... Mary Ingrassia... passed away a year and a half ago... and this series of The Power of Purity Podcast... Wisdom From The Grave... is presented in honor of her. Mary loved the Lord... she was a deeply devoted Christian... and she was a serious student of the bible. She spent many years doing her personal bible studies... including Beth Moore studies... Bible Study Fellowship... and Precepts bible studies. When Mary went to heaven... she left behind stacks of her bible studies and workbooks... and Tony's sisters ended up with these treasures. Recently... Tony's sister sent out a few pages from one of Mary's bible studies... that was entitled... 4 Musts To Live Successfully. When Tony recieved these bible study notes from his mother's past... it was a tremendous encouaragement to him... and perfect timing... as he's been struggling through the most difficult year of his entire life. In this series of episodes... Tony applies these 4 principles of success to a man's walk of purity... and in this episode Tony shares the second and third principles. I miss you mom... and I love you with all my heart! From Tony
29.3.2022 • 29 Protokoll, 3 Sekunden
POP 300 - Wisdom From The Grave - Part 1
Tony's mother... Mary Ingrassia... passed away a year and a half ago... and this 300th episode of The Power of Purity Podcast is presented in honor of her. Mary loved the Lord... she was a deeply devoted Christian... and she was a serious student of the bible. She spent many years doing her personal bible studies... including Beth Moore studies... Bible Study Fellowship... and Precepts bible studies. When Mary went to heaven... she left behind stacks of her bible studies and workbooks... and Tony's sisters ended up with these treasures. Recently... Tony's sister sent out a few pages from one of Mary's bible studies... that was entitled... 4 Musts To Live Successfully. When Tony recieved these bible study notes from his mother's past... it was a tremendous encouaragement to him... and perfect timing... as he's been struggling through the most difficult year of his entire life. In this series of episodes... Tony applies these 4 principles of success to a man's walk of purity... and in this episode Tony shares the first principle that's absolutey necessary if you're going to live successfully. I miss you mom... and I love you with all my heart! From Tony
22.3.2022 • 43 Protokoll, 30 Sekunden
POP 299 - What Does A Wife Do If She Thinks Her Husband Is Going To Act Out... AGAIN!
Sometimes husbands act out sexually... apart from their wife... in the context of their marriage. For many men the default mechanism for acting out is internet porn and masturbation. But many men then escalate to other acting out behaviors... including cyber sex... strip clubs... massage with a "happy ending"... prostitutes... and affairs. When a man is caught acting out in any of these ways... his wife is typically very hurt... trust is broken... and it's the equivalent of an emotional and relational atomic bomb exploding in the middle of the marriage. This can then create a profound insecurity within the wife... and she often feels like she's living on a "trap door"... wondering if she'll ever be able to trust her husband again... and wondering if he's going to do it again. In this episode Tony talks the important distinction between "demand" versus "appeal"... and what a wife can do... if she's afraid her husband is going to do it... AGAIN!
15.3.2022 • 31 Protokoll, 2 Sekunden
POP 298 - Price vs Commodity - Part 5
Would you be shocked if you found out that Tony Ingrassia... the Founder and Director of The Power of Purity... is not beyond temptation? In this series Tony talks about a temptation he's been struggling with in the recent past... as he's found himself being tempted toward some forbidden fruit. The temptation says... "Tap... Tap... Tap" on Tony's shoulder. Tony looks at the temptation... and says... "Get away from me. Tony... you know you can't do that." The temptation comes back and says... "Tap... Tap... Tap"on Tony's shoulder. Tony looks at the temptation... and says... "Will you please get away from me. Tony... you know you can't do that." And on... and on... it goes. Apparently these temptations don't always give up easily. This temptation was messing with Tony's head enough... that he finally sat down and wrote out a list of 8 reasons... just to remind himself... why he cannot go for this temptation. In this series... Tony shares the 8 reasons that have empowered him to escape this temptation. If you can relate to being tempted to do something that you know God does not want you to do... this series is for you. Welcome to... Price vs Commodity! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. I Corinthians 10:13 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Galatians 6:7
8.3.2022 • 41 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
POP 297 - Price vs Commodity - Part 4
Would you be shocked if you found out that Tony Ingrassia... the Founder and Director of The Power of Purity... is not beyond temptation? In this series Tony talks about a temptation he's been struggling with in the recent past... as he's found himself being tempted toward some forbidden fruit. The temptation says... "Tap... Tap... Tap" on Tony's shoulder. Tony looks at the temptation... and says... "Get away from me. Tony... you know you can't do that." The temptation comes back and says... "Tap... Tap... Tap"on Tony's shoulder. Tony looks at the temptation... and says... "Will you please get away from me. Tony... you know you can't do that." And on... and on... it goes. Apparently these temptations don't always give up easily. This temptation was messing with Tony's head enough... that he finally sat down and wrote out a list of 8 reasons... just to remind himself... why he cannot go for this temptation. In this series... Tony shares the 8 reasons that have empowered him to escape this temptation. If you can relate to being tempted to do something that you know God does not want you to do... this series is for you. Welcome to... Price vs Commodity! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. I Corinthians 10:13 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Galatians 6:7
1.3.2022 • 30 Protokoll, 8 Sekunden
POP 296 - Price vs Commodity - Part 3
Would you be shocked if you found out that Tony Ingrassia... the Founder and Director of The Power of Purity... is not beyond temptation? In this series Tony talks about a temptation he's been struggling with in the recent past... as he's found himself being tempted toward some forbidden fruit. The temptation says... "Tap... Tap... Tap" on Tony's shoulder. Tony looks at the temptation... and says... "Get away from me. Tony... you know you can't do that." The temptation comes back and says... "Tap... Tap... Tap"on Tony's shoulder. Tony looks at the temptation... and says... "Will you please get away from me. Tony... you know you can't do that." And on... and on... it goes. Apparently these temptations don't always give up easily. This temptation was messing with Tony's head enough... that he finally sat down and wrote out a list of 8 reasons... just to remind himself... why he cannot go for this temptation. In this series... Tony shares the 8 reasons that have empowered him to escape this temptation. If you can relate to being tempted to do something that you know God does not want you to do... this series is for you. Welcome to... Price vs Commodity! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. I Corinthians 10:13 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Galatians 6:7 TONY SHARES A VERY EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT IN THIS EPISODE. THERE IS NOW A POWER OF PURITY INTERCESSORY PRAYER TEAM. YOU ARE WELCOME TO SEND IN YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS... AND THEY WILL BE PRAYED FOR!
22.2.2022 • 43 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
POP 295 - Price vs Commodity - Part 2
Would you be shocked if you found out that Tony Ingrassia... the Founder and Director of The Power of Purity... is not beyond temptation? In this series Tony talks about a temptation he's been struggling with in the recent past... as he's found himself being tempted toward some forbidden fruit. The temptation says... "Tap... Tap... Tap" on Tony's shoulder. Tony looks at the temptation... and says... "Get away from me. Tony... you know you can't do that." The temptation comes back and says... "Tap... Tap... Tap"on Tony's shoulder. Tony looks at the temptation... and says... "Will you please get away from me. Tony... you know you can't do that." And on... and on... it goes. Apparently these temptations don't always give up easily. This temptation was messing with Tony's head enough... that he finally sat down and wrote out a list of 8 reasons... just to remind himself... why he cannot go for this temptation. In this series... Tony shares the 8 reasons that have empowered him to escape this temptation. If you can relate to being tempted to do something that you know God does not want you to do... this series is for you. Welcome to... Price vs Commodity! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. I Corinthians 10:13 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Galatians 6:7
15.2.2022 • 34 Protokoll, 9 Sekunden
POP 294 - Price vs Commodity - Part 1
Would you be shocked if you found out that Tony Ingrassia... the Founder and Director of The Power of Purity... is not beyond temptation? In this series Tony talks about a temptation he's been struggling with in the recent past... as he's found himself being tempted toward some forbidden fruit. The temptation says... "Tap... Tap... Tap" on Tony's shoulder. Tony looks at the temptation... and says... "Get away from me. Tony... you know you can't do that." The temptation comes back and says... "Tap... Tap... Tap" on Tony's shoulder. Tony looks at the temptation... and says... "Will you please get away from me. Tony... you know you can't do that." And on... and on... it goes. Apparently these temptations don't always give up easily. This temptation was messing with Tony's head enough... that he finally sat down and wrote out a list of 8 reasons... just to remind himself... why he cannot go for this temptation. In this series... Tony shares the 8 reasons that have empowered him to escape this temptation. If you can relate to being tempted to do something that you know God does not want you to do... this series is for you. Welcome to... Price vs Commodity! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. I Corinthians 10:13 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Galatians 6:7
8.2.2022 • 33 Protokoll, 7 Sekunden
POP 293 - A Theology of Suffering - Part 4
In this series Tony speaks to one of the most difficult subjects in all of our lives... SUFFERING! Suffering is a topic that confuses many people about God... and a topic that makes many people angry at God. It's a topic that makes many people stop believing in God. Why does God allow suffering? How can God be a God of love... and allow all the suffering in the world? How can God be a God of love... and allow innocent children to suffer? It seems that for many people... the topics of God and suffering are mutually exclusive... as if they believe that if one of them exists... the other should not. So what do we do with our pain and suffering? How can we make sense of both God and suffering in our lives at the same time? In this series Tony develops what he calls... A Theology of Suffering... and shares 6 principles that create a template that will inform our understanding of the suffering in our lives. The first two principles are really BAD NEWS. But it's the BAD NEWS that makes the GOOD NEWS really GOOD NEWS. The last four principles will help us to reconcile our faith in God... while living in a very wounded... broken.. and fallen world. Welcome to A Theology of Suffering. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Romans 8:22 Note - Several of the ideas shared in this episode reflect the teachings of Dr. Jordan Peterson on the topic of suffering... such as the idea that meaning is the antidote to suffering.
1.2.2022 • 45 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
POP 292 - A Theology of Suffering - Part 3
In this series Tony speaks to one of the most difficult subjects in all of our lives... SUFFERING! Suffering is a topic that confuses many people about God... and a topic that makes many people angry at God. It's a topic that makes many people stop believing in God. Why does God allow suffering? How can God be a God of love... and allow all the suffering in the world? How can God be a God of love... and allow innocent children to suffer? It seems that for many people... the topics of God and suffering are mutually exclusive... as if they believe that if one of them exists... the other should not. So what do we do with our pain and suffering? How can we make sense of both God and suffering in our lives at the same time? In this series Tony develops what he calls... A Theology of Suffering... and shares 6 principles that create a template that will inform our understanding of the suffering in our lives. The first two principles are really BAD NEWS. But it's the BAD NEWS that makes the GOOD NEWS really GOOD NEWS. The last four principles will help us to reconcile our faith in God... while living in a very wounded... broken.. and fallen world. Welcome to A Theology of Suffering. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Romans 8:22 Note - Several of the ideas shared in this episode reflect the teachings of Dr. Jordan Peterson on the topic of suffering... such as the idea that meaning is the antidote to suffering.
25.1.2022 • 36 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
POP 291 - A Theology of Suffering - Part 2
In this series Tony speaks to one of the most difficult subjects in all of our lives... SUFFERING! Suffering is a topic that confuses many people about God... and a topic that makes many people angry at God. It's a topic that makes many people stop believing in God. Why does God allow suffering? How can God be a God of love... and allow all the suffering in the world? How can God be a God of love... and allow innocent children to suffer? It seems that for many people... the topics of God and suffering are mutually exclusive... as if they believe that if one of them exists... the other should not. So what do we do with our pain and suffering? How can we make sense of both God and suffering in our lives at the same time? In this series Tony develops what he calls... A Theology of Suffering... and shares 6 principles that create a template that will inform our understanding of the suffering in our lives. The first two principles are really BAD NEWS. But it's the BAD NEWS that makes the GOOD NEWS really GOOD NEWS. The last four principles will help us to reconcile our faith in God... while living in a very wounded... broken.. and fallen world. Welcome to A Theology of Suffering. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Romans 8:22 Note - Several of the ideas shared in this episode reflect the teachings of Dr. Jordan Peterson on the topic of suffering... such as the idea that meaning is the antidote to suffering.
18.1.2022 • 31 Protokoll, 54 Sekunden
POP 290 - A Theology of Suffering - Part 1
In this series Tony speaks to one of the most difficult subjects in all of our lives... SUFFERING! Suffering is a topic that confuses many people about God... and a topic that makes many people angry at God. It's a topic that makes many people stop believing in God. Why does God allow suffering? How can God be a God of love... and allow all the suffering in the world? How can God be a God of love... and allow innocent children to suffer? It seems that for many people... the topics of God and suffering are mutually exclusive... as if they believe that if one of them exists... the other should not. So what do we do with our pain and suffering? How can we make sense of both God and suffering in our lives at the same time? In this series Tony develops what he calls... A Theology of Suffering... and shares 6 principles that create a template that will inform our understanding of the suffering in our lives. The first two principles are really BAD NEWS. But it's the BAD NEWS that makes the GOOD NEWS really GOOD NEWS. The last four principles will help us to reconcile our faith in God... while living in a very wounded... broken.. and fallen world. Welcome to A Theology of Suffering. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Romans 8:22 Note - Several of the ideas shared in this episode reflect the teachings of Dr. Jordan Peterson on the topic of suffering... such as the idea that meaning is the antidote to suffering.
11.1.2022 • 33 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
POP 289 - Psalms & Letters
For over the past four years... Tony has struggled with some profound challenges and difficulties in his personal life and family. During this time... Tony slowly began to develop a new spiritual discipline of bringing his heart... and his pain... to the Lord. He did this by writing his own Book of Psalms... which now contains... as of this day... 197 psalms. This has been an incredible blessing to Tony... as he's learning to yoke himself together with Jesus... to face the most difficult and overwhelming challenges of life. The Lord is always there... waiting for us. If you're a believer in Christ... you're a beloved son or daughter of God. God cares for you. God sees you. God is holding your heart... and your life... in his hands. God sees your tears. He is not indifferent toward you... or your situation. A very important question emerges for each and every person: What will I do with my pain? The old Tony learned to take his pain to sex... and to his orgasm... in the attempt to escape the pain... and in the attempt to anesthetize the pain. The new Tony is learning to take his pain to the Lord. In this episode Tony shares psalm 42... an psalm 195... from the Psalms of Tony. 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-29
4.1.2022 • 32 Protokoll, 19 Sekunden
Podcast 288 - DIVORCE
Hey guys! The last episode of The Power of Purity Podcast was posted 5 months ago. That was episode 287. Since then Tony has been on a sabbatical as he's been in personal counseling... and processing through the single most difficult and painful time period of his entire life. This has included his wife leaving him on July 6th, 2021... and her then subsequently filing for divorce. In this episode Tony shares some updates of this profoundly difficult journey... some lessons he's learned along the way... and how he hopes to continue to move forward from this difficult chapter in his life. What do we do with our pain and suffering when it seems unbearable? What do we do when life seems overwhelming and unmanageable? Is it possible to continue to be a man of purity... even when your life is shattered... and everything has changed? Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Psalm 23:4 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18 1 And God spoke all these words: 2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 3 “You shall have no other gods before me." Exodus 20:1-3 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. II Corinthians 4:16-18 At the end of this episode Tony shares an EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT! God bless you... and welcome to Episode 288 of The Power of Purity Podcast!
31.12.2021 • 1 Stunde, 23 Protokoll, 57 Sekunden
POP 287 - The Final Episode
This is episode 287 of The Power of Purity Podcast... and it's the FINAL EPISODE. Hey guys... In this episode I (Tony) share what's going on in my heart... my life... and my situation that has led me to record the FINAL EPISODE of the podcast at this time. If you've been following this podcast... I feel that I owe you an explanation... and I owe you complete honesty and transparency. You've let me into your heart and life... you've listened to me... and you've allowed me to be part of your journey. Thank you so much for this privilege... and it's something that I hold as sacred. I pray the podcast has been a blessing and an encouragement to you... and I pray it will continue to be a resource for you into the future... as you continue to move forward on your journey of purity. It has been my honor to be on this journey with you... and to serve you through this podcast. Please pray for me... as I continue to pray for you. Stay in the battle guys... it's worth it! 1 Some time later God tested He said to him, “Abraham!” “Here I am,” he replied. 2 Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” Genesis 22:1-2 24 Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 25 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Matthew 16:24-25 7 But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. 10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead. 12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:7-14 For I know the plansI have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
27.7.2021 • 28 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
POP 286 - The Way UP is DOWN
he Kingdom of God is upside down… inside out… backwards… and paradoxical! In the first part of this episode Tony shares a letter from a listener… and announces that the LIVE Pathway to Purity Intensive Workshop is officially scheduled for next month! Tony then shares an amazing and mysterious principal of God’s upside down Kingdom… the reality that GOD’S STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT IN OUR WEAKNESS! If you are struggling with your sexual gift in any way… If you are struggling with internet pornography… If you are acting out in violation of your confession of faith and your very own conscience… If you are being controlled by sex instead of controlling sex… There are two different ways to try to deal with this challenge: (1) GET STRONGER (Let’s see how far this gets you!) (2) GET WEAKER The way of God… and the way of His Kingdom is this… GOD’S STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT IN OUR WEAKNESS! 8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me.9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. II Corinthians 12:8-10
20.7.2021 • 33 Protokoll, 38 Sekunden
POP 285 - A Prayer Request
In this episode Tony shares about the fact that he is presently being chastened by God. Did you know that God "spanks" his kids? Sometimes when there's something in our heart and life that shouldn't be there... When there's something in our heart and life that's "ugly"... When there's something that we refuse to look at or deal with... God finally says... "That's enough!" The Lord isn't going to look the other way forever... and he's not going to let something remain that's not supposed to be there. When God "spanks" us... it's not because he hates us. It's not because he's mad at us. It's not because he wants to hurt us. IT'S BECAUSE HE LOVES US... and he want's his very best for us. It's because he's about the business of conforming us more an more to the image of his Son... Jesus. In this episode Tony talks about what it's like to be "spanked" by God... and he has a prayer request! Hebrews 12:5-13 Jeremiah 28:11-12 Lamentations 3:1-33 John 15:1-2 Take heart... for whom the loves... he chastens!
13.7.2021 • 30 Protokoll, 54 Sekunden
POP 284 - Tony's Listening & Validation Pledge To Sheri - Part 3
Tony & Sheri have been married for 37 years... and they are a living miracle... because they went to hell and back in the early years of their marriage! Over these years Tony & Sheri have been in and out of therapy together many different times... and the single longest period of therapy lasted for over 6 years straight. At this time Tony & Sheri are back in therapy again... as they seek to continue working on their marriage to make it stronger... and better... and healthier than it's ever been before. Tony believes it's a very good thing for therapists to go to therapy! During the course of the most recent work they've been doing together... one of Sheri's complaints is that Tony doesn't listen very good... and that Tony has a tendency to "listen to respond" instead of "listening to understand". As a result of this... Tony wrote a pledge to Sheri which he titled... Tony's Listening & Validation Pledge To Sheri In this series of episodes... Tony talks about this pledge... and what he's been learning about listening and validation. By the way... this topic is directly related to healthy sexuality in marriage... and if you listen to this series you'll discover some important insights that help us understand why better listening and better validation lead to to better sex!
6.7.2021 • 35 Protokoll, 53 Sekunden
POP 283 - Tony's Listening & Validation Pledge To Sheri - Part 2
Tony & Sheri have been married for 37 years... and they are a living miracle... because they went to hell and back in the early years of their marriage! Over these years Tony & Sheri have been in and out of therapy together many different times... and the single longest period of therapy lasted for over 6 years straight. At this time Tony & Sheri are back in therapy again... as they seek to continue working on their marriage to make it stronger... and better... and healthier than it's ever been before. Tony believes it's a very good thing for therapists to go to therapy! During the course of the most recent work they've been doing together... one of Sheri's complaints is that Tony doesn't listen very good... and that Tony has a tendency to "listen to respond" instead of "listening to understand". As a result of this... Tony wrote a pledge to Sheri which he titled... Tony's Listening & Validation Pledge To Sheri In this series of episodes... Tony talks about this pledge... and what he's been learning about listening and validation. By the way... this topic is directly related to healthy sexuality in marriage... and if you listen to this series you'll discover some important insights that help us understand why better listening and better validation lead to to better sex!
29.6.2021 • 31 Protokoll, 7 Sekunden
POP 282 - Tony's Listening & Validation Pledge To Sheri - Part 1
Tony & Sheri have been married for 37 years... and they are a living miracle... because they went to hell and back in the early years of their marriage! Over these years Tony & Sheri have been in and out of therapy together many different times... and the single longest period of therapy lasted for over 6 years straight. At this time Tony & Sheri are back in therapy again... as they seek to continue working on their marriage to make it stronger... and better... and healthier than it's ever been before. Tony believes it's a very good thing for therapists to go to therapy! During the course of the most recent work they've been doing together... one of Sheri's complaints is that Tony doesn't listen very good... and that Tony has a tendency to "listen to respond" instead of "listening to understand". As a result of this... Tony wrote a pledge to Sheri which he titled... Tony's Listening & Validation Pledge To Sheri In this series of episodes... Tony talks about this pledge... and what he's been learning about listening and validation. By the way... this topic is directly related to healthy sexuality in marriage... and if you listen to this series you'll discover some important insights that help us understand why better listening and better validation lead to to better sex!
22.6.2021 • 32 Protokoll, 29 Sekunden
POP 281 - You Always Have A Choice - Part 2
In this episode Tony talks about one of the absolute power principles of sexual purity... the reality that you always have a choice! Will you be tempted over and over again in this wounded... broken... and fallen world? Yes! Will you always have free will... and the power of choice... each and every time you are tempted? Yes! The concept of free will is absolutely amazing. In this grand experiment that God has launched by creating this universe... and by creating humanity... God took the most amazing risk when he decided to give us free will. We are not robots. We do not have to obey God. We do not have to do the right thing. We do not have to do what God ways. We can do whatever we want to do... at any time... because we have the amazing capacity of free will. In this series you'll discover many ideas and scriptures that affirm human free will... and the reality that... You Always Have A Choice!
15.6.2021 • 33 Protokoll, 28 Sekunden
POP 280 - You Always Have A Choice - Part 1
In this episode Tony talks about one of the absolute power principles of sexual purity... the reality that you always have a choice! Will you be tempted over and over again in this wounded... broken... and fallen world? Yes! Will you always have free will... and the power of choice... each and every time you are tempted? Yes! The concept of free will is absolutely amazing. In this grand experiment that God has launched by creating this universe... and by creating humanity... God took the most amazing risk when he decided to give us free will. We are not robots. We do not have to obey God. We do not have to do the right thing. We do not have to do what God ways. We can do whatever we want to do... at any time... because we have the amazing capacity of free will. In this series you'll discover many ideas and scriptures that affirm human free will... and the reality that... You Always Have A Choice!
8.6.2021 • 28 Protokoll, 10 Sekunden
POP 279 - The Pathway to Purity Intensive Workshop
Tony has some very exciting news to share with you in this episode! You may already be aware of the fact that Tony presents a 3-day Intensive Workshop... and men have come to this intensive from around the country. Because of the situation with Covid this past year... it has been very difficult for men to attend the intensive because of travel restrictions and social distancing issues. Because of this... Tony decided to produce the 3-day intensive in video format... which means that you now have 2 different choices if you're interested in the intensive: (1) You can travel to St. Louis to attend the intensive "live" when it is offered. (2) You can now purchase the intensive and attend in the privacy of your own home at your own pace. The Pathway to Purity Intensive Workshop will enable you to become the hero of the story that God has designed for your life! · It will enable you to stop looking at Internet porn! · It will enable you to make quality decisions at the moment of temptation! · It will enable you to stop stealing orgasms apart from your wife’s knowledge or participation! · It will enable you to honor both God and your wife… if you’re married… with the expression of your sexual gift! · It will enable you to honor both God and your future wife… if you’re not married… with the expression of your sexual gift! · It will enable you to control sex instead of being controlled by sex! · It will enable you to pass a heritage of generational righteousness and blessing to your children and grandchildren instead of generational bondages and curses! · It will enable you to be much more effective in the gifting… calling… and destiny that God has placed upon your life! · It will enable you to sleep better at night because you’ll no longer be living in violation of your own conscience! · It will enable you to take back the ground that the enemy has held in your heart and life for way too long! · It will enable you to finally be the man of sexual purity that God is calling you to be! · It will enable you to have a much better chance of hearing the 7 most important words you could ever hear… “Well done my good and faithful servant.” In this session Tony introduces The Pathway to Purity Intensive Workshop!
1.6.2021 • 28 Protokoll, 3 Sekunden
POP 278 - The Next Step
The average person's step is between 2.1 to 2.5 feet long. This means the average person must take an estimated 2,000 steps to walk one mile. 2,000 steps. 1 step at a time. Step... after step... after step... after step. In much the same way... when a man decides to become a man of purity... he begins a long journey that will unfold 1 step at a time. Step... after step... after step... after step. What this means is that God will always have the "next step" that he has intended for your healing journey. As you're faithful to take the "next step" on that journey... God will bless you... and then lead you to the "next step"... and then the "next step"... and then the "next step". In this episode you'll discover the importance of moving forward on that journey... one step at time. In addition... Tony shares 3 important scriptures that affirm how important the "next step" of your journey really is!
25.5.2021 • 36 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
POP 277 - A Child of God's Delight with Richard Huelskamp - Part 3
Richard was a grown man. He was a Christian. He loved God and wanted to serve God. He and his wife even went to Brazil for 11 years as missionaries to work with unreached people groups. But something was wrong. Something was wrong in his heart... and something was wrong in his marriage. Richard knew that Jesus had promised life more abundantly (John 10:10)... but he also knew that he was not experiencing the abundant life that Jesus was speaking of. Richard also thought it was strange that... for some reason... he had absolutely no memories before the age of 12. Hmmmmm? Eventually Richard began visiting with a Christian counselor... and that began a difficult journey that invited him to look more honestly at the things that had happened to him during his childhood than he ever had before. Could the hurtful things that happened to Richard in his childhood still be affecting him as a grown man? Could those hurtful things be affecting his ability to be present to his wife in the context of their marriage? Could the hurtful things of his past be robbing him of the abundant life that Christ had planned for his life? Richard's story is an amazing example of the healing we can experience through Christ... if we're willing to do the work we need to do in pursuit of that healing. Richard has written a book about his healing journey entitled: A Child of God's Delight... by John Gleason (Please note that John Gleason is Richard's pen name)
18.5.2021 • 25 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
POP 276 - A Child of God's Delight with Richard Huelskamp - Part 2
Richard was a grown man. He was a Christian. He loved God and wanted to serve God. He and his wife even went to Brazil for 11 years as missionaries to work with unreached people groups. But something was wrong. Something was wrong in his heart... and something was wrong in his marriage. Richard knew that Jesus had promised life more abundantly (John 10:10)... but he also knew that he was not experiencing the abundant life that Jesus was speaking of. Richard also thought it was strange that... for some reason... he had absolutely no memories before the age of 12. Hmmmmm? Eventually Richard began visiting with a Christian counselor... and that began a difficult journey that invited him to look more honestly at the things that had happened to him during his childhood than he ever had before. Could the hurtful things that happened to Richard in his childhood still be affecting him as a grown man? Could those hurtful things be affecting his ability to be present to his wife in the context of their marriage? Could the hurtful things of his past be robbing him of the abundant life that Christ had planned for his life? Richard's story is an amazing example of the healing we can experience through Christ... if we're willing to do the work we need to do in pursuit of that healing. Richard has written a book about his healing journey entitled: A Child of God's Delight... by John Gleason (Please note that John Gleason is Richard's pen name)
11.5.2021 • 33 Protokoll, 7 Sekunden
POP 275 - A Child of God's Delight with Richard Huelskamp - Part 1
Richard was a grown man. He was a Christian. He loved God and wanted to serve God. He and his wife even went to Brazil for 11 years as missionaries to work with unreached people groups. But something was wrong. Something was wrong in his heart... and something was wrong in his marriage. Richard knew that Jesus had promised life more abundantly (John 10:10)... but he also knew that he was not experiencing the abundant life that Jesus was speaking of. Richard also thought it was strange that... for some reason... he had absolutely no memories before the age of 12. Hmmmmm? Eventually Richard began visiting with a Christian counselor... and that began a difficult journey that invited him to look more honestly at the things that had happened to him during his childhood than he ever had before. Could the hurtful things that happened to Richard in his childhood still be affecting him as a grown man? Could those hurtful things be affecting his ability to be present to his wife in the context of their marriage? Could the hurtful things of his past be robbing him of the abundant life that Christ had planned for his life? Richard's story is an amazing example of the healing we can experience through Christ... if we're willing to do the work we need to do in pursuit of that healing. Richard has written a book about his healing journey entitled: A Child of God's Delight... by John Gleason (Please note that John Gleason is Richard's pen name)
4.5.2021 • 30 Protokoll, 53 Sekunden
POP 274 - God Will Judge Sexual Sin - Part 4
We live in a culture that's highly sexualized. We live in a culture that virtually worships sex. We live in a culture where basically anything goes when it comes to sex. All of this seems to send a message that there's no price to pay in exchange for such extreme sexual indulgence; no consequences; no reaping what you've sown. But when we look into God's holy word... the bible... we see a very different story. Over and over again... from story after story in the bible... whenever we see sexual sin... we see both God's displeasure... and God's judgement. In this series of episodes Tony explores several different passages of scripture... as we see God's response to sexual sin in various situations. The quest for sexual purity is an honorable...worthy... and wise pursuit... because... God Will Judge Sexual Sin! Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man will reap what he sows. Galatians 6:7
27.4.2021 • 31 Protokoll, 58 Sekunden
POP 273 - God Will Judge Sexual Sin - Part 3
We live in a culture that's highly sexualized. We live in a culture that virtually worships sex. We live in a culture where basically anything goes when it comes to sex. All of this seems to send a message that there's no price to pay in exchange for such extreme sexual indulgence; no consequences; no reaping what you've sown. But when we look into God's holy word... the bible... we see a very different story. Over and over again... from story after story in the bible... whenever we see sexual sin... we see both God's displeasure... and God's judgement. In this series of episodes Tony explores several different passages of scripture... as we see God's response to sexual sin in various situations. The quest for sexual purity is an honorable...worthy... and wise pursuit... because... God Will Judge Sexual Sin! Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man will reap what he sows. Galatians 6:7
20.4.2021 • 33 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
POP 272 - God Will Judge Sexual Sin - Part 2
We live in a culture that's highly sexualized. We live in a culture that virtually worships sex. We live in a culture where basically anything goes when it comes to sex. All of this seems to send a message that there's no price to pay in exchange for such extreme sexual indulgence; no consequences; no reaping what you've sown. But when we look into God's holy word... the bible... we see a very different story. Over and over again... from story after story in the bible... whenever we see sexual sin... we see both God's displeasure... and God's judgement. In this series of episodes Tony explores several different passages of scripture... as we see God's response to sexual sin in various situations. The quest for sexual purity is an honorable...worthy... and wise pursuit... because... God Will Judge Sexual Sin! Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man will reap what he sows. Galatians 6:7 NOTE - In this episode Tony considers the important distinction between the 2 major judgments spoken of in the bible... (1) The Great White Throne Judgment - which is the judgment of non-believers. (Revelation 20:11-15) (2) The Judgment Seat of Christ - which is the judgment of believers. (I Corinthians 3:11-15) If you're a believer in Christ... and you struggle with sexual sin... you will NOT be judged for eternal salvation... because your eternal salvation was forever settled when you became a believer in Christ... but you will still be judged for the life that you've lived as a child of God!
13.4.2021 • 33 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
POP - Episode 271 - God Will Judge Sexual Sin - Part 1
We live in a culture that's highly sexualized. We live in a culture that virtually worships sex. We live in a culture where basically anything goes when it comes to sex. All of this seems to send a message that there's no price to pay in exchange for such extreme sexual indulgence; no consequences; no reaping what you've sown. But when we look into God's holy word... the bible... we see a very different story. Over and over again... from story after story in the bible... whenever we see sexual sin... we see both God's displeasure... and God's judgement. In this series of episodes Tony explores several different passages of scripture... as we see God's response to sexual sin in various situations. The quest for sexual purity is an honorable...worthy... and wise pursuit... because... God Will Judge Sexual Sin! Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man will reap what he sows. Galatians 6:7
6.4.2021 • 30 Protokoll, 38 Sekunden
POP 270 - I Worshiped Sex with Rollie - Part 3
Rollie's mother died when he was just a young boy. He soon discovered masturbation... and he learned to comfort himself with this activity. It would become a habit that was deeply embedded in his life... and it would eventually lead to a powerful sexual addiction that would control him for many years to come. Although he didn't understand what he was doing at the time... he would eventually realize that his sexual addiction was rooted in the tragic story of that young boy's heart and life. Over the years his sexual addiction compelled Rollie to act out in many increasing ways... including compulsive masturbation... pornography... the use of prostitutes... and having sex with literally hundreds of women. After living for over 50 years without God... and serving the false idol of sex... Rollie knew that he had a gaping black hole in the middle of his soul... and one day he literally fell on his knees in his bedroom... crying out for God to save him. God came into Rollie's life on that day in a dramatic and powerful way... and he quickly realized that if he was going to be a God follower... he could no longer do sex the way he had been doing sex for so long. What would it mean for Rollie to bring his sexual gift under the authority of God... and for Rollie to do sex God's way... instead of Rollie's way? Hear the amazing story of Rollie's metamorphose from his old self... to the new self. Along the way Rollie has developed his own "battle plan" that helps him to avoid confronting sexual temptation... and his own "escape plan" that allows him to avoid acting out when he is confronted by sexual temptation. Rollie has only been with God for a short time in his life... but it's amazing how far he's come in his walk of sexual purity. Listen to Rollie's story... and you will be blessed!
30.3.2021 • 33 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
POP 269 - I Worshiped Sex with Rollie - Part 2
Rollie's mother died when he was just a young boy. He soon discovered masturbation... and he learned to comfort himself with this activity. It would become a habit that was deeply embedded in his life... and it would eventually lead to a powerful sexual addiction that would control him for many years to come. Although he didn't understand what he was doing at the time... he would eventually realize that his sexual addiction was rooted in the tragic story of that young boy's heart and life. Over the years his sexual addiction compelled Rollie to act out in many increasing ways... including compulsive masturbation... pornography... the use of prostitutes... and having sex with literally hundreds of women. After living for over 50 years without God... and serving the false idol of sex... Rollie knew that he had a gaping black hole in the middle of his soul... and one day he literally fell on his knees in his bedroom... crying out for God to save him. God came into Rollie's life on that day in a dramatic and powerful way... and he quickly realized that if he was going to be a God follower... he could no longer do sex the way he had been doing sex for so long. What would it mean for Rollie to bring his sexual gift under the authority of God... and for Rollie to do sex God's way... instead of Rollie's way? Hear the amazing story of Rollie's metamorphose from his old self... to the new self. Along the way Rollie has developed his own "battle plan" that helps him to avoid confronting sexual temptation... and his own "escape plan" that allows him to avoid acting out when he is confronted by sexual temptation. Rollie has only been with God for a short time in his life... but it's amazing how far he's come in his walk of sexual purity. Listen to Rollie's story... and you will be blessed!
23.3.2021 • 31 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
POP 268 - I Worshiped Sex with Rollie - Part 1
Rollie's mother died when he was just a young boy. He soon discovered masturbation... and he learned to comfort himself with this activity. It would become a habit that was deeply embedded in his life... and it would eventually lead to a powerful sexual addiction that would control him for many years to come. Although he didn't understand what he was doing at the time... he would eventually realize that his sexual addiction was rooted in the tragic story of that young boy's heart and life. Over the years his sexual addiction compelled Rollie to act out in many increasing ways... including compulsive masturbation... pornography... the use of prostitutes... and having sex with literally hundreds of women. After living for over 50 years without God... and serving the false idol of sex... Rollie knew that he had a gaping black hole in the middle of his soul... and one day he literally fell on his knees in his bedroom... crying out for God to save him. God came into Rollie's life on that day in a dramatic and powerful way... and he quickly realized that if he was going to be a God follower... he could no longer do sex the way he had been doing sex for so long. What would it mean for Rollie to bring his sexual gift under the authority of God... and for Rollie to do sex God's way... instead of Rollie's way? Hear the amazing story of Rollie's metamorphose from his old self... to the new self. Along the way Rollie has developed his own "battle plan" that helps him to avoid confronting sexual temptation... and his own "escape plan" that allows him to avoid acting out when he is confronted by sexual temptation. Rollie has only been with God for a short time in his life... but it's amazing how far he's come in his walk of sexual purity. Listen to Rollie's story... and you will be blessed!
16.3.2021 • 37 Protokoll, 10 Sekunden
POP 267 - Ravi Zacharias - Part 2
Ravi Zacharias was the well known and respected Christian apologist who founded the RZIM (Ravi Zacharias International Ministry). Ravi was involved in Christian apologetics for over 40 years... and wrote over 30 Christian books... including the Gold Medallion Book Award winner entitled... Can Man Live Without God? Ravi was also the host of the popular radio program... Let My People Think. Following his death on May 19th, 2020... a number of high-profile Christians posted messages praising Zacharias for his ministry and influence... including football superstar Tim Tebow... popular Christian artist Lecrae... and Vice President Mike Pence. Before his death... several accusations of sexual misconduct were leveled against Ravi... which he always vehemently denied. After his death the number of accusations escalated... until the governing board of RZIM hired an independent firm to do a complete investigation of these allegations... pledging to disclose the results with complete honesty and transparency. That 12 page report was published on February 9th, 2021... and the final sentence of the report said this... We are confident that we uncovered sufficient evidence to conclude that Mr. Zacharias engaged in sexual misconduct. In this episode Tony shares 6 observations to be considered in the shadow of this sad situation.
9.3.2021 • 44 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
POP 266 - Ravi Zacharias - Part 1
Ravi Zacharias was the well known and respected Christian apologist who founded the RZIM (Ravi Zacharias International Ministry). Ravi was involved in Christian apologetics for over 40 years... and wrote over 30 Christian books... including the Gold Medallion Book Award winner entitled... Can Man Live Without God? Ravi was also the host of the popular radio program... Let My People Think. Following his death on May 19th, 2020... a number of high-profile Christians posted messages praising Zacharias for his ministry and influence... including football superstar Tim Tebow... popular Christian artist Lecrae... and Vice President Mike Pence. Before his death... several accusations of sexual misconduct were leveled against Ravi... which he always vehemently denied. After his death the number of accusations escalated... until the governing board of RZIM hired an independent firm to do a complete investigation of these allegations... pledging to disclose the results with complete honesty and transparency. That 12 page report was published on February 9th, 2021... and the final sentence of the report said this... We are confident that we uncovered sufficient evidence to conclude that Mr. Zacharias engaged in sexual misconduct. In this episode Tony shares much of the report outlining the sexual misconduct of Ravi Zacharias... and in the next episode (267) Tony shares 6 observations to be considered in the shadow of this sad situation.
2.3.2021 • 30 Protokoll, 41 Sekunden
POP 265 - Chased By God with Sierra Michaelis - Part 2
Sierra Michaelis is 26 years old. She was raised in a very small town in northern Missouri. She played college basketball for 4 years at the University of Missouri (MIZZOU)... on a full ride scholarship. She's now a middle school teacher... and a high school basketball coach. When Sierra was a senior in high school she had her first romantic relationship with another female... and went on to live as a gay person for the next many years. Sierra was essentially raised in church... and always considered herself a Christian. As the years unfolded she had a growing sense that the way she was living her life was not what God wanted her to do... but she struggled deeply with the thought of surrendering that part of her life to God. She told God over and over again... "Not yet God. I'm not ready to give this part of my life to you." "Not yet God." "Not yet God." "Not yet God." Then on January 1st, 2020... something very significant happened in her heart... and her life... and in her relationship with God. Listen to Sierra's journey... and be blessed as you hear the story of what it looks like for a person to bring their life... and their sexual self... into surrender and submission to God! 7 A woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his feet as he was reclining at the table. 8 When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. “Why this waste?” they asked. 9 “This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.” 10 Aware of this, Jesus said to them, “Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me. Matthew 26:7-10
23.2.2021 • 37 Protokoll, 54 Sekunden
POP - Chased By God with Sierra Michaelis - Part 1
Sierra Michaelis is 26 years old. She was raised in a very small town in northern Missouri. She played college basketball for 4 years at the University of Missouri (MIZZOU)... on a full ride scholarship. She's now a middle school teacher... and a high school basketball coach. When Sierra was a senior in high school she had her first romantic relationship with another female... and went on to live as a gay person for the next many years. Sierra was essentially raised in church... and always considered herself a Christian. As the years unfolded she had a growing sense that the way she was living her life was not what God wanted her to do... but she struggled deeply with the thought of surrendering that part of her life to God. She told God over and over again... "Not yet God. I'm not ready to give this part of my life to you." "Not yet God." "Not yet God." "Not yet God." Then on January 1st, 2020... something very significant happened in her heart... and her life... and in her relationship with God. Listen to Sierra's journey... and be blessed as you hear the story of what it looks like for a person to bring their life... and their sexual self... into surrender and submission to God! 7 A woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his feet as he was reclining at the table. 8 When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. “Why this waste?” they asked. 9 “This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.” 10 Aware of this, Jesus said to them, “Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me. Matthew 26:7-10
16.2.2021 • 30 Protokoll, 32 Sekunden
POP 263 - I Finally Stopped Porn & Masturbation with Frank Johnson - Part 2
Frank found porn when he was 11 or 12 years old. It instantly became a powerful force in his young heart and life. He began to secretly download porn... and started his own private collection. He eventually accumulated a massive amount of porn. Frank was a Christian since he was a young child... and he always wondered if God was mad at him... or disappointed in him... because of what he was doing. His porn habit eventually followed Frank into his marriage. Sometimes he would watch porn for hours at a time. Frank was much higher sexed than his wife... and he easily justified his use of porn because his wife was not as interested in sex as he was. Eventually Frank prayed that God would completely remove sexual desire from his life... because he knew that he could never overcome his problem in his own strength. Listen to Frank's amazing story... and hear how he was eventually able... finally... to completely stop porn and masturbation. Frank has not had an orgasm apart from his wife for over the past year. If God can help Frank stop looking at porn... maybe God can help you too!
9.2.2021 • 39 Protokoll, 37 Sekunden
POP 262 - I Finally Stopped Porn & Masturbation with Frank Johnson - Part 1
Frank found porn when he was 11 or 12 years old. It instantly became a powerful force in his young heart and life. He began to secretly download porn... and started his own private collection. He eventually accumulated a massive amount of porn. Frank was a Christian since he was a young child... and he always wondered if God was mad at him... or disappointed in him... because of what he was doing. His porn habit eventually followed Frank into his marriage. Sometimes he would watch porn for hours at a time. Frank was much higher sexed than his wife... and he easily justified his use of porn because his wife was not as interested in sex as he was. Eventually Frank prayed that God would completely remove sexual desire from his life... because he knew that he could never overcome his problem in his own strength. Listen to Frank's amazing story... and hear how he was eventually able... finally... to completely stop porn and masturbation. Frank has not had an orgasm apart from his wife for over the past year. If God can help Frank stop looking at porn... maybe God can help you too!
2.2.2021 • 36 Protokoll
POP 261 - What Does God Say About Sex?
In this episode Tony says a special prayer over you entitled: A Prayer Over My Sexual History & Physical Body We then discover that God has a LOT to say about sex in the bible... and Tony goes on to randomly draw 4 different numbers from a red solo cup to select from 28 various passages from the bible. He then offers different insights and observations from each of these 4 passages about sex. (1) II Peter 2:9 (2) Proverbs 6:25-29 (3) Ephesians 5:3 (4) II Corinthians 7:1 Are you curious... and interested... in what God has to say about sex? Are you willing to apply what God says about sex to your life? If so... these 4 beautiful passages will offer significant insight and wisdom!
