What does it mean to truly “be yourself”? Do you show up transparently honest in your friendships, in romantic relationships, and in business? What forces attempt to define you? Religion? Media? A desire for approval? The key to your greatest breakthrough is not a solid business plan. It’s not the strength of your network. It’s especially not your hustle mentality. Your ultimate success comes when you learn to JUST BE YOU. Listen each week as Angela Duckett has honest conversations with women about their triumphs, their failures, and how authenticity (or lack thereof) has impacted their journey. It's never too late to become who you were meant to be, but this time the key ingredient is Authenticity Over Everything!
33. [SOLO] Season Finale Recap – Top 4 take-aways from Season 1
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSER The Authentic Me Shop: Statement t-shirts and accessories for the GROWN, grown woman who is book smart, street smart and she prays. www.authenticme.shop Go grab something fashionable and cute that expresses YOU. Episode 33 is the finale of season 1. In this solo episode, Angela recaps the top 4 take-aways from season 1. Eliminate judgment. Be You! Pursue your purpose. Live a life that you LOVE! WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. PODCAST CONTACT: Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com Free download 25 Affirmations for Authenticity! CLICK HERE Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE The Authentic Me Shop: www.authenticme.shop ANGELA DUCKETT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Email: angela@authenticityovereverything.com
7/28/2021 • 7 minutes, 36 seconds
32. [SOLO] The Toxic Effect Of Judgment
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSER The Authentic Me Shop: Statement t-shirts and accessories for the GROWN, grown woman who is book smart, street smart and she prays. www.authenticme.shop Go grab something fashionable and cute that expresses YOU. In Episode 32 Angela explores how judgment impacts authenticity. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that you be not judged. PODCAST CONTACT: Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com Free download 25 Affirmations for Authenticity! CLICK HERE Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE The Authentic Me Shop: www.authenticme.shop ANGELA DUCKETT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Email: angela@authenticityovereverything.com
7/21/2021 • 0
32. [SOLO] The Toxic Effect Of Judgment
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSER The Authentic Me Shop: Statement t-shirts and accessories for the GROWN, grown woman who is book smart, street smart and she prays. www.authenticme.shop Go grab something fashionable and cute that expresses YOU. In Episode 32 Angela explores how judgment impacts authenticity. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that you be not judged. PODCAST CONTACT: Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com Free download 25 Affirmations for Authenticity! CLICK HERE Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE The Authentic Me Shop: www.authenticme.shop ANGELA DUCKETT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Email: angela@authenticityovereverything.com
7/21/2021 • 16 minutes, 41 seconds
31. Worthiness, Fear, and How To Show Up Authentically with LFMT, Nichomi Higgins
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSER The Authentic Me Shop: Statement t-shirts and accessories for the GROWN, grown woman who is book smart, street smart and she prays. www.authenticme.shop Go grab something fashionable and cute that expresses YOU. In Episode 31 we have a conversation with Nichomi Higgins. Nichomi is Licensed marriage and family therapist, and she is the CEO of Solcentered Life, a wellness, coaching, and counseling company. CONVERSATION We discuss the content of Nichomi’s book, Purposeful Perspectives. Nichomi tells the fable of the young lion and the sheep. This fable, found in her book, was given to her by her mother when she was 11 years old. A beautiful tale about a lion wrestling with the idea that he must leave his comfort zone to become all he was created to be. Nichomi gives us an explanation of cognitive dissonance and its impact on our lives and our mental health. It creates a gap between who we truly are and how we show up. We discuss impostor syndrome. It’s a popular term these days but Nichomi gives us her spin on the root of the issue. Nichomi shares her advice on how to embrace authenticity. One of her key actions is to embrace past mistakes to learn and grow from them. Nichomi shares some best practices on how to find and select a therapist that is a right fit for you. BRAG ON YOU Nichomi brags that when she speaks to women in her coaching practice, they feel so seen that they feel like she is in their spirit. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. GUEST CONTACT: Nichomi Higgins on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nichomihiggins_lmft/ Solcentered Life Website: https://www.solcenteredlife.com/ Purchase Nichomi Higgins’s book, Purposeful Perspectives: HERE PODCAST CONTACT: Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com Free download 25 Affirmations for Authenticity! CLICK HERE Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE The Authentic Me Shop: www.authenticme.shop ANGELA DUCKETT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Email: angela@authenticityovereverything.com
7/7/2021 • 36 minutes, 22 seconds
30. How The Artist Behind Epic Bones Reimagined Her Life and Started a Business of Mindset Illustrations
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSER: The Authentic Me Shop: Statement t-shirts and accessories for the GROWN, grown woman who is book smart, street smart and she prays. www.authenticme.shop In Episode 30 we have a conversation with Leeanne who is the artist/owner of a company called Epic Bones. CONVERSATION Leeanne shares her history and background growing up in a family of artists. She went to art school and has worked in the video game industry as an illustrator. When she began working full time 10 years had passed and she hadn’t sketched any personal art for herself. When she began to do some personal development work, the Epic Bones art work emerged. BRAG ON YOU Leeanne brags that she can create images that help people understand themselves. Her art serves to make everyone’s lives better. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his hear, so is he. GUEST CONTACT: Epic Bones (Leeanne) on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/epic_bones/ PODCAST CONTACT: Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com Free download 25 Affirmations for Authenticity! CLICK HERE Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Email: angela@authenticityovereverything.com
6/30/2021 • 36 minutes, 5 seconds
29. [Rewind] A Candid, Intimate, Conversation with Angela Duckett about Living Fully in Your Purpose
In Episode 29, This is a rewind episode where we flash back to episode 12 to have an intimate talk about purpose. Issa good one yall! ANNOUNCEMENT! The official podcast t-shirts are coming in July, 2021. Head over to The Authentic Me Shop www.authenticme.shop and add your email to the list for launch day updates and exclusive discounts for podcast listeners. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Jerimiah 1:5. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified[a] you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” PODCAST CONTACT: Welcome to The Rec Room! Join the private podcast community HERE. OR… search on Facebook for “Authenticity Over Everything – The Rec Room”. Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com Free download 25 Affirmations for Authenticity! CLICK HERE Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Email: angela@authenticityovereverything.com
6/23/2021 • 16 minutes, 17 seconds
28. How Shay Cena Embarked on a 3 Year Self Discovery That Has Renewed Self-Love and Confidence
Welcome to The Rec Room! Join the private podcast community HERE. OR… search on Facebook for “Authenticity Over Everything – The Rec Room”. In Episode 28, we have a conversation with Shay Cena about her 3 years journey to rediscovering her true identity. CONVERSATION Shay Cena battled with not taking on other people’s expectations and personalities in order to be accepted. Shay’s awakening that something needed to change began in her spiritual life. While she was actively practicing Adventism she began to feel disconnected from herself. She started to look to other people to fill a void and felt like she wasn’t being herself. Shay relied on her circle of friends to help guide her through this growth period. Listen to the She Discovered Podcast Episode Mentioned in the show where Angela was a guest on She Discovered. HERE FEELING MYSELF Shay Cena feels most like herself when she is dancing and being creative. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Isaiah 64:8 But now, O Lord, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter; And all we are the work of Your hand. GUEST CONTACT: Shay Cena (She Discovered Podcast) on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shediscoveredpodcast/ PODCAST CONTACT: Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com Free download 25 Affirmations for Authenticity! CLICK HERE Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Email: angela@authenticityovereverything.com
6/16/2021 • 36 minutes, 28 seconds
27. How Krystal Spears Discovered her Mastering Discipline Coaching Business After Several Other Start-Ups
Welcome to The Rec Room! Join the private Facebook group for the podcast community HERE. OR… search on Facebook for “Authenticity Over Everything – The Rec Room”. In Episode 27, We have a conversation with Krystal Spears. Krystal is an entrepreneur and CEO of Mastering Discipline. In today’s Episode we hear how Krystal navigated through many business ideas and pivots to land on her current business model for Mastering Discipline. CONVERSATION Her first business was successful but to her own admission, the operations behind the scenes were a bit chaotic. This is when Krystal Knew that she had to be more disciplined in her next business. Next, she opened a preschool in her home. She quickly realized that business was not ideal for her, and she closed it. She shares how she learned a tremendous amount through that journey. When she began to focus on being more disciplined, she created the hashtag #masteringdiscipline and the rest is history. Now she runs a coaching program called Mastering Discipline to help other plan and execute their lives. BRAG ON YOU Krystal brags that she has created 4 humans AND she is an amazing public speaker. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Proverbs 16:9 A mans heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. GUEST CONTACT: Krystal Spears on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ilovekrystalspears/ PODCAST CONTACT: Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com Free download 25 Affirmations for Authenticity! CLICK HERE Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Email: angela@authenticityovereverything.com
6/9/2021 • 32 minutes, 49 seconds
26. [Solo] Vulnerability and Authenticity – It’s Story Time
In Episode 26, Angela Duckett talks about the benefits and necessity of vulnerability and how vulnerability and authenticity work together. CONVERSATION Angela was a guest on another podcast, and she was asked to talk about vulnerability. She wasn’t quite prepared on that day but now she’s done a little research. In this episode Angela shares what she has learned about vulnerability through research and through personal experiences. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Ephesians 4:25: Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,” for we are members of one another. PODCAST CONTACT: Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com FREE DOWNLAOD: 25 Affirmations for Authenticity Over Everything! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE
6/2/2021 • 16 minutes, 4 seconds
25. The Truth Hurts as Angela Asks Tough Questions of Her 15-Year-Old Daughter, Samantha [May is For Mothers]
In Episode 25, Angela has an open, honest conversation with her daughter, Samantha. CONVERSATION: Samantha shares how her experiences at school have shaped her. In elementary school she was bullied for being bigger than the other kids. In middle school she began to learn what it meant to be a black girl. In high school she learned how important it is to pick your friends wisely. Samantha recalls 2 of the most fun times she’s had with her mom. One is their annual Christmas trips to Grinchmas at Universal studios. The second was a trip to Legoland when Angela went the extra mile to make sure Samantha could experience room service at the hotel by ordering late night delivery. Samantha answers what were one of the most difficult times they have had. She explains that her parents divorce was one of the hardest times in her life. Samantha dishes on the 2 most annoying things her mother does. #1. Angela touches her too much. #2 When Samantha asks simple questions, Angela goes on long rants telling long stories that don’t relate to the question. Samantha talks about her relationship with her bonus mom, Nichole. BRAG ON YOU Samantha has 3 brags. #1. She has amazing stage presence. #2 She is an excellent writer. #3 She recently discovered that she reads really fast. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. PODCAST CONTACT: Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com Free download 25 Affirmations for Authenticity! CLICK HERE Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Email: angela@authenticityovereverything.com
5/26/2021 • 30 minutes, 14 seconds
24. Nichole Joins Angela to Discuss Their Co-Mothering Dynamic [May is For Mothers]