25.1.2021 • 35 Protokoll, 12 Sekunden
POP 260 - Movement To Contact
In this episode Tony shares a recent conversation he had with a man who is seeking to be a man of sexual purity... and achieved 30 days of success without acting out... but then stumbled... looked at porn... and masturbated. Why did this man stumble after 30 days of success? As Tony and this man talked... the man recognized that after 30 days of success he essentially got lullibied... and let his guard down. When a military platoon is in enemy territory they need to be "at the ready" at all times... because they know the enemy is out there... and it's only a matter of time until the next attack. Vigilance is the action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties. 8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. I Peter 5:8-9
19.1.2021 • 32 Protokoll, 2 Sekunden
POP 259 - Covid 19 vs Sexual Sin - Part 4
Tony and his wife were both recently diagnosed Covid POSITIVE. Sheri did pretty well. She was sick for a week... but never even had a fever. Tony on the other hand got really sick... and if you'd like to hear about Tony's Covid Adventure... you're welcome to listen to episode 255 from last week. After having Covid... and after being very sick... it got Tony to thinking... how being infected with the Covid 19 virus can be compared to a man being infected with the virus of sexual sin. How are the two similar? When a man's life is infected with sexual sin... how is it similar to a man's life being infected with Covid 19? Tony has been infected with both of these viruses in his life. When Tony had Covid 19... it made him physically sicker than he's ever been in his life. When Tony has the virus of sexual sin... and sexual addiction... it almost totally destroyed his marriage... his family... and his life. In this series of episodes... Covid 19 vs Sexual Sin... Tony shares 7 principles that compare Covid 19 to Sexual Sin... and how men can be healed from the "virus" that's trying to kill them! In this episode Tony shares episodes 4 & 5!
12.1.2021 • 38 Protokoll, 39 Sekunden
POP 258 - Covid 19 vs Sexual Sin - Part 3
Tony and his wife were both recently diagnosed Covid POSITIVE. Sheri did pretty well. She was sick for a week... but never even had a fever. Tony on the other hand got really sick... and if you'd like to hear about Tony's Covid Adventure... you're welcome to listen to episode 255 from last week. After having Covid... and after being very sick... it got Tony to thinking... how being infected with the Covid 19 virus can be compared to a man being infected with the virus of sexual sin. How are the two similar? When a man's life is infected with sexual sin... how is it similar to a man's life being infected with Covid 19? Tony has been infected with both of these viruses in his life. When Tony had Covid 19... it made him physically sicker than he's ever been in his life. When Tony has the virus of sexual sin... and sexual addiction... it almost totally destroyed his marriage... his family... and his life. In this series of episodes... Covid 19 vs Sexual Sin... Tony shares 7 principles that compare Covid 19 to Sexual Sin... and how men can be healed from the "virus" that's trying to kill them! In this episode Tony shares episodes 4 & 5!
5.1.2021 • 28 Protokoll, 46 Sekunden
POP 257 - Covid 19 vs Sexual Sin - Part 2
Tony and his wife were both recently diagnosed Covid POSITIVE. Sheri did pretty well. She was sick for a week... but never even had a fever. Tony on the other hand got really sick... and if you'd like to hear about Tony's Covid Adventure... you're welcome to listen to episode 255 from last week. After having Covid... and after being very sick... it got Tony to thinking... how being infected with the Covid 19 virus can be compared to a man being infected with the virus of sexual sin. How are the two similar? When a man's life is infected with sexual sin... how is it similar to a man's life being infected with Covid 19? Tony has been infected with both of these viruses in his life. When Tony had Covid 19... it made him physically sicker than he's ever been in his life. When Tony has the virus of sexual sin... and sexual addiction... it almost totally destroyed his marriage... his family... and his life. In this series of episodes... Covid 19 vs Sexual Sin... Tony shares 7 principles that compare Covid 19 to Sexual Sin... and how men can be healed from the "virus" that's trying to kill them!
29.12.2020 • 42 Protokoll, 29 Sekunden
POP 256 - Covid 19 vs Sexual Sin - Part 1
Tony and his wife were both recently diagnosed Covid POSITIVE. Sheri did pretty well. She was sick for a week... but never even had a fever. Tony on the other hand got really sick... and if you'd like to hear about Tony's Covid Adventure... you're welcome to listen to episode 255 from last week. After having Covid... and after being very sick... it got Tony to thinking... how being infected with the Covid 19 virus can be compared to a man being infected with the virus of sexual sin. How are the two similar? When a man's life is infected with sexual sin... how is it similar to a man's life being infected with Covid 19? Tony has been infected with both of these viruses in his life. When Tony had Covid 19... it made him physically sicker than he's ever been in his life. When Tony has the virus of sexual sin... and sexual addiction... it almost totally destroyed his marriage... his family... and his life. In this series of episodes... Covid 19 vs Sexual Sin... Tony shares 7 principles that compare Covid 19 to Sexual Sin... and how men can be healed from the "virus" that's trying to kill them!
22.12.2020 • 33 Protokoll, 29 Sekunden
POP 255 - Tony's COVID Adventure
Hey Guys! On Thanksgiving Day I started getting sick. The next day my wife and I both tested POSITIVE with COVID. I got really sick. I had a fever for 14 days straight. Now I'm having issues with shortness of breath... so I'm going to the hospital to get checked out. I'm not sure what's going to happen... but I'm trusting God and I have total peace! I've never missed an episode since the podcast began... and I didn't want to miss this week. So I recorded this episode before I left for the hospital. Listen to this episode and hear about... Tony's COVID Adventure! I love you guys!
15.12.2020 • 1 Stunde, 6 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
POP 254 - Managing Triggers - Part 3
We live in a very highly sexualized culture... and we are surrounded by constant and never-ending temptation. Women jogging next to the road. Pictures in magazines. Scenes in movies. Pop ups on our devices. The perpetual presence of Internet pornography. Billboards next to the highway. A flirtatious woman at the office. The strip club less than 30 minutes from your house. On and on the temptations go! What this means is that every man will inevitably be "triggered" over and over again... and therefore tempted to act out sexually in ways that are inconsistent with God's will... plan... and design for human sexuality. In view of these realities... it's incredibly important that every man know in advance that he will be "triggered" over and over again... and to have an action plan prepared in advance that will enable him to manage the situation in a godly way when he is "triggered" to act out. In this series of episodes (252-254) Tony shares 7 principles that will help men to manage their "triggers" in a healthy and godly way. You WILL be "triggered". Are you ready?
8.12.2020 • 30 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
POP 253 - Managing Triggers - Part 2
We live in a very highly sexualized culture... and we are surrounded by constant and never-ending temptation. Women jogging next to the road. Pictures in magazines. Scenes in movies. Pop ups on our devices. The perpetual presence of Internet pornography. Billboards next to the highway. A flirtatious woman at the office. The strip club less than 30 minutes from your house. On and on the temptations go! What this means is that every man will inevitably be "triggered" over and over again... and therefore tempted to act out sexually in ways that are inconsistent with God's will... plan... and design for human sexuality. In view of these realities... it's incredibly important that every man know in advance that he will be "triggered" over and over again... and to have an action plan prepared in advance that will enable him to manage the situation in a godly way when he is "triggered" to act out. In this series of episodes (252-254) Tony shares 7 principles that will help men to manage their "triggers" in a healthy and godly way. You WILL be "triggered". Are you ready?
1.12.2020 • 33 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
POP 252 - Managing Triggers - Part 1
We live in a very highly sexualized culture... and we are surrounded by constant and never-ending temptation. Women jogging next to the road. Pictures in magazines. Scenes in movies. Pop ups on our devices. The perpetual presence of Internet pornography. Billboards next to the highway. A flirtatious woman at the office. The strip club less than 30 minutes from your house. On and on the temptations go! What this means is that every man will inevitably be "triggered" over and over again... and therefore tempted to act out sexually in ways that are inconsistent with God's will... plan... and design for human sexuality. In view of these realities... it's incredibly important that every man know in advance that he will be "triggered" over and over again... and to have an action plan prepared in advance that will enable him to manage the situation in a godly way when he is "triggered" to act out. In this series of episodes (252-254) Tony shares 7 principles that will help men to manage their "triggers" in a healthy and godly way. You WILL be "triggered". Are you ready?
24.11.2020 • 33 Protokoll, 42 Sekunden
POP 251 - Can A Single Man Stop Watching Porn with Derek - Part 2
Derek is 25 years old. Derek is a Christian. Derek is a single man. Derek has struggled deeply with watching porn. Derek has been conflicted in his conscience many times after watching porn. Derek has struggled to reconcile his sexuality with his spirituality. Is it possible for a 25 year old single Christian man to stop watching porn? Is it possible for a single man to control sex instead of being controlled by sex? Is it possible for a single man to honor God with the expression of his sexual gift? Derek's story is amazing. Derek is living proof that God can help a single Christian man break his addiction to pornography. Listen to Derek's story... and be blessed! If Derek can do it... then you can do it too!
17.11.2020 • 38 Protokoll, 29 Sekunden
POP 250 - Can A Single Man Stop Looking At Porn with Derek - Part 1
Derek is 25 years old. Derek is a Christian. Derek is a single man. Derek has struggled deeply with watching porn. Derek has been conflicted in his conscience many times after watching porn. Derek has struggled to reconcile his sexuality with his spirituality. Is it possible for a 25 year old single Christian man to stop watching porn? Is it possible for a single man to control sex instead of being controlled by sex? Is it possible for a single man to honor God with the expression of his sexual gift? Derek's story is amazing. Derek is living proof that God can help a single Christian man break his addiction to pornography. Listen to Derek's story... and be blessed! If Derek can do it... then you can do it too!
10.11.2020 • 40 Protokoll, 1 Sekunde
POP 249 - From Hopelessness To Hope with Les - Part 4
Les is a Christian man. Les loves God. Les went to bible college. Les wants his life to count for the Kingdom of God. Les got married... and wanted to honor his wife with the expression of his sexual gift. Yet... in spite of all these realities... Les struggled deeply with an addiction to internet pornography... and eventually felt complete hopelessness. Then a friend told Les about The Power of Purity Podcast. Les began to listen to the podcast... and after listening for a while... he wrote the following note to Tony: Hello Tony, First of all I have to say this ministry has impacted me greatly. I have felt hopeless as a newly married man who struggles with pornography. My friend shared with me your podcast and I cant stop listening to i. I have been so encouraged and convicted through it that I have made some big steps to sexual healing and becoming the man God wants me to be. I feel that God has brought you and this ministry into my life at the right time because I had no idea how big of a deal this can become. I thought that no one would know about pornography but I am seeing the progressiveness of this sin and the impact it has had on my wife as well. Praise be to God that it is not too late and that I find myself having hope about this issue for the first time and progress being made. I decided I want to share this with as many men as I can and am going to start a small group where we watch your conference and use the workbook. Listen to this story and you'll see that God can break sexual addiction from a man's heart and life... and that a Christian man can truly learn to honor God... and honor his wife... with the expression of his sexual gift!
3.11.2020 • 35 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
POP 248 - From Hopelessness To Hope with Les - Part 3
Les is a Christian man. Les loves God. Les went to bible college. Les wants his life to count for the Kingdom of God. Les got married... and wanted to honor his wife with the expression of his sexual gift. Yet... in spite of all these realities... Les struggled deeply with an addiction to internet pornography... and eventually felt complete hopelessness. Then a friend told Les about The Power of Purity Podcast. Les began to listen to the podcast... and after listening for a while... he wrote the following note to Tony: Hello Tony, First of all I have to say this ministry has impacted me greatly. I have felt hopeless as a newly married man who struggles with pornography. My friend shared with me your podcast and I cant stop listening to i. I have been so encouraged and convicted through it that I have made some big steps to sexual healing and becoming the man God wants me to be. I feel that God has brought you and this ministry into my life at the right time because I had no idea how big of a deal this can become. I thought that no one would know about pornography but I am seeing the progressiveness of this sin and the impact it has had on my wife as well. Praise be to God that it is not too late and that I find myself having hope about this issue for the first time and progress being made. I decided I want to share this with as many men as I can and am going to start a small group where we watch your conference and use the workbook. Listen to this story and you'll see that God can break sexual addiction from a man's heart and life... and that a Christian man can truly learn to honor God... and honor his wife... with the expression of his sexual gift!
27.10.2020 • 36 Protokoll, 57 Sekunden
POP 247 - From Hopelessness To Hope with Les - Part 2
Les is a Christian man. Les loves God. Les went to bible college. Les wants his life to count for the Kingdom of God. Les got married... and wanted to honor his wife with the expression of his sexual gift. Yet... in spite of all these realities... Les struggled deeply with an addiction to internet pornography... and eventually felt complete hopelessness. Then a friend told Les about The Power of Purity Podcast. Les began to listen to the podcast... and after listening for a while... he wrote the following note to Tony: Hello Tony, First of all I have to say this ministry has impacted me greatly. I have felt hopeless as a newly married man who struggles with pornography. My friend shared with me your podcast and I cant stop listening to i. I have been so encouraged and convicted through it that I have made some big steps to sexual healing and becoming the man God wants me to be. I feel that God has brought you and this ministry into my life at the right time because I had no idea how big of a deal this can become. I thought that no one would know about pornography but I am seeing the progressiveness of this sin and the impact it has had on my wife as well. Praise be to God that it is not too late and that I find myself having hope about this issue for the first time and progress being made. I decided I want to share this with as many men as I can and am going to start a small group where we watch your conference and use the workbook. Listen to this story and you'll see that God can break sexual addiction from a man's heart and life... and that a Christian man can truly learn to honor God... and honor his wife... with the expression of his sexual gift!
20.10.2020 • 36 Protokoll, 9 Sekunden
POP 246 - From Hopelessness to Hope with Les - Part 1
Les is a Christian man. Les loves God. Les went to bible college. Les wants his life to count for the Kingdom of God. Les got married... and wanted to honor his wife with the expression of his sexual gift. Yet... in spite of all these realities... Les struggled deeply with an addiction to internet pornography... and eventually felt complete hopelessness. Then a friend told Les about The Power of Purity Podcast. Les began to listen to the podcast... and after listening for a while... he wrote the following note to Tony: Hello Tony, First of all I have to say this ministry has impacted me greatly. I have felt hopeless as a newly married man who struggles with pornography. My friend shared with me your podcast and I cant stop listening to it, I have been so encouraged and convicted through it that I have made some big steps to sexual healing and becoming the man God wants me to be. I feel that God has brought you and this ministry into my life at the right time because I had no idea how big of a deal this can become. I thought that no one would know about pornography but I am seeing the progressiveness of this sin and the impact it has had on my wife as well. Praise be to God that it is not too late and that I find myself having hope about this issue for the first time and progress being made. I decided I want to share this with as many men as I can and am going to start a small group where we watch your conference and use the workbook. Listen to this story and you'll see that God can break sexual addiction from a man's heart and life... and that a Christian man can truly learn to honor God... and honor his wife... with the expression of his sexual gift!
13.10.2020 • 33 Protokoll, 59 Sekunden
POP 245 - Intimate Deception with Dr. Sheri Keffer - Part 2
Nothing destroys trust like sexual betrayal. Beyond broken vows, a woman who discovers that the man she loves has been viewing pornography or having an affair must deal with devastating blows to her self-image and self-worth. She must grapple with the fact that the man she thought she knew has lied and deceived her. She may even bear the brunt of shame and judgment when the people around her find out. Drawing from her experience both as a marriage and family therapist and a woman who personally experienced the devastation of sexual betrayal, Dr. Sheri Keffer walks women impacted by betrayal through the pain and toward recovery. She explains how the trauma of betrayal affects our minds, bodies, spirits, and sexuality. She offers practical tools for dealing with emotional triggers and helps women understand the realities of sexual addiction. And she shows women how to practice self-care, develop healthy boundaries, protect themselves from abuse or manipulation, and find freedom from the burden of shame and guilt. Dr. Sheri Keffer received both her PhD in Marriage and Family Therapy and her Master of Arts in Theology… from Fuller Theological Seminary. She currently specializes in individual, couples and family therapy at her private practice in Newport Beach, CA. Sheri is a regular co-host of the nationally-syndicated talk show New Life Live with Stephen Arteburn… which is heard in 150 markets with 2 million listeners. Sheri is the author of the book Intimate Deception… which is intended to help women heal from the trauma of sexual betrayal. Sheri enjoys the beach, reading, mountain biking, hiking, camping, and big game fishing evidenced by a 150-pound marlin that proudly hangs on her wall.
6.10.2020 • 38 Protokoll, 56 Sekunden
POP 244 - Intimate Deception with Dr. Sheri Keffer - Part 1
Nothing destroys trust like sexual betrayal. Beyond broken vows, a woman who discovers that the man she loves has been viewing pornography or having an affair must deal with devastating blows to her self-image and self-worth. She must grapple with the fact that the man she thought she knew has lied and deceived her. She may even bear the brunt of shame and judgment when the people around her find out. Drawing from her experience both as a marriage and family therapist and a woman who personally experienced the devastation of sexual betrayal, Dr. Sheri Keffer walks women impacted by betrayal through the pain and toward recovery. She explains how the trauma of betrayal affects our minds, bodies, spirits, and sexuality. She offers practical tools for dealing with emotional triggers and helps women understand the realities of sexual addiction. And she shows women how to practice self-care, develop healthy boundaries, protect themselves from abuse or manipulation, and find freedom from the burden of shame and guilt. Dr. Sheri Keffer received both her PhD in Marriage and Family Therapy and her Master of Arts in Theology… from Fuller Theological Seminary. She currently specializes in individual, couples and family therapy at her private practice in Newport Beach, CA. Sheri is a regular co-host of the nationally-syndicated talk show New Life Live with Stephen Arteburn… which is heard in 150 markets with 2 million listeners. Sheri is the author of the book Intimate Deception… which is intended to help women heal from the trauma of sexual betrayal. Sheri enjoys the beach, reading, mountain biking, hiking, camping, and big game fishing evidenced by a 150-pound marlin that proudly hangs on her wall. brave
29.9.2020 • 34 Protokoll, 7 Sekunden
POP 243 - The Betrayal of Your Body - Part 2
In a very real way... in several different ways... your physical body is about the business of betraying you. Your physical body is trying to sabotage and betray the possibility of you being a man of God... and a man of sexual purity. The reason for this is because your physical body has a very powerful sex drive. Your body has an opinion about sex. Your body knows what it wants and what it needs when it comes to sex... and your body will tell you when it wants what it wants. Or maybe better said... your body will scream at you... and essentially place a kind of demand upon you... GIVE ME SEX NOW! GIVE ME MY ORGASM NOW! GIVE ME A RELEASE NOW! And what this means... is that if you're going to be a man of sexual purity... you absolutely are going to have to engage a very real battle with your own physical body. You're going to have to tame your body. You're going to have to break your body. You're going to have to retrain your body. You're going to have to teach your body that it does not control you... and that you control it. You're going to have to teach your body that it does not tell you when it gets an orgasm... and that you tell it when it gets an orgasm. In this series Tony will help you to see your battle with your body in a new and different way... and offer some very practical strategies for you to tame your body as you fight to bring your body... and your sexual gift... into submission to Christ!
22.9.2020 • 49 Protokoll, 46 Sekunden
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 242 - The Betrayal of Your Body - Part 1
In a very real way... in several different ways... your physical body is about the business of betraying you. Your physical body is trying to sabotage and betray the possibility of you being a man of God... and a man of sexual purity. The reason for this is because your physical body has a very powerful sex drive. Your body has an opinion about sex. Your body knows what it wants and what it needs when it comes to sex... and your body will tell you when it wants what it wants. Or maybe better said... your body will scream at you... and essentially place a kind of demand upon you... GIVE ME SEX NOW! GIVE ME MY ORGASM NOW! GIVE ME A RELEASE NOW! And what this means... is that if you're going to be a man of sexual purity... you absolutely are going to have to engage a very real battle with your own physical body. You're going to have to tame your body. You're going to have to break your body. You're going to have to retrain your body. You're going to have to teach your body that it does not control you... and that you control it. You're going to have to teach your body that it does not tell you when it gets an orgasm... and that you tell it when it gets an orgasm. In this series Tony will help you to see your battle with your body in a new and different way... and offer some very practical strategies for you to tame your body as you fight to bring your body... and your sexual gift... into submission to Christ!
15.9.2020 • 34 Protokoll, 49 Sekunden
POP 241 - Sexual Honesty - Part 2
The last 2 episodes of the podcast (238 & 239) were entitled... With Or Without Your Wife. In these 2 episodes Tony discussed the importance of a Christian man being committed to sexual purity... regardless of what's going on sexually in the context of his marriage. Unfortunately... sometimes a married couple can be in the place where sexual intimacy never happens... or happens very infrequently. In such cases many men resort to acting out in secrecy as they take matters into their own hands (no pun intended)... and meet their own sexual needs in their own way... apart from their wife. While it's true that we are called to be men of purity... With Or Without Our Wife... it's also true that it can be profoundly difficult for men to maintain their purity in the context of a sexless marriage... or a very difficult marriage. In this episode... and the next... Tony offers advice and guidance concerning what it might look like for a man to live with "sexual honesty" before his wife... even if they are struggling with sex in the marriage.
8.9.2020 • 42 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
POP 240 - Sexual Honesty - Part 1
The last 2 episodes of the podcast (238 & 239) were entitled... With Or Without Your Wife. In these 2 episodes Tony discussed the importance of a Christian man being committed to sexual purity... regardless of what's going on sexually in the context of his marriage. Unfortunately... sometimes a married couple can be in the place where sexual intimacy never happens... or happens very infrequently. In such cases many men resort to acting out in secrecy as they take matters into their own hands (no pun intended)... and meet their own sexual needs in their own way... apart from their wife. While it's true that we are called to be men of purity... With Or Without Our Wife... it's also true that it can be profoundly difficult for men to maintain their purity in the context of a sexless marriage... or a very difficult marriage. In this episode... and the next... Tony offers advice and guidance concerning what it might look like for a man to live with "sexual honesty" before his wife... even if they are struggling with sex in the marriage.
1.9.2020 • 30 Protokoll, 12 Sekunden
POP 239 - With Or Without Your Wife - Part 2
Sometimes it feels like God is really unfair! God tells us... as Christian men... that he expects us to only express our sexual gift with our wife... within the context of our marriage. But then... in many situations... a man's wife simply isn't as interested in sex as her husband is. So as a result... this Christian man is basically stuck in the middle... being pressed from both sides! On one side... God is telling him he can only have sex with his wife. On the other side... the man has a wife who isn't interested in sex. Is God crazy? Is God unfair? Does God really expect us to be men of sexual integrity... and sexual faithfulness... if our wife isn't as interested in sex as we are? In this episode Tony explores the idea that we are called... as Christian men... and as men of God... to be men of sexual purity and sexual integrity... WITH OR WITHOUT the sexual accessibility to our wife that we might prefer.
25.8.2020 • 27 Protokoll, 23 Sekunden
POP 238 - With Or Without Your Wife - Part 1
Sometimes it feels like God is really unfair! God tells us... as Christian men... that he expects us to only express our sexual gift with our wife... within the context of our marriage. But then... in many situations... a man's wife simply isn't as interested in sex as her husband is. So as a result... this Christian man is basically stuck in the middle... being pressed from both sides! On one side... God is telling him he can only have sex with his wife. On the other side... the man has a wife who isn't interested in sex. Is God crazy? Is God unfair? Does God really expect us to be men of sexual integrity... and sexual faithfulness... if our wife isn't as interested in sex as we are? In this episode Tony explores the idea that we are called... as Christian men... and as men of God... to be men of sexual purity and sexual integrity... WITH OR WITHOUT the sexual accessibility to our wife that we might prefer.
18.8.2020 • 33 Protokoll, 15 Sekunden
POP237 - The Kowalski Analysis - Part 2
Rob Kowalski is the Founder and CEO of CityFam... which is a Baltimore based no-profit organization that advocates for the power of community to transform an individual, a city, and even the whole world! Rob has an amazing story of sexual redemption in his life... and Tony recently interviewed Rob as a guest on The Power of Purity Podcast... Episodes 230 & 231. In addition... Rob hosts his own podcast called... The Kowalski Analysis. After Rob was a guest on The Power of Purity Podcast... he then asked Tony to be a guest on The Kowalski Analysis. As a result... todays episode... and next weeks episode... are actually Tony being interviews by Rob on The Kowalski Analysis. Listen in to hear some variations of Tony's story that you may have never heard before!
11.8.2020 • 44 Protokoll, 2 Sekunden
POP 236 - The Kowalski Analysis - Part 1
Rob is the Founder and CEO of CityFam... which is a Baltimore based no-profit organization that advocates for the power of community to transform an individual, a city, and even the whole world! Rob has an amazing story of sexual redemption in his life... and Tony recently interviewed Rob as a guest on The Power of Purity Podcast... Episodes 230 & 231. In addition... Rob hosts his own podcast called... The Kowalski Analysis. After Rob was a guest on The Power of Purity Podcast... he then asked Tony to be a guest on The Kowalski Analysis. As a result... todays episode... and next weeks episode... are actually Tony being interviews by Rob on The Kowalski Analysis. Listen in to hear some variations of Tony's story that you may have never heard before!
4.8.2020 • 1 Stunde, 25 Sekunden
POP 235 - Awaken with Greg Oliver - Part 2
Greg & Stacey Oliver are keenly aware of the devastation caused by pornography & sexual addiction. For years, during his time as a worship & music pastor, Greg secretly struggled with an addiction to porn and sex. This secret struggle – which was intensified by the fear of what would happen if ever exposed – led to years of attempting to stop, control, or at least manage the behavior; as well as countless prayers for God to “take it away.” Not understanding the many factors that drive addiction, Greg thought that if he could just find the right formula, he would be able to make better choices and no one would have to know. After years of failure, he felt completely isolated from everyone in his life, including God. While unaware of Greg’s issues, Stacey had her own struggles with insecurity and unhealthy relationship expectations. She experienced a type of idolatry within her marriage, placing hope and confidence in Greg instead of in God. She also looked to other people to give her worth, trying to be the perfect “ministry wife” and never saying no to anyone. She believed that enough “being and doing,” made her OK. That all fell apart in early 2009, when God exposed Greg’s years-long enslavement to sexual addiction. Greg lost his job, Stacey was devastated by betrayal, and they both found themselves in a place of emptiness, completely unable to predict what would happen next. Finally, with none of the old crutches or idols to hold on to, they began to walk a journey of recovery, guided by faithful friends and qualified therapists. It was on this journey that both Greg & Stacey rediscovered God for who He really is. Where they had seen Him as distant, angry, or always requiring more effort, they now began to see Him as the loving, gracious Father found in Scripture. Through the process of recovery, Greg & Stacey discovered how much unhealthy beliefs and behaviors had taken control of their lives, influencing how they viewed themselves, other people, and even God. Through their journey they have seen God change them, heal them, and use them in other peoples’ lives who struggle with the same issues. Greg & Stacey feel passionately that God has brought them through their experience so that He can use them to help others find the same freedom, grace and abundant life.
28.7.2020 • 43 Protokoll
POP 234 - Awaken with Greg Oliver - Part 1
Greg & Stacey Oliver are keenly aware of the devastation caused by pornography & sexual addiction. For years, during his time as a worship & music pastor, Greg secretly struggled with an addiction to porn and sex. This secret struggle – which was intensified by the fear of what would happen if ever exposed – led to years of attempting to stop, control, or at least manage the behavior; as well as countless prayers for God to “take it away.” Not understanding the many factors that drive addiction, Greg thought that if he could just find the right formula, he would be able to make better choices and no one would have to know. After years of failure, he felt completely isolated from everyone in his life, including God. While unaware of Greg’s issues, Stacey had her own struggles with insecurity and unhealthy relationship expectations. She experienced a type of idolatry within her marriage, placing hope and confidence in Greg instead of in God. She also looked to other people to give her worth, trying to be the perfect “ministry wife” and never saying no to anyone. She believed that enough “being and doing,” made her OK. That all fell apart in early 2009, when God exposed Greg’s years-long enslavement to sexual addiction. Greg lost his job, Stacey was devastated by betrayal, and they both found themselves in a place of emptiness, completely unable to predict what would happen next. Finally, with none of the old crutches or idols to hold on to, they began to walk a journey of recovery, guided by faithful friends and qualified therapists. It was on this journey that both Greg & Stacey rediscovered God for who He really is. Where they had seen Him as distant, angry, or always requiring more effort, they now began to see Him as the loving, gracious Father found in Scripture. Through the process of recovery, Greg & Stacey discovered how much unhealthy beliefs and behaviors had taken control of their lives, influencing how they viewed themselves, other people, and even God. Through their journey they have seen God change them, heal them, and use them in other peoples’ lives who struggle with the same issues. Greg & Stacey feel passionately that God has brought them through their experience so that He can use them to help others find the same freedom, grace and abundant life.
21.7.2020 • 36 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
POP 233 - Telling My Wife The Truth with Caleb Clingan - Part 2
After struggling with masturbation for 14 years… Caleb Clingan found The Power of Purity Podcast and began listening. After listening for some time… Caleb wrote the following note to Tony: 70 episodes! That’s how many episodes it took for me to understand my sexuality is a gift intended for my wife and my wife only. 70 episodes is how long it took for me to build up my courage to confess to my wife how I am addicted to masturbation. Not even pornography. Simply the thrill and ecstasy of masturbating. I have struggled with masturbation for 14 years. Through God’s grace, I felt convicted after every single time. He never stopped calling me higher. Thank you so much for this ministry. It has truly changed my life and my marriage. On the day Caleb finally confessed the truth to his wife… he was outside mowing the grass… and listening to episode 70 of the podcast. In that moment Caleb was convicted that he had to come into the light with his wife if he was ever to be free of his addiction. He knew what God was leading him to do... and he intuitively sensed that if he didn’t act immediately on this conviction… that he might never have the courage to do so again. He therefore drove directly to her work… completely covered with grass... and had the conversation with his wife that he knew God wanted him to have. When Caleb had this very difficult conversation with his wife… he didn’t know what to expect… and wondered if it would literally be the end of his marriage. Can God help a man who is struggling with sexual sin? Can God help a man to come into the light? Can God help a man to be more honest with himself… and more honest with his wife… than he’s ever been before? Can God break the chains of sexual addiction? Can God break the power of shame that lives in a man’s soul? Can God empower a man to quit stealing orgasms from his wife through masturbation? Can God empower a man to honor his wife with the expression of his sexual gift? Can God bring hope… healing… and redemption into a marriage? Listen to this amazing story… and be blessed as you discover the answer to questions like these!
14.7.2020 • 43 Protokoll, 12 Sekunden
POP 232 - Telling My Wife The Truth with Caleb Clingan - Part 1
After struggling with masturbation for 14 years… Caleb Clingan found The Power of Purity Podcast and began listening. After listening for some time… Caleb wrote the following note to Tony: 70 episodes! That’s how many episodes it took for me to understand my sexuality is a gift intended for my wife and my wife only. 70 episodes is how long it took for me to build up my courage to confess to my wife how I am addicted to masturbation. Not even pornography. Simply the thrill and ecstasy of masturbating. I have struggled with masturbation for 14 years. Through God’s grace, I felt convicted after every single time. He never stopped calling me higher. Thank you so much for this ministry. It has truly changed my life and my marriage. On the day Caleb finally confessed the truth to his wife… he was outside mowing the grass… and listening to episode 70 of the podcast. In that moment Caleb was convicted that he had to come into the light with his wife if he was ever to be free of his addiction. He knew what God was leading him to do... and he intuitively sensed that if he didn’t act immediately on this conviction… that he might never have the courage to do so again. He therefore drove directly to her work… completely covered with grass... and had the conversation with his wife that he knew God wanted him to have. When Caleb had this very difficult conversation with his wife… he didn’t know what to expect… and wondered if it would literally be the end of his marriage. Can God help a man who is struggling with sexual sin? Can God help a man to come into the light? Can God help a man to be more honest with himself… and more honest with his wife… than he’s ever been before? Can God break the chains of sexual addiction? Can God break the power of shame that lives in a man’s soul? Can God empower a man to quit stealing orgasms from his wife through masturbation? Can God empower a man to honor his wife with the expression of his sexual gift? Can God bring hope… healing… and redemption into a marriage? Listen to this amazing story… and be blessed as you discover the answer to questions like these!
7.7.2020 • 35 Protokoll, 57 Sekunden
POP 231 - Why Waiting Works with Rob Kowalski - Part 2
Rob Kowalski is a self-proclaimed bad boy who has been reformed by the grace and mercy of God! Rob's mom was only 14 years old when she became pregnant with Rob. When he was a young boy he discovered a VHS tape in the house... so he popped it in to watch. He was shocked to see a video tape of male strippers... and he immediately knew that was exactly what he wanted to do when he got older. At the age of 19 Rob began his career as a male stripper... and became the most notable stripper and night club promoter in his hometown of Baltimore Maryland. Through this lifestyle Rob eventually accumulated sexual experiences with literally hundreds of sexual partners. Eventually Rob had a radical and life-changing encounter with Jesus that turned his life around. After stripping one night... Rob returned to his hotel room... and had an amazing encounter when the Lord unexpectedly and mysteriously revealed himself to Rob in such a tangible and undeniable way... that Rob instantly knew who Jesus was and that would serve the Lord from that day forward. The life of excess that Rob had lived for many years taught him many lessons about what does and doesn't work when is comes to sex... and why. His mess has now become his message... and Rob has lived a life close to celibacy since then... as he waits for God to bring him the wife he has been waiting for. Rob is the Founder and CEO of CityFam... which is a Baltimore based no-profit organization that advocates for the power of community to transform an individual, a city, and even the whole world! Rob Kowalski's life is living proof that even sexual bad boys can be saved and transformed by the miracle working power of God through Christ.
30.6.2020 • 43 Protokoll, 58 Sekunden
POP 230 - Why Waiting Works with Rob Kowalski - Part 1
Rob Kowalski is a self-proclaimed bad boy who has been reformed by the grace and mercy of God! Rob's mom was only 14 years old when she became pregnant with Rob. When he was a young boy he discovered a VHS tape in the house... so he popped it in to watch. He was shocked to see a video tape of male strippers... and he immediately knew that was exactly what he wanted to do when he got older. At the age of 19 Rob began his career as a male stripper... and became the most notable stripper and night club promoter in his hometown of Baltimore Maryland. Through this lifestyle Rob eventually accumulated sexual experiences with literally hundreds of sexual partners. Eventually Rob had a radical and life-changing encounter with Jesus that turned his life around. After stripping one night... Rob returned to his hotel room... and had an amazing encounter when the Lord unexpectedly and mysteriously revealed himself to Rob in such a tangible and undeniable way... that Rob instantly knew who Jesus was and that would serve the Lord from that day forward. The life of excess that Rob had lived for many years taught him many lessons about what does and doesn't work when is comes to sex... and why. His mess has now become his message... and Rob has lived a life close to celibacy since then... as he waits for God to bring him the wife he has been waiting for. Rob is the Founder and CEO of CityFam... which is a Baltimore based no-profit organization that advocates for the power of community to transform an individual, a city, and even the whole world! Rob Kowalski's life is living proof that even sexual bad boys can be saved and transformed by the miracle working power of God through Christ.
23.6.2020 • 32 Protokoll, 58 Sekunden
POP 229 - Realizing The Price - Part 3
Whether we realize it or not... our sexual acting out... our sexual addiction... our sexual sin... extracts an enormous price from our life and soul that we are then required to pay. This "price" might include things such as... * Damage to your wife's heart * Damage to your marriage * The loss of your marriage * The loss of your children... in the sense that if you do get divorced... you no longer have the opportunity to live with your kids full time... you're no longer there to tuck them into bed every night... you're no longer there to say prayers with them at bedtime... etc. * The loss of your home * Tremendous financial loss... * The violation of your own conscience * The loss of effectiveness in your testimony and your service to God * The loss of your reputation And these... just to name a few. Although this episode series does not focus specifically on these various losses that we sometimes experience... it does focus on the idea of loss... and how the reality of such loss often becomes the catalyst we need to provoke true and lasting change in our hearts and our lives. Or said another way... if the pain gets bad enough... we often find the self-motivation and self-determination necessary to do the work that can then lead to true and lasting change. In this series Tony shares 8 observations concerning the price of sexual sin... and develops the idea that when we "Realize The Price"... we often find the motivation to change.
16.6.2020 • 40 Protokoll, 18 Sekunden
POP 228 - Realizing The Price - Part 2
Whether we realize it or not... our sexual acting out... our sexual addiction... our sexual sin... extracts an enormous price from our life and soul that we are then required to pay. This "price" might include things such as... * Damage to your wife's heart * Damage to your marriage * The loss of your marriage * The loss of your children... in the sense that if you do get divorced... you no longer have the opportunity to live with your kids full time... you're no longer there to tuck them into bed every night... you're no longer there to say prayers with them at bedtime... etc. * The loss of your home * Tremendous financial loss... * The violation of your own conscience * The loss of effectiveness in your testimony and your service to God * The loss of your reputation And these... just to name a few. Although this episode series does not focus specifically on these various losses that we sometimes experience... it does focus on the idea of loss... and how the reality of such loss often becomes the catalyst we need to provoke true and lasting change in our hearts and our lives. Or said another way... if the pain gets bad enough... we often find the self-motivation and self-determination necessary to do the work that can then lead to true and lasting change. In this series Tony shares 8 observations concerning the price of sexual sin... and develops the idea that when we "Realize The Price"... we often find the motivation to change.
9.6.2020 • 33 Protokoll, 28 Sekunden
POP 227 - Realizing The Price - Part 1
Whether we realize it or not... our sexual acting out... our sexual addiction... our sexual sin... extracts an enormous price from our life and soul that we are then required to pay. This "price" might include things such as... * Damage to your wife's heart * Damage to your marriage * The loss of your marriage * The loss of your children... in the sense that if you do get divorced... you no longer have the opportunity to live with your kids full time... you're no longer there to tuck them into bed every night... you're no longer there to say prayers with them at bedtime... etc. * The loss of your home * Tremendous financial loss... * The violation of your own conscience * The loss of effectiveness in your testimony and your service to God * The loss of your reputation And these... just to name a few. Although this episode series does not focus specifically on these various losses that we sometimes experience... it does focus on the idea of loss... and how the reality of such loss often becomes the catalyst we need to provoke true and lasting change in our hearts and our lives. Or said another way... if the pain gets bad enough... we often find the self-motivation and self-determination necessary to do the work that can then lead to true and lasting change. In this series Tony shares 8 observations concerning the price of sexual sin... and develops the idea that when we "Realize The Price"... we often find the motivation to change.
2.6.2020 • 34 Protokoll, 4 Sekunden
POP 226 - Is Scheduling Sex A Good Idea? - Part 3
Is Scheduling Sex a Good Idea? In this episode series Tony shares 10 reasons that "scheduling" sex might be worth considering. The fact of the matter is that for most people... when something is a priority to them... they go above and beyond the call of duty to not just wait to see if that thing happens... and instead they make sure that the thing happens... because it is a priority to them. We live in a crazy busy... "helter skelter" world... and there are often so many things that we "have" to do... that the things that we "want" to do... and "need" to do... often get overshadowed and pushed to the side. Many people have the romantic and idealistic notion that sexual intimacy should always be spontaneous... like what happens in romance novels. But in reality... if couples wait for sex to always happen spontaneously... they might end up waiting way more than they expected... and sexual intimacy between them might happen way less than they would prefer. In view of this... Tony shares 10 reasons that scheduling sex can often work to the advantage for married couples. After all... people schedule all kinds of other things that are important to them... like going to church... or taking the kids to practice... or grocery shopping... so why not keep sexual intimacy the priority that it should always be by also making sure that it happens on a frequent and regular basis by scheduling the event on your weekly calendar? Tony asks that before you render a judgment too quickly against this idea... will you at least listen to these episodes as objectively as you possibly can? You might just be surprised... because a "schedule" might just help you and your spouse to experience more sexual intimacy than you've been having in a long time! Welcome to... Is Scheduling Sex A Good Idea?
26.5.2020 • 39 Protokoll, 26 Sekunden
POP 225 - Is Scheduling Sex A Good Idea? - Part 2
Is Scheduling Sex a Good Idea? In this episode series Tony shares 10 reasons that "scheduling" sex might be worth considering. The fact of the matter is that for most people... when something is a priority to them... they go above and beyond the call of duty to not just wait to see if that thing happens... and instead they make sure that the thing happens... because it is a priority to them. We live in a crazy busy... "helter skelter" world... and there are often so many things that we "have" to do... that the things that we "want" to do... and "need" to do... often get overshadowed and pushed to the side. Many people have the romantic and idealistic notion that sexual intimacy should always be spontaneous... like what happens in romance novels. But in reality... if couples wait for sex to always happen spontaneously... they might end up waiting way more than they expected... and sexual intimacy between them might happen way less than they would prefer. In view of this... Tony shares 10 reasons that scheduling sex can often work to the advantage for married couples. After all... people schedule all kinds of other things that are important to them... like going to church... or taking the kids to practice... or grocery shopping... so why not keep sexual intimacy the priority that it should always be by also making sure that it happens on a frequent and regular basis by scheduling the event on your weekly calendar? Tony asks that before you render a judgment too quickly against this idea... will you at least listen to these episodes as objectively as you possibly can? You might just be surprised... because a "schedule" might just help you and your spouse to experience more sexual intimacy than you've been having in a long time! Welcome to... Is Scheduling Sex A Good Idea?
19.5.2020 • 32 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
POP 224 - Is Scheduling Sex A Good Idea? - Part 1
Is Scheduling Sex a Good Idea? In this episode series Tony shares 10 reasons that "scheduling" sex might be worth considering. The fact of the matter is that for most people... when something is a priority to them... they go above and beyond the call of duty to not just wait to see if that thing happens... and instead they make sure that the thing happens... because it is a priority to them. We live in a crazy busy... "helter skelter" world... and there are often so many things that we "have" to do... that the things that we "want" to do... and "need" to do... often get overshadowed and pushed to the side. Many people have the romantic and idealistic notion that sexual intimacy should always be spontaneous... like what happens in romance novels. But in reality... if couples wait for sex to always happen spontaneously... they might end up waiting way more than they expected... and sexual intimacy between them might happen way less than they would prefer. In view of this... Tony shares 10 reasons that scheduling sex can often work to the advantage for married couples. After all... people schedule all kinds of other things that are important to them... like going to church... or taking the kids to practice... or grocery shopping... so why not keep sexual intimacy the priority that it should always be by also making sure that it happens on a frequent and regular basis by scheduling the event on your weekly calendar? Tony asks that before you render a judgment too quickly against this idea... will you at least listen to these episodes as objectively as you possibly can? You might just be surprised... because a "schedule" might just help you and your spouse to experience more sexual intimacy than you've been having in a long time! Welcome to... Is Scheduling Sex A Good Idea?
12.5.2020 • 34 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
POP 223 - Pastors On Porn with Vern Tompke - Part 2
DID YOU KNOW THAT AN ESTIMATED 50% OF PASTORS VIEW INTERNET PORNOGRAPHY ON A REGULAR BASIS? Vern Tompke has been a pastor for 29 years... and throughout his ministry he has struggled with using pornography. During this time Vern realized just how hard it is for a pastor to find help with this struggle. * Who can a pastor turn to for help? * Who can a pastor be honest with? * Who can a pastor trust? * What if people find out about his struggle? * Will he be fired from his job? * How will be continue to provide for his family if he looses his job? These are no doubt questions that Vern struggled with. Although Vern led a weekly men's recovery group around this issue for 15 years... he didn't begin to walk in true freedom until 3 years ago. What helped Vern "turn the corner" was getting mentored by another godly man... investing time and finances in his own therapeutic process... and listening on a regular basis to great podcasts... including The Power of Purity Podcast. Recently Vern started his own podcast... Pastors On Porn... which is intended to be a safe place for struggling pastors to find anonymous help for their struggle. In this episode Tony does something very different... because Tony is normally the INTERVIEWER... but on this episode Tony is actually the INTERVIEWEE. Vern actually hosted Tony as a guest on the Pastors On Porn Podcast... and it's that episode that's being presented today on the Power of Purity Podcast.