In Episode 24, Angela has a conversation with Nichole Joubert. Their children have the same father. They discuss their relationship and how they are navigating their blended family. CONVERSATION: Nichole and Angela explain the origin story of their co-mothering and blending family. They talk about the depth of their friendship and how the bond runs deeper than just the children. Nichole shares about how she balanced her personal growth and desires with motherhood to not lose herself. Although there are times where it’s not possible to be all consumed with your children, Nichole found that it was critical to stay engaged with her own growth and happiness in order to be a good mother Nichole dishes on the best lesson her mother every taught her. The lesson is about how to ride the waves of change in life. Nichole has a very open and transparent relationship with her 3 children where they talk openly about their lives. Nichole explains how she intentionally worked to create that freedom of speech with her children. Angela and Nichole describe how the children counsel and support each other about their father’s absence. Over the years they have really relied on each other. Nichole’s biggest influences in adulthood are her mother and her pastor. BRAG ON YOU Nichole brags that she is an outstanding stage actor. FEELING MYSELF Nichole feels most like herself with she is on stage. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. GUEST CONTACT: Nichole Joubert on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicholejoubert/ PODCAST CONTACT: AOE Book Club & Community: CLICK HERE for the wait list. Add yourself to be notified when the doors open. Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com Free download 25 Affirmations for Authenticity! CLICK HERE Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Email: angela@authenticityovereverything.com
5/19/2021 • 34 minutes, 16 seconds
23. A Conversation About Authentic Voice With Wenonah Valentine [May is For Mothers]
In Episode 23, we have a conversation with Wenonah Valentine, the director of iDream For Racial Health Equity, about the power of your authentic voice. CONVERSATION: Wenonah and Angela recount the origin of their relationship. They met when Wenonah hired Angela to write, direct, and co-produce a theater production for her organization, iDream for Racial Health Equity. It was during the production that the mentoring relationship began. Angela was going through a difficult time during that production and Wenonah stepped up to help. One of the pivotal lessons Wenonah coached Angela through was owning her authentic voice. Wenonah was pregnant at 19 when she was a freshman in college. She tells her story of how her lived experience helped develop her authentic voice. She has learned how to tell her story as an overcomer and the things that she has lived through have developed her. Wenonah gives advice to people who are in a habit of not speaking their authentic truth. Wenonah gives advice on how and why we need to learn to say no to things that go against our true desires. Wenonah shares about her surprise trip to China to meet her grandson and gives us a glimpse into her experience with Chinese culture. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding. MENTIONS: Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge by Mark Batterson: Purchase the book HERE GUEST CONTACT: iDream Website: https://idreamnow.org/ Wenonah Valentine’s Email: wvalentine@idreamnow.org IDream For Racial Health Equity on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IDreamnow PODCAST CONTACT: AOE Book Club & Community: CLICK HERE for the wait list. Add yourself to be notified when the doors open. Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com Free download 25 Affirmations for Authenticity! CLICK HERE Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Email: angela@authenticityovereverything.com
5/12/2021 • 32 minutes, 36 seconds
22. Angela Has an Intimate Conversation With her Mother, Rebecca Duckett: [May is For Mothers]
22. Angela Has an Intimate Conversation With her Mother, Rebecca Duckett: [May is For Mothers] CONVERSATION: Rebecca shares a little about her childhood in South Carolina during segregation. Her grandfather was well off and they lived in a big, beautiful house. At age 10 she moved to Philadelphia. Rebecca shares how she woke up one day and realized that she needed to discover who she was. She advises that it’s important to do some things that are just for you. Rebecca shares that Angela was the most independent child of hers. Angela is not impulsive but when she decides on something she won’t stop until it’s done. Rebecca gives an example of the time when Angela transferred herself to another school without her parent’s knowledge. Rebecca and Fred Duckett are celebrating 60 years of marriage. Angela has been divorced twice. How does Rebecca Duckett feel about that? Rebecca gives advice for young women who are just starting out in their adult life. FEELING MYSELF: Rebecca feels most like herself when she is entertaining guests. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Proverbs 31:25 Strength and honor are her clothing; She shall rejoice in time to come. PODCAST CONTACT: AOE Book Club & Community: CLICK HERE for the wait list. Add yourself to be notified when the doors open. Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com Free download 25 Affirmations for Authenticity! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Email: angela@authenticityovereverything.com
5/5/2021 • 28 minutes, 16 seconds
21. How This Attorney is Reclaiming Her Peace and Freedom with International Travel and Life Abroad
21. How This Attorney is Reclaiming Her Peace and Freedom with International Travel and Life Abroad In Episode 21, we have a conversation with Anne Marie Archer who is just a few weeks away from a permanent relocation to Mexico. CONVERSATION: Anne Marie tells us how her career has caused her to travel internationally quite a bit. During a trip to Ghana, she first imagined that she could live outside of the USA. Anne Marie’s coach encouraged her to write her vision for living abroad. After joining a few social groups on the expat topic, Anne Marie visited many places and decided that Mexico would be here home. In just 11 weeks she planed and executed her move. Anne Marie shares how the social environment in Mexico is totally different from the USA. People are kind and patient. There is a real sense of peace there. Anne Marie was born in the United States but raised in Trinidad and Tobago. Her early life in Trinidad and Tobago formed her self-esteem and self-love as a Black woman. When she returned to the USA at 14, she struggled to adjust to blatant racism in the USA. Anne Marie shares that the #1 safety tip for solo travel is to practice situational awareness. She has written a book on this very topic (safe solo travel) that can be purchased HERE Anne Marie has 3 businesses: A Master Class: “7 Steps to Making a Golden Parachute out of a Hostile Work Environment”. This course is designed to help Black women exit hostile and discriminatory work environments on their own terms. Black Women Coach Directory – This directory of Black woman coaches will be available soon. Merch! Lots of cool Merch! HERE. FEELING MYSELF: Anne Marie feels most like herself when she is outside of the United States. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Psalms 24:1 The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein. GUEST CONTACT: Anne Marie Email: Info@baldgirlwilltravel.com Online Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BaldGirlWillTravel Use FREEDOM and get 15% off when you spend $50 or more Until Mother’s Day use MOMMY to get 20% off all Mom's Day Merch! Sign up for Anne Marie’s Masterclass, “7 Steps to Making a Golden Parachute out of a Hostile Work Environment”, on the website: www.baldgirlwilltravel.com Purchase the book on travel safety and & security for solo female travelers is here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/978106304/bald-girl-will-travel-a-guide-to-travel?ref=shop_home_active_31 Anne Marie’s Blog: Blog Anne Marie on Instagram : Instagram Anne Marie On Facebook: My Facebook Page Facebook Group: Join Our Facebook Group PODCAST CONTACT: AOE Book Club & Community: CLICK HERE for the wait list. Add yourself to be notified when the doors open. Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com Free download 25 Affirmations for Authenticity! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Email: angela@authenticityovereverything.com
4/28/2021 • 35 minutes, 26 seconds
20. The Podcast is Under Construction. Check in to See What’s Happening
In Episode 20, Angela gives an update regarding what’s next for the podcast. Update #1: The podcast is getting a new sound. Update #2: Introducing the May lineup, “May is for Mothers” coming in May, 2021. The guest line up for May will be: Week 1: Angela’s Mother – May 5, 2021 Week 2: Angela’s Mentor- Mother – May 12, 2021 Week 3: Angela’s Co-Mother – May 19, 2021 Week 4: Angela’s Daughter, her Little Mamma – May 26, 2021 WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Psalm 1:1-2 Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night. PODCAST CONTACT: AOE Book Club & Community: CLICK HERE for the wait list. Add yourself to be notified when the doors open. Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com Free download 25 Affirmations for Authenticity! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Email: angela@authenticityovereverything.com
4/21/2021 • 9 minutes, 3 seconds
19. How Lia Valencia Key Went from an Impoverished Childhood to Launching her Line of Hand Designed Jewelry on QVC
EP 19: How Lia Valencia Key Went from an Impoverished Childhood to Launching her Line of Hand Designed Jewelry on QVC In Episode 19, we have a conversation with Lia Valencia Key, the CEO and designer of Valencia Key Jewelry. CONVERSATION: Angela explains how she first encountered Lia while watching Jamie Kern Lima’s Believe It book launch and Lia’s presence gave her a personal “representation matters” moment. Lia takes us through her experience speaking at the Believe It book launch. She reminds us that when God gives us opportunities, it’s because you are already ready. To prepare for this day, Lia asked God to give her a message that people really need. When it was her time to take the stage, nerves kicked in but Lia was able to look down at her Valencia Key “Love Check”, “Joy Check” and “Peace Check” bracelets and be reminded to go out there and pour love, Joy, and peace into the world. Lia takes us on her journey from being homeless in Philadelphia as a child through the many transitions that brought her to the present day. Lia’s mother gave her a pair of earrings and told her to never leave the house without her earrings because they represent the light within you. Her mother’s words planted a seed that connected her to the power of beautiful images and symbols that radiate. Lia began to sketch pictures of jewelry as a hobby. She was working as a hair and make-up professional when she met Jamie Kern Lima (It Cosmetics) and Vicky Tsai (Tatcha Beauty) who took her under their wings. She had the opportunity to see how the two of them were offering their gifts to the world and she began to see and understand her own gift, and the possibility of her jewelry. Lia explains how she uses her own life to create the jewelry designs. She looks at some challenging moments to identify how she made it through those times. Those concepts translate into her sketches. For example, her Valencia Key Rooted Collection is to remind us to choose to plant our roots in a positive, powerful place. BRAG ON YOU: Lia brags on her gift to change the atmosphere of the room. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Psalms 1:3 He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper. GUEST CONTACT: Website: www.valenciakey.com Lia Valencia Key on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liavalenciakey/ Valencia Key Jewelry on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valenciakeydesign/ Valencia Key Jewelry on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valenciakey PODCAST CONTACT: Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com Free download 25 Affirmations for Authenticity! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Email: angela@authenticityovereverything.com
4/14/2021 • 39 minutes, 22 seconds
18. [Solo] A Message for the Dreamers: Take Action Now
EP 18: [Solo] A Message for the Dreamers: Take Action Now In Episode 18, Angela Duckett has an intimate talk with all the dreamers. CONVERSATION If you are contending with a unsettling feeling that there’s gotta be more to life… there is more. Take action now. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Psalms 119:105: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. PODCAST CONTACT: Website: www.authenticityovereverything.com FREE DOWNLAOD: 25 Affirmations for Authenticity Over Everything! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE
4/7/2021 • 17 minutes, 34 seconds
17. After a Complicated Journey to Identify Her True Ethnicity, This Podcast Host is Having Hard Talks About Being Biracial, Adopted, Or Otherwise Different in America
EP 17: After a Complicated Journey to Identify Her True Ethnicity, This Podcast Host is Having Hard Talks About Being Biracial, Adopted, Or Otherwise Different in America In Episode 17, Marcella Gee is the host of the “Blended in America” podcast where she explores what it means to be biracial, adopted, or otherwise different in America. CONVERSATION Marcella takes us on her personal journey through the complex discovery of her own ethnic mix. It was hard for Marcella to answer the constant questions about her race as a child. When she asked her mother, her mother’s response was “Tell them it’s none of their business”. With no real answer available, Marcella began to tell her friends she was Guatemalan. This untruth continued for many years until Marcella was able to uncover the truth. Marcella is Native American, Black, and Creole. She shares some of the challenges she has faced living in her skin. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. GUEST CONTACT: Marcella Gee BNA Podcast (Blended in America) on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bna_podcast/ Marcella Gee on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marcella.gee/ PODCAST CONTACT: AOE Book Club & Community: CLICK HERE for the wait list. Add yourself to be notified when the doors open. FREE DOWNLAOD: 25 Affirmations for Authenticity Over Everything! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT CONTACT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Angela Duckett on INSTAGRAM