5.5.2020 • 31 Protokoll, 4 Sekunden
POP 222 - Pastors On Porn with Vern Tompke - Part 1
DID YOU KNOW THAT AN ESTIMATED 50% OF PASTORS VIEW INTERNET PORNOGRAPHY ON A REGULAR BASIS? Vern Tompke has been a pastor for 29 years... and throughout his ministry he has struggled with using pornography. During this time Vern realized just how hard it is for a pastor to find help with this struggle. * Who can a pastor turn to for help? * Who can a pastor be honest with? * Who can a pastor trust? * What if people find out about his struggle? * Will he be fired from his job? * How will be continue to provide for his family if he looses his job? These are no doubt questions that Vern struggled with. Although Vern led a weekly men's recovery group around this issue for 15 years... he didn't begin to walk in true freedom until 3 years ago. What helped Vern "turn the corner" was getting mentored by another godly man... investing time and finances in his own therapeutic process... and listening on a regular basis to great podcasts... including The Power of Purity Podcast. Recently Vern started his own podcast... Pastors On Porn... which is intended to be a safe place for struggling pastors to find anonymous help for their struggle. In this episode Tony does something very different... because Tony is normally the INTERVIEWER... but on this episode Tony is actually the INTERVIEWEE. Vern actually hosted Tony as a guest on the Pastors On Porn Podcast... and it's that episode that's being presented today on the Power of Purity Podcast.
28.4.2020 • 33 Protokoll, 16 Sekunden
POP 221 - From Addiction To Purity with Shaun - Part 2
NOTE - In this epidote Shaun shares some very powerful ideas on how to talk with you kids about sexual issues! Shaun is a believer in Christ. He loves God... and wants to serve God. He wants to honor God with his life. He loves his wife and his family. But Shaun struggled with his addiction to pornography for years. This lead to Shaun becoming a man of duplicity... because he had sexual secrets... and he was representing himself to his wife as one man... when he was in fact a very different man. And then Shaun got "CAUGHT"! That was "D-DAY"... and it forced him to come into the "light" with his wife... and with God... and with himself. Shortly after his D-DAY... a friend told him about this purity group that meets in the St. Louis area... led by this guy name Tony Ingrassia. About 5 years ago Shaun began coming to the group shortly after he heard about it... and Shaun now has 5 years of sexual sobriety... or said another way... Shaun has NOT looked at porn for about 5 years now! AMAZING Shaun is living proof that... * IT IS POSSIBLE for a man to STOP LOOKING AT PORN. * IT IS POSSIBLE for a man to OVERCOME HIS SEXUAL ADDICTION... by God's grace! * IT IS POSSIBLE FOR A WHITE GLOVE TO BE IN THE MIDDEL OF A BIG MUD PUDDLE AND STILL REMAIN PURE AND CLEAN! Be encouraged as you hear Shaun's story... because if Shaun can do it... so can YOU
21.4.2020 • 39 Protokoll, 14 Sekunden
POP 220 - From Addiction To Purity with Shaun - Part 1
Shaun is a believer in Christ. He loves God... and wants to serve God. He wants to honor God with his life. He loves his wife and his family. But Shaun struggled with his addiction to pornography for years. This lead to Shaun becoming a man of duplicity... because he had sexual secrets... and he was representing himself to his wife as one man... when he was in fact a very different man. And then Shaun got "CAUGHT"! That was "D-DAY"... and it forced him to come into the "light" with his wife... and with God... and with himself. Shortly after his D-DAY... a friend told him about this purity group that meets in the St. Louis area... led by this guy name Tony Ingrassia. About 5 years ago Shaun began coming to the group shortly after he heard about it... and Shaun now has 5 years of sexual sobriety... or said another way... Shaun has NOT looked at porn for about 5 years now! AMAZING Shaun is living proof that... * IT IS POSSIBLE for a man to STOP LOOKING AT PORN. * IT IS POSSIBLE for a man to OVERCOME HIS SEXUAL ADDICTION... by God's grace! * IT IS POSSIBLE for a man to BRING HIS SEXUAL GIFT UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF CHRIST! * IT IS POSSIBLE FOR A GLOVE TO STAY WHITE AND PURE... EVEN IN THE MIDDLE OF A MUD PUDDLE! Be encouraged as you hear Shaun's story... because if Shaun can do it... so can YOU!
14.4.2020 • 33 Protokoll, 29 Sekunden
POP 219 - Really Hard Questions with Dr. Juli Slattery Part 2
Dr. Juli Slattery is a clinical psychologist, author, speaker and the President of Authentic Intimacy. Juli earned her college degree at Wheaton College, an MA in psychology from Biola University, an MS and a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology from Florida Institute of Technology. From 2008-2012, Dr. Slattery served at Focus on the Family writing, teaching, and co-hosting the Focus on the Family daily radio broadcast. In 2012, she left Focus on the Family to start Authentic Intimacy, a ministry devoted to reclaiming God’s design for intimacy. Juli is the author of ten books, host of the weekly podcast “Java with Juli”, and a member of the board of trustees for Moody Bible Institute. Dr. Juli's books include... (1) Rethinking Sexuality – God’s Design And Why It Matters (2) Passion Pursuit – What Kind of Love Are You Making (3) Sex and The Single Girl (4) Finding The Hero In Your Husband (5) 25 Questions You’re Afraid To Ask About Love, Sex and Intimacy (6) Surprised by The Healer – Embracing Hope For Your Broken Story (7) No More Headaches – Enjoying Sex & Intimacy In Marriage (8) Pulling Back The Shades – Erotica, Intimacy and The Longings of A Woman’s Heart (9) Beyond The Masquerade – Unveiling The Authentic You (10) Guilt Free Motherhood – Parenting With Godly Wisdom Through her ministry... Authentic Intimacy... Dr. Juli helps people understand the beauty of God's plan and holy design for sexual intimacy. On this episode and the next... Tony presents "really hard questions" about sex and intimacy to Dr. Juli. Juli and her husband Mike are the parents of 3 sons; they live in Akron, Ohio.
7.4.2020 • 33 Protokoll, 7 Sekunden
POP 218 - Really Hard Questions with Dr. Juli Slattery - Part 1
Dr. Juli Slattery is a clinical psychologist, author, speaker and the President of Authentic Intimacy. Juli earned her college degree at Wheaton College, an MA in psychology from Biola University, an MS and a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology from Florida Institute of Technology. From 2008-2012, Dr. Slattery served at Focus on the Family writing, teaching, and co-hosting the Focus on the Family daily radio broadcast. In 2012, she left Focus on the Family to start Authentic Intimacy, a ministry devoted to reclaiming God’s design for intimacy. Juli is the author of ten books, host of the weekly podcast “Java with Juli”, and a member of the board of trustees for Moody Bible Institute. Dr. Juli's books include... (1) Rethinking Sexuality – God’s Design And Why It Matters (2) Passion Pursuit – What Kind of Love Are You Making (3) Sex and The Single Girl (4) Finding The Hero In Your Husband (5) 25 Questions You’re Afraid To Ask About Love, Sex and Intimacy (6) Surprised by The Healer – Embracing Hope For Your Broken Story (7) No More Headaches – Enjoying Sex & Intimacy In Marriage (8) Pulling Back The Shades – Erotica, Intimacy and The Longings of A Woman’s Heart (9) Beyond The Masquerade – Unveiling The Authentic You (10) Guilt Free Motherhood – Parenting With Godly Wisdom Through her ministry... Authentic Intimacy... Dr. Juli helps people understand the beauty of God's plan and holy design for sexual intimacy. On this episode and the next... Tony presents "really hard questions" about sex and intimacy to Dr. Juli. Juli and her husband Mike are the parents of 3 sons; they live in Akron, Ohio.
31.3.2020 • 33 Protokoll, 3 Sekunden
POP 217 - Betrayal Trauma with MJ Denis - Part 2
MJ Denis is a specialist in the area of Betrayal Trauma... with the following credentials: LPC - Licensed Professional Counselor LMFT – Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist AASECT Certified Sex Therapist APSAT Certified Partner Trauma Specialist MJ's path has led her to specialize in areas involving sexual dysfunction, sexual betrayal, intimacy discrepancies and desire disorders. Her experience includes working as a mental health counselor, as an emergency hotline advocate, counseling patients experiencing sexual dysfunction, and helping individuals and couples work through the pain of betrayal, infidelity, and sex addiction for the Affair Recovery Center. MJ combines her experience as a sex therapist with her passion for helping couples learn to experience satisfying and healthy sexual relationships with their partners. As a Partner Trauma Specialist, she helps sex addicts and their partners learn about healthy sexuality and how to create intimacy in their relationships. MJ is trained in both ETT and EMDR. In this interview Tony and MJ discuss what Betrayal Trauma is... what it looks like... how it effects peoples... its profound implications... and what it takes to experience true and lasting healing. Tony wanted to interview MJ Denis for 2 primary reasons: (1) To inspire hope for those who are struggling with Betrayal Trauma... that genuine healing truly in possible. (2) To help us all understand the profound implications of Betrayal Trauma... in the hope that such understanding will help us to never perpetrate such trauma within the context of our own relationship.
24.3.2020 • 32 Protokoll, 25 Sekunden
POP 216 - Betrayal Trauma with MJ Denis - Part 1
MJ Denis is a specialist in the area of Betrayal Trauma... with the following credentials: LPC - Licensed Professional Counselor LMFT – Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist AASECT Certified Sex Therapist APSAT Certified Partner Trauma Specialist MJ's path has led her to specialize in areas involving sexual dysfunction, sexual betrayal, intimacy discrepancies and desire disorders. Her experience includes working as a mental health counselor, as an emergency hotline advocate, counseling patients experiencing sexual dysfunction, and helping individuals and couples work through the pain of betrayal, infidelity, and sex addiction for the Affair Recovery Center. MJ combines her experience as a sex therapist with her passion for helping couples learn to experience satisfying and healthy sexual relationships with their partners. As a Partner Trauma Specialist, she helps sex addicts and their partners learn about healthy sexuality and how to create intimacy in their relationships. MJ is trained in both ETT and EMDR. In this interview Tony and MJ discuss what Betrayal Trauma is... what it looks like... how it effects peoples... its profound implications... and what it takes to experience true and lasting healing. Tony wanted to interview MJ Denis for 2 primary reasons: (1) To inspire hope for those who are struggling with Betrayal Trauma... that genuine healing truly in possible. (2) To help us all understand the profound implications of Betrayal Trauma... in the hope that such understanding will help us to never perpetrate such trauma within the context of our own relationship.
17.3.2020 • 35 Protokoll, 7 Sekunden
POP 215 - From Queer To Christ with George Carneal - Part 4
George Carneal, author of “From Queer to Christ”, grew up in the ’70s, raised by a Southern Baptist minister in the ultra-conservative Bible belt. For years he struggled with his Christian faith and a same-sex attraction. George shares his painful journey through a secular world at odds with homosexuality, in addition to a religious world that is hostile to homosexuals. Perhaps sharing his journey through the eyes, and mind, of a confused child dealing with a same-sex attraction will give some insight into the pain and difficulty of navigating these two worlds. George would eventually spend 25 years immersed in the homosexual lifestyle (mostly in the Los Angeles club scene) and shares the pitfalls of that life. His story is not about glamorizing a life he once lived. Deliverance is possible. There is hope in Christ! George’s story is not an attack on the LGBT or Christian communities, nor is his story a representation of what all LGBT individuals go through. This is merely his journey and what he learned along the way. George is a frequent speaker at churches and conferences, has worked with pastors who are struggling with how to address this issue, and has appeared on broadcasts including the Christian Television Network – Homekeepers program, World Net Daily, Stand In The Gap Today (American Pastors Network), Janet Mefferd Live, Christian Life Magazine 99.3 FM, Focus Today w/Perry Atkinson (TheDoveTV), News & Views with Gregory Howard, Soaring Eagle Radio,The Igniting a Nation Broadcasting Network, etc., as well as contributing quotes to online articles for LifeSite News and The Christian Post.
10.3.2020 • 38 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
POP 214 - From Queer To Christ with George Carneal - Part 3
George Carneal, author of “From Queer to Christ”, grew up in the ’70s, raised by a Southern Baptist minister in the ultra-conservative Bible belt. For years he struggled with his Christian faith and a same-sex attraction. George shares his painful journey through a secular world at odds with homosexuality, in addition to a religious world that is hostile to homosexuals. Perhaps sharing his journey through the eyes, and mind, of a confused child dealing with a same-sex attraction will give some insight into the pain and difficulty of navigating these two worlds. George would eventually spend 25 years immersed in the homosexual lifestyle (mostly in the Los Angeles club scene) and shares the pitfalls of that life. His story is not about glamorizing a life he once lived. Deliverance is possible. There is hope in Christ! George’s story is not an attack on the LGBT or Christian communities, nor is his story a representation of what all LGBT individuals go through. This is merely his journey and what he learned along the way. George is a frequent speaker at churches and conferences, has worked with pastors who are struggling with how to address this issue, and has appeared on broadcasts including the Christian Television Network – Homekeepers program, World Net Daily, Stand In The Gap Today (American Pastors Network), Janet Mefferd Live, Christian Life Magazine 99.3 FM, Focus Today w/Perry Atkinson (TheDoveTV), News & Views with Gregory Howard, Soaring Eagle Radio,The Igniting a Nation Broadcasting Network, etc., as well as contributing quotes to online articles for LifeSite News and The Christian Post.
3.3.2020 • 37 Protokoll, 48 Sekunden
POP 213 - From Queer To Christ with George Carneal - Part 2
George Carneal, author of “From Queer to Christ”, grew up in the ’70s, raised by a Southern Baptist minister in the ultra-conservative Bible belt. For years he struggled with his Christian faith and a same-sex attraction. George shares his painful journey through a secular world at odds with homosexuality, in addition to a religious world that is hostile to homosexuals. Perhaps sharing his journey through the eyes, and mind, of a confused child dealing with a same-sex attraction will give some insight into the pain and difficulty of navigating these two worlds. George would eventually spend 25 years immersed in the homosexual lifestyle (mostly in the Los Angeles club scene) and shares the pitfalls of that life. His story is not about glamorizing a life he once lived. Deliverance is possible. There is hope in Christ! George’s story is not an attack on the LGBT or Christian communities, nor is his story a representation of what all LGBT individuals go through. This is merely his journey and what he learned along the way. George is a frequent speaker at churches and conferences, has worked with pastors who are struggling with how to address this issue, and has appeared on broadcasts including the Christian Television Network – Homekeepers program, World Net Daily, Stand In The Gap Today (American Pastors Network), Janet Mefferd Live, Christian Life Magazine 99.3 FM, Focus Today w/Perry Atkinson (TheDoveTV), News & Views with Gregory Howard, Soaring Eagle Radio,The Igniting a Nation Broadcasting Network, etc., as well as contributing quotes to online articles for LifeSite News and The Christian Post.
25.2.2020 • 32 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
POP 212 - From Queer To Christ with George Carneal - Part 1
George Carneal, author of “From Queer to Christ”, grew up in the ’70s, raised by a Southern Baptist minister in the ultra-conservative Bible belt. For years he struggled with his Christian faith and a same-sex attraction. George shares his painful journey through a secular world at odds with homosexuality, in addition to a religious world that is hostile to homosexuals. Perhaps sharing his journey through the eyes, and mind, of a confused child dealing with a same-sex attraction will give some insight into the pain and difficulty of navigating these two worlds. George would eventually spend 25 years immersed in the homosexual lifestyle (mostly in the Los Angeles club scene) and shares the pitfalls of that life. His story is not about glamorizing a life he once lived. Deliverance is possible. There is hope in Christ! George’s story is not an attack on the LGBT or Christian communities, nor is his story a representation of what all LGBT individuals go through. This is merely his journey and what he learned along the way. George is a frequent speaker at churches and conferences, has worked with pastors who are struggling with how to address this issue, and has appeared on broadcasts including the Christian Television Network – Homekeepers program, World Net Daily, Stand In The Gap Today (American Pastors Network), Janet Mefferd Live, Christian Life Magazine 99.3 FM, Focus Today w/Perry Atkinson (TheDoveTV), News & Views with Gregory Howard, Soaring Eagle Radio,The Igniting a Nation Broadcasting Network, etc., as well as contributing quotes to online articles for LifeSite News and The Christian Post.
18.2.2020 • 34 Protokoll, 21 Sekunden
POP 211 - A Critical Response To Purity Culture Outrage - Part 4
The term "purity culture" is often used in a pejorative way to describe the traditional Christian and biblical viewpoint and teachings concerning human sexuality. At the epicenter of this traditional viewpoint are such tenants as this: * Sexuality is a precious gift that God has given to us... and we are called to honor God with the expression of our sexual gift. * That God has a will... plan... and design for human sexuality... and God has an opinion about what is right and what is wrong when it comes to sex. * That doing sex God's way involves expressing and experiencing our sexual selves exclusively within the context of a loving... committed... and monogamous marriage between one man and one woman. * That because of this... it's appropriate to teach and to promote sexual abstinence before marriage... and to esteem the virtue of virginity before marriage. Many people who came of age in Christian evangelical churches in the 1990's and 2000's were exposed to these teachings of the "purity culture"... and many had experiences with rituals promoting abstinence until marriage through initiatives such as "purity pledges"... "purity balls"... and "purity rings". As a result of these experiences and teachings... many people today have come to hold a deep anger and resentment toward "purity culture"... and even believe that their lives were deeply and profoundly harmed by their experiences within the "purity culture". Because of this there is a growing cacophony of voices that are raging against the Christian "purity culture"... and thus the title of this series... A Critical Response To Purity Culture Outrage. In this important series... among other topics... Tony does the following: * Defines "purity culture". * Identifies the 5 primary complaints that are held and voiced against "purity culture". * Shares 5 observations regarding "purity culture" in general. * Then responds to the 5 primary complaints that are being levied against the "purity culture". Are the traditional viewpoints and teachings of the church... and of the bible... concerning human sexuality harming peoples lives and souls? Are Christian parents harming their children by teaching them biblical principles about sex and sexuality? Is what the bible says about sex old fashioned... out of date... an irrelevant in our modern world? Discover the answers to these and other important questions in this intriguing series of episodes... A Critical Response To Purity Culture Outrage.
11.2.2020 • 32 Protokoll, 46 Sekunden
POP 210 - A Critical Response To Purity Culture Outrage - Part 3
The term "purity culture" is often used in a pejorative way to describe the traditional Christian and biblical viewpoint and teachings concerning human sexuality. At the epicenter of this traditional viewpoint are such tenants as this: * Sexuality is a precious gift that God has given to us... and we are called to honor God with the expression of our sexual gift. * That God has a will... plan... and design for human sexuality... and God has an opinion about what is right and what is wrong when it comes to sex. * That doing sex God's way involves expressing and experiencing our sexual selves exclusively within the context of a loving... committed... and monogamous marriage between one man and one woman. * That because of this... it's appropriate to teach and to promote sexual abstinence before marriage... and to esteem the virtue of virginity before marriage. Many people who came of age in Christian evangelical churches in the 1990's and 2000's were exposed to these teachings of the "purity culture"... and many had experiences with rituals promoting abstinence until marriage through initiatives such as "purity pledges"... "purity balls"... and "purity rings". As a result of these experiences and teachings... many people today have come to hold a deep anger and resentment toward "purity culture"... and even believe that their lives were deeply and profoundly harmed by their experiences within the "purity culture". Because of this there is a growing cacophony of voices that are raging against the Christian "purity culture"... and thus the title of this series... A Critical Response To Purity Culture Outrage. In this important series... among other topics... Tony does the following: * Defines "purity culture". * Identifies the 5 primary complaints that are held and voiced against "purity culture". * Shares 5 observations regarding "purity culture" in general. * Then responds to the 5 primary complaints that are being levied against the "purity culture". Are the traditional viewpoints and teachings of the church... and of the bible... concerning human sexuality harming peoples lives and souls? Are Christian parents harming their children by teaching them biblical principles about sex and sexuality? Is what the bible says about sex old fashioned... out of date... an irrelevant in our modern world? Discover the answers to these and other important questions in this intriguing series of episodes... A Critical Response To Purity Culture Outrage.
4.2.2020 • 34 Protokoll, 20 Sekunden
POP 209 - A Critical Response To Purity Culture Outrage - Part 2
The term "purity culture" is often used in a pejorative way to describe the traditional Christian and biblical viewpoint and teachings concerning human sexuality. At the epicenter of this traditional viewpoint are such tenants as this: * Sexuality is a precious gift that God has given to us... and we are called to honor God with the expression of our sexual gift. * That God has a will... plan... and design for human sexuality... and God has an opinion about what is right and what is wrong when it comes to sex. * That doing sex God's way involves expressing and experiencing our sexual selves exclusively within the context of a loving... committed... and monogamous marriage between one man and one woman. * That because of this... it's appropriate to teach and to promote sexual abstinence before marriage... and to esteem the virtue of virginity before marriage. Many people who came of age in Christian evangelical churches in the 1990's and 2000's were exposed to these teachings of the "purity culture"... and many had experiences with rituals promoting abstinence until marriage through initiatives such as "purity pledges"... "purity balls"... and "purity rings". As a result of these experiences and teachings... many people today have come to hold a deep anger and resentment toward "purity culture"... and even believe that their lives were deeply and profoundly harmed by their experiences within the "purity culture". Because of this there is a growing cacophony of voices that are raging against the Christian "purity culture"... and thus the title of this series... A Critical Response To Purity Culture Outrage. In this important series... among other topics... Tony does the following: * Defines "purity culture". * Identifies the 5 primary complaints that are held and voiced against "purity culture". * Shares 5 observations regarding "purity culture" in general. * Then responds to the 5 primary complaints that are being levied against the "purity culture". Are the traditional viewpoints and teachings of the church... and of the bible... concerning human sexuality harming peoples lives and souls? Are Christian parents harming their children by teaching them biblical principles about sex and sexuality? Is what the bible says about sex old fashioned... out of date... an irrelevant in our modern world? Discover the answers to these and other important questions in this intriguing series of episodes... A Critical Response To Purity Culture Outrage.
28.1.2020 • 40 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
POP 208 - A Critical Response To Purity Culture Outrage - Part 1
The term "purity culture" is often used in a pejorative way to describe the traditional Christian and biblical viewpoint and teachings concerning human sexuality. At the epicenter of this traditional viewpoint are such tenants as this: * Sexuality is a precious gift that God has given to us... and we are called to honor God with the expression of our sexual gift. * That God has a will... plan... and design for human sexuality... and God has an opinion about what is right and what is wrong when it comes to sex. * That doing sex God's way involves expressing and experiencing our sexual selves exclusively within the context of a loving... committed... and monogamous marriage between one man and one woman. * That because of this... it's appropriate to teach and to promote sexual abstinence before marriage... and to esteem the virtue of virginity before marriage. Many people who came of age in Christian evangelical churches in the 1990's and 2000's were exposed to these teachings of the "purity culture"... and many had experiences with rituals promoting abstinence until marriage through initiatives such as "purity pledges"... "purity balls"... and "purity rings". As a result of these experiences and teachings... many people today have come to hold a deep anger and resentment toward "purity culture"... and even believe that their lives were deeply and profoundly harmed by their experiences within the "purity culture". Because of this there is a growing cacophony of voices that are raging against the Christian "purity culture"... and thus the title of this series... A Critical Response To Purity Culture Outrage. In this important series... among other topics... Tony does the following: * Defines "purity culture". * Identifies the 5 primary complaints that are held and voiced against "purity culture". * Shares 5 observations regarding "purity culture" in general. * Then responds to the 5 primary complaints that are being levied against "purity culture. Are the traditional viewpoints and teachings of the church... and of the bible... concerning human sexuality harming peoples lives and souls? Are Christian parents harming their children by teaching them biblical principles about sex and sexuality? Is what the bible says about sex old fashioned... out of date... an irrelevant in our modern world? Discover the answers to these and other important questions in this intriguing series of episodes... A Critical Response To Purity Culture Outrage.
21.1.2020 • 36 Protokoll, 58 Sekunden
POP 207 - I'm Living Free with Ben Bennett - Part 2
As a teenager Ben Bennett was already struggling with many doubts about God... and depression. Then his grandfather took his own life, which pushed Ben even further away from God. In his attempt to manage all the pain and confusion he was feeling, Ben turned to pornography in the attempt to self-medicate... and then battled a porn addiction that would last for at least 10 years. It wasn't until 2013 that Jesus brought him to healing and lasting freedom through being counseled and mentored by Dr. Ted Roberts of Pure Desire, utilizing a Biblical and clinical approach to sexual addiction recovery. Ben worked with the campus ministry of Cru for several years, serving as the Mid-Atlantic Regional Coordinator for Cru’s sexual addiction recovery groups, helping staff and students find true healing and freedom. He currently resides in Dallas, Texas and serves with Josh McDowell Ministry as an author and speaker, supporting the health and restoration of men and women struggling with porn and sexual brokenness. Ben is an author and speaker who is passionate about helping young men and women understand how to experience healing and freedom from porn use, sexual brokenness, and habitual sin. He co-authored Living Free with Dr. Ted Roberts of Pure Desire which is a year long porn addiction recovery curriculum for college age men. Another work he co-authored is Flesh, a 12 week online journey (available at which helps men understand the battle of sexual sin and it's underlying contributing factors. He is in the process of launching a new Cru ministry initiative with Christian apologist, author, and speaker Josh McDowell. This new ministry will serve the global church by equipping ministries, churches, and organizations to help individuals find true freedom from porn use and sexual brokenness as they encounter Jesus, healthy communities, and recovery solutions. Be blessed as you listen to Ben Bennett's powerful story! @benvbennett on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook
14.1.2020 • 40 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
The Power of Purity Podcast, Episode 206 - I'm Living Free with Ben Bennett - Part 1
As a teenager Ben Bennett was already struggling with many doubts about God... and depression. Then his grandfather took his own life, which pushed Ben even further away from God. In his attempt to manage all the pain and confusion he was feeling, Ben turned to pornography in the attempt to self-medicate... and then battled a porn addiction that would last for at least 10 years. It wasn't until 2013 that Jesus brought him to healing and lasting freedom through being counseled and mentored by Dr. Ted Roberts of Pure Desire, utilizing a Biblical and clinical approach to sexual addiction recovery. Ben worked with the campus ministry of Cru for several years, serving as the Mid-Atlantic Regional Coordinator for Cru’s sexual addiction recovery groups, helping staff and students find true healing and freedom. He currently resides in Dallas, Texas and serves with Josh McDowell Ministry as an author and speaker, supporting the health and restoration of men and women struggling with porn and sexual brokenness. Ben is an author and speaker who is passionate about helping young men and women understand how to experience healing and freedom from porn use, sexual brokenness, and habitual sin. He co-authored Living Free with Dr. Ted Roberts of Pure Desire which is a year long porn addiction recovery curriculum for college age men. Another work he co-authored is Flesh, a 12 week online journey (available at which helps men understand the battle of sexual sin and it's underlying contributing factors. He is in the process of launching a new Cru ministry initiative with Christian apologist, author, and speaker Josh McDowell. This new ministry will serve the global church by equipping ministries, churches, and organizations to help individuals find true freedom from porn use and sexual brokenness as they encounter Jesus, healthy communities, and recovery solutions. Be blessed as you listen to Ben Bennett's powerful story! @benvbennett on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook
7.1.2020 • 38 Protokoll, 48 Sekunden
POP 205 - The Holy Fire - Part 3
What do the following 6 stories from the bible have in common? (1) Israel's sacrificial system of worship using burnt offerings to God. (2) The prophet Elijah on Mount Carmel facing off against 850 false prophets. (3) Moses being called by God at the burning bush. (4) God protecting Israel at the Red Sea from the armies and chariots of Pharaoh with a pillar of fire. (5) The Day of Pentecost when gloves tongues of fire came upon the disciples as evidence of the Holy Spirit. (6) A group of former sorcerers in the City of Ephesus who one night decided to publicly burn their scrolls and magical arts. Each one of these stories is a reflection of God's curious and mysterious relationship with "fire"... and how God often uses literal fire to accomplish his will and purposes to bring forth his Kingdom upon the earth. In this series of episodes Tony presents the concept of "The Holy Fire"... and reveals how we can use the literal flames of a literal fire in our pursuit of sexual purity... as we seek to bring our sexual gift under the authority of Christ. 18 Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed what they had done. 19 A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas. 20 In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power. Acts 19:18-20
31.12.2019 • 41 Protokoll, 49 Sekunden
POP 204 - The Holy Fire - Part 2
What do the following 6 stories from the bible have in common? (1) Israel's sacrificial system of worship using burnt offerings to God. (2) The prophet Elijah on Mount Carmel facing off against 850 false prophets. (3) Moses being called by God at the burning bush. (4) God protecting Israel at the Red Sea from the armies and chariots of Pharaoh with a pillar of fire. (5) The Day of Pentecost when gloves tongues of fire came upon the disciples as evidence of the Holy Spirit. (6) A group of former sorcerers in the City of Ephesus who one night decided to publicly burn their scrolls and magical arts. Each one of these stories is a reflection of God's curious and mysterious relationship with "fire"... and how God often uses literal fire to accomplish his will and purposes to bring forth his Kingdom upon the earth. In this series of episodes Tony presents the concept of "The Holy Fire"... and reveals how we can use the literal flames of a literal fire in our pursuit of sexual purity... as we seek to bring our sexual gift under the authority of Christ. 18 Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed what they had done. 19 A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas. 20 In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power. Acts 19:18-20
24.12.2019 • 32 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
POP 203 - The Holy Fire - Part 1
What do the following 6 stories from the bible have in common? (1) Israel's sacrificial system of worship using burnt offerings to God. (2) The prophet Elijah on Mount Carmel facing off against 850 false prophets. (3) Moses being called by God at the burning bush. (4) God protecting Israel at the Red Sea from the armies and chariots of Pharaoh with a pillar of fire. (5) The Day of Pentecost when gloves tongues of fire came upon the disciples as evidence of the Holy Spirit. (6) A group of former sorcerers in the City of Ephesus who one night decided to publicly burn their scrolls and magical arts. Each one of these stories is a reflection of God's curious and mysterious relationship with "fire"... and how God often uses literal fire to accomplish his will and purposes to bring forth his Kingdom upon the earth. In this series of episodes Tony presents the concept of "The Holy Fire"... and reveals how we can use the literal flames of a literal fire in our pursuit of sexual purity... as we seek to bring our sexual gift under the authority of Christ. 18 Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed what they had done. 19 A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas. 20 In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power. Acts 19:18-20
17.12.2019 • 27 Protokoll, 40 Sekunden
POP 202 - His Porn, Your Pain, Healed with Lori Pyatt - Part 2
Before Lori Pyatt was ever married she asked God what her purpose in life was... and she heard God say... Your purpose in life is to have a great marriage and to help others do the same. But then Lori married a man - Jay Pyatt - who had an addiction to pornography. Not only did they fight over Jay's use of porn from the first day of their marriage... but the first six months were absolutely horrible... and they then settled into a rut that lasted the next 15 years! At the time they were incapable of talking about the problem... and even going to a therapist didn't help... so Jay and Lori grew further apart in their marriage. Since she didn't know what else to do... Lori simply buried her pain inside and tried to not "feel" her feelings. During those dark years Lori found it difficult to even smile. Then... about 10 years into their marriage... Jay decided to get serious about overcoming his porn addiction. He put accountability software on his phone... made a commitment to Lori every morning... and checked in with Lori every night. And he did really well... for about 6 years. Then Jay began using porn again... and did so secretly for the next 4 years! When Lori eventually found out she was devastated. She felt small... knowing her husband had lied to her hundreds... if not thousands of times... over a 4 year period. This brought Jay and Lori to a crossroads. Their marriage would either end in complete failure... or they would have to do the difficult work of rebuilding their relationship into a stronger and healthier marriage than they had ever had before. Be blessed as you listen to Lori Pyatt's amazing and powerful story... and hear how God worked in such a faithful and powerful way on their behalf. Jay and Lori are living proof that God can heal and redeem broken people... sexual addiction... and broken marriages.
10.12.2019 • 37 Protokoll, 21 Sekunden
POP 201 - His Porn, Your Pain, Healed with Lori Pyatt - Part 1
Before Lori Pyatt was ever married she asked God what her purpose in life was... and she heard God say... Your purpose in life is to have a great marriage and to help others do the same. But then Lori married a man - Jay Pyatt - who had an addiction to pornography. Not only did they fight over Jay's use of porn from the first day of their marriage... but the first six months were absolutely horrible... and they then settled into a rut that lasted the next 15 years! At the time they were incapable of talking about the problem... and even going to a therapist didn't help... so Jay and Lori grew further apart in their marriage. Since she didn't know what else to do... Lori simply buried her pain inside and tried to not "feel" her feelings. During those dark years Lori found it difficult to even smile. Then... about 10 years into their marriage... Jay decided to get serious about overcoming his porn addiction. He put accountability software on his phone... made a commitment to Lori every morning... and checked in with Lori every night. And he did really well... for about 6 years. Then Jay began using porn again... and did so secretly for the next 4 years! When Lori eventually found out she was devastated. She felt small... knowing her husband had lied to her hundreds... if not thousands of times... over a 4 year period. This brought Jay and Lori to a crossroads. Their marriage would either end in complete failure... or they would have to do the difficult work of rebuilding their relationship into a stronger and healthier marriage than they had ever had before. Be blessed as you listen to Lori Pyatt's amazing and powerful story... and hear how God worked in such a faithful and powerful way on their behalf. Jay and Lori are living proof that God can heal and redeem broken people... sexual addiction... and broken marriages.
3.12.2019 • 34 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
POP 200 - CELEBRATE 200!
The first episode of The Power of Purity Podcast was posted on March 29th, 2016... and here we are... 3 years and 8 months later at EPISODE 200! In this special 200th episode of the Power of Purity Podcast... Tony reads... responds... and answers questions from numerous notes and letters he's received from listens. Is there hope for a Christian man who has struggled with porn and self-gratification for over 50 years? Why is a man who struggled with fantasy and masturbation when he was a teenager still struggling with the same issues years later? What does a man do when his perpetual use of Internet pornography leaves him in a place of complete emptiness and self-hatred? What should a Christian man do when he discovers that his wife of 29 years has had multiple affairs? Is it possible to find forgiveness toward your spouse when your heart is filled with hurt... anger... and bitterness because of what they've done to you? Tony speaks to these issues... along with many others... as he shares the letters and questions from various listeners. In addition... at the end of this episode... Tony shares a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT concerning a SPECIAL UPCOMING EVENT that you will not want to miss!
26.11.2019 • 1 Stunde, 3 Protokoll
POP 199 - Porn Is Killing Me with Jay Pyatt - Part 2
In 2010 Jay Pyatt's wife... Lori... had a nagging suspicion that something was wrong... so she confronted him about his problematic use of pornography. What Lori didn't know is that Jay had been lying to her almost every night for the past 4 years. Hundreds... if not thousands of lies! Jay couldn't have done more damage to his wife's heart... and to their marriage... than if he had literally set their house on fire. Jay tore the marriage down... not just to the foundation... but to the dirt below the foundation. To make matters even worse... this was only one of many such confrontations that occurred during the first 15 years of their marriage. It was out of these ashes that Jay and Lori worked to rebuild their relationship. They learned new patterns of interaction that allowed trust to be rebuilt... and Jay never put so much effort into anything in his entire life. In the years that followed they changed their old dance steps into something they never thought possible. And then... from the epicenter of their own redemptive story... Jay and Lori felt called by God to share their story with others... in the hope of retrieving those who are struggling in the black hole of sexual self destruction. Before she even met Jay... Lori asked God what the purpose of her life was... and she felt God say... Your life purpose is to have a great marriage and to help others do the same. Jay helps men through his website... Lori helps women through her website... Tony interviews Jay in episodes 198 & 199... and interviews Lori in episodes 201 & 202. Be blessed as you listen to the amazing story of Jay and Lori Pyatt!
19.11.2019 • 42 Protokoll, 18 Sekunden
POP 198 - Porn Is Killing Me with Jay Pyatt - Part 1
In 2010 Jay Pyatt's wife... Lori... had a nagging suspicion that something was wrong... so she confronted him about his problematic use of pornography. What Lori didn't know is that Jay had been lying to her almost every night for the past 4 years. Hundreds... if not thousands of lies! Jay couldn't have done more damage to his wife's heart... and to their marriage... than if he had literally set their house on fire. Jay tore the marriage down... not just to the foundation... but to the dirt below the foundation. To make matters even worse... this was only one of many such confrontations that occurred during the first 15 years of their marriage. It was out of these ashes that Jay and Lori worked to rebuild their relationship. They learned new patterns of interaction that allowed trust to be rebuilt... and Jay never put so much effort into anything in his entire life. In the years that followed they changed their old dance steps into something they never thought possible. And then... from the epicenter of their own redemptive story... Jay and Lori felt called by God to share their story with others... in the hope of retrieving those who are struggling in the black hole of sexual self destruction. Before she even met Jay... Lori asked God what the purpose of her life was... and she felt God say... Your life purpose is to have a great marriage and to help others do the same. Jay helps men through his website... Lori helps women through her website... Tony interviews Jay in episodes 198 & 199... and interviews Lori in episodes 201 & 202. Be blessed as you listen to the amazing story of Jay and Lori Pyatt!
12.11.2019 • 38 Protokoll, 12 Sekunden
POP 197 - Sex Gone Wild - Part 2
How about these for examples of SEX GONE WILD? (1) A female Lutheran Pastor who thinks we should do away with the old fashioned teachings of the Bible about sex... because those teachings cause us to have shame... and have hurt our lives. (2) The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) has produced a video series on the topic of sex intended for school teachers in the United Kingdom to teach to 9 - 12 year old children. Among many other lessons... these children are being taught that there are now over 100 different gender identities. (3) The news media... including People Magazine and Oprah Winfrey... have announced to the world that men can now have babies! An example of this is a transgender "man"... who was born as a female... who has now had 3 babies. Despite the fact that this person still has ovaries... a womb... XX chromosomes... and has had 3 babies... they're celebrated as a "man" who can now have babies! Talk about... SEX GONE WILD! In this 2 part series Tony explores how SEX inevitably GOES WILD when people reject God's Holy Word... and begin to place their own thoughts... feelings... and preferences above the opinion and voice of God. In Part 1 of this series Tony reviews the craziness of SEX GONE WILD... and in Part 2 he reflects on several Bible passages that help us understand the roots of the dilemma... and what God has to say about... SEX GONE WILD!
5.11.2019 • 40 Protokoll, 47 Sekunden
POP 196 - Sex Gone Wild - Part 1
How about these for examples of SEX GONE WILD? (1) A female Lutheran Pastor who thinks we should do away with the old fashioned teachings of the Bible about sex... because those teachings cause us to have shame... and have hurt our lives. (2) The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) has produced a video series on the topic of sex intended for school teachers in the United Kingdom to teach to 9 - 12 year old children. Among many other lessons... these children are being taught that there are now over 100 different gender identities. (3) The news media... including People Magazine and Oprah Winfrey... have announced to the world that men can now have babies! An example of this is a transgender "man"... who was born as a woman... who has now had 3 babies. Despite the fact that this person still has ovaries... a womb... XX chromosomes... and has had 3 babies... they're celebrated as a "man" who can now have babies! Talk about... SEX GONE WILD! In this 2 part series Tony explores how SEX inevitably GOES WILD when people reject God's Holy Word... and begin to place their own thoughts... feelings... and preferences above the opinion and voice of God. In Part 1 of this series Tony reviews the craziness of SEX GONE WILD... and in Part 2 he reflects on several Bible passages that help us understand the roots of the dilemma... and what God has to say about... SEX GONE WILD!
29.10.2019 • 29 Protokoll, 22 Sekunden
POP 195 - Dirty Girls with Crystal Renaud Day - Part 2
Do you think guys are the only ones that struggle with watching internet porn? Think again! Do you think guys are the only ones that struggle with sex addiction? Think again. Crystal Renaud Day is the founder and director of Dirty Girls Ministry. Crystal became involved with pornography when she was 10 years old... and this led to a porn addiction... and a sex addiction... that lasted for years. Crystal thought she was the only woman who struggled with these issues... because whenever she heard it talked about at church... the message was always geared toward the men. After many years of struggle and shame... Crystal met another woman who had also been a sex addict... but who had found freedom and healing through Christ. When Crystal heard this woman's story... and with this woman's help... Crystal began her journey of hope and healing. Crystal has an amazing story... and she's living proof that God can heal and redeem women who are struggling with porn and sex addiction. When you listen to this episode you might be shocked to learn how many Christian women are struggling with porn and sex addiction. Crystal holds a Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling: Life Coaching from Liberty University and eight certifications in counseling and coaching specialties from the American Association of Christian Counselors. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, ABC News, CNN, Christianity Today, The 700 Club, Outreach Magazine, and more. Her books include Dirty Girls Come Clean (2011, Moody Publishers), 90 Days to Wholeness (2014, self-published), and Dating on Purpose (coming soon). Crystal resides in Kansas with her husband Tim and their adorably annoying dogs. For more information visit:
22.10.2019 • 41 Protokoll, 21 Sekunden
POP 194 - Dirty Girls with Crystal Renaud Day - Part 1
Do you think guys are the only ones that struggle with watching internet porn? Think again! Do you think guys are the only ones that struggle with sex addiction? Think again. Crystal Renaud Day is the founder and director of Dirty Girls Ministry. Crystal became involved with pornography when she was 10 years old... and this led to a porn addiction... and a sex addiction... that lasted for years. Crystal thought she was the only woman who struggled with these issues... because whenever she heard it talked about at church... the message was always geared toward the men. After many years of struggle and shame... Crystal met another woman who had also been a sex addict... but who had found freedom and healing through Christ. When Crystal heard this woman's story... and with this woman's help... Crystal began her journey of hope and healing. Crystal has an amazing story... and she's living proof that God can heal and redeem women who are struggling with porn and sex addiction. When you listen to this episode you might be shocked to learn how many Christian women are struggling with porn and sex addiction. Crystal holds a Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling: Life Coaching from Liberty University and eight certifications in counseling and coaching specialties from the American Association of Christian Counselors. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, ABC News, CNN, Christianity Today, The 700 Club, Outreach Magazine, and more. Her books include Dirty Girls Come Clean (2011, Moody Publishers), 90 Days to Wholeness (2014, self-published), and Dating on Purpose (coming soon). Crystal resides in Kansas with her husband Tim and their adorably annoying dogs. For more information visit:
15.10.2019 • 36 Protokoll, 54 Sekunden
POP 193 - Approving The Will of God - Part 2
Every single day you "test, examine, and scrutinize" different situations in your life in order to determine what might be the appropriate course of action. For example... If you were going to go ice skating on a country pond... you would test and examine the ice... to make sure it was thick enough to safely hold your weight before you would fully commit yourself to the ice. If you were going to take a bath... you would "test" the temperature of the water to make sure it wasn't scalding hot before you would sit down in the bath tub. If you were going on a trip that was going to take you a couple hours of drive time... you would double check your gas level to make sure have enough gas to arrive safely at your destination. In much the same way... the Apostle Paul encourages us to "test and approve" the will of God for our lives. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing, and perfect will. Romans 12:2 When it comes to sexual temptation... over and over again we will bump into situations in our lives... and we will need to "test, examine, and scrutinize" what's before us in the attempt to discern the will of God. For example... A woman at work has been overtly friendly and flirtatious with you... and she then invites you to meet her one evening for a drink. You're invited to your cousin's bachelor party... and from what you know of your cousin you're pretty sure the party is going to involve strip clubs and prostitutes. You discover a bunch of pornographic magazines in a particular restroom at your job. Now each time you need to use the restroom... you have to decide which restroom you're going to use - the one that contains the porn... or the one that doesn't have any porn. In each of these situations... and many more like them that can occur in your life at any time... you better have the ability to "test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing, and perfect will". In this episode... and the next...Tony explores what it means to "test and approve" the will of God for your life.