3/31/2021 • 33 minutes, 23 seconds
16. Dija (Part 2) A Transparent Conversation about Marriage, Divorce, and Being a Single Parent
EP 16: Dija (Part 2) A Transparent Conversation about Marriage, Divorce, and Being a Single Parent Episode 16 is literally all the edits that didn’t make the cut in Dija’s first conversation in episode 15. Angela and Dija had such a transparent talk about marriage, the determining factors that led to their divorces and being single parents that it was too good to leave it on the cutting floor. So here it is in part 2. SUBSCRIBE TO DIJA’S SUNDAY EDITION The Sunday Edition is a bi-weekly creative writing publication that Dija publishes where she shares her transformation story and what exercise, and healing has done for her. You can subscribe to receive The Sunday Edition HERE. CONVERSATION Dija and Angela talk about their experiences with carving out personal time for themselves. Dija had to learn to turn her phone notifications off and enjoy her morning run without concern for potential emergencies at home. Angela shares how she gave up Sunday morning church attendance just to have time alone. Both Angela and Dija talk about the breaking points in their marriages. Dija has done some reading to investigate exactly how couples in long-lasting marriages make it work. She reveals her surprising findings. Dija shares her truth and power about being a single mom. In her words, “I’m a pretty badass single mom!” WORD OVER EVERYTHING: John 10:10 (B) - I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. GUEST CONTACT: Dija Sign up for The Sunday Edition by Dija: HERE Dija on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goalgetterdija/ PODCAST CONTACT: AOE Book Club & Community: CLICK HERE for the wait list. Add yourself to be notified when the doors open. FREE DOWNLAOD: 25 Affirmations for Authenticity Over Everything! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT CONTACT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK
3/24/2021 • 22 minutes, 11 seconds
15. Dija (Part 1) How Dija Uses Physical Movement, Discipline, and Consistency to Gain Mental Strength, Resilience, and Expansion
EP 15: Dija (Part 1) How Dija Uses Physical Movement, Discipline, and Consistency to Gain Mental Strength, Resilience, and Expansion In Episode 15, we have a conversation with Dija. Dija is a corporate professional, a mom and a fitness inspiration. However, her fitness transformation has opened doors of healing, writing, and other opportunities for her to grow and expand. Conversation Dija gives us details about her “Wake Up Workout” movement that keeps her motivated and dedicate to her physical fitness. Dija sets an annual goal for how many workout sessions she will have. In her first year, she racked up 362 workouts for the year. She lost weight but she accounts that her commitment to working out has transformed her is ways she never imagined. Dija explained how she had to get out of her own way to commit to her goals. She had placed an expectation on herself that she would take all the responsibility for her son and her home. She had to protect her time and shift to transfer some responsibilities to others. The Sunday Edition is a bi-weekly creative writing publication that Dija publishes where she shares her transformation story and what exercise and healing has done for her. You can subscribe to receive The Sunday Edition HERE. Angela and Dija both share their Empty Nest Plans AKA what they will do when their children become adults and leave home. Brag On You Dija brags on her writing skills and her ability to be extremely consist with her goals. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Galatians 6:9: And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. GUEST CONTACT: Dija Sign up for The Sunday Edition by Dija: HERE Dija on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goalgetterdija/ PODCAST CONTACT: AOE Book Club & Community: CLICK HERE for the wait list. Add yourself to be notified when the doors open. FREE DOWNLAOD: 25 Affirmations for Authenticity Over Everything! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT CONTACT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Angela Duckett on INSTAGRAM
3/17/2021 • 40 minutes, 29 seconds
14. JOY. What is it? How to you get it?
EP 14: JOY. What is it? How to you get it? In Episode 14, we have a conversation with, Motivator and Life Coach, Vonn, about Joy. Vonn is one of those people that lights up a room. Regardless on life situations (which we all have), Vonn seems to quickly bounce back to a place of pure Joy. Angela asks Vonn how she does it. Vonn explains how joy and happiness are different. Vonn points out that the use of word joy is typically associated with the church or the Bible. In everyday life people are seeking happiness. Joy seems to escape most of our reality as humans. Joy takes intention. Joy can be found in quiet time with one’s self and simply asking, “What brings me joy?” Vonn advises that if joy seems too far to reach, start with what makes you happy until happiness turns into joy. Joy is not associated with any circumstances. It is not impacted by what happens outside of you. Joy comes from the inside. We are born with joy. It’s in inside of each of us. The journey is to uncover it. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Psalm 16:11 You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Book Club & Community: CLICK HERE for the wait list. Add yourself to be notified when the doors open. GUEST CONTACT: Vonn on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vonn.rese.3 Vonn on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fairyvonn_mother/ PODCAST CONTACT: FREE DOWNLAOD: 25 Affirmations for Authenticity Over Everything! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook AOE on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT CONTACT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Angela Duckett on INSTAGRAM
3/10/2021 • 31 minutes, 50 seconds
13. [Solo] 10 Signs That You Are Living in Purpose
EP 13: [Solo] 10 Signs That You Are Living in Purpose In Episode 13 the host, Angela Duckett, lists 10 signs that you are living in your purpose. - 10. The approval of others is no longer important. - 9. You understand your value. - 8. No more hiding. - 7. The work brings you joy vs sucking energy. - 6. Complaining is a thing of the past. - 5. Purpose comes with provision. - 4. Ideas flow effortlessly. - 3. You see a pattern of preparation in your life. - 2. Evidence of deep impact to others. - 1. You feel a deep sense of peace and contentment. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Ecclesiastes 3:1. To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven. Book Club & Community: CLICK HERE for the wait list. You will be notified when the doors open. PODCAST CONTACT: FREE DOWNLAOD: 25 Affirmations for Authenticity Over Everything! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT CONTACT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Angela Duckett on INSTAGRAM