8.10.2019 • 36 Protokoll, 3 Sekunden
POP 192 - Approving The Will of God - Part 1
Every single day you "test, examine, and scrutinize" different situations in your life in order to determine what might be the appropriate course of action. For example... If you were going to go ice skating on a country pond... you would test and examine the ice... to make sure it was thick enough to safely hold your weight before you would fully commit yourself to the ice. If you were going to take a bath... you would "test" the temperature of the water to make sure it wasn't scalding hot before you would sit down in the bath tub. If you were going on a trip that was going to take you a couple hours of drive time... you would double check your gas level to make sure have enough gas to arrive safely at your destination. In much the same way... the Apostle Paul encourages us to "test and approve" the will of God for our lives. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing, and perfect will. Romans 12:2 When it comes to sexual temptation... over and over again we will bump into situations in our lives... and we will need to "test, examine, and scrutinize" what's before us in the attempt to discern the will of God. For example... A woman at work has been overtly friendly and flirtatious with you... and she then invites you to meet her one evening for a drink. You're invited to your cousin's bachelor party... and from what you know of your cousin you're pretty sure the party is going to involve strip clubs and prostitutes. You discover a bunch of pornographic magazines in a particular restroom at your job. Now each time you need to use the restroom... you have to decide which restroom you're going to use - the one that contains the porn... or the one that doesn't have any porn. In each of these situations... and many more like them that can occur in your life at any time... you better have the ability to "test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing, and perfect will". In this episode... and the next...Tony explores what it means to "test and approve" the will of God for your life.
1.10.2019 • 31 Protokoll, 7 Sekunden
POP 191 - Willow Tree with Charlotte Carrender - Part 5
Charlotte Carrender has an amazing story! In this interview she shares the story of her 21 year marriage to Ken... and what it was like for her to be married to a man who was struggling with a sexual addiction that escalated over the years... eventually leading to the end of the marriage. What should a wife do... when she catches her husband using pornography... over and over again? What should a wife do... when her husband promises he'll never do it again... over and over again? What should a wife do... when her husband lies to her... over and over again? What should a wife do... if her husband's sexual addiction is getting worse and worse over time? For many years Charlotte was codependent with her husband's addiction... and therefore participated in the dysfunctional cycle that defined their life and marriage for so long. But eventually Charlotte joined a support group for women... and through that support group she began to grow as an individual... and find the resources she needed to become a healthier person... despite her husband's ongoing sexual addiction. Eventually the marriage came to an end... but because of everything she had been through for so many years... Charlotte had a heart to help other women who have been hurt and betrayed by their husband's sexual infidelity. She therefore became a woman's support group leader... and has now been leading women's support groups for the past eight years! Then... through a series of events... which they believe was providential... Tony and Charlotte met one another... and as they talked and prayed... Charlotte felt led to join with Tony so she could begin leading Power of Purity Women's Support Groups... which are called Willow Tree Groups. Women who are struggling in a troubled marriage can find great insights and encouragement from Charlotte's story... and men can find great insights and understanding from a female point of view. Be blessed as you hear this amazing story! In this final episode of her series Charlotte shares with us the important lessons God taught her through all that she has been through! For more information about Willow Tree... click here...
24.9.2019 • 53 Protokoll, 18 Sekunden
POP 190 - Willow Tree with Charlotte Carrender - Part 4
Charlotte Carrender has an amazing story! In this interview she shares the story of her 21 year marriage to Ken... and what it was like for her to be married to a man who was struggling with a sexual addiction that escalated over the years... eventually leading to the end of the marriage. What should a wife do... when she catches her husband using pornography... over and over again? What should a wife do... when her husband promises he'll never do it again... over and over again? What should a wife do... when her husband lies to her... over and over again? What should a wife do... if her husband's sexual addiction is getting worse and worse over time? For many years Charlotte was codependent with her husband's addiction... and therefore participated in the dysfunctional cycle that defined their life and marriage for so long. But eventually Charlotte joined a support group for women... and through that support group she began to grow as an individual... and find the resources she needed to become a healthier person... despite her husband's ongoing sexual addiction. Eventually the marriage came to an end... but because of everything she had been through for so many years... Charlotte had a heart to help other women who have been hurt and betrayed by their husband's sexual infidelity. She therefore became a woman's support group leader... and has now been leading women's support groups for the past eight years! Then... through a series of events... which they believe was providential... Tony and Charlotte met one another... and as they talked and prayed... Charlotte felt led to join with Tony so she could begin leading Power of Purity Women's Support Groups... which are called Willow Tree Groups. Women who are struggling in a troubled marriage can find great insights and encouragement from Charlotte's story... and men can find great insights and understanding from a female point of view. Be blessed as you hear this amazing story! For more information about Willow Tree... click here...
17.9.2019 • 35 Protokoll
POP 189 - Willow Tree with Charlotte Carrender - Part 3
Charlotte Carrender has an amazing story! In this interview she shares the story of her 21 year marriage to Ken... and what it was like for her to be married to a man who was struggling with a sexual addiction that escalated over the years... eventually leading to the end of the marriage. What should a wife do... when she catches her husband using pornography... over and over again? What should a wife do... when her husband promises he'll never do it again... over and over again? What should a wife do... when her husband lies to her... over and over again? What should a wife do... if her husband's sexual addiction is getting worse and worse over time? For many years Charlotte was codependent with her husband's addiction... and therefore participated in the dysfunctional cycle that defined their life and marriage for so long. But eventually Charlotte joined a support group for women... and through that support group she began to grow as an individual... and find the resources she needed to become a healthier person... despite her husband's ongoing sexual addiction. Eventually the marriage came to an end... but because of everything she had been through for so many years... Charlotte had a heart to help other women who have been hurt and betrayed by their husband's sexual infidelity. She therefore became a woman's support group leader... and has now been leading women's support groups for the past eight years! Then... through a series of events... which they believe was providential... Tony and Charlotte met one another... and as they talked and prayed... Charlotte felt led to join with Tony so she could begin leading Power of Purity Women's Support Groups... which are called Willow Tree Groups. Women who are struggling in a troubled marriage can find great insights and encouragement from Charlotte's story... and men can find great insights and understanding from a female point of view. Be blessed as you hear this amazing story! For more information about Willow Tree... click here...
10.9.2019 • 36 Protokoll, 50 Sekunden
POP 188 - Willow Tree with Charlotte Carrender - Part 2
Charlotte Carrender has an amazing story! In this interview she shares the story of her 21 year marriage to Ken... and what it was like for her to be married to a man who was struggling with a sexual addiction that escalated over the years... eventually leading to the end of the marriage. What should a wife do... when she catches her husband using pornography... over and over again? What should a wife do... when her husband promises he'll never do it again... over and over again? What should a wife do... when her husband lies to her... over and over again? What should a wife do... if her husband's sexual addiction is getting worse and worse over time? For many years Charlotte was codependent with her husband's addiction... and therefore participated in the dysfunctional cycle that defined their life and marriage for so long. But eventually Charlotte joined a support group for women... and through that support group she began to grow as an individual... and find the resources she needed to become a healthier person... despite her husband's ongoing sexual addiction. Eventually the marriage came to an end... but because of everything she had been through for so many years... Charlotte had a heart to help other women who have been hurt and betrayed by their husband's sexual infidelity. She therefore became a woman's support group leader... and has now been leading women's support groups for the past eight years! Then... through a series of events... which they believe was providential... Tony and Charlotte met one another... and as they talked and prayed... Charlotte felt led to join with Tony so she could begin leading Power of Purity Women's Support Groups... which are called Willow Tree Groups. Women who are struggling in a troubled marriage can find great insights and encouragement from Charlotte's story... and men can find great insights and understanding from a female point of view. Be blessed as you hear this amazing story! For more information about Willow Tree... click here...
3.9.2019 • 34 Protokoll, 3 Sekunden
POP 187 - Willow Tree with Charlotte Carrender - Part 1
Charlotte Carrender has an amazing story! In this interview she shares the story of her 21 year marriage to Ken... and what it was like for her to be married to a man who was struggling with a sexual addiction that escalated over the years... eventually leading to the end of the marriage. What should a wife do... when she catches her husband using pornography... over and over again? What should a wife do... when her husband promises he'll never do it again... over and over again? What should a wife do... when her husband lies to her... over and over again? What should a wife do... if her husband's sexual addiction is getting worse and worse over time? For many years Charlotte was codependent with her husband's addiction... and therefore participated in the dysfunctional cycle that defined their life and marriage for so long. But eventually Charlotte joined a support group for women... and through that support group she began to grow as an individual... and find the resources she needed to become a healthier person... despite her husband's ongoing sexual addiction. Eventually the marriage came to an end... but because of everything she had been through for so many years... Charlotte had a heart to help other women who have been hurt and betrayed by their husband's sexual infidelity. She therefore became a woman's support group leader... and has now been leading women's support groups for the past eight years! Then... through a series of events... which they believe was providential... Tony and Charlotte met one another... and as they talked and prayed... Charlotte felt led to join with Tony so she could begin leading Power of Purity Women's Support Groups... which are called Willow Tree Groups. Women who are struggling in a troubled marriage can find great insights and encouragement from Charlotte's story... and men can find great insights and understanding from a female point of view. Be blessed as you hear this amazing story! For more information about Willow Tree... click here...
27.8.2019 • 35 Protokoll, 54 Sekunden
POP 186 - BioBalance Health with Dr. Kathy Maupin - Part 2
As we've already identified on The Power of Purity Podcast... a very serious problem that many couples struggle with is when there's a significant disparity in the level of sexual desire between the two partners. What should a couple do when one person is highly sexed... and the other person has little to no sexual desire or appetite? One of the primary reasons people struggle with diminished sexual desire is because of what's happening organically within their physical body. If a person's hormone levels are out of balance it can and will radically effect their life in many ways... including their daily motivation in life... their level of energy... their overall attitude... their sense of well being... their physical health... and their sexual desire and appetite. And this is exactly how Dr. Kathy Maupin helps so many people achieve higher levels of success... happiness... and wholeness in their lives. Dr. Kathy Maupin is a leading expert in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, and in treating the symptoms of aging. She is also the author of “The Secret Female Hormone“, the seminal work about hormone replacement therapy for women. The headquarters for BioBalance Health is located in St. Louis MO, with offices in Kansas City MO, and Pasadena, CA. People travel from all over the United States and several other countries to become a BioBalance Health patient. Dr. Maupin and her staff are dedicated to providing personalized care and have extensive knowledge in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy for both men and women. Dr. Kathy has written 2 books... including one book for women and one book for men. The Secret Female Hormone - How Testosterone Replacement Can Change Your Life Got Testosterone? - Men - Return To The Sexier, Smarter, and Stronger You! On a personal note... As the host of The Power of Purity Podcast... Dr. Kathy contributed in a significant way to the healing journey of my relationship and marriage... and I highly recommend Dr. Kathy and BioBalance Health to any person who might be struggling with diminished sexual desire in any way. Tony Ingrassia You will be blessed by this fascinating interview! For more information about Dr. Kathy Maupin...
20.8.2019 • 40 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
POP 185 - BioBalance Health with Dr. Kathy Maupin - Part 1
As we've already identified on The Power of Purity Podcast... a very serious problem that many couples struggle with is the significant disparity in the level of sexual desire that often exists between the two partners. What should a couple do when one person is highly sexed... and the other person has little to no sexual desire or appetite? One of the primary reasons people struggle with diminished sexual desire is because of what's happening organically within their physical body. If a person's hormone levels are out of balance it can and will radically effect their life in many ways... including their daily motivation in life... their level of energy... their overall attitude... their sense of well being... their physical health... and their sexual desire and appetite. And this is exactly how Dr. Kathy Maupin helps so many people achieve higher levels of success... happiness... and wholeness in their lives. Dr. Kathy Maupin is a leading expert in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, and in treating the symptoms of aging. She is also the author of “The Secret Female Hormone“, the seminal work about hormone replacement therapy for women. The headquarters for BioBalance Health is located in St. Louis MO, with offices in Kansas City MO, and Pasadena, CA. People travel from all over the United States and several other countries to become a BioBalance Health patient. Dr. Maupin and her staff are dedicated to providing personalized care and have extensive knowledge in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy for both men and women. Dr. Kathy has written 2 books... including one book for women and one book for men. The Secret Female Hormone - How Testosterone Replacement Can Change Your Life Got Testosterone? - Men - Return To The Sexier, Smarter, and Stronger You! On a personal note... As the host of The Power of Purity Podcast... Dr. Kathy contributed in a significant way to the healing journey of my relationship and marriage... and I highly recommend Dr. Kathy and BioBalance Health to any person who might be struggling with diminished sexual desire in any way. Tony Ingrassia You will be blessed by this fascinating interview! For more information about Dr. Kathy Maupin...
13.8.2019 • 37 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
POP 184 - Faithful & True with Dr. Mark Laaser - Part 2
Dr. Mark Laaser, M.Div.,Ph.D. and Debbie Laaser, MA, LMFT began their journey in the field of sexual addiction in 1987, when Mark was intervened on for his own sexual addiction. After completing in-patient treatment and early intensive counseling, Mark began working with Dr. Patrick Carnes, the founder of the field of sexual addiction, at Golden Valley Health Center in Golden Valley, Minnesota. This work led to the publication of his first book that was called The Secret Sin, then renamed Faithful & True, which has been revised and is now titled, Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction, in its 19th printing. In 1992, Mark left Golden Valley and, together with his wife, Debbie, founded Mark Laaser Consulting, which was later renamed Faithful and True Ministries. Mark began to travel around the country speaking, teaching, and consulting with various hospitals and organizations. This work led to the publication of seven more books, including Talking to Your Kids About Sex and The Pornography Trap. Dr. Mark’s original counseling practice was opened in 1995, and steadily grew to become a full-time practice serving sexually broken men. In 2000, the Laaser's began support groups for men, their spouses and couples. In 2004, Debbie Laaser transitioned from the company that she had owned for 20 years and began working full-time with Mark at their counseling center. In May of 2005, Mark and Debbie Laaser moved into their counseling center in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Additional therapists have joined them at Faithful & True, offering counseling services for individuals and couples. Faithful & True’s serene environment offers a safe place for gentle, effective healing and growth – a vision of the Laasers for many years. Dr. Laaser offers intensive workshops for men, their spouses and couples that are widely considered “life changing” by those who attend. Faithful & True is transforming lives, rebuilding trust in relationships, and leading the way in Christian treatment of the modern day epidemic known as sexual addiction.
6.8.2019 • 42 Protokoll, 4 Sekunden
POP 183 - Faithful & True with Dr. Mark Laaser - Part 1
Dr. Mark Laaser, M.Div.,Ph.D. and Debbie Laaser, MA, LMFT began their journey in the field of sexual addiction in 1987, when Mark was intervened on for his own sexual addiction. After completing in-patient treatment and early intensive counseling, Mark began working with Dr. Patrick Carnes, the founder of the field of sexual addiction, at Golden Valley Health Center in Golden Valley, Minnesota. This work led to the publication of his first book that was called The Secret Sin, then renamed Faithful & True, which has been revised and is now titled, Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction, in its 19th printing. In 1992, Mark left Golden Valley and, together with his wife, Debbie, founded Mark Laaser Consulting, which was later renamed Faithful and True Ministries. Mark began to travel around the country speaking, teaching, and consulting with various hospitals and organizations. This work led to the publication of seven more books, including Talking to Your Kids About Sex and The Pornography Trap. Dr. Mark’s original counseling practice was opened in 1995, and steadily grew to become a full-time practice serving sexually broken men. In 2000, the Laasers began support groups for men, their spouses and couples. In 2004, Debbie Laaser transitioned from the company that she had owned for 20 years and began working full-time with Mark at their counseling center. In May of 2005, Mark and Debbie Laaser moved into their counseling center in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Additional therapists have joined them at Faithful & True, offering counseling services for individuals and couples. Faithful & True’s serene environment offers a safe place for gentle, effective healing and growth – a vision of the Laasers for many years. Dr. Laaser offers intensive workshops for men, their spouses and couples that are widely considered “life changing” by those who attend. Faithful & True is transforming lives, rebuilding trust in relationships, and leading the way in Christian treatment of the modern day epidemic known as sexual addiction.
30.7.2019 • 33 Protokoll, 34 Sekunden
POP 182 - Unwanted Sexual Behaviors with Jay Stringer - Part 2
Jay Stringer is a licensed mental health counselor, ordained minister, and nationally requested speaker on the subject of unwanted sexual behavior (i.e., extra-marital affairs, pornography, buying sex, and others). Based in Seattle, Jay has spent the last decade on the frontlines of demand for sexual exploitation and pornography. Jay’s clinical work guides men and women to find freedom from unwanted sexual behavior through inviting them to identify the unique reasons that bring them to it. In addition to his therapy practice and frequent speaking engagements, Jay is also a lecturer for the City of Seattle’s “john school,” a program designed for men who have been arrested for soliciting prostitution. Jay Stringer’s first book, Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing, is based on a multiyear research project into the stories of 3,800 men and women to address the key drivers of unwanted sexual behavior, why people remain in a place of shame, and the journey towards a new sexual story. Jay holds an MDiv and master in counseling psychology from the Seattle School of Theology and Psychology and received post-graduate training under Dr. Patrick Carnes and Dr. Dan Allender while serving as a Senior Fellow at the Allender Center. In this episode and the last, Tony and Jay discuss... among other topics... (1) how people end up in sexual addiction (2) why they stay in their sexual addiction (3) how to get out of sexual addiction Be blessed as you listen to this important interview with Jay Stringer!
23.7.2019 • 36 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
POP 181 - Unwanted Sexual Behavior with Jay Stringer - Part 1
Jay Stringer is a licensed mental health counselor, ordained minister, and nationally requested speaker on the subject of unwanted sexual behavior (i.e., extra-marital affairs, pornography, buying sex, and others). Based in Seattle, Jay has spent the last decade on the frontlines of demand for sexual exploitation and pornography. Jay’s clinical work guides men and women to find freedom from unwanted sexual behavior through inviting them to identify the unique reasons that bring them to it. In addition to his therapy practice and frequent speaking engagements, Jay is also a lecturer for the City of Seattle’s “john school,” a program designed for men who have been arrested for soliciting prostitution. Jay Stringer’s first book, Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing, is based on a multiyear research project into the stories of 3,800 men and women to address the key drivers of unwanted sexual behavior, why people remain in a place of shame, and the journey towards a new sexual story. Jay holds an MDiv and master in counseling psychology from the Seattle School of Theology and Psychology and received post-graduate training under Dr. Patrick Carnes and Dr. Dan Allender while serving as a Senior Fellow at the Allender Center. In this episode and the next, Tony and Jay discuss... among other topics... (1) how people end up in sexual addiction (2) why they stay in their sexual addiction (3) how to get out of sexual addiction Be blessed as you listen to this important interview with Jay Stringer!
16.7.2019 • 32 Protokoll, 10 Sekunden
POP 180 - Michael Leahy with Bravehearts - Part 2
Michael Leahy is an expert in the areas of pornography, sexual addiction, and recovery... and he's the Founder & CEO of BRAVEHEARTS... which is a faith based, mentoring centric ministry. Prior to founding BRAVEHEARTS, Michael spent twenty years in sales and sales management positions with technology firms such as IBM, Unisys and NEC. But then his thirty-year relationship with pornography escalated into a full-blown sexual addiction that eventually cost him his marriage and family, a business partnership, countless relationships, and his reputation. When Michael finally hit rock bottom, and was preparing to put a pistol in his mouth to end it all, he was trying to figure out what to say to his sons in the suicide note that he would leave behind. It was only then he was shocked to realize the enormous price that pornography and sexual addiction had extracted from his life. That dark place helped him realize his desperate need for God, and he then began the difficult but redemptive process of his healing journey. Eventually Michael founded BRAVEHEARTS, which is a faith-based non-profit organization whose mission is to lead people from sexual brokenness and sexual addiction to freedom in Christ. Michael has written 5 books, including... Porn Nation - Conquering America's # 1 Addiction... and has made many media appearances as an expert on the issues of pornography, sexual addiction, and recovery, including 20/20, The View, CNN, CNBC, the BBC, and The 700 Club. Michael's story is another amazing example of the powerful grace, mercy, and redemption of God! You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. John 8:32
9.7.2019 • 33 Protokoll, 38 Sekunden
POP 179 - Michael Leahy with Bravehearts - Part 1
Michael Leahy is an expert in the areas of pornography, sexual addiction, and recovery... and he's the Founder & CEO of BRAVEHEARTS... which is a faith based, mentoring centric ministry. Prior to founding BRAVEHEARTS, Michael spent twenty years in sales and sales management positions with technology firms such as IBM, Unisys and NEC. But then his thirty-year relationship with pornography escalated into a full-blown sexual addiction that eventually cost him his marriage and family, a business partnership, countless relationships, and his reputation. When Michael finally hit rock bottom, and was preparing to put a pistol in his mouth to end it all, he was trying to figure out what to say to his sons in the suicide note that he would leave behind. It was only then he was shocked to realize the enormous price that pornography and sexual addiction had extracted from his life. That dark place helped him realize his desperate need for God, and he then began the difficult but redemptive process of his healing journey. Eventually Michael founded BRAVEHEARTS, which is a faith-based non-profit organization whose mission is to lead people from sexual brokenness and sexual addiction to freedom in Christ. Michael has written 5 books, including... Porn Nation - Conquering America's # 1 Addiction... and has made many media appearances as an expert on the issues of pornography, sexual addiction, and recovery, including 20/20, The View, CNN, CNBC, the BBC, and The 700 Club. Michael's story is another amazing example of the powerful grace, mercy, and redemption of God! You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. John 8:32
2.7.2019 • 31 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
POP 178 - 4 Bible Passages That Prove You CAN Change - Part 2
The devil has a very powerful lie that he wants to embed in your heart and mind... and that lie is this... I CAN'T CHANGE! The enemy is very shrewd... and he knows that if he can get you to believe this lie... that he will have you right where he wants you. The reason for this is because... if you believe this lie... you will essentially GIVE UP even trying to change. And this is a trick the enemy has used... and is using... to defeat so many Christian men... as he relegates them from their status at a "WARRIOR POET" in the Kingdom of God... to the status of a "P.O.W." (PRISONER OF WAR). Dude! You got to shake this lie off your life and soul! You can't let the devil continue to rip you off... the way he's been ripping you off through the power of this lie! Jesus said... "The truth will set you free." John 8:32 And the truth is this... YOU CAN CHANGE! Or said another way... YOU CAN STOP LOOKING AT PORN! YOU CAN LEARN TO CONTROL SEX INSTEAD OF BEING CONTROLLED BY SEX! YOU CAN LEARN TO HONOR GOD WITH THE EXPRESSION OF YOUR SEXUAL GIFT! YOU CAN BE A WHITE GLOVE IN THE MIDDLE OF A MUD PUDDLE AND NOT GET THE MUD ALL OVER YOU! In this episode Tony continues to share 4 bible passages that PROVE you CAN change!
25.6.2019 • 36 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
POP 177 - 4 Bible Passages That Prove You CAN Change - Part 1
The devil has a very powerful lie that he wants to embed in your heart and mind... and that lie is this... I CAN'T CHANGE! The enemy is very shrewd... and he knows that if he can get you to believe this lie... that he will have you right where he wants you. The reason for this is because... if you believe this lie... you will essentially GIVE UP even trying to change. And this is a trick the enemy has used... and is using... to defeat so many Christian men... as he relegates them from their status at a "WARRIOR POET" in the Kingdom of God... to the status of a "P.O.W." (PRISONER OF WAR). Dude! You got to shake this lie off your life and soul! You can't let the devil continue to rip you off... the way he's been ripping you off through the power of this lie! Jesus said... "The truth will set you free." John 8:32 And the truth is this... YOU CAN CHANGE! Or said another way... YOU CAN STOP LOOKING AT PORN! YOU CAN LEARN TO CONTROL SEX INSTEAD OF BEING CONTROLLED BY SEX! YOU CAN LEARN TO HONOR GOD WITH THE EXPRESSION OF YOUR SEXUAL GIFT! YOU CAN BE A WHITE GLOVE IN THE MIDDLE OF A MUD PUDDLE AND NOT GET THE MUD ALL OVER YOU! In this episode... and the next... Tony shares 4 bible passages that PROVE you CAN change! The first of those 4 bible passages will be explored in this episode... Colossians 3:1-10... and as you explore this passage you will learn the truth that can set you free!
18.6.2019 • 29 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
POP 176 - Pain Management Through Orgasm - Part 2
* We live in a very wounded... broken... and fallen world that's full of terrible pain. * Every person gets their share of this terrible pain. It looks different in every person's life... but everybody gets their share. There's sickness... disease... divorce... rape... murder... miscarriages... sexual abuse... physical abuse... car accidents... depression... mental illness... adultery... death... and the list goes on and on. These terrible things... and many more like them... happen in virtually every person's life in various combinations. * In the same way a person would instinctively yank their hand away if they accidentally touched a hot stove... virtually every person instinctively tries to minimize... numb... anesthetize... eliminate... or escape the pain that happens in their heart and life. Because of this... virtually every person... whether they consciously realize it or not... is in the pain management business. * People attempt to minimize and/or escape their pain in many different ways... and one of the primary ways that many men attempt to manage the pain in their life is through the power of their orgasm. A man's orgasm can allow him to escape what's making him feel bad... even if it's just for the several moments of intense pleasure and euphoria that his orgasm provides. Thus the title of this episode... Pain Management Through Orgasm In these episodes Tony explains how he used his orgasm... for many years... in a way God never intended a man's orgasm to be used... and then goes on to discuss an incredibly important question... If a man can no longer use his orgasm to manage the pain in his life... what should he do with his pain? In these episodes we discover why it's so important to have a proper THEOLOGY OF PAIN... and the 15 Principles of the Theology of Pain that will enable us to manage our pain in a much healthier way.
11.6.2019 • 50 Protokoll, 53 Sekunden
POP 175 - Pain Management Through Orgasm - Part 1
* We live in a very wounded... broken... and fallen world that's full of terrible pain. * Every person gets their share of this terrible pain. It looks different in every person's life... but everybody gets their share. There's sickness... disease... divorce... rape... murder... miscarriages... sexual abuse... physical abuse... car accidents... depression... mental illness... adultery... death... and the list goes on and on. These terrible things... and many more like them... happen in virtually every person's life in various combinations. * In the same way a person would instinctively yank their hand away if they accidentally touched a hot stove... virtually every person instinctively tries to minimize... numb... anesthetize... eliminate... or escape the pain that happens in their heart and life. Because of this... virtually every person... whether they consciously realize it or not... is in the pain management business. * People attempt to minimize and/or escape their pain in many different ways... and one of the primary ways that many men attempt to manage the pain in their life is through the power of their orgasm. A man's orgasm can allow him to escape what's making him feel bad... even if it's just for the several moments of intense pleasure and euphoria that his orgasm provides. Thus the title of this episode... and the next... Pain Management Through Orgasm In these episodes Tony explains how he used his orgasm... for many years... in a way God never intended a man's orgasm to be used... and then goes on to discuss an incredibly important question... If a man can no longer use his orgasm to manage the pain in his life... what should he do with his pain? In these episodes we discover why it's so important to have a proper THEOLOGY OF PAIN... and the 15 Principles of the Theology of Pain that will enable us to manage our pain in a much healthier way.
4.6.2019 • 40 Protokoll, 57 Sekunden
POP 174 - My Struggle With Same Sex Attraction with William - Part 2
From the time William was just a young boy... he knew he was "different" from all the other boys. He felt like like he didn't fit in with the girls... and he didn't fit in with the boys. When he was in second grade the other kids began to make fun of him... and tell him that he was "gay"... even though he didn't know what that meant. Over the next several years William tried to like girls... because that's what he was supposed to do... but the girls rejected him over and over again... and it was so hurtful that he unconsciously began to put up a wall between him and "girls". For some reason William always felt more comfortable with other guys than he did with girls... and although he could have friendships with guys on a personal level... in public even his friends scorned him because they didn't want to be associated with William. When he eventually began attending college... William was lonely and almost desperate for connection with others... and he soon learned to find the attention... affection... and connection he was looking for... in exchange for the sexual intimacy so many other guys wanted from him. Williams story is amazing... because it's another story of God's ability to heal and redeem a deeply broken person... and it's a story that stands in contradiction of a very powerful lie that exists in our culture today. The lie that says things like this... * Once a person's gay... they have to always be gay... because it's impossible to resist or change your sexual orientation. * It's impossible for a person who has a gay orientation to not live as a gay person. * It would be impossible for a person who has lived as a gay man for 10 years to ever get married to a woman... and to be happily married... and to even have children. William is living proof that a gay person does not have to continue to live as a gay person after Christ comes into their heart and their life. 9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. I Corinthians 6:9-11
28.5.2019 • 40 Protokoll, 55 Sekunden
POP 173 - My Struggle With Same Sex Attraction with William - Part 1
From the time William was just a young boy... he knew he was "different" from all the other boys. He felt like like he didn't fit in with the girls... and he didn't fit in with the boys. When he was in second grade the other kids began to make fun of him... and tell him that he was "gay"... even though he didn't know what that meant. Over the next several years William tried to like girls... because that's what he was supposed to do... but the girls rejected him over and over again... and it was so hurtful that he unconsciously began to put up a wall between him and "girls". For some reason William always felt more comfortable with other guys than he did with girls... and although he could have friendships with guys on a personal level... in public even his friends scorned him because they didn't want to be associated with William. When he eventually began attending college... William was lonely and almost desperate for connection with others... and he soon learned to find the attention... affection... and connection he was looking for... in exchange for the sexual intimacy so many other guys wanted from him. Williams story is amazing... because it's another story of God's ability to heal and redeem a deeply broken person... and it's a story that stands in contradiction of a very powerful lie that exists in our culture today. The lie that says things like this... * Once a person's gay... they have to always be gay... because it's impossible to resist or change your sexual orientation. * It's impossible for a person who has a gay orientation to not live as a gay person. * It would be impossible for a person who has lived as a gay man for 10 years to ever get married to a woman... and to be happily married... and to even have children. William is living proof that a gay person does not have to continue to live as a gay person after Christ comes into their heart and their life. 9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. I Corinthians 6:9-11
21.5.2019 • 42 Protokoll, 13 Sekunden
POP 172 - Authentic Intimacy with Dr. Juli Slattery - Part 2
Dr. Juli Slattery is a clinical psychologist, author, speaker and the President of Authentic Intimacy. Juli earned her college degree at Wheaton College, an MA in psychology from Biola University, an MS and a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology from Florida Institute of Technology. From 2008-2012, Dr. Slattery served at Focus on the Family writing, teaching, and co-hosting the Focus on the Family daily radio broadcast. In 2012, she left Focus on the Family to start Authentic Intimacy, a ministry devoted to reclaiming God’s design for intimacy. Juli is the author of ten books, host of the weekly podcast “Java with Juli”, and a member of the board of trustees for Moody Bible Institute. Dr. Juli's books include... (1) Rethinking Sexuality – God’s Design And Why It Matters (2) Passion Pursuit – What Kind of Love Are You Making (3) Sex and The Single Girl (4) Finding The Hero In Your Husband (5) 25 Questions You’re Afraid To Ask About Love, Sex and Intimacy (6) Surprised by The Healer – Embracing Hope For Your Broken Story (7) No More Headaches – Enjoying Sex & Intimacy In Marriage (8) Pulling Back The Shades – Erotica, Intimacy and The Longings of A Woman’s Heart (9) Beyond The Masquerade – Unveiling The Authentic You (10) Guilt Free Motherhood – Parenting With Godly Wisdom Through her ministry... Authentic Intimacy... Dr. Juli helps people understand the beauty of God's plan and holy design for sexual intimacy. Among many other topics... Tony and Dr. Juli discuss the following quote from her website... We believe that God intentionally created us as sexual beings, that every sexual choice is a spiritual choice, that sexuality is a powerful metaphor, and that Satan intentionally works to destroy the holy expression of sexuality. Juli and her husband Mike are the parents of 3 sons; they live in Akron, Ohio.
14.5.2019 • 35 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
POP 171 - Authentic Intimacy with Dr. Juli Slattery - Part 1
Dr. Juli Slattery is a clinical psychologist, author, speaker and the President of Authentic Intimacy. Juli earned her college degree at Wheaton College, an MA in psychology from Biola University, an MS and a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology from Florida Institute of Technology. From 2008-2012, Dr. Slattery served at Focus on the Family writing, teaching, and co-hosting the Focus on the Family daily radio broadcast. In 2012, she left Focus on the Family to start Authentic Intimacy, a ministry devoted to reclaiming God’s design for intimacy. Juli is the author of ten books, host of the weekly podcast “Java with Juli”, and a member of the board of trustees for Moody Bible Institute. Dr. Juli's books include... (1) Rethinking Sexuality – God’s Design And Why It Matters (2) Passion Pursuit – What Kind of Love Are You Making (3) Sex and The Single Girl (4) Finding The Hero In Your Husband (5) 25 Questions You’re Afraid To Ask About Love, Sex and Intimacy (6) Surprised by The Healer – Embracing Hope For Your Broken Story (7) No More Headaches – Enjoying Sex & Intimacy In Marriage (8) Pulling Back The Shades – Erotica, Intimacy and The Longings of A Woman’s Heart (9) Beyond The Masquerade – Unveiling The Authentic You (10) Guilt Free Motherhood – Parenting With Godly Wisdom Through her ministry... Authentic Intimacy... Dr. Juli helps people understand the beauty of God's plan and holy design for sexual intimacy. Among many other topics... Tony and Dr. Juli discuss the following quote from her website... We believe that God intentionally created us as sexual beings, that every sexual choice is a spiritual choice, that sexuality is a powerful metaphor, and that Satan intentionally works to destroy the holy expression of sexuality. Juli and her husband Mike are the parents of 3 sons; they live in Akron, Ohio.
7.5.2019 • 34 Protokoll, 7 Sekunden
POP 170 - Sex God's Way
In this episode Tony shares an intriguing story from I Samuel chapters 4 & 5 in the bible... and then applies that story to the topic of SEX! In this story... the pagan Philistines defeated Israel in battle and captured the Ark of God. They brought the Ark into the temple of their pagan god... Dagon. The next morning their huge statue of Dagon had fallen over and was laying on his face... before the Ark of God. So they stood him back up. The next morning Dagon had fallen over again... and was laying on his face before the Ark of God... only this time his head was broken off... and his hands were broken off! Then a great plague broke out against the people of that city... so they moved the Ark of God to another city. When the plague broke out in that city... they moved the Ark of God. again... to a third city. When the plague broke out in that city... they finally sent the Ark of God back to Israel! What does this intriguing story in the bible teach us about SEX! Well... if you listen to this episode you'll find out Tony's application. Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed. Luke 20:18
30.4.2019 • 42 Protokoll, 54 Sekunden
POP 169 - Your Faithful Brain with Dr. Leonard Matheson - Part 2
Episodes 153 & 154 of The Power of Purity Podcast were entitled... The Human Brain, Neuroplasticity & Porn Addiction. In those 2 episodes Tony did his best to explain the connection between a man's struggle with porn... and his own brain. As those episodes came to a close Tony promised to try to find a brain expert to interview further on this important subject... and todays episode... and the last... are the fulfillment of that promise. Dr. Leonard Matheson is a neurorehabilitation psychologist who helps people recover from devastating trauma. He’s taught at major medical schools in North America and Europe – including 15 years as a professor and scientist at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Missouri. In addition... Dr. Matheson was most recently an adjunct professor of counseling at Covenant Theological Seminary. Dr. Matheson has been a consultant to several Fortune 500 companies, the Social Security Administration, the US Congress, and hundreds of rehabilitation centers and governmental agencies in the United States, Canada, and other countries. Dr. Matheson’s has written more than 120 scientific papers… and textbook chapters in the American Medical Association’s definitive textbook entitled… Disability Evaluation... and he has written a book entitled… Your Faithful Brain. In this fascinating interview Dr. Matheson helps us understand the powerful connection between porn addiction and the human brain... and the reality that when a man is struggling with porn... he's literally in the fight of his life... with his own brain! In addition... Dr. Matheson helps us to understand how the Apostle Paul himself actually understood and taught the concept of neuroplasticity! Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 Your Faithful Brain - Dr. Leonard Matheson Your Faithful Brain Ignited - Dondra Agovino and Gina Birkemeier
23.4.2019 • 42 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
POP 168 - Your Faithful Brain with Dr. Leonard Matheson - Part 1
Episodes 153 & 154 of The Power of Purity Podcast were entitled... The Human Brain, Neuroplasticity & Porn Addiction. In those 2 episodes Tony did his best to explain the connection between a man's struggle with porn... and his own brain. As those episodes came to a close Tony promised to try to find a brain expert to interview further on this important subject... and todays episode... and the next... are the fulfillment of that promise. Dr. Leonard Matheson is a neurorehabilitation psychologist who helps people recover from devastating trauma. He’s taught at major medical schools in North America and Europe – including 15 years as a professor and scientist at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Missouri. In addition... Dr. Matheson was most recently an adjunct professor of counseling at Covenant Theological Seminary. Dr. Matheson has been a consultant to several Fortune 500 companies, the Social Security Administration, the US Congress, and hundreds of rehabilitation centers and governmental agencies in the United States, Canada, and other countries. Dr. Matheson’s has written more than 120 scientific papers… and textbook chapters in the American Medical Association’s definitive textbook entitled… Disability Evaluation... and he has written a book entitled… Your Faithful Brain. In this fascinating interview Dr. Matheson helps us understand the powerful connection between porn addiction and the human brain... and the reality that when a man is struggling with porn... he's literally in the fight of his life... with his own brain! In addition... Dr. Matheson helps us to understand how the Apostle Paul himself actually understood and taught the concept of neuroplasticity! Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 Your Faithful Brain - Dr. Leonard Matheson Your Faithful Brain Ignited - Dondra Agovino and Gina Birkemeier
16.4.2019 • 31 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
POP 167 - Delight Your Marriage with Belah Rose - Part 2
Belah Rose is a wife... a mom... an author... an intimacy coach... and the producer of the Delight Your Marriage Podcast! Through the Delight Your Marriage Podcast... Blah interviews guests... and shares information and wisdom on a variety of topics including... relationships... marriage... intimacy... sensuality... sexuality... femininity... self-image... and self-improvement. Belah's heart to help women in the areas that so many women struggle with... was born from the deepest hurt... pain... and failures of her own life. * A first marriage that included emotional, physical, spiritual, and sexual abuse * A divorce * Doubts and disappointments in God * A period of significant promiscuity * An unexpected pregnancy out of wedlock * A husband who wasn't interested in spiritual things * Guilt * Regret * Loneliness * Shame Belah is an amazing example that reveals God's incredible ability to heal and redeem deeply broken people... and deeply broken marriages! By God’s IMMENSE grace, I transformed my past and started teaching Christian women how they can do the same: I see them feel powerful and sexy and become fully whole in their marriage and honor their divinely feminine essence to witness their husband transform into the man they have wished and prayed that he would become. Belah Rose In this episode... among other things... Tony and Belah talk about "Masculine Sex" and "Feminine Sex"... and how these two aspects of sex complete God's design for sex within marriage.
9.4.2019 • 36 Protokoll, 57 Sekunden
POP 166 - Delight Your Marriage with Belah Rose - Part 1
Belah Rose is a wife... a mom... an author... an intimacy coach... and the producer of the Delight Your Marriage Podcast! Through the Delight Your Marriage Podcast... Blah interviews guests... and shares information and wisdom on a variety of topics including... relationships... marriage... intimacy... sensuality... sexuality... femininity... self-image... and self-improvement. Belah's heart to help women in the areas that so many women struggle with... was born from the deepest hurt... pain... and failures of her own life. * A first marriage that included emotional, physical, spiritual, and sexual abuse * A divorce * Doubts and disappointments in God * A period of significant promiscuity * An unexpected pregnancy out of wedlock * A husband who wasn't interested in spiritual things * Guilt * Regret * Loneliness * Shame Belah is an amazing example that reveals God's incredible ability to heal and redeem deeply broken people... and deeply broken marriages! By God’s IMMENSE grace, I transformed my past and started teaching Christian women how they can do the same: I see them feel powerful and sexy and become fully whole in their marriage and honor their divinely feminine essence to witness their husband transform into the man they have wished and prayed that he would become. Belah Rose
2.4.2019 • 32 Protokoll, 13 Sekunden
POP 165 - Surviving An Affair with Wade & Rachel Anderson - Part 2
Wade & Rachel Anderson have an amazing story! Wade had struggled with pornography his entire life... and after almost 20 years of marriage to Rachel... he finally crossed the "flesh barrier"... and became involved in an affair that lasted for 2 years. After deciding that he was going to leave his wife and family to pursue his relationship with this other women... Wade and Rachel came to a fateful night. Rachel asked Wade... "Are you involved with another person?" Wade responded... "We need to sit down and talk." After finally telling his wife the truth... she responded by telling him two different things that had a profound impact on his hard heart. First, she said... "I'll never leave you... no matter what." And second, she said... "If you're going to leave us... you have to be the one to tell our kids." In a mystery... God used those two statements to hit Wade like a ton of bricks... because he fully expected for Rachel to kick him out of their house immediately. Later... he wrote in a letter to Tony... "I thought she would surely kick me out. Instead the Holy Spirit gave her a gift to forgive me and show me amazing grace. I was so taken back that I became a prisoner of Christ." Wade & Rachel have now been in counseling for the past year... and although it's been a difficult journey... they've made significant progress on the Healing Path that God has intended for their hearts... lives... and marriage. Wade & Rachel have put together a "healing package" that they now offer to other couples who find themselves in a similar place of brokenness and despair. That package includes the following items: * A personal letter of encouragement from Wade & Rachel * A bible * The business card of a local counselor * The book - Shattered Vows - Debra Laaser * The book - Keep Walking - Lynn Marie Cherry * The book - How To Help Your Spouse Heal From Your Affair - Linda MacDonald * The book - Wild At Heart - John Eldredge * A personal journal to write in Wade & Rachel are living proof that God is still in the business of healing deeply broken people... and deeply broken marriages. Be blessed and encouraged as you listen to their story!
26.3.2019 • 39 Protokoll, 13 Sekunden
POP 164 - Surviving An Affair with Wade & Rachel Anderson - Part 1
Wade & Rachel Anderson have an amazing story! Wade struggled with pornography his entire life... and after almost 20 years of marriage to Rachel... he finally crossed the "flesh barrier"... and became involved in an affair that lasted for 2 years. After deciding that he was going to leave his wife and family to pursue his relationship with the other women... Wade and Rachel came to a fateful night. Rachel asked Wade... "Are you involved with another person?" Wade responded... "We need to sit down and talk." After finally telling his wife the truth... she responded by telling him two different things that had a profound impact on his hard heart. First, she said... "I'll never leave you... no matter what." And second, she said... "If you're going to leave us... you have to be the one to tell our kids." In a mystery... God used those two statements to hit Wade like a ton of bricks... because he fully expected for Rachel to kick him out of their house immediately. Later... he wrote in a letter to Tony... "I thought she would surely kick me out. Instead the Holy Spirit gave her a gift to forgive me and show me amazing grace. I was so taken back that I became a prisoner of Christ." Wade & Rachel have now been in counseling for the past year... and although it's been a difficult journey... they've made significant progress on the Healing Path that God has intended for their hearts... lives... and marriage. Wade & Rachel have put together a "healing package" that they now offer to other couples who find themselves in a similar place of brokenness and despair. That package includes the following items: * A personal letter of encouragement from Wade & Rachel * A bible * The business card of a local counselor * The book - Shattered Vows - Debra Laaser * The book - Keep Walking - Lynn Marie Cherry * The book - How To Help Your Spouse Heal From Your Affair - Linda MacDonald * The book - Wild At Heart - John Eldredge * A personal journal to write in Wade & Rachel are living proof that God is still in the business of healing deeply broken people... and deeply broken marriages. Be blessed and encouraged as you listen to their story!
19.3.2019 • 33 Protokoll, 25 Sekunden
POP 163 - HELP! I'm NOT Attracted To My Wife - Part 2
Tony recently received the following letter from a man who listens to the podcast: Hi Tony, Please discuss this on the podcast. I’m in a dilemma... My wife and I have been married now for 3.5 years. We both waited till marriage for sex. I knew on the wedding night I would never be attracted to my wife. I could go into details, but it’s the truth. What should I do? I opened the marriage package, and I’m highly UNattracted to my wife- I’m trying just to retrain my brain to be celibate while still respecting and being faithful- just give up on sex forever. It’s her weight, her breasts, her face even- and of course I keep this to myself to protect her feelings. PLEASE HELP! What should a man do if he ISN'T attracted to his wife? And what if it's worse that than? What if he's not only NOT attracted to her... but what if he's actually repulsed by her? Is is acceptable for a man to NOT have sex with his wife if he ISN'T attracted to her? In response to this man's inquiry... Tony shares 5 important principles... 2 in Episode 162... and 3 in this episode!
12.3.2019 • 32 Protokoll, 40 Sekunden
POP 162 - HELP! I'm NOT Attracted To My Wife - Part 1
Tony recently received the following letter from a man who listens to the podcast: Hi Tony, Please discuss this on the podcast. I’m in a dilemma... My wife and I have been married now 3.5 years. We both waited till marriage for sex. I knew on the wedding night I would never be attracted to my wife. I could go into details, but it’s the truth. What should I do? I opened the marriage package, and I’m highly UNattracted to my wife- I’m trying just to retrain my brain to be celibate while still respecting and being faithful- just give up on sex forever. It’s her weight, her breasts, her face even- and of course I keep this to myself to protect her feelings. PLEASE HELP! What should a man do if he ISN'T attracted to his wife? And what if it's worse than that? What if he's not only NOT attracted to her... but what if he's actually repulsed by her? Is is acceptable for a man to NOT have sex with his wife if he ISN'T attracted to her? In response to this man's inquiry... Tony shares 5 important principles... 2 in this episode... and 3 in the next episode.
5.3.2019 • 34 Protokoll, 38 Sekunden
POP 161 - HELP! My Wife Doesn't Want Sex - Part 3
Tony recently received a letter from a man asking for help because his wife doesn't want sex. Of course... this creates great difficulty in this man's heart and life... because he does want to have sex with his wife. In the letter... this man explains... * That his wife has very little desire for sex. * That when she does have sex with her husband... she does it for him... even though she doesn't really enjoy it. * How difficult it is for him to have sexual desire when his wife isn't interested. * How he doesn't just want sex... but he wants a deeper connection and intimacy with his wife. * How he longs for his wife to "want" to have sex with him... and not just offer him "duty sex". Through this letter... this man is asking for some help and guidance on how to manage this difficult issue in his marriage. In response... Tony shares 8 principles intended to help this couple with this challenge. What should a couple do when there's a significant disparity between their levels of sexual desire? What should a couple do when one person wants sex more than the other person? In the third episode of this 3 part series... Your Wife Doesn't Want Sex... Tony shares principles 7 & 8 of his response.
26.2.2019 • 33 Protokoll, 8 Sekunden
POP 160 - HELP! My Wife Doesn't Want Sex - Part 2
Tony recently received a letter from a man asking for help because his wife doesn't want sex. Of course... this creates great difficulty in this man's heart and life... because he does want to have sex with his wife. In the letter... this man explains... * That his wife has very little desire for sex. * That when she does have sex with her husband... she does it for him... even though she doesn't really enjoy it. * How difficult it is for him to have sexual desire when his wife isn't interested. * How he doesn't just want sex... but he wants a deeper connection and intimacy with his wife. * How he longs for his wife to "want" to have sex with him... and not just offer him "duty sex". Through this letter... this man is asking for some help and guidance on how to manage this difficult issue in his marriage. In response... Tony shares 8 principles intended to help this couple with this challenge. What should a couple do when there's a significant disparity between their levels of sexual desire? What should a couple do when one person wants sex more than the other person? In the second episode of this 3 part series... Your Wife Doesn't Want Sex... Tony shares principles 4 - 6 of his response.
19.2.2019 • 35 Protokoll, 4 Sekunden
POP 159 - HELP! From The WIFE Who Doesn't Want Sex!
Tony recently received a letter from a man asking for "HELP"... because his wife doesn't want sex. In response.. Tony recorded 3 episodes of The Power of Purity Podcast in order to speak to this mans questions and concerns. The first of those 3 episodes was Episode 158... and after publishing that episode... Tony received another letter... only this time from a woman who was responding to that episode. At the beginning of her letter... this woman writes... I guess you could call this letter... "HELP! From The WIFE who doesn't want sex!" In this episode of the podcast... Tony shares that woman's heartfelt letter... as she describes what it's like to be a woman who struggles with diminished sexual desire... what that looks like in her marriage... and how it affects her relationship with her husband. In the context of her letter... this woman makes several very important points... and asks some very important questions. Among others... these include... * The issue of a woman feeling "pressured" by her husband to have more sex. * The issue of the kind of sex a woman should be having with her husband. * The issue of a woman who is willing to have sex with her husband because he desires sex... but she doesn't really desire sex. * The issue of a man appreciating his wife... not just because of sex... but because of who she is as a person. * And the issue what a woman can do in order to stimulate higher levels of sexual desire within herself. If you're a guy... hold on to your hat... because you're about to get an inside glimpse of what a woman who doesn't want sex is really struggling with!
12.2.2019 • 1 Stunde, 2 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
POP 158 - HELP! My Wife Doesn't Want Sex - Part 1
Tony recently received a letter from a man asking for help because his wife doesn't want sex. Of course... this creates great difficulty in this man's heart and life... because he does want to have sex with his wife. In the letter... this man explains... * That his wife has very little desire for sex. * That when she does have sex with her husband... she does it for him... even though she doesn't really enjoy it. * How difficult it is for him to have sexual desire when his wife isn't interested. * How he doesn't just want sex... but he wants a deeper connection and intimacy with his wife. * How he longs for his wife to "want" to have sex with him... and not just offer him "duty sex". Through this letter... this man is asking for some help and guidance on how to manage this difficult issue in his marriage. In response... Tony shares 8 principles intended to help this couple with this challenge. What should a couple do when there's a significant disparity between their levels of sexual desire? What should a couple do when one person wants sex more than the other person? In the first episode of this 3 part series... Your Wife Doesn't Want Sex... Tony shares the first 3 principles of his response.
5.2.2019 • 33 Protokoll, 34 Sekunden
Podcast 157 - Tigerlili Resources with Meredith Seithel Mitelstadt - Part 2
Are you ready to hear an amazing story of God's ability to change the human heart and life? Ephesians 4:19-24 speak of God's ability to transform a person who has given themselves over to sensuality and all types of impurity... to a person who is now created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. It's an amazing metamorphous as God enables a person to TAKE OFF that which is OLD... and to PUT ON that which is NEW... through Christ Jesus. In this episode... and the next... Tony interviews Meredith Seithel Mitelstadt who is the founder of Tigerlili Resources. Meredith has an amazing story... and she truly is a trophy of God's grace! * Meredith became highly sexualized as a young lady. * This led to a significant level of promiscuity in her young life. * This led to her working as a bar tender in a strip club. * This led to her dancing at strip clubs. * And this eventually led her into a life of prostitution. Through this amazing story of redemption... like that of Mary Magdalene... you'll hear how God is still in the business of redeeming deeply broken women... and learn how God is now using a former prostitute... to rescue other prostitutes... and introduce them to the God who heals and redeems!
29.1.2019 • 44 Protokoll, 53 Sekunden
Podcast 156 - Tigerlili Resources with Meredith Seithel Mitelstadt - Part 1
Are you ready to hear an amazing story of God's ability to change the human heart and life? Ephesians 4:19-24 speak of God's ability to transform a person who has given themselves over to sensuality and all types of impurity... to a person who is now created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. It's an amazing metamorphous as God enables a person to TAKE OFF that which is OLD... and to PUT ON that which is NEW... through Christ Jesus. In this episode... and the next... Tony interviews Meredith Seithel Mitelstadt who is the founder of Tigerlili Resources. Meredith has an amazing story... and she truly is a trophy of God's grace! * Meredith became highly sexualized as a young lady. * This led to a significant level of promiscuity in her young life. * This led to her working as a bar tender in a strip club. * This led to her dancing at strip clubs. * And this eventually led her into a life of prostitution. Through this amazing story of redemption... like that of Mary Magdalene... you'll hear how God is still in the business of redeeming deeply broken women... and learn how God is now using a former prostitute... to rescue other prostitutes... and introduce them to the God who heals and redeems!
22.1.2019 • 47 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
POP 155 - The Human Brain, Neuroplasticity & Porn Addiction - Part 3
Can you relate to this cycle? A man looks at pornography... and it makes him feel good! There's a rush of adrenaline... there's a sense of eroticism... there's a sense of pleasure... and there's a sense of euphoria. Together these sensations literally create a kind of "high". The reason for this is because looking at porn causes an EXPLOSION of the 4 "feel good" chemicals in the brain: (1) Dopamine - the chemical of PLEASURE! (2) Oxytocin - the chemical of BONDING! (3) Serotonin - the chemical of MOOD! (4) Endorphins - the chemical of SATISFACTION! Together these 4 "happy" chemicals produce an intense sense of pleasure very similar to the "high" an addict experiences from a drug such as cocaine. And this is a PROBLEM... because when the brain experiences this intense pleasure... it intuitively wants MORE... and MORE... and MORE... and MORE! So a man feels compelled to look at porn... AGAIN... and AGAIN... and AGAIN... and AGAIN. And each time he looks... there's another EXPLOSION of the 4 "happy" chemicals in his brain... which embeds the desire to look DEEPER... and DEEPER... and DEEPER.. and DEEPER... within him... which makes it harder and harder for him to resist the ongoing temptation! Said another way... what's happening in a man's brain is typically a GIGANTIC part of his struggle with porn... or any other addictive behavior. The GOOD NEWS is that it IS possible for a man to literally retrain his brain... and to create new neuro-pathways that will enable him to resist temptation... and to honor God with the expression of his sexual gift. In this series of episodes Tony does his best to explain... on his own kindergarten level... The Human Brain.. Neuroplasticity... and Porn Addiction! NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC BACKWARDS BICYCLE VIDEO CLIP:
15.1.2019 • 49 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
POP 154 - The Human Brain, Neuroplasticity & Porn Addiction - Part 2
Can you relate to this cycle? A man looks at pornography... and it makes him feel good! There's a rush of adrenaline... there's a sense of eroticism... there's a sense of pleasure... and there's a sense of euphoria. Together these sensations literally create a kind of "high". The reason for this is because looking at porn causes an EXPLOSION of the 4 "feel good" chemicals in the brain: (1) Dopamine - the chemical of PLEASURE! (2) Oxytocin - the chemical of BONDING! (3) Serotonin - the chemical of MOOD! (4) Endorphins - the chemical of SATISFACTION! Together these 4 "happy" chemicals produce an intense sense of pleasure very similar to the "high" an addict experiences from a drug such as heroine. And this is a PROBLEM... because when the brain experiences this intense pleasure... it intuitively wants MORE... and MORE... and MORE... and MORE! So a man feels compelled to look at porn... AGAIN... and AGAIN... and AGAIN... and AGAIN. And each time he looks... there's another EXPLOSION of the 4 "happy" chemicals in his brain... which embeds the desire to look DEEPER... and DEEPER... and DEEPER.. and DEEPER... within him... which makes it harder and harder for him to resist the ongoing temptation! Said another way... what's happening in a man's brain is typically a GIGANTIC part of his struggle with porn... or any other addictive behavior. The GOOD NEWS is that it IS possible for a man to literally retrain his brain... and to create new neuro-pathways that will enable him to resist temptation... and to honor God with the expression of his sexual gift. In this series of episodes Tony does his best to explain... on his own kindergarten level... The Human Brain.. Neuroplasticity... and Porn Addiction!
8.1.2019 • 36 Protokoll, 26 Sekunden
POP 153 - The Human Brain, Neuroplasticity & Porn Addiction - Part 1
Can you relate to this cycle? A man looks at pornography... and it makes him feel good! There's a rush of adrenaline... there's a sense of eroticism... there's a sense of pleasure... and there's a sense of euphoria. Together these sensations literally create a kind of "high". The reason for this is because looking at porn causes an EXPLOSION of the 4 "feel good" chemicals in the brain: (1) Dopamine - the chemical of PLEASURE! (2) Oxytocin - the chemical of BONDING! (3) Serotonin - the chemical of MOOD! (4) Endorphins - the chemical of SATISFACTION! Together these 4 "happy" chemicals produce an intense sense of pleasure very similar to the "high" an addict experiences from a drug such as cocaine. And this is a PROBLEM... because when the brain experiences this intense pleasure... it intuitively wants MORE... and MORE... and MORE... and MORE! So a man feels compelled to look at porn... AGAIN... and AGAIN... and AGAIN... and AGAIN. And each time he looks... there's another EXPLOSION of the 4 "happy" chemicals in his brain... which embeds the desire to look DEEPER... and DEEPER... and DEEPER.. and DEEPER... within him... which makes it harder and harder for him to resist the ongoing temptation! Said another way... what's happening in a man's brain is typically a GIGANTIC part of his struggle with porn... or any other addictive behavior. The GOOD NEWS is that it IS possible for a man to literally retrain his brain... and to create new neuro-pathways that will enable him to resist temptation... and to honor God with the expression of his sexual gift. In this series of episodes Tony does his best to explain... on his own kindergarten level... The Human Brain.. Neuroplasticity... and Porn Addiction!
1.1.2019 • 36 Protokoll, 50 Sekunden
POP 152 - Make Way For God
MERRY CHRISTMAS! The day that this particular episode was published is December 25h... Christmas Day! So Tony thought there would be no better topic to reflect on for this particular episode than the birth of Christ... and the meaning of the coming of God to our world... and to our lives. Matthew 1:23 says that the baby who was born would be called Immanuel... which means "God with us". John 1:14 says that God became flesh... and made his dwelling among us. Isaiah 40:3 says that a highway has been prepared that allows God to travel directly into our mess. Luke 2:12-14 says that because of this baby... wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger... that God would bring "peace" to men on earth. The fact that God has placed himself within our reach... through the Incarnation... makes all the difference in the world. It inspires hope for our lives! It creates possibility! It means that we are no longer alone! It means that God... and all of his resources... are now available to us! This means our hearts... our lives... our marriages... our relationships... our priorities... our futures... and even our relationship with sex... can be completely different than ever before! So... Make Way For God... and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
25.12.2018 • 34 Protokoll, 5 Sekunden
POP 151 - Every Woman's Battle with Shannon Ethridge - Part 2
Shannon Ethridge is a million-copy best-selling author, international speaker, certified life coach, and advocate for healthy sexuality with a master’s degree in counseling and human relations from Liberty University. Shannon speaks to high school and college students, single adults, and married couples about: * Embracing a lifestyle of sexual integrity * Overcoming past sexual & emotional baggage * Cultivating genuine intimacy in marriage * Instilling sexual values in young children Shannon has written 22 books... including... * Every Woman's Battle * The Fantasy Fallacy * The Passion Principles * The Sexually Confident Wife Tony had prepared an entire list of questions for Shannon in advance of this interview... but their conversation was so spontaneous that they never made it to the prepared questions. In this episode... and the next... among other topics... Shannon shares some of her story... and talks about how the power of fantasy invites married couples into the deeper eroticism and ecstasy that God has intended for them. Shannon currently resides in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
18.12.2018 • 42 Protokoll, 20 Sekunden
POP 150 - Every Woman's Battle with Shannon Ethridge - Part 1
Shannon Ethridge is a million-copy best-selling author, international speaker, certified life coach, and advocate for healthy sexuality with a master’s degree in counseling and human relations from Liberty University. Shannon speaks to high school and college students, single adults, and married couples about: * Embracing a lifestyle of sexual integrity * Overcoming past sexual & emotional baggage * Cultivating genuine intimacy in marriage * Instilling sexual values in young children Shannon has written 22 books... including... * Every Woman's Battle * The Fantasy Fallacy * The Passion Principles * The Sexually Confident Wife Tony had prepared an entire list of questions for Shannon in advance of this interview... but their conversation was so spontaneous that they never made it to the prepared questions. In this episode... and the next... among other topics... Shannon shares some of her story... and talks about how the power of fantasy invites married couples into the deeper eroticism and ecstasy that God has intended for them. Shannon currently resides in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
11.12.2018 • 36 Protokoll, 26 Sekunden
POP 149 - Full Disclosure with Greg from Washington
In the previous 3 episodes of the podcast - (episodes 146-148) - Tony interviewed Greg from Washington. After these 3 episodes were already edited and in the process of being published... Greg contacted Tony with a concern. He felt that he had not been clear enough with certain details of his story during the original interview... and he was concerned about this because he did not want to be dishonest... or duplicitous... in any way... and he did not want to misrepresent the truth about himself... or his walk of purity. Greg's concern was this... Although he did make a vow to God of sexual purity... and complete sexual abstinence... and although Greg did honor that vow for 3 entire years... he eventually came to the place before God and his own conscience... where he began allowing himself to masturbate again... on occasion... within the parameters of certain mental and spiritual limitations. Greg wanted to bring absolute clarity to this part of his story... because he did not want to be dishonest in any way... nor cause a stumbling block to any other person by misrepresenting himself through his original interview. For these reasons Tony decided to honor Greg's good conscience... and to present this additional aspect of Greg's story in the pursuit of absolute honesty and transparency. Is it ever... under any circumstances... acceptable or appropriate for a Christian man to masturbate? If a Christian man does masturbate... does that mean that he is dishonoring God with the expression of his sexual gift? Tony speaks to these important questions... and others like them... in this spontaneous addendum to Greg's story.
4.12.2018 • 45 Protokoll, 21 Sekunden
POP 148 - Can A Single Man Honor God With The Expression Of His Sexual Gift with Greg from Washington - Part 3
This interview is with Greg from Washington. Greg was married for 9 years when his wife discovered that he was having an affair. During the dark days that followed... Greg's wife discovered The Power of Purity and Tony Ingrassia online... and gave the information to her husband. Greg ordered and watched all 30 sessions of The Power of Purity Video Conference... and following that he contacted Tony to come to St. Louis for a week of intensive counseling. On the verge of loosing his marriage and his family... Greg was more broken and motivated than he had ever been to finally deal with the root issues of his sexual struggle... and was willing to do whatever it would take in order to become a healthier man. Although Greg had been a Christian for many years... and was very actively involved in church and serving the Lord... he struggled in secrecy to honor God with the expression of his sexual gift. Although Greg was hopeful that his marriage and family could be saved... the difficult situation eventually led to a divorce... and the loss of his family. This unexpected season of his life came with new challenges... because Greg was more committed to sexual purity than he had ever been before... and this led to the very difficult question... Is it really possible for a single / divorced man to honor God with the expression of his sexual gift? At the time of this interview Greg has been divorced for 4 years... and he shares with us the challenges... lessons... and joys... he's learned along the way on his new journey as he seeks to be the man of purity that God has called him to be. Be blessed as you listen to Greg's story!
27.11.2018 • 42 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
POP 147 - Can A Single Man Honor God With The Expression Of His Sexual Gift with Greg from Washington - Part 2
This interview is with Greg from Washington. Greg was married for 9 years when his wife discovered that he was having an affair. During the dark days that followed... Greg's wife discovered The Power of Purity and Tony Ingrassia online... and gave the information to her husband. Greg ordered and watched all 30 sessions of The Power of Purity Video Conference... and following that he contacted Tony to come to St. Louis for a week of intensive counseling. On the verge of loosing his marriage and his family... Greg was more broken and motivated than he had ever been to finally deal with the root issues of his sexual struggle... and was willing to do whatever it would take in order to become a healthier man. Although Greg had been a Christian for many years... and was very actively involved in church and serving the Lord... he struggled in secrecy to honor God with the expression of his sexual gift. Although Greg was hopeful that his marriage and family could be saved... the difficult situation eventually led to a divorce... and the loss of his family. This unexpected season of his life came with new challenges... because Greg was more committed to sexual purity than he had ever been before... and this led to the very difficult question... Is it really possible for a single / divorced man to honor God with the expression of his sexual gift? At the time of this interview Greg has been divorced for 4 years... and he shares with us the challenges... lessons... and joys... he's learned along the way on his new journey as he seeks to be the man of purity that God has called him to be. Be blessed as you listen to Greg's story!
20.11.2018 • 33 Protokoll, 58 Sekunden
POP 146 - Can A Single Man Honor God With His Sexual Gift with Greg from Washington - Part 1
This interview is with Greg from Washington. Greg was married for 9 years when his wife discovered that he was having an affair. During the dark days that followed... Greg's wife discovered The Power of Purity and Tony Ingrassia online... and gave the information to her husband. Greg ordered and watched all 30 sessions of The Power of Purity Video Conference... and following that he contacted Tony to come to St. Louis for a week of intensive counseling. On the verge of loosing his marriage and his family... Greg was more broken and motivated than he had ever been to finally deal with the root issues of his sexual struggle... and was willing to do whatever it would take in order to become a healthier man. Although Greg had been a Christian for many years... and was very actively involved in church and serving the Lord... he struggled in secrecy to honor God with the expression of his sexual gift. Although Greg was hopeful that his marriage and family could be saved... the difficult situation eventually led to a divorce... and the loss of his family. This unexpected season of his life came with new challenges... because Greg was more committed to sexual purity than he had ever been before... and this led to the very difficult question... Is it really possible for a single / divorced man to honor God with the expression of his sexual gift? At the time of this interview Greg has been divorced for 4 years... and he shares with us the challenges... lessons... and joys... he's learned along the way on his new journey as he seeks to be the man of purity that God has called him to be. Be blessed as you listen to Greg's story!
13.11.2018 • 30 Protokoll, 36 Sekunden
POP 145 - What My Struggle With Porn Has Been Like For Me with Greg from Louisiana - Part 2
Episodes 111 & 112 of The Power of Purity Podcast were entitled: What My Husband's Struggle With Porn Has Been Like For Me... with Renee from Louisiana. Now... in episodes 144 & 145 Tony interviews Renee's husband... Greg... in these 2 episodes entitled: What My Struggle With Porn Has Been Like For Me... with Greg from Louisiana. Greg is a Christian man who struggled with his addiction to pornography for many years. Although he loved God... was involved in church... and was serving God in many ways... he seemed powerless to resist the temptation of pornography... and acted out over and over again. In these episodes you'll hear much of Greg's journey... and what enabled him to finally begin achieving authentic victory over the pornography that held power in his soul for so long. Although Greg hasn't achieved a perfect track record yet... he's come a remarkable way in his healing journey... and he's experiencing more freedom and victory over porn than ever before. Greg is living proof that it really is possible... A man who has struggled with pornography for many years can learn - through the power of Christ... to resist the temptation of porn... and honor both God and his wife through the expression of his sexual gift.
6.11.2018 • 33 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
POP 144 - What My Struggle With Porn Has Been Like For Me with Greg from Louisiana - Part 1
Episodes 111 & 112 of The Power of Purity Podcast were entitled: What My Husband's Struggle With Porn Has Been Like For Me... with Renee from Louisiana. Now... in episodes 144 & 145 Tony interviews Renee's husband... Greg... in these 2 episodes entitled: What My Struggle With Porn Has Been Like For Me... with Greg from Louisiana. Greg is a Christian man who struggled with his addiction to pornography for many years. Although he loved God... was involved in church... and was serving God in many ways... he seemed powerless to resist the temptation of pornography... and acted out over and over again. In these episodes you'll hear much of Greg's journey... and what enabled him to finally begin achieving authentic victory over the pornography that held power in his soul for so long. Although Greg hasn't achieved a perfect track record yet... he's come a remarkable way in his healing journey... and he's experiencing more freedom and victory over porn than ever before. Greg is living proof that it really is possible... A man who has struggled with pornography for many years can learn - through the power of Christ... to resist the temptation of porn... and honor both God and his wife through the expression of his sexual gift.
30.10.2018 • 35 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
POP 143 - Covenant Eyes - Vice President - Sam Black - Part 2
Do you know why they put guardrails next to the highway? They do it to keep cars from running off the road! In much the same way... God has called us as Christian men to journey on the "highway of purity" that he has intended for our lives. But unfortunately many of us keep running off the road when we succumb to the temptation... over and over again... to look at Internet pornography... or to act out sexually in some other inappropriate way. This is where Covenant Eyes comes in... because Covenant Eyes is like a "guardrail" that helps us stay on the highway of purity! Covenant Eyes is an Internet safety tool that brings authentic accountability to your life through the power of "relationship" so you can break free from the destructive power that Internet pornography has held over your heart and life. In this episode... Tony continues his interview with Sam Black... who is the Vice President of Covenant Eyes. Sam helps us understand why Covenant Eyes is such an effective tool on the journey of purity... and shares the story of his own struggle to overcome Internet pornography. It's a powerful story... and Sam Black is living proof that a man really can find freedom and victory from pornography through the work of Christ in his heart and life. If you think the "guardrail" of Covenant Eyes could help you on your journey of purity... click on the link below... and you can try Covenant Eyes FREE for 30 days to see if you like it. If Sam Black can overcome pornography in his heart and life... so can you!
23.10.2018 • 36 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
POP 142 - Covenant Eyes - Vice President - Sam Black - Part 1
Do you know why they put guardrails next to the highway? They do it to keep cars from running off the road! In much the same way... God has called us as Christian men to journey on the "highway of purity" that he has intended for our lives. But unfortunately many of us keep running off the road when we succumb to the temptation... over and over again... to look at Internet pornography... or to act out sexually in some other inappropriate way. This is where Covenant Eyes comes in... because Covenant Eyes is like a "guardrail" that helps us stay on the highway of purity! Covenant Eyes is an Internet safety tool that brings authentic accountability to your life through the power of "relationship" so you can break free from the destructive power that Internet pornography has held over your heart and life. In this episode... and the next... Tony interviews Sam Black... who is the Vice President of Covenant Eyes. Sam helps us understand why Covenant Eyes is such an effective tool on the journey of purity... and shares the story of his own struggle to overcome Internet pornography. It's a powerful story... and Sam Black is living proof that a man really can find freedom and victory from pornography through the work of Christ in his heart and life. If you think the "guardrail" of Covenant Eyes could help you on your journey of purity... click on the link below... and you can try Covenant Eyes FREE for 30 days to see if you like it. If Sam Black can overcome pornography in his heart and life... so can you!
16.10.2018 • 38 Protokoll, 48 Sekunden
POP 141 - Tullian Tchividjian - Part 5
William Graham Tullian Tchividjian... as Billy Graham's grandson... was born into a family of "Christian Royalty". But despite this fact... he dropped out of high school during a period of rebellion... and sank deeply into South Florida's "pleasure-saturated culture". At the age of 21 he came to personal faith in Jesus and began to truly serve God for the first time in his life. After earning an M.Div. degree at Reformed Theological Seminary... he was ordained by the Presbyterian Church in American (PCA)... founded his own successful and growing church near Ft. Lauderdale Florida (New City Presbyterian Church) and eventually merged with what had been one of the largest and most respected churches in America - Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. At this time Tullian became a "celebrity pastor"... a sought after public speaker... and the author of numerous popular books including... One Way Love It Is Finished Jesus + Nothing = Everything Surprised By Grace The Kingdom of God Glorious Ruin – How Suffering Sets You Free Then in 2015.. after serving as the Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge for seven years (2009 - 2015)... Tullian's life came crashing down after allegations emerged of an extramarital affair... the first of more than one to which he would admit. As a result of these events... Tullian lost his wife... his marriage... his family... his church... his ministry... his job... his reputation... and in the darkest of days he despaired of life itself and literally contemplated suicide. In a mystery... it was during these darkest and hardest days of his life that Tullian came to understand the grace and forgiveness of God in a deeper way than he had ever known before. Be blessed and encouraged as you hear this amazing story... and realize that the same mercy that's rescuing this deeply broken man is also available to you and me! Welcome to Tullian's story!
9.10.2018 • 38 Protokoll, 38 Sekunden
POP 140 - Tullian Tchividjian - Part 4
William Graham Tullian Tchividjian... as Billy Graham's grandson... was born into a family of "Christian Royalty". But despite this fact... he dropped out of high school during a period of rebellion... and sank deeply into South Florida's "pleasure-saturated culture". At the age of 21 he came to personal faith in Jesus and began to truly serve God for the first time in his life. After earning an M.Div. degree at Reformed Theological Seminary... he was ordained by the Presbyterian Church in American (PCA)... founded his own successful and growing church near Ft. Lauderdale Florida (New City Presbyterian Church) and eventually merged with what had been one of the largest and most respected churches in America - Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. At this time Tullian became a "celebrity pastor"... a sought after public speaker... and the author of numerous popular books including... One Way Love It Is Finished Jesus + Nothing = Everything Surprised By Grace The Kingdom of God Glorious Ruin – How Suffering Sets You Free Then in 2015.. after serving as the Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge for seven years (2009 - 2015)... Tullian's life came crashing down after allegations emerged of an extramarital affair... the first of more than one to which he would admit. As a result of these events... Tullian lost his wife... his marriage... his family... his church... his ministry... his job... his reputation... and in the darkest of days he despaired of life itself and literally contemplated suicide. In a mystery... it was during these darkest and hardest days of his life that Tullian came to understand the grace and forgiveness of God in a deeper way than he had ever known before. Be blessed and encouraged as you hear this amazing story... and realize that the same mercy that's rescuing this deeply broken man is also available to you and me! Welcome to Tullian's story!
2.10.2018 • 40 Protokoll, 42 Sekunden
POP 139 - Tullian Tchividjian - Part 3
William Graham Tullian Tchividjian... as Billy Graham's grandson... was born into a family of "Christian Royalty". But despite this fact... he dropped out of high school during a period of rebellion... and sank deeply into South Florida's "pleasure-saturated culture". At the age of 21 he came to personal faith in Jesus and began to truly serve God for the first time in his life. After earning an M.Div. degree at Reformed Theological Seminary... he was ordained by the Presbyterian Church in American (PCA)... founded his own successful and growing church near Ft. Lauderdale Florida (New City Presbyterian Church) and eventually merged with what had been one of the largest and most respected churches in America - Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. At this time Tullian became a "celebrity pastor"... a sought after public speaker... and the author of numerous popular books including... One Way Love It Is Finished Jesus + Nothing = Everything Surprised By Grace The Kingdom of God Glorious Ruin – How Suffering Sets You Free Then in 2015.. after serving as the Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge for seven years (2009 - 2015)... Tullian's life came crashing down after allegations emerged of an extramarital affair... the first of more than one to which he would admit. As a result of these events... Tullian lost his wife... his marriage... his family... his church... his ministry... his job... his reputation... and in the darkest of days he despaired of life itself and literally contemplated suicide. In a mystery... it was during these darkest and hardest days of his life that Tullian came to understand the grace and forgiveness of God in a deeper way than he had ever known before. Be blessed and encouraged as you hear this amazing story... and realize that the same mercy that's rescuing this deeply broken man is also available to you and me! Welcome to Tullian's story!
25.9.2018 • 30 Protokoll, 29 Sekunden
POP 138 - Tullian Tchividjian - Part 2
William Graham Tullian Tchividjian... as Billy Graham's grandson... was born into a family of "Christian Royalty". But despite this fact... he dropped out of high school during a period of rebellion... and sank deeply into South Florida's "pleasure-saturated culture". At the age of 21 he came to personal faith in Jesus and began to truly serve God for the first time in his life. After earning an M.Div. degree at Reformed Theological Seminary... he was ordained by the Presbyterian Church in American (PCA)... founded his own successful and growing church near Ft. Lauderdale Florida (New City Presbyterian Church) and eventually merged with what had been one of the largest and most respected churches in America - Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. At this time Tullian became a "celebrity pastor"... a sought after public speaker... and the author of numerous popular books including... One Way Love It Is Finished Jesus + Nothing = Everything Surprised By Grace The Kingdom of God Glorious Ruin – How Suffering Sets You Free Then in 2015.. after serving as the Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge for seven years (2009 - 2015)... Tullian's life came crashing down after allegations emerged of an extramarital affair... the first of more than one to which he would admit. As a result of these events... Tullian lost his wife... his marriage... his family... his church... his ministry... his job... his reputation... and in the darkest of days he despaired of life itself and literally contemplated suicide. In a mystery... it was during these darkest and hardest days of his life that Tullian came to understand the grace and forgiveness of God in a deeper way than he had ever known before. Be blessed and encouraged as you hear this amazing story... and realize that the same mercy that's rescuing this deeply broken man is also available to you and me! Welcome to Tullian's story!
18.9.2018 • 33 Protokoll, 32 Sekunden
POP 137 - Tullian Tchividjian - Part 1
William Graham Tullian Tchividjian... as Billy Graham's grandson... was born into a family of "Christian Royalty". But despite this fact... he dropped out of high school during a period of rebellion... and sank deeply into South Florida's "pleasure-saturated culture". At the age of 21 he came to personal faith in Jesus and began to truly serve God for the first time in his life. After earning an M.Div. degree at Reformed Theological Seminary... he was ordained by the Presbyterian Church in American (PCA)... founded his own successful and growing church near Ft. Lauderdale Florida (New City Presbyterian Church) and eventually merged with what had been one of the largest and most respected churches in America - Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. At this time Tullian became a "celebrity pastor"... a sought after public speaker... and the author of numerous popular books including... One Way Love It Is Finished Jesus + Nothing = Everything Surprised By Grace The Kingdom of God Glorious Ruin – How Suffering Sets You Free Then in 2015.. after serving as the Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge for seven years (2009 - 2015)... Tullian's life came crashing down after allegations emerged of an extramarital affair... the first of more than one to which he would admit. As a result of these events... Tullian lost his wife... his marriage... his family... his church... his ministry... his job... his reputation... and in the darkest of days he despaired of life itself and literally contemplated suicide. In a mystery... it was during these darkest and hardest days of his life that Tullian came to understand the grace and forgiveness of God in a deeper way than he had ever known before. Be blessed and encouraged as you hear this amazing story... and realize that the same mercy that's rescuing this deeply broken man is also available to you and me! Welcome to Tullian's story!
11.9.2018 • 31 Protokoll, 5 Sekunden
POP 136 - 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex - Part 10
Imagine if there was a metaphorical couple... who somehow ended up married to one another... even though they were from completely different cultures... and spoke completely different languages. No doubt this couple would have many challenges... because the way they look at things... think about things... and talk about things... would be radically different. In a very real way... this is what it's like for many... if not most couples... when it comes to the subject of sex... because it's absolutely amazing how radically different men and women can be in the ways they think... feel... and talk about sex. It's this disparity that causes significant hurt... confusion... anger... misunderstanding... and disorientation for many couples. In this important series Tony draws upon... (1) His personal experience as a man for the past 60 years. (2) His experience working with innumerable men... as a pastor... a professional counselor... and the Director of The Power of Purity. (3) And the wisdom of God's holy and immutable word... ... to help women gain strategic insights and understanding when it comes to men and sex. The principles Tony shares through this series might be surprising to some... if not shocking... but they will give women unusual... if not unexpected... insights into the world of men and sex. In this final episode of this series... Tony shares Principle 12 of the... 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex
4.9.2018 • 45 Protokoll, 16 Sekunden
POP 135 - 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex - Part 9
Imagine if there was a metaphorical couple... who somehow ended up married to one another... even though they were from completely different cultures... and spoke completely different languages. No doubt this couple would have many challenges... because the way they look at things... think about things... and talk about things... would be radically different. In a very real way... this is what it's like for many... if not most couples... when it comes to the subject of sex... because it's absolutely amazing how radically different men and women can be in the ways they think... feel... and talk about sex. It's this disparity that causes significant hurt... confusion... anger... misunderstanding... and disorientation for many couples. In this important series Tony draws upon... (1) His personal experience as a man for the past 60 years. (2) His experience working with innumerable men... as a pastor... a professional counselor... and the Director of The Power of Purity. (3) And the wisdom of God's holy and immutable word... ... to help women gain strategic insights and understanding when it comes to men and sex. The principles Tony shares through this series might be surprising to some... if not shocking... but they will give women unusual... if not unexpected... insights into the world of men and sex. In this episode Tony shares Principle 11 of the... 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex
28.8.2018 • 36 Protokoll, 30 Sekunden
POP 134 - 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex - Part 8
Imagine if there was a metaphorical couple... who somehow ended up married to one another... even though they were from completely different cultures... and spoke completely different languages. No doubt this couple would have many challenges... because the way they look at things... think about things... and talk about things... would be radically different. In a very real way... this is what it's like for many... if not most couples... when it comes to the subject of sex... because it's absolutely amazing how radically different men and women can be in the ways they think... feel... and talk about sex. It's this disparity that causes significant hurt... confusion... anger... misunderstanding... and disorientation for many couples. In this important series Tony draws upon... (1) His personal experience as a man for the past 60 years. (2) His experience working with innumerable men... as a pastor... a professional counselor... and the Director of The Power of Purity. (3) And the wisdom of God's holy and immutable word... ... to help women gain strategic insights and understanding when it comes to men and sex. The principles Tony shares through this series might be surprising to some... if not shocking... but they will give women unusual... if not unexpected... insights into the world of men and sex. In this episode Tony shares Principle 9 & Principle 10 of the... 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex
21.8.2018 • 36 Protokoll, 7 Sekunden
POP 133 - 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex - Part 7
Imagine if there was a metaphorical couple... who somehow ended up married to one another... even though they were from completely different cultures... and spoke completely different languages. No doubt this couple would have many challenges... because the way they look at things... think about things... and talk about things... would be radically different. In a very real way... this is what it's like for many... if not most couples... when it comes to the subject of sex... because it's absolutely amazing how radically different men and women can be in the ways they think... feel... and talk about sex. It's this disparity that causes significant hurt... confusion... anger... misunderstanding... and disorientation for many couples. In this important series Tony draws upon... (1) His personal experience as a man for the past 60 years. (2) His experience working with innumerable men... as a pastor... a professional counselor... and the Director of The Power of Purity. (3) And the wisdom of God's holy and immutable word... ... to help women gain strategic insights and understanding when it comes to men and sex. The principles Tony shares through this series might be surprising to some... if not shocking... but they will give women unusual... if not unexpected... insights into the world of men and sex. In this episode Tony shares Principle 7 & Principle 8 of the... 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex
14.8.2018 • 43 Protokoll
POP 132 - Elaine's Letter
This is a BONUS EPISODE of The Power of Purity Podcast! Elaine is a faithful listener of the POP Podcast... and she recently sent Tony a letter. As she's listened to the present series of episodes... 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex... Elaine said the following: "To be perfectly honest, my stomach is in knots and I'm feeling quite triggered after your frank discussion." In her letter Elaine shares her thoughts... feelings... and questions with Tony: What does a woman do if she's had sex with her husband an average of 4 times a week, and he still goes out and cheats on her? What does a woman do when she discovers her husband's "holy facade" is disingenuous because he's been living a lie for many years? What does a woman do when her husband turns her down for sex because he says the foreplay she needs to get ready "isn't worth the effort to him"? What does a woman do when her husband is seeking to perpetrate his sexual addiction upon her, often pressuring her for sex several times a day? What does a woman do when her husband is using sex in the attempt to fill the hole in his heart that only God can fill? Elaine asks these... and other tough and heartfelt questions... and Tony does his best to speak to these issues. Welcome to... Elaine's Letter.