3/3/2021 • 17 minutes, 15 seconds
12. [Solo] A Candid, Intimate, Conversation with Angela Duckett about Living Fully in Your Purpose
EP 12: [Solo] A Candid, Intimate, Conversation with Angela Duckett about Living Fully in Your Purpose In Episode 12 the host, Angela Duckett, has an intimate talk with about living fully in purpose. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Jerimiah 1:5. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified[a] you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” CLICK HERE for the Book Club & Community wait list. Add yourself to be notified when the doors open. PODCAST CONTACT: FREE DOWNLAOD: 25 Affirmations for Authenticity Over Everything! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT CONTACT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Angela Duckett on INSTAGRAM
2/24/2021 • 14 minutes, 30 seconds
11. How this Teacher, Author, & Publishing Coach is Navigating Motherhood and Her Own Progressive Career Changes
EP 11: How this Teacher, Author, & Publishing Coach is Navigating Motherhood and Her Own Progressive Career Changes In Episode 11, we have a conversation with Latasha Jimerson. Our talk is based around her book, Sorry Boo Mommy Lied. Latasha explains how when her oldest daughter turned 18, she had lots of questions. This book was the answer. In the book she tells the truth about everything from the tooth fairy, Santa and the hardest conversation ever, the idea that a college degree just might not be the best advice for millennials. It certainly was not the best advice for her daughter. Latasha shares her family’s journey when her 18 year old high school graduate decided to turn down a college scholarship to forge her own path. When Latasha turned 40, she faced medical challenges that took her out of the classroom for several months. During that time, she had a renaissance of her own about her finances and her career path. During her leave, Latasha penned her first book, and she has not looked back. Today Latasha has several titles available on Amazon and she is a writing coach and self-publishing expert. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Proverbs 18:15-16. The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. A man’s gift makes room for him, And brings him before great men. GUEST CONTACT: Latasha Jimerson Purchase the book, “Sorry Boo, Mommy Lied to You” HERE Latasha Jimerson on Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/jimerson.tasha Latasha Jimerson on Facebook: https://www.instagram.com/thebuddyteacher/ PODCAST CONTACT: FREE DOWNLAOD: 25 Affirmations for Authenticity Over Everything! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT CONTACT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Angela Duckett on INSTAGRAM
2/17/2021 • 42 minutes, 27 seconds
10. After Years of Privately Suffering with Alopecia, Nishanta Fully Embraces Her Truth and is Living Freely in Her Beauty and Power
EP 10: After Years of Privately Suffering with Alopecia, Nishanta Fully Embraces Her Truth and is Living Freely in Her Beauty and Power In Episode 10, we have a conversation with Nishanta Benson. Nishanta Takes us on a journey through her experience with Alopecia. When she was pregnant in 1999 she thought her hair loss was a typical symptom of pregnancy. But this was not her story. She was used to experimenting with her hair and trying different styles, colors, etc. Over time she realized that due to the stress of styling and manipulating her hair, she was losing her hair. She decided to wear weaves. After a fall-out with her stylist, she could not longer go to the hair salon. After this she turned to wigs. When COVID-19 hit and she could not leave the house she decided to tell her husband and children the truth about her struggle with alopecia. They embraced her and her husband shaved her head. A week later she made a bold post on social media revealing her new bald head to the world. The response has been overwhelming. Nishanta’s journey with confidence continues as she mentors and encourages other women who are experiencing alopecia. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: John 8:32. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free GUEST CONTACT: Nishanta Benson Purchase Lip Wave Lip Colors HERE Nishanta Nenson on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrs.benson0321/ Nishanta Benson on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nishanta.will PODCAST CONTACT: FREE DOWNLAOD: 25 Affirmations for Authenticity Over Everything! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT CONTACT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Angela Duckett on INSTAGRAM
2/10/2021 • 32 minutes, 4 seconds
9. Jenny King Overcame Low Self-Image and Now She is Teaching Others to Live Whole, Healthy, and Free
EP 9: Jenny King Overcame Low Self-Image and Now She is Teaching Others to Live Whole, Healthy, and Free In Episode 9, we have a conversation with author, Jenny King, AKA, Jenn Jenn The Friend. TOPIC: Jenny talks to us about her childhood obesity and how that shaped a pattern of negative self-talk into adulthood. When Jenny hit a low point, she decided enough was enough and committed to make a change. Jenny embarked on a whole self-discovery journey to get to know herself and fall in love with who she is. If we would all practice self-love and treat other people the way we want to be treated, we can avoid a lot of bullying with children and adults alike. Jenny’s low self-esteem even impacted her career. She would not speak up and take on new projects at work. She would count herself out for opportunities before there was even a chance. Jenny acknowledged that they didn’t see her value at work because she hid her value. Angela and Jenny discuss how social media impacts self-worth. Jenny, again, reminds us that comparison is not our friend. We must get rid of comparison in our lives. Self-love must come from within. For years Jenny shied away from social media due to self-doubting beliefs. Now that she’s active on social media, she realizes that people actually love what she has to offer. Jenny loves posting imperfect pictures. Jenny’s advice to others who are experience a low self esteem is seek Christ. That’s the first step to true healing. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Jerimiah 29:13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity; GUEST CONTACT: @Jennjennthefriend on social Buy Jenny King’s book, Live Whole, Healthy, and Free HERE Jenny King on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennjennthefriend/ Jenny King on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jennjennthefriend PODCAST CONTACT: FREE DOWNLAOD: 25 Affirmations for Authenticity Over Everything! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT CONTACT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Angela Duckett on INSTAGRAM