10.8.2018 • 1 Stunde, 3 Protokoll, 9 Sekunden
POP 131 - 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex - Part 6
Imagine if there was a metaphorical couple... who somehow ended up married to one another... even though they were from completely different cultures... and spoke completely different languages. No doubt this couple would have many challenges... because the way they look at things... think about things... and talk about things... would be radically different. In a very real way... this is what it's like for many... if not most couples... when it comes to the subject of sex... because it's absolutely amazing how radically different men and women can be in the ways they think... feel... and talk about sex. It's this disparity that causes significant hurt... confusion... anger... misunderstanding... and disorientation for many couples. In this important series Tony draws upon... (1) His personal experience as a man for the past 60 years. (2) His experience working with innumerable men... as a pastor... a professional counselor... and the Director of The Power of Purity. (3) And the wisdom of God's holy and immutable word... ... to help women gain strategic insights and understanding when it comes to men and sex. The principles Tony shares through this series might be surprising to some... if not shocking... but they will give women unusual... if not unexpected... insights into the world of men and sex. In this episode Tony shares Principle 6 of the... 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex
7.8.2018 • 31 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
POP 130 - 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex - Part 5
Imagine if there was a metaphorical couple... who somehow ended up married to one another... even though they were from completely different cultures... and spoke completely different languages. No doubt this couple would have many challenges... because the way they look at things... think about things... and talk about things... would be radically different. In a very real way... this is what it's like for many... if not most couples... when it comes to the subject of sex... because it's absolutely amazing how radically different men and women can be in the ways they think... feel... and talk about sex. It's this disparity that causes significant hurt... confusion... anger... misunderstanding... and disorientation for many couples. In this important series Tony draws upon... (1) His personal experience as a man for the past 60 years. (2) His experience working with innumerable men... as a pastor... a professional counselor... and the Director of The Power of Purity. (3) And the wisdom of God's holy and immutable word... ... to help women gain strategic insights and understanding when it comes to men and sex. The principles Tony shares through this series might be surprising to some... if not shocking... but they will give women unusual... if not unexpected... insights into the world of men and sex. In this episode Tony shares Principle 5 of the... 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex
31.7.2018 • 35 Protokoll, 15 Sekunden
POP 129 - 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex - Part 4
Imagine if there was a metaphorical couple... who somehow ended up married to one another... even though they were from completely different cultures... and spoke completely different languages. No doubt this couple would have many challenges... because the way they look at things... think about things... and talk about things... would be radically different. In a very real way... this is what it's like for many... if not most couples... when it comes to the subject of sex... because it's absolutely amazing how radically different men and women can be in the ways they think... feel... and talk about sex. It's this disparity that causes significant hurt... confusion... anger... misunderstanding... and disorientation for many couples. In this important series Tony draws upon... (1) His personal experience as a man for the past 60 years. (2) His experience working with innumerable men... as a pastor... a professional counselor... and the Director of The Power of Purity. (3) And the wisdom of God's holy and immutable word... ... to help women gain strategic insights and understanding when it comes to men and sex. The principles Tony shares through this series might be surprising to some... if not shocking... but they will give women unusual... if not unexpected... insights into the world of men and sex. In this episode Tony shares Principle 3 & Principle 4 of the... 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex
24.7.2018 • 28 Protokoll, 57 Sekunden
POP 128 - 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex - Part 3
Imagine if there was a metaphorical couple... who somehow ended up married to one another... even though they were from completely different cultures... and spoke completely different languages. No doubt this couple would have many challenges... because the way they look at things... think about things... and talk about things... would be radically different. In a very real way... this is what it's like for many... if not most couples... when it comes to the subject of sex... because it's absolutely amazing how radically different men and women can be in the ways they think... feel... and talk about sex. It's this disparity that causes significant hurt... confusion... anger... misunderstanding... and disorientation for many couples. In this important series Tony draws upon... (1) His personal experience as a man for the past 60 years. (2) His experience working with innumerable men... as a pastor... a professional counselor... and the Director of The Power of Purity. (3) And the wisdom of God's holy and immutable word... ... to help women gain strategic insights and understanding when it comes to men and sex. The principles Tony shares through this series might be surprising to some... if not shocking... but they will give women unusual... if not unexpected... insights into the world of men and sex. In this episode Tony shares Principle 2 of the... 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex
17.7.2018 • 36 Protokoll, 23 Sekunden
POP 127 - 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex - Part 2
Imagine if there was a metaphorical couple... who somehow ended up married to one another... even though they were from completely different cultures... and spoke completely different languages. No doubt this couple would have many challenges... because the way they look at things... think about things... and talk about things... would be radically different. In a very real way... this is what it's like for many... if not most couples... when it comes to the subject of sex... because it's absolutely amazing how radically different men and women can be in the ways they think... feel... and talk about sex. It's this disparity that causes significant hurt... confusion... anger... misunderstanding... and disorientation for many couples. In this important series Tony draws upon... (1) His personal experience as a man for the past 60 years. (2) His experience working with innumerable men... as a pastor... a professional counselor... and the Director of The Power of Purity. (3) And the wisdom of God's holy and immutable word... ... to help women gain strategic insights and understanding when it comes to men and sex. The principles Tony shares through this series might be surprising to some... if not shocking... but they will give women unusual... if not unexpected... insights into the world of men and sex. In this episode Tony shares Principle 1 of the... 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex
10.7.2018 • 39 Protokoll, 13 Sekunden
POP 126 - 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex - Part 1
Imagine if there was a metaphorical couple... who somehow ended up married to one another... even though they were from completely different cultures... and spoke completely different languages. No doubt this couple would have many challenges... because the way they look at things... think about things... and talk about things... would be radically different. In a very real way... this is what it's like for many... if not most couples... when it comes to the subject of sex... because it's absolutely amazing how radically different men and women can be in the ways they think... feel... and talk about sex. It's this disparity that causes significant hurt... confusion... anger... misunderstanding... and disorientation for many couples. In this important series Tony draws upon... (1) His personal experience as a man for the past 60 years. (2) His experience working with innumerable men... as a pastor... a professional counselor... and the Director of The Power of Purity. (3) And the wisdom of God's holy and immutable word... ... to help women gain strategic insights and understanding when it comes to men and sex. The principles Tony shares through this series might be surprising to some... if not shocking... but they will give women unusual... if not unexpected... insights into the world of men and sex. In this episode Tony shares 8 observations in the way of Introduction to the series... 12 Things Every Wife Should Know About Her Husband When It Comes To Sex
3.7.2018 • 32 Protokoll, 54 Sekunden
POP 125 - 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife When It Comes To Sex - Part 8
When it comes to sex... sometimes it seems like... * Men are from Mars... and Women are from Venus! * Men are microwaves... and Women are crockpots! What's the deal? In addition... sex is one of the greatest challenges that many couples struggle with... and often causes a significant amount of pain... hurt... confusion... misunderstanding... and disorientation in many marriages. What do men need to understand about their wives... and what do wives need to understand about their husbands... when it comes to sex? In this particular series Tony shares 10 principles that will help men to better understand their wife... and in the next series Tony will share 12 principles that will help women better understand their husband. It's possible to "close the gap" that often exists between husbands and wives when it comes to sex! In this episode Tony shares the second half of Principle 9 and Principle 10 of the... 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife When It Comes To Sex
26.6.2018 • 39 Protokoll, 36 Sekunden
POP 124 - 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife When It Comes To Sex - Part 7
When it comes to sex... sometimes it seems like... * Men are from Mars... and Women are from Venus! * Men are microwaves... and Women are crockpots! What's the deal? In addition... sex is one of the greatest challenges that many couples struggle with... and often causes a significant amount of pain... hurt... confusion... misunderstanding... and disorientation in many marriages. What do men need to understand about their wives... and what do wives need to understand about their husbands... when it comes to sex? In this particular series Tony shares 10 principles that will help men to better understand their wife... and in the next series Tony will share 12 principles that will help women better understand their husband. It's possible to "close the gap" that often exists between husbands and wives when it comes to sex! In this episode Tony shares Principle 8 and the first part of Principle 9 of the... 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife When It Comes To Sex
19.6.2018 • 30 Protokoll, 49 Sekunden
POP 123 - 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife When It Comes To Sex - Part 6
When it comes to sex... sometimes it seems like... * Men are from Mars... and Women are from Venus! * Men are microwaves... and Women are crockpots! What's the deal? In addition... sex is one of the greatest challenges that many couples struggle with... and often causes a significant amount of pain... hurt... confusion... misunderstanding... and disorientation in many marriages. What do men need to understand about their wives... and what do wives need to understand about their husbands... when it comes to sex? In this particular series Tony shares 10 principles that will help men to better understand their wife... and in the next series Tony will share 12 principles that will help women better understand their husband. It's possible to "close the gap" that often exists between husbands and wives when it comes to sex! In this episode Tony shares Principle 6 and Principle 7 of the... 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife When It Comes To Sex
12.6.2018 • 40 Protokoll, 32 Sekunden
POP 122 - 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife When It Comes To Sex - Part 5
When it comes to sex... sometimes it seems like... * Men are from Mars... and Women are from Venus! * Men are microwaves... and Women are crockpots! What's the deal? In addition... sex is one of the greatest challenges that many couples struggle with... and often causes a significant amount of pain... hurt... confusion... misunderstanding... and disorientation in many marriages. What do men need to understand about their wives... and what do wives need to understand about their husbands... when it comes to sex? In this particular series Tony shares 10 principles that will help men to better understand their wife... and in the next series Tony will share 12 principles that will help women better understand their husband. It's possible to "close the gap" that often exists between husbands and wives when it comes to sex! In this episode Tony shares Principle 4 and Principle 5 of the... 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife When It Comes To Sex
5.6.2018 • 27 Protokoll, 38 Sekunden
POP 121 - 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife When It Comes To Sex - Part 4
When it comes to sex... sometimes it seems like... * Men are from Mars... and Women are from Venus! * Men are microwaves... and Women are crockpots! What's the deal? In addition... sex is one of the greatest challenges that many couples struggle with... and often causes a significant amount of pain... hurt... confusion... misunderstanding... and disorientation in many marriages. What do men need to understand about their wives... and what do wives need to understand about their husbands... when it comes to sex? In this particular series Tony shares 10 principles that will help men to better understand their wife... and in the next series Tony will share 12 principles that will help women better understand their husband. It's possible to "close the gap" that often exists between husbands and wives when it comes to sex! In this episode Tony shares Principle 3 of the... 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife When It Comes To Sex
29.5.2018 • 31 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
POP 120 - 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife When It Comes To Sex - Part 3
When it comes to sex... sometimes it seems like... * Men are from Mars... and Women are from Venus! * Men are microwaves... and Women are crockpots! What's the deal? In addition... sex is one of the greatest challenges that many couples struggle with... and often causes a significant amount of pain... hurt... confusion... misunderstanding... and disorientation in many marriages. What do men need to understand about their wives... and what do wives need to understand about their husbands... when it comes to sex? In this particular series Tony shares 10 principles that will help men to better understand their wife... and in the next series Tony will share 12 principles that will help women better understand their husband. It's possible to "close the gap" that often exists between husbands and wives when it comes to sex! In this episode Tony shares Principle 2 of the... 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife When It Comes To Sex
22.5.2018 • 29 Protokoll, 39 Sekunden
POP 119 - 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife When It Comes To Sex - Part 2
When it comes to sex... sometimes it seems like... * Men are from Mars... and Women are from Venus! * Men are microwaves... and Women are crockpots! What's the deal? In addition... sex is one of the greatest challenges that many couples struggle with... and often causes a significant amount of pain... hurt... confusion... misunderstanding... and disorientation in many marriages. What do men need to understand about their wives... and what do wives need to understand about their husbands... when it comes to sex? In this particular series Tony shares 10 principles that will help men to better understand their wife... and in the next series Tony will share 12 principles that will help women better understand their husband. It's possible to "close the gap" that often exists between husbands and wives when it comes to sex! In this episode Tony shares Principle 1 of the... 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife When It Comes To Sex
15.5.2018 • 30 Protokoll, 42 Sekunden
POP 118 - 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife When It Comes To Sex - Part 1
When it comes to sex... sometimes it seems like... * Men are from Mars... and Women are from Venus! * Men are microwaves... and Women are crockpots! What's the deal? In addition... sex is one of the greatest challenges that many couples struggle with... and often causes a significant amount of pain... hurt... confusion... misunderstanding... and disorientation in many marriages. What do men need to understand about their wives... and what do wives need to understand about their husbands... when it comes to sex? In this particular series Tony shares 10 principles that will help men to better understand their wife... and in the next series Tony will share 12 principles that will help women better understand their husband. It's possible to "close the gap" that often exists between husbands and wives when it comes to sex! In this episode Tony shares 7 observations to introduce this new series... 10 Things Every Husband Should Know About His Wife When It Comes To Sex
8.5.2018 • 30 Protokoll, 5 Sekunden
POP 117 - Purity Is Possible - Part 4
Tony recently had the opportunity to present a seminar at an Iron Sharpens Iron Conference attended by over 500 men. Most of these men had never heard of Tony Ingrassia... or The Power of Purity. Because of this... Tony put together a presentation entitled... Purity Is Possible... and shared 9 essential pieces of the "purity puzzle". In other words... these are 9 concepts that a man is going to have to understand and apply to his life when he gets really serious about becoming a man of sexual purity. The description of the seminar was this: It's possible for Christian men to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ, and to learn to control sex instead of being controlled by sex! In these episodes (113 - 116) Tony shares an overview of the seminar he presented at the Iron Sharpens Iron Conference. In this episode Tony shares principles 6 through 9 of the 9 principles of the "purity puzzle". Iron Sharpens Iron Relevant Practical Ministry to Men
1.5.2018 • 42 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
POP 116 - Purity Is Possible - Part 3
Tony recently had the opportunity to present a seminar at an Iron Sharpens Iron Conference attended by over 500 men. Most of these men had never heard of Tony Ingrassia... or The Power of Purity. Because of this... Tony put together a presentation entitled... Purity Is Possible... and shared 9 essential pieces of the "purity puzzle". In other words... these are 9 concepts that a man is going to have to understand and apply to his life when he gets really serious about becoming a man of sexual purity. The description of the seminar was this: It's possible for Christian men to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ, and to learn to control sex instead of being controlled by sex! In these episodes (113 - 116) Tony shares an overview of the seminar he presented at the Iron Sharpens Iron Conference. In this episode Tony shares the 4th and 5th principle of the 9 principles of the "purity puzzle". Iron Sharpens Iron Relevant Practical Ministry to Men
24.4.2018 • 40 Protokoll, 12 Sekunden
POP 115 - Purity Is Possible - Part 2
Tony recently had the opportunity to present a seminar at an Iron Sharpens Iron Conference attended by over 500 men. Most of these men had never heard of Tony Ingrassia... or The Power of Purity. Because of this... Tony put together a presentation entitled... Purity Is Possible... and shared 9 essential pieces of the "purity puzzle". In other words... these are 9 concepts that a man is going to have to understand and apply to his life when he gets really serious about becoming a man of sexual purity. The description of the seminar was this: It's possible for Christian men to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ, and to learn to control sex instead of being controlled by sex! In these episodes (113 - 116) Tony shares an overview of the seminar he presented at the Iron Sharpens Iron Conference. In this episode Tony shares the 3rd principle of the 9 principles of the "purity puzzle". Iron Sharpens Iron Relevant Practical Ministry to Men
17.4.2018 • 42 Protokoll, 4 Sekunden
POP 114 - Purity Is Possible - Part 1
Tony recently had the opportunity to present a seminar at an Iron Sharpens Iron Conference attended by over 500 men. Most of these men had never heard of Tony Ingrassia... or The Power of Purity. Because of this... Tony put together a presentation entitled... Purity Is Possible... and shared 9 essential pieces of the "purity puzzle". In other words... these are 9 concepts that a man is going to have to understand and apply to his life when he gets really serious about becoming a man of sexual purity. The description of the seminar was this: It's possible for Christian men to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ, and to learn to control sex instead of being controlled by sex! In these episodes (113 - 116) Tony shares an overview of the seminar he presented at the Iron Sharpens Iron Conference. In this episode Tony shares the first 2 principles of the 9 principles of the "purity puzzle". Iron Sharpens Iron Relevant Practical Ministry to Men
10.4.2018 • 37 Protokoll, 59 Sekunden
POP 113 - White Knuckles
When a man decides to become a man of sexual purity... When a man decides to begin honoring God and his wife with the expression of his sexual gift... When a man embraces a true understanding of "Wife Size Sex"... And determines to only experience his orgasm with his wife... He will inevitably enter a very difficult period of time that lies between the old person he used to be... and the new person he's trying to become. This period of time is often defined by "WHITE KNUCKLES"... as he tries so hard to resist his old habits and patterns that often included porn and masturbation... and hold on to the new commitment of sexual purity that he has made to himself... to God... and to his wife. Virtually every person who has ever sought to overcome an addiction... and every person who has entered a process of recovery...can relate to the concept of "WHITE KNUCKLES"... as they fight to metamorphose from the own cycle that was so unhealthy... to the new cycle that's healthier. "WHITE KNUCKLES" speaks of our desperate attempt to resist the old "me" as I seek to be the new "me". In this session Tony reveals why "WHITE KNUCKLES" typically will fail us... and shares what we can do... to make it through... to true and lasting change... when we feel like we're barely holding on! Romans 7:15-25
3.4.2018 • 42 Protokoll, 58 Sekunden
POP 112 - What My Husband's Struggle With Porn Has Been Like For Me with Renee from Louisiana - Part 2
What's it like for a wife when her husband struggles with an addiction to pornography? Greg and Renee have been married for 28 years... and for most of their marriage... Greg has struggled with an addition to pornography. In these episodes (111 & 112) Renee shares with us glimpses of what this journey has been like for her... including... * Her disappointment when her husband's addiction shattered the "Cinderella Story" she thought her marriage would be * Her depression... anger... and rage * Her believing that his addiction was her fault * How his addiction provoked the trauma of her past * Her sense of feeling "rejected" because she could never measure up to the body and beauty of porn stars * How she learned to find hope and peace in God when she couldn't find it in her marriage * How she learned to forgive her husband for the ways he had hurt her Greg and Renee are still on their journey. Although they haven't arrived yet... and Greg still struggles at times with his addiction to porn... by God's grace he's doing better... and they're doing better together... than ever before! This interview will help MEN understand some things from a female point of view... and encourage WOMEN as they hear the story of another woman's journey.
27.3.2018 • 42 Protokoll, 14 Sekunden
POP 111 - What My Husband's Struggle With Porn Has Been Like For Me with Renee from Louisiana - Part 1
What's it like for a wife when her husband struggles with an addiction to pornography? Greg and Renee have been married for 28 years... and for most of their marriage... Greg has struggled with an addition to pornography. In these episodes (111 & 112) Renee shares with us glimpses of what this journey has been like for her... including... * Her disappointment when her husband's addiction shattered the "Cinderella Story" she thought her marriage would be * Her depression... anger... and rage * Her believing that his addiction was her fault * How his addiction provoked the trauma of her past * Her sense of feeling "rejected" because she could never measure up to the body and beauty of porn stars * How she learned to find hope and peace in God when she couldn't find it in her marriage * How she learned to forgive her husband for the ways he had hurt her Greg and Renee are still on their journey. Although they haven't arrived yet... and Greg still struggles at times with his addiction to porn... by God's grace he's doing better... and they're doing better together... than ever before! This interview will help MEN understand some things from a female point of view... and encourage WOMEN as they hear the story of another woman's journey.
20.3.2018 • 36 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
POP 110 - Temptation Preparation - Part 3
What would you do if you somehow knew a thief was coming in the near future to break into you home with the intention to perpetrate harm upon you and your family? * You would probably be concerned about the situation. * You would probably be on guard... watching and waiting for the imminent attack that you know is coming. * You would probably try to prepare in advance of the attack... so that when it happened you could immediately respond and defend yourself accordingly. Yet so many Christian men have absolutely no plan whatsoever to handle the perpetual attacks of temptation that they know they'll be facing on a very regular basis. In these three episodes (108-110) Tony shares 8 principles of temptation... and 10 practical ways men can be prepared to respond... so they're not caught off guard.. and they immediately know what to do in the face of temptation. You can learn to control temptation instead of being controlled by temptation! In this episode Tony shares 6 more ideas that will prepare you to respond to temptation in a way that renders it powerless against you. I Peter 5:8 Proverbs 22:3 Proverbs 7:6-10 James 1:14-15
13.3.2018 • 42 Protokoll, 7 Sekunden
POP 109 - Temptation Preparation - Part 2
What would you do if you somehow knew a thief was coming in the near future to break into you home with the intention to perpetrate harm upon you and your family? * You would probably be concerned about the situation. * You would probably be on guard... watching and waiting for the imminent attack that you know is coming. * You would probably try to prepare in advance of the attack... so that when it happened you could immediately respond and defend yourself accordingly. Yet so many Christian men have absolutely no plan whatsoever to handle the perpetual attacks of temptation that they know they'll be facing on a very regular basis. In these three episodes (108-110) Tony shares 8 principles of temptation... and 10 practical ways men can be prepared to respond... so they're not caught off guard.. and they immediately know what to do in the face of temptation. You can learn to control temptation instead of being controlled by temptation! In this episode Tony shares the first 4 practical ways to respond to temptation. I Peter 5:8 Proverbs 22:3 Proverbs 7:6-10 James 1:14-15
6.3.2018 • 31 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
POP 108 - Temptation Preparation - Part 1
What would you do if you somehow knew a thief was coming in the near future to break into you home with the intention to perpetrate harm upon you and your family? * You would probably be concerned about the situation. * You would probably be on guard... watching and waiting for the imminent attack that you know is coming. * You would probably try to prepare in advance of the attack... so that when it happened you could immediately respond and defend yourself accordingly. Yet so many Christian men have absolutely no plan whatsoever to handle the perpetual attacks of temptation that they know they'll be facing on a very regular basis. In these three episodes (108-110) Tony shares 8 principles of temptation... and 10 practical ways men can be prepared to respond... so they're not caught off guard.. and they immediately know what to do in the face of temptation. You can learn to control temptation instead of being controlled by temptation! In this episode Tony shares the 8 principles of temptation. I Peter 5:8 Proverbs 22:3 Proverbs 7:6-10 James 1:14-15
27.2.2018 • 34 Protokoll, 28 Sekunden
POP 107 - Men, Women and Sex with Shaunti Feldhahn - Part 1
Shaunti Feldhahn is a ground breaking social researcher, best selling author, and popular speaker. After graduating from Harvard University, Shaunti worked on Wall Street until she began her extensive research on the topic of men... almost on accident! Shanty's written 16 books that have been published in 24 languages and sold over 2 million copies world wide. These books include... For Women Only... What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women Shaunti is a popular media commentator, and her findings have been featured in media as diverse as... The Today Show Focus On The Family The New York Times MomLife Today Cosmopolitan Magazine Family Life Radio Shaunti has done extensive research on the topics of MEN... WOMEN... and SEX... and has many intriguing and amazing things to share! You can find more information about Shanty's life and work at...
20.2.2018 • 40 Protokoll, 54 Sekunden
POP 106 - Men, Women and Sex with Shaunti Feldhahn - Part 1
Shaunti Feldhahn is a ground breaking social researcher, best selling author, and popular speaker. After graduating from Harvard University, Shaunti worked on Wall Street until she began her extensive research on the topic of men... almost on accident! Shaunti has written 16 books that have been published in 24 languages and sold over 2 million copies world wide. These books include... For Women Only... What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women Shaunti is a popular media commentator, and her findings have been featured in media as diverse as... The Today Show Focus On The Family The New York Times MomLife Today Cosmopolitan Magazine Family Life Radio Shaunti has done extensive research on the topics of MEN... WOMEN... and SEX... and has many intriguing and amazing things to share! You can find more information about Shanty's life and work at...
13.2.2018 • 31 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
POP 105 - Surrendering The Higher Ground
As we all know... there is typically a higher sexed partner and a lower sexed partner in every marriage. This reality often leads to hurt... confusion... misunderstanding... and resentment within the context of the marriage. THIS EPISODE IS INTENDED PRIMARILY FOR THE LOWER SEXED PARTNER IN THE MARRIAGE. In this episode Tony explores several nuances of the tension that's created when partners have differing sexual appetites... including... * How the lower sexed partner automatically... by default... assumes control of the sexual frequency of the relationship... whether they want to or not. * How the lower sexed partner has the position of the "higher ground" when it comes to sex in the relationship. * How the lower sexed partner... in a sense... has more work to do in order to create sexual equilibrium in the relationship. * Why the lower sexed partner is a "really big person" if they're willing to move toward their partner sexually. Although these challenges can be significant... they are not insurmountable... and with God's help it's possible for a couple to "close the gap" that's existed between them sexually... as they become healthier than they've ever been before. Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
6.2.2018 • 36 Protokoll, 37 Sekunden
POP 104 - Nate Larkin and The Samson Society - Part 3
Nate Larkin's wife caught him... all alone... in his office... watching porn in the middle of the night. They had a long talk that night... and Nate's wife forgave him. But then... several days later... she found a condom on the bathroom floor of their home that Nate couldn't quite explain. That's when Nate's wife sat him on the edge of their bed... and said the words that would change his life. I still love you... but I don't like you. I don't trust you. I don't respect you... and I don't think you can ever change. Nate Larkin had gone to seminary... studied for the ministry... pastored a church... and struggled deeply for many years with his secret sex addiction. When his wife spoke those fateful words to him... he knew he had to change because he was about to loose everything that meant the most to him in life. It was only then Nate found his way to a secular recovery group... and slowly began to learn the ideas and concepts that would genuinely change his heart... his life... his marriage... and even the expression of his sexual gift. In these 3 episodes (102-104) Nate shares the story of his amazing journey from sexual bondage and addiction to sexual healing and freedom. It's an amazing story... and you will be blessed! Nate Larkin is an author, speaker, and founder of The Samson Society - a ministry that facilitates authentic mens groups around the country toward the purpose of sexual healing and freedom. I Am Second
30.1.2018 • 32 Protokoll, 18 Sekunden
POP 103 - Nate Larkin and The Samson Society - Part 2
Nate Larkin's wife caught him... all alone... in his office... watching porn in the middle of the night. They had a long talk that night... and Nate's wife forgave him. But then... several days later... she found a condom on the bathroom floor of their home that Nate couldn't quite explain. That's when Nate's wife sat him on the edge of their bed... and said the words that would change his life. I still love you... but I don't like you. I don't trust you. I don't respect you... and I don't think you can ever change. Nate Larkin had gone to seminary... studied for the ministry... pastored a church... and struggled deeply for many years with his secret sex addiction. When his wife spoke those fateful words to him... he knew he had to change because he was about to loose everything that meant the most to him in life. It was only then Nate found his way to a secular recovery group... and slowly began to learn the ideas and concepts that would genuinely change his heart... his life... his marriage... and even the expression of his sexual gift. In these 3 episodes (102-104) Nate shares the story of his amazing journey from sexual bondage and addiction to sexual healing and freedom. It's an amazing story... and you will be blessed! Nate Larkin is an author, speaker, and founder of The Samson Society - a ministry that facilitates authentic mens groups around the country toward the purpose of sexual healing and freedom. I Am Second
23.1.2018 • 29 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
POP 102 - Nate Larkin and The Samson Society - Part 1
Nate Larkin's wife caught him... all alone... in his office... watching porn in the middle of the night. They had a long talk that night... and Nate's wife forgave him. But then... several days later... she found a condom on the bathroom floor of their home that Nate couldn't quite explain. That's when Nate's wife sat him on the edge of their bed... and said the words that would change his life. I still love you... but I don't like you. I don't trust you. I don't respect you... and I don't think you can ever change. Nate Larkin had gone to seminary... studied for the ministry... pastored a church... and struggled deeply for many years with his secret sex addiction. When his wife spoke those fateful words to him... he knew he had to change because he was about to loose everything that meant the most to him in life. It was only then Nate found his way to a secular recovery group... and slowly began to learn the ideas and concepts that would genuinely change his heart... his life... his marriage... and even the expression of his sexual gift. In these 3 episodes (102-104) Nate shares the story of his amazing journey from sexual bondage and addiction to sexual healing and freedom. It's an amazing story... and you will be blessed! Nate Larkin is an author, speaker, and founder of The Samson Society - a ministry that facilitates authentic mens groups around the country toward the purpose of sexual healing and freedom. I Am Second
16.1.2018 • 30 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
POP 101 - The Deception of Sexual Sin - Part 4
Men often express themselves through a variety of clandestine sexual exploits such as... * Internet Pornography * Chat Rooms * Cyber Sex * 1-900 Numbers * Strip Clubs * Sexualized Massage * Prostitutes * Affairs * And so forth and so on. Because most men are engaging in these activities "secretly"... they often assume they're getting away with it... and that nobody will ever know. Men often think to themselves... What can it hurt if nobody knows what I'm doing? Unfortunately... what these men don't realize is that it's impossible to enjoy the benefits of sexual sin without paying the corresponding price. Don't be deceived. * If you throw a rock in a pond... there will be a splash! * If you jump in a lake... you will get wet! * If you indulge in sexual sin... you will pay a price! In this series of four episodes (98-101) Tony shares 13 principles as he explores "The Deception of Sexual Sin". 7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7-8
9.1.2018 • 42 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
POP 100 - The Deception of Sexual Sin - Part 3
Men often express themselves through a variety of clandestine sexual exploits such as... * Internet Pornography * Chat Rooms * Cyber Sex * 1-900 Numbers * Strip Clubs * Sexualized Massage * Prostitutes * Affairs * And so forth and so on. Because most men are engaging in these activities "secretly"... they often assume they're getting away with it... and that nobody will ever know. Men often think to themselves... What can it hurt if nobody knows what I'm doing? Unfortunately... what these men don't realize is that it's impossible to enjoy the benefits of sexual sin without paying the corresponding price. Don't be deceived. * If you throw a rock in a pond... there will be a splash! * If you jump in a lake... you will get wet! * If you indulge in sexual sin... you will pay a price! In this series of four episodes (98-101) Tony shares 13 principles as he explores "The Deception of Sexual Sin". 7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7-8
2.1.2018 • 39 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
POP 099 - The Deception of Sexual Sin - Part 2
Men often express themselves through a variety of clandestine sexual exploits such as... * Internet Pornography * Chat Rooms * Cyber Sex * 1-900 Numbers * Strip Clubs * Sexualized Massage * Prostitutes * Affairs * And so forth and so on. Because most men are engaging in these activities "secretly"... they often assume they're getting away with it... and that nobody will ever know. Men often think to themselves... What can it hurt if nobody knows what I'm doing? Unfortunately... what these men don't realize is that it's impossible to enjoy the benefits of sexual sin without paying the corresponding price. Don't be deceived. * If you throw a rock in a pond... there will be a splash! * If you jump in a lake... you will get wet! * If you indulge in sexual sin... you will pay a price! In this series of four episodes (98-101) Tony shares 13 principles as he explores "The Deception of Sexual Sin". 7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7-8
26.12.2017 • 33 Protokoll, 43 Sekunden
POP 98 - The Deception of Sexual Sin - Part 1
Men often express themselves through a variety of clandestine sexual exploits such as... * Internet Pornography * Chat Rooms * Cyber Sex * 1-900 Numbers * Strip Clubs * Sexualized Massage * Prostitutes * Affairs * And so forth and so on. Because most men are engaging in these activities "secretly"... they often assume they're getting away with it... and that nobody will ever know. Men often think to themselves... What can it hurt if nobody knows what I'm doing? Unfortunately... what these men don't realize is that it's impossible to enjoy the benefits of sexual sin without paying the corresponding price. Don't be deceived. * If you throw a rock in a pond... there will be a splash! * If you jump in a lake... you will get wet! * If you indulge in sexual sin... you will pay a price! In this series of four episodes (98-101) Tony shares 13 principles as he explores "The Deception of Sexual Sin". 7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7-8
19.12.2017 • 35 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
POP 097 - Unhealthy Sex Within Marriage - Part 3
In this series of episodes (95 - 97) Tony examines the concept of UNHEALTHY SEX within marriage. Although God created sex... And God blesses sex within the context of marriage... It doesn't mean that all the sex that happens in marriage is necessarily healthy sex. Did you know that sometimes the way married couples are functioning sexually within their marriage is very unhealthy? In this series Tony shares... * 4 Principles about sex in general... * 4 Principles about UNHEALTHILY SEX specifically... * And at least 8 examples of what UNHEALTHY SEX in marriage frequently looks like. If you know the sex in your marriage is not as healthy as it could be... or should be... BE ENCOURAGED! The GOOD NEWS is that God's love... grace... and mercy are very powerful... and as we walk the redemptive path God has intended for us... the unhealthy sex in our marriage can become healthier than it's ever been before!
12.12.2017 • 28 Protokoll, 2 Sekunden
POP 96 - Unhealthy Sex Within Marriage - Part 2
In this series of episodes (95 - 97) Tony examines the concept of UNHEALTHY SEX within marriage. Although God created sex... And God blesses sex within the context of marriage... It doesn't mean that all the sex that happens in marriage is necessarily healthy sex. Did you know that sometimes the way married couples are functioning sexually within their marriage is very unhealthy? In this series Tony shares... * 4 Principles about sex in general... * 4 Principles about UNHEALTHILY SEX specifically... * And at least 8 examples of what UNHEALTHY SEX in marriage frequently looks like. If you know the sex in your marriage is not as healthy as it could be... or should be... BE ENCOURAGED! The GOOD NEWS is that God's love... grace... and mercy are very powerful... and as we walk the redemptive path God has intended for us... the unhealthy sex in our marriage can become healthier than it's ever been before!
5.12.2017 • 27 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
POP 95 - Unhealthy Sex Within Marriage - Part 1
In this series of episodes (95 - 97) Tony examines the concept of UNHEALTHY SEX within marriage. Although God created sex... And God blesses sex within the context of marriage... It doesn't mean that all the sex that happens in marriage is necessarily healthy sex. Did you know that sometimes the way married couples are functioning sexually within their marriage is very unhealthy? In this series Tony shares... * 4 Principles about sex in general... * 4 Principles about UNHEALTHILY SEX specifically... * And at least 8 examples of what UNHEALTHY SEX in marriage frequently looks like. If you know the sex in your marriage is not as healthy as it could be... or should be... BE ENCOURAGED! The GOOD NEWS is that God's love... grace... and mercy are very powerful... and as we walk the redemptive path God has intended for us... the unhealthy sex in our marriage can become healthier than it's ever been before!
28.11.2017 • 31 Protokoll, 26 Sekunden
POP 94 - Breaking The Power of Pornography with Dr. Doug Weiss - Part 2
On this episode Tony's special guest is Dr. Doug Weiss, Ph.D. Dr. Doug is a Licensed Psychologist and the Executive Director of Heart to Heart Counseling Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He's also the President of the American Association for Sex Addiction Therapy (AASAT). Among many other accomplishments Dr. Doug... * Has appeared on several national talk shows including Oprah, Dr. Phil, Good Morning America, and 20/20. * Has published more than 20 books on addiction recovery as well as many books and DVDs for marriage and youth. * Has overcome his own sexual addiction and has been successfully sober for more than 21 years. In this episode Dr. Doug offers practical advice that will help and encourage men on their journey of purity.
21.11.2017 • 30 Protokoll, 1 Sekunde
POP 93 - Breaking The Power of Pornography with Dr. Doug Weiss - Part 1
On this episode - and the next - Tony's special guest is Dr. Doug Weiss, Ph.D. Dr. Doug is a Licensed Psychologist and the Executive Director of Heart to Heart Counseling Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He's also the President of the American Association for Sex Addiction Therapy (AASAT). Among many other accomplishments Dr. Doug... * Has appeared on several national talk shows including Oprah, Dr. Phil, Good Morning America, and 20/20. * Has published more than 20 books on addiction recovery as well as many books and DVDs for marriage and youth. * Has overcome his own sexual addiction and has been successfully sober for more than 21 years. In this episode Dr. Doug offers practical advice that will help and encourage men on their journey of purity.
14.11.2017 • 30 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
POP 92 - Andrew Comiskey - Desert Stream / Living Waters
Andrew Comiskey founded Desert Stream/Living Waters Ministries in 1980, when he and his wife, Annette, responded to their pastor’s call to start a healing/support group in West Hollywood, California for men and women seeking Jesus in light of unwanted same-sex attractions. Since that time, Desert Stream/ Living Waters has grown into a multifaceted ministry seeking to serve people of all backgrounds and struggles, including... * Same sex attraction * Sexual addiction * The sexually abused * Those struggling with marital problems Desert Stream/Living Waters Ministries provides help for those struggling with these issues through the biblical foundation of compassion, integrity, and dependence on God... and they believe that Jesus Christ is the ultimate answer to broken humanity. The ministry expanded nationally (throughout the US) and then internationally. Desert Stream currently has a growing number of their church-based programs around the world. Andrew is the author of... * Pursuing Sexual Wholeness (Creation House) * Strength in Weakness (IVP) * Naked Surrender: Coming Home to Our True Sexuality (IVP) * The Living Waters healing program In this episode Andrew shares the story of his personal struggle with same sex attraction... and the freedom and healing that he's discovered through Christ.
7.11.2017 • 59 Protokoll, 3 Sekunden
POP 91 - Homosexuality - Part 5
Homosexuality... Same Sex Attraction... Same Sex Marriage! These are very controversial issues in this day and age... and there are a cacophony of voices and opinions... from one end of the spectrum to the other... and everywhere in between. But from this myriad of voices... one voice rises above all the others. The voice above all voices! The opinion above all opinions! The point of view above all points of view! And of course... this is the voice... opinion... and point of view... of God himself! What does God say about homosexuality? In this 5 part series Tony shares 9 principles on the topic of homosexuality... and speaks to many of the most common objections and arguments that are typically offered in support of homosexuality and same sex marriage, including... What does the bible say about homosexuality? What about the "born that way" argument? Is it "hate speech" to say homosexuality is a sin? What about the silence of Jesus on the topic of homosexuality? Is it possible to overcome homosexual thoughts and desires?
31.10.2017 • 41 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
POP 90 - Homosexuality - Part 4
Homosexuality... Same Sex Attraction... Same Sex Marriage! These are very controversial issues in this day and age... and there are a cacophony of voices and opinions... from one end of the spectrum to the other... and everywhere in between. But from this myriad of voices... one voice rises above all the others. The voice above all voices! The opinion above all opinions! The point of view above all points of view! And of course... this is the voice... opinion... and point of view... of God himself! What does God say about homosexuality? In this 5 part series Tony shares 9 principles on the topic of homosexuality... and speaks to many of the most common objections and arguments that are typically offered in support of homosexuality and same sex marriage, including... What does the bible say about homosexuality? What about the "born that way" argument? Is it "hate speech" to say homosexuality is a sin? What about the silence of Jesus on the topic of homosexuality? Is it possible to overcome homosexual thoughts and desires?
24.10.2017 • 31 Protokoll, 9 Sekunden
POP 89 - Homosexuality - Part 3
Homosexuality... Same Sex Attraction... Same Sex Marriage! These are very controversial issues in this day and age... and there are a cacophony of voices and opinions... from one end of the spectrum to the other... and everywhere in between. But from this myriad of voices... one voice rises above all the others. The voice above all voices! The opinion above all opinions! The point of view above all points of view! And of course... this is the voice... opinion... and point of view... of God himself! What does God say about homosexuality? In this 5 part series Tony shares 9 principles on the topic of homosexuality... and speaks to many of the most common objections and arguments that are typically offered in support of homosexuality and same sex marriage, including... What does the bible say about homosexuality? What about the "born that way" argument? Is it "hate speech" to say homosexuality is a sin? What about the silence of Jesus on the topic of homosexuality? Is it possible to overcome homosexual thoughts and desires?
17.10.2017 • 34 Protokoll, 23 Sekunden
POP 88 - Homosexuality - Part 2
Homosexuality... Same Sex Attraction... Same Sex Marriage! These are very controversial issues in this day and age... and there are a cacophony of voices and opinions... from one end of the spectrum to the other... and everywhere in between. But from this myriad of voices... one voice rises above all the others. The voice above all voices! The opinion above all opinions! The point of view above all points of view! And of course... this is the voice... opinion... and point of view... of God himself! What does God say about homosexuality? In this 5 part series Tony shares 9 principles on the topic of homosexuality... and speaks to many of the most common objections and arguments that are typically offered in support of homosexuality and same sex marriage, including... What does the bible say about homosexuality? What about the "born that way" argument? Is it "hate speech" to say homosexuality is a sin? What about the silence of Jesus on the topic of homosexuality? Is it possible to overcome homosexual thoughts and desires?
10.10.2017 • 28 Protokoll, 18 Sekunden
POP 87 - Homosexuality - Part 1
Homosexuality... Same Sex Attraction... Same Sex Marriage! These are very controversial issues in this day and age... and there are a cacophony of voices and opinions... from one end of the spectrum to the other... and everywhere in between. But from this myriad of voices... one voice rises above all the others. The voice above all voices! The opinion above all opinions! The point of view above all points of view! And of course... this is the voice... opinion... and point of view... of God himself! What does God say about homosexuality? In this 5 part series Tony shares 9 principles on the topic of homosexuality... and speaks to many of the most common objections and arguments that are typically offered in support of homosexuality and same sex marriage, including... What does the bible say about homosexuality? What about the "born that way" argument? Is it "hate speech" to say homosexuality is a sin? What about the silence of Jesus on the topic of homosexuality? Is it possible to overcome homosexual thoughts and desires?
3.10.2017 • 32 Protokoll, 29 Sekunden
POP 86 - Pure Eyes, Clean Heart with Craig & Jen Ferguson - Part 2
In this episode – and the last – Tony’s special guests are Craig & Jen Ferguson. Although they were Christians, Jen intuitively knew there was something wrong with their marriage. There was a distance between her and her husband she couldn’t explain—until she discovered Craig’s hidden secret: he was addicted to pornography. Through their compelling story, Craig and Jen share the profound difficulty Craig’s addiction provoked in their hearts, lives, and marriage. The shame, anger, and hopelessness they struggled with threatened to destroy their marriage until they discovered how drawing close to Christ could lead them out of the pit of sinful habits, unhealthy responses, and personal despair toward true recovery. As you listen you’ll discover… What Craig did to break the stronghold of pornography in his life. How Criag’s struggle exposed issues in Jen’s heart that she needed to face and process. Craig and Jen’s advice for other couples that may be facing a similar situation in their marriage. Craig & Jen have written a book entitled – Pure Eyes, Clean Heart – which offers practical guidance, encouragement, and hope for those who struggle with porn addiction, and for marriages that have been affected by porn addiction. The book includes Scripture-based prayers, discussion questions for couples, and other helpful resources Craig & Jen Ferguson… Have been married since 2000. Love spending their time with their two lovely daughters. Have two (rather high maintenance) dogs. Help other couples in their journey toward freedom and intimacy at The Knot Project. knot
26.9.2017 • 38 Protokoll, 16 Sekunden
POP 85 - Pure Eyes, Clean Heart with Craig & Jen Ferguson - Part 1
In this episode – and the next – Tony’s special guests are Craig & Jen Ferguson. Although they were Christians, Jen intuitively knew there was something wrong with their marriage. There was a distance between her and her husband she couldn’t explain—until she discovered Craig’s hidden secret: he was addicted to pornography. Through their compelling story, Craig and Jen share the profound difficulty Craig’s addiction provoked in their hearts, lives, and marriage. The shame, anger, and hopelessness they struggled with threatened to destroy their marriage until they discovered how drawing close to Christ could lead them out of the pit of sinful habits, unhealthy responses, and personal despair toward true recovery. As you listen you’ll discover… What Craig did to break the stronghold of pornography in his life. How Criag’s struggle exposed issues in Jen’s heart that she needed to face and process. Craig and Jen’s advice for other couples that may be facing a similar situation in their marriage. Craig & Jen have written a book entitled – Pure Eyes, Clean Heart – which offers practical guidance, encouragement, and hope for those who struggle with porn addiction, and for marriages that have been affected by porn addiction. The book includes Scripture-based prayers, discussion questions for couples, and other helpful resources Craig & Jen Ferguson… Have been married since 2000. Love spending their time with their two lovely daughters. Have two (rather high maintenance) dogs. Help other couples in their journey toward freedom and intimacy at The Knot Project. knot
19.9.2017 • 38 Protokoll, 9 Sekunden
POP 84 - 7 Relationships Foundational To Sexual Purity - Part 5
Every man will have work to do as he moves forward on the path of sexual purity that God has intended for his life. In this series of episodes (80 - 84) Tony explores 7 different "relationships" the average man will need to work on in order to progress in purity from where he's been to where God is taking him. The "good news" is this... as a man works on these 7 key relationships of his life... * He will move forward toward the healing of his own heart... life... and sexuality... * He will be empowered to resist temptation when it presents itself to him... * He will be strengthened in his walk of purity... * He will be empowered to honor God... and his wife... with the expression of his sexual gift. In this fifth episode... Tony presents the 6th & 7th relationships that are foundational to sexual purity!
12.9.2017 • 46 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
POP 83 - 7 Relationships Foundational To Sexual Purity - Part 4
Every man will have work to do as he moves forward on the path of sexual purity that God has intended for his life. In this series of episodes (80 - 84) Tony explores 7 different "relationships" the average man will need to work on in order to progress in purity from where he's been to where God is taking him. The "good news" is this... as a man works on these 7 key relationships of his life... * He will move forward toward the healing of his own heart... life... and sexuality... * He will be empowered to resist temptation when it presents itself to him... * He will be strengthened in his walk of purity... * He will be empowered to honor God... and his wife... with the expression of his sexual gift. In this fourth episode... Tony presents the 5th relationship that's foundational to sexual purity!
5.9.2017 • 31 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
POP 82 - 7 Relationships Foundational To Sexual Purity - Part 3
Every man will have work to do as he moves forward on the path of sexual purity that God has intended for his life. In this series of episodes (80 - 84) Tony explores 7 different "relationships" the average man will need to work on in order to progress in purity from where he's been to where God is taking him. The "good news" is this... as a man works on these 7 key relationships of his life... * He will move forward toward the healing of his own heart... life... and sexuality... * He will be empowered to resist temptation when it presents itself to him... * He will be strengthened in his walk of purity... * He will be empowered to honor God... and his wife... with the expression of his sexual gift. In this third episode... Tony presents the 4th relationship that's foundational to sexual purity!
29.8.2017 • 34 Protokoll, 4 Sekunden
POP 81 - 7 Relationships Foundational To Sexual Purity - Part 2
Every man will have work to do as he moves forward on the path of sexual purity that God has intended for his life. In this series of episodes (80 - 84) Tony explores 7 different "relationships" the average man will need to work on in order to progress in purity from where he's been to where God is taking him. The "good news" is this... as a man works on these 7 key relationships of his life... * He will move forward toward the healing of his own heart... life... and sexuality... * He will be empowered to resist temptation when it presents itself to him... * He will be strengthened in his walk of purity... * He will be empowered to honor God... and his wife... with the expression of his sexual gift. In this second episode... Tony presents the 2nd & 3rd relationships that are foundational to sexual purity!
22.8.2017 • 35 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
POP 80 - 7 Relationships Foundational To Sexual Purity - Part 1
Every man will have work to do as he moves forward on the path of sexual purity that God has intended for his life. In this series of episodes (79 - 83) Tony explores 7 different "relationships" the average man will need to work on in order to progress in purity from where he's been to where God is taking him. The "good news" is this... as a man works on these 7 key relationships of his life... * He will move forward toward the healing of his own heart... life... and sexuality... * He will be empowered to resist temptation when it presents itself to him... * He will be strengthened in his walk of purity... * He will be empowered to honor God... and his wife... with the expression of his sexual gift. In this first episode... Tony presents the 1st relationship that's foundational to sexual purity!
15.8.2017 • 41 Protokoll, 54 Sekunden
POP 79 - Healing After Betrayal with Lynn Marie Cherry - Part 3
Tony's special guest for this episode is Lynn Marie Cherry. In the early years of her marriage Lynn frequently had an intuitive sense that something was "wrong" between her and her husband David... but she didn't know what it was. She chose to deal with this nagging feeling the same way she had learned to deal with any other difficult feeling or situation in her life... DENIAL! But then her world was turned upside down when she woke up in the middle of the night... and discovered her husband secretly watching Internet pornography in their home office. This discovery was so upsetting and disruptive to Lynn... and the marriage... that they eventually began a counseling process that would last for two years. Although this process was very difficult... it helped Lynn and David to identity and process many of the dynamics that were causing their marriage to be so unhealthy... and as they slowly worked through these issues... they came out the other side stronger... and healthier... and happier than they had ever been before. It's an amazing story that inspires hope for all of us. Hope... that deeply broken hearts can be healed! Hope... that deeply broken marriages can be healed! Hope... that sexual addiction can be healed! Hope... that broken trust can be reestablished! Lynn Marrie Cherry is an author and a speaker... she has two sons... she lives in Texas... she loves God... and she's written a book entitled... Keep Walking / 40 Days to Hope and Freedom after Betrayal
8.8.2017 • 46 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
POP 78 - Healing After Betrayal with Lynn Marie Cherry - Part 2
Tony's special guest for this episode is Lynn Marie Cherry. In the early years of her marriage Lynn frequently had an intuitive sense that something was "wrong" between her and her husband David... but she didn't know what it was. She chose to deal with this nagging feeling the same way she had learned to deal with any other difficult feeling or situation in her life... DENIAL! But then her world was turned upside down when she woke up in the middle of the night... and discovered her husband secretly watching Internet pornography in their home office. This discovery was so upsetting and disruptive to Lynn... and the marriage... that they eventually began a counseling process that would last for two years. Although this process was very difficult... it helped Lynn and David to identity and process many of the dynamics that were causing their marriage to be so unhealthy... and as they slowly worked through these issues... they came out the other side stronger... and healthier... and happier than they had ever been before. It's an amazing story that inspires hope for all of us. Hope... that deeply broken hearts can be healed! Hope... that deeply broken marriages can be healed! Hope... that sexual addiction can be healed! Hope... that broken trust can be reestablished! Lynn Marrie Cherry is an author and a speaker... she has two sons... she lives in Texas... she loves God... and she's written a book entitled... Keep Walking / 40 Days to Hope and Freedom after Betrayal
1.8.2017 • 42 Protokoll, 39 Sekunden
POP 77 - Healing After Betrayal with Lynn Marie Cherry - Part 1
Tony's special guest for this episode is Lynn Marie Cherry. In the early years of her marriage Lynn frequently had an intuitive sense that something was "wrong" between her and her husband David... but she didn't know what it was. She chose to deal with this nagging feeling the same way she had learned to deal with any other difficult feeling or situation in her life... DENIAL! But then her world was turned upside down when she woke up in the middle of the night... and discovered her husband secretly watching Internet pornography in their home office. This discovery was so upsetting and disruptive to Lynn... and the marriage... that they eventually began a counseling process that would last for two years. Although this process was very difficult... it helped Lynn and David to identity and process many of the dynamics that were causing their marriage to be so unhealthy... and as they slowly worked through these issues... they came out the other side stronger... and healthier... and happier than they had ever been before. It's an amazing story that inspires hope for all of us. Hope... that deeply broken hearts can be healed! Hope... that deeply broken marriages can be healed! Hope... that sexual addiction can be healed! Hope... that broken trust can be reestablished! Lynn Marrie Cherry is an author and a speaker... she has two sons... she lives in Texas... she loves God... and she's written a book entitled... Keep Walking / 40 Days to Hope and Freedom after Betrayal
25.7.2017 • 45 Protokoll, 20 Sekunden
POP 76 - Dr. Dan Allender on Sexual Abuse - Part 2
Tony's special guest for this episode is a prominent therapist, author, professor, and speaker who focuses on sexual abuse and trauma recovery... among many other important issues... Dr. Dan Allender. Dr. Allender is one of the founders and former President of The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology in Seattle, Washington... and has authored numerous books including... * The Wounded Heart * Bold Love * The Cry of The Soul * God Loves Sex Tony... and his wife Sheri... were both introduced to Dr. Allender's books and conferences when the disaster of their marriage led them to begin their counseling process. These resources contributed to their healing journey in a significant way. Although Tony and Sheri had both been sexually abused during adolescence... neither of them understood that they had been sexually abused... or how their sexual abuse had damaged their hearts and lives... and was still damaging their ability to be sexually healthy together as a married couple. Understanding their sexual abuse... and dealing with the corresponding issues became a significant stepping stone in Tony and Sheri's healing journey. It's a sad reality that many people... both men and women... have experienced sexual abuse at some point in their life. Dr. Allender helps us understand what sexual abuse is... how sexual abuse profoundly harms our soul... and how to find the hope and healing that only God can offer our lives.
18.7.2017 • 36 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
POP 75 - Dr. Dan Allender on Sexual Abuse - Part 1
Tony's special guest for this episode - and the next - is a prominent therapist, author, professor, and speaker who focuses on sexual abuse and trauma recovery... among many other important issues... Dr. Dan Allender. Dr. Allender is one of the founders and former President of The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology in Seattle, Washington... and has authored numerous books including... * The Wounded Heart * Bold Love * The Cry of The Soul * God Loves Sex Tony... and his wife Sheri... were both introduced to Dr. Allender's books and conferences when the disaster of their marriage led them to begin their counseling process. These resources contributed to their healing journey in a significant way. Although Tony and Sheri had both been sexually abused during adolescence... neither of them understood that they had been sexually abused... or how their sexual abuse had damaged their hearts and lives... and was still damaging their ability to be sexually healthy together as a married couple. Understanding their sexual abuse... and dealing with the corresponding issues became a significant stepping stone in Tony and Sheri's healing journey. It's a sad reality that many people... both men and women... have experienced sexual abuse at some point in their life. Dr. Allender helps us understand what sexual abuse is... how sexual abuse profoundly harms our soul... and how to find the hope and healing that only God can offer our lives.
11.7.2017 • 31 Protokoll, 43 Sekunden
POP 74 - Introduction To Sexual Abuse
In this episode Tony presents an introduction to the topic of sexual abuse... which will be followed in the next two episodes with an interview of Dr. Dan Allender who is a nationally recognized expert on the topic of sexual abuse. Many people struggle deeply in the attempt to manage their sexual gift in a healthy way... and many Christian people act out sexually in a variety of ways in violation of their profession of faith and their conscience. This acting out often includes Internet pornography... compulsive masturbation... phone sex... cyber sex... strip clubs... sex massages... prostitutes... fornication... and adulterous affairs... among many other things. The reason people act out sexually in this way is typically due to a combination of a variety of influences that have come to bear in their life and soul... and one of those influences that occurs more often than many people realize is the reality of sexual abuse. In the way of example... both Tony and his wife Sheri were sexually abused during adolescence... but neither one of them understood that they had been sexually abused until they began their therapeutic process later in life. In this episode Tony provides a brief introduction to the topic of sexual abuse including... * The reality that more people have been sexually abused than realize they've been sexually abused. * The proper definition of sexual abuse. * Eight examples of what sexual abuse can look like. * A basic introduction of how sexual abuse follows a person into their life and affects them in greater ways than they've probably ever understood. * A real life testimony from a person who was sexually abused as a child. WARNING... please to NOT assume this topic does not apply to you until you hear this episode. When you understand the true definition of sexual abuse... you might just realize that what happened to you really was sexual abuse... and it might help you understand a little better why you've struggled with sex as much as you have. - Tim Ross
4.7.2017 • 49 Protokoll, 8 Sekunden
POP 73 - Jonathan Daugherty - Part 2
Jonathan Daugherty is the founder and director of Be Broken Ministries... Pure Sex Radio... and Gateway To Freedom... which is a three day workshop for men who are seeking to overcome pornography or any other sexual struggle or stronghold. In addition, Jonathan is in demand nationally as a speaker on sexual purity and men's issues. He has appeared on The Oprah Show, twice of ABC's Nightline, as well as other radio and television media, both local and national. He has authored numerous books including... Grace-Based Recovery... The 4 Pillars of Purity... Secrets... and Untangled...among other works. When Jonathan was exposed to pornography as a young boy... it began a compulsion that would eventually lead into a full blown sexual addiction that would last for 13 years... and literally almost destroy his life. In 1999 Jonathan had been married for 4 years when his wife learned the truth of his sexual addiction... including the use of pornography... strip clubs... and prostitutes... among many other inappropriate behaviors that had become part of his daily life. It was only after his wife left him that Jonathan finally admitted to himself the true extent of his problem... and turned to God in utter desperation. He knew that if God didn't help him and change him... that he could never change himself. On that important day... instead of finding an angry and resentful God... Jonathan discovered a God of love... mercy... and forgiveness. That began the redemptive and healing journey that led to the restoration of his marriage... and a ministry to help others who are struggling with sexual brokenness. Jonathan learned that God can heal ANYONE and takes delight in doing that which seems impossible! Listen to this remarkable story of God's ability to heal a man who struggled with deep sexual brokenness for many years... and be AMAZED! Jonathan lives with his wife and three children in San Antonia, Texas. pure
27.6.2017 • 42 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
POP 72 - BONUS EPISODE - Attacking The Gates Of Hell
In this BONUS EPISODE Tony shares his heart and vision to "ATTACK THE GATES OF HELL" by putting The Power of Purity Podcast within the reach of hundreds of thousands of additional men. The issues of sexual temptation... Internet pornography... and sexual addiction... are something that so many men are struggling with in this day and age. Most of these men are struggling all alone... because these issues provoke deep shame... and most men are reluctant to admit their struggle to anyone... and don't know where to turn for the tools and answers that can help them win this battle. The GOOD NEWS is that many men WILL listen to a podcast on the topic of sexual purity... because they can do so with complete privacy and anonymity. Because of this God is blessing and using the podcast format to bring the message of purity... and HOPE... to countless men who are desperately struggling with sexual issues. Through the podcast format... * Men are finding the help... encouragement... hope... and the tools they need to experience their sexual gift in a healthier way * Men are being set free from sexual addictions * Chains of bondage and captivity are being broken from men's hearts... lives... and souls * Marriages and families are being rescued and healed * Men are being set free to rise up into the calling and destiny God has placed upon their lives so they can be the "Warrior Poet" God has called them to be... and they can accomplish the exploits for God's Kingdom for which they were created In this episode Tony shares a unique opportunity that's available to put The Power of Purity Podcast within the reach of hundreds of thousands of additional men. In so doing... we will be ATTACKING THE GATES OF HELL... and we will be unleashing massive amounts of destruction upon the kingdom of darkness. In this episode you'll discover how these objectives can be accomplished through the unusual combination of the following ideas... * 13 weeks * 91 days * 112 stations * 500 per day * 15 states * 600,000 men * .73 cents CONTACT INFORMATION: Power of Purity 1010 South Dr. St. Charles, MO 63301 [email protected]
22.6.2017 • 52 Protokoll, 13 Sekunden
POP 71 - Jonathan Daugherty - Part 1
Jonathan Daugherty is the founder and director of Be Broken Ministries... Pure Sex Radio... and Gateway To Freedom... which is a three day workshop for men who are seeking to overcome pornography or any other sexual struggle or stronghold. In addition, Jonathan is in demand nationally as a speaker on sexual purity and men's issues. He has appeared on The Oprah Show, twice on ABC's Nightline, as well as other radio and television media, both local and national. He has authored numerous books including... Grace-Based Recovery... The 4 Pillars of Purity... Secrets... and Untangled...among other works. When Jonathan was exposed to pornography as a young boy... it began a compulsion that would eventually lead into a full blown sexual addiction that would last for 13 years... and literally almost destroy his life. In 1999 Jonathan had been married for 4 years when his wife learned the truth of his sexual addiction... including the use of pornography... strip clubs... and prostitutes... among many other inappropriate behaviors that had become part of his daily life. It was only after his wife left him that Jonathan finally admitted to himself the true extent of his problem... and turned to God in utter desperation. He knew that if God didn't help him and change him... that he could never change himself. On that important day... instead of finding an angry and resentful God... Jonathan discovered a God of love... mercy... and forgiveness. That began the redemptive and healing journey that led to the restoration of his marriage... and a ministry to help others who are struggling with sexual brokenness. Jonathan learned that God can heal ANYONE and takes delight in doing that which seems impossible! Listen to this remarkable story of God's ability to heal a man who struggled with deep sexual brokenness for many years... and be AMAZED! Jonathan lives with his wife and three children in San Antonia, Texas. pure
20.6.2017 • 30 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
POP 70 - John Eldredge - Part 2
In this episode Tony continues his interview with John Eldredge, who is the Founder and President of Ransomed Heart Ministries. John is a counselor, teacher, and New York Times best selling author who has written many books including... Wild At Heart Waking The Dead Epic Desire Beautiful Outlaw The Sacred Romance John's passion is to help people discover the heart of God, to discover their own heart in God's love, and to learn how to live in God's Kingdom. John passionately loves the outdoors, and all beauty, including Shakespeare, bow hunting, a good cigar, anything having to do with adventure, poetry, working in the shop, fly fishing, classic rock, the Tetons, fish tacos, George MacDonald, green tea, buffalo steaks, dark chocolate, wild and open places, horses running, and too much more to name. In these episodes (71 & 72) Tony and John discuss... * Men and the topic of sexual purity * Men and the topic of fathers and fatherhood * And then Tony surprises John with an unexpected "game" in which he has 30 seconds to respond to each topic Tony chooses! Enjoy these episodes as Tony interviews a man who is being used by God to impact planet earth in a significant way.
13.6.2017 • 35 Protokoll, 18 Sekunden
POP 69 - John Eldredge - Part 1
In this episode - and the next - Tony interviews John Eldridge, who is the Founder and President of Ransomed Heart Ministries. John is a counselor, teacher, and New York Times best selling author who has written many books including... Wild At Heart Waking The Dead Epic Desire Beautiful Outlaw The Sacred Romance John's passion is to help people discover the heart of God, to discover their own heart in God's love, and to learn how to live in God's Kingdom. John passionately loves the outdoors, and all beauty, including Shakespeare, bow hunting, a good cigar, anything having to do with adventure, poetry, working in the shop, fly fishing, classic rock, the Tetons, fish tacos, George MacDonald, green tea, buffalo steaks, dark chocolate, wild and open places, horses running, and too much more to name. In these episodes Tony and John discuss... * Men and the topic of sexual purity * Men and the topic of fathers and fatherhood * And then Tony surprises John with an unexpected "game" in which he has 30 seconds to respond to each topic Tony chooses! Enjoy these episodes as Tony interviews a man who is being used by God to impact planet earth in a significant way.
6.6.2017 • 34 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
POP 68 - Garrett Jonsson - Part 2
Tony's special guest for this episode is Garrett Jonsson... and Garrett has an amazing story! After discovering pornography at the age of 9... his struggle with porn would follow him for at least the next 20 years. But as he approached his marriage... he thought to himself... When I get married my problem with porn with go away. But it didn't... and he continued to secretly struggle with his problem for the first 5 years of his marriage. Then... after accidentally attending a seminar on the topic of pornography... he was convicted to disclose the truth of his struggle to his wife. This began a healing process in his heart and life that eventually led him to take some unusual and demonstrative actions to raise awareness about the dangers of pornography. These actions included his... 30 in 30 in Handcuffs... when he ran 30 full marathons in 30 consecutive days while wearing handcuffs! Coast 2 Coast in Chains... when he road his bike from from coast to coast across the United States while dragging 7 heavy chains! Garrett's inspiring story proves that a man can break free from the "handcuffs" and "chains" of pornography. Listen... and be inspired! Websites referenced in this podcast:
30.5.2017 • 36 Protokoll
POP 67 - Garrett Jonsson - Part 1
Tony's special guest for this episode is Garrett Jonsson... and Garrett has an amazing story! After discovering pornography at the age of 9... his struggle with porn would follow him for at least the next 20 years. But as he approached his marriage... he thought to himself... When I get married my problem with porn with go away. But it didn't... and he continued to secretly struggle with his problem for the first 5 years of his marriage. Then... after accidentally attending a seminar on the topic of pornography... he was convicted to disclose the truth of his struggle to his wife. This began a healing process in his heart and life that eventually led him to take some unusual and demonstrative actions to raise awareness about the dangers of pornography. These actions included his... 30 in 30 in Handcuffs... when he ran 30 full marathons in 30 consecutive days while wearing handcuffs! Coast 2 Coast in Chains... when he road his bike from from coast to coast across the United States while dragging 7 heavy chains! Garrett's inspiring story proves that a man can break free from the "handcuffs" and "chains" of pornography. Listen... and be inspired!
23.5.2017 • 30 Protokoll, 1 Sekunde
POP 66 - Understanding Your Story - Part 13
Every person is the sum total of the accumulation of the "stories" of their life... or said another way... who you are today emerged from the "stories" of your past. This is a very important concept when it comes to the issue of sexual purity... because who you are today as a sexual person is the natural result of certain "stories" from your past... that shaped you into the sexual person you have become. Are you a person who struggles with internet pornography... and you can't stop looking... no matter how hard you try? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who doesn't like sex... or is uncomfortable with sex... or doesn't feel safe when you have sex... even with your spouse? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who acts out sexually in violation of your profession of faith... and in violation of your very own conscience? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. When you begin to truly understand the "stories" of your life... you'll understand yourself better than you've ever understood yourself before... you'll understand how you became the sexual person you became... and you'll understand how you can be set free from the power of your "stories" to become a new and different person. And here's the really GOOD NEWS! God wants to take a journey with you into the "stories" of your life... to bring his light to the darkest places of your "stories"... to bring his freedom to the places of bondage in your "stories"... and to bring his healing to the places of pain in your "stories". In this series of 13 episodes (54-66)... Tony shares 16 principles that will help you take this healing journey with God through the "stories" of your life. In this episode Tony shares PRINCIPLE 16. Welcome to... UNDERSTANDING YOUR STORY!
16.5.2017 • 32 Protokoll, 5 Sekunden
POP 65 - Understanding Your Story - Part 12
Every person is the sum total of the accumulation of the "stories" of their life... or said another way... who you are today emerged from the "stories" of your past. This is a very important concept when it comes to the issue of sexual purity... because who you are today as a sexual person is the natural result of certain "stories" from your past... that shaped you into the sexual person you have become. Are you a person who struggles with internet pornography... and you can't stop looking... no matter how hard you try? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who doesn't like sex... or is uncomfortable with sex... or doesn't feel safe when you have sex... even with your spouse? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who acts out sexually in violation of your profession of faith... and in violation of your very own conscience? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. When you begin to truly understand the "stories" of your life... you'll understand yourself better than you've ever understood yourself before... you'll understand how you became the sexual person you became... and you'll understand how you can be set free from the power of your "stories" to become a new and different person. And here's the really GOOD NEWS! God wants to take a journey with you into the "stories" of your life... to bring his light to the darkest places of your "stories"... to bring his freedom to the places of bondage in your "stories"... and to bring his healing to the places of pain in your "stories". In this series of 13 episodes (54-66)... Tony shares 16 principles that will help you take this healing journey with God through the "stories" of your life. In this episode Tony finishes PRINCIPLE 15... and shares his encounter with a demon possessed woman in Brazil. Welcome to... UNDERSTANDING YOUR STORY!
9.5.2017 • 31 Protokoll, 41 Sekunden
POP 64 - Understanding Your Story - Part 11
Every person is the sum total of the accumulation of the "stories" of their life... or said another way... who you are today emerged from the "stories" of your past. This is a very important concept when it comes to the issue of sexual purity... because who you are today as a sexual person is the natural result of certain "stories" from your past... that shaped you into the sexual person you have become. Are you a person who struggles with internet pornography... and you can't stop looking... no matter how hard you try? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who doesn't like sex... or is uncomfortable with sex... or doesn't feel safe when you have sex... even with your spouse? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who acts out sexually in violation of your profession of faith... and in violation of your very own conscience? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. When you begin to truly understand the "stories" of your life... you'll understand yourself better than you've ever understood yourself before... you'll understand how you became the sexual person you became... and you'll understand how you can be set free from the power of your "stories" to become a new and different person. And here's the really GOOD NEWS! God wants to take a journey with you into the "stories" of your life... to bring his light to the darkest places of your "stories"... to bring his freedom to the places of bondage in your "stories"... and to bring his healing to the places of pain in your "stories". In this series of 13 episodes (54-66)... Tony shares 16 principles that will help you take this healing journey with God through the "stories" of your life. In this episode Tony shares point 12 of PRINCIPLE 14... and begins PRINCIPLE 15. Welcome to... UNDERSTANDING YOUR STORY!
2.5.2017 • 28 Protokoll, 4 Sekunden
POP 63 - Understanding Your Story - Part 10
Every person is the sum total of the accumulation of the "stories" of their life... or said another way... who you are today emerged from the "stories" of your past. This is a very important concept when it comes to the issue of sexual purity... because who you are today as a sexual person is the natural result of certain "stories" from your past... that shaped you into the sexual person you have become. Are you a person who struggles with internet pornography... and you can't stop looking... no matter how hard you try? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who doesn't like sex... or is uncomfortable with sex... or doesn't feel safe when you have sex... even with your spouse? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who acts out sexually in violation of your profession of faith... and in violation of your very own conscience? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. When you begin to truly understand the "stories" of your life... you'll understand yourself better than you've ever understood yourself before... you'll understand how you became the sexual person you became... and you'll understand how you can be set free from the power of your "stories" to become a new and different person. And here's the really GOOD NEWS! God wants to take a journey with you into the "stories" of your life... to bring his light to the darkest places of your "stories"... to bring his freedom to the places of bondage in your "stories"... and to bring his healing to the places of pain in your "stories". In this series of 13 episodes (54-66)... Tony shares 16 principles that will help you take this healing journey with God through the "stories" of your life. In this episode Tony shares point 10 and point 11 of PRINCIPLE 14. Welcome to... UNDERSTANDING YOUR STORY!
25.4.2017 • 28 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
POP 62 - Understanding Your Story - Part 9
Every person is the sum total of the accumulation of the "stories" of their life... or said another way... who you are today emerged from the "stories" of your past. This is a very important concept when it comes to the issue of sexual purity... because who you are today as a sexual person is the natural result of certain "stories" from your past... that shaped you into the sexual person you have become. Are you a person who struggles with internet pornography... and you can't stop looking... no matter how hard you try? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who doesn't like sex... or is uncomfortable with sex... or doesn't feel safe when you have sex... even with your spouse? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who acts out sexually in violation of your profession of faith... and in violation of your very own conscience? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. When you begin to truly understand the "stories" of your life... you'll understand yourself better than you've ever understood yourself before... you'll understand how you became the sexual person you became... and you'll understand how you can be set free from the power of your "stories" to become a new and different person. And here's the really GOOD NEWS! God wants to take a journey with you into the "stories" of your life... to bring his light to the darkest places of your "stories"... to bring his freedom to the places of bondage in your "stories"... and to bring his healing to the places of pain in your "stories". In this series of 13 episodes (54-66)... Tony shares 16 principles that will help you take this healing journey with God through the "stories" of your life. In this episode Tony shares point 8 and point 9 of PRINCIPLE 14. Welcome to... UNDERSTANDING YOUR STORY!
18.4.2017 • 29 Protokoll, 20 Sekunden
POP 61 - Understanding Your Story - Part 8
Every person is the sum total of the accumulation of the "stories" of their life... or said another way... who you are today emerged from the "stories" of your past. This is a very important concept when it comes to the issue of sexual purity... because who you are today as a sexual person is the natural result of certain "stories" from your past... that shaped you into the sexual person you have become. Are you a person who struggles with internet pornography... and you can't stop looking... no matter how hard you try? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who doesn't like sex... or is uncomfortable with sex... or doesn't feel safe when you have sex... even with your spouse? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who acts out sexually in violation of your profession of faith... and in violation of your very own conscience? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. When you begin to truly understand the "stories" of your life... you'll understand yourself better than you've ever understood yourself before... you'll understand how you became the sexual person you became... and you'll understand how you can be set free from the power of your "stories" to become a new and different person. And here's the really GOOD NEWS! God wants to take a journey with you into the "stories" of your life... to bring his light to the darkest places of your "stories"... to bring his freedom to the places of bondage in your "stories"... and to bring his healing to the places of pain in your "stories". In this series of 13 episodes (54-66)... Tony shares 16 principles that will help you take this healing journey with God through the "stories" of your life. In this episode Tony shares points 5 - 7 of PRINCIPLE 14. Welcome to... UNDERSTANDING YOUR STORY!
11.4.2017 • 37 Protokoll, 32 Sekunden
POP 60 - Understanding Your Story - Part 7
Every person is the sum total of the accumulation of the "stories" of their life... or said another way... who you are today emerged from the "stories" of your past. This is a very important concept when it comes to the issue of sexual purity... because who you are today as a sexual person is the natural result of certain "stories" from your past... that shaped you into the sexual person you have become. Are you a person who struggles with internet pornography... and you can't stop looking... no matter how hard you try? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who doesn't like sex... or is uncomfortable with sex... or doesn't feel safe when you have sex... even with your spouse? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who acts out sexually in violation of your profession of faith... and in violation of your very own conscience? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. When you begin to truly understand the "stories" of your life... you'll understand yourself better than you've ever understood yourself before... you'll understand how you became the sexual person you became... and you'll understand how you can be set free from the power of your "stories" to become a new and different person. And here's the really GOOD NEWS! God wants to take a journey with you into the "stories" of your life... to bring his light to the darkest places of your "stories"... to bring his freedom to the places of bondage in your "stories"... and to bring his healing to the places of pain in your "stories". In this series of 13 episodes (54-66)... Tony shares 16 principles that will help you take this healing journey with God through the "stories" of your life. In this episode Tony shares the first 5 points of PRINCIPLE 14. Welcome to... UNDERSTANDING YOUR STORY!
4.4.2017 • 32 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
POP 59 - Understanding Your Story - Part 6
Every person is the sum total of the accumulation of the "stories" of their life... or said another way... who you are today emerged from the "stories" of your past. This is a very important concept when it comes to the issue of sexual purity... because who you are today as a sexual person is the natural result of certain "stories" from your past... that shaped you into the sexual person you have become. Are you a person who struggles with internet pornography... and you can't stop looking... no matter how hard you try? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who doesn't like sex... or is uncomfortable with sex... or doesn't feel safe when you have sex... even with your spouse? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who acts out sexually in violation of your profession of faith... and in violation of your very own conscience? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. When you begin to truly understand the "stories" of your life... you'll understand yourself better than you've ever understood yourself before... you'll understand how you became the sexual person you became... and you'll understand how you can be set free from the power of your "stories" to become a new and different person. And here's the really GOOD NEWS! God wants to take a journey with you into the "stories" of your life... to bring his light to the darkest places of your "stories"... to bring his freedom to the places of bondage in your "stories"... and to bring his healing to the places of pain in your "stories". In this series of 13 episodes (54-66)... Tony shares 16 principles that will help you take this healing journey with God through the "stories" of your life. In this episode Tony shares PRINCIPLE 12 - PRINCIPLE 13. Welcome to... UNDERSTANDING YOUR STORY!
28.3.2017 • 36 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
POP 58 - Understanding Your Story - Part 5
Every person is the sum total of the accumulation of the "stories" of their life... or said another way... who you are today emerged from the "stories" of your past. This is a very important concept when it comes to the issue of sexual purity... because who you are today as a sexual person is the natural result of certain "stories" from your past... that shaped you into the sexual person you have become. Are you a person who struggles with internet pornography... and you can't stop looking... no matter how hard you try? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who doesn't like sex... or is uncomfortable with sex... or doesn't feel safe when you have sex... even with your spouse? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who acts out sexually in violation of your profession of faith... and in violation of your very own conscience? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. When you begin to truly understand the "stories" of your life... you'll understand yourself better than you've ever understood yourself before... you'll understand how you became the sexual person you became... and you'll understand how you can be set free from the power of your "stories" to become a new and different person. And here's the really GOOD NEWS! God wants to take a journey with you into the "stories" of your life... to bring his light to the darkest places of your "stories"... to bring his freedom to the places of bondage in your "stories"... and to bring his healing to the places of pain in your "stories". In this series of 13 episodes (54-66)... Tony shares 16 principles that will help you take this healing journey with God through the "stories" of your life. In this episode Tony shares PRINCIPLE 9 - PRINCIPLE 11. Welcome to... UNDERSTANDING YOUR STORY!
21.3.2017 • 27 Protokoll, 42 Sekunden
POP 57 - Understanding Your Story - Part 4
Every person is the sum total of the accumulation of the "stories" of their life... or said another way... who you are today emerged from the "stories" of your past. This is a very important concept when it comes to the issue of sexual purity... because who you are today as a sexual person is the natural result of certain "stories" from your past... that shaped you into the sexual person you have become. Are you a person who struggles with internet pornography... and you can't stop looking... no matter how hard you try? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who doesn't like sex... or is uncomfortable with sex... or doesn't feel safe when you have sex... even with your spouse? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who acts out sexually in violation of your profession of faith... and in violation of your very own conscience? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. When you begin to truly understand the "stories" of your life... you'll understand yourself better than you've ever understood yourself before... you'll understand how you became the sexual person you became... and you'll understand how you can be set free from the power of your "stories" to become a new and different person. And here's the really GOOD NEWS! God wants to take a journey with you into the "stories" of your life... to bring his light to the darkest places of your "stories"... to bring his freedom to the places of bondage in your "stories"... and to bring his healing to the places of pain in your "stories". In this series of 13 episodes (54-66)... Tony shares 16 principles that will help you take this healing journey with God through the "stories" of your life. In this episode Tony shares the second half of PRINCIPLE 7 - and PRINCIPLE 8. Welcome to... UNDERSTANDING YOUR STORY!
14.3.2017 • 33 Protokoll, 25 Sekunden
POP 56 - Understanding Your Story - Part 3
Every person is the sum total of the accumulation of the "stories" of their life... or said another way... who you are today emerged from the "stories" of your past. This is a very important concept when it comes to the issue of sexual purity... because who you are today as a sexual person is the natural result of certain "stories" from your past... that shaped you into the sexual person you have become. Are you a person who struggles with internet pornography... and you can't stop looking... no matter how hard you try? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who doesn't like sex... or is uncomfortable with sex... or doesn't feel safe when you have sex... even with your spouse? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who acts out sexually in violation of your profession of faith... and in violation of your very own conscience? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. When you begin to truly understand the "stories" of your life... you'll understand yourself better than you've ever understood yourself before... you'll understand how you became the sexual person you became... and you'll understand how you can be set free from the power of your "stories" to become a new and different person. And here's the really GOOD NEWS! God wants to take a journey with you into the "stories" of your life... to bring his light to the darkest places of your "stories"... to bring his freedom to the places of bondage in your "stories"... and to bring his healing to the places of pain in your "stories". In this series of 13 episodes (54-66)... Tony shares 16 principles that will help you take this healing journey with God through the "stories" of your life. In this episode Tony shares PRINCIPLE 6 - and half of PRINCIPLE 7. Welcome to... UNDERSTANDING YOUR STORY!
7.3.2017 • 31 Protokoll, 19 Sekunden
POP 55 - Understanding Your Story - Part 2
Every person is the sum total of the accumulation of the "stories" of their life... or said another way... who you are today emerged from the "stories" of your past. This is a very important concept when it comes to the issue of sexual purity... because who you are today as a sexual person is the natural result of certain "stories" from your past... that shaped you into the sexual person you have become. Are you a person who struggles with internet pornography... and you can't stop looking... no matter how hard you try? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who doesn't like sex... or is uncomfortable with sex... or doesn't feel safe when you have sex... even with your spouse? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who acts out sexually in violation of your profession of faith... and in violation of your very own conscience? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. When you begin to truly understand the "stories" of your life... you'll understand yourself better than you've ever understood yourself before... you'll understand how you became the person you became... and you'll understand how you can be set free from the power of your "stories" to become a new and different person. And here's the really GOOD NEWS! God wants to take a journey with you into the "stories" of your life... to bring his light to the darkest places of your "stories"... to bring his freedom to the places of bondage in your "stories"... and to bring his healing to the places of pain in your "stories". In this series of 13 episodes (54-66)... Tony shares 16 principles that will help you take this healing journey with God through the "stories" of your life. In this episode Tony shares PRINCIPLE 2 - PRINCIPLE 5. Welcome to... UNDERSTANDING YOUR STORY!
28.2.2017 • 32 Protokoll, 26 Sekunden
POP 54 - Understanding your Story - Part 1
Every person is the sum total of the accumulation of the "stories" of their life... or said another way... who you are today emerged from the "stories" of your past. This is a very important concept when it comes to the issue of sexual purity... because who you are today as a sexual person is the natural result of certain "stories" from your past... that shaped you into the sexual person you have become. Are you a person who struggles with internet pornography... and you can't stop looking... no matter how hard you try? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who doesn't like sex... or is uncomfortable with sex... or doesn't feel safe when you have sex... even with your spouse? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. Are you a person who acts out sexually in violation of your profession of faith... and in violation of your very own conscience? The answer to who you are is found in the "stories" of your life. When you begin to truly understand the "stories" of your life... you'll understand yourself better than you've ever understood yourself before... you'll understand how you became the sexual person you became... and you'll understand how you can be set free from the power of your "stories" to become a new and different person. And here's the really GOOD NEWS! God wants to take a journey with you into the "stories" of your life... to bring his light to the darkest places of your "stories"... to bring his freedom to the places of bondage in your "stories"... and to bring his healing to the places of pain in your "stories". In this series of 13 episodes (54-66)... Tony shares 16 principles that will help you take this healing journey with God through the "stories" of your life. In this first episode Tony shares an INTRODUCTION and PRINCIPLE 1. Welcome to... UNDERSTANDING YOUR STORY!
21.2.2017 • 36 Protokoll, 17 Sekunden
POP 53 - Spice It Up - Keelie Reason - Part 2
Tony's special guest for this episode is Keelie Reason... also known as "THE SEX TALK LADY". Could you use some "SPICE IT UP" in your marriage? Although these episodes are being originally published for Valentine's Day... the ideas and principles discussed can be applied to your relationship... to "SPICE IT UP"... not just on Valentine's Day... but 365 days a year! How does a couple have a SEXY Valentine's Day? How do you unleash your creative genius to surprise your spouse? Is it alright to try some things you've never tried before? How do you stretch your comfort zone? How do you create a relational environment that's conducive to a deeper level of sexual intimacy? What are some good ideas to create a SEXY mood? What can a couple do to really "SPICE IT UP"? What can a couple do for a special day even if they're not in a very good place in their marriage? In these episodes (52 & 53) you'll find ideas that will help you to "SPICE IT UP" on Valentine's Day... or any other day of the year! 11 Come, my lover, let us go to the countryside, let us spend the night in the villages. 12 Let us go early to the vineyards to see if the vines have budded, if their blossoms have opened, and if the pomegranates are in bloom - there I will give you my love. 13 The mandrakes send out their fragrance, and at our door is every delicacy, both new and old, that I have stored up for you, my lover. Song of Songs 7:11-13
14.2.2017 • 43 Protokoll, 37 Sekunden
POP 52 - Spice It Up - Keelie Reason - Part 1
Tony's special guest for this episode... and the next... is Keelie Reason... also known as "THE SEX TALK LADY". Could you use some "SPICE IT UP" in your marriage? Although these episodes are being originally published for Valentine's Day... the ideas and principles discussed can be applied to your relationship... to "SPICE IT UP"... not just on Valentine's Day... but 365 days a year! How does a couple have a SEXY Valentine's Day? How do you unleash your creative genius to surprise your spouse? Is it alright to try some things you've never tried before? How do you stretch your comfort zone? How do you create a relational environment that's conducive to a deeper level of sexual intimacy? What are some good ideas to create a SEXY mood? What can a couple do to really "SPICE IT UP"? What can a couple do for a special day even if they're not in a very good place in their marriage? In these episodes (52 & 53) you'll find ideas that will help you to "SPICE IT UP" on Valentine's Day... or any other day of the year! 11 Come, my lover, let us go to the countryside, let us spend the night in the villages. 12 Let us go early to the vineyards to see if the vines have budded, if their blossoms have opened, and if the pomegranates are in bloom - there I will give you my love. 13 The mandrakes send out their fragrance, and at our door is every delicacy, both new and old, that I have stored up for you, my lover. Song of Songs 7:11-13
7.2.2017 • 31 Protokoll, 22 Sekunden
POP 51 - Steve & Jamie VanValin - Part 3
In this series of episodes Tony interviews Steve & Jamie VanValin. Steve & Jamie's story is a remarkable journey from personal and marital sexual brokenness to sexual wholeness, healing, and freedom. It's an amazing story of God's ability to rescue and heal deeply broken people, and deeply broken marriages. Steve & Jamie both experienced difficult, painful, and ungodly events during their adolescence and teenage years that laid the foundation for both of them to become overtly sexualized. When they met - the chemistry between them - fueled by their respective pasts - led to an exaggerated and explosive sexual journey they would follow for years to come. SEXUAL ABUSE - PORNOGRAPHY - PROMISCUITY - RAPE - HOMOSEXUAL EXPERIENCES - STRIP CLUBS - SWINGING - SEXUAL ADDICTION... Does God have the power to bring a person - and a couple - from the depths of sexual darkness and bondage to sexual healing and freedom? Can God rescue and redeem the most sexually broken people - and couples - and transfer them from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light? Listen to this remarkable story of redemption, and find out for yourself!
31.1.2017 • 43 Protokoll, 14 Sekunden
POP 50 - Steve & Jamie VanValin - Part 2
In this series of episodes Tony interviews Steve & Jamie VanValin. Steve & Jamie's story is a remarkable journey from personal and marital sexual brokenness to sexual wholeness, healing, and freedom. It's an amazing story of God's ability to rescue and heal deeply broken people, and deeply broken marriages. Steve & Jamie both experienced difficult, painful, and ungodly events during their adolescence and teenage years that laid the foundation for both of them to become overtly sexualized. When they met - the chemistry between them - fueled by their respective pasts - led to an exaggerated and explosive sexual journey they would follow for years to come. SEXUAL ABUSE - PORNOGRAPHY - PROMISCUITY - RAPE - HOMOSEXUAL EXPERIENCES - STRIP CLUBS - THREESOMES - SWINGING - SEXUAL ADDICTION... Does God have the power to bring a person - and a couple - from the depths of sexual darkness and bondage to sexual healing and freedom? Can God rescue and redeem the most sexually broken people - and couples - and transfer them from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light? Listen to this remarkable story of redemption, and find out for yourself!
24.1.2017 • 33 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
POP 49 - Steve & Jamie VanValin - Part 1
In this series of episodes Tony interviews Steve & Jamie VanValin. Steve & Jamie's story is a remarkable journey from personal and marital sexual brokenness to sexual wholeness, healing, and freedom. It's an amazing story of God's ability to rescue and heal deeply broken people, and deeply broken marriages. Steve & Jamie both experienced difficult, painful, and ungodly events during their adolescence and teenage years that laid the foundation for both of them to become overtly sexualized. When they met - the chemistry between them - fueled by their respective pasts - led to an exaggerated and explosive sexual journey they would follow for years to come. SEXUAL ABUSE - PORNOGRAPHY - PROMISCUITY - RAPE HOMOSEXUAL EXPERIENCES - STRIP CLUBS - THREESOMES - SWINGING - SEXUAL ADDICTION... Does God have the power to bring a person - and a couple - from the depths of sexual darkness and bondage to sexual healing and freedom? Can God rescue and redeem the most sexually broken people - and couples - and transfer them from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light? Listen to this remarkable story of redemption, and find out for yourself!
17.1.2017 • 35 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
POP 48 - When You Or Your Spouse Doesn't Like Sex - Part 5
Sex is a wonderful, awesome, and mysterious gift that God has given us to delight in within the context of marital exclusivity. Through sexual intimacy married couples are intended to experience deep and profound relational values such as intimacy, connection, union, trust, caring, and love. In view of this wonderful gift... and these wonderful benefits... you'd think every married person would anticipate... desire... and fully enjoy the pleasures and ecstasy of sexual connection with their spouse on a regular basis. Yet many people... both men and women... struggle deeply with significantly diminished sexual desire or interest... and often do everything they can do to avoid... or at least limit... sexual contact with their spouse. As you can only imagine, this lack of sexual interest and avoidance often leads to significant tension, confusion, misunderstanding, and hurt in the context of the marriage... especially if the other spouse has sexual desire and interest. What if one person in the marriage in interested in sex... and the other person is not? What if one person in the marriage wants and needs sex more than the other person? In this very important series of 5 episodes (43-47), Tony exposes 4 common reasons that contribute to low sexual desire, and then shares 9 principles that will help and encourage those who are interested in increasing their level of sexual interest and desire... so they can become sexually present in their marriage in a healthier way. In this episode Tony shares principles 7 - 9.
10.1.2017 • 30 Protokoll, 23 Sekunden
POP 47 - When You Or Your Spouse Doesn't Like Sex - Part 4
Sex is a wonderful, awesome, and mysterious gift that God has given us to delight in within the context of marital exclusivity. Through sexual intimacy married couples are intended to experience deep and profound relational values such as intimacy, connection, union, trust, caring, and love. In view of this wonderful gift... and these wonderful benefits... you'd think every married person would anticipate... desire... and fully enjoy the pleasures and ecstasy of sexual connection with their spouse on a regular basis. Yet many people... both men and women... struggle deeply with significantly diminished sexual desire or interest... and often do everything they can do to avoid... or at least limit... sexual contact with their spouse. As you can only imagine, this lack of sexual interest and avoidance often leads to significant tension, confusion, misunderstanding, and hurt in the context of the marriage... especially if the other spouse has sexual desire and interest. What if one person in the marriage in interested in sex... and the other person is not? What if one person in the marriage wants and needs sex more than the other person? In this very important series of 5 episodes (43-47), Tony exposes 4 common reasons that contribute to low sexual desire, and then shares 9 principles that will help and encourage those who are interested in increasing their level of sexual interest and desire... so they can become sexually present in their marriage in a healthier way. In this episode Tony shares principles 3 - 6.