2/3/2021 • 29 minutes, 22 seconds
8. Talking Core Values with Vonn. What are they? How do you find your own?
EP 8: Talking Core Values with Vonn. What are they? How do you find your own? In Episode 8, we have a conversation with, Motivator and Life Coach, Vonn, about core values. TOPIC: Vonn explains how large corporations create core values as the foundation of their business so that they can ensure the business runs a certain way. Our personal core values are very much the same. Your core values are the foundation of who you are, what you believe, and dictate how you operate in the world. How do you know how to make the best decisions for yourself in life? Understanding your core values can be a guide. Angela and Vonn both revisit their core values. Angela discovers that one of her values has changed. Vonn is clear that freedom is her number 1 core value. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: II Corinthians 4:18: While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. GUEST CONTACT: Vonn on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vonn.rese.3 Vonn on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fairyvonn_mother/ PODCAST CONTACT: FREE DOWNLAOD: 25 Affirmations for Authenticity Over Everything! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook AOE on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT CONTACT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Angela Duckett on INSTAGRAM
1/27/2021 • 36 minutes, 2 seconds
7. This Mom Reclaimed her Life After a Toxic Relationship and Went on to Become a 2X Best-Selling author
EP 7: This Mom Reclaimed her Life After a Toxic Relationship and Went on to Become a 2X Best-Selling Author In Episode 7, we have a conversation with author, Jenise McNair. Jenise is a motivational speaker and coach. She is a mom, a 2-time best-selling author and a 7 time marathoner. TOPIC: Jenise takes us through her goal crushing mindset that helped pull her out of a dark space where she once felt lost. Jenise began running marathons as a way to challenge herself and grow. Balancing life as a mom with big goals is not easy but Jenise concluded that the children need to see her chasing her dreams. This is the best example for them to chase their own dreams. When Jenise made the bold choice to choose herself, even her finances improved. Jenise is open to having a mate when the time is right. If the time is not now, that’s ok. FEELING MYSELF: Jenise feels most like herself when she is sharing her transparent truth. BRAG ON YOU: Jenise brags that she is an ultimate goal crusher. Every goal that she sets, she accomplishes. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. GUEST CONTACT: Jenise McNair on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cmchie Jenise McNair on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitwit3/ Purchase Book 1: Potential of Man Vs Truth Purchase Book 2: Fighting for Your Potential Purchase WINdemic Gear: HERE Jenise McNair Website: HERE PODCAST CONTACT: FREE DOWNLAOD: 25 Affirmations for Authenticity Over Everything! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: AOE On Facebook AOE on Instagram: AOE on Instagram Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT CONTACT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Angela Duckett on INSTAGRAM
1/20/2021 • 43 minutes, 4 seconds
6. How this Fitness Entrepreneur Stands in Her Truth While Navigating Career Transitions and Next Level Opportunities
EP 6: How this Fitness Entrepreneur Stands in Her Truth While Navigating Career Transitions and Next Level Opportunities In episode 6, we have a conversation with Claudine Cooper. Claudine in a fitness professional in Los Angeles where she’s been teaching fitness for the last 20 years. She is also a mother and a wife who serves her community with free weekly workouts. Angela and Claudine have a candid conversation about showing up honestly on social media. Claudine gives guidance about the commitment and long-term dedication it takes to meet fitness goals and how this also applies to ALL GOALS. You’ve got to be in it for the long haul. I TRIED IT: Angela tired CrossFit. It was a success until she tore her meniscus. Claudine tired to get on a game show. She tried and she DID IT! She was a contestant on Let’s Make a Deal with Wayne Brady and won a hug prize! TOPIC: Transitioning into Next Level Opportunities Like all of us, COVID caused Claudine to shift the way she does business and move into the on-line space. She began teaching her fitness classes live on Facebook and Instagram. This transition would lead her to a next level opportunity to teach live for BET. Claudine dishes superb wisdom about how to show up for your next level opportunities. BRAG ON YOU: Claudine brags that fitness is her ministry, and her unique gift is human connection. See has the ability to truly see and connect with people on a deep level. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Matthew 5:14-16: You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. PODCAST CONTACT: Hashtag: #AOEpodcast FREE DOWNLAOD: 25 Affirmations for Authenticity Over Everything! CLICK HERE. Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authenticity.over.everything AOE on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authenticity.over.everything/ Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: HERE ANGELA DUCKETT CONTACT Angela Duckett on FACEBOOK Angela Duckett on INSTAGRAM GUEST CONTACT: Claudine Cooper on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cmchie Claudine Cooper on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitwit3/
1/13/2021 • 33 minutes, 58 seconds
5. Best Friends (Part 2) How these Friends Repaired a 3 Year Rift in Their Friendship
EP 5: Best Friends (Part 2) How these Friends Repaired a 3 Year Rift in Their Friendship I TRIED IT: Danyele gives an update/recap about how her IG live pop-up show went. TOPIC: When Best Friends Break Up The friends discuss a very painful time in their friendship when Danyele and Angela didn’t speak to each other for 3 years. The entire time, LaCenia maintained a friendship with both women, which put her in an uncomfortable middle spot. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Matthew 18:15. Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. PODCAST CONTACT: Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authenticity.over.everything Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authenticity.over.everything/ Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: https://slaymail.ck.page/9c2ede1dc1 ANGELA DUCKETT CONTACT Angela Duckett on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AngelaDuckBat Angela Duckett on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iam.angeladuckett/ GUEST CONTACT: Danyele Thomas (Misty Jane Jewelry) on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danyele.thomas.5 Danyele Thomas (Misty Jane Jewelry) on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mistyjanejewelry/ LaCenia Bridges on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lacenia.james LaCenia Bridges on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/just_me_cen/
1/6/2021 • 33 minutes, 37 seconds
4. Best Friends (Part 1) Friendship & Confidence
EP 4: Best Friends (Part 1) Friendship & Confidence In Episode 4, Angela has a conversation with her 2 best friends, Danyele Thomas and LaCenia Bridges about their 30 + years of friendship. I TRIED IT: LaCenia tried participating in a book club in 2020 after a long break from reading. Danyele is going to try an IG live pop-up store for her jewelry line, Misty Jane Jewelry. Angela tried locing her hair. TOPIC: Confidence All three women discuss their personal journey with self-confidence. Danyele dishes on the concept of “40ism”, which is the carefree attitude that takes over when you turn 40. BRAG ON YOU: Danyele brags about her X-rated skills. LaCenia brags about her gift of being a good listener. Angela brags about her gift to encourage people. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Proverbs 13:20 He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed. PODCAST CONTACT: AOE on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authenticity.over.everything AOE on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authenticity.over.everything/ Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: https://slaymail.ck.page/9c2ede1dc1 ANGELA DUCKETT CONTACT Angela Duckett on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AngelaDuckBat Angela Duckett on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iam.angeladuckett/ GUEST CONTACT: Danyele Thomas (Misty Jane Jewelry) on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danyele.thomas.5 Danyele Thomas (Misty Jane Jewelry) on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mistyjanejewelry/ LaCenia Bridges on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lacenia.james LaCenia Bridges on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/just_me_cen/
12/30/2020 • 29 minutes, 21 seconds
3. Meet the host. Angela brings herself to the podcast to talk about “Being too much”
EP 3: Meet the host. Angela brings herself to the podcast to talk about “Being too much” In today’s episode the host, Angela Duckett, comes to you for a little one-on-one time. Get to know a little about who Angela is and listen in as she discusses what it’s like to be told “You’re too much.” Download your FREE – 25 Affirmations for Authenticity HERE. I TRIED IT: Angela tried to create a stylish zoom background. TOPIC: Angela brings herself to the podcast to talk about “Being too much” Angela explores the social nuance of being told you are “too much”. Angela talks about how this has impacted her and also shares some antidotes on how to remedy this for everyone. BRAG ON YOU: Angela brags on her visionary skills, her leadership skills, and her writing. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers ANGELA CONTACT: Angela Duckett on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AngelaDuckBat Angela Duckett on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iam.angeladuckett/ PODCAST CONTACT: Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authenticity.over.everything Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authenticity.over.everything/ Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: https://slaymail.ck.page/9c2ede1dc1
12/23/2020 • 25 minutes, 49 seconds
2. How this Executive Soars Above Bias in the Workplace with Love and Intention
EP 2: How this Executive Soars Above Bias in the Workplace with Love and Intention In today’s episode, we have a conversation with Kerri Yoder Hubbard. Kerri is the Sr. Executive Director of Development, Keck Medicine of USC & President of USC Verdugo Hills Hospital Foundation. I TRIED IT: Kerri tried acting and she states that she's not quite finished in that arena. TOPIC: Women Navigating the Workplace Kerri shares her strategy for being heard in the workplace and how she intentionally puts love in the workplace. Kerri talks about her concept of the “Afro Ego” which represents all the things women of color think, but do not say out loud. Angela shares how trying to fit in at work was holding her back and what happened when she committed to being her true self. Kerri shares her vision for The Feminine Goddess Movement she spearheads where she intentionally brings women together to celebrate the power of the feminine. BRAG ON YOU: Kerri brags on her amazing public speaking skills. WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Act 17:26 And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings. GUEST CONTACT: Kerri Yoder Hubbard on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kerri.yoderhubbard Kerri Yoder Hubbard on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kerriyo/ PODCAST CONTACT: Hashtag: #AOEPODCAST Authenticity Over Everything on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authenticity.over.everything Authenticity Over Everything on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authenticity.over.everything/ Angela Duckett on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AngelaDuckBat Angela Duckett on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iam.angeladuckett/ Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: https://slaymail.ck.page/9c2ede1dc1
12/16/2020 • 35 minutes, 50 seconds
1. This Life Coach Found her Own Identity and Now She Helps Others Do the Same
EP 1: This Life Coach Found her Own Identity and Now She Helps Others Do the Same In today’s episode we have a conversation with Life Coach and motivator, Vonn Rese AKA The Fairy Vonn Mother. Vonn shares how she got the name Fairy Vonn Mother and how it really represents her true self-identity. Angela shares her positive experience working with Vonn Rese as a client. I TRIED IT: Angela tried individual lash extensions and will not try it again. Vonn Rese wore ONLY a red bra in a music video. TOPIC: Identity & Life in the Spotlight Vonn Rese recognizes that she has always been in the spotlight and tells us about her journey to become completely comfortable with it. She now realizes that the spotlight is a gift to help others. BRAG ON YOU: Vonn Rese brags that if you have one conversation with her, you will not leave the same! WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Psalm 139:1-4: O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You [a]comprehend my path and my lying down. And are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue. But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether. GUEST CONTACT: Vonn Rese on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fairyvonn_mother/ Vonn Rese on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vonn.rese.3 PODCAST CONTACT: Hashtag #AOEPODCAST AOE on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authenticity.over.everything AOE on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authenticity.over.everything/ Angela Duckett on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AngelaDuckBat Angela Duckett on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iam.angeladuckett/ Join the Authenticity Over Everything Email list: https://slaymail.ck.page/9c2ede1dc1
12/16/2020 • 39 minutes, 49 seconds
Trailer Episode
Welcome to The Authenticity Over Everything Podcast. What does it mean to truly “be yourself”? Do you show up transparently honest in your friendships, in romantic relationships, and in business? What forces attempt to define you? Religion? Media? A desire for approval? The key to your greatest breakthrough is not a solid business plan. It’s not the strength of your network. It’s especially not your hustle mentality. Your ultimate success comes when you learn to JUST BE YOU. Listen each week as Angela Duckett has honest conversations with women about their triumphs, their failures, and how authenticity (or lack thereof) has impacted their journey. It's never too late to become who you were meant to be, but this time the key ingredient is Authenticity Over Everything!