3.1.2017 • 35 Protokoll, 49 Sekunden
POP 46 - When You Or Your Spouse Doesn't Like Sex - Part 3
Sex is a wonderful, awesome, and mysterious gift that God has given us to delight in within the context of marital exclusivity. Through sexual intimacy married couples are intended to experience deep and profound relational values such as intimacy, connection, union, trust, caring, and love. In view of this wonderful gift... and these wonderful benefits... you'd think every married person would anticipate... desire... and fully enjoy the pleasures and ecstasy of sexual connection with their spouse on a regular basis. Yet many people... both men and women... struggle deeply with significantly diminished sexual desire or interest... and often do everything they can do to avoid... or at least limit... sexual contact with their spouse. As you can only imagine, this lack of sexual interest and avoidance often leads to significant tension, confusion, misunderstanding, and hurt in the context of the marriage... especially if the other spouse has sexual desire and interest. What if one person in the marriage in interested in sex... and the other person is not? What if one person in the marriage wants and needs sex more than the other person? In this very important series of 5 episodes (43-47), Tony exposes 4 common reasons that contribute to low sexual desire, and then shares 9 principles that will help and encourage those who are interested in increasing their level of sexual interest and desire... so they can become sexually present in their marriage in a healthier way. In this episode Tony shares the 4th reason people often struggle with diminished sexual desire, and the first 2 principles of what to do about it!
27.12.2016 • 31 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
POP 45 - Incarnation: The Collision of God & Man
In this episode Tony interrupts our current Podcast series - When Your Or Your Spouse Doesn't Like Sex - to present a special Christmas episode on the topic of the Incarnation. The Incarnation is not just a 2,000 year old historical event that we remember during the holiday season - far removed from the reality of our present day lives - but is in fact the very basis of the possibility that we can experience sexual healing and wholeness in our lives today. Would you like to experience healing in the sexual area of your life? Would you like to be a healthier person when it comes to sex? Would you like to control sex instead of being controlled by sex? Would you like to break the power that pornography has been holding in your life? This episode will help you understand what the Incarnation is - and how the Incarnation provides the power and the possibility that all these things can come true for you! Or said another way... It's because of the Incarnation that you can experience sexual healing in your life! It's because of the Incarnation that you can become healthier in the sexual area of your life! It's because of the Incarnation that you can learn to control sex instead of being controlled by sex! It's because of the Incarnation that the power of pornography can be broken from you life! The truth of this episode isn't just for Christmas - it's for every day of the year! So listen to this episode - and celebrate the Incarnation and the true meaning of Christmas - no matter what day of the year you're listening!
20.12.2016 • 42 Protokoll, 39 Sekunden
POP 44 - When You Or Your Spouse Doesn't Like Sex - Part 2
Sex is a wonderful, awesome, and mysterious gift that God has given us to delight in within the context of marital exclusivity. Through sexual intimacy married couples are intended to experience deep and profound relational values such as intimacy, connection, union, trust, caring, and love. In view of this wonderful gift... and these wonderful benefits... you'd think every married person would anticipate... desire... and fully enjoy the pleasures and ecstasy of sexual connection with their spouse on a regular basis. Yet many people... both men and women... struggle deeply with significantly diminished sexual desire or interest... and often do everything they can do to avoid... or at least limit... sexual contact with their spouse. As you can only imagine, this lack of sexual interest and avoidance often leads to significant tension, confusion, misunderstanding, and hurt in the context of the marriage... especially if the other spouse has sexual desire and interest. What if one person in the marriage in interested in sex... and the other person is not? What if one person in the marriage wants and needs sex more than the other person? In this very important series of 5 episodes (43-47), Tony exposes 4 common reasons that contribute to low sexual desire, and then shares 9 principles that will help and encourage those who are interested in increasing their level of sexual interest and desire... so they can become sexually present in their marriage in a healthier way. In this episode Tony shares the first 3 reasons people often struggle with diminished sexual desire.
13.12.2016 • 34 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
POP 43 - When You Or Your Spouse Doesn't Like Sex - Part 1
Sex is a wonderful, awesome, and mysterious gift that God has given us to delight in within the context of marital exclusivity. Through sexual intimacy married couples are intended to experience deep and profound relational values such as intimacy, connection, union, trust, caring, and love. In view of this wonderful gift... and these wonderful benefits... you'd think every married person would anticipate... desire... and fully enjoy the pleasures and ecstasy of sexual connection with their spouse on a regular basis. Yet many people... both men and women... struggle deeply with significantly diminished sexual desire or interest... and often do everything they can do to avoid... or at least limit... sexual contact with their spouse. As you can only imagine, this lack of sexual interest and avoidance often leads to significant tension, confusion, misunderstanding, and hurt in the context of the marriage... especially if the other spouse has sexual desire and interest. What if one person in the marriage is interested in sex... and the other person is not? What if one person in the marriage wants and needs sex more than the other person? In this very important series of 5 episodes (43-47), Tony exposes 4 common reasons that contribute to low sexual desire, and then shares 9 principles that will help and encourage those who are interested in increasing their level of sexual interest and desire... so they can become sexually present in their marriage in a healthier way. In this episode Tony shares the INTRODUCTION to this important series... When You Or Your Spouse Doesn't Like Sex.
6.12.2016 • 32 Protokoll, 5 Sekunden
POP 42 - Better Sex In Marriage with Keelie Reason - Part 2
Tony's guest on this episode is Keelie Reason... who is known as "The Sex Talk Lady"... and authors the website Keelie noticed that so many women around her were struggling with sex within the context of their marriages, and were often reduced to "duty sex" as a kind of responsibility to their husbands. Keelie's passion is to encourage women to enjoy sex with their husbands instead of just enduring sex, and through her ministry she provides the practical information, resources, and tools that equip women for the journey toward greater sexual wholeness and health. In these episodes (41 & 42) Tony and Keelie discuss important topics such as... * What to do about the challenge when one spouse is low desire and one spouse is high desire * How to "get in the mood" when you're not in the mood * Dealing with the sexual baggage of your past * How to initiate sex with your spouse * The importance of communicating about sex * Becoming adventurous in the bedroom * Keeping sex from becoming routine * Using sex games in the bedroom * And Much Much More... Join Tony and Keelie as they discuss tips, strategies, ideas, and suggestions that will help you be healthier sexually in the context of your marriage! Visit for more resources and information.
29.11.2016 • 40 Protokoll, 21 Sekunden
POP 41 - Better Sex In Marriage with Keelie Reason - Part 1
Tony's guest on this episode is Keelie Reason... who is known as "The Sex Talk Lady"... and authors the website Keelie noticed that so many women around her were struggling with sex within the context of their marriages, and were often reduced to "duty sex" as a kind of responsibility to their husbands. Keelie's passion is to encourage women to enjoy sex with their husbands instead of just enduring sex, and through her ministry she provides the practical information, resources, and tools that equip women for the journey toward greater sexual wholeness and health. In these episodes (41 & 42) Tony and Keelie discuss important topics such as... * What to do about the challenge when one spouse is low desire and one spouse is high desire * How to "get in the mood" when you're not in the mood * Dealing with the sexual baggage of your past * How to initiate sex with your spouse * The importance of communicating about sex * Becoming adventurous in the bedroom * Keeping sex from becoming routine * Using sex games in the bedroom * And Much Much More... Join Tony and Keelie as they discuss tips, strategies, ideas, and suggestions that will help you be healthier sexually in the context of your marriage! Visit for more resources and information.
22.11.2016 • 30 Protokoll, 10 Sekunden
POP 40 - The Sexual Alliance - Part 6
It's God's will, plan, and design that a married couple have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another. There are 3 primary components of the SEXUAL ALLIANCE... 1. They understand that their sexual gifts belong exclusively to one another. 2. They express their sexual gifts exclusively with one another. 3. They are sexually available to one another on a frequent and recurring basis. This means that your bodies... your thoughts... your hands... your eyes... your tongues... your penis... your vagina... your breasts... your orgasms... belong exclusively... completely... totally... 100% to one another as a married couple! Did you know that most couples think they have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... but in reality many couples do NOT have a true SEXUAL ALLIANCE? The SEXUAL ALLIANCE is incredibly important to the health and welfare of every marriage... and it's the SEXUAL ALLIANCE that will empower... and put purity within your reach as a married person. In this 6-part series - THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE - Tony shares 19 principles that will help married couples establish a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another that really works... and in this session Tony covers principles 17 - 19. Welcome to THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE!
15.11.2016 • 35 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
POP 39 - The Sexual Alliance - Part 5
It's God's will, plan, and design that a married couple have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another. There are 3 primary components of the SEXUAL ALLIANCE... 1. They understand that their sexual gifts belong exclusively to one another. 2. They express their sexual gifts exclusively with one another. 3. They are sexually available to one another on a frequent and recurring basis. This means that your bodies... your thoughts... your hands... your eyes... your tongues... your penis... your vagina... your breasts... your orgasms... belong exclusively... completely... totally... 100% to one another as a married couple! Did you know that most couples think they have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... but in reality many couples do NOT have a true SEXUAL ALLIANCE? The SEXUAL ALLIANCE is incredibly important to the health and welfare of every marriage... and it's the SEXUAL ALLIANCE that will empower... and put purity within your reach as a married person. In this 6-part series - THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE - Tony shares 19 principles that will help married couples establish a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another that really works... and in this session Tony covers principles 15 and 16. Welcome to THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE!
8.11.2016 • 33 Protokoll, 57 Sekunden
POP 38 - The Sexual Alliance - Part 4
It's God's will, plan, and design that a married couple have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another. There are 3 primary components of the SEXUAL ALLIANCE... 1. They understand that their sexual gifts belong exclusively to one another. 2. They express their sexual gifts exclusively with one another. 3. They are sexually available to one another on a frequent and recurring basis. This means that your bodies... your thoughts... your hands... your eyes... your tongues... your penis... your vagina... your breasts... your orgasms... belong exclusively... completely... totally... 100% to one another as a married couple! Did you know that most couples think they have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... but in reality many couples do NOT have a true SEXUAL ALLIANCE? The SEXUAL ALLIANCE is incredibly important to the health and welfare of every marriage... and it's the SEXUAL ALLIANCE that will empower... and put purity within your reach as a married person. In this 6-part series - THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE - Tony shares 19 principles that will help married couples establish a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another that really works... and in this session Tony covers principles 13 and 14. Welcome to THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE!
1.11.2016 • 34 Protokoll, 16 Sekunden
POP 37 - The Sexual Alliance - Part 3
It's God's will, plan, and design that a married couple have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... which means they limit any and all expressions of their corresponding sexualities exclusively to one another. This means that your bodies... your thoughts... your hands... your eyes... your tongues... your penis... your vagina... your breasts... your orgasms... belong exclusively... completely... totally... 100% to one another as a married couple! Did you know that most couples think they have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... but in reality many couples do NOT have a true SEXUAL ALLIANCE? The SEXUAL ALLIANCE is incredibly important to the health and welfare of every marriage... and it's the SEXUAL ALLIANCE that will empower... and put purity within your reach as a married person. In this 6-part series - THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE - Tony shares 19 principles that will help married couples establish a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another that really works... and in this session Tony covers principles 10 through 12. Welcome to THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE!
25.10.2016 • 34 Protokoll, 34 Sekunden
POP 36 - The Sexual Alliance - Part 2
It's God's will, plan, and design that a married couple have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... which means they limit any and all expressions of their corresponding sexualities exclusively to one another. This means that your bodies... your thoughts... your hands... your eyes... your tongues... your penis... your vagina... your breasts... your orgasms... belong exclusively... completely... totally... 100% to one another as a married couple! Did you know that most couples think they have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... but in reality many couples do NOT have a true SEXUAL ALLIANCE? The SEXUAL ALLIANCE is incredibly important to the health and welfare of every marriage... and it's the SEXUAL ALLIANCE that will empower... and put purity within your reach as a married person. In this 6-part series - THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE - Tony shares 19 principles that will help married couples establish a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another that really works... and in this session Tony covers principles 6 through 9. Welcome to THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE!
18.10.2016 • 36 Protokoll, 46 Sekunden
POP 35 - The Sexual Alliance - Part 1
It's God's will, plan, and design that a married couple have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... which means they limit any and all expressions of their corresponding sexualities exclusively to one another. This means that your bodies... your thoughts... your hands... your eyes... your tongues... your penis... your vagina... your breasts... your orgasms... belong exclusively... completely... totally... 100% to one another as a married couple! Did you know that most couples think they have a SEXUAL ALLIANCE... but in reality many couples do NOT have a true SEXUAL ALLIANCE? The SEXUAL ALLIANCE is incredibly important to the health and welfare of every marriage... and it's the SEXUAL ALLIANCE that will empower... and put purity within your reach as a married person. In this 6-part series - THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE - Tony shares 19 principles that will help married couples establish a SEXUAL ALLIANCE with one another that really works... and in this session Tony covers principles 1 through 5. Welcome to THE SEXUAL ALLIANCE!
11.10.2016 • 34 Protokoll, 47 Sekunden
POP 34 - Educate & Empower Kids with Dina Alexander - Part 2
There’s at least 3 very sobering realities about pornography that you should be aware of… You know how much you’ve struggled with pornography in your own heart and life. You know how the sexualized culture in which you live presents a never-ending parade of sexual temptation that will always be just 1 or 2 clicks away on your devices. You know that your kids are growing up in the same sexualized culture, and they will also face the same challenges and struggles with sex that you yourself are facing. It’s a pretty scary thought to realize that your kids are probably going to have the same struggles and issues with sex as we have struggled with so deeply. Did you know it’s inevitable that your kids will see porn… it’s only a matter of time? Did you know that the same porn that’s a never-ending temptation to you will also be a never-ending temptation to your kids? Did you ever wonder what you can do to prepare your kids for the inevitable reality of the porn saturated culture in which they live? In this episode Tony interviews Dina Alexander… the founder and president of Educate and Empower Kids… an organization dedicated to equipping parents with the practical tools and resources that will… empower them to talk with their kids in healthy and appropriate ways about pornography, intimacy, and sexuality… enable them to prepare their kids for the inevitable pornography onslaught they will be confronted with in this day and age. If you have kids… and you’re interested in protecting, preparing, and equipping your kids for the coming battles they will face… these episodes are for you! For more information visit –
4.10.2016 • 37 Protokoll, 55 Sekunden
POP 33 - Educate & Empower Kids with Dina Alexander - Part 1
There’s at least 3 very sobering realities about pornography that you should be aware of… You know how much you’ve struggled with pornography in your own heart and life. You know how the sexualized culture in which you live presents a never-ending parade of sexual temptation that will always be just 1 or 2 clicks away on your devices. You know that your kids are growing up in the same sexualized culture, and they will also face the same challenges and struggles with sex that you yourself are facing. It’s a pretty scary thought to realize that your kids are probably going to have the same struggles and issues with sex as we have struggled with so deeply. Did you know it’s inevitable that your kids will see porn… it’s only a matter of time? Did you know that the same porn that’s a never-ending temptation to you will also be a never-ending temptation to your kids? Did you ever wonder what you can do to prepare your kids for the inevitable reality of the porn saturated culture in which they live? In this episode Tony interviews Dina Alexander… the founder and president of Educate and Empower Kids… an organization dedicated to equipping parents with the practical tools and resources that will… empower them to talk with their kids in healthy and appropriate ways about pornography, intimacy, and sexuality… enable them to prepare their kids for the inevitable pornography onslaught they will be confronted with in this day and age. If you have kids… and you’re interested in protecting, preparing, and equipping your kids for the coming battles they will face… these episodes are for you! For more information visit –
27.9.2016 • 33 Protokoll, 58 Sekunden
POP 32 - Change My Heart Oh God - Part 5
Did you ever wonder why sex holds so much power in your life, and why you're still struggling to manage your sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? In the same way a see-saw hinges and shifts from side to side on a fulcrum point... what if there was a "fulcrum issue" that would allow you to shift your life and sexual gift from the side of bondage, sin, and failure to the other side of freedom, righteousness, and success? In this series of episodes (28-32) Tony shares what that "fulcrum issue" is... along with 8 corresponding principles... that will empower you... * to experience your sexual gift in a healthier way. * to begin to control sex instead of being controlled by sex. * to honor God with you sexual gift. What most guys typically do in their struggle with sex is attempt to use strategies and techniques that will never work to change their lives... and it's in these episodes that you'll discover the "fulcrum issue" that will truly change your life and the way you experience your sexual gift. If you're sincerely interested in being a healthier man when it comes to sex... these episodes are critically important to your journey. In this final episode of this series - Change My Heart Oh God - Tony covers principles 9 & 10!
20.9.2016 • 29 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
POP 31 - Change My Heart Oh God - Part 4
Did you ever wonder why sex holds so much power in your life, and why you're still struggling to manage your sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? In the same way a see-saw hinges and shifts from side to side on a fulcrum point... what if there was a "fulcrum issue" that would allow you to shift your life and sexual gift from the side of bondage, sin, and failure to the other side of freedom, righteousness, and success? In this series of episodes (28-32) Tony shares what that "fulcrum issue" is... along with 8 corresponding principles... that will empower you... * to experience your sexual gift in a healthier way. * to begin to control sex instead of being controlled by sex. * to honor God with you sexual gift. What most guys typically do in their struggle with sex is attempt to use strategies and techniques that will never work to change their lives... and it's in these episodes that you'll discover the "fulcrum issue" that will truly change your life and the way you experience your sexual gift. If you're sincerely interested in being a healthier man when it comes to sex... these episodes are critically important to your journey. In this episode you'll discover "the currencies of the kingdom"!
13.9.2016 • 30 Protokoll, 37 Sekunden
POP 30 - Change My Heart Oh God - Part 3
Did you ever wonder why sex holds so much power in your life, and why you're still struggling to manage your sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? In the same way a see-saw hinges and shifts from side to side on a fulcrum point... what if there was a "fulcrum issue" that would allow you to shift your life and sexual gift from the side of bondage, sin, and failure to the other side of freedom, righteousness, and success? In this series of episodes (28-32) Tony shares what that "fulcrum issue" is... along with 8 corresponding principles... that will empower you... * to experience your sexual gift in a healthier way. * to begin to control sex instead of being controlled by sex. * to honor God with you sexual gift. What most guys typically do in their struggle with sex is attempt to use strategies and techniques that will never work to change their lives... and it's in these episodes that you'll discover the "fulcrum issue" that will truly change your life and the way you experience your sexual gift. If you're sincerely interested in being a healthier man when it comes to sex... these episodes are critically important to your journey.
6.9.2016 • 33 Protokoll, 23 Sekunden
POP 29 - Change My Heart Oh God - Part 2
Did you ever wonder why sex holds so much power in your life, and why you're still struggling to manage your sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? In the same way a see-saw hinges and shifts from side to side on a fulcrum point... what if there was a "fulcrum issue" that would allow you to shift your life and sexual gift from the side of bondage, sin, and failure to the other side of freedom, righteousness, and success? In this series of episodes (28-32) Tony shares what that "fulcrum issue" is... along with 8 corresponding principles... that will empower you... * to experience your sexual gift in a healthier way. * to begin to control sex instead of being controlled by sex. * to honor God with you sexual gift. What most guys typically do in their struggle with sex is attempt to use strategies and techniques that will never work to change their lives... and it's in these episodes that you'll discover the "fulcrum issue" that will truly change your life and the way you experience your sexual gift. If you're sincerely interested in being a healthier man when it comes to sex... these episodes are critically important to your journey.
30.8.2016 • 32 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
POP 28 - Change My Heart Oh God - Part 1
Did you ever wonder why sex holds so much power in your life, and why you're still struggling to manage your sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God? In the same way a see-saw hinges and shifts from side to side on a fulcrum point... what if there was a "fulcrum issue" that would allow you to shift your life and sexual gift from the side of bondage, sin, and failure to the other side of freedom, righteousness, and success? In this series of episodes (28-32) Tony shares what that "fulcrum issue" is... along with 8 corresponding principles... that will empower you... * to experience your sexual gift in a healthier way. * to begin to control sex instead of being controlled by sex. * to honor God with you sexual gift. What most guys typically do in their struggle with sex is attempt to use strategies and techniques that will never work to change their lives... and it's in these episodes that you'll discover the "fulcrum issue" that will truly change your life and the way you experience your sexual gift. If you're sincerely interested in being a healthier man when it comes to sex... these episodes are critically important to your journey.
23.8.2016 • 39 Protokoll, 41 Sekunden
POP 27 - The High Price of Pornography - Part 4
Looking at porn isn't really that big of a deal. Right? I mean... everybody does it... and if nobody knows I'm doing it, who is it really hurting? These are the kind of thoughts many men have as the justify, rationalize, and minimize their use of porn. And that's part of the reason that so many men look at porn... because if it's not that big of a deal... and it isn't hurting anything or anybody... then what's the difference? In this session Tony helps men understand that in reality... they're paying a much bigger price for looking at porn than they think they're paying. When you throw a rock in a pond there are consequences, because the rock makes a splash and creates ripples. In much the same way, when a man looks at porn, whether he knows it or not, there are consequences in his life, and you can no look at porn and have no consequences than you can throw a rock in a pond and not make a splash or ripples. In this series - The High Price of Pornography - Tony shares a total of 10 "prices" men are paying when they look at porn... and in this episode (27)... he covers the 9th and 10th "prices". Check it out!
16.8.2016 • 31 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
POP 26 - The High Price of Pornography - Part 3
Looking at porn isn't really that big of a deal. Right? I mean... everybody does it... and if nobody knows I'm doing it, who is it really hurting? These are the kind of thoughts many men have as the justify, rationalize, and minimize their use of porn. And that's part of the reason that so many men look at porn... because if it's not that big of a deal... and it isn't hurting anything or anybody... then what's the difference? In this session Tony helps men understand that in reality... they're paying a much bigger price for looking at porn than they think they're paying. When you throw a rock in a pond there are consequences, because the rock makes a splash and creates ripples. In much the same way, when a man looks at porn, whether he knows it or not, there are consequences in his life, and you can no look at porn and have no consequences than you can throw a rock in a pond and not make a splash or ripples. In this series - The High Price of Pornography - Tony shares a total of 10 "prices" men are paying when they look at porn... and in this episode (26)... he covers the 7th and 8th "prices". Check it out!
9.8.2016 • 31 Protokoll, 19 Sekunden
POP 25 - The High Price of Pornography - Part 2
Looking at porn isn't really that big of a deal. Right? I mean... everybody does it... and if nobody knows I'm doing it, who is it really hurting? These are the kind of thoughts many men have as the justify, rationalize, and minimize their use of porn. And that's part of the reason that so many men look at porn... because if it's not that big of a deal... and it isn't hurting anything or anybody... then what's the difference? In this session Tony helps men understand that in reality... they're paying a much bigger price for looking at porn than they think they're paying. When you throw a rock in a pond there are consequences, because the rock makes a splash and creates ripples. In much the same way, when a man looks at porn, whether he knows it or not, there are consequences in his life, and you can no look at porn and have no consequences than you can throw a rock in a pond and not make a splash or ripples. In this series - The High Price of Pornography - Tony shares a total of 10 "prices" men are paying when they look at porn... and in this episode (25)... he covers the 4th, 5th, and 6th "prices". Check it out!
2.8.2016 • 35 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
POP 24 - The High Price of Pornography - Part 1
Looking at porn isn't really that big of a deal. Right? I mean... everybody does it... and if nobody knows I'm doing it, who is it really hurting? These are the kind of thoughts many men have as the justify, rationalize, and minimize their use of porn. And that's part of the reason that so many men look at porn... because if it's not that big of a deal... and it isn't hurting anything or anybody... then what's the difference? In this session Tony helps men understand that in reality... they're paying a much bigger price for looking at porn than they think they're paying. When you throw a rock in a pond there are consequences, because the rock makes a splash and creates ripples. In much the same way, when a man looks at porn, whether he knows it or not, there are consequences in his life, and you can no more look at porn and have no consequences than you can throw a rock in a pond and not make a splash or ripples. In this series - The High Price of Pornography - Tony shares a total of 10 "prices" men are paying when they look at porn... and in this episode (24)... he covers the first 3 of these "prices". Check it out!
26.7.2016 • 37 Protokoll, 22 Sekunden
POP 23 - Electric Sex
What would sex be like if it was the most amazing, awesome, mind-blowing, incredible, mysterious, and spiritual sex of your life? What would sex be like if it was blessed by God with everything that's good, wonderful, delightful, pleasurable, and safe... and devoid of any barrier, encumbrance, inhibition, insecurity, self-protection, or shame? In this episode Tony helps us to imagine what sex would be like if we could experience it the way God originally designed it to be experienced... the way Adam and Eve must have experienced sex before the fall... and before sin entered the world. (i.e. Sex before fig leaves!) When we begin to glimpse the beauty of God's design for sex... it helps us to realize that the cultures version of sex - that so many of us have experienced - is a pathetic counterfeit when compared to the God version of sex that he has intended for us. In this episode Tony offers 5 vignettes that will invite you to imagine sex like you've never imagined sex before... or what might be called... ELECTRIC SEX!
19.7.2016 • 36 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
POP 22 - Why You've Struggled So Much With Sex - Part 5
Have you ever thought to yourself... "Why do I have such a problem with sex? Why do I continuously do things I know I shouldn't do, and things I know God doesn't want me to do? Why can't I manage this sex thing in a healthier way?" Episodes 18-22 will help you answer these questions, and help you understand yourself better than you ever have before. Discover the way God intended a boy's sexuality to emerge, and why it's virtually impossible for it to happen today according to God's plan. Discover the "ingredients" that get mixed into virtually every boy's sexuality that essentially guarantee his ongoing struggle with sexual purity. Discover the 10 steps of sexual escalation that make it almost impossible for most men to manage their sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God and their wife. And discover 3 stepping stones of freedom that will help you reverse the negative cycle that's existed in your life, and help you create a new cycle that puts success within your reach. The thesis of episodes 18 - 22... When you understand the very unhealthy way your sexuality developed, you'll understand why you've struggled so much with sex.
12.7.2016 • 36 Protokoll, 48 Sekunden
POP 21 - Why You've Struggled So Much With Sex - Part 4
BONUS - In this episode (21) the dynamics of stealing orgasms, duplicity, keeping secrets, living the lie, and the cover up are all exposed! Have you ever thought to yourself... "Why do I have such a problem with sex? Why do I continuously do things I know I shouldn't do, and things I know God doesn't want me to do? Why can't I manage this sex thing in a healthier way?" Episodes 18-22 will help you answer these questions, and help you understand yourself better than you ever have before. Discover the way God intended a boy's sexuality to emerge, and why it's virtually impossible for it to happen today according to God's plan. Discover the "ingredients" that get mixed into virtually every boy's sexuality that essentially guarantee his ongoing struggle with sexual purity. Discover the 10 steps of sexual escalation that make it almost impossible for most men to manage their sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God and their wife. And discover 3 stepping stones of freedom that will help you reverse the negative cycle that's existed in your life, and help you create a new cycle that puts success within your reach. The thesis of episodes 18 - 22... When you understand the very unhealthy way your sexuality developed, you'll understand why you've struggled so much with sex.
5.7.2016 • 31 Protokoll, 43 Sekunden
POP 20 - Why You've Struggled So Much With Sex - Part 3
Have you ever thought to yourself... "Why do I have such a problem with sex? Why do I continuously do things I know I shouldn't do, and things I know God doesn't want me to do? Why can't I manage this sex thing in a healthier way?" Episodes 18-22 will help you answer these questions, and help you understand yourself better than you ever have before. Discover the way God intended a boy's sexuality to emerge, and why it's virtually impossible for it to happen today according to God's plan. Discover the "ingredients" that get mixed into virtually every boy's sexuality that essentially guarantee his ongoing struggle with sexual purity. Discover the 10 steps of sexual escalation that make it almost impossible for most men to manage their sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God and their wife. And discover 3 stepping stones of freedom that will help you reverse the negative cycle that's existed in your life, and help you create a new cycle that puts success within your reach. The thesis of episodes 18 - 22... When you understand the very unhealthy way your sexuality developed, you'll understand why you've struggled so much with sex.
28.6.2016 • 32 Protokoll, 32 Sekunden
POP 19 - Why You've Struggled So Much With Sex - Part 2
Have you ever thought to yourself... "Why do I have such a problem with sex? Why do I continuously do things I know I shouldn't do, and things I know God doesn't want me to do? Why can't I manage this sex thing in a healthier way?" Episodes 18-22 will help you answer these questions, and help you understand yourself better than you ever have before. Discover the way God intended a boy's sexuality to emerge, and why it's virtually impossible for it to happen today according to God's plan. Discover the "ingredients" that get mixed into virtually every boy's sexuality that essentially guarantee his ongoing struggle with sexual purity. Discover the 10 steps of sexual escalation that make it almost impossible for most men to manage their sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God and their wife. And discover 3 stepping stones of freedom that will help you reverse the negative cycle that's existed in your life, and help you create a new cycle that puts success within your reach. The thesis of episodes 18 - 22... When you understand the very unhealthy way your sexuality developed, you'll understand why you've struggled so much with sex.
21.6.2016 • 30 Protokoll, 1 Sekunde
POP 18 - Why You've Struggled So Much With Sex - Part 1
Have you ever thought to yourself... "Why do I have such a problem with sex? Why do I continuously do things I know I shouldn't do, and things I know God doesn't want me to do? Why can't I manage this sex thing in a healthier way?" Episodes 18-22 will help you answer these questions, and help you understand yourself better than you ever have before. Discover the way God intended a boy's sexuality to emerge, and why it's virtually impossible for it to happen today according to God's plan. Discover the "ingredients" that get mixed into virtually every boy's sexuality that essentially guarantee his ongoing struggle with sexual purity. Discover the 10 steps of sexual escalation that make it almost impossible for most men to manage their sexual gift in a way that's honoring to God and their wife. And discover 3 stepping stones of freedom that will help you reverse the negative cycle that's existed in your life, and help you create a new cycle that puts success within your reach. The thesis of episodes 18 - 22... When you understand the very unhealthy way your sexuality developed, you'll understand why you've struggled so much with sex.
14.6.2016 • 31 Protokoll, 10 Sekunden
POP 017 - Get Back In The Battle - Part 2
As a pastor and a professional counselor, there's something I've noticed over and over again in the lives of Christian men - so many men have given up in the battle for their own sexual purity. Sometimes men come to the place where they simply give up the fight. They acquiesce... they surrender... they wave the white flag to the enemy... they give up... they give in... and they're no longer engaged in the fight for purity. Said another way, what these men have essentially done is given themselves over to their sexual sin and are no longer even trying to fight against it. It's as if they've accepted this as a reality of their life that they cannot change, and as a result they've given up even trying to change. In this episode - and the last - you'll discover 3 primary reasons Christian men often withdraw from this battle, and what it's going to take for a man to "get back in the battle" for his sexual purity. One thing's for sure - if a man's going to be a man of purity, it's not going to happen on accident, and he's going to have to "get back in the battle".
7.6.2016 • 26 Protokoll, 21 Sekunden
POP 016 - Get Back In The Battle - Part 1
As a pastor and a professional counselor, there's something I've noticed over and over again in the lives of Christian men - so many men have given up in the battle for their own sexual purity. Sometimes men come to the place where they simply give up the fight. They acquiesce... they surrender... they wave the white flag to the enemy... they give up... they give in... and they're no longer engaged in the fight for purity. Said another way, what these men have essentially done is given themselves over to their sexual sin and are no longer even trying to fight against it. It's as if they've accepted this as a reality of their life that they cannot change, and as a result they've given up even trying to change. In this episode - and the next - you'll discover 3 primary reasons Christian men often withdraw from this battle, and what it's going to take for a man to "get back in the battle" for his sexual purity. One thing's for sure - if a man's going to be a man of purity, it's not going to happen on accident, and he's going to have to "get back in the battle".
31.5.2016 • 30 Protokoll, 36 Sekunden
POP 015 - The Power of Purity Conference
Are you interested in managing your penis, orgasm, and sexual gift in a healthier way? Are you interested in learning to control sex instead of being controlled by sex? In this episode Tony offers a review of The Power of Purity Conference - 30 sessions that can change the way you experience your sexual gift, and change your life! With The Power of Purity Conference you can have at your fingertips - 24 hours per day - the information, strategies, and tools that can empower you in the journey from the sexual man you've been to the sexual man God is calling you to be. And best of all, you can access these sessions with complete privacy and anonymity so nobody knows you're doing so. Among other things you'll discover... * How to expose and renounce the 6 roots of sexual sin from your heart and life. * How to let God change your heart on the inside so impurity, pornography, and lust no longer hold power over you. * What it means to shift your sexual gift from the realm of LUST to the realm of LOVE. * How to prepare in advance so you're equipped to handle the moment of temptation in a way that allows you to say NO to sin and YES to God. * How to understand the story of your life in a way that will enable you to comprehend yourself better than you ever have before, and how to cooperate with God's redemptive action in your life to be healthier than you've ever been. Sexual purity is possible, and The Power of Purity Conference will put purity within your reach like never before.
24.5.2016 • 42 Protokoll, 36 Sekunden
POP 014 - Jamie Bishop - Part 2
Does a man's use of porn harm his wife's heart? What if you were a Christian woman and you discovered that your husband was looking at porn? Would it bother you? Would it be upsetting to you? Would it make you feel insecure or unsure about yourself? Would it make you feel like something was wrong with you, because if he was satisfied with you, he wouldn't be looking at porn... right? And then, what if you discovered that he was looking at porn... over and over and over again? Hear the AMAZING story of Jamie Bishop, and how her husband's use of porn deeply effected her heart, and created a growing vulnerability within her that eventually led to her affair with another man. Although this marriage was clearly moving toward complete destruction, you'll be surprised to hear how God intervened in an unusual way to prove there's no situation outside of his redemptive reach. Not only can God heal a man's addiction to pornography, but he can also heal a woman's deeply broken heart.
19.5.2016 • 35 Protokoll, 41 Sekunden
POP 013 - Jamie Bishop - Part 1
Does a man's use of porn harm his wife's heart? What if you were a Christian woman and you discovered that your husband was looking at porn? Would it bother you? Would it be upsetting to you? Would it make you feel insecure or unsure about yourself? Would it make you feel like something was wrong with you, because if he was satisfied with you, he wouldn't be looking at porn... right? And then, what if you discovered that he was looking at porn... over and over and over again? Hear the AMAZING story of Jamie Bishop, and how her husband's use of porn deeply effected her heart, and created a growing vulnerability within her that eventually led to her affair with another man. Although this marriage was clearly moving toward complete destruction, you'll be surprised to hear how God intervened in an unusual way to prove there's no situation outside of his redemptive reach. Not only can God heal a man's addiction to pornography, but he can also heal a deeply wounded woman's heart.
17.5.2016 • 30 Protokoll, 14 Sekunden
POP 012 - Kris Bishop - Part 2
Hear the second half of Kris Bishop's AMAZING story... a man who struggled for years with pornography in the context of his marriage. Although the habitual use of pornography became firmly established in his life as early as high school, Kris assumed his issue with porn would go away when he got married. Little did he know that marriage would not solve his problem, but would in fact expose his problem with porn. As his struggle with porn continued over the early years of his marriage... and as his wife caught him over and over again... it began to take a disastrous toll on both their relationship and their marriage. As the distance and disconnection between Kris and his wife - Jamie - grew over time, their dilemma escalated toward the total destruction of their marriage and home. In the darkest of days it appeared there was no more hope... until God intervened in their hearts and lives in a surprising way. Does the use of pornography harm a marriage? Can God heal and redeem a deeply broken marriage? Listen to this surprising story and find the answers!
12.5.2016 • 36 Protokoll, 12 Sekunden
POP 011 - Kris Bishop - Part 1
Hear the AMAZING story of Kris Bishop... a man who struggled for years with pornography in the context of his marriage. Although the habitual use of pornography became firmly established in his life as early as high school, Kris assumed his issue with porn would go away when he got married. Little did he know that marriage would not solve his problem, but would in fact expose his problem with porn. As his struggle with porn continued over the early years of his marriage... and as his wife caught him over and over again... it began to take a disastrous toll on both their relationship and their marriage. As the distance and disconnection between Kris and his wife - Jamie - grew over time, their dilemma escalated toward the total destruction of their marriage and home. In the darkest of days it appeared there was no more hope... until God intervened in their hearts and lives in a surprising way. Does the use of pornography harm a marriage? Can God heal and redeem a deeply broken marriage? Listen to this surprising story and find the answers!
10.5.2016 • 30 Protokoll, 24 Sekunden
POP 10 - Sons of Phinehas
In the beginning of this episode Tony talks about what it mightlook like for a small group of men of start a Power of Puritygroup. In an odd story in the Old Testament, a man named Phinehas iszealous for God's honor when sexual immorality is rampant among themen of Israel. In his zeal, Phinehas takes radical actionwhile a man and woman are in the very act of sexual intercourse,and God blesses Phinehas as a result. In much the same way,God is still looking for men who will be zealous for the Lord whenit comes to the issue of sexual purity. Could it be that youand I are called to be "Sons of Phinehas"? Scriptures referenced include Isaiah 55:8-9 / Romans 12:2 / IThessalonians 4:3-6 / Numbers 25:1-13 Key words - addiction, adultery, christian, intercourse,marriage, masturbation, men, porn, pornography, sex
3.5.2016 • 40 Protokoll, 23 Sekunden
POP 9 - Sheri's Voice - Part 2
What would you do if you were a woman who was married to man with a sexual addiction? What would you do if you were this woman and you found out that your husband was having an affair with your best friend? Is it possible for God to rescue and redeem a deeply broken marriage that involves two deeply broken people? Hear the surprising reflections, thoughts, and insights from Tony's wife - Sheri - as she shares her heart concerning the amazing journey God has brought the two of them through together. Welcome to Sheri's Voice!
26.4.2016 • 34 Protokoll, 55 Sekunden
POP 8 - Sheri's Voice - Part 1
What would you do if you were a woman who was married to a man with a sexual addiction? What would you do if you were this woman and you found out that your husband was having an affair with your best friend? Is it possible for God to rescue and redeem a deeply broken marriage that involves two deeply broken people? Hear the surprising reflections, thoughts, and insights from Tony's wife - Sheri - as she shares her heart concerning the amazing journey God has brought the two of them through together. Welcome to Sheri's Voice!
19.4.2016 • 30 Protokoll, 26 Sekunden
POP 7 - Tony's Story - Part 6
Tony Ingrassia is a man who has experienced an amazing metamorphosis from sexual addiction and bondage to sexual freedom and healing. Tony was a deeply broken man for many years whose sexual addiction manifested itself through - among other things - constant lust, compulsive masturbation, pornography, strip clubs, and adulterous affairs. Although he became a Christian at the age of 16, Tony was essentially powerless to honor God with his sexual gift for years to come. Whenever sexual temptation would come his way - which was frequently - he would almost always yield to the temptation, and act out sexually in ways that were often in violation of his very own conscience. Hear the amazing story of how the very powerful mercy, grace, and love of God was able to redeem the sexual brokenness of this deeply wounded man. Convinced that many good men struggle with their sexuality, it's Tony’s hope that his story will help other men find hope and healing as they seek to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ. Tony's life is living proof that purity is possible! He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
12.4.2016 • 32 Protokoll
POP 6 - Tony's Story - Part 5
Tony Ingrassia is a man who has experienced an amazing metamorphosis from sexual addiction and bondage to sexual freedom and healing. Tony was a deeply broken man for many years whose sexual addiction manifested itself through - among other things - constant lust, compulsive masturbation, pornography, strip clubs, and adulterous affairs. Although he became a Christian at the age of 16, Tony was essentially powerless to honor God with his sexual gift for years to come. Whenever sexual temptation would come his way - which was frequently - he would almost always yield to the temptation, and act out sexually in ways that were often in violation of his very own conscience. Hear the amazing story of how the very powerful mercy, grace, and love of God was able to redeem the sexual brokenness of this deeply wounded man. Convinced that many good men struggle with their sexuality, it's Tony’s hope that his story will help other men find hope and healing as they seek to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ. Tony's life is living proof that purity is possible! He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
5.4.2016 • 36 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
POP 5 - Tony's Story - Part 4
Tony Ingrassia is a man who has experienced an amazing metamorphosis from sexual addiction and bondage to sexual freedom and healing. Tony was a deeply broken man for many years whose sexual addiction manifested itself through - among other things - constant lust, compulsive masturbation, pornography, strip clubs, and adulterous affairs. Although he became a Christian at the age of 16, Tony was essentially powerless to honor God with his sexual gift for years to come. Whenever sexual temptation would come his way - which was frequently - he would almost always yield to the temptation, and act out sexually in ways that were often in violation of his very own conscience. Hear the amazing story of how the very powerful mercy, grace, and love of God was able to redeem the sexual brokenness of this deeply wounded man. Convinced that many good men struggle with their sexuality, it's Tony’s hope that his story will help other men find hope and healing as they seek to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ. Tony's life is living proof that purity is possible! He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
2.4.2016 • 30 Protokoll, 43 Sekunden
POP 4 - Tony's Story - Part 3
Tony Ingrassia is a man who has experienced an amazing metamorphosis from sexual addiction and bondage to sexual freedom and healing. Tony was a deeply broken man for many years whose sexual addiction manifested itself through - among other things - constant lust, compulsive masturbation, pornography, strip clubs, and adulterous affairs. Although he became a Christian at the age of 16, Tony was essentially powerless to honor God with his sexual gift for years to come. Whenever sexual temptation would come his way - which was frequently - he would almost always yield to the temptation, and act out sexually in ways that were often in violation of his very own conscience. Hear the amazing story of how the very powerful mercy, grace, and love of God was able to redeem the sexual brokenness of this deeply wounded man. Convinced that many good men struggle with their sexuality, it's Tony’s hope that his story will help other men find hope and healing as they seek to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ. Tony's life is living proof that purity is possible! He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
1.4.2016 • 34 Protokoll, 13 Sekunden
POP 3 - Tony's Story - Part 2
Tony Ingrassia is a man who has experienced an amazing metamorphosis from sexual addiction and bondage to sexual freedom and healing. Tony was a deeply broken man for many years whose sexual addiction manifested itself through - among other things - constant lust, compulsive masturbation, pornography, strip clubs, and adulterous affairs. Although he became a Christian at the age of 16, Tony was essentially powerless to honor God with his sexual gift for years to come. Whenever sexual temptation would come his way - which was frequently - he would almost always yield to the temptation, and act out sexually in ways that were often in violation of his very own conscience. Hear the amazing story of how the very powerful mercy, grace, and love of God was able to redeem the sexual brokenness of this deeply wounded man. Convinced that many good men struggle with their sexuality, it's Tony’s hope that his story will help other men find hope and healing as they seek to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ. Tony's life is living proof that purity is possible! He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
31.3.2016 • 31 Protokoll, 7 Sekunden
POP 2 - Tony's Story - Part 1
Tony Ingrassia is a man who has experienced an amazing metamorphosis from sexual addiction and bondage to sexual freedom and healing. Tony was a deeply broken man for many years whose sexual addiction manifested itself through - among other things - constant lust, compulsive masturbation, pornography, strip clubs, and adulterous affairs. Although he became a Christian at the age of 16, Tony was essentially powerless to honor God with his sexual gift for years to come. Whenever sexual temptation would come his way - which was frequently - he would almost always yield to the temptation, and act out sexually in ways that were often in violation of his very own conscience. Hear the amazing story of how the very powerful mercy, grace, and love of God was able to redeem the sexual brokenness of this deeply wounded man. Convinced that many good men struggle with their sexuality, it's Tony’s hope that his story will help other men find hope and healing as they seek to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ. Tony's life is living proof that purity is possible! He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
30.3.2016 • 29 Protokoll, 54 Sekunden
POP 1 - Introduction
In this introductory episode you'll discover the answer to two important questions. First... Is God Crazy? Is God Crazy for expecting us to be men of sexual purity while living in such a sexualized culture... surrounded by never-ending sexual temptation? Second... Then why the gap? If God asks us to be men of sexual purity, then why is there such a "gap" for so many men between the sexual man they're called to be and the sexual man they actually are? This introductory episode of The Power of Purity Podcast will begin the journey that will empower men to close the "gap" as they accomplish three life changing goals... 1. Discovering how to experience their sexual gift in a healthier way. 2. Discovering how to control sex instead of being controlled by sex. 3. Discovering how to bring their sexual gift under the authority of Christ. Welcome to the Power of Purity!